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Environ Sci Pollut Res

DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4278-0


COST Action ES1403: New and Emerging challenges

and opportunities in wastewater REUSe (NEREUS)
Despo Fatta-Kassinos & C. Manaia & T. U. Berendonk &
E. Cytryn & J. Bayona & B. Chefetz & J. Slobodnik &
N. Kreuzinger & L. Rizzo & S. Malato & L. Lundy & A. Ledin

Received: 17 February 2015 / Accepted: 23 February 2015

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Background Although reuse has a number of benefits and major ad-

vances have been made with respect to producing treated ef-
Treated urban wastewater is currently widely reused to com- fluents for reuse (e.g., successful removal of metals, reduction
pensate for dwindling water supplies, as it is considered to be a of chemical oxygen demand and of other pollution parame-
reliable alternative water source. In addition, the increasing ters), several important questions are still unanswered and
demand for food due to the expanding world population, both barriers exist regarding the safety/sustainability of reuse
in respect to food security and food safety, and therefore for practice.
irrigation water, renders wastewater reuse a practice of utmost Knowledge gaps associated with wastewater reuse include
importance. As a consequence, sustainable and safe urban the following: (a) possible elemental interactions that may
water cycles are presently of high priority on the policy influence the accumulation of metals/elements in the soil
agendas of many countries around the world. and their subsequent uptake by plants and crops, (b) the fate

Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues

D. Fatta-Kassinos (*) J. Slobodnik
Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Institute, Kos, Slovak Republic
Nireas-International Water Research Centre, School of Engineering,
University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
N. Kreuzinger
e-mail: [email protected]
Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management,
Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/226, Vienna, Austria
C. Manaia
CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Laboratório
Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica
Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal L. Rizzo
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Via
T. U. Berendonk Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Salerno, Italy
Institute of Hydrobiology, Technical University Dresden,
Dresden, Germany
S. Malato
E. Cytryn Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT), 04200 Tabernas, Almería,
Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Volcani Center, Spain
Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel

J. Bayona L. Lundy
Department of Environmental Chemistry, IDAEA-CSIC, c/Jordi Urban Pollution Research Centre, School of Science and
Girona, 18-26, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain Technology, Middlesex University, Hendon, London NW4 4BT, UK
B. Chefetz
Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Food A. Ledin
and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 12, Environmental Administration, City of Gothenburg, Gothenburg,
Rehovot 76100, Israel Sweden
Environ Sci Pollut Res

of organic microcontaminants in receiving environments, and from Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade
(c) the epidemiological potential of antibiotic resistant bacteria Católica Portugeusa.
and/or resistance genes (ARB&ARG) released in the environ-
ment via treated effluent. Possible implications on food-chain
contamination (biomagnification) require much attention,
Actions’ objectives
since treated wastewater is not exempt of such contaminants.
The effluents’ residual organic matter after conventional treat-
The main objective of the COST Action is to develop a multi-
ment consists of a number of recalcitrant organic compounds
disciplinary network to provide insight into the current chal-
including potential endocrine disrupting compounds, many
lenges related to wastewater reuse practice, in particular the
types of pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, disinfection
most concerning ones from both the public health and envi-
by-products, personal care products, metabolites and transfor-
ronmental perspectives and how these can be overcome. The
mation products, other organic substances (i.e. pesticides, sur-
Action intends to (i) deliver best-practice recommendations
factants, biocides, etc.), and not to be forgotten ARB&ARG.
for wastewater reuse in irrigation and solid scientific knowl-
In fact, preliminary results suggest that the relative abundance
edge to decision makers/public, (ii) develop uniform means
of certain ARG or ARB may even be enriched during the
for assessing wastewater quality with respect to contaminants
wastewater treatment (Rizzo et al. 2013). This leads to their
of emerging concern including ARB&ARG, (iii) establish
subsequent release in the terrestrial and aquatic environments
specifications for technologies able to produce wastewater
through disposal and reuse applications, and the level of risk
with minimal levels of such contaminants, and (iv) compile
to environmental and human health is yet to be evaluated.
valid and reliable information to be used in regulatory frame-
Contamination of the environment, food chain, drinking
works. NEREUS aims at enhancing and valorizing wastewa-
water, etc with ARB&ARG is presently considered to be a
ter reuse, thus making major contributions to the European
serious public health problem. For this reason, the World
scientific and technological excellence, wider society, and
Health Organization (WHO) (WHO 2013) characterized
the development of AR as one of the major global threats
to society and recommends intensive monitoring for the
identification/surveillance of critical hot spots (e.g., waste-
water treatment plants), aiming at reducing its propagation. Work plan and organization
In September 2014, a national strategy (The White House
2014) was announced in the USA by the White House To reach its aim, the work plan of the Action is organized into
that lays out a series of steps to address the decreasing five working groups (WGs) with the following corresponding
effectiveness of antibiotics, many being similar to those objectives.
identified by WHO. According to the European Centre
for Disease Prevention and Control, it is estimated that WG 1 Microbiome and mobile antibiotic resistome in treat-
infections caused by a subset of ARB are responsible for ed wastewater and in downstream environments
about 25,000 deaths in Europe annually. In addition, the (Leader: E. Cytryn, Vice-leader: Th. Berendonk)
extra healthcare costs and productivity losses due to ARB (i) To propose standardization of procedures used
are estimated to reach EUR 1.5 billion (European Centre for ARB&ARG detection and quantification in water
for Disease Prevention and Control 2013). In the USA, and soil samples, (ii) to identify the most prevalent
equally dramatic numbers are reported by the Centers for and/or potentially hazardous ARB&ARG in effluents
Disease Control and Prevention, with AR infections killing and downstreams environments, (iii) to assess the fate
at least 23,000 people and sickening 2 million each year of ARB&ARG discharged in treated wastewater and
(The White House 2014). released in surface water and soils, and (iv) to identify
All these issues have not received significant attention in the conditions favoring ARB&ARG persistence or
the framework of the wastewater reuse practice. The EU- proliferation.
COST Action ES1403 (NEREUS) aims at consolidating the WG 2 Uptake and translocation of organic microcontaminants
existing scattered data related to wastewater reuse and will and ARB&ARG in crops (Leader: J. Bayona, Vice-
address the open challenges associated with it. It will provide leader: B. Chefetz)
the platform for a systematic consolidation of data and stan- (i) To consolidate existing relevant knowledge, (ii) to
dardization of methods for assessing emerging hazards asso- identify the main physicochemical characteristics affect-
ciated with wastewater reuse. The Action is chaired by D. ing the behavior of microcontaminants including
Fatta-Kassinos from Nireas-International Water Research ARB&ARG with regard to uptake and translocation,
Center and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer- and (iii) to develop a set of recommendations regarding
ing of the University of Cyprus and vice-chaired by C. Manaia the minimization of biomagnification processes and
Environ Sci Pollut Res

environmental and human health impacts associated organizations (i.e., University of South Australia, GIST-
with wastewater reuse. Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Nanyang Tech-
WG 3 Effect-based bioassays required for wastewater reuse nological University, US EPA National Risk Management
scheme (Leader: J. Slobodnik, Vice-leader: N. Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, University of Arizona, and
Kreuzinger) University of Cincinnati) from four International Partner
(i) To consolidate existing relevant knowledge, (ii) Countries (i.e., Australia, Korea, Singapore, and the USA),
to identify the potential relationships between the and two representatives from the European Commission’s
physicochemical characteristics of the wastewater Joint Research Center (JRC) are already included in this
and biological effects, (iii) to determine the most ap- COST Action as Management Committee (MC) Observers.
propriate and relevant bioassays to assess the effects Moreover, the Jordan University of Science and Technology
of the reuse practices, and (iv) to propose the harmo- and the National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Wa-
nization of the procedures used for this purpose. ter and Forests (INRGREF) from two BNear Neighbor
WG 4 Technologies efficient/economically viable to meet Countries^ (i.e. Jordan and Tunisia, respectively) are also
the current wastewater reuse challenges (Leader: L. MC Observers.
Rizzo, Vice-leader: S. Malato) This Action already includes major players of the relevant
(i) To consolidate knowledge on the fate of scientific community and is expected to be able to involve
microcontaminants during wastewater treatment, (ii) during its implementation many others, so that it will be able
to assess the fate of ARB&ARG during biological to consolidate scientific knowledge immediately and imple-
processes and characterize their removal mecha- ment this knowledge into proposals for guidelines at a much
nisms, (iii) to assess the effect of advanced oxidation greater pace than without this Action. NEREUS is without any
processes (AOPs) on ARB&ARG, (iv) to assess the doubt, the most important attempt ever taken place, on an in-
economic feasibility of AOPs compared to conven- ternational level, to investigate these interrelated and multidis-
tional processes, and (v) to identify optimum inte- ciplinary issues that are important for wastewater reuse practice.
grated technologies in terms of global efficiency/
compliance with standard parameters.
WG 5 Risk assessment and policy development (Leader: L. The Blue Circle society for early-stage researchers
Lundy, Vice-leader: A. Ledin)
(i) To develop quality criteria for selected contam- A scientific network of early-stage researchers (ESRs) has
inants of emerging concern and ARB&ARG for been established under the name BBlue Circle society,^ able
wastewater reuse, (ii) to propose a battery of assays to meet separately during the WGs meetings, having its own
for wastewater evaluation for reuse purposes, (iii) to platform for discussions, development of new ideas and sug-
develop a risk assessment framework for wastewater gestions, dedicated tasks, training events, workshops, short-
reuse purposes, (iv) to propose guidelines/ term scientific missions, etc. This is a great opportunity for the
suggestions on possible technologies able to produce ESRs, since through this Action, they will have their own
wastewater of quality in compliance to the quality voice in a more structured way, in order to ensure their active
criteria to be set, and (v) to overcome existing barriers participation in this COST Action. The Blue Circle society
in the field of wastewater reuse. will serve as a BThink Tank^ for the ESRs.

Potential impact of the action

Actions’ duration and participants
NEREUS will enable new research groups in COST countries,
The Action started on the 7th of November 2014 and it will run without research expertise and practical experience in address-
for four years. Twenty-nine COST countries have already ing scientific and technological challenges related to wastewa-
signed the MoU as follows: Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Bos- ter reuse, to mutually benefit from other more advanced-stage
nia and Herzegovina (BD), Croatia (HN), Cyprus (CY), researchers. It is foreseen that the enhanced awareness, train-
Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Finland ing, and technology transfer via networking will disseminate
(FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (EL), Ireland (IE), more than 15 years’ worth of relevant research expertise, of
Israel (IS), Italy (IT), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Mal- potentially limited geographical coverage, to the whole of
ta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Poland (PL), Por- Europe.
tugal (PT), Serbia (RS), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Spain The benefits of the Action will be of scientific and techno-
(ES), Sweden (SE), Switzerland (CH), and the United King- logical, economical, and of course societal character. Address-
dom (UK). In addition, six universities/institutes/ ing the knowledge gaps and establishing norms and guidelines
Environ Sci Pollut Res

will enhance the development of trust required to enable fuller enhancing food and water safety. The economic benefits stem-
implementation of wastewater reuse. This will have a signif- ming from this Action are multiple, from the facilitation of
icant added value in the economy of the countries trying to wastewater reuse as a vital practice in establishing sustainable
establish solid water balances, avoiding at the same time in- water balances and potentially to reductions in health-related
vestment in more expensive and energy-exhaustive means like expenses from the release of contaminants of emerging con-
for example water desalination, import of water, etc. Undoubt- cern in the environment.
edly, the society has much to gain from this Action including
sustainable water resources, clean environment and health Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the finan-
protection. cial support provided by COST-European Cooperation in Science and
The NEREUS COST Actions’ objectives, actions, prog- Technology, to the COST Action ES1403: New and emerging challenges
and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS).
ress, results, and activities are presented on the project website
(http://www.nereus-cost.eu and http://www.cost.eu/COST_ Disclaimer The content of this article is the authors’ responsibility and
Actions/essem/Actions/ES1403). Dissemination via Twitter neither COST nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the
(https://twitter.com/NEREUS_WWreuse) and LinkedIn use, which might be made of the information contained in it.
(https://www.linkedin.com/ groups/COST-Action-ES1403-
Nereus-6934609/about) already takes place.

Perspectives European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (2013)

Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe. http://ecdc.europa.
Facilitating the integration of research from several disciplines eu/en/publications/Publications/antimicrobial-resistance-
undertaken in Europe countries, NEREUS will generate im- surveillance-europe-2013.pdf. Accessed 20 December 2014.
Rizzo L, Manaia CM, Merlin C, Schwartz T, Dagot C, Ploy MC, Michael
portant scientific and economic benefits. In bringing together
I, Fatta-Kassinos D (2013) Urban wastewater treatment plants as
scientists, companies, water and wastewater related authori- hotspots for antibiotic resistance spreading into the environment.
ties, stakeholders, and legislative bodies to collaboratively Sci Total Environ 447:345–360
identify and discuss pertinent issues, it is building the integrat- The White House (2014) National Strategy for combating antibiotic-
ed platform required to enable identified measures to be im- resistant bacteria. http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/
docs/carb_national_strategy.pdf. Accessed 10 January 2015.
plemented. Hence, the Action will have enormous social ben- WHO (2013) Antibiotic resistance-a threat to global health security.
efits, as the resulting information will directly influence and http://www.who.int/drugresistance/activities/wha66_side_event/
support decision-making in the EU member states as well as en/.,2013. Accessed 16 February 2015.

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