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How to learn Chinese

Easy to Learn Chinese | Happy to Make Friends

12 Facts About

Learning Chinese For Beginners

1. Why to Learn Chinese

2. Easy to Learn Chinese

3. How Long to Learn Chinese

4. How to Learn Chinese Effectively

5. How to Find Online Materials to Learn Chinese

6. How to Choose Chinese textbooks

7. How to Choose a Professional Chinese Teacher

8. How to Learn Chinese Pronunciation

9. How to Learn Chinese Characters

10. How to Learn Chinese Grammar

11. How to Test Chinese Proficiency

12. How to Learn Chinese in China

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1. Why to Learn Chinese

China is playing an increasingly important role in global economic and

cultural exchanges, as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said: if
you do not understand China, you cannot keep up with the future
world. The most effective way to understand China is to understand the
Chinese language.
China is one of the four great ancient civilizations. It has a long and
splendid culture. The Chinese language is unique and complex with a rich
vocabulary. It can express delicate feelings. Many outstanding literary
works are written in Chinese. The mastery of Chinese is the mastery of
the splendid Chinese culture. The Chinese language is closely related to
other Asian languages, such as Japanese, Korean, etc. Therefore,
mastering Chinese is also important for learning other languages.
To learn Chinese is an inevitable trend in the process of economic
1, Chinese is the most widely spoken languages in the world
According to the statistics released by the United Nations, Chinese is the
most widely spoken language in the world with approximately 1.6 billion
people worldwide speaking the language. In other words, 25% of the
global population speaks Chinese. Thus if you can speak Chinese, you
can communicate with 1/4 of the world's people. In addition, Chinese is
one of the six working languages of the United Nations.
Outside China, Mandarin is also spoken in countries such as Malaysia,
Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Philippines, and Mongolia,
so if you do business in these countries, it would be beneficial to know
the Chinese language.
Moreover, some of the major countries are planning to train millions of
people to speak Chinese in the next three years, such as the United States,
Russia, Britain and so on.
2, Learn Chinese, know China
The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the
world. It has a history of more than 5,000 years. In its feudal times, China
was the most powerful country in the world. Its science and technology
back then was highly developed, and made significant contributions to
the development of mankind, for example, paper and gunpowder were
first invented by ancient Chinese.
1) China's land area is now the third largest in the world, covering 9.6
million square kilometers. China boasts all kinds of natural landscape,
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historical relics, ancient buildings, as well as many beautiful natural

4 sceneries, which are worth visiting.
2) There are 56 ethnic groups in China, each of which has its own
characteristics and living habits. However, after thousands of years of
national amalgamation, a much-unified identity among the Chinese has
been formed. Also, different religions coexist in peace, and there are
almost no religious conflicts.
3) The Chinese food is becoming more and more popular around the
world. In the Eight Great Cuisines of various flavors, there will always be
some dishes that you can wait to have.
“The Chinese eat everything with four legs, except tables, and everything
that flies, except airplanes.” - Anon
4) China, once a traditional agricultural country, is now about to become
a technological powerhouse. Its economy will soon lead the world. Its
R&D cost, at present, ranks second in the world. In 2016, China surpassed
all other countries in terms of the number of patents (40% of the global
total). Although China is still a developing country in terms of per capita
income, certainly China will become a developed country in the next 20 to
30 years if the current trend continues.
3, Great opportunities for China's economy
No international companies want to give up the opportunities provided by
1.3 billion people. China's economic growth has entered a new era, and it
is growing at a speed of more than 6 percent per year. However, although
China’s high-speed rail, the Internet economy, and the mobile payment
have witnessed a rapid growth, problems such as regional development
imbalances and industrial inefficiencies still exist.
Many industries now have to produce high-quality products to meet the
needs of the people. This process is known as consumption upgrades. In
North America and Europe, developed countries produce highly mature
products. If we can further open up the market, the Chinese economy
would enjoy more opportunities. At the same time, China initiated the Belt
and Road economic development plan, which presents opportunities for
cooperation with developing countries.
In 2017, 130 million Chinese citizens have traveled abroad, spending
$115.29 billion in total. If you can speak Chinese, more Chinese tourists
will be likely to visit your hometown, which is also a business opportunity.
4, International job
International companies are more likely to hire people who can speak
multiple languages.
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China has become a huge market, and business leaders are looking for
5 people who can speak Chinese and work effectively under the Chinese
When you apply for an important position, the skill of speaking Chinese
may bring you some advantages.
China will play an important role in future world affairs. As China
becomes more and more open, we face more and more job opportunities.
5, While is it difficult to learn Chinese?
It's not that hard. There are only 3,500 common Chinese characters. The
Chinese language features the combination of the Chinese Characters.
We don't have to create new characters to present new information.
English is the opposite. People need to create new words to add to the
vocabulary whenever new information appears. About one to twenty
thousand new words are added to the English vocabulary per year.
Every language has its own characteristics. Therefore, once we find these
characteristics, learning Chinese will become easier.

2. Easy to Learn Chinese

Every language has its own characteristics, especially the Chinese

language. Chinese is the only ideographic script in the world. If you don't
know this word, you can't pronounce. This is also why beginners think it
is not easy to learn Chinese. However, learning Chinese will become easy
if you know the following facts.
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1, Phonetic Characters and Ideographic Characters

Phonetic Characters mean that words are only for pronunciation. You can
pronounce the word while you may not know what its meaning is, such as
English (all languages except for Chinese). Therefore, you would feel it is
easy to learn a language consisting of phonetic characters.
Ideographic Characters mean that the words indicate meaning. You
definitely cannot pronounce a word if you don’t know its meaning. Thus,
you might feel unsafe and even fearful. Then you think it is very hard to
learn. The upside is that even if you don’t know how to pronounce an
Ideographic Characters, you can still guess the meaning from its
components, e.g., the component “木” = tree, so “林” = some trees, “森” =
many trees (forest). Of course, there are several ways to make Chinese
characters, which will be explained later.
2, The pronunciation of Chinese characters
Chinese characters are the only characters in the world whose
pronunciation has four tones. That is another reason why foreigners feel
Chinese is not easy to learn. If they want to pronounce correctly, they
must learn the 4 tones well. The pronunciation of Chinese is 3~7 times
that of English. Mandarin has 20 initials, 39 finals, and 4 tones, and can
be used for 2, 500 sounds, often with 1,200 sounds. For different tones,
the corresponding Chinese characters may be completely different, for
example, “妈 mā” = mom, “麻 má ” = fiber, “马 mǎ” = horse, “骂 mà ” = scold.
Therefore, the beginners must master the tone and pay special attention
to pronunciation. Since pronunciation is so important to learning Chinese,
learners must pay special attention to fundamental courses. (It is best to
start with a professional teacher)
3, The Chinese characters
The Chinese language has 3,500 daily words, and it is very flexible to
combine words.
Now, the number of English words has exceeded 1 million, and the
average person can never remember it all. According to the New York
Times, there are between 10,000 and 20,000 new words per year. While for
Chinese, there is no need to make new words. All English words can be
expressed in 3,500 Chinese characters.
To study Chinese characters, learners must understand the meaning of
the radicals. After mastering 1500 Chinese characters (HSK4 or above),
the learner will have the ability to learn by himself, which makes the
learning process easier in the future.
4, China’s dialects
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Every country has dialects and there are many dialects in China. People
7 need to learn Mandarin so that all Chinese people can understand each
other. In addition, Chinese teachers usually have the certificate of
Mandarin test.
There are also some students who need to learn Cantonese. Cantonese
and mandarin are completely different in pronunciation. Many Chinese
people cannot understand Cantonese.
It is not recommended to learn other dialects unless you have learned
Mandarin well.
5, Chinese grammar
Chinese grammar is very simple. There are no verb changes, no plural
nouns, and no gender of nouns, etc.
6, All in all
Learning Chinese is not easy at first, but it will be easier in the future. In
the early stage, learners need to learn pronunciation and listening well. In
the medium term, they should strengthen Chinese reading and writing. If
learners keep on learning, they will be able to master Chinese (reach
HSK6, the highest Chinese level) in 3~5 years.

3. How Long to Learn Chinese

Chinese is not easy for beginners, so they need more learning skills and
guidance at the beginning. In the intermediate level, however, it will
become easier. After mastering 1500 words, they will be able to learn by
themselves, which takes about 1~2 years. Generally speaking, to speak
fluent Chinese, the European and American students need 3 ~ 5 years,
while those students in the Chinese Culture Circle need about 2 ~3 years.
The key facts for beginners are as follows:

1, Speaking and listening are very important for beginners. Learners can
listen to Chinese music, sing Chinese songs, watch bilingual Chinese TV
programs. Although the meanings are not very clear, it is very helpful for
the cultivation of language sense.

2, Read aloud, speak bravely and don't be shy. It is natural to make


3, Practice pronunciation with professional Chinese teachers and

strengthen the practice of tones. If the tone is wrong, the meaning will be
completely different.
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4, Recite some texts, words and short daily sentences.

5, Participate in some activities of Chinese culture or visit China in person
to enhance perceptual knowledge. Learning will be easier after one
experiences it himself.

6, Know some Chinese friends and speaking with them.

7, Perseverance. After 1~2 years, one will find that your Chinese level has
been greatly improved. And the future learning will become relatively

8, Taking the exam of the HSK4 level means that the learners have
learned 1,200 Chinese words after 1~2 years of study. They can pass the
HSK4 level definitely through the pre-examination training. Taking an
examination is a recognition of oneself and a systematic arrangement of
the previous knowledge through examination. After passing the exam,
you will feel more satisfied and have more confidence in your future

4. How to Learn Chinese Effectively

How to learn Chinese effectively?Since Chinese language itself has

many characteristics, it is very different from English and other languages.
In general, when learning Chinese, it is not easy to learn at the beginning.
The Chinese language is very different from learners’ native languages,
and Chinese characters is a big challenge.
First of all, learners should know their goal of learning, which means that
they should have a learning plan or learning expectation before the start,
as well as different learning goal and different learning methods.
Generally speaking, you need to:
1, Determine the learning goals and choose the appropriate textbook.
For example, you want to learn everyday Chinese, business Chinese,
medical Chinese, Chinese proficiency test or other special Chinese. The
vocabulary in each domain is different, the learning materials and the
content are different, and the final goal is different.
2, Choose the right teacher
Chinese teachers can be divided into 3 types. Learners should choose
one according to their learning goals. For example, oral communication
partners, tutors, and professional teachers. If they only want to speak
some basic spoken language, they should find an oral native partner. If
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they want to learn Chinese systematically, they will have to find a

9 professional Chinese teacher.
3, Learning progress
It is not easy for beginners to learn Chinese. Learning at an early stage is
very important, and the basic pronunciation is more important. If
necessary, learners can even learn the basic courses twice. Basic
knowledge and pronunciation must be learned well, which is very
important for Chinese learning.
4, Learning focus
Due to the characteristics of Chinese and the special features of Chinese
characters, beginners should focus on listening and speaking. Middle and
senior students need to focus on reading and writing. In addition, when
children start to learn Chinese, they can practice listening, speaking,
reading and writing comprehensively.

5. How to Find Online Materials to Learn Chinese

1, CCHATTY - A place for learning and teaching Chinese online

Now the Internet is very developed, people can find a lot of very good
learning materials in the network. Here, we will focus on our one-stop
foreign language platform, CCHATTY.
CCHATTY is a professional platform for online Chinese teaching, linking
students with Chinese teachers. CCHATTY is the most professional
Chinese language learning platform. It is a one-stop learning platform for
Chinese learning. Here, it is easy to learn Chinese and happy to make
1) Provide Chinese teaching and learning services.
2) Provide Chinese teaching courseware downloading in PDF (free/paid)
3) Provide network community BBS and social network function.
4) Provide articles about China and Chinese learning
5) Provide 21 CSP Chinese courses for students to learn the Chinese
language in various professional fields.
For students:
1) We can find and choose a teacher according to your liking.
2) We can check the teaching experience, grade, certificate of teachers
and others.
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3) You can pay the fee at once separately, without paying a lot of money
10 at one time.
4) We can pay the teacher only after you are satisfied/confirmed with your
5) We can schedule your courses according to your own time.
6) We can train your writing skill and answer any learning questions, and
they will be answered by professional Chinese teachers.
For teachers:
1) We can post your own courses.
2) You can set your own course time.
3) You can sell your own teaching courseware.
4) We can set our expenses according to your level.
5) You may apply for the overseas job as a Chinese teacher in the future.
2, 6 Best apps about learning Chinese
Best Apps for Learning Chinese – CHINESESKILL, Pleco, Memrise,
FluentU, Hello HSK, and DU CHINESE.
1) CHINESESKILL –Learning Chinese is just like play games - FREE
CHINESESKILL is like a game application for Chinese language learning.
The overall system is similar with Duolingo. It lets the user play “game”
while learning Chinese. This method can also strengthen memory.
2) PLECO –The best Chinese dictionary - PART FREE
Pleco is the ultimate Chinese partner – integrated dictionary/document
reader/word card system. It supports full-screen handwriting input and
real-time OCR function. The company behind it has been committed to
the development of the world’s best mobile Chinese learning applications
since 2001.
3) MEMRISE - Learn Chinese with Flashcard - PART FREE
Memrise is founded by Cooke, Grandmaster of Memory, and Dr. Greg
Detre of the neuroscience department at Princeton University.
The teaching characteristic of Memrise is that the study and test must be
combined. It makes the memory graph crowdsourcing to community
members, and then reuse online courses taught to the user. GIF
animation is one of the forms of graphics used to strengthen user’s
memory of a word. The aim is to help you to learn quickly and without
pain, as well as to make learning a leisure activity.
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Of course, there are many aspects of learning Chinese, like the words,
11 short sentence, HSK, reading skills and others.
4) FLUENT U –Learn Chinese with videos - NOT FREE
FluentU is to teach people to learn different languages through real-life
videos. Users can watch the videos showing different scenarios of the
real world to learn Chinese, German, Japanese, and English and so on.
The biggest obstacle to learning a language is that when learning a
language, people cannot use it in real life. The most reasonable way to
learn is to learn in daily life. Through all sorts of music, video, movie
trailers, such as news and inspiring lecture video, this method aims to
strengthen language ability.
Hello HSK course is for students who want to pass Chinese proficiency
test (HSK) test. Courses include a unique learning system featuring
classification. There are 30 sets of simulated tests as well as 60 sets of
past exam papers.
According to the purpose of HSK Test, “to promote teaching through test”,
Hello HSK has combined frequently tested content with daily expressions,
and reorganized and re-edited them in terms of 9 dimensions, including
degrees of difficulty, type, question type, scenario and function etc, which
have finally formed a unique classification method.
Du Chinese is a revolutionary Mandarin reading app that lets you quickly
look up any word or sentence with a simple tap. The lessons include
English translations of every word and sentences. All of them are
recorded in real human voice, which is synchronized with the text. The
word translation is context-dependent so as to show learners the
meaning of the words in the current sentence.
Du Chinese’ lessons are of various difficulties ranging from newbie to
master, and new lessons are added frequently. The lessons cover topics
from everyday life in China including business, and the latest trends.
3, Chinese input software
Many people now practice writing Chinese characters on their computers,
and the HSK test also has a computer test. There are many ways to input
Chinese characters. In general, the most popular one is Pinyin input
method, which means you can input Chinese characters if you can read
There is also the radicals input method, which uses radicals to input
Chinese characters to the computer. This method is difficult, therefore,
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most Chinese people do not use this type of input method.

One of the most popular Pinyin input methods is the clouds Sogou input
method. It has a Lenovo input function, the fuzzy input function and a
very rich thesaurus. After registration, your own word library and most
used words are saved in the cloud, so the Sogou software on multiple
devices can be in sync. In addition, Sogou input method also has a mobile
version, and a voice input mode. This input method is free, and more than
84 percent of Chinese use this input software.
4, Translation software
Youdao translation software has website version, PC version, and mobile
version. In addition to Chinese - English and English - Chinese translation,
the software also supports Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish and
Russian. The translation accuracy of the software is relatively high, and it
is free, and a good helper for learning Chinese.
5, HSK, Chinese Proficiency Test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)
HSK's official website includes test time arrangements, test information,
online testing, online registration, score checking and other information
related to the HSK test.
6, Chinese textbook
Beijing Language and Culture University is the best Chinese learning
university in China. It publishes a variety of Chinese language learning
books every year, and its online bookstore also provide global express

6. How to Choose Chinese Textbooks

There are more than 12,000 Chinese textbooks in the global market, how
to find and choose one? Of course, you could find some on Amazon and
online stores. But here are some popular textbooks for different purposes:
1, Short-term Chinese learning (3 months)
“Conversational Chinese 301” is intended to be an intensive course book
for foreigners who have just started to study Chinese. This book consists
of 40 lessons and 8 reviews. The 40 lessons encompass nearly 30
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communicative functions such as “Greeting” and “Making an

13 Acquaintance”, as well as 800 new words and rudimentary Chinese
grammar. The first edition is from 1990. It has been revised 3 times and
are still very popular.
2, Primary and intermediate oral Chinese (6 months ~ 12 months)
“Short-Term Spoken Chinese” is widely used as a short-term oral Chinese
learning textbook. It includes 5 levels, namely Threshold, Elementary,
Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced. Threshold and Elementary
level are very good for beginners while other levels are not comprehensive.
The first edition is from 1999. It has been revised 3 times, and is a popular
short-term oral textbook.
3, Comprehensive textbook (12 months~36 months)
“Developing Chinese” is a new textbook for comprehensive Chinese. It
includes 28 volumes and has 34 books in total. From elementary to
advanced level, the textbook covers comprehensive, listening, speaking,
reading, and writing lessons. The content of the book is very rich, the
exercises are also abundant, and the topics are relatively new. It is very
suitable for long-term Chinese learners. The whole set has made some
new attempts to diversify the language styles and registers, to systemize
and specialize language elements, language knowledge and the training
of language skills, to reveal the rich and varied social life in modern China.
4, Business Chinese (12 months ~ 36 months)
“Winning in China”
This set of textbooks consists of 3 volumes: Basic, Intermediate and
Advanced. The volume of Basic is further divided into 3 books,
accompanied by another book, Pronunciation and Chinese Characters, to
reinforce the teaching of Chinese pronunciation and Chinese characters.
It is suitable for the Foreign-China Managers Exchange and Training
Programme takers and other learners of business Chinese without any
Chinese learning experience. It features a wide range of topics,
information, and exercises and attaches equal importance to practices in
language structures and business communications.
5, Medical Chinese (24 months ~ 60 months)
“Practical Medical Chinese” is intended to teach traditional Chinese
medicine. It consists of 3 volumes: Elementary, Preclinical, and Clinical.
There are 4 books in each volume, 12 books in total. The textbook
contains not only Chinese learning, but also much medical professional
6, Children Chinese (Mainly for middle school students)
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“Easy Steps to Chinese” includes 8 books and has 3 stages: stage 1 –

14 books 1 and 2; stage 2 – book 3, 4, 5 and 6; and stage 3 – book 7 and 8.
The primary goal of this series Easy Steps to Chinese is to help the
students establish a solid foundation of rudimentary vocabulary,
knowledge of Chinese and communication skills through the natural and
gradual integration of language, content, and cultural elements. This
series adopts a holistic approach and is designed to emphasize the
development of communication skills in listening, speaking, reading and
7, HSK test (Chinese proficiency test)
“Analyses of HSK Official Examination Papers Level 1 ~ 6”
To prepare for HSK test, first, one needs some past/mock test paper to
exercise his skills. The book offers a complete and thorough analysis of
HSK Official Examination Papers (2014) and provides different solutions
to the various forms of test questions. In addition, each writing exercise is
accompanied by several versions of sample passages so as to help
exam-takers better understand the question and pass the examination.
Moreover, the book is aimed at enhancing the language skills of Chinese
learners through its summary of some keywords and grammar points.
HSK tutors can also use this book for reference.
“Frequency-based HSK Vocabulary”
The Frequency-based HSK Vocabulary series consists of four volumes:
Levels 1-3, Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6. These are compiled in accordance
with the Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus and contain a full list of the
vocabulary required by the test. The vocabulary is ordered by their
frequency in the test and divided into four categories: super-high
frequency, high frequency, low frequency and zero frequency. Sample
sentences are based on the HSK test papers to help students gain a
better understanding of the test points and focus on key and difficult
words. Appendix:
Sinolingua online bookstore:
Beijing Language University online bookstore:

7. How to Choose a Professional Chinese Teacher

If you have just begun to learn Chinese, you need to choose a

professional Chinese teacher so as to make your study more effective. At
the same time, before the learning starts, you should also clarify your
learning objectives.
1. If you just want to learn spoken Chinese and understand basic Chinese,
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you can find a language partner and converse with each other using
15 Chinese.
A) Pros: No cost, very flexible learning time, possibility to make some
B) Cons: No systematic learning methods, low effectiveness, and the
possibility to give up.
2. To achieve a certain level of Chinese, there need to be clear learning
goals, such as remembering 100 basic dialogues in Chinese. It is
necessary to find a teacher with some tutor experience, who lack
professional skills but is full of enthusiasm.
A) Pros: Having short-term goals, able to achieve some of the targets and
low cost.
B) Cons: Many unpredictable difficulties, and hard to advance the
teaching process.
3. If the purpose of learning is clear, then the learner has to find some
materials before learning and even know some basic Chinese. All this
requires professional Chinese teachers who know many learning methods
and are able to provide learning materials and mid-long term learning
A) Pros: having clear goals, easy to achieve learning results, and
extremely helpful for systematic Chinese learning.
B) Cons: difficulties in finding suitable professional teachers, high cost.
There are three types of Chinese teachers to choose from.
1, Language partner
Since the teacher acts like a partner, so the atmosphere is very casual.
The teacher is usually a Chinese native, but don’t necessarily know good
learning methods. Given the fact that the learning goal is to understand
basic Chinese, a reliable teacher, having standard Chinese pronunciation
and fluent in a foreign language will suffice.
2. Some teachers have Chinese teaching experience but may not be
professionally trained. These teachers understand Chinese teaching but
possess no good teaching skills.
This kind of teachers is expected to be reliable, responsible, and
enthusiastic. He or she speaks standard Mandarin and can find ways to
solve the needs of the Chinese learners.
3. The third type of Chinese teacher is a professional. It is not easy to
judge the credentials of such teachers, and we are not inclined to ask for
certificates. So in general, we look for these teachers in third-party
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platforms. Teaching Chinese is difficult, but teaching Chinese well is more

16 challenging. In addition to requiring such teachers to have professional
knowledge and qualifications, we can also judge the credentials of these
teachers based on the following points.
1) All Chinese class
In class, there are few foreign languages used, and has methods matter in
Chinese teaching. It is not necessary to explain the Chinese in a foreign
language. If the teacher always uses foreign languages to explain
Chinese, then he or she has not enough Chinese teaching skills. He or she
is more of a good translator than a good teacher.
2) Pleasant classroom atmosphere
The teacher will often use interesting examples to liven up the class. This
means that the teacher has abundant teaching experience. Besides
theoretical knowledge, he or she also knows how to skillfully apply
theoretical knowledge in actual classrooms.
3) Patience
It shows that the teacher understands the needs of all the students and
knows how to guide the students to learn.
4) Learning content that is close to life
It shows that the teacher usually makes preparations before the class
including learning content and lesson schedule. This reflects the
professionalism of the teacher.
5) Decent dress
Professional teachers need to pay special attention their clothes.
6) Extensive knowledge of the culture of students' home countries
In short, professional teachers know how to make the learning experience
easier for students.

8. How to Learn Chinese Pronunciation

As long as you master Chinese pronunciation skills, Chinese

pronunciation will become easy.
Chinese is made of Ideographic Characters. Therefore, Chinese learners in
many countries feel that Chinese is so difficult. In fact it is not the case.
Once you are familiar with Phonetic Characters (English and all another
language), the Ideographic Characters will be easy to learn.
1, Master the Pinyin
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Let's talk about the rules of Chinese pronunciation, which is the rule of
17 Pinyin. The history of Pinyin is not long. It was established in China in
1955 as a phonetic system of symbols for the Chinese government to
promote the pronunciation of Chinese. So Chinese learners who want to
master the pronunciation of Chinese characters should master Pinyin
1) Initials and finals
Chinese pinyin has 20 initials and 39 finals. A Chinese syllable is usually
composed of an initial and a final. The former is a consonant that begins
the syllable and the latter is the rest of the syllable.
2) Tones
Tones are changes of the pitch of syllables. Standard Chinese has four
basic tones, represented by the following tone-graphs respectively: the
first tone (→), the second tone (↗), the third tone (↘↗) and the fourth
tone (↘). When a syllable is pronounced in different tones, it has different
meanings. For example:
(妮 girl) nī = n + i, (n) + (i) + (→)
(泥 mud) ní = n + i, (n) + (i) + (↗)
(你 you) nǐ= n + i, (n) + (i) + (↘↗)
(逆 opposite) nì = n + i, (n) + (i) + (↘)
3) Tone position
When a syllable contains a single vowel, the tone-mark is placed above
the vowel sound, e.g., “nī”.
When a syllable contains two or more vowel, the tone-make should be
placed above the main vowel (the one pronounced more loudly and
clearly), e.g., “mā”, “hǎo”, “zuò ”.
When a tone-mark is placed above the vowel “i”, the dot over it should be
omitted, e.g., “mì”, “jǐng”.
When “iu” or “ui” comes, the tone-mark should be placed above the
terminal vowel, e.g., “liú ”, “guǐ”.
4) Neutral tone
In standard Chinese pronunciation, there are a number of syllables that
lose their original tones and are pronounced softly and shortly. This is
known as the neutral tone which is identified by the absence of a tone
mark, e.g., “xiè xie”, “bú kè qi”. (谢谢, xiè xie, thanks) (不客气, bú kè qi, you
are welcome)
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2, Speaking some daily sentences

1) 你好(nǐ hǎo)! Hello!
2) 再见(zà i jià n)! Goodbye!
3) 谢谢(xiè xie)! Thanks!
4) 不客气(bú kè qqì)! You are welcome!
5) 对不起(duì buqǐ)! I am sorry!
6) 没关系(méi guānxi)! Does not mention it!
7) 认识你很高兴(rè n shí nǐ hěn gāoxìng)! I am pleased to meet you!
8) 我叫桑德兰(wǒ jià o sāng dé lá n)。 My name is Sandra.
9) 我会说英语(wǒ huì shuō yīngyǔ)。 I can speak English.
10) 我是奥地利人(wǒ shì à odìlì ré n)。 I am Austrian.
3, Speaking and listening are inseparable
You can listen to your own recordings carefully. Then, compare your
pronunciation with the correct one to correct yours. If you have a Chinese
teacher, it's even better. Therefore, when you study, the teacher will help
you correct the sound. Furthermore, there are several points:
1) When you learn to speak a new language, your pronunciation is often
influenced by your mother tongue. Some of the sounds are not
pronounced because you have not heard them before. Therefore, you
don't have to worry about the pronunciations all the time, because you
can correct them later. Your pronunciation will improve along the learning
process. Even when you attained the advanced level, there is always a
process of correcting. So don't worry too much. Improving pronunciation
is a step-by-step process.
2) Oral Chinese practice is often accompanied by listening practice. So it
would be great if the Chinese teacher could only speak Chinese in class. A
native language environment can help you improve your listening and
speaking skills faster. Do not use difficult materials when practicing
listening. Listening to difficult materials is not helpful for listening, and
may make you feel frustrated. And the words used in such materials, such
as TV series, are different from the words used in daily life. Videos which
suit your ability and are targeted at Chinese learning are highly
3) You can also listen to some simple Chinese songs, which is especially
helpful for cultivating the sense of language.
4) You can find a professional Chinese teacher to help you.
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9. How to Learn Chinese Characters

Chinese characters, which have a history of more than 3,000 years, are
very ancient and are the only Ideographic Characters used in the world.
Ideographic Character is a kind of writing system that uses symbolic
symbols to record words or morphemes, not simply to express syllables.
The key to learning Chinese Characters is to understand the characters
and the meaning of each symbol. If you master the rules of Ideographic
Characters, Chinese characters are very easy to learn.
In addition, there are only 3,500 Chinese words in the daily life, as
mentioned in “easy to learn Chinese.” It is very flexible to create new
words. So there is no need to create many new words for new things.
Compared with English, it has to create new words for new things, which
is why 10,000 ~ 20, 000 new English words are created every year.
When you learn Phonetic Characters, it is easy to start, and then it gets
harder. On the contrary, when you learn Ideographic Characters, it is hard
to start, and then it gets easier.
How to learn Chinese Characters? Let us start with some very simple
1 “木” = tree
2 “木” trees = ”林” woods, one tree is a tree, two trees together, we have
the woods.
3 “木” trees = “森” forest, three trees together, we create the forest.

1 “火” = fire
2 “火” = “炎” really hot, two fires together, we get really hot.
3 “火” = “焱” flames, three fires together, that's a lot of flames.
“林” woods + “火” fire = “焚” burning, set the fire underneath the two trees,
it's burning.

1 “日” = sun, for us, the sun is the source of prosperity.

2 “日” sun = “昌” prosperous, two suns together, prosperous.
3 “日” sun = “晶” sparkles, three together, that's sparkles.
”日” sun + “月” moon = “明” brightness, put the sun and the moon
shining together, it's brightness.
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”日” sun + “月” moon = “明” tomorrow, It also means tomorrow, after a
20 day and a night.
”日” sun + “ _ “ horizon = “旦” sunrise, the sun is coming up above the
horizon, it is sunrise.
1, Radicals of Chinese Characters,
Consequently, the first thing you need to know is what these basic
symbols mean. They are radicals of Chinese Characters. That’s very
important. There are totally 267 radicals of which 48 are commonly used.
For example:
氵, water-related, 河 = rivers, 湖 = lakes, 海 = sea
钅, metal related, 针 = needle, 铁 = iron, 钢 = steel
疒, ill related, 病 = disease, 疼 = pain, 癌 = cancer
衤, clothes related, 衬 = sark, 衫 = shirt, 被 = quilt
足, foot related, 路 = road, 跑 = run, 距 = distance
犬, dog related, 吠 = bark, 哭 = cry, 状 = indict
羊, sheep-related: 咩 = baa, 羚 = antelope, 群 = crowd
皿, utensil related: 盒 = box, 盆 = pot, 盂 = jar
All 267 radicals, sorted by strokes
Strokes 1: 丨亅丿乛一乙乚丶
Strokes 2: 八勹匕冫卜厂刀刂儿二匚阝丷几卩冂力冖凵人亻入十厶亠匸讠廴

Strokes 3: 艹屮彳巛川辶寸大飞干工弓廾广己彐彑巾口马门宀女犭山彡尸饣
Strokes 4: 贝比灬长车歹斗厄方风父戈卝户火旡见斤耂毛木肀牛牜爿片攴攵
Strokes 5: 白癶歺甘瓜禾钅立龙矛皿母目疒鸟皮生石矢示罒田玄穴疋业衤用

Strokes 6: 耒艸臣虫而耳缶艮虍臼米齐肉色舌覀页先行血羊聿至舟衣竹自羽
Strokes 7: 貝采镸車辰赤辵豆谷見角克里卤麦身豕辛言邑酉豸走足
Strokes 8: 青靑雨齿長非阜金釒隶門靣飠鱼隹
Strokes 9: 風革骨鬼韭面首韋香頁音
Strokes 10: 髟鬯鬥高鬲馬
Strokes 11: 黄鹵鹿麻麥鳥魚
Strokes 12: 鼎黑黽黍黹
Strokes 13: 鼓鼠
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Strokes 14: 鼻齊
Strokes 15: 齒龍龠
2, Strokes of a Chinese character
Stroke (bǐ hua) usually refers to the various shapes of Chinese Characters
and uninterrupted points and lines, such as Rightward stroke( 一 ) 、
Downward stroke(丨)、Falling leftwards(丿)、Falling rightwards (乀)、
Dot(丶)、Break(乛)and so on, it is the smallest unit of Chinese Characters
constitute the font.
Chinese Characters have two levels of structure: one is the stroke, the
other is the radicals. Radicals are also made up of strokes, so strokes are
the smallest unit of Chinese Characters. They are of great significance to
understanding and learning Chinese Characters correctly.
General rules for writing Chinese Characters:
1. Falling leftwards first, and then Falling rightward. Eg: 人 八 入
2, Rightward stroke first, and then Falling rightwards. Eg:十 王 干
3, Top first, and then the bottom. Eg: 三 竟 音
4, Left first, and then right. Eg: 理 利 礼 明 湖
5, Outside first, and then inside. Eg: 问 同 司
6, Outside first, and then inside, seal last. Eg: 国 圆 园 圈
7, Middle first, and then both site. Eg: 小 水
3, 4 principles of creating Chinese characters
The formation of character refers to the method to create the Chinese
characters. Generally speaking, the methods of creating Chinese
characters fall into four categories: Hieroglyphic (shape), self-explanatory
(mean), Associative (knowing), and Pictophonetic (mean +
1) Hieroglyphic Characters (象形)
This creation method is closely related to the images of things. However,
complex things and abstract concepts can't be described with images.
Therefore, only a limited number of characters are created this way. Most
of the characters created this way, such as sun, moon, mountain, water,
serve as the building blocks of other more complex characters. The
earliest versions of these characters are basically pictures of the sun,
moon, mountain, and water. Then they gradually evolved into the present
The melon is a pictograph. In the word “melon”, the two left-falling stroke
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means the vine, the middle vertical hook represents the melon, and the
22 right-falling stroke represents the leaf. The term “Cucurbitaceae” is the
meaning of “melon” (瓜). In real life, there are many things resembling
melon, such as a “melon cap” –a kind of hat; a watermelon boat – a kind
of ship; “like cut the melon”—the fate of the melon is to be divided, which
leads to the meaning. People use “divide” to mean partition or distribution.
It also refers to a number of great powers united dividing the land of weak
or underdeveloped countries.
2) Self-explanatory Characters (指事)
The way to form a character using symbols to indicate the character's
meaning is called “Self-explanatory Characters (指事).” There are two
indications: one is purely symbolic, e.g., shorter horizontal over a longer
means “上 (up)”, and the opposite means “下(down)”; the other type is to
add a symbol to hieroglyphic characters, e.g., adding a “一” to the upper
part of “木” means the end of a tree(末), to the lower part means the root
of a tree (本). Here, the “一” is not numeric. For instance, a knife (刀) with
an additional dot indicates where the blade is. The left and right dots in
“人” indicate armpits. The dots here are all indication symbol.
3) Associative Characters (会意)
Characters formed with two or more independent characters to indicate a
new meaning are called Associative Characters (会意). For instance, “人
(people)” (or”亻”) leaning against “木 (tree)” means “休 (to rest)”; two
footprints by water “水” (or “氵”) means “涉 (to wade)”; the combination
of “鸟 (bird)” and “口(mouth, beak)” means “鸣 (chirp)”; “宀” (house) with
“火 (fire)” inside means “灾 (disaster)”; “人” (or “亻”) with a “戈” means
“伐”—to chop; a man lying in bed in a house “宿” means “to live at”.
4) Pictophmetic characters (形声)
Characters created this way consist of meanings components and
pronunciation components. Pictophmetic characters have lots of
advantages, among which is the unification of form and meaning, such as
“月+要=腰; 月+干=肝; 月+土=肚.” Among the above characters,”要”,”干”
and “土” indicates the pronunciation of the characters; “月” indicates
human or animal body parts and organs, it is a picture-radical. According
to statistics, Pictophonetic Characters account for about 90% of Chinese
characters. There are many Chinese characters with the same
pronunciation, so it is necessary to indicate the meaning of the Chinese
character by the meaning components.
4, Practice
Now, you know the rules of Chinese Characters, and you will continue to
recall these rules in future learning. In addition, the proper understanding
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of the origin of Chinese Characters can help you remember the characters
23 and increase your interest in learning.
“好” good: A woman holds a child, and a new life is born. These two
events, of course, are considered good.
“牢” prison: A cow lives in a barn, which implies a person is kept in a
When practicing writing Chinese Characters, you can use some tools to
help you understand the Strokes of Chinese Characters, which is very
helpful for you to improve the writing ability of Chinese Characters.
At last, if you are interested in art, you can practice Chinese calligraphy,
writing Chinese Characters is just likes drawing.

10. How to Learn Chinese grammar

Chinese grammar is very simple. There are no class shifts, no plural

Nouns, no gender of Nouns, etc. However, without some knowledge of
grammar, it is difficult to improve your Chinese to a higher level.
1, The differences between Chinese grammar and English grammar.
1) English grammar emphasizes structure, while Chinese grammar
emphasizes semantics.
2) As far as sentence structure is concerned, English is governed by the
rule of law. The Chinese language is governed by people.
3) The relations between sentences are clearly indicated by relative
adverb, relative pronouns and conjunctions, etc. The Chinese language
does not have such words. The relations between sentences is fully
expressed through the semantics of the sentence.
4) Passive voice is quite common in English, while Chinese values active
voice. English prefers passive sentences, especially in science and
technology. Although there are Chinese words (“被” “由”) means the
action is passive, but this kind of expression is far less common than in
English. So in English, passive sentences are often translated into active
sentences when translated into Chinese.
5) The most important information is often placed in front of the sentence
in English grammar, while Chinese is the opposite. In the expression of
logical thinking, English often writes the judgment or conclusion in front
of the sentence and put the fact or the description behind, namely, the
topic words are in front. Chinese often states the reasons first, then the
results; the hypothesis first, then the inference; the fact first, then the
conclusion. In other words, the most important information is put in the
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end of a sentence.
2, Characteristics of Chinese grammar
1) Few morphological changes
The phenomenon of morphological change exists in Chinese but is rare.
Some words have morphological changes, but such changes are not
suitable for all occasions. For example:
i) The verb in Chinese does not have class shifts. For example, in English,
there are “I am a student” and “You are a student.” In Chinese, however,
there is no “am” and “are”, only “是” representing “am/is/are.”
ii) In Chinese grammar, verbs, pronouns do not change if placed in
different positions of a sentence.
For example, there are “research”, “researched”, “researching”, and “has
been researching” in English grammar. In Chinese, no matter where the
subject, the predicate, the object, or the modifier of the word “research” is
in the sentence, there is no change in “研究.”
2) Word order and empty words are important
Since morphological changes are very few in Chinese grammar, the word
order and empty words are very important in Chinese grammar.
i) First of all, if the word order is different, then the meaning of the
expression is different, for example “不很好 not very good” and “很不好
very bad”.
ii) Second, the meaning is completely different if empty words are present.
For example, “看书 look a book” and “看的书 the book of reading.”
3) Many quantifiers
Different things come with different quantifiers. For example:
个 gè 一个 (苹果) yí gè (píng guǒ) An apple
把 bǎ 一把 (椅子) yì bǎ (yǐ zi) A chair
套 tà o 一套 (西装) yí tà o (xī zhuāng) A suit
张 zhāng 一张 (机票) yì zhāng (jī pià o) A ticket
条 tiá o 一条 (毯子) yì tiá o (tǎn zi) A blanket
位 wè i 一位 (乘客) yí wè i (ché ng kè ) A passenger
本 běn 一本 (书) yì běn (shū) A book
支 zhī 一支 (笔) yì zhī (bǐ) A pen
根 gēn 一根 (黄瓜) yì gēn (huá ng guā) A cucumber
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双 shuāng 一双 (鞋) yì shuāng (xié ) A pair of shoes

3, How to learn Chinese grammar?
Given the description above, you know that to learn Chinese grammar well,
you must emphasize the study of word order, empty words, and
quantifiers. There are some learning skills:
1) Learning Chinse grammar does not mean doing some grammar
exercises or remembering many rules of grammar. You also should not
pay much attention to long difficult sentences analysis, and text reading
appreciation. Instead, you should use grammar in speaking and writing to
improve your real communicative competence.
2) Sentence structure analysis is very important in learning Chinese
grammar. It can not only deepen your understanding of grammar but also
can effectively improve your reading comprehension and writing skills.
3) Basic grammar must be used skillfully because all the long and difficult
sentences can be broken down into basic grammar.
4) You should carefully listen to the teacher's analysis and explanation in
class, don't spend too much time studying Chinese grammar books.
5) Create a wrong question bank, organize it from the beginning, and
analyze mistakes made in practices, in the exam, and learn new things
from past mistakes.
6) Chinese learning requires a lot of memorization. You should memorize
3~5 sentences every day, and review often and consolidate knowledge.

11. How to Test Chinese Proficiency

Exams help you to review the knowledge and are also a proof of your
Chinese proficiency. Now, there are three major Chinese level tests, held in
China, USA and South Korean.
Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), an international standardized test of
Chinese language proficiency, assesses non-native Chinese speakers’
abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and
professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely HSK (level I), HSK
(level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).
HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities.
HSKK consists of three levels, HSKK (Primary level), HSKK (Intermediate
level) and HSKK (Advanced level). HSKK is conducted in the form of audio
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Youth Chinese Test (YCT), an international standardized test of Chinese

26 language proficiency, assesses the primary and middle school students'
abilities to use Chinese as a second language in their daily and academic
lives. YCT is divided into writing and speaking tests, which are
independent of each other. The writing test consists of four levels, namely,
YCT (level I), YCT (level II), YCT (level III), and YCT (level IV). The speaking
test consists of two levels, YCT Speaking (Primary Level) and YCT
Speaking (Intermediate Level).
Business Chinese Test (BCT), an international standardized test of
Chinese language proficiency, assesses non-native Chinese speakers’
abilities to use the Chinese language in real business or common working
environments. BCT is divided into writing and oral tests, which are
independent of each other. The writing test consists of two levels, namely,
BCT (A) and BCT (B). BCT (Oral iBT) is Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and
conducted via the Internet.
OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview-computer), a foreign language level oral
test organized by the American Foreign Language Teaching Committee
(ACTFL), which aims to examine the ability of foreign language learners to
communicate effectively in a real-life context and to use language
appropriately. Including English, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean and
other languages tested. LTI is an exclusive test license by ACTFL, each
year, the number of LTI candidates is over 500,000.
Currently, the ACTFL test is used by academics, government agencies and
enterprises from around the world and used in admission examination,
student evaluation, project evaluation, professional certification,
recruitment, and promotion qualification determination. In the United
States, more than 20 states require teachers to use the spoken/written
test scores as a basis for verbal proficiency. NASA, ebay, Paypal, at&t,
Samsung, Hyundai, Ito Japan、Hitachi、Mitsubishi, the United States HSBC,
Nord Anglia Education and More than 3,000 companies worldwide
recognize the ACTFL test.
OPIc is an iBT-based adaptive test. The test questions are presented by a
well-designed computer program. The test system makes appropriate
adjustments according to the candidate's interest, experience, and
language ability. It features interaction and affinity.
South Korean
TSC (Test of Spoken Chinese).
In order to carry out cultural exchange with China and communicate
effectively using Chinese, the TEST OF SPOKEN CHINESE, the largest
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language institute in South Korea, is started under the leadership OF YMB.

27 Today, most of South Korea's big companies are demanding that
employees in China pass the TSC test.

12. How to Learn Chinese in China

To learn Chinese in China is also a very good choice. If you devote all of
your time to learning Chinese, your proficiency can improve greatly in 1 ~
2 years. It allows you to learn and practice the Chinese language in the
Chinese environment.
Then why do you learn Chinese in China? Some people want to learn the
Chinese language, while other also want to get a diploma in university.
1, Only for the Chinese language
In the north of China, the Mandarin pronunciation in some cities is very
standard, such as Beijing, Harbin, and Dalian. You can also choose some
southern cities, such as Changsha, Hangzhou, and Shanghai to
experience different Chinese folk customs. In addition, some local
dialects are challenging to foreigners, and local people do not speak
Mandarin, but they can understand Mandarin.
If you want to learn Chinese in China for a long time, you must enroll in
college or university because only accredited universities have the
authority to apply for a student visa. If you go to some training center,
they can only help you apply for short-term travel visas lasting 3 months,
this is very inconvenient for long-term studies.
As to how to choose a university, you need to consider the cost, teaching
programs and so on.
2, And for a university diploma
Some foreign friends want to get a diploma in China’s university. In this
case, they have to learn the language during the first year and then take
the university entrance examination. Therefore, the university requires
HSK test results. The more famous the university is, the higher the
requirement of HSK is. Generally speaking, it is required to be HSK4 level
and above. You can read the admission requirements of the university.
Major courses for international students in Chinese universities cover
literature, economics, medicine and public relations.
In addition, you can apply for the scholarship of the university. It is not
difficult to apply for a scholarship, which is mainly based on the score of
the entrance examination. About 60 percent of international students can
get the scholarship.
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At the same time, you can apply for the Chinese government scholarship,
28 but this kind of scholarship is confined to some of the special projects or
students from specific countries. You need to know the detailed
information beforehand.
3, Chinese government scholarship programs
1. Bilateral Program
This includes full or partial scholarships in accordance with the
educational exchange agreements or consensus between the Chinese
government and governments of other countries, institutions, universities
or international organizations. It supports undergraduate students,
graduate students, general scholars and senior scholars.
Applicants shall apply to the dispatching authorities for overseas study of
their home countries.
2. Chinese University Program
This is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities and
certain provincial education offices in specific provinces or autonomous
regions to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies
in China. It only supports undergraduates, postgraduate students, and
doctoral students.
Applicants shall apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking
this program.
3. Great Wall Program
This is a full scholarship for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to sponsor students and scholars in
developing countries to study and research in China. It only supports
general scholars and senior scholars.
Applicants shall apply to the National Commissions for UNESCO in their
home countries.
4. EU Program
This is a full scholarship to encourage students from EU member
countries to study and research in China in order to promote mutual
understanding between China and EU members. It supports
undergraduate students, graduate students, general scholars and senior
Applicants shall apply to the Office for Education and Culture, Mission of
the P. R. China to the European Union.
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5. AUN Program
This is a full scholarship for the ASEAN University Network (AUN) to
sponsor students, teachers and scholars from ASEAN member nations to
study in China and to enhance the academic exchange and mutual
understanding between China and ASEAN members. It only supports
Applicants shall apply to AUN Secretariat.
6. PIF Program
This is a full scholarship to sponsor students from Pacific island
countries to study in China. It supports undergraduates, graduates,
general scholars and senior scholars.
Applicants shall apply to Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat.
7. WMO Program
This is a scholarship for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to
sponsor international students to study and conduct research in
meteorology, hydrology, and water resources supervision and
management in China. It only supports undergraduates and graduates.
Applicants shall apply to WMO.

4, Benefit of learning Chinese in China

The benefit of coming to China to learn Chinese is to experience how to
use the Chinese language in a real environment and also to learn Chinese
To learn a language, if you don't learn the culture behind the language,
you can't learn the language well, because language comes from culture
and reflects culture. Therefore, if you are learning Chinese in China, you
must make more Chinese friends, take part in activities organized by
Chinese people, and travel in China extensively.
Furthermore, it is very safe in China. If you are walking on the street in the
middle of the night, you need not worry that something bad may befall
you. But, still, you might want to pay attention to local customs and avoid
unnecessary misunderstandings and embarrassments.
Wish all of you can learn Chinese with ease and make friends happily in
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