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Grades 3 Library Trimester 1 Rubric 

Focus Standards M-Meeting Standards W-Working toward N-Not Meeting Standards

AASL Standards Standards
(American Association for
School Librarians)

SKILLS Student has mastered: Student is working toward Student has not mastered:
-Successfully locating library mastering: -Successfully locating library
● Successfully locates resources and books. -Successfully locating library resources and books.
library resources and -Identifying book parts, library resources and books. -Identify book parts, library
books. classifications, genres and -Identifying book parts, library classifications, genres and
● Understand and library terms. classifications, genres and library terms.
identify classifications, -Appropriate grade level library terms. -Appropriate grade level
genres, and library reading, writing, speaking -Appropriate grade level reading, writing, speaking
terms skills reading, writing, speaking skills
● Appropriate grade level skills
reading, writing,
speaking skills

PROCESS Student follows the library Student follows the majority of Student does not follow the
● Following library rules rules; works hard and diligently the library rules; works hard majority of the library rules;
● Work effort throughout the entire library and diligently throughout most seldomly works hard and
● Performance period; and shows consistent of the library period; and diligently throughout the entire
● Acceptable use of respect and care for library shows respect and care for library period does not show
library resources and resources and materials at all library resources and materials respect and care for all library
materials times. some of the time. resources and materials.

PARTICIPATION Student is always actively Student is sometimes actively Students is not actively
● Actively involved in all involved in lessons and involved in lessons and involved in most lessons and
lessons and activities activities activities activities
PRODUCT Student displays excellent Student displays average Student displays limited
● Appropriate takeaway knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic
or recall through discussions, through discussions, through discussions,
● Exit ticket takeaways, recall and exit takeaways, recall and exit takeaways, recall and exit
● Writing assignment ticket information; complete ticket information; ticket information; complete
● Group Share writing assignment. Complete writing assignment. writing assignment.

Grades 3 Library Trimester 2 Rubric 

Focus Standards M-Meeting Standards W-Working toward N-Not Meeting Standards

AASL Standards Standards
(American Association for
School Librarians)

SKILLS Student has mastered: Student is working toward Student has not mastered:
● Literary comparisons literary comparisons & author mastering: literary comparisons and
and author studies studies. literary comparisons and author studies.
● Understand & learn Understand & learn about author studies. Understand & learn about
about holiday events, holiday events, historical and Understand & learn about holiday events, historical and
historical and current current events, black history holiday events, historical and current events, black history
events, black history, Presidents and women’s current events, black history Presidents and women’s
Presidents and history. Presidents and women’s history.
women’s history history.
● Creative writing

PROCESS Student follows the library Student follows the majority of Student does not follow the
● Following library rules rules; works hard and diligently the library rules; works hard majority of the library rules;
● Work effort throughout the entire library and diligently throughout most seldomly works hard and
● Performance period; and shows consistent of the library period; and diligently throughout the entire
● Acceptable use of respect and care for library shows respect and care for library period does not show
library resources and resources and materials at all library resources and materials respect and care for all library
materials times. some of the time. resources and materials.

PARTICIPATION Student is always actively Student is sometimes actively Students is not actively
● Actively involved in involved in lessons and involved in lessons and involved in most lessons and
lessons and activities activities activities activities

PRODUCT Student displays excellent Student displays average Student displays limited
● Appropriate takeaway knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic
or recall through discussions, through discussions, through discussions,
● Exit ticket takeaways, recall and exit takeaways, recall and exit takeaways, recall and exit
● Complete writing ticket information; completed ticket information, partially ticket information, did not
assignment (Venn research/writing assignments. completed research/writing complete the research/writing
diagram/author assignments. assignments.
worksheet, story idea

Grades 3 Library Trimester 3 Rubric 

Focus Standards M-Meeting Standards W-Working toward N-Not Meeting Standards

AASL Standards Standards
(American Association for
School Librarians)

SKILLS Student has successfully Student created most of the Student does not create most
● Understand a variety of created writing assignments writing assignments related to of the writing assignments
poem types. related to Poetry Month; Poetry Month; related to Poetry Month;
● Uses technology and Uses technology to gain Mostly uses technology to gain Seldom uses technology to
research skills to gain knowledge about cultural knowledge about cultural gain knowledge about cultural
knowledge diversity and Difference diversity and Difference diversity and Difference
● Learn about cultural Makers various Makers various Makers various
diversity and Difference summer-related/adventurous summer-related/adventurous summer-related/adventurous
Makers topics. Student successfully topics. Student sometimes topics. Student does not utilize
● Utilizes appropriate, utilizes appropriate writing, utilizes appropriate writing, appropriate writing, speaking
writing, speaking and speaking and listening skills. speaking and listening skills. and listening skills.
listening skills

PROCESS Student follows the library Student follows the majority of Student does not follow the
● Following library rules rules; works hard and diligently the library rules; works hard majority of the library rules;
● Active participation throughout the entire library and diligently throughout most seldomly works hard and
● Work effort period; and shows consistent of the library period; and diligently throughout the entire
● Performance respect and care for library shows respect and care for library period does not show
● Acceptable use of resources and materials at all library resources and materials respect and care for all library
library resources and times. some of the time. resources and materials.

PARTICIPATION Student is always actively Student is sometimes actively Students is not actively
● Actively involved in involved in lessons and involved in lessons and involved in most lessons and
lessons and activities activities activities activities

PRODUCT Student displays excellent Student displays average Student displays limited
● Appropriate takeaway knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic knowledge of lesson topic
or recall through takeaways, recall and through takeaways, recall and through takeaways, recall and
● Exit ticket exit ticket information; created exit ticket information; partially exit ticket information, did not
● An original poem a poem and lesson plan and completed a poem and lesson complete a poem and lesson
● Original lesson plan time capsule assignment. plan and time capsule plan and time capsule
● Time Capsule assignment. assignment.

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