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Pre-publication Draft

© 2003 John W. DeLuca All Rights Reserved

Permission is granted to copy entire text as published.

1400 28th St., Suite 1

Boulder, CO 80303
[email protected]

Photo Credits & Permissions:

Cover - Guhyasamaja paper mandala, by Atsuro Seto, © 2002
Table of Contents

Preface ii

Acknowledgments iii

Dedication iii

Introduction 1

Root Text 2

Practice Texts 3

Other Tantras 4

Explanatory Texts, Commentaries and Related Materials 6

Related Articles and Books 41

Recent Initiations, Teachings and Courses 49

Audio 50

Internet Resources

Art 51

Buddhist Texts 54

Miscellaneous 55

This project was compiled in anticipation of two upcoming events. First is the year-long
teaching and translation project The King of Tantras: The Generation and Completion Stages of
the Guhyasamaja Tantra Based on a Commentary by Aku Sherab Gyatso being given at Instituto
Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomania, Italy by Geshe Jampa Gyatso. Secondly, and synchronisticly is
the Guhyasamaja Initiation and teachings to be given in 2004 by Denma Locho Rinpoche which
were arranged by Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche of Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Center.

Not having a grasp of Sanskrit or Tibetan, these materials knowingly contain errors and
omissions (e.g., diacritical marks) that are solely reflective of my ignorance and laziness. May
this text nevertheless be of some use to others.


I am very grateful for the kindness of both Geshe Thubten Samdup of the Sangwa Dupa
Institute in Burnaby, BC Canada and Geshe Jampa Gyatso of the Instituto Lama Tzong Khapa, in
Pomania, Italy. I am also grateful for the kindness and effort of Joan Nicell and Johanne Jensen.

I am most grateful to my teacher Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche for arranging the upcoming
Guhyasamaja initiation and teachings and to Denma Locho Rinpoche for bestowing this supreme


May my venerable Lama’s life be firm,

his white divine actions spread in the ten directions,
and the torch of Lozang Drakpa’s teachings, dispelling
the three world’s beings’ darkness, always remain.


According to A-myes, the Guhyasamaja Tantra is the only tantra taught by Shakyamuni
Buddha in his lifetime (Wedemeyer, 1999). All subsequent tantras (such as Yamantaka,
Chakrasamvara, Hevajra, etc.) were only revealed later, after Buddha’s parinirvana. According
to Wedemeyer (1999, p.81) ‘Gos Lotsawa recounts in his text Blue Annals, that the actual
transmission of the Arya tradition is as follows: King Indrabhuti of Oddiyana requested and
received the teachings from the historical Buddha. The lineage is said to have continued through
a dakini that descended from the realm of the Nagas, to King Visukkalpa, and eventually passing
on to Saraha and then Nagarjuna, and to his four disciples Sakyamitra, Aryadeva, Nagabodhi,
and Candrakirti.

There are seven traditions of the Guhyasamaja according to A-myes: Arya, Jnanapada,
Santipa, Lalitavajra, Smrti[jnanakirti], a hybrid Kalacakra/Guhyasamaja, and Anandagarbha
(Wedemeyer, 1999). The Arya and Jnanapada schools are the most prominent, with the Arya
tradition predating the Jnanapada school. Wedemeyer indicates that Nagarjuna, Aryadeva,
Nagabodhi, Candrakirti and Sakyamitra represent the former while Nagarjuna, Jnanapada,
Dipamkarabhadra, Prasantarnitra, Rahulabhadra, and Vajramahasukha represent the latter.

In the Arya tradition, Akshobya is the central deity and the mandala has 32 deities in all. In
many of the other traditions the central deity is Manjusrivajra and the mandala may contain as
few as 9 deities. The latter form, as typified by the Jnanapada tradition, was said to be revealed
by Manjushri (Wedemeyer, 1999). The reader is referred to the works of Wayman (1977) and
Wedemeyer (1999) for a more detailed account of the Guhyasamaja literature and history.

Root Text

The Secret Assembly (also Secret Gathering)

Skt: Guhyasamaja Tantra (or Sarvatathagata kaya vak citta rahasyo guhyasamaja
nama mahakalparaja)
Tib: gsang-'dus rtsa-rgyud (also Sangwai Dupa)
D Toh 442, vol. Ca, 90a-148a
P 81, vol. 3

Bagchi, S. (ed), Guhyasamaja Tantra or Tathagataguhyaka. Darbhanga: Mithila

Institute, 1965 (Skt).
Bhattacharyya, B. Guhyasamaja Tantra or Tathagataguhyaka. Baroda: Oriental
Institute, 1931, 1967 (Skt.)
Matsunaga, Guhyasamaja Tantra or Tathagataguhyaka. (Skt.)
Swami Dwarikadas Shastri (ed), Guhyasamaja Tantra, Bauddha Bharati Series
Vol 17, ‘B’, (Skt., with English introduction by B. Bhattacharya)
No author. Guhyasamaja Root Tantra. Mundgod, Karnataka State: Dhonden
Norbu, 1995

English translations:
Fremantle, F., see below (Skt., Tib., and English translation)
Thurman, R., Unpublished English translation; also, some portions and excerpts
of the latter appear in his Essential Tibetan Buddhism (chapters 7 and 8),
Tibetan Book of the Dead, and Leidy & Thurman’s Mandala: The
Architecture of Enlightenment (see especially pp. 137 - 143)
Wayman, A., see below, Yoga of the Guhyasamajatantra: Arcane Lore in Forty
Verses. Motilal Banarsidas.

Explanatory Text

The Secret Assembly Further Tantra, Explanatory Tantra, also Tantric Appendix
Skt: Guhyasamajottaratantra (chapter 18; also Uttara Tantra)
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgyud phyi ma
D Toh 443, vol. Ca, 148a-157b
P, vol. 81

Practice Texts

Guhyasamaja Medium Length Sadhana. Translated by A. Berzin (from Tushita Retreat

Centre; dedication and end of sadhana is incomplete). FPMT Store Item #E-

A Short Mystic Communion Sadhana of Shri Guhyasamaja. Composed by H.H. Ganden

Tri Rinpoche, translated by R. Thurman (from Shunyata House Seminar, 1985).
FPMT Store Item #E-GUS

Also included in FPMT’s Essential Buddhist Prayers, Vol. III in vinyl booklet
(#E-PB3V), linen booklet (#E-BPC) and CD format (#E-PBCCD)

Both sadhanas are available from the FPMT Store:

Other Tantras

Secret Moon Drop Tantra

Skt: Candraguhyatilaka (or, Sricandraguhyatilaka-nama-mahatantraraja)
Tib: dpal zla gsang thig le zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po
D Toh 477, vol. Ja, 247b-303a
P 111, vol. 4

The Universal Secret Tantra (also All Secret Tantra)

Skt: Sarvarahasya-nama-tantraraja
Tib: thams cad gsang ba zhes by ab rgyud kyi rgyal po
D Toh 481, vol. Ta, 1b-10a
P 114, vol. 5

The Infinite Tantra

Skt: Sri-khasama-tantraraja-nama
Tib: dpal nam-mkha’ dang mnyam pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po
D Toh 386, vol. Ga, 199a-202a

The Prime Glorious Supreme Tantra

Skt: Sriparamaditantra, also sriparamadinamamahayanakalparaja
Tib: dpal mchog dang po’i rgyud (also dpal mchog dang po zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po’i rtog pa’i rgyal po)
D Toh 487, vol. Ta, 150b-173a
P 119, vol. 5

A The Vajra Mandala Ornament Tantra

Skt: Vajramandalalamkara-nama-mahatantraraja
Tib: dpal rdo rjesnying po rgyanzhes bya ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po
D Toh 490, vol. Tha, 1b-82a

The Vajra Crown Protrusion Tantra

Skt: Vajrosnisa tantra
Tib: rdo rje gtsug tor gyi rgyud
No extant editions

Awakening of Vairocana Tantra

Skt: Vairocanabhisambhodhi Tantra

King of Yogini Tantras, The Glorious Four Seats

Skt: Sri-caturpitha-vikhyata-tantraraja-nama
Tib: dpal gdan bzhi pa’i rnam par bshad pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba

D Toh 428
P, vol. 69

The Mystic Kiss Tantra

Skt: Catur-yogini-samputa-tantra-nama
Tib: rnal ‘byor ma bzhi’i kha sbyor gyi rgyud ces bya ba (also kha sbyor)
P, vol. 24

Diamond Sky Dancer Tantra (also Vajradaka Tantra)

Skt: Sri-vajradakaguhya-tantraraja
Tib: rgyud rdo rje mkh’ ‘gro (also dpal rdo rje mkha’ ‘gro bsang ba’i rgyud kyi
rgyal po)
D Toh 399, vol. Ga 230a2-231b3
P 44, vol.3

Drop of Exalted Wisdom, Great King of Yogini Tantras Called the Supreme Wonder
Skt: Shri jnanatilaka-yogini-tantraraja-paramamahadbhutam-nama
Tib: dpal ye shes thig le rnal ‘byor ma’i rgyud kyi rgyal po mchog tu rmad tu
‘byung wa zhes bya wa
D toh 422, vol. Nga 96b6-136b4
P 14, vol. 2

The Tantra of Interpenetrating Union

Skt: Sri-sarvabuddha-samayoga-dakinijala-sambara-tantrartha-tike-nama
Tib: dpal sang rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha’ ‘gro sgyu ma bde
ba mchog gi rgyud kyi don rnam par bzhad pa shes bya ba (also mnyam sbyor)
P 2531

Embrace of the Four Yoginis Tantra (also Divine Embrace)

Skt: Caturyoginisamputatantra-nama
Tib: rnal ‘byor ma bzhi’i lha sbyor gyi rgyud; (also kha sbyor)
D 375
P 23, vol. 2

Ornament of Vajra Essence Tantra

Skt: Sri-vajrahrdayalamkara-tantra-nama
Tib: dpal rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi rgyud
D 451
P 86, vol. 3

Explanatory Texts, Commentaries and Related Materials

Abhayakaragupta(-pada; 11th-2th cent., C.E.)

CS Moonlight, Commentary on the Import of the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakramamatitikacandraprabhananama
Tib: rim pa lnga pa’i dgongs ‘grel zla ba’i od zer zhes bya ba
D Toh 1831, vol. Ci 180b3-203a4
P 2700, vol. 62

Vajra Garland of Mandala Rituals

Skt: Vajravalinamamandalavidhi (also mandalaopayika)
Tib: dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga rdo rje phreng ba zhes bya ba
D Toh 3140, vol. Phu 1b1-94b4
P 3961, vol. 80

A Harvest of Oral Tradition Teachings

Skt: Sri-samputa-tantraraja-tika-amnaya-manjari-nama
Tib: man ngag snye ma

Cluster of Quintessential Instructions

Skt: Upadesha-manjari-nama-sarvatantrotpannopapanna-samanya-bhashaya
Tib: man ngag gi snye ma zhes bya ba rgyud thams cad kyi skyed rzogs thun
mong du bstan pa
D Toh 1198
P 2648, vol. 59, 218-3-4

Advayavajra (also Maitripa, Nyi-su-med-pa’i- rdo’rje; 1000-1100, C.E.)

Establishing the Four Seals

Skt: Caturmudraniscaya
Tib: phyang rgya bzhi gtan la dbab pa
D Toh 2225, vol. Wi 77a3-79b2
P 3069, vol. 68

Aku Sherab Gyatso (also akhu shes-rab rgya-mtsho)

A Sacred Words of Lord Akshobya: A Memorandum on the Visualizations Guide to the

First Stage of the Path of 32 Deities of Guhyasamaja According to the Arya Tradition

Unpublished English translation, Thubten Jinpa

Notes from a Discourse on “A Ritual to Honor the Spiritual Master” Interspersed with
Mahamudra The Tantra of Interpenetrating Union
Tib: bla-ma mchod-pa phyang-chen-dang sbrags-pa’i khrid-kyi zin-bris

Notes from a Discourse on “A Ritual to Honor the Spiritual Master” Interspersed with
Mahamudra: A Stream of Nectars Eliminating the Deficiencies of Compulsive Existence
and Stilled Apathy
Tib: bla-ma mchod-pa phyang-chen-dang sbrags-pa’i khrid-kyi zin-bris srid-zhi’i
gdung-sel bdud-rtsi’i chu-rgyun

Alamkakalasa (also Alankarakalasa)

CS Commentary on the Profound Meaning, Very Extensive Commentary on the Vajra

Skt: Sri-vajramala-mahayogatantra-tika-gambhirartha-dipika-nama
Tib: rnal ‘byor chen po’i rgyud dpal rdo rje phreng ba’i rgya cher ‘grel pa zab
mo’i don gyi ‘grel pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1795, vol. Gi 1b1-220a7
P 2660, vol. 61

A-myes Zhabs Ngag-dbang Kun-dga’ bSod-nams (also Nag-dban-kun-dga’-bsod-nams,

‘Jam-mgon A-myes-zabs, 1597-1662 C.E.)

History of the Guhyasamaja

Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i chos ‘byung ba’i tshul legs par bshad pa gsang ‘dus
chos kun gsal ba’i nyin byed (also gsang ‘dus chos ‘byung)

Dehradun, U.P.: Sakya Center, 1985

Anangavajra (circa 650-800, C.E.)

J The Attainment of Method and Wisdom

Skt: Prajnopayaviniscayasiddhi
Tib: thabs dang shes rab rnam par gtan la dbab pa’i grub pa
D Toh 2218

See below, B. Bhattacharyya (ed.), in Two Vajrayana Works

Anandagarbha (also Kun-dga’-snying-po)

J Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Secret Assembly Tantra

Skt: Sri-guhyasamajapanjika
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dka’ ‘grel
D Toh 1917, vol. Bi 1b1-81a
P 2780, vol. 66

J Very Extensive Commentary on the Secret Assembly Tantra

Skt: Sri-guhyasamaja-mahatantraraja-tika
Tib: rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgya cher ‘grel pa
D Toh 1917, vol. Bi 1b1-81a7
P 4787, vol. 84-85, p. 127-134

J Extensive Commentary on the Supreme Glory Tantra
Skt: Sri-paramadya-mantrakalpakhanda-nama
Tib: dpal mchog dang po’i rgya cher bshad pa
D Toh 2512, vol. Si 49b2-242a7
P vol. 73, p. 127-130

J Source of the Vajra

Skt: Vajradhtaumahamandalavidhisarvavajrodayanama
Tib: rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil ‘khor chen po’i cho ga rdo rje thams cad ‘byung ba
zhes bya ba (also ‘dkyil chog rdo rje’i ‘byung ba’)
D Toh 2516, vol. Ku 1b1-50a4
P 3339, vol. 74

Aryadeva (also ‘Phags-pa-lha; Aryadeva I, 3-4th cent.?; Aryadeva II, 8th cent. C.E.?)

A, CS A Lamp for a Compendium of Practices, A Commentary on the Meaning of the Five

Stages (Pancakrama) [of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage], also Lamp of Integrated
Skt: Caryamelapaka-pradipa
Tib: spyod-bsdus; spod pa bsdus pa’i sgron ma
D Toh 1803, vol. Ngi, 57a2-106b7
P 2668, vol. 61,

Benarasi Lal, Aryadeva Evam Unki Tanrik Racnayem. Dhih: A Review of Rare
Buddhist Texts, XIII, 1992 (Skt. & Tib.)
J. Pandey, Durlabh Granth Paricaya, Dhih: A Review of Rare Buddhist Texts, X,

English translation: see below, Wedemeyer, 1999

A, CS The Investigation of Mental Purification, also Purification of the Obscurations of Mind

Skt: Cittavisuddhiprakarana
Tib: sems kyi sgrib parnam par sbyong ba zhes bya’i rab tu byed pa
D Toh 1804, vol. Ngi, 106b-112a
P 62, vol. gi, 121b-127a (#2669)

H.P. Shastri, The Discovery of a Work by Aryadeva in Sanskrit. Journal of the

Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 67 (1), 175-184
P.B. Patel, Cittavisuddhiprakarana of Aryadeva. Santiniketan, 1949

English translation: see below, Wedemeyer, 1999

A, CS The Discernment of the Self-Consecration Stage, also Discriminating the Stages of Self
Skt: Svadhisthanaprabheda
Tib: bdag byin gyis brlab pa’i rim pa rnam par dbye ba

D Toh 1805, vol. Ngi, 112a3-114b1
P 2670, vol. 62

English translation: see below, Wedemeyer, 1999

A, S, CS Oral Instructions on the Stages of Realizing Enlightenment, also Teaching on the

Enlightenment Stage
Skt: Abhibodhikramopadesa
Tib: mngon par byang chub pa’i rim pa’i man ngag
D Toh 1806, vol. Ngi, 114b2-117a2
P 2671, vol. 62

English translation: see below, Wedemeyer, 1999

A, S, CS Commentary Elucidating the Intention of the “Brilliant Lamp”

Skt: Pradipodyotana-abhisamdhi-prakasika-nama-vyakhya-tika
Tib: sgron ma gsal bar byed pa’i dgongs pa rab gsal zhes bya bshad pa’i tika
D Toh 1794, vol. Khi 155a6-205a7
P 2658 (2659?), vol. 60

A, S, CS The Cremation Rite, also Ritual of Cremating a Corpse

Skt: Smasanavidhi
Tib: ro bsreg pa’i cho ga
D Toh 1807, vol. Ngi, 117a2-118b1
P 2672, vol. 62

A, CS Completing the Perfection Stage of the Glorious Secret Assembly

Skt: Sri-guhyasamaja-nispannakramantaka
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rdzogs rim mthar phyin pa
D Toh 1808, vol. Ngi, 118b1-121a6
P 2673, vol. 62

A, CS Compendium of Vajra Wisdom

Skt: Jnanasarasamuccayanama
Tib: ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa zhes bya ba (also ye shes snying po kun las
btus pa zhes bya ba)
D Toh 3851, vol. Tsa 26b2-28a3
P 5251, vol. 95

A, S, CS Explanation of the Four Procedures

Skt: Nispannakramantaka
Tib: ya ral la va la sogs pa tshul bzhir bshod pa

Asanga (also ‘Phags-pa or Thogs-med; 320-380, C.E.)

Grounds of Yogic Practice

Skt: Yogacaryabhumi (also bahubhumika)

Tib: rnal ‘byor spyod pa’i sa (also ‘sa mang pos’)
D Toh 4035, vol. Tsi 1b1-283a7
P 5536, vol. 109

English translation of the chapter on Suchness: J. Willis, On Knowing Reality

Atisha Dipankarasrijnana (982-1055 C.E.)

Ritual of the Dharani of Stainless Crown Protrusion

Tib: gtsug tor dri med kyi gzungs cho ga
D Toh 3082, vol. Pu 177a6-177b6
P 3901, vol. 79


Commentary on the Four Seats Tantra

Tib: gdan bzhi ‘grel pa
P 2478

(Aryadeva and/or) Bhavyakirti

CS Commentary on the “Brilliant Lamp”

Skt: Pradipodyotana-nama-tika, or Prakasika (?)
Tib: sgron ma gsal ba zhes bya ba’i ‘grel bshad
D Toh 1793, vol. Ki 1b1-292a7 and Khi 1b1-155a5
P 2658 (2659?), vol. 60-61

Bhavyakirti (also Legs-ldan-grags)

Jewel Garland
Skt: Pancakrama-tika manimala-nama (attributed to Nagabodhi, see below)
P, vol. 62

CS Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakramapanjikanama
Tib: rim pa lnga pa’i dka’ ‘grel zhes bya ba
D Toh 1838, vol. Chi 1b1-7b7
P 2696, vol. 62

Skt: Pradipoddyotanabhisamadhi-prakasika-nama-vyakhya-tika (also Prakasika)
P, vol 60-61

Bhavaviveka (also Bhavya, Legs-ldan-‘byed; 500-570, C.E.)

CS Explanation of the Condensed Difficult Points of the Elucidating Lamp

Skt: Pradipodyotanavisamapanjikanama

Tib: sgron ma gsal bar byed pa’i [tsig gi] dka’ ba btus pa’i grel pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1792, vol. A 201b4-212a7
P 2657, vol. 60

Blo Min-pa

CS Explanations on Difficult Points and Concepts in the Interpretation of the utpattikrama

and sampannakrama of the Guhyasamaja Practice, According to the System of
Tib: dpal gsan ba ’dus pa’i bskyed rdzogs kyi bsad pa ’ga’ zig la dogs slon cun
zad bkod pa

New Delhi: Tibet House, 1985

Brtson-’grus-’phags, Srad-rgyud-pa

Being the Text of the Commentary on the Guhyasamaja Tantra

Tib: gsan ’dus rgyud ’grel (also, 'rgyud kyi rgyal po gsan ba ‘dus pa’i rtsa rgyud
’grel pa dan bcas pa’i dgons ’grel legs bsad gter gyi ban mdzod')

New Delhi: Trayang and Jamyang Samten, 1973

Buton (also Bu-ston Rin-chen grub; 1290-1364, C.E.)

CS An Explanatory Discourse on [Chandrakirti's] "An Illuminating Lamp [for 'The

Guhyasamaja Root Tantra']"
Tib: sgron-gsal bshad-sbyar

CS An Extensive Commentary on [Nagarjuna's "A Method to Actualize Guhyasamaja] Made

in Brief"
Tib: mdor-byas rgya-cher bshad-pa

Condensed General Presentation of the Tantra Sets: Key Opening the Door of the
Precious Treasury of Tantra Sets
Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam bzhag bsdus pa rgyud sde rin po che’i gter sgo ‘byed
pa’i lde mig
D Toh 5167

In Collected Works of Bu-ston, Part 14 Pha. New Delhi: International Academy of

Indian Culture, 1969

Extensive General Presentation of the Tantra Sets: Jeweled Adornment of the Tantra Sets
Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che’i mdzes rgyan
D Toh 5169

In Collected Works of Bu-ston, Part 15 Ba. New Delhi: International Academy of

Indian Culture, 1969

Middling General Presentation of the Tantra Sets: Illuminating the Secrets of All Tantra
Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde thams cad kyi gsang ba gsal bat
byed pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 5168

In Collected Works of Bu-ston, Part 15 Ba. New Delhi: International Academy of

Indian Culture, 1969

Collection of the Retention [Mantras] of the Tantra Sets of Secret Mantra

Tib: gsang sngags rgyud sde bzhi’i gzungs ‘bum

In Collected Works of Bu-ston, Part 16. New Delhi: International Academy of

Indian Culture, 1969

Candrakirti (also Zla-ba grags-pa; 7th cent. C.E.)

A, CS An Illuminating Lamp [for "The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra"] also Bright Lamp
Skt: Pradipoddyatana (also guhyasamajatantrapradipodyotanatika-satkotivyakhya)
Tib: sgron-gsal (also sgron ma gsal bar)
D Toh 1785, vol. Ha 1b1-201b2
P 2650, vol. 59-60

Chakravarti, C. (ed)., Guhyasamajatantra-pradipodyotana-tika-satkotivyakhya.

Patna: Jayaswal Research Institute, 1984 (Skt.)
Vajracarya, Divyavajra & Vajracarya, Herakaji. Aryasriguhyasamajatantram:
Acaryacandrakirtikrta Guhyasamajatantrapradipodyotanatika Satkoti
vyakhya sahita: mula Samskrta va Nepalabhasa artha sahita = Arya Sri
Guhyasamajatantram: with Guhyasamajatantrapradipodyotanatika
Satkoti vyakhya of Acarya Candrakirti. Lalitapura, Nepala: Lotasa Risarca
Sentara, 2001 (Newari & Sanskrit; English & Newari introduction)
Unknown. Sgron ma gsal bar byed pa: The Tibetan Translation of the
Pradipodyotana of Candrakirti, a Commentary of Elucidating the
Guhyasamaja Tantra. Delhi: Karmapae Chodhey Gyalwae Sungrab
Partun Khang, 1980

A, S, CS Guhyasamaja Ornament of Realizations (also Commentary on the Ornament of Clear

Realization of the Secret Assembly; considered to be counterfit by mKhas-grub and Tsong
Khapa, see Wedemeyer, p. 208)
Skt: Guhyasamajabhisamayalamkara-vrtti
Tib: mngon rtogs rgyan rtsa ba rang ‘grel dang bcas pa (also gsang ba ‘dus pa’i
mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan gyi ‘grel pa)
D Toh 1817, vol. Ngi 210b1-232b6
P 2681, vol. 62

Celu-pa (also Celuka)

J ???
Skt: Ratnavrksa-nama-rahasya-samaja-vrtti
P, vol. 63, p. 183-5


[Ritual for the Consecration (rab-gnas) of Icons According to the Guhyasamaja and
Samvara Tantras: from the Gyuto Tantric College]
Tib: dpal ldan stod-rgyud grwa-tshan gi phyang bzes ltar gsan-‘dus dan bde-
mchog dan ‘brel bar rab gnas dge legs char ‘bebs bya tshul bzugs so.

Delhi, 1969


J Mandala Ritual of the Glorious Secret Assembly (Mandala Ritual in 450 Verses) (also
Esoteric Communion Mandala Rite Four-Hundred Fifty
Skt: Sriguhyasmajamandalavidhinama
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dkyil’khor gyi cho ga zhes bya ba (also ‘dkyil ‘khor
gyi cho ga shlo ka bzhi brgya lnga bcu pa
D Toh 1865, vol. Di 69a4-87a3
P 2728, vol. 65

Dombipa (also Dombipada, Dombi Heruka, Dombiyogini; 750 C.E.)

Attainment of the Innate

Skt: Sahajasiddhi
Tib: lhan cig skyes grub
D Toh 2260

Translation, see below, M. Shendge, Srisahajasiddhi.

Yogic Practice by Means of the Winds and Drops

Skt: Nadibindudvarayogacaryanama
Tib: rtsa rlung gi sgo nas rnal ‘byor gyi spyod pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 2389, vol. Zi 21a3-21a7
P 3231, vol. 53

Dpal-ldan-bzan-po, ’Dul-nag-pa

A Presentation of the Teachings of the Guhyasamaja Tantra for the Practice According
to the Systematic Approach of the Dge-lugs-pa Tradition
Tib: dpal gsan ba ’dus pa’i rtsa rgyud le’u bcu bdun po so so’i rdo rje’i tshig rkan
zab mo’i lam ’khrugs pa rnams sgrub pa po’i ñams len gyi rim par bsgrigs pa le’u
so so’i dka’ gnad mtha’ gcod pa’i gun ma [sic] dan bcas pa rin po ohe’i gter


New Delhi: Ngawang Sopa, 1979

Ekadasasvara (also sGr-dbyangs bcu-gcig)

Secret Nectar of Oral Instructions, Stages of the Path of Vajradhara (Secret Assembly)
Skt: Mahavajradharapathakramopadesamrtaguhya
Tib: rdo rje ‘chang chen po’i lam gyi rim pa’i man ngag bdud rtsi gsang ba
D Toh 1823, vol. Ngi 267b1-278a5
P 2687, vol. 62

Ghantapada (also Dril-bu-pa)

CS Five Stages of the Glorious Cakrasamvara

Skt: Sricakrasamvarapancakrama
Tib: dpal ‘khor lo sdom pa’i rim pa lnga
D Toh 1433, vol. Wa 224b5-227a1
P 2150, vol. 51

CS Commentary on the Five Stages of the Glorious Cakrasamvara

Skt: Sricakrasamvarapancakramavrtti
Tib: dpal ‘khor lo sdom pa’i rim pa lnga pa’i ‘grel pa
D Toh 1435, vol. Wa 227b3-233a4
P 2152, vol. 51

‘Gos Lo-tsa-ba, Kung-pa Lhas-brtsas (also ‘gos Lo-tsa-ba Khug-pa Lhas-btsas, 11th cent.)

A Dose of Guhyasamaja Emptiness

Tib: gsang- ‘dus stong-thun (also Gsan ‘dus ston thun)

New Delhi, Trayang, 1973

Grags-pa-bsad-grub, Co-ne-ba (1675-1748 C.E.)

Exegisis of Deities at the Developing Stage (utpattikrama) in Meditational Practices

According to Guhyasamajatantra, Vajrabhairavatantra, and for the Cakrasamvaratantra
Deity Transmitted to the Dge-lugs-pa Tradition
Tib: gsan bde ‘jigs gsum gyi rim gnis kyi ‘khrid (also gsangs bde ‘jig gsum gyi
rim gnyis kyi ‘khri)

Gung tang zang (also Gung-thang-bzang dKon-mchog bstan-pa’i sgron-me; 18th cent. C.E.)

Notes from a Discourse on the Gelug Tradition of Mahamudra

Tib: dge-ldan phyang-chen khrid-kyi zin-bris

Gyalwa Wensapa Lobzang Dondrup (1505-1566 C.E.)

CS Handprints of the Profound Path of the Six Yogas of Naropa: A Source of Every
Tib: thabs lam na ro’i chos drug gi lag rjes dngos grub kun byung

English translation: see below, Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa

Gyatsab Chosje (also Gyaltsab Dharma Rinchen, Gyaltsab Rinpoche)

CS Gyaltsab Je’s Notes on the Five Levels

Tib: rgyal tshab rje’i rim lnga’i dzin bris (also rdzogs rim dpyid kyi thig le’i dzin
TCPP, vol. Ka

Gyatso Lodro Palzangpo (also rje ‘brong rtze hla btzun rin po che, rgya mtso blo gros dpal
bzang po

CS Ocean of Attainments of the Completion Stage of the Glorious Vajrabhairava

Tib: dpal rdo rje ‘jigs byed rdzongs rim dngos grub rgya mtso
(cited in Stainless Crystal Rosary)

Gzon-nu-’od, Gser-sdins-pa (12th century C.E.)

CS Khrid Material for the Practice of the Pañcakrama of the Guhyasamaja

Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen and Lama Dawa, 1983

Indrabhuti (also Indrabodhi; 8th or 9th cent. C.E.)

Purifier of the Mind Jewel

Skt: Cittaratnavisodhana
Tib: sems rin po che sbyong bar byed pa zhes bya ba
P, vol. Yu, 216a-222b

The Attainment of Wisdom (also Establishing Deep Awareness)

Skt: Jnanasiddhi
Tib: ye-shes grub-pa
D Toh 2219

in B. Bhattacharyya (ed.), Two Vajrayana Works, Gaekwad’s Oriental Series,

XLIV, 1929

The Sambhuta Drop of Springtime

Skt: Sri-samputa-tilaka-nama-yogini-tantrarajasya tikasmrtisamdarsanaloka-nama
Tib: sam bhu ta dpyid thig (also dpal kha sbyor thig le shes bya ba rnal ‘byor ma’i
rgyud kyi rgyal po’i rgya cher ‘grel pa yang dag par lta ba’i)

P 2327

’Jam-dbyans Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan (also Jam-yang-shay-ba, ‘Jam-dbyangs-bzhad-pa?,

Jamyang Zhaypay Dorje, and Ngawang Tzondru, 1648-1721, C.E.)

Commentaries on Visakhadeva's Vinayakarika Malakara by dka’-bzi-pa ses-rab-senge of

Snar-than and the First Chapter of the Guhyasamaja Tantra by ’jam-dbyans grags-pa-

Delhi: Trayang and Jamyang Samten, 1977

CS Great Exposition of Tenets/ A Presentation of Tenets: The Roar of the Five-Faced Lion
Eradicating Error: A Precious Lamp Illuminating the Path to Omniscience
Tib: grub mtha’i rnam par bzzhag pa ‘khrul spong gdong lmga’i sgra dbyangs kun
mkhyen lam bzang gsal ba’i rin chen sgron me

New Delhi: Guru Deva

Generation Stage of the Path of the Fortunate Ones

Tib: dpal rdo rje ‘jigs byed kyi rim pa dang po’i zab khrid thun mong ma yin pa
rgyal ba gnyis pa’i zhal lung grub pa’i dbang phyug kun gyi gzhung lam skal
bzang ‘jug ngogs

In Collected Works of ‘jam dbyangs bzhad pa’i rdo rje, New Delhi: Ngawang
Gelek Demo, 1972, Vol. 2, No. 11

CS Showering the Rain of the Three Bodies, the Stages of the Four Yogas
Tib: rnal ‘byor bzhi rim sku gsum char ‘bebs
(cited in Stainless Crystal Rosary)

Jamyang Choje Tashi Palden (1379-1449)

The Secret Biography of Tsong Khapa (also Song of the Mystic Experiences of Lama Je
Tib: je sang wai namthar (also rje rin po che gsang bai nam thar)

English translation: see below, Thurman (1982)

Jinadatta (also rGyal-bas-byin)

J Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Guhyasamaja Tantra

Skt: Sri-Guhyasamaja-tantra-panjika-nama
Tib: dpal gsang ba’dus pa’i rgyud kyi dka’ ‘grel (also dpal gsang ba’dus pa’i
rgyud kyi dka’ ‘grel zhes bya ba)
D Toh 1847, vol. Nyi 145a7-318a7
P 2710, vol. 63, p. 259-261

Jnanapada (also Buddhajanapada and BuddhaÑr§jñaña)

J The Book of Manjusri’s Direct Instructions

Skt: Manjusri-mukhagama
Tib: ‘jam dpal zhal gyi lung

J Completely Good Sadhana (of the Guhyasamaja Tantra)

Skt: Samantabhadra-sadhana
Tib: sgrub thabs kun tu bzang po (also kun tu bzang po zhes bya ba’i sgrub pa’i
D Toh 2670, vol. Thu 1b1-38a3
P 3495, vol. 78

J Engaging in the Means of Self-Achievement

Skt: Atmasadhanavatara
Tib: bdag grub par ‘byung ba (also bdag sgrub pa la ‘jug pa)
D Toh 1860, vol. Di 52a7-62a7
P 2723, vol. 65

J ???
Skt: Visvacakra
Tib: sna tshogs ‘khor lo

J ???
Skt: Ratnajvala
Tib: rin chen ‘bar ba

J ???
Skt: Mahamulajnana
Tib: rtsa ba’i ye shes chen po

J ???
Skt: Gathakosa
Tib: tshigs su bcad pa’i mdzod

J Drop of Liberation (also Liberating Drop)

Skt: Mukti-tilaka-nama
Tib: grol ba’i thig le (also grol wa’i thig le zhes bya)
D Toh 1859, vol. Di 47a1-52a7
P 2722, vol. 65

J Drop of Enlightenment
Skt: Bodhicittatilaka
Tib: byang chub sems kyi thig le

J ???
Skt: Mangalavyakhya

Tib: bkra shis rnam bshad

J ???
Skt: Caturthavatara
Tib: bzhi pa la ‘jug pa

J Revelation
Skt: Mukhagama
Tib: zhal lung
D Toh 1854, vol. Di 17b3-28b6
P 2717, vol. 65

J, CS Revelation: Meditation on the Suchness of the Two Stages (The Great Exposition)
Skt: Dvikramatattvabhavananamamukhadhyapanan (mukhagama)
Tib: rim pa gnyis pa’i de kho na nyid sgom pa zhes bya ba’i zhal gyi lung
D Toh 1853, vol. Di 1b1-17b2
P 2716, vol. 65


Commentary of the Drop of Exalted Wisdom

Skt: Shri jnantilaka-panjika-guhya-tatva-nama
Tib: ye shes thig le’i dka’ ‘grel gsang ba’i de kho na nyid ces bya ba
P 2333, vol. 55-56

Jnanashri (also Ye-shes-dpal)

Eradication of the Two Extremes in the Vajra Vehicle

Skt: Vajrayanakotidvayapoha
Tib: rdo rje theg pa’i mtha’ gnyis sel ba
D Toh 3714
P 4537, vol. 81

Karunyasri (also Thugs-rje-dpal)

CS Commentary on the Difficult Points, Elucidating the Elucidating Lamp

Skt: Pradipodyotanodyotanamapanjika
Tib: sgron ma gsal bar byed pa’i gsal byed ces bya ba’i dka’ ‘grel
D Toh 1790, vol. A 10b1-170a7
P 2655, vol. 60

Kaydrub Norzang-gyatso (also mKhas-grub Nor-bzang rgya-mtsho)

CS A Lamp to Clarify the Meaning of the Generation Stage of Guhyasamaja

Tib: dpal gsang-ba 'dus-pa'i bskyed-rim-gyi don gsal-bar byed-pa'i sgron-me

CS A Lamp for Further Clarifying the Five Stages [of Guhyasamaja]
Tib: rim-pa lnga'i yang-gsal sgron-me

A Lamp for Clarifying Mahamudra to Establish the Single Intention of the Kagyu and
Gelug Traditions
Tib: bka’-dge dgongs-pa gcig-bsgrub-kyi phang-rgya chen-po gsal-ba’i sgron-ma

Khedrup Je (also Kay-drup, Khedrup Gelek Palzang, Khedrup Rinpoche, mKhas-grub

dGe-legs dPal-bzang; 1385-1438 C.E.)

A, CS Khedrup Je’s Notes on the Five Levels

Tib: mkhas grub je’i rim lnga’i dzin bris (or rgyud kyi rgyal po) dpal gsang wa
‘dus pa’i rdzogs rim gyi man ngag (Pith Instructions on the Completion Stage of
the Glorious Guhyasamaja, the King of Tantras)
Collected Works, vol. A, p.828

A An Ocean of Attainments of the Generation Stage of the Glorious Guhyasamaja, the King
of All Tantras; also Secret Assembly Creation Stage “Ocean of Accomplishment”
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsang wa ‘dus pa’i bskyed rim dgnos grub
rgya mtsho zhes bya wab zhugs so (or bskyed rim dngos grub rgya mtso); also
gsang-‘dus bskyed-rim dngos-grub rgya-mtsho (rgyud thams cad kyi rgayl po dpal
gsang ba ‘dus pa’i bskyed rim dngos grub rgya mtsho)

Varanasi: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1969; also, Collected Works, New
Delhi: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1982

A The Ritual Fire Offering for Peace: The Thirty Two Deity Guhyasamaja

English translation: see below, Tulku & Perrott

A The Ritual Fire Offering for Increase of Sri Guhyasamaja

English translation: see below, Tulku & Perrott

A The Collected Rituals of the Guhyasamaja (cited in Tulku & Perrott)

A General Exposition of Tantras

Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam gzhag
Collected Works, vol. Nya

A, CS Notes of Khedrup Je’s Speech (Pith Instruction on the Completion Stage of the Glorious
Guhyasamaja, the King of Tantras)
Tib: mkhas grub rje’i gsung dzin bris (also as rgyud kyi rgyal po) dpal gsang wa
‘dus pa’i edzogs rim gyi man ngag
Collected Works, vol. A, pp. 812-813

A Khedrup Je’s Short Writing: Pith Instructions of Khedrup Thamcad Khyenpa
Tib: mkhas grub je’i yig chung (also mkhas grub thams cad mkhyen pa’i man
ngag yig chung bzhugs so)
Collected Works, vol. A, pp. 860

A Festivity of Engaging in Yogas

Tib: rnal ‘jor rol pa’i dga ston
Collected Works, vol. Ta, pp. 860-985

A Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems (Extensive Overview of the Classes of

Tib: rgyud spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa rgyas par brjod
D Toh 5489

English translation: see Lessing & Wayman

Krnasamayavajra (also Nag-po dam-tshig rdo-rje)

CS Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakramapanjika
Tib: rim pa lnga’i dka’ ‘grel
D Toh 1841, vol. Chi 157b1-187a7
P 2698, vol. 62

Mandala Rite of the Glorious Secret Assembly

Skt: Sriguhyasamajamandalavidhi
Tib: dpal gasang ba ‘dus pa’i dkhyil ‘khor gyi cho ga
D Toh 1819, vol. Ngi 247b1-258b1
P 2683, vol. 62

Offering Ritual of Vajrasattva (text associated with Guhyasamaja practice)

Skt: Vajrasattvapujavidhi
Tib: [dpal] rdo rje sems dpa’ mchod pa’i cho ga
D Toh 1820, vol. Ngi 258b1-261a7
P 2684, vol. 62

Kumara (also gZhon-nu)

CS Mirror of Essential Condensed Explanation of the Elucidating Lamp

Skt: Pradipadipatippanihrdayadarsanama
Tib: sgron ma gsal ba mdor bshad pa’i sa bcad snying gi me long zhes bya ba
D Toh 1791, vol. A 170b1-201b4
P 2656, vol. 60

Laksmi (also Bhiksuni Srilaksmi, dPal-mo)

CS On the Five Stages of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage (also Clarifying the Meaning

of the Five Stages)
Skt: Pancakramavrttarthavirocananama
Tib: rim pa lnga’i don gsal bar byed pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1842, vol. Chi 187b1-277a7
P 2702, vol. 62

CS On the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakrama-tika-kramartha-prakatika
P, vol. 60.

Laksmimkara (729 C.E.)

Skt: Pradipoddyotana-visama-pada-panjika-nama
D Toh 1792

Lilavajra (also Lalitavajra, sGeg-pa rdo-rje; 741 C.E.)

J Explanation of the Guru’s Oral Instructions on the Introduction to the Secret Assembly
Skt: Guhyasamaja-tantra-nidana-gurupaesa-bhasya
Tib: gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgyud kyi gleng gzhi bla ma’i man ngag gi bshad pa
D Toh 1910, vol. Phi 89b1-97b5
P 2773, vol. 66
J ???
Skt: Sri-Guhyagarbha-mahatantraraja-tika-nama
P, vol. 82

Long-dol Ngak-wang-lo-sang (also kLong-rdol Ngag-dbang-blo-bzang)

Terminology Arising in Secret Mantra: Scriptural Division of the Knowledge Bearers

Tib: gsang sngags rig pa ‘dzin pa’i sde snod las byung ba’i ming gi grang

In The Collected Works of Longdol Lama, Parts 1 and 2. New Delhi: International
Academy of Indian Culture, 1973

Losang Kalsang Gyatso (also Blo Bzang Skal Bzang Rgya Mtsho, Bskal-bzan-rgya-mtsho,
Gel-sang-gya-tso, the Seventh Dalai Lama, 1708-1757 C.E.)

Treasure House of Attainments of the Generation Stage

Tib: bcom ldan ‘das dpal rdo rje ‘jigs byed chen po’i bskyed rim gyi zab ‘khrid
thun mong ma yin pa’i tsul bshad pa mchog thun dngos grub gter mdzod

D Toh 5833

A Explanation of the Mandala Rite of the Glorius Guhyasamája, Akshobyavajra,

Illumination Brilliantly Clarifying the Principles of the Meaning of Initiation, Sacred

Word of Vajrasattva
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa mi bskyod rdo rje’i dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga’i rnam par
bshad pa dbang don de nyid yang gsal snang ba rdo rje sems dpa’i zhal lung (also,
gsan ‘dus dkyil ‘khor cho ga‘i rnam bsad,

New Delhi: Tanzin Kunga, 1972

Jewel Treasury of Union, Explanation of the Five Stages

Tib: rim lngna’i rnam bshad zung ‘jug nor bu’i bang mdzod
(cited in Stainless Crystal Rosary)

Marpa Lotsawa

Eight Instructions in Verse and Prose

Tib: tshig rkang brgyad ma

Munisribhadra (also Thub-pa dpal-bzang)

CS Captivating the Minds of Yogins, Condensed Explanation of the Meanings of the Five
Skt: Pancakramarthayogimanoharatippaninama
Tib: rim pa lnga’i don mdor bshad pa rnal ‘byor pa’i yid kyi ‘phrog ces bya ba
D Toh 1813, vol. Ngi 148b4-195b6
P 2691, vol. 62


The Mandalavidhi of Guhyasamaja Manjuvajra

Tib: dpal gsans ba ‘dus pa ‘Jam pa’i rdo rje dkhyil ‘khor gyi cho ga sita’i klun
chen ‘jigs bral senge’i kha ‘babs

Bir, Dist. Kangra, H.P. India: Bir Tibetan Society, 1982

Nag-dban-tshul-khrims, Sar-chen

[Ritual for the Consecration (rab-gnas) of Icons According to the Guhyasamaja and
Samvara Tantras; from the Liturgy of Gyuto Tantric College]
Tib: dpal ldan stod-rgyud grwa-tshan gi phyag bzes ltar gsan-’dus dan bde-mchog
dan ’brel bar rab gnas dge legs char ’bebs bya tshul bzugs so

Delhi, 1969


A Graded Presentation (of Guhyasamaja) or Presentation of the Stages

Skt: Samaja sadhana vyavasthana nama
Tib: ‘dus pa’i sgrub thabs rnam par bzhag pa’i rim pa zhes bya wa (also rnam

gzhag rim pa)
D Toh 1809, vol. Ngi, 121a-131a
P 2674, vol. 61-62

A Mandala Rite Twenty

Skt: Sri-guhyasamaja-mandalopayika-vimsati-vidhi-nama
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga nyi shu pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1810, vol. Ngi, 131a-145b
P, vol. 62

Nagabuddhi (also Nagabodhi?, Klu’i blo, Klu’i byang-chub; 7th cent. C.E.)

CS Jewel Garland, Explanation of the Five Stages (also Garland of Jewels)

Skt: Pancakrama-tika-manimala-nama
Tib: nor bu’i ‘phreng-ba (also rim pa lnga pa’i bshad pa nor bu’i phreng ba zhes
bya ba)
D Toh 1840, vol Chi 14a6-157a7
P 2697, vol. 62

CS Clarification of the Meaning of the Pancakrama (also Clear Import)

Skt: Pancakramartha-bhaskarana-nama
Tib: don gsal, also rim pa lnga’i don gsal bar byed pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1833, vol. Ci 207b2-237a7
P 2702, vol. 62

CS Treatise of Oral Instructions on the Inner Condensed Five Stages (also Personal
Instruction on Condensing the Stages; Summarized Stages)
Skt: Kramantarbhavopadesa-nama-prakarana
Tib: rim pa khongs su bsdu ba’i man ngag ces bya ba’i rab tu byed pa
D Toh 1812, vol. Ngi 147a1-148b4
P 2677, vol. 62

Nagarjuna (also Klu-sgrub; 645 C.E.)

A The Creation Stage Meditation of the Great Yoga Tantra the Secret Assembly “Combined
with Sutra” (also Merged with the Sutra [Sadhana])
Skt: Shri guhyasamajamahayogatanttropattikrama sadhana sutra melapaka nama
Tib: rnal ‘byor chen po’i rgyud dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i bskyed pahi rim pa’i
bsgom pahi thabs mdo dang bsres pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1797, vol. Ngi, 11a2-15b1
P 2662, vol. 61

A, CS The Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage]

Skt: Pancakrama
Tib: rim-lnga (also rim la lnga pa)
D Toh 1802, vol. Ngi, 45a-57a
P 2667, vol. 61

de la Vallee-Poussin, (Skt.)
Mimaki, K. & Tomabechi (eds.), (Skt. and Tib.)

Unpublished English translation: R. Thurman

A, CS [A Method to Actualize Guhyasamaja] Made in Brief (also Condensed or

Abbreviated Sadhana)
Skt: Pindikrta-sadhana, also Pindikrama sadhana
Tib: ‘mdor-byas’ (also sgrub pa’i thams mdor byas pa)
D Toh 1796, vol. Ngi 1b1-11a2
P 2661, vol. 61

de la Vallee-Poussin, see below (Skt.)

A, S The Secret Assembly Mandala Rite

Skt: Sriguhyasamaja-mandala-vidhi-nama; also mandala vidha-vimsika
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga zhes bya ba
D Toh 1798, vol. Ngi, 15b1-35a7
P 2663, vol. 61

A, S Commentary on the Secret Assembly

Skt: Tantratika, also Sri-Guhyasamajatantrasya tantratika-nama
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgyud kyi rgyud ‘grel zhes bya ba
D Toh 1784, vol. Sa, 1b1-324a7
P 2648, vol. 59

A, CS Commentary on the Spirit of Enlightenment

Skt: Bodhicitta-vivarana

P.C. Bagchi, Bodhicitta-Vivarana of Nagarjuna, Indian Historical Quarterly, VII,

pp. 740-741
P. Patel, Bodhicittavivarana, Indian Historical Quarterly, VIII, pp. 790-793
Acarya Gyeltsen Namdol, Bodhicitta-Vivarana of Acarya Nagarjuna and
Bodhicitta-Bhavana of Acarya Kamalasila, Sarnath, 1991, (Skt., Tib.,

A Compendium of Things
Skt: Dharmasamgraha

Dharmasamgraha of Arya Nagarjuna, Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher

Tibetan Studies, 1993 (Skt., Tib., English translations)

A The Examination of the Four Initiations

Skt: Sekacatuh-prakarana
Tib: dbang bzhi pa’i rab tu ‘byed pa
D Toh 1799, vol. Ngi, 15b-18a (or 35a7-38a5)
P 2664, vol. 61

A Extensive Commentary on the Eighteenth Chapter [of the Guhyasamaja Tantra]
Skt: Astadasapatalavistaravyakhya
Tib: le’u bco brgyad pa’i rgya cher ‘grel pa
D Toh (not recorded)
P 2649, vol. 60

A Twenty Mandala Rituals of the Glorious Secret Assembly

Skt: Sriguhyasamajamandalavimsatividhinama
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga nyi shu pa zhes bya ba
D Toh 1810, vol. Ngi 131a5-145b3
P 2675, vol. 62

Nagtsang Tulku (19th centruty C.E.)

CS A Source of Great Ecstacy Realization: A Guide to the Profound Six Yogas of Naropa
Tib: zab lam na ro’i chos drug gi khridyig bde dngos grub ‘byung gnas


CS Explanations of the Utpattikrama and Sampannakrama to the Practice of the

Guhyasamaja Tantra
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsan ba ’dus pa’i bskyed rim gyi rnam
bzag rdo-rje-‘chan dban bla ma’i gsun rgyun (also rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po
dpal gsan ba ’dus pa’i rdzogs rim rim lna gsal ba’i sgron me mkhas pa’i yid

Thimphu: Kunzang Topgyel and Mani Dorji, 1979

Naropa (also Nadapada, 1016-1100 C.E.)

CS Clearly Compendium on the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakramasamgrahaprakasa
Tib: rim pa lnga bsdus pa gsal ba
D Toh 2333, vol. Zhi 276a7-278a7
P 4790, vol. 85

CS Vajra Song of the Six Dharmas (Six Yogas text)

Skt: Saddharmopadesa-nama
Tib: chos drug gi man ngag ces bya ba (also chos drug rdo-rje’i mgur)
P 4630

CS Vajra Verses of the Whispered Tradition (also Single Vajra Word of the Oral Lineage;
Six Yogas text)
Skt: Karnatantra-vajrapada-nama
Tib: snyan brgyud rdo rje’i tshig rkang zhes bya ba
D Toh 2338, vol. Zhi 302b6-304b4
P (not recorded)

English translation: see below, Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa

Jewel Light
Skt: Ratnaprabhanama
Tib: rin po che’i ‘od ces bya ba
D Toh 1342, vol. Ta 350b5-358a4
P 2472, vol. 57

Ngag-dbang dPal-ldan Chos-rje (also Na-wang-bel-den; 1791-?, C.E.)

Illuminator of the Tantric Treatises (Presentation of the Stages and Paths of the Great
Secret Four Classes of Tantra)
Tib: gsang chen rgyud sde bzhi’i sa lam gyi rnam gzhag rgyud gzhung gsal byed
ces bya ba rgyud smad par khang edition

also The Collected Works of Chos-rje Nag-dban-dpal-ldan of Urga, vol II. Delhi:
Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1983

Ngag-dbang-mkhas-grub (also Na-wang-kay-drup and Kyai-rdo mKan-po of Urga)

Presentation of Birth, Death and Intermediate State

Tib: skye shi bar do’i rnam bzhag

In The Collected Works, vol. I, 459-474, Leh: S. W. Tashingangpa, 1972

Ngawang Jampa (also ngag dbang byams pa)

CS The Method of Practising the Four Yogas of the Completion Stage of Vajrabhairava
Tib: ‘jigs byed rdzogs rim rnal ‘byor bzhi nyams su len tsul
(cited in Stainless Crystal Rosary)

Ngoedrub Gyatso (also thang sag pa dnogs grub rgya mtso)

CS Captivating the Mind of the Wise

Tib: gsang dus rdzogs rim mkhas pa’i yid ‘phrog
(cited in Stainless Crystal Rosary)

Ngulchu Dharmabhadra (1722-1851 C.E.)

An Ornament for A Book of Three Inspirations

Tib: na ro chos drug gi zin bris yid ches dgangs rgyan

Niguma (11th cent.)

Mahamudra as Spontaneous Liberation

Tib: rang grol phyag rgya chen po zhes bya ba
P 4641, vol. 162b.8 - 163a.6

English translation: see Feiser & Powers, 1998, 2003

Meditations for Realizing the Illusory Body

Tib: dpal dgyes pa rdo rje’i dkyil ‘khor cho ga zhes bya ba
D Toh 1296

Pa-bong-ka-pa (also Pha-bong-kha-pa Dechen Nyingpo; 1878-1941, C.E.)

Miscellaneous Notes from Jo-nay Pandita’s Explanation of the Great Exposition of

Secret Mantra
Tib: rje btsun bla ma co ne pandi ta rin po che’i zhal snga nas sngags rim chem
mo’i bshad lung nos skabs kyi gsung bshad zin bris thor tsam du bkod pa

In Collected Works, vol. 2, New Delhi: Chopel Legdan, 1972

Bhagavati Tara’s Two Stages of the Path: A Necklace for the Yoga of Chittamanai
Tib: bjom ldan ‘das ma skrol ma’i lam rim pa knyis kyi rnal ‘byor dzitta mani’i do

CS The Profound Teaching of Glorious Naropa’s Vajrayogini’s Path of Two Stages

Tib: dpal naro mka’s sbyod dbang mo’i lam rim pa knyis kyi zab khrid

Preparatory Practices: A Necklace for the Fortunate Ones

Tib: jorchoe kelsang dringyen

Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

Pad-ma-kar-po (also Pad-ma-dkar-po)

General Presentation of the Tantra Sets: Captivating the Wise

Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam gzhag mkhas pa’i yid ‘phrog

In Collected Works, vol. 11, Darjeeling: Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang, 1974

Padmavajrapada (also Mahasukha, Pad-ma-rdo-rje, bde-ba chen-po; 693 C.E.)

The Secret Accomplishment (also, Secret Attainment, Invoking the Definitive Meaning of
All Tantras; Establishing the Hidden Factors )
Skt: Guhyasiddhi; Sriguhyasiddhi; Sakalatantrasambhavasancodani-
Tib: rgyud ma lus pa’i don nges par skul bar byed pa dpal gsang ba grub pa zhes
bya ba (also gsang-ba grub-pa)
D Toh 2217, vol. Wi 1b1-28b4
P 3061, vol. 68

Pandeya N. et al (eds), Guhyadi-Astasiddhi-Sangraha, Sarnath: Central Institute

of Higher Tibetan Studies, 1987, (Skt., Tib.)

Skt: Sri-Dakarnavamahayoginitantrarajavahikatika-nama
D Toh 1419

Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyalsten (also Blo-bzan-chos-kyi-rgyal-mtshan, Panchen Lama I,

1567-1662 C.E.)

CS Exegesis of the Essential Points of the Pañcakrama and Chandrakirti's Pradipodyotana

as an Upadesa to the "Process of Emergence" (Utpattikrama) in the Practice of the
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsan ba ’dus pa’i gdam nag rim lna gsal
sgron gyi snin po’i gnad kun bsdus pa zab don gsal ba’i ñi ma zes bya ba bzugs so

Varanasi, 1969

CS Essence of the Five Stages (same as above?)

Tib: rim lnga snying po

An Extensive Explanation of “A Root Text for the Gelug/Kagyu Lineage of Mahamudra”:

A Lamp for Further Illumination
Tib: dga’-ldan bka’-brgyud sroi phyang-chen rtsa-ba rgyas-par bshad-pa yang-gsal
sgron-me, phyang-chen rtsa-ba’i rang-‘grel

A Root Text for the Gelug/Kagyu Lineage of Mahamudra: The Main Road of the
Triumphant Ones
Tib: dge’-ldan bka’-brgyud rin-po-che’i phyang-chen rtsa-ba rgyal-ba’i gzhung-
lam, phyang-chen rtsa-ba

Practical Instruction (dmar-khrid) for Merging into Union with the Yidam
(sampannakrama) as Expounded in the Pancakrama of the Cakrasamvara Tantra
According to the Ghantapada Lineage
Tib: grub-pa’i-dban-phyug dril-bu-zabs lugs kyi zab lam rim lna’i dmar khrid sin
tu zab pa bzugs so

Gangtok, 1972

CS The Golden Key: A Profound Guide to the Six Yogas of Naropa

Tib: na ro’i chos drug gi zab ‘khrid gser gyi sde mig

English translation: see below, Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa

Presentation of the General Teaching and the Four Tantra Sets

Tib: bstan pa spyi dang rgyud sde bzhi’i rnam par gzhag pa’i zin bris

In Collected Works, vol. 4, New Delhi: Guru Deva, 1973

Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba (also pan chen bsod nams grags pa, 1478-1554 C.E.)

General Presentation of the Tantra Sets, Captivating the Minds of the Fortunate
Tib: rgyud sde spyi’i rnam par bzhag pa skal bsang gi yid ‘phrog

Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1975


J ???
Skt: Upadesa-niscaya, also Upadesa-niscaya-nama-sriguhyasamaja-vrtti
P, vol. 63

Ratnakarasanti (also Santi-pa, dkon-mchog ‘byung-gnas zhi-ba; circa 1040 C.E.)

J Handful of Flowers, Explanation of the Secret Assembly Tantra

Skt: Kusumanjali-guhyasamaja-nibandha-nama
Tib: gsang ba ‘dus pa’i bshad sbyar snyim pa’i me tog
D Toh 1851, vol. Thi 202b1-325a7
P 2714, vol. 64, p.127-131

J Precious Garland, Commentary on the Abbreviated Sadhana

Skt: Pindikrta-sadhanopayika-vrtti-ratnavallinama
Tib: mdor bsdus pa’i sgrub thabs kyi ‘grel pa rin chen phreng ba zhes ba
D Toh 1826, vol. Ci 1b1-95a6
P2690, vol. 62

J ???
Skt: Sri-Guhyasamaja-mandalavidhi-tika
P, vol. 65

J Ritual of the Five Protectors

Skt: Pancaraksavidhi
Tib: bsrung ba lnga’i cho ga
D Toh 3126, vol. Pu 225b6-228b6
P 3947, vol. 80

Ron-tha Blo-bzan-dam-chos-rgya-mtsho (1863-1917 C.E.)

The Creation of Mandalas: Tibetan Texts Detailing the Techniques for Laying Out and
Executing Tantric Buddhist Psychocosmograms
Tib: dkyil ‘khor thig rtsa

New Delhi: 1971-1973 (three volumes bound in one)

Sahajalalita (also lhan-skyes rol-pa)

Ritual of Impressing Plaques [with Images of the Five Buddhas]

Skt: Sancakanirvapanavidhi
Tib: tsha tsha [lnga] gdab pa’i cho ga
D Toh 3080, vol. Pu 176a3-176b4
P 3667, vol. 79

Sahajayoginicinta (also Vilasyavajra, sgeg-mo rdo-rje, Yogini-Cinto; 765 C.E.)

Realization of Reality Through Its Bodily Expressions

Skt: Vyaktabhavanugata-tattva-siddhi
Tib: dngos po gsal ba’i rjes su ‘gro ba’i de kho na nyid grub pa
D Toh 2146, vol. Wi 63a-68b

Samantabadhrapada (dpal kun tu bzang po)

Sadhana of the Secret Assembly of Manjusri

Skt: Sri-guhyasamaja(sya)-manjushrisadhana
Tib: dpal gsang ba dus pa’i ‘jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs
D Toh 1880
P 2743, vol. 65

Saraha (633 C.E.)

Song of the Unborn Vajra Mind Treasure

Skt: Cittakosajavajragiti
Tib: thugs kyi mdzod skye med rdo rje’i glu
D Toh 2271, vol. Zhi 115b4-117a2
P 3117, vol. 69

Sakyamitra (also sha-kya bshes-gnyen)

A, CS Explanation of the Oral Instructions on Entering the Yoga of the Great Seal
Skt: Mahamudrayogavatarapindartha
Tib: phyag rgya chen po’i rnal ‘byor la ‘jug pa’i man ngag tu bshad pa
D Toh 3776, vol. Tsu 195a5-204a7
P 4594, vol. 81

A, S, CS Extensive Explanation, Lamp Compendium of Practice

Skt: Caryamelapakapradipa-tika
Tib: spyod pa bsdud pa’i sgron ma zhes bya ba’i rgya cher bshad pa
D Toh 1834, vol. Ci 237b1-280b2
P 2703, vol. 62

Sershul (also Ser-shul dGe-bshes Blo-bzang phun-tshogs)

CS Notes on the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage]

Tib: rim-lnga zin-bris

Sherab Gyatso (also Je Sherab Gyatso, 1803-1875 C.E.)

CS Notes on A Book of Three Inspirations (Six Yogas text)

Tib: yid ches gsum ldan gyi bshad lung zin bris

English translation: see below, Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa

Sherab Senge (also Ses-rab-senge, Rgyud-chen, d. 1445 C.E.)

CS Clear Lamp Guhyasamaja Commentary

Tib: sgron ma gsal bar gsang ba “dus pa ‘grel pa

[Sub-commentary on Tsongkhapa's exegesis of the Guhyasamajatantra: obligatory text

for the students of the Gyume (Rgyud-smad) Tantric College]
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsan ba’dus pa’i rtsa ba’i rgyud kyi sgron
ma rab tu gsal bar byed pa’i rgya cher bsad pa’i ’chad pa)

Varanasi, 1969

Shri Krsna

Drop of Springtime
Skt: Vasanta-tilaka-nama
Tib: dpyid kyi thig le, also dpyid kyi thig le shes bya ba
P 2166

Shri Nagarjuna (also Dpal klu sgrub)

Commentary on the Guhyasamaja Tantra

Skt: Shri guhyasamaja tantrasya tantratika nama
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgyud kyi rgyud ‘grel pa zhes bya ba
P 2648, vol. 59 (218-3-4, le’ u drug pa chapter 6)

Smrtijnanakirti (also dran-pa ye-shes grags)

J ???
Skt: Sriguhyasamaja-tantraraja-vrtti
P, vol. 84 (vol. 66?), p.127-4

J Extensive Oral Instructions, Completely Explaining the Questions of the Four Goddesses
Skt: Caturdevatapariprcchavyakhyanopadesapaustikanama

Tib: lha mo bzhis yongs su zhus pa’i rnam par bshad pa man ngag rgyas pa zhes
bya ba
D Toh 1915, vol. Phu 217b3-249b7
P 2778, vol. 66

J ???
Skt: Vajravidarana-nama-dharani-vrtti
D Toh 2684


A, CS Very Extensive Explanation of the Vajra Recitation (commentary on the Vajrasattva

sadhana in conjunction with the Guhyasamaja)
Skt: Vajrajapatika
Tib: rdo rje bzlas pa’i rgya cher bshad pa
D Toh 1788, vol. A 1b1-8b6
P 2653, vol. 60


Treatise on Bliss
Skt: Kamasastra-nama
Tib: ‘dod pa’i bstan bcos shes bya ba (also dga’ ba’i bstan bcos)
P 3323

Taranatha, Jo-nan-pa (b. 1575 C.E.)

CS A Detailed Commentary on the Pancakrama Instructions on the Practice of the

Guhyasamaja Tantra
Tib: rim lna’i ’grel chen rdo rje ’chan chen po’i dgons pa

Thimphu: Kunsang Topgey, 1976

See also The Collected Works of Jo-nan Tje-bstun T~ran~tha. Leh: C. Namgyal
and Tsewang Taru, 1985

Tathagataraksita (also de-ghesgs-‘tsho)

Explanation of the Vajrasattva Sadhana (text associated with Guhyasamaja practice)

Skt: Vajrasattvasadhanabhasya (also, Toh - vajtasattvasadhanavyakhya)
Tib: rdo rje sems dpa’i sgrub pa’i thabs kyi bshad pa
D Toh 1835, vol. Ci 280b2-285b4
P 2704, vol. 62

Tilopa (988-1069 C.E.)

CS Oral Instruction of the Six Yogas

Skt: Satadharma-upadesa-nama

Tib: chos drug gi man ngag zhes bya ba

English translation: see below, Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa

Tri Gyalstan Senge

Excellent Explanation of the Generation Stage, the Profound Path of the Great Secret
Tib: bskyed rim legs bshad gsang chen zab lam

Tsong Khapa (1357-1419 C.E.)

A, CS The Pure Stages of the Yoga of Guhyasamaja, also translated as “Stages of Pure Yoga”
Tib: gsang-'dus rnal-sbyor dag-rim (also rnal byor dag pahi rim pa)
D Toh 5303
P vol. 160

Unpublished English translation by Tenzin Dorje (Lotsawa) and Geshe Lobsang

Tsephel (LTWA)

A Commentary on the Graded Presentation (of Guhyasamaja); also - Elucidating the

Meaning of the Essential Points of the Sri-Guhyasamaja (Tantra)
Tib: rnam gzhag rim pa’i rnam bshad dpal gsang wa ‘dus pa’i gnad don gsal wa;
Wayman- Don gsal ba
D Toh 5290
P vol. 160
TCPP, vol. Cha

A, CS A Lamp for Clarifying the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage] or Clear
Lamp Illuminating the Five Levels of the Glorious Guhyasamaja; also The Personal
Instruction in the King of Tantras the Glorious Esoteric Communion called the Extremely
Brilliant Lamp of the Five Stages
Tib: rim-lnga gsal-sgron (also rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal gsang wa ‘dus pa’i man
ngag rim pa lnga rab tu gsal wa’i sgron me zhes bya ba bzhugs so)
D Toh 5302
P 6167, vol. 158 (Pha)
TCPP vol. 7 (Ja)

Varanasi, 1969

English translations: see Thurman; Geshe Jampa Gyatso, p.45

A, CS Precious Sprout, Deciding the Difficult Points of [Chandrakirti's] "An Illuminating Lamp
[for 'The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra']"
Tib: rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal gsang wa ‘dus pa’i rgya cher bshad pa sgron ma gsal
wa’i dkah wa’i gnas kyi mtha’ gcod rim po che’i myu gu (also sgron-gsal dka'-
gnas-kyi mtha'-gcod rin-po-che'i myu-gu; mtha’ gcod rin po che’i myu gu)
P 6152, vol. 156

TCPP, vol. Ca

A, CS A Treasury of Commentaries on the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Completion Stage]
Tib: rim-lnga 'grel-mdzod

The Collected Works (gSun ‘Bum) of rJe Tson-kha-pa bLo-bzan-grags-pa

New Dehli, Ngawang Gelek Demo, 1975-

A Commentary on the Caturdevipariprccha,

Tib: srog rtsol gyi de kho na nid gsal ba
D Toh 5285, vol. Ca,
P vol. 159

A Great Exposition of the Stages of the Secret Mantra

Tib: rgyal khyab bdag rdo rje ‘chang chen po’i lam gyi rim pa gsang ba kun gyi
gnad rnam par phye ba; also snags rim chen mo
D Toh 5281
P 6210, vol. 161
TCPP, vol. Ga (Collected Works, vol. 4, Ngawang Gelek Demo, 1975)

Dharamsala: Shes rig par khang, 1969

English translation: see Dalai Lama

A Commentary on the Guhyasamaja Explanatory Tantra Inquiry of the Four Goddesses

Tib: ‘dus pa’i bshad rgyud lha mo bzhis zhus kyi rgya cher bshad pa srog rtsol gyi
de kho na nyid gsal ba
TCPP, vol. Ca (vol. 8 in bound edition)

A Annotations on the Extensive Commentary on the Guhyasamaja Tantra

Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgya cher bshad pa
sgron ma rab tu gsal ba’i tshig don ji bzhin ‘byed pa’i mchan gyi yang ‘grel
TCPP, vol. Nga, vol. 6 & 7

A, CS Summary of the Chief Points Explained in the Root Tantra of the Guhyasamaja and its
Commentary, the Brilliant Lamp
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rtsa ba’i rgyud sgron ma
rab tu gsal bar byed pa’i rgya cher bshad pas ‘chad pa’i sa bcad bsdus don (also
sgron ma gsal bar byed pa)
D Toh 5282
P vol. 158
TCPP, vol. Ca, (vol. 8 in bound edition)

A Commentary on the Guhyasamaja Explanatory Tantra, Compendium of Vajra Intuitive

Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i bshad pa’i rgyud ye shes rdor rje kun las btus pa’i tika

TCPP, vol. Ca, (vol. 8 in bound edition)

A ??? (text on the Guhyasamaja)

Tib: mthah gcod (also rin po chehi myu gu)
D Toh 5284
P vol. 156

A ??? (text on the Guhyasamaja)

Tib: dban gi don gyi de nid rab tu gsal ba
P vol. 160

A Commentary on the Vajrajnanasamuccaya

Tib: rgyud bsad thabs kyi man nag gsal bar bstan pa
D Toh 5286
P vol. 160

A ??? (on the Five Stages)

Tib: rim lna gdan rdzogs kyi dmar khrid
P vol. 159

A ??? (on the Five Stages)

Tib: rdo rje bzlas pahi rim pa zin bris
D Toh 5292

A, CS Stages of Instruction from the Approach of the Profound Path of Naropa’s Six Practices
Tib: zab lam na ro’i chos-drug gi sgo nas ‘khrid pa’i rim pa

Gangtok, 1972

A A Commentary of Consciousness Transference Yoga

Tib: ‘pho ti ka

A, CS A Book of Three Inspirations: A Treatise on the Stages of Training in the Profound Path
of Naropa’s Six Yogas
Tib: zab lam na ro’i chos drug gi sgo nas ‘khrid pa’i rim pa yid ches gsum ldan
D Toh 5317
P 6202, vol. 160
TCPP vol. 9 Ta

English translation: see below, Glenn Mullin’s Tsongkhapa’s Six Yogas of


A The Complete Seat

Tib: gdan rdzogs

A, CS A Practice Manual on the Six Yogas of Naropa: Taking the Practice in Hand
Tib: zab lam na ro’i chos drug gi dmigs skor lag tu len tshul

English translation: see below, Glenn Mullin’s Readings on the Six Yogas of

A, CS A Brief Manual on the Manner of Taking Up the Practice of the Stages in Meditation of
“Naro’s Six Dharmas”, Compiled by Sempa Chenpo Kunzangpa
Tib: na ro chos drug gi dmigs rim lag tu len tshul bsdus pa rje’i gsungs bzhin sems
dpa’ chenpo kun bzang pas bkod pa

Unknown Authors

A, CS Vajra Rosary Explanatory Tantra (also Vajra Garland)

Skt: Shri vajramala abhidhana mahayogatantra sarvatantrahridaya rahasya
vibhanga iti, or Vajramala
Tib: rnal ‘byor chen po’i rgyud rdo rje phreng wa mngon par brjod pa rgyud thams
cad kyi snying po gsang wa rnam par phye wa zhes bya wa
D Toh 445 vol. Ca, 208a1-277b3
P 82, vol. 3
A, CS The Inquiry of the Four Goddesses (also The Questions of the Four Goddesses)
(Explanatory tantra, cited in Nagarjuna’s Pancakrama)
Skt: Caturdevipariprccha
Tib: lha mo bzhis yongs su zhus pa
D Toh 446, vol. Ca, 277b-281b
P 85, vol. 3

A, CS Analysis of the Intention (also, Prophecy of the Intention Tantra, Revelation of the
(Uncommon explanatory tantra, cited in Nagarjuna’s Pancakrama)
Skt: Samdhivyakarana, also Sandhivyakarana-nama-tantra
Tib: dgongs pa lung bstan pa zhes bya ba’i rgyud
D Toh 444, vol. Ca, 158a-207b
P 83, vol. 3

A Questions of the God Indra (cited in Chandrakirti’s Pradipoddyotana)

Skt: Devendraparipccha, explanatory tantra,
Tib: lha’i dbang pos zhus pa (not translated)

A Compendium of Intuitive Vajra Wisdom, Uncommon Explanatory Tantra, (cited in

Aryadeva’s Caryamelapakapradipa)
Skt: Jnanavajrasamuccaya, also Srijanavajrasamuccaya and Vajrajnana-samuccya-
Tib: ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa
D Toh 450 (or 447, vol. Ca, 282a1-286a6)
P 84, vol. 3

Ocean of Dakinis
Skt: Sridakarnavamahayoginitantrarajanama (‘dakarnava)

Tib: dpal mkha’ ‘gro rgya mtsho rnal ‘byor ma’i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po zhes
bya ba (also ‘bde mchog mkha’ ‘gro rgya mtsho’i rgyud)
D Toh 372
P 19, vol. 2

Explanation of the Four Procedures

Skt: Nispannakramantaka, cited in Wedemeyer, p. 204

Skt: Sarvabuddhasamayoga-dakinijalasambara-nama-uttaratantra
Tib: dpal sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha
D Toh 366, vol. Ka, 151b-193a
P 8, vol. 1

Three Dge-lugs-pa dbyans yig: The Dmigs brtse ma Notations of ‘Bras-spuns Sgo-man
and the Cakrasamvara, Guhyasamaja, Vajrabhairava, and Protective Deities Chants of
Smad Rgyud Grwa-tshan

New Delhi: Chopel Legden, 1976

The Mark of Mahamudra, also Mark of the Great Seal, Drop of Mahamudra the Great
Skt: Sri-mahamudratilikam-nama-yogini-tantraraja-adhipati
Tib: dpal phyang rgya chen po’i thig le zhes bya ba rnal ‘byor ma chen mo’i rgyud
kyi rgyal po mnga’ bdag
D Toh 420, vol. Nga 66a1-90b7
P12, vol. 1-2

The Lotus Receptacle

Skt: Padmani-nama-panjika (?)
Tib: pad ma can
P 2067 (?)

Conduct of the Yogini

Skt: Yoginsancarya
Tib: rnal ‘byor ma’i kun tu spyod pa; (also kun spyod)
D Toh 375
P 23, vol. 2

Vajrahasa (also rdo-rje bshad-pa)

Complete Explanation of the King of Tantras, the Glorious Secret Assembly

Skt: Tantrarajasriguhyasamajatika
Tib: rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rnam par bshad pa
D Toh 1909, vol. Phi 38a7-89a7
P 2772, vol. 66

Vajrapani (also lag-na rdo-rje)

Vajra Word
Skt: Vajrapadanama
Tib: rdo rje’i tshig ces bya ba
D Toh 2255, vol. Wi 177b1-180b3
P 3100, vol. 68

Sequential Oral Instructions of the Lineage Masters

Skt: Guruparamparakramopadesanama
Tib: bla ma brgyud pa’i rim pa’i man ngag ces bya ba
D Toh 3716, vol. Tsu 164b2-183a5
P 4539, vol. 81

Vibhuticandra (also Vitapada)

Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Abbreviated Sadhana

Skt: Pindikrtasadhanapanjika
Tib: sgrub thabs mdor byas kyi dka’ ‘grel
D Toh 1832, vol. Ci 203a4-207b2
P 2701, vol. 62

Vinayadatta (also ‘dul-bas-byin)

Rite of the Great Illusion Mandala

Skt: Gurupadesshanamamahamayamandalopayika
Tib: sgyu ‘phrul chen mo’i dkyil ‘khor gyi cho ga bla ma’i zhal snga’i man ngag
ces bya ba
D Toh 1645
P 2517, vol. 57

Viryabhadra (also brtson-‘grus bzang-po)

CS Clear Meanings; Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Five Stages

Skt: Pancakramapanjikaprabhasarthanama
Tib: rim pa lnga pa’i dka’ ‘grel don gsal ba zhes bya ba
D Toh 1830, vol. Ci 142b7-180b3
P 2699, vol. 62

Viryavajra (also dpa’-bo rdo-rje)

Commentary on the Complete Union Tantra

Skt: Sarvatantrasya nidana mahaguhyasrisamputanama-tantrarajatika
Tib: rgyud thams cad kyigleng gzhi dang gsang chen dpal kun tu kha sbyor zhes
bya ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po’i rgya cher bshad pa rin chen phreng ba zhes bya ba
D Toh 1199, vol. Ja 111a2-154b1
P 2329, vol. 55

Visvamitra (also sna-tshogs bshes-gnyen)

Drop from the Ocean of Oral Instructions on the Glorious Secret Assembly Tantra
Tib: dpal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i rgyud kyi man ngag gi rgya mtsho thigs pa
D Toh 1844, vol. Ji 53b7-161b1
P 2707, vol. 63

Yangchen Gawai Lodoe (also dbYangs-can dGa’-ba’i bLo-gros or Yang-jen-ga-way-lo-dro)

A An Eloquent Presentation - A Port of Entry for the Fortunate Ones into the Paths and
Grounds of Mantra According to the Glorious Guhyasamaja of the Arya (Nagaruna)
Tib: dpal gsang wa ‘dus pa ‘phags lugs dang mthun pa’i sngags kyi sa lam rnam
gzhag legs bshad skal bdzang ‘jug ngogs zhes bya wa bzhugs so

Dharamsala: Namgyal Monastery, 1979

English Translation: see below, Paths and Grounds of Guhyasamaja According to

Arya Nagarjuna, translated by Geshey Losang Tsephel, Dharamsala:
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1995

Lamp Thoroughly Illuminating the Presentation of the Three Basic Bodies - Death,
Intermediate State and Rebirth
Tib: gzhi’i sku gsum gyi rnam gzhag rab gsal sgron me

In The Collected Works of A-kya Yongs-‘dzin, Vol. I, New Delhi: Lama Guru
Deva, 1971;
also, Delhi: Dalama, Iron Dog year

English Translation: see below, Death, Intermediate State & Rebirth in Tibetan
Buddhism. Translated by Lati Rinbochay & Jeffrey Hopkins. Valois, NY:
Snow Lion, 1979

Yongdzin Yeshey-gyeltshen (also Yongs-‘dzin Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan; 1713-1793, C.E.)

Clearly Indicating the Main Points from the Oral Teachings of the Gelug Tradition of
Tib: dga’-ldan phyag-rgya chen-po’i man ngag-gi gnad gsal-bar ston-pa

Notes from a Discourse on the Gelug Tradition of Mahamudra

Tib: dga’-ldan phyag-rgya chen-po’i khrid-yig

A Commentary of Lama Chopa Revealing the Secret: The Treasury of Ear Whispered
Tib: lama choepae triyig sangwai ne nanpar chewa nyengyue mengag tezoe


A - Arya lineage
CS - Completion stage material
D - sDe-dge bsTan-‘gyur, rGyud-‘grel
J - Jnanapada lineage
P - Peking Edition, bsTan ‘gyur, Tibetan Tripitaka, Tokyo-Kyoto: Tibetan Tripitaka
Research Foundation, 1956
S - Authorship suspect according to Wedemeyer
TCPP - Tibetan Cultural Printing Press catalog of the Collected Works of the Omniscient
Tsongkhapa, Dharmsala, 1981

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Recent Initiations, Teachings and Courses

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Society, Singapore, September, 2000.

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Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomania, Italy, 2003.
Masters Program:

Geshe Jampa Gyatso. The King of Tantras: The Generation and Completion Stages of the
Guhyasamaja Tantra Based on a Commentary by Aku Sherab Gyatso. Masters Program,
Instituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomania, Italy, 2004.
- Aku Sherab Gyato’s Sacred Words of Lord Akshobya: A Memorandum on the
Visualizations Guide to the First Stage of the Path of 32 Deities of
Guhyasamaja According to the Arya Tradition
- Khedrup Je’s Ocean of Attainments
- Tsong Khapa’s Lamp Illuminating the Five Stages

Geshe Tashi Tsering. The Guhyasamaja Practice and Study Group. Jamyang Buddhist Centre,
London, 2003.

Geshe Thubten Samdup. One Year Intensive Tantra Course on Guhyasamaja-the King of All
Tantras (Generation and Completion Stage). Burnabay, BC Canada: Sangwa Dupa
Institute, 2003.

Khensur Losang Tenzin Rinpoche. Guhyasamaja Initiation, Teaching and Oral Transmission.
Jamyang Buddhist Centre, London, August, 2002.

Khensur Losang Tenzin Rinpoche. Guhyasamaja Commentary and Oral Transmission. Jamyang
Buddhist Centre, London: August, 2003.

Tsuda, Shin’ichi. Study of the Pancakrama on the Basis of Tibetan Commentarial Literature.
Inner Asian Buddhist Philology, International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies,
Academic year 2002.


The Perfect Jewel: The Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir Sacred Chants of Tibet. Monks of Gyuto
Monastery, produced by Mickey Hart. CD, 74 mins.

-Initiation Ceremony of the Guhyasamaja

Tibetan Buddhism: Tantras of Gyuto. Recorded by David Lewiston. CD

-Tantric Chants of Sangwa Dupa (Guhyasamaja)

Voices of Buddhism: Gymed Tantric University. CD, 78 mins.

-Guhyasamaja Chants

DHAKANG: Kopan Monks Chanting the Four Powerful Tantric Pujas. Monks of Kopan and
Daka Productions. CD, 73 mins.

-Guhyasamaja Mantras

Music of Tibet. Lamas of the Gyme and Gyuto Monasteries. AFT 4005; 1970.

-Selections of the Guhyasamaja Tantra, Chapter 5

Internet Resources: Art

An Exhibition of Rare Thankas - Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2nd Feb. 2001 - 14th Feb.
2001, Matighar, IGNCA

Guhyasamaja and Consort (Sparshavajri)- Thanka

Image and text -

Early Tibetan Mandalas: The Rossi Collection

Exploring the Mandala

Guhyasamaja 3-D Mandala Paper Craft Project - by Japanese Artist Atsuro Seto, email:
[email protected]
Abstract Mandala Complex -

Finished Project -

Working Models -

Himalayan Art

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Gelug Lineage, Item 46, Date: 1500-1599)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Mandala (Uncertain Lineage, Item 446, Date: 1700-1799)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Uncertain Lineage, Item 487, Date: 1500-1599)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Mandala (Sakya Lineage, Item 575, Date: 1300-1399)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Mandala (Gelug Lineage, Item 620, Date: 1600-1699)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Gelug Lineage, Item 625, Date: 1700-1799)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Uncertain Lineage, Item 65003, Date: 1600-1699)
Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Mandala (Uncertain Lineage, Item 90007, Date:1300-

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Uncertain Lineage, Item 90529, Date: 1800-1899)

Image and text -

Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra (Uncertain Lineage, Item 98952, Date: 1900-1959)

Image and text -

Mandala: Buddhist Tantric Diagrams - Scaffold WWW Architectural Project, Patrick A. George

Mirrors of the Heart Mind - The Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Related Art, Visual
Resources Library, Department of History of Art, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA

Guhyasamaja Akshobhya
essay -*Essays/SP94.008guhyAks.html
image -

The Art of Peace: A Festival of Tibetan Culture - Jamyang Buddhist Centre, December, 2000,
essay and image - Guhyasamaja and 3-D mandala by John Adrian

The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art - Co-Curators, J. Huntington & D. Bangdel, Los
Angeles Museum of Art, October 5, 2003 - January 4, 2004 & Columbus Museum of Art,
February 6 - May 9, 2004.

Jinas from the Guhyasamaja Mandala and Vajrasattva, Three Folios of Ashtasahashrika
Prajnaparamita Manuscripts
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Guhyasamaja and His Retinue

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Thirty-Two Deity Guhyasamaja Mandala


Guhyasamaja Akshobyavajra
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Guhyasamaja Manjuvajra
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Window of the Sacred World (2002) - Marcel Nies Oriental Art, Lange Gasthuisstraat 28,
2000 Antwerpen, Belgie (print catalog also available)

Guhyasamaja and Consort (Sparshavajri), image-bronze statue, 15th c. Tibet

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Internet Resources: Buddhist Texts

Berkeley Buddhist Research Center - University of California, Berkeley

Buddhist Digital Library and Museum - Library, National Taiwan University

Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library

Indian and Buddhist Studies Treatise Database

Tibet Resources - University of Virginia Library

The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center

The Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library

Tibetan Buddhist Text Download Links

Tibetan Studies Resources - University of Michigan

Internet Resources: Miscellaneous

Alexander Berzin

Drepung Loseling Institute

Foundation for the Preservation of Mahayana Tradition

FPMT Internet Radio

Gyudmed Tantric University

Gyuto Tantric University

Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Center

Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive

Namgyal Monastery

Norbulingka Institute

Paljor Publications

Sera Je Monastery

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery

Tibet House - US

Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio



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