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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 116 (3): 339–49 (2016)

doi: 10.1093/bja/aev349
Advance Access Publication Date: 27 October 2015
Review Article

A rational approach to fluid therapy in sepsis

1, 2
P. Marik * and R. Bellomo
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, 825 Fairfax Av, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA
23507, USA, and Intensive Care Unit, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

Aggressive fluid resuscitation to achieve a central venous pressure (CVP) greater than 8 mm Hg has been promoted as the standard of care, in the
management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. However recent clinical trials have demonstrated that this approach does not improve
the outcome of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.
Pathophysiologically, sepsis is characterized by vasoplegia with loss of arterial tone, venodilation with sequestration of blood in the unstressed blood
compartment and changes in ventricular function with reduced compliance and reduced preload responsiveness. These data suggest that sepsis is
primarily not a volume-depleted state and recent evidence demonstrates that most septic patients are poorly responsive to fluids. Furthermore, almost
all of the administered fluid is sequestered in the tissues, resulting in severe oedema in vital organs and, thereby, increasing the risk of organ
dysfunction. These data suggest that a physiologic, haemodynamically guided conservative approach to fluid therapy in patients with sepsis would be
prudent and would likely reduce the morbidity and improve the outcome of this disease.

Key words: central venous pressure;fluid therapy; pulmonary edema; sepsis; septic shock
patients with septic shock were treated with massive amounts of crystalloids,
approaching 17 litres in the first 72 h of hospitalization.3 4This

Editor’s key points approach was considered the standard of care and endorsed by International
• The authors review, in detail, the physiology of hypo-and Guidelines.5–7 Clearly, these treatment approaches failed to appreciate the
hypervolaemia, and the effects of venodilation and arteriodilation. pathophysiological changes of both disor-ders and that the prescribed
treatments were harmful. Cholera is a disease associated with profound
• They contend that universal, aggressive fluid administra-tion in septic volume depletion through diarrhoea that requires replacement with i.v.fluids.1
shock carries considerable risk, and that a haemodynamically-guided, Severesep-sis and septic shock however, are not associated with volume
conservative approach is likely to produce better outcome. loss. Sepsis is characterized by arterio- and venodilation together with
microcirculatory and myocardial dysfunction, with septic patients being
• They also argue that early norepinephrine therapy is likely to improve poorly responsive to fluid administration. Never-theless, aggressive fluid
outcome. resuscitation to achieve a central venous pressure (CVP) greater than 8 mm
Hg (‘Early Goal Directed Therapy’ - EGDT), has been considered the
standard of care in the management of patients with severe sepsis and septic
shock.5–7 However, recent multicentre clinical trials (ProCESS, ARISE and
PROMISE) and a meta-analysis of EGDT have demonstrated that this
In the 19th century, patients with cholera dying from hypovol-aemic shock approach does not improve the outcome of patients with se-vere sepsis and
were treated by venesection or blood-letting.1 2This treatment was considered septic shock.8–11 This article reviews the haemo-dynamic changes associated
the standard of care for this dis-order. In the first part of the 21st century with sepsis and provides a rational approach to fluid management in this
complex disorder.

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions,
please email: [email protected]

340 | Marik and Bellomo

Pertinent normal cardiovascular physiology Vascular dysfunction with sepsis

The amount of blood pumped out of the heart (cardiac output) is equivalent to Septic shock is primarily a vasoplegic state with arterial and ven-ous
venous return (volume entering the right atrium).12 According to Guyton, dilatation, as a result of failure of the vascular smooth muscle to
venous return is determined by the pres-sure gradient between the peripheral constrict.36Vasoplegic shock is believed to be because of increased
veins and the right atrium (CVP).13 The venous system can be divided into expression of inducible nitric oxide synthetase with increased production of
two theoretical compartments, the unstressed and stressed volume.14 The nitric oxide (NO), activation of KATPchan-nels resulting in hyperpolarisation
intra-vascular volume that fills the venous system to the point where of the muscle cell membrane, increased production of natriuretic peptides
intravascular pressure starts to increase is called unstressed vol-ume, whereas (which act synergis-tically with NO) and a relative vasopressin deficiency.36
the volume that stretches the veins and causes intravascular pressure to Arterial dilatation results in systemic hypotension. However, more
increase is called the stressed volume. The mean circulatory filling pressure importantly, profound venodilation occurs in the splanchnic and cutaneous
(MCFP) is conceptualized as the pressure distending the vasculature, when vascular beds increasing the unstressed blood volume, decreasing venous
the heart is stopped (zero flow) and the pressures in all segments of the circu-
return and cardiac output.14 15As approximately 70% of the blood volume is
latory system have equalized.14 15 The stressed venous system is the major within the venous system, changes in venous blood volume play a major role
contributor to the MCFP.14 15 The MCFP in humans is normally in the range in determining venous return.15
of 8–l0 mm Hg.14 15 The MCFP is the major determinant of venous return.

Sepsis is characterized by increased expression and activa-tion of

endothelial adhesion molecules with adhesion and acti-vation of platelets,
The venous system has a large vascular capacitance and a constant leucocytes and mononuclear cells and activation of the coagulation
compliance in which an increased blood volume is as-sociated with a cascade.37 This results in a diffuse endothelial injury, microvascular
14 thrombosis, gaps between the endothelial cells ( paracellular leak) and
relatively small change in the MCFP. However, because of the restraining
effects of the pericardium and cardiac cytoskeleton, the diastolic compliance shedding of the endo-thelial-glycocalyx.38 39 The combination of these
of the normal heart (both left and right ventricles) reduces as distending mechanisms contributes to a reduction in functional capillary density, hetero-
volume increases; consequently, with large volume fluid resuscitation, the geneous abnormalities in microcirculatory blood flow and increased capillary
cardiac filling pressures ( particularly on the right side, i.e. CVP) permeability.40 41
increasefaster than the MCFP, decreasing the gradient for venous re-turn.16–
Organ blood flow is determined by the difference in the pressure between
the arterial and venous sides of the circula-tion. The mean arterial pressure Cardiac changes with sepsis
(MAP) minus the CVP is there-fore the overall driving force for organ blood
flow. A high CVP therefore decreases the gradient for venous return, while at Myocardial depression in patients with septic shock was first de-scribed in
the same time decreasing organ driving pressure and therefore blood flow. 1984 by Parker and colleagues42 using radionuclide ci-neangiography. In a
Venous pressure has a much greater effect on micro-circulatory flow than the series of 20 patients, these investigators reported a 50% incidence of LV
MAP; provided that the MAP is within an organ’s autoregulatory range, the systolic dysfunction. Notably, in this study the initial ejection fraction and
ventricular volumes were normal in non-survivors and these indices did not
CVP becomes the major deter-minant of capillary blood flow.19 20
change during serial studies; it is likely that these patients had signifi-cant
diastolic dysfunction. The initial studies evaluating cardiac function in sepsis
focused on LV systolic function. However, LV diastolic dysfunction has
emerged as a common finding in pa-tients with severe sepsis and septic
According to the Frank-Starling principle, as left-ventricular (LV) end-
shock.43 Adequate filling dur-ing diastole is a crucial component of effective
diastolic volume (i.e. preload) increases, LV stroke volume (SV) increases
ventricular pump function. Diastolic dysfunction refers to the presence of an
until the optimal preload is achieved, at which point the SV remains
ab-normal LV diastolic distensibility, filling, or relaxation, regardless of LV
relatively constant.21 This optimal preload is related to the maximal overlap ejection fraction. Predominant diastolic dysfunction ap-pears to be at least
of the actin-myosin myofibrils. Fluid administration will only increase SV if twice as common as systolic dysfunction in patients with sepsis. 43In the
two conditions are met, namely: i) that the fluid bolus increases the MCFP
largest study to date (n=262), Land-esberg and colleagues44 reported diastolic
more than it increases the CVP, thereby increasing the gradient for venous
dysfunction in 54% of patients with sepsis while 23% of patients had systolic
return, and ii) that both ventricles are functioning on the ‘ascending limb’ of
dysfunc-tion. Brown and colleagues45 performed serial echocardiograms in
the Frank-Starling curve.22 23
78 patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. In this study 62% of patients
had diastolic dysfunction on at least one echocar-diogram. Unlike systolic LV
dysfunction, diastolic dysfunction is an important prognostic marker in
The vascular endothelium is coated on the luminal side by a web of
membrane-bound glycoproteins and proteoglycans known as the endothelial patients with sepsis.43–45Dia-stolic dysfunction is becoming increasing
24–26 recognized in the com-munity, particularly in patients with hypertension,
glycocalyx. Theglycocalyx plays a major role as a vascular barrier,
preventing large macromole-cules moving across the endothelium, diabetes, obesity and with advancing age.46–48 These conditions are asso-
preventing leucocyte and platelet aggregation and limiting tissue oedema. An ciated with an increased risk of sepsis and may therefore further increase the
intact endo-thelialglycocalyx is a prerequisite of a functioning vascular bar- prevalence and severity of diastolic dysfunction in patients with sepsis.
rier.27 Increased cardiac filling pressures after aggressive fluid resuscitation Patients’ with diastolic dysfunction respond very poorly to fluid loading.44
increase the release of natriuretic peptides.28 29 Natriuretic peptides cleave This was demonstrated in a land-mark study published by Ognibene and
membrane-bound proteoglycans and glycoproteins (most notably syndecan-1 colleagues49 in 1988, who reported an insignificant increase LV stroke work
and hyaluronic acid) off the endothelial glycocalyx. 30–32
Damage to the index and LV end-diastolic volume index in patients with septic
glycoca-lyx profoundly increases endothelial permeability. In addition,
increased natriuretic peptides inhibit the lymphatic propulsive motor activity
reducing lymphatic drainage.33–35
Fluid and sepsis | 341

shock who received a fluid challenge. In these patients, fluid loading will oxygen and metabolite diffusion, distorts tissue architecture, impedes
increase cardiac filling pressures, increase venous and pulmonary hydrostatic capillary blood flow and lymphatic drainage and dis-turbs cell-cell
pressures with the increased release of natriuretic peptides with minimal (if interactions.52 53 Increased right atrial pressure (CVP) is transmitted
any) increase in SV. Furthermore, as reviewed above, aggressive fluid backwards increasing venous pressure in vital organs, with a profound effect
resuscitation in itself causes diastolic dysfunction which will compound the on microcirculatory flow and organ function.19 The kidney is particularly
pre-existing and/or sepsis-induced diastolic dysfunction. affected by increased venous pressure, which leads to increased renal sub-
capsular pressure and reduced renal blood flow and glomerular filtration

Fluid responsiveness
The widely accepted rationale behind fluid resuscitation in sepsis is to
Fluid responsiveness and the haemodynamic
improve cardiac output and organ perfusion, thereby limit-ing organ
dysfunction. Logically, therefore, the only reason to re-suscitate a patient effects of fluids in patients with sepsis
with fluid (give a fluid bolus) would be to cause a clinically significant Studies in heterogeneous groups of critically ill and injured pa-tients and
increase in SV. A patient whose SV increases by 10–15% after a fluid those undergoing surgery have reproducibly demon-strated that only about
challenge (250–500 ml) is consid-ered to be a fluid responder.50 Nonetheless, 50% of haemodynamically unstable patients are fluid responders.50 54–56 This
according to the Frank-Starling principle, as the preload increases, SV is a fundamental con-cept which is not widely appreciated,57 58 and
increases until the optimal preload is achieved, at which point the SV remains challenges the widely accepted notion that fluid administration is the ‘corner-
relatively constant.50 If the fluid challenge does not in-crease SV, volume stone of resuscitation’.5–7 59 As a result of the effects of sepsis on the venous
loading serves the patient no useful benefit and is likely harmful. The adverse capacitance vessels and myocardial function, it is likely that less than 40% of
effects of fluid loading when a patient is on the flat portion of the Frank- hypotensive patients with severe sepsis or septic shock are ‘fluid
Starling curve, is re-lated to the curvilinear shape of the left ventricular responders’.60–62
pressure-volume curve, resulting from altered diastolic compliance at higher
filing pressures.16–18 As the patient reaches the plateau of his/her Frank- The goal of fluid resuscitation is to increase the stressed blood volume
Starling curve, atrial pressures increase, increas-ing venous and pulmonary and MCFP more than the CVP, and thereby increase the pressure gradient for
hydrostatic pressures which com-bined with the increased release of venous return. However the ability of crys-talloids (the most common fluid
natriuretic peptides, causes a shift of fluid into the interstitial space, with an used for the resuscitation of patients with sepsis) to expand the intravascular
increase in pul-monary and tissue oedema (see Fig. 1). Tissue oedema volume is poor. Chowdhury and colleagues63 reported that in healthy
impairs volunteers, only 15% of a crystalloid bolus remained in the intra-vascular
space at 3 h, with 50% of the infused volume being in the



Large increase in EVLW

Large increase in filling pressures

B Small increase in CO

Large increase in CO
Small increase in EVLW

Small increase in filling pressures

Inc.gradient between MCFP and CVP


Fig 1 Superimposition of the Frank-Starling and Marik-Phillips curves demonstrating the effects of increasing preload on stroke volume and lung water in a patientwho is pre-load responsive ( )
and non-responsive ( ). With sepsis the EVLW curve is shifted to the left. 51 EVLW=extra-vascular lung water; CO=cardiac output; SV=stroke volume. MCFP=mean circulating filling pressure.
Reproduced with permission from the British Journal Anaesthesia; 2014;12:620–622.
342 | Marik and Bellomo

extravascular extracellular compartment. In patients with sepsis and in delivery, and attempts at increasing oxygen delivery do not in-crease oxygen
experimental models, less than 5% of a crystalloid bolus remains consumption or lower lactate concentrations. In-deed such an approach has
intravascular an hour after the end of the infusion.64 65 It is therefore likely been demonstrated to increase the risk of death of critically ill patients. 74
that the haemodynamic effects of a fluid bolus (in the fluid responders) are
short-lived, with the net effect being the shift of fluid into the interstitial These data suggest that only patients who are fluid respon-sive should be
compartment with tis-sue oedema. Nunes and colleagues66 demonstrated that treated with fluid boluses. Furthermore, the patients’fluid responsiveness and
in fluid responders, the SV returned to baseline 60 min after a crystalloid the risk/benefit ratio of fluid administration needs to be determined before
bolus. Glassford and colleagues67 performed a systematic review which each fluidbolus.75 As the haemodynamic response to a fluid challenge is very
examined the haemodynamic response of fluid boluses in patients with sepsis. short-lived and large fluid boluses (20–30 ml kg−1) are associated with severe
These authors reported that while the mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased volume overload, the mini-fluid bolus approach (200–500 ml) to fluid therapy
by 7.8 (3.8) mm Hg immediately after the fluid bolus, the MAP had returned
is recommended.76 The passive leg raising manoeuvre (PLR) and the fluid
close to baseline at one h with no increase in urine output. In a retrospective
bolus test coupled with real-time SV monitoring, are currently the only
analysis of the ARDSnet Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial
techniques which have an acceptable degree of clinical accuracy, which can
(FACTT),68Lammi and colleagues62 examined the physiological effect of
be used for determining fluid responsiveness.51 Because of its ease of use,
simplicity, high diagnostic accuracy, inherent safety and short procedure time
(less than 5 min to per-form) the PLR is the preferred method to assess fluid
569 fluid boluses (15 ml kg−1; 1025±243 ml) in 127 patients (themajority of
responsive-ness in the emergency department, hospital ward and ICU.51 75
whom were septic), randomized to the pulmonary ar-tery catheter arm of the
The PLR manoeuvre is performed by lifting the legs passively from the
study. The FACTT trial required reassess-ment of the haemodynamic profile
horizontal position and is associated with the gravitational transfer of blood
one h after the fluid bolus, if the indication for fluids was shock, ineffective (about 300 ml) from the lower limbs and abdo-men toward the intrathoracic
circulation, or low
compartment.75 77 78 The PLR man-oeuvre has the advantage of reversing its
urine output and four h if the indication was a low pulmonary artery
effects once the legs are returned to the horizontal position. 75 79 80 Therefore,
occlusion pressure (PAOP).68 Fifty-eight percent of fluid boluses were given
the PLR manoeuvre is considered a reversible or ‘virtual’fluid challenge. The
for shock or poor urine output/ineffective cir-culation, with 42% of boluses
ability of the PLR manoeuvre to serve as a test of preload re-sponsiveness has
given for a low PAOP. In this study, only 23% of patients were fluid
been confirmed in multiple studies performed in critically ill patients. A
responders (increase in CI > 15%). There was a small increase in the MAP meta-analysis, which pooled the results of eight studies, confirmed the
(78.3 16.4 to 80.4 16.5 mm Hg) while the urine output did not change in the excellent value of PLR to predict fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients
1–4 h after the
with a global areaunder the ROC curve of 0.95 (95% CI, 0.92–0.95).81 In an
fluid bolus.
updated meta-analysis which evaluated 21 studies, we report a pooled ROC
Monge-Garcia and colleagues69 measured the effects of a fluid bolus on AUC of 0.93–0.95 (Monnet X, Marik P, Teboul JL; submitted for
arterial load in patients with septic shock. In thisstudy 67% of patients were publication). As the maximal haemodynamic effects of PLR occur within the
fluid responders, however the MAP increased in only 44% of these patients first min of leg elevation,75 80 it is important to assess these effects with a
(pressure responder). Over-all there was a significant reduction in effective method able to track changes in car-diac output or SV on a real-time basis. It
arterial elastance (Ea) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR), this effect is important to note that the change in bp after a PLR or fluid challenge is a
being most marked in the pre-load responders who were pressure non- poor guide to fluid responsiveness; SV may increase without a signifi-cant
change in bp.70 Furthermore, unlike techniques to deter-mine fluid
responders. Additional studies have demonstrated a decrease in SVR after responsiveness based on heart-lung interactions, the PLR manoeuvre can be
fluid resuscitation in patients with sepsis.70 71Thissug-gests that fluid boluses performed in spontaneously breathing patients, patients with cardiac
should be considered vasodilator therapy, in patients with sepsis and that arrhythmias and those receiving low tidal volume ventilation.75 51
aggressive fluid resuscitation may potentiate the hyperdynamic state.

In summary, these studies demonstrate that the majority of patients with

severe sepsis and septic shock are not fluid respon-ders. Furthermore, the
haemodynamic changes in the fluid re-sponders are small, short-lived and
likely to be clinically insignificant. However, aggressive fluid resuscitation
will likely have adverse haemodynamic consequences including an in-crease
in cardiac filling pressures, damage to the endothelial gly-cocalyx, arterial
The chest radiograph, CVP, central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2)
vasodilation and tissue oedema. Consequently, the concept that aggressive
and ultrasonography, including the vena-cavalcollaps-ibility index, have
fluid resuscitation is the ‘cornerstone limited value in guiding fluid management and should not be used for this
purpose.54 82–86 Furthermore, it has been well established that physical
of resuscitation’ of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock needs to be
examination cannot be used to predict fluid responsiveness and physical
reconsidered.5–7 59 Indeed, it is likely that aggressive fluid
examination is unreliable for estimating intravascular volume status.87 It is
resuscitationincreasesthe morbidly and mortality of pa-tients with sepsis (see
therefore very troubling that the updated Surviving Sepsis Campaign
section below). Nevertheless the updated
Guidelines which are now federally mandated in the USA (SEP-1 Early
Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines, published after the publi-cation of Management Bundle, #0500 Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: management
the ProCESS, ARISE and PROMISE studies8–10 mandate the administration Bundle) require either a ‘focused exam by a licensed independent
of ‘30 ml kg−1 crystalloid for hypotension or lactate ≥4 mmol Litre-1’ within practitioner’, or measurement of the CVP or ScvO2, or bedside cardiovascular
3 h of presentation to hospital.72 This recommendation is problematic as the ultrasound, to assess the volume status of the patient with severe sepsis and
majority of hypoten-sive patients with septic shock will not respond to fluids; septic shock.88 It should be noted that the area under the receiver oper-ator
this ap-
characteristic (ROC) curve of the CVP, for predicting fluid re-sponsive is
proach is likely to lead to ‘salt water drowning’ with an increase in the
approximately 0.5, which is considered a ‘completely useless test’.54 89 90
morbidity and mortality of these patients.73 Furthermore, as discussed below,
Furthermore, it is important to emphasize
an increased blood lactate is unlikely to be associated with anaerobic
metabolism, or inadequate oxygen
Fluid and sepsis | 343

that a normal CVP is between 0–2 mm Hg; this is necessary to en-sure sepsis is considered to be a ‘hypermetabolic’ condition oxygen consumption
adequate venous return and cardiac output (as discussed above). In addition, and energy expenditure are broadly comparable with that of normal people,
while the change in CVP in response to a fluid challenge is still widely with energy expenditure decreasing with increasing sepsis severity. 103–105
promoted as a method to guide fluid therapy,57this technique has no Therefore, there is no re-quirement that oxygen delivery increase with sepsis.
physiologic basis and isunable to predict fluid responsiveness with any degree Indeed, in-creasing oxygen delivery in patients with sepsis does not increase
of accur-acy.54 91 Furthermore, it should be noted that with the exception of oxygen consumption nor decrease lactate concentra-tions.106 107 The critical
measuring dynamic changes in the carotid Doppler peak velocity, 86 92 93 oxygen delivery threshold for humans (both septic and non-septic) is
bedside ultrasound including the inferior vena cavaldistensibility index approximately 3.8 (1.5) ml min−1 kg−1 (270 ml min−1 in a 70 kg patient).108
cannot accurately predict fluid respon-siveness.51 82 85 86 It is somewhat
These values translate into a cardiac output of approximately 2 Litre min −1; it
astonishing that the ScvO2 is still being recommended to guide the is likely that only pre-terminal moribund patients with septic shock would
resuscitation of critically ill septic patients and is being used as an indicator have such a low cardiac output.
of the quality of care delivered.72 88 Monitoring the ScvO2 in patients with
sepsis has no scientific basis, as patients with sepsis usually have a normal or
increased ScvO2,94 95 and a high (ScvO2> 90%) rather than low ScvO2 has
been demonstrated to be an independ-ent predictor of death.96 Three large
randomized controlled trials (ProCESS, ARISE and PROMISE) have now Evidence supporting the deleterious effects of
demonstrated that ti-trating therapy to a ScvO2> 70% does not improve aggressive fluid resuscitation
outcome,8–10 but rather increases the risk of organ dysfunction, length of The harmful effects of aggressive fluid resuscitation on the out-come of
ICU stay and increased use of resources and costs.10 These observa-tions sepsis are supported by experimental studies and data accumulated from
must lead to the conclusion that the original EGDT study was not clinical trials.109 110 Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated an
scientifically valid and that no aspect of this study should be used to guide the
independent association between an increasingly positive fluid balance and
management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.3 97 98
increased mortality in patient with sepsis.29 111–120 The most compelling data
that fluid loading in sepsis is harmful, comes from the landmark ‘Fluid
Expansion as Supportive Therapy(FEAST)’ study performedin 3141 sub-
Saharan children with severe sepsis.121 In this rando-mized study, aggressive
fluid loading was associated with a sig-nificantly increased risk of death.
In addition to targeting a CVP greater than 8 mm Hg, the Sur-viving
Sepsis Campaign guideline recommends ‘targeting resusci-tation to normalize After the Rivers’ Early Goal Directed Therapy trial,3 which formed the basis
lactate in patients with elevated lactate levels as a marker of tissue for the concept of early aggressive fluid resuscitation, a number of EGDT
hypoperfusion’.7 This recommendation is based on the notion that an elevated studies have been published.4 8–10 122 An analysis of these studies de-
lactate is a consequence of tissue hypoxia and inadequate oxygen delivery. 95 monstrates a marked reduction in mortality over this time period (see Fig. 2).
While all these studies emphasized the early use of appropriate antibiotics,
However, these asser-tions are likely wrong.99 Hotchkiss and Karl100 in a
the decline in the amount of fluids admi-nistered in the first 72 h is striking.
seminal re-view published over 20 yr ago, demonstrated that cellular hypoxia Furthermore as illustrated in Fig. 3there is a very strong correlation between
and bioenergetic failure does not occur in sepsis. It has now been well the amount of fluid administered (in first 6 h) and the target CVP. It should
established that epinephrine released as part of the stress response in patients benoted that the CVP in the usual arm of both the ARISE (The Australasian
with severe sepsis, stimulates Na+ K+-ATPase activity. Increased activity of Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation) and ProMISe (Protocolised Management
Na+ K+ ATPase leads to increased lactate production under well-oxygenated in Sepsis) trials was greater than 10 mm Hg, being almost identical to the
conditions in various cells, including erythrocytes, vascular smooth muscle, EGDT arm, and with
neurons, glia, and skeletal muscle.101 102 While

60 14 5000
Fluids 0–72 h Rivers et al.
Mortality 4500
12 Jones et al.

Fluids _6 h


30 8

Jansen et al.
Rivers Jansen ProCESS ARISE PROMISE 1500
APACHE II 21 24 21 15 18.7 11 12 13 14 15
Fig 2 Fluid administered between enrolment and 72 h and 90-day mortalityin the control
arm of the Early Goal Directed Therapy (EGDT) Studies performed between 2001 and Fig 3 Fluid administered between enrolment and 6 h and central venouspressure (CVP) at
2015. APACHE II=APACHE II Severity of illness scoring system (0–71). h in the Early Goal Directed arm of the EGDT studies performed between 2001 and
344 | Marik and Bellomo

almost an identical amount of fluid being administered in the usual arm, as in cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance and central blood vo-lumes
the active EGDT arm in both studies.9 10Clini-cians seem compelled to give (intrathoracic blood volume, global end-diastolic volume), as measured by
fluid when the CVP is less than 8 mm Hg; the only solution to this pervasive transpulmonarythermodilution. In this study extra-vascular lung water
problem is to stop measuring the CVP. (EVLW) remained unchanged. Ham-zaoui and colleagues140 demonstrated
that the early administra-tion of norepinephrine increased preload, cardiac
output and MAP largely reversing the haemodynamic abnormalities of se-

A haemodynamically-guided conservative fluid verevasodilatory shock. Abid and colleagues141 demonstrated that the early
use of norepinephrine in patients with septic shock was a strong predictor of
resuscitation strategy survival. These studies demon-strate that in patients with septic shock, the
These data strongly support a haemodynamically-guided fluid resuscitation early use of norepin-ephrine restores the stressed blood volume, increasing
strategy in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Furthermore, from an the MCFP, venous return and cardiac output. The increase in the stressed
evolutionary point of view, humans have evolved to deal with hypovolemia blood volume is as a result of the mobilisation of blood, rather than the short-
and not hypervolemia. Large fluid boluses may counter the life preserving lived effect of a volume expander. Therefore un-like fluids, the effect of α-1
homeostatic mechanisms in unstable critically ill patients, increasing the risk agonists on venous return is enduring and not associated with tissue oedema.
of death.123In some patients, hypotension and tachycardia do resolve with α-1 agonists should not be used in patients with hypovolaemic shock (e.g.
limited fluid resuscitation. It is likely that many of these patients have super- cholera) who are already venoconstricted; in this setting, α-1 agonists will
added dehydration as a result of poor oral intake and a delay in seeking cause severe vasoconstriction, impairing organ blood flow. How-ever, in
medical attention. How-ever, fluids alone will not reverse the haemodynamic septic veno- and arterio-dilated patients, α-1 agonists in-crease venous return,
instability of patients with more severe sepsis; in these patients, fluids alone increase stroke volume and increase arterial tone, thereby increasing organ
are likely to exacerbate the vasodilatory shock and increase the capillary leak blood flow.142–144 Digital and limb ischaemia and ischaemic skin lesions are
and tissue oedema. Based on these data, the initial resuscitation of patients extremely rare with the use of norepinephrine,145 occurring usually with high
with septic shock should logically include at most 500 ml boluses of
dosages and usually when used together with vasopres-sin.146 147
crystalloid (Ringer’s lactate), to a maximum of about 20 ml kg−1.124 Ideally,
Furthermore, uncontrolled disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
fluid resuscitation should be guided by the determination of fluid
plays a contributing role in these patients.148 We are unaware of any reported
responsiveness.50 51 Normal saline is an ‘unphysiologic’ solution that should
patients with digital or limb ischaemia associated with the early use of
be avoided, except in patients with acute neurological injuries. Nor-mal
norepinephrine. In our experience the early use of norepinephrine appears to
saline causes a hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis125–128; it decreases renal reduce the peak and total dose of vasopressors administered. It is noteworthy
blood flow63 increasing the risk of renal failure.129 In patients with sepsis, the that norepinephrine may be safely given through a well-functioning
use of normal saline as compared with physiologic salt solutions, has been peripheral venous catheter,149 precluding the requirement for emergent
associated with an increased risk of death. Similarly, synthetic starch central venous catheterization, which is generally regarded as an obstacle to
solutions increase the risk of renal failure and death in patients with sepsis the early use of norepinephrine. In experimental sepsis models,
and should be avoided.131 132 norepinephrine appears preferable to epinephrine and phenylephrine as a first-
line therapy in restoring haemodynamic stability.150 151Dopamine as opposed
to norepinephrine is associated with an increased risk of arrhythmias and
death in patients with sepsis and should be avoided.152–154

The septic patient with an intra-abdominal catastrophe, who requires

urgent surgical intervention, represents a sub-group of patients that may
require more aggressive fluid resuscitation. However, overly aggressive fluid
resuscitation will likely result in intra-abdominal hypertension, which is
associated with a high risk of complications and death.133 134 In these
patients continuous SV monitoring is essential and ongoing fluid
requirements should be guided by the trend in the SV and the haemodynamic
response to a mini-fluid bolus. In addition, peri-operative, intra-abdominal
pressure monitoring is required in these patients.133
An emerging body of basic science and clinical studies supports the concept
of a haemodynamically-guided, restricted fluid re-suscitation strategy in
Norepinephrine should be initiated in those patients who re-main patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Initial fluid resuscitation should
hypotensive (MAP < 65 mm Hg) despite this initial, limited fluid strategy.124 be limited and guided by an assessment of fluid responsiveness.
Norepinephrine increases arterial vasculartone increasing bp and organ Norepinephrine in-creases preload, systemic vascular resistance and cardiac
blood flow. Venous capacitance vessels are much more sensitive to output and its use in patients with persistent hypotension is recom-mended
sympathetic stimulation than are arterial resistance vessels, consequently low early in the course of septic shock. Early bedside echo-cardiographic
dose α-1 agonists cause greater veno- than arterio-constriction.136 In sep-tic assessment of cardiac function is recommended to guide further
patients, α-1 agonists mobilize blood from the unstressed reservoirs in the haemodynamic management. Adequately powered, randomized, controlled
splanchnic circulation and skin, thereby increasing venous return and cardiac trials, are urgently required to demonstrate the benefits of the early use of
output. In a porcine endo-toxic shock model, Datta and Magder137 norepinephrine and a conservative, haemodynamically-guided fluid resuscita-
demonstrated that nor-epinephrine increased the MCFP, leading to an tion strategy.
increase in venous return. Similarly in patients with septic shock, Persichini
and col-leagues138 demonstrated that deceasing the dose of norepineph-rine,
decreased the MCFP with a decrease in venous return and cardiac output. In a
cohort of patients with septic shock Kozieras and colleagues139 demonstrated Authors’ contributions
that norepinephrine increased
Writing paper: P.M., R.B.
Revising paper: both authors
Fluid and sepsis | 345

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on pericardial pressure. Circ Res 1984; 54: 173–84
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for a lecture delivered at medical grand rounds (about 1500 GBP). R.B. has 19. Vellinga NA, Ince C, Boerma EC. Elevated central venous pressure is
no conflicts of interest to declare. associated with impairment of microcirculatory blood flow in sepsis.
BMC Anesthesiol 2013; 13: 17
20. Prowle JR, Echeverri JE, Ligabo EV, Ronco C, Bellomo R. Fluid
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Handling editor: J. G. Hardman

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