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2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes

From Rigpa Wiki

Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes (Tib. ོང་ཆེན་ ིང་ ་པོད་, Wyl. klong chen snying rtsa pod) — the collection of all
the termas belonging to the Longchen Nyingtik, or Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse cycle which were
revealed by Jikmé Lingpa, along with other texts written by Jikmé Lingpa and other masters such as the the
first Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

The edition from Shechen Monastery Nepal has been compiled by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. The first three
volumes are texts taken from Jikme Lingpa's collected works, while the remaining two volumes comprise of
texts not revealed or compiled by Jikme Lingpa

(The translations of the titles below are provisional)

1 Shechen Edition (1994) in 5 volumes
2 Volume 1
3 Volume 2
4 Volume 3
5 Volume 4
6 Volume 5

Shechen Edition (1994) in 5 volumes

Volume 1
Ḍākki's Grand Secret-Talk: An Expression of My Realizations (rtogs pa brjod pa dakki'i gsang gtam
chen mo) (5-17/18)
English Translation: Ḍākki's Grand Secret-Talk: An Expression of My Realizations concerning the
Longchen Nyingtig, in Apparations of the self, The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary,
Janet Gyatso, Princeton University Press (1998)

A Great Secret: An Expression of Realizations about my Visionary Experiences Entitled Dancing

Moon in the Water (rtogs brjod - gsang ba chen po nyams snang gi rtogs brjod chu zla’i gar mkhan)
English translation: A Great Secret: An Expression of Realizations about my Visionary Experiences
Entitled Dancing Moon in the Water, in Apparations of the self, The Secret Autobiographies of a
Tibetan Visionary, Janet Gyatso, Princeton University Press (1998)

A Casket of Enlightened Mind, a Manual of Essential Instructions, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (gnad byang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ gnad byang thugs kyi sgrom bu) (71-80)

Skull Fragments: The Root Tantra of the Vidyādharas, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (rtsa rgyud - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rig ‘dzin rtsa rgyud thod pa’i dum bu) (81-87/88)

The King’s Coronation Kamandalu Vase Root Empowerment, the Inner Enabling Empowerment,
from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (rtsa dbang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rtsa dbang
rgyal thabs spyi blugs/ nang nus pa 'jug pa'i dbang ngo') (89-94) 1/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

Clarifying the Essential Meaning: the General Meaning of Empowerment, from the Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse (dbang spyi - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ dbang gi spyi don snying po don
gsal) (95-131/132)

The Wish-fulfilling Jewel: The Outer Practice of Guru Yoga (bla ma’i rnal ‘byor - phyi sgrub bla
ma’i rnal ‘byor yid bzhin nor bu) (133-142)
English translation: (mostly translated in:) The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Dzogchen
Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik (
Colophon (Of the compilation by Jikme Trinle Özer): This arrangement of the practices to be
recited for the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro, The Excellent Path to Omniscience, was
written by the tantric yogin Jikme Trinle Özer, who was nurtured by the kindness of the vidyādhara
Jikme Lingpa as well as many other holy teachers, and attained a firm conviction in the samaya
vow. Through this merit, may followers of this lineage actually see the master as a buddha in
person, and may this cause Samantabhadra’s original face, their own self-cognizant rigpa, to
become fully evident to them, so they become of ceaseless benefit for limitless living beings.
Sarvada Maṅgalaṃ!

Ocean of Siddhis: A Practice for Making Offerings to the Gurus, the Embodiments of all the
Maṇḍalas (bla ma mchod chog - dkyil 'khor thams cad kyi ngo bo bla ma mchod pa'i chog dngos grub
rgya mtsho) (143-211/212)

Secret Path to the Mountain of Glory: A Prayer of Aspiration for the Copper-Coloured Mountain
of Glory (smon lam - zangs mdog dpal ri’i smon lam dpal ri'i gsang lam) (213-218)
English translation: Secret Path to the Mountain of Glory—A Prayer of Aspiration for the
Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory (

An Aspiration Prayer to be Recited at the End of Time (smon lam - dus mthar gdab pa'i smon lam)

A Continuous Shower of Blessings: A Prayer to the Lineage of the Great Perfection Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse (brgyud 'debs - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig gi brgyud 'debs byin rlabs
char rgyun) (221-224)

The Gathering of Vidyādharas (Rigdzin Düpa), the Inner Sādhana from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (rig ‘dzin ‘dus pa - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ nang sgrub rig ‘dzin ‘dus pa) (225-
English translation: The Gathering of Vidyādharas, the Inner Sādhana from the Heart Essence of
the Vast Expanse, Rigpa Translations
English translation: The Assemblage of Vidyadharas of Long-Chen Nying-Thig, translated by Tulku
Thondup (Gangtok, 1980, revised 1991).

Dazzling Key Points: The Vidyādharas' Manual of Concealed Instructions, from the Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse (Rigdzin Düpa) (gab byang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ gab byang gnad kyi
mig tshag) (243-248)
English translation: Gabjang—the Inner Mantra Practice: Dazzling Key Points—The
Vidhyādhara's Manual of Concealed Instructions, Rigpa Translations.

The Casket of Siddhis: A Recitation Manual for 'Vidyādhara Assembly' (Rigdzin Düpa) (bsnyen
yig - rig 'dzin bsnyen yig dngos grub kyi za ma tog) (249-260)
English translation: The Casket of Siddhis, A Recitation Manual for Rigdzin Düpa, the
Gathering of Vidyadharas (
siddhis) Translated by Adam Pearcey for Rigpa Translations, 2006. Amended and first published
on Lotsawa House, 2015
Colophon: This was written by the master of this teaching [Jigme Lingpa] in response to persistent
requests from the one called Kundrol, a student of this lineage. 2/25
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The Vase of Immortal Life: The Long Life Practice (Tsedrup) of the Vidyādharas (Rigdzin Düpa)
(tshe sgrub - rig 'dzin tshe sgrub bdud rtsi bum bcud (261-270)
English translation: (partly) The Vase of Immortal Life - Tsedrup the Long Life Practice of the
Vidyadharas, Rigpa Translations.

The Crucial Points of Visualization for 'The Long Life Practice (Tsedrup) of the Vidyādharas'
(Rigdzin Düpa) (tshe sgrub dmigs gnad - rig 'dzin tshe sgrub dmigs gnad gal mdo) (271-273/274)
English translation: The Crucial Points of Visualization for the Rigdzin Düpa Long-Life Practice,
in Jigme Lingpa, Patrul Rinpoche, Khenpo Chemchok, and Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, The
Gathering of Vidyadharas: Text and Commentaries on the Rigdzin Düpa, translated by Gyurme
Avertin (Boulder: Snow Lion, 2017), 11.

Vase's Elixer of Immortal Life: An Explanation of the Empowerment of 'The Long Life Practice of
the Vidyādharas' (Rigdzin Düpa) (tshe sgrub dbang bshad - tshe sgrub bdud rtsi bum bcud kyi dbang
bshad) (275-285/286)

The History of the practice of the Primordial Mother, the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen
Gyalmo) (lo rgyus) yum ka bde chen rgyal mo'i lo rgyus) (287/288)

A Ritual for the Blessing Empowerment of the Primordial Mother, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (dbang chog - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ yum ka'i byin
rlabs dbang gi cho ga) (289-292)

The Glorious Garland of Great Bliss: The Root Sādhana of the Primordial Mother Yeshe Tsogyal,
the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (bde chen dpal phreng - yum ka mtsho rgyal bde
chen rgyal mo'i rtsa ba'i sgrub pa bde chen dpal phreng) (293-312)
English translation: The Queen of Great Bliss of Long-Chen Nying-Thig, translated by Tulku
Thondup, Gangtok, 1983 revised 1992.
English translation: The Queen of Great Bliss of Long-Chen Nying-Thig, translated by Karma
Sonam Drolma, Kathmandu: Dzogchen Shri Singha University, 1997.
English translation:The Longchen Nyingthik Root Sadhana of the Mother Tsogyal, The Queen of
Great Bliss, called 'The Glorious Garland of Great Bliss' , Karen Liljenberg, ,

Recitation Manual for the Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka
Dechen Gyalmo) (bsnyen yig - yum ka bde chen rgyal mo'i rtsa ba’i bsnyen yig (313-319/320)

Elucidating the Body Maṇḍala: Further Clarifications for the Recitation Manual of the Primordial
Mother, the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (lus dkyil - yum ka bde chen rgyal mo'i
bsnyen yig yang gsal lus dkyil mngon brjod) (321-331/332)

Thoroughly Illuminating the Meaning of the Empowerment: the Self-initiation for the Primordial
Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (dbang don - yum ka mkha' 'gro'i bdag 'jug dbang don rab
gsal) (333-339/340)

The Fire Offering to the Primordial Mother Vidyādhara: A Treasury of the Four Activities (Yumka
Dechen Gyalmo) (me mchod - rig 'dzin yum ka'i me mchod las bzhi'i bang mdzod (341-350)
English translation: The Fire Offering to Yumka: A Treasury of the Four Activities Provisional
translation by Adam Pearcey, 2013.

'Taking the Essence' (rasāyana) of the Three Kāyas' Amṛta, from the Queen of Great Bliss Ḍākinī
(Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (bcud len - mkha' 'gro bde chen rgyal mo las/ sku gsum bdud rtsi’i bcud len)

The Inner Practice of the Primordial Mother Ḍākinī, a Treasure Vase Containing the Essence of
Great Bliss, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (yum ka'i nang
sgrub - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ yum ka mkha' 'gro'i nang sgrub bde chen snying po'i gter bum)
(355-379/380) 3/25
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A Tārā Ritual of the four maṇḍalas: The Mind Ornament of the Lord of the Nāgas (klu dbang sgrol
ma mandala bzhi pa'i chog klu dbang dgongs rgyan) (381-413/414)

Turning Back the Summons of the Ḍākinīs: The Marvelous Appearance (bsun zlog - mkha’ ‘gro’i
bsun zlog ngo mtshar snang ba) (415-433/444)

A Ritual for Offering the Ransoming Torma when an Elaborate Turning Back the Summons is
Accumulated (glud gtor - grangs gsog tshe bsun bzlog rgyas pa'i mtshams su glud gtor ril bu dang cas
pa nam mkha' mdzod kyi sngags rgyas brlabs nas phul) (435/436)

A Short Tsok Prayer for Turning Back the Summons of the Ḍākinīs (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo)
(tshogs bsdud - bsun zlog rgyas pa tshogs brgya dang 'brel skabs yum ka'i tshogs kyi skong bshags mal
(mang?) du 'dzad pa lag len) (437/438)
English translation:Turning Back the Summons of the Ḍākinīs, Rigpa Translations.

Turning Back the Summons of the Ḍākas and Ḍākinīs, from the Primordial Mother, the Queen of
Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (bsun bzlog - yum ka bde chen rgyal mo las/ dpa’ bo dpa’ mo’i
bsun bzlog) (439-441/2)

Longlife Empowerment Explanation Connected with the Fourth Point from the Collection of
Activities of the Primordial Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (tshams byor - yum ka mkha'
'gro'i las tshogs bzhi ba dang 'brel bar/ tshe dbang gi mtshams sbyor) (443-458)

Additional Texts for Blessing the Treasure Vase, from the Collection of Activities of the Primordial
Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (bum sgrub - yum ka mkha' 'gro'i tshogs las/ gter bum sgrub
pa'i lhan thabs) (459-474)

A Ritual for Transferring to the Realm of Great Bliss: the Unfathomable Quick Path (cho ga - bde
ba can du bgrod pa'i cho ga dpag med myur lam) (475-508)

An Aspiration to be Reborn in the Realm of Great Bliss (bde smon - bde can zhing bkod smon lam)

The Purifying Treasure Vase: An Arrangement of the Guiding Practice Ritual Which Purifies
Obscurations, for the Fifteenth Point of the Collection of Activities of the Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen
Gyalmo) (gnas lung - mkha' 'gro'i las tshogs bco lnga pa sgrib sbyong gnas lung gi cho ga bsgrigs dag
byed gter bum) (515-528)

Additional Texts for Cleansing ('byung?) Poison bases on Tārā Yoginī Practice (lhan thabs - yum ka
bde chen rgyal mo las/ sgrol ma rnal 'byor ma la brten nas dug dbyung bya ba bkru'i lhan thabs) (529-

Additional Texts for Ransoming the Life-force Spirit: The Tree of the Life Force Ocean, from the
Activities of the Primordial Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (mkha' 'gro'i bla bslu - yum ka
mkha 'gro'i las tshogs las/ bla bslu'i lhan thabs srog 'tsho'i ljon pa) (533-550)

A Bundle of Blessings Empowerment Ritual, from the Lion-faced Ḍākinī, the Secret sādhana of the
Primordial Mother (seng gdong dbang chog - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i gdong can las/ dbang
chog byin rlabs chun po) (551-553/554)

A Shower of Blessings: The Lineage Prayer for the Secret Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the
Lion-faced Ḍākinī, by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (gsol 'debs - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i
gdong can gyi gsol 'debs byin rlabs char 'bebs) (555/556)
English translation: 'The Rainfall of Blessing', a prayer to Simhamukha from 'The Secret Sadhana
of the Consort' , translated by John Myrdhin Reynolds.
Colophon: This 'Rainfall of Blessings' which is the prayer for 'The Secret Sadhana of the Consort',
having placed the lotus-like feet of the Vidyadhara Jikme Lingpa upon the crown of his head, was
written by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Ozer. May it become a medicine for all beings!) 4/25
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The Secret Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī, from the Heart Essence of
the Vast Expanse (gsang sgrub - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i dong
can) (557-572)
English translation: The Secret Sadhana of the Consort who possess the Face of the Lion, from the
Longchen Nyingthig, translated by John Myrdhin Reynolds (1985).
Colophon: As for this Secret Sadhana of Simhamukha, since it is very profound, it should be kept
secret and apart. Drawing from various symbols and designs having the form of birds, a person of
royal rank completed this lineage. SAMAYA GYA GYA GYA Profoundly sealed! Secretly sealed!
(The above text) was set down from a single hieroglyph in the form of a multicoloured bird drawn
on golden paper.

A Recitation Manual for the Secret Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī:
Entrance Way to the Ocean of Accomplishments (seng gdong bsnyen yig - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng
ge'i gdong can gyi bsnyen yig dngos grub rgya mtsho'i 'jug ngogs) (573-579/80)

Turning Back the Summons of the Ḍākinīs: Subduing Sorcery's Strength, from the Secret Sādhana
of the Primordial Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī (srung zlog - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i gdong
can las/ srung zlog byad ma stobs ‘joms) (581-583/584)

The Wheel of Lightning Liberating from Sorcery, from the Secret Sādhana of the Primordial
Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī (byad 'grol - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i gdong can las/ byad ‘grol
gnam lcags ‘khor lo) (585-596)

A Torma Offering and Avertion Ritual: Destroying the Hordes of Evil Sorcery, from the Secret
Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī (gtor zlog - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i
gdong can las/ gtor zlog byad gdon g.yul ‘joms) (597-620)

Notes on Essential Aspects of the Preparation for a Torma Offering and Avertion Ritual of the
Secret Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the Lion-faced Ḍākinī (gnad yig - yum ka'i gsang sgrub
seng ge'i gdong ma'i gtor zlog gi bca’ gzhi gnad kyi yig chung) (621-624)

The Wheel of Activity Which Benefits Others, from the Secret Sādhana of the Lion-faced Ḍākinī
(phrin gzhan 'khor lo - gsang sgrub seng ge'i gdong can las/ phrin las gzhan phan ‘khor lo) (625/626)

A General Summary of the Three Yogas: the Oral Transmission of the Great Glorious One
(Palchen Düpa) (yo ga'i spyi chings - yo ga gsum gyi spyi chings dpal chen zhal lung) (627-637/638)

Great Glorious One Lineage Prayer (Palchen Düpa) (dpal chen brgyud ‘debs) (639/640)

Assembly of the Great Glorious Ones, the Heart Practice of Vidyādharas, from the Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse (Palchen Düpa) (dpal chen 'dus pa - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rig 'dzin thugs
sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa) (641-676)

Recitation Manual for the Assembly of the Great Glorious Ones, the Heart Practice of
Vidyādharas (Palchen Düpa) (dpal chen bsnyen yig - rig 'dzin thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa bsnyen yig)

Mañjuśrī Yamāntaka, Outshining the Lord of Death, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious
Kagyé, (shin rje - dpal chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ 'jam dpal gshin rje 'chi bdag zil gnon) (689-700)

Hayagrīva's Play of the Three Realms, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious Kagyé (rta mgrin -
dpal chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ rta mgrin khams gsum rol pa) (701-708)

Viśuddha, Union of the Buddhas, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious Kagyé (yang dag - dpal
chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ yang dag sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor) (709-718)

Vajrakīlaya, Outshining the Armies of Demons, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious Kagyé (phur
pa - dpal chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ phur pa bdud dpung zil gnon) (719-736) 5/25
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The Great Glorious Ones' Elaborate Mudra, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious Kagyé (Palchen
Düpa) (dpal chen phyag rgya - bka' 'dus chos kyi rga mtsho mlas/ dpal chen phyag rgya rgyas pa) (737-

Volume 2
The Specific Empowerments for the Herukas of the Heart Practice of the Great Glorious Ones'
Assembly (Palchen Düpa) (khrag 'thung sgos dbang - thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa las/ khrag 'thung
rigs bzhi'i sgos dbang) (3-17/18)

A Precious Casket: A Framework for Accomplishment Practice, from the Ocean of Great and
Glorious Kagyé (Palchen Düpa) (sgrub khog - dpal chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ sgrub pa'i khog 'bubs
rin po che'i za ma tog) (19-44)

Heart Instructions for the Specific Recitations of the Four Heruka Families, from the Heart
Practice of the Great Glorious Ones' Assembly (Palchen Düpa) (rigs bzhi'i bnyen yig - thugs sgrub
dpal chen 'dus pa las/ he ru ka rigs bzhi'i sgos sgrub bsnyen pa'i dmar byang) (45-49/50)

Empowerment's Ocean of Significance: The Self-initiation for the Ocean of Kagyé, from the Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse (Palchen Düpa) (bdag 'jug - klong snying bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ bdag
'jug dbang don rgya mtsho) (51-72)

The Great Play: A Torma Offering and Avertion Ritual, from the Heart Practice of the Great
Glorious Ones' Assembly (Palchen Düpa) (gtor bzlog - thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa las/ rol pa chen
po'i gtor bzlog) (73-159/160)

The Profound Nail (kha?) Practice of 'The Great Play: a Torma Offering and Avertion Ritual'
Seperately Arranged, from the Heart Practice of the Great Glorious Ones' Assembly (Palchen
Düpa) (gzer kha) thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa las/ rol pa chen po'i gtor bzlog gi gzer kha zab mo gud
du byung ba) (161-173.174)

Oral Instructions which Clarify the Meaning of the Key Points for the Great Glorious Ones' Wheel
of Protection and Avertion (Palchen Düpa) (zhal shes - dpal chen srung bzlog 'khor lo yi/ zhal shes
gnad don gsal byed) (175-181/182)

The Maṇḍala of Coiling Amṛta Mahottara Which Gathers All Qualities, from the Heart Essence of
the Vast Expanse (Palchen Düpa) (bdud rtsi'i yon tan - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ che mchog bdud
rtsi'i 'khyil pa yon tan 'dus pa'i dkyil 'khor) (183-206)

Notes on the Practice of Accomplishment Medicine (Mendrub) (Palchen Düpa) (sman sgrub zin tho -
sman sgrub lag len zin tho) (207-214)

Staircase to Akaniṣṭha: Instructions on the Generation Phase of Deity Practice (bskyed rim - bskyed
rim lha'i khrid kyi rnam par gzhag pa 'og min bgrod pa'i them skas) (215-265/266)
English translation: Ladder to Akaniṣṭha: Instructions on the Development Stage and Deity Yoga,
translated by Dharmachakra Translation Committee, in Deity, Mantra and Wisdom: Development
Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, Jikme Lingpa and Getse Mahapandita Tsewang
Chokdrub, Snow Lion, (2007).

Wisdom Flames: A Peaceful Fire Offering for the Peaceful and Fierce Vidyādhara Practices (zhi
sbyin - rig 'dzin zhi drag gi sgo nas/ zhi ba'i sbyin sreg ye shes me lce) (267-280)

A Fire Offering for the Four Common Activities and the Supreme Activity: A Casket Containing
Oceans of Siddhis, from the Ocean of Great and Glorious Kagyé (Palchen Düpa) (sbyin sreg - dpal
chen bka' dus rgya mtsho las/ las bzhi mchog dang lnga'i sbyin sreg dngos grub rgya mtsho'i za ma tog)
(281-338) 6/25
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The Spontaneous Vajra Song of Fulfilment and Confession, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (skong bshags - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ skong bshags rdo rje'i thol glu) (339-354)
English translation: The Spontaneous Vajra Song of Fulfillment and Confession, translators
unknown: This translation was completed on the Full Moon of the 2nd Tibetan Lunar month
during the Iron Snake year, April 7, 2001 amidst the Sangre de Cristo-snow mountains of the
precious Dharma realm of Crestone, Colorado.
Colophon: At Ömin Glorious Chimpu, in the Flower Cave, the assembly place of Dakinis, when I
the bhusuku, Khyentse Özer, engaged, in the solitary practice of the essence, at the beginning of
the second month of the Nam Non, the Iron Dragon year (1760), on the anniversary of the great
festival, when the King Utrayana of Ruroka nvited our Teacher, giving offerings and paying
respects; based on taking the essence of practice and by the pure auspiciousness of the place,
through this juncture, pure wisdom, the expression of awareness arose, springing forth from the
secret treasury of the great expanse of realized mind, and the symbolic words, appeared in writing.
Easy to do and convenient to practice, and all the vital points of profundity are, complete;
purifying breakages of (vows), negative actions and obscurations, amending all samayas. It has the
power to avert inauspicious circumstances, accomplishing all wishes and obtaining siddhis.
Therefore, this upadesha, should be adopted by my followers. It was entrusted to the holy
protectors of the Nyingtik. Do not give it to those of wrong view and who lack good fortune. ahtam
seal samaya seal seal seal

The Secret Sādhana of the Great Compassionate One: The Self-Liberation of Suffering, from the
Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Dukngal Rangdrol) (thugs chen - klong chen snying gi thig le las/
gsang sgrub thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol) (355-364)
English translations: Natural Liberation from Suffering - The Great Compassionate One - The
Secret Sadhana from the Longchen Nyingthig Cycle, According to the liturgical tradition of
Dodrupchen, translated by Tulku Thondup and Philip Richman, 2006.
Colophon: Thus, the teaching on the most profound crucial points of the sadhana, ‘The Supreme
Noble Natural Liberation of Suffering’ by the Jetsun Mahaguru was bestowed on the monarch, the
dharma king, father and son, on the second storey [of Samyé], in the ‘Glowing Turquoise Covered
Shrine Room’. It was placed in a casket of heart treasures and entrusted to them with powerful
aspirations. The time for revelation came in the Earth Tiger year, when I had a vision of the Great
Compassionate One, and the dakini of the space of wisdom, in the vast expanse of the magical net
of illusion, the luminous space, entrusted me with the scrolls of the symbolic script. I wrote it down
without concealing anything of the signs and meaning.Guardian of the teachings, protector who
obeys commands, great Rahula, don’t be careless, don’t be idle! Guard the essence of the most
profound terma! Samaya! I kept this concealed for seven years: this revelation is more precious
than my heart.

The Loud Drum of Spring: A Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Ritual of the Great
Compassionate One, the Self-Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) (dka' 'grel - thugs rje chen
po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi cho ga'i dka' 'grel dbyar gyi rnga gsang) (365-381-382)

Clarifying the Self-initiation: An Empowerment of the Great Compassionate One, the Self-
Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) (dbang don - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol las/
dbang don bdag 'jug gsal ba) (383-387/388)

A Manual Clarifying the Crucial Heart Instructions of 'Pratri', from the Great Compassionate
One, the Self-Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) (pra phrid - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal
rang grol las/ pra khrid dmar byang gnad yig) (389-402)

A Prayer to the Noble One: Beholding His Face (Dukngal Rangdrol) ('phags pa'i gsol 'debs zhal
mthong ma) (403-407/408)
English translation: Prayer to Ārya (Avalokiteśvara): The Vision, Translated by Tulku

A Concise Sādhana of Hayagrīva, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (rta mgrin 'dus pa -
klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rta mgrin 'dus pa'i sgrub thabs) (409-411/412) 7/25
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A Shower of Blessings: The Lineage Prayer for the Sealed Quintessence, the Innermost Secret
Guru Practice (Tiklé Gyachen) (brgyud 'debs - yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can gyi
brgyud 'debs sbyin rlabs char 'bebs) (413-416)
English translation: The Lineage Supplication for Tigle Gyachen, the Most Secret Way to
Accomplish the Guru, translator unknown. (Richard Barron?)
Colophon: Thus Khyentse Wangpo, lord of siddhas, composed this prayer by writing down
whatever came to mind, at glorious Pema Öling, the Sanctuary of Lotus Light

The Sealed Quintessence: the Innermost Secret Guru Practice, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (Tiklé Gyachen) (las byang - klong chen snying gi thig le las / yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa
thig le'i rgya can) (416-431/432)
English translation: Tigle Gyachen— The Most Secret Way to Accomplish the Guru, translator
Colophon: Amazing! This extremely profound mind treasure, the Most Secret Tigle Gyatagchen,
was buried in the depths of my heart by the Primordial Lord Longchenpa, at glorious Samye in
Chimphu. I kept it secret for five years. Although now, in this degenerate age, recipients for this
profound teaching are rare, in the year of the evil malicious snake, in a tent of white wool, a
wisdom-space Dakini prophesied, 'After three years have passed, three supreme heart sons will
appear. One will bear the name of Vajra, who is very courageous. One will bear the name of
Jnana, who is a lord amongst siddhas. One will bear the name of the five families, who is a master
of poetry. To these, you should open the Dharma gate.'Thus, in accordance with the prophecy, at
the request of my lineage holding heart sons and of the Madman from Kongpo, a hidden yogi, I
released the seal of secrecy of this profound teaching. The Five Sisters of Long Life and Rahula,
the Wild Life-Cutting Blade, were commanded to guard it well. Samaya. Seal. May it be glorious
for all who are karmically connected to it.

The Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(Takhyung Barwa) (klong chen snying gi thig le las / bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba)
English translation: The root terma can be found in the translation of the arrangement made by
Jikmé Lingpa himself. The Blazing Radiance of Blessings, the Activity manual for the Wrathful
Lama Takhyung Barwa, from the Longchhen Nynigt'hig cycle, translated under the directions of
Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche by Richard Barron.

Recitation Manual Containing Essential Instructions on the Empowerment and Recitation of the
Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda (Takhyung Barwa) (bsnyen yig - bla ma drag po rta
khyung 'bar ba las/ dbang dang bsnyen pa'i gnad yig) (439-441/442)

Liberating Evil Nāgas: Eliminating Negativity from the Netherworld, from the Blazing Fierce
Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda (Takhyung Barwa) (gdon 'grol - bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba las/
klu'i gdon 'grol 'og gdon mthar byed) (443-457/458)

The Prayer of the Ground, Path & Fruition, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (rdzogs
chen smon lam - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bzhi lam 'bras bu'i smon lam) (459-461/462)
English translation: The Prayer of the Ground, Path & Fruition, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (
fruition), translated by Cortland Dahl, 2006.
English translation: Prayer of the Basis, Path, and Result by Jigmed Lingpa, translated by Tulku
Colophon: This profound prayer, a summation of the seal of the quintessential vast expanse, was
set down at the behest of the protector of the teachings, the Rishi Rahula, who took the form of a
monk. To make meaningful the spread of the profound reality and bring to perfection this prayer of
interdependence, I let loose this profound seal to the mad yogi of Kong. Entrusting it to this hidden
master of awareness who himself has been blessed by Akashagarbha. May its benefit for beings
equal the extent of space!

Training in the Pure Realms of the Three Kāyas, an Aspiration and Prayer (sku gsum zhing khams
sbyong ba'i gsol debs smon lam) (463-468) 8/25
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English translation: Training in the Pure Realms of the Three Kāyas, an Aspiration and Prayer
by Rigdzin Jikmé Lingpa (
pure-realms), translated by Rigpa Translations
Colophon: Once I was alone in solitary retreat in ‘The Akaniṣṭha Vajra Cave’, a hermitage blessed
by the naturally arising enlightened speech of Padmasambhava, when early one morning, I caught
sight of Mount Hépori and thought: “Wait…It was on that hilltop just over there that Khenpo
Śāntarakṣita, the master Padma, the King and the disciples once walked, subjugated gods and
ghosts, and relaxed. Many are the tales that appear to that effect. But now, apart from their names,
not a single trace of them remains.” I was gripped by a conviction that in the very same way,
everything is transient, impermanent. And although I had reckoned on staying alive, and not dying,
for a few years more, what certainty was there that I would not leave for my next life the very next
day? This train of thought filled me with haunting sorrow and aching weariness, and a sense of
renunciation that was boundless. The memory of Guru Rinpoche, the King and the disciples
plunged me into floods of tears. And this was why, at that moment I, Chatral Khyentsé Özer, wrote
this ‘Prayer and Aspiration to Training in the Pure Realms of the Three Kāyas’: a prayer invoking
and imploring Guru Rinpoche, coupled with an aspiration prayer suitable for daily recitation
based on the root words of the way to attain liberation through the experiences of the bardo states.

The Ocean-like Wisdom Mind: An Aspiration for the Bardo (bar do’i smon lam - bar do'i smon lam
dgongs gcig rgya mtsho) (469-479/480)
English translation: The Single Oceanic Vision, An Aspiration Prayer of Bardo by Jigmed Lingpa,
translated by Tulku Thondup
English translation: The Single Enlightened Mind Ocean Bardo Prayer, translated by Eric Fry-
Miller, Buddha Visions Press, 2014. Available for download at Buddha Vision

Entering the City of Omniscience—An Aspiration Prayer for Actualizing Words of Truth—
Ngödrup Gyatso—Ocean of Siddhis (pranidhana - bden tshig 'grub pa’i pranidha rnam mkhyen grong
'jug) (481-484)
English translation: Entering the City of Omniscience—An Aspiration Prayer for Actualizing
Words of Truth—Ngödrup Gyatso—Ocean of Siddhis
city-omniscience), translated by Rigpa Translations.
English translation: The Entrance to the City of Omniscience by Jigmed Lingpa, translated by
Tulku Thondup
Colophon: Composed by Rigdzin Jikmé Lingpa at the request of Chöden from East Tibet. Sarva

A Glorious Bangle: A Life-force Amulet of the Vidyādhara Conquerors Which Liberates by

Wearing, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (srog 'khor - klong chen snying gi thig le las/
rgyal ba rig 'dzin gyi srog 'khor dpal kyi gdu bu/ btags grol) (485-495/496)

An Ornament Clarifying a Troubled Marketplace: A Ritual of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities
Which Empties the Lower Realms Arranged as a Liturgical Text (zhi khro chog sgrigs - zhi khro
ngan song sbyong ba'i chog sgrigs khrom dkrugs gsal ba'i rgyan zhes bya ba bklags chog mar bkod pa/

Detailed Additional Texts for the Ritual of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Which Empties the
Lower Realms (zhi khro lhan thabs - zhi khro ngan song sbyong ba la brten pa'i zhib dpyod lhan thabs) (

Removing the Seal of Difficult Points: Further Clarifications Which Elaborate on the Generation
Phase of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Who Empty the Lower Realms (zhi khro yang yig - zhi
khro ngan song sbyong ba'i bskyed rim las 'phros pa'i yang yig bka' gnad rgya 'grol) (565-571/572)

A Manual for the Empowerment of the Sacred Hundred Deities, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (zhi khro lha dbang - klong chen nying thig las dam pa rigs brgya'i lha dbang gi bkol 9/25
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byang ba) (573-576)

Pith Instructions for Amending Impairments and Breakages, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (man ngag klong snying - klong chen snying thig las/ nyams chags skong ba'i man ngag)

The Garland of Offerings of the Sixteen Vajra Goddesses: The Lute of the Gandharvas (mchod
phreng - rdo rje'i lha mo bcu drug gi mchod phreng dri za'i rgyud mang) (579-587/588)
English translation: The Garland of Offerings of the Sixteen Vajra Goddesses— The Lute of the
Gandharvas, Rigpa Translations.

A Compassionate Net Bringing Immense Benefit to Others: A Ritual Benefiting the Deceased
Connected with the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Who Empty the Lower Realms (gzhan phan - zhi
khro ngan song sbyong ba dang 'grel ba'i sgo nas tshe 'das la phan gdags pa'i che ga gzhan phan thugs
rje'i dra ba (reading drva ba) (589-606)

Complete Liberation from the Two Obscurations: A Method for Purifying the Aggregates of a
Deceased Person Connected with the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Who Empty the Lower Realms
(phung po sgrib sbyong - zhi khro ngan song sbyong ba dang 'grel bar tshe 'das kyi phung po sbyong
thabs sgrib gnyis rnam grol)(607-623/624)

The Principal Protectress of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and Sisters, from the
Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Ma Gön Chamdral) klong chen snying thig le las/ bka’ srung ma
mgon lcam dral) (625-649/650).
English translation: The Principal Protector of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and
Sisters, from the Longchen Nyingtik, Rigpa Translations.

Life-force Entrustment of the Three Vajra Brothers and Sisters, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (Ma Gön Chamdral) (lcam dral srog gtad) klong chen snying thig le las/ lcam dral gsum gyi
srog gtad) (651-656)

Essential Instructions on the Principal Protectress of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers
and Sisters, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Ma Gön Chamdral) (lcam dral gnad yig -
klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bka' srung lcam dral gnad yig) (657-662)

Existence Arising as the Ground: A Thread Cross Ritual and Fulfilment Offering, from the
Principal Protectress of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and Sisters (Ma Gön
Chamdral) (mdos skong - bka' srung ma mgon lcam dral las/ mdos skong srid pa gzhir bzhengs) (663-

Fulfilment Practice for Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos and Ḍākinīs, from the Principal
Protectress of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and Sisters (Ma Gön Chamdral) (bka'
srung ma mgon lcam dral las/ma mo mkha' 'gro'i 'khrugs skong) (667-674)
English translation: Fulfilment Practice for Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos and Ḍākinīs, from
the Principal Protectress of the Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and Sisters, Rigpa

Outshining the Armies of Māra: A War Thread Cross Ritual from the Principal Protectress of the
Sacred Command and her Vajra Brothers and Sisters (Ma Gön Chamdral) (gyul mdos - bka' srung
ma mgon lcam dral las/ gyul mdos bdud dpung zil gnon) (675-724)

Notations on Preparations for the War Thread Cross of the Protectress: Notes on the Life-force
(Ma Gön Chamdral) (bca' gzhi - ma mgon gyul mdos kyi bca' gzhi sogs kyi yig chung) (725-731/732)

Wild Rāhula Razor of the Life-force, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (gza' rgod - klong
chen snying gi thig le las/ gza' rgod sog (reading srog) gi spu gri) (733-736)

The Cycle of Giving the Life-force Empowerment of the Sisters of Long Life, from the Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse (Tseringma) (srog dbang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ tshe ring ma'i 10/25
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srog dbang sbyin pa'i skor gu hya) (737-747/748)

A Wish-fufilling Tree: the Activity Manual of the Protectresses of the Sacred Command, the Five
Medicine Women Sisters, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Tseringma) (klong chen
snying gi thig le las/ bka' srung sman btsun mched lnga'i phrin las dpag bsam yongs 'du) (749-755/756)
English translation: Rigpa Translations

The Meaningful Lasso: A Secret Manual of Concealed Instructions for the Protectresses of the
Sacred Command, the Medicine Women Sisters, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(Tseringma) (gab yig - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bka' srung sman btsun ma'i gsang ba'i gab yig
don yod zhags pa) (757-766)

A Manual with Further Instructions for the Single Person Transmission of the Sisters of Long Life,
from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Tseringma) (chig rgyud - klong chen snying gi thig le las/
tshe ring ma'i yang yig chig brgyud ma) (767/768)

An Abbreviated Practice of the Sisters of Long Life to Summon the Spirit of Abundance
(Tseringma) (tshe ring ma'i gyang 'gugs nyung bsdus) (769/770)

(Practice of Tseringma related to livestock) (Tseringma) (gtal dkar - gtal (probably gtad) dkar ma'i
phyugs gta' sdoms) (771-773/774)

A Fulfilment for the Protector of the Tantras Gönpo Lekden, the Master of the Feast (legs ldan
bskong ba - rgyud mgon legs ldan tshogs kyi bdag po'i bskong ba) (775-792)

A Daily Practice for the Fulfilment of the Protector Gönpo Lekden (rgyun khyer - mgon po legs ldan
gyi skong ba rgyun khyer) (793-795/796)

Volume 3
A Practice for the Transference of Consciousness: Attaining Buddhahood Without Meditation (pho
ba - 'pho ba ma bsgoms sangs rgyas) (3-6)
English translation: Transference of Consciousness - Attaining Buddhahood Without Meditation
from the Cycle of Longchen Nyingthig, translated by Tulku Thondup.

To be Recited Before Transferring the Consciousness of a Death Person (gshin 'pho - gshin po 'pho
ba 'debs pa'i snga rol du) (7-12)

The Hearing Lineage Scroll of the Bliss-emptiness and Wind Perfection Phase: The Wish-fulfilling
Jewel, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (bde stong rtsa rlung - klong chen nying gi tig le
las bde stong rlung gi rdzogs rim snyan rgyud shog dril yid bzhin nor bu) (13-22)
English translation: The Scroll of the Aural Lineage of Empty Exaltation and Wind in the Stage of
Completion. The Wish-fulfilling Jewel, translated by the Light of Berotsana Translation Group

A Manual of Oral Instructions on the Bliss-emptiness and Wind Perfection Phase, from the Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse (bde stong zhal shes - klong chen nying gi tig le las/ bde stong rlung
rdzogs zhal shes
English translation: The Explanation of Empty Exaltation and Wind in the Stage of Completion,
translated by the Light of Berotsana Translation Group (2003).

Notations on the Blazing and Dripping of Fierce Inner Heat, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (gtum mo'i yig chung - klong chen nying gi tig le las / gtum mo'i 'bar 'dzag yig chung) (23-26)
English translation: Notes on Blazing and Dripping Through the Power of the Fierce Wisdom,
translated by the Light of Berotsana Translation Group (2003).

The Concealed Meaning of the Hearing Lineage Wish-fulfilling Jewel Scroll: The Path of Method
called Buddhahood Without Meditation (sbas don thabs lam - snyan rgyud shog dril yid bzhin nor bu'i 11/25
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sbas don thabs lam ma bsgoms sangs rgyas) (27-36)

Clarifying the Concealed Meaning of the Vidyādhara's Yogic Exercises, from the Heart Essence of
the Vast Expanse ('khrul 'khor - klong chen nying gi tig le las rig 'dzin 'khrul 'khor sbas don gsal ba)
English translation: The Illumination of the Hidden Meaning of the Wheels of Technique of the
Holders of Awareness, translated by the Light of Berotsana Translation Group (2003).
Colophon: At the request of Abhāya, the child who holds the pennant of the teachings in the south
of Kham, Rangjung Dorje (Jikme Lingpa), lord of the ḍākinī's secret treasury, composed this.

A Prayer for Fierce Inner Heat: The Vajra Verses, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(gtum mo'i klong snying - klong chen nying gi tig le las/ gtum mo'i gsol 'debs rdo rje'i tshig rkang) (53/54
English translation: The Vajra Verses, A Prayer of Tummo (heat yoga) by Jigmed Lingpa, translated
by Tulku Thondup.
English translation: The Supplication in Vajra Verse for the Fierce Wisdom, translated by the Light
of Berotsana Translation Group (2003).

The Ḍākinī's Laud Laughter Chö Practice, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (gcod -
klong chen snying gi thig le las/ gcod yul mkha' 'gro'i gad rgyangs) (55-69/70)
English translation: The Longchen Nyingthig Chod Practice 'The Loud Laugh of the Dakini' ,
Karen Liljenberg, 2006.

A Commentary on the Way of Chö Practitioners: the Six Pāramitās' Youthfulnes (phyin drug lang
tsho - mcod mkhan rnams kyi nye bar spyad pa'i rnam bshad phyin drug lang tsho) (71-76)

The Great Perfection Tantra of the Expanse of Samantabhadra's Primordial Wisdom, from the
Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (klong rgyud - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rdzogs pa chen po
kun tu bzang po ye shes klong gi rgyud) (77-100)
English translation: The Great Perfection Tantra of the Expanse of Samantabhadra’s Wisdom, in
Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 137–147.

The Subsequent Tantra of the Great Perfection Pith Instructions, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (rgyud phyi ma - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ man ngag rdzogs pa chen po'i rgyud
phyi ma) (101-110)
English translation: "The Subsequent Tantra of Great Perfection Instruction”, in Approaching the
Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 148–154.

Samantabhadra's Wisdom Mind Experience, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (dgongs
nyams - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ kun tu bzang po'i dgongs nyams) (111-120)
English translation: “Experiencing the Enlightened Mind of Samantabhadra”, in Approaching the
Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 155–161.

Differentiating Three Points of the Great Perfection, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(shan 'byed - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rdzogs pa chen po'i gnad gsum shan 'byed) (121-126)
English translation: "Distinguishing the Three Essential Points of the Great Perfection”, in
Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 162–165.

A Staircase to Liberation: A Commentary on the Common Preliminary Practice of the Seven

Points of Mind Training (blo sbyongs don khrid - thun mong gi sngon 'gro sems sbyong rnam ba bdun
gyi don khrid thar pa'i them skas) (127-235/236)
English translation: The Steps to Liberation: Essential Instructions on the Common Preliminary
Practice of the Sevenfold Mind Training by Jigme Lingpa, in Steps to the Great Perfection: The
Mind-Training Tradition of the Dzogchen Masters, translated by Cortland Dahl (2016), pages 15-

A Commentary on the Way of Practicing the Common Great Perfection Preliminary Practices,
from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (thun mong sngon 'gro - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen
snying tig gi thun mong gi sngon 'gro khrid kyi lag len la 'debs lugs) (237-270) 12/25
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English translation: Instructions on the Common Great Perfection Preliminaries of the Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse, in Entrance to the Great Perfection, translated by Corland Dahl,
pages 41–60.

The Application of Mindfulness: A Commentary on the Uncommon Great Perfection Preliminary

Practices of the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse (sngon khrid - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen
snying tig gi thun mong ma yin pa'i sngon 'gro'i khrid yig dran pa nyer gzhag) (271-304)
English translation: The Application of Mindfulness: Instructions of the Unique Great Perfection
Preliminaries of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse, in Entrance to the Great Perfection,
translated by Corland Dahl, pages 61–80.

Yeshe Lama: an Instruction Manual on the Stages of the Path Leading to the State of the
Primordial Protector, from the Great Perfection Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (ye shes bla ma
- rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi gdod ma'i mgon po'i lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yig ye shes bla
ma) (305-469/470)
English translation: Yeshe Lama, Vidyadhara Jigmed Lingpa, translated by Lama Chönam and
Sangye Khandro (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2009) (restricted publication).
English translation: The Yeshe Lama: Jigme Lingpa's Dzogchen Atiyoga Manual, translated by
Keith Dowman, Dzogchen Now! Books (2014)
English translation: Yeshe Lama: from the Dzogpachenpo Longchen Nyingtik, An Instruction
Manual on the Stages of the Path Leading to the State of the Primordial Protector, Rigpa

White Lotus: Background Teachings for the Pith Instructions of the Vajra Vehicle's Stages of the
Path of Ripening and Liberation (rgyab brten pad dkar) rdo rje theg pa'i smin grol lam gyi rim pa las
'phros pa'i man ngag gi rgyab brten padma dkar po) (471-524)
English translation: The white Lotus: Supporting Instructions Following on from the Graduated
Path of Ripening and Liberation in the Vajrayāna", in Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam
van Schaik, pages 173–207.

Vajra Verses on the Natural State (tshig rkang - gnas lugs rdo rje'i tshig rkang) (525-528)
English translation: Vajra Verses on the Natural State, in Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam
van Schaik, pages 170-171.
English translation: Vajra Verses on the Natural State (
masters/jigme-lingpa/vajra-verses-on-the-natural-state), Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2015, at the
request of Dza Kilung Rinpoche. The translator is indebted to Sam van Schaik, whose excellent
version of this text appears in Approaching the Great Perfection (Boston: Wisdom Publications,
2004, pp. 170–171). Any significant differences in interpretation here are based on our reading of
Yukhok Chatralwa Chöying Rangdrol's commentary.
Colophon: Samaya. Signs are fading. To my only son, Khyentse Özer, this was given by the
Samantabhadra of awareness in the manner of a transmission of blessings and realization. Do not
show it to anyone, but conceal it in your heart.Thus, in the Akaniṣṭha cave on the twenty-sixth day
of the Month of Miracles, at a time when the ḍākinīs gathered during my dark retreat, I set this
down on a side of precious paper.This profound aural transmission is sealed with atham. Only this!
Only this! The contents are elaborated upon in The Words of the Omniscient One.

The Secret Discourse Delighting the Awareness Holders and Ḍākinīs, A Hammer Destroying the
Mentally Fabricated Tenets, Pith Instructions That Place the Essentials in the Palm of Your Hand,
Vajrapāṇi's Spontaneous Warrior Song of Joy, Drops of Amṛta: The Omniscient One's Oral
Instructions (kun mkhyen zhal lung -rig 'dzin mkha' 'gro dgyes pa'i gsang gtam/ yid dpyod grub mtha'
'jig pa'i tho lum/ snying phyung lag mthil bkram pa'i man ngag/ gsang bdag dga' rab dpa' bo'i thol glu/
kun mkhyen zhal lung bdud rtsi'i thigs pa) (529-555/556)
English translation: The Secret Discourse of the Happy Awareness Holders and Ḍākinīs, A
Hammer for the Worldly Systems of Speculation, The instructions that Place the Essentials in the
Palm of Your Hand, The Revelation Song of Joyful Vajrapāṇi, A Sprinkling of the Nectarlike Words
of the Omniscient One, in Approaching the Great Perfection, by Sam van Schaik, pages 208–224. 13/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

The Lion's Roar That Vanquishes the Diversions and Errors of Renunciant Yogis Who Meditate on
the Heart Essence (gol tshar - snying tig sgom pa'i bya bral gyi: gol shor tshar gcod seng ge'i nga ro)
Nying Tig or The Innermost Essence: This is the Lion's Roar which Subdues the rampant
confusions and misunderstandings of those meditators who have abandoned materialistic
attachments to meditate on the Innermost Essence, (partly) translated by Chogyam Trungpa
Rinpoche, in Mudra pg 21-26 (Shambhala, 1972).
English translation: The Lions Roar That Destroys the Deviations of Renunciants Meditating on the
Seminal Heart in Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 225–234.
English translation: The Lion's Roar that Vanquishes the Diversions and Errors of Hermits Who
Meditate upon the Heart Essence, in The Fearless Lion's Roar: Profound Instructions on
Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, by Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorje, translated by David
Christensen (Boston & London: Snow Lion, 2015), pages 135-150.

Nakedly Seeing the Natural State of the Great Perfection: Requisites for a Beginner (cer mthong -
rdzogs pa chen po gnas lugs cer mthong/ las dang po pa la 'di mkho) (557-584)
English translation: Seeing Nakedly the Natural State of the Great Perfection: Necessary
Instructions for Beginners, in Approaching the Great Perfection by Sam van Schaik, pages 235–

Mountain Dharma Oral Instructions: A Marvelous Ocean of Advice (ri chos - ri chos zhal gdams
ngo mtshar rgya mtsho) (585-600)
English translation: A Wondrous Ocean of Advice for the Practice of Those in Retreat in Solitude,
in The Fearless Lion’s Roar, in The Collected Works of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Volume 3,
translated by David Christensen, pages 229–235.

A Few Clarifications on the Offering Tormas of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (gtor dpe -
klong chen snying thig gi gtor ma'i re gzig gsal ba) (601-606))

Holding the Life-force of Beings: Compassionate and Loving Pith Instructions Given in a Pure
Vision by the Great Lord of Siddhas Thangtong Gyalpo to the Space-like Yogi of the Vast Expanse
(dag snang - rje grub thob chen pos klong chen nam mkha'i rnal 'byor la dag snang du stsal ba thugs rje
byams pa'i man ngag 'gro ba'i srog 'dzin) (607-611/612)

Entrance to the Path of the Awakened Ones: Bringing on the Path the Domains of Sutra and
Tantra in Union (lam khyer - mdo sngags zung du 'jug pa'i spyod yul lam khyer sang rgyas lam zhugs)

A Sādhana of Vairotsana, the Great Embodiment (bdag nyid chen po bE ro'i sgrub thabs) (629-632)

A Guru Yoga of the Vidyādhara Jigme Lingpa (rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal
'byor) (632-635)

A Meditation and Recitation to Pacify the King-like Gyalpo Demons (rgyal gdon zhi ba'i sgom bzlas)

The Blissful Path of Action Tantra: A Ritual for Taking the One-Day Vows of a Layperson (bsnyen
gnas kyi cho ga bya rgyud bde lam) (635-637/638)

A Prayer Invoking the Benefits of the Festival of the Tenth Day (tshes bcu'i gsol 'debs - tshes bcu'i
phan yon gsol 'debs) (639-646)
English translation: A Prayer Invoking the Benefits of the Festival of the Tenth Day
of-the-tenth-day), Rigpa Translations, 2013.

Miscellaneous Writings for the Common and Uncommon Preliminary Practices and so on (ngag
'don - thun mong dang thun mong ma yin pa'i sngon 'gro sogs ngag 'don 'thor bu'i skor) (647-672). This
includes the following, which can mostly be found in The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The
Dzogchen Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik 14/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

Blessing of the Speech (ngag byin brlabs)
A Song of Calling the Guru which Urges One to Rise (includes the four thoughts, etcetera)
(bzhengs bskul bla ma rkyang 'bod)
Praise of the Twelve Acts of the Buddha
twelve-acts-buddha) ((mdzad pa bcu gnyis kyi bstod pa (657-662)

Concise Torma Offering (spungs?) (spungs gtor bsdus pa) (662-664)

Pervading All Realms: A White Sur Smoke Offering (dkar gsur zhing khams kun khyab) (664-670)

A Red Sur Smoke Offering Ritual to Ransom Death for Oneself and Others (dmar gsur la brten nas
rang gzhan gyi 'chi ba bslu ba) (670)

The Sun's Light Rays: A Dedication Prayer for the Living and the Death (bsngo ba - gson gshin gyi
bsngo ba nyi ma'i 'od zer (673-682)

The Everpresent Offering Garland, based on the Consecration Tantra (mchod phreng - rab gnas kyi
rgyud las gsungs pa'i mchod phreng kun tu rgyu) (683-685/6)

Auspicious Wish-fulfilling Words: A Ritual to Consecrate (Rabné) the Three Supports (rab gnas -
rten gsum rab tu gnas pa'i tshig bkra shis 'dod 'jo) (687-736)

Volume 4
The following two volumes, volume four and five, include texts not written or revealed by Jikme Lingpa.

The Continuous Stream of Speech: A Prayer to the Lineage Gurus of the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse (klong chen snying thig gi bla brgyud gsol 'debs gsung rgyun ma) (1-8)

Beautiful Clouds of Blessings: A Prayer to the Lineage Masters of the Great Perfection Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (gsol 'debs - rdzogs pas chen po klong chen
snying thig gi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs byin rlabs sprin mdzes) (p.9/10)

Prayer to Rigdzin Jikme Lingpa Invoking His Previous Incarnations, by Khyentsé Lha (Jikme
Lingpa) ('khrungs rabs gsol 'debs - rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa'i 'khrungs rabs gsol 'debs) (p.11/12)
English translation: Prayer to Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa Invoking His Previous Incarnations
incarnations). Translated by Gyurme Avertin, 2017.
Colophon: This was written by Khyentse Lha at the request of a few devoted students, such as
Jetsün Jñāna, while abiding in natural rest, leaving delusional appearances as they are, mere

A Prayer Recalling the Life and Liberation of the Great Perfection Adept Rangjung Dorje
(‘Naturally Arisen Vajra’), Jikme Lingpa, by Jikme Lingpa (rnam thar gsol 'debs - rdzogs chen pa
rang byung rdo rje'i rnam thar gsol 'debs) (13-16)
English translation: A Prayer Recalling the Life and Liberation of the Great Perfection Adept
Rangjung Dorje (‘Naturally Arisen Vajra’), Jikme Lingpa (
masters/jigme-lingpa/prayer-recalling-life-and-liberation). Translated by Han Kop, with the
generous help of Lama Sherab Tarchin from Dodrupchen Monastery. With thanks to Stefan Mang.
Edited by Aaron Cote and Adam Pearcey.
Colophon: To avoid refusing the insistent request of the fortunate disciple from Domé, Jikmé Trinlé
Özer, I wrote this with an emphasis on what is positive.

A Constant Stream of Blessings: A Prayer to the Eight Supreme Vidyādharas of India, by the First
Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (Rigdzin Düpa) (mchog brgyad gsol 'debs - 'phags yul rig 'dzin mchog 15/25
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brgyad kyi gsol 'debs byin rlabs chu rgyun) - (17-20)

English translation: Prayer to the Eight Supreme Vidyādharas of India, “A Constant Stream of
Blessings” (
blessings), Rigpa Translations.
Colophon: This prayer to the eight supreme vidyādharas, “A Constant Stream of Blessings”, was
composed by the Dzogchen yogi Jikmé Trinlé Özer, for whom no obstacles due to doubts ever
occurred since he had been properly empowered into the mandala of the secret mantrayāna. He
attained confidence in this prayer, which arose instantaneously at the request of Döndup Gyatso, a
Rabjampa of the Gelugpa tradition at Kokonor in the north. By the power of the merit of writing
this prayer, may the blessings of the vidyādharas enter the mindstreams of all with whom he has a

The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Great Perfection Preliminary Practice of the Heart
Essence of the Vast Expanse, by the First Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (sngon 'gro - rdzogs pa chen
po klong chen snying thig gi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don khrigs su bsdebs pa rnam mkhyen lam bzang) (21-44)
English translation: The Dzogchen Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice, translated by Tulku
Thondup, Dharamsala: LTWA, (1982).
English translation: The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Dzogchen Preliminary Practice
of Longchen Nyingtik (
English translation: The Sublime Path to Omniscience: A Liturgy for the Preliminary Practices of
the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse, translated by Cortland Dahl, in Entrance to the Great
Perfection: A Guide to the Dzogchen Preliminary Practices, Ithaca: Snow Lion (2009).
Colophon: This arrangement of the practices to be recited for the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik
Ngöndro, The Excellent Path to Omniscience, was written by the tantric yogin Jikme Trinle Özer,
who was nurtured by the kindness of the vidyādhara Jikme Lingpa as well as many other holy
teachers, and attained a firm conviction in the samaya vow. Through this merit, may followers of
this lineage actually see the master as a buddha in person, and may this cause Samantabhadra’s
original face, their own self-cognizant rigpa, to become fully evident to them, so they become of
ceaseless benefit for limitless living beings. Sarvada Maṅgalaṃ!

The Excellent Path to Enlightenment: A Concise Preliminary Practice, by Jamyang Khyentse

Wangpo (sngon 'gro mdor bsdus byang chub lam bzang) (p.45/46)
English translation: The Excellent Path to Enlightenment

A Profound Concentration of Nectar: The Essential Stages of Visualization for the Preliminary
Practices of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (klong snying
sngon 'gro dmigs rim - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi sngon 'gro dmigs rim snying por dril
ba zab don bdud rtsi'i snying khu) (47-73/74)
English translation: A Profound Concentration of Nectar: Essentialized Stages of Visualization
for the Preliminary Practices of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Longchen Nyingtik)

Rain of Siddhis: A Prayer to the Lineage of the Awareness Holder Assembly (Rigdzin Düpa), by the
third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i brgyud 'debs dngos grub char 'bebs) (p.75/76)
English translation: Rain of Siddhis: A Prayer to the Lineage of Rigdzin Düpa
lineage), translated by Adam Pearcey, Rigpa Translations
colophon: Composed by the devoted Jikmé Tenpé Nyima, who knows a little about the meaning of
this path. Jayantu!

A Small Addendum to Accomplish Amṛta for the Awareness Holders Assembly (Rigdzin Düpa)
(starting with dividing the maṇḍala house) (rig 'dus bdud rtsi chig sgrub) (p.77/78)

The Vajra Lute—A Brief Fulfilment for the Guru Practice Assembly of Awareness Holders
(Rigdzin Düpa), by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (bskang sdus - klong chen snying gi thig le las bla ma rig 16/25
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'dzin 'dus pa'i skong bsdus rdo rje'i rgyud mangs) - (79-81/82)
English translation: The Vajra Lute—A Brief Fulfilment for the Lama Rigdzin Düpa, Rigpa

A Necklace of Lotus Flowers: An [Empowerment manual] which is Easy to Perform, Connected

with the King’s Coronation Kamandalu Vase Root Empowerment, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (Rigdzin Düpa), by Chimé Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa (Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé)
(rtsa dbang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i rtsa dbang rgyal thabs spyi blugs kyi
mtshams sbyor khyer bdes brgyan pa pad+ma'i do shal) (85-100).
English translation: The Lotus Garland Adornment: A Practice Arrangement Easy to Implement
That Links the Different Elements of the "Empowerment Conferring Majesty," the Root
Empowerment of the Rigdzin Düpa, from the Longchen Nyingtik Cycle, in Jigme Lingpa, Patrul
Rinpoche, Khenpo Chemchok, and Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, The Gathering of Vidyadharas:
Text and Commentaries on the Rigdzin Düpa, Translated by Gyurme Avertin (Boulder: Snow Lion,
2017), 177.

A Garland of Ruby: The Empowerment for the Deities of the Assembly of Awareness Holders of
the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Rigdzin Düpa), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (lha dbang -
klong snying rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i lha dbang pad+ma rA ga'i phreng ba) (101-120)

The Wish-fulfilling King of Power Who Spontaneously Accomplishes the Two Aims: A Method for
Bestowing the Long-life Empowerment for 'The Long Life Practice of the Awareness Holders: The
Vase of Immortal Life' (Rigdzin Düpa), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (rig 'dzin tshe dbang - rig
'dzin tshe sgrub bdud rtsi bum bcud kyi tshe dbang bskur thabs don gnyis lhun grub yid bzhin dbang gi
rgyal po) (121-160)

Deathless Amṛta's Innermost Heart: Instructions For Times Such as When Accumulating The
Long-life Empowerment of the Assembly of Awareness Holders (Rigdzin Düpa), by Abhaya (snying
thig tshe dbang grangs gsog - rig 'dzin tshe dbang grangs gsog sogs kyi tshe nye bar bsdud pa 'chi med
bdud rtsi'i yang snying) (161-163/164)

A Manual for Bestowing the Root Empowerment for the Assembly of Awareness Holders
Composed by the Mahāsiddha Künzang Shyenphen (Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer) (Rigdzin
Düpa) (grub chen kun bzang gzhan phan gyis mdzad pa'i rig 'dzin rtsa ba'i dbang skur la mtshams sbyor
nyung ngu rje bla mas mdzad pa) - (165-191/192)

Vajra Blessings: A Self-initiation for the Guru Practice Assembly of the Awareness Holders, from
the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Rigdzin Düpa), by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (bdag 'jug - klong
chen snying gi thig le las/ bla ma rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i bdag 'jug rdo rje'i byin 'bebs) (193-204)

A Guru Yoga based on Vajrasattva: Cultivating the Pure Realm of Manifest Joy, by Rigdzin Jikdral
Lingpa (rdor sems - rdo rje sems dpa' la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor mngon dga'i zhing sbyong) (205-

A Lineage Prayer for the Guru Yoga based on Vajrasattva: A Shower of Great Bliss, by Jamyang
Khyentse Wangpo (brgyud yig - rdo rje sems dpa' la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor gyi brgyud 'debs bde
chen char 'bebs) (p.209/210)

A Ritual for Making Offerings to the Gurus based on Vajrasattva, Combined with Activity for the
Benefit of Others: An Excellent Path of Great Bliss, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (snying tig rdor
sems bla mchod - rdo rje sems dpa' la brten pa'i bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga gzhan phan gyi phrin las dang
bcas pa bde chen lam bzang) (211-258)

Special Activities Connected with 'The Ritual for Making Offerings to the Gurus based on
Vajrasattva: The Heart of Great Bliss', by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (rdor sems bla mchod khyad
phrin - rdo rje sems dpa' la brten pa'i bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga dang 'brel ba'i khyad par gyi phrin las
bde chen snying po) (259-275/276) 17/25
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Lineage Prayer to White Tārā of Atiśa's Tradition (rgyal kun yum gyur yid bzhin 'khor lo dang...)

The Cycle for Accomplishing the One Maṇḍala of White Tārā from Atiśa's Tradition Together
with Various Activities, by Jikme Gyalwe Nyugu and others (jo lugs sgrol dkar mandala gcig pa'i sgrub
skor las tshogs dang bcas pa) (279-316)

A Shower of Blessed Amṛta: A Praise and Offering to the Lineage of Awareness Holders of the
Heart of Indestructible Clear Light, by Jikpa Mepa De (snying tig bla brgyud phyag mchod - 'od gsal
rdo rje snying po'i rig 'dzin brgyud pa'i phyag mchod byin rlabs bdud rtsi'i char 'bebs) (317-323/324)

Quintessence of the Instructions on Accomplishing Long-life, Connected with 'The Ritual for
Transferring to the Realm of Great Bliss: The Unfathomable Quick Path' , by Künkhyen Lama
Gyepé Bang Abhaya, (snying tig 'od cho ga tshe sgrub - bde ba can du bgrod pa'i cho ga dpag med myur
lam dang brel ba'i tshe sgrub kyi gdams pa snying por dril ba) (325-341)

Hundred Thousand Light Rays Which Remove the Darkness of Ignorance: An Empowerment for
the Ritual for Transferring to the Realm of Great Bliss: the Unfathomable Quick Path, from the
Holy Dharma's Supreme Path of Great Bliss, by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (bde can dbang chog
- dam chos bde chen lam mchog las/ bde can du bgrod pa'i cho ga dpag med myur lam gyi dbang chog
ma rig mun sel 'od zer 'bum ldan) (343-356)

A Gift Bestowing Blessing and Glory: A Prayer to the Lineage of the Secret Practice of the Great
Compassionate One, Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) , by Jamyang Khyentse
Wangpo (sdug bsngal rang grol brgyud 'debs - gsang sgrub thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi
brgyud 'debs byin rlabs dpal ster) (p.357/358)
English Translation: Bestowing the Glorious Blessings - the Lineage Prayer of the Secert Sadhana:
Avalokiteshvara The Natural Liberation from Suffering, by Tulku Thondup.
Colophon: In the grove of Hayagrīva at Samyé, in the mandala gathering when turning the wheel
of tsok many hundreds of times, the practitioner Rigdzin Jikmé made this prayer, writing whatever
came to mind. Siddhi Rastu. Virtue!

A Clarification for the Visualization of the Four Female Beings for the Practice of the Great
Compassionate One, Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) (sdug bsngal rang grol
mngon rtogs - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi sems ma bzhi'i mngon rtogs) (p.359/360)

The Main Visualization for the Recitation at the Occasion of Making Pills Which Liberate on Taste
for the Natural Liberation of Suffering Practice of the Great Compassionate One (Dukngal
Rangdrol) (sdug bsngal rang grol dmigs bzlas - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi myang grol
ril bu sgrub pa'i skabs rtsa ba'i dmigs bzlas) (p.361/362)

Empowerment for the Pills Which Liberate on Taste Connected with the Empowerment of the
Natural Liberation of Suffering Practice of the Great Compassionate One(Dukngal Rangdrol) (sdug
bsngal rang grol ril dbang - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi dbang dang 'brel bar myong
grol ril bu'i dbang bskur bar 'dod) (p.363/364)
Colophon: Extracted from the empowerment ritual for the concise innermost practice of the Great
Compassionate One, a profound treasure revealed by Guru Chökyi Wangchuk.

An Additional Text For When Accumulating the Guidance Practice of the Great Compassionate
One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) (sdug bsngal rang grol gnas lung - thugs
rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi gnas lung grangs gsog skabs) (365-368

Minor Addendum for the Transferrence of Consciousness from the Great Perfection Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig gi 'pho
ba'i mtshams sbyor nyung gsal) (369-380)

The Tsok Offering for the Secret Practice of the Great Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation
of Suffering: Bestower of Merit and Glory, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Dukngal
Rangdrol), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (rang grol tshogs mchod - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ 18/25
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gsang sgrub thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi tshogs mchod bsod nam dpal ster/ (381-
English translation: The Source of Glorious Merits: The Feast Offering for the Secret Sadhana:
The Great Compassionate One, Natural Liberation from Suffering, translated by Tulku Thondup
and Philip Richman (2006).

Confession and Fulfilment for the the Natural Liberation of Suffering Practice of the Great
Compassionate One, Who is Indivisible from the Guru(Dukngal Rangdrol), by the first Dodrupchen
Jikme Trinle Özer (bskang bshags - bla ma dang dbyer med pa'i thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol
gyi bskang bshags byed par 'dod) (389-392)
English translation: Fulfillment Prayer for the Great Compassionate One, The Natural Liberation
from Suffering of the Longchen Nyingthik, translated by Tulku Thondup and Philip Richman
Colophon: Thus, at the urging of faithful Sherab Tenzin, this fulfilment practice for the Great
Compassionate One, Natural Liberation from Suffering, entitled as the Fulfilment of All the Wishes
was written by Dola (Jikmé Trinlé Özer, the first Dodrupchen) and transcribed by Kunzang Chimé.
May it cause all beings to attain the state of the Great Compassionate One. May virtue reign

The Excellent Path to Perfect Liberation: A Guidance Practice for the Natural Liberation of
Suffering Practice of the Great Compassionate One, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(Dukngal Rangdrol), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (thugs chen gnas 'dren - klong chen snying thig
gi cha lag thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi gnas 'dren rnam grol lam bzang) (393-414)
English translation: The Excellent Path to Perfect Liberation: A Guidance Practice (Nedren)
for the Dukngal Rangdrol (Natural Liberation of Suffering) Practice of the Great Compassionate
One from the Longchen Nyingtik (
Colophon: This Excellent Path to Perfect Liberation, a guidance practice (nedren) for the Natural
Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol), a mind treasure of my guru, the lord of all buddha
families, was written by Jikme Trinle Özer in response to the repeated requests of Lama Sangye
Chöpel. May it be a cause for all those who have died and who lack protection to attain

Light of Liberation: A Ritual Arrangement for a Cremation Purification Practice, from the
Natural Liberation of Suffering Practice of the Great Compassionate One (Dukngal Rangdrol)
(sbyin sreg - thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol las/ sreg sbyong gi chog sgrig thar pa'i 'od) (415-

Mantras to Consecrate the Bones (Dukngal Rangdrol) (rus sngags) (435-437/438)

English translation: Mantras to consecrate the bones, Rigpa Translations

A Ritual for Making Tsatsas (Dukngal Rangdrol), by the third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima
(satsatsha gtab - byang satsatsha gtab pa'i cho ga) (439-448)

A Method for Accomplishing Tsatsas based on Practice of the Tamer of Beings, the Natural
Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol), by the third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (satsatsha
sgrub - 'gro 'dul sdug bsngal rang grol la brten pa'i satsatsha bsgrub tshul) (449-461/462)

A Guide to Accomplishing Tsatsas through the Great Compassionate One, from the Heart Essence
of the Vast Expanse (Dukngal Rangdrol), according to the tradition of Dodrupchen Monastery (lag len -
klong snying thugs rje chen po'i sgo nas satsatsha bsgrub lag len) (463-476)

The Refined Mind of Compassion: A Daily Sādhana of the Secret Practice of the Great
Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol), by Dilgo Khyentse
Rinpoche (rgyun khyer - gsang sgrub thugs rje chen po sdug bsnal rang grol kyi rgyun khyer thugs rje'i
yang zhun) (477-480)
English translation: Rigpa Translations, provisional. 19/25
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Boundless White Light: The Empowerment for the Secret Practice of the Great Compassionate
One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Dukngal
Rangdrol), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (dbang chog - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ gsang sgrub
thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi dbang chog 'od dkar mtha' yas) (481-508)

Illuminating Amṛta Which Benefits Others: A Framework for the Great Accomplishment Practice
of Great Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (Dukngal Rangdrol), by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (sgrub khog - klong chen snying gi thig
le las/ thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol gyi sgrub chen khog dbub gzhan phan bdud rtsi'i snang
ba) (509-550)

An Aspiration Prayer to be Born in the Supreme Realm of Potala: The Ṛṣi's Words of Truth, by
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (smon lam - zhing mchog po ta la ru skye ba'i smon lam drang srong grub pa'i
bden tshig) (551-557/558)

Bestower of Supreme Wisdom: The Ripening Empowerment for the Innermost Secret Guru
Practice, the Sealed Quintessence (Tiklé Gyachen), by the Yogi Abhaya (yang gsang bla sgrub smin
byed - yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can gyi smin byed ye shes mchog sbyin) (559-566)

The Ornament of Apparent Luminosity: The Stages of the Confession and Fulfilment Combined
with the Self-initiation for the Innermost Secret Guru Practice of Luminosity, the Sealed
Quintessence, from the Great Perfection Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Tiklé Gyachen), by
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (Jikme Khyentse Özer) (bshags skong - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying
gi thig le'i yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa 'od gsal thig le'i rgya can gyi bshags skong dang bdag 'jug gi
rim pa 'od gsal snang ba'i rgyan) (567-616)

The Chariot of the Two Kinds of Siddhis: A Recitation Manual for the Innermost Secret Guru
Practice, the Sealed Quintessence (Tiklé Gyachen), by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo (yang gsang bla
sgrub bsnyen yig - yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can gyi bsnyen yig grub gnyis shing rta)
English translation: The Chariot of the Two Kinds of Siddhis: A Manual for Intensive Retreat
Practice of The Most Secret Guru Yoga, Tiglei Gyachen, translated by Richard Barron (check)

The Vajra Sound Goddes' Offering Clouds: The Abbreviated Garland of Offerings of the Sixteen
Vajra Goddesses, by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo (mchod phreng mdor bsdus - rdo rje lha mo bcu drug
gi mchod phreng mdor bsdud rdo rje sgra ma'i mchod sprin) (p.627/628)
English translation: The Abbreviated Garland of Offerings Rigpa Translations

Song and Dance Delighting the Ḍākas and Ḍākinīs: An Aspiration for the Six Satisfactions of the
Gaṇacakra Feast, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (tshims drug - tshogs kyi 'khor lo'i tshims pa drug
ldan gyi smon lam dpa' bo da ki dgyes pa'i glu gar) (p.629/630)

Wish-fulfilling Accomplishment: A Concise Blessing Empowerment for the Blazing Fierce Guru,
Hayagrīva and Garuda (Takhyung Barwa), by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo (rta khyung -bla ma drag po
rta khyung 'bar ba'i byin rlabs dbang bskur gyi mtshams sbyor dngos grub 'dod 'jo) (631-642)

Notes For When Accumulating the Empowerment of the Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and
Garuda (Takhyung Barwa) (snying tig rta khyung 'bar grangs gsog - bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba'i
dbang grangs gsog gi tshe) (p.643/644)

The Diamond: A Blessing Empowerment for the Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda,
from the Great Perfection Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Takhyung Barwa) (dbang chog -
rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba'i byin rlabs dbang
gi cho ga rdo rje pha lam (645-666)

An Arrangement of the Activity Manual for the Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda, from
the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Takhyung Barwa), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (rta
khyung las byang - klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba las byang bklags
chog tu bsdebs pa) (667-667/678) 20/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

The Vajra Crystal: A Blessing Ritual of the Blazing Fierce Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuda, from
Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Takhyung Barwa), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (sbyin rlabs -
klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba'i byin rlabs kyi cho ga rdo rje'i rdo
shel (shal) (679-690)

The Precious Lamp: A Recitation Manual for the Blazing Fierce Hayagrīva and Garuda (Takhyung
Barwa), by Jikme Khyentse Özer (Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) (bsnyen tho - rta khyung 'bar ba'i bsnyen
tho rin chen sgron me) (691-730)

A Concise Manual for the Activity of the Assembly of the Great Glorious Ones, the Heart Practice
of the Vidyādharas, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Palchen Düpa), by Künkhyen Lama
Gyepé Bang Jikme Drupe De (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo) (snying thig dpal chen 'dus pa - klong chen
snying gi thig le las/ rig 'dzin thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa'i phrin las snying por dril ba) (731-745/746)

The Single Mudra: A Daily Practice for the Assembly of the Great Glorious Ones, the Heart
Practice of the Vidyādharas (Palchen Düpa), by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (Künkhyen Lama Gyepé
Bang) (dpal chen 'dus pa'i rgyun khyer - rig 'dzin thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa'i rgyun khyer phyag rgya
gcig pa) (747-751/752)
English translation: translated by Sean Price

A Concise Fulfilment Practice for the Activity Manual of the Heart Practice of the Assembly of the
Great Glorious Ones (Palchen Düpa), by the third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (dpal chen bskang
ba - thugs sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa'i las byang la sbyor rgyu'i bskang ba mdor bsdud) (p.753/754)

The Awesome Sound of Glorious Splendour: Words of Advice and so on to be Recited During an
Elaborate Great Accomplishment Practice of the Heart Practice of the Great Glorious Ones
Assembly (Palchen Düpa), by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (Jikme Khyentse Özer) (gtong thun - thugs
sgrub dpal chen 'dus pa'i spros bcas sgrub chen gyi gtong thun rab brjid dpal gyi rngams sgra) (755-

The Wisdom Mind Ornament Which Accomplishes the Secret: An Explanation of the Mantras of
the Great Glorious Ones Assembly (Palchen Düpa), by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (sngags bshad -
dpsal chen 'dus pa'i sngags kyi rnam bshad gsang ba grub pa'i dgongs rgyan) (799-812)

The Indestructible Vajra Melody: A Spontaneous Song of Praise and Remembrance of the Root
Mantras of the Guru Practice of the Great Glorious Ones Assembly (Palchen Düpa), by Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche (sngags bstod - bla ma dpal chen po la rtsa sngags dang sbyar ba'i bstod cing rjes su
dran pa'i thol glu mi shigs rdo rje dbyangs kyi rol mo) (813-815/816)

The Source of Accomplishment, the Fruit of the Two Truths: A Prayer to the Wisdom Ḍākinī, the
Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by the first Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (gter mdzod
klong chen snying thig - ye shes mkha' 'gro bde chen rgyal mo'i gsol 'debs bden pa gnyis kyi myu gu
dngos grub 'byung gnas) (817-819/820)
English translation: The Source of Accomplishment, the Fruit of the Two-Fold Truth—A Prayer to
the Wisdom Ḍākinī Dechen Gyalmo, translated by Tulku Thondup (1992).
Colophon: This prayer to the wisdom ḍākinī Yeshe Tsogyal, entitled the Source of Accomplishment,
the Fruit of the Two Truths—A Prayer to the Wisdom Ḍākinī Dechen Gyalmo was discovered from
the casket of the contemplative state and written during an off-period of meditation by yogi
Kunzang Shenpen (First Dodrupchen Rinpoche) at the request of yogi Samantabhadra
Dharmadvipa, who is rich in wealth of learning, samaya and devotion; and of Tsoknyi Wangmo, a
niece of mine, who has ripened her virtuous experiences of the past. It was transcribed by Gyurmé
Yeshe. May it be meritorious. Sarva maṅgalaṃ.

A Concise Prayer to the Ḍākinī, by the first Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (gter mdzod klong chen
snying thig - mkha' 'gro'i gsol 'debs bsdus pa) (p.821/822)

Shower of Great Bliss: A Lineage Prayer of the Primordial Mother Awareness Holder (Yumka
Dechen Gyalmo), by Dorjé Tukchok Tsal (snying thig yum bka'i brgyud 'debs - rig 'dzin yum bka'i brgyud
'debs bde chen char 'bebs) (p.823/824) 21/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

A Glorious Garland of the Two Accomplishments: An Abridged Tsok Feast Offering for the
Primordial Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by Pema Gyepé Dé (snying thig yum bka' tshogs
mchod - yum bka mkha' 'gro'i tshogs kyi mchod pa nye bar bsdus pa grub gnyis dpal phreng) (p.825/826)

A Fulfilment for the Practice of the Primordial Mother (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by the third
Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (yum ka'i bskang ba) (827-830)
English translation: The Fullfillment Prayer, in The Queen of Great Bliss of Long-Chen Nying-
Thig, translated by Tulku Thondup 1992.
Colophon: At the request of the ascetic and learned Jikmé Ösal this was written by the crazy
beggar Tenpe Nyima (1865-1926). Maṅgalaṃ.

The Descent of the Vital Essences of Great Bliss: An Arrangement of the Empowerment Ritual for
the Primordial Mother, the Queen of Great Bliss, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse
(Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (Pema Garwang Lodrö Tayé) (dbang chog -
klong chen snying gi thig le las/ yum bka' bde chen rgyal mo'i dbang gi chog bsgrigs bde chen bcud
'bebs) (831-846)

An Concise Long-life Empowerment Connected with Fourth Point in the Collection of Activities of
the Primordial Mother Ḍākinī (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) (snying thig yum bka'i tshe dbang - yum bka'
mkha 'gro'i las tshogs bzhi pa dang 'brel ba'i tshe dbang nyer bsdus) (p.847-853/854)

A Practice to Turn Back the Summons for the Primordial Mother Ḍākinī of the Heart Essence
(Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (bsun bzlog - snying thig yum bka'i mkha' 'gro'i
bsun bzlog) (855-857/858)

A Shower of Blessings: The Lineage Prayer for the Secret Sādhana of the Primordial Mother, the
Lion-faced Ḍākinī (same as in volume 1 but with supplements), by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (seng
gdong brgyud 'debs - yum ka'i gsang sgrub seng ge'i gdong can gyi gsol 'debs byin rlabs char 'bebs)
English translation: 'The Rainfall of Blessing', a prayer to Simhamukha from 'The Secret Sadhana
of the Consort' , translated -but without the supplements- by John Myrdhin Reynolds.
Colophon: This 'Rainfall of Blessings' which is the prayer for 'The Secret Sadhana of the Consort',
having placed the lotus-like feet of the Vidyadhara Jikme Lingpa upon the crown of his head, was
written by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Ozer. May it become a medicine for all beings!)

A Fulfilment Practice for the Lion-Faced One, by Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (seng gdong
bskang ba - 'phrogs byed zhal can ma'i phrin las kyi byang bu'i yan lag tu thugs dam bskang ba sprel ba)

A Song of Victory, by the third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (rgyal dbyangs - bdud 'dul drag mo
seng zhal ma'i rgyal dbyangs bdan dkar po'i che rtags) (p.863/864)

Generating the Four Vajras: A Self-initiation for the Practice of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities
Which Empties the Lower Realms, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (bdag 'jug - zhi khro ngan song
sbyong ba'i bdag 'jug rdo rje bzhi bskyed) (865-881/882)

Entrance Way of the Awareness Holders: A Recitation Manual for the Practice of the Peaceful and
Wrathful Deities Which Empties the Lower Realms, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse,
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (bsnyen yig - klong chen snying gi thig le'i zhi khro ngan song sbyong ba'i
bsnyen pa'i zin thun rig 'dzin 'jug ngogs) (883-890)

Bestower of Supreme Accomplishment: A Concise Confession and Fulfilment Practice Combined

with a Torma Offering to the Three Roots and the Ocean of Dharma Protectors, by Dorjé Tukchok
Tsal (snying thig skong bshags - rtsa gsum chos srung rgya mtsho'i skong bshags dang gtor bsngo bcas
nye bar bsdud pa dngos grub mchog sbyin) (891-894)

A Concise Torma Offering to Ekadzati, the Glorious Protectress of Mantra, by Jamyang Khyentse
Wangpo (Tsokyé Lama Gyepé Bang) (sngags srung ma'i gtor bsngo - dpal sngags kyi srung ma'i gtor
bsngo nye bar bsdud) (p.895/896) 22/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

A Concise Fulfilment Practice for Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos, by the third Dodrupchen
Jikme Tenpe Nyima (Abhaya)('khrugs skongs klong snying - ma mo'i 'khrugs skong nyer bsdus)

Torma Offering to the Glorious Protector Gaṇapati, by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (Dola) (tshogs
bdag - dpal mgon tshogs kyi bdag po la gtor ma 'bul bar 'dod) (p.899/900)

Entrusting the Oath-bound Vajrasadhu (Dorje Lekpa) With Activity, compiled from the words of
Longchenpa, the Omniscient Lord of Speech (dam can phrin bcol) (901-903/904)

An Offering and Prayer to the Protectress of the Realm, the Goddess of the Charnel Ground
(Durtrö Lhamo), compiled from the main sādhana (ngan ne ma - zhing skyong dur khrod lha mo'i gsol
mchod kyi rim pa) (905-911/912)

The Magical Wish-fulfilling Hook: An Investiture for the Goddess of the Charnel Ground (Durtrö
Lhamo), the Protectress of Property, by the third Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima (Abhaya) (ngan ne'i
mnga gsol - dkor srung dur khrod lha mo'i mnga' gsol yid bzhin 'phrul gyi lcags kyu) (p.913/914)

Bestower of Supreme Activity: A Tsok Feast of the Protectress of the Sacred Commands and her
Vajra Brothers and Sisters (Ma Gön Chamdral), by Pema Gyepé De (snying thig ma mgon tshogs
mchod - bka' srung ma mgon lcam dral gyi tshogs mchod phrin las mchog sbyin) (915-925/926)

Visualization for the Protectress' Recitation, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Ma Gön
Chamdral) (snying thig ma mgon bzlas dmigs), by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (p.927/928)

A Halo of Benefit: A Tsok Feast Connected With 'A Wish-fufilling Tree, the Activity Manual of the
Protectresses of the Sacred Command, the Five Medicine Women Sisters' (Tseringma), by Jamyang
Khyentse Wangpo (Jikmé Khyentsé Dökar) (snying thig sman btsun tshogs mchod - bka' srung sman
btsun mched lnga'i phrin las dpag bsam yongs 'du dang 'brel ba'i tshogs mchod phan bde'i rna cha) (929-

Volume 5
A Mirror which Clarifies Everything: Notations on the Thread-cross Ritual of the Protectress
Ekadzati, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ('don zin - ma mgon g.yul mdos kyi 'don zin kun gsal me long)

Notations on the Image of the War Thread-cross Ritual of the Protectress Ekadzati, by Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche (sku tsaka- ma mgon g.yul mdos kyi sku tsaka) (25-29/30)

A Wish-fulfilling Tree: An Investiture of the Five Medicine Women Sisters (Tseringma) (sman btsun
mched lnga'i mnga' gsol dpag bsam yongs 'dus) (31-33/34)

The Messenger who Benefits Others: An Investiture of the Five Sisters of Long-life (Tseringma), by
Abhaya (tshe ring ma'i mnga gsol - tshe ring mched lnga'i mnga' gsol phan bde'i pho nya) (p.35/36))

The Medicine Women's Necklace: A Prayer and Offering to the Vajra Lady of the Turqouise Lamp
(Dorje Yudronma), by Jikmé Lingpa (check) (g.yu sgron - rdo rje g.yu sgron ma'i gsol mchod sman
btsun mgul rgyan) (37-44)

Brief Dharma Protectors Offering, by the first Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer (gsol bsdus rdo grub
gsung) (p.45/46)

Raising the Standard of Ocean of Oath-bound Dharma Protectors, from the Heart Essence of the
Vast Expanse (Ma Gön Chamdral), by Jikme Lingpa (check) (ma mgon mnga' gsol - klong chen snying
gi thig le las/ bstan srung dam can rgya mtsho'i ru mtshon mnga' gsol) (47-52) 23/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

A Confession and Fulfilment Practice of the Ocean of Oath-bound Ones, by Jikmé Lingpa (bskang
phrin - dam can rgya mtsho'i skong bshags) (53-55/56)
English Translation: A Practice of Fulfilment and Confession to an Ocean of Oath-bound
Protectors, provisional translation by Han Kop and Stefan Mang. With gratitude to Tulku Rigdzin
Pema Rinpoche. August 2016, Lerab Ling. Edited by Jeremy Tattersall.
Colophon: This was taken from the fifth volume (ca) of the Collected Works of Jikmé Lingpa.

Entrusting Activity to the Samaya-bound Dharma Protectors, by Khyentsé La (Jikmé Lingpa)

(bskang phrin - 'phrin bcol) ( p.57/58)
English Translation: Entrusting Activity to the Samaya-bound Dharma Protectors, provisional
translation by Han Kop, September 2016, Lerab Ling. With gratitude to Tulku Rigdzin Pema
Rinpoche and Stefan Mang. Edited by Jeremy Tattersall.

The Melody of Brahmā: an Offering of Praise to the Guardians of the Vajrayāna, by Gyalsé
Shenpen Tayé (rdo rje'i chos skyong ba'i srung ma rnams la mngon par bstod pa tshangs pa'i glu
dbyangs) (59-61/62)
English Translation: The Melody of Brahmā: an Offering of Praise to the Guardians of the
Vajrayāna, provisional translation by Han Kop, September 2016, Lerab Ling. With gratitude to
Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche. Edited by Jeremy Tattersall.

May those beings with bodhicitta, never transgress their vows of the awakened mind..., by Patrul
Rinpoche "(byang chub sems dang ldan pa'i skyes bu yis / thugs bskyed dam bca' mi nyams...) (p.63/64)

A Prayer to Fulfil Wishes and Entrust Activity, by Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer ('dod gsol rdo grub
gsung) 'dod don gsol zhing phrin las bcol ba) (p.65/66)

An Abreviated Practice of the 'Auspicious Wish-fulfilling Words: A Consecration Ritual (Rabné)' ,

by Kunkyen Lama Gyepé Bang Jikpa Mepé Dé (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo) (snying tig rab gnas - rab
gnas bkra shis 'dod 'jo'i snying po nye bar bsdud pa) (67-90)

A Brief and Clear Guide on how to Perform the 'Auspicious Wish-fulfilling Words: A
Consecration Ritual (Rabné)' According to Tradition (klong chen snying tig gi rab gnas bkra shis
'dod 'jo'i phyag len reg zin nyung gsal) (91-96)

The Words of the Vidyādhara which Bestows the Majesty of Great Bliss: A Guide to the Assembly
of Awareness Holders (Rigdzin Düpa), by Lushul Khenpo Könchok Drönme (rig ‘dzin ‘dus pa’i zin
bris rig ‘dzin zhal lung bde chen dpal ster) (97-238)
English Translation: The Oral Agama on the Vidyadharas which Gloriously bestows Great Bliss,
translated by John Newnham (1990).
English Translation: The Words of the Vidyadhara which Bestow the Majesty of Great Bliss, Rigpa
Translations (2007).

Precious Illumination: A Few Explanations Clarifying the Profound Meaning of the Wisdom
Intent, of the Activity Manual for the Heart Practice of the Deities, the Fierce Blue Gurus in the
Assembly of the Great Glorious Ones, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (Palchen Düpa),
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (rnam bshad - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying gi thig le'i yi dam thugs
sgrub bla ma drag mthing dpal chen ‘dus pa’i las byang gi dgongs don cung zad bshad pa zab don gsal
byed rin chen snang ba) (239-414)

A Lamp Illuminating the Excellent Path of Great Bliss: A Guide to the Sādhana of the Primordial
Mother Awareness Holder, the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by the third
Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima (yum ka'i zin bris - rig 'dzin yum bka’ bde chen rgyal mo’i sgrub
gzhung gi zin bris bde chen lam bzang gsal ba’i sgron me) (415-482)

The Oral Transmission of the Awareness Holders: An Addendum to 'The Guide to the Primordial
Mother' Spoken by the Lord Guru (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo), by the great scholar from Dodrupchen
Monastery, Lushul Khenpo Könchok Drönme (mkha' 'gro'i 'grel ba - rje bla mas gsungs pa'i yum bka’i
zin bris kyi kha skong rig ‘dzin zhal lung) (483-550) 24/25
29.01.2018 Longchen Nyingtik Root Volumes - Rigpa Wiki

A Lake of Enjoyment [Fulfilling] All Wishes Related to the Two Accomplishments: A Framework
for an Elaborate Accomplishment Practice of the Three Roots, of the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (sgrub khog - klong chen snying gi thig le'i rtsa ba gsum gyi
spros bcas sgrub mchod rgyas pa'i khog phub grub gnyis 'dod dgu'i rol mtsho) (551-645/646)

A Feast of the Pleasant and Fortunate Ones which Opens the Door to the Profound and Secret
Amṛta: A Garland of Ritual Arrangements for Bestowing the Empowerments of the General and
Specific Practices of the Three Roots of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse', arranged by Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche (dbang chog - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig le'i rtsa gsum spyi dang bye
brag gi dbang bskur gyi phreng ba bklag chog tu bkod pa zab gsang bdud rtsi'i sgo 'byed skal bzang kun
dga'i rol ston) (647-961/962

A Commentary to 'The Prayer of the Ground, Path & Fruition' , by Khenpo Yönga (klong chen
snying gi thig le las/ gzhi lam ‘bras bu’i smon lam gyi ‘grel ba) (963-972)
English translation: The Prayer of the Ground, Path & Fruition Accompanied by the
explanation of Yönten Gyatso, from the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse

The Seed of Everlasting Happiness: A Commentary on the Aspiration and Prayer 'Training in the
Pure Realms of the Three Kāyas' , by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (smon 'grel - sku gsum zhing khams
sbyong ba’i gsol 'debs smon lam gyi ‘grel pa gtan bde'i sa bon) (973-1004)

The Awareness Holders' Words of Truth: An Aspiration Prayer in Connection with the Stages of
the Path of the Practices of the Gurus, Deities and ḍākinīs, from the Heart Essence of the Vast
Expanse, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (smon lam - rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig gi rtsa ba
gsum gyi lam rim dang 'brel ba'i smon lam rigpa 'dzin pa'i bden tshig) (p.1005/1006)

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