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Statement of Qualifications

September 28, 2017
Prepared for:
Robert M. Harary
Public Works Department
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Junipero 2 SE of 4th Avenue
Carmel, CA 93923

Prepared by:
Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc.
947 Cass Street, Suite 5
Monterey, CA 93940
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Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc.

September 28, 2017

City of Carmel
Public Works Department
Attention: Robert M. Harary, P.E., Director ofPublic Works
Junipero 2 SE of 41h Avenue
Carmel, CA 93921

RE: Statement of Qualifications - City of Carmel-by-the-Sea - Environmental Services

Dear Mr. Harary,

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) in response to the City
of Carmel-by-the-Sea's (City's) Request for Qualifications for Architectural, Engineering, Municipal
Administration & Other Professional Services (RFQ). Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. (DD&A) is
submitting this SOQ in response to the "Environmental Services" category identified in the City's RFQ.
DD&A has over 30 years of experience providing environmental compliance services to both public and
private sector clients. DD&A is headquartered in the City of Monterey, with satellite offices in San Jose
and Santa Barbara. All services provided to the City would be out of our Monterey office.
Since our inception in 1983, DD&A 's focus has been the completion of environmental documents that
meet California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and
other federal, state, and local requirements, with a focus on local expertise. DD&A has completed all
manner of environmental services for a diverse group of clients who have requested services similar to r
those found in the City's RFQ. DD&A is certified by the State of California as a Small Business
(#0020855) and a Woman-Owned Business (#13824). Additionally, DD&A is a participant in the
Monterey Bay Green Business Program Initiative. DD&A abides by all state and federal level
nondiscrimination laws.
Please find enclosed one (1) electronic copy and three (3) hardcopies of our SOQ. If you have any
questions about any of the content within the proposal, please feel free to contact me by mail at: 947 Cass
Street, Suite 5, Monterey, CA 93940; by phone at: (831) 373-4341x13; or via e-mail at:
[email protected]. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our qualifications for the City's
RFQ, and we look forward to providing services to the City in the future.


Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. 947 Cass Street, Suite 5 Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 373-4341
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1. Firms Name: Denise Duffy & Associates

2. Firms Local Address: 947 Cass St., Suite 5

Monterey, CA 93940
3. Is your local office the Head Office? X Yes No Branch Office? Yes X No
Only Office? Yes X No
4. Year your firm was established: ____1983____________

5. Year your local office was established: ___1983________

6. Primary contacts (Principals) in the local office:

Name Title Telephone E-Mail Address
Denise Duffy Principal (831)373-4341x13 [email protected]
Erin Harwayne Senior Project Manager (831)373-4341x19 [email protected]

7. List locations of no more than three (3) other offices where work may be performed (if
Address Telephone Number # of Personnel

8. Total employees presently employed:

a) In your local office__12__ b) In your firm__13___

9. Errors and Omissions Insurance

a) Amount your firm presently carries: $__2,000,000______ per ____aggregate______________

b) Carriers name and address: __SelectSolutions Insurance Services, 1350 Carlback Avenue, Suite
100, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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SERVICE AREA (Select one Service Area from list in SOQ package):

A. Consultants Key Personnel

Please identify your tentative, key Project Team members, their titles/roles and primary duties:

Name Title/Role Primary Duties

Erin Harwayne Senior Project Manager Project Management,
subconsultant management,
preparation of environmental
compliance documents,
scheduling & budgeting,
resource agency permitting
Matthew Johnson Senior Environmental Scientist/ Conducting biological surveys,
GIS Manager drafting biological assessments,
resource agency permitting,
contributing to CEQA/NEPA
documents, GIS

B. Subconsultant and Support Services

Please identify up to four (4) key subconsultants or vendors, contact persons, and services they would
provide in order to support your Project Team.

Firm Name & Location Contact Person Support Services

Illingworth & Rodkin Michael S. Thill Air Quality, Noise Consulting
Pacific Legacy Lisa Holm Cultural Resources
Pacific Crest Engineering Elizabeth M. Mitchell Geotechnical/SWPP
AEI Consultants Trent Weise Hazardous Materials

C. Organizational Chart

Please insert an Organizational Chart of your tentative Project Team on the next page.

MatthewJohnson TrentWeise LisaHolm MichaelS.Thill ElizabethMitchell

SeniorEnvironmental PrincipalEngineer SeniorArchaeologist/ PrincipalNoise PrincipalGeotechnical
Scientist/GISManager AEIConsultants GeospatialAnalyst Consultant Engineer
DD&A PacificLegacy Illingworth&Rodkin PacificCrestEngineering

DD&ASupportStaff JamesA.Reyff
Associate/Assistant AirQualityConsultant
EnvironmentalPlannersor Illingworth&Rodkin

1. Name: Erin Harwayne

2. Role in this Service Area: Senior Environmental Scientist/Planner/Project Manager

3. Years of experience Total: 16 With current firm: 16

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) Bachelor of Science, Earth Systems Science & Policy

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline) _CDFW Research Permit for Listed Plant Species No.
04-08-RP - Sand gilia (California Certification, Biological Resources), CDFW Scientific Collection Permit No. CS-
007722 Aquatic invertebrates (California Certification, Biological Resources)

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.)

American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP); CEQA and NEPA Intensive Workshop Certifications; Member,
Association for Environmental Professionals; Member, American Planning Association; Member, California Native
Plant Society

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): City of Monterey On-Call Environmental Services, Monterey,
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-Going
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: DD&A provides On-Call Environmental Services for
the City of Monterey, and currently has a number of on-going projects for the City. Projects were scoped and
budgeted on an individual basis, and varied in size from small construction monitoring efforts to in-depth CEQA
review and permitting. Ms. Harwayne serves as project manager for this On-Call agreement.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): City of Del Rey Oaks On-Call Services, Del Rey Oaks,
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): Not Applicable
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: DD&A provides On-Call Environmental and Planning
Services for the City of Del Rey Oaks, serving as the Citys exclusive environmental consultant. DD&A is currently
managing several large scale projects for the City, and has completed environmental compliance for local wells, an
RV ordinance, and other projects of varying size and scope. DD&A responds to requests for information made by
City staff. Projects under this agreement were scoped and budgeted on an individual basis. Ms. Harwayne serves as
Senior Environmental Scientist/Planner under this agreement.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

9. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): MCWD On-Call Environmental Services Marina, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-Going
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: DD&A serves as MCWDs primary environmental
consultant and works on a variety of projects on their behalf, ranging from small biological surveys/assessments to
preparation of CEQA and NEPA documentation for large scale water facilities projects. Each project with MCWD is
executed under a separate contract, ranging from $3,000 to over $300,000 in cost. DD&A has also provided
additional services to MCWD in the areas of permit and application processing and GIS mapping. Ms. Harwayne
serves as project manager for this On-Call agreement.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

1. Name: Matthew Johnson

2. Role in this Service Area: Senior Environmental Scientist/GIS Manager

3. Years of experience Total: _16___ With current firm: _____14______________

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) _Bachelor of Science, Earth Systems Science and Policy ____

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline) USFWS Federal Recovery Permit TE-091857-0:
California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog (Federal Registration, Biological Resources), CDFW
Scientific Collection Permit SC-007701: Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Freshwater/terrestrial invertebrates,
(California, Biological Resources), 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification (Federal Registration, Hazardous Materials)

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.)

Central Coast Joint Data Committee, Monterey Peninsula Audubon Society, Trimble Certified GPS Operator,
Wetlands Regulation and Mitigation Training Seminar, Special-Status Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern
California, The Western Section of Wildlife Society Annual Meeting & Symposium, ____

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment Project,
Monterey County, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): _ On-going
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: _The PWM/GWR project is an innovative solution to
help solve the Monterey Peninsulas water supply issues. Mr. Johnson has provided the majority of DD&As
biological services for the PWM/GWR project, including construction monitoring, resource agency coordination and
contributing to the biological resources section of the EIR for the project. This large-scale project has been through
many different phases and budget amendments as the scope of the project has grown.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): _City of Monterey On-Call Environmental Services,
Monterey, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going ____
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): _On-going ____
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: _Mr. Johnson has served as Senior Environmental
Scientist and has contributed to a number of projects contained under DD&As On-Call Agreement with the City of
Monterey. Mr. Johnson has provided construction monitoring, biological assessments, and has contributed to the
biological resources sections of CEQA documents on City projects of varying size.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

9. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): City of Del Rey Oaks On-Call Services, Del Rey Oaks,
- Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-going
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Mr. Johnson has provided a variety of service for the
City of Del Rey Oaks. Most notably, Mr. Johnson has provided protocol-level surveys for special-status plant
species in connection with a proposed RV facility. Mr. Johnson has also provided GIS services for various City
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No
1. Name: _____Michael S. Thill_________________________________________________________

2. Role in this Service Area: ___Noise Consultant ______________________________________

3. Years of experience Total: _19_ With current firm: __19______________

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) _ Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science_____

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline) ____N/A_________________________

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.)

Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Association of Environmental Professionals____________

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): _ Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment Project,
Monterey County, California _
- Year Completed Professional Services: ____2015______________________________________
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): __N/A_________________________________
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: _$63,900. The primary components to the GWR
project, with regard to noise or air quality emissions, include new facilities at the Regional Treatment Plan (RTP),
new pump stations, new water conveyance facilities, and new injection well facilities. The noise report consisted of
establishment of existing baseline conditions, quantification of project-generated noise levels, assessment of noise
impacts, and recommendations for mitigation measures. The air quality and GHG report consisted of a review of
local, State, and federal regulations and ensuring the project was consistent, evaluation of construction activities,
predicting construction and operational emissions, health risk assessments based on emissions outputs, prediction of
GHG emissions, and recommendations for mitigation measures.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): ___ Iris Canyon Residential Care Facility for the Elderly,
Monterey, California ____
- Year Completed Professional Services: ___2013_______________________________
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): ______N/A__________________________________
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: __$10,700. I&R prepared the noise and air quality
assessments for the Iris Canyon Residential Care Facility for the Elderly in Monterey, California. The project
proposed to develop up to 110 residential units located north of Highway 1 and adjacent to the Del Monte Shopping
Center. The noise report consisted of quantifying existing noise conditions, assessing construction and operational
noise impacts, and recommending mitigation measures. The air quality report consisted of describing existing air
quality conditions, assessing long-term air quality impacts, analyzing construction impacts, and identifying
mitigation measures to reduce significant air quality impacts.____
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No
1. Name: Elizabeth M. Mitchell, GE,

2. Role in this Service Area: Principal Engineer - Geotechnical Services and QSP/SWPPP Conformance

3. Years of experience Total: _27___ With current firm: __11___________________

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) Master of Science, Civil Engineering; Bachelor of Science, Industrial

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline) Geotechnical Engineer- GE 2718 California, Civil
Engineer- CE 58578 California

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.)

ICC Soils Special Inspector No. 8029279-EC, Qualified SWPPP Developer and Practitioner (QSD/QSP) No. 20502,
Water Treatment Operator, Grade T2, Water Distribution Operator, Grade D2

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Forest Theater Renovation, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA
- Year Completed Professional Services: 2015
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): 2016
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: The site is the home of the historic Forest Theater and
consists of indoor theater space as well as an outdoor proscenium theater with amphitheater seating, control booth,
wood deck, paved pathways, landscaping, and attendant utilities. The project consisted of renovating the existing
Theater facilities, including new decks, retaining walls, new paved roadways, landscaping, utilities, and hardscape
improvements. Pacific Crest Engineering performed a geotechnical investigation for the project, as well as
construction observation and testing services during the construction phase. Project Cost $2M (approximate)
-Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Twin Lakes Beachfront Project, Santa Cruz, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-Going
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: The Twin Lakes Beachfront project will provide
improved pedestrian and bicycle access to Twin Lakes Beach, the Harbor, and the Marine Sanctuary along a portion
of East Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz County. The construction includes an MSE wall to stabilize the roadside edge,
pedestrian, bicycle and parking improvements, updated storm water drainage systems, and organized parking spaces.
Pacific Crest Engineering is providing geotechnical consultation and observation and testing services for this
project, as well as Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) services. This project demonstrates our geotechnical
engineering experience with coastal projects and illustrates our technical ability for developing geotechnical
recommendations tailored to challenging site conditions. Cost $4.7M (approximate)
-Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No
1. Name: Trent Weise

2. Role in this Service Area: Principal Engineer Site Mitigation

3. Years of experience Total: 20 years With current firm: 4 years

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) Bachelor of Science, Natural Resources Engineering

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline): Licensed Professional Engineer C64487, California

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.)

Idaho Licensed Professional Engineer 11538, Washington Licensed Professional Engineer - 40765

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): SCVWD Retail Petroleum Service Station Sites, Santa Clara
County, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Responsibilities included the management of all
regulatory agency-required site activities, including site assessment, feasibility study and corrective action plan
preparation, remedial system design, installation, and operation and maintenance (O&M), site reporting, and
regulatory agency communication and negotiation. Sites were impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons, including
MTBE. Work included management of a team and oversight of a budget of $1,300,000.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Soil & Groundwater VOC Remediation, Mountain View,
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Included performing remediation investigation (RI),
interim remedial actions (IRA), supplemental investigations and preparing final remedial action plan (RAP). The
successful RI included advancing over 20 membrane interface probe (MIP) borings using real-time information to
assess the vertical and lateral extent of VOCs in soil and groundwater. The approved IRAs include performing an
excavation to remove VOC-affected clayey soils and in-situ groundwater treatment to address VOC-affected
groundwater. Human and ecological health risk assessment methods were used to evaluate and propose appropriate
cleanup goals.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

9. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Phase I construction dewatering at the new North Concourse
of the San Jose International Airport, San Jose, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Included designing and installing a construction
dewatering system to allow the dry excavation of an approximately 20 foot deep 1,500 foot long by 40 feet wide
excavation and was capable of extracting and treating up to 2,000 GPM prior to discharge into the Guadalupe River.
The system included 46 dewatering wells surrounding the excavation, five settling tanks, and two sand filter
systems. The system successfully met the discharge requirements, without upset, treating and discharging over three
quarters of a billion gallons.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No
1. Name: Lisa Holm

2. Role in this Service Area: Senior Archaeologist/Geospatial Analyst - Archaeology

3. Years of experience Total: 25 years With current firm: 11 years

4. Education (Degree and Specialization) Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology, Master of Science, Computer
Applications in Archaeology, Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology

5. Current Registration/Certification (State & Discipline): NEPA Compliance and Cultural Resources (National
Preservation Institute Certificate), Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)

6. Other Professional Qualifications (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) N/A

7. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): On-Call Archaeological Services, City of Monterey
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Project Supervisor for the City of Monterey on-call
archaeological services contract. Supervised or conducted cultural resource survey and monitoring efforts at
numerous locations throughout the city and authored or edited reports summarizing the findings from each project.
Consulted with Native American stakeholders and the State Historic Preservation Officer as needed and served as
Geospatial Data Manager for Class I cultural resources associated with the contract service area.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

8. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Santa Clara Valley Water District On-Call Archaeological
Services, Santa Clara County, California
- Year Completed Professional Services: On-Going
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Project Supervisor for the Santa Clara Valley Water
District on-call archaeological services contract. Supervised monitoring at numerous locations throughout Santa
Clara County and drafted year end reports summarizing all finds and activities.
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No

9. Relevant Project Title & Location (City & State): Monterey Peninsula Airport District Runway Safety Area
(RSA) Improvement Project, Monterey California
- Year Completed Professional Services: 2016
- Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A
- Brief Description (Scope, size, cost, etc.) and Specific Role: Project Supervisor and author of the Data Recovery
Report for the Monterey Peninsula Airport District Runway Safety Area (RSA) Improvement Project. All work was
completed on behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Monterey Peninsula Airport District following
an inadvertent discovery during project implementation
- Performed Relevant Project with Current Firm: Yes X No


Project Key Number (1 to 4): 1X2 3 4 (Match the bottom of Form E)

1. Title of Example Project: Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project

2. Project Location (City and State): __Marina, California

3. Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going

4. Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-going

5. Project Owners Information:

- Project Owner: Monterey One Water

- Point of Contact Name: Robert Holden

- Point of Contact Telephone Number: (831)372-3367

- Point of Contact E-Mail Address: [email protected]

6. Description of Project and Relevance to this Service Area (include scope, size, cost, etc.):
The primary purpose of the GWR Project is to provide high quality replacement water to allow California
American Water Company (CalAm) to extract 3,500 acre-feet per year (AFY) more water from the
Seaside Basin for delivery to its customers in the Monterey District service area and reduce Carmel River
system water use. DD&A successfully authored an in-depth, expedited EIR and is currently completing
federal, state, and local regulatory permitting for the project. DD&A has an intimate familiarity with the
project, having been involved since 2013. Throughout the CEQA process, DD&A met schedules and
finished under budget even with major changes in the project description for the project.

7. Subconsultants from FORM B Involved with this Example Project, if any:

Firm Name Firm Location Support Service

Pacific Legacy 900 Modoc Street Cultural Resources Report
Berkeley, CA 94707

Pacific Crest Engineering 444 Airport Blvd, Geological Report

Watsonville, CA 95076

Illingworth & Rodkin 1 Willowbrook Ct #120, Air Quality Analysis

Petaluma, CA 94954


Project Key Number (1 to 4): 1 2X 3 4 (Match the bottom of Form E)

1. Title of Example Project: City of Monterey On-Call Environmental Services

2. Project Location (City and State): __Monterey, California

3. Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going

4. Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-going

5. Project Owners Information:

- Project Owner: City of Monterey

- Point of Contact Name: Kim Cole, Community Development Director

- Point of Contact Telephone Number: (831) 646-3462

- Point of Contact E-Mail Address: [email protected]

6. Description of Project and Relevance to this Service Area (include scope, size, cost, etc.):
DD&A provides On-Call Environmental Services for the City of Monterey, and currently has a number
of on-going projects for the City. Projects were scoped and budgeted on an individual basis, and varied in
size from small construction monitoring efforts to in-depth CEQA review and permitting. DD&As
experience on this contract has included biological resource surveys, preparation of environmental
compliance documents, regulatory permit compliance, and management of subconsultant firms.

7. Subconsultants from FORM B Involved with this Example Project, if any:

Firm Name Firm Location Support Service
Pacific Legacy 900 Modoc Street Cultural Resources/Cultural
Berkeley, CA 94707 Monitoring


Project Key Number (1 to 4): 1 2 3X 4 (Match the bottom of Form E)

1. Title of Example Project: Marina Coast Water District On-Call Environmental Services

2. Project Location (City and State): __Marina, California

3. Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going

4. Year Completed Construction (if applicable): On-going

5. Project Owners Information:

- Project Owner: Marina Coast Water District (MCWD)

- Point of Contact Name: Michael Wegley, District Engineer

- Point of Contact Telephone Number: (831)883-5925

- Point of Contact E-Mail Address: [email protected]

6. Description of Project and Relevance to this Service Area (include scope, size, cost, etc.):
DD&A serves as MCWDs primary environmental consultant and works on a variety of projects on their
behalf, ranging from small biological surveys/assessments to preparation of CEQA and NEPA
documentation for large scale water facilities projects. Each project with MCWD is executed under a
separate contract, ranging from $3,000 to over $300,000 in cost. DD&A has also provided additional
services to MCWD in the areas of permit and application processing and GIS mapping.

7. Subconsultants from FORM B Involved with this Example Project, if any:

Firm Name Firm Location Support Service



Project Key Number (1 to 4): 1 2 3 4 X (Match the bottom of Form E)

1. Title of Example Project: City of Del Rey Oaks On-Call Services

2. Project Location (City and State): __Del Rey Oaks, California

3. Year Completed Professional Services: _On-going

4. Year Completed Construction (if applicable): N/A

5. Project Owners Information:

- Project Owner: City of Del Rey Oaks

- Point of Contact Name: Dino Pick, City Manager

- Point of Contact Telephone Number: (831)394-8511x112

- Point of Contact E-Mail Address: [email protected]

6. Description of Project and Relevance to this Service Area (include scope, size, cost, etc.):
DD&A has provided the City of Del Rey Oaks with On-Call Environmental Services for more than a
decade. DD&A's scope for this contract has involved working on a variety of projects for the City
requiring a breadth of different service types, including city planning, CEQA environmental document
preparation, permitting applications, biological surveys, participation at public hearings, and more.
DD&A consistently completes work for the City of Del Rey Oaks at or under budgeted costs.

7. Subconsultants from FORM B Involved with this Example Project, if any:

Firm Name Firm Location Support Service

AEI Consultants 3880 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 109 Phase I Assessment
San Jose, CA 95124

Pacific Crest Engineering 444 Airport Blvd, Geological Report

Watsonville, CA 95076

Illingworth & Rodkin 1 Willowbrook Ct #120, Acoustical Analysis

Petaluma, CA 94954


Example Projects from FORM D
(Fill in Example Projects Key
section shown below before
No. Key Personnel From Role completing this table. Then, place
FORM C X under project key numbers
below for key personnels
participation in Example Projects.

1 2 3 4
1. Erin Harwayne Senior Project Manager X X X

2. Senior Environmental Scientist/

Matthew Johnson X X X X
GIS Manager

Pacific Legacy: Senior

3. Lisa Holm Archaeologist/Geospatial X X

4. AEI Consultants: Principal

Trent Weise X
Engineer Site Mitigation

5. Pacific Crest Engineering:

Elizabeth Mitchell X X
Principal Geotechnical Engineer

6. Illingworth & Rodkin: Principal

Michael S. Thill X X
Noise Consultant

Example Projects Key from FORM D

No. Title of Example Project No. Title of Example Project
1. Pure Water Monterey Groundwater 3. Marina Coast Water District On-Call Environmental
Replenishment Project Services
2. City of Monterey On-Call 4. City of Del Rey Oaks On-Call Services
Environmental Services
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List specialized and/or unique equipment, vehicles, software, or other resources your firm possesses that
is advantageous or necessary to perform this service and which your firm is willing to commit locally.
Equipment may include, but is not limited to: heavy equipment, special purpose or specially-equipped
vehicles, equipment, specialized computer programs, reference manuals/codes, laboratory testing
equipment, audio visual equipment, tools, supplies, or other relevant resources.

1. Applicable Specialized Equipment

Trimble Geo 7 Series GPS with a Zephyr 2 Antenna

2. Applicable Specialized Software Programs

ArcGIS 10.4

Adobe Creative Suite

Microsoft Office Suite

3. Applicable Reference Manuals, Codes, Data, etc.

California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Subscription

4. Other Applicable Resources

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Fully Burdened Hourly Rates

No. Key Personnel from FORM Role
c 2017 2018 2019

1. Erin Harwayne Senior Project $158.00 $160.00 $163.00

2. Matthew Johnson Senior Scientist II $147.00 $149.00 $152.00
3. Michael S. Thill Illingworth & $220.00 $230.00 $240.00
Rodkin - Principal
4. Elizabeth M. Mitchell Pacific Crest $175.00 $181.00 $187.00
Engineers -
Principal En2ineer
5. Trent Weise AEI Consultants - $205.00 $215.00 $226.00
Principal Engineer
6. Lisa Holm Pacific Legacy - $90.10 $90.10 $94.60
Fully Burdened Houri~ Rates
No. Other Staff Role
(or Classifications) 2017 2018 2019
7. Diana Staines Associate Planner
$105.00 $107.00 $109.00
8. James A. Reyeff Illingworth & $195.00 $205.00 $215.00
Rod kin - Senior
Does your firm 's fully burdened hourly rates include the followmg?
Software Yes IRJ
No 0 Vehicles Yes~ No 0
Phone/Cell Yes ~ No C Printing Yes ,..., No~
Mileage Yes 0 No ~ Postage/Courier Yes " No~

Please in~e to acknowledge that markups for subconsultants and other direct costs shall not exceed
10.0% _ . . _ _ .
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Provide any additional information that would further clarify your interest, expertise, similar
experience, and/or capabilities relevant to this Service Area.

DD&As local experience as an environmental planning firm in Monterey is unequaled by any of our
competitors. DD&As local presence allows for a more thorough understanding of the environmental
issues affecting the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea and the surrounding communities. DD&As multi-
disciplinary staff and trusted subconsultants allow for completion of high quality technical documents in
support of the Citys environmental planning needs.

Signature of Authorized Representative: ___ _______________________

Printed Name: Denise Duffy
Title of Signer: Principal
Date Signed: September 28th, 2017

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