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Evaluation & Key Competences

Evaluation overview 1 Tests Teacher’s Notes

Introduction to formative Marking grids 86
and summative evaluation 2
Transcripts and answers 93
Evaluation grids 3
Introduction to the Portfolio 118
Standard tests
Language I can use 119
Unit 1 5
Self-evaluation: I can … 121
Unit 2 8
Learning strategies 122
Unit 3 11
Course certificate 123
Unit 4 14
Introduction to the Key Competences 124
Unit 5 17
Social Tasks
Unit 6 20
Extension Unit 23
Term 1 26
Term 2 30
Term 3 34
End of year 38

Challenge tests
Unit 1 42
Unit 2 46
Unit 3 50
Unit 4 54
Unit 5 58
Unit 6 62
Extension Unit 66
Term 1 70
Term 2 74
Term 3 78
End of year 82

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press

Evaluation overview
Welcome to the evaluation and Key Competences Portfolio
section of this Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM for As a method of self-evaluation and a source of
Oxford Rooftops 6. This CD-ROM contains motivation for the pupils, we have included
material that will help you to evaluate what several photocopiable pages for the development
your pupils have learnt. It is divided into three of an Oxford Rooftops Portfolio, personalized for
parts: formative and summative evaluation, each child.
suggestions for how to use the European
Language Portfolio with Oxford Rooftops and
Key Competences
evaluation in terms of the Key Competences.
Key Competence-based evaluation is being
recognized as increasingly important in the
Formative and summative evaluation foreign language classroom. At the end of this
From the beginning of Primary education, section you will find a more detailed description
evaluation should be integrated into the of the Key Competences, which you can use
teaching–learning process, combining formative together with the formative evaluation grids, to
assessment with more formal summative help you assess your children’s skills and
evaluation. A proper evaluation requires competences in English.
observation and measuring tools, which combine
In addition, you will find a Social Task section
to give both information about the pupils and an
with activities, notes and an evaluation grid. This
assessment of the evaluation process. As part of
is an optional and discrete communicative
this process, we need to take into consideration
project to help you assess children’s mastery of
the development of the Key Competences and the
the Key Competences in your classroom
pupils’ own self-evaluation.

On this CD-ROM we offer three types of Name

Unit 4 Standard Test Reading
5 Read and complete.
Unit 1 Challenge Test

evaluation tool.
/ 10 marks
Reading / 8 marks online watches after texts practise his homework
4 Read and circle. can feed can’t
3 4 Matthew is twelve years old. He
1 2 goes to an 1
school club. He likes the club because
he can 2
lots of sports there. He 3
play football, basketball
and tennis. He usually does his 4
at the club.
Then he 5 a DVD. The children 6

• Formative evaluation grids

play computer games because
there aren’t any computers there.
There are some small animals
7 8 in the garden, and the children
5 6 can 7 them. A rabbit lives in Matthew’s
too, but it isn’t 8
. It’s his sister’s pet. Matthew can’t
club, so he 9 use a mobile phone at the

These can be used to record the progress of each

his friends at home. He goes 10
because he has a computer in his at home too,

6 Read and answer.

pupil, both in relation to the linguistic objectives

/ 10 marks
the most / least confident.
1 The girls are singing. Kate is Hi Maria,
very kind / selfish.
2 Look at the children. They’re I’m at my Guide camp in Wales.
I’m doing my animal badge. I have
/ lazy. to
3 The prince is hard-working feed and look after some guinea
pigs, and there are hens and rabbits

of learning a foreign language and the non-

kinder than the big wolf. too. Some Guides are doing their
4 The small wolf is meaner / cooking badge. They make snacks
She’s being naughty / clever. we can all eat them! We can also
5 Sarah isn’t being good today. paint pictures for our craft badge.
than the girl. It’s great fun here, but there are
6 The boy is more / less careful rules too! You can’t practise sports
and you can’t eat sweets. You can inside
only email and text your friends
7 The book is difficult / interesting.

linguistic objectives, such as classroom behaviour

the evening. You can go online in
/ shy. too but only after 7 o’clock. I’m
8 He’s on the stage. He’s famous this on a laptop. It isn’t mine. It’s writing
my friend’s.
/ 6 marks See you soon!
5 Read and write True or False. Helen
1 The play is very exciting.

and development of the Key Competences. 1 2 P.S. The blue jacket in my bag isn’t
mine! I think it’s yours! Sorry!
2 The princess is beautiful
and kind. 1 Helen is with
2 She’s doing her
3 She’s looking after
3 The boy is shyer than a her family.
a camping badge.
a hens.
the girl. b her sisters.
b animal badge.
b rabbits.
3 4 4 The scientist is very c a group of Guides.
c people badge.

• Summative tests
clever. c guinea pigs.
4 The children can eat snacks.
5 Joe is the most True False
5 They can do a craft badge.
hard-working. True False
6 The king is more generous 6 They can eat sweets.
True False
than the prince.

In terms of summative evaluation, there is an

7 They can text their friends in
6 the morning. True False
5 8 They can go online.
True False
9 Helen has a laptop.
True False

extensive range of tests, along with answers,

10 The jacket is hers.
True False
Oxford Rooftops 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Press Press

transcripts and marking schemes. There are

Oxford University Press
Unit © Oxford©University
Oxford Rooftops 6

seven unit tests, three term What are the Key Competences in the
foreign language classroom?
Introduction to the Key Competences

The theme of community is at the heart of Oxford

Rooftops and the city of Rooftops represents an

tests and one end of year test

Portfolio Key Competences describe a range of skills, identifiable community for children in which
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour developed in learning English and behaviour compatible with My Social Tasks Diary
all subjects to serve children for life and learning being a good citizen go hand in hand. Children
and speaking
Language I can use: listening outside the classroom. learn how to be a good citizens alongside the
do at the end of each unit. course characters, and the community values

at two levels. Depending on the

Read and tick ✓ what you can European legislation defines eight Key
themes explicitly explore positive behaviour.
Competences, distinguishing between
Listening Values and citizenship, interpersonal and social

My Social Tasks Diary

communication in the mother tongue and a
skills, codes of conduct, norms of behaviour and
about where they’re from.
S I understand when people talk
foreign language; these two have been combined
to create seven Key Competences in the Spanish
customs in similar and different environments

ability of your pupils, please

are all positively modelled, helping children
educational system.
1 I understand when people ask
for things politely.
Therefore the Key Competences are defined as the
absorb socio-political concepts like equality and
diversity and spark interest in other people’s
2 I understand when people describe
an object. following: culture and customs. Name of the group:
• Linguistic communication

choose either the Standard or 3 I understand when people talk

about their names. • Social and civic competences 3 Digital competence Members of the group:
This involves the confident and critical use of
• Digital competence
information and basic skills in information and
4 I understand when people talk
about an event.
• Learn to learn communication technology (ICT).
• Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 2.

Challenge level test.

5 I understand when people talk
about buying food.
• Cultural awareness and expression
The blend of digital and print material in Oxford
Rooftops mean that Digital competence is
developed on a day to day basis. Oxford Rooftops 3.
6 I understand when people talk
about a future event. • Mathematical competence and basic
competences in science and technology
recognizes that technology is a part of everyday
life inside and outside the classroom and Social Task Title:
about what they have done.
E I understand when people talk
1 Competence in Linguistic
encourages children to be safe and responsible
users whilst also providing opportunities to Date:
communication develop the necessary IT skills to do this
Speaking This encompasses effective communication and effectively.

• Self-evaluation pages
S I can describe patterns on clothes.
expression in a range of contexts, such as at
home, leisure or school, according to the pupils’ 4 Learn to learn What are you going to do? Did you do it?
age and stage of development. When?
1 I can ask and answer questions
about rules.
Throughout the six levels of Oxford Rooftops,
This competence encompasses the development
of study skills and attitudes that help pupils to
Yes No
things belong to. input of vocabulary and grammar essential for
1 I can ask and answer questions
about who
effective communication is presented in
continue learning inside and outside the

These contribute to the creation

classroom efficiently and autonomously.
motivating contexts and through a variety of
2 I can talk about actions using the
mediums to fire children’s curiosity and
encourage a genuine desire for communication.
Lots of the activities in Oxford Rooftops are
designed to get children thinking about how they
learn, what sort of learner they are and what
2 I can talk about reasons for doing
Every activity in Oxford Rooftops is designed with learning strategies they can adopt to become

of an ‘English Portfolio’ by
a linguistic outcome for children, and the course more efficient learners.
about actions in the past.
3 I can ask and answer questions has been specially developed to provide
challenging and motivating input alongside the
Self-evaluation plays an important part in this,
do. as does the development of positive learning
3 I can talk about things that I must
and mustn’t development of the four skills of reading, writing,
listening and speaking.
attitudes and self-reliance as a learner.

pupils, based on the guidelines

All levels of Oxford Rooftops have explicit self-
4 I can talk about people using comparatives.
2 Social and civic competences
evaluation, learning to learn and reference
materials to support the development of this
4 I can talk about people using superlatives.
This competence describes the range of social,
interpersonal and intercultural skills and
competence. For example self-evaluation
activities encourage pupils to review and
My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

of the European Language

behaviour that equip individuals to participate
5 I can ask and answer questions
about amounts.
effectively and constructively in society.
evaluate the classroom activities and begin to
reflect on their personal learning style while
Oxford Rooftops presents language to children in
5 I can talk about amounts. different everyday contexts in which they can
Bilingual Dictionaries, completed by the children,
involve them in creating their own personalized
broaden their social and civic knowledge and reference tools.
the future.
I can talk about predictions for understanding.

using which, where or who.

6 I can link two sentences together
Oxford Rooftops 6 © Oxford University Press 124
Add this page to your diary
E I can talk about what people have
Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford
University Press Photocopiable
119 5
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Oxford Rooftops 6

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 1

Introduction to formative and summative evaluation

Evaluation for the teacher and pupils Evaluation grid 1

Oxford Rooftops 6
Unit / Activity

Formative evaluation grids

Good Very good Excellent
Needs work Satisfactory
of language
Communication skills and use

© Oxford University Press

of the unit.
Recognizes and uses the vocabulary

The evaluation grids are photocopiable. They are Learns and practises the linguistic
Listens attentively to an oral text
structures of the unit.
and carries out the required task.
for a social relationship.
Recognizes and uses basic expressions

based on generic evaluation criteria appropriate Tries to use English to communicat

Carries out oral communication
e in class.
tasks using only English.
gist and more specific point of
brief texts.

to the course level and they reflect current

Reads and understands both the

Reads and understands the stories.

Writes short texts following a model.

educational thinking. Evaluation grid 1 focuses

CLIL page.
Understands the main idea of the
Participates in chants and songs.
n and intonation.
of rhythm, stress, pronunciatio
Adequately reproduces aspects

on the ability of children to understand and use

from earlier units and levels.
Identifies and expresses language

Good Very good Excellent

Needs work Satisfactory

Oxford Rooftops 6
language when completing course-related tasks, Attitude to learning a language
Shows a positive attitude to their
Shows curiosity and interest in
own ability to learn a language.
a culture other than their own. Class
Unit / Activity
Evaluation grid 2

the skills and strategies they might use to do this

language. Date
Shows interest in learning a foreign Classroom behaviour

© Oxford University Press

of a foreign language.
Shows an open attitude to speakers Responds politely to the teacher. Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
and communicating in English.
Shows an interest in reading, writing

and their attitude to learning a language.

Brings school equipment tolearning.
to make a conscious use of strategies and methods of autonomous
Starts Behaves well in class.
Works well in pairs / groups.

Evaluation grid 2 focuses on classroom behaviour

Leaves their table, classroom, etc.
clean and tidy.
Shows willingness to cooperate
with the teacher.

and also provides a grid specific to the Key Key Competences

Linguistic communication Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent

Competences. Together evaluation grids 1 and 2 Social and civic competences

Cultural awareness and expression
Learn to learn

form a record of each child’s progress, strengths Sense of initiative and entrepreneur
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and

and weaknesses throughout the year.

basic competences in science and

Aim to evaluate a few children at a time over a

few sessions. Plan which lessons / activities you

will use to evaluate the children and which
children are to be evaluated. Complete the grids
for each child, filling in the name, class, unit and Unit 6 Challenge Test

Speaking / 6 marks

activity. Then monitor the children as they Name

End of Year Standard Test
3 Talk to your teacher.

complete an activity, recording your impressions

5 Write the vocabulary.
/ 8 marks
1 2

of each child by ticking the boxes as appropriate. 1

3 4 5

We recommend that you aim to evaluate 6


children three times a year.

8 7
/ 4 marks
8 4 Talk to your teacher.

/ play … / stay at home

watch a … / go to (a) … / meet …
6 Complete Emily’s email.
/ 6 marks

Summative tests
2 Hello! My name’s Emily. I’m going to … on Saturday / Sunday
I live in London. I go to a club
after school. There are
lots of rules. We must 1 Have you got any plans for
outside. We can’t 2 the weekend?

The tests on this CD-ROM reflect the target

forward to …
Yesterday, I went to my cousin’s
✗ 3 party. At four o’clock, Yes, I can’t wait to … / I’m looking
3 I
4 a burger. It was very
How exciting!

language of the course and the types of activities

This year we’ve learned about
the Romans in our
History classes, and last weekend
I went on a Roman
dig! I found 4
. It was very
5 6 exciting.

that the pupils usually do. They have also been This is a photo of my neighbour,

animals too. One day, she 6

Chloe. She’s the
girl in our class. She loves

developed in accordance with the Key

a vet!

7 Write an email to Emily about

/ 6 marks

Competences. You will find the transcripts,

club rules yesterday / party Roman dig my friend
Hello! My name’s

marking scheme and answers to all activities in

the pages that follow. Oxford Rooftops 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Unit © Oxford©University
Oxford University Press

In addition, marking grids are provided so that

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you may easily record test results and keep a

record of each child’s strengths and / or areas for
improvement throughout the year. Name
Term 1 Challenge Test

Listening / 10 marks
1 Listen and circle A or B. $ 37


Elements of self-evaluation for the Marking grids

Standard Tests

Unit 1 Test
Listening Mark Max marks
1 Listen and number.
3 2 Listen and draw lines. 8
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
Reading 8
4 Read and write the number.

Self-evaluation (Activity Book)

5 Look, read and circle. 8
B Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 6
A 7 Complete Naomi’s rules about 3
what she can and
can’t do after school. 6

Lessons 9 and 10 of each unit gently introduce

5 8 Write to Naomi about what
you can and can’t
do after school. 5
Total for test
Unit 2 Test

the pupils to the concept of self-evaluation – a Listening Mark Max marks

1 Listen and number.
A B 8
2 Listen and circle A or B.
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6

key part of the learning process. It is important

Reading 4 Read and write T (True) or F 8
CD5 / 10 marks (False).
the questions. $ 38 8
2 Listen to Robbie and answer 5 Look, read and circle.
2 The children Writing 6 Write the vocabulary.
1 Robbie goes to his club 3

that the pupils realise that when they are

a can practise tennis. 7 Complete Owen’s description.
a at lunchtime. 8 Imagine you wanted to find
b can’t practise football. out about the
b after school. Romans. Write a description.
c can practise some sports. Total for test
c at half past four.

evaluating themselves, you are not testing them.

Unit 3 Test
4 Robbie has got
3 Yesterday, Robbie Listening 1 Listen and number.
Mark Max marks
a a new trophy.
a scored a goal. 2 Listen and draw lines. 8
b a new medal.

In these lessons, the pupils review the unit and

Speaking 6
b played in goal. 3 Talk to your teacher.
c a new football. Reading 4 Read and write the number. 8
c wasn’t a champion. 8
5 Look, read and match.
games. True False 6
5 The children can play computer
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary.

remember what they have learnt. To finish, they True False 7 Complete the rules for Frankie’s 3
6 The children can go online. homework club. 6
True False 8 Imagine you go to a homework
Romans. club. Write the
7 Robbie’s project is about the rules. 5
True False Total for test

tick the boxes to show what they can do. In this

up information.
8 He used the computer to look 50
True False Unit 4 Test
9 He found some pictures of coins. Listening Mark Max marks
True False 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗.
printed a photo of a Roman comb. 8
10 He

way they are able to keep a record of their

2 Listen and circle A or B.
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
Reading 8
4 Read and circle.
5 Read and write True or False. 8

own progress.
Press Press Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 6
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7 Write sentences about the characters. 3
8 Write about some other characters 6
in a play. 5
Total for test

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Evaluation grid 1

Name       Class       Unit / Activity       Date

Communication skills and use of language Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Recognizes and uses the vocabulary of the unit.
Learns and practises the linguistic structures of the unit.
Listens attentively to an oral text and carries out the required task.
Recognizes and uses basic expressions for a social relationship.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press

Tries to use English to communicate in class.
Carries out oral communication tasks using only English.
Reads and understands both the gist and more specific point of brief texts.
Reads and understands the stories.
Writes short texts following a model.
Understands the main idea of the CLIL page.
Participates in chants and songs.
Adequately reproduces aspects of rhythm, stress, pronunciation and intonation.
Identifies and expresses language from earlier units and levels.

Attitude to learning a language Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Shows a positive attitude to their own ability to learn a language.
Shows curiosity and interest in a culture other than their own.
Shows interest in learning a foreign language.
Shows an open attitude to speakers of a foreign language.
Shows an interest in reading, writing and communicating in English.
Starts to make a conscious use of strategies and methods of autonomous learning.

Evaluation grid 2

Name       Class       Unit / Activity       Date

Classroom behaviour Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent

Responds politely to the teacher.
Brings school equipment to class.
Behaves well in class.
Works well in pairs / groups.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press

Leaves their table, classroom, etc. clean and tidy.
Shows willingness to cooperate with the teacher.

Key Competences Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent

Linguistic communication
Social and civic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Learn to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Name Unit 1  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
01  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and draw lines. $

02  / 6 marks

1 Anna 4 Harry

2 David 5 Lucy

3 Kate 6 Jake

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 1  Standard Test

4 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

1 Look at Tom. He’s the champion! 5 Whose basketball is this? It’s theirs.
2 Is this your medal? No, it isn’t. It’s his. 6 Is the ball over the net? Yes, it is.
3 Where’s Jess? She’s in goal. 7 Whose trophy is this? It’s hers.
4 Whose racket is this? I don’t know. 8 Are you in their team or mine?
It isn’t mine.

5 Look, read and circle.  / 6 marks

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Whose bag is that? a It’s his. b It’s theirs.

2 Whose kite is that? a It’s hers. b It’s ours.
3 Whose football is that? a It’s yours. b It’s theirs.
4 Whose phone is this? a It’s his. b It’s mine.
5 Whose notebooks are these? a They’re ours. b They’re mine.
6 Whose pen is this? a It’s yours. b It’s hers.

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Name Unit 1  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

read a     
7 Complete Naomi’s rules about what she can and can’t do after school. / 6 marks

> 1 2 3

DVD ✓ online ✗ my friends ✗ my homework ✓

4 5 6

sport ✓ crafts ✓ the animals ✗

Hello! I’m Naomi. These are my rules for after school.

> ý can watch a Ð◊Ð. 4
1 5
2 6

8 Write to Naomi about what you can and can’t do after school.  / 5 marks

make a snack   do crafts   go online   do my homework   text my friends

åfter school fl

Total for test / 50 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   Unit    PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Name Unit 2  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
03  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and circle A or B. $ 04 

/ 6 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6  A B

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 2  Standard Test

4 Read and write T (True) or F (False). / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 The romans didn’t eat pizza. 5 The Romans didn’t have metal knives.
2 He found a bowl. 6 The Romans had combs.
3 The Romans wrote letters. 7 The Romans drank from metal cups.
4 She found a bracelet and a comb. 8 The Romans didn’t wear necklaces.

5 Look, read and circle. / 6 marks

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Did the Romans have bowls and cups? a Yes, they did. b No, they didn’t.
2 Did the Romans use fires to cook on? a Yes, they did. b No, they didn’t.
3 Did the Romans wear watches? a Yes, they did. b No, they wore bracelets.
4 Did they use computers to write emails? a Yes, they did. b No, they wrote letters.
5 Did Roman children learn Latin? a Yes, they did. b No, they didn’t.
6 Did they eat meat? a Yes, they did. b No, they only ate fish.

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Name Unit 2  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 Complete Owen’s description.  / 6 marks

1 2
I had History homework about the Romans
yesterday, so …
I 1  to the library and I used
a password   2
the computer.
3 4
There were a lot of interesting websites.
I 3  one and I found some
pictures of Roman people and artefacts. The

Romans didn’t 4  watches,
5 6 but they  5
jewellery. They  

and bracelets.


8 Imagine
To… you wanted to findTo…
out about the Romans.
To… Write a description. / 5 marks
From… From… From…
museum  house / stone  cook
Send / fire  ate
Sendwith  used
Sent… Subject…

Subject… Subject… Subject…


To… To… To… To…

ý wanted to find out about the ®oman∫, so ý





Send Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject… Subject…

Total for test / 50 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   Unit    PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Name Unit 3  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
05  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and draw lines. $ 06 

/ 6 marks

1 great-grandmother 2 grandson 3 great-granddaughter

4 cousins 5 parents 6 neighbours

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   Unit    PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Name Unit 3  Standard Test

4 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

1 Sam’s daughter was drinking lemonade at the party.

2 Harry’s son was eating cake.
3 Tom’s granddaughter was painting.
4 Ben’s great-grandmother and his great-grandfather were playing chess.
5 My grandparents were making a snack.
6 The neighbours were talking.
7 Sarah’s parents were playing cards.
8 My cousins were dancing at the party.

5 Look, read and match. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Was Sam’s grandson eating a a He was listening to music.

sandwich? b No, she couldn’t. You mustn’t use
2 Were your grandparents drinking a mobile phone there.
lemonade? c No, he wasn’t. He was eating cake.
3 What was Jack’s son doing? d No, they weren’t. They were playing
4 Could your great-grandmother use computer games.
her mobile phone? e Yes, they were.
5 What were Anna’s daughters doing? f They were watching TV.
6 Were your cousins listening to music?

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Name Unit 3  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6



From… From…
To… Sent…
Send Send

7 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework club.

Subject… Subject…
From… / 6 marks

1 2

To… To… To… To…

I’m Frankie.
These are the rules
for the

Sent… club.

use ✗ run ✗ 1 ¥ou mustn’t

Subject… Subject…
mobile phone.
3 4 2 inside the club.
3 plastic bottles.
4 your homework.
5 on the floor.
recycle ✓ do ✓
6 the other children.
5 6


sit ✗ help ✓ To… To…

From… To…

From… From…
Sent… From…
Sent… Subject…
Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
8 Imagine you go to a homework club.
From… Write the
Subject… rules. 
Subject… Subject… / 5 marks
✓ listen to / the teacher
✗ be / noisy To… To… To…

✓ wear / your school uniform Hello. I’m

From… From… From…
. Do you want to join
✗ play / computer games my
Sent…These are
Sent… the rules.

✗ eat / sweets Subject…Subject… Subject…

Total for test / 50 marks

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Press Press 13
Name Unit 4  Standard Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $
07  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

08  / 6 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 4  Standard Test

4 Read and circle. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 The girls are singing. Kate is the most / least confident.

2 Look at the children. They’re very kind / selfish.
3 The prince is hard-working / lazy.
4 The small wolf is meaner / kinder than the big wolf.
5 Sarah isn’t being good today. She’s being naughty / clever.
6 The boy is more / less careful than the girl.
7 The book is difficult / interesting.
8 He’s on the stage. He’s famous / shy.

5 Read and write True or False. / 6 marks

1 2 1 The play is very exciting.

2 The princess is beautiful
and kind. 
3 The boy is shyer than
the girl.
3 4 4 The scientist is very
5 Joe is the most
6 The king is more generous
5 6 than the prince.

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Name Unit 4  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6


7 Write sentences about the characters.  / 6 marks

The characters

lazy kind hard-working

The prince

The princess

The king

1 (lazy) The princess than the king.

The prince is the .
2 (kind) The king than the prince.
The prince is .
3 (hard-working) The prince than the princess.
The king is .

8 Write about some other characters in a play.  / 5 marks

prince  wolf  dwarves  king  magician

funny  lazy  clever  hard-working  generous

The king is the most .

The dwarves are than .

Total for test / 50 marks

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Name Unit 5  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
09  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

10  / 6 marks

1  A  B    2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B


3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 5  Standard Test

4 Read and write True or False. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 There’s some bread, but there isn’t any cheese.

2 She’s going to buy some jam.
3 There aren’t enough waiters in the restaurant.
4 There are a few biscuits.
5 There’s some butter and a few chillies.
6 There are too many menus.
7 There’s a lot of flour and a little olive oil.
8 He’s eating some chocolate.

5 Look, read and circle. / 6 marks

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Is the oven working? a Yes, it is. b No, it isn’t.

2 Are there enough chefs? a Yes, there are. b No, there aren’t.

3 Are there any burgers? a Yes, there are. b No, there aren’t.

4 Is there any olive oil? a Yes, there is. b No, there isn’t.

5 Is she going to buy some chocolate? a Yes, she is. b No, she isn’t.

6 Is there enough butter? a Yes, there is. b No, there isn’t.

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Name Unit 5  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6


To… Subject…
7 Complete Daisy’s email to her friend.From… Sent…
/ 6 marks
Sent… Send

1 2
To… To… Subject…
From…From… From…

Sent…Sent… Sent…
Send Send To…To…

From… From…
From… From…
I’m going to make you lunch today.
bread  ✓ butter  ✓Send Sent…

Subject… 1 Subject…
Subject… There’s

2 (some)
3 4
3 (any)
4 (enough) I think
5 (enough)
jam  ✗ cheese  ✓
6 (a lot of)
OK. We’re going to have a cheese sandwich and some
5 6 chocolate.
See you later!
Daisy To…

biscuits  ✗ chocolate  ✓ From…

To… Sent…
To… To…
To… Subject…
From… From… From…
8 You are going to make lunch
From…for your friend. Write an email. 
Sent… Sent… Sent…
/ 5 marks
Send Send Send
Send Subject… Subject… Subject…

bread  ​burgers  ​ Subject…

cheese  ​pasta  ​ To… To…

tomatoes Hi!From… From…

I’m going to make Send

Sent… youSend lunch today.

Subject… Subject…


Total for test / 50 marks

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Name Unit 6  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
11  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and draw lines. $

12  / 6 marks

1 Joe 4 Jack

2 Max 5 Lucy

3 Kate 6 Suzie

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 6  Standard Test

4 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

1 He was proud when he won the race.

2 This is the park where we play football.
3 That’s the dog which stopped our game.
4 I was scared when we started the race.
5 She’s the girl who plays in my football team.
6 That’s the journalist who wrote about my team in the newspaper.
7 He was disappointed when he came third.
8 That’s the man who teaches us sport.

5 Look, read and match.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 He was surprised when he a wanted to see the pop star.

2 This is the house where b saw the parcel.

3 She was impatient because she c I bought yesterday.

4 This is the boy who d my friend lives.

5 She was curious when she e walked into the house.

6 This is the football which f goes to my school.

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Name Unit 6  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 an 4
2 5
3 6

7 Complete Jessica’s predictions for the future.  / 6 marks

1 2 3
✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
✓ ✓

doctor vet London Paris small cat big dog

Hello! I’m Jessica. These are my predictions for the future.
1 I won’t be a . I’ll .


8 Write to Jessica about your predictions for the From…

future. / 5 marks
To… person / inventor   Spain
To… / England   rabbit
To… / dog

From… From… From…
Send Sent… Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…

To… To… To… To…

Hello! I’m
From… . These are my predictions for the future.
From… From… From…

ý won’t be a sport∫ person.







Total for test / 50 marks

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Press Press 22
Name Extension Unit  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
13  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and draw lines. $

14  / 6 marks

1 Simon 4 Luke

2 Tess 5 Helen

3 Max 6 Daisy

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Tara Tim

Reggie Ted


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Name Extension Unit  Standard Test

4 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

1 He hasn’t eaten an ice cream. He’s eaten a burger.

2 Well done! They’ve prepared everything for the party.
3 Oh dear! She’s done a lot of homework but she hasn’t finished.
4 They’ve visited some interesting places.
5 Martha has learned some important things in her Science lesson today.
6 Ben has eaten too much chocolate ice cream.
7 He’s disappointed because he hasn’t won a medal.
8 Luke has made snacks for all his friends.

5 Read and circle True or False.  / 6 marks

1 Olivia has made a bracelet.
Max Lexi
True  False
2 Peter has printed some photos.
Tim True  False

Robbie 3 Robbie and Tim haven’t eaten all the bread.

True  False
4 Sally has finished her homework.
True  False
Sally 5 Lexi and Amy have seen their friend.
True  False

Olivia Tracey 6 Max hasn’t eaten any biscuits.

True  False

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Name Extension Unit  Standard Test

6 Write the vocabulary. / 3 marks

1 2 3 1 win a
4 5 6

7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s day.  / 6 marks

eat biscuits win a medal make a snack go online

Tom ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗
Maisie ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗

1 Tom hasn’t any biscuits.

2 Maisie biscuits.
3 They medal.
4 Tom snack.
5 Maisie snack.
6 They online.
To… To… To…

8 WriteFrom…
about your weekend. Use
the present perfect.
 / 5 marks
Sent… Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
do my homework   listen to music   watch TV  
Subject… Subject…
visit my grandparents   eat a burger



To… To… To… To…

My Weekend
From… From… From… From…

Sent… Sent… Sent… Sent…

I have

Total for test / 50 marks

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Oxford University
Press Press 25
Name Term 1  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
15  / 10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

16  / 10 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B   7 A  B   8 A  B
9 A  B   10 A  B

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

3 Read and circle. / 10 marks

1 You can’t make / do a snack at the club, but you can read / feed the animals.
2 This isn’t my trophy / goal. Ben’s the champion. I think it’s his / hers.
3 Harry went / saw to a Roman dig. He found a lot of things, but he didn’t find any
jewellery. He found some coins and two combs / ring.
4 I used the mouse to click / zoom on the website. Then I used the mouse again to
log / scroll down the page.
5 Yesterday, Sam wore / wrote a letter. Then he ate / drank a pizza.

4 Read and write True or False. / 10 marks

Lauren Tom



1 The children can text their friends at the club.

2 The children can practise sport at the club.
3 Tom found a bowl.
4 Max ate a sandwich.
5 Ben used the computer to zoom in on a photo.
6 The children can do crafts at the club.
7 The children can’t feed the animals.
8 Lauren is a champion.
9 The children can read magazines.
It isn’t Tom’s phone. Millie thinks it’s hers.

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

5 Write the vocabulary. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4 1 do my

5 6 7 8
5 flt’š a .
6 .
7 .
To… 8 .

To… Subject…

6 Complete Toby’s email.  From…

To… To…
/ 6 marks

1 ✗ 2
Send From… From…
Subject… To…
Sent… Sent…
Send Send
Subject… Subject…

Send I’m Toby. I go to a club after school.

From… From…

✓ 1
Sent… canSent…
, but you
Subject… Subject…
3 4 2 Yesterday, we .
3 This is a photo of the , but it
isn’t – we didn’t win it.
✓ 4 Last week, we went to a Roman dig and I found
5 6 .
5 I .
6 Then I the library to
information about the Romans.

7 Write to Toby about your club and what you did last week. / 6 marks

Rules: feed the animals ✓   make a snack ✗

Last Tuesday: play basketball ✓   medal ✗
Last Friday: Roman coin ✓   Roman necklace ✗   take photos ✓   computer ✓   
print out photos ✓

Hello! I’m . I go to a club after school.

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

8 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

9 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

Yesterday …

Total for test / 70 marks

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Press Press 29
Name Term 2  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
17  / 10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

18  / 10 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B   7 A  B   8 A  B  
9 A  B   10 A  B

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

3 Look, read and circle. / 10 marks

1 2 3 4 5

1 This is Meg’s grandson / granddaughter. He’s very shy / exciting.

2 The prince is very clever / lazy. But he’s also the most selfish / generous character in
the play.
3 ‘Where are your daughters / parents?’ ‘They’re upstairs / downstairs in the kitchen.’
4 This is my great-grandfather / great-grandmother. She’s the older / oldest person I know.
5 You must / mustn’t be patient. He’s the most / more famous magician in the world!

4 Read and write True or False. / 10 marks

Tim Kate Ben

1 The king is lazier than the princess.

2 The wolf is the kindest character.
3 The prince is on the fence.
4 The little girl is careful.
5 The children are inside.
6 They must wait for their tickets.
7 Kate’s book is difficult.
8 They mustn’t use mobile phones.
9 Tim is the naughtiest child.
Ben is with his cousin.

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

5 Write the vocabulary. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4 1
5 6 7 8 5

6 Complete the poster.  / 6 marks

1 2 You can be in our new play,

The Happy Wolf.

The Characters
(1) The King: he’s the character in the play.
hard-working lazy
(2) The Prince: he’s the king’s , and he’s
3 4 character in the play.
(3) The wolf is than the other characters. He gives
food to hungry animals.
The Place
kind (4) The play is going to be on the .
5 6 (5) You all the rehearsals.
(6) You during rehearsals.
Come to the first audition this Monday after school.

7 Write a poster for your play.  / 6 marks

The Characters: lazy lion / clever princess / generous king

The place: The School Theatre    The Rules: Don’t be late! Wear a costume!

Do you want to be in our new play,

The Lazy Lion?
The Characters The Place
(1) (4) 

(2) Rules
(3) (6)

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

8 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

9 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Press Press 33
Name Term 3  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
19  / 10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

20  / 10 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B   7 A  B   8 A  B  
9 A  B   10 A  B

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Name Term 3  Standard Test

3 Read and circle.  / 10 marks

1 2 3 4 5

1 There are too many / much tomatoes in the pan. There are also a few / little chillies.
2 The chef is standing next to the oven / apron. The waiter is waiting with a pan / menu.
3 Harry’s the boy which / who wants to be an architect / a clothes designer.
4 Jessica’s surprised / disappointed. There isn’t enough jam / butter for her sandwich.
5 Ben’s curious / impatient. This is the house where / which his favourite sports person lives.

4 Read and answer the questions. / 10 marks




1 There’s enough bread. True False

2 There isn’t any cheese. True False
3 There are a few biscuits. True False
4 There’s some flour. True False
5 There’s a little jam. True False
6 There’s a lot of butter. True False
7 Toby is impatient. True False
8 Sammy is curious True False
9 Toby’s the boy wants to be a .
A is the place Maria wants to work.

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Press Press 35
Name Term 3  Standard Test

5 Write the vocabulary.  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

6 Write about Jason’s photos.  / 6 marks

1 2 1 This is my brother. He’s because

there . (any)
2 This is my neighbour’s daughter. She’s the girl
will one day.
biscuits vet
3 This is the dog our burgers.
3 4
4 This is my mum. Oh dear. There
. (enough)

ate olive oil

7 Write about the photos.  / 6 marks

1 2
1 †hi∫ i∫ my little brother. ™e’∫

2 ý think my sister

3 †here

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Name Term 3  Standard Test

8 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

9 Talk to your teacher.  / 5 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Press Press 37
Name End of Year  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $
21  / 10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j

2 Listen and circle A or B. $

22  / 10 marks

1 A  B   2 A  B   3 A  B   4 A  B   5 A  B   6 A  B   7 A  B   8 A  B  
9 A  B   10 A  B

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Name End of Year  Standard Test

3 Look, read and circle.  / 10 marks

1 2 3 4 5

1 He drank / ate all of the lemonade earlier, but he hasn’t eaten any / enough cake.
2 My grandparents were sitting on the balcony / fence. They were using the computer
to look up / scroll down information.
3 Whose trophy / medal is this? It isn’t mine. I think it’s his / hers.
4 The prince is more hard-working / selfish than the king. The princess is cleverer /
the cleverest.
5 He’s the boy who / which wants to be an astronaut / architect.

4 Read and circle.  / 10 marks

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

1 Did you see your neighbour yesterday? a Yes, I did. b No, I didn’t.
2 Will he be an archaeologist? a Yes, he will. b No, he won’t.
3 Can the children feed the animals? a Yes, they can. b No, they can’t.
4 Was your great-grandmother texting her friends? a Yes, she was. b No, she wasn’t.
5 Are there enough chefs? a Yes, there are. b No, there aren’t.
6 Is the magician the most confident character? a Yes, he is. b No, he isn’t
7 Is she disappointed? a Yes, she is. b No, she isn’t.
8 Did she use the printer to print out her photos? a Yes, she did. b No, she didn’t.
9 Did he find a Roman ring on the dig? a Yes, he did. b No, he didn’t.
Is there any cheese? a Yes, there is. b No, there isn’t.

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Name End of Year  Standard Test

5 Write the vocabulary.  / 8 marks

1 2

1 do
2 a
3 4 5
6 7 8

6 Complete Emily’s email.  / 6 marks

1 2 Hello! My name’s Emily.

I live in London. I go to a club after school. There are
lots of rules. We must 1
outside. We can’t 2 .
Yesterday, I went to my cousin’s party. At four o’clock,

I3 a burger. It was very
3 4
This year we’ve learned about the Romans in our
History classes, and last weekend I went on a Roman
dig! I found 4 . It was very
5 6 exciting.
This is a photo of my neighbour, Chloe. She’s the
girl in our class. She loves
animals too. One day, she 6
a vet!

7 Write an email to Emily about you.  / 6 marks

club rules   yesterday / party    Roman dig    my friend

Hello! My name’s

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Name End of Year  Standard Test

8 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

9 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Press Press 41
Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $
23  / 10 marks

1 2 3

4 5

2 Listen to Hannah and answer the questions. $

24  / 10 marks

1 Hannah can feed the animals at the club. True False

2 She can do her homework. True False
3 She can play computer games. True False
4 She can practise tennis. True False
5 Her team has got a trophy. True False
6 Her team won a tournament. True False
7 The children can’t their
friends at the club.
8 They watch a DVD at the
9 They can do .
They can’t snacks.

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

May I borrow a rubber?

Yes, you may.

May I feed the animals?

No, you may not.

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

5 Read and complete. / 10 marks

online  watches  after  texts  practise  his  homework  can  feed  can’t

Matthew is twelve years old. He goes to an 1 

school club. He likes the club because he can 2 
lots of sports there. He 3  play football, basketball
and tennis. He usually does his 4  at the club.
Then he 5  a DVD. The children 6 
play computer games because there aren’t any computers there.
There are some small animals in the garden, and the children
can 7  them. A rabbit lives in Matthew’s garden
too, but it isn’t 8  . It’s his sister’s pet. Matthew can’t use a mobile phone at the
club, so he 9  his friends at home. He goes 10  at home too,
because he has a computer in his bedroom.

6 Read and answer. / 10 marks

Hi Maria,
I’m at my Guide camp in Wales. I’m doing my animal badge. I have to
feed and look after some guinea pigs, and there are hens and rabbits
too. Some Guides are doing their cooking badge. They make snacks and
we can all eat them! We can also paint pictures for our craft badge.
It’s great fun here, but there are rules too! You can’t practise sports inside
and you can’t eat sweets. You can only email and text your friends in
the evening. You can go online too but only after 7 o’clock. I’m writing
this on a laptop. It isn’t mine. It’s my friend’s.
See you soon!
P.S. The blue jacket in my bag isn’t mine! I think it’s yours! Sorry!

1 Helen is with 2 She’s doing her 3 She’s looking after

a her family. a camping badge. a hens.
b her sisters. b animal badge. b rabbits.
c a group of Guides. c people badge. c guinea pigs.
4 The children can eat snacks. True False
5 They can do a craft badge. True False
6 They can eat sweets. True False
7 They can text their friends in the morning. True False
8 They can go online. True False
9 Helen has a laptop. True False
The jacket is hers. True False

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

7 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 2 3

1 ™e can .
4 5 6 4 ýt’∫ your .

8 Write Naomi’s rules about what she can and can’t do after school.  / 8 marks

1 2 Hello! These are my rules for after school!

1 ý can .
✓ ✗ 4
3 4 5

✗ ✓ 8

5 6 7 8

✓ ✓ ✓ ✗

9 Write an email to Naomi about what you can and can’t do after school.  / 6 marks

Hi Naomi! These are my rules for after school.



Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $
25  / 10 marks

1 2 3

4 5

2 Listen to Tom and answer the questions. $

26  / 10 marks

1 Tom went on the dig 2 He found information 3 He looked up information

with his a on his computer. about
a school. b at the library. a transport.
b friends. c at the museum. b food.
c family. c houses.
4 They found a knife on the dig. True False
5 Tom found a comb. True False
6 Tom found some coins. True False
7 The Romans wore bracelets. True False
8 Tom found a necklace. True False
9 Tom didn’t like the dig. True False
Tom wants to be an archaeologist. True False

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Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

What is it?
It’s a …

What’s it made of?

It’s made of …

How old it is?

It’s about …

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Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

5 Read and circle. / 10 marks

Sally 1 went / were on a school trip to a Roman castle last

week. She learned a lot about Roman lives. The Romans
wrote / wore necklaces and bracelets. They drank from
metal / paper cups. They 4 ate / cooked on fires. After the
castle, the children went to a special place for a Roman dig.
They 5 found / had a letter. It was made 6 in / of wood. Then
Sally found a ring so she was very happy. Later, Sally and her
friends used her computer 7 for / to log on to the internet. They
looked 8 up / on information about the Romans. They 9 scrolled / zoomed in on some photos
of bracelets and rings. Then they 10 used / made her printer to print out the photos.

6 Read and answer. / 10 marks

My name’s Henry and I live in Oxford. Did you know Oxford is a Roman town?
I love History and I’ve got a metal detector because I like looking for things!
Yesterday, my brother and I discovered a metal cup in our garden! It looked like a
Roman cup I saw in a book so we went to the museum to show them the cup. They
put it in the museum for everyone to see!
Today, I logged on to the internet to look up more information and clicked on an
interesting website about the Romans. I found some photos of Roman knives.
Archaeologists discovered them in the Roman town of Cambridge. I want to be an
archaeologist and go on Roman digs around the world.

1 Henry is interested in 2 He has got a

a English. a metal detector.
b History. b book about the Romans.
c Science. c computer.
3 Yesterday, he was 4 He was with his
a at the park. a brother.
b at school. b father.
c in the garden. c friend.

5 Henry found a cup made of wood. True False

6 It was a Roman cup. True False
7 Everyone can see the cup in the museum. True False
8 Henry looked up information about the Romans. True False
9 He found photos of Cambridge. True False
He wants to be an archaeologist. True False

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Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

7 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

Yesterday …
1 I some photos. 4 the page.
2 the button. 5 the internet.
3 some 6 on the
information. pictures.

8 Complete Owen’s description.  / 8 marks

> 1 I wanted to find out about the Romans.

> (library / information) fl went to the

library to look up some information.

1 (password / the computer) I used
2 3 .

2 (mouse / a website) I
3 (mouse / a photo) I also
4 5 6

4 (printer / the photo) Then I

7 8 5 (write about / notebook) and I

6 (garden / treasure) After that, I went

7 (a metal detector / coins) I .
8 (find / rings) I also .

9 Imagine you had to find out about the Romans on a computer. Write a description. / 6 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
27  / 10 marks

1 2


3 4



2 Listen and answer. $

28  / 10 marks

1 James went to a birthday party yesterday. True False

2 They were waiting upstairs. True False
3 His great-grandfather wasn’t happy. True False
4 His cousin’s children were dancing. True False
5 His neighbour’s grandson was drinking lemonade. True False
6 His neighbour’s granddaughter was upstairs. True False
7 His parents were on the balcony. True False
8 James wear a uniform at school.
9 He use a mobile phone.
He write about his weekend.

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3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

Yesterday …

4 Talk to your teacher. / 4 marks

first name / surname / full name / nickname / title

My full name is …
What’s your full name?

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Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

5 Read and complete. / 10 marks

was playing  ​ neighbour  ​

was watching  ​ was singing  ​
grandparents  ​ arrived  ​ went  ​
were having  ​played  ​ were playing

Theo had a good weekend. On Saturday, he 1  to his

cousin’s 21 party. The party started at 5 o’clock, but his bus was late so

Theo 2  at six o’clock. His cousins 3 

fun in the garden. It was a family party so all their parents,
  and great-grandparents were there. His dad
  a song and his mum 6  the guitar.
His grandmother was inside making a snack for everyone. There was also a
  at the party with her great-grandson and great-
granddaughter. They   8
upstairs. It was a great party.
On Sunday, Theo and his friends   9
in a football match. They didn’t win,
but they enjoyed it. At two o’clock, Theo   10
a DVD. He was very tired!

6 Read and answer the questions. / 10 marks

Hi Violet,
How was your weekend? On Saturday I was at my cousin’s wedding.
My mother and my grandmother were wearing huge, yellow hats.
I was wearing a pink dress! It was horrible! My cousin, Tara, was
wearing a beautiful, white dress. She was very happy! The wedding
was fun. At 12 o’clock, we were throwing confetti. Everyone was
laughing. Well, not everyone – my neighbour’s grandson wasn’t laughing. He was crying
because he was scared of the confetti. After that we went to the party in a local hotel. We had
some delicious food. Then at three o’clock, we were dancing. The music was very good. On
Sunday, I was tired. At ten o’clock in the morning, I was still sleeping! After lunch, I did my
homework and then I watched TV. By eight o’clock in the evening, I was sleeping again!

1 Was Katy at a wedding?

2 Did her mother and grandmother wear yellow dresses?
3 Was Katy wearing a beautiful dress?
4 They were taking photos at 12 o’clock. True  False
5 The neighbour’s grandson wasn’t throwing confetti. True  False
6 They went to a hotel. True  False
7 Katy enjoyed the food. True  False
8 They were eating at 3 o’clock. True  False
9 Katy went out early on Sunday morning. True  False
She was in bed at 8 o’clock in the evening. True  False

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Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

7 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ™e’∫ 4
2 To…
3 6

next to .
To… Subject…

8 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework

From… club.
/ 8 marks

1 2
Subject… Sent…
To… To…

From… To…
From… To…
Hi Joseph,
From… From… From…
Sent… Sent…
Send Send
Subject… want
Sent… join
Sent… club?
✗ ✗ These are the rules.
Subject… Subject… Subject…

3 4 1 ¥ou mustn’t your mobile phone.

2 inside the club.
3 plastic bottles.
4 your homework.
✓ ✓
5 on the floor.
5 6
6 the other children.
7 outside.
8 the fence.
✗ ✓ Bye!
7 8

✗ ✗

8 Imagine you go to a homework club. Write the rules.  / 6 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

1 Listen and number. $
29  / 10 marks

a b c d

e f g h

i j

2 Listen to Kelly and answer the questions. $

30  / 10 marks

1 Kelly doesn’t like the new play. True False

2 The new play is a fairy tale. True False
3 Kelly likes the prince best. True False
4 The princess is funnier than the prince. True False
5 The princess is very shy. True False
6 The magician is a bad character. True False

7 The dwarves are hard-working than the magician.

8 The dwarves are kind and .
9 The wolf is .
The boy is than the other characters.

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Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

What did you do at the weekend?

I went to …

Did you enjoy it?

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. It was …

What was your favourite part?

I liked the … It was / They were …

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5 Read and circle. / 10 marks

Harry’s favourite writer is Roald Dahl because the characters in his books
are 1 funniest / funnier than many books. Dahl is one of the 2 more / most
famous authors in the UK. Maya also enjoys traditional and modern fairy
tales. At the moment, she’s reading an 3 exciting / more exciting story
with some interesting characters. A magician is the 4 funnier / funniest
character. He’s isn’t 5 more famous / famous and he’s probably the
worse / worst magician in the world, but Maya likes him because he’s
mean / kind and hard-working. The other main character is a princess.
She is more beautiful 8 than / of all the other characters, but she’s
least / less hard-working than the magician. It’s a
To…very good story and it

has confident / beautiful illustrations too.

10 From…

To… Subject…

6 ReadFrom…
and answer the questions. To…
/ 10 marks
Send From…
To… To… Send To…
From… From… From…
To… To… To… To…
Hi Sent…
From… Send
From… Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…
Would you like to come to ourSend
Send atSendschool?
Sent… Sent…
It’s a funny fairy
Subject… Subject… Subject… Subject…
tale with lots of familiar characters, but it isn’t a traditional story
because it’s a modern fairy tale. The princess is very clever and she’s
strong and brave too. The prince isn’t clever – he’s lazy and mean,
and the princess doesn’t like him. The hero of the story is a
magician. He’s more hard-working and more generous than the
prince, and the princess likes him more than the prince! There aren’t
any dwarves or wolves in the story. There’s a little girl called Willow. She’s very naughty
and selfish. There’s also a little boy called Timothy. He’s kinder than the girl. He has a
puppy called Spot. I hope you can come to the play. I think you’ll like it!
PS I’m the magician in the play!

1 Charlie is in a new play at school. True False

2 The play is funny. True False
3 It’s a traditional story. True False
4 The princess is strong and brave. True False
5 The prince is less clever than the princess. True False
6 The magician is lazy. True False
7 Who does the princess like the best?
8 Who is a naughty character?
9 Who is a kind character?
Who is playing the magician in the play?

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Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

7 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ýt’∫ . 4
2 5
3 6

8 Write sentences comparing the people. / 8 marks

The characters

lazy kind hard-working




1 (lazy) Jenny Dean.

Lucy .
2 (kind) Lucy Jenny.
Dean .
3 (hard-working) Lucy Jenny.
Dean .
4 (lazy) Lucy Dean.
Jenny .

9 Write sentences comparing people.  / 6 marks

Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Unit 5  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $
31  / 10 marks

1 2 3

4 5

2 Listen to Billy and answer the questions. $

32  / 10 marks

1 They’re having a barbecue because it’s

a Billy’s birthday.
b Tim’s birthday.
c Mum’s birthday.
2 There aren’t enough
a burgers.
b tomatoes.
c sausages.
3 There isn’t enough
a bread.
b butter.
c olive oil.
4 There aren’t any chillies. True False
5 There’s enough flour. True False
6 Dad’s going to make biscuits. True False
7 The oven is on right now. True False
8 There’s a chef at the barbecue. True False
9 Billy printed out a menu. True False
Billy and Tim are the waiters. True False

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3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

a jar of  ​a bottle of  ​a loaf / 2 loaves of  ​a packet of  ​a bag of

Hello. Can I help you?

Hello. I’d like some …, please.

How much / many … would you like?

I’d like …

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5 Read and circle. / 10 marks

Jay is at the international food market today. He’s got his

mum’s shopping list. He’s going to buy 1 any / some vegetables
and a 2 little / few packets of Chinese noodles. He’s also going
to buy 3 some / any Italian olive oil. There isn’t 4 any / some
jam at home, so he’s going to buy a 5 jar / bottle of English
jam. There isn’t 6 many / much cheese at home either, so he’s
going to buy a 7 little / few now. Jay wants to make a pizza
later, but there 8 isn’t / aren’t enough flour at home. He needs
a 9 little / lot of tomatoes too. Jay isn’t going to buy
To… any chocolate today. His mum thinks
he eats too much / many chocolate.
10 From…

To… Subject…

6 ReadFrom…
and answer. From… / 10 marks
Sent… Sent…
Send Send
Subject… Subject…
To… To… To…

From… From… From…

To… To… To… To…

Hi Mara,
From… Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…
Sent… I went to an
Send Italian
Send restaurant
Sent… yesterday because it was my
Subject… Subject… Subject… Subject…
grandfather’s birthday. I had a pizza but I didn’t like it. There were
too many chillies and not enough cheese! So my dad ate my pizza
and I ate his pasta. The pasta was nice, but there weren’t enough
tomatoes in the sauce. I had ice cream after my pasta. It was nice, but
there wasn’t enough chocolate. Also, the restaurant was very busy
and there weren’t enough waiters. There was only one chef too. We
waited ages for our food. Oh well …
Yesterday I had too much homework, but today I’m going to make a cake! I think I’ve got
all the ingredients, and I’ve got lots of chocolate! Do you want to come and help me? I
haven’t got enough aprons. Can you bring yours? See you later!

> Was it Olivia’s birthday yesterday?

˙o, it wasn’t.
1 Did Olivia like her pizza? 6 Was there more than one chef?

2 Was there enough cheese on her pizza? 7 Did Olivia have a lot of homework
3 Were there any tomatoes in the pasta sauce?
8 Is Olivia going to make biscuits?
4 Was there any chocolate in her ice cream?
9 Has she got enough chocolate?
5 Were there too many waiters at the
restaurant? 10
Has she got enough aprons?

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7 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ýt’∫ a . 4
2 5

3 ™e’∫ a . 6


8 Complete Jack’s email to his friend.From…

 / 8 marks
1 2 Subject…


Hi! To…
To… To…
From… From… From…
To… Sent…
to Sent…
you lunch today.

✗ ✗ Send Send
1 Sent…
From… Subject…
Subject… Sent…
Subject… Sent…
Send SendSend
Sent… Subject…

3 4 2 Subject…
(any) There
3 (some) There
4 (some)
✓ ✓ 5 (any)
5 6 6 (enough) I think
7 (enough)
8 (a lot of)
✗ ✓
OK. We’re going to have a cheese sandwich and some
7 8 chocolate.
See you later!
✗ ✓

9 You are going to make lunch for your friend. Write a note.  / 6 marks

I’m going to make you lunch today.

Øˇ. ∑e’re going to have …

Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
33  / 10 marks

1 2


3 4



2 Listen to Jamie and answer the questions. $

34  / 10 marks

1 Today was sports day.

True False
2 Jamie is feeling disappointed.
True False
3 Jamie didn’t win a trophy.
True False
4 Jamie wants to be a sports person.
True False
5 Harry has got just a few pets. 7 When he’s older, Harry won’t be a
True False .

6 Jamie is scared of all of Harry’s pets. 8 Harry won’t work with .

True False 9 Harry will be a .

Jamie will with Harry.

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3 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 4 marks

watch a … / go to (a) … / meet … / play … / stay at home

I’m going to … on Saturday / Sunday

Have you got any plans for
the weekend?

Yes, I can’t wait to … / I’m looking forward to …

How exciting!

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Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

5 Read and complete. / 10 marks

travel  ​
will  ​
wasn’t  ​
where  ​
curious  ​
who  ​
proud  ​
is  ​
which  ​

Helen is 1  about the past. Her favourite subject

  History and she loves visiting castles and
ruins. Mrs Brown is the woman 3  teaches
History at Helen’s school. She’s very 4  of Helen
because she’s a good student. Last week, Mrs Brown showed
the class a DVD 5  was all about the Egyptian
Pyramids. Giza is the place 6  most of these
pyramids are. There were lots of mummies in the film. Some
of the children were 7  of the mummies. Helen 8  scared. She
says she 9  be an archaeologist one day. She will 10  to countries
where there is lots of ancient history.

6 Read and answer. / 10 marks

Hi Jude,
Do you remember the park where we played football last summer – the
one with tennis courts? Well … yesterday I went there with my brother
Tom. (He’s the one who is crazy about skateboarding.) It was a very hot
day and we wanted a drink of lemonade, so we went to a café. It was
very busy and we were impatient because we were so thirsty. We waited
twenty minutes and then the café closed! There was no more lemonade.
We were very disappointed and decided to go home. Suddenly we saw a
small dog barking in the park. I was very surprised because it was my neighbour’s dog. But
where was my neighbour? We took the dog to my neighbour’s house. She was very pleased
and gave us a big glass of lemonade to say thank you.

1 Ethan was in the park 2 Tom is the boy who loves 3 The boys wanted to
where he a walking in the park. a have a drink at home.
a played tennis. b staying at home. b have a snack in a café.
b played football. c skateboarding. c have some lemonade.
c went swimming.
4 The café was quiet. True False
5 The boys were impatient. True False
6 The boys bought some lemonade. True False
7 They saw a dog in the street. True False
8 It was Jude’s dog. True False
9 The boys took the dog to their house. True False
The boys had a drink in the end. True False

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7 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ™e’∫ . 4
2 5
3 6

8 Write Jessica’s predictions for the future.  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4 ✗
✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓

London Paris
Hello! I’m Jessica. These are my predictions for the future.
1 I won’t be a
3 To…

4 From…

To… Subject…
To… To… To…
9 Write to Jessica about your predictions
From… From…
for the From…
future. / 6 marks
Send Sent… Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…

To… To… To… To…

Hello! I’m
These are my predictions
for the future.

Sent… Sent… Sent… Sent…

Send Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject… Subject…


Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Extension Unit  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $
35  / 10 marks

1 2 3

4 5

2 Listen to Ed and answer the questions. $

36  / 10 marks

1 This weekend, Ed has met his friends.

True  False
2 Ed and his friends have practised sport.
True  False
3 Ed and his neighbour have played tennis.
True  False
4 Ed has been to the swimming pool.
True  False
5 Ed has used the internet this weekend.
True  False
6 He hasn’t done his homework.
True  False

7 Ed computer games.
8 Jarvis at home this weekend.
9 Ed to his new CD.
Ed to bed early this weekend.

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Name Extension Unit  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 10 marks

Max Lexi


Robbie Amy




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Name Extension Unit  Challenge Test

4 Read and complete. / 10 marks

talked  ​has  ​worked  ​written  ​have  ​prepared  ​made  ​haven’t  ​seen  ​listened

There’s an end-of-year party this afternoon and all the children are
very excited. They’ve 1  hard too. They’ve
  for the party. Jacob 3  made
some flags for the hall. Lucy has 4  a big cake.
Dan and Jamie 5  made lots of snacks. They’ve
made sandwiches and biscuits. Joey hasn’t 6  the
food yet because he hasn’t arrived. The children 7 
eaten any of the food. They must wait because the party hasn’t
started. But they’ve 8  to some To…
music and they’ve 9 
about their year at school. And Henry has 10  Sent…
a speech.
To… Subject…

5 ReadFrom…
and write True or False.  / 10 marks
To… To… To…
To… From… To… To… Send From…

Jasmine. Can I tell you
about my
Sent… From… year at
school? It’s been amazing.

I’ve learned
Sent… lots of interesting and
Sent… things
Sent… and I’ve visited some
great places too. Here are some of them …
Subject… Subject… Subject… Subject…

I’ve visited a Roman dig. That was great fun. I found two Roman coins and
a bracelet.
I’ve used a metal detector. It was a present from my grandparents for my
birthday. I haven’t found any metal in my garden yet!
I’ve learned some new songs. I learned a song in my French lesson about an elephant and
a song in my Spanish lesson about a whale.
I’ve visited the space museum. I saw a very good film about the moon and the stars.
I’ve eaten some fantastic new food. Do you like Japanese noodles? I was a little scared
before I tried them but I love them!

1 Jasmine has visited a Roman dig with her school.

2 She found some coins and some jewellery.
3 Her parents gave her a metal detector.
4 She hasn’t found much metal in her garden.
5 She has learned a French song.
6 Jasmine has seen a whale in Spain.
7 She has been to the history museum with her class.
8 She hasn’t seen any interesting films with her school.
9 Jasmine wanted to try some new food.
She thinks some Japanese food is delicious.

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Name Extension Unit  Challenge Test

6 Write sentences. / 6 marks

> 1
> ‡he ha∫ eaten the biscuit∫.
1 ™e hasn’t .
✓ ✗
2 3
✓ ✗
4 5 6

✓ ✓ ✗

7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s weekend.  / 8 marks

make a snack win a medal eat biscuits see film meet friends
Tom ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓
Maisie ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗

1 Tom has .
2 Maisie hasn’t .
3 They .
4 Tom .
5 Maisie .
6 They .
7 Tom .
8 Maisie .

8 Write about your weekend.  / 6 marks

†hi∫ ha∫ been a good weekend. ý

Total for test / 70 marks

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Name Term 1  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
37  / 10 marks

1 2


3 4



2 Listen to Robbie and answer the questions. $

38  / 10 marks
1 Robbie goes to his club 2 The children
a at lunchtime. a can practise tennis.
b after school. b can’t practise football.
c at half past four. c can practise some sports.

3 Yesterday, Robbie 4 Robbie has got

a scored a goal. a a new trophy.
b played in goal. b a new medal.
c wasn’t a champion. c a new football.

5 The children can play computer games. True False

6 The children can go online. True False
7 Robbie’s project is about the Romans. True False
8 He used the computer to look up information. True False
9 He found some pictures of coins. True False
He printed a photo of a Roman comb. True False

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Name Term 1  Challenge Test

3 Read and circle. / 10 marks

When Michael gets home from school, there are lots of rules.
He can 1 watch / use a DVD, but he 2 can / can’t play computer
games or text his friends. He can read books and magazines and,
of course, he can 3 make / do his homework. Michael can make
snacks / crafts too. Yesterday, he went online to look 5 on / up
some information for his homework. He 6 clicked / scrolled on
a website about Roman history and found some great pictures.
He used the printer 7 for / to print them out. After that, Michael
went / go into the garden. He found a tennis racket, but it wasn’t 9 his / hers. It was his sister’s.
She wasn’t happy because it 10 had / was a birthday present.

4 Read and answer the questions. / 10 marks

My name’s Simone and I’m from Manchester, but I’m on a school

holiday at the moment. We went to an interesting museum
yesterday. There were people dressed up in Roman costumes. We
learned about their clothes and the way they lived. I used my new
camera to take some fantastic photos of an amazing necklace and
a bracelet. In the evening, I went online and found some more
information. I scrolled down a lot of pages and learned about
Roman coins.
There are lots of rules on the trip. I can’t text my friends and we
can’t play computer games. But in the evening, we can practise sports. This evening we
played some Roman Games. I was in Team B. Unfortunately, we didn’t win the trophy.
Team A were the champions.

1 Where does Simone live?  ‡imone .

2 Where is she now? 
3 Where did she go yesterday? 
4 What costumes did the people wear? 
5 What jewellery did Simone see? 
6 What did she do when she saw the jewellery? 
7 What did she find out about online? 
8 What can’t the children do? 

9 What can they do in the evening? 
Who won the Roman Games? 

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Name Term 1  Challenge Test

5 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ™e’∫ . 4 ‡he’∫ .
2 ‡he’∫ . 5
To… ýt’∫ .
3 ™e’∫ . 6

ýt’∫ .
To… Subject…

6 Complete Toby’s email.  From… / 8 marks


1 2

✗ Subject…

To… To…
To… To…
From… From…

1 Sent…
a club after school. You can
Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
✓ Subject…
Subject… , but
3 4 Send
Subject… .
To… To…

2 Last
we .
Sent… Sent…
Send Send
3 Subject…
This isSubject…
a photo of the
To… , but it
✓ isn’t From…
– we didn’t win it.

5 6
4 Last Saturday,
Subject… we went to a Roman dig and
I found .
5 I .
✗ 6 Then I the library to
information about
7 8
the Romans.
7 In the evening, I .
8 Then I with

7 Imagine you go to a club.Write to Toby about your club and what you
did last week. / 6 marks

Hello! I’m .

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Name Term 1  Challenge Test

8 Talk to your teacher.  / 7 marks


9 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

What is it?
May I …? What’s it made of?

How old is it?

Total for test / 75 marks

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Name Term 2  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
39  / 10 marks

1 2


3 4



2 Listen to Isabella and answer the questions. $ 40 

/ 10 marks

1 Isabella has got two sisters.

True False
2 Her sister has got a daughter.
True False
3 They went to see a play.
True False
4 The wolf was a kind character.
True False
5 The prince was more generous than 7 At four o’clock, Connor
the wolf. .
True False 8 Their parents were playing with their
6 The princess was beautiful and clever. .

True False 9 The children

cook and tidy their rooms.
They be noisy.

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Name Term 2  Challenge Test

3 Read and complete. / 10 marks

the  ​ interesting  ​balcony  ​famous  ​ more  ​

grandparents  ​ meaner  ​ shy  ​smallest  ​downstairs

I went to the theatre on Saturday with my 1  .

We sat on the   2
and we had a great view.
It was a very  3
play. It was called The Selfish
Giant. In the story, the giant is  
than any
other character. He doesn’t like children and he doesn’t like them
playing in his garden. But at the end of the story, the giant helps
the 5  child because the child isn’t happy.
After the play, we went   6
to the restaurant in the theatre. I had pizza and
chips. It was  
nicest meal on the menu! A 8  actor was
in the restaurant, but I was too  9
to talk to him. My grandparents were
  confident, so they said hello and took a photo!

4 Read and answer the questions.  / 10 marks

I’m Jonathan. Yesterday, we went to my cousin’s wedding. It was

fun! They got married at 11 o’clock and then we went to a hotel.
At half past one, we were eating a delicious lunch. I was talking
to my grandfather about aeroplanes. My grandfather is the most
interesting person I know. At four o’clock, I was dancing with my
great-grandmother. She’s amazing! She was wearing a big green
hat and green shoes. The hat was bigger than any other hat in
the room! We went home very late.
This morning, I was doing my homework at nine o’clock. It was
Maths and it wasn’t easy so I had to study a lot. My parents are very strict! I have a list of
rules. I must be hard-working. I mustn’t be lazy. I must tidy my room! This afternoon, I’m
going to watch TV. I’m tired!

1 Jonathan went to his neighbour’s wedding. True False

2 The wedding was at 11 o’clock. True False
3 They had lunch in a hotel. True False
4 Jonathan’s grandfather is interesting. True False
5 Jonathan’s great-grandmother was singing. True False
6 Her hat was the biggest in the room. True False
7 Jonathan at nine o’clock this morning.
8 The Maths was very .
9 His parents say that he hard.
His parents say that he lazy.

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Name Term 2  Challenge Test

5 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3
daughter  ​famous  ​ neighbours  ​
naughty  ​grandfather  ​selfish

1 They’re .
2 He’s my .
4 5 6
3 She’s .
4 He’s .

6 Complete the poster.  / 8 marks

1 2 You can be in our new play, The Happy Wolf.

The Characters
There are lots of different characters.
(1) The King: he’s the character.
3 4 (2) The Prince: he’s the king’s , and he’s
character in the play.
(3) The wolf is the other characters.
He gives food to hungry animals.
(4) The magician is
5 6 in the world.
(5) The magician’s is
The Place
7 8 (6) The play is going to be on the .
(7) You all the rehearsals.
(8) You during rehearsals.
Come to the first audition this Monday after school.

7 Write a poster for a play.  / 6 marks

Do you want to be in our new play,

The Lazy Lion? The Place
The Main Characters 

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Name Term 2  Challenge Test

8 Talk to your teacher. / 8 marks

Yesterday …

Megan Tom


9 Talk to your teacher.  / 6 marks

What did you do at the weekend?

I went to …

Did you enjoy it?

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
It was …

What was your

favourite part? I liked the … It
was / They were …

Total for test / 75 marks

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Press Press 77
Name Term 3  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
41  / 10 marks

1 2


3 4



2 Listen to Hope and answer the questions. $

42  / 10 marks

1 The pizza is in the oven.

True False
2 There are too many tomatoes.
True False
3 There isn’t enough cheese.
True False
4 There isn’t any olive oil.
True False
5 Hope is going to look for a new pan. 7 Her last pizza had too many
True False .

6 She’s going to buy some flour. 8 Hope felt .

True False 9 She will be a .

Her brother will be a .

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Name Term 3  Challenge Test

3 Read and complete. / 10 marks

few  ​ disappointed  ​
some  ​won’t  ​proud  ​
curious  ​ inventor  ​
who  ​be  ​where

Reggie is the new boy 1  started at our school

last year. He’s good at Science and he’s really 2 
about space. His mum is very 3  of him. She
thinks he’ll  
an astronaut one day. But I
think he’ll be an  
and invent an amazing
new spaceship – he   6
be an astronaut. Every
night, Reggie takes  7
sandwiches to his
bedroom and he sits and looks at the sky. When it rains, Reggie is
  because he can’t see any stars. Last week, he went to a place
  you can learn all about space. It was called the Greenwich Observatory.
Reggie bought a   10
interesting books.

4 Read and answer the questions.  / 10 marks

Hi Rosa,
I’m having a birthday party tomorrow. Do you want to come? I’m
inviting a lot of people from school. My mum thinks I’m inviting too
many people! My sister’s making me a dress. It’s really nice. I think she’ll
be a clothes designer one day! Mum’s going to make my birthday cake.
It’s the same chocolate cake which my brother had for his birthday. It’s
really nice. We’ve got enough flour, but there isn’t any chocolate. So I’m
going to go and buy some now. Do you want to meet me at the shop? I’m going to go to the
shop where we sometimes go after school. Do you remember the dog which we saw last time?
I was really scared. It was huge! But don’t worry! It won’t be there this time!

1 It’s going to be Tessa’s birthday. True False

2 She doesn’t know many people. True False
3 Her sister’s making Tessa some clothes. True False
4 Her sister will work in a clothes shop. True False
5 Tessa’s mum is making some biscuits. True False
6 Tessa’s brother had a chocolate birthday cake. True False
7 There is enough for the cake.
8 Tessa is going to buy some .
9 Tessa was of the dog.
She thinks they see the dog today.

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Name Term 3  Challenge Test

5 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

✓ ✗
1 †here . 4 ‡he will .
2 5
3 ýt . 6 ™e .

6 Write about Jason’s photos.  / 6 marks

1 2
1 This is my brother. He’s because there
(any) .
2 This is my neighbour’s daughter. She’s the girl
will one day.
3 4 3 This is my neighbour’s son. He
one day.
4 This is the dog our burgers.
5 This is mum. Oh dear. There (enough)
6 This is my dad. There (a lot of)
5 6 on the plant

7 Write about the photos.  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

1 †hi∫




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Name Term 3  Challenge Test

8 Talk to your teacher. / 9 marks

9 Talk to your teacher. / 6 marks

How can I help you?

Hello. I’d like some …, please.

How much / many …

would you like?
I’d like …

Total for test / 75 marks

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Name End of Year  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $
43  / 10 marks

1 2 3


4 5


2 Listen to Louie and answer the questions. $ 44 

/ 10 marks

1 Louie was at 2 At two o’clock, Louie was

a his grandparents’ barbecue. a drinking.
b his great-grandmother’s barbecue. b eating.
c his great-grandfather’s barbecue. c dancing.

3 There weren’t enough 4 Louie went shopping with his

a burgers. a parents.
b sausages. b cousins.
c biscuits. c friends.

5 Louie bought some bread.

True False
6 Louie doesn’t like chocolate.
True False
7 Ben will probably be an architect one day.
True False
8 Louie’s sister enjoyed the party.
True False
9 She will be a journalist one day.
True False
Louie wants to be a waiter.
True False

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Name End of Year  Challenge Test

3 Read and circle. / 10 marks

Last week, I stayed with my grandparents. They’re the kindest

and 1 more / most generous people I know, but they have a lot
of rules! I 2 mustn’t / don’t eat upstairs. I must 3 make /
practise sport in the park, not in the garden. I can use the
computer 4 for / to look up information, but I can’t play
computer games. On Saturday, we had a party 5 outside /
inside in the garden. We invited the neighbours with their son
and daughter. The children were nice, but they were naughty
too. The girl was 6 naughtier / naughtiest than her brother
because she played football in the garden! At four o’clock, we
were 7 ate / eating burgers. There was 8 a lot of / much bread
and salad. I wanted to make a cheese and tomato pizza, but
there weren’t 9 too / enough tomatoes. There were 10 some /
any chillies, so I made a cheese and chilli pizza. It was horrible!

4 Read and answer the questions.  / 10 marks

I’m Rachel and I live near Oxford. My favourite subject is History

and I love going to the history museum. When I get home from
school, I can’t watch DVDs, but I can read history magazines. I often
use my mum’s computer to go online to look up information.
Yesterday, I zoomed in on some great photos of Roman coins and
combs, and I printed out a photo of a Roman knife.
My parents gave me a metal detector for my birthday. Yesterday
afternoon, I was looking for metal in our garden. I didn’t find any
Roman cups or bowls, but I found a Roman coin. I felt very proud! Then I found a ring.
I was curious about the ring so I went online and clicked on a website which had
information about the Romans. I scrolled down the pages, but I didn’t see a photo of the
ring. Then I showed it to my mum. She laughed. It was my great-grandmother’s ring
which she lost in our garden last year!

1 Does Rachel like History best? ¥e∫, .

2 Does she think museums are boring?
3 Can she watch DVDs after school?
4 Can she read magazines?
5 Did she print out a photo of a Roman comb?
6 Did her mum and dad give her a metal detector?
7 Did she find a Roman bowl?
8 Did she find a coin?
9 Did she see the ring online?
Was it a Roman ring?

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Name End of Year  Challenge Test

5 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 You can . 4 At two o’clock, he .

2 She found . 5 The girl is more .
3 He will . From…
6 There
are .

To… To…
Send Sent…
6 Complete Emily’s email.  Subject…
/ 8 marks
Sent… Sent…
1 2 Send

To… To…
To… To…To…
From… My name’s From… Emily.
From… From…

I live
in London.
I go to a club after school. There are lots
✗ Send
Subject… Send
Send Subject…
of Subject…
rules. We must Subject…
Subject… . We
3 4 2
noisy. We can use the
computers to 3
, but we
Yesterday, I went to my cousin’s party. At four o’clock,
✗ I5 . It was very nice!
5 6 This year we’ve learned about the Romans in our History
classes, and last weekend I went on a Roman dig!
I6 . It was very exciting.
This is a photo of my neighbour, Chloe. She’s the
7 8 7
girl in our class. She loves
animals too. One day, she 8
To… To… To…

From… From… From…

Sent… Sent… Sent…

Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…
To… To… To…

7 WriteFrom…
an email to Emily about
From… you.  From… / 6 marks
Sent… Sent… Sent…
Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…

To… To… To…

From… I’m From… From…

Sent… Sent… Sent…

Send Send Send
Subject… Subject… Subject…

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Name End of Year  Challenge Test

8 Talk to your teacher. / 9 marks

9 Talk to your teacher. / 6 marks

May I …?
What’s … made of?

Can I have …, please?

Have you got any

plans for …
What’s your first /
full / middle name?

How was …?

Total for test / 75 marks

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Marking grids Standard Tests


Unit 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and draw lines. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write the number. 8
5 Look, read and circle. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Complete Naomi’s rules about what she can and 6
can’t do after school.
8 Write to Naomi about what you can and can’t 5
do after school.
Total for test 50

Unit 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and circle A or B. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write T (True) or F (False). 8
5 Look, read and circle. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Complete Owen’s description. 6
8 Imagine you wanted to find out about the 5
Romans. Write a description.
Total for test 50

Unit 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and draw lines. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write the number. 8
5 Look, read and match. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework club. 6
8 Imagine you go to a homework club. Write the 5
Total for test 50

Unit 4 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 8
2 Listen and circle A or B. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and circle. 8
5 Read and write True or False. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Write sentences about the characters. 6
8 Write about some other characters in a play. 5
Total for test 50

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Standard Tests

Unit 5 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and circle A or B. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write True of False. 8
5 Look, read and circle. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Complete Daisy’s email to her friend. 6
8 You are going to make lunch for your friend. Write 5
an email.
Total for test 50

Unit 6 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and draw lines. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write the number. 8
5 Look, read and match. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Complete Jessica’s predictions for the future. 6
8 Write to Jessica about your predictions for the 5
Total for test 50

Extension Unit Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and draw lines. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 4 Read and write the number. 8
5 Read and circle True or False. 6
Writing 6 Write the vocabulary. 3
7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s Day. 6
8 Write about your weekend. Use the present perfect. 5
Total for test 50

Term 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen and circle A or B. 10
Reading 3 Read and circle. 10
4 Read and write True or False. 10
Writing 5 Write the vocabulary. 8
6 Complete Toby’s email. 6
7 Write to Toby about your club and what you did 6
last week.
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 5
9 Talk to your teacher. 5
Total for test 70

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Standard Tests

Term 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen and circle A or B. 10
Reading 3 Look, read and circle. 10
4 Read and write True or False. 10
Writing 5 Write the vocabulary. 8
6 Complete the poster. 6
7 Write a poster for your play. 6
Speaking 8 Talk you your teacher. 5
9 Talk you your teacher. 5
Total for test 70

Term 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen and circle A or B. 10
Reading 3 Read and circle. 10
4 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 5 Write the vocabulary. 8
6 Write about Jason’s photos. 6
7 Write about the photos. 6
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 5
9 Talk to your teacher. 5
Total for test 70

End of year Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen and circle A or B. 10
Reading 3 Look, read and circle. 10
4 Read and circle. 10
Writing 5 Write the vocabulary. 8
6 Complete Emily’s email. 6
7 Write an email to Emily about you. 6
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 4
9 Talk to your teacher. 6
Total for test 70

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Marking grids Challenge Tests


Unit 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 10
2 Listen to Hannah and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and complete. 10
6 Read and answer. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Write Naomi’s rules about what she can and can’t 8
do after school.
9 Write an email to Naomi about what you can and 6
can’t do after school.
Total for test 70

Unit 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 10
2 Listen to Tom and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and circle. 10
6 Read and answer. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Complete Owen’s description. 8
9 Imagine you had to find out about the Romans on 6
a computer. Write a description.
Total for test 70

Unit 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen and answer. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and complete. 10
6 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework club. 8
9 Imagine you go to a homework club. Write the 6
Total for test 70

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Challenge Tests

Unit 4 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen to Kelly and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and circle. 10
6 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Write sentences comparing the people. 8
9 Write sentences comparing people. 6
Total for test 70

Unit 5 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 10
2 Listen to Billy and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and circle. 10
6 Read and answer. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Complete Jack’s email to his friend. 8
9 You are going to make lunch for your friend. 6
Write a note.
Total for test 70

Unit 6 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen to Jamie and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 6
4 Talk to your teacher. 4
Reading 5 Read and complete. 10
6 Read and answer. 10
Writing 7 Write sentences. 6
8 Write Jessica’s predictions for the future. 8
9 Write to Jessica about your predictions for the 6
Total for test 70

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Challenge Tests

Extension Unit Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 10
2 Listen to Ed and answer the questions. 10
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 10
Reading 4 Read and complete. 10
5 Read and write True or False. 10
Writing 6 Write sentences. 6
7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s weekend. 8
8 Write about your weekend. 6
Total for test 70

Term 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen to Robbie and answer the questions. 10
Reading 3 Read and circle. 10
4 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 5 Write sentences. 6
6 Complete Toby’s email. 8
7 Imagine you go to a club. Write to Toby about 6
your club and what you did last week.
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 7
9 Talk to your teacher. 8
Total for test 75

Term 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen to Isabella and answer the questions. 10
Reading 3 Read and complete. 10
4 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 5 Write sentences. 6
6 Complete the poster. 8
7 Write a poster for a play. 6
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 8
9 Talk to your teacher. 6
Total for test 75

Term 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen to Hope and answer the questions. 10
Reading 3 Read and complete. 10
4 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 5 Write sentences. 6
6 Write about Jason’s photos. 6
7 Write about the photos. 8
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 9
9 Talk to your teacher. 6
Total for test 75

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 91

Challenge Tests

End of year Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 10
2 Listen to Louie and answer the questions. 10
Reading 3 Read and circle. 10
4 Read and answer the questions. 10
Writing 5 Write sentences. 6
6 Complete Emily’s email. 8
7 Write an email to Emily about you. 6
Speaking 8 Talk to your teacher. 9
9 Talk to your teacher. 6
Total for test 75

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Test transcripts and answers Standard tests

There are seven unit tests, three term tests and one Answers:
end of year test. Depending on the ability of your
class, please choose either the Standard level test or 1 Anna 4 Harry
the Challenge level test.

Unit tests 1–6 and Extension Unit

Standard 2 David 5 Lucy

Unit 1 test (50 marks)

Listening (14 marks) 3 Kate 6 Jake
1 Listen and number. $  5.01 (8 marks)
1 Woman: Can Ben play computer games before Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Man: Yes, he can.
Speaking (8 marks)
2 Woman: Look at Anna. She’s reading a magazine.
She looks happy. 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
3 Man: Whose paint is this? Look at the picture with the child.
Girl: It’s ours. We’re going to do crafts this Point to the picture and ask Can they practise sport?
afternoon. Then ask Can they text their friends? Then point to the
4 Woman: Whose medal is this? girl making the snack and ask What’s she doing? Finally,
Man: Tom’s the champion. It’s his. point to the magazine and ask Whose magazine is this?
5 Man: Where’s Simon? Then say to the child Now point and ask me four
questions about the picture.
Woman: He’s in the kitchen. He’s making a snack.
6 Boy: Can we go online here? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Woman: Yes, you can. You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
7 Man: Whose trophy is this? produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
Girl: It’s ours. We were the winners of the 1 bonus mark for good fluency and good
tournament! pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
8 Boy: Can we feed the animals?
Woman: No, we can’t. Look! Reading (14 marks)
4 Read and write the number. (8 marks)
a 6 ​b  7 ​c  5 ​d  1 ​e  2 ​f  4 ​g  8 ​h  3
a 5 ​b  7 ​c  8 ​d  3 ​e  2 ​f  6 ​g  1 ​h  4
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
2 Listen and draw lines. $  5.02 (6 marks)
5 Look, read and circle. (6 marks)
1 Boy: What’s Anna doing?
1 a  It’s his. ​2  a  It’s hers. ​3  b  It’s theirs. ​
Girl: She’s playing football. Look! She’s in goal. 4 b  It’s mine. ​5  a  They’re ours. ​6  a  It’s yours.
2 Girl: Can I borrow your racket, please? Have you
got it? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Boy: No, sorry, I haven’t. David’s got mine.
3 Girl: Whose DVD is this? Is it Kate’s?
Writing (14 marks)
Boy: Yes, it’s hers. Look! She’s watching TV.
4 Boy: What’s Harry doing? 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
Girl: Harry? I think he’s going to play tennis. Look! 1 read a magazine
He’s got the net. 2 play computer games
5 Boy: Can the children do their homework at the 3 do crafts
club? 4 watch a DVD
Girl: Yes, they can. Lucy’s doing hers now. 5 feed the animals
6 Girl: Can they use their mobile phones in the club? 6 make a snack
Boy: Yes, they can. Jake usually texts his friends
from here. Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 93

Standard tests

7 Complete Naomi’s rules about what she can 5 Woman: Did they find a necklace?
and can’t do after school. (6 marks) Man: Yes, they did. They found a necklace and
1 I can’t go online. two bracelets.
2 I can’t text my friends. 6 Woman: Did they print out pictures of Roman
3 I can do my homework. knives?
4 I can practise sports. Man: Yes, they did.
5 I can do crafts. Answers:
6 I can’t feed the animals. 1 B ​2  A ​3  B ​4  B ​5  A ​6  B
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 6 marks. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Speaking (8 marks)
8 Write to Naomi about what you can and
can’t do after school. (5 marks) 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Children’s own answers. Look at the picture with the child.
Ask Did they find five rings? Did they find two bowls? Did
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or they find three spoons? Then point to the man and the
not it contains language from this unit. Total: 5 marks. printer and ask Did he use a printer to print out a picture
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. of a cup?
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
the picture.
Unit 2 test (50 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Listening (14 marks) produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 Listen and number. $  5.03 (8 marks) 1 bonus mark for good fluency and good
1 Woman: I went to the library to look up some facts pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
about the Romans.
2 Man: Did the Romans wear watches? Reading (14 marks)
Woman: No, they didn’t, but they wore bracelets,
necklaces and rings. 4 Read and write T (True) or F (False). (8 marks)
3 Woman: What did they find on the dig? 1 T ​2  F ​3  T ​4  F ​5  F ​6  T ​7  T ​8  F
Man: They found two knives and six coins. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
4 Woman: The librarian gave me a password to log
on to the internet. 5 Look, read and circle. (6 marks)
5 Man: Did the Romans write letters? 1 a  Yes, they did.
Woman: Yes, they did. 2 a  Yes, they did.
6 Woman: I used the printer to print out some 3 b  No, they wore bracelets.
pictures of the Romans. 4 b  No, they wrote letters.
7 Man: Did the Romans have bowls? 5 a  Yes, they did.
Woman: Yes, they did. They had spoons and 6 a  Yes, they did.
cups too.
8 Man: Did they drink from glasses? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Woman: No, they didn’t. They drank from cups, like
the metal cups in this picture.
Writing (14 marks)
a 5 ​b  1 ​c  2 ​d  8 ​e  3 ​f  4 ​g  7 ​
h6 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
1 print out ​2  click on ​3  scroll down ​4  look up ​
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 5  log on ​6  zoom in

2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.04 (6 marks) Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks
1 Man: Did they find a Roman spoon on the dig?
Woman: Yes, they did. They found a spoon and 7 Complete Owen’s description. (6 marks)
two bowls. 1 went
2 Woman: How many coins did they find? 2 to log on to
Man: They found six coins. 3 clicked on
3 Man: Did the woman use the computer to click 4 wear
on her emails? 5 wore
Woman: No, she didn’t. She zoomed in on a photo. 6 wore necklaces
4 Woman: Did the Romans use combs?
Man: Yes, they did. Look! They found a comb.

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Standard tests

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 1 great-grandmother 3 great-granddaughter
2 grandson
8 Imagine you wanted to find out about the
Romans. Write a description. (5 marks)
Children’s own answers.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, using the
prompts. Total: 5 marks.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

4 cousins 5 parents 6 neighbours

Unit 3 test (50 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Listening (14 marks)
1 Listen and number. $  5.05 (8 marks)
1 Woman: What were you doing at six o’clock
Speaking (8 marks)
yesterday? 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Boy: I was at my cousin’s party. I was eating cake. Look at the picture with the child.
2 Man: What were your grandparents doing this Point to the neighbour and ask Who’s this? Then point
morning? to the boy by the fence and say He mustn’t touch the
Girl: They were taking photos of my sister. fence, true or false? Point to the grandparents and ask
3 Woman: Was your dad playing chess? What are they doing? Then point to the great-
Boy: No, he wasn’t. He was playing cards with my grandfather and ask What was he doing?
great-grandfather. Then say to the child Now point and ask me four
4 Man: Was the surprise party inside? questions about the people.
Girl: No, it wasn’t. It was outside. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
5 Woman: You mustn’t go upstairs at the museum. You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
6 Man: He’s in the library. He mustn’t eat in the produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
library. 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
7 Woman: If you go outside, you mustn’t touch the Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
fence. The paint’s wet.
8 Man: You must be careful on the balcony. You
mustn’t climb on it.
Reading (14 marks)
Answers: 4 Read and write the number. (8 marks)
a 3 ​b  4 ​c  6 ​d  7 ​e  1 ​f  8 ​g  2 ​
h5 a 3 ​b  7 ​c  8 ​d  4 ​e  2 ​f  5 ​g  6 ​

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks

2 Listen and draw lines. $  5.06 (6 marks) 5 Look, read and match. (6 marks)
1 Woman: Look at this photo of our family party. 1 c ​2  e ​3  a ​4  b ​5  f ​6  d
That’s me on the balcony. I’m a great-grandmother,
you know. I was enjoying myself very much. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
2 Woman: I was watching that young man. He loves
music and always dances at parties. He’s my Writing (14 marks)
3 Woman: The girl who was dancing with my 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
grandson is my great-granddaughter. She’s only 1 upstairs ​2  downstairs ​3  balcony ​4  inside ​
three. Her name’s Tanya. 5  outside ​6  fence
4 Woman: The two children who were playing with Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks
the dog are Tanya’s cousins.
5 Boy: Where are Tanya’s parents? 7 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework
Woman: They were taking photos of everyone. club. (6 marks)
Look! There they are near the fence. 1 use ​2  You mustn’t run ​3  You must recycle
6 Boy: And who are these people? They were eating a 4  You must do ​5  You mustn’t sit ​
6  You must help
lot of cake.
Woman: Oh, they are our neighbours. They love Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks.
coming to our parties. I think they just like eating Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
our cakes!

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Standard tests

8 Imagine you go to a homework club. Write Answers:

the rules. (5 marks) 1 B ​2  A ​3  A ​4  B ​5  A ​6  B
Suggested answers:
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
You must listen to the teacher.
You mustn’t be noisy.
You must wear your school uniform. Speaking (8 marks)
You mustn’t play computer games. 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
You mustn’t eat sweets. Look at the picture with the child.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence using the Point to the princess and ask Is she lazy? Point to the
prompts. Total: 5 marks. man eating and ask Is he generous? Ask Is the boy
naughtier than the girl? Then ask Who is the most
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. hard-working character? Then say to the child Now ask
me four questions about the people.

Unit 4 test (50 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Listening (14 marks) produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  5.07 (8 marks) Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
1 Woman: The king is my favourite character in the
play. He’s very generous.
2 Man: Is the prince hardworking? Reading (14 marks)
Woman: No, he isn’t. He’s the laziest character in 4 Read and circle. (8 marks)
the play. 1 most ​2  kind ​3  lazy ​4  meaner ​5  naughty ​
3 Man: Are the dwarves more hard-working than the 6  less ​7  difficult ​8  famous
Woman: Yes, they are. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
4 Woman: Is the princess beautiful?
Man: Yes, she is. She’s clever too. 5 Read and write True or False. (6 marks)
5 Man: Who is the most interesting character? 1 False ​2  True ​3  True ​4  True ​5  False ​6  True
Woman: It’s the wolf because he isn’t mean. He’s Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
6 Woman: Is the little boy naughty?
Man: Yes, he is. He’s very naughty. Writing (14 marks)
7 Man: Is the little girl selfish? 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
Woman: No, she isn’t! 1 interesting ​2  famous ​3  beautiful ​
8 Woman: Is the magician confident? 4  hard-working ​5  shy ​6  careful
Man: Yes, he is. He’s more confident than the other
characters. Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks
7 Write sentences about the characters.
1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✗ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✗ ​6  ✓ ​7  ✓ ​8  ✗ (6 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Suggested answers:
1 The princess is lazier than the king.
2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.08 (6 marks) The prince is the laziest.
1 Man: Is the prince clever? 2 The king is kinder than the prince.
Woman: Yes, he is. He can do difficult Maths. The prince is the least kind.
2 Woman: Is the girl kind? 3 The prince is more hard-working than the princess.
Man: No, she isn’t. She’s naughty. The king is the most hard-working.
3 Man: Is the king lazy?
Woman: Yes, he is. He’s the laziest character in the Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 6 marks.
book. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 Woman: Is the boy more careful than the girl?
Man: No, he isn’t. He’s the least careful character in 8 Write about some other characters in a play.
the book. (5 marks)
5 Man: Is the magician famous? Children’s own answers.
Woman: Yes, he is. He’s very famous.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence using the
6 Woman: Is the girl mean?
prompts. Total: 5 marks.
Man: No, she isn’t. She’s shy, but she’s kind.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

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Standard tests

Unit 5 test (50 marks) 5 Look, read and circle. (6 marks)

1 a  Yes, it is. ​2  b  No, there aren’t. ​
Listening (14 marks) 3 a  Yes, there are. ​4  a  Yes, there is. ​
5 b  No, she isn’t. ​6  a  Yes, there is.
1 Listen and number. $  5.09 (8 marks)
1 Man: He’s going to have a barbecue. Look! There Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
are a lot of burgers.
2 Woman: Is she going to buy any biscuits?
Man: No, she isn’t. She’s going to buy some chocolate.
Writing (14 marks)
3 Woman: There are too many chefs in the kitchen. 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
4 Man: He’s making a sandwich, but there isn’t any 1 menu ​2  oven ​3  waiter ​4  chef ​5  apron ​
jam. 6  pan
5 Woman: Where’s the chef?
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks
Man: There she is. Look! She’s wearing an apron.
6 Woman: There isn’t enough pasta in the pan. 7 Complete Daisy’s email to her friend.
7 Man: Are they going to buy any cheese? (6 marks)
Woman: Yes, they are. 1 There’s some bread.
8 Man: There’s a little olive oil. 2 There’s some butter.
Answers: 3 There isn’t any jam.
a 5 ​b  6 ​c  2 ​d  8 ​e  1 ​f  3 ​g  4 ​h7 4 I think there’s enough cheese.
5 There aren’t enough biscuits.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
6 There’s a lot of chocolate.
2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.10 (6 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
1 Man: There isn’t enough butter for the bread. Total: 6 marks.
2 Woman: Oh dear! The oven isn’t working!
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
3 Man: Are there any chillies?
Boy: Yes, there are. There are a few chillies. 8 You are going to make lunch for your friend.
4 Man: Is there going to be a waiter at the barbecue? Write an email. (5 marks)
Woman: Yes, there is. Look! He’s holding a menu. Children’s own answers.
5 Woman: Is there any flour?
Girl: Yes, there is. There’s a little flour. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
6 Man: Is there any cheese? not it contains language from this unit. Total: 5 marks.
Woman: Yes, but there isn’t enough. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
1 B ​2  A ​3  A ​4  B ​5  B ​6  A
Unit 6 test (50 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Listening (14 marks)
Speaking (8 marks) 1 Listen and number. $  5.11 (8 marks)
1 Man: Do you want to be a journalist?
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Girl: No, I don’t. I want to be a vet because I love
Look at the picture with the child. animals.
Point to the man and ask Is he wearing an apron? Then 2 Boy: I won’t be an architect. I’ll be an archaeologist.
ask Are there enough biscuits? Then ask Is there any
3 Boy: He’s the sports person who went to my school.
bread? Then ask the child Are there any sausages?
4 Woman: Her mum’s very proud and happy. Her
Then say to the child Now point and ask me four
daughter’s a great dancer.
questions about the picture.
5 Man: I’m curious. What do you want to be?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Boy: I want to be a clothes designer.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not 6 Girl: One day, I’ll be an inventor.
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award Man: Really? I’m surprised! You don’t like Science!
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. 7 Girl: I was disappointed when I didn’t win a medal
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark) at sports day!
8 Boy: That’s the hospital where my doctor works.
Reading (14 marks) Answers:
4 Read and write True or False. (8 marks) a 8 ​b  2 ​c  4 ​d  3 ​e  5 ​f  7 ​g  1 ​ h  6
1 False ​2  True ​3  False ​4  False ​5  True ​6  False ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
7  False ​8  True

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks

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Standard tests

2 Listen and draw lines. $  5.12 (6 marks) Writing (14 marks)

1 Woman: That’s Joe. He’s the doctor who works at
the hospital. 6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks)
2 Man: Can you see Max? He’s scared because he 1 an inventor ​2  a clothes designer ​3  a doctor
doesn’t like dogs. 4  an astronaut  ​5  a sports person ​6  an archaeologist
3 Woman: Kate won’t be a doctor. She’ll be a vet. Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks
She loves animals.
4 Man: Jack’s always impatient. He hates waiting 7 Complete Jessica’s predictions for the future.
for things. (6 marks)
5 Woman: Lucy is very kind. She’s carrying the 1 I won’t be a doctor. I’ll be a vet.
flowers which she bought for her mother. 2 I’ll live in London. I won’t live in Paris.
6 Man: Suzie will be a dancer. She loves dancing. 3 I won’t have a small cat. I’ll have a big dog.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
1 Joe 4 Jack Total: 6 marks.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

8 Write to Jessica about your predictions for

2 Max 5 Lucy the future. (5 marks)
Children’s own answers.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
not it contains language from this unit. Total: 5 marks.
3 Kate 6 Suzie
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks

Extension Unit test (50 marks)
Speaking (8 marks)
Listening (14 marks)
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
1 Listen and number. $  5.13 (8 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
1 Woman: They’ve cleaned the medals.
Point to the boy dreaming of being a journalist and
ask Will he be an inventor? Then point to the girl 2 Man: He hasn’t made a snack.
dreaming of being an astronaut and ask Is this the girl 3 Boy: You’ve eaten the biscuits.
who wants to be an astronaut? Then point to the proud 4 Man: He hasn’t cooked the burgers.
girl and ask Is she scared? Then point to the 5 Girl: I’ve won a trophy.
disappointed boy and ask Is he disappointed? 6 Woman: He’s met his friends.
Then say to the child Now point and ask me four 7 Man: They haven’t finished their homework.
questions about the people. 8 Woman: She hasn’t logged on to the computer.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Answers:
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not a 5 ​b  2 ​c  4 ​d  1 ​e  7 ​f  3 ​g  8 ​
h 6
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
2 Listen and draw lines. $  5.14 (6 marks)
1 Man: Look! There’s Simon. He’s cooked the burgers.
Reading (14 marks) They smell delicious.
4 Read and write the number. (8 marks) 2 Woman: Tess is very proud. She’s made a cake.
a 8 ​b  4 ​c  6 ​d  2 ​e  3 ​f  5 ​g  7 ​
h  1 It looks great.
3 Man: I haven’t seen Max.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Woman: There he is. He’s doing his homework.
He’s been working all day.
5 Look, read and match. (6 marks) 4 Woman: Oh dear. Luke hasn’t eaten his salad.
1 e ​2  d ​3  a ​4  f ​5  b ​6  c It’s his least favourite food.
5 Woman: I haven’t seen Helen today.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Man: Look! There she is. She’s won a medal.
She’s the best runner in her class.
6 Man: Oh dear. Daisy hasn’t cleaned the spoons.

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Standard tests

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
1 Simon 4 Luke Total: 6 marks.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

8 Write about your weekend. Use the present

perfect. (5 marks)
2 Tess 5 Helen Children’s own answers.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
not it contains language from this unit. Total: 5 marks.
3 Max 6 Daisy Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks

Term tests 1–3 Standard
Speaking (8 marks)
Term 1 test (70 marks)
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. Listening (20 marks)
Say She hasn’t won the race. Who is it? Then say He’s
seen his friends. Who is it? Then say He hasn’t written his 1 Listen and number. $  5.15 (10 marks)
speech. Who is it? and He’s won a medal. Who is it? 1 Girl: May I text my friend?
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about Man: No, I’m sorry, you can’t. But you can read
the picture. a magazine.
2 Man: Did you find a necklace?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Girl: No, I didn’t. I found a bracelet and a ring.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not 3 Woman: Can you watch a DVD after school?
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award Boy: No, we can’t. But we can go online.
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
4 Girl: Whose racket is this?
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Man: It isn’t mine. I think it’s his.
5 Man: I used the mouse to click on this website.
Reading (14 marks) 6 Woman: Whose trophy is this?
4 Read and write the number. (8 marks) Man: Amelia’s the champion. It’s hers.
a 4 ​b  2 ​c  5 ​d  8 ​e  7 ​f  1 ​g  3 ​
h6 7 Woman: Can they practise sport?
Girl: Yes, they can.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 8 Boy: My teacher went to the library to look up
information about the Romans.
5 Read and circle True or False. (6 marks) 9 Woman: What did you find at the dig?
1 False ​2  True ​3  True ​4  False ​5  True ​6  True Man: We found spoons, bowls and cups.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks 10
Man: What did the Romans wear?
Woman: They wore togas. And the women wore
necklaces too.
Writing (14 marks) Answers:
6 Write the vocabulary. (3 marks) a 6 ​b  4 ​c  1 ​d  7 ​e  9 ​f  2 ​g  10 ​h  8 ​i  5 ​
j 3
1 win a trophy
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
2 watch a DVD
3 eat (some) chocolate 2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.16 (10 marks)
4 make a snack/sandwich 1 Woman: Can you do crafts at the club?
5 listen to music Man: Yes, you can.
6 do (your/their) homework 2 Man: Can you go online?
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 3 marks Woman: Yes. You can use the club password to
log on.
7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s day. 3 Woman: Can you feed the animals?
(6 marks) Man: Yes, you can.
1 eaten 4 Man: Can you play football?
2 has eaten (some) biscuits Woman: Yes, you can. Look at Jack. He’s in goal.
3 have won a 5 Woman: Whose medal is this?
4 has made a Man: Look at Max. It’s his!
5 hasn’t made a snack
6 haven’t been

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 99

Standard tests

6 Man: Did the boys find a cup at the dig? Speaking (10 marks)
Woman: Yes, they did. They found three coins,
a cup and a knife. 8 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
7 Woman: What is Helen doing? Look at the picture with the child.
Man: She’s using the printer to print out her photos. Ask Can they practise sport at the club? Then point to
the boy in goal and ask Is he in goal?
8 Man: Can you make a snack at the club?
Then point to one of the tennis rackets and ask Whose
Girl: Yes, you can. Yesterday, I ate a sandwich.
tennis racket is it?
9 Woman: Did the boys find a letter on the dig?
Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
Man: Yes, they did. questions about the picture.
Man: Can you do your homework at the club?
Girl: Yes, you can. Yesterday, I wrote a story. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 A ​2  A ​3  B ​4  B ​5  A ​6  B ​7  A ​8  B ​9  A ​ 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
10  A Total: 5 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
9 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
Reading (20 marks) Point to the boy doing his homework and ask Did he
3 Read and circle. (10 marks) go to the library to do his homework yesterday? Then
1 make, feed ​2  trophy, his ​3  went, combs point to the girl wearing the necklace and ask What
4  click, scroll ​5  wrote, ate did she wear yesterday? Then point to the girl looking
up information in the book and ask Did she look up
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks information in the book?
Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
4 Read and write True or False. (10 marks) questions about the picture.
1 True ​2  False ​3  False ​4  True ​5  True ​6  True ​
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
7  False ​8  True ​9  True ​10  True
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
Writing (20 marks)
5 Write the vocabulary. (8 marks)
Term 2 test (70 marks)
1 do my homework  ​2  feed the animals  ​3  click on
4  scroll down  ​5  It’s a net. ​6  It’s a racket. Listening (20 marks)
7  It’s a bowl.  ​8  It’s a knife.
1 Listen and number. $  5.17 (10 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 1 Man: Were your grandparents playing cards?
Girl: No, they weren’t. They were making
6 Complete Toby’s email. (6 marks) sandwiches.
Suggested answers: 2 Man: Was the TV show interesting?
1 practise sport, can’t play computer games Girl: No, it wasn’t.
2 played football 3 Woman: What were you doing at two o’clock,
3 trophy, ours yesterday?
4 three coins and two rings Boy: I was at my cousin’s party. I was eating cake.
5 didn’t find a bracelet 4 Woman: Sorry, but you must leave your dog
6 went to, look up outside.
5 Man: Is the princess beautiful?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks. Woman: Yes, she is. She’s clever too.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 6 Man: Stop! You mustn’t touch the cake.
7 Woman: Have they got a son or a daughter?
7 Write to Toby about your club and what you Man: They’ve got a son.
did last week. (6 marks) 8 Man: Is the magician confident?
Children’s own answers. Woman: Yes, he is. He’s the most confident
character in the play.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Total: 6 marks. 9 Man: The king is more generous than the other
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 10
Woman: What were your neighbours doing?
Man: They were playing cards on the balcony.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 100

Standard tests

Answers: 6 Complete the poster. (6 marks)

a 3 ​b  5 ​c  6 ​d  8 ​e  9 ​f  1 ​g  4 ​h  10 ​i  2 ​
j 7 1 most hard-working
2 son, the laziest
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
3 kinder
4 balcony
2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.18 (10 marks)
5 must go to / must be on time for
1 Man: Was the girl careful?
6 mustn’t use (your / a) mobile phone
Woman: Yes, she was. She was very careful.
2 Woman: Was Max eating cake at the theatre? Score: 1 mark for each correct completed sentence.
Man: No, he wasn’t. He was drinking lemonade. Total: 6 marks.
3 Woman: Is there a fence? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Man: Yes, there is. You mustn’t touch the fence.
The paint’s wet. 7 Write a poster for your play. (6 marks)
4 Man: Is the little boy naughty? Children’s own answers.
Woman: No, he isn’t. He’s shy.
5 Woman: Is the wolf kind? Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Man: No, he isn’t. He’s mean. Total: 6 marks.
6 Man: What was Lizzie doing at the theatre? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Woman: She was eating cake.
7 Man: Is the princess more hard-working than
the prince? Speaking (10 marks)
Woman: No, she isn’t. She’s lazier. 8 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
8 Woman: Is the play inside? Look at the picture with the child.
Man: No, it isn’t. It’s outside. Point to the great-grandmother on the balcony and
9 Man: Has the princess got a son? ask Is she the neighbour? Then point to the parents
Woman: Yes, she has. taking photos and ask What were they doing? Then say
Woman: Who is the laziest character? They mustn’t go outside, true or false?
Man: The prince is the laziest. Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
questions about the people.
1 B ​2  B ​3  A ​4  A ​5  A ​6  B ​7  A ​8  A ​9  B ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
10  B You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
Reading (20 marks)
9 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
3 Look, read and circle. (10 marks) Look at the picture with the child.
1 grandson, shy Point to the king and ask Is he lazy? Then ask Is the
2 clever, selfish boy naughtier than the girl? Then ask Who is the most
3 parents, downstairs famous character?
4 great-grandmother, oldest Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
5 must, most the people.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
4 Read and write True or False. (10 marks) produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 False ​2  True ​3  False ​4  True ​5  False ​6  True ​ 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
7  True ​8  False ​9  True ​10  False Total: 5 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

Term 3 test (70 marks)
Writing (20 marks) Listening (20 marks)
5 Write the vocabulary. (8 marks) 1 Listen and number. $  5.19 (10 marks)
Suggested answers: 1 Woman: Is there any flour?
1 neighbour(s) ​2  great-grandfather ​3  daughter ​ Man: Yes, there is. There’s a little flour.
4  downstairs ​5  naughty ​6  kind/generous ​ 2 Woman: There isn’t enough butter for the bread.
7  selfish/mean ​8  famous/confident 3 Man: Is there a waiter at the party?
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Woman: Yes, there is. Look! He’s holding the menu.
Total: 8 marks 4 Woman: Are there any chillies?
Man: Yes, there are. There are a few chillies.

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Standard tests

5 Woman: I’m curious. What do you want to be? Writing (20 marks)
Boy: I’ll be an archaeologist.
5 Write the vocabulary. (8 marks)
6 Man: Her mum’s very proud. Her daughter will be a
great dancer. 1 cheese ​2  chocolate ​3  apron/chef ​4  oven ​
5  journalist ​6  inventor ​7  proud ​8  disappointed
7 Girl: He’s the sports person who worked at my
school. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
8 Man: That’s the place where my doctor works.
9 Woman: Is she going to buy jam? 6 Write about Jason’s photos. (6 marks)
Man: No, she isn’t. She’s going to buy some 1 disappointed, aren’t any biscuits ​2  who, be a vet ​
chocolate. 3  who ate ​4  isn’t enough olive oil
Woman: Hannah’s scared because she doesn’t like
running. Score: 1 mark for each correctly filled gap.
Total: 6 marks.
a 9 ​b  5 ​c  4 ​d  6 ​e  10 ​f  7 ​g  1 ​h  2 ​i  3 ​
j8 Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 7 Write about the photos. (6 marks)
Children’s own answers.
2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.20 (10 marks)
1 Woman: Are there enough burgers? Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence, whether
Man: No, there aren’t. There aren’t any burgers! or not it contains language from this unit.
Total: 6 marks.
2 Man: Look at Ben. He’s impatient because he wants
a biscuit. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
3 Woman: Sarah’s disappointed because she wants
some chocolate.
4 Man: Who’s the chef?
Speaking (10 marks)
Woman: Dad’s the chef. Look. He’s wearing an 8 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
apron. Look at the picture with the child.
5 Woman: There isn’t enough olive oil. Point to the woman and ask Is she wearing an apron?
Man: Don’t worry! We’ll buy some. Then ask Are there enough chillies? Then ask Is there
6 Woman: Harry isn’t scared of animals. He’s the boy any cheese?
who wants to be a vet. Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
7 Man: The cat which is on the fence is our questions about the people.
neighbour’s cat.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
8 Woman: Is there any butter?
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Man: Yes, there is. There’s a little butter. produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
9 Man: Who’s that man? 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Woman: That’s Joe. He’s the inventor who works at Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
the lab.
Man: I think Jason will be a journalist. Look at him 9 Talk to your teacher. (5 marks)
now. Look at the picture with the child.
Answers: Point to the girl dancing and ask Is this the girl who wants
1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B ​6  A ​7  B ​8  B ​9  A ​ to be dancer? Then point to the boy who is scared of the
10  B dog and ask Will he be a vet? Then ask Why not? Then
point to the girl with the flowers and ask Is she kind?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
questions about the people.
Reading (20 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
3 Read and circle. (10 marks) You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
1 many, few ​2  oven, menu ​3  who, a clothes produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
designer ​4  disappointed, jam ​5  curious, where 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each correct option. Total: 10 marks

4 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks)

1 True ​2  False ​3  True ​4  True ​5  False ​6  False ​
7  True ​8  False ​9  who, chef ​10  hospital, where

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

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Standard tests

End of Year Standard test (70 marks) Answers:

1 B ​2  A ​3  A ​4  A ​5  A ​6  B ​7  A ​8  A ​9  B ​
Listening (20 marks) 10  A
1 Listen and number. $  5.21 (10 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
1 Woman: Can Ben play computer games before
Man: Yes, he can if he is ready for school. Reading (20 marks)
2 Girl: Whose racket is this? 3 Look, read and circle. (10 marks)
Boy: It’s mine! 1 drank, any ​2  balcony, look up ​3  trophy, hers ​
3 Woman: Did they find anything interesting on 4  hard-working, the cleverest ​5  who, astronaut
the dig?
Man: Yes, I think they found a few knives and Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
some coins.
4 Read and circle. (10 marks)
4 Woman: The librarian gave me a password to
log on to the internet. 1 a ​2  b ​3  a ​4  a ​5  b ​6  b ​7  a ​8  a ​9  b ​
10  a
5 Man: What were your grandparents doing at
six o’clock yesterday? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Boy: They were taking photos of my sister.
6 Man: You mustn’t touch the cake. It will fall down!
7 Woman: Is the magician confident? Writing (20 marks)
Man: Yes, he is. He’s more confident than the other 5 Write the vocabulary. (8 marks)
characters. 1 do crafts ​2  a clothes designer ​3  zoom in ​
8 Man: Who is the most interesting character? 4  upstairs ​5  careful ​6  an oven ​7  daughter ​
Woman: It’s the wolf because he isn’t mean. He’s 8  biscuits
very kind.
9 Boy: Has Dad eaten all of the chillies? Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
Girl: No, he hasn’t. Look! There are a few chillies on
the plant. 6 Complete Emily’s email. (6 marks)
Woman: Kate won’t be a doctor. She’ll be a vet. She 1 practise sport ​2  play computer games ​
loves animals. 3  was eating ​4  three coins ​
5  cleverest / most hard-working 6  ’ll be / will be
a 9 ​b  10 ​c  3 ​d  4 ​e  5 ​f  1 ​g  2 ​h  6 ​i  7 ​j 8 Score: 1 mark for each correctly filled gap.
Total: 6 marks.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
2 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.22 (10 marks)
7 Write an email to Emily about you. (6 marks)
1 Woman: Can the children text their friends at the
party? Children’s own answers
Man: No, they can’t. Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence, whether
2 Woman: Is there enough olive oil? or not it contains language from this unit.
Man: No, there isn’t. Total: 6 marks.
3 Man: Was Maria drinking lemonade at the party? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Woman: No, she wasn’t. She was drinking water.
4 Woman: What were your great-grandparents doing
at the party? Speaking (10 marks)
Girl: They were playing cards. For them it’s the most 8 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks)
enjoyable hobby.
Look at the picture with the child.
5 Woman: The dog must stay inside. That’s the rule.
Ask the child Can they go online? Point to the boys with
6 Woman: Is the girl naughtier than her brother? the rings and ask What did they find?
Man: Yes, she is. He behaves much better than her. Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
7 Man: The little girl is disappointed. I think her the picture.
cousin has eaten all of the chocolate.
8 Man: Have you seen Alice? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Woman: Is she the girl who wants to be a vet? You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Man: That’s right. produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Woman: Then yes, I have. She’s over there.
Total: 4 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)
9 Woman: Will Emma be an architect, do you think?
Man: No, she won’t. I think she’ll be a journalist
when she is older.
Woman: She was using her grandparents’ computer
to look up information about the Romans.
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Standard tests

9 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)

Look at the picture with the child.
Ask Are there enough burgers? Then ask Is the girl
naughtier than her brother? Then point to the girl with
the glass of water and ask What was she doing?
Then say to the child Now ask me three questions about
the picture.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 6 marks (+ 1 bonus mark)

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Test transcripts and answers Challenge tests

Unit 1 test (70 marks) Finally, point to the magazine and ask Whose
magazine is this?
Listening (20 marks) Then say to the child Now point and ask me three
questions about the picture.
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  5.23 (10 marks)
1 Woman: Hello, Sam. Can I ask you some questions? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Boy: Yes, of course. You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Woman: Great. Tell me about your after school produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
club. Can you do crafts? 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Boy: Not always, but sometimes we can. Look. Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
There’s William. He’s doing crafts today.
2 Woman: What about the girls? Are they playing 4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks)
computer games? Look at the pictures and the speech bubbles with the
Boy: No, they aren’t. They’re watching a DVD. We child.
can’t play computer games at the club. Ask May I borrow a rubber? May I take photos? May I go
3 Woman: Can you practise sports? to the toilet? May I read a magazine?
Boy: Yes, we can. Look at Ben. He’s playing football. Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
Yesterday we played baseball. the pictures.
4 Woman: Do you play football? Score: ½ mark for each correct answer and question.
Boy: Yes, I do. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
Woman: Are you in Ben’s team? and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: Yes, I am. I’m in his team. We’re going to be
the champions.
5 Woman: Whose is this football trophy? Is it yours?
Reading (20 marks)
Boy: No, it isn’t. It’s the girls. They were the winners 5 Read and complete. (10 marks)
yesterday. 1 after ​2  practise ​3  can ​4  homework ​5  watches ​
Answers: 6  can’t ​7  feed ​8  his ​9  texts ​10  online
1 ✓ ​ 2  ✗ ​
3  ✓ ​ 4  ✓ ​ 5  ✗ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks 6 Read and answer. (10 marks)
1 c ​2  b ​3  c ​4  True ​5  True ​6  False ​7  False ​
2 Listen to Hannah and answer the questions. 8  True ​9  False ​10  False
$  5.24 (10 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
(Play the recording twice.)
Hello, my name’s Hannah and I’m twelve years old.
I go to an after school club on Fridays. We can do lots Writing (20 marks)
of things there. There are rabbits and guinea pigs
7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
there so we can feed the animals. We can do our
homework and there’s a teacher to help us. There are 1 He can play computer games.
computers at the club too. We can go online, but we 2 She can text her friends.
can’t play computer games. We can practise some 3 They can watch a DVD.
sports. We can’t play tennis, but we can play football 4 It’s your racket.
and basketball. I like basketball best. This is our 5 It’s her/my medal.
basketball trophy from a tournament. 6 It’s their trophy.
I’ve got a mobile phone, but we can’t text our friends
at the club. We can watch a DVD because there’s a TV. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
We can do crafts, too. I like painting and drawing. Total: 6 marks
And when we’re hungry, we can buy snacks, but we
can’t make snacks. 8 Write Naomi’s rules about what she can and
Answers: can’t do after school. (8 marks)
1 True ​2  True ​3  False ​4  False ​5  True ​6  True ​ 1 I can watch a DVD.
7  text ​8  can ​9  crafts ​10  make 2 I can’t go online.
3 I can’t text my friends.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 4 I can do my homework.
5 I can practise sports.
Speaking (10 marks) 6 I can do crafts.
7 I can feed the animals.
3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)
8 I can’t make a snack.
Look at the picture with the child.
Point to the children in general and ask Can they
practise sport? Then ask Can they text their friends?

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Challenge tests

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
1 c ​2  a ​3  b ​4  False ​5  False ​6  True ​7  True ​
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 8  False ​9  False ​10  True
Total: 8 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
9 Write an email to Naomi about what you
can and can’t do after school. (6 marks)
Speaking (10 marks)
Children’s own answers.
Encourage children to use language from the unit. 3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or Point to the man looking at the jewellery and ask Did
not it contains language from this unit. he find five rings? Point to the woman counting the
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. coins and ask What did she find? Then point to the
Total: 6 marks woman using the computer and ask Did she scroll down
to find information?
Then say to the child Now ask me three questions about
Unit 2 test (70 marks) the picture.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Listening (20 marks)
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  5.25 (10 marks) produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 Woman: Hello, Sadie. Tell me about the Roman dig. 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Was it fun? Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Girl: Yes, it was.
Man: Did you find a Roman bowl? 4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks)
Girl: No, I didn’t. But I found a metal cup and Look at the pictures with the child.
a spoon! Point to the prompts. Then point to the the letter and
2 Man: What about jewellery? Did anyone find ask the child What is it? The child uses the prompts to
a Roman necklace or a bracelet? answer. Then ask What’s it made of? Then point to the
Girl: Yes, my dad found a bracelet. coin and ask What is it? followed by How old is it?
3 Man: And what about a comb? Finally say to the child Now point and ask me four
Girl: I didn’t find a comb, but I found two knives.
4 Girl: I used the printer at the library to print out Score: ½ mark for each correct answer and question.
some photos. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
Man: Did you print out a photo of a Roman letter? and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Girl: No, I didn’t. I printed out photos of Roman
Reading (20 marks)
5 Man: Did you do a project on the Romans after
the dig? 5 Read and circle. (10 marks)
Girl: Yes, I did. I went online to find out about 1 went ​2  wore ​3  metal ​4  cooked ​5  found ​6  of ​
Roman letters. They wrote on wood. 7  to ​8  up ​9  zoomed in ​10  used
Man: That’s interesting.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
1 ✗ ​2  ✓ ​3  ✗ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✓ 6 Read and answer. (10 marks)
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer. 1 b ​2  a ​3  c ​4  a ​5  False ​6  True ​7  True ​
Total: 10 marks 8  True ​9  False ​10  True

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

2 Listen to Tom and answer the questions. $  5.26
(10 marks)
(Play the recording twice.) Writing (20 marks)
Hi! I’m Tom. Last week I went on an archaeological dig 7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
with my family. It was really good fun. I decided to find
1 I printed out some photos.
out some information about the Romans before I went.
So I went online to find a good website. Did you know 2 I clicked on the button.
the Romans had metal knives and spoons and metal 3 I looked up some information.
cups and bowls? They ate vegetables and meat. They 4 I scrolled down the page.
didn’t have cookers, but they cooked on fire. On the 5 I logged on to the internet.
dig, we found some interesting things. We didn’t find 6 I zoomed in on the pictures.
a knife or a spoon, but my brother found a comb. Then
I was really lucky because I found three coins. The Score: 1 mark for each correctly completed sentence.
Romans wore necklaces and bracelets, but we didn’t Total: 6 marks
find these. We found a ring. It was amazing. I loved the
dig. I want to be an archaeologist now.
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Challenge tests

8 Complete Owen’s description. (8 marks) Answers:

Suggested answers: 1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B
1 I used a password to log on to the computer.
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
2 I used the mouse to click on to a website. Total: 10 marks
3 I also used the mouse to zoom in on a photo.
4 Then I used the printer to print out the photo 2 Listen and answer. $  5.28 (10 marks)
5 and I wrote about the photo / the Romans in my (Play the recording twice.)
notebook. Hello, I’m James and I’m twelve years old. Yesterday,
6 After that, I went to the garden to look for treasure. it was Sunday and I went to my great-grandfather’s
7 I used a metal detector look for coins. surprise party. It was his birthday. We were all waiting
8 I also found two (Roman) rings. downstairs in the living room. He arrived at two
o’clock. He was very surprised and happy!
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. At three o’clock, people were doing lots of different
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. things. My cousin’s son and daughter were dancing.
Total: 8 marks My neighbour’s grandson was playing in the garden.
My neighbour’s granddaughter was very tired. She
9 Imagine you had to find out about the was sleeping upstairs. I was eating cake in the kitchen
Romans on a computer. Write a description. and my parents were downstairs too. They were
(6 marks) taking photos. My great-grandmother and my great-
grandfather were on the balcony. They were playing
Children’s own answers.
cards. It was a good day.
Encourage children to use language from the unit.
Today is Monday and I’m at school. I’m working hard
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or but I’m very tired. There are lots of rules at my school.
not it contains language from this unit. You must wear a uniform. You mustn’t use your
mobile phone. And every Monday, you must write
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. about what you did at the weekend!
Total: 6 marks
1 True ​2  False ​3  False ​4  True ​5  False ​6  True ​
Unit 3 test (70 marks) 7  False ​8  must ​9  mustn’t ​10  must
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Listening (20 marks)
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.27 (10 marks)
Speaking (10 marks)
1 Woman: Hello, Sarah. Can I ask you some
questions? 3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)
Girl: Yes, of course. Look at the picture with the child.
Woman: What were you doing at five o’clock Point to the boy by the fence and say This is Edward.
yesterday? Point to the neighbour and ask Is she Edward’s
Girl: I was drinking lemonade and eating cake. grandmother? The say Edward mustn’t touch the fence,
I was sitting outside at my great-grandmother’s true or false? Then point to the grandparents and say
surprise party. What are they doing?
2 Woman: That sounds fun. What was your great- Then say to the child Now point and ask me three
grandmother doing? Was she eating cake? questions about the people.
Girl: No, she wasn’t. She doesn’t like cake. She was
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
playing cards with my neighbour’s daughter.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
3 Woman: Were your grandparents at the party? produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
Girl: Well, yes, they were. But the party was outside, 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
and they were inside. They were upstairs watching Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
a DVD.
4 Woman: What about your cousins? Were they at 4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks)
the party? Look at the picture and the speech bubbles with the
Girl: Yes, they were. But they were doing their child. Point out the conversation prompts.
homework. Ask What’s your full name? Have you got a nickname?
Woman: Really? Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
Girl: Yes. There are a lot of rules at their school. my name.
5 Woman: What about at your school? Are there a lot
of rules? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Girl: Yes, there are. You must wear a uniform and You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
you must work hard. and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Woman: Thank you, Sarah.

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Challenge tests

Reading (20 marks) 2 Man: This character is quite familiar and he’s so
mean! He’s the worst one I’ve seen.
5 Read and complete. (10 marks) 3 Woman: I think he’s the most hard-working
1 went ​2 arrived ​3  were having ​4 grandparents character of all.
5  was singing ​6  was playing ​7 neighbour 4 Man: This person is very confident. Look how he’s
8  were playing ​9 played 10  was watching smiling. He enjoys being famous.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 5 Woman: Are they hard-working?
Man: No, they aren’t. They’re the laziest characters
6 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks) of all.
1 Yes, she was. 6 Man: What’s this character like? Is he selfish?
2 No, they weren’t. Woman: No, not at all. He’s kind and generous to
3 No, she wasn’t. his people.
4 False 7 Man: She’s very kind to everyone. She’s never
5 True selfish. Even when she hasn’t got much for herself,
she’s likes to share it.
6 True
8 Woman: Oh, I think he’s naughty. He isn’t really
7 True mean, but he’s definitely naughty.
8 False 9 Man: They are very hard-working and generous,
9 False but they’re quite shy too.
True 10
Woman: Ah, look! He’s very shy! I think he’s the
least confident famous person I know.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
a 6 ​b  3 ​c  5 ​d  1 ​e  2 ​f  4 ​g  9 ​h  8 ​i  10  ​j 7
Writing (20 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
1 He’s upstairs. 2 Listen to Kelly and answer the questions.
2 She’s downstairs. $  5.30 (10 marks)
3 They’re on the balcony. (Play the recording twice.)
4 He’s inside. Hello, I’m Kelly. I’m reading an interesting new play
5 She’s outside. called The Good Wolf. It’s a modern fairy tale. It’s an
6 She’s next to the fence. exciting story and it’s got lots of interesting characters.
My favourite character is the prince. He’s the hero, but
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks he isn’t very clever. I like him because he’s the
funniest character in the play. The princess is called
8 Complete the rules for Frankie’s homework Claudia. She’s cleverer than the prince. She’s confident
club. (8 marks) too. Then there’s the magician … He isn’t famous and
1 use ​2  You mustn’t run ​3  You must recycle he’s angry about that. He’s mean and selfish, and he’s
4  You must do ​5  You mustn’t sit ​6  You must help ​ lazy too. I like the dwarves. They don’t work very
7  You mustn’t go ​8  You mustn’t touch much but they’re more hard-working than the
magician! The dwarves are kind and generous too. I
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. like the wolf. His name is Henry. He’s clever and he
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. helps the good characters. There’s a little boy. He’s the
Total: 8marks naughtiest character in the play, but I like him. He’s
8 Imagine you go to a homework club. Write Answers:
the rules. (6 marks) 1 False ​2  True ​3  True ​4  False ​5  False ​6  True ​
Children’s own answers. 7  more ​8  generous ​9  clever / kind ​10  naughtier
Encourage children to use language from the unit.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
not it contains language from this unit.
Speaking (10 marks)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 6 marks 3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
Point to the man eating and ask Is he generous? Then
Unit 4 test (70 marks) ask Is the boy naughtier than the girl? Then ask Who is
the most hard-working character?
Listening (20 marks) Then say to the child Now ask me three questions about
the characters.
1 Listen and number. $  5.29 (10 marks)
1 Woman: My favourite character is beautiful, and
she’s very clever too.

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9 Write sentences comparing people. (6 marks)

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not Children’s own answers.
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award Encourage children to use language from the unit.
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
not it contains language from this unit.
4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks) Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Look at the picture and the prompts with the child. Total: 6 marks
Point out the conversation prompts.
First take the part of the boy and follow the prompts.
Then say to the child Now ask me what I did. Unit 5 test (70 marks)
Score: 2 marks for each correct set of answers. You Listening (20 marks)
may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  5.31 (10 marks)
1 Woman: Hello, Danny. Did you get everything you
need for the barbecue?
Reading (20 marks) Boy: Yes, I think so. Look there are lots of sausages.
5 Read and circle. (10 marks) Woman: Are there any burgers?
1 funnier ​2  most ​3  exciting ​4  funniest ​ Boy: Yes, there are. But there are only a few.
5  famous ​6  worst ​7  kind ​8  than ​9  less ​ 2 Woman: Is there any bread and cheese?
10  beautiful Boy: There’s some bread, but there isn’t any cheese.
Woman: Are you going to buy cheese?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Boy: No. I don’t like cheese.
3 Woman: Are there any biscuits?
6 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks)
Boy: No, there aren’t. But do you like chocolate?
1 True ​2  True ​3  False ​4  True ​5  True ​6  False ​
There’s lots of chocolate.
7  the magician ​8  Willow ​9  Timothy ​10  Maya
Woman: Yes, I love chocolate. That’s great.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 4 Woman: Are there enough tomatoes?
Boy: Yes, there are. I’m making a pizza.
Woman: Is the oven on?
Writing (20 marks)
Boy: Yes, it is. The pizza’s in the oven now.
7 Write sentences. (6 marks) 5 Woman: Is there a waiter at your barbecue?
1 It’s interesting. Boy: No, there isn’t. But there’s going to be a menu.
2 He’s famous. My little sister’s making it now.
3 She’s beautiful. Answers:
4 She’s hard-working. 1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✗ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✗
5 He’s shy.
6 She’s careful. Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
2 Listen to Billy and answer the questions.
8 Complete sentences comparing the people. $  5.32 (10 marks)

(8 marks) (Play the recording twice.)

1 Jenny is lazier than Dean. Hello, my name’s Billy. We’re having a barbecue
Lucy is less lazy than Dean/Jenny. / Lucy is the today because it’s my mum’s birthday. I’m going to go
least lazy. to the shops with my brother Tim because we need to
2 Lucy is kinder than Jenny. buy some things. We don’t need everything. There are
Dean is the kindest. / Dean is kinder than lots of sausages and burgers at home. There are only a
Lucy/Jenny. few tomatoes, so we need more tomatoes for the pizza.
3 Lucy is more hard-working than Jenny. There’s a little olive oil, but it isn’t enough. There’s lots
of bread and butter. There are enough chillies, but
Dean is the least hard-working. / Dean is less
there isn’t any flour. We need flour because dad’s
hard-working that Jenny/Lucy.
going to make some biscuits. The oven isn’t on now
4 Lucy is less lazy than Dean. because Dad’s going to make the biscuits later. We
Jenny is the laziest. / Jenny is lazier than haven’t got a chef for the barbecue because dad will
Dean/Lucy. cook the food, but we have a menu. I printed it out on
the computer. Do we have waiters? Yes, we do. Tim
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. and I are going to have that job!
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. Total: 8 marks Answers:
1 c ​2  b ​3  c ​4  False ​5  False ​6  True ​7  False ​
8  False ​9  True ​10  True

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Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Speaking (10 marks) Total: 8 marks
3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks) 9 You are going to make lunch for your friend.
Look at the picture with the child. Write a note. (6 marks)
Point to the man and ask What’s he wearing? Then ask Children’s own answers.
Are there enough biscuits? Then ask Is there any bread? Encourage children to use language from the unit.
Then say to the child Now point and ask me three
questions about the picture. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
not it contains language from this unit.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award Total: 6 marks
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Unit 6 test (70 marks)
4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. Point out the Listening (20 marks)
prompts in the speech bubbles and the word pool. First 1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.33 (10 marks)
take the part of the girl and follow the prompts. 1 Man: Hello, Ann. Tell me about the children in your
Then say to the child Now ask me what I’d like. class. Who’s your best friend?
Girl: Jack’s my best friend. He’s the boy who wants
Score: 1 mark for each correct set of answers and
to be an inventor.
questions. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for
good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks Man: Does he like Science?
(+1 bonus mark) Girl: Yes, he does. He loves it.
2 Man: Who’s that girl? She looks disappointed.
Girl: That’s Maria. She’s disappointed because she
Reading (20 marks) didn’t come first in her race.
5 Read and circle. (10 marks) Man: Does she want to be a sportsperson?
1 some ​2  few ​3  some ​4  any ​5  jar ​6  much ​ Girl: Yes, she does.
7  little ​8  isn’t ​9  lot ​10  much 3 Man: Who’s that?
Girl: That’s Mark. He’s drawing a picture of a house.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Man: Does he like buildings?
Girl: Yes, he does. One day, he’ll live in New York
6 Read and answer. (10 marks)
and be an architect.
1 No, she didn’t. ​2  No, there wasn’t. ​
4 Man: Do you have any pets in the classroom?
3  Yes, there were. ​4  Yes, there was. ​
5  No, there weren’t. ​6  No, there wasn’t. ​ Girl: Yes, we do. Look! There’s the rabbit which our
7  Yes, she did. ​8  No, she isn’t. ​ teacher gave us.
9  Yes, she has. 10  No, she hasn’t. Man: Do you like animals?
Girl: Yes, I do. One day, I’ll be a vet.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 5 Man: Is your sister in this class?
Girl: Yes, she is. She’s the girl who looks surprised.
Writing (20 marks) Man: Why is she surprised?
Girl: She came first in the Maths test.
7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
1 It’s a menu. ​2  It’s an oven. ​3  He’s a waiter.
4  He’s a chef. ​5  It’s an apron. ​6  It’s a pan. 1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 6 marks Total: 10 marks

8 Complete Jack’s email to a friend. (8 marks) 2 Listen to Jamie and answer the questions.
$  5.34 (10 marks)
1 There aren’t any burgers.
(Play the recording twice.)
2 There isn’t any olive oil.
I’m Jamie. I love sport and today was sports day at
3 There’s some bread.
school. I’m very proud because I came first in all my
4 There’s some butter. races and I won a trophy. It’s the trophy which all the
5 There isn’t any jam. runners in my school want to win. That’s because it’s
6 I think there’s enough cheese. the biggest and the best. One day, I’ll be a sports
7 There aren’t enough biscuits. person. I’ll be in the Olympic Games. My best friend is
8 There’s a lot of chocolate. called Harry. He’s the person in our class who has the

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Challenge tests

most pets. He has two dogs, three cats, a rabbit and a Writing (20 marks)
snake. I’m scared of the snake. It’s huge! But Harry
says he won’t be a vet. He loves animals but he 7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
doesn’t want to work with them. He thinks he’ll be a 1 He’s an inventor.
journalist because he loves writing and he’s curious 2 She’s a clothes designer.
about the world. Maybe he’ll go to the Amazon 3 He’s a doctor.
rainforest and write about the animals there. Maybe 4 She’s an astronaut.
I’ll travel with him. The future is exciting! 5 He’s a sports person.
Answers: 6 She’s an archaeologist.
1 True ​2  False ​3  False ​4  True ​5  False ​6  False ​
7  vet ​8  animals ​9  journalist ​10  travel Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks 8 Write Jessica’s predictions for the future.
(8 marks)
1 I won’t be a doctor. I’ll be a vet.
Speaking (10 marks)
2 I’ll live in London. I won’t live in Paris.
3 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks) 3 I won’t have a (small) cat. I’ll have a (big) dog.
Look at the picture with the child. 4 I’ll ride a bike. I won’t drive a car.
Point to the girl dreaming of being an astronaut and
ask Is this the girl who wants to be an astronaut? Point to Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
the boy dreaming of being a journalist and ask What Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
will he be? Then point to the proud girl and ask Is she Total: 8 marks
Then say to the child Now point and ask me three 9 Write to Jessica about your predictions for
questions about the people. the future. (6 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Children’s own answers.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not Encourage children to use language from the unit.
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark) not it contains language from this unit.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 Talk to your teacher. (4 marks) Total: 6 marks
Look at the picture and the prompts in the speech
First take the part of the boy and follow the prompts. Extension Unit test (70 marks)
Encourage the child to use the ideas in the box. Then
say to the child Now ask me about my plans. Listening (20 marks)
Score: 2 marks for each correct set of answers. You 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  5.35 (10 marks)
may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency 1 Woman: Hello Luke. Can you tell me about sports
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) day?
Boy: Yes, of course.
Woman: Where’s Tom. Is he happy?
Reading (20 marks) Boy: Well, he’s disappointed at the moment. Look!
5 Read and complete. (10 marks) He’s over there. He hasn’t won a trophy or a medal
1 curious ​2  is ​3  who ​4  proud ​5  which ​ today.
6  where ​7  scared ​8  wasn’t ​9  will ​10  travel 2 Woman: What about Jacob?
Boy: Oh, he’s very proud. He’s won a trophy. He has
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks practised very hard recently.
3 Woman: Is Lulu here? I haven’t seen her today.
6 Read and answer. (10 marks) Boy: Yes, she is. Look! She’s the girl who hasn’t
1 b ​2  c ​3  c ​4  False ​5  True ​6  False ​7  False ​ eaten her cake.
8  False ​9  False ​10  True 4 Woman: Have you eaten any cake today?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Boy: No, but I’ve eaten a burger. It was delicious.
5 Woman: Have you seen your mum?
Boy: No, I haven’t seen her yet.
1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✗ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✗
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks

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2 Listen to Ed and answer the questions. $  5.36 Writing (20 marks)

(10 marks)
(Play the recording twice.) 6 Write sentences. (6 marks)
Hello, my name’s Ed. I’m always very busy. This 1 He hasn’t cooked / made the burgers.
weekend, I’ve done lots of different things. I’ve met my 2 She’s won a trophy.
friends and we’ve played football in the park. I’ve 3 She hasn’t watched a DVD.
been skateboarding in the street with my neighbour 4 They’ve cleaned the medals.
and I’ve been to the swimming pool too. I like using 5 He’s made a snack / sandwich.
my computer but I haven’t been online this weekend. 6 They haven’t done their homework.
But I’ve done all my homework. I had a lot of
homework and it was very difficult, so I’m happy that Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
I have finished. I’ve played some computer games too. Total: 6 marks
I’ve got an older brother called Jarvis. He’s at
university, but he’s been at home this weekend. I like 7 Write sentences about Tom and Maisie’s
seeing Jarvis. He’s funny, and he’s generous too. We weekend. (8 marks)
went to town and he bought me a CD. I haven’t 1 made a snack.
listened to it because I haven’t had time. Now I’m very 2 hasn’t made a snack.
tired because I haven’t been to bed early this weekend.
3 have won a medal.
So I’m going to watch TV and then I’m going to go to
bed at nine o’clock. 4 hasn’t eaten any biscuits.
5 has eaten some biscuits.
6 haven’t seen a film.
1 True ​2  True ​3  False ​4  True ​5  False ​6  False ​
7 has met his friends.
7  has played ​8  has been ​9  hasn’t listened ​
10  hasn’t been 8 hasn’t met her friends.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 8 marks
Speaking (10 marks)
3 Talk to your teacher. (10 marks) 8 Write about your weekend. (6 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. Children’s own answers.
Say This child has made a necklace. Who is it? Then say Encourage children to use language from the unit.
This child hasn’t finished painting a picture. Who is it?
Then say This child has seen their friend. Who is it? Then Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, whether or
say Who is the most hard-working child? Then ask Who is not it contains language from this unit.
the best at sports? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Then say to the child Now ask me five questions about Total: 6 marks
the picture.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Term tests 1–3 Challenge
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Term 1 test (75 marks)
Total: 10 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Listening (20 marks)
Reading (20 marks) 1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.37 (10 marks)
1 Man: Hello, Trish. Can I ask you about your after
4 Read and complete. (10 marks) school club?
1 worked ​2  prepared ​3  has ​4  made ​5  have ​ Girl: Yes, of course.
6  seen ​7  haven’t ​8  listened ​9  talked ​10  written
Man: Great. So, can you go online at the club?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Girl: Yes, we can. We can use the club password to
log on to the computer.
5 Read and write True or False. (10 marks) 2 Man: So, can you do your homework at the club?
1 True ​2  True ​3  False ​4  True ​5  True ​6  False ​ Girl: Yes, we can. Yesterday, I wrote a story and
7  False ​8  False ​9  False ​10  True I used the printer to print it out.
3 Man: Can you practise sport at the club?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks Girl: Yes, we can.
Man: And is this your trophy?
Girl: No. It isn’t mine. Dan’s very good at sport.
It’s his.
4 Man: What about food? Can you make snacks?
Girl: Well, no we can’t. They give us sandwiches.
But we can feed the animals. That’s fun.

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5 Man: And finally … Do you go on trips with the Writing (20 marks)
Girl: Yes, we do. Last week, we went on a Roman 5 Write sentences. (6 marks)
dig. 1 He’s doing his homework.
Man: Fantastic. Did you find a coin or a necklace? 2 She’s feeding the animals.
Girl: No, but I found two rings and a bracelet. 3 He’s clicking on a website.
4 She’s scrolling down the page.
5 It’s a racket.
1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  A
6 It’s a knife.
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 6 marks

2 Listen to Robbie and answer the questions. 6 Complete Toby’s email. (8 marks)
$  5.38 (10 marks) 1 practise sport, you can’t play computer games
(Play the recording twice.) 2 played football
Hello, my name’s Robbie. I finish school at half past 3 trophy, ours
three every day and then I go to my after school club. 4 three rings and two coins
The club is good fun. We can do lots of things there. We 5 didn’t find a bracelet
can play some sport outside. We can play football, but 6 went to, look up
we can’t play tennis. When we play football, I’m 7 ate pizza
always in goal. Yesterday we played a match. We had 8 watched a DVD, my little brother
a good team. It was 0-0. Then my friend Ben kicked the
ball and it went straight into the net. We won 1-0. We Score: 1 mark for each correctly filled gap.
were the champions. We wore our medals after the
game. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 8 marks
We can’t play computer games at the club, or text our
friends. But we can use the computers to look up
information online. We’re doing a History project at 7 Imagine you go to a club. Write to Toby
school. It’s about the Romans. Yesterday, I logged on about your club and what you did last week.
and clicked onto a really good website. I found some (6 marks)
great photos of Roman cups, bowls and spoons. I used Children’s own answers.
the printer to print out a photo of a necklace and a Encourage the children to use language from Units 1
comb. and 2.
Answers: Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence, whether
1 b ​2  c ​3  b ​4  b ​5  False ​6  True ​7  True ​ or not it contains language from these units.
8  True ​9  False ​10  True Total: 6 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Speaking (15 marks)
Reading (20 marks) 8 Talk to your teacher. (7 marks)
3 Read and circle. (10 marks) Look at the picture with the child.
1 watch ​2  can’t ​3  do ​4  snacks ​5  up ​6  clicked ​ Ask Can they text their friends at the club? Point to the
7  to ​8  went ​9  his ​10  was boy with the racket and ask Whose racket is it? Then
point to the boys playing football and ask What did
Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 10 marks they do yesterday? Then point to the girl’s bracelet and
ask What did she wear yesterday?
4 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks) Finally say to the child Now ask me three questions
about the picture.
Suggested answers:
1 Simone lives in Manchester. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
2 She’s on a school holiday. You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
3 She went to a museum. produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
4 They wore Roman costumes. 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
5 She saw a necklace and a bracelet. Total:  7 marks (+1 bonus mark)
6 She took some photos.
7 She found out about Roman coins.
8 They can’t text their friends or play computer games.
9 They can practise sports.
Team A won the Roman Games.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

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Challenge tests

9 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) My sister’s children loved the play because it was a
Look at the pictures and the speech bubbles with the fairy tale. There was a mean wolf and a kind and
child. generous prince. There was a princess too. She was the
Point to the computer and ask May I use your computer most beautiful character in the play. She was also the
to go online? Point to the camera and ask May I use cleverest. The story was very exciting. After the play,
your camera to take some photos? Say to the child Now we went home. At four o’clock we were having a
point and ask me two questions about these pictures. barbecue outside. My brother, Connor, was cooking
Then point to the metal coin and ask, What is it? and sausages, while our parents were playing with their
How old is it? grandsons. In our house, there are rules at the
weekend. We must cook some of the meals and tidy
Finally say to the child Now point and ask me a question
our rooms. We mustn’t be lazy or noisy.
about these pictures.
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer and question. 1 False ​2  False ​3  True ​4  False ​5  True ​6  True ​
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency 7  was cooking ​8  grandsons ​9  must ​10  mustn’t
and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

Term 2 test (75 marks)

Reading (20 marks)
Listening (20 marks) 3 Read and complete. (10 marks)
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.39 (10 marks) 1 grandparents ​2  balcony ​3  interesting ​
4  meaner ​5  smallest ​6  downstairs ​7  the ​
1 Woman: Hello, Sean. Can I ask you some questions
8  famous ​9  shy ​10  more
about your weekend?
Boy: Yes, of course. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Woman: Great. So, what were you doing at
two o’clock on Saturday afternoon? 4 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks)
Boy: I was drinking lemonade at my 1 False ​2  True ​3  True ​4  True ​5  False ​6  True ​
great-grandfather’s party. 7  was doing his homework ​8  difficult ​9  must work ​
2 Woman: Lovely. What were your parents doing? 10  mustn’t be
Boy: They were sitting outside.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Woman: Were they taking photographs?
Boy: No, they weren’t. They were playing cards
with my grandparents. Writing (20 marks)
3 Woman: What are your grandparents like? Are
5 Write sentences. (6 marks)
they kind?
1 They’re neighbours.
Boy: Yes, they are. They’re the kindest people
I know, and they always give me sweets! 2 He’s my grandfather.
4 Woman: Do you have any cousins? 3 She’s their daughter.
Boy: Yes, I do. I have a little cousin called Bob. 4 He’s naughty.
Woman: What was he doing at the party? 5 She’s selfish.
Boy: He was upstairs. He was playing with the toys. 6 He’s famous.
5 Woman: Is Bob naughty? Score: 1 mark for each correctly completed sentence.
Boy: No. He’s usually very good. I have another Total: 6 marks
cousin called. Suzie.
Woman: Is she naughtier than Bob? 6 Complete the poster. (8 marks)
Boy: Yes, she is. She ate all the cake! Suggested answers:
Answers: 1 most hard-working
1 A ​2  B ​3  A ​4  B ​5  B 2 son, the laziest
3 kinder than / more generous than
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks 4 the most famous magician
5 son, the cleverest
2 Listen to Isabella and answer the questions. 6 balcony
$  5.40 (10 marks) 7 must be on time for / must go to
(Play the recording twice.) 8 mustn’t use (a / your) mobile phone(s)
Hello, my name’s Isabella and I’m thirteen years old.
I’ve got an older brother and an older sister. My sister’s Score: 1 mark for each correctly filled gap.
married and she’s got two sons. Yesterday we went to Total: 8 marks.
the theatre. It was a special play outside in the park. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 114

Challenge tests

7 Write a poster for a play. (6 marks) 5 Woman: I can see a dog.

Children’s own answers. Boy: Oh right. That’s the dog which our neighbour
Encourage children to use language from Units 3 and 4. gave us.
Woman: Do you like animals?
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence, whether Boy: Yes, I do. One day, I’ll be a vet.
or not it contains language from these units.
Total: 6 marks Answers:
1 B ​2  B ​3  A ​4  A ​5  B

Speaking (15 marks) Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.

Total: 10 marks
8 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. 2 Listen to Hope and answer the questions.
Point to Lucy and ask What was Lucy doing? Then ask $  5.42 (10 marks)
Were Ben and Tom more careful than Megan? Then ask (Play the recording twice.)
Were they inside or outside? Finally, say You mustn’t be Hello, my name’s Hope. I’m going to make a pizza
late, true or false? today, but the oven isn’t on right now. That’s because
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about I’m going to go shopping because we haven’t got
the picture. enough tomatoes or cheese at home. I’m going to go
to the market in town where they sell a lot of different
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
fruit and vegetables. There’s a little olive oil in the
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
bottle, but I think I’ll buy some more. I must buy a
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
new pan too – there will probably be one at the
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
market. There are enough chillies in the jar but there
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
isn’t much flour – I need to buy more. Last time, I put
too many chillies in the pizza. It was horrible and I
9 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks) was very disappointed. I love cooking. One day, I’ll be
Look at the picture and the prompts with the child. a chef in an expensive restaurant. I won’t be a waiter.
First take the part of the boy and follow the prompts. That’s a difficult job! My older brother works as a
Then say to the child Now ask me about my weekend. waiter now, but he prefers writing. I’m sure he’ll be a
journalist one day. I’m curious about the future, but
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
right now I’m going to make a delicious pizza.
to award ½ marks to pupils who do not produce a full
sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark Answers:
for good fluency and pronunciation. 1 False ​2  False ​3  True ​4  False ​5  True ​6  True ​
Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark) 7  chillies ​8  disappointed ​9  chef ​10  journalist
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Term 3 test (75 marks)
Reading (20 marks)
Listening (20 marks)
3 Read and complete. (10 marks)
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.41 (10 marks) 1 who ​2  curious ​3  proud ​4  be ​5  inventor ​
1 Woman: Hello, James. Are you enjoying the 6  won’t ​7  some ​8  disappointed ​9  where ​10  few
Boy: Yes, thank you. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Woman: Is there enough bread?
Boy: Yes, there is. But there isn’t any cheese. My 4 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks)
brother’s going to the shop to buy some now. 1 True ​2  False ​3  True ​4  False ​5 ​False ​6  True ​
2 Woman: Are there any burgers? 7  flour ​8  chocolate ​9  scared ​10  won’t
Boy: Yes, there are. Can you see my dad? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Woman: Yes, I can. He’s wearing an apron.
Boy: That’s right. He’s the chef. He’s cooking the
burgers now. Writing (20 marks)
3 Woman: Is that your sister? 5 Write sentences. (6 marks)
Boy: Yes, it is. She’s very impatient. 1 There’s some cheese.
Woman: Why? 2 There isn’t any olive oil.
Boy: Because she wants some chocolate and she 3 It’s an oven.
doesn’t like waiting. 4 She will be a journalist.
4 Woman: Who’s that boy? 5 He will be an inventor.
Boy: Oh, that’s my friend. Tim. He’ll be an 6 He’s proud.
archaeologist one day.
Woman: Oh yes. I’m not surprised. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Total: 6 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 115

Challenge tests

6 Write about Jason’s photos. (6 marks) 2 Man: Can you play sport?
1 disappointed, aren’t any biscuits Girl: Yes, we can.
2 who, be a vet Man: Is this your trophy?
3 will be an astronaut Girl: No, it isn’t mine. The boys won the
4 which ate tournament. It’s theirs.
5 isn’t enough olive oil 3 Man: Do you go on trips with the club?
6 are a lot of chillies Girl: Yes, we do. Last week, we went on a Roman
dig. It was really exciting.
Score: 1 mark for each correctly completed sentence. Man: Did you find any rings or bracelets?
Total: 6 marks Girl: No, I didn’t. But I found some coins.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 4 Man: Are you having a barbecue today?
Girl: Yes, we are. My dad’s the chef!
7 Write about the photos. (8 marks) Man: Are there any burgers?
Children’s own answers. Girl: Yes, there are. There are enough burgers for all
Encourage children to use language from Units 5 and 6. of us.
5 Man: And finally … What did you do at the weekend?
Score: 2 marks for each appropriate sentence,
Girl: I went to see a play. It was outside.
whether or not it contains language from these units.
Total: 8 marks Man: Who was your favourite character?
Girl: I liked the princess because she was funnier
than the other characters.
Speaking (15 marks) Answers:
8 Talk to your teacher. (9 marks) 1 A ​2  B ​3  A ​4  A ​5  B
Look at the picture with the child.
Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
Ask Are these people inside? Then ask Are there many Total: 10 marks
burgers? Then point to the girl who is drawing and ask
Is this the child who wants to be a clothes designer? Then
2 Listen to Louie and answer the questions.
point to the boy trying to get the biscuit and ask Is he
$  5.44 (10 marks)
proud? Then ask Is there a lot of butter?
(Play the recording twice.)
Finally say Now ask me four questions about the picture.
Hello, my name’s Louie. Yesterday, I was at a
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. barbecue. It was my great-grandmother’s birthday. We
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not had a great time. At two o’clock in the afternoon, I
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award was dancing with my cousins. The music was
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. fantastic. At three o’clock, there was a problem. There
Total: 9 marks (+1 bonus mark) weren’t any burgers, so I went to the shop with my
mum and dad. We bought some more bread too. I
9 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks) wanted some chocolate because it’s my favourite food,
Look at the picture and the prompts in the speech but my mum said no! Later, my dad cooked the
bubbles. burgers. Then we ate some cake.
First take the part of the girl and follow the prompts. My brother, Ben, was drawing a picture of the house.
Then say to the child Now ask me what I’d like. Repeat He’s only eight, but he’s really good! He wants to be
the conversations two more times in each role. an architect one day. My sister is eighteen. She’s at
university, so she wasn’t at the party. She loves writing
Score: 1 mark for each correct set of answers and and she wants to be a journalist. I want to work in a
questions. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for restaurant but I don’t want to be a waiter. I want to be
good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 6 marks a chef. I love cooking.
(+1 bonus mark) Answers:
1 b ​2  c ​3  a ​4  a ​5  True ​6  False ​7  True ​
8  False ​9  True ​10  False
End of Year Challenge test (75 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Listening (20 marks)
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  5.43 (10 marks) Reading (20 marks)
1 Man: Hello, Sarah. Can I ask you some questions
3 Read and circle. (10 marks)
about your after school club?
1 most ​2  mustn’t ​3  practise ​4  to ​5  outside ​
Girl: Yes, of course.
6  naughtier ​7  eating ​8  a lot of ​9  enough ​
Man: Can you play computer games at the club? 10  some
Girl: No, we can’t. But we can go online.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 116

Challenge tests

4 Read and answer the questions. (10 marks) 9 Talk to your teacher. (6 marks)
1 Yes, she does. ​ 2  No, she doesn’t.  ​3  No, she can’t. Look at the question prompts with the child.
4  Yes, she can. ​ 5  No, she didn’t. ​6  Yes, they did. Ask the child May I borrow your pencil? Then ask What’s
7  No, she didn’t. ​ 8  Yes, she did. ​9  No, she didn’t. your full name? Then ask How was your weekend?
10  No, it wasn’t. Then point to the question prompts and say to the
child Now ask me three questions.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 10 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
Writing (20 marks)
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
5 Write sentences. (6 marks) 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
1 make a snack/sandwich Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
2 a bracelet and a ring
3 be a sports person
4 was eating cake
5 careful than the boy
6 too many waiters
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Total: 6 marks

6 Complete Emily’s email. (8 marks)

1 practise sports outside
2 mustn’t be
3 do (our) homework
4 can’t play computer games
5 was eating a burger
6 found three / a few / some (Roman) coins
7 cleverest / most hard-working
8 will be a vet
Score: 1 mark for each correctly filled gap.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 8 marks

7 Write an email to Emily about you. (6 marks)

Children’s own answers.
Encourage children to use language from Level 6.
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence.
Total: 6 marks

Speaking (15 marks)

8 Talk to your teacher. (9 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
Point to the boy texting and ask Can he text his friends?
Ask Are there enough burgers? Is the dog outside? Point
to the boy and the girl and ask Is she naughtier than
the boy? Finally point to the girl in the white coat and
ask What will she be?
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
the picture.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to pupils who do not
produce a full sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 9 marks (+1 bonus mark)

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 117

Introduction to the Portfolio

What is the European Language phrase according to the frequency with which
Portfolio? they utilize that learning strategy to improve
It is a way to keep a record of the experience of their English. Later, they can colour more parts of
learning a language. Each child has their own the bar.
Portfolio, which will accompany them
throughout their learning. Course certificate
This can form part of the Language Passport.
The Portfolio consists of three parts:
• The Language Passport, which offers a general
Additional ideas
overview of the linguistic ability of each child
in one, or several, languages. It includes The children can organize their Portfolios into
elements of self-evaluation along with sections, such as About me, My vocabulary,
assessment by the teacher. (Linguistic Biography), My work in class and
Language I can use (Language Passport). They
• The Linguistic Biography, which intends that can make an Oxford Rooftops Box using a shoe
the child reflects on their own learning box. They can write their name, the name of
process, to help them plan and evaluate their their class and the name of their teacher on a
learning in the future. label and attach it to the top of the box.
• The Oxford Rooftops Box, which contains pieces Encourage the children to include in their box the
of work that illustrate the achievements, pieces of work of which they feel especially
ability and experiences of the pupil, as proud.
reflected in the two previous sections. Encourage the children’s parents to take an
interest in the experiences of their children. They
What is the Oxford Rooftops Portfolio? could help them find English objects for their
The Oxford Rooftops Portfolio is an ‘English Portfolios (Linguistic Biography) such as stamps
Portfolio’ that aims to familiarize the children and labels. You could create an ‘English corner’
with the notion of the European Language in your classroom and encourage the children to
Portfolio. It represents a useful tool for teachers of bring in things related to English-speaking
subsequent levels, as it allows them to see what countries.
vocabulary and structures the children have
already learnt.
Oxford Rooftops 6 offers you the following
photocopiable materials for the English Portfolio.

‘Language I can use’ affirmations

These pages form part of the Linguistic
Biography. The pupil puts a ✓ in each box that
follows a phrase that they know how to use.

Self-evaluation: I can …
This worksheet forms part of the Linguistic
Biography and can be done at the end of each
unit. It deals with self-evaluation from the
perspective of the general objectives that students
of Primary have to achieve.
Each phrase, which begins with the affirmation
‘I can...’, is followed by three tick boxes so that
the pupils can choose one according to what they
think they have achieved in each unit.

Learning strategies
This page allows the pupils to reflect on what will
help them to progress in English. It allows them
to develop further the competency of autonomy
and personal initiative. On this worksheet, the
pupil colours part of the bar which follows each

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 118


Language I can use: listening and speaking

Read and tick ✓ what you can do at the end of each unit.

S I understand when people talk about where they’re from.

1 I understand when people ask for things politely.

2 I understand when people describe an object.

3 I understand when people talk about their names.

4 I understand when people talk about an event.

5 I understand when people talk about buying food.

6 I understand when people talk about a future event.

E I understand when people talk about what they have done.


S I can describe patterns on clothes.

1 I can ask and answer questions about rules.

1 I can ask and answer questions about who things belong to.

2 I can talk about actions using the past.

2 I can talk about reasons for doing things.

3 I can ask and answer questions about actions in the past.

3 I can talk about things that I must and mustn’t do.

4 I can talk about people using comparatives.

4 I can talk about people using superlatives.

5 I can ask and answer questions about amounts.

5 I can talk about amounts.

6 I can talk about predictions for the future.

6 I can link two sentences together using which, where or who.

E I can talk about what people have done.

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 119


Language I can use: reading and writing

Read and tick ✓ what you can do at the end of each unit.

S I can understand a story.

1 I can understand a text about being a Scout or a Guide.

1 I can understand a text about map reading.

2 I can understand a text about researching history.

2 I can understand a text about the Romans.

3 I can understand a text about the UK Royal family.

3 I can understand a text about portraits.

4 I can understand a text about favourite authors and characters.

4 I can understand a text about amazing authors.

5 I can understand a text about shopping in markets.

5 I can understand a text about the sense of taste.

6 I can understand a text about making predictions about the future.

6 I can understand a text about migration.

E I can understand a text about twin towers.


S I can write about a story.

1 I can write about my hobbies.

2 I can write about the history of people in my community.

3 I can write about my family’s life.

4 I can write a review of a festival.

5 I can write about food that is special to me and my family.

6 I can write about my life for a time capsule.

E I can write a speech about Rooftops.

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 120


Self-evaluation: I can…
At the end of each unit, tick ✓ the box that you think is the most appropriate
for each sentence.

Not very
Listening and speaking Very good Good

I can understand the texts I hear.

I can understand the story.

I can sing a song.

I can have a short conversation.

I can distinguish between different sounds.

I can listen to and understand a short film.

Not very
Reading and writing Very good Good

I can read texts and show that I’ve understood them.

I can read a story.

I can plan and write short texts.

I can write a story review.

I can understand cross-curricular topics in English.

Add three more sentences.

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 121


Learning strategies
At the beginning of the year, colour part of the progress bar for each
strategy according to how often you use that strategy to improve
your English. At the end of the first, second and third terms, colour
more to show your progress.

I listen carefully to what the teacher says.

I try to follow the teacher’s instructions.

I try to focus on the key words to understand the listenings.

I listen carefully to my partner during pair work.

I listen to my classmates and learn from them.

I speak English with my classmates in lessons.

Although I make mistakes, I try to always speak English.

I ask when I don’t understand something.

I try to use new words and phrases in class.

I use the pictures to understand reading texts.

I try to understand texts even though I don’t know all the words.

I use a bilingual dictionary to translate words.

I write new words in my notebook.

I look at the examples in the book when I am writing.

I read what I have written to check for mistakes.

I accept help from my classmates to correct activities.

I use my Bilingual Dictionary to learn vocabulary.

I use a dictionary to find out how words are spelled.

I do all the activities and tasks.

I memorize new words.

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 122

I certify that

has completed

Oxford Rooftops 6

Signed (teacher)

My favourite unit was …

Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3 

At the Club At the Dig At the Surprise Party

Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6  Extension Unit 

At the Theatre At the Market At the Future Fair At the party

Signed (pupil)

Oxford Rooftops 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 123

Introduction to the Key Competences

What are the Key Competences in the The theme of community is at the heart of Oxford
foreign language classroom? Rooftops and the city of Rooftops represents an
Key Competences describe a range of skills, identifiable community for children in which
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour developed in learning English and behaviour compatible with
all subjects to serve children for life and learning being a good citizen go hand in hand. Children
outside the classroom. learn how to be a good citizens alongside the
course characters, and the community values
European legislation defines eight Key
themes explicitly explore positive behaviour.
Competences, distinguishing between
Values and citizenship, interpersonal and social
communication in the mother tongue and a
skills, codes of conduct, norms of behaviour and
foreign language; these two have been combined
customs in similar and different environments
to create seven Key Competences in the Spanish
are all positively modelled, helping children
educational system.
absorb socio-political concepts like equality and
Therefore the Key Competences are defined as the diversity and spark interest in other people’s
following: culture and customs.
• Linguistic communication
• Social and civic competences 3 Digital competence
This involves the confident and critical use of
• Digital competence
information and basic skills in information and
• Learn to learn communication technology (ICT).
• Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship The blend of digital and print material in Oxford
• Cultural awareness and expression Rooftops mean that Digital competence is
developed on a day to day basis. Oxford Rooftops
• Mathematical competence and basic
recognizes that technology is a part of everyday
competences in science and technology
life inside and outside the classroom and
encourages children to be safe and responsible
1 Competence in Linguistic users whilst also providing opportunities to
communication develop the necessary IT skills to do this
This encompasses effective communication and effectively.
expression in a range of contexts, such as at
home, leisure or school, according to the pupils’ 4 Learn to learn
age and stage of development.
This competence encompasses the development
Throughout the six levels of Oxford Rooftops, of study skills and attitudes that help pupils to
input of vocabulary and grammar essential for continue learning inside and outside the
effective communication is presented in classroom efficiently and autonomously.
motivating contexts and through a variety of
Lots of the activities in Oxford Rooftops are
mediums to fire children’s curiosity and
designed to get children thinking about how they
encourage a genuine desire for communication.
learn, what sort of learner they are and what
Every activity in Oxford Rooftops is designed with learning strategies they can adopt to become
a linguistic outcome for children, and the course more efficient learners.
has been specially developed to provide
Self-evaluation plays an important part in this,
challenging and motivating input alongside the
as does the development of positive learning
development of the four skills of reading, writing,
attitudes and self-reliance as a learner.
listening and speaking.
All levels of Oxford Rooftops have explicit self-
evaluation, learning to learn and reference
2 Social and civic competences
materials to support the development of this
This competence describes the range of social, competence. For example self-evaluation
interpersonal and intercultural skills and activities encourage pupils to review and
behaviour that equip individuals to participate evaluate the classroom activities and begin to
effectively and constructively in society. reflect on their personal learning style while
Oxford Rooftops presents language to children in Bilingual Dictionaries, completed by the children,
different everyday contexts in which they can involve them in creating their own personalized
broaden their social and civic knowledge and reference tools.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 124

Introduction to the Key Competences

5 Sense of initiative and competences are directly applied. In addition,

entrepreneurship many other language activities in Oxford Rooftops
This competence is related to the competence of require some degree of mathematical thinking or
‘Learn to learn’ and also describes values and the application of scientific knowledge such as
attitudes such as perseverance, self-esteem and conducting a survey, doing an experiment or
the capacity to calculate risks and identify identifying the stages of a living process such as
solutions to problems, and the ability to turn plant reproduction.
ideas into action.
Many of the communicative activities in Oxford Evaluating the Key Competences in the
Rooftops contribute to the development of this foreign language classroom
competence, with pupils working independently, In Oxford Rooftops, the material has been
in pairs or in groups to achieve a specific goal. carefully developed to ensure that the learning
These might include an interactive game, a that takes place in every lesson supports the
performance of a song or chant or a development of the Key Competences.
communication activity to name but a few. These In the Teacher’s Guide you will find suggestions
activities require planning, cooperation and as to how the material fulfils specific Key
organizational skills, such as time-management, Competences.
flexibility and determination, all of which serve
as a foundation to the acquisition of more You may use the Key Competences evaluation
specific skills and knowledge needed by those grid (part of evaluation grid 2) alongside these
establishing or contributing to social or suggestions, to aid you in your assessment of
commercial activity. these Key Competences at any given point in a
lesson and as part of everyday classroom
practice. As you become more familiar with the
6 Cultural awareness and expression Key Competences and your classroom material
Oxford Rooftops offers plenty of opportunities to you will feel more confident about choosing what
develop an appreciation of the importance of the to assess. It might be easier to assess in small
creative expression of ideas, experiences and groups than as a whole class. You could think
emotions in a range of media for example about setting aside some general competence
through music and song, acting out stories, and assessment time while children do a particular
literature and art activities. activity. You can involve the children in the
Pupils are encouraged to creatively express assessment by telling them what you are looking
themselves through participation in such for in any given session and what you would like
activities as singing and performing songs and them to do better next time. After feedback give
chants, the acting out of stories or rhymes and them another go to see if they have improved.
arts and crafts such as making mini-books or Get the children to review and monitor each
craft activities in the classroom, and through other if you think they are able (this is an
learning about the culture of English-speaking important part of learning to learn and is
countries around the world. The many motivating even to young children).
personalization tasks to be found in the course
You will also find more detailed descriptors of the
material also build children’s confidence in their
Key Competences in the course ‘programaciones’.
own creative expression.
In addition, at the end of this section there is an
optional Social Tasks project.
7 Mathematical competence and basic
competences in science and technology The skills and Key Competences required to
Mathematical competence is the ability to apply successfully complete the Social Task are all skills
mathematical thinking to a range of situations that are developed and practised in Oxford
with the emphasis being placed on process, Rooftops as part of everyday classroom practice.
activity and knowledge, while science and However, as a discrete project, the Social Tasks
technology refers to the mastery and the use and gives children an additional motivating and
application of knowledge and methodologies practical outcome to work towards, while at the
which explain the natural world. same time providing teachers with a clear
Oxford Rooftops brings in a wide range of concepts opportunity for practical assessment of the
from across the curriculum including the Science competences. You will find more information and
and Maths curriculum in which these teaching notes for the Social Tasks in the Social
Tasks section that follows.

Oxford Rooftops 6   © Oxford University Press 125

Integrating Key Competences in Class

Primary 6

Plácido Bazo Marcos Peñate

Integrating Key Competences in Class

Primary 6
Contents Page Contents Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Teaching Notes

My Social Tasks Diary . . . . . . . . . . 10
Social Tasks Objectives . . . . . . . . . . 4 Task 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Task 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Templates Task 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
My Social Tasks Diary . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Final Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Task 1 A Special Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Task 2 A Favourite Person . . . . . . . . . 7 Evaluation
Task 3 A Favourite Recipe . . . . . . . . 8 Evaluation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Final Task Our Community Evaluation Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Key Competences in What do the Social Tasks for Primary 6 provide?
In order to facilitate the use of Social Tasks in the Primary
classroom, we have developed this material, designed
Primary Education specifically for Primary 6 pupils. This material consists of the
objectives behind each Social Task, the worksheets for pupils,
and teaching and evaluation notes for teachers.
What is a Key Competence?
A Key Competence is the ability to integrate knowledge, To begin, please consult the Objectives (p. 4), which describe
skills and behaviour in a practical way to solve problems and the Social Task you will undertake with your pupils, including
react appropriately in a variety of contexts and situations. It the Key Competences and curriculum areas covered, as well
is the integration and application of theoretical and practical as the resources you will need. An important part of any Social
knowledge in settings outside the academic context. Task is that its relevance extends beyond the classroom; here
we also indicate which contexts the children will be moving in
European legislation defines eight Key Competences, when preparing this Social Task, i.e. school, family, community.
distinguishing between communication in the mother tongue
and a foreign language; these two have been combined to The Social Task we have presented is broken down into four
create seven Key Competences of reference in the Spanish enabling tasks, each a separate part of the final, cumulative
educational system: Linguistic communication, Mathematical Social Task. These enabling tasks are defined in the Objectives
competence and basic competences in science and technology, so that you can prepare and plan for each step in the step in the
Digital competence, Learn to learn, Social and civic competences, performance of the Social Task.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and Cultural awareness
and expression. The worksheets (pp. 5–9) for the pupils will help guide their
work in groups, and should be distributed to each student
individually. This is especially important as the five worksheets
that make up the Social Tasks will form an archive of their work.
How do the Key Competences work in the classroom?
For this reason, the first worksheet is called My Social Tasks
Incorporating the Key Competences in the Primary classroom
Diary; here the children must organise their group and their
opens the door to communicative language work that
work, and when finished, this sheet will form the cover of their
completes and enriches the children’s knowledge and skills in
complete archive of the Social Tasks. There is one worksheet
the mother tongue.
for each enabling task, and at the bottom of each worksheet is
This implies changes in teaching methods, now focusing on:
an area called ‘My Social Tasks Notes’, which is where children
• Essential learning (from knowing to being competent). should record their thoughts and responses to the Social Task
• Constructive learning (understanding and applying) rather work. Recording and evaluating one’s own work is another
than reproductive learning (repetition).
important part of the process of Social Tasks.
• Research and use of ICT.
• Student autonomy. The Teaching Notes (pp. 10–14) provided will give you step-by-
• Group work. step instructions on how to carry out each of the enabling tasks.
• Transfer of learning. They also remind you of the objectives of each task and include
• A transversal subject and content curriculum (horizontal the language that may be useful for developing the task, when
and vertical).
appropriate, as well as the materials needed.
• Integration of formal and informal learning.
• Coordination between departments. Finally, you will find the Evaluation Notes (p. 15), to help you
evaluate each pupil’s efforts and contribution to the Social
The Social Tasks presented here are activities that are based on
Task. This is followed by an Evaluation Grid (p. 16) so that you
these methods. Through group work on Social Tasks, children
can easily assess the pupils’ work in terms of Key Competences
and teachers adhere to a programme that is focused on
employed while carrying out this Social Task.
essential learning and one that is directed towards the practical
application of the knowledge acquired.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 3


Social Task title

Our Community Newsletter

Social Task description

To publish a community newsletter to present to the class.

Level: Primary 6

This Social Task deals with the following Key Competences:

• Linguistic communication
• Digital competence
• Social and civic competences
• Cultural awareness and expression
• Learn to learn
• Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
• Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Curriculum areas

English, Art, Science, Social Sciences


School, family, community


A3 sheets of paper, dictionaries, tourist leaflets, magazines, the internet

Final product

A community newsletter with at least three main articles: a special place, a favourite person and a favourite recipe.

Development of the Social Task

Enabling tasks:
• A Special Place
• A Favourite Person
• A Favourite Recipe
• Our Community Newsletter

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 4

My Social Tasks Diary

My Social Tasks Diary

Name of the group:
Members of the group:
Social Task Title:

Did you do it?

What are you going to do? When?
Yes No

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 5

Task 1

A Special Place Group:

Members of the group:


Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 6

Task 2

A Favourite Group:

Members of the group:



Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 7

Task 3

A Favourite Group:

Members of the group:

Recipe for:


Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

3 Stick a picture here


My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 8

Final Task

Our Community Group:

Members of the group:


Task 2
A Special Place Group:

Members of the group:


A Favourite Members of the


Place: Person


Task 3 Final Task

Task 1 Task 2
My Social Tasks

your diary
Add this page to

sity Press
y 6 © Oxford Univer
Social Tasks for Primar

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 9

Teaching Notes My Social Tasks Diary
Task objectives My Social Tasks Diary
Learn to: … work in a group.
Practise talking: … about what you like in your
community. My Social Tasks Diary
Name of the group:
Language suggestions Members of the group:

Vocabulary: places of interest, personal characteristics, food, 1.

cooking 3.

Key phrases: What’s your favourite …? Do you like? Social Task Title:

Did you do it?
What are you going to do? When?
Yes No

My Social Tasks Diary

• With this Social Task, children must work with several Key
Competences. The project involves creating a community My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

newsletter with at least three main articles: A Special Place,

A Favourite Person and A Favourite Recipe.
Add this page to your diary

Warmer Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 5

• Tell the children that they are going to create a newsletter

about their community in English that they can take home
and show to their friends and family. Ask them if they have
Step 3
favourite places and people in their communities and ask
them to tell you about them. Have a discussion in L1. • Finally explain that this page will become the cover of their
Social Tasks Diary, so they should decorate it as they wish.
• Then ask them some questions in English: What’s your
favourite place? Do you have a favourite recipe? • Go round the class making sure that all children in the group
are participating, and praise their work.
• When they have finished, collect their work and put it safely
Step 1 away, as they will use it for the next task.
• Ask the class to form groups of three and give a name to each
group. You are group 1. Write One. Do the same with the other
• Hand out My Social Tasks Diary. Explain to the class that this
is called ‘My Social Tasks Diary’ and that each child has one.
They are going to use this page to record everything they
do related to the class project they are going to do, which is
called a ‘Social Task’.

Step 2
• Ask them to write the names of the members of their group
on their Social Tasks Diary. Encourage them to ask each other
questions: What’s your name? My name’s (Ana).
• Then ask them to write the name of this Social Task: ‘Our
Community Newsletter’. Write it on the board so that they can
copy it.
• Write the date on the board and ask them to copy it too.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 10

Teaching Notes Task 1
Task objectives Task 1
Learn to: … work in a group; talk about special places.
Practise talking: … about places you like. A Special Place Group:

Members of the group:

Language suggestions Place:

Vocabulary: places of interest

Key phrases: Where do you live? Is there a special place that
you like to visit?
Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 1

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the ‘A Special
Place’ section of the Social Tasks: the first session for the
groups to choose their special place, the second session to My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

write about it, and the third session to read their article out to
the class.
Add this page to your diary

Warmer Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 6

• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session to

groups and remind them about the newsletter.
• Explain that one of the sections that they will create for the SESSION 2
newsletter is called ‘A Special Place’ and that this is the part Step 2
that you are going to prepare in the next few sessions.
• Ask the children to share in their groups what they found out
• Talk with the class about the places in their community, about their chosen place since the last session.
asking Where do you live? Is there a special place that you like
to visit?
• Explain that now they must use this information in order to
write an article about it in Task 1. They could write about the
history of the place, who visits it and when, when it is open
SESSION 1 and why they like it. They can do further research using the
Step 1 internet.
• Hand out photocopies of Task 1 to each child and ask them • Ask them to complete the article in Task 1. Ask them to show
to write the name of their group at the top along with the you their pictures they have found or drawn, and then ask
names of each group member. them to stick these next to their article. Go round the class
• Tell the groups that the first thing they have to do is to decide checking their language and spelling and praise them for
on a place that is special in their community. The place their work.
could be a library, a playground, a sports centre or a tourist
attraction, for example. Encourage them to discuss in their SESSION 3
groups which place they like the most and decide together. Step 3
• When they have decided, they should write the name of the • Explain to the children that they are now going to read out
place on the first line of the article in Task 1. the article that they have written.
• Ask each group one by one the place they have chosen. Ask • Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and
them to research two facts using tourist leaflets, magazines read out their article. Encourage the class to praise their work
and the internet about the place to bring to the next session. and congratulate them and clap at the end.
They will also have to find or draw a picture of the place.
• Ask the class to write the name of the special place in the first
line of the table in My Social Tasks Diary.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 11

Teaching Notes Task 2
Task objectives Task 2
Learn to: … work in a group; talk about favourite people.
Practise talking: … about people. A Favourite Group:

Members of the group:

Language suggestions Name:

Vocabulary: describing people, jobs, family

Key phrases: Do you have a favourite person in your
Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 2

Introduction ?

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the ‘A Favourite ?

Person’ section of the Social Tasks: the first session for the
groups to choose their person, the second session to write My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

about the person, and the third session to read their article
out to the class.
Add this page to your diary

Warmer Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 7

• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session to

groups and remind them about the newsletter.
• Explain that this section of the newsletter is called ‘A Favourite • Ask if the children have brought a picture of their favourite
Person’ and that this is the part that you are going to prepare person. They should stick the picture on Task 2.
in the next few sessions.
• Then ask them to write questions and answers about the
• Talk with the class about people in their community asking person in Task 2, for example Where do you live?, What is/was
Do you have a favourite person in your community? your job? Go round the class checking their language and
spelling and praise them for their work.
Step 1 SESSION 3
• Hand out photocopies of Task 2 to each child and ask them Step 3
to write the name of their group at the top along with the • Explain to the children that they are going to read out the
names of each group member. article that they have written.
• Tell the groups that the first thing they have to do is to choose • Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and
a favourite person. It might be a teacher, a friend, a neighbour read out their article. Encourage the class to praise their work
or a relative (for example their parent or grandparent). and congratulate them and clap at the end.
• Encourage children to discuss in their groups and decide • Ask the class to write the name of the person in the relevant
together. When they have decided, they should write the section of the table in My Social Tasks Diary.
person’s name in the first line of Task 2.
• Ask them to research two facts about the person, or two
questions they could ask the person, to bring to the next
session. They will also have to find or draw a picture of the

Step 2
• Ask children if they have thought about their favourite person
at home.
• Explain that now they must use this information in order
to write an article about the person in Task 2. They should
describe this person by writing what they do or did, and what
he or she looks like.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 12

Teaching Notes Task 3
Task objectives Task 3
Learn to: … work in a group; talk about food ingredients
and cooking. A Favourite Group:

Practise talking: … about what dishes you like. Recipe

Members of the group:

Language suggestions Ingredients

Recipe for:

Vocabulary: food, cooking Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

Key phrases: Do you like …? I don’t like …

Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

Stick a picture here Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 3, dictionaries, the internet

Introduction 3 Stick a picture here

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the ‘A 5

Favourite Recipe’ section of the Social Tasks: the first session


for the groups to choose a recipe, the second session to My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

write out the ingredients and the steps they have to follow
to cook it, and the third session to share their recipe in front
of the class. Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 8

• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session to
groups and remind them about the newsletter.
• Ask the children to write out the steps that they need to
• Explain that this section of the newsletter is called ‘A follow to cook the dish in the ‘Method’ section. Go round the
Favourite Recipe’ and that this is the part that you are going class and help them.
to prepare in the next few sessions.
• As if the children have brought a picture of their favourite
• Talk with the class about recipes asking Do you like cooking? dish. They should now stick the picture on Task 3.

SESSION 1 Step 3
Step 1
• Explain to the children that they are going to share with the
• Hand out photocopies of Task 3 to each child and ask them class the recipe that they have written.
to write the name of their group at the top along with the
• Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and
names of the members of their group.
read out their recipe. Encourage the class to praise their
• Tell the groups that the first thing they have to do is to work and congratulate them and clap at the end.
choose a favourite recipe cooked by someone in their
• Ask the class to write the name of the dish in the relevant
family. The group should decide together which is their
section of the table in My Social Tasks Diary.
favourite recipe. When they have decided, they should write
the name of the dish on the first line in Task 3.
• Encourage them to discuss in their groups and decide
together who will get the recipe from home. They will also
have to find or draw a picture of the dish.

Step 2
• Ask children if they have brought in the recipe from home.
• Ask the children to look up the main ingredients for their
recipe in an English dictionary and write them on Task 3. Go
round the class checking their language and spelling and
praise them for their work.
• The children should also look on the internet for pictures of
the ingredients to step stick in Task 3.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 13

Teaching Notes Final Task
Task objective Final Task
Learn to: … work in a group; create a newsletter.
Our Community Group:

Language suggestions Newsletter

Members of the group:

Vocabulary: review key topics

Materials Task 2
A Special Place Group:

My Social Tasks Diary, Final Task, A3 sheets of paper

Members of the group:

A Favourite Members of the


Place: Person


Warmer ?

• Distribute the My Social Tasks Diaries to groups and tell Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

the class that they are going to do the last part: create a
Diary Task 1
My Social Tasks

community newsletter.
your diary
Add this page to

6 © Oxford University
Social Tasks for Primary

• Explain that groups will have the opportunity to present their

finished newsletter to the class.
My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Step 1
• Distribute the Final Task to children and explain that they now
have to prepare their newsletter. Add this page to your diary

• Give each group an A3 sheet of paper. Ask them to fold it in Social Tasks for Primary 6 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 9

half to make a newsletter with four pages. They should then

think of a name for their newsletter and write it in large letters
on the first page. Go round the class checking their language
and spelling and praise them for their work.
• Ask them to cut out their three articles from Tasks 1 to 3 and
arrange them on the paper. They can cut them up further if
they like, in order to achieve the best layout.

Step 2
• Ask the groups to prepare to present their newsletter to
the class. They must decide in their groups who is going to
present each article.

Step 3
• Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and
present their newsletter. Encourage the class to clap and say
Well done!

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 14

Evaluation Notes
As presented in the Introduction (p. 3), these Social Tasks are
intended to provide you with a clear method to evaluate
your students’ acquisition of the Key Competences and
achievement of objectives with regard to linguistic content.
Here we present some guidelines to assess students’
• For the evaluation we suggest employing different tools
and descriptors in order to observe the use of the Key
Competences in the Social Task. We suggest the triangulation
method, using at least three tools when evaluating a Social
For example:
1. The students’ diaries
2. Your own observations and notes
3. A series of descriptors

• We have provided a table on the following page with

descriptors where you can evaluate each specific
competence or the general Key Competence. However, you
may wish to create your own table for the evaluation of this
Social Task.

• Tips that may help in your evaluation:

1. Take regular notes on your observation of students’
effort, collaboration and final tasks and performances.
2. Remember that the communicative aspect is more
important than the linguistic accuracy of the final tasks.
3. When correcting the students’ My Social Tasks Diaries,
give a code to the errors you find in them and give them
back to your students for them to correct.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 15

Evaluation Grid
Name: Task:

Evaluation of Key Competences

Needs work Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Linguistic communication
Understand vocabulary and structures associated with the
Social Task.
Use language appropriate for the Social Task.

Digital competence
Research and compile information about familiar topics in
digital format.
Use digital technology to learn the target language.

Social and civic competences

Participate in directed oral interactions about familiar topics in

predictable communication situations.

Observe basic rules of exchange such as turn-taking and work

creatively and collaboratively in a group.
Cultural awareness and expression
Show curiosity and interest in finding information about the
people and culture of English-speaking countries.
Show creativity and a range of artistic techniques to fulfil a
task e.g. writing, singing, drawing, acting out a role play or an

Learn to learn
Use basic learning strategies in preparing for the Social Task
such as using reference material e.g. Picture or Bilingual
dictionaries, or actively reviewing appropriate language, or
identifying language patterns.
Organise learning according to his or her needs in order to fulfil
the Social Task demonstrating a range of study skills.
Mathematical competence and basic competences in
science and technology
Use a range of basic mathematical principles as required by the
Social Task e.g. collecting and analysing data, keeping accurate
records e.g. keeping a score or timings.

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Plan and check work for the Social Task and contribute to the
organisation of the Social Task.
Put creative ideas into practice: participate in the development
and execution of the Social Task.

Social Tasks for Primary 6  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 16

Oxford Rooftops Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM 6
© Oxford University Press 2015. All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 978 0 19 450392 1

For terms and conditions of use of this computer program refer to the Software Licence.

Illustrations by: Adrian Barclay/Beehive Illustration (Evaluation & Key Competences p.119); Judy Brown
(Evaluation & Key Competences pp. 5–10, 17–22, 25, 26 (t), 24, 26 (t), 37, 39 (m), 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 58,
59, 61–63, 65, 69, 80 (t), 93, 98; Jacqui Davis/Advocate Art (in the style of Erin McGuire) (Song worksheets
p. 3); Diego Diaz (Story worksheets pp. 1–7); Erin McGuire/Advocate Art (Reinforcement and Extension
worksheets pp. 1, 3 (t), 9 (t), 22 (t)), (Story worksheets p. 8), (Evaluation & Key Competences p. 123);
Graham Ross/Bright Agency (Reinforcement and Extension worksheets pp. 2, 5, 6, 9 (m), 10, 13, 14, 18, 19,
22 (m), 23, 26, 27), (Festival worksheets); Ignatios Varsos (Evaluation & Key Competences pp. 11–16, 23, 24,
26 (b), 27–33, 34, 35, 36 (b), 38, 39 (t), 40, 41, 50, 51, 53–55, 57, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72–74, 76–78, 80 (m, b), 81,
82, 84, 85, 95, 99.

We would also like to thank the following for permission to reproduce the following photographs: OUP
(Evaluation & Key Competences pp. 42 (girl with trophy), 44 (boys playing football), (Helen), 46 (Tom), 48
(group of teens), (Henry), 52 (blonde boy), (wedding), 54 (wizard), 56 (Harry), (Maya), 58 (man at barbecue),
60 (vegetable pizza), (Olivia), 62 (Jamie), 64 (pyramids), (boy with dog), 66 (boy with football), 68 (party),
(Jasmine), 70 (Robbie), 71 (Michael), (Simone), 74 (Isabella), 75 (theatre audience), (wedding cake), 78 (fruit
and veg), 79 (space plane), (Tessa), 82 (Louie), 83 (grandparents), (Rachel)).

Commissioned photography by: Graham Alder/MM Studios (Evaluation & Key Competences pp. 47, 51, 55, 59,
63, 77, 81).

Social Tasks
Authors: Plácido Bazo, Marcos Peñate
Copyeditor: Stephen Longworth

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