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[No. 45464.

April 28, 1939]

JOSUE SONCUYA, plaintiff and appellant, vs. CARMEN

DE LUNA, defendant and appellee.


PARTNERS AGAINST EACH OTHER.For a partner to be able
to claim from another partner who manages the general civil
partnership, damages allegedly suffered by him by reason of the
fraudulent administration of the latter, a previous liquidation of
said partnership is necessary.

APPEAL from an order of the Court of First Instance of

Manila. Tuason, J.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Josue Soncuya in his own behalf.
Conrado V. Sanchez and Jesus de Veyra, for appellee.


On September 11, 1936, plaintiff Josue Soncuya filed with

the Court of First Instance of Manila an amended
complaint against Carmen de Luna in her own name and
as co-administratrix of the intestate estate of Librada
Avelino, in which, upon the facts therein alleged, he prayed
that defendant be sentenced to pay him the sum of
P700,432 as damages and costs.
To the aforesaid amended complaint defendant Carmen
de Luna interposed a demurrer based on the following
grounds: (1) That the complaint does not contain facts
sufficient to constitute a cause of action; and (2) that the
complaint is ambiguous, unintelligible and vague.
Trial on the demurrer having been. held and the parties
heard, the court found the same well-founded and
sustained it, ordering the plaintiff to amend his complaint
within a period of ten days from receipt of notice of the
Plaintiff having manifested that he would prefer not to
amend his amended complaint, the attorney for the
defendant, Carmen de Luna, filed a motion praying that
the amended complaint be dismissed with costs against the
plaintiff. Said motion was granted by the Court of First


VOL. 67, APRIL 28, 1939 647

Soncuya vs. De Luna.
Instance of Manila which ordered the dismissal of the
aforesaid amended complaint, with costs against the
From this order of dismissal, the appellant took an
appeal, assigning twenty alleged errors committed by the
lower court in its order referred to.
The demurrer interposed by defendant to the amended
complaint filed by plaintiff having been sustained on the
grounds that the facts alleged in said complaint are not
sufficient to constitute a cause of action and that the
complaint is ambiguous, unintelligible and vague, the only
questions which may be raised and considered in the
present appeal are those which refer to said grounds.
In the amended complaint it is prayed that defendant
Carmen de Luna be sentenced to pay plaintiff damages in
the sum of P700,432 as a result of the administration, said
to be fraudulent, of the partnership, "Centro Escolar de
Seoritas", of which plaintiff, defendant and the deceased
Librada Avelino were members. For the purpose of
adjudicating to plaintiff damages which he alleges to have
suffered as a partner by reason of the supposed fraudulent
management of the partnership referred to, it is first
necessary that a liquidation of the business thereof be
made to the end that the profits and losses may be known
and the causes of the latter and the responsibility of the
defendant as well as the damages which each partner may
have suffered, may be determined, It is not alleged in the
complaint that such a liquidation has been effected nor is it
prayed that it be made. Consequently, there is 11,0 reason
or cause for plaintiff to institute the action for damages
which he claims from the managing partner Carmen de
Luna (Po Yeng Cheo vs. Lim Ka Yam, 44 Phil., 172).
Having reached the conclusion that the facts alleged in
the complaint are not sufficient to constitute a cause of
action on the part of plaintiff as member of the partnership
"Centro Escolar de Seoritas" to collect damages from
defendant as managing partner thereof, without a



Villanueva vs. Santos.

previous liquidation, we do not deem it necessary to discuss

the remaining question of whether or not the complaint is
ambiguous, unintelligible and vague.
In view of the foregoing considerations, we are of the
opinion and so hold that for a partner to be able to claim
from another partner who manages the general
copartnership, damages allegedly suffered by him by
reason of the fraudulent administration of the latter, a
previous liquidation of said partnership is necessary.
Wherefore, finding no error in the order appealed from,
the same is affirmed in all its parts, with costs against the
appellant. So ordered.

Avancea, C. J., Imperial, Diaz, Laurel, Concepcion,

and Moran, JJ., concur.

Order affirmed.


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