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International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications

ISSN: 2456-9992

Peacekeeping Action Team In Crime Prevention Of

Selected Villages In Cebu City, Philippines
Jonathan O. Etcuban, Leo T. Batiles, Ma Cristina B. Monte, Arnel D. Arpon, Aahron M. Dinauanao, Philip
Joel DR. Macugay
University of Cebu, Graduate School Cebu City, Philippines
[email protected]

Philippine National Police - Police Regional Office 7, Cebu City, Philippines

[email protected]

Philippine National Police - Police Regional Office 7, Cebu City, Philippines

[email protected]

Philippine National Police - Police Regional Office 7, Cebu City, Philippines

[email protected]

Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia, Africa

[email protected]

Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia, Africa

[email protected]

Abstract: Peacekeeping is the essential function of the police and police visibility is one of the main thrusts of this peacekeeping activity.
Without this peacekeeping activity, it would be desperate for the police visibility may not work in addressing criminality in all situations. It
is needed to maintain the harmonies living of the residents in the community. This study determined the performance of Village
Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) about crime prevention of selected villages in Cebu City. The researchers employed a descriptive type
of research characterized by gathering data on BPAT performance on crime prevention in the identified villages in Cebu, namely Luz,
Ermita, Tisa, Guadalupe, and Tinago. Also, the study was employed by the five police stations of which these villages were under. The
community, village officials, and the police officers were the respondents of the study. They were advised to answer the researcher made
questionnaire. The gathered data were statistically treated using the weighted mean. The investigation revealed that on the deterrence of
crime, apprehension of criminals, drug demand and supply reduction, and identification of dependents for rehabilitation the BPAT
performance were rated effective by the respondents. Also, the study revealed that on the problems encountered by the BPAT in crime
prevention, the drug demand and supply reduction, as well as the identification of dependents for rehabilitation, were moderately serious. It
was concluded that the police in the community is a gesture of PNP's commitment to pursue a productive community partnership in support
of sustained village-based anti-crime strategy in collaboration with the BPAT by intensifying public safety information campaign through
regular police bulletins on criminal modus operandi. The researchers recommended strengthening the knowledge and skills of the BPAT in
identifying the drug dependents for rehabilitation in the community through training and seminars.

Keywords: Crime prevention, criminal justice, peacekeeping action team, Philippines

1. Introduction system and police patrol in the country development from

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) plays a the practices of different tribes (McCoy, 2009). The
very significant role in the Philippine National Police common tradition was to select non-disabled young men
(PNP) Organization (Lowry et al., 2005). The Patrol to protect their villages from the depredation of wild
Officers serve as the first person you can ask for in times animals that they prey on their crops and livestock (Gupta,
of need (Sluka, 2012). They are in charge of the worry of 2013). The state ought to advance peace and request,
culprits and anticipation to the individuals who might be guarantee open wellbeing and further reinforce nearby
hoodlums (Wilson, 2013). It is understood that the patrol government ability pointed towards the powerful
officer's life is at risk because of the nature of their duty conveyance of the central administrations to the citizenry
(Vila et al., 2002). Partnership with the community and through the foundation of profoundly useful and
the police is wielded as a weapon system by itself in the nonmilitary personnel (Sanidad-Leones, 2006). Towards
campaign against crime. Apparently, the police cannot this end, the State might reinforce an arrangement of
address today's crime problem alone. No matter how well coordination and collaboration among the citizenry, and
organized, equipped or highly motivated the PNP maybe, locally executes and the incorporated law implementation
it cannot function effectively in its fight against and open wellbeing offices made under this Act (Republic
criminality without the active cooperation of the Act No. 6975, Sec. 2) (Slaughter, 2004). Under Sec. 24
community through the creation of the BPAT. The BPAT the elements of the PNP are the accompanying; the state to
in the law enforcement efforts is anchored on the fact that advance peace and request, guarantee open wellbeing and
police officers are not omnipresent to all places. The ratio further reinforce nearby government capacity pointed
of the residents and the police demand a support system, towards the viable conveyance of the essential
like the activation and organization of BPATs (San Juan, administrations to the citizenry through the foundation of
2013). In the Philippines, the evolution of the policing a very proficient and capable police drive that is national
in extension and non military personnel in character
Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 16
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
(Feliciano et al., 2001). Towards this end, the State is with the local police (Last, 2000). The BPAT as the prime
considered a system of coordination and cooperation movers of the BPO will render services tailor-made for the
among the citizenry; local executes and the integrated law community where they belong and function. The BPAT
enforcement and public safety agencies created under this will focus on the three general endeavors, which are:
Act (Broadhurst, 2006). The PNP expressly states that security services focused on the proactive community-
peace and order and public safety can be assured only with based policing system, conflict resolution through Village
the active involvement of the community (Domingo- Justice System and crisis management, which includes
Almase, 2013). The 1987 Philippine Constitution, notably disaster mitigation. The satisfactory rating of BPAT still
the Declaration of Principles and the State of strategies needs immediate and further improvement. While various
commands that the prime obligation of the administration attempts in the past have been made to address this
is to serve and secure the general population (Desierto, concern, much effort has yet to be done. The search for
2010). The administration may call upon the general more effective, efficient and relevant mechanisms to
population to protect the State, and all nationals might be improve its performance is much desired. In the news
required under conditions gave by law, to render a man, report of The Freeman, a local newspaper dated June 1,
military or ordinary administration (Chadwick & May, 2015, While Cebu City's police director says that the
2003). The PNP recognized the role of Village Tanods, crime rate in the city has gone down, official records of
Bantay Bayan, Civilian Volunteer Organizations (CVO), the Police Regional Office-7 show otherwise. The
Villages Auxiliaries, Non-Government Organizations Regional Investigation and Detection Management
(NGO) and people's organizations as Force Multipliers in Division Chief says that the city's wrongdoing rate rose to
the Fight against criminality, insurgency, and terrorism 22 percent when contrasted with a similar quarter a year
(Pena, 2007). These organizations are also valuable ago. In 2013, the Cebu City Police Office detailed an
partners of the government in community development. aggregate wrongdoing volume of 3,585 while this year it
The PNP shall have the following powers and functions: rose to 4,285 cases. The Chief recognized and grouped the
Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection data introduced and discovered that out of the 4, 285
of lives and properties; Maintain peace and order and take cases, 2,874 of them are list violations. File wrongdoings
all necessary states to ensure public safety; Investigate and are violations against individual and property like murder,
prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, physical wounds, burglary, and theft. File wrongdoings
bring offenders to justice and assist in their prosecution; went up this year by 20 percent when contrasted with a
Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and year ago's accounted for instances of 2,303. He included
seizure in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent that there is an expansion in the cases of road
laws; Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond wrongdoings this year. A year ago 819 cases were
what is prescribed by law, informing the person so estimated for yet this year rose to 909 cases. The Chief
detained of all his rights under the constitution; Issue said the 25 percent expansion in these wrongdoings
licenses for the possession of firearms and training and includes the utilization of guns while they noticed a 300
operations of security agencies, and to security guards and percent increment in violations was carried out by cruiser
private detectives, for the practice of their professions; and riding offenders (Diaz, 2015). The Cebu City mayor
Perform such other duties and exercise all other functions gathered around 50 suspected drug pushers and users at
as may be provided by law. Furthermore, Executive Order the Mabolo Village Hall to convince them to quit the
(EO) No. 546 authorized the PNP to deputize the village business. He had a dialogue with dealers and drug
tanods as force multipliers in the implementation of the dependents in the presence of the Village Captain, police
peace and order plan, subject to the occurrence of the officers, and the village council. The meeting was a social
appropriate Local Chief Executive through the Local experiment aimed at addressing the problem of illegal
Peace and Order Council (LPOC) (Gustaitis & Guttieri, drugs in Cebu City. The personnel from the village and
2007). More recently, with the EO 773, it is incumbent the Mabolo Police Station identified the drug
upon the PNP enhance its operational procedures on personalities. He said the issue of illicit drugs requires
community safety and security system in order to both police and social action to solve the involvement of
addresses criminality, Internal Security Operation (ISO) the BPAT mainly. In a report by ABS-CBN's TV Patrol
and terrorism problems by establishing Neighborhood Central Visayas, the Village Captain thanked the mayor
Support Groups (NSG) through Village Peacekeeping for the initiative, saying the project can help decrease the
Action Team (BPAT) operatives, peace partners, and worsening problem of the illegal drug trade in the village
friends to achieve peace and order throughout the country (The Freeman, 2017). With this background at hand, it is
(Lopez, 2013). Under the authority of the National Peace essential for the PNP to undertake initiatives that promote
and Order Council and the Philippine National Police, the Community Oriented Policing System. The community
BPAT was created as the primary operators to conduct plays an important role and should be considered as a
Community-Oriented Placing and Public Safety System. necessary collaborator in policing activities. Not only
The BPAT is composed of the PNP supervisor, the Village because the city is the recipient of the services of the
Chairman, Ex-O, Village Tanod (sectoral representative police but also because the community is in itself the
and police auxiliaries) the BPAT conducts peacekeeping police. To answer the call for peace and order as a
activities in association with the various sectors of the mandate, the Cebu City Police Office adopted and
community and ensure their continuous support towards launched same programs to help address the peace and
the maintenance of peace and order and safety (Sanchez, order problems that are recently scattering in the entire
2017). Their goal is to have a peaceful and orderly locality. As programs and projects are implemented by the
community, which is organized and responsive to the CCPO, the researchers would like to establish relevant
safety and security needs of its citizenry in cooperation

Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 17
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
data and generalization on the implementation and results make an exhaustive and educated money saving advantage
of peace and order. estimation before the commission of wrongdoing (Beebe
and Rao, 2005). As such, it is expected that wrongdoers
2. Framework know the majority of the dangers and additionally the
This study is anchored on the Preventive Patrol Theory by prizes they will get if they escape with wrongdoing
Kelling et al. The review of Kelling is unique among tests (Felson & Boba, 2010). From this point of view, an
of the deterrent effects of police activities, reasonable expansion in police watches would build the potential
attempts were made to randomize the choices of danger of getting captured and subsequently diminish the
experimental and control areas, and a vast array of number of wrongdoers willing to perpetrate wrongdoing
different measurements were applied to determine the in the watch zone (Crowe, 2000). The Kansas City
outcomes (Tyler et al., 2010). The result, by now well Preventative Patrol Experiment was intended to test the
known, was that neither crime rates nor citizens' presumptions of discouragement hypothesis about
perceptions of crime or safety were significantly affected stamped police watch (Sherman and Eck, 2002).
by the changed operations in Kansas City. Crime rates Specifically, scientists needed to check whether expansion
were measured by both police reports and victimization in police watches could prompt an abatement in
surveys (Eck & Maguire, 2000). A preventive patrol is a wrongdoing and a lessening of people in general's dread of
form of police service that directly attempts to eliminate wrongdoing (Weisburd & Eck, 2004). Preventive watch
the opportunity for misconduct (Del Carmen & Guevara, methodologies depend on the possibility that unmistakable
2003). It includes strolling or driving around the zone and police nearness in a zone gives a general obstruction
keeping a post for potential issues (Lee and Ingold, 2006). impact on wrongdoing and that, in this way, the general
A preventive watch implies to expand police nearness in population everywhere's dread of the offense is decreased
territories of anticipated that wrongdoing would go about by that same police nearness (Bratton, 1999). It would be
as an impediment (Sherman and Eck, 2002). The idea normal, therefore, that wrongdoings that would more often
behind preventive watch is the conviction that watches than not happen in moderately open zones, for example,
predicts and stops wrongdoing (Braga and Weisburd, general property offenses or road violations, would be all
2010). It is one of the five center operational the more radically affected by preventive watching hones,
methodologies of policing (Walsh, 2001). The preventive though crimes ordinarily dedicated to relative segregation
watch is frequently embraced as a measure of group would be less powerless to the discouragement impacts of
caretaking capacities that incorporate the obligation to preventive watching (Clarke & Eck, 2014). The use of
diminish the open doors for the commission of a few police assets for arbitrary precautionary watch exercises
violations (Dimino, 2009). The targets of preventive is, be that as it may, inadequate at dissuading wrongdoing
watch include (I) discouragement of wrongdoing, (ii) and securing guilty parties (Durlauf & Nagin, 2011). The
trepidation of hoodlums, (ii) fulfillment of general society research proposes that focused preventive exercises in
requests for administrations identified with wrongdoing, vital zones where the more substantial part of
(iv) improvement of a suspicion that all is well and good wrongdoings happen, or when medicines driven by
and trust In the law requirement office and (v) particular arrangements or practices went for meeting
recuperation of stolen property (Wilson, 2013). deliberately characterized objectives are used, is
Unfortunately, the preventive patrol has many significantly more successful in lessening wrongdoing
weaknesses, so that although in theory, it sounds as if it (Knepper, 2007). Police field tasks comprise of watch and
should work well, in practice its utility is clouded (Lorenz, examinations (Ioimo & Aronson, 2003). The watch has
2002). The significant weaknesses of preventive patrol are been alluded to as the foundation of policing because the
as follows: 1) Even at its best, the preventive patrol can most significant level of police faculty is relegated to
only control crimes committed in public areas, that is, watch (Chen, 2017). The objectives of watch incorporate
street crime. Apparently, the police are not authorized to (1) wrongdoing counteractive action and discouragement,
patrol private areas; 2) In many departments, the volume (2) trepidation of guilty parties, (3) making of a suspicion
of calls for services makes it virtually impossible to that all is well and good and fulfillment, (4) arrangement
perform preventive patrol correctly, since so much time is of non-wrongdoing related administrations, (5) movement
spent responding to and handling radio runs; 3) If the control, and (6) distinguishing and taking care of group
criminal avoids punishment for committing a crime, the issues as for wrongdoing and confusion. The police
detection and apprehension don't deter crime. The purpose needed to make a noticeable nearness that would-would be
of anticrime patrol is to apprehend criminals during or guilty parties (Vindevogel, 2005). In any case, the
immediately after the commission of quality of life street improvement of the radio and the phone changed the
crime (Beckett & Sasson, 2003). When statistics indicate police watch strategies from proactive to receptive
that, despite prevention measures by the police and the (Walsh, 2001). With the advancement of group policing,
community, a particular area is still rife with street crimes, the police are required to know about what is happening in
a kind of patrol different from preventive patrol is needed their watch zones (Thomas, 2005). This includes a
(Wakefield, 2006). More often than not, the type of patrol heightened awareness regarding terrorism and terrorist
that is used these circumstances is anticrime patrol (Baker, acts. The police should become target-oriented and utilize
2002). Marked police patrols are the backbone of policing event analysis.
(Ratcliffe, 2017). Office pioneers, policymakers, and the
overall population put a lot of significance on the 3. Objectives of the Study
utilization of stamped police watches as an impediment to This study determined the performance of BPAT about
wrongdoing (Buntman & Snyman, 2003). Prevention crime prevention of selected villages in Cebu City. The
hypothesis accepts, to a limited extent, that wrongdoers study answered the: 1) Effectiveness of BPAT in crime

Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 18
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
prevention along with Deterrence of Crime, Apprehension The table shows that the majority of the respondents
of Criminals, Drug Demand and Supply Reduction, and evaluated the performance of the BPAT as Effective
Identification of Drug Dependents for Rehabilitation; and regarding deterrence of crime. The data imply that some
2) Problems encountered by the BPAT in crime crime prevention activities address crime indirectly by
prevention relative to the drug demand and supply trying to alter social background conditions that are
reduction and identification of dependents for thought to cause crime, with the intent of eventually
rehabilitation. reducing the likelihood of crime, nuisance, behavior, and
fear. A crime of misery forbids conduct naturally flowing
4. Methodology from life on streets as experienced by the desperately
The researchers employed a descriptive type of research. impoverished, mentally ill, and drug-addicted. Mitchelle
The research design is characterized by gathering data (2012) carefully analyzes these crimes of misery within
about BPAT performance about crime prevention in the each of the five philosophical grounds that traditionally
identified villages in Cebu City. The study was conducted justify and guide punishment: a variety of theories of
in the five identified villages, namely: Luz, Ermita, Tisa, retribution, as well as general deterrence, specific
Guadalupe, and Tinago. Also, the study was employed by deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. From this
the five police stations in Cebu City. The respondents of analysis, Mitchelle concludes that none of the traditional
the study were group into three, namely: the community, philosophical theories can justify the crimes of misery
the police officers, and the village officials. In this study, and, as such, those crimes are morally unsupportable and
the community is composed of 215 community members unjust. As perceived by the village officials, the table
(50 parents, 25 businesspeople, 100 students, and 40 shows that the village officials evaluated the performance
working professionals), and eight (8) village officials of of BPAT as effective. This information infers that
Villages Luz, Ermita, Tisa, Guadalupe, and Tinago. Also, examples of wrongdoing ought to be viewed as the result
the study involves eight (8) police officers of the five of wrongdoing control arrangements and the
police stations in Cebu City. They were chosen using dissemination of chances. Such wrongdoing control
purposive convenience sampling of 231 respondents. The approaches are regularly contended to have constrained
study utilized a researcher made survey questionnaire to the impact of dislodging wrongdoing, that is, substituting
gather data about the performance of BPAT officers in the new violations for counteracted wrongdoings.
selected villages, and police stations. The survey is
composed of four parts. Part I of the questionnaire is used Table 2: Effectiveness of BPAT in Crime Prevention as to
to gather the respondents’ profile, which includes their Apprehension of Criminals
age, gender, civil status, and family monthly income. Part
II of the questionnaire is used to gather the problems Indicators Mean Interpretation
encountered by the BPAT as perceived by the residents Encourages the participation of
and the police officers of the five police stations in Cebu community-based organizations to
1. 3.93 Effective
City. This includes their perceptions of the drug demand enable the PNP to cover all matters of
and supply reduction, as well as the identification of drug community safety and security
Intensifies public safety information
dependents for rehabilitation. The gathered data were 2. campaign through regular police 3.72 Effective
statistically treated using weighted mean, frequency, and bulletins on criminal modus operandi
rank. Consults with local village officials on
problems and threats from criminal
3. elements in the village so that proper 4.06 Effective
5. Results and Discussions strategic approaches are developed to
counter the problem
Table 1: Effectiveness of BPAT in Crime Prevention as to Support the development of police-
community partnership by carefully
Deterrence of Crime 4. coordinating and communicating with 4.00 Effective
such groups to establish open lines of
Indicators Mean Interpretation communications
The BPAT: Sustains visitation as an approach to
Conduct the patrol in their crime reporting to inform them of the
5. 3.88 Effective
1. respective villages such as 3.12 Moderately Effective status of cases lodged against
checkpoint suspects/offenders
Encourages the community or Aggregate Mean 3.92 Effective
the populace to participate in
2. 4.22 Very Effective
crime preventions to the police
or authority as watchers
Table 2 shows that the majority of the community
Answers mobilization all respondents evaluated the performance of the BPAT as
3. organized community sectors to 3.94 Effective Effective regarding the apprehension of criminals. The
help in the prevention of crimes data imply that to apprehend is to arrest, as when the
Upgrades the quality of
4. communication equipment for 3.78 Effective
police try to apprehend criminals and bring them to
police patrollers justice. This is a significant factor in the establishment of
Deploys additional personnel to such vital institutions as national systems of education, a
5. cover all crime-prone areas in 3.68 Effective second daily press, and various welfare measures designed
the community
Aggregate Mean 3.75 Effective
to fight the spread of criminality. According to Sabijon et
al. (2017), Decreasing apprehension of wrongdoing has
dependably been a vital piece of group policing. This
applies particularly to psychological warfare, where the
essential objective is to make fear.
Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 19
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
Table 3: Effectiveness of BPAT in Crime Prevention as to Table 5: Problems Encountered as to Drug Demand and
Drug Demand and Supply Reduction Supply Reduction

Indicators Mean Interpretation Indicators Mean Interpretation

The BPAT: 1. Cease the law against drug use 3.53 Serious
Helps the village in recognizing 2. Disfavor in drug prevention 3.14 Moderately Serious
the effects of the use of drugs by information drive
1. 4.07 Effective
shifting resources to prevention, 3. Prevent checkpoint activities 3.35 Moderately Serious
treatment, and education. 4. Help organized a site-based task 3.42 Serious
Prevents drug abuse by investing force who are trained and skilled
and providing them with as drug watch
2. 3.70 Effective
accurate effects of drug 5. Stop organized crime policy 3.24 Moderately Serious
information 6. Help uptake and delay onset of 3.29 Moderately Serious
Focuses law enforcement drug use
3. resources on the most dangerous 3.81 Effective 7. Help expand the use of drugs in 3.42 Serious
and violent drug criminals the village
Builds trust and confidence by 8. Do not support sports-related 3.08 Moderately Serious
4. the public to irradiate drug 3.81 Effective activities
demand 9. Do not support people to recover 3.00 Moderately Serious
Initiates political intervention from drug dependence
5. must be stopped the supply of 3.54 Effective 10. Less effort to promote social 3.23 Moderately Serious
drugs in and out of the village inclusion
Aggregate Mean 3.79 Effective Aggregate Mean 3.27 Moderately Serious

The information infers that the request diminishment The table shows that the community finds the indicators
endeavors decrease the interest for unlawful medications moderately serious. This infers the occupants voiced their
utilizing counteractive action, treatment, and research. help for BPATs in the city, and for group policing
Supply lessening makes drugs scarcer, more costly and specifically, as a viable method for battling wrongdoing.
less socially endured. It is a valuable device for request Community policing helps reduce crime. This involves
decrease since when medications cost increasingly and are activities that seek to prevent crime and offending before
harder to acquire there are fewer drug clients and less it occurs. It includes activities, which address the fear of
interest in unlawful medications. Request diminishment is crime. The prevention of crime requires individuals,
likewise a valuable device in supply decrease since when communities, business, community organizations and all
the quantity of narcotics customers falls, tranquilize levels of government to work together. As perceived by
supply falls correspondingly as the market for unlawful the village officials regarding the problems encountered
medications shrivels. Connecting these correlative by BPAT, the table shows that the police officers find the
methodologies boosts the effect of the civil procedure on indicator, drug demand, and supply reduction as serious
illicit medication use by assaulting the drug economy from and identification of dependents for rehabilitation as
both sides. moderately serious. The data imply that village officials
with the help of BPATs are the best partners when it
Table 4: Effectiveness of BPAT in Crime Prevention as to comes to fighting crime. By showing that small crime and
Identification of Dependents for Rehabilitation nuisance, activities will not be tolerated in the village.
The village officials may enlist a crime prevention
Indicators Mean Interpretation program wherein participation of residents in partnership
The BPAT: with BPATs to reduce crime in their village. It includes
1. Identifies through the physical 3.76 Effective
dependence of the drug dependents neighbors becoming acquainted with each other and
2. Cooperates with the Police Officers 3.87 Effective averting wrongdoing by monitoring what is going on in
and the Village Council in identifying their neighborhoods. Subjects are prepared to perceive and
drug dependents report suspicious exercises. This is on account of the cops
3. Quickly response or immediately 3.84 Effective
present on house visitation of drug can't be on each corner, and each road in the city, so native
dependents association is basic to battle wrongdoing. Neighbors are
4. Disseminates awareness of the 3.56 Effective the ones who realize what is happening in their group. By
residential community of the list of participating with each other and the police, individuals
activities of drug rehabilitation
program can help battle wrongdoing in their village in the best.
5. Initiates anti-criminality 3.95 Effective
programs/projects in partnership with Table 6: Problems Encountered as to Identification of
the LGUs, village officials and the Dependents for Rehabilitation
Aggregate Mean 3.80 Effective
Indicators Mean Interpretation
1. Do not observe drug 2.96 Moderately Serious
Table 4 shows that the majority of the community dependents in the village
respondents evaluated the performance of the BPAT as 2. Lack of dedication and 3.27 Moderately Serious
Effective regarding the identification of dependents for commitment of the BPAT
to identify the drug
rehabilitation. The information suggests that the general dependents.
population can't control the utilization of liquor and 3. Lack skills in the 3.10 Moderately Serious
medications, in spite of the terrible things that happen identification of drug
when they utilize. dependents for
4. Do not report to Village 2.92 Moderately Serious

Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 20
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
Officials the drug organizations and the local businessmen for skill
dependents that need to be enhancement and capability of BPAT members necessary
5. Do not assist in the 2.73 Moderately Serious in the delivery of crime prevention in their respective
invitation process of these villages. Recommended strengthening the knowledge and
drug dependents to the skills of the BPAT in identifying the drug dependents for
village hall rehabilitation in the community. This could be achieved
Aggregate Mean 3.00 Moderately Serious
through training and seminars.
As perceived by the respondent groups, the majority of
them find the problems in the identification of dependents 8. Translational Research
for rehabilitation as moderately serious. The table shows The outcome of this study had been translated into a plan
that the police officers find the indicator, drug demand, of the PNP to support President Rodrigo Duterte’s
and supply reduction as serious and identification of program to fight drug trafficking in the country
dependents for improvement as moderately serious. This specifically in Cebu City.
implies that law enforcement officers believe that the most
effective deterrent to crime is swift and sure punishment. 9. References
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Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2018 21
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