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mH2O – Metres of Water Gauge at 4 deg C Pressure Unit

Specify your measurement instrument requirements

Meters of water gauge or column is a metric unit for measuring liquid level. 1 metre of water
column at 4 degrees celsius equals 9806.65 pascals.

The hydrostatic pressure generated by a certain liquid level is typically represented by the
equivalent height of a water column.

Since the pressure exerted by one metre of water is dependent on its density and the local
gravity it is not a fundamental unit of measure for pressure but a derived one which is called a
manometric unit.

Metres of water column or water gauge are used throughout the world but mostly in Europe to
measure the level of fresh water in boreholes, rivers and reservoirs.

Metres of water pressure units are expressed in mostly three different ways which are metres of
H2O (mH2O), metres of water gauge (mWG) or metres of water column (mWC).

Since the density of a liquid is affected by changes in temperature, metres of water column
should be accompanied by the temperature of the liquid that the units were derived. A pure water
density of 1000 kg/m3 at 4 deg C and standard gravity of 9.80665 m/s2 is used in the calculation
of this pressure unit. The significance of 4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit) is that it is
very close to the temperature that water reaches its maximum density.

It is conventional practice to use 1000 kg/m3 as the density of pure water at 4 deg C which is
very close to the precise density and for most measurements this does not introduce any
significant error. In fact since the temperature can vary significantly, measuring pressure in
metres of water is never going to be a precise representation of the true liquid height. Local
gravity also varies at different geological locations, which also adds some minor uncertainties to
the use of metres of water gauge as an indication of exact water level in different parts of the

Use the conversion factors in the table below to convert from mH2O to other pressure units.

To convert a reading in any pressure unit to mH2O click on the relevant pressure conversion factor
below and multiply by the conversion factor for mH2O.

Alternatively convert from a mH2O pressure value into another unit using the pressure unit

Find out how the value for mH2O is determined from SI units or check the different ways of identifying

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mH2O Pressure Conversion Factors

 0.0980665 bar
 1.42229 psi
 98.0665 mbar
 9806.65 N/m²
 9806.65 Pa
 98.0665 hPa
 9.80665 kPa
 0.00980665 MPa
 0.1 kg/cm²
 1000 mmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
 100 cmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
 1mH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
 39.3701 inH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
 3.28084 ftH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
 73.5539 mmHg 0°C (32°F)
 7.35539 cmHg 0°C (32°F)
 2.89590 inHg 0°C (32°F)
 73.5559 Torr
 73555.9 mTorr
 0.0967841 atm
 0.1 at
 98066.5 dyn/cm²
 22.7573 oz/in²
 73555.9 µHg 0°C (32°F)
 0.000634971 tsi (uk, long)
 0.000711167 tsi (usa, short)
 0.102408 tsf (usa, short)
 204.816 psf
 100 g/cm²

Please note that the conversion factors above are accurate to 6 significant figures.

mH2O Derivation
The calculation below shows how the pressure unit Metres of Water Column (mH2O) is derived
from SI Units.

 Pressure = Force / Area
 Force = Mass x Acceleration
 Mass = Density x Volume
 Volume = Area x Height
 Acceleration = Distance / (Time x Time)

SI Units
 Mass: kilogram (kg)
 Length: metre (m)
 Time: second (s)
 Force: newton (N)
 Pressure: pascal (Pa)

Input Values
 Density = Water Density at 4degC = 1000 kg/m³
 Area = 1 m²
 Height = 1 m
 Acceleration = Standard Gravity = 9.80665 m/s²

 1 mH2O Mass = 1000 kg/m³ x 1 m² x 1 m = 1000 kg
 1 mH2O Force = 1000 kg x 9.80665 m/s² = 9806.65 N
 1 mH2O Pressure = 9806.65 N / 1 m² = 9806.65 Pa

mH2O Alternate Descriptions

These are the different versions used for identifying mH2O that you may find elsewhere.

 Metres of H2O
 Meters of H2O
 Metres of Water Column
 Meters of Water Column
 Metres of Water Gauge
 Meters of Water Gauge
 mH2O
 mWC
 mWG
 mWS
 mAq
 mCE
 m H2O
 m WC
 m WG
 m WS
 m Aq
 m CE

mH2O Help
mVP meaning
We would like to know whether mVP is a different name for metre of water pressure
measurement unit. Is it a different description for metre of water in pressure units, and the same
conversion of metre of water?

mVP means “metri vesipatsasta” which is Finnish for meter water column, therefore it is the
same pressure unit and the abbreviation is derived from the translated unit.

mWS meaning
In a conversion table for pressure units it shows mWS. For example it states 1 mWS =
0.09807 bar and 1000 mWS = 98.0665bar. What is the unit mWS?
It is short for the german equivalent to the pressure generated by a 1 metre high water column.
mWS = “Meter Wassersäule” which in english means “Metres of Water Column”.

mCE meaning
What does the mCE unit mean?

“mCE” or “mètre de colonne d’eau” is the French equivalent to “mH2O” or “metres of water
column” pressure units.

Converting meters of water absolute into gauge

What is the difference between ‘meters of water gauge’ and ‘meters of water absolute’? Can you
convert from one unit to the other?

Any pressure value with ‘gauge’ following the engineering units means that the pressure is
referenced to local atmospheric pressure.

Any pressure value with ‘absolute’ following the engineering units means that the pressure is
referenced to a perfect vacuum.

In order to convert from one to the other you will need to know the local atmospheric pressure
which is constantly changing. Then subtract the atmospheric pressure from the ‘meters of water
absolute reading‘ to convert it to meters gauge, or add the atmospheric pressure reading to the
‘meters of water gauge’ reading to convert it to meters absolute .

Remember to use the same units for the two measured readings (e.g. meters of water) when
converting the pressure from absolute to gauge or vice versa.

mWG meaning
What does mWG mean?

mWG is the acronym for metres of water gauge. mWG is a measurement unit which relates to
the pressure generated by a 1 metre high column of fresh water minus atmospheric pressure
acting on the liquid surface. Devices which measure in mWG are used to measure liquid depth or

Measurement Unit Related Terms

More pages related to measurement unit technical terms.

 at – Technical Atmosphere Pressure Unit

 atm – Standard Atmosphere Pressure Unit
 bar Pressure Unit
 cmH2O – Centimetres of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
 cmHg – Centimetres of Mercury at 0 deg C Pressure Unit
 daPa – Dekapascal Pressure Unit
 dyn/cm2 – Dyne per Square Centimetre Pressure Unit
 ftH2O – Feet of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
 g – Acceleration due to Gravity
 g/cm² – Grams per Square Centimetre Pressure Unit
 hPa – Hectopascal Pressure Unit
 inH2O – Inches of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
 inHg – Inches of Mercury at 0 degrees C Pressure Unit
 kg/cm² – Kilogram per Square Centimetre Pressure Unit
 kg/mm² – Kilogram per Square Millimetre Pressure Unit
 kPa – Kilopascal Pressure Unit
 ksi – Kilopounds per Square Inch Pressure Unit
 mbar – Millibar Pressure Unit
 mmH2O – Millimetres of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
 mmHg – Millimetres of Mercury at 0 deg C Pressure Unit
 MPa – Megapascal Pressure Unit
 mPa – Millipascal Pressure Unit
 mTorr – Millitorr Pressure Unit
 N/cm² – Newton per Square Centimetre Pressure Unit
 N/m2 – Newton per Square Metre Pressure Unit
 N/mm² – Newton per Square Millimetre Pressure Unit
 oz/in² – Ounce per Square Inch Pressure Unit
 Pa – Pascal Pressure Unit
 Pressure
 Pressure Units
 psf – Pounds per Square Foot Pressure Unit
 psi – Pounds per Square Inch Pressure Unit
 Specific Gravity
 Torr – Torr Pressure Unit
 tsf – Tons per Square Foot (USA, Short) Pressure Unit
 tsi – Tons per Square Inch (UK, Long) Pressure Unit
 tsi – Tons per Square Inch (USA, Short) Pressure Unit
 Water Density
 µHg – Micron of Mercury at 0 deg C Pressure Unit

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