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From: Anniken Williams, Public Policy Polling

To: Craig Varoga & Alixandria Lapp at Patriot Majority USA

Subject: Congressional Republicans Vulnerable in Upcoming Re-


Date: October 10, 2017

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to poll in House districts where Members of
Congress might be persuasion targets as the House prepares to take up the Republican tax
reform plan. Our new survey finds that 9 incumbent Members of Congress from Arizona,
California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Virginia are in fact
quite vulnerable in their upcoming re-elections, and they should be open to persuasion on
the new tax plan, particularly if they are listening to their constituents who have strong
concerns about both the idea of a Republican tax plan and key components in the plan.
Furthermore, the Republican President, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and Congress
itself are all unpopular, giving Patriot Majority an even greater opening in which to
persuade these Members of Congress to oppose the Republican tax reform plan.


In Arizonas 2nd Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congresswoman Martha

McSally has an approval rating of 45%, and 47% disapprove of her job performance.
President Trump has an approval rating of 42% and a disapproval rating of 54% in her
district, while 6% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is doing and 85% say
they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 23% of voters saying they
approve of the job he is doing and a majority (65%) responding that they disapprove.
These percentages, along with her hypothetical matchup with Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick
(44/44), indicate that McSally is vulnerable in her upcoming re-election. The new tax
plan is not popular in her district, and a majority of voters (53%) indicated they would be
less likely to vote for McSally if she voted in favor of the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal* 32% 51%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut* 18% 70%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit* 21% 64%

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]
PPP surveyed 714 AZ-2 voters from October 6-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/- 3.7%.
This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Californias 49th Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Darrell

Issa has an approval rating of 41%, and 48% say they do not approve of the job he is
doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 40% and a disapproval rating of 57% in
Issas district, while 9% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is doing and 83%
reported that they do not approve. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 25% of
voters saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (63%) responding that
they disapprove. These percentages, along with a hypothetical matchup between Issa
(41%) and a Democratic opponent (51%), indicate that Issa is quite vulnerable in his
upcoming re-election. The new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a majority of
voters (53%) indicated they would be less likely to vote for Issa if he voted in favor of the
Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 33% 51%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 21% 68%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 19% 66%

PPP surveyed 824 CA-49 voters from October 5-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/-
3.4%. This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Colorados 6th Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Mike

Coffman has an approval rating of 36%, and 49% do not approve of the job he is doing.
President Trump has an approval rating of 41% and a disapproval rating of 55% in
Coffmans district, while 9% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is doing and
85% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 25% of voters saying
they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (64%) responding that they disapprove.
Although Coffman leads in a hypothetical matchup with Democrat Jason Crow (43/36),
Coffmans approval is still quite low and Crow has time to expand his name recognition,
which could leave the incumbent vulnerable in his next election. The new tax plan is not
popular in his district, and a majority of voters (51%) indicated they would be less likely
to vote for Coffman if he voted in favor of the Republican tax plan.

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]
Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 33% 49%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 24% 64%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 20% 64%

PPP surveyed 742 CO-6 voters from October 5-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/- 3.6%.
This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Iowas 1st Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Rod Blum has
an approval rating of 33%, and a majority (51%) of voters say they do not approve of the
job he is doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 45% and a disapproval rating
of 50% in Blums district, while 6% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is
doing and 87% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 26% of
voters saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (61%) responding that
they disapprove. These percentages, along with a hypothetical matchup between
Democrat Abby Finkenauer (42%) and Blum (40%) indicate that Blum is vulnerable in
his upcoming re-election. The new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a plurality of
voters (48%) indicated they would be less likely to vote for Blum if he voted in favor of
the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 33% 48%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 18% 72%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 15% 68%

PPP surveyed 1,093 IA-1 voters from October 6-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/-
3.0%. This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Iowas 3rd Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman David Young

has an approval rating of 37%, and 47% of voters say they disapprove of the job he is
doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 43% and a disapproval rating of 53% in
Youngs district, while 7% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is doing and
86% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 24% of voters saying
they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (65%) responding that they disapprove.
Young (44%) is barely winning in a hypothetical matchup with a Democratic opponent

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]
(43%), and coupled with his low approval rating, Young is still vulnerable in his
upcoming re-election. Also, the new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a majority
(52%) of voters indicated they would be less likely to vote for Young if he voted in favor
of the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 26% 48%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 13% 74%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 15% 70%

PPP surveyed 693 IA-3 voters from October 6-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/- 3.7%.
This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Maines 2nd Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Bruce

Poliquin has an approval rating of 42%, and 50% of voters say they disapprove of the job
he is doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 46% and a disapproval rating of
49% in Poliquins district, while 8% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is
doing and 82% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 25% of
voters saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (61%) responding that
they disapprove. These percentages, along with a hypothetical matchup between Poliquin
(44%) and a Democratic opponent (45%), indicate that Poliquin is quite vulnerable in
his upcoming re-election. The new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a plurality of
voters (49%) indicated they would be less likely to vote for Poliquin if he voted in favor
of the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 31% 46%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 20% 69%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 17% 67%

PPP surveyed 951 ME-2 voters from October 5-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/- 3.2%.
This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Minnesotas 2nd Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Jason

Lewis has an approval rating of 39%, and 40% of voters say they disapprove of the job he

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]
is doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 44% and a disapproval rating of 52%
in Poliquins district, while 9% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is doing
and 85% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 29% of voters
saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (62%) responding that they
disapprove. Lewis (43%) is barely winning in a hypothetical matchup against Democrat
Angie Craig (42%), and coupled with his low approval rating, Lewis is still vulnerable in
his upcoming re-election. Also, the new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a
majority (50%) of voters indicated they would be less likely to vote for Lewis if he voted
in favor of the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 33% 47%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 24% 69%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 20% 64%

PPP surveyed 732 MN-2 voters from October 4-7, 2017. The margin of error is +/-
3.6%. This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Pennsylvanias 6th Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congressman Ryan

Costello has an approval rating of 34%, and 33% of voters say they disapprove of the job
he is doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 43% and a disapproval rating of
52% in Costellos district, while 5% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is
doing and 88% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 21% of
voters saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (70%) responding that
they disapprove. Although Costello (45%) leads in a hypothetical matchup with
Democrat Chrissy Houlahan (37%), his approval is still quite low and Houlahan has time
to expand her name recognition, which could leave the incumbent vulnerable in his next
election. The new tax plan is not popular in his district, and a majority (50%) of voters
indicated they would be less likely to vote for Costello if he voted in favor of the
Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 33% 49%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 21% 71%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 17% 69%

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]
PPP surveyed 689 PA-6 voters from October 6-8, 2017. The margin of error is +/- 3.7%.
This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.


In Virginias 10th Congressional District, Republican incumbent Congresswoman Barbara

Comstock has an approval rating of 32%, and 48% of voters say they disapprove of the
job she is doing. President Trump has an approval rating of 37% and a disapproval rating
of 59% in Poliquins district, while 7% of voters say they approve of the job Congress is
doing and 87% say they disapprove. Speaker Paul Ryan is also unpopular with 20% of
voters saying they approve of the job he is doing and a majority (71%) responding that
they disapprove. These percentages, along with a hypothetical matchup between
Comstock and a Democratic opponent, where Comstock has 39% of the vote and her
Democratic opponent has 48%, indicate that Comstock is quite vulnerable in her
upcoming re-election. The new tax plan is not popular in her district, and a majority
(50%) of voters indicated they would be less likely to vote for Comstock if she voted in
favor of the Republican tax plan.

Support Oppose
Congressional Republican Tax Proposal 32% 52%
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut 21% 68%
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit 13% 70%

PPP surveyed 669 VA-10 voters from October 6-9, 2017. The margin of error is +/-
3.8%. This poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews.

*Exact language for the questions on the proposed tax plan and its provisions:

Congressional Republican Tax Proposal: Based on what you know right now, would
you say you support or oppose the Republicans in Congress tax proposal, or have you
not heard anything about it?
Tax Plan Provision: Wealthy Tax Cut: Over 80% of the tax cuts go to the top 1% --
those with incomes of over $430,000 a year.
Tax Plan Provision: Increasing the Deficit: The tax plan would increase the deficit by
$2.4 trillion over the next ten years.

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web:
Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected]

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