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November 26, 2008


Subject: Amending Further Section 2.57.2(M) of Revenue Regulations No. 2-98,

as Amended, Increasing the Coverage of Withholding Tax Agents
Required to Withhold 1% from Regular Suppliers of Goods and 2%
from Regular Suppliers of Services from the Top 10,000 Private
Corporations to Top 20,000 Private Corporations

To: All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned


SECTION 1. SCOPE. - Pursuant to the provisions of Section 244 of the Tax

Code of 1997, as amended, in relation to Section 57(B) thereof, these Regulations are
hereby promulgated to further amend Section 2.57.2(M) of Revenue Regulations No. 2-
98, as amended, increasing the coverage of withholding tax agents who are required to
withhold 1% from the regular suppliers of goods and 2% from the regular suppliers of
services from the top ten thousand (10,000) private corporations to top twenty (20,000)
private corporations.

SEC. 2. AMENDMENT. - Section 2.57.2(M) of Revenue Regulations 2-98, as

amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

Sec. 2.57. Withholding of Tax at Source.

Sec. 2.57.2. Income payment subject to creditable withholding tax and rates
prescribed thereon. Except as herein otherwise provided, there shall be withheld a
creditable income tax at the rates herein specified for each class of payee from the
following items of income payments to persons residing in the Philippines.

x x x xxx xxx

(M) Income payments made by the top twenty thousand (20,000) private
corporations to their local/resident supplier of goods and local/resident supplier of
services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax. Income payments
made by any of the top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations, as determined
by the Commissioner, to their local/resident supplier of goods and local/resident supplier
of services, including non-resident alien engaged in trade or business in the Philippines

Supplier of goods - - One percent (1%)

Supplier of services Two percent (2%)
Top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations shall include a corporate
taxpayer who has been determined and notified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
as having satisfied any of the following criteria:

(a) Classified and duly notified by the Commissioner as a large taxpayer under
Revenue Regulations No. 1-98, as amended, or belonging to the top five
thousand (5,000) private corporations under RR 12-94, or to the top ten
thousand (10,000) private corporations under RR 17-2003, unless
previously de-classified as such or had already ceased business
operations (automatic inclusion);

(b) Any taxpayer with net VAT paid or payable for the preceding year of at least

(c) Any taxpayer with annual income tax paid or payable for the preceding year
of at least P200,000;

(d) Any taxpayer with percentage taxes for the preceding year of at least

(e) Any taxpayer whose gross sales for the preceding year is over P10,000,000;

(f) Any taxpayer whose gross purchases for the preceding year is over

The term goods pertains to tangible personal property. It does not include
intangible personal property, as well as real property.

The term local/resident suppliers of goods pertains to a supplier from whom

any of the top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations, as determined by the
Commissioner, regularly makes its purchases of goods. As a general rule, this term
does not include a casual purchase of goods, that is, purchase made from a non-regular
supplier and oftentimes involving a single purchase. However, a single purchase which
involves Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) or more shall be subject to a withholding tax.
The term regular suppliers refers to suppliers who are engaged in business or exercise
of profession/calling with whom the taxpayer-buyer has transacted at least six (6)
transactions, regardless of amount per transaction, either in the previous year or current
year. The same rules apply to local/resident supplier of services other than those
covered by separate rates of withholding tax.

A corporation shall not be considered a withholding agent for purposes of this

Section, unless such corporation has been determined and duly notified in writing by the
Commissioner that it has been selected as one of the top twenty thousand (20,000)
private corporations.

Any corporation which has been duly classified and notified as large taxpayer
by the Commissioner pursuant to RR 1-98, as amended, shall be automatically
considered one of the top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations, provided,
however, that its authority as a withholding agent shall be effective only upon receipt of

written notice from the Commissioner that it has been classified as a large taxpayer, as
well as one of the top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations, for purposes of
these regulations.

Any corporation shall remain a withholding agent for purposes of these

regulations, unless the Commissioner notifies it in writing that it shall cease to be one.
The following, however, are some of the reasons that a taxpayer shall automatically
cease to be a withholding agent, and therefore no prior written notice, for purposes of
these regulations, is required, to wit:

(a) closure/cessation of business/dissolution (for taxpayer with notice of

dissolution given to the BIR);

(b) merger/consolidation (for dissolved or absorbed corporation);

(c) any other form of business combination wherein by operation of law a

corporate taxpayer loses its juridical personality.

The withholding agent shall submit on a semestral basis a list of its regular
suppliers of goods and/or services to the Large Taxpayers Assistance Division/Large
Taxpayers District Office in the case of large taxpayers duly notified as such pursuant to
RR 1-98, as amended, or Revenue District Office (RDO) having jurisdiction over the
withholding agents principal place of business on or before July 31 and January 31 of
each year.

A government-owned or -controlled corporation previously classified as one of

the top five thousand (5,000) corporations under RR 12-94, as amended, shall cease to
be a withholding agent or included in the top twenty thousand (20,000) private
corporations for purposes of these regulations but rather shall be treated as one under
the succeeding sub-section (N) since it is already withholding 1% or 2% of the amount
paid for the purchase of goods/services from local/resident suppliers.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue may recommend to the Secretary of

Finance the amendment/modification to any or all of the criteria in the determination and
selection of taxpayers forming part of the top twenty thousand (20,000) private
corporations after considering such factors as inflation, volume of business, and similar
factors. Provided, however, that the Commissioner is empowered to conduct periodic
review as to the number of taxpayers who ceased to qualify under the category of top
twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations for purposes of delisting them or
excluding them from the list and to identify taxpayers to be added to the list of top
twenty (20,000) private corporations.

All taxpayers previously included in the list of top 5,000 private corporations
under RR 12-94, as amended, and those who qualified as top ten thousand (10,000)
private corporations under RR 17-2003 shall continue to withhold one percent (1%)
for supplier of goods and 2% for supplier of services upon the effectivity of these
Regulations, unless any of the following situations occur: (a) the Commissioner
communicates in writing that they have ceased to qualify as taxpayers includible in the
list of top twenty thousand (20,000) private corporations, or (b) those officially
identified to have ceased business operations, or undergone any of the business

combinations wherein by operation of law the juridical personality of said taxpayers

SEC. 3. REPEALING CLAUSE. All existing rules and regulations or parts

thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of these regulations are hereby
modified, amended, revoked or repealed accordingly.

SEC. 4. EFFECTIVITY These regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days
following publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

(Original Signed)
Secretary of Finance


(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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