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GALANG, Petitioners,




This is a petition for review of the decision promulgated on 29 August 2001 by the Court of Appeals (appellate court) in. The
appellate courts decision set aside the decision dated 23 March 1998, the decision dated 27 November 1998, and the
resolution5 dated 31 August 1999 in NLRC CA No. 015710-98. The appellate court ordered San Miguel Corporation (SMC), Andres
Soriano III, Francisco C. Eizmendi, Jr., and Faustino F. Galang (collectively, petitioners) to pay respondent Numeriano Layoc, Jr.
(Layoc) P125,000, representing overtime pay for services that he could have rendered from January 1993 up to his retirement on 30
June 1997, and respondents Carlos Aponesto, Paulino Baldugo, Quezon Barit, Bonifacio Botor, Herminio Calina, Danilo Camingal,
Juan de Mesa, Reynold Desembrana, Bernardito Deus, Eduardo Fillarta, Maximiano Francisco, Mario Marilim, Demetrio Mateo,
Filomeno Mendoza, Conrado Nieva, Francisco Palines, Felipe Polintan, Malcolm Satorre, and Alejandro Torres (collectively,
respondents) P10,000 each as nominal damages

[Respondents] were among the "Supervisory Security Guards" of the Beer Division of the San Miguel Corporation (p. 10,
Rollo), a domestic corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republicof the Philippines
with offices at No. 40 San Miguel Avenue, Mandaluyong City.
They started working as guards with the petitioner San Miguel Corporation assigned to the Beer Division on different dates
until such time that they were promoted as supervising security guards.
As supervising security guards, the private respondents were performing the following functions

Supervises the facility security force under his shift;

2. Inspects all company-owned firearms and ammunition and promptly submits report as regards to discrepancy and/or
state of doubtful/suspected serviceability;
3. Receives and transfers from outgoing to incoming supervising security guard all company property, all official papers,
documents and/or cases investigated including pieces of evidence properly labeled and secured;
4. Physically checks and accounts for all company property within his area of responsibility immediately upon assumption of
5. Updates compilation of local security rules, policies and regulations and ensures that all his guards are posted thereon; so
( 22 enumerated functions)
From the commencement of their employment, the private respondents were required to punch their time cards for
purposes of determining the time they would come in and out of the companys work place.
Corollary [sic], the private respondents were availing the benefits for overtime, holiday and night premium duty through
time card punching
However, in the early 1990s, the San Miguel Corporation embarked on a Decentralization Program aimed at enabling the
separate divisions of the San Miguel Corporation to pursue a more efficient and effective management of their respective
As a result of the Decentralization Program, the Beer Division of the San Miguel Corporation implemented on January 1,
1993 a "no time card policy" whereby the Supervisory I and II composing of the supervising security guards of the Beer
Division were no longer required to punch their time cards
Consequently, on January 16, 1993, without prior consultation with the private respondents, the time cards were ordered
confiscated and the latter were no longer allowed to render overtime work
However, in lieu of the overtime pay and the premium pay, the personnel of the Beer Division of the petitioner San Miguel
Corporation affected by the "No Time Card Policy" were given a 10% across-the-board increase on their basic pay while the
supervisors who were assigned in the night shift (6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) were given night shift allowance ranging
from P2,000.00 to P2,500.00 a month
On 1 December 1994, respondents filed a complaint for unfair labor practice, violation of Article 100 of the Labor Code of
the Philippines, and violation of the equal protection clause and due process of law in relation to paragraphs 6 and 8 of
Article 32 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines
Respondents prayed for actual damages for two years (1993-1994), moral damages, exemplary damages, and overtime,
holiday, and night premium pay.
In their position paper dated 28 February 1995, respondents stated that the Beer Division of SMC maliciously and
fraudulently refused payment of their overtime, holiday, and night premium pay from 1 to 15 January 1993 because of the
"no time card policy."
Moreover, petitioners had no written authority to stop respondents from punching their time cards because the alleged
memorandum authorizing such stoppage did not include supervisory security guards.
Thus, the respondents suffered a diminution of benefits, making petitioners liable for non-payment of overtime, holiday,
and night premium pay.
In their position paper dated 23 February 1995, petitioners maintained that respondents were supervisory security guards
who were exempt from the provisions of the Labor Code on hours of work, weekly rest periods, and rest days.
The "no time card policy" did not just prevent respondents from punching their time cards, but it also granted respondents
an across-the-board increase of 10% of basic salary and either a P2,000 or P2,500 night shift allowance on top of their
yearly merit increase.
Petitioners further asserted that the "no time card policy" was a valid exercise of management prerogative and that all
supervisors in the Beer Division were covered by the "no time card policy," which classification was distinct and separate
from the other divisions within SMC.
Respondents filed their reply dated 15 March 1995 to petitioners position paper.
Petitioners, on the other hand, filed their rejoinder dated 27 March 1995 to respondents reply.
Respondents filed a request for admission dated 2 May 1995 to which petitioners filed their reply dated 15 May 1995.

The Ruling of the Labor Arbiter

the principal issue is whether petitioners can, in their "no time card policy," remove the benefits that respondents have
obtained through overtime services
Arbiter Canizares then stated that the facts and the evidence are in respondents favor.
Arbiter Canizares ruled that rendering services beyond the regular eight-hour work day has become company practice.
Moreover, petitioners failed to show good faith in the exercise of their management prerogative in altering company
practice because petitioners changed the terms and conditions of employment from "hours of work rendered" to "result"
only with respect to respondents and not with other supervisors in other departments
WHEREFORE, the [petitioners] are hereby ordered to restore to the [respondents] their right to earn for overtime services
rendered as enjoyed by the other employees.

The Ruling of the NLRC

On 27 November 1998, the NLRC affirmed with modification the ruling of Arbiter Canizares that respondents suffered a
diminution of benefits as a result of the adoption of the "no time card policy."
Both petitioners and respondents filed their respective motions for reconsideration.
Petitioners stated that the NLRC erred in sustaining the award of overtime pay despite its finding that respondents were
managerial personnel.
Furthermore, there was no evidence that respondents rendered overtime work and respondents admitted that they never
or seldom rendered overtime work.
The award of overtime pay was thus contrary to the principle of no work, no pay.
For their part, respondents stated that the NLRC erred in deleting the award of moral and exemplary damages.
The implementation of the "no time card policy," the discrimination against them vis-a-vis the supervising security officers
in other divisions of SMC, and the execution of quitclaims and releases during the pendency of the case were all attended
with bad faith, thus warranting the award of moral and exemplary damages.
WHEREFORE, the November 27, 1998 Decision of this Commission is hereby REITERATED with a slight modification to the
effect that the computation of the [respondents] withdrawn benefits at P125,000.00 yearly from 1993 should terminate in
1996 or the date of each complainants retirement, whichever came first.

The Ruling of the Appellate Court

WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the instant petition is hereby GIVEN DUE COURSE and is GRANTED.
On 29 August 2001, the appellate court set aside the ruling of the NLRC and entered a new judgment in favor of
The appellate court stated that there is no legal issue that respondents, being the supervisory security guards of the Beer
Division of SMC, were performing duties and responsibilities being performed by those who were considered as officers or
members of the managerial staff as defined under Section 2, paragraph (c), Rule 1, Book III of the Implementing Rules of the
Labor Code.
The appellate court affirmed the deletion of the award of actual, moral, and exemplary damages. With the exception of
Layoc, respondents did not present proof of previous earnings from overtime work and were not awarded with actual


Petitioners ask whether the circumstances in the present case constitute an exception to the rule that supervisory
employees are not entitled to overtime pay.

Respondents, on the other hand, question petitioners procedure. Respondents submit that the Court should dismiss the
present petition because petitioners did not file a motion for reconsideration before the appellate court.


The petition has merit.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED.
We agree with petitioners position that given the discretion granted to the various divisions of SMC in the management
and operation of their respective businesses and in the formulation and implementation of policies affecting their
operations and their personnel, the "no time card policy" affecting all of the supervisory employees of the Beer Division is a
valid exercise of management prerogative.
The "no time card policy" undoubtedly caused pecuniary loss to respondents.
However, petitioners granted to respondents and other supervisory employees a 10% across-the-board increase in pay and
night shift allowance, in addition to their yearly merit increase in basic salary, to cushion the impact of the loss.
So long as a companys management prerogatives are exercised in good faith for the advancement of the employers
interest and not for the purpose of defeating or circumventing the rights of the employees under special laws or under valid
agreements, this Court will uphold them

Requirement of Prior Filing of a Motion for Reconsideration

It appears that respondents confuse certiorari as a mode of appeal under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure with
certiorari as an original special civil action under Rule 65 of the same Rules. In Paa v. Court of Appeals,12 we stated that:
There are, of course, settled distinctions between a petition for review as a mode of appeal and a special civil action for
certiorari, thus:
a. In appeal by certiorari, the petition is based on questions of law which the appellant desires the appellate court to
resolve. In certiorari as an original action, the petition raises the issue as to whether the lower court acted without or in
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion.
b. Certiorari, as a mode of appeal, involves the review of the judgment, award or final order on the merits. The original
action for certiorari may be directed against an interlocutory order of the court prior to appeal from the judgment or where
there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy or adequate remedy.
c. Appeal by certiorari must be made within the reglementary period for appeal. An original action for certiorari may be
filed not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment, order or resolution sought to be assailed.
d. Appeal by certiorari stays the judgment, award or order appealed from. An original action for certiorari, unless a writ of
preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining order shall have been issued, does not stay the challenged proceeding.
e. In appeal by certiorari, the petitioner and respondent are the original parties to the action, and the lower court or quasi-
judicial agency is not to be impleaded. In certiorari as an original action, the parties are the aggrieved party against the
lower court or quasi-judicial agency and the prevailing parties, who thereby respectively become the petitioner and
f. In certiorari for purposes of appeal, the prior filing of a motion for reconsideration is not required(Sec. 1, Rule
45); while in certiorari as an original action, a motion for reconsideration is a condition precedent (Villa-Rey Transit vs.
Bello, L-18957, April 23, 1963), subject to certain exceptions.
g. In appeal by certiorari, the appellate court is in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction and power of review for, while in
certiorari as an original action, the higher court exercises original jurisdiction under its power of control and supervision
over the proceedings of lower courts. (Emphasis added)
Respondents contention that the present petition should be denied for failure to file a motion for reconsideration
before the appellate court is, therefore, incorrect.

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