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A Word for Word Meaning of vk sktam, gveda [ ,   (


  , rmaka janasvmi
December 16, 2009

-- $ )
 -- (!"#
ik--vgmbh devat--vgmbh (tmastuti) chanda--triup, 2 jagat

Introduction: The Devi Suktam or the Vaak Sutam (Vk sktam) occurs in the 10th

mandala of Rg Veda Samhita as sktam(  ) number 125. The seer of the mantra is

vk (), the daughter of rishi ambh (,), resulting in the complete name
vgmbh (). The devata is also vgmbh , meaning that the seer
completely identifies with the seen in this sktam. The rishika contemplates on the Self
(can also be interpreted as (a) the primordial speech-parvk, +  = ,-  per the
later philosophies of Kashmir Shaivism or (b) the first letter , in the primordial abda
.) and on its creative powers and joyfully proclaims these verses in praise of the Self
(!"# $ ). In what follows, the original sanskrit text is taken from [9]. As for the
chandas, except for the second verse that has 12 syllables per pda (jagat chanda,
 &'(), all of the other verses have 11 syllables per pda (triup chanda, *+$ 
&'(). Various interpretations of the vk sktam have been given in the literature partly
due to the fact that the verbs or nouns present could have multiple meanings. In this
exposition, we tried to adhere to strict grammatical rules to somewhat narrow the choice
of meanings. As with our previous works, we have given the original devanaagari text as
well as the transliterated text to reach a wider audience.

Mantra 1:
,- @ $ 2450 -3 6
0 ? /0 20 3 0  (7 ,-
0 7/0  8 3 0 ? /
0 3 :02 ;3250 -@ 3<0= ,-8:0
0 0 2
aha rudrebhirvasubhicarmyahamdityairuta vivadevai| aha
mitrvaru obh bibharmyahamindrgn ahamavinobh|| 1

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

,- /2( 
$ C ,- ! 6 
 ( ,- /
7( D 8 7 
D2 ;2 @ ,- E<= ,- 
,8 D2
aham rudrebhi vasubhi carmi aham dityai uta vivadevai| aham
mitrvaru ubh bibharmi aham indrgn aham avin ubh||
Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
 = with Rudras (instr. pl. of /(, m., see 329.d of [11])
$ = with Vasus (instr. pl. of  $ , m.)
C = I move (or spread) (1p, sg. pri. of root C, 1P)
! 6 7( = with Adityas (instr. pl. of ! 6(, m.)
D = also (ind.)
 ( = with Vishvadevas; can also mean with all gods (instr. pl. of 8 (
8 7  , m. =
 , TP. cpd. = Gods of universe)
8G + (
/ = Mitra and Varuna (acc. dl. of /H =  + /, DV cpd.)
D2 = both (acc. dl. of D2H)
;2@ = I hold/carry (1p. sg. pri. of root 2, 3P)
E<= = Indra and Agni (acc. dl. of E<= = E< + ,=, DV cpd.)
,8 = The two Ashvins (acc. dl. of !8  )

Translation: I move along with Rudras, the Vasus, the Adityas, also with the
Vishvadevas. I hold both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra and Agni, and both the
Asvin brothers.

Mantra 2:
,- 0 ? 3 ;250 -@ ? I*3
0 ? :3- 0 ? 23 ,-
0 $ +0 0 ? 3 J0 3 ? -K3
0 $ M0 OP Q3Q R0
  0 $ 

aha somamhanasa bibharmyaha tvaramuta pa a bhagam| aha
dadhmi dravi a havimate suprvye3 yajamnya sunvate|| 2

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

,- : 
@ ,- I*  +
2 ,- J
 -K $
aham somam hanasam bibharmi aham tvaram uta pa am bhagam| aham
dadhmi dravi am havimate suprvye yajamnya sunvate||
Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
 Soma plant (acc. sg. of :(, m.)
: =
 pressed out (acc. sg. of !-,  m.)
!- =
;2@ = I hold/bear (1p. sg. pri. of root 2, 3P)
I*  = Tvashtri, the first architect (acc. sg. of I*, m.)
D = also (ind.)

+  = Sun/surveyor (acc. sg. of +
 , m.)
2  = Bhaga, gracious Lord (acc. sg. of 2(, m.)
J = I place (1p. sg. pri. of root J , 3P)
  = wealth (acc. sg. of   , n.)
-K = to the possessor of oblation (dat. sg. of -K  , m.)
M $
 = to the mindful (dat. sg. of adj. M )
QQ = to the institutor (dat. sg. of Q( , m.)
$  = to the offeror of Soma sacrifice (dat. sg. of R
R $  , m.)

Translation: I bear the pressed out Soma, also Tvashtri, Pushan and Bhaga. I
grant wealth to the possessor of oblation, to the mindful institutor of sacrifice and
to the performer of Soma scacrifice.

Mantra 3:
0 ? S3 T3
,- $ U
0 0 3 ? C0 3 0 QVQ3
0  ? 3 
0  M3 J($ +/0$  23
W0? 2Q
@ 3XQ3 0 Y

aha rr sa'gaman vasn cikitu pratham yajiynm| t m dev

vyadadhu purutr bhristhtr bhryveayantm|| 3

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

,- S 
  $ U QVQ  
C  (
 -, J($ +/
$ 2W
 $ -

aham rr sam-gaman vasnm cikitu pratham yajiynm| tm m
dev vi-adadhu purutr bhristhtrm bhuri-veayantm||

Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
S = Queen (nom. sg. of S, f.)
T = gatherer (nom. sg. of T, f.)

[  = of Vasus (gen. pl. of  $ , m.)

$ = knower of Brahman (nom. sg. of C

C $ , f.)

U = first (nom. sg. of adj. U)

QVQ  = of worthy of worship (gen. pl. f. of adj. QVQ)
  = that (acc. sg. f. of pronoun   )
 = me (acc. sg. of ,F  )
 = gods (nom. pl. of (
(  , m.)
M J($ = they spread (3p. pl. imperf. of root  + J , 3P)
+/ = in many ways/places/directions (ind.)

2W  = having many stations (acc. sg. of 2
+ W)
2QXQY  = causing it to enter many (2
+ !XQY
  , !XQ
 = causative of root
! + X  , 6U, present participle = !XQY

Translation: I am the Queen, the gatherer of vasus (treasures), knower of

Brahman, the first (chief) of the object of yagna (worship). The gods have
dispersed me in many places, having many abodes, causing me to pervade (or
overpower) many.

Mantra 4:
Q0 : ,]3^0 Q: +Q3 0$
0 Q( 30 Q `a b0 :6 ,Y:0
0 0 0 $ 3$ e
?  D+3 cQY J 0 ? 3
may so annamatti yo vipayati ya priti ya otyuktam| amantavo m
ta upa kiyanti rudhi ruta raddhiva te vadmi|| 4

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

Q ( ,] ,^  $
Q( -+Q Q(  Q( g : D ,-Y(    D+-cQY J

$ e    
may sa annam atti ya vi-payati ya priti ya m ru oti uktam| a-
mantava mm te upa-kiyanti rudhi ruta raddhivam te vadmi||

Word Meanings:
Q = by me (instr. sg. of ,F)
( = that (nom. sg. m. of pronoun   )
,]  = food (acc. sg. of ,]  , n.)
,^ = he eats (3p. sg. pri. of root ,  , 2P)
Q( = who (nom. sg. m. of pronoun Q  )
+Q = he observes/perceives (3p. sg. pri. of root  + hX  , 1P)
 = he breathes (3p. sg. pri. of root  )
g  = alone, particle of affirmation (ind.)
b: = he hears (3p. sg. pri. of root b, 5P)
D  = speech (acc. sg. of ppp. D( of root C , 2U)
,Y( = The non-perceivers (nom. pl. of ,Y($, m. = , + Y($)
  = me (acc. sg. of ,F)
 = they (nom. pl. of   , m.)
D+cQY = they dwell near (3p. pl. pri. of root D+ + c , 6P = to dwell near)
$ = hear! (2p. sg. imper. of root b , 5P)
$ = capable of hearing (voc. sg. of ppp. $ = bXk )
be  = credible (acc. sg. of be( , m.)
 = to you (dat. sg. of QK )
  = I speak (1p. sg. pri. of root   )

Translation: He who eats food, he who sees, who breathes, who hears the
spoken word does so through me alone. Even the non-perceivers of you dwell
near me. Hear me! he who is capable of hearing me! I speak to you the credible.

Mantra 5:
0 ? 3 0 *$ ? 3 23
0 0 0 Q
,- 0   /0 3$ 2(
 Q ? 0Q 0 3? 0 $ ? 3 :0  ? m0
0 0  
? 0 ?  ? 3$ J
ahameva svayamida vadmi jua devebhiruta mnuebhi| ya kmaye
ta tamugra k omi ta brahma tami ta sumedhm|| 5

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

 Q E 
,- n  
     D 2(
$ 2(
* $  
Q Q  D
     :  m

aham eva svayam idam vadmi juam devebhi uta mnuebhi| yam kmaye
tam tam ugram k omi tam brahmam tam im tam sumedhm||

Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
n = only (ind.)
Q  = by self (ind.)
E   = this (acc. sg. of E   , n.)
  = I speak (1p. sg. pri. of root   )
$  = liked (acc. sg. m. of ppp. *(
* $ of root $  , 6P)

2(  , m., see 329.d of [11])
= by gods (instr. pl. of (
2( $ , m., see 329.d of [11])
= by men (instr. pl. of (
Q  = which (acc. sg. of Q  , m.)
Q = I wish (1p. sg. pri. of causative Q of root  , 1A)
  = that (acc. sg. of   , m.)
D  = powerful, mighty (acc. sg. of D( , m.)
 : = I make (1p. sg. pri. of  , 5P)
m  = one versed in sacred knowledge (acc. sg. of m  , m.)
  = sage (acc. sg. of ( , m.)
J  = wise (acc. sg. of -J
$   , m.)

Translation: I speak this myself, which is liked by boths gods and men alike,
whomever I wish, I make him powerful, well versed in knowledge, a sage and a
wise one.
Mantra 6:
,- 0 $ 3: mo0
0 ? /0 Q0 J 0  X3  0 -Y0  D3 ,-
0 ? 3Q 
0 ? 3  :50 -? p3+ U
0 ! 3X
aha rudrya dhanur tanomi brahmadvie arave hantav u| aha janya
samada ku omyaha dyvpthiv vivea|| 6

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

,- /Q 
J($ ! : m-o  X  -Y7 D ,- Q    : ,- p
 +U !

aham rudrya dhanu tanomi brahma-dvie arave hantavai u| aham janya
samadam k omi aham dyv pthivi vivea||

Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
/Q = for Rudra (dat. sg. of /( , m.)
J($ = bow (nom. sg. of J($ , m.)
!: = to stretch (1p. sg. pri. of root ! +  , 8P)
 , TP cpd., o*
mo = hater of brahman (dat. sg. of brahmadvish m( + o*  = ppp. of
root o  , 2P)
X = for arrow (dat. sg. of X/( , m.)
-Y7 = for the prupose of killing (dat inf. of - , 2P)
D = particle of emphasis (ind.)
Q = for people (dat. sg. of ( , m.)
   = battle, (acc. sg. of   , f.)
 : = I make (1p. sg. pri. of  , 5P)
p = heaven (nom. sg. of p , f.)
+U = earth (nom. sg. of +U , f.)
 = I have pervaded (1p. sg. perf. of root ! + X  , 6P)

Translation: The bow I stretch for the arrow for Rudra is for the purpose of
killing the hater of Brahman. I do battle for people. I have pervaded heaven and

Mantra 7:
,-0 ? 3$  +3
0 G J  0 Q:3r
0 @  $  :0  3s0  2
0 OPY( 30 $ 0 0 $ 8:0 ? p? K:+3
0 @ tX u
aha suve pitaramasya mrdhan mama yonirapsva1n ta samudre| tato vi
tihe bhuvannu vivotm dy varma opa spmi|| 7

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

 $  + ,G
,-    Q:(
J  ,v $ ,Y( 
$  ( -s  2
$ , $ 8 D , 

K@ D+ tX
aham suve pitaram asya mrdhan mam yoni apsu anta samudre| tata vi-
tihe bhuvan anu viv uta amm dym varma upa spmi||

Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
$  = I generate (1p. sg. pri. of root  $ , 2A)
+  = father (acc. sg. of + , m.)
,G = of this (gen. sg. of E   )
@  = in summit (loc. sg. of J
J @ , m. see 425.c of [11])
 = of my (gen. sg. of ,F  )
Q:( = source (nom. sg. of Q: , m.)
,v $ = in waters (loc. pl. of ,+ f .)
,Y( = inner (nom. sg. of ,Y( , m.)
$ = in ocean (loc. sg. of $ , n.)
( = From that place, Thence (ind.)
s = I spread (1p. sg. pri. of root  + W , 1A)
2 $  , n. see 309.b of [11])
= living creatures (acc. pl. of 2
, $ = alongside (ind.)
8 = all pervading (nom. sg. of 8 , f.)
D = also (ind.)
 = that (acc. sg. of ,   , f.)
p  = sky (acc. sg. of   , f.)
@ = with vertex (instr. sg. of K@  , m.)
D+ = together with (ind.)
tX = I touch (1p, sg. pri. of root tX  , 6P)

Translation: I generate the father on the summit of this (sky). My source is in the
waters, in the inner ocean. Thence, I spead among all living creatures, alongside
the all-pervading, and with the vertex I touch that sky.

Mantra 8:
0 0 3E0 350230 23$ 0 83 +:
,- 0  
0 +0 n 0 73 -
0 +3UM w
0  ? ;32
ahameva vtaiva pra vmyrabham bhuvanni viv| paro div para en
pthivyaitvat mahin sa babhva|| 8

A - (sandhi vigraha) :

 ( E - !2 2
,- n $ 8 +(   +( n +UM n -  

aham eva vta iva pra-vmi rabham bhuvanni viv| para div para
en pthivy etvat mahin sam babhva||

Word Meanings:
 I (nom. sg. of personal pronoun ,F)
,- =
n = only (ind.)
( = wind (nom. sg. of ( , m.)
E = like (ind.)
 = I breathe forth (1p. sg. pri. of root +  , 2P)
!2 = forming, composing (nom. sg. f. of pap. of root ! + 2 , 1A)
2 $
= living creatures (acc. pl. of 2 , n.)
8 = whole, every (nom. sg. of 8 , f.)
+( = beyond (nom. sg. used with following instr.)
  = by heaven (or that) (instr. sg. of   , f.)
n = by this (instr. sg. of E   , see 502.b of [11])
+UM = by earth (instr. sg. of +U , f.)
n = so great (nom. sg. of n , f.)
- = possessing greatness (nom. sg. of - , f.)
  = very (ind.)
;2 = I have become (1p. sg. perf. of root 2 , 1P)

Translation: I only breathe forth, like the wind, while holding together all living
creatures. So great (vast) I have become possessing greatness that I am beyond
heaven and this earth.


A, Aatmanepada root verb

abl., ablative
absol., absolutive
acc., accusative
adj., adjective
adv., adverb
aor., aorist
BV cpd.,bahuvriihi compound
caus., causative
DV cpd., Dvandva compound
Dvg cpd., Dvigu compound
dat., dative
des., desiderative
dl., dual
esp., especially
f., feminine
abl., ablative
fut., future tense
gen., genetive
gdv., gerundive or potential past participle
imp., imperative mood
imperf., imperfect tense
ind., indeclinable
indic., indicative
ifc., in fine compositi
inf., infinitive
instr., instrumental
interrog., interrogative
irreg., irregular
KD cpd., Karmadharaya compound
lit., literally
loc., locative
m., masculine
n., neuter
nom., nominative
P., Parasmaipada root verb
perf. (past) tense
per. fut. (periphrastic future)
pap., past active participle

ppp., past passive participle

pl., plural
pot., potential mood
pri., present indicative
sg., singular
subj., subjunctive mood
TP cpd., Tatpurusha compound
U., Ubhayapada root verb
UPP cpd., Upapada compound
voc., vocative
Numerals after root indicates the class they belong to


[1] R. Antoine, A Sanskrit Manual for High Schools, Pts. I and II, Calcutta, India: Xavier
Publications, 1992.
[2] Sri Aurobindo, Agnimantraml (,=xk), Pt. 1, Pondicherry, India: Sri
Aurobindo Society, 1973.
[3] R. P. Goldman and S. J. Sutherland, Devavaanipraveshika: An Introduction to
Sanskrit Language, Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 1987.
[4] R. T. H. Griffith, The Hymns of The Rg Veda, Kotagiri, India, 1896.
[5] T. B. Lakshman Rao, Private Communication.
[6] K. Mishra, Kashmir Shaivism: The Central Philosophy of Tantrism, Delhi, India: Sri
Satguru Publications, 1999.
[7] S. Mishra, Chandovallar (&':y) : A Handbook of Sanskrit Prosody, Pondicherry,
India: Sri Aurobindo Society, 1999.
[8] Sir Monier Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Delhi, India: Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers, 1899.
[9] D. Satvalekar, Rg Veda Samhita, Ahmedabad, India: Swaadyaya Mandalam, 1997.
[10] P. S. Vidyalankar, The Holy Vedas, Delhi, India: Clarion Books, 1996.
[11] W. D. Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers,
[12] H. H. Wilson and bhsya of sya crya (2G of QCQ@), Rg Veda Samhita,
Varanasi: Indica Books, 2002.

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