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Inland capture fisheries

1. The river Ganga (Ganges) entered the plains at----------

a) Haridwar b) Allahabad c) Varanasi d) None
2. Thetributaries to the south of the Ganga are --------
a) Yamuna and Soneb) Ramganga andGomti c) Ghagra and Gandak d) Kosi and
3. The richest sources of capture fisheries in river Gangesstretch
a) Haridwar to Lalgolab) Allahabad to Mugalsarai c) Haridwar to Varanasi d)
Mugalsarai to Patna
4. The middle stretch of River Gangaes flows through the state------------
a) Uttar Pradesh and Biharb) Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh c) Bihar and West
Bengal d) Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal
5. Freshwater bivalves represented by
a) Lamellidensmarginalis b) Melaniastriatella tuberculate c) Ammnicolad) All
6. Landings of exotic fishes dominated in River Ganges
a) Common carp and Tilapia b) Grass carp and Common carp d)Tilapia and Thai-
7. Anadromousspecies, which include members of the family
a) Salmonidae and Clupeidae b) Clupeidae and Sciaenidae c) Salmonidae and
Anguillidae d) All
8. Catadromous species, which include members of the family
a) Anguillidae b) Salmonidae c) Clupeidae d) All
9. To allow the fish to pass around the dams by constructing---------
a) Fishwaysb) Laddersc) Fish passd) All
10. Hypoxia resultat oxygen level-----
a) <2 mg L-1b) < 1 mg L-1 c) <3 mg L-1 d) <4 mg L-1
11. Anoxia result at oxygen level-----
a) <0.1 mg L-1 b) < 0.75 mg L-1 c) <0.5 mg L-1 d) <1 mg L-1
12. SardarSarovarDam constructed on the River----------
a) Narmadab) Caberic) Krishna d) Godabri
13. Reservoir zones can usually be identified as---------
a) riverine zone b) transitional zone c) lacustrine zoned) All
14. National aquatic animal of India-------
a) Gangetic Dolphinb) Indian mackerel c) Tuna d) Irrawaddy dolphin
15. Indus River dolphin-----
a) Platanistagangetica minorb) Platanistagangeticagangeticac) Lipotesvexilliferd)
16. Ganges River dolphin------
a) Platanistagangetica minor b) Platanistagangeticagangetica c) Lipotesvexilliferd)
17. Feeding habits of Ganges River dolphin-----
a) catholic feeders b) Bottom feeder c) Surface feeder d) All
18. India is endowed with a rich fish biodiversity of------
a) 2,243 b) 2525 c) 2395 d) 2200
19. Fish species recorded from river Ganges------
a) 272 b) 165 c) 225 d)175
20. Alkaline death point in culture species------
a) 9 b) 8.5 c) 9.5 d) 8
21. Acidic death point in culture species-----
a) 4 b) 4.5 c) 3.5 d) 3
22. The length of mainstream of the river Ganges
a) 2525 km. b) 2355 km c) 2425km d) 2500 km

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