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The Madras Developmental System's (MDPS) Behavioural Scale is

designed to provide information, about the functional skills of the persons with
mental retardation for the purpose of individualized programme planning. The
scale comprises 360 items grouped into 18 functional areas or domains of 20
items each.

The MDPS was designed to assess adaptive behaviours, through the use
of the Behavioural Scale and to produce documents that would facilitate the
process of Individualized Programme Planning (IPP).

Behavioural Assessment
How does one conduct a behavioural assessment?

Critical to the concept of "behavioural" assessment is, naturally, the

definition of "behaviour". Behaviour is said to be so only if it can be "seen"
(observed) and "measured" (assessed). The MDPS consists of behaviours
(items) which meet this definition. Most of these will occur in the routine daily life
activities of the individual and will typically represent behaviours (activities/skills)
that are important to the independent functioning of the individual. The items
arranged in the order of increasing difficulty, are divided into 18 areas or
domains that are considered typical in any training programme planning.

Can two or more members of staff work together on the assessment of one
Yes. In fact, this procedure is desirable and is preferable to the one where
only one person attempts to answer all the items and also where the range of
activities may typically occur only in different settings or at different times of the day.
The important point to remember is to get an accurate picture of how well the
individual functions. You may use whatever means you need to get to that picture.

A Final Note: Most persons have reported that the assessment process
itself has had a positive effect on them. It is a rare occasion when one
completes an assessment and is not surprised to note as to how much more
potential the individual has, to perform than was previously thought of. This in
itself should make the process much more meaningful to both the assessor and
the individual.


Assessment is based on observation - yours or someone else's, not

anyone's armchair guessing. Most of the behaviours will occur in routine daily life
where one can easily observe them. However, some behaviour will not take
place where one is in a position to observe them. In that case, one may consult
the individual's parents, teacher, employer, physician or social worker who may
have directly observed the person's behavior in different settings.

If there has been no possibility on the part of anyone to have observed a

certain behavior, one may then ask the individual to attempt performing the
activity in the assessor's presence.


(If this behavior has not been observed, give the individual a jar or a bottle
with a lid on it and say Please unscrew the lid").

It is to be noted, that there are two general types of items:

Those which have been observed and those which had not been
observed earlier and hence must be tested currently. For the latter type of items,
a "proficiency rating" should be made like that of a teacher rating a student's
performance in a test. A rating of "A" in the above example would indicate that
the individual was able to unscrew the lid with no difficulty. The rating "B"
indicates that the individual could not unscrew the lid.

Ceiling Rule

It is unnecessary to request for information about behaviours after a point

where four (4) consecutive "B" ratings have been obtained unless there is some
reason to believe that the individual could be rated as being able to do some of
the items at higher level. There is no basal rule. You must begin with item 1, in
each domain.


Read the instructions from the beginning to the end before starting the
assessment. In order to use the Madras Developmental Programming System
for Behavioural Assessment the following materials are necessary:

This booklet, containing the Behavioural Scale and instructions.

The Behavioural Profile Form

ABAK - Adaptive Behavioural Assessment Kit (optional)

Identifying Information Form

Mark "A" or "B" as per instructions given for the initial assessment. Shade
As in blue and Bs in red. Count and enter the total number of As and Bs at
the right hand column of the profile, for each domain.

For the first, second, third and fourth quarter evaluations, mark as
indicated in the profile over the red markings (target skills). If the targeted
behavior has been achieved by the individual in the first quarter, indicate with
horizontal lines over the red shaded square. Similarly for the second quarter,
indicate with vertical lines, for the third quarter, mark with crisscross lines and for

the fourth quarter, show with diagonal lines.

This type of marking facilitates a graphic comparison of the achieved

targeted behaviours in any quarter with that of any other quarterly assessment
and for the whole year.

Assess the person keeping in mind the following points

If the person performs the activity' (behavior), mark "A"

- , If no additional training is required for the person to perform the activity

(behaviour), mark "A".

If the activity (behavior) is too simple and consequently inappropriate,

mark "A".


Offers little or no resistance while being washed

A person who is able to bathe himself independently would be marked "A"

for this item. If the person cannot perform the activity (behaviour), mark "B".

If additional training is required for the person to perform the activity

(behaviour), mark "B.

If the person cannot perform the activity (behavior) due to any physical
handicap or because he has had absolutely no opportunity to perform the activity

(behavior), mark B".

Example: Travels by public bus to and from any destination A person who
lives in an area without public transportation would be marked B" for this item.

Do not read between the lines or make guesses. Each item means, only
what it says. Example: Squats. This means that the individual squats and may
also be doing some other activity at the same time, such as reading, playing a
game or eating. The item does not limit the activity to just squatting nor does the
item specify the location. Do not give assistance unless specified. Example:
Selects correct sizes, types and styles of clothing at a store. The individual must
select the clothing without assistance to be marked "A".

1. Gross Motor Activities:

1) Holds head erect when in sitting or standing position (body may be

supported by a person).

2) Holds head up for 5 seconds when lying on stomach to look at an object/


3) Sits without support.

4) Rolls over on flat surface.

5) Moves from lying on stomach to a sitting position.

6) Crawls about a room containing furniture and/ or other people.

7) Stands with support.

8) Pulls self to standing position using person for support.

9) Stands unsupported.

10) Walks 5 feet (may use braces or crutches).

11) Walks upstairs and downstairs putting both feet on each step (may use
wall or handrail for support).

12) Pushes or pulls furniture for rearrangement.

13) Runs.

14) Squats.

15) Walks upstairs and downstairs, alternating feet (may use wall or handrail
for support).

16) Jumps to cross an obstacle (that is, dirty water, rubbish, any floor

17) Stands on tip toe to reach for an object at a height.

18) Walks continuously for a period of 15 minutes.

19) Carries own luggage to bus stand/ station.

20) Rides a bicycle (without training wheels)/ swims.

2. Fine Motor Activities:

1) Closes hand around an object placed in hand.

2) Reaches for and grasps objects.

3) Uses both hands at the same time, when handling an object.

4) Picks up small objects using thumb and fingers only.

5) Makes a stack of 3 cans, or Tiffin carrier containers or wooden blocks.

6) Uses, a spoon to stir sugar/ salt to mix a drink.

7) Strings three one-inch beads or spools on to a string.

8) Opens the door, operating door knob/ latch/ handle.

9) Screws and unscrews a jar or bottle lid.

10) Carries a filled paper cup without crushing, tipping or spilling.

11) Tears off a perforated sheet.

12) Places key correctly, locks and opens the lock.

13) Pours liquid from a pitcher into a tumbler without spilling.

14) Uses clips and safety pins.


15) Cuts out a picture involving straight lines using scissors, from a
magazine or a book.

16) Cuts out a picture involving circular lines, using scissors from a magazine.

17) Folds a letter, fits into an envelope, applies gum to seal and puts on a stamp.

18) Cuts/ opens sachets/wrappers and empties into a container.

19) Strikes a safety match to light a candle/ lamp.

20) Threads a medium sized sewing needle within 2 trials,


3. Meal Time Activities:

1. Swallows soft foods that do not require chewing.

2. Drinks without spilling, mouthful from a glass or cup with assistance.

3. Bites required amounts of food item.

4. Differentiates between edible and non-edible substances.

5. Picks up dry pieces of food (biscuits) with fingers and puts food in mouth.

6. Chews solid food.

7. Picks up a filled glass and drinks from it without spilling.

8. Uses spoon/ hand to pick up and eat mixed food.

9. Mixes food and eats with little or no spilling (may use fingers/ spoon).

10. Eats foods, (cereal preparations) such as idli, dosai, puri, roti (uses
fingers to make bits).

11. Eats, supervised in public places without calling attention to eating


12. Eats porridge, payasam (milk pudding), ice cream with little or no spilling.

13. Eats a complete meal with little or no spilling using all normal eating
equipment dishes and utensils.

14. After eating, empties plate into a trashcan and washes it.

15. Takes appropriate quantities, when food is offered.

16. While eating, politely asks for food to be passed, and waits for others to

17. Makes necessary arrangements for and serves food in a family style setting.

18. Identifies drinking water in a public place and drinks it.

19. Selects the required meal items when a variety of food is available.

20. Orders and eats in a public dining facility.

4. Dressing:

1) Offers little or no resistance while being dressed and undressed.

2) Extends and withdraws arms and legs as required while being dressed
and undressed.

3) Removes unbuttoned shirt/ blouse, underpants and outer- pants.

4) Removes socks, banyans, T-Shirts/ dresses, when unfastened.

5) Puts on underpants and outer- pants.


6) Starts and closes a front zipper.

7) Puts on shirt/ blouse.

8) Unbuttons (shirt button, press buttons, hooks).

9) Puts on a kurta/ banyan/ T-Shirt/ dress (need not fasten).

10) Takes off ties, scarves, belts, hearing aid, spectacles or any jewellery
from self.

11) Puts socks and shoes (any foot wear) on correct feet.

12) Buttons clothing (press buttons/shirt buttons/hooks).

13) Ties a bowknot with a shoe lace/ ribbon.

14) Puts on self-ties, scarves, belts, hearing aid, spectacles or any item of

15) Selects clothing appropriate to seasonal/ weather conditions and to

different occasions.

16) Selects correct size, type and style of clothing at a store.

17) Laces shoes inserting the lace in each eyelet correctly.

18) Wears churidar with dupatta, half saree with skirt/ lungi in the correct
combinations (Different dress styles).

19) Dresses self, completely.

20) Wears dhoti/ saree and manages it in the same manner the whole day
(Traditional dresses). ,

5. Grooming: ~

1) Offers little or no resistance while being washed.

2) Turns head and extends hands as required while being bathed.

3) Dries hands with a towel.

4) Begins brushing motion for cleaning teeth (uses brush or finger).

5) Rinses hands when told.

6) Soaps and rinses hands.

7) Covers mouth while sneezing, coughing and yawning.

8) Soaps and rinses face.

9) Uses tooth-paste or tooth powder, brushes teeth and rinses mouth.

10) Runs a comb or brush through hair with several strokes.

11) Blows nose, wipes drooling using a handkerchief.


12) Bathes independently.

13) Dries entire body with a towel after bathing.
14) Applies face powder/ deodorant/ bindi (decoration on forehead).
15) Washes, rinses and dries hair.

16) Combs hair including oiling and plaiting (if necessary).

17) Oceans and clips finger nails with a nail dipper.
18) Cleans ear, using cotton buds.

19) Shaves (male)/ maintains menstrual hygiene (female).

20) Maintains self, clean, odor - free and groomed.

6. Toileting:

1) Stays dry for two hours.

2) Sits on the toilet for 30 seconds.
3) Eliminates when on the toilet (bowel or bladder).
4) Removes clothing before sitting on the toilet.
5) Goes to the toilet when reminded!
6) Indicates by gestures or words when needed, to use the toilet.
7) Has bowel control giving time enough to reach the toilet (after indicating). '
8) Has bladder control giving time enough to reach the toilet (after indicating).
9) Replaces clothing before leaving the toilet.
10) Removes clothing, sits on the toilet, eliminates and replaces clothing
after washing (needs help for washing).
11) Goes to the toilet independently.
12) Uses only a urinal or toilet for urination.
13) Flushes the toilet after use.
14) Has bladder control at night.
15) Closes door of toilet for normal privacy in toileting.
16) Cleans self-using water after elimination.

17) Obtains help for any toileting problem.

18) Asks the location of the toilet in new situations.
19) Washes and dries hands after toileting.
20) Chooses the correct toilet (Men/ Women) in a public place.

7. Receptive Language:

1) Turns head towards the source of sound.

2) Responds by eye contact or verbal acknowledgement when name is called.

3) Responds to the instruction 'Look at me.

4) Obeys simple instructions such as, 'Come here' and so on.

5) Stops an activity upon request such as No or 'Stop'.

6) Performs the activity when the word 'Me' is used such as Give me the ball.

7) Identifies different sounds such as bell ringing, hands clapping,

whispering, keys jingling.

8) Responds to non-verbal communication from others such as frowning,

crying, smiling, etc., by returning the gesture or by giving an appropriate
verbal response.

9) Points to any common object, such as ball, spoon etc., upon request.

10) Points to 10 body parts such as nose, eyes, mouth etc.

11) Points to pictures of objects in a book upon request.

12) Follows prepositions such as 'Put the ball into the box or Put the broom
behind the door1.

13) Avoids dangers when instructed to do so.

14) Follows two-step directions in order such as, Get the ball and close the

15) Follows left and right when instructed.

16) Follows three-step, directions such as Stand-up, Open the book and
Move the chair1.

17) Identifies common harmful substances even if not labeled.

18) After listening to a one-page story, indicates Yes or No to specific

questions on it.

19) Follows announcements on TV, Radio, at railway station, bus stand or

airport with appropriate responses.

20) Responds to jokes (humorous happenings at home, and school), with


8. Expressive Language:

1) Makes voice sounds.

2) Uses voice sounds to get attention.


3) Says or indicates, Yes or No in response to questions.

4) Imitates five words heard either singularly or all at once.

5) Says 20 words.

6) Says name when asked.

7) Names common objects when asked, What is this?'

8) Names 10 body parts when asked, 'What is this?

9) Uses two-word phrases/ gestures such as, 'Hello, friend, Go out or 'Eat

10) Tells/ indicates name and occupation of parents.

11) Communicates address of residence and contact phone number.

12) Expresses feelings, desires or problems in complete sentences such as

I am hungry, verbally/ gesturally.

13) Asks simple questions such as What is this? or Why cant I? verbally/

14) Uses pronouns such as T, You, He, Her, Me or Mine in a complete


15) Speaks in phrases or sentences/ gestures to communicate to some one

not familiar with the person.

16) Names/ indicates Country, the President, Prime Minister, Chief Minister
of the country.

17) Carries on a meaningful conversation with another person(s) for 10


18) Describes past events in a logical order.

19) Summarizes a T.V./ Radio program in own words.

20) Discusses current events.

9. Social interaction:

1) Responds when touched, by reaching towards or moving away.

2) Looks towards or otherwise, indicates a person in the immediate area.


3) Follows with eyes, a person moving.

4) Plays alone with toys or objects for 2 minutes.

5) Imitates arm movements such as clapping hands or waving goodbye.

6) Identifies by pointing, naming, friends and acquaintances from strangers.

7) Greets others upon meeting, either verbally or with non-verbal friendly gestures.

8) Waits for own turn in a group.

9) Says Please and Thank you and Sorry.

10) Receives guests appropriate to acquaintance (differences in the

receiving of relatives, strangers, gas/ electricity men and so on).

11) Uses items that belong to others only with their permission.

12) Objects/ asks for help if some one uses own belongings without permission.

13) Interacts with members of the opposite sex and members of different
age groups (as required by his community).

14) Responds using proper social courtesies on occasions such as festivals,

apologizes, offers greeting or compliments as needed.

15) Participates actively in social events by engaging in the same activity as

the other members of the group.

16) Manages/ asks for help if/ when teased or bullied.

17) Receives phone calls/ passes on information to the right person when
given messages personally or by phone.

18) Shares possessions with others (in classroom, home and community).

19) Participates in group activities taking the role of a leader.

20) Visits neighbors, relatives and friends when required.

10. Reading:

1) Looks at objects presented when seated at a table.

2) Turns the pages of a book, one at a time.

3) Matches 10 pictures with objects.

4) Sorts objects of 3 different shapes.

5) Identifies names, colors (red, yellow, blue and green) when objects with
those colors are presented.

6) Sorts pictures of similar and/ or familiar objects into the same category,
that is, animals, people, vehicles, fruits, flowers etc.

7) Reads out functional 3 letter words.

8) Shown 5 pictures sequentially arranged and told a story with them,

pictures then jumbled up, arranges them again in sequence.

9) When needed reads the following words and acts accordingly: Stop,
Men, Women, Danger, Poison, Exit, Pull, Push, In, Out, Enter.

10) Reads out functional two-word phrases.


11) Using price tags/ price markings, identifies cost of purchases.

12) Reads aloud, sentences with five common words.
13) Reads a simple sentence and answers questions about it.
14) Reads a paragraph (5 lines) and answers questions.
15) Uses a menu card to order meals at restaurants.
.16) Reads a story to others.

17) Reads for information or entertainment from newspapers, magazines

and story books.
18) Reads a simple story silently and states its main idea.
19) Reads out a recipe for cooking.
20) Reads and follows directions with objects to be assembled.

11. Writing:

1) Grasps chalk, pencil or crayon.

2) Scribbles with chalk, pencil or crayon.

3) Grasps chalk, pencil or crayon for writing with thumb, index finger and
middle finger.

4) Traces with pencil or crayon along a three-inch straight line.

5) Colors within lines.

6) Copies with a pencil, a vertical, a horizontal or a diagonal line.

7) Traces circles and semi circles.

8) Traces geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle).

9) Traces three letter functional words.

10) Copies his name.
11) Writes his name readably with initials or fathers name with no example
to look at.

12) Copies a printed sentence readably.

13) Writes address and phone number readably.

14) Copies a paragraph readably with punctuations on/ to a sheet of lined

paper writing on the lines.

15) Writes functional dictated words readably.

16) Writes a short sentence readably when dictated.

17) Writes answers readably to questions after reading a paragraph.


18) Writes a paragraph of 5 lines readably on a given topic.

19) Writes personal letters for mailing using legible handwriting in an

informal letter style.

20) Fills/ writes an application form readably.

12. Numbers:

1) Creates order out of a group of objects by lining up, stacking, or placing

them in some other pattern.

2) Indicates the difference between more and less when shown two
different sized groups of objects.

3) Separates one object from a group upon request, that is, Give me one
block. v

4) Points to big/ small when asked.

5) Points to short long and tail when asked.

6) Chooses the correct number of objects up to 5 upon request, that is,

Give me three blocks etc.

7) Chooses correct number of objects up to 10.

8) Names the printed number symbols 1 through 10 when asked at random.

9) Performs activities according to the ordinal number (1sf, 2nd, 3rd) that is
forming a queue according to the number given.

10) Writes the number symbols 1 through 10.

11) Counts from 10 to 20.

12) Matches the printed number symbols 1 through 100 with the correct
number of objects.

13) Does 3 line single digit addition on paper.

14) Add single digit numbers with sums up to 10 such as 7+3, 2+1, or 8+2 in
functional situation, that is, in a purchase.

15) Subtracts single digits on paper.

16) Does two line two digit additions on paper with carry over.

17) Does subtraction sums - two digits with borrowing on paper.

18) Does simple two operations in a shopping situation - that is, buy 2 things
costing Rs. 3/- and Rs. 51 and balance for Rs. 10/-.

19) Says multiplication tables 5 and 10.

20) Uses a simple calculator with basic four operations.


13. Time:

1) Associates the time of the day with activities such as meals time or bed time.

2) Responds to Now, Later, Hurry and Wait appropriately.

3) Answers appropriately when asked, is it morning or afternoon, evening/


4) Indicates stating own age.

5) Indicates the difference between yesterday, today and tomorrow, using

the terms in the correct context

6) Identifies or names the 7 days of the week in a calendar.

7) Answers/ points out correctly when asked, 'What day of the week and
date is it today?

8) Identifies or names hour hand, minute hand and numbers on a clock.

9) Identifies or names the 12 months of the year in a calendar.

10) Answers/ indicates when asked What month and year is it now.

11) Identifies or names the seasons of the year.

12) Identifies or tells birth-date, month, day and year.

13) Tells time by the hour on a clock.

14) Reads time on a digital clock.

.15) Tells time by 30 minutes.

16) Tells time to five minutes on a clock, watch.

17) Meets a particular scheduled bus.

18) Reads, T.V., Radio, Bus and Train schedules.

19) Arrives on time (date and time) for any appointment (that is, marriage,
parties, cinema, doctors).

20) Sets a clock to within one hour of the correct time after hearing the
correct time.

14. Money:

1) Sorts coins from other small metal objects.

2) Selects a rupee note from other paper objects.

3) Selects 5p, 10p, 20p, 25p and 50p, 1 Rupee, and 2 Rupees coins from a
group of coins.

4) Uses money to buy things (might not use correct amount).


5) Identifies 1,1, 5,10, 20, 50 and 100 Rupees notes.

6) Rank orders coins and rupee notes in order of value.

7) Exchanges 10p coins for Re. 1/-.

8) Exchanges 25p coins and 50p coins for Re. 1/-.

9) Exchanges 5p coins for Re. 1/-.

10) Exchanges the correct number of mixed coins for Re. 1/-.

11) Exchanges the correct number of mixed coins and rupee notes for Rs. 5/-.

12) Uses correct amount of money for machines (weighing machine,


13) Exchanges the correct number of mixed coins and rupee notes for Rs. 50/-.

14) Saves money for a purchase.

15) Counts the change from a purchase of Rs. 51 - or less checking the
quantity bought.

16) Gives an adequate amount of money for purchases up to Rs. 20/-

checking the quantity bought and counts the change.

17) Counts the change from a purchase up to Rs. 50/- checking the quantity

18) Counts change from a purchase up to Rs. 100/- checking the quantity

19) Selects an item comparing the prices (concept of expensive, cheap).

20) Saves money in a bank account.

15. Domestic Activities:

1) Picks up household trash or litter and places it in a waste basket upon


2) Puts away personal items in the proper location upon request.

3) Dusts furniture leaving no dust on flat surfaces.

4) Damp wipes a floor.

5) Folds clothes and puts them in a drawer/ cupboard.

6) Makes bed, stretching, spreading, rolling, folding.

7) Sorts vegetable/ grocery items bought from market and stores them in
respective containers.

8) Sweeps a floor with a broom, picks up sweepings in a dust pan and

empties the pan.

9) Washes and dries dishes.

10) Prepares pre-made drinks (like Rasnaj when asked.

11) Peels and cuts vegetables and fruits.

12) Operates a grinder, mixer or grinding stone.

13) Puts off the fire or removes cooker, cooking utensil from the fire in time.
14) Assists in simple first aid.

15) When required, uses a weighing machine, measuring tape or

measuring cup.
16) Prepares coffee or tea.
17) Washes and dries clothes.
18) Irons clothes.

19) Does simple home repairs (such as sewing on buttons or rejoining

broken seams, using needle and thread.or machine, uses nail/ hammer,
20) Prepares a meal under supervision.

16. Community Orientation:

1) Performs simple errands within a familiar setting.

2) Finds way by self from one place to another within a familiar building.
3) Finds way from one building to another in the immediate neighborhood.
4) Goes to public places in a supervised group without calling unfavorable
attention to self.
5) Identifies a policeman, postman, a fireman, conductor of a bus, gas delivery
man, and telephone serviceman, and persons from power supply.
6) Interacts with strangers in public (as the situation warrants).
7) Crosses residential street intersections, looking in both directions and
waiting for traffic to clear before crossing.
8) Walks along road that has no sidewalk - maintains left side.
9) Responds appropriately to social kidding, teasing in public.
10) Moves about freely in his neighborhood that is, school, post office, milk
booth, rqarket, place of worship.
11) When goes out with a group, maintains the group norms.
12) Obeys signal lights and Walk Dont walk signals at light controlled

13) Goes on foot or bicycle to a familiar place over half a kilometer from
residence and returns.

14) Travels independently by public bus/ suburban train in a familiar route.

15) Participates in religious activities following rules (Pooja/ prayer).

16) Leaves an awkward public situation that is beyond control and seeks help.

17) Telephones for information or assistance when necessary.

18) Follows directions in terms of east, west, north, south and reaches the

19) Uses community facilities - that is, hospital, railway, bus, police station
and post office.

20) Casts vote.

17. Recreation, Leisure Time Activities:

1) Engages in a leisure-time activity for 5 minutes when materials are given.

2) Plays simple ball games like catching, throwing, bouncing and rolling a ball.

3) Watches TV without disturbing others.

4) Engages in activities such as finger painting/ brush painting.

5) Plays indoor games not governed by rules with others.

6) Participates in group singing or dancing (actively or passively)

\ 7) Plays simple outdoor games not governed by rules, that is, Sand play.

8). Plays outdoor games involving simple rules with others.

9) Plays indoor games, governed by simple rules.

10) Watches TV or listens to the radio, tape recorder by selecting a station/

channel turning on and off, including use of cassettes.

11) Involves in activities such as playing with pets, or hobbies such as

collection of pictures and so on.

12) Participates in outdoor activities, swimming/ cycling/ walking/ playing.

13) Performs art and craft activities, such as, clay work, leather work or bead
work/rangoli/kolam and so on.

14) Initiates self-involvement in a hobby, not including reading or watching TV.

15) Does gardening/ makes flower garlands/ mango leaf chain for the door.

16) Participates in organized team sports such as cricket, basket ball or

volley ball.

17) Uses community recreation facilities for recreation and leisure time
activities - theatres, parks and other amusement places.
18) Participates in planning, preparing for parties and so on.
19) Selects books from library for personal reading.
20) Plays musical instrument/sings (solo).

18. Vocational:

1) Assumes a body position at a task or at play such that both hands are
available for use.
2) Participates in a single activity for 10 minutes (if protected from
3) Performs a single activity under supervision, in a room with people.
4) Assembles two-part objects that fit together in a simple but secure way.
5) Performs an assigned task or activity for half an hour (may need
motivation with rewards).
6) Puts away own tools and materials at the end of a task (may need a
reminder up to one-half of the time).
7) Stops a task when required.
8) Participates in group work cooperating with the other members of the group.
9) Changes activity without showing discomfort when assigned from one
task to a different task.
10) Accepts supervision and criticism.
11) Goes to an assigned area without reminder in a daily routine program.
12) Undertakes and completes a task in order to receive money.
13) Reads and then follows the notices, memorandums/ circulars. If not able
to read, asks for assistance and then follows.
14) Reports for work on time.
15) Increases speed of work when told to do so.
16) Follows the sequence of activities in the routine work skill.
17) Indicates if own performances meet the standards set for an activity.
18) Works full time (8 hours).
19) When situation demands, works in a team.
20) Responds to accidents like fire, electricity, injury by informing the
concerned people immediately.

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