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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No.

8; July 2011

Dr. Jur.Tunay KÖKSAL

Assistant Professor
Atılım University, Faculty of Management
Department of International Trade & Logistics
Ankara, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]

The FIDIC prepares the rules of the world technical consultancy and publishes the related documents. After
the first edition of the FIDIC Contracts, containing some important changes over time as a result of
experiences brought by the application, the new editions have been published. Published in 1987 and known
as the "Red Book", 4th edition of the FIDIC C o n d i t i o n o f C o n t r a c t s f o r Construction, is being
used very widely for international construction works, due to it has established a fair balance risk between
the Contractor and the Employer, has contributed successfully completion of a number of large-scale
infrastructure projects around the world.
Keywords: FIDIC, Conditions of Contract, Dispute Settlement, Employer, Contractor.
In this article, after examining the content of the FIDIC standard contract and conditions of contract in
detail, a model general contracting contract for international construction works in accordance with FIDIC
model is given.
Being established in Lausanne, in Switzerland in 1913, two professional organizations; the “Fédération
Internationale des Ingéniurs Conseils” (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) and the “Fédération
Internationale du Bátiment et des Travaux Publics” (International Federation of Housing and Public Works),
jointly preparing The FIDIC Contracts, have published the first edition in 1957.1 Members of FIDIC
include Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects, 67 countries’ national associations
of consultant engineers. The Federation prepares the rules of the world technical consultancy and publishes
the related documents. EFCA (European Federation of Consulting Engineers Associations), was founded
in 1992 and gathers 25 national consultant engineer associations from 24 European countries under the
umbrella of the federation. The EFCA is an independent professional organization which is in constant
communication with organizations representing the European Union in order to prepare directives and
regulations affecting consultant engineering and architecture services, to be fair to profession and community.
FIDIC Standard Forms of Contracts, in 1969, when the document was approved and ratified by the
“International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors' Associations” and “Associated General
Contractors of America and ” and “Inter-American Federation of the Construction Industry” in 1971,
precisely have gained an international identity.2 After the first edition of the FIDIC Contracts, containing
some important changes over time as a result of experiences brought by the application, the new editions have
been published. While preparing its own Standard Form of Contracts, FIDIC inspired from the first edition of
the Standard Form of Contracts published by “Institute of Civil Engineers” (ICE) in 1945. Similarly while
preparing the sixth edition published in 1991, ICE inspired from the fourth edition of the Standard Form of
Contracts published by FIDIC in 1987.3 In other words, British (ICE) the Standard Form of Contracts and
Swiss (FIDIC) the Standard Form of Contracts are the Construction Contracts contain almost the same
provisions. Such as scope and nature of construction works is clearly defined in technical conditions of
Contracts and drawings, constitute the legal basis for construction work for the completion of the construction
project at the desired time and within budget, how to perform each stage, what the risks and responsibilities
are should be clearly and precisely defined.

Türegün, N., “FIDIC Açısından İnşaat Sözleşmeleri”, İnşaat Sözleşmeleri (Ortak Seminer, 18-29 Mart 1996), 2.Tıpkı Basım, Banka ve
Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara 2001, p.254.
Ibid., p.254; Hereof see Corbett, E.C.: 4th FIDIC Practical Legal Guide,UK,1991.

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Published in 1987 and known as the "Red Book", 4th edition of the FIDIC Construction Works
Administration Specification, is being used very widely for international construction works, due to it has
established a fair balance risk between the Contractor and the Employer, has contributed successfully
completion of a number of large-scale infrastructure projects around the world. Changing in 1996 Conditions
of Contract for Construction works, FIDIC 1987 edition, an addition regulating the Dispute Resolution Board
has been published to be used as a tool for disputes arising among the Contract parties during the execution of
works. Because, as recently been observed in practice, contracting authorities have started to apply widely
adding Special Conditions to Contracts to disrupt the balance of risk against the Contractor between the
parties provided initially. Such applications lead to the emergence of long-lasting disputes inevitably during
force of the Contract between the The Contracting Authority and the Contractor. The Turkish contracting
companies which have undertaken construction projects abroad since 1972, both participating in tenders open
to international competition and while concluding a Construction Contract with the construction authority in a
foreign country, they often encounter standard forms of FIDIC Contracts and Conditions of Contracts.
Moreover, basing on FIDIC Standard Forms of Contracts are generally required by foreign employers and
international funding institutions for the Construction Contracts in Turkey and abroad for the projects which
will be funded by international credit institutions such as World Bank and credit consorsias established by
foreign banks.
In addition, as the international character of the FIDIC standard forms of Contracts, such Contracts can be
used not only for international tender but also for national ones. In fact, sometimes, by releasing international
tender, in case FIDIC Contracts application provided for, depending on who wins the tender, domestic or
foreign contractor, the situations were seen that the Employer has made changes over the FIDIC conditions.
Such sample situation has been experienced in Erzincan Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Project. In this project, by FIDIC 67.1. Clause under the title "Dispute Settlement" regulating the procedure
that the Contractor or the Employer to resort to arbitration against the decisions of the Engineer entitled as
“Decisions of the Engineer”, if the Contractor or his responsible partner is a foreigner, the dispute shall be
resorted to the court of arbitration according to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration
Rules. If the Contractor is a Turkish company, settlement procedures was created in a different way as the
dispute shall be resorted to the courts of Ankara. In this project, in Erzincan, Turkish contractors have
completed construction work under the conditions of FIDIC as a result of not an international construction
business, initially an international tender was released, but eventually turning into a national tender was
applied as a construction project contract.4
FIDIC published 5th edition of the Conditions of Contract for Construction Works in 1999. In 1999, by
making some changes in the system of conditions for Construction Contracts, FIDIC has published four model
Conditions of Contract. These four Conditions of Contract have been regulated as 20 Clauses. None of these
books has been not yet translated into Turkish and the 5th edition is, the most used and the most well known,
the red book. Sample Conditions of Contracts of FIDIC 1999 edition are as follows:
1. Conditions of Contract for Construction: Conditions of Contract, also known as the "Red Book",
identifies the basic principles of procurement and Construction Contract. In this Conditions of Contract, the
Project of the Work is prepared by the Employer or made it prepared, execution of the construction work by
the Contractor is provided for.
2. Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build: This Conditions of Contract, also known as
"Yellow Book", has been prepared for use design and construction or installation to be made by the Contractor
in the construction and engineering work.
3. Conditions of Contract for Engineering Purchase Construction (EPC) / Turnkey: The Conditions of
Contract, also known as "Silver Book" is recommended for works to be performed turnkey projects such as
power plants, factories or water treatment plant.
4. Short Form of Contract: The Conditions of Contract, also known as "Green Book", provides for a
different regulation rather than previous conditions. According to this different regulation, FIDIC, for any
building or engineering work of which the Contract price is less than U.S. $ 500,000 and is provided for to be
completed in 6 months, through accepting that the supervision service can be provided by the The Contracting
Authority, hasn’t required to employ a consultant engineer for the supervision of construction work.
Briefly introduced above books (Conditions of Contract) consist of two parts.
Türegün, op.cit., p.255.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
The first part consists of the general principles that should be included in Contracts, while the second part has
the nature of guiding for the Special Conditions that will be prepared in accordance with the first part, basing
on the nature of the Work of each tender. Systematically compatible with each other as well as by making
changes, the Conditions of Contract the first part is regulated as 20 Clauses and second part is associated with
the first part as Clauses and titles. Mostly the Red Book is applied in Construction works in our country
(Turkey). European International Contractors (EIC) strongly maintains that Multilateral Development Banks
(MDBs) should only use Construction Contracts with a balanced allocation of risk in key items, such as
design, physical obstructions, amount of work to be done as well as for the amounts and duration of contract
securities, the certification procedure and the terms of payment.5 Where MDBs prescribe the use of standard
Conditions of Contract through the MDBs’ Standard Bidding Documents, as for instance the FIDIC standard
contract documents, it is of paramount importance that the procurement guidelines oblige the The Contracting
Authority not to deviate from the General Conditions, as they provide, to a large extent, a fair balance of risk.6
In the case of the FIDIC 1999 Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement and Construction
(EPC)/Turnkey Projects (“Silver Book”), it has been pointed out in the Introductory Note that this standard
contract form actually departs from the traditional approach of a balanced risk sharing and, therefore, the
“Silver Book” is not suitable in many circumstances. With the aim of creating an even-handed Construction
Contract based on the FIDIC 1999 standard contract forms, EIC has published a series of “EIC Contractor’s
Guides to the FIDIC 1999 New Books”. These Guides highlight the potential risks and pitfalls of each of the
new FIDIC standard forms and they are considered both by FIDIC and the international construction lawyers’
community as a useful checklist to all parties before undertaking an international contract.
In addition, the Conditions of Contract should contain terms that make the use of binding Dispute Boards and
of International Arbitration mandatory on the parties. They are well-suited tools for the The Contracting
Authority and the Contractor to avoid litigation. If prescribed by the MDBs in their Standard Bidding
Documents and the appropriate standard contract form, both mechanisms will contribute to a reduction in
contingencies in the Contract price for the uncertain effect that local dispute resolution may have where it is
not up to the highest standards set for such procedures. In the case of international arbitration, such resolution
by international arbitration should not be subject to any further approval by any of the The Contracting
Authority’s state authorities. However, the problem remains that many developing companies still have not
ratified the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958) or,
even if they have, they often do not recognise such awards. Hence, either party may contest an award. EIC
proposes that the Loan Agreements on the part of the recipient countries stipulate that the country will
surrender to such awards being final and irrevocable. Even so, there may still be cases where local legislation
overrules and opens up the award. In these cases, MDBs should be prepared to intervene vis-à-vis the
recipient country.7
The Particular Conditions should only be employed to regulate the project and the country specifics and
should not be used to re-allocate the risks, which is sometimes the case. Hence, EIC asks the MDBs to
develop and agree finally on standard country-specific Particular Conditions in order to avoid open-ended
possibilities for deviation from the General Conditions. MDBs should prescribe in their Loan Agreements that
the Particular Conditions may not deviate from the allocation of risks as set out in the General Conditions.
MDBs should not approve bidding documents which contain such deviation and, as a consequence,
Contracting Authorities may not disqualify a tenderer who has based a given qualification on such a
prohibited deviation by the The Contracting Authority. Ultimately, the Appendix to Tender as defined by the
FIDIC Conditions should be completed in accordance with international standards and should not place an
excessive burden on the Contractor for items such as Liquidated Damages, Performance Bonds, and the like.8

FIDIC President Julian S. Tritton has stated in the introduction of Conditions of Contract in 1957 that FIDIC
published the first edition of the Conditions of Contracts of which the purpose was "the fair allocation of
risks between the Contractor and the Employer". In this context, it is observed that the FIDIC Conditions of
Contracts mainly intends to establish a balance, or even to prevent the oppression of the Contractor's against
the Employer. 9
EIC, Blue Book on Sustainable Procurement, Germany, November 2004, p.29.
Ibid., p.30.
Türegün, op.cit., p.256.

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In this article, in the nature of the fundamental book of FIDIC Conditions of Contract the 4 th edition 1987
"Conditions of Contract for Construction Works" (the Red Book) mainly used as a model for both
participation of Turkish contractors abroad in international tenders and international tenders in Turkey is
examined. However, where necessary, the explanations are given on regulations in the 5th edition of the Red
book which has been published in 1999, but not yet translated into Turkish. Tritton explaines that many
provisions of Conditions of Contracts of FIDIC a product of experiences acquired in exercise of the
Construction Contracts in the world, are applied consistently as general provisions, some provisions are
modificated essentially according to the location and conditions of the construction business and therefore the
first part consists of General Conditions and the second part consists of Special Application Conditions in
FIDIC Conditions of Contracts.10
Later a third part, the “Scanning and Filling” works for especially the construction of ports has been added to
these two parts and sometimes this third part is located at the end of the second part. In this third part, how to
change some of the provisions inconsistent with features of scanning and filling activities in the first and
second parts and what provisions can be issued instead of them are taken into place.11 However, exercise of
the third part is rare, its content will not be covered in this study. FIDIC also has prepared a tender with its
annex and a short text of the Standard Form of Contract. “It is not possible to distinguish the first and second
parts of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract from each other. Equipped with internationally accepted main rules
in the first part and the second part containing the variable conditions such as socio-economic conditions of
that country where the Work to be executed, geological conditions, the limits of the Employer's desire to
intervene in work, delivery of the Work in whole or in parts. These two parts constitute together one FIDIC
Conditions of Contract.12
FIDIC published a second part in the nature of recommendation, changes to made in the second part which
should be necessary for the Clauses in the first part to become suitable for the local conditions. However, the
practice shows that, Part II Special Applications Conditions emerge as the conditions which contain all the
changes that the Emploer wants in favor of him in direction of his own desire and will in Part I, General
Conditions rather than the Special Conditions required by local circumtances as special conditions.13
The first part consists of 72 Clauses and 160 Sub-Clauses under the title "General Administrative Conditions
of Contract". In this section, fundamental principles about how to regulate a Construction Contract are
The second part explaines as an example of how the Employers can make regulations according to required
local conditions and work in each separate Construction Contract, referring the principles in the first part
under the title of "Special Administrative Conditions of Contract and Provisioning Principles.
At the end of the first part clearly referring to second part of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, some
additions can be done to some clauses; it has been assumed that some clauses could be modified. In addition
referring to second part in Sub-Clause 5.1 on the Contract Language and the Applicaple Law and the Sub-
Clause 2.1 on duties and powers of the Engineer in the first part, it is requested from the practitioners to
regulate these Clauses according to the feature of the Work.
Even the parties can make additions or removal to general conditions. However, in this case, the general
conditions of the FIDIC between the trio of the Employer-Engineer-Contractor, should not interfere the
created delicate balances. General and Special Conditions of FIDIC have legal advisory nature and no legal
binding value on parties. The Employer shall determine additions and changes to be made according to the
nature of the job. If the Employer is a real person or legal entity of private law, this matter does not cause a
major problem. However, in case the Employer is legal person of public law financing of the construction
work has been provided by conditional loans, while making modification in the first part of the Conditions of
Contract, two important points should be considered: The first of these is approval of the institution, which
provides credit the amendments in the Conditions of Contract. Secondly, the amendment should be allowed by
the current legislation and it should be beneficial to the public. International organizations providing credit
with loan agreements, even initially mandating procurement procedures to be made in accordance with the
FIDIC Conditions of Contract and more open to international competition, on condition of abiding the
fundamental principles, admit a lot of changes in the specifications the Contracting Authority that the end of
the negotiations.
Ibid., p.257.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
For example, it is observed that in many tenders made by the Directorate General of Highways in Turkey
made a lot of changes in Conditions of Contract and these tenders show mixed features. Because the FIDIC
Conditions of Contract regulates the provisions that will be subject to a Construction Contract which is a
contract of special law, on condition of agreeing the parties, modification in the stage of the Work could be
case in Contracts and Conditions of Contract. However authorities releasing a tender on behalf of public are
the representatives of the public and their responsibilities are for the public since they are not for private
employers. FIDIC General Administrative Conditions of Contract (Red Book), Clauses 51-52 regulate “work
changes. According to these Clauses, the Engineer after the start of working may ask the Contractor to make
a number of new work related manufacturing and similar previously not provided for. The Contractor must
meet these demands of the Engineer. In this respect, the right to appeal which is entitled the Contractor is
The second part provisions which facilitate to adapt the performance according to the contitions, have the
same Clause numbers with the firts part general provisions, preparing a concrete Construction Contract.
Generally examples and an explanation follow the second part provisions. Such presentation increases the use
of standard form in practice for people who will draw up a Construction Contract.
FIDIC Conditions of Contract are recommended for general use in works subject to international tender and
also suitable for use in national tenders. It has been accepted, while preparing FIDIC Conditions of Contract,
that some Clauses shall be implemented generally and some should be modified depending on the features of
the Work and location. The Clauses that shall be applied generally in the general Conditions of Contract, have
been issued as facilitating as to be inluded and drawned up to the texts of Construction Contracts. General
Conditions of Contracts and the Special Conditions of Contracts in second part are linked to each other by
numbering the Clauses mutually, thus the first and second part together create the Conditions of Contract, has
gained integrity that covers the entire rights and duties of the parties.
The second part should be formed specially to suit each original contract. If scanning and some land
improvement works are in question, a special care should be taken in the second part.
Systematic of the General Administrative Conditions of Contract section with 72 Clauses is as follows:
Definitions and Interpretation
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Headings and Marginal Notes
1.3 Interpretation
1.4 Singular and Plural
1.5 Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates and Determinations
Engineer and Engineer's Representative
2.1 Engineer's Duties and Authority
2.2 Engineer's Representative
2.3 Engineer's Authority to Delegate
2.4 Appointment of Assistants
2.5 Instructions in Writing
2.6 Engineer to Act Impartially
Assignment and Subcontracting
3.1 Assignment of Contract
4.1 Subcontracting
4.2 Assignment of Subcontractors' Obligations
Contract Documents
5.1 Languages and Law
5.2 Priority of Contract Documents
6.1 Custody and Supply of Drawings and Documents
6.2 One Copy of Drawings to be Kept on Site
6.3 Disruption of Progress
6.4 Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings
6.5 Failure by Contractor to Submit Drawings
7.1 Supplementary Drawings and Instructions
7.2 Permanent Works Designed by Contractor
7.3 Responsibility Unaffected by Approval
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General Obligations
8.1 Contractor's General Responsibilities
8.2 Site Operations and Methods of Construction
9.1 Contract Agreement
10.1 Performance Security
10.2 Period of Validity of Performance Security
10.3 Claims under Performance Security
11.1 Inspection of Site
12.1 Sufficiency of Tender
12.2 Not Foreseeable Physical Obstructions or Conditions
13.1 Work to be in Accordance with Contract
14.1 Programme to be Submitted
14.2 Revised Programme
14.3 Cash Flow Estimate to be Submitted
14.4 Contractor not Relieved of Duties or Responsibilities
15.1 Contractor's Superintendence
16.1 Contractor's Employees
16.2 Engineer at Liberty to Object
17.1 Setting-out
18.1 Boreholes and Exploratory Excavation
19.1 Safety, Security and Protection of the Environment
19.2 Employer's Responsibilities
20.1 Care of Works
20.2 Responsibility to Rectify Loss or Damage
20.3 Loss or Damage Due to Employer's Risks
20.4 Employer's Risks
21.1 Insurance of Works and Contractor's Equipment
21.2 Scope of Cover
21.3 Responsibility for Amounts not Recovered
21.4 Exclusions
22.1 Damage to Persons and Property
22.2 Exceptions
22.3 Indemnity by Employer
23.1 Third Party Insurance (including Employer's Property)
23.2 Minimum Amount of Insurance
23.3 Cross Liabilities
24.1 Accident or Injury to Workmen
24.2 Insurance Against Accident to Workmen
25.1 Evidence and Terms of Insurances
25.2 Adequacy of Insurances
25.3 Remedy on Contractor's Failure to Insure
25.4 Compliance with Policy Conditions
26.1 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations
27.1 Fossils
28.1 Patent Rights
28.2 Royalties
29.1 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties
30.1 Avoidance of Damage to Roads
30.2 Transport of Contractor's Equipment or Temporary Works
30.3 Transport of Materials or Plant
30.4 Waterbome Traffic
31.1 Opportunities for Other Contractors
31.2 Facilities for Other Contractors
32.1 Contractor to Keep Site Clear
33.1 Clearance of Site on Completion
34.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour
35.1 Returns of Labour and Contractor's Equipment
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
Quality of Materials, Plant and Workmanship
36.1 Quality of Materials, Plant and Workmanship
36.2 Cost of Samples
36.3 Cost of Tests
36.4 Cost of Tests not Provided for
36.5 Engineer's Determination where Tests not Provided for
37.1 Inspection of Operations
37.2 Inspection and Testing
37.3 Dates for Inspection and Testing
37.4 Rejection
37.5 Independent Inspection
38.1 Examination of Work before Covering up
38.2 Uncovering and Making Openings
39.1 Removal of Improper Work, Materials or Plant
39.2 Default of Contractor in Compliance
40.1 Suspension of Work
40.2 Engineer's Determination following Suspension
40.3 Suspension lasting more than 84 Days
Commencement and Delays
42.1 Possession of Site and Access Thereto
42.2 Failure to Give Possession
42.3 Rights of Way and Facilities
43.1 Time for Completion
44.1 Extension of Time for Completion
44.2 Contractor to Provide Notification and Detailed Particulars
44.3 Interim Determination of Extension
45.1 Restriction on Working Hours
46.1 Rate of Progress
47.1 Liquidated Damages for Delay
47.2 Reduction of Liquidated Damages
48.1 Taking-Over Certificate
48.2 Taking-Over of Sections or Parts
48.3 Substantial Completion of Parts
48.4 Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement
Defects Liability
49.1 Defects Liability Period
49.2 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects
49.3 Cost of Remedying Defects
49.4 Contractor's Failure to Carry Out Instructions
50.1 Contractor to Search
Alterations, Additions and Omissions
51.1 Variations
51.2 Instructions for Variations
52.1 Valuation of Variations
52.2 Power of Engineer to Fix Rates
52.3 Variations Exceeding 15 percent
52.4 Daywork
Procedure for Claims
53.2 Contemporary Records
53.3 Substantiation of Claims
53.4 Failure to Comply
53.5 Payment of Claims
Contractor's Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials
54.1 Contractor's Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials; Exclusive Use for the Works
54.2 Employer not Liable for Damage
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54.3 Customs Clearance
54.4 Re-export of Contractor's Equipment
54.5 Conditions of Hire of Contractor's Equipment
54.6 Costs for the Purpose of Clause 63
54.7 Incorporation of Clause in SubContracts
54.8 Approval of Materials not Implied
55.1 Quantities
56.1 Works to be Measured
57.1 Method of Measurement
57.2 Breakdown of Lump Sum Items
Provisional Sums
58.1 Definition of "Provisional Sum"
58.2 Use of Provisional Sums
58.3 Production of Vouchers
Nominated Subcontractors
59.1 Definition of"Nominated Subcontractors"
59.2 Nominated Subcontractors; Objection to Nomination
59.3 Design Requirements to be Expressly Stated
59.4 Payments to Nominated Subcontractors
59.5 Certification of Payments to Nominated Subcontractors
Certificates and Payment
60.1 Monthly Statements
60.2 Monthly Payments
60.3 Payment of Retention Money
60.4 Correction of Certificates
60.5 Statement at Completion
60.6 Final Statement
60.7 Discharge
60.8 Final Payment Certificate
60.9 Cessation of Employer's Liability
60.10 Time for Payment
61.1 Approval only by Defects Liability Certificate
62.1 Defects Liability Certificate
62.2 Unfulfilled Obligations Remedies
63.1 Default of Contractor
63.2 Valuation at Date of Termination
63.3 Payment after Termination
63.4 Assignment of Benefit of Agreement
64.1 Urgent Remedial Work
Special Risks
65.1 No Liability for Special Risks
65.2 Special Risks
65.3 Damage to Works by Special Risks
65.4 Projectile, Missile
65.5 Increased Costs arising from Special Risks
65.6 Outbreak of War
65.7 Removal of Contractor's Equipment on Termination
65.8 Payment if Contract Terminated
Release from Performance
66.1 Payment in Even of Release from Performance
Settlement of Disputes
67.1 Engineer's Decision
67.2 Amicable Settlement
67.3 Arbitration
67.4 Failure to Comply with Engineer's Decision
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
68.1 Notice to Contractor
68.2 Notice to Employer and Engineer
68.3 Change of Address
Default of Employer
69.1 Default of Employer
69.2 Removal of Contractor's Equipment
69.3 Payment on Termination
69.4 Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work
69.5 Resumption of Work
Changes in Cost and Legislation
70.1 Increase or Decrease of Cost
70.2 Subsequent Legislation
Currency and Rates of Exchange
71.1 Currency Restrictions
72.1 Rates of Exchange
72.2 Currency Proportions
72.3 Currencies of Payment for Provisional Sums
In order to be completed, there may be some necessary additions to the some Sub-Clauses of the Conditions of
Contracts, such as, Sub-Clauses 1.1.(a) (1), 5.1, 14.1,14.3,68.2 and 70.1. Also to complete the first part, or to
make additions to the Clauses may be necessary in terms of covering special circumstances or types of work
such as scanning. As mentioned before, "the Second Part: Special Administrative Conditions" and "the
Second Part: Principles of Provisioning" have been published as separate documents. FIDIC Conditions of
Contracts for Construction Works (General Administrative Conditons of Contracts) has an attachment
consisting of three parts and this additional text has been prepared to be used together with the General
Conditions of Contract.
The first part of the additional text titled as "Section A: Disputes Resolition Board " deals with the creation of
a board to settle disputes. FIDIC "General Administrative Conditions of Contract" traditionally, used to
transfer the decision making authorization to the Engineer in case a dispute arises between the Employer and
the Contractor. But in recent years this role of the Engineer has been decreased and variety of methods have
been developed for settlement of disputes. Increasingly preferred option related to Civil engineering works in
the FIDIC Standard Form of Contracts is nominating initially in drawing up contract one or couple of experts
who are capable to settle disputes by constantly and regulary watching the progress of the Work. Also FIDIC
has the option of this is a more appropriate and acceptable solution rather than the entitled role of the Engineer
in settling disputes. Thus the provisions in Section A of additional text are regarding the appoinment of the
dispute resolition board consisting of one or three members. This board shall undertake the responsibility of
the earlier role and the authority of the Engineer in this subject.
Section B of the Additional text, titled as "The Lump Sum-Based Payment" deals with lump-sum payment
system instead of quantity list provision. This chapter consists of the annexes and amendments to be made in
the related Clauses in FIDIC General Administrative Conditions of Contract in order to provide payment
based on Lump Sum System. Again Part B also includes amendments of bid and agreement according to the
lump system. The section C of the Additional text titled as "Payment Approval delays", the text contains a
different text to provide the Contractor Security, if the Engineer delays in approval of interim payments.
FIDIC General Administrative Conditions of Contracts (Part One) and the Special Administrative Conditions
of Contracts (Part Two) have an integrity that covers parties' all rights and duties. Therefore, a standard form
is not intended for the second part, because the second part has to be prepared separately for each tender. In
this context FIDIC Manual of the Special Administrative Conditions of Contracts is published, providing
options for a variety of Clauses to help in this regard.
The second part Clauses may be required in following cases:
1) giving more information in the second part especially is requested in the first part, specifying otherwise the
administrative Conditions of Contract shall be missing,
2) specifying in the first part that complemantary information in the second part otherwise the administrative
specifications should be,
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3) Type characteristics or place of works requiring additional materials or paragraphs,
4) The laws of the relevant country or in exceptional circumstances requiring amendments in the first part, i.e.
general conditions.
Specifying that a certain Clause will be canceled in whole or in part the first part. Such changes should be
done replacing the Clause depending on the situation by giving all or part of it in the second part.
Scanning and some of the Works of Land Reclamation is in question, the second part needs special attention.
Scanners are significantly more expensive than many items forming contractor equipment; such that, the
capital value of a scanner, which will serve the Contract, generally may exceed the price of the Contract.
Therefore, the most economical and efficient use of scanners depending on the nature of the Work and more
important other factors will be in the interest of both the Employer and the Contractor. In this regard, giving
permission to the Contractor to continue scanning works -day and night- seven days per week has become a
tradition. Another difference in scanning works from normal civil engineering is, according to 48th Clause of
General Administrative Conditions of Contract, that the Contractor shall not be responsible for correcting
defects of approved works after the date of completion.
Explanations and examples regarding this and other similar matters, including Scanning works, are in the
second part. In certain cases, additions to some other Clauses may be needed in the second part. Land
Reclamation works, show big changes qualitatively; therefore, before deciding whether to have changes for
Land Reclamation works similar to those adopted in scanning works in the second part, or to maintaine the
standard civil engineering form exactly, each specific situation should be evaluated reperately. After these
general explanations, in terms of understanding the proposed model Construction Contract in FIDIC
documents, important clauses of FIDIC General Administrative Conditions of Contract, in this section of the
study, the 4th edition, published in 1987 which is still widely used in practice, shall be examined and where
necessary changes in the 5th edition, published in 1999, will be discussed.
Because payment or partial payments are usually made on the basis of a Construction Contract, in
administration phases of it, acceptance of the completed work or the later phases of the work has a great
importance. This issue, in the Contract, is usually regulated diligently. Mostly Construction Contracts
separately regulates the conditions for temporary admission and final acceptance. According to the regulation
of Parties, the Engineer will grant approval and the Contractor will be entitled to receive some more money.
Any subsequent variations in the provisions of a Construction Contract, regarding the removals and additions
arise great difficulties in practice, because it is rarely possible to perform according to the initial work of a
large construction project as in the original (and drawings). In this respect, Sub-Clause 52.1 of FIDIC General
Administrative Conditions of Construction contains detailed rules about keeping the rates and prices fixed. All
variations referred to in Clause 51 and any additions to the Contract Price which are required to be determined
in accordance with Clause 52 (for the purposes of this Clause referred to as "varied work"), shall be valued at
the rates and prices set out in the Contract if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the same shall be applicable.
If the Contract does not contain any rates or prices applicable to the varied work, the rates and prices in the
Contract shall be used as the basis for valuation so far as may be reasonable, failing which, after due
consultation by the Engineer with the Employer and the Contractor, suitable rates or prices shall be agreed
upon between the Engineer and the Contractor. In the event of disagreement, the Engineer shall fix such rates
or prices as are, in his opinion, appropriate and shall notify the Contractor accordingly, with a copy to the
Employer. Until such time as rates or prices are agreed or fixed, the Engineer shall determine provisional rates
or prices to enable on-account payments to be included in certificates issued in accordance with Clause 60.
Where provided by the Contract (The Employer), the Contractor may subcontract some parts of the Works
with the prior written consent of the Engineer. For example a hospital is to be built by a construction
company, for instance, supply of X-ray and other clinical equipment can be done by Sub-Contractors who are
expert on this field, trasferring by the Contractor. FIDIC Conditions of Contract refers the Sub-Contractors
who are approved by the Employer or the Engineer as “Nominated Subcontractors” and any payment in
respect of work done or goods, materials, plant or services supplied by any nominated Subcontractor, the
Engineer shall be entitled to demand from the Contractor reasonable proof that all payments, have been paid
to the Sub-Contractor by the Contractor and if the Contractor fails to supply such proof then the Employer
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
shall be entitled to pay to such nominated Subcontractor directly.14 The Parties may agree on that always,
upon the certificate of the Engineer or the Contractor, the Employer shall pay directly the Subcontractors.
According to Sub-Clause of FIDIC Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for the acts,
defaults and neglects of any Subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen as fully as if they were the acts,
defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his agents, servants or workmen.
Sometimes, the Employer may employ some Contractors directly contracting with them who will be
responsible for a certain piece of work, not providing the Work only one contractor. In addition, the Employer
may contract with different contractors seperately for the consecutive phases of construction work. This
method, called as “Fast Track” can shorten the time required to complete all the Work, but requires careful
planning and coordination and can lead to technical difficulties at various phases of the Work.
A typical characteristic of FIDIC Conditions of Contract is that the Engineer is required under the terms of his
appointment by the Employer set out in Part II of these Conditions. As a technical expert, functions of the
Engineer include elements such as giving his decision, opinion or consent, expressing his satisfaction or
approval, determining value, or otherwise taking action which may affect the rights and obligations of the
Employer or the Contractor. Except where otherwise provided by the Contract, the Employer shall appoint
the Engineer. Therefore, just the Employer has a contractual relationship with the Engineer and the Contractor
is not in such a contractual relationship. However the Engineer is not the employer's representative who has to
take into consideration only the interests of the Employer. However, in the legal sense, the Engineer may be
considered as an agent of the Employer.
The Contract with the Employer requires undertaking the role of impartial arbitrager between the Employer
and the Contractor. In fact according to Sub-Clause 2.6 of FIDIC Conditions of Contract, the Engineer shall
exercise his discretion impartially within the terms of the Contract and having regard to all the circumstances.
If the Contractor is damaged by the decision of the Engineer and if the Engineer is appointed according to
FIDIC Conditions of Contract, the appropriate solution for the Contractor is resorting to arbitration in
accordance with Clause 67. Because, even the neglect of the Engineer is proved, winning a case due to such
neclect is unlikely and because if the case is for compensation of ecenomic loss, the possibility of passing the
necessary test is very weak.
In a long-term contract or a Construction Contract, different pricing methods could be used. These are lump-
sum method, cost plus profit method and unit price method. Lump sum method is widely used for providing
accuracy in price mechanism, but in long-term contracts, in case mechanisms of price adjustment and revision
are not included in the Contract, it can disrupt the balance of interests between the Employer and the
Contractor. Cost + profit method requires submission from the Contractor to the Employer of the invoice for
production cost, because a specific determined (percentage or amount) profit will be added to the total cost. In
this method, an element of certainty is lacking. This method does not mean that the Employer as a buyer shall
not have all risk of increases in construction costs. Many financial institutions do not prefer this pricing
In unit price method, because the parties agree on a rate for the unit construction, the total price to be paid will
depend on the number of construction units to be used. Price to be determined for a construction unit should
also include an extra reflecting the Contractor's profit. Unit price can be calculated on material basis such as
the amount of cement used for a concrete mold or on basis of labor such as working time for a specific job.
Obviously, this pricing method is not suitable for all types of Construction Contracts and long-term Contracts.
In Construction Contracts to be prepared on the basis of FIDIC Conditions of Contracts, to include a detailed
mechanism for price adjustment is very important. However some changes in prices are predictable, while
some others are unpredictable. For predictable price changes, the procedure usually followed is an index-
based price adjustment mechanism. An index basket is used in long-term Contracts. Reviewing changes in
prices of this index basket (e.g. diesel, labor force, and cement) on a regular basis, it is determined whether to
make any addition to the basic price. For the unpredictable events that affect the contract price, if the Contract
is not variated according to the new price, an hardship Clause should be added to the Contract, where
necessary to apply, for a party claiming rightly that this will cause a very important difficulty to him.

See Herzfeld, Edgar: “Sub-Contracts in Long-Term Construction Contracts”, [1984] J.B.L, p.226; also see Herzfeld, Edgar:
“Nominated Sub-Contractors”, [1985] J.B.L., p.386.

© Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
In Construction Contracts, the Contractor’s obtaining a performance security from a bank, insurance company
or other third party to submit it to the Employer is common. The purpose of the security, avoid any damage
suffering the Employer in case of failure of contractor in performance of contractual obligations. Performance
Guarantee, in some cases, may be supplied with a security of reimbursement. Security of reimbursement, if
the Employer has made advance payments on account the Contract price and if the Employer has concerns
that the Contractor would not perform the Conditions of Contract, is provided to protect the Employer from
these possibilities. Sometimes to guarantee the future financial demands of the Employer against the
Contractor, the Employer may be requested to provide a payment security from a bank in an impartial country,
like Switzerland. However, if the Employer is a public institution or a credit of a foreign country is a subject,
the payment security is rarely required from the Employer.
In international Construction Contracts, the Contractor’s certain amount of money is usually retained against
the risk of non-compliance of work on time. In order to be sure that the Contractor executes his obligations
under an international Construction Contract, the Contractor shall be entitled to retain 5 or 10 % of the total
contract price for a certain period such as 6 or 12 months.
According to Sub-Clause of the World Bank Guidelines: “In order to ensure the Contract is executed fully by
the Contractor in accordance with the Contract, the Contract may provide a certain percentage of the Contract
price retained by the Employer. The guarante should be extended over an adequate anticipated period of time
to cover guarantee and maintanence period requested by the Contract. Alternatively, a separate security for
that period can be obtained.” In FIDIC Conditions of Contract the percentage and limits of the money to be
retained are determined in the annexes of tender forms.
If the Contractor has to pay the foreign Sub-Contractors or the Employer has to pay Partner Contractors in
different countries, the Exchange Clauses should be cared specialy. Both The World Bank Guidelines (Sub-
Clause 2.21-2.26) and the FIDIC General Conditions of Contracts (Sub-Clauses 71-72) contain detailed
provisions regarding currencies of payment. In suitable cases, seperation of foreign currency which are used
for accounting and foreign currency which are used for payments, can provide a solution. Contract price, as
well as the currency used for accounting, may be expressed by exchange rate of the country of the Employer.
Payments may be made in different foreign exchanges of joint contractors or subcontractors and the General
Contractor and these are payment rates. When this system is used, the exchange rate should be determined ,
in other words, the rate governing the rate of exchange will be valid on the day of payment.
A Construction Contract should contain provisions on insurance and compensation. According to Sub-Clause
2.36 of The World Bank Guidelines, the insurance types and conditions must be referred in tender documents.
According to Clauses 23-25, the Contractor shall insure the Workmen and againest the third party risks,
however if the Contractor fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances, the Employer may effect and
keep in force any such insurances. 15 Also Sub-Clauses 22.1 and 24.1 of FIDIC Conditions of Contract set out
the compensations to be paid by Employers and Contractors.
During a Construction Contract disputes may arise between the parties for the following reasons :16
-Inadequate and incomplete contract documentation,
-Drawing up an improper contract-style,
-Improper tender styles,
-Unreasonable risk burden on one of the parties,
-Improper personnel for the Project,
-The risk burden which arises from the Contract on the Party who is inadequate for this risk,
-Bankrupcy of one of the Parties,
-Coordination problems arising where more than two parties,
-Particularly settling indefinite conditions in the Contract that amending the conditions in the standart
form of the Contract cause unreliable interpretations,

See FIDIC General Administrative Conditions of Contract, Sub-Clause 25.3.
Uğur, L.O., İnşaat Sektöründe Riskler ve Risk Yönetimi, TMB yayını, Ankara, 2006, p.120.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011
-Transferring assesment of the decisions with indefinite Sub-Clauses to one of the Parties or Both
-Determining methods instead of determining the Parties who are liable to provide the required
-Insufficient architechtual and engineering drawings or designs.
Even drawing up Construction Contracts diligently at the beginning, it is always highly possible to arise
disputes in the future.17 The purpose of the Construction Contract is to ensure a fair distribution of risks
between the parties, determining the parties' rights, duties, responsibilities and obligations in advance. Not to
fulfill duty and responsibility of one of the parties, because his own insufficiency, negligence, fault or any
influence of an external event will break the balance of risk.18 A Construction Contract is an equalization of
accepting between controllable and uncontrollable risks with the price deemed appropriate to undertake this
work by the Covenanter. Price of the Work at least partially reflects the risk of this work deemed by the
Contractor to execute the Work. In the fixed price lump sum method, contracts are encouraging for the
Contractor performance in terms of risk which could be handled by the Contractor. However, contractual
agreements should be concluded taking into account who will burden how much risk.19
The standard form Construction Contracts such as FIDIC Contracts, with the help of the conditions stated
clearly in the Contract share the risk between the parties. However, the management of this risk distribution
may differ. Standard Form of Contracts being used in the construction industry generally contain most of the
risks and certifies a reconciliation between the parties.20 Contracts prepared in official form for official
works are drawn up according to special requests regarding legal liability. Generally, public officials do not
want to accept price uncertainty due to financial and political reasons. Public managers often prefer fixed
price lump-sum style, i.e. the Contracts in which the Contractor has the risk. But in private sector, customers
such as large, growing companies take more risk regarding financial benefits and to be part of the design and
construction. When customers’ Contracts are concluded directly with sub-contractors, these construction
management Contracts can provide advantages.21 In construction projects, not only controllable risks such
as changes in administrative and operational performances, bad weather, the effect of inflation on costs, but
also risks can not be controlled, such as a specific ground soil conditions are also important.22
According to Sub-Clause 47.1 of FIDIC General Conditions of Contract, if the Contractor fails to comply with
the time for completion in accordance with Clause 48, for the whole of the Works or, if applicable, any
Section within the relevant time prescribed by Clause 43, then the Contractor shall pay to the Employer the
relevant sum stated in the Appendix to Tender as liquidated damages for such default and not as a penalty
(which sum shall be the only monies due from the Contractor for such default) for every day or part of a day
which shall elapse between the relevant time for completion and the date stated in a Taking-Over Certificate if
the whole of the Works or the relevant Section, subject to the applicable limit stated in the Appendix to
Tender. The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such
damages from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor. The payment or deduction of such
damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the Works, or from any other of his
obligations and liabilities under the Contract. Previsions for the cases such as if the Contractor delivers the
Work before the time, paying him premium Clause is referred in Contracts less than Liquidated Damages
for Delay. As a matter of fact that the early completion and deliver of the Work regulation for the
payment of premium to the Contractor in FIDIC General Administrative Specification (first part) is not
included; such premium Clause may be settled in FIDIC Special Application Conditions or Tender
According to Sub-Clause 31.1 of FIDIC General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible
to provide opportunities to the Employer’s workmen and the other Contractors in the site, in accordance with
the requirements of the Engineer.
© Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
However, in such a case, FIDIC standard form Conditions of Contract has no concern with whether the
working synchronization between contractors should be organized by the Engineer.23 Working in a same
construction site within the framework of the same construction project with separate Contracts, contractors
generally encounter the “inter-face” problem (inter-section of works). This problem emerges especially in
cases a contractor commences his work before another doesn’t complete his work.24 This problem usually
occurs between the Sub-Contractors. To fill this gap of the Standard form of Conditions of Contract,
applying Sub-Clause 44.1 for the extension of time for completion, because of any delay, impediment or
prevention by the Employer, and financially applying Sub-Clause 51.1 (f) providing for the Engineer to have
the authority to change any specified sequence or timing of construction of any part of the Works. 25
If there is one General Contractor and his sub-contractors in a construction site, it is natural that the sole
General Contractor shall be responsible for the work organization and synchronization.” 26 “In FIDIC General
Conditions of Contract there are two types of Sub-Contractor; “approved Sub-Contractor” and “nominated
Sub-Contractor.27 Sub-contractor is a person who is dependent and has a contractual relationship with the
Contractor and does pieceworking. However, Sub-Contractor is a person who undertakes a part of the Work
(sometimes all) which is undertaken by the General Contractor and his relation with the General Contractor
independently bases on Contract of Work. 28 In FIDIC General Conditions of Contract (in the 4th edition),
The Approved Contractor expression has not been mentioned, instead, the issues such as supplying workers
who do not require the approval of the engineer, purchasing the materials according to the standards specified
in the Contract and giving any part of the Works to the Sub-Contractor named in the Contract are included.
An issue that should be underlined here is in Turkish translations of FIDIC Conditions of Contract and even in
national legislation related to construction law the use of phrase "sub-contractor" instead of "subcontracting"
is inappropriate. 29
According to Sub-Clause 5.2 of General Conditions of Contract, the several documents forming the Contract
are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another; but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies, the same
shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor instructions
thereon and in such event, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the priority of the documents forming
the Contract shall be as follows : 30
(1) The Contract Agreement (if completed) ;
(2) The Letter of Acceptance ;
(3) The Tender ;
(4) Part II of these Conditions ;
(5) Part I of these Conditions ; and
(6) Any other document forming part of the Contract.
The text of the Contract agreement which has the first priority under any circumstances among the Contract
documents signed between parties should be clear, understandable and written in an unsophisticated
language.31 Because the tenders which are realized according to FIDIC Conditions of Contracts are in
international nature and the parties are from different countries, there must be clearly stated in Part II of these
Conditions of Contract that the language or languages in which the Contract documents shall be drawn up,
and the country the law of which shall apply to the Contract & according to which the Contract shall be
According to Sub Clauses 5.1., if the said documents are written in more than one language, the language
according to which the Contract shall be construed and interpreted is also stated in Part II of these Conditions,
being therein designated the "ruling language". In practice, the ruling language is accepted as English in
international tenders.

Güvenç, C., FIDIC Raporu, 26.04.2002,
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011

Parties may make the changes which they want in FIDIC general and special conditions and it is especially
recommended for international construction contracts. However, where the financing of construction work is
provided by an international financial institution, approval by this financial institution may be necessary.33
Which country’s law has been deemed to be applied on Construction Contract, FIDIC general conditions also
are interpreted according to the law of that country.34
In Clause 10 of General Conditions of Contract, the performance bond issue is regulated.
According to Sub-Clause 10.1 titled as “Performance Security”, if the Contract requires the Contractor to
obtain security for his proper performance of the Contract, he shall obtain and provide to the Employer such
security within 28 days after the receipt of Letter of Acceptance, in the sum stated in the Appendix to Tender.
When providing such security to the Employer, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of so doing. Such
security shall be in the form annexed to these Conditions or in such other form as may be agreed between the
Employer and the Contractor. The institution providing such security shall be subject to the approval of the
Employer. The cost of complying with the requirements of the Clause shall be borne by the Contractor, unless
the Contract otherwise provides.
According to Sub-Clause 10.2., the performance security shall be valid until the Contractor has executed and
completed the works and remedied any defects therein accordance with the Contract.
No claim shall be made against such security after the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate in accordance
with Sub-Clause 62.1 and such security shall be returned to the Contractor within 14 days of the issue of the
said Defects Liability Certificate. Prior to making a claim under the performance security the Employer shall,
in every case, notify the Contractor stating the nature of the default in respect of which the claim is to be
made. “Only the performance bond is issued, there are no regulations on the bid bond in FIDIC General
Administrative Conditions of Contract.35 FIDIC General Conditions of Contract, issues the performance
bond as a discretionary, however in case provided for by the Construction Contract between the parties, the
performance bond will be required.36 In General conditions, there is no explanation about the amount of the
performance bond and its rate according to the Contract price. Only in the second part (Special Application
Conditions), providing style of the performance bond is regulated the equilibrium of the money and the
rates specified in the annex bid according to sample Sub-Clause 10.1. In accordance with example Sub-
Clause 10.4, if supplies, from where the performance bond shall be obtained, is restricted, the following
additional paragraph may be included:37
In accordance with Sub-Clause 10.1, the Contractor shall obtain the Performance Bond from an Entity which
is registered or licensed to do business in the country where the Works shall be executed (or)
If the Performance Bond is in the form of a bank guarantee, this guarantee must be issued by;
(a) a Bank in the Country of the Employer or,
(b) a Foreign Bank through a Correspondent Bank of the Employer's country.
According to Sub-Clause 26.1 of FIDIC General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall conform in all
respects with regulations of any Nation or State.
According to this sub Clause, the Contractor shall conform in all respects, including by the giving of all
notices and the paying of all fees, with the provisions of :
a. any National or State Statute, Ordinance, or other Law, or any regulation, or byelaw of any local or
other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of
any defects therein,
and the rules and regulations of all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may
be affected in any way by the Works, and the Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified against all
penalties and liability of every kind for breach of any such provisions.
Provided always that the Employer shall be responsible for obtaining any planning, zoning or other similar
permission required for the Works to proceed and shall indemnify the Contractor in accordance with Sub-
Clause 22.3.38
© Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
In FIDIC Conditions of Contract, there is no special Clause regarding variations exceedings. The Parties
shall agree on variation exceedings issue among them.” 39 “ Excess of 15 percent of the "Effective Contract
Price in Sub-Clause 52.3 of FIDIC General Conditions of Contract is regarding not paying general
expenditure to the Contractor for the variations exceedings up to 15 per cent. Thus when variations exceed 15
per cent, taking into account Site and general overhead costs, the Contractor shall be paid according to the
determined sum. Otherwise the Contractor shall not make any request.40 FIDIC Conditions of Contract are
available, regardless rate, for the approval of variations exceedings by Contracting Authorities.41
Despite the absence in Public Works General Conditions of Contract and of application in local tenders in
Turkey, in Construction Contracts prepared according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract, "Provisional Sum" is
included which shall be used where necessary during the tender process. 42
According to Sub Clause 58.1, "Provisional Sum" means a sum included in the Contract and so designated
in the Bill of Quantities for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of goods, materials, plant
or services, or for contingencies, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all, on the instructions
of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be entitled to only such amounts in respect of the Work, supply or
contingencies to which such Provisional Sums relate as the Engineer shall notify the Contractor of any
determination made under this Sub-Clause, with a copy to the Employer.43
According to the Sub-Clause 58.3, the Contractor shall produce to the Engineer all quotations, invoices,
vouchers and accounts or receipts in connection with expenditure in respect of Provisional Sums, except
where work is valued in accordance with rates or prices set out in the Tender. 44
The Clause 59 requires that some works can be executed by nominated sub-contractors and this Clause
regulates its procedure.In Clause 58, the amount of provisional sum is not specified and the Engineer shall
have authority to issue instructions for the expenditures. In the Clause text the provisional sum is provided for
to be used wholly, partly or never, expenditures of provisional sums have the nature of arbitrary treatments.
When the Employer is a public authority; the amount, expenditure way and similar issues should be regulated
clearly. And also by the Employer, approval of the authority of the Engineer to issue spending provisional
sum will be suitable.45

FIDIC Conditions of Contract confer powers the Employer and the Engineer, if the Contractor does not
comply with the Contract provisions. Sub-Clause 63.1 regulating this issue deals with the issues such as has
failed to execute his obligations due to is deemed by law unable to pay his debts, enters bankruptcy,
liquidation or dissolution, appointing a trustee, and if the Engineer has the opinion that he has repudiated the
Contract, or without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the Works or to proceed with the Works
sufficiently, despite previous warning from the Engineer, in writing, is otherwise persistently or flagrantly
neglecting to comply with any of his obligations under the Contract, has not removed the materials, which are
not accepted, within 28 days.46 In case of the above conditions if the Engineer gives notice to the
Employer, with a copy to the Contractor, and the Employer may give 14 days notice to the Contractor, enter
upon the site and the Works and terminate the employment of the Contractor without thereby releasing the
Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract, or affecting the rights and authorities
conferred on the Employer or the Engineer by the Contract, and may himself complete the Works or may
employ any other contractor to complete the Works. The Employer or such other contractor may use for such
completion so much of the Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works and materials as he or they may think
proper. 47

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011

In this article, in the nature of the fundamental book of FIDIC Conditions of Contract the 4 th edition 1987
"Conditions of Contract for Construction Works" (the Red Book) mainly used as a model for both
participation of Turkish contractors abroad in international tenders and international tenders in Turkey, is
The common use of FIDIC Conditions of Contracts in the construction sector has different grounds.
Contractors and employers in construction sector prefer these conditions of contract because they are familiar
with them. In addition, by using these conditions of contract, the contractors and employers are able to avoid
dealing with the problem of which legal system should be applied to their construction projects since FIDIC
Conditions of Contract is deemed to be a part of Lex Mercatoria, which is composed of such usages and
customs common to merchants in international trade.
The first part of FIDIC Conditions of Contract consists of 72 Clauses and 160 Sub-Clauses under the title
"General Administrative Conditions of Contract". In this section, fundamental principles about how to
regulate a Construction Contract are determined.
The second part explaines as an example of how the Employers can make regulations according to required
local conditions and work in each separate Construction Contract, referring the principles in the first part
under the title of "Special Administrative Conditions of Contract and Provisioning Principles.
At the end of the first part clearly referring to second part of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, some
additions can be done to some clauses; it has been assumed that some clauses could be modified. In addition
referring to second part in Sub-Clause 5.1 on the Contract Language and the Applicaple Law and the Sub-
Clause 2.1 on duties and powers of the Engineer in the first part, it is requested from the practitioners to
regulate these Clauses according to the feature of the Work.
Even the parties can make additions or removal to general conditions. However, in this case, the general
conditions of the FIDIC between the trio of the Employer-Engineer-Contractor, should not interfere the
created delicate balances. General and Special Conditions of FIDIC have legal advisory nature and no legal
binding value on parties. The Employer shall determine additions and changes to be made according to the
nature of the job. If the Employer is a real person or legal entity of private law, this matter does not cause a
major problem. However, in case the Employer is legal person of public law financing of the construction
work has been provided by conditional loans, while making modification in the first part of the Conditions of
Contract, two important points should be considered: The first of these is approval of the institution, which
provides credit the amendments in the Conditions of Contract. Secondly, the amendment should be allowed by
the current legislation and it should be beneficial to the public. International organizations providing credit
with loan agreements, even initially mandating procurement procedures to be made in accordance with the
FIDIC Conditions of Contract and more open to international competition, on condition of abiding the
fundamental principles, admit a lot of changes in the specifications the Contracting Authority that the end of
the negotiations.
The second part provisions which facilitate to adapt the performance according to the contitions, have the
same Clause numbers with the firts part general provisions, preparing a concrete Construction Contract.
Generally examples and an explanation follow the second part provisions. Such presentation increases the use
of standard form in practice for people who will draw up a Construction Contract.
FIDIC Conditions of Contract are recommended for general use in works subject to international tender and
also suitable for use in national tenders. It has been accepted, while preparing FIDIC Conditions of Contract,
that some Clauses shall be implemented generally and some should be modified depending on the features of
the Work and location. The Clauses that shall be applied generally in the general Conditions of Contract, have
been issued as facilitating as to be inluded and drawned up to the texts of Construction Contracts. General
Conditions of Contracts and the Special Conditions of Contracts in second part are linked to each other by
numbering the Clauses mutually, thus the first and second part together create the Conditions of Contract, has
gained integrity that covers the entire rights and duties of the parties.

Güvenç, ibid.
© Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
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EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS (EIC), Blue Book on Sustainable Procurement, Germany,
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FIDIC: Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the
Employer, First Edition 1999, Geneva, 1999.
FIDIC: Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, Fourth Edition 1987,
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 Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,
 Conciliation Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of the Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 1958,
 European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration, Geneva, 1961,
 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1928),
 International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of
Other States,
 ICC Arbitration Regulation,
 ICC International Court Internal Transaction Regulation,
 ICC Statute of the International Court Of Arbitration,
 International Arbitration Law (21.06.2001 /4686),
 Act on Private International Law and Procedural Law, dated 05/20/1982 and numbered 2675,
 Multilateral Agreement on Investment,
 Principles of International Commercial Contracts (Rome, 2004),
 Principles of European Contract Law, 2004,
 Regulation on the Procedure of the International Conciliation,
 Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce,
 The 1899 Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes,
 The 1907 Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes,
 The Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between Two States,
 The Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between Two Parties of
Which Only One is A State, 1993,

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011

 The Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitration between International Organizations
and Private Parties, 1996,
 UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration,
 Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes of World Trade
 United Nations Model Rules on Arbitral Procedure, 1958,
 UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985),
 UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation (2002).

Güvenç, ibid.

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