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The Bicol language has many dialect branches


 Hello-Hello;Musta

 How are you-Musta na saimu?

 Your latest?-Unu na lamang?

 You're Welcome-Warang unu man

 Fine,and you?-Maray,ika?

 Fine too-Maray man

 Good Morning-Maray na aga/buwas

 Good noon-Maray na udto

 Good Afternoon-Maray na hapun/hapon

 Good evening-Maray na ga'bi

 Good luck-Bwenas sa imo

 Please-Dali na

 Excuse me-Tabi-tabi po

 Thank you-Mabalos saimo;Salamateunun (Darageno)

 Do you speak Bicol?-Tatawo ka magtaram nin paBikol?

 Do you speak English?-Tatawo ka magtaram nin paIngles?

 Yes-Iyo or Eu

 No-Dai;Indi

 How do you speak ___ in Bicol?-Panu ang ___ sabihun sa Bikol?

 Are you American/Japanese/Spanish/Chinese/Canadian/British?-

Kano/Hapun/Kastila/Intsik/Kanadyan/Britis ka ba?

 Bicol is such a nice place-Malanggayun ang Bikol talaga.

 I miss you-Naulila ako sa imo

 I hate you-Abu na ko sa imo

 Nice to meet-Kinamomotan takang makilala

 You're beautiful-Magayonon ka

 What's your name-Unung pangaran mo?

 My name is__-__ang pangaran


 Leave me alone- Pabayaa ako nin sulo

 Don't touch me!-Dai mu daw ako pagparakaptan!

 Stop ! Thief !-Pundo ! Parahabon !

 I'll call the police-Aangalan ku ang pulis

 Police-Pulis

 I'm injured-Nalugadan ako

 Help-Tabang

 I need your help-Kaipuhan ku ang tabang mo

 It's an emergency-Imerhencia utu

 I'm lost-Nawawara ako

 Where am I now?-Diin na ako ngana?

 I need a doctor-Kaipuhan ku ning duktor

 Can i borrow your phone?-Pede ku iramun ang selpown mo?

 Can i get your number?-Pede ku kuun ang numero mo?

 I will kill you-Titigbakun taika

 I'm hungry-Gutomon na aku

 Did you know where i am?-Aram mu kung diin na ako nakaantos?

 Your a whore-Puta ka
 I had no money left-Wara na akong natura na kwarta

 Do have some?-Igwa ka pa?

 Sorry,i'm tired-Pasensya na,pagal na ako

 How much the fare in jeepney?-Mamira/Manggurano man ang pamasahe sa dyip?

 That's expensive-Mahalunun yan

 Can i borrow your money?-Pede ko iramun ang kwarta mo?

 Sure,no problem-Sige,warang problema









8-Walu or Walo


























2000-duwang ribo

3000-tulong ribo

10000-panampulong ribo

1000000-sarong milyon;isad na milyon

1000000000-sarong bilyon

Clock time[edit]

 12:00 am-alas dose nin aga

 1:00 am-ala una nin aga

 2:00 am-alas dos nin aga

 3:00am-alas tres nin aga

 4:00am-alas kwatro nin aga

 5:00 am-alas singko nin aga

 12:00 pm-alas dose nin kaudtohan

 1:00 pm-ala una ni hapon

 2:00 pm-alas dos nin hapon

 3:00 pm-alas tres nin hapon

 4:00 pm-alas kwatro nin hapon

 5:00 pm-alas singko nin hapon

 6:00 pm-alas sais nin gabi

 Minute-Minutos

 Hour-Oras

 Clock-Orasan

 Seconds-Segundu/o

 Quartertime-La'bus na oras

 Shorthand-Saday na kamut

 Longhand-Alabang kamut

 Wall clock-Pangparil na orasan

 Grandclock-Panggarabos na orasan

 Wristwatch-Rilo/Relo

 Sunday-Dominggo

 Monday-Lunes

 Tuesday-Martes

 Wednesday-Myerkules

 Thursday-Webes

 Friday-Byernes

 Saturday-Sabado

 January-Hanyero;Enero

 February-Pebraryo;Pebrero

 March-Marsu

 April-Abril
 May-Mayo

 June-Hunyo

 July-Hulyo

 August-Ogosto;Agosto

 September-Setyembre

 October-Oktobre

 November-Nobyembre

 December-Disyembre
Writing time and date[edit]

 January 9 2000-Inero nuwebe dos mil


 Blue-Azul;Asul;Blu

 Red-Pula

 Orange-Darandan;Dalandan

 Green-Bughaw;Luntian

 Yellow-Dilaw

 Violet-Lila;Bayolet

 Black-Itum

 White-Puti

 Color of rainbow-Kulay nin reynbow

 Indigo-Indigu

 Cyan-Sayan

 Magenta-Mahenta

 Maroon-Marun

 Yellowgreen-Dilaw asin bughaw na kulay

 Redviolet-Pulangbayolet na kulay

 Greenyellow-Bughaw na dilaw na kulay

 Mixed-Hinalu/o

 Hue-Kulay
Bus and train[edit]

 How much is a ticket to___-Manggurano an tiket sa___

 One ticket to___please-Sarong tiket sa___po

 Where does the bus/train go?-Diin aadun an bus/tren?

 Where is the bus/train ?-Diin an bus/tren?

 Does this bus/train stop in___?-Pagapundo ining bus/train sa___?

 When does the bus/train for___will leave?-Kina'no an bus/tren sa___pagaalin?

 When will the bus/train arrive in___?-Kina'no magalarga sa___an bus/tren?


 How do i get to___?-Pa'nu ako makaadun sa___?

 Train station-Itasyon nin tren

 Bus station-Istasyon nin bus

 Airport-Palupadan

 Where are there a lot of___?-Diin dyan an kadakeul sa___?

 Is it far from here?-Arayo daw yan digdi?

 Can you show me on the map?-Pedeng ipakita mo ako digdi sa mapa?

 Street-Agihan or dalan

 Turn left-Liko sa wala

 Turn right-Liko sa tuo

 Left-Wala

 Right-Tuo
 Straight ahead-Abante sana

 Intersection-Sabatan

 Uphill-Patukad

 Downhill-Parusdos

 Taxi!-Taksi!

 Take me to___please-Iduman mo ako sa ___ tabi

 How much does it cost to take to ___?-Pira an pamasahe kung adun sa ___?

 Take me there,please-Iduman/Iatud mo ako dyaan tabi


 How much is this?-Manggurano ini?

 That's only just P1,000-Sarong mil piso man lang yan

 Is this the right dress for me?-Bagay man ining bado sakuya?

 That dress is beautiful-Malanggayon san na bado

 Go to the casier-Dumuman sa bayadan

 My money is insufficient-An kwarta ko di na kasya

 Where is the cosmetic section?-Diin an bakalan nin mga kusmetik?

 Would you like to come with me?-Muya mong mag-iba sakuya?

 We'll go shopping-Mamasyar kita

 How many stuffs will you buy then?-Pira man an babakalun mong gamit?

 Out of stock-Wara nang butang

 Get some shopping cart-Kumuko nin pamasyar na kart

 Which is better.This or that?-Arin an mas magayon.Ini o yato?

 If you like,you may want to invite your friends to join us-Kung muya mo,imbitahun mo man su
mga kabarkada mo na mag-iba samu

 How expensive!-Mahalun

 Can i use my credit card?-Pede ko gamitun an kredit kard?

 Shopping centre-Sentrong pamasyar


 President-Presidente

 Vice-President-Bise-Presidente

 Mayor-Meyor(the same as English)

 Police-Pulis

 Traffic Enforcer-Tagakontrol nin Trapiko

 Governor-Gobernador

 Doctor-Duktor

 Nurse-Nars

 Janitor-Dyanitor

 Worker-Paragibo

solutive Ergative Oblique

1st person singular ako ko sakuya, sako, kanako, saako

2nd person singular ika, ka mo saimo, si-mo, kanimo

3rd person singular siya, iya niya saiya, kaniya

1st person plural inclusive kita nyato, ta satuya, sato, kanato, saato
1st person plural exclusive kami nyamo, mi samuya, samo, kanamo, saamo

2nd person plural kamo nindo saindo, kaninyo, saiyo

3rd person plural sinda ninda sainda, kanira

Like many other Philippine languages, Bikol has a rich set of discourse particles.

 bagá – expresses doubt or hesitation

 bayâ – giving a chance to someone; polite insisting
 daa – (Tagalog: daw) quoting information from a secondary source
 daw – (Tagalog: ba/kaya) interrogative particle
 garo – (Tagalog: mukhang, parang) likeness or similitude. English: "It looks like, it's as if."
 gáyo – "exactly"
 daing gáyo – "not exactly, not really"
 gayód / nanggayod – (Tagalog: bakâ) "maybe, could be"
 giráray / liwát – (Tagalog: [m]uli) "again"
 kutá-na / kutâ – "I hope (something did / did not happen" ; "If only ..." (conditionality of past
 lang / lámang / saná – (Tagalog: lang) "only, just"
 lugód – hoping that something will happen, or expressing surrender
 man – (Tagalog: din, rin) "also" or "ever" (such as ano man 'whatever' and siisay man
 mú-na / ngó-na – (Tagalog: muna) "first" or "yet"
 na – (Tagalog: na) "now" or "already"
 naman – (Tagalog: naman) "again"
 nanggad / mananggad – (Tagalog: talaga, nga) "really, truly, absolutely" (adds a sense of
 nyako – "I said"
 ngani – expresses fate ("This is helpless") or a plea for others not to insist
 ngantig – reports something one has said to a third person
 ngapit – "then," "in case," "during/while" (span of time)
 ngaya – politeness in requesting information ("so," "let's see")
 pa – (Tagalog: pa) "still"
 palán – (Tagalog: pala) expresses surprise or sudden realization
 po – (Tagalog: po) politeness marker; "tabí" in some Bikol dialects
 túlos / túlos-túlos – (Tagalog: agad-agad) "immediately, right away

Bikol- Bikol- Bikol- Bikol- guage Sorsoganon
ct of Bikol-Legazpi
Naga Partido Virac Daet or language
Coast dialect
dialect dialect dialect dialect Riŋkonā (Bisakol)
d in

w ta
lumin Tanô da Ta'onō /
Hadaw ta ta dai Bakin dai
ayog w ta dai Ta ŋātâ
`e naglay naglayog
an naglayo ta dirî Nakay
naglayog Natà ta dai ogan an
bayon g an naglayo daw kay dire
an naglayogan b gamga gamgam
g ni gamgam g adtoŋ naglayog an
gamgam ayong ni m ni ni
Pedro ni Pedro bayoŋ ni tamsi ni
ni Pedromaski Pedro Pedroma
dawà dawà Pedro d Pedro maski
Pedromas daing kandad maski ski
na na mayò āwâ warakandad
ki `e nin osu hawla? dai nin mayongk
dae nin ədâ kan o an hawla?
kandados kanda andado si
nin kandado dādosu
u hawla? do an hawla?
kanda si hawla? laə̄man?
do si

 Like other Philippine languages, Bikol has a number of loanwords, largely Spanish as a
result of 333 years of Spanish rule in the Philippines. This
includes suerte (luck), karne (carne, meat), imbestigador(investigador,
investigator), litro (liter), pero (but), and krimen (crimen, crime). Another source of
loanwords is Sanskrit, with words like hade (king) and karma.
 Bikol-Naga, a dialect of Coastal Bikol based in Canaman, Camarines Sur and the
foundation of Standard Bikol, along with Bikol-Legazpi, based in Legazpi City, are plainly
understood by most Bikol speakers. It is spoken in the first and second districts
of Camarines Sur (except in Del Gallego, where residents are mostly Tagalog speakers)
and in San Pascual, Masbate.

 Bikol-Legazpi is spoken in the eastern coast of Albay and northern Sorsogon.

 Other common dialects include Bikol-Daet, spoken in Daet and adjacent towns
in Camarines Norte, and Bikol-Partido, spoken in the 4th District of Camarines Sur and
inVirac, San Andres and southern part of Caramoran in Catanduanes
Central Bikol is the most-spoken language in the Bicol region of southern Luzon, Philippines. It
belongs to Coastal Bikol grouping along with Viracnon. It is spoken in the northern and western
part of Camarines Sur, second congressional district of Camarines Norte, eastern part of Albay,
northeastern part of Sorsogon, San Pascual town inMasbate, and southwestern part
of Catanduanes. The standard Sprachraum form is based on the Canaman dialect from wiki

 Good morning/afternoon/evening Marhay na aga/hapon/banggi

 Thank you Dios mabalos
 Beautiful Magayon
 Beautiful girl Daragang magayon
 I love you Namomotan ta ka
 What is your name? Anong pangaran mo?
 My name is… ______ an ngaran ko
 Where are you going? Masain ka?
 I’m glad to meet you Kaogmahan kong makabisto ka
 How are you? Kumusta ka?
 I’m sorry Patawarun mo ako
 Yes Iyo
 No Dai
 Please Tabi
 Please speak slowly Pakiluway-luwayan man tabi an pagtaram mo
 What is this? Ano ini?
 How much is this? Gurano ini?
 Do you speak English? Tatao ka magtaram English?
 Do you understand? Nakakasabot/Nakakaintindi ka?
 Where is… Hain ang…
 Where are… ? Hain ang mga…
 How do you say____ in Bikol? Pano sabihun ang ____ sa Bikol?
 I’m tired Pagal na ako
 It’s ok Ayus lng yan
 Mother Ina
 Father Ama
 Brother tugang na lalaki
 Sister tugang na babayi
 Where is the nearest restroom? Hain ang pinakaharaning banyo?
 Goodbye Paaram
 What time is it? Anong oras na?
 Do you have … ? Igwa ka … ?
 Do you sell … ? Nagpapabakal ka … ?

 Bikol or Bicolano is an Austronesian language used in the Philippines particularly on the Bicol
Peninsula in the island of Luzon. Standard Bicol is based on the dialect of Naga City and is spoken in a
wide area stretching fromCamarines Norte, most of Camarines Sur, the entire east coast
of Albay (including Legazpi and Tabaco) and northernSorsogon. Standard Bicol is generally understood
by other Bikol speakers and is the regional lingua franca.
 Bicol varieties include Bicol Rinconada (Iriga-Buhi-Nabua-Baao-Bato-Balatan area), the western Albay
dialects Oasnun and Darageño (Oas, Daraga), Bicol Sorsogon (Sorsogon), Bicol Catanduanes, and Bicol
Partido (municipalities surrounding Lagonoy Gulf).

 Although the Bicol languages are the dominant languages of the region, the Filipino language (Tagalog)
is also spoken in northern parts of Camarines Norte as well as in the municipality of Del Gallego,
Camarines Sur. Two Visayan languages, Sorsoganon and Masbateño or Minasbate, are spoken
in Masbate and Sorsogon; they are collectively referred to as Bisakol.
 From

 1 saro
 2 duwa
 3 tulo
 4 apat
 5 lima
 6 anum
 7 pito
 8 walo
 9 siyam
 10 sampulo
 11 onse
 12 dose
 13 trese
 14 katorse
 15 kinse
 16 disisais
 17 disisyete
 18 disiotso
 19 disinwebe
 20 bente
 30 trenta
 40 kwarenta
 50 singkwenta
 60 sesenta
 70 setenta
 80 otsenta
 90 nubenta
 100 sanggatos
 1,000 sarong ribo

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