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The Nielsen Company (erstwhile ACNielsen) was established in the United States in 1923 by
Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr., one of the founders of the modern marketing research industry. Among
many innovations in consumer-focused marketing and media research, Mr. Nielsen was
responsible for creating a unique retail-measurement technique that gave clients the first reliable,
objective information about competitive performance and the impact of their marketing and sales
programs on revenues and profits. Nielsen information gave practical meaning to the concept of
market share and made it one of the critical measures of corporate performance. Mr. Nielsen also
founded the business known today as Nielsen Media Research, the global leader in television
audience measurement and other media research services.

ACNielsen opened its first international office in the UK in 1939 and, after World War II,
progressively expanded its operations in Western Europe, Australia and Japan. The company
increased its presence in Asia Pacific in 1994 by acquiring Survey Research Group, and in the
Middle East and Africa in the late 1990s through the acquisition of AMER World Research.

In 2001, ACNielsen became part of VNU, a world leader in marketing information, media
measurement and information and business media.

In 2003, VNU announced a new organisational structure for VNU Marketing Information (MI),
its largest business group, to address evolving client needs and to create an enhanced platform
for accelerated growth.

In 2005, VNU attempted to expand into healthcare and pharmaceutical information by acquiring
IMS Health. Although the merger was terminated in the face of shareholder opposition, the two
companies agreed to work together to develop new capabilities.

In 2006, VNU was acquired and taken private by a consortium of six private equity firms.

In 2007, VNU changed its name to The Nielsen Company. This new identity emphasizes its best
known brand name and underscores its commitment to create an integrated, streamlined global
Company profile

ACNielsen, since February 2001 part of VNU’s marketing information group, collects, analyze
and interprets at on consumer attitudes and purchasing behavior. We are global leader in this
field. This comprehensive research does not only deals with what and how much the consumer
buys and where he does it, but especially what his buying motives are. Questions such as “why
dose a certain brand seller better than other” and how will the consumer reacts to a change in
pricing? How do I best display products in stores? And what is the effect of an advertising
campaign on the product sales. Are researches and analyzed.

ACNielsen provides its clients with in depth insight about market place dynamics, so they can
more effectively target their marketing and sales programs. Users of this marketing information
include manufactures and retailers of fast moving consumer goods, telecommunication
companies, financial institutions, and travel organizations and the automotive, computer and
utilities industries.

Our various marketing information companies are working together more and more to analyze,
integrate and provide Geo-demographic data, precision marketing tools and consumer profiles
based upon lifestyle data. ACNielsen has 21,000 employees worldwide and is the world's leading
market research firm, offering measurement and analysis of marketplace dynamics, consumer
attitudes and behaviour, and new and traditional media in more than 100 countries. ACNielsen's
clients include leading consumer product manufacturers and retailers, service firms, media and
entertainment companies and the Internet community.

Spectra marketing systems provides software’s and data which manufactures and retailers can
segment their customer groups and tie this to shop types and locations in order to optimize their
distribution network or product assortment. Trade dimensions pride specific information not
manufactures of packages goods, retail chains and real estate developers about the infrastructure
of the retail trade segment.

Retail Measurement

Retail measurement provides continuous tracking of consumer purchases at the point of sale
through scanning technology and in-store audits. Clients receive detailed information on actual
purchases, market shares, distribution, pricing, and merchandising and promotional activities
available in more than 80 countries.

For the worldwide motion-picture industry, ACNielsen EDI provides continuous tracking of box-
office receipts from more than 45,000 movie screens in 11 countries.

Clients of Principal Brands

⋆ Primarily manufacturers and retailers of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)

⋆ Non-FMCG industries such as athletic footwear, computers, toys and videos

⋆ In the entertainment industry, motion-picture studios, distributors and exhibitors

⋆ SCANTRACK scanning-based retail measurement services

⋆ Market Track dual audit/ scanning retail measurement services

⋆ ACNielsen Market Decisions Merchandising Audit Service

⋆ SPACEMAN merchandising services

⋆ INF-ACT Workstation and related decision-support services

Consumer Panel

Consumer panel services provide detailed information on actual purchases made by household
members, as well as their retail shopping patterns and demographic profiles covers 126,000
households in 18 countries.

Clients of Principal Brands

⋆ Primarily manufacturers and retailers of fast-moving consumer goods

⋆ Non-FMCG industries such as computers, videos and music CDs

⋆ Homescan scanner-based consumer panel services

⋆ Homepanel diary-based consumer panel services

⋆ Trade Planner consumer panel services for retailers

⋆ Consumer facts and channel facts syndicated information services

Customized Research

Customized research services include quantitative and qualitative studies that deliver information
and insights into consumer attitudes and purchasing behavior. Other studies measure customer
satisfaction, brand awareness and advertising effectiveness. Simulated test-marketing services
are used to launch new products or reposition existing brands available in more than 60
Clients of Principal Brands

A wide range of industries, including fast-moving consumer goods, computers,

telecommunications, financial services, automotive, travel and leisure, and more

⋆ Customer satisfaction research

⋆ Winning B ands brand equity research

⋆ BASES simulated test-marketing services

⋆ ACNielsen Market Decisions live/in-store test marketing service

Media Measurement

Media measurement services provide information on inter-national television and radio audience
ratings, and advertising expenditure and print readership measurement. This information serves
as the essential currency or negotiating advertising placement and rates. TV ratings are available
in 18 countries; radio ratings in 12 markets; and advertising expenditure measurement in 31

Clients of Principal Brands

Television and radio broadcasters, cable and satellite TV providers, publishers, advertisers and
their agencies, media planners and government agencies

⋆ Peoplemeter television audience measurement services

⋆ ACNielsen CABSAT Asia cable and satellite television audience measurement services

⋆ AdEx International advertising expenditure measurement services

⋆ Nielsen//Net Ratings

⋆ Net Watch

⋆ Web Audit

⋆ Web AdEx Internet monitoring services

Additional Services

In addition, ACNielsen markets a broad range of advanced Merchandising and Decision Support
software and Modeling and analytical services as well as services that provide a Global
Perspective. These products, used in conjunction with the services described above, help clients
integrate large volumes of information, evaluate it, make judgments about their growth
opportunities and plan future marketing and sales campaigns.

Evaluating Marketing Mix

Many factors impact consumer purchase decisions and identifying what is most important to
your consumers is always a challenge, made harder when your products are developed outside a
market for which they are marketed eventually.

In general the combination of product, price, positioning and packaging in totality - not just one
or two of these elements in isolation - drives either success or failure. With the use of Conjoint
Analyses, Choice Modeling and similar tools, ACNielsen can determine which elements in your
product or service concept are fundamental to success and in the eyes of your customers, which
levels of those elements are the most desirable. Such techniques can be used to:

⋆ Test whether product or service concepts are consistent with desired positioning

⋆ Find out whether product and/or packaging modifications are acceptable to current and
potential consumers

⋆ Evaluate the impact of a product launch on your own and competitors' brands

Optimizing Advertising Budget

Advertising costs are an expensive component of the marketing mix, at times accounting for the
lion's share of the marketing budget. ACNielsen Advertising Research services are specifically
designed to help advertising agencies and their clients make the best use of budgets at all stages
in the advertising process, from development and pre-testing through the evaluation and tracking

Creating Effective Advertising Campaigns

To assist in advertising development, ACNielsen studies conducted by highly experienced

research teams. We have delivered effective creative development research for over 20 years and
been part of teams that have created award winning advertising in many countries.
ACNielsen Advertising Pre-Testing enables you to assess your advertising in the context of what
it is designed to achieve. It increases the opportunity for the advertising to work according to a
pre-defined strategy by helping to determine whether that impact and memorability are at the
desired level and that the consumer understands what is being communicated in the desired way.

Understanding Customers

ACNielsen Worldwide Consumer Panel Services provide marketers with key Consumer Insights
in 18 countries around the world, capturing actual consumer purchase information for almost
125,000 households. ACNielsen provides insights into buying behavior across every outlet, from
warehouse clubs to convenience stores and from supermarkets to independent drug stores and
mass merchandisers. Using patented state-of-the-art in-home scanning technology or in some
markets, more traditional purchase diaries, ACNielsen Homescan and Homepanel products
provides clients with valuable insight into consumer shopping behavior.

ACNielsen Worldwide Consumer Panels are demographically balanced to represent the national
population of the individual countries and are readable at the regional, local market and retail
account level. The Consumer Insights delivered by these consumer panels represent the
definitive source for understanding consumer purchase behavior and shopping patterns for any
segment of the population across all retail outlet types.

Testing For Success

The route to product success in one market rarely repeats itself elsewhere. Failure to grasp the
specific needs of a new market can be costly, both financially and in terms of damaged corporate
image. In volatile, ever-changing markets, wise decisions can yield enormous rewards - mistakes
court disaster: wasted advertising spend, distribution and production expenses, damage to your
brand name and equity.

Developing new products requires effective ways to minimize risk and maximize gain. Product
research, whether conventional placement or at a sensory level, reduces risks and helps fine-tune
the marketing mix before launch.

Many emerging markets are ripe for the development of new products, services and concepts,
providing marketers with unique challenges. This unique opportunity has attracted the world's
major players to compete directly with local and regional companies in these markets.

ACNielsen has unparalleled experience worldwide in administering and interpreting standard in-
home and central location product tests. ACNielsen Product Research is offered across all stages
of product development, from concept to launch.

Multi-Country Customized Research

Globalization of companies, brands attitudes and trends is gaining pace. To grow globally,
businesses require research-based market intelligence to a common standard worldwide to gain a
clear understanding of the world's diverse consumers and markets.
As companies increasingly centralize their market research requirements

ACNielsen International Research is uniquely positioned to deliver the gold standard in multi-
country research through a network of more than 100 ACNielsen country operations and over
18,000 market research professionals around the world.

As the world's leading provider of retail, media, household panel and consumer information
services, ACNielsen has unparalleled experience in delivering consumer insights to many of the
world's most successful international corporations; advertising agencies and media owners; the
telecommunications, pharmaceutical, information technology, travel and leisure, financial and
business services industries; as well as to national and international government agencies.

Understanding Customers and Markets

To grow in a challenging global marketplace you need clear understanding and insight to the
dynamics of your customers and your markets.

With operations in more than 100 countries worldwide, ACNielsen understands market
dynamics, provides consumer insights and develops strategies that generate increased sales and
profits for you. Our wide range of Customized Research Services includes:

⋆ International and Regional Research

⋆ Market Segmentation and Positioning

⋆ Product Test Marketing

⋆ Live/In-Store New Product Testing

⋆ Live/In-Store Existing Product Testing

⋆ Simulated Product Testing

⋆ Marketing Mix Evaluation

⋆ Pricing Research

⋆ Advertising Development and Testing

⋆ Brand Equity and Advertising Tracking

⋆ Qualitative and Motivational Research

⋆ Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The Voice of Experience

Taking what consumers say at face value is usually as complex and bewildering as the people
themselves. It takes a thorough understanding of the world's cultures to read between the lines
and fully grasp the subtle nuances of what is said or often left unsaid.

To succeed globally, you need to blend consumer understanding with a creative and disciplined
approach to market research. ACNielsen offers the breadth of international research experience
and range of marketing research services offered through its more than 100 companies

ACNielsen contributes to your commercial success by providing a better understanding of your

markets, with market research focused to meet your specific requirements. ACNielsen's unique
ability to integrate its retail measurement and media measurement services further enhances
ACNielsen Customized Research Services for greater consumer insight.

Experts Who Understand Needs

Effective research starts with a thorough appreciation of the needs of you, the client. As market
competition continues to accelerate, market research solutions must be delivered faster and more
cost-effectively than ever before. These solutions must be communicated comprehensively - to
you and your colleagues, locally and often internationally. At ACNielsen, top marketers and
researchers work together, seeking out solutions to meet the needs of local markets, regional as
well as global headquarters.


ACNielsen builds an understanding of the priorities and imperatives that confront you in your
specific marketing environment. We work with you to develop optimal marketing research
services within the framework of your organization. As such, ACNielsen staff is carefully trained
to work in multi-lingual and multi-cultural environments

Multi-Country Research

Successful multi-country research requires an in-depth understanding of, and feels for each
market. It demands knowledge of what can and cannot be done. It requires the ability to interpret
and compare findings from a range of different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.
ACNielsen International Research is the specialist multi-country research division of ACNielsen.
Our international network has been built for the development, management and analysis of
multi-country projects and research programs on consumer and business-to-business customers.
ACNielsen International Research combines research expertise and multicultural understanding
with an unparalleled range of services to provide its clients with timely information-based
solutions. Through custom-designed projects, ACNielsen International Research provides its
clients with actionable information which:

⋆ Is technically and methodologically sound

⋆ Is designed for multivariate analysis to deliver insights

⋆ Is comparable from country to country

⋆ Has interpretation as well as description

⋆ Takes account of cultural factors and local market situations

⋆ Reflects an understanding of regional, global developments as well as local country issues

⋆ Has the authoritative ACNielsen name on it.

The ACNielsen International Research network operates from offices in the United States, Hong
Kong, Singapore, Australia, Japan, The Netherlands and the U.K. Staffed by professional
researchers with genuine international research experience representing over 20 nationalities and
speaking 20 or so languages.

Through a single contact point, the ACNielsen International Research office in the United States
provides research support services to USA-based companies with research needs abroad and
foreign-based companies with research needs in the USA. With over two decades of international
research experience, we have serviced companies in diverse industries such as...

⋆ Agriculture

⋆ Automotive

⋆ Banking and Financial Services

⋆ Business Services
⋆ Consumer Packaged Goods

⋆ Cosmetics

⋆ Energy/Utilities

⋆ Entertainment

⋆ Hotel and Hospitality Services

⋆ Information Technology

⋆ Management Consulting

⋆ Media and Advertising

⋆ Pharmaceutical and Medical

⋆ Telecommunications

Delivering Knowledge for Informed Decision-Making

ACNielsen Decision Support Services enable organizations to leverage the application of

ACNielsen's robust market and consumer information for tailored, rapid and well-informed

Decision Support Services support sophisticated multi-dimensional reporting, data navigation,

analytical modeling, and graphical presentations and expert systems tools.

In 1996, ACNielsen introduced to the consumer packaged goods industry the first service using
the Internet to deliver its information products. Clients can now deliver ACNielsen information
over the Internet to anyone within their organization, regardless of location.

ACNielsen Sales and Marketing Applications

ACNielsen Sales and Marketing Applications are a range of solution-oriented tools that integrate
ACNielsen's technology, business expertise and analytical capabilities to address specific
business needs, enabling organizations to plan, analyze and execute successful marketing and
sales programs.
ACNielsen combines data and software into an analytical framework and adds value by
providing the tools and services for analysis, interpretation and insight.

Understanding Product Performance and Market Dynamics

The cornerstone of ACNielsen's business, Retail Measurement Services is the industry standard
for quality data on product movement, market share, distribution, price and other market-
sensitive information in more than 80 countries across six continents.

Using in-store scanning of product codes and store visits by professional auditors; ACNielsen
offers a complete portfolio of sample and census information across the food, household, health
and beauty, durables, confectionery and beverage products industries.

Retail Measurement Services help management gauge product penetration, overall product
performance, distribution, promotion effectiveness, and price sensitivity. Whether long-term
strategic planning or tactical decision-making, ACNielsen measures and tracks sales volume,
selling price, observed promotion and merchandising execution, encompassing an organization’s
own brands as well as competitive brands.

The Nielsen Code

Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr.

Chairman, A. C. Nielsen Company, 1931

In 1931, Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr., wrote the Nielsen Code, defining the principles that would guide
Nielsen to global leadership in marketing research. The Code remains relevant today and
continues to guide our business.

 Impartiality:- Be influenced by nothing but your clients' interests. Tell them

the truth.

 Thoroughness:- Accept business only at a price permitting thoroughness.

Then do a thorough job, regardless of cost to us.

 Accuracy:- Watch every detail that affects the accuracy of your work.

 Integrity:- Keep the problems of clients and prospects confidential. Divulge

information only with their consent.
 Economy:- Employ every economy consistent with thoroughness, accuracy
and reliability.

 Price:- Quote prices that will yield a fair profit. Never change your price
unless warranted by a change in specifications.

 Delivery:- Give your clients the earliest delivery consistent with quality -
whatever the inconvenience to us.

 Service:- Leave no stone unturned to help your clients realise maximum

profits from their investment.


PRESIDENT- Mr. Piyush Mathur

Executive Director South Asia- Mrs. Radika Chandok

Vice President & Region Head for BASES and Consumer Research Division - Mr. Prasun Basu

Executive Director, Finance, South Asia- Mr. Pankaj Gujar

Entry in India

In late 1998, ACNielsen began auditing in India. We are proud to announce that we are now
covering over 50 categories in the 25 Key Markets. Initial analysis shows big differences in
brand performance by city, with significant opportunity for customer business gains.


ACNielsen Vision

To be Recognized Worldwide as
Premier Professional Services Firm in Market Research
Core Purpose
Contribute to Our Customer’s Success
Worldwide by Providing a Better Understanding of Their Markets
Core Values

Integrity & Honesty; Respect &Development of people;

Excellence & Innovation

ACNielsen an Overview
⋆ Founded in USA 75 years ago

⋆ World's largest market and media research company

⋆ Offices in over 100 countries

⋆ First TAM Service in US in 1950

ACNielsen Media International

⋆ Largest TAM organization in the world

⋆ Television Audience Measurement service in over 25 countries

⋆ All media services: television, newspapers magazines, radio, Internet and advertising
expenditure and monitoring.

ACNielsen Measure Science Practice

⋆ Global practice

⋆ Dedicated intranet

⋆ Supports the quality and statistical integrity of all services

⋆ Defines methodology, controls, and standards worldwide

ACNielsen Pakistan (PVT) LTD Is Now A VNU Company

⋆ VNU – Dutch Publishing Company

⋆ Now the leading/truly Global Media and Marketing Information Company

Three business groups of VNU:

⋆ VNU Media and Measurement Information

⋆ VNU Marketing Information

⋆ VNU Business Media

ACNielsen AFTAB Offers These Specializations in Marketing Research

Quantitative Research

Special Projects:

⋆ Media Research

⋆ Financial Services Research

⋆ Communication / IT Research

⋆ Automotive, Travel and Leisure Research

⋆ Social Marketing Research

⋆ Trade Research

⋆ Customer satisfaction Survey

⋆ Employee Satisfaction Survey

⋆ Tobacco Research
⋆ Onion Polls

⋆ Industrial Research

⋆ Business- to- Business Research

⋆ Desk Research

Consumer Research

⋆ Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Studies

⋆ Central Location / Blind testing

⋆ Advertising Research

⋆ Marketing Index- Ongoing syndicated Consumer Tracking

⋆ Omnibus Survey

⋆ Pharmaceutical Research

⋆ Environment Research

⋆ Prescription Monitoring Studies

⋆ Psychographics / Lifestyle Research

⋆ Telephonic Surveys

⋆ Food Service Sector

Qualitative Research

⋆ Focus group discussion

⋆ Extended Groups
⋆ In-depth Interviews

⋆ Projective Techniques

⋆ Neuro- Linguistic Program (NLP)

Retail Audit

ACNielsen AFTAB’s Retail Audit methodology and reporting is in line with International
standards. Retail Audit is a paramount research tool for monitoring Brand shares, Consumer off-
take, Distribution effectiveness and efficiency. ACNielsen AFTAB’s Retail Audit covers a wide
range of packaged grocery, toiletries, tobacco, and other fast moving consumer goods


American Marketing Association (AMA)

European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR)

Management Association of Pakistan

Marketing Research Society (MRS) U.K

Marketing Research Society of Pakistan (MRSP)


“Our Mission Is to Be Recognized, Through

Continuous Investment in People and Technology,

As The Most Competent and Credible Marketing

Research Institution Providing Reliable, and Timely

And Actionable Marketing Insights To Our

Clients, contributing significantly to their success”

 Mission
A strong word showing that we are fully committed to each and every word; it
is our mission; we are bound to follow this in word and spirit.

 To Be Recognized

Not only “To be but also to be recognized”. That means we should not only
“be” whatever the mission statement says, we should also be seen,
perceived to be. That requires good job done as well as proper promotion /

 Investment in People

Investment in people requires better hiring, training and incentives/package.

A better retention policy is also needed.

 Technology

Continuous investment in technology; hardware, software, new product

development; importing branded products; communication technology; etc.

 Competent

In all respects; people, systems, technology, client servicing, FW, DP, etc.
Improvement in competence should be an on-going process. We should have
the ability to “change” with the changed requirements/environment. Some
one said: “If the rate of change inside an organization is slower than the rate
outside, death is in sight”.

 Credible

Credibility should be both actual as well as perceived, includes honesty and

integrity in the field and all other steps in the research process. Credibility
would also include ability to interpret data in a credible way.

 Marketing Research Institution

That clearly shows where out focus is. Just “marketing research” and that’s it.

 Reliable

Again, integrity and honesty in the process are key requirements. Control
systems are needed to ensure reliability of data. Integrity should not be
assumed, it should be “seen” both by our clients and us.

 Timely
Strict adherence to & monitoring of schedules are needed. Clients should be
informed of status, preferably each week, regularly, voluntarily, to show the
importance as well as compliance of timeliness.

 Actionable

Client’s “Action standards” must be understood before the project starts.

Results (both data and report) should help in actions against the standards.

 Marketing Insight

This is where Marketing Research is different from just “data”. We should not
be just providers of data; we should be providing insights leading to solutions.
That requires special analysis and report writing skills and we should work
hard, through better hiring and training, to acquire these skills.

 To Our Clients

We exist because of them. We should respect them; all of them; small or

large; local or multinational or international. All that we do should be in the
light of what our clients’ needs/ask for.

 Contributing

We should be adding value to our client’s business performance. Unless we

can do that, there is no reason for our “being”; we won’t be needed (by our
clients) in the long run.

 Significantly

Our contribution should be visible/ seen. Clients should clearly perceive that
our research has improved their performance. Requires specialized analytical
and marketing skills Lets acquire these.

 To Their Success

Their (client’s) success is our success. It’s a sort of partnership relationship. If

we don’t/can’t help them succeed, we are reducing chances of our own
success in he long run.

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