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ARTE 301

Environmental Art at PVO Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson: Nature Collective (nature weavings continued)

Teacher: Karla P. Pantaleon
School: Prairie View Ogden North
Grade Level[s]: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade
Date to be Taught: April 19th

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

These lessons will work through the concept of Environmental Art with a focus on being aware
of our surroundings and how the environment impacts us. Environmental Art is defined by as “artistic works that are intended to enhance or become part of the environment
or make a statement on environmental issues.” A long with issues of the environment we will
explore community and spreading kindness and positivity as members of the community’s
environment. Taking an active part in improving some environmental issues will be discussed
through the concepts of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These lessons will carry these elements to
give students the understanding of sustainability and respect towards the environment.

Key concepts about Big Idea:

 “The three R's – reduce, reuse and recycle – all help to cut down on the amount of waste
we produce. They conserve natural resources, clear landfill space and energy. The three
R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills.”
 Reduce/Reuse/Recycle
o Found objects and collecting items that can be reused and recycled.
 Many conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking.
“wanting to make a change”

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

 VA:Cr1.2.2 a. Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal
interests, questions, and curiosity.
 VA:Cr2.3.2 a. Repurpose objects to make something new.
 VA:Re7.1.2 a. Perceive and describe aesthetic characteristics of one’s natural world and
constructed environments.

3-4 Essential Questions:

 How can we reuse items that end up in landfills?
 How can we recycle some of the waste we produce?
 What does it mean to make art that has a main concept?
o Why is it important to think about the subject and context of our art works?
Vocabulary Acquisition:
 Weaving: form made by interlacing things passing in one direction with others at a right
angle to them.
 Found objects: created from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are
not normally considered materials from which art is made, often because they already
have a non-art function.

Key Artistic Concepts:

ARTE 301
Environmental Art at PVO Lesson Plan

 Weaving
 Sculpture
 Found object collecting
 Concepts behind artworks

Artmaking Materials Needed:

 Looms from last week
o Thick branches
o Yarn
 Bag of found and recycled objects
 Scissors
 Paper
o Pencils
o Colored pencils

Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:
Student examples:

Vicki O’Dell:

 DISCUSSION: (5 minutes)
o Bring back questions from last week to think about the items we want to weave
into our weavings:
 What do you know about the words “reduce, reuse recycle?
 How can we reduce the amount of waste we produce?
 What are some things you already do with your family to reduce waste in
 How can we reuse items that end up in landfills?
 What are some examples of these items?
 What are some ways you reuse items instead of throwing them out?
 How can we recycle some of the waste we produce?
ARTE 301
Environmental Art at PVO Lesson Plan

 DEMONSTRATIONS: (4 minutes)
o Show teacher made exemplars
 Techniques we will be using on this projects
 Weaving patterns
 Placement of certain objects strategies
o Show Historical/Multicultural exemplars
 Vicki O’Dell
 Wood plank weaving
 DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (23 minutes)
o Finish up looms if needed.
 Weaving should happen first across the loom on the strings in the center.
 Work your way from corner to the center to obtain the best tight results.
 Objects that are larger will fit best in the center of the weaving
 Thinner objects will hold better at the ends of the loom closer to the
branches where the crossing yarn is stronger and tighter
 CLEAN UP: (5 minutes)
o Collect unused items in baggies
o Bring all materials to supplies table
o Take Nature weaving to stage for storing
 CLOSURE: (3 minutes)
o What do these found objects represent in your nature weaving?
o How did reduce, reuse, recycle?
o How can you manipulate these found objects to create interesting shapes and
concepts for your weaving pattern?

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