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dual coding theory 1

A Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Reading

Mark Sadoski

Texas A&M University

Allan Paivio

University of Western Ontario

Sadoski, M. & Paivio, A. (2004). A dual coding theoretical model of
reading. In R. B. Ruddell & N. J. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical models and processes of
reading (5th ed.) (pp. 1329-1362). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
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Dual Coding Theory (DCT) is an established theory of general cognition that has

been directly applied to literacy. This theory was originally developed to account for

verbal and nonverbal influences on memory, but it has been extended to many other areas

of cognition through a systematic program of research over many years (Paivio, 1971,

1986, 1991). It has been extended to literacy as an account of reading comprehension

(Sadoski & Paivio, 1994; Sadoski, Paivio, & Goetz, 1991), as an account of written

composition (Sadoski, 1992), and as a unified theory of reading and writing (Sadoski &

Paivio, 2001). For the fullest understanding of the theory these references and the

specific studies they cite should be consulted. This paper briefly discusses the DCT

account of certain basic processes in reading including decoding, comprehension, and


The value of explaining reading under the aegis of a theory of general cognition is

compelling. Reading is a cognitive act, but there is nothing about reading that does not

occur in other cognitive acts that do not involve reading. We perceive, recognize,

interpret, comprehend, appreciate, and remember information that is not in text form as

well as information that is in text form. Cognition in reading is a special case of general

cognition that involves written language. Theories specific to reading must eventually

conform with broader theories of general cognition for scientific progress to advance.

DCT provides one vehicle for that advancement.

Another value offered by DCT is that it provides a combined account of decoding,

comprehension, and response. Theories of reading often focus on one or another of these

aspects of reading but not all. As we shall see, the same basic DCT principles apply to

grapheme-phoneme correspondences, word meaning, grammar, the construction of

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mental models of text episodes, and even imaginative responses to text. In this chapter

we will briefly explain the theory’s basic assumptions; provide accounts of decoding,

comprehension, and response; compare and contrast DCT with other theories of reading;

and discuss its implications for practice and research.

Basic Assumptions

A basic premise of DCT is that all mental representations retain some of the

concrete qualities of the external experiences from which they derive. These experiences

can be linguistic or nonlinguistic. Their differing characteristics develop into two

separate mental systems, or codes, one specialized for representing and processing

language (the verbal code) and one for processing nonlinguistic objects and events (the

nonverbal code). The latter is frequently referred to as the imagery system or code

because its functions include the generation, analysis, and transformation of mental

images. Each code has its own characteristic units and hierarchical organization.

Together, the two codes account for knowledge of language and knowledge of the world.

The two mental codes and our five senses are orthogonal in DCT. This means

that the two codes each have subsets of mental representations that are qualitatively

different due to the different sensory experiences from which they originated. Because

sensory systems are linked to motor response systems in perception (e.g., eye

movements, listening attitudes, active touch) these subsets have sensorimotor qualities.

We develop visual representations in the verbal code for language units we have seen

such as letters, words, or phrases (e.g., baseball bat). But we also develop visual

representations in the nonverbal code for nonlinguistic forms that we have seen such as

common objects or scenes (e.g., a wooden or aluminum baseball bat). Likewise, we

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develop auditory representations in the verbal code for speech units we have heard such

as phonemes and their combinations (e.g., the phoneme /b/, the rime /-at/, the word /bat/),

and auditory representations in the nonverbal code for nonlinguistic environmental

sounds we have heard (e.g., the crack of a wooden bat hitting a ball or the clink of an

aluminum bat). Likewise, we develop haptic (i.e., kinesthetic or tactile) representations

in the verbal code for linguistic motor acts (e.g., pronouncing /b/ or writing the letter b or

touching the Braille sign for b), and we develop haptic representations in the nonverbal

code for the active “feel” of objects, textures, and movements (e.g., the heft and swing of

a baseball bat). We do not represent language in the chemical sense modalities (smell

and taste), but we have nonverbal representations for them (e.g., the smell and taste of a

juicy hot dog at a baseball game). Images in these modalities are typically less vivid for

most people. To these should be added affect – emotional feelings and reactions. These

are nonverbal by definition, although we have many names for emotional states. We also

have imagery for such states, and it forms an important component of meaning. We

might imagine the excitement of an enthusiastic fan at a baseball game, for example.

Table 1 provides a diagram of this orthogonal relationship.

Understanding these “codes and modes” is basic to understanding the DCT

interpretation of reading. The overall system can be imagined as a set of modality- and

code-specific subsystems that are laced with interconnections. These subsystems are

independent and appear to be specialized in certain, sometimes multiple, areas of the

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Table 1

Orthogonal Relationship Between Mental Codes and Sense Modalities

Mental Codes

Sense Modality Verbal Nonverbal

Visual Visual language(writing) Visual objects

Auditory Auditory language(speech) Environmental sounds

Haptic Braille, handwriting "Feel" of objects

Gustatory -- Taste memories

Olfactory -- Smell memories

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brain. For example, some persons with alexia cannot read the phrase baseball bat but can

recognize the phrase when it is spoken and even write it, providing evidence of

independent, modality-specific representations within the verbal code. Some persons

with anomia can recognize a baseball bat but not be able to name it, providing evidence

of a general independence between nonverbal and verbal codes. For relevant

neuropsychological evidence, see Paivio (1986, 1991) and West, O’Rourke, and

Holcomb (1998). Sacks (2002) provided a readable case study of neuropathology

affecting only certain aspects of reading. A misunderstanding of the distinction between

mental codes and sensory modalities has sometimes led to the inaccurate characterization

of DCT as being about the verbal and visual codes. The correct distinctions are between

verbal and nonverbal (imagery) codes, and between the visual modality and the other

sensory modalities.

A common manifestation of the modular nature of our representational

subsystems is seen in the phenomenon of modality-specific interference, the limited

ability to do two things in the same modality at once. For example, it is difficult to listen

to two conversations at once -- our verbal, auditory capacity is quickly overcome and we

must “shuttle” between the two (i.e., the “cocktail-party effect”). In reading, it is

somewhat difficult to visually process the print and extensively visualize its semantic

content at the same time, particularly for the unskilled reader. Either the reader tends to

slow down or the number of oral reading miscues increases (Denis, 1982; Eddy & Glass,

1981; Hodges, 1994; Sadoski, 1983, 1985). More discussion of this phenomenon and its

implications will appear later. We will next discuss the basic units that comprise each
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system, their organization in each system, and the kinds of interconnections and

processing operations that occur to them.

Basic Units

Cognitive theories usually specify basic units or “building blocks” of cognition.

The basic units in the verbal system are logogens, and the basic units in the nonverbal

system are imagens. These terms are merely jargon for the way the brain represents

different types of information, but DCT assumes that they are concrete as opposed to

being abstract and amodal. The terms are not meant to imply static units. Although

memory representations have some permanence, they are better thought of as evolving

and flexible, such as the way our vocabulary knowledge is constantly enriched by

experiencing words in different contexts or the way images are often of novel scenes

comprised of familiar elements.

A logogen is anything learned as a unit of language in some sense modality.

Language units vary in size, although some sizes are more familiar than others (e.g.,

words). Hence, we have visual logogens for letters and written words and phrases;

auditory logogens for phonemes and word and phrase pronunciations; haptic logogens for

pronouncing, writing, or signing these language units. In speech, phonemic logogens

may be represented in closely associated auditory-motor form. That is, a phoneme may

be represented as a physical articulation of the speech organs as well as an auditory sound

(Liberman & Mattingly, 1985).

Logogens are derived from the perception of language and influence its

perception. A charming example is the child learning to say the alphabet who perceives

the spoken sequence “l, m, n, o” as “elemeno.” The letter-name sequence is initially

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perceived as one auditory-motor unit; with more learning it will be perceived as four

separate units. Similarly, words can be learned before their individual letters or

phonemes are learned, and words can be identified as rapidly, or more rapidly, than their

individual letters or phonemes after they are learned.

Imagens are modality-specific and vary in size as well, and they tend to be

perceived in nested sets. That is, mental images are often embedded in larger mental

images. Hence we can visually imagine a baseball bat, the bat in the hands of a batter,

and the batter at home plate in a crowded stadium. In the auditory modality, we can

imagine the crack of the bat or the crack of the bat over the noise of the crowd. These

perceptions may be associated into an auditory-visual mental episode that may be

transformed into a sequence of the bat being swung, the crack of the bat and roar of the

crowd, and the batter running to base as the ball speeds off. That is, while the imagens

remain modality-specific, they can be associated into a larger mental structure that

reflects the multisensory nature of physical reality.

Both types of representations can be activated in various ways. Logogens can be

activated by direct sensory input such as seeing printed language, or imagens can be

activated by seeing familiar objects. However, both types of mental representation can

be activated indirectly, as when we spontaneously form images to words or name objects.

Both internal and external contexts can also prime language or imagery. Seeing the word

baseball can indirectly activate an internal, associated neighborhood of logogens such as

bat, glove, game, cap and so on. All these could in turn activate related imagens.

External contexts would serve to limit the activated set to the most relevant members.

Therefore, both bottom-up and top-down inputs can activate mental representations in
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interactive ways. When enough input is received from any one source or a combination

of sources, the representation is activated. What constitutes enough activation is a matter

of the strength of the inputs or how often or how recently a representation has been

excited. Many of these assumptions are common to most network theories of cognition,

but DCT is unique in its emphasis on the modality-specific, verbal, and nonverbal

distinctions in mental representation. More discussion of processing operations follows

the next section.

Unit- and System-Level Organization

Logogens and the verbal system into which they are organized are characterized

by sequential constraints. In all languages, units are combined into certain conventional

sequences at all levels. Hence, the letters b, a, t can be sequenced as bat or tab but not

tba; the words a, baseball, and bat can be sequenced as a baseball bat or bat a baseball

but not baseball a bat, and so on. A hierarchy characterizes the verbal system such that

smaller units can be sequentially synthesized into larger units (e.g., letters to words) or

larger units can be sequentially analyzed into smaller units (e.g., words to letters).

However, units at each level retain a degree of independence such that a spoken word, for

example, can be recognized without necessarily analyzing its phonemic structure. The

developmental basis of this organization is thought to be the temporally sequential nature

of speech or the linear nature of print that we experience in encounters with language. A

common example is that it is easier to spell a long word forward than backward from

memory; the logogen is constrained by our left-to-right conventional experience (the

principle is reversed in languages that are read and written right to left).
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The hierarchical organization of the nonverbal system is qualitatively different.

Imagens are represented and organized in a more continuous, integrated way and cannot

as easily be separated into discrete elements comparable to phonemes, letters, or words.

The developmental basis for this system is the generally more holistic nature of

nonverbal perceptions that occur as clusters of units available simultaneously in different

senses. An example is the baseball episode given earlier. We can synthesize images of

smaller units (a baseball bat) into embedded or nested units (a bat in the hands of a batter)

to still larger sets (the batter in a stadium with a roaring crowd), or we can analyze the

scene in reverse. In the visual modality, this often takes a cinematic form where we

“zoom” in or out or “cut” to a wide angle or a close-up. Dynamic, multimodal imagery

sequences can also be represented, as the episode of the batter hitting the ball with a loud

crack and running to first as the crowd roars.

Therefore, both the verbal and nonverbal systems have modality-specific units of

various size that are hierarchically organized, but the respective units and their

hierarchies are qualitatively different. Logogens and their verbal hierarchy are heavily

sequentially constrained, whereas imagens and their nonverbal hierarchy are more

holistic and simultaneous. This combination provides great flexibility to cognition.

Processing Operations

Three distinct dimensions, or “levels,” of processing are theorized in DCT:

representational processing, associative processing, and referential processing. The

levels metaphor is only partly useful because associative and referential processing can

be seen as spreading activation at the same “level” but involving different codes. In

DCT, processing involves both the degree and kind of elaboration.

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Representational processing is the initial activation of logogens or imagens. This

level is analogous to simply recognizing something as familiar and does not necessarily

imply meaningful comprehension. The activation of a representation depends on the

stimulus situation and individual differences. In reading text, the stimulus would be the

text characteristics, and individual differences would include reading ability, background

knowledge, instructions, and so on. Therefore, the activation of a visual logogen for a

printed word would involve the legibility of the printed form, the reader’s familiarity with

the word’s visual features and configuration, and any priming effects of context. If the

visually recognized word was also familiar from speech, its associated auditory-motor

phonological logogen usually would be activated rapidly in turn (e.g., baseball). All this

would be carried out in milliseconds and perhaps without conscious attention. If the

visual word was not familiar, visual and phonological logogens at lower levels such as

letter combinations would be activated, requiring more time and attention (e.g., base—

ball). This may implicate higher-order processes in its recognition. On the other hand,

whole familiar phrases can be recognized and named at a glance by the skilled reader

(e.g., baseball bat).

Associative processing involves spreading activation within a code that is

typically associated with meaningful comprehension. The association between a visual

word logogen and an auditory-motor word logogen (i.e., phonological recoding) is an

example of associative processing that does not necessarily involve meaning and is

usually relegated to the representational level. However, the phonological recoding of a

visual word may involve its comprehension in some cases. Heteronyms have one

spelling but different meanings and respective pronunciations, and their phonological
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recoding depends on which meaning is implied by context (e.g., bass drum, largemouth

bass). Unfamiliar and grapho-phonemically irregular words may implicate meaning as

well because representational processing is slowed.

Meaningful associative processing within the verbal code involves the activation

of logogens of at least the morpheme level by previously activated logogens. For

example, the word single has many verbal associations, but only a subset will be

activated in a given context. In a baseball game, the word single would activate verbal

associations such as hit, first base, advance a runner, and so on. In other contexts, the

word single could activate very different verbal associates such as one-dollar bill,

unmarried, hotel room, and so on. Meaning is both constrained and elaborated by the set

of verbal associates activated.

Referential processing involves spreading activation between the codes that is

associated with meaningful comprehension. In reading, this means that activated

logogens in turn activate imagens in the same way they activate other logogens. The

phrase baseball bat can activate mental images of a wooden or aluminum baseball bat;

and single can activate an entire dynamic, nested set of images of a batter hitting a

baseball and running to first base in a stadium. That is, there is not a one-to-one

referential correspondence between logogens and imagens. Some logogens might

referentially activate few imagens, while other logogens might activate many. Some

logogens might activate no imagens at all. This is particularly true of language that is

highly abstract; it is difficult to form images of basic idea, for example. Without the

context of a concrete situation, such phrases lack any referential meaning and can only be
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verbally defined. This implies that concrete language should be generally better

understood, a consistent finding in research.

Once activated logogens spread their activation referentially to one or more

imagens in the nonverbal system, associative processing may occur within that system

and, in turn, refer back to the verbal system. For example, the set of imagens

referentially activated by the logogen single might be associatively elaborated in the

nonverbal system to include a batter running to first base in a crowded, cheering stadium.

These imagens might in return referentially activate logogens such as stadium or crowd

or cheers. In this way, spreading activation between and within codes defines and

elaborates the meaning of language. Further, it supplies inferred information to the

interpretation. Mental imagery plays an invaluable role in adding concrete sensory

substance to the meaning; taken literally, this is what “making sense” in reading is all


Figure 1 shows a theoretical model of these units and processes. Verbal and

nonverbal stimuli are perceived by the sensory systems and logogens and imagens are

activated. The verbal system is illustrated as a hierarchical, sequenced arrangement of

logogens. These units are modality-specific and of different sizes so that smaller ones

may be representations for graphemes or phonemes, lager ones may be visual words or

their auditory-motor pronunciations, and so on. The associative relationships illustrated

by the arrows are of many kinds: grapho-phonemic associations (b-/b/), compound word

associations (e.g., base-ball) common sequences (e.g., first, second, third, home),

hierarchical associations (e.g., organized activities, sports, baseball), synonym or

antonym associations (e.g., batter-hitter; safe-out), and on and on. The nonverbal system
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is illustrated as a series of overlapping and nested sets of imagens (e.g., a baseball bat

being swung by a batter in a crowded, cheering stadium) or other imagens not associated

with a given set. Referential connections are illustrated as arrows running between the

coding systems. Verbal and nonverbal responses are shown as output of the respective


This figure illustrates some of the most basic assumptions of DCT, but the

illustration is necessarily simple. In actuality, a model for reading even a simple text

would be interlaced with connections and abuzz with activity. Further discussion can be

found in Sadoski & Paivio (2001).

Explaining the Reading Process

The discussion in the preceding section provided an overview of the basic

assumptions of DCT in reading-relevant terms. The reading process can be better

explained through an extended example that involves decoding, comprehension, and

response in reading a simple sentence. We will deviate briefly to elaborate on decoding,

comprehension, and response in turn. We use a single sentence here, but the reader

should keep in mind that such sentences are more realistically read in much richer,

extended contexts.
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Logogens Imagens




General Model of Dual Coding Theory
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Consider the skilled reading and in-depth comprehension of the sentence The

batter singled to center in the first. The process begins as the eyes fixate on the printed

forms, probably The batter in the first fixation (eye movement studies indicate an average

span of about nine characters per fixation). Visual logogens for the familiar words The

and batter are activated at the representational level, and immediately associated with

their auditory-motor logogens. “The batter” may be experienced as inner speech, recoded

in phonological form. Perhaps equally quickly, the words are syntactically associated as

a simple noun phrase. Spreading activation to semantic associations also occurs rapidly,

with the different associates of batter activated as options. Common verbal associates of

batter could be baseball player or cake mixture or strike repeatedly, and nonverbal

referential connections could be images of the same. However, in the present context the

word batter has been used in connection with other baseball terms, and context effects

would prime the former option and inhibit the latter ones. Also, The preceding batter

signals a noun usage of batter, syntactically inhibiting the verb option strike repeatedly.

Within perhaps 500 milliseconds (an estimate from electroencephalographic studies), the

words The batter are phonologically recoded and provisionally comprehended in both

verbal and nonverbal form as a baseball player at bat.

A word here about decoding. In reading, this term is theoretically imprecise. The

term recoding is often preferred because it indicates converting the printed form to the

spoken form without necessarily comprehending, as the general definition of decoding

implies (i.e., to decode a message). Conformably, DCT assumes that in reading, the

activation of logogens at the representational level involves their phonological

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associations but not necessarily their semantic associates and referents. For highly

familiar words this happens without conscious effort, hence the metaphor “automatic.”

Very familiar phrases such as The batter may be activated as a single unit similar to hot

dog. However, less familiar words, ambiguous words, or graphophonemically irregular

words may require more grapheme-phoneme level processing, more conscious effort, and

possibly some semantic and syntactic processing. Thus, DCT accommodates multiple-

route models of phonology in word reading (e.g., Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller,


Returning to our example, the next fixation falls on the word singled, perhaps

already noticed in the parafovea of the first fixation. This word appears after the noun

phrase and is marked as a verb by the -ed suffix. Associative processing syntactically

connects The batter with singled and the familiar subject-verb syntactic pattern is


A word here about grammar: Extensive grammatical parsing is not often

conscious, and it may be less complex than is commonly assumed. The verb here may be

comprehended simply as a modifier of the noun phrase. That is, a mental model of the

sentence thus far may be forming in which the batter is imagined in action, hitting the

ball and running to first. This emerging mental model takes the form of a verbal-

nonverbal, syntactic and semantic episode in short term memory. For those less familiar

with baseball terms, the word singled may need to be syntactically paraphrased to hit a

single for clarification, but the result would be the same. In this sense, grammar need not

involve abstract, deep-structure propositions or transformational rules. Simple word

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sequences that evoke a comprehensible image can account for much. This is the DCT

view of deep structure; more will be discussed later.

The next fixation includes to center. The various associates and referents of to

center (e.g., between left field and right field; to balance) are part of the spreading

activation, with context inhibiting less appropriate ones. Again, a less familiar reader

may verbally elaborate this elliptical phrase into to center field. The words The batter

singled to center (field) may then be syntactically parsed as the familiar subject-verb-

modifier pattern, recoded phonologically as inner speech, and imagined to now include

the ball speeding to the middle outfield as the batter runs to first base.

The final fixation falls on in the first. Familiar verbal elaborations of in the first

such as in the first inning or in the first place may be associatively activated with context

inhibiting the latter. The phrase will be recognized as a modifier by association with the

syntax established so far and the entire sentence parsed and cumulatively recoded as

inner speech. However, in the first would probably add little to the imaginal mental

model of the episode except possible time cues such as the fresh uniforms and unscuffed

baselines of the early innings of a baseball game. However, it might involve another

nonverbal aspect of comprehension – an affective response. More on this presently.

As described so far, the processing of the simple sentence The batter singled to

center in the first would take about two seconds at a typical reading rate of 250 wpm

(longer for readers unfamiliar with baseball). For a skilled reader reading for full

comprehension and recall, the result would probably include the sentence recoded as

inner speech and comprehended as a verbal-nonverbal mental model of the episode. Note

that neither is necessarily experienced consciously, or perhaps only barely so, and both
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may be rehearsed in memory after the last fixation. These responses differ with readers

and situations. However, considerable experimental data including neuropsychological

data support this scenario.

A few words here about meaning, comprehension, and mental models. As noted

in the present example, the text would be mentally represented in two codes and in at

least two different modalities: an auditory-motor representation probably experienced as

inner speech, and a visuo-spatial representation probably experienced as mental imagery.

Both might be elaborated in various ways. As noted, the word center may be mentally

elaborated to center field, and in the first may be elaborated to in the first inning. Beyond

this, verbal elaboration may take the form of a related set of activated associations in the

verbal system such as baseball, pitcher, swing, hit, fly, grounder, outfield, run, first base,

safe, stadium, crowd, and so on. The imagery representation might be in modalities other

than the visual, depending on the degree of elaboration. A more fully elaborated image

might include the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd, for example. Associative

connections and referential connections between the verbal associates and the nonverbal

associates form an internally consistent network that is the basis of meaning,

comprehension, and the mental model.

“Meaning” in this instance consists of this coherent network of activated verbal

and nonverbal representations. The richer the elaboration of activated mental

representations and their defining interconnections the more “meaningful” our response.

“Comprehension” is the relative equilibrium in the network. The set of verbal

associations and the set of nonverbal associations correspond and restrict each other

sufficiently well to produce closure rather than a random-search activation without

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coherence. The term “mental model,” as used here, applies to the total verbal-nonverbal

correspondence aggregate. The mental model is the restricted set of activated

representations and the associative and referential connections between them. The term

does not imply any theoretical construct beyond what has already been explained. A

mental model in DCT is not an abstraction; the modality-specific units activated and

connected retain some of their original sensory properties, much as pebbles in an

aggregate or particles in a suspension.

However, the discussion of our example does not end here. Consider the

inferences that may occur as a mental model is formed for the sentence The batter singled

to center in the first. The sentence does not specify if the hit was a fly ball or a grounder.

It does not specify if the game was a professional baseball game or a little league game.

It does not specify if the stadium was opened or closed or if there was a stadium and

spectators at all. It does not specify if the game was at night or during the day. Yet our

mental models are often specific on such points. Many of these inferences can be

attributed to mental imagery – imagining the general situation described by the language

in concrete specifics. Imagery forms an invaluable companion to language in fleshing

out its skeleton.

None of these inferences is obligatory; all are probabilistic in varying degree.

Readers read with varying degrees of depth and elaboration based on purposes and

individual differences. Comprehension is not an all-or-none process; it occurs in degrees

from simple recognition to strategic elaboration. In many cases our comprehension is

superficial because there is no time, need, or inclination to elaborate as deeply as we

might. In other cases is our comprehension is deeper, richer, and more precise.
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This leads us back to the subject of response. In many ways, this term implies the

formation of a mental model, a coherent and elaborate rendition of the text. A reader

may fully experience even a simple text such as The batter singled to center in the first

by imagining the event as described. In a still more elaborate response, one might “feel”

oneself as the batter, haptically sensing the heft of the bat and the jolt as it connects. But

response often implies more than sensory imagery or a mental model. We noted earlier

that the phrase in the first adds a time cue to the sentence. This simple time cue may

evoke an evaluative and mildly affective response. A single in the first is not as critical

as a single in the bottom of the ninth with the game tied. That is, there is a different

emotional significance to the two time settings. This introduces a nonverbal, emotional-

evaluative dimension to the response. In full and complete narrative texts such as stories,

such emotional responses are an important aspect of experiencing the text (e.g., Sadoski,

Goetz, & Kangiser, 1988).

In other contexts, response may take a more logical and rational form. Analyzing

an exposition or an argument may introduce a verbal monitoring of the text experienced

in inner expressions such as “I don’t get this,” or “Now I see,” or “But you haven’t

considered….” Our critical and evaluative powers are also exercised here, and the

experience may also be emotional. We are impressed with a well-argued position with

which we are forced to agree. We are disappointed by sloganeering that dismisses a

difficult problem with a one-syllable solution. In its fullest sense, response involves the

reader as a part of the authoring, a partner who stands toe-to-toe with the author and

answers back. This may take the reading beyond what the text language may have

included or what the author may have ever intended.

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A question sometimes raised of DCT is how we comprehend and respond to

highly abstract language. The answer is that the encoding abstract language is primarily

a matter of verbal associations. Consider the abstract sentence The basic idea remained

vague. As with a more concrete sentence, this sentence can be phonologically recoded,

grammatically parsed, and associated with other language units (e.g., basic idea = main

thought, remained vague = stayed unclear). But beyond such mental parsing and

paraphrasing, there is little substance to the sentence. Without a concrete contextual

referent to concretize the abstract, it remains a verbalism with unrealized potential. Such

sentences may be integrated as verbal units and achieve a degree of meaning at the

associative level, but their fuller meaning and response awaits a more concrete context.

Empirical Evidence

The constellation of predictions derived from the DCT model of reading has only

been partially developed and tested, but relevant evidence is available on several research

fronts. We will next review certain empirical evidence in the areas of decoding,

comprehension, and response.


Printed words are usually recoded promptly into an auditory-motor (phonemic)

form. In DCT, this involves activation of verbal-associative connections between visual

logogens and auditory-motor logogens. As discussed above, these connections are

generally assumed to occur at the representational level because they usually can be

achieved before a syntactic or semantic interpretation is generated. However, this does

involve associative processing, and the time required for this processing will presumably

vary with word familiarity, grapheme-phoneme consistency, and other factors.

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Therefore, spreading activation could theoretically reach and activate still other

representations during this time. These representations include imagens, possibly

implicating imagery as a semantic factor in word recognition.

In fact, word imageability is one of the best predictors of oral reading

performance in beginning reading or in certain acquired disorders of reading. Beginning

readers read concrete, imageable words more accurately than abstract words, with these

effects more prominent for poor readers (Coltheart, Laxon, & Keating, 1988; Juel &

Holmes, 1981; Jorm, 1977). Neurological patients with severe phonological deficits,

whose reading ability is assumed to rely mainly on direct access from orthography to

semantic interpretations, are often markedly more successful in reading concrete,

imageable words than abstract words (e.g., Coltheart, Patterson, & Marshall, 1980;

Funnell & Allport, 1987; Plaut & Shallice, 1993). This evidence is supportive of

multiple-route models of the oral reading of words (cf. Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon,

& Ziegler, 2001).

If a word’s concreteness can have any influence on the process of naming it, this

influence might be seen mainly on words in which orthographic to phonological recoding

is slowed by their low frequency and/or irregular spelling-sound correspondences.

Strain, Patterson, and Seidenberg (1995) tested this prediction. They found that,

controlling for word familiarity and linguistic variables (i.e., initial phoneme, word

length, positional bigram frequency), adults were slower and more error prone when

naming abstract irregular words (e.g., scarce) than when naming abstract regular words

(e.g., scribe) or imageable irregular words (e.g., sword). That is, imageable words were

named sooner and more accurately when they were irregular because the spelling-sound
dual coding theory 24

processing time was sufficient to allow for the activation of corresponding imagens.

However, when the words were regular, the associations between spelling and sound

rapidly achieved whether the words were concrete or abstract, so the activation of

imagens for the concrete words did not produce a similar effect in naming. Overall, they

found that imageability especially facilitated the naming of low-frequency irregular


This study has been subject to considerable replication and scrutiny. It was

replicated and extended by Strain and Herdman (1999), who found the same interaction

between frequency, regularity, and imageability in word naming. They also found an

even stronger effect for imageability in the naming of low-frequency regular words,

although this was still less than for low-frequency irregular words. They also found that

the more skilled in decoding participants were, the less strongly imageability influenced

word naming, although the effect was still present even for highly skilled decoders.

Overall, they interpreted their findings to mean that imageability plays a role in naming

words when the connections between orthography and phonology are weak, whether this

is due to irregular spelling-sound correspondences or to low decoding skill.

Monaghan and Ellis (2002) replicated the original study and again found the

interaction between regularity and imageability. However, they attributed it to age of

acquisition of the word because when this variable was covaried the interaction was

nonsignificant. They argued that irregular words and low frequency words would be

acquired later and this would largely account for the effect. However, Strain, Patterson,

& Siedenberg (2002) questioned the use of age of acquisition because when they

reanalyzed their original data with age of acquisition as a covariate the interaction of
dual coding theory 25

regularity and imageability persisted. Furthermore, they presented new data confirming

the interaction when age of acquisition was controlled. Ellis and Monaghan (2002)

rejoined on methodological grounds but presented no new data. Overall, these results

suggest a persistent but qualified interaction between imageability and regularity in word


The theoretical point becomes clearer in different orthographies. Printed

languages differ in the degree to which they represent spoken language. In Persian,

words are sometimes written with consonant letters only (opaque words) and sometimes

with full vowels (transparent words). The opaque words therefore present more decoding

difficulties. A significant imageability effect was found by Baluch and Besner (2001) in

naming both high and low frequency opaque words in Persian, while the effect was not

present for matched transparent words. These findings have been extended to Turkish, a

perfectly transparent orthography in which each of its 29 letters corresponds to only one

spoken sound invariantly and independent of context. Raman, Baluch, and Besner (1997)

found no significant effects of imageability on word naming of Turkish high and low

frequency words, consistent with the prediction. However, Raman and Baluch (2001)

additionally investigated reading skill and found that skilled readers in Turkish named

imageable, low-frequency words faster than matched abstract low-frequency words,

similar to what Strain and Herdman (1999) found in English and also consistent with

prediction. Less skilled readers did not, a result different from Strain and Herdman, but

this was attributed to differences in reading Turkish and English. Janyan and Andonova

(2002) still found independent effects of imageability and frequency in naming words in

Bulgarian, an orthography with more graphophonemic consistency than English but less
dual coding theory 26

than Turkish. Furthermore, these researchers found that imageability was more

associated with right-hemispheric brain activation, consistent with a neuropsychological

account of encoding differences.

In sum, these studies indicate that imageability plays a role in naming words when

the connections between orthography and phonology are labored, whether this is due to

irregular spelling-sound correspondences or low word frequency (i.e., unfamiliarity).

The effect of decoding skill also interacts with these factors differently in different

orthographies. These results are theoretically consistent with the interactive DCT model

of reading presented above, as well as multiple-route decoding models. Specifically,

visual logogens activated by printed concrete words spread their activation to both

auditory-motor naming logogens and imagens for referential meaning. The activated

imagens can significantly contribute to the activation of the naming logogens when the

route between the visual logogens and the naming logogens is slow. The effect is

predictably differential across orthographies, a script-specific phenomenon. The effect is

also complex, predicting at least a triple interaction. As Strain et al. (2002, p. 212)

concluded, “almost all of the factors in the domain of word familiarity and

meaningfulness are correlated with one another, and it is a brave experimenter who

attempts to establish the prominence of one while denying any impact for the others” (cf.

Venezky & Massaro, 1987). Multiple factors influence word decoding of which

imageability is one, under theoretically predictable conditions. These observations are

compatible with DCT but incompatible with theories that posit modality-independent

word units, concept nodes, or abstract propositions. Moreover, they have implications for

sight vocabulary learning as discussed later.

dual coding theory 27


In DCT, a key factor in reading comprehension is language concreteness. This is

because concrete language can referentially activate mental images as well as

associatively activate mental language, whereas abstract has relatively less access to the

imagery code. Hence, concrete language such as baseball bat should be easier to

understand than abstract language like basic idea – concrete language can be dually

encoded. In DCT, the two codes are assumed to be independent and additive in their

effects, predicting that concrete language should be nearly twice as comprehensible and

memorable as abstract language, other factors being equal. The empirical record over the

last 30 years has shown just this. Concrete words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and

longer texts have been consistently shown to be more than twice as comprehensible and

memorable as abstract language units matched for readability, familiarity, and other

variables. The evidence relevant to reading has been extensively reviewed (Sadoski &

Paivio, 2001). Here we will focus on how predictions made by DCT in the area of

comprehension and recall have prevailed in experimental tests against the predictions of

other theories.

A case in point involves the competing predictions of DCT and context

availability theory (Kieras, 1978). Rather than assuming separate verbal and nonverbal

codes, context availability theory assumes that all language, whether abstract or concrete,

is comprehended and remembered by incorporation into a network of abstract, amodal

propositions. Moreover, this theory assumes that concrete language is easier to

comprehend and remember because it can be more readily associated with other

propositions in the network – it simply has more connections. But this advantage can be
dual coding theory 28

offset when abstract language deals with highly familiar information or when abstract

language is presented in a supportive context because the connections are then enhanced

for the reader. The differing assumptions of DCT and the context availability model

present a situation all too rare in reading research: two rival theories that are sufficiently

well articulated to make testable predictions that are contradictory.

A test of these competing predictions was performed by Sadoski, Goetz, and

Avila (1995). They used four factual paragraphs about historical figures (Michelangelo

and James Madison) that were matched for number of sentences, words, and syllables,

sentence length, information density, cohesion, and rated comprehensibility. In one set,

two paragraphs were rated equal in familiarity but one paragraph was rated more concrete

than the other. In this case, DCT predicted that the concrete paragraph should be recalled

better than abstract paragraph due to the additional integrating medium provided by

imagery, whereas the context availability model predicted that they should be recalled

equally because the abstract language was equally familiar and presented in context. In

the other set, the paragraphs differed in both familiarity and concreteness, with the

abstract paragraph being the more familiar of the two. In this case, DCT predicted that

the familiar abstract paragraph should be recalled about as well as the unfamiliar concrete

paragraph (i.e., the advantage of concreteness would be offset by lower familiarity),

whereas the context availability model predicted that the abstract paragraph would be

recalled better than the concrete paragraph (i. e., the disadvantage of abstractness would

be offset by higher familiarity).

In the case where the concrete and abstract paragraphs were equally familiar,

study participants recalled the concrete paragraph nearly twice as well. In the case where
dual coding theory 29

the abstract paragraph was more familiar, study participants recalled the paragraphs

equally well. These results were consistent with DCT but inconsistent with context

availability theory. Other experimental findings using different methods and materials

have confirmed these results (e.g., Holcomb, Kounios, Anderson, & West, 1999; Kounios

& Holcomb, 1994; Nelson & Schreiber, 1992; Sadoski, Goetz, & Fritz, 1993; Sadoski,

Goetz, & Rodriguez, (2000).

Another case of competing predictions between DCT and another theory involved

the relational-distinctiveness model of Marschark and Hunt (1989) in explaining the

integration of abstract text. Abstract sentences such as The basic idea remained vague

can sometimes be encoded as integrated verbal units as well as concrete sentences, even

though concrete sentences enjoy more comprehensible and memorable content. These

questions about the DCT explanation of the integration and recall of abstract text were

first raised by Marschark and Paivio (1977). They studied the cued recall of concrete and

abstract sentences and found that, whereas recall was higher for concrete sentences, the

two types of sentences did not differ in the extent to which recall was integrated as

measured by the retrieval effectiveness of verbal cues that were related to the whole

sentence or to only one content word in the sentence. The higher recall for concrete

sentences was consistent with the DCT assumption that dually encoded information is

more memorable, but the equal integration effect was inconsistent with the assumption

that imagery is a superior integrating medium.

Marschark and Paivio (1977) concluded that dual coding accounted for the higher

recall of concrete sentences, but some other explanation was needed to explain the

equivalent integration effects. Verbal associative processes were a likely DCT candidate
dual coding theory 30

because these processes apply equally to concrete and abstract language. An alternative

theory was posed by Marschark and Hunt (1989). This theory assumed that

distinctiveness and relatedness are different forms of mental processing that acted as

partners. Mental imagery evoked by concrete language increases the distinction or

contrast of concrete language to abstract language rather than providing a separate

memory code, but this distinctiveness is dependent on an established relationship

between the language units. Hence, this theory, like context availability theory, predicts

that familiar, contextually associated abstract language should be integrated as well as

concrete language.

A resolution to the issue was obtained by Paivio, Walsh, and Bons (1994). Their

experimental results showed that strong verbal associations are necessary to produce

integration of abstract word pairs, whereas imagery is sufficient to produce integration of

concrete word pairs even when verbal associations are not present. The results were not

consistent with the relational-distinctiveness view because integration still occurred for

concrete word pairs where the pair members were not related. These findings provide a

DCT explanation for the integration of abstract language, but they further offer a possible

explanation for the integration of even weakly related concrete language.

For example, consider again the abstract sentence The basic idea remained vague

and the concrete sentence The batter singled to center in the first. The former sentence

might be integrated grammatically because the predicate adjective vague links directly

back to the subject noun idea; the modifier is part of the sentence kernel and binds the

subject and the predicate closely together. In the latter sentence, the kernel is The batter

singled; this is followed by two independent modifying phrases in a loose construction.

dual coding theory 31

This sentence might be integrated more though its imagery, with singled to center and in

the first adding imaginal and verbal elaboration as discussed previously. Stated

differently, the integrative mental model of the abstract sentence may be more verbal-

associative, and the integrative mental model of the concrete sentence may be more

nonverbal-imaginal. Hence, both concrete and abstract sentences might be encoded as

integrated units but for theoretically different reasons. However, this interpretation is

speculative, and further research is needed on sentences.

In sum, DCT can provide a coherent account of the critical role played by

language concreteness in reading comprehension. The evidence cited poses problems for

theories that propose that all language is mentally encoded in abstract, propositional

form. Furthermore, DCT can provide experimental predictions about the comprehension

and recall of concrete and abstract text, and about the integration of both concrete and

abstract text, in a theoretically consistent and parsimonious way.


Mental imagery, and its correlate, emotional response, are vital to aesthetic

response to text. Imaginative and affective processes are how a text is “realized” or

“lived through” or “brought to life.” As discussed earlier, some aspects of response may

be contemporaneous with the formation of a mental model of the text, so that the

distinction between comprehension and response is somewhat fuzzy. Response can take

more objective forms as well, such as critical evaluation against some standard as in

rating the importance of a text segment relative to the whole.

The empirical evidence for the relationship between imaginative and affective

processes in responding to text was reviewed by Goetz and Sadoski (1996). A program
dual coding theory 32

of research carried out over ten years revealed that imagery and affective response to text

can be measured reliably and validly using conventional methods. Both the strength of

response, as measured by quantitative ratings, and the nature of response, as measured by

qualitative reports, were investigated in this research program.

The core of this research program was a set of complementary studies using

literary short stories. In one study (Sadoski & Goetz, 1985), participants read and later

rated each paragraph in an adventure story for either the degree of imagery experienced,

the degree of emotional response experienced, or the relative importance to the story as a

whole. The alpha reliabilities of these ratings, for this story as well as other similar

stories, has been regularly found to exceed .90 (Sadoski et al., 1988; Goetz, Sadoski,

Stowe, Fetsco, & Kemp, 1993). In all these studies, imagery ratings, affect ratings, and

importance ratings were moderately to strongly correlated with each other in an overall

response aggregate. The correlation between imagery ratings and affect ratings persisted

even after controlling for paragraph length and the importance ratings. However, the

relationship between either imagery ratings or affect ratings and importance ratings was

considerably attenuated when the effects of paragraph length and the remaining rating

were partialed. This means that imagery and affective response can generally be seen as

a related but qualitatively different form of response from evaluating importance.

Qualitative reports were the focus of another related study (Sadoski, Goetz,

Olivarez, Lee, & Roberts, 1990). Using the same story as Sadoski and Goetz (1985),

participants read and then produced written recalls and imagery reports. Using the most

extensive coding system for imagery reports yet devised, imagery was coded into

categories such as (a) directly related to a paragraph, (b) a synthesis of information from
dual coding theory 33

two or more paragraphs, (c) distortion of story information, (d) an importation consistent

with the story, or (e) an importation inconsistent with the story. The imagery reports

were also categorized according to modality (e.g., visual, auditory, tactile, affective).

Recall protocols were similarly coded in categories including (a) gist, (b) synthesis from

across text units, (c) distortion, (d) an importation consistent with the story, or (e) an

importation inconsistent with the story. Interrater reliability between independent raters

ranged from .84 to .95 for all codings. A factor analysis of the imagery and recall

categories revealed four underlying factors, dominated respectively by visual imagery,

affective imagery (i.e., imagining the feelings of the characters), imported imagery

consistent with the story, and distortion recall. Verbal recall categories loaded on these

factors as well, but consistently lower. Hence, story response could be seen as primarily

experienced in the form of mental imagery and affect and somewhat less in the form of

verbal recall.

A subsequent study used the ratings from Sadoski and Goetz (1985) as predictors

of the imagery reports of Sadoski et al. (1990). Goetz, Sadoski, & Olivarez (1991)

employed hierarchical regression analyses that first removed between-subjects variance

and variance due to surface level text factors and found that the paragraph level imagery

ratings of the first group of readers were highly significant predictors of the respective

paragraph level imagery reports of the second, independent group of readers. Another

finding using the same methodology was that importance ratings and surface level text

factors were better predictors of verbal recalls than of imagery ratings. Hence, the

evaluation of importance can again be seen as qualitatively different from imaginative

response, although they remain correlated in the overall response.

dual coding theory 34

In sum, this program of research has shown that imaginative responses are central

to reading literary stories, and that they can be defined, measured, and interpreted

reliably and validly using conventional research methods. Imagery and emotional

response are moderately to strongly correlated in story response. Further, they are both

related to more objective, text-based responses such as evaluations of plot importance.

As Sadoski et al. (1998, p. 333) noted, “… these three response types often occurred

simultaneously, in what may be an overall response comprising both comprehension of

plot salience, and vicarious, emotionally infused, and fully perceived experiences of story

events.” Together, they form an overall response that involves both the intellect and the


Comparison Between DCT and Other Theories of Reading

In an earlier section, we compared DCT with context availability theory and

distinctiveness-relational processing theory in making predictions about reading. DCT

also has been extensively compared with schema theory as an explanation of reading

comprehension (Sadoski & Paivio, 1994; 2001; Sadoski, et al., 1991). DCT has also

been extensively compared with the theories of Rumelhart (1977) and Kintsch (1988) in

Sadoski and Paivio (2001). An updated version of Kintsch (1998) has also been

addressed from a DCT perspective (Sadoski, 1999). We will summarize and comment on

those comparisons here.

These theories of reading have much in common with DCT. A major similarity is

that they are all interactive theories in which reading is served by bottom-up and top-

down processes working in combination. All these theories are similar in assuming a
dual coding theory 35

prominent place for prior knowledge structures in reading. Another similarity is that they

allow, to different degrees, for the representation of knowledge in more than one form.

However, a basic distinction between DCT and these other theories is that they

assume that most knowledge in memory is abstract and amodal, existing in a state that is

has no objective reality and is associated with no sensory modality. How any knowledge

that is not innate becomes divorced from sensory input is an important theoretical and

epistemological question that has not been well explained. These theories propose no

apparent answer to this question; rather, they simply assume the existence of abstract,

amodal knowledge. One apparent reason for this is so that these theories can be modeled

by artificial intelligence and subjected to computer simulations.

Rumelhart’s (1977) parallel distributed processing model is one example. The

parallel sources of knowledge in this theory are letter-feature knowledge, letter

knowledge, letter-cluster knowledge, lexical knowledge, syntactic knowledge, and

semantic knowledge. The forms that these different knowledge sources take is not

specified, but examples provided suggest that they are ultimately all in an identically

computational form. For example, a series of equations is presented in Rumelhart (1977)

that determines the Baysian probability of testing a set of multilevel hypotheses for the

recognition and comprehension of a phrase against letter-feature data. Several computer

programs are cited for the source of these formalisms including Kaplan’s (1973) General

Syntactic Parser and the HEARSAY speech recognition program (Lesser, Fennel, Erman,

& Reddy, 1974). That is, whatever the source of the original input (e.g., visual features

of letters), all information is theoretically converted to, and processed in, a common

computational form. As a result, this theory does not discuss the roles of phonological
dual coding theory 36

recoding, inner speech, or mental imagery in any form. This would call for at least some

differences in internal representation modalities. Rumelhart’s (1977) model has since

evolved into a connectionist theory that similarly assumes abstract, computational

representations (cf. Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986).

Kintsch’s (1998) construction-integration model is another example. This model

assumes three codes or forms of knowledge representation: verbatim information, the

propositional text base, and the mental model. Verbatim information is surface structure

information including specific words and syntactic arrangements. The propositional code

is an abstract, deep structure code formed when abstract proposition-schemata are

instantiated with surface structure information and the surface structure is quickly lost.

Individual propositions are then connected into a propositional text base. The mental

model is either a well-integrated propositional text base or a mental image of a situation

that is somehow derived from the text base. Hence, this theory can be seen as a triple-

coding theory that assumes that verbal language and mental imagery may be inputs and

outputs, but the central processing unit is propositional in nature. Hence, it is primarily a

single-code theory (see Sadoski, 1999 for more discussion).

Recent modifications of this theory have made it still more amenable to computer

programming. Rather than thinking of concepts or propositions as abstract nodes in a

knowledge network, the theory now treats propositions as vectors of numbers in a

multidimensional statistical space with each number indicating the strength with which

the proposition is linked to another proposition (i.e., latent semantic analysis). This

brings the theory closer to DCT on the one hand because associational strength between

individual mental representations is critical, but farther away on the other hand because
dual coding theory 37

the entire system is based in computational formalism. As with Rumelhart (1977), this

theory does not discuss the role of phonological recoding or inner speech, and it treats

mental imagery as an afterthought.

Whether the formalisms of artificial intelligence as posed by these theories are

useful in advancing our understanding of cognition in reading remains to be seen.

Computer implemented models that coincide with human data are interesting exercises,

but the name of the game in theory is to know why. Such exercises run the risk of

reification – the fallacy of explaining something and then treating the explanation as real

rather than the thing being explained. In any event, it is useful to remember that

abstractions such as schemata, propositions, and abstract concept nodes are difficult to

operationalize and empirically test with human data. Their interpretive power lies largely

in the assumption that they exist in the first place, mentally analogous to computer

programs. As an alternative, DCT relies on constructs that may be consciously

experienced to some degree and for which plausible human assessments can be devised:

natural language, mental imagery, and their associations.

Directions for Further Research

Although it is one of the better established theories of general cognition, DCT is a

relative newcomer to the scene of reading theory. Despite a strong empirical record over

the last several decades in accounting for verbal behavior, much more research is

needed. In this section, we will pose certain issues deserving of further research in

decoding, comprehension, and response.

dual coding theory 38

There is now considerable evidence that the concreteness or imageability of

written language is a factor in its phonological recoding. This is consistent with the

interactive nature of reading, where top-down semantic and syntactic factors and bottom-

up decoding factors interact at all levels. This also reinforces the assertion that there may

be more to the phenomena of phonological recoding and inner speech than providing us

with a strategy for lexical access – meaning may precede phonology more than we

realize. While much phonological recoding may occur at a deep, cortical level, its more

conscious manifestation is inner speech.

Despite the pervasiveness of inner speech in reading, too little is known about this

phenomenon. Huey (1908) devoted a chapter to it, regarding inner speech as a ubiquitous

short-term memory phenomenon. In a landmark study in which subvocalization was

measured by surgically inserting electrodes into the speech musculature, Edfeldt (1960)

found that: (a) all readers appear to engage in inner speech to varying degrees, especially

as reading becomes increasingly difficult, (b) inner speech has no detrimental effect on

reading, and (c) good readers engage in less inner speech than poor readers. Both Huey

and Edfeldt pointed out that inner speech was not inevitable in reading. Later research

reviews by Gibson and Levin (1975) and Rayner and Pollatsek (1989) arrived at the

same general conclusions: Inner speech seems to be a useful but not obligatory vehicle

for recoding text in short-term memory in order to parse sentences, associate words

contextually, and inwardly express a spoken interpretation.

But these explanations raise unanswered questions. If inner speech is not strictly

necessary, why not simply an “inner semantics” that operates directly on print input, at

least for good readers past the early developmental stages of reading? Speed reading
dual coding theory 39

courses have long advocated “breaking the sound barrier” and reading purely visually to

increase rate and improve comprehension and retention (Frank, 1994). However, Carver

(1982) empirically determined that for skilled readers the optimal rate of comprehending

prose while reading was identical to the optimal rate of comprehending prose while

listening. This rate was about 300 words per minute – about the maximum rate at which

speech can be comfortably produced. What accounts for the pervasiveness of inner

speech, its increase as text difficulty increases, and its convergence with rate of

comprehension, if it is unnecessary?

The DCT approach to these issues might pose inner speech as mental imagery in

the auditory-motor modality being used to retain the surface form of a sentence while

higher-order comprehension processes occur. Recoding printed language from the visual

modality to auditory-motor form is needed because the visual modality can be overloaded

if it has to simultaneously: (a) hold sentence segments already seen in visual memory,

(b) process upcoming print, and (c) construct visual mental images as needed or

preferred. Earlier in the paper we discussed the concept of modality-specific

interference, the difficulty of trying to perform different tasks in the same sensory

modality. The principle may apply strongly here: There is too much activity in reading

for the visual pathways in the brain to handle alone. Recoding to the auditory-motor

modality allows non-visual rehearsal and speech-like parsing to occur while new text is

visually processed and a semantic interpretation, including visual images, is constructed.

Of course, inner speech may serve other functions as well, such as strategically

“sounding out” unfamiliar words or “hearing” vocal phrasings, intonations or other forms
dual coding theory 40

of expressive interpretation. It may also serve as an internal surrogate for the original and

most common form of comprehended language, oral speech.

In short, inner speech may serve a needed rehearsal function in an alternative

modality without which reading could not optimally occur. Educationally, this implies

that inner speech should be encouraged and taught when in fact many instructional

programs have been introduced to eliminate it. Theoretically, this implies still more

problems for propositional theories. If the surface form of the text is immediately

converted to abstract, amodal propositions and the surface structure lost, what theoretical

purpose could inner speech possibly serve and why should it be so common?


An issue in need of renewed research from the point of view of all cognitive

theories is that of the nature of grammar and its role in comprehending text. Over the

ages, grammars of various kinds have been formulated including traditional grammar,

structural grammar, case grammar, and transformational grammar. The similarities and

differences between these grammars is more complex than is usually assumed.

Chomsky’s (1957) transformational grammar, which shared much with traditional

grammar and was contrasted with the descriptive patterns of structural grammar, enjoyed

considerable popularity during the second half of the twentieth century. However, its

explanation of sentence comprehension has become heavily strained and has not met with

empirical support.

According to the transformational view, all mental activity is rule-governed and

verbal. Complex sentences are mentally broken down into their deep-structure kernels

and understood in terms of transformational rules that are basically innate and universal.
dual coding theory 41

Therefore, sentence comprehension is a function of transformational complexity, or the

number and nature of transformations that separate a sentence from its underlying

structure. However, empirical research has found that after controlling for sentence

length and implied changes in meaning, transformations had little effect on processing

time (reviewed in Williams, 1998). That is, neither deep structures nor transformations

appeared to have any psychological reality. However, studies of sentence transformation

consistently showed that word meaning plays a crucial role in comprehension, even

overriding syntactic information at times (reviewed in Paivio, 1971). Paivio suggested

that imagery may play a substantial role in sentence grammar, particularly in the case of

concrete sentences.

Semantic word attributes invited attention to case grammars. These grammars

described sentences as relationships between cases such as agent, object, instrument, and

so on (e.g., Fillmore, 1968). Early versions of these grammars, modified by

developments in artificial intelligence and by some psychological evidence, were used as

the basis of various propositional approaches to cognition and language (e.g., Kintsch,

1998). However, Fillmore (1977, 1984) revised his case grammar theory by putting

special emphasis on the perceptual, or imagined, scenes and perspectives to which

sentences refer. Case grammar with these modifications met with more empirical

support than transformational grammar. For example, Black, Turner, and Bower (1979)

had subjects read sentences with a single vantage point such as Terry finished working in

the yard and went into the house and sentences with a changing vantage point such as

Terry finished working in the yard and came into the house. Sentences with changing

vantage points took longer to comprehend, were rated harder to understand, and were
dual coding theory 42

likely to be recalled from a single vantage point. Such evidence provides more support

for the view that both verbal and nonverbal processes are involved in grammar and


More recent developments are still more consistent with the DCT view.

Connectionist views have produced a form of grammar called cognitive grammar

(Langacker, 1987, 1990). Cognitive grammar simplifies the field by rejecting the rule-

governed model of mind and language and replacing it with an associational model. In

this model, networks of association evolve with the experience of the individual

including linguistic associations. No innate or intrinsic rules are involved; language is

governed by patterns of regularity that develop from childhood. The number of common

syntactic patterns in a language is relatively small (e.g., the subject-verb-object pattern in

English). All sentences are variations on a few patterns that may be represented as

exemplars and varied by analogy. Descriptive, structural grammar is best suited to this

explanation of grammar, and word meaning plays a more important role.

More significantly from the DCT point of view, cognition is not seen as

essentially verbal. Cognitive grammar assumes that mental representations can be

imagistic. Language processing is a matter of matching words with mental

representations and mental models of reality that may be in the form of imagery.

Imagery is therefore an important substratum of language in the form of experience-based

knowledge of the world to which language refers, rather than a propositional deep

structure with innate origins.

In sum, cognitive grammar offers an elegant, empirically verifiable approach that

capitalizes on verbal and nonverbal mental representations and syntactic patterns that are
dual coding theory 43

readily experienced and do not require the burdensome and unverified assumptions of

transformational grammar. The consistency of DCT with these explanations is strong,

and future research in this area great holds promise for understanding the nature and role

of grammar in reading.


Considerable progress has been made in linking theories of literary interpretation

to scientific theories of cognition with empirical verification, a situation little entertained

as recently as twenty-five years ago (Kruez & MacNealy, 1996). Indeed, the study of

reader response to literature has become one of the more popular subjects in reading

research. Mental imagery and affect are obviously crucial to literary response because

the sensuous realization of setting, episode, character, and conflict is central to the “lived

through” experience of a literary text. If evidence is needed to support this point, Miall

and Kuiken (1995) factor analyzed a questionnaire of 68 items covering a broad spectrum

of literary responses and found factors for imagery and empathy. They grouped these

into a higher-order factor they called experiencing, the dimension of being absorbed in a

literary work. Conformably, much research from the DCT perspective has shown that

imagery and emotional response are persistently related in responding to literature. This

research was reviewed by Goetz and Sadoski (1996) and was summarized earlier.

An issue that deserves attention is the challenge posed by this research for some

reader-response theories. Rosenblatt’s (1994) transactional theory has enjoyed

considerable attention in recent years as an explanation for the way readers approach

texts with different stances in mind. Specifically, this theory proposes that the reading

transaction exists on a continuum between efferent reading and aesthetic reading. In the
dual coding theory 44

efferent stance, the reader is mainly concerned with information to be extracted and

retained after the reading event. In the aesthetic stance, the reader is mainly concerned

with the evocation of sensations, images, and scenes as they unfold in the moment. The

reader may vary stances so that, for example, poetry could be read as a source of

historical information, or an historical exposition could be read to imagine the sights,

sounds, and emotions of the historical events. Moreover, readers can slide along the

continuum from moment to moment within a reading, so that no reading is probably ever

purely efferent or aesthetic.

The challenge involved is that considerable evidence exists to show that what is

most imaged and felt in a reading is what is most retained over the long term. For

example, Sadoski and Quast (1990) had their participants read and then rate the

paragraphs in three feature journalism stories for the imagery experienced, the emotions

experienced, or the importance to the story as a whole. Readers were assigned to read the

articles as they would normally read an article about current events and people, not for

testing. Sixteen days later, the readers were given a surprise recall task: They were asked

to write down whatever they most remembered about the stories. What was recalled was

overwhelmingly associated with the emotions and imagery experienced during the

reading as determined by their own statements and earlier ratings. What was rated as

important was recalled poorly. That is, what was retained long after the reading event

was the subjective, aesthetic experience.

This seems inconsistent with the postulation of an efferent-aesthetic continuum.

If this continuum works as a true continuum, it follows that as the reader moves toward

one pole, he or she must move away from the other. If efferent reading is determined by
dual coding theory 45

what is retained, than the aesthetic aspects of the reading, including images and emotions,

should have been poorly recalled, and information seen as important should have been

better recalled. But these results indicate that what was carried away from the reading

was aesthetic. That is, the transactional theory of reader response does not appear to

sufficiently take into account the nature of memory for what is read whatever the reader’s

stance may be. We do not necessarily remember what we read for information unless we

make efforts to memorize or otherwise record the information. Mental imagery and its

frequent correlate, emotional response, can be evoked even when reading for superficial

information. For example, Sadoski et al. (1990) found that students who were assigned

to read to find typographical errors intentionally inserted in the text of a literary story

reported as much imagery and affect as students assigned to read the story normally for

pleasure. In short, stance may be less consequential than is assumed; a good story is

captivating even if we intend to read for other purposes.

Directions for Practice

DCT provides rich implications for instruction in decoding, comprehension, and

response. A growing body of empirical support for DCT principles in each of these areas

of teaching reading has been identified and synthesized, and more research is

forthcoming. We will briefly review highlights.


Recently, decodable texts have been extensively used in beginning reading.

Decodable texts use a high proportion of graphophonemically regular words that are

intended to assist students in learning to decode and gain a sight vocabulary. However,
dual coding theory 46

word imageability has also been found to strongly affect sight word learning. That is,

decodability may not be enough.

Hargis and Gickling (1978) taught kindergartners a set of concrete sight words

and a set of abstract sight words that were matched for length and frequency. All the

words were familiar words that were initially unknown to the children by sight. During

training, the children: (a) were shown the words on flash cards, (b) heard each word

pronounced, (c) heard each word used in a sentence, (d) used the word in a sentence of

their own, and (e) repeated the word. Two days later, more than three times as many

concrete words were correctly named. Ten days later, more than four times as many

concrete words were correctly named. These results were later replicated with both

kindergartners of normal ability and older mentally retarded children (Gickling, Hargis,

& Alexander, 1981).

Kolker & Terwilliger (1981) also taught first-and second-grade children concrete

and abstract sight words. The words were initially unknown by sight but were familiar in

speech. The words were presented for one second on a flash card and pronounced for the

child. The child then repeated the words and corrections were provided as necessary.

This continued until a learning criterion was reached. The first graders took about 60%

more trials to learn to correctly name the abstract words than the concrete words. The

difference for the second graders was less (about 8% more trials for abstract words) but

still statistically significant. Terwilliger and Kolker (1982) replicated their results while

manipulating word confusability (i. e., same or different initial consonants). Similar

results were obtained with kindergartners and beginning first graders by van der Veur

(1975) and Wolpert (1972).

dual coding theory 47

Hargis, Terhaar-Yonkers, Williams, and Reed (1988) extended this research to

middle-grade children with reading problems. Besides manipulating word concreteness,

the experiment included manipulations for word decodability and word presentation in

story context or in isolation. Results determined that: (a) concrete words were learned

about 12% faster than abstract words, (b) words presented in story contexts were learned

about 12% faster than words presented in isolation, and (c) decodable words were

learned about 6% faster than nondecodable words. An interaction between these factors

indicated that abstract words presented in isolation took the longest to learn regardless of

decodability, whereas concrete, decodable words were learned fastest regardless of


The results of these studies are very consistent with DCT and suggest that

beginning reading materials and lessons emphasize concreteness as well as decodability

and context in learning sight vocabulary. Overall, concrete words are learned faster even

without the benefit of context, especially if decodable. Abstract words that vary in

decodability are learned more slowly and benefit more from being learned in context.

These results are compatible with similar findings with word recognition by adults as

discussed earlier (e.g., Strain et al., 1995, 2002; Strain & Herdman, 1999).


DCT principles have been extensively applied to teaching reading comprehension

throughout history, often intuitively. Sadoski and Paivio (2001) reviewed the history of

teaching text comprehension from ancient times to modern and found an alternation

between emphasis on the abstract and the verbal (e.g., outlines, epitomes) and the

concrete and the imaginal (e.g., object lessons, imagery training). Clark and Paivio
dual coding theory 48

(1991) reviewed decades of empirical studies relevant to DCT in education and

determined that mental imagery, concreteness, and verbal associative processes play

major roles in the representation and comprehension of knowledge, learning and memory

of school material, effective instruction, individual differences, and motivation. Ruddell

(1997), in his summary of his research program on influential teachers of reading, found

that such teachers used highly effective strategies including the use of concrete examples,

their extension to more abstract examples, and the analysis of abstract concepts in

concrete terms.

The use of induced mental imagery to enhance student understanding and learning

has gained an increasing record of acceptance (see reviews by Gambrell & Koskinen,

2002; Sadoski & Paivio 2001). The general conclusion of both of these reviews is that

instructions to form mental images significantly enhances the reading comprehension and

memory of both children and adults in various ways. Numerous studies have shown, for

example, that elementary-age students know how to induce mental imagery and that only

brief training and teacher scaffolding is necessary for most children to effectively use

mental imagery as a reading comprehension strategy.

For example, Gambrell (1982) had first and third graders read short stories in

sections. Before each section, the experimental group was told to make pictures in their

heads to help remember, whereas the control group was told to think about what they

read in order to remember. After reading each section, the participants were asked a

prediction question, "What do you think is going to happen next?" Their responses were

scored for factual accuracy and number of accurate predictions. Third graders in the

imagery group reported twice as many facts and made twice as many accurate predictions
dual coding theory 49

as controls. First grades in the imagery group also tended to outperform controls on both

measures, but the differences were not statistically significant. This study indicates that

even with minimal inducement, children can use mental imagery comprehend factual

material and make accurate inferential predictions.

Mental imagery has also been used as a remediation technique for poor

comprehenders. One example is a technique developed by Bell (1986) that is based on

DCT principles. Instruction involves requiring students to image in increasing detail to

progressively larger units of language including words, phrases, sentences, and texts.

This technique was experimentally tested against reciprocal teaching as a comprehension

development strategy (clarify, summarize, question, and predict) and a no-strategy

control condition (Johnson-Glenberg, 2000). A variety of comprehension measures was

used including prediction, recall, explicit questions, implicit questions, and a standardized

reading comprehension test. While many of the between-group contrasts did not

significantly differ, both experimental treatments outperformed the control condition on

answering implicit questions. The reciprocal teaching group outperformed the imagery

training group only on answering explicit questions. The researcher concluded that both

forms of strategy training were generally valuable in improving the comprehension of

students with problems in this area. Further research in this area would be useful.


Teaching reader response is an area fraught with controversy. Miall (1996) based

on his extensive research into reader response, questioned whether response can or

should be taught at all. He bemoaned the status of teaching literary response in many

dual coding theory 50

I am aware of literature classes in schools and universities that, although often

well-intentioned, are laying waste to students’ experiences of literature. Like the

loggers in one of our northern forests, there are teachers in too many classes

whose work succeeds only in clear cutting every shoot of literary interest, leaving

hardly a stump behind, mainly for the sake of that giant pulp mill, the testing and

examining of students (Miall, 1996, pp. 463-464).

There is no easy solution to this problem. Images and feelings are deeply personal, and

instruction in what to imagine and feel is surely less appropriate than to imagine and feel.

The basis of an effective literary education is in nurturing response, but also in

disciplining it so that it is not simply a flight of the imagination or an exercise in the

affective fallacy. Finding a way to do this is a pressing problem for researchers and

educators. One educationally valid method from a reading point of view might involve

the avoidance of didactically explaining the effects of a literary work, and instead

investigating how authors get whatever effects they get in readers.

Sadoski (2002) discussed how DCT principles might explain the way poets use

imagery and language in collaboration or contention to obtain effects on readers. Several

commonly taught poems are presented, showing that the mental images evoked by the

poem are sometimes in contrast with the language of the poem. For example, John

Masefield’s poem “Sea Fever” deals with a sailor’s yearning to go back to sea, although

the reasons for not doing so are unclear. Images are evoked of tall sailing ships, the kick

of the wheel, the song of the wind, and the clouds flying by. But the rhythm of the poem

alternates between rollicking, fast-paced lines and slower, languorous lines. The images

are all of freedom, but the lines constrain the reader every time the poem gets going
dual coding theory 51

again. The language therefore is inconsistent with the images evoked, and the contrast is

provocative. Does this mean that the sailor is somehow incapacitated and either

spiritually or physically unable to go back to sea? No explicit meaning can be assigned

because it is all inferred and ambiguous. Rather, the effects obtained in the readers are

discussed in a disciplined way without acceptance or rejection. This approach may be

more appropriate for some poems than others, but as a general approach, the scrutiny of

the effects produced by language and imagery in collaboration or in contrast may be one

useful solution to how to best deal with reader response in education.


DCT is a theory of general cognition that addresses reading in all its

psychological aspects. Few theories offer this scope and have achieved its broad base of

empirical support. Comprehensive cognitive theories of reading with established

programs of scientific testing are young, little more than thirty years old. They may be

compared to the first comprehensive theory of gravitation that dates back over three

hundred years or to the first comprehensive theory of evolution that dates back nearly one

hundred and fifty years. New theories are subject to change as evidence accumulates,

and they can be expected to make few clear and unambiguous predictions (a statement

that applies to all the theories in this volume). However, DCT specifies to a considerable

extent constructs of mind that have been of interest since ancient times and will

undoubtedly continue to be of interest in the future. Both language and mental imagery

in its various forms are among these constructs. The predictions of DCT have held up

favorably against other theories to date and its future in advancing knowledge of reading

is promising.
dual coding theory 52


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