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Startup India Yatra UP

January - 2018, Lucknow

About eGrowth
We are world’s first Business Advisory and Business Development (B.A.D.) Network. We are
an integrated, dynamic ecosystem for Entrepreneurs, Business and Start-Ups. Today we are
over 7000 entrepreneurs across 78 ci es.

As a business owner you can leverage eGrowth Network through mul ple channels, both
online and offline. We have a comprehensive portal where a business owner can share the
requirements, offers and any challenge related to the business. We have communi es on
social media to take the business forward. The online engagement is strengthened further
with eGrowth Mixers, conferences, workshops, tradeshows and advisory assignments.

2014 – 2016 we operated in stealth mode. 2017 was all about discovery and 2018 is our
year of delivery. We are commi ed to empower you

We welcome you to the journey called Business Growth

Our Mission
Empower and Enable Businesses

Goal 31 Dec, 2020

4,000,000 enterprises to come onboard. They experience measurable shi in their

eGrowth Culture
eGrowth@Biz is an ECOSYSTEM
The stakeholders are CEOs who are COMMITTED to SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS
These people are PASSIONATE about being in ACTION, Being INNOVATIVE and
Businesses experience EXPONENTIAL GROWTH ongoingly

EBN Learning Private Limited

#548, Sector 56, Gurugram - 122011, India
Our Philosophy
eGrowth is based on
• Bringing businesses together
• Keeping them together eGrowth
• Growing together

The fundamentals of exponen al growth are –


Collabora on is about bringing the business

owners together. This is a paradigm shi from
the tradi onal business which is grounded in
compe on and a lot of energy gets dissipated
in the process
Excellence is about taking your business to the INFORMATION

next level. The four pillars being – Business

Net wo r k in g , I nfo r m a o n o n D em a n d ,
Technology enabled business and investments
being made in Learning & Development.

Opportuni es are a natural outcome of an

efficient business. Opportuni es do not need to CONNECTIONS
be chased, they come our way.
eGrowth: The Journey so far
The first conversa on for eGrowth went something like this –
Ragesh – So what’s next for you in life
Atul – Produc vity at molecular level
Ragesh – Elaborate further
Atul – Ayurveda says a body is healthy if all pores of
the body are healthy. Similarly a business is
healthy when all aspects are func oning well.

This is Produc vity at Molecular Level

This conversa on happened in the dark of the night on Western Express Highway, Mumbai
in July 2014.

Over a couple of weeks we surveyed some small business owners and got that the 3 most
important concerns for a business owner are -
• Resource Management
• Opportunity Mapping
• Innova on
This became the premise of the first workshop conducted on 1st November, 2014. This
workshop was called eGrowth@Biz.

With this began the journey to build a pla orm to empower and enable businesses.

2016 7980 members
2375 members 40 eGrowth Mixers
2015 8 eGrowth Mixers 2 Workshops
700 members 4 Conferences
4 Workshops 4 Road Trips
6 eGrowth Mixers eGrowth Portal
2014 New Brand
A Year of Discovery
2017 was a year of discovery for eGrowth. While we grew the community rapidly, we kept
on asking just one ques on - what does a business require to grow consistently!!

• 63 premium subscribers
• 7980 members on eGrowth.
• 235% growth in members
• Par cipants form 78 ci es
• WhatsApp groups –
o 18 regional groups
o 1 group for women
o 4 ver cal specific groups
o 1 premium group

• We organized 40 eGrowth Mixers, across 12
ci es during the year
• 4 conferences – The Road Ahead at 3 ci es
• 4 Road Trips where we visited 6 states
• eGrowth visited 2 countries, 7 states and 37
ci es this year
• 2 edi ons of the eGrowth booklet were

• eGrowth portal is live now
o Create personal profile
o Add companies
o Post requirements
o Search requirements
o Payment gateway integrated
o Read news and ar cles
• More features to come
o Business pages, Events, Blogs,
o Powerful search
eGrowth – The Brand
The Brand Values are –Trust, Courage and Growth

The choice of colours –

GREEN, the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of
growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fer lity, and environment.
At eGrowth we associate it with COLLABORATION

SAFFRON part of Tiranga is meant to denote courage and selflessness. It is the colour of
Sun and Fire, both are sources of energy. Gold goes through fire to become fine.
At eGrowth we associate it with EXCELLENCE

BLUE is the colour of the infinite, the sky and the sea. It is o en associated with depth and
stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and
heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body

At eGrowth we associate it with OPPORTUNITIES

Green is placed at the bo om to signify the base, the reference. Saffron is in the front,
symbolizing forward movement, Blue is on the top to symbolize infinite. The 3 arrows mean
thrust in 3 direc ons simultaneously.
Start Up India UP Edi on
It is overwhelming to see the response to Startup India Yatra – UP Edi on. We are pleased to
announce complementary Enterprise Subscrip on to all the finalists. And all the
remaining shortlisted entrepreneurs get complementary Basic Subscrip on

Being associated with Startup India as Technology Partners for UP Edi on has been a
privilege. We a ended the bootcamps at Lucknow and Gorakhpur. This gave us an
opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs at grass root level.

2017 has been the year of discovery for us, and this trip was an eye opener. Our takeaways
have been –
• The er-2 and er-3 ci es have a huge poten al
• A lot is happening outside the cosmopolitan regions
• There are very basic problems which can be solved by making things simple
• We can contribute to the ecosystem in a big way by bringing together resources, and
know how to execute.

We are pleased to announce the following Services to all entrepreneurs–

Business Advisory – Solu ons which are core to your business such as research, market
entry, compliances and fund raising

Business Development – Lead genera on, networking events, promo on on , content marke ng,

Business Networking – Leverage ever expanding eGrowth network of business owners

across a cross sec on of loca ons, industries and sizes. We can get you connected to
reliable suppliers, business partners, advisors

Learning & Development – Entrepreneurship Development Programs, Trainings &

Workshops or iden fying coaches for your par cular needs, everything is available on
Start Up India UP Edi on
eGrowth Subscrip on Plans
eGrowth Subscrip on Plans
Next:2018 - The Year of Delivery
A er having built momentum during 2017, we have planned major deliverables during Q1,
2018. Most features of the portal will be rolled out by March.

February’18 Communi es
Chapters Q&A pla orm
Company Portrait Final Offers
January’18 Marketplace
Blogs / Ar cles
Personal Profile Valida on Services
Company Portrait
Associa on Portrait
Company Dashboard
Product Por olio
December’17 Requirements
Post Requirements
Create Personal Profile
List Companies

We are working on other aspects of building a great enterprise. Here are some
parameters for 31st December, 2018 -
• 60,000 members on eGrowth
• 200 – Number of ci es
• 200+ eGrowthevents
• 1200 – Premium subscribers
• 8 workshops
• 10 local representa ves, up from 3 now

By April we will start offering Business Development Services as well –

• Web and Applica on development
• Social Media Marke ng and Promo onal services
• Content Marke ng
• Promoted Concalls and Webinars
• Promoted Mixers
Expert Series

“We are Pundits of Your Business”

“Tax payments are required for civiliza on of society”
CA Manish Kumar

We help entrepreneurs to commence and for smooth running of the business.

Style of business: Businesses can be setup in one of three style i.e Proprietor, Firm (Partnership firm or LLP) and
Company (Private Limited or Public Limited).

Statutory compliance is most important aspect for every business, some of it is discussed below:

Tax Deduc on at Source (TDS):

Ø Requirement: Every business person is liable to deduct tax before making payments to the service providers,
if it exceeds prescribed limit, with specified rate of tax. Example: Payments to professional, Rent, Commission,
payments to contractors etc.
Ø Deposit of TDS: The deducted tax should be deposited with government of India by 7th day of next month,
otherwise they require to pay interest @ 1.5% per month.
Ø Penalty: The person has to file TDS return on quarterly basis on or before 31st of next month a er end of the
quarter. Penalty for non filing TDS return on me is Rs 200 per day or equal to TDS amount whichever is lower.
Ø Disallowance of Expenditure: If person is liable to deduct tax and fails to deduct tax or tax deducted but not
deposited with governments before due date of filing of return, is not allowed to claim as expenditure in their
profit and loss accounts.

Goods and Service Taxes (GST):

Ø Registra on: Every person whose turnover or gross receipts exceed Rs 20L in any financial year has to get
registered under GST.
Ø Payment: GST has to be paid monthly, on or before 20th day of the next month.
Ø Interest & Penalty: Government levies interest of 1.5% per month on per day basis on late payments of GST
and penalty of Rs 50 per day or Rs 5,000 whichever is lower on late filing of GST return.
Ø GST Register: Every person registered under GST has to keep GST Credit register and original bill up to 6 years.

Company Forma on and its Compliance:

Ø Statutory Mee ng: All companies registered with MCA have to do first statutory mee ng within 30 days from
the date of incorpora on. Company should, issue share cer ficates, appoint auditor, adopt register as well.
Ø Company Act Register: Company should maintain various registers at its registered office like (Fixed Assets,
Director Register, Share holder register and Minute of mee ng register etc).
Ø Penalty: ROC has power to levy penalty for none maintain ace of various registered require under company

Writer is CA Manish Kumar and he can be reached on 9910209303, 011-47078240 or [email protected]

Expert Series

By Dr. Priyanka Puri, Founder – Smile Xpertz, Gurugram

Do you know what is Odontophobia..... well... If the answer is NO then let

me tell you what it is!

It is dental anxiety and is very common. It is described as the feeling of

being nervous or afraid of going to a den st. Common fears include fear of
dental pain, clinical environment and phobia of a needle.
The Smile Xpetrz team is used to trea ng nervous pa ents and have a
range of solu ons for making the visits easier.

• Pre-treatment condi oning: The pa ent is invited to come for an ini al mee ng. She is invited to siton the
dental chair and spend a li le me talking. She feels more comfortable in the dental chair rather than
associa ng it with pain or fear.
These pre treatment appointments are great opportuni es to review pa ent’s medical history, take pre-
opera on photos. It helps the pa ent to be relaxed and build trust on the den st.
• Distrac ng techniques: So , soothing music during the dental procedure eases the pa ent and distracts them
from the noise associated with the procedure. It really helps to relax phobic pa ents .
• Other innova ons: New technological advances in daily prac ce such as needle free injec ons are used as an
adjunct to the injec on process. We no longer hurt our pa ents

Special considera on for paediatric pa ents:

Special care is taken while trea ng kids at SmileXpertz.

There is a chamber specially designed for kids having Toys, cartoon videos, cartoon dental chair which the child
would love to sit on. Walls have been designed in a way that the child doesn’t feel like he has come to a den st to
get his treatment done. Audio-visual aids have been added to keep the
child busy while the procedure is being carried out.

We tell our pa ents what we are doing, and do so in an honest way.

children do much be er with explana on followed by immediately doing
what’s shown to them. They worry if too much prepara on goes into an
appointment. We follow the principal of TELL, SHOW and DO.

TELL: The den st uses the language that child can understand and tells the
child what is to be done.
SHOW: The den st demonstrate the procedure to the child using models
or himself/herself
DO: Den st proceed to do the procedure exactly as described.
A Quality Printing and
Promotional Products

New Edge Communications Pvt. Ltd.

X-36, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi-110020
Tel: 011-41811286, 9810850285, 9971388775
[email protected]
eGrowth Premium Members
Abhaya Maurya Anuj Jain
A. M. Realtors Optymystix Enterprises India Ltd
Chief Executive Managing Director
New Delhi/NCR Noida
9873688766 7290908080
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Real Estate Investment | Interiors | Loans Direct Selling, Network Marketing

Advaita Srivastava Archana Thakur

Brand Brewers ETMCINDIA
Founder Business development Manager
Gurugram Mumbai, Hyderabad
9958899270 9966993911
[email protected] [email protected]
Branding & Advertising Manufacturing

Amir Virani Arshdeep Singh

Cynergi Pioneer Cranes and Elevators (P) Ltd.
Founder & CEO Director
Mumbai Ludhiana
9819784355, 9223239277 9815823236
[email protected], [email protected] [email protected]
Professional Services Manufacturing
Company formation, DSC, Project Report, Overhead Cranes & Hoists
Funding, Software Products

Amit Puri Ashish Kapoor

Smile Xpertz Tak Inc.
Co-Founder CEO, Founder
Gurugram Gurugram
9999928373 9717179114
[email protected] [email protected]
Dental Care Training and consulting  
Implants and Dental Care

Amit Joshi Atul Puri

Deevin Group EBN Learning Private Limited
Marketing Head Founder
Bhopal Gurugram
9617700043 9899116054
[email protected] [email protected]
Manufacturing Advisory & Business Networking
Mechanical Joints, Advisory, Networking, Business
Bridge Expansion Joints and Bearings Development, Learning & Development
Bhairavee Shah Deepshikha Balwani
Spectrum Foundation Vivah App
Founder Co-Founder
Pune New Delhi
9689941166 9811004416
[email protected] [email protected]
Learning & Development
Wedding Vendors App

Darshana Trivedi Dharmistha Shah

DB Giftings Financial Planner - DBS
Owner Founder
Mumbai Mumbai
7045230200 9322244095, 7506184095
[email protected] [email protected]
Corporate Gifting Financial Services
Insurance, Mutual Fund,
Mediclaim, Wills

Deepak Pareek Dilip Kumar Sharma

MED-EL India Private Limited Skills To Excellence
Area Manager - Business Development Director
New Delhi Pune
9811412530 7719001133
[email protected] [email protected] Coaching
Cochlear implants Executive Coaching, Life Coaching,
Business Coaching, Career Coaching

Deepak Vasant Shidhaye Gaurav Dembla

DMT International Vertical Spaces
CEO Proprietor
Thane New Delhi
9769582375 9990298298, 9871324442
[email protected] [email protected]
Chemicals, Petrochemicals and Polymers Real Estate Consultant

Deepakk Saini Geeta Nandkumar

Geosols Consulting Pvt. Ltd Creative Vistas
New Delhi CEO
9810017549 New Delhi
[email protected] 9810992666
www.geosols.comAdvisory [email protected]
Advance Vaastu Consultant - Geopathic Stress, Events and Brand Promotion
Negative Radiations, Negative Items,
Directional Vaastu and Cure Vastu Defects
Harekrishna Tibrewala Kiran Yadav
Shree Enterprises Sir M Visvaraya Institute
of Management Studies and Research
Partner (SVIMS)
Executive Director
[email protected]
Real Estate & Metal Broking
[email protected]
Management & Research Institute

Harish Gupta Krishna Gopal Saraf

Rajat Electricals Posper Films Private Limited
Proprietor Co-Founder, Director
New Delhi New Delhi
9810117539 9911556681
[email protected] [email protected]
Electrical Infrastructure projects
Media & Films

Hemant Shah Lalit Narang

M.H. Enterprises Clarion Solutions
Partner Proprietor
Mumbai New Delhi
9820264348 9953078086
[email protected] [email protected]
Manufacturing Advisory
Tissue Paper converter Investment & Real Estate

Joginder Singh M V Narayan

GlobEDwise MMV Consultants P Ltd
Director Director
New Delhi Mumbai
9810398461 9820346739
[email protected] [email protected]
Student Visa and Immigration Internet

Kalind Bolinjkar Manan Vasa

V.N. Bolinjkar & Sons Unleashed Consulting
Mumbai Founder & Principal Consultant
9820012151 Mumbai
[email protected] 8097010410 [email protected]
Sheet Metal Pressed and Deep drawn Components Learning & Development
Management Consulting,
Productivity Coach
Mandeep Kaur Monika Solanki
The Squirrels Monika Success Academy
Director FounderNew Delhi
New Delhi 9971621400
9810802311 [email protected]
[email protected]
Events & Advertising, Corporate Learning & Development
Decorationa nd Flower rental services Marketing Consultancy, Success
Strategies & Goal Setting,
Leadership & Personality Development

Maneesh Bajaj Nawal Kishor

Bajaj Meditronics Pvt. Ltd. Global Intellectual Services
Director Regional Manager (India)
New Delhi New Delhi
9811487689 9350605605
[email protected] [email protected]
Health and Welness IT Services

Manish Kumar Nayan Bheda

Map & Co Edvantez
Partner Co-Founder
New Delhi Mumbai
9910209303 9004121212
[email protected] [email protected]
Professional Services
Chartered Accountants Learning & Development
Education, Training for changing future

Manju Batham Nikket Pokharna

M Batham & Associates Web Defenders
Practicing Company Secretary CEO
Mira Road, Mumbai Pune
9920988895 8446997711
[email protected] [email protected]
Professional Services - Company Secretary
Cyber Security

Manoj Mehta Paritosh Pathak

Apex Solutions Paritosh Pathak International
Founder & CEO  Founder
Mumbai Gurugram
9322212892 9810912333
[email protected] [email protected]
Branding & Promotion Learning & Development
Graphics Designing, Website Development, Business Networking
Social Media, Digital Marketing, SEO, SMM
P N Shetty Raj Sangoli
Rupeeboss Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Ac Tech Control Systems Pvt. Ltd.
CEO Director
Mumbai Bangalore
9820455298 9845988116
[email protected] [email protected]
Financial Services Manufacturing
Industrial Automation and Power

Praveen Kumar Rajashree Nedungadi

New Edge Communications Pvt. Ltd. Curiocity
Director Proprietor
New Delhi Gurugram
9810850285, 9971388775 9820370116
[email protected] [email protected] Art & Craft
Printing and Promotional products
Offset printing, Digital Printing
Marketing Material Printing

Prashant Gatkal Rajesh Madan

GM Designing & Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Meri Gaiya
Nashik Founder
9822198893 Delhi
[email protected] 9999322283
Fertigungsindustrie [email protected]
Design & Engineering
Desi Ghee from Desi Cows

Priyanka Puri Rajesh Pandit

Smile Xpertz Amicus Infotech Pvt. Ltd
FounderGurugram Director
9899760808 New Delhi
[email protected] 9810321219 [email protected]
Dental Care
Implants and Dental Care IT - Web Application Development

Qussai Daginawala Rakesh Arya

Landmark Blitz Pvt Ltd
Founder & CEO
Chief Operating Officer New Delhi
Mumbai 9810719922
7021050801 [email protected]
[email protected] One window for Fire protection &
Information Technology Safety Solutions
Rashik Kathuria Sagar jain
WeApptivate Aryans Basket
Founder & CEO Partner
New Delhi Mumbai
9810047665 9820213069
[email protected] [email protected] FMCG
Intelligent solutions for online
communities, AI & Blockchain

Rajan Arora Sandeep Srivastava

ASOP Ltd AppCode Technologies Pvt Ltd
Director Managing Director
Ludhiana Faridabad
9646180000 9650480888
[email protected] [email protected]
FMCG (Food) Web and Mobile App Development

Reetesh Mohan Santosh Pathak

Story Design MassMediaLink India LLP
Founder & Head-Branding & Product Design Editor
Noida, Pune New Delhi
9650999361 9968172237
[email protected] [email protected]
Design Media, Security, Safety & Fire

Riddhi Doshi Patel Sarita Singh

Rhyns Academy Pvt Ltd Corpus Digital Pvt. Ltd.
Founder Director Founder & Director
Mumbai Gurugram
9619439949 9999155158
[email protected] [email protected]
Training & Development, Psychology Practices

Riddhima Sharraf Satish Ranade

Artist (Painter) SSS Consultancy
Riddhima IT & Internet Consultant
New Delhi Mumbai
9999460640 9820344725
[email protected] [email protected]
Art & Craft
Information Technology
Seema Nair Sushmita Nanivadekar
The H2O Club Gyany Customer Solutions
Owner CEO
Mumbai Mumbai
9819071880 9987034826
[email protected] [email protected]
Kangen Water business
Branding & Promotion

Shabana Khan Tonny Sapra

Indian Research Academy Alcor Spa Resorts
Director Managing Director
New Delhi Gurugram
8130659463 9811005959
[email protected] [email protected]
Research and Training Hospitality

Shree Dembla Tushar Thareja

The Mind Collective Stikworld
Founder Marketing Head
New Delhi New Delhi
9871422349 9958603980
[email protected] [email protected]
Training & Healing Construction, Wooden Tiles
(Life Coach & Alternate Therapist)

Sid Shah Vandana Batra

Think & Grow Rich Academy Fairy Tales Creatio
Mumbai CEO
9820023589 Noida
[email protected] 9654648476 [email protected]
Business Coach
Garments (Fancy costumes)

Sujit Thakur Vijesh Sharma

Aryan Engineers Small World Digital Services
OPC Pvt. Ltd.
Thane Founder & CEO
9821213240 Gurugram
[email protected] 9999845374 [email protected]
Grinding wheels, coated and bonded abrasives, AI and Digital Marketing
Solutions for lapping, superfinishing,
buffing & Grinding
Vishal Garg Yogesh Udgire
Vishal Garg Law Office Institute of Digital Marketing
Managing Partner Founder
New Delhi Thane
9810171302 9322228050
[email protected] [email protected]
Professional Services - Advocates Learning & Development, Projects,
Consulting, Education

Viveck Agarvwal Zaunty

Lexcellence LLP Team Zaunty
Director Founder and Chief Health Coach
New Delhi Mumbai
9811770164 9820414342
[email protected] [email protected]
Professional Services - Advocates Health and fitness

Vivekh Pathak
Finance and You
Certified Financial Planner
[email protected]
Financial Services,
Wealth Management and Advisory

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