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A.M. No. MTJ 02-1444 July 22, 2004 (PER CURIAM)


This is a complaint for Grave Misconduct, Abuse of Authority, Oppression, and Gross Ignorance of the
Law filed by Jordan P. Oktubre against Judge Ramon P. Velasco (respondent Judge) of the Municipal
Trial Court, Maasin City, Southern Leyte (MTC Maasin).Oktubre is the attorney-in-fact of one Peggy
Louise DArcy vda. De Paler (DArcy), a non-resident American. DArcy is the widow of Abraham Paler
(Abraham), a resident of Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Judge Velasco is Abraham’s nephew.

During his lifetime, Abraham built a four-storey commercial and residential building (Paler building) in
Maasin City on a lot he owned in common with his siblings. After Abraham died, none of his heirs
petitioned for the settlement of his estate. DArcy, through complainant, administered the Paler
building. Shortly after his appointment to the MTC Maasin Judge Velasco, with DArcys permission,
stayed in the Paler building for a few days. He sought an extension of his stay but DArcy turned down his
request. Nevertheless, Judge Velasco was able to continue staying in the Paler building by transferring to
a room reserved for a sister of Abraham.

Oktubre alleges that DArcys refusal to grant extension to Judge Velasco’s stay triggered the following
series of events narrated in his Complaint:
a. Judge Velasco sent letters to the tenants of the building and directed said tenants to deposit their
monthly rentals to his office MTC of Maasin City despite the fact that no action has been filed yet for that
matter in court;
b. Judge Velasco sent a strongly worded letter to Dr. [DArcy] with the very obvious purpose of
intimidating the latter. The letter contains categorical declarations that he is taking over possession of the
building, misrepresentation among others of Judge Velasco that he did it in collaboration with his other
relatives, legal arguments, and mostly intimidating words coming from a Judge-Lawyer. Worse, he used
his offices (MTC) letterhead [for] this personal but threatening letter ;
c. Judge Velasco without Oktubre’s knowledge and permission moved out from the garage [of the
Paler building] the service jeep owned by Dr. [DArcy] and put it outside of the building causing it to be
exposed to the sun and rain; This service jeep was returned to the garage by Oktubre and the latter
removed one of its wheels and placed it inside the room of one of the buildings.
d. Judge Velasco destroyed the padlock of Oktubre’s room and changed it with another one
including the second floor entrance padlock to the third floor with the precise purpose of controlling the
ingress and egress of the said building;

Oktubre filed a complaint against Judge Velasco with the Punong Barangay charging him for changing the
lock of his room and of the door leading to the third floor of the Paler building and for taking the jeep out
of the garage of the Paler building. After the attempt of the parties to mediate, Oktubre narrated that a
Chief of Police confronted him with a warrant of arrest showing that he was charged with Robbery in
relation to the wheel he removed from the jeep and it was issued/signed by Judge Velasco. He was
subsequently placed behind bars for 6 hours. As he was about to be released in the afternoon of the same
day, a subpoena was served in the City Jail which required Oktubre to file a counter-affidavit to the
complaint [for Robbery].

Oktubre received another order directing him to submit a counter-affidavit for Malicious Mischief. This
Complaint was supported by an affidavit of Judge Velasco. A month after, another subpoena was issued
by Judge Velasco for Oktubre regarding a Criminal Case of Falsification by Private Individuals and Use of
Falsified Documents filed against Dr. Darcy.

Oktubre sought to annul the warrant of arrest by filing a petition for certiorari in the Regional Trial Court
(RTC), Branch 25, Maasin City. The RTC granted the petition and annulled the warrant. Because of these
events, Oktubre filed this complaint with prayer that the Court disciplines Judge Velasco for using his
sala’s letterhead, for his failure to inhibit himself from his own criminal complaints, and for his issuance
of the warrant of arrest.
Defense of Respondent Judge:
In his comment, Judge Velasco admitted doing the acts Oktubre recounted about the Paler building, its
tenants, and DArcys jeep. Judge Velasco claimed, however, that he merely acted to protect his maternal
co-heirs interest in the Paler building and in the other properties claimed by DArcy. Judge Velasco also
stated the following qualifications: (1) he changed the padlock of the grill door leading to the third floor as
this was already worn-out; (2) he had to open forcibly complainants room to clean it as it was already
stinking; (3) he temporarily transferred the jeep out of the Paler building because the garage had to be
cleaned; and (4) he sent the demand letters to the Paler buildings tenants based on Rule 73 of the Rules of
Court. Judge Velasco added that complainant illegally destroyed the lock of the garage gate when he
returned the jeep.
On his filing and taking cognizance of his own complaints for Robbery, Malicious Mischief, and
Falsification and Use of Falsified Documents, respondent Judge alleges
1. That the xxx institution of the criminal complaint for Robbery was not a malicious suit as it was
anchored on facts as conveyed and attested by [witnesses] and the corpus delicti of the crime of Robbery
and Malicious Mischief are established as shown by the destroyed garage padlock and the fact of loss of
the right wheel rim and tire of the jeep;
2. The institution of the suit against Jordan Oktubre was by way of protecting the interest of my co-
heirs and to enforce the law as his judicial mandate dictates;
USE OF FALSIFIED DOCUMENT was filed against the principal of Jordan P. Oktubre in the person of
Dr. Peggy DArcy Paler on the basis of the unearthed evidently fraudulent and deliberate act of falsification
by non-disclosure of a material fact relative to her citizenship, she being an American citizen.
Respondent Judge inhibited himself from the three criminal cases. The Office of the Court Administrator
(OCA) recommends that Judge Velasco be fined P10,000 for Grave Misconduct, Gross Ignorance of the
Law and Grave Abuse of Authority. Aggrieved by the issuance of Judge Velasco of the warrant of arrest,
Oktubre elevated the matter to the Regional Trial Court via Certiorari and/or Prohibition with Application
for Temporary Restraining Order and Writ of Preliminary Injunction. The RTC ruled that Judge Velasco
in issuing a warrant of arrest violative of [Rule 112, Sec. 6, par. 2 of the Rules of Court] may not only be
committing grave abuse of discretion but gross ignorance of the law xxx. Consequently, the warrant of
arrest was declared null and void.

Considering that respondent [J]udge is the complainant o[f] the cases, his issuance of the warrant of
arrest is in violation of Sec. 6, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court and Sec. 37 of the Judiciary Act of
1980.Having resorted to such act, he acted as the private complainant, xxx judge and executioner. It was
also noted that in [the] letters xxx sent to the tenants of the Paler Building and to Dr. [DArcy], respondent
[Judge] used the letter head of his Office Municipal Trial Court of Maasin, Southern Leyte and signed the
same as its Presiding Judge. This constitutes undue influence.

The OCAs recommendation finding respondent Judge guilty of Grave Misconduct, Gross Ignorance of the
Law and Grave Abuse of Authority is well-taken. However, the Court finds the recommended penalty
disproportionate to respondent Judges offenses and instead imposes on him the penalty of dismissal from

W/N Judge Velasco is guilty of Grave Misconduct, Gross Ignorance of the Law and Grave Abuse of

Respondent Judge is Liable for Grave
Misconduct and Grave Abuse of Authority
Canon 2, Rule 2.03 (Rule 2.03) of the Code of Judicial Conduct (Code) provides:
A judge shall not allow family, social or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. The
prestige of judicial office shall not be used or lent to advance the private interests of others, nor convey or
permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge.
Rule 3.12 of the Code (Rule 3.12), which is substantially similar to Rule 137, Section 1 (Rule 137, Section 1)
of the 1964 Rules of Court, mandates that
A judge should take no part in a proceeding where the judges impartiality might reasonably be
questioned. These cases include, among others, proceedings where:
(a) the judge has personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
(b) the judge served as executor, administrator, guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matters in
controversy, or a former associate of the judge served as counsel during their association, or the judge or
lawyer was a material witness therein;
(c) the judges ruling in a lower court is the subject of review;
(d) the judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to a party litigant within the sixth degree or to counsel
within the fourth degree;
(e) the judge knows that the judges spouse or child has a financial interest, as heir, legatee, creditor,
fiduciary, or otherwise, in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other
interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.

In every instance the judge shall indicate the legal reason for inhibition.
For inappropriately using his Offices letterhead and for acting on his own criminal complaints against
complainant and DArcy, respondent Judge violated these rules. Thus, he is liable for grave
misconduct and grave abuse of authority.

On Respondent Judges Use of

His Offices Letterhead

Even if he is the administrator of the estates of Abraham and Gaspar Paler (Gaspar), Abrahams father,
and representative of his maternal co-heirs, respondent Judge has no business using his salas letterhead
for private matters. Respondent Judge should know that a courts letterhead should be used only for
official correspondence. Respondent Judge aggravates his liability when, in his letters to the tenants, he
further required them to pay their rent at the MTC Maasin, although he was then staying at the Paler
building. By these calculated steps, Judge Velasco in the words of Rule 2.03, clearly intended to use the
prestige of his judicial office to advance the interest of his maternal co-heirs.

On Respondent Judges Failure

To Recuse Himself from His
Criminal Complaints
As we noted in Perez v. Suller, the rule on disqualification of judges under Rule 3.12 and Rule 137,

Section 1
[S]tems from the principle that no judge should preside in a case in which he is not wholly free,
disinterested, impartial and independent. A Judge should not handle a case in which he might be
perceived to be susceptible to bias and partiality. The rule is intended to preserve the people’s faith and
confidence in the courts of justice.

Here, although he is the complainant in the three criminal complaints, respondent Judge did not
disqualify himself from the cases. Worse, he even issued a warrant of arrest, resulting in the arrest and
detention of complainant. By doing so, Judge Velasco violated Rule 3.12 and, by implication Section 1 of
Rule 137, which covers the preliminary stages of criminal prosecution. To be sure, the situation in this
case does not fall under any of the instances enumerated in Rule 3.12. Nevertheless, as the provision itself
states, such enumeration is not exclusive. More importantly, paragraph (d) prohibits a judge from sitting
in a case where he is related to a party or to counsel within the sixth and fourth degree of consanguinity or
affinity, respectively. Thus, there is more reason to prohibit a judge from doing so in cases where he is a
party. Indeed, the idea that a judge can preside over his own case is anathema to the notion of impartiality
that such was no longer included in the enumeration in Rule 3.12 nor covered by Section 1 of Rule 137.

Judge Velasco’s subsequent inhibition from the three cases does not detract from his culpability for he
should not have taken cognizance of the cases in the first place. The evil that the rule on disqualification
seeks to prevent is the denial of a party of his right to due process. This became fait accompli when
respondent Judge refused to abide by such rule. Equally damaging was the effect of respondent Judges
conduct on the image of the judiciary, which without a doubt, immeasurably suffered from it. It is well to
remind respondent Judge

As public servants, judges are appointed to the judiciary to serve as the visible representation of the law,
and more importantly, of justice. From them, the people draw their will and awareness to obey the law
xxx. If judges, who swore to obey and uphold the constitution, would conduct themselves xxx in wanton
disregard and violation of the rights of complainant, then the people, especially those with whom they
come in direct contact, would lose all their respect and high regard for the institution of the judiciary
itself, not to mention, cause the breakdown of the moral fiber on which the judiciary is founded.

Respondent Judge is
Liable for Gross Ignorance of the Law
Respondent Judge does not deny that he did not conduct a preliminary investigation on the complaint for
Robbery in Criminal Case No. 5485 where he issued the warrant of arrest against complainant. As
justification, he claims that he acted in good faith based on pertinent jurisprudence. This explanation
deserves scant consideration. Section 3 of Rule 112 sets out in detail the procedure for conducting
preliminary investigation, thus:

Procedure. Except as provided for in Sec. 7 hereof, no complaint or information for an offense cognizable
by the Regional Trial Court shall be filed without a preliminary investigation having been first conducted
in the following manner:
(a) The complaint shall state the address of the respondent and shall be accompanied by the affidavits of
the complainant and his witnesses, as well as other supporting documents in such number of copies as
there are respondents, plus two (2) copies for the official file. The said affidavits shall be subscribed and
sworn to before any fiscal or government official authorized to administer oath, or, in their absence or
unavailability, before a notary public, who must certify that he personally examined the affiants and that
he is satisfied that they voluntarily executed and understood their affidavits.
(b) Within ten (10) days after the filing of the complaint, the investigating officer shall either dismiss it if
he finds no ground to continue with the investigation, or issue a subpoena to the respondent, attaching
thereto a copy of the complaint, affidavits and other supporting documents.
(c) Such counter-affidavits and other supporting evidence submitted by the respondent shall also be
sworn to and certified as prescribed in paragraph (a) hereof and copies thereof shall be furnished by him
to the complainant. Within ten (10) days from receipt thereof, the respondent shall submit counter-
affidavits and other supporting documents. He shall have the right to examine all other evidence
submitted by the complainant.
(d) If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if subpoenaed, does not submit counter-affidavits within
the ten (10) day period, the investigating officer shall base his resolution on the evidence presented by the
(e) If the investigating officer believes that there are matters to be clarified, he may set a hearing to
propound clarificatory questions to the parties or their witnesses, during which the parties shall be
afforded an opportunity to be present but without the right to examine or cross-examine. If the parties so
desire, they may submit questions to the investigating officer which the latter may propound to the parties
or witnesses concerned.
(f) Thereafter, the investigation shall be deemed concluded, and the investigating officer shall resolve the
case within the (10) days therefrom. Upon the evidence thus adduced, the investigating officer shall
determine whether or not there is sufficient ground to hold the respondent for trial.

Criminal Case No. 5485 involves Robbery punishable either with prision mayor (six years and one day to
12 years) or prision mayor in its minimum period (six years and one day to eight years), depending on the
value of the property taken. In either case, the offense falls under the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial
Courts for which Section 1 of Rule 112 mandates the conduct of a preliminary investigation. As one of the
officers authorized to conduct preliminary investigation under Section 2 of Rule 112, Judge Velasco is
duty-bound to know and strictly follow the procedure and requirements in Rule 112.

Judge Velasco aggravated his liability when he proceeded to issue the warrant of arrest. Section 6 of Rule
112 provides:
When warrant of arrest may issue. x x x (b) By the Municipal Trial Court. If the municipal trial court
judge conducting the preliminary investigation is satisfied after an examination in writing and under oath
of the complainant and his witnesses in the form of searching questions and answers, that a probable
cause exists and that there is a necessity of placing the respondent under immediate custody in order not
to frustrate the ends of justice, he shall issue a warrant of arrest. (Emphasis supplied)

This is the same procedure prescribed in Section 2, Article III of the Constitution and in Section 5, Rule
126 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. A judge who issues a warrant of arrest without first
complying with such mandatory procedure is liable for gross ignorance of the law.

WHEREFORE, we find respondent Ramon P. Velasco, Presiding Judge of the Municipal Trial
Court, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, GUILTY of Grave Misconduct, Gross Ignorance of the Law, and Grave
Abuse of Authority for violation of Rule 2.03 and Rule 3.12 of the Code of Judicial Conduct. He is
DISMISSED from the service with forfeiture of retirement benefits and with prejudice to reinstatement in
any branch of the government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, including government owned or
controlled corporations. However, he shall receive any accrued leaves due him as of this date.

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