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Historical Information

Women (Wife and Concubines) in Historical

China (and historical novels)
For those who want to understand just how lucky Qu Qing Ju really
is (and just how much the original Qu Qing Ju failed)
One thing that is special in historical China which might be hard to
grasp for those who don’t know is the power of the wife. In Western
society, there is a wife and there could be a mistress. Children born
of the wife are called legitimate and of the mistress or any other
woman are illegitimate/bastard. Commonly, illegitimate children do
not have the right to inherit anything.
That’s not how it worked in historical China. For most noble families,
the wife had an unparalleled position in many aspects. For example,
the household was under the control of the women, either the head
of the household’s mother or the wife. Here is where di (born of
wife), shu (born of concubine), and illegitimacy come in. A male born
to a concubine has a di mother. Under the Confucian philosophy of
filial piety, the male’s filial duty is to the di mother first, not his own
concubine birth mother. They actually cannot call their birth mother
“mother,” only “yiniang.” Even with the children, the order of society
is the wife is above the concubine. In a case where a shu son
inherits the household after his father died, his di mother would be in
control of the household, not his own birth mother. Secondly, most
concubines sign an agreement or are sold into concubinage. That
contract is held by the wife unless the concubine’s family is of
significant status. Concubines are akin to servants/slaves and the
wife is one of their masters. There is a saying “favor a qie to destroy
a wife”. It is a serious accusation to make because it is against the
“order of the world” and could lead to dishonor and loss of an
official’s position. The marriage prospects of all the children would
be affected – hardly good for the development of the entire clan.
Thirdly, only the family of the wife is considered relatives of the
family. A marriage is really an alliance of two clans, not just two
family units. Both sides get access to the network of marriages of
the other family (wives of the male’s brothers, the sisters have to
become wives, not qie. And so on for cousins and such). The woman
holds considerable importance due to the status of her own
relatives. This extends to the status of the wife herself and all her
own children. If she is a di offspring, she has relatives to help from
both her paternal and maternal family. That is passed onto her
offspring. Shu children would only and possibly receive help from
their paternal family. All of these children would be put on the
genealogy books. For males, they will also receive support and
benefits from the larger clan. They are also able to inherit from the
father. Di children are entitled to their mother’s dowry which is
divided completely dependent on the woman. Concubines do not
have dowries, however, so shu children may lose out depending on
the circumstances. Children born “illegitimately” or “in the outside
room” may not be put on the genealogy books, may not be
acknowledged by the father/family, and there is a large stigma and
barrier to even attending the exams and improving their
circumstances unless the father is willing to help.
So Qu Qing Ju landed in a bad situation but she knows her
advantages. She is the eldest di daughter and the wife that was
decreed in marriage to Duan Wang. She cannot be taken off her
position of wife unless He Heng becomes Emperor and decrees it
so. At the same time, he has to be able to do it against the pressure
of the scholars and literati as the decree was made by his father-
emperor (opposing his father’s decision is unfilial). That’s part of the
reason Empress Lu of Han kept her position even though her
husband had abandoned her and the children during his escape
before he became emperor. Why Yang guifei never became the
Empress. Similarly, Wan guifei of the Ming Dynasty also was stuck
as an imperial consort and not Empress. Then there was Donggo
guifei of the Qing Dynasty. It was extremely rare for a concubine to
ever be elevated to a wife (even marrying a new wife after the first
one dies requires permission from the first wife’s family. Then the
second wife is still considered a concubine to the first wife). The
Imperial Palace, as a battlefield for politics and a mechanism for
equalizing the court, is widely considered the easiest place for a
concubine to ever become the wife, or the Empress.

Other information
The Imperial Family

王(wang): Equivalent to a prince. There are imperial princes and

non-imperial princes. Imperial princes are those that can claim a
relation to an Emperor, and he, or one of his male ancestors, was a
son to the Emperor. Non-imperial princes can occur for a variety of
other reasons. There are also rankings within 王 as a major rank.
亲王 (qinwang): the highest rank of wang. Qin means the closest,
most intimate, of one’s own.
王妃(wang fei): the wife of a prince, equivalent to a princess. The
wife would be called —王妃 according to the title of the 王 she was
married to.
公主 (gong zhu): princess. Most princesses are daughters of the
Emperor but some noblewomen would be bestowed the title of a
princess if they were to be married (or given) in alliance to the ruler
of another country.
长 公主 (chang gong zhu): Princess royal or literally eldest princess.
A title decreed by the emperor which ranks the princess a rank
above normal princesses.
驸马: the husband of a princess, the emperor’s son-in-law.
郡主: a rank below princess. Daughters of wang. Not all daughters
can be ennobled, it usually has to decreed by the emperor. Usually
the eldest legitimate daughter of a wang.
Imperial Harem Consort Rankings

妃: fei, concubine of the Emperor. Fei is the highest major rank in

the Imperial Harem, below the Empress, depending on the dynasty.
There are sub-rankings within the fei.

皇贵妃 (huang guifei): imperial noble fei. Highest position in

the Imperial Harem possible under the Empress.
贵妃 (guifei): literally noble/valued fei. A rank above normal

嫔 (pin): one of the middle ranks. In most dynasties, it is a rank

lower than fei.

良娣 (liang di): one of the intermediate ranks.

才人(cairen): lower-ranked concubine of Emperor.

Concubines (in the wang fu)

侧妃 (ce fei): a “side” fei. The woman could be interpreted to be a
secondary or vice “wife” of a wang. However, in the dynasty of the
novel, the position of the ce fei is not official, and is by the whim of
the wang. Consequently, a ce fei only differs from other concubines
in terms of the money and treatment she receives. She also isn’t
recorded onto the zupu (族 谱) or genealogy of the man she
“marries”, essentially meaning she disappears and her children
wouldn’t be attributed to her. In other dynasties, such as the Qing, a
ce wife has to be appointed by the Emperor, similar to the primary
wife, will be recorded on the genealogy books and can have her
children under her name.
侍妾 (shique): concubines which are ranked lower than ce fei. They
receive less money and have less servants than a ce fei as well as
other differences in treatment. Shique that serve wangs and other
high-ranked nobility are usually “legitimate” children born of the wife
of their father who may be of minor nobility or a lower-ranked
通房 (tongfang): The lowest ranked concubines. They usually are of
low birth, likely former servants. In the case of shique, while the
male wouldn’t hold a marriage ceremony and the woman wouldn’t
have a dowry, the man would give some present of monetary worth
to the family, similar but not the same as a “bridal price.”
Government Positions
Three Excellencies: Grand Perceptor (太師), Grand Tutor (太傅) and
Grand Protector (太保)
These three were the highest ranked officials and closest advisors to
the emperor. Also known as the three dukes, or three lords, these
three officials were responsible for the government.
Government Ministries: see
Three major departments: Chancellery (门下省), State Affairs (尚书
省), Secretariat (中书省)
Three minor departments, Household affairs (殿中省divided into six
departments: food, medicine, clothing, residence, riding, carriage),
Imperial Library (秘书省), and Internal Attendants (內侍省, in charge
of all personnel inside the palace)
Six Ministries (部): Personnel or Civil Appointments (吏), Revenue
(户), Rites (礼), Defense (兵), Justice (刑), Works (工) who each
have local ministries under them.
There was a nine-grade (九品) ranking system with subrankings
depending on the ministry.
The imperial exams can be divided into different levels but are all
administered by the Ministry of Rites. After passing the county-level
exams, those scholars could be called 秀才 (xiucai) which come with
many benefits, including an allowance and not having to pay taxes.
太监(taijian): eunuchs which are employed by the Imperial Family
and hold an official position.
太医(taiyi): imperial physicians. The Imperial Family, and
consequently the nobility, were able to employ physicians. The group
of doctors may have entered as a result of being from a famous
physician family, outstanding study in some field of medicine or rising
through the ranks of examinations if they were held. Taiyi is a
general title of respect. For many dynasties, the “best” physicians
served the Emperor only and were 御医 (yuyi). Yuyi was akin to the
dean of an university faculty. Then there were professors, assistant
professors, and teaching assistants. All had the general title of taiyi.

Five general ranks: (subranks depend on the dynasty)
公爵 (gong): Duke
侯爵(hou): Marquis
伯爵(bo): Earl
子爵(zi): Viscount
男爵(nan): Baron
There are two types, hereditary (世袭罔替)and normal-hereditary(普
通世袭). Hereditary titles are inherited at the exact same rank by the
successor. Normal-hereditary means the title can only pass on for a
certain number of generations. Additionally, the title falls down a rank
each time it is passed to a successor.
府: a house. A 府is the physical representation of the head of the
family’s position. A diagram of the traditional type of 府, the
siheyuan(四合院) can be seen here: This one is a
sanjin (三进) or three-entry. It is not the simplest version of a
siheyuan. Members of the nobility and the imperial family have more
complicated houses according to their rank. There is the front
entrance, damen (大门) followed by the second entrance, ermen (二
门). The last “entrance” refers to the building behind the
zhengfang(正房) which is the main building opposite ermen. The
space between the walls with damen and ermen is waiyuan (外院)
or the outer courtyard. Behind ermin is neiyuan or the inner
courtyard. More complicated siheyuan will have more men or doors
which increase the number of total buildings. The zhengfang is the
residence of the wife while the side buildings (which can have
various names) are for the assorted other women of the husband.
Female children when they grow up reside in the building behind
zhenfang in more affluent homes and either with the wife or their
own mother in smaller compounds. Servants and older male children
live in the waiyuan and the male head of the family will also have
separate chambers there. The two next major buildings would be
dongxiangfang (东厢房) and xixiangfang (西厢房). Those two, along
with zhenfang can become yuan (院) usually if they are somewhat
independent of each other. A primary characteristic is that each yuan
will have its own kitchen.

丫鬟 (yahuan): also can be called丫头 (yatou). These are young,

unmarried servant girls. They are the main labor force serving
women. Rankings exist among the yahuan depending on what
positions their owners give them. The treatment they receive could
be something very similar to women of affluent families with others
serving them to hard physical labor. The highest rank is first rank or
大(da) yahuan, followed by second, third-rank and heavy labor

婆子(pozi): lower-ranked female servant of some significant age.

Usually married.
嬷嬷 (mama):old female servants

Social Class

皇室 (huang shi): the Imperial House

良民 (liang min): ordinary people, ordinarily belonging to the four
major classes
士(shi): the scholar, the educated class, officials

农(nong): farmers, landholders, does not include workers and serfs

工(gong): artisans and craftsman

商(shang): merchants, business people

贱民 (jian min): below ordinary people. Servants belong to this

category of people which could be sold by others similar to slaves.
They couldn’t be educated, take the imperial exams or become an
official. Even those who might have been freed were still considered
to “belong” to the class still. The members could have been sold by
their parents, or of their own initiative. Other jian min would have
been demoted for crimes.
Chapter One “I Am A Reasonable

The early morning at Duan Wang Fu[1]was not different from any
other day. In the kitchen, the servants moved to and fro without any
hint of hurry. Ma pozi,[2] after delivering the required pastries to the
neiyuan,[3] came back to the kitchen with a group of yahuan[4] but her
face wasn’t looking very well.
“Hey, old sister, what’s wrong? Why does your face looks terrible?”
Another pozi, wearing a dark buttoned jia’ao[5], handed a cup of tea
over to the other woman and exclaimed in shock: “Didn’t you just go
to the zhengyuan[6] to deliver the cheese, how come … …”
“Don’t even mention it. Wang fei[7] just woke up this morning. Rough
labor servants like us couldn’t even enter the yard. We only saw one
of wang fei’s attendants, Yin Liu guniang,[8]” When she spoke to that
point, Ma pozi took a long swallow of tea, looked around at the
surroundings and lowered her voice to whipser, “I saw that the
expressions of the people of zhengyuan weren’t right, so I hurried
Hearing this, the pozi who wore the lined jacket sighed. With an
attitude composed half being a spectator and half pitying, she said:
“They hadn’t even finished taking down the red canopies[9] hanging in
the fu yet.”

Wang fei had just married into the fu for less than two months. After
the wedding night, wang ye[10] hadn’t stepped a foot into the
zhengyuan. In the last few days of sickness, wang ye had only sat
for a period before leaving. No wonder the people of zhengyuan
weren’t looking very well. She once had the luck to see wang fei.
She had been dignified and her appearance had also been beautiful.
She didn’t know which of those aspects wang ye didn’t like.

“Don’t say nonsense, I just saw one of Feng ce fei’s[11]yahuan come

over.” Both of them knew the words that Ma pozi didn’t say. They
stopped talking and went back to their duties.
In the zhengyuan, a host of yahuan carefully waited upon the wang
fei in her morning ablutions. A piece of first-rate silk brushed over
fingertips that were as thin as green onions before being set to the
There wasn’t a hint of anger on the face of Qu Qing Ju, unlike the
past few days as her black silk flowing freely. She lazily took off her
wrist a green jade bracelet before casually throwing it into a carved
mahagony box: “This color is too old-fashioned.”
Upon hearing this, Jin Zhan paused slightly before waving her hand
at the female attendants behind her. Several other boxes were
brought before Qu Qing Ju. Inside, there were pairs of different
bracelets. Gold-wrought, pearl-encrusted, jade, of all colors and
none of them were ordinary.
Her gaze swept across the rows of bracelets. In the end, her final
choice was an exquisitely carved blood-red jade bracelet that, when
contrasted against the pale wrist, was unspeakably beautiful.
Seeing the situation, Jin Zhan’s expression slightly changed . In the
past, wang fei had resented the phoenix-blood jade bangle[12] as
being too garish and never worn it. Today, she had picked this jade
at first glance. Thinking about the days since marrying into the wang
fu, she felt bitterness in her heart. Before marriage, wang fei’s
personality had been warm and gentle. This would have been a
virtue, but in a marriage into the Imperial family, that personality was
a handicap.
Noticing Jin Zhan’s expression, Qu Qing Ju smiled faintly. She stood
and spread her arms to let the maids dress her in her handpicked
wide-sleeved silk dress.[13] It was made from the highest quality of
white brocade embroidered with Shu-style[14] red plum blossoms.
When the cloth swayed, it was as though there were real plum
blossoms swaying in the wind.
At the waist, there were a spice bag embroidered with a two
blossoming lotus flowers on a single stem and a jade-beaded laozi.
The long soft hair was coiled up into a fei xian ji.[16] A vibrant red
peach blossom was drawn on the brow. Eyebrows like willow
leaves. Lips as red as cherries. Just a glimpse was enough to be
unspeakably bewitching.
Pushing a luan bird[17] and cloud buyao[18] into her hair by herself, Qu
Qing Ju slowly stood and enigmatically smiled as she looked out the
winder, “This time should be the time to pay respects.”[19]
A few steps away from Jin Zhan was Mu Jin who, upon hearing this,
forced a smile and said: “Wang fei, since you were ill the last few
days, wang ye told the houyuan[20] so the qieshi[21] wouldn’t disturb
your rest. “
“Oh,” Gently caressing the red-stranded jade earrings on her
earlobes, Qu Qing Ju leisurely sat down and adjusted into a
somewhat comfier position. She accepted the warm water that Yin
Liu handed over to rinse her throat. Ptting the lid back on the cup
before wiping the corner of her mouth, she said: “Since that is the
case, send somebody to each yard to deliver the news that ben
wang fei[22] has just recovered and has terribly missed all the ce fei
and the shiqie.[23]”

The four da yahuan,[24]upon hearing this, exchanged glances

between themselves. Even if they didn’t know the reason why wang
fei’s personality upon waking had changed so much, they still
obeyed and left.
Coming out of the main building, a slightly worried Jin Zhan said:
“Wang fei doesn’t seem normal today since waking up, I don’t know
“In this wang fu, everybody shows wang fei respect on the surface
but in their private time, they all go currying favour with that ce fei in
Xi Yuan.[25]Wang fei has been married for two months. Other than
the first three days where wang ye stayed in zhengyuan, he’s spend
all his time with other concubines. It’s humiliating for our wang fei.”
Yin Liu said with creased brows and a quiet voice, “That Feng ce fei
has such an attitude. She really thinks that she’s worth something.
She’s just a qie[26].”
Yu Zan, hearing what Yin Liu was saying, looked around
surreptitiously and after not finding anyone in the surroundings, came
closer and said: “Don’t say too much. Even if wang ye favors[27] Feng
ce fei, he still gives wang fei the respect she’s accorded. Don’t
make trouble for wang fei.”

“This is called respect,” Yin Liu snorted. Thinking about her mistress’
warm and soft personality, she sighed in helplessness, “Whatever,
Jin Zhan and I will go over to Feng and Jiang ce fei. The second-
rank yahuans can go to the other shiqie.”

Mu Jin, who hadn’t spoken, nodded: “That’s very good. Bai Luo and
Pu Er are enough to invite Luo shi[28] and Han shi.”

Among the yahuan in wang fei’s entourage, the first-ranked were

named using flowers, the second using tea, the third and the heavy-
labor yahuan had no guidelines. Mu Jin and the other three had
followed wang fei from Chang De Gong Fu[29] so they naturally
followed wang fei. But the wang fu was much more complicated.
Before marriage, wang fei had been neglected by her stepmother
and hadn’t learned how to manage a household. Consequently, it
didn’t even take two months after entering this place that she had
gotten ill.
Mu Jin had always been worried for wang fei but seeing that wang
fei today had the desire to establish herself in the wang fu, she took
a sigh of relief. She didn’t worry that wang fei would fight, she would
only worry if wang fei still had the personality of mud.

Seeing that all the yahuan had retreated out, Qu Qing Ju stood and
walked in front of a very large copper mirror. The craftsmanship was
excellent. Even if it wasn’t as clear as the silvered-glass mirrors from
before, it was still enough to distinguish a person’s appearance.
The girl in the mirror was only about sixteen or seventeen. Her
appearance was very beautiful. If she had lived in the era she did
before, she would have been just a beautiful and proud high school
student. Combing through the memories in her head, Qu Qing Ju
sighed. Her father didn’t care, her stepmother wasn’t
compassionate, her husband didn’t have love and there was a crowd
of troublesome qie. The original had had a soft personality. In this
complicated wang fu, she had mysteriously gotten seriously ill and
mysteriously became occupied by her, this woman who didn’t know
what warmth was. It could be said that she had gotten no justice
even in her death.
“Wang fei, the kitchen has delivered breakfast.” From the outside
came a slightly thin male voice. It was probably one of the taijian[30]
that had been assigned according to the Imperial protocols. In Qu
Qing Ju’s memory, the original were not very close to these taijian,
but was full of courtesy as they were appointed before wang ye had
been titled and during the time he had been in charge of the
Department of Household Affairs, dianzhongsheng.[31]
“Start service.” Playing with the strands dangling from the gold
buyao, Qu Qing Ju turned to exit. Rui Xiang and Shu Kui, who had
been waiting in the neighboring room, quickly opened the curtains,
one person holding them aside while another came over to support
her to welcome Qu Qing Ju out.
Both Rui Xiang and Shu Kui were originally from the wang fu. They
understood that even though wang fei treated them with courtesy,
but compared to Yin Liu, Mu Jin, Jin Zhan and Yu Zan, there was a
difference in the amount of trust. The events that happened in the
previous days would have magnified the difference. It was their luck
that wang fei was weak, if she was just a bit stronger, they would
have been thrown out. Who else would let them stay as first-rank

Sitting down at a round pear-wood table carved with safflower, Qu

Qing Ju’s eyes swept across the table. A goblet of wine-stewed
pork shoulder, a bowl of swallow’s next porridge with strands of
black chicken accompanied by a multitude of similar fatty sides. The
only dish that looked light was a small dish of sautéed lettuce stems.
Waving away Shu Kui who had moved forward to serve her, Qu Qing
Ju looked at the people bowing at the entrance with a smile on her
face: “You are the ones that deliver food from the kitchen?”
“Wang fei, nucai[32] holds duties in the kitchen.” Those people didn’t
why wang fei would ask such a question but they replied without any
fear on their faces.
“Such a good wang fu’s kitchen,” Qu Qing Ju nonchalantly leaned
back on her seat. Under the confused gazes of the others, her face
darkened and then her hand swept the goblet of wine-stewed pig
shoulder to the floor. Very quickly, the room became saturated with
the smell of meat, “Take them away and beat them.”
Nobody managed to respond. They didn’t know why wang fei, who
had a personality as soft as mud, would suddenly act up and so
nobody moved for a time.
“What is it? This I, a wang fei, cannot command you now?” Qui Qing
Ju’s large eyes narrowed. She stood and looked at the people in the
room, “Or is it that you all feel that it is natural and proper for the
kitchen to slight me?”
After being swept over by wang fei’s gaze, everybody shook and
managed to respond. A few of the taijian and the stronger mamas[33]
rushed to the forefront and acted as they were going to drag the
kitchen servants away.
The servants that were dragged away didn’t dare struggle and only
begged for mercy. One servant even yelled slander, proclaiming that
what they had served wang fei was the best food from the kitchen.

Flashing a look at the servant shouting slander, Qu Qing Ju’s brow

rose and she said quietyly: “What are you standing around for? Drag
them down, administer the punishment here. I want to see you carry
it out.”
Upon hearing this, a quick-witted taijian took out a handkerchief and
stuffed it in that servant’s mouth. He immediately started to drag the
person towards the yard, the strength in his not-so-considerable
body wasn’t small.
Seeing the situation, the others followed and dragged the others
down. A few clever servants set up a table and chair before
spreading out refreshments while waiting for wang fei to come see
the punishment.
“What is that taijan called? I see that he has some strength,” Qu
Qing Ju asked Shu Kui who was supporting her as she stepped out.
“Answering wang fei, that little taijian is called Xiao Gao Zi,[34] he
sweeps the yard.” Shu Kui’s voice held reverence that she wasn’t
even aware of and even her movements were more subservient than
in the past.
“It doesn’t look like he is very tall. Why don’t we change his name to
Huang Yang, to be an interior taijian.” Qu Qing Ju smiled gently.
When she walked out into the yard, the servants were already tied
to the long benches and were under the long planks.
Sitting down on the prepared chair, Qu Qing Ju mentally counted to
twenty. Then she slowly and calmly said: “Other than the one that
talked back, stop on the other three.”
Looking at the three who endured their pain as they knelt and
thanked her, Qu Qing Ju raised her cup and took a sip, “A lot of
people here are likely very confused as to why I punished you.”
The heavy sound of flesh under blunt force rang in the ears of the
three kneeling. They didn’t dare wipe the sweat on their foreheads
as they kowtowed and said they didn’t dare.
“I’m a reasonable person, but it is just that you, as part of the
kitchen, has become intolerable. I cannot do anything other than
punish you.” Setting down the cup in her hand, Qu Qing Ju’s voice
seemed slightly helpless.
Even if wang fei didn’t hold the favor of wang ye, she was still the
wang fei that the Emperor had personally decreed marriage on. Did
a kitchen dare act intolerably to her? Even though everyone present
felt something wrong, nobody dared argue. Didn’t they see the
person who had just been yelling slander was still getting a beating?
“Who in this wang fu doesn’t know that I’m ill, the taiyi[35] had
previously ordered what I shouldn’t be eating. But look at what you
have served every day?” Qu Qing Ju gave a small sigh, her face full
of sadness, almost as though she was a bullied stalk of little
cabbage.[36] “I know you are cannot be bothered to treat an ill wang
fei. I felt the same too, death was an end. But since I’ve recovered, I
want to have a good life. You purposefully deliver oily foods, is it in
hopes that I would get ill and die earlier?” After finishing, she sighed
in woe. If it wasn’t that somebody was still enduring a beating, her
look would have made others feel pity.
The three servants started to kowtowing again, wanting to explain
but didn’t dare to. They were afraid wang fei would say
“disobedience against their zhuzi” and continue their beating.
Seeing that the kowtowing had gone on long enough, Qu Qing Ju
waved her hand weakly as though she had been severely wounded
emotionally, “That’s fine, you can stop now and all leave.” Finishing,
she turned to Rui Xiang who was right behind her, “Give some
ointment to them. These people must be essential in this fu, we can’t
let them not attend to their vital duties.”
The four kneeling felt despair rise. Since wang fei said they were
important and held vital duties, then tomorrow, even if they had to
crawl, they had to be doing their jobs, unless they wanted to be
thrown out of the fu. But they were servants that had signed a death
contract, what good outcome would await them if they were thrown
Finished ordering everything, Qu Qing Ju slowly stood and turned to
look at the ce fei and shiqie that had arrived at some unknown time.
Her face made a surprised expression, “When did you all arrive?
Since you are here now, then come in.”
Done speaking, she didn’t care to what their faces showed, she took
Shu Kui’s hand and walked into her rooms.


1. 端王府: 端王 is Duan Wang. Duan (端) means straight, upright; proper if it is

used as an adjective. As a noun, it primarily means the beginning, end, or the
limit. 王 can mean both a prince or a king. However, the highest power
belongs to the emperor, not a 王. 府 is a compound, house or mansion. Fu
(府) can only be labelled and called as such if it is bestowed as part of a
position or inherited in the aristocracy. Families can be referred to using their
actual surname or the name of their fu so it becomes the House of —–,
similar to Western royalty. 端王府 is therefore the household and the mansion
that was bestowed to Prince Duan when he received his title.

2. 婆子: literally old woman. There are three primary meanings: baggage – a
despicable/pitiful woman, a wife, or an old female servant. Only the last
meaning is relevant in this case. Po zi are usually lower ranked servants,
used for common-labor or other tasks.

3. 内院: The “inner courtyard” where the women reside. It also refers to the
interactions and social spaces of women. See more in the glossary on the fu.

4. 丫鬟: servant girl, can also be called yatou (丫头). Equivalent to maids.

5. 夹袄: lined jacket. Wide sleeves and a length to the waist. This style was
common during the Ming and especially the Qing dynasties.

6. 正院: The main building or the primary building. The residence of the wife.
See more in the glossary on the fu.

7. 王妃: the wife of a 王or prince. 妃, on its own, is one of the highest ranks of
imperial concubine under the Empress.

8. 姑娘: young lady, or young girl.

9. 红帐子: the red canopy refers to both the decorations for the wedding, and
also the bedroom canopy that covers the bed.

10. 王爷: the pronoun to refer to a wang in normal conversation.

11. 侧妃: ce(侧) means side. Ce fei refers to a “secondary wife”.

12. 鸡血玉镯: the literal translation would be chicken blood (鸡血) jade
bracelet/bangle(玉镯)but phoenix blood is another name for the type of stone.

13. 罗裙: luo qun, silk dress.

14. 蜀绣: the style of embroidery originated from Sichuan so it is also called
chuan-style. It is one of the four primary styles of embroidery in China.

15. 络子: laozi, it’s an ornament that’s usually made through knotting, such as the
classic Chinese knot, to create various shapes.

16. 飞仙髻: flying(飞)immortal(仙) knot/braid(髻)

17. 鸾鸟:mythical bird related to the phoenix

18. 步摇:dangling hair ornament or literally step shake

19. 请安: literally ask/request (请) safety/comfort(安). It is performed in the

morning by all females of the family in the household to the eldest female, the
mother of the highest ranking male member of the family, or in the absence of
that, his wife. This includes daughters, concubines, sisters and if the family
has not separated and the brothers live together, their wives would also go.

20. 后院: back(后) courtyard(院). Another way of referring to the neiyuan, the
main difference is that houyuan is more commonly used to refer specifically
to the women who were concubines of assorted rank and social status.

21. 妾侍 (qieshi): general term referring to all concubines

22. 本王妃: this(本) wangfei(王妃). Ben (本) is used by a speaker to refer to

themselves in the third person (illeism). This form of speaking is used for
more formal occasions, usually when the speaker is part of a conversation
among equals or as the highest ranking person in the room.

23. 侍妾: shiqie. Lower in rank than ce fei but not the lowest in terms of rank
among concubines.

24. 大丫鬟: da for big(大) or first-rank. These are the highest ranked yahuan who
have the most experience and spent the most time with the female they
serve. According, they receive better treatment than other yahuan.

25. 西园: literally the Western Park. It would be a set of rooms on the western
side of the compound.

26. 妾: qie.Shortened and very general name for concubine

27. 宠爱: chong(宠) is to pamper/spoil/love. Ai(爱) is love. Chongai is a very

different concept than love. It usually refers to the amount often a man has
sexual congress with one of his concubines. The more nights they have, the
more chong the concubines is said to have. Favor and affection are terms
that are very similar to the concept of chongai.

28. 氏: shi means clan name. Women, upon marriage, are identified by their
surname and it is very rare that their personal name is recorded. This is the
case even for princesses. They would then be referred to as ––shi, to identify
the family they came from.

29. 昌德公府: Chang De(昌德) is the name associated with the title, meaning
flourishing/prosperous (昌) virtue(德). Gong(公) means that it is a dukedom.
公府 is therefore the ducal compound.

30. 太监: eunuchs, who were men that were castrated, are not the same as
taijian as taijian refers to specific positions in the Imperial palace and
government which were occupied by men that were castrated.

31. 殿中省: department under the Chancellery, responsible for all aspects of the
Emperor’s life.

32. 奴才: literally meaning slave. It’s the illeism used by servants to refer to
themselves when talking to those in rank above them.
33. 嬷嬷: while it is pronounced mama, it refers to old female servants, and is
used similarly to pozi.

34. 小高子: xiao(小) is small, gaozi(高子) means tall.

35. 太医 (taiyi): imperial physician. It is an official position.

36. 小白菜: it means little cabbage. There is a song lyric where it is “little
cabbage, from childhood, there was no dad or mom”. It is also the nickname
of a woman in one of the major murder cases in 1872, nicknamed so as she
wore a white shirt and green pants. She was childhood friends with a man
who grew up to participate in the government exams and became a
government official. However, she was a childhood bride and therefore had to
marry into another family. When the two grew up, the man was accused of
adultery with Little Cabbage and murdering her husband due to machinations
of another official in revenge. After various ordeals and torture, the truth was
revealed. However, the man’s body was ruined by the torture and couldn’t
return to his position. He quickly died after and Little Cabbage became a nun.

There’s many kinds of clothing and ornaments and someone told me
that pictures would really help since many people don’t know what
they look like.
Not all the chapters will have supplements. I might combine groups
of chapters and then post pictures. See pretty pictures under the cut
夹袄: jia’ao, lined jacket. The decoration would depend on the social
class and wealth. The ones shown are button straight up the front.
Others have a curved line of buttons from the next to under the arm.
鸡血玉镯: phoenix/chicken blood bangle. It can be purely red or
partially red. The most famous in C-novels may be the bangle in Bu
Bu Jing Xing (screenshot below).
罗裙: silk dress. Many different styles. The ones most frequently
mentioned are the wide-sleeved luoqun.

花开并蒂: two flowers blooming on a single stalk. Lotus flowers are

the kind usually described this way.
络子 (laozi) : ornament of various shapes made by knotting or other
techniques. Weaving with beads in the second image.
飞仙髻 (feixianji): literally flying goddess topknot
(鸾鸟祥云)步摇: a buyao(步摇 ) can range from the very simple hair
pin to large complicated headpieces. The literal translation is step
shake, referring to how the dangling parts of the buyao sways with
the wearer’s steps. The first picture is what the luan buyao could
have looked like. The second is of a buyao that would have been
attached at the back or top of the head, not inserted from the side
into the hair.

The steps of makeup for a Tang married woman (If you want to see
a prettier version, search up Fan Bing Bing as Wu Ze Tian)
1. Powder
2. Rouge
3. Draw eyebrows (eyebrow shape varied over time)
4. Paste on flower between eyebrows
5. Paste on dimples
6. Draw (half moons/cresents onto) temples
7. Lipstick (the smaller the mouth, the more attractive it was
Chapter Two “Ce Fei is Still Qie”

The ce fei and shiqie didn’t think that they would see a beautiful play
of brute force once they stepped into the zhengyuan. They looked
suspiciously at wang fei and then at the servants who were at their
limits due to pain but didn’t dare show it in their twisted expressions.
What had happened here?
Seeing that wang fei was walking into the room, the four didn’t care
whether if it was respectful or not and followed. Only Feng ce fei,
when she passed, ordered for the people get carried back.
However, when she saw that no servant in the surroundings moved,
her expression changed and she didn’t speak further.
At the front, Yin Liu and Jin Zhan lowered their heads as they guided
the others along and held the curtains open for the four. From far
away, they saw Mu Jin and Yu Zan coming over with meal boxes.
They stopped walking and waited for the two to come close. Seeing
that those two weren’t clear as to what had happened, the four
exchanged glances and looked at the servants who had suddenly
become more obedient in the yard before lifting the curtain to enter
the rooms.
The rooms had already been cleaned. The smell of meat had been
covered by burning fragrance. But Qui Qing Ju didn’t like the smell
and couldn’t resist looking at the flying cane and golden beast
Rui Xiang went forward immediately to extinguish the incense,
changing it for a fainter, less fragrant one. Seeing wang fei’s
expression relax slightly, she breathed a sigh of relief as well.
“Look at how clever wang fei’s yahuan is. No wonder that even
wang ye complimented your yahuan,” Feng ce fei said with a faint
smile as she bowed slightly to Qu Qing Ju. She was laughing at the
fact that a few days earlier, wang ye had taken one of Qu Qing Ju’s
yahuan as a tongfang.[1] She dared to do so because of wang ye’s
favour but no one else dared to follow.
Who knew that when she finished, Qu Qing Ju didn’t even spare a
look at her, as though she, a living breathing person, didn’t even
exist. The room settled into a heavy silence.
Holding Shu Kui’s hand as she sat, Qu Qing Ju saw Mu Jin and Yu
Zan entering with the meal boxes. She spoke: “Serve it up.”
The boxes were opened. Various types of porridge were displayed
out. A bowl of lotus and lily porridge, a goblet of Eight Treasures
chicken soup, a few small vegetable dishes and desserts that were
elegant yet light. Steam rose from each dish, just one glance was
enough to see how much effort had been put in.
“It looks like there are at least some that have skill in the kitchen.
Give those that cooked a reward of five taels[2] of silver each,” Qu
Qing Ju held a fine ceramic spoon and took a taste of porridge. She
looked at Han Qing He, who was standing to one side. She was one
of the shiqie in the wang fu. Her status was very low but she was
very good at being obedient. Even if she wasn’t very favoured, it
wasn’t that she wasn’t favoured at all.
“I heard that wang ye said you were very good at service, so today,
you can serve the food,” The porridge was passable and Qu Qing
Ju’s mood seemed to have lightened. Seeing Han shi dawdling
about, she wasn’t irritated but asked in a slow voice, “Oh, Han
shiqie isn’t willing?”
“Nu[3] doesn’t dare,” Han shi’s face showed a hint of humiliation. But
the person in front of her was wang fei. She was only a shiqie, and
it was in the natural order that she was to serve wang fei. Even if
she didn’t want to, did she dare do otherwise?
The other three looked in disbelief at Qu Qing Ju, who had lowered
her head to drink porridge. Was wang fei crazy? Even though Han
shiqie wasn’t very favoured but she had been with wang ye for a
long time and was the one that had taught wang ye. Wang fei, a not
favoured wang fei, really dared to order Han shiqie to serve her
Not caring what others were thinking, Qu Qing Ju blocked the
chopstick of shepherd’s purse[4] and pheasant Han shi had picked
up, “I don’t like this dish. Remember to not serve this one next time.”
Han shi’s expression changed slightly, the hand that held the
chopsticks tightened but she didn’t argue. In the end, she only
woodenly bowed: “May wang fei have mercy. Nu has served wang
ye for a long time, and assumed that wang fei would like the same
dishes as wang ye. Nu thought wrong.”

This was telling her, that she had seniority with wang ye? Qu Qing
Ju smiled but didn’t speak, turning her gaze to a dish of lettuce
stems and pig stomach.
Sometimes, silence was the greatest humiliation. Everybody could
see that wang fei didn’t even look properly at Han shiqie, as though
this woman wasn’t different from any other shiqie who had to hold
curtains and serve food for the wife in other noble families.
Qu Qing Ju took a long time to use her morning meal. Feng ce fei
and the others stood until their legs felt soft but they never received
a word to sit, so they could only stand at one side, and look upon Qu
Qing Ju elegantly ordering Han shiqie to serve her food.

“Is there something wang fei has called us here for?” Seeing Qu
Qing Ju finally setting down her chopstick, the ce fei Feng Zi Jin
couldn’t resist any longer. Her face still held a warm smile, “Or did
wang fei call us here just for conversation?”

Qu Qing Ju took the tea that Jin Zan held to rinse and used rose and
lemon water to wash her hands. The smooth cotton fabric wiped
away the droplets on her fingertips. Qu Qing Ju finally looked at
Feng Zi Jin: “I’ve always heard that Feng ce fei’s personality was as
soft as water, but today I’ve seen that this rumor is true, your
personality just as rushed and impatient as boiling water is.”
Standing to the right of Feng Zi Jin was ce fei Jiang Yong Xu, who
upon hearing this, buried her head deeper to disguise the smile at
the corner of her lips. This Feng Zi Jin always loved using a warm
and friendly façade to evoke the pity of wang ye, but wang fei
purposefully said the exact opposite. It could be seen that wang fei
didn’t really have the personality of mud. It seems that this wang fei¸
who had just entered the wang fu, had her own way of doing things.

Seeing Qu Qing Ju laughing at her expense, Feng Zi Jin felt anger

rise but the smile on her face became even warmer, “Wang fei is
making a joke. Nu doesn’t deserve such compliments. Wang fei’s
open mind and innocent heart is what nu and others admire.”

“What ben wang fei is like, the Emperor already stated very clearly
when the marriage was bestowed,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as her gaze
swept across Feng Zi Jin quickly, as though she was very surprise
that a little qie dared to discuss the behaviour of a wife, “The
Emperor’s words are golden, his eyes are of a dragon, his pupils of
a phoenix, he naturally sees more clearly than anybody else in this
Anything that Feng Zi Jin wanted to say was blocked by these
words. What could she say? Wang fei had been handpicked
personally by the Emperor. She was only a little qie, she couldn’t say
a word against the Emperor. Even wang ye didn’t dare say anything
about that.
As of the present, there were four imperial sons that had lived to
adulthood. The Emperor was reaching his sixth decade. The struggle
for the throne hadn’t floated to the surface but underneath, it was
already storms and clouds. No imperial son would want to throw
dirty water on himself.
Wang fei dared to say something as audacious as this, it was
clearly using the situation to her advantage. She was clearly relying
on the fact that wang ye couldn’t repudiate her, his wife.

Thinking back to the words on the imperial decree of marriage,

something like naturally outstanding, virtuous and of good fortune. If
the Emperor declared Qu Qing Ju was virtuous and of good fortune,
who dared say otherwise?
Thinking there, the smile on Feng Zi Jin’s face froze and she made a
full bow[5]: “Wang fei have mercy, nu spoke wrongly.”

“It is fine to say what ever in front of me, since once the door is
closed, everybody is a member of Duan Wang Fu. But if you slip
outside, if others say I cannot maintain discipline, it would be a minor
matter, but if you shame Duan Wang Fu, it would be a different
matter altogether,” Qu Qing Ju sighed lightly, “Technically, you have
great seniority in this wang fu, I shouldn’t need to say more, it has
wasted my words.”
“The fact that wang fei is concerned for us nu, it is our honor, it is
not wasted.” Jiang Yong Yu, who had been standing silently by one
side the entire time, came forward and performed a bow, “nu may
have spent more time in this fu but is not as respected and valued as
wang fei and not as knowledgeable. Wang fei’s attentions have
taught nu.”

The other three didn’t think Jiang Yong Yu would lower herself to
such a respectful attitude. They felt distain inside but on the outside,
their faces all showed looks of agreement.
Feng Zi Jin looked once at Jiang Yong Yu. Inside she thought
disdainfully, it was obvious that she wasn’t of high birth, that she
would even curry favor with an unfavored wang fei.

Taking in all of the expressions, Qu Qing Ju held her chin in one hand
on the carved wooden armrest, her right index finger tapping on the
chair. Of the four women in front of her, Feng Zi Jin’s birth was the
best, her father was a third-rank assistant minister of the Ministry of
Works. Jiang Yong Yu’s father was only a sixth-rank official in the
Ministry of Works. The other two shiqie was of even lower-birth.
Han Qing He’s father was only an eighth-rank official. It was only the
fact that she taught Duan Wang on matters of adulthood that she
was elevated to become a shiqie. The other silent and often ignored
shiqie was Luo Yin Xiu. Her father was deceased and she had,
along with her mother, depended on the support of her maternal
uncle who was a seventh-rank official in the Department of
Looking at the appearance, Feng Zi Jin was the most beautiful,
followed by Jiang Yong Yu. Similar to her name, Han Qing He was
very clean and Luo Yin Xiu’s appearance was just as unremarkable
as her personality.
These four simple-looking women and a few unable-to-be-seen-
publically tongfang were enough to cause the original to be majorly
ill. It could be seen that they weren’t so simple after all.
“Naturally it would be good to remember,” Qu Qing Ju stood, holding
Mu Jin’s hand as she started walking outside. The four, seeing her
movements, obediently followed to the yard. The yard had been
cleaned, not showing any signs that would allow an observer to find
that an hour ago, there had been people undergoing a beating.
Squinting as she took a look at the sky, Qu Qing Ju then turned to
look at the four women: “Today’s weather isn’t bad, accompany me
on a walk. After so many days ill, I didn’t have the time to develop a
relationship with you. We will remedy that bit by bit from now on.”
In any other fu, when the wife was sick, which concubine didn’t come
to pay their respects? It was only the concubines in Duan Wang Fu
that had the guts to only send presents but didn’t come in person.
The original endured, but she didn’t have to continue.
Listening to wang fei’s warm voice saying words with a heavy
undertone, Luo Yin Xiu, who had the least courage, couldn’t help but
shudder. She had originally thought to pay respects daily but Feng
ce fei didn’t do so. She was only an unfavored shiqie and couldn’t
even say additional words, or walk an extra step. Now that wang fei
wanted to settle old scores, Feng ce fei was fine with wang ye’s
favor, but she had no such favor, what could she do now?
Jiang Yong Yu, after hearing this, stopped and then looked at FEng
Zi Jin. She didn’t have wang ye’s favor but due to the fact she
understood her position, her life in the wang fu could be considered
not too good or too bad. Today, upon seeing wang fei, she peculiarly
felt that wang fei had some element of power. The woman walking in
front of her looked the same, but didn’t have that personality of mud.
The beating of the servants in the morning had been wang fei
making an example, otherwise she wouldn’t have made such a
Any nobleman with no problems in their brain would always give the
wife some measure of respect, especially somebody as intelligent
as wang ye. In the past, wang fei had been soft and didn’t care to
take up the issues and so nothing had happened. Now that wang fei
wanted to bother with it, nothing would be smoothed over just
because Feng Zi Jin was favoured.
Wang fei didn’t have the attention and love of her father and
stepmother at home but she had an influential maternal family. Wang
ye wasn’t a person without any ambition and naturally knew how to
respect his wife.
She looked sympathetically at Feng Zi Jin who was walking in front
of her once, then Jiang Yong Yu shifted her gaze away. She saw
that a procession that was making their way towards them. At the
very front was the master of this fu, Duan Qin Wang.[6]


1. 通房: lowest rank in concubine.

2. 两 (liang): a tael. Approximately 50 grams. The conversion of silver to gold

and to copper ratio would have varied across time.

3. 奴(nu): way of referring to oneself as a servant, like “this servant”.

4. 荠菜: shepherd’s purse. It is related to the mustard family and usually

considered a weed.

5. 万福(wan fu): literal meaning is ten thousand good fortune. This is the proper
greeting between women, the right hand covering the left in a loose fist and
performing a movement from the right side of the chest moving downwards
and at the same time, bowing with the legs bent as though trying to sit down.

6. 端亲王: before, he had always been referred to as Duan Wang (端王) but
Duan Qin Wang is his proper rank. This is the highest level of prince. The only
rank higher would be the Emperor.

Food food food.
炉: brazier, used for burning fragrance. Most braziers are made out
of metal. The one from the novel has a golden beast and cranes.

八宝乌鸡汤: Eight Treasures chicken soup, made with eight types of

Chinese medicinal herbs.
荠菜山鸡片: pheasant (or wild chicken) with shepherd’s purse

青笋宝猪肚条: celtuce and pig stomach

万福(wangfu): formal greeting performed by females. It is a bow
with the head lowered, arms at the sides and knees bent.
Chapter Three “Wang Ye”

From very far away, He Heng[1] had seen a procession of people in

the garden but it had been too far to see everybody clearly. The
woman at the very front, he didn’t see clearly, but from her
movements, he could tell he was unfamiliar with her.
“Ming He, can you see who is it at the front?” He had just left the
royal court, and didn’t want to spare the effort to deal with these
women. After he spoke, he stopped in his steps, his expression of
one who was fed up.
“Wang ye, this one sees that it seems to be a procession of Feng ce
fei and Jiang ce fei,” Ming He opened his eyes wide for a look
before quickly lowering his head. He might be an eunuch, but he
didn’t dare to look straight at his master’s women.
“Then who is it at the front?” He Heng squinted his eyes to look at
the woman at the very front, “Doesn’t look very familiar.”
Ming He quickly raised his head again. The woman walking at the
very front had an extraordinary aura. He didn’t know what flowers
were embroidered on that wide-sleeved silk dress but it seemed
beautiful. For a while, he really didn’t recognize who it was. He
spoke hesitantly: “Maybe it’s wang fei?”

Even Ming He himself didn’t believe what he said, but other than
wang fei, what woman in this fu dared to walk in front of a ce fei?

Hearing Ming He mention wang fei, He Heng remembered that

woman with a soft personality. Her father was the Duke of Chang
De, her maternal uncle was the Xiang Qing Marquis and also
Supreme Justice of the Court[2]. Her birth was not in any way
ordinary but she was raised to have that kind of personality. No
wonder when his mufei[3] chose Qu shi, nobody tried to interfere.

Qu Qing Ju saw from far away what the original in her memory had
feared, Duan Wang. His appearance was that of a twenty-year old,
tall and of good posture. He was wearing a white robe edged in
black, with a white jade coronet[4]. The first impression one would
get would be that of a giant among men, a dragon among humans.
After they walked closer, she saw that there was a hint of a smile on
Duan Wang’s face, but there was no mirth in his eyes.
Slightly bowing, Qu Qing Ju smiled and opened: “Wang ye has
finished court, is there a need for nourishment?”
“Wang fei has recovered?” He Heng’s gaze landed on that porcelain
wrist, the red of the phoenix blood rock contrasting with the pale skin
so that the wrist looked as though it would break with a touch.
“Thanks to wang ye’s good fortune,” Qu Qing Ju smiled falsely, using
a handkerchief to wipe at the inconspicuous sweat on her forehead,
“it is just that my body is weak and the taiyi had already ordered me
to a diet. Who knew that the kitchen servants would only pay lip
service and send restricted and oily foods. I was so angry at the
time, I pushed them with a bit of a beating.”
Jiang Yong Yu, hearing wang fei mention this incident to wang ye,
couldn’t resist looking at wang ye. She saw that the other’s
expression was normal, obviously not placing any importance on this
type of matter.
It was true that He Heng didn’t care for this type of incident but he
was a bit surprised that wang fei was actually able to order and
carry out a punishment. Even though he held no good feelings
towards wang fei, but it wasn’t that he would embarrass her in this
type of situation: “To servants that won’t serve faithfully, it wouldn’t
be a pity to throw them out.”
“Wang ye’s consideration is the great fortune of qie.” If wang ye’s
personality was really what she hypothesized, he was a controlled
and ambitious man. She lowered her eyes and face, not smiling at
him any longer. In her past life, she was considered a successful
manager. What type of man she hadn’t seen before? This wang ye
wasn’t peerless in his beauty, she didn’t care that much.
He Heng saw that the other had no intentions of speaking further and
turned to his other women. He saw that while Feng shi’s face had a
smile, it seemed to hold traces of humiliation. He looked once at
wang fei and saw she had lowered her head. At the end, he only
nodded: “Since you have gotten better, it is beneficial for you to
exercise outside.” Finishing, he left behind the crowd of women for
his study.
After He Heng left, Qu Qing Ju turned to look at Feng Zi Jin, her
eyes slightly narrowed. She reached out with her right hand to lift a
fine and glowing chin, and used a tone softer than silk, “This face of
Feng ce fei, the more you look, the more you fall in love.” Finishing,
the thumb smoothed over the curve of the face until it felt Feng ce fei
shudder before retreating. She used her handkerchief to scrub
gently at her thumb and index finger, “That’s fine, I’m tired. You can
all leave now.” Finishing, she held Jin Zhan’s hand and turned to
Feng Zi Jin looked at the handkerchief that wang fei had thrown to
the ground after she took three steps away and her face, which
usually held a warm smile, froze in anger. This was a great
humiliation. What made her even more angry was that she had felt
fear under Qu Qing Ju’s gaze. What was Qu Qing Ju worth, how
dumb and dull she was, that she dared treat her like this?!
At this moment she felt that the other three beside was having a
laugh at her expense. She swept them, her face dark as she
scolded: “What are you looking at, leave immediately!”
The two shiqie quickly took a bow before leaving, but Jiang Yong
Yu, who was of the same rank as her, slowly opened her mouth and
said: “Meimei[5] should return to your rooms early, I will leave first.”
Finishing, she didn’t stay to look at Feng Zi Jin’s expression as she
turned and walked away.
“Qu Qing Ju!” Feng Zi Jin, with a dark face, stomped a few time on
the handkerchief on the ground before walking, full of rage, back to
Xi Yuan.
“Wang fei, you really humiliated Feng ce fei today.” Jin Zhan felt
satisfied yet worried, “If wang ye knew, and blamed you … …”
“There’s no need for worry,” Qu Qing Ju laughed lightly, her gaze
looking towards the study, “wang ye isn’t the average person.” This
type of man, he wouldn’t care about small things. As long as she, as
his wang fei, didn’t do anything to damage the interests of Duan
Wang, Duan Wang, at this point, would respect her, as his wang fei.

Even though Chang De Gong Fu didn’t care for her, but her jiujiu[6]
was titled a marquis and was the Supreme Justice. Her jiumu’s[7]
father was the Minster of Defense. The couple only had two sons
and no daughters, and was very attentive to her, their niece. If it
wasn’t for those two, how else would the original have protected her
mother’s dowry?
Duan Wang might not need to depend on wang fei to accomplish
things, but it was true he would never favor a qie over a wife to
create conflict with those people. At this time, every imperial son
was restless and Duan Wang wasn’t an unambitious person.
She wasn’t the type of person live in discomfort. If she really had to
live in hardship and unpleasantness for her entire life, it would be
better for her to just jump into a pond right now. As to how Duan
Wang would treat her if he gained the throne? She was too lazy to
think that much. Who knows what would happen in the future. Even if
she was really virtuous and generous, it didn’t appear that this Duan
Wang would like her very much.
Jin Zhan didn’t understand the meaning in wang fei’s words, but
since wang fei didn’t explain, she didn’t dare ask. She, along with Mu
Jin and the others, carefully walked wang fei back to zhengyuan and
then saw the steward of the kitchen had been waiting for a long
The moment the kitchen steward saw them, he immediately came up
and took a formal bow and rushed into a list of explanations and
requests for mercy.
They were very misfortunate. In the past days, they had sent the
same items to wang fei but nobody knew that wang fei would pick
today to erupt. If it was only that, then it wouldn’t have been so
major. But just now, even Ming He gonggong[8], who served by wang
ye’s side came by to berate them. The original steward was
discharged. He had originally been the assistant steward and
managed to take advantage of the gap to become the steward. He
didn’t dare overstep so he had come very early to zhengyuan to
make his apologies.
Qu Qing Ju looked at this steward. He wasn’t very talk and looked
very simple and honest. He did seem very obedient, but to become a
steward in this wang fu, nobody was honest. She was weary of his
apologies and said: “What the kitchen is like, I don’t care, but if in
the future I find you are not attentive, you don’t need to kneel here.”
The steward nodded frantically and handed over a menu, saying that
it was for wang fei to pick the dishes for today and tomorrow
“In the past, you have always said that everything was according to
protocol, so it isn’ possible to order.” Qu Qing Ju didn’t take the
menu, only smiled at the steward.
Upon hearing this, the steward immediately said: “It was probably
one of the messengers that said it wrong. It is true that wang fei’s
food is mandated by the protocols, but it is possible to order dishes
among the protocols.” Finishing, he started to castigate the
messenger for being dumb and misunderstanding.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t want to hear any more wasteful talk and said:
“Fine, I know you will be attentive. Yin Liu, give me the menu.”
On the menu once it reached her hand, there was all the ways of
cooking, all kinds of dishes. She picked a few dishes that she liked
and spoke: “In the morning, I don’t like using oily or heavy foods. The
kitchen can cook like normal, if it meets my preferences, naturally
there will be rewards.”
The steward felt a heavy weight. Who knew what things suited this
wang fei’s appetite . His mouth kept repeating that wang fei was
generous and compassionate and so on.
Sending away the kitchen steward, Yin Liu massaged Qu Qing Ju’s
shoulders and said hatefully: “This pile of useless and spineless
The pressure of Yin Liu’s massage was perfect. Qu Qing Ju leaned
back comfortably on the recliner. Hearing Yin Liu’s remark, she
smiled and said: “In this world, there are many people but they are
all this way. It is not worth it to be angry over a small insignificant
Mu Jin came in carrying with a goblet of date and honey tea. Hearing
what wang fei said, she laughed and said: “Wang fei is right,
nubi[9]thinks that from now one, there wouldn’t be any more
disobedient servants.”
Qu Qing Ju opened her eyes and sighed over those words: “In the
past, I always thought the best of others but it is today that I have
decided to use goodness to repay goodness, use evil to repay evil.
That is the way to live in the Imperial Family.”
Mu Jin smiled and placed the teacup on the redwood table. She
pulled a thin blanket over Qu Qing Ju: “If wang fei thinks like this, it
is a good thing.” In all the first-rank yahuan, she was the oldest. In
the beginning, when furen[10]had brought her and taken her into the
fu, the little mistress had only been a year old. Now, the little
mistress has become a wang fei and she was over two decades.
She had said very early on that she didn’t wish to marry, her only
desire to guard beside wang fei. Now that wang fei had changed, it
was for the best.
Qu Qing Ju looked at Mu Jin and thought back to the meaning of the
flower Mu Jin. Resolve. This name was appropriate for this woman
in front of her. It was one of the good things the original had, this
yahuan who always wanted the best for her.

Closing her eyes, Qu Qing Ju didn’t look at the sincere concern in

the other’s eyes, “Mu Jin’s wish, I understand.”
Mu Jin’s eyes became red but she smiled and said: “Wang fei’s
words are embarrassing nubi.” Finishing, she covered her face and
In the study, He Heng folded closed a missive and waited for it to
dissolve in a bowl of water before saying to Ming He: “Don’t touch
what’s happening in the south, da ge[11] and san di[12]is fighting very
fiercely. It’s better for me to watch from the sidelines.”
Ming He nodded. He saw the pieces of the missive dissolved in the
bowl and turned to a new topic: “Wang ye, the people in the kitchen
have been reprimanded. The new steward seems to be a smart one,
he already went to zhengyuan to ask for mercy.”

He Heng nodded and didn’t pay much attention, only saying: “Qu shi
is ben wang’s di[13] wife. What she is due, she will receive.” Thinking
back to Qu shi’s vibrant new appearance that was contrary to the
past plain one, his brow moved slightly, “As to how wang fei does in
the future, we will wait and see.”
Ming He nodded silently. This was between the zhuzi and the female
zhuzi. He was a servant and naturally had no opinion. But he kept on
sensing that today’s wang fei was different from before. It wasn’t
just the change in wardrobe, even the gaze had changed. As the
main steward of the fu, he had seen wang fei a few times before.
He kept on feeling that wang fei seemed to have from … an
unnoticeable gray bunny transformed to … a fierce female fox?
Recognizing he was guessing about his masters, Ming He buried his
head deeper. Amitofo, he should be punished.


1. 贺珩 (He Heng): He is the surname, heng means the top gem that decorates
a pendant, usually made of jade.

2. 大理寺少卿: shaoqing(少卿) is the highest position in the Department of

Justice (大理寺). Similar to the Chief Supreme Justice.

3. 母妃: mother-consort or mother-concubine. Mother who is also an imperial

consort. They cannot be simply referred to as mother because socially, the
mother of the imperial sons is the Empress.

4. 玉冠: the historical Chinese coronet, unlike European coronets that encircle
the head, sit at the very top of the head and is secured by forming a bun of
hair and pin.
5. 妹妹: younger sister. All the women are “sisters” and the “age” is determined
by first rank, and then seniority.

6. 舅舅: maternal uncle

7. 舅母: maternal uncle’s wife

8. 公公: how to refer to a taijian.

9. 奴婢: how a servant refers to herself. With bi(婢), the phrase is slave-servant,
rather than just nu or servant.

10. 夫人: the mistress/wife. In this case, Qu Qing Ju’s mother.

11. 大哥: da(大) for big or eldest, ge(哥) is older brother

12. 三弟: san(三) three or third, di(弟) younger brother

13. 嫡: first and “legitimately” married to,

玉冠: jade coronet of various styles
软榻: recliner
Chapter Four “Embarrassment”

A new day had arrived. the ce fei and shiqie of the wangfu
obediently came to the zhengyuan to pay their respects. The result
was that they had waited for almost an hour but didn’t manage to
see wang fei’s face.
The other three were still alright, only sitting there woodenly. But
Feng Zi Jin’s face showed a hint of impatience. Even so, even she
didn’t dare turn and leave.
Taking a drink of tea to suppress the impatience inside, Feng Zi Jin
asked in a quiet voice to her yahuan behind her: “Chun Yu, what
time is it now?”
Chun Yu looked outside. The sun had already risen. She could only
say: “Mistress, it’s already past nine.”
Jiang Yong Yu coldly observed the motions of Feng Zi Jin and her
servant. She lowered her gaze to her lotus-colored dress as though
she was an unfeeling piece of wood, waiting for wang fei to arrive.
After another fifteen minutes, they finally saw wang fei’s first-ranked
yahuan Mu Jin slowly walk out, a face full of remorse. She bowed
deeply to the four: “Ce fei and yiniang,[1] please return. Wang fei
said that paying respects daily is a torment and that paying respects
every three days would be enough.”
“Wang fei is considerate,” They waited for the better part of the
morning, but they only received these few words. The insides of
these four present were complicated and varied but their expression
was the same. As one of the ce fei and the senior one on top of
that, Jiang Yong Yu came up front and smiled, agreeing: “Then we
wouldn’t disturb wang fei any further.”

“Wang fei is very busy everyday. If there had been a notice

yesterday, there would be no need for a disturbance today. It was us
that was rude.” Feng Zi Jin smiled mirthlessly and followed with, “I
am a rough kind of person, very undisciplined. I’m never good at the
fine details, so wang fei will have to forgive me.”
Listening to Feng ce fei’s ambiguous words, Mu Jin’s smile didn’t
waver and she bowed again: “Feng ce fei has no need to worry.
Wang fei is always lenient and wouldn’t be moved to anger over
small things.”
The two pairs of eyes met. Mu Jin’s gaze held laughter, a lowered
chin giving the impression of respect. Feng ce fei’s smile gradually
became colder and in the end, she only took her yahuan Chun Yu
and Xia Yun and left.
The other three were much more courteous and left the zhengyuan
with smiles on their faces.
Coming out of the zhengyuan, the three released a breath. Luo Yin
Xiu couldn’t help but say; “Now zhengyuan’s atmosphere has
become frightening.”
Jiang Yong Yu smiled but there was no mirth in her eyes: “That one
is wang fei. Whether I am favoured or not, I cannot displease her.”

Han Qing He was the eldest among those four and had been the
yahuan arranged by the Department of Household Affairs to
wangye’s side to teach him about adult matters. She didn’t like what
Jiang Yong Yu said, but she couldn’t help but agree on the inside.
She had assumed that wang fei would get her to serve at breakfast
again, but who knew that she made them leave without even
showing up.
“If there is wang ye‘s favor, then it’s fine, if there is no favor…” She
grimaced and looked back at the zhengyuan, “will there be good
days in the future?”
After these words came out, the three became silent. At present,
none of them had children and nobody could be certain of the future.
If wang fei wanted to torment them, only a few word could
accomplish it.
Inside the zhengyuan, Qu Qing Ju finished her ablutions and sat in
front of the copper mirror, playing with a jade scepter.[2] Seeing Mu
Jin coming in, she then lazily stood, holding Yin Liu’s hand to set
down at the table in the outer room. She asked: “Were any of them
“The others were fine, but Feng ce fei said a few words.” Mu Jin
came front to serve her a few chopsticks of food. She smiled and
said: “Nubi wasn’t too courteous to her, so when Feng ce fei left,
her face didn’t look so good.”
Motioning for her to stop, Qu Qing Ju rinsed her mouth before
speaking: “That’s a good way of dealing with it. People say that the
gatekeeper of the Prime Minister is akin to a seventh-rank official,
you are my first-rank yahuan, every action you take represents our
zhengyuan. You can be courteous but you cannot be weak. Before,
when I retreated a step, I didn’t see any of them respect me one
single bit.”
Hearing what wang fei said, Mu Jin understood that wang fei was
putting her in the first spot. She became excited but kept her smile:
“Nubi will remember.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded and started to eat. After she put down the
chopsticks, it was rinsing and washing again. After everything was
put in its place, it was the beginning of a new day.
“Wang fei, nubi doesn’t understand, why let the cefei and shiqie pay
respects every third day,” Yin Liu asked in bewilderment, “Not saying
anything about other compounds, but even in Chang De Gong Fu,
the ji[3] mistress had the yiniang come pay respects everyday.

“What benefit do I get if they come everyday? I wouldn’t even be

able to have a good breakfast,” Qu Qing Ju held their hands to cross
over the doorway. She looked at the spread of green in the yard and
her mood lightened: “I’m too lazy to wake up and prepare everyday
to wait for them to come pay their respects.”
Yin Liu nodded in understanding, carefully holding wang fei’s hand as
they walked into the yard. This yard wasn’t small, it had the required
elements of a false mountain, water, a bridge and blooming flowers.
The servants were doing their duties but Yin Liu felt that this yard
was too quiet.
“Wang fei, do you want that little taijian that you wanted to put into
the interior yard come over and kowtow?” Mu Jin saw wang fei
stand on the bridge using fish feed to tease the fish in the water and
spoke quietly, “If there is no meeting, what is to be his duties?”
Dropping all of the feed in her grasp into the water and seeing a
swarm of golden fish flash by, Qu Qing Ju smiled and said: “Let him
come over.”
A short while later, she saw that taijian whose name she had
changed to Huang Yang kneeling in front of her. Qu Qing Ju
examined him closely. His face was clean and seemed very
obedient. She smiled suddenly: “Stand up. The taijian in this yard
need a leader. In the future, you will be in charge of these taijian. As
to what you need to do, you just have to understand inside.” After
her words, she saw this Huang Yang kneel down again to thank her.
Qu Qing Ju looked once at Mu Jin: “Mu Jin has served many years
at my side. If there is anything you do not understand, you will ask
Huang Yang confirmed and bowed to Mu Jin. Mu Jin returned the
greeting and laughed: “Wang fei has selected you because you
were obedient. You should try to live up to wang fei’s hope.”

“Please don’t worry, Mu Jin guniang. Nu will be careful in service of

wang fei.” Huang Yang didn’t say any superfluous words. It could be
seen that wang fei didn’t like listening to useless things. Seeing the
situation, Mu Jin nodded inside. He didn’t seem to be of any great
use, but at least had a good eye for detail and wasn’t so dumb.
What wang fei had just said, it was to make declare that all the
servants in the neiyuan would be under her charge. She had no way
of reciprocating except take note of every small thing and always
putting wang fei first.

Huang Yang hadn’t thought that he would receive wang fei’s

attentions and he was ecstatic on the inside. To say nothing of
bowing to Mu Jin, if he had to kowtow a few times, he would do it
willingly. After retreating, his face finally revealed his state of
excitement. Turning his head back to look at wang fei on the bridge,
he thought, who said wang fei was a wood-like person, he didn’t
think there was a woman in the wang fu that could outcompete wang
fei niangniang.[4]
Seeing Huang Yang retreat, Qu Qing Ju sighed and leaned in
boredom on a post on the bridge. She suddenly heard a serene
stream of flute music from far away. The sound was both full of
worry and like the cries of a woman. She looked in the direction of
the flute and asked suspiciously: “Why is there flute music at this
The faces of Mu Jin and the others changed slightly but nobody
Seeing the situation, Qu Qing Ju smiled and said: “Or is it that I am
forbidden from knowing this?”
“Wang fei, over there is Cui You Yuan.[5] Supposedly, a huakui[6] that
one of the officials gave to wang ye is living there.” Mu Jin, seeing
wang fei didn’t seem affected, continued onwards, “Nubi heard this
huakui called Yun Qing is famous in the capital. She’s skilled in the
zither, go, calligraphy and painting. Wang ye frequently visits her but
Yun Qing guniang’s personality is very virtuous, so she is still a
The meaning was that wang ye hadn’t managed to get a taste of this
huakui yet? Qu Qing Ju laughed and her interest in the flute halved.
If she was really noble and virtuous, who would let another gift her
into this wang fu and then put out this attitude? Seeing but not
touching was an eternally-successful skill of all beautiful women.
She clapped her hands and then Qu Qing Ju held Yin Liu’s hand:
“Let’s go elsewhere.”
They hadn’t walked a few steps before seeing an unfamiliar little
taijian run over. Upon seeing Qu Qing Ju, he made a full bow: “Nucai
Xiao Gan Zi greets wang fei. Wang ye has commanded nucai to tell
wang fei he is coming over to zhengyuan for the noon meal.”

“Ben wang fei knows,” It took a few seconds for Qu Qing Ju’s brains
to remember that this Xiao Gan Zi was one of the frequently used
taijian of Duan Wang. She nodded to confirm her understanding,
“Wang ye has returned already?”
Xiao Gan Zi answered: “Back already, but hasn’t entered the fu yet
when he met the Royal Highness Cheng Wang[7] so he let nucai send
a message. It will probably be a while before his return.”
It was like that then. The sounds of the flute Cui You Yuan, did they
appeared due to Duan Wang’s presence? That time would have
been the time that Duan Wang was returning, the flute sounds were
too much of a coincidence.
It was so sad that nobody was there to admire such beautiful
sounds, why didn’t she go take some pleasure from it?
“Since wang ye wouldn’t be returning very quickly, then let the
kitchen prepare the noon meal. Somebody go to Cui You Yuan and
inform them that ben wang fei likes Yun Qing guniang’s flute and will
visit shortly.” Qu Qing Ju touched the butterflies in flight of the buyao
in her hair and smile happily.
Xiao Gan Ji stood in shock for a beat before bowing and leaving,
turning towards Cui You Yuan. Even though wang ye had some
minor interest in that women living in Cui You Yuan, but as somebody
who had served at wang ye’s for many years, he understood that a
small insignificant huakui wasn’t as important as wang fei.

Entering Cui You Yuan, he saw Yun Qing guniang who was playing
the flute under the grape trellis. He didn’t pay attention to the other’s
music. Walking forward, Xiao Gan Zi stated: “Yun Qing guniang,
wang fei enjoyed your flute. In a short while, she will be deign to
arrive, so please prepare.”
The sounds of the flute instantly stopped. Yu Qing looked coldly at
Xiao Gan Zi and faintly said: “My place here is much too small, it
isn’t worthy for wang fei to lower herself to come.”

Hearing this, Xiao Gan Zi laughed strangely: “Whether your place is

good or not, I do not know, but it is an honor that wang fei wants to
come. You only have to prepare. Or does wang fei have to report to
you?” Just a plaything, did she really think she was of importance?
This entire wang fu, unless it was the few used by wang ye, who
dared to talk back to him this way? She was just too shameless and
Yun Qin saw Xiao Gan Zi sweep away, her youthful face turning
colors, unspeakably grotesque.


1. 姨娘: title used to refer to normal concubines/qieshi

2. 玉如意: ruyi(如意) is a carved talisman, usually in an S-shape.

3. 继: means to continue. It also refers to the new wife after the old, original, one

4. 娘娘: suffix which should only be applied to the empress or imperial


5. 翠幽苑: cui(翠) green jade, you(幽) is serene, secluded or hidden away,

yuan(苑) is park or yard.

6. 花魁: the word oiran, courtesans in Japan, comes from the word 花魁. It
refers to the top or best entertainer of a pleasure house.

7. 诚王: the Prince of Cheng (诚). Cheng means honest, sincere, true.

玉如意: jade scepter
蝴蝶双飞翅步摇: butterfly in flight buyao
Chapter Five “I Am A Protector
Of Beautiful Women”

Cui You Yuan was located in the west side of the wang fu. It was a
bit out of the way but the surroundings were neat and quiet. Qu Qing
Ju held Mu Jin’s hand as she travelled through a half-moon door and
Cui You Yuan’s entrance was in sight. The mamas guarding the door
and the steward of Cui You Yuan had been waiting at the door.
Seeing Qu Qing Ju, they quickly came up with smiles on their faces.
The kitchen incident had already been spread to the entire wang fu.
In a flash, no one dared to disobey wang fei. Didn’t they see that
even wang ye was on wang fei’s side? They were only servants,
who dared offend the zhuzi?

“Nubi greets wang fei,”The mama who was the steward came
forward and made a full bow. She then look fawningly at the first-
ranked yahuan, “Refreshments have been prepared inside, wang fei
can come in and rest.”
“I hope it didn’t trouble you,” Qu Qing Ju inclined her head slightly.
Disregarding the ingratiating smiles on the gatekeeping and steward
mamas, she walked gracefully into Cui You Yuan.

Wang fei clearly was very courteous to them but the two mamas felt
that wang fei was full of nobility and pushed their own attitudes
Cui You Yuan wasn’t very big but it was of high quality. Qu Qing Ju
scanned the surroundings and at last, her gaze landed on the white-
clad woman in the middle of the yard. Her hand holding a flute, the
woman was very beautiful, wearing a wide-sleeved silk dress,
almost as though she was untouched by mortal sins. She really didn’t
look like a huakui that came out of a prostitute house.

This was the first time Yun Qing met the wang fei that was rumoured
to be not favoured by wang ye. She had thought that it would just be
a normal woman, but who knew it was such an eye-catching woman.
Phoenix eyes and brows like the willow. She had a feixian hair
arrangement, the jewel on the headpiece perfectly falling between
her eyebrows, contrasting with the porcelain skin. She wore a wide-
sleeved dress made of Shu-brocade the color of moonlight. It was
so fitting and beautiful that it appeared as though the dress was
made to be worn by her. Just the two ornaments tied at her waist
were more valuable than all the belongings she ever had.
This was the rumored Duan Wang Fei?
Yun Qing’s mind stopped and she strangely felt inconceivably
inferior. The hand that held the flute tightened. She performed a soft
bow: “Yun Qing greets wang feiniangniang.”
“Yun Qing guniang doesn’t have to be too courteous,” Holding Mu
Jin’s hand, she sat down at the carved mahagony table underneath
the grape trellis. She took a sip of the tea that a little yahuan
presented: “This tea is not bad.”
“The water for this tea comes from the dew that I collect every
morning. To be able to receive wang fei’s compliments, it hasn’t
wasted my efforts. Wang ye also likes this tea.” Yun Qing went
forward two steps and smiled as she replied.
Mu Jin heard how she addressed herself and frowned. She saw that
wang fei’s expression didn’t change and her own expression
The hand that held the cup stopped moving. Qu Qing Ju place the
cup down. She used her handkerchief to wipe the corner of her
mouth, “I think that Yun Qing guniang knows why ben wang fei has
come. I do not know if I have the luck to admire Yu Qing guniang’s
flute.” She didn’t have the interest to drink the dew of this flower or
that grass. Who knew if it was clean or not.
“Wang fei, I’m not one of this fu’s musicians,” Yun Qing’s face turned
pale, as though she was humiliated, as she gazed at Qu Qing Ju,
“Yun Qing’s skill is poor. I don’t dare let it enter wang fei niang
niang’s honourable ears.”
The moment the words came out, the entire yard suddenly quieted.
One of the yahuan that served Yun Qing was frightened to the point
of visibly shaking. She wanted to curl into a ball and didn’t have the
courage to even look in Qu Qing Ju’s direction.
Smiling at the other’s attitude as though she would die rather than
comply, Qu Qing Ju threw the handkerchief she used onto the table,
her hand supporting her chin, one slender hand picking a fine piece
of pastry.
“How dare you!” Mu Jin’s face darkened, “Just a huakui that
somebody gave as a present to the wang fu. How dare you talk to
wang fei in this manner? You really are something that came from
such an unclean place, no sense of good behaviour. Come, slap her
Yu Qing’s eyes suddenly widened. She didn’t believe that wang fei
would act against her. Wasn’t she afraid that wang ye would feel she
wasn’t virtuous?
Before Yun Qing could finish her thoughts, she felt pain appear like
fire on the left of her face. The person who had slapped her was the
steward mama that always fawned over her in the past. She
covered her face and exclaimed in a trembling voice: “You dare …”
“Yun Qing guniang. Sorry for the offense.” The steward mama had
a crying face as she gave Yu Qing a few more slaps. Inside, she
despaired. Today, she offended Yun Qing and potentially enraged
wang ye but if she didn’t offend Yun Qing, she would definitely
offend wang fei. She could only blame her bad luck to have been
sent here to serve. Originally, she thought it would be a profitable
position but who know that she would have to face the ugly truth.
The beauty, after suffering the blows to the face, her originally
beautiful visage became a sorry figure. Qu Qing Ju raised her head
and her eyebrow rose: “What are we doing, ben wang fei is a
protector of beautiful women. Yun Qing nuniang is virtuous and
innocent, you cannot create difficulties for her.” Finishing, she looked
playfully at Mu Jin, “Mu Jin, apologize to Yun Qing guniang. In the
past, I saw that Yin Liu was the impatient one, I didn’t think you
would learn from her.”
The people present lowered their heads silently. Hearing wang fei
“scold” Mu Jin guniang, they couldn’t help but think in their minds that
this was slapping somebody and beating them into the ground
before saying that they were not violent. With this kind of strategy,
wang fei wasn’t a wooden person. If she was made out of wood, it
was the soft and flexible willow tree. She let somebody get beat up,
and then made them have to rage against the wind for being too
harsh, causing the willow to accidentally whip somebody.
Mu Jin heard Qu Qing Ju’s words and went forward a few steps.
She stopped five paces away from Yun Qing and bowed: “Yun Qing
guniang please forgive me. Nubi has offended you today.”

Yun Qing pushed aside the old pozi that was in front of her. She
covered her face with one hand and stared hatefully at Qu Qing Ju:
“Mu Jin guniang is too serious. You are an important person of wang
fei. Yun Qing is a person of low status and doesn’t dare blame you.”

Qu Qing Ju’s index finger gently tapped on the tabletop. Hearing Yun
Qing’s words, her eyebrow rose and she smiled: “Wang ye feels
heavy affection towards Yun Qing guniang, how can you not be less
than Mu Jin as a little yahuan.” Finishing, she let servants bestow a
healing salve. Seeing Yun Qing behave as though she was
humiliated, her smile grew wider, “Since Yun Qing guniang feels that
ben wang fei isn’t worthy of hearing your flute, then we shan’t speak
of it further.”
The steward mama who had been pushed to one side let out a long
heavy exhale. An ignorant thing, to act so in front of wang fei. Did
she really believe she held a part of wang ye’s heart?

The yahuan behind Yu Qing’s face grew paler and paler. After Qu
Qing Ju spoke, she was scared enough to suddenly kneel with a
loud bang. In this wang fu, wang fei was ranked the highest other
than wang ye. The way that her mistress acted, it was clearly not
respecting wang fei. Not saying that wang ye’s attitude towards her
mistress was only that of one treating a plaything, but even if he truly
favoured her mistress, her mistress wouldn’t have a good outcome
“Wang fei have mercy, wang fei have mercy,” The yahuan
continuously kowtowed, “Yun Qing guniang doesn’t understand this
wang fu’s protocols, wang fei please have mercy.”

“Jian Yun, what are you doing?” Yun Qing was covering her face but
not one drop of tears fell down. She stubbornly widened her eyes,
“You didn’t do anything wrong, why are you kneeling?!”
“Guniang, please don’t say anymore.” The yahuan that was kneeling
was called Jian Yun. She despaired inside. In the few days she had
been sent to serve Yun Qing guniang, she had sensed that the way
Yun Qing acted would create conflict in the wang fu. After feeling
apprehensive for a few days, the conflict really came. Thinking of the
situation, she could only heavily kowtow twice again and didn’t speak
Qu Qing Ju sighed. She saw that this Jian Yun was only thirteen or
fourteen. Maybe it was the fact that this yahuan had stayed for a
long time in this wang fu, that she saw more clearly than Yun Qing
did. She had no intentions of chastising this little yahuan. She
motioned for one of the yahuan behind her to help this Jian Yun up.
She had no more interest in looking at Yun Qing’s act of
stubbornness and virtuous. She said to Mu Jin who was beside her,
“Let’s return. Since Yun Qing guniang doesn’t prefer this wang fu,
then in the future then this Cui You Yuan’s allowance will be halved.”
Finishing, she pointed to Jian Yun, whose forehead was bleeding
from the kowtowing, “This yahuan doesn’t have to serve here. Ben
wang fei sees that she looks proper, she can go serve in the tea
Upon hearing this, Jian Yun lit up. She was now one of wang fei’s
people? Flooded with happiness, she started thanking profusely.
“This yard is very busy today.”
Hearing this familiar yet strange voice, Qu Qing Ju looked towards
the door and saw Duan Wang come in with two taijian. She had
some impression of the two taijian in Qu Qing Ju’s memories. They
were the ones that served Duan Wang directly, Ming He and Qian
Chang Xin. They had much more status with Duan Wang than Xiao
Gan Zi.
Qu Qing Ju opened her mouth and heard Yun Qing cry tragically:
“Wang ye.”

This “wang ye” was said in a soft voice, like a bird crying, like a bell
ringing yet it had one part affection, two parts anger, three parts
grief and four parts stubbornness. It was enough to stimulate, upon
hearing it, pity and tenderness.
Her lips curled in a smile. This Yun Qing lived up to being a famous
hua kui. No wonder that official came up and gave her away. Normal
people couldn’t manage somebody of this skill. In her previous life,
she had seen the truths and falsehoods of the entertainment circle.
In one look, she knew what this icy and clean Yun Qing guniang
really thought.
He Heng heard Yun Qing’s call and looked briefly at her before
moving his gaze towards Qu Qing Ju, “Ben wang heard Xiao Gan Zi
say wang fei was here enjoying music. Why is there no music?”

Yun Qing realized that something was wrong, her expression

changing to be even more pitiful as she looked at He Heng. Who
knew that the other’s gaze was still on wang fei and didn’t look once
at her.
“It is qie’s fault to not know ahead of time that wang ye would also
come to listen,” Qu Qing Ju walked to He Heng’s side and looked
pityingly at Yun Qing’s slightly swollen face, “What can remedy this?”
He Heng finally looked at Yun Qing’s pitiful and sorry-looking face.
He said callously: “It’s fine. In this state, there’s no interest in
admiring the music. Ben wang should leave.” Finishing, he looked at
Qu Qing Ju’s slight smile and felt that the other’s buyao was
swaying slightly, making his eyes itch. He added, “After this, return
earlier to zhengyuan. Ben wang is still waiting to eat together with
wang fei.”

“Qie would never forget wang ye’s words,” Qu Qing Ju laughed

lightly, the motion of her eyes seemed carry magnetism, “it should be
wang ye that doesn’t forget.”
He Heng couldn’t resist reaching out to touch that trembling buyao
before smiling and leaving. Walking out of Cui You Yuan, he turned
and looked back once at Cui You Yuan before saying to Qian Chang
Xin and Ming He: “Ben wang remembers that there was a finely
crafted golden luan in flight buyao in the stores. Get somebody to
deliver it to zhenyuan for wang fei to wear for her amusement.”
Qian Chang Xin and Ming He exchanged glances and quickly
confirmed. They both were struck with realizations. In the past, they
had only seen wang fei’s soft and weak nature. Only today did they
know that they had been wrong. Her actions was both cruel and
deft. What they also didn’t predict as that wang ye actually wasn’t
angry and seemed to be letting wang fei have a free hand in
managing the huoyuan.

After He Heng left, Qu Qing Ju looked at Yun Qing who had a

gloomy expression. She smilingly held Mu Jin’s hand and swept the
yard before speaking: “Ben wang fei said before, ben wang fei is a
reasonable person and a protector of beautiful women. Today, you
didn’t respect rank which is a big mistake, but since beautiful women
are rare, I will forgive you today.” Finishing, she lazily blinked and
looked at the steward mama, “In the future, you have to be attentive
in your duties at this Cui You Yuan. Even though Yun Qing guniang’s
allowance is halved, but you cannot slight her.”
The steward mama replied in agreement but after wang fei’s
procession left, the steward mama spat at Yun Qing and declared
loudly: “Why aren’t you carefully serving our honourable Yun Qing
guniang back to her room. She is a goddess that even wang fei isn’t
worthy of her service. Us mere mortals must carefully serve her, in
case wang ye punishes us.”
After the declaration, laughter rose in the surroundings. Wang ye
didn’t even properly look at Yun Qing earlier. What this steward
mama said was really gouging at the heart.
Chapter Six “The Beautiful Times
of Lunch”

Coming out of Cui You Yuan, Qu Qing Ju raised her hand to touch
the buyao in her hair and the corners of her lips lifted. She hadn’t
thought that this Duan Wang was interested in this aspect of a
woman. That stare when he had been touch this buyao, she didn’t
dare look directly at it. This wang ye was to be pitied, he had to hide
even this little fetish.
Unaware that her wang fei had made wang ye into a little cabbage in
the ground during winter, Yin Liu said: “Wang fei, nubi doesn’t
understand, why move Jian Yun to zhengyuan?”

“You dummy, how can you not understand such an easy thing?” Mu
Jin looked at the surroundings before saying lightly, “That Jian Yun is
one of wang fu’s servants and wouldn’t have much loyalty towards
Yun Qing. Today, wang fei moved Jian Yun to zhengyuan, tomorrow,
other people will have the same idea. Water will flow to the lowest
grounds, people will walk to the highest grounds. Who knows if there
are people beside the other qieshi that want to walk higher.”

Yin Liu had a brief trance and was surprise at Mu Jin’s

understanding of wang fei’s mind. She now understood a little bit at
why wang fei put Mu Jin at the first position. She looked at wang fei
and Mu Jin and realized for the first time that wang fei was different
than in the past.
The news that wang fei had disciplined that beautiful huakui in Cui
You Yuan had already spread. Qu Qing Ju hadn’t reached
zhengyuan but on the way there she had encountered a few bowing
yahuan and all of those yahuan were in the service of other ce fei or

Just reaching the entrance to zhengyuan, Qu Qing Ju saw Yu Zan

and Jin Zhan standing at the door. Seeing her return, the two shows
expressions of happiness as they moved forward: “Wang fei, Qian
Chang Xin came over with others and delivered a lot of good stuff.
He said it was what wang ye picked especially for you. Xian Chang
Xin is still here, do you wish to meet him?”
Qu Qing Ju nodded and entered the outer room of the zhengyuan.
She saw Qian Chang Xin and a few taijian standing respectfully with
eyes down. On the table in the room were a few moderately-sized
boxes and bolts of cloth. There seems to be a lot of stuff.
Seeing wang fei enter, Qian Chang Xin bowed and said: “Greetings
to wang fei. These are what wang ye ordered nucai to deliever to
you. Wang ye also said, if wang fei needs anything else, to just
order the servants to do.”
“Thank wang ye for me,” Qu Qing Ju opened the box on the very
top. Inside was a speckled blue-green jade sparrow hairpin. She
smiled as she closed the box, “Qian gonggong had to make a
special trip, it must have been such a bother.”
“No bother, no bother,” Qian Chang Xin quickly replied to the
contrary, and with both hands presented a box with good fortune
embossed on the top, “This box, wang ye said specifically ordered
nucai to present to wang fei in hopes that wang fei would like it.”

Mu Jin received the box and delivered it into Qu Qing Ju’s hands. Qu
Qing Ju opened the box, her eyebrows raising slightly. She took it
out with her hand and the room instantly filled with sighs.
It was a luanbuyao but the craftsmanship was impeccable. A slight
movement created the illusion that the bird was alive and in flight. Mu
Jin stood the closest and was able to distinguish every line on the
luan. The eye was an inlay of bright agate. Mu Jin was instantly
“Such a beautiful buyao,” Even Qu Qing Ju was shocked into
exclaiming. This was a masterpiece. Even in her previous life, she
hadn’t seen such an intricate piece. This was probably the legendary
nobility of the Imperial House. Qu Qing Ju smiled widely and looked
at Qian Chang Xin: “Thanks for your labors, Qian gonggong, I really
like this buyao.”

Ming He, who had just passed the entrance saw this smile and
thought inside that this smile was blinding. Even Feng ce fei and Yun
Qing guniang in comparison would be less vibrant. He couldn’t resist
looking at wang ye who was walking in front of him and wonder what
wang ye thought.

“Liking it means that it has a use,” He Heng walked in front of Qu

Qing Ju and took from her hand the buyao, personally replacing the
buyao she had originally in her hair with the new one.

The roomful of servants all lowered their heads. They couldn’t gaze
upon the intimacy of wang ye and wangfei. After wang ye spoke in
admiration, then did they dared raise their heads.
“It suits you to perfection,” He Heng stepped back and looked at the
buyao in the black strands. A satisfied expression appeared, “Wang
fei’s hair is as black as night and contrasts beautifully against this
An embarrassed smile appeared on Qu Qing Ju’s face. She lowered
her head to avoid meeting He Heng’s gaze. She was a vain woman.
She liked other people complimenting her. But this person in front of
her that complimented her wasn’t that simple, she didn’t believe that
this was purely a compliment.
The two hadn’t interacted together for long periods before so after
they sat down, they didn’t have much to say. Thankfully, the
presentation of food disrupted the silence between the two.
The protocol was to not speak while eating so when the two
remained silent during eating, there wasn’t an awkward atmosphere.
Qu Qing Ju looked at He Heng’s eating and had to admit that this
man in front of her had the most beautiful eating motion of all she
had seen before. Those motions were much more soothing to the
eye than the so-called higher nobility of her previous life.
The supposed feast for the eyes was this situation. The state of He
Heng was enough to arouse the appetite of Qu Qing Ju who couldn’t
resist adding another bowl of rice. But in the eyes of others, it
became “Of course, wang fei is definitely in love with wang ye, with
wang ye here, she would even eat more.”

He Heng hadn’t thought that Qu Qing Ju would be so casual in his

presence. In front of him, the other women in this fu would take
small sips of soup, and quietly eat vegetables. When it came to
wang fei, he kept on feeling strange with wang fei’s gaze on him.
After the meal was finished, Qu Qing Ju saw the yahuan that knelt in
front of her with a copper bowl raised high. She quickly washed her
hands and let the other stand to the side.
He Heng looked at Qu Qing Ju before taking away his gaze: “Now
that wang fei has recovered, ben wang feels much less worried. In
the future, you should manage this houyuan well. If you don’t
understand anything, don’t worry. Qian Chang Xin and Ming He are
the stewards of this fu. Any problems can be given to them.”

Taking the silk handkerchief that Mu Jin presented to wipe her

hands, Qu Qing Ju said: “These past days, qie’s body was
constantly ill, and couldn’t help wang ye manage the houyuan. Qie is
embarrassed to face wang ye.” Finishing, she looked at Qian Chang
Xing and Ming He who were in the corner, “These two were very
good at managing the big and little things. In the future, qie wouldn’t
have much to worry about.”
Hearing wang fei’s words, Qian Chang Xin and Min He buried their
heads deeper to express their humbleness and respect. Even if
wang ye depended on them, wang fei was the true mistress of this
wang fu. Wang fei taking charge of houyuan was the natural order
of things, what was the two of them?
Putting the tea for rinsing to one side and wiping clean his mouth, He
Heng saw wang fei, with a smile on her lips, lean back lazily on her
chair. The corner of his own mouth rose: “When they were in charge,
this houyuan was a mess. In the future, you will have to spend
effort.” He lowered his face, looking at the green flowers on the tea
cup on the table as though he didn’t place any importance on the
women in the houyuan, “You are ben wang’s zheng fei[1], the others
cannot compare to you.”
These words were probably a pretty impressive promise that a man
of the Imperial House would make to his “big wife.” Qu Qing Ju
looked from the corner of her eye towards He Heng and at the same
time, the other raised his head. Their eyes met and both allowed the
smile on their own faces to become even more friendly, as though
they were an old couple that had no visible flaws.
“Qie has no skill but can only make the best effort, to help wang ye
find a place to relax at home, if nothing else.” Qu Qing Ju’s smile
became blinding, “The trust that wang ye places in qie, is qie’s
He Heng looked at the bright smile of the woman in front of him and
thought about her birth. She was a di daughter of Chang De Gong
Fu, but soon after her birth, her birth mother passed away. The fact
that the Duke of Chang De liked his second wife had already spread
through all of the city of Jing. It was rumoured that the two had been
involved even when the original wife had been pregnant and had
been expressing his emotions through borrowing from the “Poems of
Luo Shen.[2]” He had actually used the “Poems of Luo Shen” to
name his daughters which had been the subject of much admiration
of many wives and girls in the city of Jing. Unfortunately, they all
forgot the previous Duchess of Chang De and her young daughter.
Actually, his own wang fei’s name came from “she wore shoes
embroidered with delicate designs, what trailed behind was a
garment as light as the mist.”[3] He named the daughter borne by his
deceased wife using a name that represented the depth of love he
had with his present wife. The Duke of Chang De was either too in
love or had no love but what was certain that this daughter borne by
his previous wife was to be pitied. Thankfully, she had a reliable
maternal family. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be certain that she would
have grown up. The He Heng which had grown up in the Imperial
Family was very clear about those dark schemes. Wang fei’s
personality after the marriage was dull, he hadn’t been surprised.
But these two days, he was very surprised at what wang fei had
Was it that his wang fei in the past, living in Chang De Gong Fu, had
suppressed herself in order to survive and was really showing her
true self now that she was at wang fu?
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t interested in what He Heng thought. She leaned
back in the chair with a smile on her face, waiting for He Heng to
speak first. This man wasn’t simple. She didn’t want to speak
without preparation and make it difficult for herself.
“Wang fei does not have to worry needlessly. You are ben wang’s
wang fei, your position is high. If the servants in the fu do not
perform well, then just discharge them,” He Heng narrowed his eyes,
“My Duan Wang Fu will not tolerate servants who disobey.”
“Yes,” Qu Qing Ju smiled and turned to more minor topics.
The two discussed for another fifteen minutes before He Heng stood
and said: “You’ve just recovered, take a noon rest. I’ll come back at
Finding that He Heng had changed what he called himself from “ben
wang” to “I”, Qu Qing Ju understood that this Dung Wang had at
least respect for her. She stood as well and walked him towards the
door. Seeing him gradually walk far away, she finally let go of the
smile on her face.
Mu Jin, standing behind her, saw her expression was calm and
hesitated before speaking: “Wang fei, wang ye is coming over at
night, is there anything to be done?”
Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow. In this present situation, she wasn’t
as unreasonable as to not be willing to sleep in the same bed as
wang ye. She used a handkerchief to wipe at the non-existent sweat
on her forehead, “Do what is needed, I’m going to rest. In two hours,
serve me as I bathe.”
Seeing wang fei’s expression was normal, a faint smile appeared on
Mu Jin’s face: “Nubi will order the others to prepare.”

Nodding, Qu Qing Ju lowered her head and rubbed an ear. To be

with somebody unfamiliar so quickly, there was just the slightest bit
of embarrassment.

1. 正妃: proper, “legitimate” wife.

2. 洛神赋: Luo Shen Fu(poem). It is a collection of poems by Cao Zi when he

passed by the river Luo. In mythical history, Luo Shen was originally the
daughter of Fu Xi, a Chinese Emperor and the mythical creator of fishing. She
drowned in the Luo River and became the spirit (神) of the Luo River, hence
the name of the collection.

3. The original poem phrase was: 践远游之文履,曳雾绡之轻裾 and Qu Qing

Ju’s name came from the last two characters. 轻裾 is a light garment.

点翠雀钗: speckled blue-green jade sparrow hairpin.

It’s a kind of bird at the top. Not sure if it’s a sparrow. A peacock
also fits.
The news that wang ye was coming to zhengyuan was enough to
make the servants cheerful. Everybody started the preparations
needed, wanting to renovate the entire yard if possible.
Qu Qing Ju actually became one of the calmest in the houyuan. Her
hair hanging wet and loose, she allowed Jin Zhan to gently dry her
hair, Yin Liu to manage her hands, Yu Zan her feet and Mu Jin to
pick her clothes and accessories.
“Wang fei’s feet are very beautiful,” Yu Zan sighed in admiration.
Wang fei’s feet were pale, the toes round and tender to the touch.
Half a beat later, she sighed again, “The last time Ban Xia was
performing an exotic dance, wang ye had praised her feet too. Nubi
thinks that she can’t compare to wang fei at all.”
“What thing is she, that you compare her to wang fei?” Mu Jin
picked a red jade hairpin from a box. Hearing what Yu Zan said, she
snorted: “She’s just a lowly person, she doesn’t deserve to be
Yu Zan finally remembered that Ban Xia had originally been one of
wang fei’s servants. She had seduced wang ye to become a
tongfang and quickly added: “Mu Jin jiejie,[1] don’t be angry. I was
just struck by how beautiful wang fei’s feet were and my mind just
didn’t work.”
Hearing the protectiveness of the two yahuan from their words, Qu
Qing Ju couldn’t resist laughing: “From what you have said, if others
could hear, they’ll think your wang fei is a goddess. You can keep
hearing it, I can’t bear it. Finish and help me up, I can’t hear any
When this came out, all the servant girls laughed and felt relief
inside. Evidently wang fei hadn’t kept what happened with Ban Xia
on her mind.
Qu Qing Ju had a preference for wide-sleeved dresses and in the
end, still picked a red wide-sleeve dress. The color of fire contrasted
with the snowiness of her skin. Casually allowing Mu Jin to style her
hair and use the red jade hairpin to secure it, she leaned back
against her chair and flipped open a story about a scholar and a
It wasn’t that she had much interest in this type of story, it was just
there wasn’t many amusements in this time. After two pages, she
couldn’t muster the interest to read how the poor men in this time
fantasized about rich ladies. Seeing the sky darkening, she let them
present dinner.
“Wang fei, wang ye hasn’t arrived. If wang ye hadn’t eaten when he
arrives and you have … …” Mu Jin opened worriedly, “If you are
hungry, why don’t I let the kitchen send over some porridge.”
“It’s already this late, wang ye wouldn’t come here to eat dinner,” Qu
Qing Ju waved her hand, “Just send my orders, that’s all.” There
was nothing exciting about that tasteless porridge. She didn’t like
waters and soups.
When He Heng entered the zhengyuan, he saw a stream of yahuan
come out with empty meal boxes. Waving away their greetings, He
Heng felt a bit complicated, a feeling of disappointment similar to
“wang fei didn’t wait for me to eat, my status doesn’t seem to be
very high”.
Entering the room, at first glance He Heng saw wang fei sitting at
the round table washing her hands in preparation of eating. It was
that the red of the wide-sleeved dress that was too eye catching,
that he had to pay his attention immediately. He couldn’t move his
eyes away after a glance, this crimson-clad beautiful woman lazily
wiping jade-like hands was his wang fei?
“Wang ye’s arrived?” Qu Qing Ju set down the silk she had been
wiping with and stood with a smile, “Have you eaten? if not, let’s eat
Even though he had eaten, but feeling like he could still eat more, He
Heng complied and sat. His gaze landed on the swaying strands
beside Qu Qing Ju’s face. It was only when Qu Qing Ju personally
place a bowl of pearl chicken soup in front of him that he spoke:
“Why is wang fei eating at this time?”

Qu Qing Ju jerked the corners of her lips: “Wasn’t hungry earlier so

this is a bit late.”
He Heng nodded and felt his heart heal. Even though wang fei was
explaining it this way, but he still felt that wang fei was waiting for
him to eat together. Feeling his ego was satisfied, wang ye took a
drink of the soup, suddenly feeling that he was a bit too thirsty.
After the meal, Qu Qing Ju proceeded as normal to wash her hands
and drink tea to rinse. She found that the taste of tea today was
much stronger than usual. Looking at He Heng who was sitting
opposite her, she realized the work of Jin Zan who was crouched in
front of her.
After the table was clean, Hen Heng and Qu Qing Ju moved to the
more comfortable armchairs and let somebody light the lamps.
“Other than the wedding night, I had never seen wang fei wear a red
dress,” He Heng smiled as he looked at Qu Qing Ju from head to
toe, “but this color suits wang fei.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled and saw Mu Jin and the others light the candles
in the room. She used one hand to smooth the hair beside her face,
“They say that women use their appearance to please others, it
must be that qie is trying to please wang ye.”
He Heng’s brow moved slightly. Standing and moving in front of Qu
Qing Ju, he gently took that lock of hair: “Wang fei has definitely
pleased me. Wang fei has given me a great surprise these past two
Qu Qing Ju raised her chin and smiled widely at He Heng: “He he.”
The servants in the surrounding saw the situation. Ming He and Mu
Jin exchanged looks and the two waved their hands. Everybody else
in the room quickly retreated.
Ming He personally shut the door. Seeing wang fei’s personal
yahuan was still standing to one side, he walked a few steps and
she followed. He then lowered his voice to say: “Later we’ll have to
pay attention to see if the zhuzi still have anything they need.” This
wang fei named her useful yahuan using flowers. He remembered
the most able of them was Mu Jin.
Mu Jin nodded and replied in a low voice: “Ming He gonggong, don’t
worry.” Who wasn’t important in front of their zhuzi. How to serve,
Ming He wasn’t the only one that understood.
Ming He saw that she wasn’t one for words and didn’t speak further.
Thinking back to how wang fei acted today, he wondered, this wang
fei might not be anything when she doesn’t move, but when she
moves, it’s a shock. Clearly, it was just a simple red dress and dark
hair, but why did it have some inexplicable attraction?
Rubbing strongly at his chin, Ming He stood quietly in the corner,
paying attention to the movement inside the room, afraid that if he
didn’t catch his master’s orders, somebody would steal his present
Inside the room, He Heng and Qu Qing Ju’s struggle had moved to
the bed. Both were untidily attired now. One with strong vigor, one
with bewitching eyes. There was only the last step.
“Wang fei is so delicious,” He Heng exhaled gently by Qu Qing Ju’s
ear, his voice becoming rougher. The tip of his tongue slid across the
fine neck and was well satisfied to find the person below lightly
Qu Qing Ju responded by winding around He Heng’s neck with an
arm, her foot lightly sliding over the top of He Heng’s foot: “Wang ye
is a feast for the eyes.” Oh god, this man was very skilled at flirting.
“Ben wang does want to let wang fei know who really is a feast.” He
Heng, whose appetite had been wheted by wang fei to a gaping
hunger pulled away the only covering over Qu Qing Ju’s chest.
Seeing that slightly moving chest, he felt that fire burning inside had
never been as bright. He wanted to bite at this woman’s chest, to
leave behind on that pale skin a mark that belonged to him.
At the moment, it was impossible to know who lit who’s fire but two
mouths touched and that fire couldn’t be suppressed any longer. It
was a wildfire on the prairies, a sea of red waves, whipped higher
by the spring winds to a peak.
He Heng felt a never-experienced sense of rejuvenation. After the
last tremors, he enclosed the soft woman in his embrace and
laughed roughly: “Wang fei is my treasure.”

Even though it was said you couldn’t believe anything a man said
after, but this didn’t affect Qu Qing Ju’s good mood after being
satisfied. She allowed this somewhat-best-quality man to hold her
and yawned.
Seeing that the woman was drowsy, He Heng raised his voice:
“Come, prepare water.”
Ming He, who had been waiting outside, waved his hand to others
who had prepared a bathtub full of hot water to carry it in. He
calculated the time. It had almost been two hours. He could see that
wang ye and wang fei were full of emotions for each other.
Lazily finishing her bath, Qu Qing Ju didn’t care to dress and only
wrapped a thin layer of silk around before walking to the bed.
He Heng looked at that bare jade-like feet, and that snowy legs and
arms and his eyes changed. He bent down to lift the person up and
threw onto the bed. Then he covered her with a blanket and
growled: “Wang fei is trying to tempt ben wang.”

Qu Qing Ju laughed and one hand came out of the blanket. She
curled her index finger: “This is tempting wang ye.”

Seeing her move like she was motioning for a pet, He Heng couldn’t
resist. He pulled the blankets down and covered the other with his
body again.
Outside the door, Ming He heard the sounds inside the room and
stopped the servants that had been going in to carry out the bathtub.
He couldn’t help gazing at the moon. Didn’t spring already pass?
On the morning of the second day, wang ye left the door full of
energy. The servants that served wang fei were still standing in their
original spots. Hearing wang ye order the servants not to disturb
wang fei’s rest, Ming He, who was following behind wang ye, wang
ye was worthy of his position.

Inside the room, Qu Qing Ju slept for another hour before calling for
servants. Mu Jin and Yin Liu, who had been waiting with a cadre of
little yahuan, silently moved in.

“Wang fei,” Mu Jin saw the marks that had appeared on wang fei’s
collarbone and moved her eyes away slightly. She quickly helped put
on the under robe and picked a trailing bird and flowers dress for Qu
Qing Ju to wear.
After Qu Qing Ju washed and sat in front of the mirror, Mu Jin finally
spoke: “Wang fei, today, wang ye had a good expression when he
left this morning.”
Qu Qing Ju handed her a pair of tassels she picked and tried to let
her face reveal an embarrassed blush: “You are talking nonsense.
Go look to see the kitchen has delivered the meal.”
Mu Jin, seeing wang fei was embarrassed, smiled and said: “Alright,
alright. Nubi will go look. Jin Zhan, Yu Zan, serve carefully, Yin Liu
and I will go.” Yu Zan was the best hairdresser so she usually did
wang fei’s hair.
Coming of the room, Mu Jin and Yin Liu exchanged happy looks.
Now wang fei finally managed to establish herself in this wang fu.

Yin Liu smiled and said: “Next month is the Duke of Chang De’s
birthday, when wang fei goes, let’s see who dare overstep.”

Mu Jin, thinking about the unhappy mess of events and people in

Chang De Gong Fu, lost some of the cheerfulness on her face and
sighed: “As long as wang ye will always treat wang fei like he did in
these last two days, nobody in Chang De Gong Fu will dare not
respect wang fei.”

As noble as Chang De Gong Fu was, could it be as noble as the

wang fu? Hopefully at that time, wang fei wouldn’t go back to her
dull personally and let the people in the fu disrespect her.


1. 姐姐: older sister

红色广袖裙: red colored wide-sleeved dress.

See Liu Shi Shi and the amazingly wide sleeves.

垂鬓流苏: tassels by the temple
See the two flower tasseled combs right on top of her head? The
ones further back in the hair are buyao. I really want to see the
costuming of Fan Bing Bing as Yang guifei.

It’s like two streamers on the side.

Chapter Eight “Chang De Gong

It was another day for paying respects. The ce fei and shiqie arrived
early to wait in the outer rooms of the zhengyuan. This time, their
attitude was much more careful and they were much more courteous
to the servants there.
Jin Zhan, along with a few little yahuan, came to pour tea for the
women before standing silently to one side.
“Jin Zan guniang, we came a bit early today, did we disturb wang
fei’s rest?” Feng Zi Jin’s face was full of apology and looked
towards the inner room, “Wang fei must be very busy these past
days and exhausted.” She had to be busy. Not just managing to
gather all of houyuan into her hands, she also had the skill to let
wang ye remain every night in her rooms. Wang fei had some
“Feng ce fei exaggerates,” Jin Zan bowed, her brows containing
humor, “This fu hasn’t been very busy lately and wang ye also cares
for wang fei, so there is no tiredness. Please don’t worry, Feng ce
fei, wang fei will arrive shortly.”

Feng Zi Jin didn’t expect that her words would be rebutted. She
paused slightly before saying: “Wang fei’s good health, is the
greatest fortune for us sisters.”
Qu Qing Ju had walked to the door when she heard what Pin Zi Jin’s
said. She laughed as she entered: “Feng ce fei’s concern, I will
The four heard the laughter and simultaneously looked towards the
doorway. They saw Qu Qing Ju, wearing a complicated and
sweeping embroidered silver luan and red clouds dress, walk in.
That long dress trailed on the floor as though it was dragging on
their hearts and inexplicably made them feel depressed.
The women stood and bowed towards Qu Qing Ju. As they bowed,
they saw that red-colored dress stream across their eyes, the
beautiful tail of the luan was painful to the eye.

“No need to be so courteous, sit already.” Qu Qing Ju sat down at

the front and waved for the others to sit down. She looked at the
color of the sky and said with a touch of remorse: “Today I woke up
a bit late, sorry to let you wait.”
The others naturally didn’t dare accept this apology. They only
smiled and said they didn’t wait long and then waited for Qu Qing
Ju’s next words.
“All of us here are wang ye’s people. I don’t have anything to say.
You should all serve wang ye to the best of your abilities.” Qu Qing
Ju’s left hand held a teacup, her right hand lifted the lid, not looking
at the faces of those sitting below her, “Wang ye has placed the
houyuan in my hands. I am not a harsh person, I just cannot stand
those who do not follow protocol. If somebody breaks a rule, I don’t
need to care about any others, I only control the punishment. When
the time comes, don’t blame me, this wang fei, for not showing
mercy. You can all do your best.”
They didn’t expect wang fei to talk so plainly. Feng Zi Jin paused
slightly. She felt that these words seemed to be targeted at her but
she couldn’t say anything. Seeing the other three stand and express
they would follow protocol, she also stood and weakly concurred.
“Since everybody understands, I don’t have anything more to say.”
Setting down the teacup, Qu Qing Ju’s expression lightened slightly,
“I heard Qian Chang Xin say that the wang fu received a shipment of
fabric previously. Later, somebody will deliver them to your
residences. The weather is getting colder, you should make some
new clothes from the fabric.” Concluding, her hand raised the teacup
and motioned towards the outside.
Everybody was perceptive enough to see and stood to leave.
Coming out of zhengyuan, Feng Zi Jin snorted: “Using a few bolts of
clothes to pretend to be a good person, it’s like dispatching a
Jiang Yong Yu had been walking behind her and heard this
complaint. Her steps slowed and the distance between them
After the women left, Qu Qing Ju stood and yawned: “Service now.”
She wasn’t noble and virtuous. Even though she wouldn’t be harsh
without reason to other women, she couldn’t act the part of virtuous.
As to what Duan Wang thought, that was Duan Wang’s problem.
Shaking her wide sleeves, Qu Qing Ju smiled. This medieval clothing
was both finely made and beautiful.
After eating the noon meal alone, He Heng, as he wiped his hands,
spoke: “Ben wang remembers that Chang De Gong Fu has sent an
invitation a few days earlier. The Duke of Chang De’s birthday?”
Ming He took the silk handkerchief from wang ye’s hands, “Yes, a
few days before Chang De Gong Fu did present an invitation. Other
than our fu, many in Jing also received one.” But at the time, wang
ye had just looked and threw the invitation to one side. Why was he
mentioning it now?
“Ben wang heard that wang fei also received Chang De Gong Fu’s
invitation,” He Heng’s brows furrowed and his voice carried a hint of
displeasure, “This Chang De Gong Fu is getting worse each
successive generation but their pageantry hasn’t seemed to have
gotten smaller as well.”
Ming He knew that this was wang ye was now dissatisfied with the
Duke of Chang De. He lowered his head as he retreated to one side.
At the same time, Qian Chang Xin, who had been standing outside
the door, walked inside, “Wang ye, a servant from Cui You Yuan
came to report that Yun Qing guniang committed suicide.”

“The person?” He Heng asked coldly.

“Already rescued, but she couldn’t breathe properly and fainted into
sleep now.” Qian Chang Xi swore in his heart, these women from the
brothels obviously couldn’t be seen in public. Suicide was easy, just
wrap around the roof arch in the middle of the night and it was done.
She had to pick this time to act like this. He didn’t know if she really
wanted to die or do something else.
“If there’s nothing wrong then let her stay there. Tell her if she still
wants to die, then go back to her original place to die. Don’t dirty my
Duan Wang Fu’s ground. “
Seeing wang ye push aside the teacup in front of him, Qian Chang
Xin instantly understood. Wang ye was tired of the woman’s ritual of
first cry, two make noise and three hang. Yun Qing could be
considered abandoned, “Nucai remembers.”

She was just a small actress but she had to act like a virtuous
person and also persisted in competing against wang fei. She had
forgotten who she really was. She had the heart of a noblewoman
but the destiny of a yahuan. It was self-inflicted!

“Since she wanted to die while living in Cui You Yuan, get her to
move immediately to Qiu Yi Zhai.[1]” He Heng stood and said in a fed-
up manner, “That place is peaceful!”
Ming He saw Qian Chang Xin hurriedly retreat, his brow rose and
fell. With such poor schemes, she still wanted to stir wang ye’s pity.
It could be seen that this huakui didn’t live up to her reputation.
Inside zhengyuan, Qu Qing Ju played with the invitation in her
hands. The birthday banquet of the Duke of Chang De. Whether she
was willing or not, she had to at least go to that fu, even if it was just
a formality. But just remembering the rage and dissatisfaction that
existed in the original’s memories of that place, her face became
In this kind of feudal era, there was nothing wrong with the dissolute
nature of men in the eyes of society. But to marry somebody else
when the body of the deceased person hadn’t even cooled and to
treat his own daughter as nothing, that meant his character was
lacking. A man who couldn’t even abide protocol during the one year
after his wife had died, it was enough to make anybody feel
extremely disappointed.
“Wang fei, if you don’t want to go, just order somebody to send the
present,” Mu Jin saw that wang fei’s expression was strange and
could only console her, “No matter how noble that Chang De Gong fu
is, they aren’t more noble than you.”
A qin wang fei was nobler and higher-ranked than Chang De Gong
Fu but the rumors wouldn’t sound very good. Also, why would she let
go of such a good opportunity?
Under the absolute might of the Imperial power, even if she was his
daughter, the Duke of Chang De still had to bow to her. This was a
perfect opportunity to “return in glory”. If she didn’t use it, wouldn’t
she be wasting her status as Duan Wang Fei?
“That’s not necessary. My good father’s birthday, I, this Duan Wang
Fei, as his daughter, has to attend,” Lips rising upward in a smile,
Qu Qing Ju threw the invitation to one side and saw Yin Liu walk in
with anger on her face.
Mu Jin place the invitation in its proper place before asking: “Your
face is green, who angered you?”
“Nobody except that one in Cui You Yuan. There was a beautiful play
right now,” Yin Liu bowed slightly to Qu Qing Ju, “Just now, nubi
heard that Cui You Yuan’s Yun Qing tried to commit suicide. In her
letter she wrote something like qie originally was the snow on a high
mountain but has now landed in a swamp. She was implying that
there were people in this fu who treated her cruelly. She was
blaming wang fei for not treating her well!”

Finished telling the story, Yin Liu had an even harder time controlling
the anger in her voice: “A huakui, she isn’t some pure snow on a
high mountain. Or does she mean no one is as noble as her!”
“When the snow on a high mountain melts, what is revealed is dirt.
She loves to be the snow that is white on the outside and disguises
a dirty inside, who wants to argue otherwise?” Mu Jin snorted coldly
and immediately said: “What did wang ye say? Take care to not let
anybody ruin wang fei’s reputation.”

“Mu Jin jiejie, you don’t have to worry about that. When the news
spread earlier, wang ye reprimanded that person for needlessly
dirtying the ground of Duan Wang Fu and ordered her to move to Qiu
Yi Zhai.” Speaking of this, she felt her rage lessen, “That Qui Yi Zhai
isn’t a good place. A beauty will become a wild person. You can see
that wang ye is really dissatisfied with her. Wang fei has no need be
angry over such a person.”
Qu Qing Ju finished listening to Yin Liu’s speech, laughed, and said:
“I’m not angry, but you blew your top.” She motioned for Mu Jin to
pour a cup of tea for Yin Liu to moisten her throat, “That Yun Qing
was never somebody that deserved any attention, I have no reason
to become angry over her.” This Yun Qing wasn’t a smart woman. If
she had been perceptive, acted well-behaved all the time, she would
still have some influence with Duan Wang. But she had to pretend to
be virtuous which was the worst strategy.
Perhaps normal customers had liked Yun Qing’s virtuous and
innocent act that fulfilled the desires of the masses, but who was He
Heng? He was Duan Qin Wang of this entire Da Long Dynasty. What
kind of women hasn’t he seen before? The schemes Yun Qing used,
they only worked as long as He Heng was willing to play along.
“Send somebody to reply to Chang De Gong Fu’s invitation. Tell
them that on the day of the banquet, I will go personally to
congratulate my father.” Qu Qing Ju pursed her lips in a smile. She
was looking forward a bit now towards the upcoming banquet of the
Duke of Chang De. There wasn’t much entertainment in this era. She
had to find something to do in order to not waste the time available.
Soon after, the Duchess of Chang De personally received the
messenger mama of Duan Wang Fu and was informed that Duan
Wang Fei would be coming that day to attend the birthday banquet.
After the messenger mama left, the Duchess of Chang De, Liang
shi, sneered, commenting: “I’ve heard before that the yatou[2] wasn’t
favoured by wang ye. Today, that messenger mama acted as though
wang fei was of some importance. I didn’t think that a person that
dull knew how to pretend.”
Sitting by her side was Qu Yue Su who sighed and said: “Taitai[3],
jiejie has already married. Whether or not wang ye favors her, she is
still Duan Wang Fei.”
Liang shi looked at her daughter that was as pretty as flowers and
jade and understood the meaning in her daughter’s words. She
lowered her face and spoke coldly: “No matter what she is, she
would not be as important as you in the future.”
Upon hearing this, Qu Yue Su smiled faintly and didn’t speak again.


1. 秋意斋: Autumn building. Zhai (斋) also means to a vegetarian diet or the diet
of a monk.

2. 丫头: girl, servant girl. Can be used deprecatingly or as a term of endearment.

3. 太太: Mrs, madam, wife, married woman.

Chapter Nine “Valued Guests”

It had already entered autumn and the weather had gradually

become colder. All over Chang De Gong Fu was an atmosphere of
cheer as a variety of carriages parked inside. The gatekeepers had
bowed to the point their waists couldn’t straighten but kept smiles on
their faces to welcome people inside the main gates.
At ermen, the Chang De Duke’s only son and his nephew through his
wife enthusiastically welcomed the coming guests. The two were still
very young and received compliments of being promising youths.
In the recent years, Chang De Gong Fu had declined further and
further but nothing could beat the fact that they gave birth to a good
daughter that married Duan Wang to become a wang fei. No matter
what they though inside, they still had to do all the formalities. If they
didn’t act on behalf of the monk, they still had to respect the Buddha.
All of them still had to respect Duan Wang.
Thankfully, this Chang De Gong Fu was Duan Wang’s in-laws so the
benefits of coming in person and giving presents were higher than
the cost.
“The Duke of Chang De’s fortunes are as good as the North Sea is
deep.” The one that spoke was the Marquis of Bao Rong. He was
only a middling character in the city of Jing but the Duke of Chang
De didn’t dare offend him and came up to greet him.
“It’s nothing, nothing. Thanks, Marquis, for coming all this way.” The
duke took the other’s hand as they walked towards the main hall.
The other didn’t remain courteous and as they walked, he said,
“Today is your birthday, I wonder when will Duan wang ye arrive.
When the time comes, I will have to rely on the duke to introduce me
to wang ye.”

When the Duke of Chang De heard this, he didn’t feel so good

inside. The message that Duan Wang Fu returned said clearly that
wang fei will come, but as to whether wang ye would come or not,
that wasn’t confirmed. The words of the Marquis of Bao Rong stirred
irritation in the Duke of Changde’s heart at his married daughter for
not having any skill at conquering wang ye’s heart and forcing him to
feel so awkward.
“Of course, of course,” The duke smiled as he ushered the other
person into the room to disguise his awkwardness.
The Marquis of Bao Rong smiled and said: “Since the duke is busy,
I’ll walk myself in, no need to be so courteous.” Finishing, he entered
the hall. Inside, he really was mocking the duke. Maybe others didn’t
know but he was clear, that daughter that the Qu Family married into
Duan Wang Fu wasn’t liked one iota by wang ye. It would be a
strange thing indeed if wang ye did come participate in the Duke of
Changde’s birthday banquet.
Did he think that if his daughter was a wang fei, he was a relative of
the Imperial Family? Pah!
In the gardens of neiyuan, Liang shi was receiving the womenfolk.
Seeing that this year was busier than last year, Liang shi felt
conflicted. In past years, these people only sent presents but didn’t
come personally. Today, they all had the spare time. It was all
because that Qu Qing Qu became a wang fei. These people were
still scorning her for not treating Qu Qing Ju well, as though if they
said it, they were much more noble.
“The way I see it, furen really is lucky. The eldest daughter is Duan
Wang Fei, and this third daughter looks like a flower,” The Marquess
of Bao Rong stopped and looked meaningfully at the shu[1] second
daughter of Changde Gong Fu that was standing in the corner, “Er
guniang is also a paragon, this type of good fortune is something we
can’t even touch.”
“Wang furen, don’t compliment these yatou anymore,” Liang shi’s
smile was slightly cold, “These wild girls, they can’t compare to your
fu’s ladies.” This entire Jing, who didn’t know that the Marquis of
Bao Rong’s eldest daughter wanted to marry a poor scholar to the
point of death, but now she was coming back to her home every few
days to beg for money.
Who knew that the Marquess of Bao Rong seemed to be unaffected
by Liang shi’s words and only replied: “No, no.”
The others indifferently watched the two’s fight with tongues. The
fact that conflict existed between the Marquess of Bao Rong and the
Duchess of Chang De had started in their childhood. Now that they
were married, they still allowed others to watch the spectacle they
A few that had known the two back when they were younger still
remembered when Wang shi had married the Marquis of Bao Rong,
Liang shi had been angered to the point of not attending any
gatherings for girls in the city for the better half of a year. It wasn’t
until Liang shi had married the Duke of Changde, whose status
wasn’t below that of the Marquis of Bao Rong, that she started to
compete with Wang shi again.

Some looked down at Wang shi’s frivolous attitude, but they dislike
the way Liang shi acted even more so they didn’t speak through the
entire incident. But this finalized their decision to not take any young
girls anymore to Bao Rong Hou Fu and Chang De Gong Fu.
At this time, not far away from Chang De Gong Fu, the entourage of
Duan Wang Fei slowly neared. The other officials that came to
attend, once they saw Duang Wang Fu’s procession, quickly moved
to one side and waited for the people of the wang fu to pass before
resuming their own journey.
“Why did the carriage stop?” A first-rank furen, feeling the carriage
she sat in stop, asked in confusion. She hadn’t wanted to come to
Chang De Gong Fu. Now that the carriage had to stop, her desire
decreased even more.
An old mama came inside the carriage and said in a low tone:
“Furen, Duan Wang Fu’s people are coming up from behind.
Everybody is making way.”
Hearing that it was Duan Wang Fu, the dissatisfaction that the furen
had instantly disappeared. She peeked outside through the gap in
the curtains. She saw the guards forming a path, four date-red
horses pulling a grand carriage slowly passing and then there was
two relatively more normal two-horse carriages passing. Following
that was handsomely dressed servants and taijian. Even if it wasn’t
ostentatious, it was possible to see at a glance that this was the
grandeur of the Imperial Family.
“That seems to be Duan wang ye’s carriage,” The furen of a court
official felt lucky. Lucky that she had come in person today.
Otherwise, if wang ye arrived but her family only sent over a gift,
wasn’t that offending the Imperial Family? No matter which wang ye
sat on that throne in the future, the honor of the Imperial Family
couldn’t be impinged upon by her kind of people.
The gatekeeper saw Duan Wang Fu’s carriage coming from far
away and turned to run into ermen to tell the duke.

The duke had been exchanged pleasantries with another when he

saw a manservant quickly run over and say that wang ye’s carriage
had arrived.
The other that had been talking perceptively expressed he didn’t
need any special care from the Duke of Change De. He saw the
Duke of Chang De hurriedly walk towards the outside and walked
into the inner hall, his mind whirling.
Inside the large carriage, Qu Qing Ju sat beside He Heng. She
looked at the calm expression of He Heng and opened: “We’re
probably getting close to Chang De Gong Fu now.”
“Wang fei is missing her home,” He Heng didn’t want to come at
first, but thinking about the treatment that wang fei had received
before her marriage, he strangely wanted to come. Seeing that
wang fei had a calm and steady voice, he couldn’t help but tease, “It
is my fault that I am not a good husband, that wang fei misses her
“Wang ye, don’t laugh at qie anymore,” Qu Qjing Ju glared at He
Heng. Early in the morning, this wang ye, with his strange
personality, had let the servants deliver a variety of jewellery and
said for her to pick whatever she wanted to and wear whatever. She
had looked at the multitude of boxes, each containing a small fortune
in jewellery, and assumed that this wang ye was going to open a
jewellery shop.
After she finally managed to dress in her finery, this person had
came out of nowhere in his moonlight colored with embroidered gold
clouds robes, saying that he was going to accompany her to Chang
De Gong Fu. Seeing the fact that he had dressed very handsomely,
Qu Qing Ju had laughed and followed him onto the carriage. Who
knew that he was saying strange things now.
“Qie is married to wang ye, Duan Wang Fu is home. Wang ye
saying otherwise, is it due to disliking qie for not doing well?” Qu
Qing Ju tilted her head and created the expression she didn’t want to
pay attention.
Upon hearing this, the smile on He Heng’s face became more visible.
He reached out his hand to grasp Qu Qing Ju’s hand: “Don’t be
angry, if you are angry, the one who feels regret is me.” Finishing,
his face became more serious, “Some things, I know. You don’t have
to worry.”
Qu Qing Ju turned her head towards He Heng. Seeing the other
smile like usual, she didn’t understand the reasoning behind him
saying those words so she smiled and said: “Wang ye’s affections
for qie, qie understands in her heart.” If she really believed, it would
be a tragedy.
“Wang ye, wang fei, we’ve arrived at Chang De Gong Fu.” The
carriage slowly stopped and Qian Chang Xin’s voice came from the
“This lowly official greets wang ye, wang fei,” The Duke of Chang
De saw the carriage stop and quickly came forward with others to
“Today is the Duke of Chang De’s birthday, ben wang has come to
celebrate, there’s no need for such formalities.”
Qian Chang Xin heard wang ye make a sound before coming up to
raise the curtain for wang ye and kneel down for wang ye to step on
his back to exit.
Qu Qing Ju put on a veil. When she came out of the carriage, she
saw a hand appear in front of her. She looked at the smiling visage
of the owner of that hand. Then she lowered her head slightly to hold
He Heng’s hand to get down from the carriage.
At the side, the sedan had been prepared already. Mu Jin lifted the
sedan screen for Qu Qing Ju to enter. Putting down the screen, she
bowed slightly to wang ye and then, along with the other first-ranked
yatou, sat on the little sedans behind.

Seeing that Duan Wang had come personally to celebrate his

birthday, the joy that the Duke of Chang De overflowed. Seeing the
attitude that wang ye held towards his daughter, his face broke into
a smile and he ushered He Heng from the front entrance inside.
When Duan Wang entered the doors, the heavy labor mamas that
carried the sedan raised the sedan and entered as well. But the
direction they went was different than Duan Wang, they were going
towards the garden in the back.
He Heng allowed the Duke of Chang De to escort him towards the
inner hall. He saw two youths that weren’t yet fifteen follow behind
and asked: “This two are?”
“Wang ye, this is my son Qu Wang Zhi and wife’s sibling’s son, Liang
Rong.” Seeing wang ye pay attention to his son, the Duke of Change
De joyously said: “Quickly come greet wang ye.”

The two people bowed again. He Heng calmly dismissed excused

the two from their bow, “What books have the two read?”
“My son is very disappointing, he is still studying in the Dong Shan
College. My wife’s sibling’s son became a xiucai[2] last year.” The
Duke of Chang De saw that wang ye’s tone was calm, and didn’t
dare to exaggerate, only telling the truth
This Duan Wang was only about twenty years old but he just wasn’t
someone that could be overlooked. The Duke of Chang De felt
rueful, he was definitely an imperial son.
“This young man is the duke’s only son. He is still young, the duke
shouldn’t put too much pressure.” He Heng nodded, “Ben wang has
heard of Dong Shan College, many famous scholars have come from
there. Ben wang heard that your furen had the rare dragon-and-
phoenix twins that year. This young man will be accomplished in the
“No, no, wang ye is too complimentary.” As a father, he naturally
liked others compliment his son. Additionally, Wang Zhi and Yue Su
were a pair of dragon-and-phoenix twins which was rare in Jing
Capital. That had been the subject of much pride for many years.
But at this time, he didn’t see the iciness in He Heng’s eyes.
Qu Wang Zhi, who had been walking at the back, heard the
discussion between the two men. Thinking of his mother’s dislike
towards his eldest sister, he couldn’t help but think, now that eldest
sister was a wang fei, would she purposefully take revenge against
them? If it was third sister that became wang fei, it was much
better. Mother wouldn’t have to be angry over eldest sister.
In the gardens, Liang shi and the Marquess of Bao Rong finished
their duel of words and heard a yahuan hurried walked inside:
“Furen, Duan Wang Fei has arrived.”

The people present were not as highly ranked as Duan Wang Fei.
Hearing the announcement, they all stood. As much as Liang shi
didn’t wish to, she still had to stand and wait by the Door of Hanging
Flowers[3] to receive.
When she had walked to the Door of Hanging Flowers, she saw a
sedan made of fragrant wood with inlaid jewels stop by the door.
Before the sedan could be lowered, a host of mama and yahuan
crowded around, their expressions full of cautiousness and
She smiled coldly. It was really a pheasant become a phoenix. Even
her behaviour had become outrageous.

1. 庶(shu): children born of a concubine, as opposed to those born from the wife
as di

2. 秀才: person that passed the county-level imperial exams

3. 垂花门: Drooping flower door/gate

Chapter Ten “Displays of

The dark screen of the sedan was lifted and a pale hand reached
out to land on the hand of Mu Jin, who had bent down beside the
door of the sedan. After that, a foot that was wearing a slipper inlaid
with precious stones and gold embroidery stepped out. Then there
was a flash of a dress that moved like waves of water.
Liang shi looked at the woman who walked out of the sedan. The
smile on her face didn’t get smaller but the curve of her mouth froze.
The Qu Qing Ju that stood in front of the her eyes, compared with
the one that had returned home three days after the marriage was
drastically different.
Following behind her was Qu Yue Su who saw that her mother’s
actions were not proper. She smiled and walked towards Qu Qing
Ju. She bowed slightly and cordially said: “Jiejie finally came. Taitai
and I have been eagerly waiting.”
Qu Qing Ju heard those words as she walked towards Liang shi and
said: “Originally, the preparations had started early, but wang ye
wanted to come with me, so it took a bit longer.” As she spoke, her
person had walked in front of Liang shi, she slightly bent her body,
“To let taitai wait so long, it is my fault.”

It didn’t matter how much Liang shi didn’t like Qu Qing Ju, but in
front of so many people, she couldn’t accept that slight bend of the
body. She quickly grasped Qu Qing Ju’s hand and bowed in return
before saying: “Wang fei is busy with matters in the fu, and to be
able to come so early, it is the filial love you hold for lao ye. [1] Don’t
say such things.”
Everybody had been waiting to greet wang fei had come close and
heard those words. They quickly followed in complimenting Qu Qing
Ju. Not taking into account whether Duan Wang Fei was favoured or
not, but just the importance that the entire family of the Marquis of
Xiang Qing put on was enough to let them put importance on Duan
Wang Fei. Moreover, looking at Duan Wang Fei’s attire and the fact
that Duan Wang had personally accompanied her, it was enough to
declare Duang Wang Fei’s place in Duang Wang’s heart.
After Qu Qing Ju rejected the invitation to sit at the front,[2] Liang shi
didn’t persist. No matter how honourable and high ranked Duan
Wang Fei was, according to their social relationship, she was her
mother. If she sat at the front, it was not wrong.
The bystanders saw what Liang shi had done and laughed inside at
her stupidity. Technically, Duan Wang Fei did have to call her
“mother” but right now she was one of the Imperial Family. You’re
putting on the act of being the mistress of the household but did you
ever think that this would enrage wang ye, and disadvantage her
husband and children? Duan Wang Fei might respect you for being
her mother in name, did you expect an imperial son to give you that
Whoever you were, you were always a fraction lower in front of
members of the imperial family. Not to mention she was only the
No wonder that the declining Liang Family had been so happy when
their di daughter became the second wife of the Duke of Change
De. With this kind of brains and upraising, she had made a match
above her station.
Qu Qing Ju sat down at the highest place on the left side. She took
a drink of tea before setting down the cup and turning to exchange
chatter with the other furen.

“Wang fei’s appearance looks much better,” The one speaking was
the wife of the Minister of Defense, Luo furen. She was also Qu
Qing Ju’s jiumu’s mother. This old furen had paid attention to Qu
Qing Ju and so nobody was surprised by the intimate tone, “This old
one had remembered when it was time to add to wang fei’s dowry,
wang fei had been small and thin. It’s just been a few months, but
this old one almost couldn’t recognize. You can see that Duan Wang
Fu takes good care of people.”
“That is so true, not just Luo taitai, I almost couldn’t recognize her
too,” Tian shi took over speaking. She was Qu Qing Ju’s mother’s
younger shu sister. Even if she hadn’t been considered close with
Qu Qing Ju’s mother, but emotionally, she still leaned towards Qu
Qing Ju. Additionally, Qu Qing Ju was now Duan Wang Fei so her
following words wasn’t very polite, “I had seen the other two girls of
this fu are as beautiful as a flower and had been worried for a long
time for this niece. All the daughters of Chang De Gong Fu are
Everybody present knew that this was criticizing Liang shi for harshly
treating the original wife’s di daughter. The words were nasty but
honest. They saw that Duan Wang Fei was still smiling but not
speaking and instantly understood this Duan Wang Fei’s attitude
towards Liang shi.

That year, Liang shi used schemes to seduce the Duke of Chang De
to the point of insanity, and caused the pregnant Tian shi to give birth
to a daughter before passing away due to illness. And not just two
months after Tian shi had died, Liang shi had married in. After that,
when Xiang Qing Hou Fu wanted da guniang to stay at the hou fu
for short periods of time, it was frequently blocked by Liang shi. In
the end, Xiang Qing Hou Fu was in constant conflict over everything
with Chang De Gong Fu. The most pitiful was da guniang. If it
wasn’t that she had the protection of Xiang Qing Hou Fu, she
probably couldn’t have anything left of her mother’s dowry.
When she did such a terrible thing, it became hard to blame Duan
Wang Fei for making things difficult. It was only the Duke of Change
De that considered such a poisonous woman a treasure. If it was a
respectable family, they would be embarrassed to have her, even as
a qie.

Qu Qing Ju apathetically watched as everyone laughed at Liang shi

using their words and actions. She pretended to not understand,
smiled and didn’t speak. The state of Chang De Gong Fu at present,
it was an empty scaffold. It was possible to see it from the attitudes
of these furen towards Liang shi. The fact that she would be picked
by the Emperor to marry Duan Wang, it was a trick that she didn’t
know which consort in the imperial palace had thought up.
Qu Qing Ju was pitiful as she was alone and became a sacrifice to
the political machinations of others. If she didn’t have a good jiujiu,
before she could appear here, her corpse would have already
The apathy of men, the resulting pain would be multiplied on the
women. The weakness of women, the resulting pain would be
multiplied on the children. But this kind of era, it couldn’t accept too
strong of a woman.
“Everything about da guniang is good, but she’s just too dull. Now
that wang ye treats her well, I, as her mother, has no more worries.”

Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju raised her head to look at Liang shi. This
wasn’t a simple woman. So many people laughing at her, but the
expression on her face never changed.
Touching the golden phoenix and agate buyao as though nothing had
occurred, Qu Qing Ju jerked the corners of her lips: “Taitai doesn’t
have to worry for this daughter. In Duan Wang Fu, I am living very
very well. The care that taitai has given this daughter over the years,
I am clear in my heart.” Finishing, she acted as she just remembered
something, “Speaking of that, didi and san mei’s ages aren’t so
young anymore. I’ve brought some presents today. It isn’t anything
valuable, so I’ll leave it for everybody to play with.”
She didn’t know why Qu Qing Ju specifically mentioned Wang Zhi
and Yue Su but Liang shi understood she hadn’t treated Qu Qing Ju
well in the past. Saying such things today, it wasn’t out of goodwill.
“We don’t deserve wang fei spending the money.” Liang shi forced a
smile. Looking at the agate earrings on Qu Qing Ju’s ears, she
clearly realized for the first time, that whore Tian shi’s daughter had
become a wang fei.

“Taitai doesn’t have to be so courteous, we are all one family.” Qu

Qing Ju lowered her head, raising the teacup and blowing slowly but
there was no interest in taking another sip.
Everybody looked upon this motion and suddenly felt that even
though Duan Wang Fei’s words were all polite and courteous, but
what people could sense was an aura that was imposing, as though
Liang shi was nothing but a joke in her eyes. As though it was only
due to her compassion and generosity, that she didn’t argue with her.
Qu Yue Su looked at the Qu Qing Ju in front of her. Her brows
furrowed. The person was still the person, just that the makeup was
finer, the motions more elegant, and that was enough to make
others felt as though they were below here. Was this still the silent,
introverted da jie?

Just when Liang shi couldn’t manage anymore, she saw a few
yahuan help support lao taitai walk in. Her expression relaxed and
she hurriedly stood and walked over. In the past, she didn’t like lao
taitai, but since lao taitai was here right now, most people would
give lao taitai a few fractions of respect and so she wouldn’t be
surrounded from all sides.
Lao taitai held Liang shi’s hand and went to bow towards Qu Qing
Ju. She was held up by Mu Jin but still politely said: “The fact that
wang fei could come today, it is our good honor.”

“Grandmother speaks too seriously, today is father’s birthday,

granddaughter will of course come,” Qu Qing Ju gazed upon the
smiling lao taitai. She smiled and said, “If grandmother talks like this,
you have made granddaughter an outsider.” This lao taitai wasn’t
some benevolent person. When Qu Qing Ju had been living in
difficulty in the fu, she hadn’t seen this lao taitai say a word.

In a woman’s eyes, nobody could outcompete her son. Qu Qing Ju

had expected she would show up at this time because she would
know that Liang shi would be in a bind. She didn’t like Liang shi, but
she would let her daughter-in-law get shamed by others because
that meant her son was being shamed.
Even though this was a reality, but that didn’t mean Qu Qing Ju
would accept it.
Everybody once again exchanged pleasantries before sitting. Qu
Qing Ju sat on the carved wooden chair and didn’t make any noise
anymore. If somebody talked to her, she would return a few
sentences. Slowly, the atmosphere cooled.
Qu lao tai tai saw that the mood was getting cold and understood
that this was Qu Qing Ju purposefully making things difficult. But the
other’s position was high and noble now so she could only flatter
her: “The time is late, why don’t everybody follow this old body to
the West Hall for the banquet.”
Everybody’s gaze swept towards Duan Wang Fei. Seeing her
smilingly hold up a teacup, they knew that she didn’t disagree and so
they all stood.
Qu Qing Ju stood and smiled friendly at everybody. She went
forward to hold Qu lao taitai’s hand, “Grandmother first.”

Qu lao taitai smiled and patted the back of her hand. She said in an
intimate tone: “Such a yatou, you are now Duan Wang Fei, you can’t
be doing such things. Others would laugh.”
The other furen immediately complimented Duan Wang Fei’s filial
love. Even though Duan Wang Fei just slightly held for only a few
steps before letting go, but who would say she didn’t do well?
Just when they reached the garden’s exit, everybody saw a yahuan
walk over with a cape in her hands. She didn’t seem to be wearing
the yahuan uniform of Chang De Gong Fu and tried to guess whose
family she belonged to.
At one look, Mu Jin recognized that this was Lian Qiao, who served
at wang ye’s side, and slowed her steps.

Lian Qiao saw Qu Qing Ju and quickly walked in front and bowed.
Then she said: “Wang fei, wang ye saw that the sun was covered
and was worried that you would get cold so nubi was sent to bring
you a cloak. He also ordered that you shouldn’t eat too much spicy
food as it is fall and the wind is dry and cold, it will harm the throat
and stomach.”
“I’m not a child, there’s no need to be so careful,” Qu Qing Ju smiled
as she lightly snorted. She looked to Mu Jin to receive the cape,
“I’ve received the cloak. You tell Qian Chang Xin to be vigilant, don’t
let wang ye drink too much.”

Lian Qiao noted it down and hurriedly retreated.

Those present saw the cloak in Mu Jin’s hands with the underlying
grain of Shu brocade. They felt moved inside. Who said that Duan
Wang didn’t like Duan Wang Fei? It was just that the day got cloudy
and he would anxiously send somebody over with a cloak and didn’t
even forget to warn about the food.
Everybody present was a di wife in their family. Looking at that
cloak, an indefinable feeling of admiration rose.


1. 老爷: the lord, master, referring to the Duke in this case.

2. See notes for a picture.

Chapter Eleven “Confrontation”

The West Hall of Chang De Gong Fu was specifically used for

female gatherings so the majority of the furnishings were vibrant yet
well-made. Inside, there were artwork and calligraphy of masters
and it looked as this was a home with some foundation. But it was to
be obvious that each generation was worse than the previous. The
present Duke of Chang De was so preposterous that many laughed
at him behind his back.
Qu Qing Ju was at the same table as Qu lao taitai and her spot was
beside Luo lao taitai. It was obvious from the seating the attitude
that the Qu Family held toward her. At the table, there were people
who were willing to ingratiate themselves so the mood at the table
was somewhat busy. But when Qu lao taitai seated the Qu Family’s
san guniang beside her, everybody’s eyes changed. If this was a
family banquet, nobody would say an extra word, but of the
womenfolk present today, there were several females who ranked
higher than Qu lao taitai. This Qu san guniang was both of a
younger generation and wasn’t titled. It really wasn’t suitable for her
to sit at the table.
The Marquess of Bao Rong smiled coldly at Qu lao taitai’s actions,
understanding that this was Qu lao taitai wanting everybody at the
table to meet Qu san guniang but the timing just wasn’t good.

“This old one has always preferred these two girls. Now that da
yatou has married, we’ve finally managed to gather together today,”
Qu lao taitai couldn’t not know what others were thinking. She used
her handkerchief to wipe at the corner of her eye, “Now that these
girls have grown up, this old lady still wants to keep them by my side
all the time.”
One of the furen that had good relations with the Qu family smiled
and followed: “This is lao taitai’s love for her granddaughters. But
when the children grow up, they can’t stay at home. San guniang is
the epitome … …” When she got there, she smiled mischievously.
Qu Yue Su heard those words and quickly dropped her head in
Seeing her act like a little girl, Qu Qing Ju smiled at the woman that
spoke. This person was on the side of Qu lao taitai Wei shi. Her
husband was an assistant minister at the Ministry of Rites, a not
very large yet not very insignificant position. But this person usually
only treated Qu Yue Su courteously. At the beginning, both Qu Qing
Ju and shu daughter Qu Hui Xue hadn’t come into her eyes.

“Wei furen is very funny. At this time, san meimei is the youngest
and grandmother loves her best. Why can’t she spend more time
with grandmother.” Qu Qing Ju smiled thinly at Wei shi, and took the
handkerchief Yin Liu handed over to wipe her hands, “It is er meimei
who has less time to spend with grandmother.”
Liang shi heard what Qu Qing Ju said and felt anger stir. Qu Qing Ju
was trying to ruin her daughter’s marriage. Mentioning the second
daughter, she was telling others that her, the di mother, wasn’t
benevolent, would only think of her own daughter and neglect the
shu daughter?

Wei shi paused and didn’t seem to have any response. In the past,
she had always ingratiated herself with her gumu[1] in this manner.
Today, she was firmly pushed back by Qu Qing Ju and just realized
that the person sitting across from her wasn’t the Qu da guniang of
the past, but the noble and elevated Duan Wang Fei.
Luo lao taitai smiled as she looked at Wei shi, her eyes full of
distain. Who was Duan Wang? He was the second son of the
Emperor. His mother Jing Fei[2] may not be as favoured as Shu Fei[3]
but she still had some level of influence with the emperor. As to what
Duan Wang was really like, nobody knew. But in the eyes of the
entire court, Duan Wang might not be the most capable of the four
imperial sons, but he definitely was not useless.
Jinshang[4] only has four sons. The eldest imperial son Ning Wang[5]
had some power in the court. However, his birth was not high and his
birth mother was only a cairen.[6] The mother of the third imperial
son, Rui Wang,[7] Shu Fei was the most favoured of the Emperor
which spilled over to favouring her son. It was just that while this
imperial son had some ability, his schemes were cruel and many
were afraid of him. The fourth imperial son was Cheng Wang. His
mother was a guipin[8] but wasn’t favored by the emperor. The
Emperor’s attitude towards the fourth imperial son was not special
and as to the person Cheng Wang, he was also average.
Luo lao taitai didn’t understand the politics of the court and
government but she wasn’t too bad at examining people. This Duan
Wang’s future was most likely limitless. Her own family, the Luo
Family, might not have any desire to stand on any side but they didn’t
want to offend Duan Wang. To be in the situation that Duan Wang
was in, he either was truly as he appeared or he had very deep
But who in the Imperial Family was as they appeared? She had lived
this many years, and saw many people so she understood even
more clearly what people could not be offended or what people, if
offended, wouldn’t be a problem.
Duan Wang was the former, and Chang De Gong Fu was the latter.
But she hadn’t been correct about this Duan Wang Fei. In the past,
she had only paid attention because she was born from a daughter
of the Tian Family. But now she felt that this Duan Wang Fei wasn’t a
simple woman. Thinking about it, she felt lucky. She didn’t beg that
Duan Wang Fei would be grateful towards her, but if she did, due to
her previous care, create goodwill on the part of Duan Wang Fei to
the Luo Family and her daughter, it was a good thing.
In the time it took to blink, many thoughts had formed in Luo lao
taitai’s head. On her face, she still had a friendly smile and
complimented: “You can see that Duan Wang Fei still thinks for her
sisters all the time. This old one’s girls might occasionally say a few
words, they cannot compare to wang fei.”

“Lao taitai is too modest. I’ve seen the sisters of your family before.
Each is well-educated in all aspects. Even my aunt frequently
praises them.” Qu Qing Ju received the goodwill of Luo lao taitai,
“Someday, get the meimei to come to wang fu when they are free.
My aunt is friendly and cares greatly for me but she has no
daughters. Even if I want to interact with girls like my aunt, I don’t
have anybody. Luckily, the sisters of your fu will allow me to satisfy
my desire. Lao taitai, do bear to part with them and let them come
Luo lao taitai heard that Duan Wang Fei’s words were pointing out
the care that her daughter had taken and, in passing, complimented
her granddaughters. The smile on her face became larger: “Wang
fei, don’t praise them too much. If wang fei doesn’t distain them for
being too wild, this old one definitely will take them to the wang fu to
greet you if there is a chance.”
Everybody present had heard at least a bit about the care that Duan
Wang Fei had received from Xiang Qing Hou Fu before her
marriage. Hearing what she said today, they received some proof of
the rumors. It did look like Duan Wang Fei was very close to her
maternal uncle’s family. It didn’t waste the care that Xiang Qing Hou
Fu had given her in the beginning.
Everybody was women and naturally understood the dark side of the
inner home. It looked like Duan Wang Fei wasn’t that close to Chang
De Gong Fu at all. In that case, when they will interact with Chang
De Gong Fu in the future, they didn’t have to worry about Duan
Wang Fu.
Qu Yue Su heard the discussion flowering around her, a smile was
constantly on her face as though she didn’t know what they were
discussing. Seeing the dishes being brought up, she affectionately
ordered a yahuan to specially put a dish of fragrant and spicy tofu in
front of Qu Qing Ju: “Meimei remembers that da jie’s favourite this
is this one. A few days earlier, mother had ordered the servants to
make this dish well. Da jie, take a taste and see if you still like it.”

White tender tofu sprinkled with green onions and pale yellow
peppers and the red of the chili oil. It did look very appetizing. Qu
Qing Ju smiled at Qu Yue Su and nodded in agreement: “Thank you
meimei.” This san meimei of her’s wasn’t a simple person.

“Please, wang fei, forgive this nubi for being disrespectful but there
are some things nubi has to say.” Mu Jin crouched, respectful yet
helpless, “A few days earlier, you had been sick for half a month.
The entire fu had been worried for you. The taiyi had said that you
couldn’t eat anything spicy or oily. Now that you have finally
recovered and wang ye has allowed you to go out the door … …
don’t forget what wang ye had just said.”

Luo lao taitai heard those words and also persuaded: “This yahuan
is a faithful one. I had heard that wang fei had been ill. Even though
wang fei has filial love, but the body still needs to be taken care of.”

“Fine fine, this yahuan has served me many years. She is such a
nag. I’m afraid of her.” Qu Qing Ju seemed to sigh in helplessness.
“The medicine that lao taitai sent over earlier, I still haven’t
expressed my gratitude yet.”
“Excuse me for saying a disrespectful thing, but this one saw wang
fei grow up. Everything is fine as long as the body is healthy, that
doesn’t need any gratitude,” Luo lao taitai pointed at a dish of pigeon
soup, “this pigeon soup would be fine for wang fei to drink. Get a
yahuan to serve a bowl to taste.”

Seeing Mu Jin pour a bowl of soup, an awkward smile appeared on

Qu Yue Su’s face. The words implied that nobody at Chang De
Gong Fu was concerned about da jie’s illness and also mocked her
mother for not being loving towards da jie. Even the Luo family, who
didn’t have much of a connection to da jie, sent over medicine but
her mother hadn’t done anything. Once the word was out, what
virtuous reputation would her mother have left?
Qu lao taitai heard those words, her smile didn’t change, but she
took a few more looks at her daughter-in-law, Liang shi.

Liang shi, sitting at one side, had managed to hear the meaning
implied. She didn’t think that the present Qu Qing Ju would be this
forceful but she had no way of explaining. She could only smile and
say: “Wang fei was sick? Why didn’t you let somebody send a word,
to let mother go take care of you for a few days?”
“I don’t dare let mother labor,” Qu Qing Ju had finished washing her
hands and was wiping away the droplets of water that remained.
Hearing what Liang shi said, she jerked her lips in a smile, “They
say, a married daughter is thrown away water, this daughter didn’t
want father and mother to worry. There are a lot of servants in the
wang fu. It was just a small illness, nothing that everybody had to
know about. In the case of Luo lao taitai, it was because jiumu had
somebody deliver things and received notice that I was sick. That
was how she knew about my illness.”
These words were much deeper and even nastier than the previous
words once understood. Duan Wang Fei mentioned a “dare”, it was
enough to make people speculate on how Liang shi treated the
daughters of others in the houyuan.

Smiling as she saw Liang shi pushed to the point of speechlessness

by her words, Qu Qing Ju stopped talking and started eating. She
wasn’t afraid of ruining the good name of her paternal home, she
wasn’t even afraid that her husband’s family will hate her due to the
reputation of her paternal home. It was just a life she had picked up,
she would live freely until she couldn’t. But what she had picked up
was another person’s life. At least, when she was living freely, she
could help the other finish the gratitudes and grievances of her past.
If there was really a day when Duan Wang really became the
Emperor, or he failed in his attempt and wanted her life, she didn’t
think she would have any regrets. When she could still flaunt it, she
would. Otherwise, maybe one day she wouldn’t have a life.
Qu Yue Su looked at the elegant posture of Qu Qing Ju and felt
inexplicably complicated inside. Even though her mother really didn’t
like her, but in private she still felt some sympathy for her da jie. So
she had always given her some of the jewellery and playthings she
hadn’t liked to da jie. But now, the da jie that needed her sympathy
was a wang fei that even her grandmother had to be courteous to.
As for herself, in the future, she might have to always be below her.
Thinking about that, Qu Yue Su’s slender brows slightly furrowed.
Why did she have such a feeling of apprehension?
The banquet meal ended. The servants of the Qu Family guided
everyone to the wide outer yard to hear a play. The stage had been
built beforehand. The sexes were blocked from each other by tall
screens. Even though everybody was in the same place, but they
could only see the stage.
The first play was “Magu giving her birthday greetings”[9]. Qu Qing Ju
sat on the chair and watched coldly at Liang shi who was coming
towards her with a sandalwood box.
This Liang shi was going to personally put on a play?


1. 姑母: sister of father

2. 敬妃: 敬 (jing) means respected, venerated.

3. 淑妃: shu (淑) is warm and virtuous

4. 今上: the present one on top. Refers to the Emperor.

5. 宁王: ning means peaceful, serene.

6. 才人: cairen, a lower-ranked consort.

7. 瑞王: rui means lucky, felicitous omen, auspicious.

8. 贵嫔: gui(贵) is noble, pin(嫔) is a rank. Having gui as part of the title makes it
of a higher rank than other pin.

9. 麻姑贺寿: 麻姑 is an immortal deity associated with the elixir of


香辣米豆腐: fragrant and spicy rice tofu

乳鸽汤: pigeon soup
Chapter Twelve “Rage for a
Beautiful Woman”

“This box should have been given to wang fei a long time before, but
it was just that when wang fei was getting married, it was forgotten
in the rush,” Liang shi gave the box to Mu Jin. Seeing Qu Qing Ju
take the sandalwood box from Mu Jin, she continued in a choked up
voice: “I’ve been keeping it these past years, waiting to give it to you
one day.”
The purple color of the sandalwood looked aged but there was still a
faint scent when held in one’s hands. A gold lock was formed into the
shape of a cloud. The lock had been opened already. Qu Qing Ju
only had to lift the lid to see what was inside.
The hand that held the lid paused slightly. In a deep part of her soul,
she felt the strong desire of this body towards the box. She could
feel the hate and helplessness of a neglected and helpless little girl.
Slowly opening the box, inside there was high-quality cloth laid out
and on top of the cloth was a single jade pendant. Fine mutton-fat
jade had been carved into the shape of a gourd. The shape of
peanuts were carved finely onto the gourd along with the words
“Live for a hundred years.” Her heart jumped and a length of
memory, like a movie scene, floated to the top of her mind. The
original Qu Qing Ju had always wanted to get this jade gourd from
Liang shi but Liang shi deliberately kept it away. Now she was, of
her own initiative, handing it over, and pretending to be a good
person in front of so many people. She was most likely scared that
Qu Qing Ju was going to act against her in the future.
“Jiejie had somebody prepare this jade gourd very early that year,
but jiejie passed away. In the rush, the jade store sent the pendant
to me,” As Liang shi talked, her eyes reddened, “Jiejie died too
young, her only concern was you, wang fei. In the past, I was
worried that wang fei was too young and would lose what jiejie had
left you, so I kept it for you. Now that wang fei has grown up, this
jade gourd should be given into wang fei’s care.” She scanned Qu
Qing Ju up and down and said ruefully, “Seeing what wang fei looks
like now, jiejie in heaven will be happy.”
She lifted a hand to take out the jade gourd pendant. The feel of it
was warm and smooth. Because it was carved to be small, there
wasn’t much weight to it. It was possible to see that Tian shi had
wanted to, at Qu Qing Ju’s hundred-day celebration, put the gourd
on her body.
The nobility had the fashion of giving children a hundred-day
celebration. When the child reached a hundred days, the elders
would personally put on the child charms for a long life. Most of the
charms would have magic clouds and peanuts and other objects of
good fortune along with the words “To live until a hundred years.”
This was to symbolize locking down a person’s life and that the gods
would protect the child to live a hundred years.
Pity the love of mothers in this world, Tian shi died so young. The
rumors outside said that she became ill due to anger, but a woman
that, at the very end, still ordered for her child a jade gourd, would
she be so weak as to die due to anger? Mothers grow strong in
protection of their children. Tian shi wasn’t the type to fall into
sadness, would she not care for her newborn daughter and get so
angry as to die?
“Very early in life, I heard Gao mama say, not long after my birth,
mother had ordered a jade gourd pendant for my hundred-day gift.
But sadly, ten years ago mother made Gao mama retire and I never
even once saw the jade gourd that mama mentioned. I didn’t think
that mother had been keeping it for me all this time.” The hand that
held the gourd tightened. Qu Qing Ju, in front of the females present
put the jade gourd on her neck, her eyes reddening, “As a daughter,
I troubled my mother to be pregnant for ten months. Even into death,
my mother was concerned for me. The fact that I could not
reciprocate, it is a failure of my filial piety.” In the previous life, her
parents had died early in a car crash but until the last moment, they
had been thinking about her. Seeing this jade gourd pendant, she felt
her heart twist and felt that the people of this Chang De Gong Fu
was extremely disgusting, to the point of throwing up if she had to
look at them.
“Wang fei,” Seeing the situation, Mu Jin gazed worriedly at Qu Qing
Ju. But she was a servant and couldn’t freely comfort her.
“When the child wants to show filial love, the parents are not there
… …” Qu Qing Ju stood, looking at the smiling Liang shi. The
emotions on her face gradually faded and her face became
expressionless, “The care that mother has given Qing Ju, Qing Ju
will never forget in this life. In the future, Qing Ju will definitely return
the benevolence that mother has given in the past.”
Qu lao taitai had been feeling uneasy the entire time and seeing Qu
Qing Ju was speaking so clearly, she couldn’t keep the genial
expression up on her face. She wanted to speak to ease the tension
but she didn’t manage in time.
“Today is father’s birthday and I should stay a bit longer. But there
are many things to do in the wang fu so I have to leave,” Qu Qing Ju
bent slightly towards Qu lao taitai, “This granddaughter makes her
farewells. Furen, we will meet in the future.”
Everybody saw that Duan Wang Fei’s face was nothing to worry
about but they didn’t make her stay. Liang shi, this stepmother, did
things in such an unsightly manner that Duan Wang Fei couldn’t
endure any longer. Not just Duan Wang Fei, but all children in this
world, if they had to face such things, they couldn’t endure.
Qu lao taitai couldn’t sit any longer and could only stand to
personally send away Qu Qing Ju. Duan Wang Fei, whose mother
had died early, at the birthday banquet of her father, didn’t stay to
watch the plays but left with red eyes. If this passed into the ears of
others, this entire Chang De Gong Fu, what honor would they have
Everybody else stood to see her off, but when they reached the
outside hall, Qu Qing Ju stopped them. Her white face held a smile:
“All the furen don’t have to be so courteous, on another day, I will
invite all of you to a gathering.”
Everybody accepted. Qu lao taitai still wanted to walk a bit further,
but Qu Qing Ju stopped her. She smilingly said: “Grandmother is old
now, we can’t let you send off your granddaughter, otherwise
granddaughter would be unfilial.” Finishing, she ordered Mu Jin who
was by her side, “Send somebody to give word to wang ye, I’m
going to return first.”
Qu lao taitai had no other way but to see Qu Qing Ju leave. She
turned to look coldly at Liang shi, and for the first time ever, she held
onto shu daughter Qu Hui Xue’s hand to return to the play. The
common people said “ to marry a wife was to marry virtue.” The
Duke of Chang De, now that he had this woman, Liang shi, sooner
or later he would lose everything.
Once Qu Qing Ju left, many of the womenfolk that had come to
attend the banquet who had done so due to Duan Wang Fu stood
and made their farewells. In less than an hour, more than half of the
female guests left.
On the side of the male guests, He Heng, as a wang ye, naturally
sat on the seat of the honoured guests. The person sitting beside
him was Qu Wang Zhi. He didn’t have any interest in honouring
others so he didn’t pay any attention to any others. But even so,
there were still many people that came up to fawn over him.
An act of “Magu giving her birthday greetings” hadn’t finished when
Qian Chang Xin had came over to Duan Wang’s side and spoke a
few words. Qu Wang Zhi, who had been sitting behind Duan Wang
faintly heard the words “wang fei.”

“What?!” Duan Wang’s brows slightly creased. The face that had
originally carried a friendly if polite smile froze. He placed the teacup
in his hands on the table, the flower teacup making a crisp sound.
The Duke of Chang De, who had been paying attention to this side,
felt his heart skip a beat. He didn’t know what had enraged wang ye.
Others pretended to casually look towards Duan Wang.
“The way that Chang De Gong Fu treats their guests has really
widened the horizons of ben wang,” Duan Wang smiled frigidly as he
stood, “Qian Chang Xin, let’s leave.”
“Wang ye, this … …” The Duke of Change De knew that something
had gone majorly wrong and hurriedly came up to make his
apologies. But He Heng didn’t even give him a glance but said coldly,
“Ben wang came today to accompany wang fei and knew that the
Duke of Chang De was very much in mutual love with his wife. But
ben wang’s wang fei, she is still the duke’s di daughter. This fu has
treated her so, is it that my Duan Wang Fu is being looked down
at?!” Finishing, he didn’t wait for the Duke of Chang De to respond,
and swept away.
The daren[1] that had been present paused for a beat before
managing to respond. Many of them had heard the past events of
Chang De Gong Fu, but everyone were male so they hadn’t paid
attention to this type of things. But they didn’t think that Chang De
Gong Fu’s people would be this ludicrous. It didn’t matter just how
the servants had treated the deceased Tian shi’s daughter originally
in this fu, but she was Duan Wang Fei now. Treating her rudely was
treating Duan Wang rudely. Wasn’t this akin to slapping Duan Wang
in the face over and over?
Even if Duan Wang was friendlier than Rui Wang, he wouldn’t
tolerate such disrespect. It seems that this Chang De Gong Fu was
more and more foolish. Everybody stood and made their farewells,
not caring how terrible the face of the Duke of Chang De looked.
They had made wang ye angry enough to leave so why would they
say? Or did they have to tell Duan Wang, wang ye, you go be angry
by your lonesome, we’re good friends with the Duke of Chang De
and still want to stay here with the duke to drink tea and watch
The Duke of Chang De was foolish, but they weren’t. At this time, it
was best to leave early. They had to pity the Duan Wang couple for
coming to attend the celebration but were provoked by dumb people
into leaving earlier.
The busy birthday banquet instantly became silent and cold. The
Duke of Chang De threw the teacup in his hands to the floor. Hearing
the e-e-ya-ya of the voices on the stay, he felt even more furious and
shouted angrily: “Why are you still singing, get off!”
“Father,” Qu Wang Zhi worriedly supported him, “Don’t be angry,
think about your body.”
“I don’t need a body!” The Duke didn’t bear to push aside his only
son so he threw another teacup, “Go ask your mother, what
happened to make Duan Wang this angry?”
Qu Wang Zhi looked at the servants standing in the surroundings and
felt that it wasn’t good for father to mention his mother so he
persuaded: “At this time, grandmother and mother must be in
houyuan. We could go ask together.”
Liang Rong, who had seen the guests off, stood to one side and
also urged: “We don’t know what happened, Uncle shouldn’t be
angry. Responding after we know what happened wouldn’t be too
The Duke of Change De managed to force down his anger and, with
an ashen face, walked into houyuan.

When He Heng entered the carriage, he saw his wang fei’s eyes
were slightly red, and had been visibly unhappy. The rage he had
suppressed originally rose again: “Wang fei, who hurt you, tell ben
wang, ben wang will help you take revenge.”

Qu Qing Ju raised her head to look at him. Seeing the rage in his
eyes wasn’t fake, she said: “Nobody can hurt Duan Wang Fei, but
it’s just sadness from remembering the past.”
“I accompanied you today just so I could support you. You don’t
have to be ashamed,” Thinking, He Heng added, “Not just today, in
the future, other than those few in the palace, you don’t have to yield
to anyone.” Finished speaking, he found that on Qu Qing Ju’s neck,
there was a new addition of a fine jade gourd and looked twice.
“Isn’t wang ye afraid that qie would be arrogant in her acts in the
future and ruin Duan Wang Fu’s reputation,” Qu Qing Ju touched the
jade gourd at her chest, the warm feeling making her smile.
“Wang fei isn’t such an ignorant woman,” He heng moved his gaze
aside, smiling happily, “Moreover, if it was you, Qing Ju, arrogance is
not a disadvantage.”
Two pairs of eyes met. Qu Qing Ju gradually moved aside her gaze,
revealing a warm smile.
These words, who believed them?


1. 大人: adult, general term used to refer to those of status

玉葫芦: jade gourd with peanut patterns.
Chapter Thirteen “Jing Fei’s

What had occurred at Chang De Gong Fu did make its way through
the aristocratic circles of the city of Jing. The type of people that
Jing City never lacked for were officials and nobility. When the
incident spread, the Duke of Chang De couldn’t bear to go out to
hear the mockery in other people’s words. Every time he went to
court, he rushed as fast as he could home after it ended.
Last time, he had gone to houyuan to ask Liang shi what had
happened. The result was that he had saw Liang shi sobbing her
heart out in her room. He knew that it was hard to be a stepmother.
Now that da yatou was a wang fei, Liang shi could only respect her.
She had to endure it even if she was annoyed. She was victimized.
They were all daughters of Chang De Gong Fu. Why was it that san
yatou was so considerate and sensible, but da yatou was this
senseless? If her paternal home was shamed, she, as a married
daughter, wouldn’t be well-off either.
Liang Rong was walking in the courtyards and saw his aunt’s
husband furiously marching past. He quickly retreated and bowed to
the Duke of Chang De. The duke wasn’t in the mood to pay him any
attention so he nodded and strode away. This made Liang Rong to
look longer at him.
“Gongzi,[1] what’s going on with gu lao ye[2]?”The manservant that
followed him said worriedly, “His face didn’t look so good.”
Thinking of the rumors these past days in Jing City, Liang Rong
furrowed his brow. Because of the separation of the sexes, he
hadn’t had many interactions with his cousin-in-name, Qu Qing Ju.
But in his memories, every time he saw her, she always preferred to
lower her head and didn’t speak. How did things get this bad? With
aunt’s nature and skills, how come she couldn’t managed a little girl?
Now the reputation of Chang De Gong Fu wasn’t good and in
passing, people were saying to not marry any daughters of the Liang
family. This had ruined the reputations of the sisters in his home and
he felt somewhat insecure. The person they offended this time
wasn’t somebody ordinary, but the second imperial son Duan Wang.
It wouldn’t be very easy to supress the gossip.
But he had heard before that Rui Wang’s mother Shu Fei and Duan
Wang’s mother Jin Fei did not get along. If they could get the
support of Rui Wang, things would be much easier to accomplish.
Furthermore, the present Emperor was old and all the imperial sons
had reached adulthood. The Emperor’s favourite was Rui Wang.
Recently, the rumors had been saying that the Emperor was going to
establish Rui Wang as taizi. [3] If that was true, then supporting Rui
Wang would cause no harm and create many advantages.
Qu Qing Ju, after hearing the jokes that Huang Yang had heard
about Chang De Gong Fu, was in a mood good enough that she ate
an extra half-bowl of rice at noon. In the afternoon, she rewarded all
the servants in the zhengyuan.

Wang fei’s actions made everybody in zhengyuan feel confused and

worried. Logically, wang fei should be angry but why did it not look
like that?
There were some that asked Huang Yang, but while Huang Yang
looked young, his brains were very quick and not one word could be
pried from him.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t care what about what the servants did and
absolved the other qieshi of paying their respects in the next two
days. She concentrated on combing through the memories that
remained of the original in the body. These memories weren’t hers
and in her heart, they were like scenes of a movie. She would
remember them but she wouldn’t be involved in them.
After she managed to organize everything, Qu Qing Ju had nothing
to do except eat, read and look at flowers until a mama from Zhong
Jing Palace[4] came.
The mistress of Zhong Jing Place was Duan Wang’s mother Jing Fei
and this mama had come to convey Jing Fei’s words. The meaning
was that she had her that her erxifu[5] had recovered and as her
mufei, she missed her so she was to, along with the two ce fei, go
tomorrow to Zhong Jing Palace to visit.
Basically, it was that Jing Fei saw that her erxifu hadn’t been to pay
respects to her for a long time and felt uncomfortable inside. In this
era, if the popo[6] didn’t make something difficult for her erxifu, it
wouldn’t be fair to when she had been an erxifu and the way she
was treated in that time. There were more liberal popos, but she
wasn’t very lucky, and such a thing of good fortune hadn’t occurred
to her.
Since mufei wanted a meeting, she, as her erxifu, had to follow the
wishes of her elders. She sent two yahuan to notify the two ce fei of
the event and Qu Qing Ju put the event aside.
At night when He Heng came to zhengyuan, he picked up the topic
with Qu Qing Ju.
“I heard that mufei wanted to see you tomorrow?” After the two
flipped the red waves, they laid calmly in the blankets. He Heng
spoke as if he just thought of it, “You’ve been sick for more than a
month so you had no way of going to the palace to pay respects.
That wasn’t your fault. The gifts, I’ve gotten Qian Chang Xin to
prepared already. Tomorrow after court, I’ll also go to mufei’s palace
so you don’t have to worry about anything else.”
Qu Qing Ju reached out with her index finger and wrapped a lock of
He Heng’s hair around her finger, making a sound of assent. In the
memories, this Jing Fei hadn’t been very satisfied with her as an
erxifu but because it had been a marriage bestowed by the
Emperor, she had barely managed to go through the formalities. But
even so, in her actions and words, there was still the hint of disdain.
The original, in the memories, had been very frightened of Jing Fei. It
had seemed that every time she went into the palace, her heart had
been in her throat. Now Duan Wang was saying these words, did he
want to reassure her? No matter how much truthfulness was in these
words, Qu Qing Ju accepted his goodwill.
“What is it, still unhappy?” He Heng heard the apathy in her voice
and tightened his embrace. Looking at her fine brows, he teased,
“Ben wang can protect you, are you still unhappy?”

“Mufei is wang ye’s birth mother, she wouldn’t be too harsh on qie,”
Qu Qing Ju raised her head to look at He Heng and sighed, “Qie
knows that mufei isn’t very happy with qie’s own family. This can’t be
blamed on mufei, even qie is helpless against the people of that
family. Before the Emperor decreed the wedding, qie hadn’t even
dare to think of marrying into the Imperial Family.” She reached out
with a hand to encircle Duan Wang’s neck, “Luckily, wang ye hasn’t
abandoned qie because of Chang De Gong Fu, and is protecting qie
in all matters. Qie is a lucky woman.”

He Heng’s eyes moved away from his stare with Qu Qing Ju’s gaze
and tightly clutched the person to him: “It is because wang fei is very
good, ben wang protects you. You have no connection to that entire
Qu family. The person I married is you, not the Qu family. How
absurd they are I don’t care. As long as they don’t bully you, I will
pretend to not see them.”
“Wang ye… …” Qu Qing Ju buried her head into the space of He
Heng’s neck. When He Heng was speaking, he didn’t dare look at
her eyes. It seemed somebody had a guilty conscience. There
wasn’t anybody of note in Chang De Gong Fu, but that wasn’t the
same with the Tian Clan of Xiang Qing Hou Fu. Even if the Tian
family didn’t have the power to oppose the court, they were still a
first-rate family in Jing City. And the entire Tian Clan treated her very
well. Duan Wang couldn’t have missed that fact.
“Alright, don’t think too much, sleep early.” He Heng gently patted Qu
Qing Ju’s back as though he was soothing a baby into sleep. He
didn’t have much affection for Tian shi in the beginning, so after the
marriage, he had kept her on ice. He had let the servants serve her
with respect because of the Tian family behind her but in the
encounters of these recent days, he had found that Qu shi wasn’t an
insipid and tasteless woman. He wasn’t the type of men to favor a
qie over a wife. He wanted to interact more with his zhengfei and
gradually build some positive emotion. Even if they didn’t reach
affection as deep as the sea, they had to get to mutual respect.
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t just a beautiful woman, her words and actions
were very attractive to him as a man so the more they interacted,
the more satisfied he felt with her. He wanted to treat her even
better. Even if the words he spoke weren’t all true, but it still
expressed more or less represented his desires.
The two fell asleep in an embrace. Undoubtedly, both had very
different thoughts, but their position was as though they were the
most intimate lovers in the world, displaying a beautiful sleeping
Qu Qing Ju woke up very early on the second morning. After
breakfast, she changed on to a majestic crimson trailing dress
embroidered with round flowers. Using fake hair, she made a feixian
knot. She picked the finest and most beautiful hair ornaments and
jewellery to wear, the exact opposite of the plainness in the past.
She wore whatever she found pleasing to the eye. As to whether
Jing Fei would like it, she just wanted to say, if you didn’t like
somebody, even their breathing was wrong, if you can’t please
somebody else, then please yourself.
Putting on the pearl embroidered shoes, Qu Qing Ju stood, the jewel
over the middle of her forehead slightly swaying: “Let’s go. Are the
two ce fei ready yet?”

“The two ce fei are already waiting,” Yu Zan came front to support
Qu Qing Ju, “The carriage is ready. Wang fei, do you want to leave
“It’s about time, it’ll take the better half of an hour to go from here to
Zhong Jing Place. Send somebody to call the two ce fei.” It was just
going to the palace, but Jing Fei had to call the two ce fei as well.
She really was honouring this wang fei.

Feng Zi Jin and Jiang Yong Yu had been waiting early by the gate of
zhengyuan. Seeing wang fei come out, the two first paused before
bowing to Qu Qing Ju.
Qu Qing Ju scanned the two. Jiang Yong Yu’s clothing was the most
proper it could get, it wasn’t eye-catching but it displayed her identity
as a ce fei. What Feng Zi Jin wore was much brighter, the pink of
the girdled dress made her seem young and fresh.
The two ce fei were a bit surprised. The last few times wang fei had
went into the palace, what she had worn had been the most proper
with no distinguishing features. She was dressed so beautifully today
that the two didn’t manage to react for a period of time.
Those rounded flowers were embroidered looked as though they
were alive. It was Shu embroidery. It probably had taken a long time
to make the dress. And that water droplet forehead jewel made
from a red ruby, the dark gold string braided in the hair so that the
jewel sat perfectly in the middle of the forehead. Every move had the
onlooker feel it was extraordinarily beautiful.
Wang fei was wearing this to the palace, wasn’t she afraid that Jing
Fei niangniang would say she was too extravagant?

Not caring what the two though, Qu Qing Ju took a few yahuan and
walked to the front.
After she sat on the carriage in the front, the two ce fei climbed into
a carriage in the back before the second-rank yahuan that was
coming along finally expressed her awe. What wang fei was wearing
today was beautiful. No wonder wang ye liked going to zhengyuan
When the carriages reached the palace doors, they couldn’t go any
further. Qu Qing Ju stepped on a taijian’s back to get off the
carriage. She looked at the black stone path that stretched long
ahead of her and the tall red walls beside the path. She couldn’t
resist raising her head and look at the cloudless blue sky.
Feng Zi Jin stepped on the taijian’s back to climb down and saw the
taijian that was kneeling by Qu Qing Ju’s carriage. She lightly
snorted. A few days earlier, wang fei had slipped on a taijian’s back
when stepping off a carriage so she didn’t favor using taijian as a
footstool any more. But now they were in the palace, she acted
according to the protocols of the Imperial Family. She had assumed
that she would be much more courageous.
Jiang Yong Yu calmly glanced at Feng Zi Jin and sped up to stand
behind Qu Qing Ju. It irritated Feng Zi Jin who snorted again before
following in her footsteps.


1. 公子: son of an official or nobility, also a title of respect for young men.

2. 姑老爷: husband of a daughter when referred to by a servant. The servant is

from the wife’s side with gu being the in-law.

3. 太子: Crown Prince

4. 钟景宫: zhong can mean clock, time or a goblet. Jing means bright,
circumstance or scenery.

5. 儿媳妇: wife of a son, daughter-in-law

6. 婆婆: mother-in-law, husband’s mother

Chapter Fourteen “A Pig For An

The Imperial Palace of the Da Long Dynasty had been rebuilt on the
foundations of the previous dynasty’s palace. At the beginning when
the members of the He family had overturned the despot of the
previous dynasty, they had taken care of many of the licentious yet
famous and powerful families. So when they furnished their imperial
palace, they tried to go the route of simple yet grand.
Qu Qing Ju followed the guidance of the palace girl as she walked
forward. She passed by one grand building after another. No matter
how frugal the founding emperor had been, while the present Da
Long dynasty’s excess were not equal to the lavishness of the
previous dynasty, but it was still beautiful clothing, delicious food,
and amusement abound.
“Duan Wang Fei, please walk this way,” The person leading the way
was a palace maid that had a rank and was of some use to Jing fei.
This palace maid’s attitude, from the calm one when they came, had
instantly changed around and put herself in a low position. From a
little palace maid to her present position, her most important asset
had been a pair of perceptive eyes. From her first look of Duan
Wang Fei today, she had understood. Duan Wang Fei was different
than before.
Regardless of whether niangniang did or didn’t like Duan Wang Fei,
she was only a palace maid and didn’t have the courage to offend
this kind of a Duan Wang Fei. She respectfully guided them into the
entrance of Zhong Jing Palace and retreated to one side to allow
Ding mama, who served by niangniang’s side to take them inside.

The high-quality Yun[1] brocade slid soundlessly across the smooth

ground. She looked at the red of the dress and dazedly raised her
head. She could only see, against the light, that red shadow walked
each step steadily and calmly.
“Wang fei and the two ce fei, please sit, niangniang would come out
soon,” Ding mama directed the little palace maid to serve tea and
personally placed a cup of tea in front of Qu Qing Ju. She smiled
and said: “This old servant congratulates wang fei for a successful
“Ding mama is too courteous,” Qu Qing Ju sat on the chair and held
out her hand to falsely help her up, “It was due to the good fortune
of mufei and wang ye. These days, I haven’t been able to come to
mufei’s side and serve, it was unfilial of me as an erxifu. Niangniang
wasn’t angry but concerned, it was all my fault.”
Ding mama’s gaze fell onto the blood red bangle resting on that
porcelain wrist. She smiled, bowed and said: “Niangniagn knew it
was because wang fei’s body wasn’t well. She wouldn’t be angry
over such a small matter. For wang fei’s body to get better, that was
what niangniang really wishes for.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled and lowered her head slightly. This Ding mama
was a trusted confidant of Jing fei. She always had a smile on her
face and the feeling people had upon seeing her was friendly. Even
the original Qu Qing Ju had like her very much. But when she had
met her today, she felt that this Ding mama wasn’t a simple
There were no simple women in this imperial palace. Ding mama
had been by Jing fei’s side for many years and was the most trusted
and relied upon. Her attribute couldn’t be this friendliness. Beside the
venerable Jing fei, there couldn’t be simple people.

“I caused mufei to worry,” Qu Qing Ju sighed, her expression slightly

pained as she said, “I was heavily ill these past days, I had thought
… … thankfully I recovered.”
Ding mama had heard the news that Duan Wang Fei almost didn’t
make it. At the time, she had, on behalf of niangniang, left the
palace to bestow many gifts. No wonder Duan Wang Fei was
drastically different than in the past. She probably had been
frightened by that illness.
People, when they walked past death’s threshold, they would
understand many things. Seeing wang fei right now, she probably
understood a lot. Wang ye had favoured her recently. There had
been news from others that said wang ye had been residing day
after day in zhengyuan. Looking at her appearance, she did have
the capital to attract men.
“Wang fei has plenty of good fortune and naturally could overcome
the misfortunes,” Ding mama smiled as she received the words.
Hearing noise from outside the door, she closed her mouth and
moved over.
Qu Qing Ju turned her head to look. She saw a beautiful matron
wearing an orange palace dress, supporting herself with one hand
on a taijian’s hand, calmly walk in. The beautiful matron looked like
she was just over thirty years old. Even if her face was rather
mediocre, it couldn’t disguise the allure between her brows.
This was Jing fei. Qu Qing Ju stood and went forward: “Erxi greets
mufei.” The two ce fei stood behind her and followed with the
greeting, but they referred to themselves as “nu”

“No need for courtesy, sit down,” Jing fei’s steps slowed as she
looked at Qu Qing Ju from top to bottom. She sat at the front and
took a sip of the tea that Ding mama presents. Seeing the three sit
down, she opened again: “Ben gong[2] heard that Qing Ju’s body has
recovered and wanted to take a look. Seeing you now, I feel that
your face looks much better than before. This bright-red cotton
trailing Yun brocade dress is complicated and lavish, most people
can’t wear it. You wear it well.”
“Erxi thanks mufei for the compliment,” Qu Qing Ju looked at Jing
fei with eyes full of childish admiration, “Erxi hadn’t dared to wear it
originally, but thought that this color was celebratory and of good
fortune. Erxi had just recovered from a big sickness and it is much
better to be celebratory when coming to pay respects to mufei.
Thankfully, mufei also likes what erxi is wearing, otherwise erxi
wouldn’t know what to do.
Feng Zi Jin, sitting to one side, felt her mouth slightly quiver.
Niangniang was implying that she dressed too lavishly. Was Qu Qing
Ju really stupid or pretending to be stupid that she really believed
that niangniang was complimenting her?

The hand that held the teacup slightly stopped, the motion Jing fei
did to set down the teacup seemed to be heavier than normal. She
looked with a normal expression at Qu Qing Ju. Seeing her smile
happily, she asked: “Clothing isn’t important, what is important is the
intention. Ben gong heard yesterday that you had been unhappy with
your family, Chang De Gong Fu. This thing has spread all over Jing
City, what really happened?”
“There’s this thing?” Qu Qing Ju’s eyes widened and she said in
confusion: “What are they saying in Jing City?”
“Ding mama, you tell wang fei,” Jing fei took a sip of tea to
suppress that bit of agitation inside, “As a wang fei, you have to
know some things about Jing City. Otherwise, how could you be
wang ye’s good wife[3]”

Qu Qing Ju, upon hearing this, stood to beg for forgiveness: “It is
erxi’s fault. These past days have been filled with managing the
houyuan and neglected to pay attention to the happenings outside
the fu. Mufei, please set a punishment.”

Jing fei felt the roots of her teeth seemed to ache. These words just
didn’t seem right. In the Da Long Dynasty, it wasn’t as restricting
towards women as it had been in the previous dynasty, but it was
still men on the outside, women inside. What was forgetting to pay
attention to happenings outside the fu? Did she, her popo, have to
tell her erxifu to meddle with things outside the fu?

Facing the feeling of powerlessness in this chicken-talking-to-duck

conversation, Jing fei, in the end, could only push the teacup further
away. In her understanding of Qu Qing Ju of the past, this erxi didn’t
dare disobey her. So what she had said before, she wasn’t
suspicious, but when she heard the words, her heart felt like it was
blocked up.
“Your body wasn’t well the past days, it was correct to manage the
houyuan these two days,” Jing fei smiled and let Qu Qing Ju sit
before dismissing Ding mama from reciting the story, “It isn’t a major
thing, mufei wouldn’t punish you. Really, this incident doesn’t have
too much connection to you. It was Chang De Gong Fu’s behavior
that was lacking, it just spread to you, such a good good erxifu.”

To say bad things about the home of the married erxi, wasn’t this
putting her erxi’s face to the floor and stomping on it? It was a pity
that Qu Qing Ju didn’t think of Chang De Gong Fu as her home. She
wasn’t pained or tickled by Jing fei’s words so just pretend that she
didn’t really care.
“Mufei has treated erxi so well, erxi doesn’t know what to do,” Qu
Qing Ju, deeply moved, looked at Jing Fei, “Erxi had obtained some
little playthings these past days, and wanted to let mufei play with
them too, hopefully mufei wouldn’t dislike them.”
What was this deeply moved and then giving gifts? Do you know that
ben gong is criticizing you? Do you know ben gong looks down at
you? Do you know that this is ben gong being unsatisfied with you?!
What are you moved about?!
Jing fei inhaled, smiled and said: “Come, come, you don’t give stuff.
As long as you are all fine, mufei is satisfied.” Have to be calm, ben
gong is Jing fei, ben gong is the high and noble Jing fei.

Qu Qing Ju saw that the smile on Jing fei’s face become warmer
and warmer, the childish admiration on her own face became even
more visible: “Wang ye and erxi live outside the place, and cannot
expresse our filial love daily to mufei. But we thought that these little
amusements could make mufei happier. If mufei is happy, it is the
best thing for wang ye and erxi.”
Feng Zi Jin saw the harmonious situation in front of her and felt
disappointed. Didn’t niangniang not like Qu Qing Ju as her erxi, why
was she smiling brighter and brighter? And these gifts, did
niangniang like them that much that niangniang was that happy? In
the past, what Qu Qing Ju had presented wasn’t simple but
niangniang hadn’t given a hint of a smile then.

The most painful thing in the world wasn’t being pointed at and
scolded indirectly but you pointing at somebody and scolding
indirectly but the person didn’t understand and assumed that you
were complimenting her. Jing fei had lived in the imperial palace for
many years and was used to words that took nine curves and
eighteen turns. And her opponents were the most skilled. Suddenly
meeting a pig[4] of an opponent, she finally understood the pain of a
punch landing in cotton.
Or was it that the dull personality of Qu Qing Ju had been a
pretence and she was purposefully acting this way today to make
her angry? Jing fei’s eyes narrowed and she couldn’t help but
carefully examine Qu Qing Ju.
After the examination, she suddenly fell, this erxifu of her’s had a
pretty good appearance and her smile was very inviting.
Remembering when the Emperor had just decreed the marriage, the
dull look when the Duchess of Chang De took her into the palace to
give thanks, Jing fei couldn’t help but furrow her brows and look at
Qu Qing Ju’s present appearance.
She didn’t know the Emperor had listened to the persuasions of
which whore in this hougong to want to bestow Qu Qing Ju to her
son. He kept on saying that this girl’s eight words carried good
fortune. After loudly formalizing the arrangement, he had no shame
and said to her, he had given Heng’er a good wife. She really didn’t
know how bad his eyes were to see a dead fish’s eye as a pearl.
Automatically blaming this onto her rival Shu fei, Jing fei came back
from her thoughts. She tilted her head as she gazed at Qu Qing Ju.
Originally, she had wanted to keep dealing blows at the other but
that desire had retreated. There was no taste to playing music at the
Jiang Yong Yu had been keeping her head down and drinking tea.
She raised her head to look at Jing Fei and then at wang fei with a
smile on her face and then silently lowered her head.
Instantly, the room sank into a strange sort of silence. But this
silence was only a quick instant because the taijian outside made an
announcement that broke the silence.
“Duan Wang has arrived.”
The palace maids and taijian serving inside the room took a breath
as though something terrifying just disappeared. They silently moved
their heads lower towards the door.
Today … … the magic clouds on the soft palace boots that Duan
Wang wore today were so good-looking.

1. 云锦: brocade made in Jiangsu. In history, it was once exclusive to the

Imperial Family and the common saying was one inch of gold, one inch of
brocade (both brocade and gold have the same pronunciation in Chinese)

2. 本宫: illeism for imperial consorts. “this palace”

3. 贤内助: also means virtuous inner assistant.

4. Pigs are considered dumb.

Chapter Fifteen “The Women of
the Imperial Palace”

When He Heng entered the room with a smile, he bowed to Jing Fei
immediately. After Jing fei allowed his to rise, he walked to sit next
to Qu Qing Ju and took a sip of tea before inquiring: “What has
mufei been talking to them about?”

Jing fei looked at the Yun brocade golden bordered robe of a qin
wang, and with a cheerful expression said, “What can women say,
it’s just little things. Why are you so thirsty, are the servants of the fu
not diligent enough?”
“The matters at court required some talking, nothing to do with the
people of the fu,” Knowing that mufei was meaning to put the blame
to Qu Qing Ju, He Heng said, “These past days, the court has been
arguing over some small things, even us brothers have been
examined much by our fuhuang.[1]”
Touching upon matters of the court, Jing fei intelligently didn’t
continue the line of questioning, only continuing: “You should take
care of your body no matter how busy it gets. Now that you are
married, you cannot act like you did before.” Saying to there, she
looked at Qu Qing Ju who docilely sat at the side, “Your wife is a
virtuous one. Just like mufei, she hopes to let wang fu be fruitful in
children. You don’t want all your brothers to have children, and you
are still living idly.”
Qu Qing Ju’s brow moved slightly. Jing fei was criticizing her for
being jealous, not letting He Heng go to another woman’s bed? This
man’s legs are grown on his own body, it was his freedom where he
wanted to go. The so-called rain and dew must be shared[2] was a
joke. If it had to be shared, then why did the Da Long Dynasty still
have the rule that the husband had to reside in the wife’s rooms on
the first and fifth of each month?
She didn’t have any feelings towards He Heng but she didn’t want to
live like a widow. Additionally, she didn’t like having something she
frequently used be given into the hands of another woman of her
own initiative. Did they think she stupid or a saint?
He Heng smiled slightly and didn’t reply to Jing fei’s words. He
turned his head and looked past Feng Zi Jin: “Did mufei like the little
playthings Qing Ju sent, erchen[3] and your erxi had collected them
for many days.”
“I know you are filial,” Jing fei saw he didn’t want to follow up on the
subject and turned to speak of daily life, asking everything about
what He Heng dressed and ate everyday.
Qu Qing Ju listened silently at one side. She had to admit, Jing Fei
might not be a good popo but was definitely a good mother. She
was also very perceptive. Whenever she found a subject He Heng
didn’t want to talk about, she would move onto another topic, rather
than, like other women, continue to try to educate the other until the
other had accepted her way of thinking.
This was an intelligent woman. Otherwise she wouldn’t be the only
imperial consort that could match Shu fei. The present hougong[4]
had an Empress but this Empress had no children and her own
family wasn’t of any significance. Consequently, she didn’t have any
real power in this hougong, just an empty scaffold at the top of
which she could look at others engaged in conflict.
He Heng didn’t try to intentionally say good things about Qu Qing Ju
in front of Jing Fei but he was more attentive in his words to Jing fei
than normal. This caused Jing fei’s smile to not disappear from her
face for an instant.
When it was time for the noon meal, Jing fei retained He Heng to
eat. Feng Zi Jin and Jiang Yong Yu had to stand at one side to
serve. Qu Qing Ju, due to the fact that she had just recovered,
received popo’s extra “affection” and was released from the act of
having to serve popo and sat down beside He Heng.

There were more than ten dishes that were presented. Each dish
was finely made and the skill of the chefs in Zhong Jing Palace could
be seen. What could also be seen was Jing Fei’s position in the
imperial palace.
“Go down to serve wang fei, ben wang doesn’t need your service,”
Waving away Feng shi who had been coming near, He Heng used
his eyes to indicated to Ming He and pointed to the fish stewed in
milk in front, “This dish mufei likes, serve some over.”

Even if it was a favourite dish, it wasn’t a rare dish but a common

one. However, Jing fei still enjoyed He Heng’s attitude and looked
twice at Qu Qing Ju. At least, after her son got closer to her, he was
more concerned about her as his mother. Before, she hadn’t seen
him be this attentive.
After a meal, Qu Qing Ju found that her tastes were very similar to
Jing fei. After rinsing and washing, she silently sat at the side and
continued to watch the heart-warming act of the benevolent mother
and the filial son.
“Since you have come into the palace, then go to Kui Yuan Palace[5]
to kowtow to the Empress,” Jing fei lazily waved her hand, “The
Empress’ body has been not well these past days. Even if she isn’t
in need of anything, it is a bit cold there.” Finishing, she lifted her
eyelids and looked at the two ce fei standing to one side, “You two
can go outside the palace to wait. Ben gong is tired, you can all
leave.” Even though she wanted to use the two ce fei to attack Qu
Qing Ju, that did not extend to giving them the honor of a meeting
with the Empress. She looked down at Qu Qing Ju as not being
worthy of being her erxifu but she was still of a noble family. Behind
her was a strong Tian family. That was enough for her to be a level
above the other two.
Feng Zi Jin was unwilling but still assented and bowed. After she
walked out of Zhong Jing Palace with Jiang Yong Yu, her face
Jiang Yong Ju took a quick look at her and gave a small smile at the
end. With a lowered head, she silently walked out of the inner
palace. After she went into the carriage and finding Feng Zi Jin was
still slowly walking, she gave a cold smile and said in a low voice:
The yahuan beside her acted as though she hadn’t heard anything
and poured her a cup of tea: “Mistress should use some strong tea
to chase away sleepiness. Wang ye and wang fei will probably take
some time before they could get back.”
Jiang Yong Ju took the cup. Seeing Feng Zi Jin come near, her face
slowly returned to her normal expression.
Qu Qing Ju walked behind He Heng. The original didn’t have much of
an impression of the Empress, only knowing that the Empress’ family
wasn’t of remark, and she didn’t have much favor with the Emperor.
The Emperor had made her Empress because he had seen she was
Because the Empress had no children, the Emperor didn’t frequently
go to her palace, so the entirety of Kui Yuan Palace was usually
respectful and careful. It couldn’t compare with Shu fei’s place of
residence, Zhao Xiang Palace.[6]
Coming into Kui Yuan Palace, Qu Qing Ju felt that the inside was
overly silent. The palace maids and taijian were quite as though they
were statues.
The messenger taijian quickly came out, and guided the two with a
smile on his face into the inner hall. Qu Qing Ju saw the Empress
attired in a plain dress and jewellery, her hair in a chui yun knot[7].
The Empress looked around forty-years old, much older than Jing
fei. On her wrist was a bracelet of Buddha beads. She had a slight
smile on her face, but it seemed bland, making it uncertain whether it
was a true smile or just out of politeness.
“Erchenerxi greets muhou.[8]” He Heng and Qu Qing Ju performed a
proper greeting, not being any less careful because the Empress
had no power.
“You two do not have to be so polite. Sit down,” The Empress
motioned for the two to sit and after a maid poured tea, she said:
“How come Heng’er has come today?”
“I heard that muhou was ill, has muhou taken medicine?” He Heng’s
tone held concern, “Erchen was using a meal at mufei’s place today
and heard the news. Muhou, please take more care with the phoenix
“It’s just old problems, I’ve already taken medicine. Heng’er has no
need to worry,” The Empress smiled and used her handkerchief to
disguise the cough that came up and turned to look at Qu Qing Ju,
“Er erxi is more and more beautiful.”

“Muhou is laughing at erxi,” Qu Qing Ju saw that the Empress’ face

was pale and there was no spirit in her eyes. She sighed inside, “But
after recovery, I have more energy. If muhou recovered, you could
go sunbathe more. Erxi heard the taiyi say that this was beneficial to
the body.”
“Muhou remembers your intentions,” The Empress nodded, “Last
month, san erxi who just married sent over an amount of ginseng
and deer antler. Ben gong cannot use them as the body is too week,
but this sunbathing might work.”
San erxi… … wasn’t it Rui Wang, He Yuan’s zhengfei that he
married just last month? Qu Qing Ju couldn’t help look twice at the
Empress and He Heng. These two’s conversation was normal yet
formal but she kept on feeling something wasn’t right. The Empress
just casually mentioned that san wangfei had come a few days ago
to Kui Yuan Palace and intentionally said she couldn’t use those
present, what was she telling He Heng?
Scanning the servants inside the palace, there were only two taijian
and two maids, all silently standing with heads down. They probably
were the people the Empress used frequently.
Hearing the two start discussing Buddhist scripture, Qu Qing Ju
stared at that string of Buddhist beads on the Empress’ wrist. She
found that the Empress’ wrist was very thin, just a layer of pale skin
wrapped around the wristbone, appearing to be shrivelled.
“The “Lengyan Scriptures” say, the heart becomes moral; due to
morals, there is concentration; with concentration, insight is found,[9]”
The Empress coughed, “That is to say, as long as the person can
control the heart, then they will not be influenced by the
He Heng smiled warmly, and took a sip of tea: “Muhou’s insigts,
erchen can’t compare.”

“It’s just eating a few more bowls of rice than you have,” The
empress moved her gaze past the two of them, looking out the door,
“In really, what ben gong sees, it’s just this little space of the inner
Qu Qing Ju followed her gaze. There wasn’t any sunlight outside,
just some light that came in from the door so the room inside wasn’t
very light.
A woman who had nothing, no power, no favor but she could
become the Empress. This kind of woman, a woman that sees the
truths in the hougong, could she be simple?
“The day is getting dark, you two should return,” The Empress
raised a hand to touch the box on her lap. Inside was the knick-
knacks that the couple had presented which came from outside the
palace, “These things, ben gong hadn’t seen them for many years.
Ben gong likes very much. Zhang mama, take out the bolts of Yun
brocade from ben gong’s stores and let them take back with them.
These things have to be worn on the younger people to look good.”
Qu Qing Ju, hearing this, hurriedly stood to refuse.
“Seeing you dress well, ben gong will be happy too. Don’t try to
refuse, Kui Yuan Palace might not be as rich as Zhao Xiang Palace,
but can still afford to give these things to you younger people.”
When that was said, Qu Qing Ju didn’t refuse anymore.
He Heng saw that the Empress wasn’t very energetic and didn’t stay
longer. Together with Qu Qing Ju, they bowed and left. Zhang mama
personally sent the two out. Qian Chang Xin and Ming He, who had
been waiting outside, took the Yun brocade. She bowed to the two:
“Wang ye, wang fei, walk slowly. This old servant will not send you
off further.”
“Zhang mama doesn’t have to be so courteous,” Qu Qing Ju smiled.
Just like how she came, she slowly walked behind He Heng as they
walked towards the outside.
Zhang mama called them wang ye and wang fei without their title in
the front. This was the same as the servants in Zhong Jin Palace.
Were they the same to all the wang ye or just … …

When they reached the doors of the palace, He Heng turned his
head back and saw Qu Qing Ju docilely walking. He suddenly smiled
and raised a hand, saying: “Wang fei, we’ve reached the carriage.”

Qu Qing Ju raised her head and saw the wang fu’s carriage was just
ten steps away. She looked at the hand in front of her and raised her
own hand when she heard a series of steps come from behind her.

1. 父皇: father-emperor

2. 雨露均沾: the rain and dew is the favor, this idiom means that the women
should “share” a man’s favor. Usually applied to the rulers who shouldn’t be
“unjust” in his favors in order to have more children to ensure succession.

3. 儿臣: son-servant(or subject), used when speaking to empress, mother or

emperor. It means that when the person is an imperial child, they are still a
subject of the emperor

4. 后宫: back of palace or inner palace. Refers to the harem of the Emperor. In
common usage, it also includes the Empress and the children that live in the

5. 魁元宫: kuiyuan means first among peers, the chief, the best and the

6. 兆祥宫: zhao(兆) million, mega-, trillion, tera- or billion xiang(祥) is auspicious,


7. 垂云髻: hair in a knot at base of neck

8. 母后: mother-empress. All children of the emperor has a di mother, the

empress, who they refer to as muhou and for those born of concubines, who
is their shu mother, they will call them mufei.

9. This is a paraphrase of the three fold training that came from Buddhist
scripture. The three tenets are morality, concentration and insight.
Chapter Sixteen “Schemes”
Qu Qing Ju turned her head and saw a male and female walking
together. The man looked about the same age as He Heng. His
appearance was very fine, fine to the point that the word beautiful
could be used to describe him. But between his brows, there exuded
the arrogance that belonged to those of high position and made it
difficult for others to feel close. The female beside him was only
about sixteen or seventeen, just a girl. She wasn’t very beautiful, but
her movements exuded a sense of dignity that told the observer this
girl came from a noble family with a good upbringing.
The four people stood three steps apart. Qu Qing Ju saw the man
opposite give a fake smile and say: “Huang di[1] greets er huang
xiong, er huang sao[2].” The girl beside him followed with a bow.

Taking back her gaze, Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered her head. So this
was the rumored Rui Wang, He Yuan, the most favored by the
Emperor. This pair of brothers did seem more polite than
“Sandi doesn’t have to be so courteous,” He Heng smiled and
returned a bow, looking at the numerous attendants and maids
behind him, “Between us brothers, there isn’t a need to be so polite.”
“Er huang xiong is joking, courtesy cannot be thrown away,” He
Yuan placed his hands behind his back and looked coolly at the
docile Qu Qing Ju standing at one side, “Huang xiong and huang
sao are very much in love.” The Qu Family was a joke but this good
huang xiong of his, to get the support of the Tian family, had very
good tolerance.
“Sandi is teasing,” He Heng didn’t like He Yuan’s attitude but he
didn’t show it on his face, “The day grows dark, didi can walk
together with wei xiong[3].”

Qu Qing Ju silently stood to one side but hearing He Yuan’s words,

she furrowed her brows. As a younger brother who wasn’t
emotionally attached to his older brother, yet carelessly discuss the
relationship between his brother and his sister-in-law so, this He
Yuan was very impudent.
“Huang xiong first,” He Yuan’s lips forced themselves into a smile,
“didi will follow after.”

“Then weixiong will go first,” He Heng didn’t waste words with him,
taking Qu Qing Ju and walking away. At the carriage, he helped Qu
Qing Ju climb on first before following after.
“Che, ben wang’s huang xiong is such a kind lover.” He Yuan looked
at the far away carriage, his face showing a disdainful smile. A few
days earlier, he had been angry on behalf of his wife and struck out
at Chang De Gong Fu. Now, right in front of the palace doors, he
was full of meticulous concern for his wang fei. Who was he acting
The silent Rui Wang Fei, Qin Bai Lu, standing to one side, raised her
head upon hearing the words. She looked with a complicated gaze
at the far-away carried and said in a low voice: “Maybe it’s true.”
“My good wang fei, are you not yet clear about the Imperial
Family?” He Yuan scoffed as he walked forwards, “Let’s go, don’t
look anymore.”
Qin Bai Lu curved her lips as she followed. Her eyes looked at He
Yuan as he climbed onto a carriage at the front as she held a
yahuan’s hand go get on a carriage behind.

Inside the slightly swaying carriage, Qu Qing Ju reclined back on the

cushion: “His Highness Rui Wang, his actions are really honest and
He Heng heard that description, his eyebrow slightly moving. If these
words were used to describe famous people and scholars, it was a
compliment. Used to describe an imperial son, it wasn’t a very kind
description. This wang fei of his, she was a wondrous person, “This
description wang fei used is very unique.”

This man definitely did not like Rui Wan very much. She, as his wang
fei, naturally will be in the same trench as him during battle. Hearing
He Heng say this, Qu Qing Ju smiled as she straightened: “Is wang
ye complimenting qie?”
He Heng smiled, looking at her for a beat, before saying: “Naturally.”
The smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face became brighter. If He Heng could
say this to her, this meant that he had some basic trust in her. As to
how deep that trust went, that wasn’t something she needed to be
concerned about.
He Heng also didn’t keep talking about Rui Wang and leaned back
against the soft cushions behind.
When Qu Qing Ju closed her eyes, she thought, He Heng was even
more complicated than she had thought. This type of man was like
the epitome of a person of the Imperial Family. Anything other
members of the Family had, he also had.
The journey into the palace ended like that. The following month, she
spent it peacefully passing time in the wang fu. But the weather was
getting colder and the fu had to change to winter clothes and use
charcoal. That meant that Qu Qing Ju had to meet all the stewards
multiple times. As the wang fei, she didn’t have to do everything
herself. For many things, she only needed to make the decision and
there would be enough servants to do the work for her. It was just
like the CEO’s of big companies in her previous life that didn’t need
to personally order what duties a janitor had to do. If she had to
manage everything herself, she didn’t need to keep being this wang
fei and this fu didn’t need to support these people.

In the silent hall, Qu Qing Ju leisurely flipped through a ledger. On

the ground, there knelt a few of the major stewards of the wang fu.
These major stewards had come from the palace and had gone
through tribulations but at this time, each had an expression of fear
and their faces were full of sweat even in this cold winter as they
knelt on the ground.
Eggs are one tael of silver for five,” Smiling as she closed the ledge,
she looked at the steward responsible for buying vegetables and
other groceries. Qu Qing Ju gently threw the ledger in front of him, “I
heard that a normal family in Da Long Dynasty, they live on about
twenty-five taels of silve a year. I hadn’t known that our Da Long
Dynasty’s people were in such difficult conditions that their living
expenses for a year isn’t enough for us to eat a hundred eggs?! Just
like this, you, a major steward, still say that there isn’t enough
money to go around. Come on, say how there isn’t enough?”
This steward was frightened to the point of shuddering. He had
assumed that wang fei and the yahuan beside her were used to
luxurious living and would know how much profit there was in here.
And the stewards that did the purchasing in other wang fus were the
same as him so he had been confident that there weren’t any slip-
ups. Who knew that wang fei would just flip a few pages of the
ledger before erupting with anger.
“Replying to wang fei, you may not know, but twenty-five taels is the
yearly expenses of rural areas. In this Jing City of ours, everything
costs multiple what they do in other places. Nucai is helpless.” The
steward had no other way except refusing to admit anything.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t look at him and continued to flip open another
ledge: “A bolt of cotton is five taels, normal satin is twenty taels a
bolt… …” She threw the ledge onto the person responsible, not
listening to the excuses and continued to flip.
In just an hour, all the ledgers had been thrown to the floor. Qu Qing
Ju raised a tea cup and took a mouthful: “Huang Yang, get the
people you found to copy the prices at the market to come in. Tell
those people, if they copied it well, they will be the new stewards.”
The people heard the words and their expressions changed. They
had assumed that wang fei would only berate them, not that she
was going to discharge all of them. Instantly, some started yelling
that they were innocent, one of them that had been responsible for
purchasing cloth, relying on the fact that he had been with wang ye
when he came out of the palace, actually said: “Wang fei, nucai has
served wang ye for many years and wouldn’t do anything to harm
the wang fu. What you are doing, it is saying that wang ye was
mistaken in his choices.”
Qu Qing Ju heard this and suddenly smiled, viciously throwing the
teacup in her hand in front of this person: “What things are you, that
you say you are worthy of being picked by wang ye. The only
servants in this fu that deserve these words are Qian Chang Xin,
Ming He and a few that serve him directly. Wang ye hasn’t punished
you yet, you already started over-reaching. If these words spread,
wouldn’t they say that I, wang fei, isn’t as valuable as you
Qian Chang Xin and Ming He coincidentally heard those words as
they just walked to the doorway. The two exchanged looks, stopped
walking and guarded the doorway, looking as though they were
protecting wang fei.
Huang Yang had coming in with a few taijian. He bowed in greeting
to the two before entering the rooms. Qian Chang Xin and Ming He
found that these people were some of those that were capable in
this fu. If wang fei chose these people to take over from the
originals, that would be the best solution.
The two suddenly felt cold. It had appeared that wang fei didn’t care
to manage this houyuan so they hadn’t thought that she understood
the servants of this wang fu this well. Thinking of this, the two found
that they had been underestimating wang fei in the past. They had
assumed that she had some skill with wang ye but didn’t think on
these matters, she was also unremarkable when not moving, but
shocking when she moved.
“This year, the harvest of rice is two hundred and fifty wen[4] per
dan[5], eggs are two wen each, normal satin is five taels per bolt …
…” As the people that came in recited the prices of good, the
kneeling stewards’ faces grew pale and the only reason they didn’t
collapse was that they were holding their breath.
“Look at how this has exhausted these stewards,” Qu Qing Ju held a
newly changed tea cup and said calmly, “Somebody come, bestow
these stewards each a big bow of iced pickled plum soup.”
The season was already winter. Each bowl of pickled plum soup had
more ice than water. After the stewards drank it down, their teeth
started to chatter. The rebellious steward of before looked at Qu
Qing Ju and said stutteringly: “Wang fei has such schemes, wang ye
should really look at your might.”
This was telling her, if she was harsh, she would be disliked by wang

Qu Qing Ju didn’t get angry but smiled instead. She blew on the tea
in the cup and slowly announced: “This person disrespected ben
wang fei, beat twenty times and then send the person to the
Department of Household Affairs. Just say that he hasn’t learned
etiquette well-enough, that Duan Wang Fei can’t retain such a
servant.” Since he said her schemes were good, how could she
disappoint him?
When she finished, there were people who dragged this steward
down. The remaining few instantly became respectful, only begging
wang fei to not sent them back to the Department of Household
Affairs. Servants that had been sent out from Household Affairs that
were sent back, even if they didn’t die in strange circumstances,
their fates would be worse than death. They would rather get beaten
than go back to that place.
Seeing the stewards quiet in fear, Qu Qing Ju set down the teacup:
“Do you know your mistake?”
The stewards heard the tone of wang fei’s voice and it seemed that
this matter could still be negotiated so they instantly started to
kowtow and admit their wrongs.
Qu Qing Ju said out of the corner of her mouth: “Since you are
sincere and you know your wrongs, I have a soft heart, so you are
only sentence to ten strokes, and half a year’s salary, the position …
… just vice steward, and these people are now the main stewards.
Any opinions?” She pointed at the people who had copied the prices.
The stewards didn’t think that they wouldn’t be sent back to
Household Affairs and could keep a position of vice steward. All
were brimming with gratitude and said that wang fei was benevolent
and would work hard for the wang fu etc etc.

“In the future, you should all do good work. Who really did work,
who slacked off, I will know. If people will do this again in the future,
I won’t take your life, just compliantly go back to Household Affairs.”
Qu Qing Ju sighed and held Mu Jin’s hand as she stood, “Go back
to work if you have work, punishment if you have punishment, you
can all leave.”
Standing at the doorway, Qian Chang Xin and Ming He looked at the
people that came out. Each looked as though they were lucky. They
sighed again, wang fei had good schemes.


1. 皇弟:imperial younger brother

2. 二皇兄、二皇嫂: second imperial brother, sister-in-law

3. 为兄: wei(为) means as or is, xiong(兄) is older brother so weixiong is this

older brother or I, your brother

4. 文: denomination of money. 1000 wen is one tael of silver

5. 石: one dan is 103.55 liters, it is a volume measurement

Chapter Seventeen “A Woman’s
Heart, A Needle at the Bottom of
the Ocean”

The new winter clothes were distributed out in the fu. The servants
found that this year’s clothes, while made of the same cloth as in the
past, were much thicker. Each person also got an extra robe.
Everybody was cheerful, and thought that this fu was certainly
different now that a mistress arrived. Even their living conditions, as
servants, increased.
Xiao Gan Zi’s hand held the little things that the people underneath
him gave, a smile on his face as he said to the little taijian beside
him: “Look at the happy faces of everybody, it’s like new year’s.” He
knew the truth inside. This wang fu looked golden and wealthy, but
the servants at the very bottom only just managed to fill their hunger.
If they were compared to the servants that were of significance to
their zhuzi, it was the difference between the sky and the ground.
No wonder these people were so happy when they received a little
bit of goodness.
“It’s just that wang fei is benevolent and that gege and the two main
stewards are good managers,” the little taijian carefully fawned from
beside him, “The last few days, the stewards were punished by
wang fei, but they didn’t get angry, and became obedient. Now, this
entire fu, who would make things difficult on purpose for those below
“They’re nothing. If wang fei wants to punish them, they should
accept it. Even if she wanted their lives, they could only rage that
their luck isn’t good,” Xiao Gan Zi said to here and looked at the
taijian in front of him, “You’re one of my subordinates, remember
that the decision-maker of this houyuan is wang fei. If you do stupid
things, they don’t blame gege for not protecting you.”
“Don’t worry, gege, don’t worry,” The little taijian received Xiao Gan
Zi’s warning and said in gratitude, “I will listen to gege’s words and
definitely will not do stupid things.”
Xiao Gan Zi nodded in satisfaction. Even if he wasn’t relied on as
much as Qian Chang Xin and Ming He, he was still one of those
relied on by wang ye. Presently, wang ye was clearly desiring to
support wang fei. Wang fei was like a storm. Those actions had
been so fast, he hadn’t managed to recover yet.
What warning, what talk before battle, all that wasn’t used. It was
first a storm of beating, to frighten people and then things became
much easier. Those people had thought that wang fei would be
constrained by wang ye’s way of doing things, even he had thought
so, so when the event had occurred, he had found an excuse to get
out of the fu to avoid the storm. Who knew that wang fei directly
punished the people, not even notifying wang ye. After wang ye
resided another night at zhengyuan, he had energetically went to
court the second morning. He just knew that this incident had
allowed Qian Chang Xin and Ming He get a big freebie.
Not as skilled as others, no wonder those two were most influential
with wang ye. Xiao Gan Zi sighed, he had a long way to go to be as
clever. Even if he couldn’t compete against the pair of Qian and
Ming, at the very least, he had to make sure to not let others take
over his position.
Inside the gardens of the wang fu, Huang Yan hurriedly walked. A
yahuan with a sweet face came over and kept on yelling ”Huang
Yang gege”, blocking him on the path.

Huang Yang was irritated inside but asked in a normal voice: “This
jiejie, is there something?”

The little yahuan didn’t dare accept his label of “jiejie”. In the past, it
wouldn’t have matter, but now, who in this fu didn’t know that he was
the taijian that wang fei relied on the most? She smiled, refusing the
title, and said: “Huang Yang gege, my mistress has been sick these
past days, the doctor was called but didn’t help. Please help my
mistress by saying a few good words in front of wang fei, and get
wang fei to send an invitation to the Imperial Hospital?” Finishing,
she tried to push a pouch into Huang Yan’s hand.
Huang Yang saw her face was unfamiliar and didn’t take that pouch.
He placed his hands behind his back, his tone became more serious:
“Who is your mistress?”
The little yahuan saw Huang Yang wasn’t accepting it. Feeling frantic
and helpless, she could only say: “Good gege, I serve Yun Qing
guniang. Could you help my mistress ask wang fei, I’ll thank you
here first.” Finishing, she gave Huang Yang a deep bow.
“Who’s yahuan is this?!”
The little yahuan heard the voice and turned to look. She saw wang
ye, with Qian Chang Xin and Ming Ye, walk over. The one that spoke
was Ming He. She instantly cheered up and knelt with a bang: “Nubi
is Yu Er, a servant of Yun Qing guniang. Nubi greets wang ye.”

He Heng slowly neared, slightly lowering his head to look at Yu Err

kneeling by his feet. He then asked Huang Yang: “What’s going on?”
Huang Yang bent his body and said: “Wang ye, this Yu Er guniang
said Yun Qing guniang is ill, to let nucai tell wang fei to let wang fei
send a notice to the Imperial Hospital and invite a taiyi to take a look
at Yun Qing guniang.”
He Heng frowned and, with no hesitation, walked away. Qian Chang
Xin quickly followed behind.
Ming He, who had remained behind, looked arrogantly at Yu’er, and
said in a tone of fake wonderment: “Yun Qing guniang must be
confused due to her illness. Our fu, except for wang ye and wang
fei, there is only the ce fei and proper qieshi that can request for a
taiyi. Is her zhuzi one of the above that she could invite a taiyi?”

When she had been sent into the wang fu, wasn’t it her, with a face
full of virtue, that said she would rather be a poor person than a qie
of a wealthy person? A brothel girl that had been given as a present
who really thought she was a noble lady. With her birth, being made
a tongfang would be giving the official that gave her a great honor.
She didn’t care to be a qieshi in this wang fu, what fantasy did she
have? Now she was ill, and the doctors outside the fu wasn’t worthy
of serving her, she wanted a taiyi? She wasn’t worthy!

Ming He scoffed and walked away. Huang Yang looked at the

shocked Yu Er, his expression unchanging and said: “Go back and
tell your mistress, if this doctor isn’t useful then change the doctor. If
you need something, then tell Mu Jin guniang. I have duties to do,
I’m leaving first.”
After Huang Yang was more than ten steps away, Yu Er finally
managed to react. She looked in shock at the direction that wang ye
had left and seemed to understand in part why the people around
her had looked at her in sympathy when she had been ordered to
serve in Cui You Yuan. So it was really the case that wang ye didn’t
care at all about mistress, and it wasn’t like mistress said, that wang
ye liked mistress in his heart. That was just mistress’ fantasy?

If he really liked mistress, why would wang ye not even react? Yu Er

slowly stood and slowly walked back. Ming He gonggong had said
the facts so clearly that even if mistress was unsatisfied, she had
tried her best.
When Huang Yuan reached zhengyuan, he told Qu Qing Ju what
had occurred, reciting the entire incident from beginning to end.
“Yun Qing guniang?” Towards Yun Qing, Qu Qing Ju only
remembered the white clothing and that virtuous attitude.
A honoured wang ye falls in love with a huakui. Due to the
chasteness of the huakui, his love deepens. At the end, he
overcomes all forces and lived happily ever after with the huakui.
That kind of story was a fairytale.
Did that stupid woman really believe that He Heng was a character
from a story?
“Send somebody to deliver some medicine and find a useful doctor,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she said calmly, “Just a sixteen year old girl.
She has a long life ahead, we shouldn’t let her lose her life.”
“Wang fei is too kind. You are grown up now, why are you still so
moved by others?” Yin Liu put a hot water bottle wrapped in cloth
into Qu Qing Ju’s hands, “At the beginning, her face and that mouth,
they were so proud.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and held the bottle with both hands; “You dumb
girl.” Yin Liu wasn’t as clever as Mu Jin, but people with this kind
personality had their own uses as times. What was rare was her
loyalty. She was used to this kind of nagging.
“This entire fu is watching,” At one side, Mu Jin stood as she looked
helplessly at Yin Liu, “This person isn’t causing pain to wang fei. If
she stood by and watch her die, what would it look like in the eyes
of others?”
Qu Qing Ju didn’t care for the two’s discussion and waved at Huang
Yang, saying: “This thing, you personally order somebody to do, just
say I have an affection for Yun Qing guniang’s appearance, and let
others take good care of her.” She didn’t like Yun Qing personally,
but not to the point of watching her die of illness. She didn’t have
such a twisted state of mind.
Huang Yang took his orders and retreated, thinking coldly, that Yun
Qing guniang though she was so virtuous, but right now, it was only
due to wang fei’s pity that she could keep her life. If she had the
skill, she could find somebody else. That was true virtue.
Inside Cui You Yuan, Yun Qing laid on bed with a yellow face.
Hearing Ye’er, with a face full of happiness, say that wang fei was
benevolent and on and on, the hate in her eyes grew deeper. Why
was is that she could only live by the sympathy of other women who
were much higher in position, why was it that she had both skill and
looks but she couldn’t beat the plain Jiang Yong Yu and others?
Drinking the bitter medicine, a strong desire to live infected her eyes.
She couldn’t die, she definitely couldn’t die. She wanted to stand at
the high position and see who dared to sympathize with her? And
who dared look down at her?!
Qu Qing Ju heard that the Yun Qing in Cui You Yang cooperated
greatly with the doctor and placed down the pen in her hand with
interest. Looking at the butterfly in flight on the paper, she examined
for a while before saying; “Heart higher than the sky, life thinner than
Mu Jin placed a branching tree peony brazier onto the desk and said
with a smile: “Wang fei had expected it?”

“This type of person, they can’t hear words of pity,” Carelessly

throwing the paper to one side, Qu Qing Ju started to draw a vibrant
peony, “Feng Zi Jin is too idle these days, otherwise how could she
send the news of the fu over to Jing fei?”

“Why is wang fei sure it’s her?” Mu Jin hesitated before saying; “It
looks as though Jing fei looks down at the two of them.”

“The type of person that Jing fei, she wants to suppress me who
doesn’t have her favor, but doesn’t want a ce fei to really win over
me. So she would try to understand me from a certain ce fei but she
wouldn’t want that ce fei to break etiquette. That was why that day
in Zhong Jing Palace, she would easily release me from service and
let the two ce fei stand from beginning to end,” Qu Qing Ju wielded
the pen, quickly sketching a peach blossom, “Jiang Yong Yu is a
smart person, so she surely wouldn’t do something that will offend
me. Then the most suspicious is Feng Zi Jin.” In this era, how popo
treated erxi was the strangest mindset in this entire world. A lot of
the time, they liked to bully their own erxifu, but they couldn’t see
others embarrass their erxifu. Otherwise, why would they say a
woman’s heart, a needle at the ocean bottom?
Mu Jin heard the words and thought carefully, finding that it was
somewhat rational. But thinking about how Jing fei would sometimes
make things purposefully difficult, Mu Jin still felt that Jing fei, as a
popo, was hard to serve.

A simple daffodil appeared on the page. Qu Qing Ju didn’t have the

interest in drawing anymore and let Jin Zhan, who had been at the
side, put it away. She smiled at Mu Jin who seemed to be in deep
thought: “You don’t have to be too worried, Jing fei might be hard to
deal with, but she isn’t impossible.” To deal with those that thought
too much, the most effective weapon was naivety. She wasn’t
naturally naïve, but she could pretend to be. The women in the
palace preferred to use their mouths as blades to stab people.
Pretending not to understand would enrage her. Since Jing fei
wouldn’t really move against her right now, what was she afraid of?
Chapter Eighteen “Bathing

In the study, He Heng closed the missive in his hands. Looking at the
completely darkened sky, he said: “Come, light the way to

Ming He, who had been waiting at the door motioned for a little
taijian to hold a sectioned off lantern and personally held a tasselled
palace lamp. He waited quietly at the side for wang ye to start on his
The study and zhengyuan were separated by a garden. He Heng
walked to the border of the garden and saw a shadow hidden
beside the fake mountain. The person couldn’t be identified from the
pale shadow but the sound of a female voice reciting a poem
“When the geese are returning, the full moon shines down on the
Western tower. The flowers fall, the waters flow… …”
“Who’s there?” He Heng looked expressionlessly at that shadow.
The flickering lamplight made as though his eyes had an additional
“Wang ye?!” The voice suddenly stopped, visibly frightened. A
woman wearing a pale robe tied at the waist with red eyes kneeled
in front of He Heng. A white jade hairpin was the only ornament in
her hair, the thin figure kneeling on the ground seemed as pitiful as
one could ever be.
Ming He saw the lack of expression on wang ye and spoke: “Yun
Qing guniang, what are you doing here? It’s cold these winter
nights, you’ve just recovered, you should wear more clothing.”
He Heng’s lips curled. He looked at the insubstantial article of
clothing on Yun Qing and started to walk around Yun Qing.
Originally, he had felt that she was a little bit interesting, but looking
at her pitiful act, he suddenly felt nothing at all. This wasn’t as
enticing as when she had acted virtuous and noble. When a virtuous
woman suddenly turned to ingratiation, it didn’t seem as interesting.
Yun Qing watched as wang ye walked away. She gritted her teeth
and said: “Wang ye.”
He Heng turned his head to look at the woman still kneeling on the
ground. He suddenly spoke: “Do you still remember when ben wang
wanted to make you my tong fang, what you said?”

“Nu said, to receive the heart and soul of one person, to not
separate until the heads turn white.” Yun Qing raised her head to
look at He Heng, her eyes full of adoration.
“Then what are you doing now?” He Heng scanned Yun Qing in an
interested manner from head to toe before his gaze, at the end, fell
upon that pale while chest.
“Nu is truly in love with wang ye,” The tears in Yun Qing’s eyes
glimmered, “If nu had the foresight to know what would happen
today, nu wouldn’t have stayed in this wang fu in the very beginning.”

“Che,” He Heng raised his eyebrows and spoke to Ming He,

“Remember tomorrow to remind ben wang to raise this woman to a
tong fang. Send somebody to deliver her back. It’s very late, don’t
alarm any others.” Finishing, he turned and walked towards the
zheng yuan, not looking even once more upon Yun Qing who was
still kneeling.
Ming He smiled and glanced at Yun Qing, “Nucai will remember.” He
turned to follow.
After everyone had left, Yun Qing finally stood. She wiped away the
tears at the corners of her eyes, staring with wide eyes in the
direction that wang ye had left in. Her gaze lit up with unprecedented
He Heng stepped into the zheng yuan and dismissed the
announcement of the servants. He strode directly into the room that
Qu Qing Ju lived in. At the doorway, he saw Qu Qing Ju gazing at a
jade gourd pendant under the light. Her gaze held a peace that he
had never seen before, as though time had stopped within her eyes.
He knew that this jade gourd had been left behind by wang fei’s birth
mother, Tian shi. These past days, wang fei had kept it constantly
on her neck. Seeing her posture, he assumed that she was
reminiscing about her birth mother so he said: “Wang fei, why
haven’t you gone to sleep yet?”
“Wang ye’s here?” Qu Qing Ju placed the jade gourd back around
her neck. She stood and walked in front of He Heng. She smiled as
she saw the familiar palace maids and taijian outside the doorway
and said, “It’s so deep into the night, I thought wang ye wouldn’t
have come.”
“The long night passes by slowly. Without wang fei at the side, ben
wang has no desire for sleep,” He Heng enclosed the person in front
into his arms. He lowered his head to kiss Qu Qing Ju’s forehead,
“Come, a bath and a change of clothes.”
Hot steam rose from the enormous bathtub. Flower petals floated on
the surface as Qu Qing Ju was taken along by He Heng into the
water. The two faced each other nakedly and experienced together
in the tub the intimacy of skin.
He Heng’s hand’s swept across Qu Qing Ju’s pale chest, his index
finger curling around the delicate jade gourd. He gave a deep laugh,
“The way Qing Ju looks, nobody could resist,” He bent over to suck
on those moist lips. He didn’t like kissing women, but to be this
intimate with wang fei, he felt a few stirrings of emotion.

Taking advantage of He Heng’s bent legs as a seat, Qu Qing Ju

lifted her hand to wrap around He Heng, pressing her soft chest into
He Heng’s embrace. There was an unspeakable charm about her full
head of hair spread out in the water, contrasting against the vibrant
flower petals.
A warm palm glided across a smooth back, slowly moving
downwards and lighting a ferocious fire.
A round of delights of the flesh later, both felt very contented. He
Heng offhandedly grabbed a robe, bending down to carry Qu Qing
Ju from the slightly cold water. He placed her on the bed and took a
towel to personally dry her hair for her.
When men were satisfied, they always were especially caring. That
quality could be seen very clearly on He Heng.
Qu Qing Ju slid on an inner robe, and allowed He Heng to continue
his attentive behaviour. She yawned: “Why did wang ye come so late
this night?”
“Had to take care of something, so it was a bit late,” He Heng saw
that the hair was more or less dry and switched for a new towel to
dry his own hair. The two wrapped around each other as they sat
inside the blankets. In the time as they waited for hair to dry, they
started to chit-chat about other things.
“I heard that you had sorted out that group of disobedient
stewards?” He Heng inquired suddenly, “That group is truly
disgraceful. You were too benevolent to them, this type of people,
they should be beaten to death.”
“Lives aren’t that worthless,” Qu Qing Ju laughed, “I saw that they
are very sincere in their present duties. They have learned their
lesson. If they can fulfill their duties, it would be a great boon for this
wang fu.”

“Those disobedient servants, you don’t have to be soft-hearted,” He

Heng knew everything about how Qu Qing Ju was handling the
affairs of the hou yuan. He didn’t find anything unsound. To take
control of the hou yuan and at the same time make others feel
appreciated while inspiring respect, that took skill. The wang fei that
he, He Heng, wanted, was this kind.
“If a death occurred, it wouldn’t be good for our Duan Wang Fu,” Qu
Qing Ju understood He Heng’s intentions and said, “This is enough.”
Upon hearing this, He Heng didn’t continue on the matter and turned
to the jade gourd on Qu Qing Ju’s neck: “This jade gourd is very
Qu Qing Ju rubbed the jade gourd when it was mentioned. Her smile
became fainter: “This was left behind by qie’s mother, and was
always in the possession of stepmother. At the beginning, all
possible ways were tried, but this couldn’t be wrested from her
hands. Now that qie is Duan Wang Fei, she quickly presents it.”
These words praised He Heng and also took a few stabs at Liang
shi. Qu Qing Ju felt no pressure doing it.

“This Liang shi is a cruel person,” He Heng’s face darkened as he

said, “Now, with me to protect you, she wouldn’t dare to be as bold.
It was good fortune that your jiujiu protected you in the past.
Otherwise, where would I find such a virtuous wife.”
To call the Tian Family by jiujiu, but to call the Chang De Duke by
Duke. Even if he was a member of the Imperial Family and he could
use whatever titles he liked, this double standard was a bit too
“My jiujiu and jiumu always protected qie. Otherwise, how could qie
have the hundred and twenty trunks for my dowry when I married
into the wang fu. And those properties and stores. All of those were
left for me by my mother or added by my aunt on the day of,” Qu
Qing Ju laughed lightly, “Qie is both unfortunate but fortunate. At
least qie has a protective jiujiu.”

“Jiujiu is kind,” He Heng smiled as he hugged the other, “Now that

you are the mistress of the wang fu, if you have free time, you could
invite your jiumu over. I also want to meet your two biaodi[1].”

“If wang ye doesn’t distain Jiujiu’s family, qie will definitely let the
biaodi pay their respects to you if there is a chance.” Qu Qing Ju
raised her head to look at Duan Wang. A smile bloomed on her face
as though she was very happy that He Heng was close to her jiujiu.

“We’re brothers of the same family, don’t discuss paying respects,”

He Heng was very satisfied with Xiang Qing Hou Fu. The family
discipline was tight and proper and their actions were upright. This
type of family didn’t dishonour the reputation of the noble families.
So to call the Marquis of Xiang Qing by jiujiu, he was very willing to
do so.
Qu Qing Ju’s smile didn’t change upon hearing the words: “They
wouldn’t dare call themselves brothers of wang ye. Wang ye might
not know, those two biaodi of qie’s are very pedantic from studying
all day. The only things they talk about all day are the Heaven, Earth,
Emperor, Family and Teacher.[2] For them to disregard your position,
it would be harder than for them to stop studying.”
“This is a good family,” He Heng caught the closeness that Qu Qing
Ju felt towards the Tian family. He patted her back and said, “In
future interactions with the Tian Family, don’t doubt yourself. They’re
our relatives, there’s no need to be overly cautious.”
Qu Qing Ju naturally agreed. As to what she would do, that was her
concern. The conduct of the Tian family was naturally one loyal to
the emperor. She didn’t dare be interested in what He Heng thought,
but she didn’t want the Tian Family to get swept into this type of
She, Qu Qing Ju, was not a kind person, but she knew an eye for an
eye and to repay others for their kindness. She mysteriously
possessed this body, so she had to repay the favor.
When she woke on the morning of the second day, Qu Qing Ju sent
off He Heng to the Royal Court before taking a beauty nap. She just
rose to wash and eat breakfast but heard a curious matter before
she finished her meal.
“You are saying that wang ye is taking Yun Qing guniang as a tong
fang?” She wiped her hands. Looking at Xiao Gan Zi, she said with
a joyless smile, “That being the case, bestow upon Yun Qing a pair
of jade bracelets as my congratulations to her.”
“Wang Fei is very kind. Just a tong fang, it isn’t worth your gift,” Xiao
Gan Zi replied with a smile, “It was just last night that Yun Qing
nagged wang ye in the gardens. Wang ye was too impatient to deal
with her so he said to make her a tong fang. It was just a sentence,
nothing else has been bestowed down.”
“Nagged wang ye?” Qu Qing Ju smiled thinly. No wonder he was late
last night. He had stopped to admire a beautiful woman.
Xiao Gan Zi saw that wang fei had a calm smile and thought to
himself that wang fei didn’t seem to care for the matter. His heart
went back into his chest and he continued: “Yes, those of inferior
birth, they only know those cheap tricks. Nu cai is afraid of dirtying
wang fei’s ears if he said them out loud.”

“It must have been hard for Xiao Gan Zi gonggong to be so clear of
the matter,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “The wang fu is getting busier these
days. You can help me look at the stewards in charge of purchasing,
see if they have been remiss in any areas.”
“Nucai will keep a close look,” Xiao Gan Zi felt a burst of joy. The
purchasing of good was a rich duty. With what wang fei had said,
those stewards responsible for daily purchases, didn’t they had to
carefully worship him on a pedestal?
As expected, the best way was to ingratiate himself with wang fei.
He wouldn’t try to compete with Ming He and the others. But to be
favoured with wang fei, wasn’t that also a sign of his abilities?


1. 表弟: male relative from the maternal line (younger)

2. 天地君亲师: The tradition was that men only knelt for these five. They would
kneel for Heaven and Earth while praying, they would kneel to the Emperor (to
show fealty and respect) and to their elders of the family and their teachers
(filial piety).
Chapter Nineteen “Choices”

He Heng wasn’t the most favored by the Emperor of the four wangs
but there were still many invitations that were sent on a daily basis
to Duan Wang Fu. Today there would be somebody presenting tea,
tomorrow somebody would offer the new fruits from their farm, then
the day after somebody would send over a famous piece of art.
All invitations for the females of the household would be given over
to Qu Qing Ju. Some people, she would meet. Some people she
would put aside the invitation and could be satisfied by a meeting
with those under her.
It was truly “the gatekeeper of the Prime Minister’s residence was a
fourth rank official.” Not just her as a wang fei, there were many who
wanted to ingratiate themselves with the maternal families of the
qieshi. So when she saw the card that the family of Han Qing He
sent in, Qu Qing Ju hesitated before saying: “Let somebody meet
this person, then tell him the rule of the fu is the qieshi can receive
their family during the festivals[1] or if pregnant, but not otherwise.”
This wasn’t just that this was a wang fu, even in normal families,
there wasn’t the tradition of a qieshi’s family being invited if it wasn’t
festival time.
“This family is very rude. Wang fei, even your relatives know to not
ask for an invite when there are no important matters, but this
yiniang has to be special,” Yin Liu looked disdainfully at the
unremarkable card, “Nubi still remembers that attitude that Han
yiniang had in the beginning, just because she was the first ever to
serve wang ye.”

“Alright,” Qu Qing Ju looked calmly at Yin Liu, “Get somebody to

send the gifts this person presented to Han shiqie. Tell Han shi, it
isn’t that I am not accommodating, but the rules of this house has to
be respected.”
Presently, several of the wang ye were all thirsting for that position.
It would be best for the wang fu to not interact with strangers. If
something went wrong, Duan Wang might just strangle her to death.
Her arrogance could lead to her death but that was better than being
strangled by somebody else.
In Xi Yuan, Han Qing He looked at the things on the table. It was just
a few playthings that wasn’t worth much. She didn’t know how hard
those watching from the doorway were laughing on the inside. She
forced out a hint of the smile and said to Shu Kui in front of her: “My
thanks to Shu Kui guniang, and please give my thanks to wang fei .”

“Yiniang doesn’t have to be so polite. Before nubi came over, wang

fei had said that it was a woman’s good fortune if her relatives
thought of her. It is just that the wang fu has rules and cannot allow
you to meet them so hopefully you can understand.” Shu Kui had
originally been one of the wang fu’s servants. She was now a first-
rank yahuan serving wang fei and was well respected by other
servants in the fu. So upon seeing the respectful attitude of Han shi,
her expression was normal, but her actions still carried the
appropriate level of subservience for a servant as she kept her head
lowered in respect of Han shi.

“Wang fei is too kind. It is truly nu’s family who is nagging and wang
fei was benevolent to keep their things. Wang fei’s virtues, nu will
remember in her heart.” Han Qing He was quieter now. She
understood very well. Originally, these things wouldn’t have been
brought in front of her. Wang fei was able to let her keep these
things. Regardless of if wang fei was true or false in her intentions,
she had to admit she felt gratitude towards wang fei.

Her maternal family was of low status and could never sent over
anything good. These things were plaything she had liked before she
had entered the palace. But when she had followed wang ye into the
wang fu, she had never received anything from home. Looking at it
now, her family most likely sent something every year, but the
servants never delivered it inside. Remembering that before wang fei
had married in, the most favoured had been Feng Zi Jin, Han Qing
He laughed icily inside.
She hated that her maternal family wasn’t of significance and was
ashamed to mention them, but looking at the gifts, she felt very
complicated. Something sour and bitter manifested in her heart.
The second of the twelfth month, it was an auspicious day. Qu Qing
Ju sat on the center seat. Sitting under her was Feng, Jiang, Luo,
and Han. At the moment, all four didn’t have their eyes on Qu Qing
Ju but were inspecting Yun Qing who was standing in the middle of
the room in a pale pink dress.
Leaning on the armchair, Qu Qing Ju used a hand to hold her head
up. She lazily sipped at a cup of tea and looked at the five women
underneath her. She said slowly: “Since wang ye wants to raise you
to become a tong fang, we have no objections. Tong fang cannot
compare to a yiniang, we can’t hold a banquet. I couldn’t bear to let
you enter wang ye’s house without even a sound so you should
perform a greeting to ben wang fei and these seated hear. This is to
let those under you know that you are not a guest of this house
anymore, but one of wang ye’s women.”

“That’s so true. At the beginning, I had thought that wang ye would

elevate you, but who knew that you weren’t willing and became a
guest of this house. But good things come to those who wait, you
have finally entered this fu,” Feng Zi Jin smiled as she looked at Yun
Qing, “Look at this face, it’s so tender a touch will squeeze out
water. No wonder wang ye likes it.” Everybody in the wang fu knew
what had happened. Feng Zi Jin’s voice was full of scorn and clearly
wanted to embarrass Yun Qing.
Yun Qing’s face suddenly paled. She bit her lip and replied: “Feng ce
fei is joking, Yun Qing is of low birth. It is just that wang ye has
taken pity, I cannot compare to how much wang ye favors wang fei
and those here.”
“It seems Yun Qing guniang still doesn’t understand the etiquette of
this wang fu,” Feng Zi Jin laughed coldly, “This tong fang, in front of
the zhuzi, have to call themselves nubi. Even how their limbs are
placed, how they stand, there are rules. If you don’t understand, we
can have some of the mamas of the fu teach you.”
“Nubi will remember.” Yun Qing hesitated before bending her legs,
her head hanging even lower.
Qu Qing Ju sat on her elevated seat and saw how pale her lips
turned and the tightly gripped hands hidden under the sleeves. This
was like the teacher at the podium and the student of the past life.
The student believed that their little movements were concealed but
didn’t know that the teacher could see everything clearly.
Feng ce fei, seeing Yun Qing’s state, snorted in disinterest and didn’t
speak further.
Jiang Yong Xu and the others were never overly talkative in front of
Qu Qing Ju and at this time wouldn’t speak at all, so they bent their
heads and drank tea.
“Alright, then start the salutation.” Qu Qing Ju slightly straightened
her body and smiled down at Yun Qing standing at the bottom.
A tong fang giving the full greeting of three bows and nine kowtows
to the wife, that was the generosity of the wife and a glorious honor
for the tong fang. But this type of event occurring on Yun Qing, it
was a humiliation, not an honor.
When qieshi performed their saluations, they just had to offer tea.
She was a tong fang and she had to bow three times and kowtow
nine times, what honor was that? But even so, she had to bear the
humiliation and knelt down. She slowly bowed, knock, knock, and
knock. She stood and did the greeting three times before opening in
a trembling voice: “Nubi greets wang fei.”

“En,” Qu Qing Ju nodded and handed a gold hairpin to her from a

tray that Jin Zhan held, “In the future, serve wang ye well.”

Yun Qing knelt and took the gold hairpin with two hands. She
kowtowed to Qu Qing Ju again before walking to Pin Zi Jin and
performed a one bow and three kowtow greeting: “Nubi greets Feng
ce fei.”

“I’m not as wealthy as wang fei and I heard before that you distain
gold for being too vulgar and silver too blinding. You are multi-
talented. You can flip though this book “Fan Hua Ji” for your
amusement.” Feng Ji Zin held the book to Yun Qing and smiled, “I
think you would like this book.”
“Fan Hua Ji” was a story that spoke of a rich young man who fell for
the schemes of a huakui and almost lost his true love in the form of
a noble young lady. In the end, the rich young man and the noble
young lady married but the huakui, due to her many despicable
actions, was detained in jail and sentenced.
Qu Qing Ju looked at that book that was wrinkled as Yun Qing held
it and silently drank tea. It was only when Yun Qing finished greeting
the other two shiqie before she opened: “Now the fu has three tong
fang. Ban Xia was from my side, Bai Zhi and Yun Qing were sent in
from outside the fu. I don’t have many rules and I don’t need you to
come to zhen yuan to serve me. In the future, if wang ye doesn’t call
for you to serve, you should stay in your rooms to rest and not worry
about other matters.”
Hearing this, the other four sitting felt a spurt of joy. Everybody in
this fu knew that wang ye didn’t like yahuan to serve him on a daily
basis. And those yahuan were now of a greater age with two of
them already engaged to others in the fu. Now that these three tong
fang couldn’t appear daily in front of wang ye, they had no place to
enact their wiles.
“Wang fei is kind to treat them so. In any other fu, couldn’t they
escape holding the teapot or the drapes?” Jiang Yong Xu smiled and
followed the topic, “Yun Qing guniang, shouldn’t you thank wang

Yun Qing knelt again: “Nubi thanks wang fei.”

Qu Qing Ju looked at her and waved a hand, “Stand up, I feel tired
just walking you kneel here and kneel there. If there isn’t anything
else, you can all leave.” She was too lazy to bother with watching
the drama.
After the noon meal, Qu Qing Ju saw the sun come out from the
clouds and headed to the gardens. A walk would help her digest and
get some sun.
There was no time that the wang fu’s gardens would be withered.
Even in this twelfth month, the garden was still green and there were
many blooming flowers. Many of those flowering shouldn’t bloom in
this season. Most likely, it was the servants who came up with ways
to force the flowering.
“Go away, worthless scum, you can’t search my body!”
“Ban Xia guniang, I think you should return it. Otherwise, if others
knew that a thief came out of here, it wouldn’t be good.”
Walking past a flourishing wall of flowers, the place was dark and
out of the way. Qu Qing Ju saw a young woman wearing an
embroidered dress surrounded by a few yahuan and pozi. Her hair
was down and tangled, almost as though a physical altercation had
“You’re the thief. I’m wang ye’s women, how dare you search me?
Also, if something went missing, why aren’t you suspicious of others
and only accuse me?”
“Oh, Ban Xia guninang really believes she’s a zhuzi?” A slightly
chubby mama sneered: “Just a tong fang, still a servant. You really
believe you are one of those on top? Look at yourself in the mirror.
Only you went into the room that it was placed in, other than you,
who else would have taken it?”
“Pah!” Ban Xia spat, “It’s just all of you saw that wang fei is favored
now so you come over to make things difficult to put yourselves in
her favor. Do you think that wang fei would pay attention to you. Just
a worthless servant pretending to be a detective! When wang fei
falls out of favor, see who else you can curry favor with!”
Mu Jin, who was following behind Qu Qing Ju heard this and called
out icily: “What act is playing here today? Such a beautiful garden,
look at what you’ve done!”
The women turned to look and their faces changed color due to
fright. They quickly knelt down with a bang, leaving only the woman
called Ban Xia standing.
Qu Qing Ju expressionlessly examined this Ban Xia. She raised an
eyebrow and said: “What is going on?”
The road one picked, even if they had to kneel they still had to carry
on to the end. That was true for Yun Qing. The same was true for
Ban Xia. When Ban Xia betrayed her mistress at the beginning, she
had to think that this day would come. When she, as wang fei, was
favoured, there would be others that would seek favor with her
through harassing a tong fang that wasn’t a true mistress.

Some choices, once made, couldn’t be undone. Qu Qing Ju looked

at the still standing Ban Xia. Was she regretful now?


1. There are two major festivals: The Spring Festival (Chinese New Year, first
month of the lunar year) and the Mid-Autumn Festival (fifteen of the eight
month of the lunar year)
Chapter Twenty “Peerless”.

For the first time, Qu Qing Ju focused on this yahuan called Ban Xia.
Other than her dishevelled state, her appearance was rather pretty.
Large eyes, curved brow. When she spoke, there were hints of two
dimples on her cheek. She looked innocent and adorable. If it wasn`t
that she personally had heard the brutality she exhibited when she
had just spoke, Qu Qing Ju wouldn`t have believed that she would
say those things.
“This garden has other people, what sort of conduct is yelling and
screaming?” Mu Jin look coldly over the kneeling servants and then
looked at Ban Xia, “Ban Xia guniang is very brazen, when was it that
you could discuss the actions of wang ye and wang fei?”

When Ban Xia saw Qu Qing Ju, she had felt slightly afraid. But
seeing Mu Jin’s proud posture and remembering when they had both
been yahuan, Mu Jin had been proud because she had been most
favoured by wang fei, she couldn’t bear it any more. She was just
one yahuan of wang fei’s entourage, how dare she lecture others?

“It’s not meimei who is brazen, but Mu Jin jiejie who has become
more bold,” Ban Xia pushed aside the tangle of hair by her face, “No
wonder these lowly servants are rushing to fawn over you, it is really
‘one person achieves immortality, dogs and chickens fly to Heaven.’”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow. She held Jin Zhan’s
hand to sit down at a nearby stone table. She didn’t want to start
arguing with a tong fang.

“Ban Xia guniang’s mouth has become sharper, but this conduct is
even more shameful,” Mu Jin wasn’t angry and smiled thinly, “Tong
fang Ban Xia disregarded the rules of the fu, disobeyed her
superiors, thirty slaps.”
When Mu Jin finished, one of the mamas that had been kneeling on
the ground hurriedly stood and gushed: “Mu Jin guniang, please
move back a few steps. Don’t let something dirty spill onto you.”
Finishing, she turned and gave Ban Xia a slap on the face.
“Wang fei, you are evil, I … …”
Another yahuan quickly climbed up from the ground and stuffed a
handkerchief into her mouth. She grabbed the tangle of hair to reveal
Ban Xia’s entire face to ease the way for the mama’s blows.
Qu Qing Ju started at the patterns of the stone table with half-lidded
eyes. She listened to the sound of flesh being hit and used a
handkerchief to wipe her hands. She drawled: “You are just a tong
fang but you are so arrogant. Where did you get the courage?” She
raised her head and pierced Ban Xia with her gaze, “Or is it that my
past leniency made you forget your bounds, to dismiss protocol to
the point of carelessly discussing your superiors? You might not have
been born to a rich family, but you were born to a clean one. To be
this disrespectful, you shame your parents!”
Ban Xia’s mouth was stuffed but hearing Qu Qing Ju mention her
family, she gave a muffled protest before quieting down.
“That’s enough. We don’t want to ruin a pretty face,” Qu Qing Ju
took away her gaze. The slaps stopped, “Tong fang Ban Xia
disobeyed her superiors. Her punishment is to work in the laundry
rooms.” Stopping there, she looked at Ban Xia, “You don’t have to
try to find wang ye, I will personally tell him about this.”

Mu Jin glanced at wang fei before turning to speak to the yahuan

and mamsa: “Go help Ban Xia guniang pack her luggage and deliver
her to the laundry room worker residence. Make sure not to burden
Ban Xia guniang.”

“Don’t worry, Mu Jin guniang, we will take good care of Ban Xia
gunaign,” The mama who had delivered the slaps said. After bowing
to Qu Qing Ju with the rest, she dragged the still silenced Ban Xia
After the surroundings were clear, Jin Zhan worried started: “Wang
fei, Ban Xia is a despicable person, she should be thrown out of the
fu, why leave her untouched?”
Qu Qing Ju used her as support to stand: “What kind of place is the
laundry room? Beautiful women require delicate care. In that kind of
place, any beauty will be worn into plainness. Will wang ye have any
desire for her when he sees her again? A woman who attracts a
man at first glance has to become more and more beautiful, not
uglier with time.” That was why the world had so many men who
disliked their wife and favoured their concubines. Women needed to
raise children and manage the household. They had to support the
elders above them, handle the concubines in the middle and below
them, they had to raise their own or other people’s children. When
they were old and haggard in the end, the men will scorn them for
not being desirable.
She couldn’t become that type of virtuous wife. Rather than satisfy a
man that way, it was much better to satisfy herself instead.
“That’s so true. In the future when wang ye sees that hussy, he will
only shun her and won’t remember the past,” Yin Liu ranted in a low
voice, “For a traitor, this is letting her off easy!”
Mu Jin looked at the surroundings to confirm no one else had heard
Yin Liu’s words before suggesting: “Wang fei, sitting in the shade for
too long isn’t healthy. Why don’t we walk somewhere else?”
Qu Qing Ju nodded, “Jin Zhan, go ask if wang ye is busy right now.
If not, I will go visit wang ye.”

Jin Zhan nodded and raced forward.

In another part of the garden, Jiang Yong Yu looked on in distain at
Ban Xia who was being forcefully dragged out of the garden by the
others. After they were long gone, she quietly spat: “Fool.”
The yahuan beside her crowed: “Zhuzi was right, this Ban Xia didn’t
have many days left to swagger.”
Jiang Yong Yu looked at her: “From the moment she betrayed her
mistress, this day was going to come. It isn’t that there aren’t
servants in other fu like her, but none as impatient. It hasn’t been a
month since wang fei married but she was already rushing to climb
onto the bed. Receiving this outcome, it is only due to wang fei’s
kindness. Ai Lu, you have to remember. In the future if you meet this
kind of person, you have to stay far away. Those that betray their
masters, they almost never have good endings.”
Ai Lu lowered her face and respectfully confirmed: “Zhuzi, don’t
worry. Nubi will remember.”
Jiang Yong Yu saw her state and nodded in satisfaction. She smiled
as she watched wang fei walk in the direction of wang ye’s study.

Wang fei Qu shi Qing Ju was an intelligent and rational woman. In

her life, she never wanted to be on the bad side of this kind of
woman. Since ce fei was already the highest she could ever achieve
in this lifetime, it was better to follow this kind of person. At least her
future days wouldn’t be as miserable as the arrogant Feng shi.

“Jiang Nan’s salt governance is getting even more complicated,” He

Heng closed the report in his hands and ordered his subordinate
standing by the desk, “Get somebody to keep a watch first. Both
laoda and laosan’s men are in there. Let the two of them brawl it
out. Ben wang doesn’t want to be the villain to disturb their
The person standing was one of He Heng’s retainers. His name was
Wang Chang Ming. His appearance was unremarkable but he was
very good at gathering information, his brain very agile so he was a
frequent visitor in front of He Heng.
“Wang ye, this subordinate has also heard from Jiang Nan that Rui
Wang’s people are putting out loans,” Wang Chang Ming furrowed
his eyebrows as he reported, “But it is all under other people’s
names so there isn’t any evidence that has been found right now.”
“Laosan always uses and eats the best. It’s natural for him to spend
silver,” He Heng’s forefinger taped the desktop and he stated, “This
matter, we won’t get involved in. His daily spending, the Emperor
sees as well. The Emperor hasn’t spoken, so as his elder brother,
ben wang can’t lecture him. Sometime in the future, find an
opportunity to pass this into the ears of Ning Wang. It is said that the
eldest brother is another father. For laoda to pick up this matter, it is
the most appropriate.”
“Yes, wang ye is wise,” Wang Chang Ming agreed, “His Highness
Ning Wang is of high authority and will teach His Highness Rui Wang
The corners of He Heng’s lips curled in response. He raised his head
to see Ming He come in with a tray. The mirth on his face became
hidden: “What is it?”
“Wang ye, wang fei is outside. She said if you are not busy, she has
a matter to discuss with you,” Ming He looked at Wang Chang Me
standing to the side and lifted the tray in his hands higher, “Wang fei
also said, if you are busy, you should drink some pigeon soup before
He Heng’s expression softened slightly and motioned for Ming He to
put down the tray. He ordered to Wang Chang Ming: “Retire for
Wang Chang Ming bowed and left. Coming out the door, he buried
his head even deeper. A close distance from the door, he saw a
dress embroidered with clouds and a hint of the pearl-embroidered
Yun brocade shoes peeking out. He smelt the floral scent emanating
from the other, pushed his head deeper and sketched a bow before
racing away.
Not looking at the black-clad man leaving, Qu Qing Ju saw Ming He
come out to greet her and held Mu Jin’s hands to enter the study.
Seeing He Heng sitting at the desk partaking in the soup, she smiled
and went forward: “It is said that this soup is good for the brain.
Wang ye is so busy everyday with government affairs, it’s beneficial
to have some.
A few large mouthfuls were enough to finish the soup. He Heng took
the handkerchief that Ming He presented to wipe his mouth. He
stood to walk over to Qu Qing Ju and raised a hand to caress the
hairpin in her hair: “If I eat this and that daily, after a few years, ben
wang will be fat.”

Qu Qing Ju moved her body back and looked up and down his body:
“It would be very hard for wang ye to get fat, but it would be great if
you did get fat,” Her glance was tantalizing, “When wang ye
becomes fat, there would be less beautiful women wanting to throw
themselves at you. Has wang ye never heard about this, that if you
like a person, you should use delicious food to fatten him up so
nobody else will come to take him away.”
“So my Qing Ju actually has such nefarious thoughts,” He Heng
laughed quietly and buried his face in Qu Qing Ju’s neck to take a
breath, “But I do like hearing this. At least Qing Ju is thinking of me
in her heart.”
Qu Qing Ju pulled on the jade belt at He Heng’s waist with one hand
and buried her head at his neck. She laughed quietly and taunted:
“But does wang ye’s heart have qie?”

Gradually enveloping the person in his grasp, He Heng turned to sit

at the nearby chair and eased Qu Qing Ju to sit on his leg. His palm
glided across the back before resting at the waist. He smiled and
kissed the smooth cheek: “My heart, Qing Ju still can’t see?”
Qu Qing Ju blinked her eyes and drew circles with a hand on He
Heng’s chest: “Qie’s eyes aren’t that wondrous, to be able to see
wang ye’s heart through flesh and blood. How about wang ye let qie
hear it.” Her head started to make its way to He Heng’s chest. She
laughed inside. He wanted to play the romance card, was she a
naïve teenager?
Ming He and Mu Jin saw the intimacy between the master and
mistress and quietly retreated with the others. After the door was
such, it was still possible to hear words and laughter from behind.
The two exchanged a glance and mutually retreated further.
The pair of Qu and He in the room wasn’t doing what the servants
were thinking in terms of harmonious acts. After playing for a while,
they supressed the fire that had rose.
He Heng wrapped an arm around Qu Qing Ju’s waist to let her sit
more comfortably on his leg: “You say that the gift to fuhuang should
be increased by two-tenths this year. This is appropriate, especially
since I married this year. It didn’t matter what I had given in the past
but in the future, I’m afraid I will have to trouble you.”
“It’s just an idea. If wang ye has no objections, I’ll let them prepare.
The end of the year is approaching, it’s best to prepare early,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled and leaned into He Heng’s embrace, “Wang ye
trusting qie like this, it is qie’s good fortune.”

“Husband and wife are one, why does Qing Ju say that,” He Heng
gently gathered the person he held closer, “Letting you take care of
hou yuan, I have full faith in you.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled, “That’s great. If qie punishes somebody, wang

ye can’t get angry.”

“Those people are just qieshi, they can’t be seen in public. Punish
away, there won’t be any pity,” He Heng didn’t care and turned to
say, “Qing Ju’s name, did it come from “Luo Shen Fu”, where ‘she
wore shoes embroidered with delicate designs, what trailed behind
was a garment as light as the mist?’”
Qu Qjing Ju laughed: “Qie had thought that the fact the Duke of
Chang De using “Luo Shen Fu” to name his children had already
spread through the city.” This wasn’t something to be proud of. A
man using the content of a love letter to a woman to name children,
that was romantic in novels, but among the nobility, that was a joke.
He Heng understood the meaning in her words and warmly
comforted: “Qing Ju shouldn’t think so much. In my eyes, your name
is peerless, and naturally you are too.”
Upon hearing this Qu Qing Ju couldn’t resist raising her head to gaze
at He Heng, a smile blooming on her face.
Of course it’s peerless. In the aristocracy of the entire Da Long
Dynasty, who would choose such a crass name? That’s what she
thought inside.
Chapter Twenty One “A
Coquettish Smile”

When Qu Qing Ju walked out of the study, it was more than an hour
later. She adjusted the slightly askew hairpins and narrowed her
eyes to smile at the western sunset at the doorway. When she
turned back, she saw the shadow of He Heng standing straight by
the desk.
A person in the dark, a person in the light. They always will find the
other exceptionally dazzling. When He Heng raised his head, it just
happened that he saw the smile and his eyes were blinded.
Unexpectedly, feelings of amazement rose. He seemed to
understand “a beauty melt’s one’s heart with her coquettish smile.”[1]
“Wang fei,” Yu Zan came forward and wrapped a thin cloak around
Qu Qing Ju. She bent to tighten the cloak. “It’s cold outside, wang
fei has to take care of her body.”

Slightly raising her chin to let Yu Zan finish adjusting, Qu Qing Ju

laughed: “You yahuan, are you all really thinking of me as a
porcelain doll?”
“Wang fei has been ill recently. Nubi and the others were very
worried. Even though all is well, there’s still a need to be careful.” Yu
Zan tied off the cloak and smiled as she bent in a bow. She moved
to Qu Qing Ju’s side and supported her hand.
Qu Qing Ju shook her head in amusement and stepped onto the
stone stairs, “I remember I have an unfinished pouch to embroider,
let’s return.”
Ming He watched as wang fei left with a herd of yahuan. He bowed
along with the other servants, calling: “Wang fei take care.”

Qu Qing Ju stopped in her steps to turn and nod at him before

continuing forward.
Just this little action, it suddenly decreased the distance between
Ming He and wang fei. The status embodied by wang fei. For her to
nod at him, that was a great honor. He turned to look inside the
study, walking to the door way and inquired: “Wang ye, The
Department of Household Affairs delivered some lamb from the
Northern borders. Master can have a bit of a taste.”
“Get somebody to prepare meats and vegetables and deliver it to
zhengyuan. Ben wang and wang fei will eat hotpot together,” He
Heng walked to the door. He looked at Ming He before adding, “A
while earlier, didn’t one of the Eastern Commandery official present
some roe deer and other game meat, get them to prepare it
carefully. Wang fei mentioned a few days ago she wanted to eat
hotpot. With the weather now, it’s a good time to do so.”
“Nucai will go order it immediately,” Ming He bowed and retreated.
He sped up as he left the yard. On his way, he had to tell this to
zhengyuan so wang fei wouldn’t be surprised.
To eat hotpot inside in the winter was a very satisfying experience.
Even more so when the food were very fresh and there was no need
to worry about pesticides or loss of texture from freezing it.
Picking up an authentic wild mushroom and putting it in the bowl, she
dipped it into the prepared top-notch seasoning. One bite, rich and
spicy, it was unspeakably enjoyable.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t like lamb, but the preparation of the lamb meat this
time was very good. She could only taste the smooth and fine
texture of the lamb and there was no rank odor. The mountain
chicken was tender, the shrimp succulent, and the deer and game
meat that was rarely eaten in her previous life, Qu Qing Ju couldn’t
resist but eating those too.
He Heng stared with shock at the disappearance of dish after dish of
food. This was the first time he saw a woman who had this hearty of
an appetite. He thought he had seen many different kinds of women,
but seeing Qu Qing Ju’s chopsticks wielded with such precision,
speed and strength. This kind of woman, he had never encountered
At the end, Qu Qing Ju swiped the mushroom on her chopsticks
before swallowing and setting them down. She rinsed her hands and
mouth before exclaiming: “It’s been so long since I’ve eaten so
freely, has qie scared wang ye?”

He Heng had been wiping his hands. Upon hearing this, he said:
“Seeing wang fei’s appetite is this good, ben wang has nothing to
worry about. Since you like hotpot, in the future, the kitchen should
make it frequently.”
“For qie, hotpot isn’t delicious if often eaten, but if it had been a long
time, the desire will rise. The past few days, my body hadn’t fully
recovered so I didn’t dare eat this type of food. But now, my desire
has been fulfilled.” Taken a handkerchief from Yu Zan to wipe her
hands, Qu Qing Ju stood and asked He Heng, “Is wang ye willing to
accompany qiei for a walk?”

“After each this much, it necessitates a walk,” He Heng stood and

extended a hand to Qu Qing Ju, “Qing Ju, come with me.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she gave her hand to the other. The other’s
warm palm fit perfectly around her hand. She moved slightly to let
their fingers intertwine. She smiled at He Heng and remarked,
“Some say, ten fingers intertwined, will live together until the hairs
turn white.”
He Heng smiled warmly and his hand tightened around hers. The two
held hands as they walked out of zhen yuan, a long procession
loudly following behind and lit up the road in the night.
Qu Qing Ju looked regretfully at the dark sky: “Summer nights are
much better to look at. Even if there is no moon, there are still
stars.” He assumed she was a naïve young girl, then let’s have some
literature, discuss some moon and stars, chat about some poems
and songs.
“Today is the second of the month, naturally there would be no
moon. But a winter moon is also very beautiful,” He Heng imitated
Qu Qing Ju’s motion and lifted his head. He then turned to Qu
QingJu and stated, “But it is cold on winter nights so many have
overlooked it.”
Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrows moved slightly but she was full of smiles
when she looked at He Heng: “Many people like bright and colourful
things, like the summer’s moon and stars, the spring’s flowers, and
the winter’s plum blossoms. Qie isn’t different from them and prefers
the things that everybody admires.”
He Heng saw the smile on Qu Qing Ju’s lips, his heart jerking slightly
and he immediately moved his gaze aside. He found that his throat
was a bit itchy. He tugged the person with him to walk forwards. On
the stone path, light steps sounded.
“The world is full of common people, I also cannot be excused from
being one of them.” He tilted his head to smile at Qu Qing Ju. The
smile was gentle and skilled. It was unspeakably good-looking.
Someone once said that when a man and a woman held hands and
walked together; if the man always walked quickly in front, that
meant that this man didn’t know what was love. Qu Qing Ju looked
at the man who had been walking alongside her and thought inside,
but even when a man was forever watching the steps of a woman, it
didn’t mean he loved this woman. It could also mean this man was a
womanizer and understood how a woman thought.
The two walked for almost an hour and when they were preparing to
return, they encountered in their way Feng Zi Jin wearing a pale
Feng Zi Jin looked at the clasped hands and pursed her lips. She
bowed and greeted: “Nu greets wang ye, wang fei.”

“It’s this late, why aren’t you resting inside?” After He Heng finished
speaking, he turned and took a cloak from Mu Jin’s hands to wrap
around Qu Qing Ju for her.
Qu Qing Ju took the change to scan Feng Zi Jin. The other held a
palace lamp imprinted with the Lady in the Moon. Behind her, there
were two little yahuan, each carrying two little baskets.

“Wang ye, the winter nights are long and nu retires late so an idea
came to walk in the garden,” Feng Zi Jin lowered her face, “I didn’t
think to encounter wang ye and wang fei.”
Fingers carefully manicured to a clean and round edge quickly tied
the cloak. He Heng looked at the two little yahuan behind Feng Zi
Jin. He saw the paper boats and candles in the basket and faintly
opened: “Since the winter nights are cold, then stay in the rooms. It’s
almost the year end, getting sick would be unfortunate.”
“Nu thanks wang ye for his concern,” Feng Zi Jin smiled widely, “But
thinking back to when with wang ye, we floated paper boats, since it
is a sleepless night, I thought to float some in the lotus pond. Nu is
wearing sturdy clothing and it will only take a short while.”
This was having managed to find out that she and He Heng was
strolling in the garden and specially coming with tools to
reminiscence about the past with He Heng? Qu Qing Ju curled her
lips in a smile, “This boats are very well crafted. But after a night in
the water, they wouldn’t look pretty tomorrow morning. My
suggestion, wang ye, you might as well get somebody to make Feng
ce fei a gold boat. No matter what happens, that wouldn’t be
“It’s just a plaything, you take it so seriously,” He Heng looked at the
servants carrying palace lamps. This many people with lanterns, this
Feng shi was still able to encounter them, that wasn’t easy. When he
teased a woman, it was his hobby. But he didn’t want to see a
woman take something from the past to try to curry favor. This Feng
shi was starting to act out of her bounds.

“I think I’ve digested most of it. Let’s return, the mists will be coming
soon,” He Heng held Qu Qing Ju’s hand again, and looked at Feng Zi
Jin who at retreated to one side before he left without a hint of
Feng Zi Jin stared in disbelief at the back of He Heng and Qu Qing
Ju. She didn’t believe that wang ye would just leave. Was it that
what she had done wasn’t enough to stir up his memories of the
At that moment, she saw Qu Qing Ju turn her head, a faint smile
appearing on her face. She suddenly started, a strange cold
creeping up her back.
The biggest difference between men and women was that men were
always best at forgetting the good of women and women was best
at remembering the good of men. So when a woman interacted with
a man, it couldn’t always be good. If she was too good to him, he
would take it for granted and forget the effort that the woman put in.
To let a man remember you all the time, the first thing to do is to put
yourself first all the time. If you forgot yourself, how could somebody
else remember you?
A few days later, Qu Qing Ju received a gift. It was an
Ashtamangala glass lamp. When this lamp was lit at night, it was
possible to see light similar to the moon and stars fall into the
corners of the room. It was breathtaking.
Hearing the exclamations of the servants around her, Qu Qing Ju
smiled faintly at that Ashtamangala glass lamp hanging on its pearl-
encrusted gold stand. The joy revealed through her brows was
perfectly measured.
Blinking her eyes, Qu Qing Ju pointed in a direction: “Place the lamp
The servants carefully set the lamp in its place but the amazement in
their eyes hadn’t faded.
“Wang fei, that place is good, but there’s always people walking by
all the time. It wouldn’t end well if there was an accident,” Mu Jin
interjected hesitantly, “How about our storage. When wang fei wants
to see it, nubi will take it out.”
“Isn’t the purpose of a lamp to be used?” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she
watched the floating dots of light, “I very much like this lamp. It
would be a pity for it not to be here to gaze at.”
“Nubi understands,” Mu Jin didn’t continue and docilely stood being
Qu Qing Ju. Her attitude was respectful yet didn’t emanate flattery.
The story of how wang ye gave wang fei a valuable Ashmangala
glass lamp quickly spread through the entire wang fu. The servants
who had saw the lamp, when they spoke of it, it was as though it
was their own. Their eyes danced and they rehashed with great
Feng Zi Jin smashed many things in her own rooms. She wanted to
burst into the zhengyuan and smash that lamp. Qu Qing Ju that
whore. It was just a lamp. Did she have to let the servants spread it
to the entire fu, as though it was that marvellous.
After smashing another piece of porcelain, Feng Zi Jin panted as she
looked at the yahuan by the door and snarled: “What is it?!”

The little yahuan shrunk into herself before carefully announcing:

“Mistress, wang fei has invited you to zhenyuan.”
Feng Zi Jin’s face darkened. She then wiped at the loose strands of
hair by the face, “Send someone in to serve me.”
She just wanted to go see what ploy that whore had cooked up


1. 美人一笑百媚生: the phrase is actually a variation on 回眸一笑百媚生 which

is part of the lyrics of the Song of Everlasting Regret (or Sorrow). The
particular lyrics are at the beginning of the song describing the beauty of the
Imperial Noble Consort Yang Yu Huan of the Tang Dynasty who met a tragic
end as the Emperor was forced to kill her. The entire line is 回眸一笑百媚生,
六宫粉黛无颜色 which, loosely translated, meant “when she gave a
coquettish smile, the six palaces paled in comparison”. The six palaces
referred to the Emperor’s group of concubines.

Lady in the Moon Palace Lamp

Ashtamangala glass lamp: the Ashtamangala are eight auspicious

signs. The lamp below is much larger but its panes are made from
glass. Pictures are then depicted straight on the glass, most likely
Hand warmer: usually made of copper. Coal would be added inside
to provide heat in the winter.
Chapter Twenty Two “To Cause

The door to zheng yuan was on the same line as the door to the
wang fu itself. This was showing that the person living in zhen yuan
was the owner of the fu. The other concubines, including tong fang,
were spread out in two side yards between the second and the third
door. The guardsmen, manservants and married servants resided
outside the ermin.

The rules of the wang fu were strictly enforced. The area that a
person could move in was clearly divided. For the servants, to be
one that could walk inside the second door to serve, that made them
a rank higher than the average servant as they were serving the
inner courtyard. Even if it was just sweeping the ground, it was still a
duty that many competed for.
So it could be seen that Qu Qing Ju, who lived in zhen yuan and had
the power over houyuan, was an existence that could not be defied.
“Wang fei, Jiang ce fei, Luo yiniang and Han yiniang have arrived,”
Yu Zan announced from the door.
Qu Qing Ju sat on the armchair where a thick blanket had been laid
down. She laid down halfway on the back, her hands holding a pearl
encrusted hand warmer. Hearing Yu Zan’s announcement, her
eyebrow rose: “It’s cold outside in the outer hall, invite them in.”
Yu Zan bowed and silently retreated.
A short while later, three different beauties walked into the rooms.
After they obediently greeted Qu Qing Ju, Qu Qing Ju allowed them
to sit. She drawled: “Just now I had somebody organize my personal
stores. I found some good cloth and called you here to let you pick
and make some new clothes.” Finishing, she tilted her head to look
at Mu Jin.
Mu Jin motioned for the yahuan to present the bolts. The cloth was
actually of good quality. Even though it couldn’t rival Yun and Shu
brocade, but it still was expensive.
Of the three sitting, Jiang Yong Yu held the highest rank. She looked
at the large heap of cloth on the table and couldn’t help but stand to
say: “Wang fei, we can’t do this. The fu has already sent over cloth
for us, how can we take yours?”
“There’s so much even I can’t wear it all. If it stays, the color will
fade,” Qu Qing Ju looked at the cloths. These had come from Chang
De Gong Fu who had, to not shame themselves, used them as
several chests of dowry. There was a lot of it, but even ten bolts of
these cloths couldn’t compare to the price of one bolt of Shu
brocade, “Seeing you wear it, it will brighten my eyes. If it was left
at the bottom of the chest, wouldn’t it be a waste?”
Hearing this, Jiang Yong Yu smiled and bowed to Qu Qing Ju, “Nubi
thanks wang fei for her genoursity.” Finishing, she pointed at two
bolts of umber cloth, “Then I’ll take these two bolts first.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at the two bolts of brocade and commented,
“Those two are very nice. Mu Jin, give those two bolts of sapphire
blue to Jiang ce fei as well. Jiang ce fei’s skin is pale, the sapphire
blue will show her off best.”
Jiang Yong Ju remarked that wang fei was teasing her but didn’t
refuse. The other two shiqie picked a bolt each. Qu Qing Ju picked
a bolt for each of them. The mood in the room started to become
The three had the desire to ingratiate themselves and their implied
compliments flowed. They weren’t debasing themselves but it was
possible to detect their respect.
“I had wanted to make a girdled dress but the color wasn’t right.
These lotus colored brocade that wang fei picked for nu, it will
satisfy nu’s wishes,” Han Qing He caressed a bolt of lotus brocade
with joy, “This color is also good for making pouches.”
“Hear that? It’s as though she got the best,” Jiang Yong Yu chuckled
and looked at Qu Qing Ju who sat above her, “It is wang fei who has
spoiled them to the point of no return.”
“Jiang ce fei is making fun of us. Nu saw that when you were
picking, your face was happy too,” Han Qing He laughed, “And now
you come to tease nu.”

“So that’s what is creating the fuss. Everybody is picking good things
here.” Feng Zi Jin could hear from outside the door how these
women were flattering Qu Qing Ju. When she came in, she saw the
bolts that the yahuan behind each qieshi were holding. The table still
had some as well. She came and bent slightly to Qu Qing Ju, “Nu is
late, is there anything good left over?”
Qu Qing Ju placed the hand warmer to one side and grasped the
tea Mu Jin presented for a drink. With good humor, she looked at
Feng Zi Jin: “I had thought that Feng ce fei wouldn’t come. Take
what you like.”
Feng Zi Jin casually swept the pile, “Nu likes that bolt, is wang fei
willing to part with it?”
Everybody looked and found the Feng Zi Jin was pointed at a
pomegranate red bolt. Instantly, their expressions differed.
Pomegranate red wasn’t true red, but it was already a vibrant shade
of red. Feng shi was a ce shi, she wasn’t allowed to wear red. Was
she challenging wang fei?

The smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face grew warmer: “I had thought that,
based on Feng ce fei’s looks, the blue colors suits you better. But
since you like it, then take it. I have too much red brocade already. It
hurts my eyes to look at it.” Finishing, she said to Mu Jin, “Mu Jin,
send the remainders to Feng ce fei’s rooms.”

“Don’t worry, wang fei. Nubi will certainly send somebody to deliver
it,” Mu Jin bent in a bow and started directing for the cloth to be
gathered and delivered to Feng ce fei’s rooms.

Jiang Yong Yu held a smile in the corner of her lips. She kept her
head down as she drank fine “Snow Falling on the Pool” tea[1]. Upon
hearing wang fei’s words, her thin fingers slightly curled. She placed
down the cup, and out of the corner of her mouth, she said to Feng
Ji Zin, “Meimei is too brash. You might like the pomegranate, but I
don’t think it matches you.”
Han Qing He heard Jiang Yong Yu clearly stating her side and
narrowed her eyes at Jiang Yong Yu. She added: “Nu thinks Feng
ce fei isn’t fit for the pomegranate at all.” A ce shi who wanted to
wear red, what sort of daydream was that? Did she think wang ye
was an imbecile who would disregard protocol?
Feng Zi Jin’s face turned ugly. When Jiang Yong Yu spoke, she
already felt annoyed. Seeing Han Qing He, a shiqie, dare speak to
her, she lectured: “You are a shiqie, is there a place for you to
speak here?”
“Feng ce fei assumes too much. Whether nu can speak or not, that’s
wang fei’s decision, not yours,” Han Qing He mocked, “Unless Feng
ce fei thinks she is capable of making wang fei’s decisions for her?”

“Shut up, what nonsense are you speaking?” Feng Zi Jin’s family
was somewhat well off. She didn’t really care about the cloth. She
was annoyed at how Qu Qing Ju had treated her. Seeing that Han
Qing He, a shiqie from a lousy family, dare mock her, she shouted
furiously, “Who let you remark on my affairs?”
In her anger, Feng Zi Jin had forgotten that Qu Qing Ju’s personality
wasn’t like before. What she had done, it was disregarding her
superiors, disregarding protocol.
Han Qing He heard the distain in Feng Ji Zin’s speech for her birth
and anger rose. Her expression became more respectful, her smile
even warmer: “Feng ce fei, don’t be angry. Nu is just stating the
“You!” Feng Zi Jin stepped forward in anger. Somehow, she stepped
on the hem of her dress and with a high shriek, she fell down. The
instant she fell to the floor, she seemed to hear the clear sound of
something breaing. Before she could see what she had bumped into,
she heard a multitude of inhales and then there was a room full of
She grabbed the hand of a yahuan to lever herself up and saw a
glass lamp smashed on the floor. The little pearls that had been
encrusted rolled away to the side. The jewels and pearls that had
been on the corners had fallen off. As to whether the body of the
lamp had cracked, nobody knew.
“Heavens, this is the Ashtamangala glass lamp that wang ye
specially found the craftsman to make for wang fei!” Han Qing He
exclaimed before closing her mouth, her face flustered.
By this time, no matter how dumb Feng Zi Jin was, she knew that
something was astray. Her body froze and she knelt with a bang,
“Wang fei, nu didn’t mean to. Please investigate clearly.”

Everybody carefully peeked at wang fei’s expression. They found

her face was frozen, almost as though she still hadn’t recovered.
Instantly, the hearts of those present started to tremble. Everybody
in the fu knew how much wang fei liked this lamp. Wang ye had
been flush with joy. Now that the lamp was damaged, nobody knew
how furious wang fei would get. If wang fei was unhappy, wang ye
would naturally be angry.
“Wang fei… …” Cold sweat started to form on Feng Zi Jin’s palm.
She didn’t understand. How was it that she just couldn’t control
herself, that she would fall directly onto the lamp?
“You can all leave,” Qu Qing Ju stood and looked tiredly at Feng Zi
Jin, “I knew before that you had been unhappy with me. In the past,
I thought you were proud but you were not cruel. I didn’t think you
would be like this.”
Yes, it was too much of a coincidence. She didn’t hit anything else,
but she managed to directly bump into the token of love that wang
ye gave to wang fei? It was jealousy. A little ce fei could be arrogant
and demanding, but she had to disregard wang fei. It was a major
overstep. Wasn’t she just riding on the fact that wang fei had never
punished her before?
The people inside watched at wang fei dazedly return to her inner
rooms. They all paused for a beat before carefully picking up the
Ashtamangala glass lamp and found that the lamp had already
“Such an exquisite work of art, a pity,” Jiang Yong Yu sighed, “Let us
leave. Wang fei is probably not in a good mood now. We shouldn’t
disturb her.” Finishing, she took the two shiqie with her.
Feng Zi Jin dazedly stood and dizzily leaned on the yahuan’s hand to
walk back to her rooms. The terror in her heart grew larger and
larger. She didn’t know what to do. Everybody had seen her bump
into the lamp. She didn’t even have any leeway to explain.
In another set of rooms, Jiang Yong Yu heard that Feng Zi Jin had
already returned to her own rooms. She instantly sneered; “She’s a
moron!” Anybody with brains would be kneeling in front of the zhen
yuan to beg for forgiveness. At least, when wang ye knew of the
incident, his rage would lessen slightly. Now that she had retreated
into her own rooms, wasn’t that provoking wang ye even more?

Han Qing He sat opposite her and smiled upon hearing this, “In the
past, she depended on the fact she had the highest birth of the
entire houyuan and was favoured by wang ye. She harassed
everybody, she didn’t even treat you, who has the same status, as
an equal. It isn’t strange that she is a simpleton.”
“You weren’t very polite today to her,” Jiang Yong Yu eyes Han Qing
He, “Han shiqie has this side, I was fooled in the past.”

“Jiang ce fei is nimble-minded and has never just wrong before.” Han
Qing He smiled and rose to bow to Jiang Yong Yu, “Nu is just going
with the flow. I learned this from ce fei, so nu has to thank you.”

Jiang Yong Yu jerked her lips and said flatly: “Han shiqie doesn’t
have to be so polite. I just want to have an easy life. You and I are
water of the well and water of the river. There’s no need for
Han Qing He snorted and bowed again, “If that is so, nu will bid
“I won’t bother seeing you out,” Jiang Yong Yu tilted her head and
watched the figure of Han Qing He disappear outside the door.
A beat later, Ai Lu opened: “Mistress, what did Han shiqie mean?”
“She is just displaying her loyalty to wang fei and feeling me out,”
Jiang Yong Yu snorted, “Just wait, tomorrow there will be something
for that Feng ce fei to worry about.”
“If the heavens wish for one’s death, it will first allow for one’s
madness,” Jiang Yong Yu stood, “She’s been mad for too long. She
forgot her own identity. It isn’t undeserved that wang fei is going to
sort her out.”
Ai Lu wanted to ask that if it was clearly Feng ce fei who kept on
provoking which created the disaster, but why would it turn out to be
wang fei sorting out Feng ce fei? But seeing her mistress remain
silent, she docilely closed her mouth.


1. 碧潭飘雪茶: it is a type of flower tea originating from E Mei Mountain

Chapter Twenty Three “Pleading”

Feng ce fei was arrogant and villainous, she broke the Ashmangala
glass lamp wang ye gave to wan fei. The news spread like fire
through the entire fu. The people who disliked Feng ce fei felt a
vicious satisfaction and waited to see her misfortunes continue.
But who knew on the second day that the zheng yuan didn’t make
any moves, wang fei didn’t even send out any words of
admonishment. Those servants that had been offended by Feng Zi
Jin were disappointed. Was the incident going to be covered up like
Another two days passed and just when the rumors were starting to
settle, members of the Feng family came to the fu. Feng ce fei’s
father was a third-grade assistant minister in the Department of
Works. Relatively speaking, this wasn’t a very important position in
the City of Jing. Moreover, it was in the Department of Works and
not an important department such as the Rites or Revenue.
Before the Feng Family’s card could be passed into zheng yuan, it
was blocked by wang ye’s people. They only said that the fu was
temporarily not receiving any visitors. The Feng family didn’t even
get to meet wang ye and wang fei. They didn’t even manage to
leave behind their gifts before they were thrown out.
The fu became lively again. Wang ye was very rude to the Feng
family, did it mean that he was very discontent with Feng ce fei?
Before everybody could react, Feng ce fei was moved to a small set
of room in the western corner of the wang fu. Her allowances were
all halved. Even though she e still called a ce fei, her allowances
were no different than any other shiqie. Instantly the news came out
that wang ye wanted to demote Feng ce fei to a shiqie.

The title of ce fei, it was just a pretty-sounding title. In the most

basic terms, it was just a yiniang of somewhat good birth. The only
one of wang ye’s women that could enter the genealogy book of the
Imperial Family was wang fei and no one else. Today, wang ye could
let the servants call you ce fei, tomorrow he could let the servants
call another person ce fei. No matter how noble this ce shi was, it
couldn’t measure up to half a hand of the di wife.
In the zheng yuan, Qu Qing Ju looked at the box that He Heng had
personally presented and then looked suspiciously at He Heng:
“Wang ye, what good thing is in this box, that you have to taunt qie
with it?”
He Heng pointed to the door and windows and ordered the servants:
“Close the door and windows, make the room darker.”
Because of the weather in the winter, the rooms were already
darker than in other seasons. Once the openings were closed, the
room instantly plunged into a darkness that was hard to adjust to.
“Open and take a look,” He Heng smiled at Qu Qing Ju and hinted to
her to open the box.
Qu Qing Ju smiled at He Heng, her forefinger caressed the lid for a
while and under He Heng’s expectant gaze, she opened the box. The
moment the box was opened, a warm light streamed out of the box,
illuminating the entire room.
Her finger stopped moving, Qu Qing Ju’s eyes slightly widened.
Inside the box was a mutton-fat jade lamp. The base of the lamp
was a qing luan bird holding a lotus in its beak. Both the center of
the lotus and the wings of the qing luan were glowing.

Qu Qing Ju looked awestruck at this lamp. That stone, the size of an

infant’s fist, sitting in the middle of the lotus, was that a night
luminous pearl?[1]And the thumb sized beads encrusted on the wings,
were they night luminous pearls too? And the base of this lamp
clearly was carved from a single piece of jade, how big was the
original for the product to be like this? The lotus flower wasn’t small,
it’s weight almost surpassed the base of the lamp, so how did it
maintain balance with the lamp base?
Even though the luminous pearl’s light was gentle but on this lamp,
Qu Qing Ju could only see the radiance of the tuhao[2]. The ancient
people had endless imagination and creativity. In this instant, a
certain dumb hick from the modern times knelt under this great
The glass lamp before had exquisite workmanship, but Qu Qing Ju
had been used to the different glass products of the modern age and
wasn’t amazed to this point. Today, with this night luminous pearl, the
only thing she could do was worship it.
Seeing Qu Qing Ju’s awestruck face, He Heng smiled and informed
her: “This lamp was bestowed to me by fuhuang when I moved out
of the palace two years ago to start my own fu. Supposedly, it was
the masterpiece of a master craftsman a hundred years ago. This
might not be as beautiful as the light of the moon and stars, but the
carving on this jade lamp is passable. It will be suitable for you to
use when you sleep.”
The servants in the room were already dumbfounded. A night
luminous pearl, it was already a valuable artifact. This lamp, it was
worth entire cities. Wang ye really did place great importance on
wang fei.

“In the myths, qing luan is the messenger bird of good news besides
the Heavenly Empress. They say that the qing luan is a romantic
bird, it spends its entire life searching for the one.” Qu Qing Ju’s
face, under the gentle light, seemed exceptionally warm, her eyes
seemed to have been infected with the light from the pearl, “Meeting
wang ye, is the greatest fortune of qie’s life.”

He Heng slightly lowered his head, not looking at that luminous pair
of eyes. He said softly, “It’s just an object. If Qing Ju likes it, it has
fulfilled its highest duty.”
Touching the warm wings of the qing luan, Qu Qing Ju’s finger
stopped on the night luminous pearl embed in the wings, “Wang ye’s
kindness, qie knows, but this is too valuable … …”

“No matter how valuable an object is, it doesn’t compare to Qing

Ju’s place in my heart,” He Heng took her hand in his, “Don’t think so
much, it’s alright for you to just like it.”
Returning the qing luan lotus lamp back into the box, the rooms
became dusky again. He Heng saw that Qu Qing Ju seemed to be in
a daze staring at him and his grasp tightened.
The servants reopened the door and windows. Light came into the
room. He Heng released Qu Qing Ju’s hand, “Earlier, a decree came
from the palace. I have been summoned to enter in a little while. I’ll
probably return late, you don’t have to wait up for me.”
“Yes,” Qu Qing Ju nodded with a smile. She stood and carefully
placed the box to one side, “If that’s going to happen, we should
prepare early. If you are late, it might cause fuhuang to dislike you.”

He Heng nodded and held Qu Qing Ju’s hand again before leaving
the zheng yuan with his entourage.

Qu Qing Ju saw the back of his figure disappear at the door and
expressionlessly returned to sit on the armchair, “Mu Jin, place this
lamp in my bedroom. Take care placing it to avoid any accidents.”
Regardless of He Heng’s intentions, she liked this lamp so it should
be placed somewhere to be admired.
The rooms of the mistress of the wang fu were not a place anyone
could enter. Mu Jin nodded and carefully held the box as she walked
inside in fear of damaging it.
A short amount of time later, when Qu Qing Ju had just finished a
cup of tea, she saw Huang Yang quickly walk in, “Wang fei, Feng ce
fei is kneeling at the gates to beg for forgiveness.”

Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow: “She came to beg forgiveness?”

Ruminating for a while, she asked, “Did wang ye leave the fu yet?”

“Just left,” Huang Yang thought a bit, “Feng ce fei is wearing plain
clothes. She says she is truly regretful and begs wang fei to forgive
“Such a good show but the intended audience isn’t here,” Qu Qing Ju
chuckled and stood, “I do wish to see how she is truly regretful.”
Draping on a fox-skin cape, Qu Qing Ju took with her a group of high
and low ranked servants as she walked to the gate. She saw Feng
Ji Zin dressed in black and kneeling with a small yahuan. Maybe it
was that the clothes weren’t thick enough, her face was also slightly
dark. When she came out, a few flickers of regret appeared on
Feng Zi Jin’s dark face and she gave a heavy kowtow, “Nu was
ignorant and made a great error and begs for forgiveness from
wang fei.”
“Feng ce fei, what are you doing?” Qu Qing Ju walked to the top of
the stairs at the gate. She calmly looked at Feng Zi Jin’s state, “I
have never done anything to Feng ce fei, what is the meaning of
your actions?”
“Wang fei, please forgive nu. In the past, nu was disrespectful, nu
didn’t know her bounds,” Feng Zi Jin gave a few more kowtows and
then crawled in front of Qu Qing Ju, “Wang fei, please persuade
wang ye, don’t demote nu. Please, wang fei, help say something on
behalf of nu.”

Qu Qing Ju just saw that, in the span of a few days, Feng Zi Jin had
become haggard, her eyes bloodshot. There was no sign of the
liveliness and arrogance in the previous few days. In the past, this
person carried herself as though she was on top of the world. Did
she ever think that a day like this would happen?
However, He Heng was actually going to demote her from ce fei to
yiniang, was this telling everybody that in this wang fu, other than
him as wang ye, there was only her as wang fei who was one of the
owners of this wang fu?

She had already known He Heng was a smart and sensible person.
Otherwise, he couldn’t act so decisively. To purposefully let Feng Zi
Jin find out, wasn’t it just to make sure this scene would happen?
That man wanted her to release her anger and letting everybody in
the city know how much he, Duan Wang, respected his wife and how
correct his conduct was? His title was Duan[3]. Based on
appearances, it fit him well.
Lowering her eyes to look at the person continuously kowtowing to
her, Qu Qing Ju slowly asked: “Feng shi, who do you think I am?”
Feng Zi Jin paused and stopped kowtowing. She raised her head to
dazedly gaze upon this woman she had never really placed any
importance on.
“I am the mistress of Duan Wang Fu, wang ye’s di wife,” Qu Qing Ju
bent at the waist and used a hand to lift Feng Zi Jin’s chin, “But why
do you always forget this fact?”
Feng Zi Jin suddenly widened her eyes. She remembered when Qu
Qing Ju had humiliated her before by lifting her chin. At that time,
she had been enraged and felt humiliation. But now, she felt a
coldness seep into her entire body. This woman in front of her wasn’t
a harmless bunny, she was a seductive fox-demoness, a poisonous
Qu Qing Ju laughed in satisfaction as she saw Feng Zi Jin start to
tremble. She slowly straighten and using a handkerchief, one by one,
she wiped her fingers, “I remember when I just got very sick, I
vaguely heard you say outside, it was annoying to waver between
life and death.”
Feng Zi Jin’s trembling became more severe, even her teeth started
“I didn’t die. How can I receive your pleas?” The smile on Qu Qing
Ju’s mouth was so gentle it seemed to be made up of water. She
exclaimed, “Feng ce fei, what are you doing? It’s so cold on the
ground. Wang ye always makes his own decisions, you have made it
difficult for me too.”
“Who– … …” Feng Zi Jin’s terror reached its peak and turned to
rage. Before she could start swearing, Yin Liu covered her mouth.
“Oh, I had forgotten. The Feng Family does have some influence.
Presumably, the family teachings are strict. Do your cousins have the
same lively personality that you have?”
Feng Zi Jin instantly stopped and sank powerlessly to sit on the
ground. She looked dazedly at the smiling Qu Qing Ju and muttered
in a low voice: “You want to coerce me?”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju used her handkerchief to muffle the
laughter coming out of her mouth: “Feng ce fei, don’t joke. Us inner
chamber women, the most important part of us is our reputation.
Matters outside, they aren’t easy to deal with, and meddling is an
Feng Zi Jin opened her mouth but could say anything. She didn’t
understand. She was the most favoured ce fei, how could she end
up like this?
Didn’t wang ye not like wang fei, why was it like this?

Qu Qing Ju kept a faint smile as she watched Feng Zi Jin leave,

aided by the support of the servants. The smile gradually faded at
Qu Qing Ju’s lips and she looked coldly at the back of the figure, not
a hint of warmth to be found.


1. 夜明珠: a type of volcanic stone, usually fluorite. The stone glows in the dark,
which was the origin of the word fluorescence. It was used for decoration

2. 土豪: a word similar to nouveau-riche but the Chinese term has gradually
penetrated the international culture. See Wikipedia for the phenomenon.

3. See chapter one or glossary for definition of Duan

Night luminous pearl: stones that glow in the dark.
Chapter Twenty Four “Zhouli”

Qu Qing Ju toyed with the invitation sketched with a flower and had
an underlying fragrance. She looked at Mu Jin with interest: “Let’s
hear it, it’s winter, Rui wang fei is inviting people to some plum-
blossom banquet, it is really due to interest or to torture people?”
The Qin Family was a literary family so this Rui Wang Fei, Qin Bai
Lu’s actions did fit the label of the refined person.
“The flowers did not fall due in the white dew, and dried in the cold
wind. No one loves the desolate state, even more, they avoid it and
look from far away,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she put the invitation to
one side, and exhaling a warm breath, “If there is much white dew,
the autumn rice’s ears are full. I wonder after the frost, is there
really a good harvest?”
Mu Jin smiled and placed the invitation to one side. She replied:
“Nubi heard that if there is frost before and after the white dew,
there will be a good harvest. Dew without frost, the harvest could
only be bad.”
“Our Mu Jin knows so much,” Qu Qing Ju stood, “Since it is the first
banquet since san dimei[2]married into the Imperial Family, I, as her
saosao[3], can’t be absent. Get somebody to send back a reply, just
say that I will arrive on time.”
Yin Liu came in with a branch of red plum blossoms. Hearing Qu
Qing Ju’s words, she remarked as she inserted the branch into a
vase: “Yesterday night, it just coincidentally snowed. Even though it
is a good time to look at the plum blossoms, but it is very cold.”
Qu Qing Ju gazed at that branch of red plum blossoms. She taunted:
“So common, so common. Tomorrow, I’m not taking you to Rui Wang
Yin Liu opened her mouth to speak but saw Yu Zan walking in
followed by Jin Zhan. Both had smiles on their faces as though they
had encountered something good.
“Wang fei,” The two bowed. Yu Zan, who had walked at the front
notified in a quiet voice, “wang fei, just now news from the west
corner came. Wang ye demoted Feng shi to yiniang. The Feng
Family came again and was lectured by wang ye.
Hearing the news, Qu Qing Ju had the feeling that this was what
was expected. She loosened her grasp on the hand warmer to hold
a cup of hot tea, “Did Feng shi make any noise?”

Yu Zan curled her lip and continued: “Nubi heard the tantrum started
early in the morning but nobody paid attention so some things were
smashed. It managed to quiet down by noon but until now, she still
hasn’t eaten.” This Feng shi still hadn’t given up. Last time after she
had begged in front of wang fei, she had quieted for two days.
Today, hearing that wang ye was demoting her, she once again
started a senseless tantrum.
“Let the kitchen know to not slight Xi Jiao Yuan’s food,” Qu Qing Ju
sipped on a cup of tea and intoned, “It doesn’t matter if Feng shi
eats or not. Whatever her stipend is, it will all be given to her. As to
the objects she smashes? Let her. Our wang fu might not be
extravagant, but it’s possible to sacrifice a few vases. Don’t stop
her.” That little suite in the western corner of wang fu, she wondered
what it was like now.
Hearing wang fei’s words, Mu Jin assured from the side: “Don’t
worry, wang fei. Nubi will tell Huang Yang to send your words over
immediately. It’s such a pity that wang fei’s generosity and mercy
hasn’t eased Feng shiqie’s hubris. Such a disappointment.”

“It can’t be helped. She’s a pampered and spoiled daughter of a

government official, her hubris is a habit,” Qu Qing Ju put down the
tea cup, “Just a little shiqie, there’s no need to take her seriously.”

Yin Liu heard this and raised her head. She saw wang fei and Mu Jin
share the same smile. This smile seemed to have a hint of
deviousness. The words were reasonable but why were wang fei
and Mu Jin’s smiles so strange?
“Feng shi is still having a fit?” He Heng came back to his fu and
heard Xiao Gan Zi’s report. He frowned, “What’s she throwing a
tantrum about?”
Hearing this, Xiao Gan Zi lowered his head and an awkward
expression appeared on his face, “Feng shiqie hasn’t eaten or drank
since this morning. She attempted to see you but was blocked by
the guards so she just said a few words of complaint.”
“Complaining? Complaining about who?” He Heng stopped in his
steps, his brow slightly furrowing, “Complaining of ben wang or is it
wang fei?”

Xiao Gan Zi bent his body even lower, his voice smaller: “Feng
shiqie holds such deep affection for wang ye¸ she wouldn’t complain
about wang ye.”

“Then she is complaining about wang fei?” He Heng sneered, “Just

favoured her for a few days and she forgets who she really is. Qian
Chang Xin, go personally to Xi Jiao Yuan to tell Feng shi. The Feng
Family came to the fu today, if she still isn’t satisfied and can’t keep
calm, then pack up and return back to the Feng family. Ben wang’s
place won’t accept a shiqie that’s nobler than wang fei.”

Qian Chang Xin received his orders and stared deeply at Xiao Gai
Gi before leaving. This kid stated that Feng shi was full of love for
wang ye but the underlying meaning was that she was discontent
with wang fei. He seemed to be serving at wang fei’s side. The kid
did have brains. No wonder he was a few years younger but already
climbed to such a position.
How a servant answered a question, there were different ways. The
same meaning, said in different ways, the impression would be
different. Feng shi, she would spend the rest of her life in that cold
and remote Xi Jiao Yuan.
When Qian Chang Xin reached Xi Jiao Yuan, he saw haphazardly
planted banana trees, gathered in messy clumps. Weeds crowded in
the corners. The scenery wasn’t as beautiful as the name had
Qian Chang Xin’s brows creased and relaxed as he saw the rice and
dishes that littered the ground of the doorway. A young taijian who
had been following him quickly came forward and kicked aside the
pieces of broken porcelain, “Qian yeye,[4] be careful with your feet.”
Qian Chang Xin silently walked in. He scanned the room. The ground
was full of broken pottery, and then he looked at Ping Zi Jin who had
just raised a slender porcelain vase. He raised his voice to holler:
“What is Feng zhuzi doing?”

Feng Zi Jin saw the person that came was Qian Chang Xin, who
served by wang ye’s side and her eyes light up. She put down the
vase and asked: “Qian gonggong, is it wang ye that sent you to see
Qian Chang Xin snorted and picked a place to set down his feet:
“Who else other than wang ye would send nucai?” When he finished,
he saw happiness crawl onto Feng shiqie’s face. He slowly drawled,
“Wang ye said, if you keep throwing a fit like you this, your family
will be called to take you home. Today, the Feng Family had come to
our fu. Looking at how concerned they were for you, they would love
to do so.
The joy on Feng Zi Jin’s face retreated like the tide. She stared
dazedly at Qian Chang Xin who left without a second look and
powerlessly sat on a worn chair. A long while later, her eyes
reddened and the tears came down. She knew she was finished,
this was it for her entire life.
“Zhuzi,” A yahuan saw the paleness of Ping Zi Jin’s face and
couldn’t resist comforting her, “Don’t take it so heavily. After wang
ye’s anger cools, he will be good to you again.”

Feng Zi Jin gave a smile that was uglier than her crying. She stared
with red-rimmed eyes at her yatou, “Bi Tao, don’t comfort me. Wang
ye doesn’t want to see me again.” Stopping there, she suddenly
laughed, “How could I forget, I’m just a qie. Why did I think that the
only difference between ce fei and wang fei was only one word?”

Thinking back to when she purposefully organized for servants to

give Qu Qing Ju incompatible foods to cause Qu Qing Ju to slowly
fall ill. She muttered: “Karma, this is all karma.”
Bi Tao heard her mistress’s whispers, her face suddenly changing.
The servants had passed around the rumor that wang fei was too
angry over Ban Xia which caused her to become ill. But she knew,
wang fei wasn’t ill because of her anger but due to having eaten
incompatible foods. Those foods had caused her body to become
weaker and weaker to the point of not being able to leave the bed.
But who knew that wang fei had suddenly recovered and punished
the kitchen servants. After that, she personally ordered her food.
Perhaps it was from the day that wang fei had recovered, this day
was fated to happen.
She looked around at the dilapidated Xi Jiao Yuan. Bi Tao scrunched
up a handkerchief to wipe her mistress’ face as she gave a bitter
smile. Maybe it was karma, or fate.
Due to the fact snow had fallen for the last two nights, so even
though there were people who swept the streets, there was still a
thick layer remaining. The people who made a living on the street
bore the attack of the snowflakes as they saw, from far away, a
carriage with an ebony roof drawn by four horses slowly proceed.
Each time the horses stepped forward, a ringing would come from
the carriage. Preceding and succeeding the carriage were
guardmen, taijian and Imperial bodyguards. Everybody on the street
understood when they saw the procession. This was another
procession of an Imperial family member. The rumor was that the
third Wang Fei was holding a plum blossom viewing banquet. That
would be the most likely destination for these people.
“This carriage isn’t as luxurious as the last few,” A passerby
commented in a quiet voice, “Wonder which family is it.”
“Just shut up and don’t be so ignorant. The carriages before were
two-horse carriages, that one was a four-horse carriage. Unless it’s
a jun wang or above, who else dare to use four horses for a
carriage?” A person beside him who had heard the comment
explained, “That person is most likely a wang fei. See how the
carriage is made out of ebony,” Stopping, he pointed in the direction
of the Imperial Palace, “Only the Emperor and the Emperor’s
children can use a sandalwood carriage.”
The person who had spoken before instantly paled. He feared that
his words would pass into the ears of the noble personages. That
would be very unfortunate for him.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t think that the carriage she was riding would
become another’s topic of discussion. When she reached Rui Wang
Fu, she coincidentally arrived at the same time as the procession of
Ning Wang Fei, the wife of laoda. After allowing Ning Wang Fei to
enter first, she sat down on the sedan to enter er men.

Passing through the Gate of Drooping Flowers, the sedan stopped.

After she held Mu Jin’s hand to exit out the sedan’s door, she saw a
few women dressed grandly standing at the threshold of the gate.
She looked over and bowed to Ning Wang Fei: “Greetings to da
huang sao.”

“Er dimei doesn’t have to be so courteous,” Ning Wang Fei reached

out to support Qu Qing Ju, a warm and gentle smile on her face.
Qu Qing Ju smiled at Ning Wang Fei and looked towards Rui Wang
Fei who had been standing a step behind Ning Wang Fei. The two
bowed one after the other which passed for a greeting.
At this time, many others came over to greet Qu Qing Ju. When the
disturbance calmed, the three zhouli chatted among themselves as
they walked at the very front. They seemed so intimate that even
blood sisters couldn’t compare.
“Er huang sao was late today, she has to drink later.” Qin Bai Lu
held Qu Qing Ju’s hand. Her voice was thin and soft. She teased,
“You can’t refuse.”
Ning Wang Fei knew that Qu Qing Ju arrived at almost the exact
same time as her but she let her enter first so she interjected: “San
dimei, you may not know, your er sao arrived at the same time as
me. But it was just I came in first, you can’t punish her for that.”
The two had arrived one after the other. How could Qin Bai Lu not
know? But finding out that the two hadn’t agreed to arrive together,
she didn’t raise the issue again and turned to converse on the plum
blossoms in the garden.
Qu Qing Ju listened cheerfully and her gaze seemed to accidentally
pass over Ning Wang Fei. The rumour was that Ning Wang Fei Wei
Qing E was very virtuous as she ran Ning Wang Fu very successfully
and the concubines lived in harmony with her. Today, as she met the
real person, the rumors didn’t live up. She couldn’t help but sigh, no
wonder she was a wife of the Imperial Family!


1. 妯娌: referring to the relation of wives of brothers

2. 弟妹: younger brother’s wife

3. 嫂嫂: older brother’s wife

4. 爷爷: grandfather, gramps, term used to refer to a taijian

Chapter Twenty Five “Women”

The plum forest of Rui Wang Fu might not be the most beautiful in
the City of Jing, but it was the most famous plum forest in the City of
Jing. Because these plum trees were personally bestowed by the
Emperor. At the beginning when Rui Wang was leaving the palace to
construct his fu, he said he liked plum blossoms so the Emperor sent
out an imperial decree and picked plum trees for the Ministry of
Works to plant.
Therefore, nobody in the entire Jing city would say that the plum
blossoms of Rui Wang Fu were not beautiful. Even though there was
a mountain full of plum trees in the suburbs where many scholars
and literati preferred to compose their poems and paint, nobody
dare say that the mountain was the most beautiful plum forest in the
Rui Wang Fu’s size was about the same as He Heng’s wang fu. The
layout was similar but the style and finer details were drastically
different. If Qu Qing Ju had to pick a label to describe it, it would be
Long stretches of corridors, fake mountains with flowers and grass.
Every bit projected the feeling of luxury. Qu Qing Ju was forced to
admit, He Heng was actually a good child with his frugality. But this
Rui Wang Fu was too ostentatious. It was as though they were
afraid that people wouldn’t know that their master was the most
favoured by the Emperor.
People said that you could see a person’s taste from the house they
lived in. Of course, this only applied to people who had money. If Rui
Wang Fu’s style was considered to be lavish, then the house He
Heng lived in was low-key tasteful luxury. From this point, it was
possible to see the different personalities of the two brothers.
Passing through a moon door, the snow that had gathered on the
stone paths had already been swept away so that the people
admiring the flowers were not impeded. Qu Qing Ju gazed afar. This
moderately sized plum forest, in the midst of the fine snow, did have
a sense of beauty. She blinked her eyes and teased Qin Bai Lu:
“Dimei is so lucky to have such a large and beautiful plum forest in
your own home.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Qin Bai Lu returned the smile, “dimei has heard
that er sao will have a beautiful lotus pond when the summer
“If what meimei says is true, then next summer, I will definitely invite
everybody there to admire the lotuses,” The cloak that Qu Qing Ju
was draped in was a vibrant pomegranate red, edged in silver fox
fur. The silver and red contrasted against Qu Qing Ju’s pale face to
seem even more fresh and young, “Such a pity that I entered only
when it was autumn and didn’t know that the fu had such beautiful
At this time, Ning Wang Fei Wei Qing E laughed: “As a little
unmarried girl, who would know such things. But saying it now, it can
be seen that er shu treats dimei very well. Otherwise, how can
there be such free and relaxed days, and to not have to pay
attention to what’s inside the fu?”

Qu Qing Ju heard this and knew that Wei Qing E was laughing at
Qin Bai Lu for knowing so much as a just married woman and
mocked her for not knowing how to run a household. But she said it
so beautifully, nobody could pick it out. So she smiled widely and
with a voice full of admiration, she pled: “Saosao, don’t tease dimei
any more. Da sao is so virtuous and good at running a household.
But I’m such a dummy. When I have to deal with the household, I’m
always flustered. Luckily, our wang ye is magnanimous and doesn’t
blame me. Otherwise, I’ll be too ashamed to leave my rooms.”
“Er sao’s words are a little incorrect, “Qin Bai Lu followed, “You’re
more capable than I am. Yesterday, our wang ye laughed at me for
mixing many things up. What I think we should do is we should learn
from da sao.”

The loving affection that was being boasted off directly hit Wei Qing
E’s wound but the smile on her face grew warmer: “This is nothing,
you’ll slowly learn.” At this time in a new marriage, it was naturally
sweet like honey. But as the days pass and new people come, let’s
see if you can still say our wang ye, “When I first married, they
laughed at me too. Now that you mentioned it, I’m now thinking
about the past.”
The three mutually looked at each other and laughed. They slowly
walked towards the Pavilion Overlooking Plums in the middle of the
plum forest.
Behind them, the crowd of noblewomen and official’s wives followed
with smiles on their faces but their hearts were tense. It looked as
though all three of the wang fei weren’t gullible. Especially tense was
Luo shi, who was also in the crowd. As Qu Qing Ju’s aunt, she was
worried that her niece would accidentally fall into the word traps of
the other two wang fei.

The Pavilion Overlooking Plums was a two-level pavilion built

specifically for admiring plum blossoms in the winter. The womenfolk
sat inside the pavilion to look at the plum trees. They were free from
the cold of the wind and snow and could partake in refreshments.
The height to look at the scenery was especially good.
Qu Qing Ju loosened her cloak and revealed a head full of hair that
had been hidden. Under Mu Jin’s service, she exchanged the cloak
for a silver fox skin cape. She waited for Wei Qing E to sit before
sitting down herself at the table under the guidance of Qin Bai Lu.
Because there were charcoal pans in the corner of the room, even
the wind that blew in didn’t cause her to feel cold.
Qu Qing Ju had just been poured a cup of hot tea when she heard
Wei Qing E ask, “Isn’t this a very good Long Jing?” She followed the
sound and saw the other take a sip of tea.
“As expected from da sao,” Qing Bai Lu smiled and informed, “This
is Xi Hu Long Jing. The Emperor bestowed down from part of the
Imperial Tribute. It is too much of a waste to drink this on a daily
basis but to use this tea to treat everybody, it is most fitting.”
“Rui wang fei’s tea is so good that even us common people find it
delicious, “ The Marquess of Bao Rong interjected, “Chenfu[1] is
taking advantage of wang fei’s good fortune, to be able to taste
such deliciousness.”
Everybody knew that Bao Rong Hou Fu was close to Rui Wang Fu.
Seeing the Marquess of Bao Rong’s ingratiating manner, it was
sweet enough to make their teeth ache. The people who were able
to come admire the plum blossoms were not of insignificant status
and most were very careful when speaking. There really weren’t
many who were as straightforward as the marquess.
“Bao Rong Hou furen is too complimentary.” Qin Bai Lu didn’t like the
over-keen flattery of the Marquess of Bao Rong but knowing that the
Marquis of Bao Rong was one of wang ye’s people, she kept a
smile on her face as she gazed at the crowd, “The greatest
accomplishment it will ever achieve is that everybody enjoys drinking
Each year, not even ten catties of the Imperial Tribute Long Jing
were produced. The fact that Rui Wang Fu could serve it to guests,
it could be seen just how much the Emperor had bestowed. This
was also what Qin Bai Lu wanted everybody present to know.
Otherwise, any tea would do. Why did she have to specifically use
the Long Jing tea from the Imperial Tribute?
Was it to let everybody feel that the one the Emperor held most
important was He Yuan and turn to support He Yuan to succeed the
throne? Qu Qing Ju blew on the tea leaves floating on the surface, a
smile appearing on her face. Nobody who sat here was stupid. If
they really changed sides because of this bit of tea, they wouldn’t
have made it to this place in the first place.
“San dimei is so generous,” Wei Qing E took another sip, “to be
willing to let everybody have a taste of the tea that fuhuang has
bestowed. Da sao here will give her thanks.”

“Da sao, don’t be so polite. We are one family, there’s no need to

distinguish so much,” Stopping there, her gaze suddenly landed on
the Marquess of Xiang Qing, Luo shi, “Speaking of this, the
Marquess of Xiang Qing is part of ersao’s maternal family.”

Qu Qing Ju heard the topic had moved towards her and put down
her teacup to look at her aunt. She had seen her aunt, Luo shi, when
she had arrived, but it hadn’t been a good place to converse. Since
Qin Bai Lu was pushing the focus onto her now, she would naturally
accept it, “San dimei isn’t wrong. This is my jiumu. From very little, I
have received much care from my jiumu. If I knew earlier that Jiumu
was coming today, I’m afraid I would have come to disturb you much
“I see that the person ersao wants to see the most isn’t dimei, but
the Marquess of Xiang Qing,” Qing Bai Lu covered up a smile and
said in a mocking tone, “I can’t compete with the Marquess of Xiang
“You and I are part of one family, we will see each other often in the
future. There’s nothing special. Jiumu is my relative, we won’t be as
intimate as you and I,” Qu Qing Ju said in a confiding tone, “Dimei
isn’t sad, you’re laughing at me.”
“I don’t dare laugh at saosao,” Qin Bai Lu hadn’t expected that Qu
Qing Ju would say such words and, with a smile, she replied,
“saosao is close to her aunt, nobody would laugh.”

Luo shi saw the two had finished and said warmly: “Rui wang fei
must excuse us. It’s just that chenfu and Rui wangfei hasn’t seen
each other for many days, wang fei is angry at chenfu as her jiumu
so she is purposefully saying such things.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and stood to beg for mercy, “Jiumu, don’t say
anymore, if my cousins knew that I wronged you, they wouldn’t let
me into the fu in the future.”

Luo shi smiled and half-declined to receive the bow and bowed in
reply. They exchanged a few more words before calmly sitting down.
She didn’t forget her own position because of Qu Qing Ju’s identity.
The people present clearly saw the intimacy between the two.
People had said that aunts usually didn’t treat their nieces well but
look at this family. Weren’t they so very close?
Qu Qing Ju knew that Luo shi was worried that she would be bullied
by Qing Bai Lu so she had stood out. But she didn’t want to involve
the Tian Family into the succession conflict and purposefully put the
Tian Family on the position of the stern elder, and not normal people
who were relying on the wang fu.

Everybody gradually saw a hint of what really occurred and sighed in

their hearts. The Tian Family was really a hard rock. Other than
loyalty to the Emperor, they didn’t side with anybody. Even if their
niece had married into the wang fu, it didn’t seem their attitude had
changed. They didn’t purposefully dissociate themselves but nor did
they insincerely flatter. This type of conduct really did seem like what
the Tian Family would do.
So sometimes, something that seemed natural wouldn’t cause
people to think much of it. Even Wei Qing E and Qin Bai Lu could
see that the Tian Family didn’t have the desire to side with He Heng.
They couldn’t help but sympathize with Qu Qing Ju. Disregarding the
troublesome maternal family, even her uncle’s family wouldn’t change
their attitudes for her. How would she continue to live in Duan Wang
“The snow is getting heavier,” Wei Qing E turned to look outside the
window and saw the plum flowers proudly blooming in the snow, “In
this white worlds, it is the red blossoms which are the most eye-
catching. And they are also beautiful.”
“Of course, the red is the right color. No matter how pretty the other
colors are, in the midst of the winds and snow, they don’t distinguish
themselves,” Qin Bai Lu smiled and asked: “What does furen think?”

Qu Qing Ju continued her interest in drinking tea. The words on the

surface were complimenting the flowers, but underneath, wasn’t it
saying that the wife was the right way, and the qie were an
Everybody present was a wife and naturally concurred, full of praise
for the red blossoms. A few of the younger ladies who came with
their mothers, regardless if they understood or not, smiled and
listened as though Qin Bai Lu was really complimenting the plum
After admiring the flowers for a long while and the snow get even
heavier, the participants were served the noon meal in the pavilion.
After the meal, there was tea and conversation. Qu Qing Ju mused
that this kind of gathering was boring and at the same time, she
defended against the verbal attacks of Wei and Qing. A lot of tea
was poured into her stomach in the meantime.
Wei Qing E saw the snow was becoming heavier and heavier so she
stood to make her farewells. Seeing the situation, Qu Qing Ju and
the others also stood to make their farewells together. But they
were persuaded by Qin Bai Lu who said that the snow was too
heavy and that the carriages wouldn’t be able to travel easily on the
roads to wait for each of the fu to send over their sedans.

Everybody could only agree. They once again sat to chat about hair
ornaments and clothes and give mutual compliments.


1. 臣妇: 臣 means official or “your servant” when speaking to the

Emperor/Imperial Family妇 is woman, and used for married women.
Chapter Twenty Six “People Are
Not the Same, Roads Are Not the

When it came to clothing and adornments, women would always

have many words. Which place had the best rouge, which place had
the most exquisite hairpins, which place had the best embroiders. In
conclusion, the topic was limitless.
The three wangfei present were different in their styles of dress.
Ning Wang Fei was dignified and staid. An embroidered goose-
yellow dress covered with a pure white cape. The hair was styled
into a yuanbaoji[1]and set off with a whole set of jewelled toumian. [2]
She looked dignified yet noble. Rui Wang Fei didn’t have a cape but
wore a silver mouse fur coat. She had a subdued duowoji,[3] beautiful
and graceful with a hint of scholarliness.
Qu Qing Ju’s appearance was the best among the three of them.
What she wore wasn’t as dignified as Ning Wang Fei or as scholarly
as Rui Wang Fei. She was breathtaking, was what the women
present thought. No wonder Duan wang ye would get angry on her
behalf at Chang De Gong Fu. If any newly married wife had such a
beauty, not many men would not favour her at all.
“Er dimei, the butterflies and peony embroidered on the edge of this
dress is very beautiful,” Wei Qing E’s eyes swept over the hem of
the dress Qu Qing Ju wore that was revealed under the cape, “At a
glance, it seems almost alive.”
“Saosao is too nice. There’s a yahuan that serves on by my side.
When it isn’t busy, she likes to work on this kind of things,” Qu Qing
Ju raised an eyebrow, “I normally don’t use any other embroidery-
women so I let them play among themselves. It’s fine as long as I
can wear it out the door.”
“Everybody else sitting here also have some embroidery-women but
er sao is too modest. I think this dress is extremely beautiful.” Qin
Bai Lu complimented Qu Qing Ju but inside she thought this ersao
was too shallow. No matter how much care she took with her
clothing, without any scholarly and artistic talent, how was she
different from the common people?
The others furen present complimented the three, their words along
the lines of noble, beautiful, magnificent or dignified . Along the way,
they criticized themselves to create a contrast. To them, admiring the
blossoms wasn’t the most important. What was important was that
these three were happy. Then they have almost completely fulfilled
their duty at this plum-blossom banquet.
Wei Qing E was the eldest among the three so she held herself as
the most steady and when talking with Qu Qing Ju and Qin Bai Lu,
her voice held a hint of the affection elders had for those younger.
She waited for the officials’ wives to finish flattering them and
interrupted: “All of you should not compliment these two anymore.
Otherwise, they would get bashful.”
The chenfu laughed and replied that they only said the truth, it
wasn’t complimenting them.
Qu Qing Ju looked at this room full of women. Each person had the
most natural smile, as though each was happier than the next. At this
time, she couldn’t help but feel tired for these people but thinking that
when these people returned home, they would naturally have others
to flatter them, she could only sigh to herself. It was lucky that she
hadn’t become a wife of a common man. Otherwise, it would be
even more difficult to live in this kind of era and social conventions.
“Er sao, I heard that the Duchess of Chang De fell sick in the past
few days. She couldn’t even manage to attend today’s banquet. How
is she now?” Qin Bai Lu looked at Qu Qing Ju who seemed to be
always smiling with the corners of her eyes and suddenly asked,
“The third young lady of the fu even seemed to have fallen ill due to
caring for her mother?”
Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrows moved slightly, the mirth at the corner of her
eyes not diminishing: “Really?”
“Er sao didn’t know?” Qin Bai Lu asked with a hint of shock, “It
seems like I asked the wrong person.”
Putting down the teacup in her hand, Qu Qing Ju pushed the teacup
to one side, “Dimei’s eyes and ears are as intelligent as expected.
Er sao thanks you for your notice.” Finishing, she stood, “It seems
that this snow has stopped already. Dimei is so hospitable that I
shouldn’t leave but there is much to do at the fu so er sao will leave
first.” Finishing, she didn’t care to see what expression Qin Bai Lu
revealed and bowed slightly to Wei Qing E. She turned and left,
supporting herself on Mu Jin’s hand.
Everybody present stopped in shock and quickly stood to bid
farewell to find that Duan Wang Fei had already passed the door.
Qin Bai Lu hadn’t thought that Qu Qing Ju would just stand up and
leave. She had been smiling just a second ago. Her expression had
instantaneously changed. Her own face was frozen in irritation that
somebody had insulted her and it took her a while to suppress the
Wei Qing E smiled and stood. She also unhesitatingly bid her
farewells. She clearly didn’t desire to remain at this place to give
honor to Qin Bai Lu. Ning Wang might not be close to He Heng, but it
was better than with He Yuan. Why would she side with Qin Bai Lu
and offend Qu Qing Ju?
When the two wang fei left, half of the crowd of noblewomen
continuously left, leaving behind only the members of the families
that had sided with He Yuan.
“Wang fei, this Duan Wang Fei is too straightforward,” The yahuan
that supported Wei Qing E exclaimed in a quiet voice, “Nubi saw
that Rui Wang Fei’s expression even changed.”
“Change is good. She keeps doing her act of the talented woman,
it’s so distasteful,” When Wei Qing E came out of the pavilion, she
mocked, “This entire city, who doesn’t know that the second
Duchess of Chang De[4] treated Duan Wang Fei badly. Qin Bai Lu
was clearly accusing Qu Qing Ju of being unfilial. She was
purposefully embarrassing Qu Qing Ju.”
“Even so, but the way Duan Wang Fei left, wouldn’t people say she
is unfilial?” The yahuan looked at the surrounding and seeing no one
around, she quipped, “I hadn’t thought that Duan Wang Fei’s
personality was like this.”
“Who doesn’t have sore spots,” Wei Qing E expressionlessly
stepped on the snow, “All in the Jing City knows that, as a
stepmother, the second Duchess of Chang De was not loving. Qu
Qing Ju dares to do so, she isn’t afraid of being talked about. Also,
in Jing City, who would, for a second Duchess of Changde, criticize a
wang fei? A member of the Imperial Family, a right is right, but a
wrong is still right. Didn’t you see that Duan Wang Fei was very
respectful to the Marchioness of Xiang Qing?
Thinking that she was experienced after reading those stupid books?
Wei Qing E smiled coldly. From her point of view, Qin Bai Lu clearly
was a pedant. Were those words what she, as a dimei, could say to
her saozi? No wonder Qu Qing Ju mocked Qin Bai Lu for being
intelligent with her eyes and ears. After what happened today,
tomorrow the rumor would be that Rui Wang Fu knew everything that
occurred in the City of Jing.
Whose home didn’t have things that people shouldn’t see? In the
future, the officials in Jing would be at least wary of Rui Wang Fu.
She was happy to spectate at the chaos. But Qu Qing Ju had guts,
to turn and leave. Not just anyone would have the boldness.
At this time, the sedan carrying Qu Qing Ju was slowly making its
way to the front gate. Qu Qing Ju sat in the sedan without the anger
that everybody else was imagining. At the beginning, she had the
decree that if you who wouldn’t let me be happy, then I would make
it difficult for you. She dared to leave and she wasn’t afraid of
becoming enemies with Qin Bai Lu. Additionally, even if she didn’t
storm off, the two of them wouldn’t have good relations in the future.
The swaying and bouncing sedan suddenly stopped. Qu Qing Ju
heard the servants outside kneel and voice a greeting. She slightly
pulled back the window curtain and saw a person wearing a white
cloak with a taijian accompanying him, standing five paces away
from the sedan.
This person was Rui Wang He Yuan. Qu Qing Ju instantly let go of
the curtain in her hand, and sat back in the sedan without a word.
He Yuan saw the slight movement of the curtain on the sedan and
slightly bowed at the waist: “Greetings to er sao.”
“San shu is too courteous.” Qu Qing Ju didn’t have any interest in
men that was as beautiful as a woman and faintly returned, “Thanks
for your hospitality today, but it is late, so farewell.”
“Farewell er sao,” He Yuan place his hand behind his back and
looked at the sedan sway and bounce as it left. Then he saw a
young taijian quickly run over.

“Wang ye, one of the gatekeepers just reported that Duan wang
ye’s sedan has stopped at the gate but he doesn’t know why it
hasn’t entered.”
Turning to look at the far-away sedan, He Yuan snorted: “Since ben
wang’s good brother isn’t entering the fu, ben wang won’t disturb
him.” He actually came personally to pick her up. Did this He Heng
get addicted to pretending to be a romantic?
Just as he finished, he saw a few more sedans coming from the
direction of the plum forest. He turned and walked to the side,
avoiding the sedans of the womenfolk. Knowing that Qin Bai Lu had
invited the women to today’s banquet, he didn’t have any objections.
But he looked down on his wang fei’s love for admiring plum
blossoms in a snowstorm. No wonder people said the virtue of a
woman was to have no talents. Women who read too many books,
they were so picky. Was it impossible to admire plum blossoms at
some other time?
Luo shi sat in the sedan and thought back to what had happened at
the banquet. She felt that her niece seemed different than before.
Her words were as few as in the past, but the aura she exuded had
become stronger. It seemed that Duan wang ye did treat her well.
Otherwise, her niece wouldn’t have the bravery to storm away to
embarrassed Rui Wang Fei.
The sedan stopped inside the main gate and Luo shi came out. She
found many of the furen were standing at the spot as though they
were waiting for something.
“What’s going on?” She walked towards a furen that she had good
relations with and asked in a light voice, “Why aren’t they leaving?”
“Duan wang ye’s sedan is outside,” This furen raised her chin and
motioned for her to look at the main gate. She suddenly smiled and
teased, “I think that Duan Wang really cares for your niece.”
Luo shi, upon hearing this, looked at the gate and saw her niece
take Duan Wang’s hand to enter the sedan. That red cloak dragging
over the white snow was especially beautiful.
Seeing that Duan Wang waited for her niece to sit down before he
followed, Luo shi took back her gaze. Under the gazes that the
women surrounding her sent over, the smile on her face was the
same as any other day.
Wei Qing E held her servant’s hand as she stood outside the gate.
Seeing Duan Wang Fu’s sedan being carried far away, her
expression was distant. For Ning Wang Fu, she poured her heart in,
but she hadn’t seen wang ye treat her this way. Qu Qing Ju, other
than her exceptional appearance, was she as good as her in any
area? Could it be that everything she had done, it wasn’t enough to
surpass Qu Qing Ju’s gorgeous dress?
Even that cloak that Qu Qing Ju carelessly dragged on the snow, it
was made from the finest Yun brocade and sewn with silk on the
inside. When it touched water, it would wrinkle. Just this one cloak, it
would cost several hundreds of gold. Now that this cloak has been
dragged in the snow, naturally it couldn’t be worn anymore.
The wang fu naturally didn’t care about the money, but she was used
to running a household and everything used in the household was
budgeted. She herself wasn’t used to such extravagance. As the
wife, why would she copy those qieshi and spend all her attention on
clothing and makeup?
“Wang fei?” The yahuan beside her saw she hadn’t moved and
worriedly looked at her.
“Let’s go,” Wei Qing E smiled. She didn’t have to compete with Qu
Qing Ju. When He Heng was tired of her, her beautiful dress would
become lavishness and wastefulness. Her conduct will become
willfulness and pretension. And she herself didn’t need this time of
magnificence. No matter what time and place, she was always the
most dignified and virtuous Ning Wang Fei.
This was the road that the wives of the Imperial Family should walk.


1. 元宝髻: a style of hair with the hair gathered in a topknot

2. 头面: ornaments for hair. The specific style would vary by the dynasty.

3. 堕倭髻: a hairstyle where the hair is gathered in a knot at one side of the head
near the top. It has been described as “on the edge of falling off”.

4. The “second” refers to the fact she is the second wife of the Duke of
Changde, not the original wife.
元宝髻(yuanbaoji): it is in the shape of a sycee(kind of currency in
ancient China) so this could also be called sycee knot.

头面: ornaments

A set of thirty-six pieces from the Qing Dynasty

A restored set of jade toumian

堕倭髻: douwoiji,
A model of the official uniform of a third-grade official’s wife in the
Ming Dynasty.
Chapter Twenty Seven “Damsel-
In-Distress is a Liar”

Because it was a snowy day,and even though the sedan carriers

walked very carefully, Qu Qing Ju still felt that the sedan underneath
her swayed heavily. She wanted to raise the curtain to look outside
but thinking that He Heng was still sitting beside her, she only smiled
and asked: “Why did wang ye come?”
“I had to attend to some matters in the morning and I coincidentally
passed so I thought that since you were on san di’s fu, I would wait
for you to go home together,” He Heng raised a hand to pull back the
curtain to look outside. The snow was falling heavily and not many
people were on the streets, “This snow is getting worse. In the
future, if the weather is like this, then you shouldn’t leave home.”
“Who is willing to bother in this kind of weather,” Qu Qing Ju smiled
and glanced at him, “But it was san dimei’s first time sending an
invitation. It wouldn’t be good to reject her, so I had to come.”
He Heng saw her expression held hints of unwillingness and laughed.
He patted the back of her hand: “Did something make you unhappy
at the banquet?” He Yuan’s wang fei Qin shi, didn’t she come from a
well-educated family?
Telling you to make you happy? Qu Qing Ju turned and patted his
hand: “Don’t even mention it. Our good dimei, she criticized qie for
not being filial to my step-mother.”
He was a bit surprised by the pat that Qu Qing Ju gave. He Heng
looked at the back of his hand that had suffered a blow and felt that
that place felt a bit tickled. He curled his finger and raised an
eyebrow before stating: “She, as your dimei, to say such things,
don’t pay any attention. That Liang shi, she isn’t deserving of any of
your filial piety. As your step-mother, she wasn’t loving, yet she still
wants others to respect and love her. She should take a look in the
mirror.” He looked down on the entire family of Chang De Gong Fu.
And for Liang shi, he had an even worse impression. At present, Qu
Qing Ju was his wife, was this dynasty’s wang fei. The other was a
little duchess. Did she think she could posture in front of wang fei?
The fact that Chang De Gong Fu was rude to Qu Qing Ju, that was
not taking him seriously. He, as a wang ye, how could he be
overlooked by this family, they weren’t anything!
Detecting the other’s emotions, Qu Qing Ju’s smile became even
prettier: “Wang ye, don’t be angry. You care for me, I know.”
Hearing Qu Qing Ju changed her way of speech in front of him to
call herself “I”, He Heng didn’t feel as though he wasn’t respected.
Quite the opposite, he felt that this was Qu Qing Ju becoming closer
with him. He raised his head and saw the other’s eyes shining like
the stars and the thankfulness on her face.
His heart moved slightly and he suddenly felt that this was good
between husband and wife. This woman was his wife, she was the
woman that was going to accompany him together down the road. If
they always maintained the respect and distance, it wouldn’t be
“This is caring for you?” He Heng smiled even more warmly, “I know
you don’t like going to Chang De Gong Fu. In the future, you don’t
have to bother with those people. For everything, I’m behind you.”
Qu Qing Ju turned her head to look at him and right as he stared in a
daze, suddenly pushed her head into his chest: “Wang ye, the way
you are would make me change into a bad person.”
“Ben wang’s woman, she only needs to be good to me. To others,
being bad is fine.” The corners of He Heng’s lips raised lightly and he
unconsciously reached out with his hand to carefully wrap around her
waist to prevent Qu Qing Ju from accidentally falling off.
Lying on He Heng’s chest, Qu Qing Ju thought that it was lucky she
had seen many men comfort women. Otherwise, with how skilled He
Heng’s tactics were, she would have fell in early on. Look at this
conduct, the words, it was the epitome of deep love.
At this time, the sedan abruptly swayed. He Heng quickly reached
with both hands to protect Qu Qing Ju, their bodies moving
backwards and avoiding the window which would be an easy avenue
of attack. He then manipulated the other to lie on his knees before
asking harshly: “What is it?”
“Wang ye, there’s someone blocking the road ahead,” Outside the
curtain, Qian Chang Xin looked at the “ruffians chasing a beauty” act
and bowed before answering, “There’s some people chasing after a
woman ahead.” His voice was relaxed but the place he was standing
perfectly blocked the entrance to the sedan. The other guards
placed their hands on their swords.
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju moved her body and in response, He Heng
reached with two fingers to tap on her head.
Seeing Qu Qing Ju stare with two big eyes at him, He Heng smiled
at her before commanding: “Clear the road.”
When the rough men in pursuit saw the procession, they had quickly
stopped and retreated to one side. They only hated that they didn’t
have good luck, that they would, in this kind of weather, encounter
nobility sitting in an eight-person sedan.
Hearing the noble speak, the men obediently knelt to one side, afraid
the noble would blame them for their offense.
The young woman kneeling at the front saw the situation and her
eyes brightened. She knelt with a bang about six meters from the
sedan, “Daren, please daren, save this girl. These criminals want to
capture this girl to become a concubine for a landlord. Please,
daren, save this girl.”
They could even encounter such a thing as kidnapping a citizen? Qu
Qing Ju crisply moved herself into a comfortable position leaning
against He Heng’s legs. She teased with a laugh: “Such a cold and
wintry place, a helpless and pitiful girl asking for help. Wang ye, do
you want to be a hero and rescue the damsel?”
He Heng saw the mischief in her smile and pressed against the
corner of her lips with his index finger: “The beauty is already here, I
don’t see a beauty anywhere else.”
Opening her mouth and biting down on that finger, Qu Qing Ju used
her teeth and ground against it before whining: “Who knows if that
little beauty’s pitiful state would move someone?”
Enjoying Qu Qing Ju’s pretty state very much, He Heng smiled and
scorned, “This vinegar[1] is unreasonable. A strange common woman,
I won’t even want her to be a servant girl on the wang fu. How would
I let her serve me?”
Standing outside, Qian Chang Xin silently turned his head in the other
direction and pretended he didn’t hear anything from the sedan. He
looked at the girl kneeling. She was about sixteen or seventeen, her
hair tangled from running. But with that pale and fine face, there was
a hint of a delicate beauty that would provoke pity. She was wearing
a water-blue tight girdled cotton dress which wasn’t very sturdy and
did have some hints of beauty. But when his gaze swept across the
hand that was half hidden in her sleeve, his face darkened and he
ordered: “Retreat, in front of wang ye’s procession, there cannot be
any infractions.” Finishing, he gave a look to the two guardsmen
beside him. The two guardsmen walked forward and dragged the
woman to throw to one side.
Not looking at the woman covered in snow due to being dragged,
Qian Chang Xin shook his sleeve: “Onward!”
They even had shamelessness to use such an old scheme. The
clothing was normal, but the craftsmanship wasn’t average. And the
fingers like water onions. Which girl in a normal family didn’t do any
household chores and could protect her hand to be that tender? Did
they think that he, Qian yeye, was blind?

After the sedan had continued forward for a distance, He Heng

finally allowed Qu Qing Ju to straighten. He said with a faint smile: “I
wonder who would send me such a good gift, but it’s just that the
presentation needs some work.”
Hearing the meaning in He Heng’s words, Qu Qing Ju asked in
return: “Why so confident it is somebody sending a gift, not this
woman wanting to send herself??
“The preparation was too good. There could be no such coincidence
in this world. If it was a normal person, they would have already hid
to one side, not come close to the sedan,” He Heng’s smile was
slightly cold.
“This person is underestimating wang ye.” Qu Qing Ju understood
that there wasn’t many “hero rescuing the damsel-in-distress” in this
world. This wasn’t a novel or a TV show. No wonder He Heng was
so wary. He wasn’t a lustful person. A person suddenly rushing out in
front, he would naturally be careful.
“Oh?” Seeing the distain on Qu Qing Ju’s face, He Heng smiled
again. He turned to open the window. Looking at the snow floating
outside, he suddenly felt that the snowflakes were somewhat
The two returned to the wang fu and after eating, they slept early.
As to this little interruption, Qu Qing Ju was too lazy to think about it
and He Heng didn’t mention it again.
On the second morning, the snow had stopped but the snow on the
ground hadn’t melted so it was colder than when it was actually
snowing. He Heng stood in the Great Hall and listened to the officials
of the court argue over the examinations for next spring, his face
Both He Qi and He Yuan’s people wanted to recommend a person
from their side to be Chief Examiner. The spit flew and the words
flowed without pause. The verbal skills of the literati could be seen
Qing De Emperor, sitting at the top felt a headache come on due to
the argument under him. Seeing He Heng standing and maintaining
his silence, he said: “Duan Wang, what do you think?”
Picked out by the Emperor, He Heng stepped forward, and raising
his hands in a greeting he said, “Fuhuang, what the daren here have
said all are reasonable, but er chen feels there are two others that
could fulfill such an important duty.”
“Speak further.” Qing De Emperor looked at his eldest son and then
his third son before returning to He Heng.
“According to er chen’s thinking, the Minister of Defence, Luo daren
and Great Scholar Lu could fill such a position. Both daren, in their
year, were of first rank for their examination and they are just in their
conduct, and steadfast. If the two daren could be examiners, it
would be the best fit.” He Heng wasn’t dumb enough to try to
compete for the position of examiner at this time. Fuhuang was old
now, he was wary of his young sons. It would be less troublesome if
he recommended two of fuhuang’s old subordinates.

He Qi and He Yuan hear this and stared at He Heng. What was lao
er thinking?

Qing De Emperor’s face softened as though he had heard the

answer he wanted. His finger tapped on the armrest of the dragon
chair: “This matter will be discussed upon later. Let’s break up now.”
Everybody knew that the Emperor had made his decision and gave
three calls of “Ten Thousand Years” while kneeling to bid farewell.
After the Emperor had left, each slowly stood and left in small
“Er ge, that was a good idea,” He Yuan already understood He
Heng’s motivation and walked to He Heng’s side with a mirthless
smile to walk with him, “But didi heard that Luo daren’s daughter is
er sao’s aunt. Er sao and this aunt have a great love for each other,
is that the truth?”
He Heng’s steps slightly paused and he smiled as he looked at He
Yuan: “Yuxiong[2] didn’t know when didi started to be interested in
the matters of other families. This matter between womenfolk, it’s a
matter for women to pay attention to. Yuxiong doesn’t control these
Hearing the sarcasm in He Heng’s words, He Yuan’s face didn’t look
very good. He never really cared for He Heng’s conduct of insincere
smiles and coldly smirked before retorting: “Er ge’s words are in
error. Husband and wife are one being. Mutually paying attention is
right, why distinguish between man and woman.”
“Yuxiong naturally knows this,” He Heng’s smile became even softer,
“But it’s probably didi who doesn’t know.”

He Yuan snorted. When he turned, he saw laoda heading towards

them and his face instantly darkened.


1. Vinegar is a metaphor for jealousy

2. 愚兄: 愚 means stupid, dumb. this is referring to oneself as a stupid elder

Chapter Twenty Eight “Lucky

“Er di, san di, let’s walk together.” He Qi smiled as he walked in

front of the two, “I heard that a new restaurant opened in Jing, why
don’t us brothers make a visit together?”
He Yuan sneered: “Da ge is too polite but didi has other matter and
so will leave first.” Finishing, he flung his sleeve and walked away
with a cold face, not even leaving behind a hint of respect for He Qi.
This type of encounter had happened more than one. He Qi’s
expression didn’t change as he eyed the back of the figure and said
unconcernedly to He Heng, “He’s not going, you’re coming with ge.”

He Heng smiled and complied. His attitude was casual as he walked

together with He Qi. There were no sparks of the struggle for
succession between the two. He understood, He Qi might seem
upright and honest but he was definitely one who “pretended to be a
pig as he eats tigers”. The reputation spread that He Yuan had of
being arrogant and brash, half of it could be put on his head.
It was just a pity that laodaos mother’s birth was too low. This was
his greatest challenge in trying to compete for the throne. But the
rumor was that the Emperor was planning on bestowing the
hougong soon. Nobody know if he would raise lao da’s mother’s
position. Based on the fact that she had laoda as an imperial son,
she should have been promoted much earlier. It was laosan’s mufei
who kept on getting in the way, so that the eldest Imperial Son’s
birth mother still only had the title of cairen.

The two came together to the restaurant and left separately after a
meal. He Heng didn’t manage to experience the taste of the wine
and food before laodao had already hinted at his desire to ally with
him against laosan.

Returning to the wang fu, He Heng found that every servant in the fu
seemed to have cheer on their faces. He couldn’t resist asking Ming
He who welcomed him back: “Did something good happen on this
“Wang ye, it’s just that it’s almost the winter holidays, wang fei had
rewarded some silver to us as servants,” Ming He knelt and
answered, “Nucai forgot ourselves in joy, wang ye have mercy.”

“Stand up. Wang fei has rewarded you all, it’s natural for people to
be happy,” He Heng waved his hand, “what’s wang fei doing right
“Just now nucai went to zhengyuan to kowtow and express thanks.
Wang fei is probably still there, but nucai doesn’t know anything
else,” Ming He bowed and retreated to one side to express that he
had no intentions of inquiring of news about zhengyuan.

“En,” He Heng nodded, his steps changing direction, “Let’s go see


Stepping into zhengyuan, He Heng stopped the servants from

announcing him and walked straight into the rooms. Just outside the
door, he heard the conversation inside the room.
“Wang fei, this pouch is actually pretty good, why are you hiding it?”

“It’s fine, I know you are comforting me. This thing, I can’t present it
as a gift.”
“But … …”
“What thing you can’t gift?” He Heng walked in and saw Qu Qing Ju
try to hide something behind her. He smiled and walked behind her.
Taking the object for a look, it was a dark blue pouch. Embroidered
on one side was a simple design of clouds, on the other, there was a
large character for good fortune. The skill of embroidery really
couldn’t compare to what he usually used.
“Is this for me?” He Heng looked again and again at the pouch and
wouldn’t return it to Qu Qing Ju. Seeing the other in a state of
awkwardness, “I think it is very good.”
Qu Qing Ju coughed: “That is, it’s just for amusement, I didn’t say it
was for you.”
“Then I am asking for it from you,” He Heng jerked the pouch he had
on his body off and personally put on this one. He smiled and
commented, “This color is pretty good.”
Qu Qing Ju glanced at the pouch before instantly moving his gaze:
“Since wang ye likes it, then use it.” Finishing, she turned to ask,
“Wang ye, are you using the night meal here?”
He Heng nodded his head, “The hotpot last time was good, let’s
have the same tonight.”
Qu Qing Ju, who had desired to eat hotpot again, naturally agreed.
She felt that it hadn’t been a loss to put the effort in. At least now,
she could eat good, drink good and occasionally play at being
arrogant. She peeked again at the deep blue pouch and curled her
The end of the year was getting closer and closer. The result was
that the people at court also became busier. The matter of the
examinations had been finally. The Chief Examiner was the Great
Scholar Lu Jing Hong, a member of the Hong Yuan Cabinet. This
person was one of the two that He Heng had recommended, the
Deputy Examiner was one of He Yuan’s people.
When the Imperial Decree came down, He Heng didn’t feel any
surprise. Fuhuang might be wary of his sons but he still heavily
favoured He Yuan over all. Otherwise, why would he keep the
position of Deputy Examiner for him?
It was a pity his fuhuang didn’t know that spoiling was a type of
harm. He Yuan’s appetite would become bigger and bigger under his
care. He would definitely create trouble.
On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth month, a decree came out
again from the palace. Many of the consorts were promoted. Ning
Wang’s birth mother, Tao shi, was promoted to Noble Pin, her title
was Wen.[1] Both He Yuan and He Heng’s mothers took a step
forward from fei to guifei.[2]
Just when everybody in Jing was preparing celebratory presents, a
decree for marriage came down. Minister Luo’s di granddaughter
was to be married to Cheng Wang He Ming. The marriage would
take place when spring arrived.
When this decree came down, it shocked everybody to the point of
seeing stars. They all gave out a lot in congratulatory gifts and then
each raised their heads and stretched their necks to gaze and see
the mess that Jing would fall into next year.
Qu Qing Ju finished preparing the gifts to send to the Luo Family and
Cheng Wang Fu. There were also gifts for the consorts who had
been promoted inside the palace. She sat down with a cup of tea
and let Shu Kui massage her shoulders, her head revolving around
the matter of the Luo Family and Cheng Wang.
The Luo Family was Jiumu’s maternal family. It wasn’t very
distinguished, but did have some reputation in the City of Jing. It
wasn’t a surprise for a girl of the Luo family to marry into the
Imperial Family. But marrying this Cheng Wang, it still couldn’t be
seen if it was good or bad.
If it could be said that the three wang ye at the front had hope of
succeeding the throne, He Ming was just a passer-by. Unless the
three people in front all died, he wouldn’t have a hope of reaching
the throne. This person’s abilities were as average as his name.
Who knew how much Qing De Emperor didn’t like this son. The three
sons in front, one had the meaning of the “good luck of the qilin¸”
one was” the beauty of jade,” one was “of profound and deep
learning.” Each one was of higher quality than the one before.
But when it came to Cheng Wang, the brain cells suddenly snapped
and the skill of naming dropped. He gave a name that was very
common. The meaning was “bright” but it wasn’t as dignified and
noble. Just as well the Emperor didn’t know of the “Little Student
Ming”[3] from the math textbooks of the past life and how busy it
was. He was continuously pouring and catching water, continuously
walking from place A to B, continuously riding the bike to deliver
apples, continuously going from grandma’s to uncle’s.
Thinking about it, Qu Qing Ju shook her head and said to Mu Jin:
“Add half more to the gifts to Cheng Wang Fu.” Just that name, it
was deserving of sympathy.
Mu Jin confirmed before asking: “Wang fei, just now, the
Department of Household Affairs sent over the allowance for the
year. Nubi has already checked the items against the list. Should the
items be entered into the stores?”
Even though the items from the Department of Household Affairs
weren’t rare, but it was still items belonging to the Imperial Family.
This was a matter of honor. Qu Qing Ju nodded and thinking that
after a few days, she had to enter the palace to kowtow and ask for
morning greetings, she felt her knees ache. Disregarding the
complicated connections and thoughts of the women inside of the
palace, just those two troublesome zhouli, it was enough to irritate
At the year’s end, the Luo Family was one of the busiest. The
people that sent gifts to the fu were endless. Even though the
daughter of Luo was marrying Cheng Wang, who wasn’t favoured by
the Emperor but he was still a wang ye, and the people in the city of
Jing had to pay some respect.
The elder Luo taitai flipped through the stacks of gift lists and
commented to her daughter in law sitting under her: “Oh, Yao yatou
married to that kind of place, it is … …”
The wife of the Luo Family’s eyes reddened slightly as she replied:
“The Emperor’s Imperial benevolence is mighty and broad, it is our
family’s good fortune,” Speaking to there, she choked. If she could
choose, she would that her daughter married into a normal official’s
family rather than suffer in the Imperial Family, “Erxi heard that
Cheng Wang is kind and honest. When Yao’er marries, she most
likely wouldn’t suffer much.”
“Each person has to live their own life,” The Elder Luo taitai place
the gift list down, “Duan Wang Fu isn’t as easy as Cheng Wang Fu
but that girl from the Qu family is living well. Duan Wang treats her
very well. In the past, our Luo family has treated Duan Wang Fei
well, when Yao’er marries, there’s some measure of protection.”
“But Duan Wang and Cheng Wang … …” The worries of the wife of
the Luo Family hadn’t finished being said before the Elder Luo taitai
“Relationships between women have always been between women,”
The elder Luo taitai said in a meaningful tone, “Anything else is the
matter of men. Our Luo Family will only be loyal to the Emperor.”
The Luo erxi nodded in a gaze. She was going to speak when she
heard the servant report that Duan Wang Fu had sent gifts over.
When the list was delivered over, the elder Luo taitai took the list
before nodding and commenting: “Duan wang fei is very good to our
Luo Family. We should increase the year-end gifts we send over.”
Finishing, she gave the list to her erxi.

The Luo erxi took the list and thought in relief that it was lucky that
the Luo Family had been kind to Duan Wang Fei and Duan Wang Fei
also knew to pay back. When she entered the Imperial Family,
Yao’re will have somebody to guide her, and if Duan Wang
succeeded the throne … …
She quickly shook her head and suppressed the idea.
In Rui Wang Fu, He Yuan smashed many pieces of pottery. His
beautiful face was full of darkness: “Is fuhuang dim-witted, to marry
one of the Luo Family to lao si, isn’t this clearly pushing the Luo
Family and lao si towards lao er?!”

The taijian serving him heard this and shuddered in fear. He quickly
knelt on the floor, pieces of broken pottery cutting into his knees. He
didn’t dare frown even a bit.
“Wang ye, wang fei requests to see you.” A young yahuan stood
shakily at the doorway, afraid to even look at He Yuan.
“Not now!” Smashing another piece of porcelain, He Yuan sat down
on the carved sandalwood chair. After musing with a dark face he
ordered: “Come, prepare a carriage to enter the palace!” Damn it, if
he had known it would be like this, he shouldn’t have in the beginning
pushed mufei into letting fuhuang bestow marriage between the
member of the Family Qu and lao er. Now, it was a boon for him!

As the clear winner in He Yuan’s eyes, He Heng wasn’t as joyful as

He Yuan imagined because he knew the conduct of the Luo Family.
As to how lao si would choose, that remained to be seen.

Holding a cup of Long Jing Tea, and leaning back on the chair with
half-lidded eyes, He Heng thought about He Yuan and He Qi’s
possible reactions. He Heng raised and lowered his eyebrow. No
matter what, this incident was advantageous for him.
But this was also time to pass the news that He Yuan was giving
loans to lao da. As long as the two of them were fighting, they
wouldn’t care about lao si’s marriage. That was, in their eyes, lao si
wasn’t that important.
“Wang ye, wang fei sent somebody with chicken soup.” Ming He’s
voice sounded from outside the door.
Looking at the chicken soup in front of him, He Heng suddenly
thought of Qu Qing Ju. Fuhuang’s Imperial Decree said that she was
“of plentiful good fortune”. It wasn’t wrong. Wang fei was really his
lucky star.


1. 温: warm, tender, soft, gentle

2. 贵妃: a position above fei. 贵 means valued, or noble.

3. It’s akin to John

Chapter Twenty Nine “Yun Qing’s

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth month, the Royal Court seals
its pens and the palace started to bestow gifts into the households.
Most that received gifts were officials and noble families of some
significance in the City of Jing. Therefore, the absence and presence
of gifts from the Emperor represented the Emperor’s favor. Lower-
ranked officials that wanted to climb up kept their gazes tightly
locked to see which houses they could curry favor with, which
houses they could find a way in.
Qu Qing Ju followed He Heng and knelt in the front hall of the wang
fu to receive the Emperor’s gifts. It was just a couplet for the Spring
Festival that the Emperor wrote personally, a “good fortune”
character and two plates of golden-yellow kumquats. Kumquats had
the meaning of luck and it was a good beginning.
Bidding farewell to the taijian that passed on the decree, the two
returned to zhengyuan and opened the Spring Festival couplet. It
was gold on red paper, with flowers on the border. Based on Qu
Qing Ju’s inexpert opinion, the characters were very good-looking
but from the strokes, Qing De Emperor’s characters was more soft
than bold, revealing his personality.
Casually tearing open a kumquat that was about the size of a thumb,
Qu Qing Ju fed half into her own mouth and fed He Heng the other.
She nodded and commented: “Good characters, the kumquats are
sweet, too.”
He Heng looked at her stream of actions and smiled as he placed
the couplets down, “Qian Chang Xin, you and Ming He go personally
put the Spring Festival couplets up.”
“Yes,” Qian Chang Xin carefully bore the plate with the couplets on it
and retreated with Ming He.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the pair of “good fortune” characters, “Then
where do we put these two characters?”
“In our rooms, naturally. I’ll put it up later,” He Heng pointed to the
gate of zhengfang and saw that Qu Qing Ju had started on another
kumquat, “It’s very cold, don’t eat too much cold food.”
Qu Qing Ju’s wrist bent and shoved the kumquat in her hand to him:
“Since wang ye is personally putting up the characters, then I will
help you see if it is skewed.” Finishing, she took the characters and
started to order the servants to bring the tools to paste the paper.
He Heng saw her enthusiasm and allowed her to proceed. Under the
protection of a few taijian, he stepped on a stool to put up the “good
fortune” character.
“It’s tilted, move a bit towards the right.”
Move right.
“Too much, a little little bit to the left.”
Move left.
Qu Qing Ju looked with a bit of dissatisfaction at He Heng’s results
and reluctantly nodded: “More or less this is good.”
The taijian heard this and hurried guided wang ye to step down the
stool. They dragged the stool as they retreated to the side to not
affect the little amusement between wang ye and wang fei.

He Heng walked back a few stepped and nodded in satisfaction. He

then lifted his head to tap Qu Qing Ju’s forehead, “I think you are
terrible at directing.”
Qu Qing Ju went back a step and teased: “It’s wang ye whose skills
aren’t high, how can you blame me?”
Not far away, Jiang Yong Yu, accompanied by the three shiqie,
stood and watched the antics between wang ye and wang fei. They
didn’t know whether they should leave or stay. Originally, she had
come with the others to thank wang fei for the hairpins wang fei had
bestowed down today, but looking at the scene before her, she
wasn’t so thoughtless to interrupt.
The other three didn’t feel at ease either but didn’t dare show any of
it on their faces. They all looked at Jiang Yong Yu for her response.
“It’s fine, we can come tomorrow. Wang ye and wang fei are busy
now,” Jiang Yong Yu looked away and was going to turn around but
they suddenly met Yin Liu who was carrying a meal box.
“Greetings to Jiang ce fei and yiniang,” Yin Liu bowed.
“Yin Liu guniang doesn’t have to be so courteous,” Jiang Yong Yu
smiled, “We thought to give thanks to wang fei, but hadn’t known
that wang ye and wang fei are busy. We shan’t interrupt and will
leave first.”
Before Yin Liu could reply, they saw Yu Zan quickly walk over and
bow to the procession of four, “Jiang ce fei and yiniang, wang ye
and wang fei invite you in.” It had been that Qu Qing Ju saw the
movements on this side and sent somebody to call them over.
In the front room, He Heng and Qu Qing Ju sat at the front, the four
ce shi sitting quietly and obediently under them.
Qu Qing Ju glanced at Feng Zi Jin. Just half a month, Feng Zi Jin
seemed more fragile than before. Sitting there, she seemed akin to
a statue without any hint of life. She took a small mouthful of tea
before opening: “For what matter are you here?”
“Today, us sisters received wang fei’s gifts and felt grateful so we
thought to come to give thanks,” Jiang Yong Yu replied, “We
disturbed wang fei, and ask for wang fei’s forgiveness.”

“You are too polite,” Qu Qing Ju set down the teacup, “A good
flower needs a good vase. Those ornaments and hairpins need to
accompany beauties to shine. I was just making sure good things
didn’t go to waste, it wasn’t worth you making a trip.”
Jiang Yong Yu smiled and said: “Even though wang fei says so, but
nu still is grateful. If there wasn’t wang fei, nu wouldn’t have such
good things.” Finishing, she touched the hairpin on the side of her
head. Apparently it was one of the hairpins that Qu Qing Ju gave.
He Heng noticed her movement and interjected: “Wang fei’s
kindness, you only have to bow and give thanks.” Finishing, he
laughed at Qu Qing Ju, “No wonder you ordered the servants to
make hairpins and ornaments, so it was for this.”
Qu Qing Ju didn’t have any desire to purposefully act virtuous and
kind in front of He Heng. It was just it was the end of the year and
she wanted to make it pleasing to her eyes. Either way she wasn’t
spending her own money, so why should she save?
Now that wang ye had spoken, Jiang Yong Yu couldn’t continue and
could only sit silently by the side drinking tea to waste time.
At this time, Huang Yang walked in. After a bow, he reported: “Wang
ye, wang fei, Yun Qing guniang asks for an audience.”

He Heng furrowed his brows slightly, visibly irate: “She’s a tongfang,

what matter does she need to ask wang fei for?” These words were
very discourteous. Huang Yang, the messenger, slightly froze.
“Wang ye, Yun Qing guniang said she was grateful for the care
wang fei has given her and wanted to bow in thanks.” Huang Yang
replied obediently.
“Get her to just kowtow at the door,” He Heng opened, “Tell her that
wang fei is a busy person most days. If there aren’t any important
matters, then she should say in her own rooms.” He was sick of the
entire act Yun Qing had. First it was virtuous and then it was playing
pitiful. What was the act she’s playing now called?
This type of woman, no matter if attention was paid to her or not,
would always find all the excuses possible, and in all possible ways
appear. He Heng played with the teacup in his hand: “Nevermind. In
the next days, get somebody to send her to one of the estates
outside. Ben wang doesn’t want to see her.”

The other ce shi at this time buried their heads deep down, afraid
that wang ye would find them an eyesore as well. Letting them go to
the outside estates, if the people in this fu were sent away, there
wasn’t a good change they would return.
They didn’t know how Yun Qing managed to provoke wang ye into
disliking her. What they did understand was that they should never
ever offend wang fei. Before them was the lesson of Yun Qing,
behind them was the example of Feng Zi Jin. They didn’t dare have
any other thoughts.
“Wang ye, this Yun Qing is a very young girl. Sending her to an
estate like this, it is such as waste,” Qu Qing Ju felt it was a great
pity, “Such a young and beautiful girl.”
He Heng looked at her face full of regret and said helplessly: “Just a
woman. But you care more than I do. If that’s the case, we’ll find a
match for her on the estate, so she wouldn’t be alone and without
Qu Qing Ju knew that the so-called tongfang was nothing more than
a man’s plaything and turning to match them to a manservant was
normal. In this case, wang ye hadn’t even touched this Yun Qing and
didn’t have any possessive feelings. But a huakui, skilled in all four
major arts, matched to a rough person, it was very wasteful.
If Yun Qing was really of great virtue, she should turn and hang
herself. If not, she could make a living on the estate. It most likely
would be better than losing her life in the future.
The other shiqie heard how wang fei, using just a few words, let
wang ye marry Yun Qing to a rough person. Their hearts shook,
especially Feng Zi Jin. Sweat started to form on her hands. If it was
just being sent to an estate, there could be a day where wang ye
would go to the estate and place importance on her again so there
was a hope of return. If it was marrying another person, she could
only livethe rest of her life with a rough person. To those who were
used to an easy and luxurious life, this was very frightening.
When Yun Qing heard this news that appeared like thunder out of a
clear sky, she went crazy begging to see He Heng. However, she
was pushed down by the taijian and on the same night, she could
only take a small bag and was forced onto a donkey-cart to a
property in the suburbs. They traveled through the night and she was
married to one of the minor stewards on the property.
A woman being sent away, to those of the wang fu, was a very
normal occurrence. The only thing worth discussing was how this
Yun Qing guniang was how virtuous she had been and how much
importance wang ye had once placed on her, and how she had
looked down on the servants.
“Pah, she deserves to be sent away.” A young taijian that hand
suffered slaps from Yun Qing spat. He thought about how his ear
was not as good as before and the taijian wanted Yun Qing’s life.
The other servants looked at him in sympathy. This person’s luck
wasn’t good. When he had been sweeping Yun Qing’s room and
cleaning the guqin, he had broken a string on the instrument. As a
result, he had been punished with tens of blows to the face. Now his
ears weren’t very good and what person was willing to use him? It
was going to be hard for him to climb up in the future.
The day of the Spring Festival, Qu Qing Ju rose up early. She
changed on a thick luan-embroidered tight-waisted wide-sleeved
dress. In her hair she had a phoenix-tail buyao that represented her
status. After a period, she looked at the eye-catching and radiance
self and revealed a hint of satisfaction. She put out her foot to let Mu
Jin put on for her a pair of god threaded shoes embroided with
clouds. When she stood, she saw He Heng was already standing at
the doorway.
He Heng’s entire body exuded nobility, the only thing slightly low-key
was that dark blue pouch. Qu Qing Ju came up and bowed: “Is
wang ye waiting especially for me?”

He Heng held her hand, “Qing Ju today has shocked me.” Qu Qing
Ju rarely put on such attire, but today when she put on the whole
nine yards, He Heng really couldn’t tear his eyes away.
Slightly raising her chin, the jewel at the forehead slightly swaying
and revealing the cherry blossom drawn in the middle of the brows:
“As Duan Wang Fei, naturally others should not be unimpressed.”
He Heng curled his lips and bent down to hold her hand. He slid next
to her ear to breathe lightly: “My wang fei, she is naturally more
beautiful than any other woman.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and blinked at him. Inside she thought, these
words he wouldn’t dare say to Jing guifei, otherwise, Jing guifei
would whip him to death.
Thinking that later in the palace she would see her popo that had
become a guifei, Qu Qing Ju felt a strange excitement.
The expression Jing guifei made when she was choked up and was
still pretending to be calm, it was such a lovable expression. Thinking
about it, Qu Qing Ju revealed an expectant smile.
As he lowered his head and saw the bashful smile on Qu Qing Ju’s
face, He Heng’s expression became even gentler.

凤钗: phoenix hairpins, 钗 (chai) is a specific type of hairpin in which
it is always in a pair. In some dynasties, the phoenix (and the
dragon- more specifically the five-footed dragon) could only be used
by members of the Imperial family, nobility, and officials. There were
strict rules on the number of tails/feet that were allowed for each
rank for phoenix/dragon. The nine-tailed phoenix and the five-footed
dragon represented the Empress and Emperor, respectively.
Imperial concubines and other noblewomen would have a less
number of tails.
Three tailed phoenix
This is a photo of a guifei from one of the historical drama in the
Tang Dynasty. Five-tailed.

Nine tailed phoenix hairpin

Chapter Thirty “To Be Partial”

Even though the palace banquet was to be happening at night, but

Qu Qing Ju and He Heng needed to kowtow to the Emperor and
Empress so they rose early.
The relationship between the Imperial Couple wasn’t good but today,
the two of them actually sat together. Qu Qing Ju and He Heng
traveled to the Emperor’s residence of Tian Qi Palace.[1] When the
taijian ushered them in, they saw the married couple of He Qi and
Wei Qing E already situated on the chairs.
He Heng went forward a few steps and pulled Qu Qing Ju to kneel in
front of the Imperial Couple: “Er chen and wang fei wishes fuhuang
and muhou a good new year.” Finishing, he held up a sandalwood
box with both hands, “That the three stars[2] of “luck”, “good fortune”,
and “long life” accompany fuhuang always and good fortune for the
Qing De Emperor took the sandalwood box and saw the carvings of
the three stars inside. He smiled and said: “Heng’er and your wife,
stand up.” When a person became old, the thing desired most was
luck and long life. This “good fortune” also had a second meaning of
status, and it matched Qing De Emperor’s desires so his smile
became a fraction softer, “You two sit down.” Finishing, he ordered
the taijian to move two chairs for the two.
This was the first time Qu Qing Ju met the Emperor. Making use of
the motion of sitting down, she took a peek at the other. The
Emperor’s appearance was average compared to his sons, his body
softer and heavier. Between his brows, there was tiredness and old
age. No wonder his sons all had other ideas.
“Da ge came so early,” He Heng, after he sat, raised his hands in a
greeting to He Qi and smiled, “Didi greets gege.”
“Er di came early too,” He Qi gave a bright smile and then looked at
the emperor. Seeing the emperor was still looking at what lao er had
given him, he said, “Fuhuang, this year the treasury is very rich. Er
chen heard that the storytellers in the tea shops and restaurants
have been praising fuhuang for your benevolence. I don’t know if
fuhuang had heard it.”

Qing De Emperor heard those words and closed the box in his
hands. He placed it to one side and looked at He Qi, “You’re such a
child. Still running to the shops, there’s nothing worth in hearing these
“Fuhuang, please forgive me. Er chen’s words may slightly offend
you. Er chen feels that most of the public are honest and dutiful. If
they say you are benevolent, it naturally comes from the heart.
When er chen heard this, er chen was secretly happy.” He Qi
straightened his neck, looking as though he had to explain, “Er chen
cannot be like fuhuang and not place any importance on the
reputation. But since they were complimenting you, er chen couldn’t
help but feel happy.”
This boot-licking was really well done, Qu Qing Ju though silently.
Ning Wang appeared to speak straightforwardly but it was too
pleasing to the ear. Look how happy the emperor was, even his
laugh was pitched a few notes higher.
“Da ge, really. You already knew that fuhuang doesn’t like hearing
this, but you still said it,” He Heng complained, “Not just this year, in
the past there have been many citizens that said fuhuang was
benevolent and a good ruler. I didn’t dare tell fuhuang and just felt
happy in secret.”
He Qi heard this and started to swear on the inside. This lao er was
too f—–g good at following up. What he just did with his words, he
pushed fuhuang even higher and underneath, he criticized him for
only finding out this year. Wasn’t this digging a hole for him?
After hearing He Heng’s words, Qing De Emperor’s smile became
even happier. After a few sounds, he turned and said to the
empress: “Look at these kids, they don’t look like wang ye at all. To
be so happy over such a little thing, people would laugh at them.”
The empress gave a fitting smile and with a tone that said she felt
unjust on behalf of the two: “Emperor, these two children are full of
filial love. When they hear others praise their father, they naturally
are happy. How can you call their love childish, qie will call it unjust
for these two children.”
Qu Qing Ju stole a glance at He Heng who was next to her. This
person was good with words, understood the hearts of people and
his personality was steady. This type of man, wherever you put him,
he would be a successful person. So the likelihood that he could
become emperor wasn’t small. Thinking that in the future after he
succeeded the throne and her possible fates, Qu Qing Ju felt that
before he would success the throne, she would enjoy everything.
Even though the separation between the sexes in the Da Long
Dynasty wasn’t as serious as the Ming and Qing Dynasties in history,
but Qu Qing Ju was very perceptive and kept her head down. Even
if she did raise her eyes, it was in the direction of the Empress and
Wei Qing e. During one of the times she casually raised her head,
she found Wei Qing E was also looking at her and in the other’s
expression, it held a certain distain and sympathy for her.
Qu Qing Ju, who felt very strange at seeing such emotions, paused
for a while. Just at the same time, the rumoured “Little Student
Ming” came in. She finally found some interest in sitting here. She
wanted to see how this child that had been overlooked by his father
looked like.
Quickly scanning the blue-clad He Ming, she found he wasn’t as
masculine as He Qi, not as warm and gentle as He Heng and not as
beautiful as He Yuan. He looked very normal, but could be
considered a handsome little fellow. Looking at his sincere greeting
before sitting down, Qu Qing Ju felt a bit sad. Such a good baby,
such a pity he met such a bad father.
Seeing that lao si had arrived but lao san, who he favoured the
most, hadn’t arrived, the smile on Qing De Emperor’s face became
fainter and fainter. And the three brothers present, as though they
had planned it, didn’t try to amuse the emperor anymore, each
becoming silent.
After sitting for close to fifteen minutes, when the smile on Qing De
Emperor’s face had disappeared, He Yuan finally arrived. Qu Qing
Ju saw how he, with just a few words, made Qing De Emperor smile
and laugh and understood what it meant to have a heart that
deviated until it was at the armpit.[4]
Watching as Qing De Emperor cheerfully put on the Buddhist beads
that He Yuan gave onto his wrist, He Heng calmly took a drink of
tea. He Qi jerked his mouth to one side. He Ming sat silently. The
expressions of the three, it was proof that they were used to this
occurring commonly, that they didn’t even have any jealousy left.
Qu Qing Ju felt grief on behalf of the emperor. Maybe he didn’t know
yet that his other three sons didn’t have any feelings left for him.
Because if they did feel anything, they wouldn’t be so calm seeing
what occurred. On the other hand, it was more tragic for the three
imperial sons. Having such a father, it was a great misfortune. Not
giving them any love, and being partial to only one child and
pretending they didn’t exist.
A short while later, the three brothers were ushered out under the
excuse of greeting their mother consorts. Only He Yuan was left
sitting there. The contrast became even more obvious. No wonder
He Yuan was so arrogant.
Qu Qing Ju walked with Wei Qing E. After the plum blossom
banquet, they hadn’t seen each other again. This time, the two both
had warm smiles on their faces.
“Er dimei, your life has been good lately. I heard a rude person had
been married into an estate a few days earlier from the fu?” Wei
Qing E asked with a faint smile, “I heard it from san dimei, not sure
if it is true or not.”
“Just an ignorant yahuan. Originally, it was just sending her away,
but I couldn’t bear seeing her so young and without a support so I
appealed to wang ye that it was good to marry her off,” Qu Qing Ju
gave an unburdened smile, “These minor things, I wonder where san
dimei heard it.”

“Er dimei is too kind. This kind of disobedient servants, you should
just sell them, there’s no need to think more for them,” Wei Qing E
jerked her lips, “As to how san dimei know, I don’t know either.”

“There is nothing that can’t be said. It was probably san dimei’s

concern for me.” Qu qing Ju smiled as she rubbed at her earing. She
gave a sweet smile, “As to sending off this person, it was wang ye’s
desire. I was fine either way.”
Wei Qing E suddenly felt that this smile was blinding to her eyes.
Seeing that her own wang ye was bidding farewell to Duan Wang
Ye, she said in a regretful voice: “It looks like I will have to part with
dimei here, we’ll meet again at the banquet.”

“Walk carefully, saosao,” Qu Qing Ju cheerfully bowed and bid

farewell. After Wei Qing E walked alongside He Qi, she then walked
to He Heng’s side. They were all muddling along in this profession
called wang fei, who didn’t know how to make others choke?
He Heng knew that Qu qing Ju had been conserving with da sao just
earlier, but as a man, he wasn’t interested in the topics of women
and didn’t listen carefully. Seeing the smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face, he
didn’t ask but slowed his steps to match Qu Qing Ju’s as they
walked forward.
When they reached Jing guifei’s Zhong Jing Palace, before they
even entered, Qu Qing Ju first heard the laughter of a young female.
The palace maids wouldn’t dare laugh like this, the imperial
concubines wouldn’t laugh like this. It looked like it was somebody
that Jing guifei was familiar with.

When they walked into the room, Qu Qing Ju, as expected, saw a
female standing behind Jing guifei. As she massaged Jing guifei’s
shoulders, she joked to amused Jing guifei. Then she saw that this
female’s eyes fly over to He Heng.
Jing guifei saw He Heng and the smile on her face became more
visible. After the two performed their greetings, she let them sit and
asked a few questions about He Heng’s living conditions. She then
turned and said to Qu Qing Ju: “Erxifu, you might not know this
yatou, she is ben gong’s maternal family’s cousin’s daughter. Ran
Shuang, come greet your gege and saozi.

“Ran Shuang greets gege, greets saosao,” Wei Ran Shuang moved
with ease and with a shy smile, she bowed in front of the two. She
then retreated with a blush to one side, but her gaze still sneakily
remained on He Heng’s figure.
“So you are my wang ye’s meimei. I didn’t know you would be here
today, and didn’t prepare any gifts,” Finishing, she took down the
jade bangle on her wrist and stood to walk in front of Wei Ran
Shuang. She took the other’s hand and after personally putting the
bangle on, she said “This was a piece that my mother left for me.
Even though it isn’t very famous, but its color is good and I hope
meimei won’t dislike it.”

Qu Qing Ju knew that Jing guifei’s surname was Wei. Her father had
been the tai bao[5] when the present emperor had been crown
prince. The present Wei daren still carried the title of taibao but had
no real power. Wei daren had a younger brother who was a fifth
rank provincial governor. In all these years, he hadn’t made any real
progress. Right now when Jing guifei was calling Wei Ran Shuang
her cousin’s daughter, it was just to disguise Wei Ran Shuang to look
better. Wasn’t she really just a fifth-grade local level official’s
granddaughter? Since this Wei Ran Shuang had the guts to call her
saosao, then she would happily accept it.

“Ran Shuang doesn’t dare take saosao’s things,” Wei Ran Shuang
wanted to take off the bangle but her hand was pulled by Qu Qing
Ju, “You are wang ye’s meimei, then you are my meimei. We shan’t
be so courteous.” Finishing, she looked in confusion at Jing guifei,
“Mufei, meimei didn’t live in Jing before, did she? Otherwise, such a
beautiful memei, how come I haven’t seen her before?”

Jing guifei looked at how Qu Qing Ju had stopped her niece and
smiled faintly: “Her father had held a post elsewhere, they have
returned to the city just recently.”
“No wonder,” Qu qing Ju smiled as she pulled Wei Ran Shuang to sit
beside her, “Now that meimei has returned to Jing, then I have
another sibling in the future to play with.”
Jing guifei looked at Qu Qing Ju’s enthusiasm and felt her heart hurt.
Did her erxifu not even think about the meaning of her leading this
person here?
Her cousin was only a little sixth-grade official now that he
transferred back to Jing City. Even if she did have the desire to
promote him, even if Ran Shuang would marry someone of a good
family, she wouldn’t be able to hold her hand up. So she wanted to
let her son see this yatou. If he liked her, then she wouldn’t be done
a disservice in the future. If he didn’t like her, then it was just letting
cousins meet. Also, she actually didn’t really want her niece to be a
qie of her son.

Seeing that her son didn’t even look once at her niece, Jing guifei
knew it wasn’t going to happen. She turned to look at Qu Qing Ju
and her expression almost broke.
What was she doing holding Wei yatou’s hand and not letting go,
what did she mean?!
“Meimei’s skin is so good, it’s so smooth to the touch,” Qu Qing Ju
had a face of envy, “I can see that the place meimei lived in was
better than Jing City.” Finishing, she actually smiled and rubbed that
tender and white hand.
Jing guifei felt it. Where did her erxifu’s brains go, didn’t she have a
sense of danger, didn’t she know to be wary of other women?
Complimenting another woman’s skin in front of her own husband,
was it to arouse curiosity in her husband?!
For no apparent reason, when she looked at Qu Qing Ju’s joyful
smile, Jing guifei felt helpless and fretful.
She turned to look at her son and saw her son smile as he savoured
his tea with no hint of response. She could only say: “Heng’er, in a
few days, your second uncle will visit you. Find a time to meet him.”
He Heng knew his mother’s intentions and nodded lightly. He
answered: “Er chen understands.” Finishing, he pushed a plate of
kumquats beside him in the direction that Qu Qing Ju was sitting in.
Jing guifei saw his movement but didn’t say anything. But when she
looked at Qu Qing Ju, she felt her heart was even more fretful.


1. 天启宫: 天 is sky, heaven启 is open, start, to enlighten. This palace could be

called the Palace of Heavenly Enlightenment. However, 天启 in modern times
also means apocalypse.

2. The three stars are 福禄寿. 福 is luck or good fortune, 禄 is good fortune but
also means the salary an official receives寿 is long life.

3. The word used here rather than world is 天下 which means the world, land
under heaven and China as a country. Due to the pseudo-alternate world
nature of this novel, “China” doesn’t exist and the novel states later that the
surrounding countries pay tribute to the Emperor, hence the “world”, rather
than just the country.

4. The idiom for favouring is usually “偏心” which literally means slanted,
deviating heart.

5. 太傅: Grand Tutor

Chapter Thirty One “One of
Another’s Family”

During the noon meal, Qu Qing Ju and He Heng sat on either side of
Jing guifei. The palace maids carried trays in like a school of fish
and served them as they washed and dried their hands.
Jing guifei might have had the intentions to elevate Wei Ran Shuang
but due to Wei Ran Shaung’s status, she couldn’t sit with the three of
them. Qu Qing Ju looked at Wei Ran Shuang as she stood being
Jing guifei. This Wei meimei that returned from outside to Jing City
had a good appearance, innocent and clean. Her manner as she
obediently stood behind Jing guifei was also very attractive. It was
just in this kind of ancient era that it was very likely for cousins to get
together. Qu Qing Ju stole a look at He Heng and guess as to
whether if he had any desire.
Taking the handkerchief that a palace maid handed over, Qu Qing
Ju’s gaze scanned over He Heng. The other person didn’t seem to
have any interest in Wei Ran Shuang. She smiled and watched as
dish after dish was brought in.
After the noon meal, Wei Ran Shuang accompanied Jing guifei as
she returned to the inner rooms for a short rest. Qu Qing Ju and He
Heng went to one of the side rooms. There was a full set of furniture
and other essentials in the side room. Qu Qing Ju even managed to
see that a page of awkwardly written characters hanging on the
wall. It looked like the writings of a young child.
He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju was looking at the words and coughed
before explaining: “This was the room I lived in when I was young
and lived with mufei. Only after I was six did I move to the side hall.
When I was ten, I moved to my own palace.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at the date under the characters, the seventeenth
year of Qing De. At that time, He Heng would have only been five
years old. She took her gaze back and smiled: “Wang ye’s talents
are above others.”
“From such a set of characters, Qing Ju can see talent above
others, it’s your ken that are above others,” He Heng smiled and sat
down on the bed, “Come rest for a while on the bed. It will be very
late tonight before we can return back to our fu.”

Qu Qing Ju, under the service of servants, took down the hair
ornaments and the decorated outer robe. After everyone had left the
room, she crisply sat down on the bed. She stared at him and said:
“If my ken aren’t good, I wouldn’t have fallen for wang ye.”

To this kind of response, he couldn’t help but laugh. He Heng had to

admit he liked hearing this. In the end he could only press the person
onto the bed, “You married me because fuhuang decreed married,
how was it you fell for me?”
Qu Qing Ju wrapped the blanket around her and muttered: “Fell
later, then.”
He Heng looked at the person who had buried her head into the
blankets. The corners of his lips couldn’t help but curl up, his eyes
unconsciously becoming softer.
The nap that Jing guifei took at noon wasn’t long. It wasn’t a bit
more than an hour when she woke. She stood from the bed and
looked at Wei Ran Shuang who stood to one side, allowing the
palace maids to put on the clothing and adornments needed for the
evening banquet.
Seeing Wei Ran Shuang come forward to help style her hair, Jing
guifei stopped her. Looking at herself in the mirror and the lingering
traces of beauty, Jing guifei asked in a cool tone: “Ran Shuang, do
you know why ben gong let you enter the palace?”

Wei Ran Shuang had never interacted with Jing guifei for a long
length of time so when she heard Jing guifei ask this, she became
nervous. She answered with a bit of embarrassment: “Niece doesn’t
Picking out a peach blossom hairpin made from rubies out of boxes
of ornaments, Jing guifei said with a calm expression: “I suppose
that before you entered the palace, your mother had already said a
lot to you. But some things ben gong has to say clearly to you. Duan
Wang is an adult. Ben gong cannot make his decisions for him, and
doesn’t want to force him into accepting any decisions. Lay rest to
your wishes now.”
Wei Ran Shuang paled and she gripped her fingers together for a
beat before whispering: “Gumu, I don’t ask for much, I just want to
remain at biao ge’s side.” Finishing, her face became red.

Hearing this, Jing guifei smiled, whether in distain or something else.

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the young girl standing at
her side: “You’ve just seen Heng’er for just this little while and you
want to spend your entire life with him?” Young girls were easily
influenced by a man’s status, appearance and conduct. They didn’t
care what his personality was like, how his family was. They thought
it was true love and would rush in. As to the end result, they would
never think about it.
Wei Ran Shuang’s face became even more flushed and buried her
head slightly, not rejecting Jing guifei’s words.

“Then what do you think about Duan Wang Fei?” When Jing guifei
mentioned her erxifu, she felt her temple throb.

“Duan Wang Fei is more beautiful than any other,” Wei Ran Shuang
bit her lips and squeezed out, “I don’t want to compete with wang
fei, and doesn’t dare to.”
“You can’t compete with her,” Jing guifei personally drew her
eyebrows and she was merciless when she looked at Wei Ran
Shuang again, “I don’t want you to become a qieshi. If you are
willing, I will definitely find you a good family.” Her erxifu might not be
what she wanted, but she had to admit that her niece couldn’t even
compare to Qu Qing Ju.
Appearance, family, composure, conduct and even the special traits
that aroused interest and affection in men. Wei Ran Shuang was
drastically weaker than Qu Qing Ju. As a qie, she had nothing that
could outcompete the wife, what would she use to compete for a
man’s favour?
Wei Ran Shuang’s face became even paler but she refused to
Jing guifei looked at her state and furrowed her eyebrows. She
didn’t speak further. Plainly speaking, it wasn’t her actual brother’s
daughter. Since the other wouldn’t listen to her persuasions, she was
lazy to speak more.
Coming out of the inner room, Jing guifei saw that no one was in the
outer room and asked: “Have they not risen yet?”
Ding mama knew who niangniang was asking for and responded: “It
probably was that wang ye and wang fei would have risen early
today and be tired. They haven’t risen. Nubi will go now to summon
“That’s fine, let them sleep. I don’t know how late this will go
tonight,” Jing guifei waved her hand and took a drink of tea to help
her focus, “That woman, Shu guifei, is most likely going to be
troubling ben gong again tonight. Make sure that everybody who is
accompanying ben gong tonight to the banquet to be careful.”

Ding mama confirmed. Her niangniang had been locked in struggle

with Shu guifei for many years. After so long, they held a mutual
hate. Thankfully, wang ye was a good child. Otherwise, based on
how the emperor favoured only Shu guifei, niangniang would have
been at a disadvantage.
As the two were talking, they saw He Heng and Qu Qing Ju walk in
holding hands.
Jing guifei stopped the topic and saw her erxifu looked at her with
amazement, she felt very satisfied and opened: “You’ve just woken,
drink some tea to wake up. After a bit, use some refreshments.”
At this type of banquet, the tendency was to go hungry. Qu Qing Ju
understood and after she took a drink of tea, she complimented:
“Mufei’s dress is very beautiful.”
Because the other’s compliment was too straightforward and
unskilled, Jing guifei held a teacup and explained: “This dress was
specially made by the Clothing Department. It took many days. It’s
natural it wouldn’t be bad looking.” Other family’s erxifu speaks in
twists and turns. Their compliments were classic and literary. But
why was it that when it came to her, it was such a bare sentence?
Even the desire to show-off was halved. Jing guifei signalled that
she wasn’t happy.
Wei Rang Shuang saw the situation and came forward to exchange
Jing guifei’s tea for a hotter one. She smiled: “The cranes on Aunt’s
dress are as though they came from Heaven. I wonder how they
embroidered it, at one glance, one can’t tear their gaze away.”
Look at her, look! Jing guifei glanced at Qu Qing Ju and held the
new cup of tea. She smiled and declared: “The things that ben gong
wants them to make, they naturally will make it well. Otherwise,
there’s no use in keeping them.”
“Gumu is of high status, they wouldn’t dare do you a disservice,”
When Wei Ran Shuang finished, she said to Qu Qing Ju, “The
craftsman on saosao’s dress is also very skilled. It must have also
taken many days.”
Qu Qing Ju squinted her eyes in a smile as she looked at Wei Ran
Shuang, “Us members of the Imperial Family, we do have to take
more care at these times.” Her good cousin wasn’t a pure harmless
little white bunny.
Wei Ran Shuang’s smiled dimmed slightly: “Yes, people like me, we
don’t get to use these things.”
“That’s true,” Qu Qing Ju nodded,” Girls like you, it doesn’t matter
what you wear. There’s no need to take a lot of care.”
Her face dimming, Wei Ran Shuang felt that the matter-of-fact tone
of the other made her heart feel as though it was blocked. A beat
later she forced a smile and said: “Saosao has a noble status, and
naturally has to take more care.”
“There’s no way around it, I can’t shame my wang ye now,” Qu Qing
Ju sighed in helplessness and turned towards He Heng, “Right, wang

He Heng nodded and without looking at Wei Ran Shuang, he

admitted: “You are right.”
A man with ability, usually they wouldn’t care how much women
spent and how valuable was what she wore. There were only two
types of men that criticized women for being extravagant. One type
was the type that had no ability. The other type was he had a
change of heart. Qu Qing Ju didn’t know if He Heng had a heart but
she did know that He Heng was very able.
Seeing the interactions between the two, the dimness on Wei Ran
Shuang’s face became more real but she had no way of saying
something else. She could only force a smile and comment: Gege
and saosao have such a good relationship.”

He Heng slowly followed with this: “I and your saosao are husband
and wife. We naturally have good feelings for each other.”
Wei Ran Shuang didn’t speak again.
Jing guifei looked calmly at this scene and put the teacup in her
hand to one side. She motioned for Ding mama to change her cup
before announcing: “The kitchen should have finished making the
refreshments now. Ben gong will let them serve it. Erxifu, when we
get to the banquet later, don’t drink too much.” If she had to leave in
the middle of the banquet, it would shame her.
Qu Qing Ju nodded: “Erxifu will remember, thanks, mufei, for the
reminder.” Finishing, she gave a grateful look of “Mufei, you are such
a good person.”
Jing guifei jerked her lips and felt that she didn’t want to talk to her
When the sky darkened, Jing guifei finally opened again: “Heng’er,
you go to the front hall. Ben gong will take erxifu to the rear hall.”

He Heng stood and performed a greeting. He gave Qu Qing Ju a

reassuring look before he walked out the door of Zhong Jing Palace.
“Let’s go, erxifu.” Jing guifei touched the buyao inserted in her hair
as she stood, “Later, follow ben gong and don’t speak freely.” She
kept on feeling if she didn’t give a few more warnings, she would be
too worried.
Qu Qing Ju came up to hold her hand and smiled. She affirmed:
“Erxi knows.”

红宝石桃花钗: ruby peach blossom hairpin
Chapter Thirty Two “At The

The Imperial banquets of Da Long Dynasty were always set in Zhao

Yang[1] Great Hall. Therefore, the entire hall was very large. Even the
decorations were full of grandeur, carrying the intimidation and
prestige of the Imperial Family.
In the very front of the hall there was a gold-inlayed dragon and
phoenix sandalwood table. Underneath that on the right and left was
a row of eight-person square tables. When Qu Qing Ju walked into
the Great Hall, she found that everyone sitting on the left side was
male and the right side was filled with women. On the first table on
the right, there were already people seated. Qu Qing Ju examined
them. Both Wei Qing E and Qin Bai Lu were each accompanying a
beautiful woman. These two must be Shu guifei and Wen guipin.
The pretty woman sitting beside them in plainer attire must be Cheng
Wang’s birth mother An guipin.

Jing guifei carried a smile as she walked forward and allowed Qu

Qing Ju to hold her to sit down on the seat beside Shu guifei. She
pointed to the spot next to her, “Erxifu, sit down too.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and bowed to the others. She addressed the
others present: “Greetings to Shu guifei, An guipin, Wen guipin.” An
guipin was Cheng Wang’s birth mother and looked like a very gentle
woman. She looked similar to her neighbour, Wen guipin but Qu
Qing Ju found that An guipin had a very warm visage overall, unlike
the warm exterior of Wen guipin.

“Lao er’s wife doesn’t have to be so courteous, sit down,” Shu guifei
smiled, “you became sick not long after you married so ben gong
hadn’t seen you close up before. Now that I’ve seen you, I
understand. Such a good erxifu. No wonder jiejie has hidden you all
this time and not let you out.”
When Jing guifei hear this, her eyebrow twitch and she gave a thin
smile. She divulged sarcastically: “Ben gong’s erxifu doesn’t like
going out all the time. Ben gong can’t do anything about it. She’s just
dull, not like your lao san’s. Meimei, don’t tease her.” She had an
erxifu that like fluttering about and joins in everything. She dared to
criticize her erxifu, she should look at herself first.

Wanting to pick at the relationship between her and erxifu wasn’t

that easy!
The smile on Shu guifei’s face became uglier by a few fractions. She
glanced at Qin Bai Lu who was sitting beside her and, with a
mirthless smile, she replied: “Jiejie is too funny. They all come from
noble families, they are all virtuous and intelligent.”
“That’s true,” Jing guifei allowed a palace maid to top up her tea.
She turned and continued, “Lao san’s wife comes from a well-
educated family, she must be one of those rare talented girls.
“I don’t dare lay claim to talented,” Qing Bai Lu stood and bowed,
“Jing guifei niangniang is overestimating erxi.”

Jing guifei looked at the pale white dress she was wearing and
looked at the complicated red tight girdled wide-sleeved dress
embroidered with a luan. Even if it was a bit wasteful, for the end of
the year, the red did look more celebratory.
An guipin silently watched and occasionally sipped tea. Her own
erxifu hadn’t married in yet, she wasn’t as high in status as these
two so she didn’t have any desire to compete. But lao er’s wife, she
was truly good looking, too good looking. Before this girl had
married, she had seen her in the palace but she hadn’t been this
“The Emperor has arrived, the Empress has arrived!”
The two guifeiniangniang that had been throwing verbal darts
simultaneously stopped talking and respectfully stood, then slowly
knelt down. Qu Qing Ju, who was watching on the side, sighed in
amazement. Look at how familiar they were with their duties, they
could change at the blink of an eye.
As Jing guifei knelt, and hearing the taijian call for a kowtow, Qu
Qing Ju then helped Jing guifei stand. Taking advantage of this
movement, she found that Jing guifei’s eyes as she looked at the
emperor were expressionless.
She couldn’t help but look at the man standing at the highest place.
The old man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, his swollen
physique had turned a once handsome man to an average man. But
just this kind of a man, he was the aim of all the thousands of
machinations of the women in the hougong, he was the one that
wasted all of their youth and beauty.
“Today is the end of the year, you all don’t have to be so courteous.
Sit.” Qing De Emperor waved his hand and sat down. He saw as the
people kneeling at his feet shout “Ten Thousand Years” three times
before they dare sit down and the smile on his face became even
more visible. A couple of claps, and women dressed in multi-colored
costumes streamed in and gave festive dances.
The drinks and dishes came out like a stream of water. Qu Qing Ju
looked at the plates of food and her mouth twitch. But seeing Jing
guifei sitting like a mountain, in the end she didn’t speak.

No wonder Jing guifei told them to use refreshments before coming

here. These dishes appeared beautiful but from the looks of it, they
didn’t have much warmth. In the winter, who liked eating this?
Slighting turning her head, she looked at the young women dancing
in the middle of the hall, each bend of the waist and each wave of
the arm full of flirtation. But all the people in the audience had a slight
smile on their faces, the mirth at the corner of their lips was as
though it was stamped on, not too much but not too little.
After a dance, there came some boys and girls in costumes, singing
about luck and good fortune. Qu Qing Ju wasn’t interested and
allowed Mu Jin to pick a piece of refreshment to waste time.
“Lao da’s[2], why isn’t your Zhong’er here today?” Shu guifei looked
at Wei Qing E, her voice full of regret, “there are not many children
in the palace, it’s much too quiet.”
“Guifei niangniang, Zhong’er got a cold a few days ago. Erxi was
worried that he would transfer the sickness to the valued persons if
he came to the palace so he was left in the fu.” He Zhong was Wei
Qing E’s child. Usually, he was carefully protected so when she
heard Shu guifei mention her child, her heart tightened. On her face,
she only allowed a warm smile to appear, her voice full of respect as
she promised: “When he get better, erxi will bring him in to greet

“So that’s why,” Shu guifei nodded and after she ordered somebody
to take some medicine to Wei Qing E, she smiled and commented,
“We should always be careful with children. It’s been cold these past
days. As a mother, you have to put more effort in.” This attitude, it
was as though she was the mistress.
Sitting beside Wei Qing E, Wei guipin didn’t even say a word, a
gentle smile hanging on her face.
Wei Qing E concurred. She turned her head to personally pick serve
Wen guipin a thousand-layer cake, “Mufei, taste this.”

“Sweet yet not too sweet, it’s good,” The smile on Wen guipin’s face
became warmer. After two bits of the thousand-layer cake, “You
don’t have to be attending me constantly. Eat something yourself.”
“If mufei has eaten well, it is the good fortune of erxifu,” Wei Qing E
put down her chopsticks and smiled as she poured Wen guipin a
cup of plum flower wine. “This wine doesn’t go to the head, it’s
perfect to accompany the thousand-layer cake.”
“Lao da’s is very virtuous,” The smile on Shu guifei’s face became a
few fractions fainter. She looked at Qin Bai Lu who was sitting with a
glass of wine and felt her heart beat unevenly. She turned to look at
Jing guifei and ask: “Jiejie, don’t you think?”

Jing guifei glanced at Shu guifei. She smiled and praised: “These
erxifu, they are all full of filial love. Meimei doesn’t have to admire
Wen guipin and forget your own good erxi.” She didn’t feel good
herself and wanted to drag her down as well, did she think she had
no brains?
Qin Bai Lu knew that her popo wasn’t happy and set down the wine
cup. She turned to personally place Shu guifei a piece of crab meat
into her bowl.
Shu guifei made a slight bite before commenting: “This winter crab
isn’t as tender as autumns. Such a big grab, it only looks good.”
Qin Bai Lu’s hand tightened around the chopsticks. In the end she
could only smile and suggest: “Mufei speaks the truth. Why don’t we
try this picked duck tongue, erxi thinks it is acceptable.”
“No need,” Shu guifei smiled, “You have a good time, ben gong
doesn’t have an appetite.”
“Ben gong sees that it seems pretty good,” Jing guifei looked at Qu
Qing Ju, “erxifu, get some for ben gong to taste.”

Qu Qing Ju saw the other wanted to display her so she could only
smile and push back her sleeve to pick two for Jing guifei. She also
considerately broke the soft bone at the end of the tongue.
“Such a honest child, don’t just pay attention to me,” Jing guifei
finished the duck’s tongue and smiled to let the palace maid behind
her serve Qu Qing Ju a bowl of soup, “Us women should drink more
soup, there’s many benefits.”
Qu Qing Ju gave a happy smile as she raised the bowl. She said in
an intimate tone: “Thanks, mufei.” Then she buried her head to focus
on obediently consuming the soup.
Shu guifei looked at this scene of motherly and filial love and threw
her eyes away with a snort. But her heart started to beat even less
Jing guifei used a handkerchief to wipe her lips in a very good mood.
Only a stupid woman would make it difficult for her own erxifu in
front of others.
Whatever matter, go back to your own rooms to fight it out. Your
erxifu is a titled wang fei. This entire place was filled with noble
matrons and titled ladies. If your erxifu was shamed, as her popo,
would you benefit? It was shaming your own son, and letting others
laugh at you.
At the men’s side, the top right table was the four He brothers and a
few old wang ye from the Imperial Family. But these old wang ye
were very perceptive and courteous to the four.
He Heng sat between He Yuan and He Qi, and conversed with
everyone present with a smile on his face. He held himself with
elegance and a majestic bearing.
“Si di’s good matter is coming up. You should drink a few more cups
with your brothers today,” He Qi raised the wine cup and called He
Heng, “Come!”
Drunkenness had already started to make its way across He Ming’s
face but he couldn’t refuse his da ge’s request. He could only raise
his wine cup with a painful expression: “Thanks da ge. Didi will finish
He Yuan’s pale finger rubbed the rim of the cup. He looked at lao
da’s forthright manner as he finished toasting everyone at the table.
He raised an eyebrow as he tapped the wine cup, “Da ge has a
good capacity.”
“Haha, da ge can’t do anything else, but this capacity, I have,” He Qi
raised his hand to pat He Yuan’s shoulder, the blow causing the wine
in He Yuan’s hand to splash out, “I can’t drink delicately like you.”
Looking at his hand that had been splashed with wine, He Yuan
disdainfully put done the wine cup. He took out a handkerchief to
clean his hand before he retorted coldly: “Didi doesn’t go to the
restaurants and tea shops as often as da ge, so my capacity for
drinking naturally isn’t as great as da ge.”

As though he hadn’t heard the underlying thrust in the words, He Qi

chuckled: “Men cannot be unable to drink wine, don’t you think so, er

“It’s not just men that can drink wine, and not all men would like
drinking wine,” He Heng smiled as he raised his cup to He Qi,
“Occasionally drinking a few cups along is a relaxing thing, but it’s
better to avoid to drink like your life depended on it. Didi doesn’t
have the capacity that da ge has. This cup is to salute da ge.”
Finishing, he didn’t care to see He Qi respond and threw back his
head to drink to the bottom.
He Yuan watched with cold eyes and sneered with disdain. He took
the new cup that the taijian served.

“Er di’s words are rational,” He Qi keep on smiling in a forthright

manner but didn’t keep toasting others. He quietly sat on his spot
and started to eat.
He Heng lowered his head and smiled as he swung the empty cup in
his hand.


1. 昭阳: 昭 is clear, bright 阳 is the sun, the masculine side

2. This is an abbreviation of —-“s wife. In Chinese, the wife is referred to as “of

___’s home” or “——‘s” as though they were a possession of the man (which
they pretty much were)

千层糕: Thousand layer cake
Crab Dish

糟鸭舌: pickled duck tongue

Chapter Thirty Three “The First
Day of the New Year at Wang Fu”

After the drinks and dishes were taken down, it was time for the
tributes from each of the subordinate countries. Qu Qing Ju looked
at the obedient diplomats and the matter-of-fact attitude of
everybody else and suddenly understood what was “might is right”
As the taijian finished reading the pages of the lists that the
diplomats presented, she found that those who had a larger tribute
had faces with color and those with few tributes were full of poverty
as though they wanted to kowtow to Qing De Emperor to express
the helplessness they felt that they didn’t have any more to offer.
When these diplomats retreated, it had been more than an hour. Qu
Qing Ju held a teacup and had a new insight into Da Long Dynasty.
This mighty dynasty, it was akin to a holy land in the eyes of the
surrounding little countries. Because of this, the likelihood that there
would be an attack on Da Long Dynasty in the next few decades
was very small. It was then no wonder that Qing De Emperor had
such a weak personality.
At this time, a heavy drum started. Qu Qing Ju saw the Emperor and
Empress walk out of the Great Hall and kneel on the white stone
platform outside the hall. As she followed everybody outside, she
went into as daze as she knelt with Jing guifei. She listened as Qing
De Emperor gave his prayers to the Heaven. He seemed to be
begging for good weather in the coming year and a good fulfilling life
for the citizens.
When the fireworks exploded above Qu Qing Ju’s head, she finally
woke up. Coincidentally, at this time the prayers of the emperor
stopped. She supported Jing guifei to stand and retreat to one side.
Then she heard the singing voices of the musicians and the chatter
flow into her ear. She raised her head and saw the multi-colored
fireworks in the sky. She couldn’t help but blink her eyes, her eyes
seemed sore and uncomfortable.
Jing guifei also stared in a daze at the fireworks before lowering her
head and informing: “Emperor and Empress have already returned
to their palace. It’s late now. You should return too.” Finishing, she
took a palace maid’s hand, “Ben gong is also tired.”
“Mufei, erxi will take you back.” Qu Qing Ju held Jing guifei’s hand.
She saw tiredness between her brows and took the cape that Mu
Jin had prepared to wrap around Jing guifei.

“There’s no need,” Jing guifei looked at the red dress that Qu Qing
Ju wore and her hand gently fell on the knot of the cape in front of
her throat, “It’s cold at night. You and Heng’er should return early.
This isn’t far from Zhong Jing Palace, ben gong will sit on the step-
carriage.” Finishing, she waved her hand and dismissed Qu Qing Ju,
walking away with the support of a palace maid.
Qu Qing Ju stood for a while at the original spot before she let Mu
Jin help her as she walked down the high white jade stairs. The long
train of the dress flowed across the stone steps as though a stream
of water had passed by.
At the bottom of the stone steps, the four He brothers stood
mutually a few steps away. He Yuan’s face was icy. Behind him was
an expressionless Qin Bai Lu. The two of them originally didn’t have
many feelings between them but when the two had met, Qin Bai Lu
acted as though she had been bullied. That was enough to make He
Yuan flip his face so the two of them stood an arms-length away
with mutually frozen faces.
Qin Bai Lu hated the fact that her popo had shamed her and was
angry that He Yuan didn’t treat her warmly. Originally she had been
bullied and now she had to act according to He Yuan’s temper so
she felt even angrier. She didn’t care what others though and just
stood with a heavy expression.
Looking at her, He Yuan irritably moved aside his gaze. When he
raised his head, he saw a crimson clad figure come down across the
white jade steps. The white and red, under the light of the fireworks,
had an unspeakable sense of beauty. He tried to regain focus. When
the person came near, he found it was He Heng’s wang fei. When he
saw it was his brother’s woman, he didn’t look any more. He faintly
moved his gaze away and turned to walk without another word.
There evidently wasn’t any desire to bid farewell to his brothers.
He Ming wanted to say farewell but seeing that da ge and er ge
seemed as though they didn’t see it, he hesitated and then lowered
his head.
“Your hands are a bit cold,” He Heng walked to the stairs and as Qu
Qing Ju stepped on the last step, he grabbed her hand. He took
down the cape he was wearing and wrapped it tightly around Qu
Qing Ju before he said to He Qi and He Ming: “Da ge, si di, I’m
going to leave first.”
“Feel free, er di,” He Qi glanced at the tightly bundled er dimei,
smiled and waved his hand: “It’s late, er di and er dimei should
return early.” No wonder lao er protected her like she was his eyes,
and was wearing a not well-made pouch. He looked with a teasing
look at He Heng. This er dimei did have some beauty.

He Ming was so honest that he didn’t even dare look anywhere. He

respectfully bowed with his hands in front: “Er ge, take care.” He
made as to accompany them.
The fox fur that swept across the nose was a bit ticklish so Qu Qing
Ju raised a hand to push it aside. She happened to saw He Ming’s
proper farewell.
“There’s no need, si di,” He Heng held Qu Qing Ju’s and gently
refused, “We’re brothers, there’s no need to be so polite.” Finishing,
he turned to leave.
He Ming stared in confusion at the figure of er ge striding away, the
step he had taken hadn’t even been completed.
“After you get married, you’ll understand,” He Qi patted his shoulder
and happened to see Wei Qing E come out. He finished, “Ge’s also
leaving, you should return early too.” Finishing, he boldly also left.
He Ming watched with even more confusion as He Qi walked aside.
He saw da sao come over and bowed in greeting. In such a quick
length of time, all his brothers left. He felt it was even harder to
understand them.
It was a rare night that there wasn’t a curfew in the palace. He Ming
waited for everybody to finishing leaving before he started walking
towards An guipin’s palace.
An guipin’s palace wasn’t big, the furnishings weren’t exquisite but
because she had an imperial son, the Department of Household
Affairs didn’t dare skimp. Compared to the consorts that were not
favoured, her days were already very good. She never lacked the
Mother and son were always afraid of other people’s suspicions so
they didn’t spend much time together normally. Meeting today, they
could speak more. When An guipin heard her son mention what had
happened after the night banquet, she couldn’t help but laugh: “It’s
not our business what they do. As to Ning Wang’s words … …”
seeing her son’s ignorance, the smile on her face brightened, “just a
joke, you don’t have to think about it.”
Duan Wang’s wife had an exquisite appearance. As the Imperial
Family, they didn’t lack in beautiful women but Duan Wang’s wife had
an extra hint of flavour in there. As a person that had stay for so long
in the palace, she naturally understood how attractive this kind of
women was to men.
As a wang fei, to have this kind of looks, she didn’t know if it was a
boon or a curse. Thinking back to Duan Wang Fei as she
subserviently drank tea and ate desert next to Jing guifei, An guipin
shook her head. Jing guifei wasn’t a simple person.

Reminiscing back to how she was the same age when she had
entered the palace, she wanted for Duan Wang Fei to have a
comfortable life. She said in a meaningful tone: “Ming’er, in the
future, treat your wife well. It’s hard to be a woman.”
He Ming obediently answered but still didn’t understand how the
topic had moved to his future wife. Maybe, it was that he was too
dumb, Little Ming wang ye thought helplessly.
After the New Year, it was the first day of the first month of the new
year. Qu Qing Ju and He Heng sat in the Great Hall of the wang fu.
The major and minor stewards came up one by one to perform
greetings for the New Year and the lower-ranked servants
kowtowed outside the hall.
Listening to the variety of celebratory words of the servants, Qu
Qing Ju motioned for Mu Jin and Shu Kui to reward these people.
She looked at the joy and cheer on these people’s faces. Thinking
back to the previous life and her mood when she had received a
bonus at her agent company, it was probably the same as these
people here.
“Nucai kowtows to wang ye and wang fei and hope wang ye and
wang fei have a good and smooth new year,” Qian Chang Xin and
Ming He were close to He Heng. The wishes they said were shallow
and clear but the loyalty on their faces were more visible than any
Qu Qing Ju looked at the two of them and then at He Heng. She
commented: “Wang ye, they don’t have it easy running her and there
with you every day. You have to give them a good reward.”
Hearing this, He Heng smiled. He pointed out: “In our home, it’s
wang fei, you, who makes the decisions. So it’s you who decides
how to reward them.”
The stewards present heard wang ye’s words and stopped
breathing. In the last few days, wang fei had been controlling
houyuang, but some people were still trying to worm their way
through. Today, wang ye was saying it very blankly. Some of the
people who understood felt sweat forming on their foreheads.
“Since that is so, then qie will take matters into her own hands,”
When there were many people around, Qu Qing Ju followed protocol
and called herself “qie” in spite of the fact she disliked this ileism
very much, “Mu Jing, give two pouches to the two gonggong.”

The two received the pouches, not squeezing or looking at them.

They instantly kowtowed and gave thanks, their attitudes extremely
Those two were definitely worthy of serving by He Heng’s side. They
had no visible flaws. She looked at the audience and announced in a
loud voice: “It’s the first, there’s no need to be so reserved. You can
all retreat.”
The servants kowtowed again before bowing as they left. Coming
out of the Great Hall, some started admiringly at the two senior
gonggong for catching the eye for the master and mistress. They
carefully flattered them and some tried to find out what the pouches
contained but were brushed off by the two men.
After the people in the surroundings left, the two then opened the
pouches. It wasn’t some rare item in the pouch but a banknote for
fifty taels of silver. The two simultaneously gave a sigh of relief. If
wang fei really did bestow some rare item, then it would be
The two exchanged a look. Qian Chang Xin sighed: “Our wang fei
isn’t a simple one. Us two have to do our best in the future.” For
normal people, fifty taels of silver was a large fortune, but to them, it
wasn’t that hard to get. Wang fei had given them this number and it
showed that wang fei wasn’t trying to entice them. It was telling
them she thought them worthy but hoped that they wouldn’t do
something they shouldn’t.
Fifty taels, it matched their status perfectly. Wasn’t it just telling them
to know their place?
After the stewards had left, He Heng’s women came in a short while.
In these women, other than the four shiqie that had status, there
was a tong fang called Bai Zhi.

He Heng originally had three tong fang. But Yun Qing had been
married off to someone on an estate, Ban Xia had been sentenced
by Qu Qing Ju to become a laundress so the only one remaining that
Qu Qing Ju hadn’t saw before was Bai Zhi.
After these women greeted her, Qu Qing Ju didn’t have any advice
to say to them. She turned to ask He Heng: “Wang ye, do you have
anything to say?”
He Heng didn’t understand, but to the shiqie, he really didn’t have
anything to say so he shook his head.
“Since wang ye has nothing to say, you can all leave,” Qu Qing Ju
raised her teacup, “Mu Jin, take out the red pockets that I prepared
for them. Usher them out.”
The shiqie stood in shock. They hadn’t expected to be so quickly
thrown out. Where was the required lecturing that occurred in other
fus? Wasn’t she supposed to say something along the lines of serve
wang ye well, respect the wang fu’s rules?
Each one of them held a red pocket and hadn’t recovered when they
came out of the Great Hall. Luo Yin Xiu asked dazedly: “We’re
leaving like this?”
“If we don’t return, what are we doing here?” Han Qing He pulled on
the cape she wore and walked away without looking back.
Bai Zhi looked with some reluctance at the Great hall before she
slowly started her steps.
Inside the hall, Qu Qing Ju stood and shook her body, “Wang ye is
reluctant to part with the beauties?”
He Heng put down the teacup in his hand. He followed in standing. In
a helpless tone, he announced: “It’s almost noon, let’s go eat.”
Finishing, he pulled Qu Qing Ju’s hand and said warmly, “Don’t think
too much.”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju smiled, but there wasn’t any mirth in her
Chapter Thirty Four “Beauty is in
the Eye of the Beholder”

“I thought the holidays would be more relaxed, not busier than

normal,” Qu Qing Ju held a thick stack of gift lists from each fu. She
rubbed at her forehead and put the lists to one side, “After we finish
with these, this year’s festivities will pretty much be over.”
“Celebrating the New Year is to indulge in the celebration so
naturally there will be more gifts.” Mu Jin kneaded at her shoulders
as she persuaded, “It has been tiring these past days going to the
other wang fu. After you go to Xiang Qing Hou Fu tomorrow, it would
be relaxing.”
Qu Qing Ju was very satisfied with Mu Jing’s skill. At this time, her
eyes were at half-mast, “It’s not that simple. Tomorrow, at Xiang
Qing Hou Fu, it wouldn’t just be me. Womenfolk from the other fu will
also be there. It will still be busy.”
At year’s end, the tradition of visiting each other still hasn’t changed
much in this place. Qu Qing Ju was sick of hearing plays, nauseous
when she saw meat. Thankfully, due to her high status, she didn’t
have to run around.
“Wang fei,” Yu Zan walked in. She saw Qu Qing Ju’s relaxed state
and informed: “wang fei, Bao Rong Hou Fu sent you an invitation.”
“Bao Rong Hou Fu?” Qu Qing Ju remembered that this Marchioness
of Bao Rong was at odds with Liang shi and was one of He Yuan’s
so she waved her hands, “Put it down. Send somebody with a reply
that I don’t have the time.” The type of house that was Bao Rong
Hou Fu, they were shameless enough to send her an invitation. Did
they think that because she didn’t like Liang shi, she would give them
the honor, such a joke.
Yu Zan put away the invitation. She gossiped: “Nubi heard, this year,
they had picked many beautiful women to enter the place from all
the places. It’s unknown if some will enter our fu.”
Qu Qing Ju moved her neck to relieve the soreness there before
replying faintly: “It hasn’t happened yet. There’s no need to worry.
But get Huang Yang to look inside the fu. If somebody starts
something, tell me straightaway.”
Yu Zan heard that wang fei’s tone with calm and assumed that wang
fei had a plan so she stopped. She reported: “These last days, there
wasn’t anything, but a few days ago, Han shiqie and Feng shiqie
argued for a bit in the garden.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled, “Don’t stop them. Let’s wait a few day.” Han
Qing He was a good hand at moving with the current. When Feng Zi
Jin was favoured, she followed Feng Zi Jin like she was her alpha.
Now that she, as wang fei, had the power, she naturally had to show
her side.
There wasn’t anything interesting in this type of person. Qu Qing Ju
was too lazy to see her act and sighed: “Get somebody to go
without to inventory the gifts from outside and put them into stores
with Qian Chang Xin and the others.”
Hearing this, Yu Zan bowed and retreated.
Mu Jin said hesitantly: “Wang fei, Han shiqie’s personality shifts
constantly. Nubi is worried that she will have ideas in the future.”

“It’s still nothing no matter how many ideas she has,” Qu Qing Ju
laughed lightly, “She is the oldest woman at wang ye’s side. Wang
ye doesn’t like her anymore. She naturally has to find somebody to
rely on. I don’t need to always keep an eye on such a person.”
Mu Jin understood what wang fei had meant. No matter how this
flea was strong, it was still a flea, it can’t become a tiger. Spending
too much focus on a flea, that was throwing away a watermelon to
get a sesame seed.
In the afternoon, He Heng returned from a banquet. After he drank
half a cup of tea, he finally controlled his drunkenness. He ordered
the servants to prepare a bath and when he saw a few yahuan
follow in, he waved his hand: “Retreat, ben wang doesn’t need your
The people inside the room all retreated. He took off his clothes and
relaxed in the bathtub for a while before he started to wash. After he
put on his inner robe he then called for servants. He ordered: “In the
future, ben wang doesn’t need any servants for a bath.” Just now at
the banquet, he had heard a joke. A certain nobleman had been
touching a servant girl during his bath. Who knew that he had been
caught by his powerful wife. During the resulting argument, his
manhood had been wounded. The rumor was that it was crippled
This incident had caused the male guests that heard it to feel their
lower half hurt. And He Heng didn’t have any more interest in letting
servant girls serve him during his bath. At least, he didn’t have any
interest in the short term. Reminiscing back to the endless pleasure
of that “mandarin ducks” bath with Qu Qing Ju, He Heng felt that his
throat was itchy.
After he was attired, He Heng adjusted the deep blue pouch at his
waist: “To wang fei’s place.”

Ming He, who had been serving at the side, was used to it by now.
He took up wang ye’s cape and followed. He mentioned for the
young taijian at the back to follow as well. Qian Chang Xin was
sorting the gifts for stores right now so he had to focus for the time
It wasn’t early in the day when He Heng returned. After a bath, it
was already time for the evening meal. Qu Qing Ju saw him come
and the two could use the meal together. Even though vegetables
occupied the majority of the dishes on the table, the two had a good
After the noon, it was still early. He Heng had an itch for a game of
weiqi[1] and just had to have a match with Qu Qing Ju. Qu Qing Ju,
who only knew the rules, had to helplessly sacrifice herself.
If Heaven would give He Heng a chance, he would never let Qu Qing
Ju play weiqi with him. Looking at the terrible state of the board, and
the interested look in Qu Qing Ju’s eyes, he helplessly put down a
“Ah, wang ye, how can you play here!” Qu Qing Ju saw her stones
were blocked and couldn’t resist picking up the stone that had been
put down before, “Then I won’t play here, change a place, change.”
“For gentlemen, once the stone is down, it cannot be moved. How
many times have you changed your stones tonight?” He Heng
couldn’t help but sigh. This was the worst game he had played his
entire life. Even when he had just started learning, it hadn’t been as
torturous as right now.
“I’m a woman, I have the right to regret it. It’s you men that are
gentlemen, it doesn’t count with me,” Qu Qing Ju shoved the white
stone into He Heng’s hand. She picked up her black stone and put it
down somewhere else, “Here.”
He Heng pretended not to see the gap at that place and randomly
put his stone down. Watching as Qu Qing Ju joyfully ate his stone,
he asked: “Didn’t you just say that women had great intelligence?”
“What does women’s intelligence have to do with me regretting my
move?” Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow, a face full of surprise,
“Wang ye, you must have misunderstood.” Finishing, she put down
another stone.
He Heng wanted to say that it was his move, but seeing the other’s
cheerful state, he couldn’t open his mouth. The weiqi skill that he had
so much pride in front of his wang fei, it was a total loss.
When a person just learned something, it was the time that they had
the greatest interest. Qu Qing Ju was at the point where she had the
greatest interest.
After playing for close to two hours, He Heng looked at the disaster
of a match and avoided the interested face of Qu Qing Ju. He stood
and walked in front of Qu Qing Ju, bending at the waist to lift the
person: “It’s late now, Qing Ju, you should retire with me.”
Qu Qing Ju wrapped an arm around his neck: “Then you have to
play with me tomorrow.”
He Heng felt his throat choke but the smile on his face was as warm
as always: “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Finishing, he carried the
person as he walked towards the inner room.
Ming He, Mu Jin and the others saw the situation and quickly
retreated. But as they left, they both thought, wang fei’s weiqi skills,
it stank terribly. It was a miracle that wang ye could tolerate it for
this long.
Maybe it was that he was too worked up from playing weiqi, but
after he finished with Qu Qing Ju, He Heng felt very relaxed. Under
the light of the night luminous pearls, he saw the eyes with which she
looked at him. With a look, he couldn’t help but reach out with his
hand to that soft skin. The feeling under his hand was too
comfortable, so comfortable that he didn’t bear move his hand away.
“Ticklish!” When He Heng’s hand moved to her waist, Qu Qing Ju
couldn’t resist lightly kneeing the other. Who knew that she pressed
on the wrong spot, and that hand moved from the waist downwards.
The mischievous hand caused Qu Qing Ju to squirm but was
suppressed by He Heng. He rubbed against her chest and asked: “Is
it ticklish here?” The hand had reached a certain warm place.
“En … …” Qu Qing Ju felt her body soften. On the bed, He Heng
could be considered a very good man. At least, when the other was
being satisfied, Qu Qing Ju was also satisfied. She reached across
the other’s back, her moist lips brushing past his slightly cold ear.
She blew a warm breath, “Also ticklish.”
This move lit a great fire. He Heng bit down gently on her collarbone:
“I’ll help you stop it.”
It was another physical exercise full of hotness. After both of them
were comfortable, Qu Qing Ju leaned against He Heng and rubbed
against the other’s body for warmth as she fell asleep.
He Heng put his hand at Qu Qing Ju’s waist. Looking at her sleeping
visage, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
The second morning, Qu Qing Ju sat up on the bed and looked at
the man wiping his face with a cotton cloth. She said with some
surprise: “Wang ye is coming with me to Hou Fu?”
“A husband accompanying the recently married daughter to perform
New Year greetings to the elders, isn’t it normal?” He Heng threw
the towel back into the basin and mentioned for the kneeling servant
girl holding the basin to leave. He walked in front of Qu Qing Ju and
pinched her face. The smooth feeling he received made his mood
even better, “Wake up quickly and eat. Later, you still have to attire
yourself.” Finishing, he didn’t look at Qu Qing Ju’s reaction and
walked out the inner room.
Qu Qing Ju stilled and was speechless. A man satisfied in a certain
area, he did become much gentler.
After the morning meal, when Qu Qing Ju was dressing, He Heng
sat with interest at the side. Seeing the servant girls present box
after box of jewellery, he opened: “Put on that buyao I gave you.”

Hearing this, the hand Qu Qing Ju was using to pick a buyao made a
turn and held up that qing luanbuyao to Yu Zan who was doing her
hair. Looking at this peerless buyao inserted in her hair, Qu Qing
Ju’s lips curled: “This buyao is so beautiful I don’t bear wear it.”
“No matter how beautiful, it needs somebody to wear it,” He Heng
came behind her, touching the buyao. He took the forehead jewel
and personally put it on Qu Qing Ju. He bent down to look at her
image in the mirror, “As long as you like them, these coarse items
don’t cost anything.”
Qu Qing Ju rubbed the forehead jewel. She raised her head to look
at He Heng. There was a warm smile on the others face as though
he was an infatuated man looking at his beloved woman.
She smiled and turned her head down. She drew with an eyebrow
pencil to make her brows even more beautiful. After she finished
drawing the flower between her brows, she raised her head again
and asked with a bashful smile: “Is this good?”
He Heng felt as though he was struck by this smile. The smile on his
own face was so gentle it was like water: “Very good.” Pulling up the
person by the mirror, he exclaimed, “That ‘The teeth are as white as
a rhinoceros’ horn, the eyebrows are as beautiful as a butterfly, the
blushing face is akin to a blooming lotus, the pale skin is like the
frost.’ is just so. But there aren’t enough poems in this world to
describe the feelings I have at this time.”
“In wang ye’s eyes, I am that good?” Qu Qing Ju tilted her head, “I
don’t believe it.”
“Has Qing Ju ever heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”
He Heng smiled as he touched the hair next to her face, “It’s fine,
you’ll naturally understand in the future. It’s late, we should go now.
Yu Zan and the younger yahuan who had been doing the attiring
were blushing at one side, amazed at the depth of feeling between
wang ye and wang fei.

It was the people by the door, Qian Chang Xin, Ming He and Mu Jin
who had much steadier faces. They quietly had their heads low as
though they couldn’t hear what wang ye and wang fei said. And they
were just wooden puppets that couldn’t hear or speak.


1. 棋: (qi) can refer to many kinds of board games but the one they play here is
weiqi or go.
Chapter Thirty Five “The Tian

The Marquess of Xiang Qing, Tian Jin Ke, wasn’t yet fifty this year.
His personal conduct was sincere but he wasn’t inflexible. He had a
good reputation in Jing City. Chang De Gong Fu was probably the
only entity he didn’t like in the entire city of Jing. By now, there
wasn’t anyone in Jing City that didn’t know Duan Wang Fei was
close to her relatives in Xiang Qing Hou Fu, and treated Xiang Qing
Hou Fu like her own maternal family.
Due to the fact that what the Duke of Chang De had done really
wasn’t something to be proud of, there were some that praised Tian
Jin Ke for being so loving. Not everybody would care for a niece that
didn’t even have a mother. Karma was real. See how Duan Wang Fu
had distanced itself from Chang De Gong Fu, this was karma.
Today was the Tian Family banquet. After the morning just had
passed, the guests started to arrive. Tian Jin Ke took his two sons,
Tian Kun and Tian Jun, to welcome the male guests. Just as he was
deep in conversation with the guests, he saw the stewards run over
quickly to say Duan wang ye had come.

“Duan Wang?” Tian Kun looked in shock at the steward. He realized

the surrounding guests were gazing in this direction and lowered his
voice to ask: “Father, why would Duan Wang come?”
Tian Jin Ke waved a hand: “Lao da, come with me to the middle
door to welcome wang ye.Lao er, stay here and accompany the
guests.” Finishing, he walked with great strides towards the outside.
Tian Jun looked at the backs of his father and brother. When he
turned, he saw all the guests had curiosity on their faces so he
started to divert their attention. He was surprised inside. His family
didn’t have many interactions with Duan Wang. Was it really that
Duan Wang was willing to lower himself for meimei?
“Tian er gongzi, is there a valued guest coming?” A guest of the
same age as him put his hands up in a greeting, “Who is it?”
Tian Jun smiled as he returned the greeting: “Everybody is a valued
guest. When the person arrives, everybody will have to drink a few
more cups.”
“Of course, of course.” This person smiled. Even though he hadn’t
found out anything but at least what Tian Jun said didn’t embarrass
him, so he wasn’t angry.
The others saw that it wasn’t likely and they settled down. No matter
what, they would see them later. This person might be of high
status, but he wouldn’t be the Emperor.
Tian Kun stood behind his father and looked at the large eight-
person sedan imprinted with the characters of Duan Wang Fu stop
at the gate. He raised his feet to walk outside the door and bowed:
“This lowly official welcomes wang ye, wang fei.”

Qian Chang Xin came up to bow to Tian Kun with both hands raised.
He bowed to open the curtain and revealed to Tian Kun He Heng and
Qu Qing Ju sitting together. There was a hint of intimacy between
the two. He quickly lowered his head, afraid to look.
“Biao xiong[1] doesn’t have to be so courteous,” He Heng held Qu
Qing Ju’s hand as they walked out of the sedan. He smiled: “We are
one family, there’s no need to be so polite.” Finishing, he held out a
hand to let Tian Kun straighten before he walked into the gate with
Qu Qing Ju.
“Jiujiu.” Qu Qing Ju gave a very deep bow. She looked at the
middle-aged man in front of her. His appearance was proper and he
had a strong posture. It was easy to feel at ease with this man.
As her uncle, Tian Jin Ke hadn’t spent much time with Qu Qing Ju.
He made a motion as to support Qu Qing Ju and quickly scanned
her. He saw that his niece seemed to be living well before he bowed
with two hands up: “Wang ye, wang fei.”

“Marquess doesn’t have to be so courteous. You are wang fei’s

jiujiu, so you are ben wang’s jiujiu,” He Heng returned a greeting,
“There’s no need to be so polite.”
Tian Jin Ke smiled as he straightened. In a warm voice he
responded: “If that it so, then this lowly official can only overlook
protocol. Wang ye, please come with this official.” The smile on his
face became much friendlier but his conduct still held to protocol. But
even like this, it still allowed people to feel that his attitude was much
more intimate.
Qu Qing Ju looked at this uncle of hers. No wonder he was like a
fish in water in Jing City. Such conduct, everybody would praise it. It
could be seen how important emotional intelligence was.
The male and female guests had separate banquets. After He Heng
followed Tian Jin Ke and left, Qu Qing Ju smiled at Tian Kun who
kept five paces away from her and turned to get on the already
prepared sedan.
Watching as the sedan was carried away by heavy labor mamas,
Tian Kun allowed a smile to appear. It seemed as though his sister
had a somewhat good life. His family could rest some of their
worries. Putting his hands behind at his back, he slowly headed
inside. Instantly, the smile on his face grew fainter. The members of
the Imperial Family, their desires and interests changed quickly. Who
knew if Duan Wang would always treat his sister this way.
He himself was a man and naturally understood those desires of
men. What about a man like Duan Wang who was used to seeing
beautiful women?
When the sedan came into er men, it stopped. Qu Qing Ju came
down the sedan and saw Luo shi with a young girl standing not far
away. She walked a few steps in front of Luo shi and bowed in
greetings: “Good day, jiumu.”

Luo shi and the girl behind quickly returned a greeting before she
reached out with a hand to meet hers to observe: “You look thinner.
Come with me inside now, this cold period in spring is too strong.”
All the elders of the world were the same. When they saw younger
generations after a long time, they always felt that they had become
thinner. Qu Qing Ju intimately held Luo shi’s hand “I’m not thin, the
entire wang fu is under my command. The servants don’t dare treat
me badly.”
Luo shi cared for her like she was half a daughter. Seeing that she
was willing to be close to her, she naturally felt happy. Luo shi
patted her hand as she said lovingly: “You have to manage such a
large wang fu, you must be tired, it doesn’t matter how good you
eat.” Finishing, she started to ask whether the servants were easy
to manage or if she had troubles with her residence and food. Her
actions were very similar to how Jing guifei questioned He Heng.

Qu Qing Ju answered the questions one by one. She saw the girl
behind Luo shi kept quiet all this time and inquired: “Jiumu, such a
pretty guniang, which family? She looks so adorable.”

Luo shi stopped walking and looked at the guniang that Qu Qing Ju
mentioned. The girl’s face was already crimson. Luo shi answered:
“She’s the same year as you, but a month younger. It’s appropriate
for you to call her meimei. This is the eldest niece of my maternal
family, Wen Yao. In the future, you will spend a lot of time together
so I wanted you two to meet.”
Wen Yao, Luo Wen Yao? Qu Qing Ju instantly understood. This was
the di granddaughter of the Luo Family that had been decreed to
marry He Ming? She saw that Luo Wen Yao’s face was as red as it
could get and didn’t ask for confirmation, only commenting: “I like
this memei.”

Luo shi heard her inappropriate words and sighed: “Just a few days,
you are even more mischievous.” Finishing, she pulled Luo Wen Yao
over to let them stand right and left of her, “But, you like this meimei,
then I don’t have to worry any longer.”
Qu Qing Ju understood Luo shi’s meaning. Such a good girl forced
to marry an disfavored imperial son. Not every family was willing.
The waters of the Imperial Family were muddy, her husband wasn’t
favored, none of her zhouli were simple. If there wasn’t somebody
there, she would definitely be at a disadvantage.
Thinking about it, she let a smile appear on her face, “Aunt, don’t
worry. I will definitely care for Wen Yao meimei like she was my
own.” There were four erxifu in the Imperial Family. But the three
had to be at odds with each other. If she was close to Luo Wen Yao,
it wasn’t a bad thing. But she hadn’t though that the Luo family would
actually take this step. It could be seen that they really loved this
Luo Wen Yao quietly listened to her aunt and Duan Wang Fei talk. In
the past, she had heard much about how before Duan Wang Fei had
married, she had been harshly treated by her stepmother. Today, as
she saw the real person, she felt this was a blinding woman. Each
move and laugh full of grace and stirring in her a strange feeling of
People were very easily attracted by people dissimilar to them. Luo
Wen Yao’s personality was quiet and gentle, her future husband had
no conflict with Duan Wang. Seeing the friendliness of Qu Qing Ju, it
was naturally easy to feel close to her. So when they walked into the
room, the two of them had started conversing.
The elder Luo taitai who had been sitting in the room already
expressed a relieved smile as she saw the scene. It looked like this
Duan Wang Fei took after the Tian family’s personality.
The female guests present were close-knit to the Luo and Tian
families so they weren’t too formal as they interacted with Qu Qing
Ju. It was just when they heard that Duan Wang had accompanied
Qu Qing Ju that they felt deeply moved.
Some detected that Duan Wang Fei came in with a guniang of the
Family Luo and understood what was happening. Nobody announced
it but only talked about some interesting local events to wile away
the time.
“I heard that an able person came to the Five Estates Monastery.
He’s very skilled at explaining the divination sticks. After the flowers
bloom, I will go beg with my family.”
“Isn’t the Five Estates Monastery in the Jing suburbs, when are you
going, let’s go together to beg for a stick.”
Qu Qing Ju heard this piece of conversation and put the teacup in
her hand down. The dominant religion in Da Long Dynasty was
Buddhism. The Court didn’t support any, but the citizens each had
their own beliefs.
Luo shi saw that Qu Qing Ju seemed to be interested in the Five
Estates Monastery and elaborated: “That Five Estates Monastery is
the biggest monastery in Jing, it’s on the Bai Yun Mountain on the
suburbs. The able person they are talking about is most likely
Spiritual Master Xuan Ling. If you are interested, you can go take a
Qu Qing Ju smiled: “There’s no need. A person’s fate is already set
down by the Heavens. To go divine it, it would decrease the good
fortune.” She wasn’t a resolute atheist but she did believe that good
fortune and luck will decrease with divination so she wasn’t
interested in begging for a divination stick.
Nobody thought Qu Qing Ju would say something like this. Luo shi
stared in astonishment before nodding: “This is true.”
Luo Wen Yao, listening in, felt her heart jump. She looked with
respect at Qu Qing Ju. With such an open mind, how many women
in this world could achieve such a thing? At this time, she felt that the
worries she had about her marriage were just she making it difficult
on herself. Nothing would be different thinking about things that had
already been set in stone. It would be better for her to think how she
would live the rest of her life, that was her good fortune.
Thinking about this, the stare that Luo Wen Yao gave Qu Qing Ju
had a hint of gratefulness, a smile appearing on her face.
After the banquet, the guests listened for a long while before bidding
farewell. Qu Qing Ju, when most of the guests had left, finally stood
and held Luo shi’s hand as she announced: “Jiumu, I need to return
Luo shi was a bit reluctant but had to agree: “In the fu, take care of
your body. There’s a lot of people you should take notice off.” This
was reminding her of the ce shi, but due to Luo shi’s identity, she
couldn’t say it.
Qu Qing Ju nodded before she bent to enter the sedan. After she
looked again at Luo shi, she let the servant drop the curtain.
Watching as the sedan disappear outside er min, Luo Wen Yao
exclaimed in a quiet voice: “Duan Wang Fei is really an amazing
Luo shi looked at her niece and thought about the days that her
niece had suffered through in Chang De Gong Fu. She sighed.
Hopefully Duan Wang would continue to treat her well.
“You have to remember, for a woman to live well, the priority is to
treat herself well. If she could discomfort herself, others will also do
so.” Luo shi opened in a meaningful voice, “Cheng Wang might not
have the emperor’s favour, but I have seen him before. He has a
lenient personality, you don’t have to be too worried.”
“Gumu … …” Luo Wen Yao’s face instantly reddened, in the midst
of her bashfulness there were a few hints of expectancy.
At the main gate of Xiang Qing Hou Fu, He Heng watched as Qu
Qing Ju walked out of the sedan. A hint of a smile appeared on his
face, and Tian Kun, who had been accompanying him at one side,
couldn’t help but look.
He watched as Duan Wang walked towards biao mei[2]. Maybe it
was that the two had such outstanding appearances, or maybe their
smiles were too intoxicating, this scene was very beautiful but it was
so beautiful it didn’t seem real.
Tian Kun blinked his eyes. Maybe he was thinking too much.


1. 表兄: male relative from the female line of the same generation, older.

2. 表妹: female relative of the same generation from the female line, younger.
签: divination sticks are usually made from bamboo. They have
numbers or writings on the sticks. People then shake the jars for a
stick to fall out.
Chapter Thirty Six “Strife”

On the eighth day of the first month, the Royal Court opened once
again. The carriages and sedans that moved through the city
lessened and peddlers gradually filled the streets again.
But just as the court opened, a grand case was pushed out. There
was an official who accused Rui Wang of putting out high-interest
loans in Jiang Nan, of participating with the salt governance and
casinos. Once this came out, it instantly caused huge ripples. On the
third day as this incident grew larger and larger, this official suddenly
accused Rui Wang of having a guilty conscience and threatening his
family. After he finished, under the gaze of the entire court, he
rammed himself into the gold coiled dragon pillar with his head for an
instant death.
This was akin to throwing water into boiling oil. The explosion rocked
the entire Jing City. The emperor was so angry he fainted in the
Royal Hall. For a time, each person in Jing defended themselves,
afraid they would be involved.
In Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju flipped through the ever increasing
states of calling cards. She furrowed her eyebrows and ordered: “In
the future, if somebody asks for a meeting, just say I am sick, and
wang ye is busy with his duties, not in the fu and cannot receive
guests.” At this time, He Qi was locked in conflict with He Yuan.
Duan Wang Fu didn’t need to involve itself.
Enough smart officials in Jing should have already found that the
dead official was connected with Ning Wang. Ning Wang was also
fighting with Rui Wang at this time. Everybody was content to look at
the spectacle. Why involve themselves?
Mu Jin nodded to show she remembered. Seeing wang fei’s face
was dark, she informed: “This morning, people from Chang De Gong
Fu came. They said that lao taitai missed you.”
Qu Qing Ju gave a disdainful smile. She marvelled: “When I was at
Chang De Gong Fu, I didn’t see that lao taitai missed me. To think
they would think of me now.” She just didn’t like the conduct of
Chang Dee gong Fu, “Right now, they don’t have anyone at court.
They just want to use lao taitai as an excuse to find information. Tell
the messenger that I received a cold a long time ago. Now when I
get cold, I will get sick.”
Since the reputation of Chang De Gong Fu was already terrible, she
didn’t mind adding more negativity. Either way, the news that Liang
shi abused the daughter left behind by the first wife was already out
“This is good, it will stop those shameless people from trying to
associate themselves,” Yin Liu added some smokeless charcoal to
the copper lion basin in the corner. She said with righteous fury,
“Nubi is just afraid if you let them a bit, they will try to paste
themselves onto in the future.”
Qu Qing Ju heard this metaphor and couldn’t help but smile, “You’re
thinking too much. Chang De Gong Fu might be shameless but they
wouldn’t dare rush to fawn.” With the Duke of Chang De’s
personality, how could he bear to shame Liang shi. As to Liang shi,
she didn’t want to see her even more. The only person that might
sincerely want to have good relations with Duan Wang Fu was Qu
lao taitai. But it was a pity she was old and she was no longer the
ruler of Chang De Gong Fu.
Mu Jin looked at Yin Liu, forbidding her from saying what she
shouldn’t say. Yin Liu was more and more brash recently. Even if
wang fei was kind, she shouldn’t use wang fei’s favour and forget
her own boundaries.
Under Mu Jin’s stare, Yin Liu knew she broke protocol and quickly
shut up, not daring to talk nonsense.
Watching the movements between the two, Qu Qing Ju smiled but
didn’t speak. Yin Liu’s personality was a bit too brash. Letting Mu Jin
teach her a bit, it was to prevent her from being harmed by this
In Rui Wang Fu, He Yuan smashed a teacup with a dark face: “He
Qi made such a good play this time!” Thinking about that official that
performed suicide on the pillar in the Royal Hall, He Yuan felt his
anger reach a peak. At what time did he need to threaten a minor
official?! But now that the incident has reached the point of no return,
fuhuang had to calm the others and actually rescinded his
qualification to attend court. Even more, he couldn’t leave his wang

He never was at peace with lao da, but due to fuhuang’s partialness
for him, he had never lost much at the Royal Court. He hadn’t
expected that this time he would suffer such a large fall.
“Wang ye, this incident is most likely complicated. As to what to do,
the most important is to clean up what was going on in Jiang Nan,” A
subordinate persuaded, “Now that this has been uncovered and
revealed by Ning Wang, the emperor will definitely send somebody
to Jiang Nan to investigate. As long as there is no proof, then it will
still be fine if a few more people die.” He actually understood inside
that no matter if wang ye could pick himself out of this incident, his
reputation would be damaged.
People usually believed bad news, not good news. When it was time
and there was proof that this incident had nothing to do with wang
ye, in the eyes of others, it was the emperor that wanted to protect
wang ye and purposefully absolved wang ye. In this case, wang ye
had done these things in the first place.
“It’s fine if a few more people die?” He Yuan smiled coldly as he
looked at his subordinates. He looked at another subordinate, “Gao
Duo, who do you say that fuhuang would sent to investigate in Jiang
The retainer called Gao Duo didn’t rush to speak because He Yuan
called on him. He ruminated for a while before replying: “Wang ye,
you are the most favoured of the emperor’s sons. This to you, it is
the biggest factor in your favour. By now, Ning Wang’s actions are
getting bigger and bigger. This is increasing the emperor’s wariness
of him. If this one hasn’t guessed wrong, the emperor will send
Cheng Wang and an official that the emperor favors to Jiang Nan.”
“Lao si?” He Yuan raised an eyebrow, “lao si is always cowardly
and has no ideas, there’s no need to worry there. The only problem
is the accompanying official.”
“At the Royal Court now, there are four officials that the emperor
trusts the most. The first is the Marquis of Xiang Qing, Tian Jin Ke
who is also the Junior Minister of Justice. But this man is Duan Wang
Fei’s uncle so the emperor won’t send him. The second is the
Minister of Defence, Luo Chang Qing, but this man is Cheng Wang’s
future father-in-law so the emperor would have even less an
likelihood of sending him. The third is also the person already
responsible as Chief Examiner for this year’s examinations, the
Great Scholar Lu Jing Hong. Taking away these three, the only one
remaining is the Minister of the Right Wei Wen Guang. And this
person might not be the most able, but he is very perceptive and
good at pandering to the emperor’s desires.” Gao Duo performed a
bow and said in a meaningful tone, “Wang ye, all that this one has
surmised, all of it rests on the premise of the emperor’s partialness
for you.”
He Yuan finished listening and sat in thought on the chair. The
franticness on his face gradually calmed: “Mr. Gao’s meaning, ben
wang understands. You can all leave.”

Hearing the change in what wang ye had called him, Gao Duo left
with a calm expression along the other men. After them came out of
zhengyuan, he smoothed the scraggly hairs on his chin and smiled
as he bore the jealous stares of the other subordinates as he walked
out of the wang fu.

In the front hall of Tian Qi Palace, He Heng and his three brothers
stood at the bottom. Beside them there were some officials. Maybe
it was that the expression on Qing De Emperor’s face as he sat on
the dragon chair was too ugly but their faces were one heavier than
the other.
There were more than one hundred complaints from the court to
investigate Rui Wang. Even if Qing De Emperor had the desire, he
couldn’t suppress it. His already old visage became even more
ancient. Looking at the sons and officials under him, he said in
helplessness: “The incident of Rui Wang, zhen[1]still has suspicions.
We shall wait for it all to be investigated before making a decision.”
Even though everybody knew this was true but at this time, they
couldn’t do anything other than shout “Emperor is wise” and start
arguing over who to send to Jiang Nan.
“Stop, zhen has an idea about what you are all talking about. Zhen
will send down a decree personally tomorrow at court. You can all
leave.” Qing De Emperor may have understood in his heart that
these accusations were true but he couldn’t bear to punish his
favourite son so he distraughtly threw everybody out.
He Qi’s face didn’t look well as he walked out of the front hall. He
didn’t look at He Heng and He Ming before he swept away. It could
be seen just how angry he was.
He Ming blinked at da ge who had rushed away and turned to look
at er ge standing by his side as though he was waiting for him.

“It’s late, us brothers should return too,” He Heng’s smile was

casual, “si di walk with er ge?”

“Er ge first.” Hearing this, He Ming politely let He Heng to go ahead.

“Us brothers don’t have to follow these rules,” He Heng patted his
shoulder and walked first. But it was unknown whether on purpose
or not, but he almost always was walking abreast with He Ming.
When the two reached the gate to the palace, they met He Yuan as
he came out of a carriage. He Yuan was wearing a jewel-blue satin
robe. He looked more serious than before, even his face was a few
shades whiter.
The three performed greetings. He Yuan looked at the two and
asked: “Is er ge and si di preparing to leave the palace?”
He Heng was clear inside that He Yuan, at this moment, should be in
his fu and not be appearing at the palace gates but said with a
normal face: “Yes, of course.”
“Then didi will say farewell first,” He Yuan revealed a hint of mirth on
his face, “Er ge and si di, take care.”

“San ge, too.” Because He Yuan didn’t usually pay him attention and
suddenly being mentioned, He Ming’s face showed a hint of surprise.
He instantly smiled and returned a greeting, “Didi won’t disturb san
ge anymore.”

He Yuan nodded and started in the direction of Tian Qi Palace with

large strides, accompanied by a taijian. The jewel-blue back of the
figure seemed a bit fretful.
Seeing this scene, when He Heng looked at He Ming, the smile on
his face grew fainter. When the two separated to get on their
carriages, He Heng patted his shoulder: “Si di, take care of
He Ming smiled and bowed with two hands raised in a fist: “Er ge,
take care.”
Looking at the horse-drawn carriage that was imprinted with the
characters of Duan Wang Fu travel out the palace gates, He Ming
entered his own carriage. After the curtain was let down, the smile
on his face slowly disappeared. His eyes were filled with
helplessness and pain.
Once he came out of the carriage and as He Heng stepped into the
gate, he saw a paper luan flying in the sky as he raised his head.
His eyes narrowed and he frowned as he looked at Ming He behind
him: “Find out who is doing it, in the future, no one in the fu is
allowed to fly such a thing.” In the previous dynasty there had been
people who used flying luan to pass messages to the outside. Right
now, it was a tense time in Jing. He didn’t want spies in his Duan
Wang Fu.
“Yes,” Ming He beckoned to the taijian behind him. They quickly
retreated and competed to use the quickest speed to find the person
flying the kite.
In zhengyuan, Qu Qing Ju smiled at the flying beautiful luan. She
turned and remarked to Mu Jin: “Look, isn’t there people who use
such tactics?”
Mu Jin smiled warmly: “Wang fei is all-knowing.”

But who was it that was so stupid that they would do such an idiotic
thing at this time?


1. 朕: (zhen) the royal I or We

Chapter Thirty Seven “Suspicious”

Qu Qing Ju saw the paper kite disappear after a while and said with
some pity, “Oh, the weather hasn’t turned warm yet but some
already have the leisure time to fly kites. It must be such a refined
“What refined person,” He Heng walked in with large steps and
happened to hear this sentence. He promised with a thin smile, “If
Qing Qu likes it, when the weather turns warm, I’ll take you to the
estate to play. You can fly whatever you want.”
“It’s too tiring to run,” Qu Qing Ju disliked it, “if wang ye really cares
for me, how about finding a few more chefs for this fu and let me
taste all the foods in the world.”
“That’s good too. After a bit, I’ll take you to the estate to taste
authentic peasant food,” He Heng pulled her inside and took down
his cape to hand to a yahuan, “Those foods might not be as refined
as in the fu but it has a special flavour in itself.”

“En, the dried meat that the estate sent over a few days ago was
good,” Qu Qing Ju poured him a cup of tea. After He Heng received
it, she then sat down on the chair next to him, “I’ll let them send
some more over.”
“Even if the flavour of these smoked foods is good, but it isn’t good
for the body to consume too much. You still have to abstain,” He
Heng took a drink of tea. When he heard what Qu Qing Ju said, he
set down the teacup, “Don’t act according to your likes only.”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju smiled and turned to trim a short pine tree:
“Don’t worry wang ye, I won’t do stupid things.” On the matter of
food, the ancients had been experts a long time ago. But He Heng’s
words, did it have a double meaning?
“Alright, I know you like good food and will control yourself,” He
Heng felt that Qu Qing Ju was still smiling but the mirth had
lessened. He could only helplessly change the topic, “The person
who was flying the paper luan in the fu, no matter who, you have to
lock them up.”
Qu Qing Ju saw his face was slightly stern and slowly nodded:
“Wang ye’s meaning is … …”

“Let’s investigate before anything else first,” He Heng raised his cup
again but didn’t drink. He looked seriously at Qu Qing Ju, “There is
always some people that don’t belong to you or me in this wang fu.”

She hadn’t thought that He Heng would tell such things to her. Qu
Qing Ju looked at this man in a new light. This person definitely was
decisive and ruthless, but he was gentle and elegant normally and
lowered people’s defences, “Wang ye is suspicious that this person
has other loyalties.”
“There’s many ways to attract my attention, this way isn’t very
skilled,” He Heng smiled thinly, “I saw that paper luan hadn’t flown
very high before the string broke and it fell outside the fu. This isn’t
something done to attract my attention.”
Qu Qing Ju slightly raised an eyebrow. She had assumed that
someone was using this way to attract He Heng’s attentions. She
hadn’t thought that someone would actually use this tactic to pass on
a message at this special time. Thinking to there, she gave a shallow
smile and pointed out, “Maybe it’s a coincidence?”
“Coincidence, on purpose, it doesn’t matter,” He Heng calmly spoke,
“We can’t keep this person.”
The hand Qu Qing Ju used to trip the bonsai turned askew and cut
down an additional branch. She picked up the pine branch with some
pity. This pot was another one she had cut into a failure. In her last
life, she had studied dancing and later became an agent in the dance
circles. At the very least, she would be considered to be nimble in
hand and feet, but how did she become a murderer of bonsai?
Putting down the scissors in her hand, she turned to wash her hands
in the copper basin a yahuan was holding. As she wiped her hands,
she said: “These things, wang ye can make the decisions. The only
thing I can help you do is manage this houyuan.”
He Heng looked at her pale and think fingers rubbing in the soft
cotton and felt that this pair of hands was incomparably tempting. He
stared in a daze before waking and praising: “You’ve done very well,
after you came, this houyang has become much more quiet.”

Putting the cotton cloth back onto the tray, she motioned for the
yahuan to retreat. Qu Qing Ju turned to smile at He Heng. She
asked: “Is wang ye disapproving of houyang for being too quiet?”

“It’s not quiet, it’s calm,” He Heng stood and pulled the person closer
to him, “I actually like the present state of houyuan.”

Flinging a flirtatious look at the other , Qu Qing Ju turned and sat

down on a chair by the side, “It’s good as long as wang ye likes it.
I’m just afraid that wang ye thinks there aren’t enough beautiful
women and is angry at me for not being generous and virtuous
He Heng walked to her side and smooched a kiss on her cheek
before replying: “Ben wang’s Qing Ju is the most virtuous, able,
deferent and intelligent.”
Reaching out with two fingers to push the other’s face aside a bit,
Qu Qing Ju raised her chin and chuckled: “Wang ye has to
remember these words.” Finishing, she saw the other’s face full of
smile and, as though it was a great favour, she gave a kiss to his
He Heng was so tempted by this move that his heart was trembling.
There had been women that kissed him of their own initiative before,
but he just felt that only this woman’s actions were the most
tempting. He didn’t wasn’t to resist and bent to pull the other into his
“Wang ye, we have captured the person flying the paper luan. Wang
ye, what should be done?”

He Heng had never before felt that Qian Chang Xin was this
unperceptive. He took a deep breath before standing and sitting
down at the front, “Come in.”
Qu Qing Ju raised a white and blue-flowered tea cup to hide half her
face before she turned to smile cheerfully at He Heng.
He Heng coincidentally saw the look and his heart was tickled again.
He gave a deep look at her, sighed in frustration and helplessness
before reluctantly move his eyes away.
Qu Qing Ju was very satisfied with He Heng’s response. She
adjusted into a more dignified posture and turned her head to watch
as Qian Chang Xin come in with a few others. At the very end was
two strong mama’s pinning a young woman wearing a pink dress.
She looked somewhat familiar.
When everybody had knelt down, Qu Qing Ju finally recognized this
person. It was Bai Zhi, one of He Heng’s tong fang. She wasn’t very
clear why Bai Zhi had stayed so long by He Heng’s side. This person
had never competed for attention and had been compliant for such a
long time, was it all an act? She had assumed that people would use
she tactics to get favour, it seemed that she was wrong. It seemed,
in this fight for the throne, it obviously couldn’t be without the role of
spies. Her eyesight wasn’t far enough. This incident, to her, it was a
very good lesson.
If she was passing on news to the outside, what was she passing
on? She was a minor tong fang, what could she have found?

He Heng scraped the rim of the cup with the lid, making a slightly
ear-piercing sound. But just this movement, it was enough to send
Bai Zhi into shivers of fright.
“Ben wang remembers that you became a tong fang two years
ago,” He Heng blew on the surface of the tea, and said in a calm
and emotionless tone, “The paper luan you dropped outside, ben
wang ordered them to pick it back. Why don’t ben wang have a
good look at that paper luan.”

Ban Zhi’s face slightly changed but she kowtowed as she pled;
“Wang ye, forgive me. Nubi didn’t know it wasn’t allowed to fly a kite
in the wang fu. Wang ye, please forgive me!”

Disregarding her appeals, He Heng saw Ming He come in with the

paper luan. When he took it, he saw a simple picture of a beautiful
woman, beside the picture there were two lines of poetry.
“‘she wore shoes embroidered with delicate designs, what trailed
behind was a garment as light as the mist’” He Heng looked at the
beauty drawn wearing a grand set of clothing, standing at a high
place. He gave a soft snort: “Such a good drawing, such a good
Qu Qing Ju raised her eyebrows as she looked at Bai Zhi. If she
didn’t guess wrong, the drawing was pointing at her? “Wang ye …
…” Bai Zhi’s expression changed, “nubi hadn’t been thinking clearly
and forgot to avoid Wang fei’s name. Please forgive me, wang fei.”
Finishing, she started to kowtow repeatedly to Qu Qing Ju.
A difficult expression appeared on Qu Qing Ju’s face and she bit her
lips as she gazed at He Heng.
“You don’t have to beg wang fei,” He Heng slammed the paper luan
in his hand to the table and ordered icily, “Someone come, Bai Zhi
has transgressed against wang fei. Drag her into the firewood
Very quickly, someone came to drag Bai Zhi away. He Heng stood
and said to Qu Qing Ju, “I have some matters to attend to, wait for
me tonight to eat together.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded and tied his cape for him. She looked at the
shambles of the paper luan that had been slammed into the table,
“This paper luan?”

“Ming He, take the paper luan and burn it,” After He Heng ordered
Ming He, he turned to smiled Qu Qing Ju. He grasped her hand,
“Don’t worry.”
The back of her hand was being gently pinched. Qu Qing Ju glared
once at He Heng. Seeing him turned to walk away, she finally
opened: “The weather is changing fast these days. If wang ye is
going out, you have to pay attention to your body.”
He Heng smiled again at her before leaving zhengyuan with his
procession. Once he was outside, his face was dark as he
commanded Qian Chang Xin: “Pay attention to see who will try to
get near to the firewood room in the next few days. We would leave
any of them around in the future.”
Qian Chang Xin nodded before informing quietly: “Wang ye, Wang
Chang Ming has come.”
“To the study,” He Heng’s face was still heavy. Thinking about the
bothersome women in the houyuan, a disdainful smile appeared on
his lips.
When he met Wang Chang Ming, He Heng’s face had recovered, “Is
there any news from that side?”
“Wang ye, Rui Wang has already entered the palace to meet the
emperor. He wants Cheng Wang to go to Jiang Nan,” Wang Chang
Ming’s face held joy, “It looks like our plan succeeded.”
“Lao san always felt that he was above us other three brothers. He
looks down the most at lao si. Naturally he would want to pick a soft
target,” He Heng smiled coldly. “Find a way to spread the news to
Ning Wang. With Ning Wang’s personality, if he doesn’t make a
ruckus, lao san’s efforts would be such a waste.”

Pretending not to hear the secrets between the imperial sons, Wang
Chang Min switched to say, “This subordinate understands. What
should be done at Rui Wang’s side?”
“Nobody has to do anything. With his personality, he’ll do something
himself,” He Heng responded faintly, “we just have to watch.”
Wang Chang Ming instantly understood and bowed: “Wang ye is
On the second day at court, the emperor send down the decree as
expected. He ordered Cheng Wang and the Minister of the Right,
Wei Wen Guang to investigate the incident in Jiang Nan and
bestowed a gold medal for “As if it was zhen here.” He asked for
the two to investigate finely, to prevent those people to mistakenly
accuse Rui Wang.
These words boldly broadcasted the emperor’s attitudes. Many
were clear. Even though Rui Wang still couldn’t attend court, he was
still the emperor’s most favoured and trusted imperial son. No
wonder that person was fearless.
A day later, He Ming and Wei Wen Guang left with men and horses
under the title of imperial envoy. Everyone in Jing sympathized this
unfavored Cheng Wang. Everyone knew that the emperor just
wanted to go through the motions. But if he did protect Rui Wang,
this was going to put onto his reputation a stain of protecting villains
that would be shown to the entire populace. It could be seen just
how unequal the emperor favoured his sons.
He Qi sat in a tea shop and looked at the procession as it left the
city. His face revealed a disdainful smile. After the procession had
disappears, he put down his teacup, and said to the tea scholar that
was pouring tea next to him: “On the road, find a chance to attack …
… try to not harm Cheng Wang.”
Chapter Thirty Eight “The Woman
In The Rumors”

In the deep of the night where no one was there, a dark shadow
flashed at the corner of the firewood room. Before this person could
near the room itself, suddenly several lamps lit up in the
surroundings. He looked in surprise and found many people
surrounding him.
“Qian yeye here has waited so many days. Finally caught this rat,”
Qian Chang Xin held a lamp as he came out of the corner. He looked
disdainfully at this servant in the guise of a manservant and raised
his hand, “Bind him up, don’t disturb anyone else.”
The servants rushed in. Before the person could speak, he was
gagged, bound and dragged away.
“Stupid trash,” Finishing, he spat on the ground. He kicked the door
to the firewood room with one foot and looked down at Bai Zhi who
was tied and gagged in the corner. He gave a joyless smile and said:
“Bai Zhi gunaing, your accomplice has already been captured. Why
don’t we have a chat and you tell me who let you into the fu?”

Bai Zhi squirmed against the rope on her body but the ropes were
too tight and she could not escape. She glared hatefully at Qian
Chang Xin.
“Free her mouth,” Qian Chang Xin took a whip from a person behind
him. He slowly whipped it on his palm, his face still carrying a
harmonious smile, “Bai Zhi guniang, have you thought what you are
going to say?”
“I don’t know anything,” Bai Zhi hatefully turned her head away, not
looking at Qian Chang Xin, “I just wanted to fly a paper luan, wang
ye has the wrong person.”

Qian Change Xin was too lazy to argue with her but only said
impatiently: “There’s not much difference between you saying or not.
But it’s such a pity for your old and young in the family, and the newly
married sister of yours. How about we give you a crime of poisoning
wang ye, wonder what would your family have to suffer?”
“Shameless!” Bai Zhi turned her head and stared straight at Qian
Chang Xing, “What do you want to do?”
“You aren’t the first person to praise yeye this way,” Qian Chang Xin
uncoiled the whip, the smile on his face even more visible. Suddenly
the whip dealt a blow on Bai Zhi’s body, “Usually the people who
praise yeye like this, by now their teeth won’t even be on their body.”

The pain caused her body to shrink, Bai Zhi stated with a white face:
“Nubi is innocent.”
“Since you are willing to give up on your family to protect your
master, then yeye won’t care about your family either,” Qian Chang
Xin proclaimed cheerfully, “Tomorrow, I’ll let your family go first.
Hopefully when you go down to see them, you can still face them.”
Tears were streaming down Bai Zhi’s face. She covered her wound
and chocked out: “It’s His Highness Ning Wang that wanted nubi to
pay attention to the movement of the fu. Except nubi’s status was
too low and couldn’t pass out any news. A few days earlier, His
Highness Ning Wang wanted nubi to investigate how wang ye
treated wang fei in the fu. Nubi assumed this wasn’t such an
important matter and so dared to pass on the news.” She wasn’t
afraid of death but was afraid of it involving her family.
“That’s nonsense, His Highness Ning Wang is a straightforward and
honest person, you can’t slander him!” Qian Chang Xin disagreed,
“Such vile slander, wang ye won’t believe you.”

“It’s true. A while ago, nubi’s didi entered Ning Wang Fu for a job.
Nubi had no other way and did wrong things. Gonggong, please
investigate carefully, nubi really didn’t pass on any information.” Bai
zhi cried as she knelt in front of Qian Chang Xin.
“Fine, yeye I don’t want to listen to your nonsense,” Qian Chang Xin
retreated two steps, not allowing Bai Zhi to hug his leg. He said in a
cold voice, “Bai Zhi died due to an illness recently. Send somebody
to give her family thirty taels of silver.” Finishing, he motioned for the
person to pour the poisonous wine into Bai Zhi.
“Thank you wang ye, thank you gonggong.” Bai Zhi trembled as she
held a hand and poured down the wine. No matter what, at least
wang ye let her family go.
Qian Chang Xin came out of the firewood room and threw the whip
to one side. He took a handkerchief that a lower-ranked taijian
handed over to wipe his hand, “Bury the person carefully. At least
she served wang ye before. People, they can’t try to find death
themselves. Those that betray their masters, they don’t have good
endings.” Finishing, he left without a second glance.
Tong fang Bai Zhi’s death didn’t arouse much interest in the fu.
Everybody new, Bai Zhi died suddenly. Curiosity wasn’t allowed in
the case of a sudden death.
When Qu Qing Ju heard the news, she was trimming a newly
delivered bonsai. She finished listening to Huang Yang before she
put down her scissors to order: “Since the person is gone, don’t
mention the past anymore. Get someone to send something to her
family, it is wang ye’s grace.” Since He Heng said Bai Zhi died of
illness, then she had to give the appropriate response.
Even Yin Liu who was quick of the mouth didn’t say anything at the
time. After Huang Yang left, she spoke with some fear: “She’s just
“As a servant, you can’t have multiple masters,” Mu Jin sorted away
the scissors that Qu Qing Ju placed on the table to prevent Qu Qing
Ju from accidentally harming her hand, “This way, it was very
generous of wang ye.” This type of thing, it wasn’t just a life, it was
possible to influence an entire family.
Yin Liu didn’t argue with the words. To her, all she had to do
everyday was serve wang fei well. She didn’t have to think about
anything else. She didn’t want to think that much either.
Qu Qing Ju propped her chin up with one hand and looked outside in
boredom. In these days without a computer or phone, it was boring.
She gave a yawn and drawled lazily: “Mu Jin, find a story book for
Mu Jin retreated but after a while, she didn’t receive her novel, but
Qu Qing Ju received a flower and gold printed invitation.
“The Jin An Princess Royal?” Qu Qing Ju looked at the invitation in
her hand. At the banquet, there had been a few princesses and 郡
主: daughters in the Imperial Family, most likely daughters of wangs.
One rank lower than princess (gongzhu)jun zhu[1]. But this Jin An
Princess, she had never met before. If her memory wasn’t wrong,
Jin An Princess was the eldest daughter of Qing di Emperor. Her
birth mother had died, but she was adopted under the empress. The
emperor had also decreed her the title of “the Princess Royal[2]. She
had significant status within the womenfolk but since she married
down to the Count of Bei Lu, she moved to live in Jing Zhou and
rarely returned to Jing.
The rumor was that the Count of Bei Lu and Jin An Princess Royal
were deeply in love and had one son and daughter. She was the
object of admiration from many of the women at court and was the
epitome of husband of wife in many people’s eyes. But why was she
returning to Jin now, at a time that wasn’t a festival and to hold a
picture-admiring banquet.
She looked at the beautiful flowery xiaokai script[3] on the invitation.
The invitation that was sent to the wang fu would have been
personally written by Jin An Princess Royal. To see a person through
their writing. This Jin An Princess Royal was a very talented woman.
Personally writing a reply, Qu Qing Ju waited for the ink to dry
before folding the paper. She passed it to Jin Zhan who had been
grinding the ink: “Get someone to send it to the Princess Royal’s fu.”

At night, He Heng came to the zhengyuan. When the two finished

eating the evening meal, Qu Qing Ju brought up the matter.
He Heng wasn’t very close to his jiejie but he did hear some rumors
floating in Jing: “Two days earlier, the Princess Royal came back to
Jing. You might have never met her before, but since the invitation
has been sent, you can go.”
Qu Qing Ju gave him a cup of digestive tea, “I already sent a reply.
It’s just that the picture-admiring banquet is three days later. The day
after that would be the Lantern Festival.[4] I was just surprised at the
date that the Princess Royal had set down.” When He Heng took the
teacup, he took advantage and rubbed her hand. She glared at him
half-heartedly, “Has the Count of Bei Lu returned as well?”
He Heng shook his head, “Haven’t heard it. I’ve just heard that the
Princess Royal came with her two children.”
Qu Qing Ju felt that there definitely had been something that
happened. The Princess Royal returning before the Lantern Festival,
with her children but not her fuma .[5] Nothing serious was occurring
in Jing at this time, why was she in such a rush?
Was it that this Count of Bei Lu had done something and let down
the Princess Royal? Because in this world, the people that were held
as examples of matrimony usually would screw up. This was most
likely the supposed “the more loving, the faster you die.”
If the truth was like this, then it was very interesting that the Princess
Royal was returning to the palace right now.
“Don’t think too much,” He Heng set down the teacup and reached
with a hand to scrape Qu Qing Ju’s nose, “The Princess Royal is the
most noble princess among my sisters. No one dare offend her.”
Qu Qing Ju instantly understood the meaning in these words. If the
Count of Bei Lu really did let down the Princess Royal, if the
Princess Royal was so angry and wanted to get revenge, then this
Count of Bei Lu won’t have a good outcome. She looked at He Heng.
These words might not be actual concern for his sister, but it was
very honest.
“Wang ye is right,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “I was overcomplicating it.”

“En, since it is already done, why don’t you think about us,” He Heng
moved next to her body and gently bit her ear, “Like when should we
prepare to sleep?” Finishing, he pulled on the hairpin in her hair.
Instantly, her hair poured down like a stream of water.
Qu Qing Ju smiled at him, “What is wang ye thinking now?”

He Heng felt that this stare was like a string, pulling him in. He
carried her up in a lengthwise embrace, “What I’m thinking, Qing Ju
will know in a while.”
Qu Qing Ju laughed out loud into his chest.
The second morning, Qu Qing Ju sat up in the bed. She looked at
the scattered clothing on the bed, then at He Heng who was
dressing in front of the mirror before she lazily retreated back into
her blankets.
Seeing her wake, He Heng said: “Today is the Lantern Festival, I’ll
take you out on the carriage to sightsee.”
“Wang ye, you have to keep your promise,” Qu Qing Ju flipped
around upon hearing this, propping her head up on one hand to look
at He Heng, “Then you need to come back early, I’ll wait for you.”
“I’ll certainly return very early,” He Heng walked to the bed and bent
down to steal a kiss from her lips. He straightened and announced,
“I have to go to court. If you are tired, sleep a bit more.” Finishing,
his gaze sweep ambiguously over the red marks on Qu Qing Ju’s
Pulling the blankets to under her chin, Qu Qing Ju pointed outside
and gently gave a snort: “Wang ye, you should be going to court
now. Qie is still tired, and won’t see you off.” Finishing, she flipped
around and left her back to He Heng.
He Heng shook his head as he smiled and his mood was light as he
went out the door.
Qu Qing Ju slept for almost another two hours before lazily getting
out of bed. She looked calmly on as the yahuan cleaned up the
clothing under the bed. She sat at the mirror and drew her brows
when she said: “Jin Zhan, get someone to ask around what’s going
on with the Princess Royal.”
Jin Zhan bowed and left without a sound.
Silently looking at the woman in the mirror, Qu Qing Ju raised the
corners of her lips.


1. 郡主: daughters in the Imperial Family, most likely daughters of wangs. One
rank lower than princess (gongzhu)

2. The title in Chinese is “长公主” which means the elder, head princess. It is
equivalent to the “Princess Royal” in English nobility as a title except there
could be more than one Princess Royal at a time.

3. 簪花小楷: xiaokai is a style of writing called regular script where the

characters are of small size. It is akin to printing in English writing rather than
handwriting/cursive writing.

4. 上元节:shang yuan jie. It occurs on the fifteenth day of the first month, also
called 元宵节 (yuan xiao jie)

5. 驸马: the husband of a princess, the emperor’s son-in-law.

Chapter Thirty Nine

The reason that the Princess Royal had suddenly returned to Jing
was as Qu Qing Ju had expected. Something had happened. It
really wasn’t some unexpected incident. It was just an usually good
man like the Count of Bei Lu had suddenly taken a fancy for a
daughter of a little official and had wanted to take the person into the
fu. Such a person like the Princess Royal didn’t even argue with him
and crisply sent somebody with the girl to return home. Who knew
that the Count of Bei Lu was so angry he installed this person a
mistress[1] outside.
When the Princess Royal found out, she gathered her servants and
tore down the residence that the Count of Bei Lu had outside. Then
she took her children with her back to Jing. As to how the Count of
Bei Lu was, the Princess Royal didn’t care at all.
Qu Qing Ju finished listening to the entire story and sighed: “The love
between husband and wife, it’s just this.” The daring that the
Princess Royal had, a lot of it was based in the fact that she was
the Emperor’s daughter, that she was the Princess Royal of noble
birth. If it was another woman who met such a thing, even if she left,
who would help get justice for her?
After Jin Zhan recited the story from beginning to end, she
whispered: “Nubi has also heard that the Emperor and Empress
already know of the incident. The Emperor is very angry and has
summoned for the Count of Bei Lu to come into Jing. “
A man like the Count of Bei , he hadn’t really been in love. He was
only wary of the status of the Princess Royal and hadn’t met the
woman that made his heart move. Now that he met a young and
innocent girl, he forgot his wife, forgot his children and forgot his own
identity. This kind of man, compared to those womanizers, was there
a difference?
When He Heng came back from court, his expression wasn’t well. It
looked like he also knew what had happened with the Princess
“In the future, when you go to the Princess Royal’s residence, spend
some time with her,” When He Heng stopped, he gave a sigh, “This
Count of Bei Lu is too outrageous.”
Qu qing Ju pretended to not have known already: “What is it?”
He Heng instantly went silent for a beat before answering: “He let
down the Princess Royal, fuhuang was very angry and summoned
him back to Jing.”
Knowing that he didn’t want to go into the details, Qu Qing Ju smiled
and said: “It’s late, let’s eat now.”
He Heng glanced outside before nodding. He affirmed: “It’s really not
early anymore. After we eat, I’ll take you out to see the lanterns.” He
was still thinking about this event and didn’t want other people’s
happenings to affect the mood between the two of them. He then
continued, “There’s going to be many people tonight. I’ve gotten
someone to prepare a veil for you. It will be good to go for a walk.”
Qu Qing Ju revealed a smile: “Then let us eat quickly. I still have to
change.” The clothing she was wearing was beautiful, but it reached
the floor and wasn’t appropriate to go outside.
Knowing that she wanted to go outside, He Heng smiled and agreed:
“Yes.” He turned and washed his hands, preparing to eat.
The meal started with a small bowl of yuan xiao[2]. Qu Qing Ju used
half a bowl before randomly eating a few other dishes before she
started to wash her hands and rinsing her mouth. When He Heng put
down his chopsticks, she stood to go to the inner room to change.
Holding a cup of digestive tea, the smile on He Heng’s face grew
deeper. Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, He Heng
ordered Qian Chang Xin and the others to prepare a carriage.
Qu Qing Ju changed on a blue-green tight girdled short dress. She
styled her hair into a douwoji. When she came out she saw He Heng
sitting at the side drinking tea. She came forward and asked: “What
does wang ye think of this?”
He Heng saw the short dress in blue-green that she wore. It was
different than the laziness she exuded usually. Like this, she seemed
to have more of the lovable nature of a young girl, just like a tender
flower but which was became water with a pinch.
“Very good,” He Heng came forward to pull her hand, “let’s go, it will
start soon.”
Sitting on the carriage for a while, she found that it became gradually
louder coming from the street as though they had entered a high
density area. But there wasn’t anyone who blocked the carriage.
The one they were riding in didn’t have the symbols of the wang fu,
but the people who could sit in a two-horse carriage, how low would
their status be?
After the carriage travelled for another while, it stopped. He Heng
passed a veil to Qu Qing Ju, “Almost to the river, come down with
me.” Finishing, he got down the carriage first, holding a hand out to
Qu Qing Ju gave her hand to him, allowing him to help her out of the
carriage. She didn’t know what the veil was made out off. Even
though it seemed that a thin mist covered her view, she still could
clearly see everything. Her hand was grasped in He Heng’s, hidden
in the other’s wide sleeve. It felt a bit like the first romance between
boy and girl as they came out to walk together. But Qu Qing Ju was
very clear inside. She wasn’t an innocent girl. And the other wasn’t a
youth in the middle of his first crush.
By this time, both sides of the river shore was filled with beautiful
lanterns. There were some stalls where lanterns were hung up for
people to spend money and guess riddles. If they were right, they
would receive a lantern as a gift.
Behind the two of them were the taijian and guards, all in common
clothing, who didn’t let other people crowd them. Passing through
the busy crowds, Qu Qing Ju saw people take river lanterns as they
walked towards the edge of the river and some children running
around with animal lanterns. In this instant, her mood was very good.
“What has always been said to come, but has never really came?”
Qu Qing Ju heard the exchange and couldn’t help laugh out loud. He
Heng saw she was very happy and asked, “What, does Qing Ju
This, placed in her previous life, it was a brainteaser that would be
placed on the winter homework of elementary school children.
“Of course I know,” She turned to look at the people still guessing,
“It’s tomorrow.”
Hearing this answer, He Heng couldn’t resist smiling, “That’s
correct.” Behind him, he pulled on the veil and made it more secure
on Qu Qing Ju. He then complimented, “Qing Ju is very smart.”
Finishing, he dragged her in front a stall.
“Which one do you like?” He pointed at the lanterns hung above
Qu Qing Ju followed his hand to look up. She pointed to a moon
rabbit lantern and commented: “That bunny is very cute.”
He Heng motioned for the peddler to take down the moon rabbit
lantern and check the tag hanging on the lantern. It was the first part
of a couplet, and asked for the matching second half.
Qian Chang Xin saw this and quickly gave money to the peddler to
let his master guess the right answer to the couplet.
“The rabbit’s soul is connected to the silver sea … …” Qu Qing Ju
recited the first line. She wasn’t skilled at this topic, and didn’t know
if He Heng could give the answer. She prepared to look at the
lanterns hanging elsewhere.
“The crab’s mountain receives the purple star.[3]” Who knew that Qu
Qing Ju hadn’t even seen clearly what was hanging on the other
lantern before she heard He Heng give the matching line. She raised
and eyebrow and laughed: “So skilled.”
“Just a simple couplet,” He Heng took the moon rabbit lamp from the
peddler and presented it in front of Qu Qing Ju, “For you.”
She took this lantern. Qu Qing Ju raised it and looked in examination
for a while before replying: “Thank you wang ye.”

Seeing Qu Qing Ju like this lantern, the smile on He Heng’s face

became even more visible. It was just when he took a few steps, the
smile on his face wasn’t so natural anymore.
Because he saw He Yuan was coming straight over in his direction.
Beside him, there was a woman, but she wore a veil that disguised
her appearance.
It was obvious that He Yuan saw him. The two brothers both
stopped in their steps before they walked near each other.
“Er ge.” He Yuan’s gaze swept next to He Heng. He took his eyes
back: “Er ge has such good spirits today.”
“San di is as well,” He Heng casually moved to the side, managing to
hid half of Qu Qing Ju’s body behind himself.
“Greetings to Duan Wang, Duan Wang Fei.” Just at that moment, the
female next to He Yuan opened to speak.
Hidden under the veil, Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrow jumped. She paused
for a beat before questioning: “San mei?”

Why was Qu Yue Su walking together with He Yuan, what was the
people of Chang De Gong Fu doing?!


1. 外室 (wai shi): meaning outside room. The woman that becomes a waishi
isn’t recognized in any way by the family of the man and neither are the
children, usually. The woman also has no real status, unlike a concubine of
any rank and therefore no income except what the man gives her.

2. 元宵: the food takes its name from the Lantern Festival. It is a dessert type
food made with a sweet filling rolled around in sticky rice flour to form a thin
coat before being cooked.

3. 兔魂连银海 鳌山接紫微 is the complete couplet. The meaning is “The moon

shines widely and brightly, the lanterns mutually fold over each other high.”

纱帽: silk-hat, veil

元宵: stuffing rolled in sticky rice powder and cooked.

月兔灯: Moon Rabbit Lantern

Chapter Forty “To Repay
Grievances Fairly”
Qu Qing Ju felt that she didn’t understand what was going on. This
era didn’t treat women as strictly as the previous dynasty, but Qu
Yue Su had just reached her marriageable age of fifteen. She just
casually walked with a wang ye that already had a wife on this public
street, wasn’t it a bit inappropriate?
She looked at the veil that the other was wearing. Her appearance
was faintly unclear through the fabric which would more easily cause
others to speculate. She didn’t want to involve herself in whatever
Chang De Gong Fu was doing so in the end she didn’t say anything
“It is meimei,” Qu Yue Su’s voice was as sweet as usually and had
an extra hint of gentleness. She gave Qu Qing Ju a slight bow, “I
didn’t think to be able to see jiejie here.”
She had just called her Duan Wang Fei. After one call of “san mei”
the other instantly changed appellations. In her voice, nothing of the
conflict between Qu Qing Ju and Chang De Gong Fu could be heard,
as though Qu Qing Ju was just her sister.
“Just a good festival so I came out to see,” Qu Qing Ju had no
interest to chat in front of two wang ye and an unfamiliar woman.
She replied coldly and didn’t speak further.
Qu Wei Su saw she didn’t want to speak and casually responded
before stopping talking. She clearly was a perceptive person. This
series of actions made Qu Qing Ju feel that it was a miracle that
Liang shi could raise such a daughter.

It instantly became silent between the four people. Nobody spoke.

Suddenly, a ball of fire exploded in the sky. Qu Qing Ju raised her
eyes to watch. She saw the eye-catching spread of fire as she
heard the cheers of people in her ears.
Qu Yue Su also raised her head but she only saw the sparks as the
fireworks faded. She had no desire to watch so she turned her head
to look at Rui Wang beside her. The other’s handsome appearance
caused her to slightly blush.
“Didi has a pleasure boat by the river, how about er ge and er sao
come together on to see the river lanterns from there.” He Yuan said
calmly, “It’s rumoured that the fireworks would be going on for two
hours tonight. It wouldn’t be as noisy on the boat. Er ge, you can’t
disdain the boat for being too crude.” Finishing, his face revealed a
smile that held a hint of pride.
Hearing the other mention the pleasure boat, He Heng knew this
boat. It had been commissioned from the Ministry of Works
specifically by fuhuang for lao san. He had never been on it, but he
had heard people mention it. This boat had exquisite carvings all
over. Since the other had the desire to boast, he couldn’t reject.
“That’s great, er ge hadn’t had the chance to see didi’s boat. It’s
very fortunate to have met tonight, we’ll have to disturb you,”
Finishing, he turned and held Qu Qing Ju’s hand as he explained with
a shallow smile: “Seeing the lights from the river, it has a distinctive
Qu Qing Ju’s index finger scratched his palm and nodded her head
He Yuan looked at their close conjugal state and put his hands
behind his back in disgust, moving his eyes away.
On the side, Qu Yue Su was deeply moved. A person like da jie who
had such a dull personality, she was able to receive Duan Wang’s
affection. Even her personality was more outgoing than in the past. It
could be seen just how great the influence Duan Wang had on her. A
sense of admiration rose in her heart, a bit sour and a touch bitter
Chang De Gong Fu’s days were one worse than the past one. So
they thought to let her enter Rui Wang Fu. Even if she couldn’t
become zheng fei, but after Rui Wang succeeded the throne, she
could at least be a fei. If she gave birth to a son, she might even
have better fortune in the future.
She had already accepted that she had to walk such a past, but
seeing how da jie was able to hold hands and walk together with
Duan Wang, her heart still felt ill.
In this world, which girl didn’t want to be wearing a phoenix crown
and a red cape as they married. Why did they have to wear that
mountain crow dress to become another man’s shiqie, and that man,
she couldn’t call him her husband.
The guards at the two sides quickly pushed aside the surrounding
crowds, leaving behind enough walking space for their masters. Qu
Qing Ju and He Heng walked at the very front, a feeling akin “a very
important person was coming and onlookers had to leave.”
On the two sides of the road there were peddlers selling snacks.
Yuan xiao, candy, and other foodstuffs. It had attracted many
customers. She even saw a chubby child holding a bowl of hot
sesame soup and wolfing it down.
These fresh scenes caused her to smile. She pointed to a small
stand selling sticky rice cake and commented to He Heng: “Wang
ye, that cake has sesame seeds and peanut bits on it, it seems
He Heng looked at the nondescript stand. The sellers were a normal
couple, past their sixties, but they seemed very energetic.
“Foods outside aren’t very clean, you can’t eat too much,” Finishing,
he motioned for Qian Chang Xin to go buy.
Qian Chang Xin hurriedly walked to the small stand and gave a
handful of copper to the owner. He even brought the bowl and
spoon. Then he carefully held the sticky rice cake to He Heng,
“Wang ye, nucai had them add extra peanuts.”

He Heng nodded and took the bowl to have a taste. The flavour was
normal but there was some distinctive style. He held the bowl in front
of qu Qing Ju, “Here, if your stomach aches at night, don’t blame
“I’m not that delicate,” Qu Qing Ju didn’t take the bowl and reached
out with her left hand to hold the spoon to eat the cake. Her right
hand slightly pushed aside the fabric of her veil in front of her face,
totally treating He Heng like a servant of hers.
Qian Chang Xin saw the master and mistress walk even slower and
silently lowered his head. He definitely didn’t see wang ye taking
pleasure in the act.
After a few pieces of cake go into her stomach, Qu qing Ju put
down the spoon. She took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth and
commented: “The flavour is good. I just saw someone selling tofu,
but it’s hard to eat and walk on the road.”
“Get the fu’s chef to make it for you,” He Heng threw the bowl at
Qian Chang Xin and wiped his hands. He declared, “You can only
just taste the flavour with these, but they should be more finely
Qu Qing Ju obediently nodded, acting like “wang ye, you are right. I
listen to you for everything.”
He Yuan, who had been following them the entire road, stayed silent.
When he had saw He Heng hold the bowl for Qu shi, he felt surprise.
As one of the imperial sons and descendants of the dragon, they
never served anyone else. This Qu shi had some ability to let er ge
be this happy in serving others.
No wonder mufei said she was a fox spirit. To wrap He Heng around
her fingers, her tricks should be extraordinary.
People said to marry a wife was marrying virtue. This wife that lao
er had married, she probably wasn’t a very worry-free one. Thinking
of this, he raised his head to look at the backs of the two. This type
of women, it would be better for her to be a beautiful qie.

They hadn’t walked for fifteen minutes when they reached the
pleasure boat. At this harbour, there was only He Yuan’s boat. It
even had guards protecting it. The other pleasure boats were
anchored far away, clearly afraid to even cause any chance of
He Yuan disregarded the guards as they bowed to him and ushered
the couple onto the boat. As he led them inside, he informed: “This
boat has two levels, we’ll go to the top.”
Qu Qing Ju found that even the handrail of the stairs was carved
with pictures of mountains and rivers. The steps her feet rested on
were made from high quality red wood. Each step was as steady as
she was walking on solid ground.
He Heng walked at the front, carefully pulling Qu Qing Ju’s hand as
they went up. Only when they reached the top did he let go.
The windows of the boat were open. Next to the window was a set
of table and chairs. He Yuan ushed the two to sit, he himself sitting
down by one side before he said to the still standing Qu Yue Su: “Qu
san xiao jie, please sit.” He knew the idea that Chang De Gong Fu
had. He didn’t have any interested in this third daughter, but if he
took Duan Wang Fei’s meimei as qie, what would lao er’s face look
His good er ge was in love with wang fei, so he thought he wouldn’t
be angry at her.
Qu Qing Ju sat beside the window, looking at the surface of the river
as it turned red due to the lanterns on both shores. She used a hand
to prop her chin as she admired the scenery. Occasionally, there
were lotus lanterns that floated by, the candle in the middle fluttering,
creating another kind of beauty in the night.
“In the cold night, a guest has come with such urgency that tea has
to substitute for wine. The water started boiling in the bamboo pot,
the fire crimson red and hot.” He Yuan raised a teacup, “er ge, er
sao, why don’t you taste this boat’s tea?”

Qu Qing Ju heard his words and felt this couple of Rui Wang both
had the habit of wanting people to taste tea. A person like her that
didn’t have much learning in tea, the thing she disliked most was
hearing this type of question. She raised the veil, revealing an ivory
chin. Qu Qing Ju smiled as she took a sip and then she lowered her
veil, elegantly putting the cup back on the table.
“Simple and elegant, the taste lingers in the mouth,” He Heng put
down the teacup and smiled. He praised, “San di has such leisurely
days. Er ge can’t find good things like this.”

“Recently I don’t have to go to court so naturally I will spend more

attention on these things,” He Yuan said with a mirthless smile, “er
ge has busy duties, there’s no attention left for these common
Seeing the other mention the court, He Heng turned his head to look
outside the window. He turned his head back to say, “San di is
joking. Fuhuang is just angry momentarily. Once si di has uncovered
the truth, I’m afraid san di will be busy with the court again.”

“I hope si di can return soon, and wash away the accusations again
didi,” He Yuan gave a seemingly helpless sigh. He turned and said to
Qu Yue Su who had stayed silent by one side, “I’ve heard that san
xiaojie’s is exceptional at the qin. Is it possible for this small wang to
hear a song?”
Under the veil, Qu Yue Su’s face froze. After a slight pause, she put
down the teacup in her hands. With a light voice she said: “An
inelegant song, hope everyone doesn’t laugh.” Finishing, she walked
to sit behind the qin. When she plucked the chords, notes rang out.

The smile on He Heng’s face didn’t change but he looked down even
more at the people of Chang De Gong Fu. Now, Qing Ju was Duan
Wang Fei. Qu Yue Su, as her sister, was willing to play music for Rui
Wang. A di daughter of a gong fu, she was rushing to become a
qieshi. He didn’t know if it shamed Qing Ju or the reputation of
Chang De Gong Fu.
Qu Yue Su’s skills were good. Qu Qing Ju listened and had a deeper
understanding of the arrogance of He Yuan. He could, in front of her
as his er sao, let Qu Yue Su play for him. That was clearly saying
that he didn’t even put any importance on He Heng and his er sao.
Arrogant people usually died early. Qu Qing Ju smiled icily. Just this
type of tactics and he wanted to be emperor. He was delusional.
And this Chang De Gong Fu, it was too shameless. Thankfully the
entire Jing City knew that she, as Duan Wang Fei, wasn’t close to
Chang De Gong Fu. Otherwise, if they didn’t care about humiliating
themselves, she cared.
Qu Yue Su played a famous song called “Clouds Over Xiao and
Xiangjiang Rivers[2]”. Some thought this was a song lamenting the
present and reminiscing on the past, but others felt this song just
simply described the scenery. No matter what, this song required
very high skills. If there were any weakness, they couldn’t play the
meaning in the song.
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t an expert in the guqin, but as a former dancer,
she did have a sense of music. At least she could hear, that when
Qu Yue Su was playing this song, her mood wasn’t as good as
“San xiaoji’s skills are as extraordinary as said,” He Yuang listened
for a while before continuing to drink tea. He suddenly remarked, “Er
sao’s skills must be extraordinary as well.”

These words overstepped. Qu Qing Ju smiled rather than get angry.

The motion she made as she set down the teacup was heavier than
before. She retorted icily: “San shu does indeed have lots of leisure
time. No wonder you would pay attention to such insignificant
These words were very impolite, it didn’t leave behind any coverings
for He Yuan. Sitting by her side, He Heng didn’t speak, clearly
feeling that there was nothing wrong with what Qu Qing Ju had just
He Yuan’s face showed an astonished expression. When he had
finished speaking, he had already detected it wasn’t proper but he
was used to being brash, and didn’t expect that this er sao would be
so impolite.
A flame burned in his heart. He looked at He Heng and saw the
other’s expression wasn’t very good. He could only raise his teacup,
“It’s didi that transgressed, er sao, please forgive me.”

Qu Qing Ju lazily raised her teacup, “San shu is too polite.” But she
didn’t drink the tea.
A sliver of a smile appeared on He Heng’s face. He raised the
teacup and said to He Yuan: “San di, this tea isn’t wine. Don’t get
intoxicated.” His woman, she showed have this daring. If she had to
silently suffer such a thing, where did it put him as the husband?
He Yuan squeezed out a smile and took a drink but he felt that the
tea in his mouth was bitter and harsh, the fire in his heart unable to
be doused.

1. 以直报怨 is an idiom that states to justly treat people that they hate.

2. 潇湘 is a place Hu Nan

莲花灯: lotus lantern
Chapter Forty One

Once “Clouds over Xiao and Xiangjin Rivers” finished, Qu Yue Su

took down her hands and elegantly stood to bow to the three people
before she returned to her seat.
Qu Qing Ju saw her fingertips appear to be slightly red and her
eyebrow twitched. She turned her head to look at the desserts in
front of her, and reached with a hand to pick one.
He Heng looked at the pile of salty pastries on the place getting
smaller and smaller and opened to warn: “Careful you don’t get
thirsty.” Eating this kind of pastries at night, wasn’t she afraid of
getting fat?
Raising her teacup for a sip, Qu Qing Ju didn’t eat any more pastries
and pointed with emotion at the fireworks blooming outside the
window, “The fireworks last year must have been as beautiful as
today’s but qie was in the fu and could only see the light when the
fireworks erupted, not how beautiful it was.”
Hearing this, Qu Yue Su’s heart jumped. Last year’s Lantern
Festival, she and didi came out to look at the lanterns. Da jie and er
jie had been left behind in the fu. In the past, she had felt somewhat
guilty but if da jie wasn’t present, it was more carefree. Now that
she was hearing da jie mention the incident, she felt strangely
insecure inside.
“In the future, you will see the fireworks each year until you get sick
of it,” He Heng tilted his head towards the windows, the flames
painting his eyes red and blurring his gaze, “The past, don’t place
too much importance on it.” Finishing, he moved his eyes and kept
on drinking his tea.
On the side, He Yuan hadn’t spoke since he had been flayed by Qu
Qing Ju. He clearly was trying to suppress his anger, but to He
Heng, He Yuan’s flames weren’t really anything. What was going to
happen at the Royal Court tomorrow will make his fire burn higher.
“En,” Qu Qing Ju didn’t look outside anymore. The wind blew past
her veil, revealing a pale neck that was quickly hidden under the veil.
She rubbed the edge of the teacup and remarked to the quiet Qu
Yue Su, “San mei’s musical skills are better and better.”

“Da jie is too complimentary,” Qu Yue Su managed a smile. She

knew that the other looked down at her but she had to keep a
respectful attitude, “Just practiced more during the days.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded, “You usually are much better than I as your

“Da jie’s appearance is among the most beautiful of the country, how
can meimei compare.” Qu Yue Su stood and bowed, afraid to
receive the compliment. It was just that something was off about the
words she just spoke.
Most beautiful of the country? Qu Qing Ju felt that she was saying
she had looks but no education. But she didn’t care. Others
complimented her beauty, she felt happy. As to whether she had
brains, it was fine as long as she was clear. What others said, did it
mean anything?
In this world, who wouldn’t be spoken of, who wouldn’t be the object
of jealousy, wouldn’t be called mediocre. She wasn’t afraid of the
malicious slander of others.
Smiling carelessly, she put down the teacup in her hand. She
suddenly observed: “There’s less and less people on the shores.”
He Yuan looked outside and saw that it was true there were less
people. He remarked faintly: “It’s late, let the boat near the shore.”
He didn’t want to see lao er and his woman being sick.

As beautiful as the fireworks were, there was a time where it had to

stop. The people on the shores gradually left and the busyness
turned quiet.
As the boat slowly reached the shore, Qu Qing Ju looked at the
lanterns that were hanging by the shore without an audience. She
remembered her own moon rabbit lantern that she had let a servant
“Who’s looking after the lantern?” Qu Qing Ju allowed He Heng to
guide her down and asked about the whereabouts of the lantern.
“Don’t worry, Qian Chang Xin has somebody keeping a watch,” He
Heng came down the last step. Seeing Qu Qing Ju still reluctant over
that roughly crafted moon rabbit lantern, the smile on his face grew
stronger, “There’s many lanterns hanging in the fu. After we return,
I’ll get someone to pick some pretty ones to hang in zhengyuan.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded and held hands with He Heng as they left the
deck. She looked at the surroundings and found that a thin mist had
formed, and it had gotten colder.
Waiting at the side, Qian Chang Xin held the two’s capes. He first
helped wang ye put his own. When he was preparing to serve Qu
Qing Ju, he was waved away by He Heng who personally did it.
The soft Shu brocade cape was embroidered with faint flower
patterns. Under the moon, it had a hazy beauty. Qu Qing Ju saw He
Heng put the cape on her and lowered her head to tie it but found He
Heng had stolen ahead again.
He Heng’s fingers had been carefully cut and cleaned. The joints
were somewhat visible, given off the feeling of security and strength.
Qu Qing Ju smiled and raised her chin to allow He Heng to tie her
cape for her.
Qu Yue Su silently stood in the corner. Nobody came up to server
her, no one even looked at her. She watched as Duan Wang lowered
himself to tied jiejie’s cape for her and suddenly felt ill and ironic.
Nowadays, da jie was high up in the sky, served and fawned over by
countless people as Duan Wang Fei. And she had to use all her
heart and mind to curry favour with Rui Wang. Even if she was
successful, she could only be a ce shi.

“Since it’s late, er ge and er sao should return to rest early,” He

Yuan saw He Heng’s actions and stopped. He continued, “I should
return too.”
The two carriages had been waiting at one side to take their owners
back to their fu. He Yuan finished speaking and headed to his own
Behind him, Qu Yue Su hesitated and bowed to He Heng and Qu
Qing Ju. In the end she still followed in He Yuan’s footsteps and got
on the carriage of Rui Wang Fu.
Qu Qing Ju watched as Rui Wang Fu’s carried leave. The smile on
her face had a hint of additional disdain, “Rui wang ye has such an
unrestrained temperament.”
Hearing this, He Heng smiled, “He’s always been like this since he
was young. Because of it, he’s gotten into countless conflicts with da
ge. It’s just fuhuang has biasedly favoured him that after these
years, he has gotten more and more … … of a personality.”
That He Heng could say the words “biasedly favoured”, it could be
seen just how unfair Qing De Emperor was. And He Yuan has
offended many. Rationally, an imperial son as favoured by the
emperor as much as he was, there should be many who followed
him to earn a part in pushing him to the throne. But this Rui Wang
really didn’t have that many people following him. It could be seen
that even the officials in the court felt that one day, he would break
But, it might be that Qing De Emperor preferred him this unruly.
Maybe it allowed him to feel safer?
Feeing that her thoughts were running off-topic, Qu Qing Ju blew out
a breath, “I don’t know why san mei would follow Rui Wang, this is
getting messier.” She couldn’t discuss the imperial sons so she could
only shift the topic to Changd D Gong Fu.
“Whatever they do, it has nothing to do with you. There’s no need to
worry yourself over these people,” He Heng understood what He
Yuan was planning. To how cheap He Yuan was, he looked down on
it. He was going to take a woman of Chang De Gong Fu and thought
that was slapping him on the face, and for him to blame Qing Ju?
He Heng thought to there and thought it was a bit funny. He wasn’t a
rash young boy, he wouldn’t blame others for this occurrence. He
Yuan was thinking of others like they were him, that really didn’t fit
When they returned to the wang fu, the night was already late. Early
on, servants had hung lanterns in the zhengyuan. Qu Qing Ju and He
Heng washed before they slept. They were in a good mood thought,
not being affected in the slightest by He Yuan.
It was He Yuan that, upon returning to his fu, threw a moderate fit.
He didn’t even pay attention to Qin Bai Lu’s request for a meeting.
He only ordered the servants to send Qu Yue Su back to Chang De
Gong fu.
When Qin Bai Lu heard that wang ye and Qu san xiaojie were
together at the Lantern Festival, she almost smashed something in
anger. At last, she could only push down the anger. Chang De Gong
Fu already had a wang fei come out of there, why would they think
to send the other di daughter to be a ce shi?

Barely keeping a lid on her temper, Qin Bai Lu thought hatefully that
no matter what, if this woman did enter the fu, she wasn’t going to
go easy on her.
On the second day after the Lantern Festival, a major event
exploded at Court. Before the imperial envoy sent to Jiang Nan had
reached their destination, they had been attacked by assassins.
Cheng Wang had been wounded in the arm and gotten a high fever.
The Minister of the Right, Wei Wen Guang was wounded even more
serious, and was still in a coma.
Instantly, the entire court roared. Who would have such daring to
assassinate imperial envoys, did they want to silence them?
Chapter Forty Two

Assassination of the imperial envoy was a major event. Even though

Qing De Emperor had a soft personality, but when he encountered
such an event, he felt that he was personally humiliated and furiously
ordered for an investigation.
He Heng stood next to He Qi. Hearing He Qi’s righteous and fervent
words, as though he was really trying to help fuhuang, his eyebrow
moved slightly as he silently lowered his head.
“Since it is already done, then this event will be investigated by Ning
Wang and the Ministry of Justice,” Qing De Emperor’s temper hasn’t
calmed and his voice was somewhat coarse, “These criminals, they
are too outrageous!”
“Er chen accepts the order.” He Qi knelt on one knee to receive the
Imperial Decree, the lowered head disguising the satisfaction in his
After court, He Qi didn’t chat with others like he did usually but
quickly left. He Heng looked at He Qi’s rushing figure, a sliver of
smile appearing on his face.
“Has His Highness Duan Wang ever heard of the story of the mantis
and the cicada,” The Minister of Defense, Luo Chang Qing, walked
next to He Heng and bowed to him. He smiled as he looked at Ning
Wang’s back, “The story is too common, but it does have some
He Heng tilted his head slightly. He praised: “Luo da ren is wise.”

“What wise, it’s just speaking nonsense,” Luo Chang Qing rubbed his
beard, the cheer still on his face, “How is His Highness Cheng
Wang’s injuries, as imperial subjects, all of us are very worried.”
“Luo da ren doesn’t have to worry. Ben wang’s si di was only
wounded in the arm. The messenger said the injury was already
controlled,” He Heng put his hands behind his back, leading Luo
Chang Qing by half a pace, “fuhuang has already sent the head and
the professor of the Imperial Hospital to quickly travel there.”
“That is good. As subjects, we won’t have to worry any longer,”
Hearing the answer he wanted, Luo Chang Qing chuckled as he
raised his hands together, “Your Highness Duan Wang, this subject
still has other matters and has to leave first, farewell.”
“Luo da ren, take care,” He Heng smiled lightly and nodded at him.
Walking as Luo Chang Qing walk away at a sedate pace, the smile
slowly disappeared from He Heng’s face. Luo Chang Qing, that wily
fox, was worried about his grandson-in-law. He talked for this long
period of time just to confirm He Ming’s condition.
Thinking about the ploys that lao da and lao san were playing behind
their backs, He Heng curled his lips. No matter how loyal someone
appeared, but at certain times, they had to look out for themselves,
just like the present Luo Family.
If He Ming really had been mortally wounded, then that girl from the
Luo Family would become a widow. Most likely, the Luo Family
wouldn’t let it go. Hearing what that old fox Luo Chang Qing had
said, he had probably guessed who had been the person that really
sent the order. As to why the other would tell him, he didn’t care. He
was certain of at least one thing now, which was the Luo Family had
negative feelings towards lao da and lao san.
In Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju looked at the flower lanterns hanging
in the courtyard and let the servants take them down. The flower
lanterns might be pretty, but each night, someone had to light them.
They also needed people to stand watch in case of a fire. It was too
troublesome. She might enjoy the luxuries of life but didn’t want to
trouble others for such a minor matter. More so, beautiful objects
could only be looked at during special times to become even more
“Wang fei, nubi heard that there was a fuss at Rui Wang Fu this
morning. Rui wang fei was so angry she rode a carriage back to her
maternal home,” Jin Zhan walked behind Qu Qing Ju and gossiped in
a low voice, “Some people on the outside are spreading the news
that Chang De Gong Fu want to send san xiaojie to Rui Wang Fu.”
She couldn’t understand. San xiaojie had the skills and the looks and
was a di daughter on top of that. Why would she want to be a ce
The hand Qu Qing Ju reached with to hold a flower lantern paused
and then, with waning enthusiasm, she took her hand back. She held
the other’s hand as she started to walk out of the courtyard, “That
year, Liang shi used everything to try to get in through the main door
of Chang De Gong Fu. My good father didn’t even wait for a hundred
days before welcoming her in. Everyone in this world has their own
thoughts. The road they pick, we cannot interfere, but it’s fine as
long as they don’t conflict with ours.”
Jin Zhan heard the absence of emotion in these words. She
understood that Chang De Gong Fu hadn’t been good to wang fei.
She, Yin Liu, and Yu Zan had been inserted into the gong fu by Xiang
Qing Hou Fu to serve near wang fei. And Mu Jin jiejie had been
taken into the fu when furen had still been alive. After wang fei had
been born, she had followed wang fei. Even though they had tried
their best these years to protect wang fei, wang fei still had to suffer
indignities. Now that wang fei was cold to the people of the gong fu,
it was almost expected.
“But nubi is worried that if they did this, it would affect wang fei’s
reputation,” Jin Zan thought back to the things that the gong fu had
done. Her face showed disgust as she frowned, “It’s so infuriating.”
“What’s infuriating?” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “This entire Jing City, who
doesn’t know that this Duan Wang Fei isn’t on good terms with
Chang De Gong Fu, and is enemies with the stepmother. Even more,
in the Jing City circles, almost everyone assumed that I was raised
by aunt. How Qu Yue Su conducts herself, it would only reflect on
Liang shi, it wouldn’t touch me.”

Jin Zhan instantly understood. After wang fei recovered, she

distanced herself from Chang De Gong Fu, and became closer to
Xiang Qing Hou Fu. The incidents of the past had spread through
Jing. She said with some joy: “Thank the heavens that these people
can’t affect wang fei.” If wang ye blamed wang fei for these
happenings, that would be a disaster.
Qu Qing Mu only laughed. There weren’t that many lucky happenings
and coincidences in this world. It was all made by people. Thinking
about that family, her smile turned cold. And this world didn’t have
that many people that repaid grievances with a virtue .[1]
Coming out of the zhengyuan, it was a green stone path. On the two
sides of the path were bamboo forests that were hidden behind the
fake mountains, creating a clean and elegant scene. After passing
through a moon door, it led straight into the main garden of the wang
fu. At the end of the right stone path, there was a small stream and
a little bridge on top. When Qu Qing Ju had free time, she liked
coming to the bridge to feed the fishes. That was more interesting
than sitting in the halls and looking at the koi in the lotus pond.
Randomly scattering the fish feed down, she watched as some
goldfish carefully and quickly swallowed the food. She pointed at a
nondescript black fish, “This fish isn’t as beautiful as the koi, but just
swimming quietly next to the stones, if we don’t pay attention, we
can’t even find it.”
Jin Zhan took a closer look and said uncertainly: “That one also
seems to be a koi, but it’s just so inconspicuous.”
Raising an eyebrow, she scattered anther handful of fish feed. She
saw the black koi was like a bolt of lightning, swallowing a series of
pellets before swimming away. It was the epitome of fast and
Qu Qing Ju poured the rest of the fish feed into the water with some
disinterest. She asked in boredom: “Which ones are going to the
Princess Royal’s fu tomorrow?”

“Nubi isn’t clear, but heard that the Princess Royal had invited
many,” Jin Zhan thought for a while, “Nubi heard that many young
ladies not of age had also received invitations from the Princess
Qu Qing Ju nodded and knew what the Princess Royal was doing.
Rather than be hurt over a man, why wouldn’t she find people to
amuse her?
Women had to treat themselves.
“Did Chang De Gong Fu also receive one?” Qu Qing Ju suddenly
asked. If tomorrow both Qu Yue Su and Qin Bai Lu came, she
wondered with Qin Bai Lu’s personality if something would happen.
Jin Zhan nodded, “Chang De Gong Fu received an invitation.”
Qu Qing Ju rubbed her chin and observed: “Then I have to be careful
tomorrow, and prevent myself from being pulled in.”
Just as she finished, she saw Huang Yang running quickly towards
her and reporting that Jing guifei had bestowed some gifts.

What Jing guifei had bestowed, the servants didn’t have the
qualifications to receive. Qu Qing Ju could only personally come to
receive them. What surprise her was that Jing guifei had let people
send over a few palace flower and glass hair ornaments. These
were finely crafted and from a glance it could be seen only those of
high status could use them.
Strangely, Qu Qing Ju felt that Jing guifei was helping to prop her
up. Tomorrow, there would be many womenfolk at the Princess
Royal’s fu. When there were many women gathered together, they
naturally would like to compare clothing and jewellery. Jing guifei
was bestowing down objects from the palace. It at the very least
sent a message that Jing guifei, as her popo, was very satisfied
with her, as the erxi.

She touched the palace flower. Qu Qing Ju’s face revealed the
smile. Maybe Jing guifei wanted to tell the others that she, as her
popo, wasn’t unsatisfied at all because of what was happening with
Chang De Gong Fu.
What Jing guifei had done was block the insults she might have
gotten from the two zhouli tomorrow. And also told the women
tomorrow that Jing guifei was on her side.

Even though the majority of the reason that Jing guifei had made
such a move was because of Duan Wang, Qu Qing Ju took this
offering of good will. Because Jing guifei had many ways to show
her side but chose the one that was most advantageous for her.
“Tomorrow, I’ll be using this palace flower and this glass hairpin,” Qu
Qing Ju picked two and put them in a small sandalwood box. She
gave it to Yu Zan who usually made up her hair, “Pieces from the
palace, they should be more exquisite and rarer.”
The most important was that, to anyone with some skill and
knowledge, they would know at a glance that these ornaments could
only be used by those high up in the palace. Then there was no need
to say where these objects came from.
In Zhong Jing Palace, Jing guifei leaned on an armchair and said to
Ding mama: “The gifts went out. I hope erxifu will understand.”

“Niangniang, don’t worry. Duan wang fei is an intelligent person, she

definitely will understand your efforts,” Ding mama passed her a cup
of tea and carefully served as she praised, “niangniang is kind,
Duan wang fei will of course remember your good.”
“It’s not important if she remembers,” Jing guifei held her cup and
thought about her erxifu. She couldn’t help but frown. Could
intelligent be a description for that person?
Bearing a tray of pastries, Wei Ran Shuang quietly stood in her spot,
a flicker of sadness and jealously passing through her eyes. Didn’t
they say that the relationship between a popo and the xifu was like
the sky and the ground, why was even Aunt worrying for Duan wang
fei now?

Thinking about Duan wang fei’s conduct and manner of speech and
what her aunt had once said to her, Wei Ran Shuang gritted her
teeth but the plate she had been holding accidentally fell to the
Jing guifei saw Wei Rang Shuang standing at the doorway and set
down the teacup in her hand. She said calmly: “Ran Shuang, you
have stayed for a long time in the palace. Your mother is probably
missing you. Ben gong will let someone send you back tomorrow.”

1. The phrase used here was 以德报怨 which is the question that led the
answer which created the phrase以直报怨. To repay grievances through
virtue was thought by the scholars to be unusable as if they replayed
grievances with a virtue/boon, how would people repay a virtue? Therefore,
the correct answer was to repay grievances justly and to repay a virtue with a
Chapter Forty Three

Wei Ran Shuang sat inside a blue cloth-covered carriage, holding a

bag in a daze. The shaking as the carriage moved forward did
nothing to clear her head.
After the carriage moved forward for a period of time, it suddenly
stopped. She sat in a daze for a beat before asking: “What’s
“Guniang, Duan Wang Fu’s carriage is coming over, we have to
clear the road.” The person outside answered.
Duan Wang Fu? Wei Ran Shuang’s expression changed and she
pushed aside the curtain covering the window. She saw up ahead
that there were guards clearing the road, protecting an
Ashtamangala carriage pulled by four horses. From a glance, it
could be seen that it was a carriage specifically for Duan Wang Fu’s
womenfolk. Behind the large carriage, there were a few small yet
finely made carriages. They most likely were used by the personal
servant girls of Duan Wang Fei.
Wei Ran Shuang bit her lower lip, her heart uncomfortable. Even
Duan Wang Fei’s personal attendants were riding in a carriage that
was better than the one she had. She let the curtain down. As she
listened to the people outside use astonished and admiring voices to
talk about Duan Wang Fu’s carriage, her stare gradually became
After Duan Wang Fei’s procession had passed, the green cloth
covered carriage that Wei Ran Shuang sat in started to sway as it
made its way forward again. When she came out of the carriage,
Wei Ran Shuang looked at the relatively bare door of her family’s fu.
There weren’t any sedans. She held her yahuan’s hand as she
walked in. Her family home was just this big, there were no high-
ranking officials and basically no space to stand on protocol.
Wei Qin shi saw her daughter return and a crowd of people carrying
gifts. She smiled and remarked: “You seem heavier. Guifei
niangniang is very good at raising people.”
Wei Ran Shuang forced a smile and let her mother put away the
objects that Jing guifei had bestowed down. Then she said: “Aunt
said you probably were missing me, so she let me return.”
Hearing this, Wei Qin shi’s face slightly changed. After she motioned
for the others in the room to leave, she said with some worry: “Did
guifei niangniang not like you?”
Wei Ran Shuang shook her head, her voice carrying full of distress:
“Guifei niangniang said Duan wang fei was very good.”

“What does that mean, does she spurn you to become her son’s ce
shi?” Wei Qin shi’s voice was full of indignation as she ranted,
“She’s our Wei family’s daughter. Now that she’s become guifei
niangniang, has she forgotten her maternal family.” No matter what,
her father-in-law and Jing guifei’s father had been full brothers. Now
that their branch was declining, Jing guifei hadn’t done anything to
help and even looked down on her daughter. It was somewhat
But remembering that her own husband was only a minor fifth-grade
provincial governor before transferring back to Jing and that both
husband and her children needed to rely on Jing guifei in the future,
she could only suppress her dissatisfaction and sighed: “Niangniang
has bestowed down so many things, it can be seen she is still
looking after you. As to Duan Wang … … I’ll try to think of a way for
Wei Ran Shuang’s face reddened and she whispered: “His Highness
Duan Wang is a good person.”
Wei Qin shi looked at her daughter’s bashful expression and decided
to meet that Duan Wang Fei before making a decision. Her maternal
father and brothers might not have great abilities but they were a
branch of the Qin Clan, and could find someone who could speak
If her daughter went into Duan Wang Fu, it was a good road. At
least there still was Jing guifei niangniang so Duan wang fei
wouldn’t harshly treat her daughter. Duan Wang and her daughter
also were cousins and would care a bit more based on the
relationship. Going into the wang fu, it was better than marrying a
minor official who was never going to come into the light.
The Princess Royal’s fu at this time was full of noise, clothing and
music flying everywhere. When Qu Qing Ju walked into the houyaun,
she found that if it wasn’t that these people were wearing medieval
clothing, she thought she was at one of the modern parties.
When she came in, instantly a formally dressed mama carefully
ushered her into a pavilion. She saw Wei Qing E sitting down next to
a grandly dressed woman. That person was most likely Jin An
Princess. She cheerfully came and performed an elegant bow: “So
this must be jiejie. Nice to meet you jiejie.”

Jin An Princess stood and held her hand, returning the same
greeting: “Er dimei, don’t be so still. I called everyone here just for
relaxing and having fun, not to be so courteous.” Finishing, she pulled
her to sit down beside herself, and let the servants serve tea.
Qu Qing Ju smiled and replied: “That’s great, I’m so tired of the rules
everyday,” Finishing ,she looked at the surroundings, “Where’s
nephew and niece?”
“I got the two of them to go play with the little guests from the other
families,” Jin An Princess waved her hand, “Big people and little
people can’t play together. They don’t come and disturb us, isn’t this
Qu Qing Ju smiled but didn’t respond. Even though young children
were noise, but as an aunt, she could only hear this but not agree.
“Which child isn’t loud,” Wei Qing E responded. She herself had a
son. When she talked about children, she always had enthusiasm,
“It’s good for children to run around and be loud, their bodies
becomes stronger.”
Jin An Princess nodded: “That’s so true, It’s so hard for a woman to
raise a child.” Finishing, she smiled at Qu Qing Ju, “Dimei doesn’t
have children now, you still have some relaxing days.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she took a drink of tea, “It’s nice too to have
children around.” She detected the friendliness barely noticeable in
Jin An Princess. If it was any other person, at this time they would
asked when she was having a child, but Jin An Princess made it
seem like a joke.
“Looking at the noise in other families, I find it much harder to care
for a child than looking.” Jin An Princess had no desire to keep
discussing children and turned to say, “When er ge and dimei
married, I wasn’t in Jing, and didn’t have the luck to meet you. Today,
I have to say that my didi is very lucky to marry such a good person,
it’s an event of great fortune.”
Trying hard to let herself reveal a bashful expression, Qu Qing Ju
lowered her head.
Jin An Princess saw Qu Qing Ju’s red cheeks and knew she was
embarrassed. She smiled and teased: “I forgot you’re newly
married, you’re embarrassed now.” When she first saw the other,
she had felt she was eye-catching, but this bashful young girl in front
of her made her agree with the empress’s words. This Duan Wang
Fei was very suited to er di.

Wei Qing E saw that Jin An Princess Royal had the desire to be
close with Qu Qing Ju and looked at Qu Qing Ju in surprise. Today,
her er dimei was still dressed vibrantly. That already beautiful face,
if it was a nine before, today it was a ten. She knew very clearly
how men liked this type of beautiful woman, but she was even
clearer of the fact that, just based on a face, a woman couldn’t keep
a man.
“Princess, Rui Wang Fei has arrived.”
Jin An Princess heard the servant’s report and the smile on her face
dimmed. But if one didn’t look closely, they wouldn’t have seen it.
“Quickly welcome them in.” She had never interacted closely with
Rui Wang, but the arrogant conduct of Rui Wang had passed into her
ears a long time ago. As a married princess, she never commented
on these kinds of matters but she didn’t like Rui Wang and his family.
A man with this personality, if he succeeded, then all of his siblings
won’t have easy lives.
Qin Bai Lu’s mood wasn’t very bright but the usual smile on her face
didn’t dim. She walked into the pavilion and after exchanging bows
with Jin An Princess, she sat down next to Qu Qing Ju.
Sitting closely together, Qu Qing Ju found her face seemed slightly
swollen. Qin Bai Lu had applied heavier makeup today and seemed
more mature.
Wei Qing E held a teacup and blew on the tea leaves on the surface.
She slowly took a drink before smiling at Qin Bai Lu, remarking:
“San dimei is a bit late today.”

“When I came out today, I met some matters. Sorry, da jie and the
two saosao, for waiting,” Qin Bai Lu forced out some mirth, the hand
holding the teacup tightening, “It was dimei’s fault.”
“Your da sao is joking with you, you aren’t late,” Jin An Princess saw
that something wasn’t right from her appearance and her voice
softened, “Since you have all arrived and come with me to chat with
the others. After so many years, I’m not familiar anymore with Jing’s
Since the sister-in-law asked, the three dimei naturally stood and
accompanied Jin An to converse with the women. The three sat at
the front with Jin An Princess and found that many young girls were
sitting in the garden. They didn’t know why Jin An Princess had done
such a thing and smiled without speaking.
Qu Qing Ju found Liang shi was in the gardens as well with Qu Yue
Su and Qu Hui Xue. She tilted her head to look at Qin Bai Lu. As
expected, her face had become darker.
Watching the scene, she couldn’t help but sigh. Liang shi was in too
much of a rush and too short-sighted. She knew that Rui Wang Fei
was coming today, why did she come, did she think that Jin An
Princess would favour Qu Yue Su?
“Today, so many lovable guests have come. Ben gong likes having a
good time. Why don’t these lovable guests look at some paintings
and compose a few poems to widen our scope,” Jin An Princess’
tone was a consulting one, but when her words landed, people
appeared with drawings and brush and ink.
To show off in front of the princess and the wang fei, many were
very willing. So these young girls started to examine the drawings
and compose a good poem.
Qu Qing Ju saw the excited young girls and, in a flash, felt that Jin
An Princess was amusing herself. These young girls didn’t have
many important connections to her and having some fun was a good
These people were appreciating drawings. Qu Qing Ju and the
others naturally wouldn’t partake in the activity and so they chatted
as they drank tea.
“I heard that the lanterns a few nights ago at the Lantern Festival
were very beautiful. It was a pity I didn’t have the time, otherwise I
would have gone to see,” Ning Wang Fei Wei Qing E’s voice held
regret, “The lanterns in the fu might be beautiful but they don’t have
the same flavour.”
Qu Qing Ju saw that Qin Bai Lu’s face became even uglier.
“Er dimei, did you go?” Wei Qing E pushed the topic onto Qu Qing
Ju’s head.
By now who didn’t know that Duan Wang had taken Duan Wang Fei
out to see the flower lanterns and onto Rui Wang’s boat to see the
fireworks? Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow. Wei Qing E was asking
this just to instigate a conflict between her and Qin Bai Lu. That was
because, Qu Yue Su was like her, they were all named Qu.
At the same time in Duan Wang Fu, He Heng heard expected news.
“Lao san is taking the Duke of Chang De’s third daughter as ce fei?”
He Heng repeated with a calm face as he looked at Wang Chang
Ming, “You are sure?”
“Rui Wang Fu has already sent the letter and the gifts to Chang De
Gong Fu, it’s very likely.” Wang Chang Ming said, “But it’s unknown if
Chang De Gong Fu will accept.”
Wang Chang Min didn’t dare to mention wang fei so he only said:
“Dai Duo has also passed along information. Rui wang ye is very
angry at the attempted assassination of the imperial envoy. He is
suspicious it was Ning Wang that purposefully framed him.”
He Heng lowered his head, putting down the carved root. He tapped
the bottom of the root: “Let him have his tantrum.”
It could be seen at the bottom of the carved root, there was a hollow
building. It looked beautiful, but in reality, it wasn’t strong.
Chapter Forty Four “Pointing at
the Mulberry Tree and Swearing at
the Locust Tree”

Females tended to prefer subtle and graceful poems. Qu Qing Ju

took the poems that Wei Qing E passed over. She casually took a
look and saw characters for light wind, wispy smoke and others
along those lines. She carelessly flipped through before handing
them to Qin Bai Lu on her other side, “I feel all of these guniang
have literary skill, but I am not skilled poetically. San dimei, have a
look instead.”
Qin Bai Lu took these poems that had been picked out by Jin An
Princess. The one on top was the work of the third guniang of
Chang De Gong Fu. A hint of ice appeared at the corner of her lips.
She flipped through and said to Qu Qing Ju: “Er sao comes from a
noble family. Even your fu’s san guniang is this talented, why should
you underestimate yourself?”
These words were somewhat harsh. Even though Rui Wang had the
emperor’s favour, he was still an younger brother. You, as a di mei,
talking in this type of tone to your saosao, it was not having any
respect. How was it that the Family Qing was an educated and
literary family yet produce a woman of such conduct?
Jin An Princess’ eyes jumped. She glanced at Qin Bai Lu before
lowered her head to drink tea.
“My fu?” Qu Qing Ju giggled as she took out a handkerchief to wipe
her mouth. Her voice was gentle as she lectured, “San di mei, it’s
not that saosao likes lecturing others, but your words are too
improper. Us women, when we marry, we follow our husbands. My
fu is wang ye’s fu. San dimei, are you saying that I am not a
member of the Imperial Family?”
This kind of words, even the empress couldn’t say them, to say
nothing of Qin Bai Lu as a dimei?
Qin Bai Lu finished listening to the speech and in her heart, she
hated Qu Qing Ju for not leaving her a shred of dignity. On the
outside, she could only smiled and apologize: “Er sao, forgive me.
It’s just my mouth got away from me. Saosao, please forgive me.”
Finishing, she stood to give a bow.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t stand to return the bow but nodded instead:
”Meimei doesn’t have to be so courteous. There isn’t that many
protocols between us zhouli, but today, I had to say a word. Now, I
am Duan Wang Fei, my mother is Qu Tian shi. Dimei, you can’t get
mixed up in the future.
The smile on Qin Bai Lu’s face almost froze. She hadn’t expected Qu
Qing Ju to straightforwardly throw the Duke of Chang De aside.
Thinking about the rumors involving Chang De Gong Fu and Duan
Wang Fei. That the Duke of Chang De was a dissolute person, not
yet one hundred days after his wife had died, he married a wife.
That Qu Liang shi was not a loving mother and harshly treated the
daughter of the previous wife, and didn’t even care for the shu
daughters, only being caring to her own daughter and her maternal
No wonder that everywhere in these past days were the previous
scandals of Chang De Gong Fu. It was waiting here. Qu Qing Ju
wanted to clearly express her attitude towards Chang De Gong Fu.
Many people had come today and in front of all these people, Qin
Bai Lu couldn’t throw a tantrum despite the great humiliation she
endured. She could only sit with her suppressed rage. She handed
the poems in her hand back to Jin An Princess: “Which one does
Princess think is the best?”
Qu Qing Ju looked at her anger simmering under the surface and
thought uncharitably that Rui Wang and his wife were naturally a
couple. Their way of speech was not well-thought out and insulting.
Their arrogant conduct was just asking for retaliation.
“Ben gong feels that the young ladies Qu and Lu are both good,” Jin
An Princess raised her head, “Who are these two guniang, come up
to let ben gong see.”

Qu Qing Ju looked at the guniang that came up to bow. Qu Yue Su

was warm and beautiful to the eye, the Lu Family’s guniang was thin
and graceful. She was truly someone that would catch someone’s
eye. If she didn’t guess wrong, this Family Lu’s guniang should be
the Great Scholar Lu Jing Hong’s daughter, Yu Rong.
“Ben gong sees you two’s poems both have their own merits. They
say there is never just one winner in the arts. Why don’t you both be
the winners, “ Jin An Princess had heard of the event between Qu
Yue Su and Rui Wang. She gave Qu Yue Su an extra look. This
woman did have the looks of a spring flower, her brows like a
At this time, she couldn’t help but look at Duan wang fei as she
smiled faintly and tasted the tea. The two were sisters of the same
father, but their appearances and aura were completely different. Qu
Yue Su was very beautiful, but it wasn’t a rare kind of beauty. But
while Duan wang fei’s appearance wasn’t peerless, it just made
people feel she was unspeakably beautiful, each move and word
carrying the flavour of beauty.
This probably was each person’s charisma. Jin An Princess let the
servants present a set of precious ink and hair ornament to Qu and
Lu before giving a few more compliments and letting the two sit
down. She didn’t even mention once the relation between Qu Yue Su
and Qu Qing Ju.
Very quickly there were servants that presented fresh cakes and
fruits. Everyone saw that these were all good things and it could be
seen how much the emperor favored Jin An Princess. No wonder the
wang feis were all this harmoniously interacting with Jin An Princess.
Even a person as proud as Rui Wang Fu was courteous.
From beginning to end, Wei Qing E, who hadn’t spoken more than a
few words, felt that Qu Qing Ju’s fate seemed to naturally conflict
with Qin Bai Lu. And each time, it was Qu Qing Ju who won.
Qu Qing Ju dared to humiliate Qin Bai Su, she must be relying on the
favour that Duan Wang held for her. Otherwise, why would she
speak without regard for the consequences. She thought in derision,
when Duan Wang didn’t favour her, how would she live? If she had
offended the zhouli underneath her, who would pity her in the future?

If it was her, she would have said it more beautifully, at least, she
wouldn’t have made it so the person had no dignity left. She sighed
and raised a teacup to disguise her emotions. Sometimes, only the
cruel reality could make women learn and grow.
“We are pretty done with the drawings. If everyone doesn’t dislike it,
why don’t you come with ben gong to hear some music?” Jin An
Princess held a yahuan’s hand as she stood. Once she spoke,
everyone all agreed and said they had no dislike.
The stage had already been set up. After everyone sat down, the
actors started singing. The meaning, broadly said, was a heartless
man and a girl in love. In the end, the woman grew old and left
before the man regretted his actions and repented.
Qu Qing Ju saw this kind of plot and felt uncomfortable. Why was it
that the woman had to stay at home to care for the elders, raise the
children while the man could drink and be merry outside. When the
woman was old and her youth was gone, the man would have been
bored of playing outside and wanted to return home. Why was it that
the man was considered to be so valuable and admirable when he
Who saw the youth of the woman, the blood and tears of the
woman? When she was old, and couldn’t enjoy the beautiful times of
youth anymore, what was the use in the man repenting?
According to her, these plays had been written by vulgar scholars to
satisfy their own desires. They always wanted their own wives to be
virtuous and taciturn, and hoped that other people’s wives were
extremely lusty. In reality, they would never be able to find a wife.
The only thing they could do was eat one meal before looking for the
next, squatting in old and drafty cottages fantasizing that a landlord’s
daughter or a noble daughter will wanted to marry them.
Mu Jin saw her mistress’ face wasn’t well and changed a cup of hot
tea for her. She asked in a small voice: “Mistress, is your body not
Qu Qing Ju held the teacup as she faintly replied: “It’s fine. I just
don’t want to see this kind of man have such a virtuous and generous
She had been talking in a small voice but Jin An Princess had heard.
Jin An Princess nodded and laughed icily: “That’s so true, this type
of man still managed to live out his days with his family, it’s so
disgusting. Get the singers to leave, ben gong doesn’t like this play.”
The actors quickly retreated, not understanding how they had
provoked Her Highness the Princess into such anger.
“A few days earlier, I heard a repeat of “The Record of Pan Zhe”[1],
it’s somewhat interesting. Does jiejie want to hear?” Qu Qing Ju
gave a faint smile and commented, “The men and women in this
world, they have to respect that karma will happen by the end. How
can someone take advantage all the time?”
Jin An Princess felt that Duan Wang Fei was becoming more and
more pleasing to look at. She picked “The Record of Pan Zhe”
before she said to Qu Qing Ju: “Dimei, your words are good. I think
the same.”
This Jin An Princess really did have some temper. Qu Qing Ju smiled
as she raised the teacup, “Your Highness is wise.”
Qin Bai Lu stared coldly as Qu Qing Ju and Jin An Princess talked.
She turned her head to glare icily at Qu Yue Su who sat in the
corner. The women of the Family Qu were all fox-spirits disguised in
those long sleeves which danced beautifully. The jiejie was a
temptress, the meimei did what fox-spirits always did. None of them
were good.
“The Record of Pan Zhe” was the story of a grassroots xuicai who
fell in love with a noble xiaojie and tried different ways to win the
good feelings of the xiaojie. But this xuicai had a childhood
sweetheart who was his fiancée. The xuicai wanted it all so he
concealed the information. In the end, what he had done had been
found out by both the xiaojie and the childhood sweetheart. He was
rejected by both people and was in poverty for his entire life.
The one he wanted to climb up to was the noble xiaojie, the one he
wanted to break off was the childhood sweetheart. In the end, he
didn’t climb up or break anything off. This was the biggest insult to
the poor scholar’s greediness. When this play came out, no one had
originally recommended it. Which man would like to watch such a
play? And the women who were enclosed in their inner chambers
naturally didn’t know there was this kind of a play.
So when this play was acted out, many were deeply attracted. After
the play finished, the crowd started discussing, this saying how
shameless the scholar was, that saying that what the xiaojie and the
sweetheart done was right.
“It’s true that the scholar is deserving of hatred but this noble xiaojie
should have secretly met with the scholar before. She nearly ruined
her reputation,” Qin Bai Lu pointed out with a mirthless smile, “This
world still lives by the decisions of the mother and father. Such a
good girl, it’s not a good thing to mix with adult men.”
These words had an indirect target. Many people present had heard
what occurred at the Lantern Festival and so no one continued the
topic. That was a matter of Rui Wang Fu. Rui Wang’s personality
had always been proud, it was better not to provoke him.
Liang shi heard Qin Bai Lu’s speech and her face changed.
However, Qu Yue Su, standing by her side, didn’t change her
expression as she kept a smile on her face. It was as though the
target that Qin Bai Shaung’s “pointing at the mulberry tree and
swearing at the locust tree” wasn’t her.
Wei Qing E and Qu Qing Ju both smiled and didn’t speak. They
seemed to have not heard Qin Bai Lu’s words. The two exchanged a
glance, raised the teacup in their hand, and simultaneously took a
“Luckily this noble xiaojie didn’t make a great mistake. To know she
had stepped wrong and return rather than continue onwards, it is a
good thing,” Jin An Princess’s words broke the tense silence. A
sharp smile appeared on her face, “This kind of man, you can’t
tolerate or spoil him. Otherwise, he’ll forget who he really is.”
Once the words came out, everyone’s inside was full of different
flavors. In this world, what man didn’t steal some, what man didn’t
like beauty?
Qu Qing Ju looked at Jin An Princess. On her face, she saw what
looked like a certain type of resolution.


1. 攀折: 攀 is to climb, to claim connections of higher status折 is break, twist,

snap, suffer loss.
Chapter Forty Five “High Up

After watching two plays, it was already past one and Jin An
Princess invited everyone to a meal. She let the guniang who hadn’t
come of age to gather and freely chat. She and the noble ladies and
official’s wives that married chatted about the interesting things in
Qu Qing Ju heard these people once again mention the Spiritual
Master Xuan Ling on the Five Estates Monastery. It looked like this
Spiritual Master Xuan Ling had some skill. Regardless of whether
there were ghosts and gods in this world, but the fact that a person
could be recommended by so many women used to living in a
complicated environment, it showed his abilities were exceptional. As
to in which direction they laid, that depended on the person.
When Jin An Princess heard this, she was unexpectedly calm. She
smiled calmly: “If he is an extraordinary person, there definitely will
be a change to meet him in the future.” She did say that, but Qu
Qing Ju could see that she didn’t even care about such a thing.
Qu Qing Ju held Mu Jin’s hand as she stood to change clothes. On
her way back, she met Qu Yue Su accompanied by her yahuan. She
stopped in her steps and calmly watched as Qu Yue Su gave her a
full and respectful greeting.
“Greetings to Duan Wang Fei,” Qui Yue Su was now very clear, the
da jie in front of her didn’t want to interact with Chang De Gong Fu
at all. She could even see on da jie’s body the coldness she held
towards Chang De Gong Fu. She had heard many of the rumors on
the outside. She wanted to argue but found all the rumors were true.
And some events that occurred were even worse than the rumors.
She didn’t have the courage to use the appellation of da jie.

The reputation of the fu was worse and worse. It had affected her
and er jie’s marriage prospects. She wasn’t content with becoming
the furen of a normal official. But none of the di sons of the noble
families wanted to marry her. So she wanted to try her best using
her talents and beauty. It was better than mediocrely finishing her
“San xiaojie, please rise,” Mu Jin saw her wang fei stand still and
came up a step to give insubstantial support. She once again moved
behind Qu Qing Ju.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the color of the sky: “Why are you alone here.
I just saw the guniang of the Tao and Lu Families chatting together,
why don’t you go play with them?”
Qu Yue Su’s face was somewhat ugly. She forced a smile and
answered: “Just wanted to take a walk.”
Nodding, Qu Qing Ju didn’t speak more, “I’ll go first, you be careful.”
”Farewell wang fei.” Qu Yue Su bowed again. She looked at Qu
Qing Ju surrounded by quite a few yahuan as they ushered her
towards Jin An Princess. She bit the corner of her lip to push down
the soreness in her heart. By now, those noble girls weren’t willing to
interact with her. They thought they were so high up, not willing to
interact with her as someone willing to become a qie. Really, they
were normal people as well. In the future, they also had to pour their
heart to try to hold their husband’s heart and still manage the
favoured ce shi. By that time, they would all be that common eye of
the fish.
This kind of thoughts might just be Qu Yue Su comforting herself but
by now she could only think like so to keep that strange sense of
jealousy she had towards Qu Qing Ju. She shouldn’t fantasize, that if
the person decreed would have been her, the person respected and
flattered would be her.
Wei Qing E and the others saw Qu Qing Ju return and teased: “You
finally came back, we just mentioned you.”
“Mentioned me?” Qu Qing Ju sat back on her original seat, picking
up an already skinned tangerine to put into her mouth.
“Said you have good fortune. All the ce shi in the fu are so obedient
and doesn’t have too many tricks.” Wei Qing E smiled, “Not like our
fu, there’s many beauties.”
Qu Qing Ju gave a cough and swallowed down the tangerine. She
wiped the corner of her mouth: “Da sao is joking.” Just recently, a ce
fei on Duan Wang Fu had been demoted to qie, and then a certain
tong fang had died due to illness. Before that, there was a tong fang
married off to the estate. This was being called obedience, was this
Wei Qing E purposefully shaming her?
“I’m not as virtuous as da sao and can’t run a household so well. Da
sao, don’t laugh at me,” Qu Qing Ju knew the only people present
who dared to discuss Duan Wang Fu was the three of Jin An
Princess, Wei and Qin. She smiled at Jin An Princess and informed,
“Jiejie, you may not know, da sao is virtuous and able but she
always compliments those that are not, like me. Jiejie, you have to
help get justice for me.”
“Alright, alright, ben gong’s brothers could marry you all to be wang
fei, it’s their good luck,” Jin An Princess smiled as she placed a
place of red date cake into the middle, “All of you eat a bit more
cake, and don’t mutually compliment each other anymore.”
Wei Qing E smiled and let the topic go. She knew that Duan Wang
Fu was controlled now by Qu Qing Ju. The houyuan was like a steel
box. A few days ago, wang ye had a dark expression on his face
because of a certain tong fang’s death. That tong fang must have
been wang ye’s person.

The people accompanying them were furen that were of some

status. It was a pity that Qu Qing Ju’s aunt, Tian Luo shi wasn’t
here. Otherwise, Qu Qing Ju wouldn’t feel so bored.
Jin An Princess holding a picture-admiring banquet today, it was to
let these furen knew that she, Jin An Princess, was going to put
roots down in Jing. At the same time, it was letting them go home to
tell their husbands, she was going to sort out her fuma the Count of
Bei Lu. These people should widen their eyes and don’t involve
This tactic had the flavour of pressuring people through privilege. But
who was it that let her be the Princess Royal as personally decreed
by the Emperor. It wasn’t as though there weren’t other princesses
in the Da Long Dynasty, but she was the only Princess Royal. This
was enough to prove her position.
Qu Qing Ju felt that Jin An Princess was a smart and realistic
woman. She had a privileged identity, she didn’t have to embarrass
herself for that supposed feelings. She had given birth to son and
daughter for the Count of Bei Lu. Rationally, the Count of Bei Lu
shouldn’t be able to have a qie, but the Count of Bei Lu did such a
thing. This didn’t just humiliate Jin An Princess, it was humiliating the
Imperial Family. If today, Jin An Princess allowed such a thing to
occur, then in the future, other princess’ fuma will follow in doing so.
One leads to the next. At the end, the most tragic would be the
After the banquet finished, Qu Qing Ju came out of the Princess’ fu
and saw Liang shi and Qu Yue Su at the main gate. Towering above
them was Qin Bai Lu. She didn’t stop her steps, passing through the
three of them to enter her carriage. Others were willing to act out a
drama, she didn’t want any drama.
The carriage started moving. Qu Qing Ju looked through the window
and managed to see Qin Bai Lu show a disdainful smile at Liang shi
and Qu Yue Su. Liang shi’s face was full of rage that didn’t dare
erupt. She curled her lips and let go of the curtain.
Returning to Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju saw Shu Kui and Rui Xiang
standing guard outside the gate to the zheng yuan. She knew that it
was possible that He Heng was inside so she asked: “Is wang ye
inside the room?”
She Kui bent and answered: “Wang fei, wang ye had come for a
Nodding to show she knew, Qu Qing Ju passed through the main
gate and crossed the garden of the zhengyuan. When she came to
the outer room of the suite, she saw He Heng was looking at the
“beauty dancing under the moon” that she had the servants hang up
on the wall.
“Wang ye,” Qu Qing Ju smiled and walked next to He Heng. She
stood abreast with him “What’s wrong with the painting?”
“I remember, you also have such a long dress,” He Heng kept on
feeling that there was a shadow of Qu Qing Ju in this painting.
“How come wang ye didn’t think that this painting is me.” Qu Qing Ju
He Heng looked at the signature of the scroll. It was actually Qu
Qing Ju’s work. The time of the painting was just a few days ago.
No wonder he hadn’t seen it yesterday. It must have been that
someone hung it up today.
“Qing Ju knows how to dance?” He Heng was shocked. There were
many noble girls that studied the qin, qi, literature and art, but there
was not even a few that learned how to dance.
“Learned myself,” Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow, as though she
was proud yet helpless, “In the past, there wasn’t anything to do. In
the room by myself, I wanted to spend away the time so I studied
from the books.”
He Heng knew that Qu Liang shi hadn’t been good to Qu Qing Ju
and had expected that she wouldn’t have spent any thought on letting
Qu Qing Ju learn the things that proper women should know. He saw
her smile was both proud and helpless. He smiled and asked: “When
will I have the luck to see?”
Qu Qing Ju raised her smooth and beautiful chin like a proud
empress, “When wang ye does something that makes qie happy, qie
will consider this matter.”
Clearly calling herself qie, but He Heng heard a hint of pride. But he
still felt that the other’s state was so ticklish to his heart. He couldn’t
resist reaching with a hand to touch Qu Qing Ju’s waist, “Qing Ju’s
waist is thin and flexible, it should make for an extremely beautiful
The corners of Qu Qing Ju’s mouth drew back: “Wang ye, are you
mocking me for being a dancer girl?”
He Heng seemed to understand why women always made trouble
without a reason but strangely felt the need to explain himself. He
helplessly drew the person into his embrace, “Those women aren’t
worthy of being mentioned together with Qing Ju. You only dance for
me, no one else will see. This is between us as husband and wife. I
like it, I’m not teasing you.” Finishing, he added another sentence, “In
the future, when I make you happy, you have to lower yourself to
dance once for me.”
Qu Qing Ju gave a gentle snort, “Since you are so expectant, when
the spring comes, I will dance one for you to watch.” This body was
truly flexible. When it danced, it wouldn’t seem hard and without
grace. But she wasn’t really wanting to dance for He Heng like this.
Men were a strange type of creature. They liked playing with willing
women, but they looked down at a woman for being too willing.
From a certain viewpoint, men were even more conflicted than
women at times.
But if she made such a matter a delight between the two of them, to
let the other feel expectant, but not let the other easily see. Then it
will let He Heng’s heart give birth to a feeling of intimacy akin to “a
secret belong to the two of them”.
Sometimes, a beautiful secret was useful in closing the distance
between man and woman.
He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju’s pouty state and felt the cat in his heart
was tickling him even more. He breathed in the smell of her hair and
said in a hoarse voice: “Alright.” There was clearly layers of clothing
separating them but he seemed to be able to feel the fineness under
the clothing. He couldn’t resist carrying the person to bed.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t want to play the game of being on top of the other
before eating. She leaned her head to He Heng’s chest as she said:
“I saw that Jin An Princess Royals seems to want to separate from
Count of Bei Lu.”
A second of silence, she then heard He Heng’s voice full of disdain
with a hint of anger.
“Separation is necessary, how could he slight an Imperial Princess?
This matter, it won’t end so easily!”
Qu Qing Ju gave a smile of unclear meaning. Look, look, this was
the people of the Imperial House. No matter how arrogant, warm, or
honest they were usually, in their bones, the high attitude naturally
Chapter Forty Six “Kui Yuan

The Count of Bei Lu managed to travel to Jing City on the twenty-

sixth day of the first month. The first place he went to was the
Princess Royal’s fu, but before he could enter, he was thrown out by
the servants of the fu. He hadn’t known that the servants would
make things this difficult for him. When he was about to start in on
them, Jin An Princess came out, supported by a yahuan.

Because the Count of Bei Lu had constantly been thinking of that

mistress, the husband and wife hadn’t been together for many days
in the recent months. The Count of Bei Lu stood under the main
gate, looking at the grandly-dressed princess. The fiery anger
instantly was extinguished by cold water. He muttered: “Princess.”
“What is fuma doing?” Jin An Princess looked mockingly behind him,
“Why don’t I see your little lover?”
The Count of Bei Lu’s face was conflicted. The servants and guards
of the princess’ fu had filled the gate. He didn’t want to humiliate
himself in front of these people but he had to do so. Otherwise, his
entire Cao Family would be impacted, to say nothing of protecting
the mistress he liked.
“The princess misunderstood, it was just a little bit of fun, it wouldn’t
have influenced the feelings between us,” Count of Bei Lu forced
himself to smile as he gave a deep bow, “I ask for Princess to
forgive weifu[1], weifu will not do such an idiotic thing in the future.”

Jin An Princess disdainfully looked at the man in front of his eyes. He

still was elegant and graceful, full of warmth and education. The
person was still the same person, but the heart had changed. A man
with a changed heart. If she kept it, it was just guarding a stinky
skin, she would just disgust herself.
For some reason, she wanted to laugh and she did: “Fuma, this joke
is really funny. Ben gong, in the past, hadn’t known that fuma would
have lost himself because of playing with an amusement. Idiotic or
not, you know in your heart. These kinds of words, ben gong doesn’t
care to hear. Since it was fuhuang’s Imperial Decree that summoned
you into Jing, you can go into the palace to explain to fuhuang.”
The Count of Bei Lu’s heart suddenly panicked. He heard the disdain
in the princess’ words. But if this event didn’t have the princess to
mediate, the emperor will definitely heavily punish him. And the
Family Cao would be over. Originally, his Family Cao had been one
with only a title yet no power. Now that the incident has gotten
larger, they might not even be able to keep their title.
Thinking about this, the Count of Bei Lu could only continue:
“Princess, we have been together for so many years, we can’t let
such a minor thing affect our feelings for each other. This event, it
was weifu’s great mistake. As long as Princess is willing to forgive
weifu, weifu is willing to do anything.”
“Since you know we have been married for so long, why did you do
such a shameless thing to break our union?” Jin An Princess wasn’t
moved and looked expressionlessly at the Count of Bei Lu, “In this
world, there is a reason for anything. These years, ben gong has
never slighted any of your Cao family. You have treated me so, how
can you come here?” Finishing, she turned and ordered the
gatesmen: “Close the main gate!”
The Count of Bei Lu watched as the main gate slowly closed. He
wanted to beg, but seeing Jin An Princess’ gaze, he couldn’t say one
word. Because the other’s eyes told him, no matter what he said,
the other wouldn’t change their heart.
The news that the Count of Bei Lu had begged to see the princess
but was rejected quickly spread through Jing. Many said that the
Count of Bei Lu was too reckless, and there were those that said
the Count of Bei Lu wasn’t smart enough, but no one dared to say
that Jin An Princess Royal was too aggressive. It wasn’t easy
marrying a daughter of the Imperial Family.
When Qu Qing Ju heard of the incident, she let people find out more
to tell her. In the deep courtyard, there really wasn’t anything, if she
didn’t listen to what was happening outside to amuse herself, she
didn’t know how to spend her time. No wonder the women here put
on big or small banquets, looked at flowers, tea, paintings when they
had time. All these were just excuses for the noblewomen to gather
and waste time.
The night that this news had spread, the fu received the empress’
decree. It said they were having a family banquet at Kui Yuan
Palace tomorrow and that He Heng and Qu Qing Ju both had to be
After receiving the decree, Qu Qing Ju felt a bit surprised. The
Empress didn’t seem to be one that meddled. To hold a family
banquet so unexpectedly, it was most likely for Jin An Princess’
He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju in deep thought so he spoke: “You don’t
have to think too much. Tomorrow, other than us brothers, I’m afraid
there will only be zhang jie[2] Jin An, fuhuang and muhou.”
This was saying that the other consorts didn’t have the qualifications
to be there? Qu Qing Ju understood. This was the warm-up to
sorting out the Count of Bei Lu. She nodded, “Yes, it should be us
maternal family who sort out this heartless man. To put aside such a
good wife and entangle himself with an unclear woman, we can’t let
him off easily.”
Detecting Qu qing Ju’s anger, He Heng smiled and stated: “It seems
you had a good time with Zhangjie.”

Qu Qing Ju sat down on the carved chair. She sighed and observed:
“Zhang jie is a good woman. The Count of Bei Lu is truly despicable.
He clearly had a very good person at home but he had to go out to
touch the unclean and unknown ones. It can be seen that the feelings
from these many years, to him, it wasn’t important.”
Seeing her expression seemed tired, he didn’t know how he just
started speaking: “There are millions of men in the world. Some
don’t care for old affections, other people deepen their affections
over time. Zhang jie just met a bad man.”
Qu Qing Ju suddenly smiled. Her left hand propped up her chin. She
tilted her head to He Heng and said: “Wang ye has to be the person
whose affections deepen over time.”
He Heng’s gaze was dark. He answered hoarsely: “Naturally I’m the
kind of person whose affections deepen over time.” But in this
sentence, he put emphasis on a certain word.
A man and woman alone. He Heng’s purposeful flirtation aroused Qu
Qing Ju’s interest. They didn’t know who moved first but when Qu
Qing Ju managed to react, she was already lying on the bed,
revealing half a shoulder. He Heng’s dog teeth were licking and biting
at her shoulder.
Feeling her shoulder tickle, Qu Qing Ju shrugged her shoulders and
laughed out loud. This provoked He Heng to bite tighter. He said
hoarsely: “It seems I didn’t put in enough effort, that Qing Ju can still
laugh.” Finishing, he purposefully pinched at her waist, causing Qu
Qing Ju to laugh even louder.
He clearly knew that she was most ticklish at her waist, yet he still
purposefully put his hand there. Qu Qing Ju flashed to deliberately
hide in his embrace and before he noticed, she took grasp of Little
Heng. She threatened: “Wang ye, don’t tickle me, it wouldn’t be
good if I accidentally move my hand.”
He Heng gave a deep laugh. He replied: “Wang fei, are you
threatening me?” Finishing, his body pushed down, pinning the
person under his body. He gently kissed her ear before raising his
head to look at her and saying, “Then you have to take good care of
“What is taking good care of it?” Qu Qing Ju widened her eyes,
looking innocently at He Heng. Her hand very carelessly trembled a
few times and felt Little Heng stand to attention.
This was igniting He Heng’s very large fire and he instantly threw
himself in.
An hour later, the servants started to move the bathtub and hot
water to zhengyuan. These taijian all carefully kept their head down,
afraid to even look twice at the clothing and ornaments on the
ground. But just from the clothing on the ground, they knew just how
fiery it had been between wang ye and wang fei.

Qu Qing Ju sprawled at the border of the tub, permitting He Heng to

knead her shoulders. Her voice carried laziness as she asked: “I
heard we have a property in the Jing suburbs, it has hot springs?”
“You like them?” He Heng’s hand touched the fine skin and smiled as
his chest glued itself onto that smooth and thin back, “Yu Quan
Yuan[3] does have a large hot spring. In a few days, I’ll take you to
play for a few days.
“That would be good,” Qu Qing Ju tilted her head to gently kiss He
Heng’s face, “wang ye, don’t forget.”

A beautiful woman giving a kiss was naturally a good thing. He Heng

stole a few more from Qu Qing Ju’s lips before confirming, “Things
that I have promised you, I won’t forget.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she straightened her head. The inky strands of
hair flowed in the water, hiding the bottom of the tub.
When she came to Kui Yuan Palace, Qu Qing Ju found that there
were a few more hints of life this time. There were even more
servants around, as though they were deliberately acting out such
Following He Heng into the main hall, she saw the Emperor and
Empress there as expected. The person sitting directly under was
Jin An Princess Royal. Under Jin An Princess were He Yuan and Qin
Bai Lu.
Qu Qing Ju felt that the Rui Wang couple had come quickly this time
and weren’t too proud. After she finished her greeting with He Heng,
they sat down opposite the couple of He Yuan. Qu Qing Ju, as
usual, drank tea and lowered her head.
Qing De Emperor, as emperor, and as a father, he might not be a
good one, but at the very least, he still followed social conventions.
Sitting at the top, he very rarely looked at his two erxifu, and only
talked with his two sons.
A quick while later, the Ning Wang couple arrived. Qu Qing Ju
watched as the two sat above them and He Qi started to amuse the
emperor. She couldn’t help but think each imperial son was a master
of flattery from birth.
“Since your didi have all arrived, zhen will ask you one more time,
do you really want to separate?” Qing De Emperor gave a sigh. The
old face showing tiredness, “Gui Nian, zhen shouldn’t have given you
in marriage to that boy of the Cao family.”
“It has nothing to do with fuhuang. It’s knowing someone’s face not
knowing their heart. Back then, it was this daughter that had agreed
before fuhuang decreed the marriage. Basically, it was this daughter
who didn’t have a good eye,” Gui Nian[4] was Jin An Princess Royal’s
name. This name had been personally chosen by Qing De Emperor.
Perhaps it was that when choosing this name, Qing De Emperor had
thought that this daughter, even if she had married, still remembered
this home of hers that was the palace, so he named her Gui Nian.
Qu Qing Ju found that the Emperor treated Jin An Princess very
well, better than the three sons other than He Yuan. Maybe it was
that Jin An Princess was his first child, that the feelings were
“These years, this daughter and the Count of Bei Lu were full of
respect in and in harmony with each other. But now, the Count of Bei
Lu’s heart is not with I and the children any longer. He didn’t even
care about my identity and the old feelings as he involved himself
with a nine-grade official. He can humiliate this daughter, but he
cannot humiliate the Imperial Family. Such a heartless man, what use
would I keep him for. Separation, it would allow me to have clean
days.” Jin An Princess gave a bitter smile, “Otherwise, if I forced
myself to be with him, this daughter will feel disgust.”


1. 为夫: this husband, as the husband

2. 长姐: eldest sister

3. 玉泉园: Jade springs orchard/garden

4. 归念: 归 is return念 is remembrance

Chapter Forty Seven “The
Imperial Knife Corps”

The front hall fell into a period of silence. Then Qu Qing Ju heard
Qing De Emperor gave a sigh.
“Since that is so, then zhen will allow you to separate from the
Count of Bei Lu. As to your children, they will be raised by you. Let
your didi help some in the future,” Finishing, Qing De Emperor
looked at the three brothers, “Do you have any objections?”
He Qi and He Yuan quickly demonstrated they had none. But it was
He Heng that stood to ask: “Fuhuang, after separation, zhang jie will
be raising two children by herself. Even if us brothers will be there to
it, it still might be too difficult. Why don’t fuhaung bestow a title on
nephew and niece?”
When Qing De Emperor had originally seen He Heng stand, his
expression hadn’t been good. After He Heng had finished, his face
showed a smile, “Lao er is right. It should be like this. We will
especially decree Cheng’er to be the Marquess of Ding Zhong,
Xuan’er as Ru Yi jun zhu. Both shall change their surname to their
mother’s. After they grow up, then they will be titled.”
This was a true grace. He Heng’s nephew and niece would change
their surnames from Cao to He, and also received a title. In the
future, no one in Jing would slight them because of their father. If
they touched the Imperial name, their statuses were drastically
Jin An Princess Royal hadn’t thought that it would be this smooth.
She stood with tears in her eyes to thank Qing De Emperor. After
the bow, she furtively looked at He Heng. Qu Qing Ju noticed that
glance and knew the other was going to remember the gigantic boon
He Heng had given her.
To this, He Qi and He Yuan didn’t have any objections but hated He
Heng for being the one to do so. Even if this nephew did change to
the surname He, it couldn’t affect them competing for the throne and
had no strong relationship to them. It was better to follow fuhuang’s
desires and he could do a favour.
Sitting at the side, the Empress who hadn’t spoke at all changed the
look on her face. Jin An Princess wasn’t her blood daughter but she
had raised her for many years. They naturally held mutual feelings
for each other. Jin An was humiliated, the most hurt was her as the
mother. But she wasn’t favored by the emperor and could only side.
Hearing that the emperor was rewarding the two grandchildren, she
had no more worries about Jin An Princess’ separation.
After the matter was settled, Qing De Emperor stood: “Zhen still has
matters and will leave first. If that boy from the Cao family comes,
you don’t have to be courteous. The decree that zhen will give him
will be sent down tomorrow.”
These words meant, the man who bullied zhen’s daughter, you can
play whatever with, and zhen will take care of it?

Qu Qing Ju quietly shed two large crocodile tears for the Count of
Bei Lu. Landing on the hands of the He brothers, if he didn’t die, he’ll
shed layers.
After Qing De Emperor left, the atmosphere in the hall seemed to
relax a fraction. Qu Qing Ju picked a small chopped piece of sugar
cane and put in her mouth. After she chomped and sucked for the
liquid, she hid her mouth as she spat out the remainder into the fine
plate that a palace maid held with a bent waist. She ate a few more
pieces before she wiped her mouth clean. She felt slightly
constrained. Sugar cane, it needed one to bite off a piece and then
another to chew for it to be enjoyable. Eating like this, it didn’t have
the freedom that was present biting the sugar cane off. But the act
of eating was much prettier.
Wei Qing E almost couldn’t believe her eyes. How did Qu Qing Ju
dare to eat sugar cane in front of others, wasn’t she afraid of her
eating appearance? She watched as Qu Qing Ju crisply chewed on
a few more pieces before wiping her mouth. She jerked the corners
of her lips: “Di mei has a good appetite.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled, “Sweet things are eaten to make one feel

better.” She handed the dirty handkerchief to Yu Zan who was
behind her and took the clean handkerchief Mu Jin handed her, “Da
sao should try sometime.”

Wei Qing E gave a short dry laugh, “I don’t like using such snacks.”
“To me, living in this world is for eating and drinking. Da sao, don’t
laugh at me,” Qu Qing Ju laughed unconcernedly.
He Heng heard this and just smiled. He clearly didn’t feel that Qu
Qing Ju placed too much importance on food but felt that his wang
fei was so honest.

Of course, this was due to the fact that when a person held good
feelings as they looked at another, whatever they did was good.
He Qi raised his head and coincidentally saw the smile on He Heng’s
face. He gave a sigh, feeling that his teeth were slightly sore.
“Er sao is very careful about food and clothing,” Qin Bai Lu smiled as
she looked at Qu Qing Ju. What the other wore was both carefully
chosen and beautiful.
“This type of sugar can is both crisp and sweet. I like eating this in
the winter,” Jin An Princess took a piece of sugar cane as well. After
she spat out the piece, she said, “It seems that er di mei has some
preferences in common with me.” Finishing, she smiled at Qu Qing
Qu Qing Ju returned a smile, “That’s great. In the future, if I find
something tasty, there’s someone I can share it with.”
Hearing this, Jin An Princess looked at He Heng. She teased: “This
is your fault, er di. How could you let di mei experience delicious
food alone?” When she finished, she saw Qu Qing Ju’s face flush.
Jin An Princess roared with laughter.
“Jiejie, don’t tease,” He Heng gave a bow and pled, “Otherwise
someone’s face will be like a monkey’s ass.”
“Nonsense, nonsense, where in this world could there be such a
beautiful monkey’s ass. What words couldn’t you use, that you had
to use such a vulgar one,” The Empress smiled as she carefully
examined Qu Qing Ju’s face, “ben gong feels, it looks more similar
to the heavenly peaches of the Heavenly Empress.” Finishing, she
laughed first.
Qu Qing Ju bore a face full of bashfulness as she tilted her head to
glare at He Heng. Then she buried her head to drink tea.
That glare she gave caused He Heng’s bones to feel soft. He stood
and pleaded for mercy from the two. He was subjected to a torrent
of laughter. Once again, he understood a truth, a man couldn’t
participate in the world of women.
When He Yuan lowered his head, he coincidentally saw the glare Qu
Qing Ju gave He Heng. It did have that bit of flavour. He raised an
eyebrow to look at the still pleading and forcefully smiling He Heng,
his eyes carrying a hint of examination.
Just as everyone was laughing, a taijian came in to report that the
Count of Bei Lu was asking for an audience.
The mirth on Jin An Princess’ face retreated like the tide. She
adjusted her clothing and icily held up a teacup.
The Empress’ face went cold. She said in a heavy tone: “Let him roll
At this instant, Qu Qing Ju felt that the empress was full of maternal
protectiveness. She turned to look towards the door and saw a man
with an extremely elegant appearance bow slightly as he walked in.
Just from the appearance, he was a man who easily created good
feelings in women. So, this world had invented a phrase to describe
this kind of man, that was “an animal in clothing”.
“This son-in-law greets muhou, meets didi.”

“Who is your didi? Not just everybody can call ben wang didi.” He
Yuan snorted and lazily leaned back on the chair. He looked indolent,
“Don’t try to stick gold to your face. You don’t feel embarrassed but I
still find it blinding.”
Qu Qing Ju silently swallowed a mouthful of tea. This He Yuan’s
mouth was a knife, and there was poison on this knife.
The Count of Bei Lu hadn’t expected that he would be harassed right
after he entered. But the other was a wang ye so he could only
“Just this cowardly state, he still dares to womanize outside. He
dirties my eyes.” He Qi happily added a knife.
“Da ge, your words are slightly wrong. When didi saw the Count of
Bei Lu a few years ago, he had proper conduct, and was almost
enough to be worthy of zhang jie,” He Heng blew at the leaves in the
teacup and continued at a sedate pace, “Only now did I know, the
Count of Bei Lu is a good actor. I’m afraid that none of the famous
corners of Jin can compare to him. Otherwise, how dare he trick us
Imperial Family for so many years?”
To compare the Count of Bei Lu to an actor, Qu Qing Ju felt that He
Heng had inserted a good knife. It was even more painful
considering that when after he spoke his first sentence, the Count of
Bei Lu had given him a gaze of hope.
In really, all these brothers were good at inserting a knife while being
bloodless. Qu Qing Ju gaze a dry cough. She remarked to Jin An
Princess, “Zhang jie, don’t be sad. Who doesn’t meet a disgusting
thing or two in their life. Don’t let these things affect your mood and
dirty your gaze.” She felt that at this, if she didn’t add a knife, she
didn’t fit in with the crowd.
Even Wei Qing E and Qin Bai Lu at this time attacked in the same
“The body is not right, the conduct is not right, it’s unbearable,” Qin
Bai Lu disdainfully moved her gaze aside, acting as though she didn’t
want to see a disgusting object.
Wei Qing E’s words were relatively softer. She said, expressionless:
“The Count of Bei Lu daren, when you did such a thing, did you think
of Princess and your children? Now that you have hardened
Princess’ heart, you want to rescue it, do you feel that us Imperial
Family members are easy to bully?”
The people who spoke all were of higher status than the Count of
Bei Lu. The Count of Bei Lu felt that these words were a humiliation
and hatred formed in his heart towards Jin An Princess, but he could
only kneel in the hall and beg for forgiveness.
Jin An Princess looked at the cowardly man in front of her eyes. At
the beginning in Jing Zhou, she hadn’t seen him as regretful as this.
For that woman, he had even been angry at her. He was afraid now
so he put on such an act, how did she even fall for this man in the
first place?
Moving her gaze away in disgust, Jin An Princess stood and said:
“Muhou, this daughter is somewhat tired. I’ll return first to the back
to rest.” Finishing, she didn’t look again at the Count of Bei Lu and
held the hand of a palace maid to leave the main hall.
The Count of Bei Lu’s heart froze. He knew that this incident couldn’t
be resolved. He could only heavily kowtow to the empress,
describing how regretful he was, describing how he would repent his
ways and started reminiscing about the good of the princess and
how he wanted to go back to the time when they had good feelings
for each other.
“Ben gong feels that lao er’s words aren’t right. This Count of Bei Lu
isn’t some good actor, he’s one of the storytellers in the tea shops.
Look at his words, if one didn’t already know, they would think that
the Imperial Family was making too much of a fuss over nothing,”
The Empress gave a cold laugh, “You don’t have to kowtow. Don’t
bleed on the floor of my Kui Yuan Place. Quickly roll away, when ben
gong sees you, ben gong gets angry.”

There wasn’t a mother that would be happy at a cheating son-in-law.

The conduct of the empress was already very constrained. In a
normal family, the Count of Bei Lu would have already beaten to the
point his mother didn’t recognize him.
Qu Qing Ju saw the Count of Bei Lu forcibly dragged away by the
taijian and said disdainfully: “Thankfully nephew and niece didn’t see
this state of his.”
He Heng heard this and thought about those two children not even
ten years old. He sighed, “Separation is good, better than having
such a father.” He didn’t know why he started thinking about Chang
De Gong Fu, his brows unconsciously furrowing.
Chapter Forty Eight “Brothers?”

After the Count of Bei Lu was dragged out of Kui Yuan Palace, the
brothers of the He Family each held their heads down and drank tea.
They listened to their wives converse and if they didn’t have to
speak, they wouldn’t say even one additional word.
The conflict between He Yuan and He Qi had been almost pushed to
the surface. Recently when lao si and Wei Wen Guang were sent to
Jiang Nan to investigate the case, who knew that just a few days
after they left Jing, they encountered an assassination attempt. Both
Wei Wen Guang and lao si were wounded, stopping in their trip to
recover. Many taiyi from the Imperial Hospital had been sent. By this
time, the two were in no danger of danger, but a storm was raging in
the Imperial Court.
Who would have such daring to assassinate the imperial envoys?
Those that would dare, they were either rebel or a person of great
power and status. The Da Long Dynasty had already ruled for
hundreds of years, there weren’t any of the so-called rebels. Those
assassins could have only been sent by a personal of great power.
Then why would such a person do a thing like this?
There were already people at the court that were guessing the
matter was connected to Rui Wang. But this matter had been given
to Ning Wang to investigate. This time, Ning Wang’s mouth was
securely sealed, no news had been leaked. Rui Wang also didn’t
seem to be acting differently so everyone then felt Rui Wang
wouldn’t have such daring to do it. That kind of conduct was almost
akin to opposing the emperor. No matter how much Rui Wang was
worried and how arrogant he was, he wasn’t outrageous to this
The Empress was clear to the conflict between the three brothers.
Seeing that it was almost the noon hour, she said: “It’s so rare for
you three brothers to gather together. Ben gong is happy, let’s go
eat together.”
The three pairs followed the empress to the table. A short while
later, someone ushered the princess and the two children over. The
elder child, He Cheng, was only seven or eight. He wore a red
cotton robe, a long-life lock around his neck. He looked very
adorable. The smaller was He Xuan. She looked almost five years
old, her eyes large. Her smile was very cute. The two children
together felt very much like the golden boy and jade girl of legend.
“Greetings to Imperial Grandmother, greetings to jiujiu and jiumu,”
The two children gave a proper bow. It could be seen that Jin An
Princess had raised them well. Even Qu Qing Ju, who felt that little
children were noisy, liked them.
“Cheng’er and Xuan’er have grown so much,” Wei Qing E, who had
seen the two before, smiled as she gave the two a meeting gift. She
remarked to Jin An Princess, “Last time when I saw these two,
Xuan’er wasn’t walking. Now she’s has grown to be an intelligent
Jin An Princess gave a gentle smile: “Just a naughty child, she’s not
as good as you praise her to be.”
Qu Qing Ju had prepared a meeting gift very long ago. Hearing Jin
An Princess say such a thing, she interjected: “Zhang jie, you can’t
criticize these those children this way, I like these two very much.”
Speaking, she waved her hand at the two children, “Cheng’er,
Xuan’er, come over for er jiumu to take a look.”

He Cheng and He Xuan obediently walked in front of Qu Qing Ju,

carefully examining this er jiumu. Her face becoming rosy red, He
Xuan timidly reached with a hand to pull on Qu Qing Ju’s sleeve,
“Nice to meet er jiumu.”

“Nice to meet Xuan’er,” Qu Qing Ju bent to place He Xuan onto her

own knee. She took a pendant from Mu Jin’s hands to hang on
Xuan’er’s neck, “Er jiumu is giving you this as a toy.”

He Xuan bent down to look at the pendant. It was a blooming lotus

flower, the craftsmanship making it appear almost real. And the
entire jade stone was transparent like ice. It was very beautiful and
suitable for females to wear.
Jin An Princess found that this pendant was carved from an ice jade.
This type of jade was extremely rare. It was more beautiful than
glass and extremely expensive. She hadn’t expected that er dimei
would use something as valuable as this to give to a child as a
meeting gift.
“Er dimei, she’s just a child, she doesn’t need to use such a rare
jade,” Half of Jin An Princess’ words were courtesy, half was real.
“Us imperial family’s daughters, nothing is too precious to wear,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled as she touched He Xuan’s hair buns, “Our Xuan’er is
more beautiful than jade, I was afraid that this jade was too tacky
for our guniang.” Finishing, she took another jade pendant from Mu
Jin’s hands, “Here, Cheng’er, this is for you.”
He Cheng looked at Jin An Princess and seeing the princess didn’t
block him, he took it and gave a bow: “Thank you er juimu.” He
spread his palm. It was a bat carved from a piece of black jade.
Bats represented good fortune and were appropriate to give to
young children.
Jin An Princess saw that er dimei had given very thoughtful gifts.
These two jade pendants had been carved skillfully, the material
itself was rare and couldn’t be found in normal places. She said to
He Xuan, “Xuan’er, come down quickly from er jiumu’s knee. Don’t
crush your er jiumu. Sit beside your mother here and prepare to
He Xuan jumped down from Qu Qing Ju’s knee and smiled as she
ran to the spot beside Jin An Princess. He Cheng followed her as
she sat down. Qu Qing Ju gave a sigh as she watched. The children
in the previous life really should learn from these children, the gap
was too large.
Wei Qing E had already met the two children before, so it didn’t
matter if she gave a less weighty gift. But Qin Bai Lu fell into an
awkward state. Both she and Qu Qing Ju were newly married. The
first meeting with these two children, Qu Qing Ju gave out gifts
before her. The gifts she had already prepared were embarrassing
in comparison.
Thinking that Qu Qing Ju was purposefully embarrassing her, Qin Bai
Lu silently marked down another strike against Qu Qing Ju. She put
on a bold face and gave out the objects. Jin An Princess held a
normal attitude as she gave her thanks but she felt that Jin An
Princess clearly was more intimate with Qu Qing Ju.
The palace maids streamed in with teacups and copper basins as
well as towels. Qu Qing Ju and He Heng sat together. After washing
hands and rinsing mouths, there were many more maids and taijian
that came in. Delicious food, steams, sautéed or fried, were set
down like a flow water. The palace maids that held the plates each
had pale white hands. Presenting the white porcelain plates, it made
for a beautiful image that increased the appetite.
This made her think back to the memoir of a certain last emperor of
a dynasty from the previous life. This scene in front of her didn’t
differ much from that memoir, it might be even more outrageous,
since this was the golden age of Da Long Dynasty.
In reality, everything about the meal the nobility used was good,
except for the rule that there was to be no speaking while eating. Qu
Qing Ju was somewhat unused to such a practice. In the previous
life, she always ate while either having a phone call or organizing an
artist’s schedule during the meantime. Here, she seemed to be in a
retired state. There were no cellphones or computers. She could
only read, practice her writing and draw. Originally, she had a bit of
interest towards the qi, but after a few times, He Heng wasn’t willing
to play with her. Her life instantly became boring.
After the noon meal, the queen didn’t keep the three brothers. The
brothers took their own wives as they walked out of Kui Yuan
Coming out of the main gate of Kui Yuan Palace, He Yuan took Qin
Bai Lu with him as he separated from the other two brothers. He Qi
and He Heng didn’t mind. After He Yuan’s figure disappeared, He Qi
said: “This morning, news came from outside Jing. Si di’s wounds
are better, but his arm might have problems remaining, when it’s
winter, it will ache.”
He Heng gave a sigh, and held his hands up to the sky together:
“Thank Heavens nothing major happened to si di. Otherwise, there
will be one person less among us brothers to play together in the
“Exactly,” He Qi’s words were full of rage as he said, “this evildoer is
too daring, too outrageous. He dares to assassinate an imperial son
and a prime minister. This is the Imperial Envoy representing

Walking at He Heng’s side, Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrow twitched slightly

before instantly returning to normal.
“Da ge has to find the person hiding in the back, and get justice on
behalf of si di and Minister Wei.” He Heng bowed to He Qi with two
fists raised together, “Da ge, thanks for your trouble.”

“This matter already has some leads,” He Qi returned a bow, “It’s no

trouble, this is what I should do.”
He Heng heard this, smiled and didn’t reply.
He Qi didn’t care if he responded. He raised his hands in a fist:
“Gege still has matters to attend to, I’ll leave first.” Finishing, he
strode towards another path. Wei Qing E slightly bowed to He Heng
before quickly following.
Qu Qing Ju and He Heng returned a bow. Looking at the backs of
the Ning Wang couple, the two sedately walked towards the exit of
the palace.
“Da bo seems to be full of life these days,” Qu Qing Ju serenely
opened, “He seems to be even more majestic than usual.”
He Heng detected that Qu Qing Ju had words within her words. He
smiled: “It may be that it was the holidays earlier, he ate too much
meat and drank too much.”
Those normal citizens hoped to touch a bit of oil during the holidays.
As a member of the imperial family, when did he not eat well? Qu
Qing Ju giggled and said: “Wang ye is right.”
After the two got on the carriage, He Heng then said: “Wei Wen
Guang comes from the same branch as the Changde Gong Fu lao
taitai’s maternal family. But Wei Wen Guang is of shu birth. During
his earlier years, he was met with much cold care from the Family
Wei. Now, he’s a bit at odds with the Family Wei. And the entire
Family Wei is slowly declining.”
Qu Qing Ju hadn’t thought that there would be such a connection.
She thought about the conduct of the lao taitai of Chang De Gong Fu
and had to admit that He Heng’s words were reasonable: “Lao taitai
was much colder to me. In the past when people from the Wei
Family came to the fu, they liked to flatter san mei and brother
Wang Zhi. It must have been that time that the Family Wei was
already not well.”
He Heng knew that his wang fei was, in reality, a very intelligent
woman. It could be seen from how she treated others and received
gifts. She was able to clearly prioritize and recognize what was
important. She didn’t demean the status of Duan Wang Fu because
Rui Wang Fu was favoured. She didn’t slight Jin An zhang jie
because she came back to Jing with only her children. When it was
time to be aggressive, she never retreated. When it was time to be
gentle, she was never wilful. This type of woman most likely took
after Tian shi, that she could be so intelligent.

Clearly, in the heart of the most honoured Duan Qin Wang, Chang
De Gong Fu was a pile of idiots and his wang fei was a pure white
lotus flower untouched by the mud.
“In the future, our fu’s gifts to Xiang Qing Hou Fu should increase a
few fractions,” He Heng’s tone was serious as he continued, “The
Tian Family’s conduct is strict. There is no harm to you in having
closer relations with them.”
What was this tone that held hints of gladness?
Qu Qing Ju jerked her lips. She nodded and confirmed: “Alright.”
He Heng smiled and then gravely said: “In the future, stay further
away from people from Ning Wang Fu.” He knew that Qu Qing Ju
was at odds with the people of Rui Wang Fu and didn’t need his
Qu Qing Ju paused slightly before nodding gravely.
Chapter Forty Nine “The Honor of
the Imperial House”

Very quickly the Imperial Decree concerning the Count of Bei Lu and
Jin An Princess Royal was sent down. At the same time, there was
also the decree bestowing the titles to the two children of Jin An
Princess. As to the Count of Bei Lu, Qing De Emperor didn’t take
away his title. He only let the servants drag him to the Meridian Gate
of the Palace to be punished with forty blows. In the Imperial
Decree, he clarified “The conduct of Jing Zhou’s Cao Clan is not
good, their morality lacking. They cannot be a choice for marriage.
Zhen is shamed to regret, but it is too late. The only wise is that no
other in the future will suffer zhen’s pain.”

This sounded like that the emperor was reflecting on himself but in
reality, it was saying, this entire Cao Family isn’t any good, their
conduct and morals aren’t good, zhen was blind to marry his
daughter to the Cao Family. Hopefully, no other person will be blind
and enter into marital relationships with the Cao Family.
This was actually the most vicious. The Cao Family was a famous
family in Jing Zhou. There would have unmarried males and females
in the clan. Once the emperor’s decree came out, no one would
dare make marital relations with the Cao Family. Otherwise, wouldn’t
that be going against the Emperor? This Count of Bei Lu doomed his
entire clan.
When Qu Qing Ju heard this decree, she suddenly understood, this
was true imperial power. If the Emperor said that the people of the
Cao Family weren’t good, then it was that the members of the Cao
Family one hundred percent had problems. Whoever dared to ask
for mercy would be as lacking in morals and conduct as the
members of the Cao Family.
How many innocent males and females of the Cao Family would be
affected, Qu Qing Ju didn’t know but she sympathized for them. She
also felt that the conduct of the Count of Bei Lu was truly disgusting.
When he returned to the clan, how much would the clan hate him?
When He Heng came into the zhengyuan, he coincidentally saw Qu
Qing Ju sitting in a daze. He walked behind her: “What are you
thinking with such focus about?”
“About the members of the Cao Family,” She turned her head back
to look at He Heng, not covering the truth, “and how many people
would be implicated with the Count of Bei Lu.”
“These people are truly innocent, but who let them all have the same
Cao name?” He Heng understood that she was sympathizing with
the innocent members of the Cao Family, and explained, “If only the
Count of Bei Lu was punished, then where is the Imperial House’s
dignity. Additionally, fuhuang’s actions are already light. A hundred
years earlier, an ancestor had a fuma who took a qie into the fu and
imprisoned the princess. In the end, his family was sentenced to
execution. His relations within five clans were all demoted to jian
min. [1]“

Qu Qing Ju stopped in shock. If the cost was so high, why do such a

thing? If the princess’ conduct was lacking, then it was reasonable,
but Jin An Princess raised a son and daughter and treated the Count
of Bei Lu very well. To do what the Count of Bei Lu did, didn’t he feel
“Alright, don’t think about such things,” He Heng patted the back of
her hand. He smiled and said, “Now it is already like this, you don’t
have to worry. In the future when you have the time, just visit the
princess’ fu more often.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded, her face relaxing slightly. She looked at the

condition of the sky outside. It was dark and likely to rain: “The
weather doesn’t look good. The wind might start up. If you are going
out, you have to wear more.”
“Don’t worry, there’s Ming He and the others,” He Heng waved his
hand, “I’ll accompany you for the noon meal before going out. This
afternoon, the Count of Bei Lu is leaving Jing. Us brothers have to at
least bid him farewell.”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju silently lit a candle for the Count of Bei Lu
There were always people passing through the four main gates of
Jing City. The city of Jing’s prosperity caused many to come to Jing
to make a living. There even were many foreigners that set down
roots in Jing City to live. But at this time at the north gate, not many
people were passing through, only some of the public watching from
far away.
“Count of Bei Lu is leaving so soon? Why don’t you stay a few more
days, ben wang and brothers hadn’t even properly received you,
you’re in such a rush.” He Qi looked at the Count of Bei Lu that knelt
in front of him. He gave a hearty laugh and reached out to heavily
pat on the Count of Bei Lu’s shoulder. He watched as the Count of
Bei Lu’s originally pale face become even uglier.
“ “Look at the count’s white face. No wonder he could seduce those
unclean and unknown women outside,” He Yuan sat on a tall white
horse, staring from half-lidded eyes down at the Count of Bei Lu,
“Now you can go far away with that woman freely. Such a cause for
celebration. Ben wang will give his congratulations here. Come,
present the gift that ben wang has prepared for the Count of Bei
Lu’s beloved.”
The Count of Bei Lu had been sentenced to a beating, and shivered
as he knelt. When Rui Wang’s gift was presented, his expression
changed out of fright. He had seen such a medicine bottle before.
Inside was a medicine called “Linked in Countless Ways”. After the
person swallowed the medicine, his stomach and intestines would
hurt in countless ways. The medicine would sap all energy from the
body to the point that suicide wasn’t possible. They had to suffer in
pain for an entire day before death.
“A beauty is only fit to use a medicine with a beautiful name, what
does the Count of Bei Lu think of ben wang’s gift?” He Yuan jumped
off the horse, walking in front of the Count of Bei Lu. He used the tip
of his foot to raise the chin, looking at the other’s sweaty state, he
revealed a few fractions of mirth, “If you don’t like it, ben wang can
give you another gift?”
Hearing Rui Wang put emphasis on the word you, the Count of Bei
Lu kowtowed and said: “Thanks to Your Highness Rui Wang for your
Seeing his state, He Yuan took his foot away in disgust. The little
taijian that followed behind him hurriedly knelt on the ground and
took out a handkerchief to carefully wipe the tip of his shoe, the
disdain clearly displayed.
He Heng cheerfully watched this scene. Seeing the Count of Bei Lu
tighten his fist, he bent down to speak to him: “Think how grand you
were in the past, and look at you now. You don’t want to be that high
up fuma, but you want to be that dog that everyone hates. Should
ben wang say you are pitiful or disgusting?” Finishing, he
straightened his body and announced in a loud voice, “The
princesses of the Imperial Family are born into high status, beautiful
and virtuous. You betrayed Princess and son and daughter. The
Imperial Family can’t have a fuma like you. In the future, the Cao
Family of Jing Zhou is forbidden to ever enter the City of Jing.
Otherwise, our He Family will punish each as they appear.” Finishing,
he gave a kick to the body of the Count of Bei Lu, brushed off the
non-existent dust on his clothes and got on his own date-colored
“Get out, get out,” He Qi disliked his disgusting state too, turning and
leaving on his horse. He Heng and He Yuan didn’t look at him, leaving
on their horses as well.
The horse that He Yuan was riding made his tail whip across the
Count of Bei Lu’s body, but the count could only kneel straight up,
not daring to evade.
Seeing the wang ye leave, the surrounding people then came over,
pointing and telling the countless versions of what the Count of Bei
Lu had done. But in all of them, it was how despicable the Count of
Bei Lu was and how enticing the woman that seduced the count
To the citizens, if the emperor and the wang ye said it was not good,
then it was naturally very not good. As to if this matter occurred
between ordinary people, what they would have done, only they
themselves would know.
The Count of Bei Lu forced himself onto the carriage with the help of
a manservant. He laid on his stomach on the soft cushions as he
thought back to how magnificent he was that year he had come back
to Jing and the sorry figure now. He started to become regretful.
If he had always been good with the princess, then these wang ye
today would have been courteous to him, and everyone in the Cao
Family would have been carefully flattering himself. Now, even if he
did go back to Jing Zhou, the entire Cao Family probably wanted to
eat his flesh and drink his blood.
Tightening his grip around the medicine bottle in his head, the Count
of Bei Lu’s eyes darkened. If it wasn’t that whore seducing him, he
and the princess wouldn’t be in this position today!
After the incident involving Jin An Princess Royal had been passed
around in Jing for a few days, it settled down. For the womenfolk, it
was just that there was another person to praise and flatter in Jing.
To men, it was reminding them not to interact with the Cao Family of
Jing Zhou in the future. Otherwise, there was no change.
The first month quickly passed by. Just as everyone quieted down,
another storm of thunder and lightning came upon Jing. His Highness
Ning Wang had found the mastermind behind the attempted
assassination of the imperial envoy. And that person was the most
favoured by the emperor, His Highness Rui Wang.
His Highness Rui Wang’s people tried to argue for Rui Wang but Ning
Wang provided many pieces of evidence. For example, how the
assassins killed by the guards had once served in Rui Wang Fu, and
a protective talisman found on a certain assassin’s body had been
requested from the Five Estates Monastery from a certain yahuan
of Rui wang Fu. There were even witnesses who claimed that on the
second day after Cheng Wang left the city, Rui Wang had secretly
met with certain members of the group.
After Qing De Emperor finished listening to the entire matter, he was
so angry he couldn’t speak a word. On the spot, he was so angry he
spat out a mouth of blood and fainted. He was quickly sent back to
Tian Qi Palace under a crowd of people, the taiyi on duty at the
Imperial Hospital summoned.
Because He Yuan couldn’t come to court, the Emperor had regained
consciousness when he had received the news. He wanted to leave
the fu to see the emperor but he found that the Imperial Guards that
he assumed he could casually order around suddenly became
The people inside couldn’t go out, the people outside couldn’t come
in. He Yuan smashed a few more objects in frustration before he
remembered his subordinate Gao Duo was coincidentally in the fu
and had a taijian summon him.

When Gao Duo rushed to the study, He Yuan’s anger hadn’t calmed.
He pointed at Hao Duo and accused: “In the beginning, it was you
who put out such a bad idea, now that it’s like this, how is it possible
to end it?!”
Gao duo gave a proper greeting, his face not changing expression.
He explained: “Wang ye, this one didn’t think that it would happen
like this. And this one is suspicious, someone is purposefully framing
“Of course, ben wang also knows that someone is framing me, do I
need you to tell me?!” He Yuan pushed a brush stand onto the
ground, “Killing brothers, if this kind of label comes down, ben wang
is finished.”
“Wang ye naturally knows that there is someone framing you, but
this one’s meaning is, why is this person framing you, and who is the
person framing you?” Gao Duo’s tone became slightly deeper, “You
are the most favoured imperial son of the Emperor. Naturally, others
would be jealous. Only if you fall, will he then have a chance.”
“He Qi, it must be him!” He Yuan hatefully concluded, “This incident
was investigated by him, he was more enthusiastic than anyone
else. He dares to frame me.”
Gao Duo lowered his face and bowed to comment: “Wang ye, this
one thinks that this time, you have to let some blood out.”
He Yuan’s eyes slightly changed. He thought for a beat before
ordering: “Come, bring a cloth.”
Gao Duo smiled, “Wang ye is wise and understands how to move
the emperor’s heart. This one will retreat first.”
He Yuan waved his hand, letting him know he could leave.
Coming out of the study, Gao Duo ran his fingers through his beard,
a smile appearing on his face.


1. 贱民: 贱 inexpensive/lowly民 people/citizen. Jian min is a social stratum

below ordinary people.
Chapter Fifty “Rumors”

A letter personally written by Rui Wang in his own blood was quickly
presented by Shu guifei in front of Qing De Emperor. Shu guifei
knelt down in front of Qing De Emperor as she cried, her tears like
the pear blossoms in the rain. Even though she didn’t defend Rui
Wang, her actions were already worth more than a thousand words.
The blood letter was almost completely splattered with bloody tears.
Firstly, its contents showed his concern for Qing De Emperor’s body
and secondly, it expressed his longing for the emperor. Because he
couldn’t leave the fu, he could only kowtow in the direction of the
palace. Thirdly, it defended him, proclaiming how innocent he was
and that he was mistakenly accused by others. Lastly, it asked Qing
De Emperor to protect his health and not suffer because of this
unfilial son.
When Qing De Emperor saw the dense mass of dark red characters
on the snowy white cloth, his heart had already half-softened. After
reading the entire missive, he sighed and helped Shu guifei up. He
patted Shu guifei’s hand and comforted her: “Zhen knows that lao
san was wronged. This matter, zhen will have someone to take a
closer look.”
Understanding the emperor’s meaning, Shu guifei tearfully replied:
“Thank you, Emperor.” Inside, she was a bit smug. For someone as
devious as Jing guifei, it didn’t matter how many plots she had. As
long as she was favoured, no one would be able to shake her and
her son’s position.
Around the same time at Zhong Jing Palace, Jing guifei watched
coldly as Wei Qin shi cried in front of her. Technically, Wei Qin shi’s
husband was of the same branch as her and she should be
courteous, but she really didn’t like the petty-mindedness of Wei Qin
shi. She looked shrewd but what she said was so idiotic that she felt
nauseous upon hearing it.
“Ran Shuang has been sick these past days. I, as her mother, feel
so terrible just seeing her. Niangniang, what should we do?,” Wei
Qin shi wiped away the scarce tears lingering at the corner of her
eyes. She hesitated before asking, “Chen fu heard that not many
people are serving in His Highness’ fu, why don’t … …” When she
raised her head, she saw that guifei niangniang’s eyes had gone
cold and she swallowed the rest of her words.
“If niece’s body isn’t good, ben gong will send a message for the
Imperial Hospital to take a look. Girls should be pampered, the body
cannot be harmed. Otherwise, it could affect the heir.” Jing guifei
gave an aloof smile and turned to order the person beside her to
send a message to the Imperial Hospital.
Wei Qin shi’s face slightly changed. Seeing the palace maid walk out
to summon the taiyi, she gritted her teeth: “Niangniang, Our Ran
Shaung is a good guniang. Why doesn’t she go to the wang fu to
serve? It would help cement old ties.”
Jing guifei raised her teacup to take a sip. After hearing Wei Qin
shi’s words, she didn’t fly into a rage. She drawled slowly: “Ran
Shuang is such a good girl. How can tang sao bear to part with her
just to go serve ben gong’s useless son?”

“His Highness Duan Wang is of magnificent bearing. Chen fu has

never seen a more outstanding young person than His Highness,”
Wei Qin shi flattered, “To go into the wang fu to serve is our yatou’s
great fortune. There’s no such thing as bearing it.”
Jing guifei knew that Wei Qin shi was short-sighted but she hadn’t
known that she could be this shameless. If Wei Ran Shuang got
married, the husband and his family would treat her well because of
her and Heng’er. Now, she was breaking her head trying to get into
the wang fu but Heng’er didn’t have any interest in her. This was
inviting humiliation upon herself. Furthermore, after this matter, the
branch of her tang xiong would only be the lesser maternal family of
a qie to Duan Wang Fu and not the elders.

Putting down the teacup, Jing guifei replied with a jerk of her lips:
“Heng’er has married his wang fei already. Wang fei is virtuous and
able, ben gong cannot allow Heng’er to take a qieshi. Ben gong will
not participate in this kind of matter. If niece still wants to be a qie,
then tang sao should find Heng’er to discuss it.” She raised her hand
in conclusion, “Ben gong is tired and won’t keep tang sao company.”

Wei Qin shi could only stand and bow in farewell. Jing guifei
disdainfully looked on as she left, remarking in a light voice: “No
wonder their branch had no achievements from the generation of
grandfather onwards. What kind of brains do they have? If they
request to see ben gong in the future, reject all of them.”
She, a respected and titled guifei, didn’t need to curry favour with a
distantly-related tang sao. Even her true tang brother’s wife was full
of respect in front of her. This Wei Qin shi was only married to the
eldest grandson of her grandfather’s brother, she wasn’t anything.
Did she think that because her branch was prosperous and well-
mannered, they would also be soft and easy-going?!
To ask for such humiliation, it was disgusting. Because Wei Ran
Shuang had this kind of mother, she wouldn’t let her enter Duan
Wang Fu.
He Heng didn’t know that others were thinking about him. Hearing
that He Yuan had already sent a blood letter into the palace, he
smoothed his chin as he opened the curtains of the sedan window.
Looking at the bustling crowds, he gave a light laugh.
He had already anticipated He Qi making his move against the
imperial envoys. But he still had some decency and didn’t let them
seriously harm lao si. Now that the matter had grown in significance,
He Qi wanted to take advantage of the situation to suppress lao
san. But he still had to consider Shu guifei in the hougong and
whether fuhuang was willing to let this charge fall on the head of lao

As expected, on the second day, Qin De Emperor expressed his

doubt about the evidence He Qi had presented at the Royal Court. In
his speech, he even expressed his suspicion that He Qi hadn’t
actually fulfilled his duties. Even though He Qi tried to explain further,
ultimately he was ordered to continue investigating.
He Heng stood at the side, looking at the humiliation and
helplessness on He Qi’s face as he knelt on the ground. He turned to
glance at the others at Court. These officials also had their faces
facing the ground but this time, they couldn’t help but feel that
fuhuang was foolish as well. Just to protect Rui Wang, he
deliberately censored Ning Wang. The wounds that the Right
Minister Wei and Cheng Wang had received were for nothing.
Thinking about the Emperor’s mediocrity and partialness, and the
arrogance of Rui Wang, many of the senior officials present felt cold
inside. The Right Minster Wei was one of the emperor’s closest
confidants and Cheng Wang was the emperor’s youngest child. The
two were wounded so seriously but that didn’t hold as much
importance compared to Rui Wang’s few words of complaint. If this
continued, what would happen to the Da Long Dynasty?
“Emperor, His Highness Rui Wang is the most suspicious person in
this matter. Please, Emperor, temporarily imprison Rui Wang until
the matter has been investigated thoroughly before making a
decision,” An official moved forward to kneel down, “Please,
“Enough, zhen has already made a decision on this matter. There’s
no need to speak anymore,” Qing De Emperor raged, “Get out.”
“Emperor, have you already forgotten Imperial Censor Zhao who
had died running into a pillar?” The official kowtowed and asked, “If
this matter has no connection with His Highness Rui Wang, who else
would try to assassinate the imperial envoy? This official postulates
that perhaps Rui Wang had a guilty conscience, and in order to stop
the envoys from investigating, committed such an act. But thankfully,
Right Minister Wei and His Highness Cheng Wang were not mortally
wounded and His Highness Rui Wang did not make a great mistake.”
Was this how Rui Wang’s crime would be resolved? He Heng
lowered his head to look at the official. He wasn’t an essential official
of the Royal Court. His forehead was beaded with sweat and he
looked nervous. He couldn’t help but look at the still kneeling He Qi.
This person was one of lao da’s? What kind of blackmail did lao da
have against him that he had to step out at such a difficult time?
“Please, Emperor, reconsider.” One of the officials behind He Heng
followed in kneeling down.
“Please, Emperor, reconsider!” Within a few minutes, more than half
of the people at Court had knelt down. Of these people, only a
fraction were lao da’s people. In their hearts, they all believed that
the mastermind behind the assassination was He Yuan and were
bitterly disappointed by the emperor’s attitude so they decided to
came out at this time.
Qing De Emperor hadn’t thought that this many people would
oppose him. His face reddened in anger but he didn’t want to let go.
He took a deep breath to continue: “These events are only Imperial
Censor Zhao’s retelling. Rui Wang could have been mistakenly
accused. Zhen cannot sentence without investigating the matter
Who knew that the officials would still kneel with their backs straight,
not saying a word?
Qing De Emperor was so angered by these people to the point that
his face changed color. He turned and swept away, leaving everyone
in the hall. He Heng jerked his mouth. His fuhuang was always like
this. He was narrow-minded, prejudiced and worst of all, he had no
great skill at ruling. No wonder lao san had been spoiled by him into
his current state.
The news that the Emperor had taken the side of Rui Wang and
refused to sentence him quickly swept through Jing. Those who had
suffered at the hands of Rui Wang added to the news as they
spread it. Soon, the Emperor became known as an unwise and
unfair person. One son had nearly been murdered but he still
favoured another son.
No one dared to speak the words in broad daylight but nothing could
stop the common people from writing this incident into a story with
imaginary characters. Some storytellers made it into a performance.
Those who heard the story all swore at the parent for being unfair
and how innocent and pitiful the youngest son was.
The storm grew bigger and bigger. When it passed into the ears of
Qing De Emperor, it had already finished spreading throughout Jing.
Even three-year-olds had heard a version of the story. He was
instantly provoked into spitting out another mouthful of blood. Inside,
he was starting to wonder if this incident had been ordered by lao
da. How else would have the rumors spread so quickly in Jing?

He couldn’t scold his son at the moment so Qing De Emperor

summoned the commander of the Imperial Guards to scold instead
and ordered him to imprison those who were spreading the rumors.
The commander of the Imperial Guard came out of the Imperial
Study with a distraught face. Right now, the incident had already
spread and yet the Emperor had sent down an order to catch the
people. Wasn’t this pouring oil on top of the fire? But since the
Emperor gave him an order, he had to do it even if he didn’t want to.
He felt his head grow two sizes bigger just thinking about it.
Coming out of the palace gate, he happened to see Duan Wang
preparing to enter his carriage. Instantly, his eyes lit up. He strode
forward with large steps and performed a greeting, intoning: “Wei
chen greets Your Highness Duan Wang.”

He Heng turned his head. Seeing the Commander of the Imperial

Guards Sun Bo Hai, he stopped and replied: “Commander Sun.”
Sun Bo Hai didn’t waste any time on pleasantries, stating: “The
Emperor has ordered wei chen to manage the rumors in Jing and
those who spread the rumors will be imprisoned in jail. But wei chen
is afraid of not satisfactorily fulfilling the order, could wang ye give
wei chen a suggestion?”

“How about first sending down the order, clearly stating that these
people are not allowed to spread rumors? If they are found, they will
be sent to jail. Ben wang heard that the rumors at Niu Wei Street
were the most extensive. Commander Sun could send someone
there to take a look.” He Heng gave a faint smile as he concluded,
“Ben wang still has other matters to attend to and will leave first.”

“Great thanks to wang ye for such a clever plan. Respectful

farewell, wang ye.” Commander Sun watched as Duan Wang Fu’s
carriage travel far away, releasing a breath inside. The Niu Wei
Street that Duan Wang had mentioned was the gathering place for
local bullies and hoodlums. It wasn’t really unjust to send those
people to jail. He could also report to the Emperor about the
completion of his duties.
He Heng returned to the wang fu and found that a slightly above-
average carriage had been parked outside the gates of the wang fu.
He raised an eyebrow and asked the gatekeeper, “People came to
the fu?”

“Wang ye, it’s Wei furen and Wei xiaojie. Wang fei is receiving the
two.” The gatekeeper replied in a small voice.
Hearing this, He Heng’s brows creased. What was the family doing
Chapter Fifty One “Shameless

Qu Qing Ju sat high up in the side hall, calmly looking down at the
two women sitting beneath her. She had seen Wei Ran Shuang
before, and as for this Wei Qin shi who’d wanted to meet her, Qu
Qing Ju strangely felt that she looked somewhat similar to Liang shi.
“His Highness Duan Wang, when he was younger, had actually
piggy-backed our yatou. It’s been so many years now. His Highness
Duan Wang has already gotten married and our yatou is almost
grown up and ready for marriage herself,” Wei Qin shi sighed and
reluctantly said to Qu Qing Ju: “Time passes by so quickly.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and motioned for Wei Qin shi to continue
Wei Qin shi hated that Duan Wang Fei could sit there so calmly,
unmoved by her words. She took a sip of tea before continuing: “At
the end of last year, our entire family had finally returned to Jing
from the outside post. It was all thanks to His Highness Duan Wang’s
kindness that our family received an adequately good job here. Ran
yatou, as his cousin, always thought about the boon His Highness
Duan Wang gave us but since there is a separation of sexes, they
were unable to meet each other. Today, I will give my thanks to
wang fei. If I’m lucky, we’ll get to personally thank wang ye as well.”

Wei Ran Shuang seized the opportunity to stand and bow to Qu

Qing Ju, “Ran Shuang thanks biao ge, thanks biao sao.”

Qu Qing Ju felt her teeth were getting a bit sore. She looked at the
color of the sky outside and then at the mother and daughter duo
who had been sitting there for almost four hours. These two were
most likely waiting for He Heng to return to the fu. She smiled and
replied: “Biao mei doesn’t have to be so courteous. As gege and
saozi, it’s proper to treat meimei and family members well.”
“Wang fei is virtuous,” Wei Qin shu took advantage of her words,
and shamelessly proclaimed, “Shuang yatou has always really liked
His Highness Duan Wang, her biao ge. Just speaking about it, I’m
afraid you will laugh. Even now, she still remembers how His
Highness Duan Wang cared for her in the past.”
How thick did a person’s skin have to be that she could say to a
woman that her daughter liked the woman’s husband? Qu Qing Ju
jerked the corners of her mouth. She heard that this Wei Qin shi was
of the same clan and branch as Qin Bai Lu, but just more distant in
relation. The Qin Family was a well-educated noble family, how did it
produce a woman such as Wei Qin shi?

Yin Liu, who was standing behind Qu Qing Ju, heard her words. The
rage on her face was barely hidden. It was only the fact that she
was more afraid of making it difficult for wang fei that made her
suppress it. But her gaze, as she stared down at the mother and
daughter pair of the Wei Family, became increasingly cold.
“He he,” Qu Qing Ju raised the teacup for a sip to hide the mirth that
nearly surged up within her, “wang ye had never mentioned biao mei
to me.”
The smile on Wei Qin shi’s face froze. She instantly replied: “Wang
ye is occupied with a myriad of state affairs. He wouldn’t have
remembered to discuss such minor things when he returns to the fu.”

“What does Wei furen mean?” Qu Qing Ju’s face darkened, “Wang
ye is just an imperial son. Where does this myriad of state affairs
come from? Furthermore, wang ye usually resides in zhengyuan and
he always talks about the household matters with me. Why does it
seem like you mean that wang ye has matters he doesn’t like
discussing with ben wang fei?”

Wei Qin shi was in shock. She didn’t think that Duan Wang Fei could
change faces so quickly without a hint of warning. She paused for a
second before regrouping and said: “Please forgive me, wang fei.
Chen fu meant no such thing.”

Wei Ran Shuang bowed to Qu Qing Ju with a pale face as she

joined in: “Please wang fei, don’t be angry. Mother wasn’t being
deliberate and didn’t mean it like that.”
“We are all related here. There’s no need to be so strict,” Qu Qing
Ju’s face softened and she smiled again. After she motioned for Wei
Ran Shuang to sit down again, she continued, “If Wei furen didn’t
mean it, then it’s naturally good.”
Wei Qin shi had never seen someone who could change expressions
so fast. Right now, as Qu Qing Ju smiled, she could only follow:
“Chen fu doesn’t know how to speak. It’s lucky that wang fei doesn’t
object, wang fei is really tolerant.”

“The thoughtless words of normal people, I won’t get angry at,” Qu

Qing Ju replied calmly, “Why isn’t biao mei attending in front of
mufei, and also left the palace?”

Wei Ran Shuang answered in a small voice: “Guifei niangniang was

worried that my family missed me so she sent me back to the fu.”
Was wang fei implying that they were normal people and not worth
bothering with?
“En, mufei is always very considerate,” Qu Qing Ju examined Wei
Ran Shuang from head to toe: “I see your bones are thin and weak.
When you return to your fu, you should eat more.” She then let Rui
Xiang and Shu Kui bring out some quality medicinal herbs for Wei
Qin shi to take back.

“We shouldn’t let wang fei spend so much,” Wei Qin shi stood and
gave her thanks. She saw the sky was becoming darker and darker
and no one had reported wang ye’s return to the fu. She was getting
impatient but she still wanted to wait. She could only rudely sit and
not bid farewell.
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t in any rush either. She was waiting for He Heng
to return. These two women were so interesting that if He Heng
didn’t experience this for himself, how would the suffering she
underwent this afternoon be justified?
Wei Ran Shuang was unable to sit still in her seat. She might’ve
been interested in Duan Wang but her face was much thinner.
Seeing wang fei staring pointedly at her, she felt her face heat up
and didn’t dare to meet Qu Qing Ju’s eyes.
Just then, Xiao Gan Zi hurriedly walked in and bowed to Qu Qing Ju.
He said lightly: “Wang fei, wang ye has returned.”

Wei Ran Shuang’s eyes were immediately filled with light. She raised
her head slightly and saw the other woman reveal a bright smile.
Even though she was a woman, she had to admit that Duan Wang
Fei was attractive.
“Since wang ye has returned, why don’t we greet wang ye?,” Wei
Qin shi positioned herself as an elder by sitting on the chair and
commented, “Chen fu hasn’t seen His Highness for so many years.”

Xiao Gan Zi was still standing, his body bent at the waist. Upon
hearing Wei Qin shi’s words, he twisted his mouth in disdain. No
wonder this Wei xiaojie looked so petty-minded. With such a mother,
how good of a daughter could she raise?
A not even closely related jiumu had the nerve to posture as an
elder in front of wang fei. If you gave them an inch, they would take
a mile. They should take a good look at their rank before acting.
“Wang ye is here.”

Qu Qing Ju stood and saw He Heng striding towards her. She smiled
and went forward, their two hands naturally coming together, “Today,
you’re later than usual.”
“There were more matters to attend to so you had to wait a bit
longer,” He Heng brought her along and they sat before looking
down at Wei Qin shi and Wei Ran Shuang standing below, “Wei
furen and Wei xiao jie have enough free time to visit ben wang’s fu?”
He didn’t need to use courtesy towards these kind of people. The
imposing manner of a wang ye came out naturally.

Wei Qin shi felt an indescribable sense of awe. She gave He Heng a
bow of greeting, “Since returning to Jing, I haven’t seen wang ye and
wang fei, so today I brought my daughter here to greet wang fei.”
“It must have been great trouble for you to come. Wang fei has
already met Wei xiaojie at the palace,” He Heng raised Qu Qing Ju’s
teacup to take a mouthful. He calmly remarked, “Based on mu fei’s
ancestors, you are ben wang’s elders. How can it be that you came
here to meet us?”
“Wang ye isn’t someone we can compare to,” Wei Qin shi’s tone, as
she spoke, became politer. She carefully said, “Shuang yatou kept
talking about her memories when you were younger so chen fu had
to come here with this yatou.”
The hand that held his teacup stilled. What did those words mean?
He turned his head to look at Qu Qing Ju. As expected, he saw that
there were hints of ice in the other’s mirth. He slightly furrowed his
eyebrows and commented, “Wei xiaojie had only met with ben wang
a few times during our younger years. These words Wei furen has
spoken are perhaps too inappropriate.”
Wei Qin shi heard that Duan Wang didn’t have any interest in her
daughter. The smile on her face became ugly. After a beat, she
replied: “Wang ye is too serious. You are cousins, there’s no need to
care too much?”
He Heng expressionlessly stated: “Protecting females when the
males are older is human nature.”
“Yin Liu, get someone to bring hot water for wang ye so that he can
wash his hands,” Qu Qing Ju stood to look outside, “It’s late now
and almost time for the evening meal. How about you two stay for
the meal?”
Wei Qin shi saw that Duan Wang wasn’t currently interested in her
daughter and lost her desire to stay. She smiled and stood, bidding
farewell: “Then I won’t disturb wang ye and wang fei any further.
Chen fu will say her goodbyes.”

“Take care. We won’t bother seeing you out.” He Heng nodded

slightly, not saying a word to detain them. This caused Wei Qin shi’s
heart to become colder and she understood that the matter was
most likely closed for discussion.
Coming out of Duan Wang Fu, Wei Qin shi and Wei Ran Shuang
went inside their carriage to go back to their fu. Wei Qin shi sighed
and said to her daughter sitting beside her: “I haven’t met this Duan
Wang Fei previously. Now that I’ve seen her, the matter of you
entering Duan Wang Fu will most likely be a struggle.” She wanted
her daughter to enter Duan Wang Fu, but from the moment Duan
Wang came in to when they left, he hadn’t even properly looked at
her daughter once. He had completely disregarded her daughter.
“Daughter knows,” Wei Ran Shuang bit her lips as she pleaded, “But
mother, daughter wants to enter Duan Wang Fu.”
Wei Qin shi sighed. After a long time, she said: “We’ll think of some
other way.”
Inside Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju focused on washing her hands,
not saying a word.
“Angry?” He Heng looked at her dark face and her unwillingness to
speak. After he dried his hands, he moved to sit next to Qu Qing Ju,
“Don’t be angry over such a muddle-headed woman. In the future,
we won’t allow them to enter the fu.”

“If you don’t let them enter, how will you be able to look at your
childhood sweetheart biao mei?” Qu Qing Ju glanced from the
corner of her eye, gently snorting, “Otherwise, tomorrow there will
be some other biao mei who will also be saying how much she
thinks of you.”
Men usually didn’t value women who pushed themselves upon
others. Inside, there was even a hint of looking down at them. Qu
Qing Ju knew that He Heng had that hint when he looked at Wei Ran
Shuang. This was one of the reasons why she wanted the two
women to stay until He Heng came back to the fu.

“I don’t want her so she can’t be forced in,” He Heng saw that she
still had a dark face and could only comfort her, “Didn’t we already
say there’s only Qing Ju? You are peerless. Ben wang doesn’t even
want to take a second look at other women. Don’t be angry, it’s not
good for the body, en?”
Reaching out with her hand to gently twist on his forearm, Qu Qing
Ju turned her head to state: “You said it, I didn’t force you.”
“These are the words of my heart,” He Heng smiled as he caressed
her hair, “Let them serve the evening meal. Didn’t you want to play
weiqi? Later, I’ll play a match with you.”

Qu Qing Ju reluctantly nodded.

Standing in the corner, Xiao Gan Zi thought that the members of the
Wei Family were blind to not know how much importance wang ye
placed on wang fei. This ingratiating manner, if he told anyone, he
was afraid no one would believe it.
It was most likely that wang ye had, after today, marked a strike
against the entire family of Wei Qin shi.
Chapter Fifty Two “Jing Guifei’s

The news that the Wei Family’s guniang went to the wang fu to offer
herself on a pillow had somehow passed into the ears of Jing guifei.
Originally, she felt that Wei Ran Shuang was an indecisive person,
but now she believed that this was a guniang who had no sense of
conduct and has subsequently dirtied the Wei Family’s reputation.
Thankfully, they didn’t share the same grandfather. Otherwise, even
she would be compromised.
“Ding mama,” said Jing guifei in a cold voice and a dark expression
on her face: ““You go with ben gong’s sign to personally visit Wei
lang zhong’s[1]fu. Just say that Qin shi’s moral conduct is lacking and
she has improperly educated her daughter. I hope that he can
admonish his wife and daughter so that the reputation of the Wei
Clan is not adversely affected. If he cannot, then there will be no
interactions between the two fu in the future.” This tang ge of hers
was mediocre with no great ability. He had properly fulfilled his
duties outside and once he’d returned to Jing, it was only because of
Heng’er’s efforts that he’d received the position of a fifth-grade lang
zhong in the Ministry of Revenue.

No mother liked a woman who recommended herself to be a bed-

warmer for her son. Jing guifei was no exception. Even if this
woman was a relative of her maternal family, and that as a guifei,
she had no power to send a decree, she could still lecture on any
inadequacies found within the clan. Many fei in the past had been
accused and imprisoned for not effectively controlling their clans’
Ding mama was the most favored among Jing guifei’s servants.
When she arrived on a green-clothed carriage at Wei lang zhong’s
residence, the servants at that fu were very courteous to her. Wei
lang zhong himself even went to the gate to greet her and he
ushered her into the main hall which was used to receive valued
Ding mama courteously bowed to Wei lang zhong and rejected Wei
lang zhong’s offer when he told the servants to bring in
refreshments: “Wei da ren, this old one has come today to pass on
some words from guifei niangniang.”
“What does guifei niangniang have to say?” Wei lang zhong rose
from his seat and lifted his hands to perform a bow in the direction of
the palace, “Please, mama, tell me.”
Ding mama looked at the honest and sincere Wei lang zhong and
sighed for him. This distantly related biao ge of niangniang was a
good man. It was a pity that he had such a troublesome di[2] wife.
He was only a small fifth-grade lang zhong in the Ministry of
Revenue. It seems he wouldn’t get a chance to climb any higher.
She bent at the waist as she spoke: “A few days earlier, niangniang
heard some vague rumors and felt worried. She then requested this
old one to send word to da ren.” She raised her head to look at Wei
lang zhong and saw his face was full of concern. It was clear that
he was still in the dark as to what had happened, “Niangniang said
that Wei furen’s moral conduct is lacking, and she has improperly
taught her daughter. She’s afraid that the reputation of the Wei Clan
would be affected and hopes that da ren would be able to advise
After hearing Ding mama’s words, Wei lang zhong’s face turned
dark and then white. A while later, he finally forced some sound out
of his throat: “I hope mama can clearly explain what my wife and
unfilial daughter have done?”
Ding mama looked at him in sympathy. She made a bow, saying:
“This matter, da ren should ask your furen. This old one has to
return to the palace to serve niangniang. Goodbye.”

Wei lang zhong didn’t know what happened but he understood that
guifei niangniang was feeling discontent with his family. His heart
started to tremble as he waited for Ding mama to enter the carriage
before he turned to walk towards the neiyuan.
Because he was only a fifth-grade lang zhong, his residence was
just a two-entry compound but it was located at a very good area.
Because the seller had favourably considered his familial connection
to His Highness Duan Wang, it was easy for him to purchase the
compound. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to live at that
location. In the city of Jing, the location of residence was a symbol
of status. It wasn’t possible to buy a house with just money.
When he came into the courtyard, he saw that Qin shi was
chastising a servant. His face was dark as he motioned for the
punished servant to retreat. He asked icily: “What good deed did you
do recently?”
“What did I do?” Wei Qin shi had a bad expression on her face as
she looked at Wei lang zhong. Her voice rose in pitch as she
demanded, “Wei Ru Zhi, speak clearly. What have I done that
warranted such an expression on your face?”
The servants, who were standing nearby, saw the situation
escalating and carefully retreated to the corners, trying to bury their
heads deeper.
“If you didn’t do anything, guifei niangniang wouldn’t have sent
someone to express her displeasure,” Wei Ru Zhi’s face was ashen
as he saw Wei Qin shi’s shrewish manner, “All these years, I’ve
always endured your behavior, but I cannot allow you to ruin the
reputation of my Wei Family.”
“Wei Family?” Wei Qin shi sneered, pointing at Wei Rui Zhi as she
scolded, “You think you are so important! Go see if guifei
niangniang would look favourably upon you. That branch is one
family, we aren’t anything. You are yelling at me because you want
to boast that your Wei Family has a guifei niangniang. My Qin
Family is an educated noble family. Who knows how many
niangniang were my ancestors. I don’t want you showing off in front
of me!”
“Stupid woman!” Wei Rui Zhi was so angry that he threw his hand at
Wei Qin shi’s face. His personality was usually gentle but now he
was furious enough to threaten, “How did I marry a woman like you?
If you really feel that the Qin family is good, I’ll help you. A letter of
divorce[3] doesn’t require much effort. Don’t keep telling me about
how great the Qin Family is. I didn’t say anything in the past because
you raised my children. Since you have become so shameless, I
don’t have to cover for you anymore. You can go to the main Qin
Clan to complain and see if they will recognize you. You’re just a
distant side branch, don’t think you’re somebody!”
Wei Qin shi opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word. She was so
used to being the sole decision maker and Wei Ru Zhi rarely
interfered. Now he was saying he would give her a letter of divorce.
She felt as if cold water had been poured over her head. She was
furious yet afraid.
Acting as if he had reached the end of his rope, Wei Ru Zhi became
angrier as he spoke: “Now that the children are grown, you don’t
have to worry about me slighting them. I won’t marry again in the
future. As soon as you say the word, I’ll give the divorce to you
immediately, and avoid wronging you.”
“Wei Ru Zhi, I’ve raised your children. I have put so much in. Now
you want to kick me aside?!” Wei Qin shi grabbed a reason out of
thin air and instantly shrieked, “Now that the children have all grown
up, you don’t need me anymore and you despise this old woman. It
won’t be that easy!” She surged forward to scratch Wei Ru Zhi’s
Wei Ru Zhi pushed her aside. He icily retorted: “If it wasn’t for the
children, I would have divorced you a long time ago. If you don’t
want me to divorce you, then just quietly stay in the fu. Your Qin
Family is educated and noble so they’re not worried about tarnishing
their reputation. But my Wei Family is smaller in comparison and
they cannot afford to lose theirs.” He left the courtyard with a swish
of his sleeves.
Wei Qin shi sat on the floor, tears and snot running down her face.
After crying for a long time, she used her sleeves to wipe her face
clean. Thinking about her husband had said to her, she understood
that Jing guifei was displeased about her trip to Duan Wang Fu. She
uttered hatefully: “You really believe that your family’s son is the
greatest in the world? When another wang ye succeeds the throne,
let’s see how arrogant you are then!”
Wei Ran Shuang stood at the window and watched as her father
and mother fought in the courtyard. She couldn’t help but start
sobbing. Father was usually gentle. He must have gotten into such a
vicious fight with mother today because of her. She started sobbing
“Guniang, don’t cry,” Her yahuan carefully comforted her, “If furen
saw, she would be worried.”
Wei Ran Shuang stilled and stared in shock at Wei Qin shi standing
in the middle of the courtyard. Mother was in a dishevelled state.
Father had humiliated mother in front of all the servants. How could
mother run the household in the future?
“It’s all my fault. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have ended up like this,” Her
tears ran down again.
The news of Wei Qin shi being harshly scolded by Wei Ru Zhi hadn’t
spread beyond the walls but Jing guifei knew. She understood that
this was Wei Ru Zhi’s way of expressing his resolve and decision.
After she finished listening to what the servant reported, she
nodded: “This should have been done earlier. Ben gong’s distant
tang xiong just was too soft.” She turned to look at Qu Qing Ju
sitting beneath her, “You don’t have to worry any longer. Wei Ran
Shuang, that yatou, won’t be entering the fu.”

Qu Qing Ju blinked her eyes. A beat later, she said: “Thanks mufei,
erxi had been worried about on how to treat her if she had entered
the fu.”
“What treatment, she’s just a qie,” Jing guifei drank a mouthful of
tea, her tone icy, “This kind of person wants to enter the wang fu.
Did she really think that any kind of toy could serve my son?”
Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered her head. Her attitude revealed that she
didn’t really hear nore understand these words.
Raising her head and seeing her erxifu’s naïve manner, the corners
of Jing guifei’s lips jerked. A smarter person would’ve been saying
some good words right now to make her happy. Why was her erxi
just sitting there?
“You have been married to Heng’er for half a year now,” Jing guifei
changed the topic abruptly, “ben gong was the same age as you
when I entered the palace that year. It took almost four years after I
entered when I had Heng’er. At that time, the position of the fetus
wasn’t right and it wasn’t easy giving birth. The midwife mama said
that it was lucky that ben gong was almost twenty when giving birth.
The bones in the body had matured. Otherwise, it was quite possible
that both of us would have died. Even though I couldn’t have any
more children, ben gong has no regrets since Heng’er is a filial child
Qu Qing Ju stilled. She hadn’t thought that Jing guifei would say
such a thing to her. She looked at the beautiful matron in front of her.
She always had the bearing of one high in status, but these words
revealed the feelings that a mother had for her son.
Jing guifei wanted her and her son to have a good relationship and
even hinted that she didn’t have to be in a rush to have children. It
didn’t matter if only a fraction of the concern was for her well-being.
At least, the other hoped that she would survive labor so she can
raise her own children.
She carefully digested these words. Maybe her popo really was
telling her not to be in any rush, and let it occur naturally?
“Mufei must have had a hard time raising wang ye in those years,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and remarked, “No wonder wang ye always
remembers mufei. He even knows what desserts mufei likes and
The smile on Jing guifei’s face became more prominent. A hint of
mirth made its way into her voice; “As a mother, one always wants
the child to be well. Nothing else is needed.”
Qu Qing Ju thought of her deceased parents. When they had been
alive, they had protected her like she was the apple of their eye.
When she had wanted to learn dancing, they put all their effort into
supporting her. They treasured all the pictures of her performances.
But when they died, no one else had treated her as well as they did.
Seeing her erxifu’s mood had become somewhat downcast, Jing
guifei remembered that her erxi’s birth mother was deceased. For
some reason, she felt that the other was quite pitiful and patted the
back of her hand: “Just recently, ben gong’s kitchen created a new
type of pastry. Ben gong has found it quite delicious. You should
have a taste too.” She ordered a servant to get some pastries from
the kitchen..
Qu Qing Ju looked up at Jing guifei. She smiled and said: “Thanks

Jing guifei looked at her sparkling eyes and smiled. She said: “For
such a minor thing, there’s no need for thanks. You’ve brought so
many things into the palace today. It’s fine if mufei gives you a plate
of pastries in exchange.”
“The food at mufei’s palace is so delicious. If it weren’t for
gossipmongers, erxi would be coming here to eat everyday.” Qu
Qing Ju wrinkled her brow, “The stuff made in the fu’s kitchen
doesn’t compare to what mufei has here.”

The corners of Jing guifei’s mouth trembled. You are scorning the
wang fu in front of your popo. Did you even think of how ben gong
would feel? Even if you were trying to purposefully flatter me. But
seeing that honest gaze made Jing guifei believe that this erxifu of
hers really disliked the wang fu’s kitchen.

“That’s fine, ben gong will let someone copy the dishes and pastries
you like and deliver it to the fu.” Jing guifei smiled as she reassured
her. She didn’t want the others to assume that the chefs in Duan
Wang Fu were useless.
Such a stupid erxifu, she definitely was not feeling sorry for her!

1. 郎中: title of an official

2. Legitimate/first wife. The original spouse of a man. In many cases, the

second wife, if the original di wife had died, would not be from a family higher
in rank than the first wife.

3. 休书: literally cease letter. A letter that a man will give to his wife to end the
marriage which has to occur for one or more of seven reasons
(childlessness, adultery, unfilialness, chattiness, stealing, jealously, and
serious illness.)
Chapter Fifty Two “Jing Guifei’s

The news that the Wei Family’s guniang went to the wang fu to offer
herself on a pillow had somehow passed into the ears of Jing guifei.
Originally, she felt that Wei Ran Shuang was an indecisive person,
but now she believed that this was a guniang who had no sense of
conduct and has subsequently dirtied the Wei Family’s reputation.
Thankfully, they didn’t share the same grandfather. Otherwise, even
she would be compromised.
“Ding mama,” said Jing guifei in a cold voice and a dark expression
on her face: ““You go with ben gong’s sign to personally visit Wei
lang zhong’s[1]fu. Just say that Qin shi’s moral conduct is lacking and
she has improperly educated her daughter. I hope that he can
admonish his wife and daughter so that the reputation of the Wei
Clan is not adversely affected. If he cannot, then there will be no
interactions between the two fu in the future.” This tang ge of hers
was mediocre with no great ability. He had properly fulfilled his
duties outside and once he’d returned to Jing, it was only because of
Heng’er’s efforts that he’d received the position of a fifth-grade lang
zhong in the Ministry of Revenue.

No mother liked a woman who recommended herself to be a bed-

warmer for her son. Jing guifei was no exception. Even if this
woman was a relative of her maternal family, and that as a guifei,
she had no power to send a decree, she could still lecture on any
inadequacies found within the clan. Many fei in the past had been
accused and imprisoned for not effectively controlling their clans’
Ding mama was the most favored among Jing guifei’s servants.
When she arrived on a green-clothed carriage at Wei lang zhong’s
residence, the servants at that fu were very courteous to her. Wei
lang zhong himself even went to the gate to greet her and he
ushered her into the main hall which was used to receive valued
Ding mama courteously bowed to Wei lang zhong and rejected Wei
lang zhong’s offer when he told the servants to bring in
refreshments: “Wei da ren, this old one has come today to pass on
some words from guifei niangniang.”
“What does guifei niangniang have to say?” Wei lang zhong rose
from his seat and lifted his hands to perform a bow in the direction of
the palace, “Please, mama, tell me.”
Ding mama looked at the honest and sincere Wei lang zhong and
sighed for him. This distantly related biao ge of niangniang was a
good man. It was a pity that he had such a troublesome di[2] wife.
He was only a small fifth-grade lang zhong in the Ministry of
Revenue. It seems he wouldn’t get a chance to climb any higher.
She bent at the waist as she spoke: “A few days earlier, niangniang
heard some vague rumors and felt worried. She then requested this
old one to send word to da ren.” She raised her head to look at Wei
lang zhong and saw his face was full of concern. It was clear that
he was still in the dark as to what had happened, “Niangniang said
that Wei furen’s moral conduct is lacking, and she has improperly
taught her daughter. She’s afraid that the reputation of the Wei Clan
would be affected and hopes that da ren would be able to advise
After hearing Ding mama’s words, Wei lang zhong’s face turned
dark and then white. A while later, he finally forced some sound out
of his throat: “I hope mama can clearly explain what my wife and
unfilial daughter have done?”
Ding mama looked at him in sympathy. She made a bow, saying:
“This matter, da ren should ask your furen. This old one has to
return to the palace to serve niangniang. Goodbye.”

Wei lang zhong didn’t know what happened but he understood that
guifei niangniang was feeling discontent with his family. His heart
started to tremble as he waited for Ding mama to enter the carriage
before he turned to walk towards the neiyuan.
Because he was only a fifth-grade lang zhong, his residence was
just a two-entry compound but it was located at a very good area.
Because the seller had favourably considered his familial connection
to His Highness Duan Wang, it was easy for him to purchase the
compound. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to live at that
location. In the city of Jing, the location of residence was a symbol
of status. It wasn’t possible to buy a house with just money.
When he came into the courtyard, he saw that Qin shi was
chastising a servant. His face was dark as he motioned for the
punished servant to retreat. He asked icily: “What good deed did you
do recently?”
“What did I do?” Wei Qin shi had a bad expression on her face as
she looked at Wei lang zhong. Her voice rose in pitch as she
demanded, “Wei Ru Zhi, speak clearly. What have I done that
warranted such an expression on your face?”
The servants, who were standing nearby, saw the situation
escalating and carefully retreated to the corners, trying to bury their
heads deeper.
“If you didn’t do anything, guifei niangniang wouldn’t have sent
someone to express her displeasure,” Wei Ru Zhi’s face was ashen
as he saw Wei Qin shi’s shrewish manner, “All these years, I’ve
always endured your behavior, but I cannot allow you to ruin the
reputation of my Wei Family.”
“Wei Family?” Wei Qin shi sneered, pointing at Wei Rui Zhi as she
scolded, “You think you are so important! Go see if guifei
niangniang would look favourably upon you. That branch is one
family, we aren’t anything. You are yelling at me because you want
to boast that your Wei Family has a guifei niangniang. My Qin
Family is an educated noble family. Who knows how many
niangniang were my ancestors. I don’t want you showing off in front
of me!”
“Stupid woman!” Wei Rui Zhi was so angry that he threw his hand at
Wei Qin shi’s face. His personality was usually gentle but now he
was furious enough to threaten, “How did I marry a woman like you?
If you really feel that the Qin family is good, I’ll help you. A letter of
divorce[3] doesn’t require much effort. Don’t keep telling me about
how great the Qin Family is. I didn’t say anything in the past because
you raised my children. Since you have become so shameless, I
don’t have to cover for you anymore. You can go to the main Qin
Clan to complain and see if they will recognize you. You’re just a
distant side branch, don’t think you’re somebody!”
Wei Qin shi opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word. She was so
used to being the sole decision maker and Wei Ru Zhi rarely
interfered. Now he was saying he would give her a letter of divorce.
She felt as if cold water had been poured over her head. She was
furious yet afraid.
Acting as if he had reached the end of his rope, Wei Ru Zhi became
angrier as he spoke: “Now that the children are grown, you don’t
have to worry about me slighting them. I won’t marry again in the
future. As soon as you say the word, I’ll give the divorce to you
immediately, and avoid wronging you.”
“Wei Ru Zhi, I’ve raised your children. I have put so much in. Now
you want to kick me aside?!” Wei Qin shi grabbed a reason out of
thin air and instantly shrieked, “Now that the children have all grown
up, you don’t need me anymore and you despise this old woman. It
won’t be that easy!” She surged forward to scratch Wei Ru Zhi’s
Wei Ru Zhi pushed her aside. He icily retorted: “If it wasn’t for the
children, I would have divorced you a long time ago. If you don’t
want me to divorce you, then just quietly stay in the fu. Your Qin
Family is educated and noble so they’re not worried about tarnishing
their reputation. But my Wei Family is smaller in comparison and
they cannot afford to lose theirs.” He left the courtyard with a swish
of his sleeves.
Wei Qin shi sat on the floor, tears and snot running down her face.
After crying for a long time, she used her sleeves to wipe her face
clean. Thinking about her husband had said to her, she understood
that Jing guifei was displeased about her trip to Duan Wang Fu. She
uttered hatefully: “You really believe that your family’s son is the
greatest in the world? When another wang ye succeeds the throne,
let’s see how arrogant you are then!”
Wei Ran Shuang stood at the window and watched as her father
and mother fought in the courtyard. She couldn’t help but start
sobbing. Father was usually gentle. He must have gotten into such a
vicious fight with mother today because of her. She started sobbing
“Guniang, don’t cry,” Her yahuan carefully comforted her, “If furen
saw, she would be worried.”
Wei Ran Shuang stilled and stared in shock at Wei Qin shi standing
in the middle of the courtyard. Mother was in a dishevelled state.
Father had humiliated mother in front of all the servants. How could
mother run the household in the future?
“It’s all my fault. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have ended up like this,” Her
tears ran down again.
The news of Wei Qin shi being harshly scolded by Wei Ru Zhi hadn’t
spread beyond the walls but Jing guifei knew. She understood that
this was Wei Ru Zhi’s way of expressing his resolve and decision.
After she finished listening to what the servant reported, she
nodded: “This should have been done earlier. Ben gong’s distant
tang xiong just was too soft.” She turned to look at Qu Qing Ju
sitting beneath her, “You don’t have to worry any longer. Wei Ran
Shuang, that yatou, won’t be entering the fu.”

Qu Qing Ju blinked her eyes. A beat later, she said: “Thanks mufei,
erxi had been worried about on how to treat her if she had entered
the fu.”
“What treatment, she’s just a qie,” Jing guifei drank a mouthful of
tea, her tone icy, “This kind of person wants to enter the wang fu.
Did she really think that any kind of toy could serve my son?”
Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered her head. Her attitude revealed that she
didn’t really hear nore understand these words.
Raising her head and seeing her erxifu’s naïve manner, the corners
of Jing guifei’s lips jerked. A smarter person would’ve been saying
some good words right now to make her happy. Why was her erxi
just sitting there?
“You have been married to Heng’er for half a year now,” Jing guifei
changed the topic abruptly, “ben gong was the same age as you
when I entered the palace that year. It took almost four years after I
entered when I had Heng’er. At that time, the position of the fetus
wasn’t right and it wasn’t easy giving birth. The midwife mama said
that it was lucky that ben gong was almost twenty when giving birth.
The bones in the body had matured. Otherwise, it was quite possible
that both of us would have died. Even though I couldn’t have any
more children, ben gong has no regrets since Heng’er is a filial child
Qu Qing Ju stilled. She hadn’t thought that Jing guifei would say
such a thing to her. She looked at the beautiful matron in front of her.
She always had the bearing of one high in status, but these words
revealed the feelings that a mother had for her son.
Jing guifei wanted her and her son to have a good relationship and
even hinted that she didn’t have to be in a rush to have children. It
didn’t matter if only a fraction of the concern was for her well-being.
At least, the other hoped that she would survive labor so she can
raise her own children.
She carefully digested these words. Maybe her popo really was
telling her not to be in any rush, and let it occur naturally?
“Mufei must have had a hard time raising wang ye in those years,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and remarked, “No wonder wang ye always
remembers mufei. He even knows what desserts mufei likes and
The smile on Jing guifei’s face became more prominent. A hint of
mirth made its way into her voice; “As a mother, one always wants
the child to be well. Nothing else is needed.”
Qu Qing Ju thought of her deceased parents. When they had been
alive, they had protected her like she was the apple of their eye.
When she had wanted to learn dancing, they put all their effort into
supporting her. They treasured all the pictures of her performances.
But when they died, no one else had treated her as well as they did.
Seeing her erxifu’s mood had become somewhat downcast, Jing
guifei remembered that her erxi’s birth mother was deceased. For
some reason, she felt that the other was quite pitiful and patted the
back of her hand: “Just recently, ben gong’s kitchen created a new
type of pastry. Ben gong has found it quite delicious. You should
have a taste too.” She ordered a servant to get some pastries from
the kitchen..
Qu Qing Ju looked up at Jing guifei. She smiled and said: “Thanks

Jing guifei looked at her sparkling eyes and smiled. She said: “For
such a minor thing, there’s no need for thanks. You’ve brought so
many things into the palace today. It’s fine if mufei gives you a plate
of pastries in exchange.”
“The food at mufei’s palace is so delicious. If it weren’t for
gossipmongers, erxi would be coming here to eat everyday.” Qu
Qing Ju wrinkled her brow, “The stuff made in the fu’s kitchen
doesn’t compare to what mufei has here.”

The corners of Jing guifei’s mouth trembled. You are scorning the
wang fu in front of your popo. Did you even think of how ben gong
would feel? Even if you were trying to purposefully flatter me. But
seeing that honest gaze made Jing guifei believe that this erxifu of
hers really disliked the wang fu’s kitchen.

“That’s fine, ben gong will let someone copy the dishes and pastries
you like and deliver it to the fu.” Jing guifei smiled as she reassured
her. She didn’t want the others to assume that the chefs in Duan
Wang Fu were useless.
Such a stupid erxifu, she definitely was not feeling sorry for her!

1. 郎中: title of an official

2. Legitimate/first wife. The original spouse of a man. In many cases, the

second wife, if the original di wife had died, would not be from a family higher
in rank than the first wife.

3. 休书: literally cease letter. A letter that a man will give to his wife to end the
marriage which has to occur for one or more of seven reasons
(childlessness, adultery, unfilialness, chattiness, stealing, jealously, and
serious illness.)
Chapter Fifty Two “Jing Guifei’s

The news that the Wei Family’s guniang went to the wang fu to offer
herself on a pillow had somehow passed into the ears of Jing guifei.
Originally, she felt that Wei Ran Shuang was an indecisive person,
but now she believed that this was a guniang who had no sense of
conduct and has subsequently dirtied the Wei Family’s reputation.
Thankfully, they didn’t share the same grandfather. Otherwise, even
she would be compromised.
“Ding mama,” said Jing guifei in a cold voice and a dark expression
on her face: ““You go with ben gong’s sign to personally visit Wei
lang zhong’s[1]fu. Just say that Qin shi’s moral conduct is lacking and
she has improperly educated her daughter. I hope that he can
admonish his wife and daughter so that the reputation of the Wei
Clan is not adversely affected. If he cannot, then there will be no
interactions between the two fu in the future.” This tang ge of hers
was mediocre with no great ability. He had properly fulfilled his
duties outside and once he’d returned to Jing, it was only because of
Heng’er’s efforts that he’d received the position of a fifth-grade lang
zhong in the Ministry of Revenue.

No mother liked a woman who recommended herself to be a bed-

warmer for her son. Jing guifei was no exception. Even if this
woman was a relative of her maternal family, and that as a guifei,
she had no power to send a decree, she could still lecture on any
inadequacies found within the clan. Many fei in the past had been
accused and imprisoned for not effectively controlling their clans’
Ding mama was the most favored among Jing guifei’s servants.
When she arrived on a green-clothed carriage at Wei lang zhong’s
residence, the servants at that fu were very courteous to her. Wei
lang zhong himself even went to the gate to greet her and he
ushered her into the main hall which was used to receive valued
Ding mama courteously bowed to Wei lang zhong and rejected Wei
lang zhong’s offer when he told the servants to bring in
refreshments: “Wei da ren, this old one has come today to pass on
some words from guifei niangniang.”
“What does guifei niangniang have to say?” Wei lang zhong rose
from his seat and lifted his hands to perform a bow in the direction of
the palace, “Please, mama, tell me.”
Ding mama looked at the honest and sincere Wei lang zhong and
sighed for him. This distantly related biao ge of niangniang was a
good man. It was a pity that he had such a troublesome di[2] wife.
He was only a small fifth-grade lang zhong in the Ministry of
Revenue. It seems he wouldn’t get a chance to climb any higher.
She bent at the waist as she spoke: “A few days earlier, niangniang
heard some vague rumors and felt worried. She then requested this
old one to send word to da ren.” She raised her head to look at Wei
lang zhong and saw his face was full of concern. It was clear that
he was still in the dark as to what had happened, “Niangniang said
that Wei furen’s moral conduct is lacking, and she has improperly
taught her daughter. She’s afraid that the reputation of the Wei Clan
would be affected and hopes that da ren would be able to advise
After hearing Ding mama’s words, Wei lang zhong’s face turned
dark and then white. A while later, he finally forced some sound out
of his throat: “I hope mama can clearly explain what my wife and
unfilial daughter have done?”
Ding mama looked at him in sympathy. She made a bow, saying:
“This matter, da ren should ask your furen. This old one has to
return to the palace to serve niangniang. Goodbye.”

Wei lang zhong didn’t know what happened but he understood that
guifei niangniang was feeling discontent with his family. His heart
started to tremble as he waited for Ding mama to enter the carriage
before he turned to walk towards the neiyuan.
Because he was only a fifth-grade lang zhong, his residence was
just a two-entry compound but it was located at a very good area.
Because the seller had favourably considered his familial connection
to His Highness Duan Wang, it was easy for him to purchase the
compound. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to live at that
location. In the city of Jing, the location of residence was a symbol
of status. It wasn’t possible to buy a house with just money.
When he came into the courtyard, he saw that Qin shi was
chastising a servant. His face was dark as he motioned for the
punished servant to retreat. He asked icily: “What good deed did you
do recently?”
“What did I do?” Wei Qin shi had a bad expression on her face as
she looked at Wei lang zhong. Her voice rose in pitch as she
demanded, “Wei Ru Zhi, speak clearly. What have I done that
warranted such an expression on your face?”
The servants, who were standing nearby, saw the situation
escalating and carefully retreated to the corners, trying to bury their
heads deeper.
“If you didn’t do anything, guifei niangniang wouldn’t have sent
someone to express her displeasure,” Wei Ru Zhi’s face was ashen
as he saw Wei Qin shi’s shrewish manner, “All these years, I’ve
always endured your behavior, but I cannot allow you to ruin the
reputation of my Wei Family.”
“Wei Family?” Wei Qin shi sneered, pointing at Wei Rui Zhi as she
scolded, “You think you are so important! Go see if guifei
niangniang would look favourably upon you. That branch is one
family, we aren’t anything. You are yelling at me because you want
to boast that your Wei Family has a guifei niangniang. My Qin
Family is an educated noble family. Who knows how many
niangniang were my ancestors. I don’t want you showing off in front
of me!”
“Stupid woman!” Wei Rui Zhi was so angry that he threw his hand at
Wei Qin shi’s face. His personality was usually gentle but now he
was furious enough to threaten, “How did I marry a woman like you?
If you really feel that the Qin family is good, I’ll help you. A letter of
divorce[3] doesn’t require much effort. Don’t keep telling me about
how great the Qin Family is. I didn’t say anything in the past because
you raised my children. Since you have become so shameless, I
don’t have to cover for you anymore. You can go to the main Qin
Clan to complain and see if they will recognize you. You’re just a
distant side branch, don’t think you’re somebody!”
Wei Qin shi opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word. She was so
used to being the sole decision maker and Wei Ru Zhi rarely
interfered. Now he was saying he would give her a letter of divorce.
She felt as if cold water had been poured over her head. She was
furious yet afraid.
Acting as if he had reached the end of his rope, Wei Ru Zhi became
angrier as he spoke: “Now that the children are grown, you don’t
have to worry about me slighting them. I won’t marry again in the
future. As soon as you say the word, I’ll give the divorce to you
immediately, and avoid wronging you.”
“Wei Ru Zhi, I’ve raised your children. I have put so much in. Now
you want to kick me aside?!” Wei Qin shi grabbed a reason out of
thin air and instantly shrieked, “Now that the children have all grown
up, you don’t need me anymore and you despise this old woman. It
won’t be that easy!” She surged forward to scratch Wei Ru Zhi’s
Wei Ru Zhi pushed her aside. He icily retorted: “If it wasn’t for the
children, I would have divorced you a long time ago. If you don’t
want me to divorce you, then just quietly stay in the fu. Your Qin
Family is educated and noble so they’re not worried about tarnishing
their reputation. But my Wei Family is smaller in comparison and
they cannot afford to lose theirs.” He left the courtyard with a swish
of his sleeves.
Wei Qin shi sat on the floor, tears and snot running down her face.
After crying for a long time, she used her sleeves to wipe her face
clean. Thinking about her husband had said to her, she understood
that Jing guifei was displeased about her trip to Duan Wang Fu. She
uttered hatefully: “You really believe that your family’s son is the
greatest in the world? When another wang ye succeeds the throne,
let’s see how arrogant you are then!”
Wei Ran Shuang stood at the window and watched as her father
and mother fought in the courtyard. She couldn’t help but start
sobbing. Father was usually gentle. He must have gotten into such a
vicious fight with mother today because of her. She started sobbing
“Guniang, don’t cry,” Her yahuan carefully comforted her, “If furen
saw, she would be worried.”
Wei Ran Shuang stilled and stared in shock at Wei Qin shi standing
in the middle of the courtyard. Mother was in a dishevelled state.
Father had humiliated mother in front of all the servants. How could
mother run the household in the future?
“It’s all my fault. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have ended up like this,” Her
tears ran down again.
The news of Wei Qin shi being harshly scolded by Wei Ru Zhi hadn’t
spread beyond the walls but Jing guifei knew. She understood that
this was Wei Ru Zhi’s way of expressing his resolve and decision.
After she finished listening to what the servant reported, she
nodded: “This should have been done earlier. Ben gong’s distant
tang xiong just was too soft.” She turned to look at Qu Qing Ju
sitting beneath her, “You don’t have to worry any longer. Wei Ran
Shuang, that yatou, won’t be entering the fu.”

Qu Qing Ju blinked her eyes. A beat later, she said: “Thanks mufei,
erxi had been worried about on how to treat her if she had entered
the fu.”
“What treatment, she’s just a qie,” Jing guifei drank a mouthful of
tea, her tone icy, “This kind of person wants to enter the wang fu.
Did she really think that any kind of toy could serve my son?”
Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered her head. Her attitude revealed that she
didn’t really hear nore understand these words.
Raising her head and seeing her erxifu’s naïve manner, the corners
of Jing guifei’s lips jerked. A smarter person would’ve been saying
some good words right now to make her happy. Why was her erxi
just sitting there?
“You have been married to Heng’er for half a year now,” Jing guifei
changed the topic abruptly, “ben gong was the same age as you
when I entered the palace that year. It took almost four years after I
entered when I had Heng’er. At that time, the position of the fetus
wasn’t right and it wasn’t easy giving birth. The midwife mama said
that it was lucky that ben gong was almost twenty when giving birth.
The bones in the body had matured. Otherwise, it was quite possible
that both of us would have died. Even though I couldn’t have any
more children, ben gong has no regrets since Heng’er is a filial child
Qu Qing Ju stilled. She hadn’t thought that Jing guifei would say
such a thing to her. She looked at the beautiful matron in front of her.
She always had the bearing of one high in status, but these words
revealed the feelings that a mother had for her son.
Jing guifei wanted her and her son to have a good relationship and
even hinted that she didn’t have to be in a rush to have children. It
didn’t matter if only a fraction of the concern was for her well-being.
At least, the other hoped that she would survive labor so she can
raise her own children.
She carefully digested these words. Maybe her popo really was
telling her not to be in any rush, and let it occur naturally?
“Mufei must have had a hard time raising wang ye in those years,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and remarked, “No wonder wang ye always
remembers mufei. He even knows what desserts mufei likes and
The smile on Jing guifei’s face became more prominent. A hint of
mirth made its way into her voice; “As a mother, one always wants
the child to be well. Nothing else is needed.”
Qu Qing Ju thought of her deceased parents. When they had been
alive, they had protected her like she was the apple of their eye.
When she had wanted to learn dancing, they put all their effort into
supporting her. They treasured all the pictures of her performances.
But when they died, no one else had treated her as well as they did.
Seeing her erxifu’s mood had become somewhat downcast, Jing
guifei remembered that her erxi’s birth mother was deceased. For
some reason, she felt that the other was quite pitiful and patted the
back of her hand: “Just recently, ben gong’s kitchen created a new
type of pastry. Ben gong has found it quite delicious. You should
have a taste too.” She ordered a servant to get some pastries from
the kitchen..
Qu Qing Ju looked up at Jing guifei. She smiled and said: “Thanks

Jing guifei looked at her sparkling eyes and smiled. She said: “For
such a minor thing, there’s no need for thanks. You’ve brought so
many things into the palace today. It’s fine if mufei gives you a plate
of pastries in exchange.”
“The food at mufei’s palace is so delicious. If it weren’t for
gossipmongers, erxi would be coming here to eat everyday.” Qu
Qing Ju wrinkled her brow, “The stuff made in the fu’s kitchen
doesn’t compare to what mufei has here.”

The corners of Jing guifei’s mouth trembled. You are scorning the
wang fu in front of your popo. Did you even think of how ben gong
would feel? Even if you were trying to purposefully flatter me. But
seeing that honest gaze made Jing guifei believe that this erxifu of
hers really disliked the wang fu’s kitchen.

“That’s fine, ben gong will let someone copy the dishes and pastries
you like and deliver it to the fu.” Jing guifei smiled as she reassured
her. She didn’t want the others to assume that the chefs in Duan
Wang Fu were useless.
Such a stupid erxifu, she definitely was not feeling sorry for her!

1. 郎中: title of an official

2. Legitimate/first wife. The original spouse of a man. In many cases, the

second wife, if the original di wife had died, would not be from a family higher
in rank than the first wife.

3. 休书: literally cease letter. A letter that a man will give to his wife to end the
marriage which has to occur for one or more of seven reasons
(childlessness, adultery, unfilialness, chattiness, stealing, jealously, and
serious illness.)
Chapter Fifty Three “Road”
When Qu Qing Ju visited the Zhong Jing Palace, she had taken
many things with her. When she left, she still had many things with
her. The bystanders looked on and marveled at the maternal and
filial love between Jing guifei and Duan Wang Fei.

Qu Qing Ju looked back at the servants who had accompanied her

to the palace. They all had their hands full. She couldn’t help but
sigh. From a certain perspective, Jing guifei was a really good popo
in the Da Long Dynasty. Intelligent, beautiful and she’s able to
prioritize what was important. This kind of woman, if she’s placed in
a novel, would most definitely be the main character. It was a pity
that she had met a man like Qing De Emperor.
Even though she needed to be careful around Jing guifei because
her popo was too smart, she still was a much better popo compared
to Shu guifei. If she was a normal popo, she would have pushed her
to have children immediately rather than telling her not to rush. Even
in Qu Qing Ju’s previous life, this kind of conduct wasn’t something
many mother-in-laws would do.
But this kind of popo might not like an erxi who was too intelligent.
Their current form of interaction was good enough.
Inside Zhong Jing Palace, Ding mama returned from seeing Duan
wang fei off. Walking in front of Jing guifei, she reported in a small
voice: “Niangniang, wang fei has left.”

“En,” Jing guifei nodded. She sighed and remarked, “Heng’er has
set his heart on her.” Otherwise, he wouldn’t have implicitly asked
her not to make things difficult for Qu Qing Ju.
“It’s a good thing that wang ye and wang fei have deep feelings for
each other,” Ding mama came up to massage her shoulders. She
said in a light voice, “If it was like the pair at the other fu, wouldn’t
they have become a laughingstock of Jing City?”
“You are right,” Jing guifei laughed, “Qu shi is still young. It would be
best for her child if she gives birth a year or two from now. If the
mother is too young, the child would be born sickly and that would
be alarming.” If her son and daughter-in-law were fighting like the
pair at Rui Wang Fu, then that would be really worrisome. Her own
erxi might be simpleminded and naïve but it was infinitely better than
having a wang fei like Qin shi.
“Niangniang is highly principled,” Ding mama said, “It is wang fei’s
great fortune to have a popo like you.”
“In the beginning, ben gong didn’t like her unworldliness. But upon
closer examination, despite being somewhat stupid, she isn’t
disagreeable. As long as they maintain their good relationship, ben
gong will not become a villain,” Jing guifei smiled as she shook her
head, “But it is remarkable that Heng’er sing her praises to me.”
Ding mama had served Jing guifei for many years and knew that
niangniang was very good to wang fei. She naturally followed her
lead as her mistress discussed the attributes of wang ye and wang
fei. And the fact that niangniang keeps saying wang fei was stupid
Such a stupid wang fei and yet niangniang still protected her. If that
wasn’t affection, then what else could it be?
Not long after Qu Qing Ju came back to the fu, He Heng returned
home. When the two met, she first mentioned the gifts that Jing
guifei bestowed and sighed in admiration: “Niangniang is so good to
wang ye. She remembers you at every turn.”

When He Heng heard this, he smiled and remarked: “Didn’t you

already know that mufei is good to me? Why are you mentioning it
“There is a phrase “love the house so love the crow”. Wang ye is
that house, I am that crow,” Qu Qing Ju passed on the words that
Jing guifei said to her, “If it wasn’t for wang ye, why else would
niangniang care so much for me?”
Hearing that, He Heng couldn’t help but laugh, “You, you.”
Qu Qing Ju heard him laugh in response yet he didn’t confirm nor
deny her statement. She smiled as she asked: “It’s still early today.
Why don’t I accompany wang ye in playing a match?”
The smile on He Heng’s face instantly froze. He Heng looked at the
smiling Qu Qing Ju. Who was really accompanying who?
In the end, He Heng endured the pain as he played one round with
Qu Qing Ju. The process was a tragic sight but the ending was very
beautiful. As to what kind of beauty, one could examine the evening
meal that was eaten two hours later than usual and the hot water
that was sent to the zhengyuan soon afterwards.

The Commander of the Imperial Guards was perhaps the busiest

person in Jing City over the last two days. He, along with his
subordinates, had tossed many bullies and gangsters into the
prisons. Right now, not only did he have to think of ways to suppress
the rumors spreading in Jing but he also had to ensure that he didn’t
offend any of the major powers.
He didn’t know what the Emperor was thinking. Even though there
were countless voices opposing his actions in the Royal Court, the
Emperor still allowed Rui Wang to freely leave the wang fu. He was
even allowed to enter the Imperial Palace without any restrictions.
That had disappointed many at court and cooled many hearts.
Thinking about the mess, he couldn’t help but sigh. He turned to
order the subordinates behind him: “Keep investigating in the city and
see if there are any more rumor-mongers.”
“Yes, Sir!” The Imperial Guards instantly separated into several
troops and entered the alleyways.
Commander Sun raised his head to look at the sky. The weather
wasn’t very good. It looked like it was going to rain. As he was
about to enter the palace, he saw a sedan moving not too far away.
Behind the sedan, there were several people carrying luggage. It
looked like a procession of dowry chests but the sedan in front was
blue in color, not a red-flowered one. There were also only two
strong men carrying the sedan.
He stared for a beat before realizing that some major personage
was taking a ce shi. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been such a big
procession. But the amount of dowry that was being carried wasn’t
befitting of a ce shi at all.
“I heard that the person inside is the san xiaojie of Chang De Gong
“Yes, it’s that fu’s xiaojie.”

“Such a good family but now she’s become a ce shi. It’s such a sin.”
“What do you know? Look at that person being taken into Rui Wang
Fu, how can any normal person compare?”
Since the topic had changed to Rui Wang, the people who had come
to see and gossip about the procession all scattered. They only
hated that they couldn’t walk any faster and that their mouths had
been idle enough to discuss the matters of Rui Wang Fu.
Commander Sun sighed. He had an irritated expression on his face
as he watched the common people ran away. Rui Wang’s current
reputation had almost reached a point where he was seen as the
boogeyman by the public. The Emperor might have done all he could
to protect Rui Wang but in the hearts of the common people, Rui
Wang’s reputation had fallen drastically.
“Commander Sun!”
Commander Sun turned his head and saw Ning Wang riding towards
him on a black horse. He wore a black robe embroidered with silver
patterns and had a sincere smile on his face. His heart tightened.
The fact that Ning Wang and Rui Wang were at odds was an open
secret at court. He was currently doing his best to protect Rui
Wang’s reputation. Ning Wang greeting him openly like this, did he
have ulterior motives?
“Wei chen greets Your Highness Ning Wang,” Commander Sun
walked in front of He Qi’s horse and made a bow. He asked, “Does
Your Highness Ning Wang have anything to ask of wei chen?”

“Just saw Commander Sun here and came over to say hello,” He Qi
played with the horse whip in his hand. He raised his chin in the
direction of the blue sedan, “Is that the qie that lao san took?”

Commander Sun lowered his head: “Your Highness, wei chen

doesn’t know.”
He Qi stared steadily at Commander Sun. From his view, he could
only see the other’s deeply lowered head and bent back. This
leading commander of the Imperial Guards was a very smart
person. Otherwise, fuhuang wouldn’t have put him in charge of the
“There are things in Jing that the commander of the Imperial Guards
doesn’t know?” He Qi twirled his horsewhip, looking unconcerned,
“Lao san is really filial. He knows that fuhuang’s body isn’t good now
so he took a qie to flush away the bad luck. This filial love is really
moving, don’t you think so, Commander Sun?”
Commander Sun couldn’t help but give a dry laugh. His Highness
Ning Wang was outwardly complimenting Rui Wang but everyone
could hear the sarcasm. Since when did taking a qie ensure that “the
bad luck would be flushed away”? The father was still ill but the son
didn’t hesitate in taking a qie. If a normal person acted this way, it
would have been a cause for castigation by others.
It was true that Rui Wang shouldn’t have acted this way. The
Emperor was worried about his matter yet he himself had no qualms
about taking a qie. That heart of his was really broad and as a son,
his conduct was truly unfilial. Because the Emperor favoured him, no
one dared to openly criticize him. Consequently, it fell on him, as the
commander of the Imperial Guard, to think of ways to protect Rui
Wang. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to explain the situation to
the Emperor.
After earnestly thinking about it, Commander Sun could only give a
bark of laughter, “Whatever wang ye says.” He was only a little
commander of the Imperial Guards. How can he afford to play word
games with the higher-up wang ye?

“Ha,” He Qi smiled, turned his horse and trotted away.

At Rui Wang Fu, Qin Bai Lu was standing near the Gate of Drooping
Flowers, watching the blue sedan being carried into the Xi Ce Yuan.
Her face dark, she said to the yahuan behind her: “In the end, wang
ye really did take her in.”
The yahuan comforted her: “Wang fei, Qu shi is only a ce shi who
will not be written into the genealogy book. You don’t have to worry
about that kind of person.”
“Don’t worry?” Qin Bai Lu smiled icily, “If she was only a normal
person, why did wang ye go to the Lantern Festival with her?” She
had fought and vented but in the end, wang ye was still the same
and acted even colder to her. At that time, she knew that to wang
ye, she was no different from any other woman in this fu.
Qin Bai Lu’s expression became bitter just thinking about it. She had
been proud for so many years. Only after she’d married, did she
realize a certain man could crush her pride into the ground and grind
it to dust. However noble she was as a daughter of the Qin Family,
how could it ever compare to the status of an imperial son?
Qu Yue Su, who was currently being hated and envied by Qin Bai
Lu, wasn’t as well off as the other had imagined. She sat on the bed
and looked at the pink bed curtains and blankets. The only thing that
was red in color was a pair of burning candles. There were no
matrons of honor, no lotuses or peanuts, no red headdresses, not
even the exchange of the wine cups. The surroundings were silent.
The only people present in the yard were the two yahuan of the
wang fu who stood guard outside and the yahuan who had
accompanied her into the room.
Yao Xi saw her xiaojie’s face didn’t look healthy. She said in a small
voice: “Xiaojie, nubi heard that wang ye had set up a few tables in
celebration today. He must not have left yet.”
Knowing that Yao Xi was trying to comfort her, she smiled bitterly
and said: “I’m just a ce fei. Would anyone of significant status come
to such a banquet?” With Rui Wang’s status, would he be willing to
personally receive those who didn’t have a prominent status?
She had chosen this road. Whatever ending she got, she asked for
Chapter Fifty Four “Losing the
Heart of the Emperor”

“Wang ye, be careful where you step,” said the yahuan holding the
lantern in a gentle voice, “Not many people come to Xi Ce Yuan. The
road isn’t easy to walk on.”
He Yuan smiled at the yahuan until the other bashfully buried her
head lower and lower. He finally spoke: “If that’s so, then the lantern
needs to be raised higher.”
The yahuan’s face turned red and the lantern in her hand swayed
before she recovered her composure.
Originally, no one had lived in Xi Ce Yuan. Because a ce fei was
soon to be taken in, the chief steward of the wang fu told the
servants to clean it. The majority of the furniture had not been
renewed before Qu Yue Su’s imminent arrival.
The procession entered Xi Ce Yuan. Inside, the lights shone brightly
but He Yuan didn’t have the innate joy that sprang from taking a
beautiful woman as a ce shi. He looked at the tightly closed door,
and then at the two kneeling yahuan who were safeguarding it. In a
heavy voice, he said: “Open the door.”
“Yes,” One of the yahuan bowed and gently pushed open the door.
He Yuan stepped inside and passed the Shelf of Many Treasures to
see Qu Yue Su sitting on the bed. She was wearing a light-colored
girdled dress. The girdle was pale green in color. Her head was
bowed, revealing a pale neck. She did seem to have some beauty.
He Yuan stood next to the Shelf and motioned for everyone inside to
leave before slowly moving forward.
“Wang ye,” Qu Yue Su stood and bowed. Her movements were
graceful and subtle, acting more like a daughter of an educated and
noble family than his own wang fei, Qin shi.
“Was Beauty waiting for ben wang?” He Yuan raised her chin with
his index finger, his thumb curling at her lip, “Each minute of the
spring night is worth a thousand gold pieces. We shouldn’t waste
any more time.” He didn’t wait to hear Qu Yue Su’s thoughts before
pushing her onto the bed.
The piercing pain erupting in the lower half of her body made Qu Yue
Su spill hot tears. She’d never thought that her wedding night would
end up like this, painful and without a shred of warmth. She hadn’t
even heard a gentle word from the man lying on top of her body. To
this man, she was probably just a plaything.
The pain slowly dulled into numbness. She stared wide-eyed at the
lotus flowers embroidered on the pink curtains above her head. She
wouldn’t always be in this position. Qu Qing Ju had achieved a good
life so why couldn’t she? What Qu Qing Ju could do, she could do
When Qu Qing Ju first heard that the Duke of Chang De had put Qu
Yue Su in a blue sedan and sent her off to Rui Wang Fu, she was
sitting in zhengyuan listening to the flattery of the qieishi. When she
had finished listening to what had happened, she sighed ruefully:
“Such a pity.” She might not like Qu Yue Su personally, but to send a
fifteen-year old girl away to be a qie? It really was a waste of her
talent and beauty. Her entire life had been ruined because she had a
mother like Liang shi.

The qieshi sitting below her didn’t know what to say in response.
They knew that wang fei didn’t have a good relationship with her
maternal family. Her half-sister rushing off to become a qie of Rui
Wang wasn’t some glorious event. Should they be outwardly happy
that a person wang fei disliked became someone’s qie or sad
because wang fei’s sister had shamed her?

Jiang Yong Yu glanced at wang fei and saw she wasn’t angry yet
she wasn’t happy. She looked regretful. Jiang Yong Yu’s thoughts
switched tracks and she said: “Qie heard that Qu san xiaojie is
talented and beautiful. No wonder His Highness Rui Wang would fall
in love with her.”
He Yuan was the type of person who saw women as just playthings
in his heart. There was no such thing as love in his mind. She smiled
helplessly:“If it was like that, then this match would have been good.”
“Some people want to be a qie. Who can stop them?” Ping Zi Jin
smiled mirthlessly as she spoke, momentarily forgetting that she too
was a qie.
Qu Qing Ju glanced at her. She felt too lazy to argue and lightly
remarked: “Ping shiqie should think about her own identity before
speaking.” She then told the shiqie to leave.

When Ping Zi Jin came out of the zhengyuan, her face still hadn’t
recovered. Now that she had been demoted from ce fei to shiqie,
the people who had fawned over her in the past were nowhere to be
seen. Even the other shiqie beside her didn’t want to talk to her.

She hated seeing the disdain Qu Qing Ju had towards her but she
was helpless. She had no favour and no status. If Qu Qing Ju
wanted to move against her, it would take only a few words. What
could she do in return?
The news that He Yuan took a qie quickly spread throughout Jing
City. The Imperial Censors who had already been opposing him
redoubled their efforts to impeach him. It seemed as though they
would not rest without defeating He Yuan.
Even Qing De Emperor was angry this time and summoned He Yuan
to the palace. He looked at his child kneeling in front of him with a
bowed head and thought about his adorableness when he first
learned how to talk and walk. His heart softened in an instant. Using
a handkerchief to muffle the sound of coughing, he asked a few
seconds later: “Zhen thought you were young and inexperienced so
zhen tolerated you at every turn. Who knew that you would commit
a thoughtless action? Do you not know the discontent that the entire
court feels towards you?”
“Er chen only took a woman. It has nothing to do with them,” He
Yuan raised his head to look at Qing De Emperor. “Fuhuang, these
people are purposefully attacking er chen. No matter what er chen
does, they will always find an excuse to make things difficult for er
chen. There’s no difference whether or not er chen actually
committed it.”
Qing De Emperor saw He Yuan’s face had turned slightly red with
anger. He coughed several more times before asking: “How could
the entire court be deliberately opposing you? Yuan’er, you are not
small anymore. Think before you act. Even zhen cannot do whatever
zhen pleases.”

He Yuan’s face darkened but didn’t say a word.

“Zhen knows you have a fiery personality. All these years, there
hasn’t been any criticism. Zhen only thought that after you grew up,
you would understand and change. But after seeing your conduct
becoming even more outrageous, zhen hurts inside.” He gave a sigh,
“Stay in your fu and reflect. If you do such things again, even zhen
cannot protect you.”
“Fuhuang is the Son of Heaven, the master of all the people in the
world. Do you have to consider other people?” He Yuan looked at
Qing De Emperor and asked with a hint of defiance, “The entire
world is yours. Why do you have to take their opinions into
Qing De Emperor looked at his most beloved son. A beat later, he
said: “You shall go back and reflect. Leave now.”
“Er chen asks for leave.” He Yuan saw Qing De Emperor’s
expression wasn’t good, and could only bow and leave. Coming out
of Tian Qi Palace, his face became progressively angrier. If he was
the Emperor, he would control all the power. He didn’t need anyone
ordering him about. If they didn’t want their position, there would be
hundreds of thousands of people who did. He wouldn’t get
threatened because of these matters. After all these years,
fuhuang’s personality was still soft so he allowed the people in the
Royal Court to push him around.
“Yo, san di is leaving the palace?” He Qi had a smile on his face as
he strode towards He Yuan. Seeing the ugly expression on He
Yuan’s face, his smile became even brighter, “I heard that in two
days, si di is being transported back to Jing for his recovery, what
does san di think?”
“Whatever da ge thinks, I will also think,” He Yuan raised his chin, his
eyes full of disdain as he looked at He Qi, “Did you think that you
could jump up in order to push me down so you could climb even
higher? Dream on.” A scornful smile appeared on his face.
He Qi didn’t become angry. He only came up and patted He Yuan’s
shoulder. He lowered his voice and said: “To climb up or not is not
important. If san di falls down, wei xiong would be even happier.” He
straightened and said with a smile, “That year, san di and this
brother were playing together. San di tripped and caused ben wang
and mufei to kneel at Zhao Xiang Palace for an entire night. Don’t
forget it.”
“We all rely on our abilities. If da ge and Wen guipin had the ability,
why would you ask for mercy in front of the doors of didi and
mufei’s palace?” He Yuan raised his lips in a smile, “Of course I
wouldn’t forget such a matter. It was such a good show in the past.”
He Qi’s smile became darker. He stared icily at He Yuan, “Pray
towards the Heavens that you would see an entire lifetime of good
“Da ge doesn’t have to worry about that,” He Yuan raised an
eyebrow and looked towards the palace gates, “Farewell.”
He Qi watched expressionlessly as He Yuan left the palace and a
thin sliver of icy mirth appeared on his face. Arrogant people died
quickly. He wondered if the other would be as arrogant at the time of
his death.
Around the corner, He Heng smiled as he saw his two brothers part
ways. He turned and said to Ming He behind him, “Ben wang’s da ge
and san di have such good relations.”

“To have harmony between sons of the Imperial Family, it is a lucky

event.” Ming He responded with a smile.
“Of course it is a lucky event,” He Heng rubbed his chin as he
smiled. Remembering that lao si was coming back to Jing in two
days, he ordered, “After returning to the fu, remember to let wang
fei prepare some healing and blood-enriching medicines.”

Ming He acknowledged the words with a bow of his head, realising

that wang ye was preparing it for Cheng Wang. He said: “Wang ye
doesn’t have to worry. Nucai remembers that the fu’s stores has
many rare blood-enriching medicines. Cheng Wang will certainly
recover quickly.”
He Heng nodded. He turned and went inside the carriage to return
home. At the fu, he walked towards the zhengyuan to eat the
evening meal as was his custom.
As he entered the main gate of zhengyuan, he detected the distinct
smell of medicine. When he looked around and saw the zhengyuan’s
servants moving back and forth as they sorted out the medicines. It
was a busy scene. When the servants saw him, they stopped what
they were doing and bowed in greeting.
“No need to bow, just perform your duties,” He Heng went inside the
room to see Qu Qing Ju writing, her head bent. As he moved closer,
he saw that she was writing several lists of medicines. All of them
seemed to contain good items that would help improve a person’s
“Wang ye has returned?” Qu Qing Ju raised her head to glance at
him before returning to her writing, not even bothering to stand for
“This is all in preparation for si di?” He Heng glanced a few more
times at her characters that were only neat, not beautiful. “We have
a good variety here.”
“There are only two months left before the wedding of si shu and the
girl from the Luo Family is held,” Qu Qing Ju put down her pen and
scanned the list before saying, “Originally, si shu returning home
victoriously and his upcoming marriage was a cause for celebration.
Who knew that villains would try to assassinate him? Thankfully, he
is in no mortal danger, but what good is that if he doesn’t have a
healthy body?”
He Heng just realized that the date of marriage was almost here and
the Spring Examinations were also about to begin.
When fuhuang had sent si di to investigate the case, did he think of
si di’s impending nuptials?

Maybe he did think about it, maybe he didn’t. But he was certain of
one thing, for He Yuan, fuhuang could overlook anything.
Chapter Fifty Five “Fortune and

Qu Qing Ju didn’t know what kind of feelings He Heng had towards

He Ming as his didi, but she felt that it wasn’t to the point of
indifference. Qu Qing Ju was only certain that his desire to see He
Ming recover and regain a healthy body seemed sincere.
The items on her list weren’t extremely rare but they were certainly
valuable and definitely suitable for He Ming’s consumption. She
placed the paper aside to dry before standing up, “After two more
days, si shu will be back in Jing. Wang ye shouldn’t worry too
“I remember, when I was younger and living in the palace, I used to
play with si di for a long time. But when the schoolwork started
increasing, our interactions gradually lessened,” He Heng started to
reminiscence about the past. Even though he was not as important
as He Yuan in fuhuang’s eyes, He Heng was still treated much
better compared to He Qi. Out of his four brothers, the most
neglected one was He Ming, “As we grew up over the years, the
feelings have diminished, but we’re still brothers so there is some
lingering camaraderie.”
Back then, right after si di had been born, it wasn’t known what Shu
guifei had said to fuhuang which made him start to neglect si di and
si di’s birth mother. No other imperial children were born after that.
Perhaps his romantic of a father had promised something to Shu
guifei. But whatever had happened between his father and Shu
guifei wasn’t that important to He Heng.

He Heng didn’t really have much thoughts and feelings towards his
fuhuang. He was just a silly man. Otherwise, the Da Long Dynasty
wouldn’t be currently showing slight signs of decay instead of
Qu Qing Ju saw that He Heng’s face held disdain. She stared for a
beat and then understood. No one would be happy to have a father
who treated his children like the Emperor did, “The feelings between
two people in childhood are probably the purest.”
“Qing Ju’s words hit me at my heart,” He Heng smiled but didn’t want
to discuss what occurred in the past. He remarked, “Lao san added
a ce shi to his fu. It’s not some major event, but our fu should send a
Lao san had been quite sneaky, and hadn’t properly notified his
brothers. But as his gege, it was only proper that he paid attention.

Qu Qing Ju felt that He Heng didn’t have any good intentions.

Clearly, the Emperor had already expressed dissatisfaction towards
He Yuan for taking a qie. But he just had to say it was a happy
occasion. Was it really good to stick a knife in his brother like this?
“The day after he took the qie, I had someone deliver a gift,”
Thinking about how she felt when the news first reached her ears,
Qu Qing Ju couldn’t resist sighing, “My maternal family is becoming
more and more unpresentable. A di noble daughter of a duke going
to become a ce fei of a wang fu, and it wasn’t even because
someone in the palace had made the match. It’s such a laughing
“Why worry over such minor things? You are my wife, therefore you
are of my Duan Wang Fu. How Chang De Gong Fu acts has no
connection to you,” Assuming that Qu Qing Ju would feel bad
because of such a thing, He Heng reiterated his thoughts, “You are
you, Chang De Gong Fu is Chang De Gong Fu, I won’t confuse the
Qu Qing Ju saw his face was serious and understood that his words
were mostly sincere. At least, he seemed genuine at this moment.
And if his attitude somehow changed in the future, well, that wasn’t
something she could control, “Wang ye treats me well, I know.”
Leaning her head on acthis shoulder to disguise the calm in her
eyes, “Like I said before, being able to marry wang ye was my good
The women who married He Heng and He Ming would be slightly
more fortunate than the other two He brothers. He Qi’s wife would
be forced to become an obedient steward. Marrying He Yuan would
most likely be the biggest challenge in any woman’s life.
Disregarding the fact that He Ming had an honest and generous
personality, He Heng might have a deep and complicated mind, but
he didn’t have that attitude of He Yuan where he used the bottom of
his foot to look at women. This was a lucky happenstance of her
Gently patting the back of the person in his embrace, He Heng felt
an unspeakable joy in his heart. It wasn’t that he had never seen
beautiful women before, and this woman certainly wasn’t the most
beautiful woman, but he felt that she was a perfect fit for him. Even
with her small temper and occasional cheating at weiqi, in his eyes,
that was extremely attractive.
Suddenly thinking of the phrase “beauty is in the eye of the
beholder”, He Heng couldn’t help but smile. No one would believe it
and even he was surprised that a man like him could feel that rarest
feeling of them all for a certain woman. If he really did fall in love,
then wouldn’t everyone else in the world be romantics?
Maybe it was only because that he felt she was good and thus she
appeared beautiful in every way. Maybe after some time, she
wouldn’t be any different from the other women in the fu.

Loosening his grasp of the woman he embraced, He Heng raised his

hand to pinch at her soft earlobe, “After si di returns to Jing, I’ll take
you to that estate in the suburbs to soak in the hot springs.”
Qu Qing Ju gave a smile, “That will be wonderful. After a few more
days, the apricot, peach and pear flowers will have all bloomed. We
could go sightseeing outside the fu.”

“Alright, we’ll have them prepare some barbeque. It will be a picnic.”

He Heng didn’t blindly follow the rules. During his leisure time, he
enjoyed his life. When Qu Qing Ju mentioned the blooming flowers,
he immediately thought of a picnic.
“That’s a good idea,” Qu Qing Ju clapped her hands, “Hot springs,
barbeque, flowers. It’s would be a great experience.”
He Heng saw her face was full of joy and couldn’t help but laugh.
Standing guard outside, Ming He, Mu Jin and the others heard the
laughter and chatter inside and relaxed in response. As servants, if
their owners were happy, their lives became easier.
At this time, He Yuan had returned to his fu, and saw Qin Bai Lu
sitting with a crowd of yahuan and mama in the garden. His
concubines were also kneeling on the ground, including the one he
had recently taken, Qu shi. His mood hadn’t lifted and his face
became even darker after taking in the scene. He stared coldly at
Qin Bai Shuang: “Wang fei, why have you made all these shiqie
kneel here and obstruct ben wang’s path?”

The expressions of Qin Bai Lu and the concubines instantly changed.

The former because she had just been publicly humiliated, the latter
because of the uncaring attitude wang ye showed towards them.
The gardens became silent.
“Get lost! What are you all kneeling here for? If you really want to
block ben wang’s path, why don’t you all go kneel at the main gate?”
He Yuan kicked aside the manservant kneeling nearby. He pointed at
Qin Bai Lu and berated her, “This was a good wang fu. Look at what
you have done to it. Ben wang gets bothered just looking at it.”

Qin Bai Lu knew that wang ye may have been reprimanded by the
Emperor at the palace. Qu shi was the one who caused all this
trouble but he raged at her instead. Her heart felt ill just thinking of it.
She lowered her head to glare at Qu Yue Su standing close by.
Barely suppressing the rage inside, she said in a somewhat gentle
tone, “Wang ye doesn’t have to get so angry. You were just taking a
qie. Fuhuang certainly wouldn’t be angry at you because of that.”

“Are you allowed to surmise fuhuang’s thoughts?” He Yuan’s face

darkened. As He Yuan thought about fuhuang’s eyes when he had
admonished him, he felt that his own rage was unsightly. Turning, he
saw Qu shi standing submissively on the sidelines and said, “Qu shi,
come with ben wang. Everyone else scatter!”
Qin Bai Lu ground her teeth as she watched wang ye lead that slut
Qu shi away. She could only hatefully point at the other concubines
and scold harshly, “You can’t even serve wang ye well. What’s the
use in keeping all of you here, leave!”
The shiqie who became wang fei’s punching bag hastily retreated.
They hated how unkind wang fei was and also hated Qu shi for her
trickery. These days, wang ye was constantly spending the night at
Qu shi’s place. Was there any room for them to survive?

Qu Yue Su wasn’t being tenderly loved like they all imagined. He

Yuan’s actions against her were brutal and merciless. To him, she
was nothing more than a plaything, something used to vent his anger
and desires on. He loved tormenting her but she couldn’t speak of it.
Every morning when she woke up, she looked at the bruises on her
body and then at the valuable items He Yuan bestowed upon her.
She felt both humiliated and resentful. She hated the Heavens for
being unfair and He Yuan for his cruelty.
After suffering through another round of He Yuan’s venting, he stood
up and left, leaving her to lie alone on the spacious bed . For some
strange reason, Qu Yue Su thought of Qu Qing Ju as she heard Yao
Xi murmuring and sobbing. What was she doing now? Was she
sleeping in an embrace with Duan Wang or sleeping soundly alone in
a soft large bed?
“Zhuzi, nubi will get you a bath,” Yao Xi looked at her mistress, her
face looking vacant as if she had lost her soul. Her voice rose in
pitch as she repeated her words, “zhuzi, nubi will get you a bath.”

“Yao Xi, what do you think da jie is doing right now?” Qu Yue Su
woodenly stood up and allowed Yao Xi to support her into the
Yao Xi stilled and she responded a beat later: “It’s late now. She is
probably preparing to sleep.”
“Yes, sleep,” Qu Yue Su raised a hand to cover her face and
laughed loudly.
Qu Qing Ju let the servants put away the qi board and insatiably
said to He Heng: “Wang ye, don’t you think that my weiqi skills have
improved a lot?”
He Heng’s expression faltered briefly: “En, improved a lot.”
“It’s all due to wang ye’s efforts,” Qu Qing Ju walked up to him and
kissed his cheek, “Then, we’ll continue to play next time.”
He Heng touched the spot she’d kissed before picking her up and
carrying her to the bed, “Qing Ju makes me happy. I will certainly
make Qing Ju satisfied in return.”
Qu Qing Ju twisted her waist, indicating his words were too
perverted. As a woman with proper upbringing, she expressed her
embarrassment of his words.
And then she reached out to pull at his belt and looked up at him with
a clueless face, “What happy and satisfied?”
If anyone could still resist at that point, then they weren’t a man. He
Heng pressed down on the person underneath him. The Yun brocade
robe on Qu Qing Ju’s body was pulled off, the under-robe was
heartlessly torn off. When pulled by his big hand, the chest covering
embroidered with peach blossoms easily fell off.
Qu Qing Ju raised her left hand to cover her chest, her right hand
pulling the other’s lapel, trying to express her hope to share in good
fortunes and in nakedness.
Men were always skilled at undressing, especially on the bed.
When the two of them nakedly started moving, Qu Qing Ju thought
that it was delusional to think that He Heng was becoming more
enthusiastic of late.
In the end, Qu Qing Ju was carried by He Heng to the bathtub. As
was their usual custom, they mutually washed each other, He Heng
groping her occasionally. After putting on their clothes, she pouted
for He Heng to carry her back to bed.
Her reason was that … … her endurance had all been used up. So
He Heng was most willing to carry her, his face blooming with
Chapter Fifty Six “Schemes of

On the day He Ming returned to Jing, the city was enveloped in a

light rain. He was half-lying inside the carriage, listening to the sound
of rain outside. His face looked pale as he lifted up the curtain. He
smiled indifferently as he saw the city gate looming closer.
As the carriage drew up near the gate, he saw da ge and er ge
sitting astride on their horses. Behind them, several officials stood
nearby, waiting to welcome him back to Jing. He motioned for the
carriage to stop and moved to step out.
“Si di is wounded, don’t get up,” He Heng rode his horse forward,
smiling as he prevented He Ming from coming down to bow. He
dismounted, cupping one hand over his other fisted hand: “Si di has
suffered this time.”
“Er ge’s words are an exaggeration. I failed in accomplishing the
duty fuhuang asked of me. I’m extremely embarrassed,”
Nonetheless, He Ming still made a bow in front of the carriage. His
face had an expression of shame, “To hear that fuhuang is worried
about it makes er chen unfilial.”
“You were fulfilling your duty. It was the bad intentions of others that
ruined the mission. What does that have to do with you?” He Heng
smiled, “Fuhuang requested that da ge and I receive you before
returning to the palace to report. Si di, you can rest your heart.”
“Thanks da ge, er ge.” He Ming made a bow towards He Qi before
sitting back properly inside the carriage. The driver carefully put the
curtain down and waited for Ning Wang and Duan Wang to move
He Heng got on his horse and moved towards the still-mounted He
Qi. He looked at the carriage waiting behind him and said to He Qi,
“Da ge, we should go.”
“En,” He Qi nodded and remarked as if he was both concerned and
relieved, “Si di looks much thinner. He must have had a hard time on
the road.”
He Heng nodded in agreement. He switched topics, “After a few
more days, the examinations start. When the Spring Examinations
end, it would be si di’s big day. At that time, us brothers should have
a good celebration.”
“Naturally, we will celebrate,” He Qi gave a bright laugh, and fell
silent for the rest of the journey.
When He Ming went to see Qing De Emperor, he was given some
medicine before he left Tian Qi Palace. An guipin shedded many
tears when she saw He Ming appear in front of her.
After listening to his mufei narrate the events that recently occurred
in Jing City, He Ming smiled as he assured her: “Mufei no longer
needs to worry. This is a good thing. At least er chen could close the
fu by using my recovery as an excuse. That way, I would not be
drawn into their business.”
An guipin heard this and her face suddenly changed, “Ming’er, did
you … …”
Checking that no one else was in the room, He Ming lowered his
voice: “Those assassins seemed to have no intentions of harming er
chen. They were only targeting Right Minister Wei. Er chen’s wounds
may look dangerous but they didn’t hit any critical parts. So mufei
doesn’t have to worry too much.”
An guipin wiped away her tears as she hatefully declared: “He Qi
and He Yuan are intolerable. They can fight for the throne all they
want but why do they have to involve my son?!”
“Those two – one is the oldest, the other is the most favoured.
Naturally, neither will care about other people,” He Ming gave a bitter
smile, “Mufei shouldn’t get angry over these matters.”
An guipin barely managed to suppress her anger. She was not
usually favored. After she had given birth, Shu guifei had kept on
bullying her. Thankfully, the Empress was fair and just. Otherwise,
her days would have been even more difficult to endure. She sighed:
“It’s mufei that’s useless. If mufei was more favored, you wouldn’t
have been so neglected.” She suddenly thought of Jing guifei. Even
though Jing guifei wasn’t as favoured as Shu guifei, she still had
some standing in the Emperor’s heart. Her son, He Heng, was
second in terms of favor, right behind He Yuan. She had never
interacted with him but he seemed to be a very able person.
She thought out loud: “He Heng might not be an open and honest
person, but mufei thinks that this person isn’t as cold-blooded and
ruthless. If you interact with him more frequently, a good friendship
could grow between brothers.”
He Ming understood what his mufei meant. He paused for a beat
before replying: “Mufei doesn’t have to worry, er chen will consider
this matter thoroughly.” If He Yuan or He Qi succeeded the throne, it
was likely that his days would become even more difficult. If He
Heng succeeded, even though he was a sanctimonious person, he
wouldn’t slight him since he was just a unthreatening younger
brother. To show the love between brothers, He Heng would even
treat him well.
He Ming didn’t want to fight, but he didn’t want to be a sword that a
person used and threw away. He could choose a wise master and
plan for the rest of his life.
“He Heng’s wife Qu shi is extremely close to the Luo Family. When
you left Jing City, Qu shi had sent people to deliver stuff to me. Jing
guifei was very attentive to me as well,” An guipin was a woman
inclined to an ordinary life but she wouldn’t allow others to harm her
child, “No matter what ideas they have, at least their execution is
much better-looking than the other two.”
He Ming knew deep down that He Yuan and He Qi hadn’t even
properly looked at him. It was only er ge with whom he had
camaraderie from all those times they playing together as children. It
might have faded much over the years but he still treated him much
better than the other two and he remembered the good turns he had
been given.
He sat down on the step-carriage, provided specially to him by the
order of fuhuang, and left the palace. Soon after He Ming returned to
his fu, he received the gifts sent by the other families. Even da ge
and san ge had sent something over. Although their presents were
only decorations that looked valuable but were practically useless, at
least they had showed some concern.
The presents that er ge’s fu had sent had been identified by his own
fu’s doctor as restoratives that were good for the body. He Ming
started to understand the concern er ge felt for him.
Remembering how fuhuang subtly hinted that he should ignore the
officials who believed san ge was behind the assassination attempt,
the smile on He Ming’s face became colder. Since fuhuang wanted
him to believe him, naturally he wouldn’t make fuhuang disappointed.
As to whether or not anyone would trust his actions, that would
depend on fuhuang and san ge.
“Paternal love?” He Ming threw the sandalwood bead bracelet that
Qing De Emperor had given him onto the floor. He watched as the
beads bounced in every direction. He sneered as he spoke aloud,
“It’s such a joke.”
On the first day of the Spring Examinations, the carriages filled the
areas outside the examination halls, all of them waiting to deliver the
Liang Rong and Qu Wang Zhi sat inside a tea tower, watching as the
flood of students lined up to enter the examination hall. The two felt
their faces turn bitter. Both of them were students of the Eastern
Mountain Academy. Because the academy was on holiday today,
they came specially to look at the examination hall. They felt some
pressure thinking about how they would also be entering this place
Qu Wang Zhi was particularly tense, since he would be entering the
exam hall in the fall. He looked at the stern examinees underneath
and felt that he couldn’t breathe.
“Biao xiong, there’s not much to see here, let’s leave,” The exam had
only been going on for four or six hours when a few white-haired
examinees had been carried out. Qu Wang Zhi’s expression became
uglier as he stood to leave.
“That Qu fu, didn’t it have a wang fei? Why did they send their little
daughter off to be a qie?”
“Who knows. I just heard that little daughter was a child of the
second wife. This second wife was only of a declining family. Duan
Wang Fei was born from the original duchess, do you know who she
“Who is she?”
“Do you know the Marquess of Xiang Qing, Tian daren of the
Supreme Court?”
“That famous person, who hasn’t heard of him? I heard that no
matter how difficult the case could be, if it was delivered to the
Courts, it will be thoroughly investigated.”
“Yes, that’s the one. Duan Wang Fei’s birth mother was the
Marquess of Xiang Qing’s full-blooded jiejie. How can you say that
their education and birth were the same? The fact that one became
a wang fei and the other becoming a concubine, isn’t that normal?”
Qu Wang Zhi’s face became ghastly as he overheard the
conversation. He wanted to rush down and argue with the people
downstairs but Liang Rong stopped him, “Wang Zhi, this is the
entrance to the examination hall. It would not be good for you if you
start something.”
“But to let them keep discussing my family like this?” Qu Wang Zhi’s
rage didn’t dissipate but he didn’t insist on rushing down. If the
matter became public, it might affect him later on if he went into
Liang Rong looked at the surroundings before lowering his voice to
advise: “Right now, they are just having a good time. You have to
know, the most favoured right now is His Highness Rui Wang. Biao
mei has gone into Rui Wang Fu to be a ce fei. In the future, she
would … …” He raised a thumb at Qu Wang Zhi, the meaning
Qu Wang Zhi gritted his teeth and kept a lid on his anger. The two
came down the tea tower. After travelling for a while on their horses,
they saw a grandiose procession heading towards them. The leading
guards were all stocky and tough-looking, their eyes alert. From a
glance, it could be seen that these were the type of guards which
could never be owned by normal families. The carriage behind was
pulled by eight stallions. Bells attached to the sandalwood carriage
rang merrily as it moved forward.
The two could only yield the right-of-way. When the carriage came
closer, they saw that the carriage was imprinted with the symbol of
Duan Wang Fu. Qu Wang Zhi’s face darkened but he could only
helplessly lower his head to show his respect to the wang fu.
After Duan Wang Fu’s carriage travelled further ahead, the two
continued to proceed. Liang Rong asked with some confusion:
“That’s the direction heading out of the city. Duan Wang Fu is taking
this many carriages, I wonder where they are going?” Was the
family of Duan Wang really heading out to relax at this important
“Who knows what these wang ye want to do?” Qu Wang Zhi’s tone
wasn’t friendly. He turned to look in the direction the Duan Wang Fu
carriages took. He paused before noting, “I heard that Duan wang
ye had a hot spring estate in the suburbs. The flowers bloom early
on that mountain. They must be going sightseeing.”
Qu Wang Zhi was born to a duke and knew more than Liang Rong.
He was pretty clear and knowledgeable about the more important
properties the wang ye in Jing owned in the suburbs of the city.
“Going out to play?” Right now, the wounded Right Minister Wei and
Cheng Wang had both returned to Jing after the attempted
assassination. Ning Wang and Rui Wang were engaged in a white-
hot battle, and Duan Wang had the leisure to go on holiday?
Liang Rong felt his head wasn’t able to process it at all. At this time,
wasn’t he supposed to take advantage? What did avoiding it mean?
The play was going to start but Duan Wang had done such an
action. How would the daren engaged in conflict at Jing endure?
Inside the carriage, Qu Qing Ju, her hair in a simple hairstyle, leaned
on the soft cushions as she asked: “Wang ye is really leaving Jing
like this?”
He Heng smiled calmly at her: “Didn’t Qing Ju want to soak in the hot
springs? The weather is just perfect.”
Qu Qing Ju giggled, turning to burrow into his embrace: “Wang ye
treats me so well.”
Her words sounded so fake to He Heng’s ears. He smiled helplessly
as he explained: “At this time, Jing City would certainly fall into a
storm because of si di and the rankings from the Spring
Examinations. Ben wang isn’t interested in these things. It’s better to
stay away and find some peace.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at his face, and strangely, on his face, the words
two-faced were written there.
Ha, did he really believe she never heard the story of the mantis
stalking the locust, unaware of the oriole behind it?[1]


1. This is a very famous Chinese idiom. There’s a very good explanation here
( but the general gist
is that the players are all focus on who they want to defeat, to the point they
cannot see the enemy behind them.
Chapter Fifty Seven “Husband and
Wife On A Trip Together”

The hot springs in the Jing suburbs were located not too far from the
city. Qu Qing Ju saw that the nameplate of manor’s front gate had
“Fu Lang Manor” written on it. Releasing the curtains, she
commented to He Heng sitting beside her, “This name is popular and
literary. The meaning is very good.”
“En, this property was bequeathed by fuhuang, and mufei named it.”
He Heng tilted his head to smile, “After entering this gate, we would
be travelling for quite a while before reaching our residence. There
are many crops planted here. Some off-season fruits and vegetables
can only be grown near the springs. Much of our fu’s fruits come
from this manor.”
The intelligence of the ancients were, as expected, endless. They
didn’t have any plastic tarps or greenhouses to plant vegetables.
Instead, they used the aid of nature to grow the food that shouldn’t
be in season. And their produce were a lot more natural compared
to those that grew in the greenhouses.
“There’s a patch of peach and pear blossoms blooming right now on
the mountain. After we rest today, I’ll accompany you there
tomorrow,” He Heng saw her face was full of admiration and his
smile became more visible. “Bai Yun Mountain is very close by. If we
have the time, we should go see the Five Estates Monastery at the
Bai Yun Mountain Five Estates Monastery? Qu Qing Ju felt the name
sounded familiar but couldn’t recall where she had heard it. It
probably wasn’t anything important. Otherwise, she would have
remembered it. She didn’t think about it any further and raised the
curtain occasionally to look at the scenery.
The road had been constructed well. It was completely paved with
black stone. Large trees were planted beside the road. To her left,
some sections of the field were planted with wheat and all kinds of
vegetables behind the trees. To her right were several fruit trees.
The surroundings didn’t look very symmetrical but Qu Qing Ju didn’t
have an obsessive compulsive disorder so she thought it looked
rather interesting.
After travelling for a while, the carriage stopped. Qu Qing Ju heard a
voice speaking just outside the carriage.
“This humble person Zhang Hong greets wang ye, wang fei.”
Qu Qing Ju stilled for a beat before she understood. This Zhang
Hong was most likely the chief steward of this manor. No wonder he
had come out to welcome them in the middle of the road. She
looked at He Heng and saw the other seemed to think it was normal
“Steward Zhang doesn’t have to be so courteous. Has everything in
the manor been prepared?” Qian Chang Xin smiled insincerely at
Zhang Hong as he could see the other’s desire to curry favour,
“Today marks the first time wang fei has come to this estate. If you
serve them well, naturally there will be rewards. If a mistake occurs,
you yourself will receive the punishment.”
“Don’t worry, Chief Steward Qian. Us humble people will serve well,
and wouldn’t be remiss in any way,” Zhang Hong didn’t expect wang
ye or wang fei to pay any attention to him. He smiled as he
retreated to join the other stewards, “Hot water and food have
already been prepared on the mountain. It cannot compare to the fu,
but it wins at having more of a wild taste. Wang ye and wang fei can
taste something new.”
“Smart. Coming out here at this time, it’s good to eat something
fresh,” Qian Chang Xin spoke quietly and gave Zhang Hong an
appreciative glance before he waved his hand for the procession to
move ahead.
As they watched the train of carriages depart, the steward behind
Zhang Hong asked: “Chief Steward Zhang, what should we do
“Do now? Hurry and keep up. If any of the people down there do
something wrong, we will all be affected,” Zhang Hong’s fawning
manner instantly disappeared and he glared at the speaker. He
started chasing after the carriages.
The other stewards stared at each other. Wang ye didn’t usually
come to the manor. They didn’t know the preferences of wang ye
and wang fei. But seeing how tense the chief steward was, they
also started running.
After the carriage had stopped for the second time, Qu Qing Ju
finally saw the gate of the main building on the property. The building
wasn’t as grand as the wang fu, but it had its own sense of style. It
was very exquisite, especially the three-level tower located behind it.
Qu Qing Ju couldn’t help but look at it more closely.
“If you like the Jade Cloud Tower, we could live in there for the next
few days.” He Heng smiled as he suggested, “Beside Jade Cloud
Tower is the hot springs pavilion. A white jade pool has been
constructed there. It’s very easy to soak in there.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded, “Great. A better view of the scenery can be
seen from the top of the tower.”
After hearing that wang fei and wang ye wished to live in Jade Cloud
Tower, the servants moved everything over. They lit the fragrances,
the copper beast stoves and other things in order to heat up the
building so that their owners would be warm and happy.
Qu Qing Ju let He Heng accompany her as she walked around the
main building of the estate. She found that the carvings and the halls
of this estate were finely crafted and held hints of the construction
style of Jiang Nan. She even saw a hot stream winding its way
through the property. It must have been constructed using the water
from the hot springs.
Qu Qing Ju felt that the hot springs that called themselves emperor-
level treatment in her previous life were just weaklings compared to
what was before her eyes. Look at this hot spring estate that a
wang ye had. If it was like this, how much grander would the
Emperor’s one be?
“This property is slightly small but it is very exquisite. It’s fine to
come out here occasionally.” He Heng didn’t have much interest in
the flora and fauna of the estate. He held Qu Qing Ju’s hand and
walked slowly towards Jade Cloud Tower, “Over the years, I’ve only
come here once or twice and I haven’t had the chance to take a
good look around the place.”
“Then wang ye has to stay here with me and play for a few days,”
Even though Qu Qing Ju knew he had no intention of interfering with
court matters, she still added, “It’s just that this is very far for wang
ye to go to court.”
He Heng smiled, “That’s fine. I don’t have many matters to deal with
nowadays. After I attend court, I’ll come back here to keep you
company.” As he thought of the pre-arranged events in Jing City, the
smile on his face dimmed, “I’ll also use the carriage. Even if I have to
wake up earlier than usual, I could nap inside whilst travelling.”
Qu Qing Ju laughed at him for being lazy and He Heng pinched her
cheek in retaliation. The two held hands as they played the entire
way. The servants passing by all lowered their heads, not daring to
look at their faces directly.
After the noon meal, the two took a nap before rising and prepared
to take a walk outside. Qu Qing Ju sat in front of the mirror and
watched Yu Zan familiarly style her hair. She ordered: “These days,
you don’t need to take as much care with the hair ornaments. Over
here, there’s no need to show my status.”
Yu Zan nodded in response. She picked up the hairpins for Qu Qing
Ju and chose a pale yellow short dress for her to wear. Qu Qing Ju
tilted her head as she looked at herself in the mirror. There was a
hint of the style of the women of Jiang Nan. She smiled and
complimented: “Yu Zan’s hands are so clever.” As she spoke, she
rewarded each of the four da yahuan who’d accompanied her when
she married with a pearl encrusted hairpin.
He Heng also finished dressing at the same time. Seeing Qu Qing
Ju’s light and clean appearance, he commented: “Qing Ju is beautiful
in whatever you wear, as expected.”
As expected? Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow, “Wang ye is always
unusually handsome in anything he wears.” He Heng was wearing a
moon-colored long robe. He did seem to have some of the looks
needed to attract women. She came forward and tickled his palm, “I
can’t look away.”
Wasn’t he supposed to say that to her? He Heng smiled helplessly.
He took her hand and said, “Let’s go. The rain has stopped. We can
take a look at the back of the mountain.”
The entire mountain they were situated on belonged to He Heng. Qu
Qing Ju had the feeling that she was investigating her husband’s
assets. She and He Heng got on the step-carriage together. They
looked at the grasses and trees on both sides. After they reached
the back of the mountain, she pointed at the small waterfall that had
formed when the water on the mountain first flowed down and
exclaimed: “This is like a drawing.”
A green mountain, a thin mist, and the pink peach blossoms
blooming in the trees. Qu Qing Ju was moved. No wonder the main
male lead in the novels liked to use the scenery to chase after their
beauty. Because looking at beautiful scenery made people happy.
Even though Qu Qing Ju had been part of the entertainment circle
for a long time, she was still dazed by the scenery before her.
But Qu Qing Ju’s happy mood didn’t stay for long because an
incident occurred.
“Wang ye!” This voice was so deeply tragic that a person’s heart
would break upon hearing it. She looked behind her and saw Yun
Qing wearing a slightly faded cotton dress and standing on a rock
slightly behind them. Qu Qing Ju was even able to see the tears of
excitement that came down her face.
Was this estate that Yun Qing was sent to?
He Heng didn’t think anyone would have the nerve to interrupt their
admiration of the scenery. He frowned as he looked over at Yun
Qing, blind to the tears on her face. He asked harshly: “Who let her
in? Weren’t you ordered to guard this area and not let anyone in?!”
A steward hurriedly ran over and knelt with a bang in front of them,
“This humble person greets wang ye, wang fei. Please forgive us.
She is this humble person’s wife. Just now, she came here to deliver
food to this humble person, and accidentally came in. It was this
humble person’s slip. Please, forgive this humble person’s wife.” He
started kowtowing.
Qu Qing Ju lowered her head to look at the man dressed in the blue
clothing of a steward. He was short and slightly plump, beads of
sweat running down his forehead as though he was very worried for
Yun Qing.
Yun Qing didn’t attend to the man pleading mercy for her. She came
forward a few steps to kneel in front of them, wailing tragically:
“Wang ye, nu has finally seen you.”

Qu Qing Ju saw that He Heng’s expression was ugly but he didn’t

seem to want to speak to the woman. She could only scold:
“Outrageous, how can you speak so in front of wang ye?”

Yun Qing’s face paled. She stared with fear at Qu Qing Ju. This was
the woman who’d sent her out of the fu and married her to a short
and fat man. Now, she wasn’t a pure woman. How could wang ye
want her now?
“Nu forgot on account of seeing wang ye. Please forgive me, wang
fei.” Yun Qing gave another bow. She didn’t speak any further but
continued sobbing, her thin shoulders slightly trembling and
appearing very pitiful.
The short and fat man who had been begging for mercy on her
behalf stopped in a daze after hearing her words. He hadn’t thought
that the woman he was protecting with all his heart would say such
… … unrestrained words. His face started to change over and over,
feeling extremely embarrassed.
He Heng frowned in irritation, looking visibly sick of the whole matter.
His left index finger impatiently tapped the handrail.
“As a woman who is now married, you should pay more attention to
how you speak,” Qu Qing Ju saw that the steward Wang Dong was
still in a daze and added, “Steward Wang, take your wife and leave.”
She didn’t understand what Yun Qing was thinking. A man had sent
her away. Naturally that meant he no longer had any interest in her.
Why do something like this and make her future days harder?
Wang Dong woodenly made a kowtow and pulled Yun Qing along as
he started to walk, not caring as Yun Qing tripped and stumbled
behind him.
After he pulled the other to a place where he couldn’t see wang ye
and wang fei, Wang Dong silently released Yun Qing’s hand. Yun
Qing said resentfully to Wang Dong: “Move, I don’t need you
controlling me.”
When she had finished, she felt a pain burning on her face. Wang
Dong had hit her. Yun Qing stared wide-eyed in disbelief. This weak
and cowardly man dared to hit her?!
“Shameless!” As he spoke, the slightly plump face of Wang Dong
didn’t have any expression. None of the gentleness and emotion that
had appeared in the past was visible now.
Yun Qing stilled. She saw Wang Dong turn and walk away, refusing
to look at her again. Her mind fell into a sea of emptiness.
He Heng felt that his ears were finally clean. A beat later, he
revealed a satisfied smile as he pointed in the other direction and
informed: “There’s a very big mouth over there, the pool is even
bigger than the one in the pavilion. But the surroundings are not good
so only an open hot spring was constructed. When the weather
warms, we could play there like ducks.”
Qu Qing Ju glanced in the direction that Yun Qin left in. She smiled,
nodded her head and announced: “Then, I’ll have to take a look.”
To want something that one could never receive, that person’s life
was fated to be a tragedy.
Chapter Fifty Eight

It was not a secret that Cheng Wang had been wounded in the arm
by the assassins. Even though the wound had healed, but the taiyi
said there may be remaining symptoms. When it was winter, there
would be unbearable pain. So the Imperial Doctors gave a
suggestion that Cheng Wang soak in the hot springs whenever he
was free. This would be of benefit to his bones.
But He Ming didn’t have many properties in the first place, and he
didn’t have any hot springs. Just at that time, he coincidentally heard
that er ge ad gong to his estate to soak in the hot springs. He
instantly clapped his hands, and personally sent an invitation
expressing that he wanted to go to the hot springs at Fu Lang
This move, in the eyes of others might have been a coincidence, but
in the eyes of those using their heads, it held a different meaning.
They understood that His Highness Cheng Wang had returned for a
few days to Jing, but why didn’t anyone already suggest the hot
springs earlier, but only at this sensitive time?
Suspicions could only remain suspicions. Cheng Wang wasn’t
participating in the battle for the throne, he wasn’t usually a brave
person. No one at the court cared about him, putting their focus on
the rankings from the Spring Examinations and the criminal behind
the assassination incident. As to the victim that had been nearly
assassinated, because the Emperor didn’t place any importance, he
was simultaneously overlooked.
He Heng had received He Ming’s missive at the palace gate. The
characters that He Ming wrote on the paper were like him, proper,
straightforward and regular. It didn’t have any style, but no one
would dislike it. He Heng gave the missive to Ming He, “Go
personally to Cheng Wang Fu, say that ben wang, as his elder
brother, will always welcome his didi.”
Ming He nodded, turning and getting on a horse. He sped up as he
made his way to Cheng Wang Fu.
He Heng looked in the direction that Ming He left in. He raised his
head to look at the sky. Frowning, he said: “This sky doesn’t look
very pleasant, the mist has come in so early. We should head back
to the manor early.”
Qian Chang Xin came forward to put down the curtain of the
carriage that He Heng was sitting in. Turning his head, he sent a look
at the guard driving and indicated for him to leave quickly.
When the carriage trotted its way out of the city gates, the mist had
already become thicker. Even the sky was dark and heavy.
Occasionally, bursts of cold wind blew by. Qian Chang Xin rubbed
his arms and inhaled a breath. This cold snap was too strong, today
was much colder than the previous days.
He looked carefully at the road ahead, suddenly seeing the grass on
the side of the road moving. He indicated for the carriage to stop.
Before the carriage had completely stopped, he flipped off to stand
in front of the entrance the carriage, shrieking: “Guards!”
This high piercing shout rang out in the mist and cause the guards to
shudder. When they managed to react, they saw almost twenty men
wielding large blades leaping out of the grass, heading straight and
chopping at wang ye’s carriage.

Arrows flew out of the woods randomly. It was lucky that there was
a layer of iron on inside the carriage. Qian Chang Xin had closed the
door to the carriage in time so those arrows all dropped outside the
carriage, but one arrow, taking advantage of that moment Qian
Chang Xin was shutting the door, quickly pierced inside.
“Come protect wang ye,” Qian Chang Xin unsheathed the large
blade that the driver had on his back, guarding against the assassins
that were heading to the side of the carriage.
The guards knew very clearly if something did happen to wang ye,
they didn’t need to live. They could only grit their teeth and fight. If
they didn’t die, a good life awaited them, if they died, it was showing
their loyalty to the very end.
Because no one had expected that someone would dare to
assassinate a wang ye on the main road, He Heng hadn’t taken
many guards with him. After a period of time, the situation turned for
the worst.
Commander Sun felt that he had definitely offended the gods this
year. He had just taken the Imperial Guards for a casual patrol in the
Jing suburbs and he could encounter an assassination attempt. The
target also had to be His Highness Duan Wang. When he saw the
scene, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He hurriedly sent
his subordinates to help.
The assassins hadn’t expected that the Imperial Guards who
preferred to patrol inside the city would appear here, quickly
retreating. The only thing they left were a few corpses that had been
killed by the guards.
“Wei chen was late in protecting. Has Your Highness Duan Wang
been wounded?” Commander Sun saw the assassins retreat and
waved his hand to let the subordinates give chase, he himself getting
off the horse and kneeling on one knee in front of He Heng’s
Qian Chang Xin also got off the carriage, kneeling in front as well: “It
was us that was useless, and startled wang ye.”

The door to the carriage slowly was pulled open. He Heng walked
out under the worried and fearful looks of everyone present. Qian
Chang Xin looked at the sleeve of his right hand which had been
dyed crimson with blood. He was so afraid his legs were soft:
“Wang ye, you were wounded?!”

When Commander Sun heard the words, the sweat on his forehead
started to flow down. He raised his head to take a look and saw that
the sleeve of Duan Wang’s left hand was completely drenched in
red, his right hand holding an arrow speckled with blood.
“Just a graze, it didn’t reach the bones.” Finishing, he gave the arrow
to Qian Chang Xin, “This arrow was left behind by the assassins that
wounded ben wang, hopefully this will be helpful to Commander
Commander Sun received the arrow from Qian Chang Xin. He found
that it was a very normal arrow, the arrowhead made from normal
iron, and there were no special attributes about the feathers at the
end of the arrow.
“Wang ye, please do not worry. Wei chen will definitely investigate
this matter thoroughly,” Finishing, Commander Sun let his
subordinates take away the corpses on the ground. He picked up
the remains of the blades and the scattered arrows, hoping to find a
clue from those pieces.
By this time, Ming He had caught up from the city, and found that
wang ye had nearly been assassinated and was wounded. He could
only turn his head around to the Imperial Hospital to find a taiyi.

After Commander Sun left, He Heng allowed the servants to give a

makeshift treatment to his wound. He announced to the people
present: “Today, everyone here will be rewarded according to their
deeds. The fact that ben wang could leave here safely is all due to
your efforts.”
The guards bowed in thanks, their hearts beating faster. Wang ye
hadn’t punished them because of being wounded from the
assassination but had rewarded them. It didn’t waste their efforts in
fighting with their lives.
After He Heng returned to sit inside the carriage, he covered his
wound, his face not showing any of the fear and anger after being
attacked by an assassin.
Climbing up from the hot spring, Qu Qing Ju put on new clothing and
felt her back strangely become cold. She walked back into the inner
room, asking Mu Jin and the others who had been standing guard
outside: “Has wang ye returned to the manor?”

“Wang fei, there hasn’t been anyone who has reported so,” Mu Jin
saw the hair of wang fei was loose, the strands still dripping water
and took a piece of cotton to dry Qu Qing Ju’s hair for her. After just
a few wipes, she saw Huang Yang rushing in. Seeing that she was
drying her hair, he hesitated before reporting: “Wang fei, nucai has
heard that wang ye was attacked. He’s coming back to the estate
“Attacked?!” Qu Qing Ju’s voice rose. She stood, saying: “Follow me
to take a look.” Finishing, she rushed out the door.
Mu Jin paused and then threw the cloth to one side. She grabbed a
sandalwood hair comb before following. Wang fei’s hair was still
dripping. It wouldn’t be good for the servants to see her hair down
and loose.
Qu Qing Ju was very clear that a person like He Heng wouldn’t be
easily wounded by others. But the road from the city gate to the
manor was a major road. What person had the bravery and drive to
stage an assassination attempt at that kind of place?
“Wang ye, wang fei is here.” Just as Qian Chang Xin’s voice
sounded, He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju walk in from the outside. He saw
that she was wearing a simple wide-sleeved blue girdled dress, her
hair carelessly brushed behind her back. It looked like it wasn’t even
“Wang ye, how are you?” Qu Qing Ju walked in front of He Heng.
He was sitting in front of the desk, the light colored robe that he
wore as he had left in the morning was changed for a blue soft silk
robe, white muslin wrapped around his left arm.
“I’m fine, sit here,” he patted the spot beside him, motioning for Qu
Qing Ju to side beside him.
As Qu Qing Ju sat down, her gaze still stayed at his wound but the
white muslin covered the wound: “What’s going on, why did the
assassins come, who has such daring?” Finishing, she furrowed her
eyebrows, “How’s the wound, has the taiyi been summoned?”

“It didn’t reach the bone, just a graze from the arrowhead,” He Heng
smiled, “the taiyi will arrive soon.”
Just as he said so, Ming He brought the taiyi in. Seeing wang fei’s
hair flowing free, he paused before reacting with a bow, announcing:
“Wang ye, wang fei, the head of the Imperial Hospital has arrived.”
“Wei chen greets wang ye, wang fei.” The head of the Imperial
Hospital was over half a century old but still energetic. He saw that
wang ye and wang fei were sitting extremely close and instantly
understood. The outside always spoke of how good the relationship
was between the Duan Wang couple. He had thought it was just a
rumor, but today he saw that it did seem true.
“Please stand. Look at ben wang’s wound and stop wang fei from
fretting so much,” He Heng extended his left arm. He gave a faint
smile and teased, “Don’t purposefully make it too serious.”
“Yes,” The dean carefully untied the white muslin wrapped around
the wound. He saw the wound on Duan Wang’s wrist was very long,
it did seem like a graze from an arrow. The appearance was very
frightening, but it hadn’t made any significant damage.
Qu Qing Ju inhaled sharply. She watched as the taiyi skilfully treat
the bloodstains on the wound before putting a poultice on and
wrapping the injury.
“Wang ye, your wound might not have reached the bone, but the
wound is very large. It will take a few days of recovery and cannot
touch the water in these next days.” Remembering that wang ye had
come to this manor specially to soak in the hot springs, the dean felt
sympathy for the injured person.
Why was Duan Wang get attacked, or who directed it, it wasn’t
important to him. The most important was that he wouldn’t be
dragged in. After the dean finished everything, he stood to bid
Ming He personally sent him off and presented a large amount of
fees: “Dean daren, you say, with wang ye’s wound, should he rest
peacefully for a few days?
The dean ruminated for a second before smiling and assuring:
“Naturally he should rest peacefully and recover. Wang ye might be
busy usually, but he would have to make himself idle in the next little
“This one understands. Thanks for your trouble, Dean daren. Da ren,
this way.” Ming He gave a bow and smiled as he made a motion in
the direction of exit.
“Ming gongong doesn’t have to be so courteous. No need to send
me off, farewell.” The dean returned half a bow, smiling before he
sat on the mule cart to leave the manor.
Ming He looked at the mule cart as it left, giving a bark of laughter
before turning to return to Yu Yun Lou.
“Ah, how did I come out with my hair down?” Qu Qing Ju suddenly
stood from her seat. She held her hair, hurriedly declaring, “Wang
ye, I’m going back to the inner rooms.” Turning, she muttered, “So
He Heng thought about her state just now and couldn’t help but laugh
out loud.
In the inner room, Qu Qing Ju slightly frowned. This matter didn’t
seem right somewhere.
But the finer details determined success and failure. She had been
so worried she came out with wet hair to see He Heng. Such
concern, did it count as coming from the heart?
Thinking about the fierce wound, Qu Qing Ju furrowed her brows.
She then thought, these assassins were very stupid not to poison the
arrows. They really wasted a very good opportunity.
Chapter Fifty Nine “The Grace of
The Emperor”

Putting up her hair, Qu Qing Ju came out again to see He Heng was
sitting on a recliner reading a book. She unhesitatingly sat down next
to him: “Wang ye, an assassination attempt is a serious matter.
Shouldn’t we tell mu fei and let her know you are not seriously
wounded to stop her from worrying.”
He Heng nodded: “You are the most considerate,” Finishing, he
called for Qian Chang Xin and gave out his waist plate for him to
enter the palace to see Jing guifei. He was to clearly tell the
process and the important point was that his wound wasn’t serious.
Qian Chang Xin hurriedly left the manor. Even though it was late
now, even if the palace was already locked, he had to think of a way
to pass the message into the palace.
The guards at the city gate recognized Qian Chang Xin as Duan
Wang’s personal taijian. They didn’t ask any questions before
allowing him to pass. By this time, the news that Duan Wang had
been attacked by assassins had spread through Jing City. They saw
the rush that Qian Chang Xin was in, who would dare to block him?
Entering the palace gate, Qian Chang Xin scurried as he travelled to
Zhong Jing Palace. Before he could state his intentions, he was
ushered in by the servants of Zhong Jing Palace. When he enter the
room, he didn’t dare to see the expression on Jing guifei’s face,
submissively kneeling on the ground, announcing: “Guifei
niangniang, His Highness has sent nucai to come give a morning
greeting to niangniang.”

“How is wang ye’s condition?” Jing guifei’s voice was heavier than
usual but she still didn’t lose her composure. Ding mama, the person
standing by her side, was the only one that found that the hand
niangniang had was tightly grasping on the arm of the chair, the
fingers almost white. It was clear how worried niangniang was.
“The Dean of the Imperial Hospital has already seen to it. His
Highness isn’t seriously injured, it just grazed the flesh. Wang ye and
wang fei were afraid you would become worried listening to the
inaccurate rumors and sent nucai to personally tell.” Finishing, he
obediently recited the string of events, not emphasizing or distorting
any part.
After Jing guifei heard the course of events, she was much calmer.
She thought for a while with half-lidded eyes before she raised her
head to inform Qian Chang Xin; “You go and tell His Highness to
recover for the next few days in the manor. Sent more people to the
manor to protect your wang ye and wang fei.” Finishing, she stood
and rubbed her cheeks. She raised her head slightly as she
announced: “Ben gong is going to Tian Qi Palace to beg to see the
It wasn’t only Shu guifei that could use the trick of injuring oneself to
gain another’s sympathy. She, Wei Chan Yi, also could use it, and
she would use it better, and without a trace.
Reaching up to take out a few hairpins from her hair to let the finely
crafted hairstyle become loose, Jing guifei took out a handkerchief
to wipe the corners of her eyes. Suddenly, her foot tripped and she
stumbled as she walked towards the outer room, wailing tragically:
“Your Majesty, our child … …” As she ran, a few locks of hair fell
loose, framing her face and making her look even more sorrowful.
Ding mama quickly wiped the corners of her eyes with force,
choking as she followed, “Niangniang, niangniang, be careful of
where you step.” As the words landed, the person had already
disappeared from the room.
Qian Chang Xin’s face was full of reverence as he looked at the
empty door. A beat later, he climbed up from the ground. When he
walked out of the inner room, he saw the palace maids and taijian,
each covering their faces, sobbing or looking fretful. In this instant,
he felt he had a very large room for improvement.
In the end, no one knew that Jing guifei said when she went to Tian
Qi Palace. But that night, Qing De Emperor sent out many Imperial
Decrees. The Junior Minister of Justice, the Minster of Justice, the
Commander of the Imperial Guards all received a decree. The
meaning was they could sacrifice everything in order to find the
mastermind. It showed just how furious the emperor was about the
Other than that, Qing De Emperor bestowed many different kinds of
rare herbs, gold, silver, jewellery and outstanding martial arts
guards, taiyi skilled in treating all kinds of injuries. This night, the
gate of Jing City seemed to open and close, close and open as an
endless stream of gifts were delivered from the palace by horse
courier to the Fu Lang Manor where Duan Wang was recovering.
A low ranked soldier that guarded the gate looked at the fast horses
as they disappeared into the night. He said with some awe: “The
Emperor treats His Highness Duan Wang so well.”
A senior soldier snorted at the side: “Other than Rui Wang, Duan
Wang is the most favoured by the Emperor. Did you see the
Emperor this worried when Cheng Wang was attacked last time?” If
they didn’t already know, they would have thought that Duan Wang
and Cheng Wang’s injuries were reversed.
It could be seen that a person just didn’t have to choose a father
when he reincarnated, but also the mother. Otherwise, why was it
that they were all imperial sons, but the care was so drastically
“Are you suicidal, are you allowed to discuss the matters of the
wang ye?” Commander Sun passed by on his horse. Hearing the
conversation, he said with a heavy face, “Shut the gates!”
The expression of the two changed with fright. Along with the others,
they obediently close the city gate. The result was that not long
after, they saw a few more people speeding on horses, a gold token
held up in one hand. They instantly understood, oh, this was also
from the palace heading to Fu Lang Manor.
On the backs of the horses were several boxes wrapped in bright
yellow cloth. The gatesmen didn’t know what was inside but their
expression was wooden. How many horses have already passed
Qu Qing Ju disguised a yawn and looked at the piles of gifts in front
of her. She turned to look at the lazily sitting He Heng. Smiling as she
commented: “The Emperor has such care for wang ye, how many
rounds of gifts have already come?”
With an expression like a smile yet not a smile, He Heng glanced at
Qu Qing Ju before flipping a page of his book, “It will be better
tomorrow. By that time, we would have had a good sleep.
Regardless, I’m not going to court any time soon. I can accompany
you now.”
This disdainful tone might be a bit too hurtful. Qu Qing Ju blinked her
eyes: “Doesn’t wang ye have to rest to recover?”

“Ben wang was frightened and needs to see the mountains and
water to comfort the soul,” He Heng smiled as he closed the book.
He looked at Qu Qing Ju as he commanded: “Qing Ju has to keep
me company. Otherwise, I would be frightened if I was alone.”
Qu Qing Ju raised the corner of her mouth to make her smile
brighter, “Don’t be afraid, wang ye, I will keep you in good
He Heng smiled broadly: “Qing Ju is so kind.”
Standing in the corner, Ming He and the others buried their heads.
The tactics of wang ye and wang fei as they teased and flirted were
better and better. As the servants, they had to pretend to not hear,
and control their expressions. It was very hard.
“Imperial Decree has arrived!”
The two exchanged a look and calmly patted at the non-existent dust
on their bodies before they knelt in the center of the room. After the
taiyi recited the decree and the gifts, Qu Qing Ju, as the uninjured
party, took over the imperial decree and bowed to give thanks. She
watched as the taijian present the items and then as the taijian
quickly left.
Randomly opening a box, Qu Qing Ju’s eyes narrowed. Hundred
year old blood ginseng, very rare stuff. She tilted her head to look at
He Heng and found that the other didn’t even look at the items in the
Closing the box, Qu Qing Ju asked: “Why don’t wang ye sleep first,
it’s alright if I stand guard.”
“Just a minor injury, don’t worry like this,” He Heng smiled helplessly,
knowing that the other was worried about his wound. He assured,
“It’s passed eleven now, there shouldn’t be any more.” Finishing, he
used the right hand which wasn’t injured to pull the person to sit
beside him.
Qu Qing Ju followed and sat. She sighed, saying: “If they find the
mastermind, they must punish him strictly.”
“Don’t worry. In the end, someone will be punished,” He Heng
clasped her hand as he said, “After a few days, Cheng Wang might
be coming to the manor. You need to get someone to prepare a
“Si shu?” Qu Qing Ju stilled before smiling as she mused, “That’s
true, soaking in the hot springs would be good for si shu’s body.”

“En,” He Heng kissed her cheek, “My Qing Ju is so smart.”

Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow: “Is wang ye comforting a little child?”

He Heng laughed lightly. The result was he was bitten firmly on the
shoulder by Qu Qing Ju which ended up with him laughing even more
Qu Qing Ju pushed her head onto the other’s chest, gave a yawn,
rubbed a few times before she closed her eyes.
Seeing the person in his embrace sleeping like this, He Heng smiled
helplessly. Just before, she had said for him to go sleep first, how
did it turn out to be her falling asleep first?
Thinking of how the person he was hugging had looked as she ran in
with her flowing hair, He Heng’s heart felt ticklish. Even though she
had not been wearing makeup, her hair a tangle, but in his eyes, she
was the most beautiful at that instant.
Gently touching a finger to the slightly moist lips, He Heng’s lips
curled. Even his eyes were full of mirth.
On the second morning, the court had turned into a mess due to the
fact Duan Wang had been attacked. The incident with the envoys
hadn’t been cleared yet, and now Duan Wang was also attacked by
assassins. It was lucky that the Imperial Guards had patrolled in that
area. If Commander Sun hadn’t went to that location, who knew how
bad the situation would have been.
Qing De Emperor was in a rage, ordering the Imperial Guards,
Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court to cooperate at the
highest level and find the criminal. He even said at court, if they
couldn’t make clear of the matter of Duan Wang being attacked, then
the three top officials of these three places would not stay there.
The only imperial son left at court, He Qi, thought suspiciously, did
lao san really do this?

Commander Sun felt fortunate at this time. Thankfully he heard been

hearing about robbery occurring at a certain place outside the city
these past days. It was why he decided to patrol there yesterday.
Who knew he would coincidentally save Duan Wang, this was a boon
from the gods.
But who was that person that reported to him that robberies were
occurring at a spot outside the city? He remembered that low ranked
soldier’s appearance was very normal. He couldn’t remember what
he looked like. He was the commander, but there were several
thousand people in the Imperial Guards. Was he to know all of
Really unable to remember about the person, Commander Sun gave
up. It was just a coincidence, the heavens helping him. Otherwise, if
Duan Wang had died due to an assassination when he was the
Commander of the Imperial Guards, he might not have been able to
keep the hat on top of his head, but his head would have dropped
along with the hat.
In Cheng Wang Fu, He Ming finished listening to the servant report
on the matter of er ge being attacked by assassins. He thought for a
beat before ordering: “Prepare the gifts for Duan Wang. Ben wang
might be going to Fu Lan Manor in a few days to accompany er ge
in his recovery.
As expected, in the afternoon, the Fu Lang Manor sent someone to
Cheng Wang Fu. They said that Fu Lang Manor was beautiful and
clean and the taiyi there were skilled at treating injuries. They hoped
that His Highness Cheng Wang would stay for a few days at Fu Lang
Manor to soak in the hot springs and let this taiyi look at his wounds
Chapter Sixty “Er Ge, Are You
Showing Off Your Love”

The white jade hot spring, in Qu Qing Ju’s eyes, was just a small
swimming pool. She happily did a few strokes of butterfly, and then
backstroke. She swam from one side to another before she stopped
to lean forward on one side and looked at He Heng who was sitting
near the edge, drinking tea: “It’s such a pity that wang ye’s wounds
haven’t healed yet. Otherwise, we could be soaking together.” She
saw the other’s eyes glance in her direction. Her feet pushed off and
she swam away.
Seeing Qu Qing Ju treat the hot spring as her personal swimming
pool, He Heng smiled helplessly. Even though the other’s actions
were a bit annoying, her posture was very beautiful. His gaze fell
upon the body in the pool. She was wearing a red body-length dress
embroidered with a scale pattern. It spread out in the water, making
her look like a mermaid. There was a beautiful dash of red in the
pool, and then she purposefully struck a seductive pose.
When he saw Qu Qing Ju throw her head back, revealing the clean
and white neck, He Heng gulped a large mouthful of tea to cool the
heat inside.
It wasn’t good to soak for too long in the hot springs. Qu Qing Ju
climbed on the jade stairs beside the hot spring to leave the pool.
After using a large cotton cloth to towel herself down, she took off
the now-transparent scale dress right in front of He Heng. She tied a
large loose robe around her body, walked towards He Heng and
bent down to pick up his teacup. She smiled as she commented:
“Wang ye, drinking too much tea can cause your wound to scar.”
He Heng was too busy admiring the picture of the beauty in the bath,
and had forgotten about his tea. He reached out with his right hand
to pull the other into his embrace, the teacup falling to the floor with
a tinkling sound, “Since I cannot drink tea, why don’t I have a taste
of a beauty instead?”
Qu Qing Ju’s finger gently swiped across the bandaged wound on
He Heng’s left arm. She gave a smile full of regret and uncertainty:
“But the taiyi said wang ye has to rest.”

“The taiyi didn’t say that Qing Ju had to rest,” He Heng moved as he
held the person closer. A certain part that was exceptionally alert
coincidentally touched Qu Qing Ju’s sensitive part, “Why doesn’t
Qing Ju exercise some more?”
Qu Qing Ju twisted. Seeing the other inhale, she breathed softly and
licked at his neck, “Is wang ye asking qie to help?”

As his right hand caressed that willowy waist, He Heng’s voice

trembled, “Is Qing Ju willing to help?”
Her arms wrapping around He Heng’s neck, the corner of Qu Qing
Ju’s mouth curled, looking unspeakably enticing. The tip of her
tongue swiped across her lips and she asked in a light voice: “Wang
ye, why don’t you take a guess?”

Their gazes met. In the midst of the white steam obscuring the
room, the two curled around each other, igniting the excitement and
tension in the room.
More than an hour later, Qu Qing Ju and He Heng came out
together. Qu Qing Ju only had a red jade hairpin in her simple
hairstyle and wore a wide-sleeved dress as red as the sunset. When
contrasted against the black cotton robe of wang ye, it looked
extremely picturesque.
He Ming was escorted by the servants to his residence. He
coincidentally saw er ge and a red-clad woman walking together. He
paused momentarily before lowering his eyes as he quickly walked
in front of the two: “Good morning, er ge, er sao.”

“Good morning si shu.” Qu Qing Ju lowered her head slightly and

took a small step back.
“You finally came, wei xiong has been hoping for a long time that you
would come,” He Heng released Qu Qing Ju’s hand. He said with a
smile, “Go see your residence first. If there is anything lacking, just
order them.”
“Thanks, er ge.” He Ming cupped his hand over his other in a fist.
He, along with his entourage, followed the manor servants to his
residence. His rooms were not far from Yu Yun Tower. It was called
Joyful Jade Pavilion. Located beside his rooms was a hot spring.
This seemed to have been specially arranged for He Ming.
He Ming looked at his surroundings. The furnishings were all very
fine, even the color of the bed covering were what he usually used.
Sitting down at the carved pear-wood table, the yahuan came in
with tea and refreshments, presenting them to He Ming.
Just as he took a drink, He Ming saw Ming He coming in with a
smile. He gave a respectful bow before he spoke: “Your Highness
Cheng Wang, our wang ye said that after you have rested, he invites
you to join him for the evening meal at Jade Cloud Tower. If Your
Highness is not used to this room, nucai will get the servants to
change it immediately.
“This place is very good, nothing needs to be changed. Give my
thanks to er ge.” He Ming smiled, pushing his teacup to one side, “It
is me who is disturbing him. Gonggong, please tell er ge that I will
arrive on time.”
“Your Highness Cheng Wang exaggerates. You and our wang ye are
brothers. There isn’t any disturbing here,” Ming He bowed as he
replied, “Nucai will report back to wang ye now. Your Highness,
please have a good rest.” He gave another bow before shutting the
door as he left.
Once the door was closed, the rooms became much quieter. He
Ming deduced that the servants were purposefully stepping lightly as
they passed by his rooms, clearly being careful so that his rest was
not disrupted.
“Er ge’s people are very proper,”” He Ming spread his arms, allowing
his personal taijian Sun Hai to undress him. After his jade coronet
was taken down, he leaned back into the sofa, “Coming here today
means that I am standing with er ge.”
Sun Hai carefully placed the jade coronet into a box. Hearing wang
ye say such a thing, he questioned in a small voice: “Wang ye, you
came here to recover, why … …”
“I’m already in the middle of the situation, who can I avoid it?” He
Ming laughed carefree, “In any case, it wouldn’t be as bad now.
More so with er ge. He may be usually warm and polite but he
certainly isn’t a benevolent and soft-hearted person. Lao da might be
straightforward and generous on the surface but in reality he was
narrow-minded and remembered only offences, not boons. To ally
with such a person, the other wouldn’t have gratitude for his allies
unless every venture was successful. Lao san’s personality is
arrogant and brash, his heart only has power, not the people. To be
close to such a person, even if he became the Emperor, there
wouldn’t be any easy days.”
As He Ming spoke, his tone changed: “But er ge, his personality isn’t
as generous as lao da’s but he doesn’t look at everyone haughtily.
His thoughts might be deep but he isn’t of fickle character. As long
as nothing seriously wrong occurs, there will be at least some
feeling.” Originally, he had been hesitant but when he saw er ge and
er sao holding hands as they walked, he made his decision.

As an Emperor, he naturally couldn’t be compassionate and lenient

but he would not be completely emotionless. Someone like er ge
was perfect.
Sun Hai didn’t understand why wang ye suddenly made such a
decision, but as a personal taijian, aside from loyalty, he also had to
know when to speak. So he only needed to follow wang ye’s orders.

“Go deliver the gifts ben wang brought to Jade Cloud Tower. Say
that this is the regard ben wang has as a didi.” He Ming stood, “Go,
ben wang will rest.”

“Yes,” Sun Hai looked at the bed that had already been prepared
and carefully retreated.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the heap of gifts that Cheng Wang had
delivered. He had included items that were suitable for women. It
looked like he had even prepared gifts for her. She turned to look at
He Heng who was toying with a jade lion biting a ball. For some
reason, she was reminded of the lion that had won the ball in the
New Years Lion Dance..
“Wang ye likes this jade statue?” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she asked,
“This lion is good-looking, so majestic.”
“En, the multi-colored pearl in the mouth was also carved well,”
Returning the jade statue to the box, he closed the lid. He Heng
commented. “It’s very rare that si di has such intentions.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled, nodding: “Si shu is really too polite. He can

come freely, but why send over so many gifts?” Her eyes swept over
the jade lion box. She thought calmly, the busy Little Student Ming
wasn’t as honest as he appeared.
That made more sense, how could a naïve child appear in the
Imperial Family? If there ever was a naïve child, they would have
already been reincarnated into another family.
“You like it too?” He Heng nodded at how Qu Qing Ju kept gazing at
the box. He said, “Since you like it, then take it. It’s just a small
ornament. It would be its greatest fortune to make a beauty happy.”
“I’m a woman, what do I want with these lions and tigers?” Qu Qing
Ju snorted, “In the future, why don’t wang ye find me some jade
lotuses or hibiscuses? I find them more beautiful.” She looked
disdainfully at the box, “It’s only you rough men that like fierce
beasts that chew raw meat.”
He Heng fell into speechlessness. It clearly represented grandeur
and bravery, such a fierce and majestic lion. Why was it then, that in
the words of his wang fei, it simply became a beast that only knew
to eat raw meat?
He immediately changed his point of view. It was just a beast, where
was there any other meaning?
Even if it did have one, right now, it was just a jade lion.
That night, He Heng put on a banquet to receive He Ming. Qu Qing
Ju didn’t attend. Even though the separation of the sexes in Da Long
Dynasty was similar to that of the North and South Song Dynasties
of the previous life, she was perceptive enough to not meddle in this
Qu Qing Ju’s appetite wasn’t affected at all as she ate the food that
was made for her alone. She was even able to drink an extra half
bowl of pearl pheasant soup.
“Wang fei, wang ye said he might drink some wine with His Highness
Cheng Wang and that wang fei can retire early if tired.” Ming He had
entered the bottom level of the tower and saw wang fei was
washing her hands since she had finished eating. He added, “Wang
ye also said that he wants to climb the Bai Yun Mountain with you
“I know. Get the servants to make some sobering soup. If the
banquet is over, serve some of it to the two wang ye.” Qu Qing Ju
wiped her hands dry. She added: “Also, pass my words over: wang
ye should drink less wine, too much wine isn’t good for his wound.”

“Yes, nucai remembers.”

After Ming He retreated, Qu Qing Ju’s brow jumped. If he was

playing the tactic of self-inflicted injury, then he had to play from
beginning to end. The details determined the success. Whatever he
shouldn’t do, he really was not allowed to do them.
After hearing Ming He’s message, He Heng smiled helplessly.
Turning to He Ming, he said: “Look, this is the bothersome part of
having a wang fei. She reminds you at every turn.”

He Ming saw that even though er ge was complaining, the smile on

his face was growing brighter. He replied: “Er ge, don’t get angry.
Based on didi’s humble opinion, this is er sao acting concerned for
you. No one else would dare to restrict your pleasures like this. It
can be seen that er sao has your body in mind.”

When he finished, he saw the smile on He Heng’s face becoming

even more visible. He raised a cup to He Ming: “It looks like si di will
love his wife in the future. That’s a good thing.”
He Ming followed in raising his cup then drained his cup in one
He Ming said to Ming He: “Return to tell wang fei and say that I
know and rest early.”
“Yes,” Ming He once again left to ferry messages between wang ye
and wang fei.

He Ming seemed to feel that er ge was showing off. But given his
understanding of er ge’s character, he very quickly rejected the
thought and admonished himself for even thinking of it. Sometimes,
the truth just accidentally brushed past others.
Chapter Sixty One “Bamboo

The assassination attempt against He Heng had caused both the

court and the hougong to descend into chaos, yet He Heng himself
was at peace. He didn’t have to wake up early to attend court nor
did he have to fence with those two bothersome brothers. He saw
He Ming, clad in a brown robe, approaching him and a smile
appeared on his face, “Today’s weather is pretty good. It’s perfect
for going outside.”
He Ming nodded in agreement. The day after er ge was attacked,
there had been a rainstorm. Today’s sun was exceptionally bright.
Thinking back to last night, after he had finished eating, er ge had
invited him for a walk to Bai Yun Mountain. He didn’t hesitate in
accepting his invitation. But right now, he noticed that er ge was
standing in the courtyard as if he was waiting for someone.
“Yu di heard that there is a Five Estates Monastery on top of Bai
Yun Mountain. Many people have visited the area.” He Ming smiled,
“It’s just that I’ve never been there.”
“Us brothers are too busy with Court matters. It’s rare that we have
free time like now. Let’s go for a nice walk and take a good look
around.” He Heng’s tone was relaxed, as though he had never been
attacked at all.
Whilst the brothers were talking, an unfamiliar taijian scurried over to
bow in front of them: “Wang ye, wang fei said that it’s possible to set
off in less than ten minutes.”
He Heng nodded, “Order the servants to prepare the items needed
for the outing. We will leave in fifteen minutes.”
He Ming watched the relatively young taijian walk away before
hesitantly saying: “Er ge, yu di didn’t know that er sao was going to
come, this … …”
“We’re one family, there’s no need to follow protocol for such a
minor matter,” He Heng smiled as he patted his shoulder, “You saozi
has been married to me for several months. She’d been running the
household all this time and hadn’t had a chance to walk around.
Today’s weather is so good, wouldn’t it be a disappointment if she
stayed in?”
Seeing that er ge really was treating him as one of his own people,
He Ming’s heart warmed. He raised his hands together in a fist as he
said: “Er ge is right, it was didi who is too much of a zealot.”
Inside Jade Cloud Tower, Qu Qing Ju stepped into her embroidered
flat shoes. She was in a good mood as she came out the door with
her yahuan. After seeing that both He brothers were waiting for her,
she paused before walking rapidly to He Heng and bowed properly
to He Ming, “Good morning, si shu.”
“Good morning, er sao.” He Ming hurriedly returned a bow.
Qu Qing Ju retreated half a step, clearly avoiding half his bow. She
turned to smile at He Heng: “Has wang ye waited long?” She wasn’t
wearing her usual floor-length dress. Instead she had on a short
dress that was embroidered with peach blossoms. It was perfect,
matching perfectly with the spring sun.
“Did you leave anything behind? If not, we should leave.” He Heng
touched the butterfly and flower gold buyao in Qu Qing Ju’s hair. For
some reason, even though he hadn’t yet seen the scenery outside,
he’d already felt that it was lovely.
Qu Qing Ju shook her head, the buyao gently sliding against He
Heng’s palm: “I didn’t leave anything behind. Now is the best time to
“If that’s so, then let’s go,” He Heng grasped Qu Qing Ju’s hand. He
turned to He Ming, “Si di, please.”
“Er ge and er sao first,” He Ming took a step back, slightly lowering
his head to indicate his respect for his elder brother and wife.
He Heng smiled at him and walked with Qu Qing Ju in the front. He
Ming walked two steps behind. His gaze fell on their backs and he
felt admiration. Er ge and er sao had such good feelings for each
other. Thinking about his own marriage to the xiaojie from the Luo
Family, the Rites Ministry had already started preparing the wedding
and He Ming felt expectation bloom in his heart. After his wang fei
entered the fu, would they be as affectionate as his brother and his
Sun Hai, following behind He Ming, was also deeply moved. They
had said that the Imperial Family had no emotions, but that was only
because they hadn’t met the right person. Look at Duan Wang and
Duan Wang Fei. This was a real perfect couple, a match made in the
As the chief steward of Cheng Wang Fu, even though his ears and
eyes might not be considered talented, he knew what he should
know. He had heard that there had been a few beautiful women in
Duan Wang Fu, but after wang fei entered the fu, a beauty had been
sent away but Duan Wang wasn’t dissatisfied with Duan Wang Fei.
Even with the matter of Chang De Gong Fu, there hadn’t been any
whispers of dissent between the couple.
Maybe it was because Duan Wang was infatuated or perhaps Duan
Wang Fei had great skill. But no matter the reason, out of the three
Highness’ who were married, only Duan Wang was the subject of the
public’s admiration.
As it was quite a hike to reach the top, the servants had prepared
the sedans in advance. If their masters became tired, their strength
would be required.
After coming out of the range of Fu Lang Mountain, they hadn’t
walked far before she saw Bai Yun Mountain. Qu Qing Ju looked at
the sign engraved with the three characters of Bai Yun Mountain.
She raised her head to gaze at the towering green mountain which
appeared especially majestic under the sun.
“What is it, are your legs soft?” He Heng teased as he noticed her
look of awe. Smiling, he suggested, “If you don’t want to walk, you
can have them carry you.” He pointed at the line of sedans behind
Qu Qing Ju slightly raised a brow and reached out to pull his sleeve:
“I’m not afraid of going up. I’ll just pull on you.”
He Heng laughed lightly. He whispered into her ear: “If you can’t walk
up, I’ll carry you.”
Qu Qing Ju gave him a smile, which instantly disappeared. She
looked regretfully at his left arm, “What a pity that wang ye is
He Heng: … …
He Ming felt that that his name wasn’t good, for sure. Otherwise,
why else would his brother and sao zi act as though he was as clear
as a crystal – not existing at all? He shifted his gaze to look at the
Five Estates Monastery that was located halfway up the mountain
and wondered how much longer it would take to climb.
The couple continued teasing each other before regaining their usual
composure and continued their climbing. Both of them knew that the
Five Estates Monastery was famous and it would have many
visitors. If they met some family members of officials, it would be too
The mountain road was made up of stairs carved directly from the
rocks. There was an unspeakable feeling as they stepped on these
stairs. As she listened to the birdsong, Qu Qing Ju turned to look
back at her progress and felt joy at her accomplishment.
Breathing hard, Qu Qing Ju used a handkerchief to wipe at the fine
sweat on her face. She panted: “I didn’t think I’ve ever climbed this
many steps before.” She saw He Heng’s face wasn’t red nor was he
breathing hard. She felt that it wasn’t fair. Didn’t they say that these
imperial sons had no strength, that they only knew how to eat, drink
and play? Looking at this calm and composed state of He Heng, was
her knowledge faulty?
“Wang ye’s endurance is very good,” Qu Qing Ju reached out to pull
on his sleeve so she could climb another step, “How many more?”
“We started learning the six arts when we turned six years old.
When I was younger, I liked riding, shooting and polo. You don’t even
need strength to climb such a small mountain like this.” He Heng saw
her state and wanted the servants to help her onto the sedan. But
Qu Qing Ju refused.
“I won’t be defeated,” Qu Qing Ju waved away the servants. She
raised her head to look at the seemingly endless stairs, “Continue.”
He Heng smiled helplessly. He looked at her for a beat and extended
his palm to her.
Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered her face. She looked at the clean palm
in front of her, pausing momentarily before putting her left hand onto
his wide palm.
Even the most difficult road would end. Qu Qing Ju finally stepped
on the last rock stair. She looked at the black stone path that led to
the monastery, breathing heavily. She wiped the sweat off her
slightly rosy face and revealed a smile: “Finally here.”
He Heng looked at her, smiled and nodded, “Many wives of the
officials and powerful men come to this place from Jing City. Wang
fei may be the only woman who has actually walked up the
mountain. Today, when you go inside to request a stick, it will be the
best one.”
Qu Qing Ju couldn’t believe that He Heng would say such a thing.
She stilled before replying: “Wang ye walked up as well. So both of
us will get a good stick.”
He Heng reached out to touch her forehead. He found that she
hadn’t over-sweated. Relieved, he said: “Husband and wife is one
being. When you request a stick, it will represent the both of us.”
Qu Qing Ju thought to herself, who doesn’t know that you feel that it
is improper for males to do such things? The smile on her face
became even luminous: “Great. With our combined luck, it would be
an extremely good stick.”
The three walked to the main gate of the Five Estates Monastery
and found that the monastery wasn’t very large in size. It looked very
ancient and dignified. A black-bearded master sat near the door, the
Buddhist robes on his body slight worn and clean. He didn’t seem to
react to their appearance.
The monastery worshiped the Jade Pure One, the Grand Pure One
and the Supreme One. Qu Qing Ju, the atheist, started to revere
deities after her time travel. After she had entered the hall of the
gods through the side door, she knelt down on the praying mat. She
bowed then took the jar of sticks and closed her eyes as she shook.
A short while later, a stick dropped out. She scanned it. She found
that if the characters were separated, she could recognize them, but
she couldn’t understand the meaning of the whole poem. She
returned the jar to its original spot, picked up the stick and left
through the same door to see the master.
“Please, master, explain this stick to this one,” Qu Qing Ju politely
presented the stick with both hands.
The black-bearded master looked at her hands before raising his
head to gaze at her face. He stood to take the stick with both hands,
a harmonious smile on his face as he requested: “This honoured
female, please sit. Wait for this poor Taoist to take a look.”
He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju sit down in front of the black-bearded
Taoist and stood to walk up behind Qu Qing Ju, waiting to hear the
Taoist’s explanation.
Who knew that the Taoist would take just one look at the stick
before placing it to the side. He ran his fingers through his black
beard: “The Endless One,[1] recently Jing has encountered great
change. Not many have come to the monastery to request sticks.
The fact that the two honoured ones have walked up at this time, it
might be fate. This Taoist sees that both have brows that are full and
light auras. Even if a stick hadn’t been requested, you already have
great karma.
“This Taoist has profound wisdom to know that we had walked from
just a glance,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, neglecting to mention their
supposed great karma.
“This Taoist Xuan Ling has stayed at this monastery for more than
half a year. In all of this honoured one’s life, only you two cannot be
explained by this Taoist,” The bearded Taoist stood up to bow to
them and placed the stick in He Heng’s hand, “This Taoist has failed
the two honoured ones’ hopes. I’m ashamed, ashamed.
He Heng took the stick and smiled warmly as he reassured: “Spirit
Master Xuan Ling is too serious. The Mandate of Heaven is all
around the world. We shouldn’t make things difficult for Spirit
He lowered his head to look at the stick. Written on top was, “Nine
mountains quiet green tears flower red, three geng[2][2] fire five geng
chicken. Feng[3] flies elegantly, the four seas beg huang.”
A strange stick. The first part was not related to the second. The
words did not match, not to mention the lack of any coupling. It was
a mess. He Heng handed the stick over to Qu Qing Ju. He didn’t
know why women liked believing in this kind of stuff.


1. The Endless One isn’t actually one of the deities. In Taoism, the three great
deities can be called the “Three Endless (Eternal) Ones”. The “One” in the
“endless one” is an emphasis on endless (which could be translated as
limitless or countless), which is used as one of the most respectful ways of
referring to someone and represents the highest and greatest power.

2. Geng is equivalent to o’clock. Three geng is the time from 11pm -1am at
night. Five geng is the time from 3 to 5 am.

3. Feng and huang are two mythical birds, often combined as one being. Feng is
male, huang is female. As fenghuang, the being can be translated to be the
Chapter Sixty Two “Reality”

The Spirit Master didn’t notice He Heng passing the stick over to Qu
Qing Ju. He gave them another Taoist bow, “Two honored ones, no
other guests are coming here today. This Taoist bids you farewell.”
He left the place, stroking his beard.
Before Qu Qing Ju could react, Spirit Master Xuan Ling had already
walked into the forest. She could only see the back of his figure as
he quickly disappeared from her sight.
He really did look like a powerful master, leaving so gracefully and
only showing the back of his figure. Qu Qing Ju lowered her head to
look at the stick in her hand. She might not understand the meaning
of what was written but she could still detect what was wrong with
the stick.
Most sticks were part of a set amount, the writing of a particular
style. The one she received had the wrong type of coupling, the
topics were unrelated and the tone was wrong. Even the poem was
constructed randomly with no rhyme or reason.
Perhaps this stick had been a practice stick of one of the junior
Taoists of the monastery? No wonder the Taoist looked profound but
couldn’t explain the stick. Did he also think the stick wasn’t right?
“Nine mountains quiet and green tears flower red, three geng fire
five geng chicken .. …” Qu Qing Ju toyed with the stick as she
recited the two unrelated lines. She raised her brow and stood up,
“Wang ye, I don’t think there is anything more to see here. Why don’t
we leave?”
He Heng saw that she didn’t seem to care about the stick since
she’d handed it over to Mu Jin behind her. He smiled and agreed:
“Let’s leave then.” The Taoist said that they were some honoured
persons and that the number of Jing guests had lessened after that
incident in Jing City. He must have noticed their status from their
high-quality clothing and the assassination attempt had only occurred
a few days earlier.
As for that part about them climbing up the mountain, he turned to
look at the rosy blush that still hadn’t faded from Qu Qing Ju’s face.
It was a very visible fact. Ghosts and gods, it was just that one saw
what one expected.
What nine mountains quiet and green tears flower red, three geng
fire five geng … … He Heng’s expression suddenly changed. He
stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at Mu Jin, who was
supporting Qu Qing Ju, “Let ben wang see the stick again.”
After seeing no objections coming from wang fei, Mu Jin carefully
gave him the stick. She noticed that wang ye’s expression was
slightly strange.
“This stick has nonsense written on it. Don’t waste any effort in
keeping it,” He Heng threw the stick to Qian Chang Xin beside him,
before turning to speak to Qu Qing Ju, “The road down is more
difficult, we’ll use the sedans this time.”
Qu Qing Ju didn’t look at his actions and only smiled and nodded in
response. The couple walked ahead of He Ming, who was perplexed
by his brother’s actions. He Heng said: “A stick that has no rhyme or
reason, it seems that your er sao’s hand isn’t very lucky.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she replied: “I asked you to come along this
time. You didn’t join me because you said that I was requesting for
the both of us. Now you disdain my hand for being unlucky. That’s
not fair.”
“Fine, fine, good men don’t fight with women,” He Heng smiled as he
waved his hand, “We should still descend. There’s a small stream at
the foot of Bai Yun Mountain. We can have a picnic beside it.”
“That’s good,” He Ming acted as though he didn’t see the flirtations
between the two, a sincere smile on his face, “Yu di had always
wanted to have a meal in the midst of nature.”
As the three talked, they walked along the black stone path.
Somehow, the topic switched to the matter of He Ming being
attacked when he went to Jiang Nan.
“The Royal Court might be fighting heavily but this matter will
eventually reach a conclusion,” He Heng understood his predicament,
patting his shoulder as he comforted sympathetically, “There is
always difficult matters in the world. You just have to endure them.”
“Er ge is right, even if fuhuang is honoured of the nine-five ,[1] he
cannot do as he pleases.” He Ming smiled, “Don’t worry er ge, yu di
He Heng nodded. He looked at the three step-carriages in front,
saying: “Si di first.”
“You first.” He Ming slightly bent his body, expressing the respect
that he had as a didi for his elder brother in every way.
After the three got on, Qu Qing Ju looked at the scenery through the
sheer cloth. She felt the carriage start to sway as it moved. He Ming
was right. Even the Emperor, as the honoured of the nine-five, could
not do as he pleased, let alone everyone else.
Suddenly, she straightened, honoured of the nine-five … … nine …
… five … …
Patting her face, Qu Qing Ju once again relaxed lazily onto the soft
cushion. It didn’t matter if she thought too much. All she did today
was get a trash stick, nothing else happened.
Every step taken going down the mountain had to be firm. The
servants carrying them carefully and steadily stepped on each stone
stair. When they had finally reached flat ground, they all
simultaneously let out a breath. Flat road was much easier to travel
on than going downhill, and much safer too.
Just then, they saw several carriages heading towards them from
the opposite direction. The carriages looked alike and had two
armoured guards standing by each carriage.
Qian Chang Xin’s eyes narrowed and he instantly understood. This
was most likely the female candidates[2] who were being sent to Jing
City from the other parts of the country. His expression didn’t change
and continued to proceed forward, not letting the servants give way.
The driver in the front didn’t know who it was, but after seeing the
many guards following behind the three sedans, he knew it was
most likely a family of an official or nobility who’d came out to see
the wilderness. He drove the wagon to one side and waited for them
to pass by before moving on.
The candidates in the wagons looked at the sedans traveling past
them and started to talk amongst themselves.
“I wonder who is sitting in the sedans. Look how big the procession
was.” A candidate who looked fifteen stated, “It looks so
“With this many guards and servants, it can’t be a normal person,” A
slightly fatter candidate glanced at her, “Maybe it’s a wang ye or jun
“Dream on! Is it that easy to meet a wang ye or someone similar?”
Another candidate joined in, “Maybe it’s a wang fei or a xiaojie.”
Instantly, the candidates in the carriage laughed.
The guard driving the wagon heard the noise inside and his face
became colder. Looking at the way they boasted, they didn’t have
the fate to become an honoured person.
He recalled the news he’d heard recently. There was a rumor going
around that Jing City wasn’t stable these days. Cheng Wang and
Duan Wang were both recovering in the Jing suburbs. His expression
changed. Could it have been Duan Wang or Cheng Wang who had
passed by? Otherwise, who else would have such a big procession
in this place right now?
When the sedan stopped, the curtain in front of Qu Qing Ju was
lifted. She took Mu Jin’s hand to get out of the sedan. Looking at the
green grass and the stream nearby, she couldn’t help but sigh: “This
place does have good scenery.”
When she turned back, she saw the servants were already building
a stove and lifting chairs. In a short while, everything that needed to
be prepared was completed. Qu Qing Ju felt that the artists under
her management who acted in historical works were weaklings. Just
looking at the sheer abilities these servants had, those artists would
fail in comparison.
He Heng walked to her side, pointing at the stream as he spoke:
“This stream is very wide, so it was named Qing Xi River. On the
other side lies one of our properties. It was bestowed by fuhuang
two years ago.
The frustration of having too many houses and not enough time to
live in them made Qu Qing Ju give a small smile: “A piece of
fuhuang’s paternal love. It’s just a pity that we don’t go out very
often. We can’t even visit all the properties that fuhuang has
bestowed, such a regret.”
“In the future, I will spend some time accompanying you out and
about,” He Heng saw the joy in her smile and his own smile became
more visible. He pulled the other to sit down on the table constructed
earlier by the servants before announcing, “I had the guards hunt
down some game so that the chefs from the fu can make some
dishes for us to taste.”
He Ming soaked in the sunlight, his heart warming up. He pointed at
the stream as he ordered: “Sun Hai, see if there’s any fish there. If
there is, bring me a fishing rod.”
Sun Hai hurriedly ran to look at the edge of the stream. He quickly
ran back. He smiled as he answered: “Wang ye, this one saw fish in
the water, but could not see how large they were.”
“Then ben wang is going fishing,” he stood and raised his hands in a
fist to He Heng, “er ge, didi is going to fish for a while.”
He Heng nodded, “Be careful, don’t get your feet wet.”
Hearing this, He Ming smiled, “Don’t worry, er ge, didi knows.”
Qu Qing Ju watched as He Ming lifted up his robe. After tying the
cloth at his waist, he ordered the servant to bring a bench, a rod and
fish bait to the stream edge. She sighed. Many of the seventeen or
eighteen year old youths in her previous life were immature children.
He Ming was already this steady. Now though, he was expressing
some of the vitality that young people had. She didn’t know if it came
from the heart or if it was just an act.
She glanced at He Heng sitting beside her. This person was just over
twenty. To have the mind and tactics he did, it could be inferred that
the Imperial House was a place that toughened people. The
complexity of the Imperial House already surpassed the
entertainment circles of her previous life. In the entertainment circles,
the most you lost was fame. In the Imperial House, if you lost, your
life, wife and children were also forfeited.
Just thinking about it, it couldn’t have been easy for He Heng, as a
young man in his early twenties, to be the way he was. She felt, in a
deep part of her heart, a small drop of maternal care form.
But after she thought of the person’s cunning, that tiny bit of
maternal care instantly disappeared. She casually used a silver pick
to spear a piece of pear and put it into her mouth. Tender, juicy, the
taste was also good. She speared another piece to hold up in front
of He Heng, indicating for him to have a taste.
Tasting it straight from Qu Qing Ju’s hand, He Heng nodded. He
smiled: “Not bad.”
Qian Chang Xin glanced at the pear that had been placed very close
to wang fei. Didn’t wang ye dislike pears?
At Jin An Princess Royal’s fu, He Gui Nian flipped through the
invitations in her hand. She said with a calm expression: “Just say
that ben gong is exhausted these days, and won’t be receiving any
guests.” These people only wanted to get exclusive news about
Duan Wang and Cheng Wang. Didn’t they know that as a woman,
how would she even know such things? But even if she did know,
she wouldn’t tell them anything.
Thinking about the palace news, she hesitated and summoned one
of her most intimate servants, Du mama: “Last time at the admiring
picture banquet, ben gong heard er dimei likes fruit. Ben gong has
lots of new fruit here. Get someone to send some over to er dimei.
Also, the medicine that ben gong had prepared for er di and si di,
send that over as well.”
Du mama listened before asking: “Princess, since the court is in a
mess because of the assassination attacks, why don’t you wait a
few days before sending the items over?”
He Gui Nian’s face was solemn as she explained: “The Imperial
Guards had found out that while the handicraft of the arrow used to
attack Duan Wang was normal, the wood used for the arrow shaft is
one that could only be found in the mountain of one of Rui Wang’s
properties. This matter has already been transferred to the Supreme
Court and the Ministry of Justice. Sooner or later, they will be
reporting to fuhuang.”
Du mama’s expression changed slightly. A long pause later, she
finally hypothesized: “Emperor has always been partial to Rui Wang,
then this … …”
“The world is watching,” He Gui Nian gripped a card, “fuhuang might
favour Rui Wang but he cannot stop the mouths of the world. No
matter what the result is, Rui Wang… … unless ben gong’s three
brothers are all gone, he will have no fate with the throne.”
“Nubi will go immediately,” Du mama understood and hurriedly left.
Flipping the card in her hand, she saw what was written on top,
“Chang De Gong Fu Wei shi.” She gave a cold smile. Did that
person think she would be honored by her presence because she
was the lao taitai of Chang De Gong Fu? She thought too highly of
herself. There were many people in Jing City who were older than
her, but she didn’t pay them any honors. Not to mention that this old
lady was part of a gong fu that was definitely going to fall.
I made a terrible translation here because the author grabbed bits
and pieces and shoved it together
九山静绿泪花红 ,三更灯火五更鸡。凤飞翩翩兮,四海求凰
Nine mountains quiet and green tears flower red is from a poem by
Li He called Xiang Fei. Xiang Fei is the daughter of Emperor Yao,
and actually the younger of two very famous sisters of Chinese
mythology, E Huang and Nv Ying who both married the same
Emperor Shun who succeeded their father. The poem refers to the
death of Emperor Shun, after which the two sisters committed
suicide in the river. Nine mountains is Jiu (nine) Yi Mountains, the
burial place of Shun, quiet and green is the color of bamboo, and the
tears flower red are the bloody tears of Xiang Fei.
Three geng fire five geng chicken is a Tang Dynasty poem called
“Encouraging Learning” (劝学). It is about a scholar working hard
into the night (until 11) with the lantern fire and then sleeping until
when the chicken/rooster cries (3 am) to wake up and start studying
Feng flies elegantly, the four seas beg huang is from the poem “Feng
Seeks Huang”. It’s a love poem about a man who saw a woman and
is expressing his longing and love for her. He’s the feng seeking the
huang around the world.
The basic meaning that Qu Qing Ju and He Heng saw here was the
nine-five of the Emperor in the first phrase. And everything else is up
for people to examine. The first phrase belongs more to He Heng
and the second about Qu Qing Ju.


1. 九五之尊: the numbers nine and five come from possibly the most influential
Chinese Classics I Ching (Yi Jing). It is a book on divination taken in part from
Zhou Jing (of Western Zhou Dynasty) which was based on oracle bones. The
divination is done on a set of 64 hexagrams(each with six horizontal lines,
unbroken ones are yang, broken lines are yin). The first and best hexagram is
Qian (six unbroken lines) which is the most masculine and also represent
Heaven or the Sky. The first two lines represent the earth, the second pair the
people, the third pair heaven. The first, third, and fifth lines are yang (the
position, unrelated to whether the line is broken or not). The second, fourth,
and sixth lines occupy a yin position. Five is the most masculine and the best
representation of heaven. The nine (jiu) isn’t an actual number, it’s a symbol
that indicate (yin/yang) of the number. Hence, nine-five representing the
Mandate of Heaven and the Emperor – creating the nine dragons on the
emperor’s robes with five feet, the construction of the Forbidden Palace and
was one of the reasons the first Zhou Emperor (as king) marched on the last
Shang Emperor when he interpreted an solar eclipse.

2. 选女: women (girls) chosen for the draft into the palace. They will either end
up as palace maids, or concubines.
Chapter Sixty Three “Trapping
Ning Wang”

By now, Rui Wang was the most infamous person in Jing City. First
of all, he was suspected of attacking his didi, and now he was
suspected of doing the same to his gege. Such ruthless conduct,
disregarding all fraternal duty. Even though it had not been proven, in
the eyes of everyone, Rui Wang had now charged with being
unfraternal along with being arrogant and domineering.
Qing De Emperor hadn’t thought that the two matters would have
become intimately connected to three of his sons. He looked at the
arrow which had been presented to him by the commander of the
Imperial Guards. A beat later, he sighed. Regardless of the truth,
Yuan’er wasn’t suited to become an Emperor.
“Your Majesty, Shu guifei niangniang requests a meeting,” The chief
taijian entered the room and knelt in front of him.

Qing De Emperor stood and walked to the window and saw the
woman waiting outside. He closed his eyes as he refused, “Tell Shu
guifei to return. Just say that zhen is too busy and cannot see her
right now.”
A flicker of surprise appeared in the chief taijian’s eyes before he
instantly recovered. He bowed and retreated. It seemed that the
Emperor had lost hope in the Third Highness.
“Guifei niangniang, Emperor is concerned with state matters at the
moment so he cannot meet you.” The chief steward walked in front
of Shu guifei, respectfully announcing, “Please leave.”

“Emperor doesn’t want to see ben gong?” Shu guifei looked at the
wide open door, anger rising up within her. She turned and left,
clearly furious at the conduct of the Emperor.
“Respectfully sending Shu guifei niangniang,” The chief taijian
serenely bent at the waist. He looked on as Shu guifei hurriedly left
his view before slowly straightening. A smile, just like any other smile
he had given before, appeared on his face. Shu guifei’s personality
hadn’t changed after all these years. But what was she doing by
having a tantrum at this time?
Shu guifei came out of the main gate of Tian Qi Palace. Her face
had darkened considerably as she entered the step-carriage. Not
even the bright sunlight could lighten up her mood.
When Jing guifei met Shu guifei in the Imperial Gardens, she was
holding two roses in full bloom. Seeing the ugly expression on the
other’s face, she smiled as she asked: “Meimei, what has made you
so angry?”
“Jiejie seems to be in a good mood,” Su guifei snorted, “I see that
His Highness Duan Wang’s injuries weren’t that serious.”
“It was the Heavens that protected him,” Jing guifei handed the
flowers to the palace maid beside her, “I just don’t know how the
victim feels right now.”
Shu guifei smiled coldly. She had always looked down on Wei shi’s
act, using pretty words to make His Majesty happy. She indicated
for the taijian supporting the step-carriage to continue since she had
no desire of disembarking.
Jing guifei narrowed her eyes as she saw the procession of Shu
guifei leave in a huff. She smiled lazily: “Ben gong loves her temper.”
Otherwise, how else could she have climbed to such a high position?
Just as everyone assumed that the matter was definitely related to
Rui Wang, the Associate Justice Tian da ren gave a report at Court
which surprised everyone with its contents.
Tian da ren reported that the Supreme Court had, just three months
before Duan Wang was attacked by assassins, received a report
from a steward of Rui Wang’s property. He said that the mountain
had lost a large number of trees. It wasn’t very valuable, but to
prevent others from having nefarious aims, the steward had
immediately notified the Supreme Court.
“So what Tian da ren means to say is that given the report from san
di’s fu, this incident has nothing to do with san di,” He Qi said
amusedly before asking, “But didn’t da ren think that this may have
been purposefully done by san di?”
“What the truth of the case is, this official does not know. This official
is only reporting what is known to the Emperor,” Tian Jin Ke didn’t
care for Ning Wang’s nitpicking. He gave a bow to Qing De Emperor
before continuing, “Emperor, this official has also found that three
months ago, the Imperial Guards had run across some wagons
transporting wood. When they asked, they were told that they were
the servants of His Highness Ning Wang. One of them had even
revealed His Highness Ning Wang’s medal.”
“Nonsense, ben wang had just been fixing up a property in the
suburbs. Half a year ago, the residence was burned, everyone in
Jing knows that. What does Tian da ren mean to say?” He Qi hadn’t
thought that Tian Jin Ke would divert the matter onto him, instantly
yelling back: “ben wang thinks that you have treacherous aims and is
purposefully slandering ben wang in front of fuhuang.”

“Please quell your anger, Your Highness Ning Wang. This official has
already said that he is only saying what he has found, and has not
said this matter is connected with Your Highness,” Tian Jin Ke gave
a bow with two hands pressed together, “Perhaps it is only a
Qing De Emperor narrowed his eyes at his eldest son. He trusted
Tian Jin Ke. This was a person that he had met before he had
succeeded the throne. He impatiently interrupted before He Qi could
defend, “No need for discussion. Let the Ministry of Works
investigate how much wood you used to fix your estate so we can
find out the truth.” He turned to ask Tian Jin Ke, “Beloved Official
Tian,[1] do you know how much wood was purchased by Ning
“This official has already investigated. Emperor, please take a look.”
Tian Jin Ke bent his body as he presented the evidence with both
hands. After the palace hall taijian presented the account to the
Emperor, he silently retreated to one side.
“Fuhuang, you don’t believe er chen?!” He Qi looked in disbelief at
the man sitting at the top. He knelt with a loud bang, “Er chen
definitely wouldn’t do anything unfraternal, fuhuang, please
investigate thoroughly.”
“Hasn’t zhen sent someone to investigate? Get up,” Qing De
Emperor irritably waved his hand, “Tomorrow, zhen wants to know
the results. End of Court!”
Once the Emperor left, the officials started to leave. He Qi looked
fiercely at Tian Jin Ke. The other’s peaceful expression made him
even angrier, “Tian da ren is such a good dog, when you bite, you
take half of a life.”
Tian Jin Ke raised his eyelids, and lifted his hands up as he drawled:
“Your Highness Ning Wang is making jokes. Instead of wang ye
joking around with this official, shouldn’t you check to see if there is
anything wrong with the lumber?”
“Such a good Tian Jin Ke!” He Qi’s face was black as he swept
Tian Jin Ke watched as Ning Wang savagely rushed out of the
discussion hall. He calmly adjusted his own clothing and continued to
walk at a sedate pace towards the entrance.
In Fu Lang Manor, Qu Qing Ju sat in the bathtub. She looked at the
man bathing beside her, one of his arms raised high. She used a
cloth to wipe his chest, caressing the other’s muscles. She nodded
in satisfaction, “Wang ye’s body isn’t bad.”

“How my body is, Qing Ju should know best, “He Heng smiled as he
rubbed Qu Qing Ju’s hair. He abruptly asked, “Has Qing Ju ever
wanted something very much as a youngster?” His gaze swept
across the jade gourd that was hanging on her chest. His eyes
passed her white and tempting chest and slowly moved away.
“Wanted very much?” Qu Qing Ju didn’t stop her hands and wiped
down his stomach. She teased him a few times before smiling,
“When I was young, I wanted so many things. It was different each
day. When I saw other people’s beautiful clothes, beautiful hair
ornaments, I felt that I really wanted them. Afterwards, when I grew
up, I wanted a peaceful life, a person to accompany me through my
days, to accept and love me.” She then laughed out loud, in either
joy or self-disdain.
He Heng assumed that the ‘other people’ she’d mentioned were Qu
Yue Su and the Qu Family. He smiled as he reassured her, “In the
future, you don’t have to admire others. I will give you many good
things and have others admire you instead.” He reached out to touch
the luminous jade gourd, “I will accompany you and love you.”
Qu Qing Ju’s hands stilled. She smiled at He Heng, something
swirling in her eyes, “I believe that right now, wang ye’s words are
sincere.” In this world, many men were sincere when they were
spoke. But the length of this sincerity could be one month, one year,
even a lifetime. No one knew for sure.
As a gentle and soft hand smoothed over the other’s back, Qu Qing
Ju laughed as she promised: “If wang ye loves qie for a lifetime,
then naturally qie won’t leave.”

He Heng’s heart stopped. For some reason, he felt a slightly numb

yet piercing pain as a sweet yet sour feeling took over his heart. He
reached out to grab her waist. The waist in his embrace was very
soft, but it gave him the feeling of strength. In this instant, he
suddenly understood that even if a more remarkable woman
appeared in front of his eyes in the future, there wouldn’t be anyone
who could make him feel the way he did right now.
The steam from the bathtub blurred the figures of the two, spreading
out so that their eyes became hazy like the steam. It was beautiful
and somewhat unreal, but it made one feel that it should be like this.
At Court on the second day, all the officials stood in fear as they
listened to the people of the Ministry of Works reporting the strings
of numbers. They focused their absolute attention to the result
announced at the very end.
“… … this official and subordinates, after investigating all night, have
found that the amount of lumber His Highness Ning Wang had
brought and the amount he had actually used did not match up,” The
Minster of Works trembled as he finished reciting the numbers in his
hands and submissively shrunk his head as he stood to one side.
He Qi hadn’t expected that he would be implicated to this extent. He
moved forward a step to plead: “Fuhuang, er chen has nothing to do
with this matter. Lumber would have been wasted when they were
reconstructing the residence. These numbers might not all be
correct. Fuhuang, please re-investigate.”

“If it has nothing to do with you, why did the fingernails of the
assassin’s corpses have pollen from the balsam and rose flowers in
your estate?,” Qing De Emperor threw a secret report in front of his
eldest son. He watched as the other knelt down with a face full of
disbelief. He continued, voice full of hurt, “And the shoes they were
wearing and their clothing, they were the handiwork of the
embroidery women on your estate. Did you assume that others
couldn’t find out because they were just minor details? If you didn’t
want others to know, you shouldn’t have done it in the first place.”
“These assassins, they wore the same clothes as the ones who tried
to assassinate Cheng Wang. Even the blades and arrows were from
the same craftsmen. How do you explain all of this?!” Qing De
Emperor ranted furiously before coughing harshly, “As the eldest
son, you tried to frame and kill your brothers. Do you still have zhen,
or your brothers in your heart?!”
“Fuhuang, er chen is innocent!” He Qi didn’t understand how his
assassins were now mixed up with the unknown assassins who
attacked He Heng. He kowtowed furiously, “Fuhuang, er chen didn’t
know anything about this matter. Fuhuang, please investigate!”

“Zhen had asked you to investigate the case of the attacked envoys.
The truth seemed to have been uncovered, but who knew that the
true mastermind was you, an unfilial son,” Qing De Emperor pointed
at He Qi, not wanting to hear his explanation, “zhen will pretend to
not have an animal like you as a child. Come, imprison him in the
Bright Moon Tower within the Jing suburbs. He will not be released in
this lifetime!”
When he finished speaking, his body swayed and he fainted against
the arm of the dragon chair.
“Fuhuang!” He Qi saw Qing De Emperor faint, his already bad
expression becoming even more ugly. Before he could stand, the
Imperial Guards held him and started to drag him out of the hall.
He struggled to raise his head in the hands of the Imperial Guards.
He could only see, in the pandemonium of the great hall, a crowd of
officials escorting fuhuang out.
At that moment, he suddenly thought that if the evidence had pointed
to He Yuan, would fuhuang have made the same decision?

He twisted his body and stopped fighting when he found that he

couldn’t break free. He allowed the Imperial Guards to drag him
away in a wretched state. He raised his head to look at the clear sky
that stretched for thousands of miles. How did he lose?
Had he underestimated He Yuan’s intelligence, or was it that He
Yuan was too smart that he had bought his act as just an arrogant
and brash imperial son?
He lowered his head, the finely crafted white jade coronet in his hair
dropping to the ground. Looking at the coronet on the black stone,
he gave a low laugh.


1. 爱卿: term used by Emperors to refer to officials, usually those he is close to.
The translation is beloved official.
Chapter Sixty Four “Disparity”

“Before placing a stone, one has to look at the front, back, left and
right. You have to break the other person’s path and also leave a
retreat path for yourself. The worst tactic is to damage the enemy
one thousand but lose eight hundred yourself,” He Heng played with
the stones in his hand. Seeing Qu Qing Ju hesitating on where to
land, he pointed to a corner, “This place will block my retreat and eat
two of my stones. If I play and block your retreat, you could play
here and don’t have to worry.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at the black and white stones. She couldn’t see
any back paths or forward paths so she messily put down a stone
where He Heng indicated earlier. She smiled and commented,
“Today’s weather is so good. It’s such a pleasure to soak in the sun
whilst playing weiqi.” And the person sitting in front of her seemed to
be in a good mood.
“I think you are just lazy,” He Heng wanted to go easy on her so he
didn’t bother blocking those visible holes. Before he continued
speaking, he noticed Ming He guiding a black-robed Wang Chang
Ming over to his table in a rush. Apparently, some major event had
Qu Qing Ju also saw He Heng’s subordinate’s arrival and prepared
to stand and leave. Who knew He Heng would put down another
stone on the board? That implied he wished for her to stay and
continue playing.
“Greetings to wang ye, wang fei,” Wang Chang Ming bowed to the
two and said with a lowered head, “wang ye, His Highness Ning
Wang is currently being imprisoned in Bright Moon Tower and the
Emperor has fallen sick in anger.”
Ning Wang had overplayed his hand? Qu Qing Ju’s hand that held
her stone stilled, her face showing surprise, “Why is da be
imprisoned? What crime did he commit?”
“From the investigation conducted by the Supreme Court, the
Ministry of Justice and the Imperial Guards, His Highness Ning
Wang was implicated with the case of attempted assassination of
the imperial envoy as well as the case of attempted assassination on
wang ye.” Wang Chang Ming didn’t expect wang fei to speak but
seeing that wang ye didn’t seem to mind, he answered her truthfully,
“The palace has already sent down the decree freeing His Highness
Rui Wang from his house arrest. This one heard that Rui Wang has
already entered the palace to give his thanks.”
Da ge was just locked up and the sick lao san released. This old
emperor was in too much of a rush. Wasn’t the head of the Supreme
Court her jiujiu? Did this matter have something to do with him?

She turned her head to give He Heng a look of “how is this possible,
I don’t believe it”, followed by a doubtful expression, “Da be wouldn’t
do such a thing. Maybe there is a misunderstanding?”
“The Associate Justice Tian da ren has already thoroughly
investigated the matter. The proof is indisputable,” Wang Chang
Ming hadn’t lifted his head the entire time, “This one’s status is low
and unclear about many matters. However, this one heard that this
matter has already been settled and has no suspicious aspects. The
three da ren who were responsible for this case have all confirmed
that they have no doubts.”
Did no one ever suspect that this was He lao er’s tactic of injuring
himself to gain confidence? Qu Qing Ju peeked at He Heng before
randomly putting down a stone and exclaiming: “We’re all the same
family. Why should it come to this?”
He Heng pushed the stones in front of him, looking agitated: “How
could it be like this? Da ge is honest and straightforward. Why did he
try to harm si di and I?”

Qu Qing Ju looked at the servants hovering nearby and worriedly

grasped his hand: “Wang ye, your wounds hasn’t healed. Don’t get
angry. Fuhuang is ill, and he would be waiting for you to visit him.”

He Heng turned to stare raptly at Qu Qing Ju. He then stood and

announced: “Wang fei is right, you and I will return to the city and
enter the palace right now.” He turned to Ming He, “Ming He, invite
Cheng Wang to enter the palace with me.”
“Yes,” Ming He quickly left.
Wang Chang Ming saw this scene and stated: “Wang ye, please
take care of your body. This one bids farewell.” He bent as he left.
He hadn’t even given a single glance at Qu Qing Ju.
Qu Qing Ju watched this Wang Chang Ming leave. This person had
excellent self-control and took great care in his speech and
mannerisms. When he was answering her questions, he always
maintained the respect for He Heng. Even then, this person didn’t put
her on a lesser position. She turned her head to look at He Heng. It
looked like the subordinates he supported were just like him. On the
surface, none of them had flaws. In reality, only they knew what they
really looked like inside.
“What, da ge is locked up?” He Ming asked in surprise, after hearing
the words of er ge’staijian, “Fuhuang fainted from anger, what is
going on?” His face was suspicious but he walked outside with the
servant, expressing how much he completely trusted He Heng.
Ming He slightly bent his body as he narrated the series of events in
a small voice behind him. When the procession arrived at the main
gate, they saw that the carriages had already been prepared. He
Heng and Qu Qing Ju were waiting for them beside the carriages.
“It’s didi’s fault for making er ge and er sao wait,” He Ming
lengthened his stride, and raised his hands in a fist to the couple,
“We just came out as well,” He Heng’s expression was grave, “You
should know the cause now. We’re going into the palace to see
fuhuang right now. Anything else will wait until after that.”

The procession quickly got on the carriage. At this time, they didn’t
care about being in recovery. He Heng sat back-straight in the
carriage, his face increasingly pale yet his spine did not bend one
Qu Qing Ju saw his appearance was getting worse, and guessed
that this was what he wanted Qing De Emperor to see. So she said,
“Wang ye, since fuhuang has already woken up, it must not be very
serious. You have to take care of your own body.”
“I know, but just thinking about fuhuang lying ill on the bed, I feel so
restless,” He Heng sighing as he patted her hand.
Husband and wife gazed at each other, both showing an expression
of “I’m very worried, I’m very sad”.
This was most likely the supposed two hearts linked as one … …
Once the carriage had reached the main door of the Imperial
Palace, it couldn’t continue inward. The three came down the
carriage to walk to Tian Qi Palace and saw a matron kneeling in
front of the main hall. Qu Qing Ju recognized that the woman was
Ning Wang’s birth mother, Wen guipin.

As she passed by Wen guipin, she couldn’t resist glancing at this

woman. She saw that she only had a green jade hairpin in her hair
and a bent neck.
After waiting momentarily at the door, a taijian ushered them in. Qu
Qing Ju reached out to clasp He Heng’s hand, and dropped half a
step to walk at He Heng’s right.
Qing De Emperor was leaning on the dragon bed. Seeing the couple
of He Heng come in with He Ming, a sliver of guilt and regret
appeared on his face. Before they completed their greeting, he’d
already bestowed their seats.
“Just now, when we heard fuhuang had fainted, us two brothers
rushed to the palace. When we got to the door, we finally
remembered that we didn’t bring along anything. Fuhuang, forgive us
for our impulsiveness.” He Heng stood and said with some
embarrassment, “And the game we’d originally planned to give to
fuhuang was also left behind.”

“This is your filial love, zhen wouldn’t criticize you for it,” Seeing that
his son had become worried enough to forget protocol, Qing De
Emperor examined his second son in a good mood. He found that his
face looked pasty-white. Furrowing his brow, he said, “Sit down, you
haven’t recovered and yet you rushed to the palace, how can the
wounds bear it?”
“Just a small wound, sorry to make fuhuang worry,” He Heng gave a
carefree smile, “si di’s wounds are much more serious than er
Qing De Emperor glanced at He Ming sitting at the side: “Lao da
that animal, zhen hadn’t thought he would conduct himself as an
animal. Zhen has let you be wronged.” He sighed, his spirits low, “Is
it because zhen isn’t a good fuhuang that he would do such a
“This has nothing to do with fuhuang,” He Heng violently rose, his
feet tripping. He was quickly held up by Qu Qing Ju. He said
urgently, “Fuhuang is a humane ruler. Da ge usually is honest, this
matter sounds fishy.”
“Zhen knows that you’ve always cared for your brothers, but this
matter has been investigated thoroughly. Zhen doesn’t want to
believe that he sent people to assassinate the two of you either. And
to purposefully frame lao san. This son has such malicious desires,
he doesn’t deserve to be zhen’s son.” Qing De Emperor was so
angry that he heavily punched the bed and instantly started coughing
The palace maid on duty hurriedly came up to rub his back. Qing De
Emperor made her retreat in irritation. He forced down a mouthful of
water, suppressing the itch in his throat, “You don’t have to beg for
mercy for him. Zhen has already made the decision.”

Qu Qing Ju watched this scene of paternal and filial love. In her

mind, she silently thought, Emperor, don’t worry, your son really
didn’t come to ask for mercy. Whatever way you wish to sentence
lao da, he wouldn’t object.

Qing De Emperor looked at the erxi who hadn’t spoken at all but
was attentive and protective of his second son. He beckoned with
his hand for her to walk in front of him: “Zhen has picked a good
wang fei for you, treat her well.” A woman, no matter the time and
place, should always remember to protect her husband. This woman
certainly was a good one.
“Fuhuang, er chen understands,” He Heng gave a smile. He reached
out to grasp the slightly wrinkled hand of Qing De Emperor, his eyes
reddening, “You’ve become thinner recently.”
“Such a child,” Qing De Emperor looked at the red around his son’s
eyes. The heart that had been turned cold by lao da warmed again.
He reached out to pat a shoulder, “You are still wounded, return
early and get some rest. These next few days, rest well in the wang
fu. After this period, continue to handle affairs for zhen.”

“Er chen will definitely recover quickly,” He Heng assured, “fuhaung,

please don’t worry.”
Qu Qing Ju listened to the conversation. For some reason, she
thought of Shu guifei. Wasn’t that the type Qing De Emperor liked so
did he use the same standard to judge his erxifu? After thinking
about it, she lost the joy from his compliment.
Was it really okay to have a double standard like this?
As she watched father and son earnestly say many more words
before reluctantly parting, Qu Qing Ju inwardly thought, both father
and son must be very satisfied with this warm act. Otherwise, they
wouldn’t have been so immersed in their roles.
He Ming was still in his invisible role. Until the three of them had left,
He Ming only said some lines at the beginning and at the end. Qu
Qing Ju saw his calm expression and knew that he was used to this
Coming out of the door, Qu Qing Ju saw Wen guipin was still
kneeling outside the door. She couldn’t bear to look any longer. How
many mothers would stand by and watch as her child beared
hardship? Even the most careful and timid person like Wen guipin
will gather the courage to beg at Tian Qi Palace. Wasn’t all this just
for her child?
“Your Highness Duan Wang!” Wen guipin, whether it was because
she had no other choice or her mind was unclear from kneeling so
long, she grabbed a corner of He Heng’s robe, begging: “Your
Highness Duan Wang, say a few words for Ning Wang. Qi’er
wouldn’t try to assassinate you, help him.”
He Heng took a step back. Seeing that Wen guipin had a solid grip,
he replied, “Wen guipin niangniang, I have already asked for mercy
for da ge. This matter, fuhuang has made his decision.”

“Try again, just ask again for Ning Wang,” Wen guipin wept, “I’m
begging you, say a few more good words for Ning Wang.” She saw
He Heng didn’t make a noise in response and turned to beg Qu Qing
Ju, “Please, I’m begging you.”
Qu Qing Mu moved away her eyes, not wanting to look into Wen
guipin’s teary eyes. She wasn’t a soft-hearted person, but she
couldn’t look at such a scene.
“What is this? Who dares to make such a ruckus in front of
fuhuang’s front door?”
Qu Qing Ju furrowed her brows. He Yuan wanted to invite death just
after being freed?
Chapter Sixty Five “Decision”

He Yuan strode in front of the pleading Wen guipin and smiled as he

lowered his head to look at her: “What is Wen guipin doing? It’s a
major offence to cause a disturbance at Tian Qi Palace.”
Wen guipin used her sleeves to roughly wipe away the tears on her
face. She gave a cold smile as she stood, raising her chin to look at
this wang ye who had a face full of pride in front of her: “If that was
true, then it’s unknown how many times Rui Wang would have been
punished. Whether or not I should be punished, that is up to the
Emperor, not a wang ye like you. Wang ye must have learned
protocol as a child. Didn’t anyone ever teach you how to interact with
a shu mother?”

He Yuan’s face instantly darkened. An unfavored guipin dared to

rebuke him? He said in a low voice: “Ben wang’s protocol doesn’t
need to be corrected by you. If Wen guipin has the ability, you
should go beg fuhuang to free da ge.” He turned to raise his hands
in a fist to He Heng. “Er ge, er sao, greetings.”
“Good day, san di,” He Heng looked at the guards standing nearby,
a polite smile on his face, “If san di is requesting to see fuhuang, it’s
better to let them report early. Fuhuang has just taken his medicine.
I’m afraid he will be resting for a while.”
“I didn’t think that er ge and si di would arrive here faster than me,”
He Yuan’s words implied that He Heng had arrived early because
he’d been notified in advance.
“We used a quick horse and whip to rush here right after we heard
fuhuang became ill,” He Heng didn’t seem to hear the implication, a
hint of embarrassment on his face, “It was lucky that fuhuang is as
long-lived as the sky and was not seriously ill. But I was being
He Ming, who was standing near the couple, bowed to He Yuan
without speaking and retreated to the far side of the room.
He Yuan glanced at him, calmly commenting: “It seems si di’s body
is much better.”
“Thanks for san ge’s concern. Yu di has no major problems,” He
Ming switched topics as he continued, “It was a pity that I couldn’t
help fuhuang with this matter. I feel guilty.”

He Yuan narrowed his eyes at this nondescript didi. A while later, he

gave an icy smile and didn’t reply.
Qu Qing Ju silently watched this great play of the Imperial House.
The hatred Wen guipin had towards He Yuan, the scorn He Yuan
visibly held towards He Ming and the barely discernible
dissatisfaction He Heng held towards He Yuan. Everything was
displayed before Qu Qing Ju’s eyes. She felt that, in this world, the
most complicated relationships to ever occur between husband and
wife, father and son, brother and brother, were all formed in the
Imperial House.
Ever since lao da framed him, he’d been restricted to his fu and
even fuhuang seemed disappointed in him. Therefore, after being
freed from house arrest, He Yuan would always think of those stifling
days whenever he saw someone connected to He Qi. His personality
had always been loud, and he was never willing to discomfort
himself. He’d always said whatever he thought and did whatever he
He gazed icily at Wen guipin. Seeing her eyes were full of hatred, he
sneered: “Wen guipin shouldn’t use such eyes to look at ben wang.
If it wasn’t for da ge framing me, I wouldn’t have been imprisoned in
the wang fu. If you want to hate someone, hate da ge for having
such malicious thoughts. Don’t hate an innocent person like me.”
“Your Highness Rui Wang is innocent?” The gentleness and sincerity
that usually appeared on Wen guipin was now completely absent.
She pointed at He Yuan and, with a piercing voice, accused him,
“You dare to say that you didn’t control the salt governance, didn’t
put out high-interest loans, didn’t buy and sell official posts?!”
He Yuan looked disdainfully at her. A long beat later, he said: “If
there is no evidence, then it’s slander. I don’t know why, as an
imperial consort, Wen guipin is so concerned with the matters of the
Royal Court. What is the meaning here?”
Wen guipin stared hatefully at him, but couldn’t say a word. Her
shoulders shaking slightly, she slowly lowered her head. Half a beat
later, she didn’t look at anyone else as she held a palace maid’s
hand to stagger away.
Qu Qing Ju saw He Yuan’s attitude and remembered the case of
Jiang Nan. Was that case going to be set aside? Did the old
emperor’s brain have a problem? Such a major matter of the people,
how could it be treated like a joke?
As the emperor, because he was partial to one son, he would not
care for the death of his citizens. High interest loans, the salt
governance, buying and selling official appointments, which one of
those wasn’t a major matter? If he didn’t know, at most it would be
an oversight, but knowing and not stopping it, wasn’t that telling the
people that the Emperor didn’t care about this matter, that the
criminals could do whatever they wanted?
Thinking about it more, she felt disgust forming inside. This kind of
person had become the Emperor. It was a calamity for the people of
the world. If the previous emperor had even one more son, then it
was most likely that the seat wouldn’t have fallen to this kind of
Just then, a taijian hurriedly walked over and said that the Emperor
was summoning Rui Wang for an audience.
Qu Qing Ju watched the young taijian bowing and scraping as he
ushered He Yuan inside. She moved her gaze as she descended the
white jade stairs with He Heng. When their carriage had travelled a
certain distance towards the fu, she looked over at He Heng and
stated: “Wang ye, it isn’t easy being one of the common people.”
She reached up to pull the curtain aside, and looked at the common
people in sackcloth moving aside for their carriage, their wooden
faces filled with awe and caution.
She wasn’t a true lady of a noble family. She might like beautiful
clothes, delicious food but she wouldn’t feel that it was her right to
oppress others, and sacrifice the majority to satisfy her own desires.
He Heng couldn’t believe Qu Qing Ju would say such words to him.
He silently looked at this woman. At this moment, she had no charm
on her face, no smile, not even her gaze was on him. But he had
never felt that she was more worthy of the people’s respect as he
did now.
He followed her hand to look at the crowds in the street, his eyes
gradually calming. A beat later, he dropped his face down as he
stated: “The hardship of these people should be the reason why the
top people have to be more diligent and fair in governance.”
Qu Qing Ju let go of the curtain, turning her head to look at He Heng.
She smiled suddenly, as though she had just made a decision. She
nodded, “Wang ye is wise, I believe you.”

He Heng silently looked at her and reached out to grasp her hand.
He gave a sigh: “You.”
Qu Qing Ju lowered her head to look at her hand being held in the
other. This person in front of her eyes might not be a good man, but
he would become a good emperor. Originally, she didn’t care who
would become emperor, but after today, she hoped that it would be
this man.
She wasn’t a saint, but she was still a person. So she couldn’t
accept the conduct of He Yuan and Qing De Emperor, couldn’t agree
with the way they took everything as their prerogative.
So … … if He Heng wanted to become Emperor, she wouldn’t try to
stop him.
Cheng Wang Fu and Duan Wang Fu was separated by a street.
When He Ming bid farewell to er ge and er sao, he felt that there
was something different about the atmosphere between the two
people. They were still intimate, but now there was something more
that couldn’t be quantified.
After he’d returned to Cheng Wang Fu, a list was presented to him
by the Ministry of Rites. It listed the bride-price that the Ministry of
Rites had given to Luo Shang Shu Fu. It represented all the items
that the Imperial House was willing to give on his behalf. If he didn’t
want to add anything personal, they would prepare the bride-price
according to this list.
As he put the list to one side, He Ming recalled the way er ge and er
sao interacted with each other. He summoned Sun Hai and added
many more things. He might not be favoured, but he was still a wang
ye. He wasn’t poor to the point where he couldn’t give out good
things himself.
The next day, Cheng Wang Fu returned the list to the official of the
Ministry of Rites and he became deeply moved after reading the
additions. This Cheng Wang was very generous. Minster Luo was
A few days later, the rankings of the Spring Examinations were
released. The ones who qualified were mostly from noble families.
Some intelligent people discovered that none of the top scorers had
been recommended by Ning Wang’s side. There were also not that
many from Rui Wang’s side. The top ranks had mostly gone to
unknown second sons or shu sons from noble families.

Ning Wang was now imprisoned so it was natural that none of his
people were ranked. But Rui Wang didn’t have many either, wasn’t
that interesting?
Soon afterwards, people found out that Rui Wang had argued with
his shu mu in front of Tian Qi Palace a few days ago. Some
conservative officials couldn’t help but sigh inside, this Rui Wang was
too reckless. Even if his shu mother’s position wasn’t high, she was
still Ning Wang’s birth mother. Rui Wang’s conduct didn’t care for
After the rankings were released, it was time for the Court
Examination. He Heng was still recovering in the fu. The fu frequently
received the Emperor, Empress, and Jing guifei’s gifts. Qu Qing Ju
told the servants lock up all the gifts in the stores.
She remembered the Emperor hinting to He Heng when they’d
recently visited him, wanting him to quickly recover so he can attend
Court. But seeing He Heng’s leisurely state, it was clear that he
wanted to drag out his recovery period until the examinations were
over before returning to Court.
“Wang ye, how about taking a look at how I trimmed this pot of
bonsai?” Qu Qing Ju put down the scissors in her hand. Seeing He
Heng walk over, she waved for him to come admire her new work.
After glancing at the bonsai, He Heng couldn’t find the appropriate
words to describe it. The atmosphere created by the way a bonsai
was trimmed was a learned art. His wang fei somehow managed to
force the bonsai into the shape of a gold ingot.
“This shape is very special,” He Heng smiled as he touched the
middle of the ingot. He didn’t feel irritation when he saw the table
was covered in leaves and branches as he sat beside the desk. He
stated: “Today, I accompanied si di in sending the bride price over to
Luo Shang Shu Fu. Luo lao taitai asked about you.”

“Luo laotaitai has cared for me lots. It must be that she saw wang
ye and was reminded of me.” Qu Qing Ju smiled and twisted her
body to finish washing her hands in the basin Jin Zhan had brought.
As she wiped her hands, she remarked, “I have even prepared the
additions to Luo guniang’s dowry.”

He Heng wasn’t interested in the affairs of women. Hearing this, he

only smiled. To a man who implicitly trusted his woman, the houyuan
could be given over to her care. He didn’t have to control it too much.
“It won’t be long before si di marries,” He furrowed his brows as he
wondered, “This year, many candidates have entered the palace. I
don’t know what fuhuang is planning.”

Qu Qing Ju stopped wiping her hands, handing the cloth to a yahuan

behind her. Her eyebrow slightly moved, “Does wang ye mean that
new people are entering the fu?”

He Heng carefully looked at her expression. It seemed normal, but

he felt that it was wrong for some reason. He hesitated before
saying: “I’m not sure about this matter. But don’t worry, I won’t look
at them.”
“Who cares who you look at, there’s going to be even more beauties
arriving in the future,” Qu Qing Ju stood, flinging a look at him. She
rubbed her forehead as she announced “Wang ye, qie doesn’t feel
good, and will rest for a while.” She turned and left with the support
of Mu Jin.
He Heng rubbed his nose as he smiled helplessly. He stood to follow
her to her bedroom. Strangely enough, he felt relaxed and carefree
after being glared at by Qu Qing Ju.
Chapter Sixty Six “Intentions?”

Qu Qing Ju didn’t go to sleep when she entered the inner room.

Instead she just picked up a book to read as she sat next to the
window. When He Heng came in, she didn’t pay any attention to him,
flipping the pages of the book in her hand.
Step by step, He Heng slowly made his way behind her. Looking at
her book, he spoke: “This “Qian San Wanderings” isn’t as novel as
“E Nuo[1] Biography”, you could change your reading choice.”

“What E Nou, E Nou? The saying is the “many graces of beautiful

woman,” wang ye, what does this phrase mean?” Qu Qing Ju
glanced at him, placing the book to one side, “I suppose wang ye
prefers works like “Thousand Red Biography” and “Harmonious
Spring Hall”.” Those two books were about men who had managed
to receive the affections of several beautiful women.
“That’s totally untrue. With a beautiful wife, I don’t need those,” He
Heng smiled as he semi-crouched in front of her, his slightly slanted
eyes seemed especially focused, “Doesn’t Qing Ju already know
what I think?”
Qu Qing Ju looked at this man crouched in front of her, her
expression gradually calming. She moved her gaze slightly: “Doesn’t
wang ye know how hard it is to guess the hearts of others? In this
world, there is no one who can completely know the heart of another
He Heng smiled and moved to grab a round stool to sit on. He
wrapped Qu Qing Ju’s hand with his palm, “I don’t need a person to
completely understand me, but I know you understand my intentions,
understand what I want, and understand what kind of person I am.
That’s enough.”
Qu Qing Ju felt, for the very first time, that this man in front of her
was a teensy tiny bit pleasing to look at. She stared into his eyes for
a beat before saying: “Wang ye, I am just a normal person. It’s not
important what others say, what is important is what they do.”
“I understand,” He Heng stood, kissing the corner of her eye, “Those
of the Imperial House think more than others from birth, but other
than that, they aren’t that different from normal people.”
Qu Qing Ju looked deeply at him and smiled suddenly. She didn’t say
whether she believed him or not. Instead, she stood up to walk to
the bed and took out a pouch to give to He Heng. She pointed at his
waist: “The one I sewed before is old now. Change it for this one.”
He Heng smiled as he took the pouch. Carefully switching the
pouches, he grasped the old pouch in his hand. He stood and said:
“Later, I have to go to si di’s fu. I’ll try to come back early tonight.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded. Gazing as he hurriedly walked out of the inner

room, the expression on her face slowly disappeared. She stood
and walked to the window. She saw that as He Heng walked into the
yard, he put the old pouch into his chest pocket. She furrowed her
brow, her eyes murky.
“Wang fei, wang ye treats you so well. When he left just now, he
specifically ordered nubi to serve you well,” Yin Liu walked in from
the outer room. She saw Qu Qing Ju standing in front of the window
and asked: “The kitchen steward has just delivered the list, do you
want to order?”
Qu Qing Ju turned to look at her. As she walked towards the bed,
she took the menu from Yin Liu’s hand and randomly picked a few
dishes based on the pleasing nature of their names, “Just these, let
them pick the other fruits and refreshments.”
“Yes,” Yin Liu put the list away. Seeing wang fei’s expression was a
bit strange, she asked, “Wang fei, what is it?”

Qu Qing Ju waved her hand: “Nothing, just a surprising little

Yin Liu didn’t understand but couldn’t ask further, submissively
Qu Qing Ju sighed. The truth of the matter was that He Heng’s
acting was already the epitome of perfection.
In Cheng Wang Fu, He Heng and He Ming faced each other. He Ming
raised a wine cup: “Er ge, didi toasts you.”
He Heng raised the cup, tilting his head back to drink to the bottom.
After putting down the wine cup, he asked: “I heard you sent away
the two tongfang on the fu?”

Hearing this, He Ming smiled: “Even er ge knows.” Two days ago, he

had sent away the tong fang in the fu. The outside was saying that
even before he married his wang fei, he was already afraid of his
wife. He hadn’t thought that this matter would pass into the ears of
er ge, “I just wanted to live a calm life with a wang fei, treating her
sincerely. By keeping those tongfang, except making wang fei
uncomfortable, what other use is there?”
“Si di is attentive,” He thought back to the wedding night when Qu
Qing Ju had married him. At that time, he felt the Qu Family was too
bothersome, and that Qu Qing Ju was too weak and cowardly. His
heart hadn’t felt at ease with her. The two had barely managed to
live through the three days after the wedding. After she had returned
to her paternal home, they hadn’t been together. Even though he had
specially ordered the servants not to slight her, he also hadn’t had
that much affection for her.
In his first impression, Qu Qing Ju, if her head wasn’t down, would
have a wooden face and she didn’t talk. She wouldn’t say an extra
word, wouldn’t wear an extra hair ornament. At the time, he
sympathized with her for being beaten into that state by Chang De
Gong Fu and felt that the days the two spent together were dull.
He didn’t know exactly when Qu Qing Ju became colourful and lively
in his eyes. He gradually didn’t like going to the side rooms. Now that
he’d heard He Ming’s words, he couldn’t help but nod: “If the two
have good days, then these ce fei and concubines are just gilding
the lily. Having or not doesn’t make that much of a difference.”
“Yu di knew er ge would definitely understand,” He Ming smiled, “It
was because I saw your love for er sao, that didi made the decision
to take this step.”
He Heng slightly stilled. Swirling the wine cup, he smiled and
advised: “One’s wang fei, one naturally should love.” He raised the
wine up, “Come, drink a cup.”
The slightly cold wine as it flowed into his stomach became a
scorching hotness.
The night was as cold as water. He Heng quietly made his way to
zhengyuan. He waved away the greeting bow of the yahuan
standing guard and headed straight into the inner room. He saw Qu
Qing Ju was wrapped up in her blankets, sleeping peacefully. After
some thinking, he went out of the inner room, washed his hands and
face before soaking his feet outside, and silently walked back in to
undress before lying on the bed.
Qu Qing Ju, muddled, felt someone lying next to her and twisted her
body. Her eyes didn’t even open: “Wang ye has just returned now?”

He Heng saw her dazed state and didn’t speak. Reaching out to pat
her back: “Sleep.” As expected, the person beside him fell asleep
again within a minute.
Qian Chang Xin and the others had retreated after serving wang ye.
He walked with Ming He as they left zhengyuan before commenting
in a small voice: “It’s so late yet wang ye is still thinking of wang fei.
It can be seen just how much importance he places on wang fei.”

Ming He knew the hidden meaning in his words. He quietly replied:

“In the fu now, the other ce shi basically can’t even enter wang ye’s
eyes. Us brothers only have to serve wang ye and wang fei well.”

“Who knows what the future is like, walk a step and look a step.
Regardless, we serve wang ye,” Qian Chang Xin put his hands
behind his back, “We will respect whoever wang ye wants us to
respect? We aren’t in control of anything else.”
Ming He smiled: “Gege is right.”
“What special occasion is it today, that it’s so lively?” Qu Qing Ju
found that the streets were very busy, many people standing in the
tea and restaurant towers. She was on her way home after visiting
Jin An Princess. Who knew that she would encounter such a
situation so she indicated for the sedan carriers to stop moving.
“Wang fei, today is the day for the top ranked advanced scholars[2]
to ride and parade on the street,” Huang Yang answered from
outside the sedan, “Right now, they are walking towards here so it’s
Qu Qing Ju instantly understood. The top thesis author, the eyes
positioned beside, and the flower snatcher[3] were parading on the
street. The culture of Da Long Dynasty was relatively liberal so there
were many young women throwing handkerchiefs, pouches and
flowers among other things towards the three males. Qu Qing Ju
couldn’t see the people, but could see the objects flying in the air.
This road headed straight towards the Imperial Palace. After these
three finished parading on the streets, they would have to participate
in the Qiong Lin Banquet in the palace. He Heng would be appearing
at the Jasper Forest Banquet[4] as well.
After fifteen minutes, the crowds gradually thinned and Qu Qing Ju’s
sedan continued forward. Sitting in the sedan, she heard a passer-
by remarking about how the “flower snatcher” was so handsome and
how scholarly the top thesis holder was. She couldn’t help but smile.
It was lucky this era wasn’t ridiculous to the point where women
couldn’t leave the house. Otherwise, it would have been terrible.
The culture of Da Long Dynasty was similar to the Tang and Song
Dynasties of history. There were even some similarities in cultural
habits. But the structure of government was a mishmash of different
dynasties. It was slightly complicated but it meant that she wasn’t
exactly in the dark. Qu Qing Ju’s knowledge gave her the motivation
to keep on living.
The people on the side of the street found an eight-person sedan
with qing luan ornaments, and pearl-encrusted dark yellow cloth and
red heading their way. They all simultaneously moved out of the way.
Other than the Imperial House, who else dared to sit in such a
“Mistress, there is an honoured person passing by, we have to move
out of the way.” Qu Yue Su heard the words as she sat in the sedan.
She asked, “Which fu?” As she spoke, she raised the curtain to look
outside and saw an eight-person large sedan heading her way. She
frowned, “Quick, move back.”
Feeling the sedan she was sitting on sway as it retreated a length,
Qu Yue Su’s heart was bitter. Unless she could sit on the position of
Empress or Dowager Empress in this lifetime, she would never be
able to use red cloth.
After the procession of the eight-person sedan passed them by a
certain distance, Qu Yue Su’s sedan was raised again. The taijian
guarding the sedan outside said: “Mistress, this one saw that the
person sitting in that sedan was most likely Duan Wang Fei.”
Duan Wang Fei? Qu Yue Su stilled, wasn’t that Qu Qing Ju?
Thinking about the other’s honors and her present situation, she
gave a cold smile, “Alright, I know.”
The taijian who spoke heard the tone wasn’t right and jerked his
mouth to one side as he lowered his head.
At Jasper Forest Banquet, the advanced scholars that qualified were
all in a good mood. All those years of hard studying, wasn’t it just for
this day?
Qing De Emperor only sat a while before leaving. The rest were
being handled by the Ministry of Rites. Some advanced scholars
were composing poems or getting to know each other, making the
Jasper Forest Banquet very busy.
But there were many who were steady, who didn’t not casually
speak nor show off. They didn’t excessively drink wine to prevent
loss of composure after getting drunk.
He Heng sat on the first spot at the left side. Looking at the variety
of people under him, there were so many students, but the ones who
would be used would only be a select few.
That was the cruelty of politics.

1. 婀娜 (e nou) means a graceful bearing of a woman

2. 进士: the highest degree achievable by scholars in Ancient China.

3. 状元, 榜眼, 探花: top three performers in the Imperial Exam. See

4. 琼林宴: A banquet hosted specifically for all new advanced scholars by the
Royal Court
Chapter Sixty Seven

Qu Qing Ju flipped through the account book in her hand for a long
moment before smiling with narrowed eyes at Xiao Gan Zi standing
below her: “You’ve done well these last few days.” She motioned for
Mu Jin to give a pouch to Xiao Gan Zi.
“They say that when the water is clear, there are no fish. I know that
there is some untruthfulness in here,” Qu Qing Ju closed the account
book. She raised a teacup to slowly take a sip. Seeing the smile on
Xiao Gan Zi’s face freeze, she laughed out loud, “You can control the
ambitions of the stewards, that’s your ability. Don’t be nervous, I
know how it is.”
Xiao Gan Zi’s back felt cold. On the surface, he gave a fawning
smile as he complimented: “Wang fei is a brilliant tactician. Us small
ones are just a joke. It’s just that the wang fu is complicated, and at
times, it’s really … …” He didn’t know how to say it. He had received
benefits in private. Looking at wang fei’s mien, she probably knew all
about it.
Qu Qing Ju nodded: “You’ve done very well, I’m not concerned.”
His heart instantly dropped back into its place. Xiao Gan Zi assured
her with a grateful expression: “Wang fei, please don’t worry. This
one will definitely handle the affairs well.”
“En,” Qu Qing Ju bestowed him some refreshments and fruits before
allowing him to leave. As for the accounts, she didn’t look at them
anymore and handed them off to Mu Jin.
“Wang fei, these people embezzled money. Why not punish them?”
Yin Liu asked in puzzlement.
“Why push someone to the cliff, it’s not good if it’s too extreme,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled as she explained, “All things in the world have a limit.
Is anyone willing to work without accruing some benefits?”
“If they don’t work, then they could be punished,” Yin Liu’s tone had
weakened but she was still dissatisfied with the embezzlement of the
“Leave room in all matters. Your personality should change,” Qu
Qing Ju suggested, “Such a minor matter, it isn’t worthy of the
Hearing this, Yin Liu obediently bowed: “Nubi will remember.”

What Qu Qing Ju liked about Yin Liu was this quality of hers. Her
personality may be impulsive, but she was very obedient and there
were no suspicions about her loyalty. Seeing her face so grave, Qu
Qing Ju smiled, “It’s fine. Accompany me for a walk in the garden.”
Xiao Gan Zi cupped the fruits in his hands as he walked into the
garden with a smiling face. The servants he ran into were all
respectful. Seeing that he was holding something in his hand, they
put all their efforts into complimenting how good the fruits looked.
“Of course it’s good. Wang fei is kind. She saw that I was tired from
running around and bestowed some for me to have a taste,” Xiao
Gan Zi carefully placed the fruits in his pocket, his mouth speaking
good things about wang fei, and the bystanders who heard him were
furiously nodding their heads.
Further away, He Heng had been walking with Qian Chang Xin, Ming
He and a few servants behind him. He watched the scene for a long
time before observing: “This Xiao Gan Zi is clever, no wonder wang
fei prefers him handling the affairs.”

Qian Chang Xin’s eyebrow slightly moved as he mentioned: “A few

days ago, wang fei said that Xiao Gan Zi was worthy of having
served by wang ye’s side. Both his head and legs are very
“Those words complimented you too,” He Heng smiled, “It’s hard for
wang fei to manage all the matters of the fu. Keep an eye out for
anyone who are not respectful of wang fei. Take care of them
Qian Chang Xin, as a personal taijian, had watched wang ye give
more and more of his heart to wang fei. He himself had become
more and more respectful of wang fei, afraid of offending wang fei
and causing wang ye to be discontent. Hearing wang ye’s words, he
gave a confirmation.
“Nubi greets wang ye.” A low and soft voice came from behind him.
Qian Chang Xin turned around to look. It was a low-ranking yahuan
with dark yellow skin and wearing coarse clothes. He instantly
frowned. Who was this low-ranking yahuan who didn’t know protocol
and came inside to try to meet with wang ye? The other yahuan,
when they saw their superiors, the servants carefully avoided them,
who would specially come over?
“Stand up. Where are you a yahuan at? How did you get in here?”
This area was still inside the second door. If the rough yahuan didn’t
have duties, they couldn’t come in.
“Qian gonggong, nubi is from the laundry rooms. The mama who is
responsible for delivering the clothes is sick so nubi replaced her to
deliver the clothes to Luo yiniang’s residence.”

Qian Chang Xin felt that the voice seemed familiar, but he couldn’t
remember where he had heard it. He took a furtive look at wang ye.
Seeing his expressionless face, he knew that wang ye was irritated.
Before his mouth could open to drive away this delinquent, he saw
wang fei walking in front of a few yahuan as she made her way
towards them.
“Greetings to wang ye!”

“Greetings to wang fei!”

The servants on both sides both bowed. Qu Qing Ju smiled as she

walked in front of He Heng. Her gaze unconsciously sweeping
across the low-ranked yahuan standing five steps away, “I didn’t
think wang ye would be here.”

“Just came back from the outside,” He Heng smiled as he pulled her
hand, pretending that the rough yahuan didn’t exist, “Today’s
weather is good. Let’s us have a walk in the garden.”
“Yes,” Qu Qing Ju’s eyes roamed around. Acting as if she’d just
realized there was a rough yahuan standing nearby, she asked:
“Where do you serve at? Raise your head and let me take a look at
This yahuan raised her head. Her features weren’t bad, but the
messy hair and the rough skin reduced the pretty nature. Qu Qing Ju
raised an eyebrow, “Why do you look so familiar to the eye?”
By then, Qian Chang Xin recognized who she was. Wasn’t this that
Ban Xia who had originally been a first-rank yahuan of wang fei
before she became wang ye’s tong fang? He’d heard that Ban Xia
had been demoted from tong fang to the laundry rooms by wang fei.
Looking at her now, she really didn’t resemble the sweet beauty
she’d once been.
“Wang fei, nubi sees that she looks like the Ban Xia who had once
served wang ye and you,” Mu Jin bowed, talking in a moderately
loud voice, “Did you forget? She recently made a large offence and
wang fei was kind and didn’t throw her out. Just sentenced her to
the laundry room.”
Qu Qing Ju’s face showed an expression of realization. She looked
at Ban Xia from top to bottom. If Ban Xia, at the beginning, had been
a blooming tender flower, she now was wilted.
Ban Xia lowered her head in embarrassment, unconsciously taking a
step back. She hadn’t thought that she would meet wang fei in her
grand clothes. Even the yahuan by wang fei’s side were more
beautiful than her at this time. The clear contrast made her want to
hide herself away and not let anyone see her.
He Heng glanced casually at Ban Xia, no emotion in his eyes: “Since
you are a worker in the laundry room, then stay there to perform
your duties. Do not run around the fu.”

The rims of Ban Xia’s eyes reddened. A beat later, she gave a
trembling bow: “Nubi will remember.”

“Leave,” Since he had became closer and closer to Qu Qing Ju, he

didn’t have much interest in the women in the houyuan. He looked at
the average-looking woman in front of him. He couldn’t even
remember what Ban Xia had looked like originally.
Seeing that wang ye and wang fei were going to stroll in the garden,
Ming He personally ushered Ban Xia away. After they exited ermin,
he gave a cold smile, “I advise Ban Xia guniang to behave in the
future.” He pointed at the Door of Drooping Flowers, “This door isn’t
the entrance for people like you.”
Ban Xia’s body buckled but she gritted her teeth and didn’t speak.
“Don’t blame your Ming yeye for speaking clearly to you. If you play
these shameless tricks again, then you wouldn’t be walking out on
your own next time.” Ming He disdainfully examined her, “Why don’t
you have a good look in the mirror? With wang fei present, how can
wang ye even be attracted to you? You don’t find it embarrassing
but Ming yeye does.” He shook his sleeves as he sedately walked
back inside ermin.

Ban Xia stared fixedly at his figure, her eyes lifeless.

If one had to say who was the most pleased over these past few
days in Jing, there wouldn’t be any other choice other than Rui
Wang. The Jiang Nan case which had been making a storm was now
silently suppressed, and he was washed clean of the suspicion of
attempting to assassinate his brother. Even the greatest eyesore,
lao da, was imprisoned.

Rui Wang felt that he hadn’t been this happy in years, so the sight of
his wang fei’s expressionless face didn’t affect his mood.

“Speak, what is it?” He Yuan sat at the front, glancing at Qin Bai
Lu’s dark expression.
Qin Bai Lu saw his flippancy and bit the corner of her lips before she
confessed: “Tomorrow is qie’s father’s day of birth. Does wang ye
have the time … …”
“Since it is your father’s birthday, then open the fu’s stores to take
along some gifts,” He Yuan stood, “Ben wang is busy tomorrow, so I
won’t accompany you. Have an early rest tonight, ben wang is going
to Xi Ce Yuan.”
Qin Bai Lu looked at He Yuan’s back, her eyes slowly becoming
cold. Again it was Xi Ce Yuan, Qu Yue Su that whore!
“Wang fei,” The yahuan supporting her looked at her worriedly.
“It’s fine. Send down the order, ben wang fei is going to check the
stores,” she gave a cold smile. He didn’t want to go so she wouldn’t
beg him.
In Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju and He Heng wandered around the
garden and sat together to read after they eating the evening meal.
One person was reading the highly reputable “Book of Dao”, the
other was reading a novel.
After reading for a while, He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju’s face held a hint
of anger. He put down the book in his hand and went to her to
inquire: “What is written in this book that makes you so angry?”
Qu Qing Ju slammed the book shut, her voice carrying a layer of
rage as she snapped: “The men in these stories are too fickle. The
two had been in companionship for more than ten years, but it
couldn’t compare to the tenderness of a youthful guniang. In the
end, he wanted to divorce his wife and blamed her for not being
loving. When he was studying at the beginning and had no money, he
didn’t say that when he was being completely supported by his wife;
when he left at the start to go to a post in another place, he didn’t
say that when he left his son and daughter and his elders at home
for his wife to support; but when he reached a high position of
power, he felt that the wife was lacking in every aspect. But this man
had to be the protagonist of the story. The views of this author are
He Heng took away the book in her hand, smiling as he comforted:
“Just a story, don’t be angry about this kind of thing. A person’s days
has to be lived by the person. What the end result would be is in the
control of the person.” He looked with disdain at the name of the
author on the book page, “Shangguang gong zi? Most of the people
who would use such a name, they are poor scholars. They don’t
have the bride price to find a wife, and lack the ability to place in the
examinations. They have to depend on writing such amusements to
earn some money for food and to satisfy their fantasies. We
shouldn’t argue with this kind of useless men, okay?”
Qu Qing Ju snorted.
Okay your entire family!
Chapter Sixty Eight

Mu Jin held an invitation in her hands as she walked into zhengyuan.

She saw Ming He and Yin Liu were guarding at the door and knew
that wang ye and wang fei were still in the room and hadn’t risen out
of bed. She looked at the already blinding sun and then at the
servants waiting in the corner, holding the tools for washing and
cleaning. She didn’t know how many times the water in their copper
basins had already been changed.
Yin Liu saw her come and motioned her to be quieter. As she came
closer, she saw the flowery invitation in Mu Jin’s hand, and asked in
a light voice: “Whose fu sent this invitation that you have to
personally deliver it?”
Mu Jin looked at the tightly shut door: “It was Rui Wang Fu that sent
it. They are inviting wang fei to their fu to admire the flowers.”
“Didn’t they just admire the plum blossoms last winter?” Yin Liu knew
that her wang fei didn’t have much of a relationship with Rui Wang
Fei. Originally, it had been alright when Ning Wang Fei was still here,
but now that Ning Wang Fei left to accompany Ning Wang in the
Bright Moon Tower in the Jing suburbs, there wasn’t even a
mediator, “What flower is it this time, peach, or pear?”
“Just stop talking so much,” Mu Jing glared at her, turning her head
to look at Ming He who had his head down and didn’t speak, before
she continued to instruct her, “Wang fei will make her own decision
on the matter. You really need to change your impulsive personality.”
Yin Liu smiled embarrassedly: “Mu Jin jiejie, don’t be angry. I was
just muddled for a bit.”
Just then, sounds came from inside the room. Mu Jin and Yin Liu’s
expressions disappeared and they stopped talking. Hearing
someone call from within, they indicated for the servants, who were
holding the jars and basins, to walk in to serve in the morning
After Qu Qing Ju washed and rinsed, she rubbed her sore legs and
waist. As she picked a long green dress to wear, she gave a yawn
and commented: “It seems that wang ye’s wounds have almost
He Heng walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
He laughed deeply and responded: “Qing Ju is disliking the fact that
this husband put in too much effort last night.”
Qu Qing Ju glared at him. Try to at least care about the unmarried
yahuan in the room. Even if he was shameless, she wasn’t. She
reached out to firmly pinch on his arm, “Wang ye, did your
refinement and manners get eaten?”
He Heng buried his face in her neck as he laughed. A while later, he
released her as he promised: “Alright, alright, I won’t talk anymore.
I’m going outside to wait for you to eat the morning meal together.”
He brushed a kiss at her ear and walked out of the inner room in a
good mood.
Qu Qing Ju wiped her ear and sat down in front of the copper mirror.
Jin Zhan and Yu Zan finally came out of the corner where they had
been silently standing and went to her side to make her hair and
apply makeup.
Mu Jin walked up behind her, informing in a small voice: “Wang fei,
Rui wang fei has just sent over a message. She has invited you to
attend a flower-admiration banquet two days later.”
Admiring flowers again? Qu Qing Ju really felt that Qin Bai Lu could
change the topic. Last year, it was making her admire plum
blossoms while enduring the snow storm. Was she now making her
endure a rain storm to admire plum, pear, almond and cherry
“Isn’t today Rui wang fei’s father’s birthday? How does she have the
time to have people send out invitations?” Qu Qing Ju felt that Qin
Bai Lu had too much energy. Wasn’t she tired after doing so many
things everyday? She herself hadn’t thought of putting on any kind of
banquet ever.
“It most likely had been prepared in advance,” Mu Jin paused before
asking, “Wang fei, should we reply?”
Qu Qing Ju turned her head to look at the feixianji that Yu Zan had
constructed for her. She picked out a pair of tassels to hand to Yu
Zhan before responding: “Don’t be in a rush. There’s still two more
Did she have to respond instantly to Qin Bai Lu’s invitation. Thinking
of the actions of the Rui Wang family, she had the impulse to also
commit such actions. If they did so, then everyone should also
Mu Jin understood wang fei’s meaning, tucked the message away
and didn’t mention it again. After Qu Qing Ju dressed, she hurriedly
reached out in support, “Nubi heard that after Ban Xia returned to
the laundry room a few days ago, she had been laughed at by many
people. Right now, she’s the laughingstock of the laundry room.”
“She chose the road,” Qu Qing Ju stood, taking one step at a time
as she walked towards the outside, “Becoming a joke, she did it to
She wasn’t laughing at the other’s misfortunes but she didn’t
sympathize. She only felt heartbreak for this body’s original owner.
Now that ashes were ashes, dust was dust, hopefully she would
have a beautiful future life, and never meet people and events like
the ones in this life.
Qu Qing Ju’s morning meals were on the side of light but not bland.
When He Heng had started spending more time in zhengyuan, he
gradually liked to eat with Qu Qing Ju. After all this time, he felt that
even the zhengyuan’s tea was more tastier than other places.

Seeing Qu Qing Ju come out, he urged: “We got up late today.

Come have some porridge to prevent the stomach from being
harmed due to hunger.”
Walking to sit down by his side, Qu Qing Ju washed her hands. She
drank a small bowl of porridge and ate some vegetables and
pastries before putting down her chopsticks to rinse her mouth.
“Wang ye isn’t going out today?” Qu Qing Ju waited for He Heng to
wipe his hands before asking, “Just now, I’d received Rui Wang Fu’s
invitation to attend a flower-admiration banquet.”
“I also received san di’s invite,” He Heng threw the cloth at the
servant standing at the side, stating blandly: “I’ll go with you when
the time comes.”
So this flower-admiration banquet had been put up by lao san and
his wife. No wonder Rui Wang Fei had sent the invite on the day of
her father’s birthday. Even though Qin Bai Lu might be a proud
person, she had never been seen tearing down Rui Wang’s stage.
“Since wang ye has to reply, when the time comes, send someone
to deliver my reply as well,” Qu Qing Ju furrowed her brow, and
pushed her voice lower to muse, “Even though they are hard to
interact with, but in the end, he’s still your brother.”
Hearing his wang fei making such a conclusion about san di, an
additional hint of smile appeared on He Heng’s face: “Don’t be
afraid. If someone is blind enough to try to harass you, just stand up
for yourself. For everything, there is still me.”
Who this “someone” was, Qu Qing Ju knew. She smiled and
nodded: “With wang ye’s words, I won’t worry anymore.”
He Heng saw her manner and couldn’t resist giving another smile: “I
know you don’t like this kind of people. In the future, if it isn’t
necessary, then we don’t have to interact with them. If you get
bored, then you can take a walk to the Princess Royal’s fu. Our fus
aren’t too far apart.”
“Based on this, after si shu gets married, then isn’t it closer to go to
si shu’s fu to find si dimei?” She had just found out that Cheng Wang
Fu and Duan Wang Fu were separated by one street.
“As long as you like, you can go to anyone’s home,” He Heng
reached out to rub her earlobe. He knew inside that, even though Qu
Qing Ju’s words seemed like a joke, it was really asking him if it was
fine to be close to Cheng Wang Fei in the future, “Si di is a sincere
person. The Luo family in the past has given great care to you in the
past. We ought to interact more.”
Qu Qing Ju blinked her eyes, her lips curling as she replied: “I
Just as the two were cozying up, they saw Qian Chang Xin hurry in
from the outside, reporting that the Emperor’s decree had arrived.
Qu Qing Ju was slightly surprised, but seeing He Heng didn’t seem
to be surprised at all, she followed him out. After the messenger
taijian finished reading the decree, Qu Qing Ju understood. This was
Qing De Emperor reminding He Heng to go back to work. While
most of the Imperial Decree was worries about his son’s wounds,
but the conclusion was He Heng should return to work, and he also
bestowed down a heap of stuff.
If Qing De Emperor’s four children had to be ranked, then He Yuan
had been carried by Qing De Emperor as he grew up, He Heng had
been watched by Qing De Emperor as he grew up, He Qi was
raised free-range by Qing De Emperor, and as to Little Student He
Ming … … he was most likely the freebie that Qing De Emperor had
gotten whilst purchasing something incognito.
Since the Emperor had personally sent down the decree, He Heng
returned a message that was sent into the palace on a fast horse.
The gist of it was that this son’s wounds were almost healed and
that it was unfilial of this son to cause fuhuang to be worried. In two
days, san di was holding a flower-admiration banquet. After
attending this banquet, this son will concentrate on work,
fuhuangwan sui, wan sui, wan wan sui.[1]

The Half Pagoda Mountain in the northern suburbs of Jing City was
famous due to the half-constructed pagoda located halfway. And
Bright Moon Tower was constructed at the top of this mountain.
Bright Moon Tower’s name also had a special origin. Half Pagoda
Mountain was very tall, and since the wooden tower was
constructed at the top of the mountain, it seemed as though it was
very close to the moon, thus it was named Bright Moon Tower.
He Qi sat by the window looking at the moon hanging in the sky. A
long time later, he sighed and mused, “Time and life, lao san was
vicious this time.” Purposefully using the timber from his own
mountain to make arrows to attack lao er, and make people feel that
he wouldn’t do such an idiotic thing, and then using the thoughts of
others to frame him. He just didn’t know which of the subordinates
gave him the idea.
Wei Qing E heard his sigh. She hesitated before opening: “Hasn’t
wang ye ever thought that this matter could be related to er shu or
si shu?”
“Lao si doesn’t have that kind of manpower, he can’t do it even if he
wanted,” He Qi sat down by her side, “Even though I’m not entirely
clear about lao er’s personality, but if there really was a good
opportunity such as this, I’m afraid he would scheme against both
me and lao san. Why would he leave lao san alone, the one fuhuang
favors the most? I’s not worth it.” If he was lao er, he couldn’t bear
to let go of such a good chance of two birds with an arrow. So why
would lao er when he had the ability to do so?

Wei Qing E listened to the entire speech and knew she had thought
too much. She exclaimed: “Rui Wang is too hateful.”
“I just regret that my actions have affected you and our son, and
now you and Zhong’er have to endure such difficulties with me,” He
Qi’s expression was slightly bitter. He was much calmer than he had
appeared right after being imprisoned, but even so, he had become
slightly deflated, “I’m the useless one.”
“Wang ye cannot say such things. We are one family so we cannot
say words of two families.” Wei Qing E grasped He Qi’s hand, “Also,
except that there is less people at Bright Moon Tower, there isn’t
anything else lacking.”
He Qi gave another sigh and continued to look at the moon in the
sky: “In the future, when the new Emperor ascends the throne, as
long it isn’t He Yuan, we will be able to leave.” He was clear inside.
He had failed. The only ones left that could succeed the throne were
lao er or lao san. Both for himself or for the country, he hoped lao er
would succeed.
Lao san’s personality wasn’t good enough, he wasn’t the type to be
an Emperor. If he became Emperor, it would be ruin for the common
It was a pity that fuhuang was too partial. Otherwise, he wouldn’t
have been fighting with lao san for so many years. If fuhuang was
even slightly more just, lao san would have been out of luck a long
time ago.
Thinking about this, He Qi ordered: “Come, serve me brush and ink.”
Since he wanted to get something out of the new Emperor in the
future, then he had to pay the price.


1. ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand ten thousand years.
Chapter Sixty Nine

“Your Majesty, are you going to flip a name tonight?” The taijian from
the Department of Household Affairs, who was responsible for the
daily life of the Emperor, presented the placards of the feipin to the
Emperor. On the tray were the fish-shaped signs which represented
the status of each concubine.
Qing De Emperor finished reading the message that lao er had
presented. He didn’t look at the signs and put the folder gently on
the table, “Tonight, zhen is going to Zhong Jing Palace. Jing guifei
has been worried about Duan Wang’s wounds these days. She has
lost a lot of weight recently, zhen has to go check on her.”

“Yes,” The taijian in charge of recording the life of the Emperor

wrote down the Emperor’s words and bowed as he left.
Qing De Emperor felt that even though the one he loved was Shu
guifei, Jing guifei was a clever pearl and a satisfying confidant.
When he was irritated, he liked to go sit at Jing guifei’s palace.
Thinking about the worry Jing guifei had gone through these past
days, he felt bad.
Everyone had seen the heightened attentions the Emperor had given
Duan Wang and Jing guifei recently. So when the Emperor went to
Jing guifei’s place, no one was surprised. It was only Shu guifei,
after hearing of the incident, who reacted by smashing a cup.
“Wei shi, that slut,” Shu guifei gasped for breath before speaking to
He Yuan sitting below her, “Yuan’er, now that lao da has fallen, you
have to take advantage of the opportunity and not let Wei shi and
her son sneak in.”
“Don’t worry, mufei. Even if they wanted to, they have to see if
fuhuang thinks they are worthy. Jing guifei has played so many
tricks, but doesn’t fuhuang still love you the most?” He Yuan
condescended, “lao er always like to act as though he’s so
sanctimonious. Some always fall for it.”
Shu guifei furrowed her brow: “You cannot underestimate Duan
Wang. He is regarded as important by the Emperor. He must have
some skill. Wei shi, that whore, isn’t as favoured as me, but after so
many years, the Emperor still hasn’t forgotten her. Even her position
isn’t lower than mine. You have to be careful of that mother and
son’s tricks.”
He Yuan finished listening and objected unhappily: ‘As long as
fuhuang isn’t willing, it’s futile, no matter what tricks they use.”
Shu guifei opened and then closed her mouth. Even though she felt
that, over the years, the Emperor had been using his heart to care
for her, and because of her complaint, he hadn’t allowed any other
woman of the hougong to have children, she didn’t know why she
still felt very insecure deep inside presently.
“Tomorrow, you are holding a flower-admiration banquet at your fu.
Get your wife to become intimate with Jin An Princess. She may not
have actual power, but she is the Emperor’s first daughter. The
feelings are naturally different,” Shu guifei raised the teacup to take
a drink, “The year she married, the Emperor didn’t care about the
objections of the officials of the Ministry of Rites and gave her the
title of Princess Royal. No one else can compare to this kind of
favouritism from the Emperor.”
In the Da Long Dynasty, the previous Princess Royals had mostly
been the sisters of the Emperor. Almost none had been given to the
daughter, but the Emperor gave it anyway. He had even
posthumously titled Qin pin, who had given birth to He Gui Nian and
died as huang guifei.[1] It could be seen just how important He Gui
Nian was to the Emperor.
“Qin shi’s conduct is too proud. This son really has nothing to say to
her,” Thinking of Qin Bai Lu, He Yuan unhappily complained, “If I
knew she was this kind of woman beforehand, mufei should have let
me marry Qu shi instead. She’s better than an uninteresting woman
like Qin Bai Lu.”
“Ridiculous!” Shu guifei was proud, but even she knew that He
Yuan’s words were outrageous, “What is the position of Qu shi?
What status does Qin shi have? Behind Qin shi is the Qin Family
which is revered by many scholars. When you married her, you
received the support of the Qin Clan. How could that fox-spirit Qu
shi help you? Just the conduct of Chang De Gong Fu, if they didn’t
make any more trouble, it would be good fortune. And right now, she
is your er sao, you cannot say this again!”
“What educated and noble family? I can’t really see how Qin shi has
the composure of a daughter of an educated and noble family,” He
Yuan submissively listened to Shu guifei‘s admonishment, but still felt
dissatisfied with Qin shi, “She has made the wang fu a total mess. I
get irritated just looking at it.”
As a popo, there was always a tendency to pick on the erxifu. After
He Yuan complained, Shu guifei became even more dissatisfied with
Qin Bai Shuang: “Qin shi’s birth may be better than Qu shi but her
tactics aren’t as good as Qu shi. Don’t be irate. During the great
selection, I’ll pick a few suitable women for you.”
He Yuan bowed with his hands together raised in a fist: “Then I will
have to rely on mufei.” He thought that it would be best to pick a
woman with more flavour than Qu shi, but thinking that Qu shi was
his saozi, he didn’t say the words that would definitely breach the
“The flowers are wilting and falling in the night, the flowers carry
their fragrances as they float to the ground.” Qu Qing Ju stood on
the stone bridge and looked at the red flower petals as they floated
in the stream. She couldn’t help but think of these two lines of poetry
that described spring. She scattered the fish feed into the water and
watched as the red koi turned into a swarm. In a happy mood, she
ordered, “Mu Jin, tomorrow at Rui Wang Fu, I will wear that floor-
length wide-sleeved dress with the hundred flowers and butterflies.
Such a good spring, it wouldn’t let down that beautiful dress.”
There was no way to avoid it, she was a mortal. She liked wearing
beautiful clothes, liked wearing exquisite jewellery. It was already
such a tragedy that there was no internet in this era. If she couldn’t
find some interests, then her days would be too miserable.
“Yes, those clothes would perfectly fit the swallow ruby and lapis
lazuli encrusted head comb, and that pair of five petal jade flower
buyao.” Mu Jin started to ponder in her head which earrings and
bracelets that Qu Qing Ju should wear. Even the handkerchief,
shoes, and the ornaments hanging on the dress had to be match
Qu Qing Ju saw Mu Jin and the other yuhuan had already started to
discuss her outfit and smiled as she leaned against the stone post.
Looking at the bottom of the clear water, she narrowed her eyes as
she uttered: “No matter what, all I have to be tomorrow is the most
beautiful.” Didn’t Qin Bai Lu like wearing light-colored cloths and act
all virtuous and high? As a common person, she could only develop
herself towards becoming beautiful and stunning.
Thinking about wearing a beautiful dress in a sea of flowers and
standing in front of Qin Bai Lu, Qu Qing Ju strangely felt that she
was in a good mood.
She knew that Qin Bai Lu looked down on commoners like her. She
couldn’t stand Qin Bai Lu’s conduct either. Since the dislike was
mutual, it didn’t matter that she would deepen the negativity.
“Wang fei, Luo yiniang wants to see you,” Rui Xiang rushed over
and bowed in front of Qu Qing Ju, “Nubi saw that Luo yiniang’s face
didn’t look well. Something major must have happened.”
Luo Yin Xiu? Her impression of the person was silent and reticent,
didn’t compete for favour and didn’t speak much. Qu Qing Ju didn’t
have a deeper impression of her. After hearing Rui Xiang’s words,
she responded, “Get her to sit in the outer hall, I’ll come over
“Yes,” Rui Xiang bowed before retreating.
“Wang fei, why would this Luo yiniang suddenly want to see you?”
According to Jin Zan’s knowledge, Luo yiniang was very aware of
her role and she didn’t have much courage. When she appeared in
front of wang fei, she usually was shrunk in and didn’t dare to speak.
On her own, she was asking to speak to wang fei, what major event
had occurred?
“Let’s see first,” Qu Qing Ju felt that, out of He Heng’s concubines,
both Jiang Yong Yu and Luo Yin Xiu, if they had the choice, wouldn’t
have been willing to be a concubine of a wang ye. But they had to
accept the reality.
In the front hall, right after Qu Qing Ju sat down, Luo Yin Xiu knelt in
front of her with a bang. Qu Qing Ju saw that Luo Yin Xiu already
had tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Wang fei, nubi begs wang fei to help nubi!” Luo Yin Xiu was
gasping from crying and couldn’t speak properly.
“What is this? Yin Liu, help Luo yiniang up,” Qu Qing Ju saw Luo
shi’s face had turned entirely red from crying. She asked, “What
happened? Tell me first.”
After Luo shi brokenly finished talking, Qu Qing Ju finally understood
what had happened. Luo shi’s parents had died when she was
young and she had been raised in her jiujiu’s family. Her jiujiu’s
family had been good to her. Even though her jiujiu was only a small
and minor seventh-rank official, they made sure that she’d never
lacked for nothing. They treated her like she was their own daughter.
But right now, Luo shi had received a letter from her jiujiu’s family
that said her jiujiu had died due to illness and was going to be buried
three days later. Luo shi wanted to go to the funeral for her jiujiu but
as a qieshi, she wasn’t allowed to leave the fu unless it was for a
major matter. Even more so, when the one who had died was her
jiujiu and not her parents.

“Wang fei, you also have a very good jiujiu, please take some pity
on nubi and let nubi say farewell to jiujiu. Nubi doesn’t need very
long, it will be fine for me to just kowtow on the day of jiujiu’s
funeral, please.” Luo Yin Xiu sobbed and knelt again in front of Qu
Qing Ju.
When He Heng entered the front hall, what he saw was that scene.
He frowned in displeasure. Why did these qieshi keep bothering
Qing Ju all the time? He was going to speak out but then he noticed
the sympathetic expression on Qu Qing Ju’s face so he closed his
mouth. He walked to sit down next to Qu Qing Ju, “What is going
Luo Yin Xiu looked at wang ye, her face changing and her heart
froze. Would wang ye agree to such a thing? She widened her
swollen eyes to look at wang fei, hoping that wang fei would put in a
good word for her.
Qu Qing Ju hadn’t expected that He Heng would appear at such a
time. She looked at Luo Yin Xiu. She was just seventeen or
eighteen. In her previous life, she would have been a student
preparing for the university exams.
“Luo shi’s jiujiu has died of illness. Luo shi has been raised by her
jiujiu for so many years, she should go to the funeral,” Qu Qing Ju
sighed, “For those who come after, it is good fortune to have a good
jiujiu. As one of the younger generation, you cannot disappoint your
elders. I think Luo shi could go back for a few days, kowtow more,
burn incense and paper money to satisfy her filial piety.”
He Heng might not like to have the shiqie running around, but he had
already investigated Luo shi’s background. There was nothing
suspicious. Additionally, Qing Ju had only managed to grow up due
to her jiujiu’s care, so it wasn’t beneficial for him to contradict Qu
Qing Ju. He nodded and confirmed: “You can make the decision at
this time.”
Hearing this, Luo Yin Xiu started crying due to joy and kowtowed
heavily towards the two: “Thank wang fei, thank wang ye.”
Standing to one side, Mu Jin looked sympathetically at Luo yiniang.
Such a minor matter yet she had forgotten the order to give thanks
in. It was tragic and pitiful.
After Luo shi left, He Heng pinched Qu Qing Ju’s hand gently: “Do
you like what I had the servants deliver?”
Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju smiled and informed: “Very beautiful, I’m
wearing them tomorrow.” From a certain perspective, He Heng’s
tastes fit what she desired.
“As long as you like them.” Looking at Qu Qing Ju’s smile, He Heng
revealed a satisfied smile. He loved seeing his wang fei dressed and
adorned beautifully. This preference probably wouldn’t change in this


1. 皇贵妃: the highest position in the Imperial Harem other than the Empress. 皇
is imperial so the title is imperial guifei.
Chapter Seventy “Your Attack Is

“Since wang ye wants you to attend, then you will have to perform
well,” Qin Bai Lu picked at her fingernails, which had been dyed
yesterday. She glanced at Qu Yue Su standing in front of her, “I
heard that your musical talents are exceptional,. If there’s a chance
later, you will play for everyone.”
Qu Yue Su’s hands, which were hidden in her sleeves, tightened.
She knew that Qin shi was insulting her, but she had no choice but to
endure so she kept her head down. She bowed: “Nubi will
“En,” Qin Bai Lu nodded and raised her chin, “Today, many
honourable guests will come. Pay attention to your conduct and don’t
shame the wang fu.” She didn’t look at Qu Yue Su as she took a
yahuan’s hand and left the room.

“Mistress,” Yao Xi saw that Qu Yue Su’s expression wasn’t right and
rushed forward to support her. She comforted, “Don’t be angry,
wang fei is just jealous of how favoured you are.”
Qu Yue Su gave a bitter smile as she sat down on a chair. She
turned to look at the Jiao Wei seven stringed zither[1] that wang ye
had sent someone to specially deliver to her. She had been happy
for a few days. But this valued qin was only to be used to ply her
talents like a musician.
Since Qin shi thought she was an eyesore, then she will obstruct her
Qu Yue Su relaxed her fisted hands. Sitting in front of the mirror, she
looked at her reflection and forced a smile: “Yao Xi, help me put on
my makeup.”
She wanted Qin shi to see who would be laughing at the end.
When she arrived at Rui Wang Fu for the second time, Qu Qing Ju
felt that her attitude was different compared to last time. She took
He Heng’s hand as she walked down the carriage and looked at the
two magnificent stone lions at the gate of the wang fu. She tilted her
head to lightly stipulate: “After a few more days, I’ll also hold a
banquet and make all these people ride in a carriage to our fu.” It
wasn’t a comfortable experience to sit in a carriage. She felt that it
was necessary for others to endure for her as well, just to be fair.
He Heng smiled as he looked at her. His gaze swept across the pair
of tassels in her hair. He agreed in a low voice: “Alright, after getting
back, we’ll get the servants to start preparing.”
Qu Qing Ju noticed his gaze and used a handkerchief to hide the
corner of her lip: “Are you satisfied with what you see?” These
words were usually said by the male protagonist to the female
protagonist in the novels. Qu Qing Ju felt very dominant.
“Very satisfied, Qing Qu is more stunning than usual.” He Heng was
very cooperative and followed her lead, even though he didn’t
understand why his wang fei’s eyes suddenly became especially
“This one greets Duan wang ye, Duan wang fei, please come in,”
The chief stewards had noticed the two exiting the carriage and
hurriedly bowed as he walked in front of them, “Wang ye has been
waiting for you to come.”
“Aren’t you He Fu Er? Why are you receiving?” This He fu Er was a
personal taijian of lao san. Usually, he served near lao san’s side. It
was very rare for lao san to let him personally receive guests.

“To come here and receive wang ye is this one’s good fortune,” He
Fu Er bowed as he made a motion of welcoming, “As long as wang
ye and wang fei doesn’t find this one an eyesore.”
He Heng nodded and, holding Qu Qing Ju’s hand, crossed the main
gate of Rui Wang Fu.
“Was that Duan Wang and Duan Wang Fei who just went in?” Tian
Jin Ke and Tian Luo shi came down the carriage and coincidentally
saw He Fu Er welcoming the two inside. Tian Jin Ke looked at their
backs and asked Tian Luo shi beside him, “Furen, look.”
Hearing the request, Tian Luo shi looked over and also saw the
backs of the two before they stepped into the compound. She
nodded hesitantly: “They look similar. Qing Ju’s manner is more and
more imposing these days.”
“The one guiding them is His Highness Rui Wang’s personal servant
He Fu Er, you must be right,” Tian Jin Ke saw that there was
someone coming out to receive them and walked with Tian Luo shi
towards the gate, “People have to grow up one day.”
Tian Luo shi smiled: “This is good.” It was better to have an
imposing aura in the Imperial Family. She had originally been worried
that they would scorn Qing Ju because of the matter with the san
xiaojie of the Qu Family. Seeing that Qing Ju was living well, she
could now rest her worries.
Thinking about what the Qu Family had done, Tian Luo shi couldn’t
help but frown. They were a somewhat honourable family. How did
they have the shamelessness to do such a thing? It wasn’t that their
lives were at stake, so why go to become a qie? Was it because
being a qie for a wang ye meant that she became a rank above the
rest? In this Jing City, a di daughter of a duke pursuing to become a
qie. Even if the other was a wang ye, it was still a laughingstock.
He Fu Er dropped half a step back as he walked behind Qian Chang
Xin, Ming He and the rest. He looked at the back figures of Duan
Wang and Duan Wang Fei. He couldn’t help but sigh. If his wang ye
and wang fei could be as intimate, he would have a much easier
time as a servant.
This Duan Wang Fei was really beautiful and Duan Wang was really
willing and generous. That jewel on the hair comb was that bright.
How many good things were cut up to create such an effect?
But women, they had to be like this to have flavour. He might be an
impotent taijian but he was at least half a man. If Duan Wang Fei
had even stronger tactics, there would be no space for the qieshi of
Duan Wang Fu to survive.
After he guided the people to their destination, He Fu Er perceptively
retreated. Before he left, he received a pouch bestowed by Duan
Wang Fei. Even though it wasn’t anything rare, but at least she had
looked at him, a taijian, didn’t she?

By this time, there were members of both sexes present in the pear
tree forest. After they heard the taijian announce the arrival of Duan
Wang, they stood to welcome him. He Yuan and Qin Bai Lu
personally took a few more steps forward and waited at the
entrance for the two to come over.
The instant she saw Qu Qing Ju, the smile on Qin Bai Lu’s face
became colder. She had always had looked down on women that
only knew how to dress but didn’t have anything of value inside. But
Qu Qing Ju had to appear each time more beautiful than the last
time they met..
When some women wore a dress embroidered with a hundred
flowers and butterflies, it was gaudy. Others, however, looked
stunning. He Yuan’s gaze swept across Qu Qing Ju beside He Heng,
his eyebrow slightly moving. Just a few days, and his er sao seemed
even more beautiful.
Noticing He Yuan’s gaze, He Heng carelessly released Qu Qing Ju’s
hand. He took a step forward, managing to walk directly in front of
Qu Qing Ju and smiled as he greeted He Yuan: “We are disturbing
san di, san dimei today.”

“Er ge is too polite. Why don’t we have a drink?” He Yuan made a

sweeping motion, indicating for He Heng to walk on his left side.
Even though the banquet hadn’t been intentionally divided, the men
were gathered on the left side drinking while the women were on the
right side, drinking tea and eating pastries. Each side were occupied
with their own amusements.
He Heng’s smile didn’t change: “Then yu xiong will respectfully
accept.” He commanded Mu Jin and the others, “Serve wang fei with
great care.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin and the others bowed, “Wang ye, please rest your
He Heng nodded and started to walk with He Yuan to the already
prepared tables on the left side. Very quickly, the male guests, who
had already arrived, moved forward to greet him. After a ruckus, the
He brothers finally managed to sit.
“Er ge has become more attentive to your people,” He Yuan raised a
wine cup to him, taking a sip, “No wonder Jing City is praising er ge
and er sao as one of those rare good couples.”

“San di is drunk,” He Heng mimicked the other in raising a cup and

taking a small mouthful, “It is expected for men to be good to their
own people. How is it worth to be talked about?”
He Yuan’s lips curled, his gaze unconsciously starting to search for
the figure of Qu shi. He caught a glimpse but before he could take a
closer look, a wine cup appeared in front of his eyes.
“San di’s fu has such beautiful pear flowers. Let’s drink another
cup,” He Heng smiled with narrowed eyes as he raised the wine cup,
“Such beautiful scenery, if we don’t drink to it, it will be such a
“That’s true,” He Yuan turned his eyes away and smiled as he drank
with He Heng.
Qu Qing Ju was going to sit down with Qin Bai Lu but seeing Tian
Luo shi had also come, she turned and walked a few steps towards
her. Coming up to support her, she exclaimed: “I didn’t see jiumu
before. Otherwise, I would have come in with you.”
Tian Luo shi gave a gentle smile and held hands with her as they
walked to the tables. She patted the back of the hand, saying:
“Wang fei was walking at the front. How could you know what was
happening behind?”
The other womenfolk came forward to greet Qu Qing Ju, their eyes
admiring and shocked as they swept across Qu Qing Ju’s entire
body. They couldn’t help but be moved. Once Duan Wang Fei
appeared, all of them seemed to pale in comparison. Even Rui Wang
Fei seemed bland as she stood to the side.
Qin Bai Lu noticed the gazes of the other womenfolk, her smile
becoming strained. Hearing a servant report that Jin An Princess had
arrived, she turned to welcome the princess. She didn’t want to look
at Qu Qing Ju and also, she didn’t want to stand next to her.
“Er dimei has already arrived?” When Jin An Princess came in, she
smiled as she walked to Qu Qing Ju and Tian Luo shi. She examined
Qu Qing Ju thoroughly before exclaiming: “In the past, people
described beautiful women by peerless, or exquisite. Ben gong
always thought it was just exaggerations, but seeing er dimei, I feel
that the praises can be true. Such a stunning and peerless beauty.”
“Jiejie, stop mocking me with so many people present. Otherwise, I
can’t go outside anymore,” Qu Qing Ju acted along, and lowered her
head, “You think that I am an easy target so you’re purposefully
embarrassing me.”
“Don’t be angry. If this beautiful face won’t come out anymore for
ben gong to look at, ben gong will have no desire for food or sleep.”
Jin An Princess bowed, “Jiejie will say sorry to you right now, so my
good dimei, don’t be angry.”

“Where did this lecher come from? So frivolous and outrageous.” Qu

Qing Ju pretended to gently push Jin An Princess and then acted
embarrassed by hiding her face as she sat down.
When the womenfolk standing nearby saw the scene, they all hid
their smiles. But inside, they were all shocked at the intimacy
between Jin An Princess and Duan Wang Fei. Rui Wang Fei, sitting
nearby, didn’t seem to be even part of the same family.
“Beauty, don’t be angry, don’t be angry. Ben gong will pour tea for
you to absolve myself,” Jin An Princess really did pour Qu Qing Ju
tea, and with a masculine bow, she went on, “Please.”
Qu Qing Ju instantly smiled as she raised the teacup to take a drink:
“En, it isn’t bad. I’ll keep you to serve my tea. Are you willing?” She
could detect Jin An Princess’s desire to become closer. Even though
she didn’t know what the other’s objective was, it was clearly not
malicious so she was happy to receive the goodwill.
“How can I refuse a beauty’s wish?” Jin An Princess’ smile became
even brighter.
Qin Bai Lu looked coldly at the interaction between Jin An Princess
and Qu Qing Ju. An icy smile appeared on her face. Wang ye told
her to become intimate with Jin An Princess, but once the princess
came, she moved closer to Qu shi. What could she do?
Once most of the guests had arrived, Qin Bai Lu announced: “Today
is such a rare occasion for everyone to honor our fu with your
presence. Our fu has prepared some songs and dances for
everyone to appreciate. I hope everyone would enjoy.” When she
finished, she clapped her hands. Everyone saw a plainly dressed
woman come out, holding a Jiao Wei zither in her hands.

After this plainly dressed woman sat down, everyone didn’t know
what expression to show. Because this woman was the third
daughter of the Qu Family.
This Qu san guniang could be considered to be Duan Wang Fei’s
sister. Rui Wang Fei letting her come out to display her talents like
this, was it to embarrass Duan Wang and Duan Wang Fei?
Qu Qing Ju ignored the eyes on her. She smiled and commented to
Jin An Princess and Tian Luo shi beside her: “This tea isn’t bad. The
fragrance lingers in the mouth, not common at all.” A long time ago
on the boat, He Yuan had played the same ploy. Now Qin Bai Lu
was also doing it. Didn’t these two have any other tactics to attack
their opponent?
This type of attack, to her and He Heng, it was all ineffective!


1. 焦尾琴: one of the four famous zithers in Chinese history.

Chapter Seventy One

Music produced by females were usually gentle and touching. Qu

Qing Ju leaned back against the cushion, her index finger slowly
caressing the rim of her tea cup. She watched the flower petals fall
on Qu Yue Su’s hair. The wind blew and the petals all fell down,
displaying a special kind of charm.
Due to the influence of her profession in the previous life, she liked
admiring beauties of all types. A plainly dressed beauty, hair flying in
the midst of a rain of flower petals, it was a beautiful scene. Even
more so when the beauty’s music was also pleasing to the ear. .
“The drizzling rains are moisturizing the streets of the capital, the
color of grass can be seen far yet not near, it is the best attribute of
summer, and definitely wins over the colors of the capital.” Qu Yue
Su’s voice was light as she recited a poem describing the spring.
Her fingers stopped moving, leaving behind the perfect ending for the
The surrounding people woke up from the music. Some clapped
while others gasped. But there wasn’t anyone who dared to dampen
the spirits by mentioning that this qie was a daughter of a duke.

“Beautiful person, beautiful song,” He Heng played with the wine cup
and praised insincerely, “Good.”
“To receive a compliment from er ge, that’s her good fortune. Qu shi
may only be ben wang’s cefei, but she is also er sao’s meimei. So
she can call er ge brother.” He Yuan smiled as he raised a cup to He
Heng, “The person is beautiful, the wine even more so. Let’s have
another cup.”
Sitting on the right hand side of He Heng, He Ming heard the words
and felt that they were strange. He looked at the qie sitting by the
qin, and then at er ge, his brow furrowing. Was san ge purposefully
trying to humiliate er ge?
“San di is joking,” He Heng didn’t get angry and smiled instead. He
gave a disinterested look at Qu Yue Su, “San di is gracious enough
to have your beloved qie to play a song for us, and allow us to see
what is meant by the person is beautiful, the song even more so. So
it should be er ge toasting you.” This Que Yue Su might have been a
noble lady of a gong fu but now she was in your Rui Wang Fu. You
let your woman come out and display herself, it didn’t have anything
to do with him. If you don’t find that embarrassing, what could he be
afraid of?
When he finished talking, He Heng turned to look at He Ming and
asked: “Si di, don’t you think we should toast lao san?”

He Ming showed a confused expression as he raised his cup and

smiled sincerely: “Yu di toasts san ge and thanks san ge for being
so welcoming.”
“There’s no need to be so polite. Just a qie, she’s nothing worth
treasuring.” He Yuan gritted his teeth as he drank down the cup of
wine, the fire roaring inside.
“Haha, san di is very right. Let’s drink, let’s drink.” He Heng laughed
as he raised the cup and called for the people seated nearby to
drink as well.
Under the pear tree, Qu Yue Su’s fingernails pierced her palm. A
drop of vibrantly crimson blood fell on the Jiao Wei zither. Her jade-
like fingertip roughly wiped away the drop. The index finger swiped
at the strings and a harsh “Ambush From Ten Sides” was played.
“ ‘Ambush from Ten Sides’, the murderous intent from all sides, the
danger from all sides. Your fu’s ce fei has done a good
performance,” He Gui Nian took a drink of tea and smiled as she
looked at the woman playing, “This guniang has brilliant talent and is
as beautiful as a flower, and plays such a good zither. No wonder
san di desperately wanted to take her into the fu.”

What did having so many skills do for her? Wasn’t she still
shameless for becoming someone else’s qie? Qin Bai Lu smiled
insincerely at He Gui Nian before her gaze fell onto Qu Qing Ju,
“That isn’t all. It’s not just wang ye, even I usually like listening to her
songs. Er sao’s meimei is a very rare kind of female.”

Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju sighed: “It’s san shu and san dimei who
have the good fortune. Before I’d married, san mei lived with my
stepmother. We rarely saw each other, much less admire san mei’s
musical talents. It’s only at dimei’s fu that I have the good fortune.
No matter what, I have to thank san dimei. Otherwise, I wouldn’t
have had many chances to hear san mei’s songs in this lifetime.”
She smiled, looking deeply moved, “It’s san dimei who has good
fortune, to have such a good assistant in helping to take care of san
He Gui Nian couldn’t help but feel awe after hearing Qu Qing Ju’s
words. She was really worthy of being er dimei. She was a perfect
match in heaven with er di. Even the way she spoke was the same
method of killing without seeing blood.
She turned her head to look. As expected, Qin Bai Lu’s expression
had changed. Any woman, after hearing such words, wouldn’t feel
comfortable. What woman was willing to share her husband with a
talented and beautiful qie?

“Thanks er sao, I hope er sao will have the same good fortune in the
future,” Qin Bai Lu raised a teacup and took a drink, trying her best
to make the smile on her face appear natural.
“Not everyone could have this kind of good fortune, I won’t try to
hope,” Qu Qing Ju gave a wide smile as she continued, “Just
listening isn’t very interesting. San dimei, why don’t you call some
beauties for a dance? That would be enjoyable.”
Qin Bai Lu forced out a small smile: “The dancers have already been
prepared. Since er sao wishes to admire the dances of beautiful
women, di mei will have the servants prepare.”
Did she think that Rui Wang Fu was a playhouse, that she could
order whatever? Qin Bai Lu indicated for the already prepared
program to continue. Very quickly, dancers in white dresses with
green girdles appeared in the garden. There were also musicians
accompanying them from the side. The entire garden was filled with
As the atmosphere became busier, Qu Qing Ju’s gaze swept across
the male guests opposite her. These men were either drinking,
changing cups, or using the silver chopsticks to tap along with the
music. For some reason, she thought of the “Song of the Pipa
Player” by Bai Ju Yi. Written in it was “The hairpins and silver combs
broke as they were used to tap the beat, the red dress was dirtied
by spilled wine, this year’s cheer repeats next year, the autumn
moon and spring winds pass in leisure.” This was almost the entire
truth. Luxury would disappear. Men were greedy for fresh and
beautiful but a woman’s youth was so short. After the best times had
passed, where is the man’s heart?
After watching half of the dancing, He Yuan pointed at the dancer
leading the troupe, “Er ge, what do you think of that one?”

He Heng smiled as He looked at He Yuan. He slowly drawled: “Her

beauty is above average, but not my type.”
He Yuan had been waiting for the other’s compliment so he could
give his brother a beautiful woman. He hadn’t thought that He Heng
would reply with such words. He stilled for a moment before asking:
“What is er ge’s preference?”

“With one look, the heart feels pleased, that is my preference,” He

Heng put down the wine cup in his hand. Taking the stance of the
elder brother, he lectured seriously, “San di, no matter how many
beautiful women there are, it’s just flowers on the gold. A man
shouldn’t be too lustful. The so-called houses of beauty and happy
dens are the easiest ways to wear down the drive of men. We are
all young, we should put more attention on state affairs and try to
lessen the burden for fuhuang.”

He Yuan didn’t manage to give out the woman and got lectured in
return, causing him to almost lose the smile on his face. He put his
wine cup on the table, “Er ge is right to scold me. These people are
just for pleasure, and cannot be taken seriously. I made er ge worry,
it’s didi’s fault.”
“I know you are usually mature, I just said a few words,” He smiled
as he raised the wine cup, “Come, drink.”
He Ming widened his eyes as he watched er ge push away the
beauty like this, and managed to scold san ge as well. He instantly
felt awe rise for er ge.

The story of Rui Wang appreciating the dancing and wanting to give
Duan Wang a woman passed into Qu Qing Ju’s ears only when they
had started the noon meal. She didn’t change expression and blankly
stated, “To receive a beautiful woman as a gift, that’s a good thing.”
“Such a pity you won’t be bringing that beauty home,” He Gui Nian
smiled as she wiped her hands dry. She looked at Qu Qing Ju as
she grinned, “My er di has said, no matter how beautiful the woman,
it’s still just flowers on the gold. It’s enough to have only one who
pleases the heart. He also said that men should pay more attention
on state affairs.”
The bunch of womenfolk on the side admired Qu Qing Ju’s good
fortune. One said that Rui Wang’s conduct was of good taste,
another said Duan Wang was illustrious. Both families were
complimented, and even He Gui Nian was praised for having two
good brothers.
Qu Qing Ju heard these people’s words and couldn’t help but think,
the pitiful Little Fourth He, he had been forgotten by these
womenfolk again.
Qin Bai Lu looked at the happy smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face. The
sourness in her heart seemed to have reached her throat. She was
the one with higher birth than Qu Qing Ju, and she was the more
talented. Her husband was more favoured by fuhuang but why was
it that the other was better than her in every aspect, her popo was
warm to her, her husband loved her, and even her clothing and
jewellery were more sumptuous than her?
She was the one who should be more proud, right? Except for the
fact that Qu Qing Ju was more beautiful, where else could she win?
The Heavens weren’t fair. This type of vulgar woman could have
such a good life. But why could she not receive the love of her
husband, the satisfaction of her popo and she had to compete for a
man with those shiqie who couldn’t even be seen out in public.
“Those ordinary rouge and common powders cannot compare to er
sao’s beauty,” Qin Bai Lu opined, “It’s no surprise that Duan Wang
doesn’t have an interest in those dancers.”
These words seemed to be complimenting her but why did it not
sound right? Qu Qing Ju smiled as she looked at Qin Bai Lu, “San
dimei’s words are really making me embarrassed. Da jie had
mocked me already and now you’ve come to take a go. Us women’s
youth is only these short few years. Whatever beauty that exists, it
becomes nothing.”
Many of the womenfolk had been married for a long time. After
hearing Qu Qing Ju’s words, they couldn’t help but agree. Duan
Wang Fei’s words were very truthful. Who hadn’t been young once?
But out of the people present, some always had the love and
respect of their husbands, and some had nothing to say to their
husbands. So the thing that is beauty, it can only be for a short time,
whose beauty lasts for eternity?
In Xi Ce Yuan, Qu Yue Su calmly watched as Yao Xi cleaned her
wounds. Hearing the chatter and laughter outside, she smiled
bitterly: “Today, I’ve lost all my honor.” Now, she was regretful but it
was too late.
“Xiao jie!” Yao Xi comforted with red eyes, “Xiao jie, don’t think too
much. You still have many days ahead of you.”
“Yes, long days.” Qu Yue Su stared dazedly at the half-open door.
She remembered the conversation between Duan Wang and wang
ye. So she was nothing but an amusement.

Amusement … …
Chapter Seventy Two

After the noon meal, the parade of people spread into the pear
forest. They played tou hu[1] and ordered a few shows before
everyone started to make their farewells.
Qu Qing Ju seemed to be fated to be enemies with Qin Bai Lu and
naturally took the chance to bid farewell. Both Jin An Princess and
Tian Luo shi also stood to make their farewell.
Qin Bai Lu insincerely tried to detain them, and seeing it didn’t work,
she walked a few steps to send them off. She had just walked a few
steps when she saw Duan Wang walked in their direction. She
slightly lowered her head, looking only at the corner of Duan Wang’s
embroidered robe and dark boots.
“Want to go home?” He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju walk out and knew
she wanted to return to the fu. He saw Jin An Princess was also
present and raised his hands in a greeting.
Jin An Princess jested: “Okay, okay, no need to be so polite in front
of me. I’ll go first, there’s no need to send me off.”
“Jiejie, take care.” Qu Qing Ju bowed slightly. Jin An Princess
returned a bow before she took the hand of her yahuan as she left,
not wanting to be a third wheel.
Tian Luo shi naturally wouldn’t stand there as well. She spoke a few
words to Qu Qing Ju before leaving as well, leaving behind Qu Qing
Ju, He Heng and the He Yuan couple.
“It’s still early, er ge and er sao can still stay for a while,” He Yuan
put his hands behinds his back as he offered, “Otherwise it would be
such a waste of this good spring sunlight.”
“The spring will still remain, it’s not a matter of wasting it,” He Heng
held Qu Qing Ju’s hand, “san di and san dimei don’t have to send us
off, we shall make our farewells now.”
“If so, we won’t forcefully detain you, take care.” He Yuan raised his
hands in a fist, a silent Qin Bai Lu bowed as she stood to the side.
When she raised her head, she saw that Qu Qing Ju’s hand was
held by Duan Wang as they walked away.
She suddenly remembered the first time she saw Qu Qing Ju, it had
been at the door to the palace. It had been like this that time, Duan
Wang and Qu Qing Ju’s fingers entwined together while she and He
Yuan would never walk together.
It was only when the figures of the two had disappeared from view
that she took her gaze back. Looking at the man two steps away
from her, she suddenly felt tired. She rubbed her forehead as she
expressed: “Wang ye, I’m slightly tired. I’m going back to zhengyuan
to rest.”
He Yuan expressionlessly nodded. Thinking about what had
happened on the banquet, his mood wasn’t well and he didn’t want
to see Qin Bai Lu either, “Go, don’t wait for me tonight.”
Qin Bai Lu smiled coldly. From a long time ago, she didn’t wait for
him anymore. A man that would never arrive, why should she wait?
The news that Duan Wang turned down a beautiful woman was
passed around. Many praised the feelings between Duan Wang and
Duan Wang Fei. Duan Wang’s reputation for some reason
dramatically increased among the womenfolk and he became the
standard for noble ladies to pick their husbands.
Qu Qing Ju couldn’t help but smile as she heard the discussions
outside. She listened as Huang Yang and Jin Zhan cleverly acted out
the rumors from outside. She couldn’t help but tease: “Based on
what you tell, I’m not even human. It’s all unfounded, but you all
believe it like it’s the truth.”
“Wang fei, just let them play, otherwise they’ll explode,” Mu Jin took
a cushion to place behind Qu Qing Ju to help her sit more
comfortably, “Rui wang fei’s expression wasn’t good when wang fei
left this time. Nubi thinks she is very discontent with you.”

“We are on different sides, no matter what I do, she would be

displeased,” Qu Qing Ju thought about Qin Bai Lu’s conduct at the
banquet. She frowned, speculating, “It may be that because of Qu
Yue Su entering Rui Wang Fu that hatred formed and she hates me
by association.”
Mu Jin heard this and thinking of the road that san xiaojie picked,
she sighed: “No one thought that san xiaojie would do such a thing.
Nubi thinks that Rui Wang Fu isn’t a good destination.” Once she
finished, she instantly reacted. She couldn’t say those words. She
bowed down as she pled, “Nubi was speaking nonsense, please
forgive me, wang fei.”

“There’s no need to stick so closely to the rules,” Qu qing Ju said,

“you have a steady personality. I believe that you just slipped this
Mu Jin heard wang fei’s words and her heart became even more
alert. She reminded herself to not slip again in the future. It was
alright here where no one else was present. If other people were
present, wouldn’t they say wang fei had no discipline?

“Wang fei, Luo yiniang asks for an audience.” Yu zan walked in.
Seeing Mu Jin jiejie’s expression wasn’t right, she lowered her voice
to say, “Nubi sees that Luo yiniang’s spirits aren’t very good.”
“Just let her come in,” Qu Qing Ju thought for a bit but didn’t switch
to another place to receive Luo shi. In a short while, she saw Luo
shi docilely walk in.

Luo Yin Xiu walked in, and without a word, knelt down. Qu Qing Ju
hurriedly let a servant help her up, “What are you doing, Mu Jin, help
Luo yiniang to a seat.”

“Originally, nubi shouldn’t have come like this to visit wang fei, but
nubi is really grateful for wang fei’s kindness,” Luo Yin xiu’s eyes
were red, “nubi has nothing to repay wang fei except to do a full
greeting to express the gratefulness.”
“To want to support your elders but they are already gone is a huge
regret of all people. We are women, we cannot even help support
those who raised us. If we cannot even see their last moments, how
would we face them in death?” Qu Qing Ju sighed. Even though this
era was similar to late Tang in terms of the status of men and
women, but it was still the man as the sky, the woman as an
accessory of the man. There was a rare strong woman, but they
were dependant on the power of the maternal family. It was alright
for a princess to not want her fuma, but were there an empress that
dared not want the emperor?
Men and women were, in the end, not equal in this world. She stood
and patted the back of Luo Yin Xiu’s hand, “Don’t think too much
right now. Go back and get a good sleep. I understand your
desires.” She saw the colors that Luo Yin Xiu were wearing were
very light and plain. She knew that it was out of desire to observe
morning for her jiujiu and didn’t have any objections.
Luo Yin Xiu wiped away her tears and stood to bow to her: “Nubi
thanks wang fei.” Originally, she had thought wang fei was arrogant
and wouldn’t pay attention to one as useless as her. She hadn’t
thought that she would help her and speak words of comfort.
She was a shiqie, one that could be easily taken care of. How wang
fei treated her, it was her good fortune to enter this wang fu. If she
encountered a woman more dangerous, she wouldn’t have been
allowed to wear plain clothes, much less return to her uncle’s home
for the funeral.
Coming of the zhengyuan, Luo Yin Xiu, with the support of a
yahuan, wiped her tears as she said: “Shu Wen, remember wang
fei’s boon today. Even if I cannot repay it all in this lifetime, I have to
remember it well.”
The yahuan named Shu Wen carefully supported her and observed
in a small voice: “Mistress, I feel that wang fei treats people well,
and isn’t at all like what Ping yiniang said.”

“Ping yiniang is bringing trouble upon herself,” Luo Yin Xiu’s

expression had returned to normal. To weep in this kind of place, it
was providing amusement for others.
“As a qie, how could she ever shake the prestige of the Mistress?”
Luo Yin Xiu thought about what Ping Zi Jin had done in the past,
“Three years ago, she entered the palace as a female candidate.
Because her status wasn’t enough, she was bestowed by Jing guifei
to serve His Highness. His Highness was able to give her a position,
she should have treasured it. Now it’s like this, she lost even His
Highness’ affections. She lost more than she had gained.”
Shu Wen nodded. Looking around at the surrounding and seeing no
one was around, she furtively said: “Nubi feels that wang fei is
better looking than Ping yiniang. Wang ye liking wang fei and not
Ping yiniang is right.”

“What does a young girl like you know, don’t mention this in the
future,” Luo Yin Xiu’s face darkened, “let’s go, help me change once
we return.”
“Yes,” Shu Wen embarrassedly lowered her head, not daring to
He Heng had returned to the Royal Court but when he heard the
decree fuhuang had sent down, he couldn’t help frown. Let lao san
take the decree to scold lao da. What was the meaning of the
decree, hating lao da for failing to meet expectations, or wanted to
let lao san get some revenge?

This conduct was too preposterous. He raised his head to look at

Qing De Emperor, stepping forward to raise his hands: “Fuhuang, er
chen had assumed that since da ge has already reflected in Hao
Yue Tower already, he knows what he did wrong. Why don’t fuhuang
give da ge a change?”

“Heng’er, lao da tried to assassinate you, why do you beg for mercy
for him?” Qing De Emperor looked at his second son, his face full of
surprise and displeasure.
Thinking out the message that lao da had others send to him where
he had explained that he didn’t try to assassinate him and there were
hints of intentions of ceding to him, He Heng knew that even though
lao da was imprisoned, he was still in a life-or-death battle with lao
“It’s not that er chen has the intentions of asking for mercy for da
ge. But up until now, da ge had been very reverential of fuhuang. If
fuhuang scolds him again, er chen is worried that da ge’s body
won’t hold up. Your eldest grandson has just turned three years old,
can he be without a father?” He Heng’s voice was full of earnestness
as he persuaded, “fuhuang, can you endure the pain of losing a
I’m saying you can’t bear to let your son die, can you say you can
bear it?
Evidently Qing De Emperor was very moved by these words. His
eldest son would not eat or sleep because of his condemnation. If he
really died due to that, he, as a father, would really care. So he
nodded and concluded: “If that’s so, then it would be as you say.
There won’t be a decree condemning him. Zhen will send some
more books over to let him read and write to cultivate his moral
“Fuhuang is kind and wise.” He Heng’s face was moved and
reverent as he knelt.
He Yuan turned his head to look at the scene. His face darkened as
he thought, when would He Heng’s? mouth be clumsy?
The court officials standing at the back also knelt down as they
shouted the emperor’s benevolence, and caused Qing De Emperor
to reveal a smile. He praised He Heng, expressing the side of him
that was a loving father, before he ended court.
After court, He Heng coincidentally managed to be walking together
with Minister Luo Chang Qing. After Luo Chang Qing made his
greetings, He Heng remarked: “After a few more days, it would be
your daughter’s special day. Ben wang will give early congratulations
to Luo da ren.”

Luo Chang Qing raised his hand and acknowledged: “Wang ye is too
polite, great thanks wang ye.”
This appellation, it even omitted the title at the front. It was much
more intimate than before.

1. 投壶: ancient drinking game, players toss arrows into a pot and the loser
Chapter Seventy Three “The
Things Missed”

Today Luo fu was especially busy. Luxurious sedans of all kinds

stopped at the doors of the Luo fu, and the line was so long it took
half the street. The common people watched from far away on the
side as the sedans that carried the noblewomen passed by and
started to discuss the matter of Luo xiaojie’s upcoming marriage..

The time at which Qu Qing Ju arrived wasn’t too early or too late.
Once her sedan appeared, the other sedans quickly moved out to
make a path to let her eight-person wang fei ranked sedan smoothly
pass through.
Getting off the sedan, the person receiving her was Luo Wen Yao’s
mother Luo taitai. She reached out to hold Luo taitai’s hand, stopping
her from bowing in greeting to her: “Luo taitai, what are you doing,
you are my elder, there’s no rationale for elders bowing to their
descendants. Today is Wen Yao meimei’s day of adding to the
dowry. Coming here is me butting in to receive some of that
celebratory cheer.”
“Wang fei could come, it’s bringing light to this humble abode, it isn’t
butting in,” Luo taitai was smiling widely as she supported her hand
to walk into the fu and usher her into the houyuan. She saw that
many people had already arrived. These people must be on good
relations with the Luo Family to come at this time to add to the
Tian Luo shi might have been Qu Qing Ju’s jiumu but she hadn’t
expected that her niece would personally come. Seeing her, she fell
into a short daze before revealing a smile. The fact that her niece
was honouring her maternal family, it was out of fondness for her.
“Jiu mu,” Qu Qing Ju walked over to Tian Luo shi. She saw that Tian
Luo shi was holding the accounts for Luo Wen Yao’s dowry. She
casually took a look and said to Luo taitai behind her, “Luo taitai
loves her daughter very much, this dowry is very generous.”
The other furen present, when they heard the words, followed with
their compliments. The family attitude of the Luo Family in placing
importance on the next generation was famous in Jing City. Qu Qing
Ju ruminated on the stuff listed on the dowry list. This desire to care
for their daughter, it was very rare.
As Luo taitai heard the praises, she smiled as tears ran down. It
could be seen she was happy at her daughter’s marriage yet sad to
part with her daughter.
A short while later, everyone started to demand to see the soon-to-
be-married bride. Qu Qing Ju went with the crowd into Luo Wen
Yao’s room. After entering, she saw Luo Wen Yao wearing a pink
dress, her cheeks red as she sat by the window, clearly
embarrassed. Luo lao taitai was sitting beside her, a benevolent
smile on her face. It seemed that she, as an elder, was discussing
something with her beloved granddaughter.
Qu Qing Ju’s footsteps paused. She felt that this scene before her
was very warm and unconsciously gave a smile, holding Tian Luo
shi’s hand as she stood silently at one side.

“So beautiful,” One furen looked at Luo Wen Yao who had her head
lowered, and gasped: “It wasn’t so long ago you were just a young
yatou and now you are getting married.” She walked in front of Luo
taitai and gently patted her hand, “As her aunt, I don’t have anything
good to give her, but these things are just a token of my love as an
Once she finished, the yahuan behind her revealed the gifts. Qu
Qing Ju found that inside were two pairs of bangles, two pairs of
earring, two buyao, and two sets of jade artifacts. The
craftsmanship of all these objects were very fine, it seemed that this
aunt of Luo Wen Yao’s had put some thought in.
The close relatives of the Luo Family started to give out the objects
to add to the dowry. Tian Luo shi, as the aunt, didn’t give jade
artifacts or jewelry. She straightforwardly gave out the deeds to the
land and house for a shop. It was an exceedingly generous gift. Of
course, it also implied her position in the Tian Family.
After the relatives presented, then it was time for the friends. As a
wang fei, Qu Qing Ju naturally wouldn’t be left until last. She
indicated for the yahuan behind her to present what she had
brought. She walked next to Luo Wen Yao, gently holding her hand
to say: “According to age, you are some months younger than me.
It’s appropriate for me to call you meimei.”

Luo Wen Yao’s face was crimson as she bowed: “Jiejie.”

Qu Qing Ju smiled as she touched the other’s delicate face. Fifteen
years old, still half a child, and to be marriage in this ancient time.
She suddenly thought about the “Gou Jian Destroys Wu” from the
previous life’s humanities classes, there was a phrase “if a woman is
not married by seventeen, her parents are at fault” which used to be
a great target for mockery by everyone. Now that she was living at
this place, she knew how real it was.
“You have to remember, a woman can be virtuous, can be dignified
but cannot forget to be good to herself,” Qu Qing Ju slightly lowered
her head, and spoke at a volume by Luo Wen Yao’s ear that only the
two of them could hear, “don’t assume that, as a wang fei, you have
to be careful with speech and laughter. Everything else is fake, to
have your husband be good to you is the best tactic of all. You have
to remember he isn’t just a wang ye, he is also a man.”

Speaking to that point, Qu Qing Ju didn’t go any further. She took a

step back. Looking at Luo Wen Yao’s face that was bursting with
blood, she couldn’t resist touching her face again. Such a good girl,
Little Student Ming better not disappoint her.
Luo Wen Yao looked at the smiling woman in front of her. For some
reason unknown, she put what she had just heard deep into her
heart. Even though the two had only met a few times, but she felt
what the other said was the truth and the conduct of the other was
A beat later, she nodded her head gravely: “Jiejie, meimei will
remember.” In that pair of large eyes were reverence and trust.
The others thought that they spoke a few words due to the similar
age of the two and that they would be zhouli in the future. They
definitely wouldn’t have thought that Qu Qing Ju was teaching Luo
Wen Yao the skills to manage her husband. They looked at the gifts
that Duan Wang Fei was adding to the dowry and had to admit to
themselves that Duan Wang Fei was one that repaid the kindness
done to her.
A phoenix-blood jade pendant, ruby hair comb, mutton-fat bangles,
twelve double-sided embroidered silk handkerchiefs, a whole set of
pearl hair ornaments, and a dotted jade buyao. Those were all rare
objects on their own and Duan Wang Fei had given so many. It could
be seen that she still remembered the kindness of the Luo Family
from the past.
Thinking about that, everyone laughed on the inside at Chang De
Gong Fu. Neglecting an eldest di daughter. Now this eldest di
daughter was grown, she was estranged from them. The second di
daughter that was put on their hearts rushed up to become a qie.
This was already a laughingstock in Jing City. They had to wonder,
did the people of Chang De Gong Fu have the courage to leave their
Not long after, even the Princess Royal and some of the feipin from
the palace sent people to add to the dowry. It could be seen that the
importance placed on the Luo Family, and expressed the fact that
after Luo Wen Yao married, she wouldn’t be slighted by the Imperial
After the guests left, Luo Wen Yao sat by the window. Thinking of
Qu Qing Ju’s words, her face flushed. She twisted to look at her
grandmother that was keeping her company and expressed in a
small voice: “Grandmother, Duan Wang Fei is a good person.”
Luo lao taitai heard her granddaughter’s words and smiled: “Duan
Wang Fei might not be a good person, but she hasn’t treated you
badly. Yao yatou, you have to remember, tomorrow, you will be
marrying into the Imperial Family. The people good to you might not
be good, the people true to you might not be true.”
Luo Wen Yao nodded. She hesitated before commenting: “For some
reason, from the first time granddaughter met Duan Wang Fei, there
was a feeling of closeness. Was granddaughter too impulsive?”
“You usually are calm and steady, grandmother knows that,” Luo lao
taitai shook her head. She reached out to straighten the slightly
askew buyao in her granddaughter’s hair. She smiled and replied, “In
this world, destiny is important. If you feel you can be close friends
with someone, then look and think more. In the end, that will tell you
if your instincts are right or not.”
Luo Win Yao ruminated before lowering her head, confirming:
“Granddaughter will remember.”
“Even Duan Wang Fei didn’t always have smooth sailing. When she
had just married, she wasn’t favoured by Duan Wang. At that time,
she had to endure Liang shi’s attitude when she went home,” Luo
lao taitai said ruefully, “but who knew that after two short months,
Duan Wang started to be seriously attached to her, and for her,
created conflict with Chang De Gong Fu. It can be seen that Duan
Wang Fei is a very outstanding woman.”
As she finished listening to her grandmother’s words, Luo Wen Yao’s
worship of Qu Qing Ju became even greater. If a woman like Duan
Wang Fei couldn’t receive the affections of her husband, then it
meant Duan Wang’s eyes were too lacking.
After finishing adding to Luo Wen Yao’s dowry and staying in Luo fu
to eat a meal, Qu Qing Ju sat on the sedan to return to the fu. From
the outside of the sedan came sounds of peddling. She brushed
aside the curtain and saw a stall not far away selling stewed eggs. It
didn’t look extremely clean but the fragrance drifted into the nose.
“Stop,” As Qu Qing Ju spoke, the sedan slowly stopped.
“Wang fei,” Huang Yang walked to the window of the sedan and
asked in a small voice, “Has something happened?”
Qu Qing Ju peeked from behind the curtain, “I see that the stewed
eggs seem fragrant, buy some for a taste. Get the owner to add
some of the soup. After returning to the fu, it has to be heated so
the taste will not change.”
Hearing this, Huang Yang turned his head to look at the stewed egg
stall at the side of the street. He jogged in front of the stall and took
out a handful of copper, buying a dozen or which were then wrapped
with lotus leaves. He held a bowl filled with the stew as he ran back
to the side of the sedan, informing in a small voice: “Wang fei, this
one has bought them.”
“En, let’s return.” Qu Qing Ju rubbed her nose. Even though she
wanted to taste one now, due to the need for appearances, she
resisted the craving.
The old woman that sold the stewed eggs didn’t expect that her food
would be bought by an important person one day. Her face was full
of excitement as she looked at the red and yellow sedan leave,
muttering: “The Heavens, that was a noble.”
The passersby saw that even a noble and relative of the Imperial
Family had bought the stewed eggs and for a time, many bought a
few for a taste. This was something that even a noble liked to eat.
Not far away, He Yuan sat on a horse as he looked at the stewed
egg stall surrounded by people. He frowned as he raised his horse
whip to point to the stall: “He Fu Er, go buy a few.”
He Fu Er quickly left with two guards. He pushed into the crowd and
brought a few stewed eggs before squeezing out of the crowd.
Taking them to He Yuan, he warned: “Wang ye, the food on the
street isn’t clean, don’t eat too much.”
Looking at the unsightly egg, He Yuan used a white handkerchief to
hold the already peeled egg. He hesitated before taking a bite. The
egg had been cooked for a long time, it was tough and slightly salty,
but the smell was very special.
“What is this, just throw it away,” He Yuan ate a whole egg before
wiping his hands and throwing the handkerchief away. He ordered
coldly, “Return to the fu.”
He Fu Er blanked. When he raised his head, wang ye was already
far away on his horse. He turned to carelessly shove the stewed egg
wrapped in lotus leaves to one of the children on the street and
jogged to catch up.
The child that had the egg shoved into his hand stared dazedly at the
back of He Fu Er. He unwrapped the egg and took a bite, instantly
giving a smile. Tao popo’s stewed eggs were really flavorful, so
That rich person has terrible sense, to pass on something this good!
Chapter Seventy Four “Jealousy”

On the day of He Ming’s marriage, Qu Qing Ju and Jin An Princess

received the womenfolk who’d arrived for the celebration as the
mistresses of the house. Now that Ning Wang Fei was under house
arrest in Bright Moon Tower, Qu Qing Ju held seniority among the
wang fei. For this wedding of He Ming, her little brother-in-law, even
if she wanted to be lazy, she couldn’t avoid it.
The womenfolk were fine. Order a few cheerful plays, put out some
fruit and refreshments and chit chat. It wasn’t very difficult. But it
was more complicated on the men’s side. It didn’t just touch on the
personal interests of some, they had to pay attention to people who
were drunk and would cause an unfortunate disturbance.
Additionally, He Yuan wasn’t willing to demean himself by receiving
guests so He Heng and some of the officials of the Ministry of Rites
had to organize the guests.
Even if it seemed busy, most of those who came were smart. They
wouldn’t cause a disturbance at this kind of setting, and wouldn’t try
to find trouble. Most of them respectfully sat down and waited for
the wedding to begin.
Jin An Princess paid attention to the time. Not long after, a taijian ran
over and reported that the wedding sedan was almost at its
destination. A crowd of women stood to walk to the front hall and
waited for the couple to bow to the Heaven and Earth.
Qu Qing Ju and Jin An Princess stood together. She swept a gaze
across the hall. The men and women stood at their own sides, the
men on the left and woman on the right, clearly divided. In a short
while, the music sounded. She tilted her head to look and saw He
Ming wearing the bright red wedding clothes, his hand holding one
end of a red silk cord as he walked in from the outside. On the other
side of the red silk cord was Luo Wen Yao, who was wearing a
phoenix crown and cape.
While Qing De Emperor and the Empress didn’t personally attend,
their gifts had been sent down very early beforehand. Qu Qing Ju
watched as the couple bowed to the empty seats above them and
once again looked down on the Imperial House. The father wasn’t
present when the son got married. Was there even any meaning left
when the Imperial father and son were like this?
When the three brothers in front of He Ming had married, Qing De
Emperor had personally written out a celebratory speech to be read
at each of the ceremonies, expressing the regret of his absence and
wished to make up for such a deficiency. Why wasn’t there one
when it was He Ming’s turn?
After the ceremony, Qu Qing Ju and the others followed the newly
wedded pair to their bridal rooms and waited for He Ming to lift the
bride’s veil.
The bridal rooms were very busy. Qu Qing Ju even saw Jin An
Princess’ two children. She watched as He Ming slowly lifted the
bride’s veil. Underneath it, Luo Wen Yao’s face was full of
bashfulness, like a flower just before blooming.
Some said that a woman was most beautiful on the day of her
marriage. Qu Qing Ju smiled at the bashful Luo Wen Yao and had to
admit it was true. She and Jin An Princess smiled as they came
forward to say some lucky words. After the children received their
red packets, they ushered everyone out and left a silent space for
the newlyweds.
Coming out of the bridal room, Jin An Princess looked at the
darkening sky. She smiled as she reminisced: “That year I was
married, the didi were still all children. Now, all of them are married.”

Qu Qing Ju guessed that Jin An Princess was thinking of her failed

marriage, comforting: “Time is like flowing water, jiejie doesn’t have
to be sad.”
Listening to the noise from the banquet in front of them, Jin An
Princess smiled as she glanced at Qu Qing Ju: “You are assuming
that I am sad over what happened with the Count of Bei Lu?” She
laughed, “Right now, I am the Princess Royal, I have a son and
daughter, and they have their titles. What do I need to be sad
Qu Qing Ju hadn’t thought Jin An Princess would say such
unaffected words and stilled before conceding: “It’s me that was
Jin An Princess shook her head: “When the Count of Bei Lu betrayed
me in the beginning, he should have thought of the conclusion. I am
the daughter of the Emperor, he underestimated the people of the
Imperial Family.” Maybe it came about because of the Imperial
Family were too courteous to him when they used to return to Jing,
and that made him forget what they were truly like.
Qu Qing Ju felt that Jin An Princess was extremely domineering right
now. As they walked closer to the wedding banquet, she looked
ahead and hesitated before speaking: “A few days ago, a
subordinate of my wang ye came back from Jing Zhou. I heard him
say that ninth-grade official’s daughter died from sickness, the Count
of Bei Lu hasn’t stepped out of his home and even sent up a request
to transfer the title to his didi.”
“Fuhuang will not agree,” Jin An Princess smiled as she explained,
“This title, until the Count of Bei Lu dies, will always be on his head.
But after he dies, it isn’t certain that this title will still be the Cao
Qu Qing Ju looked at the smile on Jin An Princess’ face, instantly
feeling reverence. This was what a true woman should be like.
At the wedding banquet, He Heng occasionally drank a cup with the
guest but most of the time, he only had to sit to one side and wait
for others to come to him. Looking at the noisy play on stage, he
gave a yawn of disinterest.
“Er ge is tired?” Sitting by his side, He Yuan played with the wine
cup, looking lazy, “Now that lao si has married, he will get busy in
the future.”
He Heng didn’t seem to hear the implication in his words. He raised
the wine cup and swirled the contents: “With a wang fei to care for
him, si di will have more relaxing days.”
“Ha,” He Yuan snorted, “When did er ge become so simple? Didi
finds it very unexpected.” He Heng was pretending not to understand
his words, still acting in front of him.
He Heng gave a warm smile as he responded: “Er ge is always like
this. It was san di who didn’t know before today.”

The corner of He Yuan’s lips jerked. He turned his head to avoid

looking at He Heng’s expression and saw his eldest sister and Duan
Wang Fei emerge from the back and walk to the female side. He
frowned as his gaze landed on Qin Bai Lu who had been seated the
whole time. The hand which held the wine cup tightened. They were
both wang fei, but why was the difference in conduct so large?

The noise eventually had to quiet down. When Qu Qing Ju and He

Heng came out of Cheng Wang Fu, it was already the deep of the
night. She inhaled, watching as the guards surrounded Jin An
Princess as she left, before she said: “We can finally return and
He Heng helped tie her cloak: “Let’s go back.”
“Er ge and er sao, take care.”

Qu Qing Ju turned her head and saw He Yuan and Qin Bai Lu
walking together with a stride length between them. Qin Bai Lu’s
expression didn’t seem right.
“San shu, san dimei,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “It’s late, you two should
return and rest too.”
“Thanks for the concern, er sao. Of course we know to rest,” Qin
Bai Lu calmly said, “Today, er sao was very busy, don’t exhaust
It was easy to detect the queerness in her tone. He Heng’s brows
furrowed slightly, his eyes instantly becoming cold. Even the smile on
his lips disappeared without a trace. It was only the fact that the
other was his dimei that he didn’t speak.

“Shut up,” He Yuan snapped, “If you’re tired, then go to the carriage
and rest.”
Qin Bai Lu’s expression changed as she coldly answered: “If that’s
the case, qie will leave first. Wang ye can do as he pleases.” She
really did abandon He Yuan to leave first, and didn’t even care that
He Heng was present.
Qu Qing Ju felt that Qin Bai Lu painted a gigantic black dot on the
reputation of the Qin Family as an educated and noble family. And
this stain couldn’t be washed out, and couldn’t be brushed off.
He Yuan’s face was so dark, ink could be squeezed out of it. He
managed to raise his hands to the two and state: “Er ge, er sao, you
go first.” He said to Qu Qing Ju, “Er sao, forgive me for the wife’s ill
manners, and for letting you see such a joke.
This wasn’t the first time I’ve seen your embarrassments. Qu Qing
Ju smiled calmly as she replied: “It might be that dimei isn’t feeling
well. San shu should go take a look. We don’t live very far from here
and can get back to the fu very quickly. You go first.”

He Yuan nodded: “Goodbye.”

Qu Qing Ju reached out to hug He Heng’s arm, whispering in his ear:
“Our san dimei’s temper isn’t soft at all.”
He Heng smiled coldly, wrapping an arm around her waist to enter
the carriage before declaring: “The Qin Family raised a good
Qu Qing Ju listened to the tone of his voice and had the impression
of it expressing “wait and see”. She smiled, “Who cares whose
daughter she is? It has nothing to do with us.”
He Heng embraced the other in his arms, gently patting her back. A
long time later, he stated: “Don’t worry. In the future, no one would
dare to be disrespectful to you.”
The person in his embrace didn’t speak. A beat later, he lowered his
head to look but only saw the other’s sleeping visage. He smiled
helplessly. It seemed that today had exhausted her.
“Clang!” A blue-ink porcelain teapot smashed onto the floor. He Yuan
angrily pointed at Qin Bai Lu, “Look at what you’ve done. How does
it look like anything a proper lady would do? Even an uneducated
shrew would be better. Ben wang gets angry just looking at you.”
“Who do you not get angry looking at? Lu He in the Dong Yuan, Qing
Liu or that whore in Xi Yuan?! The women of the Qu Family are all
fox spirits but you men stop moving after taking a look … …”
He Yuan dealt a blow to Qin Bai Lu’s face, making her stagger. He
expressionlessly looked at Qin Bai Lu who was covering her face,
“Before saying this, think of your position. If you feel that you can’t
stay in my Rui Wang Fu any longer, then get out and stay in your
paternal home for the rest of your life. Don’t come here to be an
Qin Bai Lu covered her face. That slap had been extremely heavy.
She still felt her ears ringing. She raised her head to look at He
Yuan. From the other’s handsome face, other than dislike for her,
she couldn’t see anything else. She looked dazedly at the man, her
tears streaming.
“The Qin Family is an educated and noble family. Don’t stain the Qin
Family’s reputation. My Da Long Dynasty has had wang ye in the
past who’d divorced their wives. If you don’t accept, you could try.”
He Yuan took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands in disgust. He
turned and left the room, not looking once at Qin Bai Lu.
It didn’t matter how noble the xiaojie of the Qin Family were. He was
an imperial son, a wang ye. If she married him, she had to obey his
rules. If she couldn’t obey, then get out.
“Wang fei,” Seeing that wang ye had left, the yahuan who served
Qin Bai Lu hurriedly supported her to a seat. She got others to bring
a towel and medicine, the zheng yuan quickly descended into
Qin Bai Lu was crying and laughing: “I can’t even scold that Qu
Family whore. Just a qieshi, but wang ye treats me like so for her.
That whore has good tricks.”
“Wang fei, why do this?” Ru Hua, one of the yahuan who was part
of Qin Bai Lu’s dowry, had reddened eyes as she helped put on
medicine for Qin Bai Lu, “No matter how Qu shi is, she’s just a qie.
Why be hostile against wang ye for her?”

Qin Bai Lu woodenly looked at the darkness outside the door,

“Come say, which part of Qu Qing Ju is stronger than me? Do men
really place such importance on a woman’s face?”
Ru Hua asked in confusion: “Wang fei, why are you mentioning Duan
Wang Fei?”
“Why is it that I can’t receive what she can get?” Qin Bai Lu still
remembered the rumors before the marriage decree. At that time,
there were people saying that the Emperor wanted to marry Qu
Qing Ju to wang ye and her to Duan Wang. However, the decision
had been changed at the last minute for some reason.
She had rejoiced that she was engaged to Rui Wang because Rui
Wang was more favoured by the Emperor than Duan Wang. And two
years ago, she’d seen Rui Wang in the palace once, she had silently
given her heart away.
Ru Hua didn’t understand why her wang fei would have that kind of
idea. After she applied the medicine, she carefully said: “How Duan
Wang Fei lives, only she knows. What we usually see might only be
intentional. Wang fei, you have no need to compete with Duan Wang
Fei. You have to know that, other than a face, she is less than you in
every other aspect.”
Qin Bai Lu listened to her words and suddenly laughed, “Yes, I want
to see just how long she can be proud.”
She wasn’t living well and so she couldn’t bear to see people who
were lesser than her have better lives.
Chapter Seventy Five “Intelligence
Determines Taste”

The morning after Cheng Wang’s wedding day, he took his wife to
the palace for the formal greeting. The Emperor might have been
indifferent to his youngest son, but on the surface, he didn’t slight
him. What should have been bestowed down was given.
The Empress didn’t discriminate. What her attitude was when the
previous three imperial sons had married, that was her attitude
towards He Ming’s marriage. But she seemed to be friendly towards
Luo Wen Yao.
Coming out of Kui Yuan Palace, Luo Wen Yao’s face was slightly red
as she walked next to He Ming with her head down. Even though she
had dreamed of her husband as one who was well educated and
skilled in both martial and literary arts, in reality, she felt that Cheng
Wang treated her better and was more steadfast than the one in her
dreams. Nothing would be better than to have a place in his heart.
“Don’t worry, mu fei is very friendly, she will definitely like you,” He
Ming saw his wife’s nervousness and gripped her hand reassuringly,
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll be there with you.”
“En,” Luo Wen Yao gave the smallest of nods, her face blushing
An guipin really did like having Luo Wen Yao as her erxi very much.
She had a warm personality and a good conduct. The Emperor
might have neglected her child for so many years but thankfully the
erxifu he had chosen was a good one.

She looked at her erxifu whose face was full of embarrassment and
indicated for the palace maid beside her to take out the prepared
gifts. She gently grasped Luo Wen Yao’s hand, smiling as she
spoke: “Today, I’m putting Ming’er into your care. In the future, if
Ming’er does something wrong, don’t let him off. Tell me and I will
certainly sort him out.”
“Mu fei is abandoning your son since you have an erxifu,” He Ming
stood and raised his hands in a fist, “Mu fei, don’t worry. We will try
to live a good life.”
Seeing the situation, Luo Wen Yao perceptively stood and followed
in bowing. Her face might have been bashful but her tone was
resolute: “Don’t worry mufei. Erxi will definitely take good care of
His Highness and have a good life.”
An guipin’s eyes slightly reddened. She put the two people’s hands
together, and said happily: “It’s good to try to have a fulfilling life. A
person’s life is like a long road. It’s a fortunate thing to have
someone to walk with along this long road. You have to treasure it.”
He Ming turned to look at his wife. The hand that held Luo Wen
Yao’s hand tightened as he nodded gravely.
The couple let An guipin’s residence and started to head slowly out
of the palace. He Ming noticed that Luo Wen Yao kept walking half a
step behind him and reached out to grab her hand, remarking:
“When we get back, we should go to see to the gifts prepared for
the return to your paternal home and check to see if there’s anything
Luo Wen Yao shook her head and replied in a small voice: “Your
Highness has already prepared everything. How could there be
anything wrong?”
“I don’t know what father and mother-in-law like so you have to take
a look,” He Ming smiled as he responded, “Otherwise, what will
happen if father and mother-in-law aren’t satisfied with their son-in-
Luo Wen Yao heard his words and her hand that was being held by
He Ming gripped his broad hand. She smiled as she teased: “That’s
even more of a reason not to help you. If you prepare, it’s called
being thoughtful. What is it if I prepare it?”
The two smiled simultaneously, their hearts gradually becoming
Qu Qing Ju stood at the side of the fake mountain, looking at the
sweet young couple not far away. She couldn’t resist smiling and
remarked to Mu Jin beside her: “Those two are pretty good like
Mu Jin smiled as she responded: “Wang fei likes Cheng wang fei
very much?”
“I like all the good guniang,” Qu Qing Ju slowly headed towards
Zhong Jing Palace. Looking at Mu Jin’s confused expression, she
smiled and explained, “A young guniang, she’s more beautiful than
the most beautiful flower. A woman’s whole life depends on one
man, but that one man might not only have her as his only woman.
Society is like this. A woman’s beauty might be very short, or very
long, but the only thing in common is that they had all been beautiful.
It’s just that they’ve all met different men and had different fates.”
Mu Jin didn’t think that wang fei would say such a complicated
speech. She mused: “So it’s good for nubi to accompany wang fei.
Many of the men in this world are fickle, and nubi won’t like them.”

Qu Qing Ju felt that Mu Jin was affected by the Duke of Chang De’s
actions and the body’s original owner’s mother. She helplessly
patted the back of Mu Jin’s hand: “I won’t force you to do something
you’re not willing to. But if you meet someone you’ve fallen in love
with in the future, you have to tell me.”
Mu Jing smiled as she acquiesced, but she didn’t put it on her mind.
The kind of being that was man, it couldn’t even be compared to a
handkerchief. At least a handkerchief was useful for wiping things.
Men, other than being fickle and emotional, what else could they do?
When they had reached Zhong Jing Palace, Ding mama received Qu
Qing Ju and ushered her inside. Only when she had entered did she
realise that, aside from Jing guifei, Wen guipin was also present.
She went forward to give a greeting to Jing guifei first before
greeting Wen guipin.

“Duan wang fei has no need to be so courteous,” Wen guipin

hurriedly stood to return half a greeting. Her face was still fragile, but
her mental state seemed much better than last time at the gates of
Tian Qi Palace.
“Meimei, sit down. Heng’er’s wife, sit down too,” Jing guifei smiled
and let the two sit, motioning for a palace maid to serve the pastries
her erxi liked, “Why did you think of coming here today?”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she looked at the pastries the palace maid
served. She gushed to Jing guifei: “Mufei is so good to erxi, I like
eating all of these.” She reached out to pop one in her mouth, joyfully
swallowing before replying, “Because of si di ‘s wedding these past
days, erxi didn’t have the time to enter the palace to greet mufei.
One of my taijian managed to find a few jars of peach wine. I had a
taste and found that the wine was light and sweet, perfect for
women so I brought some along to let mufei have a taste. The stuff
of the common people might not be as fine as those of the palace,
but the taste is unique.”
“Just a few jars of wine, fancy that! You had to send it in,” Jing
guifei’s tone was reproachful but the smile on her face became more
evident, “Such a child, people will laugh at you.”
Wen guipin, who was sitting to one side, heard those words and
interjected: “Guifei niangniang’s words will harm this child’s heart.
Look how filial this child is. She remembers you whenever she gets
something and brings it to you. Niangniang, what are you unsatisfied
“You don’t know her. Today, it’s two jars of wine, tomorrow it’s a few
boxes of food, the day after it’s some novels. It’s all just petty
amusements but she treats them like treasures,” Jing guifei’s face
was helpless, “It’s lucky that it’s you here today. If it was anyone
else, wouldn’t it be a laughingstock if it got out?”
Qu Qing Ju saw that after Jing guifei said those words, Wen guipin
seemed to release a breath. She couldn’t help but think Wen guipin
was siding with Jing guifei. Was it that Ning Wang was wagering on
the second He?
“It’s the thought that counts, guifeiniangniang shouldn’t disdain her
efforts,” Wen guipin smiled as she looked at the docilely seated Qu
Qing Ju, “Based on what pin qie sees, this is a very rare and good
Jing guifei smiled as she pointed at Qu Qing Ju, ordering: “Why
aren’t you thanking your Wen mu fei for saying good things on your
behalf? You have to pour tea for her later.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she stood to bow to Wen guipin: “Many
thanks to Wen mufei.”
Wein guipin waved her hand repeatedly as she said she couldn’t
accept it. She was very courteous in her treatment of Qu Qing Ju.
Jing guifei smiled as she watched her erxi personally pour a cup of
tea for Wen guipin. Then she naturally helped switch her own cup as
well. The mirth in her eyes became even more evident.
Qu Qing Ju ate the noon meal at Jing guifei’s palace before leaving.
She walked on the black stone paths of the palace and thought
about Wen guipin flattering Jing guifei. She couldn’t help but sigh. In
the past, Wen guipin might have been warm and courteous, but she
wasn’t at this level. This was all for her son.
“Wang fei, it seems that Shu guifei is coming up front,” Mu Jin
informed in a small voice as she looked at the procession coming
towards them.
Qu qing Ju raised her head to look ahead. On the other side,
walking in front of numerous palace maids and taijian, was Shu
guifei. She moved sideways to retreat to the side of the road. When
Shu guifei drew near, she bowed and greeted: “Greetings to Shu
“Isn’t this lao er’s wife?” Shu guifei stopped in her steps. She raised
an eyebrow as she looked at Qu Qing Ju who had her head slightly
lowered. She said in a sarcastic voice, “After just a few days, lao
er’s wife has become even more beautiful.”

“Thanks, niangniang for the compliment,” Qu Qing Ju faintly smiled

as she gave another bow.
Shu guifei looked coldly at the woman in front of her. Her looks truly
were better than her own erxifu. No wonder she could tempt lao er
to not walk when he saw her. Thinking that this was her enemy’s
erxifu, her tone was icy: “But a woman’s appearance is not the most
important. As a wife, virtue is the most important of them all.”
Even Jing guifei hadn’t said anything, so how could Shu guifei act as
though she was her popo? Qu Qing Ju raised her head to glance at
Shu guifei, her voice soft as she responded: “Qing Ju only has a
fleeting beauty and can’t measure up to the word beautiful.
Guifeiniangniang’s appearance rivals that of the goddesses. If Qing
Ju could even have a fraction, it would be the greatest fortune in this
Shu guifei’s face darkened. Those words were complimenting her
for being beautiful on the surface, but its true purpose was to block
the words she had said previously. She was going to flare up when
she heard another person’s voice come from behind her.
“Greetings to Shu guifei,” He Heng had a slight smile as he walked
in front of Qu Qing Ju, his voice reproachful as he said, “You went to
bother mufei for the noon meal again?”
“Mufei cares for me, and knows that I like to eat the food at her
place so she specially let me stay back to eat,” Qu Qing Ju snorted,
“Just right now, mufei said I was filial. How can you say that I was
bothering her?”
“Fine, mufei always protects you,” He Heng raised his hands
helplessly to Shu guifei, “Mufei is partial to my wife. We have let
Shu guifei see a joke.”

Shu guifei’s smile had already disappeared. These two’s words

inside and out were implying that they were Jing guifei’s son and
erxi and thus, she didn’t have the qualifications to lecture them. A
long time later, she suppressed the anger inside before she spoke:
“Duan Wang exaggerates.”
He Heng smiled insincerely as he replied: “Shu guifeiniangniang is
“If that is the case, then you should leave the palace early. Ben gong
still has to go to Tian Qi Palace, and won’t keep you,” Shu guifei’s
hand, that was supported by a palace maid, tightened. That whore
Wei shi’s son, he was just as horrid as Wei shi.

After Shu guifei was far away, Qu Qing Ju came to a realization. So

this was the type that Qing De Emperor liked. This Shu guifei could
be favoured for so many years, it could be inferred that her
ancestors must have been generous and virtuous people.
“What are you thinking?” He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju look as though
she had an epiphany, and couldn’t help asking.
“Nothing, I just suddenly felt that intelligence could determine a
person’s taste.”
Chapter Seventy Six “Truth and

After Cheng Wang’s wedding, the bustling and rumbling Jing City
slowly calmed down. It seemed that no one remembered the
imprisonment of the eldest imperial son in Bright Moon Tower nor did
they recall the imperial censor who’d rammed himself into a pillar in
the court hall. The people who lived in Jing City were the most
pragmatic. They would only remember what they should. What they
should forget, they definitely wouldn’t even remember a hint.
Just as everyone was peacefully living their lives, news came out of
the palace. The Emperor was sick. Shu guifei and Jing guifei spent
day and night looking after the Emperor but there were still no signs
of recovery. Shu guifei even had a professor of the Imperial Hospital
beaten to death.
The Emperor was sick, and it was serious. This matter was a sign in
Jing. If Shu guifei had not ordered the death of the Imperial
Hospital’s professor, the news wouldn’t have been revealed so early.
Upon hearing the news, every family’s immediate thoughts were
different. All the senior officials who were held in the Emperor’s
confidence, such as Tian Jin Ke, had shut their doors and rejected all
who came.
There were many who’d tried to find information from Duan Wang
Fu. Excluding Qu Qing Ju’s family, even the paternal families of Feng
Zi Jin, Jiang Yong Yu, and the others had eavesdroppers. These
people didn’t think it through. What would the paternal family of a qie
of a wang fu know? Did they really believe that Duan Wang was an
idiot, and would tell such things to a qie, and in this sensitive time,
allow the qie to pass crucial information to her paternal family?

The ones who could only beseech the paternal families of the qie
clearly didn’t have any great abilities. It was also clear that their
brains weren’t any good. They wouldn’t be able to climb up any
higher in their lifetimes unless the Heavens willed it.
Qu Qing Ju listened to Jiang Yong Yu report that people had come
to seek information from her paternal family and let her sit down
below her.
“My father isn’t experienced, and doesn’t know anything about this
kind of a great matter. He could only decline all of them,” Jiang Yong
Yu presented the letter in her hand to Qu Qing Ju, “This is a list of
those who came to visit. My father is timid and took down the names
of the people as well as the gifts they have sent. Please have a look,
wang fei.”

Qu Qing Ju took the letter and placed it to one side. She didn’t even
look at the contents of the letter. She smiled at Jiang Yong Yu as
she promised: “This must have been bothersome for your parent. I
will definitely speak of this matter to wang ye.”

In Qu Qing Ju’s eyes, Jiang Yong Yu was the one who saw the
situation most clearly in He Heng’s qieshi. She was also the one who
had the greatest abilities. She even felt pity for Jiang Yong Yu. If
Jiang Yong Yu hadn’t been selected as a female candidate to enter
the palace, she would have had good life, marrying a son of a
normal rich family as a wife.
Jiang Yong Yu wasn’t surprised that wang fei didn’t read that letter.
Based on wang fei’s personality and conduct, she definitely wouldn’t
look at such things. This was wang fei’s intelligence at work.

“Nubi’s needlework is not yet finished so I will not disturb wang fei
any further. Farewell.” She had said what she had needed to say.
Jiang Yong Yu didn’t want to rely on wang fei to gain wang ye’s
favors. She knew very well now her looks had no chance of being
liked by wang ye. It was better to walk behind wang fei at her
tempo. She would have much easier days.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t detain her, nodding her head and letting Mu Jing to
personally send her out.
Jiang Yong Yu came out of the door of the room, and thanked Mu
Jin repeatedly in order to reject her escort. In the end, Mu Jin still
saw her off to the gate of zhengyuan before turning and leaving.

Ai Lu supported Jiang Yong Yu as they carefully descended the

stairs. She turned back to look at the decreasing figure of Mu Jin,
and commented in a small voice: “Mistress, wang fei let the most
trusted Mu Jin guniang to see you off. It shows that wang fei puts
importance on you.”
Jiang Yong Yu didn’t speak. Not long after, she saw wang ye walking
towards her from another direction. Her steps paused and she
lowered her head to bow in greeting to wang ye.
He Heng noticed that she was coming from the direction of
zhengyuang and asked: “Has wang fei not had her noon nap?”

“Wang ye, wang fei has risen just now,” Jiang Yong Yu obediently
“En,” He Heng nodded and proceeded to walk in the direction of
zhengyuan, not even looking twice at Jiang Yong Yu.

Jiang Yong Yu straightened her body and raised her head to look at
the back of He Heng. She suddenly thought, now that the Emperor
was seriously ill, if wang ye……

She shook her head. No matter what, she had to respect and honor
wang fei. She could see this wang fu very clearly. It had been, from
very early on, grabbed by wang fei. Even if other women entered
the fu in the future, they would just be wang ye’s playthings. Wang
ye’s love towards wang fei wasn’t a pretence.
He Heng carelessly flipped through the list in his hand. Seeing Qu
Qing Ju was tormenting the bonsai again, he remarked: “These
people are unimportant. Some were subordinates of lao san who’d
come to fish. The people of the Jiang Family are very sensible.”
Qu Qing Ju was carefully trimming out a rabbit’s ear. Hearing He
Heng’s words, her hands stilled. She hadn’t thought He Heng would
mention what was occurring outside to her. Was it that he really
thought of her as one of his people so he didn’t even disguise his
“Does wang ye mean that san shu has secretly done something?”
She put down the scissors. After washing her hands, she said,
“Wang ye, how about I tell you a folk tale?”
“What tale?” He Heng saw Qu Qing Ju’s expression was solemn and
waved his hand to let the all servants leave the room. He smiled as
he urged, “Let me hear it.”
“An old man had two sons in his family. The old man was partial to
his youngest son and always wanted to give the good things to his
younger son. Afterwards, when the old man was seriously ill, the
younger son assumed that the old man would leave behind the family
property to him. One day, the younger son heard a neighbor say that
his father secretly gave the good things to his brother. The younger
son was angry and went to argue with his father. Who knew that he
managed to cause the old man to die. The younger son was very
regretful. A while later, he finally found out that what the neighbor
said was a lie, but the deceased was already gone and regret was
useless.” Qu Qing Ju gave a sigh, “Don’t you think that this younger
son harmed himself. It isn’t a good thing to believe what others say.”
He Heng smiled and replied: “I’ve actually heard this story before.
Qing Ju and I really are two hearts linked as one.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and talked about some other matters with him
before he hurriedly left. She knew inside that what He Heng wanted
wasn’t her idea but her attitude. This man had ambitions but he didn’t
want the person in his bed to not have the same stance as him. But
he was very satisfied with her as the person in his bed, so he had
said what he did to try to feel her out.
She hadn’t been here for one year, but she now understood what
was power, and the magnitude of power. With power, a woman
could divorce her husband. Without power, one had to kowtow and
bow to another.
She looked at the letter He Heng had left behind. Qu Qing Ju
reached out to take a look and slowly folded the list, handing it to Mu
Jin and told her to carefully hide it away.
Mu Jin looked worriedly at her. By now, Jing City was a mess and it
was unknown what could happen, “Wang fei……”

“There’s no need to worry. Tell the others to proceed normally, but if

there is anyone who dares to talk nonsense, throw them all out of
the fu. No one is to be spared.” Qu Qing Ju commanded with a calm
face, “The qieshi in the fu cannot pass messages to the outside. If
anyone disobeys, report it to me.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin saw wang fei seemed to be confident and slowly
lowered her heart back to its place.
“Niangniang,” A palace maid frantically ran in front of Shu guifei.
Seeing that everyone in the room was a confidante of Shu guifei,
she spoke: “Nubi just managed to get some news from Xiao De Zi in
Tian Qi Palace. Today, when it was Jing guifeiniangniang’s turn at
care, the Emperor praised Duan Wang in front of many people.”
Shu guifei had been lying on the recliner since she was massaged
by a maid. She instantly sat up when she heard the report, her
expression changing as she demanded: “The Emperor is awake?!
What did he say?!”
The palace maid knelt down with some fear, replying; “Nubi heard
that the Emperor praised Duan Wang for his conduct, and generosity
for being similar to Xiandi .”[1]

“Xiandi?” Shu guifei furrowed her brow. Xiandi had been considered
a wise ruler by many. The Emperor deeply respected Xiandi and
had always exclaimed that he himself wasn’t a wise ruler in
comparison, and that if Xiandi didn’t have him as the only son, he
most definitely wouldn’t have succeeded the throne. She had heard it
many times. Shu guifei understood the position Xiandi held in the
Emperor’s heart. Now that the Emperor was comparing Duan Wang
to Xiandi, what did it mean?

That year Yuan’er was born, didn’t the Emperor say that Yuan’er’s
brows were similar to that of Xiandi? Why was he now praising that
whore Wei shi’s son?
“Go summon His Highness Rui Wang to the palace. Say that ben
gong is sick from exhaustion due to constant attendance and let Rui
Wang do his filial duty at the Emperor’s bed.”
The yahuan, who was still kneeling on the floor, hesitated but then
eventually, silently retreated. At this time, niangniang was telling the
outside that she was ill due to exhaustion from attendance. Wouldn’t
the others assume that she wasn’t willing to constantly attend the
Emperor? But then again, she was just a low ranking palace maid.
Guifei certainly wouldn’t appreciate someone like her voicing an
objection. Furthermore, the Emperor had always favored guifei so it
probably wasn’t a major matter.
In Tian Qi Palace, Qing De Emperor woke up from his dreams.
Smelling the faint scent of medicine in the room, he fell into a short
daze. When he looked outside his canopy, he could only see an
indistinct figure sitting outside. She must have been keeping watch
over him all this time. His heart warmed and he couldn’t resist
speaking, “Beloved fei, why haven’t you gone to rest yet?”
“Emperor, you are awake?” The canopy was raised and Jing guifei’s
tearful yet joyful face appeared in his vision. He suddenly
understood. The person who’d been keeping watch was Jing guifei,
not Shu guifei. In an instant, he was slightly afraid. Twenty three
years ago, when he had fainted due to illness, who had been the one
crying by his ear?
“Emperor, what is it? Are you not comfortable?” Jing guifei’s face
was full of fear. She turned to let the servants call for the taiyi who
were keeping guard outside before kneeling by his bed and sobbing,
“Emperor, you really scared qie. If you really had something wrong,
where would that leave qie?”

“It’s not that serious,” Qing De Emperor coughed. He reached out to

pat the arm she had on the bed, “Heng’er is already grown up. Why
are you still crying like this?”
“It’s that since Heng’er has grown up, qie has nothing to worry
about. But if you … … qie would have no meaning in life,” Jing guifei
saw the taiyi had come in and stood as she wiped the tears running
down her face. She feigned dignity as she ordered, “Take care in
diagnosing the Emperor’s pulse. If you don’t take care, your fate will
be the same as the taiyi who was beaten to death by Shu guifei.”
“Niangniang, please don’t worry,” The taiyi bowed to Qing De
Emperor before reaching out to feel his pulse. A long time later, he
slowly released a breath, “Now that Emperor has wakened, it’s
more than half the road to recovery. But there was too much anger
in the recent past which caused the body to weaken. Additionally,
the state affairs have increased exhaustion, allowing illness. A short
period of rest is all that’s needed.”
“You are telling the truth?” Jing guifei didn’t care that the taiyi was
still present as she sobbed. Smiling as she gasped, “Thank the
heavens and earth, thank the heavens and earth.”
The taiyi looked at this scene and felt deeply moved. Didn’t they say
that Shu guifei was more favored than Jing guifei, but why was it
that Jing guifei was the one who had kept watch over the Emperor,
and would cry from sheer joy due to the Emperor’s body taking a
good turn? Thinking to there, he couldn’t help but shake his head
inside. The Emperor didn’t cherish the woman who had a true
affection for him, but favored that tyrannical Shu guifei. The Emperor
had really wasted Jing guifei’s affections.

“Quick, write out a prescription for the Emperor,” Jing guifei ordered
as she wiped her tears, “After the Emperor recovers, ben gong will
reward you greatly.”
After the taiyi left, Jing guifei took a bowl of porridge from a palace
maid and served half a bowl to Qing De Emperor. Seeing that Qing
De Emperor’s complexion had improved, she remarked: “Seeing
Emperor like this, qie is reminded of twenty three years ago. That
time, qie was kneeling at your bed, and was sobbing and begging
the heavens at the same time. Qie endured until fainting but didn’t
see you awaken.” She grimaced, “But now that qie has finally seen
you awake personally, it truly is the Heaven’s blessing.”
“Twenty three years ago, you ……” Qing De Emperor’s expression
changed. He looked at Jing guifei’s fragile complexion. A beat later,
he gave a long sigh, holding her hand as he observed, “Zhen sees
that you are exhausted, go to the side room and rest for a bit.”
“But ……”
“Do as you are told. If you are still worried about zhen, zhen will let
someone wake you after four hours. This is zhen’s decree.” Qing De
Emperor’s voice was resolute.
Jing guifei could only helplessly stand and walk out of the main hall.
Only when she had lied down in the side hall did a sliver of a smile
reveal itself on her lips. Shu guifei, that good sister of hers, always
left these kind of opportunities for her. They made her felt that if she
didn’t take advantage of those opportunities, it was letting down her
good sister.
Twenty three years ago?
At that time, the seriously ill Emperor didn’t have any brothers, only
distantly related cousins. She, along with the other feipin who didn’t
have children, who hadn’t been crying to the heavens to not take the
Emperor’s life?
In the main hall of Tian Qi Palace, Qing De Emperor stared in a daze
as he lay on the bed before he asked a taijian standing in the corner:
“Where is Shu guifei?”
“Emperor, last night, after Shu guifei attended to you, she caught a
cold. At midnight, she was supported by the palace maids back to
her palace to rest and recover from her illness.”
The person speaking was the chief steward of the taijian. He
informed in a small voice, “This morning, a servant came to report.
They said that Shu guifei niangniang was exhausted and most likely
will become weakened if she doesn’t rest and recover.”
“Then when did Jing guifei niangniang start to attend zhen?” Qing
De Emperor’s expression was slightly cold.
“Jing guifei niangniang was in attendance starting from when she
had heard you fainted,” The chief taijian peeked at the Emperor’s
expression and carefully continued, “This morning, Jing guifei
niangniang fainted once from exhaustion but niangniang wasn’t
willing to leave. Nucai didn’t dare to persuade too strongly so
niangniang hadn’t closed her eyes for two complete days.”

“En, zhen knows now.” Qing De Emperor closed his eyes. Just when
the chief taijian thought he had fell asleep, he once again spoke, “Let
the Imperial Kitchen simmer the lily yam pigeon soup for Jing guifei.
Zhen remembers that she likes this one.”

The chief taijian hurriedly confirmed before retreating. After he came

out of the door to the main hall, he looked at the horizon dyed red by
the setting sun. This sky was most likely going to change.
In the quiet main hall, Qing De Emperor let out a sigh. Had he been
wrong all these years?


1. 先帝: previous emperor

Chapter Seventy Seven

When He Heng brought Qu Qing Ju to Tian Qi Palace, the children of

the Emperor along with their mothers were all present. Qu Qing Ju
even saw some unfamiliar princesses and their fuma, but these
people were evidently not valued by Qing De Emperor and silently
stood to one side.
The person sitting next to the dragon bed was none other than Jing
guifei. She saw her son and erxi come in but didn’t pay any attention
to them and persisted in her efforts to feed Qing De Emperor his
entire medicine before announcing: “Emperor, Heng’er and erxi have
Qing De Emperor’s mental state was much better compared to
when he had first woke up yesterday. He watched as his son and
erxi bowed in greeting before waving his hand, “Stand up, no need
for such protocol.” He indicated for a taijian to bring a bench for the
two to sit.
Qu Qing Ju detected that the smile Qing De Emperor directed
towards Jing guifei was especially warm and his eyes, as he looked
at He Heng, was kinder than in the past. She strangely felt her back
turning cold. He was only sick for a few days, but why did Qing De
Emperor seem strange?
She looked at the still standing feipin and princesses, and saw He
Heng pulling his stool closer to sit next to the bed. She followed to sit
next to He Heng and watched obediently as Jing guifei warmly
placed a cushion for Qing De Emperor and gently put a blanket over
Qing De Emperor as though, in the eyes of Jing guifei, Qing De
Emperor was a more important existence than her own son.
Her eyebrow slightly twitched. Qu Qing Ju felt that she thought
something she shouldn’t have. She silently moved her gaze to He
Heng and saw He Heng appeared to be deeply worried as he looked
at Qing De Emperor. She also adjusted her expression and tried not
to get left behind.
“Has fuhuang gotten better? A few days ago, er chen heard
fuhuang’s body wasn’t well and felt so worried. Er chen waited at
Tian Qi Palace many times but didn’t see you awaken. Today, your
state looks much better and this son can finally be at ease,” He
Heng’s expression slightly relaxed as he examined Qing De
Emperor’s complexion before saying, “This son was unfilial for not
being in attendance the entire time that fuhuang was ill.”

“You are an adult now, and there are many affairs at court. You can’t
keep watch over zhen all the time,” Qing De Emperor smiled and
glanced at Jing guifei, “Your mufei has taken very good care of
zhen, zhen understands your filial piety.”

Qu Qing Ju raised her eyelids to look at Jing guifei but only saw a
faint smile on the other’s face.
“These last few days, Jing guifei didn’t have it easy,” The Empress
who had been silent all this time spoke. She came forward and
stood next to the bed. He Heng and Qu Qing Ju stood to move to
one side. There wasn’t any reason for them to be remain seated
when the Empress was standing.
“Emperor, after you recover, you have to greatly reward Jing guifei.
The last two days, qie tried many times to get her to rest, but she
couldn’t bear to part from you,” When the Empress spoke to there,
she gave a helpless sigh at Jing guifei. “After just a few short days,
she’s thinned a whole circle. Not just you, Emperor. Even I feel pain
looking at her.”
Qing De Emperor nodded: “Her regard, zhen knows.”

The Empress smiled, not a hint of jealousy on her face. From what
Qu Qing Ju saw, the Empress was very satisfied with the present
situation. That made her suspect that the Empress might be on the
same side as her popo.

“Emperor, Shu guifei and His Highness Rui Wang are asking for an
audience,” The chief taijian came in and after seeing the relaxed
mood inside the room, he informed in a small voice, “His Highness
Cheng Wang and Chang Wang Fei are also waiting outside the hall
to be summoned.”
She didn’t know what Qing De Emperor seemed to be thinking given
his brow had slightly furrowed, “Let them all come in.”
Looking at his true love and his most favored son come in, what was
Qing De Emperor’s expression? Why was Jing guifei smiling so
warmly and the Empress’s smile so cold? This situation seemed
Shu guifei took her son and erxi with her as she walked in the front
and He Ming and Luo Wen Yao walking behind them. After the five
performed their greetings, Qing De Emperor didn’t bestow any of
them a seat and only asked Shu guifei: “Zhen heard you became ill
from attending on zhen, are you better?”
The rims of Shu guifei’s eyes were slightly red as she walked to the
bed, sobbing as she choked out: “Qie is fine. Everything became
fine when Emperor woke up. It is qie’s body that’s useless.
Otherwise, qie would have kept constant guard and served
“Jing guifei has taken very good care of zhen, it wasn’t a hindrance
when you weren’t present,” Qing De Emperor faintly returned. He
looked at his favored son and the He Ming couple, coughing a few
times before stating, “Zhen isn’t in any serious danger, you don’t
have to worry.”
He Yuan was reminded of what mufei had said to him and saw
fuhuang looked very close to Jing guifei. He felt discontented inside
but on the surface, he had to smile as he replied: “Seeing fuhuang is
well, er chen can rest the heart.”

“En,” Qing De Emperor nodded. Seeing the room was full of people,
he let the other feipin, princesses, and fuma all leave. When only a
few were left, he said, “This illness of zhen this time, it made you all
Everyone replied that as long as nothing was wrong with the
Emperor, that was the best, and now the Emperor had to take care
of his body and so on.
“Now that you have all grown up and settled down, zhen is very
content,” Qing De Emperor sighed, his gaze sweeping across his
three sons and their wang fei behind them. He gave a few more
harsh coughs, “Zhen is growing old. You all have to put more effort
into state matters and help lighten the load for zhen.”

The three He brothers instantly agreed, and said they would be

willing to die for fuhuang and so forth.

Shu guifei’s heart became more and more insecure. Why was the
Emperor saying these things? Didn’t he favor Yuan’er the most? why
did it seem he was treating them equally?
“Alright, zhen is tired, you can all leave,” Qing De Emperor thought
for a second, “Jing guifei stays.”
Shu guifei’s expression changed slightly. Seeing the Emperor had
already closed his eyes to rest, she could only close her mouth. She
looked at the mirth on Jing guifei’s face and felt that her smile
seemed to be mocking her.
Coming out of Tian Qi Palace, the smile that Shu guifei had pasted
on disappeared and her face darkened. She glared icily at He Heng
and Qu Qing Ju before taking He Yuan and Qin Bai Lu with her as
she left.
Qu Qing Ju turned and saw the smile on He Heng’s face. As she
stepped on the white jade steps, she asked: “What is wang ye
smiling about?”
“Fuhuang’s body is recovering, naturally I’m happy,” He Heng smiled
as he glanced at her, “Don’t you think so?”
“This kind of event is naturally worthy of joy,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as
she nodded. She turned her head to look at He Ming and Luo Wen
Yao walking behind them, “The fu hired a Shu-cuisine chief a few
days ago. How about si shu and si dimei come for the noon meal?”

Luo Wen Yao turned to look at He Ming. Seeing him nod, she then
answered: “To taste the gourmet food at er bo and er sao’s fu, it is
our good fortune.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled, “Eating is a type of good fortune. You don’t have
to say these things to me.”
Luo Wen Yao gave a bashful smile, evidently embarrassed. Seeing
the situation, He Ming bowed in apology to Qu Qing Ju.
Seeing him protect Luo Wen Yao, Qu Qing Ju smiled, “Alright,
alright, if one didn’t know, they would think that I, as your saosao, is
bullying you two. Spare me.”
He Heng smiled as he saw the intimacy between Qu Qing Ju and
Luo Wen Yao. Holding her hand, he interrupted: “I think you should
pay attention to walking. Otherwise, a trip and fall would damage
your looks.”
“I’m not a child,” Qu Qing Ju sniffed, but docilely allowed He Heng to
pull her along.
Luo Wen Yao followed behind them. Seeing the clasped hands of the
two, a smile appeared on her face.
When Shu guifei returned to her palace, she let all the servants in
the room leave. She looked at her son who also didn’t have a good
expression, and asked in a lowered voice: “Yuan’er, I’m afraid that
the Emperor might want to pass the throne to He Heng.”
He Yuan’s brows furrowed: “How come?”
Shu guifei carefully narrated the chain of events before concluding:
“The Emperor’s heart has changed.” She really found it hard to
accept that the Emperor would one day choose Wei shi and slight
her. But just now in Tian Qi Palace, the Emperor treated that whore
Wei shi much more intimately than her.
After just two short days, why was it this way? Was it that the
Emperor was angry that she didn’t serve him? But her body had
become uncomfortable so she had to leave. Or was it that Wei shi
said some words disadvantageous to her in front of the Emperor?
“Are you sure that fuhuang said that lao er seemed similar to
xiandi?” He Yuan thought deeply for a long time, and shook his head
to refute: “It can’t be so, fuhuang has never treated lao er better
than me. Why would he suddenly change his opinion. Maybe it’s Jing
guifei who’s purposefully spreading false information?”
“I got suspicious as well, but you also saw the attitude the Emperor
had towards Wei shi today,” Shu guifei coldly argued, “The
Emperor’s heart has definitely changed. We cannot wait to be
defeated. Yuan’er, I won’t let what belongs to you be taken away by
He Yuan ranted: “Fuhuang really feels that Wei shi and her son is
better than us, is he blind?”
When Qin Bai Lu who was in the corner heard these words, her
heart jumped and she couldn’t resist pushing deeper into the corner.
She sneaked a look at the ugly visage of He Yuan and couldn’t seem
to remember what the Rui Wang she fell in love with two years ago
looked like.
“Yuan’er!” Shu guifei heard He Yuan’s words, her expression
instantly changing and disapprovingly said in a small voice, “How can
you even say such things?”
“But previously, fuhuang clearly said the only one of importance in
the hougong was you, and the most loved imperial son was me, but
what is the reality?” He Yuan became more and more furious, “Wei
shi just cared for him during his illness, and his attitude completely
changed. Is that how he would act if he’d really cared for us?”
“But he’s the Emperor,” Shu guifei’s eyes reddened and she used
her handkerchief to wipe the corner of her eyes. She cried, “If his
heart changes, what can we do?”
“There’s always a way,” He Heng looked at Shu guifei, his face
gradually calming, “Wei shi can try to compete for favor. Mufei, you
have so many years of feelings with fuhuang, how can you lose to
Shu guifei thought about the coldness in the Emperor’s eyes as he
looked at her and nodded.
“As for He Heng,” He Yuan gave a cold smile, “No matter who he
resembles, only the person who laughs to the end is the winner.
Before, I was more favored than him. In the future, I won’t lose to
In Tian Qi Palace, Jing guifei looked at the sleeping Emperor. She
slowly drew her hand out of the Emperor’s hand. She looked calmly
at the old man on the bed, the corners of her lips rising.
What was “having missed these years”?
The Emperor was becoming fonder of making jokes, but it was a
pity that after these many years, this kind of joke wasn’t funny
Chapter Seventy Eight

It was the first time that Luo Wen Yao visited Duan Wang Fu. She
found that Duan Wang Fu was more magnificent and refined than
Cheng Wang Fu. She couldn’t help squeezing He Ming’s hand, feeling
sympathy for this person who was walking beside her.
He Ming assumed she was nervous and smiled at her, “Whatever
you like to eat, tell er sao. We shouldn’t try to scrimp for them.”

“Even if you want to be frugal, you couldn’t save,” He Heng smiled as

he led the others into the front hall. After everyone had sat down, he
teased, “Your er sao takes great care of her eating and wardrobe.
With her here, it isn’t possible to save.”
“Wang ye dislikes the fact that I eat too much?” Qu Qng Ju took a
teacup from a yahuan and sniffed upon hearing his words.

“I’m happy you have such a good appetite, I wouldn’t dislike it,” He
Heng smiled as he ordered, “Qian Chang Xin, go hasten the kitchen
and have them make that peanut pastry that wang fei likes.
Otherwise, your wang fei won’t forgive me today.”

“Nonsense. If they didn’t know, they would assume that I was a

shrew,” Qu Qing Ju put down her teacup, and burst into laughter, “si
shu and si dimei are still here. You just want them here to laugh at
“Er sao, I didn’t see or hear anything,” He Ming smiled as he
followed up, “Er ge and er sao are indulging in conjugal love. Us,
being didi and dimei, can only be happy for you, not laugh at you.”

Luo Wen Yao used a handkerchief to cover the smile on her lips.
Even though she didn’t speak, the uneasiness between the four
people slowly disappeared.
Qu Qing Ju could see that He Ming was desirous of becoming closer
to He Heng. He Heng evidently accepted He Ming’s goodwill, so her
own attitude towards He Ming was very carefree. On the matter of
how to treat people, if He Heng called himself second, there wasn’t
anyone that dared call themselves first.
As expected, the topic slowly skewed towards the matter of He
Ming being attacked. He Heng held a teacup as he put in: “Based on
my opinion, si di’s attack by assassins might not be connected with
san di, but the case of Jiang Nan definitely is connected to san di.”
He Ming nodded and said nonchalantly: “Since fuhuang isn’t
investigating further, I will not think more. Either way, I’m fine right
now. It’s not important who did it as long as I can have a good life
from now.”
Hearing the words, Qu Qing Ju felt that He Ming was probably the
least ambitious and the most easily satisfied among the four He
brothers. But it was due helplessness. He Qi was the eldest. He
Heng had a useful mother. He Yuan had the favour. What did He
Ming have? His mother wasn’t favored, his father didn’t care for him.
If his own attitude wasn’t good, how would he live?
Maybe He Ming understood in his mind that these matters had the
shadow of He Heng, so he would say all would be well if he could
have a good life in the future. This was expressing his attitude
towards He Heng. The meaning might be that he, as the younger
brother, was siding with lao er?
The peanut pastries came up. Qu Qing Ju picked a piece to put in
her mouth. Her gaze fell upon Luo Wen Yao and saw her eating
pastries thoughtlessly.
Qu Qing Ju smiled. It didn’t matter if she knew or she really didn’t
know, but this girl wasn’t stupid. At least, she seemed smarter than
Qin Bai Lu.
“Days always become better,” He Heng smiled, “It’s very good that
si di has such goals.”

He Ming smiled upon hearing the words. Even his eyes were full of
visible mirth.
They chatted and when it was noon time, the four of them sat at the
table and watched the yahuan present the dishes. The dishes of Shu
cuisine were mostly sour and spicy. Thehe color alone gave the
viewer the impression of very hot and delicious.
Even though most of the table was Shu cuisine, there were some
bland dishes. Qu Qing Ju had no immunity to good food. In her own
home, she didn’t want others to serve her. One of the great
pleasures in experiencing delicious food was reaching out to the
dishes she liked herself.
The Sichuan poached fish was made from the tenderest part of the
fish belly. For the meat, one had to use the fresh meat from the pig’s
leg. The pickled cabbage in the dish was well-aged pickled cabbage
so that when one took a sniff, their saliva would spill. The fish head
and tofu soup were densely flavorful, the roasted tendons were crisp
yet smooth. There were also some mushrooms with cabbage,
steamed wild mushroom and other such dishes. The raw ingredients
for those dishes weren’t any special things but the taste that was
created was able to make Qu Qing Ju eat another bowl of rice.
Qu Qing Ju would never try to preserve her impression in front of He
Heng through eating one less bowl of rice. After she elegantly yet
swiftly finished two bowls of rice, she rinsed her mouth and washed
her hands. Afterwards, she slowly wiped her mouth as she looked at
the table full of food. She spoke with some regret: “Tonight, let’s eat
hotpot. It’s much more enjoyable with four people.”
Luo Wen Yao knew of hot pot, but before she married, her family
rarely ate it. Her family felt it was inelegant to crowd around a pot to
cook food. Hearing er sao’s suggestion, she felt her heart move. She
couldn’t help asking, “Is it two-soup pot?”
“Of course. If the moon tonight isn’t bad, we could set the pots up in
the pavilion outside and admire the moon as we eat. We don’t have
to care about the rules of not talking while eating. Tell some
interesting stories, it would be great.” Qu Qing Ju felt that hotpot
needed more people gathered around telling tall tales. If they didn’t
happen then hotpot wasn’t perfect.
He Ming didn’t think that er sao would be like this in private. He
looked with some degree of shock at er ge and found that his gaze
was on er sao, a wide smile on his face. In this instant, he
“Alright, if that’s the case, then si di and si dimei won’t leave tonight.
After the evening meal, just sleep for the night at the fu. It will be
refreshing,” He Heng called in Ming He and ordered him to let the
kitchen servants prepare. After he finished, he added another
sentence, “Prepare more wild mushrooms.”
“Yes,” Ming He knew that wang fei liked eating all kinds of fungi.
Wang ye was taking care of wang fei.

“Dimei, this is your first time at the fu. Why don’t we take a walk?
After eating, if one sits too long, they’ll gain weight,” Qu Qing Ju
smiled as she stood, giving the two He brothers the room to talk.
“Then I will trouble er sao,” Luo Wen Yao also stood and followed
Qu Qing Ju to walked out of the front hall. She herself also knew
that wang ye most likely had things to discuss with Duan Wang.

He Ming watched as his wife followed saozi out before asking; “Er
ge, er sao’s paternal family … …” Chang De Gong Fu was on He
Yuan’s side. Even he knew that.
“She doesn’t have good relations with the Qu Family. These years,
she endured a lot from the Qu Family,” He Heng’s brows furrowed.
When the Qu Family was mentioned, it always caused a bad mood,
“The people of Chang De Gong Fu, you don’t have to have any
qualms. Your er sao won’t care about it.”

He Ming nodded, “If that’s the case, the matter of the Qu and Liang
Families, I’ll get someone to leak.”
“Families like this one, they shouldn’t have been kept for this long,”
He Heng remembered the wrongs that the Qu Family had done to
Qu Qing Ju and coldly ordered, “keep them alive. Living but having
nothing, it’s better than death.”
He hadn’t expected that er ge would dislike the Qu Family that much.
He Ming nodded in a daze. He remembered that the Qu Family had
a daughter who was a qie in He Yuan’s fu and mused: “I wonder if
san ge would help.”

“What lao san is like, is he the kind of person to give aid for a qie?”
He Heng raised a teacup to take a sip and scorned, “He always
enjoys having people revolve around him, when would he revolve
around someone else?”
“That’s true,” These years, He Yuan was arrogant even when
interacting with him, much less a qieshi. A smile appeared on his
face, “That Qu Family is quite pitiful.”
Luo Wen Yao and Qu Qing Ju took a tour of the gardens before
going to the zhengyuan. When she saw the furnishings in Qu Qing
Ju’s room, she couldn’t do anything except gape. Glass lanterns
worth cities, a night luminous pearl of great craftsmanship and a
variety of other finely made decorations. She had heard her
grandmother mention when Duan wang fei married, the Qu Family
didn’t add much to the dowry. What she brought to the wang fu was
the dowry that her birth mother had when she married into Chang De
Gong Fu and the additions that the Tian Family and other relatives
and friends added.
Luo Wen Yao’s dowry could be considered to be very generous but
seeing that the decorations in this room were finer than the objects
in her dowry, so she knew very clearly, these objects wasn’t Duan
wang fei’s dowry. Rather, it was what Duan Wang had brought for
her. Thinking about the gift that Duan wang fei added to her dowry
before she married, Luo Wen Yao couldn’t help but exclaim: “Er bo
treats er sao so well.”

Hearing this, Qu Qing Ju gave a light laugh. She pulled the other to
sit by the window. A white jade orchid was blooming right outside the
“Si shu treats you very well too,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she looked
at Luo Wen Yao, “I can see that si shu treats you truly well. This is
the best scenario.”
Hearing this, Luo Wen Yao gave a sweet smile. For some reason,
she felt it strange that er sao used the word “truly”. She hesitantly
glanced at Qu Qing Ju, her gaze somehow coming to rest at the
orchid outside the window, “This flower is very beautiful.”
Many in Jing City liked to plant orchids in their gardens because of
the rumor was if orchids were planted in the home, their lives would
become better and better. Some lovers liked to exchange orchids
and use white jade orchids to represent the sincerity of their love.
Luo Wen Yao didn’t know what the truth was, but she believe that if
a man would go to such an effort to seek out these objects to give to
a woman, no matter what, the woman occupied a spot of some size
in his heart. She looked at the faint smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face,
hesitantly offering: “A person’s heart can be seen slowly through
interacting. There isn’t a clear line between truth and lies.”
The hand Qu Qing Ju held a teacup with slightly paused. She looked
at Luo Wen Yao. She didn’t know if the other was speaking of He
Ming or if she meant something else. She followed Luo Wen Yao’s
gaze to look at the orchid outside the window, smiling and
responding, “You are right. It’s not so easy to separate truth and
lies. It’s better to work towards a better life.”
“Er sao’s words are sensible.” Luo Wen Yao’s smiled as she
nodded. She pointed at the orchid outside, “Just like the orchid
flower, the days would become more and more beautiful.”
Qu Qing Ju blew on the surface of the tea and lazily glanced at the
orchid. She suddenly remembered that a short while ago He Heng
had sent over a set of orchid hairpins and jewellery. But due to the
fact that He Heng would always send things over all the time, she
had never worn the set of orchid jewellery.
Musing, she curled her lips. A good life was controlled by people,
was it possible to live well just by depending on a flower?
Chapter Seventy Nine

As expected, there really was a glowing moon. The servants in the

fu had already prepared everything that was needed. He Ming and
Lu Wen Yao looked at the heated lanterns hanging in the pavilion and
then at the two tables nearby, holding of a variety of foodstuffs. They
finally understood what er ge meant by his earlier statement of “no
need to save”.
The four sat down around the table, each one taking a pair of the
public chopsticks to start cooking in the pot. Even the not so favored
He Ming had rarely ever cooked on his own, and his ignorance about
how long something could be cooked created laughter and lifted the
mood of the meal.
Luo Wen Yao looked at Qu Qing Ju rapidly picking up what she liked
to cook in the pot. She always knew when to take the ingredients
out when they were perfectly cooked. Luo Wen Yao couldn’t help but
look down at the people of Chang De Gong Fu. Er sao was the
eldest di daughter, no matter what had happened, but er sao had
suffered so much. Otherwise, why else would she be so familiar
about such matters?
Ignorant of the fact that she had become a little white cabbage in the
snow in Luo Wen Yao’s heart, Qu Qing Ju contentedly drank a small
bowl of silver tree-ear fungus and date soup to wash away the
spiciness in her mouth. She felt that she was sixth-tenths full before
commenting: “It’s been some days since I ate hotpot. This soup that
our kitchen has made is getting better and better.”
“It’s alright to occasionally eat some. If you eat it every day, you
won’t like any kind of soup,” He Heng used a pair of public
chopsticks to serve a tea tree mushroom into her bowl, smiling as he
said, “You ate so much meat today that it will be hard to sleep.”
Qu Qing Ju picked up the tea tree mushroom to dabble in the
condiments dish. After she finished eating, she pouted: “Then later,
you have to play weiqi with me.”
“Fine,” He Heng grimaced. Turning, he started to put what Qu Qing
Ju liked to eat into her bowl.
He Ming poured Luo Wen Yao a small bowl of silver tree-ear fungus
and date soup. Seeing er ge and er sao proficiently serve each other
what they liked, he thought inside that he hadn’t done enough.
“Si di, your wounds have healed. You’ve gotten married now.
Fuhuang has said that us brothers have to put more energy to state
affairs. Why don’t you go spend some time in the Ministry of
Revenue? That could be considered as going to learn something
new.” He Heng raised a cup to He Ming and drank before continuing,
“Even though I am the second eldest, I’m not even two years older
than you. You should pay more attention to state affairs.”
He Ming didn’t refuse. Out of the four brothers, other than da ge who
was seven years older than him, er ge and san ge weren’t that much
older than him. But both er ge and san ge had been involved in state
affairs for a long time. He was the only one who’d attended court
after turning sixteen but he still didn’t have anything to do.
Fuhuang never spent any attention on him, his mother wasn’t
favored, his maternal clan really didn’t have anyone. The result was
that he had muddled his way for three years at court yet had never
accomplished anything. Now that er ge had said this, it was like
giving him a helping hand to let him establish himself at court.
“Thanks er ge, yu di definitely will learn how to do things, and not
disappoint er ge,” He Ming raised the wine up, “Yu di toasts er ge.”

Sitting on the side, Luo Wen Yao gave a grateful smile to Qu Qing
Ju. Even though she didn’t know the whole story, now that Duan
Wang was willing to help her wang ye, from the bottom of her heart,
she was grateful to Qu Qing Ju as Duan Wang Fei.
A whole meal ended in contentedness. The four admired the moon
for a while as they digested before returning their rooms.
He Heng naturally accompanied Qu Qing Ju in playing a weiqi game
before gathering up the beauty into their warm den. A round of
physical pleasure later, the two contentedly fell asleep.
In the guest room, Luo Wen Yao took down her adornments and laid
with He Ming together on the bed. She hesitated for a long time
before inquiring: “Wang ye, does er be want to win you over?”

“Silly Wen Yao, er ge has no need to win me over,” He Ming leaned

back on the headboard, gathering the other in his embrace, “What I
have, er ge also has. What I don’t have, er ge still has. If I had not
married you, er ge might not have been willing to help me.”

Luo Wen Yao stilled. She suddenly thought about her second aunt in
Xiang Qing Hou Fu and Duan wang fei who was very close to
second aunt. Instantly, she understood. She hugged He Ming in
sympathy, comforting in a small voice: “That’s because wang ye is
capable so er be wants to help you. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter
who you married. It still wouldn’t work out.”
He Ming smiled as he patted her back, his laughter filling the entire
Because of Qing De Emperor’s serious illness, the people of Jing
City were extremely anxious. However, after a few days, the
Emperor started to take a good turn and could even continue to
attend court. Those whose intentions had risen settled down.
Soon afterwards, the imperial censor wrote a complaint against
Chang De Gong Fu. He detailed the scandals of Chang De Gong Fu,
such as allowing servants to victimize others, putting out loans,
buying the common people’s land at low prices by using their
positions. He also mentioned that sixteen years ago when the di wife
of the Duke of Chang De had just passed away, he immediately
married a new wife which was a dishonorable thing. He even allowed
the new Duchess of Chang De, Liang shi, to cheat others by using
the position of the Duke and abused the original wife’s daughter as
well as the shu daughters.

Instantly, the court erupted. They had heard what happened with
Chang De Gong Fu before but no one could spare the attention to
take care of it. But now that someone had censured them, naturally
all these matters became unpardonable crimes. Even more so, there
was no one in Jing who didn’t know that Duan Wang was very much
in love with his wife. What Chang De Gong Fu had done, wouldn’t
that Duan Wang unhappy?
Of course, there were those who looked at Rui Wang. Liang shi’s
daughter was Rui Wang’s qie. If Rui Wang had any intentions of
protecting them, it wouldn’t be wise for them to throw stones while
the other was down. After they watched for a few days, they found
that Rui Wang showed no reaction to the matter. Then everyone
understood. Rui Wang didn’t have any desire to look after the
matters of a qie’s paternal family.

Since Rui Wang wasn’t going to act, and Duan Wang didn’t have any
good feelings towards Chang De Gong Fu, the hearts of the court
officials were like a mirror. Within a few short days, the
memorandums that censured Chang De Gong Fu fell like snowflakes
in front of the Emperor. Numerous minor and major matters were
revealed. Instantly, Chang De Gong Fu became the mouse that
everyone was yelling to kill, as if one look at them would dirty their
When Qu Qing Ju heard that Chang De Gong Fu was being
censured, it was the third day since the matter had started. After
she’d finished listening to Jin Zhan’s report, she paused for a beat
before inquiring: “Is there no one asking for mercy on behalf of
Chang De Gong Fu in court?”
Jin Zhan shook her head. She took a look at wang fei’s face and
found that wang fei didn’t seem to be worried at all for Chang De
Gong Fu before continuing: “Nubi heard that many are censuring the
Duke and the Liang Family. The Emperor is very angry about the
Qu Qing Ju nodded, “I understand.” Due to how much He Heng
disliked Chang De Gong Fu, he definitely wouldn’t ask for mercy for
the Duke of Chang De. The best case would be that he didn’t try to
step on them even more. But according to He Heng’s style of
conduct, he wouldn’t do it himself. No matter what, on the surface,
the Duke of Chang De was his father-in-law. If he came out
personally, others might purposefully exaggerate it and it wouldn’t be
good for his reputation.
Then again, the kind of person that He Heng was, his best skill was
doing everything in the dark. For him to be like He Qi or He Yuan and
personally act, it would be very hard for him.
He Heng didn’t want to help Chang De Gong Fu. The intelligent
people at Royal Court understood. And He Yuan didn’t have any
intentions of giving aid. All together, everyone understood that Chang
De Gong Fu was taking its last breaths. They said that not many
gave coal in the snow, many dropped stones instead. People who
censured Chang De Gong Fu and the Liang Family naturally popped
Hearing people mention the crime of the duke’s marriage to a new
wife before the bones of the first wife was cold, Qu Qing Ju felt
elated. Qu Tian shi was very unfortunate to have met a man like the
Duke of Chang De. Additionally, Qu Tian shi’s cause of death was
suspicious but her death was said to be illness by the Duke of Chang
De. Now that the people of Xiang Qing Hou Fu had this chance,
would they give it up?
As expected, Tian Jin Ke sent up a memorandum on the exact day.
The general meaning was that his jiejie’s cause of death was
suspicious. Liang shi was married for only eight months when she
gave birth to twins. He was suspicious that the Duke of Chang De
killed his wife so that he could marry Liang shi because she had
been pregnant.
Once the news came out, Jing became even noisier. That year,
Liang shi truly did give birth to the twins not even eight months after
marriage. The statement given out at the time was that she was
carrying twins which caused an early birth. But thinking of it now, the
matter was fishy.
If nothing was wrong, why would the Duke of Chang De be in such a
hurry to marry her, could he not even wait for the hundred days after
his wife’s passing?
When the matter was exposed, those who had relationships with
Chang De Gong Fu and the Liang Family all stopped interacting with
them. The two families didn’t even have anyone to ask for aid.
As Qu Qing Ju heard the new situation each day about the Qu
Family at court, her mood became better and better. But who knew
that on this day when she had just finished listening to Jin Zhan tell
her the gossip, one of the servants came to report that the Duke of
Chang De was requesting to meet her.
The Duke of Chang De?
The memories in Qu Qing Ju’s mind of the Duke of Chang De were
very apathetic, and there was even a hint of hate. She heard the
Duke had come, and hesitated before standing to say: “Order the
gatekeeper to let the Duke of Chang De wait in the side hall of the
wang fu.”

“Mistress, you are going to see the duke?” Mu Jin looked worriedly
at Qu Qing Ju, clearly worried on her behalf.
“There’s nothing to fear. Now, I am wang fei. Do I still have to fear
that he will reprimand me for Liang shi?” Qu Qing Ju gave an icy
smile, “Jin Zhan, help me dress.”
Jin Zhan quickly complied and the group of yahuan in the room
joined in.
Seeing the yahuan bring in the different hairpins, jewellery and the
grand clothes, Qu Qing Ju picked an extravagantly lavish wide
sleeved qing luan robe. In her memory, didn’t the Duke of Chang De
like taking up the role of the father to reprimand the original owner of
this body?
Then she would let him know what it was like to be suppressed by
The Duke of Chang De waited a long while outside the gate of Duan
Wang Fu before someone came in to lead him inside the front gate.
He followed the taijian in front to the side hall of the wang fu. Liang
Hong, who had been following behind, took out a pouch to shove in
the hand of the taijian leading the way, asking in a fawning tone:
“This ge, do you know when wang fei will be free?” He had
accompanied his yi fu[1]to quite a few homes. Some
straightforwardly didn’t receive guests, some allowed them inside
but after filling their stomachs with tea, they still didn’t see anyone.
So he couldn’t resist asking.
The taijian took the pouch and politely smiled as he replied: “This
little gong zi is too polite. This one is just a servant, and doesn’t
know anything about wang fei. You two can wait here, it should be
only a while before you can meet wang fei.” He made a bow before
quickly leaving.
Soon afterwards, servants came in to serve them tea and
refreshments. Liang Hong restlessly sat on the carved pear tree
chair. He looked at the servants of the wang fu standing in the room
with their tastefully chosen attire and strangely felt that he couldn’t


1. 姨父: husband of mother’s sister

Chapter Eighty “Don’t Dirty Ben
Wang’s Place”

The Duke of Chang De held a teacup for fifteen minutes. Looking at

the silent door leading to the hall, it stirred up memories of the cold
receptions he had received in other homes. He had endured it then.
Now that he was at his daughter’s place, he still had to sit on the
bench. His face instantly darkened and he heavily slammed the
teacup to one side, ranting: “I’ve raised such a good daughter. When
her own father comes, she still acts like a wang fei. It was a waste
raising her all those years!”
Liang Hong’s heart jumped. He looked at the servants in the room
who didn’t react at all. He appeased: “Yifu, Duan wang fei has to
take care of such a wang fu. She wouldn’t be as free as she was
before her marriage. We’ve only just arrived, don’t be angry. If Duan
wang fei heard what you said, she would be hurt.”

“What does she have to be hurt about? After she’d married wang ye,
she’s never even seriously looked at her father. She came to my
birthday banquet and threw a tantrum in front of the whole fu,” When
the Duke of Chang De thought about the contents in Tian Jin Ke’s
censure memorandum, his face flushed, “How is she my daughter?
From the looks of it, she shouldn’t be named Qu. She should’ve been
named Tian!”
Liang Hong listened as his words became increasingly nasty and felt
frantic inside. Right now, they had come to ask for aid, not to throw
around their temper. How yifu had treated Duan Wang Fei these
years, he had personally seen it. If wang fei was willing to help, that
would be a blessing from the Heavens. But yifu had to maintain the
face of an elder. If wang fei saw, even if Duan wang fei’s personality
was gentle, she wouldn’t stand for yifu’s attitude.

He was anxious but didn’t dare say more in case he provoked yifu to
get even nastier. He carefully looked at the servants in the room.
These people were like statues. No matter how nasty yifu’s words
were, they didn’t even move an inch. It was as though he and yifu
didn’t even exist. The conduct of these servants made Liang Hong
feel the strictness of the protocol of the wang fu.
“Duke Qu, are you angry because this fu’s tea and pastries aren’t
suited for your appetite?” Xiao Gan Zi asked scornfully as he came
in with a lower-ranked taijian into the hall. He glared furiously at the
yahuan serving in the hall, admonishing: “Useless beings! Remember
what kind of place this is. You don’t even know how to serve people.
Go switch Duke Qu’s tea!”
Liang Hong hurriedly interjected: “This gonggong is too courteous.
The tea and pastries are all good. There’s no need to trouble
anyone.” How could he not detect that this taijian was pointing at the
mulberry but swearing at the locust tree? But they had come here to
seek aid. Furthermore, the pattern on the robe of this taijian was
different to that of a normal taijian. His position in the fu wouldn’t be
low. The saying was that “the gatekeeper of the Prime Minister’s
gate was a fourth-pin official.” How could he even dare to offend the
taijian who had some status in the wang fu?

Xiao Gan Zi turned to look at the young person in front of him. He

mockingly raised his hands in a fist to Liang Hong as he said: “This
gongzi must be Duke Qu’s son. This one greets you two.”

“I don’t dare receive gonggong’s greeting. This student is Liang

Hong, and yifu’s nephew.” Liang Hong returned a bow and tried to
hand a pouch to Xiao Gan Zi.
“Liang gong zi doesn’t have to be this courteous. This one is
insignificant and doesn’t dare to take gong zi’s gift,” Xiao Gan Xi
unhesitatingly pushed aside Liang Hong’s pouch, “Please sit, our
wang fei will be here shortly.”

“Hong’er, sit down. Today, I’m going to see when this good daughter
of mine will arrive. I’ve waited this long and she’s just sent a taijian to
brush us off. Once she became a wang fei, her airs have become
arrogant enough that she won’t even attend to her own father.” The
Duke of Chang De impatiently looked at Xiao Gan Zi and Liang
Hong, his actions and tone of voice showing just how much he
looked down upon this taijian named Xiao Gan Zi.
Xiao Gan Zi smiled instead of getting angry. He came forward and
bowed, saying: “Duke Qu, don’t be furious. Our wang fei isn’t as idle
as Qu san xiaojie. Every day, she has to manage the fu and all the
matters of the different estates. That’s awfully busy work. After
hearing that the duke had come today, she went to dress and groom
herself in a rush to see you. One can see just how much she
respects you.”
Upon hearing this, Liang Hong’s heart became even more bitter.
What was not as idle as Qu san xiaojie? On the inside, he blamed
yifu for his fiery personality and improper manner of speech. He also
was angry at Qu Qing Ju for not respecting them. But he also knew
that the current circumstances were disadvantageous to them. If yifu
kept acting like this, when Duan Wang found out, the matter would
be even more difficult to diffuse.
The Duke of Chang De snorted icily: “If she respects me, why would
she let me wait for so long?”
Just as he’d finished speaking, the half-closed door to the hall was
suddenly pushed open. The hall was instantly saturated with light.
The Duke of Chang De and Liang Hong turned to look and saw Qu
Qing Ju wearing a red floor length dress as she stood
expressionless at the doorway. Behind her were more than ten
yahuan and taijian. Without even speaking, they made others feel
Qu Qing Ju looked indifferently at the Duke of Chang De who sat still
on the chair. She held Mu Jin’s hand as she walked into the room.
Once she’d sat on the center seat, she then lifted her chin slightly to
look at the standing Liang Hong and the still seated Duke of Chang
This was the first time that Liang Hong saw the married Qu Qing Ju.
Last time, he had heard that she came to yifu’s birthday but he didn’t
have the chance to see her. Seeing her today, he finally understood
what was called “the world turned upside down.” The woman in front
of him wearing the majestic clothes hadn’t changed in appearance
but he felt that something was different. He began to feel intimidated
now that he was standing in front of her.
Barely suppressing the fear inside, after Qu Qing Ju sat down, Liang
Hong came forward to raise his hands in a greeting: “This student
Liang Hong greets Duan Wang Fei.”
Qu Qing Ju barely glanced at him. She took a sip of the tea that was
on the table, then frowned and criticized: “Today’s tea is too bitter.
Change it.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin bowed to take the teacup. She turned to give it to the
second-rank yahuan behind her. Very quickly, a yahuan handed a
new cup to her. She turned again to place it on the table beside Qu
Qing Ju.
Liang Hong obediently bent his body as he stood, too afraid to even
“Liang gong zi doesn’t have to be so courteous. Please sit.” Qu Qing
Ju raised the teacup once again. She raised her eyelids slightly to
look at the Duke of Chang De, “Why have the two of you come
“You are a wang fei now. Don’t you know what has happened to
your paternal family?” The Duke of Chang De accused in a heavy
voice, “Or is it that you don’t even care about your paternal family at
“Oh?” Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow, “Are you talking about how
Liang shi took advantage of the status of Chang De Gong Fu to let
the Liang Family abuse the people of Lan Cheng county, or that you
took a new wife before your first wife’s bones had even cooled, or
how exactly did ben wang fei’s mother die?”

She spoke slowly, her tone was very calm but it made Liang Hong,
who had been sitting restlessly, feel a chill on his back. He looked at
how Duan Wang Fei’s red-nailed hand slowly caressed the teacup.
The strings in his brain were so tight that they almost broke. He was
now regretting the fact that he’d accompanied yifu to Duan Wang
“Is this the attitude that you, as a daughter, should have towards
your father?” The Duke of Chang De was a bit shaken, but seeing
that even the daughter who had once been so submissive to him
dare talk like that to him, the anger inside erupted. He stood and
pointed at Qu Qing Ju, cursing, “If I knew that this would happen, in
the beginning, I would have choked you to death and not let you live
to anger me today.”
Upon hearing this, Qu Qing Ju gave a sweet smile to the Duke of
Chang De. Then she threw the teacup in her hand onto the ground.
The expensive government-kiln teacup instantly shattered into
pieces, the crisp sounds frightening the Duke of Chang De, who
shrank back in response.
She spread out her hand and looked at her nails which had been
dyed red. She looked at the Duke of Chang De from the corner of
her eye: “Why aren’t you cursing? Weren’t you so happy cursing
right now?”
The Duke of Chang De unconsciously took a step back. He opened
his mouth but found his throat had turned wooden and couldn’t say a
“I’m the kind of person that has a bad habit. That is, I hold grudges,”
Qu Qing Ju lowered her hand and smoothed her dress. From Mu
Jin’s hand, she took another teacup. She smiled cheerfully as she
spoke, “Liang gong zi, in all those years that you’ve lived at Chang
De Gong Fu, come say how the fu has treated me?”

Liang Hong’s face was full of sweat but he couldn’t say a word. He
might be a member of the Liang Family but he also knew that yimu
had not treated Duan Wang Fei well before her marriage. Now that
Duan Wang Fei was asking him, he couldn’t say well, but couldn’t
say not well, and could only remain silent.
“Take a look, even the people of the Liang Family can’t say a word.
It can be seen just how well Chang De Gong Fu treated me,” Qu
Qing Ju sneered, “Coming here today, were you hoping that I could
persuade wang ye to help Chang De Gong Fu?”
She saw the Duke of Chang De nod his head and the smile on her
face became even more visible, “But why?”
The Duke of Chang De’s tone warmed greatly. He carefully looked at
the broken teacup on the ground, “I know that the fu had been
lacking in some aspects with the way they treated you, but no
matter what, it’s your paternal home. If a scandal came out of your
paternal home, you would be dishonored as well. Would Duan Wang
still regard you well?”
If He Heng treated her like He Yuan treated Qin Bai Lu, then this
matter would have really impacted her. But right now in Jing, who
didn’t know that Duan Wang Fei wasn’t close to Chang De Gong Fu?
Who didn’t know that Duan Wang and Duan Wang Fei were deeply in
love? Thinking about it, Qu Qing Ju suddenly wondered what He
Heng was after, since he treated her so well.
The Tian Family? But the Tian Family were only ever loyal to the
Emperor, that was the mantra passed down from their ancestors.
Would they even support He Heng just because she married him?
He Heng wouldn’t neglect her because of the Tian Family. When he
had just married the original, he kept her in good food and comfort
but wasn’t even close to her. The original’s personality had been
weak. Other than what Tian Luo shi had taught her in the rare
occasions they had met, there were no other elders to teach her the
dark secrets of the houyuan or how to treat marital relations. That’s
why after her marriage, the shiqie were able to sneak in and cause
her to lose her life.
The tragedy that was the life of the original had all come from the
Duke of Chang De. It was amazing that he was still shameless
enough to come here to yell and holler. The fact that this kind of man
could live until now, it was really by the virtues of his ancestors.
The Duke of Chang De saw Qu Qing Ju’s head had lowered in
thought and assumed that what he said had moved her. He
continued: “Don’t believe what the Tian Family said. You have to
know that we are of one family. Can you believe what outsiders
Qu Qing Ju, who was so disgusted by his words that broke her train
of thought, sarcastically responded: “Even outsiders were willing to
add so much to my dowry when I married, but why was it that this
family of mine wasn’t willing?”
“It’s all shameless and dishonorable!”
Qu Qing Ju heard the words and suddenly lifted her head to look.
She saw He Heng with a dark face come striding in from outside.
This time, the Duke of Chang De didn’t dare remain seated. He and
Liang Hong obediently performed a greeting and stood in the center
of the hall, but they didn’t dare to look at He Heng’s angry visage.
When He Heng heard the Duke of Chang De say that he would not
regard Qu Qing Ju the same because of Chang De Gong Fu’s
scandals, the fire in his heart couldn’t be suppressed any longer. He
looked at the broken teacup on the floor and walked to sit next to Qu
Qing Ju. He patted her head as he said, “Anger harms the body,
there’s me for all matters.” He glanced at the Duke of Chang De,
furrowing his brows as he asked, “Duke Qu, you weren’t satisfied
with making your wife die from anger, so you came here today to
ben wang’s place to show-off your might! Who gave you the guts?!”

“Wang ye, please understand that this lower official only said it out
of anger,” the Duke of Chang De wasn’t sure if Duan Wang had
heard what he had said before. He raised his hands and cautiously
responded, “The matter of my wife, it is purely Tian Jin Ke
slandering this lower official. Wang ye cannot trust that person.”
“Ha,” He Heng raised an eyebrow as he looked at the Duke of
Chang De, “That there’s a person who is as shameless as the duke
in this world. It has really broadened ben wang’s knowledge.”

“Wang ye……” The Duke of Chang De didn’t think that Duan Wang
would speak so mercilessly and couldn’t help but look at Qu Qing Ju.
“Someone come and see off the guests!” He Heng smiled icily and
snorted with disdain: “Don’t dirty ben wang’s place.”

Qu Qing Ju looked at He Heng’s state and couldn’t help but burst

into laughter.
Some rough-labor taijian “saw off” the Duke of Chang De and Liang
Hong. Xiao Gan Zi stood at the gate and from high up, looked down
at the two people at the bottom of the stairs. He slowly drawled to
the people beside him: “In the future, clean your eyes when you
receive a card. Don’t accept just anyone. Otherwise, some will think
that they are worth something and yell and shriek at wang ye and
wang fei. If one didn’t know better, they’d think that he was the wang
He clapped his hand, and in front of the two, he closed the gate to
the wang fu.

Liang Hong looked at the tightly shut gate of the wang fu. He
suddenly realized that from beginning to end, Duan Wang Fei hadn’t
called yifu father once. He looked at the man whose face was full of
discontent and anger, and cold sweat formed on his palms.
If yimu had treated Duan Wang Fei better in the beginning, maybe it
wouldn’t be like this.
This time, if biao mei couldn’t persuade His Highness Rui Wang, he
was afraid the Liang Family would be finished.
Chapter Eighty One “Inviting

The side hall was very quiet. Qu Qing Ju sat on the chair as she
looked at the shattered cup on the floor, her expression dark.
He Heng indicated for the servants to sweep away the broken
shards of porcelain. He rarely saw such a dazed expression on Qu
Qing Ju’s face. But he didn’t want to see it anymore so he couldn’t
resist going up to her and deliberately rubbed her face, smiling as he
teased: “What, you don’t have any more energy after that outburst?”
Qu Qing Ju raised her head to look at the mirth on his face. She
looked seriously into his eyes and from his purposely relaxed
expression, she found the concern that was hidden behind his smile.
She forced a smile: “I have just discovered that he’s not worthy of
my mother and I.” She wasn’t clear as to why the Tian Family had
married their daughter off to the Qu Family, but she’d heard that it
was due to a promise made by the previous generation.
These parents, because of their own feelings, didn’t care for their
children’s desires and carelessly gave them away in a marriage.
They glorified the marriage of their children as a means of proving
their friendship with each other. Or did they believe that because the
elders were friends, their children would be happily married and the
husband wouldn’t neglect the wife?
The reality was always harsher than the ideal. Qu Tian shi didn’t
receive gentle treatment from the Duke of Chang De just because
their elders had been friends. Did the old Marquess of Xiang Qing,
who hadn’t passed away at that time, ever regret it?
She wasn’t a person from ancient times, so she couldn’t understand
their mentality. But if she had children in the future, she would be
reluctant to treat them that way.
“I know,” He Heng gathered the person into his arms, quietly
promising, “The people who had bullied you in the past, I will
remember them for you. We will live for a long time so don’t harm
your body for these people. We will find an opportunity for you to
bully them back.”
Qu Qing Ju sat on the chair as she put her head into He Heng’s lap.
She listened to the man holding her tell how she could bully the
people who once bullied her. That bit of grief in her heart had
already disappeared without a trace. She turned to wrap an arm
around him, laughing as she rubbed her head on his waist.
The servants all cautiously lowered their heads, not daring to look at
the two zhuzi. But a smile was on the mouths of Mu Jin and the
others. It seemed that no matter how Chang De Gong Fu was, wang
ye wouldn’t lessen his affections for wang fei.
These days, all the servants of Rui Wang Fu were trembling with
fear. It was an open secret in the fu, which they didn’t dare to
spread outside, that wang ye and wang fei weren’t on good terms.
The fact that wang fei extremely disliked Qu ce fei of Xi Ce Yuan
was something that everyone knew. But because Qu ce fei was
favoured by wang ye, no servant dared to offend Qu ce fei.

In the days after the details of Chang De Gong Fu’s circumstances

leaked, there was more idle talk among the servants. Even though
they didn’t dare to openly mention it in front of Qu Yue Su, Qu Yue
Su could still detect that the eyes of the servants as they looked at
her weren’t right. As she faced the curious or disdainful stares of the
servants, she could only bitterly endure and not show even a hint of
“Qu ce fei, wang fei asks to meet you,” A taijian came in and bowed
to Qu Yue Su nonchalantly. He said in a neutral tone, “Wang fei said
that if Qu ce fei doesn’t have the time, it’s fine not to go, but then
wang fei will reject the card of the Duchess of Chang De.”

“It must have been an inconvenience for gonggong to pass on the

news. I will go immediately,” Qu Yue Su didn’t seem to notice the
slight the taijian gave her, smiling as she stood from the chair. She
also let Yao Xi shove a pouch to the taijian.
It wasn’t that she wished to endure it, but this taijian in front of her
was most favoured by wang fei. She was just a shiqie so she didn’t
dare offend him. After the taijian left, the smile on Qu Yue Su’s face
completely disappeared as she ordered, “Yao Xi, help me dress.”
By now, Chang De Gong Fu must be a mess. She didn’t even need
to guess to know that their so-called friends and relatives were
hiding far away.
Qin Bai Lu disdainfully looked at the card in her hand and carelessly
threw it to one side: “This Chang De Gong Fu is such a joke that
they actually came begging to our fu.”
Ru Hua, who was standing behind her, inquired in a small voice:
“Wang fei, if that’s the case, why would you allow Qu shi to see her
paternal family?” Wasn’t that giving Qu shi an opportunity?

“Why not let her see?” Qin Bai Lu smiled coldly, “I want her to see if
wang ye would really aid the Qu and Liang Families for her.”

Ru Huan looked at wang fei’s icy stare and didn’t speak any longer.
By now, wang fei and wang ye were at the stage where they had
nothing to say to each other. Wang fei’s hatred towards Qu shi
became more and more evident. Now that the situation had turned
out like this, unless Qu shi was spurned by wang ye, there was no
other way for it to end.
A short while later, Qin Bai Lu saw Qu Yue Su dressed in a slightly
old, plain dress as she came in. She looked at this woman who
respectfully bowed to her in greeting, a hint of mirth appearing on
her lips: “The Duchess of Chang De asks to see you. I’m not a cruel
person, so I will allow your mother and you to see each other at Xi
Ce Yuan. What does Qu ce fei think?”

“Nubi thanks wang fei,” Qu Yue Su almost bent in half. She looked
at the disdain in Qin Bai Lu’s gaze and gritted her teeth as she
turned and walked out of the gate of zhengyuan.

Qin Bai Lu didn’t really sympathize with her. She wanted to see her
begging. The more Qu Yue Su’s family situation worsened, the more
happier Qin Bai Lu became.
Taking Yao Xi’s hand to support her as she returned to Xi Ce Yuan,
she sat for a long time before a servant led Liang shi into the door.
Qu Yue Su looked at her mother whose complexion had become
more fragile, and stood to welcome Liang shi.
“Su’er,” Liang shi looked at her daughter, her tears pouring before
she even spoke, “Our fu is not in a very good situation.”
Qu Yue Su supported her in sitting down and comforted her:
“Mother, don’t cry. First, tell me what’s happening outside.” Now that
she was in the houyuan of the wang fu, she didn’t hear much news.
She only knew that there were many people at court who were
censuring her paternal family but didn’t know much else.
Liang shi wiped away her tears as she gave a complete narration of
the condition of her home. When she mentioned that Qu Qing Ju
wasn’t willing to help, her voice held hatred: “If I had known that
damned yatou would one day act like this, I wouldn’t have left her
alive in the beginning!”
After hearing this, Qu Yue Su gave a bitter smile. She said
helplessly: “Mother, now that it’s like this, it’s useless to complain.
Right now, no one is willing to help us. Not even the heavens or the
earth would respond.”
“Even your didi was persuaded to leave the Eastern Mountain
Academy. I had originally planned for him to attend the Autumn
Examinations. Now that it’s like this, how could your didi get a good
score?” As she thought of her son, Liang shi’s expression became
even uglier, “The most horrid is the Tian Family. They had to pull out
the matter from ten years ago.”
Qu Yue Su felt that it wouldn’t end very well this time, but looking at
her mother’s face, she couldn’t say it.
“Su’er, you are this wang fu’s ce fei. Why don’t you beg Rui Wang?
Rui Wang is most favored by the Emperor. If Rui Wang could say a
few words on behalf of our family, it would be more useful than
anything else,” Liang shi tightened her grip on Qu Yue Su’s hand,
“Just help our fu in thinking of some more solutions.”
Her hand hurt from being gripped so tightly. Qu Yue Su felt bitter
inside. She was only a shiqie, she had no qualifications to ask wang
ye to do something for her. But once faced her mother’s pleas, she
could only nod and decide, “I’ll go beg wang ye. If wang ye doesn’t
agree … …”
“Rui Wang will most certainly agree,” The fear on Liang shi’s face
halved. She looked at the beautiful face of her daughter and stated
confidently, “I’ve even heard it outside. Rui Wang likes you very
much. If you begged, why wouldn’t he agree?”
Thinking of wang ye’s attitude towards her these days, Qu Yue Su
could only squeeze out a small smile and didn’t say a word.
Mother and daughter didn’t manage to speak for much longer before
the steward came in to rush them out. Liang shi assumed that it was
wang fei who got jealous of her daughter and left unwillingly. As she
came out of Rui Wang Fu’s front gate, Liang shi thought with some
smugness, so what if Qu Qing Ju was a wang fei? She wasn’t willing
to help her lao ye. In the end, didn’t the hopes of the fu lie with the
daughter she gave birth to?
The moonlight was like frost. Qin Bai Lu looked at the bright moon
outside and asked Ru Hua in a mirthless voice: “Wang ye went to Xi
Ce Yuan?”
Ru Hua nodded, “Just now, someone saw wang ye heading that
Qin Bai Lu unexpectedly laughed out loud. It was carefree yet full of
sorrow. The laugh grew louder and dissipated into the night.
He Yuan released his hand which had been holding Qu Yue’s chin
and allowed her to tilt the cup for him to drink wine. He mockingly put
his hand at the softness of her chest: “Why is beauty so enthusiastic
today?! Is there something she wants to ask for?”
Qu Yue Su’s heart jumped. She then gave an enchanting smile and
said: “What is wang ye saying? Qie sincerely wants to serve you.”
“Really?” He Yuan examined her closely. Just when the smile on her
face was going to break, he said, “Such a pity. Originally, ben wang
was thinking that if you had something to ask, ben wang would try to
help. Since you don’t have anything, a minute of the spring night is
worth a thousand gold so we should live in the present.”
Sliding into the man’s arms, Qu Yue Su reached out to trace He
Yuan’s chest: “Qie does have a small matter. Wang ye’s eyes are
keen to have found me out.”
“Oh?” He Yuan held one arm around her, the other hand holding a
wine cup as he asked, “What matter does beauty have?”
“Qie wanted to ask about Chang De Gong Fu … …”

He Yuan pushed the person in his arms away, not caring that she
had fallen to the floor. He Yuan placed the wine cup on the table and
sneered: “Ben wang didn’t think that you would be shameless
enough to mention this matter.”
“Wang ye,” Qu Yue Su’s expression changed. She knelt in front of
He Yuan, reaching out to hug his leg as she pleaded, “Wang ye,
please save qie’s paternal family, qie… …”

“From beginning to end, ben wang had never even looked at Chang
De Gong Fu,” He Yuan sneered and kicked her aside. He slowly
stood, “If it wasn’t for finding your eyes somewhat attractive, ben
wang wouldn’t have taken you into the fu. Just a qie, did you really
think that you are ben wang’s heart?”
He didn’t even look at the woman he had kicked, now sprawled on
the floor. He adjusted his clothes, “So disappointing. It seems that
Qing Liu of Dong Yuan is still more tactful.”
Qu Yue Su covered the chest that had been kicked and struggled to
sit up. She only looked at He Yuan’s back as he unhesitatingly left.
The silver moonlight illuminated his shoulders, and for no discernible
reason, made her feel colder.
Chapter Eighty Two “The Curtain
Drops on Qu and Liang”

In the end, the Qu Family didn’t manage to find anyone to help them.
Even though they couldn’t examine what had happened sixteen years
ago, the taiyi, who had been requested by Tian shi after she had
given birth to a daughter, was still alive. He had taken the pulse of
Qu Tian shi quite a few times. The pulse had been very steady with
no hint of illness. However, the final outcome was that by the end of
the month, Qu Tian shi had passed away due to illness. He was
inwardly suspicious so he clearly remembered, even after all these
years, that he had been the first person to take Qu Tian shi’s pulse
at that time.
The testimony of this taiyi didn’t prove that Qu Tian shi was killed by
Chang De Gong Fu, but once combined with the others facts: soon
after Qu Tian shi’s death, the Duke of Chang De had been in a rush
to welcome the new wife, Liang shi, the dragon and phoenix twins
who Liang shi had given birth to not even eight full months after
entering the fu, all these series of coincidences was enough to prove
that Qu Tian shi’s death wasn’t accidental but deliberate.

Once the proof was revealed, it shocked the entire court. If a man
was lustful, it meant that his morals were deficient but it wasn’t
enough to make others dislike him. But to harm his wife for a woman
on the outside, that was being an animal in clothing, a person that
everyone could beat up.
Qing De Emperor had originally heard that Duan Wang Fei was
estranged from her birth father. Hence, he had been slightly
dissatisfied with Duan Wang Fei. Since the marriage had been
decreed by him, he couldn’t act on it. But once this matter came out,
and Qing De Emperor looked at the memorandums which described
how Chang De Gong Fu had abused the eldest di daughter and shu
daughters, he felt that his second erxi didn’t have an easy life.
He couldn’t help but say to Jing guifei, who had been grinding ink for
him: “Originally, zhen had thought that this was a woman who didn’t
respect her parents. I didn’t think that she had such a tragic past. It
was fortunate that Official Tian cares for his relatives. Otherwise,
our er xi might have been someone else.”

Jing guifei didn’t look at the memorandums and only responded:

“Emperor, you don’t even know that Heng’er’s wife is extremely filial.
Normally, when she receives something interesting, she would
impatiently deliver it to qie. In the beginning, qie thought she was too
childish, but only now does qie know that this child most likely thinks
of qie as her own mother so she would think of qie at every turn.”
The rims of her eyes reddened, “Such a good child, but Chang De
Gong Fu abused her. It really is too cruel.”
Qing De Emperor was extremely moved by what Jing guifei said. He
reached out to pat her hand and comforted her: “Now you are her
popo, that makes you her mother. She remembers beloved fei: one
is that she is filial, the second is that you are close to her. It isn’t just
that she is a good er xi, you are also a good popo which made the
two of you become more intimate.”
Jing guifei was so comforted that she smiled through her tears. At
this time, a taijian from the outside reported that Shu guife was
asking for an audience.
Jing guifei had a conflicted expression on her face as she said:
“Since meimei has something to ask Emperor, then qie will retreat.”

“There’s no need,” Qing De Emperor reached out to pull Jing guifei

closer, not allowing her to leave. He turned his head to look at the
taijian, “Tell Shu guifei that zhen has no time and won’t see her.”

“Emperor ……” Before Jing guifei could finish, she was interrupted
by Qing De Emperor.
“Beloved fei, come see how this drawing is,” Qing De Emperor
rolled open a drawing, and started to admire it with Jing guifei.

Jing guifei smiled as she went forward a few steps. After closely
examining it, she nodded and praised: “This drawing has both
mountains and water, the sky and earth are vast. Not even taking
into account how good the artist’s skill is, one can see the artist has
a generous personality. Whoever drew this, if Emperor can hire such
a person to enter politics and work, he will become a pillar of the
“What pillar of the country? This was just a product of zhen’s leisure
time,’ Qing De Emperor contentedly put his hands behind his back.
Seeing the shock and awe on Jing guifei’s face, he said happily,
“How about zhen teach you how to draw?”
Jing guifei naturally went with the flow and allowed Qing De
Emperor to enclose her hand and start drawing.
Watching as a peony formed under the brush, Jing guifei glanced
outside at the steadily darkening sky, an indiscernible hint of mirth at
the corner of her lips.
Shu guifei looked at the tightly closed gate to the palace hall and
unwillingly turned to slowly leave. What was not having the time?
How could that whore Wei shi accompany the Emperor?

Twenty-something years ago, Wei shi didn’t manage to enchant the

Emperor so how could Wei shi, twenty-something years later,
manage to captivate the Emperor? This kind of matter, she wouldn’t
believe it, and no one who heard it would believe it either.
Because the matter was connected to the mystery of Qu Tian shi’s
death, along with the series of events that had occured at Chang De
Gong Fu, Qing De Emperor was so angry that he wanted to execute
the Duke of Chang De. In the end, because he had remembered that
the Duke of Chang De had the grace of giving birth and raising Duan
Wang Fei, he exempted his death sentence. Instead, he took away
the Qu Clan’s title, and demoted the family of Chang De Gong Fu to
a shumin. The Duke of Chang De Gong Fu was imprisoned in jail.
Those not in jail were thrown out of Chang De Gong Fu.
As for the small family that was the Liang Family, Qing De Emperor
didn’t have to waste much energy. He just sealed the Liang fu and
erased the scholarly honor of Liang Hong, and decreed that the next
three generations of Qu and Liang Family could not attend the
The Qu Family who had caused so much fuss in Jing City fell down
just like that. Among the people, there were even ones who had
started to use Chang De Gong Fu as the basis for many plays. A
fickle man who killed his wife to marry again. A cruel father and
step-mother who abused the previous wife’s daughter. And how the
first wife’s daughter endured such humiliations and in the end,
married an ideal husband.
No matter how much the story had changed, the Duke of Chang De
and Liang shi were eternally known as the most malicious villains
and Qu Qing Ju was the abused little white cabbage.
After she had finished reading how she had married an ideal
husband and the aggressive and contemptible paternal family story,
Qu Qing Ju laughed so much that she cried. As expected, the plays
were based on reality but larger than life.
When did she ride a twelve-person gold sedan? When did wang ye,
full of rage, drag everyone of the Gong Fu out to be beaten? Those
points were too drastic.
Mu Jing saw wang fei crying from laughter as she read the story and
came forward to attentively help rub her stomach. She smiled as she
commented: “Wang fei, don’t choke. Nubi heard another version
before. How about wang fei take a listen?”

“Tell me,” Qu Qing Ju took a drink of tea and asked in interest.

After Mu Jin finished narrating, Qu Qing Ju felt that the creativity of
the ancient people was extremely strong.
The main idea of the story was that she, the little white cabbage,
endured the snow in the middle of winter to buy red bean buns for
Liang shi. She struggled in her journey in the midst of the harsh
winds wearing very little and encountered Duan Wang on a white
horse. The two of them fell in love at first glance. In the end, a
romance that moved the heavens was written.
Did the logic of this story get eaten by the author? Liang shi would
eat red bean buns in the winter and not sparrow’s nest? And in that
kind of weather, who would be selling buns? Even if people were
selling, who would go buy them? The most strange was that in such
a snowstorm, He Heng wouldn’t sit in a sedan or carriage outside
but would masochistically ride a horse.
Just as Qu Qing Ju was going to laugh herself silly, Ming He
unexpectedly came over. He said that wang ye wanted to take her
out of the fu. Qu Qing Ju didn’t know what it was for, but seeing
Ming He’s state, it was an emergency. She glanced at her attire to
see if anything was wrong and didn’t change before following Ming
He out.
When she got on the wang fu’s carriage, Qu Qing Ju saw He Heng
was already sitting inside. She asked with some confusion: “Wang
ye, where are we going?”
“The play has to go on til the end. If you don’t get to see the
conclusion, there’s no meaning,” He Heng smiled and held her hand.
He ordered the driver outside, “To Chang De Gong Fu.”
Qu Qing Ju looked in surprise at He Heng. After the carriage started
moving, she asked: “Why does wang ye want to take me there?”

“Today is the day that everyone of Chang De Gong Fu is being

evicted completely. That place was where you used to live. Before
the fu is sealed, I’ll get you to check if there is anything wrong,” He
Heng cheerfully responded, “I know that Qing Ju is a person who
remembers the old times.”
Hearing He Heng give such a dignified reason for going to spectate,
Qu Qing Ju smiled and followed: “Wang ye is right, I am one who
remembers the old times.” The saying, ”the clothes should be new,
the people should be of the past”, had its own logic.
When the carriage made its way to the front door of Chang De Gong
Fu, there was a great mess at the gate. Loud sobbing and pleading
made the entire place sound like the market.
Ming He came up to pull the curtain at the front of the carriage
slightly open, allowing the two zhuzi inside to have a perfect view of
the great play occurring outside the fu.

The uniformed Imperial Guards were forcefully escorting some

people who didn’t want to leave. On the ground were dropped
luggage and clothes. There were many servants who had left with
their heads down. Seeing Duan Wang Fu’s carriage, they carefully
came forward to bow before hurriedly leaving.
Qu Qing Ju watched apathetically as Qu er xiaojie supported Qu lao
taitai out the front gate. Behind the two was Liang shi, her face full
of panic. Qu Wang Zhi was trailing Liang shi, his crestfallen attitude
like a duck plucked of its feathers.
The family stood at the gate, watching as the servants who had
once served them all leave. Gradually, the crowd grew smaller and
smaller, and then there was silence.
Qu lao taitai watched as the plaque, on which “Chang De Gong Fu”
was written, got taken down and smashed onto the ground. Then
continued watching as the crimson red doors of the gate got sealed
with papers from the government. A long time later, she sighed:
“Karma, karma.” She pointed at Liang shi who was wiping her tears
to rant, “That year, if it wasn’t for taking this person of bad luck into
the fu, would my Qu Family be like this?”

By now, Liang shi wouldn’t listen to what Qu lao taitai said. She
instantly retorted: “Lao taitai might have forgotten that it was lao ye
who had married erxi into the fu. Lao taitai, rather than blame me,
blame lao ye!”

“You,” Qu lao taitai was so angry that she staggered. It was only
because of Qu Hui Xue’s support that she barely managed to not fall
down, “Did the Liang Family teach you to not respect your elders like
“There’s not even a Liang Family now. Wasn’t it impacted by your Qu
Family?” Liang shi felt that her paternal family had been indirectly
affected by the Qu Family. She instantly shrieked, “Why is lao taitai
turning around to blame our Liang Family?”
“Mother, don’t speak any more,” Qu Wang Zhi heard Liang shi’s
words becoming nastier and couldn’t help wading in, “Now that our
family is like this. What are you fighting over?”
“I will disturb everyone. This is our wang fei’s gift to everyone,
please receive it.”
Qu Wang Zhi heard that this voice didn’t belong to a normal man and
turned around. He saw a taijian wearing a blue robe standing behind
them, a pouch of silver in his hand. He couldn’t resist looking behind
the taijian and saw a magnificent carriage parked not too far away.
Inside the carriage was Duan Wang and da jie sitting together.

Because of the distance, he couldn’t distinguish the expression on

the two’s faces. But in this instant, he felt that he was entirely mired
in an awkward and embarrassed state.
Chapter Eighty Three “The
Oncoming Wind and Rain”

Sometimes, the most painful time wasn’t when you had lost
everything. It was when you had lost everything and the person who
had been suppressed by you was standing in great circumstances
right in front of you.
Qu Wang Zhi looked at the silver in the hands of the taijian standing
in front of him. He might have been a bit of a wastrel but even he
knew that the amount of silver in the pouch wasn’t insignificant. It
was enough for a normal family to live on for a few decades without
doing anything. But even though he didn’t have anything at present,
he still didn’t want to receive that pouch of silver.
Liang shi, who had been wiping away her tears, snatched the silver
from Ming He’s hands and threw it ferociously on the ground. She
pointed at Qu Qing Ju in the carriage, ranting: “We don’t need you
coming here at this time to falsely give aid!”
The snowy-white silver rolled out from the cotton pouch, scattering
to the ground. Under the sunlight, it was even more blinding. The
spectators in the street saw the scene and started gossiping
amongst themselves.
Qu Hui Xue supported her grandmother. Listening to the mocking
laughter of the spectators targeted at Chang De Gong Fu, she
embarrassedly lowered her head and saw an ingot of silver that had
rolled to her feet. For some reason, she suddenly thought of a
certain day three years ago when taitai had thrown a teacup in the
exact same manner at da jie’s feet.

That cup of tea had been very hot. It had been the beginning of
spring yet she was able to see the white steam as the tea splashed
onto da jie’s feet. But at that time, da jie always kept her head down
so she wasn’t able to see the expression on da jie’s face.
For some reason, she suddenly felt somewhat elated. Liang shi,
well-off for more than a decade, Liang shi, who had abused her
mother, finally met today’s outcome. As she thought some more, a
smile appeared on Qu Hui Xue’s face and she bent down to pick up
the silver at her feet. She blew away the dust on the silver and put it
in a pouch at her waist.
Liang shi didn’t notice her actions. However, Qu lao taitai saw but
didn’t say a word. She wasn’t intelligent but she was able to see the
situation more clearly than Liang shi, so she wouldn’t do anything
that would provide more food for gossip.
Liang shi had never thought that there would be a day when her and
Qu Qing Ju’s positions would be switched. That yatou in her
memory, who had always been submissive, is now become high up
in the sky and she has now become a base shumin. She was both
hateful and unsatisfied, so she placed the source of the misfortunes
onto Qu Qing Ju who was sitting in the carriage.
Qu Qing Ju calmly looked at Liang shi. This woman did have some
beauty, but only just some. She couldn’t understand how the Duke of
Chang De was so captivated by her that he would do something as
crazy as killing his wife. A man that heartless, did he really know
what was love?
After seeing Liang shi lose her composure and started to curse, Qu
Qing Ju felt the discontent, deep inside her heart, gradually
dissipate. She covered her chest, as though she could see the lonely
and helpless little girl enduring the days and nights in Chang De
Gong Fu, saw her marry into the wang fu, saw her resist the man’s
approaches, saw her silently lie down on the carved bed and calmly
close her eyes.
He Heng noticed that Qu Qing Ju’s expression wasn’t right and
gently grasped her hand, “Qing Ju, what’s wrong with you?”
Qu Qing Ju’s gaze met his and she suddenly smiled. She shook her
head, answering: “Nothing.” She moved her gaze back towards
Liang shi, and bent to get out of the carriage. She gave her hand to
Mu Jin who had been standing by the side of the carriage and
stepped on a wooden stool as she got off the carriage. Step by
step, she walked to stand in front of Liang shi, whose face was
distorted, and in a very small voice, she said: “If you keep making a
fuss like this, that’s not accumulating virtue for your children. Didn’t
anyone tell you that I hold grudges?”
Liang shi was so angry that she wanted to scream. But when she
saw the smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face, she couldn’t say a word. She
turned to look at her son, and thought about her daughter who was a
ce fei in Rui Wang Fu. She gritted her teeth: “What do you want to
“Take a guess,” Qu Qing Ju made a long exhale and took a few
steps back, “No matter what, you’ve taken care of me for so many
years. I just need to reminisce on the past to feel overwhelmed and
beside myself.”
“You slut!” Liang shi reached out to try to scratch Qu Qing Ju’s face
but was pushed aside by Ming He’s hand. He said in a loud voice:
“Outrageous, wang fei was thinking of Qu lao taitai’s age and
especially came here to give some silver to make your days easier.
It’s fine if you aren’t grateful, but you want to harm wang fei, you are
too evil.”
The crowd of spectators saw the scene and extrapolated on how
Duan Wang Fei, who had been abused in Chang De Gong Fu, was
still sympathetic of Qu lao taitai due to her advancing age and made
a trip just to give some silver. The result was that the evil step-
mother cursed her when she saw her without a hint of regret. It did
seem as though this Liang shi was even more malicious than what
was rumoured. They didn’t understand how the kind and filial Duan
Wang Fei escaped her evil clutches.
Qu Qing Ju looked very hurt at Liang shi, who was being supported
by Qu Wang Zhi. She said helplessly: “Since you don’t welcome me,
I won’t ever appear in front of you in the future.” She made a bow in
the direction of Qu lao taitai, “Everyone, take care.”

When she’d finished speaking, Qu Qing Ju looked very wane and

she held Mu Jin’s hand as they went back to the carriage. When the
curtain to the carriage was put down, the loss on her face instantly
disappears. She really just loved watching Liang shi live out her days
in fear.
Maybe what she should be worried about was just how she, as
Duan Wang Fei, would harm her children. Maybe she would live
every day in her hatred. But these issues weren’t important
“Let’s return,” He Heng smiled slightly as he held her hand.
Qu Qing Ju smiled and nodded, “Return.”
The people of Duan Wang Fu left, and so did the spectators. Before
the Qu Family could react, several ruffians and gangsters suddenly
ran over and picked up the silver from the ground and disappeared.
Qu Wang Zhi looked at the scattering ruffians and turned his head to
look at his family. For an instant, he felt that there was no place in
this great big world for them.
“Let’s go,” Qu lao taitai banged her walking stick and glanced icily at
Liang shi, “What are you standing here for? This place isn’t the Qu
Family’s anymore.” She started walking away, supported by Qu Hui
Liang shi looked at her son and in the end, she could only helplessly
follow lao taitai. But in every street she passed by, there were many
people pointing at her. She even saw some spitting behind her.
She looked blankly at these people. She finally understood. She
wasn’t a duchess anymore. There weren’t any more riches and
honors. She didn’t have anything. And the daughter left behind by
that whore was going to plot against her.
Finished, all finished.
The spring gradually passed and the hotness of the summer slowly
came. By this time, Qu Qing Ju didn’t like to go out. Most of the
time, she was hiding in the cooled room, wearing a silk dress as she
waved a fan and listen to Jin Zhan and Huang Yang tell her the
gossip in Jing City.
A few days earlier, something unexpected happened to Qu Qing Ju .
Qu Hui Xue had been married to a xiucai. This xiucai had no parents
but he had land and servants. Even more unexpected, this xiucai’s
mother had once been Qu Hui Xue’s mother’s good friend. After the
xiucai married her, he didn’t slight her because of Chang De Gong
Fu and the two had a good relationship.
This event was probably the most fairytale-like incident since Qu
Qing Ju came to this time. This incident also proved that sometimes,
real life was more unexpected than stories. After she was informed
of the matter, she let Xiao Gan Zi send some appropriate
celebratory gifts to Qu Hui Xue as well as the questions from past
examinations and the best answers. It counted as her good wishes
to the couple.
Qu Hui Xue didn’t start interacting with Qu Qing Ju greatly because
of the presents. She solemnly wrote a letter of appreciation and let a
servant deliver some fresh produce as well as some of her own
embroidery. After that, she went on to live her own life.
“Wang fei, this is a lily silver tree-ear fungus Buddha fruit soup which
has just been made by the servants. Drink some to reduce the heat,”
Yin Liu put down the bowl of soup in front of Qu Qing Ju and took
the fan from a yahuan. She helped fan Qu Qing Ju at a moderate
pace. Seeing the white sun outside, she gave a sigh, “It’s become
hotter and hotter. I wonder when it will rain.”
“You just came from outside, there’s ice here. Careful not to get
sick,” Mu Jin pulled Yin Liu further away from the ice, smiling as she
took the fan from her hand, “Take care to not stink wang fei with
your sweat.”
Yin Liu instantly protested her innocence. The two fell into battle,
causing Qu Qing Ju to laugh. She put down the spoon to interject,
“Stop, stop. Let the kitchen make each of you a bowl of iced plum
soup and stop your mouths.”
“That’s great, nubi certainly won’t fuss,” Mu Jin smiled as she
walked back to Qu Qing Ju’s side to fan her. Qu Qing Ju looked
towards the door to see Huang Yang run over as he wiped away his
sweat. She couldn’t help but frown. Huang Yang wasn’t this helter-
skelter usually. Did something happen?
“Wang fei, just now wang ye sent a message saying that he’s afraid
he can’t return to the fu,” Huang Yang’s head was full of sweat, his
clothing and his back was all wet and he gasped as he spoke.
“Pour Huang Yang a cup of cold tea,” Qu Qing Ju said with a grave
expression, “Did something happen in the palace?”
Huang Yang usually did care for his impression in front of wang fei
but the speed at which he drank tea was much faster than normal.
After a bowl was drunk, he used his sleeve to wipe his mouth and
narrated: “Ming He gonggong passed on that the Emperor suddenly
fainted today at Court. All the taiyi on duty at the Imperial Hospital
were summoned into the palace. Wang ye is there too. He was
afraid that you would worry and specially sent a message for you.”
Was Qing De Emperor He meimei, that he would have an incident
every few days? Qu Qing Ju frowned. She felt that He Heng was
more proactive today than all the other times Qing De Emperor had
been sick. Was it that this time, Qing De Emperor’s illness was
Seeing a roomful of yahuan who didn’t dare speak, she said in a
heavy tone: “Spread the news that before wang ye returns to the fu,
the fu will not receive guests. Anyone who needs to manage an
affair outside the fu must report to the stewards and register the
time they left and the time they come back. Everything has to be
recorded. If someone resists, throw them out of the wang fu.”

Huang Yang’s eyebrows jumped. He pushed down the fear in his

heart: “Yes, this one will pass it on.”
After Huang Yang left, Mu Jin said uncertainly: “Wang fei, this matter
… …”
“Fuhuang is a son of Heaven, he would be protected by the
Heavens,” Qu Qing Ju held the spoon to take a sip of the lily silver
tree-ear fungus Buddha fruit soup. With a calm face, she said,
“Make sure the servants control their mouths. If I hear something
that shouldn’t be said, everyone will be heavily punished.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin detected wang fei’s cautiousness and exchanged a
glance with Yin Liu. She hurriedly left to start managing the other
A bowl of lily silver tree-ear fungus Buddha soup was soon finished.
Qu Qing Ju took out a handkerchief and slowly wiped her mouth
clean. She stood to walk next to the bed. The winds had picked up,
and thick clouds started to appear on the horizon. The sky was half
light, half dark with clouds.
“Wang fei, nubi thinks that it is going to rain,” Yu Zan noticed the
wind was too heavy and afraid that the window would block wang
fei’s line of sight, reached out to hold the window. She looked at the
horizon and gasped: “Such mighty winds and thick clouds. The rain
won’t be small.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled: “No matter how heavy, after it comes down, it
has to stop. We are inside, what is there to be afraid of?”
Staring at the thick clouds as they came closer, Qu Qing Ju’s brows
furrowed. She kept feeling anxious inside.
Chapter Eighty Four “Death Of
The Emperor”

The interior of Tian Qi Palace was suffocatingly hot but no one dared
to complain, not even to wipe away the sweat on their heads. All
their attention was focused on the dragon bed. The man lying there
was the master of their honor and even their lives.
The taiyi present took their turns as they shakily checked the pulse.
When they had finished, they knelt in front of the Empress. The Dean
of the Imperial Hospital said in a trembling voice: “Empress
niangniang, His Majesty’s pulse is as thin as silk, faltering
occasionally before rising. This official has no solution.”
“Wasn’t His Majesty just overwhelmed by the heat?” The Empress’s
expression changed dramatically. She might not know medicine but
even she knew that only the mortally sick would have a weak pulse.
She looked at the taiyi, their faces pale even in the sweltering heat,
and ground out: “No matter what, you have to make His Majesty
wake up!”
The taiyi present exchanged looks between themselves and gritted
their teeth as they complied.
The Empress looked at the unconscious man on the bed and wiped
away the sweat on her forehead. She thought for a while before
summoning a messenger taijian: “The Emperor is seriously ill. Even if
it’s not good to have too much noise, but as a father, he would
certainly be thinking of his children. Summon Duan Wang, Rui Wang,
Cheng Wang and Jin An Princess from outside the hall. Shu guifei
and Jing guifei should also come in to attend.”

Outside Tian Qi Palace, all the feipin who had children, the
princesses and the wang ye were all standing in the scorching sun
as they waited. Seeing a taijian come out, the eyes that had been
scattered due to the blinding sun instantly became spirited.
“Passing the decree of the Empress to summon Jing guifei, Shu
guifei, His Highness Duan Wang, His Highness Rui Wang, His
Highness Cheng Wang, and Jin An Princess Royal to attend.” After
the taijian passed on the Empress’s decree, he didn’t look at
anyone’s expression as he hurried back into the hall.
The others were discontent but had no other solutions. Right now,
the Emperor was unconscious so the Empress held the highest
status in the palace. If she said not to let someone in, who dared to
force their way in?
The group of people entered the humid hall. Shu guifei furrowed her
brow as she complained: “It’s so hot inside the room, why not use
some ice?”
The Empress glared icily at her: “Right now, His Majesty’s pulse is
weak. How could we use anything cold? If Shu guifei finds it too hot,
then go back to your palace to rest. The Emperor here won’t lack
people to attend him.”
Shu guifei was stung by the Empress’ words. She didn’t feel happy
inside, but due to the other’s position, she could only bow to the
Empress, “Pinqie was just worried that the Emperor would overheat.
Please, Empress, forgive pinqie’s slip of the tongue.”

The Empress looked at her and then her gaze swept across He
Yuan beside her, not paying any more attention to her. She turned to
look at the taiyi who was performing acupuncture and massaging the
Emperor. Her voice was heavy as she announced: “The Emperor’s
illness this time is critical, the pulse is very weak. You …… serve
The people who were called in instantly changed their expressions.
They were all understood what a weak pulse meant. But why did it
suddenly become like this?
The person with the ugliest expression was most likely Shu guifei.
She looked at everyone in the room. If the Emperor passed like this,
how likely would it be that her child would succeed the throne?
Thinking about it, she looked with enmity at He Heng, whose face
was full of anxiousness. If Wei shi’s son became the Emperor, would
there even be a space in this Da Long Dynasty for her and her son?
“Why is it like this?” Shu guifei’s voice got louder, and became rather
piercing, “The Emperor was fine yesterday, how could his pulse be
weak?!” She started to cry mournfully, occasionally calling for His
Jing guifei wasn’t like Shu guifei but the rims of her eyes reddened
and tears silently ran down. A short while later, the handkerchief in
her hand was sodden from her tears. But she didn’t notice it. She
only stood by the dragon bed as she cried silently.
Qing De Emperor seemed to hear a piercing voice which made his
head hurt. When he managed to open his eyes, he saw a woman
dressed in peach red kneeling in front of him. When he focused, he
saw Shu guifei’s tearful face show happiness. His heart moved and
when he opened his mouth to speak, he saw Jing guifei standing at
the end of the bed. Her swollen eyes were centered on his body.
Even though she didn’t say anything, he could feel her worry and
concern for him and the joy when she saw him awaken.
He wanted to sit up and say that he was fine but found his body was
paralyzed. He wanted to say a few words, but found it difficult to
even breathe. He moved his eyes and saw the woman dressed
impeccably by his side, and the woman standing by the bed whose
attire was dishevelled and her hair not even properly made up. A
long time later, he closed his eyes and found strength deep inside his
body to order: “Summon the Chief Justice Tian Jin Ke, Minister of
Revenue Luo Chang Qing, Prime Minister Wei Wen Guang, Minister
of Rites Zhang Yu Cheng, Commander of the Imperial Guard Sun
Zhang You.”
After just a short sentence, Qing De Emperor was gasping for
breath. Shu guifei, kneeling in front of him, felt her hands become
cold. Her intuition told her that this man who had favoured her for
more than twenty years was most likely going to leave her. She was
sad inside, but she felt even more frantic. Did this man remember
the promise he had made, that he would leave the throne to
“Emperor, look at Yuan’er, he came to see you,” Shu guifei stood to
pull He Yuan next to the bed and said frantically, “Did you forget that
you once said you wished to climb mountains with Yuan’er and ride
horses. You haven’t done those things yet. After you recover, you’ll
have to fulfill your promises.”
Qing De Emperor looked at his most favored third son. He had
changed this child’s diapers, washed his feet, carried him on his
back to play on the bed. He had watched this child grow up, bit by
bit, to become a handsome youth.
“Fuhuang,” He Yuan knelt of Qing De Emperor’s bed, his eyes red
as he pled, “Er chen remembers every word you said. Please
recover quickly.”
Yes, at that time he had said many things, even promising that his
third son will be the next Emperor. But after all these years, he
hadn’t installed him as Crown Prince. His third son’s personality was
too arrogant. He had always been waiting for him to mature. But
now, he didn’t have the strength to keep waiting.
His blurry gaze passed He Yuan’s shoulders to see the second son
standing a few steps away. This was the child that Wei shi gave
birth to for him. He remembered his schooling was good, his
protocol was good and he was filial. He had bestowed many things
to this son but he couldn’t remember anything else.
When this child was small, he must also have been white and plump.
He remembered when Wei shi had carried him and he reached out
to call him fuhuang.

The children had grown up, but he was old.

“Emperor, the daren have all arrived.” The chief taijian reported in a
small voice.
“Summon,” Qing De Emperor moved his eyes away and said weakly.
When Tian Jin Ke and the others entered the hall, they detected that
something wasn’t right. When they saw the Emperor’s rosy face,
their hearts jumped and they quickly knelt down, “This official greets
Emperor, greets Empress.”
Qing De Emperor didn’t call for them to rise but ordered: “Prepare
the Four Treasures of the Study.”
Shu guifei stared with wide eyes as the taijian brought the
instruments. She knew what the Emperor was doing, her heart
seemed to be trying to burst out of her throat.
“Zhen dictates, Official Tian writes, you all listen.” Qing De
Emperor’s gaze slowly swept across everyone in the room. In the
end, he saw Jing guifei in the corner, clearly sobbing so hard she
couldn’t breathe yet not making a sound. He closed his eyes. A beat
later, he opened them, his eyes full of determination.
He Yuan saw his fuhuang’s gaze and felt that it wasn’t reassuring.
He couldn’t help but ask: “What fuhuang once said, does it still
Qing De Emperor glanced at him and slightly moved away. He took a
breath: “Ever since ascension the throne, zhen had no achievements
in governance, no ability to expand the borders, but had a son ……
Heng, born intelligent, benevolent and kind, of good moral character
and governance of his household, with the virtues of xiandi. After
repeated thought, only this son is able to govern the world, zhen
therefore passes the throne to the second imperial son Heng and to
pick an auspicious day for ascension.”
When he’d finished speaking, Qing De Emperor was gasping heavily
and his sight became blurry. He looked at the jade seal and personal
seal that were presented in front of him. Trembling, he raised the
jade seal and pressed down on the Imperial Decree Tian Jin Ke held
“Fuhuang!” He Yuan watched as the crimson stamp of the jade seal
fell on the Imperial Decree and asked in disbelief, “Why are you
changing your mind?”
Qing De Emperor didn’t pay attention to him. He laboriously stamped
his personal seal on the Imperial Decree. When he had finished, he
seemed to have lost all energy, coldness creeping up his back.
“Fuhuang, fuhuang, why!” He Yuan tried to grab the Imperial Decree
but was restrained by the taijian. He turned to furiously stare at He
Heng, “What ploy did you play that made fuhuang create such a
The rims of He Heng’s eyes reddened as he replied: “San di, don’t
cause a fuss now … …”
“Stop acting, your mother and you always act. Other people might
believe it, but I find it disgusting,” He Yuan looked heatedly at Qing
De Emperor, “Fuhuang, this is how you treat me?”
Qing De Emperor didn’t seem to have heard He Yuan’s screams. He
stared dazedly at the end of the bed, muttering: “Chan’er don’t cry,
Chan’er … … zhen was wrong, was wrong … …”

Shu guifei’s eyes suddenly widened, looking in disbelief at Qing De

Emperor as though she didn’t recognize the person in front of her.
The hall was entirely silent. They didn’t know who Chan’er was nor
why the Emperor was calling for her, and they also didn’t know why
the Emperor would say that he was wrong. But they did know that
Duan Wang was the future Emperor. The heir had been determined
and it would minimize the upheaval.
It might have been a long time, or just an instant of time before Jing
guifei walked to Qing De Emperor and bent down to grasp his hand.

Qing De Emperor looked at her, a smile appearing on his lips as he

slowly closed his eyes.
Jing guifei’s other hand trembled as she moved the index finger of
her other hand under the nose of Qing De Emperor and her tears
immediately fell down.
Shu guifei pushed aside Jing guifei, throwing herself onto Qing De
Emperor’s body as she loudly started bawling, “Emperor!”
The chief taijian knelt with a bang on the ground, loudly announcing:
“The Emperor is dead!”
The people in the room knelt down like dumplings falling into the pot.
Tian Jin Ke knelt in front of He Heng , holding the Imperial Decree
high up: “The country cannot be without an emperor, please,
Emperor, arrange for the funeral of xiandi. This one kneels to
request Emperor to restrain your grief.”
“Kneeling to request the Emperor to restrain your grief!” Everyone
loudly mimicked.
The people outside the hall sobbed as they knelt down. No matter if
they were really sad or acting, at this moment, all of them were
sobbing so much that they couldn’t breathe.
He Heng slowly reach out with both hands to receive the Imperial
Decree from Tian Jin Ke. He knelt in front of Qing De Emperor and
gave three hard kowtows: “Er chen is of mediocre ability, received
fuhuang’s love today, and will strive to the utmost to govern the
people of the world.” After he had finished speaking, he staggered
as he stood up, crying out loud.
When the guards and taijian guarding outside the hall heard that
Duan Wang had succeeded the throne, they took advantage of the
moment to silently retreat out, as though they had never appeared
Suddenly, a clap of thunder sounded and the first rains of summer
finally came pouring down.
In Duan Wang Fu, Qu Qing Ju stood next to the window as she
looked at the wang fu shrouded in mist, and occasionally fanned
A few days earlier, she had detected that He Heng and He Ming had
been secretly conspiring on some matters. Did they manage to
account for the possibility that Qing De Emperor would suddenly
Thinking about it, Qu Qing Ju furrowed her brows. Why would she,
for no reason at all, think that Qing De Emperor had passed away?
Was she extrapolating too much?
Chapter Eighty Five “Entering The

The winds and rain were strong, but they stopped as dusk
approached. The sun even came out from behind the clouds,
covering all of Jing with a coat of gold. Qu Qing Ju stood on the only
three-level tower in the wang fu. She narrowed her eyes to look at
the shockingly beautiful sunset, a smile on her lips.
Suddenly, a heavy bell rang out from the direction of the Imperial
Palace. Because Duan Wang Fu was very close to the Imperial
Palace, she could clearly hear the ringing.
Mu Jin and the others behind Qu Qing Ju instantly changed their
expressions, kneeling down and covering their eyes, trying their best
to make themselves cry more sorrowfully. Huang Yuan even
grievously moaned “Emperor” before using his sleeves to start
wiping away his tears.
Qu Qing Ju’s head seemed to ring then blanked. She looked in
disbelief at the Imperial Palace. Under the sunset, the Imperial
Palace seemed to be coated in a layer of mysterious gold. If this
kind of scene was exaggerated a bit, it would become a good omen.
How was it that the Emperor had passed away?
She stilled before turning to order: “Quickly change everything in the
fu that needs to be changed. Nothing bright should be seen.” After
seeing Huang Yang leave the tower with reddened eyes, she looked
down at her own clothing, “Let’s return to zhengyuan to change.”

Even though she wasn’t sure of the situation in the palace, Qu Qing
Ju still used the fastest speed possible to wash away the makeup on
her face and also took off the peach red corseted silk dress to
change into a snow-white plain dress. The girdle she used was a
neutral colored one. She took down all the pouches and pendants on
the dress, put her hair in a simple style, using a few hairpins to
secure it, and even took down her earrings.
The servants in the wang fu also took off the bright clothes they
wore. White lanterns with black characters and white banners were
hung up in the wang fu. Anything red in colour was stored away.
Jiang Yong Yu watched as the servants in her rooms hurriedly put
everything away. She changed into a dark green cotton dress. She
asked Ai Lu beside her, “Has wang fei given any orders?”

Ai Yu helped remove the adornments in her hair and changed her

hairstyle to a simple one, securing it with two silver hairpins, “Wang
fei didn’t have any orders. She just said for everyone to clean up
what should be cleaned up and hang what is required.”
Jiang Yong Yu faintly frowned. She walked uncertainly to the gate of
her yard and looked at the servants walking outside, sighing: “I don’t
know what the palace is like now.”
Ai Lu knew that her mistress was worried about the new emperor.
Right now, it was good if their wang ye succeeded the throne. If Rui
Wang succeeded, their lives from now on wouldn’t be very peaceful.
“What, you can’t wait either,” Feng Zi Jin held Xia Yun’s hand and
looked disdainfully at Jiang Yong Yu, “I had thought that you would
endure longer, but aren’t you just the same?”
Jiang Yong Yu calmly looked at the sapphire in Feng Zi Jin’s hair and
commented indifferently: “If you have the time to come over and
fuss, why don’t you take down what you are wearing? If wang fei
knew, I wonder if she would get angry?”
“You’re just a dog of wang fei, what do you have to be smug about?”
Feng Zi Jin snorted and held Xia Yun’s hand to leave.
Ai Lu retorted in anger: “She’s a shiqie who’s unfavored by wang ye,
there’s nothing to be proud of!”
“Her father is a third-grade assistant minister in the Ministry of
Works. My father is under his command. It’s natural that she dares
to show off in front of me,” Jiang Yong Yu gave an ambiguous smile,
“There’s no need to argue with this kind of person.”
Ai Lu looked at the smile on her mistress’ face. Even though she
didn’t understand why, her anger lessened.
The main gate to the palace opened, and a fourth grade imperial
bodyguard rode a horse as he raced out of the palace. The guards
saw that he was going in the direction of Duan Wang Fu and were
envious. The people of Duan Wang Fu were going to rise on their
master’s success.
Following him was a troop of bodyguards accompanying a carriage
as it proceeded out of the palace. White flowers were hanging on
the carriage but from the structure, it was the carriage that only the
Empress had the status to ride.
They instantly understood. This carriage most likely was going to
receive Duan Wang Fei.
Qu Qing Ju’s face was strict as she sat in the front hall of Duan
Wang Fu. Behind her were four yahuan and four taijian. Everyone’s
face was grave.
Looking at the doors to the hall pushed wide open, Qu Qing Ju took
a sip of holly tea. The pale finger tapped gently on the table,
releasing that small bit of anxiety inside.
“Wang fei, the Imperial Decree from the palace has arrived.” Huang
Yang raced in, his face joyous yet sad, looking very comedic. But Qu
Qing Ju didn’t have any mirth on her face. She slowly stood and
watched as a person dressed in the dark uniform of the imperial
bodyguards stride in and then kneel in front of her.
“The Emperor has decreed to especially welcome niangniang into
the palace to manage the affairs of the hougong.”
Qing De Emperor was dead. The person that would be called
Emperor now could only be the new Emperor, and the women of the
new Emperor naturally could be called niangniang. Qu Qing Ju
slightly nodded: “This da ren, please stand.” She examined the
person, confirming that he really was an imperial bodyguard before
responding, “Is the Emperor well?”
“The Emperor is fine, but due to his grief, he hasn’t drank or eaten,”
The imperial bodyguard respectfully answered, “The Emperor
especially let wei chen come here first to give the decree. The
carriage and guards will arrive shortly. Niangniang, please wait for a
Qu Qing Ju nodded calmly. The peaceful state she expressed made
the imperial bodyguard who had passed on the decree admire her.
No wonder she was Duan Wang Fei. Even facing a major event such
as Duan Wang succeeding the throne, she could be so peaceful and
not lose her composure. She really was majestic and had the
composure necessary to “mother the world”.
Mu Jin and the others behind Qu Qing Ju were bursting with joy, but
due to the fact that an outsider was present, they managed to keep
up the expression on their faces. Mu Jin came up to support Qu
Qing Ju’s arm and asked in a small voice: “Niangniang, why don’t
nubi go pack some things?”

Qu Qing Ju nodded and asked the imperial bodyguard: “Da ren,

please sit. What should da ren be called by?”
“Wei chen doesn’t dare,” the imperial bodyguard raised his hands,
“Wei chen is a fourth-grade imperial bodyguard Gao Jin, and had
been a bodyguard before in the wang fu for a time.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded. She knew that this person was most likely one
of He Heng’s people. She calmly sat down at the front of the hall, not
speaking anymore.
A short while later, the carriage arrived. Mu Jin and the other yahuan
had finished packing. Qu Qing Ju allowed some of her personal
attendants to follow as she walked out of the main gate of the wang
fu. When she saw the majestic carriage, she sighed, and paused in
her steps before using Mu Jin’s hand as support to enter the
The common people on the side of the street had been already
ordered back by the guards. Qu Qing Ju sat in the carriage and
found it slightly boring. In the past, when she sat in a carriage, she
could still hear the voices of some passer-bys. Now, other than the
sound of the axles, the ground and the hoofs of the horses, she
couldn’t hear anything. Was this the difference between a wang fei
and the Empress?
The carriage didn’t stop after it entered the palace. She slightly lifted
up the curtain and saw people all kneeling on the ground. All of them
were trembling and cautious, as though if she frowned, they would
lose their lives.
The carriage travelled a short distance past the palace doors before
stopping. Qu Qing Ju got off the carriage and got on the phoenix
carriage to sedately circle around to reach Tian Qi Palace. When
she got off the phoenix carriage, she saw He Heng standing at the
top of the jade stairs.
She stood at the bottom of the jade stairs, staring into his eyes.
Step by step, she made her way up. Each step was especially
steady and especially strong.
Just when there were three steps left between her and He Heng, he
actually walked down the steps and firmly took hold of Qu Qing Ju’s
hand. The two ascended to the top of the stairs together. He Heng
lifted his head to look at the plaque of Tian Qi Palace: “Fuhuang’s
mourning hall has been set up in Shou Kang[1] Palace. Later, you and
I should go to pay our respects.”
Qu Qing Ju suddenly understood. So Qing De Emperor’s corpse
was already not in Tian Qi Palace? She turned to look down the jade
stairs and found that the scenery at the top was drastically different
compared to the bottom.
She tilted her head to look at Tian Qi Palace’s sign. At this moment,
she didn’t know whether to say to restrain grief or congratulations.
She turned to look at the man beside her. He wasn’t as happy as
she had thought, but had a kind of expected steadiness. After
thinking for a bit, Qu Qing Ju decided to speak: “I heard that you
haven’t eaten or drank. It’s so hot right now. You can’t harm your
He Heng smiled. He looked at the dimming sunset at the horizon, “If
you are worried about me, then eat together with me.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded, concern on her bare face.
The two walked together into Tian Qi Palace. Food was very quickly
brought up. Even though there wasn’t any meat, the dishes were
very finely made and didn’t diminish one’s appetite.
After eating and rinsing, He Heng wiped his mouth as he remarked:
“These days, the palace would be busy. You should follow muhou to
manage the affairs of the hougong. After everything is settled, that
would make it easier for you to manage the hougong.”

Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrows twitched. Did he Heng mean that hougong

was going to be under her management in the future?”
“There are two muhou in the palace, it doesn’t need me to do this,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she responded, “Does Emperor not worry that
it could exhaust me?”
“How would I not worry for you? But this is our hougong, you have
to run it,” He Heng gave a warm smile, “If I give it to anyone else, I
won’t feel at ease.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at his eyes and found that he looked extremely
serious as he spoke, so serious that she almost believed it.
A silent beat later, Qu Qing Mu smiled and complied: “Alright.”
In Zhong Jing Palace, Jing guifei slowly waved the fan in her hand
and remarked to Ding mama beside her: “The Emperor welcomed
Qu Qing Ju into the palace?”
Ding mama answered: “Nubi heard that right now, niangniang is
keeping the Emperor company for the evening meal.”
Jing guifei nodded: “That’s good, with her there, the Emperor knows
to take care of his body.”
Ding mama hesitated before being unable to resist asking: “But if Qu
niangniang entered the palace, this hougong… …”

“Ben gong’s son’s hougong should be handed to ben gong’s erxi to

manage,” Jing guifei’s expression grew serious, “Do not mention this
matter again.”
Ding mama’s face paled, her body sinking lower into a bow, “Nubi
slipped, niangniang, please forgive me.”

Jing guifei’s expression relaxed and she continued to wave the plain
circle fan in her hand, not speaking anymore.


1. 寿 (shou) is long life, age 康(kang) is healthy, peaceful

Chapter Eighty Six “Our

“What did you say, Duan Wang succeeded the throne?!” Liang shi
stood in front of a black bricked farmhouse, face pale as she looked
at her nephew. To her, the news was the worst possible. She
muttered disbelievingly, “Why is it Duan Wang, what about Rui
Wang? Rui Wang?”
Liang Hong looked at gumu’s state and sighed: “Rui Wang, due to
making a fuss in xiandi’s mourning hall, caused everyone’s
dissatisfaction. Thankfully, the Emperor was merciful and didn’t
punish him heavily, just sentenced him to kneel in the morning hall to
“Wasn’t Rui Wang the most favored by xiandi, why is it like this?”
Liang shi staggered, and a beat later, she started to cry, “Then what
about Su’er, what should she do?” Now that Rui Wang couldn’t
become the Emperor, Su’er was still a qie, what good life would she
have in the future?
Liang Hong saw how violently gumu was crying and didn’t know how
to comfort her. In the beginning, he hadn’t been in favor of biao mei
becoming a qieshi. Now that Rui Wang Fu had lost power, biao mei
as a qieshi, would she even have a comfortable life in the future?

He looked at the brick farmhouse behind gumu and couldn’t help but
think of the three biao mei of Chang De Gong Fu. The eldest biao
mei married Duan Wang. Now that Duan Wang succeeded the
throne, eldest biao mei was certainly going to become the Empress.
She had to wait for the immediate mourning period to pass before
she could be formally titled. Er biao mei might have been a shu
daughter, but after the Qu Family fell, there was a prosperous xui
cai that married her. In the end, it was san biao mei who had been
birthed and raised by gumu who became a shameful qie.
Was this all because gu fu disregarded everything in order to marry
gu mu? Liang Hong took out a small pouch of silver: “Gumu, our
entire family is planning on moving back to the old home in Xi Jun.
Take this silver.” He saw Liang shi standing woodenly and pushed
the silver into her hands, “Now that the new Emperor is ascending to
the throne, he would pardon some people. I already got someone to
find out, gufu will soon be released from the prison. When the time
comes, you should try to live a good life. I will bid farewell to you
He had lived in the fu of the Qu Family for a significant amount of
time. Now that the entire family was leaving, the only thing he could
leave behind was just this small pouch of silver.
“Biao ge is leaving?” Qu Wang Zhi walked out of the room. He was
wearing a dusty sackcloth robe, his hair dishevelled. His overall
appearance was very sorry.
Liang Hong looked at the state of his biao di and with some pity, he
raised his hands to bid: “Good bye, take care.”
Qu Wang Zhi looked at the figure of biao ge as he left, the terror in
his heart growing. By this time, even biao ge’s family was moving
away, and the da jie who had been abused by his mother was going
to become the Empress. Would his family even be able to make a
living? He suddenly felt resentment towards his mother. If mother
had treated da jie better, they wouldn’t have fallen this low.

Liang shi looked with discontent in the direction of the Imperial

Palace. When she turned and saw the sorry figure of her son, she
couldn’t breathe and fainted. Before entering the darkness, she saw
her son’s panicked and helpless eyes.
By now, the hougong was a mess. The consorts of xiandi all had to
move out of the places they had been living in. It was fine for those
who had been favored and had children. They only had to move
towards the place in the hougong for the taifei.[1] Those that didn’t
have children and weren’t fei could only move to a makeshift palace
in the Jing suburbs to live out the rest of their lives.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the list of xiandi’s taifei and took a count.
There were twenty-something that held a position. Other than those
of high position or had children, there were twelve who had to move
to the outside palace. As to those who had been favored by xiandi
but didn’t have a position, according to the traditions, they were
going to be sent to a monastery in the Jing suburbs to become nuns
with no hope of leaving for the rest of their lives.
Qu Qing Ju sighed and closed the list in her hand: “According to the
traditions, do the favored women have to be sent to the monastery?”
Qian Chang Xin looked at the list that niangniang had folded up. He
bowed as he replied: “Niangniang, that was the usual method.
However, it isn’t required to send the women that had been favored
into the monastery to become nuns.”
“If that’s the case, then arrange for these people to move to the
auxiliary palace in the Jing suburbs. That palace might not be as
comfortable as the Imperial Palace, but it would be better than a
destitute monastery,” Qu Qing Ju furrowed her brow as she
continued, “There will be more people, and even though it would
mean more spending each year, with only these women, it wouldn’t
be a big expenditure.” A monastery with only nuns had no sources of
income. Going there, it’s the same as prison. As a woman, she didn’t
have the habit of making things difficult for other women.
Qing De Emperor had ruled for several decades and only favored
this number of women total. In this kind of era and dynasty, he really
couldn’t be considered to be lustful.
“Niangniang is kind, nucai will order for it to be carried out,” Qian
Chang Xin received the list and took out a blueprint,
“Taihouniangniang has already moved from Kui Yuan Palace to
Chang Ning[2] Palace. This is the blueprint for the renovation of Kui
Yuan Palace. Does niangniang require any place to be changed?”
This Muhou Huang Taihou[3] had moved out, the new owner was this
person in front of him.
Qu Qing Ju took the blueprints to take a look and became dizzy
looking at the straight and perpendicular lines. She responded: “I’ll
look at the blueprints, it’s not likely that there would be any major
Qian Chang Xin didn’t say anything and announced that the Emperor
was coming over for the evening meal before retreating.
Qu Qing Ju stood at the window of the back hall of Tian Qi Palace.
She could see Kui Yuan Palace located in the same center meridian
as Tian Qi Palace. These two palaces were the only palaces that
were constructed in the center. The two palaces were also the
closest to each other, but the previous owners of these two palaces
were like strangers, full of mutual respect between them and until
death there weren’t any feelings.
She had heard Jin Zhan narrate what had happened when xiandi
had passed. Jin Zhan’s storytelling abilities were good and when she
narrated, it was as though she was there. Because of that, Qu Qing
Ju felt that it wasn’t easy being a person in the hougong.

The Empress’ calm intelligence, Shu guifei’s loss of composure and

Jing guifei’s heartbreaking grief, as well as Wen guipin and An
guipin who couldn’t even enter the gate of Tian Qi Palace.

Qing De Emperor held Jing guifei’s hand when he died. Some said
that he was smiling when he left. Qu Qing Ju didn’t understand.
Wasn’t Qing De Emperoro’s true love Shu guifei, but why, at the very
end, he was only concerned with Jing guifei?

And that“Chan’er” or “Chan’er” ,[4] who was it, Jing guifei or another
The day that xiandi was buried, Qu Qing Ju and He Heng wore
mourning clothes as they guarded Qing De Emperor’s corpse all the
way to his tomb. And then it was kneeling west and kneeling east.
When He Heng recited the lament, Qu Qing Ju knelt with the other
people underneath as they sobbed. After the funeral finished, she
felt that her legs weren’t legs anymore and her eyes were a line.
The hemp mourning clothes so wet, water could be wrung out.
When she finally made it back to the palace, it was already deep in
the night. Qu Qing Ju soaked in the bathtub until she felt herself be
revitalized. When she just finished dressing, she saw He Heng walk
in wearing a light-colored silk robe.
When He Heng entered the room, he saw Qu Qing Ju looked tired
but wasn’t harmed by the scorching sun, and his heart was relieved.
He took the towel from Mu Jin’s hand and started to dry Qu Qing
Ju’s wet hair for her: “It was hard for you these days.” He sighed, “A
few more days, and the people of the fu have to be received. Their
positions, do you have any thoughts?”
According to protocol, other than the wife, the other women of the
new emperor must wait at least twenty-seven days after xiandi’s
passage before they could enter the palace. The official titles could
only be bestowed after three months. But no matter what, what had
to be arranged needed to be arranged. Even if they couldn’t be
instantly titled, but the rank they would receive and where they would
live had to all be finalized.
Qu Qing Ju snatched the cotton cloth from He Heng’s hands, slowly
rubbing her hair herself, “They are Emperor’s feipin, I can’t decide.”

Seeing the other’s distant eyes, He Heng felt slightly bitter inside. He
sighed, and pinned down the hand Qu Qing Ju was using to dry her
hair, “They are just the feipin in the hougong, you are my Empress,
the woman who is going to accompany me my entire life. Naturally,
you are the one to decide such matters.”
Qu Qing Ju suddenly smiled. She threw the towel to one side,
looking at He Heng with a smile, asking: “Emperor, is that a
Even though Qu Qing Ju’s tone was joking as she said the words,
but He Heng felt that the other was especially serious when she
asked it.
His heart shook. Gazing at her as he solemnly nodded his head, he
leaned over to kiss her forehead, “What I say is true.”
Qu Qing Ju silently lowered her face. Following that, her eyes
changed and she smiled as she replied: “Since Emperor has said it,
then I will decide the ranks of the women in the hougong in the
future.” Since she had already decided to live each day like it was
her last, she wouldn’t change anything now.
How long He Heng could tolerate her, that was how long she would
run rampant. When it came to the day that He Heng couldn’t tolerate
her, the worst was just death.
Who never died since the beginning of time, it was just dying in
pleasure or in hardship.
Detecting that the other had strangely become energetic, He Heng
didn’t understand why she would change so fast, but that bit of
dejection in his heart instantly disappeared. He smiled as he took up
the towel to start drying Qu Qing Ju’s hair again.
“Jiang shi’s birth might not compare to Feng shi, but she is a very
steady person and understands her bounds. Why don’t we promote
her to fei and let her reside in Yu Ping Palace? Luo shi is of few
words but a docile person. She would be perfect for a third-grade
guipin. The first person to serve you was Han shi. But since she
was of low birth, how about she gets granted a fifth-grade liangdi?[5]
As to Feng shi, she has a good birth, but she was demoted to shiqie
from ce fei. I don’t have any good feelings towards her. So Emperor,
you can decide her rank.” Qu Qing Ju straightforwardly expressed
her likes and dislikes. As to what He Heng thought, she was too lazy
to care so much.
He Heng truly didn’t think Qu Qing Ju would blankly tell him that she
didn’t like a certain shiqie. Seeing her look as though she didn’t care
what he thought, his mood was light as he responded: “The others,
we’ll do according to you. As to Feng shi, since you don’t like her
and I don’t like her, she’ll be a seventh-grade cairen. No matter
what, she has been in the fu for a significant amount of time, it
wouldn’t be appropriate if it was lower than seventh.
As to He Heng’s last sentence which seemed like an explanation, Qu
Qing Ju glanced at him from the corner of her eye: “This is what
Emperor decided, it has nothing to do with me.”
“Didn’t I say I didn’t like her, it has nothing to do with you,” He Heng
touched her hair and found it was almost dry. He reluctantly stood,
“It’s late, and you were out the whole day, have an early rest.”
Because it was the hot mourning period, they couldn’t even spend
much time together, even in private, much less have any relations.
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she watched him leave the back hall. She
reached to pluck at her hair, the smile on her lips becoming more
The thirty-fourth year of Qing De, Qing De Emperor of Da Long
Dynasty passed away. The second imperial son succeeded the
throne. Because of xiandi’s death due to illness, the new emperor
was struck with grief, indicating that for the year, the era name
would still be kept as Qing De, and he would observe mourning for
three years. His officials were moved by the Emperor’s filial piety,
but due to the Emperor’s position being a busy yet honorable one,
observing mourning for three years would damage the dragon’s body
and not beneficial to the country. So after the entire Royal Court
pleaded numerous times, the new Emperor finally agreed to
substitute years with months and observe mourning for three
Due to this matter, the new Emperor spoke of his unfilial conduct and
made atonements many times in the mourning hall of xiandi and
visited to light incense every day. His actions received the praises of
the scholars in the world, and many wrote stories and told tales to
express the filial piety of the new emperor.
Regardless of what happened at Royal Court, one month after the
passing of xiandi, Qu Qing Ju finally sent the order to receive the
shiqie of Duan Wang Fu into the palace.

Of course, other than He Heng and some of the personal servants,

no one else knew that the positions of the shiqie weren’t decided by
the Emperor, but decided by the Empress.


1. 太妃: consorts of a deceased emperor

2. 长宁: 长 is long, forever 宁 is peaceful

3. 母后皇太后 literally means Mother Empress Grand Dowager Empress

4. The first “chan” means beautiful, the second means cicada

5. 良娣: imperial consort, middle rank

Chapter Eighty Seven “Stupidity”

The master and mistress of Duan Wang Fu might have already

entered the palace but there were still guards at this place. The
people passing by knew that this compound was the home of the
new emperor before he ascended the throne and was extra careful
as they passed by.
By now, even the paternal families of the qieshi of Duan Wang Fu’s
status were elevated in status. Even though not many went to
deliberately fawn over them but they were now much more
For the qieshi of Duan Wang Fu, the fact that wang ye succeeded
the throne, it was a great and joyful surprise. How could the shiqie
of a wang fu be compared to being a niangniang in the palace?
Even more so, they had served before the Emperor ascended the
throne so their ranks wouldn’t be very low. By that time when the
Emperor wouldn’t favor them, their ranks would still be passable
enough that they would be written into the history books. If they
were just shiqie of a wang fu, who would remember them after their
But very quickly, their exhilaration disappeared. Wang fei had been
sent for to enter the palace the night the Emperor entered. After
that, no Imperial Decree came. Even though xiandi’s body was sent
to the tomb and the Emperor held the Ascension Ceremony, still no
one came to receive them to enter the palace.
Feng Zi Jin and Han Qing He were frantic inside. They discussed it
before going together to find Jiang Yong Yu. At this time, Jiang Yong
Yu held the highest position among them. But when the two went into
Jiang Yong Yu’s resident, they stilled. The two of them had been
burning with anxiety but this one was sitting under the willow reading
a book. A cup of cold tea was placed in front of her, a yahuan
fanning her from behind. She looked very idle.
Feng Zi Jin, who had always looked down at her calm attitude,
moved forward to comment: “Jiang ce fei is really restrained. At this
time, you still aren’t anxious.”
Jiang Yong Yu closed the book. She looked at the two, “Meimei,
please sit. Such a hot day, why have you come to my place?”
The yahuan brought over two stools to place behind the two of
them. Han Qing He was also impatient but knew that Feng Zi Jin’s
words were inappropriate. She gave her thanks, smiled and sat
down: “These days, Emperor and niangniang both aren’t in the fu. I
found it boring and thought to come to jiejie’s place to chat.”
Jiang Yong Yu knew Han shi was impatient about entering the
palace. Even though her words were prettier than Feng shi, her
thoughts weren’t any less than Feng shi. She raised a teacup and
responded: “These are the tea leaves that niangniang especially
had someone deliver a few days before. With one sip, it keeps the
heat away. Meimei should have a taste.”

Raising the teacup in front of her to take a sip, Han Qing He felt that
the tea was slightly bitter but after swallowing, she really did feel the
heat inside slightly dissipate. She put down the teacup, smiling and
complimenting: “The things that niangniang has bestowed, it’s really
great. We can see how niangniang cares for jiejie.” Of the four
shiqie in the wang fu, Qu Qing Ju wasn’t close to anyone but she
treated Jiang Yong Yu slightly better. Thinking about it, Han Qing He
was slightly regretful. If she had copied Jiang Yong Yu in the
beginning and sided with Qu Qing Ju, then even if the Emperor didn’t
favor her in the future, with the Empress at her back, her days would
be much better.
Hearing the meaning in Han shi’s words that tried to flatter her, Jiang
Yong Yu gave a slight smile: “Niangniang treats us all the same.
Meimei must be joking.” Finishing, she looked at Feng Zi Jin, “Did
meimei also come here to chat with me?”

“I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. I’ll just ask, do you
know when we are entering the palace?” Feng Zi Jin didn’t look at
the tea on the table and impatiently waved the fan in her hand, “Don’t
say anything false, are we going to be ignored by niangniang like
“The time we enter the palace, that’s to be decided by Emperor and
niangniang. How could I know?” Jiang Yong Yu looked at the fan in
Feng Zi Jin’s hand. Painted on the fan were large blooms of red
peonies. She curled her lips, remarking, “By now, there must be
many matters in the houyong. It hasn’t been a month since the
passing of xiandi. Both Emperor and niangniang must be grieving.
Should we try to add even more trouble for Emperor and
Feng Zi Jin glanced at the smile on Jiang Yong Yu’s face, snorting:
“Jiang ce fei has great composure. Since that’s the case, I’m
leaving.” She stood, sneering, “If you’re able, then don’t enter the
palace.” Finishing, she rushed furiously out of the ce yuan.

Han Qing He gave a dry laugh as she held a teacup. She looked at
Ping Ji Zin’s shadow, “Feng yianiang’s personality is still the same.”
“Entering the palace with such a personality, there’s more waiting for
her,” Jiang Yong Yu was used to Feng Zi Jin’s conduct and calmly
turned to say: “We are experienced people that have served at the
Emperor’s side. Sooner or later someone will come receive us to
enter the palace. There’s nothing to be impatient about. Everything in
the palace is changing. The mistresses of each palace have to
move. We aren’t the wife, do we have the qualifications like
niangniang to enter the palace early?”

“Jiejie is a rare clear-headed person, meimei has learned,” Han

Qing He smiled as she responded, “Niangniang is virtuous and will
certainly arrange everything.” She might have been the first woman
to serve wang ye, but in front of Jiang Yong Yu, she could only call
her jiejie. Thinking about how she would soon be entering the
palace, she was apprehensive. She didn’t know what rank the
Emperor would give her. She held the lowest position of the four at
the moment and her future position would be the lowest as well.
Thinking about it that way, her excitement instantly halved. She
remarked to Jiang Yong Yu: “Between the four of us, my birth is the
lowest. Even Luo meimei had a jiujiu that died at his post. I don’t
have anyone.” She thought of her father’s eighth-grade position. It
was an official position but in reality, it couldn’t even compare to the
gatekeeper of the wang fu.

“Why does meimei think that way? We all serve Emperor, does the
Emperor rank us according to our paternal families?” Jiang Yong Yu
comforted, “You can’t think that way.”
Han Qing He instantly realized. Niangniang didn’t even have a
paternal family anymore. She couldn’t say such things. Thinking
quickly, she followed: “It was me that strayed off the road.”
“That’s right. As long as people can think, there is no challenge that
can’t be overcome,” When Jiang Yong Yu finished speaking, she saw
a steward of the wang fu run in, his full of joy. Seeing them, he came
up and bowed, reporting, “Mistresses, the Emperor’s Imperial
Decree has come down. It’s to receive all the zhuzi to enter the
Jiang Yong Yu counted the days. Today was the thirty-second day
since the passing of xian di. To enter the palace now, it was the
perfect time.
She looked in the direction of the Imperial Palace and sighed. She
had packed everything, and was just waiting for this Imperial Decree
to come down.
Because of the death of xiandi and the succession of the new
emperor as well as the good weather, no one tried to disgust He
Heng with any matters. The only thing that made him unhappy was
that at this time, there was an imperial censor at court who said that
Qu Qing Ju’s status wasn’t fitting to be the Empress.
He sat with a grave expression while listening to the imperial
censor’s words. Then he smiled coldly and responded: “According to
what you say, then all the men would abandon their wives if their
wife’s paternal family did something wrong. Then how is there “the
chaff wife cannot be divorced?” Or is it that, in the heart of Imperial
Censor Qin, your wife can be voluntarily abandoned.” He slammed
his hand down on the dragon chair, pointing angrily at the imperial
censor, shouting, “Such a ruthless and unscrupulous person, how
can you act as an imperial censor of my Da Long Dynasty? If the
imperial censors of the world were like you, my Da Long Dynasty
won’t even have any virtues!”
“Emperor!” Imperial Censor Qin didn’t think the Emperor would
speak so severely. His legs softened and he knelt down, “Emperor,
wang fei might be your wife, but she has such unprincipled elders,
how can she mother the world?”
“Is Qin da ren accusing my Tian Family’s daughter of being
unprincipled?” Tian Jin Ke stepped out, tone wounded as he argued,
“Emperor, this official’s meimei might not have been a talented
woman but she was of careful speech and good conduct, intelligent
and virtuous. Even though she lost her life due to the unscrupulous
actions of others, she was never unprincipled. Please, Emperor, give
this official’s meimei justice!”

Everyone knew that Imperial Censor had been focusing on the

former Duke of Chang De and Liang shi. But Tian Jin Ke’s sister was
wang fei’s birth mother. Imperial Censor Qin had exposed the hole in
the argument into the other’s hand.
“Emperor, this official thought that because wang fei’s birth mother
had been once praised by Xiao Ci Gong Empress, and had been
taught from childhood by the Marquess of Xiang Qing, as a person
she is extremely generous and virtuous. She is also Emperor’s wife
and the only choice for Empress. The crimes that the Qu Family
committed, wang fei was a victim. Imperial Censor Qin has no
sympathy but tries to slander wang fei’s reputation, it is really
outrageous. This official earnestly request Emperor to severely
punish this person and give Tian da ren justice.” Luo Chang Qing’s
face was also grave as he walked out. Xiao Ci Gong Empress had
been xiandi’s deceased muhou. Luo Chang Qing mentioned her to
elevate the status of Qu Tian shi.

“This subject seconds!” Wei Wen Guang stood out.

“This subject-di agrees!” He Ming followed in stepping out.

“This subject agrees!”

All of the senior officials present could see the affection of the
Emperor towards wang fei. Even more, Duan Wang Fei still had the
Tian Family at her back. This Imperial Censor Qin was a member of
the educated and literary family Qin Clan, but he had done such a
stupid thing.
“Come, take away this person’s post, he cannot be used in this
lifetime” He Heng icily looked at Imperial Censor Qin whose
complexion became terrible. In a deep voice, he announced,
“Scholars should first learn their morals. Otherwise, no matter how
many books they read, it’s useless if they lose their emotions. The
matter of the Empress is settled, zhen will only establish Qu shi as
Empress, and no other!”
The words at the beginning were good, but everyone paused when
they heard “no other”. Following, they all knelt down: “Emperor is
caring and benevolent, us subjects will follow the example.”
Looking in satisfaction at the court officials kneeling under him, He
Heng stood, announcing: “End of court!”
The people knelt as they watched the Emperor leave before slowly
standing up. Many started to praise the virtues of the Emperor. After
today, it was likely that in Da Long Dynasty, there would be less men
that would favor a qie and neglect their wife. Men that would respect
their wives would increase in number.
Even Tian Jin Ke didn’t think that the Emperor would make such a
promise such as this in front of all the officials. He didn’t seem to be
able to believe it, that the Emperor had decided to only have his
niece as his only Empress this entire life.
“Virtuous son-in-law, shall we walk together?” Luo Chang Qing
smiled as he walked in front of Tian Jin Ke, reaching out to pat his
“Father-in-law first,” Tian Qin Ke raised his hands and made a
motion of request, dropping half a step behind Luo Chang Qing.
Luo Chang Qing didn’t persist with him. The two slowly left the Great
Hall. He remarked: “I heard long ago that niangniang and Rui Wang
Fei’s relationship wasn’t good. From the looks of it today, it really
isn’t a rumor.”
Tian Jin Ke jerked his lips, “Father-in-law is right.”
But the Qin Family was too obvious and ham-fisted this time. He
smiled happily. No matter what, the fact that the Emperor would care
for his niece so, his deceased sister could rest in peace.
“Emperor,” Qian Chang Xin looked at the terrible expression on the
Emperor’s face and cautiously held out a cup of tea.
“Qin shi!” He Heng pushed the teacup to throw the tea back,
declaring, “It seems that there still isn’t enough people serving in
zhen’s san di’s fu.”
Chapter Eighty Eight “Crowned

Several plain carriages entered through the side door of the Imperial
Palace’s main gates. The guards protecting the doors watched as
the carriages slowly moved away. This procession, compared to
when the Empress niangniang had came into the palace, was
drastically lacking.
Right now, the Emperor hadn’t officially crowned the Empress, but
due to the fuss at Royal Court, who in the palace didn’t know that
Qu shi was the unofficial Empress? They didn’t know how many
palace maids and taijian in the Department of Household Affairs
were currently breaking their backs trying to get a chance to serve
the Empress. It was a pity that the Emperor had personally picked
the servants for Empress. Just the amount of care that the Emperor
was taking was enough to let everyone in the palace understand
very clearly that, in the heart of the Emperor, those shiqie of Duan
Wang Fu added up together couldn’t even compare to one finger of
the Empress.
“Stop!” The long thin voice of a taijian sounded from outside the
carriage. The carriages simultaneously stopped. The taijian in
command looked at the carriages behind him, and announced in a
loud voice: “Please, mistresses, get off the carriage and proceed to
the step-carriage.”
Jiang Yong Yu held Ai Lu’s hand to get off the carriage. She saw
that there were four step-carriages not too far away, one of which
was grander than the others. Before she could react, the taijian who
had been speaking walked in front of her, smiling as he greeted:
“Greetings to niangniang, nucai is Yu Ping Palace’s chief steward
He Shou. Please, come this way.” He reached out his arm to usher
Jiang Yong Yu to the finest step-carriage.
As she supported Jiang Yong Yu, Ai Lu’s heart leapt in joy. This
taijian dared to call her mistress niangniang, didn’t that mean the
Emperor was going to give her mistress a high rank?
After Jiang Yong Yu settled on the step-carriage, the taijian raised a
hand: “Up.” He didn’t care about the other three and walked away
with Jiang Yong Yu.
After Jiang Yong Yu’s step-carriage started moving, another taijian
came up to call the other women and ushered them onto the
remaining step-carriages to follow behind Jiang Yong Yu.
These shiqie had to first greet the Empress after entering the
palace. After they travelled a certain distance, near the back hall of
Tian Qi Palace, the step-carriages were lowered and the four had to
proceed on foot.
He Shou walked to the entrance of the back hall and said to the
taijian guarding the door: “The people of Duan Wang Fu have been
received into the palace. Can I trouble gonggong to report?”
The taijian guarding the door wasn’t as highly ranked as He Shou but
his post was at Tian Qi Palace. He saw that He Shou was very polite
and naturally didn’t make it difficult for him. He raised his hands to
He Shou: “So it’s He gonggong. Please wait, this one will go in to
“Thanks, thanks!” The smile of He Shou’s face became even
friendlier. Seeing the other go in to investigate, he turned to walk
next to Jiang Yong Yu, informing in a small voice, “Niangniang,
because the renovations of Kui Yuan Palace are quite extensive, the
Empress is temporarily living in the back hall of Tian Qi Palace. The
Yu Ping Palace you will live in isn’t far from Kui Yuan, so it is very
convenient for you to give morning greetings to the Empress in the
Jiang Yong Yu realized why this one called He Shou was the chief
taijian steward in her palace. She quickly examined him. Seeing his
conduct and awareness of boundaries, he didn’t seem stupid. She
nodded, “The Empress is of the highest position. It’s natural that it
would take more effort to renovate her residence.”
He Shou gave a smile, releasing a breath inside. Originally, he was
worried that he would have to serve a stupid mistress. Taking a
closer look now, this one was a smart person indeed. She should be
one. Out of the four shiqie, only she was made a fei. Even her
residence was the Yu Ping Palace, which wasn’t far from Kui Yuan
Palace. That, at least, made it clear that the Empress was closest
to her.
It wasn’t clear whether the Emperor liked her or not. But if even the
Empress didn’t like her, how would he live in the future?
Feng Zi Jin stood behind Jiang Yong Yu, her expression ugly. From
entering the palace until now, these people were overly and secretly
flattering Jiang Yong Yu. Was it that she would be the highest-
ranked out of the four of them in the future?
She had the highest birth of the four, but why was the highest now
Jiang Yong Yu?
Luo Yin Xiu and Han Qing He docilely stood nearby. They didn’t dare
to even raise their heads to look at the door to the back hall, and just
waited for the Empress’ summons.
The four stood for a while before the taijian who had been guarding
the door came out. His face was full of smiles as he announced:
“The Empress invites zhuzi inside, please.” Jin Zhan came out and
bowed to the four people, “Honorable mistresses, please follow

“Thank you for your trouble, Jin Zhan guniang,” Jiang Yong Yu
smiled at her and lifted her foot to start walking towards the inside.
“Nubi is not worthy,” Jin Zhan retreated to the side and made an
inviting motion, ushering the four inside the hall.
“Niangniang, the honourable mistresses have come,” Huang Yang
reported in a small voice. By now, everyone in the other parts of the
palace called Qu Qing Ju the Empress, but the people who attended
Qu Qing Ju still called her “niangniang.” That was because it hadn’t
formally come down so it was inappropriate to call her Empress.
Qu Qing Ju opened her sleepy eyes and saw the four walking in.
They simultaneously knelt down, did a three bow, nine kowtow full
Qu Qing Ju kept her face up as she was bowed to by the four of
them. After they finished, she gave them each a seat. She examined
the four women. They were dressed tastefully, it seemed they had
put some effort in their appearances to enter the palace.
“It’s been a long time since we saw each other, is everyone fine?”
Qu Qing Ju raised a teacup to take a sip, slowly waving the fan in
her hand, “We wanted to welcome you into the palace earlier but
there were several reasons for the delay. One was that the
residences hadn’t been prepared and the second was that it hadn’t
been long after the passing of xiandi. A few delays and the days
became more than a month.”
“Thanks, niangniang, for thinking of us, pinqie is perfectly fine,”
Jiang Yong Yu answered, “It’s just that pinqie were all worried about
niangniang who was tired by the affairs of running the hougong. So
we didn’t send any messages to you. After seeing you today, it does
seem that Empress is thinner.”
It was a lie that Qu Qing Ju was thinner, but since she was wearing
a white robe, she did seem weaker than she usually did in the fu.
Jiang Yong Yu secretly examined the other. She didn’t know if it was
her false perception but she felt that the Empress’ appearance had
changed from when she had just married into the fu. But after
thinking about her silent and dull personality when the Empress had
just married, she attributed the changes to her dressing differently.
Appearances originated from the heart. The core had been changed
so there were some changes in looks. Qu Qing Ju had looked at
herself in the mirror and hadn’t found much of a difference. She
smiled and responded, “It must be that more sweat flowed under the
hot weather of the summer which has caused the thinning.”
“That’s so true, this summer is the hardest to endure,” Han Qing He
carefully took over, “Niangniang also has to take care of the
numerous matters of hougong, how would you not thin?”

Not long after they came in, they saw He Heng walk in wearing a
soft brocade robe embroidered with dragons. He walked very
quickly, not looking at the shiqie sitting to the side and raised the cup
that Qu Qing Ju had been drinking tea from to take a mouthful. Then
he sat down on the other chair at the front, “The days are becoming
hotter. Just coming in from the front hall was a struggle.”
“Greetings to Emperor.” Jiang Yong Yu and the others hastily stood
and bowed. If He Heng didn’t call for them to stand, they didn’t dare
“En, you entered the palace today?” He Heng glanced casually over
the four people. He frowned slightly, “Since you have finished the
greetings, return to your residences.” He waves his hands, clearly
not wanting too many people to remain here.
“Qie asks to be excused.” Jiang Yong Yu and the others bowed and
left. Coming out of the doors to the back hall, they saw some taijian
holding long bamboo sticks with a cloth bag catching summer
cicadas. They couldn’t help but ask, “What are you doing?”
He Shou, who had been waiting outside, quickly answered: “Just
now when the Emperor came, he heard the sounds of the cicadas
and said that the Empress hadn’t rested properly these days. He
ordered the servants to drive away the cicadas so the Empress
could take a good noon nap.”
Jiang Yong Yu looked at the scattering cicadas. No wonder the
Emperor was in a hurry to send them away. He had been annoyed
with them for disturbing the Empress’ noon nap.
Walking at the back, Feng Zi Jin jerked her mouth but didn’t dare say
anything. She felt that the care that the Emperor took with Qu Qing
Ju was becoming over the top.
On the second day after the shiqie entered the palace, He Heng
sent down the decree which bestowed the titles for the hougong.

The Empress of xiandi was made Mu Hou Huang Tai Hou,[1] and
was to reside in the eastern Chang Ning palace. He Heng’s birth
mother Jing guifei was made Sheng Mu Huang Tai Hou[2] and her
residence was the western Fu Shou[3] Palace. An guipin was
promoted to gui taifei, Shu guifei to gui taifei. According to the old
traditions, both could be received by their sons to live outside the
palace. The other feipin of xiandi were also promoted. But some
had to move to the auxiliary palace while others stayed in the
“Zhen’s wife Qu shi, praised by xiandi to be full of good fortune to
be especially decreed in marriage to zhen. Qu shi entered the fu at
fifteen years, gentle, excellent and perceptive, kind and virtuous,
spirited and elegant, peerlessly intelligent, a rarity in the world. She
serves zhen personally in all matters, and is the epitome of a woman
and the mother to the world. Zhen has such a wife, it is the blessing
of the Heavens. Today, this decree is sent to the world to crown her
as the mother of the world.
– By the Emperor”
This Imperial Decree, which later historians believe it to be evidence
of the great love He Heng held for his Empress, was recited like so
in front of all the officials. After one recitation at court, they had to
recite it again in front of the Empress. Afterwards, the Imperial
Astronomers calculated an auspicious time to proceed with the full
crowning ceremony for her to receive the gold seal and gold book,
before it was truly over.
When Qu Qing Ju heard the first-rank palace maid recite the
Imperial Decree crowning her Empress in Tian Qi Palace, she was
suspicious that this wasn’t really a decree crowning her empress,
but a love letter that He Heng wrote to her and broadcasted it to the
world. What was “spirited and elegant, peerlessly intelligent, a rarity
in the world”? And that “zhen has such a wife, it is the blessing of
the Heavens?”
Had he never heard a phrase called, “show your love, die even
“Congratulations Empress, congratulations Empress.” The palace
personnel in the room all gave their congratulations, the smile on
their faces even brighter than Qu Qing Ju’s.
With both hands, she took the Imperial Decree from the female
official before she stood. Qu Qing Ju looked at the Imperial Decree
in her hands. She knew He Heng’s writing. The words on this
Imperial Decree had been personally written by He Heng, and not by
the imperial assistant.
“Congratulations, Empress,” The female official performed a full
greeting to Qu Qing Ju.
Qu Qing Ju let someone reward the female official. After the official
left, she saw the servants in the room were all brimming with joy and
remarked: “Why is it that you are all happier than I am?”
Mu Jin bent slightly as she replied; “Empress’ happy occasion is
nubi’s good occasion. Why wouldn’t nubi be happy?”

Qu Qing Ju smiled as she shook her head. She rewarded everyone

in the back hall who had served her. After the people that had
nothing to do all left, she read the Imperial Decree in her hand again.
A long time later, she sighed: “Mu Jin, lock it up.”
In Zhuo Jing Zai, Feng Zi Jin looked in disbelief at the Imperial
Decree in her hand. She couldn’t believe that the Emperor only made
her a small minor seventh-grade cairen.
“By the Mandate of Heaven, the Emperor has spoken: “The daughter
of the Feng Clan served zhen in the house. Today, is made a cairen
and given the title Ping[4].”
Ping, what sort of title was this?
After the better part of an hour, Chun Yu who went out to gather
news came back. Feng Zi Jin put down the Imperial decree in her
hands, asking: “Did you find out what the other people’s ranks are?”
Chun Yu trembled and shrank into her shoulders as she responded:
“Zhuzi, nubi …… nubi found out. Jiang ce fei was promoted to
Heng[5]fei, Luo yiniang promoted to guipin, Han yiniang …… was
promoted to liangdi.”

“Even Han Qin He was given a fifth-grade langdi?” Feng Zi Jin’s face
paled and she fell back into her chair. She looked dispiritedly at the
Imperial Decree on the table. Did the Emperor dislike her this much?


1. Mother Empress Grand Empress Dowager

2. 圣母皇太后: Holy Mother Grand Empress Dowager

3. 福寿: happiness and longevity

4. 平 means peaceful, flat, calm.

5. 贤: worthy, virtuous
Chapter Eighty Nine “The New
Kui Yuan Palace”

After the people of the hougong were titled, it was then time to give
new titles to those who did service in the Royal Court. Of course,
these new titles weren’t like cheap lettuce that everyone could get a
bite of. The first ones to be rewarded were the clans of the two
Empress Dowagers in the two palaces. The paternal clans were all
people of leisure. So He Heng only bestowed a noble title, full of
glory but no real power.
And then it was senior officials who served He Heng. They were
promoted, and bestowed things. As for the people who had sided
with He Yuan, sorry, go stand to one side, it’s a miracle that you
were being demoted.
Of all of the rewards, the most spectacular one was given to Tian Jin
Ke. His family already had a hereditary marquis title but in Jing
where marquises were everywhere, his present position had all been
due to his own efforts. Now the Emperor waved his hand and made
his hereditary marquis elevated to a hereditary first-rank duke, and
bestowed the title Zhong Yi.[1]He also rewarded down five thousand
taels of silver to the Duke of Zhong Yi to construct the compound
and generously personally wrote “Zhong Yi Gong Fu” on the plaque
for the compound to bestow upon Tian Jin Ke. His imperial favour
was enormous.
Zhong, it was naturally referring to his loyalty to the Emperor. As for
Yi, some thought that it was the Emperor remembering the care Tian
Jin Ke gave to the Empress as well as his call for justice for his
sister, Tian shi, so he was given the character Yi.

When they compared the honored Duke of Zhong Yi to the fallen Qu

Family, many sighed. It could be seen that people had to accumulate
virtue. Karma really did come back to bite you.
The Duke of Zhong Yi might not have a good daughter, but he had a
good niece. That was his life, they could only admire it.
When Qu Qing Ju heard He Heng had elevated her jiujiu to first –
rank Duke of Zhong Yi, she wasn’t surprised. She had earlier
detected that He Heng admired jiujiu and clearly enjoyed his
personal conduct. Now that he was in power, he needed people like
jiujiu to work for him. Rather than saying that he was rewarding
jiujiu, it was better to say that he was telling the world just how
much he admired talented people who were loyal to the throne.
Ming He entered the back hall and bowed in front of Qu Qing Ju,
mentioning Kui Yuan Palace that was still in the process of
renovation, “Empress, the construction of Kui Yuan Palace is almost
done. Why don’t you take a look to see if there are any places that
are not to your liking so it could be changed. Then the decorations
can be moved in.”
The renovation of Kui Yuan Palace was the biggest project in
hougong. Over the past month, there were three shifts of people
working day and night in order to renovate the palace according to
the blueprints. Because they were afraid that the new paint would
crack since it was being applied in the summer, blocks of ice were
specially placed in all the areas a few days before painting
commenced. It was obvious the amount of importance the Emperor
had placed on this matter.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the sky outside. Today was shady and it
wouldn’t be too sunny to go outside. Ming He must have deliberately
picked this kind of weather before he opened to speak. She nodded,
responding: “Today there is a lot of shade. It will be good to take a
walk. It’s been suffocating for ben gong to stay inside all day.”

Because Tian Qi Palace and Kui Yuan Palace were very close, Qu
Qing Ju didn’t ride the phoenix carriage. She, along with her
entourage, walked on the main road of the palace that led straight to
Kui Yuan Palace. As she entered the palace, she found that the
inside was quite different to when she had first seen Kui Yuan
Palace. At that time, Kui Yuan Palace had been spacious but felt
quiet. Also, at that time, she had only been a wang fei who was
going to see the Empress. Now, she was the owner of this palace.
The attitude wasn’t the same.
The house, the garden and the trees in her view had already been
meticulously turned over, so that when one entered, it would look
tasteful yet bright. This was the so-called “easy on the eyes.” The
flowers, grasses, and the fake mountain in the outside gardens were
in the Jiang Nan style so that from a glance, it would feel extremely
elegant. Inside was the main hall. The doors and windows of the
main hall were all new. A dragon and phoenix were carved on the
door, and other designs had been carefully chosen for the windows.
The main hall was the place where Qu Qing Ju would live. She found
that every part of the main hall was in great taste, and she could see
just how much effort the designer had put in. She couldn’t pick out
any place that was lacking.
Ming He saw the Empress wearing a satisfied expression and
spoke: “The Emperor heard that some paints are damaging to the
body and specially ordered them to use paints made from natural
materials. Empress, take a sniff. The paints all have a fragrance.”
When Qu Qing Ju entered the room, she had detected a faint
fragrance. Hearing Ming He’s words, she smiled, responding, “The
Emperor took a lot of trouble.”
“The Emperor said that it’s all good as long as the Empress likes it,”
Ming He retreated a step to the side, “Niangniang, please follow
nucai to the western side hall for a look.”

When the door of the western side hall was opened, Qu Qing Ju
was stunned. Because inside was a very large white jade bath. On
all four sides of the bath, there were two dragon heads, the wide
gaping maws of the dragon clearly were the places for introducing
the water. Beside the bath was a place enclosed in silk coverings.
Qu Qing Ju brushed aside the silk and saw that inside was a very
large couch. Beside the window there was a table and two
comfortable recliners. From a look, it made one feel the impulse to
lie down.
She hadn’t thought that He Heng would actually remember that she
had wanted a swimming pool. She came out from under the silk
canopy, walked to the pool and reached down to touch the warm
and clear water. A long time later, she said: “Ben gong likes it very
Ming He smiled. He pointed at the two dragon heads at one of the
sides: “The dragon head with the sapphire inlaid is cold water, the
dragon head with the ruby is the hot water. If niangniang likes it,
then soak often. The Emperor has already asked the dean of the
Imperial Hospital. Appropriate amounts of swimming is good for the
Qu Qing Ju stood and, for some reason, thought that for this big
pool, it really wasted water and physical labor. Cold water in the
summer was good, but if it was hot water, how many people were
needed to boil water in order to fill the entire pool?
“Does the palace have a source of water?” Qu Qing Ju
straightforwardly asked. She liked to enjoy herself but wasn’t so
wasteful to have people labor just so that she could swim.
Ming He smiled, explaining: “Don’t worry, Empress. This place uses
water from underground. It was actually a coincidence that there is a
hot spring in the palace. The Emperor ordered for the water to be
transported here.”
Qu Qing Ju felt relieved. Looking at the night luminous pearls
encrusted on the pool, each the size of an infant’s fist, she wondered
what this place would look like at night.
When the palace maids and taijian that served Qu Qing Ju stepped
into Kui Yuan Palace, they were already shocked stupid. Mu Jing
was deeply moved. She had always thought “a surprise around
every corner” was an exaggeration but today, she found that there
was a place like that. This Kui Yuan palace wasn’t all covered in gold
and white jade but it felt unspeakably beautiful. Thinking about it, she
felt suspicious. From the time the Emperor ascended until now, it
hadn’t been even two months. What kind of genius could plan out the
renovation in such a short amount of time and leave so much time for
the craftsmen to work?
Or was it that the Emperor had people working before he had
succeeded the throne …… her heart shook. Mu Jin slightly furrowed
her brows, sensing that she was thinking of something she shouldn’t
have and turned to put her attention on the Empress.
As she came out of the western side hall, Qu Qing Ju toured the
eastern side hall. It had been changed to a place for writing and
painting. The back hall was now her personal storage.
After a tour of the entire Kui Yuan Palace, Qu Qing Ju had only one
thought. After all the furnishings were moved in, her Kui Yuan Palace
would most likely become even more magnificent than Tian Qi
“Are the Imperial Gardens located behind the back hall?” Qu Qing Ju
pointed in the direction of the back hall. She had come to the palace
multiple times, but the roads in the palace twisted and turned. She
wasn’t familiar with the major roads, and wasn’t clear about the
structure of the hougong.

“Empress, as you come out of the back hall and go through a

bamboo forest, there is a lotus pond located at the corner of the
Imperial Gardens. When you go through the corridors over the lotus
pond, you’d see the Imperial Gardens.” Ming He meticulously
Qu Qing Ju nodded. She didn’t have the desire to go tour the
garden. The passing of xiandi wasn’t even two months ago, and if
the Empress of the new Emperor went to tour the garden at this
time, it wouldn’t be right if the news got out.
“Ben gong has finished looking, the halls are very beautiful,” Qu Qing
Ju thought of the white jade pool. She smiled and added, “After
seeing the enormous effort the Emperor has put in, ben gong likes it
very much.”
Upon hearing this, Ming He raised his hands and replied: “It is good
that the Empress likes it. Nucai will leave now to report on the
completion of orders. Nucai asks to be excused.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded. As she came out of Kui Yuan Palace, she

stepped on the clean black stone path and looked at the roses
blooming on both sides of the path. Many butterflies were flying in
between the flowers. For some reason, she suddenly felt that she
was the Cinderella in a romance novel and He Heng was the rich
When He Heng finished listening to Ming He’s report, he couldn’t help
but smile. He remarked: “If it was any other, they would have
already praised it. But she had to care about where the water came
from.” He helplessly shook his head, “It seems very hard to get on
the good side of zhen’s Empress. Luckily, there is a source of water.
Otherwise, the pool that zhen had specially constructed for her
wouldn’t have been used.”
These words expressed helplessness but Ming He had attended to
He Heng for more than a decade so he knew that the Emperor was
happy. He bowed and served a new cup of tea: “Emperor, nucai
feels that niangniang doesn’t want the people to work too hard. How
can other women compare to the Empress? With an Empress who
mothers the world like this, it is the good fortune of the world.”
“En, you’re right,” He Heng nodded. He took the teacup for a drink
and started to annotate the memorandums on the table, a sliver of a
smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.
Two more hours passed before Ming He saw the Emperor stand. At
a glance, he saw a dark colored pouch embroidered with the
character of luck hanging at the Emperor’s waist. The Emperor liked
to use the pouch the Empress had embroidered for him, and
scorned even the pouches made by the palace embroiderers from
Jiang Nan.
He Heng looked outside and noticed that the sky had darkened. He
was going to ask for the time but then he saw a flash of lighting.
Then, thunder started to rumble and the fierce wind blew so hard,
the windows shook.
“To the back hall.” He strode quickly towards the outside, clearly not
caring that it was going to rain soon.
Ming He and a bunch of younger taijian held lanterns that were
protected from the wind as they followed. He looked at the sky and
saw another flash of lightning. A rainstorm was most likely going to
come down this night.
He looked at the Emperor’s slightly rushed figure. Was the Emperor
worried that the Empress was afraid of thunder?


1. 忠 zhong is loyal, devoted. 义yi is friendship, justice, righteousness

Chapter Ninety “The Composure
of a Queen”

When the first roar of thunder occurred, Qu Qing Ju had started

consuming her evening meal at the table. Because she had toured
Kui Yuan Palace in the afternoon, she had taken a nap when she got
back. When she woke up, the evening meal had to be delayed.
The mushroom slice she had in her chopsticks almost fell to the
table. She listened to the roar of wind outside, and put down her
chopsticks, frowning as she asked: “It’s going to rain?”
“It must be.” Mu Jin and some of the other palace maids firmly shut
the windows in the hall. She walked next to Qu Qing Ju to gently fan
her, “There wasn’t any sunshine today, but it was humid. It’s not
strange that thunder will occur.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded. The common people liked to use the days of
the sixth month to describe a baby’s face. It could be seen just how
quickly the summer weather had changed. This moment, it was
raining, the next, the sun could come out.
She picked up her chopsticks again. When she just picked up a
piece of tofu, there was another clap of thunder. But her adaptive
abilities were high and she calmly placed the tofu into her mouth. A
short time later, she heard the sound of rain falling. From the sound,
the rain seemed very heavy. If someone was walking around the
outside corridors at the moment, with that wind and the rain, they
would definitely become a drowned rat.
The hand that Mu Jin was holding a fan with stopped moving. She
looked in surprise when the Emperor, drenched in water, appeared
at the doorway. She retreated to one side and with the other
servants, knelt down.
“Emperor?” Qu Qing Ju put down the chopsticks in her hands. She
walked quickly to He Heng and touched his soaked clothing. Turning,
and from a quick-witted Jin Zhan, she took a cotton cloth, wiping him
down as she led him towards the inner room, “Such heavy rain.
From the front hall to here, it’s an entire circle around, what are you
doing coming now?!”
As she reproached, she reached out to take down the dragon and
pearl coronet in He Heng’s hair. She took out a clean robe and
reached to untie the other’s belt.
He Heng looked at the palace maids and taijian that had followed in
and used his eyes to order them to leave. He turned, smiling, as he
explained: “I just heard the thunder and was worried you would be
afraid. Just wanted to take a look, but didn’t expect that the rain
would come down halfway.”
“With this weather, the rain comes down whenever it wants. There’s
so many people keeping me company, I won’t get scared. Running
out like this, it makes people worry,” Qu Qing Ju peeled off his
clothing, and poked at the muscles on his chest, “How are the
servants attending you, don’t they know to have an umbrella to block
the rain for you.”
He Heng smiled, he didn’t say that he left so abruptly that the
servants didn’t have the time to prepare. He gathered the other in his
embrace, the muscles on his chest feeling her warm breath: “Just a
few drops of rain, it’s nothing.”
Qu Qing Ju glared at him and pinched at his waist: “Change first.”
Helplessly releasing the person in his arms, He Heng stripped
himself bare in front of Qu Qing Ju. Seeing her teasing look as she
examined him up and down, he asked: “What is it?”
Qu Qing Ju rubbed her chin, and then came forward to caress his
muscles: “Such a handsome beauty, why don’t you let xiao ye have a
kiss? If you follow xiao ye, you’ll get to drink and eat well.” Finishing,
she went on tiptoes to kiss He Heng’s chin and then quickly stepped
back. She saw He Heng’s little brother stand up spiritedly.
Standing up this easily? Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow and smiled
as she took another step back. In a regretful voice, she said: “It’s
hot mourning right now. This servant has no way to serve Emperor,
such a pity.” Finishing, she pretended to wiped her tears away.
He Heng took a large step forward and captured the other in his
arms. He turned and put her down on the large bed, fiercely
pressing down on Qu Qing Ju and kissing multiple times before
panting as he declared: “People say the fox spirits enchant people,
yet I didn’t know what was a fox spirit. Today, I know that one as
tempting as Qu Qing Ju is a fox spirit.” Finishing, his hand rubbed at
Qu Qing Ju’s chest, smiling as he teased, “Is Beauty happy with the
service of xiao ye?”

Qu Qing Ju reached to slide her hand from He Heng’s shoulders to

his waist, the tip of her tongue swiping across the corner of her
mouth, “Why is beauty so eager and so naked to throw yourself into
an embrace, it’s really making xiao ye embarrassed.”

He Heng’s entire body was burning from Qu Qing Ju’s actions. His
hands pulled and he spend a long time on her body before in a raspy
voice, he promised: “After these three months, watch how I sort you
out.” Finishing, he pulled her hand and slowly moved it down.
In the end, He Heng finally extinguished the fire with Qu Qing Ju’s
help. He pulled a blanket to wrap around the two of them, his nose
rubbing at Qu Qing Ju’s fragrant and smooth shoulder. Hearing the
rain outside, he said: “With Qing Ju, I feel that all the women in the
world are just so. A thousand of them cannot compare to one of
Qing Ju.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she wrapped an arm around his neck,
permitting him to play around at her chest, but she didn’t speak.
After He Heng ascended the throne, except in front of outsiders, he
had never called himself “zhen” in private with her. His attitude
towards her was the same as when they had been at Duan Wang
Fu, and it was even more intimate now.
She wasn’t a cynic, so she wouldn’t retreat out of fear because of
He Heng’s attitude. From a certain perspective, she enjoyed the
good He Heng gave her, and she would return the same to He Heng.
If He Heng really had feelings towards her, she would be delighted.
If He Heng had no feelings for her, she wouldn’t be heartbroken. And
she had the confidence that before she would die in exhilaration, she
would dig a hole for He Heng.
Love wasn’t essential in life. But if there was love to flavor her life,
she wouldn’t reject enjoying it.
In the novels, the women tortured themselves because of love. But
she wasn’t the female protagonist, she didn’t have to walk the road
they did. She wasn’t even scared of death, would she be scared of
this thing called love?
Qu Qing Ju’s smiled coquettishly. Her right hand moved up and down
his back. Just when He Heng became totally distracted, she kicked
He Heng aside, grabbing He Heng’s robe to wrap around her body
and flipped off the bed. She stood beside the bed, looking from high
up down at He Heng, “The fact that the Emperor could say such
things, it’s that you have seen a thousand ships. But it’s a pity that
qie only has Emperor as the only man and doesn’t know which man
is better. So sorry to disappoint.”
He Heng had suffered a kick from Qu Qing Ju but he couldn’t find
one bit of anger. He sat up against the headboard, looking at Qu
Qing Ju who had a raised chin and narrowed eyes, and laughed out
Why was it that when Qu Qing Ju was clearly wearing his robe, but
he felt she was still inexplicably attractive?
He Heng didn’t know that the thing that attracted him, it had a special
name. It was the “composure of a queen”.
The palace attendants outside heard the laughter of the Emperor
coming from inside the room. Their expressions didn’t change. They
had never seen the Emperor come and be in a bad mood when he
By midnight, the thunder had stopped, but there was still a shower of
rain. He Heng took advantage of the light from the night luminous
pearls to look at Qu Qing Ju who was deeply asleep. He quietly and
softly made his way out of the bed. When he put on the robe, he
found from the pile of clothing the pouch that Qu Qing Ju had
embroidered for him, and didn’t even tie his hair before quietly
leaving the inner room.
Ming He, who had been waiting outside, saw the Emperor was
holding his socks and shoes as he walked out barefoot. He quickly
knelt in front of the Emperor to help him put on his socks and shoes
before asking in a small voice: “Emperor, return to the palace now?”
Right now, it was the hot mourning period. If the Emperor stayed for
the whole night at the Empress’ residence, even if no one dared to
say anything, it still wouldn’t look good.
“En,” He Heng nodded. He looked behind him and left with his
Inside the room, Qu Qing Ju was sleeping happily.
After finishing the matter of Duan Wang Fu’s shiqie, Qu Qing Ju
finally had the time to go to the two palaces of the two Dowager
Empresses to sit. The past few days, she had made her greetings
before leaving. Now that her title was established and she had
finished off much of the matters in the hougong, it was time to
exchange feelings with the two popo.

Muhou Empress Dowager wasn’t very chatty. She spoke with Qu

Qing Ju for a short while before letting Qu Qing Ju leave to rest. On
the second day, Qu Qing Ju headed towards the residence of Sheng
Mu Empress Dowager.

Empress Dowager Wei’s Fu Shou Palace was on the western side

of the palace. Qu Qing Ju had to travel for a significant period of
time on the phoenix carriage until she reached the gates of Fu Shou
Palace. From the names of the palaces for the two Empress
Dowagers, it was possible to see the Emperor’s intentions. Muhou
Empress Dowager had eternal and peace. When it got to Sheng Mu
Empress Dowager, it was good fortune and long life.
It could be seen that the best children were your own.
Coming into Fu Shou Palace, Wei Empress Dowager got Qu Qing Ju
to sit. Her treatment of Qu Qing Ju hadn’t changed. Even when she
mentioned He Heng’s announcing of crowning her Empress that was
more like a love letter, Wei Empress Dowager wasn’t unhappy, just
smiled and said: “After aijia[1] heard the Imperial Decree, it caused
aijia to laugh for a long time. The Emperor set his heart on you,
that’s a good thing.” She sighed, “Don’t think too much. Aijia knows
you are a good child. If there is someone stupid in this hougong, you
are the mistress of this hougong, just severely punish them.”

This was blankly telling Qu Qing Ju she wasn’t going to touch the
affairs of the hougong.

This gave Qu Qing Ju a new understanding of her popo. According

to the old ways, after a woman, riding on the success of her son,
became the Empress Dowager, she would try to enjoy the taste of
being high up, but why was her popo worried for her like she
wouldn’t be able to control the hougong?

“Muhou, don’t worry, erxi understands,” She looked at the

surroundings and found that the decorations were not brightly
colored due to the mourning person but they were finer than the
original Zhong Jing Palace, “Does muhou have any place that needs
something to be added? Erxi will get them to do it immediately.”

“With you and the Emperor on top, aijia won’t lack for anything here.
Whenever something good comes out of the Department of Internal
Affairs, you and Emperor always rushed to let them deliver it to
aijia’s here. If you get them to send more, there would be no room in
this palace,” Empress Dowager Wei smiled and patted her hand, “If
you have any idle time in the future, come more often to sit at aijia’s
palace. Any other things, aijia would have more than you.”

Empress Dowager Wei was speaking the truth. She was the
Emperor’s mother. The Emperor was a filial son. The Empress
wasn’t an erxi that would oppose her at every point. Every day, she
was being fawned over by the taifei. She occasionally would
summon Shu taifei to chat about life realizations. If there was time,
she would summon the artists from the palace department to tell
stories to her. Her days were very comfortable.
What she wanted had all came true. Her son was the Emperor, she
had a good relationship with her erxi. She didn’t want to be a female
emperor. Trying to fight for the control of the hougong with her erxi
rather than living her good days, was she stupid?
Even more, there were two Empress Dowagers in this palace. If she
entered into the affairs of the hougong, the other Empress Dowager
would naturally have reason to enter. Her own son’s harem, would
she let others meddle?
So Empress Dowager Wei felt it was good right now, nothing had to
Qu Qing Ju managed to bum off a noon meal off of Empress
Dowager Wei. The poxi also talked about the events of He Heng’s
childhood before she left in satisfaction.
Walking out of Fu Shou Palace, Qu Qing Ju said to Mu Jin: “Muhou
is probably the woman I admire the most.” This kind of woman, in
any place, was worthy of admiration. The only pity was that she
didn’t meet a good man.
Mu Jin knew that the muhou the Empress meant was Sheng Mu
Empress Dowager. As a palace maid, she couldn’t comment, but
she agreed in her heart. She was also relieved. If Sheng Mu
Empress Dowager liked to control everything in the hougong, it
would be very worrisome.
When the phoenix carriage passed the Imperial Gardens, Qu Qing
Ju unexpectedly found He Heng was standing beside the lotus pond.
Kneeling in front of him as a young girl dressed in a green girdled
Her brows furrowing, Qu Qing Ju indicated for the phoenix carriage
to stop.
Mu Jin looked towards the lotus pond, her brows also furrowing.
Was that one of the female candidates left over by xiandi?

In the beginning, they had picked a few hundred candidates to enter

the palace from across the country. In the end, only twenty
something people had remained. But after xiandi passed, the
candidates could only live in Tuan Fang Hall and couldn’t move freely.
Running to the Imperial Gardens, that was breaking protocol!
Qu Qing Ju stepped down the carriage, smiling as she said: “Mu Jin,
let’s go take a look.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin carefully held the Empress’ hand, and the palace
maids and taijian followed behind.

He Heng’s face was so dark, ink could be squeeze out. He was

going to speak but saw Qu Qing Ju heading in his direction. His
expression changed slightly, and he took a step back to increase the
distance from the kneeling candidate.
Qian Chang Xin reported in a small voice: “Emperor, Empress is
coming over.”
“Zhen knows,” He Heng glared at him, “Stop blabbing!”

Qian Chang Xin silently lowered his head and started to examine the
patterns on the Emperor’s shoes.
The expression of the girl kneeling on the ground changed, and she
buried her head deeper.


1. 哀家: literally grieving person, how Empress Dowagers refer to themselves.

Chapter Ninety One “Who Can
Compare To My Man”

Qu Qing Ju walked over to He Heng and, not looking at the female

candidate at the side, and acted to bow. She was stopped by He
Heng who put his hand out and pulled her to stand under the shade
of the roof, “Just now, zhen was going to the back hall to see you,
and heard you went to muhou’s place. Is muhou fine these past
“Everything about muhou is well,” Qu Qing Ju held up a fan and
started waving it, moving her hand towards He Heng so that both
would feel the breeze, “muhou has said for us to go to her residence
to eat. She’s always thinking of you.”
“Since that’s the case, then tomorrow, we’ll go together to Fu Shou
Palace for the noon meal,” He Heng then pointed at the girl kneeling
on the ground, his voice becoming cold, “do you know this
Qu Qing Ju followed and turned her body. She saw the candidate’s
head was lowered and ordered: “Raise your head.”
The candidate was hesitant to raise her head. A taijian behind her
pinched her chin to lift it up. Her eyes were flitting around, afraid to
look straight at Qu Qing Ju.
She frowned. Qu Qing Ju did have the memories of the previous Qu
Qing Ju’s life, but much of the time, she wouldn’t deliberately flip
through the original’s memories. Seeing the girl now, she
remembered some unhappy events. She said coldly: “Isn’t this Wei
guniang, just two years, Wei guniang has become more beautiful.”

This girl was Qu lao taitai’s paternal family’s grand-niece. She had
once stayed for a time in Chang De Gong Fu and had a good
relationship with Qu Yue Su. If she had the time, she liked to jeer at
the original. Was her name Wei Jing, or Wei Zhu?
“Candidate Wei Zhu greets Empress.” When the taijian released Wei
Zhu’s chin, she instantly leaned down on the ground, clearly very
afraid that Qu Qing Ju would settle old scores.
“Didn’t think jiugong would willingly send you into the palace,” Qu
Qing Ju gave a yawn, lazily waving the fan in her hand, “right now,
the xuannu should be living in Tuan Fang Hall, how did you get
here?” When she finished speaking, she saw Wei Zhu’s shoulders
start to tremble. Originally, she had been bored but she was now
intrigued. She turned to look at He Heng beside her, “Emperor, how
did this Wei guniang encounter you?”

He Heng saw the mockery in her eyes and smiled helplessly. He

narrated: “Zhen waited a long time for you, but you didn’t return so
zhen decided to greet muhou. Who knew that zhen would encounter
such a bold and disrespectful candidate, who dared to slander
Empress in front of zhen.”

“Oh?” Qu Qing Ju gave a small smile as she watched the trembling

of Wei Zhu’s shoulders increas, “What good matter of ben gong did
Wei guniang speak of?”

Wei Zhu was frightened. Originally, she was indignant that, the kind
of woman that Qu Qing Ju was, became the Empress. Who knew
that after saying a few words, the Emperor became angry. Seeing
Qu Qing Ju’s powerful composure so different than in the past, she
was so frightened she couldn’t speak.
“If Wei guniang doesn’t want to say, ben gong won’t force you,
come … …”
“Empress, do you remember two years ago?” Wei Zhu raised her
head, and resignedly spoke, “At that time, grand aunt and chen nu’s
grandfather made a spoken promise, do you still have an
Qian Chang Xin heard the words and motioned for the palace
attendants to all leave, leaving behind the personal attendants of the
Emperor and Empress. He didn’t know if this candidate would be
crazy and say something. Since the Emperor and Empress didn’t call
for her to shut up, he could only not let the servants hear.
“Do you mean two years ago when grandmother and great uncle
had the intentions for ben gong to be engaged to your brother?” Qu
Qing Ju was very unrestrained. She waved her hand and stared at
Wei Zhu like she was looking at an idiot, her voice surprised as she
said: “Ben gong has such a good husband as the Emperor, how
would ben gong remember those unfounded matters. Right, what is
your brother called?”
My dear Empress, how could you just say it, what would the
Emperor think? Mu Jin nervously looked at the Emperor. The result
was that she only saw a satisfied smile on the Emperor’s face. She
was confused. Did something she didn’t know happen?
Even though he was slightly furious when he heard that the Qu
Family wanted to marry Qu Qing Ju into the Wei Family, but He
Heng was very quickly soothed by Qu Qing Ju’s words. Those
words were right. With such a good man as him, what were other
men worth?
Even more, the engagement between Qing Ju and the Wei Family
was only mentioned and hadn’t been finalized. He wasn’t as extreme
to blame Qing Ju for such a minor matter.
According to the attitude of the Qu Family towards Qing Ju, he didn’t
believe that Qu lao taitai was really thinking for Qing Ju. Thinking
about the rich dowry that Qu Qing Ju had when she married into the
wang fu, He Heng smiled coldly. They were definitely conspiring for
the dowry that Tian shi had left behind for Qing Ju. Thinking about it,
he glared coldly at Wei Zhu kneeling on the ground, “Such nonsense,
you dare slander the Empress, such recklessness!”
Wei Zhu heard the discontent in the Emperor’s words, and quickly
continued: “Emperor, please investigate thoroughly, this subject’s
words are all true. If xiandi didn’t decree the marriage, great aunt
would have agreed to the Wei Family’s proposal.”
“Since the engagement wasn’t made, it naturally means that it was
the will of Heaven that zhen and Empress should be together. To
mention these matters deliberately in front of zhen, are you trying to
ruin Empress’ reputation?!” He Heng’s voice became darker, harshly
proclaiming, “The daughter of the Wei Clan is of an improper family,
and lacking in protocol. Pass zhen’s decree, the members of the
Imperial House of Da Long Dynasty are not allowed to take the
daughters of the Wei Clan as wife or qie. The daughters of the Wei
Clan eternally cannot be female candidates and enter the palace.”
This decree was breaking the upward road for the daughters of the
Wei Clan. Qu Qing Ju looked at the expressionless He Heng, smiled
and turned her head. Her gaze landed on Wei Zhu who had
collapsed on the ground.
“Drag her down, bestow forty blows and send her back to the Wei
Family,” He Heng gripped Qu Qing Ju’s hand, coldly ordering, “In the
future, if there are candidates that walk in the palace where they
shouldn’t, all will receive a beating of forty before being thrown out of
the palace.”
A woman that had been sentenced to a beating by the Emperor
before being sent out of the palace. She wouldn’t ever marry in this
lifetime. Qu Qing Ju watched as Wei Zhu was dragged out by the
taijian and sighed, “I just went from being an unfavored di daughter
to being the Empress, but so many cannot tolerate it.”
“To get this kind of person to slander you in front of me, they think
me an idiot,” He Heng caressed the silver hairpin in her hair, his tone
unusually warm, “Don’t waste any attention on these people. Come,
accompany me for a nap.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled, “With Emperor here, I won’t waste any attention.
Emperor is brilliant and wise, peerless through the ages.”
“Zhen’s peerlessness, isn’t that also yours?” He Heng smiled, his
mood light as he took Qu Qing Ju back to the back hall of Tian Qi
Palace. As to what had just occurred ……
Qing Ju had such a good man as him, would she think of any other?!
Qian Chang Xin and Mu Jin stared at each other, seeing the same
moved emotion in the other’s eyes before silently following.
“The female of the Wei Family was thrown out of the palace?” He
Yuan kicked aside the taijian that was rubbing his knees. These
days he often had to go to Shou Kang Palace to pray for xiandi, so
his knees were already bruised.
“Ben wang’s brother is so infatuated with Empress, that he could
even tolerate this kind of thing,” he smiled coldly, “He does have
good skill. Such a short amount of time and he has managed to
control everyone at court.”
Gao Duo, standing under him, heard the words, and hesitated
before asking: “Wang ye, the circumstances are stronger than the
people. Why don’t we stay still now and wait for a good
“Good opportunity?” He Yuan snorted, “By now, the people of ben
wang have been almost completely suppressed. Lao da’s people
have already stood on the new Emperor’s side. Among the advisors
of fuhuang, Tian Jin Ke and Luo Chang Qing have tight connections
with the Empress, they naturally would do their best to support the
new emperor. As to the kind of people like Wei Wen Guang and Lu
Jing Hong, the new emperor doesn’t have to do anything and they
would be the new conservative fraction. Fuhuang’s abdication
decree was written in front of the senior officials, and he did the seal
himself. What good opportunity do you think ben wang has?”

Gao Duo didn’t think Rui Wang would see the situation so clearly. He
hesitated before suggesting: “Since that’s the case, wang ye, why
don’t you help the Emperor with his affairs, then the Emperor
wouldn’t directly attack you?”
“The kind of person He Heng is, on the surface, he would make it
more beautiful than anyone else. If he attacks, not many can
compare to his ferocity,” Originally, He Yuan was a very proud
person. But after two short months, he was so beaten by reality, half
of his pride had gone away. “Even if ben wang submitted to him, he
wouldn’t be very close to ben wang. Even more, ben wang doesn’t
want to fawn over him.” He coldly twisted his mouth, “ben wang just
doesn’t want to see him well.”
Gao Duo silently glanced at He Yuan. To keep going even with
nothing at stake, what was he thinking?
“What should be done with the Wei Family?” He asked uncertainly,
“The love between the Emperor and Empress is stronger than gold.
The Wei Family’s tactics are just embarrassing themselves. If they
beg aid from wang ye, what would you do?”

He Yuan sneered: “In the beginning, it was them that asked ben
wang to help. They were stupid themselves and mucked up. It has
nothing to do with ben wang.” Finishing, he summoned He Fu Er, “In
the future, if the Wei Family shows up, don’t receive them.”
“Yes,” He Fu Er noted it down and hesitated for a second before
reporting, ”Wang ye, the Qu ce fei in Xi Ce Yuan is seriously ill,
should an invite be sent to the Imperial Hospital for a taiyi to examine
ce fei?”

“Wang fei is responsible for such matters, why ask me?” He Yuan
impatiently waved his hand. It was clear that he didn’t have the
person of Xi Ce Yuan on his heart.
He Fu Er understood. It had been because wang fei didn’t do
anything that he had taken a bribe from Yao Xi to beg wang ye.
From the looks of it, that one in Xi Ce Yuan had lost favor. So he
wouldn’t have to waste any more time for Xi Ce Yuan in the future.
Gao Duo, as a subordinate, when he heard a matter of the wang
ye’s houyuan, he naturally closed his mouth. Only after He Fu Er left
did he interrupt: “Wang ye, this one heard you have a ce fei that is
the sister of the Empress, is it this one?”
He Yuan didn’t understand Gao Duo’s meaning: “It’s her, but the
Empress didn’t have good relationships with the Qu Family, so this
Qu shi wasn’t useful.”

Gao Duo smiled: “If that’s the case, then please forgive this
subordinate to say something overstepping the bounds. Wang ye,
you should not treat Qu ce fei too well. Otherwise, in the eyes of
others, they would assume that you are feeling unjust on behalf of
the Qu Clan and the Emperor would have more reason to target
He Yuan waved his hand, dismissing: “Just a plaything, ben wang
isn’t at that point to waste so much effort on her.”
Gao Duo smiled as he raised his hands, “Wang ye is wise.”
Chapter Ninety Two “Karma”

“Zhuzi,” Yao Xi’s eyes were red as she helped Qu Yue Su sit up on
the bed. Then she turned to bring over the medicine bowl, which was
steaming due to the temperature of its contents, “Drink the
Qu Yue Su leaned weakly against the headboard. As she took the
medicine bowl, she saw Yao Xi’s burned hands and grimaced: “It’s
me who has dragged you down. All these years you stayed with me,
when did you ever have to do this?” Even if she didn’t see it with her
eyes, she knew that the medicine had been brewed by Yao Xi on her
own. Now that wang ye didn’t come to her rooms, and wang fei
targeted her at every occasion, even the servants in her yard dared
to steal and cut corners, pointing at the mulberry and cursing the
locust tree, much less the kitchen people.
“Zhuzi, what are you saying?” Yao Xi forced a smile and hid her
burnt hand back into her sleeve, “Drink the medicine and after a
night, it will all get better.” Thinking about what Chief Steward He
had just said, she almost couldn’t keep the smile up. Now that even
wang ye wasn’t willing to help zhuzhi, how would they live?

Qu Yue Su finished the medicine in a few mouthfuls. Seeing Yao Xi’s

state, she sighed: “Yao Xi, do you remember my father’s birthday
banquet held five years ago?”
Yao Xi took the empty bowl from Qu Yue Su’s hand and minutely
shook her head.
“It’s normal that you don’t remember, but it remains fresh in my
memory,” Qu Yue Su grimaced, “That year, I accidentally broke a
porcelain in Father’s room. That day was Father’s birthday and
breaking something was unlucky. I was very scared and purposefully
got someone to lure da jie into father’s room … …”

When she heard, Yao Xi remembered. She recalled that after lao
ye’s birthday, he had been so angry that he slapped da xiaojie on
her face and sentenced her to stand in the yard for a whole night.
After that, da xiaojie became seriously ill. Furen wouldn’t get a
doctor to see da xiaojie. If it hadn’t been that the Tian Family had
sent someone to deliver something to da xiaojie, da xiaojie probably
would have died that year. She hadn’t thought that the matter had
been connected to zhuzi, and even more, she hadn’t thought that her
zhuzi would have such tactics at such a young age. She hesitated
before remarking, “Nubi remembers that da xiaojie nearly died that
“Yes, almost gone. At that time, I was afraid and guilty,” she
coughed, “But she lived. If she hadn’t lived, then it would have been
me who would’ve married into Duan Wang Fu.”
Yao Xi’s hand, which held the bowl, shook. She looked at the sickly
complexion of zhuzi and supported her to lie down and tucked the
blanket in. She comforted: “Zhuzi, you’re sick, don’t talk nonsense.
Nubi will go see if there is something to eat.” As she came out of the
room, she released a long breath. She still remembered Mu Jin
painstakingly begging zhuzi to beg furen to send for a doctor.

At that time, zhuzi’s face was full of helplessness, and even used
the reason of filial piety to refuse Mu Jin. Afterwards, zhuzi had sent
her to give some pills to da xiaojie and never mentioned it again. She
had never expected the truth of the matter was actually this. She
rubbed her arms, feeling cold in the hot summer day.
“Isn’t that Yao Xi?” A yahuan wearing green saw Yao Xi come out
and hollered, “Is Qu ce fei well? Our zhuzi has missed her.”

“Not well yet, thanks to yiniang for thinking of her.” Yao Xi’s smile
wasn’t pretty. This yahuan was one who served another yiniang.
Usually, they didn’t have much interaction. But now, even a personal
yahuan of a yiniang could mock zhuzi.

“Such a hot day, it’s such a pain to endure,” The yahuan’s tone
suddenly changed, “I heard that when the Empress hadn’t yet
married, she had been abused by her family, don’t you think ……
what it’s like now, isn’t it karma?”
She saw Yao Xi’s expression change and smiled. Clapping her
hands, she remarked: “The Heavens have eyes. People who do evil
things don’t have good endings.” The green-clad yahuan bowed
slightly, “I respect you for being a loyal servant but think more for
yourself.” She turned and left.
Yao Xi looked at the yahuan’s back. She gave a helpless smile and
went on her original path to the kitchen.
The news that the Wei Family’s female candidate had broken palace
protocol during the mourning period for xiandi and was expelled from
the palace by the Emperor, quickly became the joke of Jing City. The
Wei Family had some reputation in Jing but now, they’d lost all honor
and didn’t have the courage to even leave the house.
The female candidates had gone through countless rounds of
elimination. Originally, they were people who had a chance to be
given to other members of the Imperial House or to be taken into the
hougong to serve. Due to the passing of xiandi, aside from the
Imperial House that had to observe mourning, even the common
people couldn’t marry for a month.
But that Wei Family, they’d thought to let their daughter capture the
attention of the new Emperor during the mourning period. Why didn’t
they think of the Emperor’s personality, was he a lusty person? Even
more so, the love between the Imperial Couple was known by
everyone in Da Long Dynasty. Was the Wei Family’s daughter more
beautiful than a goddess? From where did she get the confidence to
break into the Imperial Gardens?
The second day after Wei Zhu was sent back to the Wei Family, she
was sent by the Wei Family into a nunnery. The reason given was
that she would cultivate morals and pray for xiandi and the Emperor.

Everyone knew that this was the Wei Family pulling a cloth to hide
themselves. The Emperor had already sent down the decree. The
daughters of the Wei Family couldn’t enter the Imperial House, this
Wei Family was over.
The three months of mourning passed by quickly but He Heng still
followed the protocols of mourning, paying close attention to his
attire. This caused the world to praise the filial piety of the Emperor.
But not matter what, according to tradition, He Heng was now
allowed to take new concubines. However, everyone in the hougong
knew that the Emperor had no intentions of entering the hougong.

The sixth day of the eighth month of Qing De Thirty Fourth Year was
the most auspicious day in the near half year as calculated by the
Imperial Astronomers. The Ziwei star and its pair were bright, and it
had the influence of the phoenix raising its head. So it was the most
appropriate day for the crowning ceremony of the Empress.
The Empress’ crowning ceremony was a very momentous occasion
in Da Long Dynasty. First, sacrifices would be offered to the
Heavens and prayers would be recited; next the Emperor and
Empress would bow to the ancestors to notify them that this woman
was one of the Imperial Family. Then the Emperor would personally
put in the phoenix hairpin personally for the Empress and draw on
her brows. Lastly, the Empress, wearing the phoenix robe, would
receive the bows of the Royal Court Officials and the noblewomen.
In front of the copper mirror, Qu Qing Ju wore the phoenix robe that
the weavers had rushed to make in three months by working day
and night. Though the layers of clothing looked complicated and
majestic, it didn’t feel very heavy on the body.
The outermost wide-sleeved floor-length phoenix robe didn’t have
any gold or pearls but it was so beautiful that it blinded everyone’s
As she watched He Heng solemnly draw on her brows for her and
gently put the phoenix crown on her, she gave a smile.
Once they finished everything, they clasped their hands together as
they walked to the high platform. On the platform were the dragon
chair and the phoenix chair; dragon on the left, phoenix on the right.
Qu Qing Ju stood in front of the phoenix chair, slightly raising her
chin to look at the hundreds of officials under her and watched as
those people simultaneously knelt down towards her.
“Emperor, wan sui, wan sui, wan wan sui, Empress, qian sui, qian
sui, qian qian sui!”

And then it was the three bows and nine kowtows. Qu Qing Ju stood
side by side with He Heng. Looking at the scene before her, she felt
strangely exhilarated.
“Rise,” the Minister of Ceremonies called, “Music.”
The music sounded slightly solemn yet light. Qu Qing Ju didn’t really
know what song it was, but looking at the reactions of the officials
as they stood with bent bodies, she could guess that it was a very
high standard for her crowning ceremony.
After the music stopped, Qu Qing Ju and He Heng sat down at the
same time. Then it was the officials’ turn to bow, one by one
according to their ranks. Then it was the titled women. Just to watch
people kneel to her, Qu Qing Ju sat for more than two hours.
After the people finished, He Heng spoke: “Today is the Empress’
crowning ceremony, and also the year that zhen ascended to the
throne. To accumulate virtue for the Empress, the world would be
especially pardoned. Those banished would be reduced sixty miles,
those in prison reduced one year, those on the death sentence will
be delayed one month to their execution!”
The people under shouted the Emperor and Empress were kind, and
would be lucky for ten thousand years.
Qu Qing Ju hadn’t thought that He Heng would pardon the world at
her crowning ceremony. Even though it was customary for the new
Emperor to pardon the world after ascending the throne, but waiting
for today to announce the decree, it was too ……
She turned to look at the person beside her and smiled helplessly.
Even if the Empress’ crowning ceremony was done extremely grand,
but the ceremonies for Heng fei and the others were much simpler
when they followed. Heng fei’s was still alright, but the other three
couldn’t compare to the occasions when the xiandi’s consorts of
equivalent rank were promoted. Especially Ping cairen. It was
absolutely unbearable to see. If it wasn’t that the Empress’
bestowments also came down that day, almost no one in the palace
would have known that it was the day that she was officially titled.
For people, what was worse was not being ignorant, but being able
to make comparisons. All those in the palace were intelligent. And
they could all see what was happening. This Ping cairen not being
favored by the Emperor was a certainty. Since the Emperor didn’t
care for her, would they be willing to flatter her?
Feng Zi Jin finally knew just how difficult palace life could be. The
food delivered each day was cold. The tea was old, and not of good
quality. If something was lacking or needed fixing, it was extremely
difficult for the Department of Internal Affairs to come remedy it.
She had fought and complained but in the end, she found that what
was sent to her became more and more terrible. Sometimes they
wouldn’t even send anything. After these months, she finally knew
what was “the servants bullying the masters” and the torture of the
deep palace.
“Zhuzi, Han liangdi has come,” Xia Yun quickly walked into the
room, her expression unpleasant.
Feng Zi Jin grimaced as she stood. As she came out of the inner
room, she saw Han Qing He drinking tea as she sat on the chair. Her
steps paused. She walked in front, bowing, and made a greeting:
“Pinqie greets Han liangdi.”

“Please stand, Ping cairen,’ Han Qing He smiled as she examined

Feng Zi Jin. The other was wearing a slightly worn dark dress,
completely devoid of the arrogance she once had in the fu. She put
down the teacup, wiping her mouth, and remarked, “Your tea is too
bitter. I’ll have someone deliver some new tea to you tomorrow.”
Feng Zi Jin declined: “There’s no need to trouble Han liangdi.”

“We can’t have that. Once upon a time, meimei wouldn’t drink
anything at wang fu except the Long Jing before the first rain. Now
that you have entered the palace, you can’t deny yourself.” She
stood, asking, “Today’s sunshine is great, why doesn’t cairen
accompany me on a walk?”
Knowing that she was intentionally making it difficult, Feng Zi Jin
could do nothing except to follow behind Han Qing He.
Han Qing He gave a cold smile as she walked at the front. In the
past when Feng Zi Jin humiliated her, she had been even more
ruthless. What she was doing now wasn’t really anything. Thinking
about it, Han Qing He turned back to look at Feng Zi Jin, the smile
on her face growing wider.
In the future, there was still more to come. The humiliations she had
suffered, she didn’t suffer them for nothing.
Chapter Ninety Three “An Old

Because the mourning period had passed, the flowers placed in the
Imperial Gardens now red and purple. Han Qing He looked at the
beautiful Imperial Garden and thought about when she’d entered the
palace as the daughter of a common and good family to become a
candidate. She had then been placed by Empress Dowager Wei to
serve at the side of the Emperor. In a blink of an eye, five years had
passed and she was now one of the mistresses of the palace.
As the palace maids passed her, they bowed to her. She enjoyed
the feeling as others bowed their heads to her, as though if it was
like this, she could forget her low birth and the unhappiness of the
past. Turning back to see Feng Zi Jin blindly following behind her,
she revealed a satisfied smile: “Walking the Imperial Gardens, I
would think of the times I’d accompanied Ping cairen in the wang fu.”

Feng Zi Jin didn’t speak when she heard the words. She
expressionlessly looked at Han Qing He before slowly moving her
gaze away.
“From Ping cairen’s expression, it seems that you don’t like walking
in the garden with me?” Han Qing He sneered, “Or is it that Ping
cairen thinks herself higher than me?”

“Liangdi is high up in the sky. Pinqie is only a small seventh-grade

cairen who doesn’t dare look down,” Ping cairen uttered coldly,
“Pinqie is only listening to liangdi speak.”

Han Qing He was going to speak before suddenly hearing the sound
of clapping behind her. Her heart jumped with joy and she took a
step to the side before kneeling down.
“Qie greets Emperor,” When the dark gold boots walked in front of
her, Han Qing He’s voice was sweet and soft as she lowered her
head. But a second later, she saw a pair of gold embroidered
slippers appear next to the gold boots. She paused and then added,
“Pinqie greets Empress.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at Feng Zi Jin and Han Qing He as they knelt on
the ground. This was the first time Han Qing He used such a
saccharine voice. She looked at He Heng who didn’t seem to have
any reaction, and said: “Stand.”
“Thank Emperor, thank Empress,” Feng Zi Jin slowly stood. She
raised her head to gaze at the Emperor but found the Emperor’s
gaze wasn’t on either her or Han Qing He’s bodies. She lowered her
face numbly, not speaking another word.
‘Didn’t think to encounter Emperor and Empress at such a place,”
Han Qing De didn’t want to give up the chance to show her face in
front of the Emperor. Her appearance wasn’t as good as Feng Zi
Jin’s but she had a distinctive flavor when she smiled, “It’s pinqie
who has disturbed Emperor and Empress’ mood.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at her blooming smile. Her lips curled, but she
didn’t speak.
“Since you know you disturbed zhen and Empress’ mood, why
haven’t you retreated?” He Heng’s tone was icy. He looked at Han
Qing He who was draped in gold and silver, his brows furrowing,
The smile on Han Qing He’s face froze. She didn’t think the Emperor
would not even take the slightest bit of care. She couldn’t help but
turn her head to look at the Empress and found that the Empress’
expression hadn’t changed from beginning to end, as though she
knew that she would embarrass herself. She bowed in mortification,
“Qie asks to be excused.”

Seeing Han Qing He retreat, Feng Zi Jin followed in leaving. Before

she left, she looked again at He Heng and Qu Qing Ju, as though it
was the first time she’d met them.
After both of them left, Qu Qing Ju finally smiled as she remarked:
“Han liangdi has served Emperor for so many years, but her
appearance hasn’t changed at all.” Han Qing He had been serving by
He Heng’s side since she was sixteen. Right now, she was just
twenty one. In her previous life, it would have been the best years of
her life. In this era, her age was slightly old.
“Really, zhen doesn’t remember what she was like before,” He Heng
glanced in the direction of Fu Shou Palace, “Don’t think of those
people anymore, let’s go eat in muhou’s place.”
Fu Shou Palace knew very early that the Emperor and Empress
were coming over to accompany the Empress Dowager for the meal
so they had prepared beforehand. When the two of them entered,
Empress Dowager Wei was in the yard trimming twigs off a pot of
flowers. Seeing the two of them, Empress Dowager Wei stood and
led them into the room.
After washing and drying her hands, Empress Dowager informed the
two: “Aijia had the small kitchen prepare the dishes you two like.
Later, you can have some.”
“It was bothersome for muhou to remember,” He Heng stood to bow
to Empress Dowager Wei, but his posture was more casual than
before others, clearly showing just how mutual the feelings were
between mother and son, “They should prepare more wine-pickled
duck feet.”
“Alright, your duck feet, erxi’s duck tongue, aijia had them prepare,
you won’t be lacking,” Empress Dowager Wei apparently liked her
son’s carefree and intimate attitude. She gave a sigh, “Even though
the mourning period has passed, there’s no need to celebrate aijia’s
birthday. Tomorrow, aijia will send a decree declaring to not hold a
birthday banquet this year, and won’t receive the court officials’
When He Heng came here, he originally planned to discuss the
matter of Empress Dowager’s birthday. But he hadn’t thought that
muhou was so straightforward. It wouldn’t be good to hold a big
celebration but it might be too cold if she didn’t even receive the
Court’s respects.
“Aijia knows you are filial, but aijia has thought this through before
making the decision,” Empress Dowager’s expression became stern,
“Son, you have to remember. To gain something, you also have to
gain the reputation, then your conduct would be spotless.”
On the side, Qu Qing Ju agreed wholeheartedly when she heard the
words. If one acted, they had to act to the end. To receive both the
gains and the reputation was the only way to become a true winner.
But when saying such things, was it wise to speak in front of her?
“I understand muhou’s intentions,” He Heng nodded, “Then on
mother’s birthday, us three will gather and have a good meal.”
“Yes,” Empress Dowager smiled. Her gaze swept across her erxi
sitting docilely by one side, “For a family to sit together and eat, it’s
much better than having those useless things.” This son of hers, to
say that kind of a thing in front of her, he really had his heart on Qu

With Qu shi, there was no risk of the relatives. She was also the
established Empress. After Qu shi had children, a fight for
succession would be avoided. It wasn’t a bad thing to have love
between Emperor and Empress.
“Since muhou isn’t having a celebration, then we should also save on
erxi’s celebration,” Qu Qing Ju’s birthday was in the next month. Her
brows furrowed as she said, “It’s always so noisy at a banquet, not
that interesting.”
“Alright, we’ll save on us mother and daughter’s birthday
celebrations, and we don’t have to endure the torment.” Empress
Dowager Wei smiled. Saying to Ding mama who was beside her,
“It’s almost noon, get the kitchen to prepare to serve.”
Ding mama left with her orders. Once she left the room, Ding mama
finally smiled and shook her head. Clearly the Empress Dowager
and the Empress were two kinds of people but they really did form a
connection as they interacted. To have this kind of connection
between popo and erxi in the Imperial Family, it was extremely rare.
But the Empress was also talented. To be able to pout, play and
laugh and do anything else in front of the Empress Dowager, acting
as though the Empress Dowager was her own mother. Thinking
about the deceased birth mother of the Empress and the evil
stepmother, Ding mama sighed. The Empress hadn’t had it easy.
She must really be thinking of the Empress Dowager as her own
The three people were very happy as they finished the meal.
Empress Dowager Wei watched Qu Qing Ju lean back contentedly
in the chair, smiling and teasing: “To eat seven-tenths full is to
cultivate life. Eating like you do is of no benefit to the body.”
“Muhou, erxi is growing right now, I can’t not eat,” Qu Qing Ju
giggled, “If I’m not full, how will I grow my body?”
Empress Dowager Wei was amused by her words. She pointed at
Qu Qing Ju, “Yes, yes, have to grow the body. After you grow up,
you have to have grandsons and granddaughters for aijia to play
with.” When she’d finished speaking, she couldn’t help laughing
He Heng watched as his mother and xifu get happier the more they
chatted. He silently took a sip of the digestive tea. So even when his
xifu hadn’t grown up, his mother was already preparing to play with
his children. Was this scene really popo, son and erxi and not wife’s
mother, husband, and daughter?
On the second day, the Empress Dowager and the Empress sent
out their decrees. The main meaning was that since xiandi had just
passed away, they had no interest in enjoying their birthday
celebrations and were grateful for the well-wishes from the people
etc etc.
Instantly, the Court praised Sheng Mu Empress Dowager and the
Empress for being virtuous and filial, and they were the epitome of
what a woman should be.
He Heng listened to the officials’ praises of his mother and wife and
added: “Zhen’s mother and Empress have no interest in
amusements. Zhen, as the son of xiandi, also does not have the
heart for the birthday celebration. This year, zhen will not hold a
birthday banquet, you all shall not persuade otherwise.”
Naturally, the officials urged and urged again and then under the
Emperor’s steadfastness, they helplessly surrendered. In the end,
they hollered three times the Emperor was filial. Both monarch and
subjects were satisfied.
Standing at the bottom, He Yuan gave a scornful smile. The Wei
mother and son liked to act. Even at this step, they didn’t forget to
act in order to achieve a good name.
“Chen has a memorandum!” After the monarch and subjects enjoyed
themselves for a while, the Minister of the Right, Wei Wen Guang
stepped forward, “Emperor, this official encountered a thirteen years
old urchin a few days earlier on the road, felt that he was pitiful and
wanted to shelter him, but who knew this official heard a great
The atmosphere of the court instantly turned tense. He Heng’s brows
slightly furrowed as he urged: “Right Minister Wen, quickly speak.”
“This subject heard the urchin say that he had begged his way from
Jiang Nan to Jing. His father was a steward of a certain official in
Jiang Nan and had been killed because he found out that this official
had colluded with His Highness Rui Wang, and dragged his entire
family with him. Thankfully, the urchin had been hiding out of
naughtiness in the cellar of the home and his life was spared.” He
raised an accounts book with both hands, “This is the accounts of
the steward who had been killed. The little urchin, even under the
struggles of the road, managed to protect this item. Emperor, please
take a look.”
Once the speech came out, the court fell into silence. But no one
dared to speak in defense of Rui Wang.
“Present it up,” He Heng looked at He Yuan, “Rui Wang, do you want
to say anything?”
He Yuan sneered, raising his hands in a fist, responding: “Emperor,
subject-di is innocent. Right Minister Wei uses an urchin of unknown
origins to accuse subject-di, and even made a fake account book.
His intentions are enough to sentence him to death.”
He Heng took the book from the hands of a taijian and randomly
flipped open a page to take a look. With a calm face, he replied:
“What the truth really is, zhen will send someone to investigate. End
The officials realised that they didn’t really know the Emperor’s true
intentions. If he believed Rui Wang, then he wouldn’t have sent
someone to investigate. But if he didn’t believe, then he should be in
a rage. For the Emperor to be this calm, they were at a loss.
But smart people reacted very quickly. The Emperor was going to
settle the old scores of Rui Wang. Previously, the case of Jiang Nan
had been unclearly suppressed by xiandi. The Emperor cared for
the people of Jiang Nan and naturally wouldn’t pretend the matter
didn’t exist.
Jiang Nan was going to see a large purge.
Chapter Ninety Four

The case of Jiang Nan was taken up once again, but this time, no
one begged for mercy for Rui Wang. The Emperor didn’t send an
official of high position to investigate in Jiang Nan but sent down an
imperial decree for the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court to
cooperate in the investigation.
Originally, some people had thought that the Emperor would use the
chance to take down Rui Wang, but who knew that he was doing
everything according to the rules. He didn’t seem to side with his
brother, and didn’t take the chance to settle the score with his half
brother. Many people were deeply moved by the benevolence of the
Whether or not He Heng was really so generous, it wasn’t very
important to Qu Qing Ju. In the palace at the moment, she
dominated above all. And she ate, drank, played and amused herself
The weather slowly moved into the fall but her appetite became
better and better. She preferred to eat sour and spicy food. One
night at the end of the ninth month, she ate two bowls of rice, one
bowl of hot and spicy fish, and one bowl of mushroom tofu fish head
soup in one sitting. It was all home-style cooking. But she just liked it
and it scared He Heng into accompanying her on a walk of the
gardens for more than two hours that night.
Qu Qing Ju’s birthday was the second to last day of the ninth month.
That day, Empress Dowager Wei held a family banquet at Fu Shou
Palace. Other than their family of three, there was only Muhou
Empress Dowager, Jin An Princess Royal and Heng fei present. The
other three feipin only kowtowed outside the palace doors before
being excused to leave.
Jiang Yong Yu was the only one of the imperial concubines whose
position was a first-grade fei. Appearing at the banquet, she
represented the generosity and virtue of the Empress who was able
to tolerate other women in the palace. But Jiang Yong Yu
understood inside what her identity was and what she should do. So
after making her greetings, she picked the corner furthest away from
He Heng to sit and quietly pretended to be a statue.
After He Heng ascended the throne, he elevated the titles of Jin An
Princess’ children. Everyone in Jing knew by then that Jin An
Princess was on good relations with the new Emperor. Of all the
princesses of xiandi, only Jin An Princess’ position hadn’t been
affected, and the people in Jing still carefully flattered and respected
It was human nature. One’s father being the Emperor or a half-
brother being the Emperor, it really was two different things. No
wonder some princesses would pick a side on the matter of
succession. Jin An Princess managed to make a correct decision.
Those who had eyes all knew that when the new Emperor was still
Duan Wang, Jin An Princess had been extremely close to Duan
Wang Fei. When the news that Duan Wang had been attacked, Jin
An Princess had sent many herbs and medicine to Duan Wang.
Didn’t her actions clearly show Jin An Princess’ position?
The other person who benefited was Cheng Wang. Originally, he had
been a pitiful little thing that his own father didn’t care for. But now,
he could be considered to be one of the most trusted people by the
new Emperor. His wife had connections with the Emperor so overall,
his status was even higher than when xiandi had been alive.
“Empress, your appetite is so good,” After the meal, Jin An Princess
looked with amazement at Qu Qing Ju who was wiping her mouth. A
beat later, she commented, “Eating is good fortune.”
“It’s not that much,” Qu Qing Ju took a mouthful of the digestive tea
that a palace maid presented and looked in confusion at He Heng
beside her, asking, “Really too much?”
“It’s good you like eating,” He Heng smiled. He looked at the other’s
pale and smooth face, his fingers slightly trembling as he resisted
the urge to reach out and pinch her face. He turned to order Ming He
behind him, “Today, the pickled cabbage fish head and Kung Pao
beef tendons were made well. Who was the chef, reward!”
Ming He noted the two dishes. He knew that it was the Empress
who liked them and indicated for a taijian behind him to go reward
the chef in the Imperial Kitchens.
Empress Dowager Wei raised the teacup to take a sip, smiling as
she commented: “Recently, Qing Ju’s appetite is getting even better.
When aijia sees her eat, aijia feels the appetite improving and can
eat an extra half bowl.”
Hearing this, Muhou Empress Dowager smiled and teased: “Meimei
and Empress’ good appetites, even I at Chang Ning Palace have
heard of. Even the Imperial Kitchen is thinking all day of creating new
pastries and dishes in hopes of receiving your favors.”
“It seems that our mother and daughter’s gluttonous reputation has
spread,” Empress Dowager Wei smiled at Qu Qing Ju, completely
uncaring of people in the palace spreading such news. She said to
Muhou Empress Dowager, “Jiejie, we have known other for more
than twenty years. When xiandi was alive, we were always cautious
and alert. Now that our children have grown up, we don’t need to live
so cautiously. In this time that we can still eat and drink, it’s better to
enjoy it.”
Muhou Empress Dowager hadn’t thought Empress Dowager Wei
would say such a thing. She paused slightly before smiling, “You’re
right. A life is short and hard. We’ve endured for more than half a
lifetime, it can’t be put to waste.” She and Wei shi had no conflicts of
interest. Now that Duan Wang had ascended the throne, he had
treated her well. Even Jin An Princess who had been recorded under
her name was the most important among the princesses. Right now,
she was only an idle Empress Dowager, what did she have to worry
Qu Qing Ju listened to the sisterly-like conversation between the two
Empress Dowagers. If one didn’t know, they really wouldn’t believe
that the two had once served the same man. The words basically
meant, we finally made it through, let’s enjoy ourselves.
But as the two chatted, the topic unknowingly skewed to land on Qu
Qing Ju. Muhou Empress Dowager looked at Qu Qing Ju’s waist
that never grew thick no matter how much she ate: “Today is
Empress’ birthday, it’s not good to let a taiyi take the pulse. But, it’s
fine for a taiyi to take a look tomorrow. If too much is eaten, it might
harm the stomach.” Her words were very euphemistic, but inside,
she was suspicious of another matter.
What kind of person was Empress Dowager Wei? When Muhou
Empress Dowager’s words came out, she knew what the other hand
meant. She quickly calculated in her head. The passing of xiandi
was the end of the fourth month. The end of the seventh month was
the end of the mourning period. After the mourning period ended, Qu
Qing Ju was still living in the back hall of Tian Qi Palace. Heng’er
hadn’t gone once to any of the other women in the palace. It was the
end of the ninth month now, two months had passed, was it that
The two Empress Dowagers were experienced and knew to not
casually say their conjectures. Otherwise, if there was first hope and
then disappointment, it was harmful. The two exchanged a glance.
Empress Dowager Wei said: “Since jiejie has said this, I’m worried
now as well. Why don’t we have a taiyi take the pulse tomorrow?”

Qu Qing Ju felt helpless. After entering the palace, even though her
body didn’t have any ailments, the taiyi would take a pulse every two
weeks. They had also prescribed some tonics. She really didn’t like
drinking those things.
He Heng’s eyebrow slightly twitched. He then smiled, promising:
“Since both muhous are worried, this son will summon the dean of
the Imperial hospital tomorrow to take the pulse for the Empress.”
Qu Qing Ju put down her teacup, interjecting: “The weather turned
cold lately, so I couldn’t help but eat more. There shouldn’t be any
problems, but I should not cause both muhou to worry.”

Empress Dowager Wei smiled and sighed: “As long as you are all
well, us, as muhou will be comforted.”

Qu Qing Ju’s heart moved slightly. She wasn’t stupid, so she could
hear that the majority of Empress Dowager’s words were sincere.
As a popo, Empress Dowager Wei was really very good. Not even
in this era, in the place that she lived in her previous life, a popo as
fair and considerate as Empress Dowager Wei was rare.
Thinking about how she and Empress Dowager Wei had interacted,
from the mutual probes at the intimacy now, Empress Dowager Wei
tried to do the best for her as the erxi. Even when He Heng had
given out a decree that was more of a love letter to announce to the
world and not going to the hougong after the mourning period
ended, Empress Dowager Wei had never been discontent with her
and treated her even better.
“Muhou’s words have made erxi ashamed. As the younger
generation, as long as you have healthy bodies, and are happy, it
makes us happy.” Qu Qing Ju spoke with a smile, “With a muhou so
concerned with erxi like this, it is erxi’s good fortune.”

Empress Dowager Wei stilled. Then her voice was soft as she said:
“Stupid child, even now as Empress, you make aijia worried.”

At one side, Heng fei listened to Empress Dowager Wei’s words.

Her heart was also full of admiration. When the Empress had just
entered the fu, the Empress Dowager had been somewhat
dissatisfied with Empress. Yet now, the Empress Dowager treated
her like she was her own.
From beginning to end, He Heng had a smile on his face. Even as
they left Fu Shou Palace to return to Tian Qi Palace, the smile on his
face didn’t dissipate.
His good mood maintained itself until morning court. When he heard
officials suggesting he take a few female candidates as concubines,
his brows wrinkled.
Some certain officials didn’t put any attention all day on state
matters, didn’t do any work, and their attention was entirely focused
on the matter of his hougong. Such subjects, what was the use in
keeping them?
“Emperor, now that the mourning period has passed, your hougong
is empty. This subject thinks that the xuannu should be taken as fei
to expand the hougong.” An official in the Ministry of Rites said,
“This is a critical matter of continuing the line. Please, Emperor,
make a decision.”
The words seemed like they were urging He Heng to take fei. In
reality, they were saying that the Empress was childless, and
wanted him to take other women to have children.
The kind of Emperor that was He Heng, he wouldn’t listen to this
spiel. If this person was speaking on behalf of the people, he might
have felt that this person could be used. But this person was
criticizing the matter of the women of the hougong. He Heng’s face
was cold as he looked at the Rites official: “Are you meaning to
criticize that zhen’s Empress has no son, or implying to zhen to let
other feipin give birth to the eldest imperial son?”

This official of the Ministry of Rites nearly bit his tongue. He clearly
only had been urging the Emperor to take concubines, how did
become slandering the Empress and scheming about the Imperial
Heir? He apprehensively knelt down: “This subject did not mean that.
Please forgive, Emperor.”
It was the orthodox way for the di son of the middle palace to
succeed the throne, unless the Empress really couldn’t have a child.
He wouldn’t dare to imply for the Emperor to let other feipin give
birth to the eldest son, wasn’t that heretical?
“The Empress has been married to zhen for not even a year.
Before, she had to observe mourning for xiandi, and then she had
prayed for xiandi everyday without pause. Such a virtuous Empress,
to be marred by you in such a way, it is abominable,” He Heng
uttered, “As an official, the heart should be placed with the people
and not to put the focus on zhen’s hougong. Does everyone here
like other people meddling in their houyuan? Or is it that some
people believe they can arrange everything for zhen and make the
decisions for zhen?”

As the words landed, the entire court followed in kneeling down to

ask for mercy. In this world, who would dare to make the decisions
for the Emperor, wasn’t that the great crime of treason?
He Heng gave a cold snort, looking at the people kneeling below,
“Xiandi hasn’t passed for a long time yet. Even though zhen used
months to substitute for years to come out of mourning, but every
time zhen thinks of xiandi’s appearance and voice, it still hurts.
There is much less interest to take other women. You all are
scholars, and naturally know what is filial piety and righteousness. To
respect the elders is filial piety, to be responsible for siblings and
wife is righteousness. If filial piety and righteousness cannot be
achieved, how is one a human?”
“Emperor is enlightened!” He Ming shouted.
“Emperor is enlightened, this subject is ashamed!” Luo Chang Qing
and Wei Wen Guang simultaneously clamoured.
The other’s followed in shouting the Emperor was enlightened. No
one dared to argue with the words, otherwise, wouldn’t they be the
person that wasn’t filial or righteous?
As to that official of the Ministry of Rites that suggested for He Heng
to take other fei, he was so frightened his face was pasty-white and
trembling. The officials on either side of him silently took a step back
from him to distance themselves even more.
He Yuan looked coldly at He Heng sitting on the dragon chair. The
unshakable love between Emperor and Empress, it really …… was
an eyesore.
Chapter Ninety Five “Pregnant”

The Emperor had become angry at Court, the officials underneath

were all shaking. But some were very envious of the Tian Family. To
have this kind of niece, it was really the good fortune from the
previous life.
He Yuan still attended court, but due to the case of Jiang Nan, he
didn’t have much power to meddle in other affairs. Hearing the
officials beside him discuss the relationship between the Imperial
Couple, he revealed a scornful smile. In this world, how many men
had a love as deep as the ocean and how many emperors could be
like the Yu Ming Emperor of the previous dynasty?
Before the He Family took the country, the world was ruled by the
Tong Family, and Yu Ming Emperor had been a rare good ruler in the
previous dynasty. This person had done something that was famous
in the world. That was, his palace only had his Empress, and no
other woman.
Many people had written their own versions of the love story
between Yu Ming Emperor and Zhao He Empress. The stories were
happy or sad, touching and wistful, but in all of them, they praised
the infatuation of Ming Yu Emperor and his wisdom, as well as the
virtues and intelligence of Zhao He Empress.
People always had a shortcoming. The rarer something was, the
more they liked to tell of it. The fact that there was so much written
about Yu Ming Emperor and Zhao He Empress, wasn’t it because an
emperor’s true love and monogamy were rare?
Thinking of it, the smile on He Yuan’s face grew wide. How many Yu
Ming Emperors were there in this world?
After He Heng left the court, he started to walk towards the rear hall
of Tian Qi Palace. As he walked, the coldness on his face retreated
to become warm. When he reached the entrance to the rear hall, it
seemed normal. The taijian guarding the door saw him, and was
going inside to report before being stopped.
“Ming He, go pass on zhen’s decree. Summon the Dean of the
Imperial Hospital to take the pulse of the Empress,” He took the step
into the door as he finished.
Qu Qing Ju felt that as she travelled into this era, her hobbies
became more and more elegant. Reading, calligraphy, flower
arrangement, pruning, poetry, painting. She had done all of them. It
was a pity that she could never have a sustaining interest in any of
the hobbies.
Disinterestedly looking at the bonsai that had been trimmed by her
into a mushroom shape, she sighed: “There’s nothing to play with
this bonsai.”
Mu Jin knew that the Empress was bored. In the hougong, aside
from the feipin and noblewomen coming to pay their respects, it was
the people of the Department of Internal Affairs coming to ask about
the matters of the palace. After a time, it wasn’t interesting.
“Empress, nubi saw the chrysanthemums in the Imperial Gardens
have bloomed. Why don’t we summon some noblewomen into the
palace to keep you company and admire the flowers, it would pass
the time.” Mu Jin suggested, “This way, it can also decrease the
distance from you to them.”
Qu Qing Ju sighed. No wonder when she had searched for historical
information in her previous life, there would always be some woman
riding a horse, woman toying with a cat, and scenes of parks and
kickball. It was because an idle life was too one-note, and the
crowds of Ms. Perfects needed to find things to pass the time.
But the relationship between the Empress and the wives of the
officials was important. The Emperor was the boss of the men of the
world, therefore the Empress was the boss of the women of the
world. If there weren’t any interactions, it wouldn’t be right.
“Alight, ben gong knows. Three days from now, summon the wives
above third-rank into the palace to attend a banquet to admire the
chrysanthemums,” Qu Qing Ju pondered for a second, “If there are
unmarried di daughters in the family, they can bring them as well.”

“Yes, nubi will go to let the female official announce the decree.” Mu
Jin wholeheartedly plotted for Qu Qing Ju. Any matter that was
advantageous for Qu Qing Ju, she would cleanly and nimbly do, and
wouldn’t leave any blemishes.
Just as she turned, she saw the Emperor walk in. She quickly
retreated to one side and knelt down, proclaiming: “Nubi greets
Qu Qing Ju heard Mu Jin’s voice and raised her head to see He
Heng walk over, still wearing the gold dragon-patterned robe that he
wore when at court. She stood, meeting him and asking: “Emperor,
why have you come right now?”
“When I got off from court, I remembered that a taiyi was being
summoned today to see your pulse and came to take a look,” He
Heng held her hand to sit down on an armchair at the side. Seeing
the bonsai that seemed to be almost bare, he smiled and remarked,
“Just now on the outside, I heard you want to have a banquet, is it
because the hougong is boring?”

Qu Qing Ju smiled: “A bit duller than at the wang fu. But it will slowly
get better.”
“It probably won’t happen this year, but next year, I will take you
out,” He Heng touched her sighing, “If you are really bored, you can
summon Tian furen in to talk with you, don’t shut yourself in.”

“Alright,” Qu Qing Ju felt that the other thought of her as a lonely and
weak white flower. She smiled helplessly, responding: “Emperor
doesn’t have to be so worried. I’m the Empress. If I’m bored, the
servants would naturally think of ways to make me happy.”
He Heng knew that what she said was true and a grimace appeared.
Treating her like this, he really couldn’t rest his worries. This was
what it felt like to have your heart tied up with someone.
A while later, Ming He came in to report that the Dean of the Imperial
Hospital had arrived.
Qu Qing Ju saw a sixty-something man come in wearing the official
uniform of the Imperial Hospital. A fine sweat was on his forehead.
He must have hurried over. Otherwise, in this early autumn, where
would the sweat come from?
“Subject Du Bai Zhu Shu greets Emperor, greets Empress.”
It was possible to know from the name that he came from a family
of medical practitioners. Qu Qing Ju silently examined the taiyi. His
cheeks were red, his hair was salt-and-pepper but his overall energy
was good. He must have taken very good care of his own health.
“Du taiyi doesn’t have to be so courteous. You have been in the
Imperial Hospital for many years and very experienced. Recently, the
Empress’ appetites have increased. Come to take the pulse of the
Empress and see if there are any ailments.” He Heng looked at Du
Bai Zhu kneeling and indicated for him to come near to take Qu Qing
Ju’s pulse.
When Du Bai Zhu heard the two words increased appetite, he
paused. Then after thanking, he bowed and walked in front of Qu
Qing Ju, holding his hands up and apologizing: “Empress, subject
offends.” Finishing, he took a silk cloth from his sleeve to place over
Qu Qing Ju’s wrist and started to take Qu Qing Ju’s pulse.
Five minutes later, Du Bai Zhu switched to his other hand and then
Qu Qing Ju saw his expression become joyful.
Du Bai Zhu took away the silk cloth over Qu Qing Ju’s wrist, his face
full of joy as he knelt in front of He Heng; “Congratulations Emperor,
congratulations Emperor. The Empress has a slippery pulse, it is a
happy occasion.”
Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrows jumped. Slippery pulse …… did he mean
she was pregnant?
“Really?” He Heng, who didn’t usually express his emotions, asked in
surprise, “Can you tell how many months?”
“Because the pulse isn’t very evident, it shouldn’t be more than a
month. Unless a taiyi had practiced for many years, it would have
been unlikely to detect the pulse.” Du Bai Zhu’s face was full of
delight, as though he was happier than anyone else that the
Empress was pregnant. But at the same time, he didn’t forget to
compliment himself.
“Good, good,” By this time, He Heng was grinning from ear to ear.
He waved his hand, “Reward, heavily reward.”
“This subject thanks Emperor, thanks Empress.” Du Bai Zhu gasped
at his luck inside. The Empress’ pulse wasn’t evident but it was
definitely pregnancy. This time, he really showed his face in front of
the Emperor and Empress.
If this matter had occurred with xiandi, he would have been
shuddering with fear. But now, the hougong was managed by the
Empress and the Emperor only favored the Empress. He had
nothing to worry about. It was a very good thing.
“From today onwards, you don’t have to attend anyone else, just
serve the Empress,” He Heng mused as he barely managed to
suppress his joy, “From the Imperial Hospital, you can pick two
trusted people to be your assistants. The diet of the Empress, zhen
will get a pregnancy mama to pay more attention. If there is
anything that cannot be used, you have to tell the pregnancy mama.
Zhen requires you to guarantee that Empress and the child in her
stomach will be absolutely safe.”
“Chen will not fail Emperor’s trust,” Du Bai Zhu gave a kowtow.
Wealth could only be found through danger. If he could serve the
Empress well this time, his status in the Imperial Hospital would be
After Du taiyi left, Qu Qing Ju finally looked in disbelief at He Heng:
“I’m pregnant?”
The palace maids and taijian in the room were all kneeling with
happy faces as they gave their congratulations. For them, the fact
that the Empress had children, it was a good thing to them. Only
when their mistress was well, would they, as servants, be well.
“Yes, you have our child,” The smile on He Heng’s face hadn’t
disappeared. His hand cautiously touched Qu Qing Ju’s belly. As
though afraid of harming the child, he quickly jerked his hand back,
“Tomorrow, I’ll pick a useful and trusted pregnancy mama to serve
you. Don’t worry about any other matters, I’m there for everything
“Then the affairs of the hougong, I’ll hand over to the two muhou,”
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t attached to the power of the hougong. Even
more, with He Heng’s heart here, she would always be the first in
the hougong. If He Heng didn’t treat her well, it was useless even if
she kept a grip on the power of the hougong.

“Right, I have to tell the two muhou,” He Heng thought, “Take a good
rest, I’ll be back quickly. I’ll eat the noon meal with you.”
Qu Qing Ju gaped at He Heng as he rushed out of the room,
appearing to float in the air. She shook her head in helplessness and
then gave a faint smile.
Empress Dowager Wei and Muhou Empress Dowager had been
chatting together when they saw the Emperor rush in. They were
surprised but seeing that his face was full of joy, the two were very
happy, and also smiled.
“Muhou, just now, the taiyi took the pulse and found Empress is
pregnant,” He Heng was happy and sketched a bow to the two,
“This son is coming to announce the good news.”
It had been a long time since Empress Dowager Wei saw her son
forget appearances. She even felt that her son’s eyes had become
brighter. Her heart warming, she smiled, replying: “Since that’s the
case, you should be keeping Qing Ju company. Us here, it’s fine to
let someone else report.”
“This son was just too happy and forgot,” He Heng curbed himself
slightly, but from each strand of his hair to his feet, “jubilation” was
written in large font, “This son has also come to ask a certain favor.”
“Aijia had expected that you were here about the management of
the hougong.” Hearing it, Muhou Empress Dowager smiled, “aijia
had managed the houyong for decades, and doesn’t want to suffer
again. If you care for your wife, then beg your muhou. Aijia isn’t
willing to meddle.”
Hearing this, Empress Dowager Wei responded: “Jiejie is making
things difficult for me. I haven’t managed such things before. How
about meimei will temporarily work, but can ask jiejie for help
everyday. After our erxifu has given birth, then let her manage
herself. Us two, being muhou, might want to be lazy but still have to
care for the younger generation.”
“That’s fine,” Muhou Empress Dowager smiled, agreeing, “After our
big grandson comes out, we only have to care about grandson.”
Naturally, He Heng gave his profuse thanks. As to the two Empress
Dowagers expressing explicitly that they would only manage until the
Empress gave birth, he understood the two’s desire.
Leaving Fu Shou Palace, He Heng got the Department of Household
Affairs to present more good things to the palaces of the two
Empress Dowagers to express his gratefulness.
Empress Dowager Wei looked at the things that He Heng let others
deliver and smiled helplessly. As a mother, she wouldn’t bear to see
her child in difficulty. The peace of the hougong, to an emperor, it
was an important matter.
Chapter Ninety Six

The news that the Empress was pregnant quickly travelled from the
hougong to the court. On the second day, many officials’ wives sent
congratulatory messages to the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace,
expressing the joy the entire court felt towards the pregnancy of the
Qu Qing Ju carelessly flipped open a note. The main idea was that
the entire court heard that the Empress was pregnant and couldn’t
contain their joy, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and had to write of their
joy, and wrote a whole pile of good wishes before finishing with
greetings to the Empress Dowager, Emperor, Empress etc etc
The content of the messages weren’t different, but what they
expressed was the same. It was, us common people, we’re happy
Qu Qing Ju knew that the people had been keeping watch over her
belly. If she gave birth to a son, it was the di eldest son. In the
future, even if the other feipin had children, they couldn’t shake the
eldest son’s position.
Thinking of her body now which was only sixteen, and was raising
another little life, she felt complicated. And then she couldn’t help but
have another bowl of rice.
The Empress Dowagers of the two palaces had already let the
servants deliver a whole pile of useful and useless things over.
Especially Empress Dowager Wei. She seemed to want to stuff the
rear hall of Tian Qi Palace full, sending over pile after pile of stuff.
Qu Qing Ju started to wonder if Empress Dowager Wei still had
anything left in her personal stores.
“Empress, Jin An Princess had someone send congratulatory gifts
into the palace,” Huang Yang held a list as he entered which he gave
into Qu Qing Ju’s hand. “Her Highness Princess Royal also said to
wait until the flower banquet tomorrow to have a good chat with
Qu Qing Ju flipped the list. The things listed avoided stuff that might
cause trouble. It could be seen that Jin An Princess Royal had the
intentions to become closer but was worried of getting into trouble.
Putting the list to one side, Qu Qing Ju smiled, “Go tell the
messenger, say that ben gong will remember and to let Jin An
Princess come early tomorrow.”
Jin An Princess Royal and her, originally it had been half friendship,
half beneficial. The way they interacted now, it was the best. Jin An
Princess Royal might be female, but Qu Qing Ju felt that she was
very decisive in her conduct. When she had separated from the
Count of Bei Lu, she was unhesitating and didn’t show any
weakness. In the end, she had protected the reputations of the
princess of the Imperial House, and captured titles for her children.
In reality, if the Princess Royal and the Count of Bei Lu hadn’t
separated, her children might not have the same rank as they did
After that, Jin An Princess expressed goodwill to He Heng and
clearly distanced herself from lao da and lao san’s family. The action
seemed reckless, but it was much easier to obtain the good opinion
of He Heng that way. No one liked people who backstabbed. In the
very end, Jin An Princess’ step was right. Now, she was the most
free, most important princess, the Princess Royal, of all of xiandi’s
daughters. Even if she didn’t have a fuma now, who in Jing would
underestimate her?
A woman as skilled as her, it was no wonder that an emperor as
unjust as Qing De Emperor was soothed by her to not care about
traditions and make her the Princess Royal. Even Qu Qing Ju herself
didn’t think she could do as well.
“Empress, Cheng Wang Fu sent gifts.”
“Empress, the Duchess of Zhong Yi sent gifts.”
Qu Qing Ju spent the whole morning looking at different lists. She
sighed. It wasn’t an insignificant number of officials’ wives that were
qualified to send gifts to her. She didn’t know how much had been
just placed into the stores without a word.
“Empress, Rui Wang Fu sent gifts.”
The presents from Rui Wang Fu came relatively late. Qu Qing Ju
had been preparing to use the noon meal when the people delivered
it. She casually flipped open the list and was slightly shocked. Did
Qin Bai Lu really prepare this for her? Thousand year ginseng, Tian
Shan snow lotus, hundred year knotweed and so on. Things like
cultivating bangles, and other valuable objects had been stuffed in.
When she finished reading the list, Qu Qing Ju felt that Qin Bai Lu
wouldn’t be this good to her. Something along the line wasn’t right.
“Who sent this list?” Qu Qing Ju folded up the list in her hand, her
brow furrowing as she asked, “Ben gong has always been at odds
with Qin Bai Lu, when has she been so good to me?”
“Empress, you are the Empress now. How can Rui wang fei
compete against you now?” Huang Yang responded, “This list was
personally sent by the steward of Rui wang Fu, He Fu Er. It shouldn’t
be wrong.”
“Right now, the Emperor is investigating the old case of Jiang Nan.
Rui Wang sending so much over, he must have other intentions,” Qu
Qing Ju just remembered that the court was in the middle of the
case of Jiang Nan. Rui Wang Fu sending so much over, were they
thinking for her to have some pillow talk?
That was funny. She, an Empress that the Emperor put importance
on, would be stupid enough, for just this paltry amount of stuff, to go
beg for mercy for Rui Wang, wasn’t that was seeking suicide, being
tired of living?
The matter was overlapping with the court so the servants attending
Qu Qing Ju cleverly didn’t follow up. This was a quality that Qu Qing
Ju was satisfied with. In this world, no one liked other people saying
things they shouldn’t by their ear.
In the Imperial Study of Tian Qi Palace, He Heng finished reading the
memorandum on the case of Jiang Nan, his face grave as he
drummed his fingers. A long time later, he ordered: “Summon the
Duke of Zhong Yi for an audience.”
When Tian Jin Ke came to Tian Qi Palace, He Heng had finished all
of the memorandums on the desk. Seeing him come in, he called:
“Beloved Official Tian doesn’t have to be courteous. Zhen has called
you today to discuss the matter of Rui Wang.”
Tian Jin Ke hesitated before replying: “The evidence has been
conclusive for the case of Jiang Nan. This subject doesn’t know what
the Emperor means.”
“In his life xiandi liked zhen’s sandi the most, so zhen doesn’t want
his life. But the case is truly frightening. Zhen, as a ruler, cannot
tolerate such things to happen,” he sighed, “It’s hard to fulfill both
righteousness and loyalty.”
Hearing that the Emperor had spoken to such lengths, Tian Jin Ke
couldn’t even pretend to not understand. He immediately responded:
“Rui Wang’s crimes are serious, but these cases were committed
mostly by his subordinates who couldn’t not moderate themselves
and are not directly linked with Rui Wang. Wei chen thinks that Rui
Wang is guilty but not guilty of death.”
“Then you say, how should zhen determine Rui Wang’s crimes?” He
Heng looked at Tian Jin Ke below, mocking, “At the very least, he is
zhen’s brother. Zhen doesn’t bear for him to live too bleakly for the
rest of his life.”
Tian Jin Ke’s heart jumped, fine sweat dotting his forehead. The
Emperor, at such an age, had such a manner, it was truly shocking:
“This subject doesn’t know.”
“Fine, zhen won’t bother you,” He Heng didn’t keep going at the
question. His tone suddenly became light, “Now Empress is
pregnant. She had always been close to your furen. In the future, if
your furen doesn’t have any major matter, then come to the palace
to keep the Empress company.”
Hearing the Emperor mention such a matter, Tian Jin Ke naturally
happily complied. His niece was still very young. As an elder, he was
happy she was pregnant and could steady her position as Empress
but was worried she would be inexperienced and become worried,
and frightened due to pregnancy.
“Zhen doesn’t have anything else. You are excused.” He Heng said
with a faint smile.
Tian Jin Ke saw the relaxed expression on the Emperor’s face as
though he wasn’t affected by the case of Jiang Nan and left
unworried. When he passed through the gates of Tian Qi Palace, he
thought in puzzlement, did the Emperor only summon his to ask
about the matter of Rui Wang?
But why did he feel that it wasn’t right?
In Rui Wang Fu, He Yuan raised a wine cup to take a sip. He looked
lazily at Gao Duo on his side whose face was full of worry. He
smiled, asking, “What, ben wang isn’t worried, but why are you even
more uneasy than ben wang?”

“Wang ye, now that the evidence for the Jiang Nan case has all
been presented to the Emperor, if the Emperor would try to take
your life, you have no way out,” Gao Duo sighed, suggesting, “Why
don’t we think of another way?”
“Think of what?” He Yuan snorted, “If he wants to kill, then kill. The
winner as king, the loser as outlaw. Now that he is the Emperor,
even if he didn’t have the evidence of the Jiang Nan Case, he could
still easily sort me out.”
“But has wang ye thought of the people on the fu, and Shu gui taifei
still waiting for you to receive her out of the palace? If you get in
trouble, what about them?” Gao Duo sighed.
“Don’t worry, He Heng wants to settle accounts with me, but the
hypocrite he is, definitely won’t leave behind a bad name. The lives
of everyone in this fu will remain,” He Yuan lowered his face,
throwing his head back to drink to the bottom of the cup, “Even
more, the Empress is now pregnant, he wouldn’t bear to start
How did the matter relate to the Empress? Gao Duo looked in
puzzlement at He Yuan. Seeing that his face wasn’t pleasant, he
didn’t dare to use the Emperor’s name and responded: “If that’s the
case, wang ye, why don’t you take advantage of the chance and
save yourself?”
“I can’t hide forever,” He Yuan careless threw away the cup in his
hand, “don’t waste any more attention for ben wang. Ben wang
knows, you can leave.”
Gao Duo looked at the wine cup rolling on the floor and left in
helplessness. When he came out of the gate, he saw Rui Wang Fei
standing at the door, and lowered his head, making a greeting.
Qin Bai Lu didn’t pay attention to him. She only stared at the gate of
the building, as though the person inside was an enemy of hers.
“Wang fei?” Ru Hua saw that wang fei’s expression wasn’t good and
carefully urged, “It’s cold in autumn, let’s go back to the room.”
“Now he doesn’t even want me to meddle in the matters of
houyuan,” Qin Bai Lu grimaced as she spoke. Then her expression
became malevolent, “The congratulatory presents for the Empress’
pregnancy, he didn’t even ask me, the wang fei, before sending it
off. This wang fei that I am, what’s the meaning?”

“Zhuzi, don’t be angry, let’s return.” Ru Hua reached to pull Qin Bai
Lu. This was the doorway to the main building. What would happen if
wang ye heard?

“Humph,” Qin Bai Lu snorted, holding Ru Hua’s hand as she left in

discontent. It wouldn’t matter if she didn’t leave. By now, wang ye
practically didn’t go to her rooms, and didn’t let her enter his.
Chapter Ninety Seven
“Overestimating Oneself”

At Court, as the speaker recited the contents of the investigation,

the officials listened with wide eyes and gaping mouths. They didn’t
think Rui Wang would have committed so many crimes.
“Rui Wang, do you have anything to say?” He Heng calmly looked at
He Yuan standing below, “When fuhuang was alive, he was
extremely good to you. Why did you have to commit such major
“If Emperor wants to kill subject-di, then do as you wish. There’s no
need to talk so much,” He Yuan did not beg for mercy. His face was
full of scorn as though He Heng, sitting at the top, was just a joke, “If
fuhuang really cared for me, then I wouldn’t be standing here today.
By saying this much, you just want to proclaim me disloyal and
“Zhen has never thought that way,” He Heng sighed, “We were
almost born at the same time, and had played together as children.
Zhen doesn’t bear to kill you. Even more so, many of the acts were
committed by your subordinates, and aren’t seriously connected to
He Yuan furrowed his brows and then sneered. He wanted to see
how He Heng would deal with him.
The officials looked at the expressions of the two brothers. On one
hand, they were moved by the feelings of the Emperor, on the other,
they felt helpless at Rui Wang’s arrogance. Rui Wang had been
arrogant and despotic in Jing for many years. Even now, with such
undeniable evidence, he was still so unmanageable.
“Pass zhen’s decree. Rui Wang exhibited unruly behavior, and
forfeits his salary for five years. He allowed his subordinates to
smuggle salt, and buy and sell official posts and titles. Zhen hurts at
heart but as xiandi once told zhen to hold fraternal affection, zhen
doesn’t bear to but still has to punish. From this day forth, Rui Wang
cannot enter court, is demoted from Qin Wang to Jun Wang,
deprived of his salary for five years, and will write a list of his own
crimes to be posted on the city gates of all the regional capitals of
Jiang Nan. The wealth that was seized from the Jiang Nan case will
not be taken into the Treasury. Zhen will personally send it to Jiang
Nan so it can be used to fix roads and construct bridges in order to
benefit the people of Jiang Nan.” He Heng had a disappointed face
as he stood, “Qing can all leave.”
“The Emperor is wise, this subject asks to be excused,” Everyone
knelt to send the Emperor off, becoming even more respectful of the
new Emperor.
The Emperor did not take Rui Wang’s life, did not erase him from the
Imperial House’s lineage. That was due to fraternal love. The
Emperor punished Rui Wang, used the wealth seized to construct
infrastructure for Jiang Nan, and asked for him to write his own
apology letter to post on the gates of Jiang Nan’s cities, it was so
the Emperor didn’t want to fail the people. It really was a win all
around, with no flaws.
This move seemed to look as though it was protecting Rui Wang, but
on reflection, it was actually stomping Rui Wang to the ground. A
wang ye who couldn’t attend court, a wang ye who wrote his own
crimes to present to the world. He wasn’t a risk, and would become
a blemish in history. In the future, people would most likely praise the
Emperor for being loyal and righteous.
A ruler with such cunning, as subjects, they naturally had to be more
cautious in their work. If they made the Emperor angry, even in
death, they may not have a good name.
He Yuan quietly stood in the empty Grand Hall. The Emperor on the
dragon chair had left, the officials beside him had also left. He
looked calmly at the surroundings. A long time later, he smiled lightly:
“To kill without a trace, as expected of my good brother.”
“Your Highness,” The little taijian who guarded the Great Hall
carefully walked in front of him and informed in a small voice, “It’s
closing time.”
Looking at the taijian whose legs were quivering, He Yuan smiled,
“What, ben wang is very frightening?”

The young taijian knelt with a bang and started to kowtow, pleading:
“Forgive me, forgive me, wang ye.”

“Alright, stand up,” He Yuan didn’t look at the taijian as he walked to

the doorway leading into the hall. When he turned back, he saw the
taijian was still kowtowing, and laughed out loud, “Don’t be afraid,
ben wang won’t ever stand here again.”

The taijian froze. A beat later when he dared to look towards the
doorway, he only saw the shining sun outside. Rui Wang had
He patted his knees as he stood, mumbling to himself: “Still thinks
he’s the same Rui Wang, such arrogance.”
The hougong was very busy at the moment because Qu Qing Ju
had invited the wives of officials third-grade and up into the palace.
Those who couldn’t get out of the bed were the only ones in Jing
who couldn’t come.
This was the first time the Empress had invited the titled women into
the palace. No matter what the Empress was intent on doing, the
people under didn’t dare to slight her. Some thought that since the
Empress was pregnant, she wanted to pick di daughters from the
families of officials to enter the palace as fei to serve the Emperor.
However, those who wanted to seize the opportunity took along the
unmarried di daughters of their family, and smart people came alone,
unwilling to even mention their daughters.
Which woman in this world wanted to find other women to share
their husband? Disregarding the fact that the Empress hadn’t known
she was pregnant when she had sent out the decree, even if she
had known, based on the affection between Emperor and Empress,
they wouldn’t benefit if they sent their daughters in, and would offend
the Empress instead.
They also should think about where the Empress was living now. It
was rumored that the Emperor had disliked the smell due to the new
renovation of Kui Yuan Palace and specially made a decree that,
until a month after the Empress has given birth, she was not to move
out of the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace.
The wife and the husband were living together. For a qie to blindly
interfere, wasn’t that just begging for punishment?
Qu Qing Ju didn’t feel any different even though she was now
pregnant. When she reached the Imperial Gardens in her phoenix
carriage, the people who should have come had arrived. Once she
got out, the crowd knelt.
“Furen, don’t be so courteous. Please rise,” Qu Qing Ju looked at
the different varieties of chrysanthemums placed in the garden. She
smiled, teasing, “Ben gong has met you all before. Furen, don’t be
restrained with ben gong just because the location has changed.”

The wives gave their thanks and sat down according to their ranks.
Very quickly, taijian started to place rare chrysanthemums onto the
pedestal previously constructed in the middle for the women to see.
Each pot of chrysanthemums would be brought up for a time, and
then the next one would be even more beautiful.
No matter if they were really amazed or just acting, they
continuously gave their compliments, as though the chrysanthemums
weren’t of mortal hands and had been given down from the gods.
Qu Qing Ju slowly drank a cup of date tea. She wasn’t allowed to
drink any other kind, not even ginseng. Red date tea was the only
tea that was good for her and the embryo, so she had gradually
started to change her diet.
“This one is interesting,” Qu Qing Ju pointed at a pot of flowers
where the back was white, and the inside was purple. She had once
had such a flower, but she never knew the name. Because of her
busy job, she never spent much time caring for it, and the flower,
once it bloomed, wasn’t as beautiful.
“Empress, this chrysanthemum is called the “Fragrant Young
Phoenix”. Because the petals are as beautiful as a phoenix, so it
received this name.” The taijian that had been holding the flower
answered with joy. Originally, he had thought that this pot wasn’t
eye-catching and thus, wouldn’t receive the favor of the Empress.
Who knew that it was the only one the Empress would ask about? It
was a blessing from the ancestors.
“‘Fragrant Young Phoenix’?” Qu Qing Ju mused for a second, “That’s
a good name. Mu Jin, reward.”
After seeing the Empress admire that flower, the wives followed in
complimenting it, making this somewhat commonplace flower
become rare.
“This female subject has only seen chrysanthemums in the books,
the plum blossoms are jealous of its fragrance. Today, borrowing the
good fortune of Empress to view so many chrysanthemums, it is
really this female subject’s luck,” A girl wearing a light yellow short
dress said in a moderately loud voice, “The ‘Golden Dragon Leaping
Clouds’ was also extremely beautiful.”
Qu Qing Ju looked at the person who spoke. It was a girl, about
fifteen or sixteen. She had a simple shuang ping ji, but that made
her seem even more youthful.
“For zhen, that ‘Jade Phoenix Cloud’ was the most beautiful,” He
Heng, followed by a crowd of attendants, walked towards the
direction where Qu Qing Ju was standing. He looked at the girl who
spoke, “Whose family are you?”
“This female subject is the di granddaughter of Grand Duke Jing, Qin
Chao Yun, greets Emperor,” The young girl saw the Emperor inquire
and stood with a calm face. She gave a full bow to He Heng, “This
female subject spoke nonsense, and let the Emperor hear a joke.”
Qu Qing Ju saw Qin Chao Yun’s elegant posture and gave a small
smile. Wasn’t Grand Duke Jin Qin Bai Lu’s grandfather, then wasn’t
Qin Chao Yun, Qing Bai Lu’s sister or cousin? But the looks, the
conduct, it was more pleasing than Qin Bai Lu.
“En, you spoke too much,” He Heng calmly concluded, “There’s so
many elders present, there’s no reason for you, as one of the
younger generation, to speak.”
Qin Chao Yun seemed shocked that the Emperor would say such a
thing to her. She stilled, then with a normal expression, she
responded: “The teachings of Emperor, this female subject will
remember in her heart.”
En, this conduct was much better than Qin Bai Lu. If a normal
person had been admonished by the Emperor like this, she would
have been red all over. But she acted as though the Emperor was
teaching for her benefit. Qu Qing Ju sighed. It looked like the Qin
Family did have some women with high attack power. Qin Bai Lu and
Wei Ran Lu’s mother only counted as the failures of the Qin Family.
He Heng felt a bit surprised. He couldn’t help but look again at Qin
Chao Yun. She didn’t seem to have deliberately dressed up, but her
appearance gave others a feeling of elegance. It didn’t stain the Qin
Family’s reputation. When his gaze fell upon a pair of pearl
embroidered slippers, he took away his gaze, his voice even colder:
“Zhen isn’t instructing you, but reminding you. At the very least, you
were born of an educated and noble family so your conduct cannot
stain the reputations of the noble families.”
Everyone could hear that the Emperor didn’t seem to like the Qin
Family. They remembered that Rui Wang’s wang fei was a daughter
of the Qin Family, and didn’t have a good relationship with the
Empress. They instantly understood. This Qin Family had married a
daughter to Rui Wang Fu. The result was that Rui Wang fell. So they
wanted to shove a daughter into the palace. They really did think
everyone else was stupid and couldn’t see what they wanted.
Some of the furen examined Qin Chao Yun’s appearance and
thought scornfully, just these looks, and she wanted to seduce the
Emperor. Could she even compare to a finger of the Empress?
The Duchess of Zhong Yi, Tian Luo shi took a sip from a teacup,
uncaringly commenting: “The reputation of the daughters of the Qin
Family is good, but the rare ones who haven’t learned well, it’s of no
benefit to their reputation.”
The people beside her, hearing it, instantly agreed, provoking the
Duchess Dowager of Jing’s face to pale in anger.
He Heng didn’t look at the women, turning to walk towards Qu Qing
Ju. Look at the time, the flower banquet should be finishing now.
Chapter Ninety Eight

As He Heng walked up to her, Qu Qing Ju prepared to stand and

properly greet him but was stopped when he gently pushed on her
shoulder: “There’s no need, zhen just came from muhou’s palace,
and came here to take a look.”
Hearing that, Qu Qing Ju responded: “It had been planned for
muhou to also come here, but who knew that the two of them would
say that due to the complexity of the palace affairs, they wouldn’t be
able to attend this flower banquet.” As she spoke, a hint of guilt
appears on her face, as though it was her fault that the two
Empress Dowagers were so busy.
“You’re pregnant now and it’s not necessary to do those
burdensome matters,” He Heng smiled as he sat down beside her,
“Both muhou will understand.” Towards the two Empress Dowagers,
he was confident of their abilities.
Earlier, he had asked the taiyi. They said that during a woman’s
pregnancy, she can’t be exhausted, and can’t be angry, or else it
would harm the body and the child. That was a big no-no.
Hearing He Heng say so, Qu Qing Ju smiled, “This is escaping from
frustration into relaxation.”
Even though he was sitting at the front of a crowd of women, He
Heng wasn’t the slightest bit unsettled. He even managed to
disregard the womenfolk sitting below, full of ease as he chatted
with Qu Qing Ju about some small matters, acting as though the
other people were also pots of flowers.
Using a gap in the conversation, Qu Qing Ju looked down. All of the
womenfolk seemed to be comfortably engaging in conversation with
those beside them. The atmosphere hadn’t cooled because the
Emperor had arrived. They tried very hard to make the Emperor feel
Qu Qing Ju felt that she couldn’t waste the time of the womenfolk
present and said: “Originally, everyone was to stay for a meal before
leaving, but ben gong is pregnant. The taiyi has reminded many
times not to sit long in the first three months so today, we won’t keep
everyone. To have neglected everyone so, ben gong hopes for
everyone’s understanding.”
The womenfolk who had children stood in succession, thanking the
Empress for inviting them as they mentioned that it was important to
be careful in the first trimester. They also said that the Empress and
the embryo inside were full of good fortune, and would smoothly
coast and meet auspicious events along the way.
Qu Qing Ju smiled and let them leave. Before they left, she took
another look at Qin Chao Yun. A pretty beautiful young girl. She
knew how to show herself off. But it was a pity that she wore such
plain clothes, but her slippers exposed her true nature.
If a person had to act, then they had to make it more realistic.
Except for the normal hairpins, the plain clothing, how could she
forget about her slippers?
The embroidered shoes of unmarried girls were frequently changed.
Especially the kind that were encrusted with agate or pearls.
Because it wasn’t easy to clean, the pearls and agate would fall
apart or the color would be wrong. So after they wore it once, they
wouldn’t wear it again. This caused families who didn’t have the
wealth to not frequently wear that kind of slippers.
This was where Qin Chao Yun had failed. If she had really preferred
plain adornments, why would she wear that kind of slippers?
She might have had some schemes, some bravery but was still too
inexperienced. It wasn’t enough in front of He Heng.
Jin An Princess Royal had originally planned to privately talk with Qu
Qing Ju after the banquet. But seeing the Emperor protect her so,
she felt she didn’t need to say those things and smiled as she left
with the other womenfolk.
After the womenfolk left, the two of them returned to Tian Qi Palace
to eat. Each dish was tested by a taijian before they started to eat.
The meat and vegetables of the dishes were perfectly
complementing and all of them were beneficial to a pregnant mother
and her child. Qu Qing Ju didn’t like how the dishes became slightly
less flavorful but still ate a lot.
After the meal, He Heng went to the front hall. Qu Qing Ju leaned
back on the recliner, calmly asking: “The people who brought their di
daughters into the palace, have you remembered all of them?”
“Niang niang, don’t worry,” Mu Jin put a thin blanket over her, “There
were only a few families who took their unmarried daughters into the
palace, nubi remembered them all.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded. She was confident in Mu Jin, “The Qin Family is

very fortunate to still be an educated noble family. Doing what they
have done, it doesn’t look anything like what a noble family would
do.” She wasn’t very clear about the Qin Family, but based on what
she knew about educated and literary families, weren’t they elegant,
respectful, modest yet not false? Why was it then, when it came to
the Qin Family, it seemed that they were ruining the reputation of all
literary families? Wasn’t that morally wrong?
“Empress, you might not know,” Jin Zhan, who usually had the most
information, interjected, “Nubi heard that the last Grand Duke Jing
was a man of great character. Who knew that the heavens were
jealous and he died before thirty without even a son. They could only
pass the title to his shu di’s son, who is the present Grand Duke
Jing. The Grand Duke Jing’s personality is weak and usually listens
to the Duchess of Jing. In the past, it wasn’t visible, but the Qin
Family are more and more restless. If this continues, they might not
be able to keep their label of a literary family.”
“If that’s the case, does it mean that the present Qin Family isn’t
considered as orthodox?” Yin Liu thought about how Rui Wang Fei
acted, asking, “Since they aren’t orthodox, Rui Wang Fei also acts
like this?”
“Yes, thinking about it this way, Rui Wang Fei’s branch is shu.” Mu
Jin gasped ruefully, “No wonder Rui Wang Fei is like that.”
Even though she held a suspicious attitude regarding the division due
to blood, Qu Qing Ju finally understood another matter. No wonder
the conduct of the Qin Family was so short-sighted. So the real
decision maker was a woman in the house. One had to know, in this
time, no matter male or female, if they stayed in the home the entire
time and didn’t try to understand what was happening outside when
they sent out orders, it was easy to make a wrong decision.
The inner compound easily restricted a person’s knowledge and
When He Heng returned to the front hall, he abruptly dug out the list
of the female candidates that the Department of Household Affairs
had presented, “Rui Wang’s conduct has become confused, one of
the causes is that Rui Wang Fei could not restrain him. Zhen doesn’t
bear for didi to have a person who doesn’t serve him with the entire
heart, and specially bestows some female candidates to serve in Rui
Wang Fu in hopes their conduct can move Rui Wang.” After
speaking, he then circled four names from the listed twenty eight,
and let Qian Chang Xin leave with his words to send them to Rui
Wang Fu.
These four female candidates didn’t seem to be of significance, but
in reality, their paternal homes were all in Jing. Even though they
weren’t of exceptional families, they still had some standing in Jing
City, and they had done some things which He Heng didn’t like. So
when he sent the four girls to Rui Wang Fu, he felt very good.
He Heng put the list to one side. Right now, he didn’t have any
interest in taking a fei. In the past, he felt that the variety of beautiful
women by his side was flowers on the gold, but now he felt,
regardless of how many there were, if they weren’t satisfactory, they
just took up space.
“Come, send down the order, bestow every one of the female
candidates in Tuan Fang Hall a pair of gold bangles for their dowry.
Three days later, they can return to their homes for marriage so they
don’t have to stay in the palace.”
By making such an order, the Emperor was explicitly telling others he
had no intentions of taking the female candidates as feipin so he’s
allowing them to go home to marry of their own initiative.
The female candidates were sent home to marry on their own, the
Empress was pregnant, then who would serve the Emperor? The
people in the palace started to have thoughts, seemingly forgetting
the lessons of the past.
Qin Bai Lu listened to the servants report on Qu Yue Su’s sorry
situation, her mood light. She rewarded a handful of copper to the
clever-tongued yahuan. Raising a teacup, she said to Ru Hua beside
her, “I just want to see, without wang ye’s favor, how long she would
Ru Hua saw the mirth on wang fei’s face and said helplessly: ”Wang
fei, nubi heard that today at court, wang ye was ……”
“His matters has nothing to do with me,” Qin Bai Lu smiled coldly,
“Right now, I can’t even run the inner compound, much less what
happens outside.”
Seeing wang fei’s expression, Ru Hua understood. Wang fei still
might not know that wang ye had been demoted and banned from
court. This matter was extremely serious. If wang fei’s state was
seen by wang ye, would there be another fight?

“Ben wang’s affairs naturally doesn’t have anything to do with you,”

He Yuan strode in from outside. He didn’t look at Qin Bai Lu and Ru
Hua’s expressions, and sat down at the front, faintly remarking,
“Right now, your Qin Family has put their hats for the Emperor, how
would they even look at ben wang?”

Qin Bai Lu’s face instantly darkened. He Yuan’s words were ugly, but
it wasn’t unsubstantiated. If he said it, then it meant that the Qin
Family really did want to arrange someone to enter the palace.
He Yuan lightly laughed, “You really believe your Qin Family’s
daughters are goddesses that everyone falls in love? Your Qin
Family might not find it embarrassing, but ben wang feels
embarrassed for you.” His fingers gently tapped on the arm of the
chair, mocking, “Also, if you say that you have nothing to do with ben
wang’s affairs, why don’t you pack up and go home? Ben wang will
definitely ask for a divorce from the Emperor.”
Qin Bai Lu’s heart jumped. She looked at He Yuan, trying to find
even the slightest hint of humor on his face. But his face didn’t seem
to be joking.
“Wang ye ……qie was personally decreed by xiandi to be your
wang fei, you cannot treat me this way,” Qin Bai Lu stammered,
“You can’t divorce qie.”

“Even if xiandi was here, if ben wang wanted to divorce you, then it
will happen. Even more so, now that xiandi isn’t here,” He Yuan
looked frigidly at her, “Get out, ben wang doesn’t want to see you.”

The rims of Qin Bai Lu’s eyes reddened, she bowed and prepared to
leave when she saw He Fu Er rush in, and then he said something
which made it harder for her to endure.
Why would the Emperor bestow a few concubines down, and
accuse her of not serving wang ye well? Qin Bai Lu felt that her face
was burning like someone had slapped her, burning with pain.
He Yuan didn’t care for her, only ordering He Fu Er to lead the
people over for him to take a look.
Qin Bai Lu looked at He Fu Er as he trotted away. She felt as though
a basin of cold water had poured over her, freezing her from head to
Chapter Ninety Nine “Decay”

The four candidates who had been bestowed by the Emperor were
all taken in. Only after they had become yiniang did the people of
the wang fu find out the shocking reality – wang ye had been
demoted. Since he wasn’t a qin wang anymore, the allowances in
the fu and the number of servants had to decrease. The size of the
wang fu had to shrink so some people were going to be thrown out.

Just as the servants were worried for their future, they heard
another piece of news. Wang ye had been banned from court, and
his salary was to be docked for five years. Additionally, he had to
admit his crimes in writing to the public.
The servants who had been reluctant to leave the palace weren’t
reluctant anymore. They waited for the notice to come so they could
find a new employer. As for the taijian and palace maids who had
came out of the Department of Household Affairs, they wanted to go
back to the department to be assigned again. They would rather find
another master than to serve one who had no future. At the very
least, anything would be better than now.
Qin Bai Lu hadn’t thought that such an event would happen. She
listened to Ru Hua recite the happenings, and choked for a long time
before stammering: “Didn’t he want to divorce me? Now that he’s
like this, how can he divorce me?!”
Ru Hua sighed in helplessness. Not speaking of the ego that wang
ye had, even if a normal person heard what wang fei had said, they
would have been angry. In the beginning when wang fei just entered
the wang fu, she rashly sorted out the concubines in the fu. When
wang ye said a word, the two started to fight there and then, a
subject of much mockery by the servants in the fu.

Now that it was like this, wang ye and wang fei had nothing to say to
each other, and wang ye had lost power. Wang fei should be
thinking of how to comfort wang ye or secure the people of the
houyuan. But she was rejoicing in the misfortune. To keep going like
this, would there be any feelings left?
Seeing Ru Hua wanting to speak but kept restraining herself, Qin Bai
Lu uttered coldly: “Since wang ye doesn’t want me to manage
anything in the wang fu, then whatever happens in the fu, I don’t
need to spend the effort for nothing. If anyone begs to see me, just
say that I’m ill.”
“Yes, wang fei.” Having served wang fei for almost a decade, Ru
Hua was clear about wang fei’s personality. She wouldn’t have
appreciated any more conversation. She bowed and silently stood to
one side.
But Qin Bai Lu couldn’t remain calm for too long. Because the Qin
Family had passed on the news that her cousin had been
reproached by the Emperor in front of all the noblewomen. Earlier,
she had called in sick to avoid attending Qu Qing Ju’s
chrysanthemum banquet, so she hadn’t thought such a thing would
Listening to the cause of the matter, Qin Bai Lu was irritated. No
wonder wang ye would speak of her Qin Family’s daughters that
way. So it had been because of this. It was also no wonder that her
paternal family hadn’t sent in their cards to her. So they had wanted
to climb on the high branch that was the Emperor. She was only a
failed wang fei, what use did she have?

After managing to clearly figure out the matter, Qin Bai Lu felt her
heart becoming cold. Both her family and her husband were like this.
She had no hope left in her life. Thinking about the pregnant Qu Qing
Ju, she lowered her head to touch her own empty belly. She didn’t
understand why all the good things of the world happened to Qu
Qing Ju. A good popo, a good husband, a good birth, even more,
she would soon have a child.
Who said that the heavens had eyes? Some people lived well and
others didn’t.
“Ru Hua, pass my orders, Qu shi is seriously ill. To prevent her from
infecting others, she will not live in Xi Ce Yuan. Today, she will move
to the Xi Ping Zhai in the western corner to recuperate.” She didn’t
believe all the women of the Qu Family would be lucky.
Ru Hua heard wang fei’s sinister order, and shook slightly, “Nubi will
send it down right now.”
Coming out of the zhengyuan, she looked at the large building and
for some reason, felt a gust of cold enter from her back into her
Qu Yue Su, who had been sick on the bed, watched as the servants
of the fu roughly pack up her things and piled them in the middle of
the room. She hated Qin Bai Lu for being cruel and hated herself
because she couldn’t do anything to the loathsome servants.
After the things in the room were packed up, one of the mamas
came up and jerked off the blanket on her, coldly announcing; “Qu ce
fei, you should get up. Wang fei has ordered for you to move to Xi
Ping Zhai before midnight. Nubi will have to offend you here.” She
easily pulled Qu Yue Su from the bed, who was dressed in her
Qu Yue Su was seriously ill and couldn’t tolerate her handling. Her
body froze and she started to cough. As she covered her mouth, she
looked hatefully at the mama, wanting to eat her flesh and break her
“Ce fei, don’t look like that at nubi. Nubi isn’t the one at fault,” The
mama waved her hand saying to the other yahuan behind her, “What
are you doing standing there? Help ce fei change.”

When Yao Xi carried a bowl of hot medicine to enter the Ce Yuan,

she coincidentally saw Qu Yue Su being pulled out of the room by
two mamas, wearing a repulsive colored dress, her hair falling
messily behind her back, cutting an extremely sorry figure, “What
are you doing to ce fei?!” She put the bowl onto the ground and tried
to rush forward to push aside the mamas dragging ce fei.

“Yao Xi guniang, this is wang fei’s order, you shouldn’t interfere,”

The mama who was in command sneered, “If you make a fuss, I
can only assume you are angry at wang fei and deliberately
opposing wang fei’s command.”

Yao Xi stilled. She was panicked and angry as she went forward to
support Qu Yue Su, coldly asking: “What do you mean mama, that it
is wang fei’s intention for ce fei not to be properly attired?”

The mama twisted her mouth and then responded: “Yao Xi guniang
should say less. I’m old and can’t hear anything.” She waved her
hand for the servants to drag Qu Yue Su away. Yao Xi could only
The Xi Ping Zhai’s name was better than the room. Yao Xi knelt by
the bed with red eyes, looking at her mistress who was unnaturally
flushed, kowtowing as she said: “Zhuzi, nubi will ask for wang ye to
come, wang ye will save you.”

“There’s no need to go, wang ye won’t come,” She looked at Yao Xi

who was crying in hurt, smiling, “Don’t cry, everyone has to make the
journey.” She had been ill originally, and after suffering such an
ordeal, she wouldn’t survive.
“Zhuzi, don’t say that, you will get better,” Yao Xi went forward to
grasp Qu Yue Su’s hand, “Nubi will go make medicine for you, you’ll
get better after eating it.”
Qu Yue Su shook her head. In a daze, she seemed to have seen the
beautiful lanterns at the riverside at the Lantern Festival, the bustling
and tight crowds, and Qu Qing Ju and the Emperor holding hands.
She muttered: “That originally belonged to me, it’s mine … … Qu …
… Qing Ju, why … …”
Her voice gradually grew smaller and finally faded in the silence of
the room. Yao Xi looked at the motionless person on the bed and
cried out loud.
“Wang fei, Qu ce fei of Xi Ping Zhai has passed.” Ru Hua entered
the room and saw wang fei was reading a book by the window. She
went forward to report in a small voice, “Yao Xi, the servant of Qu
ce fei, hopes to see wang ye.”

Qin Bai Lu flipped a page, her head not lifting as she rejected: “Let
her go beg He Fu Er, I can’t make the decision.”
Ru Hua saw that wang fei didn’t want to speak and could only
retreat. Looking at Yao Xi waiting at the door, wearing plain clothing
and her bright red and swollen eyes, she revealed a conflicted
expression, not knowing how to tell her.
“Wang fei said that she hasn’t been in charge of the household
recently. If you want to see wang ye, then go find Chief Steward
He,” Ru Hua furtively looked at the surroundings and quickly stuffed
a pouch filled with silver into Yao Xi’s hands before acting normal as
she returned to the zhengyuan.
Yao Xi slowly stood up. Looking at the pouch in her hand, she
walked blankly towards the main building. No matter what, zhuzi had
served wang ye for a length of time. Would he not even let the
person be properly buried after death?
He Yuan had a beautiful woman in his arms as she served him wine.
As he became drunk, he let another beauty play the zither to raise
his spirits. He drank until he was almost senseless, and couldn’t even
see clearly.
“Wang ye, Qu ce fei has passed away.” He Fu Er reported at his
side, “Yao Xi, who served ce fei, asks for an audience.”

“Who is Qu ce fei?” He Yuan placed a kiss on the face of the beauty

in his arms. As the woman laughed, he frowned, “Gone is gone, why
tell ben wang?”

“Wang ye, Qu ce fei is Empress’ half-sister,” he Fu Er saw that

wang ye was drunk and could only pour tea as he added, “Many
people are looking from the outside.” No matter how it really was,
they should make it appear better.
“The meimei of the Empress,” He Yuan pushed away the beauty in
his arms, rubbing his forehead to clear his mind. He took a long draw
of the tea He Fu Er handed over, “If that’s the case, then make sure
the servants won’t slight her, and bury according to protocol.”
Not slighting yet according to protocol. That would be difficult. He Fu
Er thought but didn’t show any of it. Thinking about whom to appoint
to carry out the affair, he praised, “Wang ye can take care of her,
it’s her good fortune. This one will get someone to do so.”
He Yuan sneered: “If she wasn’t Empress’ meimei, ben wang
wouldn’t have spent the thought.”
He Fu Er changed: “The fact that Qu ce fei had a jiejie who is the
Empress, it is her good fortune.”
“Alright,” He Yuan gave a yawn, “According to you, then isn’t it the
Empress’ misfortune to have a sister like her?”
He Fu Er laughed dryly. He knew that wang ye was drunk and didn’t
dare to reply.
“Leave,” He Yuan once again gathered the beauty beside him into
his arms, “don’t disturb ben wang.”
There were many women in Rui Wang Fu. It wasn’t a major matter
for a ce shi to die but this ce shi was the Empress’ meimei. So they
had to find someone to report it into the palace. The news first
passed to the Department of Household affairs, then the department
would report to the Empress. But, according to emotional reasoning,
this matter should have been reported to the Empress directly. Yet,
according to protocol, Qu Yue Su was only a ce shi. Such an
unlucky minor matter shouldn’t ever have passed to the Empress. In
the end, He Fu Er pondered for a long time before finding a circular
Qu Qing Ju had been perplexed upon hearing that the junior
supervisor of the Department of Household affairs had asked for an
audience. At the moment, she wasn’t in charge of palace affairs so
why was the supervisor running to her?
When she finished reading the announcement of death that the
supervisor had presented, she felt conflicted inside. She held the
letter, but didn’t know what to say. In her impressions, Qu Yue Su
was a talented and beautiful woman. She could have married into a
good family, but she had to run with her ambitions and picked a
wrong path, ruining her life.
If she hadn’t become a concubine of Rui Wang Fu in the beginning,
and instead married a son of a noble family, then she wouldn’t have
lost her life.
Weakness could harm one’s life, that was the original Qu Qing Ju.
Greed could ruin a woman, that had been Qu Yue Su. The former
was pitiful, the latter was lamentable.
“Empress,” the junior supervisor of the Department of Household
Affair saw the Empress’ expression wasn’t well and his heart
jumped. He didn’t know what the Empress was thinking.
“You are excused,” Qu Qing Ju put down the letter in her hand,
waving her hand, “Huang Yang, take some people with you to Rui
Wang Fu, and burn some incense for ben gong to Qu ce fei, and
add some paper money and candles.”
It was lamentable as a concubine, but as a wife, how many women
were happy?
In this era of one wife and many concubines, women were fated to
sacrifice themselves in history.
Chapter One Hundred

“Empress, this is what the Emperor ordered nubi to deliver to you.”

Qu Qing Ju looked at the objects the palace maids held and saw
that it was clothing and shoes suited for a pregnant female. She
smiled, commenting: “It must have been difficult for Emperor to take
all this trouble.” Even though the palace maids on her side had
already made many pieces for her, she would remember He Heng’s
Mu Jin saw the palace maids out to the doorway of the hall. When
she came back, she found that everything had already been sorted
away. She assumed Qu xiaojie’s death a few days earlier had
affected the mood of the Empress, and went forward to ask:
“Niangniang, nubi heard the taiyi say that when the embryo is three
or four months old, there would be movements. Have you felt
“Really? Ben gong had thought it was an upset stomach,” Qu Qing
Ju had been very interested in the fetus in her belly. She rubbed her
chin, pondering, “No wonder I kept feeling strange movements in my
“If it was an ailment of the digestive system, Dean Du would have
already found it,” Mu Jin opened the windows in the room, looking at
the appearance of the sky, “Nubi sees that the weather is well,
niangniang could take a walk.”

Lu mama, who had been standing silently at one side, looked out the
window and nodded: “Mu Jin guniang is right. Right now, His
Highness has been in niangniang’s belly for more than three months.
Appropriate walking would be beneficial for you and His Highness.”
Lu mama had been He Heng’s decreed pregnancy mama. She was
extremely knowledgeable about pregnancy. For Qu Qing Ju, she
was an encyclopedia of pregnancy. From movement to diet to
thinking, she knew everything.
“Since Lu mama says so, then let’s walk,” Qu Qing Ju touched her
face, and took Jin Zhan’s hand to stand up from the recliner.
Mu Jin placed a fox skin cape to Qu Qing Ju before allowing Qu
Qing Ju to walk outside.
The weather at the beginning of winter wasn’t very cold. Qu Qing Ju
uneasily pulled at the cape on her body, taking in the sun that had no
heat. Giving a yawn, she asked: “Heard yesterday that Emperor
punished a palace maid, do you know what happened?”
Mu Jin and Jin Zhan exchanged a glance. In the end, it was Mu Jin
who spoke: “Nubi isn’t very clear but only heard that the Emperor
found that the attire of the maid broke protocol. It provoked the
Emperor’s temper and he flared out.” They had been afraid that this
matter would affect the mood of the Empress and hadn’t told her.
Even though they hadn’t said anything to niangniang, how did
niangniang know?

Qu Qing Ju knew what they were thinking, lazily pointing out: “Ben
gong is pregnant, many people in the hougong are having thoughts.
Now, even the palace maids have other ideas.”
“Niangniang, it doesn’t matter what they think since Emperor isn’t
interested in them. What you should do now is rest and take care of
the fetus. Why should you waste attention on these people?” Mu Jin
urged, “Futhermore, niangniang, you are Empress, can anyone
overtake you?”
“Naturally, I won’t waste attention on these people,” Qu Qing Ju
curled her lips in a smile, looking at a corner in front of her, “But
there are those people who come to hinder ben gong’s eyes.”

Mu Jin and Jin Zhan simultaneously followed Qu Qing Ju’s gaze.

Their faces both darkened. It was Han liangdi and the Emperor
standing together as they talked. Looking at the smile on Han
liangdi’s face, it was as though she had found a treasure.

Seeing the scene, the two looked worriedly at the Empress and
found the smile on the corner of the Empress’ mouth had grown
wide. Her eyes though, had grown cold. Mu Jin couldn’t resist
saying, “Niangniang, maybe the Emperor just coincidentally
encountered Han liangdi.”

Qu Qing Ju snorted. There weren’t that many coincidences in the

world, and not that many emperors who would keep themselves
pure for a woman. The previous dynasty had Yu Ming Emperor and
he had been extolled for a few hundred years. It could be seen just
how rare the love of an Emperor was, one in a few hundred years.
Han liangdi hadn’t thought she would coincidentally encounter the
Emperor in the Imperial Gardens. She looked bashfully at the upright
figure of He Heng, asking in a soft voice: “Emperor, qie has learned
a new song a few days ago, does Emperor want to listen?”
“Han liangdi’s voice is like a oriole in a valley. Zhen hasn’t heard you
sing for a time,” He Heng saw a pavilion nearby and pointed at it,
“How about you sing for zhen today?”

Han liangdi was so happy she almost couldn’t disguise her

expression. Following behind the Emperor and watching as he sat,
she said: “Qie will disgracefully present.”

“Cutting by candlelight by the western window, the moonlight silver

frost, asking when next month she would return, but saw that she
was at another place… …”
Ming He, standing by He Heng, listened and then sniffed his nose.
The song seemed as though Han liangdi was trying to invite favour
from the Emperor?
“She doesn’t see the others tears, and doesn’t know of the other’s
hurt … …”
When the song ended, Han liangdi’s eyes were slightly red as she
pretended to be unaffected and bowed to He Heng: “Qie’s voice isn’t
as good as it was once, sorry to have disappointed the Emperor.”
“En, Han liangdi’s songs are as pleasing to the ear as before,
zhen……” He Heng glanced outside the pavilion and his eyelids
jumped, “Zhen thinks that these matters of music, it’s fine to play
with occasionally, but shouldn’t pay too much attention to these
things. Right now, you are a fifth-grade liangdi. It isn’t very dignified
to practice singing all day. In the future if you want zhen to listen to a
song, you can let the Department of Music rehearse and then let
zhen see.

She hadn’t thought she would hear such a thing. Han liangdi instantly
choked. Even the tears that had almost brimmed out were choked
“Emperor’s words are too harsh. Qie feels that Han liangdi’s songs
are very good, and the people of the Music department cannot
compare.” Qu Qing Ju held Mu Jin’s hand as she walked into the
pavilion. After she walked in front of He Heng, she was going to
bend in a greeting but was held up by He Heng.
“If you like it, then let Han liangdi go back and practice more. In the
future, you and zhen can listen together,” He Heng supported her to
sit beside him, placing a stack of pastries in front of her, “Or you can
let Han liangdi sing now. Zhen remembers that Han liangdi had a
“Tan Lian Fu” that she sang well.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled enchantingly, her eyes flickering before resting on
Han liangdi. After thinking for a short while, she shook her head,
rejecting: “No, it’s alright. It’s just as Emperor has said, Han liangdi
might not have a high rank but she is one of the feipin of the palace.
To let her sing for qie, it is too humiliating.”

“You are the Empress who mothers the world. There’s no humiliation
in her singing for you,” He Heng slightly raised his chin as he looked
at Han liangdi, “Han liangdi, what do you say?”

“To be able to sing for Emperor and Empress is qie’s good fortune,”
Han Qing He forced out a warm smile and bowed to Qu Qing Ju,
“Please niangniang, allow pinqie to sing for you.” She felt half of her
heart was freezing and the other half was boiling. The turmoil was
extremely painful, but she had to make herself a singer.
“Peach blossoms are bewitching, pear blossoms white, only the
lotus blossom……”
Qu Qing Ju gave a yawn and lazily leaned on He Heng’s shoulder,
muttering: “Today’s weather is so good, it makes people sleepy.”
He Heng knew that after a woman became pregnant, she was easily
drowsy. He reached around her back to let her lean more
comfortably. The other hand slowly held a teacup that he sipped
from as he frequently lowered his head to look at Qu Qing Ju leaning
on his shoulder.
Han Qing He looked at the scene and for some reason, felt her
throat hurt, as though singing one word was extremely difficult. By
the end, even she didn’t know how she sang.
“Stop,” He Heng said in a small voice, “Empress is asleep, don’t
disturb her.” He bent down to lift the person leaning on his shoulder.
Then he took a deep breath, pretty heavy.
His empress looked beautiful and had a thin waist. Even three
months pregnant, her belly wasn’t visible. But when he lifted her, he
found that she was much heavier than in the past. It did seem that
what she ate everyday was effective.
Thinking that Qu Qing Ju’s belly would get bigger in the next few
months, he couldn’t help but furrow his brow. By that time, he didn’t
know how much Qu Qing Ju would endure. Even sleep would be
difficult then.
“Emperor, why don’t nucai get someone to bring the sedan?” Seeing
the situation, Ming He came forward to ask.
“No need,” He Heng firmly held Qu Qing Ju, “This place isn’t far from
Tian Qi Palace.”
“Yes,” Ming He complied and dropped to follow behind with a bent
body. He prepared for the possibility of the Emperor’s hands
faltering, he would use his body to cushion the Empress. From there
to the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace, it was a somewhat horrifying
experience for him.
“Respectfully seeing off Emperor and Empress,” Han Qing He
watched as the Emperor carried the Empress down the stairs of the
pavilion. When she couldn’t see their figures anymore, she finally
angrily threw the cups from the table. What did the Empress mean,
that she, Han Qing He, was born to be a singer?
They were all the Emperor’s women, yet she had to sing for the
other to hear!
“Zhuzi,” The palace maid behind her was frightened by her actions.
Scanning the surroundings, she sighed when she saw no one was
around, urging, “Don’t be angry outside, be careful since the walls
have ears.”
“Right now, she’s pregnant and can’t serve the Emperor but she’s
still holding onto the Emperor and not letting go. Even like this, many
people are praising her for being virtuous, pah!” Han Qing He’s anger
couldn’t be restrained. In the recent days as she bullied Feng Zi, she
forgot her bounds and also forgot her identity.
“Zhuzi!” The palace made was so frightened her legs grew weak,
kneeling in front of her, “Stop talking, that will get your head chopped
“Stand up, why do I only have people as stupid as you serving me,”
Han Qing He breathed heavily. Seeing the person beside her pale in
fright, she slowly calmed down, “Return!”
Such a good chance to get close to the Emperor had been ruined by
Qu Qing Ju just like that. It was enough to make people hate!
Qu Qing Ju had her eyes closed as she leaned into He Heng’s
embrace. Hearing his ever heavier breaths, she opened her eyes
when they neared Tian Qi Palace. She looked confusedly at the
surroundings, before raising her head to look at He Heng,
“Awake?” He Heng stopped walking, lowering his head to look at the
woman with a confused face in his arms, “You fell asleep. I’m taking
you back to the palace.”
“I’m much heavier now, set me down,” Qu Qing Ju urged, “Emperor,
how could you carry me this entire way? It’s too tiring.”
“It’s nothing,” He Heng tightened his grasp, “Don’t fuss, we’re almost
there. Zhen will carry you back.”
Qu Qing Ju buried her head in his chest, muttering: “So
“I’ve seen you in more embarrassing situations,” He Heng laughed
out loud, “But it’s true that you are much heavier now.”
Qu Qing Ju pinched at his waist, sniffing: “Well, whose fault is that?”
“My fault, my fault,” He Heng continued to take large steps forward,
not at all affected by Qu Qing Ju’s pinch, “Heavier is good, I like you
The crowd of people following behind silently pushed their heads
lowered. They expressed that they hadn’t heard anything.
……Of course, they also didn’t see the fawning act of the Emperor
as he tried to win favor with the Empress.
Chapter One Hundred and One
“The Trust of the Emperor”

“Niangniang,” Fine sweat beaded Huang Yang’s forehead as he

looked in trepidation at the Empress who was partaking in her meal.
He didn’t even dare to breathe hard, as though any movement would
enrage the Empress.
“What is it?” Qu Qing Ju slowly ate a bowl of chicken porridge.
Matched with the crisp pickled cabbage, it was flavourful. She saw
Huang Yang refraining from speech in a panicked manner as she
rinsed her mouth with the tea that Jin Zhan handed over and wiped
her mouth with a handkerchief from Yin Liu, “Say it, what has made
you so panicked?”
Huang Yang dropped to kneel at Qu Qing Ju’s feet: “Han liangdi was
found this morning in the lotus pond of the Imperial Garden, already
Qu Qing Ju stilled. Han Qing He died?
“How can you mention such a matter in front of niangniang?” Mu
Jin’s brows furrowed. Now that niangniang was pregnant, this kind
of matter would scare niangniang and the small Highness in her
belly, “Shut your mouth.”
“It’s fine,” Qu Qing Ju’s left hand slowly caressed her slightly
upraised belly, “Your expression wouldn’t be this terrible for this kind
of minor matter. Is it related to the cause of Han liangdi’s death?”

Huang Yang saw niangniang’s calm composure and could only say
through gritted teeth: “The people of the Department of Household
Affairs found a white jade hairpin on Han liangdi’s body. Someone
recognized that it was niangniang’s.”

When Jin Zhan and Yu Zan heard the words, their faces paled in
fright. The clothing and hair ornaments of niangniang were under
their management. If niangniang’s things were lost, the most
suspicious people would be them. The two knelt down, faces terrible
as they said: “Niangniang, nubi wasn’t able to look after the
ornaments properly and begs for mercy.”
Qu Qing Ju laughed out loud, motioning for the two to stand up.
Then she stood, uttering: “Such a cold and desolate month but such
a good play. They could even find the white jade hairpin that ben
gong had lost half a month ago. Since right now, it’s the two muhou
who are in charge of the hougong, let us go visit Fu Shou Palace.
Ben gong is very curious about this matter.”

Huang Yang looked in puzzlement at the Empress. Niangniang didn’t

even seem to be the slightest bit angry.
Mu Jin was perplexed and then recovered, “That’s so true. Huang
Yang, go prepare the phoenix carriage. From last night, the snow
had been coming down. Zhuzi is pregnant with His Highness. She
can’t endure the wind.”
“Yes,” Huang Yang cheerfully stood and turned to let the servants
prepare the phoenix carriage.
In Fu Shou Palace, the two Empress Dowagers, He Heng, Jin An
Princess Royal, the three other feipin and the main and assistant
supervisor of the Department of Household Affairs were gathered for
the matter of Han liangdi’s drowning.

Empress Dowager Wei’s expression finished listening to the report

the palace maid kneeling had reported. With a grave face, she
repeated: “You mean to say that yesterday in the late evening, Han
liangdi went out of her residence alone. An hour later, you felt that it
was strange, and started to search with the other servants and
eventually found Han liangdi’s corpse?”

“Yes,” The one that answered was Han liangdi personal maid. She
looked frightfully at the room full of powerful people, “Before zhuzi
left, she said … …”
“What did she say?”
“Said that if the Empress could put importance on her, then in the
future, she would receive the Emperor’s favor.” When the palace
maid finished speaking, she pressed her forehead to the floor, so
afraid she trembled all over.
“According to what this palace maid says, the one who invited Han
liangdi out was Empress, and then the Department of Household
Affairs found the Empress’ hairpin on Han liangdi’s body,” The
corners of Empress Dowager Wei’s lips drew back, her voice
scornful as she concluded, “Meaning that the Empress murdered
Han liangdi?”
He Heng’s brows furrowed as he asked: “Muhou, Qing Ju is the
Empress of a country. Why would she try to kill an unimportant minor
feipin?” Last night, he had slept in the front hall of Tian Qi Palace,
and hadn’t been together with Qing Ju, but he believed that Han
liangdi’s death had nothing to do with Qu Qing Ju.
Hearing her son unconsciously call out her erxi’s name in front of so
many people, Empress Dowager Wei raised an eyebrow at him
before responding; “Aijia is very suspicious of the matter as well.”

“Empress Dowager, Emperor,” The palace maid’s voice shook: “It

was because half a month ago, zhuzi had sung for the Emperor in
the gardens, and had been found out by the Empress. Not long after
that, people started to shortchange zhuzi’s allowance. Zhuzi went
out last night to see the Empress because there was no other way
for her to survive. Please, Empress Dowager and Emperor, give
zhuzi justice.”

“Yesterday in the evening, it started to snow. The Empress is

already three months pregnant. She would go visit Han liangdi in the
snow and somehow managed to push Han liangdi into the lotus
pond,” Jin An Princess snorted, “After doing all that, she wouldn’t
have detected that she had lost something, just returning to rest in
the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace. She is too vigorous.”
“Nubi didn’t say that the Empress did it,” The head of the palace
maid shrunk back as she stuttered, “And nubi thinks that it could
have been a servant … …”
“Outrageous. How can zhen not be clear about when someone
enters or leaves zhen’s residence?” He Heng slammed the table,
“Tian Qi Palace has guards and secret bodyguards at all times. Not
just the Empress, even the normal palace maids and taijian’s entry
and exit would be recorded. You couldn’t slander the Empress so
you turn to slander Empress’ people. What is your purpose?”
The palace maid clearly hadn’t thought of that flaw. She had been
taken into the palace by Han Qing He from the wangfu and didn’t
know that the security of Tian Qi Palace was that stringent. A beat
later, she started to bang her head continuously: “Nubi doesn’t mean
anything, and asks for Empress Dowager and Emperor to
investigate thoroughly.”
Empress Dowager Wei raised a teacup as she looked icily at the
kowtowing palace maid. She didn’t care that the maid’s forehead
was bleeding and turned to say to Muhou Empress Dowager: “Not
even these people, even us sisters had entered the palace for a few
years before knowing of the matter. The daring villain, who has
plotted to harm the palace fei and slander the Empress, is truly evil.”

“That’s so true. Aijia had been Empress for more than a year after
entering the palace before finding out that there are hidden guards in
Tian Qi Palace to protect the Emperor,” Muhou Empress Dowager
smiled mockingly as she raised her head, her gaze sweeping over
the three of Jiang, Feng, and Luo. “But in the past, no one dared to
frame aijia. The younger generation is much more courageous.”

Jiang, Feng and Luo couldn’t sit and walked together to kneel at the
center of the hall. Until the matter had been solved, all three of them
were suspects. But the consequences of the enormous crime of
plotting to harm the Empress and the palace fei would reach even
their families. Could they bear to suffer the outcome?
“Alright, you three don’t have to kneel,” Empress Dowager Wei set
down the teacup, “Regarding Aijia’s erxi, aijia is very clear. She isn’t
a person who would do such a thing. Even if she did, she wouldn’t
act so stupidly. Aijia doesn’t care why the person is so reckless, but
if they could admit it themselves, aijia won’t act against her family.
But when aijia finds out personally, don’t blame aijia for being
The main and vice supervisors of the Department of Household
Affairs, by this time, had realized that the two Empress Dowagers
and the Emperor were protecting the Empress. The three had
worked together for many years and didn’t need to exchange a look
to know what the others were thinking.
The main supervisor of the department stepped forward; “Emperor,
Empress Dowagers, nucai has just found that Han liangdi showed
traces on the back of the head from being hit with something heavy.
From the impact and the location, the criminal must be shorter than
Han liangdi, and is a female. The Empress is slightly taller than Han
liangdi, and pregnant women cannot lift heavy objects so the
criminal cannot be the Empress. Nucai has also looked at the record
from yesterday to today of the entrance and exit records of Tian Qi
Palace. There are no suspects among the palace maids and taijian
that attend the Empress. From this, it can be concluded that the
Empress is certainly unconnected to the matter of Han liangdi.

He Heng nodded, his face softening: “It seems someone wants to hit
two birds with one stone.” His gaze swept across the three feipin,
his gaze landing on Luo Yin Xiu and Feng Zi Jin who were shorter
than Han Qing He, his face darkening again, “Catch all of the palace
maids and taijian that serve Luo guipin and Ping cairen, and
interrogate each one.”
“Emperor!” Feng Zi Jin crawled forward, “Qie is innocent, Emperor!”

Luo Yin Xiu looked at the overly excited Feng Zi Jin and continued to
keep her head down.
“Emperor, the Empress asks to see you.” Ming He came in to
“Allow,” He Heng’s fierce expression instantly became gentle. When
Qu Qing Ju entered, he couldn’t resist standing and supporting the
person to sit beside him, “It’s snowing outside, why did you come?”
“Just heard that Han liangdi passed away, and qie’s hairpin was
coincidentally on her body. Qie couldn’t stay away,” Qu Qing Ju
frowned slightly, “Qie’s hairpin was lost half a month ago. It was that
time when qie fell asleep in the Imperial Gardens. The location was
unknown. Emperor had then specially bestowed qie a set of cat’s
eye hairpins as a replacement. Who knew that it would be found at
Han liangdi’s body.”

He Heng remembered. Half a month ago, he and Qu Qing Ju heard

Han liangdi sing and then Qu Qing Ju feel asleep. Afterwards, he
had carried her back to Tian Qi Palace before they had discovered
that two hairpins had fallen off. On the second day, he had gotten
Ming He to deliver a box of hair ornaments decorated with cat’s eye
stones to the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace. It seemed that the white
jade hairpin was one of the two that had fallen off before.
“Don’t be angry, zhen knows you aren’t connected with the matter,”
He Heng patted the back of the hand, “Zhen will definitely send
someone to investigate and clear your innocence.”
Qu Qing Ju sighed and nodded her head slowly. She looked in
apology at the two Empress Dowagers: “Erxi is extremely unfilial to
have made both muhou worried.”

“This matter has nothing to do with you,” Muhou Empress Dowager

said, “Empress, you are just too naïve. This hougong always have
those of malicious and daring thoughts. Aijia and your muhou have
been in the hougong for so many years, but really haven’t seen
tactics as stupid as this one. To keep such a person in the hougong,
aijia wouldn’t feel safe.”

“That’s so true. You are pregnant, don’t waste attention on such

matters. Aijia is here for anything and won’t let them slight you.”
When Empress Dowager Wei finished talking, she said to He Heng,
“Take the Empress away quickly. Such unlucky matters shouldn’t
dirty one’s ears. You two, don’t worry, aijia and jiejie will certainly
uncover the truth. You should leave here now.”
He Heng stood and bowed to the two, “This son has no attention to
spare for the matters of the hougong and has to trouble the two
“Leave, leave,” Empress Dowager Wei waved her hand, shooing
them off like she was hurrying away ducks. After the Emperor and
Empress left, she gave a cold smile, calmly ordering: “For anyone
suspicious, use heavy torture. Aijia doesn’t believe that it can’t be
found out.”
She swept a cold gaze at He Heng’s three feipin: “This hougong will
not tolerate women who think themselves clever!”

The three of Jiang, Feng and Luo couldn’t help but shudder. Jiang
Yong Yu’s face was solemn as she bowed respectfully: “Thanks
Empress Dowager for instructing.”
Empress Dowager Wei slightly nodded her head at her, and then
said to Feng and Luo who were still kneeling: “Before the matter is
solved, you two will stay in the Sheng Shen Zhai behind Fu Shou
Palace to reflect, and will save aijia from having to put people to
watch you.”
“Yes.” Luo Yin Xiu respectfully gave a kowtow. She was clear that
the Empress Dowager was cutting off their escape route. But since
she didn’t do it, what did she have to be afraid of?
Chapter One Hundred and Two
“East and West”

In the place that was the hougong, there were many secrets. It was
possible that there wouldn’t be a trace of what you had done. The
crucial aspect was how high you climbed and how steady you stood.
The two Empress Dowagers ordered the Department of Household
Affairs to use torture. The people who served Luo Yin Xiu and Feng
Zi Jin all went through the process. It didn’t take their lives but it
made people unable to even plead for death. Unable to endure the
last cycle of torture, a palace maid called Zhu Yu spilled it all, even
revealing what her zhuzi had done in the wang fu.

“Aijia did wonder how a feipin, who didn’t even have a secure
position, could kill someone and remain undetected. So there was
someone who helped,” Muhou Empress Dowager read through the
confession and handed it to Empress Dowager Wei sitting beside
her. She sighed, exclaiming, “This Feng shi is too bold.”

Empress Dowager Wei scanned the confessions, so angry that her

face became red. She wasn’t one who showed what she felt, but
what the confessions revealed was shocking and infuriating.
Especially when the criminal was someone she had personally
picked for her son out of the female candidates.
“Come, lead Luo guipin and Ping cairen here,” She suppressed her
anger and sighed at Muhou Empress Dowager. “We should have
known earlier. Aijia shouldn’t have arranged for such a cruel woman
to serve at the Emperor’s side.” No wonder Heng’er and erxi had
been residing everyday but still didn’t have any children in the past. It
must have been the poison which harmed the body and it took about
half a year to recover from.
“Meimei, you should not blame yourself. You can only see a
person’s appearance but not their hearts,” Muhou Empress
Dowager comforted, “It was lucky that it wasn’t more serious. It was
the heavens that protected them. But since this matter has been
solved, should we tell Emperor and Empress?” Such a major matter,
the Empress poisoned when she had been in the wang fu, it wasn’t
right not to inform them.
“This kind of major incident, we can’t conceal it from the Emperor
and Empress,” Empress Dowager Wei had recovered her
composure, “Also, send someone to lead Shu gui taifei and Rui
Wang over.”
“It should be like this,” Muhou Empress Dowager nodded. This
matter was related to Shu gui taifei.
As they talked, Feng and Luo came in. Just two days in Sheng Shen
Zhai but both of them looked much more fragile. Luo guipin still
managed to keep her posture but Ping cairen was a sorry figure.
Both eyes were dry and unfocused as though she hadn’t slept for
two whole days.
“Come, give Luo guipin a seat.” Muhou Empress Dowager’s lips
curled. Even though she was smiling, others could still feel her
imposing dignity.
“Thanks, Empress Dowager of both palaces,” Luo Yin Xiu released
a breath inside. To let her sit now, it meant that the matter had been
investigated. She was clear that she had nothing to the matter but
was afraid that others would wrongly accuse her. After seeing the
present situation, she had nothing to worry about.
Qu Qing Ju heard that the two Empress Dowagers had called for
her and He Heng to Fu Shou Palace, and looked in shock at He
Heng who had been playing a match of weiqi with her: “Muhou has
investigated the matter this quickly?”
He Heng naturally wouldn’t inform her of the various strategies the
Department of Household Affairs had, and only set down the stone in
his hand. He smiled, answering: “In this world, when something is
done, then a trace will be found. You have to know that in this world,
there isn’t a case that cannot be solved. It’s only whether someone
will seriously investigate it.”
Qu Qing Ju agreed with He Heng’s words. People always talked, the
best way for others not to find out was to not do it, so it was better
to not commit malicious acts.
Seeing her face full of approval, He Heng stood, adding: “Since
muhou wants to see us, let’s go take a look at Fu Shou Palace.” He
ordered for a servant to bring a fox skin cape and then made Qu
Qing Ju put on a thick rabbit-skin hand muff before leading her out of
Tian Qi Palace.
Coming out of Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju felt the harsh winter wind
blow into her face. The snow on the road had been swept away by
the taijian but the roofs and the trees were full of snow. She took in
a breath, “Such heavy snow.”
Reaching to pull the collar of her cape higher to cover her face, He
Heng helped her onto his own carriage. Once the two of them
settled, he replied: “Now, it’s the twelfth month. It’s normal to have
this much snow.”
Even though she had seen the heavy snow of Jing City last year, Qu
Qing Ju had a special feeling for snow. It was most likely due to the
fact that she lived in the south and always read of the people making
snowmen in the language books and had been disappointed that she
couldn’t make one herself.
Not being able to obtain something that other people told them about
from when they were little, most people would be stubborn in their
Qu Qing Ju occasionally lifted the curtain as the Imperial carriage
traveled and saw the palace maids and taijian kneeling on both sides
of the road. Snow was still falling, the ground was cold, but those
people knelt with their backs straight, not a hint of slacking.
As they entered Fu Shou Palace, He Heng saw Feng shi kneeling in
the center of the hall. Kneeling behind her was a few pale-faced
palace maids and taijian. His expression darkened and held hands
with Qu Qing Ju to bow to the two Empress Dowagers before sitting
to the side.
The ground and walls of Fu Shou Palace were heated. Qu Qing Ju
had taken off the fox skin cape but still felt hot. Using her hand to
slightly pull at her clothing, she looked at Feng Zi Jin kneeling on the
ground, asking: “Muhou, what is going on?”

“These years, this Feng shi has been very brave. Emperor,
Empress, take a look,” Empress Dowager Wei handed Chun Yu’s
confession to He Heng. Seeing her son’s face become colder, she
knew he was angry, and sighed, “It’s muhou who has to apologize
for arranging such a villain beside you.”
“Muhou cannot say that. Feng shi is malicious and adept at
disguising herself. Is that muhou’s fault?” He Heng furiously
slammed the confession onto the table beside him, “It was zhen who
was blind to have kept such a woman like this for so many years.”
“Emperor!” Feng Zi Jin knew that the matter had been exposed and
looked discontentedly at the furious Emperor, “If it wasn’t that
Emperor had to marry her, and favor her, why else would qie have
to do such things?”
Seeing the hand that Feng Zi Jin pointed at her, Qu Qing Ju raised
an eyebrow. The marriage had been decreed by Qing De Emperor
and He Heng who decided to marry the bride, so why did it become
all her fault in the end? If she had the ability, she should be trying to
kill Qing De Emperor and He Heng, what was the point of poisoning
the original Qu Qing Ju?
“Empress was the wang fei who xiandi decreed. Emperor and her
are in deep love, it’s the natural order of the world. You are just a
small qieshi who, in jealousy, decided to plot against the Emperor.
You poisoned wang fei in the wang fu, murdered Han liangdi after
entering the palace and framed the Empress. Such a frightening
person, and shameless to be angry at the Emperor for marrying. It
is very funny,” Empress Dowager Wei smiled icily, “So many shiqie
in this world. If they were all like you, wouldn’t the world end?”
“Shengmu Empress Dowager, you were only a feipin too. Didn’t you
have times when you had been discontent, but you still became the
high up Shengmu Empress Dowager?” Feng Zi Jin raised her head
to stare directly at Empress Dowager Wei, scornfully asking,
“What’s wrong with qie? We’re all women, how is Qu Qing Ju nobler
than me?”
“A villain like you cannot compare to Shengmu Empress Dowager,”
Muhou Empress Dowager looked coldly at Feng shi babbling
nonsense, “Both in appearance and morals, you cannot compete
against Shengmu Empress Dowager. In the past when aijia was still
Empress, Shengmu Empress Dowager respected aijia at every
turn, and didn’t slight aijia who did not receiving any Imperial favor.
The Emperor she raised is intelligent and thinks of the people.
Becoming Shengmu Empress Dowager, it is the will of the heavens.
A woman such as you who dares to poison the wife, how can you
compare? You are full of nonsense.”
Muhou Empress Dowager’s words defended Shengmu Empress
Dowager from all angles and told other people that she was
approving and in great favor for Shengmu Empress Dowager to sit
and rise at the same height as her. She even pushed the matter onto
the fate of the heavens, flattering both Empress Dowager Wei and
the Emperor and explicitly expressed her position.
When she heard the speech, Qu Qing Ju finally understood how
Muhou Empress Dowager, in all these years without the favor of the
Emperor and with no son of her own, managed to keep her seat and
why Qing De Emperor hadn’t ever thought to dispose of her. Her
attitude and tactics, such an understanding woman. But just like
Empress Dowager Wei, she hadn’t met a reliable man, it was so
She turned her head to look at He Heng. As expected, his
expression had relaxed, clearly very satisfied and grateful for Muhou
Empress Dowager’s words.
“Emperor, Shu gui taifei and Rui Wang have arrived.”

“Er chen greets both muhou, greets huang xiong, huang sao.”
When He Yuan entered the hall, he calmly bowed to the four people
as though he didn’t see the people kneeling.
This was the first time Qu Qing Ju saw He Yuan after He Heng had
ascended the throne. Due to the fact that she didn’t like He Yuan in
the first place, she hadn’t looked at him when he entered. But once
the other spoke, she felt that He Yuan felt wrong, as though he went
from a delusional youth to a steady yet silent uncle. The change was
so drastic that she felt suspicious that the person in front of her and
the He Yuan of the past were two different people.
When Shu gui taifei saw Feng Zi Jin kneeling on the ground, her
expression became slightly ugly. Before she could speak, Muhou
Empress Dowager threw the confession in front of her, “Shu gui
taifei, look at that!” If Empress Dowager Wei had done that, others
might have said that she was arrogant. But if Muhou Empress
Dowager did it, then it was right.
He Yuan looked at the confession that landed on the ground, and
then at his mufei, whose expression had changed. He then knew
that mufei had done something in the hougong that the Empress
Dowager had found out. When he bent down to pick up the paper,
and saw that Ping cairen and mufei had cooperated to kill Han
liangdi to frame the Empress, his calm face became white. He
turned to look at Shu gui taifei, “Mufei?”

Shu gui taifei didn’t dare to look at her son. She apprehensively
declared to the two Empress Dowagers: “This throne should belong
to my son. Why is it that you can live here?!”
“Stop her mouth!” Muhou Empress Dowager commanded darkly,
“Shu gui taifei, aijia thinks that you should be more careful. The
Emperor ascended the throne properly and rightly. When xiandi
made his will, all the advisors had been present. Your
misrepresentation of the facts won’t be tolerated!”
“Mufei is ignorant, er chen begs both Empress Dowagers to spare
her life!” He Yuan watched as his mufei was held down by two
mamas, a handkerchief stuffed into her mouth. He gritted his teeth
and knelt in front of He Heng, “Please, Emperor, punish lightly.”
Qu Qing Ju had been sitting by He Heng’s side. Looking at a once
willful and brazen person kneeling in front of her, she felt a strange
sense of pity.
When Shu gui taifei saw it, she couldn’t stop shaking her head.
Tears of panic fell down as she couldn’t speak. No one would
recognize that just a year ago, she had been the Shu guifei, the
most favored of the hougong.

Ten years west, ten years east. But Shu gui taifei and He Yuan
hadn’t thought that this day would happen.
Qu Qing Ju couldn’t help but look at the two Empress Dowagers and
found that their expressions were frightfully calm, as though Shu gui
taifei and He Yuan were putting on an unfunny play in front of them
and they were criticizing from high up.
She couldn’t help but touch her belly. If she was Shu gui taifei, she
wouldn’t want to see this either.
Chapter One Hundred and Three
“Who Misunderstood Whom”

“The crimes that Shu gui taifei have committed cannot be forgiven.
Rui Wang, you are asking for mercy for Shu gui taifei, but have you
thought of the innocent Han liangdi and the framed Empress?”
Muhou Empress Dowager saw that He Yuan’s forehead was
bleeding from kowtowing before demanding coldly, “Should we not
punish her because she is gui taifei?”

He Yuan stopped kowtowing. He turned to look at the mufei that

was being held by the mamas and with a humble attitude, declared:
“Mufei is er chen’s elder. If she has committed a crime, it should be
assumed by erchen.”

“Injustice has a beginning, a debt has an owner. If the offenses of

the elders are assumed by the younger generation, are there still
any laws?” He Heng put down the teacup, frowning, “If all the people
in Da Long Dynasty are like you, how can zhen rule the world?”

“Feng shi plotted to kill fei and framed the Empress. She has
malicious conduct and is bestowed five feet of white silk,” He Heng
indifferently declared, “The Feng clan, due to not properly teaching
their daughters, are removed of their title and for three generations,
cannot enter the court as an official.”
“Emperor, please give a favor, Emperor,” Feng Zi Jin didn’t think that
the Emperor wouldn’t care about past feelings, and even her
paternal family would be affected. She wanted to kneel in front of He
Heng but was dragged back by two palace maids who pressed her
into the ground.
“Emperor!” Feng Zi Jin was so panicked she started to sob. She
wanted to beg for mercy but her mouth was stuffed so she couldn’t
He Heng looked coldly at her, no emotion in his eyes as though she
was just a stranger.
“Drag her down, don’t leave her here to disturb others,” Qian Chang
Xin saw the Emperor’s expression and motioned to the person
beside him. Very quickly, others dragged Feng Zi Jin away.
Sitting at the side, Luo Yin Xiu watched Feng Zi Jin dragged down
like an animal and couldn’t help but shudder. Her eyes when they
looked at Qu Qing Ju became even more worshipping.
Qu Qing Ju pinched a piece of pastry in her hands. Even in this noisy
situation, she still had the interest to eat pastries. Detecting that Luo
Yin Xiu was looking at her, she smiled at the other. Seeing the other
lower her head in awe, she smiled carelessly and watched the farce
in front of her with indifference.
He Yuan raised his head to look at the three people that controlled
his mufei’s life. He felt powerless. There hadn’t been another time
when he had felt this hopeless. Kneeling helplessly on the ground, he
dazedly stared at the clean floor.
“Emperor, Shu gui taifei might have been accomplices with the
criminal Feng shi, but it really wasn’t her that sent someone to kill
Han liangdi. Qie thinks that even though Shu gui taifei’s crimes
cannot be forgiven, they aren’t worthy of death.” Qu Qing Ju wiped
her mouth, her gaze sweeping across Shu gui taifei, “Why don’t
muhou and Emperor spare Shu gui taifei’s life?”

“Oh? What is Empress thinking?” He Heng heard Qu Qing Ju speak

and turned to look warmly at her.
“Qie heard in the time of xiandi, Shu gui taifei frequently served by
his side. If that’s the case, why not let Shu gui taifei go guard the
Imperial Tomb, to pray for xiandi every day and reflect,” Qu Qing Ju
smiled as she looked at the two Empress Dowagers, “How about
A woman as used to luxury as Shu gui taifei going to the Imperial
Tomb, wasn’t that even more uncomfortable than death? Empress
Dowager Wei looked at her erxi. Seeing her sincere attitude, it didn’t
seem that she was purposefully making it difficult for Shu gui taifei.
Empress Dowager Wei thought she was thinking too much. She
turned to inquire of Muhou Empress Dowager, “What does jiejie
It hadn’t been a year since xiandi had passed. If they took care of
Shu gui taifei now, some people might gossip. Sparing Shu gui
taifei’s life but sending her to stay at the harsh Imperial Tomb, it was
the best choice. Muhou Empress Dowager looked in approval at Qu
Qing Ju. It was perfectly normal that the Emperor was able to fall in
love with her: “Aijia feels that it is very good. When xiandi had been
alive, he had been very much in love with Shu gui taifei. We have all
served xiandi, and aijia doesn’t bear to take your life. It’s good for
you to go serve xiandi. At the very least, if xiandi knew in the
underworld, he certainly would be comforted.”
He Yuan hadn’t though the person that managed to keep his mufei’s
life in the end was Qu Qing Ju. He looked towards Qu Qing Ju,
making a full formal bow; “Thanks Emperor, thanks muhou, thanks
…… huang sao.”

Hearing the obvious pause in He Yuan’s words, Qu Qing Ju knew the

other wasn’t willing to bow to her. But she didn’t care. Smiling slightly
as she waved her hand: “San shu doesn’t have to be so courteous.”
However, He Heng looked at He Yuan with a complicated expression
before standing and declaring: “Since the case has been solved,
zhen will take Empress back to the palace. It’s been cold recently,
both muhou should take care.”

Empress Dowager Wei and Muhou Empress Dowager both smiled

and nodded. Empress Dowager Wei replied: “Aijia knows, you two
should also be more careful.”
Qu Qing Ju and He Heng walked out of Fu Shou Palace. Seeing a
yellow plum tree bloom beside the road, she took a breath, the cold
wind and fragrance entering her nose: “This scent is so nice.”
“If you like it, then get someone to go to the plum gardens every day
to pick fresh ones to put in the room,” He Heng held her warm hand,
“I don’t dare to move this one.”
“Who said I wanted to pick the flowers here?” Qu Qing Ju peeked at
him from the corner of her eyes, “I’m not Emperor. I’m not interested
in any flowers.”
“Why do I find the words strange?” He Heng laughed lowly,
disregarding Qian Chang Xin and Mu Jin holding the umbrellas for
them from behind. Looking forward, he abruptly declared: “My
hougong really is just only you, do you still not know?”

“Just like Yu Ming Emperor of the previous dynasty?” Qu Qing Ju

asked him with a smile.
“Qing Ju, I will never become Yu Ming Emperor, and you won’t
become Zhao He Empress.” He Heng looked with a solemn
expression at Qu Qing Ju. Before she could react, he twisted his
head, “I’m going back to the front hall.” Finishing, he quickly rushed
off, even leaving the Imperial carriage to Qu Qing Ju.
Watching as He Heng rushed off, Qu Qing Ju’s lips curled but there
was no mirth in her eyes. Behind her, Mu Jin detected that her mood
wasn’t right and handed the umbrella to Jin Zhan, carefully
supporting her, “Zhuzi, let’s go back to the palace.”

Qu Qing Ju saw Mu Jin’s caution and laughed silently: “It’s fine. The
Imperial carriage of the Emperor, the Emperor isn’t here, I can’t ride
it. You all can accompany me on the walk back.”
Mu Jin looked at the clean swept road head and looked at the shoes
on the Empress’ feet. She hesitated before motioning for Yu Zan to
come forward, the two of them right and left, protecting the Empress
in the middle.
“Huangsao, please wait.”

Qu Qing Ju returned her head and saw He Yuan walked in front of

her, bowing deeply, professing: “Thanks, huangsao for just now
asking for mercy for chen di’s mu fei.”

“San shu doesn’t have to be this polite. Ben gong didn’t ask for
leniency, but spoke the truth.” Qu Qing Ju slowly walked forward.
Seeing He Yuan maintain a distance three strides away from her on
the right behind her, she didn’t know what the other was doing. But
she didn’t speak.
“No matter what, today’s favor, chen di will remember,” He Yuan
placed his hands behind his back, his pale face turning ruddy from
the cold wind. He looked at the side profile of Qu Qing Ju, “The fact
that mufei is alive is due to the Emperor’s generosity.”
Qu Qing Ju stopped walking, turning her head to look at He Yuan’s
expression. She found the other was sincere and hesitated before
asking: “Ben gong doesn’t understand why Shu gui taifei would
spend the effort to deal with ben gong, is it of benefit to her?”
“She was proud for a lifetime, and couldn’t tolerate failure,” He Yuan
laughed at himself, “Mufei and I dreamed for so many years. Waking
up, not everyone can bear it.”
Mother and son were pretty brazen and proud in their dreams.
Qu Qing Ju continued to walk. Occasionally, palace maids and taijian
would be encountered and they would all move aside and kneel, “If a
person doesn’t dream, then they wouldn’t have done anything. San
shu, have you regretted what you once did?”

He Yuan looked deeply at her: “Maybe regretted once, but now,

everything is settled and it isn’t important.”
The delusional person finally healed. Qu Qing Ju felt that he had
jumped from his delusional stage of life into the elderly stage, his
mentality had changed very rapidly. She remembered the last time
she was near He Yuan. That was on Rui Wang Fu. At that time, his
delusional state had been very serious.
“History is the best teacher,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “It’s good that san
shu can think clearly now.”

“Drinking, listening to songs, and being idle all day is good,” He Yuan
thought about the days he lived now. He didn’t have to go to court,
didn’t have to manage any other matters, didn’t have to pay attention
to the cards others sent. Closing the doors of the wang fu, he could
amuse himself in any way, “Carefree like an immortal.”
Qu Qing Ju didn’t know why He Yuan was saying such things to her,
but he didn’t seem to be implying anything. She could only reply,
“Those days are very admirable.”
“Huangsao must also like leisurely days,” He Yuan’s smiled, allowing
the snow to fall on his head and shoulders.
Qu Qing Ju turned to see his state. She still remembered the first
time she went to Rui Wang Fu, she had been in the sedan, He Yuan
had been standing like this, black hair, fox skin cap, youthful.
When they neared Tian Qi Palace, He Yuan stopped. He bowed
again to Qu Qing Ju: “Does Empress know the ending of Yu Ming
Emperor and Zhao He Empress?”
Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrow raised slightly: “The historians of the previous
dynasty recorded that the feelings between Yu Ming Emperor and
Zhao He Empress was stronger than gold. After Zhao He Empress
died due to illness, Yu Ming Emperor died not long after due to
heartbreak. In the end, they were entombed in the same coffin. Not
born at the same time but to die in the same coffin, isn’t that the final
“Huangsao might not know that Yu Ming Emperor in his later life had
relations with a palace maid. When it was discovered by Zhao He
Empress, Zhao He Empress had a heart attack and died. Yu Ming
Emperor regretted it greatly, but the deceased cannot be revived
and it was too late to repent. Even though the two were buried
together after Yu Ming Emperor’s death, where was the meaning? In
the end, the two didn’t leave behind a heir and the successor was Yu
Ming Emperor’s didi’s son, what kind of fulfillment is that?” He Yuan
raised his hand, concluding, “The reality of a story is often harsher
than the books. So Yu Ming Emperor and Zhao He Empress weren’t
perfect. Chen di asks to be excused.”

Qu Qing Ju looked at his back. She suddenly smiled a beat later. It

seemed that He Yuan had heard what she and He Heng had talked
about. But was he explaining on He Heng’s behalf or reminding her to
not believe the Emperor’s monogamy?
Or maybe both? He might not be willing for her to be hurt over what
He Heng had just said and didn’t want her to believe in the
Emperor’s monogamy which would cause her hurt in the future?
But, why was He Yuan so good-hearted to remind her? Was it to
repay her for saving Shu gui taifei’s life?

“Emperor?” Qian Chang Xin didn’t understand why the Emperor had
rushed back to the front hall. He carefully brushed off the snowflakes
on He Heng’s shoulders, tentatively asking, “Before going to Fu
Shou Palace, you said you want to have a meal with the Empress.
So should the servants prepare now?”
He Heng nodded unnaturally. He rubbed his slightly reddened ears,
saying: “Right, go see if the Empress has returned. If she has, come
back and tell zhen. Zhen hasn’t finished the weiqi match with her.”

“Yes,” Qian Chang Xin left in helplessness. Since he was thinking of

the Empress, then why did he just leave, was he teasing the
Empress? The thoughts of the Emperor, it was hard to guess.
In the room, He Heng played with the pouch at his waist. The
embroidery wasn’t as good as the handiwork of the embroidery
women, but it was his most favored possession.
Thinking about Qu Qing Ju, he couldn’t resist touching his still
blushing ears. A man saying words of love seriously, it was slightly
Chapter One Hundred and Four
“This Was Good”

The temperature of winter mornings were especially cold. The

Imperial Guards guarding the palace doors drew in a cold breath but
didn’t dare stomp their feet to warm themselves. Watching the
officials who usually preferred to ride a horse, sit on the sedan, the
guards whose faces were paralyzed from the cold felt envious.
“Hey brother, did you hear that Ning Wang is coming back to court?”
The two Imperial Guardsmen that were changing shifts walked out
of the palace gates, one of the brawny men said in a low voice as he
looked at the surroundings, “I heard yesterday many people had
sent up a memorandum to the Emperor about such a matter.”
The slightly thinner and taller one gave a superior expression: “It is
certain that Ning Wang would return to court. Xiandi was partial to
Rui Wang so he locked Ning Wang on the outside. Now that it’s cold,
the Emperor is kind and honest, it’s natural that he would summon
Ning Wang back. Just watch, in three days, Ning Wang will be
summoned back to court by the Emperor.”
The brawnier one rubbed his head, laughing honestly: “You’re right.
Rui Wang did such large mistakes, but the Emperor didn’t take his
life due to fraternal love. So it should be the same for His Highness
Ning Wang.” If he had a say, Ning Wang was really mistakenly
accused and locked up. Maybe the assassination had been done by
Rui Wang. It was just that xiandi was partial and used Ning Wang as
a shield.
The thinner and taller one saw his mentality and didn’t speak further,
sighing inside. The twists and turns of the thoughts of those in the
Imperial Family, whether it was fraternal friendship or anything else,
it had nothing to do with them guards. Now that Ning Wang was
returning to court, Rui Wang had become a powerless jun wang.
These two had been at odds from the beginning. Rui Wang had been
arrogant and offended countless people. One of those victims had
been Ning Wang. There would be a reckoning for Rui Wang now.
On the court, all the officials were discussing the matter of Ning
Wang’s return to the court. Some said since that Ning Wang had
been locked under xiandi’s orders, the Emperor shouldn’t change it.
Some said that Ning Wang now knew his mistake and was brothers
with the Emperor, it was right for him to return to court to help
shoulder the burden for the Emperor, and that was all the reason to
summon him to court.
In reality, everyone knew that it was suspicious that Ning Wang had
been locked up by xiandi. Some suspected that Ning Wang had
been a scapegoat pushed out by xiandi for Rui Wang. But now, no
one dared to mention that thought, and only fought over whether
Ning Wang should return to court or not.
Those that were at odds with Ning Wang naturally didn’t want Ning
Wang to return but there were people who supported Ning Wang’s
return. Those of keen eyes found that among those that supported
Ning Wang’s return were many of the conservative faction. So these
people started to think about the Emperor’s intentions.
By now, Ning Wang’s power base had been swept clean. Those
officials that had been close to Ning Wang were suppressed
completely by the officials that the Emperor favored, and some
became part of the conservative faction. Was the Emperor trying to
show the world he had fraternal love?
The Duke of Zhong Yi who had once proved Ning Wang’s guilt in
front of xiandi suddenly changed his stance. The main idea was that
Ning Wang had repented and changed for the better, he could make
up for his offenses by returning to the court and working for the
Emperor etc etc.
The Duke of Zhong Yi and Luo Chang Qing, a pair of sly father and
son-in-law, always followed the Emperor. Now that the two of them
expressed their outlook, everyone understood the Emperor’s
position. As morning court progressed, no one dared to oppose this
“Since all the daren have asked for zhen’s da ge to return to court,
zhen is very comforted. In the past, da ge as the eldest had been
very attentive to zhen and siblings. Now that zhen is Emperor,
thinking of da ge living in the bitter cold mountain cold, it is difficult to
sleep. For da ge to return to court to help lessen the burden for
zhen, it is a good thing.” He Heng exclaimed: “Duke of Zhong Yi,
why don’t you personally go and bring Ning Wang back to Jing.”
The Emperor saying that Ning Wang was attentive of his brothers,
wasn’t that telling everyone he didn’t believe Ning Wang ordered the
“Chen will obey,” Tian Jin Ke knew that the Emperor wanted Ning
Wang to owe him a favor. He was very grateful inside for the
goodwill that the Emperor held towards the Tian Family. After he
made a deep bow to the Emperor on the dragon chair, he retreated
to one side.
At this time, many people’s hearts were sour. Thinking about the four
months pregnant Empress in the palace, they admired the other’s
good life.
Deep in the palace, Qu Qing Ju was reading through a pile of cards.
Seeing that it was close to the new year, even though they couldn’t
celebrate extravagantly because of the passing of xiandi, they still
had to hold celebrations. Those who sent in messages were
noblewomen of significant status, such as Cheng Wang Fei, Rui
Wang Fei, and the duchesses and marquesses. She randomly
flipped open one. The beginning was wishing good fortune for
Emperor and Empress, and a gift list was inserted behind.
As to what was to be bestowed down to them, naturally there were
people serving Qu Qing Ju who would spend the time to organize it.
All Qu Qing Ju needed to do was listen to them recite the list.
“Niangniang, how about resting a while,” Mu Jin saw the Empress
give a yawn and suggested, “Nubi will sort the list before reciting it
to you later.”
“There’s no need,” Qu Qing Ju waved her hand. Looking at the sky
outside, “It’s almost noon, the Emperor is coming to eat later. Get
the kitchen to prepare.”
“Yes,” Mu Jin indicated for Yin Liu to order the kitchen and gathered
the cards that Qu Qing Ju read to one side.
“I heard that Rui Wang and Rui Wang Fei’s relationship is extremely
terrible and has made an uproar in Jing,” Qu Qing Ju held the card
from Rui Wang Fu, “Rui Wang Fei is still an imperial wife, how could
she fuss like that?”
“Empress, even you heard?” Jin Zhan sighed, “Even before the
Emperor ascended, there was already news that the two were
frequently fighting. It’s gotten worse. Nubi has even heard that Rui
Wang has said he was going to divorce Rui Wang Fu which made
the Qin Family very angry.”
‘The Qin Family’ wasn’t a good phrase to Qu Qing Ju. She suddenly
thought of Wei Qin shi, inquiring: “I remember that Wei Ran
Shuang’s mother is one of the Qin Family, how is Wei Ran Shuang
right now?”
Jin Zhan revealed a devious smile: “She doesn’t count as one of the
Qin Family, just a distant cadet branch of the Qin Family. After
Shengmu Empress Dowager sent someone to reproach Wei Qin
shi, Qin daren made a match for Qin guniang on his own, but
because of xiandi’s passing, the marriage has been delayed.”
“At the very least, she’s the Emperor’s cousin. If she married, her
husband’s family wouldn’t dare to treat her unwell,” Thinking about
Wei Ran Shuang’s fragile act, Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow.
Hopefully, after Wei Ran Shuang married, she wouldn’t keep acting
so pettily.
“Who knows what her family is thinking, she’s not a good person
anyway.” Jin Zhan scornfully twisted her mouth. She still
remembered that Wei Ran Shuang had wanted to be the Emperor’s

“That was said well,” He Heng had a smile on his face as he strode
in. He glanced at Jin Zhan before proclaiming, “A woman like that,
she really isn’t a good person.”
“Emperor!” Jin Zhan and the others were so frightened their faces
were pale, legs soft as they knelt down. She hadn’t thought that the
Emperor would hear her words. What would happen if the Emperor
thought the Empress was jealous, why did she act like Yin Liu and
couldn’t control her mouth now?
“Stand up, zhen knows you all protect Empress,” He Heng waved
his hand, evidently not caring what Jin Zhan said. He walked in front
of Qu Qing Ju and bent down. Seeing a cup of red date tea in front
of her, he said, “I read some medicine books a few days ago. They
said that a pregnant woman who drinks too much red date tea would
increase blood circulation and it isn’t good for the body.” Finishing, he
pushed the red date tea to one side.
When did he start studying that area? Qu Qing Ju looked at him,
smiled and asked, “Then what should I drink?”。
“Drink a small amount of Long Jing and Bi Luo Chun every day.
Slightly seeped is good for the heart. I have flipped through many
books, they all say the same,” Finishing, he made Qian Chang Xin
go find the Imperial Tribute tea from his stores.”
Qu Qing Ju didn’t have much interest towards tea, but since the
other put so much effort in, she wouldn’t waste the other’s goodwill.
Complying with He Heng, she didn’t touch the cup of red date tea,
“Emperor is so busy lately, how was there time to look at all this?”
“I don’t feel secure in putting you and child into another’s hands.
Occasionally looking through medical books in my free time helps
pass the time,” His gaze moved to the teacup and dryly coughed
once before informing, “I just heard you mention the Wei Family
biaomei. You don’t have to waste effort on her. Zhen heard that the
person she is engaged to isn’t in Jing city. Wei Qin shi’s card has
been blocked by muhou.”

“She’s Emperor’s relative, I won’t waste effort on her,” Qu Qing Ju

smiled with a tilted head, “Today, I had the kitchen make a pearl
pigeon soup. Emperor has to have a taste.”
Knowing that his Empress was changing the topic, He Heng saw the
even brighter smile on her face, and could only smile and shake his
head, ordering the servants to serve the meal.
The food in the palace on the surface was set down, but the raw
materials differed within the standards set down. The little kitchen
Qu Qing Ju had almost equalled the Imperial Kitchen in terms of
product. This was disregarding He Heng who frequently got the
Department of Household Affairs to send things over to Qu Qing Ju.
After the noon meal, He Heng leaned on the recliner as he read, Qu
Qing Ju leaning on him as she played with a jade nine ring chain. A
short while later, she untangled the chain in her hand, yawning as
she threw it to one side. She twisted her body to place her head on
He Heng’s thigh, “So boring.”
He Heng looked at her slightly swelling belly, cautiously putting his
hand on top. Occasionally, he could feel the small movements of the
little life within. He smiled, asking: “What do you want to play, I’ll
have them prepare.”
“Nothing I really want,” Qu Qing Ju’s hand moved back and forth on
his leg, “Why don’t you talk about what you thought when you first
saw me.”
“At that time, you were wearing heavy makeup and didn’t dare to
look at me. I really thought I had married a weak and timid wife,” He
Heng rested his hand on her back, allowing Qu Qing Ju to mess
around on his leg, “I’m very happy you managed to overcome the
poison Feng shi fed you. Otherwise, I would never know that a man
and woman can be together like this.”
Qu Qing Ju’s hand stilled. She didn’t know what to say. A beat later,
she asked: “If I hadn’t made it through?”
He Heng gripped her hand tightly that she felt some pain: “There isn’t
anymore ‘if’. The result is that you are here, zhen is here.”

“This is very good,” He Heng placed her hand on his face, sighing,
“To have Qing Ju accompany zhen, it’s zhen’s greatest luck.”
There was nothing in being alone at the top, so each dynasty, each
generation of emperor would have women that they favored. It was
only because they couldn’t find what they wanted with the bodies of
the woman they favored, so they would continue to look for the next
He knew that the woman lying in his lap was the one he wanted.
But, he also knew that in this woman’s heart, he wasn’t that
However, they still had a long time, and time would slowly change
Therefore, this was very good.
Chapter One Hundred and Five

Halfway through the night, Qu Qing Ju suddenly woke up from her

dreams, the cramping in her legs unbearable, as though something
had twisted her foot tendon and was swinging on it.
“Qing Ju, what is it?” He Heng suddenly awoke from his slumber and
saw that the forehead of the person beside him was dotted with
sweat. From the light casted by a candle in the corner of the room,
he saw that even the colors of her lips had changed, and paled
himself, hurriedly calling for a servant.
A commotion later, Qu Qing Ju’s cramps disappeared under the
massage of the pregnancy mama. She rubbed her forehead tiredly.
She felt that she was very drowsy but couldn’t fall asleep.
“Emperor, please don’t worry. When a woman is pregnant, hand and
foot cramps may occur. If care is taken with the diet, it will subside
in a while.” The pregnancy mama saw that the Emperor didn’t have
a happy expression and informed cautiously, “Normally, if someone
massages niangniang, it can help relieve the symptoms.”

He Heng’s face cleared slightly. Seeing Qu Qing Ju’s tired state, he

ordered: “Zhen will get the nurses from the Imperial Hospital for this
matter. You can all leave.” He didn’t understand medicine but knew
that a person had many acupuncture points. If a wrong spot was
pressed, it was deleterious to the mother and the fetus.
The pregnancy mama, Mu Jin and the others carefully left. After
leaving the room, they finally took a breath. The Emperor’s
expression had been very dark, so frightening that they didn’t dare to
“Can’t sleep?” He Heng kept on patting Qu Qing Ju’s back and
seeing that she didn’t fall asleep, he asked, “Still uncomfortable?”
Qu Qing Ju shook her head and changed positions: “Can’t sleep.”
“What is it?” He Heng pulled the blanket up and wrapped it more
securely around the two of them, “I’m not having morning court
tomorrow so we can talk now.” Tomorrow, it was the start of sealing
the pen and the break from court. In reality, He Heng still had a pile
of things to do but to comfort the person beside him, of course he
wouldn’t say those things.
Qu Qing Ju felt that she didn’t have any desire to talk, but looking at
the other’s spirited state, she could only respond: “Talk about what?”
“Anything will do,” He Heng forced down the urge to open his mouth
in a yawn, “Like your childhood, or what things you like.”
Qu Qing Ju stared for a beat before sighing: “I don’t remember
much from my childhood. Before, I didn’t have many chances to
leave the compound. When I grew older, only jiumu would take me
to meet others, but I couldn’t spend all my time with jiumu. The
relationship between Tian Family and the Qu Family became
antagonistic after that. So from birth, life was like that, there’s not
much to talk about.”
“Liang shi was truly horrid,” He Heng lovingly ran his fingers through
Qu Qing Ju’s hair behind her back, “Xiandi hadn’t done many things
for me. This entire life, the only good things he did are two matters.
One is you, the other is the succession edict.”
“I can’t compare to the succession edict. In this world, this is only
one succession edict, but there are hundreds of thousands of
women,” Qu Qing Ju squirmed and changed her position to put her
head at He Heng’s neck, “Liang shi was horrid, but my father was
the true culprit. My mother died of unknown causes and father was
in a rush to welcome a new wife. If it wasn’t for jiujiu and his family,
I’m afraid that even my dowry would have been very meager. If I
really had married that shoddily, then what reputation would I have
had with the Imperial House?”
“The family of the Duke of Zhong Yi is very good,” He Heng said a
beat after hearing her words, “In this world, there are men like your
father, but there are couples who are together for their lives.”
Qu Qing Ju’s lips curled. Was He Heng telling her that he wasn’t the
same kind of person as the Duke of Chang De?
“There are women in this world who like hearing pretty words, but
there are also those who only see reality,” She put a hand on his
chest, “Coincidentally, I am the latter. I don’t like hearing what people
say, only like seeing what people do.”
“Doing is better than seeing?” The smile on He Heng’s face grew
wide, “I’m very comforted by how smart Qing Ju is.”
He was afraid that she wouldn’t like to hear him, and also wouldn’t
like to see what he did.
On the twenty ninth day of the twelfth month, the court pen was
sealed. Except for those who had to be on duty in each ministry, the
other people had gone home to pass the year. But even so, those
officials weren’t truly idle. They were proactively finding out whose
family received gifts from the Emperor and which families were able
to attend the Imperial Family’s year-end banquet.
This was the first year since the new Emperor had ascended the
throne. Those who received gifts from the Emperor meant that those
people, at the very least, had caught the Emperor’s eyes. It would
have been strange if no one in Jing cared about them.
So from the twenty ninth to the thirtieth day, there were gifts coming
out of the palace. Those who received them were ones such as
Cheng Wang and the Duke of Zhong Yi. Aside from the luck
character and spring couplets from the emperor, there were gifts
from the two Empress Dowagers and the Empress. Some, such as
the Right Minister Right, Ning Wang, Rui Wang, and Minster Luo,
also received some gifts.
As for the others’ families, some people received the Emperor’s
character, some received the Empress’ gifts but they didn’t have the
honor to receive gifts from the four big personages. However, at this
year end, all the officials in Jing City understood one thing. That was,
you could only eat if you followed the Emperor.
The year banquet was on the thirtieth day. Other than the members
of the Imperial House, only families who had a first-rank title were
lucky enough to be able to enter the palace to enjoy the banquet,
such as the Duke of Zhong Yi and the two heads of the two
Empress Dowager’s paternal families.
Qu Qing Ju and He Heng sat together at the very front. Due to her
pregnancy, she didn’t drink any wine. In front of her was a “phoenix
returning to the nest” soup. Basically, it was a chicken stuffed inside
a pig’s stomach and then cooked using an old pot, but the taste was
good and fitting to drink in the winter.
The people below knew that the Empress was pregnant and no one
was foolish enough to toast her. So halfway through the banquet,
she had been idle.
“The Empress’ belly is so round and smooth. Chen fu thinks this child
must be male.” Qin Bai Lu raised a wine cup, stood and said to Qu
Qing Ju, “Chen fu toasts niangniang, and wishes that niangniang
will give birth to a son soon and stays young forever.”
The Empress was already pregnant. Wishing for her to give birth to
a son soon, wasn’t it not appropriate? Luo Wen Yao furrowed her
brows, and followed in standing and raising her wine cup, “Chen fu
wishes Empress to stay healthy and have a good year.”
Qu Qing Ju grasped the wine cup from her side. Mu Jin poured her a
cup of water. She raised the cup towards the two people: “Many
thanks to both dimei. Since I can’t drink now, I have to use water in
place of wine to thank both of you.”
He Heng placed a duck’s tongue into Qu Qing Ju’s bowl, smiling as
he declared: “Everyone here isn’t an outsider so zhen isn’t afraid
everyone will laugh. Zhen and Empress are both young and feel the
sex doesn’t matter.”
Everyone followed in agreeing, and along the way, praised both
Emperor and Empress. The major idea was that no matter if it was
an imperial son or daughter, they would certainly be the recipients of
Emperor and Empress’ good genes, and in the future, would become
one that would stun the world.
Qin Bai Lu couldn’t believe that the Emperor would so brazenly
protect Qu Qing Ju to the point that he would say in front of all those
people that he didn’t care whether it was a boy or girl. Did the
Emperor not want someone to carry down the line?
“In the future, zhen and Empress will have many children. To guess
whether each one is a boy or girl, that would be zhen and Empress
bringing trouble upon ourselves.” He Heng roared with laughter, self-
mockingly adding, ”Zhen doesn’t want to go to such trouble.”

Everyone naturally followed in laughing, but their hearts were scared

witless. What the Emperor just said, it seemed to mean that he was
only going to have children with the Empress only.
It must be that they heard wrong!
Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow at He Heng. Seeing he was smiling
as he listened to the flattery of the people below, she lowered her
head to continue drinking soup.
Wei Qing E and He Qi sat together. She looked dazedly at Qu Qing
Ju dressed in a purple wide sleeved dress embroidered with a
hundred birds bowing to a phoenix. She couldn’t believe her eyes
and ears. The Emperor was really willing to favor only one woman,
and was even willing to have only her have children?
She thought about the tongfang that the other officials had sent over
after they returned to court. Even though she had shared in the
hardships with wang ye and wang ye treated her much more closely,
didn’t he still take the women that others gave as tong fang?

Was it really true that this world had a man that was faithful, and this
man was the Emperor as well?
Wei Qing E slowly took her gaze back. Strangely, her gaze fell on
Qin Bai Lu. Qin Bai Lu’s expression wasn’t well. Rui Wang beside
her didn’t seem to pay any attention to her. The two sat at a two-
person table but their atmosphere wasn’t any different from
It was no wonder then that Qin Bai Lu was that jealous of Qu Qing
Ju. As a woman, she could understand what the other thought, even
she was slightly jealous of the Empress. She had the status, she
would almost have a child, and she even had the fidelity of her
husband. And this woman who had everything didn’t even need to be
kind or generous, didn’t need a high birth but still lived better than all
of them.
“What are you looking at?” He Qi pulled her sleeve under the table,
warning in a small voice, “Don’t copy lao san’s wang fei’s stupidity. I
heard the Emperor doesn’t like that one and already bestowed down
a few beauties to Rui Wang Fu.’
Wei Qing E’s heart jumped. Her brow creasing, she asked: “Wasn’t
it said that the Emperor didn’t keep any of the female candidates?”
“He didn’t keep any, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t bestow them
to other people,” He Qi swirled the wine cup in his hand, flicking a
look in the direction of He Yuan, “Lao san was too arrogant in his
conduct, but that one of his isn’t a peaceful one. I heard that in the
past, she had done many things to offend the Empress. The way the
Emperor dotes on the Empress, would he spare that one of lao

“The Emperor wouldn’t ……” Wei Qing E’s tongue twisted. The
Emperor wouldn’t manage such matters.
“Don’t see only his appearance, he’s ruthless,” He Qi pushed his
voice so quiet that only the two of them could hear, “How that Qu ce
fei’s of lao san passed away, there’s a lot that went on there.”

Wei Qing E gripped her wine cup tighter. Then a woman who could
keep a man like that in the palm of her hand, how scary was she?
In that instant, the look that Wei Qing E gave Qu Qing Ju was as
though she was seeing a devastatingly beautiful demoness.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t know that she had been levelled up to demoness.
She gave a yawn and ate the fruits that had been cut up. She
occasionally exchanged words with the noblewomen as the year
banquet slowly came to a conclusion.
At precisely midnight, the fireworks exploded outside the hall, dying
half of the hall red.
Qu Qing Ju looked outside the hall and managed to see one of the
fireworks burst, impossibly beautiful.
“Like it?” He Heng reached out a hand to her, “I’ll accompany you
outside to see.”
Qu Qing Ju gave him her hand. The two walked out of the hall
holding hands and stood at the tall stage outside the hall. They
watched as bud after bud of fire bloom and then wither, beautiful as
though it was a dream.
Behind the two were the people who had come to attend the
banquet. Everyone saw the hands of the Emperor and Empress
entwined together. Under the fireworks, the figures of the two were
like a painting.
Wei Qing E stood next to He Qi. Her gaze was fixed on the Emperor
and Empress’ hands that hadn’t let go from beginning to end. She
seemed to once again see the last evening of the year one year
ago, as Qu Qing Ju, clad entirely in red, walked down step by step
from those stairs, and the Emperor, still a wang ye then, couldn’t
resist going forward to support Qu Qing Ju.
It seemed that she had never forgotten that scene, and it was
deeply embedded in her heart.
The fireworks then, it was still as bright and attractive as today, but
what she could remember was the hand the Emperor couldn’t help
but reach out.
Maybe some things were fated.
Like her and He Qi, Qu Qing Ju and the Emperor, Qin Bai Lu and Rui
Chapter One Hundred and Six
“The Letter of Divorce”

After the New Year festival passed, it was the time for the families
to visit each other. As the Empress in the central palace, Qu Qing Ju
naturally received many notices, but due to her pregnancy, she had
just seen the members of the two Empress Dowager’s paternal
family, Tian Luo shi and others. Today, she needed to meet Ning
Wang Fei and Cheng Wang Fei.
“Ning Wang Fei, Cheng Wang Fei, please come in,” Huang Yang
hurriedly walked out of the door into the rear hall, a wide smile on his
face as he performed a greeting to Wei Qing E and Luo Wen Yao
before bowing to lead the two people inside.
“Thanks gonggong,” Luo Wen Yao smiled politely at Huang Yang.
She knew that Huang Yang was someone that the Empress used
often, so she treated him extremely courteously.
“Cheng Wang Fei is too polite, please,” Huang Yang’s attitude
became even more humble as he steadily walked inside, “Empress
knew that both wang fei were coming and had woken early to wait.”

Wei Qing He followed Huang Yang’s words with some words

expressing her gratefulness. When they reached the door to the
room, she didn’t speak anymore. Huang Yang announced: “Empress,
Ning Wang Fei and Cheng Wang Fei have arrived.”
“Quickly come in please,” Wei Qing E heard Qu Qing Ju’s voice. And
when the curtain in front of them was raised, a very familiar looking
palace maid coming out, bowing to them and ushered them into the
This was the first time Wei Qing E came to this place. At a glance,
she saw that much care had been taken with the tasteful furnishings
in the room, and there was nothing with corners, since they were
worried that those things would harm the pregnant Qu Qing Ju.
She looked at Qu Qing Ju who sat in front. Qu Qing Ju only had a
simple hairstyle, a buyao inserted from the side. With her black hair,
it expressed an indolent beauty.
“Greetings to Empress,” Wei Qing E and Luo Wen Yao
simultaneously made a bow, their movements full of deference.
“Us sisters-in-law don’t have to be so polite with each other,” Qu
Qing Ju waved her hand and got the palace maids to bring a carved
stool for each of them. Then she said: “It’s still snowing today, it
must have been trouble to make you two visit ben gong.”

“Niangniang’s words are taking good fortune from chen fu,” Wei
Qing E added a smile as she said, “chen fu should have come in
before to give thanks, but these last few days were so busy so the
visit was delayed. It’s lucky that niangniang is kind and hasn’t
blamed chen fu.”

“Da sao’s words are too polite,” Qu Qing Ju saw that Wei Qing E
was attired even more dignified than in the past and sighed inside.
There were many women in Ning Wang Fu. Wei Qing E had a di son
herself, and must have spent limitless amounts of attention, “Ning
Wang Fu had been empty for so long, it’s natural to spend time
cleaning it up. Originally, ben gong should have sent servants to do
so, but the Emperor missed da be and summoned you back to Jing
as soon as possible. Your family must have gone to great trouble.”
“It’s our entire family’s good fortune that Emperor missed our wang
ye,” Wei Qing E smiled, replying, “wang ye frequently mentioned the
good of the Emperor and said that even dying won’t be enough to
repay the kindness of the Emperor.”
In the beginning, Wei Qing E hadn’t been as antagonistic as Qin Bai
Lu who had picked a fight whenever possible with Qu Qing Ju, but
she acted as she was the eldest. Now, her words and actions were
done to flatter to her, the er dixi. Qu Qing Ju couldn’t see any
discontent in her actions and couldn’t help but sigh again. Such a
virtuous wife, and didn’t abandon or give up on Ning Wang. Now that
Ning Wang returned to Jing, he had taken quite a few women as
tongfang. That really wasn’t a good thing to do.
“They’re brothers, there’s no need to speak of kindness,” Qu Qing
Ju waved her hand, and said to Luo Wen Yao: “Ben gong heard you
have some happy news, this really is a happy event.”
Luo Wen Yao’s face instantly blushed and she lowered her head as
she responded: “The taiyi diagnosed it a few days earlier. Chen fu
had thought to wait a few days before telling you.”
“Such a happy event, you can’t conceal it from ben gong,” Qu Qing
Ju smiled, adding, “ben gong let them prepare some things for
pregnancy. When you leave, take it with you. If you are lacking in
anything, send someone to tell ben gong, don’t restrain yourself.”

Wei Qing E listened to the conversation between the Empress and

Cheng Wang Fei. She could detect the closeness that the Empress
treated Cheng Wang Fei with. It was very different from the
politeness that was offered to her. One year ago, no one would have
thought that even Cheng Wang would have a change of fortune.
“Actually, ben gong heard yesterday that people were saying that
Rui Wang Jun Fei was ill, have you two heard?” Three days ago, she
had just attended the year end banquet, and then got sick right after.
If the news came out, who would be embarrassed?
“San dimei has always been delicate. Yesterday night, it snowed,
maybe she wasn’t careful and got sick,” Wei Qing E spoke on the
subject. She had an idea what the Empress meant and naturally
would follow the direction, “ But san dimei usually doesn’t interact
much with chen fu and si dimei, so we also don’t know.”

Qu Qing Ju nodded, looking rueful: “That’s so true, san dimei’s

personality usually is proud. Even ben gong, she wasn’t willing to
interact much with. In a while, ben gong will get them to bestow
some things down, it will be a token of ben gong’s goodwill.”

The words appeared to be concerned about Qin Bai Lu but the

implication was accusing Qin Bai Lu was discourteous to the
Empress. Wei Qing E glanced around the room. There were many
palace maids and taijian standing around. If these words were
leaked out, everyone would know of Qin Bai Lu’s haughtiness.
She dropped her gaze slightly so she would not look at the warm
smile on Qu Qing Ju’s face. The tone of her voice was assenting:
“Empress is kind-hearted and benevolent. Rui Jun Wang Fei’s
actions are truly somewhat discourteous.”
Really kind-hearted and benevolent. Even when a jun wang fei was
discourteous to her, she would still let bygones be bygones and
bestow gifts down. This entire court, who wouldn’t praise her for
being virtuous?
“We are all one family, both you and I knew her temperament,” Qu
Qing Ju displayed a helpless look, “ben gong will just hope that she
will recover quickly now.”
Luo Wen Yao used a handkerchief to cover her mouth as she
agreed: “Empress is right, the best thing would be that san sao
Wei Qing E felt for a second that the closeness between the
Empress and Cheng Wang Fei, perhaps it was because they were
strangely similar in some aspects?
“Emperor?” Ming He saw the Emperor walk to the door of the rear
hall and then turn to circle back to the front hall, and couldn’t help
cautiously asking, “Should nucai go in to notify Empress?”

“No need,” He Heng waved his hand. He took down a book from the
shelves and buried his head down. Ming He took a peek. It was still
that “Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold” that the Emperor had
read for many days. Ever since the Empress had been found to be
pregnant, the Emperor seemed to develop an interest in medical
A long time later, just as Ming He assumed that the Emperor would
keep reading, an attendant of the Empress came to ask if the
Emperor was going to go have a meal together. Then he saw the
Emperor throw away the book and stand up.
Looking at the medical book that the Emperor had heartlessly
thrown to one side, it wasn’t anything. In front of the Empress, it
couldn’t compare to one hair strand.”
In Rui Jun Wang Fu, Qin Bai Lu furiously smashed everything that
the palace had sent down before she felt her fury had been
somewhat relieved. She hatefully looked at the ginseng, sneering:
“Pretending to be so virtuous, like I don’t have these things?”
She once hated Qu Yue Su, and after Qu Yue Su died, the one she
hated most became Qu Qing Ju. The two sisters of the Qu Family
seemed to have been born to be at conflict with her, and disturb her
“Wang fei, wang ye is already unhappy that you called in sick to not
pay your respects to the Empress. Now, you smashed the Empress’
gifts. If wang ye knew, it won’t be good,” Ru Hua rushed the
servants to clean up the room. After the attendants had all left, she
urged, “Right now, even for yourself, you have bear it.”
“Bear it?” Qin Bai Lu pointed in the direction of the main building, “He
only amuses himself everyday and has never thought about me.
Even if I tore down this room, he won’t care!”
“But if you keep going like this……”
“You don’t have to persuade me. In wang ye’s eyes, I’m afraid that
even a fingernail of the Empress is better than me. Maybe right now
he’s regretting that he hadn’t married the Empress in the beginning
rather than me!” Qin Bai Lu was so infuriated that she didn’t control
her words, “The Empress is so noble, so beautiful, I’m nothing!”
Ru Hua sighed helplessly. She thought about the rumors about wang
fei outside. Jealous, not virtuous, arrogant and bad-mannered,
disrespectful of the Empress. There were even people that said
wang ye was going to divorce wang fei. If wang fei knew of those
things, her sadness would be great.
She just didn’t understand what great irreconcilable enmity there was
between Empress and wang fei that wang fei would hate Empress
so. It was clear that the two hadn’t interacted much. Was it really
because of the rumors about the decree of marriage? But the
Empress and Emperor were very well together and wang fei really
didn’t need to be jealous of the Empress.
Outside the door, He Fu Er stood behind He Yuan, his legs
trembling. He hadn’t thought that wang fei would say such reckless
things. If it passed into the Emperor’s ears, wouldn’t it cost wang ye
his life?
Thinking about the stories of the love between the Imperial Couple,
He Fu Er swallowed. It would really cause his death. He was so
unfortunate to have heard these words.
Furtively looking at wang ye’s expression, He Fu Er’s legs grew even
weaker. It had been a long time since he had seen wang ye look so
terrible. Hearing the continuing complaints of the wang fei inside the
room, He Fu Er finally couldn’t stand and knelt down hard.
He Yuan didn’t look at He Fu Er, and with a grim face, went up to
kick open the door. Gazing at Qin Bai Lu who had abruptly froze, he
ordered icily: “He Fu Er, bring pen and paper.”
“Wang ye!” Qin Bai Lu shrieked, “I’m the wang feixiandi decreed to
you, you can’t divorce me.”
“So you do know that your words would cause ben wang to divorce
you, then why couldn’t you control your mouth?” He Yuan looked in
disgust at Qin Bai Lu, “Ben wang might only be a jun wang now, but
it doesn’t mean having to tolerate a wang fei like you.”

“Pen and paper!” He Heng’s voice grew even more harsh.

Very quickly, someone brought pen and paper. Grinding the ink and
laying down the paper, it seemed to have all been done in the blink
of an eye in Qin Bai Lu’s eyes.
“Wang ye,” Qin Bai Lu knelt down. She knew that He Yuan was
serious this time and couldn’t resist hugging his legs, crying: “You
can’t treat me this way.”
“Get her off!” He Heng didn’t even look at Qin Bai Lu. He held up the
brush to dip in the ink and fluidly started writing.
“Wang ye, wang ye,” Ru Hua knelt down at He Yuan’s feet, “wang
fei wasn’t doing it on purpose, please, forgive her this time, wang
The two minor taijian saw that wang ye’s face darkened even more
and went up to drag and pin Ru Hua at one side.
Ru Hua stared as wang ye wrote the entire letter of divorce in one
go as though he had finally vented all the emotions he had
suppressed for a long time. She suddenly stopped pleading because
she felt that, no matter how she and wang fei pleaded, wang ye
wouldn’t change his mind.
“Take it,” He Yuan threw the still wet letter of divorce in front of Qin
Bai Lu, coldly gazing down at her kneeling on the ground, “The thing
that ben wang regrets the most in this lifetime was marrying you.”

Qin Bai Lu’s head buzzed as though she couldn’t hear anything. She
looked dazedly at the man that looked from high up down at her. She
suddenly stood, pushing aside He Yuan and was going to throw
herself at the wall, before she was pulled back by He Fu Er at the
“If you want to die, go back to your Qin Family to die, don’t dirty ben
wang’s place,” He Yuan sneered, “Someone come, pack up all of
Qin shi’s things and send them back along with Qin shi back to the
Qin Family.”
“Yes,” He Fu Er saw that the matter had progressed to this step and
didn’t dare provoke wang ye so he started to order others to start
He Yuan didn’t look again at Qin Bai Lu, he turned and walked away.
The news that the daughter of the Qin Family had been divorced by
Rui Jun Wang spread through the entire Jing City by the afternoon.
Almost everyone didn’t believe that Rui Jun Wang would do it. Right
now, Rui Jun Wang didn’t have any real power. If he offended the
Qin Family, wouldn’t his days become more difficult in the future?
There were those that felt the daughter of the Qin Family wasn’t
worthy of being a wang fei, were moved by Rui Jun Wang who
wasn’t willing to suffer, and sighed.
On the second day, there was an Imperial Censor who reproached
Rui Jun Wang’s actions. The main idea was that the daughter of the
Qin Family had been declared by xiandi. The fact that Rui Jun Wang
had divorced his wife, the daughter of the Qin Family, it was being
unfilial to xiandi. It ruined the conduct of Da Long Dynasty. Along the
way, he praised the love that the Emperor had for the Empress.
“The Empress is virtuous in her conduct, filial to her elders, attentive
to zhen, zhen’s love for her is only natural,” The boot-licking had
been misconstrued. He Heng’s face was dark as he continued, “The
daughter of the Qin Family dishonorably conducted herself, was of
arrogant manner, and no virtues at all. Even in front of zhen and
Empress, she was arrogant and disrespectful. Rui Jun Wang is
zhen’s brother, how can zhen bear for him to be served by such a
wang fei?”
The Imperial Censor choked. The terrible reputation of Qin shi had
already spread through Jing. It really was somewhat inappropriate
for him to compare Qin shi to the Empress. He then knelt down and
didn’t say another word.
“Zhen thought, as a man, one should be filial to elders, esteem his
wife, and love and protect his children. As a woman, one should
have proper conduct, esteem her husband, be virtuous and
intelligent. Only like this, can husband and wife be harmonious.” He
Heng furrowed his eyebrows, adding, “Zhen heard that the Great
Scholar Lu da ren of Hong Yuan Cabinet has a good daughter of
both talent and good appearance. Why don’t zhen act as a
matchmaker and let Lu xiaojie and zhen’s sandi be engaged and will
marry by the end of this year.”
Lu Jing Hong paused and then forced out a smile as he knelt,
replying: “Wei chen thanks the Emperor for decreeing the marriage.”

The Emperor was cutting off the Qin Family’s retreat. And also
pulled his daughter in. But he could not refuse.
He could only hope that Rui Jun Wang would treat his daughter well
in the future. He would thank the heavens and earth if it didn’t turn
out like Qin shi’s circumstances.
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
“Birth of A Son”

Lu Yu Rong knelt as she listened to the Ministry of Rites’ official

finish reciting the Imperial Decree before respectfully kowtowing
along with her family. She watched as her father received the
Imperial Decree from the official. Her expression wasn’t joyful nor
angry, and no one was able to see her thoughts regarding the
After the Rites official left, Lu furen looked worriedly at the Imperial
Decree: “Lao ye, what are we going to do, Rui Jun Wang’s
personality …” Everyone knew what Rui Jun Wang’s personality was
like. Her daughter marrying that kind of a person, what good days
would she have?
Even more, the Emperor wasn’t close to Rui Jun Wang. Shu gui
taifei was at odds with the two Empress Dowagers and had once
even done an idiotic thing as to try to harm the Empress. Their Lu
Family becoming connected to Rui Jun Wang, it was a great
“Don’t worry, since the Emperor decreed the marriage, it shows that
he trusts our Lu Family,” Lu Jing Hong sighed, not knowing if he was
comforting Lu furen or himself, “Furthermore, Rui Jun Wang has no
real power right now. What does the Emperor have to be suspicious
Luo furen knew that the matter was set in stone and there was no
benefit in discussing it anymore. She was only feeling sorry for her
daughter, marrying a powerless member of the Imperial Family.
“Mother doesn’t have to be worried for me,” Lu Yu Rong squeezed
out a smile, “Rui Jun Wang is still a jun wang. Also, he has no
children in his fu. Daughter might be marrying over as the second
wife, but the first one was divorced, so I’m not that different from the
original. Furthermore, another person might not be better a better
match than Rui Jun Wang.”
Lu Jing Hong’s di son, Lu Zhan, heard his meimei’s words and
ground his teeth: “Meimei don’t worry, gege will be here. If Rui Jun
Wang dares to bully you, gege will go accuse him in front of the
Emperor to bring you back.”
“It’s not that scary,” The smile on Lu Jing Rong’s face became
brighter. She looked at the Imperial Decree in Lu Jing Hong’s hands,
“Life, it’s just like that.”
Once the words came out, the Lu family became silent. No matter
what, they felt they had fallen short for their daughter.
When the peach flowers were in full bloom, He Heng, after the
officials begged him three times, finally changed the era name to Jia
You, and informed the ancestors to use the first year of Jia You to
count the years. At the same time, the world started calling He Heng
by Jia You Emperor.
In the fourth month of the first year of Jia You, rain continued to
come down for a few days, but what made He Heng feel restless
wasn’t the fine rain but Qu Qing Ju, who was close to childbirth. As
the time grew closer, he became more and more nervous. A woman
giving birth, it was like a foot in life and a foot in death. Thinking
about the frightening event, he couldn’t calm himself.
It was now the end of the fourth month, but due to continuing rainfall
for three days, the weather was slightly cold. He Heng finished
reading the memorandum in his hands, and prepared to go to the
rear palace, when he saw Ming He rush in, and make a sloppy bow.
“Emperor, Empress is giving birth.”
“What?!” His expression changed slightly, he stood and took large
steps, not even taking the time to change the robe he was wearing,
which was stained with drops of ink.
When they came to the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace, the door to the
delivery room had been closed. He Heng didn’t know that his pale
face had frightened all the palace attendants. He looked at the tightly
secured door to the delivery room, demanding gravely: “When did
the Empress start labor?”
“This morning, the Empress felt her belly hurt and let nubi help her
take a bath and then a meal. She walked for a while in the room
before entering the delivery room,” Jin Zhan bowed as she narrated,
“Please, Emperor, don’t worry. The midwife mama said that zhuzi’s
fetus is in a good position and it will be a smooth delivery.”
He Heng’s brain was a mess. He unconsciously raised a teacup for a
drink, “Why not tell zhen earlier?”

“Niangniang said that Emperor had many state affairs and to let
nubi inform you when she entered the delivery room,” Jin Zhan heard
the anger in the Emperor’s words and knelt down fearfully in front of
He Heng, “Pease, Emperor, don’t be angry.”
Waving to let the palace maid who’d answered stand, he wasn’t in a
good mood, but still recognized that the palace maid was one of Qu
Qing Ju’s personal maids. So he didn’t want to lash out at her, and
continuously downed tea.
When Empress Dowager Wei and Muhou Empress Dowager rushed
over, they saw the black face of the Emperor and a silent room.
There wasn’t even much sound coming from the delivery room. Their
hearts grew cold as they assumed that the Empress wasn’t well,
and asked urgently, “How’s the Empress?”
“Empress Dowager, just now a midwife mama came out to say the
Empress was fine and had drank a bowl of ginseng porridge.” Jin
Zhan carefully answered, ‘But His Highness would have to take some
more time before being born.”
“Childbirth is a hardship for women,” Empress Dowager looked
worriedly around the room and walked to sit down on a chair. She
even forgot to invite Muhou Empress Dowager to sit down as well.
Her brows creased as she said to Jin Zhan, “Tell the other servants
to be careful. Anything the midwives want, you have to immediately
send it in, understand?”
“Nubi will remember,” Jin Zhan turned to walk outside the hall and
pass the Empress Dowager’s decree to the other servants.
Muhou Empress Dowager sat down next to Empress Dowager Wei.
She had rarely seen the Empress Dowager Wei be so panicked and
could only comfort: “Meimei, don’t be too worried. These days, the
taiyi and the pregnancy mama all said that the position of the child is
very good. Very quickly, you can hug your big grandson.”
Empress Dowager forced a smile. Her gaze still fixed on the door to
the delivery room, not even noticing the bow He Heng gave her.
He Heng saw the two Empress Dowagers arrive but his mental state
didn’t calm down much. With a stomachful of tea, he couldn’t help
standing and started pacing in circles around the room. After a few
minutes, sweat dotted his forehead. He didn’t know whether it was
from nervousness or the heat.
The palace attendants in the room didn’t dare to even breathe
heavily. Watching as the Emperor becoming more and more jittery,
they wished to push their heads down even further in hopes that the
Emperor wouldn’t see them.
A shout of pain from Qu Qing Ju finally passed out of the room. He
Heng rushed forward a few steps to the door of the delivery room.
But after listening, he couldn’t hear any more noises and couldn’t
resist asking: “Why hasn’t there been news?”
Ming He looked at the hourglass from the corner of his eye. It had
just been half an hour. He might be a taijian but even he knew that it
wasn’t so easy for most women to give birth the first time.
“Why hasn’t the Empress made a sound?” He Heng pointed at a
palace maid, “Go take a look.”
“The Empress is giving birth, there’s nothing for the other people to
do,” Empress Dowager Wei stood to walk next to He Heng. She
restrained the panic in her own heart, “Look at the time. That year
that aijia gave birth to you, it took the entire night. Don’t panic, no
one has come out from inside. That means that the Empress is fine.”
He Heng roughly wiped at the sweat on his forehead and paced
around the room twice. If it wasn’t for the stupid protocols of the
Imperial Family and his worry that others would say things about
Qing Ju in the future, he would have burst in already, and wouldn’t be
so frantic outside the door.
The quiet surroundings made him feel it was harder to endure. He
didn’t know how much time passed when he seemed to have heard
the midwife mama inside the room say something. He couldn’t resist
pressing himself against the door, wanting to see from the crack of
the door. But to prevent the wind from entering the delivery room, all
the curtains had been shut down. Other than a patch of black, he
couldn’t see anything else.
An unknown amount of time later, He Heng felt many hours had
passed when in reality it had been only one hour, just when he
wasn’t able to resist trying to push his way in, cries of an infant
sounded suddenly from the delivery room. The wailing was so loud it
seemed to burst through the roof.
He Heng exhaled greatly and realized that his entire body felt weak,
and the tea in his belly was pushing uncomfortably.
“Congratulations Empress Dowagers, Emperor,” One of the midwife
mamas jubilantly opened the door and walked out, another midwife
mama behind her carrying a swaddled infant. Kneeling down in front
of the three noble personages, she announced, “Empress gave birth
to a healthy imperial son!”
“Reward, great reward,” Empress Dowager Wei walked to the
doorway and took over the infant from the midwife mama, smiling
joyously at the chubby imperial son, “Pretty heavy, good, good, the
brows and eyes are like the Emperor, Emperor come ……”
Empress Dowager Wei looked in the direction that He Heng was
standing and then glanced around the room, where was he?
She looked at the half-open door, paused for a beat and then smiled
as she shook her head. Together with Muhou Empress Dowager,
they smiled as they started to look at their sturdy grandson.
After giving birth, Qu Qing Ju felt as though she had used up all the
strength she had in her life. She tiredly gave a yawn and drowsily
watched as He Heng pushed aside two of the midwife mamas who’d
tried to block him and strode next to the bed. He was a sorry figure
with his head full of sweat. She grew suspicious that the person who
gave birth was He Heng, not her.
“Emperor, the blood is thick in the delivery room, you cannot
enter……” A midwife mama was still trying to stop him but was
paralyzed by He Heng’s icy glare.
“Zhen is in a good mood today, don’t make zhen angry,” he
uncaringly sat down at the bedside. After shouting away the midwife
mama, he loving held Qu Qing Ju’s hand, “Thanks for your trouble.
Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”
“Just tired, want to sleep,” Qu Qing Ju gave a yawn, “I’ve used all
my energy.”
“Aright,” He Heng looked around the delivery room. He called for a
palace maid to bring a clean blanket and wrapped Qu Qing Ju’s
hands and feet inside before bending down to lift her entirely with the
blanket, “There’s too much blood here. I’ll take you back to the room
to sleep.”
The entire room of people watched with gaping mouths as the
Emperor just carried the Empress away. Then they recovered and
hurried to follow them out.
The midwife mama looked at the gory blanket left on the delivery
bed and couldn’t help but be moved. She had delivered for many
noble families before, but she had never seen a husband be as
attentive as the Emperor. Who said that the Imperial Family had no
love, the Emperor treated the Empress much better than those
gentlemen of the noble families.
Qu Qing Ju’s room had already been prepared. After He Heng put
her down on the clean bed, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the
sweat on her forehead for her. In a soft voice, he said: “Muhou had
our child carried down to drink milk. Sleep now. Once you wake up,
I’ll get them to bring him here for you to see.”
“Alright,” Qu Qing Ju saw that there was still sweat on his forehead
and smiled as she suggest, “Emperor should also change.”
Who knew when she finished speaking, He Heng’s expression
changed, as though he was holding something back.
“What is it?” Qu Qing Ju asked in puzzlement.
“Zhen drank too much tea just now,” He Heng stood, quickly
responding: “Zhen will be back quickly.” He headed in the direction of
the bucket in the side room.
Qu Qing Ju stilled and then laughed, her mood unspeakably good.
Mu Jin and the others who were attending Qu Qing Ju in the room
saw the Empress laugh. Even though they didn’t know what the
Emperor had just said to her, they followed in laughing. No matter
what, as long as the Empress was well, they were well.
After He Heng hurriedly solved his problem in the toilet and came
back, he saw Qu Qing Ju had fallen asleep. Looking at her sleeping
visage, he tucked in the blanket for her and couldn’t help giving a
warm smile.
Empress Dowager Wei stood at the doorway. The foot that had
been raised went back down. A beat later, she turned and retreated.
Looking at the sky that had clearly at some unknown time, she
serenely sighed: “This is good.”
“Empress Dowager, the sun came out,” Ding mama beside her
exclaimed in shock, “The sky cleared when Little Highness was born.
This is very auspicious.”
Empress Dowager Wei peered out at the sun that had came out of
the clouds, smiling and declaring: ”Aijia’s grandson will naturally have
a good life.”
Ding mama nodded: “Nubi saw that the earlobes of His Highness
are big and fleshy, the brow high and clear, the hair black and thick.
It is all signs of good fortune.”
Empress Dowager Wei smiled, clearly very satisfied with what Ding
mama had said.
“The Empress gave birth to an imperial son?” When Jiang Yong Yu
finished listening to what Ai Lu said, she gave a faint smile, “Then the
clothing I made will be useful.”
It had been a very long time since the Emperor had ever come to
her palace. Luckily, the Empress treated her well. For her, as long
as the Empress remained unshakable in her position, she would
have good days. Take for example, the rank she held. If it wasn’t for
the Empress, what qualifications did she have to be titled a fei in the
first place?
“Nubi heard that the Empress had been personally carried by the
Emperor out of the delivery room,” Ai Lu informed in a small voice,
“Emperor treats Empress so well.”
“That is good,” Jiang Yong Yu finished the sewing on the small
undergarment in her hands. Embroidered on it was a chubby infant
hugging a gigantic red koi. The size was perfect for an infant a few
months old to wear, “The Empress is well, then we will be well.”
The news that the Empress had given birth to the Imperial Eldest
Son very quickly made its way to the ears of the noble families. It
caused a fuss in every family as they wrote congratulatory
messages and prepared gifts. Many women were admiring. The
Empress had been the only one favored by the Emperor and in one
sweep, got a son. This was the good fortune that others could
admire but didn’t have.
In Rui Jun Wang Fu, He Yuan was tipsy. After hearing He Fu Er’s
report, he stilled and then ordered: “Send the gifts that ben wang
prepared a few days ago to Tian Qi Palace.”
He Fu Er paused and hesitated for a beat before asking: “But wang
ye, isn’t it supposed to be a month before … …”

“Send it, don’t be so chatty,” He Yuan drank to the bottom of the

wine cup, “Ben wang isn’t lacking those things.”

He Fu Er helplessly complied. He sighed inside. If those things were

sent into the palace, he wondered if the Emperor would
misunderstand. If he thought that wang ye was trying to use the
presents to get back into court, then it would be troublesome.
Oh, he was becoming less able to predict what wang ye thought
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
“Competing for the Empress’
Favor Rather Than The Emperor”

His Highness the Eldest Imperial Son was the only heir of the
Emperor at present so everyone knew that this Eldest Imperial Son
held special meaning. So when the third day “washing ceremony”
came, the people who were allowed to attend all prepared
auspicious gifts for the basin to express their regard for the Eldest
Imperial Son.
Because the Empress was in her confinement period, the Eldest
Imperial Son was personally carried out by the two Empress
Dowagers. Additionally, the Emperor sat from beginning to end.
Everyone could see how much importance was placed on the infant
by the three major personages of the palace.
At the washing ceremony, some noblewomen of significant status
were fortunate enough to get close to the Eldest Imperial Son. When
they left the palace, they kept on praising how well the Eldest
Imperial Son looked and how auspicious his features were.
Those that didn’t have enough status to be close to the Empress
Dowagers also crowded around to praise as though they would
offend someone if they said it too late.
More people in Jing started to fawn over the members of the Tian
Family, but to their surprise, the Tian Family became more low-key.
Even the families that the shu daughters of the Tian Family married
into started to be low-key. When the actions of the Tian Family
passed into He Heng’s ears, it improved his impression of the Tian
Family to be even better. After a short while, he would find a chance
to bestow some things to the Tian Family to imply that he was very
satisfied with the Tian Family’s methods.
The Jing City was always a prosperous place and there were
naturally people in stalls on the sides of the street. So when one
vendor saw a large stallion with a golden-yellow cloth tied around it,
he knew that it was a messenger with a decree and chatted about it
with his customers.
“After the Empress gave birth to the Eldest Imperial Son, our Jing
City has become busier as well,” A dumpling vendor chuckled as he
wrapped the dumplings in lotus leaves and handed them to the
customer in front of him, “We can try to partake in the cheer as
Qu Wang Zi had a difficult expression on his face as he stared at the
cabbage stuffed buns in his hand. He turned to look at the distant
stallion, asking in befuddlement: “That road seems to be Zhong Yi
Gong Fu?”
“Yup. The Duke of Zhong Yi is a good official, and also the paternal
family of the Empress. For the palace to bestow something to Zhong
Yi Gong Fu, isn’t that very normal?” The owner placed the prepared
buns into the steamer basket, lowering his head to look at the fire in
the stove, his face proud as he said, “The empress once brought the
stewed eggs that my dai jie sold. Right now, many noble
personages go to taste my da jie’s stewed eggs. They all say that
my da jie’s stewed eggs are full of flavor. If this guest is interested,
then go buy some for a taste.” He pointed at the stewed eggs stall
opposite the street, his face full of pride.
Qu Wang Zhi twisted his head to look. As expected, many people
were crowded around the stall buying eggs. He had seen some of
them people, they were the stewards of some noble families.
“Hey, isn’t this Young Master Qu?” A youth wearing the uniform of
the Dong Shan Academy sitting on a horse looked down at Qu Wang
Zhi with a scornful expression, “What lucky day is this that I’m so
fortunate to see Young Master personally buying buns?”
The manservant that held the reins for the youth respectfully raised
his hands, uttering: “This one greets Young Master Qu.”
Qu Wang Zi recognized that this youth was the Duke of Zhong Yi’s
shumei’s son and instantly felt his face burn. He laughed dryly and
raised his hands to greet: “Nice to see Young Master Chen.”
“I can’t receive Young Master Qu’s bow,” The youth sat straight on
the horse, smiling coldly as he declared, “Your fu is such a noble
family that it feels even the Empress is lower than them. Us poor
little families cannot receive a bow.” That year at the Empress’
coming of age ceremony, that was how Liang shi had mocked his
mother. When his mother had returned home, she had cried over the
matter to the point she became sick. If it wasn’t that the Emperor
had decreed a marriage for biao jie half a month later, his mother
would have remained ill for much longer.
He had never met his yimu but heard from his mother say that his
yimu had been very caring of her, and never bullied her because his
mother was a shu daughter. So even though it had been a few
decades, his mother still sighed when she mentioned yimu.

Thinking about the family of Chang De Gong Fu, he felt slightly

disgusted. At the very least, they were a ducal family but they acted
worse than any common family. And this Young Master Qu always
carried himself arrogantly in the past at the Dong Shan Academy.
Every time they met, his nose was pointed at the heavens. Seeing
Qu Wang Zhi’s lackluster state, he felt it was karma.
“Young Master Chen is joking,” Qu Wang Zhi couldn’t even force out
a smile. He even felt that the eyes of the surrounding vendors
become strange as they looked at him. That made him, who was
very attentive to his honor, almost not able to stay up. He made a
messy bow, “This one still has other matters, and will go first. Young
Master Chen, do whatever you want.”
Squeezing out of the crowd that had been spectating, he didn’t even
realize that the buns in his hand had been crushed flat by his hands.
His steps grew faster and by the end he was sprinting. Only when
no one was looking at him anymore did he find a store selling
medicine as he panted. He brought a packet of medicine and then
slowly made his way outside the city.
After his father was especially pardoned, because it had been cold
in the jail, his knees had worsened. Now, he could only lay in bed all
day. Because his jiejie had died, his mother cried all day. His
grandmother couldn’t endure it and passed away not long ago. The
funeral had been done by erjie who gave the silver. Thinking about
the mutually-blaming father and mother, he wanted to turn and leave,
and never return to the old village house.
“You don’t have any right to blame me. That year, it was you that
begged for me to marry to the fu. You couldn’t teach your daughter
properly and blame me for neglecting her, why don’t you think of
what you did before?!”
“You evil woman. That year, I shouldn’t have married you. If it wasn’t
for you, I would be the Emperor’s father-in-law, it’s all because of
you ……”
Hearing the sounds of arguing inside the house, Qu Wang Zhi
showed a fed up expression. In the end, he put the buns and the
medicine at the doorway, then turned and left the noisy place.
In the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju finally came out of the
confinement. She took a refreshing bath and changed into a beautiful
silk dress before sitting at the bed to slowly wave a fan at the
deeply asleep son. In the end, she couldn’t resist kissing her son’s
Mu Jin saw the Empress’ actions and she smiled. Walking next to the
bed to look at the imperial son who fisted his hands in sleep, she
informed in a small voice: “Niangniang, Heng fei niangniang has
come to pay respects.”
“Heng fei has come?” Qu Qing Ju moved her gaze away from her
son. After ordering the nursemaid to keep a watch over the imperial
son, she stood, ordering, “Let’s go and see her”
Jiang Yong Yu had been drinking tea as she sat on a chair. Seeing
Qu Qing Ju come out, she immediately put down the teacup and
rose to give her a greeting.
“Heng fei doesn’t have to be so courteous,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as
she sat down at the front, “Please sit. Now that it’s the sixth month,
it’s so hot. Why did you come over?”
“Pinqie has nothing to do usually, and made some clothing for His
Highness, just not sure if they fit,” Jiang Yong Yu took a stack of
infant clothing from Ai Lu’s hands, “Hope that Empress doesn’t
dislike pinqie’s handiwork.”
Qu Qing Ju took over the clothing for a look. She sighed in
admiration: “Heng fei’s skills are so exquisite. What ben gong makes
cannot compare to you.” She indicated for Mu Jin to put the clothing
away, “It must have been great trouble for you to make such eye-
straining things in this heat.”
Jiang Yong Yu hurriedly responded: “Just some children’s things, it
doesn’t take much effort. Saying something inappropriate here,
pinqie has liked His Highness at first sight. Pinqie is happy to make
clothing for His Highness.”
“Then in the future, da imperial son’s clothing will have to trouble his
shu mother,” Qu Qing Ju’s face was happy, “Then ben gong will be
much more idle.”
Jiang Yong Yu’s smile grew wider when she heard Qu Qing Ju’s
words. But she was very aware of her boundaries and knew that the
Emperor might come over at this time. She stood to bid farewell.
Her intention was to follow the Empress to live her life. If she met
the Emperor, then what would that be?
Mu Jin saw Heng fei off and then, with the other servants, inspected
the clothing that Heng fei brought one by one. She concluded: “The
materials are the best, and there’s nothing wrong with them.”
“En,” Qu Qing Ju wasn’t surprised. She knew that a person like
Jiang Yong Yu definitely wouldn’t do something disadvantageous to
others and to her. She randomly picked up one of the
undergarments. The material used was fine satin, smooth and fine to
the touch. Even if it was worn in the summer heat, it would feel cool.
It was most likely that Heng fei had used the best fabric she had to
make these things. Touching the tiger embroidered on the
undergarment, she smiled, remarking, “After His Highness takes a
bath, put this on him.”
Mu Jin hesitated for a second before asking: “Niangniang, why do
you treat Heng fei so well?”

“She has never harmed me, and expressed goodwill to me. I won’t
make it difficult for her,” Qu Qing Ju looked at the pile of baby
clothes. She didn’t know how long it would take to make these
clothes that even the threads were cut clean, “We’re all women, I
don’t have to make life difficult for her.”
Mu Jin pondered and then understood what the Empress was
thinking. Thinking about the usual conduct of Heng fei, she asked in
puzzlement: “Heng fei didn’t try to take advantage of the opportunity
to catch the attention of the Emperor, it’s such a surprise.”
“She knows what she wants,” Qu Qing Ju put down the
undergarment in her hand, smiling, “she’s a smart person so that’s
why I dare to treat her so.”
When He Heng walked into the inner room of the rear hall of Tian Qi
Palace, he saw Qing Ju fiddling with a pile of baby clothes. He
walked in front of her and picked up a small shirt, “The bat
embroidered on here isn’t bad.”
“En, Heng fei embroidered it,” Qu Qing Ju looked at him, “These
clothes are all made well.”
Putting down the shirt in his hand, He Heng turned to ask, “Huang’er
is still sleeping?”
“Slept for two hours, he might wake soon,” Qu Qing Ju pulled him
over to the bed to look at her son. Pointing at the askew limbs of her
son, she commented, “Like a pig.”
“My son sleeps so aggressively,” He Heng gave a satisfied smile as
he examined his son from head to toe. Along the way, he pulled up
the silk blanket on his son’s stomach, “Looking at his posture, why
don’t we name him Tun’er ,[1] a base name makes it easier to raise.”
When Qu Qing Ju heard the name, the first she thought about were
the cute animals like dolphins and blowfish .[2] She looked again at
the round tummy that was pushing on the silk blanket. He seemed
more like a piglet.
“You don’t like it?” He Heng saw her face full of doubt and thought
she wasn’t happy. He pointed to his son’s stomach: “Look at that
stomach, it’s like a pig.”
So Tun meant pig. She laughed dryly: “Tun Tun is good, I like it.”

Maybe that he was disturbed by his unreliable parents, Tun Tun

pouted as he opened his eyes. Smelling the fragrance of his mother,
he moaned a few times but didn’t cry. Just as He Heng went to lift
him, a stream of infant urine landed on He Heng’s robes.
The nursemaid on the side was so scared her face changed. But Qu
Qing Ju roared with laughter as she pointed at He Heng’s dripping
robes, “Emperor is very lucky. An infant’s urine is good stuff, it can
ward off evil. This year, our Da Long will have a good year of good
Tun Tun groaned on his father’s body as though he agreed with what
his mother said. He Heng helplessly rubbed his son’s butt once
before handing the child to the nursemaid and let them leave for his
son to nurse. Turning, he went to sit down next to Qu Qing Ju.
“Don’t come over, you’re damp,” Qu Qing Ju held a hand out to block
but she was pinned down by He Heng on the bed and rubbed
“It can’t be just me alone that enjoys our infant son’s urine. Qing Ju
should also ward off spirits,” He Heng pinned the other under him,
reaching to touch the waist that had recovered very well, “They all
say that after a woman gives birth, the waist becomes thick. How
come Qing Ju’s waist is still so soft?” As he spoke, he placed a kiss
on Qu Qing Ju’s face.
Qu Qing Ju reached to touch his ticklish spot, but her hand was
caught in his. His other hand took advantage of the opportunity and
sneaked inside her clothes.
Standing outside, Mu Jin, Qian Chang Xin and the others heard the
laughter of the two zhuzi as they played around. They indicated for
the people waiting outside to retreat to the outer doors and then
dropped their heads to stare on the patterns of the floorboards.
More than an hour later, the Emperor and Empress finally came out.
Both had changed, and their moods were pretty good.
Qian Chang Xin and the others quickly served the noon meal up. He
looked the Emperor’s eagerly attentive state as he personally
served the Empress. He thought on the inside, the da ren of the
court, would any of them ever think that the Emperor could act like
Looking at the Empress that had no qualms about accepting the
Emperor’s service, he thought that it was hard to find a woman who
could treat the Emperor like a normal person. The Empress was
also rare in the world.
As the sun set in the west, Yu Ping palace was a flurry of activity.
The Emperor and Empress had bestowed down many good things
which caused the entire palace to be enveloped in good cheer.
Jiang Yong Yu looked at the valuable objects and smiled as she
rewarded some to her servants. Then she let Ai Lu put everything
away in her personal stores, her anxious heart finally settled down.
It looked like that the Empress really had accepted her. In the future,
it meant that she would have a steady support.
“Didn’t think that the Emperor would also bestow so much,” Ai Lu
said happily, “It seems that the Emperor still has zhuzi in his heart.”

“Stupid girl, the Emperor is rewarding me for being tactful,” The

corner of Jiang Yong Yu’s lips went up, “Don’t think about those
useless things, serve the evening meal now.”
Today, the Emperor had gone as far as to send down a decree to let
her have her own small kitchen. That represented that she had really
become the mistress of a palace.
It didn’t matter if it was fated to not compete for the favor of the
Emperor, it was better to compete for the favor of the Empress. The
days were idle and secure, so why not?

1. 豚 (tun): suckling pig

2. Dolphin in Chinese is海豚 (sea pig) and blowfish is 河豚 (river pig)

Chapter One Hundred and Nine
“The Question of Trust”

Qu Qing Ju’s recent days were extremely carefree. Everyday, she

played with her son and ate delicious food. Her days were both easy
and comfortable.
Today, when He Heng came to the rear hall, he saw his son wearing
underwear as he struggled to wave his limbs on the bed, his neck
toiling to raise itself up slightly before heavily falling down. It caused
his mother to laugh out loud.
“What is this?” He Heng sat down at the edge of the bed, watching
his son move his limbs like a turtle. The result was that he didn’t
move an inch. But he didn’t throw a tantrum, only resolutely pushing
his legs.
“Nothing, just letting him exercise his legs and neck,” Qu Qing Ju
proficiently flipped her son around, dealing a slap on his butt. Seeing
him smile widely at her, she bend down to kiss his cheek. Taking a
talcum powder box from Mu Jin’s hands, she started to dust the
powder to prevent rashes.
“The nursemaids can do this,” He Heng poked his son’s arms that
were like lotus roots, “This brat does have a good temper.”
“My son takes after me,” Qu Qing Ju pulled out Tun Tun’s arms to
powder in his armpits, “I can do these things. If I don’t care for my
one son, why did I give birth to him?”
He Heng felt slightly upset for a bit. He looked with a complicated
expression at the grinning fat infant on the bed and for a second, felt
that his place in Qing Ju’s heart wouldn’t even compare to half a
finger of his son,” Tomorrow is Tun Tun’s Hundred Day Ceremony.
Do you have anything to add to the schedule I gave to you earlier?”
“It’s pretty good,” Qu Qing Ju carried Tun Tun into the arms of his
nursemaid for her to bring him down to eat. After the nursemaid and
others left, she commented, “But isn’t it too grand? It’s just
supposed to just be a hundred day ceremony……”
“He’s the Imperial Eldest Son. His status is noble, there’s nothing
wrong with grand,” He Heng understood Qu Qing Ju’s misgiving. He
gathered the other into his arms, “After our other children are born,
we’ll make it slightly less than their brother.”
“Alright,” Qu Qing Ju smiled. She didn’t seriously considered the
vow-like words He Heng said. She knew that his words were sincere
now, but it didn’t mean that she would believe the words would
always be effective.
The time for the Hundred Day Ceremony of the Eldest Imperial Son
had been chosen by the Imperial Astronomers, based on the
birthdate characters of the Eldest Imperial Son and the celestial
stars of the day. They had even examined the furnishings in the Luan
He Hall to guarantee which time was the best time of the day and
the most advantageous for the Eldest Imperial Son.
Qu Qing Ju wasn’t very knowledgeable about that kind of
complicated matters, but from the preparation of Tun Tun’s Hundred
Day Ceremony, it showed how much importance He Heng placed on
the ceremony.
Personally putting her son into the “hundred day” clothes that the
Empress Dowager had personally made for Tun Tun, she had heard
that the cloth for this clothing had been sought by the Empress
Dowager from many prosperous and healthy families. On closer
look, it seemed that even the thread had come from more than a
hundred families.
Touching the gourd peanuts and other designs embroidered on the
hundred day clothes, Qu Qing Ju bent to lift up the still asleep Tun
Tun, “Go, to Luan He Hall.”
Luan He Hall was the place used by the court only to hold large
banquets, such as the coronation of an empress, or the crown
prince. To use such a place for holding a Hundred Day Ceremony, it
was enough to prove Tun Tun’s position.
In Luan He Hall, the people who should have arrived came. Everyone
looked towards the entrance as they waited for the Empress to
appear with the Eldest Imperial Son. But due to the fact that the
Emperor and the two Empress Dowagers were present, their moves
were very subtle.
When it was almost at the auspicious time, the guests finally heard
the sound of the taijian making the announcement.

“Presenting the Empress, His Highness Imperial Son.”

The people rose and then knelt. What they then saw was a
procession walk past on the red carpet, the pair of gold slippers
walking at the front, embroidered with phoenixes in flight, were
astoundingly magnificent.
Everyone then stood and then saw the Empress carrying His
Highness Imperial Son sit down on the right side of the Emperor.
She was wearing a heavy phoenix robe, her eyes bright, she was
unspeakably beautiful.
Some people said after a woman gave birth, she then becomes a
dried plum, sour and bland. But how the Empress looked, did she
look as though she just gave birth?
Some people started to sigh. No wonder the Emperor was so
infatuated. This kind of woman, placed in any home, was the kind to
draw a man’s affections.
The Hundred Day Ceremony really wasn’t a complicated event.
Since the child was still so young, who would invent a large heap of
rituals to torture the child?
It was just the Emperor and Empress personally praying to the
heavens for the child, and then personally putting on a “long life” lock
and bracelet, to represent locking down the child’s life expectancy
and good fortune. Then it was the two Empress Dowagers putting
on the tiger shoes and tiger hat for the child and touching the top of
the child’s head to represent the good wishes of the elders for the
child. That was the end of it.
After the process, Tun Tun was carried down by the nursemaid. The
two Empress Dowagers also left with them, leaving He Heng and Qu
Qing Ju to partake in the banquet with the other people.
The names of the dishes on the banquet were all ones that were
auspicious and good-sounding. The taste came second. But
everyone still managed to decipher the significance placed by the
Emperor on the Empress and the Eldest Imperial Son from the
No one dared to force the Emperor to drink, but they gave many
compliments about the Eldest Imperial Son to the Emperor and
Empress. This caused He Heng to feel good and he couldn’t resist
drinking a few more cups.
Qu Qing Ju saw his state and was worried that he would get drunk.
She got him to drink some soup to suppress the drunkenness, but
after seeing how happy He Heng was, she felt that the soup wasn’t
“Chen di toasts the Emperor, and wishes for Emperor and Empress
to grow old together, and His Highness Imperial Son to be healthy
and fortunate,” Just as the banquet was coming to an end, He Yuan
raised a wine cup as he stood and said to He Heng, “Chen di will
drink first.”
He Heng looked at He Yuan who had his cup raised high up, and
raised up his own wine cup as he slowly stood, giving a small smile
as he replied: “Many thanks san di.”
The brothers gave each other a smile, and threw their heads back to
drink all of the wine.
Qu Qing Ju watched the two people and found that there wasn’t
much mirth on either of their faces. She looked at the others sitting
down under her. There was a height of nine stairs that separated her
from the rest of the people and the gap between their places was
even further.
As expected, He Heng was somewhat drunk after the banquet.
Although his actions were no different from normal, but from his eyes
and the tone of his voice, Qu Qing Ju detected that the other wasn’t
“Return to the rear hall,” When He Heng pulled Qu Qing Ju onto the
Imperial Carriage, he didn’t forget to order Qian Chang Xin, “Make
sure the nursemaid takes good care of the imperial son.”
The Imperial Carriage wasn’t fast or slow but moved at a very
steady pace. Qu Qing Ju could only feel a slight sway. She gazed at
the person next to her as she raised two fingers: “Emperor, how
He Heng enclosed the two fingers she raised in his hand, smiling as
he responded: “I’m not drunk, don’t worry.”
The palm of the other’s hand was slightly hot. Qu Qing Ju reached to
touch his forehead, smiling helplessly as she said: “That’s good,” No
drunk would say that he was drunk, just like those who committed
many mistakes wouldn’t admit that they were wrong.
“You don’t believe me?” He Heng raised his head to look at her, his
eyes bright. With a hint of poutiness and discontent, he added, “You
always don’t believe me.”
“I believe you,” Qu Qing Ju saw his pout and smiled, reassuring,
“You aren’t drunk, I didn’t say that I didn’t believe you, right?”
“Many times, you don’t believe me,” He Heng leaned his head on Qu
Qing Ju’s chest, “I said that I would always treat you well, you didn’t
believe; I said that I will only have you from now, you also didn’t
believe; I said that in the future, I will only have you to have my
children, you still doubt me. Why can’t you believe me?”
The hand that Qu Qing Ju had been running down He Heng’s back
slightly stilled. She looked down at the man complaining to her,
smiling gently a second later, declared: “Emperor, you think too
“I didn’t think too much, I know very well,” Both of He Heng’s arms
wrapped around her waist, tightly embracing her, “We still have
decades in the future. One day, you will believe zhen’s words.”
His voice was already somewhat indistinct. Qu Qing Ju knew he was
going to enter sleep soon. Like she comforted Tun Tun, she gently
patted his back, murmuring: “There isn’t trust that has no reason. If
Emperor wants me to believe, then always treat me well. Only time
will tell.”
The man in her arms mumbled something Qu Qing Ju didn’t manage
to catch. She only patted the man’s back, her expression calm and
Outside the Imperial Carriage, Qian Chang Xin and Ming He didn’t
seem to have heard the noise from inside. The two didn’t even
exchange looks but the expression on their faces became much
more solemn.
The eighth month was still hot. After He Heng was supported to the
bed so he could sleep, Qu Qing Ju got the servants to move away
the two ice basins in the room. Drunkenness and too much cold, it
was a recipe for pain after waking up.
Taking the handkerchief that Mu Jin handed over to personally wipe
He Heng’s face and hands, Qu Qing Ju said, “Let someone prepare
the sobering tea. If the Emperor wakes up, he needs to drink it.”
Yin Liu soundlessly went out. The others also detected that the
Empress seemed amiss, but they didn’t know what had happened.
But no one dared to needlessly ask, putting more care as they
When He Heng woke, the sun was setting. He rubbed his aching
head as he sat up in the bed. From a look, he recognized that it was
Qu Qing Ju’s bedroom. After thinking for a long while, he still couldn’t
recall how he had laid down on the bed.
“Emperor’s awake?” A blue and white teacup was held in front of
him, “Drink the sobering tea.”
He raised his head to look at Qu Qing Ju. The sun’s rays pierced
through the window to spill onto her body. Due to the backlighting, he
couldn’t make out the expression of her face, but he was strangely
confident that the other was smiling now.
Maybe it was that confidence that had him obediently take the
teacup and drain down the entire cup of nasty-tasting sobering tea.
After that, he rubbed his throat, asking: “It’s already this late?”
“Yes, you drank a bit too much at the banquet,” Qu Qing Ju took the
empty cup from his hand, “I got the kitchen to prepare some light
dishes. Come up and eat some.”
He Heng dressed into his robes. He still felt this head was dizzy. He
furrowed his brows as he looked around the room, discontentedly
barking: “Where did all the servants go? How can they let you stay in
the room alone?”
“You don’t count as a person?” Qu Qing Ju glared at him, “You were
in a deep sleep so I made them all leave, rather than have them
disturb you.”
He Heng became refreshed once Qu Qing Ju glared at him. Then he
thought suspiciously, something wasn’t right, were Qing Ju’s eyes,
as they looked at him, slightly warmer?
Was it that he still wasn’t completely awake or did he wake up the
wrong way?
Chapter One Hundred and Ten

The scorching summer gradually dissipated. The various zhuzhi in

the palace took off their silk clothes, threw away the fans in their
hands, their hairpins changed from jade to other types. There were
some palace maids that thought to attract the Emperor and put
effort into their clothing and ornaments. But as they still had to
adhere to the protocols of the palace, they had to put even more
effort in. It was a pity that the Emperor’s entire heart was on the
Empress’ body, and no one was able to attract the Emperor’s
Kui Yuan Palace had finished its renovation. The night luminous
pearls encrusted in the room had been completely taken off because
of the His Highness Imperial Son. Beautiful glass lanterns were put in
their place. The whole endeavor had only been due to a careless
remark of a certain official of the Ministry of Works who said that it
was possible that night luminous pearls were harmful to the body.
Everyone knew that night luminous pearls were rare objects. Many
people didn’t understand why the Empress didn’t use them, so very
quickly on the outside many people praised the Empress for being
thrifty. Such a beautiful misunderstanding. He Heng felt that he
should let it stay beautiful forever.
Even though people knew that the Empress was living in Tian Qi
Palace which was slightly inappropriate but the Emperor had said
before that the new renovation of Kui Yuan Palace wasn’t good for
newborns. Since it had already passed the sixth month, the good
moving day was in the second month of the next year. So in the end,
the day that the Empress was to move to Kui Yuan Palace was
finalized on the twenty second of the second year of Jia You.
Since the Emperor himself had already made the decision, there
wasn’t anyone at court blind enough to argue. Either way, with how
strong the love with between Emperor and Empress, they, as
outsiders, would stir dislike from the Emperor if they meddled.
Furthermore, the Empress Dowagers didn’t object, so why would
they care?
Qu Qing Ju occasionally would hear some of the rumors from the
outside about her. Most of them were about her goddess-like
beauty, her generosity, frugalness, and love for the people. Even
though she felt that the Empress in the rumors didn’t have much of a
relation to her, but she knew inside that behind the rumors was He
Heng’s manipulations in the shadows.
She reaped the benefits of He Heng using such tactics to protect her
so she didn’t bear to tear down his stage. Occasionally she would
use the position of the Empress to reward some of the kind and
famous women in the Da Long Dynasty. In the ninth month, after her
birthday, she even personally rewarded a twice-married woman that
saved a few children in a great fire.
This woman, because of her second marriage, had been the subject
of gossip in the village. But after the handkerchief that Qu Qing Ju
had embroidered with “As brave as any man”, she became the most
respected matron in the entire county. No one looked down at her
again because she had married twice, but became courteous.
Qu Qing Ju never once thought that she had the power to promote
change in history, but she wanted to do the things she could. In this
world, if a man had a wife and many concubines, he would be
praised as romantic, but why couldn’t they tolerate a remarried
Certain scholars in Da Long Dynasty though it was a duty of a
woman to not marry twice, but the act of the woman who saved
others couldn’t be erased. Therefore, not many people jumped out to
criticize the Empress’ actions as being inappropriate. Even more,
what the Empress praised was the woman’s act of saving others,
not praising her for remarrying. It wouldn’t be appropriate for them
to object.
So this matter calmly passed away. Qu Qing Ju still acted at the
mistress of the hougong. When bored, she would listen to songs,
listen to interesting matters outside of court before picking one or
two to praise and reward some things down, then play with her son.
Her days were very comfortable.
After the Empress Dowager’s and Qu Qing Ju’s birthdays had
passed, it was He Heng’s birthday celebration. Because it was the
first birthday after He Heng ascended the throne, even if they wished
for the birthday celebration to not be grand, it would still become
Disregarding the noble families and officials of the country of Da
Long itself, even those small subordinate countries on the borders
would send envoys to congratulate the new Emperor and attend his
birthday celebration to express their respect and sincerity to the new
Since Da Long Dynasty was a strong country, there were many
small subordinate countries that relied on Da Long. Qu Qing Ju
looked through the tribute that those subordinate countries had sent
up to Da Long over the years and instantly felt that Da Long was
very awesome.
Something that Qu Qing Ju found interesting was a small
subordinate country called Jing. The present ruler of this country
was a female one, and the ones coming to give the tribute this time
to Da Long were her son and daughter. The reason that she sent
both was that she wanted He Heng to decree one of them as the
successor to the throne and through her attitude, express the loyalty
of the country of Jing to Da Long.
This feeling of the world coming to rest at Da Long’s feet really
made people feel refreshed all over.
He Heng returned to the rear hall and saw that Qu Qing Ju was still
looking at the information of the subordinate countries. When he took
a closer took, he found that what she was reading explained some
of the customs of the country of Jing. Then he asked: “What’s so
special about this Jing?”
Qu Qing Ju fanned the papers in her hands: “I heard that Jing’s Hou
Guo[1] Princess is amazingly beautiful. Coming to Da Long this time, I
wonder how many men would she enchant.”
“That’s just the Jing people’s own opinion,” He Heng’s tone was
slightly disapproving, “Jing’s territory is high up, so the majority of
people’s skin are dark colored, so how beautiful could they be?
Compared to our Da Long’s females, they must be severely lacking.
It’s all just unfounded rumors to deceive ignorant people.”
The corners of Qu Qing Ju’s lips jerked. It did seem like that the
males of the Da Long Dynasty did prefer women with white and soft
skin. So He Heng’s attitude, it really …… was normal.
“What, you don’t like this princess?” He Heng assumed that Qu Qing
Ju was worried that he would have an interest in that Jing Country
princess and assured, “Don’t worry, I have no interest in other
women. Even more, this Hou Guo Princess wants to be empress,
not our Da Long’s feipin.”

Qu Qing Ju placed the information on Jing Country to aside and

snorted: “Emperor, you’re thinking too much.”
“En, I was thinking too much, don’t be angry.” He Heng laughed
lightly, holding up another stack of information, “You don’t need to
waste too much effort on these subordinate countries. Like this Duo
Han. A hundred years ago, they frequently robbed and killed our
people at the northern border of Da Long. In the end, they were
soundly defeated by our Da Long. They got scared and then
obediently gave their allegiance.
If they were not obedient, they would get beaten up?
Qu Qing Ju finally realized the attitude Da Long held towards those
subordinate countries. The main idea was ‘be docile for me, listen to
what I say, or I’ll beat you up, down into the ground’.
“I was just reading through because I was bored,” Qu Qing Ju
massaged the back of her neck, “Our Da Long is so strong.”
He Heng smiled: “Falling behind means getting beaten up, that was
the lesson that the previous dynasty taught us,” He Heng reached
out a hand to gently massage her neck, “However, has Qing Ju
forgotten something that was promised to me?”
“What?” Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow. She thought that her recent
memory was pretty good and hadn’t diminished due to her
“For example …… you once said you would dance for me,” He Heng
reached to grasp that soft waist, “I often wonder what Qing Ju’s
dancing is like.”
“I said that it depended on your performance,” Qu Qing Ju smiled,
Seeing He Heng’s let down expression, she smiled, conceding,
“Alright, looking at your good behavior recently, I’ll let you see three
days later. Wait for ben gong.”
He Heng saw that her eyes were suddenly lit up, and his
disappointment all dissolved into a smile, “Thanks, Empress for her
“What is this?” In the evening, Mu Jin saw a palace maid come out
with a stack of paper that had ink on it, and became worried that this
palace maid was taking out something she shouldn’t have. She
reached to take the papers and casually scanned. Seeing something
about the Hou Guo Princess was beautiful and skilled in dancing, her
brow furrowed as she asked, “Who let you clean this up?”
“Mu Jin jiejie, it was niangniang who let nubi clean up,” The palace
maid submissively answered.
Mu Jin saw that the palace maid was quite young and seemed
quick-witted so she ripped what was in her hands and rolled it into a
ball, “Go and burn it, it’s nothing useful.” No matter what it was, as
long as it was something that came from niangniang’s place, she
always likes for the others to clean it completely.
“Yes,” The young palace maid took over the paper ball and carefully
held it in her hands as she left, clearly in a rush to burn it.
“Still too inexperienced.” Mu Jin sighed. Clever, yes. But her actions
were still immature. She still needed more training.
Entering the room, she saw the Empress was practicing a back
bend. She was accustomed to it and went forward, asking:
“Niangniang, nubi and Jin Zhan has already picked the fabrics. Jin
Zhan’s skills are better than nubi so the clothes will be made by her
and Yu Zan. Nubi has also prepared what you ask for. Do you want
to see?”
“I’m confident in your abilities, there’s no need to make trouble,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled as she replied,” You just have to finish decorating the
western hall before tomorrow night according to what I ordered.”
“Nubi knows,” Mu Jin didn’t ask why the Empress was preparing
those things. As a servant, she was very clear to her position, and
knew what to say or not say.
Qu Qing Ju returned to standing but didn’t immediately sit down, only
wiping the sweat from her eyes as she ordered: “Send some water
in, I want to bathe.”
After Mu Jin retreated, Qu Qing Ju walked to the window to look at
the parasol tree. She sighed. It had been almost two months since
that time that He Heng was drunk. Everytime she thought about He
Heng’s discontent and sorrowful expression, she felt that she might
have been too ruthless with He Heng.
But she always was mind over heart. To lose her mind when
interacting with a man, that wasn’t her style. What she could do was
when the other treated her well, she would treat the other well; if the
other had no feelings, then she wouldn’t offer herself. If a person
disappeared from the world, the sun would still rise.
The nights in autumn were cold, but the moon was exceptionally
bright. When He Heng finished attending to state matters, he rushed
to the rear palace. He still remembered that dance that Qu Qing Ju
had promised him. The result was that when he reached the rear
hall, he found it empty, even Qu Qing Ju’s shadow wasn’t seen.
“Emperor, Empress invites you to the western hall of Kui Yuan
Palace,” Yin Liu was holding a lantern as she bowed at the doorway,
He Heng didn’t get irritated and was in a good mood as he followed
Yin Liu. The rear hall wasn’t far from Kui Yuan Palace. But what He
Heng found unexpected was how exceptionally dark the road was.
The only brightness came from the lantern that Yin Liu held. On the
lantern was drawn a woman wearing red, flying in the air.
When he reached Kui Yuan Palace, He Heng saw the tightly closed
western hall was lit up brightly. At the door, there were two palace
maids standing guard. Other than that, he couldn’t see anything else.
Qian Chang Xin and the others that had followed after He Heng were
curious. What was the Empress up to that was so mysterious?
“Emperor, please.” Yin Liu smiled as she ushered the other towards
the western hall and then turned back to look at Qian Chang Xin and
the others waiting behind.
“You all can wait outside. Other than zhen’s decree, you are not
allowed to enter,” He Heng waved his hands, indicating he didn’t
need Yin Liu to lead him and headed straight for the doors to the
hall. Seeing the two palace maids at the door bow to him before
leaving, the curiosity in his heart grew. What kind of dance would the
Empress perform for him?
He took a breath and reached to slowly push open the doors to the
hall. He only saw that the silk curtains flying in the steam and heat as
though it was a paradise. But that wasn’t the most attractive thing.
The one thing that caught his attention was, on the waters with
countless lotus lamps floating in the white jade pool, there was a
large flower stage, and in the center of the flower stage, there laid a
beauty dressed in an indigo and red dress.


1. 护 国: 护 (hou) protect 国(guo) country

Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
“Flying Gracefully”

The lights in the western hall suddenly extinguished. Only the night
luminous pearls on the stage and the flower lanterns floating on the
water provided illumination, as though in the world, there only existed
the woman on the stage.
The music of the ancient qin quietly started, and the person on the
flower stage moved. The red sleeves seemed to cut through the
dark night, flying in the air like ripples in the water. The flower stage
slightly trembled and the red-clad woman moved with it, suddenly
starting to spin as though what was under her feet wasn’t the
unsteady flower stage floating on the water, but the solid ground.
The bells at her ankles rang out in the darkness, striking deep into
the soul, again and again striking He Heng’s appreciation.
Qu Qing Ju was dressed entirely in red. It was a pure vermilion. No
jewelry, no jade, other than a string of bells on her ankles, she had
no adornments on her body. The night wind blew in through the open
windows, lifting up the silk curtains in the room, and also the
vermilion dress. The flexible waist suddenly stopped, and then a
back flip. The red sleeves drawing out a circle in the air. In the blink
of an eye, the person was reclining on the flower stage. Flower
petals slowly floated down, falling on the steaming water, and
creating charm for the amazing dance.
At some unknown time, a pipa appeared in Qu Qing Ju’s hands. She
slowly stood, her right foot slowly curling, her fingertip gently flicking,
her neck slightly raised, like a goddess taking a flight to the heavens.
Even though there was a moving smile on her face, but it stirred fear
in the onlooker that she would suddenly leave.
He Heng couldn’t resist walking forward, and saw Qu Qing Ju’s eyes
swirl as she started to dance and play the pipa at the same time.
After the song ended, a red silk rope suddenly fell down from the
top. Qu Qing Ju wrapped her hand around the rope and with a push
of her feet, she managed to fly off the flower stage in the midst of a
rain of flower petals.
“Qing Ju!” He Heng pushed aside layers of silk. When he saw the
faintly smiling person reclining on the bed, his heart jumped. He
muttered: “The ancients talked about one ‘dancing the “Feathered
Coat and Rainbow Skirt” with a breeze in her skirts.’ It’s only today
that I know what it meant.”
Qu Qing Ju turned around, changing to lean on the bed, her eyes
bewitching as she asked: “Is Emperor satisfied with my dance?”
“A dance that overturns the state,” He Heng walked next to the bed,
reaching to pull out the jade hairpin in her hair, his voice husky as he
replied: “To have such a woman, in this life what else do I need to
ask for?”
The wind started, the sleeves slightly swayed as though it stirred He
Heng’s heart. He couldn’t resist gathering Qu Qing Ju in his
embrace. Such scenery, such beauty, his heart was tangled like hair,
and there was nothing else that could enter his eyes.
The servants all waited outside Kui Yuan Palace. No one knew what
had happened inside Kui Yuan Palace. Some of the attendants that
had cooperated with Qu Qing Ju in her dance had all left when Qu
Qing Ju stopped dancing. The moment the doors to the western hall
closed, it also closed on the romantic night of the Emperor and
The moonlight was still there, the people were still the same, but to
Mu Jin and the group of people waiting outside, if the Emperor
hadn’t appeared out of the western hall now, then it meant that
before the sunrise tomorrow morning, the Emperor wouldn’t come
Mu Jin turned to look at the western hall. Not just Emperor, even her,
a woman, when she saw the Empress in that vermilion costume had
been dumbstruck.
Perhaps, there really were women in this world that might be the
most beautiful in the world, but they didn’t have the ability to entice
others, like Empress did.
When Qu Qing Ju woke up, the sky was turning pale. She looked at
the man who was holding her, and reached out to brush aside the
strands of hair in front of the face. Two pairs of eyes met, and she
found the other was already awake, his eyes incomparably warm.
“Awake?” He Heng reached to brush through Qu Qing Ju’s hair,
smiling as he asked: “Call for the servants to come in?”
Qu Qing Ju yawned and looked outside the window through the
layers of silk. She lazily leaned her head on He Heng’s chest: “Don’t
want to get up.”
“A beauty in the arms, I don’t want to get up either,” He Heng’s hand
gently slid across Qu Qing Ju’s back, and unwillingly and
discontentedly sighed, “I finally understand the reason behind ‘from
now, the Emperor will not have morning court’.”
“Emperor is willing to be the incapable ruler, but I’m not willing to be
that calamitous demoness,” Qu Qing Ju pinched at his waist, and got
up to throw the red outer garment casually over her body. She flung
her head of soft and smooth hair, revealing her pale legs as she
walked through layers of silk to enter the hot spring, the red robe
spreading out in the water.
He Heng dressed and when he walked next to the water, he saw her
swim around in a circle with seductive poses. He turned to grab a
large and clean towel, squatting down and reaching with his hands,
urging: “Come up, it’ll be cold when you get out of the water.”
Qu Qing Ju swam in front of him. She looked at the hands he had
reached out with, and suddenly pulled, dragging He Heng into the
Ming He and the others that had been waiting outside the hall heard
the sound of something landing in the water inside, and then the
laughter of the Emperor and Empress. They could only quietly bend
down even more and bury their heads even lower.
The end result was that He Heng managed to arrive at court almost
ten minutes late. But it was such a short gap that no one thought
more about it. The only thing that the officials couldn’t understand
was why the Emperor was in an exceptionally good mood. Even his
voice as he decreed to investigate corrupt officials was softer than
The officials thought in puzzlement, was the Emperor expectant of
the upcoming birthday?
At the end of the ninth month, the envoys of the minor countries
started to arrive in Jing City. They were placed to live in the visitor
palace that was set aside for guests. Even though it was a palace, it
wasn’t connected with the Imperial Palace, but was constructed on a
certain wide and clean street. That same street was also home to
many noble families.
After the envoys arrived, they quickly sent their cards to He Heng.
However, it was the Ministry of Rites’ officials that saw them. If they
wanted to see He Heng in person, they had to wait for the birthday
When it was time for the country of Jing to arrive, it caused a portion
of the people to gather on the side of the street. They held curiosity
for the carriages from another land. Even more, they had heard that
a beautiful princess was sitting in the grand carriage. Such alluring
gossip, even if they didn’t see the person, it was enough to see the
The envoy from Jing was settled down in the Jiao Xiang Compound
of the visitors palace. After moving in, the imperial son and princess
of Jing, and the envoys from other countries mutually exchanged
greetings, sought out news about the city of Jing before they
returned to their compound.
Dai Rong looked at the teacup in her hand, her voice slightly awed:
“Da Long is so prosperous and glorious, even a teacup like this
would be something in our Jing that everyone would fight over. But
here in Da Long, it’s just something common.” A smile formed on her
beautiful face, “I heard from others that said that the new Emperor is
extremely handsome and is a very capable ruler. Also, he doesn’t
have many women in the hougong. Such a rare kind of emperor.”
“But I heard that the Empress of Da Long is as beautiful as a
goddess, kindhearted and in love with His Majesty the Emperor,” Tu
Er seemed to have seen through his meimei’s mind, indifferently
playing with a bracelet of agate, “It makes one admire.”
“There is no man in this world that doesn’t want something new,” Dai
Rong smiled carelessly, her expression extremely confident, “The
past Emperors of Da Long, they all had many beauties in their
Tu Er shrugged, and spreading out his hands, he declared: “Alright, I
won’t stop you from whatever you will do. If you make His Majesty
the Emperor mad, and lose the right to succession, it would be a
great event for me.”
“My good gege, there isn’t a man that would neglect a beautiful
woman,” Dai Rong’s index finger slid across her red lips, “Just wait
and see. I will become Jing’s greatest Empress.”
“Since you insist on doing so,” Tu Er put down the agate bracelet in
his hands and spread them, smiling: “I hope you succeed.” When he
finished, he smiled and walked out of the room, turning to return to
his own rooms.”
“Princess, what does the imperial son mean?” A female attendant
behind Dai Ron frowned as she asked, “would the imperial son try to
set you up?”
“Don’t worry, gege isn’t so stupid as to fight with me in front of His
Majesty the Emperor. That wouldn’t be of benefit to Jing’s
reputation,” Dai Rong set down the cup in her hand, “Even more,
mother favors me more. More people are willing to listen to me. If he
wanted to scheme against me, he doesn’t have many helpers.”
Thinking about the Empress that Tu Er mentioned, she snorted. Most
of the women of Da Long were in the mold of being virtuous. For a
time, a man would find it interesting. If they had to always face such
a kind of women all the time, it would be strange if they didn’t get
sick of it.
If she could use her beauty to obtain the favor of His Majesty the
Emperor, she would get the throne, and also get more benefits for
Jing from Da Long, why shouldn’t she do it?
So what if there was an Empress, would the Emperor remain pure
as jade for her?
In the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju was teasing Tun Tun to
reach and grab the small drum in her hand. Seeing his head sway
about with the drum, and reaching out to grab, she smiled as she
pushed the small drum into his hand. Then she saw Tuo Tuo clumsily
shove the drum into his mouth.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t stop him. Seeing his toothless mouth smear the
drum with saliva, she took a handkerchief to wipe his face. Then she
reached out to rub his back. Finding that his temperature was
normal, she lifted Tuo Tuo up, “Tun Tun, say ma.”
Seeing Tun Tun smile ignorantly at her, Qu Qing Ju couldn’t resist
kissing his face repeatedly, “Tun Tun, tomorrow is your father’s
birthday, say ma.”
“It’s my birthday, why should he first call you?” When He Heng came
in, he heard the words and helplessly walked in front of his son. He
reached out to poke his son’s face. Seeing him duck into his
muhou’s arms with a dark face, his eyebrow raised as he remarked,
“This brat knows how to hide.”
“Don’t poke,” Qu Qing Ju slapped aside his hand, “Rough hands and
feet, it’ll harm his skin.”
“He’s not tofu and can’t be touched,” He Heng resentfully took his
hand back. Seeing Tun Tun reach with his plump hands to lie on Qu
Qing Ju’s body, he asked; “Why do I feel that he is much closer to
“He lived in my belly for more than nine months,” Qu Qing Ju shot
him a glare, “If you can give birth to a child, he will be close to you.”
He Heng rubbed his nose. He felt that he couldn’t challenge a
woman’s power and status in this field, and only responded: “En, it’s
good that the child is close to you. It means that this child will be a
filial one.” Finishing, he took the advantage to rub his son’s butt.
Qu Qing Ju handed the child to the nursemaid and sat down on the
chair with He Heng. She knew that many envoys from subordinate
countries were arriving tomorrow and asked: “Have all the envoys
“All here. Even the one from Du Han managed to arrive four days
earlier,” He Heng thought and then added, “The imperial son and
princess from Jing also came. I heard that they caused quite a fuss.”
Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow, arguing: “A beauty’s entrance should
be grand.”
He Heng smiled. Then he objected: “As a subordinate country, they
should act like one. What host would like a loud guest that
overwhelms them?”
Qu Qing Ju listened to his tone of voice and detected that the envoy
from Jing had done something to make him unhappy so she asked:
“What did they do?”
“I heard they created a furor when they entered Jing City and then
came in in a twelve horse carriage,” He Heng’s brow furrowed,
“xiandi hasn’t yet passed away for three years yet, but they are
already dancing and singing, they have no sense of propriety.”
Qu Qing Ju finally understood. Even though it was already past the
mourning period, but it was very likely that when the envoys of the
subordinate countries arrived and expressed their allegiance, they
certainly expressed their grief at the passing of xiandi. So the
country of Jing’s behavior was lacking to He Heng.
A twelve horse carriage …… when He Heng was still a wang ye, he
could only use an eight horse carriage. Were the imperial son and
princess of the country of Jing even nobler than a wang ye of Da
Didn’t the information on the country of Jing say that the Hu Guo
Princess was beautiful, good at dancing and singing and peerlessly
intelligent? Why was it that her actions seemed to rub He Heng the
wrong way?
Or was it that, this was the tactic that the Hu Guo Princess was
using to attract the new emperor’s attention?
Such a pity. Regardless of her real intentions, her ploys were being
performed in front of blind people. It also made He Heng discontent.
It really …… made people feel sympathy.
The feathers coat and rainbow skirt dance (霓裳舞衣曲) originated in
the Tang Dynasty when Tang Xuan Emperor dreamed of going to the
Palace of Heaven and saw the goddesses dance. He took inspiration
from that to compose a song and dance suitable to perform in the
palace. Later, Yang guifei was one of those who did the
performance. Additionally, the phrase comes from the Song of
Everlasting Regret.
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

The day of the Emperor’s birthday, all the attendants of the palace
made themselves one hundred and twenty percent alert. No one
dared to slip up. If they managed to mess up in front of their
superior, even if they didn’t die, they would be torn off half a body of
The palace maids and taijian under the supervision of the
Department of Household Affairs perfectly arranged everything from
clothing to food. Even the Luan He Hall itself was washed again and
again. The white jade steps outside were wiped so clean that even a
speck of dirt couldn’t be found.
“Today’s weather is really good,” A blue-clad taijian raised his head
to look at the sun hanging in the sky, and in a lower voice, said to his
partner beside him, “Hey, have you heard yet how beautiful the
princess of Jing is? She’s planning to present a dance at the
“There’s nothing strange,’ his partner used the cloth in his hand to
carefully wipe the pillars of the corridor, “Just a princess from a
minor country, is she worth you being so curious?”
“I think your brains are made out of a wood. A normal princess, why
would she present a dance out of the blue in front of the Emperor?”
The blue-robed taijian proclaimed hatefully, “That one’s thoughts
aren’t simple.”
“Isn’t there still the Empress?” His partner bent to wash clean the
rag in a basin, “Just a pellet sized country’s princess, there’s nothing
to gape about.”
“No matter how good a woman is, they can’t compare to a new …
“Who is speaking nonsense?” A steward taijian wearing deep blue
rippled robes walked over with a group of young taijian behind him.
He pointed expressionlessly at the blue-robe taijian, “Drag him
down, drag him down. Presuming to comment on his zhuzi, sparing
his life will only make other people’s lives harder.”
Before the blue-robe taijian could beg for mercy, his mouth was
stuffed and he was dragged down. His partner was already
collapsed on the ground in fear.
“You at least know your bounds,” the taijian steward rubbed his
hairless chin. He waved his hand, “Continue working. If I hear
something I shouldn’t hear again, the one just now is the lesson. By
that time, don’t blame me for not warning everyone.”
“What’s going on here?” Jin Zhan, wearing a water blue palace
dress, saw a taijian being dragged from far away. When she
neared, she found that the taijian and palace maids present all had
abnormal expressions on their faces. She asked, “What did that
taijian do just now?”
“Good day, Jin Zhan guniang,” When the steward taijian saw Jin
Zhan, a smile instantly appeared on his face. He went forward to
bow to Jin Zhan, “Does Jin Zhan guniang have something to order
us to do?”
Jin Zhan saw the steward taijian wasn’t willing to speak on the
taijian that had been dragged away and didn’t persist. She opened:
“The Empress said, everyone has worked hard. After a little while,
everyone can go to the kitchen to receive a bowl of lily porridge to
warm up. The weather of the tenth month is cold at night.”
“Thanks to the Empress for her grace,” The steward taijian instantly
gave a grateful expression. He made a full bow in the direction of the
back end of Tian Qi Palace and then said a few more compliments
regarding the Empress before stopping.
Jin Zhan didn’t stay for long. After some polite chit-chat with the
steward taijian, she left.

The steward taijian watched her back and sighed. Right now, the
Empress’s side was splendid. If he could join in on the Empress’
side, he wouldn’t still be a steward. It was a pity that the people
surrounding the Empress were like a metal barrel. It was hard for an
average person to even show their face in front of the Empress.
Others said that the Empress was kind and generous, but based on
his experience of serving more than twenty years in the hougong,
the Empress wasn’t a simple person. Earlier, when Chang De Gong
Fu had fallen, her reputation hadn’t been affected but became even
better. That wasn’t something that any woman could do.
Then there was the earlier matter of Han liangdi’s accidental death.
Everyone knew that it was caused by the cooperation of Shu gui
taifei and Ping cairen. The Empress was only washed of suspicion
due to the heavy defenses of Tian Qi Palace.
But he felt that the matter wasn’t that simple. Many people in the
hougong knew that the two Empress Dowagers and Shu gui taifei
were at odds. After the new Emperor ascended the throne, Shu gui
taifei’s people had been cleaned out. It wouldn’t have been easy to
cooperate with Ping cairen.

Then, who was the person that made it easy for them to act
The steward taijian’s shoulders trembled. He didn’t dare to think
further. As a tiny steward, he should obediently fulfill his duties. He
already lost his manhood, he didn’t want to lose his life as well.
“Niangniang, do you think that this is appropriate?” Yu Zan and Yin
Liu brought out the mirrors and let Qu Qing Ju gaze at her front and
back. They asked cautiously, “Is there any place lacking?”
Qu Qing Ju’s index finger lightly swiped over the red flower on her
forehead. She smiled, complimenting: “Very beautiful, Yu Zan’s skills
are getting even better.”
Taking out a phoenix in flight buyao from her jewelry box to insert
into her hair, Qu Qing Ju slowly stood: “The hour is late, let’s go to
the main hall to meet the Emperor.”
After He Heng changed his robes, he heard that the servants report
that the Empress had arrived. He didn’t hesitate and let the servants
welcome the Empress in, himself standing in front of the large mirror
for a crowd of palace maids and taijian to attire him.
“Greetings to Emperor,” Qu Qing Ju walked behind He Heng and
examined him from top to bottom, “Handsome, with a natural
character that all will sigh over. The ancients talked of a pear
blossom that suppresses the apple blossoms[1], the Emperor is
worthy of this line.”
The palace attendants in the room, upon hearing the Empress tease
the Emperor, jumped in fright but didn’t dare to show any signs on
their face.
“With a pearl on the side, I appear like dirt,” He Heng wasn’t angry
hearing the words. Instead, he smiled and turned to look at Qu Qing
Ju dressed in a vermilion floor length phoenix robe with wide
sleeves, “With Qing Ju here, everything else in the world is nothing.”
The palace attendants quietly lowered their heads. So the Emperor
and Empress were playing a game of ‘you-compliment-me, I-
compliment-you’. As servants, they will act as though they were
The lights of Luan He Hall shone brightly. Those who were able to
attend and sit in the hall, scornful all of them were full of joy, as
though it was their birthday. He Yuan sat beneath He Ming, lazily
swirling and concentrating on a finely crafted porcelain wine pot. He
occasionally took a draw, a slightly sardonic smile on his face.
The people sitting here, how many of them were really happy due to
the Emperor’s birthday? It was just a play that everyone knew of,
but each person deceived themselves. If they couldn’t fake it to
others, they still needed to fake it to themselves.
“The Emperor has arrived, the Empress has arrived.”
He turned to look and saw the Emperor and Empress holding hands
as they walked in from the doorway. One wearing a black robe
bordered in red, one wearing a vermilion floor length dress. The
picture was beautiful. The hand he had on the wine cup slightly froze
and then he stood with the others in kneeling to welcome the
Seeing the vermilion dress slide across his eyes, he felt as though
something was sliding across his heart, sour and difficult to bear, as
though his breath was caught, the suffocation making his head ring.
“Everyone rise” He Heng and Qu Qing Ju held hands as they sat
down on the wide two-person chair. With a slight smile, he said,
“Just one of zhen’s birthdays. To trouble everyone here, zhen really
feels grateful.”
Everyone hurriedly kowtowed and expressed that the Emperor was
exaggerating. They really sincerely were happy for the Emperor and
were loyal etc etc.
After the officials did the three bows and nine kowtows to
congratulate He Heng on his birthday, He Heng bestowed the seats.
Then it was the envoys from all the subordinate countries to enter
the hall to offer their tributes.
Qu Qing ju noticed that there was great care in the order the
subordinate countries came in. It seemed the earlier the envoys of
the countries came in, the more they were favored by He Heng.
After seven or eight subordinate countries offered their gifts, Qu
Qing Ju finally heard the name that she was interested in.
“The country of Jing’s Imperial Son Tu Er, and Princess Dai Rong for
an audience!”
Qu Qing Ju looked with a smile towards the door and saw a male
and female wearing clothing of a different culture come in. It seemed
that both of them were very young. Two servants followed behind
“Tu Er and Dai Rong of the country of Jing congratulates His Majesty
the Emperor. May you live a long life, and Da Long be prosperous
and flourishing.” Dai Rong walked into the center of the hall and gave
a local greeting with all her grace. Thinking that her Jing was the
second last to enter the hall, she felt dissatisfied. Even a small
country like Wei was put in front of her Jing country. The Rites’
officials of Da Long might be underestimating them too much.
Qian Chang Xin looked at the Emperor. Seeing the Emperor slightly
raise his hand, he hollered: “Excused, rise!”
“Thanks to the honored His Majesty the Emperor and Empress.” Tu
Er also made a bow and stood up together with his sister. He took
advantage of his movement to quickly glance at the Empress. He
saw a woman who was even younger than his meimei, wearing a
grand robe brighter and redder than a fresh flower. This was the first
time he saw a woman more suited than his meimei to wear a red
“You two have come such a long distance. Zhen is very grateful to
the two of you,” He Heng raised a hand, “Please sit.”
“The honored Your Majesty the Emperor is too polite. To be able to
come celebrate your birthday, it is this one and meimei’s great
fortune. This one’s mother has prepared a birthday gift for Your
Majesty the Emperor and hopes that Your Majesty the Emperor will
like it.” Tu Er turned to take the gift box from the hands of his servant
behind him and raised it with both hands, “Please, honored Your
Majesty the Emperor, take a look.”
Qian Chang Xin walked down the nine steps of stairs and took the
gift box from Tu Er’s hands. He first quickly opened it to see if there
was any poisonous gas or concealed weapons before bowing and
presenting the box with both hands in front of He Heng.
He Heng took over the gift box. Inside there was a mutton-fat jade
pendant carved into the shape of two lotus flowers on the same
stalk. He closed the box, remarking: “The ruler of Jing has spent
effort. Please sit.”
Tu Er couldn’t see any of He Heng’s emotions from his face and
could only sit down with his sister. Because of the flutterings in his
heart, he didn’t even notice what the country of Duo Han that came
after them had sent.
Since there were birthday wishes from the envoys of subordinate
countries, naturally there had to be dances that showed the
prosperity of Da Long. Many of the envoys, when they saw the
beautiful dances of Da Long’s dancers, forgot to even take up their
chopsticks, their faces full of awe. It satisfied many of Da Long’s
officials’ vanity.
Qu Qing Ju looked at He Heng beside him and found that his
expression was extremely calm, as though the state of the envoys
didn’t please him. She nodded inside. These envoys might belong to
the subordinate countries, but they were all nobility from those
countries. None of them would show such their inexperience just
because of a dance.
It was deliberately pretending to act so ignorant to please the
people of Da Long.
To be able to be an envoy, it required a thick skin.
“Your country’s dance moves one’s heart. This little woman wants to
show everyone a dance from Jing. Will Your Majesty the Emperor
allow it?”
Like this one, her skin wouldn’t be thin. Qu Qing Ju looked at the Hu
Guo Princess dressed in red who had spoken and the smile on her
face grew wider.
Chapter One Hundred and
Thirteen “The Prosperity Blinds
One’s Eyes”

No one felt surprised by the princess of Jing’s proposal. There were

even officials who gave dubious smiles that they thought they hid
well, as though they knew what the princess of Jing was thinking and
were waiting to see a good show.
A princess of a minor country giving a dance of her own initiative in
front of this many people. No one would believe that she didn’t have
any ulterior motives. But right now, the Empress was still present.
This method that this princess of Jing took was too straightforward.
To try to seduce the Emperor in front of the Empress, was this
because she was confident in her beauty, or just that she didn’t have
any brains?
After He Heng heard the request from the princess of Jing, he didn’t
immediately agree, but turned to look at Qu Qing Ju. It was as
though he was asking her if she was interested in the dances of a
different culture.
“Ben gong has heard that the country of Jing’s Hu Guo Princess’
beauty is the most beautiful in the countries and can dance the
world’s most beautiful dance. Today, seeing the princess, if we
cannot see the princess dance in our palace, it would be such a
pity.” Qu Qing Ju gave a dignified smile, “Please, Princess, dance.”
Dai Rong didn’t think that the person who would speak would be the
Empress of Da Long and not His Highness the Emperor. She first
froze for a beat before standing and bowing, responding: “Great
thanks to the Empress, this little woman will display her meager
talents.” She took off the boots on her feet, and the large robe on
her body, revealing a grand attire full of exoticness.
When the men and women present saw her actions, they were
slightly shocked. But thinking about the cultural differences between
countries, they didn’t reveal their reactions blatantly. But inside, they
couldn’t resist comparing this Hu Guo princess to the dancers.
Because in this type of setting, the noblewomen wouldn’t lower
themselves to display their talents, but would use dancers instead to
raise the mood.
Also …… the most beautiful dance in the world? A pellet-sized
country dares to boast so. It was really ignorant and narrow minded.
Qu Qing Ju looked at the bare arms and flat stomach that Dai Rong
showed after she took off her outer robe and smiled slightly as she
raised the teacup. Her gaze swept across the Jing country’s
musicians who had been invited in, and leaned to whisper into He
Heng’s ear: “This princess of Jing’s waist looks so enticing, it’s like a
willow branch. It makes one want to go and touch.” What she said
was the truth. This Hu Guo Princess might have skin that was slightly
tanned, it didn’t comply with the sense of beauty of the men of Da
Long but her features were extremely beautiful, and her figure also
extremely hot. She was like a very flavorful pepper. Not a necessity,
but when one looked, they couldn’t stop thinking about wanting to
have a taste.
He Heng carelessly looked at the woman who was twisting her waist
like an eel. He thought back to how Qu Qing Ju looked when she
had been flying dressed in red and laughed lightly in her ear:
“Compared to Qing Ju, she’s only just so.” In his mind, this Hu Guo
Princess did have some attractiveness, but it wasn’t something that
was rare in the world. On the other hand, it was the intangible charm
that Qu Qing Ju showed during her dance that moved his heart. A
tasteful woman is like old wine. The more one tasted, the more
flavor there was to savor. And not like this kind of strong spirit where
there was some taste at first taste, but if more was drank, how was
it different from the rotgut liquor sold on the streets?
Dai Rong’s movements became even more provocative, like a
poisonous viper that unconsciously attracted the gaze of many
males. When they looked at her moving waist, there were only two
words in their mind, “beautiful creature.”
As the drums beat faster, the bare feet of Dai Rong spun even
faster. The second the drums stopped, she made a pose with her
hands together and one of her feet slightly curled, as though a
seductive goddess suddenly took away all her magic, and once
again became a noble princess.
He Heng had just focused on talking with Qu Qing Ju and didn’t pay
any serious attention at all to how this Hu Guo Princess had danced.
Seeing her finish, he raised his hand: “This dance of the princess of
Jing’s truly has a certain style. What do you think, Empress?”
“Emperor is right,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she followed, “The princess
is as beautiful as the burning sun. How about ben gong gives that
red jade hairpin from ben gong’s stores to the princess? It would
really mean that this hairpin won’t be neglected.”
“Many thanks to the honored Your Majesty the Emperor and
Empress,” Dai Rong saw that He Heng didn’t seem to be attracted
by her dancing. She did feel regretful but her opinion of He Heng
became higher. A man that wasn’t easily swayed by beauty, it made
her feel that he was more of a challenge than normal men, “But it is
one of Empress’ favored objects. This one can’t take away
something from the other.”
“The princess is too polite,” Qing Qing Ju smiled faintly as she
touched the golden phoenix buyao in her hair, “Or does the Princess
looks down on ben gong’s hairpin?”

“This one doesn’t dare,” Dai Rong saw that the Empress didn’t have
a good expression and hurriedly bowed, replying: “Many thanks for
Empress’ gift.”
“No need to be polite,” Qu Qing Ju’s smile eased, “Ben gong has
heard that the queen of your country has been ill lately. Earlier, ben
gong has heard many of the queen’s wise deeds and is very
admiring of her. When Imperial Son and Princess return, please give
ben gong’s goodwill to the queen.”

Hearing the Empress mention his mother, Tu Er also stood up, and
stopped beside his meimei. He respectfully made a bow: “Many
thanks for Empress’ concern. If mother knows of this matter, she
would definitely recover due to happiness.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled: “Imperial Son is too serious. It does seem that
both of you are giants among men, who is the eldest and youngest?”
She raised a teacup to sip at the surface of the tea, her tone
extremely calm, as though she was only casually asking.
“Empress, this one is the eldest,” Tu Er remembered that he
seemed to have called Dai Rong by meimei in the hall already. Even
without the appellation, Da Long should have already known who
was the eldest already due to their envoy status. But since the
Empress was asking it right in front of him, then he could only
obediently reply.
“So that’s how it is,” Qu Qing Ju nodded, turning her head to speak
to He Heng, “Didn’t the queen have a matter for Emperor to decide?
Qie feels that right now is a good time. All the major officials and the
envoys from the countries are here, it’s fitting to settle the matter.”
By this time, everyone present became silent, their gaze flickering
between Tu Er and Dai Rong. Even though everyone knew what
matter the Empress spoke of, but no one had thought that the
Empress would boldly take up the topic. But knowing that the letter
had been written by the Jing’s Queen, it was normal for the Empress
to have viewed it.
“If Empress hadn’t mentioned it, zhen would’ve almost forgot,” He
Heng naturally didn’t need to spend much time on such a small
matter. Furthermore, he was partial to Tu Er as the successor. The
kind of woman that Dai Rong was had too much ambition. For the
Da Long Dynasty, it didn’t need a subordinate country’s ruler to have
such great ambitions, “Not long ago, the Queen of Jing had sent a
letter to zhen hoping to pick a successor between the two of you.
Based on what zhen has seen, both of you are very able. It really is
hard to make a decision.”
By now, the officials who had received presents from Dai Rong
beforehand didn’t dare to speak. They weren’t dumb. Just now, the
Empress had implied that the Imperial Son Tu Er was the elder, and
Dai Rong Princess was the younger. If they were so blind to help
speak for Dai Rong Princess, wasn’t that working against the
“Emperor, Imperial Son and Princess are both di, but there is the
order of seniority. Wei chen thinks that Imperial Son Tu Er should be
made Crown Prince.” The Duke of Zhong Yi stood and raised his
hands in a fist, declaring, “If none of the heirs have done anything
wrong, the best choice is the eldest among the di.”

Once the Duke of Zhong Yi’s words came out, many of the senior
officials came out to second it. None of them abandoned their
standpoint just because Dai Rong was a gorgeous woman.
“Since that is the case, zhen will title Imperial Son Tu Er as the
Crown Prince, and write an Imperial Decree for the envoys to take
back to Jing to read,” He Heng lowered his head slightly, revealing
an approving expression, “Since the matter is settled, the banquet
will continue.”
Dai Rong didn’t think that the position of Crown Princess would slip
away so silently. Before coming here, mother had clearly implied that
the Emperor of Da Long favored her, but at this time, she couldn’t
see any sign of protection from the Emperor?
She was the most favored and popular princess of Jing. Even her
mother had used “Hu Guo” as her title. But why did His Majesty the
Emperor turn away and establish her gege?

Tu Er didn’t think that the position of Crown Prince would come so

suddenly. He first dropped in a daze for a few seconds before
remembering to kneel and give thanks. He didn’t know if he was
thinking too much but he felt that if the Empress hadn’t said what she
had just said, maybe this position of Crown Prince wouldn’t have
been delegated to him.
But why did the Empress help him?
He suddenly stared with a complicated expression at his meimei
who was kneeling beside him. He had heard that Empress of Da
Long was very appreciative of able women. If meimei hadn’t given
this dance, and became slightly close with the Empress, would he
have what he did now?
Earlier, he had said that meimei would use the wrong methods, but
she persisted in believing that all the women of Da Long were gentle
and virtuous. Why didn’t she think, even the women of Jing had many
different personalities, so how about the vast and abundant Da
Long? Where in this world would there be women who were all the
Meimei had lost because she was too egotistical and overconfident.
She didn’t believe in the sincerity of the feelings between the
Emperor and Empress. But this Imperial Couple before them, they
were not what she had expected. Perhaps, this is the so-called fate?
Even as the birthday banquet finished, Dai Rong Princess still hadn’t
recovered from the blow of losing her position as successor. When
the banquet had ended, and she had walked out of Luan He Hall to
feel the cold wind and saw the exploding fireworks in the sky, she
finally slowly woke up. She really failed. Gege already became the
successor recognised by the Emperor of Da Long.
What was the use of a princess who couldn’t succeed the throne?
After returning to the country, she could only find a fuma, and then
have children, and then slowly age away in the Princess fu… …

Those kind of days were too scary. She wanted to be the high up
queen. If she couldn’t be queen, wouldn’t the pride she had before
become a joke?
Raising her head, she saw the blinding fireworks. She had heard that
it wasn’t difficult to make this kind of fireworks but the crucial step
was the dosage used. Her country couldn’t produce it so they had to
spend much wealth buying it from Da Long. So unless it was an
important occasion, they wouldn’t use such valuable objects, and
couldn’t have such a show of such duration like Da Long.
It was just a birthday of an emperor yet they would have a fireworks
show for this long. By now, the banquet attendees had dispersed,
but they still continued to set them off, as though those things were
worthless, that even a child on the street could light one and play.。
A prosperous and flourishing Da Long, a poor Jing.
Dai Rong Princess’ steps paused. She turned to look at the majestic
and luxurious Luan He Hall. Even the jade steps and pillars outside
the hall were so tasteful and extraordinary. Then how lavish were the
days of the women who lived in the Imperial Palace?
Not far away, a procession held beautiful lanterns as they escorted
an unbelievably beautiful phoenix carriage. Following behind the
carriage were pretty palace maids dressed finely. Such an
extravagant scene made her slightly dazed. She couldn’t resist
asking a guard outside the Luan He Hall: “Who is sitting in that
beautiful carriage?”
The guard saw that it was a princess of a subordinate country and
politely answered: “That is the phoenix carriage of the Empress.
Because the Empress had already left with the Emperor, so most of
the phoenix carriage’s attendants have left together with the
Imperial Carriage.”
This kind of procession when there was no one inside? Dai Rong
Princess felt astonishment. If the Empress was sitting inside, then
how grand would the scene be?
Was this the life inside the Imperial Palace of Da Long? No wonder
mother had always talked about how rich and prosperous Da Long
was. She had thought it was just mother exaggerating. Coming to Da
Long personally, she finally knew that the actual Da Long was even
more prosperous and marvelous than her mother had said.
She watched dazedly as the phoenix carriage proceeded further
away, and couldn’t help but falling into a trance. If she could also live
this kind of luxurious life in the future, it would be wonderful.
Right now, she couldn’t become the future ruler of Jing, but if she
could become an Imperial fei in Da Long and live such a sumptuous
life, it also wasn’t a bad choice.
Didn’t they say that the women the Emperor of Da Long favored
were even more honored than the Empress? If she could become
that woman that was even more honored than the Empress, by then,
would she still have to send gifts to flatter the minor officials of Da
Long? The throne of Jing wasn’t anything. Even if gege became king,
when he met her, he would still have to bow to her. Moreover, even
the Empress wouldn’t dare to use such a proud attitude towards her.
Chapter One Hundred and
Fourteen “I Am Yours”

The incident of the princess of Jing giving a dance at the birthday

banquet very quickly spread throughout Jing. Many people who liked
to gossip began to speculate on how was the princess’ dance, how
beautiful she was. There were even people who started to say that
the Emperor was going to take the princess into the hougong.
The people of Jing had seen many things and naturally guessed that
the Jing princess hadn’t simply offered a dance, rather, she wanted
to display herself in front of the Emperor. A woman trying hard to
show off her attributes in front of another man, if she didn’t have any
other motives, it was a bit suspicious.
At one time, the rumors about the princess from Jing increased.
Some said that they saw the Jing princess buying jewelry at certain
stores, and then incense at another store. All of the rumors had one
similarity, the princess of Jing was very beautiful and could steal a
soul with a glance.
The rumors became stronger and stronger. It gradually became how
devastatingly beautiful Dai Rong Princess of Jing was, and how in
love she was with the Emperor. But the Emperor was obstructed by
the Empress and had to painfully stop himself from taking Dai Rong
Princess into the hougong.

The Empress had already been married for two or three years to the
Emperor, she even had a child, but she really was too overbearing
by occupying the Emperor and not allowing him to take other fei.

Some men felt that the Empress wasn’t virtuous enough. Other
women had slightly sour hearts and said the Empress wasn’t
generous enough. By the end, Dai Rong Princess became that
innocent and beloved woman and the Empress was the evil wife who
used her position to bully the princess.
When the rumors from outside passed into Qu Qing Ju’s ears, she
was playing with Tun Tun and his small drum. When she finished
hearing Huang Yang’s report, her face held mirth as she remarked:
“Such a good story. When did the Emperor take pity on this beauty
that is Dai Rong Princess, and when did he have to endure
abandoning her?”
When the room heard the words, the people all held their breath as
they stood, afraid that the Empress would get angry.
“The Emperor is master of Da Long, he doesn’t need to hesitate if
he wants to take a woman. Control the court, balance the
hougong?” Qu Qing Ju sneered, “Only a useless emperor will rely
on women to govern the court. Ben gong thinks that the people who
spread these rumors have ulterior motives.”
An unfounded rumor, but it affected both the court and the hougong.
Even some of the senior officials that He Heng placed importance
were involved in the rumor. Those senior officials became the
rebellious officials who had taken control of the court, and herself,
the Empress, was the mastermind in the shadows, while He Heng
was the trapped and suffering Emperor.
There were many noble families in Jing. Usually when something
happened, there were many different versions, yet this time, all of
the rumors were so similar, so it meant that someone certainly was
manipulating them in the background. The main targets were her and
Zhong Yi Gong Fu. If He Heng felt even a hint of dislike for her, then
when the rumors streamed into his ear, that bit of dislike would
become a lot.
The tactic wasn’t clever but very useful. It ruined her reputation,
affected the reputations of the strong officials in court, and was also
involved the subordinate countries. Right now, the envoys from all
the superior countries were still in Jing. If this Dai Rong Princess
returned peacefully and safely to the country of Jing like this, what
would the envoys of the subordinate think?
Thinking all this, Qu Qing Ju frowned. She watched as Tun Tun’s fat
hands finally grabbed the rattle-drum, and laughed because of the
sounds he made. Her brow steadily smoothed out, and as she
rubbed Tun Tun’s face, she said: “Since there are so many rumors,
let’s make them even livelier.”
Huang Yan hesitated: “Niangniang means to … …”

“Right now, there are suddenly rumors spreading around Jing, and it
happened just after Emperor’s birthday. Is it that people are
deliberately spreading rumors? This kind of movement will shake the
support of Da Long itself, it is too terrifying,” Qu Qing Ju sighed, “As
a citizen of Da Long, I really feel hatred for this kind of person.”
When Huang Yan heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he instantly
responded: “Nucai understands.”

Half a day later, some of the people in Jing became suspicious.

Everyone knew how virtuous and kind the Empress was and how
deep her love was with the Emperor. The Emperor had even written
on the coronation decree that the Empress was a blessing from the
heavens. How was it that after just a few days, it became the
Empress was jealous, and the Emperor and Empress were only
pretending to be together and weren’t really in love? And as for the
officials who had been harmed by the rumors, they all had done
good things for the public, how did they all become rebels?
Was it those people with ulterior motives that deliberately spread
those rumors, wanting to harm the Empress and the other upright
and honorable daren? Then who was the person manipulating the
rumors, were they enemies of Da Long, or traitors to Da Long itself?
The city of Jing never lacked for intelligent people. The stronger the
original rumors became, the more they felt suspicious. When the
speculation came out, they threw out many suspects, such as
traitors, people from the subordinate countries, Dai Rong Princess
who wanted to enter the hougong, the Qin Family who was at odds
with the Empress, and the brothers of the Emperor.
Slowly, more and more people began to doubt the past rumors and
started to feel righteous indignation. They started to roll up their
sleeves to find the true mastermind. As to whether they were really
angry, or just wanting to get in on the fuss, it depended on what
each spectator thought.
In the Imperial Study, He Heng looked at the major officials under
him. They were all the “rebel” officials who had been in cahoots with
the Empress in the rumors. Thinking about the ridiculous rumors, He
Heng smiled as he comforted: “Aiqing doesn’t have to blame
yourselves. Zhen never cares about this kind of false rumors. Zhen
has eyes to see what kind of people you all really are, and won’t just
listen to the rumors.”
Tian Jin Ke stepped forward with a grave face. He raised his hands
in a greeting as he responded: “It’s chen who is useless and has
caused these kind of rumors to spread, harming the reputations of
Emperor and the Empress. Please, Emperor, punish us.” He was the
Junior Justice of the Supreme Court. Even though he didn’t have a
direct connection with the matter, there was still some related
Commander Sun of the Imperial Guards felt his heart shrink. As one
of the “traitorous officials who cooperated with the Empress,” he
wasn’t just a target of the rumors, it was possible that he would be
punished by the Emperor because he didn’t manage to stop the
rumors in time. When Tian Jin Ke had asked for punishment, he knelt
down preemptively. He was directly connected to the matter.
“Zhen has already said that aiqing doesn’t have to blame
yourselves,” He Heng stood from the Imperial Table and personally
helped them back up, “You are all pillars of the country. Zhen is still
hoping that you can do more things for Da Long, and won’t punish
you for such a trivial matter.”
The hearts of the people presents warmed. To be able to have such
a wise ruler as the Emperor, it really was their good fortune as
officials and subjects. For the moment, many of the old men’s eyes
were filled with tears, and they all knelt down to thanks the Emperor
for his benevolence. Inside, they became even more resolute that
they had to clear up the matter. Even though it became a minor
matter due to the trust of the Emperor, they wouldn’t tolerate this
happening again.
“The only thing that zhen is extremely worried about is that the
Empress, originally a virtuous person, has been falsely accused by
people with malicious aims,” He Heng sighed, “Daren must all
thoroughly and diligently find out the mastermind behind the scenes
to restore justice for aiqing and the Empress.”

“Emperor, please don’t worry, chen will thoroughly investigate this

matter,” Commander Sun bowed as he responded, “By now, many
people in Jing have already noticed the malicious aims of the villain in
the shadows. Not many people still believe the rumors. The
virtuousness and kindness of the Empress will not be stained by
Luo Chang Qing raised an eyebrow at Commander Sun. Who said
that soldiers had no brains? Look how well this one flattered. He
raised his head to peek at the Emperor and, as expected, saw that
the Emperor’s smile had grown wider. He went forward a step,
interjecting: “By now, many people in Jing are suspicious of the
princess of Jing, Duo Han and …… the wang ye. Wei chen thinks
due to how generous Emperor has been to the wang ye, they
wouldn’t have done such distasteful things.”
Luo Chang Qing dared to say this because, one, the rumors were
not beneficial to the solidarity of the Imperial House, and two,
because his granddaughter was married to Cheng Wang. But no
matter what, his suggestion wasn’t wrong.
He Heng nodded, agreeing: “Zhen’s brothers are all honest people,
zhen believes that they aren’t that kind of people.”

Not long after the daren left the Imperial Study, many of the people
in Jing knew of the words the Emperor had said and were deeply
moved by the depth of friendship with which the Emperor treated the
wang ye. They also felt if the wang ye weren’t loyal to the Emperor,
then they were really cruel and unscrupulous people.
In Cheng Wang Fu, He Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he
finished hearing the servant’s report. He walked into the room of the
wang fei who was in her confinement period. Seeing that she was
holding their child, he smiled and asked: “Is Wang’er still asleep?”
Luo Wen Yao saw him coming in with a smile and gave the child to
his nursemaid, “Did something good happen?”
He Ming faithfully narrated the events and sighed at the end:
“Emperor and Empress treat us so well, but I am limited in what I
can do for Emperor.”
“Wang ye and the Emperor are blood brothers. Feelings cannot be
calculated like this,” Luo Wen Yao urged, “A few days ago, Mu Jin,
one of the Empress’ attendants, had specially come to visit qie, and
told me a lot of things. Is this because the Empress expects qie to
pay her back for all of this?”
“I had thought too narrow-mindedly,” He Ming went forward to hug
her, not caring about the unclean state she was in due to her
confinement. He said ruefully, “With Yao Yao here, I don’t feel sad at
Luo Wen Yao laughed quietly, the happiness on her face clear for all
to see. She had the fidelity of her husband and a son, what reason
did she have to not be happy?
In the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju took down her hairpins
and jewelry. Rubbing her shoulders, she said: “The days are getting
Jin Zhan and Yu Zan sorted the hairpins and jewelry to be placed
away in their boxes. Mu Jin used a rhinoceros horn comb to brush
Qu Qing Ju’s hair. Hearing that, she replied: “It’s already deep
autumn, the weather always changes quickly now.”
“That’s so true, winter is almost here,” Qu Qing Ju curled her lips, “I
heard that the winters of the country of Jing are especially harsh.
Once it enters the winter months, it’s all wrapped in silver silk, I
wonder what it looks like.”
“The country of Jing is a poor place. When it’s winter, the people
don’t have good days,” Mu Jing’s hands were brushing her hair at a
perfect pace. She smiled, saying, “Nubi doesn’t know much, but
feels if the people of the country of Jing saw the prosperity of our
Da Long, they wouldn’t want to leave.”
“Really?” Qu Qing Ju took off the jade bangle on her wrist and
suddenly smiled, declaring, “Not willing to leave, then they should
stay here.”
Mu Jin’s hands stilled. She didn’t know what the Empress meant.
Hesitating, she asked: “Whys hould such people stay here, wouldn’t
it make more trouble for others?”
“Peaceful days will make people forget the beauty of the past,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled, “Remaining doesn’t have to be a good thing. You
have to know that the prosperity of others doesn’t have to be yours.
You dare to scheme against others, then you have to know that
others will scheme back.”
When He Heng arrived at the rear hall, Qu Qing Ju had already
changed into her sleep robes and was leaning on the bed as she
read. He furrowed his brows, going forward to reproach: “Reading
so late, it’ll harm the eyes.”
Qu Qing Ju closed the book in her hands. She smiled, answering:
“Just bored, waiting for you to come back to sleep.”
Just those words were enough to make He Heng’s heart move. He
took off his own clothing and made a feast of the beauty.
Afterward, the two of them lay in satisfaction on the bed, Qu Qing Ju
on He Heng’s chest, “I saw that your mood hasn’t been well these
few days. Is it because of those words outside the palace? It’s just
rumors. When the people get bored, they won’t pass it on anymore.
It’s not worth it to be affected by those things.”
“For whom am I getting angry on behalf of?” He Heng smiled
helplessly, “The rumors are targeted towards you. I can’t not be
“These people are targeting me, that means that they hate me
inside,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, replying, “Only daring to attack from the
back, it means that there are many things these people have to
consider. Why should I care for such people?”
“Well, look how clearly you think,” He Heng smiled. Then suddenly
his tone turned cold, “I have already found the people in the
Qu Qing Ju stared with wide eyes at him, looking curious, “Who are
“The Qin Family and the princess from Jing,” He Heng sneered,
“That these people from two sides can work together, they really
have skill.”
Qu Qing Ju stared blankly and then hummed: “I just knew that Dai
Rong Princess is interested in you. To do such things for you, she
really is in love.”
“In love after just one meeting?” He Heng gathered her in his arms,
“Don’t accuse me wrongly. What she’s in love with is my position, not
me. I’m innocent.”
The tips of Qu Qing Ju’s feet stroked on the front of his feet:
“Regardless, this Dai Rong Princess is interested in you. But why is
the Qin Family meddling in this matter?”
He Heng sighed helplessly: “Did you forget that the Qin Family
wanted to send someone into the hougong?”

Qu Qing Ju displayed an expression of realization. A beat later, she

teased: “If you were just a wang ye, there wouldn’t be this many
women looking at you.”
Even though he was happy at the possessiveness his woman had
towards him, the words just didn’t seem right. Was it only his
position that attracted others?
“No, that’s not right. Even if you are a wang ye, there would be many
women looking at you,” Qu Qing Ju’s brow furrowed as she mused,
“Really want to lock you up, and not let anybody else see you.”
This complaint made He Heng’s heart beat faster. He flipped to push
her under him, gently kissing Qu Qing Ju’s ear: “I, originally, am
Qu Qing Ju’s eyes stared at his. Seeing his two eyes filled with
emotion, she reached around his neck.
“En, you are mine.”
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
“A Liberal Culture”

Waking up in the morning, Qu Qing Ju looked beside her. The space

had become empty, the light coming in through the windows. She
rubbed her forehead as she got up. It seemed to be late in the
The palace attendants waiting outside heard the noise from inside,
and quickly came in with the washing tools. They served her to get
out of bed and change. After everything was prepared, she then sat
in front of the table to sedately eat the morning meal.
“Mu Jing, how many days until Cheng Wang Fei’s confinement
ends?” When the child was one month old, they would have a month-
old banquet. She didn’t need to personally go, but it would be good
to prepare what she needed to give.
“About ten more days. Is niangniang worried about what to give for
the month-old banquet?” Mu Jin handed over a handkerchief for Qu
Qing Ju to wipe her hands and then a lotion for Qu Qing Ju to rub
on. After entering autumn, the wind became stronger. If the hands
weren’t taken care off, they wouldn’t look good after a few days.
“En,” Qu Qing Ju rubbed her hands against each other and sighed,
“The wives of the noble families, this back and forth isn’t something
easy. Any other person, I can hand off for someone else to do, but
not Cheng Wang Fei.” Thinking some more, she eventually had them
prepare things that would help a woman recover and things that
infants could use. For other people, she only had to give things that
looked good. But she and Luo Wen Yao had some feelings between
them, so she naturally had to repay her for her sincerity.
“Today’s weather is good to take a walk.” Qu Qing Ju thought for a
second, “Let the nursemaid take His Highness Imperial Son out to
walk as well.”
Mu Jin hurriedly let the others prepare. She saw that the Empress’
expression didn’t seem right and couldn’t resist asking: “Niangniang,
should the phoenix carriage be prepared?”
“No need, we’ll just walk outside,” Qu Qing Ju stood to walk to the
door. The warm sunlight spilled onto her body, making her dazed for
an instant. She raised her head to look at the sky and turned back
and saw that the nursemaid had already carried Tun Tun over.
Smiling, she said: “Let’s go.”
When the Empress set out, even though there wasn’t a troop of
servants before and after her, there were still many attendants that
followed. Even more, there were quite a few servants that were
there to take care of Tun Tun. Qu Qing Ju walked over the white
jade bridge over the lotus pond and entered the Imperial Gardens.
Looking at the blooming chrysanthemums, she suddenly realized that
autumn had really arrived.
Passing by a pavilion, Qu Qing Ju stopped walking. She turned back
to look at that pavilion in the midst of the flowers, asking with a
raised eyebrow: “Winter last year, didn’t Han liangdi sing there for
the Emperor?”
Mu Jin didn’t know why the Empress would suddenly mention Han
liangdi. She looked at the pavilion, nodding: “Niangniang, what is
“Nothing,” Qu Qing Ju sighed, seemingly in regret, “Just rueful.
Almost a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Time passes so
“Niangniang doesn’t have to think about these things,” Mu Jin smiled
as she supported Qu Qing Ju’s wrist, “nubi heard the black
chrysanthemums over there have flowered well. Do you want to
“No, Tun Tun is still little, it’s not good to be too close to the flowers,”
Qu Qing Ju pointed to a stone table near a fake mountain not far
away, “Let’s go sit there. We can also soak in some sun.”
Tea and pastries quickly were put on the stone table. A soft cushion
was put on the stone bench. Qu Qing Ju sat down on the bench.
Seeing Tun Tun looked around at the surroundings with wide eyes,
she knew that he was curious about the outside scenery so she let
the nursemaid carry him to see the surroundings. Listening to his
happy cries, she couldn’t resist laughing: “Children are just children,
anything can make them happy.”
“His Highness is clever,” Mu Jin put out a cup of hot tea for Qu Qing
Ju then turned to give a hand bell to His Highness the Imperial Son.
Seeing him happily grasp the hand bell, she remarked happily, “His
Highness grips it so steadily and can wave it around. He really has
strong wrists.”
“Almost half a year old, it isn’t strange that he can grasp things,” Qu
Qing Ju smiled as she informed, “Not long from now, he should be
able to crawl.”
Mu Jin smiled as she bowed: “Niangniang, don’t laugh at nubi for
making a fuss. Nubi thinks anything that His Highness does is good.”

Qu Qing Ju laughed at her words. When she turned her head, she
saw a procession that surprised her. She asked with a furrowed
brow, “What is going on there?”
Mu Jin looked into the distance and saw Ming He leading some
womenfolk around the Imperial Gardens. Most of the womenfolk
were the furen of the envoys of the subordinate countries, but the
princess from the country of Jing was also among them.
“Nubi will go ask,” Mu Jin bowed, and turned to walk in the direction
of Ming He and the others.
Because several of the furen of the officials and the princess had
looked forward to seeing the Imperial Gardens of Da Long, Ming He
had to, under the imperial order, serve them to tour the Imperial
Gardens. But thinking about the rumors from outside about the
princess of Jing and the Empress, his heart was bitter. If the
Empress saw, he didn’t know what would happen.
Just when he was thinking it inside, he saw Mu Jin coming over when
he raised his head. He sighed inside, but forced a smile onto his
face. He went forward a few steps, exchanging bows with Mu Jin:
“Where is Mu Jin guniang coming from? The Empress can’t be
without your service.”
“Ming He gonggong is exaggerating,” Mu Jin smiled and looked at
the womenfolk behind him. She gave a shallow bow: “Nubi Mu Jin
greets everyone.”
These women might not have recognized Mu Jin but all knew that
there was a high ranked palace maid called Mu Jin that was
especially favored by the Empress. Additionally, when they saw that
Ming He’s attitude towards Mu Jin was especially friendly, they were
certain to Mu Jin’s identity. Then they all gave slight smiles, and
exchanged some pleasantries with Mu Jin using their basic
knowledge of Da Long language.
“Because all the furen has never toured the Imperial Gardens, so
nucai has been ordered by the Emperor to accompany the furen to
walk the garden,” Ming He said with a faint smile, “Didn’t think to
encounter Mu Jin guniang.”
“Niangniang is drinking tea up front. She saw you leading the
women into the garden so she let nubi come ask,” Mu Jin’s gaze
swept in the direction of the princess of Jing, her smile not changing
as she responded, “Since gongong is busy, I won’t disturb any
further.” It seems that the Emperor didn’t think much of the furen of
the envoys. Otherwise the one receiving them wouldn’t be Ming He.
At the very least, it would be a noblewoman of some significant
status or a furen from the Imperial House.

“Since the Empress is here, we should greet the Empress,” The

furen of the envoy from Dong Yu said in a respectful tone, “If it
wasn’t that the Hu Guo Princess that especially asked, we wouldn’t
have the good fortune to enter the palace for a tour. To greet the
Empress, it is our good fortune.”
Mu Jin smiled as she looked at the Dong Yu envoy’s furen. This
envoy’s wife said what seemed to be a normal and casual sentence
but in reality it was expressing goodwill towards the Empress. She
followed with a smile, answering: “Nubi doesn’t dare to make a
decision. Please, honored guest, wait for nubi to inform the
Watching Mu Jin walk towards the fake mountain in the front, Dai
Rong couldn’t help looking more at the fake mountain. When her
movements were spotted by Ming He’s eyes, he thought scornfully,
country ignoramuses are country ignoramuses. Just this kind of
scheming, any palace maid in the hougong is stronger than her. It
seems that the country of Jing was one generation worse than the
When Qu Qing Ju heard Mu Jin’s report, her brow slightly furrowed,
“A special request from the princess of Jing?” Having said that, she
couldn’t resist snorting, “It seems that she is exceptionally interested
in our Da Long’s hougong. Alright, let them come. Ben gong wants
to get to know this princess of Jing.”
She looked at Tun Tun who was still playing with the handbell and
said to the nursemaids: “Take Tun Tun back to the rear hall of Tian
Qi Palace, don’t let anyone casually near His Highness.”
The nursemaids obediently left, not even turning to look back.
Hearing that the Empress was willing to see them, the wives of the
envoys all gave smiles. They were highly ranked in their own
countries, but compared with the noblewomen of Da Long, they
weren’t really anything. Once they came to the City of Jing, they
carefully managed their speech and conduct. Whenever they met a
noblewoman from one of the noble families, they were extremely
courteous. The fact that the Empress was willing to meet them, it
was a happy unexpected occurrence.
The procession followed in Mu Jin’s footsteps next to the fake
mountain when they saw a woman dressed in a white floor length
dress embroidered with red flowers lazily sitting on the stone table.
Her black hair was restrained in a beautiful and exquisite feitainji, all
of her hair ornaments and jewelry were finely made. But what made
them lose their focus the most wasn’t the grand decorations, but the
Empress’ own composure and beauty. Just a glance was enough to
make them feel inferior, but at the same time, they felt it was
appropriate that the Empress of Da Long should be this noble and
beautiful, that it was natural that they couldn’t compete with the
Empress. When they saw the Empress, they couldn’t find any
jealousy, only admiration and reverence.
“Chenfu is the furen of Dong Yu’s prime minister, greets the honored
The womenfolk came up one by one to pay their respects to Qu
Qing Ju. They all gave the full greetings of their own countries.
Before their arrival, Qu Qing Ju had learned a basic understanding of
their customs and politely allowed the womenfolk to take a seat.
“The country of Jing’s Dai Rong greets the honored Empress,” This
was the first time that Dai Rong saw the Empress at such a close
distance. She examined Qu Qing Ju from top to bottom. Even though
she wasn’t willing, she still had to admit that this Empress was
somewhat beautiful.
“Hu Guo Princess doesn’t have to be this courteous,” Qu Qing Ju
indicated for her to sit, “ben gong remembers you. Your dance in
Luan He Hall was very beautiful.”
“Didn’t think that Empress would remember this one, this one isn’t
worthy,” Dai Rong’s face was full of bashfulness, “Coming to the
Imperial Gardens for the first time and being able to encounter
Empress, it really is our great fortune.”
“You all like to mention fortune, but ben gong feels that it is destiny,”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she raised a teacup, “Everyone, come taste
our Da Long’s tea. It isn’t anything rare, but the taste is still good.”
“Da Long’s tea is worth a thousand gold in our countries, it is very
valuable,” The furen of the envoy from Dong Yu smiled as she took a
drink, “The tea that the Empress has, it really is a rare and seldom
“If you like it, when you return, take some back,” Qu Qing Ju smiled
as she responded, “Coming from so far away to celebrate
Emperor’s birthday, it must have been hard.”
“His Majesty the Emperor is brave and outstanding. To celebrate His
Highness the Emperor’s birthday, there is no hardship,” Dai Rong put
down the teacup, smiling and said, “His Majesty the Emperor is a
god in my country of Jing. All the people of Jing would never find it
hard for our gods.”
“Ah,” Qu Qing Ju raised an eyebrow at Dai Rong, “Then all of Jing is
full of loyalty for my Da Long.
“Of course, my Jing’s heart towards Da Long is like shining like the
sun and moon,” Dai Rong’s eyes met Qu Qing Ju’s, “this one
believes that the honored His Majesty Jia You will be one of those
wise rulers seen once in a thousand years.””
The two’s eyes met in the air. Qu Qing Ju found that the other had a
pair of beautiful eyes. She gave a faint smile: “As the Empress of Da
Long, I’m very grateful for the loyalty that the people of Jing feels
towards Da Long.”
Da Rong followed: “So, as the Hu Guo Princess of Jing, I’m willing,
for the honored His Majesty Jia You Emperor, to become his fei.”

Qu Qing Ju laughed out loud. She had heard that the culture of
country of Jing was extremely liberal, and the relationships between
men and women were relaxed. Hearing Dai Rong’s words today, she
finally understood what a liberal culture was like.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
“A Heavy Blow”

The words of Dai Rong shocked many people. Especially Ming He.
He felt his legs weaken. If he had known that this Hu Guo Princess
was this bold, today, he wouldn’t have done this. If the Empress
thought that he had deliberately ushered the person in front of her,
then would he have any more good days to live?
The furen of Dong Yu’s envoy stared with shock and wide eyes. She
used the teacup to conceal her open mouth. She couldn’t resist
looking at the Empress, how would the Empress resolve this matter?
Qu Qing Ju was slightly surprised at the actions of Dai Rong to
recommend herself into the Emperor’s bed, but she quickly calmed
down. She had heard before about the liberal nature of the country
of Jing. Even though she hadn’t thought that this Dai Rong Princess
would speak so blankly of the matter, but it wasn’t as though she
would lose her composure due to it. Elegantly putting down the
teacup in her hands, she used a handkerchief embroidered with a
beautiful design to wipe her lips: “Where does the Princess’ words
come from? If you are in love with the Emperor, why not tell him,
instead of telling ben gong?”

“This one heard that the Empress of Da Long has the power to
manage the hougong. Then the expansion of the hougong should be
your duty. This one telling you of the matter, it should meet protocol,”
Dai Rong Princess stood from the bench and gave a full bow in the
style of Da Long to Qu Qing Ju, “Dai Rong sincerely is in love with
the Emperor and begs Empress to fulfill this request.”
Dai Rong’s actions were nothing but forcing the Empress to admit
her position. At the side, Yin Liu and the others were gritting their
teeth, but due to their status, they stood quietly at the side.
The other furen of the envoys from subordinate countries felt
awkward inside. Many of them had heard the rumors from before
but knew very well how suspicious the rumors were. But they hadn’t
thought that this Dai Rong Princess actually had an interest in His
Majesty the Emperor of Da Long. Right now, they regretted coming
with Dai Rong Princess to tour the gardens. Such an incident as this,
they didn’t know what expression was appropriate for this situation.
“Dai Rong Princess isn’t wrong, ben gong has the power to expand
the hougong,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she stood, looking from up high
down at Dai Rong bent in front of her, “but ben gong is Emperor’s
wife, and naturally cannot neglect Emperor’s wishes and randomly
take other women into the palace. If Princess truly is in love with the
Emperor, you should confess to Emperor. If Emperor is willing to
take you into the palace, ben gong naturally is happy for the palace
to have another woman to serve the Emperor.”
Dai Rong didn’t think the Empress would push the matter to His
Majesty the Emperor. After a slight pause, she said: “If that’s the
case, then please, Empress, act on behalf of this one to express this
true love to the Emperor. This one will thank Empress here and
now.” Finishing, she lifted her skirts and knelt. Even more, she put
out a posture of prostration.
Ming He saw the princess of Jing’s almost wretched-like actions and
looked undetectably at the Empress. Right now, the Emperor should
be leaving court. He didn’t know if Xiao Gan Zi would manage to
lead the Emperor over. If this matter wasn’t solved correctly, it would
blow up. Thankfully, the conduct of the Empress was steady and
dependable. If one step was wrong, right
“If it is sincere, then why let others tell about it, wouldn’t that tarnish
that true feeling?” Qu Qing Ju went forward a few steps, reach a
hand in front of Da Rong, and smiled widely, “Princess, please get
up. The country of Jing might be a subordinate country of Da Long,
but you are still a princess of a country, how can you give such a big
greeting to ben gong?”

When the furen of Dong Yu’s envoy heard it, she felt embarrassed
on behalf of Dai Rong. The Empress’ words mocked her for lowering
her status and being shameless. A princess, regardless of how small
the country was, it was still a country. Her conduct represented the
country. Right now, she was kneeling and begging just so she could
enter the hougong of Da Long to become a feipin. If the Queen of
Jing knew of the conduct, what would she think?
Dai Rong had a high opinion of herself but she wasn’t stupid.
Naturally, she heard the implication in Qu Qing Ju’s words. Looking
at the hand that the other offered to her, she said in a respectful
tone: “Don’t dare to trouble Empress.” And then she stood. She
sighed somewhat tragically, “This one is a woman, when would there
be a time to meet the honored His Majesty the Emperor. It’s just a
futile hope to expect to accompany him.”
“Princess has only seen the Emperor only a few times, but lost her
heart. It really is deep love, and ben gong is very shocked,” Qu Qing
Ju’s face gave a few hints of mirth, was scornful yet proud, “If that’s
the case, why don’t ben gong give you a chance for you to tell of
your desires to the Emperor?” When she finished speaking, her eyes
looked towards the side of the fake mountain. There, standing, was
He Heng dressed in the black dragon robes. The other’s face was
so calm, it was scary.
Dai Rong seemed to detect that someone was behind her. When
she turned to look, she hadn’t thought it was the Emperor. She first
stilled and then reacted, given a sweet smile and a graceful bow:
“Greetings to the honored Your Majesty the Emperor.”
The other furen of the envoys all followed in standing and making
their bows. They were all married women and naturally knew how to
read expressions. So it only took just a rough glance and they were
able to see that the Emperor’s expression wasn’t too good, and
seemed to be indistinctly angry.
The atmosphere seemed to returned back to when Dai Rong
Princess recommended herself as a feipin. He Heng walked to sit
down next to Qu Qing Ju. He glanced at the princess of Jing
dressed seductively and said in a heavy tone: “Furen, please rise.”

Dai Rong, who had been preparing to stand, swayed in her place.
She hesitated but in the end still maintained her posture in greeting.
He Heng didn’t seem to have seen her, and exchanged a few words
with the furen of the envoys before become silent and only drinking
tea on the side.
The envoys’ furen didn’t know whether they should leave or sit at this
time. They furtively looked at the princess of Jing who was still
locked in her position and didn’t dare to breathe. They were all minor
subordinate countries. If they encountered any disasters, they had to
rely on Da Long to give aid. No one dared to be disrespectful in front
of Da Long’s Emperor. Not to mention, even if the Emperor of Da
Long found a reason to take one of their lives, they didn’t dare to
say anything.
Thankfully, the generations of Emperors of Da Long were not
tyrannical, so these years, the subordinate countries had relatively
peaceful days. But if they really made the Emperor angry, other than
the fall of their country, they had no other road to walk.
Qu Qing Ju was also aware the atmosphere wasn’t good and said:
“Why did Emperor come over?”
“Zhen heard you came to walk in the garden and came to look,” He
Heng’s tone softened greatly. He glanced at Qu Qing Ju and saw her
expression was normal, and not angry due to the actions of the
princess of Jing before he smiled and added, “Zhen will wait to eat
the noon meal with you.”
When the furen of Dong Yu’s envoy heard this, she couldn’t help but
feel disdain towards Dai Rong. The Emperor and Empress of Da
Long were in a harmonious relationship, but this Dai Rong Princess
was greedy and vain, wanting to enter the hougong of Da Long. It
really was both stupid and shameless. Right now, she was a
princess of Jing, so the Empress was still courteous to her. If she
became one of the feipin of the hougong, with the weak strength
that Jing had, if the Empress wanted to sort her out, the Empress
would not have the slightest concern while doing so.
“Just now, qie has heard something very touching from the princess
of Jing. Is the Emperor interested in listening?” Qu Qing Ju looked
cheerfully at He Heng, “after qie heard it, qie was extremely
“The successor for the country of Jing has already been settled. Due
to the separation of genders, zhen and the princess of Jing, have
nothing to discuss,” He Heng put down the teacup, speaking icily,
“Your Highness Princess, if your country has something to discuss
with my Da Long, then please let your country’s Crown Princess to
have an audience.”
“Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with state matters,” Dai
Rong looked at the frigid eyes of the Emperor of Da Long. She
already felt regret inside, but since the words had been spoken, she
had to continue, “It’s this one that is in love with Emperor, and begs
for Emperor to take pity.”
Qu Qing Ju’s eyebrows jumped and she raised a teacup to hide the
corners of her lips that rose up.
“Zhen heard that the country of Jing is extremely liberal. Seeing the
princess today, it does live up to the rumors,” No pity was found in
He Heng for the beauty of Dai Rong and her humble posture. He
looked at her and said, “The love of the princess, zhen appreciates,
but zhen is only in love with the Empress and has no intentions of
taking another into the hougong.”

“This one doesn’t beg to be able to receive the Emperor’s favor, but
only to be able to serve Emperor,” Dai Rong’s eyes brimmed with
tears as she looked at He Heng, “is that also not possible?”
“There are countless women in the world in love with zhen, so does
zhen have to take pity and take them into the hougong?” He Heng’s
voice became forceful, “If zhen did so, it is not beneficial to oneself
nor the person zhen is in love with. Zhen appreciates the intentions
of the princess, but asks Princess not to mention this matter again in
the future.”
If the words were spoken more clearly, it would be “There’s many
women that like me in the world, but do I have to take all of them
into the palace, isn’t that disgusting myself?”
Dai Rong didn’t think that when she had said those words, the
Emperor would so ruthlessly reject her. He even compared her to
other vulgar women, as though she wasn’t different from other
She almost didn’t dare to look at the faces of the other furen of the
envoys. Because even without looking, she knew that they were
laughing at her inside. Because the husbands of these women lost
their focus after seeing her, and fawned over her. So these women
were jealous of her, and hated her.
“Emperor, the Crown Prince of Jing asks for an audience, His
Highness Cheng Wang asks for an audience.” Qian Chang Xin
seemed to have not seen this farce and with a peaceful expression
walked over, disregarding Dai Rong on the way who was still
kneeling on the ground.
“The Crown Prince of Jing?” He Heng glanced at Dai Rong. With a
dark face, he responded, “Let the Crown Prince of Jing return. Tell
him if the country of Jing still wants Da Long to continue to support
them, then to show sincerity. Zhen doesn’t lack for women, and even
more, isn’t interested in the women of Jing. Also, tell si di to wait in
the Imperial study for zhen. Zhen will be there shortly.”

Those words were like a heavy slap to Dai Rong’s face. She didn’t
dare to think when the words reached the country of Jing, how the
citizens would think of her. And didn’t dare to imagine if the country
of Jing was neglected by Da Long due to her, how bad the situation
would be.
“If that’s the case, then Ming He, continue leading these honored
guests through the garden. Ben gong should be returning to the
palace,” Qu Qing Ju smiled as she stood, telling He Heng, “Since
Emperor has other matters, then go early. Qie will wait for you to
return to eat.”
“Alright, zhen will be quick,” He Heng lowered his head slightly at the
envoys’ furen before leaving with a procession of attendants behind
him. From beginning to end, he didn’t look again at Dai Rong.
Qu Qing Ju walked in front of Dai Rong, smiling as she said:
“Princess, please stand. The Emperor is always like this, hope the
Princess doesn’t mind.”
“This one doesn’t dare,” Dai Rong felt that even her bones were
cold. She trembled with fear as she bowed to Qu Qing Ju,
“Respectfully sending off Empress.”
“En,” Qu Qing Ju nodded and took Mu Jin’s hands as she turned and
walked away.
The furen of the envoys watched as the Emperor and Empress left,
then scornfully looked at Dai Ron. One of the furen shook her head,
remarking: “Aiya, such a pity.”
A few others followed in laughing. The sound of laughter passed into
Dai Rong’s ears, piercing and nasty, but she was helpless.
Chapter One Hundred and
Seventeen “The Lioness From
Hedong Roars”

Sometimes, rumors spread very quickly. Such as the new rumor of

the love and hate between Dai Rong Princess and Jia You Emperor.
The main idea was that Dai Rong Princess coveted the prosperity of
Da Long, and not wanting to return to the poor country of Jing, tried
all she could to become one of the Emperor’s feiqin. Even more
extreme was that Dai Rong Princess recommended herself in front
of the Emperor and Empress. But who knew that she was rejected
multiple times by the Emperor. Due to her actions, the Emperor
became dissatisfied with the country of Jing and even rejected the
request from the Crown Prince of Jing for an audience.
There were others that said it was previously Dai Rong Princess
who targeted the Empress and the honorable officials because she
wanted to enter the palace as fei, so she specially spread rumors to
blight the Empress’ reputation.
In the subconsciousness of the people in the Jing City of Da Long,
they looked down at the kind of small country that was Jing.
Previously, when they gossiped about how exceptional Dai Rong
Princess was, no one ever said that Dai Rong Princess was better
than the Empress, they were only speculating that the Emperor
wanted something fresh and fancied Dai Rong Princess.
When what had happened in the Imperial Palace reached the ears of
the people of Da Long, there was an explosion. The princess of Jing
was shameless, the Emperor didn’t even want the princess when
she recommended herself, she couldn’t compare to a finger of the
Empress. Maybe she had nothing inside, and wanted to grab onto
their Da Long. Furthermore, others started to say that this princess
of Jing had ulterior motives and wanted to enter the Imperial Palace
of Da Long to give birth to a son and take Da Long’s throne, to
conquer Da Long’s lands.
When Tu Er, wearing the attire of the country of Jing, came back to
the guest palace from the outside, his face was extremely nasty. He
angrily burst into Jiao Xiang Yuan and saw Dai Rong venting her
temper at a maid. He shouted: “You still have the time to be angry,
our Jing has been completely humiliated by you!”
“Don’t shout at me, you aren’t the ruler of Jing yet,” Dai Rong had
been embarrassed by He Heng and hadn’t calmed down. After
hearing Tu Er use a critical tone whilst speaking to her, the
embarrassment inside turned into anger, “Don’t think that because
you are now the Crown Prince, you can order me around. It’s too
early for that!”
“I don’t want to order you around,” Tu Er angrily kicked aside the
bench in front of him, pointing at Dai Rong, demanding, “But think of
what you have done since you came into Da Long’s Jing City. Has
the prosperity of Da Long really blinded your eyes?”
“Yes, what’s wrong if I’m blinded by Da Long’s prosperity?” Dai
Rong defended with red eyes, “I am the most beautiful woman of
Jing, the most favored daughter of mother. Why can’t I live the most
luxurious life? The feipin of Da Long aren’t as beautiful as me, why
can’t I enter the palace?”
“Because the Empress is stronger than you!” Tu Er shouted. Seeing
his meimei refusing to change, his voice was frigid as he continued,
“I already told you. The Imperial Couple of Da Long are deeply in
love. The feipin in the hougong is nothing more than decorations.
Comparing yourself to the feipin, that means you also know that you
can’t compare to Da Long’s Empress.”
“Where can I not compare with her?!” Dai Rong was furious, her
voice growing in pitch, “Because she’s from Da Long’s nobility?”
“You’re wrong. The Empress isn’t Da Long’s nobility,” Tu Er
scornfully looked at his meimei who thought herself clever. “When
you and the Qin Clan allied to scheme against the Empress, didn’t
you ask about the Empress’ birth? The Empress’ mother died early,
her father and stepmother were not loving and have been demoted
and lost their home. Her family is a stain on her. But even so, the
Emperor treats her the same. Even to the point, that on the
coronation decree, he wrote that the Empress was peerless in the
world and to have the Empress was a blessing from the heavens.
But you, where did you get the confidence to think you were better
than the Empress?”
Dai Rong shook her head as she rejected: “No, the Qin Family said
that the Emperor treats the Empress well only because of the Tian
Family, so it’s impossible!
“The Tian Family has a good reputation but no real power. All they
have was given to them by the Emperor. Did you think that Da
Long’s Emperor is a useless and stupid ruler?” Tu Er snorted, “My
pitiful meimei, you were tricked by the Qin Family.”

Dai Rong froze. A beat later, she looked in disbelief at Tu Er: “Why
do you know so much about Da Long, you ……” Did he already
scheme for the position of Crown Prince beforehand, so that’s why
he knew so much about Da Long?
“You are finally smart for once,” Tu Er saw that she had finally
reacted and smiled as he walked in front of her, “I’m not like you, so
spoiled by mother that I can’t distinguish important matters from
other ones. I understand better than you what is called
circumstances, what is putting effort on crucial matters. Therefore,
you lost, my pitiful meimei.”

Dai Rong staggered. For what seemed to be the first time, she
looked at her useless and average gege, but after looking at the
other’s slightly smiling face, she couldn’t say anything.
In Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju smiled as she looked at the men and
women kneeling by her feet. One of those in a worn sky-blue robe
was a woman she was familiar with. She played with a jade scepter
in her hands and sighed, lamenting: “Ben gong hadn’t thought that
your Qin Family was also involved in the rumors around Jing. If it
wasn’t for the Emperor’s investigation, perhaps ben gong would still
be in the dark.” Speaking thus far, she turned to smile at He Heng
sitting by her side, “Bai Lu at least was zhouli for two years with
ben gong. The Qin Family is too ruthless.”

“If the Empress wants to kill or torture, you don’t need to say these
things ……” Before Qin Bai Lu could finish, her mouth was covered
by a matron beside her. The matron kowtowed with a pale face,
“This criminal woman hasn’t taught her daughter properly. Please,
Emperor and Empress, forgive her.”
Qu Qing Ju watched as Qin furen kowtowed to plead for her
daughter, yet Qin Bai Lu was still staring at her with a face full of
hatred. She couldn’t help but sigh; “Qin Bai Lu, ben gong just doesn’t
understand why you would hate ben gong. Ever since we met for the
first time, it was always you who deliberately made things difficult for
ben gong. When has ben gong ever schemed against you?”

Qin Bai Lu took away her mother’s hand, and smiled scornfully: “It’s
natural that you don’t understand why I hate you. But that year, if
xiandi hadn’t suddenly changed his decision when he decreed the
marriages, our positions would be switched. The person sitting
would be me, the person kneeling at the bottom would be you.”
By this time, the members of the Qin Family were so frightened,
their faces were the color of dirt. Qin furen didn’t dare to stop her
daughter’s mouth anymore, and could only tremble as she knelt at
the side.
When Qu Qing Ju heard something this hilarious, she instantly
laughed out loud. She didn’t have any more interest in talking with
Qin Bai Lu. How strange was her brain that she would push all the
misfortunes onto her. Qu Qing Ju did not believe that she herself had
such great abilities. Or was it also her who’d ordered He Yuan to
divorce Qin Bai Lu?
How xiandi decreed the marriage, it was xiandi who made the
decision. Could she have forced xiandi to make a decision?

“Once, zhen only thought that the present Qin Family was just
vulgar, but didn’t think that they even didn’t have no brains at all,” He
Heng, who had been silent the entire time, glared icily at Qin Bai Lu,
“Just a thing like you dares to compare to Empress, it is laughable.”
“But that year, if xiandi didn’t marry her to Emperor, then she would
be Rui Wang Fei. Even if I couldn’t enter Emperor’s eyes, she
wouldn’t be your woman,” Qin Bai Lu’s smile carried hate and
insanity, “Do you think that I’m the only person like this? You’re
wrong. Even He Yuan is regretful about the decreed marriage. Right
now, he’s thinking about Emperor’s good Empress!”
By now, the members of the Qin Family wanted to strangle Qin Bai
Lu. If it wasn’t for the furen of the head of the family, who was
strong in her conduct, they wouldn’t have tolerated a divorced
woman living in their ancestral home. If they knew beforehand that
she would say such insane things, do insane things, even if they had
to start a conflict, they would have sent her away rather than let her
drag down the entire clan.
He Heng’s face was frigid as ice. No man was willing to hear about
how his beloved woman was being thought of by another man.
Furthermore, this man had nearly taken over his position.
“Have you ever heard of destiny?” Qu Qing Ju calmly looked at Qin
Bai Lu, as though she was looking at a stray dog. “You said that
xiandi changed the partners that we were decreed marriage to. That
means, in xiandi’s heart, I was the person most suited to Emperor, I
am the woman fated for the Emperor. You can be jealous of ben
gong, hate ben gong. Ben gong just received the Emperor’s love.
What can you do to me?”
Qin Bai Lu had pushed all of their conflicts onto He Yuan. Then, Qu
Qing Ju would purposefully distort it into Qin Bai Lu being jealous of
her receiving the Emperor’s affections. The two matters seemed to
be the same matter, but the feeling it gave others was quite
She wanted He Heng to know. The person she wanted to capture
was him. The person she paid attention to was him. Only like this
would there be no danger left hidden. It would even increase the
trust and affection He Heng had towards her.
“Even the heavens helped ben gong, what do you have that can
compare to ben gong?” Qu Qing Ju turned to look at He Heng. As
expected, she saw that he was already smiling. She glared at him,
mouthing “womanizer” before turning to declare at Qin Bai Lu, “You
are discontent that you lost to ben gong, and cooperated with the
princess of Jing to purposefully spread rumors to malign the
reputations of me and the officials of Da Long. Such malicious aims.
It’s no wonder that even the heavens helped ben gong become the
woman of the Emperor. If you had become the Empress of Da Long,
wouldn’t have the world fallen into chaos?”
“You!” Qin Bai Lu hadn’t thought Qu Qing Ju would give such a
speech. She opened her mouth to start cursing but Qin furen by her
side unexpectedly threw a heavy slap on her face, throwing her onto
the ground.
“Shut up!” Qin furen sobbed, “You faithless, unfilial daughter. Do you
want to kill our entire family?”
Other than the crying of Qin furen, there were no other sounds in the
hall. Qin Bai Lu covered her face, not looking at her own mother, but
at the Emperor and Empress sitting in front of her, her eyes full of
hate. Grabbing out the sharp silver hairpin out of her hair, she
suddenly stood and rushed towards Qu Qing Ju.
“Niangniang!” On the side, Mu Jin was so frightened that she threw
herself from behind Qu Qing Ju to halfway across Qu Qing Ju. There
was a sound of porcelain breaking, and then she heard a smothered
grunt from nearby. Then the entire hall started to make a racket.
Raising her head in puzzlement, she saw Qin Bai Lu lying on the side
in a sorry state, the Emperor in front of the Empress, one of the
corners of his robe creased.
“Emperor, are you alright?” Qu Qing Ju stood, her face fearful as
she examined He Heng from top to toe. She released a breath, and
then in a voice filled with anger, she shouted, “What are you doing,
there’s so many people, what are you doing in front of me?!”
The entire hall instantly became silent, all those that were shocked,
that had been pushing Qin Bai Lu down, been asking for mercy. At
one point, it was as though their necks were being strangled so that
they were unable to make a sound.
“There’s so many people in the hall, who let you go in front of me,
showing off how long your legs are?! Ah! Do you not have regard for
your life, who needed you to save me, I’m not an idiot, would I have
just sat for her to stab?! Do you have brains?! Ah!”
Mu Jin stared with wide eyes and mouth at the Empress flipping out.
As she watched the Emperor unconsciously step back as the
Empress ranted at him, her shoulders couldn’t help but shake as she
At the side, Qian Chang Xin, Ming He and the others also stood with
dumbstruck eyes. Who had seen the Empress be so valiant?! Who
had even seen the Empress scold the Emperor? As the personal
attendants of the Emperor, they should stop the finger that the
Empress was poking onto the Emperor’s chest, should reproach the
Empress for her disrespectful conduct, but …… for some reason,
they didn’t dare speak, and didn’t dare to even breathe loudly.
“Go away!” Qu Qing Ju kicked aside the head of the Qin Family who
had been kneeling at the very front, scolding, “They all said your Qin
Family is an educated family, but look at what you’ve done. No sense
of propriety, uncivilized conduct, disloyal, and immoral. Calling the
Qin Family an educated family, it brings shame to the word
educated! Qin Bai Lu’s outrageousness, it was all because of how
you all spoiled her!”
After the Qin Family was criticized, they finally managed to react. All
of them banged their heads on the ground, begging for the Emperor
to spare their lives. For their family to have someone who’d tried to
kill the Empress, that was a serious crime worthy of killing off their
nine generations.
“Qing Ju……” He Heng reached out to hold Qu Qing Ju’s hands and
discovered her hands were slightly trembling. He gave an
ingratiating smile, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry. Anger is bad for
your health.”
Qu Qing Ju pushed away his hand, directly sitting back on the chair.
She picked up a teacup and lowered her head to drink, not looking
at him again.
Qian Chang Xin and Ming He silently retracted their left foot which
they had mustered up the courage to extend out. Since even the
Emperor who had been scolded was full of smiles, as servants, what
could they say?
But the Empress when she was angry was really too frightening. Not
even the roars of the lioness from He Dong could compare.
“The daughter of Qin Family is of ill conduct and dared to kill the
Emperor and Empress. Heaven itself will not tolerate such behavior.
Capital punishment will occur in three days.” He Heng saw Qu Qing
Ju was refusing to acknowledge him and sat down beside her,
ordering in an icy voice, “The Qin Family didn’t teach their daughter
well, reckless and dared to slander Empress and officials of court.
All are to be jailed and sentenced at a later date.”
“Spare us Emperor!” Before the members of the Qin Family could
plead for mercy, others covered their mouths and dragged them
down. As for Qin Bai Lu who tried to kill Qu Qing Ju, she had been
kicked unconscious by He Heng and didn’t stir when she was
dragged off.”
“Leave,” He Heng looked at the interior of the hall and waved his
hand. After everyone else had left, he gathered Qu Qing Ju in his
arms, “Don’t be angry, I know that you were worried about me.”
“Who’s worried about you?!” Qu Qing Ju pushed him. Seeing that it
was futile, she didn’t waste any more energy, allowing him to
embrace her.
“A silver hairpin, even if it entered the body, wouldn’t be fatal.
Furthermore, as I once said to you, I practiced martial arts. Would I
have no way of dealing with a woman?” He Heng gently patted her
back, “You already scolded me, so don’t be angry, alright?”
“What would have happened if it hit your organs?” Qu Qing Ju
frowned as she declared, “I don’t want to be a widow so young!”
“Alright, I know I was wrong. Don’t be angry. Let’s go see Tun Tun,
he’s certainly missing us.” Even though he had been scolded, He
Heng felt happy. If it wasn’t out of concern for him, based on Qing
Ju’s normal behavior, she wouldn’t have acted so inappropriately.
It was somewhat useless point, but this feeling was still really ……
“All of you take care to control your mouths,” Qian Chang Xin looked
at the palace maids and taijian who’d came out of the hall. Even if
they were all close attendants of the Emperor and Empress, he still
had to say the words, “If there is the slightest leak of what
happened, you don’t need what’s on your necks any more.”
Everyone gave their agreement. Mu Jin looked with trepidation at the
hall behind her, and couldn’t resist wiping the fine sweat on her
Empress was really very ……amazing!
Chapter One Hundred and

The Qin Family was imprisoned, and the eldest di daughter of the
Qin Family who had once been Rui Wang Fei was decreed to be
beheaded. Many people were speculating that this outcome, in
addition to the fact that Qin Bai Lu had tried to kill the Empress, was
related to the previous rumors that had been spread throughout Jing.
But disregarding all that, it was true that the conduct of the Qin
Family in recent years had gradually lost the literary and scholarly
style of the educated families. There were even some storytellers
who said that the present head of the Qin Family was a shame on
the ancestors of the Qin Clan.
Some reminisced on the conduct of the Qin shi in the past. When
they returned, they used the matter of the Qin Family to teach their
descendants so they did not walk the same road as the Qin Family.
When Dai Rong heard that Qin Bai Lu was to be publicly beheaded,
she was so scared that she didn’t dare to step outside. More than
anyone, she knew as to what had really happened. In the beginning,
when she and Qin Bai Lu had plotted to wreck the reputation of the
Empress, Qin Bai Lu had told her many things about the hougong of
Da Long. She hadn’t thought that this matter would be uncovered so
quickly and that Qin Bai Lu, the mastermind, couldn’t even keep her
own life.
On the day of Qin Bai Lu’s execution, the autumn air was refreshing
and many came out to watch. But until the moment just before she
was executed, no one had come to send her off.
She looked blankly at her surroundings, and suddenly saw a man on
a white horse behind the crowds. She stilled, tears suddenly
streaming out of her dull eyes. At thirteen, her heart had moved for
this man; at fifteen, she had married him; at seventeen, she had
been divorced by him; at the moment before death, the one she saw
was still him.
The black cloth covered her eyes. She twisted her head, wanting to
have one more glance at him. In the end, she couldn’t escape the
executioner blocking her eyes. She heard the sound of cursing and
mockery. Even though she concentrated, she didn’t hear his voice.
That year at the palace banquet, if she didn’t encounter him, that
would have been good.
The only thing to blame was that at that time, she was too young,
and that the stunning beauty of He Yuan had taken her time.
Maybe, who she really hated wasn’t Qu Qing Ju or Qu Yue Su. All
her hate, it really came from discontent, the discontent she had
towards him. If a person could live their life again, she would
become a normal woman, marry a normal man. Either rich or poor,
but at least she could receive a portion of feelings that belonged to
Just like Qu Qing Ju, who had a man that protected her, and
someone she could rely on for an entire lifetime.
“It’s time, proceed!”
The noon gold sun shone off the blade the executioner raised,
scattering bits of silver light. The brawny man took a mouthful of
liquor and blew it over the large blade. Then he slowly raised it, and
swung down hard.
A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Bai Lu’s lips, as though she
once again saw the bright youth at the palace banquet. Then, the
world plunged into darkness.
The hand that He Yuan held the reins with, tightened and then slowly
relaxed. He pulled on the reins to turn the horse, not looking at the
executioner’s platform. He gave a sigh, ordering: “He Fu Er, get
someone to bury her properly.”
When people were executed, if there was no family to take their
corpse, they would be thrown into a mass burial ground in the end.
Although he didn’t have feelings for her and in the end, there was
only mutual dislike, He Yuan hadn’t reached the stage where he
could see his former woman die without a coffin.
He Fu Er saw his master’s expression wasn’t well and hurriedly
indicated for the people behind him to collect Qin Bai Lu’s body,
“Wang ye, the sun is fierce right now. Let’s return to the fu.”

He Yuan raised an eyebrow at him: “Let’s go.”

He Fu Er rushed up to take hold of the reins, guiding the horse in the
direction of the jun wang fu. When he was going to turn around a
corner, he couldn’t resist turning back to look at the executioner’s
platform that was now cleared of the crowd. A person executed at
noon. After being shone at by such a strong sun, even the soul might
have disappeared.
But attempting to kill the Empress, she really had courage. No
wonder the Emperor would give out such a decree. She really did it
to herself. It was lucky that wang ye had divorced her a long time
ago. Otherwise, even the jun wang fu would have been affected by
Dai Rong didn’t dare to go to the place where Qin Bai Lu had been
executed. Hearing that Qin Bai Lu’s corpse had been collected by
people from Rui Jun Wang Fu, she sat restlessly in her room. If
someone walked outside her room, she became so scared that she
would tremble.
The Emperor would even order to execute a daughter of a noble
family like Qin Bai Lu. If he found evidence of her participating in the
rumors, what would be her outcome, and would the country of Jing
also be involved?
She now regretted working together with Qin Bai Lu. How dumb was
she to believe the words of a woman who had been divorced by the
Imperial House?
After taking a drink of cold tea to suppress the terror in her heart, as
the teacup left her lips, Dai Rong saw her maid push open the door
and come in with a face full of panic to report: “Princess, His
Majesty the Emperor of Da Long summons you and Crown Prince.”
The teacup in her hand dropped to the floor. Dai Rong stood up in
fright. Through the doorway, she could see a taijian of Da Long
standing outside. She staggered and forced out a smile: “Wait for
me to change……”
“Please, Princess, don’t waste time. Emperor and Empress are both
very busy. Princess should hurry to enter the palace.” Qian Chang
Xin walked inside, his face expressionless as he whipped the duster
in his hand, “Princess, please.”
Dai Rong recognized him as the personal taijian of the Emperor of
Da Long and didn’t dare to offend him. She forced a smile and
followed Qian Chang Xin out of the room. When she went outside,
she saw Tu Er was also wearing his normal clothes, his expression
“Crown Prince, Princess, please,” Qian Chang Xin raised an
eyebrow, “Don’t make the Emperor wait.”
Seeing Qian Chang Xin’s attitude, the uneasiness Dai Rong had
inside grew even more until she couldn’t seem to breathe.
When they had entered the Imperial Palace and they followed Qian
Chang Xin and the others into Tian Qi Palace, Dai Rong could hear
the sounds of the Emperor and Empress talking from outside the
door. After Qian Chang Xin went in to report, the sounds of
conversation stopped. She walked in amidst the cold stares of the
palace maids and taijian in the surroundings.

Qu Qing Ju was playing with a kaleidoscope. Seeing Dai Rong and

Tu Er enter, she handed to the kaleidoscope to a palace maid and
resumed a proper sitting posture. After the two made their
greetings, she only drank tea silently, allowing He Heng to converse
with the two of them.
“Zhen heard that Hu Guo Princess was very close to Qin shi, what
does Princess have to say?” He Heng looked coldly at Tu Er and Da
Long. Just one sentence was enough to frighten the two into
kneeling on the ground. He looked at the two people kneeling in front
of him, his expression still ugly, “In the past, the country of Jing was
one of the subordinate countries that Da Long put importance on, but
your conduct has made zhen extremely disappointed.”

When Tu Er heard the words, his face became scared. He quickly

made a full bow, replying: “The honored His Majesty the Emperor,
my Jing’s loyalty to you can be seen by the heavens. Please, Your
Majesty, don’t lightly believe the rumors!”
“Whether or not it’s just rumor, both of you should know very well”
He Heng thought about the rumors that had gone through the city of
Jing and what Qin Bai Lu had done, his brow furrowing, “Zhen only
wanted to hear how the country of Jing will give my Da Long an
Tu Er’s forehead already had sweat forming. He gritted his teeth and
gave a kowtow: “Your Majesty, we are willing to increase our tribute
by two-tenths to show our loyalty to Da Long.”
“My Da Long doesn’t lack for those kind of things,” He Heng coldly
sneered, “If zhen’s Empress and the court officials had been harmed
by the rumors, even if the country of Jing was flattened, it still
wouldn’t calm zhen’s anger!”

“Please, Your Majesty, don’t be angry!” Tu Er’s sweat slid down his
face to land on the ground but he didn’t dare to raise a hand to wipe.
He went forward two steps, begging, “Chen’s sister is ignorant,
please, Your Majesty, have mercy! Please have mercy!”
Qu Qing Ju looked at the sorry state of Tu Er. Even Tu Er was
calling himself a subject in front of them. It could be seen that Tu Er
had no other solutions left. She hadn’t wanted to join this matter, but
He Heng had to call her over. Reality proved it, she didn’t like seeing
others kowtowing to her.
“Your Majesty, all the wrongs are this subject’s wrongs. It was this
subject that was greedy for the wealth of Da Long, and has nothing
to do with the people of Jing. Please, Your Majesty, spare the
people of Jing. Dai Rong is willing to endure all of the punishment,”
Dai Rong thought about how poor the country of Jing was. They
couldn’t bear the pressure of a tribute that was two-tenths higher.
Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she had to confess that she had
done something wrong, “Please, Emperor, spare Jing. Jing is a poor
place. Our people have no more strength to endure war and
increased yearly tributes.”
Hearing that, Qu Qing Ju looked again at Dai Rong. At this critical
time, this Hu Guo Princess wasn’t stupid to the bone and finally knew
how to protect her people.
In reality, how many people in the world could resist the temptation
of wealth and prosperity?
He Heng looked indifferently at the pair of siblings, entirely unmoved.
This was between countries. His priority was protecting the interests
of his country before he had the time to divide some sympathy to
other people. He was the Emperor of Da Long, not the Emperor of
the country of Jing.
Their standpoints were different, so how would there be sympathy?
“Since Princess knows that the country of Jing cannot stand zhen’s
rage, then why do such a daring thing?” He Heng threw what had
been discovered in front of the two siblings, “If zhen ordered the
army to Jing, it is for your crimes, Hu Guo Princess.”
Dai Rong didn’t dare to look at those things, only fearfully begged:
“This subject was possessed, this subject is willing to be punished.
Please, Emperor, spare the people of Jing.” She didn’t want to think
about it. If Da Long really sent their army, how would mother and the
people of Da Long look at her. Would it be disappointment? Anger?
Or would it be hatred?
“Emperor, this subject is willing to use her life to apologize for the
offense. Please, Emperor, spare the innocent people!” Dai Rong
knelt with a straight body, looking at the exceptional yet ruthless
Emperor. There was no sign of the initial seductiveness on her face
now. She looked at Qu Qing Ju who had been silently drinking tea
and walked towards her on her knees. Dai Rong gave a heavy
kowtow, “This subject was ill-mannered and offended the Empress.
Please, Empress, give punishment.”
Qu Qing Ju looked down at Dai Rong for losing her composure in
her greed for prosperity, was offended by her and Qin Bai Lu for
spreading rumors to slander her. But right now, Dai Rong seemed to
have given everything up, and became the country of Jing’s Hu Guo
Princess, willing to use her death to make up for her mistakes rather
than harm her people.
People who knew their wrongs were more soothing to the eyes than
people who stubbornly didn’t change even into death. The most
important factor was that Dai Rong was a princess of the country of
Jing, and not one of Da Long’s citizens. One Jing was easy to deal
with, but if other subordinate countries started to rebel due to this
matter, then even if it wasn’t hard for Da Long to deal with all the
countries, it still wasn’t a good thing.
An unnecessary war happening to the common people, it was a
“Emperor, why don’t we send a letter to the Queen of Jing about the
matter and let her give an explanation to our Da Long?” Qu Qing Ju
put down the teacup and opened, “The matter has already passed, I
don’t want a war to start because of me.”
He Heng sighed: “But if the rumors had really caused bad
consequences, then what?”
“I know the intentions of the Emperor,” Qu Qing Ju smiled, “I’m a
lazy person. I don’t like to care about what’s happening at court, but
I know one thing, the people are the ones who suffer in wars.”
A beat later, He Heng nodded: “Zhen understands what you wish for.
This matter will be handed to the Queen of Jing so she may give an
explanation to Da Long.”
The historian at the side recorded the actions of the Emperor and
Empress, “The tenth month of the first year of Jia You, the princess
of Jing offended the Empress, the Emperor was angry and wished
to raise an army against Jing. The Empress urged against, saying
that the people suffered in war. The Emperor heard this, and the
anger disappeared.”
Chapter One Hundred and
Nineteen “The Song Ends, The
People Leave”

At the end of the tenth month, the weather was already very cold.
Each of the subordinate countries were preparing for their journey
back to their own countries, so before departure, Da Long held a
banquet and invited all the envoys from the subordinate countries.
He Heng didn’t mention the matter of the country of Jing again in
front of Qu Qing Ju. She didn’t ask either. There wasn’t a rule in Da
Long that the hougong couldn’t participate in politics but she was
very clear of her own limitations. A person who couldn’t even finish
memorizing “The Art Of War”, it was better if they didn’t go out into
the world to wreck the people.
She had been a manager in her previous life. She knew how to use
the desires of other people. Knew how to grasp another to benefit
herself. This was the little smarts that belonged to her. But she was
self-aware and knew what she was good at, and what she wasn’t.
Just like when Feng Zi Jin took advantage of Han liangdi to harm
her, she went along with the plan and used it to take care of a
woman who was constantly scheming against her. Shu guitaifei had
already moved out of the hougong, the two Empress Dowagers
were at odds with her so how could they allow Shu gui taifei’s
people to remain in the palace?
The fact that Shu gui taifei had been implicated in the matter was
due her scheming in the background but the greatest influence came
from the two Empress Dowagers. They simply used Feng Zi Jin and
Han liangdi to pull Shu gui taifei into the mud, to make her life worse
than death.
She had guessed the intentions of the two Empress Dowagers so
she allowed Feng Zi Jin to pull the crime onto her body, and then
watched as she dug her own grave and lost her life.
What person, after they’d developed, would still tolerate their
opponent who’d once bullied them? History had the story of the
“human swine”[1], here, there was the living lesson that was Shu gui
As she sat in the phoenix carriage and passed by the pavilion Han
liangdi once sang in, Qu Qing Ju tightened her arms around Tun Tun.
Her eyes steadily became calm. She wouldn’t allow herself to fall to
the end that Shu gui taifei got!

“The Empress has arrived!”

Passing through the main doors of Luan He Hall, the vermillion
phoenix robe slid silently across the carpet. She disregarded the
envoys kneeling on both sides with the officials. Walking to the
bottom of the nine jade steps, she bowed to He Heng: “Greetings to
the Emperor.”
“Quickly rise,” He Heng stood from the dragon chair. Seeing Qu Qing
Ju walk up the jade stairs, he held her hand to sit down. Qu Qing Ju
turned to look at the people still kneeling, announcing: “Everyone,
please rise.”
“Thanks, Emperor. Thanks, Empress.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled and tilted her head. After the people stood, she
took away her gaze and turned to stare at He Heng. She continued:
“Having made everyone wait, ben gong will self-penalize with a cup.”
She raised the plum wine in front of her, and using her sleeve to hold
the winecup, she threw her head back to drink.
No one really dared to let the Empress drink a cup as penalty like
that and followed in raising their own cups to drink. The Emperor had
arrived first but he wasn’t angry at the Empress’ actions. They don’t
have to meddle in other people’s business even more.
“Zhen’s son was just crying in Fu Shou Palace. The Empress had no
other way but to turn back,” He Heng explained with a smile, “It’s the
duty of parents. Once the child is crying, we can’t sit still.”
Fu Shou Palace. That was the place that Shengmu Empress
Dowager lived. His Highness Imperial Son was crying unstoppably
over there, did something happen? If it had just been normal crying,
would the Empress make a special trip there?
Everyone felt that something was fishy about the matter. However,
after seeing that the Emperor and Empress looked normal, they
presumed that it wasn’t a major incident and smiled as they took up
the topic of childrearing. Even the officials who didn’t interact with
their own children usually suddenly seemed to become a multi-
talented househusband, as though they had personally raised their
The mood of the banquet instantly rose. The dancing and songs
continued. People toasted and changed cups. It was very
He Heng asked quietly at Qu Qing Ju’s ear: “Are the two Empress
Dowagers alright?”
“Just a shock,” Qu Qing Ju raised a winecup. She had a smile but
her words were cold, “The people of muhou were cautious. Those
things had been found before they could get near Tun Tun. This
person of Shu gui taifei hid too deeply, even the two muhou hadn’t
found them out.”
Originally when she had been preparing to travel to the farewell
banquet at Luan He Hall, she had met Ding mama of Fu Shou
Palace right as she came out of the door to notify her of the matter.
Immediately, she lost interest in Luan He Hall and turned to travel to
Fu Shou Palace.
The two Empress Dowagers were women who were skilled, and
they’d quickly found the person, even uncovering the fact that Shu
gui taifei was behind it. She hadn’t thought that even though Shu gui
taifei had been sent to the Imperial Tomb, she was discontented
ehough to have planned such a major attack before leaving.
“What were the things found?” He Heng’s face became dark.
“Some dirty blood. It must have been the bloodstains of a person
seriously ill. But I’m afraid that Shu gui taifei’s person didn’t know
that anything Tun Tun uses, I’ll get them to inspect even a
handkerchief before usage,” Qu Qing Ju smirked, “I heard that Shu
gui taifei’s life at the Imperial Tomb is extremely lavish. Since she’s
so dissatisfied, I have already ordered for them to decrease her
allowance, and that each year except for the Mid-autumn Festival,
no one is allowed to disturb her peace. When a woman gets old, if
her temper is still so fiery, then she needs peaceful days to calm her
emotions. I think that Shu gui taifei will soon know how good
peaceful days are.”
A destitute lifestyle, the people were all dumb and deaf. She wanted
to see how Shu gui taifei will live in the future. If she died, that was
letting her off too easy. If she couldn’t make Shu gui taifei
understand what regret was, how would she be at ease?
He Heng heard the meaning in her words and didn’t expand further
on the topic. He knew just how fierce women were when they were
protecting their children. Just like in the past when muhou had
protected him using every scheme so that no one could hinder them.
“To hear the Imperial Words and see the Honored Your Majesty the
Emperor, and to see the prosperity of Da Long, it wasn’t a wasted
journey. Envoy of Duo Han, Ah Ji Ka wishes for Da Long to flourish
for a thousand years,” As the envoy for Duo Han, Ah Ji Ka knew he
wasn’t favored by Da Long so he put his own status very low when
he entered the city of Jing this time in hopes that the people of Da
Long believed that Duo Han was sincere in their allegiance to Da
“Many thanks to Ah Ji Ka da ren’s lucky words,” He Heng raised a
winecup towards Ah Ji Ka and took a sip of wine.
Ah Ji Ka saw him drink the wine he toasted and his face became
joyful: “Chen represents the people of Duo Han and toasts you. The
loyalty of my Duo Han to Da Long can be witnessed by the
heavens.” He threw his head back and drained the cup. Then he
flipped the cup. Not a drop spilled out, “If Duo Han betrays the oath,
then let the Heavens send down disasters to punish us.”
“Zhen receives the loyalty of the people of Duo Han,” He Heng
smiled as he finished off the wine in his cup, “Zhen will remember Ah
Ji Ka’s oath today.”
After Ah Ji Ka sat down, he looked smugly at Tu Er and Dai Rong
sitting below him. With the actions of this Dai Rong Princess
beforehand, his Duo Han wasn’t the most horrid subordinate country
in the hearts of the people of Da Long. It seemed that he should be
grateful to this beautiful princess.
Dai Rong saw the smug smile on Ah Ji Ka’s face and a grimace
appeared on her own. She raised her head to look at the Emperor
and Empress sitting at the top of the nine jade stairs. It was these
two people who made her understand what was really regret, what
was fear and what was prosperity.
At last, her gaze landed on He Heng’s smiling face. To this young
emperor, her heart had really moved. Humane, kind, charismatic,
and full of true love for the Empress. But it was a pity that the true
love didn’t belong to her.
Tu Er saw his meimei was still gazing at the Emperor of Da Long
and demanded with a frown: “Meimei, haven’t you given up yet?”

Dai Rong grimaced: “There’s no giving up. From beginning to end, he

never even properly looked at me.” It was this man who made her
understand that not everyone loved her. Maybe the reason that the
people of the country of Jing loved her that much, aside from her
beauty, was her identity.
She was a princess of the country of Jing. Even if she might not be
the future ruler of Jing, but she was still a hope for the future of Jing.
She received their devotions but what she had wanted was the
prosperity of Da Long. If the people of the country of Jing knew of
her actions, how disappointed would they be?
She should be grateful to the Empress of Da Long. If it wasn’t for
this exceptional Empress, she might not be able to sit in this hall, and
the country of Jing would be expecting the iron hoof of Da Long.
Stupidity once in a lifetime was enough. Her position didn’t allow for
her to keep being stupid, and even more, continue to make
mistakes. Otherwise, the result might be the damnation of Jing.
“This subject toasts the honorable Empress a cup, and wishes for
the Empress and Emperor’s love to be stronger than gold and
everything be smooth,” Dai Rong stood and raised a winecup at Qu
Qing Ju, “This subject is grateful for the honorable Empress for
giving this subject the chance to grow up. Please, Empress, receive
this subject’s sincere bow.” She made a bow towards Qu Qing Ju
that in Jing, carried the meaning of goodwill and respect, and then
drained the wine.
Qu Qing Ju looked at Dai Rong below. In just a few days, this Hu
Guo Princess had rapidly grown up. She couldn’t see a hint of the
past self. It was like a fragile and spoiled girl had become a strong
woman. Not many people could make such a change. Was it Qin Bai
Lu’s death that shocked her awake? Or was it the lives of the people
of the country of Jing that made her understood what was
But no matter what, Qu Qing Ju accepted Dai Rong’s toast. She
smiled and raised a winecup, responding: “Every person has a time
when they are wrong. The crucial part is whether or not they could
turn back, if they could understand. Ben gong hopes for the
friendship between Da Long and the country of Jing to continue for a
long time, and the people of Jing to live long and secure lives.”
“Many thanks for the lucky words of the honorable Empress. My
Jing, generation after generation, will always be loyal to Da Long!”
Dai Rong’s eyes became red. She knew that this was the Empress
promising that Da Long wouldn’t send soldiers into Jing. She
switched for another cup of wine and unhesitatingly drank it down.
On the day the envoys left, the autumn winds were blowing and wild
chrysanthemums were blooming all over the suburbs of the city of
Jing. Qu Qing Ju and He Heng stood on the tall city gates, watched
as the envoys made a three bow nine kowtow greeting to them
before gradually leaving in the carriages. The carriages slowly went
further away, and disappeared into the horizon.
Qu Qing Ju brushed aside the hair that had been blown free by the
wind. She sighed, stating: “The song ends, people leave, flowers
blooming over the entire city so it isn’t that lonely.”
He Heng saw her expression was slightly depressed and held her
hand to lead her down off the tower: “Some people leave, some
come. It’s all good when we are still at the original place.”
Qu Qing Ju turned to look at him, a clean smile at the corner of her
lips. It was faint, but very real.


1. 人彘: The “human swine” is the story of the Consort Qi. Emperor Gaozu, the
founder of the Han Dynasty was extremely favoured and her son a contender
for the throne. Consort Qi tried to persuade the Emperor many times to
crown her son and her ambitions were well known. Empress Lu (who also
had a son) was her opponent. In the end, the court supported Empress Lu’s
son who succeeded the throne and Prince Ruyi had to leave for his own
lands as wang. However, Empress Lu, now Grand Empress Lu, wanted
mother and son dead. Her own son, the new Emperor, kept his brother,
Prince Ruyi, with him constantly to prevent his mother from putting in poison
or assassination attempts but ultimately failed. Then the Grand Empress
chopped off Consort Qi’s limbs, took out her eyes, sliced off her ears, and
ruined her voice before putting her in a latrine.
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
“Feng Seeks Huang

When the plum blossoms of Da Long were just blooming, snow the
size of goose feathers began to land in the city of Jing. The entire
Jing city was enveloped in a layer of silver silk. Qu Qing Ju, dressed
in a fox skin coat, stood under the leaves and reached out to hold
the icy snowflakes.
Watching the snow fall, she didn’t seem to be as excited as she
once had been. It was like anything else beautiful. No matter how
beautiful, it was just like normal once one got used to it. She took
her hand back and focused on the snowflake on her hand. It did
seem to have six petals and was extremely beautiful upon
She used a handkerchief to wipe away the snowflake on her hands
and grasped a hand pot, “It’s Rui Wang’s wedding tomorrow.
Nothing can go wrong with what is to be bestowed tomorrow.”
“Niangniang don’t worry, nubi has already closely inspected them,”
Mu Jing saw the Empress wasn’t trying to catch snowflakes
anymore and put up an umbrella to block the flying snowflake for
her. In a small voice, she suggested: “Niangniang, the wind is heavy
here, let’s go back.”
Qu Qing Ju nodded. She pulled on the red fox skin cape on her body
and slowly walked into the vermillion corridors. The palace boots
made muffled sounds as they stepped on the stone slabs. She
expressionlessly travelled through the long corridors, past a moon
door, saw the taijian that was sweeping the snow, and having finally
learned to disregard their distorted backs, and sat down on the
comfortable and grand phoenix carriage.
The phoenix carriage swayed slightly and then started to slowly
move. As they travelled through a patch of plum trees, she pushed
aside the silk curtain and saw the a branch of red plum blossoms
peeking out from the walls. She could barely detect the faint scent of
the plum flowers. The phoenix carriage slowly proceeded. In her
vision, that blooming red plum flower gradually distanced itself and
then it couldn’t be seen.
She suddenly felt depressed, and put down the curtain. For some
reason, she suddenly remembered the instant when she first opened
her eyes in this world. A painting of red plum blossoms had been
hanging on the wall. The writing of the woman at the corner of the
art had been graceful and refined, just like the plum flowers in that
yard. Not as grand as other flowers, but there was a delicate
“Greetings to the Empress,” The speed of the phoenix carriage
slowed. Qu Qing Ju heard a somewhat familiar voice. When she
lifted the curtain, she saw a woman bent beside the phoenix
carriage. After a second, she finally responded, giving a faint smile
and acknowledging: “Luo guipin, please rise.”
“Many thanks to Empress,” Luo Yin Xiu straightened her body. She
didn’t stare at Qu Qing Ju’s face, only submissively looking at the
“It’s so cold out, why isn’t guipin travelling on a step-carriage?” Qu
Qing Ju looked at the worn fur cape on her body. Her brow furrowed
and then she ordered, “Huang Yang, go take a look in the
Department of Household Affairs and see if they slighted guipin. If
someone was reckless enough to shortchange their superiors, then
it’s thirty blows.”
Luo Yin Xiu bowed again: “Thanks for Empress’ concern. Pinqie is
Qu Qing Ju understood the rules of the palace very well. Gaze at the
higher ups and step on the low ones. Flattering those who were
favored. In the time of xiandi, they even dared to short-change the
Empress, more less Luo Yin Xiu who had no favor or power.
Thinking about it, she said in a slightly heavy voice: “The carriage,
furnishings and food that a third-rank guipin should have, ben gong
believes the people of the Department of Household Affairs should
understand. Huang Yang, go tell them. If they can’t figure out those
things, they don’t need to stay in their duties.”
“Yes,” Huang Yang performed a bow and then another to Luo Yin Xiu
before leaving.
“It’s late, I should return to the palace, guipin should return too,” Qu
Qing Ju gazed at Luo Yin Xiu’s docile manner and put down the
curtain, blocking off the gaze Lui Yin Xiu raised.
The phoenix carriage travelled away. The yahuan beside Luo Yin
Xiu, Shu Wen, watched as the carriage became fuzzy in the snow
and moved the umbrella over Luo Yin Xiu’s head, commenting in a
small voice: “Zhuzi, Empress is still this warm to others.”

Luo Yin Xiu turned her head to look in the direction the phoenix
carriage was travelling. Over there was the Tian Qi Palace of the
Emperor and Empress. She gave a slightly indifferent smile and
sighed, remarking: “If I want to easily live out the rest of my life, the
only one I can rely on is the Empress.” So, she would deliberately
wear old clothing to encounter the Empress at this place so the
Empress could understand her circumstances.
The days of the hougong were difficult. It was lucky that she
encountered an Empress that was relatively kind. If it was anyone
even a bit more callous, she didn’t know what her days would be
The character for “happiness” was pasted all over Rui Jun Wang Fu.
The guest streamed in. Even those Rui Jun Wang had fallen in
power, but this marriage had been decreed by the Emperor. If they
didn’t come to congratulate, wouldn’t it become embarrassing the
But what they found unexpected was that Rui Jun Wang didn’t refuse
any of the toast. After the wedding banquet, he was almost
completely drunk. Thankfully, the guests remembered that Rui Jun
Wang was the groom. Along with Cheng Wang’s protection, they
didn’t dare to make it too extreme.
He Qi had never been at peace with He Yuan. He watched as He
Yuan drank as though it was water, not wine and scoffed. If he didn’t
know better, he would have thought his good didi was drinking away
his sorrows. He glanced at lao si who was blocking wine for lao san
and sighed. Who would have thought that lao si would have become
the second proudest person among the four brothers?
Seeing the other people didn’t dare to force it too much, He Qi
picked up the wine pot and held a wine cup as he walked in front of
He Yuan who had drank enough that his cheeks were red. He asked
sarcastically: “San di, we are brothers. Today is your good day. How
about us brothers drink a few cups?”
He Yuan carelessly raised his wine cup, smiling and answering: “Da
ge’s wine, didi has to drink.” Finishing, he took over the fine wine pot
and wine cup. Pouring a full cup and swallowing it all, he swirled the
empty cup and recited, “Lan Ling’s wine with tulips, the jade bowl
becomes amber. It makes the owner and I drunk, and forget where
is home. Today, there is wine and there is drunkenness, didi toasts

He Qi hadn’t expected that He Yuan was even more blunt than he

was. Before he could react, the other had drained another cup. It
instantly made him lose interested in forcing him to drink. If the
person being force was even happier than the person doing the
forcing, where was the meaning?
When others saw the scene, they all assumed that Ning Wang was
purposefully forcing Rui Jun Wang. Thinking of the battles between
the two brothers over the years, no one was stupid enough to
involve themselves and silently drank.
When He Ming saw the scene from the side, for some reason a
certain secret rumor came to mind. It said that san ge had some
affections for the Empress. Realizing that he was thinking about
something he shouldn’t be thinking, He Ming hurriedly shook his
head. There hadn’t been any relationship between san ge and huang
sao, so san ge wouldn’t have any affections for huang sao. It was
just the two had almost been married so other people personally
slandered them.
Seeing that san ge was totally drunk, He Ming could only support
him back to the houyuan. The bride’s veil hadn’t been taken off, the
cups of wine hadn’t been exchanged. If the groom was so drunk that
he was unconscious, then it was too unsightly.
He Qi didn’t stop He Ming. In waning interest, he watched as He
Ming supported the other away and turned to leave Rui Jun Wang
Fu. Looking at the thick layer of snow on the streets outside, he
exhaled and said to his attendant behind him: “So uninteresting, let’s
He and lao san had fought for some many years but in the end, the
throne hadn’t landed on either of their heads. Thinking about it this
way, it was very ironic.
He Yuan supported himself using the door and staggered over to the
wedding bed. Looking at the woman with a veil of dragon and
phoenix entwined, he took over the stick and took off the veil. His
eyes changed and he muttered: “Such beautiful brows.”
That year on the jade steps under the fireworks, that crimson-clad
woman had been also so bright, brows like the sun, bright that one
couldn’t resist looking just a few more times.
Taking out the wine cups, his drunken eyes were smiling. The arms
of the two crossed and his voice was hoarse yet full of satisfied
mirth: “Then let us be together for a hundred years and not separate
even when our hair turns white.”
Lu Yu Rong looked at the handsome man smiling at her and her
heart jumped. Her cheeks became flushed. She took the wine cup
the other handed over and as he watched gently, she drained the
wine cup.
He Yuan reached to push her into his arms, his smile touched yet
tender: “So good, so good.”
Her hand trembled slightly but in the end she slowly embraced this
man. The snowy night was long yet short, but for her, it was better
than imagined.
The red candles of Rui Jun Wang Fu burned for the entire night, just
like it was burning a beautiful dream, beautiful yet illusory.
In Tian Qi Palace, Qu Qing Ju was laying in He Heng’s arms when
she suddenly woke up from her dreams. Outside the window, weak
light lit up the window silk. Listening to the sound of snow outside,
she felt incomparably tranquil, her bed incomparably warm.
“Go to sleep,” The voice of the man beside her was fuzzy as though
he hadn’t woken from his dreams. But his arms familiarly pulled her
back in, as though he had done it countless times, practiced and
Qu Qing Ju smiled, placing her head on the man’s chest and slowly
closed her eyes.
The second year of Jia You, the Eldest Imperial Son was named by
the Emperor as “Yao”[1]. “Shi Ming – Explaining Heaven”[2] had
“Bright, shining, light illuminating”. The “Shijing – Style of Kuai”[3] also
said “The sunrise is bright.”
Just this name, it was enough to show the expectations of the
Emperor to His Highness the Eldest Imperial Son. In this world, was
there anything more important than light?
And then the Empress moved out of the rear hall of Tian Qi Palace
and moved to Kui Yuan Palace. Some became to speculate, was the
Emperor finally going to move his eyes onto the other women in the

But who knew that the Emperor would eat and sleep in Kui Yuan
Palace? No other woman in the hougong was favored. The love
between Emperor and Empress became even deeper, almost
becoming a legend of Da Long about the love between Emperor and
Empress. But right now, the idea wasn’t still there. Who knew just
how long this deep love of the Emperor would continue?
Right now, the two Empress Dowagers in the hougong didn’t
express an opinion. Certain senior officials wanted to express their
opinions but didn’t dare to provoke the Emperor’s anger. So the
Emperor only favoring the Empress, no one wanted to say anything.
Perhaps the people of the entire world wanted to see how long it
would take for this good play of the love between Emperor and
Empress to end.
No matter how beautiful a play was, it would always have an ending.
They really didn’t believe that there was an Emperor that was faithful
to his love in the world. The Emperor and Empress who had a love
stronger than gold in the previous dynasty, didn’t their ending turn out
On the tallest stargazing tower in the palace, Qu Qing Ju looked at
the clear blue sky and reached up to block the blinding sunlight. She
suddenly asked: “Mu Jin, what do you think that cloud would change
Mu Jin tilted her head up to look at the white cloud. Before she could
respond, she saw the Emperor at the bottom stairs below the two.
At a glance, she knew he was coming to find the Empress:
“Niangniang, the Emperor has come.”

Qu Qing Ju lowered her head. Watching the man that was hurriedly
climbing up the stargazing tower, a smile appeared on her face.
Mu Jin looked again at the beautiful pale cloud and thought
carelessly, the clouds originally were things that changed constantly.
Who knew what it would change into? But that bright sun. It would
rise each day, and set down like normal.
He Heng came up the tower. Looking at the woman dressed in a
crimson phoenix robe in the sunlight, he suddenly thought of a poem
called “Feng Seeks Huang.”

“I saw a beautiful woman, after seeing her, it’s unforgettable. If I

don’t see her each day, the thoughts become crazy. I’m like that feng
bird flying high up in the sky, trying to find the huang bird in the
world… …”
“I hope my conduct is matching to yours, so we can hold hands
together. If the marriage is not allowed, it’s a death sentence for
me… …”
The smile of a beauty is unforgettable in this lifetime, a downfall in
this lifetime.

1. 耀: bright, glorious

2. 释名 -释天: Shiming is an ancient Chinese Dictionary. Explaining Heaven is

the very first chapter.

3. 诗经桧风: Shijin is an ancient collection of poetry. Kuai style is one of the

fifteen types of poetry describe in the Airs of the States.
Painting of a Beauty”

It was another blooming time of the year. Recently, all of Rui Wang
Fu was full of cheer. Wang ye had just recovered his qin wang rank,
and wang fei was pregnant. This could be considered the best things
to have happened in the recent years for Rui Wang Fu.
Before marrying into the wang fu, Lu Yu Rong had thought Rui Wang
was a lecherous and preposterous man. But only when she had
entered the wang fu did she know how unfounded rumors could be.
The third day after she married into the wang fu, wang ye
accompanied her back to her paternal home and sent away a crowd
of tong fang from the wang fu. Even though some of them had been
bestowed down by the Emperor and couldn’t move out of the wang
fu, the time that wang ye went to those women’s rooms lessened
Gradually, wang ye started to like painting. And what he liked to
draw best were bright and eye-catching red flowers. She had once
asked him why he liked painting such vivid flowers but he didn’t say
Before marriage, there was someone else in her heart. But one
could not rebel against the Imperial Order. She had to marry this
man who didn’t have a good reputation but her days were much
better than she had imagined.
But maybe it was the nature of all men to be fickle. After she
became pregnant, wang ye became interested in a tong fang. He
visited her frequently in the day, but the majority of the time, he slept
in the tongfang’s place.

But to her, this wasn’t anything major. Since she couldn’t marry the
man she liked. Who she married, who that person loved, what did it
have to do with her?
All the servants in Rui Wang Fu knew that the relationship between
wang ye and the new wang fei was better than the old one so no
one dared to slight wang fei. Even more, wang fei was pregnant.
But quickly, servants with keen eyes found the brows and mouth of
wang ye’s newly favored tongfang were very similar to wang fei.
The servants then understood that it was that wang fei couldn’t have
relations with wang ye due to her pregnancy so wang ye was finding
comfort on another person’s body.
When Lu Yu Rong heard that rumor, she was even more generous to
all the tong fang and qieshi. In the end, the houyuan of Rui Wang Fu
became more and more peaceful, drastically different than the
smoke and fire of the past.
She had once encountered a yahuan named Yao Xi in the wang fu.
She recognized this yahuan. She was the personal maid of Qu Yue
Su. She remembered that year when she and Qu Yue Su had
composed poetry to amuse Jin An Princess Royal and the other
wang fei had judged them. But who knew that the previous Rui Wang
Fu would be executed, Qu ce fei would die from illness and she
would become the second wang fei.

Destiny was just this ironic. If people wanted it, they didn’t get it, if
they didn’t want it, it was shoved onto them. Wrongs and rights. By
the end, who was the one who was the joke, who was the one that
is a pity.
The first time she saw wang ye could draw people, it was the third
month of her pregnancy. At that time, the beginning of summer had
ended and she was too hot to fall asleep. She had walked around.
For some reason, she walked into the study and saw the unfinished
painting on the table.
It was a very solitary painting. The blooming plum blossoms, the
thick layer of snow, and a half-open exquisite sedan in the midst of
the snowflakes. There was a hazy shadow in the sedan, only
revealing a shock of black hair and a red sleeve.
An empty painting, but she felt as though she was the artist of the
painting, and was admiring the woman in the sedan, waiting for her
to raise the curtain the entire way. But in the end, the person had
pulled down the curtain instead.
Sighing, she reached out with a hand to touch the corner of the
sleeve that was flying in the harsh wind. But before she could touch,
heavy steps came from behind her.
She suddenly turned back and saw wang ye standing with a cold
face at the door. The eyes he had when he looked at her, it was as
though he was looking at a stranger, cool and indifferent.
“Wang ye… …” Her voice was somewhat dry and she strangely felt
“Why has wang fei come here?” He came up and put away the
painting, his voice as gentle as usual, “I’ll accompany you back, the
road is hard to walk at night.”
She followed him out of the study. Turning back to look at the doors
to the study that were already closed, she couldn’t resist asking:
“That drawing, wang ye, it’s seems like the landscape outside our
plum forest.”
“En,” He nodded ambiguously, “White snow, red plums, it’s beautiful
to draw.”
Thinking about the feeling from the painting, she agreed
wholeheartedly with wang ye’s explanation. The white of the snow
and the red of the plum flowers were especially beautiful. Even that
piece of sleeve was to tempt others’ imagination. Wang ye’s skills
were getting better and better.
Since then, she never saw wang ye draw other people, not even her
or their child. But, wang ye’s paintings steadily became famous in Da
Long. Many people would give a thousand gold to beg for one of
wang ye’s paintings. But she rarely saw wang ye give them away,
the fu accumulating many.

She knew that the relationship between the Emperor and wang ye
wasn’t close so she and wang ye rarely were summoned into the
palace. Thankfully, wang ye’s personality was a lot better now so
even though the palace was cold to wang ye, if he was summoned,
wang ye would control his temper and go each time. And in front of
the two Empress Dowagers, the Emperor and Empress, he was
extremely friendly. Even she couldn’t see any signs of unhappiness.
If wang ye had been like this in the beginning, the circumstances of
Rui Wang Fu wouldn’t have been so awkward.
Later, the reason that the circumstances of Rui Wang Fu were
resolved was actually because the Empress suddenly became
interested in paintings. So the noble families all wanted to curry favor
with the Emperor by buying good artwork everywhere in hopes of
gaining the Empress’ favor.
The Emperor and Empress had been together for quite a few years.
But after so many years, the love between Emperor and Empress
was still strong. Many people that were waiting for a spectacle were
disappointed. In the end, they reasoned that the Empress was very
good at taking care of herself, her looks were still so seductive after
so many years.
She scoffed at such sour words. Just by looks, the Empress was
beautiful but not to the point of the most beautiful. Even though she
had willow brows and “phoenix eyes”, but those weren’t a rarity in
the world. Even her own features were the same, but she didn’t have
the Empress’ snow white skin and composure.
Beautiful women could be found everywhere, but what was rare was
the qualities of attractiveness. The feeling that the Empress gave
others was seductive yet out of the world, vivid yet dignified. Such a
contradictory woman was rare in the world but it was easy for
people’s hearts to move. Because this disregarded the outer shell
and was something that came from the deep parts of the soul, it
was hard for others to ignore.
When wang ye took out some paintings for her to take in the palace,
she was very surprised. But she hoped that the Empress would look
on wang ye’s paintings and help Rui Wang Fu to not be in such an
awkward position, so her child could establish himself in Da Long as
he grew up.
Kui Yuan Palace was forever lavish and bright. Every time she
entered this place, she would forget this was the hougong and not
some family’s compound.
“Good day, Third Aunt.” The seven years-old Crown Prince stood in
front of her. His looks were outstanding. Even though he now had
didi and meimei, but no one in Jing would think that the position of
Crown Prince was going to shake.
The Empress was a great woman. She raised the Crown Prince
well. His actions and speech were extremely polite yet didn’t seem
“Your Highness Crown Prince, good day,” She couldn’t help but
smile. Adults frequently were most soft-hearted for children, “Is the
Empress free now?”
“Muhou just said that if I encountered you on the road, I should tell
you to just head in,” the Crown Prince smiled and added, “Third
Aunt, I’m going to accompany fuhuang to practice writing.”

Such a young age. It was clearly the Emperor teaching him to write
but in his mouth, it became him accompanying the Emperor. Lu Yu
Rong sighed. It was clear to see how patient the Emperor and
Empress were in teaching the Crown Prince.
Entering the main hall of Kui Yuan Palace, she saw the Empress and
the wife of lao si were chatting as they sat together. Seeing her
enter, they involved her in talking about some of the interesting things
around the city of Jing, the mood so harmonious that one could
forget it was still the hougong.

However, she still remembered to take out the three paintings that
wang ye gave her. She didn’t know what was drawn on the scrolls
so when the Empress went to open them, she was curious as well.
The first painting was a cat playing with an orchid. Just a glance
made people relax and refreshed. She had seen this before. Wang
ye had done many copies before he made one he was satisfied with.
She hadn’t thought he would willingly send it to the palace.
The second painting was of spring. The green mountains, the blue
waters, the hundreds of flowers blooming. This was a scene that
couldn’t be seen in the hougong. So beautiful it seemed unreal. Her
heart moved when she saw it. Wang ye had spent more than a few
months to finish painting this work. He had hung it in his bedroom to
admire, but now he also sent it to the palace.
When the third scroll was gradually opened, she was shocked still.
She didn’t think that this painting that wang ye had put away that
year would once again appear in front of her.
“Drawing of winter snow and red plums……” The white fingers of the
Empress gently touched the corner of the drawing. A long time later,
she said, “Such a good plum blossom painting. The whiter the snow,
the redder the plum blossoms.”
She just was able to see where the Empress had touched, there
was half a figure barely discernable. But because that person had
been wearing white, it was very hard for others to find.
“A person’s life on earth is like a white steed racing past, suddenly
gone……” She didn’t understand the expression on the Empress’
face. She didn’t even understand why the Empress would recite such
a line.
Even when she was leaving the palace, she still didn’t understand
what the Empress meant. She didn’t know if the Empress liked wang
ye’s paintings. However, not long after, the Empress became tired of
admiring paintings and turned to favor listening to the stories of
talented women across the country.
She didn’t tell wang ye of the two lines of nonsensical poetry that the
Empress had said. But wang ye had never asked her what
happened when she went to the palace that time. It was as though
nothing had happened, unperturbed and quiet.
Later, wang ye was pardoned by the Emperor and could attend
court. But she felt that wang ye didn’t feel very happy at such a
Wang ye still liked painting, and still didn’t like giving the paintings
away to anyone. Gradually, the child grew up. The one she had once
liked was indistinct in her mind, just like a dream. After a while, one
woke up.
The day of her son’s wedding, seeing her son and erxi kneel to her,
she suddenly realized that this was pretty much her lifetime.
After the newlyweds were sent into the bridal rooms, she suddenly
turned but only saw the back of wang ye as he personally sent the
Crown Prince out the door.
The day that wang ye left, feathery snow came down from the sky,
and the plum flowers in the plum forest had bloomed exceptionally
She sat at the head of the bed, looking at this old yet still handsome
man. Sorrow quietly creeping in.
“Today’s snow is quite heavy, did it snow all night?” He suddenly
became focused, even his pale face became red.
“En,” Her voice was choked. Beside her, her son and grandchildren
started to cry.
“The snow that year wasn’t this heavy, the plum blossoms weren’t as
good as this year……” His gaze landed on the branch of plum
flowers in the pot and shook his head, saying: “A pity, a pity.”
“Fu wang… …” Her son sobbed in front of the bed, and her own
eyes started to mist up.
“Guan’er, don’t cry. After I pass, remember to take that painting in
the sandalwood box of the fifth square in my study into my coffin,”
He slowly closed his eyes and sighed.
“After seeing the ocean, no other water can compare ……that’s
it…… that’s it……”
She didn’t know how she stood up, how she watched the white
banners hung up over the wang fu until she saw her son take out the
sandalwood box that held the painting.
The scroll slowly rolled open and she froze in place..
On the painting, it was a busy street during the Lantern Festival. The
beautiful lanterns, a beautiful woman dressed plainly holding a
lantern and the fireworks exploding in the sky.
It was a painting that was so beautiful one couldn’t tear the eyes
away. It contained all the feelings of the artist, just to depict the skin
of the beauty, the bones of the beauty and the emotions buried deep
in the heart.
“You walk and walk and don’t stop, and tear you and I part. Now,
there are thousand upon ten thousand miles that separate you and I,
I at this end of the world while you at the other … …” Shaking as
she recited the poem inscribed on the painting, Lu Yu Rong suddenly
remembered how he had gently touched her brow on their wedding
Gently rolling up the painting, she put it in the wood box. Closing the
box, she dried off her tears: “Put this under the pillow of wang ye.”
A painting of a beauty, the bones of a hero. In the end, it was all a
handful of dirt.
A person’s life in this world is like a white steed racing past,
suddenly gone.
She thought, she understood somewhat now.
A Legendary Love Story”

In the seventh year of Jia You, the Empress gave birth to the Eldest
Princess for the Emperor. With that, the Imperial Couple had two
Imperial Sons and one Princess, with both sons and daughter, it was
all good.
For seven entire years, the Imperial House did not take candidates
into Jing and the memorandums urging the Emperor to select
candidate increased. Even though the Emperor might not be willing
to take too many women into the palace, he had to think about the
other males of the Imperial and noble families, those people wanted
to take concubines.
This time, He Heng didn’t strongly oppose it and agreed to let
candidates enter Jing. After three months had passed, the female
candidates from all over the country were chosen to enter the
These women all came from common but good families. Those of
rough conduct were eliminated, the same with those who did not
have a fair appearance. After rounds of elimination, just twenty
people were left. However, those twenty could not be considered as
one of the palace. Unless the Emperor selected to favor one of
them, then, according to protocol, these people would all be sent
back to their homes after five years. Otherwise, they may be chosen
by the Empress or Dowager Empresses to bestow to someone as a
concubine. But that was not what they wanted.
He Yao, the Crown Prince of Da Long, already knew what female
candidates meant even though he was only seven years old. He
looked at his four years-old brother behind him, and a profound
expression came onto his face: “Er di, weren’t you learning
[Thousand Word Text] recently? Why don’t we go ask fuhuang?
Fuhuang had taught me in the past when I was learning to write.”

Qu Qing Ju, who was standing behind them, heard her eldest son’s
words, and couldn’t help but laugh. In the past, wasn’t it just two
years ago? She saw the serious expression on her eldest son’s face
and summoned the two sons to her: “Tun Tun, Teng Teng, come
He Yao hadn’t thought that Muhou overheard his words. He led He
Teng obediently in front of Qu Qing Ju and said in a small voice:
“Muhou, why have you come over?”
“Muhou is just walking around,” Qu Qing Ju crouched down to hug
her two sons and smiled, “I’m going to Chao Ming Hall to take care
of some affairs. You two brothers have fun. At noon, muhou will let
the chefs make your favorite dishes.”
He Yao’s foot drew circles on the ground and then he said: “Is
muhou going there to select feipin for fuhuang?”

“Who told you these things?” Qu Qing Ju laughed, but she didn’t fool
them because they were young children and explained seriously,
“Muhou is going to see those female candidates, but not to chose
them for your fuhuang. These female candidates, other than your
fuhuang, they can serve other people.”

“Then I’ll let them dig earthworms for me,” He Teng happily clapped
his hands, “I can’t find any.”
Would the people in the palace take you to places that had
earthworms? Qu Qing Ju brushed the bowl cut hairstyle of her
younger son.
“Don’t go to see the fuss,” He Yao sternly patted his didi’s shoulder
and raised his chin, “What we need to do now is to keep fuhuang
further away from these female candidates. Let the taijian dig for
earthworms. Those candidates are too soft, they don’t have any
strength and can’t find any earthworms. Something that you can’t do,
can those female candidates accomplish it?”
He Teng heard his big brother state this, and his chubby face had an
expression of realization. He nodded emphatically: “En, we’ll keep
them away from fuhuang.” He turned and tugged Qu Qing Ju’s
sleeve, “Muhou, I’m also going, I’m also going.”
Qu Qing Ju smiled as she looked at her two sons. Her eldest son
had his hands at his back, expressing “I don’t want to see those
women, but for muhou, I can manage to go”. At the expectant
expression on her younger son’s face, she shook her head
helplessly, “Alright, you two can come.”
Seeing muhou agree to their request, He Yao coughed dryly and
then grabbed his didi’s hand, seriously ordering: ‘When we see the
female candidates, you have to be good. We are muhou’s children
and cannot embarrass muhou.”

He Teng obediently nodded his head and patted his chest. “Don’t
worry, gege. We are Crown Prince and Imperial Son. Muhou doesn’t
need to say anything. The two of us together are the most honored
and invincible yellow buns.”
The corner of He Yao’s mouth jerked. The words that were used to
comfort little children, he hadn’t believed them for a long time. He
wasn’t a child.
The female candidates that had made it through the rounds of
eliminations felt very insecure. How in love the Emperor and
Empress was had long spread throughout all of Da Long. They were
afraid that the Empress would treat them badly, letting them enter
the Imperial Palace but without a life to enjoy the riches and luxury.
However, they found that they were not shortened in their residence
or food. They hadn’t even seen one of the Empress’ attendants. Only
now when they were taken into the Chao Ming Hall did they
remember this was the last elimination round where the Imperial
Couple would personally interview them. If they were suitable, they
could become one of the feipin in the palace.

Some women were still tentative, other women had thoughts that
were already soaring. They were all very beautiful females from all
over the country. If they could receive the favor of the Emperor,
couldn’t they honor their ancestors and enjoy the great luxuries and
Even more, the Empress was now three above two-tens. The
Emperor was just a few years older than the Empress. After so
many years, even the deepest feelings would not be as strong as in
the beginning. They were all females of double-eight. Even though
they may not be as beautiful as the Empress, they were younger,
had more vitality. That was their asset.
But no matter their thoughts, when the Empress who was not as
‘young’ or ‘lively’ as them appeared, they were all dumbstruck.
A grand phoenix robe, exquisite hairpins, and skin whiter than snow.
She didn’t seem like a woman who had given birth to three children.
When the Empress walked up the jade stairs with the help of a
palace maid to sit down on the phoenix chair, they all knelt down and
gave a full greeting. The little bit of conceit they had completely
“Stand up.” Qu Qing Ju let her two sons sit beside her, smiling as
she looked at the twenty or so youthful females below her. “Our Da
Long has good weather and can raise all kinds of beauties. Seeing
everyone today, ben gong’s eyes feel very good.”

The female candidates hadn’t thought the Empress was such a

beautiful and warm person. Many people suddenly had good feelings
towards the Empress and forgot their original intentions.
Those with keen eyes saw the two male children sitting beside the
Empress and understood that they were probably His Highness the
Crown Princess and Second Imperial Son. Thinking that there was a
five-month old princess on the knees of the Empress, those that
were smart gave up on entering the palace. Regardless of whether
or not they would be favored, if they offended the Empress, they
wouldn’t have good days in the future.
“The Emperor is busy with state affairs and especially ordered ben
gong to see you girls.” Qu Qing Ju swept across the expressions on
the faces of the women. Seeing that they all had appropriate
expressions, she knew that this batch of candidates would be less
troublesome than the batch of the last year of Qing De. “Are you
girls now accustomed to living in the palace?”
The female candidates standing below all said they were living
comfortably and complimented the people of the palace. A few of
the females especially expressed their loyalty in front of the
Empress. That expressed their true thoughts.
Of course, Qu Qing Ju understood, but from beginning to end, she
didn’t respond to the good intentions those people expressed. After
leaving Chao Ming Hall, she said to her sons: “Did you see? Your
fuhuang would not be interested in these kinds of girls. You two are
young now. Just enjoy growing up. These things are something little
men shouldn’t be concerned about.”
“As a son, a man should be concerned about the affairs of muhou.”
He Yao raised his chin to say, “Men should be like that.”
“En!” He Teng nodded his head at the side. He didn’t really
understand but he heard muhou and a man. To that, he gave his
Qu Qing Ju’s heart warmed, she crouched down to hug her two
sons: “Muhou is very fortunate to have two good sons. In the future,
Tun Tun and Teng Teng need to protect your mother and wife. This is
what a man should do.”
“En!” The two children nodded their heads seriously.
Qu Qing Ju looked at them, a smile blooming.
Not long after, most of the female candidates were sent back to
their homes. These candidates were all extremely happy when they
left. When they got back, if someone asked them, they would all talk
about the virtues of the Empress. Many of the poor scholars wrote
many stories about the Empress, all beautifying the Empress.
Qu Qing Ju didn’t know what happened outside the palace, but
something that happened inside the palace surprised her. One of the
remaining candidates complained that the Empress had taken all of
the Emperor’s favor and was too jealous.
Once the words came out, it created a storm in the hougong.
Everyone was waiting to see what would happen to this candidate. It
had to be said that the Empress treated Heng fei and Luo guipin
very well. The Emperor resided daily at Kui Yan Palace, that was the
Emperor’s decision. No matter how skilled the Empress was, could
she tie up the feet of the Emperor?
So those kind of words, in the eyes of everyone else, were a great
joke. Over the these years, weren’t there unperceptive palace
maids who wanted to turn from sparrows into phoenixes but they
had never succeeded? Where did this candidate get the confidence
In reality, Qu Qing Ju was also slightly curious. She sat at a pavilion
located in the middle of the pond in the Imperial Garden, and threw
the fish feed in her hands to the goldfishes in the lotus pond. Turning,
she looked at the female candidate called Chu Bi who was kneeling
in front of her. This was a very beautiful girl, her brows carrying
proudness that the other girls didn’t have. She took the handkerchief
that Mu Jin passed over to wipe her hands and sighed: “These
years, the palace has never lacked for women who wanted to be
feipin. You are not the first, and won’t be the last.”

Chu Bi had started regretting saying what she said out of anger long
ago. Hearing the Empress speak, she obediently knelt, afraid that
the Empress would be angry and she would lose her life.
“As a woman, if one could choose, it would be to receive one
person’s heart and to not separate until death.” Qu Qing Ju saw
puzzlement on Chu Bi’s face and smiled, “But most of the men of the
world are heartless while the women are infatuated. The end is
always much crueler than imagined.”
Hearing this, Chu Bi’s heart moved. For some unknown reason, she
gathered the courage to raise her head and look at the Empress.
She found that there was no anger on the Empress’ face, but an
unspeakable warmth. Her heart moved, and she regretted her rash
outburst even more.
“Empress niangniang… …” Chu Bi said, “Nubi knows her mistake,
and asks the Empress for forgiveness.”
“Stand up,” Qu Qing Ju smiled slightly as she raised a hand, “If you
really want to become a feipin of the hougong, ben gong naturally
wouldn’t stop you but hope you will not regret it.”
Chu Bi stilled. She knew that the Empress was not lying but she was
more hesitant now.
At this time, she heard the sounds of feet coming behind her. Before
she could raise her head, she heard the maids and taijian all kneel
down, calling the Emperor.
The Emperor? She boldly raised her head and saw the Emperor and
Empress were holding hands together. It seemed that, in the eyes of
the Emperor, there was only the Empress and nothing else.
She respectfully greeted the Emperor, but from beginning to end, the
Emperor didn’t look at her or ask about her. When the Emperor left
hurriedly, that was when she knew that the Emperor still had state
affairs. It was only that he had seen the Empress in the pond
pavilion so he had especially come over to see her.
How deep did the feeling have to be for him to do this?
Chu Bi walked in front of the Empress and made a full greeting:
“West Region Outside Official’s daughter Chu Bi courageously asks
for the phoenix blessing of the Empress, and begs the Empress to
allow nubi to return home to marry freely.”

She might admire the luxury and status, but she also knew what
things could be achieved and what should be given up. Otherwise,
the ending would only be a tragedy.
Qu Qing Ju looked at this girl and smiled. As expected, she had not
been wrong. A female like this might have a stubborn personality but
she wouldn’t lose her head. So she hadn’t wasted the effort put in.
Since He Heng had no intentions towards other women, why would
she, for a virtuous reputation, keep these young women in the
palace to be living widows? They were all women. She wouldn’t do
something so shameless and selfish in order to look good.
Chu Bi left like this. Afterwards, she had heard that none of the five
remaining candidates had become the feipin of the Emperor and had
become the concubines of other people. She looked at her husband
who treated her very well beside her, and for some strange reason,
she thought about what the Empress had said.
As a woman, if one could choose, it would be to receive one
person’s heart, and to not separate until death.
It was only now that she understood the rules the Empress held for
the candidates. If the Empress hadn’t taken care of them, and let the
twenty or so candidates spend five years in the palace before they
were sent off, their youth would have disappeared. Where could
they find a good spouse then?
“What are you thinking about?” The man next to Chu Bi asked.
“Nothing,” Chu Bi shook her head and said: “Just thinking, if it wasn’t
for one person, I probably would never have encountered you.”
“Who’s that person?”
“She is probably the best woman in the world.” She closed the book
in her hands, her smile warm and sweet. “It’s late, let’s sleep.”
The man beside her looked at the book in her hand. Wasn’t that a
novel about the love between the Emperor and Empress?
Supposedly, the Imperial Couple had great love. After more than a
decade of marriage, the Emperor had not changed his love for the
Empress. Right now, they had both sons and daughters and were
the object of admiration for many people.
He smiled. That was probably the most moving, unprecedented love
story in Da Long dynasty.
That Is Love”
He Heng had never thought he would encounter a woman who would
move his heart, but the reality was that he really did meet a woman
like that.
He disliked women who thought themselves smart, and disliked
women who thought themselves kind. In a place like the Imperial
Family, people that were too kind never lived well. He also disliked
people that were too weak. Weakness usually made people
compromise, lose their dignity, and, in order to live, they had the
ability to do evil deeds. If a person was forced into such
circumstances, what could they be afraid of?
He liked seeing Qu Qing Ju dress herself beautifully, liked seeing her
proud attitude, liked how she never back down when it came to her
own interests. For some reason, even though she was his wang fei,
he felt she lived a freer life than he did.
When he finally stood on the nine levels of jade stairs, he found that
this dragon chair was abnormally big and abnormally hard, as though
it was exaggerating the elevated status of the Emperor. It had an
attractive appearance, so lao da and lao san fought for this position
for many years.
Those with kind and soft hearts, even if they managed to survive in
the Imperial Family, wouldn’t have good lives. He was not an ignorant
person, so he had been tricked by people, and tricked others. In the
Imperial Family, no one owed another person, there was only those
who won.
Qing Ju’s hobbies always changed constantly. He felt that none of
those hobbies were as amazing as her dancing, but to his regret,
Qing Ju didn’t frequently dance for him. However, every time she
danced, he would see her attractiveness.
How could the world have a woman like this? One who could be
dignified, lazy, generous, cruel, and seductive. This kind of woman,
any man couldn’t help but look twice, not to mention she was his
Empress. Even if he only favored her, where did other people have
the grounds to object?
He wasn’t a useless ruler who had to sacrifice his woman to achieve
peace in the Court so on the matter of favoring one person, he
wouldn’t compromise to anyone..
If he easily compromised, where would he have the qualification to
talk about love?
The reason that the love of an Emperor would be doubted was
usually due to the excuse of “forced with no other way.” They would
satisfy themselves with other women but act deeply in love. In other
words, it was just pretense and not having loved deeply enough.
“Emperor, are these the paintings you wanted to see?” Qian Chang
Xin put a sandalwood box in front of the Emperor, bending at the
waist to open the box before retreating to one side, not looking at
the paintings. A few days ago, the Empress suddenly became
interested in viewing paintings so many people had sent paintings
into the palace. Even Rui Wang Fei had personally sent a few
paintings over. But who knew that after two or so months, the
Empress didn’t like it anymore. These valuable paintings had been
placed into the East Hall of Kui Yuan Palace. If the Emperor wanted
to see a painting, he only needed to send someone to take it out of
the East Hall. The Empress really didn’t care.
Rolling open [Winter Snow Red Plums Drawing], He Heng
expressionlessly looked at the painting. A beat later, he gave a cold
smile: “Zhen’s sandi has become idle and emotive now that he
doesn’t attend court.” He had heard that lao san was very good at
drawing landscapes. But this painting of his that had people, it was
also this touching.
Xian Chang Xin saw the expression of the Emperor was not well. He
remembered that Rui Wang Fei had sent in this painting, and
guessed that the Emperor still had bad feelings towards Rui Wang
so he didn’t dare to speak. He obediently stood to one side and
waited for the Emperor’s orders.
“Put the painting back.” He Heng curled his lips, a hint of disdain
revealed. “Even though the Empress doesn’t like to look at paintings
and has forgotten all of these things, the servants should still store
these away well.”
“Nucai will remember,” Qian Chang Xin didn’t understand what the
Emperor intended but still packed away the painting to take back to
Kui Yuan Palace. When he step inside the main gate of Kui Yuan
Palace, he encountered the Empress holding the little princess as
she came out to soak in the sun. He instantly knelt down in front of
the Empress.
“The Emperor got you to take some paintings out again?” The
Empress gave the little princess to the nursemaid behind her, and
bent down to randomly pick up one of the boxes. After she opened
the scroll, she smiled slightly: “How can I split into several thousand
bodies, in order to compliment each plum flower on each tree? This
person must love plums. Who is the artist?”
Qian Chang Xin didn’t know what to say. Rui Wang Fei had sent
someone with this painting. Even the Emperor had gotten him to take
it out for him to have a look. But the true recipient didn’t even know
who sent it.
“Empress, nucai is also unclear.” Qian Chang Xin forced out a smile,
“The Emperor wanted to see some paintings so nucai took a few
over, and didn’t look at them. Nucai doesn’t dare to look at the
“En, there’s no signature on the painting.” Qu Qing Ju carelessly
shoved the painting into Qian Chang Xin’s hands and waved her
hand, saying, “Since that’s the case, you can put them back.”
After Qian Chang Xin left, Qu Qing Ju looked at her daughter who
was deeply asleep in the arms of her nursemaid. Her willow
eyebrows were slightly curved as though she was smiling, but there
wasn’t much mirth in her eyes.
After Qian Chang Xin returned, he told the Emperor all about his
encounter with the Empress. Then he found the Emperor’s temper
continued to be good for the next few days. Even the fact the female
candidates had entered the palace didn’t affect the good mood of
the Emperor.
Those female candidates were generously allowed to go back home
to marry freely. Only five were left and were bestowed by the
Emperor to other people to be concubines. Due to this, the Crown
Prince and the Second Imperial Son had been close with the
Emperor for quite a few days. Especially the Second Imperial Son.
He kept on saying the Emperor was a good father.
He was a taijian and didn’t understand the feeling between men and
women, but he knew very well an average person could not
separate the Emperor and Empress. Since the two Empress
Dowagers had no objections to the Emperor and Empress, then who
would be so stupid?
So like this, one year repeated each other. He saw His Highness the
Crown Prince turn from a child to a youth, saw the Empress become
an elegant and dignified young woman, and add another imperial son
for the Emperor. He saw the Emperor spend every day in Kui Yan
Palace as though Kui Yuan Palace was their home.
There was no one who doubted the feelings between the Emperor
and Empress. No one picked up the topic of the candidates again. It
was like a person who had eaten the same thing for a decade. If his
tastes suddenly changed, it was a scary matter. The scholars of Da
Long were used to the monogamy of the Emperor. If the Emperor
really had broken the feelings one day, how many palace anger
poems and calls on behalf of the Empress would there be?
Even until his middle age, He Heng was always doubtful of one thing.
That was, what was the feelings that Qing Ju really had for him.
Even though the two of them spent every day together, he always
suspected that the Empress did not have feelings as deep for him as
he did for her.
But usually, the Empress was always concerned about him in every
way and never disregarded him. Over time, he felt that he was
thinking too much. He was demanding too much and that was why
he was disgruntled.
He had never asked the question of love and she had never
responded. It was only once when he had been seriously ill, and
when he woke up, and found Qing Ju, who was usually so attentive
to her appearance, was guarding his side without beautiful makeup,
and heavy shadows as though she had cried, that he didn’t have the
question anymore.
Some feelings in this word did not have to be spoken, but if it
existed, time would prove it. He seemed to understand what Qing Ju
had said. Love was not spoken, but proven through actions.
What he had been discontent with was demanding an empty phrase,
and what Qing Ju could give him was true concern.
“In this life, with Qing Ju’s companionship, I feel that I didn’t waste
it.” He held her hand as they walked in the deep purples and reds of
the Imperial Gardens. “I finally understand why some Emperors
seek immortality. If possible, I would also want immortality medicine,
to be with you forever.”
“Emperor believes this?” She smiled as she looked at him, “A
hundred years is just perfect. If it really is thousands of years, who
knows if there is a day that dislike occurs? If that happened, it would
be better to have a beautiful beginning and a fulfilled ending.”
He could not object. Maybe the two of them did not believe in love
that did not change even as the rocks changed, but they believed
they could live for a lifetime together.
“This is good. Even into death, we will still think of each other.” He
smiled, but the hand that was holding hers tightened. “Our tomb has
started construction. A few decades later when we lie in there, we
won’t be lonely.”
“Birth not of the same blanket but death in the same cave.
Separated this life, but the love is everlasting.” Qu Qing Ju smiled.
Who could think that she would walk to this step with a man, and this
man was also an Emperor. But now, she has come to believe this
“It’s good as long as Qing Ju understands me.” He Heng raised his
head and pointed at the sunset. “This sun looks like a poached egg.”
“En,” Qu Qing Ju nodded and said: “It’s pretty similar.”
The two held hands and stood together. The sunset drew their
shadows out, merging into one, inseparable.
Not far away, Heng fei and Luo guipin were looking at their backs.
The two left silently. When they walked to the Drooping Flower Door,
Luo guipin suddenly sighed: “Maybe the Emperor just wanted a
woman who could see the sunset as a poached egg with him. What
picturesque sunset? What glow-like fire? It isn’t what the Emperor
Heng fei had a light smile as she said: “What the Emperor wants is a
real woman. The four arts are just embellishment, and not needed.”
Her voice was extremely calm as though the man she was
discussing had nothing to do with her, “The Empress, she’s the right
person that he met at the right time. This is probably what is called
If they had met later, like if the Emperor had already ascended the
throne, then the Empress would, at maximum, become the
Emperor’s most favored woman but not his only one. She, herself,
would not become Heng fei, but one of the many feipin the Emperor
would have forgotten. She may not have even gotten the rank of a

“This is our fate. All things in the world have a destiny. You and I are
just people that have touched a little bit of good fortune due to
destiny.” Heng fei looked away from the sunset, “Let’s return.”

“I’m just slightly despairing, but I also find it rational that the Emperor
only favors the Empress.” Luo guipin smiled, “Ever since the
Empress allowed me to mourn for my jiujiu, I had gratitude towards
the Empress.”
“So, when Han Qing He wanted you to help her get favor in the
beginning, you didn’t agree.” Heng fei slightly tilted her face down,
her voice very small but enough for the two of them to hear, “So,
after you knew of Feng Zi Jin’s plan, you allowed her to kill Han Qing
He. You even meddled in the affair, but you pushed the suspicions of
the affair towards Feng Zi Jin and Shu gui taifei, and not the
Luo guipin heard her words, and slightly paused before smiling:
“Heng fei niangniang is a smart person.” She wasn’t afraid that
Heng fei knew this and smiled even more freely, “Heng fei
niangniang might not know my personality. If I remember someone’s
generosity, I will remember for a lifetime.”
Heng fei looked at her smile. A long time later, she sighed: “This is
good.” It was due to the Empress that the two of them live
comfortably without favor.
The Imperial Couple, as smart as they were, they might not
necessarily be ignorant of some things, it was just that they didn’t
say it.
She turned, her eyes passing through the Drooping Flower Door.
The Emperor and Empress were standing there side by side, the
pair of shadows even more elongated as though it was one person.
Several thousand years later, archaeologists found the combined
burial tomb of the Emperor and Empress of Da Lon. To their shock,
they found the Imperial Couple had used one coffin. Two sets of
skeletons laid together. It was like the legendary love story of the
Emperor and Empress had passed on for thousands of years, gentle
and touching.
They found many burial items within the tomb. Countless exquisite
hairpins, glass lanterns worth cities, jade instruments and porcelain.
Someone even found a stele in the tomb. There was a pair of
extremely attractive man and woman carved on the surface. Under
their feet were lucky clouds, as though they were ascending into
All of the archaeologists thought that the man and woman were Da
Long’s Jia You Emperor and Hua Ren Empress. This discovery also
made others speculate about the love legend between them. Many
people felt that those love story movies and productions about the
love between this Imperial Couple did not even reach the feelings
that the Emperor and Empress had.
Not long after, people also found that the woman carved on the stele
of the Da Long tomb looked extremely similar to the one in the
Lantern Festival painting found in the coffin of Da Long’s Zhong Rui
Wang. Archaeologists quickly proved that Hua Ren Empress and
Zhong Rui Wang didn’t have any romantic relationship. Zhong Rui
Wang was not importantly regarded by Jia You Emperor, and the
person in the painting was most likely Hua Ren Empress’ sister
because history had recorded that Hua Ren Empress’ half-sister had
been a concubine of Zhong Rui Wang.
Even though the archaeologists said so, there were still many who
looked towards the unofficial histories. They said that Jia You
Emperor’s father, Qing De Emperor, originally intended to pair Hua
Ren Empress and Zhong Rui Wang together. Due to many reasons,
in the end, Hua Ren Empress married Jia You Emperor.
As a result, people made a movie about the love triangle between
the three and earned a lot of hot tears from people. But even so,
everyone believed that Jia You Emperor and Hua Ren Empress had
deep feelings between them. Even if something did happen with
Zhong Rui Wang as the unofficial histories said, that was just a
detour in their romance.
How history was, it was long buried in the long river of time. No one
knows the truth, but people would believe the existence of one thing.
That was love!
Author’s note: I always wanted to write a pure time-travel love story
and finally did it. This is a fulfilled historical romantic fairy tale, the
Emperor and Empress will live happily together.
I hope that the readers will encounter the person right for them and
live their own happy lives.
Every time I finish, I want to say many things, but at the end, I don’t
know what to say. After thinking it over, it’s still the old words. That
is, I hope all the readers have a happy life and your families are
If lucky, see you in my next novel (╯3╰).

Author (月下蝶影) Yue Xia Die Ying

Publisher jjwxc

Translator wyhcwe

Book designer Armaell

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