Skit On Importance of Education For Women Emancipation

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Song Bruno Mars Education Song

Narrator=N Anita=A Malvika=M Vineeta=v

Scene 1 Corridor
N-Two girls are in a serious discussion. Lets see
what they talking about.
A-Hey, M do you know who Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar is?
M-I dont know, who is he? but my neighbors name
is Chandra. Why did you ask?
A-today 26 September is his birthday. Come lets ask
V she might be knowing about it
Scene 2 classroom
N-the girls have reached the class. Now lets see If V
knows about it or not?
M-Hey, V we wanted to ask you something.
V-Go ahead
A-Do you know who Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar is?
M -Tell us about it?
V-He was a great social reformer. He Encouraged
female education. He had to make great sacrifices
for this cause. We all should be thankful to him. In
fact you can say that it is because of initiative that
we girls come to school.
A-thankful my foot. It is because of him we are
forced to come to school. We have to give exams.
M-I think, he should have not bothered in the first
V-You girls dont know what you are taking about.
Let me explain you the importance of education and
how some people are being deprived of it through
two stories.
Scene 3 First story
N-it is a normal household with a father ,mother
,son and a daughter.They lived in a city.
Father-Beti bring me some tea and have you made
the chappatis?
Father- Chintu go to school
Chintu-Can you buy me some new clothes
Father-Of course my son but now go to school
(chintu goes to school)
Daughter- Can you please buy me some new clothes
Father-shut up, you are asking me to buy you a new
dress? In fact I was thinking about giving you food
only once in a day to cut the expenditure
Scene4 marriage
N-Few days pass and suddenly it is decided that the
6 year old girl would marry a 50 year old man.
Daughter-Please I dont want to marry now, I want
to study.
Father-You will have to marry him or I will burn you
N-She is married off in a rural village
Scene 5 the talk
V-Dont you think that if the girl was educated she
could have fought against this injustice
V-Dont bother to reply now. Tell me your views
after the next story
Scene 6 the final story
N-It is January 14 the night before the ban.
Tomorrow 50,000 girls will lose their education.
Tensions are high especially in this house. Lets see
the crisis in this house.
Father-Tomorrow is the deadline, 15 January. We

wont be able to take any risks. The Talibans have

already blown 100s of schools.
Malala-You have run this girls school for 14 years
and now you are closing it?
Father-Yes, I have to. Many activists have been shot
dead. Although I have not yet received any direct
threat, I can be killed any movement.
Malala-Dont say things like that father.
Father-You know Malala, sometimes I sleep
elsewhere to avoid drawing any attention on our
Malala-Sometimes I think when the Tallibans come I
will hide in the bathroom and call the police and
they will come and save you.
Or I will tell you to hide in the cupboard and they
will not check there and you will be safe.
Father-what will you do if it doesnt works out
(malala sobs)
Scene7 The obstacle
Father-Child, I have decided to stay here in swath
Father-As you know swath has given me so much.
My conscience would kill me if I leave it in times of
Malala-Father you are the worlds kindest person, I
can bet.
Father-But I think it will create an obstacle for your
Malala-I will study at home or any place I can.The
Talibans cant stop me from getting educated.
N-She writes blog about her life in swath.
Campaigning about the right of every person to
study, attracting attention from all over the world.
In spite of the death threats against her by the
Scene8 the interview
N-Malala is shot on head by the the talibans. This is
the interview taken after her recovery
Host-Today she is the girl who stood up for girls
education and was shot by the Talibans and is also
the youngest to be nominated for a nobel peace
award. Welcome
(she enters)(claps)
Host- thank you for coming tonight
Malala-It is an honour for me
Host-No it is a honour for us. It is honestly humbling
to meet you. From where did your love for education
come from?
Malala-We are human beings and this is the part of
our human nature that we dont learn the
importance of anything until it is snatched away
from our hands and when in Pakistan we were
stopped from going to school at that time I realized
that education is very important and education is
the power for women and that is why the terrorists
are afraid of education. They do not want women to
get education because then the women would
became more powerful
Host-Exactly, Exactly right.
(claps) when did you realize the Taliban had made
you a target?
Malala-In 2012 I was with my father. Someone
came and told us I have seen on Google, the
talibans have threatened to kill you. I could just not
believe it and I said no its not true and even after
the threat when we saw it I was not worried about
myself that much but I was worried about my father
because we thought that the talibans are not that
much cruel that they would kill a child because I was
14 at the time but later on I started thinking about
that and I used to think that the talib would come
and he would just kill me and then I said if he comes
what would you do Malala then I would reply myself
Malala just take a shoe and hit him but then I
thought what would be the difference between me
and the talib and then I thought I will fight him with
education ,words and peace and I will tell him that I
want education for everyone even for his child and
then I will tell him to do whatever he wants.
Host-I am touched. I know that your father is
backstage will he be mad if I adopt you.
(malala laughs)
Host-Thankyou Malala we were pleased to talk to
Scene 8 The realization
M-You were right, we take back all our words
A-Yes we realized how important education is and
how much lucky we are.
(M chimes in )
M-to come to school and study without fear
V-I am glad you relized.

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