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Data Base Management System


What is database management system?

A database management system (DBMS) is a software package with computer programs that
control the creation, maintenance, and use of a database. It allows organizations to conveniently
develop databases for various applications by database administrators (DBAs) and other
specialists. A database is an integrated collection of data records, files, and other objects. A
DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently access the same database.
DBMSs may use a variety of database models, such as the relational model or object model, to
conveniently describe and support applications. It typically supports query languages which are
in fact high-level programming languages, dedicated database languages that considerably
simplify writing database Application programs. A DBMS provides facilities for controlling
data access, enforcing data integrity, managing concurrency control, and recovering the database
after failures and restoring it from backup files, as well as maintaining database security.


A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows a computer to perform
database functions of storing, retrieving, adding, deleting, and modifying data. Relational
database management system (RDBMS) implements the relational model of tables and


Microsoft access, MySQL, Microsoft SQL server, oracle and File maker pro are all examples of
database management systems.

Types of database management system

Different types of DBMS are as follow:

 Hierarchical DBMS
 Network DBMS
 Relational DBMS
 Flat file DBMS
 Object Oriented DBMS

1. Hierarchical DBMS:

One of the earliest database management systems was based on the Hierarchical model. Here
data can be organized in the form of free structure or level-by-level manner with one limitation
that is "every sub node or child node should have only one parent node".

2. Network DBMS:

Network databases are similar to hierarchical databases by also having a

hierarchical structure. There are a few key differences, however. Instead of looking like an
upside-down tree, a network database looks more like a cobweb or interconnected network of
records. In network databases, children are called members and parents are called owners. The
most important difference is that each child or member can have more than one parent (or

Like hierarchical databases, network databases are principally used on mainframe computers.
Since more connections can be made between different types of data, network databases are
considered more flexible. However, two limitations must be considered when using this kind of

3. Relational DBMS:

RDBMS are most important database system used in the software industry today. It was
exclusively used to establish the relation the relationship between two-database objects. One of
the database objects is one table.
The Relationship may be

One - One
One - Many
Many - One
Many – Many

4. Flat files DBMS:

In flat file database management system the user specifies the data attributes for one table at a
time, storing data independently from application.

5. Object Oriented DBMS:

Object Oriented DBMS Database that stores data elements as objects. Uses of object-oriented
concepts. The term object oriented is abbreviated by OO or O-O

An object database (also object-oriented database management system) is a database

management system

In which information is represented in the form of objects as used in object-oriented

programming. Object databases are different from relational databases and belongs together to
the broader database management system.

Object databases have been considered since the early 1980s and 1990s; they may be slower in
simple mass commercial data transaction. Object databases main usage is in object oriented

Advantages of Database Management System:

There are many advantage of database management system; some of them are as follows.

Warehouse of Information:

The database management systems are warehouses of information, where large amount of data
can be stored. The common examples in commercial applications are inventory data, personnel
data . The best examples for the same would be the address book of a Cell phone, digital diaries,

Defining Attributes:

The unique data field in a table is assigned a primary key. The primary key helps in the
identification of data. It also checks for duplicates within the same table, thereby reducing data
redundancy. There are tables, which have a secondary key in addition to the primary key. The
secondary key refers to the primary key of another table, thus establishing a relationship between
the two tables.

Systematic Storage:

The data is stored in the form of tables. The tables consist of rows and columns.

Changes to Schema:

The table schema can be changed and it is not platform dependent. Therefore, the tables
in the system can be edited to add new columns and rows without hampering the
applications that depend on that particular database.

No Language Dependence:

The database management systems are not language dependent. Therefore, they can be
used with various languages and on various platforms.

Table joins:

The data in two or more tables can be integrated into a single table. This enables to
reduce the size of the database and helps in easy retrieval of data.

Multiple Simultaneous Usages:

The database can be used simultaneously by a number of users.

Data Security:

Database management systems help to keep the data secured.

Data Consistency:
Data consistency ensures a consistent view of data to every user. It includes the accuracy,
validity and integrity of related data.

Disadvantages of DBMS:

Some disadvantages of DBMS are as follow:

 A complex conceptual design process;

 The need to hire database-related employees;
 High DBMS acquisition costs;
 A more complex programmer environment;
 Potentially catastrophic program failures;
 A longer running time for individual applications;
 Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design
 Substantial hardware and software start-up costs
 Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs
 Initial training required for all programmers and users.

Example of database management system

1. SQL


Definition :

Structured query language (SQL) makes it possible to obtain information fast from
millions of records stored database though query commands.. SQL software is

extensively used in business, industry and government for designing custom databases
that can be queried for hidden information.

History and Components:

Developed in the 1970s by IBM, SQL was standardized by ANSI, American National
Standards Institute. SQL has two main components, namely data definition language
(DDL) and data manipulation language (DML). A sub-component of DDL called data
control language (DCL) controls what actions a user is allowed to perform. Nowadays the
standard is subject to continuous improvement by the Joint Technical Committee


 Add/Edit/Delete databases ,table ,view, roles ,rules ,defaults ,function

 Register multiple servers and manage them all from one application

 Set primary keys, trigger ,indexes ,constraints.

 Change column properties

 View/Edit/Export data in the data management section

 Backup & Restore Databases

 Attach, Detach and Shrink databases

 Relationships management screen for foreign keys etc.

 Transfer database wizard to transfer databases from server to server


Database commonly referred to as Oracle is an produced and marketed by Oracle


“Larry Ellison” and his friends, former co-workers “Bob Miner” an “Ed Oates”
started the consultancy Software Development Laboratories (SDL) in 1977. SDL
developed the original version of the Oracle software. The name Oracle comes from the

code-name of a CIA-funded project Ellison had worked on while previously employed
by Ampex.


 Concurrency
 Read Consistency
 Self managing database
 Backup and Recovery
 High availability
 Business Intelligence
 Table compression
 Parallel Execution
 Data mining
 Content Management
 Security
 Improved query performance and scalability

3. FoxPro:

This is a text-based procedurally-oriented programming language and DBMS, originally

published by “Fox Software” and later by Microsoft, for MS-DOS, MS Windows, Apple
Macintosh, and UNIX. Visual FoxPro is a data-centric object-oriented and procedural
programming language produced by Microsoft. It is derived from FoxPro which was developed
by Fox Software beginning in 1984. Fox Technologies merged with Microsoft in 1992, after
which the software acquired further features and the prefix "Visual". The last version of FoxPro
(2.6) worked under Mac OS, DOS, Windows, and Unix: Visual FoxPro 3.0, the first "Visual"
version, reduced platform support to only Mac and Windows, and later versions were Windows-
only. The current version of FoxPro is COM-based and Microsoft has stated that they do not
intend to create a Microsoft .NET version.


 Create a database or format structure to store data

 Add records in database
 Modify records, Edit records.
 Search particular records.
 Arrange records in particular order (ascending or descending order).
 Delete records
 Delete Database or modify structure.
 Prepare Reports and Labels.

4.Microsoft Access:

Microsoft Access, is a database management system. It is a member of the Microsoft

Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold
separately. On May 12 2010, the current version of Microsoft Access 2010 was released
by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version.MS
Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also
import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases. Software
developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software,
and "power users" can use it to build software applications. Like other Office
applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented
programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data
Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components.


 Users can create tables, queries, forms and reports, and connect them together with
the help of this.
 Access also has report creation features that can work with any data source that
Access can "access".

 The original concept of Access was for end users to be able to "access" data from
any source.
 Other features include: the import and export of data to many formats including
Excel, Outlook, ASCII, dBase, Paradox, FoxPro, SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC, etc.
 It also has the ability to link to data in its existing location and use it for viewing,
querying, editing, and reporting. This allows the existing data to change while
ensuring that Access uses the latest data.
 Access is often used by people downloading data from enterprise level databases for
manipulation, analysis, and reporting locally.
 One of the benefits of Access from a programmer's perspective is its relative
compatibility with SQL (structured query language) — queries can be viewed
graphically or edited as SQL statements, and SQL statements can be used directly in
Macros and VBA Modules to manipulate Access tables.
 Microsoft Access is designed to scale to support more data and users by linking to
multiple Access databases or using a back-end database like Microsoft SQL Server

5. My SQL:

It is named after developer Michael Widenius' daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for
Structured Query Language.

The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was
owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned
by Oracle Corporation. MySQL is an open source database management system and is used in
some of the most frequently visited websites on the Internet, including Flickr,,
YouTube and as previously mentioned, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook and Twitter.


They have a common code base and include the following features:

 Cross-platform support

 Stored procedures
 Triggers
 Cursors
 Updatable Views
 Replication support (i.e. Master-Master Replication & Master-Slave Replication) with
one master per slave, many slaves per master, no automatic support for multiple masters
per slave.
 Embedded database library


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