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Response/Answer/Proper Concept
1 Comment on the following A very common misconception. Chemical changes are also
statement: reversible. Consider equilibrium reactions in which forward
Physical changes are reversible w and backward reactions are both occurring at the same time.
hile chemical changes are not Some physical changes are also hard to reverse, for example,
crushing a rock

2 Comment on the following Reactions can reach equilibrium before the reactants are
statement: exhausted. Equilibrium constants and Le Chatalier’s Principle
Chemical reactions will continue
until all the reactants are

3 Comment on the following Concentration is the number of moles of solute

statement: that are dissolved in one liter of solvent. Strength is the
The strength (of acids and bases), percentage of those molecules that dissociate into ions.
and concentration mean the An interesting fact:
same thing; for example: some weak acids (e.g. acetic acid or vinegar) actually increase
in strength as their concentration decreases.
Are strong acids the same as
concentrated acid?

4 The practice followed in Dilution We add acid to water, because a large amount of heat is
of Acids in the lab: released when strong acids are mixed with water. Adding more
acid releases more heat. If you add water to acid, you form an
Do we add acid to water or water extremely concentrated solution of acid initially. So much heat
to acid? Justify is released that the solution may boil very violently, splashing
concentrated acid out of the container! If you add acid to
water, the solution that forms is very dilute and the small
amount of heat released is not enough to vaporize and spatter
it. So Always Add Acid to water, and never the reverse.
5 How does the reactivity of metals As we move down the group, the atomic number increases and
change as you move down a the number of energy levels increase too. The attraction
group or across a period? between the effective nuclear positive charge and the valence
electron decreases too. Therefore, losing an electron from the
outer shell level will be very easy, i.e. increasing the reactivity

In the contrary, as we move across a period from left to right,

although the atomic number increases, the effective nuclear
positive charge increase too without increasing the number of
energy levels. That’s mean, the attraction increases between
the nucleus and the valence electrons ,i.e, losing electrons
from the outer shell level will be difficult and reactivity
becomes less.
6 Which of the following processes The size of water molecule will never change during any of
will make water molecules these physical changes.
larger? Freezing, melting,
evaporation, condensation?
7 Which is faster: the exothermic Exothermic, because the reactants require less activation
or endothermic reaction? Justify energy than in the exothermic reaction, and therefore,
products will be formed faster

8 Ask the candidate to write the 1. Effect of pressure: The candidate needs to balance the
chemical equilibrium equation of chemical equation to become as follow:
Haber process, then ask them N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇄ 2 NH3(g)
the following: As the pressure decreases, the volume increases. Therefore,
the equilibrium will be shifted to the direction where the total
Discuss the effect of number of moles is more, i.e. towards the reactants. Therefore,
1. decreasing the pressure the concentration of ammonia decreases.
2. Adding a catalyst
3. Increasing the temperature 2. Adding a catalyst: It will NOT effect on the equilibrium
on the concentration of direction, because the catalyst will increase the rate of forward
ammonia, and why? and reverse reaction at the same rate.
3. Increasing the temperature
N2(g) + H2(g) ⇄ NH3(g) Because the reaction is exothermic, as the temperature
increases, the system will respond by moving the position of
Given: ΔH= ̶ 92kJ.mol ⎻1 equilibrium to the reactant, i.e, producing less heat. Therefore,
the ammonia concentration decreases.

9 Shape of liquids in capillary tube This is all attributed to the capillary action of liquids that is
Discuss the difference in shape controlled by Two different types of forces: Cohesive and
between water and mercury in a adhesive forces
capillary tube In water adhesive forces are stronger than cohesive forces so
water particles are pulled up and surface of water is concave
In mercury, cohesive forces are stronger than adhesive forces
so the surface of liquid has a convex shape
10 Dynamic Equilibrium. Two opposing process occurring simultaneously at the same
Give example from common life rate but in opposite directions leading to no macroscopic
practice changes.
Example: Closed bottle of water, evaporation and condensation
occur simultaneously and level of water is same
11 An egg boils at the top of The higher the altitude, the lower the pressure. This is an a life
mountain at a lower temperature application of Charles’s law P1/T1=P2/T2
than at sea level. Justify? Pressure and temperature are directly proportional to each
12 Explain the specific heat capacity 1. Water has high specific heat capacity. Large amount of heat
and the density of water. Discuss is needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1ºC.
the effect of these properties on 2. Density of ice is less than density of water (liquid) and this is
aquatic life. opposite to the common trend. When ice floats on surface of
water in cold zone areas, aquatic life is not affected by drop in
13 What is the difference between End point is the point where the indicator (weak organic acid)
end point and equivalence or changes color. It represents one drop extra of the titrant.
(stoichiometric point) Equivalence point is the point where number of moles of titrant
and analyte are equal

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