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Lesson Plan Format (modified for EDUC 253)

Lindsay Clark
Grade Level: Sixth Grade
Time Required: 45 Minutes
Lesson plan title: Rock Formation Field Trip
Discipline Content Area: Earth Science
Class description (# of boys & girls, and types of students: # of IEPs, # of ELL, advanced learner, etc.):
11 girls, 9 boys (1 IEP, 1 ELL)

Common Core State Standard/NYS Standard (
-Key Idea 2: Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among
components of air, water, and land.
-Performance Indicator 2.2: Describe volcano and earthquake patterns, the rock cycle, and
weather and climate changes.
-2.2g Rocks are classified according to their method of formation. The three classes
of rocks are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. Most rocks show characteristics that
give clues to their formation conditions.
-2.2h The rock cycle model shows how types of rock or rock material may be
transformed from one type of rock to another.
ISTE Standards addressed
-ISTE.2.a. cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the
permanence of their actions in the digital world.
-ISTE.2.c. demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of
using and sharing intellectual property.
-ISTE.3.c . curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods
to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions
Learning Objective(s) for the lesson: Students will be able to identify the characteristics of
sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Using their knowledge on the three different kinds
of rocks, students will then be given 11 different rock formations to view on Google Maps and
will then have to identify which of the three rock types the formation is. This activity will
improve rock identification skills.
Rationale for the Lesson: This lesson is meant to improve the rock identification skills of
students using real rock formations all over the Earth. Viewing the rock formations on Google
Maps gives the student the ability to view the formation in its natural habitat and makes the
student feel as if the formation is right in front of them.

Multiple Assessment strategies you will use: Students will have prior knowledge of
sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Before the lesson, I will ask the students
as a class the identifying characteristic of each rock type and have each student write
them on the board. During the lesson, I will observe student progress to ensure that
each student is understanding the lesson and that they aren’t having any trouble. After
the lesson, I will give the students an informal exit ticket to be posted on a Padlet
asking them to which rock formation they liked the most out of 11 they were given and
why. The exit ticket serves as a way to engage the student to talk about what they liked
and why. The next class, a formative assessment will be given through Kahoot to gauge
student learning and the success of the lesson.
Materials needed: Smartboard, Chromebooks

Technology: Students will write what they know about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic
rocks on the smartboard to begin with in order to refresh their minds on the topic. Each student
will have a Chromebook which they will use to complete the lesson. The lesson will be assigned
to each student and they will work on the lesson through Google Docs. Google Maps will also
be used in the lesson and the proper URL to the location on Google Maps will be linked to the
document. Each student will post about their favorite rock formation of the lesson on a Padlet.
The next day, a formative assessment will be given and each student will use their Chromebook
to take the assessment through the website Kahoot.

Instructional procedures:

Introduction (hook): When the students come in, I will ask them what they know about
sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Each student that participates in the discussion will
be allowed to write what they know on the smartboard. After we write down everything that we
know, I will tell the students that we will be going on a field trip. The idea of “going on a field
trip” will engage the students because it is something that is exciting. After introducing the idea of
a field trip, I will tell my students that it is a virtual one and that we will be visiting rock
formations all throughout the world. When each student has their Chromebook, I will hand them
each a “cheat sheet” that states all of the characteristics of each rock type. This sheet will help
refresh their memory when they are doing the assignment. After handing out the sheet, I will
remind my students how important it is to be a good digital citizen. After reminding my students
of the important netiquette rules to follow, I will instruct them to open their assignment in Google
Docs and I will also open it on the smartboard so that they can see it. Then, I will go through the
instructions showing the students that the title of the rock formation is linked to where they need to
be in Google Maps as well as the columns that they must fill out. After I go through this I will ask
if the students have any questions and when there are no more questions I will allow the students
to work independently on the assignment. While the students work I will check their progress by
walking around the room as well as through Google Docs. If I see a student struggling I will help
them out. After the lesson is complete, I will ask the students what they thought of it and we will
have a discussion about it. Before leaving, I will bring up a short writing prompt on Padlet asking
the students what their favorite rock formation was and why. Each student will have to post on the
Padlet board before leaving. The next day, I will quiz the students on what they learned through a
Kahoot quiz to gauge the success of the lesson.

Developmental activities
—teacher modeling; checking for understanding; guided practice; independent practice):
Throughout the lesson, I will take time to ask my students if they have any questions about anything
or if they need help. It is a necessity to make sure that my students understand what they are doing because
if they don’t then they will be lost and it will hurt their learning. This lesson has the potential to be confusing
because students are expected to be able to identify rock formations as being one of the three types of rocks
and if the student doesn’t understand the identifying characteristics then it will be easy to not understand or
learn anything from this lesson at all. Asking my students if they understand and working with them to
ensure that they understand is important and will help my students learn more. The feedback at the end of
my lesson will help me in modifying my lesson for my future students which is important because student
feedback will only help to improve my lesson. The formative assessment the next class will also aid me in
gauging how well my students understood the concepts as well as how successful my lesson was in teaching
—adaptations (differentiated instruction; accommodations/modifications—how will you “differentiate” or
“switch up” your instruction for your different learners; see your list of types of students in your Class
For the student with the IEP, I will lessen the number of rock formations from 11 to 6. This will
make the length of the lesson more bearable for them. I will be sure to pay close attention to this student in
order to ensure that they get the lesson and the instructions that they were given and I will help them if they
need the extra help. For the student who is an English language learner, I will work with their English
language teacher to come up with vocabulary words based off of this lesson for them to learn beforehand. I
will also make a special table for them in their native language that will also include the English translation
so that they can understand the words that they are given. Although they will need to complete this lesson
in English in order for me to understand it, I will allow extra time for this student to work with their English
language teacher on this lesson so that they can finish it.

Closure (Do not simply tell the student what they learned; giving a quiz or test or homework or
continuing the lesson is not closure. How can you “close” or wrap-up your lesson?):
After the lesson, I will have a discussion with my students asking them what they learned from
the lesson and what they think should be changed for future classes. When we are done discussing, each
student will have to respond to a short writing prompt on a Padlet asking about their favorite rock
formation and why they chose that formation. While writing this prompt, students will have to use the
proper vocabulary based off of the type of rock formation that they choose.

Extensions (this is not homework; it’s something you would have your students do to further develop
their understanding of the topic and continue working towards mastering the learning objective):
I will remind my students that there are many different rock formations out there and that if
they have access to the internet at home that they can further explore Google Maps to look at and
identify other rock formations. Each student will be given a list of other rock formations that they can
look up on their own time.

Spring 2018 EDUC 253

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