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The Giving Tree

Shel Silverstein

Book Description:
 A caring tree gives all she has to the boy she loves to make him happy, until she has
nothing left to give.

Academic Objective:
 ELA2R4b: The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level
text. The student makes predictions from text content.
 ELA2W1a: The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student
writes text of a length appropriate to address a topic and tell the story.

Brilliant Star Objective:

 Friendship: Students will be able to identify and discuss situations of giving and
receiving, and appropriate reactions/manners when giving and receiving.

Readability Level: 1.6

Vocabulary: Students should know all vocabulary terms.

 From reading the title, what do you think this book is about?
 Have you ever given away something that belonged to you? How did it make you feel?

During Reading:
 What words would you use to describe the boy? Why did you choose those words?
 Do you see patterns in how the boy and tree behave?
 Why does the boy keep returning to the tree?
 Why does he return when there is nothing left?
 Is the boy happy? If so, when?
 When is the tree happy?

After Reading:
 If you could change the story, what would you change? Why?
 Does the story make you sad or happy? Which parts make you feel sad? Happy?
 Do you think the boy ever understood what he meant to the tree?
 Find a page in the story that shows the boy and the tree befriending each other.
 Identify all the ways the tree gives of itself.
 Tell about what it means to be a friend.
 Think about how you are a friend to other people.
 Is it acceptable to continue “taking” from a friend? If so, for how long? If not, why not?
Follow-Up Activities:
1. Give the students construction paper cut-outs of the tree parts. As you reread the story,
have students take away the corresponding parts of the tree. Stop after each part is
removed, and have students write down three to five words about how they feel when that
part is removed. This will be used to write a response to the story.
2. Students will write a letter to the tree, sharing their feelings for the tree as it gave all it
had to the little boy in the story.
3. Students will pick a word from the story that is special to them (tree, play, etc.). Write the
word vertically on their paper. Use each letter to write a poem that expresses how they
feel about the story. (Acrostic poem)
4. Give the students several leaf cutouts. On each cutout, students will write a positive note
about a classmate. These can be generic or student-specific. Leaves will be turned in to
the teacher, who will preview to be sure comments are appropriate. Student-specific
comments will be given to the appropriate students. Generic comments will be divided
evenly amongst students. Once students have a chance to read the comments, all leaves
will be put onto a tree trunk on the classroom door or bulletin board to create a positive
comment display. Have students respond in writing (journal, letter, etc.) to how they felt
when they read the positive comment about themselves.
5. Using feelings from activity 1, students will write a response to the story telling their
feelings throughout the story.

Additional resources:

 Character Through The Arts “Artful Learning” unit:

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 Brilliant Star Reading Project: | Index | Compilation |

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