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Name: Charity Anne Camille B.

Penaloza Course: BSEd-English IV

Subject: English

Grade & Section: 9- Gold, Aluminum & Silver

Time: 9:00-10:00, 1:00-3:00

A Detailed Learning Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the play of The Death of a Salesman,
b. compose a play review about The Death of a Salesman,
c. value the lesson of the play through applying it in daily life activities.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Death of the Salesman
B: References:

C. Materials: instructional aids, hand-outs
D. Values Integration: cooperation, self-esteem, optimism, appreciation
E. Teaching Strategies: Discovery Approach,
III. Learning Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am! (Standing)

You may now take your seats. Okay, please Student does as told
lead the prayer, Katrina.

2. Checking of Attendance

Now class, are all present? Response may vary.

Okay, so who are absents for today? Response may vary.

Thank you, class.

(After checking of attendance, there will be

a short explanation for the lesson’s

3. Collecting and Checking of

Class, get your assignment and pass it Students do as told.
forward. At the count of five, your papers
must be in front. I want you to do it, without
talking and standing.


Are all papers submitted? Yes Ma’am!

4. Review

Okay class, what was our topic last meeting? Our topic last meeting was all about

So class, what are Modals again? Modals are a type of auxiliary that
expresses an attitude to what we say.
Focusing on the four paired forms: can
and could, will and would, may and
might, and shall and should, and one of
the singular forms- must.

Very well said, class!

5. Spelling

Okay class! Please get ¼ sheet of paper.

Because we will have a spelling test before
having an activity.

Am I clear?

Okay, are you ready?

Listen carefully to my instruction. I will use

the word you are going to spell in a
sentence. I will read the sentence once and
the word to be spelled twice.

Okay let’s start. Number 1…

1. My father is a salesman.
2. Exercise keeps her young and vital.
3. His popularity has fluctuated during his
terms in office.
4. She was a famous writer and wit.
- wit
5. He then resolves on suicide, which he has
hinted at before.

Are you done answering? Yes Ma’am!

Now, exchange your papers with your
seatmate and write corrected by.

Who wants to answer number 1?

Come in front and write your answers on the


Are you done checking? Yes Ma’am!

Pass your papers forward at the count of five

without talking and standing.

Are all papers submitted? Yes Ma’am!

4. Motivation

Class, I have here different pictures. What Death Ma’am!

do these pictures mean?

Very good! So, do we have anymore here Responses may vary.

who experienced to lose someone?

Now class, do you know why we are talking We don’t know Ma’am!
about death?

So, kindly listen as I present to you our story Okay Ma’am!

for today.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the Topic

Class, our play or story for today is about A
Death of a Salesman.

Now, do you know the play about A Death No Ma’am!

of a Salesman?

Okay! But before knowing the story, let’s

have our words to learn for this day.

2. Words to Learn
Class, as you can remember, we had a
spelling activity earlier. Those spelled words
were the terms that we could encounter in
the discussion. But class, in order to
discover the definitions of each word. I need
first 5 volunteers.

So, here’s my instruction. I have here five

definitions of the words you have spelled
earlier. Those five volunteers will match
these definitions to the corresponding word.
So volunteers please come in front and start
matching it.

 Salesman- a person who sells goods

or services in a particular area, store
or by telephone.
 Vital- extremely important
 Fluctuate- to shift back and forth
 Wit- the ability to think or reason.
 Hinted- an indirect or general
suggestion for how to do or solve

3. Discussion

Now class, I know it is very challenging but

I believe you can able to do it! Please go to Students do as told.
your respective groups. Later on I will give
my instruction.

Since everyone is already settled, I will give

each group a copy of A Death of a
Salesman’s synopsis and character list. I will Students do as told.
give to you the opportunity to explore and
understand the play, and let each group do a
discussion. I will give you 10 minutes to
finish the task.

Then, time’s up!

4. Application
Now, in order to know if everyone has
learned about the play. I have another
challenge for you to make.

We will be composing a play review.

Do you know what a play review is? No Ma’am!

A play review is a subjective and educated

response to a piece of theater.

So, the parts are:

 Introduction (Includes the title of
the play, the name of the playwright,
and a general impression of the
 Statement and Summary (Includes
a brief summary of the play, and
support that summary with concrete
evidence from the text.
 Body of the Paper- (Includes the
acting/performance of main
 Conclusion- (Includes your insights
or opinions about the play)
 Theme/Message- (Includes the
lesson you can get from the play.)

Now, here is the instruction…

With the same 5 groups earlier, compose a

play review regarding A Death of a
Salesman. In order to do that, I have here
rolled papers. We will have draw lots. Each
rolled paper contains a certain part of a play
review. So, the rolled paper you have got
will be your group’s task. I will give you 10
minutes to finish the activity.

Your time starts now!

(Then each group starts presenting)

5. Generalization
Do you have any questions concerning our None Ma’am!
topic for today, class?

Okay, very good!

So again, what the play all about? Answers may vary.

Precisely, class!

Class, why is it that we should value the We should value it because the lessons we
can get from the play will help to become a
lesson of the play in our daily life activities?
better person in real life.
Well said, class!

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: In your ¼ sheet of paper, choose among the choices of modals to
what is appropriate in the following sentences.

1. Who are the main characters in the play?

2. Who is the author of the play?
3. What university did the author graduated?
4. What prize did the author achieve on his play, A Death of a Salesman?
5. Where the author was born?

V. Assignment

 For 0-5 scores

Instruction: In your ½ crosswise sheet of paper, construct a paragraph containing
the lessons of the story.
 For 6-10
Instruction: In your ½ crosswise sheet of paper, make a reflection paper about
losing someone you love and relate it to the story of A Death of a Salesman.

Mrs. Lorna N. Saldon

Cooperating Teacher

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