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Acacia Arabica, (another name for acacia nilotica) Babul
Distribution: Native from Egypt south to Mozambique and Natal;
apparently introduced to Zanzibar, Pemba, and India;
Arabia. Considered a serious weed in South Africa

Habit: A medium to large tree with crown flattened or

rounded, with a moderate density. The branches have
a tendency to droop downwards if the crown is

Size: tree reaching 10-20 m in height and a diameter of 30-

80 cm

Annual Growth: 4 7 m in height

Bark: The bark is blackish grey or dark brown in mature trees

and deeply grooved, with longitudinal fissures

Foliage: The leaves are twice compound, i.e. they consist of 5-

11 feather-like pairs of pinnae; each pinna is further
divided into 7-25 pairs of small, elliptic leaflets that can
be bottle to bright green in colour. The leaf stalks are

Flowers: Flowers are sweetly scented in globulous heads 1.2

1.5 cm in diameter of a bright golden-yellow color, set
up either axillary or whorly on peduncles 23 cm long
located at the end of the branches

Time of Flowing: Spring

Fruit: The fruits are linear, flattened, narrow indehiscent pods,

4-22 cm long and 1-2 cm broad, dark-brown to grey in
colour and glabrous or velvety

Roots: Forms a deep and extensive root system on dry sites,

the tap root developing first and then the laterals,
which become compact and massive, but on flooded
sites the root system is largely lateral.

Site: Full Sunny

Soil: Tolerates a wide range of soil types, thriving in alluvial

and heavy clay soils with pH 5.09.0.

Characteristics: A. nilotica is tolerant of grazing, drought, fire, saline

soils, and is a prolific producer of seeds, which through
long-viability are able to accumulate in the seed bank.

Acacia Auriculiformis, Earleaf Acacia

Distribution: Native to Papua New Guinea, islands in the Torres
Straits and northern Australia, but has been introduced
to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the

Habit: A small to medium sized fast-growing tree, Often with

crooked (and multiple) stem and low and heavy
branching. First smooth, then becomes rough and

Size: 825 m high, diameter reaching 60 cm.

Annual Growth: Quickly reaching a height of 40 feet and a spread of

25 feet, Growing 6 to 8 feet per year.

Bark: Bark is usually grey or brown.

Foliage: It has dense foliage with an open, spreading crown.

Leaves 1016 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide with 3-8
parallel nerves, thick, leathery and curved , Leaf
color: green, Fall color: no color change

Flowers: Minute yellow flowers in up to 8 cm long spikes

Time of Flowing: Profuse flowering occurs in Sept-Oct, but occasional

blooms are observed any time between March and

Fruit: Fruits are 68 cm long coiled pods with brown seeds

attached by orange filaments

Roots: Roots are shallow and spreading

Site: Sun , intolerant of shade

Soil: Its rapid early growth, even on infertile sites, and

tolerance of both highly acidic and alkaline soils make
it popular for stabilizing and revegetating mine spoils

Characteristics: The tree fixes nitrogen and regenerates rapidly.

Branches break easily in storm winds and the tree is not
very fire resistant. Erosion control, land reclamation and
soil improvement. The wood is used for pulp, fuel wood,
implements and furniture. The bark contains tannins.

Acacia Nolotica, Babool/ Arabic Gum Tree

Distribution: Native from Egypt south to Mozambique and Natal; apparently introduced to
Zanzibar, Pemba, and India; Arabia. Considered a serious weed in South Africa

A medium to large tree with crown flattened or rounded, with a moderate

Habit: density. The branches have a tendency to droop downwards if the crown is

tree reaching 10-20 m in height and a diameter of 30-80 cm

Size: 4 7 m in height

The bark is blackish grey or dark brown in mature trees and deeply grooved,
Annual Growth: with longitudinal fissures

Bark: The leaves are twice compound, i.e. they consist of 5-11 feather-like pairs of
pinnae; each pinna is further divided into 7-25 pairs of small, elliptic leaflets that
can be bottle to bright green in colour. The leaf stalks are heavy.
Flowers are sweetly scented in globulous heads 1.21.5 cm in diameter of a
bright golden-yellow color, set up either axillary or whorly on peduncles 23 cm
long located at the end of the branches

The fruits are linear, flattened, narrow indehiscent pods, 4-22 cm long and 1-2
cm broad, dark-brown to grey in colour and glabrous or velvety

Forms a deep and extensive root system on dry sites, the tap root developing
Time of Flowing: first and then the laterals, which become compact and massive, but on
flooded sites the root system is largely lateral.
Full Sunny

Tolerates a wide range of soil types, thriving in alluvial and heavy clay soils
Roots: with pH 5.09.0.

A. nilotica is tolerant of grazing, drought, fire, saline soils, and is a prolific

producer of seeds, which through long-viability are able to accumulate in the
seed bank.



Adansonia digitata, Baobab Tree

Distribution: Adansonia digitata (baobab) is the most widespread of the Adansonia species,
and is native to the African continent. They are typically found in dry,
hot savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa.

The trees usually grow as solitary individuals, and are large and distinctive elements
Habit: of savannah. Some large individuals live over a thousand years of age. All baobab
trees are deciduous, losing their leaves in the dry season, and remains leafless for
nine months of the year.

They can grow to between 525 m (1682 ft) in height. The trunk tends to be bottle-
shaped and can reach a diameter of 1014 m (3346 ft)

Size: The growth rate is moderate to fast (500 m) per year

The trunk is smooth and shiny and can range from being reddish brown to grey. The
Annual Growth: bark can feel cork-like.

Leaves simple to digitate, with up to 9 dark green and glossy leaflets but usually 5.
Bark: All baobab trees are deciduous, losing their leaves in the dry season, and remains
leafless for nine months of the year.

The large, pendulous flowers (up to 200 mm in diameter) are white and sweetly
Foliage: scented. They emerge in the late afternoon from large round buds on long
drooping stalks

Flowers appear in October to December.

The fruit is a large, egg-shaped capsule (often >120 mm), covered with a yellowish
brown hairs

The tree is anchored by a few large strong roots.

Time of
Flowering: Partial sunlight

Fruit: fertile, slightly acidic, sandy topsoil overlaying loamy subsoil

A. digitata is a multipurpose tree species, mostly used for medicine, food, fodder
Roots: and clothing as well as raw material for many useful items




Ailanthus Excelsa, Tree of heaven

Distribution: Widely distributed from Sri Lanka and India, exotic in

Habit: Large tree (18-24 m) with rough, greyish brown bark.

The deciduous leaves are variable in shape with
coarsely and irregularly toothed leaflets

Size: 18-25 m in height, with a straight trunk up to 60-80 cm in


Annual Growth: Annual height growth average is 0.6 m.

Bark: bark light grey and smooth, becoming grey-brown and

rough on large trees, aromatic, slightly bitter

Foliage: Deciduous tree with Leaves alternate, pinnately

compound, large, 30-60 cm or more in length often
curved, long pointed, hairy gland; edges coarsely
toothed and often lobed.

Flowers: Small in size, Yellow in colour, Flower clusters droop at

leaf bases, shorter than leaves, much branched

Time of Flowers appear in February April


Fruit: a 1-seeded samara, lance shaped, flat, pointed at

ends, 5 cm long, 1 cm wide, copper red, strongly
veined, twisted at the base

Roots: Adaptive mechanisms include deep root systems that

penetrate to subsoil moisture or wide-spreading.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Grows in a wide variety of soils, but thrives best in

porous sandy loams. It avoids clayey soils with poor
drainage and waterlogged areas. Its growth is poor on
shallow dry soils.

Characteristics: A fast-growing tree with branches rather brittle, so a

position sheltered from strong winds is preferred,
Mature Plants are drought tolerant. A dioecious
species, both male and female forms need to be
grown if seed is required.

Albizia Lebbeck, East-Indian walnut

Distribution: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, the Andaman Islands,
Burma, S China, NE Thailand, and Malaysia; possibly
also Sri Lanka, the eastern islands of Indonesia, Africa
and N Australia.

Habit: A deciduous tree which may reach 25 m, usually 814

m; trunk often short, crown low and spreading

Size: A. lebbeck can attain a height of 30 m and a stem

diameter of 1 m, but more commonly it is 15-20 m tall
and 50 cm in diameter.

Annual Growth: Depending on site conditions, annual height growth

ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 m

Bark: grey fissured corky bark, somewhat flaky, inner bark


Foliage: Deciduous, Compound, 24 pairs of pinae, 311 pairs

of leaflets, each oblong, tip rounded, usually 23 cm
initially bright green and folding at night, maturing to a
duller green and fixed rachis

Flowers: Green-yellow, fragrant brush heads on a stalk,


Time of
Flowering: April - July

Fruit: Shiny yellow-brown pods in clusters decorate the tree

for a long time, each pod up to 30 cm long, bulging
over seeds, the seeds and pods chatter in the wind.

Roots: Roots are near the surface, so requires a high water

table. The shallow roots make it liable to fall in storms

Site: Full Sun/ Part Sun

Soil: Prefers black-cotton soil but will grow in a wide range

of soils: acid, alkaline and saline

Characteristics: fast growing on good sites; lopping, pollarding,

coppicing, pruning. Produces root suckers from
exposed roots

Alstonia Scholaris, Devils Tree

Distribution: Widely distributed from Sri Lanka and India through
mainland Southeast Asia, southern China, Malaysia,
Indonesia and the Philippines to Australia, and also
planted elsewhere.

Habit: The Alstonia scholaris is a glabrous tree and grows up

to 40 m (130 ft) tall. Its mature bark is grayish and its
young branches are copiously marked with lenticels.

Size: A medium to large tree up to 40 m high and 125 cm in

diameter with a cylindrical bole.

Annual Growth: Annual height growth average is 1.2 m.

Bark: Grayish rough bark and milky sap rich in poisonous

alkaloid. Bark is grayish brown, rough, lenticel late
abounding, bitter in taste secreting white milky latex

Foliage: Evergreen Tropical Tree with oblong stalked leaves up

to 6 inches long and 4 inches wide, dispersed in 4 to 6
whorls round the stem, their upper side glossy, under
side white, nerves running at right angles to the mid-rib.

Flowers: Flowers are small, greenish white, many in umbellate

panicles; corolla tube is short, very strongly scented.

Time of Flowers bloom in the month of September, October &

Flowering: November

Fruit: The fruits are thin pods that can grow up to 20 inches

Roots: Wide adaptability of the roots and nature of roots

reflects deep rooting with water availability. In dry
tropical conditions the roots go deep but in irrigated
fields or moist areas it has more side roots than the
deep tap root.

Site: Full Sun to Partial Shade

1Soil: Favorable soils include alluvia, basaltic red earth,

yellow earth with grey-brown topsoil, stony red earth
on basic volcanic soils, sandy grey earth, brown earth
from a volcanic mixture of rocks and soils derived from
metamorphic rocks

Characteristics: It grows better under moist, warm climate but cannot

stand water logging. Recommended for planting in
parks, gardens and inside lawns.

1. Annona squamosa Sugar-apple is grown in lowland tropical climates

Distribution: worldwide, including in southern Mexico, the Antilles,
and Central and South America, tropical Africa,
Australia, Indonesia, Polynesia, and, in the U.S., in
Hawaii and Florida. It was introduced to India and the
Philippines by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th
century, and has been cultivated there ever since. Its
native range is not known due to extensive cultivation
and naturalization, but is thought to have originated in
the West Indies, and was first described from Jamaica.

Habit: Tree

Size: 6m

Annual Growth: 26ft


Foliage: 6-10cm diameter.


Time of Flowing:
Fl. Per.: April-August.

Fruit: The fruit flesh is fragrant, sweet, white to light yellow,

with the texture and flavor of custard; the flavor is
considered the best among fruits in the genus.

Roots: Dryish sandy substrates, dry hammocks; 0-50m.



Characteristics: The seeds are toxic, and have been used as an

insecticide and to treat head lice. Seeds are, however,

high in oil, which can be used in soap manufacture or,
if treated to remove the toxic alkaloids, as a cooking
oil. Leaves, unripe fruits, and extracts of bark and root,
all rather astringent, have been used in traditional
medicine to treat fevers, rheumatism, diarrhea,
dysentery, and other ailments. The aromatic leaves are
occasionally used in perfumes, and fibers from the bark
are used to make cords and ropes

2. Araucaria Excelsa
Distribution: Members of Araucaria are found in Chile, Argentina,
southern Brazil, New Caledonia, Norfolk
Island, Australia, and New Guinea. There is also a
significant, naturalized population of Araucaria
columnaris "Cook's pine", on the island of Lanai,
in Hawaii, USA.

Habit: Tree

Size: 3080 meters

Annual Growth:




Time of Flowing:





Characteristics: Some of the species are relatively common in

cultivation because of their distinctive, formal
symmetrical growth habit. Several species are
economically important for timber production. The
edible large seeds of A. araucana, A.
angustifolia and A. bidwillii are also eaten as food.
Pharmacological reports on genus Araucaria are anti-
ulcer, antiviral, neuro-protective, anti-
depressant and anti-coagulant.

3.ARTOCARPUSHETEROPHYLLUS It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia and is

Distribution: believed to have originated in the southwestern rain
forests of the Western Ghats in the Indian
subcontinent. The jackfruit tree is well suited to
tropical lowlands

Habit: Trees

Size: 25 Gal

Annual Growth: Growth is moderately rapid in early years, up to 1.5 m

in height per year, but slows to around 0.5 m per year
as trees reach maturity.



Flowers: Inconspicuous/None.

Time of Flowing:
Blossoms continuously

Fruit: Fruits are the largest borne on trees, up to 36 x 20
inches and weighing up to 80 pounds. The exterior is
green and warty, the interior contains an edible yellow
pulp and large light brown edible (1 x 3/4 inches)


Site: Jackfruit is an important tree in home gardens in India,

the Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and other regions
where Jackfruit is grown commercially and is perhaps
the most widespread and economically
important Artocarpus species, both providing fruit and
functioning as a visual screen and ornamental.

Soil: Deep rich soil

Characteristics: Jackfruit wood has numerous uses. In cultivation,
jackfruit prefers deep rich soils, well drained and loose
textured. As an ornamental, it is suitable for larger
gardens and parks as an attractive foliage and
unusual showy fruit tree.

5. Averrhoa carambola Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to

Distribution: the Philippines (where they are
called balimbing or saranate, depending on their
sourness), Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. The tree and
its fruit are popular throughout Southeast Asia,
the South Pacific and parts of East Asia. The tree is also
cultivated throughout the tropics, such as
in Peru, Colombia, Trinidad, Ecuador, Guyana, Dominic
an Republic and Brazil, and, in the United States, in
south Florida and Hawaii

Habit: Fruit

Size: 4,000 feet

Annual Growth:




Time of Flowing:

Fruit: The fruit is harvested mainly during the months of June,

July, and August, but sometimes year-round.
The fruit is entirely edible, including the slightly waxy
skin. The flesh is crunchy, firm, and extremely juicy. The
texture is similar in consistency to grapes.


It does not have a soil type preference, but it requires
good drainage.
Carambola is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and
low in sugar, sodium and acid. It is also a potent source
of both primary and secondary polyphenolic
antioxidants. A. carambola has both antioxidant and
antimicrobial activities: scavenging of NO by the fruit
extract is dependent on concentration and stage of
ripening. Extracts showed antimicrobial activity
against E. coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus
aureus and Bacillus cereus.

6. Azadirachta indica
Distribution: Native to India and Burma; widely cultivated in


15 m

Growth: 40 feet or more.

Bark: Rough

Foliage: 6-10cm diameter.

Flowers: In axillary panicles; white; fragrant. Flowering from


Time of Flowering and fruiting: February-September


Fruits are smooth, olive-like in shape, green

Fruit: becoming yellow when ripe, about an inch long
and suspended on a long stem. Fruits contain 1 - 3
seeds, which are used for propagation.




Stem: Bark decoction for malarial fever. Stem, leaf

Characteristics and Flower: Decoction used as an abortifacient.
: Leaf: Infusion to combat fever and intestinal
worms; decoction as a bitter tonic for diabetes
and jaundice; leaves used in a bath for measles;
leaves are spread on a patient's bed to relieve
itching. Seed: In Surinam, seed-oil is used by Hindus
against scabies and other skin diseases.

7. Barringtonia acutangula
Distribution: Maharashtra: Kolhapur, Pune, Raigad, Ratnagiri,
Satara, Sindhudurg, Thane Karnataka: Belgaum,
Mysore, N, Kanara Kerala: Alapuzha, Kasaragod,
Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malapuram,
Pathanamthitta, Thrissur Tamil Nadu: All districts"
Medium Sized Tree
15 m
Annual Growth:


Foliage: 10-12 mm thick


Time of Flowing:

Fruit: Flowering and fruiting: March-May





Its bark contains potent opioid painkillers.

bixa orellana
Distribution: bixa orellana commonly called hong kong orchid tree
is a legume tree of the bauhinia with large thick leaves
and striking purplish red flowers.
It is sterile, which means it does not generally produce
seeds or fruits, and is a hybrid between Bauhinia
variegata and Bauhinia purpure
Size: 10 to 15
Annual Growth: ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.

25 to 35 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young

Bark: plants.

Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,

Foliage: bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Deciduous, opposite 20 in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching

toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is golden-yellow,
Flowers: often with red blotches.

Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing

Time of Flowing: before leafing-out.


Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

Roots: brown. Non edible.

Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

Site: spreading with many fibrous roots.

Soil: Sun / Partial shade

No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils

Characteristics: slightly acid to alkaline.

Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to

dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
to urban sites.

bombax ceiba
Distribution: bombax ceiba commonly called hong kong orchid
tree is a legume tree of the bauhinia with large thick
leaves and striking purplish red flowers.
It is sterile, which means it does not generally produce
seeds or fruits, and is a hybrid between Bauhinia
variegata and Bauhinia purpure
Size: 10 to 15
Annual Growth: ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.

25 to 35 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young

Bark: plants.

Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,

Foliage: bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Deciduous, opposite 20 in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching

toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is golden-yellow,
Flowers: often with red blotches.

Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing

Time of Flowing: before leafing-out.


Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

Roots: brown. Non edible.

Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

Site: spreading with many fibrous roots.

Soil: Sun / Partial shade

No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils

Characteristics: slightly acid to alkaline.

Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to

dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
to urban sites.

brassaia actinophylla
Distribution: is an evergreen tree growing to 15 m (49 ft) tall. It has
palmately compound medium green leaves in groups
of seven leaflets It produces
Habit: racemes up to 2 m (6.5 ft) long containing up to 1,000
small dull red flowers

25 to 35 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young

Size: plants.
Annual Growth:
Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,
bark is brown-black with vertical splits.
Deciduous, opposite 20 in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching
toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is golden-yellow,
Foliage: often with red blotches.

Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing

before leafing-out.

Time of Flowing: Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

brown. Non edible.

Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.
Sun / Partial shade

Site: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils

slightly acid to alkaline.
Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to
dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
Characteristics: to urban sites.

Butea monosperma
Distribution: . Butea monosperma is a species of Butea native to tropical and sub-tropical
parts of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, ranging
across India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri
Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and
western Indonesia.[1] Common names include flame-of-the-
forest and bastard teak

It is sterile, which means it does not generally produce

seeds or fruits, and is a hybrid between Bauhinia
Size: variegata and Bauhinia purpure
Annual Growth: 10 to 15
ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.
Bark: 25 to 35 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young
Foliage: Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,
bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Deciduous, opposite 20 in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching

Flowers: toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is golden-yellow,
often with red blotches.
Time of Flowing: Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing
before leafing-out.


Roots: Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

brown. Non edible.
Site: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally
spreading with many fibrous roots.
Sun / Partial shade
Characteristics: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils
slightly acid to alkaline.

Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to

dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
to urban sites.

Callistemon bottle brush , Bottlebrush

Distribution: Australia mostly growing in moist soil in open or
woodland sites.


Size: Its full height is up to 6 ft to 15 ft. and 5 ft. spread.

Annual Growth:

Bark: Grey in color with interlacing ridges.

Foliage Bluish-green leaves are oblong with hairy leaf margin.

Flowers: Flowers are composed of 5 short, inconspicuous petals

and numerous, long stamens. The stamen is composed
of a bright red stalk known as a filament and a small,
white to gray, dot-sized anther which bears the pollen.
The flowers are arranged in a dense spike that
resembles a bottle brush.

Time of Flowing: Late Winter/Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring/Early


Fruit: Small woody seed case.


Site: Full sun.

Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, but well-drained, neutral to

acidic soil

Characteristics: Bottlebrush is a small but spectacular evergreen tree or

shrub. Of the family Myrtaceae it is well known as
Callistemon or Bottlebrush Tree. It is easy to grow and
loves warmth, moisture and sun. Bottlebrush is native to
Australia mostly growing in moist soil in open or
woodland sites.

Calophyllum inophyllum
Distribution: Native from East Africa, through India and south east
Asia to the Philippines

Habit: Medium size to large tree with Dense canopy, it grow

along costal area and adjacent lowland forest.

Size: 25 to 65 ft. in height and spread is greater than its


Annual Growth: 3.3ft in height

Bark: Light grey bark shows deep fissures alternating with flat
ridges. Sap is milky white.

Flowers: Cluster of 4-15 fragrant white flower with 4-8 oblong


Time of Flowing: Twice a year(late spring/early summer and late fall) in

northern hemisphere

Foliage: Glossy, leathery leaves are oval shape

Fruit: Ball-shaped, light green fruit grow in cluster

Roots: Shallow, spreading root system. Spread at least as far

as canopy

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Grow best in sandy well drained soil in coastal areas

but will tolerate clay, rocky and calcareous soil.

Characteristics: Grows in warm temperature in wet or moderate


Cananga odorata (Ylang-Ylang)

Distribution: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines

Habit: Medium size, Branches are pendulous or slightly erect

with drooping, leafy twigs. The tree is usually quite
straggly, often with long, leafy twigs dangling. There is a
single main trunk that is usually bent to some degree.

Size: 65 ft. in height and 23 ft. spread.

Annual Growth: 14-16 ft. in height, 8 ft. in spread

Bark: Smooth and grayish white to silvery. Trunk diameter: 4 ft.

Long stalked and drooping with six narrow greenish

Flowers: yellow petals and yields high fragrant.

Time of Flowing: Throughout the year associated with rainy months

Fruit: Greenish black in color, 1.52.5 cm (0.61.0 in) in length,

containing 612 stalked fruitlets, fleshy, olive-like, and
borne in axillary clusters. There are 612, small, pale
brown, flattened ovoid seeds in each fruit.

Roots: The tree has a long taproot, and therefore favors deep

Site: Full or Partial Sun

Soil: Light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils

and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid and
neutral soils and can grow in very acid and saline soils.

Foliage: Dark green leaves, alternately arranged 10-20 cm long

and 4-8 cm wide

Use for perfume manufacture,

Botanical Name: Ficus carica

Common Name(s): Figs
Categories: Fruits and Vegetables, Trees
Fig trees are quite adaptable, and can be grown in smallish gardens if their roots are contained. Figs bear two crops
during the summer months; the fruit is very good when eaten fresh and als makes delicious jam and preserves.
Family: Moraceae
Botanical Pronunciation: FYE-kus KAIR-ih-kuh

Semi Frost Hardy
Non Indigenous
Full Sun
Moderate Watering
Pruning Required

Common Pests and Diseases

Stem borer lays its eggs in the bark up to 600mm high on the main stem. Wrap mosquito gauze around stems from soil
level up to this height to prevent attack by this insect.

This tree bears greenish flowers from Spring inside hollow receptacles.

This tree bears 3 to 5 lobed foliage with toothed edges.


Figs bear two crops during the summer months; the fruit is very good when eaten fresh and also makes delicious jam and

Fruit is ripe when slightly soft. Figs do not ripen after they have been picked.
Water fig trees well when the fruits begin to swell and apply a thick mulch to the base of the tree. Trees are self-fertile.

Mediterranean region

Recommended Varieties
Adam, a dark purple- brown fruit with red flesh, ripens in January, so ideal for winter-rainfall regions as the fruit splits in
rainy weather; Black Velvet, black fruit with white flesh, ripens in December; Cape Brown, small, brown fig with pink flesh,
ripens in January; White Genoa, yellow-green, pink-fleshed fruit, ripens in February.

Uses:: Cullinary: yes | Medicinal: | Cultural: | Commercial: | Cosmetics: | Other Uses: | Part Used: | Attracts: | Features:
Uses in landscape design
Small gardens

Cassia atala, candle bush

Distribution: Venezuela, Brazil, Columbia.

Habit: Often occurs on wet soil in wastelands and flood plains.

Size: 9 to 14 ft in height and 3 to 4 ft spread.

Annual Growth:

The bark is a source of tannins. It is sometimes used as a

Bark: coloring in tattooing

Pinnately compound leaves are composed of 6 - 12 pairs of

Foliage: leaflets (30 - 60 cm long). Oblong leaflets are smooth and
thinly leathery (6 - 15 cm long, 3.5 - 7.5 cm wide). They have
a rounded tip with a slight indentation in the middle.
Flowers: Flowers are arranged in a vertical column and bloom from
the base of the column. The inflorescence, known as a
raceme, resembles a lit, yellow candle
Time of Flowing: Autumn.

Fruit: Winged pods are dark purple to black, smooth and 4-sided.
They contain 50 - 60 flattened, triangular to squarish seeds.


Site: Sun

Soil: Tolerate both drought and waterlogged soils. .

Cassia glouca, commonly called empress candle plant

Characteristics: or candle bush, is so named because the erect flower
spikes when in bud resemble yellow candles. It is also
commonly called ringworm cassia because the plant
leaves were once used to treat ringworm.

Cassia excelsa (crown of gold tree)

Distribution: Central and South America from Argentina to
southern Mexico and the Caribbean Island

Habit: Fast growing medium size tree with round dense


Size: 20 to 30 ft. in height and 20 to 30 ft. spread.

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark: Smooth and green when young, grey and lightly

marked with vertical streak in maturity.

Foliage: Compound leaves are 8-12 inch long, 10 to 20 pairs of

dark green oblong leaflets

Flowers: Bright yellow, cup shaped flower.

Time of Flowing: Late Summer and Early Fall

Fruit: Seeds are borne in 4 sided, fleshy green pods 8-10

inch long.

Roots: They germinate.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: Reaction: acid, alkaline, neutral. Texture: Heavy, light,


Characteristics: Low tolerance for aerosol salt, grows rapidly and

dominate other species, In cultivated land causing a
reduction in crop yield and flora.

Cassia fistula
Distribution: Native to tropical region of Asia. Distributed across
India, Indochina and Malaysia.

Habit: Oval/rounded with Well space branches are clotted

with pinnately compound leaves

Size: 33 to 65 ft. in height and 20 to 40 ft. in spread

Annual Growth: 14 ft. in height, 8 ft. in spread

Bark: Pale grey, smooth and slender when young and dark
brown and rough when old. Trunk diameter: 4-3 ft.

Foliage: Deciduous, open crown consist of horizontal and

extend branches with sparse foliage

Flowers: Bright yellow terminal, drooping racemes, 30-60cm


Time of Flowing: May-July, September.

Fruit: Fruit an indehiscent pod, 40-60 cm long by 1-2 cm

diameter, cylindrical, pendulous and terete, containing
25-100 seeds.

Roots: Underground(tap roots)

Site: Full sun

Soil: loam and sand, soil pH: Acidic and neutral

Characteristics: Bark texture smooth, decoction of the root bark is

recommended for cleaning wounds, grow best in area
750 to1900 mm average annual rainfall.

Cassia Glauca, Scrambled Egg Bush

Distribution: India, Indochina, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia
(North Territory, Western Australia).

Habit: Terrestrial

Size: 6 to 14 ft. in height and 15 to 22 ft. spread.

Annual Growth:

Bark: With gray brown bark, smoothish, becoming slightly

fissured. Inner bark light yellow beneath green
outermost layer, fibrous, bitter. Twigs finely hairy
Foliage: Even-pinnate green leaves with 6 - 9 pairs of leaflets,
alternate, petioles measuring about 1.5 - 3 cm long,
leaf measuring about 18 cm long, leaflets in pairs and
usually obviate to oblong, measuring about 2.5 - 4 cm
long and 1 - 1.7 cm wide, upper surface glabrous and
lower surface slightly pubescent.

Flowers: 10 to 15 yellow flowers in a raceme from the upper leaf

axils, measuring about 3 - 6 cm long, peduncle
measuring about 2.5 - 5 cm long.
Time of Flowing: Mid Spring, Late Spring/Early Summer.

Fruit: Fruit is a flat pod, glabrous with papery valves, measuring

about 7 - 10 cm long and 1 - 1.5 cm wide, contains about 15
- 25 seeds, glossy flattened and each seed measuring about
8 mm long and 4 mm wide

Site: Sun / Partial shade.

Soil: Moist soil, well drained soils, fertile loamy soils.

Characteristics: In the dry season this tall shrub or small tree produces
long racemes of massed clusters of bright golden
flowers, which appear on almost every branch, all of
which are clad in attractive alternately arranged
leaves, consisting of pairs of feathery, deep green
ovate leaflets. Later appear the pea-like seed pods. It
does best in a hot spot and full sun and well-drained

Cassia grandis
Distribution: Southern Mexico, Central and Northern South America.

Habit: Wide space, dangling branches lead to dense and

umbrella shape canopy

Size: 49 to 65 ft. in height, 40+ ft. in spread

Annual Growth: 14-16 ft. in height, 8+ ft. in spread

Bark: Smooth and pale grey in color. Cylindrical trunk up to 2


Foliage: Semi-deciduous, Leaves are pinnately compound with

10-20 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are elliptic to oblong with
rounded tips.

Flowers: Pink flowers occur on long axillary racemes along the

branches over the whole crown. Not uniform in shape.
The flowers are initially red, fading to pink and later
orange, with the median petal red with a yellow patch

Time of Flowing: February-April (spring)

Fruit: Fruit pendent, compressed, 20-40(-60) cm long, 3-5 cm

in diameter, blackish, glabrous, woody, rugose; seeds
20-40 per pod, surrounded by sweetish pulp.(edible)

Roots: Underground(tap root)

Site: Full sun

Soil: Drainage: free and seasonally waterlogged, Reaction:

acid, Texture: light and medium.

Characteristics: Uses for medical purpose, consider good for charcoal
and fuelwood.

Cassia javanica
Distribution: Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand

Habit: Moderate dense crown with drooping brittle branches

Size: 40 to 60 ft. in height and 40 ft. in spread.

Annual Growth: 14 to 16 ft. in height, 8 ft. in spread.

Bark: Smooth and dark brown in color. Trunk size: 35cm

Foliage: Semi-deciduous, green leaves(15-30cm) long each

leaf consist of 5-12 pair of oblong to ovate leaflet 2-
5cm long and 1.2-2cm wide

Flowers: Pink to whitish pink flower in a raceme inflorescence,

yellow stamens about 10 surrounded with green anther

Time of Flowing: April to September

Fruit: Cylindrical seed pod(30-70cm) long turns to black

when ripen

Roots: Non invasive

Site: Full sun

Soil: Reaction: acid, alkaline and neutral, texture: heavy,

light and medium.

Characteristics: Thrives best in humid places with well drained and

deep soil, tolerate drought and shade, grow best in
area up to 400m elevation, annual temperature 19-
25C and mean annual rainfall 650-2400mm.

Cassia roxburghii (Cassia marginata)

Distribution: Native to Sri lanka and southern India.

Habit: Moderate size in height, irregular crown with drooping


Size: 20 to 30 ft. in height and 40 ft. spread.

Annual Growth: 10 to 12 ft. in height, 6 to 8 ft. in spread.

Bark: Smooth brownish grey. Trunk diameter: 2 ft.

Foliage: Deciduous, wide spread canopy, leaves are about 1ft

long and each has 15-20 oblong leaflets.

Flowers: Clusters of pink and red flowers in axillary and terminal,

often branched, racemes. The flower petals are about
0.5 in (1.3 cm) long.

Time of Flowing: Summer

Fruit: The fruit is a typical legume: it is cylindrical and

indehiscent, 20.3-30.5 cm long, less than 2.5 cm in
diameter, and bears many seeds separated by papery

Roots: Underground(tap roots)

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: Well drained soil with regular watering.

Characteristics: Tropical,

Cassia Multijuga , Kassod Tree

Distribution: Indochina, Malaysia

Habit: Found in lowland forests and river banks. Also, occurs in

waste areas and along roadsides.

Size: 50 to 60 ft. in height and slim trunk and a narrow crown.

Annual Growth: Medium-sized tree with a dense, rounded crown that

becomes spreading and irregular at maturity.

Bark: The bark is light grey to brown, smooth in young trees,

becoming slightly cracked and rough with age.

Foliage: Alternate leaves are pinnately compound with up to 24

pairs of oblong leaflets.

Flowers are arranged in inflorescences known as racemes.
Inflorescences are located at branch tips or in leaf axils.
Trees begin to flower at 2 - 3 years of age.

Time of Flowing: Summer.

Fruit: Fruits are long, flattened pods with numerous ellipsoid


Site: Full Sun

Soil: This species is fast-growing and tolerant of infertile soils,

drought and flooding. It does not grow well in shallow soils.

Characteristics: The tree is particularly valued for its high quality

firewood, and it is widely cultivated in the tropics both
for this and for its many uses in agroforestry systems. It is
also grown as an ornamental and frequently planted
along the sides of roads

Cassia nodosa , Apple Blossom Tree

Distribution: Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand

Habit: Terrestrial

Size: Its full height is up to 30 ft. to 60 ft. and can spread to

15 ft.
Annual Growth:

Bark: The trunk's bark is smooth and gray, but occasional

spines or woody spurs line the trunk or lower parts of
Foliage: Green leaves measuring about 15 - 30 cm long, each
leaf consists of 5 - 12 pairs of oblong to ovate leaflets
about 2 - 5 cm long and 1.2 - 2 cm wide.

Flowers: Pink to whitish-pink flowers in a raceme inflorescence,

yellow stamens about 10 and surrounded with green
Time of Flowing: Late Spring, Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer.

Fruit: Fruit is a cylindrical seed pod measuring about 30 - 70

cm long, turns to black when ripen.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils

Characteristics: Pink Shower Tree, Apple blossom Tree. Spectacular

medium size fast growing tree with a fine spreading
crown. Masses of bubbly fragrant pink apple blossom
flowers (over 2 inches across) appear in spring-summer
held in cascading clusters along downy branches.
Lovely, tropical, rich green, pinnate foliage.

Casuarina equisetifolia, Horsetail Tree

Distribution: Throughout Southeast Asia (including Singapore) to
Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Habit: Terrestrial (Coastal Forest), Shoreline (Backshore; Sandy


Size: Its full height is up to 90 ft. to 130 ft. and 50 ft. spread.

Annual Growth:

Bark: The bark is smooth and relatively thin with an obvious

iron-red color beneath the bark surface.

Foliage The true leaves are reduced to tiny scales held in

whorls, surrounding grey-green needle-like twigs. This
gives rise to the pine-like appearance of the tree.

Flowers: Flowers are generally dioicious (male and female flowers on

separate plants) although occasionally some trees are
monoecious. The male flowers are tiny inconspicuous spikes
borne on the ends of green twigs, while the female flowers
are small brownish heads on the swollen ends of brownish

Time of Flowing: Spring

Fruit: The fruits are small, flattened winged nuts contained in

cone-like clusters which split open when ripe. The
Scaly-Breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata) has been
observed to feed on the seeds of this tree, but is
probably an exception as very few birds exploit this
food source.
Roots: C. equisetifolia usually has a deep tap root and an
extensive shallow lateral root
system, poor tap root development occurs on shallow
soils or in areas with a high water table

Site: Full sun.

Soil: It is suitable for parks and gardens on poor infertile soils

or along seashores.

Characteristics: Casuarina equisetifolia is an evergreen conifer-like

angiosperm. It has been introduced to new locations
for coastal landscaping and erosion control. It has
become invasive in Florida (USA) where it interferes
with prime reptile nesting sites.

Distribution: spreadtotheprimaryrainforestsofWestAfrica,

Habit: occursthroughout

Size: diameterwithbuttresses



Fruit: Spreadingquitehorizontally,10morlonger,inthe


Soil: Thecapsulesofthisspeciescontainlongsilkyhairs
Characteristics: werehistoricallyharvestedtostuffpillows,

Cerbera manghas, Sea pong pong

Distribution: From Seychelles Islands to Southern China, Taiwan,

Ryukyu Islands, through Philippines, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia,
Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Java to Northern Australia
and the Pacific Islands.

Habit: Terrestrial (Coastal Forest), Shoreline (Mangrove Forest;

Sandy Beach)

Size: 16m to 20m height.

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark: Grey and fissured. Excudes white milky latex when cut .

Foliage: Evergreen, Elliptical shape, papery or leathery texture.

Flowers: Red, White colored bi-sexual fragrant flowers growing in

clusters. They have radial geometry.

Time of Flowing: Autotrophic

Fruit: Red in color, glossy in texture, drupe.

Roots: Moderate roots. Kind of a mangrove so can sustain

and does not require too much of water.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils, Saline Soils / Salt Spray,

Fertile Loamy Soils

Characteristics: The plant is hardy, and is tolerant of hot and high wind
environments and saline soils.

Chorisia speciosa, Floss silk tree

Distribution: Brazil, Argentina

Habit: Tropical and sub-tropical forests of South-America.

Size: 6-8 diameter trunk, mature height 40-60, mature

spread is approximately 50.

Annual Growth: Very fast

Bark: Green in color. Bark is thin and easily damaged from

mechanical impact; grow mostly upright and will not
droop; should be grown with a single leader; thorns are
present on the trunk or branches; very showy trunk

Foliage: Elliptical shaped leaf with 4-8 blade and green in

color. Alternate and palmately compound with serrate
leaf arrangement.

Flowers: Pink and white in color.

Time of Flowing: Autumn and winter

Fruit: Oval and round in shape, 6-12 in length, brown and

white in color, dry and hard. Does not attract or litter.

Roots: Surface roots can lift sidewalks or interfere with moving.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: clay; loam; sand; acidic; occasionally wet; alkaline;


Characteristics: The plant is hardy, and is very much tolerant of drought

but little of salt.

Citharexxlum quadrangulare, Fiddlewood

Distribution: West Indies, South Florida, Bahamas, Caribbean,

Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela

Habit: Tropical.

Size: 10m-12m in height and 6m-8m in spread.

Annual Growth: Moderate

Bark: Woody and fissured.

Foliage: Elliptical in shape and ever green and in color it is
green and orange but with age. The upper leaf blade
is glossy and dark green but is dull and muted green on
the underside.

Flowers: White in color and non fragrant.

Time of Flowing: Periodically year-round.

Fruit: Black, a round shaped drupe. Bitter-sweet and edible.

Roots: Not deep.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Wide range of well-drained soils.

Characteristics: Very much tolerant of drought but moderate of soil

salt. Although high tolerance of aerosol salt tolerance.

Clusia rosea, Sea pong pong

Distribution: This naturalized landscaping plant is native to Florida

and the Caribbean

Habit: Tree, Shrub

Size: Up to 65 feet (20 m) tall, but usually half that or less.

Annual Growth: Fast

Bark: Grey and fissured. Excudes white milky latex when cut .

Foliage: The foliage is this plant's feature characteristic - leaves

are thick and leathery, shaped like fat teardrops or

Flowers: These plants rarely flower, other than in the warmest

areas of Zone 10. Flowers are pale pink and appear in
summer. Pink, White, Brown (when old)

Time of Flowing: Autotrophic

Fruit: Red in color, glossy in texture, drupe.

Roots: Moderate roots. Kind of a mangrove so can sustain

and does not require too much of water.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: The species is known to be naturalized on Kauai, Oahu

and Hawaii.

Characteristics: The green fruits are poisonous, but the fleshy seeds are
eaten by birds. The sap causes vomiting. They're
excellent as hedges, large accent plants, or grow
them as a wall of privacy and/or shade. These shrubs
are sometimes called Autograph Tree or Plant because
you can scratch a name or initials onto a leaf and it will
stay there forever...or as long as the leaf remains on
the plant.

Coccoloba uvifera, Sea grape

Distribution: All island groupings within the Bahamian Archipelago as
well as southern Florida, the Caribbean region, and
tropical and subtropical Central and South America. It is
now grown throughout the world.

Habit: Grows as a low small shrub to large trees, depending

upon environmental conditions. On dry wind-swept
beaches it may be short and prostrate. Under those
conditions it has a habit of stretching its heavy limbs along
the sand to occupy the undergrowth. .

Size: A tree up to 50 feet tall and over 24 inches in trunk
Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young plants.

Bark: The trunk has a smooth, pale gray bark that exfoliates in
thin plates. After which it becomes distinctively mottled
over time with whitish, gray and brown colors while
retaining its smooth texture.

Foliage: Entire alternate simple broad evergreen orbiculate shape

leaf blade length is 8 to 12 inches and fall color is red.

Flowers: Cream to greenish white.

Time of Flowing: Year-round, usually some weeks from April to June

Fruit: The fruit is edible although slightly acidic. It has been

used to make jams and jellies as well as wine. The sap has
been used to produce a red dye and used in the tanning

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally spreading

with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.

Characteristics: Highly salt tolerant, it is often planted to stabilize beach

edges. It is an important part of the dune system for many
South Florida beaches. Sea grape act as a continuous
sand trap.

Cochlospermum religiosum, Silk Cotton Tree, Buttercup Tree

Distribution: India, Myanmar, Thailand

Habit: Autotropic.

Size: Approximately 7.5m in height.

Annual Growth: Moderate

Bark: Bark is deeply furrowed and grey, exudes gum when


Foliage: Green cordate leaves palmately 3 - 5 lobed and

grouped at the tip of the branches, measuring about 8
- 15 cm long, petiole measuring up to 20 cm long,
underneath of the leaf surface tomentose..

Flowers: Bright yellow buttercup-shaped flowers borne on

terminal branched panicle inflorescence, each flower
about 10 cm wide, corolla 5-lobed and lobes are
obovate in shape, orange stamens present.

Time of Flowing: Periodically year-round.

Fruit: Fruit is a brown 5-valved capsule about 8 cm long and

5 cm wide, splits open to release the black seeds
which are covered with woolly white hairs.

Roots: Deep.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils

Characteristics: Preferably used as Roadside Tree / Palm, Parks &

Gardens, Small Gardens

Colvillea racemosa, Colville's Glory

Distribution: Colvillea racemosa is listed as Least Concern as it has a
wide distribution, it is sometimes locally common and
there are no specific threats associated with the species.
There have been recent collections made, and it is
known from five protected areas

Habit: This highly decorative tree is found in tropical and

subtropical climates.

Size: It can reach 15 meters high and 10 meters wide.

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young plants.

Bark: The trunk is thick and grey.

Foliage: Colvillea racemosa is evergreen. The bipinnate leaves are

alternate. The leaflets are elliptic..

Flowers: chameleon green to blood orange, are a sight to behold.

The flowers are odorant

Time of Flowing: Year-round, usually Mid-Winter.

Fruit: The fruit is not edible although acidic and oval in shape
and brown and red in color

Roots: Colvillea racemosa is native to Madagascar and the


Site: Sun to Partial Shade

Soil: colvilles Glory needs a well-drained and rich soil. It

requires a consistently humid soil, it must not dry out
between two waterings.

Characteristics: This tree doesnt tolerate cold temperatures. It is hard to

cultivate under 20C. It will ideally grow in a hot and dry
environment with temperatures around 35C.

Conocarpus erectus, Buttonwood

Distribution: All island groupings within the Bahamian Archipelago as
well as southern Florida, the Caribbean region, and
tropical and subtropical Central and South America. It is
now grown throughout the world.

Habit: It grows as a shrub or small tree on the coastal mainland

and on islands of a variety of sizes, down to the smallest
vegetated islands.

Size: A shrub 30 to 45 feet in height and spread 20 to 30 feet.

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young plants.

Bark: The trunk have corky, gray or brown, furrowed, fibrous

and moderately thin bark (about 8mm). The inner bark is
dark cream in color.

Foliage: Entire alternate simple broad evergreen lanceolate,

oblong shape leaf blade length is 2 to 4 inches, 4 to 8

Flowers: white/cream/gray, purple

Time of Flowing: Year-round, usually mid spring.

Fruit: The fruit is not edible although acidic and oval in shape
and brown and red in color

Roots: The root system consists mainly of laterals and fine roots
that are dark brown, weak and brittle.

Site: Full sun

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.

Characteristics: Highly salt tolerant. Buttonwood is ideal for seaside

plantings as it is highly tolerant of full sun, sandy soils, and
salty conditions. It also tolerates brackish areas and
alkaline soils, thriving in the broken shade and wet soils of

Conocarpus lancifolius, Damas tree
Distribution: All island groupings within the Bahamian Archipelago as
well as southern Florida, the Caribbean region, and
tropical and subtropical Central and South America. It is
now grown throughout the world.

Habit: Grows as a low small shrub to large trees, depending

upon environmental conditions. On dry wind-swept
beaches it may be short and prostrate. Under those
conditions it has a habit of stretching its heavy limbs along
the sand to occupy the undergrowth. .

A tree up to 50 feet tall and over 24 inches in trunk

Size: diameter

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young plants.

Bark: The trunk has a smooth, pale gray bark that exfoliates in
thin plates. After which it becomes distinctively mottled
over time with whitish, gray and brown colors while
retaining its smooth texture.

Foliage: Entire alternate simple broad evergreen orbiculate shape

leaf blade length is 8 to 12 inches and fall color is red.

Flowers: Cream to greenish white.

Time of Flowing: Year-round, usually some weeks from April to June

Fruit: The fruit is edible although slightly acidic. It has been

used to make jams and jellies as well as wine. The sap has
been used to produce a red dye and used in the tanning

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally spreading

with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.

Characteristics: Highly salt tolerant, it is often planted to stabilize beach

edges. It is an important part of the dune system for many
South Florida beaches. Sea grape act as a continuous
sand trap.

Cordia myxa, Lasura Tree
Distribution: It is found growing primarily in Asia, as well as, across the
globe especially in tropical regions having the right type
of geophysical environment. In the Indian subcontinent, it
is seen coming up naturally and growing abundantly
from Myanmar in the east to Afghanistan in the west.

Habit: Lasura matures in about 50 to 60 years by when its girth at

the breast height is about 1 to 1.5 m. Its bole (main trunk)
is generally straight and cylindrical, attaining a height of
nearly 3 to 4 m. The branches spread in all directions by
virtue of which its crown can be trained into a beautiful
inverted dome like an umbrella. When fully grown up, the
total height of the tree comes to nearly 10 to 15 m.

Size: It can grow up to 12 metres tall.

Annual Growth: Very slow, it can commence flowering when 3 -

5 years old

Bark: The bark of lasura is grayish brown in color with

longitudinal and vertical fissures. The tree can be easily
identified from a distance by observing the fissures which
are so prominent in the bark of the main bole of a tree
approaching maturity.

Foliage: The leaves of lasura are broad, ovate, alternate and

stalked with the spread being 7 to 15 cm x 5 to 10 cm. The
young leaves tend to be hairy. The fresh foliage is quite
useful as fodder for ,

Flowers: The inflorescence, mostly terminal, is, white in color.

Time of Flowing: March-April.

Fruit: The fruit of lasura start appearing during July-August. It is a

kind of a drupe, light pale to brown or even pink in color.
The appearance tends to darken when ripening sets in.


Full sun
The tree prefers deep moist sandy loam soils
The half ripe lasura fruit makes a tasty broth which is hot in
effect as per Ayurveda practitioners. The ripe fruit are full
of vitamins and regular use is supposed to be helpful in
good growth of hair. The lasura tree yields high quality
wood constituting a very good quality timber.

Cordia Sebestena, Geiger Tree
Distribution: Cordia sebestena is seen in much of south Floridas
streetscapes and native plant gardens. It is native from
the Bahamas to the tip of northern South America, and
has been erroneously listed as a Florida native. It is now
grown throughout the world.

Habit: Can be found in sandy or rocky coastal thickets.

Size: Growth Form: Medium-sized tree, able to grow up to

about 7 - 10 m tall..

Annual Growth: Seedlings take three years to reach blooming size. Young
trees are easily transplanted. They have
an upright, slightly pyramidal form and will need about
5 years to develop a dense canopy

Bark: The bark is brown and ridged.

Foliage: Simple, alternate, ovate, thick and rough on the upper

surface, often toothed on edges, to 9 inches long and 4
1/2 inches wide

Flowers: Funnelform, light to dark orange, up to 1 1/2 inches long,

with 5 to 7 creepy lobes, borne on terminal cymes.

Time of Flowing: Occasionally all year. Best in June

and July.

Fruit: Drupes, egg-shaped, up to 1 1/2 inches long, changes

from green to
white, in persistent calyces, sticky when ripe, 1 to 4 seeds.
Edible but very

Roots: Root Damage Potential Rated as Low.

Site: Full sun

Soil: Moist Soils, Well-Drained Soils Its soil pH preference is 5.5 to

8.5. Its strong tolerance of alkaline soils makes it an
excellent choice for a wide variety of situations.

Characteristics: It has a high salt tolerance making it suitable to grow in

coastal areas. As it is used as an ornamental it is also
found in urban areas as a street tree.

Couroupita guianensis, CannonBall Tree
Distribution: Cannonball Tree is native to rainforest of the Guiana's in
Northeastern South America, indigenous to Amazon
rainforest, Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana.

Habit: Terrestrial (Primary Rainforest).

Size: It grows up to 35 meters in height and leaves are up to 6

inches long.

Annual Growth: One tree can bear 150 fruits. The fruit takes up to a year
to mature in most areas, sometimes as long as 18 months.

Bark: Soft wooded straight stout trunk and rough brownish grey

Foliage: This tree is a botanical curiosity. It bears its flowers on

thick, tangled extrusions that grow on the trunk, below
the foliage branches. The extrusions are from 2 - 6 feet

Flowers: Yellow, white, reddish and pink flowers

Time of Flowing: January onwards.

Fruit: Remarkably large berry and round, with a brown hard

shell, containing pulp, about the size of a man's head, up
to 25 cm in diameter.

Roots: The root system consists mainly of laterals and fine roots
that are dark brown, weak and brittle.

Site: Full sun

Soil: Although a plant of moist soils, it grows

well under dry conditions.

Characteristics: Large, pleasing combination of rose-pink, white and

yellow colors, arranged in long racemes. Calyx turbinate.
Petals 6, unequal, concave, pink inside but with a mixture
of white, yellow and pink outside.
Some abortive stamens (staminodes) also present at the
base of the band, surrounds the ovary. This structure looks
like a hooded snake sheltering the Shivalinga.
Hence, the tree is also called Snake-Flower tree.

50. Crataeva religiosa (burna tree)

Distribution: It is native to Japan, Australia, much of Southeast Asia

and several South Pacific islands.

Habit: A mediocre (dense) tree. With visible spread branches.

And feel very delicate and light.
6-15 m tall and 5-10 m spread.
Annual Growth:
It requires a precipitation zone of 500 to 800 mm/yr.


Bark is grey, the wood yellowish-white, turning light
Foliage: brown when old.

Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter

interest. This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant to
Flowers: deer.

Time of Flowing: The tree is sometimes called the spider tree because the
showy flowers bear long.

Roots: Spring(February-March)

The fruit of the tree is edible and high in vitamin C.

Root system of tree is quite scattered and is spreading
Soil: horizontally and has plenty of root hair.

Full Sun

Characteristics: Occurs in CYP in the Iron Range and McIlwraith Range

areas. Grows near watercourses in rain forest and
gallery forest.

It is a sacred plant and the leaves, bark and root are

used in medicine as poultices or used in tanning.

50. Crataeva religiosa (burna tree)

Distribution: It is native to Japan, Australia, much of Southeast Asia and

several South Pacific islands.

Habit: A mediocre (dense) tree. With visible spread branches. And

feel very delicate and light.

Size: 6-15 m tall and 5-10 m spread.

Annual Growth: It requires a precipitation zone of 500 to 800 mm/yr.

Bark: Bark is grey, the wood yellowish-white, turning light brown

when old.

Foliage: Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter interest.

This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant to deer.

Flowers: The tree is sometimes called the spider tree because the
showy flowers bear long.

Time of Flowing: Spring(February-March)

Fruit: The fruit of the tree is edible and high in vitamin C.

Roots: Root system of tree is quite scattered and is spreading

horizontally and has plenty of root hair.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Occurs in CYP in the Iron Range and McIlwraith Range

areas. Grows near watercourses in rain forest and gallery

Characteristics: It is a sacred plant and the leaves, bark and root are used in
medicine as poultices or used in tanning.

51. Crescentia cujete (calabash tree)

Distribution: The Calabash Tree is species of flowering plant that is

native to Central and South America. It is the national
tree of St. Lucia.
Habit: Slow growing tree with many braches. Leafs Attached
with branches. Give a sticky feel. Greenish Yearly.
Height: 20 to 30 feet. Spread: 25 to 30 feet.
Annual Growth:

12 to 36 Inches per Year.


Gray, Rough.
Time of Flowing:

Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter
Roots: interest. This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant
to deer.
Flower color: green; yellow, Flower characteristics:
Soil: showy, unpleasant fragrance.


Year round flowering

The fruit, called Jcara, Bule, Tecomate oval; round 3 to

6 inches fleshy, green, does not attract wildlife

Not well spread. Has a smooth roots as a unit.

Full sun

Clay, loam, sand, acidic, alkaline, well-drained

Irregular crown composed of long, spreading branches

clothed in two to six-inch-long bright green leaves,
which create moderate shade beneath the tree.

51. Crescentia cujete (calabash tree)

Distribution: The Calabash Tree is species of flowering plant that is

native to Central and South America. It is the national tree of
St. Lucia.

Habit: Slow growing tree with many braches. Leafs Attached with
branches. Give a sticky feel. Greenish Yearly.

Size: Height: 20 to 30 feet. Spread: 25 to 30 feet.

Annual Growth: 12 to 36 Inches per Year.

Bark: Gray, Rough.

Foliage: Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter interest.

This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant to deer.

Flowers: Flower color: green; yellow, Flower characteristics: showy,

unpleasant fragrance.

Time of Flowing: Year round flowering

Fruit: The fruit, called Jcara, Bule, Tecomate oval; round 3 to 6

inches fleshy, green, does not attract wildlife

Roots: Not well spread. Has a smooth roots as a unit.

Site: Full sun

Soil: Clay, loam, sand, acidic, alkaline, well-drained

Characteristics: Irregular crown composed of long, spreading branches

clothed in two to six-inch-long bright green leaves, which
create moderate shade beneath the tree.

52. Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean cypress)

Distribution: In natural habitats this cypress occurs in Mediterranean

climates with dry and hot summers and rainy winters, or
in semiarid climates in the eastern and interior areas of
its range.
A tree that is well adapted to semi-arid conditions. it
needs irrigation for establishment. Survives in
precipitation zones of 300 to 350 mm/yr. It can stand
frost and snow.
height 40 to 70 feet, spread 10 to 20 feet
Annual Growth:
Grow 12 to 24 inches per year.

Red-brown in color, exfoliating in long, fibrous strips,
weathers to ashy gray.
Leaves obtuse, dark green, mostly oppressed and
scale like fine texture.

Time of Flowing:
Female cones to 1.5 inches across, globose, scaly,
Roots: woody, maturing in 2 years. Non edible.

Fibrous roots branch out relatively evenly through the

soil, creating a matting network in the top layer of soil.
Site: For trees, the roots can go down several feet.

Soil: Full sun

No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.


Erect and stiff, upright, formal. Some have recognized

that this species broadly assumes two growth habits,
fastigiated or horizontal, and have assigned sub
specific taxonomic ranks on that basis.

52. Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean cypress)

Distribution: In natural habitats this cypress occurs in Mediterranean

climates with dry and hot summers and rainy winters, or in
semiarid climates in the eastern and interior areas of its

Habit: A tree that is well adapted to semi-arid conditions. it needs

irrigation for establishment. Survives in precipitation zones
of 300 to 350 mm/yr. It can stand frost and snow.

Size: height 40 to 70 feet, spread 10 to 20 feet

Annual Growth: Grow 12 to 24 inches per year.

Bark: Red-brown in color, exfoliating in long, fibrous strips,

weathers to ashy gray.

Foliage: Leaves obtuse, dark green, mostly oppressed and scale like
fine texture.

Flowers: Non

Time of Flowing: Non

Fruit: Female cones to 1.5 inches across, globose, scaly, woody,

maturing in 2 years. Non edible.

Roots: Fibrous roots branch out relatively evenly through the soil,
creating a matting network in the top layer of soil. For trees,
the roots can go down several feet.

Site: Full sun

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.

Characteristics: Erect and stiff, upright, formal. Some have recognized that
this species broadly assumes two growth habits, fastigiated
or horizontal, and have assigned sub specific taxonomic
ranks on that basis.

53. Cycas circinalis (Queen Sago, Sago Palm)

Distribution: The Sago Palm is- While various species of Cycads can
be found throughout the world, the subtropical Sago
Palm is native to the Far East

Habit: The growth habit of displays an upright trunk with a

diameter from 1" to 12" depending on age, topped
with stiff feather-like leaves growing in a circular

Height 15-20 ft. Spread 8-10 ft. trunk 18 inches in
Annual Growth:
1" (3 cm) of height and trunk diameter per year.
Palm-like, covered in leaf scars or petiole bases.
Continuously adding foliage produces a periodic
"flush" of new leaves, called a "break". Offsets begin to
grow at the base of the Sago plant, and occasionally
in the crown.
Time of Flowing:
It usually only happens every second or third year,
otherwise, they produce a new set of spring leaves, as
Very toxic. Non edible.
Very strong and fully spread root in both direction
usually root are hardly covered.
Full Sun, Light Shade, Full Shade
No special requirements but It grows best in sandy,
well-drained soil, preferably with some organic matter
long, very sharply-pointed, feather leaves, rosette leaf
Characteristics: arrangement, trunk less than 6 feet tall

53. Cycas circinalis (Queen Sago, Sago Palm)

Distribution: The Sago Palm is- While various species of Cycads can
be found throughout the world, the subtropical Sago
Palm is native to the Far East

Habit: The growth habit of displays an upright trunk with a

diameter from 1" to 12" depending on age, topped
with stiff feather-like leaves growing in a circular

Size: Height 15-20 ft. Spread 8-10 ft.trunk 18 inches in


Annual Growth: 1" (3 cm) of height and trunk diameter per year.

Bark: Palm-like, covered in leaf scars or petiole bases.

Foliage: Continuously adding foliage produces a periodic

"flush" of new leaves, called a "break". Offsets begin to
grow at the base of the Sago plant, and occasionally
in the crown.

Flowers: Yes

Time of Flowing: It usually only happens every second or third year,

otherwise, they produce a new set of spring leaves, as

Fruit: Very toxic. Non edible.

Roots: Very strong and fully spread root in both direction

usually root are hardly covered.

Site: Full Sun, Light Shade, Full Shade

Soil: No special requirements but It grows best in sandy,

well-drained soil, preferably with some organic matter
long, very sharply-pointed, feather leaves, rosette leaf
arrangement, trunk less than 6 feet tall

50. Crataeva religiosa (burna tree)

Distribution: It is native to Japan, Australia, much of Southeast Asia and

several South Pacific islands.

Habit: A mediocre (dense) tree. With visible spread branches. And

feel very delicate and light.

Size: 6-15 m tall and 5-10 m spread.

Annual Growth: It requires a precipitation zone of 500 to 800 mm/yr.

Bark: Bark is grey, the wood yellowish-white, turning light brown

when old.

Foliage: Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter interest.

This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant to deer.

Flowers: The tree is sometimes called the spider tree because the
showy flowers bear long.

Time of Flowing: Spring(February-March)

Fruit: The fruit of the tree is edible and high in vitamin C.

Roots: Root system of tree is quite scattered and is spreading

horizontally and has plenty of root hair.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Occurs in CYP in the Iron Range and McIlwraith Range

areas. Grows near watercourses in rain forest and gallery

Characteristics: It is a sacred plant and the leaves, bark and root are used in
medicine as poultices or used in tanning.

51. Crescentia cujete (calabash tree)

Distribution: The Calabash Tree is species of flowering plant that is

native to Central and South America. It is the national tree of
St. Lucia.

Habit: Slow growing tree with many braches. Leafs Attached with
branches. Give a sticky feel. Greenish Yearly.

Size: Height: 20 to 30 feet. Spread: 25 to 30 feet.

Annual Growth: 12 to 36 Inches per Year.

Bark: Gray, Rough.

Foliage: Deciduous Shiny/Glossy-Textured Provides winter interest.

This plant is fire-retardant. This plant is resistant to deer.

Flowers: Flower color: green; yellow, Flower characteristics: showy,

unpleasant fragrance.

Time of Flowing: Year round flowering

Fruit: The fruit, called Jcara, Bule, Tecomate oval; round 3 to 6

inches fleshy, green, does not attract wildlife

Roots: Not well spread. Has a smooth roots as a unit.

Site: Full sun

Soil: Clay, loam, sand, acidic, alkaline, well-drained

Characteristics: Irregular crown composed of long, spreading branches

clothed in two to six-inch-long bright green leaves, which
create moderate shade beneath the tree.

52. Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean cypress)

Distribution: In natural habitats this cypress occurs in Mediterranean

climates with dry and hot summers and rainy winters, or in
semiarid climates in the eastern and interior areas of its

Habit: A tree that is well adapted to semi-arid conditions. it needs

irrigation for establishment. Survives in precipitation zones
of 300 to 350 mm/yr. It can stand frost and snow.

Size: height 40 to 70 feet, spread 10 to 20 feet

Annual Growth: Grow 12 to 24 inches per year.

Bark: Red-brown in color, exfoliating in long, fibrous strips,

weathers to ashy gray.

Foliage: Leaves obtuse, dark green, mostly oppressed and scale like
fine texture.

Flowers: Non

Time of Flowing: Non

Fruit: Female cones to 1.5 inches across, globose, scaly, woody,

maturing in 2 years. Non edible.

Roots: Fibrous roots branch out relatively evenly through the soil,
creating a matting network in the top layer of soil. For trees,
the roots can go down several feet.

Site: Full sun

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.

Characteristics: Erect and stiff, upright, formal. Some have recognized that
this species broadly assumes two growth habits, fastigiated
or horizontal, and have assigned sub specific taxonomic
ranks on that basis.

53. Cycas circinalis (Queen Sago, Sago Palm)

Distribution: The Sago Palm is- While various species of Cycads can
be found throughout the world, the subtropical Sago
Palm is native to the Far East

Habit: The growth habit of displays an upright trunk with a

diameter from 1" to 12" depending on age, topped
with stiff feather-like leaves growing in a circular

Size: Height 15-20 ft. Spread 8-10 ft.trunk 18 inches in


Annual Growth: 1" (3 cm) of height and trunk diameter per year.

Bark: Palm-like, covered in leaf scars or petiole bases.

Foliage: Continuously adding foliage produces a periodic

"flush" of new leaves, called a "break". Offsets begin to
grow at the base of the Sago plant, and occasionally
in the crown.

Flowers: Yes

Time of Flowing: It usually only happens every second or third year,

otherwise, they produce a new set of spring leaves, as

Fruit: Very toxic. Non edible.

Roots: Very strong and fully spread root in both direction

usually root are hardly covered.

Site: Full Sun, Light Shade, Full Shade

Soil: No special requirements but It grows best in sandy,

well-drained soil, preferably with some organic matter
long, very sharply-pointed, feather leaves, rosette leaf
arrangement, trunk less than 6 feet tall

55. Dalbergia sissoo (shisham)

Distribution: The tree is native to the subcontinent along a sub-

Himalayan tract. It is common along rivers banks and
streams. It is successfully planted in many areas of
Pakistan, India and other parts of the world.

Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches. Its a
well dense tree.

Size: 20 to 30 ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.

Annual Growth: In irrigated plantations growth of llm in height and 20 cm

diameter have been recorded during a 15 year period.

Bark: The bark is gray and furrowed longitudinally. On older tree

bark may peel down. Sapwood white to pale brown

Foliage: A medium size to large, deciduous tree, 30 m in height. The

branches are spreading and diameters of 3 m have been
recorded. The trunk is usually crooked. The leaves are
compound with 3 to 5 leaflets on an 8 cm stalk.

Flowers: The flowers occur in qroups and are small. The flowers are
dull white to yellowish white to pinkish

Time of Flowing: March and May

Fruit: The pods ripen from June to February. There are usually 1
to 4 seeds per pod.

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally spreading

with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun

Soil: Does best on sandy soil to drained sandy can tolerate saline

Characteristics: Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi. Young
trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

56. Delonix elata ( Flame Tree, Gold Mohar)

Distribution: Found wild in Abyssinia, Arabia and probably in Porebunder

State of India. Cultivated in many parts of West Pakistan

Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches. Its a
well dense tree.

Size: 6-10 m tall. 7 to12 m Spread.

Annual Growth: 5 feet per year.

Bark: Ash-colored.

Foliage: A spreading rather rounded crown, crooked poor stem form

and drooping branches.

Flowers: Caesalpiniaceous, up to 5 inches wide, with 5 red or yellow

petals, standard of red splashed with burgundy spots,
arranged on racemes up to 10 inches long

Time of Flowing: Spring and Summer.

Fruit: Pods, long, hard, flat, slightly curved, dehiscent, to 26

inches long, 2 1/4 inches wide

Roots: Aggressive roots spreading. But weak enough to survive


Site: Full Sun.

Soil: It can tolerate sandy, loamy, clay, acidic and alkaline soils.

Characteristics: Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi. Young
trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

55. Dalbergia sissoo (shisham)

Distribution: The tree is native to the subcontinent along a sub-

Himalayan tract. It is common along rivers banks and
streams. It is successfully planted in many areas of
Pakistan, India and other parts of the world.
Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches.
Its a well dense tree.
20 to 30 ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.
Annual Growth:
In irrigated plantations growth of llm in height and 20
cm diameter have been recorded during a 15 year
The bark is gray and furrowed longitudinally. On older
tree bark may peel down. Sapwood white to pale
Foliage: brown

A medium size to large, deciduous tree, 30 m in height.

The branches are spreading and diameters of 3 m
have been recorded. The trunk is usually crooked. The
Flowers: leaves are compound with 3 to 5 leaflets on an 8 cm
Time of Flowing: The flowers occur in qroups and are small. The flowers
are dull white to yellowish white to pinkish
March and May
The pods ripen from June to February. There are usually
1 to 4 seeds per pod.
Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally
Soil: spreading with many fibrous roots.

Does best on sandy soil to drained sandy can tolerate
saline soil.

Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi.
Young trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

55. Dalbergia sissoo (shisham)

Distribution: The tree is native to the subcontinent along a sub-

Himalayan tract. It is common along rivers banks and
streams. It is successfully planted in many areas of
Pakistan, India and other parts of the world.

Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches. Its a
well dense tree.

Size: 20 to 30 ft in height and 15 to 22 ft spread.

Annual Growth: In irrigated plantations growth of llm in height and 20 cm

diameter have been recorded during a 15 year period.

Bark: The bark is gray and furrowed longitudinally. On older tree

bark may peel down. Sapwood white to pale brown

Foliage: A medium size to large, deciduous tree, 30 m in height. The

branches are spreading and diameters of 3 m have been
recorded. The trunk is usually crooked. The leaves are
compound with 3 to 5 leaflets on an 8 cm stalk.

Flowers: The flowers occur in qroups and are small. The flowers are
dull white to yellowish white to pinkish

Time of Flowing: March and May

Fruit: The pods ripen from June to February. There are usually 1
to 4 seeds per pod.

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally spreading

with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun

Soil: Does best on sandy soil to drained sandy can tolerate saline

Characteristics: Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi. Young
trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

56. Delonix elata ( Flame Tree, Gold Mohar)

Distribution: Found wild in Abyssinia, Arabia and probably in

Porebunder State of India. Cultivated in many parts of
West Pakistan

Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches.
Its a well dense tree.

Size: 6-10 m tall. 7 to12 m Spread.

Annual Growth:
5 feet per year.
A spreading rather rounded crown, crooked poor stem
form and drooping branches.
Caesalpiniaceous, up to 5 inches wide, with 5 red or
yellow petals, standard of red splashed with burgundy
spots, arranged on racemes up to 10 inches long
Time of Flowing:
Spring and Summer.
Pods, long, hard, flat, slightly curved, dehiscent, to 26
inches long, 2 1/4 inches wide
Aggressive roots spreading. But weak enough to
Site: survive storms.

Soil: Full Sun.

It can tolerate sandy, loamy, clay, acidic and alkaline
Characteristics: soils.

Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi.
Young trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

56. Delonix elata ( Flame Tree, Gold Mohar)

Distribution: Found wild in Abyssinia, Arabia and probably in Porebunder

State of India. Cultivated in many parts of West Pakistan

Habit: A large tree with heavy trunk and crown, although its
irregular but round in shape. Make colony of branches. Its a
well dense tree.

Size: 6-10 m tall. 7 to12 m Spread.

Annual Growth: 5 feet per year.

Bark: Ash-colored.

Foliage: A spreading rather rounded crown, crooked poor stem form

and drooping branches.

Flowers: Caesalpiniaceous, up to 5 inches wide, with 5 red or yellow

petals, standard of red splashed with burgundy spots,
arranged on racemes up to 10 inches long

Time of Flowing: Spring and Summer.

Fruit: Pods, long, hard, flat, slightly curved, dehiscent, to 26

inches long, 2 1/4 inches wide

Roots: Aggressive roots spreading. But weak enough to survive


Site: Full Sun.

Soil: It can tolerate sandy, loamy, clay, acidic and alkaline soils.

Characteristics: Intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated

plantations and attacks by a number of leaf fungi. Young
trees are heavily grazed and browsed.

Eucalyptus calophylla, Gregory gum

Distribution: Bloodwood native to western Australia

Habit: Red gum effusion found on trunks.

Size: 160 ft height

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark: Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,

bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Foliage: Having very large buds and fruit.

Flowers: White to pink instead of red

Time of Flowing: The fruits or gumnuts form later and can remain on the
tree for a year or more.

The large nuts produced carry large seeds which are
an important food source for native bird species such
as cockatoos.
Sun / Partial shade
No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils.
The tree, or rarely mallee, typically grows to a height of
40 metres (131 ft) but can reach as a high as 60 metres
(197 ft).[3] It has rough tessellated grey-brown to red-
brown bark that extends over the length of the trunk
and branches. Adult leaves are disjunct, glossy, green,
thick and concolorous with a broad lanceolate to
ovate shape that is basally tapered or basally

Eucalyptus citrodora, demon scarted gum

Distribution: Tropical north eastern Australia.

Habit: Usually found in heavy soils, but also succeeding on

deep sandy loams in coastal regions

Size: 35meters in height

Annual Growth: 6 months season

Smooth, pale, uniform or slightly mottled bark, white to

Bark: coppery in summer

Conspicuously narrow leaved crown which smells

Foliage: strongly of lemons

The flowers are hermaphrodite

Early winter, Late winter, Mid winter.
Time of Flowing:
light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils
Sun / Partial shade
slightly acid loamy soil
Eucalyptus citriodora is an evergreen Tree growing to
Characteristics: 45 m (147ft 8in) at a fast rate.
It is hardy to zone (UK) 10. It is in leaf 12-Jan It is in flower
from Jul to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite
(have both male and female organs) and are
pollinated by Bees.Suitable for: light (sandy), medium
(loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil
and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. Suitable pH:
acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow
in the shade. It prefers dry moist or wet soil and can
tolerate drought.

Eugenia uniflora,

Distribution: Ranging from Suriname, French Guiana to Southern

Habit: This tree is relatively pest resistant,Easy to grow and igh

in anti-oxidants. It is a small tree or a large shrub
Size: 8 meters hight

Annual Growth: Several crops of fruit are produced each year. Flowers
or fruit can be on the tree throughout the year in
tropical locations

Branches often develop close to the ground.

Eugenia uniflora, the Brazilian Cherry is a small
Foliage: tree/large bush with an oval, vase form growing to 7m

Flowers are small and white and the fruit is lobed and
Flowers: red with a single large seed inside.

Several crops of fruit are produced each year. Flowers

Time of Flowing: or fruit can be on the tree throughout the year in
tropical locations. Trees start to produce fruit after
about 3-4 years.

. The fruit are very tasty and high in vitamin C. The ripe
fruit is eaten raw. It can be cooked or used for jams
and other products.
Branches often develop close to the ground. The
branches are thin and wiry
There are about 550 Eugenia species located mostly in
tropical and subtropical South America.

Site: Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy

(clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH:
acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid and
Soil: saline soils.

A highly medically used tree


FICUSAMSTELQUEEN: Distribution Ficusbinnendijkii'Alii'isaverylargeevergreentree

Habit Ficusbinnendijkii'AmstelQueen'growsupright,

Size heightof2 3m.Narrowleaffigneedstobe

Annualgrowth Mediumgrowth.
Bark muchlonger&widerleafthattheAliiw/rednew
Foilage evergreen,verylargefoliagetree.
Flowers Insignificant,Yellow,Green.
TimeofFlowing Thesimpledarkgreenleavesareglossyand
Fruits Theinconspicuousflowersbloominspringandare
Roots EarlySpring,Spring,LateSpring,EarlySummer.
Site Container,Hedges,Houseplant,ShadeTrees,Street
Soil partialshadefullsunSoil.Loam,Sand.
Characteristics AmstelQueen:Invariousforms,thisisan

FICUSHISPIDA: Distribution Smalltree,foundintheouterHimalayan

Habit Openplacesalongthebaseoffoothillsat

Size Hairyfigisashruborsmalltreewitha

Annualgrowth Veryfast.
Bark Afibreobtainedfromtheinnerbarkisused
Foilage Notastranglingfig.Barkexudatepale
Flowers Thetreesproducethreetypesofflower;

TimeofFlowing Latexcreamywhite,profuse.
Fruits RaworcookedUnripegreenfruitsare
Roots Rootshows510layersofcorkconsisting
Site Inalluvialsitesandalongriversand
Soil mixedandregrowthswampforestsupto
Characteristics FicushispidaLinncontainslargevarietyof
FICUSINFECTORIA: Distribution FicusInfectoriaisaplantofthegenusFicus
Habit Ficusinfectoriaalargespreadingtree,

Size 1012Mtr.
Annualgrowth FastGrowth.
Bark extract of the bark of ficus infectoria is
Foilage InAprilitiscoveredwithdelicatelytinted
Flowers Alargespreadingevergreentreelow
Fruits fruitsinaxillarypairs,usuallysessile,sub

Roots Thisbonsaiisactually3or4rootfused
Site Oneofthemostfamousspecimensofthis
Soil Seedgrownandkeptclosetogetherthese
Characteristics Formulationspreparedfrombotreeshould

GUAIACUMOFFICINALE(LIGNUM Distribution LesserAntilles,PuertoRico,

VITAE): Barbados,VirginIslandsand
Habit Aslowgrowingspeciesoflowland

Size Guaiacumofficinalegrowstoa
Annualgrowth Hardytoaround32F.Seemsto
Bark Theleavesandthebarksare
Foilage Itcontainsfivespeciesofslow
Flowers Beautifulblueflowersgrowin
TimeofFlowing Growsfineinfullsun.Water
Fruits Thefruitappearsassmall,round,
Roots Byseeds.Seedsgerminatevery
Site nativetosubtropicalandtropical
Soil Theblueflowershavefivepetals
Characteristics Aslowgrowingandsmalltree,

GREVILLAEROBUSTA Distribution China,Eritrea,Ethiopia,India,
Habit crownconical,dense,with

Size Grevillearobustaisadeciduous
Annualgrowth Toomuchfast.
Bark Leavesalternate,fernlike,

Foilage theflowershavenopetals,
Flowers Flowersshowy,yellowish,
TimeofFlowing Theseedsmatureinlatewinterto
Fruits Fruitspodlike,broad,slightly
Roots ovarysuperior,1locularwith2
Site Italsooccursonclayloamand
Soil Establisheswellinriverine
Characteristics Itisafastgrowingevergreentree,

GUSTAVIAAUGUSTA Distribution AmericanorthernBrazil,Bolivia,
Habit Amediumsizedtreewitha

Size Gustaviaaugustaisanevergreen
Annualgrowth Easyandfast.
Bark NativetoSouthAmerica,Majestic
Foilage Evergreen,LeatheryTextured.
Flowers Thetreecangrowreallytall,but
TimeofFlowing Initsnativelocation,thepulpis
Fruits Fruitisellipsoidorspherical,

Roots clusterofleavesatthetopofthe
Site LeavesareverylargeTheleavesin
Soil Anunderstoreytreeinthe

Characteristics Thisplantisattractivetobees,

GLIRICIDIAOFFICINALE Distribution G.officinaleisnativetotropical
Habit Ithascompositeleavesthatcanbe

Size Gliricidiaofficinaleisamedium
Annualgrowth G.sepiumisafastgrowingruderal
Bark Thebarkissmooth,anditscolor
Foilage G.officinaleisusedascutand
Flowers Theflowersarelocatedontheend
TimeofFlowing Winterandsummerboth.
Fruits Thetree'sfruitisapodabout10to
Roots Theyfixnitrogeninthesoiland
Site Thetreeisfoundonvolcanicsoils
Soil Thetreegrowswellinacidicsoils
Characteristics itseemstobetoxictonon

Ficus Amstel King, Ficus Alii

Distribution: Amstel King Tree or The Ficus Alii Tree as it is sometimes

called is a large houseplant that originally came from
Asia, Malaysia, and India. The Ficus Alii tree was first
grown commercially in Hawaii where it got the
Hawaiian name Alii which means king.

Habit: Ficus Alii plant leaves are medium green, long (3-10),
narrow, willow-like, and thick. New growth on a Ficus
Alii Tree is a pretty reddish bronze color until the leaves
mature to a natural green color.

Size: 8-10 ft. in height and 6-8 ft. spread

Annual Growth: 13 to 24 inches

Mostly silver or gray color, smooth, potentially thick.
This Ficus variety has long, banana-shaped leaves. The
large, leathery, fast- growing foliage has a lush tropical
Ficus Alii produce Insignificant flowers that should be
removed as soon as they appear.
Time of Flowing:
Small round and green nuts. Non edible.Ficus Alii
produce fruit that should be removed as soon as they
partial sun
moist soil.
Ficus leaves do accumulate dust. Wipe leaves
regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust.These
plants are considered poisonous and should be kept
away from pets and children.
The sap of Ficus Alli contains latex that can cause skin
irritations. Always wear gloves when pruning Ficus Alli.

FICUSAMSTELQUEEN: Distribution Ficusbinnendijkii'Alii'isaverylargeevergreentree

Habit Ficusbinnendijkii'AmstelQueen'growsupright,

Size heightof23m.Narrowleaffigneedstobe

Annualgrowth Mediumgrowth.
Bark muchlonger&widerleafthattheAliiw/rednew

Foilage evergreen,verylargefoliagetree.
Flowers Insignificant,Yellow,Green.
TimeofFlowing Thesimpledarkgreenleavesareglossyand
Fruits Theinconspicuousflowersbloominspringandare
Roots EarlySpring,Spring,LateSpring,EarlySummer.
Site Container,Hedges,Houseplant,ShadeTrees,Street
Soil partialshadefullsunSoil.Loam,Sand.
Characteristics AmstelQueen:Invariousforms,thisisan

Ficus bengalensis
Distribution: Native to indian subcontinent

Its specimens in India are among the largerst in the

Habit: world by canopy coverge

Size: 50- 60 ft height

Annual Growth: 12 months

Bark: Ficus benghalensis, commonly known as

the banyan, banyan fig and Indian banyan,[2] is a tree
native to the Indian Subcontinent.

Foliage: This tree is also the largest, known specimen of tree in

the world in terms of the length of its perimeter, which
measures 846 m (2,776 ft).

Flowers: no flowers

Time of Flowing: once in a year

Fruit: The figs produced by the tree are eaten by birds such
as the Indian myna. Fig seeds that pass through the
digestive system of birds are more likely to germinate
and sprout earlier

Roots: Ficus benghalensis produces propagating roots which

grow downwards as aerial roots. Once these roots
reach the ground they grow into woody trunks.

Site: India

Average soil conditions


National tree of India The tree is considered sacred in
India,[5] and temples are often built beneath. Due to
the large size of the tree's canopy it provides useful
shade in hot climates.

Latin name Ficus benjamina 'Golden King'

Botanical Name Weeping Fig
family Moraceae

Special features Houseplant

Position Partial Sun
Growth height max 1.5 m - 2 m.
Hardiness Non Hardy
Evergreen Bladhoudend
Leaf Color Yellow, Multi / striped
Habitat Normal soil

Hawaiian ficus, weeping fig

Distribution: south and southeast Asia and Australia

Habit: Large tree with round dense crown, when grown on

open site becomes spreading and densely branching.

Size: 30 metres (98 ft) tall

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark: Cream color smooth bark

Foliage: Deciduous, Autumn color is golden-yellow, often with

red blotches.

Flowers: Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing

before leafing-out.

Time of Flowing: Autumn

Fruit: Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

brown. Non edible.

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils

slightly acid to alkaline.

Characteristics: Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to

dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
to urban sites.


Other common namesBenjamin fig 'Starlight'

GenusFicus can be evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs or climbers, with often leathery, simple, entire or lobed
leaves and tiny flowers borne within a hollow receptacle which enlarges to form the fruit
Details'Starlight' is a large evergreen shrub with slender-pointed, ovate leaves broadly margined with creamy-
type: Tree

Origins: Tropical Asia

Light: Sun / Shade
Wind: Wind Tolerant
Growth: Fast
Frost: Tender
Evergreen: Yes
Native: No
Height: 15m
Width: 15m
Time to ultimate height10-20 years

Ficus benjamina variegated, Variegated Weeping Fig

Distribution: The Ficus Benjamina or as it's more commonly known,

the Weeping Fig, is a common indoor houseplant
which comes in multiple different looks and styles. For
example it can be grown as a tall bushy indoor plant,
as a tall indoor tree with leafless braided trunks

Simple, Glossy Attractive green leaves with irregular

Habit: white margins

24.4 m in height and 30.5 m spread

very fast
Annual Growth:
it can be grown as a tall bushy indoor plant, as a tall
Bark: indoor tree with leafless braided trunks or even as a
short pot plant.

105 ft

Aside from the height and physical appearance of this

houseplant, the only other differing quality is the leaf
colours. The all green variety, F. benjamina is perhaps
the most common and easiest to grow


no fruit
Time of Flowing:
tall indoor tree with leafless braided trunks or even as a
short pot plant.

Planted in warm frost-free climates

acidic soil

Site: suitable only for large gardens or parks



Ficus Benjamina, Weeping fig

Distribution: naturalized in the west indies and in the states of

Florida and Arizona in the US

Habit: it is a specie of flowering plant

Size: 30 m (98 ft)

all seasons
Annual Growth:
Gracefully dropping branches and glossy leaves (oval)
50 ft 90 ft
shiny green, variegated and there's other culitvars.
throughout the year but, At the end of summer your
Time of Flowing: likely to see some leaves falling which is normal

Its small fruit are favored by some birds

The branches and leaves arch over and the flexible

trunk can grow in a twisted form, similar to a banyan
tree and with more than one trunk from the roots.
temperate areas, due to its elegant growth and
tolerance of poor growing conditions
A fast draining soil-less mix is advised.

Does not like being disturbed



Family: Moraceae (mor-AY-see-ee) (Info)

Genus: Ficus (FY-kus) (Info)

Species: elastica (ee-LASS-tih-kuh) (Info)

Synonym: Ficus decora

Tropicals and Tender Perennials
Foliage Color:
Bloom Characteristics:
Unknown - Tell us
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater
Where to Grow:
This plant is suitable for growing indoors
30-40 ft. (9-12 m)
over 40 ft. (12 m)
9-12 in. (22-30 cm)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 C (30 F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 C (35 F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 C (40 F)
Sun Exposure:
Light Shade
Partial to Full Shade
Full Shade
Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested
Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction
Bloom Color:
Bloom Time:

Grown for foliage
This plant is resistant to deer
Other details:
Unknown - Tell us
Soil pH requirements:
5.1 to 5.5 (strongly acidic)
5.6 to 6.0 (acidic)
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
Patent Information:
Propagation Methods:
From hardwood cuttings
Seed Collecting:
Unknown - Tell us
This plant has been said to grow in the following regions:
, Florida
New York
New Caney, Texas

Ficus decora

Distribution: America

Habit: Tropical and Tender Perennials

Size: 30-40 ft. (9-12 m) over 40 ft. (12 m)

Annual Growth: medium

Bark: Light brown branches, bark is brown-black with vertical


Foliage: Burgundy

Flowers: inconspicuous

Time of Flowing: Autumn

Fruit: Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

brown. Non edible.

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Moist, well-drained soil.

Characteristics: Quite cold tolerant.Parts of plant are poisonous if

Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic



A spectacular indoor pot plant or outdoor canopy tree. Thick glossy leathery leaves which range from burgundy red to
almost black. Cutting the tops off will cause side branching which easily enables a staggered bushy look when grown as an
indoor specimen.
Synonyms (AKA): Rubber Plant

Typical height: 2m (in pot), 20m+ (in ground)

Climate: Quite cold tolerant. Grows well in most parts of Australia.
Growth habit: Wide spreading canopy
Growing conditions: Moist well drained soil.
Plant Growth Form :
Description & Ethnobotany
Ethnobotanical Uses :
Landscaping Features
Landscape Uses :
Roadside Tree / Palm, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant
Plant Care & Propagation
Light Preference :
Full Sun
Water Preference :
Moderate Water
Mature Foliage Colour(s) :
Green, Purple
Leaf Area Index (LAI) * for Green Plot Ratio :
3.0 (Tree - Intermediate Canopy)


Distribution: Southeast Asia

Habit: A spectacular indoor pot plant or outdoor canopy

tree. Thick glossy leathery leaves which range from
burgundy red to almost black. Cutting the tops off will
cause side branching which easily enables a
staggered bushy look when grown as an indoor

Size: 20m+ in height

Annual Growth: around 1 m

Bark: Light brown branches, bark is brown-black with vertical


Foliage: Mature Foliage Color: Green, Purple

Flowers: Golden-yellow upright, terminal corymbs appearing

before leafing-out.

Time of Flowing: Autumn

Fruit: Winged fruit held at obtuse angles to nearly horizontal

brown. Non edible.

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Moist, well-drained soil.

Characteristics: Quite cold tolerant.

Ficus lyrata, Fiddle-leaf fig

FICUSHISPIDA: Distribution
Distributi FicusInfectoriaisa
on plantofthegenusFicus
Habit NorthernAustralia
Habit foothillsatelevationsof500

Size Hairyfigisashruborsmalltree
Size 1012Mtr.
Annual FastGrowth.

Annual Veryfast.
Bark extract of the bark of
growth ficus infectoria is
Bark Afibreobtainedfromtheinner

Foilage InAprilitiscovered
Foilage coppercoloured
Flowers Thetreesproducethreetypesof
Timeof Latexcreamywhite,profuse.
Fruits RaworcookedUnripegreen
Fruits fruitsarecookedasavegetable
Roots Rootshows510layersofcork
Roots consistingofthinwalled,
Site Inalluvialsitesandalongrivers
Soil mixedandregrowthswamp
Site Oneofthemost
Characte FicushispidaLinncontainslarge
ristics varietyofproductsbioactive

Soil glycosides,saponinsand
FICUSINFECTORIA: Distributi FicusInfectoriaisaplantofthe
on genusFicusfoundinIndia,

Distribution: Native to tropical Africa

Habit: Large tree with moderately dense crown and

irregular/asymmetrical in shape.

Size: Height: 25 - 40 feet. Width: 25 - 35 feet

Annual Growth: 12 to 36 Inches per Year

Bark: It has a gray to reddish bark dotted with small,

horizontal flecks, called lenticels, and are used by
woody plant species for supplementary gas exchange
through the bark

Foliage: Has Evergreen foliage.

Flowers: Inconspicuous and not showy

Time of Flowing: Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer

Fruit: Green Multiple Fruit Drupelets, green in color, fruiting in

Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer.does not attract wildlife.

Roots: shallow root system

Site: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Soil: Wet but Well Drained Soil.

Characteristics: An evergreen tree of upright-spreading, irregular

growth, Fiddle leaf Fig produces dull green, and thick,
fiddle-shaped leaves which are quite attractive. The
trunk can grow to several feet thick. Larger ones
sometimes break apart in strong winds due to tight
branch crotches and embedded bark. Corrective
pruning early in the life of the tree can help prevent this
from occurring. Plant them in a place protected from
the wind, such as a courtyard to increase longevity in
the landscape.
fruit, twigs, or foliage cause significant litter

Ficus nitida, Indian Laure

Distribution: native to India and Malaysia

Habit: Soft-wooded evergreen, perennial tree. Width

generally greater than height especially for mature

Size: 20-25 feet tall and 35-40 feet wide

Annual Growth: 12-24 Inches per Year

Light Gray, Smooth.

Fast growing dense evergreen foliage.
Small, auxiliary, inconspicuous.
Time of Flowing:
Small yellowish green rounded nut. Non edible
Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally
Roots: spreading with many fibrous roots spreading beyond
their big crowns and growing out from the trunk
along the soil's surface.Indian laurels can break
sidewalks and burrow under foundations.

Full Sun to Partial Shade.

Moist soil
Potentially massive tree with a dense rounded
Characteristics: canopy, spreading with age, heavy looking,
powerful, formal.It is native to the tropics and grows
best in warm, humid climates.
You might need to dig in a root barrier to contain
the aggressive roots.

Ficus religiosa , Peepul tree

Distribution: Native to India to Southeastern Asia.

Habit: Large tree with round dense crown, when grown on

open site becomes spreading and densely branching.

Size: Height: 60 - 100 feet. Width: 60 - 100 feet.

Annual Growth: Growth Rate: 24 Inches

Bark: Bark Dark Brown or Light Green, Smooth.

Foliage: Oval or Rounded Shaped Deciduous foliage.

Leaves Round, Light Green, Deciduous.

Flowers: Flowers Inconspicuous. . Have separate male and

female flowers on the same tree (monoecious).

Time of Flowing: Spring

Fruit: Purple Multiple Fruit Drupelets, Small (0.25 - 0.50 inches).

non edible

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: Moist Soil. Loam or Sand Texture. Neutral to Highly

Alkaline Soil pH. Salinity Tolerance is Moderate Inland.

Characteristics: Erect or Spreading and requires ample growing space.

Shading Capacity Rated as Moderate in Leaf.
Shading Capacity Rated as Moderately Low out of
Litter Issue is Wet Fruit.

Ficus retusa,Cubian lauren

Distribution: Native to Southeastern Asia.

Habit: Dense crown, round or vase spreading in shape. The

glossy, dark green, leathery leaves are densely clothed
on large, somewhat weeping branches. The smooth,
light grey trunk is quite striking, can grow to three or
four feet in diameter, and it firmly supports the
massively spreading canopy.

Size: Height 50 - 60 ft., 40 - 60 ft. wide spread.

Annual Growth: 24 or More Inches per Year.

Bark: Bark Gray, Rough or Smooth.

Foliage: Evergreen foliage.

Flowers: Inconspicuous.

Fruit: Red Multiple Fruit Drupelets

Roots: Can form large surface roots

Site: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Soil: Well Drained Soil.

Characteristics: This rapidly-growing, rounded, broad-headed,

evergreen tree can reach 50 feet or more in height
with an equal spread .Heat tolerant to dry conditions,
wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant to urban sites.

Ficus religiosa

General Notes
Leaf fall is in spring. This tree is sacred and historically significant to followers of Buddhism and Hinduism.
Native to India to Southeastern Asia.
Family: Moraceae
Additional Common Names
Tree Characteristics
Erect or Spreading and requires ample growing space.
Oval or Rounded Shape.
Has Deciduous foliage.
Height: 60 - 100 feet.
Width: 60 - 100 feet.

Growth Rate: 24 Inches per Year.

Longevity 40 to 150 years.
Leaves Round, Light Green, Deciduous.
Flowers Inconspicuous. . Has separate male and female flowers on the same tree (monoecious).
Purple Multiple Fruit Drupelets, Small (0.25 - 0.50 inches).
Bark Dark Brown or Light Green, Smooth.
Shading Capacity Rated as Moderate in Leaf.
Shading Capacity Rated as Moderately Low out of Leaf.
Litter Issue is Wet Fruit.
Tree Site Conditions & Constraints
Sunset Zones 13, 19, 21 and 23 - 24.
USDA Hardiness Zones 10 - 12.
Exposure Full Sun to Partial Shade.
Moist Soil.
Loam or Sand Texture.
Neutral to Highly Alkaline Soil pH.
Salinity Tolerance is Moderate Inland.
Seaside Tolerance is Good in South Coast.
Pests & Disease Information
Susceptible to Scales.
Health, Safety & Environmental Concerns
Branch Strength Rated as Medium Weak
Root Damage Potential Rated as Moderate.
Irritant Health Hazard.

Ficus Triangularis variegata , Sweetheart Tree Variegated

Distribution: Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants)origin in


Habit: grows best in Tropical climatic zones, Perennial.

Size: A small sized tree or shrub grows up to 3 m tall under

Annual Growth: Tree (Shrubby) 1m-5m

Bark: smooth and creamy texture. grey in color

Foliage: Evergreen. The triangular leaf has irregular yellowish-

white edges, with shades of green sections in the
Flowers: Not showy, inconspicuous

Time of Flowing:
It produces round yellow figs that are eaten by birds
Shallow root system. The plant do not like overly wet
Roots: roots

Sun/ partial sun

Well-Drained Soils
Ficus trees can maintain their tree-like shape regardless
Characteristics: of their size, so this makes them ideal for bonsais or for
massive houseplants in large spaces.

Ficus triangularis, Triangle fig

Distribution: native to Southeast Asia

Habit: This member of the ficus family is most commonly

found as a standard tree or a bush type. It has thick
dark green, shiny rounded triangle-shaped leaves on
woody branches.

Size: 8 ft. in height and 4 ft. spread.

Annual Growth: slow

Bark: Silver to grey in color. smooth and creamy

Foliage: moderately dense

Flowers: They often flower (which, with a fig, looks like the fruit)

Time of Flowing: All year

Fruit: It produces round yellow figs that are eaten by birds

Roots: Shallow root system

Site: Full/partial sun. Bright light is essential or the ficus will

drop its leaves by hundreds

Soil: Well-Drained Soils

Characteristics: Unable to endure winter temperatures below 35

degrees Fahrenheit. Commonly grown in containers
indoors or on patios. The Ficus triangularis is a low-
maintenance tree, requiring only occasional watering,
some fertilizer and little pruning. Ficus can be grown
outdoors in warm climate or indoors in a container for
most other climates.

GLIRICIDIAOFFICINALE Roots clusterofleavesatthetopofthe

Site LeavesareverylargeTheleavesin
Soil Anunderstoreytreeinthe

Charact Thisplantisattractivetobees,
eristics butterfliesand/orbirds.Flowers
Distribu G.officinaleisnativetotropical
tion dryforestsinMexicoandCentral

Habit Ithascompositeleavesthatcan
Size Gliricidiaofficinaleisamedium

Annual G.sepiumisafastgrowingruderal
growth speciesthattakesadvantageof
Bark Thebarkissmooth,anditscolor
Foilage G.officinaleisusedascutand
Flowers Theflowersarelocatedontheend
Timeof Winterandsummerboth.
Fruits Thetree'sfruitisapodabout10
Roots Theyfixnitrogeninthesoiland
Site Thetreeisfoundonvolcanicsoils
Soil Thetreegrowswellinacidicsoils
Charact itseemstobetoxictonon
eristics ruminants.

GREVILLAEROBUSTA Fruits Thefruitappearsassmall,round,

Roots Byseeds.Seedsgerminateveryslowly

Site nativetosubtropicalandtropical

Soil Theblueflowershavefivepetalsthat
Characteristics Aslowgrowingandsmalltree,

Distribution China,Eritrea,Ethiopia,India,
Habit crownconical,dense,withbranches

Size Grevillearobustaisadeciduous
Annualgrowth Toomuchfast.
Bark Leavesalternate,fernlike,pinnately

Foilage theflowershavenopetals,insteadthey
Flowers Flowersshowy,yellowish,numerous,
TimeofFlowing Theseedsmatureinlatewintertoearly
Fruits Fruitspodlike,broad,slightlyflattened


on PuertoRico,

Habit Aslowgrowing

Size Guaiacumofficinale
Annual Hardytoaround32F.
growth Seemstosurvive
Bark Theleaves andthe
Foilage Itcontainsfive
Flowers Beautifulblueflowers

Timeof Growsfineinfullsun.
Flowing Waterregularly.
Fruits Thefruitappearsas

GUSTAVIAAUGUSTA Fruits Fruitspodlike,broad,slightlyflattened

Roots ovarysuperior,1locularwith2ovules,

Site Italsooccursonclayloamandsand.

Soil Establisheswellinriverinehabitats,on

Chara Itisafastgrowingevergreentree,,
cterist withdarkgreendelicatelydented
ics bipinnatifidleavesreminiscentofafern
Distri AmericanorthernBrazil,Bolivia,Peru,
butio Colombia,Venezuela,andGuyanas.
Habit Amediumsizedtreewithastraight

Size Gustaviaaugustaisanevergreentree

Annu Easyandfast.
Bark NativetoSouthAmerica,Majestic

Foilag Evergreen,LeatheryTextured.
Flowe Thetreecangrowreallytall,butmay
rs bloomafterattaining5mheight.These
Time Initsnativelocation,thepulpiseaten
of roastedorboiled,mixedwithrice.The
Flowi treeisusedaswoodforconstruction
Fruits Fruitisellipsoidorspherical,depressed,

Hawaiian Ficus Tree

Ficus benjamina, weeping fig, Benjamin's fig
family Moraceae
native south and southeast Asia and Australia
light , full ,partial
full height 30 metres (98 ft) tall
moderate amount of watering in summer
cultivars available (e.g. 'Danielle', 'Naomi', 'Exotica', and 'Golden King'
Hibiscis tiliaceus,mallow family

Distribution: Found throughout the tropics in easten and noirthern

Australia,oceania Maldives,south and south-east asia.

Habit: Usually found in coastal areas and low-elevation


Size: Typically reaches 10-33ft in height, with a

crooked,tangled and sprawling form.

Annual Growth: It is rated 2.5-5ft /year in height.


Bark: Grey to light brown, smooth and slightly longitudinally

fiossured with horizontal cracks.

Foliage: 15-30 ft with white, green,dark green,light

yellow,pink,ivory(fall and winter),

Flowers: Typical of hibiscus genus,showy ,fragile and short lived

falling the same day that they open.

Time of Flowing: Throughout the year.

Fruit: Light brown,ovoid,dry capsule. It may occur

throughout the year.

Roots: Lateral root system and highly spreaded.

Full sun.

Site: Beaches, rivers and mangroves swamps.

Soil: Adapted to a wide rande of well drained to poorly

drained,acid to alkaline soils.

Characteristics: Its a species of flowering tree and growing characters

in sea, coastal, beaches.

Inga dulcis,manila tamarind

Distribution: Extends throughout the seasonally dry tropical
forest,central America and northern south America,
south ans east asia and pacific lowlands.

Habit: Habitat in the tropics and sub-tropics and grows.

Size: Reaches 33-49 ft in height.

Annual Growth: It grows fast and 10-12 ft height in 40 years .

Bark: Wounded,Thorny and reddish-brownysomewhat like

gum arabic.

Foliage: 35-45 ft.

Flowers: Flowers are greenish-white, fragrant and produce a

pod with an edible pulp.

Time of Flowing: Summers.

Fruit: Includes with edible sweet pulp that surrounds the

seeds .

Roots: On wastelands with its roots in brackish water.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Heavy,light,medium soil texture and free and

seasonally water logged drainage with acid ,alkaline
and neutral reaction.

Characteristics: Dry brushy and thinly forested, ornamental and shade

providing plant .

Jacaranda filicifolia,bignoniaceae
Distribution: Native to tropical and sub tropical of central and south
America,cuba,Nepal,south Africa, Zimbabwe and
widely in asia.

Habit: Widely grown in most and sub-topical region, valued

for intense flower displays.

Size: 66 to 98 ft in height.

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark: Smooth Greyish tan bark .

Foliage: Frilly and lacy foliage green color whole year 12-30 ft.

Flowers: Fragrant Bell-shaped and trumped shaped and at the

tips of branches, violet color.

Time of Flowing: Spring and summer

Fruit: Non showy,Non edible .

Site: Full Sun, partial sun

Soil: Isnt too moist soil, well drained.

Characteristics: Tolerates droughts, average water no sharp and

thorns, attracts humming birds.

Juniperus chinesis,chinese juniper

Distribution: Northeast asia,china,Mongolia,japan korea and
southeast of russia.

Habit: Evergreen,in form of shrubs,tree and ground

cover,dependent of cultivar.

Size: 50-60 ft tall.

Annual Growth: Slow to medium growth.

Bark: Pale brown,having ridges and furrows, peels in thin


Branchlets straight or slightly curved,red
green,glaborous,terete 4-angled 10-15 ft.

Yellow to orange-brown.

Time of Flowing:
globose,berry-like cones,pale blue when immature
turns to dark brown.
Full Sun
Suitable for sandy,loamy,clay soils and prefers well
drained and alkaline soils.
Easily grown in average medium and moisture,provides
good height when incorporated with foundation

Kigelia pinnata, sausage tree

Distribution: Found in Africa ,open woodland,from kwazulu-natal to
Tanzania also in asia.

Habit: It is marginally sub-tropical,.

Size: 45 to 50 ft in height and 60 to 65 ft spread.

Bark: Light brown trunk ,with a grey flaky bark.

Foliage: 60 ft spreaded crown slightly glossy foliage.

Flowers: Deep maroon or claret,green or yellow-veined flowers

in form of hangings.

Time of Flowing: August to November.

Fruit: Fruit pods are very fibrous with numerous hard seeds.
Edible,unusual shape greyish brown, heavily dotted
with lenticels .

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Needs moderately regular water in peat and medium


Characteristics: The gorgeous dark red flowers blomms at night and

pollunated by bats and hawk-moths,deciduous for
long dry season,birds are attracted to its flowers.

Lagerstroemia speciosa,pride of india

Distribution: Native to southern asia,india and philipines taiwan and

Habit: It is widely cultivated as arnamental plant in sub-

tropical areas with grassland and along rivers.

Size: 66 ft tall.

Bark: Smooth flaky bark.

Foliage: 55 ft spreaded crown,often fluted or sometimes


Flowers: Flowers in large, axillary or terminal panicle,often

showy,calyx funnel or bell shaped,pink or purple.

Time of Flowing: Summers.

Fruit: A large woody capsule in a persistent calyx.

Site: Full /partial Sun

Soil: Vary from well drained to occasionally flooded but not

peat soil,require fairly fertile soil.

Characteristics: Showy of flowering trees,and a good shaded

tree,commonly cultivated in gardens or along the sides
of roads.

Laurus nobilis, saratoga

Distribution: Plant is native to asia and naturalized throughout the
Mediterranean, also from canary and azores islands.

Habit: A shrub type plant has attributes to bay laurel,smaller

with a more open habit

Size: 20 to 30 ft in height.

Bark: Light brown trunk ,with a grey flaky bark.

Foliage: 15 to 25 ft spreaded foliage.

Flowers: Pale yellow fragrant flower.

Time of Flowing: Winter/spring.

Fruit: Selection of male tree and produced no fruits.

Site: Full Sun /shade

Soil: Well drained soil.

Characteristics: Large shrub or small tree,slow growing plant,larger

am]nd more rounded.

Leucaena leucocephala White Leadtree

Distribution: Belize, Mexico, Central America and Penghu Islands,
Taiwan. Where these islands belong to the Hawaii

Habit: It grows as a shrub to medium size tree up to 10 meters

in height.

Size: Height up to 20 feet (6 m) tall or more. Spacing 12-15


Annual Growth: It may grow up to 30 tons of dry matter per hectare

per year.

Bark: Rough, shrub-like bark and branches. Has discernibly

'drier' wood structure. Lightly textured and grayish-
brown in color when mature.

Foliage: Evergreen Herbaceous. Golden-yellow upright,

terminal corymbs appearing before leafing-out.

Flowers: Globularly-shaped creamy white flowers that resemble


Time of Flowing: Blooms all year.

Seeds and green seedpods. Contain

Fruit: toxic mimosine and so should be cooked and eaten in
limited amount.

Deep root system which is able to withstand periods of


Site: Low shade

Soil: Able to grow in soils with low fertility, clays, sand, silt
and limestone.

Characteristics: Lead tree works as a natural skin toner. Its leaves and
seeds are known to cure various skin disorders.

Litchi chinensi, lychee tree

Distribution: South China. Cultivated throughout the tropics and


Habit: Small to medium tree with a symmetrical, dense, round

or oval crown.

Size: Can reach 40 to 50 feet in height with a 20-foot spread

Annual Growth: Established trees regularly 1 to 2 times during the

growing season from spring to the end of summer.

Bark: The bark is smoother and paler.

Foliage: Dark.

Flowers: Yellow showy flowers.

Time of Flowing: Spring

Fruit: Round to oval, with a rough reddish exterior. The pulp is

white, translucent and juicy, with an aromatic, sweet-
sour taste.

Roots: Has a very shallow root system.

Site: Full shade

Soil: Fertile, well drained soil, and should be fertilized twice

per year, once in the spring and once after fruit

Characteristics: Evergreen monoecious tree. Excellent for landscaping

which provides shade, fruit and botanical interest to
front or back yards.

Magnifera Indica, Mango tree Commented [najmhassa1]:

Distribution: Native to South Asia, India, Burma and Andaman


Habit: Medium Large trees, Hot climate. 0- 1200 ms.

Size: Medium trees up to 100 ft. spread 100 ft.

Annual Growth: Fast growing tree.

Bark: Rough grey, Plano-convex in section

Foliage: Evergreen,round/Ovaldensecrown,coarsetexture.

red, yellow, pinnacles,

Time of
Flowing: Distorted egg shaped fruit.

24 underground
Full sun
Roots: Can tolerate on a wide range of soils.
Site: Medicinal use, Fruits consumed in mass, used for shade
Soil: requires pruning to develop and for pedestrian /
vehicular clearance. Landscape, moderate
Chaacteristics: mentainance.

Magnolia grandiflora, Bull bay
Distribution: Native to the southeastern United States, from coastal
North Carolina to central Florida, and west to East
Texas and Oklahoma.

Habit: Forms an open canopy displaying a coarse habit and

is probably best suited for large properties.

Size: Capable of growing at a moderate rate to a height of

80 feet or more with a 30 to 40-foot spread, 1.8 meters
in trunk diameter.

Annual Growth: 1 to 2 feet a year, reaching 60 to 80 feet tall with

canopies spreading 30 to 50 feet wide.

Bark: Bark is thin and easily damaged from mechanical


Foliage: Simple and broadly ovate, 1220 cm (4.77.9 in) long

and 612 cm (2.44.7 in) broad, with smooth margins.
Dark green in color.

Flowers: White, pleasant fragrance; spring flowering; summer

flowering; very showy.

Time of Flowing: Spring

Fruit: Elongated, 3 to 6 inches; 1 to 3 inches, dry, brown and

red in color, attracts birds; showy.

Roots: Shallow and wide-spreading. Quite different; grow

large, flexible, rope-like roots.

Site: Part shade/part sun

Soil: Prefers acid soil but will tolerate a slightly basic, even
wet or clay soil.

Characteristics: Very drought tolerant when grown in areas with plenty

of soil for root expansion.


Distribution: SouthernhalfofTexaswesttoArizona,souththroughMexicoandCentralAmerica

Habit: Floodplains,bottomland,hillsidechaparral,disturbedgrasslands.

Size: Normally1215ft.butcanreach36ft.

AnnualGrowth: 1236ft.

Bark: Unusualgreenbark.

Foliage: TheJerusalemthorn'swispyfoliageshimmersinagreenhazewhenbacklitby








Distribution: Angola,Botswana,DemocraticRepublicofCongo,Malawi,Mozambique,Namibia,

Habit: Afastgrowing,frostanddroughtresistanttreecommonlyoccurringatmediumto

Size: Peltophorumafricanumisasmalltomediumsizetree,510mtall.

Annual 510m

Bark: Smoothandgreyontheyoungbranches;twigscoveredinreddishbrownhairs,but

Foliage: Theleavesareacacialikeandsilvergreycoveredwithfinehair;matureleaves

Flowers: Flowersveryshowy,brightyellow,indenseaxillaryspraysupto15cmlong;allfloral

Timeof Spring.

Fruit: Fruitaflatpod,elliptic,taperingtoapexandbase,upto10x2cmwithawinglike

Root: Therootsystemisnotaggressive.

Site: Sun

Soil: Growsmostlyonwelldrainedsoils.Sandyloam,mediumloam,clayloamandsandy

Characteristi Youngleaves,andespeciallythepods,arerelishedbycattleandgoats.Avaluable
cs: treetohaveintheveldoncattleandgamefarms,fortheleavesandtwigsareeaten


Distribution: LocationswithinwhichPsidiumguajavaisnaturalisedincludeAustralia,New

Habit: manyaseight.Cuttingsandgraftingaremorecommonlyusedasapropagation

Size: reaching10minheight.


Bark: sometimesgivesthetrunksamottledappearance,becausethenewlyrevealedbark

Foliage: stalks410mmlong.Theleafblades(715cmlongand37cmwide)aresomewhat

Flowers: borneonahairystalk12.5cmlong.Eachflowerhasfourorfivegreensepals(615


Fruit: margin,verythinlywoody,almostleathery,greyishbrownoryellowtanand

Root: Therootsystemisnotaggressive.

Site: Sun

Soil: Psidiumguajavacanbecultivatedonvariedtypesofsoilsfromheavyclaytovery


Distribution: ThenativerangeextendsfromTibetandAfghanistanthroughPakistan,across
Distribution: Philippines,SriLanka.

in large compounds to make it grow into trees or planted closely and trimmed
Habit: 2,000m,occasionallyupto2,300m.Usually,theaccumulatingcarpetofneedleson
Habit: regularlytomakeapleasantlookinghedge.

Size: 47m.



Bark: pleasingpalegreencolor.Thelettucetreecanbegrownasalargeshrub.
Bark: flakyintheuppercrown.Withatrunkdiameterofupto2m.

Foliage: Thetreerarelyflowers.Theflowersaresmall,greenandinconspicuous.

Foliage: distinctlyyellowishgreen.



TimeofFlowing: Rootseasilyinsand.
Flowers: withfimbriatemargins.Theseflowersareyellowishgreenbeforeripening.Speciesis



Root: cookedandeatenwhensufferingfromrheumatismorarthritis.Theyoungleaves
Fruit: protrudingroundedtip.






Soil: growinnutritionallypoorsoil.


Characteristics: rubefacientandvermifuge.Itisavaluableremedyusedinternallyinthetreatmentof



Distribution: NativetoCentralAmericaandtheCaribbean,itisnowcommonandnaturalizedin



AnnualGrowth: Thistreehasathinbarkandmilkysap.

Bark: Thenarrowlystraplikeleavesstayonthetreeformostoftheyear.Itdoesnothave


TimeofFlowing: Therootsystemofthetreeisnotinvasive.Theyhaveawellbehavedrootsystem

Fruit: Succeedsinarangeofsoilssolongastheyarewelldrained

Root: Specialforitsfragrance




Manilkara hexandra, Khirni

Distribution: China: Hainan and southern Guangxi provinces;
the Indian Subcontinent: Bangladesh, India, and Sri
Lanka; Indo-
China: Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.

Habit: Evergreen, large or medium sized tree, forming a

dense crown

Size: 20 m high.

Annual Growth: Slow-growing but fairly large evergreen species.

Bark: Blackish-grey, longitudinally fissured and cracked,

rough; blaze crimson red; exudation milky; bole

Foliage: 710 cm long, elliptic, obovate or oblong, simple,

alternate, rounded or emarginate at the apex,
glabrous on both sides

Flowers: In axillary fascicles; white when young, brownish-red

when dry; fragrant.

Time of Flowing: From December-February.

Hairy, one seeded reddish yellow berries, ovoid or

ellipsoid, seeds ovoid, reddish brown with shining testa,
eaten raw.

Deep root system.

Sun / semi shade
Deep loam soil

Khirni is especially useful in treating gum problems and

dental disorders

Manilkara zapota, Chiku Tree

Distribution: Native to southern Mexico, Central America and the

Habit: Grows as a medium to large tree.

Size: Up to 20m in height, trunk 1m in diameter, spreads 35

to 45 feet

Annual Growth: Produces 2,500 to 3,000 fruits annually.

Bark: Dark brown and deeply fissured, rich in a white,

gummy latex called chicle.

Foliage: Dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves, no fall

color change and are not showy.

Flowers: White, inconspicuous and not showy

Time of Flowing: Year round flowering.

Fruit: A uniquely flavored fruit, the soft brown flesh of

the sapodilla tastes a bit like a sweet mix of brown
sugar and root beer, called sapodilla or chiku, it does
not attract wildlife; suited for human consumption.

Roots: Shallow-rooted tree

Site: Full Sun

Soil: Clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; well-drained.

Characteristics: Has a good salt tolerance and is very drought and

wind resistant, enduring hurricanes very well.

Markhamia lutea, Nile tulip

Distribution: Native to eastern Africa

Habit: Evergreen shrub or small tree with a narrow, irregular


Size: Can grow 10 - 15 meters tall, though it has been

reported to reach heights of 40 meters, The bole is
around 30cm in diameter.

Annual Growth: Lutea grows fast in good forest soil, and plants can
attain growth rates of more than 2 m/year.

Bark: Light brown with fine vertical fissures.

Foliage: Leaves compound, often in bunches, thin and wavy,

each leaflet up to 10 cm, wider at the tip, often with
round outgrowths at the base

Flowers: Flowers bright yellow, in showy terminal clusters, each

trumpet shaped, to 6 cm long, with 5 frilly lobes, the
throat striped with orange-red

Time of Flowing: Trees flower for much of the year

Fruit: Fruit very long, thin, brown capsules, to 75 cm in length,

hanging in clusters and tending to spiral, splitting on
the tree to release abundant seed with transparent
wings, 2.5 cm long and yellow-whitish when mature

Roots: Develops a very large root system.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Prefers deep, well-drained red loamy soil.

Characteristics: Useful for erosion control, shade and shelter. It provides

mulch, which enhances soil-moisture retention and
increases organic matter. The tree is drought resistant
but cannot withstand water logging.

Commented [najmhassa2]:
Distribution: Northern parts of western Australia, the Northern
territory and Queensland, also in New Guinea and

Habit: Near edges of rivers and streams on a range of soils.

Hot, moist and saline. It often occurs close to beach
and can tolerate windblown salt.

Size: Large trees up to 70 ft. spread 50.

Annual Growth: Fast growing tree.

Bark: The bark is thick, papery (white to pinkish or cream),

weeping branches, flaking.

Foliage: Evergreen,Weepingfoliage,flexiblebranches,

Cream/white/greenish white, arranged on spikes.

Time of
Flowing: Woody capsules (0.15-0.19) long in loose clusters
Shallow root system on every stem.
39 ft
Fully sunny
Roots: Can tolerate on a range of soils.
Site: Low maintenance,Tolerates a broad range of
Soil: climactic and soil conditions.
Characteristics: dryconditions,usedonhighways,streets,forswampreclamation

Commented [najmhassa3]:
Distribution: Srilanka, India, Southern Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Indo
China, Philippines, Malaysia, Sumatra.

Slow growing, tropical, subtropical,/moonsonal, found

Habit: at riverine sites up to 1,500m.

Medium trees up to 98 ft. spread 39 ft.

Slow growing tree.
Annual Growth:

Woody, fissured, peeling (papery), slight buttressed

Bark: upto 67.

Large fragrant, white, yellow, golden (1.6-30 dia )

Flowers: Hot dry weather (Jan- Feb)/ (Jun-Aug)

Time of Globus capsules with 1 or 2 seeds.


Fruit: underground
Full sun
Can tolerate on a range of soils.
Roots: Medicinal use, perfumes, highly sacred in India.
Site: Used on road sides, for shading purpose, Naturalistic
Soil: landscape, moderate mentainance.


Low maintenance,Tolerates a broad range of

climactic and soil conditions.

Mimusops elengi, Molsari,Kirakuli, Spanish Cherry

Distribution: South Asia, Southeast Asia and northern

Size: this is a small or medium-sized bushy tree with simple,

oblong elliptic, deep green leaves with wavy margins.
They are alternately or slightly spirally-arranged. The
flowers are bisexual, small, white, very fragrant and
occur in clusters. The corolla forms a star-shaped ring
when falling off.

Annual In native forests, in the wetter parts of its range, it may

Growth: reach heights of up to 30 m (100 ft), though in the drier
parts and in open spaces it is more commonly 10 to 15
m (30 to 50 ft) tall

Bark is thick and appears dark brownish black

or grayish black in colour, with striations and a
few cracks on the surface.
Foliage: Leaves are glossy, dark green, oval-shaped, 5
14 cm (2.05.5 in) long, and 2.56 cm (0.98
2.36 in) wide.

Flowers are cream, hairy, and scented.


Time of April-June
Fruits are globose berry with orange
red colour and contain a juicy pulp.

Sun / Partial shade
No special requirements, tolerate all types of soils

Its timber is valuable, the fruit is edible, and it is
: used in traditional medicine. As the trees give
thick shade and flowers emit fragrance, it is a
prized collection of gardens.[3]

Moringa oleifera, Sohanjana

Distribution: moringa grows in the wild or is cultivated in Central

America and the Caribbean, northern countries
of South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and various
countries of Oceania.

a fast-growing, deciduous tree that has an open
crown of drooping, fragile branches and the leaves
build up a feathery foliage of tripinnate leaves.

height of 1012 m (3240 ft) and trunk diameter of

Annual Growth: 45 cm (1.5 ft)..

3-5 tall in a year


Young shoots have purplish or greenish-white, hairy

bark. The tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile
Foliage: branches

Flowers: the leaves build up a feathery foliage

of tripinnate leaves.

Time of Flowing:
The flowers are about 1.0-1.5 cm (1/2") long and 2.0 cm
Fruit: (3/4") broad.

between April and June.

a hanging, three-sided brown capsule of 2045 cm size
which holds dark brown, globular seeds with a
Site: diameter around 1 cm.

Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally
spreading with many fibrous roots.

Characteristics: tropical and subtropical areas

Plowing is required only for high planting densities. In

low planting densities, "it is better to dig pits and refill
them with the soil.

It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree.

Morus alba, white mulberry

Distribution: The species is native to northern China, and is widely
cultivated and naturalized elsewhere (United States,
Mexico, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, etc

Habit: a fast-growing, small to medium-sized mulberry tree


Size: grows to 1020 m tall.

Annual Growth:

Bark: the bark on young branches orangish and becomes

darker brown with age.

Foliage: alternate arrangement, leaves are simple, often lobed

Flowers: small, greenish flowers stalked, hanging catkins, not


Time of Flowing:

Fruit: cultivars are generally fruitless in the species, the fruit is

an edible berry-like structure

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: Will grown in virtually any soil except wet areas.

Characteristics: urban tolerant, will withstand drought, air pollution, salt

spray, compacted soils, easily transplanted and

Morus Nigra, Black Mulberry

Distribution: South West Asian Countries

Habit: Original habitat is obscure

Size: 12 m (39 ft) tall by 15 m (49 ft) broad.

Annual Growth:

Bark: Stem bark

Foliage: The leaves are 1020 cm (48 in) long by 610 cm (24 in) broad -
up to 23 cm (9 in) long on vigorous shoots, downy on the underside,
the upper surface rough with very short, stiff hairs.

Flowers: flowers held on short, green, pendulous. The

flowers appear in 1.3 cm scaly clusters;

Time of Flowing: spring

Fruit: fruit is dark purple, almost black, 23 centimetres (0.81.2 in) long.

Roots: taproot or heart-shaped root pattern (a number of

main roots all spreading out and down)

Site: Sunny sites, tolerant of frost not suitable to tropical

climates. Tolerates light shade.

Soil: Suit to most soils but not to dry sandy soils

Characteristics: Branches can be brittle, so some protection may be

needed from the wind. Consider using this tree as a
buffer between your walnuts and other plantings.

Murraya Koenigii, Curry Patta

Distribution: India,Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh..etc

Habit: Shrub to small tree

Size: about 20 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 10

Annual Growth:

Smooth dark brown bark
The aromatic leaves arepinnate, with 11
21 leaflets, each leaflet 24 cm long and 12 cm
Flowers: broad.

Time of Flowing:
Fruit: small white flowers which can self-pollinate to
produce small shiny-black berries containing a
Roots: single, large viable seed.
Site: March-May, July-August
A subglobose berry, purplish-black when ripe; seeds upto 2.
Soil: Fruiting throughout the year.

Deep roots
Characteristics: Full sun to partial shade

succeeding in most soils and situation.Prefers a

fertile, humus-rich, moisture-retentive but well-
drained, light soil.

It prefers to grow in average to moist conditions,

and shouldn't be allowed to dry out.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Haar singhar, night jasmine

Asia-Tropical (India,Pakistan,Nepal,Thailand)

Rocky ground in dry hillsides, and as
undergrowth in dry deciduous forest

Annual Growth: up to 10 metres tall


Foliage: Flaky gray bark

The leaves are opposite, simple, 612 cm (2.4

4.7 in) long and 26.5 cm (0.792.56 in) broad, with
Flowers: an entire margin

Time of Flowing: The flowers are fragrant, with a five- to eight-lobed

white corolla with an orange-red centre; they are
produced in clusters of two to seven together, with
individual flowers opening at dusk and finishing at
Roots: dawn.

Site: October to may

Soil: The fruit is a flat brown heart-shaped to

round capsule 2 cm (0.79 in) diameter, with two
sections each containing a single seed.

Full sun to partial shade

well drained soil.

The plant needs to be watered regularly, but does not

require overwatering.

Olea europaea, Olive Tree

Distribution: Native to the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa.

Habit: Grows as an evergreen shrub or tree.

Size: It is short and squat, and rarely exceeds 815 m (2649

ft) in height, 25 feet wide.

Annual Growth: Grow slowly but for a very long time. gives fruit (about
30 kg or 66 lb per year)

Bark: Grayish stems when tree is young, darker as it

grows. Bark desegregates into squared pieces.

Foliage: The elliptical to lanceolate leaves are grey-green

above and silvery beneath, up to 8cm (3 inch) long.

Flowers: Small, whitish flowers are borne in loose clusters in the

axils of the leaves.

Time of Flowing: Late spring

Fruit: It has small, bitter-tasting fruit called olive. Edible

Shallow root system which is robust and capable of

Roots: regenerating the tree even if the above-ground
structure is destroyed.

Site: Full sun to bright partial shade.

Soil: Require a well-drained soil.

Characteristics: Very hardy: drought-, disease- and fire-resistant, it can

live to a great age.

Pachira cyathophora Casar.

Distribution: tropical regions of Central and South America

down as far as northern Brazil.


Annual Growth: In the wild the plant can reach a height of 20



Smooth green bark

green palmate leaves with lanceolate leaflets
Time of Flowing:

flowers with enormous long yellow petals.

oval brown fruit that can reach a length of 30
cm, and inside are nuts that can be used as a
substitute for cocoa

Full sunlight ,can also tolerate less light position

Damp soil in summer , in winter the soil can dry

out a bit between watering

As an indoor tree, the Pachira only provides

fabulous greenery, and it is best not to keep is
as soggy as in nature (watch out for

Distribution: Planted in most parts of the Philippines for its

acid, edible fruit, but nowhere abundant Of
prehistoric introduction. Also occurs in India to
Malaya and Polynesia.Introduced in tropical
small tropical tree with ovate pointed leaves that
Habit: grows up to 50 feet tall. Tahitian gooseberry bears
fruit in abundance on the branches.

25-30 ft high



reddish flowers


pale-yellow waxy fruit (Edible)

Shallow roots


Soil temperature 50c



Distribution: Amla is native to India and it is grown in different

tropical and subtropical regions such as China,
South-east Asia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and
Sri Lanka.

Deciduous tree up to 20 m tall.
8 to 18 meters


AnnualGrowth: barks are shiny graying green or grayish brown in

Bark: Evergreen, Non-Palm Foliag, Rounded,

Greenish yellow in color
October- November

Flower: Amla fruits are 15 to 20 millimeters long and 18 to 25
millimeter wide. It is small and spherical in shape and
TimeofFlowering: has a slight conic depression on both apexes

Twigs terete, glabrous.

Mixed forests Drier forests

Dry open sparse forests or scrub, village groves
medium heavy soils except purely sandy soils is ideal
Site: for amla cultivation

It is a wild deciduous tree that can grow up to 20 m
Soil: tall. The Indian gooseberry tree has smooth, gray-
brown bark. The leaves are like a tamarind tree or a
fern-like, oblong but narrow, up to 2 cm and flowers
are inconspicuous as they are green in color. The
flowers are bisexual and appear in clusters. Fruits are
smaller in size with a diameter up to 3 cm, in greenish-
yellow color that changes into orange-brown after
Characteristics: maturity. The flesh is tart, juicy, and crisp and contains
1 or 2 small seeds.

127.Plumeria obtusa, FrangiPani

Distribution: Native to Greater Antilles, Florida northern Central
America and southern Mexico

Habit: Widely spaced thick succulent branches that are often

covered with knobby protuberances
Size: Grows from 12-25 ft

Annual Growth: 45 to 50 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Grey and smooth bark

Leaves are glossy and obliviated with blunt ends.

Ornamented and fragmented flowers found in for of
clusters oblong shape and round tips having yellow
Time of Flowing: colors from center and white in color.
Dry follicle which splits along one side to release the
winged seeds

Predominantly grows from cuttings taken from
branches of grown tree which forms roots in two
Site: months of planting and also can be grown from seeds
Full sun
Grows in warm lands

This plant is commonly used as an ornamental, grown
for its flowers. In Cambodia the flowers are used to
make necklaces and in offerings to the deities.In
traditional medicine used in that country, a decoction
of the bark is given in varying doses as a purgative or
as a remedy against oedemas.

129.Plumeria Rubra forma bicolor, FrangiPani

Distribution: is a very old Apocynaceous plant from tropical

Widely cultivated in sub tropical and tropical climates
Size: worldwide.
15-25 in height and 12 ft spread
Annual Growth:

Bark: 45 to 50 in height, 15 to 25 spread. More in young

Bark is woody

Flowers: Foliage is thick and glossy, shiny and leathery thick


Time of Flowing:

Fruit: Fragmented bisexual flowers having mix shades of pink,

yellow and white

Dehiscent dry fruit colored brown and turns black on
Underground tap roots(fibrous tap roots)

Full sun
Grows in wide variety of soil from acid to alkaline and
sandy to clay

Popular garden and park plant, used in temples and


130.Plumeria Rubra forma tricolor, FrangiPani

Distribution: Its native is also in tropical regions as similar to other
members of its family

Habit: Widely cultivated in sub tropical and tropical climates

Size: 15-25 in height and 12 ft spread

45 to 50 in height, 15 to 25 spread. More in young plants.

Bark is rough

Foliage is thick and glossy, shiny and leathery thick green

Fragmented bisexual flowers appearing in 3 mix shades

Time of
Flowing: winter

Fruit: Dehiscent dry fruit colored brown and turns black on


Roots: Underground tap roots(fibrous tap roots)

Full sun
Grows in wide variety of soil from acid to alkaline and
Soil: sandy to clay

Popular garden and park plant, used in temples and

Characteristics: cemeteries and in courtyards

128. Plumeria rubra, FrangiPani

Distribution: Its native growth extends from central mexico south
through Central America to Columbia to venezuella in
South America

Widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates
12-25 ft high and 20 ft spread
Annual Growth:


Smooth glossy shiny thick and green

Fragrant flowers in shades of pink
Often white and yellow due to bisexual properties
Time of Flowing:
Summer and autumn
Dehiscent dry fruit color brown and turns black on
Roots: maturity

Site: Underground(tap fibrous root)

Soil: Full sun

Wide variety of soil from acid to alkaline and sand to

Characteristics: clay

Garden and park tree favourable in al

131.Podocarpus Elongata,
Distribution: The natural distribution of the genus consists of much of
Africa, Asia, Australia, Central and South America and
several South Pacific islands. The genus occurs from
southern Chile north to Mexico in the Americas and
from New Zealand north to Japan in the Asia-Pacific

Habit: region
Grows as enormous round multi stemmed.generally as
Size: wide as tall it is
15-25 in height and 15-25 ft spread
Annual Growth:

Bark: 30 to 40 in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark is woody

Flowers: Foliage is thick and clusters growing in the form of

Blue in color.
Time of Flowing:

Fruit: rough coniferous plants usually frown from green to

bluish gray

Roots: winter

Site: Round shaped seed like fruit

Tap roots grows generally from seeds

Characteristics: Partial shade

Full sun to partial shade

Soil with dense amount of water wet lands

New growth is lime-gray-blue maturing to a cool gray-

blue-green on this excellent specimen, lawn or screen
tree. One of the most beautiful and decorative
pyramidal conifers for the South.

Distribution: lofty evergreen tree found in India and Sri Lanka

Grows naturally in sub-humid to humid subtropical
and tropical lowland to mid-elevation climates,
generally in frost-free areas.

short branches that droop and hug a straight, slim
Branches that is more wide-spreading, forming a

pyramidal crown.



AnnualGrowth: 30 and 60 ft. height, 10 ft. spread

Bark: Grey and smooth.

Foliage: Deciduous, Green, Non-Palm Foliage (Lance late),

Flowers yellowish-green. Sepals 3, triangular,
pubescent, tips reflexed. Petals 6, valuate, sub
equal, linear, tapering to a point.
April June

Fleshy Fruit ( Non-Edible)

TimeofFlowering: Underground (Tap Root; Fibrous Root)

Fruit: Sub-humid to humid subtropical and tropical
lowland to mid-elevation climate.
Roots: Dry Soil

Polyalthia longifolia is a tall, handsome, evergreen
Site: tree with a straight trunk. Considered to be a
native of the drier parts of Ceylon, very commonly
cultivated all over India, in gardens and avenues.



133.Polyalthia Longifolia, ulta ashoka

Distribution: Found natively in India and srilanka.introduced as
gaden in tropical countries.

Habit: Cultivated to resemble growth pattern of errect

pillar like Mediterranean cypress trees
Size: 40 ft height and 8-10 ft spread

Annual Growth: 20-10 ft height and 12-15 ft wide.

Bark: Very thin smooth bark

Foliage: Fresh leaves are coppery brown,soft and delicate to

touch as the leaves grows color becomes light

green and finally dark green. Shaped like lance and

Flowers: have wavy edges.

Apple green in color colelicate star like pale green

Time of Flowing: fragrant.

Fruit: Summer

Fruit are small and spherical and contains only one

Roots: seed. Born in cluster of 10-20 initially green but turns
purple on maturity.

Soil: Full sun


Exhibit symmetrical pyramidal growth with weeping

wendulour branches and long narrow lanceolate
leaves with undulate margins

132.Polyalthia Longifolia, seedha ashoka

Distribution: Originally distributed in central
Areas off Deccan plateau as well as middle sections
of Western Ghats in western coastal zones of

As wild tree it becomes rarer in natural habitat.they
Size: are larger and highly spreading.
15-25 in height and 8-10 ft spread
Annual Growth:

Bark: 30 to 40 in height, 20 to 30 spread. More in young


Smooth barks

Deep green and growing in dense cluster.


Time of Flowing: Fragmented flowers initially orange in color and

turning red before wilting. Some of the flowers are
Fruit: dry and abundant (chemical coated)

Broad beans containing multiple seeds

Fibrous roots
Partial sun
Characteristics: Coastal lands
The ashoka tree is considered sacred throughout.
This tree has many folkloric, religious and literary
associations in the region. Highly valued as well for
its handsome appearance and the color and
abundance of its flower, the ashoka tree is often
found in royal palace compounds and gardens as
well as close to temples

Pongamia pinnata, Pongam

Distribution: E. Asia - Indian subcontinent, through south-east Asia to

north-eastern Australia, Fiji and Japan.

Habit: Occurs naturally in lowland forest on limestone and

rocky coral outcrops on the coast, along the edges of
mangrove forest and along tidal streams and rivers,
often with its roots in fresh or saltwater.

Size: It usually grows 15 - 25 metres tall, with a straight or

crooked bole 50 - 80 cm or more in diameter

Annual Growth: Growth of young trees is fairly slow; a growth of 1.3

metres in height and 0.4 cm in diameter in 13 months
was recorded in India

Bark: Bark fibre,The bark is thin gray to grayish- brown, and

yellow on the inside, diameter of more than 50 cm, The
trunk is generally short

Foliage: Evergreen, thick branches spreading into a dense

hemispherical crown of dark green leaves. The
alternate, compound pinnate leaves consist of 5 or 7
leaflets which are arranged in 2 or 3 pairs, and a single
terminal leaflet. Leaflets are 5-10 cm long, 4-6 cm wide,
and pointed at the tip

Flowers: Flowers, borne on racemes, are pink, light purple, or

white, Large amounts of flowers, leaves and pods that it
regularly sheds.

Time of Flowing: Fast growing

Fruit: produce seeds containing oil, The seeds are poisonous,

Seeds are 10-20 cm long, fig oblong, and light brown in

Roots: The plant has a long, thick taproot and widely

spreading lateral roots, The spread of roots on this
species, about 9 metres in 18 years, is greater than
most other species; moreover it produces root suckers
profusely, extensive network of lateral roots

Site: grow well in Full Sun

Soil: The plant can grow on most soil types, best growth is
found on deep well-drained sandy loams with assured
moisture, but it will also grow on sandy soils and heavy
swelling clay soils.

Characteristics: Wind resistant, it tolerates saline conditions, alkalinity

and waterlogged soils, Tolerant of shade, it is a
moderately strong timber that is easy to saw, turn and
finish, not durable.

Prosopis juliflora, Mesquite

Distribution: Locations within which Prosopis juliflora is naturalized in
include parts of Australia, Brazil (outside its native
range), Africa, western Asia, Arabia, the Indian Sub-
continent and Hawaii.

Habit: Prosopis juliflora thrives in most soils including; sandy,

rocky, poor and saline soils within an altitude range of
300-1900 m above sea level. Where it has deep
taproots which help to access sub-surface waters.

Is a thorny shrub 3-5 m or tree growing up to 15 m

height and 1.5-3.2 mm wide.

Annual Growth:
15m in height, 1.5 to 3m spread. More in young plants.


It has a thick rough grey-green bark that becomes
scaly with age.

The plants are often multi-stemmed and furnished with

abundant large and very sharp thorns measuring up to
5 cm. The stems are shaped in a "mild zigzag" way with
one or two stout thorns at each turn of the stem.
Time of Flowing:
The flowers are fragrant golden-yellow, dense spikes
about 5-10 cm long.

Fruit: It is spread along water courses and run-off areas

during periods of rain and then spreads laterally from
these sites.

The fruit of P. juliflora is a cylindrical or slightly irregularly

curved green pod which turns yellow upon ripening. It
Roots: is 10-20 cm long, sweet to taste and contains 10-20
hard oval or elliptic seeds (2.5-7 mm long) that are
Site: difficult to extract.


Characteristics: The tree is deeply rooted.

Sun / Partial shade

This species was originally introduced in the arid and

semi-arid areas. It thrives in most soils including; sandy,
rocky, poor and saline soils

This plant reproduces through seed, are salt and

drought tolerant, It has erosion control, gives shade,
fuel wood, building materials, pods for animal and
human consumption in arid and semi-arid regions.

Pterocarpus marsupium, Indian Kino

Distribution: E.Asia- India, Nepal, Sri-lanka

Habit: Mainly found in dedicious forest at low elevations.

E.Asia- India, Sri-lanka

is a large dedicious tree with spreading branches

reaching a height of up to 33m
Annual Growth:
Height up to 25m.

bark 10-15mm, surface grey or grayish black, rough,
deeply vertically cracked, exfoliations small, irregular,
Foliage: fibrous

Spreaded branches, Leaves are compound, alternate;

stipules small, lateral, falling off; axis 6.5-11.1 cm long,
Flowers: slender, hairless.

Flowers are bisexual, yellow, at branch-ends and in

leaf-axis borne in panicles; 1.0-1.2 cm long; falling off;
sepal tube bell-shaped, sepals short, flowers are
Time of Flowing: protruding; petals 5, all long-clawed.

September-October, where there is distinct dry season,

Fruit: preferring a mean annual rainfall of 1000-1500mm.

Fruit is a pod, 2.5-5cm across, round kidney shaped,

Roots: broadly winged; seed one, somewhat kidney shaped

roots spreaded under the ground
Requires a sunny position.
Well drained.

It turns the water blue as soon as it comes in contact

with it. The leaves bark, and gum of Indian Kino is used
for curing a number of ailments. Because of its
medicinal properties, the plant species is cultivated for
commercial purpose in many parts of the world. Be it for
treating skin conditions or serving as an astringent, the
herb is popular for its diverse health benefits.

Pterospermum diversifolium, Blume

Distribution: E. Asia - India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia,


Habit: Evergreen and old clearing forest at elevations from 50

- 800 metres in Thailand

Trees up to 20 m tall
Annual Growth:
Height up to 20m.


Bark brown, smooth; blaze red.

Flowers: Branches horizontal. The bole can be up to 50cm in

diameter . Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; stipule
lateral, caducous and leaving scar; petiole up to 1.5
Time of Flowing: cm long,

Flowers large, solitary or 2-3 together, axillary, white;

Fruit: bracteoles laciniate; pedicel 0.5 cm long.

Flowering and fruiting: December-April

Capsule, woody, 5-angled, to 7.6 x 3.8 cm, tomentose;
seeds compressed, 8-11 in each cell, winged at one
roots spreaded proportionally
Requires a sunny position.

Well drained.

The fibrous bark is sometimes used to make rope and for

tying purposes. However, it has a low tensile strength of
263 kilos per square centimeter, which wetting did not
affect.and so is not commonly used. for rope making.
The bark is cut into small pieces and boiled to make a
dye that is used to colour and strengthen cloth, fish nets,
ropes etc

Distribution: The pomegranate tree is native from Iran to the

Himalayas in northern India and has been cultivated
since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean
region of Asia, Africa and Europe.

An attractive shrub or small tree, the Pomegranate is
The leaves are evergreen or deciduous

Habit: Height 15-20 ft.ft. Width 10-12 ft.

Size: 5-8 meter height

Yellowish-brown, transversely curved pieces
AnnualGrowth: Root bark stem bark, flowers, fruit rind, seeds.

Alternate, opposite or whorled lustrous dark green
Bark: leaves; 1 to 3 in. long; yellow-green fall color

1 in. orange, red, pink, yellow, or white flowers in summer;
2 to 3.5 in. edible fruit in fall; thick rind, seedy and tar

Red, Simple Fruit (Edible)

Flower: Shallow root 60cm

Sun to partial shade; range of soil conditions; tolerates
TimeofFlowering: sand and clay
The pomegranate thrives on calcareous, alkaline soil
Fruit: and on deep, acidic loam and a wide range of soils in
between these extremes
sun is best, but it will flower and fruit in semi-shade.
tolerates a wide variety of soil types




Putranjiva roxburghii, Lucky bean tree

Distribution: E. Asia - India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia,


Habit: Tree is generally grows on alluvial soil along the rivers,

swamp, or evergreen forests. The tree prefers moist
evergreen forests.

Size: Moderate sized evergreen tree; height is up to 12m

Height up to 10-12m.
Annual Growth:



dark grey bark having horizontal lenticels
With pendent branches and Leaves simple, alternate,
distichous; stipule triangular, acute, caducous; petiole
0.4-1 cm long.
Time of Flowing:
Flower unisexual, male flowers inaxillary clusters, female
Fruit: flowers axillary, solitary, Drupe, ellipsoid, with persistent
style, seeds.

Flowering and fruiting: march-august

Fruits ellipsoid or rounded drupes, white velvety; seed
Site: normally one, stone pointed, rugose, very hard.
Fruits are neck less.


spreaded roots

sunny/partial sun

generally grows on alluvial soil

Seeds contain fatty oil and kernel contains an essential
oil with mustard smell, Its leaves, fruits and stone/seeds
are used for medicinal purpose. Necklace prepared
from stones/nuts of fruit are wore to prevent harm.

Radermachera hainanensis, Golden Tree Jasmine

Distribution: Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Cambodia, Laos,

Habit: Slopes, forests; 300-600 m.

Trees 15ft-20ft (4.5m) tall,


Annual Growth: Tree up to to 15ft tall.



Thin branches
Time of Flowing:
fairly easy tree to grow
Produce apricot colored flower,are slightly fragrant.
juicy fruit
roots spreaded under the ground
Full Sun, part sun

Average, well drained.

To ovate leaves and terminal racemes of bell shaped

golden flowers. Extremely fragrant with the scent of
roses and juicy fruit, easy to grow.

Radermachera 'Kunming', Dwarf Tree Jasmine

Distribution: Thailand

is a shrub growing up to 1.8 m height.

Annual Growth:
Shrub up to to 1.2 m tall.


Flowers: No bark

Compound leaves are composed of glossy, smooth
Time of Flowing: leaflets, Evergreen,


Light pink to white, fragrant flowers have orange to
Roots: orange-yellow stripes lining the throat. They occur in
large clusters near the branch tips.

Soil: juicy fruit, candies, fine cologne all together and can
be smelled from many yards away.
is susceptible to root

Full Sun, Semi-Shade

waterlogged soil, so allow the soil to dry before

watering generously. Even in unfavorable soil

tolerates the low light levels found indoors, it will

produce more blooms and be more fragrant under
bright light.Requiring little care, the tree grows quickly


Habit: diameterof1m.








Site: hoursofsunperday,evenindoors.

Soil: orperliteifextradrainageisneeded.
Characteristics: Trees,Tropical

Ravenala madagascariensis, Travellers Tree

Distribution: Not native to North America, generally available in

many areas within its hardiness range.

Habit: The enormous paddle-shaped leaves are borne
on long petioles, in a distinctive fan shape aligned in
a single plane. The large white flowers are structurally
similar to those of its relatives, the bird-of-paradise
flowers Strelitzia reginae and Strelitzia nicolai, but are
generally considered less attractive, with a
green bract.


100 feet (30 meters) in height with a trunk 2 feet
(60 cm) thick. The foliar fan consists of 20 to 35 leaves,
each as much as 36 feet (11 meters) in length.
Annual Growth:
Travelers-Tree will reach a height of 30 feet
and a spread of 18 feet, growing at a moderate rate.
makes a nice tropical accent in a large landscape,
Bark: growing too large for most modest-sized yards.

Routinely grown with, or trainable to be grown with,

multiple trunks; grow mostly upright and will not
droop; showy trunk; no thorns
Leaf arrangement: alternate
Leaf type: simple
Leaf margin: entire
Leaf shape: oblong
Leaf venation: pinnate
Leaf type and persistence: broadleaf evergreen;
Leaf blade length: >36 inches
Leaf color: green
Fall color: no fall color change
Fall characteristic: not showy

Time of Flowering:

Fruit: Flower color is white with blue seed
fall flowering; showy; spring
flowering; summer flowering

Fruit length: .5 to 1 inch; < .5 inch

Fruit covering: dry or hard
Fruit color: brown
Roots: Fruit characteristics: does not attract wildlife;
inconspicuous and not showy; no significant litter

Site: Controlled root system, horizontally spreading with

not many roots.
The plant requires a sunny spot (not full sun until it is
clay; loam; sand; slightly alkaline;
acidic; well-drained

Drought tolerance: moderate

Aerosol salt tolerance: none.
Winter interest: no special winter interest
Outstanding tree: not particularly outstanding
Invasive potential: little, if any, potential at this time
Pest resistance: very sensitive to one or more pests
or diseases which can affect tree health or

Salix babylonica, Weeping Willow

Distribution: Native: China
Exotic: Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa,
Large tree with round dense crown, when grown on
open site becomes spreading and densely branchlets,
hanging vertically almost to the ground.
The average height of an 8-year-old seedling stand is
Size: 8.3 m, but it is 17.8 m for a plantation from cuttings;
average stem diameter is 14.3 cm and 42 cm,
After 10 years, average height and stem diameter of
Annual Growth: shoot sprouts may be approximately 10 m tall and 12.3
cm, respectively.
Babylonica's bark is dark gray and deeply furrowed.
Bark: Branches divide into many thin stems that hang in
pendulous curtains to the ground.
Weeping willows are wide, tall trees with curtains of
drooping branches that sweep the ground. Their small,
Foliage: narrow leaves appear in very late winter, giving the
trees a golden look. They become green as they mature
and turn yellow in autumn.
Flowers in short, terminal catkins on leafy peduncles.
Male catkin is 1.8-3
Flowers: cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide. Female catkin 1.5-2.5 cm long,
0.5 cm wide, appearing with leaves in April-May.

Fruit a yellowish-brown capsule, narrowly conic to 3-4

Time of
mm long, glabrous.
Fruit: The root system is shallow and extensive, may be
problematic in residential areas since they wrap around
drainage pipes. Willow roots will occasionally come to
Roots: the surface and produce new trees.
Weeping willow is a light-demanding species, so it has
difficulty regenerating under forest
Site: S. babylonica can grow on a variety of soils, such as
clay, sand and sludge deposit soils on beaches.



Erosion control: Planting the tree along riverbanks
prevents soil and water erosion, wave-shock and
minimizes sediment deposition. In New Zealand, willows
are widely grown for soil conservation purposes, where
they are the most abundant exortic species after Pinus
Shade or shelter: Weeping willow is an important tree
species for farmland shelterbelts.
Ornamental: S. babylonica is also valuable as an
ornamental garden and park tree. The male is mainly
the one planted for ornamental purposes.
Pollution control: It tolerates high levels of sulfur dioxide.

Samanea saman, Rain Tree.

Distribution: The Rain Tree is native from the Yucatan Peninsula

and Guatemala to Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. However,
it is widely planted and naturalized and planted in
continental tropical America from Mexico throughout
the West Indies and in Old World tropics. It is also
grown in southern Florida.

Rain Tree is a large tropical growing tree; it develops

Habit: a symmetrical broad umbrella shaped wide crown,
making this species a beautiful choice for a shade

60 m tall and crown about 80 m wide
Annual Growth:
2.5 to 5 ft per year in height and spreads over 20 to 30
ft per year.
Light brown branches, bark are rough wrinkled with
brown-grey color.
Foliage: Dome shaped canopy in open environments, its
horizontal spread is greater than the height when it
grows in a spacious setting.


The tiny flowers are massed in pinkish heads. The long
bicoloured stamen gives whole tree an inflorescent
Time of Flowering: appearance. Thousands of heads are born at the
same time.
Summers and Spring

Mature pods are brown-black oblong and lumpy,

with 10 to 20 cm in length. Filled with sweet, edible
brownish pulp in it.

This tree has massive surface of rooting system, they

grow horizontally and vertically proportionally below
Site: the ground.

Soil: Tree is light demanding and is rarely found in dense
forest stands, it is intolerant of shade. Partially shade
and gradually shifted to full sun.
Rain tree adapts a various ranges of soil types, and
pH levels.

Wild form is hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to dry

conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant to
urban sites.

Sapium sebiferum, Chinese Tallow Tree

Distribution: Naturalized in outer coastal plain of South Carolina

and adjacent North Carolina, also in Richmond County,
North Carolina, south through Florida, and west to
eastern Texas. Found throughout Florida south to
Manatee County on the Gulf coast and St. Lucie County
on the Atlantic coast. Has potential range through
southern Florida to the upper Florida Keys. Recorded as
naturalized in 57% of Floridas counties.
Habit: This is a small, deciduous tree. Exudes a milky sap
common with members of the Euphorbiaceous. The
leaves are simple, alternate, broadly ovate, 3-6 cm
wide, with blades entire, broadly rounded bases and
taper to a slender point.
Height to 52 ft commonly goes to 33 ft and crown
Size: spreads less than its height.

Annual Growth: It grows annually up to 3ft to 5ft in height.

Bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Deciduous, opposite 30ft in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching
Foliage: toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is orangish-yellow,
often with red blotches.

Flowers small, yellow, borne on spikes to 20 cm (8 in)

Flowers: long, with 2-3 sepals (petals absent), 2-3 stamens or 3
styles (plants monoecious).

Time of
Flowering: The fruits are 3-lobed brown capsules that open to
reveal three white, waxy seeds that resemble popcorn.
Fruit: Like most members of the spurge family, broken twigs
and leaf stems exude a milky latex sap.

Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

Roots: spreading.

Site: Sun / Partial shade

Soil: The species grows well on a wide range of soils and

will tolerate degraded, saline or moist land. It also
tolerates flooding and saltwater (SE-EPPC, 2003). It is
found at a range of altitudes from sea level up to 2800
Characteristics: Chinese tallow seed capsules yield a wax that is used
to make soap and candles. Oil is extracted that is used
as a lamp fuel and machine lubricant. In parts of the
American southeast, decorative wreaths are made by
stringing the popcorn-like seeds. Honeybees make a
desirable light-colored honey from the flowers.

Saraca asoca, Ashoka Tree. (Sorrow less Tree)

Distribution: India, Burma and Malaya

Habit: Large and evergreen, Rainforest tree with round

compact crown, usually used for the beautification of
30 to 40 ft in height and 6 to 8 ft spread.
Annual Growth:
5 to 10 ft in height, 8 to 10 ft spread.

Bark: The bark is dark brown or grey or almost black with warty

Foliage: In strong contrast to fiery blooms is the deep-green,

shiny foliage.

Flowers: Ashoka tree produces large bunch of sweet smelling

Flowers throughout the year.

Time of Flowering occurs from February to May

Fruit: its fruit are flat, leathery pod, 10-25 cm long (4-10
Fruit: in), with 4 to 8 compressed oblong seeds

Roots: Shallow root system, predominantly horizontally

spreading with many fibrous roots.

Site: Sun to Partial Shade

Soil: Ashoka tree is a natural habitat, thrives in shady

locations, especially near water in semi-dry to wet

Characteristics: Accents, Street tree, Informal screen, Wind breaker

and used for the beautification of space.
The flowers are used in cases like burning sensation,
dysentery, hyperdypsia, scabies in children and
inflammation. The seeds are strengthening and the ash
of plant is good for external application in rheum arthritis
In general Saraca asoca is considered as best female

Saraca thaipingensis , Yellow saraca

Distribution: Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia

Habit: Terrestrial (Riverine), Tropical, Sub-Tropical / Monsoonal,

Naturalized along bank of rocky streams, grows well on
dry ground too.

Size: 7 to 20 m tall. The tree is medium sized. It can grow to a

height of 15-20ft with a spread of 8-10ft.

Annual Growth: Evergreen, medium, wide-spreading tree. Coarse-

looking, dome-umbrella shaped.

Bark: Bark smooth and often blotched with lichens.

Foliage: Even-pinnate compound, with up to 8 pairs of large

oblong leaflets. Young leaves purplish, maturing to
cream-colored with purplish-red leaf edge and rachis,
then green. New growth usually appears after a dry

Flowers: Cauliflorous, bisexual, slightly fragrant (especially at

night), petal-less, and colours of the flowers come from
the sepals. Orange, Yellow / Golden

Time of Flowing: Hot & Dry Period

Fruit: Purplish large, flattened pods, swell upon maturation

and splitting into 2 coiling halves when ready for
disperse. Each seed is large, hard and black.

Roots: Underground (Tap Root)

Site: Full Sun or shady spot

Soil: Along forest streams, in damp but well-drained

grounds, Waterlogged Soils (Drains Site)

Characteristics: Shade Providing Tree, emit pleasant fragrance,

It is a shade tolerant species, fruits has some medicinal
properties, and The roots are used to make handles of

Schinus molle, Pepper-Tree

Distribution: Native Range: Argentina, Bolivia, Peru

Exotic Range: Australia, Brazil, Dominican Republic,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Greece, Haiti, India, Kenya, Mexico,
Paraguay, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey,
Uganda, United States of America


Schinus molle is an evergreen tree with weeping foliage,
Leaves imparipinnate, with a winged rachis and 20-40
leaflets; leaflets linear-lanceolate, margins entire or
dentate, 2-5 cm x 4-8 mm.

Size: 10ft to 50ft in height; trunk is short; crown with equal


Annual Growth: 5ft to 10ft in height, 30 to 40 spread. More in young


Bark is dark brown, deeply fissured, flaking; very sticky
Foliage: latex forms if the bark is damaged.

Schinus molle is an evergreen tree with weeping foliage.

Flowers in hanging panicles can grow to 30 cm long;
petals about 2 mm long; drooping clusters of tiny, pale
yellow flowers develop into bunches of pink berries; the
more female flowers a tree has the more berries will
develop; some trees have mostly male flowers and
have almost no
Time of

Fruit: Flowering and seeding occur throughout the year.

Roots: Fruits are small, round berries that develop from green
to red then black.

It is shallow rooted and can be brittle; therefore, it is likely

to be blown over or have its branches broken off in
Site: strong wind.

Soil: Sun / Partial shade

Prefers sandy well-drained soils. Tolerant of most soils

Characteristics: including both dry sands and black cotton. Also
tolerates alkalinity and salinity.
Erosion control: The tree is planted for soil conservation.
Shade or shelter: The wide, multibranched crown
Provides good shade and acts as a suitable windbreak.
Ornamental: S. molle is commonly planted as an
ornamental; it offers lacy, a sculptural, twisted branch
structure and an attractive textured bark. Ripe berries
are often cut and used fresh or dried in floral displays.
The tree has been grown as an indoor bonsai.
Boundary or barrier or support: It is sometimes planted
as a live fence.

Schinus terebinphifolia, Brazilian pepper, Florida holly, Christmas berry

Distribution: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay

Habit: Autotropic.

Size: Evergreen shrub or tree to 13 m (43 ft) tall.

Annual Growth: Moderate.

Bark: Bark is grey and brown textured and scales, also short
in length.

Foliage: Green ; Area of leaf 3.0 (Tree - Intermediate Canopy)

Flowers: Flowers unisexual (dioecious), small, in short-branched

clusters at leaf axils of current-season stems; 5 petals,
white to 2 mm long.

Time of Flowing: Periodically year-round. Although at its peak in fall


Fruit: Fruit a small, bright-red spherical drupe

Roots: Deep.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: Can be placed in a variety of areas including, but not

limited to, fallow farmland, pinelands,
hardwood hammocks, roadsides, and mangrove
forests, in areas with a high degree of
disturbance and natural areas with little disturbance.

Characteristics: Preferably used as Roadside Tree.

Sesbania grandiflora, Scarlet Wistaria Tree, Agathi, Sesban, Vegetable Hummingbird

Distribution: Tropical Asia.

Habit: Terrestrial.

Size: Tree (Small (6m-15m)), Shrub (Woody). It is a tree or a

large shrub, growing up to 15m tall and 30cm in trunk

Annual Growth: Moderate.

Bark: Brown in color, hard textured, rough feel and scaled.

Foliage: Its alternately-arranged leaves are bi-pinnately

compound, with 20 - 50 leaflets and up to 30cm long.
Each leaflet is oblong to elliptical and is 1.2 - 4.4cm
long and 0.5 - 1.5cm wide.

Flowers: The large, butterfly-shaped flowers are borne on leaf

axils and range in color from white to yellow, pink or

Time of Flowing: Free flowering.

Fruit: The fruit is a linear to slightly curved pod.

Roots: Moist Soils, Waterlogged Soils (Drains Site), Well-Drained

Soils. The roots have a large nodules.

Site: Full sun.

Soil: It grows in dry or moist lowland forests.

Characteristics: Can be used in general, Parks & Gardens.


n Colombia, as tajibo in Bolivia, and as ip-
amarelo in Brasil, is a native tree of the intertropical
broadleaf deciduous forests of South Americaabove
the Tropic of Capricorn. On May 29, 1948, Tabebuia
chrysantha was declared National Tree
of Venezuela since being an emblematic native
species of extraordinary beauty. Its deep yellow
resembles the one on the Venezuelan flag. It is one of
about 100 species of Tabebuia.

Habit: Tree

Size: 6 to 12m

Annual Growth: Its habitat ranges 400 to 1700m above sea level.


Foliage: ------

Flowers: Flowers are large, tubular shaped, with broadening

corolla of deep yellow colour, about 2 inches long;
they come out (February to April) before the tree has
grown back any leaves.

Time of Flowing: Flowering and fruiting take place in dry season, from
February to April, this way the seeds can take
advantage of early rains.

Fruit: The fruit consists of dehiscent capsule often matured

by the end of dry season. It is a slow growing, but long
lasting, tree.




Characteristics: This Nicaraguan tree has large, bright yellow flowers in

clusters, it tends to flower in several bursts. Although not
growing on campus it may be confused with 1)T.
aurea, however the bark is not corky, flowers are larger
and a brighter yellow and the capsule is long and
narrow, usually more than 30 cm long and about 1.5
cm wide, usually bearing some short rusty-coloured,
stellate and simple hairs, as well the leaves are not
whitish on the lower surface. 2) It may be distinguished
from T. (H.) chrysotricha by the distinctive red lines in
the throat of the corolla, these are more obvious when
dry, and the fruit which has short stellate or branched
hairs on the surface.

2. TABEBUIA PALLIDA French polynesia society islands, State of Hawaii
Distribution: Hawaiian Islands, Mautitius Islands,
Seychelles Islands, Singapore.

Habit: Tree

Size: 5-35 m

Annual Growth: -------

Bark: Grayish deeply fissured bark.

Foliage: ------

Flowers: Inflorescences are terminal panicles and consist of

many pink rose or white flowers with corollas of 5-7 cm

Time of Flowing: ----------

Fruits are cylindrical and dehiscent capsules of 10-20

Fruit: cm length and c. 15 mm width, containing numerous
winged seeds.

Roots: Dryish sandy substrates, dry hammocks; 0-50m.

Site: Wet windward slopes of the Lesser Antilles

Soil: Wind-borne seed/

Characteristics: Forests and forest edges, tropical hammocks. This tree

is a characteristic species of tropical dry and moist
forests in the native range. Where invasive, it
establishes well in disturbed sites and forms dense
thickets that shade out native plants and strongly
reduce species richness. Regeneration of native shrubs
and trees is prevented, hindering natural succession
and forest regeneration. Little is known on the ecology
of this tree.


Tamarind is native to tropical Africa, where it grows
wild throughout the Sudan. It has been so long ago
introduced into India that it has often been reported as
indigenous there also.

Habit: Tree

Size: 80 or even 100 ft (24-30 m)

Annual Growth:

Bark: Bark rough, fissured, grayish-brown.

Foliage: 40 ft

Flowers: The flower buds are distinctly pink due to the outer
color of the 4 sepals, which are shed when the flower

Time of Flowing: Evergreen tree.

Fruit: The fruits are curved and bulged pods, borne in great
abundance along the new branches. The pods are
cinnamon-brown or grayish-brown and tender-skinned
with green, highly acid flesh and soft, whitish and
under-developed seeds.





In native practice, the pulp is applied on

inflammations, used in a gargle for sore throat and,
mixed with salt, as a liniment for rheumatism.
It is administered to alleviate sunstroke, digitalis
poisoning, and alcoholic intoxication. The pulp is said
to aid the restoration of sensation in cases of paralysis.
The strained pulp, much like apple butter in
appearance, can be stored under refrigeration for use
in cold drinks or as a sauce for meats and poultry, plain
cakes or puddings. Tamarind pulp can be made into a
tart jelly, and Tamarind jam is canned commercially in
Costa Rica. Tamarind sherbet and ice cream are
popular and refreshing. In making fruit preserves,
Tamarind is sometimes combined with guava, papaya
or banana. Sometimes the fruit is made into wine.
Young leaves and very young seedlings and flowers
are cooked and eaten as greens and in curries in
India. In Zimbabwe, the leaves are added to soup and
the flowers are an ingredient in salads.

5.TECTONA GRANDIS Distribution:
Asia - Indian subcontinent, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, Vietnam.

Habit: Tree

Size: 30 metres

Annual Growth:



Flowers usually appear during the rainy season, and
trees tend to flower synchronously.
Time of Flowing:





Characteristics: A wood tar paste is made from the powdered wood

by putting it into hot water. It is vermifuge; promotes
digestion; is effective in relieving bilious headaches
and tooth aches; reduces inflammations or eruptions
of the skin.
The charred wood, soaked in poppy juice and made
into a paste, has been used to relieve the swelling of
the eyelids. The wood has been used as a hair tonic.
Oil extracted from the roots is used to treat eczema,
ringworms and inflammation.

6. Terminalia Arjuna
Distribution: India.

Habit: Tree

Size: 70-85 feet.

Annual Growth:

Bark: Reddish bark


Flowers: Flowers of Arjuna appear between march to June and

Time of Flowing: fruit between Septembers to November.




Characteristics: Arjuna is a very common plant in the tropical regions of

the world, mainly India. It is one of the few herbal
medicines that has been recognized by all medical
fields be it modern medicines, Ayurveda, homeopathy
or functional medicine.
Its chemical constituents have been extensively
researched in recent times which testify the effects of
this herb on the body that were recognized by the
vaidyas thousands of years back.

Distribution: Africa - Madagascar

Evergreen tree

Size: 10 - 20 metres tall.

Annual Growth:

Bark: Smooth.


Flowers: Bisexual Flowers

Time of Flowing:

Fruit: Simple fruit.




Characteristics: The bark and wood are astringent. They are used in the
treatment of dysentery. The bark and the wood
contain tannins and are used for dyeing. The tree is
used in reforestation schemes.

Terminalia Catappa, Indian Almond

Distribution: Tropical Asia, Northern Australia, Polynesia, Malaysia

Habit: Large Tropical tree with round dense crown, when

grown on open site becomes spreading and densely

Size: 90-100 ft in height with 50-70 ft spread.

Annual Growth: 3ft in first year, 9ft in 2nd year and 20ft in third year.

Bark: Light brown branches, winter buds red to dark purple,

bark is brown-black with vertical splits.

Foliage: Deciduous, opposite 20 in wide, 5 to 7 lobes, arching

toothed, has latex sap. Autumn color is golden-yellow,
often with red blotches.

Flowers: the trees are monoecious, with distinct male and

female flowers on the same tree. Both are 1 cm in
diameter, white to greenish, inconspicuous with no

Time of Flowing: 3 times a year,

Fruit: Drube, Almond, Fruit is edible and slightly acidic.

Roots: tannin with the astringent bark containing 9- 23%

tannin. The outer shell is also rich in tannin. The trunk is a
source of yellow and black dye

Sun / Partial shade


clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; well-drained


Wild form are hardier than varieties. Heat tolerant to

dry conditions, wind tolerant, withstand shade, tolerant
Characteristics: to urban sites.

Thespesia Populnea, Indian Tulip

Distribution: Native to portions of the Eastern United States and Asia

It is an attractive ornamental with valued reddish-

brown heartwood, but forms dense thickets and
Habit: reproduces profusely.

Growing from 30 feet to 35 feet


Depends on the region and soil conditions

Annual Growth:

Brown, corrugated. Scaly twigs.


Heart-shaped, shiny green, usually ranging in size from

Foliage: 5 cm to 20 cm (2 to 8 inches) long.

The cup-shaped hibiscus-like pale yellow flowers are 5

to 8 cm (2 to 3 inches), with a dark blotch at the base
Flowers: of the petals

in Warm climates

Time of Flowing:

Capsule is a flattened indehiscent leathery sphere. The

grayish brown seeds, 0.7 to 1.2 cm long (1/4 to 1/2
inch). Both the capsules and the hard seeds are
Fruit: buoyant and can be dispersed to very long distances
by sea water.

The timber is hard, termite-resistant, has an attractive

grain and dark-red colour, and is naturally oily so it can
be highly polished.

Sun / Partially Shaded

prefers a moist, well-drained, loamy soil in full sun, but

tolerates soils that are poor, rocky, clay, compacted,
dry, and of various pHs extremely well, and is very
urban tolerant to heat, drought, humidity, and
Site: pollution; however, not tolerant of shady situations

Soil: Thuja occidentalis is a common evergreen shrub,

having cultivars that are narrow pyramidal, columnar,
or globed in shape, often found at entranceways, at
the corners of foundations, or as privacy screens in row


Thuja Orientalis, Morpankhi

Distribution: Native to portions of the Eastern United States and Asia


Size: Growing from 10 feet to 200 feet

Annual Growth: Depends on the region and soil conditions

Bark: brownish-red bark exfoliates on mature branches or

trunks, but is often hidden by the foliage of lower

sprays of scale-like, dark green, miniature leaves are

Foliage: evergreen and held so tightly against the stems that
the young twigs are often completely hidden

monoecious and ornamentally insignificant in April


April / May

Time of Flowing:
the small green to chartreuse clustered cones of about
1/3" long often go unnoticed in Summer, maturing to
brown in early Autumn and spreading their scales
Fruit: widely apart to release the small seeds.

tannin with the astringent bark containing 9- 23%

tannin. The outer shell is also rich in tannin. The trunk is a
source of yellow and black dye

Partially Shaded

prefers a moist, well-drained, loamy soil in full sun, but

tolerates soils that are poor, rocky, clay, compacted,
dry, and of various pHs extremely well, and is very
Site: urban tolerant to heat, drought, humidity, and
pollution; however, not tolerant of shady situations

Thuja occidentalis is a common evergreen shrub,
having cultivars that are narrow pyramidal, columnar,
or globed in shape, often found at entranceways, at
the corners of foundations, or as privacy screens in row


Tipuana Tipu, Rosewood

Distribution: This tree is native to temperate South America, and has
been planted as an ornamental and street tree
throughout the world.

Well know for its dense shaded tree


95-100 ft in height with 65-70 ft spread.


7-8 feet per year as per climate.

Annual Growth:

Rough, random, light brown and reddish bark.


Pinnately compound leaves, 11 to 21 oblong leaflets,

Foliage: light green in color; medium texture

The flowers are bright yellow in color and bloom only

briefly in late summer.

3 times a year,

Time of Flowing:

The fruit is a legume (pod) with the seed at one end,

resembling a samara (the fruit of the Ash genus,

tannin with the astringent bark containing 9- 23%

tannin. The outer shell is also rich in tannin. The trunk is a
source of yellow and black dye

Sun\Full Shade

Some interveinal chlorosis might occur in alkaline

central Arizona soils.

Evergreen to partially deciduous, upright and broadly

Soil: spreading with age, open umbrella-like canopy.


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