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Dear Parents,

Namaste, Here we are, back with some exciting classroom experiences to share with all of you. Throughout the
month we and our students worked upon the saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Yes, we are talking about
the unit “Hygiene”. It was an “Aaha” unit for us.
The unit revolved around the activities related to maintaining personal cleanliness in terms of washing, bathing ,
brushing as a well as keeping the surrounding clean. So far we were using stories for introducing this concept.
This time we thought of doing it little differently. We made use of Advertisement of Colgate to hook the children
with the concept. It really proved to be a powerful tool and helped us to hook our kiddos with the concept of
We started the concept with Personal hygiene and then we moved further with, 'what should we do to keep our
surrounding clean?’ And the journey began....... swish....swash.... flip.... flap.....was the background music which
went on, in and around the classroom while our students were learning to keep their surrounding and themselves
clean. All the mums will surely be able to connect more as they might have come across some exciting experiences
in the bathroom every morning while helping our kiddos getting ready for school.
Last but not the least to talk about is “Our little contribution to Our Mother Nature”, which we (students, parents
and teachers) together did by planting a sapling. We would like to thank all of you for your support. Together we
could make it. Altogether we have planted almost around 35 saplings. Great, isn’t it?
These were some of the wonderful moments from the month of August. Now let’s look at the skills and concepts
Pre K students will be learning in the month of September.

Overview for September 2010-2011

Language Package
Developing Phonemic Awareness:
 Students are exposed to the concept of 'spoken sounds' – meaning they are aware that we produce sounds
when we speak. Words that we speak are made up of sounds.
 To understand this concept we had shown them a movie in the mute mode and then had asked them to say
the dialogues coming in the movie. They all said, 'Didi, but there was no sound coming, how will we tell you
the dialogue'.
 This strongly gave them the idea that when we speak we produce sounds. Now to take them further we
have connected this experience with initial/beginning sound of the word (which in fact we have started
from last month).
 This month we will be introducing 'b' and 's' sound by playing many games. We will be focusing on
developing their vocabulary. Some of the games are mentioned below.
◦ “Bag O Bag”, “Bumble bee”, “B” story from book and 'Big Bazaar' game, word splash of “b” “s” picture
dictionary, illustration of “b”, “s” objects, etc....
 Recapitulation of “m” and “t” sounds will continue
Letter exploration through games (upper case A to M letters)
 Letter hunt: from the class and environment
 Name scrabble
 Find the matching letter
 Exploring upper-case alphabet like magnetic letters, wooden letters, puzzles, flash cards, books, etc.
 Hop scotch using upper case letters
 Letter Locomotion (walking on painted letters on floor)
Story Time:
 Extended story for the month: Little Red Hen, Three Little Pigs.
◦ The story will be discussed in various ways, that is, from books, using puppets, viewing of story, listening
to prerecorded story cassettes, role playing/act outs, pictorial representation on board, etc.
 Our focus while reading the story of “Little Red Hen” will be on developing the importance of food and
understanding where the food comes from. Besides this they will also observe how seeds grow. They will
practically sow mustard seeds, wheat grains and green grams (moong) to understand the process. They will
also meet a miller and a baker.
◦ The story of “Three little pigs” will be a perfect tool for us to hook our students with the topic “Shelter”.
In the story three pigs are constructing different types of houses for themselves to live in. Students will
explore different type of houses for people and some of the common animals and also the areas of
houses. Parents be ready to help us work on this unit successfully. We will need your support as we will
be going to some of the students’ home to explore different areas of house.
Vocabulary Development: Through Unit: 'Shelter'
We will be learning about one of our needs ‘shelter’ (POI – Me, My Family, My environment) during this month.
Following activities will be done to develop students’ concrete vocabulary in the context:
 A scenario of different areas of house like Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and sitting room will be created in
class which students will explore during pretend play. Teachers’ focus will be to make children familiar with
names of all the common accessories belonging to the areas mentioned above.
 A word wall related to each area will be created on soft boards with the help of students.
 Students will be visiting some of their peers’ homes to explore different areas of house.
 After the exploration students will be creating models of house using scientific blocks, LEGO bricks, sticks,
straws, etc..
Rhyme Time:
 My Home is so wonderful  Ramu Ramu calls mom
 There is a place for everything  I am a suzzy circle
 If you are happy and know it  I love colours,
 Action song: Hop a little, jump a little.
 Recapitulation of rhymes: “Brush your teeth, wash your hands; I have a body; White bunny
Learning to use different writing tools (Beginning Writing)
 Scribbling thoughts (using markers and thick/thin crayons)
 Illustrating and coloring pictures (using pencils, crayons)
 Reflective drawing (in connection to extended stories)
 Tracing shapes (using metal inset shape frames and molds)
Motor Skills: Fine motor activities: Targeted skills for this month will be “Pouring activities”:
◦ Dry pouring: rice, beans, beads, grams, pebbles.
◦ Wet pouring: water pouring from glass to glass, jug to glass, bottle to glass, bottle to bottle through a
◦ Other skills like squeezing, tracing will continue
Gross motor activities: Targeted Skill: “Balancing”
 Balancing on rod  Balancing on broad path made by blocks
 Balancing on broad parapet  Balancing on narrow path made by LEGO
 Balancing on broad parapet with stretched bricks
arms  Balancing on one foot/alternate foot
 Balancing on narrow parapet  Balancing a bean bag
Outdoor Games:
 Trampoline Tricks  Fun station
 Bowling alley  Cycling
 Hockey  Riding scooters
 Bat ball in lawn area  Musical chair
 Catching and throwing (big ball)

Programme Of Inquiry:
“Me – My Family and My Environment”
 My Family - This month students will be exploring the concept of ‘My family’ and ‘My favourites’ through
following activities:
◦ Talk about family using family photographs
◦ Talk about various things that are ‘my favourites’ and then work on ‘Me and My Environment’ booklet –
pages related to 'Me'
Healthy Eating (‘my favourite food’ will be connected with healthy eating habits)
 Stories related to importance of food
 What is healthy food and junk food? (at their level)
My Needs: Shelter
 What are different types of houses?
 What is the importance of house for all (humans as well as animals)?
 Knowing homes of some common animals.
 Exploring areas of house
Thinking skills:
 Introducing QUEST (Questioning for Understanding, Exploring, Seeing and Thinking). Through this routine,
children will learn to observe, build connections with self and the world around and appreciate artwork.
They will do QUEST on a chart related to food and different areas of house.
 Thinking skill questions:
◦ Which food items are circle in shape?
◦ Name the things that you can see in the kitchen
◦ Name the healthy food items
 Visit to 'Peers house' to explore different areas of house in order to develop their concrete vocabulary.
 Students will be exploring different types of house. For example, a bungalow and an apartment. They will
be divided into two groups. Half class students will explore a bungalow and half will be exploring an
apartment. After coming back they will be sharing their learning with each other. Revisiting for the same
will be done using photographs.
Art: Will be integrated with the ongoing units. Students will
 colour/paint big pictures related to the story of ‘Little Red Hen’
 observe themselves in a mirror and then draw self-portrait in the “Me and My Environment booklet”
 draw and colour different types of houses after listening to the story of ‘Three Little Pigs’
 colour in different types of lines (path created by parallel lines) using their favourite colour.
Logical Mathematical Thinking
Pre math skills: Introduce
 Sorting is a foundational math skill for pre-kindergarteners. It can take months or even an entire school
year for mastery of sorting to occur with this age group. For this reason it is important to provide students
with plenty of sorting practice all year long. Having pre-kindergarten students play sorting games not only
increases their logical thinking skills but also reinforces math vocabulary.
Objective: Sort objects by size, shape, color, and a variety of other attributes.
 Sorting play material by shape, size, colour.
 Sorting items belonging to different areas of house like bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and sitting room.
 Sorting coins, animals, vegetables, fruits, clothes, etc.
 Sorting shapes that roll and shapes that slide (reinforcing the concept learned)
Colour: black
 Activities related to matching by shape and size will continue
 Colours learned till now
 Geometry: students will be exploring different shapes that roll and slide, which later will be connected to
the terms 'Round (ball) and Cube (box)'. They will be exploring other solid shapes with these characteristics.
 Basic exercises - Rotational exercises and stretching exercises
 Basic manipulative skills:
◦ Kicking- Kicking with football and volleyball
◦ Striking - With cricket bat and ball, with T.T bat and ball
◦ Some of the outdoor games mentioned above will continue in the sports area
Throughout the month our children will learn following songs:
 Gujarati Bal geet: Phuggawado
 Prayer: Peli morlani pass
 Song related to body part : Nani mari ankh
Celebrations: Ganesh Mahotsav, Paryushan (Samvatsari) and Ramzan Id

Event: Make and eat – yet to be finalized.

Value Education: Value focused for this month will be 'Kindness' and 'Being helpful'

For any concerns and queries, please feel free to interact with us through the students' diary or phone.

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