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Acts of the


Student Manual
The Acts of the Apostles

Lesson 1 – Introduction to the Book………...3-9

Lesson 2-3 – The Keys of the Kingdom…..10-14
Lesson 4-6 – Acts Chapter 1……………....15-28
Lesson 7-9 – Acts Chapter 2……………....29-38
Lesson 8-10 – Acts Chapter 3-4…………..39-45
Lesson 11 – Acts Chapter 5……………….46-48
Lesson 12 – Acts Chapter 6-7……………..49-52
Lesson 13 – Acts Chapter 8……………….53-55
Lesson 14 – Acts Chapter 9……………….56-59
Lesson 15 – Acts Chapter 10-11………......60-64
Lesson 16 – Acts Chapter 12…………….. 65-68
Lesson 17 – Acts Chapter 13……………...69-73
Lesson 18 – Acts Chapter 14……………...74-76
Lesson 19 – Acts Chapter 15……………...77-80
Lesson 20 – Acts Chapter 16-17………….81-86
Lesson 21 – Acts Chapter 18-19…………..87-91
Lesson 22 – Acts Chapter 20-21…………..92-96
Lesson 23 – Acts Chapter 22-24…………97-100
Lesson 24 – Acts Chapter 25-28………..101-106

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 2

Student Manual
Lesson 1
Introduction to the Book

I. Why should we study the Book of Acts?

A. The Book of Acts is _____________ connecting the Gospels and the Epistles.

1. It is the ______________ of the Gospels.

a. In the Gospels, Jesus is seen as a grain of wheat who falls to the ground and
_________ (John 12:24).

b. The book of Acts gives us the result of Jesus’ willingness to lay down His
life. It is the “________________” that is brought forth.

2. It is a ____________ to the Gospels.

a. In the Gospels, Christ ______________ the Church with His blood. In the
Book of Acts, that Church rises to actual existence.

b. In the Gospels, Jesus gives His famous prophecy stating, “I will build my
church” (Mt. 16:18). In the Book of Acts, we see the _________________
of that prophecy.

c. In the Gospels, Christ issued the commands to His followers to take the
gospel to the _______________________. In the Book of Acts, we get a
glimpse of just how the apostles responded to those commands under the
guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.

3. It is an__________________ to the Epistles

a. It gives the ________________ and occasion for much of what will follow.

b. It helps us to understand the Epistles in their _________________ context.

B. The Book of Acts is the only book in the New Testament that focuses on
_______________ theology.

1. It establishes for us the foundational truths and principles of the Church “in

2. It _________________ for us in living form all of the teaching of Christ in the


3. It illustrates the _______________________ of all the doctrine outlined in the


4. It provides a textbook on such things as:

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 3

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a. Evangelism
b. Ministry in the spirit
c. Missions
d. Church planting
e. Church government
f. Team ministry
g. Prayer life of the church
h. Character of a biblical Christian
i. The training and releasing of leaders

C. The Book of Acts is a book of inspiration in these days of the _________________

of the Church.

1. It provides a record of the _________________ outpouring of the Spirit.

2. It gives us a ________________ of much that God is restoring.

3. It provides us a glimpse of and stirs our faith in regard to what God __________
do in the Church today.

D. The Book of Acts is the only _______________ book in the Bible (Acts 28:30-31)..

II. What is the significance of the title of this book?

A. This book is titled “The Acts of the Apostles,” or more literally “Acts of Apostles.”

1. It is the story of how God uses __________________ vessels to implement His

eternal purposes.

2. It shows us ___________________ accomplished as we stand “in Christ?”

3. One of the key words in the Book of Acts is “apostle” or “apostles.”

a. Apostolos (apostle) is used 30 times

b. Apostello (sent) is used 25 times.
c. Apostolee (apostleship) is used once.

B. Some have suggested other titles.

1. Some have suggested in jest, “_________ of the Acts of _________ of the


2. Others feel it could more appropriately be called “The Acts of the ___________
___________ in the Church.”

3. It could be called the “Life of _________.”

4. Other suggestions include:

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 4

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a. Acts
b. The Acts of the Holy Spirit
c. The Gospel of the Holy Spirit
d. The Gospel of the Resurrection
e. The Acts of the Ascended and Glorified Lord
f. Luke-Acts
g. The Book of the Continual Doing and Teaching of the Living Christ by the
Holy Spirit through His Body Which Is the Church (G. Campbell Morgan)

III. Who wrote the book of Acts?

A. The real author is the ________________ (II Pet. 1:21; II Tim. 3:14-17).

B. The human author was a man by the name of “_________.”

1. Luke was referred to by Paul as the “beloved physician” and is the only
____________ author in the New Testament (Col. 4:14)

2. Luke also wrote the gospel that bears his name, which is an account of Christ’s
____________ ministry – “Christ according to the flesh.”

3. Luke wrote Acts as a continuation recording Christ’s ____________ ministry –

“Christ according to the spirit.”

4. Because of the way the Book of Acts ends, many have suggested that he was
planning on writing __________________ to finish the story.

5. There is much evidence to establish Luke as the author.

a. Both Acts and Luke are addressed to the _________________—Theophilos

(Acts 1:1; Luke 1:3).

b. The writer refers to a ____________ treatise—the Gospel of Luke (Acts 1:1).

c. The style of both the Gospel and the Book of Acts are ______________ .

d. Luke was a ________________ of Paul and, therefore, qualified to write the

book (Acts 16:10, 20:4-6, 28:16; Col. 4:14; II Tim. 4:11; Phil. 4).

e. Luke’s authorship of both books is unanimously attested to by Early Church


IV. When was the Book of Acts written?

A. The Book of Acts was most likely written between _______________ A.D.
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 5
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1. Paul was still _________________ in Rome and had not come to trial.

2. The reign of Nero included these years.

3. It was obviously written _____________ the death of Paul.

4. It was very likely written shortly __________ the close of the time covered in the
book, after Paul had been two years in Rome.

B. The Book of Acts covers approximately ______________ from the ascension of

Jesus to the time when Paul had been in prison in Rome for two years (See Chart on
the Chronology of the Book of Acts).

V. What is a general overview of the contents of the Book of Acts?

A. This is the first ____________ of the church and the only unfinished book in the

B. The book, like Genesis, is the book of _____________ and it is just as important. It
contains the following beginnings:

1. The Holy Spirit’s work of evangelism

2. The gospel of preaching (I Cor 15:1-4)

3. A new dispensation (the Holy Spirit)

4. The Church of our Lord

5. World-wide evangelism

6. Salvation through the blood of Christ

C. The book centers on the work of two great _____________.

1. Peter to the Jews (Chapters 1-12)

2. Paul to the Gentiles (Chapters 13-28)

D. The book revolves around __________ geographical centers.

1. Jerusalem
2. Antioch
3. Ephesus
4. Rome

5. Thus, the gospel begins in Jerusalem, the ______________ hub of the world, and
ends in Rome, the _______________hub of the world.
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E. The book gives to us a glimpse into the divine ________________ of the Great
Commission (Mt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:46-47).

VI. What is the key verse and how is it fulfilled in the Book of Acts?

The key verse in the Book of Acts is Acts 1:8. It is the key verse because it gives the
____________________ in the Book of Acts.
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall
be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the
A. Jerusalem (Acts 1:4, 8; Luke 24:47)

B. Judea (Acts 2:9, 14, 8:1, 9:31, 10:37, 11:1, 19, 15:1)

C. Samaria (Acts 8-10)

D. Uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 11:19, 23:11, 28:14-31).

VII. What was the purpose for which this book was written?

There are many possible reasons that have been suggested for which Luke may have
written this book.

He may have written it…

A. To preserve an ______________________ of the origins of the Early Church.

B. To demonstrate the continuing ____________________ through the ministry of the

Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1).

C. To defend the church from the Roman Empire’s antagonism toward the Jews by
showing that while they share common scriptures, they are a ______________
religious group that the Romans need not fear.

D. To demonstrate __________________ by which Christ builds His church.

E. To provide a _________________________ in a time when world-wide persecution

was foreseen.

F. To assist in the evangelization of the Jews by showing that Christianity is indeed the
________________ of the Old Testament.

G. To provide a ________________________ of the life of one of the greatest apostles

in the early church.

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H. To provide a _____________________ to be presented at Paul’s trial to explain his
arrest and the charges that were against him.

VIII. What are the key words used in the Book of Acts?

Key words often give insight into the main message of a book. Some of the key words
in the Book of Acts include the following:

• Paul – 154
• Peter – 64
• (Holy) Spirit – 50
• Word (of God) – 48
• Name (of Jesus, the Lord) – 34
• Apostle(s) – 30
• Witness (or some form of the word) – 30
• Prayer – 28

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 8

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The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 9
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Lesson 2-3
The Keys of the Kingdom in the Book of Acts

I. What is the purpose of a key?

A. A key is an instrument used to lock or _____________ something.

B. A key is anything that is used to disclose, open, unlock or __________ something.

C. Symbolically, keys speak of authority, power and ___________.

II. What is Jesus’ relationship to keys?

A. Jesus has _______________ and authority (Mt. 28:18).

B. Jesus has control over many keys.

1. He holds the keys of __________________ of heaven (Mt. 16:19).

2. He has the keys of ____________________ (Rev. 1:18).

3. He has the key of _____________ (Is. 22:22; Rev. 3:7).

4. He has the key to the bottomless ________ (Rev. 9:1; 20:1).

C. Jesus said that He would give His followers the keys of the kingdom of heaven
(Mt. 16:18-19).

III. What are the keys of the kingdom that functioned in the Book of Acts?

A. Key Number One: _______________________

1. The Church cannot function or even attempt to _____________ the Great

Commission without a relationship to and a reliance on the Holy Spirit.

2. The apostles in the Book of Acts lived in the conscious awareness of being
motivated by, empowered by, and under the _____________ of the Holy Spirit.

3. The work and ministry of the Holy Spirit is central to the Book of Acts, being
mentioned some _______________.

a. The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts had a _______________ role. The Holy
Spirit was:

• The Commander-in-Chief (1:2)

• The Inspirer of Prophecy (1:16; 11:28; 13:2, 4)
• The Fulfillment of Prophecy (2:17-18)
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 10
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• The Promise of the Father (2:33)
• The Gift of God (2:28, 15:8)
• The Comforter of the Churches (9:31)
• The Confirmer of the Word (10:38, 44-47)
• The Rain from Heaven (2:11-18; 10:38, 44-47)
• The Bringer of Joy (13:52)

b. The disciples in the Book of Acts had a ______________ relationship to the

Holy Spirit. They were:

• Empowered by the Spirit (1:8)

• Baptized in the Spirit (1:5)
• Recipients of the Spirit (8:15; 19:2-6)
• Filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:4; 4:8; 6:3, 5)
• Co-witnesses with the Spirit (5:32)
• Prompted by the Spirit (18:5)
• Appointed by the Spirit (20:23, 28)
• Separated and sent by the Spirit (13:2, 4)
• Transported by the Spirit (8:39)
• Led, guided and directed by the Spirit (8:29)

“In the Book of Acts there is a strong and vivid realization of His presence, a
manifest and victorious sense of His working, which is sadly lacking in the
experience of the Church today.” Wilbur Smith

B. Key Number Two: ______________

At least _______ out of the 28 chapters in the Book of Acts have a reference to

1. They “______________________” in prayer (Acts 2:42).

To continue steadfastly is “to persevere; to give ______________________ to a

thing; to adhere to one; be devoted to; not to faint; to show oneself courageous;
to be in constant readiness for; to wait on continually.”

2. They “_____________________” to prayer (Acts 6:4).

This word means “to be earnest toward, to persevere in and to be constantly

_______________ in prayer.”

3. They prayed on a ____________________ (Acts 3:1; 10:2, 4; 12:5; 16:13).

4. They prayed in _____________ situations.

a. In selecting leadership (Acts 1:24)

b. In setting in leaders (Acts 6:6)
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 11
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c. In sending out ministries (Acts 13:3)
d. In ordaining elders (Acts 14:23)
e. In departing from friends (Acts 20:26; 21:15)

5. They prayed for ____________________ and needs.

a. For boldness (Acts 4:31)

b. To receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:15)
c. To raise the dead (Acts 9:40)
d. Peter’s release (Acts 12:12)
e. The mind of the Lord (Acts 16:16)
f. Deliverance (Acts 16:25)
g. Healing (Acts 28:8)

C. Key Number Three: ______________________

1. The Word of God was ______________ to all of their teaching and preaching.

a. Peter _____________ Joel and David in his message on the Day of Pentecost
(Acts 2:16, 25).

b. The apostles went everywhere, ________________ the word (Acts 8:4).

c. They preached the word to the Jews and quoted the _______________ (Acts
2:16, 25).

d. They preached the word to the Gentiles and stated the _____________ (Acts

2. The Word of God as seen in the Book of Acts was a ______________ word. It

a. The Word of exhortation (Acts 13:15)

b. The Word of salvation (Acts 13:26)
c. The Word of the Lord (Acts 13:48-49; 16:32)
d. The Word of the gospel (Acts 15:7)
e. The Word of His grace (Acts 14:3; 20:32)

3. The Word of God evoked many positive _______________ from people.

a. They ____________ the Word (Acts 4:4).

b. They ____________ the Word (Acts 2:41; 8:14, 11:1).

c. They ____________ the Word (Acts 4:29).

d. They desired ______________ the Word (Acts 13:7, 42, 44).

e. They received the Word with _________________________ (Acts 17:11).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 12
Student Manual
f. They ______________________ to the Word (Acts 6:4) and continued
steadfastly in the Word (Acts 2:42).

g. They _______________ the Word (Acts 17:11).

h. They ______________ the Word (Acts 13:48).

4. The Word of God was used in many ways by the apostles in the Book of Acts.

a. They spoke it boldly (Acts 4:29, 37).

b. They preached the Word everywhere (Acts 8:4, 11:19, 13:5, 14:25, 15:35-
c. They taught the Word (Acts 15:35, 18:11).
d. They testified the Word (Acts 8:25).
e. They spread or published the Word (Acts 13:49).
f. They used the Word to determine policy (Acts 15:15).
g. They commended people to the Word (Acts 20:32).

5. The Word of God brought forth _______________________.

a. The Word _____________________ (Acts 10:44).

b. ___________________ heard the Word (Acts 19:10).

c. The Word of God ________________ (Acts 6:7, KJV).

d. The Word of God grew and _________________ (Acts 12:24).

e. The Word of God grew mightily and _________________ (Acts 19:20).

The word that is translated “prevailed” in this verse means “to __________

D. Key Number Four: The ____________ of the Lord

The Apostles in the Book of Acts were totally dependent on the name of the Lord to
effect results and empower their ministry.

1. The apostles understood that their own resources were ______________.

a. Their ___________ would never accomplish the task (Acts 3:6).

b. Their _____________ would never be sufficient (Acts 3:12).

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c. Their own ________________________ would only fall short (Acts 3:16;

2. The apostles understood that the name of the Lord was God’s _____________
_________ to them.

a. As the ________ was a special gift to Moses (Ex. 4:1-4, 17).

b. As the ____________ was a special gift to Elijah and Elisha (II Kgs. 2:8, 13-

3. The apostles understood that His name was equal to His person and represented
His ________________ (Acts 4:7).

4. The apostles in the Book of Acts saw the name of the Lord bringing:

a. Salvation (Acts 2:21, 4:12)

b. Deliverance (16:18)
c. Healing (Acts 3:6, 4:10)
d. Signs and Wonders (Acts 4:30)
e. Forgiveness and remission of sins (Acts 10:43)

5. The Apostles in the Book of Acts related to the name by (Col 3:17):

a. Having faith in His name (Acts 3:16)

b. Calling on the name (Acts 2:21; 9:14; 22:16)
c. Baptizing in the name (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5)
d. Teaching and preaching in the name (Acts 9:21, 27, 29)
e. Teaching and preaching the name (Acts 4:17; 8;12)
f. Magnifying the name (Acts 19:17)
g. Taking out a people for His name (Acts 15:14)
h. Bearing His name (Acts 9:15; 15:17)
i. Doing signs and wonders in His name (Acts 4:30)
j. Suffering for His name (Acts 5:41; 9:16)
k. Risking their lives for His name (Acts 15:26)
l. Being willing to die for His name (Acts 21:13)

6. The Apostles in the Book of Acts faced _______________ relative to the name.

a. They faced pressure from other religious leaders _______________ the name
(Acts 4:17; 5:28, 40).

b. They understood that the use of the name cannot be a __________________

(Acts 19:13-16). They understood that the key to using the name is having a
_________________________ to Jesus.

c. They realized that people can live ________________ the name (Acts 26:9).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 14

Student Manual
Lesson 4-6
Acts Chapter 1

I. General Outline of Chapter 1

A. The Prologue to the Book (1:1-3)

B. Jesus’ Final Instructions (1:4-8)
C. Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven (1:9-11)
D. The Upper Room Prayer Meeting (1:10-14)
E. The Selection of Matthias to Replace Judas (1:15-26)

II. The Prologue to the Book (Acts 1:1-3)

A. The author of the Book of Acts was a man by the name of Luke. Luke was not only
the author of the book, but he was ______________ in the book

1. He was born in ____________ in Syria.

2. He was not a ________ (Col 4:11, 14).

3. He was educated in the science of _____________ (Col 4:14).

4. He was very likely a ____________ of the apostle Paul.

5. He was a _______________ of Paul.

6. He was most likely ______________ into leadership by Paul.

7. He was one of Paul’s most intimate _____________.

8. There are ____________________ regarding Luke that have some credibility.

a. He never married.
b. He most likely returned to Philippi after Paul’s death.
c. He is believed to have died in Bithynia of natural.

B. The author of the book makes a reference to a ___________________. This is most

likely the Gospel that bears his name—the Gospel according to Luke.

1. Luke’s gospel was to be an _____________________ (Luke 1:3-4).

2. There is a widely held view that Luke intended to write a ________________.

Two reasons are given for this view:

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 15

Student Manual
a. The use of the superlative “first” (Gk. proton) instead of the comparative
“former” (Gk. proteron) is strictly used only when ___________________
are in mind.

b. Acts ends _____________ (Acts 28:30-31) without revealing whether Paul

was released or was put to death.

C. The author of the Book of Acts wrote to a man by the name of Theophilus.

1. It is difficult to know to whom this title or name refers.

a. Theophilus may be a __________________ and not a name at all.

If it is a general designation, it is a universal letter, written to __________

__________________ everywhere who were eager to learn more about the
work of God.

b. Theophilus may be a specific _______________ to whom Luke was writing.

i. He may have been a Roman ______________ such as a governor or

procurator (For Luke’s use of “most excellent” see Luke 1:3; Acts 23:26,
24:2, 26:25.).

ii. He may have been some person of standing in Rome whose

_______________ was sought for Paul’s trial.

iii. He may have been the _____________ who was due to hear Paul’s case.

iv. He may have been a Gentile of rank who came under the influence of
Luke or under that of Paul in Rome, and was converted to the Christian

v. He may have been a person of nobility who was the patron of Luke, and
who ___________ the production of this book.

c. Certainly, for the purpose of our reading and study, we will take this to be a
book personally ___________________.

D. The author of the Book of Acts indicated that his former work or account only
contained what Jesus _____________ to do and to teach (Acts 1:1).

1. It is interesting the order that Luke uses in relation to Jesus—_______________

and then teaching.

2. It is interesting that even though Luke’s gospel is the ___________________

gospel he indicates that it only represented what Jesus “began” to do and to

3. It is interesting because the implication of this statement is that Jesus is

_______________ to work and minister.
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 16
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“Hence, the grand history of what Jesus did and taught does not conclude with
His departure to the Father; but Luke now begins it in a higher strain; for all the
subsequent labors of the apostles are just an exhibition of the ministry of the
glorified Redeemer Himself, because they were acting under His authority, and
He was the principle that operated in them all.” (Jamison, Fausset & Brown)

4. It is interesting to see how the Lord Jesus Christ functioned as a _____________

______________ in the Book of Acts. Jesus is seen as the:

• Commander and Instructor of His people (1:2-9)

• Great Hope of the Church (1:10-11)
• Guide to His people in church matters in times of perplexity (1:24, 10:13-16,
16:10, 22:18-21)
• Giver of the Holy Spirit (2:33)
• Burden of all sermons and addresses (2:22-36, 3:13-15, 4:10-33, 5:30, 6:14,
8:5, 35, 10:36, etc.)
• One who added to the Church (2:47)
• Only Hope for a perishing world (4:12)
• Active Partner in our service (3:16, 26, 18:9-10)
• Personal Agent in the conversion of Saul (9:3-6)
• Encourager of His much-tried ones (7:55-56, 23:11)

E. The author of the Book of Acts indicated that Jesus spent a good deal of His time
between the resurrection and ascension giving __________________ to His apostles.

1. Jesus gave these commandments through the __________________ (Acts 1:2).

This power and ability to depend on the Spirit is what He intended His Church to
have throughout the Church Age (John 3:1-5; Eph 3:17-19; I Pet 1:11-12; Acts
8:5-7; II Cor. 1:21; Rom. 8:2, 13; John 5:19).

2. Jesus gave ____________ commands relative to their _____________.

He commissioned or commanded them to:

 ____________ the Gospel in all the world and to every creature (Mark

 Be _____________ to Him from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth (Acts

1:8; Luke 24:47-48).

 Bring deliverance and ____________ (Mark 16:17-18, See Luke 9:1-6;

10: 1-12).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 17

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 Make _____________ of all nations (Mt. 28:18).

 ____________ those who respond (Mt. 28:19, Compare Acts 2:38-39).

 Tend to them as a _____________ (John 21:15-20).

 ___________ them the whole counsel of God (Mt. 28:20, Compare Acts

3. Jesus gave ____________ commands regarding the next few days (Acts 1:4).

a. He commanded them _________________ Jerusalem (Luke 24:49).

b. He instructed them ____________ for the empowering of the Holy Spirit

(Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8).

F. The author of the Book of Acts indicated that Jesus appeared to a number of people
providing many “_________________” of His resurrection

a. He appeared to Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9).

b. He appeared to women (Mt. 28:9).
c. He appeared to Peter (I Cor. 15:5).
d. He appeared to two disciples (Luke 24:15-31).
e. He appeared to ten apostles without Thomas (John 20:19, 24).
f. He appeared to the eleven with Thomas (John 20:26-28).
g. He appeared to seven disciples who were fishing (John 21:1-24).
h. He appeared to eleven apostles (Mt. 28:16-17).
i. He appeared to five hundred people (I Cor. 15:6).
j. He appeared to James (I Cor. 15:7).
k. He appeared to the eleven apostles (Acts 1:4).
l. He appeared to the eleven apostles again (Acts 1:6, implied).

G. The author of the Book of Acts indicated that Jesus spoke of many things pertaining
to the ______________ of God.

1. Jesus began His ministry _____________ the Kingdom.

2. Jesus gave His apostles the _____________ the Kingdom (Matthew 16 and 18).

3. Jesus prepared His apostles for His departure with a Kingdom _____________
(Acts 1:3).

4. The Apostles preached the kingdom throughout the Book of Acts as they build
the Church—God’s __________________ the Kingdom (Acts 8:12; 14:22; 19:8;
20:25; 28:23, 31).

5. Jesus is seen in the Book of Acts as _____________ of the Kingdom (Acts 17:7).

III. Jesus’ Final Instructions (Acts 1:4-8)

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 18
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A. In this setting Jesus commanded them.

This Greek verb occurs three times in the Book of Acts relative to the Lord making
commands and, therefore, expresses the Lord’s threefold charge to His people.

1. He charged people to ___________________ (Acts 17:30).

2. He charged His followers to wait for ______________ (Acts 1:4).

3. He charged His followers to_____________ the Gospel (Acts 10:42).

B. In this setting Jesus commanded them to __________. Why wait?

1. They were to remain in Jerusalem because it was to be from ______________

that the word of the Lord would go forth (Is. 2:3).

Jerusalem was extremely important as the center of the Jewish religious world.

a. This city was captured from the Jebusites about 1,000 B.C. by David.

b. It was made the capital of the Hebrew monarchy.

c. It became the Holy City when Solomon's Temple was built there.

d. It was the scene of all the writing prophets except Amos and Hosea.

e. It remained the capital of Judah after the split.

f. It fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C.

g. It was rebuilt after the exile by Nehemiah about the mid-fifth century B.C.

h. It was destroyed by Titus, the Roman general, in 70 A.D.

i. According to the Gospels, Jesus visited the city seven times:

• At the presentation (Luke 2:22-39)

• At the Passover when he was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-50)
• At the Passover near the beginning of His ministry (John 2:13-22)
• At the unnamed feast (John 7:1-8:59, most likely the Feast of
• At dedication (John 9:1-10:39)
• At another visit to the Temple (Mark 11:11)
• At His final visit at Passover (John 13:1; Mark 11:27f)

j. The first Christian Church was founded there.

k. It was the scene of the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60).

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l. It was the scene of the martyrdom of James (Acts 12:1-2).

m. An important Church council was convened there (Acts 15).

n. Paul made five visits (that we know about) to the city after his conversion.

• To visit Peter (Gal 1:18; Acts 9:26-30)

• To give famine relief (Gal 2:1; Acts 11:27-30)
• To attend the council (Acts 15:1-35)
• At the close of his second missionary journey (18:22)
• At the close of the third journey to carry the offering he had gathered
among the Gentiles (Acts 21:17)

2. They were to wait because there was a “______________________” in God’s

timetable that needed to occur (Acts 2:1; Gal. 4:4).

3. They were to wait until the promise of the Father (i.e. the baptism of the Spirit)
became part of their _________________.

4. They were to wait until Jesus ________________ to the Father, which was a
prerequisite to the Holy Spirit’s outpouring (Acts 2:33).

D. In this setting Jesus made reference to them receiving the ______________ of the

1. The Promise of the Father refers to a promise made ____________ by the Father
prior to His incarnation.

2. The Promise of the Father was ______________ by Jesus and rewarded by the
Father after the ascension of Christ (Acts 2:33).

3. The Promise of the Father would later be _____________ upon the Church by
Christ as the Church entered into the fulfillment of Pentecost (see also John
14:16, 15:26, 16:7).

4. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit had been clearly _____________ (Mt. 3:11;
Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33).

E. In this setting Jesus made it clear that the outpouring of the Spirit would happen in

F. In this setting the disciples asked Jesus about the _______________ to the Kingdom
to Israel.

This statement reveals several things about the disciples both negative and positive.

1. On the negative side

a. It reveals their _____________ understanding in regard to the Kingdom of

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 20
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b. It reveals that they had no ________________ of the new spiritual mission to
which they were called.

c. It reveals their need for the _________________ of the Holy Spirit.

2. On the positive side

a. It reveals that they recognized Jesus’ ______________.

b. It reveals that they understood Jesus’ power or ____________to bring the

ancient economy back into reality (compare Mt. 16:22 and Luke 24:21).

G. In this setting Jesus made it clear that the when the apostles were baptized with the
Holy Spirit they would receive ____________ (Acts 1:8).

There are two different Greek words for power—exousia and dunamis.

1. In this case it is not exousia, meaning “privilege or authority” (John 1:12; Mt.
10:1). This is the authority that is ours through the new birth as we find ourself

2. In this case it is dunamis, meaning “power or ability” Luke 4:14). This is power
or ___________________ that is ours through immersion in the Holy Spirit. It is
the ability of the Spirit.

H. In this setting Jesus challenged them to be _____________.

They were to be witnesses in four identifiable areas:

1. Jerusalem (Acts 1:4, 8; Luke 24:47)

2. Judea (Acts 2:9, 14; 8:1; 9:31; 10:37; 11:1, 19; 15:1)

This term is used in three senses in the New Testament.

a. The ___________ about Jerusalem originally occupied by the tribe of Judah

b. The _____________ of Judea, embracing the districts of Samaria, Judea and


c. The ___________ of Palestine

3. Samaria (Acts 8-10)

This term is also used in three senses in the Bible.

a. Originally Samaria was the name of the _________ founded by Omri in

about 880 B.C. situated about 35 miles north of Jerusalem. It became the
capital of Israel after the nation divided
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 21
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b. Samaria came to be applied to the _________ Northern Kingdom (Amos

c. At the time of Jesus, the name was limited to a ____________, twenty miles
by forty miles, lying between Galilee on the north, and Judea on the south.

4. The Ends of the Earth (Acts 11:19, 23:11, 28:14-31)

IV. Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11)

A. Jesus was ______________.

1. This is a reference to His ______________ into heaven.

2. He came as God in the incarnation and went _______________ in the ascension.

3. This was not His ___________ ascension (See John 20:17).

4. The Lord ascended for several purposes.

a. To receive again _____________ which He had with the Father before the
world began (John 17:5)

b. To be our _______________ and High Priest at the right hand of God (Rom.

c. To prepare ____________ for us (John 14:2-3)

d. To rule _______________ on our behalf (Eph. 1:20-23)

e. To await the preparation of His ___________—the Church

B. Jesus was received by _____________.

1. The “cloud” had significance in the Old Testament.

a. The cloud led Israel out of bondage was called “the Lord” (Ex. 13:21-22).

b. The cloud led them through the Red Sea (I Cor. 10:1-4).

c. The glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud (Ex. 16:10).

d. The cloud rested on Sinai and received Moses (Ex. 19:9-19; 24:15-18; 34:5-

e. The cloud filled the Tabernacle (Ex. 40:34-38).

f. The cloud filled Solomon's Temple (I Kgs. 8:10-11; II Chr. 5:13-14).

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g. The cloud departed from the Temple (Ezek. 10:1-22).

3. The “cloud” has significance in relation to Christ.

a. He was _________________ by a cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration

(Mt. 17:5; Mark 9:1-7; Luke 9:28-36)

b. He ______________in a cloud at His ascension (Acts 1:9).

c. He is ____________ with a cloud (Rev. 10:1).

d. He is ________________ a white cloud (Rev 14:14-16).

e. He will _________ in a cloud of glory (Luke 21:17).

f. He will also come in the clouds of glory with _______________ (Mt. 26:64;
Mark 14:62; I Th. 4:17).

4. The glory-cloud speaks of the presence of the __________________.

C. Jesus was taken from their ____________ (Acts 1:9).

D. The disciples ______________________ toward heaven as He ascended (Acts


1. In this sense the apostles were ________ “witnesses” of the ascension.

2. In this sense the apostles were much like Elisha of old who watched his master
go up before him (II Kgs. 2:9-14).

a. As such, the apostles were _____________ about His departure.

b. As such, they were waiting for _______________ to fall on them.

c. As such, they were waiting for the __________________ of the Spirit.

E. Two other _____________________ were witnesses of the ascension.

1. At His birth there were wise men, at least two of them, possible three (Mt. 2:1-2).

2. At His temptation angels ministered unto Him (Mt 4:11).

3. At His transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared (Mt. 17:3-12; Luke 9:28-35).

4. At Gethsemane an angel strengthened Him (Luke 22:43).

5. At the open grave two angels were present (John 20:12).

6. At His ascension two men appeared (Acts 1:10).

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7. At His second coming there will be two witnesses (Rev. 11:1-14).

F. The two witnesses carried a _____________________ message.

1. This message was no doubt said to ____________ the apostles.

2. This message was said, no doubt, in reference to the Second Coming of Christ.
When Christ returns, it will be the ________________, not another Jesus (II Cor.

The same:

a. Virgin born
b. Sinless
c. Spotless
d. Crucified
e. Resurrected
f. Ascended
g. Glorified . . . Son of God!

3. This message was also an affirmation of Jesus’ _______________.

4. This message was very specific about ________ Jesus would return again. He
would return “in like manner” as He went into heaven.

This tells us several about the second coming of Christ:

a. He will come _____________, or bodily.

b. He will come _____________.

c. He will come _____________.

d. He will come __________________.

e. He will come _____________.

f. He went as the God-man and He will return as the ______________.

See: I Thessalonians 4:15-17; Matthew 26:64; Revelation 10:1

V. The Upper Room Prayer Meeting (Acts 1:10-14).

A. They went to _______________.

1. They went in immediate obedience to Christ’s request (Acts 1:4)

2. They went in a spirit of joy and ______________ (Luke 24:52)

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B. They gathered together in the _________________ instead of waiting in their own
homes (Mt. 18:20).

C. They were gathered in _______________.

1. The word “one accord” is a compound Greek word literally meaning, “with one
__________________,” indicating perfect unanimity of feeling and desire and

2. This word occurs only _________ outside of the Book of Acts (Rom. 15:6), but
it is found often in Acts.

a. With one accord in supplication (Acts 1:14)

b. With one accord in expectation (Acts 2:1)
c. With one accord in consecration (Acts 4:24)
d. With one accord in separation (Acts 5:12)
e. With one accord in cooperation (Acts 15:25)

See also: Acts 2:46; 7:57; 8:6; 12:20; 18:12; 19:29

3. This unity was one of the secrets of __________ and blessing in the Book of
Acts (Ps. 133).

4. This type of atmosphere is necessary for any outpouring of the fire and blessing
of God (II Chr. 5:11-14).

5. Unity is a tremendously __________________ (Mt. 18:15-20; Dt. 32:30; Eccl.


6. Unity will be a _____________ to the world (John 17:20-24).

D. They waited on the Lord in ___________ and supplication.

1. Supplication means ___________ and earnest prayer in worship. It means to

kneel down, to entreat, to implore and to call upon humbly.

2. Prayer here means to _____________.

3. This is how they tarried in persistent, earnest prayer (Luke 24:49; Acts 2:42, 6:4;
Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2).

VI. The Selection of Matthias to Replace Judas (Acts 1:15-26)

A. The process for the replacement of Judas was initiated by __________(Acts 1:15).

B. This process was important for several reasons.

1. The Scriptures needed to be ______________ (See Ps. 41:9; 69:25; 109:8).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 25
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2. The ___________________ was important as it related to the apostles.

The Twelve Apostles are eternally unique for the following reasons:

a. The Twelve Apostles have a _______________ (Rev. 21:14).

b. The Twelve Apostles have a unique ______________ (Mt.19:28).

c. The Twelve Apostles will have unique ________________ (Rev. 21:14).

C. This process was handled with _________ natural and Holy Spirit direction.

1. The _________________ were established for this unique role.

This is a unique set of qualifications for a unique group of leaders (see Rev.
21:14; Eph. 2:19-22).

a. The replacement for Judas needed to be a ________________ of Jesus and

the apostles from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry up to His ascension (Acts

b. The replacement for Judas needed to be a _____________ of the resurrection

(Acts 1:22).

2. The candidates were ________________ to two individuals based on a decision

by the Twelve (Acts 1:23).

3. The final choice was made by prayer and the activity of the Holy Spirit (Acts

a. They _____________.

b. They ________________.

The apostles had a precedent for the use of the lot.

• In choosing the scapegoat (Lev. 16:7-10)

• Of assigning the inheritance to the twelve tribes (Num. 34:13; Josh 14:2)

• See also Proverbs 16:33, Numbers 26:55-56 and Jonah 1:3-7.

4. The process was ultimately effective for several reasons.

a. It was done in an atmosphere of ____________.

b. It was done in an atmosphere of ___________.
c. It was done at the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the ________________.
d. It was done in a manner befitting the _______________ in which they lived.
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 26
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D. This process was accepted by all and Mathias was _____________ with the Twelve.

Notice the later reference to “The Twelve.”

1. The Twelve in the Book of Acts (Acts 2:14; 6:2)

2. The Twelve acknowledged by Paul (I Cor. 15:3)

V. How are the two accounts of Judas’s death to be reconciled?

There is an apparent contradiction between the account found in Matthew and the one
found in Acts:

Matthew 27:3-10 Acts 1:18-19

3 18
Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been (Now this man
condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces purchased a field
of silver to the chief priests and elders, with the wages of
saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” And iniquity; and
they said, “What is that to us? You see to it!” falling headlong,
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and he burst open in
departed, and went and hanged himself. the middle and all
But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, “It is not his entrails gushed
lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of out.
blood.” And it became
And they consulted together and bought with them the potter's known to all those
field to bury strangers in. dwelling in
Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this Jerusalem; so that
day. field is called in
Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, their own
saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of language, Akel
Him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, Dama, that is,
and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me.” Field of Blood.)

A. When you study these two accounts there seem to be some conflicting issues.

B. When you study these two accounts you realize that there are __________________
that have to be reconciled.

1. There were two ________________.

a. In Matthew’s account the ________________ “bought” a field. (Mt. 27:7).

b. In the Acts’ account __________ “purchased” a field (Acts 1:18).

2. There were two _______________.

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 27

Student Manual
a. In Matthew’s account the field was a _______________ that was used for
clay for pottery (Mt. 27:7).

b. In the Acts’ account the field was a _________________ that Judas bought
for himself (Acts 1:18).

3. There were two _________________ that came from two sources.

a. In Matthew’s account the land was purchased with thirty _______________

___________ that was given to Judas as “the price of blood” or the “value of
Him who was priced” (Mt. 27:3, 6, 9).

b. In the Acts’ account the land was purchased with the “wages of iniquity” or
the “reward of unrighteousness” (Acts 1:18; John 12:4-6).

4. There were two purchase __________.

a. In Matthew’s account the field was purchased __________ the betrayal of

Jesus (Mt. 27:7).

b. In the Acts’ account the field was purchased much ___________ during the
3½ years of ministry with Jesus and the other apostles (Acts 1:18).

5. There were two____________ for calling the field a “field of blood.”

a. In Matthew’s account it was called the field of blood because “________

_________” or betrayal money was used to purchase the field (Mt. 27:8).

b. In the Acts’ account it was called the field of blood because of the
______________ caused to the land by the shedding of Judas’ own blood
(Acts 1:19).

C. When you study these two accounts you realize that the manner in which Judas died
is consistent.

D. When you study these two accounts with the above understanding they can be easily
woven together.

Acts’ Account Matthew’s Account

Judas purchased a farmstead.

Judas used money that he stole.
Judas betrayed Jesus for money.
Judas had remorse.
Judas returned the blood money.
Judas went and hanged himself on his property.
Judas fell headlong.
Judas burst open
Judas was finally discovered.
The priests buy a field with the blood money.
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 28
Student Manual
Lesson 7-8
Chapter 2
I. General Outline of Chapter 2

A. The Holy Spirit Descended (Acts 2:1-4)

B. The Crowd Responded (Acts 2:5-13)
C. Peter Preached to the Crowd (Acts 2:14-39)
D. The First Local Church Established (Acts 2:40-47)

II. The Holy Spirit Descended (Acts 2:1-4)

A. The Holy Spirit descended according to God’s ________________.

1. It was on the ______________________ (Acts 2:1).

Pentecost is the Greek name for a Jewish feast. It is a transliterated word

meaning “fiftieth.” The Hebrew “Feast of Weeks” or “Day of the First Fruits” as
it was called, came seven weeks after Passover.

2. It was the actual __________________ of Pentecost (Acts 2:1).

a. This Pentecost was a manifestation of God’s timetable or God’s __________


Just as there had been a fullness of time for the birth of Christ (Gal 4:6) and a
fullness of time for the death of Christ (John 7:6-8), there was now a fullness
of time for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

b. This Pentecost would be ___________________ all other Pentecosts just as

the previous Passover had been different from all other Passovers.

This Pentecost would be the ______________ to which all of the Old

Testament shadows pointed.

3. It was foreshadowed by the first Pentecost that took place at __________.

In order to better understand what was happening here, it is good to see what
happened on the first Pentecost at Sinai.

a. The initial giving of the law occurred on the ___________ from the original

b. The Law was given on tables of ___________ (Ex. 31:18). While in the
New Covenant the law is written on the tables of our ___________(Rom.
2:15; II Cor. 3:3).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 29

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c. There were supernatural ___________________ of God’s power including
thunder, lightning, thick clouds, fire, wind storm, smoke and the sound of a
trumpet (Ex. 19:16-19; Heb. 12:18-19).

d. The Law was written by the ____________ of God (Ex. 31:18, Compare Mt.
12:28 and Luke 11:20).

e. ____________________ were slain as a result of the disobedience of the

people when the law was being given (Ex. 32:28). In the New Covenant
three thousand were given new life by the obedience of faith (Acts 2:41).

4. It was an _______________ day in every respect.

a. As the day when a cosmopolitan assembly was gathered in Jerusalem, it

provided a tremendous opportunity for the first great __________________
of the Gospel.

b. As the day of the ________________ of the grain harvest, it was a suitable

one for the conversion of the three thousand, the first fruits of a greater
harvest yet to be gathered in.

c. As the day which spoke of the going forth of the great Law from Sinai, it was
a fitting one for the first great going forth of _____________ from Jerusalem
(Is. 2:2-3).

B. The Holy Spirit descended on those who were ___________________________.

1. They were all assembled together in ________________.

a. There is something about the _____________________________ of God’s

people that sets a stage for God to move.

b. They experienced many things _____________ in this chapter.

• They were all assembled (v. 1).

• They were all filled (v. 4).
• They all preached (v. 7, 17).
• They were all witnesses (v. 32).
• They all shared their possessions (v. 44).

2. They were ______________ of mind and purpose.

C. The Holy Spirit descended accompanied by _____________________.

1. There was a supernatural ____________ from heaven like a rushing mighty wind
(Acts 2:2).

a. There was no actual wind on this occasion, only the ____________ of a

rushing, mighty wind (See Acts 27:15; II Pet. 1:21).

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b. Wind is one of the biblical symbols of the _______________ (Ezek. 37:9-14;
John 3:8).

c. In the Old Testament, the mighty power of God is also denoted by the
violence of a mighty tempest or _________ (I Kgs. 19:11; Ps. 18:10; 104:3).

2. There appeared a supernatural manifestation of _________.

a. Fire has always been associated with _________(Gen. 15:17; Ezek. 1:4; Ps.

It is a symbol of God’s holiness, purifying, cleansing and warming His

people. Other areas where God is associated with fire include:

• The cherubim and flaming sword kept the gate to Eden (Gen. 3:24).

• Moses stood before the burning bush from which God spoke (Ex. 3:3).

• God descended on Mt. Sinai in the midst of thunder, lightning and fire
(Ex. 10:16-20).

• God is called a consuming fire (Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29).

• God manifest Himself to the children of Israel as a pillar of fire (Num.


b. This fire is the same holy fire that fell at the _______________ of two Old
Testament sanctuaries (See: Lev. 9:23-24; II Chr. 7:1-3).

c. This fire seems to have first appeared as a _______________ (Acts 2:3).

This is a graphic picture of what was taking place in the spirit realm. Jesus
had ascended on high and now He was gifting His spiritual body with
elements of His ministry (Eph. 4:7-16; I Cor. 12:11).

d. The fire ______________ itself over each of them in the form of a “tongue
of fire.”

3. There was a supernatural impartation of ___________—speaking with unknown


Note the progression in the Bible relative to languages:

a. The Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-10)

b. Pentecost (Acts 2:4)

c. Heaven (Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9)

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III. The Crowd Responded (Acts 2:5-13)

A. The crowd consisted of devout Jews representing ________________ of the world

(Acts 2:9-11).

1. These were ____________ people (Acts 2:5).

2. Most of these were Jews who had been born in ________________ (Acts 2:5).
Notice the nations that were represented:

a. Parthians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived, or were living
in Parthia, a mountainous land southwest of the Caspian Sea (modern Iran).
It was a part of the Persian Empire and later became an independent empire
between the Euphrates and Indus Rivers.

b. Medes - Men of Jewish descent or religion, who had lived or were living in
Media, the land that was situated north of Parthia and south of the Caspian
Sea. It was about the size of Spain and was one of the richest parts of Asia.

c. Elamites - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living in
Elam, a land lying east of Babylonia and southwest of Media, whose capital
was Susa. It was the eastern part of Iraq. This nation was descended from
Elam, the son of Shem (Gen. 10:22).

d. Mesopotamians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were

living in Mesopotamia, the territory lying between the rivers Tigris and
Euphrates, the modern eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

e. Judeans - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living in
Judea. In this case it would very likely include all of Palestine (see 1:24).

f. Cappadocians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were

living in Cappadocia, the Roman province, created in 17 A.D., extending
from Lake Tatta on the west to the Euphrates on the east, and from the
Taurus mountains on the south to Pontus on the north. It was the eastern part
of modern Turkey.

g. Pontusians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living
in Pontus, the territory lying east of the Halys River along the southern shore
of the Black Sea.

h. Asians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living in
the Roman province in western Asia comprising Mysia, Lydia, Caria and the
greater portion of Phrygia.

i. Phrygians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living
in Phrygia which originally consisted of the whole central part of Asia

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j. Pamphylians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were
living in Pamphylia, also part of Asia Minor.

k. Egyptians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living
in Egypt.

l. Libyans - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living in
Libya or that part of northern Africa which lies between the province of
Africa on the west, and Egypt on the east, stretching approximately six
hundred miles along the southern Mediterranean coast.

m. Sojourning Romans - Although most of the time the term “Romans” is used
in the Book of Acts to mean Roman citizens, here it means Jews of Rome.

n. Cretans - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living on
the island of Crete which was situated sixty miles south of Greece.

o. Arabians - Men of Jewish descent or religion who had lived or were living in
Arabia, the area south of the Dead Sea.

B. The crowd was ______________ by what they heard (Acts 2:6, Compare Gen.

1. They were confused because of an __________________.

a. This sound was _____________ than the sound in the upper room (the sound
of wind).

The word that is used for “sound” here is a different word in the Greek
(phone) than the word in verse two and is usually rendered, “voice or

b. This sound was the “speaking with ___________________” by the apostles.

2. They were confused because they heard them not in the Hebrew or Aramaic
language, but in the languages of their ___________________ (Acts 2:6).

3. They were confused because those doing the speaking were _______________
(Mark 14:70; John 1:46; 7:52; Mt. 26:73). .

C. The members of the crowd reacted in _____________________ (Acts 2:12-13).

1. Some were _____________ (existami). This word means “to throw out of
position, to throw into wonderment, astonish or astound.”

2. Some were ______________ (diaporeo). This word means “to be entirely at a


3. Some ___________ them (xieuazontes). This word means “to deride or jeer at”.

In the Book of Acts we see a progression of opposition against the apostles:

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 33
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a. From mocking
b. To questioning (4:7)
c. To threatening (4:17)
d. To imprisonment (5:18)
e. To blows (5:40)
f. To murder (7:58)

4. Some felt that they were ____________ with wine (Acts 2:13).

When the Holy Spirit comes upon people He causes many of the effects of wine:

a. Refreshes (Tit. 3:5)

b. Stimulates (II Pet. 1:21)
c. Produces joy (Rom. 14:17; I Th. 1:6)
d. Induces singing (Eph. 4:18-19)
e. Helps to forget trouble (Pro. 31:6)
f. Produces unusual actions (Acts 2:1-2)
g. Cleanses and heals (Luke 10:34)
h. Induces visions (Acts 2:17)
i. Produces boldness (Acts 4:31)

IV. Peter Preached to the Crowd (Acts 2:14-41)

A. Peter assured the people that the state of the disciples is not due to ___________.

B. Peter based their new experience with the Holy Spirit and his message on ________
_________ (Acts 2:16-21).

C. Peter’s message focused on __________ (Acts 2:22-26).

The heart of the message involved who Jesus was. Peter spoke of:

1. His sinlessness (v. 22).

2. His life and ministry (v. 22).
3. His crucifixion (v. 23).
4. His resurrection (v. 24-25).
5. His exaltation (v. 33).
6. His ascension (v. 34).
7. His enthronement (vs. 34-35).
8. His glorification (v. 34-36).

D. Peter explained what was happening in the ____________________ (Acts 2:33-36).

1. Jesus was ____________ at the right hand of God.

2. Jesus received _________________ of the Holy Spirit from the Father.

3. Jesus ________________ the Holy Spirit on the waiting disciples.

4. God established Jesus as both _____________________.

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E. Peter concluded his message with a ____________ from the people (Acts 2:37-40).

1. The message was for “______________” (Acts 2:21, 39).

2. The message produced the _______________ of sin.

3. The message evoked the question, “What shall __________?” (Compare Acts

4. The message concluded with specific instructions.

a. Repent (Acts 3:19; 5:31; 8:22; 11:18; 13:24; 17:30; 19:4; 20:21; 26:20)

b. Be baptized (Acts 8:16; 19:4-5)

c. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39; Acts 5:32)

d. Be saved from this perverse generation (Acts 2:40).

The word perverse means “crooked, bent, curved, winding, twisted, or

warped.” It is used to apply to anything that will not go toward, that is,
straight onward, but will go now on this side and then on that side, making a
crooked path.

i. It is used of ___________ that will not follow the leading of the driver,
but rebels by pushing in this direction and that, instead of the way it is
supposed to go.

ii. It is used to describe the movement of ____________ who crawls along

the ground, never in a straight line, but always from this side to that side.

iii. It is used of someone who does not know the correct path, but goes to the
left hand and to the right hand, _________________ to his proper

iv. It is used of ________________ who reels and staggers from one side to
another instead of going forward.

F. Peter witnessed the miracle conversion of ___________________ (Acts 2:41).

V. The First Local Church is Established (Acts 2:42-47)

This very first harvest tells us a great deal about the dynamics of the Early Church.

A. The ingredients of the first church are _____________ for us today.

Notice the twenty ingredients of a successful church right here from the very

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 35

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1. Repentance and Faith
2. Water Baptism
3. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
4. Separation or Holiness of Life
5. Prayer
6. Teaching
7. Fellowship
8. Breaking of Bread
9. Fear of God
10. Signs and Wonders
11. Practical Love
12. Generosity
13. Unity
14. Corporate Gatherings
15. House to House Gatherings
16. Joy
17. Simplicity of Heart
18. Praise toward God
19. Favor of the People
20. Evangelism

B. The steadfastness and ________________of the first church is evident.

1. They continued ________________ (Acts 2:4; see Acts 1:14).

2. They continued ____________ (Acts 2:46),

The verb used in both of these passages (proskartereo) means “to be earnest
toward, to persevere, to be constantly diligent and to adhere closely to.”

C. The lifestyle of the early believers is challenging.

1. They maintained a _____________________ and preaching—the apostles

doctrine (Acts 2:42; I Tim. 1:10, 4:1, 6, 13, 16; Heb. 13:9).

2. They maintained ______________ with one another (Acts 2:42; I Cor. 1:9; Eph.
3:9, 5:11; Phil. 3:10; I John 1:3, 6-7).

3. They maintained the ____________________ together (Acts 2:42). This may

refer to the celebration of the Table of the Lord (I Cor. 10:16; Luke 24:35; Acts
10:7, 11) or eating bread from house to house in hospitality (Acts 2:46).

4. They maintained a corporate expression of _____________ together (Acts 2:42).

5. They maintained a healthy _______________________ and His God ordained

leaders (Acts 2:43; 5:5, 11; 19:17).

6. They maintained a lifestyle of _______________ and practical expressions of


7. They maintained a spirit of rejoicing and ____________ (Acts 2:46-47).

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D. The Lord worked with them to _______________ to the church (Acts 2:47).

VI. Question for Discussion

When it says that they had all things in common, was this a Christian form of

A. The usual interpretation

The usual interpretation is to regard these words and the whole description, in 2:44-
46 and again in 4:32-37, as of that of a communistic society in which all the
members sold their possessions, pooled the proceeds, and received their sustenance
out of this common store.

B. Other facts to consider

There are some facts that seem to go against this interpretation.

1. The case of Barnabas seems to be singled out as _____________(Acts 4:32-37).

2. Ananias and Sapphira were told by Peter that they had the right _____________
their property or any part of the proceeds derived from the sale of the same (Acts

3. Mark’s mother (Acts 12:12) and Mnason (Acts 21:16) seem to have __________
their dwellings.

4. Outside Jerusalem, the early Christians seem to have ____________ possessions

from which they made voluntary gifts, as in the case of Dorcas at Joppa (Acts
9:36, 39), of the Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:39), and of those at Corinth (II
Cor. 8:12, 9:7).

5. Paul and James speak of both the _____________________ in other assemblies

(I Tim 6:17; Gal. 2:10; I Cor 16:2; II Cor 7:13, 15, 9:6-7; James 2:1-5, 4:13).

6. Many of the first churches were started in the _____________ of people in the
church (Col. 4:15; Phm. 2).

C. A unique challenge

In this day when 3,000 were saved, perhaps something very ____________was
taking place.

1. The 3,000 were very likely mostly _______________.

2. They decided ____________ in Jerusalem where they had no jobs or houses.

3. The local believers gladly accepted the challenge of __________ these converts.

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4. This most likely continued until these people were absorbed into the community,
were established on their own or went back to their _________________.

5. This was not _____________ found in other churches later on.

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Lesson 9-10
Chapter 3-4
I. General Outline of Chapter 3-4

A. The Healing of a Lame Man (Acts 3:1-8)

B. The Response of the People (Acts 3:9-12)
C. Peter’s Message to the People (Acts 3:13-26)
D. Peter and John Arrested (Acts 4:1-4)
E. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:5-22)
F. The Disciples Pray for Boldness (Acts 4:23-31)
G. The Nature of the Early Church (Acts 4:32-37)

II. The Healing of a Lame Man (Acts 3:1-8)

A. Peter and John were often seen walking and ministering _____________ (Acts 3:1).

1. The apostles were accustomed to ministering by ________ (Luke 10:1).

2. Peter and John seemed to have been a _________ in life and in ministry (Acts
4:13; 8:14; Gal. 2:9).

a. They had been friends well before this.

i. They had been ____________ in business (Luke 5:10).

ii. Jesus ___________them up for work assignments (Luke 22:8).

iii. They were both part of Jesus _______________ with James (Mt. 17:1;
Mark 5:37; 14:33).

iv. They both came to the tomb of Jesus ____________ (John 20:3-4).

v. They both _____________ a ministry to the Jews (Gal. 2:9).

b. They were totally _____________ in many ways.

Peter John
Older Young
Man of Action Man of Love
Didactic Prophetic
Teacher Visionary

B. Peter and John were going to the temple as they __________ had before (Acts 3:1).

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C. Peter and John came to the temple at the __________________.

1. The ninth hour was about _______________.

2. The ninth hour was the time of the _____________________ (Ex. 29:41-42).

D. Peter and John encountered a man who had been lame ______________ (Acts 3:2;

E. Peter and John encountered this man at a gate called “_______________” (Acts 3:2).

F. Peter and John were asked for _________ (Acts 3:2-3).

G. Peter and John ministered to the man in need (Acts 3:4-7).

1. Peter was willing to establish _________________ with the man (Acts 3:12).

2. Peter built on the _________________ in this man.

3. Peter indicated that he did not have _______________________ to give him.

4. Peter used one of the ________ of the Kingdom to set this man free (see Mark

5. Peter saw _______________ results (Acts 3:7).

This was not a gradual healing that would be experienced over time.

a. This word means that it happened “____________” (Compare: Acts 9:18).

b. Christ’s miracles were all characterized by the features of immediateness and


c. The man’s feet and ankle bones received ____________.

d. The man was restored to perfect _______________ (Acts 3:16).

H. Peter and John witnessed the man’s _____________ to the miracle (Acts 3:8).

1. He _____________, stood and walked (Isaiah 35:6).

2. His response was to ________________.

III. The Response of the People (Acts 3:9-11)

A. The people reacted in wonder and _______________.

B. The people _________________ at Solomon’s Porch.

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C. The people wanted to magnify __________________.

IV. The Healing of the Lame Man Seen Symbolically

A. The healing of this lame man can be seen as a parable or type of God’s healing of
a _________________.

1. This can be applied because of the key focus of this incident and this chapter
is _______________ (Acts 3:19-21).

2. This can be applied because of the ________________ place given to this

miracle in the Book of Acts (all of chapter 3 and much of chapter 4).

B. There are many things in this story that parallel what God is doing today to bring
healing to the church.

1. The healing came at an ________________ (Ps. 102:13).

2. The healing came to a man who had never ____________.

3. The healing came from a source other than the _______________ religion of
the day.

4. The healing came to a man who had ______________ expectations.

5. The healing came when the man received _____________ messengers.

6. The healing cost the man his ________________ to established religion.

7. The healing resulted in full and ______________ restoration of the man.

a. This included a restoration and new release of praise and ____________.

b. This included a restoration of proper _______________ and alignment.

c. This included a restoration of the man’s __________.

d. This included a restoration to perfect soundness or __________.

8. The healing was a catalyst for two conflicting events.

a. It was a catalyst for the first real _______________ of the church (Acts

b. It was a catalyst for a great _____________ (Acts 4:4).

V. Peter’s Message to the People (Acts 3:13-26)

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A. Peter took advantage of this opportunity to preach the Gospel (Gal. 2:8-9).
B. Peter tied this event to the past ____________________.

1. He tied everything to the ______________—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Acts


2. He indicated that what was taking place was a _______________ of prophecy

(Acts 3:18).

3. He quoted from Moses and the prophets who had foretold of Jesus’ coming and
“________________” (Acts 3:22-25).

C. Peter ______________ what God did and what many of the people had done.

1. On the one hand, the people acted ________________ when they…

• Delivered Jesus for trial (vs. 13).

• Denied the Holy One in the presence of Pilate (vs. 13-14).
• Asked for a murderer to be granted to them instead of Jesus (vs.14).
• Killed the Prince of Life (vs. 15.).

2. On the other hand, God was at work _______________ when He…

• Sent Jesus to bless the people (vs. 26).

• Raised Jesus from the dead (vs. 15).
• Glorified Jesus (vs. 13).

D. Peter gave the people the benefit of the doubt.

1. He addressed them as ______________ (Acts 3:17).

2. He indicated that what they had done they had done in ______________ (Act
3:17, Compare Luke 23:34; I Cor. 2:8; I Tim. 1:12-13).

3. He also indicated, however, that _______was the time to repent (Acts 3:19;
Compare Acts 17:30-31).

4. He indicated that true repentance would lead to times of _______________

(Acts 3:19).

5. He indicated that Jesus would be ________________ when all was fulfilled

(Acts 3:20-21).

6. He indicated that the Gospel was to come to the Jews _________ (Acts 3:26,
See Rom. 1:16-17; Acts 13:46).

E. Peter exalted _________ throughout as he did in all of his preaching.

1. Notice the titles that are ascribed to Jesus by Peter.

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• The Servant of God (vs. 13, 26)
• The Holy One (vs. 14, Compare Luke 1:35; 4:34; Mark 1:24; Ps. 16:10)
• The Just One (vs. 14, Compare Mt. 27:19; Luke 23:47; Is. 53:11)
• The Prince of Life (vs. 15, Compare Acts 5:31)
• Abraham’s Seed (vs. 25, Implied)

2. He indicated that Jesus ________ was the source of their power (Acts 3:12, 16).

VI. Peter and John Arrested (Acts 4:1-4)

A. There were different ______________ to the preaching of Peter.

1. There were those who ____________.

It is interesting to conjecture as to why the three groups were present to listen

to Peter in addition to the people.

a. The priests were there because of the fact that the apostles were teaching
in the temple area.

b. The captain of the temple was there because he was the head of the temple
police force.

c. The Sadducees were there because the apostles were teaching resurrection
doctrine (Acts 4:2 with Acts 23:8).

2. There were those that _____________ (Acts 4:4).

B. Peter and John were put into _____________.

VII. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:5-22)

A. Peter and John were called to give an ____________ for their behavior (Acts 4:7).

The religious leaders wanted to know who ________________ them teach and to

B. Peter and John made the source of their commissioning _________ (Acts 4:8-12).

C. Peter and John had some serious ____________ on their side.

1. There was the matter of the man who was _____________ (Acts 4:14-16).

2. There was the matter of the approval of the ________________ (Acts. 4:21).

D. Peter and John were _______________ to teach and preach in the name of Jesus
(Acts 4:13-18; See: Acts 3:6, 12, 26; 4:2, 7, 10-12, 17-20, 30).

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E. Peter and John were ______________ (Acts 4:17, 21).

F. Peter and John ________________ how they would treat the sentencing (Acts

VIII. The Disciples Pray for Boldness (Acts 4:23-31)

Notice several things about this gathering.

A. The apostles did not take the threats of the Sanhedrin ___________.

B. The apostles did not ______________ that they would have the power to continue
in their own strength.

C. The apostles understood the strength that comes in the relationship to the other
members of the __________________.

D. The apostles were not ________________ from trouble.

E. The apostles’ answer to prayer came in the form of a __________ infilling of the
Holy Spirit (See Ephesians 5:18).

IX. The Nature of the Early Church (Acts 4:32-37)

Notice the qualities that were possessed by the Early Church.

A. They were filled with or full of the Spirit.

B. They were bold in their witness.
C. They were in perfect unity (one heart and soul).
D. They were selfless in their attitude toward others.
E. They had great power to give witness to Christ.
F. They had great grace upon them.
G. They were extremely generous with those in need.
H. They saw their possessions as tools for kingdom expansion.

X. The True Source of Boldness

The apostles in the Book of Acts understood the need for boldness if they were to
fulfill the commission that Christ had given to them.

A. Boldness is _____________ for the spread of the Gospel.

The word “boldness” means “frankness, bluntness, openness.” It speaks of speech

that is unreserved, free, fearless and confident. It refers to those who are brave,
The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 44
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courageous and daring.

B. Boldness is not a ____________quality.

1. The natural tendency is to be __________ when your message is controversial.

2. The natural tendency is to ________________ in the face of threats or

persecution (John 7:13).

C. Boldness can be a ______________ in and of itself (Acts 4:13).

D. Boldness is not dependent upon _______________ or natural training (Acts 4:13).

E. The boldness of the apostles was dependent upon five things.

1. Their boldness was dependent upon their _____________ to Jesus (Acts 3:13).

2. Their boldness was dependent upon their _____________ experience of

salvation (Acts 4:19-20).

3. Their boldness was dependent upon their understanding of their ___________

(Acts 4:12).

4. Their boldness was dependent upon their hearts of love and ______________
for the lost (II Cor. 5:14).

5. Their boldness was dependent upon the infilling of the __________________

(Acts 4:31).

When you are filled with the Spirit…

a. You have a greater boldness and power to witness (Acts 4:31; 11:24).

b. You have a greater sensitivity to operating in the gifts of the Spirit (Acts

c. You become more qualified and effective even in natural tasks (Acts 6:3,

d. You become more of an encourager in the House of God (Eph. 5:18-19).

e. You experience greater freedom and liberty in spiritual realms (II Cor.

f. You are able to forgive others more easily (Acts 7:55-60).

g. You will be able to challenge the demonic world with greater authority
(Acts 13:9).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 45

Student Manual
Lesson 11
Chapter 5
I. General Outline of Chapter 5

A. The Contrast of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11).

B. The Church Rises in Miraculous Power (Acts 5:12-16)
C. The Apostles were Imprisoned and Released by an Angel (Acts 5:17-25)
D. The Apostles were Rearrested and Charged (Acts 5:26-33)
E. Gamaliel Gave Valuable Advice (Acts 5:34-39)
F. The Apostles were Beaten and Released (Acts 5:40-42)

II. The Contrast of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

A. It is important to understand what the story of Ananias and Sapphira __________.

1. It is not an example of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit or the

“__________________” sin (Eccl. 5:1-6).

2. It is not meant to be a pattern for ______________ in the Church Age (Mt.


B. It is important to understand what the story of Ananias and Sapphira _______.

1. It is a study in ______________ in the Early Church (Acts 4:36-37).

2. It is an indication of the ___________ of the Early Church.

3. It tells us of the first recorded _______ in the Early Church (Josh. 7:1; I Tim.

4. It represents the ________________ of discipline in the Early Church (Jam.


5. It affirms the place of ___________ authority in the local church (Acts 5:3-4,

6. It highlights the fact that while the church cannot be destroyed from forces
_____________ of the church, it can be destroyed from forces ___________
the church.

C. It is important to learn the lessons from Ananias and Sapphira.

1. God searches ______________ of man and knows his thoughts and intents.

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2. God is more concerned about the ___________ of a man more than his
external acts.
3. God will often expose ________________ that man will not be able to detect.
4. God hates ______________.

III. The Church Rises in Miraculous Power (Acts 5:12-16)

A. The fruit of godly disciple was _____________ in every way.

1. Great _________came on the disciples (Acts 5:11, Compare Is. 33:14-16).

2. There was a fresh release of the ________________ (Acts 5:12).

3. There was a fresh ___________ among the believers (Acts 5:12).

4. Hypocrites were ____________ to join their ranks (Acts 5:13).

5. There was a renewed ____________ for authority in the local church (Acts

6. There was a new wave of _______________ (Acts 5:14).

B. The apostles were beginning to move in the “_________________ than these” of

which Jesus spoke (John 14:12; Mt. 9:21-22).

IV. The Apostles were Imprisoned and Released by an Angel (Acts 5:17-25)

A. The apostles were ____________ and put into prison.

1. This arrest seems to have included more than just Peter and John as before, but
included all or ____________ the Twelve.

2. Peter was getting his chance to ____________ his statement of commitment

(Luke 22:33).

3. Jesus had ______________ that this would happen (Luke 21:12-13).

B. The Lord sent an ___________ to bring them out of prison.

C. The apostles followed the instructions of the angel and _____________ their
ministry of teaching and preaching in the temple area.

D. Their unusual escape from prison left the religious leaders in a state of
_________________ (Acts 5:24b).

They were in this state for several reasons.

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1. The apostles had disregarded their _____________.
2. God seems to have _______________ them with a miracle.
3. The doctrines of the apostles were _____________________.
4. Their efforts to oppose them up to this point had been _____________.

V. The Apostles were Rearrested and Charged (Acts 5:26-33)

A. The apostles were rearrested without ______________ (Acts 5:26).

B. The apostles were charged with fulfilling the _________________ of Jesus’

commission (Acts 5:27-28).

C. Peter made a _______________________ (Acts 5:29-32).

D. Peter’s profession _________________ the religious leaders (Acts 5:33).

VI. Gamaliel Gave Valuable Advice (Acts 5:34-39)

Gamaliel’s words saved the day. There are a couple of different opinions about his

A. They were words of ____________ that turned away the wrath of the counsel.

B. They were a demonstration of _____________________ from a man who did not

want to take a personal stand.

VII. The Apostles were Beaten and Released (Acts 5:40-42)

They beat them with the hope that they would accomplish two things.

A. They wanted to discourage __________________ of disobedience on their parts.

B. They wanted to _______________ them in front of the people hoping that they
would lose some of their influence and following.

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Lesson 12
Chapter 6-7
I. General Outline of Chapter 6-7

A. The Choosing of Appointed Servants (Acts 6:1-7)

B. The Ministry and Arrest of Stephen (Acts 6:8-15)
C. The Defense of Stephen (Acts 7:1-53)
D. The Death of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)

II. The Choosing of Appointed Servants (Acts 6:1-7)

A. As the Early Church grew, it experienced common ________________ associated

with growth.

1. Many of the needs of the people were being _______________.

2. The __________________ of the leadership was being neglected.

a. They were neglecting ___________.

b. They were neglecting their preparation in the _________________ (I Tim.

4:15-16; II Tim. 4:2).

B. As the Early Church grew, it had to ________________ the challenges of growth.

1. This involved _______________ of responsibilities.

2. This involved _________________ responsibilities.

3. This involved the development of clear ____________________.

C. As the Early Church grew, other servant leaders needed to be ___________ to the

These leaders needed to be servant leaders who had the same qualities as the
disciples of Jesus.

1. They needed to be people of a good ______________.

2. They needed to be people of _____________ in dealing with people.

3. They needed to be people of __________.

4. They needed to be people who were full of the _________________ .

D. As the Early Church responded to the challenges of growth, the _____________

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were evident.

1. The needs of the widows _______________.

2. The congregation was in ___________ over the decision.

3. The word of God ____________.

4. There was a new release of ____________.

5. There was a higher level of _______________.

For more teaching on the actual installation of these ministries refer to the course
Local Church, Lesson 17.

III. The Ministry and Arrest of Stephen (Acts 6:8-15)

A. Stephen is an example of someone who understood the principle of

_________________ (Luke 16:10-12).

1. His first focus was on becoming an example ______________ .

2. His second focus was to be a _____________ wherever needed (Eccl. 9:10).

3. His final focus was the ______________ to which he was called.

B. Stephen is an example of someone who functioned well at ______________ in

which he found himself (I Tim. 3:13).

1. He was willing to go ______________________ his actual job description.

2. He was willing to be _________ the Holy Spirit and wisdom in all that he did.

3. He was willing to step out in __________ at the leading of the Lord (Acts 6:5,

4. He was willing to trust his _______________ to the Lord (Ps. 75:6).

C. Stephen is an example of someone who was willing ________________ for the

sake of the cause of Christ (Acts 7:59-60).

D. Stephen is an example of someone who fell to the ground and died but in doing so
produced ______________ (John 12:24-26).

IV. The Defense of Stephen (Acts 7:1-53)

A. Stephen had two main _____________ leveled against him (Acts 6:13).

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1. Charges were made against him related to statements he had made concerning
the ____________________.

2. Charges were made against him concerning statements he had made

concerning ___________________.

B. Stephen would use ____________ to argue his case for him.

Stephen presented three main lines of argument from history.

1. There had been true worship ___________ the temple was ever built.

a. _____________ had a visitation from the God of glory even before

circumcision and before they had the land (Acts 7:2-8).

b. ___________ had a visitation from God at the burning bush upon “holy”
ground (Acts 7:31-36).

c. The ______________________ met with God in the Tabernacle in the

wilderness (Acts 7:44-46).

d. ______________ built a temple for God but acknowledged that it could

not contain God (Acts 7:47-50).

2. There had been a __________________________ of truth throughout history.

a. Abraham’s call had progressed from Chaldee to Canaan (Acts 7:4-5).

b. Moses moved from Egypt to Sinai and the tabernacle (Acts 7:37-44).

c. The Israelites moved from the wilderness into the Promised Land under
Joshua (Acts 7:44-46).

3. Their history had been characterized by the fact that they always rejected
God’s true worship and God’s ________________ who had been sent to them.

They had done this with the following:

a. Joseph (Acts 7:9-13)

b. Moses (Acts 7:25-28, 35, 38-39)
c. True Worship (Acts 7:40-43)
d. The Prophets (Acts 7:51-52)
e. Christ (Acts 7:52-53)
f. And now, Stephen (implied)

V. The Death of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)

A. There are three important lessons that we can learn from the death of Stephen.

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1. When we hold fast to the truth we will provoke the _________________ of

2. The glorified Redeemer takes ___________________ in the suffering of His


3. Words which seem to be in vain are not always ______________.

B. The life of Stephen has great significance in the history of the Early Church.

Stephen’s mantle was passed to Saul (Acts 7:58).

1. Stephen’s ministry had been to the ________________ community (Acts 6:9).

2. Stephen had a ministry in ________________________ (Acts 6:8).

3. Stephen gave in _______________ the message that Paul would later develop.

4. Stephen’s message became the foundation for ministry to the Gentiles and the
entire _______________________.

a. Paul’s ____________ came from those seeds.

b. Paul used Stephen’s _______________ on God’s dwelling (Acts 7:48;


c. Paul expanded Stephen’s revelation on the circumcision of ___________

(Acts 7:51; Rom. 2:29).

5. Paul seems to have begun where Stephen left off, with a revelation or
________ of Jesus.

6. Paul must have been the ___________ of the information contained in this
account for Luke to be able to write it.

7. Paul’s ______________ were similar to that of Stephen (II Tim. 4:16-18).

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Student Manual
Lesson 13
Chapter 8
I. General Outline of Chapter 8

A. Saul Persecuted the Church (Acts 8:1-3)

B. Philip Preached in Samaria (Acts 8:4-8)
C. Simon the Sorcerer Believed (Acts 8:9-13)
D. Peter and John Ministered to the Converts (Acts 8:14-25)
E. Philip Preached to the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

II. Saul Persecuted the Church (Acts 8:1-3)

A. Saul became an instrument in the hands of the Sanhedrin to ______________

Christianity (Gal. 1:13, 23; I Tim. 1:13).

1. He may have been a ________________ at the death of Stephen (Acts 7:58;


2. He received ___________ of authorization from the Council (Acts 9:1-2; 22:5;


B. Saul reacted to Stephen’s death by _____________________ in the persecution of

the church (I Cor. 15:9).

Some of the descriptions of his actions against the church include the following:

1. He made ____________ of the church (Acts 8:3).

2. He breathed threats and ____________ against the disciples (Acts 9:1).

3. He bound men and women and put them in ___________ (Acts 22:4-6).

4. He was responsible for the ___________ of Christians (Acts 22:4).

C. Saul’s persecution of the church teaches us a couple of things.

1. Persecution tends _______________ the very thing that it seeks to destroy.

2. One of the best ways to make Christians active and zealous is to ___________

III. Philip Preached in Samaria (Acts 8:4-8)

A. Philip was forced to __________ Jerusalem under the persecution of Saul.

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1. He went to Samaria, the ________________ in the progression of taking the
Gospel to the Gentile world.

2. Others went to _________________ places (Acts 11:19).

B. Philip is a model ______________ (Acts 21:8; Eph. 4:11).

1. As an evangelist he ministered beyond _______________ of the Jerusalem


2. As an evangelist his primary function was to preach ________________.

3. As an evangelist he ministered to multitudes or single _______________ with

equal passion.

4. As an evangelist he often had to confront the powers of ______________.

5. As an evangelist he functioned with the _______________ evangelism.

a. This included _____________ the word.

b. This included _____________ the sick.
c. This included ________________ demonic spirits.

6. As an evangelist he witnessed the ____________ salvation—great joy (Is.

12:3; Ps. 51:12).

7. As an evangelist he was concerned about the _____________ of new converts.

C. Philip recognized the _______________ of his ministry.

IV. Simon the Sorcerer Believed (Acts 8:9-13)

A. The city of Samaria had been under the spiritual _____________ of Simon, the

1. Simon operated in _____________________.

2. Simon was perceived to be __________________.

3. Simon was perceived to be operating with the ___________________.

4. Simon’s power was one of sorcery that was inspired by the kingdom of
______________ (See II Th. 2:9-10).

B. The preaching of the Gospel broke Simon’s _____________ the people.

1. The people _____________ to Philip’s message (Acts 8:6).

2. The people _____________ the word (Acts 8:12).
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3. The demons ______________ of people (Acts 8:7).
4. The people were _____________ in water (Acts 8:13).

C. Simon the sorcerer responded to the Gospel as well.

1. There was a ____________ side to his response.

On the positive side:

a. He believed the Gospel.

b. He was baptized in water.
c. He may have even been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
d. He was very impressed by the supernatural aspect of Philip’s ministry.

2. There was a _____________ side to his response.

a. He wanted to _____________ the ability to duplicate what he saw.

This act of buying influence or church offices was later called __________
after Simon Magnus.

b. He needed a lot of _______________ before he was ready to be used of

the Lord.

V. Peter and John Ministered to the Converts (Acts 8:14-25)

A. They laid hands on the new converts for the baptism of the ________________
(Acts 8:14-17).

B. They adjusted Simon and called him to ______________ (Acts 18-24).

C. They preached the Gospel in many _________________ of Samaria (Acts 8:25).

VI. Philip Preached to the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

A. Philip reflected God’s heart by caring for the individual as well as the _________.

B. Philip had great success because he ministered to ___________________.

C. We should never be _________________ by the wealthy and the influential in our


D. God will arrange divine encounters with people who will be able to open _______

E. The attitude of the Ethiopian should form the basis for all of _________________
to the work of the Lord in our lives.

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 55

Student Manual
Lesson 14
Chapter 9
I. General Outline of Chapter 9

A. Saul’s Encounter on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-9)

B. Ananias’ Ministry to Saul (Acts 9:10-19)
C. Saul Preaches Christ in Damascus (Acts 9:20-25)
D. Saul’s Experience at Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-30)
E. The Church Prospers (Acts 9:31)
F. Aeneas Healed (Acts 9:32-35)
G. Dorcas Restored to Life (Acts 9:36-43)

II. Saul’s Encounter on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-9)

A. Saul’s early life was one of _______________________ (Acts 22:3; 26:5; Phil.
3:4b-6; Gal. 1:14).

B. Saul’s zeal led him to persecute the People of ____________ (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23;
22:4, 22; 24:14; 26:9-11).

C. While doing so, Saul had a personal _______________ from the Lord (Acts 22:6;

1. He saw a bright ___________ (Acts 9:3; 22:6; 26:12-13).

2. He and his companions fell to the _____________ (Acts 9:4; 22:7; 26:14).

And when we all had fallen to the ground… Acts 26:14a

3. He heard a ___________ (Acts 9:4; 22:7; 26:14).

4. He _________ the Lord (I Cor. 15:8; Acts 9:7, implied).

5. He __________ the Lord who He was.

D. Jesus indicated that Paul had been _______________ the work of the Holy Spirit
in his life (Acts 9:5b).

Kicking against the goads often spoke of rebellion against rightful authority by
attempting to oppose the clear commands of duty. Jesus was implying that Saul’s
efforts were irrational, self-destructive and _________________.

E. Saul responded with the___________ question (Acts 9:5-6; 22:8-10; 26:15).

Note the three significant questions from the unsaved to this point…
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1. What must I do to be saved?
2. What hinders me from being baptized?
3. What would you have me to do?

F. Saul’s natural eyesight was lost while his spiritual eyesight was being
_____________ (Acts 9:8; 22:11).

G. Instead of answering Saul’s question, Jesus directed him to a member of the same
body of Christ that he was trying to _____________ (Acts 9:6).

H. Saul dwelt in darkness for ________________ before Ananias came to him (Acts

III. Ananias’ Ministry to Saul (Acts 9:10-19)

A. Ananias came to pray for Saul—_________________ (Acts 9:17).

God persuaded him to go to Saul based on what He revealed to him about Saul’s

1. He was a __________________ to minister to Gentiles and Israelites (Acts


2. He would ___________ many things for the sake of Christ (Act 9:15).

B. Ananias administered prophecy and the _______________ of hands (Acts 9:17).

C. Saul’s _____________ was restored (Acts 9:18).

D. Saul was baptized in ____________ (Acts 9:18).

E. Saul was filled with the _______________ (Acts 9:17).

F. Saul was ______________ by some believers for several days (Acts 9:18).

IV. Saul Preaches Christ in Damascus (Acts 9:20-25)

A. Saul seemed to have had an immediate ____________________ in the

synagogues (Acts 9:20).

B. The Christians in Damascus were very ________________ of Saul’s motivation

(Acts 9:21).

C. After a short time Saul went to ____________ to begin his Holy Spirit training
(Acts 9:23; Gal. 1:17).

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D. The Jews were not happy with his conversion and his return to Damascus and
plotted to ______________ (Acts 9:23).

E. Upon discovering the plot, Saul _____________ from Damascus with the help of
the local disciples (Acts 9:24-25; II Cor. 11:32-33).

V. Saul’s Experience at Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-30)

A. Saul made his first trip to Jerusalem about _______________ after his conversion
(Acts 9:26).

1. The Christians were still ___________ of him (Acts 9:26).

2. The Christian did not believe he was a __________________ (Acts 9:26).

3. However, _____________ believed Saul, he befriended him and put in a good

word for him (Acts 9:27).

B. Saul preached among the same crowd that Stephen had—the _______________
(Acts 6:9; 9:29).

C. Saul aroused the venom of the Hellenists and again had ____________ for his life
(Acts 9:30).

Paul’s Early Life Journey (1-10)

Note: The numbers on the above map indicate the order of journey.

VI. The Church Prospers (Acts 9:31)

With Saul removed from the scene, there was a __________________ in the church.
The Romans at this time were trying to erect statues of the emperor in the temple in
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Jerusalem. This took the Jews’ focus off of the Christians and onto their battle against
Rome and the ______________ of their temple.

VII. Aeneas Healed (Acts 9:32-35)

During this period of calm, Peter gets the chance to get away in ministry. Some
believe that he was retracing the steps of ____________ who had gone to these
regions earlier. This whole trip was one of preparing the heart of Peter for one of the
most significant acts of his life—the opening of the door of faith to ______________.

Peter’s Journeys in Acts 1-12

Note: The numbers on the above map indicate the order of Peter’s journey.

VIII. Dorcus Restored to Life (Acts 9:36-43)

A. Peter was summoned to ___________.

B. Peter ministered to a woman in Joppa by the name of ___________. Her Aramaic

or Syrian name was Tabitha.

The Ministry of Jesus The Ministry of Peter

Mark 5:24, 35-42 Acts 9:36-42
He put the unbelievers out of the room. He put the unbelievers out of the room
He said, “Talitha cumi!” or “Little girl He said, “Tabitha cumi!” or “Tabitha
arise!” arise!”
He took the woman by the hand. He took the woman by the hand.

C. Peter was positioned by God in the house of Simon the ______________.

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Student Manual
Lesson 15
Chapter 10-11

I. General Outline of Chapter 10-11

A. Cornelius Received a Vision and Sent a Delegation for Peter (Acts 10:1-8)
B. Peter Received a Vision (Acts 10:9-16)
C. Peter is Summoned to Caesarea (Acts 10:17-23)
D. Peter and Cornelius Meet (Acts 10:24-33)
E. Peter Preached to Cornelius’ Household (Acts 10:34-43)
F. Cornelius and His Household are Saved (Acts 10:44-48)
G. Peter Reported the Event to the Jerusalem Leaders (Acts 11:1-18)
H. Barnabas and Saul Ministered in Antioch (Acts 11:19-26)
I. Relief Sent to Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30)

II. Cornelius Received a Vision and Sent a Delegation for Peter (Acts 10:1-6)

A. Cornelius was a man who ______________________________ for blessing.

1. He ____________ God (vs. 2).

2. He was a ______________ man (vs. 2).

3. He had led his _____________________ in the same experience of God.

4. He gave __________ generously to those in need.

5. He was faithful in _______________ and communion with God.

6. He was a _____________ man (vs. 22).

7. He had a good ________________ among all men including the Jews (vs.22).

8. He had led some of his men in an experience _______________ (vs. 7).

9. He was a man of authority yet a man of _______________ (vs. 25).

B. Cornelius’ military training enabled him to obey ______________ (vs. 7-8).

III. Peter Received a Vision (Acts 10:9-16)

A. God used the ______________ circumstances to impart a ______________ vision

to Peter.

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1. Peter was ______________.

2. Peter was dwelling in the house of Simon the ________________.

3. It was just about time _____________.

4. Peter went up on the roof top to ___________ while supper was cooking.

5. Peter ended up in a ____________________ or trance.

6. Peter had a vision about food—________________________ food.

B. God spoke to Peter ______________________.

IV. Peter is Summoned to Caesarea (Acts 10:17-23)

A. Peter tried to _____________________ his vision.

B. The arrival of the Cornelius’s men helped Peter to ______________ to the vision.

Notice the various things that confirmed to Peter that he was hearing from God.

1. He had a personal dream or vision.

2. The Holy Spirit spoke to him about the men.
3. The testimony of the soldiers confirmed what God was saying.
4. The testimony of Cornelius confirmed what God was saying.

V. Peter and Cornelius Meet (Acts 10:24-33)

A. Cornelius tried to pay homage to Peter and __________________ (vs. 25).

B. Peter ________________ to be worshipped by Cornelius (vs. 26).

C. Peter shared his __________________ with Cornelius and the meaning of his
vision (vs.28).

1. God showed him that his dream was not about animals but about __________.

2. God indicated that the Gospel was for ________________ (Acts 10:34-35).

D. Cornelius shared his vision with Peter.

VI. Peter Preached to Cornelius’ Household (Acts 10:34-43)

When Peter preached much of his new revelation came out in his preaching.

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A. God shows no __________________ (vs. 34-35).

B. People from all nations are accepted by God on the _________________ (vs. 35).

C. Christ is not just the Prince of Peace for the Jews; He is Lord of _______ (vs. 36).

D. The Gospel message of remission of sins is for “_______________________ in

Him” (vs. 42-43).

VII. Cornelius and His Household are Saved (Acts 10:44-48)

A. Notice how God__________________ Peter’s preaching with an outpouring of

the Holy Spirit.

B. Notice how Peter and the other Jews that were with him ___________ that the
Gentiles had received the gift of the Holy Spirit (vs. 46).

C. Notice how Peter went immediately to the subject of __________________ for

these new converts.

This experience of water baptism would be the New Testament _______________

of the heart (Col. 2:11-14).

VIII. Peter Reported the Event to the Jerusalem Leaders (Acts 11:1-18)

Notice several things about this account.

A. Peter’s does not seem to have been treated as __________________ (vs. 1-3).

B. The other apostles and elders were _______________ about what Peter had done
(vs. 2-4).

C. Peter was _____________ in his testimony of what had happened without

embellishing it or taking anything away from it (vs. 4-14).

D. Peter indicated that God gave the Gentiles the _________________ that they had
received (vs. 15-17).

E. The church leaders ________________ and rejoiced in Peter’s testimony (vs.18).

IX. Barnabas and Saul Ministered in Antioch (Acts 11:19-26)

A. The Spirit of God was moving in _______________.

B. God was moving but there was a need for _________________, guidance and
direction to channel the movement of the Spirit into the establishment of a local
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C. The Jerusalem church sent leaders to where ________________________.

D. Barnabas was a ___________________ of someone to be sent out (Acts 4:36-37).

1. He had proven character.

2. He had a spirit of faith.
3. He was a Spirit-led person.
4. He was in leadership in the home church.
5. He was a hard worker (I Cor. 9:6).
6. He was an encourager of the brethren and young leaders (Acts 4:36; 9:36-28).
7. He was a man of Cyprus—a good natural choice (Acts 4:36).
8. He was sold out to the kingdom of God (Acts 4:37).
9. He had proven his submission to the apostles (Acts 4:37).
10. He was a man with a mission and a clear purpose of heart.

E. The focus of Barnabas and Saul would be teaching and ___________________.

They worked to lay a foundation for what would become _________________

church. The foundation included five things.

a. Genuine __________________________ that was reflected in a turning to the

Lord (vs. 21).

b. Cleaving to the Lord with purpose of heart which resulted in a high level of
personal _____________________ (vs. 23, KJV).

c. Willingness to set quality time aside ______________________ the Word of

the Lord (vs. 26).

d. Responsiveness to the Lord that ___________________ on the prophetic word

(vs. 29).

e. Genuine Christianity that consisted of a sanctified ___________ not merely

sanctified ____________ (vs. 26).

X. Relief Sent to Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30)

In the context of the ministry of the prophets to the Antioch church a prophecy came
forth about a coming famine.

A. There was a famine in Palestine some _____________________.

B. The Christians in Antioch responded to the prophecy in ________________ ways.

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1. They __________________ the prophet (II Chr. 20:20).

2. They acted __________________ on the prophecy.

3. They demonstrated a ______________________ to those who were in need.

4. They sent Barnabas and Saul to Jerusalem with their ____________________

for famine relief (vs. 30).

The Book of Acts © Bill Scheidler 64

Student Manual
Lesson 16
Chapter 12
I. General Outline of Chapter 12

A. Herod’s Violence against the Church (Acts 12:1-4)

B. Peter Miraculously Freed from Prison (Acts 12:5-19)
C. Herod’s Violent Death (Acts 12:20-24)
D. Barnabas and Saul Return to Antioch (Acts 12:25)

II. Herod’s Violence against the Church (Acts 12:1-4)

A. Herod set out to ______________ the church at Jerusalem.

B. Herod attacked the church by attacking its __________________.

1. He began by taking ___________ the son of Zebedee captive and killing him
(Mt. 20:23).

2. He continued further by arresting Peter with the _________________ in mind.

C. Herod was greatly influenced by a desire ________________ the Jews.

“This was the principle on which he acted. It was not from a sense of right; it was
not to do justice, and to protect the innocent; it was not to discharge the
appropriate duties of a magistrate and a king, but it was to promote his own
popularity. It is probable that Agrippa would have acted in this way in any
circumstances. He was ambitious, vain, and fawning; he sought, as his great
principle, popularity, and he was willing to sacrifice, like many others, truth and
justice to obtain this end. But there was also a particular reason for this in his case.
He held his appointment under the Roman emperor. This foreign rule was always
unpopular among the Jews. In order, therefore, to secure a peaceful reign, and to
prevent insurrection and tumult, it was necessary for him to court their favor; to
indulge their wishes, and to fall in with their prejudices.” —Barnes Notes

III. Peter Miraculously Freed from Prison (Acts 12:5-19)

A. Peter was held with maximum _________________ (Acts 12:6).

B. Many of the believers held an all-night ____________________ in Peter’s behalf

(Acts 12:5; See: Jam. 5:16b).

C. God sent _________________ to deliver Peter from prison (Acts 12:7-11).

Notice several things in this context:

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1. Peter was sleeping ________________ (Compare: Mt. 8:24-26).

2. An angel of the Lord accomplished a many-faceted _________________.

a. There was a bright light.

b. The guards were put in some sort of trance to miss what was happening.
c. The chains fell off from Peters wrists.
d. The angel walked out with Peter through locked doors.
e. The iron gates opened automatically when they left the prison enclosure.

3. Peter had to _____________________ to be sure that he was not dreaming

(vs. 9-11).

D. Peter came to where the believers were _________________ (Acts 12:12-17).

1. Peter________________ what God had done.

2. Peter demonstrated his ____________________ to the senior pastor and elders

of the local church.

E. Peter got _______________________ (Acts 12:17).

F. The prison guards were _______________ (Acts 12:18-19).

G. Herod left the city ____________________ (Acts 12:19).

IV. Herod’s Violent Death (Acts 12:20-24)

A. Herod met a_______________ end.

Josephus gives insight into his death in Book 19, Chapter 8 of his epic work as a
third century historian (page 412).

Now, when Agrippa had reigned three years over all of Judea, he came to the city
of Cesarea, which ws formerly called Strato’s Tower; and there he exhibited
shows in honour of Caesar, upon his being informed that there was a certain
festival celebrated to make vows for his safety. At which festival, a great
multitude was gotten together of the principal persons, and such as were of
dignity though his province. On the second day of which shows he put on a
garment made wholly of silver , and of a contexture truly wonderful, and came
into the theatre early in the morning; at which time the silver of his garment being
illuminated by the sun’s rays upon it, shone out after a surprising manner, and
was so resplendent as to spread a horror over those that looked intently upon him:
and presently his flatterers cried out, one from one place, and another from
another, (thought not for his good,) that he was a god: and they added,--“Be thou
merciful to us; for although we have hitherto reverenced thee only as a man, yet
shall we henceforth own thee as superior to mortal nature.” Upon this the king
did neither rebuke them, nor reject their impious flattery. But, as he presently
afterwards looked up, he saw an owl sitting on a certain rope over his head, and
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immediately understood that this bird was the messenger of ill tidings, as it had
once been the messenger of good tidings to him; and fell into the deepest sorrow.
A severe pain also arose in his belly, and began in a most violent manner. He
therefore looked at his friends, and said, “I, whom you call a god, am commanded
presently to depart this life; while Providence thus reproves the lying words you
just now said to me; and I, who was by you called immortal, am immediately to
be hurried away by death. But I am bound to accept of what Providence allots, as
it please god; for we have by no means lived ill, but in a splendid and happy
manner.” When he had said this, his pain was become violent. Accordingly he
was carried into the palace; and the rumour went abroad everywhere, that he
would certainly die in a little time. But the multitude presently sat in sackcloth,
with their wives and children, after the law of their country, and besought God for
the king’s recovery. All places were also full of mourning and lamentation. Now
the king rested in a high changer, and as he saw them below lying prostrate on the
ground, the could not himself forbear weeping. And when he had been quite worn
out by the pain in his belly for five days, he departed this life, being in the fifty-
fourth year of his age, and the seventh year of his reign…

B. Herod’s violent death is a study in _________________.

1. On the one hand you have a man of the world who was characterized by
seeking the _________________________ and had a desire to be reverenced

2. On the other hand you have the apostles of God who were characterized by
humility and a desire to ______________________________.

C. The end result of all of this persecution was ________________ (vs. 24).

V. Barnabas and Saul Return to Antioch (Acts 12:25)

This verse ties back in with Acts 11:30 and takes us back to the church in Antioch.

VI. The apostles in the Book of Acts were men of humility who sought to glorify God
and not themselves.

It is amazing how in the life and ministry of the apostles whether they were preaching,
testifying, working miracles or healing people always ______________________ for
what was done (Acts 2:47; 3:8, 21; 10:46; 19:17).

A. They could have been tempted in specific situations to take glory to themselves.

1. In times of overcoming __________________ (Acts 4:21).

2. In times of special __________________ in the word (Acts 13:48).

3. In times of reporting a great meeting with great ______________ (Acts 11:16-

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4. In times of being used in the ___________________ (Acts 4:24ff.).

5. In times of experiencing a great __________________ (Acts 12:7, 17).

6. In times of success in _______________ on the field (Acts 14:27; 21:19-20).

B. In every situation they resisted the temptation and refused to allow people to
_____________________ (Acts 3:12; 10:25-26; 14:11-15).

C. We face many areas where we could also seek our own glory.

1. We can glory in our ____________________ (Rom. 2:17-26).

2. We can boast in ________________ that we follow (I Cor. 1:12-13; 3:21).

3. We can boast in our talents and ________________ (I Cor. 4:7; Phil. 3:3; I
Cor. 9:16).

4. We can boast in our visions and ___________________ (II Cor. 12:1).

5. We can boast in our works and ________________________ (Eph. 2:8-9).

All of this boasting is ____________ in the eyes of God (Jam. 4:16; I Cor. 5:6).

D. When we see things clearly from an eternal perspective, we can only glory or
boast in God.

We can glory in…

1. The hope of the glory of God (Rom. 5:2).

2. The Lord (Rom. 5:11; 15:17; I Cor. 1:31; II Cor. 10:17; Phil. 3:3).
3. The cross of Christ (Gal. 6:4).
4. Tribulation (Rom. 5:3).
5. Infirmities (II Cor. 11:30; 12:9).

No one should stop us of this boasting (II Cor. 11:10).

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Student Manual
Lesson 17
Chapter 13
I. General Outline of Chapter 13

A. Barnabas and Saul Sent Out on First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:1-3)
B. Ministry on the Island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12)
C. Ministry at Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:13-41)
D. Blessing and Conflict at Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:42-52)

II. Barnabas and Saul Sent Out on First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:1-3)

A. The Antioch Church had come to a place of _______________.

1. Local ministries had now been __________________ and placed into position.

a. There were _____________.

b. There were _____________.
c. There were other ______________.

2. The church plant was ready to become a church ______________.

3. They were willing to send out __________________ to the nations.

B. Notice several things about this commissioning of Saul and Barnabas

1. It seems to have taken place in a _______________ assembly.

2. It was a commissioning and ________ a calling to ministry.

3. It was a commissioning by the _____________________ (Acts 13:4).

III. Ministry on the Island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12)

A. Their ministry on Cyprus was to the _________________ (vs. 5).

1. Barnabas and Saul follow the ________________ “to the Jew first and also to
the Greek (Rom. 1:16; See also Acts 13:46).

2. Barnabas and Saul would search out for _________________ whenever they
came into a new region (Acts 13:5, 14, 42).

a. Synagogues were established in _______________ throughout the Roman


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b. The synagogue was _______________ very much like the New Testament
local churches would be structured—elders with a senior or chief elder
(Acts 18:8).

c. The synagogue used the same ________________ that the New Testament
local churches would use (Acts 13:27).

d. The synagogue was filled with people who were _______________ the
coming of the Christ, the Messiah (Acts 18:5).

B. Their ministry on Cyprus involved a confrontation with the kingdom of darkness

(vs. 6-11).

1. Barnabas and Saul had an opportunity on Cyprus to speak to an

________________ and intelligent proconsul named Sergius Paulus.

The apostles understood that if you want to unlock a region to the Gospel the
best way to do it is start ____________________ and work down.

a. The Philippian jailer had the power to open the door to his entire
________________ (Acts 16:31-34).

b. Sergius Paulus had the power to open the door to an entire ____________.

c. Those of Caesar’s household could unlock the door to Caesar’s

___________ (Phil. 4:22).

2. Barnabas and Saul were ______________ by Elymas who sought to keep

people from believing the Gospel.

C. Their ministry on Cyprus had a ___________________ (vs. 12).

IV. Ministry at Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:13-41)

A. John Mark ____________________ to Jerusalem.

B. Saul became _________ from this point on (Compare Acts 13:9 and 13:13).

C. The team became _____________________ rather than Barnabas and Saul from
this point on (Acts 13:7 with 13:46).

D. They went to the synagogue on the Sabbath where they were invited __________
___________ (vs. 14-15).

E. Paul preached a message that recounted Israel’s ____________ from Moses to

Christ (vs.16-41).

V. Blessing and Conflict at Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:42-52)

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A. There were _____________ things that happened.

1. The Gentiles who heard about the message preached ____________________

as well (vs. 42).

2. Many of the Jewish people responded _________________ to Paul’s message

(vs. 43).

3. The following Sabbath nearly the _________________ came out to hear them
(vs. 44).

B. There were some ______________ things that happened.

1. The Jews who did not believe were _____________ of the crowds (vs. 45).

2. The Jews who were envious contradicted, blasphemed and _____________

the work that Paul and Barnabas were doing (vs. 45).

3. Paul responded by taking his focus off of the Jews and turning it to the
______________ (vs. 46).

C. The ___________ ended up both positive and negative.

1. Many of the Gentiles believed and the word of the Lord ___________
throughout the whole region (vs. 48-49).

2. The apostles were _____________ from the region by the persecution of the
Jews (vs. 50).

D. The apostles_____________ in two ways.

1. They __________________________ of their feet and moved on to Iconium

(vs. 51).

a. They did not take the rejection ________________.

b. They did not let it _______________ their pace.

c. They determined to preach where the door was _________ (Mt. 10:11-15).

2. They were _________________ and the Holy Spirit (vs. 52).

And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

VI. The First Missionary Journey Mapped Out

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The above map covers the period from Acts 13:4 through to Acts 15:35 inclusive of the first missionary
journey and the trip to Jerusalem for the council meeting (follow numbers 1-19 for order of journey).

VII. The Pattern of the Antioch Church

Key verses relating to the Antioch Church: Acts 8:1; Acts 11:19-30; Acts 13:1-3

A. History and Background of the Antioch Church

There was no city, apart from Jerusalem, that was so intimately connected with
the history of the Apostolic Church. After the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70,
the church at Antioch became even more dominant.

B. Twelve Characteristics of an Antioch Church

The Antioch Church was:

1. An ________________ Church (Acts 11:19-20)

2. A _______________ Church (Acts 11:26; 13:1)

3. A ___________________ Church (Acts 11:20; 13:1)

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4. A ____________________ Church (Acts 13:1)

5. A ______________________ Church

6. A _________________ Church

7. A _______________ Church

8. A _______________ Church

9. A _____________ Church

10. An _______________ Church

11. A ____________ Church

12. A ______________ Church

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Lesson 18
Chapter 14
I. General Outline of Chapter 14

A. Paul and Barnabas at Iconium (Acts 14:1-7)

B. Paul and Barnabas Confront Idolatry in Lystra (Acts 14:8-20).
C. Paul and Barnabas Head Home to Antioch (Acts 14:21-28)

II. Paul and Barnabas at Iconium (Acts 14:1-7)

Notice several things that happened in Iconium that was becoming a pattern for cities
that had a _________________.

A. They went and preached in the synagogue where many Jews ______________.
B. The unbelieving Jews ________________ the multitudes against them.
C. They continued ministering boldly until the _________________.
D. They _________________ to either take the heat off of the new believers or to
escape for their lives.

III. Paul and Barnabas Confront Idolatry in Lystra (Acts 14:8-20)

Notice several things that happened in Lystra that were becoming a pattern for cities
that did not have _________________.

A. God used __________________ to open the door for the preaching of the Gospel.
B. The people readily ______________what was preached.
C. The tendency was to ___________ their traditional religions with Christianity.
D. Jews from other places followed Paul and ________________ opposition.
E. The apostles became the object of _________________.
F. The apostles had _____________for their very lives.

Paul was stoned to death by those in Lystra (II Cor. 12:1-7).

IV. Paul and Barnabas Head Home to Antioch (Acts 14:21-28)

A. They went _______________ by the same route they had come so that they could
follow-up on the works that they had started.

B. They arrived at home with the good report, “___________________________!”

V. Paul and Barnabas’ Basic Method in Church Planting

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A. They had four main considerations in ________________________ of focus.

1. Natural wisdom and _________________________ (Acts 15:36; 16:7).

2. The leading of the ____________________ (Acts 16:9).

3. Keying in on __________________ (Acts 16:12; I Th. 1:8).

4. Following the _________________ and the moving of the Spirit in a locality

(Acts 8:14; 11:19-26).

B. They had a basic method to follow in __________________________.

This method is seen by taking a close look at the verbs or _________________ in

chapter 14 of the Book of Acts.

1. They were _________________ (vs. 26: Acts 15:50).

This word literally means “to give over into the _______________________.”

2. They went both ______________ (vs. 1).

The apostles in the New Testament were dedicated to the principle of _______
_______________ (Acts 3:1; 5:29; 8:14; 11:25-27; 12:25; 13:5, 13, 21; 15:39-
40; 19:29; 20:4, 13; 21:16).

3. They spoke ______________ (vs. 3).

4. They showed _______________________ (vs. 5; I Cor. 2:1-5).

5. They ______________ the gospel (vs. 7, 21).

Therefore all of the preaching of the apostles in the Book of Acts focused on
Christ, repentance, faith, water baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
forgiveness and the cross of Christ.

6. They _____________ disciples (vs. 21).

They placed a high priority on teaching and laying a solid foundation in the
hearts and minds of the people (Acts 11:26; 17:11; 18:11; 20:20; 28:31).

7. They _______________(vs. 20).

8. They returned to __________________ (vs. 21).

9. They ________________ the disciples (vs. 22).

The word here means to “strengthen, prop up or support.”

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10. They ______________ the believers (vs. 22).

They never failed to exhort the people and encourage them in the ways of the
Lord reminding them that the Christian life of one of a certain amount of
tribulation and problem solving (Acts 11:23; 15:32; 20:2).

11. They ________________ elders (vs. 23).

12. They ______________(vs.23).

13. They _____________ (vs. 23).

14. They _______________ the church and its leadership to the Lord (vs. 23; Acts

15. They returned ___________ (vs. 27).

16. They ______________ the church (vs. 27).

17. They __________________ that God had done (vs. 27).

18. They ______________ a long time (vs. 28).

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Lesson 19
Chapter 15
I. General Outline of Chapter 15

A. The Conflict over Circumcision (Acts 15:1-5)

B. The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:6-21)
C. The Circulation of the Jerusalem Letter (Acts 15:22-35)
D. The Conflict over John Mark (Acts 15:36-41)

II. The Conflict over Circumcision (Acts 15:1-5)

A. What was the source of the strife?

Evidently there were those in the church in Judea who believed that the message
Paul was preaching among the Gentiles was an incomplete message and had taken
it upon themselves to travel to many of the churches that Paul and Barnabas had
established to set these new believers straight.

Their message could be summarized as follows:

1. They evidently made negative statements about Paul’s_______________


2. They insisted that those who received Christ needed to be ______________

according to the Mosaic order.

3. The also insisted that the new believers keep other ceremonial aspects of the

B. What was the recommended plan of action?

Paul knew that if he was to quench the fires that had been started by these false
teachers, he would need an official statement from the ___________________ at
the Jerusalem church.

C. What was the atmosphere in Jerusalem?

The atmosphere in Jerusalem was divided on the issue. While many rejoiced at
the conversion of the Gentiles others were troubled.

It was obvious that a ____________________ was needed to address this issue.

III. The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:6-21)

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A. It is important to understand just exactly what this gathering was and what it was

1. It is important to understand what this gathering ______________.

a. It was not a general ___________________.

b. It was not an example of _____________ church government.

c. It was not an example of one church _____________ to other churches

how they must function.

2. It is important to understand what this gathering _______.

a. It was a case of a conflict between two great _____________ and the

messages that were coming from each of them—Antioch and Jerusalem.

b. It was a ________________ problem that was taken to the source of the


c. It was a local church (Jerusalem) trying to ________________ that had

been caused by it own membership and their erroneous teaching (Acts

B. It is important to understand who participated in this meeting and __________

________ (Acts 15:6, 12).

1. This meeting was convened by the Jerusalem church _______________ to

consider this matter.

2. This meeting was not an ________________ and it did not include the false
teachers and any others who might have been upset by the controversy.

C. It is important to understand how this meeting was _______________.

1. _______________ (Acts 1:15; 15:6)

2. _______________ (Acts 1:23; 15:7, 12, 13)

a. In this context there was some open ______________ (vs. 7).

b. In this context Peter gave a _____________ of his experience at the house

of Cornelius (vs. 7-11).

c. In this context Paul and Barnabas gave testimony of their ministry among
the ______________ (vs. 12).

3. _______________ (Acts 1:24)

4. _______________ (Acts 1:26; 15:22, 25)

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Notice the unique role that James the brother of the Lord played especially at
the conclusion of the discussion (vs. 13-21).

a. He summarized the discussion.

b. He quoted from the Scripture.
c. He made a statement of judgment on the matter.
d. He proposed a plan of action.

5. _____________ (Acts 1:26; 15:30)

D. It is important to understand what this meeting accomplished and what it did not

1. It did not settle the issue for many of those who were not part of the decision
process particularly the _______________ (Acts 21:18-21).

2. It did not settle what was to be the relationship of the ____________ converts
to Christianity and the Law of Moses.

IV. The Circulation of the Jerusalem Letter (Acts 15:22-35)

It was proposed that a letter be written to reflect this decision and that the letter be
circulated among the Gentile churches.

A. It would be carried by chosen or __________________ from the Jerusalem church

to give weight to it (Acts 15:22, 27, 32).

B. It would be read at the ___________________ first (Acts 15:30-31).

C. It would be ______________ by Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey

(Acts 16:4).

D. It would accomplish several things.

1. It would ____________ the false teachers who had claimed authority from

2. It would ____________ the position of the apostles and elders of the

Jerusalem church.

3. It would assure people that Paul and Barnabas were God’s chosen instruments
and ___________________ in Jerusalem.

V. The Conflict over John Mark (Acts 15:36-41)

A. What do we know about John Mark?

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1. His mother was a prominent figure in the Christian community in Jerusalem.
2. His father was probably dead.
3. His father figure was now his uncle Barnabas (Col. 4:10).
4. His home was large indicating wealth.
5. His home was a center of Christian gatherings.
6. He was used to being around those in ministry.
7. He had a good understanding of the Christian life.
8. He was most likely a Roman citizen.

B. What happened to John Mark on the first missionary journey?

1. John Mark was selected by Paul and Barnabas to _______________ on their

first missionary journey (Acts 13:5).

2. John Mark cut his mission short and went home __________ (Acts 13:13).

Some have suggested many possible reasons for John Marks departure.

a. Homesickness
b. Anxiety for mother’s safety
c. Home duties
d. Struggled with the Gentile message
e. Fear of perilous travel
f. Did not like his designated role as servant or helper

C. Who was right between Paul and Barnabas?

1. Paul had a good argument.

2. Barnabas had a good argument.

3. Good came out of a potential negative situation.

a. There were ______________ now instead of one.

b. There was another _______________ for another young apprentice—

Timothy (Acts 16:1).

c. John Mark proved himself to be a __________________ of the Gospel

(Phm. 24; II Tim. 4:11)

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Lesson 20
Chapter 16-17
I. General Outline of Chapter 16-17

A. Timothy Joins Paul and Silas (Acts 16:1-5)

B. Paul and the Macedonian Call (Acts 16:6-10)
C. Paul Ministers at Philippi (Acts 16:11-34)
D. Paul Departs from Philippi (Acts 16:35-40)
E. Paul Ministers in Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9)
F. Paul Ministers in Berea (Acts 17:10-15)
G. Paul Ministers in Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

II. Timothy Joins Paul and Silas (Acts 16:1-5)

A. Paul filled out his traveling team.

1. Silas was a _________________ for a couple of reasons.

a. He was a _______________ leader in the Jerusalem church (Acts 15:22).

b. He was a _____________________ which would add balance to Paul’s

apostolic ministry (Acts 15:32).

2. Timothy was a ________________ for a couple of reasons.

a. He had a strong Christian heritage through his mother (II Tim. 1:5).
b. He understood the suffering associated with ministry (Acts 14:19).
c. He had proven his ministry at home (Acts 16:2).
d. He had a Gentile father.

B. Paul had Timothy _________________ (Acts 16:3; I Cor. 9:19-23; II Cor. 6:3).

C. Paul began _____________ his steps to follow-up on previous work he had done.

III. Paul and the Macedonian Call (Acts 16:6-10)

A. Paul functioned in his sanctified _____________ and sound judgment.

1. He decided to visit the churches he had founded because it was ___________


2. He set his course for Bithynia because it seemed like the next ____________

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B. Paul was __________________ but sensitive to the Holy Spirit at all times.

Paul’s sensitivity to the Spirit caused him to lay his own plans __________.

1. He was guided by the _______________ of the Holy Spirit and the peace of
God (Acts 16:6-7; Col. 3:15).

2. He was guided by a __________ from the Lord (Acts 16:9).

3. He was guided by __________________ (Acts 16:11-12).

C. Paul’s response was ________________ (Acts 16:10).

IV. Paul Ministers at Philippi (Acts 16:11-34)

A. Paul entered this city the same way he would enter many cities (Acts 16:13-15).

1. He followed the ____________ of the Lord.

2. He went to the ________________.

3. He looked for ________________________ (Acts 16:14-15).

4. He responded to every situation as if God _______________.

5. He relied on the ________________.

6. He utilized his Roman citizenship to his ______________(Acts 16:37; 25:11,


B. Paul cast out a spirit of _______________ from a slave girl (Acts 16:16-18).

1. Paul functioned in the gift of the Spirit called “______________ of spirits.”

2. Paul understood that ______ free advertising is not __________ advertising.

C. Paul and Barnabas were ___________ and put into jail (Acts 16:19-24).

1. Paul’s deliverance ministry to this woman _______________ for her masters

who gained monetarily from her demonic possession.

2. Paul would have to get used to upsetting the _______________________ with

the power of the Gospel (Acts 19:24-29).

3. Paul and Barnabas were identified as Jews and accused of ____________

against the Romans (Acts 16:20-21).

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4. Paul and Barnabas were hastily arrested, beaten with rods and put in stocks
____________________ (Acts 16:22-24; II Cor. 11:25).

D. Paul and Barnabas ministered _____________ from their prison cell (Acts 16:25-

1. They responded to their circumstances with prayer, singing and ___________

(Acts 16:25).

2. The other prisoners heard their _____________ (Acts 16:25).

3. God sent a supernatural earthquake that caused their chains to ____________

and all of the doors to ________________ (Acts 16:26).

4. The keeper of the prison assumed everyone had ___________ and was about
to kill himself (Acts 16:27).

5. Paul called out to him and told the jailor that __________ had escaped (Acts

6. The jailor was so touched he gave his life to the Lord and brought Paul and
Barnabas to his home to bring the Gospel to his _________________ (Acts

7. The jailor took them _________ to prison to wait until the morning (Acts
16:35, implied).

V. Paul Departs from Philippi (Acts 16:35-40)

Evidently Paul felt that his presence in Philippi would hinder the work.

A. Before he left he needed to be cleared by the Romans ___________________ the


B. Before he left he needed to ______________ the new converts (Acts 16:40).

C. Before he left it appears that he left the work in the hands of __________.

VI. Paul Ministers in Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9)

Paul continued his journey in a logical order. He left Philippi traveling through
Amphipolis and Appolonia until he came to another chief city, Thessalonica.

A. Paul and Silas ministered in the ________________.

1. They followed their usual method of going to the ______________.

2. They had an opportunity to preach in the synagogue for _________ weeks.

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3. They had some ______________ from their ministry in the synagogue (vs. 4).

B. Paul and Silas faced ________________.

Notice the pattern that is becoming all too common. .

1. The unbelieving Jews were motivated by _________.

2. The unbelieving Jews ____________ Paul and Silas.

3. The unbelieving Jews formed ______________ with their enemies to oppose

Paul and Silas.

4. The unbelieving Jews stirred up the city against Paul and Silas with ________

5. The unbelieving Jews gave testimony to the ____________ of Paul and Silas
(vs. 6b).

6. The unbelieving Jews took out their venom on the first likely suspect—the
house of ___________.

7. The violence of the unbelieving Jews forced Paul and Silas to leave ________
______________ the fledgling work.

VII. Paul Ministers in Berea (Acts 17:10-15)

At Berea they had both positive and negative results.

A. Many of the Jews of the synagogue ______________ (Acts 17:11-12).

There are different reactions that we can have to new truth.

1. We can _______________________ without even giving it a fair hearing

(Pro. 18:13).

2. We can __________________________ without any examination of testing of

the truth (I Th. 5:21).

3. We can receive it with a good spirit and _________________ to discover if it

is true.

B. The Jews from Thessalonica came behind them and _____________the synagogue
against them.

As a result of this Paul had to leave Berea leaving Silas and Timothy to help
ground the new converts in both Berea and Thessalonica (I Th. 3:1-2).

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VIII. Paul Ministers in Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

A. Paul went to Athens and left word for Silas and Timothy to join back up with him
as soon as possible (Acts 17:15).

B. Meanwhile Paul did a __________________ to see the sights.

1. He was not able to see the city through the eyes of ____________ who might
admire the architecture, the sculpture and the art.

2. All that he saw was a city steeped in ____________ and ________________.

a. The streets were lined with statutes of Greek and Roman gods. They even
had a statue to “the unknown god.”

b. Athens was the philosophy capital of the world where their favorite
pastime was debating the latest theories (Acts 17:21).

The philosophy of Paul’s world had come down to two main streams of
thought characterized by two representative groups.

i. The Epicureans

The Epicureans were really the atheists of the day who believed that
the world was an accident and that all we had was what we could enjoy
in this life. To them seeking pleasure was the main purpose in life.
While they accepted the gods of the Greek pantheon, they did not feel
that these gods had anything to do with the affairs of men. As a
movement the Epicureans became a group given over to gross

ii. The Stoics

The Stoics were opposite in many ways. They were the pantheists of
the day who claimed that God was in everything and everyone. They
did not believe in the immortality of the soul but that if one would live
a life of moral excellence they would be swallowed up into deity when
they died. The lives that they lived tended to be virtuous as opposed to
that of the Epicureans.

C. Paul accepted the _______________ of the Athenian philosophers (Acts 17:18).

1. Paul may have used ______________________.

a. He used their own “unknown god” as a springboard to preach about the

true God (Acts 17:23).

b. He quoted their philosophers more than the scriptures to lead them to

Christ (Acts 17:28).
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2. Paul may have made an ________________________.

a. He allowed the spirit of the age to challenge him to authenticate himself.

b. He tried to win the world on its own ground.
c. He may have trusted in the arm of the flesh.
d. His hearers only seemed to make sport of his reference to the resurrection
(Acts 17:32).

Notice what he determined when he came to Corinth (I Cor. 2:1-5). He

blasted worldly wisdom (I Cor. 1:18-31).

C. Paul preached on Mars’ Hill or the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-32).

D. Paul had _________________ in Athens and moved on to Corinth (Acts 17:34).

IX. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey Mapped Out

The above map covers the second missionary journey from Acts 15:40 to Acts 18:22

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Lesson 21
Chapter 18-19
I. General Outline of Chapter 18-19

A. Paul Ministers at Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)

B. Paul Returns to Antioch (Acts 18:18-23a)
C. Paul Begins Third Missionary Journey (Acts 18:23)
D. The Ministry of Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)
E. Paul Ministers at Ephesus (Acts 19:1-10)
F. The Miracle Power of God at Ephesus (Acts 19:11-20)
G. The Riot at Ephesus (Acts 19:21-41)

II. Paul ministers at Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)

A. Paul came into Corinth determined to preach the _________________ of the cross
and to function in the ____________ of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 1:18-25; 2:1-5).

1. He determined that the sinner was not going to be won over by ____________

2. He determined the Gospel was powerful enough in and of itself and did not
need his __________________________ to succeed.

3. He determined that the power of God trumps the _______________________

of man.

B. Paul teamed up with Aquila to start a ________________ (Acts 18:2-3).

1. At this point in time Paul is still ___________.

2. Paul may have been running ___________________ and needed to get his
business going (Acts 20:34; I Cor. 4:12; I Th. 2:9; II Th. 3:8).

3. Paul met Aquila and Priscilla through this new business _____________ (Acts

a. Aquila was of the same trade as Paul.

b. Paul most likely stayed with them.
c. They most likely met in the synagogue.
d. They were most likely converted to Christianity under the ministry of Paul.
e. They would be end up being lifelong friends even traveling with him at
times (Acts 18:18; Rom. 6:3; I Cor. 16:19; II Tim. 4:19).

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f. After their conversion Aquila and Priscilla would become pillars in the
church and traveling ministries (Acts 18:26).

C. Paul ministered in the _________________ (Acts 18:4).

1. He seems to have only laid a _______________ for what he would say when
the rest of the team joined him.

2. When the rest of the team came he declared that Jesus was ______________
or Messiah.

3. The message ______________________ right down the middle.

a. Some of the people ______________.

b. Some of the people ______________ and were baptized including the

chief ruler of the synagogue.

4. Paul moved his teaching center to the house of Justus ________________ to

the synagogue.

5. Paul continued his ministry in Corinth for an additional _______________

(Acts 18:11).

a. During this time he wrote his ________________ to the Thessalonians.

b. During this time his life would be _______________ (Acts 18:9-10; I Cor.

c. During this time the Jews would try to __________________ against him
with bad result (Acts 18:12-17; I Cor. 1:1-2).

III. Paul Returns to Antioch (Acts 18:18-23a)

A. Paul left Corinth and began his journey toward __________ (Acts 18:18).

B. Aquila and Priscilla went with him as far as ______________ (Acts 18:18-19).

C. Paul ministered in the synagogue and found an ________________ (Acts 18:19-


D. Paul left quickly because he wanted to get to Jerusalem in time for ____________
____________ (Acts 18:20-21).

E. Paul promised to return to Ephesus in the ________________ (Acts 18:21).

F. Paul went home to Antioch (Acts 18:22). This completed his ____________
missionary journey.

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G. Paul most likely went to _______________ for the feast (implied).

IV. Paul Begins Third Missionary Journey (Acts 18:23)

A. The purpose for this trip would be threefold.

1. To _______________ on his church plants.

2. To pick up where he _______________ in Ephesus.

3. To collect an ______________ for the saints in Jerusalem (I Cor. 16:1-4; II

Cor. 8-9).

B. He was accompanied by _____________ at the first and others as time went on.

1. This included Erastus, the ______________of the city of Corinth (Acts 19:22;
Romans 16:23).

2. This included many others who seem to have been representatives of

congregations from whom he had received __________ (Acts 20:4).

V. The Ministry of Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)

A. He was a man who had an ______________ message.

1. He had sat under the ministry of John the Baptist.

2. He had repented and prepared his heart for the coming Messiah.
3. He had gone out to spread what he knew to others.
4. He evidently did not know about Christ death, burial and resurrection.

B. He was a man who serves as _____________ for the true spirit of a leader.

1. He was ____________ and wanted all that God had to give him (Acts 18:26).

2. He was ____________ in spirit (Acts 18:25).

3. He was ____________ in the scriptures (Acts 18:24).

4. He was ____________ in speech (Acts 18:24)

5. He was ____________ in ministry (Acts 18:25; II Tim. 2:15).

6. He was __________ in speaking (Acts 18:26).

7. He was a __________ help (Acts 18:27).

8. He was ______________ in all that he did (Acts 18:28; Compare Luke 23:10).
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VI. Paul Ministers at Ephesus (Acts 19:1-10)

A. Paul arrived in Ephesus and encountered ___________________ of Apollos (Acts

19:1, 7).

B. Paul examined the foundation of these disciples __________ he began to build the
church (Acts. 19:1-7).

C. Paul ministered in the synagogue where he had _____________ (Acts 18:19-21).

D. When the ______________ in the synagogue he started the church (Acts 19:9-10).

1. He used a school facility as a base of _____________ in Ephesus.

2. He taught daily for a period of _______________.
3. He raised up a strong _______________ in this church (Acts 20:17-21, 27).

VII. The Miracle Power of God at Ephesus (Acts 19:11-22)

A. God did _____________ miracles in Paul’s ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19:11-12).

B. Some ______________ ministries were exposed in Ephesus (Acts 19:13-17).

C. God accomplished a great work of ________________ among the people (Acts


D. There were powerful results from the ministry in Ephesus.

1. The _________ of the Lord fell on the people.

2. The _________ of Jesus was magnified.
3. The _________ of the Lord grew mighty and prevailed.

E. Paul made his first declaration of his desire to go to __________ (Acts 19:21-22).

VIII. The Riot at Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41)

While all of these wonderful things were happening in the spiritual realm, conflict
was arising in the ____________ realm.

A. The goldsmiths and the silversmiths were concerned about their business in
_______________ (Acts 19:23-28).

1. The temple to the goddess Diana was the main ____________________ in the

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2. They accused the apostles of teaching that such gods were ___________ at all.

3. They testified of the __________________ that the Gospel was having (Acts

B. The whole city assembled together in a __________ for Diana.

C. The Jewish leaders in Ephesus tried to _____________ on the uproar against Paul.

D. A wise assemblyman dismissed the meeting and restored ____________.

In doing so he affirmed a couple of things…

1. That it is a blessing where _____________________ exists (Rom. 13:4).

2. That the apostles never preached ____________ false gods, they preached
Jesus and the other gods fell to the ground (Acts 19:37).

The above map covers the third missionary journey and trip to Jerusalem from Acts 18:23 to Acts 21.

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Lesson 22
Chapter 20-22
I. General Outline of Chapter 20-21

A. Paul Journeys through Greece (Acts 20:1-6).

B. Paul Ministers in Troas (Acts 20:7-12)
C. Paul Travels to Miletus (Acts 20:13-16)
D. Paul Meets with the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:17-38)
E. Paul Heads for Jerusalem (Acts 21:1-14)
F. Paul Meets with the Jerusalem Eldership (Acts 21:15-25)
G. Paul Arrested in the Temple (Acts 21:26-36)
H. Paul Addressed the Mob in Jerusalem (Acts 21:37-22:21)
I. Paul Declared His Roman Citizenship (Acts 22:22-29)

II. Paul Journeys through Greece (Act 20:1-6)

A. Paul decided to leave Ephesus ________________ of the local church (Acts 20:1).

B. Paul ministered to the believers in Macedonia (Acts 20:1-3).

Many feel that it was here that he wrote the book of ___________________.

C. Paul became aware of ___________ of the Jews to attempt to kill him (Acts 20:3).

D. Paul was joined by _________ who travelled with him the rest of the way to
Jerusalem (Acts 20:6).

III. Paul Ministers in Troas (Acts 20:7-12)

A. They met with the believers on the _______________ of the week (Acts 20:7-12).

The Early Church seems to have been consistent in their meeting on Sunday for
worship (I Cor. 16:1-2). This was most likely done for a couple of reasons.

1. This is the day that Jesus ________ from the dead (John 20:19, 26).

2. This would help to ______________ it from Judaism (Acts 13:27, 42; 15:21).

B. Eutychus fell to his ___________ during Paul’s preaching (Acts 20:8-9).

C. Paul prayed for Eutychus and he was ______________ to life (Acts 20:10, 12;
Compare: I Kgs. 17:21 and II Kgs. 4:33-35).

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D. Paul preached until ______________ (Acts 20:11).

IV. Paul Travels to Miletus where he Met with the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:13-38)

A. Paul had a _____________________ about this trip (Acts 20:22-23).

B. Paul knew that this was the _______________ he would see most of these men
(Acts 20:25, 38).

C. Paul warned them of wolves from without and from ____________ who would try
to destroy the work of God (Acts 20:29-31).

D. Paul _______________ the leaders and the local church to God and the word of
His grace (Acts 20:32).

E. Paul prayed and _______________ the leaders as they separated company (Acts

V. Paul Heads for Jerusalem (Acts 21:1-14)

A. As Paul travelled to Jerusalem he had some _____________ about what would

happen to him there.

1. He had a feeling in his ________________ (Acts 20:22-23).

2. He was warned by the ______________ at Tyre (Acts 21:4).

3. He was warned by Agabus the ______________ (Acts 21:10-14).

B. Paul’s had an ____________ to these warnings (Acts 20:23).

C. Paul was not ________________ by the warnings but pressed on (Acts 21:14).

D. Paul demonstrated a higher level of motivation than that of ________________


1. The apostles were not motivate by __________ or temporal gain (Acts 20:33-

2. The apostles were not motivated by a desire for physical ____________or

security (Acts 20:24; 21:13).

3. The apostles were motivated by the __________________ (II Cor. 5:14; Phil.
1:12-18; 2:17-18).

VI. Paul Meets with the Jerusalem Eldership (Acts 21:15-25)

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A. The purpose of the meeting was to present the _________________ that had been
raised among the Gentile churches.

1. They were received with gladness (Acts 21:17).

2. They met with James and the elders to present the gift (Acts 21:18).
3. They gave a report of the work among the Gentiles (Acts 21:19).
4. The leaders of the Jerusalem church glorified the Lord for what had been

B. The leadership of the Jerusalem church had some ____________ about Paul’s
presence in Jerusalem.

1. They were concerned that some of the Jewish ____________ might not be so
excited about their presence in Jerusalem (Acts 21:20-21).

2. They were concerned that Paul’s presence might arouse the animosity of the
_________________ (Acts 21:22).

C. The leadership of the Jerusalem church convinced Paul to participate in a vow

___________________ the zealous Jewish converts (Acts 21:23-24).

1. They wanted Paul to prove himself to the zealous Jewish believers that he still
has a ________________ for the law.

2. They affirmed their belief that the Gentiles who had come to Christ need not
practice the ceremonial aspects of _____________ (Acts 21:25).

VII. Paul Arrested in the Temple (Acts 21:26-36)

A. The plan seemed to go well for the ______________ of purification (Acts 21:26).

B. Paul was eventually recognized by some of the Jews from ________________

(Acts 21:27).

C. Those who recognized him _______________ the multitudes against him (Acts

D. Paul was rescued from the mob by the Roman commander by being ___________
(Acts 21:31-36).

VIII. Paul Addressed the Mob in Jerusalem (Acts 21:37-22:21)

A. Paul asked the commander in __________ if he could speak to the crowd (Acts

1. The commander was surprised that he could __________ Greek.

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2. The commander had assumed he was an _____________ insurrectionist for
whom they had been looking.

“That Egyptian was probably a Jew who resided in Egypt. Josephus has given
an account of this Egyptian which strikingly accords with the statement here
recorded by Luke. See Josephus, Antiq., book 20, chapter 8, section 6, and
Jewish Wars, book 2, chapter 13, section 5. The account which he gives is,
that this Egyptian, whose name he does not mention, came from Egypt to
Jerusalem, and said that he was a prophet, and advised the multitude of the
common people to go with him to the Mount of Olives. He said further that he
would show them from thence how the walls of Jerusalem would fall down:
and he promised them that he would procure for them an entrance through
those walls when they were fallen down. Josephus adds (Jewish Wars) that he
got together 30,000 men that were deluded by him; “these he led round about
from the wilderness to the mount which was called the Mount of Olives, and
was ready to break into Jerusalem by force from that place. But Felix, who
was apprised of his movements, marched against him with the Roman
soldiers, and defeated him, and killed 400 of them, and took 200 alive. But the
Egyptian escaped himself out of the fight, but did not appear anymore.” It was
natural that the Roman tribune should suppose that Paul was this Egyptian,
and that his return had produced this commotion and excitement among the
people.” –Barnes’ Notes

3. The commander gave him _______________ to speak.

B. Paul addressed the mob in the _____________ language (Acts 22:40-22:2).

1. He began by giving his personal ______________ (Acts 22:3-

a. He included his strong Jewish heritage (Acts 22:3).

b. He included his persecution of the people of the Way (Acts 22:4-5).
c. He included his miraculous conversion on the Damascus road (Acts 22:6-
d. He included his commissioning by Ananias, a devout Jew (Acts 22:12-15).
e. He included his water baptism (Acts 22:16).
f. He included his return to Jerusalem (Acts 22:17).

2. He went on to share the ______________ that he had received from the Lord
while he was in Jerusalem in a time of prayer (Acts 22:17-21).

3. The crowd listened attentively until he mentioned the word “____________”

(Acts 22:21).

IX. Paul Declared His Roman Citizenship (Acts 22:22-29)

A. The crowd reacted to Paul in a dramatic way (Acts 22:22-23).

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1. They ______________ against him (Acts 22:22).

2. They _________ their garments (Acts 22:23).

3. They threw __________ in the air (Acts 22:23; II Sam. 16:13).

B. The commander wanted to find out ________the crowd had reacted so violently.

C. The commander ordered Paul to be brought to the barracks and examined under

D. Paul questioned such an order on the basis of his Roman _______________ (Acts

E. The centurion immediately adjusted the order for scourging and investigated
Paul’s ___________ to citizenship (Acts 22:26-29).

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Lesson 23
Chapter 23-26
I. General Outline of Chapter 23-26

A. Paul Appears before the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30-23:10)

B. Paul Experiences a Plot to Kill Him (Acts 23:11-22)
C. Paul is Sent to Caesarea for Trial (Acts 23:23-35)
D. Paul Appears before Felix (Acts 24:1-21)
E. Felix Postpones a Decision (Acts 24:22-27)
F. Paul Appeals to Rome (Acts 25:1-12)
G. Paul Appears before Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32)

II. Paul Appears before the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30-23:10)

A. The meeting of the Sanhedrin was filled with ________________ (Acts 23:1-10).

B. The various occurrences in this chapter of Paul’s life highlight the

_______________ in both religion and politics.

1. There was corruption in the _______________.

a. Paul was ___________ when he was answering questions (Acts 23:2).

b. Witnesses were ___________ to give false testimony (Acts 24:5-6).
c. Party ____________ was more important than justice (Acts 23:9).
d. There was a lack of concern for the actual __________.
e. They were willing to conspire with ________ to kill Paul (Acts 23:12-16).

2. There was corruption in the Roman ______________.

a. They were open to _________ (Acts 22:28).

b. They used power for _________________ (Acts 24:26).
c. They preferred political ___________ over justice (Acts 24:27).

C. Paul used the corruption to his _______________.

1. With the Sanhedrin he played to their ____________ to accomplish his

purpose (Acts 23 6-10).

2. With the Romans he used his _______________ to accomplish his purpose

(Acts 25:11).

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III. Paul Experiences a Plot to Kill Him (Acts 23:11-22)

A. Forty religious zealots hatched a plot to _______________.

1. They swore themselves to an _________ not to eat or drink until they had
killed Paul (Acts 23:12-13).

2. They entered into ___________ with the religious leaders to participate in the
plot against Paul (Acts 23:14-15).

B. God encouraged and _______________ Paul through difficult times.

1. God encouraged Paul that his ministry would go forward _____________

(Acts 23:11).

2. God moved upon Paul’s nephew to __________________ to Paul and then to

the Roman commander (Acts 23:16-22).

IV. Paul is Sent to Caesarea for Trial (Acts 23:23-35)

A. The Roman commander (Claudius Lysias) decided to _____________ Paul out to

Caesarea to receive a fair trial.

B. The Roman commander wrote a letter to Felix the governor of Caesarea

______________ the situation (Acts 23:25-30).

C. Paul received a major ___________________ to Caesarea for a better hearing

(Acts 23:23, 31-32).

D. The ___________ was delivered to Felix (Acts 23:33).

E. Felix agreed to ___________________ and hold Paul until his accusers arrive
(Acts 23:34-35).

V. Paul Appears before Felix (Acts 24:1-21)

A. After five days the Jewish accusers arrived in Caesarea with their ___________
(Acts 24:1).

B. Tertullus presented the case against Paul before ___________ (Acts 24:1-9)

1. He definitely tried to persuade the court with ______________ (Acts 24:2-4).

2. He placed Paul in a very ______________ (Acts 24:5).

a. He referred to him as a ____________.

b. He referred to him as a creator of _______________.

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c. He referred to him as a _______________ of the sect of the Nazarenes.

3. He presented twisted and __________________ against Paul (Acts 24:6-9).

C. Paul was given an opportunity to give a ______________ to the charges (Acts


1. Paul said he was not…

• Disputing with anyone in the temple.

• Inciting the crowd.
• Profaning the temple.
• With a multitude or a tumult.

2. Paul said he was in Jerusalem…

• To worship.
• To bring alms.
• To bring an offering for the nation.
• To be purified in the temple.

3. Paul indicated that they may have been offended because…

• He belonged to a sect called “the Way.”

• He had said something about the resurrection of the dead.

4. Paul challenged anyone who had actually witnessed bad behavior on his part
to come and __________________ him (Acts 24:19-20).

VI. Felix Postpones a Decision (Acts 24:22-27)

A. Felix decided not to _____________ (Acts 24:22).

B. He kept Paul in a ______________ security situation with liberties (Acts 24:23).

C. Felix wanted _____________what Paul believed.

D. Felix knew Paul was ______________ but wanted a bribe (Acts 24:26).

E. Felix was succeeded by ____________ after two years (Acts. 24:27).

VII. Paul Appeals to Rome (Acts 25:1-12)

A. With the change in leadership to Festus, the Jews seized the_______________ to

come against Paul once again.

1. They made an appeal through a _____________ to have Paul returned to

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Jerusalem for trial (Acts 25:2-3).

2. They planned another _____________ to kill Paul in route to Jerusalem (Acts


B. Festus convened a court to listen to the Jews’ _____________ (Acts 23:4-7).

C. Festus was inclined to do the Jews a favor and return Paul to ______________ for
trial (Acts 25:9).

D. Paul appealed _____________ to escape being exported back to Jerusalem (Acts


VIII. Paul Appears before Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32)

A. King Agrippa and his wife Bernice came to Caesarea and ended up getting
involved in Paul’s case at the _____________ of Festus (Acts 25:13-14).

B. Festus ____________ Agrippa on the case (Acts 25:15-21).

C. Festus indicated that the only charges that the Jews brought against Paul had to do
with some ______________ questions (Acts 25:18-19).

D. Agrippa decided that he wanted to hear Paul ________________ (Acts 25:22).

E. Festus also wanted Agrippa to hear Paul because if he was going to send Paul to
Rome he needed to know what _______________ him with (Acts 25:24-27).

F. Paul _____________ before Agrippa (Acts 26:1-23).

1. He summarized his early life (Acts 26:1-11).

2. He recounted his conversion experience (Acts 26:12-18).

3. He described his ministry of preaching Christ to both Jews and Gentiles (Acts

G. Paul experienced a two-fold result.

1. Festus thought that he had _____________ (Acts 26:24).

2. Agrippa was ____________________ to be a Christian (Acts 26:28).

H. Agrippa rendered a ____________ (Acts 26:29-32).

1. Paul had done nothing worthy of chains.

2. Had Paul not appealed to Caesar he might have been set free.

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Lesson 24
Chapter 27-28
I. General Outline of Chapter 27-28

A. Paul’s Voyage to Rome Begins (Acts 27:1-8)

B. Paul Warns of Impending Danger (Acts 27:9-12)
C. Paul Goes through the Storm (Acts 27:13-38)
D. Paul Shipwrecked on Malta (Acts 27:39-44)
E. Paul Ministers on Malta (Acts 28:1-10)
F. Paul Arrives in Rome (Acts 28:11-16)
G. Paul Ministers in Rome (Acts 28:17-31)

II. Paul’s Voyage to Rome Begins (Acts 27:1-8)

A. Paul was placed on a ship with ____________________ under the charge of a

centurion named Julius (Acts 27:1).

B. Paul was given a certain amount of ____________ on the ship (Acts 27:2-3).

C. The ship sailed through some ________________ and eventually came to Myra in
Lycia (See map).

D. In Myra Paul was placed on an Alexandrian ship for the ____________ of the
journey (Acts 27:6).

E. After many days of difficult sailing they arrived at a port called ______________
on the island of Crete (Acts 27:7-8).

III. Paul Warns of Impending Danger (Acts 27:9-12)

A. Paul advised those who operated the ship that it would be ____________ to try to
proceed to Rome at this time of the year.

B. The ship owner and captain of the ship persuaded the centurion to ____________
hoping to winter in Phoenix.

IV. Paul Goes through the Storm (Acts 27:13-38)

A. Soon after they left Fair Havens a _________________ arose and blew them off
course (Acts 27:13-18).

B. After three days in the storm they decided to take drastic measures to __________
the load and secure the ship (Acts 27:19-21).
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C. Paul comforted the crew by sharing his ___________ with them (Acts 27:22-26).

D. After the fourteenth day the ship entered into shallow waters with the potential of
running _____________ (Acts 27:27-30).

1. In order to save the ship from __________________ the crew dropped four

2. In order to save themselves they lowered the skiff and were planning on
______________________ and the prisoners.

E. At this point, the prisoner Paul stepped into the situation and _______________
(Acts 27:31-36).

1. He told the men not to leave the ship or they would ___________ (Acts 27:31-

2. He urged them ___________ so that they would be strong for survival.

3. He blessed and _________________ with them to see to it that they did eat.

F. After eating, the crew further lightened the load by throwing the rest of ______
__________ overboard (Acts 27:38).

V. Paul Shipwrecked on Malta (Acts 27:39-44)

A. When it was day, the crew saw a bay with _____________ that would be well
suited for grounding the ship (Acts 27:39).

B. They lifted the anchors, loosed the rudder, hoisted the sail and made way for the
__________ (Acts 27:40).

C. When they ran the ship aground on a sand bar in the bay, the soldiers’ plan was to
_______________________ so that none would escape (Acts 27:41-42).

D. By this time the centurion was so _____________________ that he did not allow
the soldiers to kill the prisoners so that Paul would be spared (Acts 27:43).

E. Eventually the entire ______________ made it safely to the shore (Acts 27:44).

VI. Paul Ministers on Malta (Acts 28:1-10)

A. After reaching land they realized that the island they had come to was _________
(Acts 28:1).

B. The refugees from the ship were _________________ by the native population of
Malta (Acts 28:2).
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C. As they were building a fire to keep warm, Paul was bitten by a __________ (Acts

D. Paul seized the opportunity _______________ the Gospel (Acts 28:7-10).

VII. Paul Arrives in Rome (Acts 28:11-16)

Paul continued on to Rome as more of a ____________ and a conqueror than a


A. They travelled according to Paul’s desired _____________ visiting his friends

along the way (Acts 28:14).

B. Believers who were aware of Paul’s coming came out to _____________ (Acts

The above map covers Paul’s journey to Rome or Fourth Missionary Journey covered in Acts 23-28.

C. Paul was put into a ______________ security situation in Rome.

1. Rome had ___________ main types of custody.

a. They put criminals into the __________________.

This was the most severe kind of detention. Most of the jail houses in the
empire were dungeons of the worst kind. Prisoners were often kept in
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chains or even bound in positions of torture. They were usually very
damp, very dark and very unclean.

b. They put low risk criminals into ____________________.

This was a detention that was extended to non-violent prisoners who were
deemed low risk. Here the accused was placed in the custody of a soldier
who was responsible with his own life for the safe keeping of his prisoner.

c. They allowed certain criminals what was termed “__________________”.

This detention was more like a prisoner out on bail and was usually
reserved for high ranking officials and political prisoners. Here the
accused party was committed to the charge of a magistrate or senator who
was responsible for his appearance on the day of trial.

2. Paul was in _____________ custody.

a. He was _____________to a soldier (Acts 28:16; Eph. 6:20; Phil. 1:7, 13-
14; Col. 4:3, 18; Phm.1:10, 13).

b. He lived in his own _______________ (Acts 28:30).

c. He was able to _______________ in this house (Acts 28:30).

d. He was not able to work and _____________________ from his friends.

VIII. Paul Ministers in Rome (Acts 28:17-31)

Paul did not dwell on what he could _________; he focused on what he could ______.

A. He saw himself as an “________________________” (Eph. 6:20).

Paul knew how to turn obstacles into opportunities.

1. In the Philippian jail he ministered in the prison.

2. After his arrest in Jerusalem he preached to the mob.
3. When he was under arrest in Caesarea he witnessed to governors.
4. When he was on the slave ship he ministered to the crew.
5. When he was on Malta he ministered to the islanders.
6. Now that he was in Rome he continued his ministry from his hired house.

Paul never once referred to himself as a prisoner of Rome; he was a prisoner of

the Lord or a prisoner of ___________________ (Eph. 3:1).

B. He went to the _______________ even in Rome (Acts 28:17-29).

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He had the same results that he always had.

1. Some believed what he said (Acts 28:24).

2. Some did not believe (Acts 28:25, 29).
3. When rejected by the Jews, Paul changed his focus to the Gentiles (Acts

C. He received people and ___________________ them (Acts 28:30).

Paul had many visitors while he was in Rome. Some of his visitors included:

1. Timothy (Phil. 1:1; 2:19-23; Col. 1:1; Phm. 1:1)

Timothy was not only Paul’s son in the faith and disciple, he was a personal
assistant and agent to function in Paul’s behalf in relation to the churches. He
also helped Paul in the writing of most of his letters from prison.

2. Epaphras (Col. 1:3-8; 4:12-13; Phm. 1:23)

Epaphras was an apostolic ministry in relation to the church at Colossae. He

had come to Paul both to encourage him and to get his advice and help in
sorting out some of the problems in the Colossian church. He spent enough
time with Paul for Paul to have referred to him as a “fellow prisoner.”

3. Onesimus

Onesimus was a runaway slave that Paul led to the Lord and then discipled. In
the process he assisted him in the process of restitution with his master
Philemon. The book of Philemon is the letter that Paul wrote when he sent
Onesimus back to his master.

4. Tychicus (Acts 20:2; Eph. 6:21; II Tim. 4:12; Tit. 3:12)

Tychicus was one of Paul’s disciples who delivered Paul’s prison epistles to
the various churches (Eph. 6:21). He may have even read them to the
congregations in behalf of Paul. He had accompanied Paul on his last trip to

5. Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, Justus (Col. 4:10-11, 14; Phm. 1:24)

The Marcus in this list is most likely John Mark. Many of these individuals
were life-long friends. Some of them stayed with him for extended periods of
time during his imprisonment.

6. Epaphroditus (Phil. 2:25-30; 4:18-22)

Epaphroditus brought the offering from the Philippians church that had been
raised in Paul’s behalf (Phil. 2:25-30; 4:18-22). He also served Paul tirelessly
for a season in practical ways.
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D. He led Onesimus __________________ and discipled him (Philemon).

E. He _______________ to the soldiers (Phil. 1:13).

F. He made inroads into Caesar’s ________________(Phil. 1:13; 4:22).

G. He wrote ____________ to churches including Ephesus, Philippi and Colossae.

IX. What do we know about Paul after the Book of Acts closes?

A. Paul was eventually ______________ without ever going to trial.

B. Paul may have gone to ___________ or other regions (Rom. 15:24).

C. Paul wrote I Timothy, Titus and possibly ____________ during his release period.

D. Paul returned to Rome where he was arrested along with __________ under the
reign of Nero.

E. Paul was placed in a ________________.

F. Paul wrote II Timothy from prison knowing that he was about __________ (II
Tim. 4:6-8).

G. Paul was _______________ by the Romans.

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