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1. I____________(watch) Tv most evenings

2. Shh! I__________(watch) TV.
3. She__________(hurt) her back when she___________(lift) the bag.
4. We_______(be) in the park from 6.00 to 8.00 yesterday. The children________(play)
football and we____________(sunbathe) when it suddenly__________(start) to rain
cats and dogs.
5. I__________(go) down in the lift when it suddenly___________(stop).
6. John had a sports car once. How long____________(he,have) it?
7. Maria has got a new motorbike. How long____________(she,have) it?
8. We ____________(start) yo play tennis when it ____________(stop) raining.
9. The lesson____________(already start) when I_____________(get) to the classroom.
10. What are you doing with those tools?- I________________(repair) the car.
11. Are you going shopping?, I_____________(go) with you if you like.
12. You can turn off the radio, I_____________(not listen) to it any more.
13. The thieves__________(already,escape) when the police________(arrive) at the bank.
14. Oh, no! We haven´t got any milk.- Haven´t we? I_____________(get) some from the
shops then.
15. Be quiet! I__________ (think).
16. This time next week we_______________(sit) on the beach.
17. There were many books in the room. She______________(read) for hours.
18. Yesterday I____________(get) to the stadium at 7:45, but the game_________(start) at
19. It____________(rain) in winter but today it_________(not rain).
20. As we_____________(cross) the road, he slipped and_____________(fall).
21. Lend me your rubber. You _____________(make) a mistake and I_______(wish) to rub
it out.
22. My tooth__________(break) when I___________(eat) a hazel-nut.
23. The sun___________(rise) in the east, now it___________(set) and
24. What are you doing?- I____________(sit) on a chair and____________(eat) a banana.
25. As he___________(die), he_____________(ask) for a priest.
26. I_______________(try) to learn English for years, but I__________(not succeed) yet.
27. I__________(meet) him once, it__________(be) a long time ago.
28. Look! That man in the white hat who_______________(walk) past the
window_________(live) next door.
29. Jack______________(go) to Switzerland for a holiday. I_____________(never,be)
30. You must wake her up, she_____________(sleep) soundly for ten hours!
31. He____________(smile) at me in a friendly way when he___________(see) me.
32. Look! A man__________(run) after the bus. He_________(want) to catch it.
33. My friend___________(already find) a good job in the city.
34. They___________(not speak) to each other since they quarreled.
35. Wood___________(float) on water but iron_____________(not float).
36. _____________(you wash) your hands every meal?
37. ________________(You, understand) the English tenses now? – Yes, I___________(do)
an exercise at the moment and I___________(think) that I_______(know) how to use
them now.
38. When the police arrived, the car__________(go).
39. I____________(not see) Lucy since last Friday.
40. We__________(not smoke), but we____________(eat) a lot.
41. If you buy some food, I_____________(make) a good meal.
42. Kathy can´t com to the phone, she___________(have) a bath at the moment.
43. I usually_________(go) to school by bus, but yesterday I_________(walk).
44. If someone offered her a job, she__________(accept) it.
45. I__________(talk) to Peter on the phone one week ago.
46. When I got to the cinema, the film_____________(already,start).
47. Mary is pregnant. She_____________(have) a baby next July.
48. He____________(learn) French for two years now.
49. Next year I____________(be) at the university.
50. Jane___________(not study) at the moment, she____________(write) letters.
51. When the car crashed, I_____________(walk) along the street.
52. How long____________(you live) in London?
53. They___________(not want) to come to the party last Sunday.
54. If I had known that he was married, I__________(not dance) with her.
55. I_____________(watch) television this evening.
56. When I got there she was very tired, because she_____________(work) all night.
57. When my sister is 25, I think she____________(have) a big house.
58. I_____________(not finish) my homework, but I decided to go out with my friends.
59. In 1965 a lot of people______________(go) to Germany.
60. I____________(write) her a letter, if I knew her address.
61. I___________(visit) my parents three times this year.
62. If I_________(be) a young man, I would travel everywhere.
63. I´m sorry I can´t help you now, I__________(work).
64. When you telephoned, I_____________(watch) television.
65. I started this book at 7:00, and I______________(read) until now.
66. My brother usually_____________(have) lunch at that restaurant.
67. If you painted this room white, it____________(be) happier.
68. When I finish this school, I___________(be) a nurse.
69. I___________(study) in this school for the last five years.
70. I can´t talk to Jennifer in this moment, she____________(have) lunch.
71. At last he ended the book in October. He______________(write) for a year.
72. If you_____________(study) more, you would have passed this exam.
73. Caroline____________(not like) going to parties until late.
74. There was nobody in the car, but the engine_______________(run).
Revision of English Tenses. Key
1. Watch
2. Am watching
3. Hurt/lifted
4. Were/were playing/were sunbathing/started
5. Was going/stopped
6. Did he have
7. Has she had
8. Started/stopped
9. Had already started/got
10. I am going to repair
11. Will go
12. Am not going to listen
13. Had already escaped/arrived
14. Will get
15. Am thinking
16. Will be sitting
17. Had been reading
18. Got/had started
19. Rains/is not raining
20. Were crossing/fell
21. Have made/wish
22. Broke/ate
23. Rises/is setting/is falling
24. Am sitting/eating
25. Was dying/asked
26. Have been trying/haven´t succeed
27. Met/was
28. Is walking/lives
29. Has gone/has never been
30. Has been sleeping
31. Smiled/saw
32. Is running/wants
33. Has already found
34. Haven´t spoken
35. Floats/doesn´t float
36. Do you wash
37. Do you understand/am doing/think/know
38. Had gone
39. Haven´t seen
40. Don´t smoke/eat
41. Will make
42. Is having
43. Go/walked
44. Would accept
45. Talked
46. Had already started
47. Is going to have
48. Has been learning
49. Will be
50. Isn´t studying/is writing
51. Was walking
52. Have you lived
53. Didn´t want
54. Wouldn´t have danced
55. Am watching
56. Had been working
57. Will have
58. Hadn´t finished
59. Went
60. Would write
61. Have visited
62. Was/were
63. Am working
64. Was watching
65. Have been reading
66. Has
67. Would be
68. Will be
69. Have studied
70. Is having
71. Had been writing
72. Studied
73. Doesn´t like
74. Was running

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