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AEG18494 S.L.C.

S. ll

To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for teacher and
school leader quality enhancement and to enhance institutional aid.


Mr. KAINE introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred
to the Committee on llllllllll

To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide
for teacher and school leader quality enhancement and
to enhance institutional aid.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-

2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Preparing and Retain-

5 ing Education Professionals Act of 2018’’ or the ‘‘PREP
6 Act of 2018’’.


9 Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20

10 U.S.C. 1021 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:
AEG18494 S.L.C.


5 ‘‘In this title:

6 ‘‘(1) ARTS AND SCIENCES.—The term ‘arts and
7 sciences’ means—
8 ‘‘(A) when referring to an organizational
9 unit of an institution of higher education, any
10 academic unit that offers one or more academic
11 majors in disciplines or content areas cor-
12 responding to the academic subject matter
13 areas in which teachers provide instruction; and
14 ‘‘(B) when referring to a specific academic
15 subject area, the disciplines or content areas in
16 which academic majors are offered by the arts
17 and sciences organizational unit.

19 LIES.—The term ‘children from low-income families’

20 means children described in section 1124(c)(1)(A) of
21 the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
22 1965.

24 TION.—The term ‘comprehensive literacy instruc-

25 tion’ has the meaning given the term in section
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 2221(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Edu-
2 cation Act of 1965.
4 ‘core academic subjects’ means English, reading or
5 language arts, mathematics, science, foreign lan-
6 guages, civics and government, economics, arts, his-
7 tory, career and technical education, and geography.

9 term ‘early childhood educator’ means an individual

10 with primary responsibility for teaching children in
11 an early childhood education program.

13 term ‘educational service agency’ has the meaning

14 given the term in section 8101 of the Elementary
15 and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

17 TOR.—The term ‘effective childhood educator’ means

18 an educator—
19 ‘‘(A) with specialized education, creden-
20 tials, and preparation in development and edu-
21 cation of young children from birth until entry
22 into kindergarten;
23 ‘‘(B) with—
24 ‘‘(i) a baccalaureate degree with
25 coursework in early childhood education; or
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) an associate’s degree in a related
2 educational area; and
3 ‘‘(C) who has demonstrated a high level of
4 knowledge and use of content and pedagogy in
5 the relevant areas, as determined by the State
6 and which may be based on coursework or cred-
7 it requirements, or passage of an assessment
8 associated with quality early childhood edu-
9 cation.
10 ‘‘(8) ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIP.—The term ‘eligi-
11 ble partnership’ means an entity that—
12 ‘‘(A) shall include—
13 ‘‘(i) a State educational agency;
14 ‘‘(ii) a high-need local educational
15 agency;
16 ‘‘(iii)(I) a high-need school or a con-
17 sortium of high need schools served by the
18 high-need local educational agency; or
19 ‘‘(II) as applicable, a high-need early
20 childhood education program;
21 ‘‘(iv) a partner institution;
22 ‘‘(v) a school, department, or program
23 of education within such partner institu-
24 tion, including in a graduate level program,
25 that is State-accredited and is eligible to
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 receive Federal funds under title IV, which
2 may include an existing teacher or school
3 leader preparation program with proven
4 outcomes within a 4-year institution of
5 higher education that provides intensive
6 and sustained collaboration between faculty
7 and local educational agencies consistent
8 with the requirements of this title; and
9 ‘‘(vi) a school or department of arts
10 and sciences within such partner institu-
11 tion; and
12 ‘‘(B) may include any of the following:
13 ‘‘(i) The Governor of the State.
14 ‘‘(ii) The State board of education.
15 ‘‘(iii) The State agency for higher
16 education.
17 ‘‘(iv) A business.
18 ‘‘(v) A public or private nonprofit edu-
19 cational organization.
20 ‘‘(vi) An educational service agency.
21 ‘‘(vii) A teacher or school leader orga-
22 nization.
23 ‘‘(viii) A high-performing local edu-
24 cational agency, or a consortium of such
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1 local educational agencies, that can serve
2 as a resource to the partnership.
3 ‘‘(ix) A charter school (as defined in
4 section 4310 of the Elementary and Sec-
5 ondary Education Act of 1965).
6 ‘‘(x) A school or department within
7 the partner institution that focuses on psy-
8 chology and human development.
9 ‘‘(xi) A school or department within
10 the partner institution that focuses on
11 comprehensive literacy instruction includ-
12 ing child or adolescent literacy.
13 ‘‘(xii) A school or department within
14 the partner institution with comparable ex-
15 pertise in the disciplines of teaching, learn-
16 ing, and child and adolescent development.
17 ‘‘(xiii) A State accredited nonprofit
18 entity that is eligible to receive funding
19 under title IV operating a program that
20 provides alternative routes to State certifi-
21 cation of teachers or school leaders.
22 ‘‘(9) ENGLISH LEARNER.—The term ‘English
23 learner’ has the meaning given the term in section
24 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
25 Act of 1965.
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1 ‘‘(10) EVIDENCE-BASED.—The term ‘evidence-
2 based’ has the meaning given the term in section
3 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
4 Act of 1965.

6 CATION PROGRAM.—The term ‘high-need early child-

7 hood education program’ means an early childhood
8 education program serving children from low-income
9 families that is located within the geographic area
10 served by a high-need local educational agency.

12 CY.—The term ‘high-need local educational agency’

13 means a local educational agency—
14 ‘‘(A)(i) for which not less than 40 percent
15 of the children served by the agency are chil-
16 dren from low-income families;
17 ‘‘(ii) that serves not fewer than 10,000
18 children from low-income families;
19 ‘‘(iii) that meets the eligibility require-
20 ments for funding under the Small, Rural
21 School Achievement Program under section
22 5211(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Edu-
23 cation Act of 1965; or
24 ‘‘(iv) that meets the eligibility require-
25 ments for funding under the Rural and Low-In-
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1 come School Program under section 5221(b) of
2 the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
3 of 1965; and
4 ‘‘(B)(i) for which there is a high percent-
5 age of teachers not teaching in the academic
6 subject areas or grade levels in which the teach-
7 ers were prepared or fully certified to teach;
8 ‘‘(ii) for which there is a high teacher
9 turnover rate or a high percentage of teachers
10 with emergency, provisional, or temporary cer-
11 tification or licensure;
12 ‘‘(iii) for which there is a high percentage
13 of positions in State-identified areas of teacher
14 or school leader shortage, including in special
15 education, English language instruction,
16 science, technology, engineering, mathematics,
17 and career and technical education; or
18 ‘‘(iv) for which a majority of schools are
19 identified for comprehensive support and im-
20 provement under section 1111(c)(4)(D) of the
21 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
22 1965, targeted support and improvement under
23 section 1111(d)(2) of the Elementary and Sec-
24 ondary Education Act of 1965, or additional
25 targeted support under section 1111(d)(2)(C)
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1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
2 Act of 1965.
3 ‘‘(13) HIGH-NEED SCHOOL.—The term ‘high-
4 need school’ means a school that, based on the most
5 recent data available, is—
6 ‘‘(A) an elementary school in which not
7 less than 50 percent of the enrolled students
8 are from low-income families;
9 ‘‘(B) a secondary school in which not less
10 than 40 percent of the enrolled students are
11 from low-income families; or
12 ‘‘(C) identified for comprehensive support
13 and improvement under section 1111(c)(4)(D)
14 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
15 Act of 1965, targeted support and improvement
16 under section 1111(d)(2) of the Elementary
17 and Secondary Education Act of 1965, or addi-
18 tional targeted support under section
19 1111(d)(2)(C) of the Elementary and Sec-
20 ondary Education Act of 1965.
21 ‘‘(14) HIGHLY SKILLED.—The term ‘highly
22 skilled’, when used with respect to a teacher or
23 school leader in a State, means that the teacher or
24 school leader has met the applicable licensing re-
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1 quirements in the State to teach or be a school lead-
2 er.
3 ‘‘(15) INDUCTION PROGRAM.—The term ‘induc-
4 tion program’ means a formalized program for new
5 teachers or school leaders during not less than the
6 teachers’ or school leaders’ first 2 years of, respec-
7 tively, teaching or leading, that is designed to pro-
8 vide support for, and improve the professional per-
9 formance and advance the retention in the teaching
10 or leading field of, beginning teachers or school lead-
11 ers. Such program shall promote effective teaching
12 and leadership skills and shall include the following
13 components:
14 ‘‘(A) High-quality and structured teacher
15 or school leader mentoring led by a trained and
16 expert mentor who has demonstrated high skill
17 and effectiveness and who teaches or leads, or
18 has taught or led, in the same or similar field,
19 grade, or subject as the mentee.
20 ‘‘(B) Periodic, structured time for collabo-
21 ration with teachers or leaders in the same de-
22 partment or field, including mentor teachers or
23 leaders, as well as time for information-sharing
24 among teachers, principals, administrators,
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1 other appropriate instructional staff, and par-
2 ticipating faculty in the partner institution.
3 ‘‘(C) The application of evidence-based
4 practice and research on instructional practices.
5 ‘‘(D) Opportunities for new teachers or
6 school leaders to draw directly on the expertise
7 of teacher or leader mentors, faculty, and re-
8 searchers, including through mentor observation
9 and feedback, to support the integration of evi-
10 dence-based research and practice.
11 ‘‘(E) The development of evidence-based
12 skills in instructional and behavioral supports
13 and interventions, including alignment with
14 State standards on teaching and school leader-
15 ship.
16 ‘‘(F) Faculty or program staff who—
17 ‘‘(i) model the integration of research
18 and practice in the classroom;
19 ‘‘(ii) model personalized instruction;
20 and
21 ‘‘(iii) assist new teachers with the ef-
22 fective use and integration of technology in
23 the classroom or school to support instruc-
24 tion.
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1 ‘‘(G) Interdisciplinary collaboration among
2 exemplary teachers, school leaders, faculty, re-
3 searchers, and other staff who prepare new
4 teachers or school leaders with respect to the
5 learning process and the assessment of learn-
6 ing, including the development, analysis, and
7 use of formative, interim, and summative as-
8 sessments.
9 ‘‘(H) The development skills to implement
10 and support evidence-based practices that cre-
11 ate a positive school culture and climate.
12 ‘‘(I) Assistance with the understanding of
13 data, particularly student achievement and
14 classroom engagement data (such as attendance
15 and discipline rates and other measures of
16 school climate), and the applicability of such
17 data in classroom and school instruction and
18 design.
19 ‘‘(J) Regular and structured observation
20 and assessment of new teachers and school
21 leaders by multiple assessors, using valid and
22 reliable measures of teaching and leadership
23 skills in order to inform efforts to support new
24 teachers and school leaders and improve their
25 practice.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(16) PARENT.—The term ‘parent’ has the
2 meaning given the term in section 8101 of the Ele-
3 mentary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
4 ‘‘(17) PARTNER INSTITUTION.—The term ‘part-
5 ner institution’ means a public or nonprofit institu-
6 tion of higher education eligible to receive Federal
7 funds under title IV, which may include a 2-year
8 State- or regionally-accredited institution of higher
9 education offering a dual program with a 4-year
10 State-accredited institution of higher education, par-
11 ticipating in an eligible partnership that has a State-
12 accredited teacher, or, where relevant, school leader,
13 preparation program—
14 ‘‘(A) whose graduates exhibit strong per-
15 formance on State-determined qualifying assess-
16 ments for new teachers, or school leaders,
17 through—
18 ‘‘(i) demonstrating that 80 percent or
19 more of the graduates of the program who
20 intend to enter the field of teaching or
21 leading have passed all of the applicable
22 State qualification assessments for new
23 teachers or leaders, which shall include an
24 assessment of each prospective teacher’s
25 subject matter knowledge and pedagogical
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1 skills in the content area in which the
2 teacher intends to teach, or leadership
3 skills; or
4 ‘‘(ii) being ranked among the highest-
5 performing teacher or leader preparation
6 programs in the State, as determined by
7 the State—
8 ‘‘(I) based on the requirements
9 for the State report card under sec-
10 tion 205(b) before the first publica-
11 tion of such report card; and
12 ‘‘(II) using the State report card
13 on teacher preparation required under
14 section 205(b), after the first publica-
15 tion of such report card and for every
16 year thereafter; and
17 ‘‘(B) that requires—
18 ‘‘(i) each student in the program to
19 meet high academic standards or dem-
20 onstrate a record of success, as determined
21 by the institution (including prior to enter-
22 ing and being accepted into a program),
23 and participate in intensive clinical experi-
24 ence;
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1 ‘‘(ii) each student in the program pre-
2 paring to become a teacher or leader to be-
3 come highly skilled; and
4 ‘‘(iii) each student in the program
5 preparing to become an early childhood ed-
6 ucator to meet degree requirements, as es-
7 tablished by the State, and become highly
8 competent.

10 term ‘professional development’ has the meaning

11 given the term in section 8101 of the Elementary
12 and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
13 ‘‘(19) SCHOOL LEADER.—The term ‘school
14 leader’ has the meaning given the term in section
15 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
16 Act of 1965.
18 ‘school leadership skills’ means skills that enable a
19 school leader to—
20 ‘‘(A) develop and effectively implement a
21 shared mission across a school that supports a
22 rigorous and coherent system of curriculum, in-
23 struction, and assessment;
24 ‘‘(B) develop the professional capacity and
25 practice of school personnel, including through
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 the fostering of a professional community of
2 teachers and other professional staff, in an ef-
3 fort to increase student learning and achieve-
4 ment;
5 ‘‘(C) create an inclusive and positive school
6 environment, including through the implementa-
7 tion of culturally responsive and linguistically
8 inclusive practices;
9 ‘‘(D) effectively communicate and work
10 with parents to support student achievement;
11 ‘‘(E) effectively manage school operations
12 and resources; and
13 ‘‘(F) support a system of continuous im-
14 provement.

16 term ‘scientifically valid research’ includes applied

17 research, basic research, and field-initiated research
18 in which the rationale, design, and interpretation are
19 soundly developed in accordance with principles of
20 scientific research.

22 TORING.—The term ‘teacher or school leader men-

23 toring’ means the mentoring of new or prospective
24 teachers or school leaders through a program that—
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(A) includes clear criteria for the selec-
2 tion of teacher or school leader mentors who
3 will provide role model relationships for
4 mentees, which criteria shall be developed by
5 the eligible partnership and based on measures
6 of teacher or school leader effectiveness;
7 ‘‘(B) provides high-quality training for
8 such mentors, including instructional strategies
9 for comprehensive literacy instruction and cre-
10 ating inclusive and supportive classroom envi-
11 ronments (including approaches that improve
12 the schoolwide climate for learning, which may
13 include positive behavioral interventions and
14 supports, including trauma-informed care and
15 social and emotional learning);
16 ‘‘(C) provides regular and ongoing oppor-
17 tunities for mentors and mentees to observe
18 each other’s teaching or leadership methods in
19 classroom and school settings during the day in
20 a high need school in the high-need local edu-
21 cational agency in the eligible partnership;
22 ‘‘(D) provides paid release time for men-
23 tors, as applicable;
24 ‘‘(E) for teachers, provides mentoring to
25 each mentee by a colleague who teaches, or has
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 taught, in the same field, grade, or subject as
2 the mentee;
3 ‘‘(F) promotes empirically based practice
4 of, and evidence-based research on, where appli-
5 cable—
6 ‘‘(i) teaching and learning;
7 ‘‘(ii) assessment of student learning;
8 ‘‘(iii) the development of teaching
9 skills through the use of instructional and
10 behavioral interventions; and
11 ‘‘(iv) the improvement of the mentees’
12 capacity to measurably advance student
13 learning; and
14 ‘‘(G) includes—
15 ‘‘(i) common planning time or regu-
16 larly scheduled collaboration for the men-
17 tor and mentee; and
18 ‘‘(ii) joint professional development
19 opportunities.

21 RESIDENCY PROGRAM.—The term ‘teaching or

22 school leadership residency program’ means a
23 school-based teacher or school leader preparation
24 program based upon models of effective teaching and
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 leadership residencies in which a prospective teacher
2 or school leader—
3 ‘‘(A) for not less than 1 academic year,
4 teaches or leads alongside an expert mentor
5 teacher who is the teacher of record or school
6 leader;
7 ‘‘(B) receives concurrent, aligned, and rig-
8 orous graduate-level instruction during the year
9 described in subparagraph (A) from the partner
10 institution, which courses may be taught by
11 local educational agency personnel or residency
12 program faculty, and in the case of teachers, is
13 in the teaching of the content area in which the
14 teacher will become certified or licensed;
15 ‘‘(C) acquires effective teaching or school
16 leadership skills through the integration of ped-
17 agogy, classroom or school practice, and teacher
18 or leadership mentoring; and
19 ‘‘(D) prior to completion of the program,
20 earns a master’s degree, attains full State
21 teacher or school leader certification or licen-
22 sure, and demonstrates the prerequisite skills to
23 advance student learning, which may be meas-
24 ured by a teacher or school leader performance
25 assessment.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(24) TEACHING SKILLS.—The term ‘teaching
2 skills’ means skills that enable a teacher to—
3 ‘‘(A) increase student learning, achieve-
4 ment, and the ability to apply knowledge;
5 ‘‘(B) effectively convey, explain, and pro-
6 vide opportunities for students to develop the
7 skills aligned with the full depth and breadth of
8 the State challenging academic standards, in-
9 cluding the application of academic subject
10 matter;
11 ‘‘(C) effectively teach higher-order analyt-
12 ical, critical thinking, evaluation, problem-solv-
13 ing, and communication skills;
14 ‘‘(D) employ strategies grounded in the
15 disciplines of teaching and learning that—
16 ‘‘(i) are based on empirically based
17 practice and evidence-based research,
18 where applicable, related to teaching and
19 learning;
20 ‘‘(ii) are specific to academic subject
21 matter; and
22 ‘‘(iii) focus on the identification of
23 students’ specific learning needs, particu-
24 larly students with disabilities, students
25 who are English learners, students who are
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 gifted and talented, and students with low
2 literacy levels, and the tailoring of aca-
3 demic instruction to such needs;
4 ‘‘(E) design and conduct an ongoing as-
5 sessment of student learning, which may in-
6 clude the use of formative assessments, per-
7 formance-based assessments, project-based as-
8 sessments, or portfolio assessments, that meas-
9 ures higher-order thinking skills (including ap-
10 plication, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation)
11 and use this information to inform and person-
12 alize instruction;
13 ‘‘(F) support the social, emotional, and
14 academic achievement of all students, including
15 effectively creating an inclusive classroom envi-
16 ronment, including the ability to implement
17 positive behavioral interventions, trauma-in-
18 formed care, and other support strategies;
19 ‘‘(G) are culturally responsive and linguis-
20 tically inclusive;
21 ‘‘(H) communicate and work with parents,
22 and involve parents in their children’s edu-
23 cation; and
24 ‘‘(I) use age-appropriate and develop-
25 mentally appropriate strategies and practices
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 for students in early childhood education pro-
2 grams and elementary schools and secondary
3 schools.
4 ‘‘(25) TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE.—The term
5 ‘trauma-informed care’ means the evidence-based
6 practices identified in section 4108(5)(B)(ii)(II)(aa)
7 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
8 1965.
9 ‘‘SEC. 201. PURPOSES.

10 ‘‘The purposes of this title are to—

11 ‘‘(1) improve student achievement;
12 ‘‘(2) improve the skills and effectiveness of pro-
13 spective and new teachers and school leaders by im-
14 proving the preparation of prospective teachers and
15 school leaders and enhancing professional develop-
16 ment activities for new teachers and school leaders;
17 ‘‘(3) hold teacher and school leader preparation
18 programs accountable for preparing highly skilled
19 and effective teachers and school leaders; and
20 ‘‘(4) recruit well-prepared individuals, including
21 individuals from underrepresented populations and
22 individuals from other occupations, into the teaching
23 and school leadership force with an emphasis on
24 areas of State-identified teacher shortage, and where
25 available, school leader shortage.
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2 ‘‘(a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—From amounts made

3 available under section 210, excluding amounts reserved
4 under subsection (k), the Secretary is authorized to award
5 grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible partnerships, to
6 enable the eligible partnerships to carry out the activities
7 described in subsection (c).
8 ‘‘(b) APPLICATION.—Each eligible partnership desir-
9 ing a grant under this section shall submit an application
10 to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accom-
11 panied by such information as the Secretary may require.
12 Each such application shall contain—
13 ‘‘(1) a needs assessment of the partners in the
14 eligible partnership with respect to the preparation,
15 ongoing professional development, and retention of
16 general education, English language, and special
17 education teachers, principals, and other school lead-
18 ers, and, as applicable, early childhood educators, in-
19 cluding any information provided by the State or
20 local educational agency regarding teacher and
21 school leader shortage areas, including in special
22 education, English language, science, technology, en-
23 gineering, mathematics, and career and technical
24 education, and areas of inequitable distribution of
25 certified, experienced, and effective teachers and
26 school leaders;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(2) a description of the extent to which the
2 program to be carried out with grant funds, as de-
3 scribed in subsection (c), will prepare prospective
4 and new teachers with effective teaching skills or
5 prepare prospective and new school leaders with
6 strong school leadership skills;
7 ‘‘(3) a description of how such program will
8 prepare prospective and new teachers or school lead-
9 ers to understand and use research and data to
10 modify and improve classroom or schoolwide instruc-
11 tion and student engagement;
12 ‘‘(4) a description of—
13 ‘‘(A) how the eligible partnership will co-
14 ordinate strategies and activities assisted under
15 the grant with other teacher or school leader
16 preparation or professional development pro-
17 grams, including programs funded under the
18 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
19 1965 and the Individuals with Disabilities Edu-
20 cation Act, and through the National Science
21 Foundation;
22 ‘‘(B) how the activities of the partnership
23 will be consistent with and support State, local,
24 and other education reform activities that pro-
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1 mote teacher and school leader effectiveness
2 and student academic achievement;
3 ‘‘(C) how the eligible partnership will sup-
4 port the development and assessment of all
5 teaching candidates in effectively teaching sub-
6 ject matter and supporting the academic
7 achievement and nonacademic needs of all stu-
8 dents, such as—
9 ‘‘(i) effectively managing a classroom
10 to create a positive and inclusive classroom
11 environment;
12 ‘‘(ii) developing interpersonal and
13 intrapersonal skills that contribute to aca-
14 demic success;
15 ‘‘(iii) designing and conducting ongo-
16 ing assessments of student learning, which
17 may include the use of formative, perform-
18 ance-based, project-based, or portfolio as-
19 sessments that measure higher order
20 thinking skills;
21 ‘‘(iv) learning how to use this infor-
22 mation to inform and personalize instruc-
23 tion and differentiate instruction, including
24 working with students with special needs;
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1 ‘‘(v) effectively using and integrating
2 technology in the classroom to support evi-
3 dence-based instruction; and
4 ‘‘(vi) where appropriate, the skills nec-
5 essary to implement advanced coursework
6 programs, such as dual or concurrent en-
7 rollment programs, early college high
8 school, Advanced Placement, International
9 Baccalaureate, and talented and gifted;
10 ‘‘(D) how the eligible partnership will de-
11 velop and implement a competitive and com-
12 prehensive selection and screening process in-
13 tended to recruit high-ability, diverse can-
14 didates; and
15 ‘‘(E) how the eligible partnership will de-
16 velop strong local educational agency-institution
17 partnerships (which may include collaboration
18 with teacher and school leader representatives
19 within the local educational agency) that co-de-
20 sign the coursework and residency or clinical-
21 placement program to ensure candidates de-
22 velop an understanding of the students and
23 families in the communities in which they will
24 be teaching, prepare candidates to teach in
25 those communities, and understand school con-
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1 texts to address needs in the local educational
2 agency;
3 ‘‘(5) an assessment that describes the resources
4 available to the eligible partnership, including—
5 ‘‘(A) the integration of funds from other
6 related sources;
7 ‘‘(B) the intended use of the grant funds;
8 and
9 ‘‘(C) the commitment of the resources of
10 the partnership to the activities assisted under
11 this section, including financial support, faculty
12 participation, and time commitments, and to
13 the continuation of the activities when the grant
14 ends;
15 ‘‘(6) a description of—
16 ‘‘(A) how the eligible partnership will meet
17 the purposes of this title;
18 ‘‘(B) how the partnership will carry out
19 the activities required under subsection (d) or
20 (e), based on the needs identified in paragraph
21 (1), with the goal of improving student aca-
22 demic achievement and closing achievement
23 gaps in student performance across subgroups
24 of students, as described in section 1111(c)(2)
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1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
2 Act of 1965;
3 ‘‘(C) if the partnership chooses to use
4 funds under this section for a project or activi-
5 ties under subsection (f) or (g), how the part-
6 nership will carry out such project or required
7 activities based on the needs identified in para-
8 graph (1), with the goal of improving student
9 academic achievement and closing achievement
10 gaps in student performance across subgroups
11 of students, as described in section 1111(c)(2)
12 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
13 Act of 1965;
14 ‘‘(D) the partnership’s evaluation plan
15 under section 204(a);
16 ‘‘(E) how the partnership will align the
17 teacher or school leader preparation program
18 under subsection (c) with the—
19 ‘‘(i) as applicable, State early learning
20 standards for early childhood education
21 programs, as appropriate, and with the rel-
22 evant domains of early childhood develop-
23 ment;
24 ‘‘(ii) student academic achievement
25 standards and academic content standards
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1 under section 1111(b)(2) of the Elemen-
2 tary and Secondary Education Act of
3 1965, established by the State in which the
4 partnership is located; and
5 ‘‘(iii) professional development activi-
6 ties identified under section 2101 and sec-
7 tion 2103 of the Elementary and Sec-
8 ondary Education Act of 1965 and where
9 applicable, the school improvement activi-
10 ties identified under section 1111(d) of the
11 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
12 of 1965;
13 ‘‘(F) for a teacher preparation program,
14 how the partnership will prepare general edu-
15 cation teachers to teach students with disabil-
16 ities, including preparation related to participa-
17 tion as a member of individualized education
18 program teams, as defined in section
19 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabil-
20 ities Education Act and for a school leadership
21 preparation program, how the partnership will
22 prepare prospective school leaders to ensure
23 that students with disabilities receive special
24 education and related services, consistent with
25 the requirements of the Individuals with Dis-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 abilities Education Act, that are needed for
2 those students to meet the challenging State
3 academic standards;
4 ‘‘(G) how the partnership will prepare gen-
5 eral education and special education teachers to
6 teach students who are English learners, includ-
7 ing how to ensure that students who are
8 English learners receive the services needed to
9 meet the challenging State academic standards;
10 ‘‘(H) how faculty at the partner institution
11 will work, during the term of the grant, with ef-
12 fective teachers in the classrooms of high-need
13 schools served by the high-need local edu-
14 cational agency in the partnership to—
15 ‘‘(i) provide high-quality, evidence-
16 based professional development activities to
17 strengthen the content knowledge and
18 teaching skills of elementary school and
19 secondary school teachers; and
20 ‘‘(ii) develop other classroom teachers,
21 and other educators as appropriate, to im-
22 plement the elements of comprehensive lit-
23 eracy instruction;
24 ‘‘(I) how the partnership will design, im-
25 plement, or enhance a year-long and rigorous
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 teaching preservice residency or clinical pro-
2 gram component;
3 ‘‘(J) how the partnership will support in-
4 service professional development strategies and
5 activities; and
6 ‘‘(K) how the partnership will collect, ana-
7 lyze, and use data on the retention of all teach-
8 ers, school leaders, and early childhood edu-
9 cators, including where available, data on work-
10 ing conditions and school climate, in schools
11 and early childhood education programs located
12 in the geographic area served by the partner-
13 ship to evaluate the effectiveness of the partner-
14 ship’s teacher and educator support system;
15 and
16 ‘‘(7) with respect to the induction program re-
17 quired as part of the activities carried out under this
18 section—
19 ‘‘(A) a demonstration that the schools and
20 departments within the institution of higher
21 education that are part of the induction pro-
22 gram will effectively prepare teachers, including
23 providing content expertise and expertise in
24 teaching, including in creating inclusive and
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 culturally responsive learning environments, as
2 appropriate;
3 ‘‘(B) a demonstration of the eligible part-
4 nership’s capability and commitment to, and
5 the accessibility to and involvement of faculty
6 in, the use of evidence-based practice and sci-
7 entifically valid research on teaching and learn-
8 ing;
9 ‘‘(C) a description of how the teacher prep-
10 aration program will design and implement an
11 induction program to support, through not less
12 than the first 2 years of teaching, all new
13 teachers who are prepared by the teacher prep-
14 aration program in the partnership and who
15 teach in the high-need local educational agency
16 in the partnership, and, to the extent prac-
17 ticable, all new teachers who teach in such
18 high-need local educational agency, in the fur-
19 ther development of the new teachers’ teaching
20 skills, including the use of mentors who are
21 trained and compensated by such program for
22 the mentors’ work with new teachers; and
23 ‘‘(D) a description of how faculty involved
24 in the induction program will be able to sub-
25 stantially participate in an early childhood edu-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 cation program or an elementary school or sec-
2 ondary school classroom setting, as applicable,
3 including release time and receiving workload
4 credit for such participation.
5 ‘‘(c) USE OF GRANT FUNDS.—An eligible partner-
6 ship that receives a grant under this section shall use
7 grant funds to carry out programs identified under sub-
8 sections (d) through (g), or a combination of such pro-
9 grams.
12 partnership that receives a grant to carry out an effective
13 program for the pre-baccalaureate preparation of teachers
14 shall carry out a program that includes all of the following:
15 ‘‘(1) REFORMS.—
16 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Implementing re-
17 forms, described in subparagraph (B), within
18 each teacher preparation program and, as appli-
19 cable, each preparation program for early child-
20 hood educator programs, of the eligible partner-
21 ship that is assisted under this section, to hold
22 each program accountable for—
23 ‘‘(i) preparing—
24 ‘‘(I) new or prospective teachers
25 to be highly skilled (including teachers
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 in rural school districts who may
2 teach multiple subjects, special edu-
3 cators, and teachers of students who
4 are English learners who may also
5 teach multiple subjects);
6 ‘‘(II) such teachers and, as appli-
7 cable, early childhood educators, to
8 understand empirically based practice
9 and scientifically valid research re-
10 lated to teaching and learning and the
11 applicability of such practice and re-
12 search, including through the effective
13 use of technology, instructional tech-
14 niques, and strategies consistent with
15 the principles of universal design for
16 learning, and through positive behav-
17 ioral interventions and support strate-
18 gies to improve student achievement
19 and engagement; and
20 ‘‘(III) as applicable, early child-
21 hood educators to be highly effective;
22 and
23 ‘‘(ii) promoting effective teaching
24 skills and techniques to improve children’s
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 cognitive, social, emotional, and physical
2 development.
3 ‘‘(B) REQUIRED REFORMS.—The reforms
4 described in subparagraph (A) shall include—
5 ‘‘(i) implementing teacher preparation
6 program curriculum changes that improve,
7 evaluate, and assess how well all prospec-
8 tive and new teachers develop teaching
9 skills and are prepared to provide class-
10 room instruction aligned to the full depth
11 and breadth of the State’s challenging aca-
12 demic standards;
13 ‘‘(ii) using empirically based practice
14 and evidence-based research, where appli-
15 cable, about teaching and learning so that
16 all prospective teachers and, as applicable,
17 early childhood educators—
18 ‘‘(I) understand and can imple-
19 ment research based teaching prac-
20 tices in classroom instruction;
21 ‘‘(II) have knowledge of student
22 learning methods;
23 ‘‘(III) possess skills to analyze
24 student academic achievement and en-
25 gagement data and other measures of
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 student learning, and use such data
2 and measures to improve classroom
3 instruction and engagement;
4 ‘‘(IV) possess teaching skills and
5 an understanding of effective instruc-
6 tional strategies across all applicable
7 content areas that enable general edu-
8 cation and special education teachers
9 and early childhood educators to—
10 ‘‘(aa) meet the specific
11 learning needs of all students, in-
12 cluding students with disabilities,
13 with a focus on the skills nec-
14 essary to support students with
15 high incidence disabilities such as
16 attention deficit/hyperactivity dis-
17 order, dyslexia, and dyscalculia/
18 dysgraphia, students who are
19 English learners, students who
20 are gifted and talented, students
21 with low literacy levels and, as
22 applicable, children in early child-
23 hood education programs and
24 students who are significantly
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 overage and high school credit
2 deficient; and
3 ‘‘(bb) differentiate instruc-
4 tion for such students;
5 ‘‘(V) can effectively participate as
6 a member of the individualized edu-
7 cation program team, as defined in
8 section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individ-
9 uals with Disabilities Education Act;
10 ‘‘(VI) possess the skills to meet
11 the academic, social, and emotional
12 needs of students and create inclusive
13 and culturally responsive learning en-
14 vironments; and
15 ‘‘(VII) can successfully employ
16 effective strategies for comprehensive
17 literacy instruction;
18 ‘‘(iii) ensuring collaboration with de-
19 partments, programs, or units of a partner
20 institution outside of the teacher prepara-
21 tion program in all academic content areas
22 to ensure that prospective teachers receive
23 preparation in both teaching and relevant
24 content areas in order to become skilled
25 and fully certified in the grade and content
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 areas in which they will be teaching, which
2 may include preparation in multiple sub-
3 jects to teach multiple grade levels as may
4 be needed for individuals preparing to
5 teach in rural communities and for individ-
6 uals preparing to teach students with dis-
7 abilities as described in section 602(10)(D)
8 of the Individuals with Disabilities Edu-
9 cation Act;
10 ‘‘(iv) developing and implementing an
11 induction program;
12 ‘‘(v) developing admissions goals and
13 priorities aligned with the hiring objectives
14 of the high-need local educational agency
15 in the eligible partnership; and
16 ‘‘(vi) implementing program and cur-
17 riculum changes, as applicable, to ensure
18 that prospective teachers have the requisite
19 content knowledge, preparation, and degree
20 to teach Advanced Placement or Inter-
21 national Baccalaureate courses success-
22 fully.

24 ACTION.—Developing and improving a sustained and

25 high-quality preservice clinical education program to
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 further develop the teaching skills of all prospective
2 teachers and, as applicable, early childhood edu-
3 cators, involved in the program. Such program shall
4 do the following:
5 ‘‘(A) Incorporate year-long opportunities
6 for enrichment, including—
7 ‘‘(i) clinical learning in classrooms in
8 high-need schools served by the high-need
9 local educational agency in the eligible
10 partnership, and identified by the eligible
11 partnership; and
12 ‘‘(ii) closely supervised interaction be-
13 tween prospective teachers and assigned
14 faculty, experienced and effective teachers,
15 principals, other administrators, and school
16 leaders at early childhood education pro-
17 grams, elementary schools, or secondary
18 schools, and providing support for such
19 interaction.
20 ‘‘(B) Integrate pedagogy and classroom
21 practice and promote effective teaching skills in
22 academic content areas.
23 ‘‘(C) Provide high-quality teacher men-
24 toring.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(D) Be offered over the course of a pro-
2 gram of teacher preparation.
3 ‘‘(E) Be tightly aligned with coursework
4 (and may be developed as a fifth year of a
5 teacher preparation program).
6 ‘‘(F) Where feasible, allow prospective
7 teachers to learn to teach in the same local edu-
8 cational agency in which the teachers will work,
9 learning the instructional initiatives and cur-
10 riculum of that local educational agency.
11 ‘‘(G) As applicable, provide preparation
12 and experience to enhance the teaching skills of
13 prospective teachers to better prepare such
14 teachers to meet the unique needs of teaching
15 in rural or urban communities.
16 ‘‘(H) Provide support and preparation for
17 individuals participating in an activity for pro-
18 spective or new teachers described in this para-
19 graph or paragraph (1) or (3), and for individ-
20 uals who serve as mentors for such teachers,
21 based on each individual’s experience. Such
22 support may include—
23 ‘‘(i) with respect to a prospective
24 teacher or a mentor, release time for such
25 individual’s participation;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) with respect to a faculty member,
2 receiving course workload credit and com-
3 pensation for time teaching in the eligible
4 partnership’s activities; and
5 ‘‘(iii) with respect to a mentor, a sti-
6 pend, which may include bonus, differen-
7 tial, incentive, or performance pay, based
8 on the mentor’s extra skills and respon-
9 sibilities.

11 ERS.—Creating an induction program for new teach-

12 ers or, in the case of an early childhood education
13 program, providing mentoring or coaching for new
14 early childhood educators.


17 GRAMS.—In the case of an eligible partnership fo-

18 cusing on early childhood educator preparation, im-
19 plementing initiatives that increase compensation for
20 early childhood educators who attain associate or
21 baccalaureate degrees in early childhood education.

23 MENT.—Developing and implementing effective

24 mechanisms (which may include State-accredited al-
25 ternative routes to full State certification of teach-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ers) to ensure that the eligible partnership is able to
2 recruit qualified individuals to become highly skilled
3 and effective teachers or school leaders through the
4 activities of the eligible partnership, which may in-
5 clude an emphasis on recruiting into the teaching or
6 school leadership profession—
7 ‘‘(A) individuals from under represented
8 populations;
9 ‘‘(B) individuals to teach or lead in rural
10 communities in school leader or teacher short-
11 age areas, including mathematics, science, spe-
12 cial education, and the instruction of students
13 who are English learners; and
14 ‘‘(C) mid-career professionals from other
15 occupations, former military personnel, and re-
16 cent college graduates with a record of aca-
17 demic distinction.

19 Strengthening the literacy teaching skills of prospec-

20 tive and, as applicable, new elementary school and
21 secondary school teachers to provide the elements of
22 comprehensive literacy instruction.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An eligible partnership re-
2 ceiving a grant to carry out an effective teaching
3 residency program shall carry out a program as fol-
4 lows:
5 ‘‘(A) The effective teaching residency pro-
6 gram shall include all of the following activities:
7 ‘‘(i) Supporting a teaching residency
8 program described in paragraph (2) for
9 high-need subjects and areas, as deter-
10 mined by the needs of the high-need local
11 educational agency in the partnership in
12 which the teacher resident teaches along-
13 side a highly skilled and effective teacher
14 of record for at least 1 academic year while
15 engaging in initial preparation coursework.
16 ‘‘(ii) Placing graduates of the teach-
17 ing residency program in cohorts that fa-
18 cilitate professional collaboration, both
19 among graduates of the teaching residency
20 program and between such graduates and
21 mentor teachers in the receiving school.
22 ‘‘(iii) Ensuring that teaching residents
23 who participate in the teaching residency
24 program receive—
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(I) effective preservice prepara-
2 tion as described in paragraph (2),
3 with an emphasis on—
4 ‘‘(aa) developing instruc-
5 tional strategies in the teaching
6 of the content area in which the
7 teacher will become certified to
8 teach;
9 ‘‘(bb) planning, curriculum
10 development, and assessment;
11 ‘‘(cc) child and adolescent
12 learning and development;
13 ‘‘(dd) creating an inclusive
14 and supportive classroom envi-
15 ronment;
16 ‘‘(ee) supports for language
17 development;
18 ‘‘(ff) supports for serving
19 students with disabilities; and
20 ‘‘(gg) developing profes-
21 sional responsibilities, including
22 interaction with families and col-
23 leagues;
24 ‘‘(II) teacher mentoring;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(III) the opportunity to meet
2 the requirements to earn an initial
3 teaching credential; and
4 ‘‘(IV) the preparation described
5 in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of
6 subsection (d)(2).
7 ‘‘(B) The effective teaching residency pro-
8 gram may include implementing an induction
9 program as the teaching residents enter the
10 classroom as new teachers, including tuition as-
11 sistance and a living stipend.


14 teaching residency program under this para-

15 graph shall be a program based upon models of
16 successful teaching residencies that serves as a
17 mechanism to prepare teachers for success in
18 the high-need schools in the eligible partner-
19 ship, and shall be designed to include the fol-
20 lowing characteristics of successful programs:
21 ‘‘(i) The integration of pedagogy,
22 classroom practice, and teacher mentoring.
23 ‘‘(ii) Engagement of teaching resi-
24 dents in rigorous graduate-level course
25 work to earn a master’s degree while un-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 dertaking a guided teaching apprentice-
2 ship.
3 ‘‘(iii) Experience and learning oppor-
4 tunities alongside a well-prepared and ex-
5 perienced mentor teacher—
6 ‘‘(I) whose teaching shall com-
7 plement the residency program so that
8 classroom clinical practice is tightly
9 aligned with coursework;
10 ‘‘(II) who shall have extra re-
11 sponsibilities as a teacher leader of
12 the teaching residency program, as a
13 mentor for residents, and as a teacher
14 coach during the induction program
15 for new teachers, and for establishing,
16 within the program, a learning com-
17 munity in which all individuals are ex-
18 pected to continually improve their ca-
19 pacity to advance student learning;
20 and
21 ‘‘(III) who may be relieved from
22 teaching duties as a result of such ad-
23 ditional responsibilities.
24 ‘‘(iv) The establishment of clear cri-
25 teria for the selection of mentor teachers
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 based on measures of teacher effectiveness
2 and the appropriate subject area knowl-
3 edge. Evaluation of teacher effectiveness
4 shall be based on, but not limited to, ob-
5 servations of the following:
6 ‘‘(I) Planning and preparation,
7 including demonstrated knowledge of
8 content, pedagogy, and assessment,
9 including the use of formative and di-
10 agnostic assessments to improve stu-
11 dent learning.
12 ‘‘(II) Appropriate instruction
13 that engages students with different
14 learning styles.
15 ‘‘(III) Collaboration with col-
16 leagues to improve instruction.
17 ‘‘(IV) Analysis of gains in stu-
18 dent learning, based on multiple
19 measures that are valid and reliable
20 and that, when feasible, may include
21 valid, reliable, and objective measures
22 of the influence of teachers on the
23 rate of student academic progress.
24 ‘‘(V) In the case of mentor can-
25 didates who will be mentoring new or
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 prospective literacy and mathematics
2 coaches or instructors, appropriate
3 skills in the elements of comprehen-
4 sive literacy instruction, teacher train-
5 ing in literacy instructional strategies
6 across core subject areas, and teacher
7 training in mathematics instructional
8 strategies, as appropriate.
9 ‘‘(v) Grouping of teaching residents in
10 cohorts to facilitate professional collabora-
11 tion among such residents.
12 ‘‘(vi) The development of admissions
13 goals and priorities—
14 ‘‘(I) that are aligned with the
15 hiring objectives of the local edu-
16 cational agency partnering with the
17 program, as well as the instructional
18 initiatives and curriculum of such
19 agency, in exchange for a commitment
20 by such agency to hire qualified grad-
21 uates from the teaching residency pro-
22 gram; and
23 ‘‘(II) which may include consider-
24 ation of applicants who reflect the
25 communities in which they will teach
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 as well as consideration of individuals
2 from underrepresented populations in
3 the teaching profession.
4 ‘‘(vii) Support for residents, once the
5 teaching residents are hired as teachers of
6 record, through an induction program, pro-
7 fessional development, and networking op-
8 portunities to support the residents
9 through not less than the residents’ first
10 two years of teaching.


13 ‘‘(i) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL.—In order

14 to be eligible to be a teacher resident in a
15 teaching residency program under this
16 paragraph, an individual shall—
17 ‘‘(I) be a recent graduate of a 2-
18 year or enrolled in a 4-year institution
19 of higher education or a mid-career
20 professional from outside the field of
21 education possessing strong content
22 knowledge or a record of professional
23 accomplishment; and
24 ‘‘(II) submit an application to
25 the teaching residency program.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) SELECTION CRITERIA.—An eligi-
2 ble partnership carrying out a teaching
3 residency program under this subsection
4 shall establish criteria for the selection of
5 eligible individuals to participate in the
6 teaching residency program based on the
7 following characteristics:
8 ‘‘(I) Strong content knowledge or
9 record of accomplishment in the field
10 or subject area to be taught.
11 ‘‘(II) Strong verbal and written
12 communication skills, which may be
13 demonstrated by performance on ap-
14 propriate tests.
15 ‘‘(III) Other attributes linked to
16 effective teaching, which may be de-
17 termined by interviews or performance
18 assessments, as specified by the eligi-
19 ble partnership.



23 teaching residency program under this sub-

24 section shall provide a 1- year living sti-
25 pend or salary to teaching residents during
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 the 1-year teaching residency program,
2 which may include the use of funding pro-
3 vided under an AmeriCorps position as-
4 sisted by the Corporation for National and
5 Community Service towards such stipends
6 or salaries.

8 SALARIES.—Each teacher residency can-

9 didate desiring a stipend or salary during
10 the period of residency shall submit an ap-
11 plication to the eligible partnership at such
12 time, and containing such information and
13 assurances, as the eligible partnership may
14 require.
15 ‘‘(iii) AGREEMENTS TO SERVE.—Each

16 application submitted under clause (ii)

17 shall contain or be accompanied by an
18 agreement that the applicant will—
19 ‘‘(I) serve as a full-time teacher
20 for a total of not less than 3 academic
21 years immediately after successfully
22 completing the 1-year teaching resi-
23 dency program;
24 ‘‘(II) fulfill the requirement
25 under subclause (I) by teaching in a
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 high-need school served by the high-
2 need local educational agency in the
3 eligible partnership and teach a sub-
4 ject or area that is designated as high
5 need by the partnership;
6 ‘‘(III) provide to the eligible part-
7 nership a certificate, from the chief
8 administrative officer of the local edu-
9 cational agency in which the resident
10 is employed, of the employment re-
11 quired in subclauses (I) and (II) at
12 the beginning of, and upon completion
13 of, each year or partial year of serv-
14 ice;
15 ‘‘(IV) meet the requirements to
16 be a fully State-certified teacher,
17 when the applicant begins to fulfill the
18 service obligation under this clause;
19 and
20 ‘‘(V) comply with the require-
21 ments set by the eligible partnership
22 under clause (iv) if the applicant is
23 unable or unwilling to complete the
24 service obligation required by this
25 clause.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(iv) REPAYMENTS.—
2 ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—A grantee
3 carrying out a teaching residency pro-
4 gram under this paragraph shall re-
5 quire a recipient of a stipend or salary
6 under clause (i) who does not com-
7 plete, or who notifies the partnership
8 that the recipient intends not to com-
9 plete, the service obligation required
10 by clause (iii) to repay such stipend or
11 salary to the eligible partnership, to-
12 gether with interest, at a rate speci-
13 fied by the partnership in the agree-
14 ment, and in accordance with such
15 other terms and conditions specified
16 by the eligible partnership, as nec-
17 essary.

19 TIONS.—Any other terms and condi-

20 tions specified by the eligible partner-
21 ship may include reasonable provi-
22 sions for pro-rata repayment of the
23 stipend or salary described in clause
24 (i) or for deferral of a teaching resi-
25 dent’s service obligation required by
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 clause (iii), on grounds of health, in-
2 capacitation, inability to secure em-
3 ployment in a school served by the eli-
4 gible partnership, being called to ac-
5 tive duty in the Armed Forces of the
6 United States, or other extraordinary
7 circumstances.

9 An eligible partnership shall use any

10 repayment received under this clause
11 to carry out additional activities that
12 are consistent with the purposes of
13 this subsection.
16 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An eligible partnership that
17 receives a grant under this section may carry out an
18 effective ‘Grow Your Own’ program to address sub-
19 ject or geographic areas of teacher or school leader
20 shortages or increase the diversity of the teacher or
21 school leader workforce.

23 GRAM.—A Grow Your Own program carried out

24 under this subsection shall—
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(A) integrate career-focused courses on
2 education topics with school-based learning ex-
3 perience;
4 ‘‘(B) provide opportunities for candidates
5 to practice and develop the skills and disposi-
6 tions that will help them become skilled edu-
7 cators and leaders;
8 ‘‘(C) support candidates as they complete
9 their associate, baccalaureate, or master’s de-
10 gree and earn their teaching or school leader-
11 ship credential; and
12 ‘‘(D) offer financial aid, in addition to fi-
13 nancial assistance that may be received under
14 title IV, to candidates and work in partnership
15 with members of the eligible partnership to pro-
16 vide academic, counseling, and programmatic
17 supports.
19 and enhance multiple pathways to enter the educator
20 and leadership workforce, an eligible partnership
21 carrying out a Grow Your Own program under this
22 subsection, in collaboration with organizations rep-
23 resenting educators and leaders and additional
24 stakeholders shall—
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(A) establish an advisory group to review
2 barriers impacting underrepresented popu-
3 lations entering the teaching and school leader-
4 ship profession, identify local teacher and leader
5 workforce needs, develop policies on the cre-
6 ation or expansion of Grow Your Own pro-
7 grams, and provide guidance and oversight on
8 the implementation of such programs;
9 ‘‘(B) track and evaluate the effectiveness
10 of the program, including, at a minimum, using
11 the data required under section 204(a)(1);
12 ‘‘(C) require candidates to complete all
13 State requirements to become fully certified;
14 ‘‘(D) provide academic and testing sup-
15 ports, including advising and financial assist-
16 ance, to candidates for admission and comple-
17 tion of education preparation programs as well
18 as State licensure assessments;
19 ‘‘(E) include efforts, to the extent feasible,
20 to recruit current paraprofessionals, as defined
21 under section 8101 of the Elementary and Sec-
22 ondary Education Act of 1965, instructional as-
23 sistants, district employees not certified to
24 teach or lead (such as long-term substitute
25 teachers), after school and summer program
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 staff, parent school volunteers, retired military
2 personnel, and other career changers with expe-
3 rience in hard to staff areas who are not cur-
4 rently certified to teach or lead with a specific
5 focus on recruiting individuals who are reflec-
6 tive of the race, ethnicity, and native language
7 of the existing community’s student population;
8 and
9 ‘‘(F) provide a year-long clinical experience
10 or teaching or school leadership residency with
11 a stipend to cover living expenses.
14 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An eligible partnership that
15 receives a grant under this section may carry out an
16 effective school leadership program that shall include
17 all of the following activities:
18 ‘‘(A) Preparing individuals enrolled or pre-
19 paring to enroll in school leadership programs
20 for careers as superintendents, principals, early
21 childhood education program directors, or other
22 school leaders (including individuals preparing
23 to work in local educational agencies located in
24 rural areas who may perform multiple duties in
25 addition to the role of a school leader).
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(B) Using a research-based curriculum
2 that is aligned with developing leadership skills
3 and, as applicable, techniques for school leaders
4 to effectively—
5 ‘‘(i) provide instructional leadership,
6 including by creating and maintaining a
7 data-driven, professional learning commu-
8 nity within the leader’s school where teach-
9 ers, early childhood educators, staff, and
10 students engage in continual learning and
11 improvement;
12 ‘‘(ii) provide a climate conducive to
13 the professional development of teachers
14 and early childhood educators, with a focus
15 on improving student academic achieve-
16 ment and engagement and the development
17 of effective instructional leadership skills,
18 including coaching, providing constructive
19 feedback and support, and opportunities
20 for teacher leadership;
21 ‘‘(iii) understand the teaching and as-
22 sessment skills needed to support success-
23 ful classroom instruction and to use data
24 to evaluate teacher and early childhood ed-
25 ucator instruction and drive teacher, early
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 childhood educator, and student learning,
2 including how to use data and collective in-
3 quiry to identify problems and address
4 needs, in collaboration with staff, parents,
5 and community organizations;
6 ‘‘(iv) manage resources, including
7 staffing, and school time to improve stu-
8 dent academic achievement and engage-
9 ment and ensure the school environment is
10 safe and inclusive;
11 ‘‘(v) engage and involve parents, com-
12 munity members, the local educational
13 agency, businesses, and other community
14 leaders, to leverage additional resources to
15 improve student academic achievement;
16 ‘‘(vi) understand how students learn
17 and develop in order to create a positive
18 and inclusive learning environment and in-
19 crease academic achievement for all stu-
20 dents; and
21 ‘‘(vii) understand how to support a
22 curriculum aligned with the full breadth
23 and depth of the State’s challenging aca-
24 demic standards and lead continuous
25 school improvement efforts.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(C) Ensuring that individuals who par-
2 ticipate in the school leadership program re-
3 ceive—
4 ‘‘(i) effective preservice preparation as
5 described in subparagraph (D);
6 ‘‘(ii) mentoring that provides ongoing
7 and consistent feedback and support;
8 ‘‘(iii) structured learning and courses
9 carried out in collaboration with a small
10 group of peers, including opportunities to
11 participate in professional learning commu-
12 nities; and
13 ‘‘(iv) if applicable, full State certifi-
14 cation or licensure to become a school lead-
15 er.
16 ‘‘(D) Developing and improving a sus-
17 tained and high quality preservice clinical edu-
18 cation program to further develop the leader-
19 ship skills of all prospective school leaders in-
20 volved in the program. Such clinical education
21 program shall do the following:
22 ‘‘(i) Incorporate year-long opportuni-
23 ties for enrichment, including—
24 ‘‘(I) clinical learning in high-need
25 schools served by the high-need local
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 educational agency or a local edu-
2 cational agency located in a rural area
3 in the eligible partnership and identi-
4 fied by the eligible partnership; and
5 ‘‘(II) closely supervised inter-
6 action and opportunities for feedback
7 between prospective school leaders and
8 faculty, new and experienced teachers,
9 and new and experienced school lead-
10 ers, in such high-need schools.
11 ‘‘(ii) Integrate pedagogy and practice
12 and promote effective leadership skills,
13 meeting the unique needs of urban, rural,
14 or geographically isolated communities, as
15 applicable.
16 ‘‘(iii) Use context-specific problems to
17 connect coursework and practice to enrich
18 new school leaders’ skill development.
19 ‘‘(iv) Provide for mentoring of new
20 school leaders.
21 ‘‘(E) Creating an induction program for
22 new school leaders.
23 ‘‘(F) Developing and implementing effec-
24 tive mechanisms to ensure that the eligible
25 partnership is able to recruit qualified individ-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 uals to become school leaders through the ac-
2 tivities of the eligible partnership, which may
3 include an emphasis on recruiting into school
4 leadership professions—
5 ‘‘(i) individuals from underrepresented
6 populations;
7 ‘‘(ii) individuals to serve as super-
8 intendents, principals, or other school ad-
9 ministrators in rural and geographically
10 isolated communities and school leader
11 shortage areas; and
12 ‘‘(iii) individuals from the commu-
13 nities in which they plan to serve.

15 LEADERSHIP PROGRAM.—In order to be eligible for

16 the school leadership program under this subsection,
17 an individual shall be enrolled in or preparing to en-
18 roll in an institution of higher education, and shall—
19 ‘‘(A) be a—
20 ‘‘(i) recent graduate of an institution
21 of higher education;
22 ‘‘(ii) mid-career professional from out-
23 side the field of education with strong con-
24 tent knowledge or a record of professional
25 accomplishment;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(iii) current teacher who is interested
2 in becoming a school leader; or
3 ‘‘(iv) school leader who is interested in
4 becoming a superintendent; and
5 ‘‘(B) submit an application to the leader-
6 ship program.
8 shall—
9 ‘‘(1) evaluate the programs assisted under this
10 section; and
11 ‘‘(2) make publicly available a report detailing
12 the Secretary’s evaluation of each such program.
14 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Members of an eligible
15 partnership that receives a grant under this section
16 shall engage in regular consultation throughout the
17 development and implementation of programs and
18 activities carried out under this section.
20 timely and meaningful consultation as described in
21 paragraph (1), regular communication shall occur
22 among all members of the eligible partnership, in-
23 cluding the high-need local educational agency. Such
24 communication shall continue throughout the imple-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 mentation of the grant and the assessment of pro-
2 grams and activities under this section.
3 ‘‘(3) WRITTEN CONSENT.—The Secretary may
4 approve changes in grant activities of a grant under
5 this section only if the eligible partnership submits
6 to the Secretary a written consent of such changes
7 signed by all members of the eligible partnership.
8 ‘‘(j) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section shall
9 be construed to prohibit an eligible partnership from using
10 grant funds to coordinate with the activities of eligible
11 partnerships in other States or on a regional basis through
12 Governors, State boards of education, State educational
13 agencies, State agencies responsible for early childhood
14 education, local educational agencies, or State agencies for
15 higher education.

18 ‘‘(1) RESERVATION.—The Secretary shall re-

19 serve 10 percent of the amount appropriated under
20 section 210 for a fiscal year for State leadership and
21 administrative activities.
22 ‘‘(2) ALLOCATION.—From the funds reserved
23 under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year, the Secretary
24 shall provide each State educational agency with an
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 allocation. Such allocation shall be the same for each
2 State educational agency.
3 ‘‘(3) USES OF FUNDS.—Funds allocated to each
4 State educational agency under paragraph (2) shall
5 be used for—
6 ‘‘(A) administrative expenses required
7 under this title, including expenses related to
8 administering sections 205, 207, and 208; and
9 ‘‘(B) State leadership activities that are
10 consistent with the purposes of this title, such
11 as—
12 ‘‘(i) increasing the diversity of teach-
13 ers and school leaders being prepared by
14 institutions and programs in the State;
15 ‘‘(ii) ensuring that all graduates of
16 teacher and school leader preparation pro-
17 grams in the State are well prepared to
18 provide and support classroom instruction;
19 ‘‘(iii) identifying and addressing
20 teacher and school leader shortages in the
21 State; and
22 ‘‘(iv) other activities identified by the
23 State educational agency that advance and
24 improve teacher and school leader prepara-
25 tion.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(l) SUPPLEMENT, NOT SUPPLANT.—Funds made
2 available under this section shall be used to supplement,
3 and not supplant, other Federal, State, and local funds
4 that would otherwise be expended to carry out activities
5 under this section.



9 ‘‘(1) DURATION.—A grant awarded under this

10 title shall be awarded for a period of 5 years.
11 ‘‘(2) NUMBER OF AWARDS.—An eligible part-
12 nership may not receive more than one grant during
13 a 5-year period. Nothing in this title shall be con-
14 strued to prohibit an individual member, that can
15 demonstrate need, of an eligible partnership that re-
16 ceives a grant under this title from entering into an-
17 other eligible partnership consisting of new members
18 and receiving a grant with such other eligible part-
19 nership before the 5-year period described in the
20 preceding sentence applicable to the eligible partner-
21 ship with which the individual member has first
22 partnered has expired.
23 ‘‘(b) PEER REVIEW.—
24 ‘‘(1) PANEL.—The Secretary shall provide the
25 applications submitted under this title to a peer re-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 view panel for evaluation. With respect to each ap-
2 plication, the peer review panel shall initially rec-
3 ommend the application for funding or for dis-
4 approval.
5 ‘‘(2) PRIORITY.—The Secretary, in funding ap-
6 plications under this title, shall—
7 ‘‘(A) give priority to eligible partnerships
8 that—
9 ‘‘(i) support a State-accredited teach-
10 er or school leader preparation program
11 that has a rigorous selection process and
12 demonstrated success in having a diverse
13 set of candidates complete the program,
14 and entering and remaining in the profes-
15 sion;
16 ‘‘(ii) provide a 1-year preservice clin-
17 ical or residency experience that includes
18 the integration of coursework and clinical
19 practice and offers cohorts of candidates
20 the opportunity to learn to teach or lead in
21 partner schools or teaching academies; and
22 ‘‘(iii) address rural teacher and leader
23 shortages or increase the diversity of the
24 teacher and leader workforce (including
25 through supporting Grow Your Own mod-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 els and partnerships between community
2 colleges and 4-year institutions of higher
3 education); and
4 ‘‘(B) provide for an equitable geographic
5 distribution of grants among rural and urban
6 areas.
7 ‘‘(3) SECRETARIAL SELECTION.—The Secretary
8 shall determine, based on the peer review process,
9 which applications shall receive funding and the
10 amounts of the grants. In determining grant
11 amounts, the Secretary shall take into account the
12 total amount of funds available for all grants under
13 this title and the types of activities proposed to be
14 carried out by the eligible partnership.
16 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each eligible partnership
17 receiving a grant under this title shall provide, from
18 non-Federal sources, an amount equal to 100 per-
19 cent of the amount of the grant, which may be pro-
20 vided in cash or in-kind, to carry out the activities
21 supported by the grant.
22 ‘‘(2) WAIVER.—The Secretary may waive all or
23 part of the matching requirement described in para-
24 graph (1) for any fiscal year for an eligible partner-
25 ship if the Secretary determines that applying the
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 matching requirement to the eligible partnership
2 would result in serious hardship or an inability to
3 carry out the authorized activities described in this
4 title.
6 An eligible partnership that receives a grant under this
7 title may use not more than 2 percent of the funds pro-
8 vided to administer the grant.


11 eligible partnership submitting an application for a grant
12 under this title shall establish, and include in such applica-
13 tion, an evaluation plan that includes strong and measur-
14 able performance objectives. The plan shall include objec-
15 tives and measures for increasing—
16 ‘‘(1) achievement for all prospective and new
17 teachers and school leaders, as measured by the eli-
18 gible partnership, which includes at a minimum—
19 ‘‘(A) teacher or school leader retention in
20 the first 3 years and the first 5 years of a
21 teacher’s or school leader’s career after comple-
22 tion of the program and attainment of State
23 certification;
24 ‘‘(B) improvement in the pass rates and
25 scaled scores for initial State certification or li-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 censure of teachers or school leaders, including
2 performance on a teacher or school leader per-
3 formance assessment where applicable;
4 ‘‘(2) the percentage of teachers hired by the
5 high-need local educational agency who are fully cer-
6 tified in the grade and content area in which they
7 are assigned, or school leaders hired, where applica-
8 ble—
9 ‘‘(A) participating in the eligible partner-
10 ship;
11 ‘‘(B) who are members of underrep-
12 resented groups;
13 ‘‘(C) who teach high-need academic subject
14 areas (such as reading, mathematics, science,
15 and foreign language, including less commonly
16 taught languages and critical foreign lan-
17 guages);
18 ‘‘(D) who teach in high-need areas (includ-
19 ing special education, language instruction edu-
20 cational programs for English learners, and
21 early childhood education); and
22 ‘‘(E) who teach or lead in high-need
23 schools, disaggregated by the elementary school
24 and secondary school levels;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(3) where available, data on teacher or school
2 leader effectiveness, as defined by the State in which
3 the teacher or school leader is placed;
4 ‘‘(4) where available, data from the high-need
5 local education agency, consortium, or early child-
6 hood program obtained through mechanisms such as
7 a survey and other district-level data, including data
8 related to satisfaction with the partner institution,
9 including strengths and weaknesses of teacher or
10 school leader candidates, that would inform improve-
11 ments in the partner institution’s program; and
12 ‘‘(5) as applicable, the percentage of early child-
13 hood education program classes in the geographic
14 area served by the eligible partnership taught by
15 early childhood educators who are highly competent.
16 ‘‘(b) INFORMATION.—An eligible partnership receiv-
17 ing a grant under this title shall ensure that teachers,
18 principals, school superintendents, and other school lead-
19 ers, faculty, and leadership at institutions of higher edu-
20 cation located in the geographic areas served by the eligi-
21 ble partnership are provided information, including
22 through electronic means, about the activities carried out
23 with funds under this title.
24 ‘‘(c) REVISED APPLICATION.—If the Secretary deter-
25 mines that an eligible partnership receiving a grant under
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 this title is not making substantial progress in meeting
2 the purposes, goals, objectives, and measures of the grant,
3 as appropriate, by the end of the third year of a grant
4 under this title, then the Secretary—
5 ‘‘(1) shall cancel the grant; and
6 ‘‘(2) may use any funds returned or available
7 because of such cancellation under paragraph (1)
8 to—
9 ‘‘(A) increase other grant awards under
10 this title; or
11 ‘‘(B) award new grants to other eligible
12 partnerships under this title.
14 retary shall evaluate the activities funded under this title
15 and report the findings regarding the evaluation of such
16 activities to the authorizing committees. The Secretary
17 shall broadly disseminate—
18 ‘‘(1) successful practices developed by eligible
19 partnerships under this title; and
20 ‘‘(2) information regarding such practices that
21 were found to be ineffective.
AEG18494 S.L.C.




6 ‘‘(1) REPORT CARD.—Each institution of higher
7 education that conducts a traditional teacher or
8 school leader preparation program or alternative
9 routes to State certification or licensure program
10 and that enrolls students receiving Federal assist-
11 ance under this Act shall report annually to the
12 State and the general public, in a uniform and com-
13 prehensible manner that conforms with the defini-
14 tions and methods established by the Secretary, the
15 following:

17 ‘‘(i) For the most recent year for

18 which the information is available for the
19 institution—
20 ‘‘(I) whether the goals set under
21 section 206 have been met; and
22 ‘‘(II) a description of the activi-
23 ties the institution implemented to
24 achieve such goals.
25 ‘‘(ii) A description of the steps the in-
26 stitution is taking to improve its perform-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ance in meeting the annual goals set under
2 section 206.
3 ‘‘(iii) A description of the activities
4 the institution has implemented to meet
5 the assurances provided under section 206.

7 For the most recent year for which the informa-

8 tion is available for those students who took the
9 assessments used for teacher or school leader
10 certification or licensure by the State in which
11 the program is located and are enrolled in the
12 traditional teacher or school leader preparation
13 program or alternative routes to State certifi-
14 cation or licensure program, and for those who
15 have taken such assessments and have com-
16 pleted the traditional teacher or school leader
17 preparation program or alternative routes to
18 State certification or licensure program during
19 the 2-year period preceding such year, for each
20 of such assessments (disaggregated by race,
21 ethnicity, and gender)—
22 ‘‘(i) the percentage of students who
23 have completed 100 percent of the nonclin-
24 ical coursework and taken the assessment
25 who pass such assessment;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) the percentage of all students
2 who passed such assessment, including the
3 percentage of students who passed the as-
4 sessment after taking the assessment for
5 the first time;
6 ‘‘(iii) the percentage of students who
7 have taken such assessment who enrolled
8 in and completed the traditional teacher or
9 school leader preparation program or alter-
10 native routes to State certification or licen-
11 sure program, as applicable;
12 ‘‘(iv) the average scaled score for all
13 students who took such assessment;
14 ‘‘(v) a comparison of the program’s
15 pass rates with the average pass rates for
16 programs in the State; and
17 ‘‘(vi) a comparison of the program’s
18 average scaled scores with the average
19 scaled scores for programs in the State.
20 ‘‘(C) PROGRAM INFORMATION.—A descrip-
21 tion of—
22 ‘‘(i) the criteria for admission into the
23 program;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) the number of students in the
2 program (disaggregated by race, ethnicity,
3 and gender);
4 ‘‘(iii) the range and average number
5 of hours of supervised clinical experience
6 required for those in the program;
7 ‘‘(iv) the number of full-time equiva-
8 lent faculty and students in the supervised
9 clinical experience;
10 ‘‘(v) the percentage and total number
11 of program entrants who have completed
12 the program (disaggregated by race, eth-
13 nicity, and gender, except that such
14 disaggregation shall not be required in a
15 case in which the number of students in a
16 category is insufficient to yield statistically
17 reliable information or the results would
18 reveal personally identifiable information
19 about an individual student);
20 ‘‘(vi) the percentage and total number
21 of program completers who have been cer-
22 tified or licensed as teachers or school
23 leaders (disaggregated by subject and area
24 of certification or licensure and by race,
25 ethnicity, and gender, except that such
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 disaggregation shall not be required in a
2 case in which the number of students in a
3 category is insufficient to yield statistically
4 reliable information or the results would
5 reveal personally identifiable information
6 about an individual student); and
7 ‘‘(vii) the 3- and 5-year teacher or
8 school leader retention rates, including, at
9 a minimum, in the same school and local
10 educational agency, and within the profes-
11 sion (disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and
12 gender, except that such disaggregation
13 shall not be required in a case in which the
14 number of students in a category is insuffi-
15 cient to yield statistically reliable informa-
16 tion or the results would reveal personally
17 identifiable information about an individual
18 student).
19 ‘‘(D) STATEMENT.—In States that require
20 approval or accreditation of teacher or school
21 leader preparation programs, a statement of
22 whether the institution’s program is so ap-
23 proved or accredited, and by whom.

25 FORMING.—Whether the program has been des-

AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ignated as low-performing by the State under
2 section 207(a) and the years for which it has
3 received that designation.
4 ‘‘(F) USE OF TECHNOLOGY.—A descrip-
5 tion of the activities, including activities con-
6 sistent with the principles of universal design
7 for learning, that prepare teachers to integrate
8 technology effectively into curricula and instruc-
9 tion, and to use technology effectively to collect,
10 manage, and analyze data in order to improve
11 teaching and learning for the purpose of in-
12 creasing student academic achievement.
13 ‘‘(G) TEACHER PREPARATION.—A descrip-
14 tion of the activities that prepare general edu-
15 cation and special education teachers to teach
16 students with disabilities effectively, including
17 training on high incidence disabilities, related to
18 participation as a member of individualized edu-
19 cation program teams, as defined in section
20 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabil-
21 ities Education Act, and to effectively teach
22 students who are English learners.
23 ‘‘(2) REPORT.—Each eligible partnership re-
24 ceiving a grant under section 202 shall report annu-
25 ally on the progress of the eligible partnership to-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ward meeting the purposes of this title and the ob-
2 jectives and measures described in section 204(a).
3 ‘‘(3) FINES.—The Secretary may impose a fine
4 not to exceed $27,500 on an institution of higher
5 education for failure to provide the information de-
6 scribed in this subsection in a timely or accurate
7 manner.
8 ‘‘(4) SPECIAL RULE.—In the case of an institu-
9 tion of higher education that conducts a traditional
10 teacher or school leader preparation program or al-
11 ternative routes to State certification or licensure
12 program and has fewer than 10 scores reported on
13 any single initial teacher or school leader certifi-
14 cation or licensure assessment during an academic
15 year, the institution shall collect and publish infor-
16 mation, as required under paragraph (1)(B), with
17 respect to an average pass rate and scaled score on
18 each State certification or licensure assessment
19 taken over a 3-year period.


22 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each State that receives
23 funds under this Act shall provide to the Secretary,
24 and make widely available to the general public, in
25 a uniform and comprehensible manner that conforms
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 with the definitions and methods established by the
2 Secretary, an annual State report card on the qual-
3 ity of teacher and school leader preparation in the
4 State, both for traditional teacher and school leader
5 preparation programs and for alternative routes to
6 State certification or licensure programs, which shall
7 include not less than the following:
8 ‘‘(A) A description of the reliability and
9 validity of the teacher or school leader certifi-
10 cation and licensure assessments, and any other
11 certification and licensure requirements, includ-
12 ing whether a teacher or school leader perform-
13 ance assessment is used by the State.
14 ‘‘(B) The standards and criteria that pro-
15 spective teachers or school leaders must meet to
16 attain initial teacher or school leader certifi-
17 cation or licensure and to be certified or li-
18 censed to teach particular academic subjects,
19 areas, or grades or lead within the State.
20 ‘‘(C) A description of how the assessments
21 and requirements described in subparagraph
22 (A) are aligned with the State’s challenging
23 academic content standards required under sec-
24 tion 1111(b)(1) of the Elementary and Sec-
25 ondary Education Act of 1965 and, as applica-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ble, State early learning standards for early
2 childhood education programs.
3 ‘‘(D) For each of the assessments used by
4 the State for teacher or school leader certifi-
5 cation or licensure (disaggregated by race, eth-
6 nicity, and gender, except that such
7 disaggregation shall not be required in a case in
8 which the number of students in a category is
9 insufficient to yield statistically reliable infor-
10 mation or the results would reveal personally
11 identifiable information about an individual stu-
12 dent)—
13 ‘‘(i) for each institution of higher edu-
14 cation located in the State and each entity
15 located in the State, including those that
16 offer an alternative route for teacher or
17 school leader certification or licensure, the
18 percentage of students at such institution
19 or entity who have completed 100 percent
20 of the nonclinical coursework and taken
21 the assessment who pass such assessment;
22 ‘‘(ii) the percentage of all such stu-
23 dents at all such institutions and entities
24 who have taken the assessment who pass
25 such assessment;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(iii) the percentage of students who
2 have taken the assessment who enrolled in
3 and completed a teacher or school leader
4 preparation program; and
5 ‘‘(iv) the average scaled score of indi-
6 viduals participating in such a program, or
7 who have completed such a program dur-
8 ing the 2-year period preceding the first
9 year for which the annual State report
10 card is provided, who took each such as-
11 sessment.
12 ‘‘(E) A description of alternative routes to
13 teacher or school leader certification or licen-
14 sure in the State (including any such routes op-
15 erated by entities that are not institutions of
16 higher education and whether such entities are
17 nonprofit and State-accredited), if any, includ-
18 ing, for each of the assessments used by the
19 State for teacher or school leader certification
20 or licensure (disaggregated by race, ethnicity,
21 and gender, except that such disaggregation
22 shall not be required in a case in which the
23 number of students in a category is insufficient
24 to yield statistically reliable information or the
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 results would reveal personally identifiable in-
2 formation about an individual student)—
3 ‘‘(i) the percentage of individuals par-
4 ticipating in such routes, or who have com-
5 pleted such routes during the 2-year period
6 preceding the date for which the deter-
7 mination is made, who passed each such
8 assessment; and
9 ‘‘(ii) the average scaled score of indi-
10 viduals participating in such routes, or who
11 have completed such routes during the 2-
12 year period preceding the first year for
13 which the annual State report card is pro-
14 vided, who took each such assessment.
15 ‘‘(F) A description of the State’s criteria
16 for assessing the performance of teacher or
17 school leader preparation programs within insti-
18 tutions of higher education in the State. Such
19 criteria shall include indicators of the academic
20 content knowledge and teaching skills of stu-
21 dents enrolled in such programs and the items
22 identified in subparagraph (D) and relevant
23 school leadership skills.
24 ‘‘(G) For each teacher and school leader
25 preparation program in the State—
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(i) the criteria for admission into the
2 program;
3 ‘‘(ii) the number of students in the
4 program, disaggregated by race, ethnicity,
5 and gender (except that such
6 disaggregation shall not be required in a
7 case in which the number of students in a
8 category is insufficient to yield statistically
9 reliable information or the results would
10 reveal personally identifiable information
11 about an individual student);
12 ‘‘(iii) the range and average number
13 of hours of supervised clinical experience
14 required for those in the program;
15 ‘‘(iv) whether the program is des-
16 ignated as low performing under section
17 207(a) and for which years; and
18 ‘‘(v) the number of full-time equiva-
19 lent faculty, adjunct faculty, and students
20 in supervised clinical experience.
21 ‘‘(H) For the State as a whole, and for
22 each teacher and school leader preparation pro-
23 gram in the State, the number of teachers and
24 school leaders prepared, in the aggregate and
25 disaggregate by race, ethnicity, and gender (ex-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 cept that such disaggregation shall not be re-
2 quired in a case in which the number of stu-
3 dents in a category is insufficient to yield sta-
4 tistically reliable information or the results
5 would reveal personally identifiable information
6 about an individual student), and reported sep-
7 arately by—
8 ‘‘(i) area of certification or licensure;
9 ‘‘(ii) academic major; and
10 ‘‘(iii) for teachers, subject area for
11 which the teacher has been prepared to
12 teach;
13 ‘‘(iv) placement in a teaching or
14 school leadership position within six
15 months of program completion; and
16 ‘‘(v) rates of 3- and 5-year teacher or
17 school leadership retention including, at a
18 minimum, in the same school and local
19 educational agency, and within the profes-
20 sion.
21 ‘‘(I) Information on State-identified areas
22 of teacher or school leader shortage, including
23 a description of the extent to which teacher or
24 school leader preparation programs are address-
25 ing such shortages and a lack of student access
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 to experienced, fully certified, and effective
2 teachers and school leaders.
3 ‘‘(J) The extent to which teacher prepara-
4 tion programs prepare teachers, including gen-
5 eral education and special education teachers,
6 to teach students with disabilities effectively, in-
7 cluding training on high incidence disabilities
8 and related to participation as a member of in-
9 dividualized education program teams, as de-
10 fined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals
11 with Disabilities Education Act.
12 ‘‘(K) A description of the activities that
13 prepare teachers to—
14 ‘‘(i) integrate technology effectively
15 into curricula and instruction, including
16 activities consistent with the principles of
17 universal design for learning; and
18 ‘‘(ii) use technology effectively to col-
19 lect, manage, and analyze data to improve
20 teaching and learning for the purpose of
21 increasing student academic achievement.
22 ‘‘(L) The extent to which teacher prepara-
23 tion programs prepare teachers, including gen-
24 eral education and special education teachers,
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 to effectively teach students who are English
2 learners.

4 TIONAL LIST.—The Secretary shall not create a na-

5 tional list or ranking of States, institutions, or
6 schools using the scaled scores provided under this
7 subsection.
8 ‘‘(c) DATA QUALITY.—The Secretary shall prescribe
9 regulations to ensure the reliability, validity, integrity, and
10 accuracy of the data submitted pursuant to this section.
13 ‘‘(1) REPORT CARD.—The Secretary shall annu-
14 ally provide to the authorizing committees, and pub-
15 lish and make widely available, a report card on
16 teacher and school leader qualifications and prepara-
17 tion in the United States, including all the informa-
18 tion reported in subparagraphs (A) through (L) of
19 subsection (b)(1). Such report shall identify States
20 for which eligible partnerships received a grant
21 under this title.
22 ‘‘(2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—The Secretary
23 shall prepare and submit a report to the authorizing
24 committees that contains the following:
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(A) A comparison of States’ efforts to im-
2 prove the quality of the current and future
3 teaching and school leadership force.
4 ‘‘(B) A comparison of eligible partnerships’
5 efforts to improve the quality of the current
6 and future teaching and school leadership force.
7 ‘‘(C) The national mean and median scaled
8 scores and pass rate on any standardized test
9 that is used in more than one State for teacher
10 or school leader certification or licensure.
11 ‘‘(3) SPECIAL RULE.—In the case of a teacher
12 or school leader preparation program with fewer
13 than 10 scores reported on any single initial teacher
14 certification or licensure assessment during an aca-
15 demic year, the Secretary shall collect and publish,
16 and make publicly available, information with re-
17 spect to an average pass rate and scaled score on
18 each State certification or licensure assessment
19 taken over a 3-year period.
20 ‘‘(e) COORDINATION.—The Secretary, to the extent
21 practicable, shall coordinate the information collected and
22 published under this title among States for individuals
23 who took State teacher certification or licensure assess-
24 ments in a State other than the State in which the indi-
25 vidual received the individual’s most recent degree.
AEG18494 S.L.C.


2 ‘‘(a) ANNUAL GOALS.—Each institution of higher

3 education that conducts a traditional teacher or school
4 leader preparation program (including programs that offer
5 any ongoing professional development programs) or alter-
6 native routes to State certification or licensure program,
7 and that enrolls students receiving Federal assistance
8 under this Act, shall set annual quantifiable goals for in-
9 creasing the number of prospective teachers prepared in
10 teacher shortage areas designated by the Secretary or by
11 the State educational agency, including mathematics,
12 science, special education, and instruction of English
13 learners and any shortages in school leaders.
14 ‘‘(b) ASSURANCES.—Each institution described in
15 subsection (a) shall provide assurances to the Secretary
16 that—
17 ‘‘(1) preparation provided to prospective teach-
18 ers or school leaders responds to the identified needs
19 of the local educational agencies or States where the
20 institution’s graduates are likely to teach or lead,
21 based on past hiring and recruitment trends and
22 State-identified shortage areas;
23 ‘‘(2) preparation provided to prospective teach-
24 ers or school leaders is aligned with the needs of
25 schools and the instructional decisions new teachers
26 or school leaders face in the classroom and which
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 may be informed by data included in the statewide
2 accountability system under section 1111(c) of the
3 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965,
4 including a focus on addressing the data identifying
5 low performance or gaps in student subgroup per-
6 formance;
7 ‘‘(3) prospective special education teachers re-
8 ceive course work in core academic subjects and re-
9 ceive preparation in providing instruction in core
10 academic subjects;
11 ‘‘(4) general education teachers and school lead-
12 ers receive preparation in providing culturally re-
13 sponsive instruction and climate to diverse popu-
14 lations, including children with disabilities, English
15 learners, and children from low-income families; and
16 ‘‘(5) prospective teachers or school leaders re-
17 ceive preparation on how to effectively teach or lead
18 in urban and rural schools, as applicable.
19 ‘‘(c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this sec-
20 tion shall be construed to require an institution to create
21 a new teacher or school leader preparation area of con-
22 centration or degree program or adopt a specific cur-
23 riculum in complying with this section.
AEG18494 S.L.C.


2 ‘‘(a) STATE ASSESSMENT.—In order to receive funds

3 under this Act, a State shall conduct an assessment to
4 identify low-performing teacher and school leader prepara-
5 tion programs in the State and to assist such programs
6 through the provision of technical assistance. Each such
7 State shall provide the Secretary with, and make publicly
8 available, an annual list of low-performing teacher and
9 school leader preparation programs and an identification
10 of those programs at risk of being placed on such list,
11 as applicable. Such assessment shall be described in the
12 report under section 205(b). Levels of performance shall
13 be determined solely by the State and may include criteria
14 based on information collected pursuant to this title, in-
15 cluding progress in meeting the goals of—
16 ‘‘(1) increasing the percentage of highly skilled
17 and effective teachers or school leaders in the State,
18 including increasing professional development oppor-
19 tunities;
20 ‘‘(2) improving student academic achievement
21 for elementary and secondary students; and
22 ‘‘(3) raising the standards for entry into the
23 teaching profession.
24 ‘‘(b) TERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY.—Any teacher or
25 school leader preparation program from which the State
26 has withdrawn the State’s approval, or terminated the
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 State’s financial support, due to the low performance of
2 the program based upon the State assessment described
3 in subsection (a)—
4 ‘‘(1) shall be ineligible for any funding for pro-
5 fessional development activities awarded by the De-
6 partment;
7 ‘‘(2) shall notify enrolled students and students
8 submitting an application for enrollment of such sta-
9 tus;
10 ‘‘(3) may not be permitted to accept or enroll
11 any student who receives aid under title IV in the
12 institution’s teacher or school leader preparation
13 program;
14 ‘‘(4) shall provide transitional support, includ-
15 ing remedial services if necessary, for students en-
16 rolled at the institution at the time of termination
17 of financial support or withdrawal of approval; and
18 ‘‘(5) shall be reinstated upon demonstration of
19 improved performance, as determined by the State.
20 ‘‘(c) NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING.—If the Secretary
21 develops any regulations implementing subsection (b)(2),
22 the Secretary shall submit such proposed regulations to
23 a negotiated rulemaking process, which shall include rep-
24 resentatives of States, institutions of higher education,
25 and educational and student organizations.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

2 requirements of this section shall apply to both traditional
3 teacher and school leader preparation programs and alter-
4 native routes to State certification and licensure pro-
5 grams.

7 ‘‘(a) METHODS.—In complying with sections 205 and

8 206, the Secretary shall ensure that States and institu-
9 tions of higher education use fair and equitable methods
10 in reporting and that the reporting methods do not reveal
11 personally identifiable information.


14 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For the purpose of improv-
15 ing teacher and school leader preparation programs,
16 a State that receives funds under this Act, or that
17 participates as a member of a partnership, consor-
18 tium, or other entity that receives such funds, shall
19 provide to a teacher or school leader preparation
20 program, upon the request of the teacher or school
21 leader preparation program, any and all pertinent
22 education related information that—
23 ‘‘(A) may enable the teacher or school
24 leader preparation program to evaluate the ef-
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 fectiveness of the program’s graduates or the
2 program itself; and
3 ‘‘(B) is possessed, controlled, or accessible
4 by the State.
5 ‘‘(2) CONTENT OF INFORMATION.—The infor-
6 mation described in paragraph (1)—
7 ‘‘(A) shall include an identification of spe-
8 cific individuals who graduated from the teach-
9 er or school leader preparation program to en-
10 able the teacher or school leader preparation
11 program to evaluate the information provided to
12 the program from the State with the program’s
13 own data about the specific courses taken by,
14 and field experiences of, the individual grad-
15 uates; and
16 ‘‘(B) may include—
17 ‘‘(i) kindergarten through grade 12
18 academic achievement and demographic
19 data, without revealing personally identifi-
20 able information about an individual stu-
21 dent, for students who have been taught by
22 graduates of the teacher preparation pro-
23 gram;
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(ii) teacher or school leader effective-
2 ness evaluations for graduates of the prep-
3 aration program; and
4 ‘‘(iii) survey data on program quality
5 as it relates to the preparedness on dif-
6 ferent aspects of teaching or school leader-
7 ship from preparation program completers
8 and principals in schools or superintend-
9 ents in local educational agencies where
10 completers are placed.


13 ‘‘(a) ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION.—In this section, the

14 term ‘eligible institution’ means—
15 ‘‘(1) a public or nonprofit institution of higher
16 education that has a State-accredited teacher or
17 school leader preparation program and that is—
18 ‘‘(A) a part B institution (as defined in
19 section 322);
20 ‘‘(B) a Hispanic-serving institution (as de-
21 fined in section 502);
22 ‘‘(C) a Tribal College or University (as de-
23 fined in section 316);
24 ‘‘(D) an Alaska Native-serving institution
25 (as defined in section 317(b));
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(E) a Native Hawaiian-serving institution
2 (as defined in section 317(b));
3 ‘‘(F) a Predominantly Black Institution
4 (as defined in section 318);
5 ‘‘(G) an Asian American and Native Amer-
6 ican Pacific Islander-serving institution (as de-
7 fined in section 320(b)); or
8 ‘‘(H) a Native American-serving, nontribal
9 institution (as defined in section 319);
10 ‘‘(2) a consortium of institutions described in
11 paragraph (1); or
12 ‘‘(3) an institution described in paragraph (1),
13 or a consortium described in paragraph (2), in part-
14 nership with any other institution of higher edu-
15 cation, but only if the center of excellence estab-
16 lished under subsection (b) is located at an institu-
17 tion described in paragraph (1).
18 ‘‘(b) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—From the amounts
19 appropriated to carry out this section for a fiscal year,
20 the Secretary is authorized to award competitive grants
21 to eligible institutions to establish centers of excellence.
22 ‘‘(c) USE OF FUNDS.—Grants provided by the Sec-
23 retary under this section shall be used to ensure that cur-
24 rent and future teachers and school leaders are highly
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 skilled by carrying out one or more of the following activi-
2 ties:
3 ‘‘(1) Implementing evidence-based reforms with-
4 in teacher or school leader preparation programs to
5 ensure that such programs are preparing teachers
6 and school leaders, who are highly skilled, are able
7 to understand and used evidence-based research, and
8 are able to use or support advanced technology effec-
9 tively in the classroom, including use of, or support
10 of, instructional techniques to improve student aca-
11 demic achievement, by—
12 ‘‘(A) recruiting and preparing new and ex-
13 perienced faculty; and
14 ‘‘(B) designing (or redesigning) teacher or
15 school leader preparation programs that—
16 ‘‘(i) prepare teachers or school leaders
17 to serve in low-performing schools and
18 close student achievement gaps, and that
19 are based on rigorous academic content,
20 evidence-based research, and challenging
21 State academic content standards and stu-
22 dent academic achievement standards; and
23 ‘‘(ii) promote effective teaching or
24 school leadership skills.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(2) Providing sustained and high-quality
2 preservice clinical or residency experience, including
3 the mentoring of prospective teachers or school lead-
4 ers by effective teachers or school leaders, substan-
5 tially increasing interaction between faculty at insti-
6 tutions of higher education and effective teachers,
7 principals, and other school leaders at elementary
8 schools or secondary schools, and providing support,
9 including preparation time, for such interaction.
10 ‘‘(3) Developing and implementing initiatives to
11 promote retention of highly skilled and effective
12 teachers and principals, including teachers and prin-
13 cipals from underrepresented populations, including
14 programs that provide—
15 ‘‘(A) teacher or principal mentoring from
16 effective teachers or principals, respectively; or
17 ‘‘(B) induction and support for teachers
18 and principals during their first 3 years of em-
19 ployment as teachers or principals, respectively.
20 ‘‘(4) Awarding scholarships based on financial
21 need to help students pay the costs of tuition, room,
22 board, licensing, books, and other expenses of com-
23 pleting a teacher preparation program, not to exceed
24 the cost of attendance.
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(5) Disseminating information on evidence-
2 based effective practices for teacher preparation and
3 successful teacher certification and licensure assess-
4 ment preparation strategies.
5 ‘‘(6) Activities authorized under section 202.
6 ‘‘(d) APPLICATION.—Any eligible institution desiring
7 a grant under this section shall submit an application to
8 the Secretary at such a time, in such a manner, and ac-
9 companied by such information as the Secretary may re-
10 quire.
11 ‘‘(e) MINIMUM GRANT AMOUNT.—The minimum
12 amount of each grant under this section shall be
13 $500,000.
15 An eligible institution that receives a grant under this sec-
16 tion may use not more than 2 percent of the funds pro-
17 vided to administer the grant.
18 ‘‘(g) REPORT.—Each eligible institution that receives
19 a grant under this section and is a partner in an eligible
20 partnership receiving a grant under section 202 shall re-
21 port annually on the progress of the eligible partnership
22 toward meeting the purposes of this title and the objec-
23 tives and measures described in section 204(a).
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(h) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall prescribe
2 such regulations as may be necessary to carry out this
3 section .
5 are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section
6 such sums as may be necessary for each fiscal year.

8 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to be ap-

9 propriated to carry out this title, except section 209,
10 $300,000,000 for each fiscal year.
11 ‘‘(b) INCREASE IN GRANT AWARDS.—If the amount
12 appropriated to carry out this title, except section 209,
13 for a fiscal year is equal to or more than $100,000,000,
14 the Secretary is authorized to significantly increase from
15 a year when there was less amounts appropriated the
16 award amounts under this title to support the scaling up
17 of effective practices.’’.


20 tion 318 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C.
21 1059e) is amended—
22 (1) in subsection (b)(1)(E), by striking ‘‘train-
23 ing’’ and inserting ‘‘preparation’’; and
24 (2) in subsection (d)(2), by striking subpara-
25 graph (C) and inserting the following:
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(C) Establishing or enhancing a program
2 of teacher or school leader education that—
3 ‘‘(i) is aligned with the elements iden-
4 tified under clauses (i) through (vi) of sec-
5 tion 202(b)(4)(C) and subparagraph (A)(i)
6 and clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph
7 (B) of section 202(d)(1);
8 ‘‘(ii) is designed to develop teaching
9 or school leadership skills and the skills
10 identified in section 202(g)(1)(B) and
11 qualify students to teach in a public ele-
12 mentary school or secondary school in the
13 State; and
14 ‘‘(iii) shall include, as part of such
15 program, preparation for teacher or school
16 leader certification or licensure.’’.
18 TUTIONS.—Section 319(c)(2) of the Higher Education Act
19 of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059f(c)(2)) is amended—
20 (1) in subparagraph (H), by striking ‘‘and’’
21 after the semicolon;
22 (2) by redesignating subparagraph (I) as sub-
23 paragraph (J); and
24 (3) by inserting after subparagraph (H) the fol-
25 lowing:
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(I) establishing or enhancing a program
2 of teacher and school leader education that is—
3 ‘‘(i) aligned with the elements identi-
4 fied under clauses (i) through (vi) of sec-
5 tion 202(b)(4)(C) and subparagraph (A)(i)
6 and clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph
7 (B) of section 202(d)(1); and
8 ‘‘(ii) designed to develop teaching
9 skills, as defined in section 200, to qualify
10 students to teach or lead in elementary
11 schools and secondary schools; and’’.
13 MENT PROGRAMS.—Section 399(a)(5) of the Higher Edu-
14 cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1068h(a)(5)) is amended
15 to read as follows:
16 ‘‘(5) PART E.—There are authorized to be ap-
17 propriated to carry out part E, $30,000,000 for
18 each fiscal year.’’.
21 ING INSTITUTIONS.—Section 371(b) of the Higher Edu-
22 cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q) is amended—
23 (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking
24 ‘‘$255,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2008
25 through 2019. The authority to award grants under
AEG18494 S.L.C.

1 this section shall expire at the end of fiscal year
2 2019.’’ and inserting ‘‘$265,000,000 for each fiscal
3 year.’’; and
4 (2) in paragraph (2)—
5 (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking
6 ‘‘$100,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$110,000,000’’;
7 and
8 (B) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by striking
9 ‘‘$600,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$660,000’’.

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