In The Court of Appeal of Tanzania at Dar Es Salaam

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Civil Application K.S.F Kisombe - The procedure for adding or

No.12 of 2007 – VS. Tanzania including additional documents in
Court of Appeal Harbours the record of appeal is to fille a
of Tanzania at Authority and supplementary record under rule
Dar es Salaam others 92(3) of the Court Rules, 1979
Kaji, J.A (Application for - Rule 104 of Court rules, 1979
leave to amend deals with amendments of
the record of documents in the record of appeal
appeal from the with some short falls.
decision of the - the Court can only use its
High Court of inherent powers under rule 3
Tanzania at Dar when dealing with any matter for
es Salaam Civil which no provision is made by the
case No Court of Appeal Rules, 1979 or
130/2003 – any other written law.
Mwaikugile, J)




K.S.F. KISOMBE……………………………………………….……….APPELLANT



OTHERS…………………………………...........................…..… RESPONDENT

(Application for Leave to amend the record of appeal from the

decision of the High Court of Tanzania at Dar es Salaam)

(Mwaikugile, J.)

Dated 9th September day of December, 2005

Civil Case No. 130/2003


17 & 31 August,2007


KAJI, J, A.:

In a notice of motion made under Rule 104 of the Court of

Appeal Rules, 1979, the applicant, K.S.F. Kisombe, through his

advocate Mr. Kashumbugu, is moving the court to grant him leave to

amend the record of appeal as follows:-

(a) By removing the name of the first respondent

Tanzania Harbours Authority which has been

changed by operation of law thereby substituting the

name Tanzania Port Authority.

(b) By allowing the applicant to include important

documents in the amended record of appeal which

did not appear in the original record of appeal,

instead of filing a supplementary record thereafter.


In his brief oral submission based on his affidavit supporting the

notice of motion, Mr. Kashumbugu submitted that, when the case

started in the High Court, the first respondent was known by the

name of Tanzania Harbours Authority. But through operation of law,

the Ports Act No.17 of 2004, the name was changed to that of

Tanzania Port Authority. He thus prayed for leave to amend the

record by removing the name of the first respondent Tanzania

Harbours Authority. And by substituting thereat the name Tanzania

Ports Authority.

Mr. Kashumbugu further submitted that, while Tanzania

Harbours Authority was a specified corporation placed under the

second respondent, the Presidential Parastatals Sector Reform

Commission, Tanzania Ports Authority is not a specified corporation

and therefore not covered by the Presidential Parastatal Sector

Reform Commission. He therefore urged the court to remove the

name of the second respondent from the record of appeal.


Mr. Kashumbugu further submitted that, in preparing the

record of appeal, two important documents were not included.

These are: One: A letter from Tanzania Harbours Authority to the

Registrar National Board of Material Management dated 17/1/1999

signed by the Director General of Tanzania Harbours Authority.

Two: A letter from Tanzania Harbours Authority- Mkurugenzi wa

Utumishi dated 24/3/1999. He therefore prayed for leave to include

them in the amended record of appeal (Appeal No.123 of 2005). Dr.

Mapunda who appeared for the respondent assisted by Dr. Mhina did

not object the removal and substitution of the name of the first

respondent, and also the removal of the second respondent from the

record of appeal. However they strongly resisted the move to

include the two letters in the amended record of appeal. Dr. Mhina

who spearheaded the objection, contended that, Rule 104 of the

Court Rules, 1979 under which the notice of motion was made deals

with amendment of documents in the record of appeal, and not

addition or inclusion of documents in the record of appeal. The

learned counsel pointed out that, the procedure for adding or


including additional documents in the record of appeal is to file a

supplementary record under Rule 92 (3) of the Court Rules, 1979.

Dr. Mhina was therefore of the view that, this application for

inclusion of the two letters in the amended record of appeal is

misconceived and ought to be dismissed with costs.

As demonstrated above, the respondent’s counsel did not

object the applicant’s prayer to remove the name of the first

respondent, Tanzania Harbours Authority, and to substitute thereat

the name Tanzania Ports Authority, by virtue of section 81(2) of the

Ports Act, 2004. That prayer is therefore granted. The applicant is

granted leave, to amend the record of appeal by removing the name

of the first respondent Tanzania Harbours Authority and by

substituting thereat the name Tanzania Ports Authority. It was

agreed by learned counsel of both parties that Tanzania Ports

Authority is not a specified corporation and therefore not covered by

the Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission. That being

the position the applicant is granted leave to amend the record of


appeal by removing from the record of appeal the second

respondent, the Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission.

The applicant’s prayer for leave to include two letters in the

amended record of appeal appears to be an up hill track. Rule 104

under which this application was made reads as follows:-

104. “The court may at any time allow

amendment of any notice of appeal or notice

of cross – appeal or memorandum of appeal,

as the case may be or any other part of the

record of appeal, on such terms as it thinks


My understanding of this provision is that, the document which may

be allowed to be amended must first be in the record of appeal but

with some short falls. It must be in the record which the party wants

to rectify the shortfalls. In my view the provision does not

contemplate introduction or addition or inclusion of a document

which is wanting. If a party is of the view that the record of appeal

is defective or insufficient for the purpose of his case, he may lodge


in the appropriate registry four copies of a supplementary record of

appeal containing copies of any further documents or any additional

parts of documents which are, in his opinion, required for the proper

determination of the appeal as provided for under Rule 92 of the

Court Rules, 1979. Mr.Kashumbugu urged the court to invoke its

inherent powers under Rule 3 to allow the inclusion of the two letters

in the record of appeal if it finds Rule 104 inapplicable. With great

respect to the learned counsel, the court can only use its inherent

powers under Rules 3 when dealing with any matter for which no

provision is made by the Court of Appeal Rules, 1979 or any other

written law. In the instant case there is a clear provision for the

remedy prayed for, that is, by lodging a supplementary record

containing the said two letters under Rule.92. In that respect I do

not think this is an appropriate case to invoke the inherent powers of

the court under Rule 3. There is nothing suggesting that the door for

using the provisions of Rule 92 is closed. So the applicant can use it

if he so wishes.

In the result, and for the reasons stated above, I grant leave

to the applicant to amend the record of appeal No. 123 of 2005 by

removing the name of the first respondent Tanzania Harbours

Authority and by substituting thereat the name Tanzania Ports

Authority. I also grant leave to the applicant to amend the record of

appeal by removing from the record of appeal the second

respondent, Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission.

However I refuse to grant leave to the applicant to amend the record

of appeal by including or adding the two letters in the record of

appeal purportedly under Rule 104 of the court Rules, 1979. The

application is partly allowed and partly dismissed to that extent.

Costs to abide by the result of the main appeal No. 123 of 2005.

DATED at DAR ES SALAAM this 17th day of August, 2007.


I certify that this is a true copy of the original.



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