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Obama was not born in Indonesia or Kenya, but in Switzerland!

Benjamin Fulford? Your source is wrong!

(Please, Send this message to Benjamin Fulford. And Share it you want! .... And I think that Donald
Trump and the United States Attorney, Jeff Sessions (fired) have never read this Obama report before.

2 February, 2018

Benjamin Fulford has published on 06 February 2018, a strange answer from a reader asking him
information about the Obama's birth certificate here:

Was Obama born in Kenya?

This reader and the source of Benjamin Fulford are both wrong! Barack Obama (alias Barry Soetoro) is
not born in Indonesia, none in Kenya, none in Hawaï... but most likely in Switzerland. This breaking
news was published by the fugitive & homeless journalist David Chase Taylor in his investigation article
published on March 28, 2016, named:

OBAMA 666: Will America First Dictator, PLEASE STAND UP?
(Full original in English + Photos)

Here below the French/English version for French people around the world!

28-03-2016-Barack-Obama is a Robotoïd Biological Electronic Mind Control Born in Switzerland
(French & Original English version)
Benjamin Fulford and his Team need to save the life of this journalist quickly!
David Chase Taylor could be kidnaped and murdered by the Swiss CIA in Germany!


This video above expose that David Chase Taylor could be kidnaped by the Swiss CIA in Germany.
He’s right!

His email: David Chase Taylor email

You can watch 2 others recent Video-Alerts from David Chase Taylor here:


This video exposes the fact that SpaceX rocket had launched a nuclear missile to create a Terrorist
Attack. OK, but he’s wrong. Every nuclear missile on earth launched for stupid agendas are all controlled
by the “Alliance”. And also “invisible galactic forces”. David Chase Taylor, don’t worry about that. There
are billion spaceships since 2013 that are protecting the planet Gaïa. Cobra (who is controlled himself by
two ETs groups: Omega & Nordics) has published an article about this fact in mars 2014:

Quarantine Earth Endgame

And in addition, there were a meeting recently between two galactic forces after the false flag Haiti
nuclear launched to the island. Look! With 15 photos from space area & a giant UFO!
Galactic Federation Update-January 23, 2018


He’s right again here! The Swiss CIA could create a terrorist attack on the Korean Olympics games.

Let’s read and analyses now the Benjamin Fulford’s article below:

Was Obama born in Kenya?

By Benjamin Fulford Letters to the Editor 6 Comments

Hi Ben,

In your latest newsletter your CIA source said Obama was born in Kenya. Is it true? I heard he was
born in Indonesia as Barry Soetoro.


Hi VP,

Obama wrote in his own book, Dreams of My Father, that his father was a World War 2 veteran. Yet
when he made his birth certificate public, it said his father was 25 when Obama was born in 1961. That
means his father was 9 when World War 2 ended. My sources say his real father was Frank Marshall,
an American communist activist.



But first.... Who is David Chase Taylor exactly?

David Chase Taylor, is an American journalist, editor of the Blog (A site
denouncing terrorist attacks) currently threatened with assassination by the "CIA Switzerland" and who
is the author of many sulfurous many.

He publicly targeted the CIA in Switzerland, as the organizer of the 2014/2015 Paris attacks. He
discovered that this "Swiss CIA" was located near France inside Lake Geneva (Leman Lake) inside
sophisticated secret submarine shelters. Like those used in space missions.

This underwater "Swiss CIA" is directly connected by THREE essential elements:

1) CERN (Supercomputer and logger of communication data of the Humanity);

2) The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) to finance for life the "CIA Switzerland" [Thanks to our
economic efforts];
3) The "CIA Greenland", another secret Greenland "Club of Rome" style structure made up of harmful
extraterrestrial entities. This "CIA Greenland" directly provides its orders to the "Swiss CIA" for the
application of terrorist attacks, targeted assassinations, false industrial accidents, genocide, mass
crimes, bio-terrorism ... on Planet Earth.

On March 28, 2016, David Chase Taylor published a SHOCK article about the fraudulent election of
"Barack Hussein Obama" [and his "fake photos" in MSN], telling us that Obama was born in
Switzerland and that he was not a "human" being.

David Chase Taylor proved that Barack Obama was a "Transhuman" being under remote mental
control. His brain is equipped with an electronic microchip.

That Obama has scars on his skull (see photos in the article here: [] .Obama could be
born of an artificial insemination, to have received a DNA of the former Black Roman dictator (Septimius
Severus) and that he possesses the body of the former descendant Black of Civil Rights: "Malcolm X".
That why he’s smart and have speaker talents with his sports agility.

David Chase Taylor confirmed "that technologies for the design of hybrids, clones, biological
androids, "animatronic" humans, "controlled robots" already exist thanks to experiments carried
out by scientists in the USA. Moreover the Obama election fraud by the Defense Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA) had already tested "a prosthetic memory device that is ready
for implantation in a human brain."

We know today, and certified, thanks to jurist Andrew Basiago, and candidate "banned" in the 2016 US
presidential election, that DARPA had designed two secret programs (DARPA/CIA) involving Time
Travel , and Teleportation to Planet Mars. (See the Andrew Basiago' photo teleported in 1863 in this
article: [].

Andrew Basiago confirmed that Barack Obama had already traveled twice on Mars!
[]. So, we can infer, that Barack Obama is a Swiss CIA secret military creation
with the likely support of negative Aliens entities hidden in Greenland (CIA Greenland), Whose
incidentally the emblem in the same colors as the Swiss flag: []
David Chase Taylor wrote: "Finally, the idea that thoughts can control computers (and vice versa)
was essentially confirmed by a Washington Post report of May 22, 2015, which revealed that"
researchers are working on all sorts of devices Silicon-based ones that go inside the body and
manipulate the body's signals to create movement "and that this," will mark the beginning of a
new era of robot additions controlled by someone's thoughts who will be able to perform all
kinds of work from, raise dangerous objects for the deposit documents."

David Chase Taylor lives in hiding in Switzerland, Germany, and elsewhere, homeless, abandoned by
his family, as a hunted fugitive. He had applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015 in Switzerland.

He is the author of "The Nuclear Bible", a book credited with foiling a nuclear terrorist attack on the
Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and the "Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now".
An Ebook and its website, exposing the structure of the real power of the world. Especially with regard to
Greenland and its "primary proxy state" of Switzerland, which is by chance, the CIA Home. David
Chase Taylor also published "The Bio-Terror Bible", a book and its website, exposing the global
pandemic of bioterrorism planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has exposed the net strike on more than 100
terrorist plots sponsored by the state.

DOWNLOAD All David Chase Taylor ARTICLES (sometimes commented) to understand [WHO] is
directing Planet Earth exactly by fomenting attacks, wars with the CERN support and the BIS.


Don't worry, David Chase Taylor has also published something about Donald Trump :)
Judge what he published by yourself :)

And on August 04, 2017 David Chase Taylor discovered, that he was himself the Messiah! Quoted in
the Bible. He explained why:

(French & Original English version)
(Original wordpress link version- SHOCKING Article for Millions Catholics!)
Look now some examples (some facts) about the "2016 David Chase Taylor Barack Obama
article" & his Swiss CIA Mind control system fraud inside the Geneva lake!

OBAMA 666: Will America First Dictator, PLEASE STAND UP? (Read it completely!)
(Original wordpress link in English with all the links)

_ Obama was born and raised in Switzerland where he certainly has blood relatives and was even
named honorary citizen.

_ Obama is a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the
descendant of the last US civil rights leader Malcom X

_ Barack Obama was born certainly with the stolen semen of "Malcolm X" in the laboratory of a hospital.
Obama is a descendant of Malcolm X
_ Obama was trained by the CIA in Switzerland to become the dictator of his respective country: the
United States of America.

_ Obama has been programmed to act and speak electronically (probably via an insertable chip) which
is why his presidency has become synonymous with prompters who provide him with the necessary
political coverage.

_ Obama is under Mind control: he underwent major brain surgeries

Source of this pic:

USA: "Sorry, Mr. President, but that has been a lie!" - Obama heckled
_ Barack Obama is gay. Not heterosexual. 16 gay lovers! Three of them were murdered by the CIA
(Swiss) because they had denounced. They are probably more today.
Comments: information that seems accurate! And that the black pastor James David Manning had
already identified by open a Justice Trial action. He had himself discovered the Obama homosexuality!
This provoked an CIA anger that has approached pastor James David Manning to possible kill him!

Here are the proof videos and articles by Pastor James David Manning at this time (and send him
your Love!):

CIA Columbia Cover Up Obama
(Published online on Feb 17, 2010)

CIA Visits Dr. Manning's A Second Time Church
(Published online March 25, 2010)

CIA and Obama tried to kill Pastor Manning. Obama worked for CIA in 80s
(Published online Apr. 27, 2012)

You Got To Sacrifice To Remove Obama
(Published online Apr. 3, 2010)

Obama's Ineligibility for the White House
(Published on May 12, 2010)

Short Orders Obama To Resign In 90 Days
(Published online Jan. 31, 2011)

(I don't think that the pastor know that Obama is just a "Hybrid robot human" on Earth ;)
And it exists certainly a second fictitious Obama to replace the first one!

_ Obama had a "psychological manager" (a woman) at the White House for his "Mind control
system". (Donald Trump discovered mental control technical facilities at the White House I have read

_ Barack Obama never attended at the Occidental College, Columbia College or Harvard Law
School, or taught at the University of Chicago Law School as alleged. An intellectual fraud.

_ There are no photos or videos of Obama graduated from Columbia College, and no photos or
video of Obama graduated from Harvard Law School
_ Obama seemed to become the first next dictator Adolf Hitler in America. Similar to Nazi Germany.

_ The headquarters of the CIA under Lake Geneva, Switzerland, is ultimately the command and control
of Obama's people and policies in his presidency in general.

31-03-2015-10 why Switzerland is the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
(French & original version)

17-09-2015-BABYLONE TO BEGIN: CERN Identified as Secret Entrance to CIA Underground Seat

under Lake Geneva in Switzerland

(The real "CIA" is near France. Near Switzerland. Inside the Geneva Lake!)
Swiss CIA = Internet with the CERN.
_ Switzerland is the country of dictators.

_ Photos (photoshoped) of Barack Obama (child) were "copied and pasted" by the CIA to make
believe that he was born in Indonesia. (LOL!!)

_ No photos were found of Obama in Indonesia without at least one Indonesian person in the photo
_ A photo montage hoax was created by the CIA to make believe that Barack Obama was raised in

_ A hoax was perpetrated by the Swiss CIA on the world regarding the Obama's birth certificate. To
make us believe that he would be born in Kenya
_ Obama never attended Occidental College in Los Angeles, California (1979-1981) as alleged. Hoax
photos were published by the CIA.

_ Barack Hussein Obama II, has never attended Columbia College at Columbia University in New
York. And it was created a fake Barack Obama' student card by the CIA in Switzerland. With again,
fake photos.

_ Obama never attended Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1988-1991) as

alleged. The time period of Barack Obama at Harvard Law School has been completely orchestrated. It
seems that he has never attended a single class with other students. He never lived on campus, and
never completed the arduous tasks required to receive the coveted Harvard Juris Doctor degree.

_ The title of "Chairman of the Harvard Law Review" is a colossal hoax that was orchestrated by
CIA agents at Harvard who conspired to sell the idea that: a) Obama was an intellectual of the greatest
ability, b ) Obama graduated from one of the most elitist schools in America (ie, Harvard), and c) Obama
was elected to the most prestigious legal position in academia (ie the president of the Harvard Law
Review) .

_ None of the 7 witnesses who personally endorsed Obama's time at Harvard has ever been
photographed with Obama during his three years at Harvard.
_ Barack Obama's yearbook at Harward Law School is entirely hoax.

"On page 100 of the Harvard Yearbook of 1991, there is a standard picture of Obama who is
represented with 3 other students (see photo above). However, unlike his colleagues, Obama oddly did
not wear a tie ...” (Sic!)

That being said, the very fact that bio was first published further confirms that there is a CIA-generated
conspiracy to sell the idea that Obama was born in Africa, not Switzerland.

_ a photo of Barack Obama holding a book "Harvard Law Review" in his hand (see photo above) which
was obviously staged as part of a photo montage to sell the idea that: a) Obama attended Harvard, and
b) President Obama was elected from the Harvard Law Review. Secondly, there is a photo of Obama
holding a stick as an object (see picture above) that was designed to sell the idea that Obama was in fact
president of the Harvard Law Review. However, a second look at the photo suggests it's photo-faked, as
evidenced by the fact that the Obama body does not fit the 3D depth of the people on his right, and
Obama's legs are clearly missing from the Photo. (Ha ha ha ha! LOL!!)

_ Two reports from Jet Magazine and the New York Times of 1990 published lies and frauds about
Obama's alleged election as president of the Harvard Law Review. They were published on a date before
1990. (Sic!)
_ The Obama Protest video entitled "Young Barack Obama: Protest speech at Harvard Law School
in 1991" is probably a fake and a fraud. The video has been edited and manipulated. The video
contains many artificial cuts just before, during, and shortly after Obama's speech that also suggests that
the video has been altered in part or in whole. In all likelihood, a CGI (computer-generated imagery)
was used to insert Obama's image into the video while a voice-over was established. (LOL!)

_ The Obama Photos at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts were either staged as
part of an orderly CIA photo-montage or manufactured photo. Obama took part in at least four
professional photo montages that were conducted on the campus of Harvard campus and in the city of
Cambridge over the period of about 3 years. There is no photographic evidence other than the four
montages that Obama actually witnessed at Harvard as alleged.

_ There are no pictures of Obama graduating from Harvard Law School in 1991. Since almost all college
graduations are photographed in excess, the lack of photographic evidence of such a historic occasion in
Obama's life is quite telling and speaks for itself.

_ Barack Hussein Obama II, never obtained the necessary degrees that would have allowed him to
teach at the University of Chicago Law School as a lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a lecturer
from 1996 to 2004. Obama Nor would it have gained the necessary education and real-world experience
necessary to teach academically in a competent manner, especially on the subject of constitutional law.
_ Obama was never examined by faculty and staff at the University of Chicago before being hired.

_ Obama was not found on the campus of the University of Chicago Law School.

_ Obama did not participate with the University of Chicago Law School students and staff
because, in all likelihood, he was not on campus to do so.

_ Obama did not participate in informal teacher duties, and was not friends with everyone on campus.

_ The Obama Photos at University of Chicago are fake and fraudulent. Only 7 pictures of Obama
were discovered from his presumed 12 years at the University of Chjicago, there are no pictures of
Obama with any faculty members, family or staff, and only 2 pictures with the alleged students.

_Obama Barack Hussein Obama II, was never a lawyer for the liberal ACORN group in a lawsuit
against the state of Illinois that was designed to make voter registration easier in 1995.
_ Obama never practiced law as a lawyer in the state of Illinois as alleged.

_ Both Obama (Michèle and Barack) are lawyers in theory, but do not have the necessary license
for the practice of law.


Well... it was just a few examples of the very lengthy David Chase Taylor's hybrid agent Barack Obama
election fraud article.
Do you want to know much more info about Barack Hussein Obama II?
So, read and share this article below if you are English-speaking:

OBAMA 666: Will America First Dictator, PLEASE STAND UP?
(Full wordpress original in English)

And the French version (and original English copied) below if you want to try French language (more
information inside):

28-03-2016-Barack-Obama is a Robotoïd Biological Electronic Mind Control Born in Switzerland
(French & Original English version)

Barack Obama?
It's time to tell the truth to the Humanity Now!
Who are You?

There are millions intra and extra-terrestrial races civilizations who live with us underground, and in
space! They watch us.

Here is a guide about non-terrestrial races (and their photos) that was exposed by a former US military
member, who participated in Space Secrets programs for about 20 years!: Corey Goode

Cosmic Disclosure: Guide to Non-Terrestrial Beings
(English original version)

Cosmic Disclosure - A Guide to Non-Terrestrial Beings
(French version)

It's time for American people to expose and share together, the Secret Space Programs that has
been hidden to humanity since 75 years Now!
The Secret Space Programs story was launched on December 14, 2014 only on internet.

Secret Space Program and Alien Federation Delegate Whistle Blower Conference

It's also time for Benjamin Fulford, David Chase Taylor, pastor James David Manning, Donald
Trump, the Pentagon, and the Swiss CIA to expose the Secret Space programs to the media Now!

Barack Hussein Obama was just a key element of this hidden process.

We are tired with all the secrets on planet Earth!

Happy Valentine's Day! :=)


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