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Notes to the Empowerment Record

HHPR= His Holiness Penor Rinpoche
HETSR= His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche
LT= Lama Tendzin, head chpon for this Rinchen Terdzo
KL=Kunnams List, the daily list of empowerments in Tibetan, prepared by Kunnam Namgyal
and Sherab, with some assistance from Gyurme Dorje
PK= Patricia Kirigin (compiler of this record)


HHPR and HETSR refer to the records of two previous Rinchen Terdzo bestowals by His
Holiness Penor Rinpoche and His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche respectively, which I referred to
in making this record. The notation not listed means that the empowerment did not appear
on their record listthis could mean that the empowerment was not given at that event, or
that for whatever reason it was given but not noted on the published record, either due to error
or because it was restricted. The notation not given means that the list actually stated that
said empowerment was not given at that time.

HHPRs list tended to list the protector empowerments but not many of the subsidiary
empowerments like torma empowerments or meaning empowerments. HETSRs list tended to
list the subsidiary empowerments very thoroughly but did not list the protector
empowerments. For these reasons, the list below is more complete than either of those two
records, and has approximately 882 empowerment entries (given in 83 days, not counting the
days off), in comparison to HHPRs 660 empowerment entries and HETSRs 725 empowerment

Lungs, Wangs, and Tris

The Rinchen Terdzo is made up of lungs (reading transmissions), wangs (empowerments), and
tris (instructions). This document is mainly a record of the empowerments. According to Lama
Tendzin and Gyurme Dorje, although the tris are included in or next to the empowerment texts
in the terdzo volumes, His Eminence did not read theserather, they were included with the
reading of lungs in the morning. The reason for this seemed to be that the Rinchen Terdzo
takes around twice as long to bestow if the dorje loppon (in this case, His Eminence Namkha
Drime Rinpoche) reads the tris at the time of the wangs. It was also explained that the tris are
supposed to be read at a slower, more understandable pace, and cannot be read at the faster
lung-reading speed. For the sake of having a record of what the tris are, I left the tri listings
in this document, in blue font, along side the empowerment listings they go with, even
though they were not read at that time.

English translation
To compile this list I used the English translation made for His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche by
translator Peter Alan Roberts as a basis (with permission). To this I made a lot of additions and
revisions based on consulting the Tibetan manual written by the 15 th Karmapa Khakhyab
Dorje, the English and Tibetan empowerment list from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, and of
course based on what actually happened at our empowerments. A lot more work could be
done on revising and polishing the English and matching text titles from related
empowerments, which because of time restraints I did not do for this edition.

Please note that the text title appearing after in accordance with... in this record refers to the
title of the empowerment text.

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The Tibetan in this list is taken from a combination of sources: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorjes
manual, Penor Rinpoches empowerment record, and the daily lists prepared by Kunnam and
Sherab. Ideally, more work should be done comparing and proofreading the Tibetan in my list
with Karmapa Khakhyab Dorjes listings, as well as with the actual empowerment texts
themselves. I did this when I could, but did not find out about the manual until partway into
the empowerments, and have not had the time to do a really thorough comparison and

Tibetan fonts
Please note that the wylie combinations spyi, spe, and dwa do not show up when typed in the
Tibetan font, this seems to be a flaw in the version of software I used, please consult the wylie
underneath the Tibetan if the Tibetan font is unclear.

levels of restriction
Unless otherwise noted, the empowerments were publicly given. I tried to note whenever an
empowerment was restricted, however it is possible that I missed noting something during
December before I started fully maintaining a daily list. It should also be noted that the
restriction level we observed is not necessarily inherent to the empowerment itself, but seemed
to depend on the situation and the discretion of the dorje loppon. The restricted
empowerments tended to be either protector empowerments or empowerments connected
with inner practices, which required a certain level of commitment or practice experience.

You will see in this record that the restriction level seemed to become more refined over the
course of the event: in the beginning, all lay people were asked to leave for the majority of
protector empowerments, while later, only those lay people who had not completed ngndro
were asked to leave. In general the gradations of restriction were: public, restricted to
monastics and those who had completed ngondro, restricted to monastics only, and restricted
to rinpoches, lamas, and the fully ordained sangha.

This list was made because of the encouragement of my teacher, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
Our brilliant head chpon, Lama Tendzin, generously and patiently answered my questions at
the end of each empowerment session. We all owe a big thank you to translator Peter Roberts,
for generously providing his English translation as a basis and saying do whatever you want
with it!I hope everyone will support his work when they get a chance. Sakyong Mipham
Rinpoche provided me with a copy of His Eminence Penor Rinpoches empowerment record,
which was also very helpful.

Nickolai Almerov and Mapie Maury, with their excellent spoken Tibetan comprehension,
answered all my whispered questions about what was going on during the empowerments.
Kristine McCutcheon went out of her way almost every day to let me know how many
mandalas were set up for the coming days empowerments, based on her dedicated work with
the chpons. Thanks also to Kristine and Aanky Aarts for their help collecting the Tibetan lists
and notes when I was absent in the beginning of March. And special thanks to my boyfriend
and fellow Rinchen Terdz-phile, Walker Blaine, who helped each day with printing copies of
the list and revising it during the empowerment sessions, and who also sponsored my
attendance at the Rinchen Terdz and this work. His complete account of receiving the Rinchen
Terdz, The Great River Of Blessings, is available for free download at:

Page 2 of 209
Rinchen Terdz Empowerment Record
I. Development Stage, Mahayoga, (Ground)

tantra section:

5 December, 2008
^,-u$-E9-<0<-`-+/$- n,-:<-9/-{<-P9 Y-#,-+$-+$<-#5
smin gling rdor sems kyi dbang/ phrin las rab rgyas ltar (sta gon dang dngos gzhi)
The empowerment for the mind practice, Glorious Vajrasattva: The Peaceful Profound Terma
of the Single Family of the Great Secret Vajradhatu , in accordance with The Activity of
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 1 GA, HHPR 1 and 2]

The root instructions for the Mindroling mind practice of Vajrasattva

Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 2 GA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions that are a secret union of the root instructions [for the Vajrasattva
mind practice] and The Precious Stairway, which is the teaching on the general preliminaries
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 3 THA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions that are the practice instructions for the four appearances of the
completion stage of the Vajrasattva mind practice, in accordance with The Wheel of the
Evident Luminosity
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharmashri
[HETSR 4 GA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for dreams in the mind practice of Vajrasattva, in accordance with
The Spontaneous Liberation of Extreme Delusion
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 5 GA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for chd (severance) in the Mind Practice of Vajrasattva , in
accordance with The Liberation of Deluded Thoughts into Space
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 6 GA, HHPR not listed]

Page 3 of 209
The profound instructions that are practice instructions for the profound path of phowa
(transference ), which is a branch of the mind practice of Vajrasattva, in accordance with
The Swift Path of Samantabhadra
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharmashri
[HETSR 7 GA, HHPR not listed]

!9-u$-5-h-+/$-#-Y-#, *-20-9$-i:-P9
kar gling zhi khro dbang gi sta gon/ the tshom rang grol ltar
The preparatory empowerment for The Profound Dharma of the Peaceful and Wrathful
Deities: The Spontaneous Liberation of Thought , in accordance with the clear arrangement of
the method, the supplement entitled The Precious Lamp
Tertn: Karma Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 8 GA, possibly part of HHPR 3]

6 December, 2008
!9-u$-5-h7-+/$-7o$- 7o:-2+-9$-i:-P9
kar gling zhi khroi dbang bring po/ brel tshad rang grol ltar
The medium empowerment for the main practice of The Profound Dharma of the Peaceful
and Wrathful Deities: the Spontaneous Liberation of Thought, called The Spontaneous
Liberation of the Six Classes of Beings, adorned by supplementary practices in accordance
with the medium-length Spontaneous Liberation
Tertn: Karma Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 9 GA, possibly part of HHPR 3]

!9-u$-5-h7-#)9-+/$- 9#--+,-Q,-P9
kar gling zhi khroi gtor dbang/ reg pa don ldan ltar
The brief torma empowerment for The Profound Dharma of the Peaceful and Wrathful
Deities: the Spontaneous Liberation of Thought , in accordance with Meaningful to Touch
Tertn: Karma Lingpa
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 10 GA, possibly part of HHPR 3]

The profound instructions for the bardo of the dharmata from The Profound Dharma of the
Peaceful and Wrathful Deities: the Spontaneous Liberation of Thought , in accordance with the
text Direct Recognition Through Spontaneous Liberation from Seeing
Tertn: Karma Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 11 GA, HHPR not listed]

kar gling zhi khro khrom krug smin lugs dbang
The empowerment for The Complete Defeat of Bad Karma and Obscurations , which is the
ritual from the tradition of Minling Lotsawa Ngawang Chpal Gyamtso, the ritual in which

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Karma Lingpas mandala of peaceful and wrathful deities are presented, with the deities in
no particular order
Tertn: Ngawang Chopel Gyatso
Empowerment author: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR not given, HHPR 4]

i:-)#-5-h-+/$- 7+-#<:-X$--P9
grol tig zhi khro dbang/ od gsal snying po ltar/
The empowerment for The Bindu of Liberation: the Dharma of the Spontaneous Liberation of
Thought, which is the essence of the path and result of the peaceful and wrathful deities, in
accordance with The Essence of Luminosity and combined with a supplementary
empowerment for the hundred peaceful and wrathful deities
Tertn: Trengpo Sherab zer
Author of the empowerment ritual: Jamyang Khyentse

7 December, 2008
gnam chos zhi khro bsam gtan cho gai gzung dbang
The empowerment for the meditation practice of the hundred deities as the mandala of the
body, from the profound hearing lineage of The Sky Dharma mind terma, in accordance with
The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment (volume Thi)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme

bka dus zhi khro nges don snying poi dbang
The preparatory rites, the root empowerment for the main practice, and the torma
empowerment, of the essential fundamental meaning of the peaceful and wrathful deities in
the Great Perfection, which are the external teachings of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel, which is
the essence of the union of the teachings, in accordance with Samantabhadras Purifying
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

sgrub thob thugs tig snying po skor lnga/
The successive bestowal of empowerments, in accordance with the terma text of the five
quintessential sadhanas in the mind terma, The One Mind of the Siddhas, in accordance with
The Clarification of the Empowerment for Activity, a rite arranged by Jamgn Kongtrl
Lodr Thaye:

Page 5 of 209
dang po bla ma gu ru zhi bai dbang
The root empowerment and life empowerment for the peaceful guru
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text

8 December, 2008
gnyis pa bla ma gu ru drag poi dbang
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment for the wrathful guru
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text

gsum pa yi dam zhi ba thugs rje chen poi dbang
The root empowerment and the pills that bring liberation through taste of the peaceful
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 17 GA, HHPR 10]

bzhi pa yi dam drag po rta mgrin gyi dbang
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment for the wrathful yidam Hayagriva,
together with the authorization for the hurled ritual weapons and the authorization for
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 18 GA, HHPR 11]

lnga pa mkha gro rdo rje phag moi dbang
The root empowerment for the dakini, Vajravarahi, together with the empowerment for
the amrita pills
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 19 GA, HHPR 12]

The instructions for the five quintessential sadhanas in the mind terma The One Mind of
the Siddhas
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 20 GA, HHPR not listed]

9 December, 2008

Page 6 of 209
zab don zangs sbyangs ma sgyu phrul zhi bai dbang
The empowerment for the mandala of the forty-two peaceful deities from the profound
tantra of The Copper Coloured Mountains Maya in the seven teachings of The Profound
Mind of the Guru, in accordance with The Marvellous Essence
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

zab don zangs sbyangs ma sgyu phrul khro boi dbang
The empowerment for the mandala adorned by the sacred wrathful deities from the
profound tantra of The Copper Coloured Mountains Maya in the seven teachings of The
Profound Mind of the Guru , in accordance with The Marvellous Essence
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

zhi khor na raka dong sprug gi dbang
The empowerment for the peaceful and wrathful deities that empty out the pit of hell, in
accordance with A Ganges of Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chogyur Lingpa

zab bdun sgyu phrul tshe skor dbang
The empowerment for the elaborate activity from the teachings on life in the Maya of the
seven profound [teachings], in accordance with A River of Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

bka srung legs ldan tshogs bdag gi dbang
The empowerment for the teachings-protector Lekden Tsokdak
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 15]

bka srung ma mgon zhal sbyor gyi dbang
The empowerment for the teachings-protectors Mahakala and Mahakali in union

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Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 16]

10 December, 2008
bde mchog sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor gyi dbang
The empowerment for The Supreme Bliss Union Of the Buddhas
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

The profound instructions for the generation and completion practices of The Supreme Bliss
Union of Buddhas, in accordance with the terma texts The Five Stages: A Precious Garland
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 26 NGA, HHPR not listed]

sadhana section:

root sadhanas; sadhanas combining the three roots:

sangs rgyas bla mai rtsa gsum dril sgrub kyi dbang
The meaning empowerment for The Essence of the Three Roots, from the comprehensive
practice of the three roots, from The Buddha Guru, which was revealed as a rediscovered
terma, in accordance with The Jewel of the Essence of Maturation
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse

sangs rgyas bla mai rtsa gsum dril sgrub kyi tshe dbang
The long-life empowerment for the meaning of the comprehensive practice of the three
roots, in accordance with The Jewel that Accomplishes Immortality
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 28 NGA, HHPR not listed]

kar lugs rtsa gsum dril sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the comprehensive practice of the three roots from the mind terma of
Karma Lingpas tradition, in accordance with The Water Treasure of the Amrita of
Tertn: Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 8 of 209

rtsa gsum bras bui don khrid dbang
The empowerment for the instructions on the meaning of the result of the three roots, in
accordance with The Natural Presence of the Two Benefits
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

The summarized instructions on the meaning of the result of the three roots, in accordance
with The Secret Instructions of the Wish-fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Ratna Lingpa
[HETSR 31 NGA, HHPR not listed]

byang gter rtsa gsum dril sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment of the display of awareness, together with authorization, for the
comprehensive practice of the three roots from the Northern Terma, in accordance with The
Bindu of the Dakinis Mind
Tertn: Jamyang Lama (HHPR Rigdzin Godem)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

dgongs pa yang zab rtsa gsum dbang
The three empowerments for the three roots the guru, the yidam and the dakini, together
with the single empowerment for their union, from The Sacred Dharma of the Extremely
Profound View, in accordance with the stages of the activity practice, and the torma
Tertn: Drigung Rinchen Puntsok
Empowerment author: Drigung Chdrak
[first part of HETSR 33 NGA, HHPR not listed]
(*the torma empowerment was not given today)

11 December, 2008
(*The torma empowerment from the last empowerment given yesterday:)
dgongs pa yang zab rtsa gsum gtor dbang
The torma empowerment for the three empowerments for the three roots the guru, the
yidam and the dakini, together with the single empowerment for their union, from The
Sacred Dharma of the Extremely Profound View , in accordance with the stages of the activity
Tertn: Drigung Rinchen Puntsok
Empowerment author: Drigung Chdrak

Page 9 of 209
[second part of HETSR 33 NGA, HHPR 24]

za pa skor bdun las rtsa bai dbang
The root ripening empowerment for the seven teachings of The Profound Sacred Mind of the
Guru, in accordance with The Bindu of the Vidyadharas Mind
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 34 CA, HHPR 25]

The successive empowerments for the sadhanas and authorizations of each individual deity
from the seven teachings of The Profound Sacred Mind of the Guru, presented like the flow
of a river, in accordance with The Testament of the Vidyadharas:

zab bdun las bla ma padma gu rui rjes gnang
The empowerment for Guru Padma
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 35 CA, HHPR 26]

bcom ldan mi khrugs pai rjes gnang
The empowerment for Bhagavan Akshobya
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 36 CA, HHPR 27]

spyan ras gzigs kyi rjes gnang
The empowerment for Akasharaja
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 37 CA, HHPR 28]
(11-faced chenrezig)

tshe dpag med sku gsum rigs dus kyi rjes gnang
The empowerment for the union of the three kayas of Amitayus
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 38 CA, HHPR 29]


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rdo rje gro lod kyi rjes gnang
The empowerment for wrathful Droje Trol
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 39 CA, HHPR 30]

seng gdong mai rjes gnang
The empowerment for the Janadakini Simhamukha
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 40 CA, HHPR 31]

dzam bha la dmar poi rjes gnang
The empowerment for red Jambhala
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 41 CA, HHPR 32]

byang bdag ma rgyud snying po don gsum gyi dbang
The Blessings of the Spreading Vapour of Hearts Blood , the ripening empowerment for the
three meanings of the essence of the Mother Tantra of the power of the complete
accomplishment of the dakinis, in accordance with The Siddhis with the Seal of the Skull
Tertn: Tashi Tobgyal, the Lord of the Northern Termas
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 42 CA, HHPR 33]

12 December, 2008
chi med rtsa gsum dril sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the comprehensive practice of the immortal three roots, in accordance
with Illuminating Necessities
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Situ Pema Nyinche Wangpo
[HETSR 43 CA, HHPR 34]

The profound instructions of generation and completion connected with the practice of
Vajra Life, The Rainbow body: The Great Perfection of the Comprehensive Practice of the
Three Roots
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Chje Lingpa
[HETSR 44 CA, HHPR not listed]

Page 11 of 209
rtsa gsum zab mo kun dus kyi gtor dbang
The torma empowerment for the union of the profound three roots, in accordance with The
Lotus Necklace
Tertn: Kunzang Dechen Gyalpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 45 CA, HHPR 35]

rtsa gsum spyi dus snying thig dbang
The root empowerment together with the life empowerment for The Essential Bindu of the
Union of the Three Roots from The Dharma of the Earth Terma, in accordance with The River
of Deathless Wisdom
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 46 CA, HHPR 36]

zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe zab kyi dbang
The root empowerment for The Iron [Mountains] Profound Life of the Three Roots from The
Seven Profundities, in accordance with the arranged practice, The Precious Sprout
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 47 CA, HHPR 37]

The teachings on the tantra of The Iron [Mountains] Profound Life of the Three Roots from
The Seven Profundities, in accordance with The Essence of the Union of the Three Roots
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 48 CA, HHPR not listed]

bka srung kun khyil mched gsum gyi dbang
The empowerment for the three Kunkhyil sisters, protectors for the above practice
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 38]

root sadhanas; individual specific sadhanas

guru section; outer (supplications):
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las bla ma phyi sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment, together with the profound instructions, for the external practice of
supplication from the gurus mind practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance
with Opening the Doorway to Blessing

Page 12 of 209
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Gyurme Tsewang Drakpa
[HETSR 49 CA, HHPR 39]

The reading transmission for the meditation that opens the door of the dharma and which is
practiced as a transference of blessing, in the external form of a prayer connected with the
guru yoga in The Pure Vision of the Profound Path of the Meaning of Signs , which is Padmas
heart teaching
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal
[HETSR 50 CA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for Transformation into the Path of the Gurus Three Kayas , given
from a combination of the terma text and the record of instructions
Tertn: Rigdzin Legden Dorje
Author of the instructions: Pema Trinlay
[HETSR 51 CA, HHPR not listed]

The instructions for the pure vision of the practice of the profound path of the guru yoga
that is the outer practice of The Mind Bindu of the Vidhyadaras
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Pema Gyurme Gyamtso
[HETSR 52 CA, HHPR not listed]

The instructions for The Downpour of the Essence of Siddhis, which is the instructions for the
Vajra Acharya practice from the mind terma shastra
Tertn: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Author of the instructions: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 54 CA, HHPR not listed]

guru section; inner (peaceful), dharmakaya:

bla ma gsang dus kyi sta gon
The elaborate preparatory empowerment from The Profound Terma of Guru Guhyasamaja,
given in accordance with The River of Pure Amrita and in connection with The Instructions
for the Drops that Hold the Three Transformations into the Path
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 55 CHA, HHPR 40]

13 December, 2008
bla ma gsang dus dngos gzhii dbang
The elaborate main root empowerments from The Profound Terma of Guru Guhyasamaja ,
given in accordance with The River of Pure Amrita and in connection with The Instructions
for the Drops that Hold the Three Transformations into the Path
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk

Page 13 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 55 CHA, HHPR 41]

v-0-#<$-7<-,--/57-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bla ma gsang dus zlum po bzhii dbang/ dod bum ltar
The medium meaning empowerment of the four round empowerments of The Profound
Terma of Guru Guhyasamaja, in accordance with The Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen

#<$-7<-#)9-+/$- #,+-`-;#-#%#-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9

gsang dus gtor dbang gnad kyi shog gcig mai dbang/ dod bum ltar
The Single Page of Essentials, the brief torma empowerment for The Profound Terma of Guru
Guhyasamaja, in accordance with The Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen

rgya lo tsai bla ma bstan gnyis skor gsum gyi dbang
The meaning empowerment for The Essence of the Gurus Three Classes of Practices on the
Two Teachings of Gya Lotsawa Dorje Sangpo, in accordance with the rediscovered terma,
Drops of Amrita
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

dri med kun dgai bla mai thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bui dbang
The empowerment for The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, the guru mind practice of Trime Kunga, in
accordance with the rediscovered terma, The Essence of the Knowledge of Liberation
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

The instructions for The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, the gurus mind practice, in accordance with
the terma text
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 61 CHA, HHPR not listed]

guru section; inner (peaceful), sambhogakaya:

v-0-:$<-U-2-+#-0+-J$-&,-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bla ma longs sku tshe dpag med rdzong chen mai dbang/ dod bum ltar

Page 14 of 209
The Great Perfection long-life empowerment for Amitayus, in accordance with The Wish-
Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen,

tshe sgrub bu ston gong khug mai dbang
Butns summoned from above long-life empowerment for The Stepless Great Perfection
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Shalu Losal Tenkyong
[HETSR 63 CHA-in Peters doc this is actually a second 62 which Im taking for a typo, HHPR

byang gter tshe dpag med longs sku sgrub pai dbang/ HHPR: dgongs pa zang thal chi med od snang
The empowerment for the practice of sambhogakaya Amitayus, the unimpeded view in the
Northern Termas, in accordance with Bestowing the Splendour of the Vajra Life Force
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

KKD note: For reasons of auspiciousness, the elaborate and simple empowerments for Ratna
Lingpas Guhyasamaja long-life empowerments are listed further on. [HETSR 889, 892, 893,
bestowed March 3rd and 4th].

14 December, 2008

guru section; inner (peaceful), nirmanakaya:

main practices:
bla sgrub yongs rdzogs kyi dbang
The empowerment for The Precious Lamp, the accomplishment of activity from The
Completely Perfect Guru
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not given, HHPR 49]

v-/-8$<-J#<-`-#)9-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bla sgrub yongs rdzogs kyi gtor dbang/ dod bum ltar
The brief torma empowerment for The Completely Perfect Guru, in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer

Page 15 of 209
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen

The empowerment of the four round empowerments of the main practice connected with
the specific practice of Guhyasmaja Guru Ttreng Tsal from the mind practice, in accordance
with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 66 CHA, HHPR not listed]

gu rui thugs sgrub bde gshegs dus pai dbang
The empowerment for The Union of the Sugatas from the mind practice, in accordance with
The Bestowal of the Splendour of Siddhis
Tertn: Talung Sangye Wnpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

bla sgrub bde mchog khor loi dbang
The root empowerment, the ancillary medicine empowerment, and the life empowerment
for the chakrasamvara of the gurus mind practice, in accordance with The Spontaneous
Liberation of the Dualism of Perceiver and Perceived
Tertn: Gyatn Pema Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

The Swift Path of Union, the profound instructions for the chakrasamvara of the gurus mind
practice, taught in connection with its main root empowerment
Tertn: Gyatn Pema Wangchuk
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 69 CHA, HHPR not listed]

rig dzin gdung sgrub rtsa bai dbang dang gtor dbang
The root vidyadhara empowerment, which is the medium empowerment, together with the
brief torma empowerment for Accomplishing the Family Lineage of the Vudyadharas , which
is the inner practice of the three kinds of mind practice in the Northern Termas, in
accordance with The Spontaneous Arising of Wisdom
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

bla sgurb byin rlabs sgron mei sta gon
The preparatory empowerment for The Lamp of Blessings guru yoga from Khyentses direct
lineage, The Mind Terma of Samantabhadra , in accordance with Inlaid Jewels of Beautiful

Page 16 of 209
Tertn: Changling Palgyi Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 71 CHA, first part of HHPR 54]

bla ma dgongs dus kyi sta gon
The preparatory empowerment for Drops of Amrita, the meaning empowerment for The
Union of the Views of the Gurus, from The Quintessence of the Three Roots, in accordance
with The River of Amrita
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 73 JA, HHPR 56]

15 December, 2008
bla sgrub byin rlabs sgron mei dbang dngos gzhi
The main empowerment for The Lamp of Blessings guru yoga from Khyentses direct
lineage, The Mind Terma of Samantabhadra, in accordance with Inlaid Jewels of Beautiful
Tertn: Changling Palgyi Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 71 CHA, second part of HHPR 54]

The meaning empowerment connected with the torma empowerment for The Lamp of
Blessings guru yoga, from The Mind Terma of Samantabhadra , in accordance with The Lamp
of Jewels
Tertn: Changling Palgyi Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 72 CHA, HHPR not listed]

bla ma dgongs dus dbang dngos gzhi
The main empowerment for Drops of Amrita, the meaning empowerment for The Union of
the Views of the Gurus from The Essence of the Three Roots, in accordance with The River of
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 73 JA, HHPR 57]

not listed separately on Kunnams list, but may have happened as part of the above
The symbolic torma empowerment blessing for The Union of the Views of the Gurus, in
accordance with Rain from Clouds of Amrita
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 74 JA, HHPR not listed]

Page 17 of 209
bla ma dgongs dus bstan srung sha za kha mo chei srog gtad
The life-force entrustment for the teachings-protector of The Union of the Minds of the Gurus ,
Shasa Khamoche
Tertn: Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

bla ma bka rgyad dus pai dbang chen
The preparatory and main root empowerments, from the direct lineage of omniscient
Khyentse Wangpo, for The Treasure Heap of Jewels; The Union of the Teachings of the Gurus ,
in accordance with The Bathing Pool of a Fortune of Jewels
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 75 JA, HHPR 55]

bla ma bka brgyad dus pai don dbang
The meaning and torma empowerments for The Union of the Eight Logos of the Gurus , in
accordance with The Bathing Pool of a Fortune of Jewels
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 76 JA, HHPR not listed]

16 December, 2008
thugs sgrub yang snying dus pai dbang
The empowerment for The Condensed Quintessence of the Mind Practice, together with the
Great Perfection ancillaries and the preparatory and main empowerments that are the union
of mother and son, in accordance with The Play of the Blessings of Liberation
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 77 JA, HHPR 58]

thugs sgrub yang snying dus pai sman dbang
The elaborate amrita medicine empowerment for The Condensed Essence of the Mind
Practice, in accordance with The Great Treasure of the Amrita of Siddhis
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 78 A, HHPR 59]

Page 18 of 209
bka srung dpal mgon ma ning srog dbang
The life-force empowerment for the teachings-protector Palgon Maning
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 60]

The profound instructions for chandali from The Five Families of Secret Instructions for The
Condensed Essence of the mind practice, in accordance with Pointing out the Dharmakaya
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Nangchen Tsonyi
[HETSR 79 JA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for the illusory body from The Condensed Essence of the Mind
Practice, in accordance with The Ready to Read Supplement
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Nangchen Tsonyi
[HETSR 80 JA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for mahamudra from The Condensed Essence of the Mind Practice,
in accordance with The Easy to Read Supplement
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Nangchen Tsonyi
[HETSR 82 JA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for chd (severance) from The Condensed Essence of the Mind
Practice, in accordance with The Recorded Instructions on Severance
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa :
Author of the instructions: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 83 JA, HHPR not listed]

bla ma nor bu rgya mtshoi bla mai byin rlabs bka dbang
The infinite teaching-empowerment for The Gurus Blessing from Lama Norbu Gyamtso, in
accordance with The Definitive Bestowal of the Supreme Meaning
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 84 JA, HHPR 61]

bka srung rgyal po chen po rnam thos sras yang gsang bla med kyi srog dbang
The life-force empowerment the teachings-protector, the unsurpassable extremely secret
Great King Nam-tho-se
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Karmapa Khyakhyab Dorje
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 62]

The Five Quintessential Drops, which is the outer Vidyadhara practice from The Union of
Vidyadharas in The Eight Teachings of the Guru, in accordance with A Garland of Stainless

Page 19 of 209

rig dzin yongs dus leu bdun mai sta gon
In the beginning, there is the preparatory empowerment, in accordance with The
Wonderful Teachings
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 85 JA, HHPR 63]

nam mkhai snying por gnag bai gsol dbes spros bral bde chen mai dbang
First, the root empowerment for The Great Bliss Prayer, which is the simple supplication
received by Gelong Namkhay Nyingpo
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 86 JA, HHPR 64]

chos rgyal khri srong ldeu btsan la gnang bai gsol debs bstan pa rmad byung gyi dbang
Second the empowerment for The Marvellous Teaching, which is the simple supplication
given to the Dharma King Trisong Deutsen
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 87 JA, HHPR 65]

17 December, 2008
mkhar chen ye shes mtsho rgyal la gnang bai gsol debs nyi ma lho nub mai dbang
Third, the empowerment for The South-Western Sun, the supplication given to dakini
Yeshe Tsogyal
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 88 JA, HHPR 66]

sna nam rdo rje bdud joms la gnang bai sindhu rgya mtsho che bai dbang
Fourth, the empowerment for An Ocean of Sindhura, the supplication given to Nanam
Dorje Dujom
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 89 JA, HHPR 67]

Page 20 of 209
mu tig btsan po la gnang bai gsol debs sindhu rgya mtsho chung bai dbang
Fifth, the empowerment for the shorter An Ocean of Sindhura, the supplication given to
Prince Mutik Tsenpo as his share of the Dharma
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 90 JA, HHPR 68]

gu rui thugs sgrub yon tan gter mdzod bsam lhun dbang
The empowerment for The Natural Fulfilment of Wishes from The Treasury of Qualities,
The Mind Practice
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 91 JA, HHPR 69]

bla ma padma bdzrai dbang
The empowerment for Guru Padmavajra, the dharma of Mahakraunas Liberation from
Samsara, in accordance with the ready-to-read arrangement, The River of Amrita
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

bla ma rgyal ba dus pa dang zab lam thugs nor gnyis dus dbang
The empowerment for the specific guru empowerment that is a merger of those from The
Union of the Victorious Ones Guru and The Jewel of the Mind, in accordance with The Bindu
of Union
Tertn: Shigpo Lingpa and Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

18 December, 2008
grol thig dgongs pa rang grol gyi lam rgyas pai dbang chen sgrub gnyis rab rgyas kyi dbang dngos gzhi

The preparatory and main empowerments for the elaborate Path of Spontaneous Liberation :
The View of the Drop of Liberation, in accordance with The Very Elaborate Two
Tertn: Trengpo Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 94 NYA, part of HHPR 72]

Page 21 of 209
lam bring po rtsa bai smin byed ye shes rab rgyas kyi dbang bal sgrub gdung ba zhi byed
The empowerment for the medium Path of Spontaneous Liberation : The View of the Drop of
Liberation, in accordance with The Very Elaborate Wisdom
Tertn: Trengpo Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 95 NYA, part of HHPR 72]

lam bsdus pai smin byed rig bsdus brda dbang lnga pai dbang
The ripening, united families symbol empowerment for the brief Path of Spontaneous
Liberation: The View of the Drop of Liberation, in accordance with The Very Elaborate Great
Tertn: Trengpo Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 96 NYA, part of HHPR 72]

ma ha gu ru chi med sku gsum rigs dus kyi dbang
The united families empowerment for The Deathless Three Kayas of Mahaguru, in
accordance with Victory in the Battle with the Lord of Death
Tertn: Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

+!,-0&#--7<--9-5-/7-+/$- -97-+#$<-#<:-P9
dkon mchog spyi dus gu ru zhi bai dbang gu rui dgongs gsal ltar
The root empowerment for the peaceful guru of The Extremely Profound Guru Yoga, The
Union of the Jewels, in accordance with The Clear View of the Guru
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu

gu ru drag gi gtor dbang
The torma empowerment for the wrathful Guru of the Jatsn Nyingpo tradition
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 99 PA, HHPR 75]

seng gdong mai dbang bka rgya can
The sealed command empowerment for the dakini Simhamukha of the Jatsn Nyingpo
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo

Page 22 of 209
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 100 KHI, HHPR 76]

padma od bar gyi tshe sgrub lcags kyi ri boi dbang
The long-life empowerment for The Iron Mountain Life Practice of Pema bar, in accordance
with the condensed, easy to read rite for separating the empowerment and bestowing it
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 101 NYA, HHPR 77]

The profound instructions for the general preliminaries, an ancillary to The Extremely
Profound Union of the Jewels
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 102 NYA, HHPR not listed]

The instructions for the generation stage of The Extremely Profound Union of the Jewels, in
accordance with The Adornment of the Gurus View: The Essence of the Sun
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Author of the instructions: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 103 NYA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for the completions stage, derived from The Adornment of the
Gurus View: The Essence of the Sun, in accordance with The Complete Liberation of the Three
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 104 NYA, HHPR not listed]

8$-#<$-v-0+-V-7+-7/9-b-+/$-&# e,-x/<-,-7n-P9
yang gsang bla med padma od bar gyi dbang chog byin rlabs sprin phro
The empowerment for the extremely secret unsurpassable Pema bar, in accordance with
The Spreading of Clouds of Blessings
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 105 NYA, HHPR 78]

19 December, 2008
yab bka rtsa gsum rig dzin srog sgrub rtsa bai dbang
The preparatory and main root empowerments for The Pure Vision of the Three Roots;
Practicing the Life Essence of the Vidyadharas, combined with the hidden additional
empowerment for the display of awareness, in accordance with The Sprout of Deathless
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 23 of 209
[HETSR 106 volume TA, HHPR 79]

The profound instructions for the general quintessence of Practicing the Life Essence of the
Vidyadharas, in accordance with The Rainbow Tent: The Treasury of Luminosity
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Author of the instructions: the terma text
[HETSR 107 TA, HHPR not listed]

yab bka dang yum bka rdo rje phag moi rdzogs rim gtum moi me dbang
The fire empowerment for The Chandali of Vajravarahi, the Instructions of the Mother
combined with (vol. NGI) The Wailing Confession to the Dakini, in accordance with The
Lotus Sprout of Great Bliss
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 108 CA, HHPR 80]

The profound instructions for The Lotus Boat of the Great Bliss of Chandali from Practicing
the Life Essence of the Vidyadharas, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Author of the instructions: the terma text
[HETSR 109 CA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for Illuminating the Commentary on Chd, from Practicing the
Life Essence of the Vidyadharas, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Author of the instructions: the terma text
[HETSR 110 CA, HHPR not listed]

+-]<-9#-7-I:-+/$-F0-#<0-b-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
gud sbas rig pai rtsal dbang rnam gsum gyi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the threefold empowerment for the hidden display of awareness
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Empowerment author: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

bka srung drag po sde bzhii dbang
The empowerment for the four classes of wrathful dharma protectors
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 81]

tshe dpag med dwangs ma bcud dren gyi dbang
The empowerment for Bringing the Quintessential Power of Amitayus from The Twenty-Five
Sealed Pure Visions, in accordance with The Deathless Feast

Page 24 of 209
Tertn: The Fifth Dalai Lama
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 111 TA, HHPR 82]

#,0-&<-V-7e$-#,<-`-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
gnam chos padma byung gnas kyi dbang/ gter zhung ltar
The empowerment for Guru Padmakara fromThe Profound Oral Lineage Of the Mind Termas
of the Sky Dharma, in accordance with the sadhana in the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: the terma text (KL: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje)
[HETSR 112 TA, HHPR 83]

zab chos rig dzin thugs thig dbang
The empowerment for The Profound Terma of the Guru Yoga of The Drop of the Vidyadharas
Mind, in accordance with Light of Immaculate Union
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 113 TA, HHPR 84]

The profound instructions for The Profound Terma of the Guru Yoga of The Drop of the
Vidyadharas Mind, in accordance with The Immaculate Radiance
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 114 TA, HHPR not listed]

tshe sgrub yang snying kun dus kyi dbang
The empowerment for The Long-Life Practice of Union of the Quintessence of Immortality
from The Drop of the Vidyadharas Mind , in accordance with the combination of the
teachings of Chida Dujom and Dharmashri, in accordance with The Immaculate Radiance
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 115 WA, HHPR 85]

bka srung mgon po zhal bzhi pai dbang (HHPR calls this a gtor dbang)
The empowerment for the teachings-protector, Four Armed Mahakala
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 86]

20 December, 2008

Page 25 of 209
bla ma yid bzhin nor bu chu bo gcig dus kyi dbang
The five root empowerments and the torma empowerment for The Union of the Two Aspects
of Guru Chintamani, in accordance with The Essence of Blessing
Tertn: Mati Ratna and Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 116 TA, HHPR 87]

zab lam thugs kyi nor bui rtsa bai dbang
The preparatory and main empowerments for The Profound Path of the Minds Jewel , in
accordance with The Ripening Quintessential Jewel
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 117 TA, HHPR 88]

bla ma rgyal ba kun dus dbang
The empowerment for Guru Union of the Victorious Ones, in accordance with The
Ultimate Profound Four Empowerments
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 118 TA, HHPR 89]

dei cha lag rigs dus rdo rje sems dpai dbang
The empowerment for Vajrasattva Union of the Families, which is an ancillary for Guru
Union of the Victorious Ones, in accordance with The Sprout of Clouds of Liberation
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 119 SHA, HHPR 90]

yum bka rdo rje phag moi gsang sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for The Teaching of the Mother, the Secret Practice of Varahi , which is an
ancillary to Guru Union of the Victorious Ones, in accordance with The Sprout of the
Amrita of Great Bliss
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 120 CHA, HHPR 91]

yang gsang tshe sgrub lcags kyi bang mdzod kyi dbang
The empowerment for The Iron Treasury of the Extra Secret Long-Life Practice , which is an
ancillary to Guru Union of the Victorious Ones, in accordance with The Iron Magical Key
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 26 of 209
[HETSR 121 WA, HHPR 92]

snyan brgyud mkha groi snying khrag gu ru spros med don gyi sgrub pai dbang
The empowerment for the practice of Guru Unelaborated Meaning, which is the oral
transmission of the hearts blood of the dakinis, in accordance with The Sprout of the Light
of Blessing
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 122 TA, HHPR 93]

dag snang srin yul mai dbang
The empowerment for The Pure Vision of the Rakshasa Realm, in accordance with The
Ripening Practice
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 123 TA, HHPR 94]

dgongs gter bsam pa lhun sgrub mai dbang
The root empowerment for the mind terma, Natural Fulfillment of Wishes, bestowed in
accordance with a combimnation of The Profound Secret Union of Quintessences and the
additional clarification to the empowerment teaching, entitled A Concentration of the
Profound Meaning
Tertn: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Empowerment author: Pema Nyinche Wangpo
[HETSR 124 TA, HHPR 96]

The profound instructions for the mind terma, Natural Fulfillment of Wishes, in accordance
with the record of instructions, The Sun of Clear Meaning
Tertn: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Author of the instructions: Barawa Ogyen Ngawang Yeshe
[HETSR 125 THA, HHPR not listed]

21 December, 2008
klong chen snying gi thig lei bla sgrub/ yab bka rig dzin dus pai rtsa dbang
The victor-method of pouring onto the crown of the head, which is the root empowerment
for the father instruction guru yoga, The Union of the Vidhyadaras from the mind terma
Longchen Nyingtik
Tertn: Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 126 THA, HHPR 95]

Page 27 of 209
gu ru zhi ba yid bzhin nor bui rtsa dbang
The empowerment for the oral lineagess peaceful Guru Wish-fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Khedrup Pema Gyepa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 127 THA, HHPR 97]

ao rgyan rje bangs nyer lngai dbang
The empowerment connected with the manual Clouds of Blessings by the Oddiyana [Guru],
King and twenty-five subjects, composed in the manner of a treatise on the mind terms
Tertn: Situ Pema Nyinche Wangpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 128 THA, HHPR 98]

dam chos snying poi skor lngai bla ma dgongs dus snying poi dbang
The empowerment for The Essence of the Concentrated View of the Guru from The Five
Teachings of the Essence of the Dharma
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 129 THA, HHPR 99]

gu ru padma bdud dul rgyal poi don dbang
The meaning empowerment for Guru Pema Dudul Gyalpo, in accordance with The Bestowal
of the Supreme Blessing
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgon Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 130 THA, HHPR 100]

zur bzai bla sgrub thugs kyi yang snying gi dbang
The empowerment for the guru yoga The Quintessence of the Heart from [Princess] Zurzas
Six Teachings on Practice, in accordance with The River of Blessings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 131 THA, HHPR 101]

zab bdun rtsa gsum gu ru bde ba chen poi dbang
The empowerment for Guru Mahasukha, from The Three Roots in the Seven Profundities, in
accordance with Bringing Out the Quintessence of Great Bliss
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa

Page 28 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgzuon Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 132 THA, HHPR 102]

zla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi don dbang
The medium meaning empowerment for the guru mind practice, The Elimination of All
Obstacles given in accordance with the additional clarification of the terma text combined
with the manual for giving the deity-empowerment; also, the brief torma empowerment and
the life empowerment, in accordance with The Radiance of the Sun
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 133 THA, HHPR 103]

bka srung tshe ring mched lngai thun mongs gtor dbang
The torma empowerment for the teachings-protectors, Tseringma and the five sisters
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 104]

22 December, 2008
v-07-*#<-/-8+-/5,-,9-/-:< /<0--T,-/-`-I-+/$-{<--8+-/5,-+:-7e$-P9
bla mai thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las/ bsam pa lhun sgrub kyi rtsa dbang rgyas pa yid bzhin dpal
The elaborate root empowerment for The Natural Fulfilment of Wishes from the gurus mind
practice, The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, in accordance with The Glorious Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 105]

*#<-/-/<0--T,-/-`-I-+/$-7o$- 8+-/5,-+:-7/9-P9
thugs sgrub bsam pa lhun sgrub kyi rtsa dbang bring po yid bzhin dpal bar ltar
The medium empowerment for The Natural Fulfillment of Wishes from the gurus mind
practice, The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, in accordance with The Splendid Glory of the Wish-
fulfilling [Jewel]
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 135 THA, HHPR not listed]

thugs sgrub bsam pa lhun sgrub kyi smin byed bsdus pa byin rlabs gtor mai dbang
The brief torma blessing empowerment for The Natural Fulfilment of Wishes from the gurus
mind practice, The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 29 of 209
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

/<0--T,-/-`-2-+/$- 8+-/5,-+:-73,-P9
bsam pa lhun sgrub kyi tshe dbang yid bzhin dpal dzin
The long-life empowerment for The Natural Fulfillment of Jewels from the gurus mind
practice, The Wish-fulfilling Jewel, in accordance with Holding the Splendour fo the Wish-
fulfilling [Jewel]
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 137 THA, HHPR not listed]

yang gsang mtsho skyes snying thig gi dbang
The four ripening root empowerments, arranged so as easy to chant, for The Pure Vision of
the Deathless Lotus Heart-Drop, in accordance with A Rainfall of Wisdom Amrita
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 138 THA, HHPR 106]

rtsa gsum dgongs dus dbang bskur rgyas pai snying po rig dzin don dbang
The empowerment for Guru Rigdzin Chodrup from The Treasure of Profound Termas: The
Union of the Views of the Three Roots, in accordance with The Empowerment for the Meaning
of the Vidyadhara
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 139 THA, HHPR 107]

rtsa gsum dgongs dus kyi rig dzin tshe dbang
The long-life empowerment for Guru Rigdzin Chodrup from The Treasure of Profound
Termas: The Union of the Views of the Three Roots, in accordance with The Empowerment for
the Life of the Vidyadhara
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 140 THA, HHPR not listed]

gsang thig yab bka tshes bcui bla sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the tenth day guru yoga from the father instructions of The Essence of
the Secret Bindu, in accordance with The Bindu of the Ripening Quintessence
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 141 DA, HHPR 108]

The liberating instructions for The Sadhana of the Gurus Four Kayas from The Essence of the

Page 30 of 209
Secret Bindu, in accordance with The Liberating Bindu
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 142 DA, HHPR not listed]

23 December, 2008
gsang thig yum bka bde chen rgyal moi dbang
The empowerment for Dechen Gyalmo, the mother instructions from The Essence of the
Secret Bindu, in accordance with An Ocean of Blessings
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 143 DA, HHPR 109]

The profound liberating instructions of dakini Dechen Gyalmo from The Essence of the
Secret Bindu, in accordance with The Ocean of Profound Meaning
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 144 DA, HHPR not listed]

The ripening empowerments of The Seven-Lines Guru Sadhana , adorned by the Mindroling
practice manual, in accordance with The Floating Lotus Palace, and the liberating
instructions, in accordance with the terma text:

2#-/,-v-/-`-*-0-v-0-U-#<0-b-+/$-:< v-0-&<-U-,--7&$-#-+/$-
tshig bdun bla sgrub kyi tho ma bla ma sku gsum gyi dbang las/ bla ma chos sku kun tu chang gi
The combined empowerment and instructions for the dharmakaya guru, Padma
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 145 DA, HHPR 110]

bla ma longs sku tshe dpag med kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the sambhogakaya guru, Uddiyana
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 146 DA, HHPR 111]

bla ma sprul sku mtsho skyes rdo rjei dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the nirmanakaya guru, Padmavajra
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje

Page 31 of 209
[HETSR 147 DA, HHPR 112]

v-0-U-/5-:< :-U-*+-n$-I:-b-+/$-
bla ma sku bzhi las/ sprul sku thod phreng rtsal gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the appearance-emptiness
nirmanakaya, Dorje Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 148 DA, HHPR not listed]

longs sku thugs rje chen poi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the sound-emptiness sambhogakaya,
Padma Nateshvara
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 149 DA, HHPR not listed]

chos sku snang bai mtha yas kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the awareness-emptiness dharmakaya,
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 150 DA, HHPR not listed]

ngo bo nyid sku padma badzra kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the manifestation of wisdom
svabhavikakaya, Padmavajra
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 151 DA, HHPR not listed]

24 December, 2008
(Five empowerments connected with the five buddha families:)

sku budha thod phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Buddha Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 152 DA, HHPR not listed]

Page 32 of 209
gsungs padma thod phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Padma Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 153 DA, HHPR not listed]

thugs badzra thod phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Vajra Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 154 DA, HHPR not listed]

yon tan ratna thod phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Ratna Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 155 DA, HHPR not listed]

phrin las karma thod phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Karma Ttrengtsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 156 DA, HHPR not listed]

(Six empowerments connected with the six realms:)

lha yi gu ru srid thub dzin gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Deva Guru Si-thup Dzin
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 157 DA, HHPR not listed]

lha min gu ru rnam par rgyal gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Asura Guru Vijaya
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 158 DA, HHPR not listed]

Page 33 of 209
mi yi gu ru padma byung gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Human Guru Padmakara
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 159 DA, HHPR not listed]

byol song gu ru seng ge rab brtan gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Animal Guru Senge Rabten
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 160 DA, HHPR not listed]

yi dwags gu ru rnam par snang gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Preta Guru Namparnangwa
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 161 DA, HHPR not listed]

dmyal bai gu ru rnam par gnon gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Hell Guru Nampar Nnpa
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 162 DA, HHPR not listed]

(7 empowerments connected with seven buddhas:)

sku yi don dam gu ru bde skyong rdo rjei dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Dekyong Dorje
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 163 DA, HHPR not listed]

25 December, 2008
gsung don dam gyi gu ru zag med od gsal gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Sakme sal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 34 of 209
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 164 DA, HHPR not listed]

thugs don dam gyi gu ru dul skyong chen poi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Dulkyong Chenpo
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 165 DA, HHPR not listed]

yon tan don dam gyi gu ru ting dzin rtsal chang gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Tingdzin Tsalchang
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 166 DA, HHPR not listed]

phrin las don dam gyi gu ru yon tan blo ldan
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Yonten Loden
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 167 DA, HHPR not listed]

dbyings don dam gyi gu ru thabs shes dbyings sbyor
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Tabshe Yingjor
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 168 DA, HHPR not listed]

ye shes don dam gyi gu ru slob dpon padma byung
The combined empowerment and instructions for Acharya Guru Padmakara
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 169 DA, HHPR not listed]

(9 empowerments connected with the 9 vehicles:)

nyan thos kyi gu ru shakya seng gei dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Shakya Senge
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 35 of 209
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 170 DA, HHPR not listed]

rang rgyal gu ru blo ldan mchog srid kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Loden Choksi
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 171 DA, HHPR not listed]

byang sems gu ru padma rgyal poi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Padmaraja
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 172 DA, HHPR not listed]

kri ya gu ru padma sam bha bai dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Padmasambhava
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 173 DA, HHPR not listed]

au pa gu ru nyi ma od zer gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Nyime zer
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 174 DA, HHPR not listed]

yo gai gu ru seng ge sgra sgrog gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Senge Dradrok
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 175 DA, HHPR not listed]

ma ha gu ru rdo rje gro lod kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Dorje Trol
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 176 DA, HHPR not listed]

Page 36 of 209
aa nu gu ru padma byung gnas kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Padmakara
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 177 DA, HHPR not listed]

aa ti gu ru yid bzhin nor bui dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the Guru Yishin Norbu
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 178 DA, HHPR not listed]

26 December, 2008
gu ru phrul mtshan bzhi bcui dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the forty secondary emanations of the
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 179 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru mdo sngags kyi ston pa lnga bcui dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the guru as the fifty sutra and mantra
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 180 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru mtshan mchog brgya rtsa brgyad kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the one hundred and eight
manifestations of the guru
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 181 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru tshe dbang rig dzin gyi dbang
The combined root empowerment, long-life empowerment, and instructions for Guru

Page 37 of 209
Tsewang Rigdzin
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 182 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru dpal chen che mchog gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Chemchok Rigdzin
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 183 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru sman gyi lha yi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Menle Gyalpo
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 184 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru nor gyi lha yi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Jambhala
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 185 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru byung bzhi dbang bsgyur gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Master of the Four Elements
Namkhe Gyalpo
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 186 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru zil gnon drag poi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Silnn Drak Tsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 187 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru rdo rje drag rtsal gyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Dorje Trakpo Tsal
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 38 of 209
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 188 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru dmar nag me phreng gi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Marnak Me-treng
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 189 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru rdo rje chos kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Vajradharma
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 190 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru bde ba chen poi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Mahasukha
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 191 DA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru od mi gyur bai dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for Guru Mingyurwa
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 192 DA, HHPR not listed]

27 December, 2008
tshig bdun bla sgrub kyi yongs rdzogs dril sgrub kyi dbang
The combined empowerment and instructions for the combined practice of all the gurus
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 193 DA, HHPR 113]

tshig bdun bla sgrub kyi yum bka mkha gro dus pai dbang
The empowerment for The Gathering of the Dakinis, the mother instructions from The
Seven-Lines Guru Yoga, adorned by the practice manual, in accordance with the The

Page 39 of 209
Sweet Dew that Accomplishes Great Bliss
Terton: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment Author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 194 DA, HHPR 114] [vol 16 pg. 545]

auxiliary practices:
dwags poi rjes sgam po pai gsang lam bla sgrub dbang
The empowerment for The Secret Path Guru Yoga of Dakpo: the Teaching of Lord Gampopa
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Chje Lingpa
[HETSR 195 DA, HHPR 115]

gnam chos grub chen Dombhi pai dbang
The empowerment for Siddha Dombipa from The Sky Dharma Mind Termas Profound
Orally Transmitted Treasure, in accordance with The Ripening Strings of Sunlight (Vol. THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment Author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 196 DA, HHPR 116]

gnam chos grub chen birba pai dbang
The empowerment for Siddha Virupa from The Sky Dharma Mind termas Profound Orally
Transmitted Treasure, in accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment (Vol. THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 197 DA, HHPR 117]

gnam chos grub chen pha dam pa sangs rgyas kyi dbang
The empowerment for venerable Dampa Sangye from The Sky Dharma Mind Termas
Profound Orally transmitted Treasure, in accordance with The Ripening Strings of Sunlight
(Vol. THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 198 DA, HHPR 118]

gnam chos grub chen mi tra dzo kii dbang
The empowerment for Guru Mitrayogin from The Sky Dharma Mind Termas Profound
Orally Transmitted Treasure, in accordance with The Ripening Strings of Sunlight (Vol. THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme

Page 40 of 209
[HETSR 199 DA, HHPR 119]


gnam chos gter ston rgyal po gsum pa ratna gling pai phyi nang gsang gsum dbang
(note: outer inner and secret is in HHPR but not HETSR or KL...check KKD)
The empowerment for the secret practice of Ratna Lingpa from The Sky Dharma Mind
Termas Profound Orally transmitted Treasure, in accordance with The Ripening Strings of
Sunlight (Vol. THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 200 DA, HHPR 120]

dag snang sgrub chen karma pakshi zhal gzigs mai bla sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the pure vision guru yoga of The Vision of Mahasiddha Karma
Pakshi, in accordance with the manual The Marvellous Appearance
Tertn: Yong-ge Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 201 DA, HHPR 121]

klong snying yang gsang bla sgrub thig le rgya can dbang
The empowerment for the extra secret guru yoga Sealed by the Bindu from the Longchen
Nyingtik, in accordance with The Bindu of Great Bliss
Tertn: Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
Empowerment author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 202 DA, HHPR 122]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

dag snang grub thob thugs thig dbang KL: grub chen thang stong rgyal poi dbang
The empowerment for the pure vision The One Mind of the Siddhas, in accordance with The
Essence of the Excellent Teachings
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 203 DA, HHPR 123]

grub thob thugs thig gi tshe dbang KL: grub chen thang stong rgyal poi tshe dbang
The empowerment for the long-life practice, The Deathless Essence from the pure vision, The
One Mind of the Siddhas, in accordance with The Essence of Amrita
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 204 DA, HHPR 124]

Page 41 of 209
The profound instructions for the pure vision, The One Mind of the Siddhas, in accordance
with The Vajra Verse of Practice Instruction
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: the terma text
[HETSR 205 DA, HHPR not listed]

dag snang sku gsum rigs dus sam mchog gling bla sgrub kyi snying po don gyi gtor dbang
The meaning torma empowerment for The Essence of the Profound Drop from the pure
vision, The United Families of the Three Kayas, in accordance with The Sprout of Great Bliss
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 206 DA, HHPR 125]

28 December, 2008

guru section; secret (wrathful):

7++-/0-:< /!7-0-7-o,-:#<-`-l#-+09-`-+/$-
dod bum las bka ma o bran lugs kyi drag dmar kyi dbang
The empowerment for Drakmar in the Kama tradition of dren, in accordance with The
Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: dren Palgyi Jungne
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 207 DA, HHPR 126]

[I have a note that says lay people asked to leave for a protector empowerment here 5 local
protectors but I think this was probably referring to the protector practice two
empowerments down from here]

drag po dmar chen bde gshegs dus pai dbang rgyas pa
The elaborate empowerment and the brief torma empowerment for The Union of the
Sugatas, The Great Red Wrathful Guru , in accordance with Complete Victory in the Battle
with the Two Obscurations
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 208 DA, HHPR 127]
(the brief torma empowerment is not mentioned in Kunnams list here; it might have been the
one done at the end of the series)

bka srung dregs pa sde brgyad kyi srog dbang
The life-force empowerment for the eight classes of arrogant spirts teachings-protector
Terton: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga

Page 42 of 209
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

7++-/0-:< l#-+09-#$-&,-/+-#;#<-7<-7-+/$- #)9-"-#<0-*,-0$<-8,-#<$-

dod bum las/ drag dmar gzhung chen bde gshegs dus pai dbang/ gter kha gsum thun mongs yin gsung
The empowerment connected with The Union of the Sugatas, the Great Red Wrathful Guru ,
in accordance with the Vajra Anointing (KL describes this as from the dod bum, HETSR:
vajra annointing)
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 209 DA, HHPR not listed]

7++-/0-:< l#-/-7o$--07-\-i7-+/$-
dod bum las/ drag sgrub bring po mei spu grii dbang
The empowerment The Fire Razor, the medium practice of the Wrathful Guru, in accordance
with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyanral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 210, HHPR not listed]

7++-/0-:< l#-+09-&-7o$-#(<-!-:-7'#-7-#)9-+/$-/Z<-
dod bum las/ drag dmar che bring gnyis ka la jug pai gtor dbang bsdus pa
The torma empowerment, combined with the continuous blessing, for the brief practice of
the Wrathful Guru, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase (note that KL describes this
wang as going with both the elaborate and middle-length Drakmar)
Tertn: Nyanral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 211 DA, HHPR not listed]

karma gu ru dar nag ber chen gyi sgrub pa padmai gsang sgrub gro ba kun dul gyi byin rlabs
The method for the blessing Guru Darnag Berchen, in accordance with The Extremely
Profound Essence
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 212 NA, HHPR 128]

byang gter thugs sgrub rnam gsum gyi gsang sgrub rdo rje drag po rtsal gyi smin lam rgyas pai dbang
The preparatory empowerment and the main root empowerment for The Great River of
Empowerment that is the Path of Ripening for the secret practice of Drorje Drakpo from the
Northern Treasures Three Aspects of Lhadraks Mind Practice
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem

Page 43 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 213 NA, HHPR 129]

byang gter gsang sgrub rdo rje drag rtsal gyi smin lam bring poi dbang
The Golden Treasury, the medium empowerment that is the path of ripening for Drakpo
Tsal, from the Northern Treasures Three Aspects of Lhadraks Mind-Practice, in accordance
with The Beautiful Jewel Ornamentation
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 214 NA, HHPR not listed]

7++-/0-:< e$-#)9-*#<-/-l#--I:-b-e,-x/<-*#<-B7-+/$-/Z<-
dod bum las/ byang gter thugs sgrub drag po rtsal gyi byin rlabs thugs rjei dbang bsdus pa
The empowerment of blessing and compassion for the brief Dorje Drakpo Tsal from the
Northern Treasures Lhadraks Mind Practice, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 215 NA, HHPR 130]

The profound instructions of The Cherished Lamp, the Essential Drop from the Northern
Treasures mind practice, in accordance with the record of instructions entitled The Complete
Illumination of the Texts Meaning
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: Pema Trinlay
[HETSR 216 NA, HHPR not listed]

29 December, 2008
byang gter dag snang tshe gur sbrags mai dbang
The empowerment for the pure vision of Tsegur Drakma from the Northern Treasures, in
accordance with The Clouds of Blessings
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Pema Trinle
[HETSR 217 NA, HHPR 131]

snyan rgyud zung brel gu ru drag poi dbang
The empowerment for Guru Drakpo from the hearing lineages Union, in accordance with
The Profound Path of Moon Amrita
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Lord Thaye
[HETSR 218 NA, HHPR 132]

-9-l#-8$-#<$-v-0+-0-x$-7a:-/7-I-+/$-{<- Y-#,-+$-+$<-#5
Page 44 of 209
gu ru drag yang gsang bla med me rlung khyil bai rtsa dbang rgyas sta gon dang dngos gzhi
The preparatory empowerment and the main empowerment for The Garland of Vajras, the
elaborate empowerment for Guru Drakpo: The Unsurpassable, Extremely Secret, Profound
Swirling of Fire and Air, in accordance with The Heart Essence of the Heruka
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 219 NA, HHPR 133]

gu ru drag me rlung khyil bai don dbang
The medium empowerment, The Jewel Tradition for Guru Drakpo: The Unsurpassable,
Extremely secret, profound Swirling of Fire and Air, in accordance with The Essence of the
Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 220 NA, HHPR not listed]

gu ru drag me rlung khyil bai gtor dbang
The brief torma empowerment for Guru Drakpo: the Unsurpassable, Extremely Secret
Profound Swirling of Fire and Air , in accordance with The Essence of the Amrita of Blessing
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 221 NA, HHPR not listed]

-9-l#-+09-&,-0-N-n$-/7-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
gu ru drag dmar chen me lce phreng bai dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for The Great Red Guru Drakpo : The Garland of Flames, in accordance
with The Vajra Anointing: the Four Empowerments of [Guru] Drakpo , which is a combination
of [the empowerments of] Nyang Ral Nyima Ozer and Dorje Lingpa, with the particular
selection of Pema Lingpas Drakmar, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 222 NA, HHPR not listed]

dag snang bla ma drag po ki la yai byin rlabs dbang
The empowerment for The Pure Vision of Guru Drakpo Kilaya , in accordance with Lines of
Wisdom Light
Tertn: Druk[chen] Pema Karpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 223 NA, HHPR 134]

bla ma drag po dbu dgu ye shes rang gsal gyi don dbang
The meaning empowerment for the Northern terma Guru Drakpo, The Nine Heads of Self-

Page 45 of 209
Illuminating Wisdom, in accordance with The Liquid Drops of Wisdom Light
Tertn: Rigdzin Legden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 224 NA, HHPR 135]

karma gu ru phrin las drag poi srog gtad
The practice of the wrathful activity of the Mara-Subduing Karma Guru, entitled Lines of
Lightning Blessings from the Northern Terma tradition
Terton: Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not publicly given, HHPR 136]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

las phro gling pai bla ma drag po padma gtum po jam dbyangs mkhyen brtsei nye brgyud dbang
The empowerment for Guru Drakpo Pema Tumpo from The Extra Profound Essence of the
Three Roots, which is the direct lineage of all-seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The
Defeat of All Arrogant Spirits
Tertn: Mingyur Letro Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 225 NA, HHPR 137]

dgongs pa yang zab las rdo rje gro lod kyi dbang
The empowerment for the HM practice Dorje Trol from The Sacred Dharma of the Extra
Profound View, in accordance with Generating the Power of Wisdom
Tertn: Drigung Rinchen Puntsok
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 226 NA, HHPR 138]

bla ma drag po yang gsang mei khor loi dbang
(check KKD: should peaceful and wrathful really be part of the title?)
The empowerment for Guru Drakpo: The Extra Secret Peaceful and Wrathful Wheel of Fire, in
accordance with Sky-Iron Dewdrops: The Excellent Vase of Amrita
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 227 NA, HHPR 139]

KKD note: The torma empowerment for Jatsns Guru Drakpo was given earlier during the
Knchok Chidu.

30 December, 2008
Page 46 of 209
gu ru rdo rje gro lod kyi dbang
The empowerment for Jatsns peaceful and wrathful Guru Dorje Trol, in accordance with
The Concentrated Quintessence of Ripening and Liberation
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 228 PA, HHPR 140]

sprul sku snying thig gsang sgrub gro lod kyi dbang bka rgya can
The Sealed Clouds of Blessings, the empowerment for Doje Trol from the Nyingtik, in
accordance with Adorned by the Manual
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 229 PA, HHPR 141]

bstan srung zhing skyong kun dga gzhon nu yab yum gyi rjes gnang
The authorization for the teachings-protector, the kshetrapala Kunga Shonnu, in yabyum
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 142]

dag snang rgya can nyer lnga la rdo rje gro lod kyi dbang
The empowerment for Dorje Trol from Twenty-Five Sealed Pure Visions, in accordance
with the arranged practice Blazing Sky-Iron
Tertn: The Fifth Dalai Lama
Empowerment author: The Fifth Dalai Lama (Kunams list: Karmapa Kaykyab Dorje)
[HETSR 230 PA, HHPR 143]

dag snang yang gsang karma gu ru drag por khros pai dbang
The empowerment for the extra secret Karma Drakpo from Twenty-Five Sealed Pure Visions,
in accordance with The Play of the Executioner who Defeats the Maras
Tertn: The Fifth Dalai Lama
Empowerment author: The Fifth Dalai Lama (KL: Karmapa Kaykyab Dorje)
[HETSR 231 PA, HHPR 145]

gnam chos gu ru drag phur mjug gi dbang bka rgya can
The empowerment for Guru Drakpo Purjuk (wrathful guru with a phurba-shaped lower
body) from The Sky Dharma, in accordance with the extremely powerful teaching The
Subjugation of the Gyalpos and Gongpos
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 232 PA, HHPR 144]

Page 47 of 209
bla ma drag po gsang sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for Guru Drakpo, in accordance with the manual, The Wish-fulling Cow:
The Meaning of the Empowerment
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Pema Gyurme Gyamtso
[HETSR 233 PA, HHPR 146]
[this empowerment included a srog dbang, which all lay people were asked to leave for,
followed by a brief gtor dbang -pk]

gu ru drag po ye shes rab bar gyi sta gon
The preparatory empowerment for The Blazing Wisdom Guru Drakpo , in accordance with
The Bestowal of the Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 234 PA, first part of HHPR 147]

31 December, 2008
gu ru drag ye shes rab bar gyi rtsa bai smin byed dbang mo che
The main root empowerment for The Blazing Wisdom Guru Drakpo , in accordance with The
Bestowal of the Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 234 PA, second part of HHPR 147]

-9-l#-8-;<-9/-7/9-b-r#-+/$- #):-#$-P9
thun min sde brgyad dregs pai srog dbang gter gzhung [this is kunnams title...note difference]
The life-force empowerment for The Blazing Wisdom Guru Drakpo , in accordance with The
Bestowal of the Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye (Kunams list: Karmapa Kaykyab Dorje)
[HETSR 237 PA, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

-9-l#-8-;<-9/-7/9-b-B<-#,$- 8-;<-*#-:-P9
gu ru drag ye shes rab bar gyi rjes gnang/ ye shes thig le ltar
The authorization for The Blazing Wisdom Guru Drakpo , in accordance with The Bindu of
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 235 PA, HHPR not listed]

Page 48 of 209
gu ru drag ye shes rab bar snying po don dbang mdor bsdus
The brief meaning empowerment for The Blazing Wisdom Guru Drakpo , in accordance with
The Bestowal of the Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Dzatrul
[HETSR 236 PA, HHPR not listed]

thugs sgrub drag po gu ru rdo rje drag rtsal gyi spros bcas lha dbang
The great deity empowerment for The Wrathful Mind Practice With the Guru Dorje Draktsal
Elaboration, in accordance with The Concentrated Quintessence of Draktsals Mind
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 238 PA, HHPR 188]

*#<-/--9-l#-#-I-/7-+/$-M-#)9-+/$-+$-9-/ l#-I:-*#<-`-*#-:-P9
thugs sgrub gu ru drag gi rtsa bai dbang lnga gtor dbang dang sbyar ba/ drag rtsal thugs kyi thig le ltar
The five ripening root empowerments, combined with the torma empowerment, for Guru
Dorje Drak form The Wrathful Mind Practice, in accordance with The Bindu of Draktsals
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 239 PA, HHPR not listed]

rgyal ba dus pa dang thugs kyi nor bu gnyis dus thun mong gi drag sgrub mei khor loi dbang
The empowerment for The Wheel of Fire, the wrathful practice common to both The Union of
the Gurus and Victorious Ones and The Jewel of the Mind, in accordance with The Practice of
the Single Dka
Tertn: Shikpo Lingpa and Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 240 PA, HHPR 149]

thugs sgrub drag por sgrub pai bdud dul ma ha gu rui dbang
The empowerment for The Wrathful Mind Practice of the Secret Name of Dudul Mahguru , in
accordance with The Profound Secret Wish-fulfilling Cow
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 241 PA, HHPR 150]

gu ru drag gi sde brgyad srog dbang gud du bkol ba
The life-force empowerment for the eight classes of Guru Drakpo

Page 49 of 209
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

gsang ba ye shes mkha gro snying gi thig le las gro lod hum sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for The HM Practice of Trol from The Heart Bindu of the Secret Wisdom
Dakinis, in accordance with Placing the Siddhis in Your Hands
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 242 PHA, HHPR 151]

1 and 2 January, 2009

days off

3 January, 2009
rig dzin tshe dbang nor bui yang gter rol rdor gyi bde gshegs yongs dus bla ma drag po ki la yai
The empowerment for the rediscovered terma Drakpo Kilaya from Rolpe Dorjes Union of
All the Sugatas, in accordance with The Molten Drop of Sky-Iron
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje/Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu [KL: surmang Rolpe Dorje)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 243 PHA, HHPR 152]

gu ru drag tu khrod pai yang zab gsang bai dbang
The root empowerment and torma empowerment for The Extremely Profound Secret of the
Wrathful Deity Guru Drakpo, in accordance with The One Thing That Benefits All
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 244 PHA, HHPR 153]

padma khrag thung dus pai gtor dbang
The essential torma empowerment from The Union of Padma Herukas , in accordance with
The Essence of Wisdom
Tertn: Tsasum Lingpa Chkyi Gyamtso
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 245 PHA, HHPR 154]

zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe skab kyi bla ma drag po bka brgyad dus pai dbang
The empowerment for The Union of the Eight Logos: Guru Drakpo from The Profundity of

Page 50 of 209
the Life of the Three Roots in The Seven Profundities, in accordance with the arranged
practice, The Vajra Sprout
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 246 PHA, HHPR 155]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-&-:# E-B-i-:+-`-+/$-
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag/ rdo rje gro lod kyi dbang
The empowerment for Vidyadhara Miraculous Great Sorcerer Dorje Trol Tsal, which is an
ancillary to The Gurus Mind Practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance with
Thunderbolts of Blessings, with the addition of the separate wrathful activities
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 247 PHA, HHPR not listed]
(there was an authorization (rjes gnang) as part of the above empowerment, which lay people
were asked to leave for)

gu ru drag po mthing nag yang khrod kyi dbang
The root empowerment and the authorization for the extremely wrathful dark blue Guru
Drakpo, in accordance with Gloriously Blazing Sky-Iron
Tertn: Chogyal Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 248 PHA, HHPR 156]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

gtor dbang byin rlabs gzi bar
The ripening blessing empowerment based on a terma for extremely wrathful dark blue
Guru Drakpo, in accordance with The Glorious Blaze of Splendour
Tertn: Chgyal Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 249 PHA, HHPR not listed]

-9-E-B-i-:+-`--#-/-*/<-##--,-7:-b-^,-+/$- 020<-9-b<-/{,--E-B7-,-
gu ru rdo rje gro lod kyi hum gi sgrub thabs gdug pa kun dul gyi smin dbang
mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa brdo rjei zhun thig
The ripening empowerment for The Subjugation of All Evil Ones: The Sadhana for the HM
Practice of Dorje Trol, in accordance with the adorning manual The Molten Vajra Drop
Tertn: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Empowerment author: Karma Khakhyab Dorje
[HETSR 250, volume PHA pg. 163, HHPR 157]

Yidam section; general sadhanas of peaceful and wrathful deities:

Page 51 of 209
bka brgyad bde gshegs dus pai zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi sta gon
To begin with, the preparatory empowerment for The Hundred Families of the Vajradhatu;
The Peaceful Deities of the Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos, in accordance with
The Cool Dew of Amrita that Benefits All
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 251 PHA, HHPR 158]

4 January, 2009
gter kha gong ma bka brgyad bde bshegs dus pa las zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang dngos gzhi
The main empowerment for The Hundred Families of the Vajradhatu; The Peaceful Deities of
the Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Cool Dew of Amrita
that Benefits All
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 251 PHA, HHPR 159]

bka brgyad bde gshegs dus pai dbang padma shel phug ma
The Lotus Crystal Cave, which is the empowerment for The Inner Mantra Practice of the
Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Excellent Vase of Siddhis
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 252 PHA, possibly HHPR 160]

bka brgyad bde gshegs dus pai dbang rnal byor rgyun dbang
The empowerment for The Continuous Yoga of the Union of the Sugatas from The Eight
Logos, in accordance with The Bindu of Amrita
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 253 PHA, possibly HHPR 160]

The profound instructions for the special key points of five completion stages from The
Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 254 BA, HHPR not listed]

7++-/0-:< /!7-r$-8-;<-`-0#,--d#-/5-7-+/$-
dod bum las/ bka srung ye shes kyi mgon po phyag bzhi pai dbang
Four Armed Mahakala wisdom protector empowerment from The Wish-Fulfilling Vase

Page 52 of 209
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 161]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

7++-/0-:< /!7-r$-2-0#,-+!9-7-+/$-
dod bum las/ bka srung tshe mgon dkar poi dbang
The long-life empowerment for White Mahakala from The Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 162]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

bde dus bka srung dregs pai sde dpon sum bcui mthu dbang
The power empowerment for the protector for the thirty leaders of arrogant spirits from The
Union of the Sugatas
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 163]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

bka brgyad bde dus zhi bai tshe lung bdun pai dbang
The empowerment for The Seven Life Scriptures of the Peaceful Long-Life Practice of The
Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Bestowal of the Deathless
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 255 BA, HHPR 164]

bka brgyad bde dus khro boi tshe lung bcu gnyis pai dbang
The empowerment for the long-life practice of the twelve long-life scriptures of the wrathful
deities, connected with the root mandala of The Union of the Sugatas from The Eight Logos,
in accordance with The Gift of the Quintessence of Deathlessness
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 256 BA, HHPR 165]

5 January, 2009
gter kha og ma bka brgyad gsang ba yongs rdzogs kyi mgyog dbang
The swift empowerment sealed with a vase for The Totally Complete Secret, from The Eight
Logos, in accordance with The Great Glory of The Secret Path

Page 53 of 209
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 257 BA, HHPR 166]

&-/-#%#-7l<-0-,$-#-r#-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
chu bo gcig dres ma ning gi srog dbang/ dod bum ltar
The life-force empowerment for Maning, which is an united river of five termas, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chwang, Dorje Lingpa, Ratna Lingpa, Pema Lingpa, and Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 593 DZI, HHPR 167]

The profound instructions, entitled The Five Stages On A Single Cushion, of The Totally
Complete Secret from The Eight Logos
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 258 BA, HHPR not listed]

byang gter bka brgyad drag po rang byung rang shar gyi sta gon
The preparatory empowerment for The Self-Arising, Self-Appearing Wrathful Deities from
The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence: The Pool of Siddhis
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[first part of HETSR 259 BA, HHPR 168]

byang gter bka brgyad drag po rang byung rang shar gyi rtsa dbang dngos gzhi
The main root empowerment and the liberation empowerment for The Self-Arising, Self-
Appearing Wrathful Deities from The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Concentrated
Essence: The Pool of Siddhis
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[second part of HETSR 259 BA, HHPR 169]
(Kunnam listed the above two empowerments as one entry)

The first of the four aspects of the terma text, the root of the profound instructions of The
Self-Arising, Self-Appearing Wrathful Deities from The Eight Logos in the Northern
Treasures, the meaning instructions entitled The Essence of Spaces Face
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 260 BA, HHPR not listed]

Second: the profound instructions for The Five Stages in a Single Sitting in The Self-Arising
Self-Appearing Wrathful Deities from The Eight Logos in the Northern Treasures
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 261 BA, HHPR not listed]

Page 54 of 209
Third: Unimpeded Wisdom, the instruction text for The Completion Stage of the Self-Arising
Self-Appearing Wrathful Deities from The Eight Logos in the Northern Treasures
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 262 BA, HHPR not listed]

Fourth: the profound instructions that teach the ten kinds of quintessential bindus for the
completion stage in The Self-Arising Self-Appearing Wrathful Deities from The Eight Logos in
the Northern Treasures
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 263 BA, HHPR not listed]

ao rgyan gling pai dka dus chos kyi rgya mtshoi dbang rgyud lung rgya mtshoi bcud thig
The main four root empowerments combined with the additional, summarized elaborate
deity empowerment, together with their medicine empowerment and the long-life
empowerment for Ogyan Lingpas compiled instructions, The Ocean of Dharma, a
rediscovered terma, in accordance with The Quintessential Drop of an Ocean of Tantra
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse (Kunnam lists Ogyan Lingpa)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 264 BA, HHPR 170 ]

this was not on Kunnams list and I wasnt able to distinguish whether it happened or not or
was different than the one above it...:
ao rgyan gling pai dka dus chos kyi rgya mtsho yang gter dbang
The four root empowerments for the above Ocean of Collected Logos combined with The
Mind Instructions of the Essential Meaning, the separated and arranged profound
instructions, from the preliminaries onwards
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 265 BA, HHPR not listed]

bka brgyad yang gsang thugs kyi thig le las mgyog dbang ye shes lam jug me long dbang
The swift door-opening sealed vase empowerment for The Extremely Secret Mirror of the
Mind from The Eight Logos, in accordance with Entering the Path of Wisdom
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 266 BA, HHPR 171]

(The following empowerment was not on Kunnams list, but was listed in HETSR as something
that didnt happen due to the absence of Taisitu Rinpoche):
The rediscovered terma of Omniscient Khyentse Rinpoche known as The Extremely Secret
Subjugation of Arrogant Spirits, the Eight Logos of Longpo Samten Dechen Lingpa
Terton: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment Author: ?

Page 55 of 209
[HETSR not given, HHPR not listed]

6 January 2009
bka brgyad dngos grub snying poi dbang yid kyi dod jo
The empowerment for The Essence of the Siddhis of the Eight Logos, an ancillary to The Sky-
Iron Vajra, the long-life practice from Jatsn Nyingpo, in accordance with The Brief, Clear
Wish-Fulfilling Cow
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 267 MA, HHPR 172]

/!7-/{+-/+-#;#<-8$<-7<-`-+,-+/$- X$--*#-:-P9
bka brgyad bde gshegs yongs dus kyi don dbang snying po thig le ltar
The meaning empowerment for The Union of the Sugatas, from The Eight Logos of the Great-
Practices, in accordance with The Infinite Bindu
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 268 MA, HHPR 173]

The profound instructions that teach the path and result for The Union of the Sugatas, from
The Eight Logos, in accordance with The Essence of the Great Secret Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Author of the instructions: Terma text
[HETSR 269 MA, HHPR not listed]

gnam chos dgongs gter bka brgyad lus dkyil gyi dbang
The empowerment for the body mandala of The Eight Logos of the Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 270 MA, HHPR 174]

bka dus snying po yid bzhin nor bui don dbang
The meaning empowerment for The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, the Essence of the Collected
Instructions, in accordance with The Extremely Clear Vajra
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 271 MA, HHPR 175]

grub thob thugs thig las khrag thung bde dus kyi dbang byin rlabs bcud dus
The preparatory empowerment and the main root empowerment, together with the stable
life empowerment for The Heruka Union of the Sugatas from The Mind Bindu of the

Page 56 of 209
Mahasiddhas, in accordance with The Concentrated Quintessence of Blessing
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 272 MA, HHPR 176]
(after the main root empowerment for the above, there was a protector empowerment, which
those who had not finished ngndro were asked to leave for. This was followed by the stable
life empowerment which was unrestricted)

A brief word commentary on the tantric scripture of The Union of the Sugatas, the Heruka of
the mind terma entitled The Mind Bindu of the Mahasiddhas , in accordance with Opening the
Door of the Excellent Discourse
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 273 MA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions on the five stages, which are from The Essence of the Siddhis of
the Eight Logos, The Union of the Sugatas, the Heruka of the mind terma entitled The Mind
Bindu of the Mahasiddhas, in accordance with The Brief, Clear Wish-Fulfilling Cow
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 274 MA, HHPR not listed]

bka dus rtsa bai snying thig gi sta gon
The preparatory empowerment for the Nyingtik of the root of The Gathering of the Logos,
which is the root of the entire teachings on yidam practice
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment Author: Karmapa Khakhyap Dorje
[HETSR not given, HHPR not listed]

7 January, 2009
bka dus rtsa bai snying thig gi dbang dngos gzhi
The empowerment for the Nyingtik of the root of The Gathering of the Logos, which is the
root of the entire teachings on yidam practice
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment Author: Karmapa Khakhyap Dorje
[HETSR not given, HHPR 177]

/-&,-/!7-/{+-/+-#;#<-,-7<-`-+-J#<-7o$-7-+/$- 8-;<-*#-:-P9
sgrub chen bka brgyad bde gshegs kun dus kyi skyed rdzogs bring poi dbang ye shes thig le
The middle-length empowerment for the generation and completion of The Union of All the
Sugatas, from The Eight Logos of Great Practice
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment Author: Karmapa Khakhyap Dorje (Kunnam lists Jamgon Kongtrul)
[HETSR not given, HHPR 178]

Page 57 of 209
snying po skor lngai yi dam bka dus snying poi dbang
The essential empowerment for The Collected Logos on the Yidams, from The Five Teachings
on The Essence of the Dharma
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment Author: Karmapa Khakhyap Dorje (Kunnam lists Jamgon Kongtrul)
[HETSR not given, HHPR 179]

Yidam section; specific practices of the eight logos:

Five Transcendent Deities;
Manjushri (enlightened body), peaceful Manjushri:
7'0-+:-J#<--&,-7-+/$- [$-Y$-7+-M7-{-%,-+/$-P9
jam dpal rdzogs pa chen poi dbang snang stong od lngai rgya can dbang
The empowerment for The Great Perfection Majushri, in accordance with the arranged
practice of Appearance and Emptiness with the Seal of the Five Lights
Tertn: Sarben Chogme
Empowerment author: Fifth Dalai Lama
[HETSR 275 MA, HHPR 180]

jam dpal dkar po ye shes sems dpa dang gzhon nu chu skyes sbrag ti sgrub pai rjes gnang ye shes
mchog tu rgyas pai dbang
The first profound seal: the authorization for the The Janasattva Majushri, in accordance
with the arranged practice of Appearance and Emptiness with the Seal of the Five Lights
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 276 MA, HHPR 181]

7'0-+09-: $<- +-2 -7. :-+/$-

jam dpal dmar po zhi drag phyed am longs spyod tshe phel gyi dbang tshe dbang mchog tu rgyas pai
The second profound seal: the increase of long-life empowerment for the sambhogakaya
division of the peaceful and wrathful Red Majushri, in accordance with The Supremely
Elaborated Long-Life Empowerment
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 277 MA, HHPR 182]

The empowerments for the general collection of the great terma of Dudul Dorjes sadhana of
the trio of red, black and bhairava yidams in the five families of Manjugosha, together with
the red Sarasvati, in accordance with the general collection of empowerments entitled The
Differentiation of the Radiances of Wisdom:


Page 58 of 209
phyi sgrub jam dpal dkar po gzhon nu chu skyes kyi dbang
First: the empowerment forJanasattva Kumarapadma, the outer practice of White
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 278 TSA, HHPR 183]

,$-/-7'0-+09-v7-0,-<:- +/$-
nang sgrub jam dpal dmar po aa ra pa tsa bloi mun sel gyi dbang
Second: the empowerment for Eliminating the Darkness of the Mind, the inner practice of
Arapatsa, the Red Majushri
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 279 TSA, HHPR 184]

jam gser gsang sgrub gsel mdog ye shes sems pai dbang
Third: the empowerment, in the tradition of highest tantra janasattva, of the secret
practice of Yellow Majushri
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 280 TSA, HHPR 185]

yang gsang dmar ser bloi mun sel gyi dbang
Fourth: the empowerment forEliminating the Darkness of the Mind, the extremely secret
practice of Orange Majushri
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 281 TSA, HHPR 186]

8 January, 2009
zab gsang bla med smra seng yab yum zung jug dbang
Fifth: the empowerment for the union of the male and female deities of the profoundly
secret unsurpassable Manjushri Simhananda
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 282 TSA, HHPR 187]

dbyangs can dmar moi gsang sgrub bcas kyi dbang ye shes snang ba rab byed
Sixth: the empowerment for the secret practice of red Sarasvatida
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 59 of 209
[HETSR 283 TSA, HHPR 188]

KKD note: As for the empowerment for The Defeat of Yama and Maras long-life practice, as it is
similar to Sangye Lingpas red manjushri sambhogakaya s life increase, deity and mantra and
so on, it is taught that they have become blended into one river.

Wrathful Manjushri (Yamantaka):

jam dpal phyag rgya zil gnon tshe bdag nag poi dbang pad gnub chu bo gcig dres ye shes khor lo
The preparatory empowerment and main empowerment for Bhagavan Manjushri with the
mudra that overpowers with brilliance: Krishnayama, in accordance with The Ripening
Wisdom Wheel, which is a single river of the Padmakara and Nup Sangye Yeshe
Tertn: Gyashang Trom Dorje Bar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 284 TSA, HHPR 192]

yang bzlog mei spu gri gtor dbang (KL: from the dod bum)
The empowerment for the sharp inner severance connected with the sadhana of the wrathful
Mannjushri, The Repulsing Razor of Fire
Tertn: Lharje Nubchung (HHPR and KL: Gyashang Trom)
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 285 TSA, HHPR 191]

gshin rje dregs pa joms byed kyi dbang chog bde chen dod jo
The empowerment for Defeating the Arrogant Spirits: Majushri Yamantaka, in accordance
with The Wish-fulfilling Cow of Great Bliss
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 286 TSA, HHPR 189]

dei bka srung chi bdag las kyi gshin rjei rjes gnang
The authorization for Chidak Leshin, the teachings-protector for the above practice
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not litsed, HHPR 190]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

snyan brgyud jam dpal gshin rje thugs tig gi dbang ye shes bdud rtsii bcud sbyin
The empowerment for The One Mind of Manjushri-Yamantaka from the hearing lineage
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse

Page 60 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 287 TSA, HHPR 193]

The profound instructions for The One Mind of of Manjushri-Yamantaka from the Oral
Tertn:Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 288 TSA, HHPR not listed]

9 January, 2009
zab pa skor bdun las drag sngags kyi zab pa gshin rje tshe bdag nag po lcags byang mai rtsa dbang stong
srog khor loi bcud bebs
The root empowerment for The Iron Mountain Manual: Krishnayama from The Seven
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 289 TSHA, HHPR 194]

drag sngags kyi zab pa gshin rje gshad ma rda rgyud lugs ma ha yo ga ltar gshin rje gshed sgrub pai
dbang khor loi bcud dren
The empowerment, from the empowerment transmission of Bringing out the Quintessence of
the Plat of the Wheel, for the Mahayoga version of Terchen Chogyur Lingpas Profound
Wrathful Mantra Yamantaka
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not given, HHPR 195]

shin rje char kha nag poi gdong zor gnam lcags spu gri bar bi zor dbang gnam lcags zhun
The weapon empowerments for The Black Appearance of Yamas Face Weapon, The Blazing
Sky-Iron Razor, the common with and not common with The Sky Iron Wheel were given
together, in accordance with The Molten Drop of Sky-Iron
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 290 TSHA, HHPR 196]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

zab rgya gsum pa jam dpal nag po yang zab thugs kyi tsahl pai rjes gnang
The authorization for The Activity of the Extremely Profound Mind: the black Majushri of
the third profound seal, in accordance with The Supreme Increase of Power
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 291 TSHA, HHPR 197]

Page 61 of 209
jigs byed mei spu grii dbang gyur med snying po
The Fire Razor empowerment for Vajrabhairava from Hayagriva-Guhyasamaja, in
accordance with The Changeless Essence
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 292 TSHA, HHPR 198]

dei bka sdod chi bdag las kyi gshin rjei bka gtad
The entrustment for his attendant, Chidak Leshin
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chagme mtshams sbyor Karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

snyan brgyud rdo rje jigs byed kyi dbang gnam chos spyi gro ltar
The empowerment for Vajrabhairava from the profound hearing lineage of The Sky Dharma
mind terma, in accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment (vol THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 293 TSHA, HHPR 199]

king nag bka gter gnyis ldan pha rol rgol joms kyi dbang chog bdud bzhi g.yul joms
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment Defeating the Enemy, Manjushri-
Yamantaka from both the Kama and Terma King Nak traditions, in accordance with
Victorious in the Battle with the Four Maras
Tertn: Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 294 TSHA, HHPR 200]

jam dpal nag po pha rol rgol joms kyi byin rlabs gtor mai dbang dug ri bde jug
The torma empowerment for Defeating the Enemy, Manjushri-Yamantaka, in accordance
with Easily Entering The Poisonous Mountain
Tertn: Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 295 TSHA, HHPR not listed]

10 January, 2009

Page 62 of 209
gshim rje khro chu sman sdong gi dug dbang ha lai zhun dren srog gtad bka rgya ma
The poison empowerment for The Rhinoceros-Skin Casket of Molten Bronze, the Face of
Medicine: Manjushri Karma-Yamantaka, in accordance with Concentrated Liquefied Poison
Tertn: Gya Shangtrom Dorje Bar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 296 TSHA, HHPR 201]
(restriction: all lay people and small monks asked to leave)

jam dpal las kyi gshin rje khro chu dug gdong gi gtor dbang ha lai bcud len
The torma empowerment for The Rhinoceros-Skin Casket of Molten Bronze, the Face of
Poison: Manjushri Karma-Yamantaka , in accordance with Drawing out the Essence of Poison
Tertn: Gya Shangtrom Dorje Bar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 297 TSHA, HHPR 202]
(restriction: all lay people and small monks asked to leave)

7++-/0-:< 7'0-+:-,--h<---#-97-+/$-
dod bum las/ jam dbal shin du khros pa khyab bdag na ga rakSHAi rjes gnang
The authorization for the extremely wrathful Manjushri Universal Lord Nagaraksha, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Rinchen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 298 DZA, HHPR 203]

gnam chos jam dpal na ga rakSHAi gzungs dbang
The empowerment for Manjushri Universal Lord Nagaraksha from The Sky Dharma Mind
Terma, in accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 299 DZA, HHPR 204]

dregs dul gnam lcags me khor gyi gtum po na ga rakSHAi dbang phrin las me bar
The Blazing Fire of Wisdom, the empowerment for the ferocious Nagaraksha of The Sky-Iron
Fire-Wheel that Subjugates the Arrogant Spirits , in accordance with the adorning manual The
Blazing Fire of Activity
Tertn: Kyirong Tukchok Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 300 DZA, HHPR 205]

Five Transcendent Deities; Padma Speech: Peaceful section; Amitayus:

7++-/0-:< :$-:#<-2-+#-0+-+/$-
dod bum las/ tshe dpag med lung lugs kyi dbang

Page 63 of 209
The empowerment for the scriptural tradition of Amitayus, in accordance with The Wish-
fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Acharya Sangye Sangwa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 301 DZA, HHPR 206]

gu ru mtsho skyes rdo rjei tshe sgrub dbang bdud rtsii chu rgyun
The empowerment for The Deathless Vase of Amrita: The Long-Life Practice of Guru Lake-Born
Vajra, in accordance with The River of Amrita
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 302 DZA, HHPR 207]

7++-/0-:< e$-#)9-2-/-N#<-Z$-+/$-
dod bum las/ byang gter tshe sgrub lcags sdong mai dbang
The single vase, single deity vase empowerment for the long-life practice Iron Tree, the
nineteenth of the twenty-five dark blue wrathful dharmas, from the Northern Terma mind
practices, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 303 DZA, HHPR 208]

byang gter lcags sdong ma lha mang gi dbang chog chi med grub pai sa bon
The empowerment for the many deities of The Iron Tree life-practice of the Northern Termas, in
accordance with The Seed of Accomplishing Immortality
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Sakyapa Kunga Tashi
[HETSR 304 DZA, HHPR not listed]

bka brgyad rang shar gyi cha lag tshe lha yongs rdzogs kyi dbang padmai rgya phreng
The empowerment for all the deities, which is an ancillary to Self-Arising, Self-Appearing from
The Eight Logos from The Northern Termas, in accordance with The Adorning Garland of Lotuses
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 305 DZA, HHPR 209]

11 January, 2009
tshe sgrub nyi zla kha sbyor gyi dbang
The long-life empowerment for The Combined Sun and Moon long-life practice, in accordance
with the recorded instructions entitled The Meaning Mirror-Vision Instructions
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa

Page 64 of 209
Empowerment author: Karma Chame
[HETSR 306 DZA, HHPR 210]

rdzogs chen lta ba klong yangs las zhi khroi tshe sgrub od zer drwa bai tshe dbang bdud rtsii od zer
The Precious Wheel, the long-life empowerment for The Network of Light Rays, the long-life
practice of the peaceful and wrathful deities in The Vast Expanse of the Great Perfection View, in
accordance with Light Rays of Amrita
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 307 DZA, HHPR 211]

tshe khrid rdo rje phreng bai nang sgrub kyi dbang rdo rjei pha lam gyi rgyan
The empowerment for the inner practice of The Vajra-Mala Life Instructions, in accordance with
Adorned by the Vajra Diamond Path
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 308 DZA, HHPR 212]

7++-/0-:< 2-/-E-B-7n$-/7-+/$-
dod bum las/ tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng bai dbang gsung rgyan ma
The Transmitted Speech, the long-life empowerment for the long-life practice of The Vajra-Mala,
in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 309 DZA, HHPR 213]

7++-/0-:< 2-/-7&-0+-+:-Y9-+/$-
dod bum las/ tshe sgrub chi med dpal ster gyi dbang
The long-life empowerment for The Bestowal of the Splendour of Immortality long-life practice,
in accordance with The Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 310 DZA, HHPR 214]

gter kha bzhi dus tshe sgrub bdud rtsi bum chung gi dbang
The empowerment for The Little Vase of Amrita, the long-life practice from The Union of Four
Termas, combined with the invocation of life from The Iron Tree
Tertn: Gdem, Ledrel, Pema Lingpa and Tangtong Gyalpo (HHPR: Sangye Lingpa instead of
Tangtong Gyalpo)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 311 DZA, HHPR 215]

Page 65 of 209
tshe sgrub zab mo mda phel mai tshe dbang chi med tshei dpal ster
The long-life empowerment for The Arrow of Increase profound long-life practice, in accordance
with The Bestowal of the Splendour of Immortality
Tertn: Rechen Paljor Zangpo
Empowerment author: Shalu Rinchen Snam Chokdrup
[HETSR 312 DZA, HHPR 217]

tshe sgrub ye shes od mchog gi dbang ye shes od kyi bum pa
The empowerment for The Supreme Light of Wisdom, the long-life practice of The Union of All
the Vidyadharas, in accordance with The Vase of Wisdom Light
Tertn: Ngari Penchen Pema Wangyal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 313 DZA, HHPR 216]

+#$<--8$-6/-2-U9-d-/-+/$- ,$-/-+/$- #<$-/-+/$-

dam chos dgongs pa yang zab las tshe skor thun mong phyi sgrub kyi tshe bral la brten pai dbang/
thun min nang sgrub bum pa bcud ldan la brten pai dbang/
khyad par gsang sgrub thod pai bdud rtsi la brten pai dbang rdo rjei srog sgrub
The profound empowerment for the outer, inner, and secret practices from the teachings of
Deathless Life, which is a dharma section of The Extra Profound View of the Dharma , in
accordance with Practicing the Vajra Life-Force
Tertn: Drigung Chgyal Rinchen Puntsok
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 314 DZA, HHPR 218]
[note: outer inner and secret listed as three separate entries on kunnams list]

12 January, 2009

tshe sgrub rgyal ba dus pai dngos sta sbrags mai dbang chi med thig le
The preparatory empowerment and the main empowerment for The Union of the Victorious
Ones long-life practice, in accordance with The Deathless Bindu
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 315 WA, HHPR 220]

grol thig tshe dpag med sku gsum rigs dus pai dbang tshe dbang bcud khyil
The empowerment for The United Three Kayas of Amitayus, from The Bindu of Liberation, in
accordance with The Collecting Quintessence Long-Life Empowerment
Tertn: Trengpo Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 316 WA, HHPR 219]

Page 66 of 209
tshe dpag med gnam lcags rdo rje dngos grub kun dus kyi dbang chi med thig le
The Union of All the Siddhis, empowerment for The Sky-Iron Vajra Amitayus, in accordance
with The Deathless Bindu
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 317 WA, HHPR 221]

tshe sgrub srog thig tshe ba dmar thag gi dbang dri med bdud rtsii chu rgyun
The empowerment for The Bright Red Hot Bindu of the Life of the Vidyadharas Amitayus, in
accordance with A River of Stainless Amrita
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 318 WA, HHPR 222]

KKD note: The empowerment for The Union of All Essences of Immortality, the long-life practice from
Ogyan Terdak Lingpas The Mind-Bindu of the Vidyadharas, was given in the earlier root

rgod ldem zab gter tshe sgrub ye shes rgya mdud kyi dbang mi shig srog gi rgya mdud
The empowerment for The Knot of Wisdom long-life practice, which is the rediscovered terma of
the dharma section of The Mind Mirror of Vajrasattva, the profound termas of Gdem, in
accordance with The Indestructible Knot of the Life-Force
Tertn: Garwang Dawa Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 319 WA, HHPR 223]

tshe sgrub yang gsang bla med kyi dbang chi med bdud rtsii rgyun bzang
The empowerment for The Unsurpassable Extremely Secret Long-Life Practice, in accordance
with the manual An Excellent River of Deathless Amrita
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Dzaka Kunnam
[HETSR 320 WA, HHPR 224]

tshe sgrub thabs shes kha sbyor gyi yang snying nam snying tshe sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the long-life practice entitled The Essence of Space, The Quintessence of
the Union of Method and Wisdom , in accordance with the empowerment manual
Tertn: Yong-ge Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Situ Pema Nyinje Wangpo
[HETSR 321 ZA, HHPR 225]

Page 67 of 209
tshe sgrub padma gsang thig dang/ lcags dril ma gnyis kai yang snying bcud dus kyi dbang chi med myur
The empowerment for The Life Drop of Wisdom, which is the essence of both The Padma Secret
Bindu long-life practice and The Iron Bell long-life practice, in accordance with The Swift
Bestowal of Immortality
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Samten Tendzin
[HETSR 322 WA, HHPR 226]

13 January, 2009
tshe sgrub ye shes srog tig gi dbang dngos sgrub sgo byed jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse la nye rgyud du bka
babs pa yin
The empowerment for The Life Drop of Wisdom long-life practice, which is the Family Lord of
The Essential Bindu of the Great Perfection Complete Goodness, from the direct lineage of All-
Seeing Khyentse, in accordance with Opening the Door to Siddhis
Tertn: The later nse Khyungtok
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 323 WA, HHPR 227]

tshe sgrub rdo rje rgya mdud kyi dbang bdud rtsii bum bzang
The extremely secret ripening empowerment for The Vajra-Knot Long-Life Practice that is an
ancillary to The Longsal Dakini Heart Drop , in accordance with The Excellent Vase of Amrita
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 324 WA, HHPR 228]

The profound instructions for The Vajra-Knot Long-Life Practice, in accordance with The
Samaya-Keeping Heart Jewel Sealed with a Command
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 325 WA, HHPR not listed]

KKD note: The empowerment for Rolpe Dorjes Iron Treasury Long-Life Practice was given earlier.

rog rjei rta mgrin yid bzhin bar bai tshe sgrub gsang ba rmad byung gyi dbang dgos pa rmad byung jam
dbyangs mkhyen brtse la nye rgyud du bka babs pa yin
The empowerment for The Marvellous Secret long-life practice from The Blazing Wish-fulfilling
Jewel Hayagriva, from the direct lineage if All-Knowing Khyentse, in accordance with The
Marvellous Necessity
Tertn: Tau Rokje Lingpa (HHPR: lists Jamyang Khyentse)

Page 68 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 326 WA, HHPR 229]

tshe sgrub chi med thugs thig gyi don dbang bde chen khyil ba
The meaning empowerment for The Bindu of the Deathless Mind long-life practice, in
accordance with the Collecting Great Bliss manual as an adornment
Tertn: Garwang Chime Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 327 WA, HHPR 230]

thugs sgrub bde gshegs kun dus kyi tshe sgrub rdo rje snying poi dbang nor bui pad phreng
The empowerment for The Vajra Essence long-life practice from The Union of the Sugatas, The
Gurus Mind-Practice, in accordance with A Lotus Garland of Jewels
Tertn: Zurkar Da-we zer
Empowerment author:
[HETSR 328 WA, HHPR 231]

dgongs gter tshe sgrub bdud rtsi bum bzang gyi dbang tshe dbang myur stsol
The empowerment for The Mind Terma Long-Life Practice: The Excellent Vase of Deathless
Amrita, in accordance with The Swift Bestowal of the Long-Life Empowerment
Tertn: The Eighth Pawo, Pema Tendzin
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 329 WA, HHPR 232]

zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe skabs kyi tshe dkar rigs lnga spyi sgrub kyi dbang bdud rtsii chu rgyun
The empowerment for the general practice of The Five Families of White Life from The Profound
Life of the Three Roots of the Seven Profundities, in accordance with the manual The River of
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 330 WA, HHPR 233]

thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rigs bdag bla ma chos sku tshe dpag med pai kyi dbang chi med bcud dren
The empowerment for The Family Lord Guru Dharmakaya Amitayus from The Mind Practice,
Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance with Bringing Out the Quintessence of Immortality
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 331 WA, HHPR 234]

Page 69 of 209
tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng bai rtsa lha tshe sgrub yab yum sras gsum gyi phyi sgrub rgyud kyi phrin las
dang brel bai dbang gter gzhung
The empowerment for The Outer Practice of the Deity, Consort, and Son of the Lord of Life from
the long-life practice The Root of the Garland of Vajras , in accordance with The Tantra Activity
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 332 ZHA, part of HHPR 235]

tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng ba las nang sgrub lung aa nu yo ga ltar bkral bai byang bu dang brel bai dbang
The empowerment for The Inner Practice of the Deity, Consort and Son of the Lord of Life,
Presented in the Anuyoga Manner from the long-life practice The Garland of Vajras, in
accordance with the scriptural manual
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 333 ZHA, part of HHPR 235]

tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng ba las gsang sgrub man ngag rdzogs pa chen poi sgom rim dang brel bai dbang

The empowerment for The Secret Practice of the Deity, Consort and Son of the Lord of Life, from
the long-life practice The Garland of Vajras, in relation to the stages of meditation in The Great
Perfection Practice Instructions, in accordance with meditation stages instructions
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 334 ZHA, part of HHPR 235]

The profound instructions, as in Opening the Door to the Supreme Graduated Path of the Three
Kayas of Amitayus, bestowed as the mind terma in the form of a treatise
Tertn: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Author of the instructions: Tigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 335 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

14 January, 2009

Padma Speech: Peaceful section; Amitabha:

dag snang gsung rdo rje rtsa ba dang rdo rje chos kyi dbang dang sbyar ba zung brel snang ba mtha yas kyi
dbang bde chen lam dren
The empowerment for Bhagavan Speech-Vajra Amitabha, which is a union of the root Kadampa
Desheks pure vision of The Speech Vajra with the empowerment for the terma Vajradharma, in

Page 70 of 209
accordance with The Guide on the Path of Great Bliss
Tertn: (KL: Kadampa Deshek and...) Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 336 ZHA, HHPR 236]

gnam chos bde chen zhing sgrub kyi dbang khrigs chags su bkod pa
The root empowerment for The Sky Dharma Practice of the Realm of Sukhavati , combined with
the support of the eight auspicious symbols and the seven possessions of the Chakravartin, in
accordance with its arrangement as a text
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 337 ZHA, HHPR 237]

yi dam dgongs dus kyi rigs bdag od dpag med ye shes sems dpai dbang bdud rtsii za ma tog
The Precious Wheel: the long-life empowerment from the root text Family Lord Amitabhas
Janasattva, a dharma section of The Display of Hayagriva from The Union of All Yidams, in
accordance with The Casket of Amrita
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 338 ZHA, HHPR 238]

nang chi med tshei dbang yang zab gsang bai snying po
The Extremely Profound Secret Essence: the long-life empowerment for the inner practice of
Amitabha, a dharma section of The Union of All Yidams, in accordance with Drops of Deathless
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 339 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

rigs bdag tshe dpag med kyi yon tan gyi rjes gnang gcig shes kun grol
The authorization for The Lotus Stem: A Sadhana of Amitabha, a dharma section of The Display
of Hayagriva from The Union of All Yidams, in the tradition of Nagarjuna, in accordance with
The Single Knowledge that Brings Freedom from Everything: An Authorisation for the Three Roots
in General
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 340 ZHA, HHPR not listed]


Page 71 of 209
thugs sgrub bla ma longs sku mgon po od dpag med pai zhing sbyong gi dbang bde ba can du bgrod pai
myur lam
The empowerment connected with the practice of Lord Amitabha and realm purification, as an
ancillary to The Sambhogakaya Guru from The Mind Practice, Elimination of All Obstacles, in
accordance with The Swift Path for Going to Sukhavati
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 341 ZHA, HHPR 239]

Padma Speech: Peaceful section; Mahakarunika Avalokitashvara

chos rgyal srong btsan sgam poi zhal gdams ma ni bka bum las byung bai dbang/ bdud rtsii rgyal po
thugs chen rgyal po lugs kyi lha mang gi dbang?
The many-deity empowerment for The Wish-fulfilling Jewel that Tames Beings: The Kings
Tradition of Mahakarunika in the Mani Kambum, in accordance with The King of Amrita: The
Collected Quintessence of Practice
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 342 ZHA, HHPR 240]

7++-/0-:< {:--/!7-/0-:<-*#<-B-&,--d#-/5-7-+/$-
dod bum las/ rgyal po bka bum las thugs rje chen po phyag bzhi pai dbang
The meaning empowerment for The Kings Tradition of Mahakarunika , in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 343 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po rgyal poi lugs nam mkhai rgyal po dbang
The great empowerment for Arya Akasharaja (Namkhe Nyingpo, King of Space): The Kings
Tradition of Mahakarunika , which is bestowed with changes in accordance with The King of
Amrita: The Collected Quintessence of Practice
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye (KL: Minling Terchen)
[HETSR 344 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

(The following empowerment was not on Kunnams list and may not have happened, or it may
have been the same as HETSR 343):
The medium empowerment for The Kings Tradition of Mahakarunika connected with both the
scriptural transmission and the empowerment for the meditation, in accordance with The Wish-
Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen

Page 72 of 209
The profound instructions that summarise the key points of the generation and completion
stages of The Kings Tradition of Mahakarunika from the Mani Kambum, in accordance with A
Garland of White Lotuses
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Drigung Chdrak
[HETSR 346 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

The meaning instructions for The Essence of the Three Kayas from The Kings Tradition of
Mahakarunika from the Mani Kambum, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence: A Brief
and Clear Record of Instructions
Tertn: Siddha Ngdrup and Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 347 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po gro dul gyi dngos sta sbrag mai dbang dri med pad dkar sdong bu
The preparatory empowerment and the great empowerment that is the main root empowerment,
together with the amrita medicine empowerment and the auspicious long-life empowerment for
The Being-Taming Mahakarunika from the direct lineage of All-Seeing Khyentse, in accordance
with The Stainless White Lotus Plant
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 348 ZHA, HHPR 241]

15 January, 2008
day off

16 January, 2009

7++-/0-:< /!7-0-i/-{-0-+$-#)9-0-($-9:-#(<-7<-*#<-B-&,--{:-/-{-02-/+-#;#<-
dod bum las/ bka ma grub rgya ma dang gter ma nyang ral gnyis dus thugs rje chen po rgyal ba rgya
mtsho bde gshegs bzhi sgril gyi dbang
The brief torma empowerment, The Combined Blessing of Four Sugatas, for Mahakarunika
Jinasagara (Gyalwa Gyamtso), a union of the Kama and Terma traditions, as transmitted to the
Karmapa, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Siddharaji and Nyangral Nyima zer [transmitted to Karma Pakshi]
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 349 ZHA, HHPR 242]

thugs rje chen po rgyal ba rgya mtsho lha lngai gtor dbang zang dgongs dus
The torma empowerment for the five deities of Jinasagara (Gyalwa Gyamtso), in the Karma
tradition of a union of the Kama and Terma transmissions, in accordance with The Union of the

Page 73 of 209
Profound Secret Views
Tertn: Siddharaji and Nyangral Nyima zer [HHPR and Kunnam transmitted to Karma Pakshi]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 350 ZHA, HHPR 243]

thugs rje chen po yang snying dus pai smin byed kyi cho ga gro ba kun dul ltar
The main root empowerment, combined with the empowerment for the pills that bring
liberation through tasting, for the quintessential summarized form of Mahakarunika, in
accordance with The Taming of All Beings
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 351 ZA, HHPR 244]

(-0-<$-#7-*#<-B-&,--V-5-h-0*$-/-9$-i:-#)9-#$-: +/$-U9-b-6,-o<-0*$-#<:-,-
nyi ma seng gei thugs rje chen po padma zhi khro mthong ba rang grol gter gzhung la/ dbang skur gyi zin
bris mthong gsal sgron me bzhin
The preparatory empowerment and the main empowerment for the peaceful and wrathful
Mahakarunika-Padma of Nyima Senge, bestowed through a combination of the terma texts
liberation through seeing and of the conclusion of the empowerment, The Lamp of Clear Vision
Tertn: Nyima Senge and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye (KL: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje)
[HETSR 352 ZA, HHPR 245]

mkhyen brtsei yang gter thugs rje chen po padma rgyal poi don dbang dang gtor dbang bsdus pa
The medium empowerment and the brief torma empowerment for the peaceful and wrathful
Mahakarunika-Padma of Nyima Senge that appeared as a rediscovered terma, in accordance
with the extract arranged for practice
Tertn: Nyima Senge and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 353 ZA, HHPR not listed]

The mere root text of the sevasadhana, which is the first level yoga of the profound instructions
for the rediscovered terma of the peaceful and wrathful Mahakarunika-Padma of Nyima Senge,
together with the second level the Great Perfections Naked Seeing of the Minds Nature, in
accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Terma text
[HETSR 354 ZA, HHPR not listed]


Page 74 of 209
nyi ma senggei tshe dbang dang padmai ki lai dbang
The supportive life-force empowerment and the empowerment for the single mudra of
Padmakila for the rediscovered terma of the peaceful and wrathful Mahakarunika-Padma of
Nyima Senge, in accordance with the terma text and the instruction records for the
Tertn: Nyi ma Senge and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 355 ZA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po gro dul lha drug pai dbang rin chen dbyigs kyi snying po ltar
The empowerment for the six deities of the Tamer of Beings Mahakarunika from the direct
lineage of Khyentse, a dharma section of The Samantabhadra Mind Terma , in accordance with
The Essence of the Wealth of Jewels
Tertn: Changling Palgyi Gyaltsen [HHPR Jamyang Khyentse]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 356 ZA, HHPR 246]

thugs rje chen po gro ba kun sgrol gyi dbang ngo mtshar snang ba ltar
The empowerment for The Liberation of All Beings, the Mahakarunika of the Northern Termas,
in accordance with The Marvellous Radiance
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 357 ZA, HHPR 247]

don tig zab tig dgongs dus gsum chu bo gcig dres thugs rje chen po padma rgyal poi dbang don zab bcud
The empowerment for the Mahakarunika Padmaraja that is a union of these three: The Drop of
Meanings The Liberation of All Beings; The Profound Drops Self-illumination of the
Dharmadhatu; and The Union of Views Liberation of all Beings, in accordance with The Gathered
Quintessence of the Profound Meaning
Tertn: Tri-me Lhunpo, Dawa Gyaltsen and Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 358 ZA, HHPR 248]

yang zab thugs rje chen po rgyal ba rgya mthsoi gdams pa ye shes od kyi snying poi sta gon (pad ma od
gsal mdo sngags gling yang gter)
The preparatory empowerment for the extremely profound Mahakarunika Jinasagara (Gyalwa
Gyamtso), which is a rediscovered terma of Ogyan Tri-me, in accordance with The Essence of the
Light of Wisdom
Tertn: Ugyen Trime Kunga and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text (KL: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje)

Page 75 of 209
[first part of HETSR 359 ZA, KKD vol 101, p.545, part of HHPR 249]

17 January, 2009 [KKD vol 101, p.545]

yang zab thugs rje chen po rgyal ba rgya mthsoi gdams pa ye shes od kyi snying poi dngos gzhi dbang
(pad ma od gsal mdo sngags gling yang gter)
The great main and root empowerment combined with the profound instructions for the
preliminaries main practice and conclusion, for the extremely profound Mahakarunika
Jinasagara (Gyalwa Gyamtso), which is a rediscovered terma of Ogyan Trime, in accordance
with The Essence of the Light of Wisdom
Tertn: Ugyen Trime Kunga and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text [KL: Karmapa Khyakhyab Dorje]
[second part of HETSR 359 ZA, part of HHPR 249]

yang zab thugs rje chen po rgyal, ba rga mtshoi don bang/ bdud rtsii snying po ltar
The meaning empowerment for the extremely profound rediscovered terma, Mahakarunika
Jinasagara (Gyalwa Gyamtso), of Trime Kunga, in accordance with The Essence of Amrita
Tertn: Ugyen Trime Kunga and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 360 ZA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po nor bu skor gsum las
Sangye Lingpas Three Cycles of The Jewel Mahakarunika:

phyi rgyal poi lugs kyi mdo sgrub snying poi dbang bka gtad dang bcas pa dri med padmai sdong po
The authorization for the essential practice of the sutra of the ten-faced, thousand-armed,
thousand-eyed [Mahakarunika] in the outer Kings Tradition, from the three teachings on
The Jewel Mahakarunika, in accordance with The Stainless Lotus Plant
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 361 ZA, HHPR 250]

nang nor bu lugs klu sgrub bka srol gyi dbang dri med padmai dkyil khor
The preparatory empowerment and the main empowerment for the trio of deity and retinue
of the four-armed Mahakarunika, in the inner Jewel Tradition which is the transmission of
Nagarjuna, in accordance with The Stainless Lotus Mandala
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 76 of 209
[HETSR 362 ZA, HHPR 251]

gsang ba bla med lugs mi tro jo kii bka srol dbang dri med padmai snying po
The empowerment for [Mahakarunika] in the Secret Unsurpassable Tradition which is the
inner transmission of Mitro Joki, in accordance with The Stainless Lotus Essence
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgon Kongtrul
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 252]

yang gsang bla med kyi mchog dbang gsum kha phang du bkod pai dbang
The extra secret unsurpassable...
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgon Kongtrul
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)
seemed to be inserted before the close of the previous empowerment

thugs rje chen po bde gshegs kun dus kyi dbang reg pa don ldan and thug rje chen po yid bshin nor bui
tshe dbang
The empowerment for The Great Compassionate One as the gathering of all the sugatas: the
root empowerment entitled Meaningful to Touch, combined with the additional life-
empowerment, supportive seven auspicious substances and seven auspicious signs, in
accordance with The Smiling Light Rays from the Udumbara Flower
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 364 A, HHPR 253]
(The life empowerment was listed as a separate entry on Kunnams list)

thugs rje chen po ngan song kun skyob kyi dbang ston mtshan zla bai thig phreng
The empowerment for the Mahakarunika who protects from all lower existences, from the direct
lineage of All-Seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The Garland of Autumn Moon Bindus
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 365 A, HHPR 254]

thugs rje chen po gsang ba dus pai dbang rin chen gter gyi bum pai rgyun dren rtsa dbang chen poi sta
The preparatory empowerment for Mahakarunika Guhyasamaja, in accordance with Bringing

Page 77 of 209
Out the Stream of the Precious Treasure Vase
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 366 A, HHPR 255]

18 January, 2009
thugs rje chen po gsang ba dus pai rtsa dbang chen po dngos gshi rin chen gter gyi bum pai rgyun dren/
dbang sangs rgyas stong dbang rgyas pa sbyar
The great empowerment for the main root empowerment for Mahakarunika Guyasamaja,
combined with the elaborate empowerment for the thousand Buddhas, as in The Meaningful
Connection, in accordance with Bringing Out the Stream of the Precious Treasure Vase
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 367 A, HHPR 256]
(the elaborate empowerment for the thousand buddhas was listed as a separate entry in Kunnams
list thugs rje gsang dus las sangs rgyas stong gi dbang brel tshad don ldan HHPR 257)

thugs rje chen po gsang ba dus pai dbang bzhi bring po du bskur ba gtor dbang yi bzhin nor bu mtshams
sbyor gyis brgyan pa mtha yi gtor dbang bsdus pai byin rlabs gtor mai bka bsgo lung bcas
The torma empowerment for the medium four empowerments of Mahakarunika Guyasamaja,
together with the brief command-torma of blessing and the scriptural transmission of mantra
repetition, in accordance with The Adornment of the Brief Manual: The Wish-fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 368 A, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po gsang ba dus pai rnal byor rgyun gyi dbang gro don char rgyun
The empowerment for the daily practice of Mahakarunika Guyasamaja, in accordance with The
Rainfall that Benefits Beings
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 369 A, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po mun sel sgron mei dngos gzhi rtsa dbang gtor dbang sbrel ma brel tshad don ldan
The root empowerment combined with the torma empowerment for Mahakarunika who is the
lamp that dispels darkness, in accordance with The Meaningful Connection
Tertn: Pema Lingpa

Page 78 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 370 A, HHPR 258]

thugs rje chen po mun sel sgron mei dbang bskur gsung rgyun khrom shog mai dbang
The empowerment for Mahakarunika who is the lamp that dispels darknesss Trom Shok Ma
(PK: some kind of protector or deity connected with the above empowerment?)
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 259]

thugs rje chen po don gsal sgron me kun zigs jam dbyang mkhyen brtsei dbang poi nye brgyud kyi dbang
bskur dkyus gcig tu dkod pa mthog chog sgron me ltar
The empowerment for The Lamp that Illuminates Meaning Mahakarunika from the direct
lineage of All-Seeing Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, in accordance with The Lamp that Gives

sdig sgrib dag byed khrus lung dbang/ me thun brdegs pa sogs bgegs bskrad sta gon
The scriptural reading and empowerment for the purification of bad karma and obscurations
and the preparatory empowerment forchasing away obstructing spirits with fire, powerful
substance, and so on
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 372 A, HHPR 260]

bum dbang snang stong rang grol
The vase empowerment: The Innate Liberation of Appearance and Emptiness
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 373 A, HHPR 260]

gsang dbang rtsa rlung rang grol
The secret empowerment: The Innate Liberation of Nadis and Prana
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 374 A, HHPR 260]

Page 79 of 209
sher dbang bde stong rang grol
The prajna-jnana empowerment: The Innate Liberation of Bliss and Emptiness
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 375 A, HHPR 260]

tshig dbang sems nyid rang grol
The word empowerment: The Innate Liberation of Mind Itself
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 376 A, HHPR 260]

rig pai rtsal dbang od snang rang grol
The display of awareness empowerment: The Innate Liberation of Light and Appearances
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 377 A, HHPR 260]

dei gter srung rdo rje legs pa dmar smug gi rjes gnang bstan skyong snying bcud
The authorization for the protector of that terma cycle, Dorje Legpa (Vajrasadhu)
Tertn: Drodl Letro Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 261]

19 January, 2009
thugs rje chen po yi ge drug poi gsol debs sgrub thabs dang brel bai rig gtad/ mchog dman snying gi bdud
The authorization of bestowing knowledge, which is connected to the six syllable supplication
of Mahakarunika from the direct lineage of All-seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The Amrita
that is the Quintessence of the Superior and Inferior
Tertn: Ngari Tsultrim Zangpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 378 A, HHPR 262]
(this empowerment was moved to the second position, after the following abhisheka (HETSR
#379), Im not sure why)

Page 80 of 209
thugs rje chen poi khor ba dbyings sgrol gyi dngos sta sbrel mai dbang/ ye shes dbyings sgrol ltar
The combined preparatory and main empowerments for The Liberation of the Expanse of
Samsara Mahakarunika, in accordance with Liberation In the Expanse of Wisdom
Tertn: Rigdzin Legden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 379 A, HHPR 263]
(this empowerment was done first today)

thugs rje chen po khor ba las sgrol nam mkha rgyal poi dbang rgyas pa/ dngos sgrub chu rgyun ltar
The elaborate empowerment for The King of Space who is Liberated from Samsara
Mahakarunika, combined with the empowerment for the thousand buddhas, in accordance with
The River of Siddhis
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 380 A, HHPR 264 and 265]

thugs rje chen po khor ba las sgrol las nam mkha rgyal poi don dbang bsdus pa/ dngos grub rdzing bu
The brief meaning empowerment for The King of Space who is Liberated from Samsara
Mahakarunika, in accordance with The Pool of Siddhis
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 381 A, possiblly HHPR 266] [pk: could not find this exact entry in Khakyab Dorjes

*#<-B-&,--7"9-/-:<-:-:< v-0-7.#<--/!7-r$-+/$-/%<-7-8$<-J#<-#)+-{7-
thugs rje chen po khor ba las sgrol las/ bla ma phags pa bka srung dang bcas pai yongs rdzogs gtad rgyai
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

grol tig dgongs pa rang grol gyi thugs rje chen po padma dbang phyug gyi smin byed dbang/ bde chen lam
The ripening empowerment for The Liberation of the Expanse of Samsara Mahakarunika
Padmeshvara from The Innate Liberation of View in The Bindu of Liberation, in accordance with
The Path that Leads to Great Bliss

Page 81 of 209
Tertn: Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 382 A, HHPR 267]

thugs rje chen po ngan song rang grol gyi dbang zla ba rgyas pai mdzum zer
The empowerment for The Spontaneous Liberation of the Lower Existences Mahakarunika, in
accordance with The Light Rays from the Full Smiling Moon
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 383 A, HHPR 268]

thugs rje chen po nam mkhai rgyal poi gsag sgrub khor ba dong sprugdang brel bai dbang/ bdud rtsii
lding ka
The combined preparatory and main empowerments for the secret practice of Mahakarunika,
the King of Space, connected with Emptying Out the Pit of Samsara , in accordance with The
Pond of Amrita
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 384 YA, HHPR 269]

+#-[$-{-%,-(9-M7-*#<-B-&,--7'#-D,- +/$-d#-T-+7-+/$-
dag snang rgya can nyer lngai thugs rje chen po jig rten dbang phyug lha dgui dbang/ phags mchog
dgyes pai jug don ngog
The nine-deity empowerment for Mahakarunika-Lokeshvara from The Pure Vision of twenty-
five Seals, in accordance with The Entrance to the Pleasure of the Supreme Arya
Tertn: The Fifth Dalai Lama
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse (KL: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje)
[HETSR 385 YA, HHPR 270]
my list had gzigs ldan instead of jig rten. Look into this.

gnam chos rgyal ba rgya mtshoi lha lngai dbang
The five-deity empowerment forMahakarunika-Jinasagara (Gyalwa Gyamtso) from The Space
Dharma, in accordance with the sadhana visualizations
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 386 YA, HHPR 271]

20 January, 2009

Page 82 of 209
thugs rje chen poi rtsa gsum snying thig gi rtsa dbang bsgrigs byin brlabs rgyun bebs ltar dang tshe sgrub
yid bzhin lhun grub kyi dbang tshe dpal lhun grub ltar
The root empowerment for the Mahakarunika Essence-Drop of the Three Roots, in accordance
with A Continuous Flow of Blessings, and the long-life empowerment for The Spontaneous
Accomplishment of Wishes life-practice, in accordance with The Spontaneous Accomplishment of
the Splendour of Life
Tertn: Garwang Dawa Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 387 YA, root empowerment HHPR 272]
(long-life empowerment listed as a separate entry on Kunnams list)

thugs rje chen po bde gshegs kun dus kyi sta dngos dbang spros bcas bum dbang skal ldan kun dga
The preparatory empowerment and main empowerment for Mahakarunika as The Union of All
the Sugatas, in accordance with the recitation manual The Joy of all the Worthy Ones
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 388 YA, HHPR 273]

thugs rje chen po bde gshegs kun dus kyi spros med mchog dbang ngo mtshar sgron me
The three secret, profound supreme empowerments for Mahakarunika as The Union of All the
Sugatas, in accordance with The Marvellous Lamp; the main vase empowerment for the above,
together with the retinue bestowed from the manual
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Khenchen Odiyana
[HETSR 389 YA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po bde gshegs kun dus kyi gtor dbang/ bdud rtsii snying khu ltar
The torma empowerment for Mahakarunika as The Union of All the Sugatas, in accordance
with The Essence of Amrita
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Khenchen Odiyana
[HETSR 390 YA, HHPR not listed]

V-#9-+/$-2 -+#-0 +-d -P9- /-7 -2 -+/$- / +-I 7 -&9-7/ /<-P9

padma gar dbang tshe dpag med phyi ltar sgrub pai tshe dbang bdud rtsii char bebs
The life-empowerment for Padmeshvara Amitayus: the outer practice of Mahakarunika as the
Union of All the Sugatas, in accordance with A Rain of Amrita

Page 83 of 209
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 391 YA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po bka srung lha chen dbang phyug chen poi rjes gnang thun mong ma yin pa
The uncommon authorization for the Mahakarunika teachings-protector, Mahadeva
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

The two chapters of profound instructions on the preliminaries and main practice of
Mahakarunika as the Union of All the Sugatas, in accordance with The Mirror of the Clear
Meaning of Meditation
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharmashri
[HETSR 392 YA, HHPR not listed]

thugs rje chen po yang gsang bla med kyi sta gon dang dngos gzhir rtsa dbang bde chen zab gsal ltar
The preparatory and main empowerment for the extremely secret unsurpassable Mahakarunika,
in accordance with Profound Clear Great Bliss
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 393 YA, HHPR 274]

*#<-B-&,--8$-#<$-v-0+-`-+,-+/$- +/$-/5-020<-9-X$-9-l:-/-8-;<-+:-Y9-P9
thugs rje chen po yang gsang bla med kyi don dbang dbang bzhi mtshams sbyor snying por dril ba ye shes
dpal ster ltar
The meaning empowerment for the extremely secret unsurpassable Mahakarunika, in
accordance with the condensed four-empowerment manual Bestowing the Glory of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Dzatrul
[HETSR 394 YA, HHPR not listed]

jig rten dbang phyug mi tra snying thig dbang/ zla shel bdud rtsii chu rgyun
The actual empowerment for the Mitra Heart-drop Lokeshvara, in accordance with The Flow of
Crystal Moon Amrita
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 395 YA, HHPR 275]
(This empowerment had a preparatory empowerment also)

Page 84 of 209
thugs rje chen po sa snying yid nor dbang/ yid bzhin od kyi drwa ba
The preparatory and main empowerments for Mahakarunika-Kshitagarbha Wish-Fulfilling
Jewel, in accordance with The Network of Wish-Fulfilling Light
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 396 YA, HHPR 276]

thugs rje chen po padma gar dbang sgyu phrul drwa bai dbang zab pa kun drel
The four empowerments for the Mahakarunika-Padma-mayajvala bestowed in the vajra-
anointment tradition, in accordance with The Concentration of all Illuminating Profundities
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 397 RA, HHPR 277]

21 January, 2009

thugs rje chen po gro don phyi i yi smin grol dbang/ brel tshad don ldan ltar
The external ripening empowerment that benefits beings for the Mahakarunika-Padma-
mayajvala combined with the liberating profound instructions, in accordance with The
Meaningful Connection
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 398 RA, HHPR 279]

thugs rje chen po gro don nang gi smin grol dbang/ grol ba bzhi ldan ltar
The internal ripening empowerment that benefits beings for the Mahakarunika-Padma-
mayajvala combined with the liberating profound instructions, in accordance with Endowed
with the Four Liberations
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 399 RA, 278]

vol. 101, pp. 611-626 in Karmapa Khakhyab Dorjes manual

thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor gro dul spyod rgyud lha lngai dbang gzhan phan kun khyab ltar

Page 85 of 209
The five-deity empowerment for the Charya Tantra that tames beings: Mahakarunika-
Padmoshnisha, in accordance with All-Pervasive Benefit for Beings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 400 RA, HHPR 282]

*#<-B-&,--8+-/5,-7"9-:-#5,-.,-/0-/-`-B<-#,$-n,-:<-+$-/%<-- +,-#(<-7e$-#,<-P9
thugs rje chen po yid bzhin khor lo gzhan phan bum sgrub kyi rjes gnang phrin las dang bcas pa don
gnyis byung gnas ltar
The authorization for the vase-practice that benefits beings in Mahakarunika-Chintachakra,
together with the activity, in accordance with The Source of the Two Benefits
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 401 RA, HHPR 283]

thugs rje chen po yid bzhin khor lo las/ gro don las tshogs bum pa lngai dbang phan bde byung gnas
The empowerment for the five vases that are the activity that benefits beings, in accordance
with The Source of Benefit and Happiness: The Mahakarunika-Chintachakra Ritual Text :

(Note: KKD manual and the text itself list the chos bum as first, not fourth, but HETSR listed
the dharma vase fourth, after the life vase, and we seemed to do it that way too. -pk)

The empowerment for the vase that creates the harmony of brotherhood
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 402 RA, HHPR 284]

The empowerment for the jewel-vase that increases merit and prosperity
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 403 RA, HHPR 284]

The empowerment for the life-vase that defeats premature death and creates deathless
vajra life
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 404 RA, HHPR 284]

The empowerment for the dharma vase that has the four liberations and brings the
attainment of the eternal bliss of liberation
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 405 RA, HHPR 284]

The empowerment for the medicine vase that pacifies the present conditions of illness
and demons that create obstacles to life and body
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa

Page 86 of 209
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 406 RA, HHPR 284]

bka srung ye shes mgon po phyag drug pai bka gtad byin rlabs lcags kyu
The Six-Armed Wisdom Protector Mahakala Entrustment
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: from volume JI
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 280]

bka srung dam can lcam dral gyi bka gtad phrin las lcags kyu
Dharma Protector Damchen Mahakala and Consort Entrustment
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: from volume NYI
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 281]
(Note, the above two protectors were originally scheduled for the end of January 20ths
schedule but were moved to this position, Im not sure why)

zhar byung nyer mkhoi ched du bkod pa spyan ras gzigs dpal mo lugs kyi rjes gnang (bcu gcig zhal
smyung gnas cho gai rjes gnang)
The authorization for Alokiteshvara from the Palmo tradition (PR: Lakshmi tradition)
(The Eleven-Faced Chenresi Nyung-Ne authorization)
Author (this text is not a terma): Bhikshuni Lakshmi
Empowerment author: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 407 RA, HHPR 285]

The meaning-instructions for the Summarised Essence of the Extremely Cherished Profundity:
the sadhana of supreme Arya Lokeshvara in the form of a mind terma treatise
Tertn: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Author of the instructions: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 408 RA, HHPR not listed]

Padma Speech; Wrathful Hayagriva, Red Hayagriva:

padma dbang chen yang gsang khros pai dbang gur gum sgrom bu ltar
The empowerment for the very secret wrathful Padma Maheshvara, as the one river of Kama
and Terma, in accordance with The Case of Saffron (PR reads gur gum as bdellium) (HHPR
describes this as a nine-deity empowerment but I cant find that in the Tibetan)
Tertn: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 409 RA, HHPR 286]

Page 87 of 209
dpal padma dbang chen yang gsang khros pai byin rlabs gtor mai dbang dngos grub kun stsol
The torma blessing empowerment for the very secret, wrathful Padma Maheshvara, in
accordance with The Bestowal of All Siddhis
Tertn: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
Empowerment author: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
[HETSR 411 RA, HHPR not listed]
(This empowerment was done before #410, I dont know why)

padma dbang chen yang gsang khros pai chi med tshei rdzong chung gi dbang
The small castle life-empowerment for the very secret wrathful Padma Maheshvara, in
accordance with The Practice of Immortality
Tertn: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
Empowerment author: Tsarchen Losal Gyamtso
[HETSR 410 RA, HHPR not listed]

dei bka srung gza gdon ging lngai bka gtad
The entrustment for the protector of that practice, Rahula and the Five Kingkaras
Tertn: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 287]

The profound instructions for the perfection stage of the very secret, wrathful Padma
Maheshvara, in accordance with The Profound Path of Secret Wisdom
Tertn: Darchar Rinchen Zangpo
Author of the instructions: Lachen Chpal Zangpo
[HETSR 412 RA, HHPR not listed]

22 January, 2009
7++-/0-:< D-0i,-#<$-/-`-+/$-
dod bum las/ rta mgrin gsang sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the secret practice of Hayagriva in the Kyer-gang tradition, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyewo Sangye Wangchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 413 RA, HHPR 288]

rta mgrin bde gshegs chig dril khor dus dbang/ dbang chen thugs kyi bcud thig ltar
The Hayagriva empowerment for the concentration into one of all sugatas, in accordance with

Page 88 of 209
The Drop of the Quintessence of Maheshvaras Mind
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 414 RA, HHPR 289]

gu ru yang dbang rta mgrin dregs pa kun sgrol gyi smin byed nye brgyud dbang/ dbang chen rol pai gzi
brjid ltar
The Hayagriva empowerment for the liberation of all arrogant spirits, from the direct lineage
of All-Seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The Majesty of the Display of Maheshvara
Tertn: Drugu Dorje Yangwang (KL: Jamyang Khyentse)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 415 RA, HHPR 290]

D-0i,-l#<--,-:-:< /Y,-r$-l#<--/%+-/{+-`-B<-#,$-+/$-#-/-%,-
rta mgrin dregs pa kun sgrol las/ bstan srung dregs pa bcod brgyad kyi rjes gnang dbang gi be con
The authorization for the protectors The Eighteen Arrogant Spirits, from the Hayagriva who
Liberates All Arrogant Spirits
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

mnga bdag mon mo khyil gyi bdag snang rta mgrin dpa bo gcig pa gnam lcags mei khor loi dbang nad
gdon kun jom
The authorization for The Fire-Wheel of Sky-Iron: the single daka Hayagriva, from the oral
lineage of the pure vision of All-Seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The Defeat of All
Sickness and Dons
Tertn: Ngadak Mnmi Khyildrn
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 416 LA, HHPR 291]

byang gter rta mgrin dregs pa dbang sdud kyi dbang/ smin byed brgyud gsum dbang byed
The empowerment for the Hayagriva that brings arrogant spirits under control, from The
Seven Auspicious Dharmas of the Northern Termas, in accordance with the arranged text
Power Over the Three Continuums of Being
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 417 LA, HHPR 292]

dei bka srung thang lhai srog gtad/ skal ldan yid kyi mun sel

Page 89 of 209
The life-force entrustment for the protector of that practice, Thang-Lha
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 293]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

rta mgrin gsang ba dus pai dbang rgyas pa/ dbang chen gsang bai srog thig ltar dnogs sta sbrel ma
The main root empowerment connected with the preparatory empowerment, combined with
the separate three supreme empowerments for the Hayagriva Guhyasamaja, in accordance
with the arranged text The Life-Drop of the Secret Maheshvara
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 418 LA, HHPR 294]

dbang bsdus pai cho ga dbang chen thugs kyi snying po ltar gtor ma la brten pai byin rlabs
The torma blessing empowerment for the brief Hayagriva Guhyasamaja, in accordance with
the arranged text The Essence of Maheshvaras Mind
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 419 LA, HHPR not listed]

dei bka srung dpal ldan sngags srung mai rjes gnang
The authorization for the protector of that practice, Glorious Ekajati
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 295]

stag sham bsam gtan gling pa la yang gter nye brgyud kyi tshul bka babs pa rta mgrin snying po don
sbyor gyi zab lam smin byed dbang chen rol pai sgra dbyangs dngos sta sbrel ma
The preparatory and main empowerment, combined with the additional empowerments for
the deities, mantras, adornments and costume, for union with the essential meaning of
Hayagriva from the transmission in the manner of the direct lineage of the rediscovered
terma of Taksham Samten Lingpa, in accordance with The Melodies of Maheshvaras Display
Tertn: Nyangpo Chokden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 420 LA, HHPR 296]

rta mgrin snying po don sbyor las/ smin byed bsdus pa gtor mai dbang bskur/ dbang chen grub pai sgra

Page 90 of 209
dbyangs ltar gtor dbang
The torma empowerment for union with the essential meaning of Hayagriva Guhyasamaja,
in accordance with The Melodies of Maheshvaras Accomplishment
Tertn: Nyangpo Chokden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 421 LA, HHPR not listed]

23 January, 2009
dbang chen dregs pa kun dul gyi smin byed dbang gsang ba gcig grub mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa
The Accomplishment of the Single Secret: the ripening empowerment forMaheshvara who
tames all the arrogant spirits from the Liberation Bindus Spontaneous Liberation of View , in
accordance with the manual adornment
Tertn: Sherab zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 422 LA, HHPR 297]

dbang chen dregs pa kun dul las/ bsnyen dbang zab mo gter gzhumg ma
The recitation empowerment forMaheshvara who tames all the arrogant spirits from The
Liberation Bindus Spontaneous Liberation of View
Tertn: Sherab zer
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 423 LA, HHPR not listed]

bka srung rdo rje gshog rgod mai srog dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The life-force-empowerment for the protector of that practice, Shog Gma (the one with
wildly flapping wings)
Tertn: Sherab zer
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 298]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

rta phag yid bzhin nor bui dbang/ ye shes mcho sbyor ltar
The wish-fulfilling empowerment for the profound Dharma of Varahi and Hayagriva
According to Union with the Supreme Wisdom
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 424 LA, HHPR 299]

Page 91 of 209
gnam chos rta mgrin bar chad kun sel kyi dbang
The empowerment for the Hayagriva, who eliminates all obstacles, from the profound oral
lineage of The Space-Dharma Mind Terma According to The Space Dharmas Dharani-
empowerment (Vol THI)
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje [KKD manual lists this entry with Jatson Nyingpo]
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 425 LA, HHPR 300]

8-+0-+#$<-7<-D-0&#-9:-7-+/$-7i:--Z0-I-/7-+/$-&,-0 V-9-#7-/0-/6$-P9
yi dam dgongs dus rta mchog rol pai dbang grel spyi sdom rtsa bai dbang chen mo/ padma ra gai
bum bzang ltar
The great root empowerment for the preparatory and main empowerments for the general
summary of Hayagrivas Display, from The Union of the Minds of the Yidams, according to
The Excellent Vase of Rubies
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 426 LA, HHPR 304]

D-0i,-8-#-l#-07-B-#,$- I-#<0-7-B<-#,$-#%#-;<-,-i:-P9
rtsa gum spyii rje gnang/ rta mgrin yi ge drug moi rje gnag/ gcig shes kun grol ltar
The authorization of the blessing of the six syllables for the Hayagriva of Hayagrivas
Display from The Union of the View of the Yidams, a general authorization of the three
roots, according to The One Thing that Liberates All
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 427 LA, HHPR 301]
(This was not on Kunnams list, but seems to have been done as part of the previous

D-0&#-9:-7-X$-*#-+/$- D-0&#-+b<-7-/5+--P9
snyen brgyud rta mchog rol pai snying thig dbang/ rta mchog dgyes pai bzhad sgra ltar
The root empowerment and life-empowerment for the Heart Drop of Hayagrivas
Display from the oral lineage, combined with the profound instructions according to the
terma text, according to The Laughter of Pleased Hayagriva
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 428 LA, HHPR 302]

zab bdun zangs byang mai rta mgrin dbang zab yang phyungs dmar poi rtsa dbang
The root empowerment for The Red Expelling Profound Powerful Hayagriva from The
Seven Profundities Copper Mountain Manual , in accordance with the terma text

Page 92 of 209
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 429 LA, HHPR 303]

dngul byang mai lung lugs rta mgrin snying po don du gyi gtor dbang padmai zil thig ltar
The torma empowerment for The Essential Meaning of Hayagriva from the scriptural
tradition of The Seven Profundities Copper Mountain Manual , in accordance with The
Dew Drop of the Lotus
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 430 RI, HHPR not listed]

Padma Speech; Wrathful Hayagriva, extremely wrathful Black

[KKD vol 101, p.659]

D-0i,-,#-7-/-*/<-`-B<-#,$- /##<-7:-9:-i-#,0-N#<-P9
rta mgrin nag poi sgrub thabs kyi rjes gnang/ bgegs dul ral gri gnam lcags ltar
The authorization for the sadhana of black Hayagriva, in accordance with The Sword of
Sky-Iron That Subdues Evil Spirits
Tertn: Bodhisattva Dawa Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 431 LA-this is actually a second 432 in Peters doc which Im taking for a typo,
HHPR 305]

24 January, 2009
D-0i,-8$-d$<-,#--r#-+/$- #,0-N#<-7/9-/7-9:-i-P9
rta mgrin yang phyungs nag po srog dbang/ gnam lcags bar bai ral gri ltar
The life-empowerment for the uncommon black expelling Hayagriva, in accordance with
The Sword of Blazing Sky-Iron
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 432 LA, HHPR 306]
check title spelling. I have phyungs, Kunnam list has khyung.

*,-0$-B-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
thun mong rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The general authorization for black Hayagriva, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 433 LA, HHPR not listed]

Page 93 of 209
D-,#-N#<-9:-%,-b-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
rta nag lcags ral can gyi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for black Hayagriva with an iron sword, in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 434 LA, HHPR 307]

rta mgrin gsang dus kyi cho lag rta mgrin nag poi dbang chog dregs pa srog gi rgya can bskur bai
cho ga dbang chen thugs kyi tshal pa ltar
The empowerment for black Hayagriva, which is an ancillary to Hayagriva-
Guhyasamaja, in accordance with A Fragment of the Mind of Maheshvara: The Ritual
Which Gives the Seal of the Life-Force of Arrogant Spirits
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 435 LA, HHPR 308]

D-0i,-,#--8$-#<$-*#<-`-/-7-+/$-/5 +/$-&,-*#<-`-8$-,-P9
rta mgrin nag po yang gsang thugs kyi sgrub pai dbang bzhi/ dbang chen thugs kyi yang zhun ltar
The four empowerments for the practice of the extra secret mind of Hayagriva, in
accordance with The Molten Mind of Maheshvara
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 436 LA, HHPR 309]

dpal mgon ma ha ka la lca dral bdun cui srog dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The life-force-empowerment for the Seventy [Manifestations of?] The Glorious Protector
Tertn: Garwang Shikpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje (?)
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 310]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

Five Transcendent Deities; Yangdak [enlightened mind)

The Peaceful Vajrasattva: [KKD manual vol 101, p. 668]

KKD note: The Sprout of Liberation, the recitation text for the ripening of the union of
families Vajrasattva, the secret practice of Rolpe Dorjes Guru Union of the Victorious Ones,
was given earlier during The Guru Union of Victorious Ones

Page 94 of 209
+0-&<-;#-Z-l#-7-E9-<0<-*#<-`-X$-7-+/$- 7+-#<:-X$--P9
dam chos shog sde drug pai rdor sems thugs kyi snying poi dbang/ od gsal snying po ltar/
The empowerment for the essence of the Mind of Vajrasattva from The Sixth Dharma
Scroll, in accordance with The Essence of Luminosity
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 437 SHA, HHPR 311]

#<$-*#-U9-#<0-b-E9-<0<-d#-{-#%#-7-/0-+/$- 5-/7-*#-:-P9
gsang thig skor gsum gyi rdor sems phyag rgya gcig pai bum dbang/ zhi bai thig le ltar/
The vase-empowerment for the single-mudra Vajrasattva from The Three Secret Bindus,
in accordance with The Peaceful Bindu
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 438 SHA, HHPR 312]

The Wrathful Vajra Heruka [KKD manual vol 101, p. 669]

8$-+#-X$-7-+/$-&# /+-&,-7'#-$#<-P9
yang dag snying poi dbang chog/ bde chen jug ngogs ltar/
The empowerment for The Essence of Yangdak, in accordance with The Entrance to Great
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 439 SHA, HHPR 313]

+/$- i/-#(<-/+-I7-{,-7//<-P9
kun bzang thugs gter ra skor sgron drug gi yang dag zhi khro phur gsum kun gzigs mkhyen brtsei
ny brgyud kyi dbang/ grub gnyis bdud rtsii rgyun bebs ltar
The preparatory and main empowerments for the peaceful, wrathful and kila forms of
Yangdak from the Samantabhadra mind terma, The Ruby Cycle of the Six Lamps [?), from
the direct lineage of All-Seeing Khyentse, in accordance with The Downpour of the
Amrita of the Two Accomplishments
Tertn: Changling Pal Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 440 SHA, HHPR 314]

dei bka srung raksha ma ha ka la dang lha mo nag moi srog dbang
The life-empowerment for Raksha Mahakala and Lhamo Nakmo, the protectors of the

Page 95 of 209
above practice
Tertn: Changling Pal Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 315]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

+/$-&#-7&-0+-/%+-Q,-P9 2-/-#<$-/-8$-":-b-2-+/$-
tshe sgrub gsang ba yang khol gyi tshe dbang/ dbang chog chi med bcud ldan ltar [is dbang chog
really part of this title?]
The life-empowerment that is an extract from the secret life-practice that is an ancillary to
the peaceful, wrathful and kila forms of Yangdak from the Samantabhadara Mind terma,
in accordance with The Empowerment With the Essence of Deathlessness
Tertn: Changling Pal Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 441 SHA, HHPR not listed]

25 January, 2009
8$-+#-/+-&,-X$-7-+/$- &#-h#<-X$-9-l:-/-P9
yang dag bde chen snying poi dbang/ chog khrigs snying por dril ba ltar
The empowerment for Yangdak Essence of Bliss, in accordance with the practice text The
Concentrated Essence
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 442 SHA, HHPR 316]

[HHPR lists a life-empowerment for this practice here (HETSR not listed, HHPR 317). I
cant find it in the KKD manual, and it does not seem to have happened, so it either doesnt
exist or is part of the above empowermentwould be good to check KKD and wangpe
more closely.]

X,-/{ +-8$-+#-6/-) #-# -I-+/$- ^,-+/$- 2 -+/$- 6/-h +

^ ,-i :-7/ #<-7 -:#-: ,-/+ -& ,-#<$-/7 -/% +-7 <-P9
snyan brgyud yang dag zab tig gi rtsa dbang/ sman dbang/ tshe dbang/ zab khrid/ smin grol bogs
pai lag len bde chen gsang bai bcud dus ltar/
The main root empowerment, the medicine empowerment, the life-empowerment and
the profound instructions for the oral lineages Profound Drop of Yangdak , in accordance
with the practice manual given by Minling, The Collected Essence of Secret Great Bliss
Tertn: Padma Osel Do Ngak Lingpa/Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 443 SHA, HHPR 318 and 319]

X,-/{+-8$-.9-#-07-6/-)#-b-I-+/$- l#-7-B<-#,$-+$-2-+/$-

Page 96 of 209
snyan brgyud yang phur sbrag mai zab tig gyi rtsa dbang/ lag len grub gnyis bcud bebs ltar/
The root empowerment, the wrathful authorization, and the life-empowerment for the
oral lineages The Profound Drop of the Yangdak and Kila Combination , in accord with
the manual, The Descent of the Essence of the Two Accomplishments
Tertn: Pema sel Do Ngak Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye?
[HETSR not given, HHPR 320 and 321]

6/-/,-8$-+#-*#<-`-X$-7-+/$- 8-;<-0&#-9-P9
zab bdun yang dag thugs kyi snying poi dbang/ ye shes mchog sbyor ltar/
The root empowerment for the essence of Yangdak Mind, the profundity of the supreme
accomplishment of The Iron Mountain Manual of the Seven Profundities , in accordance
with Union with supreme Wisdom
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 444 SHA, HHPR 322]

zab bdun yang dag thugs kyi snying poi tshe dbang grub gnyis bdud rtsii bcud len ltar
The life-empowerment for the essence of Yangdak Mind, the profundity of the supreme
accomplishment of The Iron Mountain Manual of the Seven Profundities , in accordance
with Extracting the Quintessence of the Amrita of the Two Accomplishments
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 445 SHA, HHPR 323]

The mind-instructions for the essence of Yangdak Mind, from The Iron Mountain
Manual of the Seven Profundities, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 446 SHA, HHPR not listed]

6/-/,-8$-+#-/-&,-M-/%-I-/{+-+$-7o:-/7-+/$--+/$-{<-- v-0-=-9-!-+:-b-
zab bdun yang dag sgrub chen lnga bcu rtsa brgyad dang brel bai dbang rgyas pa la ma he ru ka
dpal gyi zhal lung bde chen mchog gi myur lam ltar
The elaborate empowerment connected with fifty-eight Yangdak siddhas from The Iron
Mountain Manual of the Seven Profundities , in accordance with The Instructions of
Glorious Guru Heruka: The Swift Path to Supreme Great Bliss
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Tsagang Rinchen Namgyal
[HETSR 447 SHA, HHPR 324]

Page 97 of 209
*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-9#-73,-730-u$-{,-#%#-#-+/$- >u-:7-&,--P9
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rig dzin dzam gling rgyan gcig gi dbang/ aindrani lai chun po
The empowerment for the single ornament of the world, the vidyadhara of The
Elimination of all Obstacles, the Practice of the Gurus Mind, in accordance with The
Cluster of Sapphires
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Terse Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 448 SA, HHPR 325]

[HHPR lists a a tshe dbang here (HETSR not listed, HHPR 326). It wasnt listed separately
on Kunnams list or in KKD, but there was tshe dbang that was part of the previous

The profound instructions of Yangdak Heruka, the single world adornment, the
vidyadhara of The Elimination of all Obstacles, the Pratice of the Gurus Mind , in
accordance with The Regular Practice of the Two Stages
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 449 SA, HHPR not listed]

#<$-*#-U9-#<0-b-8$-+#-d#-{-#%#-7-#)9-+/$- 7/9-/7-*#-:-P9
gsang thig skor gsum gyi yang dag phyag rgya gcig pai gtor dbang/ bar bai thig le ltar/
The torma empowerment for the single mudra Yangdak from The Three Teachings of the
Secret Bindu the single ornament of the world, the vidyadhara of The Elimination of all
Obstacles, the Practice of the Gurus Mind, in accordance with The Blazing Bindu
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 450 SA, HHPR 327]


d#-E9-"$-/-/I#<-7-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
phyag rdor khang bu brtsegs pai dbang/ dod bum ltar/
The empowerment for Vajrapani from The Tantra of the Storied Palace , in accordance
with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Dragn Wangchuk Bar
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 451 SA, HHPR 328]

phyag rdor gtum po dmar poi sgrub dkyil dbang
The empowerment for the practice mandala of the red wrathful Vajrapani
Tertn: Dragn Wangchuk Bar

Page 98 of 209
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not given, HHPR not listed]
(this was not listed on Kunnams list, but may have been part of the previous
empowermentlook for this in KKD, was this hETSRs way of describig the above

gtum chung dmar poi sgrub thabs sgom lung
The scriptural transmission of the meditation of the red slightly wrathful Vajrapani, in
accordance with The scriptural transmission of the sadhana practice
Tertn: Dragn Wangchuk Bar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 452 SA, HHPR not listed]

u$-7-8$-#)9-+/$- E-B-,-*#-P9
dbu ru lha sai ston pa shakya od kyis dpal gsang bao bdag po rdo rje me bar kun gzigs padma od
gsal sngags gling pai yang gter dbang/ rdo rje shun thig ltar
The empowerment forAll-Seeing Pema sel Ngak Lingpas rediscovered terma of the
Glorious Guhyapati (Vajrapani) Dorje Mebar by Shakya , the Teacher from Uru Lhasa,
in accordance with The Drop of Molten Vajra
Tertn: Jamyag Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 453 SA, HHPR 329]

v-0-#<$-7<-`-&-:#-+:-d#-,-E-B- #0--<$-#-+/$- 0-N-n$-/7-+/$-&#-+/$-

bla ma gsang dus kyi cha lag dpal phyag na rdo rje gtum po seng sgrog dbang/ me lce phreng bai
dbang chog dbang bshad dang bcas pa ltar
The empowerment for The Lions Roar, glorious Wrathful Vajrapani, an ancillary to
Guru Guhyasamaja, in accordance with the empowerment teaching and empowerment
text of A Garland of Flames
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Tratsangwa Lodr Chokden
[HETSR 454 SA, HHPR 330]

26 January, 2009
#)9-"-#<0-7<-#<$-/+#-l#<--,-7:-b-+/$- E-B-6-0-)#-P9
gter kha gsum dus gsang bdag dregs pa kun dul gyi dbang/ rdo rje za ma tog ltar/
The preparatory and root main empowerments for Guhyapati, the tamer of all arrogant
spirits, which is a union of three termas, in accordance with The Vajra Casket

Page 99 of 209
Tertn: Lendrel Lingpa, Dorje Lingpa and Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 455 SA, HHPR 331]

7++-/0-:< #)9-"-#<0-7<-d#-E9-l#<-7:-/0-V/
dod bum las/ gter kha gsum dus phyag rdor dregs dul nang sgrub las mtha bum dbang dang gtor
The vase activity empowerment for the inner practice of Guhyapati, the tamer of all
arrogant spirits, which is a union of three termas, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling
Tertn: Lendrel Lingpa, Dorje Lingpa and Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 456 SA, HHPR 333]

7++-/0-:< +7-/!7-r$-#67-@+-#-#-\-i7-+/$-
dod bum las/ dei bka srung gza rgod dug gi spu grii srog dbang
The life-force empowerment for the protector of that practice, Zag Duk Pu-dri, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[not listed in HETSR, HHPR 334]

7++-/0-:< d#-E9-#0--&,-7-+/$-
dod bum las/ phyag rdor gtum po chen poi dbang
The empowerment for Wrathful Vajrapani, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Changling Palgyi Gyaltsen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 457 SA, HHPR 335]

#<$-/7-/+#--d#-,-E-B-e-a$-#<$-/-8$-":-+/$- #0--X$-l:-P9
gsang bai bdag po phyag na rdo rje bya khyung gsang ba yang khol dbang/ gtum po snying dril ltar
The preparatory and main empowerment for Guhyapati Vajrapani, with the addition of
the secret Garuda, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence of Wrath
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 458 SA, HHPR 332]

D-0i,-#<$-/-7<-7-*#<-/-#<$-/+#-E-B-#0-7-+/$- 7i#<-&#<-<-/!+--
rta mgrin gsang ba dus pai thugs sgrub gsang bdag rdo rje gtum poi dbang/ grigs chags su bkod
pa khrul med gsang thig ltar
The empowerment for the wrathful Guhyapati from the heart practice of Hayagriva

Page 100 of 209

Guhyasamaja, in accordance with the arranged text, The Unmistaken Secret Bindu
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 336]

bka srung rnam sras mdung dmar can gyi dbang/ nyi zer zhags pa ltar
The empowerment for Namse Dung-Mar [Red-Spear Carrying Vaishravana?)
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 337]

rta gsang bka srung shan pa dmar nag gi rjes gnang/ glog zhag khyil ba ltar
The authorization for the protector from the Secret Hayagriva, Shen-Mar (Red Butcher)
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 338]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

d#-E9-#0-7-+/$- /+-:<-F0-9-{:-/7-E-B-P9
phyag rdor gtum poi dbang/ bdud las rnam par rgyal bai rdo rje ltar
The empowerment for wrathful Vajrapani, in accordance with The Vajra That Gives
Complete Victory Over The Maras
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye [Kunnam: Peling Gyepa Tenpe
[HETSR 460 SA, HHPR 339]

+:-d#-,-E-B-Y/<--&7-+/$- E-B-,-*#-P9
dpal phyag na rdo rje stobs po chei dbang/ rdo rje zhun thig ltar
The empowerment for the greatly powerful Vajrapani, in accordance with The Drop of
Molten Vajra
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 461 SA, HHPR 340]

bla mai thugs sgrub rig dzin bde dus kyi cha lag phyag rdor drag sngags kun du kyi dbang
The empowerment for the Vajrapani who is the union of all wrathful mantras, which is
an ancillary to The Guru Mind-Practice: The Gathered Bliss of the Vidyadharas , in
accordance with The Drop of Molten Vajra
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa (Kunnam lists zur mkhar og ma zla bai od zer)

Page 101 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye (Kunnam lists Karmapa Khyakhyab
[HETSR 462 SA, HHPR 342]

There was a srog dbang (life-force empowerment) here (as part of the above empowerment
I think) which lay people who had not finished ngndro were asked to leave for...HHPR
not listed, HETSR not listed

27 January, 2009

Five Transcendent Deities; Amritaguna/Dutsi Yonten [enlightened

the main practices: [KKD manual vol 101 p. 697]

X$-*#-#-v-/-7-I-+/$-{<- 8-;<-/+-I7-/0-/6$-P9
snying thig gi bla sgrub pai rtsa dbang rgyas pa/ ye shes bdud rtsii bum bzang ltar
The elaborate root empowerment for The Heart-Bindu Guru Practice, in accordance with
The Excellent Vase of the Amrita of Wisdom
Tertn: Yutok Tnten Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 463 SA, HHPR 343]

X$-*#-v-/-+,-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-/0-/6$-P9
snying thig bla sgrub don dbang/ byin rlabs bdud rtsii bum bzang ltar
The meaning empowerment for The Heart-Bindu Guru Practice, in accordance with The
Excellent Vase of the Amrita of Wisdom
Tertn: Yutok Tnten Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 464 SA, HHPR not listed]

tshe sgrub chi bdag bdud joms kyi dbang/ chi med bdud rtsii bum bzang ltar
The empowerment for Defeating the Mara of Death, which is the life-practice ancillary to
The Heart-Bindu Guru Practice, in accordance with The Excellent Vase of the Amrita of
Tertn: Yutok Tnten Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 465 HA, HHPR 341]

g.yu thog snying thig gi cha lag/ lha sman mched gsum gyi rjes gnang/ snyan pai gling bu ltar
The authorization for the White Wisdom Infant and the three medicinal divine
siblings, which are an ancillary to The Heart-Bindu Guru Practice, in accordance with
The Melodious Flute

Page 102 of 209

Tertn: Yutok Tnten Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 466 HA, HHPR 344]

snyan rgyud drang srong ser skya spun gsum gyi rig gtad/ mthong gsal me long ltar
The entrustment of the three Rishi Kapila brothers from Drangtis Dre* of Silver, in
accordance with The Mirror of Clear Vision
[*a dre is a unit of measurement equalling roughly .2 litres)
Tertn: Yutok Tnten Gnpo (KL: Drangti Gyalnye Kharbu)
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 467 HA, HHPR 345]

7o:-/7-+/$- +$<-i/-V-7e+-P9
dag snang gzigs mkhyen brtsei dbang po la nye ringgi brgyud pai bka babs pa sman bla longs sku
sgrub thabs dang brel bai dbang/ dngos grub sgo byed ltar
The empowerment related to the sadhana of The Pure Vision Sambhogakaya
Bhaishajyaguru [Menla), which is a transmission from the direct lineage of All-Seeing
Khyentse Wangpo, in accordance with Opening the Door to Siddhis
Tertn: Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 468 HA, HHPR 346]

+#-[$-y/-+,-/-0-:-0-j7-/-*/<-:0-6/-X$-7-+/$- e,-x/<-#)9-03+-P9
dag snang slob dpon bi ma la mi trai sgrub thabs lam zab snying poi dbang/ byin rlabs gter mdzod
The four root empowerments, the amrita-medicine empowerment, the rasayana pill
empowerment and the supportive life-empowerment for The Essence of the Profound
Path, which is The Pure Vision Sadhana of Vimalamitra , in accordance with The Treasury
of Blessing
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chogyur Lingpa
[HETSR 469 HA, HHPR 347]

E-B-+#-[$-7&-0+-7.#<-07-X$-*#-#-v-/-e,-x/<-X$-7-+/$- e,-x/<-/%+-
rdo rje dag snang chi med phags mai snying thig gi bla sgrub byin rlabs snying poi dbang/ byin
rlabs bcud bebs ltar
The root empowerment , the medicine empowerment, and the life-empowerment for The
Essence of Blessing, which is The Pure Vision Guru Yoga of the Heart-Bindu of The
Deathless Arya, in accordance with The Downpour of the Quintessence of Blessing

Page 103 of 209

Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 470 HA, HHPR 348]

The profound instructions for The Essence of Blessing, which is The Pure Vision Guru
Yoga of the Heart-Bindu of The Deathless Arya , in accordance with the empowerment
instructions arranged as an inner recitation
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 471 HA, HHPR not listed]

7&-0+-/+-I-/0-7-[+-9$-+/$- /+-I7-&-{,-P9
chi med bdud rtsi bum pai snod rung dbang/ bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
The empowerment for The Vase of the Amrita of Immortality, in accordance with The
River of Amrita
Tertn: Dorbum Chkyi Drakpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 472 HA, HHPR 349]

28 January, 2009
#)9--e,-7-v-07-/-*/<-`-+/$- 8$-6/-/+-I-/%+-*#<-P9
ra mo shel sman ye shes bzang pos dpal rdo rje bdud rtsi bde ba chen po padma od gsal mdo sngags
gling pai yang gter du byon pai bla mai sgrub thabs kyi dbang/ yang zab bdud rtsi bcud thigs ltar
The combined empowerment and profound instructions for the sadhana of guru-yoga,
which is the rediscovered terma of The Glorious Great Bliss of Vajra Amrita, from Ramo
Shelmen Yeshe Sangpo, in accordance with The Quintessential Drop of the Very Profound
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 473 HA, HHPR 350]

+:-E-B-/+-I-/+-/-&,-7-I-/-+$-8,-:#-#-+/$- l-0+-w-/7-/<:-69-P9
dpal rdo rje bdud rtsi bde ba chen poi rtsa ba dang yan lag gi dbang/ dri med zla bai bsil zer ltar
The root empowerment and all the branch empowerments of the rediscovered terma of
The Glorious Great Bliss of Vajra Amrita, from Ramo Shelmen Yeshe Sangpo, are given
all at once, in accordance with The Cool Rays of the Stainless Moon :

First, the preparatory and the main root empowerment combined with the profound
instructions from the terma text
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse

Page 104 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 474 A, HHPR 351]

The purifying empowerment forAmritakundali, the Humkara fumigation

empowerment, and the blessing of empowering Mamaki, in accordance with the
supplementary text The Process of the Blessings of Three Deities Arranged for
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 475 A, HHPR not listed]

In continuation of the main root empowerment, there is the empowerment for the
amrita pills, the authorization of The Six Applications to the Activities that Benefit
Beings, and the authorization for the accomplishment of common activities
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 476 A, HHPR not listed]
(this was not listed separately on Kunnams list, but I think it happened as part of the
above series)

+7-/!7-r$->-!-3-7-r#-#)+ r#-#-*#-:-P9
dei bka srung ae ka dza Tii srog gtad/ srog gi thig le ltar
The entrustment for the protector of that practice, Ekajati
Tertn: Ramo Shal Men
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

Note: The amrita medicine empowerment from The Concentrated Essence from Ratna
Lingpas Mind Practice was already given in the earlier mind practice. [KKD pg. 734]

2-/-/+-I-7a:-7-^,-e+-/X,-7-+/$- 7&-0+-/+-I-,-*#-P9
tshe sgrub bdud rtsi khyil pai smin byed bsnyen pai dbang/ chi med bdud rtsi zhun thig ltar
The ripening empowerment for the Amritakundali life-practice, in accordance with The
Molten Drop of the Amrita of Immortality
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse/KKD lists Rigdzin Lekden Dorje as the Terton
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 477 A, HHPR 352]
(This empowerment was actually done before the above Ekajati empowerment, but only so
that the timing of the break would be better)

snyan brgyud bdud rtsi mchog tig gi dbang/ bde mchog bdud rtsi yang zhun
The root empowerment and the supportive life-empowerment, combined with the
profound instructions as in the terma text, for the hearing lineages The Supreme Drop of

Page 105 of 209

Amrita, in accordance with The Molten Amrita of Great Bliss
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 478 A, HHPR 353]

Note in HETSR: At this time, the medicine empowerment for the Supreme Secret Swift Path of
the Creation of Amrita Medicine, connected with Nyangral Nyima zers The Eight Logos
termas The Union of the Sugatas, in accordance with the custom of the lineage of
vidyadharas is bestowed in connection with a great group practice. It is performed
according to the correct method of carrying out the creation of the medicine with the three
stages of preparation, main part and conclusion. There is no tradition of performing a
separate brief medicine empowerment
(nothing in the empowerments happened connected with this. I did not find out whether
anything happened in connection with this outside of the empowerment schedule)

The branch practices [rasayana): [KKD vol 101 p. 738]

6/-&<-7'7-:<-7+-.$-9$-i:-+/$- V-9-#-/0-/6$-P9
zab chos ja lus od phung rang grol dbang/ padma ra ga bum bzang ltar
The River of the Amrita of Great Bliss, which is the ripening empowerment for The
Profound Dharma of Spontaneous Liberation of the Mass of Light Rainbow Body, which
is the later transmission of the union of the long and direct lineages, in accordance with
The Excellent Vase of Rubies
Tertn: Mahasiddha Nyida Longsal
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 479 A, HHPR 354]
(restriction: all lay people asked to leave)

The instructions for the life-practice that relies on breath-yoga, which is known as the
first transmission
Tertn: Nesarwa Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Wangchuk Rabten
[HETSR 480 A, HHPR not listed]

The scriptural transmission and the instructions for manifesting the rainbow-body,
which is known as the middle transmission
Tertn: Drigung Rinchen Puntsok
Author of the instructions: Lhatsun Ngawang Puntsok
[HETSR 481 A, HHPR not listed]

The red instructions: Buddhahood in the Palm of Your Hand; the wrathful instructions:
The spontaneous Liberation of samsara and nirvana in the Union of Great Perfection; the
eight great superior instructions; and the instructions for the Rain of Amrita that Dispels
Obstacle-makers, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Mahasiddha Nyida Longsal
Author of the instructions: The terma text

Page 106 of 209

[HETSR 482 A, HHPR not listed]

29 January, 2009

Five Transcendent Deities; Vajrakilaya [enlightened activity): [KKD vol.

101, p. 742]

E-B-.9--8$-#<$-\-i7-+/$- /-47-/0-/6$-P9
rdo rje phur pa yang gsang spu grii dbang/ bai duryai bum bzang ltar
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment for The Very Secret Razor
Vajrakila, in accordance with The Excellent Vase of Beryls
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 483 KI, HHPR 355]

e$-#)9-.9--\-i7-+/$- 9#-0&#-"0-7l,-P9
byang gter phur pa spu grii dbang/ rig mchog kham dren ltar
The preparatory empowerment, the main root empowerment, and the liberation
empowerment for the Northern Termas Kila-Razor liberation empowerment for The
Very Secret Razor Vajrakila, in accordance with The Path that Leads to Supreme
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 484 KI, HHPR 356]

.9-/-*#<-`-($-"7-+/$- n,-:<-/+-I7-{,-7//<-P9
phur sgrub thugs kyi nying khui dbang/ phrin las bdud rtsii rgyun bebs ltar
The preparatory empowerment and the elaborate main root empowerment for the Kila
practice, The Essential Fluid of Mind, in accordance with The Downpour of Amrita
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 485 KI, HHPR 357]

.9-/-*#<-`-($-"7-+,-+/$- n,-:<-/%+-73,-P9
phur sgrub thugs kyi nying khui don dbang/phrin las bcud dzin ltar
The meaning empowerment, which is a combined preparatory and main empowerment,
for Vajrakila: The Essential Fluid of Mind, in accordance with Possessing the Essence of
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 486 KI, HHPR not listed]

E-B-.9--8$-#<$-v-0+-+,-b-X$--+/$-&,-0-+$-02,-&7-7"9-:7-+/$- n,-:<-F0-

Page 107 of 209

rdo rje phur pa yang gsang bla med don gyi snying po dbang chen mo dang mtshon chai khor loi
dbang/ phrin las rnam par rol pa ltar
The great empowerment, which is the root empowerment with a combined preparatory
and main empowerment, combined with the additional weapon-wheel empowerment
for the ten wrathful guardians, and also with the liberation empowerment for Vajrakila:
The Very Secret Unsurpassable Essential Meaning, in accordance with The Display of
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 487 KI, HHPR 358]
(the weapon-wheel empowerment was a srog dbang. not restricted.)

E-B-.9--8$-#<$-v-0+-+,-+/$- E-B7-0-/-P9
rdo rje phur pa yang gsang bla med don dbang/ rdo rjei sgrom bu ltar
The meaning empowerment that is the combined preparatory and main empowerment
for Vajrakila: The Very Secret Unsurpassable Essential Meaning, in accordance with The
Vajra Casket
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 488 KI, HHPR not listed]

30 January, 2009
phur pa yang gsang srog gi spu grii dbang/ bdud bzhi zil gnon ltar
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment, for Vajrakila: The Very Secret
Razor of Life, in accordance with Overpowering the Four Maras
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Empowerment author: The eighth Pema Lingpa
[HETSR 489 KI, HHPR 359]

yang gsang mkha groi snying khrag las snying thig tshe g.yang phur gsum gyi rdo rje phur pa
gnam lcags spu grii dbang/ gnam lcags zhun dril ltar
The root empowerment and liberation empowerment for The Sky-Iron Razor Vajrakila,
which is the three kilas of nyingthig, long-life, and prosperity, from The Very Secret Heart-
Bindu of the Dakinis, in accordance with A Molten Concentration of Sky-Iron
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 490 KI, HHPR 360]
(Peters title translation: the Trio of Life, Good Fortune and Kila)

Page 108 of 209

*#<-+0-#<$-/7-T-0&#-E-B-.9--*#<-`-*#-:7-+/$- 8-;<-/%+-7l,-P9
thugs dam gsang bai lha mchog rdo rje phur pa thugs kyi thig lei dbang/ ye shes bcud dren ltar
The preparatory and main root great empowerments, combined with the additional deity
empowerments as in the terma text, and the repelling torma empowerment for The
Supreme Secret Deity Practice: The Bindu of the Mind of Vajrakila , in accordance with
Bringing Out the Quintessence of Wisdom
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 491 KI, HHPR 361]

Y#-#1$-E-B-.9--Y+-:<-E-B-<0<-+7-9#<-M-{,-#%#-#-+/$- :<-9/-#<$-/7-
stag gtsang rdo rje phur pa stod las rdo rje sems dpa rigs lnga rgyan gcig gi dbang/ las rab gsang ba
phrul byed ltar
The root empowerment forVajrasattva of Five Families and A Single Adornment , which is
from the early part of Taktsangs Vajrakila, and the liberation empowerment, which is
from the later part, in accordance with Emanating Secret Supreme Activity
Tertn: Rashi Tnpa Tobden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 492 KI, it is not clear whether HHPR 362 refers to this or the next entry]

.9--&-0&#-#-+/$ /9-"7-69-7+/<-a9-/+9-/!+--P9
phur pa che mchog gi las byang dbang bskur bsgyur khai zur debs khyer bder bkod pa ltar
The root empowerment and the liberation empowerment for Taktsangs Great Supreme
Vajrakila, arranged with additional changes to make it easy to use
Tertn: Rashi Tnpa Tobden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 493 KI, it is not clear whether HHPR 362 refers to this or the previous entry]

X,-/{+-n,-:<-.9--#,+-)#-#-0&#-+/$- l#-7-:-+/$- 2-+/$- 6/-h+

snyan brgyud phrin las phur pa gnad tig gi mchog dbang/ drag poi sgrol dbang/ tshe dbang/ zab
khrid/ phrin las gsang ba bcud dus ltar
The empowerment for practicing the supreme activity, which is from the early part of
The Quintessential Pith of Activity Kilaya of the Hearing Lineage, the wrathful liberation
empowerment, the long-life empowerment, and the profound instructions on the view of
the four kilas, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence of Secret Activity
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 494 KI, HHPR 363]
Note: This is the Vajrakilaya given to the Shambhala sangha by Khyentse Rinpoche in 1987.

Page 109 of 209

31 January, 2009
6/--U9-/,-:<-8$-#<$-*#<-`-.9-#%#-+/$- l#-7-:-+/$- 9#-0&#-#<$-
zab pa skor bdun las yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig dbang/ drag poi sgrol dbang/ rig mchog gsang
bai bcud bebs ltar
The empowerment for practicing the supreme activity, which is from the early part of
The Single Kila of the Very Secret Mind from The Seven Profundities, and the wrathful
liberation empowerment, in accordance with The Downpour of the Secret Essence of
Supreme Awareness
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 495 KHI, HHPR 364 ]
(the main empowerment was not restricted. For the wrathful liberation empowerment, lay
people who had not finished ngndro asked to leave)

/Y,-r$--,-&,-7-8$<-J#<-#)9-07-+/$-&# 0*-I:-<-7-/%+-7//<-,<-#<$<-
bstan srung shwa na chen poi yongs rdzogs gtor mai dbang chog mthu rtsal nus pai bcud bebs
nas gsungs pa ltar
The empowerment for the protector of the teachings Shana Chenpo, in accordance with
what was taught in The Downpour of the Essence of Power, Strength, and Ability
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 365]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

#<$-*#-U9-#<0-b-E-B-#5,--d#-{-#%#-7-#)9-+/$- E-B7-*#-:-P9
gsang thig skor gsum gyi rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pai gtor dbang/ rdo rjei thig le ltar
The torma empowerment for the single mudra Vajrakumara, from The Three Cycles of
Secret Bindu Teachings, in accordance with The Vajra Bindu
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 496 KHI, HHPR 366]

One Intermediate Deity; Mamo Btong;

main practices [KKD vol 101 p. 751]

r+--0-0-V$-;9-+/$- /+-&,-9:-02-P9
srid pa ma mo sgang shar dbang/ bde chen rol mtsho ltar

Page 110 of 209

The preparatory and main empowerment for Sipa Mamo Gangshar, in accordance with
The Playful Sea of Great Bliss
Tertn: Rasha Chbar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 497 KHI, HHPR 367]

X,-/{+-r+--0-07-#,+-)#-+/$- 0-0-+b<-7-/#7-2:-P9
snyan brgyud srid pa ma moi gnad tig dbang/ ma mo dgyes pai dga tshal ltar
The root empowerment and its related life-empowerment, together with the profound
instructions as in the terma text, for The Essential Drop of Sipa Mamo from the Oral
Lineage, in accordance with The Grove that Delights the Mamo
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 498 KHI, HHPR 368]

6/-/,-0$,-J#<-{:-7-+/$- &#-#<-9#-73,-9:-7-+#7-Y,-P9
zab bdun gyi dpal mngon rdzogs rgyal poi dbang/ chog sgrigs rig dzin rol pai dga ston ltar
The Glorious Completely Perfect King empowerment from The Seven Profundities, in
accordance with the arranged practice text The Feast Enjoyed by the Vidyadharas
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 499 KHI, HHPR 369]

1 February, 2009

Branch Practices on Janadakini Simhamukha: [KKD vol 101 p. 752]

(-9$-#-/{+-7-/!7-//--<$-#+$-/!7-/%7-B<-#,$-:- 6/-#<$-<$-#+$-X,-/{+-`-
nye ring gi brgyud pai bka bab pa seng gdong bka bcui rjes gnang la/ zab gsang seng gdong snyan
brgyud kyi sgrub thabs bka bcui mngon rtogs rjes gnang gi tho yig phrin las snying po ltar
The authorizations for The Ten Instructions On Simhamukha, which are the transmission
of both the long and the direct lineages, in accordance with The Essence of Activity,
which is the list of authorizations in The Direct Realization of the Ten Instructions, the
sadhana from the oral lineage of profound secret Simhamukha:

dang po phyi sgrub rdo rje mkha gro seng gdong ma sngon mo gtso rkyang gi rjes gnang
First, the authorization for the outer practice: the single principal deity, the blue
Vajradakini Simhamukha
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo

Page 111 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 500 KHI, HHPR 370]

gnyis pa nang sgrub seng gdong sngon mo rigs lngai rjes gnang
Second, the authorization for the inner practice that is the five families of the blue
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 501 KHI, HHPR 371]

gsum pa seng gdong dmar mo gnod sbyin dbang sdud rgyal moi rjes gnang
Third, the authorization for the inner practice that is the red Simhamukha: The
Queen who controls the yakshas
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 502 KHI, HHPR 372]

bzhi pa nang sgrub padma mkha gro rigs lnga ste nang sgrub skor gsum gyi rjes gnang
Fourth, the authorization for the three cycles of inner practice that is the five families
of the magnetizing Padma dakini
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 503 KHI, HHPR 373]

lnga pa gsang sgrub gcer bu khros ma nag moi rjes gnang
Fifth, the authorization for the secret practice that is the naked black Khrodani
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 504 KHI, HHPR 374]

drug pa gsang sgrub gcer bu khros nag zhal gsum phyag drug phur zhabs can gyi rjes gnang
Sixth, the authorization for the secret practice that is the naked black Khrodani with
three faces, six arms, and a kila for legs
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 505 KHI, HHPR 375]

Page 112 of 209

bdun pa gsang sgrub gcer bu khros nag phur zhabs can zhal gcig phyag gnyis ma ste gsang
sgrub skor gsum gyi rjes gnang
Seventh, the authorization for the three cycles of secret practice that is the naked
black Khrodani with a kila for legs, one face, and two arms
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 506 KHI, HHPR 376]

brgyad pa yang gsang las mtha phyir bzlog chen moi rjes gnang
Eighth, the authorization for the very secret practice that is the deed of great repelling
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 507 KHI, HHPR 377]

dgu pa las mtha rgyas pa seng gdong dmar mo tshe sgrub rgyal mo chi bdag bdud joms mai
rejs gnang
Ninth, the authorization for the elaborate deed: the life practice of the red
Simhamukha: The Queen who Defeats the Lord of Death Mara
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 508 KHI, HHPR 378]

bcu pa seng gdong byung bzhi dbang sdud kyi tshe sgrub kyi rjes gnang
Tenth, the authorization for the life-practice of Simhamukha who has Power Over the
Four Elements
Tertn: Bodong Namkha Sangye Gnpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 509 KHI, HHPR 379]

Note: The torma empowerment for Jatsn Nyingpos Simhamukha was given earlier at the
time of The Knchok Chindu empowerment. [HHPR 380]

t$-#<:-E-B7-X$-7-8,-:#-#-/-U9-/+-7:-<$-=-+09-07-/!7-#)+ E-B7-,-
klong gsal rdo rjei snying poi yan lag gi sgrub skor bdud dul seng ha dmar moi bka gtad/ rdo rjei
zhun thigs ltar

Page 113 of 209

The entrustment for the Red Simhamukha Mara-Tamer, from Longsel Dorje Nyingpos
cycle of branch practices, in accordance with The Molten Vajra Drop
Terton: Longsel Nyingpo
Empowerment Author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

/!7-#)9-6$-7'#-0"7-7i-<$-#+$-07-+/$- H-:0-0-P9
bka gter zung jug mkha gro seng gdong mai gtor dbang/ rmi lam ma ltar
The torma empowerment for dakini Simhamukha from the union of Kama and Terma
pure visions, in accordance with The Dream-Like One
Tertn: Karma Chagme [aka Khadrup Raga]
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 510 KHI, HHPR 381]

#)9-#(<-7<-0"7-7i-/+-7:-l#-07-<]-#+$--%,-b-r#-+/$- >--:7-Q7-0#-
gter gnyis dus mkha gro bdud dul drag moi senge gdong pa can gyi srog dbang/ aindra ni lai
ldeu mig ltar
The life-force empowerment for dakini Simhamukha, the wrathful Mara tamer, which is
a union of two termas, in accordance with The Sapphire Key
Tertn: Matiratna and Taksham Samten Ling
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 511 KHI, HHPR 382]

srung zlog bsad pai rjes gnang
an authorization thats part of the above practice
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

0"7-7i-/+-7:-l#-07-<-#+$-%,-X$--/Z<-7-+,-+/$- e,-x/<-8-;<-7l,-7-
mkha gro bdud dul drag moi senge gdong can snying po bsdus pai don dbang/ byin rlabs ye shes
dren pai lcags rkyu ltar
The meaning empowerment which condenses the essence, for dakini Simhamukha, the
wrathful mara-tamer, in accordance with The Hook that Brings in Wisdom
Tertn: Matiratna and Taksham Samten Ling
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 512 KHI, HHPR not listed]

#<$-/+#-l#<-7:-b-80-/!7-0"7-7i-<$-#+$-07-B<-#,$- #<:-e+-+$<-/-:#-

Page 114 of 209

gsang bdag dregs dul gyi yum bka mkha gro seng gdong mai rjes gnang/ gsel byed dngos sgrub
lag gtod ltar
The authorization for the consort of Guhyapati, the tamer of all arrogant spirits: dakini
Simhamukha, in accordance with Placing in Hand the Elucidating Siddhi
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 513 GI, HHPR 383]

Note: The empowerment for Chogyur Lingpas pure vision of Simhamukha was given
earlier during [The Pure Vision of] Vima[lamitra empowerment].

2 February, 2009

Worldly Deities; Jigten Cht [Worldly Offerings and Praises) [KKD vol
101, p.754]

Note: Nyang Ral Nyimas Thirty Leaders of the Arrogant Spirits Power Empowerment,
was given earlier in the Eight Logos during The Union of the Sugatas.

#0--l#<--,-7<-`-d-/-+$-7o:-/7-#)9-07-+/$- +##<-7:-#,0-N#<-
gtum po dregs pa kun dus kyi phyi sgrub dang brel bai gtor mai dbang/ dgegs dul gnam lcags
bar bai myu gu ltar
The torma empowerment connected with the outer practice of The Wrathful Subdoer of
Arrogant Spirits, in accordance with The Sprout of Blazing Sky-Iron That Tames
Malevolent Spirits
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 514 GI, HHPR 384]

6/-/,-#<$-/+#-l#<--,-7:-d-n,-:<-+/$- E-B7-/%+-`-,-*#<-P9
zab bdun gsang bdag dregs pa kun dul phyi phrin las dbang/ rdo rjei bcud kyi zhun thigs ltar
The empowerment for the outer activity of Guhyapati who tames all arrogant spirits,
from The Seven Profundities, in accordance with The Molten Drop of Vajra Essence
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 515 GI, HHPR 385]

7'#<-D,-0&+-Y+-`-+`:-7"9-+/$- 0*-Y/<-/%+-`-,-*#<-P9
jigs rten mchod stod kyi dkyil khor dbang/ mthu stobs bcud kyi zhun thigs ltar
The actual empowerment for the mandala of Jigten Cht from The Seven Profundities,
combined with the deity empowerment as in the terma text, in accordance with The

Page 115 of 209

Molten Drop of the Essence of Power
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 516 GI, HHPR 386]

Worldly Deities; Mpa Dra-Ngak [Wrathful Mantras): [KKD manual, vol.

101, p.755]

6/-/,-b-+0+--l#-W#<-+/$- l#-W#<-,-*#<-P9
zab bdun gyi dmod pa drag sngags dbang/ drag sngags zhun thigs ltar
The empowerment for the mandala of Mpa Dra-Ngak from The Seven Profundities, in
accordance with The Molten Drop of Wrathful Mantras
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 517 GI, HHPR 387]

d#-E9-#0--l#-W#<-07-+/$- l#-W#<-E-B7-,-*#<-P9
phyag rdor gtum po drag sngags mai dbang/ drag sngags rdo rjei zhun thigs ltar
The empowerment forWrathful Vajrapani Mpa Dra-Ngak, in accordance with The Vajra
Molten Drop of Wrathful Mantras
Tertn: Rigdzin Ngaki Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 518 NGI, HHPR 388]

d#-E9-#0-7-2-+/$-+$- Z-/b+-+$-#)9-r$-#67-t-*-9-,#-7-/!7-#)+ l#-

phyag rdor gtum poi tshe dbang dang/ sde brgyad dang gter srung gza klu tha ra nag poi bka
gtad/ drag sngags rdo rjei btsan rdzong ltar
The life-empowerment forVajrapani Mpa Dra-Ngak, and the entrustment for The Eight
Classes and the terma protector Zalu Thara Nakpo, in accordance with The Strong Vajra
Castle of Wrathful Mantras
Tertn: Rigdzin Ngaki Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 519 NGI, HHPR 389]
(it seems that the entrustment listed here occurred before the accepting the command of
the previous empowerment, for this all lay people were asked to leave)

+#-[$-l$-r$-l-0+-,--+#-/5-/7-V-,<-7&-0+-E-B7-r#-/-7-+/$- 9#--73,-7-
dag snang drang srong dri med kun tu dge bzhi bai sgo nas chi med rdo rjei srog sgrub pai dbang/
rig pa dzin pai snying thig ltar
The empowerment for the life-force practice of the deathless vajra, through the pure

Page 116 of 209

vision, The Four Complete Virtues of The Stainless Rishi, in accordance with The Heart
Essence of the Vidyadharas
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 520 NGI, HHPR 390]

:-'--:7-9#-#)+-`-#)9-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
lo ktri pa lai rig gtad kyi gtor dbang/ dod bum ltar
The torma empowerment forbestowing knowledge of Loktripala, in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 521 NGI, HHPR 391]

6/-/,-l$-r$-l-0+-5-h7-+/$- 9#-W#<-/%+-*#<-P9
zab bdun drang srong dri med zhi khroi dbang/ rig sngags bcud thigs ltar
The empowerment for the peaceful and wrathful deities of The Stainless Rishi, from The
Seven Profundities, in accordance with The Essential Drop of Vidyamantras
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 522 NGI, HHPR 392]

Dakini section [KKD manual vol. 101, p. 759]

6/-#)9-0"7-7i-&,-07-.#-0-5:-#(<-07-T-+7-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
zab gter mkha gro chen moi phag mo zhal gnyis mai lha dgui dbang/ dod bum ltar
The nine-deity empowerment for Vajravarahi with two faces from the profound terma of the
great dakini, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 523 NGI, HHPR 393]

E-B-.#-0-+,-i/-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
rdo rje phag mo don grub ma/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for goal-accomplishing Vajravarahi, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 524 NGI, HHPR not listed]

.#-0-/-/%+-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
phag mo dbu bcad mai dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for the severed head Vajravarahi, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer

Page 117 of 209

Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 525 NGI, HHPR not listed]

3 February, 2009
rdo rje phag mo khro ma nag moi dbang
The empowerment for Krodhakali Vajravarahi, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 526 NGI, HHPR 394]

rdo rje phag mo khro ma nag moi dbang rgyas pa/ mkha spyod thim skas
The elaborate empowerment for Krodhakali Vajravarahi as a union of two termas, in accordance
with The Stairway to the Sky-Dwellers
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 527 NGI, HHPR not listed]

khros ma nag moi gtum moi me dbang
The chandali fire empowerment for Krodhakali Vajravarahi, in accordance with Accomplishment
Through Recitation
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 528 NGI, HHPR 395]

7++-/0-:< /!7-r$-*$-0$-0- 8,--5$-$-9-h+-T-07-r#-#)+-B<-#,$-

dod bum las/ bka srung thung mong ma yin pa zhing skyong dur khrod lha moi srog gtad rjes gnang
The life-force entrustment and authorization for the extraordinary protector Kshetrapali, Durtr
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for Krodhakali Vajravarahis Transformation into the Path of the Three
Kayas, in accordance with The Clear Profound Meaning
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 529 NGI, HHPR not listed]

The profound for the seven day chandali of KrodhakaliVajravarahi, in accordance with The
Wisdom Wheel of the Blazing of Bliss and Heat

Page 118 of 209

Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 530 NGI, HHPR not listed]

bla ma gsang dus kyi yum bka Dha ki gtsug gi rgyan gcig mai nang sgrub dbang
The empowerment for the inner practice of The Single Crown-Adornment Dhaki, which is the mother
instruction of the Guru Guhyasamaja
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not given, HHPR 396]

8$-#)9-0"7-7i-#<$-/-,-7<-`-+/$- 69-7+/<-9*7-&,--,<-#<$<--/5,
yang gter mkha gro gsang ba kun dus kyi dbang/ zur debs ratnai chun po nas gsungs pa bzhin
The empowerments of Jomo Menmos rediscovered terma of The Dakini of The Union of All Secrets,
in accordance with what is taught in the supplementary text, A Cluster of Jewels; combined with the
profound instructions, in accordance with the terma text
[see KKD vol 101 pp 781-854]

mkha gro gsang dus rtsa dbang
First the preparatory and the four main root empowerments combined with the profound
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The Terma text
[HETSR 531 NGI, HHPR 397]

E-B-0"7-7i7-&-+/$- 9,-&,-0"7-797-1-17-+/$- V7-0"7-7i7-0-+/$- :<-`-0"7-

7i-/#-\<-+/$- E-B-.#-07-09-07-+/$- 8$<-J#<-0+<-#)9-+/$-
rdo rje mkha groi chu dbang/ rin chen mkha groi tsa tsai dbang/ padmai mkha groi me dbang/ las kyi
mkha gro bdug spos dbang/ rdo rje phag moi mar mei dbang/ yongs rdzogs mdos gtor dbang
The specific six empowerments from Repairing Broken Commitments: the vase-liquid
empowerment forVajradakini; the tsatsa empowerment for Rantadakini; the fire empowerment
for the Padmadakini; the incense empowerment for the Karmadakini; the butter lamp
empowerment for Vajravarahi; and the thread-cross and torma empowerment for all dakinis
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 532 NGI, HHPR 398-403]
(these were listed as six separate entries on Kunnams list)


Page 119 of 209

mchog gi dngos grub bde blag tu byed pa bdud rtsi ril bui dbang
The amrita pill empowerment for the supreme activities
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 533 NGI, HHPR 404]

the following subsection wasnt listed separately on Kunnams list but I think it did happen:
The supportive authorization of the six generosities and the profound instructions connected
with it
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 534 NGI, HHPR not listed]

Note: the following bka gtad [HHPR 405] was not performed here because the text couldnt be
located. It was found, and performed the next day, at the end of this cycle [after HHPR 410].
bka srung dur khrod kyi ma mo drag shul can spyang bzhon mched gsum gyi bka gtad
The entrustment for the protectors, The Three Sisters Riding Jackals
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 405]

gtor ma la brten pai byin rlabs don gyi gtor dbang/ gter gzhung ltar (HHPR describes this as a Dorje
Phagmo Torma empowerment)
The blessing through the four meaning empowerments are given again through a torma
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 535 NGI, possibly HHPR 406]

4 February, 2009
rdo rje mkha groi tshe sgrub dbang
The combined empowerment and profound instructions for the life-practice of Vajradakini from The
Dakini of the Union of All Secrets
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 536 NGI, HHPR 407]


Page 120 of 209

rin chen mkha groi nor sgrub dbang
The combined empowerment and profound instructions for the wealth-practice of Ratnadakini from
The Dakini of the Union of All Secrets
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 537 NGI, HHPR 408]

padma mkha groi dbang sdud dbang
The combined empowerment and profound instructions for the magnetizing fire practice of
Padmadakini from The Dakini of the Union of All Secrets
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 538 NGI, HHPR 409]

karma mkha gro zor dbang
The combined weapon-empowerment and profound instructions for the Karmadakini from The
Dakini of the Union of All Secrets
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: The terma text
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 539 NGI, HHPR 410]

the entrustment that was skipped yesterday was done here (see second to last empowerment listed
yesterday, HHPR 405)

g.yag phyar sgrol ljang jigs pa kun skyob yang gter dbang
The empowerment for the Tara Who Protects From All Fears [Green Tara], which Yachar Ngnmo
Rinchen Gyalpo and Rongpa Dudul Lingpa brought out and then hid again, and which then
appeared as a rediscovered terma, in accordance with The Moon Rays that Bring Joy to All
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 540 CI, HHPR 411]

v-0-+#$<-7<-`-0"7-7i7-{-02<-e,-x/<-+/$- /+-I7-*#<--/P<-&#--/!+--P9
bla ma dgongs dus kyi mkha groi rgya mtshos byin rlabs dbang/ bdud rtsii thigs pa bltas chog tu bkod pa ltar
The blessing empowerment for the Ocean of Dakinis in The Union of the Minds of the Gurus , in
accordance with the ready-to-recite text, The Drop of Amrita
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 541 CI, HHPR 412] [KKD vol. 101 pg 855]

Page 121 of 209

9*-u$-7-D-0i,-#<$-/-7<-7-&-:# 8-;<-0"7-7i7-/-*/<-02-{:-U9-#<0--i#<-7-e,-
x/<-+/$- +$<-i/-/0-/6$-P9
ratna gling pai rta mgrin gsang ba dus pai cha lag/ ye shes mkha groi sgrub thabs mtsho rgyal skor gsum du
grags pai byin rlabs dbang/ yi ge dngos grub bum bzang ltar
The blessings empowerments for the sadhanas of the janadakinis, which are known as The Three
Teachings of Tsogyal, which are ancillaries to Ranta Lingpas Hayagriva Guhyasamaja, in accordance
with The Excellent Vase of Siddhis

phyi rnal byor ma lwa syai dbang
First, the chintamani-dakini empowerment for the practice of the outer yogini, Lasya
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 542 CI, HHPR 413]

nang phags ma grol mai dbang
Second, the empowerment for the practice of the inner jnanadakini, Arya Tara
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 543 CI, HHPR 414]

#<$-/- d#-0-h<-0-,#-07-+/$-
gsang ba phag mo khros ma nag moi dbang
Third, the empowerment for the practice of the five deities of the secret jnanadakini,
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 544 CI, HHPR 415]

5 February, 2009
@+-Q0-<-,-l$<-;$-y9-\<- /Y,-#(<-u$--V-2-+/$-{:-7-E-B-d#-07-6/-h+-8$-#<$-
,-b-X$--6/-{7-+/$-&# /+-&,-V7-f--P9
rgod ldem pas spyan drangs shing slar spas pa/ bstan gnyis gling pa padma tshe dbang rgyal poi rdo rje
phag moi zab khrid yang gsang kun gyi snying po zab rgyai dbang chog/ bde chen padmai myu gu ltar
The empowerment for The Profound Seal of the Essence of All Great Secrets, which is the
profound instruction Tenyi Lingpa Pema Tsewnags Vajravarahi, which is a rediscovered terma,
having been revealed by Gdem and then hidden again, in accordance with The Lotus Sprout of
Great Bliss

Page 122 of 209

Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse, HHPR lists Kongrol Yonten Gyatso here, kunnam: Rigdzin Godem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 545 CI, HHPR 416]

The Concentrated Essence of the practice of the instructions of the profound path of the
profound seal of Vajravarahi, in accordance with The Stairway of Union
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 546 CI, HHPR not listed]

>-:-%#-#9-+/$-:<-7n-u$-7-.#-0-+!9-0-*#<-*#-8-;<-7"9-:7-8$-#)9-I-+/$- :#-
ae spel cog gar dbang las phro gling pai phag mo dkar mo thugs thig ye shes khor loi yang gter rtsa dbang/
lag len dran thor bkod pa ye shes gsal bai rgyan dang gter bzhung gab sprad pai dbang
The four root empowerments for the rediscovered terma of The White Varahi Heart-Bindu of the
Wheel of Wisdom of Epel Chogar Wang Letro Lingpa, combining the practice memorandum list,
The Adornment of Clear Wisdom, and the terma text
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 547 CI, HHPR 417]

+7-U$-&#- +/$-+$- ^,-+/$-+$- 2-+/$-

demtha rten yan lag gi dbang gsum las/ thun mong du gces pa nyams chags skong chog dbang dang/
mchog gi dngos grub kyi nye rgyud bdud rtsi sman dbang dang/ mtha rgyas bkra chi med tshe dbang/
The confession practice empowerment, the amrita medicine empowerment, and auspicious life-
empowerment from the support of The Repair of Broken Commitments
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 548 CI, HHPR 418-420]
(these were listed as three separate entries on Kunnams list)

/5,-w-/-2-,-X$-9-l:-/-7-+/$- -7&-0+-/+-I7-#)9-03+-P9
zhig gling pai gter byon rtsa ba la brten nas rig dzin tshe dbang nor bur dag snang byung ba zung brel
phags ma yid bzhin zla ba tshe sbyin snying por dril bai dbang/ chi med bdud rtsii gter mdzod ltar
The empowerment for the Noble Lady The Condensed Life-Giving Essence of the Wish-
Fulfilling Moon [White Tara], which is a combination of the terma that came to Garwang Shik
Ling and the pure vision that arose to Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu based on it, in accordance with
The Treasury of Deathless Amrita
Tertn: Shigpo Lingpa and Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
Empowerment author: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 549 CI, HHPR 421]

Page 123 of 209

+0-&<-:-U-X$-*#-#-:-+!9-8+-/5,-7"9-:7-2-+/$- /+-I7-6:-*#<-P9
dam chos sprul sku snying thig gi sgrol dkar yid bzhin khor loi tshe dbang/ bdud rtsii zil thigs ltar
The life-empowerment for the White Tara, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel, of The Heart-Bindu of the
Holy Dharma Incarnation , in accordance with A Dewdrop of Amrita
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 550 CI, HHPR 422]

Note: The three Mother Instruction empowerments and the three chapters of instructions for The
Life-Practice of the Vidyadharas of the Three Roots, which is the pure vision of Lhatsun Namkha Jigme,
were given during the earlier Father Instructions.

thugs chen bde gshegs kun dus kyi yum bka gsang ye shes kyi dbang
The empowerment forGuhyajana, the Mother Instruction of The Gathering of the Compassion
of All The Sugatas, in accordance with the supplement entitled The Excellent Path of the Sky-
Dwellers combined with the terma text
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Pema Gyurme Gyamtso
[HETSR 551 CI, HHPR 423]

6/-0-#<$-/-8$<-7<-`-+/$-{<--E-B-X$--:<-02-{:-+/$-":--d$-/ ,9-/7-Q7-0#-P9
zab mo gsang ba yongs dus kyi bang rgyas pa rdo rje snying po las mtsho rgyal dbang khol du phyung ba/
nor bui ldeu mig ltar
The empowerment forTsogyal, extracted from The Vajra Essence, the elaborate empowerment
for the Union of the Profound Secrets , in accordance with The Jewel Key
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 552 CHI, HHPR 424]

The profound instructions for The Sky-Dwelling Mother: The Great Heart Bindu of Dakini
Yeshe Tsogyal, extracted from The Union of the Profound Secrets , in accordance with the terma
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 553 CHI, HHPR not listed]

v-0-l#-7-&-:#-B-/1,-h<-07-+/$- &#-#-f9-:0-P9
bla ma drag poi cha lag rje btsun khros mai dbang/ chog gi myur lam ltar
The empowerment for Jetsun Khrodani, an ancillary to Guru Drakpo, in accordance with The
Supreme Swift Path
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chje Lingpa
[HETSR 554 CHI, HHPR 425]

Page 124 of 209

Note: The empowerment for Rolpe Dorjes Gathering of the Victorious Gurus, the mother
instructions of Vajravarahi, was given earlier.

B-/1,-7.#<-0-8+-/5,-7"9-:7-/-*/<-+/$- 7&-0+-#)9-/0-P9
rje btsun phags ma yid bzhin khor loi sgrub thabs dbang/ chi med gter bum ltar
The empowerment for the practice of Arya Wish-Fulfilling Wheel [White Tara], in accordance
with The Treasure Vase of Immortality
Tertn: Ratn Tukchok Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 555 CHI, HHPR 426]

6 February, 2009
+#$<-#)9-t$-&,-X$-#-*#-:7-80-+!7-/+-&,-{:-07-+/$- &#-/#<-/+-&,-/%+-7//<-
dgongs gter klong chen snying gi thig lei yum dka bde chen rgyal moi dbang/ chog bsgrigs bde chen bcud
bebs ltar
The empowerment for Dechen Gyalmo [The Great Bliss Queen], the Mother Instruction of the
mind terma of The Longchen Nyingtik [The Heart Bindu of Longchenpa] , in accordance with the
arranged practice text entitled A Downpour of Great Bliss
Tertn: Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 556 CHI, HHPR 427]

+#-[$-7&-0+-7.#<-07-X$-*#-#-I-/7-^,-e+-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
dag snang chi med phags mai snying thig gi rtsa bai smin byed dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
The elaborate empowerment that is a union of the preparatory and main empowerments as the
root ripening empowerment for The Pure Vision of the Heart Bindu of the Deathless Arya , in
accordance with The River of Wisdom Amrita
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 557 CHI, HHPR 428]

7&-0+-7.#<-0-X$-*#-8$-6/-27-e,-x/<-`-+/$-7o$- 8-;<-*#-:-P9
chi med phags ma snying thig yang zab tshei byin rlabs kyi dbang bring po / ye shes thig le ltar
The medium empowerment for the very profound blessing of life, which is from The Heart
Bindu of the Deathless Arya, in accordance with The Wisdom Bindu
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 558 CHI, HHPR not listed]

7&-0+-7.#<-0-X$-*#-*,-0$-27-B<-#,$-+/$-/Z<- 8-;<-V-7e+-P9

Page 125 of 209

chi med phags ma snying thig thun mong tshei rjes gnang dbang bsdus pa/ ye shes sgo byed ltar
The brief empowerment , which is the authorization for general times, The Heart Bindu of the
Deathless Arya, in accordance with Opening the Door to Wisdom
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 559 CHI, HHPR 429 maybe]

+0-&<-X$--U9-M7-0"7-7i-+#$<-7<-X$-7-+/$- #)9-+/$-/Z<--+$-{<--/%<
dam chos snying po skor lngai mkha gro dgongs dus snying poi dbang/ gtor dbang bsdus pa dang rgyas
pa bcas/ phrin las yang snying ltar
The root empowerment and both the elaborate and simple torma empowerments for The Essence
of the Union of the Minds of the Dakini s, from The Five Cycles of the Essence of the Dharma, in
accordance with The Quintessence of Activity
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 560 CHI, HHPR 430]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-&-:# d7-/9-&+-<:-/-B-/1,-:-0-7'#<--,-<:-b-+/$- e,-

thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag/ phyii bar chad sel ba rje btsun sgrol ma jigs pa kun sel gyi dbang
byin rlabs char bebs ltar
The empowerment for Tara who eliminates all fears, the external elimination of obstacles,
which is an ancillary to the mind practice, The Elimination of all Obstacles, in accordance with
The Downpour of Blessings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 561 CHI, HHPR 431]

+#$<-#)9-:-07-6/-)#-#-d-/-{<-/Z<-9#-#)+-+$-/%<-7-+/$- 2#<-#(<-X$--P9
dgongs gter sgrol mai zab tig gi phyi sgrub rgyas bsdus rig gtad dang bcas pai dbang/ tshogs gnyis snying
po ltar
The empowerment for the brief and elaborate outer practice of The Mind Termas Profound Drop
of Tara, together with the bestowing knowledge, in accordance with The Essence of the Two
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 562 CHI, HHPR 432]

,$-/-7'#<--/{+-/-+/$- +,-#(<-X$--P9
nang sgrub jigs pa brgyad skyob dbang/ don gnyis snying po ltar
The empowerment forProtection from the Eight Fears: the inner practice of The Mind Termas
Profound Drop of Tara , in accordance with The Essence of the Two Benefits

Page 126 of 209

Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 563 CHI, HHPR 433]

#<$-/-e,-x/<-`-n,-:<-+/$- 90-#(<-X$--P9
gsang sgrub byin rlabs dang bcas pai phrin las dbang/ rim gnyis snying po ltar
The empowerment for the activity of the blessing of the secret practice of The Mind Termas
Profound Drop of Tara , in accordance with The Essence of the Two Stages
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 564 CHI, HHPR 434]

dei srung ma rdo rje g.yu sgron ma bskang gsol
The amendment [of samaya] for Dojre Yudronma, the protector for the above practices
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 435]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

7 February, 2009
69-/67-*#<-+0-U9-l#-#-0"7-7i7-/-*/<-M7--+/$- /+-&,-8,;<-7a:-/-P9
zur bzai thugs dam skor drug gi mkha groi sgrub thab lngai spyi dbang/ bde chen ye shes khyil ba ltar
The successive empowerments of the general empowerments of the five sadhanas of the dakinis
from The Six Teachings of Zurzas Mind Practice, in accordance with the manual as adornment
entitled Pooling Great Bliss and Wisdom:

nang sgrub phag mo dmar mo lha dgui dbang
First, the nine-deity empowerment for the inner practice of the nine-deity red Varahi
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 565 CHI, HHPR 436]

phyi sgrub sgrol ljang khro gnyer can lha dgui dbang
Second, the nine-deity empowerment for the outer practice of the green Tara Bhrikutii
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 566 CHI, HHPR 437]

Page 127 of 209

gsang sgrub gsang ba ye shes dmar gser lha dgui dbang
Third, the nine-deity empowerment for the secret practice of the orange Guhyajana
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 567 CHI, HHPR 438]

yang gsang manda ra ba dkar mo lha dgui dbang
Fourth, the nine-deity empowerment for the very secret practice of the white Mandharava
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 568 CHI, HHPR 439]

de kho na nyid ye shes mtsho rgyal dkar dmar lha dgui dbang
Fifth, the nine-deity empowerment the suchness practice of the white with a pink hue Yeshe
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 569 CHI, HHPR 440]

mtha rten bkra shis tshe dbang
The concluding supportive auspicious long-life empowerment, and the profound
instructions according to the terma text
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR included with 569, HHPR 441]

The meaning-instructions for the three excellencies from The Mind Termas Profound Drop
of Tara, in accordance with The Bindu of the Two Siddhis
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 570 CHI, HHPR not listed]

#+0<-6/-/-/0-b-+09-e$-0"7-i- #<$-/-8-;<-`-+/$- 7++--,-7i/-P9

gdams zab be bum gyi dmar byang mkha gro gsang ba ye shes kyi dbang/ dod pa kun grub ltar
Theroot empowerment and the supportive long-life empowerment for dakini Guhyajana from
The Red Manual of The Compilation of Instructions , in accordance with The Accomplishment of
all Desires
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa

Page 128 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 571 CHI, HHPR 442]

zhar byung nyer mkho smin lugs gcod kyi dbang chog khor das gzhi grol dbang
The necessary supplement of the Minling traditions empowerment ritual for chod [severence],
the empowerment for liberating the basis of samsara and nirvana
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 572 CHI, HHPR 443]

The profound instructions that are the practice instructions for The Object of Severance[chyul]
In One Sitting, in accordance with The Spontaneous Liberation of samsara and nirvana
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 573 CHI, HHPR not listed]

The instructions for The Object of Severance [chyul] In One Sitting, in accordance with The
dakas Loud Laughter
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 574 CHI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for the preliminaries , main practice and conclusion of The Object of
Severance [chyul] In One Sitting, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence of the Profound
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Lochen Dharma Shri
[HETSR 575 CHI, HHPR not listed]

Protectors Section; Principal Wisdom and Karma Protectors: [KKD manual vol.
101, p. 964]
(For the entire protector section, all lay people who had not completed ngondro were asked to

Note, the first empowerment listed in KKDs manual in the Protector section was not given
because, according to Lama Tendzin, it is not in the dod bum or the rin chen gter mdzod so we
dont do it.

/!7-0-:#<-`-2#<-Q,-/+#--,#--&,--5:-#%#-d#-#(<-7-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
bka ma legs kyi tshogs ldan bdag po nag po chen po zhal gcig phyag gnyis pai rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
dngos gzhir g.yung ston lugs kyi dbang yongs rdzogs la zur gsal mtshon cha gtad pa sbyar
The authorization for the two-armed, one-faced black Bhagavan Ganapati [Legden Tsokyi
Dagpo] from the Kama tradition, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase,
combined with the complete main empowerment, in the tradition of Yungtn, with the addition

Page 129 of 209

of the bestowal of weapons
Tertn: The Yungtnpa tradition
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 584 DZI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

69-:#<-`-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
zur lugs kyi rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization and torma empowerment form the Zur tradition, in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: The Zur tradition
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 585 DZI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD manual note: The ordinary empowerments for the Teaching Protector Bhagavan Ganapati from
The Seven Profundities, and The [spas?] Protector and Karma Protector brother and sister were given
earlier, at the time of The Wrathful Illusory Display. [HETSR 586 and 587, I think]

Although the KKD manual does not note this, [Lama Tendzin thinks this is an error in the KKD
manual], Nyangral Nyima Osers The profound, elaborate, uncommon empowerment for the
glorious four-armed wisdom protector, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase [HETSR 588]
and The life-empowerment for the white Lord of Life, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
[HETSR 589] were given earlier.

6/-/,-/!7-r$-8-;<-0#,--d#-/5-7-+/$- e,-x/<-V-7.9-9/-7e+-P9
zab bdun bka srung ye shes mgon po phyag bzhi pai dbang/ byin rlabs sgo phar rab byed ltar
The protector of the teachings, the Wisdom Guardian, Four-Armed Mahakala, from The Seven
Profundities, in accordance with Throwing Open the Door of Blessings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 445]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

The profound instructions, sealed by command, compiled from The Tantra of the Wrathful
Black One, which is the secret instructions for the glorious wisdom protector
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 590 DZI, HHPR not listed]

7",:#<-C$-0-9-0#,-r#-#-\-i7-i/<-*/<-`-+/$- /+-7'0<-\-i-P9
khon lugs rnying ma gur mgon srog gi spu grii sgub thabs kyi dbang/ bdud joms spu gri ltar
The empowerment for the sadhana of The Razor of the Life-Force, the protector Gurgn from the
Kn tradition of the Nyingma Kama, in accordance with The Razor that Defeats the Maras
Tertn: Khn Lotsawa Luiwangpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 130 of 209

Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 592 DZI, possibly HHPR 446]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD manual: The entrustment for the Six-Armed Mahakala of Chogling Thugs Chen Pema
Garwangs Net of Illusory Display [Guhyagarbha Tantra?] was given earlier during the vajra
anointing in the meaning empowerment.

KKD manual: The torma empowerment for the Six-Armed [Mahakala] of the outer practice of the
nine profound cycles of dharma protectors by Chogling, happened during the division of the
scriptural tradition of Union with The Essential Meaning of Hayagriva [given 23 January?]

KKD manual: The life-force empowerment for Maning, which is an united river of five termas, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase, was given earlier at the time of Chowangs Complete Secret
Eight Logos [bestowed 5 January]

KKD: Both the common and uncommon life-force empowerments of Ratna Lingpas protector
Maning were given earlier during the mind practice of The Concentrated Essence

/!7-#)9-#(<-Q,-U7-0#,--Y#-/5,-b-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bka gter gnyis ldan skui mgon po stag bzhon gyi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for the Body-Protector Takshn [tiger-rider] in the Nub tradition of both
terma and kama, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Gyashang Trom Dorje
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 595 DZI, HHPR 447 part 1]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

/!7-#)9-#(<-Q,-#<$-#-0#,--/$-+09-b-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bka gter gnyis ldan gsung gi mgon po beng dmar gyi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for the Speech-Protector Bengmar [red staff] in the Nub tradition of both
terma and kama, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Gyashang Trom Dorje
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 596 DZI, HHPR 447 part 2]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

8 February, 2009

note: the following series [HETSR 597-600] were given at the end of the main protectors section
[after HETSR 605] instead of here. Lama Tendzin said it was because they were short and the three
after it were more extensive, so it was nicer to start the day with those.
dpal ldan phrin las kyi mgon po tra kshad bka gter lugs srol bzhii sgrubs thabs kyi dbang rjes gnang dang

Page 131 of 209

bcas pa/ gnam lcags ral gri ltar
The successive empowerments, together with their authorizations, for the sadhana of four Kama
and Terma traditions, of The Glorious Activity-Protector Trakshad, in accordance with The Sky-
Iron Sword:
bka gter gnyis ldan dwags po lugs spu gri chig shur gyi rjes gnang
First, the authorization for the Dakpo traditions One Slice of the Razor from both the Kama
and Terma
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 597 DZI, HHPR 448]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

bka srol gsum ldan pad lugs ma ning mai rjes gnang
Second, the authorization for the Padma traditions Maning which has three transmissions
Tertn: The tradition of Acharya Padma
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 598 DZI, HHPR 449]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

gter kha zung brel las mkhan brong zhal can gyi gtor dbang
Third, the torma empowerment for The Servant With A Wild Yaks Face, which is from a
combination of termas [Kama may have been left out here accidentally]
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 599 DZI, HHPR 450]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

bka gter zung brel gsang sgrub shwa nai zhal can gyi rjes gnang
Fourth, the authorization for the secret practice of The One With A Dogs Face, which is a
combination of kama and terma
Tertn: Kyil Garab
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 600 DZI, HHPR 451]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The torma empowerment for Minling Terchens five classes of wrathful deities, or Teachings
Protector Glorious Four-faced Protector, in accordance with Developing the Power of Activity [HETSR 601]
was given earlier during the Heart Drop of the Vidyadharas [rig dzin thugs thig].

e$-#)9-/Y,-r$-8$<-J#<-`- +/$-&# 6/-+,-[$-/-P9

Page 132 of 209
byang gter bstan srung yongs rdzogs kyi dbang chog/ zab don snang ba ltar
The empowerment for All The Protectors and Teaching Guardians , from the Northern Termas, in
accordance with The Radiance of Profound Meaning
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Pema Trinlay
[HETSR 602 NYI, HHPR 452]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

/-9-,<-/{+-7-/!7-0-+$- &--D#<-Q,-+#-7,-{:-02,-b-#)9-0-6$-7o:-+:-Q,-0#,--
2#<-`-/+#--l#-W#<-#<$-/-\-i7-+/$- 0*-Y/<-9/-7e+-P9
bai ro nas brgyud pai bka ma dang/ chu po rtogs ldan dge dun rgyal mtshan gyi gter ma zung brel dpal ldan
mgon po tshogs kyi bdag po drag sngags gsang ba spu grii dbang/ mthu stobs rab byed ltar
The empowerment for the Razor of Secret Wrathful Mantra, Glorious Protector Ganapati, which is a
union of the kam tradition that is a lineage from Vairochana, and Chupo Tokden Gendun
Gyaltsens terma, in accordance with Completely Revealing Power
Tertn: Chupo Tokden
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 603 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD: The torma empowerment for Chogyur Lingpas the entire Mahashvana [great dog] Teaching
Guardians of the Abhicharakila [Sorcery Stake] from The Seven Profundities, in accordance with A
Downpour of the Quitnesssence of Might, Strength and Power , [HETSR 604] was given earlier during the
Vajrakilaya section.

#,0-&<-X$--U9-M7-&<-$-+#$<-7<-X$-7-+/$-&# #,0-N#<-8$-,-P9
gnam chos snying po skor lngai chos skyong dgongs dus snying poi dbang chog/ gnam lcags yang zhun ltar
The empowerment for The Essence of The Union of the Minds of the Dharma Protectors from The
Five Teachings on the Essence of the Dharma, in accordance with Molten Sky-Iron
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 605 NYI, HHPR 453]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The life-force empowerment forGarwang Shigpo Lingpas the seventy glorious protectors
of The Mahakarunika Liberation from Samsara, in accordance with the terma text, [HETSR 606] was given
earlier during the Black Hayagriva section.

Protectors Section; Teaching Gaurdians, such as goddesses: [KKD manual vol. 101,
p.977] The entire protector section was restricted to

>-!-3--Z-/,-l#-/-`-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
ae ka dza Ti sde bdun drag sgrub kyi dbang/ dod bum ltar [KKD has sprags not drag]
The empowerment for the wrathful practice of the seven classes of Ekajati, in accordance with The

Page 133 of 209

Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Kunkhyen Chogyi Gyalpo Trime zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 607 NYI, HHPR 454]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

0"7-7i-X$-*#-#-/!7-r$-0-0->-!-3--#1-z$-#-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
mkha gro snying thig gi bka srung ma mo ae ka dza Ti gtso rkyang gi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for the solitary principal Mamo Ekajati , the teaching-guardian of The Dakini
Heart-Bindu, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 608 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The authorization for Ratna Lingpas the glorious mantra-guardian of Hayagriva
Guhyasamaja, in accordance with The Profound Awesome Bindu of Quintessence [HETSR 609] was given
earlier during the secret Hayagriva section.

KKD note: The life-force entrustment for the Minling traditions mantra-guardian will be given during
the profound meaning of Dzogchen Ati.

-:#<-/!7-0-+$- 5$-/1,-+9-0-9,-&,-b-#)9-e,-69-7o:-/-/{+-!H-!-2$-:-/!7-//<-7-T-
0-9-0-)-9$-e$-{:-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
spyi lugs bka ma dang/ zhang btsun dar ma rin chen gyi gter byon zur brel sgrub brgyud karma kam tshang la
bka babs pai lha mo re ma ti rang byung rgyal moi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for The Self-Arising Queen Devi Remati, in the transmission of the Drubgyu
Karma Kamtsan, which is an a union of the general kama tradition and Shangtsun Darma Rinchens
terma, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Shangtsun Darma Rinchen
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 610 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

T-0-E-B-#;#-@+-07-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
lha mo rdo rje gshog rgod mai rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for the Goddess Wildly-Flapping-Winged-Vajra, in accordance with The Wish-
fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 611 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The life-force-empowerment for Sherab Osers Shog Gma [the one with wildly flapping
wings], the teaching-gaurdian of the Liberation Drop [grol tig] was given earlier during the Hayagriva

Page 134 of 209

section. [bestowed 23 January]

gnam chos aa phyi chos kyi sgron mei bka gtad
The empowerment for Achi Chokyi Dronme from The Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 455]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

gnam chos g.yu sgron ma rigs drug gi bka gtad
The entrustments for the six classes of Dorje Yudronma, from The Sky Dharma:

phyi sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the outer practice for Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 456]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

nang sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the inner practice for Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 457]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

gsang sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the secret practice for Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 458]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

yang gsang sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the very secret practice for Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje

Page 135 of 209

Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 459]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

dkar sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the white practice of Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 460]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

nag sgrub g.yu sgron bka gtad
The entrustment for the black practice of Dorje Yudronma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 461]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: Pema Lendrel Tsals life-force empowerment for the life-force accomplishing teaching-guardian
of The Heart Essence of the Dakinis, according to The Wish-Fulfilling Vase, was given earlier under The
Quintessence of the Dakinis. [I think this is HHPR 462, srog bdud mched lnga]

mkha gro snying thig gi bka srung karma ?snyan brgyud kyi phrin las khor lo nas byung bai shan ma srog sgrub
mai bka gtad
The entrustment for the protector of The Heart Essence of the Dakinis, the life-force accomplishing
female executioner who arose from the wheel of activity, in the Karma hearing lineage
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: Pema Lendrel Tsals Rahula according to The Wish-Fulfilling Vase was given earlier during The
Subjugation of Arrogant Spirits.

The following empowerment [HETSR 613] was skipped and will be done first on 9 February... I didnt find
out why...:
#,+-,-;,--+09-,#-#-r#-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
gnod sbyin shan pa dmar nag gi srog dbang/ dod bum ltar
The uncommon life-force empowerment for the dark red Yaksha Executioner from a union of termas, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen

Page 136 of 209

[HETSR 613 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: Ratna Lingpas authorization for the red yaksha executioner that is the special gaurdian of the
Hayagriva Guhyasamaja was given earlier during the phyag rdor section.

7",-:#<-+:-,#--&,-7-:<-e+--j-0$-r$-#<0-b-#)9-&#-B<-#,$-+$-/%<- u#-#-\-i-P9
khon lugs dpal nag po chen poi las byed pu tra ming sring gsum gyi gtor chog rjes gnang dang bcas pa/ glog gi spu
gri ltar
The authorization for the three Putra siblings, the servants of glorious Black Mahakala in the Khn
tradition, in accordance with The Razor of Lightning
Tertn: Lhatsun Changchub
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 615 NYI, HHPR 463]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

9 February
#,+-,-;,--+09-,#-#-r#-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
gnod sbyin shan pa dmar nag gi srog dbang/ dod bum ltar
The uncommon life-force empowerment for the dark red Yaksha Executioner from a union of termas, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 613 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

dpal sa skya bai yang phur thun mong gi bka srung dkar bdud lcam dral gyi sgrub thabs kyi rjes gnang
The authorization for the sadhana of the protector of the glorious Sakyas general Vajrakila, The White
Brother and Sister Demons
Tertn: Khn Lotsawa Lui Wangpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 616 NYI, HHPR 464]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The authorization for Ogyen Terdak Lingpas protector of Subduing The Arrogant Spirts, las
gshin, was given earlier at the time of Subduing The Arrogant Spirts.

9*7-*#<-#<$-/!7-r$-+0-%,-0#9-+09-r#-+/$-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
ratnai thugs gsang bka srung dam can mgar dmar srog dbang rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The life-force empowerment and authorization for Damchen Garmar [the oath-bound red blacksmith]
who is the guardian of Ratna Lingpas Secret Mind, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa

Page 137 of 209

Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 617 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

(-9$-#-/{+-7-&-/-#%#-7l<-i/-&,-!H-3-:-/!7-7//<--!0-2$-:#< +0-%,-0#9-/-,#-7-B<-
#,$- +0-Q,-9-U$-P9
nye ring gi brgyud pai chu bo gcig dres grub chen karma pakshi la bka babs pa kam tshang lugs/ dam can mgar ba
nag poi rjes gnang/ dam ldan re skong ltar
The authorization for Damchen Garwa Nagpo [the oath-bound black blacksmith] in the tradition of the
Kamtsang, where the transmission of the long and direct lineages have been united into one river, in
accordance with The Oath-Bound Fulfilment of Hopes
Tertn: Karma Pakshi
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 618 NYI, HHPR 465]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The authorization for Drodl Letro Lingpas Vajrasadhu [Dorje Lekpa ], who is the terma
guardian of Mahakarunikas The Lamp that Illuminates the Meaning, in accordance with The Quintessence of the
Protectors of the Teachings, was given earlier.

KKD note: The entrustment for Chogyur Lingpas dam can lcam dral, the protector for the sgyuphrul drwa
ba, was given earlier.

guru chos dbang dang rgyal sras legs pa dang rin chen gling pa sogs kyi gter ma dang grub chen karma pai man
ngag gi brgyud kam tshang lugs su grags pai zhing skyong rjes gnang
The authorization for the kshetrapala known in the Kamtsang tradition, [Anandakumara, Kunga
Shnnu], who is from the termas of Guru Chwang, Gyalse Lekpa, Rinchen Lingpa, and so forth, and
the lineage of oral instructions of Drupchen Karma Pakshi, in accordance with the root text compilation
Tertn: Guru Chowang, Gyalse Lekpa, Rinchen Lingpa, Karma Pakshi, etc...
Empowerment author: Shamar Knchok Bang
[HETSR 620 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

#)9-"-6$-7o:-5$-$-<$-#+$-%,-b-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
gter kha zung brel zhing skyong seng gdong can/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for realm-protector Simhamukha connected from a union of termas, in accordance
with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Lendrel Lingpa and Gyalse Lekpa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 621 NYI, HHPR not listed]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

Page 138 of 209

KKD note: The authorization for Dudul Damcho Tulkus kshetrapala, Anandakumara, the guardian of the
Heart-Bindu teachings, in accordance with Concentrated Molten Sky-Iron was given earlier during the Trol

KKD note: The life-force empowerment for Lhatsun Namkha Jigmes pure vision The Four Classes of
Wrathful Ones Who Accomplish The Life-Force of the Vidyadharas was given earlier during the root
empowerment for Accomplishing the Life-Force of the Vidyadharas.

KKD note: The life-force empowerment for Ngadak Nyangs kshetrapala, Durtro Lhamo Ngan Nema, was
given earlier during the black wrathful section.

KKD note: The life-force empowerment for Shikpo Lingpas teaching-gaurdian for the dgongs dus nor bu
pad phreng, Shasa Khamo Che , was given earlier during the meaning empowerment for Sangye Lingpas
bla ma dgongs dus.

/+-"0<-/D,-0-/%-#(<-`-r#-#)+ 7++-/0-P9
bod khams brtan ma bcu gnyis kyi srog gtad/ dod bum ltar
The life-force entrustment for the 12 Tenma Goddesses of Central and Eastern Tibet
Tertn: Guru Chowang
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
[KKD notes that the self visualization was done during the 8 logos]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

+!9-/+#-{:-&,-/-=9-b-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
dkor bdag rgyal chen be har gyi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for the great king steward, Behar, according to The Wish-Fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Ngadak Nyang
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
[KKD notes that the self visualization was done during the 8 logos]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

#,+-,-8-/-z-/,-b-/-*/<-r#-#)+ 7++-7-9-U$-P9
gnod spyin ya ba rkya bdun gyi sgrub thabs srog gtad/ dod pai re skong ltar
The life-force entrustment for the sadhana of the seven yaksha attendants of The Lord of Death [?],
according to The Fulfilment of Wishes and Hopes
Tertn: Ngari Panchen Pema Wang Gyal
Empowerment author: Gyurme Rinchen Namgyal
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]
[KKD notes that the self visualization was done during the 8 logos]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: The life-force entrustment for the Northern Termas Rigdzin Gdems Lhachen Thang-Lha
Dorje Barwa Tsal happened earlier at the time of the Hayagriva dregs ba dbang sdud

Page 139 of 209

#,0-&<-5-/7-#)9-r$-H-{:-\0-97-/!7-#)+ &<-$-7-/!7-#)+-P9
gnam chos zhi bai gter srung rma rgyal spom rai bka gtad/ chos skyong spyii bka gtad ltar
The entrustment for Magyal Pomra, the peaceful terma-guardian of The Sky Dharma, according the
general entrustments for dharma protectors
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 466]
(restriction: lay people who have not completed ngndro asked to leave)

KKD note: Chogyur Lingpas torma empowerment for all five Tseringma Sisters, the guardians of The
Mind-Practices Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance with A Downpour of the Quintessence of Good
Fortune was given earlier at the time of the mind practice.

Related Bn teachings [that are derived from the secret speech of the Mahaguru, the profound
termas of Bnshik Mishik Yungdrung Dorje Lingpa, which are necessary because of their connection with
special empowerments] [KKD vol 101 p. 1012]

v-&,-l,--8/-r<-`-+/$-+,-/ +$<-i/-&9-7//<-P9
bla chen dran pa yab sras kyi dbang don sgrub/ dngos grub char bebs ltar
The empowerment for the concentrated practice of Great Guru Drenpa and his pupils, in accordance
with A Rainfall of Siddhis
Tertn: Bon Shik Mishik Yungdrung Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Yundrung Tengyal
[HETSR 624 TI, possibly HHPR 467]

rtsa rlung mkha groi gsang mdzod kyi rdo rje phag moi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the Vajravarahi of The Dakinis Secret Treasury nadis and prana [section?], in
accordance with Self-arising Wisdom, which is the empowerment ritual in the terma text, and the
ornamentation of the generally applicable manual
Tertn: Kundrol Letero Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 625 THI, HHPR 468]

/-97-*#<-)#-l,--2-/-`-+/$-&# 2-+/$-#8$-l$-7a:-/-P9
bai roi thugs tig dran pa tshe sgrub kyi dbang chog/ tshe dbang g.yung drung khyil ba ltar
The empowerment for the life-practice Remembering the Bindu of Bairotsanas Mind, in accordance with
The Swirling Swastika Life-Empowerment
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 626 THI, HHPR not listed]

/,-#<<-+/$-l#-7/9-/7-#)9-+/$-+$-H-{:-\0-9-/!7-#)+-6$-#-/{+-7+/<-`-+/$- W,-7i-#<:-

Page 140 of 209

bon gsas dbang drag bar ba i gtor dbang dang rma rgyal spom rai bka gtad zung gi brgyud debs kyi dbang/ sngon
gro gsal byed mdor bsdus ltar
The empowerment for the lineage supplication for both Bonse Wangdrak Barwa and Magyal Pomra,
according to A Brief, Condensed Elucidation of the Preliminaries
Tertn: Chogyur Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

10 February, 2009
day off

11 February, 2009

Auxilliary Sadhanas of Activity Rituals; general rituals: [KKD volume 102, p. pg. 4]

1. Ripening [root of the path]

The teachings of the empowerments that ripen the root of the path, were given earlier at the time of the
particular practices. The Precious Stairway, which is the supplementary teachings on the general
preliminaries, was given at the time of the Vajrasattva instructions.

2. Intensive Retreat [essence of the path]

rdo rjei snying poi chos sde bdud rtsi khyil bai dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the [wrathful] Amritakundali, from the dharma teaching division of The
Vajragarbha; at the commencement, there are the three rites of washing, cleansing and protection, and
then the main root empowerment
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 627 THI, HHPR 470]

gnam chos thugs gter bdud rtsi khyil bai dbang
The empowerment for Amritakundali from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in accordance with The Sky
Dharma Dharani-Empowerment [Vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 628 THI, HHPR 469]

gnam chos thugs gter stobs chen ma ha bha lai dbang
The empowerment for Great Power Mahabhala, from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma

Page 141 of 209

Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 471]

gnam chos thugs gter gyi kun thub rgyal poi dbang
The empowerment for Kuntub Gyalmo, from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in accordance with The Sky
Dharma Dharani-Empowerment [Vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 629 DI, HHPR 472]

3. Torma Offerings
There are no particular empowerments for the torma practices done at the close of sessions.

4. Ganachakra Feasts and Fulfilment rituals

There are no particular empowerments for the conduct connected with the Mantrayana, principally the

5. Consecration Rituals
There are no particular empowerments for the consecration of the three representations in order to benefit
the living.

6. Ceremonies for the Dead

There are no particular empowerments for the instructions on the rope of rescue in ceremonies for the

The profound instructions called Inserting the Straw: the teaching on profound transference, in
accordance with The Messenger who Goes to the Place of Lotuses
Tertn: Nyida Sangye
Author of the instructions: Drigung Chdrak
[HETSR 630 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

The record of the stages of visualization in the instructions on the Inserting the Straw trasnference, in
accordance with The Gurus Testament
Tertn: Nyida Sangye
Author of the instructions: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 631 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

The notes on the instructions the instructions for the Inserting the Straw trasnference
Tertn: Nyida Sangye
Author of the instructions:
[HETSR 632 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

The record of the oral lineage transference

Tertn: Nyida Sangye
Author of the instructions:

Page 142 of 209

[HETSR 633 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions on transference entitled The Hook of Compassion

Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Author of the instructions: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 634 ZHA, HHPR not listed]

Note: These profound instructions are in volume ZHA However, they were taught here based upon the
manual for the Treasure of Precious Termas composed by Gyalwang Khakhyab Dorje

7. Fire Offerings

gnam chos me lhai rigs bzhi bka gtad
The entrustments for the for sections of Agnideva, from The Sky Dharma:

zhi bai me lhai bka gtad
The entrustment for peaceful Agnideva
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 473]

rgyas pai me lhai bka gtad
The entrustment for expansive Agnideva
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 474]

dbang gi me lhai bka gtad
The entrustment for magnetizing Agnideva
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 475]

drag poi me lhai bka gtad
The entrustment for wrathful Agnideva
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 476]

Page 143 of 209

Auxilliary Sadhanas of Activity Rituals; specific rituals:

Supreme Activity: [KKD manual volume 102, p. 20]

bla ma yang tig yid bzhin nor bui btags grol rgyab yig yid bzhin lhun grub kyi dbang
The empowerment for spontaneously accomplishing the wish-fulfilling jewel
from the special writing on the Wish-Fulfilling jewel of liberation through wearing in The Gurus
Essential Drop
Tertn: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 477]

0"7-i-8$-)#-#-/)#<-i:- +/$-
mkha gro yang tig gi btags grol dbang
The Essence of Jewels empowerment, the Tantra instructions for liberation through wearing, from
The Wish-Fulfilling Dharma of the Dakinis Essential Drop
Tertn: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 636 NI, HHPR 478]

v-0-+#$<-7<-`-J#<-&,-#<9-,-&-:#--e$-/-#19-e+-7-/)#<-i:-7-:#-:,-b-+/$- #<9-
bla ma dgongs dus kyi rdzogs chen gser zhun cha lag tu byung ba gtsor byed pai btags grol spyii lag len gyi
dbang/ gser gyi nyi ma rab tu snang byed ltar
The empowerment for the general practice of liberation through wearing, which is the main
practice found in the auxiliary text entitled Molten Gold from The Great Perfection of the Union of
the Views of the Gurus
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 637 NI, HHPR 479]

KKD note: [The empowerment for] the sambhogakaya guru of Chogyur Lingpas mind practice, The
Elimination of All Obstacles, was given during the eleventh subdivision of the liberating activity of the
Drodul section. The empowerment for the sacred substance which shakes samsara from its depths, the
pills which liberate upon tasting , was given during the Drodul section [also by Chogyur Lingpa?]. The
empowerment for the six dharmas of marvellous Pema Jungne was given during the Pema Jungne
section [also by Chogyur Lingpa?].

Ordinary Activity: [KKD manual volume 102, p. 39]

Ordinary Activity for Various Activities:

Page 144 of 209

1. the auspiciousness of the hundred thousand mantras of the wheel of edible
This does not have any specific empowerments.

2. analysing the signs of good and evil

This does not have any specific empowerments.

3. beneficial and harmful acts

7.#<--{:-02,-I-07-+$-{,-+/$- #,0-N#<-9:-i-P9
phags pa rgyal mtshan rtse moi dpung rgyan dbang/ gnam lcags ral gri ltar
The empowerment for The Armlets of the Tip of the Aryas Victory Banner from The Dharma of
Vajragarbha, in accordance with The Sky-Iron Sword
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 638 PI, HHPR 480]

4. the descent of blessings on great places:

v-0-*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-5:-#+0<-X$-e$-#-::-/%-#%#-9-#<$<- 7i-0#,-a+-9-
bla ma thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi zhal gdams snying byung gi leu bcu gcig par gsungs pa
gro mgon khyad par phags pai rig dzin gu ru nyi ma od zer gyi dbang dang brel bar gnas chen byin bebs kyi
The empowerment for the descent of blessings onto great places, connected with the empowerment
for the especially noble lord of beings Vidyadhara Guru Nyime zer, as taught in the eleventh
chapter of The Manual of the Essence of the Instructions, from the gurus mind practice, The
Elimination of All Obstacles
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 639 NI, HHPR not listed]

bka nan rab brjid kyi srog dbang
The life-force empowerment for Ka-nen Rab-ji
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: mtshams sbyor karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

sde brgyad kheng mdos kyi bka gtad rnams dkyus gcig tu bskur ba lugs bsdus pa ltar
The Entrustments for Thread-Cross for the Prideful Ones of The Eight Classes

Page 145 of 209

Tertn: Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: mtshams sbyor karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

5. the offerings of smoke burnt smell and first portions

This does not have any specific empowerments.

6. thread-crosses and substitutes in order to dispel negative factors [KKD manual

volume 102, p. 72]

#,0-&<-*#<-#)9-9#<-#<0-0#,-7-l:-/-`-+/$-+$- #,0-&<-=-<-#27-/!7-#)+
gnam chos thugs gter rigs gsum mgon poi dril sgrub kyi dbang dang/ gnam chos ha sa garbhai bka gtad /
The empowerment for The Combined Practice of the Lords of the Three Families, which is from The
Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment [Vol THI], and
the entrustment for Hasagarbha, [also] from The Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 640 PHI, HHPR 481 and 482]

gnam chos las hur drag po skag bzlog rnam dgu dang bcas pai bka gtad
The entrustments for the nine types of reversing obstacles of wrathful Lehur, from The Sky Dharma,
according to The Healing Drop that Corrects Bad Portents

rtsa ba mkha gro las hur gyi bka gtad
The entrustment for the root dakini Lehur
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 483]

shing gi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with wood
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 484]

rlung gi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with wind
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 146 of 209

[HETSR not listed, HHPR 485]

mei skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with fire
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 486]

dgra yi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with enemies
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 487]

sa yi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with earth
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 488]

lcags kyi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with metal
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 489]

nam mkhai skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with space
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 490]

chu yi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with water
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 147 of 209

[HETSR not listed, HHPR 491]

phyogs kyi skag bzlog bka gtad
The entrustment for reversing obstacles connected with the directions
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 492]

KKD note: The entrustment for the earth lord Hasagarbha was given earlier during The Combined
Practice of the Lords of the Three Families.

12 February, 2009
gnam chos dbang phyug zor mdos kyi bka gtad
The entrustment for the thread-cross for Ishvara magic, from The Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 493]

gnam chos ma moi khrag mdos kyi bka gtad
The entrustment for the thread-cross for the rakta of the mamos, from The Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Chagme Raga
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 494]

The entrustment for The Thread-Cross for the Prideful Ones of The Eight Classes which is taught in the
tenth chapter of The Shaldam Nyingjang in Chogyur Lingpas mind practice, The Elimination of All
Obstacles, was given earlier during the descent of blessings on great places section.

Ordinary Activity For Specific Individual Activities [KKD manual volume 102, p.82]

1. Protection:

protection from illness, demons, and obstacles in general

zab gter gsang bai rjes rgod rwa srung bum lcags thun mong gi rjes gnang
The authorization for all the substances, vultures, horns, protection, vases and iron in The Profound
Secret Terma, in accordance with the arranged authorization texts by Changdak [the northern
Tertn: Lama Gya Purbu

Page 148 of 209

Empowerment author: Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal
[HETSR 641 PHI, HHPR not listed]

gnam chos jigs med rdo rjei gnod lnga srung bai dbang
The empowerment for the protection of the five vessels of Jigme Dorje from The Sky Dharma, in
accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment [Vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 642 PHI, HHPR 495]

Protection from the dangers of the four elements

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

Protecting a region [KKD vol. 102, p. 95]

+0#-/w#-(9-M7-{:-&,-Z-/57-r#-+/$- /+-"0<-/+-/7-:<-7'#-P9
dmag bzlog nyer lgnai rgyal chen sde bzhii srog dbang/ bod kham bde bai las jug ltar
The life-force empowerment for The Four Great Kings of the Four Directions from The Twenty-Five
[Means of?] Turning Back War Cycle, in accordance with Easily Entering Central and Eastern Tibet :

yul khor srung gi dbang
The Great King of the East, Yulkhor Sung [SKT. Dritarashtra]
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not publicly given, HHPR 496]

phags skyes poi dbang
The Great King of the South, Phak-Kyepo [SKT. Virudaka]
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not publicly given, HHPR 497]

spyan mi bzang gi dbang
The Great King of the West, Chenmi Sang [SKT. Virupaksha]
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not publicly given, HHPR 498]

Page 149 of 209

rnam thos sras kyi dbang
The Great King of the North, Namthse [SKT. Vaishramana]
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not publicly given, HHPR 499]

Protection from hail that is the manifestation of the disturbed eight classes of
gnam chos khro rgyal rdo rje mchui dbang
The empowerment for The Vajra Beak of the Wrathful King , from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma , in
accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment [Vol THI] [HHPR has vajra beak not vajra
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 643 BI, HHPR 500]
(This empowerment was in fact done after HETSR 646, because NDR needed to open it, so he opened it
during the breakI think he just forgot to open it in the morning)

protection from frost that destroys harvests

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

protection from human and animal diseases manifested by disturbed mamos

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

protection from the particular illness of poisoning

byang gter dug dbang rdo rje pha lam dbang/
The empowerment for The Vajra Jewel that has Power Over Poison, which is from the Northern
Termas, in accordance with Jangdaks teachings on the practice of the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal
[HETSR 644 BI, HHPR 501]

protection from all enemies, bandits, and thieves

#,0-&<-+#$<-#)9-:<-7+-69-%,-07-+/$- &#<-0+-`<-{<-9-/g:-/-P9
gnam chos dgongs gter las od zer can mai dbang/ chags med kyis rgyas par bkrol ba ltar
The empowerment for serchenma [SKT. Marici], from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in accordance
with the detailed explanation of the terma text by Chagme Rinpoche

Page 150 of 209

Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 645 BI, HHPR 502]

protection from weapons

There appears to have be an empowerment for protection from weapons, which is from Guru Tseten
Gyaltsen, but the transmission no longer exists and there is no other such empowerment.

protection of commands through words of truth

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

protection through messages that contain curses

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

2. Pacification:

Pacification of general obstacles:

chos bdag bar chad sel bai chos bka bzhii rdo rje rnam par joms pa dkar poi sgrub thabs kyi dbang
The empowerment for the sadhana, vase ritual, and purification of white Vajravihara, from the four
dharma instructions of the Dharma Lord The Elimination of Obstacles, in accordance with the
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chje Lingpa
[HETSR 646 BI, HHPR 503]

KKD note: There still exists the empowerment, purification and poison-empowerment based on the
green Arya Dukselma [the goddess who eliminates poison], which protects from poisoning as the
result of the four elements, vapours, thoughts and conduct, and so on. However, now only the reading
transmission exists and not the empowerment transmission.

thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rig dzin rakSHa thod phreng gi dbang
The empowerment for Vidyadhara Raksha Bandhamala , from The Mind Practice The Elimination of
All Obstacles, in accordance with The Molten Drop that Defeats the Maras
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 647 BI, HHPR 504]

v-07-*#<-/-/9-&+-,-#<:-b-&-:# ,$-/+-/57-/9-&+-<:-/-0-#8-/-/+-/5-6:-#,,-b-
+/$-&# /-47-&-{,-P9
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun gsal gyi cha lag/ nang bdud bzhii bar chad sel ba mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil
gnon gyi dbang chog/ bai Duryi chu rgyun ltar

Page 151 of 209

The successive empowerments for Achala who overpowers the maras, for the elimination of the
obstacles of the four inner maras, an ancillary to The Mind Practice Elimination of All Obstacles, in
accordance with the empowerment rite entitled A River of Lapis Lazuli:

mi g,yo dkar poi dbang
First, the empowerment for White Achala who defeats the mara of death
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 648 BI, HHPR 505]

mi g.yo ser poi dbang
Second, the empowerment for Yellow Achala who defeats the inner skandha mara
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 649 BI, HHPR 506]

mi g.yo dmar poi dbang
Third, the empowerment for Red Achala who defeats the klesha mara
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 650 BI, HHPR 507]

mi g.yo sngon poi dbang
Fourth, the empowerment for blue Achala who defeats the devaputra mara
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 651 BI, HHPR 508]

mi g.yo bai bka srung mgon dkar yab yum gyi srog gtad bcas bai Duryai churgyun ltar
The life-force entrustment for White Mahakala with consort, the protector of the above practice.
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 509]
(Kunnams list calls this a srog gtad)

zhi byed lha mo bdun gyi dbang gi cho ga gsal byed yid ong zla bai bdud rtsi ltar

Page 152 of 209

The successive empowerments according to The Amrita of the Enchanting Moon, which illuminates
the ritual text of the empowerment for the seven pacifying devis, which was brought out from the
Rolwo rocks by Lhatsun Ngnmo, and then concealed again as a terma in the castle; Chogyur Lingpa
obtained the secret terma and presented the yellow scroll to All-Seeing Khyentse, who deciphered
its meaning.

rig pai lha mo sangs rgyas spyan mai dbang
First, the root empowerment for the awareness-devi Buddhalochana, who pacifies all classes of
illness, combined with the additional practices of washing, cleansing and protection
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 652 BI, HHPR 510]

rig pai lha mo ri khrod lo ma can mai dbang
Second, the empowerment for the awareness-devi Leaf-Clad Shavari, who pacifies all infectious
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 653 BI, HHPR 511]

13 February, 2009

A continuation of The Seven Pacifying Devis from yesterday:

rig pai lha mo od zer can mai dbang
Third, the empowerment for the awareness-devi serchenma [SKT. Marici], who pacifies all
ferocious demons and hindering spirits and all enemies, robbers, and thieves
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 654 BI, HHPR 512]

rig pai lhamo gtsug tor gdugs dkar moi dbang
Fourth, the root empowerment for awareness-devi Ushnisha-Vijaya Sitatapatra who pacifies all
the evil deeds of attacks, kila magic, and sorcery, and also, in accordance with the additional
activity, gaining freedom from magic, cleansing through ablution, dedicating a substitute, and
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 655 BI, HHPR 513]

Page 153 of 209

rig pai lha mo sher phyin dkar moi dbang
Fifth, the empowerment for awareness-devi White Prajaparamita, who pacifies all the
sufferings of distraction and unhappiness
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 656 BI, HHPR 514]

rig pai lha mo sgrol dkar moi dbang
Sixth, the empowerment for awareness-devi White Tara, who pacifies all fears, such as of poison,
weapons, wild beasts, and so on
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 657 BI, HHPR 515]

rig pai lha mo rma bya chen moi dbang
Seventh, the root empowerment and the supportive life-empowerment for awareness-devi Maja
Chenmo [great peacock], who pacifies all fears of premature death, and also, in accordance with
the additional activity, cleansing through ablution, dedicating a substitute, and protection
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 658 BI, HHPR 516]

The teaching on the stages of instructions for the profound yoga of the practice instructions for
the seven pacifying goddesses, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 659 BI, HHPR not listed]

Pacification of illness: [KKD manual vol. 102, p.108]

E-B7-X$-7-/%0-Q,-7+<-^,-b-v-07-+/$- /-47-n-20-P9
rdo rjei snying poi bcom ldan das sman gyi bla mai dbang/ bai Duryai phra tshom ltar
The empowerment for the Transcendent Conqueror Medicine Guru from the Vajragarbha, in
accordance with The Lapis Lazuli Inset
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 660 BI, HHPR 517]

gnam chos dgongs gter gtso bor byas pai sman blai gtor dbang

Page 154 of 209

The torma and main empowerment for The Multicolored Scroll for the Blessing of Illness, which, in
accordance to the terma text, precedes the empowerment for Bhaishajya Guru from The Sky Dharma
Mind Terma teaching, in accordance with the general Sarma and Nyingma empowerment rites
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 661 BI, HHPR 518]

X$-*#-#-9-h+-:-0-{,-07-+/$- /+-I7-&-{,-020<-9-b<-/{,--P9
snying thig gi ri khrod lo ma rgyon mai dbang/ bdud rtsii chu rgyun mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa ltar
The empowerment for The Leaf-Clad Shavari, from The Heart Bindu, in accordance with the
adornment of the manual A River of Amrita
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 662 BI HHPR 519]

#,0-&<-#1<-/!7-#)9-6$-7'#-:-0-%,-b-+/$- e,-x/<-%,-5<-e-/-&#<-0+-#<$-P9
gnam chos gtsos bka gter zung jug lo ma can gyi dbang/ byin rlabs can zhes bya ba chags med gsung ltar
The empowerment for The Leaf-Clad Shavari, which is a union of Kama and Terma, principally The
Sky Dharma, in accordance with Karma Chagmes teaching called Endowed With Blessings
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 663 BI, HHPR 520]

gu ru zhi bai cha lag ri khrod lo ma rgyon mai dbang
The empowerment for The Leaf-Clad Shavari, an ancillary to The Peaceful Guru, in accordance with
The Powerful Lamp that Defeats Illness
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 664 BI, HHPR 521]

+#$<-#)9-*#<-&,-0#-7e+-*#<-B-&,-7-+/$- 9*7-*9-0-P9
dgongs gter thugs chen mig byed thugs rje chen poi dbang/ ratnai thur ma ltar
The empowerment for Mahakarunika who opens the eyes, from The Mahakarunika Mind Terma , in
accordance with The Jewel Spoon
Tertn: Rigdzin Tukkyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 665 MI, HHPR 522]

/-*/-9:-+!9-b-V0-:$-+$-d#-:,-7/#-2: *$-Y$-+#$<-{,-P9
sgrub thob ril dkar gyi sgom lung dang phyag len bog tshul/ thang stong dgongs rgyan ltar
The root text of the meditation reading transmission of Siddha Rilkar, and the manner to enhance
practice, in accordance with The Adornment of Tangtongs Mind
Tertn: Siddha Tangtong Gyalpo

Page 155 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 666 MI, HHPR not listed]

Pacification of dns:

ye shes kyi bya khyung dmar poi rjes gnang
The authorization of the red Wisdom Garuda, in accordance with the sadhana and the activities
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 667 MI, HHPR 523]

byang gter bka brgyad rang shar gyi khyung chen yongs rdzogs kyi dbang/ rdo rjei rgyan phreng
The empowerment for the completely perfect, self-born, self-arising great garuda of The Eight Logos
of the Northern Termas, in accordance with The Adorning Garland of Jewels
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 668 MI, HHPR 524]

14 February, 2009
e$-#)9-*#<-/-&<-2,-/%-#<0--:<-`-e-a$-,#-7-+/$- #,0-N#<-E-B7-*#-0+7-P9
byang gter thugs sgrub chos tshan bcu gsum pa las kyi bya khyung nag po i dbang/ gnam lcags rdo rjei thog
mda ltar
The empowerment for the black karma-garuda, which is the thirteenth section of The Mind Practice
of the Northern Termas, in accordance with The Thunderbolt Arrow of Sky-Iron
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 669 MI, HHPR 525]

D-0i,-#(,--T-#<0-b-+/$- 0-*-:7-n$-/-P9
rta mgrin gnyen po lha gsum gyi dbang/ mu thi lai phreng ba ltar
The combined preparatory and main empowerments for the three antidote deities of Hayagriva, in
accordance with The Mother-of-Pearl String of Beads
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: Trichen Pema Wanggyal
[HETSR 670 MI, HHPR 526]

X,-/{+-#(,--T-M7-+/$- i:-e+-J#<-90-h+-+$-7o: ##--,-7'0-P9

snyan brgyud gnyen po lha lngai dbang/ grol byed rdzogs rim khrid dang brel/ gdug pa kun jom ltar
The empowerment for the five antidote deities [of Hayagriva] from the oral lineage, combined with
the instructions on the liberating completion stage, in accordance with The Defeat of All the

Page 156 of 209

Tertn: Rigdzin Choden Gonpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 671 MI, HHPR 527]

0"7-7i-/+-7:-l#-07-&-:#-a$-/-/+-7:-,#-07-/-*/<-+/$- ##--,-7'0-P:
mkha gro bdud dul drag moi cha lag khyung sgrub bdud dul nag moi sgrub thabs dbang/ gdug pa kun jom
The empowerment for the sadhana of The Black Mara-Subduing Garuda Practice , which is an
ancillary to The Wrathful Mara Subduing Dakini , in accordance with The Defeat of All the Malevolent
Tertn: Matiratna [HHPR: Mati and Ratna Lingpa]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 672 MI, HHPR 528]

v-/-,9-/-+-n$-5-l#-#-&-:#-9#<-M7-a$-/-##--,-7:-`-+/$- #-M7-Y/<-7'0<-P9
bla sgrub nor bu pad phreng zhi drag gi cha lag rigs lngai khyung sgrub gdug pa kun dul kyi dbang/ dug lngai
stobs joms ltar
The empowerment for The Garuda Practice of the Five Families that Defeats All the Malevolent,
which is an ancillary to The Peaceful and Wrathful Lotus Garland of Jewels Guru Yoga , in accordance
with The Defeat of the Power of the Five Poisons
Tertn: Rashi Pema Rigdzin
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 673 MI, HHPR 529]

8-+0-+#$<-7<-D-0&#-9:-7-h-{:-a$-#-:<-e$-+/$- #+,-7'0-\-i-P9
yi dam dgongs dus rta mchog rol pai khro rgyal khyung gi las byang dbang/ gdon jom spu gri ltar
The empowerment for the practice of The Garuda King of Wrathful Deities that is the Display of
Hayagriva, from The Union of the Minds of the Yidam Deities, in accordance with The Dn Defeating
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 674 MI, HHPR 530]

o#-#)9-#0--l#<--,-7:-b-a$-/-##--,-7'0<-`-+/$- #+,-#:-u#-#-0-N-P9
brag gter gtum po dregs pa kun dul gyi khung sgrub gdug pa kun joms kyi dbang/ gdon gdul glog gi me lce ltar
The empowerment for the rock-terma, The Defeat of All the Malevolent: The Garuda Practice which
Tames All the Ferocious Arrogant Spirits, in accordance with The Dn-Taming Flames of Lightning
Tertn: Rolpe Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 675 MI, HHPR 531]

t$-#<:-0"7-7i-X$-*#-#-&-:#-l#--T-#<0-+/$- #+,-/##<-+$-7'0<-P9
Page 157 of 209
klong gsal mkha gro snying thig gi cha lag drag po lha gsum dbang/ gdon bgegs dpung joms ltar
The empowerment for the three wrathful deities, an ancillary to Longsal Nyingpos Heart-Bindu of
the Dakinis, in accordance with The Defeat of the Armies of Dns and Obstructing Spirits
Tertn: Pema Dechen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 676 MI, HHPR 532]

#<0-7<-a$-+09-07-#;#--%,-b-+/$- /P<-&#--/!+--P9
gsum dus khyung dmar mei gshog pa can gyi dbang/ bltas chog tu bkod pa ltar
The empowerment for The Red Garuda with Wings of Fire, which is a union of three termas, in
accordance with the ready-to-recite text
Tertn: Dudjom Rolpa Tsal, Matiratna and Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author: Kahtok Chkyi Dorje
[HETSR 677 MI, HHPR 533]

dgongs gter klong chen snying thig gi bla ma drag po rta khyung bar bai byin rlabs kyi dbang/ rdo rjei do shal
The empowerment for The Blessings of the Blazing Guru Drakpo, Hayagriva, and Garuda from the
mind terma The Heart Bindu of Longchenpa [The Longchen Nyingtik] , in accordance with The Vajra
Tertn: Jigme Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 678 MI, HHPR 534]

+#$<-#)9-#<$-#+#-(-0-0$-#$-07-+/$-&# /P-/+9-/!+--P9
dgongs gter gsang gdag nyi ma mdung gang mai dbang chog/ blta bder bkod pa ltar
The empowerment for the mind terma, The Sun Spear of Guhyapati , in accordance with The Easy-to-
Recite Arrangement
Tertn: Tukkyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 679 MI, HHPR 535]

v-07-*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-&-:#-#<$-/+#-E-B-/-%,-b-+/$-&# >u-:7-&-{,-P9
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi dbang chog/ aindra ni lai chu
rgyun ltar
The empowerment for Guhyapati with a Vajra-Club , an ancillary to the guru mind practice, The
Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance with A River of Saphire
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 680 MI, HHPR 536]

+#-[$-#67-80-+/$-h< 6/-07-#$-P9

Page 158 of 209

dag snang gza yum gyi dbang khrus/ zab moi gzhung ltar
The cleansing empowerment for the pure vision of Rahulas consort, in accordance with the
profound root text
Tertn: Drigung Chkyi Drakpa
Empowerment author: Drigung Chkyi Drakpa
[HETSR 681 TSI, HHPR 537]
(sick people were invited to come up for this)

7'#-D,-+/$-d#-<]-7-/-*/<-+/$-&# /+-I7-6:-*#-P9
jig rten dbang phyug senge sgrai sgrub thabs dbang chog/ bdud rtsii zil thig ltar
The empowerment for the sadhana of The Lions Roar Lokeshvara, in accordance with A Dewdrop of
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 682 TSI, HHPR 538]

d#-E9-#0--<$-#<-`-+/$-+$-e/-h< #+,-/g:-b-90--P9
phyag rdor gtum po seng sgrogs kyi dbang dang byab khrus/ gdon bkrol gyi rim pa ltar
The empowerment for The Wrathful Vajrapani with a Lions Roar , together with the cleansing ritual,
in accordance with The Stages of Freeing the Dns
Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 683 TSI, HHPR 539]

15 February, 2009

Pacification of pollution and impurities: [KKD manual, vol.102 p. 131]

W-7b9-/!7-07-F0-7'0<-+!9--/-07-:#<-+:-!H--9$-e$-E-B-:-/!7-//-7-+/$- #6$<-&#-
9#-#)+-/0-h<-+$-/%<- w-/7-7+-69-P9
snga gyur bka mai rnam joms dkar po bi mai lugs dpal karma pa rang byung rdo rje la bka bab pai dbang/
gzungs chog rig gtad bum khrus dang bcas pa/ zla bai od zer ltar
The empowerment for the white Vajra Vidarana from the Early Translation School Kama, in the
tradition of Vimalamitra, transmitted through the glorious Karmapa Rangjung Dorje, together with
the recitation ritual, the bestowal of knowledge, and cleansing by the vase, in accordance with The
Light-Rays of the Moon
Tertn: Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 684 TSI, HHPR 540]

F0-7'0<-y/-+,-<$<-{<-#<$-/7-:#<-`-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9

Page 159 of 209

rnam joms slob dpon sangs rgyas gsang bai lugs kyi rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for Vidarana in the tradition of Acharya Buddhagupta, with the washing,
cleansing, and protection, and the actual authorization, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Acharya Buddhagupta
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 685 TSI, HHPR not listed]

/-9-:#<-`-F0-7'0<-`-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
ba ri lugs kyi rnam joms kyi rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for Vajra Vidarana in the tradition of Bari Lotsawa, with the washing, cleansing,
and protection, and the actual authorization, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Bari Lotsawa
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 686 TSI, HHPR not listed]

gnam chos rnam joms ljang sngon gyi dbang/
The empowerment for blue-green Vidarana from The Space Dharma, in accordance with The
Space Dharma Dharani Empowerment [Vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 687 TSI, HHPR 541]

X$-*#-#-F0-7'0<-#<$-/-h-,#-#- +/$-&# E-B7-&-{,-P9

snying thig gi rnam joms gsang sgrub khor nag gi dbang chog/ rdo rjechu rgyun ltar
The empowerment for the secret practice of the nineteen wrathful black deities fromThe
Three Teachings of Vidarana in The Heart Bindu, in accordance with The River of Vajras
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 688 TSI, HHPR 542]

/-07-&<-Z-:<-F0-7'0<-+!9-7-/-*/<-+/$-&# ,9-/-!-)-!7-&-{,-P9
bi mai chos sde las rnam joms dkar poi sgrub thabs dbang chog/ nor bu ke ta kai chu rgyun ltar
The empowerment for the sadhana of white Vidarana from The Dharma of Vimalamitra, in
accordance with The River of Ketaka Jewels
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 689 TSI, HHPR 543]

+/$- h<-&#-+$-/%<-
bo dang padma gar dbang gi thugs dam gtor rgyun rgya mtsho las byung ba nyang lugs khro mo sme

Page 160 of 209

brtsegs mai sgrub thabs kyi dbang/ khrus chog dang bcas pa/
The empowerment for the sadhana of the wrathful Bhurkumkutia from Bodong Pema
Garwangs Ocean of the Continuum of Torma Commitments , in the Nyang tradition, together
with the cleansing ritual; at the beginning are the practices of lower washing, cleansing, and
protection, together with auspiciousness, followed by the actual empowerment, in
accordance with the contents of the sadhana, the empowerment and the washing ritual
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Empowerment author: Bodong Pema Garwang
[HETSR 690 TSI, HHPR 544]

khro bo sme ba brtsegs pai dbang/ gter gzhung ma ltar
The empowerment for wrathful Bhurkumkutia, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 691 TSI, possibly either HHPR 545 or 546]

khro boi rgyal po sme ba brtegs pai dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the king of wrathful deities Bhurkumkutia, in accordance with the
terma text [possibly an authorization and not a wang]
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 692 TSI, possibly either HHPR 545 or 546]
Kunnams list has a slightly different title (it has mha gro dbang phyug instead of khro boi
rgyal po), check root text.

sme ba brtsegs pa nyams grib kun sel gyi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for Bhurkumkutia who clears away all samaya pollution
Tertn: Ene Ringnup Gnpo Ngawang Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 693 TSI, HHPR 547]

v-07-*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-&-:#-^-/I#<-(0<-i/-,-<:-b-/-*/<-`-+/$-&# w-
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag sme brtsegs nyams grib kun sel gyi sgrub thabs kyi
dbang chog/ zla shel bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
The empowerment for the sadhana of Bhurkumkutia who eliminates all samaya pollution,
an ancillary to The Gurus Mind Practice: The Elimination of All Obstacles, in accordance
with The Moon-Crystal River of Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 694 TSI, HHPR 548]

Page 161 of 209

Pacification of magical kila attacks and sorcery: [KKD manual vol. 102, p.154]
-#)+-7-+/$- 8,-),-/%+-+-P9
snga gyur bka ma bi mai lugs kyi gtsug gtor gdugs dkar mo dpal karma pa rang byung rdo rje la bka
bab pai rig pa gtad pai dbang/ yon tan bcud skyed ltar
The empowerment forbestowing knowledge for the glorious Karmapas transmission of
Ushnisha Shitatapatra from the Nyingma Kama tradition, in accordance with Giving Rise to
Essential Good Qualities
Tertn: Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 695 TSI, HHPR 549]

7'0-+:-#;,-B7-#;+-2-/+#-#-&<-Z7-e$-i:-#<9-b-Z7-0#-#-e,-x/<-+/$-&# X$-
jam dpal gshin rjei gshed tshe bdag gi chos sdei byang grol gser gyi sdeu mig gi byin rlabs dbang
chog/ snying po bsdus pa ltar
The empowerment for the blessing of The Golden Key of Freedom, which is from the dharma
section of Manjushri Yamantaka Lord of Life, in accordance with The Concentrated Essence
Tertn: Gya Shangtrom Dorje Bar
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 696 TSI, HHPR 550]

7.#<-0-##<-+!9-0-#1-z$-#-+/$- r-/D,-E-B7-#-&-P9
phags ma gdugs dkar mo gtso rkyang gi dbang/ sra brtan rdo rjei go cha ltar
The empowerment for the single deity Arya Shitatapatra, in accordance with Enduring Vajra
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 697 TSI, HHPR 551]

6/-/,-I-#<0-27-6/-7-&-:#-E-B-0"7-7i-##<-+!9-b-+/$-&# &-;:-/0-/6$-P9
zab bdun rtsa gsum tshei zab pai cha lag rdo rje mkha gro gdugs dkar gyi dbang chog/ chu shel bum
bzang ltar
The empowerment for white Vajradakini Shitatapatra, which is an ancillary to The
Profundity of Life, which is in The Three Roots, that are in The Seven Profundities, in
accordance with The Excellent Vase of Crystal
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 698 TSI, HHPR 552]

16 February, 2009

Page 162 of 209

v-07-*#<-/-/9-&+,-<:-b- 7'0-+:--<$-h<--.-9:-@:--7'0<-7-:<-`-#69-"-E-B-
#1#-#)9-b-e+-7h:-r$-/-/%< a9-7+9-d$<-/-#+$<-&#-9:-i-P9
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi jam dpal smra seng khros pa pha rol rgol pa joms pai las kyi
gzer kha rdo rje gtsug gtor gyi byad khrol srung ba bcas/ khyer der phyungs ba gdengs chog ral gri ltar
The Nails of the Activity that Defeats the Opponents: Manjushri Lion of Speech from The
Gurus Mind Practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles, together with the protection and
liberation from sorcery of Vajroshnisha, in accordance with the convenient The Sword that is
Ready to be Raised
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 699 TSI, HHPR 553]

pacification of harms to the world and its beings:

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

Ultimate pacification of bad karma and obscurations: [KKD manual vol. 102, p.

*#<-B-&,--7"9-/-+$-#<-`-+/$- (-07-730-69-P9
thugs rje chen po khor ba dong sprugs kyi dbang/ nyi mai dzum zer ltar
The empowerment forMahakarunika who Empties the Pit of Samsara , in accordance with
The Smiling Rays of the Sun
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 700 TSHI, HHPR 554]

lam dus kyi dbang chog rgyun khyer ao rgyan bla mai zhal lung bdud rtsii char bebs kyi sgom lung
The accompaniment to the above practice, the empowerment for the time of th path, the
meditation instruction s for the daily practice, The Rainfall of Amrita; The Oddiyana Gurus
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk
[HETSR 701 TSHI, HHPR not listed]

D-.#-8+-/5,-,9-/7-d-/-P$-/;#<-`-+/$- 6,-o<-7+,-7i#<-/P<-&#--/!+--P9
rta phag yid bzhin nor bui phyi sgrub ltung bshags kyi dbang/ zin bris don grigs bltas chog tu bkod pa
The empowerment for the practice of confessing downfalls, which is the outer practice of
Jatsn Nyingpos Wish-fulfilling Jewel of Hayagriva and Varahi, in accordance with the
record of instructions arranged as a text ready to read and recite
Tertn: Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo

Page 163 of 209

Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 702 TSHI, HHPR 555]

#,0-&<-+#$<-#)9-*#<-`-t$-#<:-:<-e$-/-/%0-Q,-7+<-,-9#-#-+/$- 6,-o<-#-/+-
gnam chos dgongs gter thugs kyi klong gsal las byung ba bcom ldan das kun rig gi dbang/ zin bris go
bde bar bkod pa ltar
The empowerment for Bhagavan Sarvavid from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, The Clear
Expanse of the Mind, along with the supportive elaborate seven possessions of a
Chakravartin, in accordance with the record of instructions arranged as a text easy to read
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 703 TSHI, HHPR 556]

/%0-Q,-7+<-0#,--0-7h#<-7-+/$- 0,-7'0<-w-/7-7+-69-D9
bcom ldan das mgon po mi khrugs pai dbang/ mun joms zla bai od zer ltar
The empowerment for Bhagavan Lord Akshobya, together with the supportive auspicious
substances, signs, and the seven possessions of the Chakravartin, in accordance with The
Light Rays of the Moon that Defeat the Darkness
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 704 TSHI, HHPR 557]

69-/67-*#<-+0-U9-l#-#-E9-<0<-/-$-8-;<-&-{,-b-+/$- 69-7+/<-w-;:-0-:$-
zur bzai thugs dam skor drug gi rdor sems sgrib sbyong ye shes chu rgyun gyi dbang/ zur debs zla shel
me long ltar
The empowerment for The River of Wisdom that Purifies Obscurations: The Vajrasattva from
The Six Practices of Zurza, in accordance with the additional text The Moon-Crystal Mirror
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 705 TSHI, HHPR 558]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-v-0-:$<-U-7i-7:-$,-<$-+$-#<-`-+/$- #,<-:$-+$-/%<-
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bla ma longs sku gro dul ngan song dong sprugs kyi dbang/ gnas
lung dang bcas pa/ gzhan phan shing rta ltar
The empowerment for The Sambhogakaya Guru, the Tamer of Beings who Empties the Pit of
the Lower Realms, from the mind practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles, along with a
funeral rite, in accordance with The Chariot of Benefit to Others [HETSR: combined with
the empowerment forthe pills that bring liberation through taste, as in the text outline
entitled, The Marvellous Ocean that Illuminates the practice of the Eleven Liberations]

Page 164 of 209

Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chogyur Lingpa
[HETSR 706 TSHI, HHPR 559]

bum rdzong gter byon gu rui thugs dam thugs rje chen po spyan ras gzigs khor ba dong sprugs kyi
dbang rgyas pa/ thabs gro don kun khyab ltar
The elaborate empowerment for The Gurus Practice: The Great Compassionate One,
Avalokiteshvara, who Empties the Pit of Samsara , which is a terma that appeared in
Bumdzong, combined with The Empowerment With a Pill that Gives Liberation Through
Taste, in accordance with The Method for the All-Pervasive Benefit of Beings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chogyur Lingpa
[HETSR 707 TSHI, HHPR not listed]

a brief empowerment happened here

#<-`-/X,-/-`-+/$- #5,-.,-,-a/-P9
rigs gsum snying thig gi padma gar dbang yog dang brel ba lha nyer gcig pa phags pa thugs rje chen
po khor ba dong sprugs kyi bsnyen sgrub kyi dbang/ gzhan phan kun khyab ltar
The root empowerment, together with the empowerment for the pills that bring liberation
through taste, for the approach and accomplishment of the twenty-one deity The Arya Great
Compassionate One, who Empties the Pit of Samsara , which is connected with The Padma
Nateshvara Yoga from The Heart-Bindu of the Three Families, in accordance with The All-
Pervasive Benefit of Beings
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 709 TSHI, HHPR 560]

3. Enrichment: [KKD manual, vol. 102 p. 174]

Increasing Life [the progenitor of all good qualities]

2-h+-7&-0+-E-B-r#-;$-#-/-*/<-+/$-&# 7&-0+-E-B-/%+-:,-P9
tshe khrid chi med rdo rje srog shing gi sgrub thabs dbang chog/ chi med rdo rje bcud len ltar
The elaborate and brief empowerments for The Deathless Vajra Life-Force Pole, from the life
instructions from Palden Dorjes direct lineage, in accordance with Drawing Out the Essence
of the Deathless Vajra
Tertn: Mahasiddha Palden Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 710 TSHI, HHPR 561]

Page 165 of 209

/-&,-w-/-7-:#<-`-/%0-Q,-7+<-2-+#-0+-7-/-*/<-`-B<-#,$- 2-0&#-0*9-d,-
sgrub chen zla ba pai lugs kyi bcom ldan das tse dpag med pai sgrub thabs kyi rjes gnang/ tshe mchog
mthar phyin ltar
The authorization for Bhagavan Amitayus from the tradition of Mahasiddha Dawapa, in
accordance with Perfecting Supreme Life
Tertn: Mahasiddha Dawapa [HHPR Wangchuk Dorjes tradition]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 711 TSHI, HHPR 562]

17 February, 2009
dag snang sgra mi snyan gyi tshe sgrub kyi dbang
The empowerment for the long-life practice of The Pure Vision of Kurava, in accordance with
The Rite of Blessing
Tertn: Drigung Chkyi Drakpa
Empowerment author: Drigung Chkyi Drakpa
[HETSR 712 TSHI, HHPR 563]

{:-80-F0-9-{:-07-B<-#,$-2-+/$- 7&-/-#8:-{:-P9
rgyal yum rnam par rgyal mai rjes gnang tshe dbang/ chi ba g.yul rgyal ltar
The authorization and life-empowerment for The Mother of All the Victorious Ones, Vijaya,
in accordance with Victory in the Battle with Death
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 713 TSHI, HHPR 564]

+/$-&,-2-/-(-w-#7-B<-#,$- (-w7-69-*#<-P9
dbang chen tshe sgrub nyi zla gau rjes gnang/ nyi zlai zer thigs ltar
The authorization for The Container Made from the Sun and Moon: The Great Empowerment
forLong-Life Practice, in accordance with Sun-and-Moon-Ray Bindus
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 714 TSHI, HHPR 565]

/!7-#)9-+#-[$-6$-7'#-#-2-/-2-+/$- (-/{+-7&-0+-+:-Y9-#<9-0-P9
bka gter dag snang zung jug gi tshe sgrub tshe dbang/ nye brgyud chi med dpal ster gsar ma ltar
The long-life empowerment for the long-life practice that is a union of kama, terma, and a
pure vision, in accordance with The Direct Lineages Fresh Bestowal of the Splendour of

Page 166 of 209

Tertn: Chje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Chje Lingpa
[HETSR 715 TSHI, HHPR 566]

:0-6/-v-0-/-7-&-:#-2-/-E-B-X$-7-+/$- /+-I7-X$--P9
lam zab bla ma sgrub pai cha lag tshe sgrub rdo rje snying poi dbang/ bdud rtsii snying po ltar
The empowerment for the long-life practice, The Vajra-Essence, an ancillary to the guru
yoga, The Profound Path, in accordance with The Essence of Amrita
Tertn: Longpo Tashi Tseten
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 716 DZI, HHPR 567]

7&-0+-t$#<:-E-B7-r#-/-`-2-+/$-7&-0+-X$- 7&-0+-/%+-73,-P9
chi med klong gsal rdo rjei srog sgrub kyi tshe dbang chi med snying po\ chi med bcud dzin ltar
The Essence of Immortality: the long-life empowerment for The Life-Force Practice of the
Indestructible Clear Expanse of Immortality, in accordance with Seizing the Essence of
Tertn: Zurkhar Trime Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 717 DZI, HHPR 568]

2-/-7+-`-X$-7-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
tshe sgrub od kyi snying poi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for The Essence of Light Long-Life Practice, in accordance with the terma
Tertn: Drasum Tendzin Da- Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 718 DZI, HHPR 569]

dag snang tshe yum tsanDa lii dbang/
The empowerment for the pure vision, Chandali, The Mother of Life, in accordance with The
Essence of Amrita which Brings Ripening
Tertn: Palri Pema Chjor Gyamtso
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 719 DZI, HHPR 570]

+#-[$-2-/-E-B-{-0+-+/$- I-#$-P9
dag snang tshe sgrub rdo rje rgya mdud dbang/ rtsa gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the pure vision, The Vajra-Knot Long-Life Practice, in accordance
with the root text
Tertn: The Fifth Dordrak Rigdzin, Pema Wangchuk
Empowerment author: The terma text

Page 167 of 209

[HETSR 720 DZI, HHPR 571]

dag snang tshe sgrub nyi mai snying poi tshe dbang
The long-life empowerment for the pure vision, The Essence of the Sun Long-Life Practice,
in accordance with the ritual text of blessing and long-life empowerment
Tertn: The Sixth Rigdzin, Khamsum Zilnn
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 721 DZI, HHPR 572]

+#-[$-9#<-7<-2-/-V7-{-%,-b-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
dag snang rigs dus tshe sgrub padmai rgya can gyi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the pure vision, The Union of the Families Long-Life Practice,
Endowed with the Seal of Padma, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: The Seventh Rigdzin, Kunzang Gyurme
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 722 DZI, HHPR 573]

2-/-7&-/+#-+$-7'0<-`-+/$- #<:-e+-7&-0+-/%+-Y9-P9
tshe sgrub chi bdag dpung joms kyi dbang/ gsal byed chi med bcud ster ltar
The empowerment for The Defeat of the Armies of the Lord of Death Long-Life Practice, in
accordance with The Gift of the Essence of Illuminating Immortality
Tertn: Bal-la Tertn Namgyal Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 723 DZI, HHPR 574]

+#-[$-V-27-X$-*#-#-2-80-1i-:7-+/$- /+-I7-6:-*#-P9
dag snang padma tshei snying thig gi tshe yum tsanDa lii dbang/ bdud rtsii zil thig ltar
The empowerment for the pure vision, The Heart-Essence of the Lotus of Long-Life, The
Long-Life Mother Chandali, in accordance with The Dewdrop of Amrita
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 575]

KKD note: The entrustment for Le-Shin, the terrifying attendant of the wrathful Vidyadhara
Simhanada, from Chogyur Lingpas mind practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles is given later
during Defeating the Opponents [pha rol rgol joms].

Increasing wisdom [the root of all good qualities]: [KKD manual vol. 102, p. 209]
check Tibetan, is this shes rab or ye shes?

v-0-+#$<-7<-`-F-<-$9-7+#<-8#-&$-l#-#-,$-2, v-7.:-;<-9/-9:-i7-B<-#,$-

Page 168 of 209

bla ma dgongs dus kyi rno so ngar dogs yig chung drug gi nang tshan/ blo phel shes rab ral grii rjes
gnang/ yi ge ye shes ral gri ltar
The authorization for The Sword of Knowledge that Develops the Mind, which is one of the
internal subdivisions of The Six Short Texts of Applying the Hard Sharp Blade , which is from
The Union of the Minds of the Gurus , in accordance with the text, The Sword of Wisdom
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 725 DZI, HHPR 576]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-v-0--/7-<]7-+/$- #<:-e+-v-i<-"-7e+-P9
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bla ma smra bai sengei dbang/ gsal byed blo gros kha byed ltar
The empowerment for Guru Simhanada from The Mind Practice, The Elimination of All
Obstacles, in accordance with Opening the Illuminating Intellect
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 726 DZI, HHPR 577]

18 February, 2009
.#-+!:-;<-9/-#<:-e+-`-/-*/<-+/$-&# 8-;<-Y/<-7/9-P9
phag dkar shes rab gsal byed kyi sgrub thabs dbang chog/ ye shes stobs bar ltar
The empowerment for the White Varahi of illuminating-knowledge, in accordance with The
Blazing Power of Wisdom
Tertn: Longsel Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 727 DZI, HHPR 578]

+#$<-#)9-I-#<0-7+-#<:-X$-*#-#-.#-+!9-8-;<-#<:-e+-`-+/$- e,-x/<-[$-/7-
dgongs gter rtsa gsum od gsal snying thig gi phag dkar ye shes gsal byed kyi dbang/ byin rlabs snang
bai rgyan ltar
The empowerment for the White Varahi of illuminating-wisdom, from The Mind Terma of
the Three Roots: The Heart Bindu of Luminosity , in accordance with The Adornment of the
Radiance of Blessing
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 728 DZI, HHPR 579]

d-7b9--i-)-0-)7-:#<-`-7'0-+!9-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
phyi gyur pa panDi ta ma tii lugs kyi jam dkar dbang/ dod buml tar
The empowerment for White Majushri in the tradition of the later translation schools

Page 169 of 209

Pandita Mati, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pandita Mati
Empowerment author: Mingling Terchen
[HETSR 729 DZI, HHPR not listed]

B-/1,-+0--{-#9-:#<-`-7'0-+:--/7-<$-#-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
rje btsun dam pa rgya gar lugs kyi jam dpal smra bai seng ge dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for Majushri Simhanada in the Indian tradition of the Jetsun Dampa, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Lord Dampa Sangye
Empowerment author: Mingling Terchen
[HETSR 730 DZI, HHPR not listed]

o0-6-.9-/-:#<-`-+e$<-%,-0-+!9-07-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
bram ze phur bu lugs kyi dbyangs can ma dkar moi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for White Sarasvati in the Brahmin Kila tradition, in accordance with The
Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Mahasiddha Brahmin Vrihaspati
Empowerment author: Mingling Terchen
[HETSR 731 DZI, HHPR not listed]

Increasing merit, prosperity, possessions and fame [the basis for good
[KKD manual vol.102, p. 220] check Tibetan, should possessions be enjoyments?

dgongs gter rig dzin srog sgrub kyi tshe g.yang gugs pai khungs la brten nas jam mgon bla ma rdo rje
gzi brjid rtsal gyis man ngag gnang gis gsal bar mdzad pa gu ru ratna thod phreng la brten pai tshe
g.yang gugs pai phrin las tshe bsod dod rgui dpal ster gyi tshei rjes gnang
The authorization of The Life that is the Glorious Gift of Life, Merit, and All that One Desires
The Activity that Brings In Life and Prosperity, which is based on Guru Ratna Ttreng Tsals
[pure vision?], elucidated by the oral instructions given by Jamgon Guru Dorje Ziji Tsal, on
the basis of the source [text] Bringing In Life and Prosperity from the mind terma, The
Attainment of Vidyadhara Life
Tertn: Lhatsun Namkha Jigme (KL: a yang gter of Jamyang Khyentse)
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 732 WI, HHPR not listed]

*#<-/-8,-),-,-7e$-#-#<$-/-V-{:--3-:7-+/$- /#<-7++-@7-#)9-/0-P9

Page 170 of 209

thugs sgrub yon tan kun byung gi gsang sgrub padma rgyal po dzambha lai dbang/ bsgrigs dod rgui
gter bum ltar
The empowerment for Padmaraja Jambhala, the secret practice of The Mind Practice, The
Source of All Qualities, in accordance with the arranged practice text The Treasure Vase of All
Things Desired
Tertn: Surkhar Tri-me Lingpa [HHPR Jamyang Khyentse]
Empowerment author: Tendzin Yeshe Lhundrup
[HETSR 733 WI, HHPR 580]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-v-0-,9-T-<-0&#-2:-/6$-#-+/$-&# ,9-/7-&,--P9
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bla ma nor lha skyes mchog tshul bzang gi dbang chog/ nor bui chun
po ltar
The empowerment for Guru Norlha Kyemchok Tsulsang [one of the twelve manifestations
of Padmasambhava Wealth-Deity Supreme Birth Excellent Manner] from The Mind
Practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles; this includes the preliminary empowerment
forSerak Karwa* as well as the main empowerment, in accordance with A Cluster of Jewels
*White Serak, a spirit who consumes the essence of wealth and has to be exorcised
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
[HETSR 734 WI, HHPR 581]

<-#,0-+#$<-#)9-6$-7'#->-{,-30-+!9-0"7-7i-,9-T7-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
sa gnam dgongs gter zung jug ao rgyan dzam dkar mkha gro nor lhai dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the White Oddiyana Jambhala and the dakini wealth deity, a union
of earth, sky, and mind termas, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Chgyal Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 735 WI, HHPR not listed]

30-+09-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
dzam dmar dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for The Sadhana of Vajra Desire for the red Jambhala, in accordance with
The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Dragn Wangchuk Bar
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 736 WI, HHPR not listed]

,9-T-8-3-:-,#--r#-+/$- 9,-&,-&-73,-P9
bal po aa hum bar gyi zab gter slar kun gzigs padma od gsal mdo sngags gling pa la yang gter du byon
pa rdo rjei nor lha yakSha dzambha la nag po srog dbang/ rin chen chu dzin ltar
The life-force empowerment for the vajra yaksha wealth-deity, black Jambhala, the
profound terma of Palpo Ah Hum Bar, rediscovered by All-Seeing Pema sel Do Ngak
Lingpa [Jamyang Khyentse], in accordance with The Cloud of Jewels

Page 171 of 209

Tertn: Palpo Ah Hum Bar/Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author:
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 582]

byang gter nor lha yongs rdzogs kyi dbang dang rjes gnang/ ratnai rgyan phreng ltar
The empowerment for all the yaksha wealth-deities from The Completely Perfect, Self-Born,
Self-Arising of The Eight Logos of the Northern Termas, in accordance with The Adorning
Garland of Jewels
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 737 WI, possibly HHPR 583]

19 February, 2009
E-B-X$-7-&<-Z-30-#<9-b-+/$- 7++-7'7-X$--P9
rdo rje snying poi chos sde dzam gser gyi dbang/ dod joi snying po ltar
The empowerment for Yellow Jambhala from The Vajragarbha Dharma Teachings , in
accordance with The Essence that Fulfills all Desires
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 738 WI, HHPR 584]

#,0-&<-*#<-`-#)9-"-X,-/{+-6/-07-U9-:-30-T-9#<-+-<-< 9#<--7"9-0$-#%#-
/Z< 30-<9 30-+09-+$- 30-,#-/!7-{-%,-Y-30-T-(9-#%#--i#<--F0<-`-
gnam chos thugs kyi gter kha snyan brgyud zab moi skor la dzam lha rigs dgu so so
rigs dgu khor mang gcig bsdus/ dzam ser/ dzam dmar dang/ dzam nag bka rgya can ste dzam lha nyer
gcig tu grags pa rnams kyi dbang
The empowerments for what are known as The Twenty-One Jambhala Deities from the
profound teaching cycle of the hearing lineage, The Sky Dharma Mind Terma: the individual
nine families of Jambhala, those nine families with their many retinues condensed into one,
and the Yellow Jambhala, Red Jambhala, and Black Jambhala with the seals of secrecy;
bestowed in accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment :

skui dzam lha dkar poi dbang
First, the empowerment for the White Jambhala of body
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 739 WI, HHPR 585]

Page 172 of 209

gsung gi dzam lha dmar poi dbang
Second, the empowerment for the Red Jambhala of speech
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 740 WI, HHPR 585]

thugs kyi dzam lha sngon poi dbang
Third, the empowerment for the Blue Jambhala of mind
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 741 WI, HHPR 585]

yon tan dzam lha ser poi dbang
Fourth, the empowerment for the Yellow Jambhala of qualities
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 742 WI, HHPR 585]

phrin las dzam ljang poi dbang
Fifth, the empowerment for the Green Jambhala of activity
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 743 WI, HHPR 585]

rigs dus dzam nag poi dbang
Sixth, the empowerment for the Union of the Families Black Jambhala
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 744 WI, HHPR 585]

dzam khra dra min gsum gyi dang poi dbang
Seventh, the empowerment for the first of the three Multicoloured Jambhalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 745 WI, HHPR 585]

Page 173 of 209

dzam khra dra min gsum gyi gnyis pai dbang
Eighth, the empowerment for the second Multicoloured Jambhala
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 746 WI, HHPR 585]

dzam khra dra min gsum gyi gsum pai dbang
Ninth, the empowerment for the third Multicoloured Jambhala
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 747 WI, HHPR 585]

dzam lha rigs dgu khor mang gcig dus kyi dbang
Tenth, the empowerment for the nine classes of Jambhala and their retinues
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 748 WI, HHPR 585]

thugs chen rigs lngai dzam ser gyi dbang
Eleventh, the empowerment for the yellow Jambhala of the five families of The Great
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 751 WI, HHPR 585]
[PK note: in HETSR, this empowerment is listed in the position of thirteenth, but Lama
Tendzin checked the las byang and confirms that it belongs here. Also, the order at the start
of the KKD entry is yellow, red, black

dzam lha nyer gcig gzhung nas gab pai dzam dmar mi zhon pai dbang
Twelfth, the empowerment for the sealed red Jambhala riding on a human, which is
added from the text on the twenty-one Jambhalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 749 WI, HHPR 585]

dzam nag bka rgya can gyi dbang

Page 174 of 209

Thirteenth, the empowerment for the sealed black Jambhala
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 750 WI, HHPR 585]

PK note: there was a separate entry listed after this series that caused a bit of confusion [ gnam
chos dzam lha nyer gcig gi dzam dmar bka rgya can gyi mngon rtogs ]. As explained by Lama
Tendzin, although is a separate entry in KKDs manual, it applies to the dbang sgrub [wang
preparation done by NDR in the morning] of the above series and not to the main
empowerment section, so is not listed here.

F0-r<-d-/-<9-&,-T-+-,-#</-07-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
rnam sras phyi sgrub ser chen lha dgu sprin gseb mai rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for Amongst the Clouds: the nine deities of the great yellow outer practice
of Vaishravana, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyalpa Nyima Sherab
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 752 WI, HHPR not listed]

,$-/-0$-+09-I-/-D-W,-%,-b-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
nang sgrub mdung dmar rtsa sgrub rta sngon can gyi rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for The Blue Horse Owner root practice, which the inner practice of
Vaishravana, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyalpa Nyima Sherab
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 753 WI, HHPR not listed]

#/-:#<-/!7-0-+$-#(:-#)9-6$-7'#-#<$-/-l#--D-W,-%,-b-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
gnub lugs bka ma dang gnyal gter zung jug gsang sgrub drag po rta sngon can gyi rjes gnang/ dod
bum ltar
The authorization for The Wrathful Blue Horse Owner, which is the secret practice of
Vaishravana, a union of the kama tradition of Nub Sangye Yeshe and the terma tradition, in
accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyalpa Nyima Sherab
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 754 WI, HHPR not listed]

8$-#<$-0$-+09-d#-02,-/5-7-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
yang gsang mdung dmar phyag mtshan bzhi pai rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization for The Fourth Symbol, which is the very secret [Vaishravana] with a
Red Spear, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Nyalpa Nyima Sherab
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 755 WI, HHPR not listed]

Page 175 of 209

KKD note: The empowerment for Ratna Lingpas Red-Spear-Carrying Vaishravana was given
earlier during the Sangdak section [bestowed January 26th]. The empowerment for Pema
Lingpas Red-Spear-Carrying Vaishravana was given earlier during the Lama Norbu Gyatso
empowerment [bestowed December 16th].

bla mai thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bui bka srung rnam sras rigs gsum gyi srog dbang/ gter gzhung
The life-force empowerment for the three families of Vaishravana, the protector of The
Gurus Mind Practice, The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: mthsams sbyor Karmapa
[HETSR not listed, possibly HHPR 586]

5$-v,-E-B-/+-7:-b-B<-#,$- 7++-/0-P9
zhang blon rdo rje bdud dul gyi rjes gnang/ dod bum ltar
The authorization of Shangln Dorje Dudul, in accord with the concentration into one
practice of three principal deities, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Dragn Wangchuk Bar
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 758 ZHI, HHPR not listed]

20 February, 2009
#,0-&,-,9-/+#->-9-3-)7-+/$- #6$<-+/$-P9
gnam chos nor bdag aa para dzi tai dbang/ gzungs dbang ltar
The empowerment forAparajita, the wealth deity of The Space Dharma, in accordance with
The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment [vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 759 ZHI, HHPR 587]

#,0-&<-2#<-/+#-#-/!7-#)+ &<-$-7-/!7-#)+-P9
gnam chos tshogs bdag gi bka gtad/ chos skyong spyii bka gtad ltar
The entrustment for Ganapati [The Lord of the Feast] from The Sky Dharma, in accordance
with the general entrustment for dharmapalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 588]

#,0-&<-D-T->-4-9-0j7-/!7-#)+ &<-$-7-/!7-#)+-P9
gnam chos rta lha aa rya re mantai bka gtad/ chos skyong spyii bka gtad ltar
The entrustment for the horse deity, Arya Remanti, from The Sky Dharma, in accordance

Page 176 of 209

with the general entrustment for dharmapalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 589]

#,0-&<--/-97-/!7-#)+ &<-$-7-/!7-#)+-P9
gnam chos ku be rai bka gtad/ chos skyong spyii bka gtad ltar
The entrustment for Kubera from The Sky Dharma, in accordance with the general
entrustment for dharmapalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme ?
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 590]

b-r#-#)+-*,-0$-0-8,-7-r#-+/$- -!7-*#<-/%+-P9
chags med bzhi pa karma bstan dzin phrin las la bka bab pai bka gter zung jug sha za mkha gro
mched gsum gyi srog gtad thun mong ma yin pai srog dbang/ Da kii thugs bcud ltar
The life-force empowerment for the uncommon life-force entrustment of The Three
Carnivorous Dakini Sisters, a union of terma and kama that was transmitted to the fourth
Chagme, Karma Tendzin Trinle, in accordance with The Heart Essence of the Dakinis
Tertn: Karma Chagme
Empowerment author: ?
[HETSR not listed, possibly HHPR 591]

KKD note: The authorization for Chogyur Lingpas Three Kun Kyil Siblings from The Seven
Profundities [zab bdun kun khyil mched gsum], was given earlier during The Profound Life of the
Three Roots [rtsa gsum tshe zab].

KKD note: [The empowerment for] The Blazing Jewel of Empowerment from the Northern Termas
[byang gter mnga dbang rin chen bar ba] will be given later.

Increasing the fruits of the harvest [KKD manual vol. 102, p. 272]

#,0-&<-e$-&/-<0<-+7-<7-X$-7-+/$- #6$<-+/$-P9
gnam chos byang chub sems dpa sai snying poi dbang/ gzungs dbang ltar
The empowerment forBodhisattva Kshitagarbha from The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in
accordance with The Sky Dharma Dharani Empowerment [vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 761 ZHI, HHPR 592]

gnam chos klu rgyal dga boi bka gtad

Page 177 of 209

The entrustment for Naga King Gawo from The Sky Dharma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: mtshams sbyor Karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 593]

#,0-&<-t-{:-0-0#,-+!9-7-/!7-#)+ &<-$-7-/!7-#)+-P9
gnam chos klu rgyal mi mgon dkar poi bka gtad/ chos skyong spyii bka gtad ltar
The entrustment for The Naga King White Protector of Humans from The Sky Dharma, in
accordance with the general entrustment for dharmapalas
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 594]

+#$<-#)9-7.#<-0&#-<$-#-7-+/$- /-*/<-I-#$-P9
dgongs gter phags mchog senge sgrai dbang/ sgrub thabs rtsa gzhung ltar
The empowerment for the mind terma, The Supreme Arya Simhanada , in accordance with the
root text sadhana
Tertn: Rigdzin Tukkyi Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 762 ZHI, HHPR 595]

Increasing the family line [a container of qualities]:

[KKD manual vol. 102, p. 282]

6/-/,-I-#<0-2-6/-`-&-:#-9,-&,-0"7-7i-<9-7o$-07-+/$-&# #<9-b-+/0-6$-P9
zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe zab kyi cha lag rin chen mkha gro sor brang mai dbang chog/ gser gyi dbum
zang ltar
The empowerment for The Ratna Dakini, Pratisar , an ancillary to The Profound Life from
The Three Roots of the Seven Profundities, in accordance with The Excellent Vase of Gold
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 763 ZHI, HHPR 596]

Increasing the precious teachings of the Buddha

[the source of all good qualities]:
[KKD manual vol. 102, p. 282]

ston pa thub pai dbang po dang phags pa gnas brtan chen po bcu drug gi rjes gnang/ rdzogs chen pa
gar dbang zhig gling gsung
The authorization for the sixteen Elders [SKT. Sthaviras]
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 764 ZI, HHPR 597]

Page 178 of 209

gnam chos thugs gter las byung bai thub dbang gnas brtan bcu drug gi dbang
The empowerment for The Lord of Sages and The Sixteen Elders [SKT. Sthaviras] from The
Sky Dharma Mind Terma
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 766 ZI, HHPR 599]
(the order of this empowerment and the following empowerment were reversed in comparison
with HETSR and HHPR, as shown here. I dont know why.)

B-/1,-e0<--0#,-7-+/$- :$-D#<-/%+-:-P9
rje btsun byams pa mgon poi dbang/ lung rtogs bcud spel ltar
The empowerment for Lord Jetsun Maitreya, in accordance with the Increasing the Essence of
Scripture and Realisation
Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 765 ZI, HHPR 598]

4. Magnetizing: [KKD manual vol. 102, p. 295]

8$-#)9-V-0"7-7i-9#<-e+-I:-b-/X,-/-n,-:<-`-e$-/7-+/$- /+-&,-+b<-7-
+e$<-X,-P9 i:-e+-6/-h+-+$-/%<-
yang gter padma mkha gro rigs byed rtsal gyi bsnyen sgrub phrin las kyi byang bui dbang/ bde chen
dgyes pai dbyangs snyan ltar/ grol byed zab khrid dang bcas pa
The empowerment for the rediscovered terma of the sadhana manual for the approach and
accomplishment of the display of the Padmadakini family, in accordance with The Sweet
Melody That Brings the Pleasure of Great Bliss, together with the liberating instructions
Tertn: Rangzom Pandita Chokyi Sangpo/Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 767 ZI, HHPR 600]

/+-0&#-0"7-7i-#<$-/-`-+/$- +/$-&,-7n:-b-/%+-7//<-P9
bde mchog mkha gro gsang sgrub kyi dbang/ dbang chen phrul gyi bcud bebs ltar
The empowerment for the secret practice of The Dakini of Supreme Bliss, in accordance with
Bringing Down the Essence of Emanating Great Power
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 768 ZI, HHPR 601]

+#$<-#)9-:-0-+09-0-#<$-/-`-+/$- +/$-&,-7n:-b-/%+-7//<-P9

Page 179 of 209

dgongs gter sgrol ma dmar mo gsang sgrub kyi dbang/ dbang chen phrul gyi bcud bebs ltar
The empowerment for the mind terma, the secret practice of Red Tara, in accordance with
Bringing Down the Essence of Emanating Great Power
Tertn: Rigdzin Tukkyi Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 769 ZI, HHPR 602]

21 February, 2009
I-#<0-27-6/-7-V-0"7-7i-+/$-b-T-07-+/$- V-9-#7-/0--P9
rtsa gsum tshei zab pai padma mkha gro dbang gyi lha moi dbang/ padma ra gai bum pa ltar
The empowerment for Padmadakini, Kurukulle, from The Profound Life of the Three Roots,
in accordance with The Vase of Rubies
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 770 ZI, HHPR 603]

the following empowerment is connected with the above empowerment (see note at the end of

V-0"7-i7-/!7-r$-T-&,-+/$-d#-#-+/$- <,Z47-&-{,
the magnetizing section):

padma mkha groi bka srung lha chen dbang phyug gi dbang sindhui rai chu rgyun
The empowerment for the padmadakini protector, Mahadvea, in accordance with The River
of Sindhura
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 606]

the following empowerment is connected with the padma sgyu phrul drwa ba (see note at the
end of the magnetizing section):

thugs rje chen poi bka srung lha chen dbang phyug gi bka gtad dbang gi lcags kyu
The iron hook of the empowerment-entrustment for the ratnadakini protector, Mahadeva
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 607]

#,+-,-3-+09-7-#<$-/-`-B<-#,$- "0<-#<0-+/$-e+-P9
gnod sbyin dzambha dmar poi gsang sgrub kyi rjes gnang/ khams gsum dbang byed ltar
The authorization for the secret practice of Red Yaksha Jambhala, in accordance with Ruling
the Three Realms [there may also be a srog gtad and a rjes gnang thun min, I didnt quite
understand the note about these -PK]
Tertn: Choje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 180 of 209

[HETSR not listed, HHPR 604]
[this wang was not done here but at the end of the magnetizing section, Im not sure why]

T-&,-b-+/$- 7++-/0-P9
lha chen gyi dbang/ dod bum ltar
The empowerment for Mahadeva, in accordance with The Wish-fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 772 ZI, HHPR not listed]

e$-#)9-T-&,-/<+-,0<-+:-7/9-b-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
byang gter lha chen bsod nams dpal bar gyi dbang/ gter gzhung ltar
The empowerment forMahadeva Glorious Blazing Merit from the Northern Termas, in
accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 773 ZI, HHPR not listed]

lha chen rlung zhags phyi nang gsang gi dbang
The successive empowerments for the Northern Termas Mahadeva and His Wind Lasso, in
outer, inner, and secret forms, given according to the terma text combined with the adorning
manual of the general practice of The Treasury of Termas:
[KKD manual vol. 102 p. 327]

First, The authorization for the principal Tirthika Wind Lasso

Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 774 ZI, HHPR not listed]

Second, The authorization for the outer practice: Mahadeva and the Wheels of Sun, Moon
and Wind
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 775 ZI, HHPR not listed]

Third, The authorization for the inner practice: Maheshvara Norbu Sam-Pel
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 776 ZI, HHPR not listed]

Fourth, the authorization for the secret practice: Maheshvara Sangwa Yangkhol, who has
control over Appearances
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 777 ZI, HHPR not listed]

Page 181 of 209

KKD note: The authorization for gyen Terdak Lingpas Mahadeva, the teachings-guardian of
the Mahakarunika Union of All the Sugatas cycle [thugs chen bde gshegs kun dus kyi bka srung lha
chen rjes gnang], the authorization for Chogyur Lingpas Mahadeva, the teachings-guardian of
the Padmadakinis in The Seven Profundities cycle [zab bdun padma mkha groi bka srung lha chen
gyi rjes gnang], and the entrustment for Chogyur Lingpas Mahadeva, the teachings-gaurdain
of the Mahakarunika Illusory Lotus Net cycle [thugs chen padma sgyu phrul drwa bai bka srung lha
chen bka gtad] were given earlier during those respective sections.
Lama Tendzin: the first of the empowerments mentioned in KKDs note (HHPR 605) actually
was given earlier. The second and third were not given earlier (LT thinks this is an error in
KKD), so they were given today. The second (HHPR 606) is part of the padma mkha gro dbang
right before it. The third (HHPR 607) is connected with the padma sgyu phrul drwa ba.

5. Destroying:
general sorcery: [KKD manual vol. 102, p. 347]

7'0<-e+-I:-&,-(-w-,#-7-/!7-#)+ V0-:$-]<--0-/7-/Z/<-7-8-#-*,-020<-(-
joms byed rtsal chen nyi zla nag poi bka gtad sgom lung sbas pa ma bui bsdebs pai yi ge thun
mtshams nyi zlai kha lo ltar.
The entrustment for The Black Sun and Moon Great Power of Subjugating, in accordance
with the concealed mediation instruction of the post-meditation text that brings together
mother and son, The Ruling Seat of The Sun and Moon
Tertn: Drugu Yangwang
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 608]

6/-/,-I-#<0-b-&-:#-:<-`-0"7-7i-E-B-Z9-07-+/$- #8-/0-/6$-P9
zab bdun rtsa gsum gyi cha lag las kyi mkha gro rdo rje sder moi dbang/ g.yu bum bzung ltar
The empowerment for The Vajra Claws of the Karmadakinis, an ancillary to The Profound
Life of the Three Roots in The Seven Profundities, in accordance with The Excellent Vase of
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 779 I, HHPR 609]

specific sorcery; protection:

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

specific sorcery; reversing: [KKKD manual vol. 102, p. 348]

KKD note about several protectors appears here [see KKD vo. 102 pp. 348-356].

bstan pa srung bai chos bzhi pa mgon po gnam lcags thog mdai srog dbang

Page 182 of 209

The life-force empowerment for the protector Sky-Iron Lightening Bolts
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: mtshams sbyor Karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 610]

*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-&-:#-:'0-+:-.-9:-@:-7'0<-`-#)9-+/$- #,0-N#<-,-
thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag jam dpal pha rol rgol joms kyi gtor dbang/ gnam lcags zhun
thig ltar
The torma empowerment for Manjushri who Defeats the Opponents, an ancillary to The
Gurus Mind Practice, The Elimination of all Obstacles, in accordance with The Molten Drop
of Sky-Iron
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 780 I, HHPR 611]

The following two entries are protectors connected with (and part of the same KKD entry as)
the above empowerment (HETSR 780):

dpal chen poi bka sdod chi bdag las gshin bka gtad
The entrustment for Le-shin, the great glorious servant of the lord of death
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

las mkhan nag po mgo gsum gyi bka gtad
The entrustment for the three headed black Le-khen
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

specific sorcery; slaying:

There are no particular empowerments for the slaying practice The severance of the continuum of
the beings who have broken [their commitments].

specific sorcery; total control:

the total control of protection, which suppresses the earth


Page 183 of 209

gnam chos thugs gter ming gi mngon brjod kyi king kang rigs bco lgai sgrub thabs las king kang dmar
byed kyi dbang/ gzungs dbang ltar
The empowerment for Kingkang Marche from the sadhana of the fifteen classes of Kingkang
in the summary or terms in The Sky Dharma Mind Terma, in accordance with The Sky Dharma
Dharani Empowerment [vol THI]
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: Karma Chagme
[HETSR 781 YI, HHPR 612]

The activity of putting into water

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

The activity of burning in fire

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

The activity of being blown away by the wind

There are no particular empowerments for this section.

22 February, 2009

II. Completion Stage, Anuyoga, [Path] [KKD manual vol. 102, p. 360]
l,-&,-y/-+,-0-,-+#7-7/0-7-0-{+-0"7-7i-#<$-/-:0-a9-+/$- /47-+-;:-P9
drin chen slob dpon ma kun dga bum pai ma rgyud mkha gro gsang ba lam khyer dbang/ baiDuryai
do shal ltar
The empowerment for Bringing the Secret Dakinis to the Path, from the mother lineage of the
kind female acharya, Kunga Bumpa, in accordance with The Lapis Lazuli Necklace
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa [HHPR: Kongtrul and Jamyang Khyentse]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 782 RI, HHPR 613]

#)9-"-#(<-7<-#0-07-0-+/$- h+-8#-6/-+,-,-7<-P9
gter kha gnyis dus gtum moi me dbang/ khrid yig zab don kun dus ltar
The empowerment for the fire of tummo [SKT. chandali], which is a union of two termas, in
accordance with the instruction text, The Union of All Profound Meanings
[HETSR: in accordance with Blazing Wisdom]
Tertn: Dudul Lingpa and Longsal Nyingpo
Empowerment author: Katok Ngedn Wangpo
[HETSR 783 RI, HHPR 614]

:$-&,-E-B-/!+--/!7-7<-&<-`-{-027-+/$- E-B7-/+-/I7-&-{,-P9
lung chen rdo rje bkod pa bka dus chos kyi rgyai dbang/ rdo rjei bdud brtsii chu rgyun ltar

Page 184 of 209

The preparatory and main root empowerments, and the supportive life-empowerment, for The
Ocean of Dharma that is the Collection of the Instructions, The Vajra Array of the Great
Scripture, in accordance with The River of Vajra Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 785 RI, HHPR 615]

0+-:$-&,--M7-+#$<--d#-{-#%#-7-+,-+/$- :$-&<-/+-I7-,-*#<-P9
mdo lung chen po lngai dgongs pa phyag rgya gcig pai don dbang/ lung chos bdud rtsii zhun thigs
The meaning empowerment for the Single Mudra: The Viewpoint of the Five Great Sutra
Scriptures, in accordance with The Molten Drop of the Amrita of Dharma Scriptures
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 786 RI, HHPR 616]

The following empowerment is found in the KKD manual within an entry for a main
empowerment (HETSR 787) that Lama Tendzin determined to have actually been given earlier,
however, this protector was not given at that time, so it was still given here. Although
according to the KKD manual it would normally be here, it was moved the end of the anuyoga
section (three empowerments down, after HETSR 790), because NDR wanted the protector to
go at the end. See KKD vol 102 p. 372
chos skyong zab mo skor dgui phyag drug pai phyi sgrub kyi rjes gnang
The authorization for the outer practice of the six-armed [protector, connected with the
above practice], from The Nine Profound Cycles dharmapalas
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

:$-:#<-0"7-7i--0-/+-0&#-=-9-!-0-#8-/-E-B-60-7-+/$- /+-&,-f--P9
lung lugs mkha gro sgyu ma bde mchog he ru ka mi g.yo ba rdo rje zam pai dbang/ bde chen myu gu
The empowerment for The Vajra Bridge, Supreme Bliss Heruka Acala, from the scriptural
traditions Illusory Dakinis, in accordance with The Sprout of Great Bliss
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 789 RI, HHPR 618]
[note: this empowerment text [bde chen myu gu] actually has two empowerments in it, one
called the outer and inner empowerment (lung lugs mi g.yo ba rdo rje gsang bai nang sgrub lha
bco lngai dkyi khor du phyi nang gnyis kyi dbang bde chen myu gu ) and one called the two secret
empowerments (lung lugs mi g.yo ba rdo rje zab pai gsang sgrub lha bcu pai dkyil khor du sgrub
gsang gnyis kyi dbang bde chen myu gu ) these were listed separately on kunnams list. I asked
Lama Tendzin whether each of these were actually another two, and he said no. I asked did
phyi then refer to the vase abhisheka and nang refer to the 2 nd, 3rd, and 4 th abhishekas of the
same larger abhisheka, and he said probably so]

Page 185 of 209

lung lugs thugs kyi phur gcig mai dbang/ gter gzhung (according to Kunnam)
The empowerment for the scriptural traditions The Single Kila of the Mind, in accordance with
Vajra Anointment
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 790 RI, HHPR 619]

23rd-27th February, 2009

days off for Losar [25 February]

28 February, 2009

III. Great Completion, Atiyoga, [Fruition]

Mind Section [KKD manual vol. 102 p. 386]

[no empowerments; see note for this section in manual]

The profound instructions for The Mahamudra: the Essence of the Sun that Eliminates the
Darkness of Ignorance; the profound instructions for The Lamp that Illuminates the History of
the Precious Lamp, which is the preliminaries in accord with the terma text; the profound
instructions of The Illuminating Lamp, which is a supplement in accord with the terma text
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 791 RI, HHPR not listed]

The red instructions for The Stainless Mahamudra that Brings Joy to All; the profound
instructions for the rediscovered terma The Spontaneous Liberation of Wisdom , in accordance
with the terma text
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 792 RI, HHPR not listed]

Space Section [KKD manual vol. 102 p. 390]

[no empowerments; see note for this section in manual]

Instruction Section [KKD manual vol. 102 p. 391]



Page 186 of 209

rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang gnad kyi gdams pa zab mo rgyud bcu bdun gyi dbang bskur bka rgya can
The sealed empowerments of the seventeen tantras, which are the profound instructions on
the very secret key point, The Great Perfection, opened by the intent of the tantra in
Garwang Shigpo Lingpas manual, which came from the flowing river of empowerment
forself-arising perfection

sta gon gyi dbang
The preparatory empowerment
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 793 RI, HHPR 620]

rdo rje rnam joms khrus lung gi dbang
The empowerment for the scriptural transmission of the Vajravidarana washing ritual
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 794 RI, HHPR 620]

zhi ba byang chub sems kyi dbang
The empowerment for the peaceful bodhichitta
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 795 RI, HHPR 620]

khro bo rigs kyi dbang
The empowerment for the wrathful family
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 796 RI, HHPR 620]

tshe dbang rin chen ye shes khor lo
The long-life empowerment, The Precious Wisdom Wheel
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 797 RI, HHPR 620]


Page 187 of 209

rang lus zhing khams kyi dbang gsang ba zhes bya baam rig pa rang gi dbang
The Secret Empowerment forOnes Own Body as a Pure Realm, or the empowerment
forones own awareness
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 798 RI, HHPR 620]

bka rtags phya gyai dbang
The empowerment for the mudra seals
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 799 RI, HHPR 620]

gsang ba ye shes khor loi dbang ngam mkha dbyings bum pai dbang
The empowerment for the secret wheel of wisdom, or the vase-empowerment for the
expanse of space
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 800 RI, HHPR 620]

rdzogs chen rang snang gi lta ba bstan pai dbang
The empowerment that teaches the view of the self-appearing Great Perfection
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 801 RI, HHPR 620]

khor lo rin chen sku ltar bar bai dbang
The empowerment that blazes like the precious wheel body
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR 802 RI, HHPR 620]

srog dbang bka rgya ma bcas
together with the sealed life-force empowerment
Tertn: Dangma Lhundrup
Empowerment author: Shigpo Lingpa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR 620]

Page 188 of 209

bka srung khros mai dbang
The empowerment for the teachings-protector Trma
Tertn: rgya ba zhang ston
Empowerment author: gar dbang zhig gling
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

KKD Note: In terms of the teaching of the profound instructions of The Karmapas Heart-Bindu of
Vimalamitra, in general, as in the empowerment record of instructions, it is said that the
performance of the empowerment should contains the elaborate, simple, and extremely simple
empowerments of the [Karmapa] Vimilamitra Heart Bindu. However, it can be simplified,
because it has blended into one river of transmission with the preceding empowerments of the
seventeen very secret Great Perfection tantras of Dangma Lhundrup, and therefore they will
suffice. [I didnt really understand the note here; see KKD manual 393:1-396:1]

The wonderful profound instructions that are instructions for the practice of what is known
as Karma Nyingtik [Heart Bindu of the Karmapa], which Vimilamitra bestowed as a mind
terma upon the Karmapa, having directly blessed him, in accordance with the root text
Tertn: Karma Rangjung Dorje
Empowerment author: Author of the instructions: The root text
[HETSR 804 RI, HHPR not listed]

rdzogs chen gsang ba snying thig gi dbang sta dngos sbrel ma
The preparatory and main root empowerment for the Great Perfection Secret Heart-Bindu
Tertn: Garwang Shigpo Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 805 LI, HHPR 621]

J#<--&,--0,-$#-Z7-/%+-.9-N-/1,-&,--/-0-:7-6/-*#-#-+/$- #<9-7b9-I-0&#-
rdzogs pa chen po man ngag sdei bcud phur lce btsun chen po bi ma lai zab thig gi dbang/ gser gyur
rtsam mchog ltar
The empowerment for The Profound Bindu of the Great Chetsun [noble-tongued] Vimalamitra,
the kila quintessence of the instruction section of The Great Perfection, in accordance with The
Supreme Catalyst that Transforms into Gold
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 806 LI, HHPR 622]

The profound instructions for The Profound Bindu of the Great Chetsun [noble-tongued]
Vimalamitra, the kila quintessence of the instruction section of the Great Perfection, in
accordance with The Concentrated Quintessence: The Complete Secret Bindu
Tertn: Jamyang Khyentse
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 189 of 209

[HETSR 807 LI, HHPR not listed]

1 March, 2009


note: Kunnams list did not list all the subcategories listed here...I think they probably all
happened, but should look into this with LT...

)#-b-+/$-#(<-&-/-#%#-7l<-7-+/$- d-07-8#-&-9,--&7-+/$-b-n$-/-P9
rdzogs pa chen po mkha gro snying thig dang kun mkhyen klong chen rab byams kyis rgyas par bkral
bai mkha gro yang tig gyi dbang gnyis chu bo gcig dres phyi mai yig cha rin po chei dbang gyi
phreng ba ltar
The empowerments for Pema Lendrel Tsals terma The Great Perfection Heart-Bindu of the
Dakinis, and for Kunkhyen Trime zers elaborate clarification, The Quintessential Drop of
the Dakinis merged into a single river of a combination of the empowerment and
instruction, in accordance with the latters text The Garland of the Precious Life-empowerment
and his instruction text Illuminating the Profound Path :
[HHPR 623 is the rtsa dbang] [KKD manual vol 102 p. 422-529]

deang sngon gro dam tshig nyams chag skong bai lung dbang ?
To begin with, there is the great yoga of the ablution of the crown of the head in order
to purify all commitment breakages, bad karma, and obscurations of those who are
worthy vessels for the empowerment, accompanied by the profound instructions from
the guru yoga of the common preliminaries
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 816 LI]

dngos gzhi sgo byed mkha groi rda dbang ?
First, the empowerment for the sign of the dakinis, which opens the door to blessings
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 817 LI]

byin rlabs bla ma dang brel bai bum gsang sher ye bzhi pai dbang ??
Second, the elaborate external empowerment for the vase, which is in three parts [the first
of which is] the empowerment that gives entry into the common preliminaries

Page 190 of 209

Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 818 LI]

The [vase empowerment as the] preparatory empowerment for the uncommon preliminaries
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 819 LI]

The elaborate vase empowerment for the main practice, combined with the profound
instructions for the uncommon preliminaries separation of samsara and nirvana
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 820 LI]

Third, the simple, inner secret empowerment, combined with the profound instructions on
the four preliminaries of speech
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 821 LI]

Fourth, the liberating, very simple prajan-jnana empowerment, combined with the
profound instructions on the three preliminaries of the mind
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 822 LI]

Fifth, the extremely simple, precious word empowerment, combined with the profound
instructions on the main practice of trekch [cutting through] and tgal [leaping
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 823 LI]

khyad par bka dag gi rtsal dbang ? Kunnams tibetan?
Sixth, the display of awareness empowerment connected with the basis of the cutting
through path, combined with the profound instructions on the direct recognition of the
transference through blessing
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 824 LI]

Page 191 of 209

lhun grub rig pai rtsal dbang
Seventh, the display of awareness empowerment for the unsurpassable, naturally
present vyakrantaka, which opens the secret door of wisdom, combined with the
instructions based upon the main practice of the continuum of wisdom with a stainless
basis, and the profound instructions on the direct recognition of that, and so on
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 825 LI]

mkha groi don dbang
Eighth, the dakinis meaning empowerment that brings the blessings to their ultimate
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 826 LI]

gzhan don rjes dzin gyi dbang
Ninth, the bestowal of the instruction of sealed entrustment for the responsibility of
benefiting others
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
[HETSR 827 LI]

brgyud dzin gtad rgya
Tenth, the empowerment for the lineage holders of the sealed entrustment for the
especially complete accomplishment of the benefit of others and the profound
instructions on the meaning of the final words of applying a seal to the instructions
Tertn: Pema Lendrel Tsal and Kunkhyen Trime zer
Empowerment author: Kunkhyen Trime zer
Author of the instructions: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 828 LI]

mkha gro snying thig gi bka srung khyad par ba srog sgrub mai bka gtad
Kunnams list details for this protector: dod bum las/ shan pa srog sgrub mai bka gtad
The entrustment for the life-force practice of the special teachings-guardian of The Heart-
Bindu of the Dakinis
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author:

Page 192 of 209

[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

e$-#)9-J#<--&,--9$-e$-9$-;9-X$--/%+-/Z<-9#-7-+/$- /P-/+9-/!+--8-;<-
byang gter rdzogs pa chen po rang byung rang shar snying po bcud bsdus rig pai dbang/ blta bder bkod
pa ye shes rang shar ltar
The knowledge-empowerment for the Northern Termas Great Perfection The Self-Born,
Self-Arising Concentrated Essence in accordance with the easy-to-read arrangement, Self-
Arising Wisdom
Tertn: Rigdzin Ngdrup Gyaltsen [HHPR: Rigdzin Godem]
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 808 LI, HHPR 624] [KKD manual start of vol. 103; see p.4]

2 March, 2009 [wangs held in both the morning and afternoon]

J#<--&,--P-/-t$-8$-#-5-h-+/$-;,--/Z<--#)9-+/$-n-*#-/-*/< #5,-.,-t$-
rdzogs pa chen po lta bu klong yang gi zhi khro dbang shin tu bsdus pa gtor dbang phra thig sgrub
thabs/ gzhan phan klong yangs ltar
The Tiny Droplet Torma Empowerment Sadhana , the extremely brief empowerment for the
peaceful and wrathful deities of The Great-Perfection-Like Expanse, in accordance with The
Vast Expanse of Benefiting Others
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 809 LI, HHPR 625]

+/$-M 0*9-&#<-<-/U9-/7-:#-:,-8-;<-9:-7-&-{,-P9
rdzogs chen hum skor snying thig kun gzigs padma od gsal mdo sngags gling pa la nye brgyud kyi bka
bab pai smin byed dbang lnga mthar chags su bskur bai lag len ye shes rol pai chu rgyun ltar
The five ripening empowerments of The Heart-Bindu of The Great Perfection HM Teachings,
which are transmitted from the direct lineage of All-Seeing Pema Do-Ngak Lingpa [Jamyang
Khyentse], successively bestowed in accordance with The River of the Play of Wisdom:

,-r# V-h<-d-,$-<#<-+/$-#-W,-7i
sbyin sreg/ sgo khrus phyi nang sogs dbang gi sngon gro/
To begin with, there are the empowerment preliminaries of the fire puja and the outer
and inner request at the door, the washing ritual, and so forth
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye

Page 193 of 209

[HETSR 810 LI, HHPR 626]

dbang dngos gzhir pho sgrub bla ma dang brel ba spros bcas bum dbang
First, in the main empowerment, there is the vase empowerment connected with the male-
practice of the guru, accompanied by the profound instructions of the separation of the
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 811 LI, HHPR 626]

zung jug yi dam dang brel ba gsang dbang
Second, the secret empowerment connected with the yidam in union, accompanied by the
profound instructions of the separation of speech and mind
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 812 LI, HHPR 626]

mo sgrub dang brel ba sher dbang
Third, the pranja-jnana empowerment connected with the female practice [of the
dakini], accompanied by the profound instructions of the direct introduction to the
inseparability of shamatha and vipasyana
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 813 LI, HHPR 626]

2#-+/$-8-;<--v# *+-@: D#<-&+ /9-+ 7.-/ #%+-8: 5-e+-

##<-<: 7+-#<:-F0<-`-6/-h+-<-<9-:
tshig dbang ye shes spyi blug/ thod rgal/ rtags tshad/ bar do/ pho ba/ gcod yul/ zhi byed gegs sel/ od
gsal rnams kyi zab khird sbrel
Fourth, the word empowerment, the wisdom anointment, combined with the individual
profound instructions on thgal, measuring the signs, bardo, phowa, chyul,
pacification and elimination of obstructing spirits, tummo, and luminosity
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 814 LI, HHPR 626]

Page 194 of 209

/{+-73,-:-#+0<-7-/!7-#)+ /D,-#)9-+/$-
brgyud dzin la gdams pai bka gtad/ brten gtor dbang
Fifth, the entrustment of teachings to the lineage holders, together with the supportive
torma empowerment
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 815 LI, HHPR 626]

rdzogs pa chen po chig chod kun grol padma od gsal mdo sngags gling pa nyid la nye brgyud bka bab
pai dbang bzhii brda khrid bklag chog tu bkod pa gnas lugs gcer mthong ltar
The four empowerments of The Great Perfections the one thing that liberates everything
from the transmission of the direct lineage of All-Seeing Pema Do Ngak Lingpa [Jamyang
Khyentse] himself, in accordance with the symbolic instructions arranged for easy reading,
Nakedly Seeing the True Nature
Tertn: Rinchen Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 829 SHI, HHPR 627]

The profound instructions for the preliminaries, main practice, and conclusion of the Great
Perfections liberation from all by understanding one thing, in accordance with Freed from
All Bondage
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 830 SHI, HHPR not listed]

[Lunch Break Here]

+0-&<-t$-#<:-X$-*#-#-90-#(<-&<-V-7e+-e+-#/$-J#<-/Z<--I-#<0-#)9-+/$- l-
dam chos klong gsal snying thig gi rim gnyis chos sgo byed byed dbang rdzogs bsdus pa rtsa gsum gtor
dbang/ dri med nor bui snying po ltar
The torma empowerment for the three roots, the complete empowerment that opens the door
to the dharma of the two stages of The Heart-Bindu of the Dharma of the Clear Expanse, in
accordance with The Essence of the Stainless Jewel
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 831 SHI, HHPR 628]

[the rest of the empowerments by Ratna Lingpa [HETSR 832-840] were skipped at this point
and done the next day, march 3rd; Im not clear why]

Page 195 of 209

,-0a,-l-0+-7+-69-b-6/-#)9-8$-#)9--]<--+$- V-u$--(+-`-6/-#)9-+$<-/%<-
,-l$<-,<-0-/-6$--/Z/<- J#<-&,-,-/6$-+#$<--,-7<-`-+/$- ,9-/7-,-
kun mkhyen dri med od zer gyi zab gter yang gter du sbas pa dang/ padma gling pa nyid kyi zab gter
dngos bcas spyan drangs nas ma bu zung du bsdebs pa/ rdzogs chen kun bzang dgongs pa kun dus kyi
dbang/ nor bui sgron me bklag chog tu bkod pa ltar
The empowerment for The Great Perfection Union of the Mind of Samantabhadra, which is
the union-of-mother-and-son combination of All-Knowing Trime sers profound terma
that he concealed again as a rediscovered terma and Pema Lingpas own profound actual
terma, in accordance with the text arranged for easy reading, The Jewel Lamp
Tertn: Pema Lingpa and Trime Oser
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 842 SHI, HHPR 631]

The instructions on the essential meaning of The Great Perfection Union of All the Views of
Samantabhadra, in accordance with the record of the visualizations and also the profound
instructions that are a combination of the terma text and the dharma conduct recitation
Tertn: Pema Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The third Pema Lingpa, Tsultrim Dorje
[HETSR 843 SHI, HHPR not listed]

#,0-&<-J#<-&,-<$<-{<-:#-7&$-#-W,-7i-*#<-B-&,--7/-<-7-+/$- #)9-#$-P9
gnam chos rdzogs chen sangs rgyas lag chang gi sngon gro thugs rje chen po bu su kui dbang/ gter
gzhung ltar
The empowerment forMahakarunika Busuku, the preliminaries for The Sky Dharma called
The Great Perfection Buddhahood in Your Hand , in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 844 SHI, HHPR 632]

The Sky Dharma Mind Terma Great Perfections instructions, entitled Buddhahood in Your
Hand, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Rigdzin Mingyur Dorje
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 845 SHI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for The Heart-Bindu Luminosity Vajra Essence, in accordance with
Samantabhadras Rainbow Body
Tertn: Dudul Dorje
Author of the instructions: Dudul Dorje
[HETSR 846 SHI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions that are a combination of the instruction text entitled The Great
Perfection of the Vajra Essence and the preliminary recitation text as in the terma text, in
accordance with Entering Into the City of Rainbow Rays

Page 196 of 209

Tertn: Longsal Nyingpo
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 847 SHI, HHPR not listed]

v-07-*#<-/-/9-&+-,-<:-b-9#-73,-V-7e$-#,<-`-+/$- $-029-&<-l#-#-+/$-9
bla mai thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rig dzin padma byung gnas kyi rdzogs rim dbang/ ngo
mtshar chos drug gi dbang sbyar/ ye shes od kyi thig le ltar
The empowerment for the Vidyadhara Padmakara from The Gurus Mind Practice, The
Elimination of All Obstacles, combined with the empowerment for the Marvellous Six
Dharmas, in accordance with Bindus of Wisdom Light
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 848 SI, HHPR 633]

The profound instructions for The Great Perfection luminosity perfection stage of
Vidyadhara Padmakara of The Gurus Mind-Practice, The Elimination of All Obstacles, in
accordance with Bindus of Molten Gold
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 849 SI, HHPR not listed]

Vairochana [KKD manual, vol. 103, p. 19]

#)9-"-#<0-7<-E9-<0<-X$-#-*#-:7-+/$- 7+-#<:-V-7e+-P9
gter kha gsum dus rdor sems snying gi thig lei dbang/ od gsal sgo byed ltar
The empowerment for the Heart Bindu of Vajrasattva , which is a union of three termas, in
accordance with Opening the Door to Luminosity
Tertn: Dorje Lingpa, Kunkyong Lingpa and Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment author:Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 850 SI, HHPR 634]

there was a wang listed here that was not on either of the other lists, check in KKD:
thun min stag sham rdor sems snying thig them med bcu pai theb med kyi thod rgal dbang
The uncommon thgal empowerment of Taksham Lingpas Heart Essence of Vajrasattva
Tertn: Taksham Samten Lingpa
Empowerment Author: mtshams sbyor karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

J#<--&,--Z-#<0-b-#<$-U9-8-+0-h-/7-+/$- 8-;<-t$-8$<-P9
rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum gyi gsang skor yi dam khro boi dbang/ ye shes klong yangs ltar
The empowerment for the wrathful yidams of the secret cycle of teachings, The Three Classes
of the Great Perfection, in accordance with The Vast Expanse of Wisdom

Page 197 of 209

Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 851 SI, HHPR 635]

3 March, 2009

[first there were the 9 empowerments from the Padmakara section that were skipped

+7-/+-90-+$-7o:-/7-+/$-/9-F0-#<0 */<-;<-/%+-`-X$--P9
dei bskyed rim dang brel bai dbang bskur rnam gsum/ thabs shes bcud kyi snying po ltar
The preliminary, main, and guru torma wish-fulfilling jewel empowerments, which are the
three aspects of the empowerment related to the generation stage of The Heart-Bindu of the
Dharma of the Clear Expanse, in accordance with The Quintessence of Method and Wisdom
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 832 SHI, HHPR 629]

8-+0-D-.#-#<$-/7-+/$- V7-n$-/-P9
yi dam rta phag gsang bai dbang/ pad mai phreng ba ltar
The Hayagriva, Varahi and Guhyasamaja empowerments, related to the generation stage of
The Heart-Bindu of the Dharma of the Clear Expanse , in accordance with The Lotus Garland
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 833 SHI, HHPR not listed or part of 629]

27-+/$- /+-I-/0--P9
tshei dbang/ bdud rtsi bum pa ltar
The long-life empowerment, related to the generation stage of The Heart-Bindu of the
Dharma of the Clear Expanse, in accordance with The Vase of Amrita
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 834 SHI, HHPR not listed or part of 629]

J#<-90-b-+/$-&, 7+-#<:-i/-7-X$--P9
rdzogs rim gyi dbang chen/ od gsal grub pai snying po ltar
The great empowerment for the completion stage of The Heart-Bindu of the Dharma of the
Clear Expanse, in accordance with The Essence of the Accomplishment of Luminosity

sta gon
To begin with, the preparatory empowerment
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa

Page 198 of 209

Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 835 SHI, HHPR 630]

spros bcas lus sgrib dag byed bum dbang
First, the elaborate vase empowerment which purifies the obscurations of the body
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 836 SHI, HHPR 630]

spros med dam rdzas gsang dbang
Second, the unelaborate secret empowerment for the sacred substances
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 837 SHI, HHPR 630]

brda don ngo sprad kyi dbang
Third, the empowerment pointing out the meaning of the symbols
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 838 SHI, HHPR 630]

gud sbas zab dbang
Fourth, the hidden profound empowerments [HETSR: the secret empowerment, the
wisdom empowerment, and the display of awareness empowerment]
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 839 SHI, HHPR 630]

brgyud dzin thun min la bcer mthong ngo sprad kyi dbang
Fifth, the empowerment introducing nakedly seeing for uncommon lineage holders
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 840 SHI, HHPR 630]

The profound instructions of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel Red Instructions for The Heart-
Bindu of the Dharma of the Clear Expanse combined with [the instructions] on dharma
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa

Page 199 of 209

Author of the instructions: Ratna Lingpa
[HETSR 841 SHI, HHPR not listed]

[end of 9 wangs skipped yesterday]

The concentration into one of the realization of the three acharyas

[KKD manual vol. 103, p. 28]

[Note: Kunnams list showed the following 2 wangs by Minling Terchen as part of the
subsection before the concentration of the three acharyas into one section, but I dont see any
basis for this and I think it was an error]

The meaning instructions of the summarised key point of The Northern Terma Great
Perfection Unimpeded View Heart Bindu, in accordance with The Clear Practice
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Author of the instructions: Bubor Tashi Gyamtso
[HETSR 852 SI, HHPR not listed]

J#<-&,->-)-6/-+,-X$-7-9#-7-I:-+/$- #)9-#$-+$-T,-*/<-P9
rdzogs chen aa ti zab don snying poi rig pai rtsal dbang/ gter gzhung dang lhan thabs ltar
The display of awareness empowerment for The Profound Essential Meaning of The Great
Perfection Ati, in accordance with the terma text and the additional supplement
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: Mingyur Paldrn
[HETSR 853 SI, HHPR 636]

bstan srung ma mo sngags kyi rjes gnang
The authorization for Ekajati, protector of the above practice
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Empowerment author: mtshams sbyor karmapa
[HETSR not listed, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for the profound meaning of Ati, the Great Perfection, in
accordance with The Adornment of Samantabhadras View
Tertn: Minling Terchen
Author of the instructions: Khyungpo Repa
[HETSR 854 SI, HHPR not listed]

[Lunch Break Here]

X$-*#-U9-/,-b-+#7-9/-X$-*#-#-8-+0-5-/7-+/$-&# 8-;<-/+-I7-{,-7//<-P9
snying thig skor bdun gyi dga rab snying thig gi yi dam zhi bai dbang chog/ ye shes bdud rtsii rgyun
bebs ltar
The empowerment for the peaceful yidams of The Heart Bindu of Garab Dorje , from The
Heart Bindu Seven Teaching Cycles, in accordance with The Downpour of Wisdom Amrita

Page 200 of 209

Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 855 SI, HHPR 637]

The profound instructions for the condensed essence of the practice of the generation and
completion stages of the peaceful yidam of The Heart Bindu of Garab Dorje , in accordance
with The Bindu of Great Bliss
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: Jamyang Khyentse
[HETSR 856 SI, HHPR not listed]

X$-*#-U9-/,-b-+#7-9/-X$-*#-#-8-+0-h-/7-/-7-+/$- E-B-/+-I7-{,-7//<-P9
snying thig skor bdun gyi dga rab snying thig gi yi dam khro bai sgrub pai dbang/ rdo rje bdud rtsii
rgyun bebs ltar
The empowerment for the practice of the wrathful yidams of The Heart Bindu of Garab
Dorje, from The Heart Bindu Seven Teaching Cycles, in accordance with The Downpour of
Vajra Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 857 SI, HHPR 638]

The profound instructions for the wrathful yidam Yangdak Heruka of The Heart Bindu of
Garab Dorje, in accordance with the terma text
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Author of the instructions: The terma text
[HETSR 858 SI, HHPR not listed]

Chiti [general-ti] [KKD manual, vol. 102, p. 37]

J#<--&,--8$-#<$--)7-+/$- :#-:,-^,-e+-i:-/%+-`-,-*#-P9
rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang spyi tii dbang/ lag len smin byed grol bcud kyi zhun thig ltar
The empowerment for the very secret Chiti Great Perfection, in accordance with The Molten
Drop of the Essence of the Practice of Ripening and Liberation
Tertn: Badro Dongkarwa Tsering Dorje
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 859 SI, HHPR 639]
[That was the end of the Chitti section. At this point, so that the formal conclusion day could
happen on March 4 th, the empowerments of the Yangti section [HETSR 860-876] were skipped,
and done instead on the March 5 th and 6th. Here follows the preparatory empowerment for the
conclusion days guhyasamaja life-practice:]
{/-/D,-2-/-#<$-7<-^,-e+-+/$-/5-8$<-<-J#<-7-+/$-#-Y-#, 7&-0+-/+-I7-
tshe sgrub gsang dus smin byed dbang bzhi yongs su rdzogs pai dbang gi sta gon/ chi med bdud rtsii

Page 201 of 209

rol mtsho ltar
The preparatory empowerment for the totally complete four ripening empowerments of the
supportive Guhyasamaja long-life practice, in accordance with The Playful Lake of the
Amrita of Immortality
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 889 CHA, part of HHPR 660] [KKD vol. 103, p. 46]

4 March, 2009 [this was the formal conclusion day; on March 5 th and 6th the yangti
wangs that were skipped earlier were given]

bka rab byams byang gter mnga dbang rin chen bar bai lag len gsal bar bsdebs pa dge legs nor bu'i
gzi 'bar ltar
The investiture of the Northern termas Blazing Jewel of Sovereignty, in accordance with the
clearly assembled practice, The Majestic Brilliance of the Excellent Jewel
Tertn: Rigdzin Gdem
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 890 ZHA, HHPR 659]
[Note: this was the text used for the enthronement of the Sakyong]

--Y7-:$-+/$- :#-:,-P9
bla ma dgongs dus las byon pa theg rim dgui bstan pa yongs rdzogs kyi bka rnams nyams len la dbang
bar byed pa pu stii lung dbang/ lag len ltar
The scriptural transmission empowerment for the text of the empowerment for the practice
of the instructions on the completely perfect teachings of the nine stages of the path found
in The Union of the Gurus, in accordance with the manual
Tertn: Sangye Lingpa
Empowerment author: The terma text
[HETSR 891 HA, HHPR 658] [KKD vol 102 p. 48]

0*7-/D,--2-/-#<$-7<-`-+/$-&, 7&-0+-/+-I7-9:-02-P9
mtha brten du tshe sgrub gsang dus kyi dbang chen/ chi med bdud rtsii rol mtsho ltar

The great empowerment for the main practice of the Guhyasamaja long-life practice, in
accordance with The Playful Lake of the Amrita of Immortality
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 892 CHA, HHPR 660]

Page 202 of 209

don dbang
The Norbu tradition of the meaning empowerment for the Guhyasamaja long-life practice,
with the supportive [empowerments] of the eight auspicious substances, the eight auspicious
symbols and the seven possessions of the Chakravartin, in accordance with The Excellent
Vase of Immortality
Tertn: Ratna Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 893 CHA, HHPR not listed]

[KKD manual, vol 103 p. 106]

5 March, 2009

Yangti [extra-ti] [KKD manual, vol. 102, p. 37]

J#<--&,--<$<-{<-0(0-9-#-9#-7-I:-+/$-+$ -)-*,-0$-7-9#-7-I:-+/$-{<-
rdzogs pa chen po sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor gi rig pai rtsal dbang dang/ spyi ti thun mong pai rig pai
rtsal dbang rgyas par bskur bai yi ge sgo byed ltar
The display of awareness empowerment for The Great Perfection Union of the Buddhas and
the elaborate display of awareness empowerment for the general Chiti, bestowed in
accordance with The Text that Opens the Door
[Note: Kunnam breaks this series into three rather than two subdivisions]

dod bum gyi zlum po bzhi dbang sbyar bai dbang dngos gzhi
The main empowerment connected with the four round empowerments from The Wish-
fulfilling Vase
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Minling Terchen
[HETSR 860 HI, HHPR 640]

8$-)-<$<-{<-0(0-9-b-h+-&,-/{+--{<--P9-- - 9#-7-I:-+/$-
yang ti sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor gyi khrid chen brgyad po rgyas pa ltar na...rig pai rtsal dbang
Second, in accordance with the elaborate eight great instructions in the Yangti Union of
the Buddhas, the simple and elaborate display of awareness empowerment for The
Infinite Instructions of the Main Practice
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 861 HI, HHPR 640] [see vol. 103, p.38]

The profound instructions of the concentrated essence of the summarized meaning of the

Page 203 of 209

eight great instructions for The Union of the Buddhas in the Yangti Great Perfection , in
accordance with Self-Arising Wisdom
Tertn: Guru Chkyi Wangchuk
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 862 HI, HHPR not listed]

J#<-&,-8$-)-,#--#<9-b-7o-#%#-7-+/$- +/$-#$-0-+--]<-7-+,-/;+-9 69-

rdzogs chen yang ti nag po gser gyi bru gcig pai dbang/ zur debs jug bdei lam ston ltar/ dbang gong
ma gud du sbas pai don bshad sbyar
The preparatory and main root empowerments of The Single Grain of Gold: The Black Yangti
Great Perfection, combined with an explanation of the hidden meaning of the higher
empowerments, in accordance with the supplement, A Guide for Entering the Path of Bliss
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye and Sodokpa Lodr Gyaltsen
[HETSR 863 HI, HHPR 641]

The profound instructions for The Single Grain of Gold, the Black Yangti Great Perfection,
according to Entering the Path of Luminosity
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 864 HI, HHPR not listed]

The stages of visualizations in the dark instructions for The Black Yangti Great Perfection,
according to Entering the Path of Luminosity
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Author of the instructions: Kunzang Ngedn Wangpo
[HETSR 865 HI, HHPR not listed]

The dark instructions for The Black Yangti Great Perfection, that accomplish the goal by
their being read
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Author of the instructions: Kunzang Ngedn Wangpo
[HETSR 866 HI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions of Buddhahood in Seven Days instructions that were

transmitted in a lineage from mouth to ear of the dark instructions for The Black Yangti
Great Perfection
Tertn: Dungtso Repa
Author of the instructions: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
[HETSR 867 HI, HHPR not listed]

J#<-&,-Z-#<0-#-&-:#-9#<-#<0-X$-*#-#-+/$-/U9--+$-e-o#-<-< d#<-#%#--
rdzogs chen sde gsum gi cha lag rigs gsum snying thig gi dbang bskur spyi dang bye brag soso/ phyogs

Page 204 of 209

gcig du bkod pa ye shes rdo rjei bum bzang ltar
The general and the individual specific empowerments for The Heart Bindu of the Three
Families, an ancillary to The Three Classes of the Great Perfection, in accordance with the
simplified text, The Excellent Vase of Vajra Wisdom, combined with the instruction text The
Record of Instructions for the Nine Yanas as in The Essence of the Tantras Scriptures and
Instructions, The Feast that Pleases the Vidyadharas:
[KKD vol. 103 p. 39] [HHPR 642, though I think this is just a header]

+$--T-07-*#-7-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
dang po lha mii theg pai dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
First, the empowerment for the yana of devas and humans, in accordance with The River
of Wisdom Amrita, combined with the view-instructions for the worldly deva and human
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 868 HI, HHPR 643]

#(<--(,-*<-`-*#-7-+/$- 8-;<-E-B7-/0-/6$-P9
gnyis pa nyan thos kyi theg pai dbang/ ye shes rdo rjei bum bzang ltar
Second, the empowerment for the yana of the shravakas, in accordance with The
Excellent Vajra Vase of Wisdom, combined with the meditation-instructions for the
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 869 HI, HHPR 644]

#<0--9$-{:-*#-7-+/$- 8-;<-E-B7-&-{,-D9
gsum pa rang rgyal theg pai dbang/ ye shes rdo rjei chu rgyun ltar
Third, the empowerment for the yana of the pratyekabuddhas, in accordance with The
River of Vajra Wisdom, combined with the meditation-instructions for the
pratyekabuddha yana
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 870 HI, HHPR 645]

/5--e$-<0<-*#-7-+/$- 8-;<-E-B7-&-{,-P9
bzhi pa byang sems theg pai dbang/ ye shes rdo rjei chu rgyun ltar
Fourth, the empowerment for the yana of the bodhisattvas, in accordance with The River
of Vajra Wisdom, combined with the meditation-instructions for the bodhisattva yana
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye

Page 205 of 209

[HETSR 871 HI, HHPR 646]

M--g-8-9#<-#<0-#%#-/Z<-`-+/$- 8-;<-E-B7-&-{,-P9
lnga pa kri ya rigs gsum gcig bsdus kyi dbang/ ye shes rdo rjei chu rgyun ltar
Fifth, the empowerment for the three families of the Kriya condensed into one, in
accordance with The River of Vajra Wisdom, combined with the profound instructions
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 872 HI, HHPR 647]

l#--8-#-:-,$-#<<-#<0-:< 7'0-+:-8-;<-<0<-+7-T-(9-#%#-7-+/$- 8-
drug pa yo ga la nang gses gsum las/ jam dpal ye shes sems dpa lha nyer gcig pai dbang/ ye shes
rdo rjei chu rgyun ltar
Sixth, from the three internal divisions of Yoga, [first] the empowerment for the twenty-
one deities of Manjushri Janasattva, in accordance with The River of Vajra Wisdom
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 873 HI, HHPR 648]

,-9<-#6#<-7"9-/-+$-#<-T-(9-#%#-7-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
spyan ras gzigs khor ba dong sprugs lha nyer gcig pai dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
[Second,] the empowerment for the twenty-one deities of Avalokiteshvara who empties
the pit of samsara, in accordance with The River of Wisdom Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 874 HI, HHPR 649]

#<$-/+#-$,-<$-,-7l,-T-(9-#%#-7-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
gsang bdag ngan song kun dren lha nyer gcig pai dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar
[Third,] the empowerment for the twenty-one deities of Guhyapati who leads all from
lower existence, in accordance with The River of Wisdom Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 875 HI, HHPR 650]

59-e$-7'0-+:-d#-{-#%#-7-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
zhar byung jam dpal phyag rgya gcig pai dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu rgyun ltar

Page 206 of 209

The supplementary empowerment for the single mudra of Majushri, in accordance with
The River of Wisdom Amrita
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 876 HI, HHPR 651]

6 March, 2009

[continuing the series by Chogyur Lingpa ...]

/,--0--7'0-+:-E-B-{+-:$-0,-$#-,$-#<<-%,-b-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
bdun pa ma ha jam dpal rdo rje rgyud lung man ngag nang gses can gyi dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii
chu rgyun ltar
Seventh, the empowerment for the Maha Vajra Majushri, which has the internal
divisions of tantra, reading transmission, and oral instructions, in accordance with The
River of Wisdom Amrita, combined with the profound instructions
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 877 HI, HHPR 652]

/{+-->--V-#9-+/$-{+-:$-0,-$#-,$-#<<-%,-b-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
brgyad pa aa nu padma gar dbang rgyud lung man ngag nang gses can gyi dbang/ ye shes bdud
rtsii chu rgyun ltar
Eighth, the empowerment for the Anu Padmanateshvara, which has the internal
divisions of tantra, reading transmission, and oral instructions, in accordance with The
River of Wisdom Amrita, combined with the profound instructions
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 878 HI, HHPR 653]

+-->-)-#<$-/+#-{+-:$-0,-$#-,$-#<<-%,-b-+/$- 8-;<-/+-I7-&-{,-P9
dgu pa aa ti gsang bdag rgyud lung man ngag nang gses can gyi dbang/ ye shes bdud rtsii chu
rgyun ltar
Ninth, the empowerment for the Ati Guhyapati, which has the internal divisions of
tantra, reading transmission and oral instructions, in accordance with The River of
Wisdom Amrita, combined with the mind section instructions and the supplemental
meditation and practice of the five expanses and the four symbols
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 879 HI, HHPR 654]

The profound instructions of cutting through, as in The Testament of the Lords of the
Three Families of the Instruction Section

Page 207 of 209

Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 880 HI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions of leaping ahead as in The Adornment of the View of the
Lords of the Three Families
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 881 HI, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions connected with the conduct of enhancement, and so on, as in
The Feast for Vidyadharas
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 882 HI, HHPR not listed]

/%--9#<-#<0-7<-7-n,-:<-`-+/$- 8-;<-E-B7-/0-/6$-P9
bcu pa rigs gsum dus pai phrin las kyi dbang/ ye shes rdo rjei bum bzang ltar
Tenth, the empowerment for the activity of the united three families, in accordance with
The Excellent Vase of Vajra Wisdom
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 883 HI, HHPR 655]

lha mo dud sol mai rjes gnang
The authorization for the teachings-guardian Vetali
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 884 HI, HHPR 656]

mtha brten tshe dbang bcas
together with the final supportive long-life empowerment
Tertn: Chogyur Lingpa
Empowerment author: Jamgn Kongtrl Lodr Thaye
Author of the instructions: Khen Rinchen Dargye
[HETSR 885 HI, HHPR 657]

KKD note: The empowerment for Sangye Lingpas scriptural transmission of the text of The
Union of the Gurus will be given later. [PK: this note refers to the traditional order, where the

Page 208 of 209

conclusion day would be coming up next. In our case, this empowerment already happened
on March 4th]

[end of Yangti section]

In conclusion, the essence of the three virtuous yogas concentrated into

[KKD manual, vol. 103, p. 42]

The profound instructions of The Precious Lamp of the Graduated Path of the Mantra: the
instructions in which the views of many Kama and Terma teachings are brought together
into one scripture, in accordance with the commentary The Precious Garland
Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Guru Padmakara
[HETSR 886 I, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions from The Hundred Instructions

Tertn: Nyangral Nyima zer
Author of the instructions: Kunga Drolchok
[HETSR 887 I, HHPR not listed]

The profound instructions for The Jewel of Liberation through Seeing of the Union of
Mahamudra and the Great Perfection
Tertn: Drampa Drubchen Kunga Zangpo
Author of the instructions: Jonang Kunga Drolchok
[HETSR 888 I, HHPR not listed]

Page 209 of 209

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