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Title: Republic v. Court of Appeals G.R. No. 146587

Date: July 2, 2002
Ponente: Vitug, J.
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by the General
LUIS SANTOS as herein represented by DR. SABINO
 Petitioner (PIA) instituted expropriation proceedings covering a total of 544,980 square meters of contiguous land
situated along MacArthur Highway, Malolos, Bulacan, to be utilized for the continued broadcast operation and use of
radio transmitter facilities for the “Voice of the Philippines” project.
 Petitioner made a deposit of P517,558.80, the sum provisionally fixed as being the reasonable value of the property.
On 26 February 1979, or more than 9 years after the institution of the expropriation proceedings, the trial court issued
this order condemning the property and ordering the plaintiff to pay the defendants the just compensation for the
 It would appear that the National Government failed to pay the respondents the just compensation pursuant to the
foregoing decision. The respondents then filed a manifestation with a motion seeking payment for the expropriated
property. In response, the court issued a writ of execution for the implementation thereof.
 Meanwhile, Pres. Estrada issued Proc. No. 22 transferring 20 hectares of the expropriated land to the Bulacan State
 Despite the court’s order, the Santos heirs remained unpaid and no action was on their case until petitioner filed its
manifestation and motion to permit the deposit in court of the amount P4,664,000 by way of just compensation.
 The Santos heirs submitted a counter-motion to adjust the compensation from P6/sq.m. as previously fixed to its
current zonal value of P5,000/sq.m. or to cause the return of the expropriated property.
 The RTC Bulacan ruled in favor of the Santos heirs declaring its 26 February 1979 Decision to be unenforceable on the
ground of prescription in accordance with Sec. 6, Rule 39 of the 1964/1997 ROC which states that a final and executory
judgment or order may be executed on motion within 5 years from the date of its entry. RTC denied petitioner’s
Motion to Permit Deposit and ordered the return of the expropriated property to the heirs of Santos.
1. Whether or not the petitioner may appropriate the property. YES
2. Whether or not the respondents are entitled to the return of the property in question. NO
 The right of eminent domain is usually understood to be an ultimate right of the sovereign power to appropriate any
property within its territorial sovereignty for a public purpose. Fundamental to the independent existence of a State,
it requires no recognition by the Constitution, whose provisions are taken as being merely confirmatory of its presence
and as being regulatory, at most, in the due exercise of the power. In the hands of the legislature, the power is
inherent, its scope matching that of taxation even that of police power itself, in many respects. It reaches to every
form of property the State needs for public use and, as an old case so puts it, all separate interests of individuals in
property are held under a tacit agreement or implied reservation vesting upon the sovereign the right to resume the
possession of the property whenever the public interest so requires it.
 The ubiquitous character of eminent domain is manifest in the nature of the expropriation proceedings. Expropriation
proceedings are not adversarial in the conventional sense, for the condemning authority is not required to assert any
conflicting interest in the property. Thus, by filing the action, the condemnor in effect merely serves notice that it is
taking title and possession of the property, and the defendant asserts title or interest in the property, not to prove a
right to possession, but to prove a right to compensation for the taking.
 Obviously, however, the power is not without its limits: first, the taking must be for public use, and second, that just
compensation must be given to the private owner of the property. These twin proscriptions have their origin in the
recognition of the necessity for achieving balance between the State interests, on the one hand, and private rights,
upon the other hand, by effectively restraining the former and affording protection to the latter. In determining “public
use,” two approaches are utilized - the first is public employment or the actual use by the public, and the second is
public advantage or benefit. It is also useful to view the matter as being subject to constant growth, which is to say
that as society advances, its demands upon the individual so increases, and each demand is a new use to which the
resources of the individual may be devoted.
 The expropriated property has been shown to be for the continued utilization by the PIA, a significant portion thereof
being ceded for the expansion of the facilities of the Bulacan State University and for the propagation of the Philippine
carabao, themselves in line with the requirements of public purpose. Respondents question the public nature of the
utilization by petitioner of the condemned property, pointing out that its present use differs from the purpose
originally contemplated in the 1969 expropriation proceedings. The argument is of no moment. The property has
assumed a public character upon its expropriation. Surely, petitioner, as the condemnor and as the owner of the
property, is well within its rights to alter and decide the use of that property, the only limitation being that it be for
public use, which, decidedly, it is.
 In insisting on the return of the expropriated property, respondents would exhort on the pronouncement in Provincial
Government of Sorsogon vs. Vda. de Villaroya where the unpaid landowners were allowed the alternative remedy of
recovery of the property there in question. It might be borne in mind that the case involved the municipal government
of Sorsogon, to which the power of eminent domain is not inherent, but merely delegated and of limited application.
The grant of the power of eminent domain to local governments under Republic Act No. 7160 cannot be understood
as being the pervasive and all-encompassing power vested in the legislative branch of government. For local
governments to be able to wield the power, it must, by enabling law, be delegated to it by the national legislature, but
even then, this delegated power of eminent domain is not, strictly speaking, a power of eminent, but only of inferior,
domain or only as broad or confined as the real authority would want it to be.
 Thus, in Valdehueza vs. Republic where the private landowners had remained unpaid ten years after the termination
of the expropriation proceedings, this Court ruled:
o “The points in dispute are whether such payment can still be made and, if so, in what amount. Said lots have been
the subject of expropriation proceedings. By final and executory judgment in said proceedings, they were
condemned for public use, as part of an airport, and ordered sold to the government. x x x It follows that both by
virtue of the judgment, long final, in the expropriation suit, as well as the annotations upon their title certificates,
plaintiffs are not entitled to recover possession of their expropriated lots - which are still devoted to the public
use for which they were expropriated - but only to demand the fair market value of the same.
o "Said relief may be granted under plaintiffs' prayer for: `such other remedies, which may be deemed just and
equitable under the premises'."
 The Court proceeded to reiterate its pronouncement in Alfonso vs. Pasay City where the recovery of possession of
property taken for public use prayed for by the unpaid landowner was denied even while no requisite expropriation
proceedings were first instituted. The landowner was merely given the relief of recovering compensation for his
property computed at its market value at the time it was taken and appropriated by the State.
 The judgment rendered by the Bulacan RTC in 1979 on the expropriation proceedings provides not only for the
payment of just compensation to herein respondents but likewise adjudges the property condemned in favor of
petitioner over which parties, as well as their privies, are bound. Petitioner has occupied, utilized and, for all intents
and purposes, exercised dominion over the property pursuant to the judgment. The exercise of such rights vested to
it as the condemnee indeed has amounted to at least a partial compliance or satisfaction of the 1979 judgment,
thereby preempting any claim of bar by prescription on grounds of non-execution. In arguing for the return of their
property on the basis of non-payment, respondents ignore the fact that the right of the expropriatory authority is far
from that of an unpaid seller in ordinary sales, to which the remedy of rescission might perhaps apply. An in rem
proceeding, condemnation acts upon the property. After condemnation, the paramount title is in the public under a
new and independent title; thus, by giving notice to all claimants to a disputed title, condemnation proceedings
provide a judicial process for securing better title against all the world than may be obtained by voluntary conveyance.
 Respondents, in arguing laches against petitioner did not take into account that the same argument could likewise
apply against them. Respondents first instituted proceedings for payment against petitioner on 09 May 1984, or five
years after the 1979 judgment had become final. The unusually long delay in bringing the action to compel payment
against herein petitioner would militate against them. Consistently with the rule that one should take good care of his
own concern, respondents should have commenced the proper action upon the finality of the judgment which,
indeed, resulted in a permanent deprivation of their ownership and possession of the property.
 The constitutional limitation of “just compensation” is considered to be the sum equivalent to the market value of the
property, broadly described to be the price fixed by the seller in open market in the usual and ordinary course of legal
action and competition or the fair value of the property as between one who receives, and one who desires to sell, it
fixed at the time of the actual taking by the government. Thus, if property is taken for public use before compensation
is deposited with the court having jurisdiction over the case, the final compensation must include interests on its just
value to be computed from the time the property is taken to the time when compensation is actually paid or deposited
with the court. In fine, between the taking of the property and the actual payment, legal interests accrue in order to
place the owner in a position as good as (but not better than) the position he was in before the taking occurred.
 The Bulacan trial court, in its 1979 decision, was correct in imposing interests on the zonal value of the property to be
computed from the time petitioner instituted condemnation proceedings and “took” the property in September 1969.
This allowance of interest on the amount found to be the value of the property as of the time of the taking computed,
being an effective forbearance, at 12% per annum should help eliminate the issue of the constant fluctuation and
inflation of the value of the currency over time. Article 1250 of the Civil Code, providing that, in case of extraordinary
inflation or deflation, the value of the currency at the time of the establishment of the obligation shall be the basis for
the payment when no agreement to the contrary is stipulated, has strict application only to contractual obligations. In
other words, a contractual agreement is needed for the effects of extraordinary inflation to be taken into account to
alter the value of the currency.
 All given, the trial court of Bulacan in issuing its order, dated 01 March 2000, vacating its decision of 26 February 1979
has acted beyond its lawful cognizance, the only authority left to it being to order its execution. Verily, private
respondents, although not entitled to the return of the expropriated property, deserve to be paid promptly on the yet
unpaid award of just compensation already fixed by final judgment of the Bulacan RTC on 26 February 1979 at P6.00
per square meter, with legal interest thereon at 12% per annum computed from the date of "taking" of the property,
i.e., 19 September 1969, until the due amount shall have been fully paid.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The resolution, dated 31 July 2000, of the Court of Appeals dismissing the petition
for certiorari, as well as its resolution of 04 January 2001 denying the motion for reconsideration, and the decision of
the Regional Trial Court of Bulacan, dated 01 March 2000, are SET ASIDE. Let the case be forthwith remanded to the
Regional Trial Court of Bulacan for the proper execution of its decision promulgated on 26 February 1979 which is hereby
(SANTOS, 2B 2017-2018)

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