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Are The “Alt-Left” & Alt-Right W/Soros Help

& “The Deep State” Going To Destroy

Our President And Country?

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #19
December 20, 2017 to January 10, 2018

Mueller Has Found Flynn Guilty, Will

This Help The “Psycho Left” Destroy
The Trump Presidency
And United States of America?
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F.R.E.D. Productions
November 2017

Mueller’s Sinister Coup Attempt
The Special Counsel Threatens The Rule Of Law By
Stealing Trump Transition Documents.
Matthew Vadum
December 20, 2017

Trump himself was more restrained in his rhetoric.

He said “a lot of lawyers thought that was pretty sad,” in

reference to the purloining of the transition records by
Mueller’s office.

“Not looking good. It’s not looking good,”

Trump said.
“It’s quite sad to see that,” Trump said. “My
people were very upset.”

The unprecedented theft of thousands of likely privileged “I can’t imagine there’s anything on them,
Trump transition emails by Special Counsel Robert S. because as we said there’s no collusion,”
Mueller’s investigators is yet more proof that the open- he added. “There was no collusion
ended fishing expedition is continuing to move forward whatsoever.”
with its effort to reverse the results of the 2016 election.
Until somebody delivers a coup de grâce to this
News of the misappropriation of the email tranches comes disgraceful coup attempt, the push could last the entirety of
weeks after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) urged that Mueller Donald Trump’s presidency. The end of the investigation
quit or be fired, saying the independent prosecutor has is nowhere in sight. Although White House lawyers had
“indisputable” conflicts of interest. said Mueller’s probe would conclude by year’s end,
members of the independent prosecutor’s team reportedly
said recently that the investigation will spill over into 2018
“We are at risk of a coup d’état in this – at least.
country if we allow an unaccountable
person with no oversight to undermine the
duly-elected president of the United Commissioned to investigate the Left’s ridiculous Trump-
States,” Gaetz said, echoing earlier Russia electoral collusion conspiracy theory, Mueller, with
remarks by writer Michael Walsh who his scorched-earth, shock-and-awe tactics, remains the
asserts the Left is engaged in a “rolling Left’s best hope to drive the 45th president of the United
coup attempt” against President Trump. States from the White House. Democrats still refuse to
accept that the irretrievably corrupt Democrat Hillary
Clinton was flattened by Republican Trump in the election
Monday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” author Mark
13 months ago. Working with the Deep State, former
Steyn said,
President Obama launched his own insurrection against the
Trump administration even before it came into being.
“I see no reason at all why a guy who is
supposed to be investigating Russian
Although there is still no evidence of wrongdoing by
interference in an election that took place Trump or of an underlying crime, Obama loyalists like
on November the 8th should be able to former attorney general, Eric Holder, are threatening to
seize, effectively, an incoming
lead potentially violent large-scale protests if President
government’s entire confidential
Trump fires the out-of-control special counsel. This is not,
communications between each other in the
as the leftist chant goes, what democracy looks like. These
period after the election took place. That
people are in effect screaming at their own straw man after
seems to be entirely unwarranted by
Democrats spent the last few days whipping up hysteria
that Trump was on the verge of firing Mueller, something
he steadfastly insists he has no intention of doing – even warns that it may be impossible to prosecute any crimes
though he has every reason and every right to give the that may be discovered because the evidence would be
swamp-dweller the boot. tainted.

The president’s lawyers reportedly realized Mueller had “The move was legally unprecedented and
obtained transition team emails from the General Services strategically reckless,” Turley writes. “In a
Administration (GSA), which hosted the 73-day-long gratuitous muscle play, Mueller may have
transition's "" emails, when prosecutors started added a potential complication to the use of
using them as the basis for questions posed to witnesses. evidence that could contaminate much of
According to Axios, “the fight” between Mueller’s office his investigation in any later trial.”
and the White House
All Mueller needed to do was follow the proper protocol
“involves emails from the accounts of 12 and request access to the transition emails through
officials, including members of the political channels and he would likely have gotten much of what he
leadership and foreign-policy team. One of wanted.
the accounts alone includes 7,000 emails.”
“But that is not the Mueller way,” writes
The GSA, among other things, helps to facilitate the former federal prosecutor Andrew C.
peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the McCarthy, “as we saw with the utterly
next. The Presidential Transition Acts of 1963 and 2015 unnecessary pre-dawn raid on the home of
“authorize the Administrator of GSA to provide the [former Trump campaign manager] Paul
President-elect and the Vice-President-elect the services Manafort — busting in with a search
and facilities needed to assume their official duties.” warrant and guns drawn, at the very time
Manafort was cooperating with
Mueller bypassed Trump transition officials and lawyers congressional committees, and when he
by taking it upon himself to seize thousands of emails was represented by well-respected lawyers
owned by the transition authority but held by the GSA. through whom Mueller could have
According to the National Archives “materials that requested production of whatever materials
[presidential transition team] members create or receive he was seeking.”
are not federal or presidential records, but are considered
private materials.” The GSA signs agreements with Mueller’s investigators must have known that Trump’s
transition teams, agreeing to delete “all data on transition entity, Trump for America (TFA), asserted
[computing] devices” used by transition officials. ownership and control of the presidential transition team
(PTT) records, McCarthy suggests.
“When Mueller’s people found out that the transition
records were not yet deleted,” left-wing public interest law The main issue here is not whether Mueller had the legal
professor Jonathan Turley writes, “they demanded their power to request that GSA, the third-party custodian,
surrender despite the fact that Trump officials claimed that voluntarily turn over all the PTT records to the special-
the material held privileged information that belonged to counsel investigation. It is also not whether GSA had the
the transition team and is subject to protection from authority to comply with the request. The real question is
discovery.” why did Mueller choose to proceed in this sneaky manner?

Trump transition lawyers say Richard Beckler, at the time This sneakiness was wholly unnecessary.
GSA general counsel, agreed that the transition records
were the property of the transition and that his agency had By following the correct procedures, McCarthy notes, in
no right to access or control the records. They also say the end “Mueller would have gotten whatever files he was
Beckler assured them that any demands for records from entitled to review, and Trump’s counsel would have been
Mueller’s people would be forwarded to transition permitted to withhold anything that was truly privileged.”
lawyers. GSA now denies Beckler made any such
declaration. He was hospitalized in August and has since But why follow the rules when the mainstream media
died. Trump’s attorneys claim that Mueller’s investigators treats you like a rock star?
took advantage of Beckler’s illness and seized the emails
while he was in the hospital. Mueller’s people say they
followed the rules. Mueller thinks he is above the law. And so far no one has
held him accountable.
But Turley does not seem convinced the GSA had the
authority to hand over the records to a third party and
Witch-Hunt Russiagate
Investigation To Continue Throughout Next Year
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

On May 17, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein He’s accused of improperly, perhaps illegally, obtaining
appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller as special thousands of Trump transition team emails.
DOJ council in charge of investigating “any links and/or
coordination between” Russia and Trump’s campaign According to counsel for Trump for America (TFA)
team. attorney Kory Langhofer, “career staff at the General
Services Administration (GSA)…unlawfully produced
In over seven months, the probe cost taxpayers over $5 TFA’s private materials, including privileged
million, revealing no improper or illegal connection communications, to the special counsel’s office,” adding:
between Trump, his campaign team and the Kremlin -
because there’s nothing to find, no matter how long the His office “was aware that the GSA did not own or control
witch-hunt scam continues. the records in question,” and had no right to produce them
without TFA’s permission.
There’s plenty to hold Trump accountable for, nothing
about any disturbing relations with Russia. Its communications are private and privileged, Langhofer
maintained. It’s not a federal agency.
Yet according to individuals close to the investigation, it’ll
likely last at least through next year, maybe throughout Yet they’ve been “extensively used” by Mueller, learning
Trump’s entire term. nothing related to his probe.

How many more millions of dollars will Mueller waste on “This morning, we sent a letter to Congress
a probe going nowhere? concerning the unauthorized sharing of
private and transition emails with the
It’s part of the plot to denigrate Trump for the wrong Mueller team,” Langhofer said last
reasons, along with endless Russia bashing - sustaining Saturday.
Russophobic hysteria, duping an uninformed public to
believe most anything they’re told, as long as it’s repeated It states in part that transferring documents is “unlawful
endlessly on television and through print media. conduct that undermines the Presidential Transition Act of
1963, and will impair the ability of future presidential
Mueller represents anti-Trump/anti-Russia dark forces, a transition teams to candidly discuss policy and internal
reliable spear-carrier for deep state interests. matters that benefit the country as a whole.”

As FBI director from September 2001 - September 2013, Trump’s lawyers will meet with Mueller’s team later this
he was part of the 9/11 coverup, a cheerleader for naked week to discuss the status of its probe.
aggression on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.
According to Trump’s legal team, Mueller found no
He enforced post-9/11 police state harshness, presiding evidence of collusion, obstruction or other wrongdoing in
over persecution of Muslims for their faith and ethnicity, TFA or White House documents.
the 2001 anthrax deception, and other disturbing activities
demanding condemnation and accountability not Yet the endless witch-hunt continues. A better use of time
forthcoming. and money would be to investigate the investigator’s
ulterior motives along with Hillary’s wrongdoing.
As special council, his job is denigrating Trump’s
campaign team and the president, along with providing A mountain of damning evidence exists to indict and
ammunition for endless Russia bashing - based on nothing prosecute her for high crimes. Yet no one dares lay a glove
credible. on her.

“Rigged System”: Donald Trump Jr. Exposes The High-
Level Deep State Operation To Take Out His Father
Alex Thomas
December 20th, 2017

month before congressional investigators

and as some on the right, including him,
increasingly attack the Department of
Justice’s special counsel probe, alleging it
is politically compromised.
In his remarks Tuesday, Trump Jr. railed
against special counsel Robert Mueller’s
investigation and attacked the media’s
coverage of the Russia story, saying the
ongoing probe was emblematic of the kind
of “rigged system” the President had railed
against during the campaign.
In a surprising speech to a group of young conservative
activists in Florida, Donald Trump Jr. warned about the
More ridiculous, one of the panelists that CNN interviewed
now admitted conspiracy carried out by the highest levels
after playing a clip of Trump Jr’s comments (who of
of the government to stop his fathers agenda by any means
course was a former Obama official) actually claimed that
discussing documented facts about parts of the FBI’s
political bias somehow helps Russia.
Speaking to a gathering held by the Turning Point USA
Student Action Summit, Trump Jr. noted that his father is
That’s right, according to the likes of CNN, even talking
currently dealing with a rigged system as well as a
about Hillary operatives within the FBI, such as Peter
conspiracy by the deep state to take him out.
Strzok, means that you are working with the Russians!
“There is, and there are, people at the
With that being said, the mainstream medias hold over the
highest levels of government that don’t
minds of the American people continues to slip each day
want to let America be America,” Trump Jr.
and comments such as those by Trump Jr. only further
noted, echoing many voices in the
reveal that startling lengths that the deep state puppets in
alternative media who have discussed this
the media will go to take out a democratically elected
very fact since the moment Trump was
“My father talked about a rigged system Keep in mind that we already know that anti-Trump
throughout the campaign, and people were operatives were working at the HIGHEST LEVELS of
like, ‘Oh, what are you talking about?” he the Federal Bureau of Investigation to hurt Donald Trump.
continued. “But it is. And you’re seeing it.” This is a documented fact and Trump Jr. is only speaking
about what the media itself has reported yet he is one again
CNN was the first to report on the comments and although accused of helping the Russians.
their article wasn’t the usual full-scale anti-Trump
propagandist piece, it did laughably claim that his If you don’t realize at this point that the likes of CNN are
comments were “freewheeling” as if to imply that they working against the American people, one has to wonder
came out of no where and have no basis in reality. what it will take?

Trump Jr.’s freewheeling comments before

the Turning Point USA Student Action
Summit came after he spoke earlier this

Trump The Neo-Con
Dean Henderson

Wolfowitz and Dov Zakheim, PNAC envisioned a

tumbling of menacing Middle East nationalist dominoes
waiting to fall with a little help from the CIA and its NGO

Though their projects in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria have

failed miserably, it appears these Zionist zealots now have
Iran in the imperialist crosshairs. With the former CEO of
the world’s largest oil company now serving as point man
Secretary of State, there is nothing the oil barons and their
banksters would love more than to privatize Iran’s South
Pars gas field – the world’s largest.

But with their old buddy Netanyahu on the ropes in Tel

Aviv over corruption charges and their new Saudi puppet
Prince Mohammad bin Salmon acting like Pol Pot, the old
After months of Russia-phobic threats generated by the
Balfour Declaration/Treaty of Jeddah colonial construct
City of London’s intelligence services, the orange-faced
appears to be fraying.
narcissist who fooled the alt-right into believing that a
Manhattan billionaire casino don could be their populist
savior, has officially enunciated his foreign policy. Houthi rebels continue send rockets towards Riyadh, the
banksters’ ISIS mercenaries have been defeated, and the
Kurds are burning down Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP)
It appears the steady drip of anti-Putin propaganda – led by
offices in Erbil. Turkey and Qatar continue their pivot
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) of the Schiff banking dynasty –
towards Russia. Hezbollah has never been stronger in
was enough to push Trump into the anti-Russia camp. In a
typically bellicose speech on Monday, the reality TV star
turned President, also had harsh words for China and
especially for Iran. More than anything, Trump’s paranoid ramblings can be
seen as a desperate attempt to divert attention from the
reality on the ground in the Middle East, where nearly a
In a nutshell, Trump’s foreign policy mirrors the one
century of Anglo-American hegemony is coming to a
hatched by the Project for a New American Century
grinding halt, as increasingly united progressive forces
(PNAC) neocons under President George W. Bush.
rout the occupiers in one battle after another.
Loaded with dual Israeli citizens like Richard Perle, Paul

Why Is Eric Holder So Desperate To Prevent Mueller From
Being Fired? Because Holder Is Among Those Who Will Go
To JAIL If The Truth Comes Out
By Ethan Huff
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

on to suggest that, should the President

take action against Mueller in accordance
with his legal purview that “there must be
mass, popular, peaceful support of both.”
“The American people must be seen and
heard – they will ultimately be
determinative,” Mueller concluded in his
second tweet.

While President Trump’s lawyer, Ty Cobb, claims that the

President has no plans to remove Mueller from his post,
Holder is obviously convinced otherwise, as demonstrated
by the nervous breakdown he seems to be having on
Twitter over the prospect of someone else being appointed
Former Attorney General Eric Holder has had a second to the position of special counsel. And a quick look into
meltdown on social media this week as rumors about
Holder’s shady past reveals precisely why.
President Donald Trump’s potential pre-Christmas firing
of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special counsel
Robert Mueller continue to circulate. Obama hack Eric Holder knows that
prison time awaits, and he’s obviously
The shamed orchestrator of the infamous “Fast and scared
Furious” gun-running scandal has “tweeted” twice now
about how he and a “vast majority of the American Like a stopped up toilet that just won’t flush, Barack
people” simply won’t stand for Mueller’s firing – this, as Obama and his former administration are curiously
Holder himself is in boiling hot water for allegedly having determined to float back to the surface of politics and flood
facilitated government contact with a corporation known the news cycle with endless false accusations against our
as Fusion GPS that we now know was involved in current president. Rather than slide down the political
procuring the now-discredited “Trump Dossier.” pipes into excremental obscurity, this cadre of community-
organizing rabble rousers is desperate to smear its stench
On December 14, Holder tweeted that any wherever anyone might be willing to take a nice, long
attempt by the Republicans in Congress to whiff.
remove Mueller from his post “will not be
tolerated.” Holder went on in this tweet to Why, you might be asking yourself? Because the Obama
say that the “attacks” on Mueller and his clan has a whole lot to hide that, should their buddy
staff are “BS,” adding that they “are Mueller be deposed, would presumably be laid bare for the
blatantly political – designed to hide the entire world to see. Holder, in particular, is quickly
real wrongdoing,” insinuating that President becoming the subject of his own potential criminal
Trump should be the target of any wrongdoing in the Fusion GPS scandal.
A top Department of Justice (DOJ) official by the name of
Three days later, Holder tweeted a second time declaring Bruce Ohr who worked under Holder is being accused of
that firing of Bob Mueller or in any way having maintained communications with Fusion GPS as
part of a criminal conspiracy to discredit and ultimately
“crippling the special counsel’s office” is remove President Trump from office.
Holder’s “ABSOLUTE RED LINE.” He went
Recently appearing on Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show on Fox The duo was caught trafficking weapons south of the
News was Congressman Jim Jordan, a Republican from border into Mexico during “Operation Fast and
Ohio, who laid out how the House Judiciary Committee is Furious,” which was a failed attempt to destabilize the
planning to subpoena Ohr along with his wife Nellie Ohr, country in order to push more gun control restrictions on
an employee of Fusion GPS, both of whom are believed to the American public. Holder and Obama knowingly sent
be co-conspirators. thousands of high-powered, semi-automatic rifles directly
into Mexico under the guise of pursuing the drug cartels,
The effort is part of an “ongoing inquiry,” though it was later revealed that the true purpose was to
says Rep. Jordan, “into claims of bias enact stricter firearms legislation.
against President Donald Trump.”
“Fast and Furious was merely a pretext for
If Holder goes to jail, so does Obama imposing stricter gun laws,” The New York
Post had revealed at the time, noting that
Holder is obviously concerned that the potential removal the whole thing backfired with the DOJ lost
of Mueller would eventually lead to his own demise, thus track of the nearly 2,000 firearms that were
why he’s now lashing out with extreme paranoia about the delivered as part of the scheme.
whole thing. But what people need to remember is that any
future takedown of Holder for his crimes would likely drag More than 20 people died or were seriously injured as a
along Obama as well. result, and neither Holder nor Obama has been held
Both Holder and Obama, as you may recall from our
earlier reporting, have an extensive criminal legacy of
engaging in illegal behavior to push their leftist agendas.

UN General Assembly To Vote On Rescinding
Trump's Jerusalem Declaration
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

On Thursday, General Assembly members will meet in a GA Res. 377 was adopted by a 52 - 5 majority - “no” votes
rare emergency special session (ESS) in the wake of from Soviet Russia and four other Eastern bloc countries.
America’s veto of a SC resolution opposing Trump’s
recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. On December 19, neocon US UN envoy Nikki Haley
outrageously warned its member states, saying:
A draft resolution is expected to be adopted
overwhelmingly - America, Israel, and perhaps a few US Trump “will be watching this vote carefully and has
dominated Pacific island states alone voting against it. requested I report back on those countries who voted
against us.”
Security Council resolutions alone (with 15 members, 5
permanent, 10 rotating) are binding, not GA ones, the body “We will take note of each and every vote on this issue.”
comprised of all UN members states, so resolutions Separately, she tweeted: “The US will be taking names”
adopted represent the majority view of all nations, making during Thursday’s vote.
them significant statements carrying political weight.
Turkey and Yemen requested the ESS on behalf of the
GA Resolution 377, Uniting for Peace (1950) states in Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
cases where Security Council members fail to act as
required to maintain international peace and security, the The draft resolution mirrors the Security Council one
General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately, Washington vetoed - reaffirming the illegality of actions
and may issue recommendations it deems necessary. “alter(ing) the character, status or demographic
composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem” - by Trump’s
The GA may meet in emergency special session if it’s not recognition of the city as Israel’s capital.
convened at the time. SC veto power can’t block it. ESS
resolutions can be adopted without consent of any or all of Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour said he expected
the five permanent SC members. “overwhelming support” for the measure, adding:

These sessions have been convened 10 times since the UN “The General Assembly will say, without the fear of the
was established, mostly recently in 1997. veto, that the international community is refusing to accept
the unilateral position of the United States.”
The 10th ESS was adjourned and resumed numerous times
since 2000. They differ from special sessions, able to be In the wake of Washington’s SC veto, igniting a firestorm
called within 15 days of a request received by the in Occupied Palestine, Mike Pence postponed his
secretary-general. December 19 visit to Israel until mid-January.

America initiated the Uniting for Peace Resolution in He’s persona non grata in the Occupied Territories,
October 1950 to circumvent Soviet Russia vetoes during America no longer recognized by Palestinian leadership as
US aggression on North Korea, begun in June that year an honest peace broker.
when the USSR was boycotting the Security Council (from
January to August that year), unable to use its veto power It never was before and isn’t now, one-sidedly supporting
in absentia. Israel, partnering in its high crimes.

Natural News Calls For The Arrest And Criminal
Indictment Of Rosie O’Donnell For Attempted
BRIBERY Of U.S. Senators
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

No Republicans took her up on the offer; all 51 voted for

the measure. (Related: Rosie O’Donnell’s contribution
to treason.)

That said, she probably committed a felony when she

made her offer.

So, a little statute called “18 U.S. Code § 201 – Bribery of

public officials and witnesses” states:

(a) (1) the term “public official” means

Member of Congress, Delegate, or
Resident Commissioner, either before or
after such official has qualified, or an officer
or employee or person acting for or on
Poor Rosie O’Donnell. The washed-up ‘comedian’ and behalf of the United States, or any
actress is so distraught over Republican control of department, agency or branch of
Congress and Donald J. Trump having beaten the most Government thereof, including the District
corrupt presidential candidate in the history of the of Columbia, in any official function, under
republic (that would be one Hillary Clinton) she has been or by authority of any such department,
reduced to behaving like a Mafia figure. agency, or branch of Government, or a
On the eve of the Senate’s vote to support the Trump-led
tax reform proposal — the first major reform and reduction Naturally, a senator is a “member of Congress.”
of taxes in more than 30 years — O’Donnell took to
Twitter to make this Mafioso-type offer: She offered to There’s more:
pay Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and/or Jeff Flake of
Arizona $2 million each if they would just vote “no” on (b)Whoever—
the bill.
(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives,
offers or promises anything of value to any
Wow. Rosie is just like her Democrat friends and
public official or person who has been
soulmates; they really hate it when Republicans try to let
selected to be a public official, or offers or
Americans keep more of their own money rather than
promises any public official or any person
have it confiscated at gunpoint by the IRS so Democrats
who has been selected to be a public
can redistribute it to constituents.
official to give anything of value to any
other person or entity, with intent—
As The Daily Caller notes, O’Donnell was very plain and
open, writing on Twitter, 1. to influence any official act

“so how about this i promise to give 2 Adds

million dollars to senator susan collins and
2 million to senator jeff flake.” Later in her “The General Federal Bribery Statute
tweet, she added, “no s**t 2 million cash punishes the offense of bribery in the
each”. U.S[iii]. According to 18 USCS prec §

201(b), whoever directly or indirectly, So in other words, in her lunacy, O’Donnell
corruptly gives, offers or promises anything stepped in it big time when she very
of value to any public official with intent to publicly offered to bribe two sitting U.S.
influence that person’s official act will be senators. And as such, we are now calling
fined for the offense of bribery.” on the Trump Justice Department to do
its job and prosecute this very obvious
That’s pretty much what O’Donnell did with her stupid, attempt to unduly influence the
ridiculous, ham-handed attempt to “influence” the votes of constitutional processes of our
two sitting U.S. senators. I mean, if I were a prosecutor government.
who was handed this case, the only negotiating I would be
doing with O’Donnell’s lawyers is over the amount of time There should be no excuses. Frankly, I’m surprised the
in prison she’d be spending. president hasn’t picked up the phone to Attorney General
Jeff Sessions yet and ‘requested’ this case be pursued,
Which, according to the statute, can be “a fine of an because if what O’Donnell just did doesn’t qualify as
amount not more than three times the monetary equivalent attempted bribery, then nothing does.
of the thing of value, or imprisonment for not more than
fifteen years, or both,” according to

Jordan: We Know Clinton Campaign
Paid Russia To Influence Election, ‘Most
Of Mueller’s Team Is Anti-Trump’
By Breitbart TV
20 Dec 2017

Mueller’s team opposes Trump and the Clintons paid

Russians to influence the 2016 election.

Jordan said,

“We know, for a fact, the Clinton campaign

paid Russians to do what? To influence the
election. And yet we’ve had this months-
long investigation by Bob Mueller with no
evidence that President Trump worked with
Russians in any way.”

"Of course not!" Republican Rep. Jim

He later added,
Jordan says he has not coordinated with
White House or Fox News about talking
points on Mueller investigation “It’s not the anti-Trump messages that bother me about Peter Strzok. Most of
Mueller’s team is anti-Trump. We know
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) that. What concerns me is the intent to
December 21, 2017 carry out a plan to disrupt the election.
Because as Mr. Strzok said, we can’t afford
Wednesday, on CNN’s “AC360,” Representative Jim to leave this in we the people’s hands. That
Jordan (R-OH) argued most of Special Counsel Bob is a problem.”

‘We'll Save A Lot’: Trump Threatens
To Stop Aid To UN Members Over Jerusalem Vote
Published Time: 20 Dec, 2017 18:23 Edited Time: 21 Dec, 2017 05:46

On Tuesday, the US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, sent a

warning letter to the member states, saying the US
president will take the voting choices on his landmark
Jerusalem decision “personally.”

“The President will be watching this vote

carefully and has requested I report back
on those who voted against us,” Haley
stated in the letter.

US President Donald Trump holds a cabinet meeting at the White

House in Washington on 20 December 2017. © Jonathan Ernst /
Haley voiced a similarly non-subtle warning on Twitter
Reuters earlier:

President Donald Trump has threatened to cut aid to UN “We don't expect those we've helped to
member states who vote against US at the upcoming UN target us,” she stated, threatening that the
General Assembly on the issue of Washington’s Jerusalem US “will be taking names” of those
move. He said the US will save “billions” in the process. “criticizing” Trump's Jerusalem decision
His threats come ahead of the rare emergency special during Thursday's vote.
session of the UNGA scheduled for Thursday. Arab and
Muslim countries requested the meeting after the US The unanimous support for the resolution in the UN
vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to rescind Security Council was an “insult” for the US, Haley said
Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Trump after vetoing the resolution. It “won’t be forgotten,” she
went ahead with his controversial declaration earlier this added. The US was the only state of the 15-member
month despite multiple warnings against doing so, drawing council to oppose the resolution.
international condemnation and stirring protests from
Muslims worldwide. “It’s one more example of the UN doing
more harm than good in addressing the
“They take hundreds of millions of dollars Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Haley claimed.
and even billions of dollars, and then they
vote against us. Well, we're watching those Trump’s Jerusalem move, however, has already drawn
votes. Let them vote against us. We'll save criticism from a host of countries which said the
a lot. We don't care,” Trump told reporters declaration itself was destructive to the Israeli-Palestinian
at the White House. peace process. Two days after the US decision, Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas refused to meet US Vice
President Mike Pence, stating Palestine will seek a new
mediator for the conflict.

The leaders of Muslim countries, who gathered for an

emergency summit of the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) in mid-December in Istanbul, stated
that the US decision effectively voided its status as a
mediator in the decades-old conflict, and called for world-
wide recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of

COURT DOCUMENTS: Ex-British Spy Behind Fusion
GPS Dossier Admits It Contains “Limited Intelligence”
By Joshua Caplan
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Former British spy Christopher Steele, not purport to represent) verified facts, but
who was tasked with compiling the were raw intelligence which had identified a
‘Trump dossier’ for opposition research range of allegations that warranted
firm Fusion GPS, admitted in court that investigation given their potential national
the discredited document contains security implications,” Steele wrote.
“limited intelligence.”
“Such intelligence was not actively sought;
it was merely received.”

Steele’s stunning admission comes after reports that the

wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, Mary Jacoby,
boasted on Facebook about how ‘Russiagate,’ would not
exist if it weren’t for her husband.

Tablet Magazine reports:

In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017,

that Tablet has seen in screenshots,
Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves
the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate.
Washington Times reports: (She has not replied to repeated requests
for comment.) “It’s come to my attention
While Mr. Steele stated matter-of-factly in his dossier that that some people still don’t realize what
collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russian government Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control
took place, he called it only “possible” months later in of Donald Trump,” Jacoby wrote. “Let’s be
court filings. While he confidently referred to “trusted” clear. Glenn conducted the investigation.
sources inside the Kremlin, in court he referred to the Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele
dossier’s “limited intelligence.” […] worked for Glenn.” This assertion is hardly
a simple assertion of family pride; it goes
In court filings this year, Mr. Steele doesn’t sound as directly to the nature of what became
confident as his dossier. known as the “Steele dossier,” on which
the Russiagate narrative is founded.
He answered questions through his attorney in a libel
complaint brought by a Russian entrepreneur, Aleksej News of the Facebook post comes amid heighten scrutiny
Gubarev. Mr. Steele has accused Mr. Gubarev of being for the opposition research firm. According to Fox
pressured by Russian’s FSB intelligence service to take News reporter Jake Gibson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions
part in hacking against the Democratic Party. has called on a senior Justice Department attorney to look
into appointing a special counsel to investigate recently
demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts with Fusion GPS.
In one answer, Mr. Steele refers to the intelligence he
gathered as “limited.” On the charge of collusion by Mr.
Trump and his campaign advisers, he now says there was “Sessions on calls for a special counsel to
only “possible coordination.” look into Sr DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, and
wife Nellie’s contacts with Fusion GPS
during the summer and fall of 2016: I’ve put
Steele also admitted part of “his final
a Senior Attorney, with the resources he
December memo,” was unvetted.
may need, to review cases in our office and
“The contents of the December make a recommendation to me, if things
memorandum did not represent (and did aren’t being pursued that need to be
pursued, if cases may need more Fox News‘ James Rosen and Jake Gibson recently reported
resources to complete in a proper manner, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce G. Ohr
and to recommend to me if the standards worked for the opposition research firm during the 2016
for a special counsel are met, and the presidential election.
recommended one should be established,”
tweeted Fox News reporter Jake Gibson on

Trump’s Labor Board Devastated
Obama’s Pro-Union Legacy In 2017
Tim Pearce - Energy Reporter
4:35 PM 12/21/2017

Business advocates celebrated Miscimarra’s appointment

as chairman back in April. Miscimarra, who believes each
law should be interpreted based on its explicit text, had
opposed many Obama-era rulings since he was nominated
in 2013.

Unions and their supporters were not as receptive to

Miscimarra’s appointment.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under “The idea that you cannot look at the
President Donald Trump has overturned nearly every developments in the workplace and how it
major pro-union ruling it made under former-President has changed over the past 80 years when
Barack Obama, The Washington Free Beacon reports. it comes to interpreting the law is absurd,”
New York labor rights attorney Joshua
The NLRB was able to reverse many Obama-era rulings Parkhurst told The Washington Examiner.
and restore longstanding precedents with a 3-2 Republican
majority before Chairman Philip Miscimarra’s term ended Trump had asked Miscimarra to agree to serve on the
Friday. The board is now deadlocked at 2-2 until Trump NLRB for another five-year term. Miscimarra turned the
names a new nominee. offer down to spend more time with his family.

“What the board has now done is restore In the days before Miscimarra left, the board reversed two
some of the norms [of labor law]. The decisions that departed from years of precedent. In 2011,
radical changes all occurred over the the NLRB gave unions the authority to organize “micro-
previous eight years,” Rick Grimaldi, a unions” within a company that could hold elections not
member of the Labor Relations Practice open to rest of a companies unionized employees. In 2015,
Group at Fisher Phillips, told The the NLRB voted to hold employers liable for labor
Washington Free Beacon. violations committed by franchisees or subcontractors that
don’t work directly for the company.

GOP Member Of House Judiciary Committee
To Robert Mueller: ‘Put Up Or Shut’ About
Trump-Russia ‘Collusion’ (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 21, 2017

“If there’s not, let’s move on as a country” Moreover, Gaetz and other Republicans have voiced
concerns about the content of those texts, which appeared
to suggest a plot or scheme to keep Trump out of the
White House.

The discussions appeared to have also taken place in the

presence of current FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for

consideration in Andy’s office — that
there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but
(National Sentinel) Showtime: A Republican member of I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok
the House Judiciary Committee has issued a challenge to wrote in the Aug. 15, 2016 text message.
special counsel Robert Mueller, who is currently “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely
conducting a lengthy probe of alleged collusion between event you die before you’re 40.”
the campaign of President Donald J. Trump and Russia:
Show us the evidence. Gaetz said that message is “totally unacceptable” while
alleging that the text shows that McCabe, Strzok and other
“It’s time for Bob Mueller to put up or shut FBI officials “hatched a scheme to deprive Donald Trump
up. If there’s evidence of collusion, let’s see of the presidency both before and after his election.”
it,” Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said in an
interview on Fox News Wednesday. McCabe was interviewed in Tuesday by the House
“If there’s not, let’s move on as a country Intelligence Committee.
and let’s institute reforms at the FBI so that
an egomaniac FBI director like James Gaetz added that Judiciary Committee chairman Bob
Comey cannot depart from the normal Goodlatte has committed to issuing subpoenas to McCabe
standard procedures that guarantees all and Strzok.
Americans equal treatment under the law,”
he continued.

Gaetz has been extremely critical of Mueller’s probe from

the outset, saying that more than anything he sees it as
overtly political and tainted against the president.

For him and other Republicans, the turning point was

learning earlier this month that FBI counterintelligence
agent Peter Strzok, whom Mueller fired over the summer,
had exchanged anti-Trump text messages with his
mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

Can The FBI Get Away With
Getting Trump Team Emails?
By Andrew P. Napolitano, Lew Rockwell
December 21, 2017

Within hours of his victory in last year’s presidential Anyone who has ever used a GSA computer is familiar
election, Donald Trump dispatched his lawyers to establish with the warning that appears on the screen at the time of
a nonprofit corporation to manage his transition from each use. It says that there is no right to privacy in the
private life to the presidency. This was done pursuant to a communications sent or received, as the electronic
federal statute that provides for taxpayer-funded assistance versions of those communications are the property of the
to the newly elected — but not yet inaugurated — federal government. This, no doubt, is the reason Hillary
president. The statutory term for the corporation is the Clinton infamously used her husband’s computer servers
presidential transition team, or PTT. during her four years at the State Department rather than
the government’s.
In addition to paying the PTT’s bills, the General Services We do not know whether Mueller’s FBI agents merely
Administration, which manages all nonmilitary federal requested the electronic data from the GSA or his
property, provided the PTT with government computers, prosecutors obtained a grand jury subpoena. If it was a
software and a computer service provider. During the simple FBI request and if the GSA simply complied, that
course of the PTT’s existence, the folks who worked for it was a lawful acquisition by the FBI of the PTT emails, yet
sent or received tens of thousands of emails. The PTT in that case, the GSA violated its fiduciary duty to inform
ceased to exist upon Trump’s inauguration, and a receiver the PTT of the request before it complied with it.
was hired to wind it down.
If the FBI came calling on the GSA with a grand jury
Last weekend, a lawyer for the receiver revealed a letter he subpoena, that means Mueller’s team must have presented
sent to Congress complaining that special counsel Robert evidence under oath to a grand jury and demonstrated that
Mueller — who is investigating whether there was any the sought-after items would more likely than not be
agreement between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin helpful to the investigation. When a grand jury issues a
that resulted in the now-well-known efforts by Russian subpoena to a custodian of records — no matter who the
intelligence to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential custodian is — it is the moral and fiduciary duty of the
election — dispatched FBI agents to the GSA looking for custodian, not the government, to inform the owner of the
copies of all the PTT’s emails and that the GSA subpoenaed items that a subpoena has been received.
surrendered them. In some cases, it is also the legal duty of the custodian to
How did this happen? inform the owner, but it apparently was not in this case. As
far as we can tell, there was no written agreement between
When the FBI is looking for documents or tangible things, the GSA and the PTT requiring the GSA to inform the
it has several legal tools available. They range in their PTT of any document requests or subpoenas. Had such a
disruptive nature from a simple request to a grand jury request been revealed, the lawyer for the receiver of the
subpoena to a judicially authorized search warrant. PTT would have had an opportunity to challenge the
government before a judge. Without that notice, there is no
The FBI request is the easiest for the government, and if
FBI agents ask you for something and you give it to them, time for the challenge.
you cannot later be heard to complain that your privacy Until 1986, it was the duty of the government when
rights regarding the things you surrendered were violated. seeking documents or tangible things from a custodian to
If they seize your documents pursuant to a subpoena or a inform the owner, as well as the custodian, of its intent.
warrant, they normally get to use what they have seized. That fair procedure gave the owner of the records time to
challenge the government before a judge. But the
The issue becomes more complex when the FBI comes
calling for documents of yours that are legally in the hands Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (which
of a custodian — such as your physician, lawyer, banker or has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting privacy),
enacted at the dawn of the digital age, did away with that
accountant. In the case of Trump’s PTT and Mueller’s
wish for all PTT emails, the sought-after data — the
electronic copies of all the PTT’s emails — were in
custody of the GSA.
House GOP Holding ‘SECRET TALKS’ As They
Build Criminal Case Against Senior FBI, DoJ Officials
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 21, 2017

A group of Republican House members have gathered in about their plans, but they have consulted
secret for weeks with the House’s general counsel.

Those familiar with the chairman’s plans say the goal of

the effort is to point out what several committee
Republicans believe is systemic corruption and an ongoing
conspiracy by upper FBI and DoJ ranks.

The group plans to release a report early next year laying

out their concerns about DoJ and FBI officials tied to the
“Trump-Russia collusion” and Clinton email
investigations. They may also seek a vote in Congress to
declassify portions of their evidence.
(National Sentinel) Swamp Drain: House Republicans for
weeks have publicly discussed theories and scenarios
regarding the actions and motivations of key FBI and In the past, these GOP members have pointed out that
Department of Justice officials who appear to have there doesn’t appear to be any evidence to support
conspired against then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump. collusion between the president’s transition team and
Russia, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest Clinton
criminally mishandled classified information.
Now, however, a report on Wednesday claimed that
Republicans are holding “secret talks” while building
criminal cases against those key FBI and Justice Yet, under then-FBI Director James Comey and Attorney
Department officials. General Loretta Lynch, no charges were filed against the
Democratic presidential frontrunner last year and in fact, it
appears as though Comey and the DoJ exonerated Clinton
As reported by Politico, a group of Republican House
months before the FBI even interviewed her.
members have gathered in secret for weeks to investigate
potential corruption at the department after being frustrated
by their lack of progress in getting DoJ officials to turn Whatever evidence the secret Nunes-led group produces, it
over documents and other materials to explain how the FBI could be used to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s
used the infamous “Trump dossier.” Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

The site noted further: Others believe Mueller is now conducting an impeachment
A subset of the Republican members of the
House intelligence committee, led by “I hate to use the word corrupt, but they’ve
Chairman Devin Nunes of California, has become at least so dirty that who’s
been quietly working parallel to the watching the watchmen? Who’s
committee’s high-profile inquiry into investigating these people?” Nunes said in
Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential a Fox News interview earlier this month.
election. They haven’t informed Democrats “There is no one.”

FINALLY: AG Sessions Orders
FRESH Probe Into Uranium One Deal
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 21, 2017

At issue is a 2010 transaction in which the Obama

Administration allowed the sale of U.S. uranium mining The network reported that a senior law enforcement
facilities to Russia’s state atomic energy company official briefed on the initial FBI probe said that
allegations of corruption surrounded the process of the
Obama administration approving the sale, but no charges
were ever filed.

The Clintons have denied any wrongdoing.

However, undercover informant for the FBI who worked

in the Russian nuclear industry and was made to sign an
“illegal” non-disclosure agreement (NDA) by Obama
Attorney General Loretta Lynch claims to have video
evidence showing Russian agents with briefcases full of
(National Sentinel) New Look: Attorney General Jeff bribe money in relation to the Uranium One scandal.
Sessions has ordered Justice Department prosecutors to
being asking FBI agents to explain evidence they The informant, identified as William D. Campbell, was
discovered into a currently dormant criminal probe into the scheduled to testify before Congress at the end of
controversial Uranium One deal that has been tied to Bill November after a non-disclosure agreement he signed,
and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, NBC which carried the threat of prison time if violated, was
News reported. lifted by the Trump Justice Department.

According to multiple law enforcement sources, interviews Republicans in the Senate are probing the Uranium One
with FBI agents are part of the Justice Department’s efforts deal. President Donald J. Trump has also called the deal
to fulfill a pledge that an assistant attorney general gave to corrupt and pushed for an investigation.
Congress in November.
Earlier, The Hill‘s John Solomon and Circa News‘ Sara
The assistant AG promised that the department would Carter noted that Campbell had been deeply embedded in
determine whether a special counsel is warranted to look the Russian nuclear industry. While there he was able to
into the Uranium One deal, according to a senior Justice gather incriminating evidence of bribery and kickbacks to
Department official and by U.S. and Russian actors involved in getting the
Uranium One deal approved by the Obama administration.
NBC News noted further:
NBC Nes noted further that in a letter to Rep. Bob
At issue is a 2010 transaction in which the Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary
Obama Administration allowed the sale of Committee, Assistant Attorney General for Legislative
U.S. uranium mining facilities to Russia’s Affairs Stephen Boyd “said Justice Department lawyers
state atomic energy company. Hillary would make recommendations to Sessions about whether
Clinton was secretary of state at the time, an investigation should be opened or expanded, or whether
and the State Department was one of nine a special counsel should be appointed to probe a number of
agencies that agreed to approve the deal issues of concern to Republicans.”
after finding no threat to U.S. national
security. FBI agents who investigated the case have been asked in
recent weeks by Justice Department prosecutors to
describe the results of their efforts. Agents have also been

asked if there was any improper effort to quash In October, The Hill reported further that the FBI turned up
prosecutions of the Clintons or others involved in the evidence of collusion, racketeering, bribery and payoffs
transaction. between Russian nuclear company interests tied to
President Vladimir Putin and the Clinton Foundation back
Bill and Hillary Clinton hid donations from a firm tied to in 2010.
the controversial Uranium One, as indicated in documents
obtained by The Hill. However, the paper noted, the Justice Department under
Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch sat on
the information and did not act on it.

Prosecutors Ask FBI Agents
For Info On Uranium One Deal
By Tom Winter, Pete Williams And Ken Dilanian
December 21, 2017

On the orders of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice Hillary Clinton has denied playing any role in the decision
Department prosecutors have begun asking FBI agents to by the State Department to approve the sale, and the State
explain the evidence they found in a now dormant criminal Department official who approved it has said Clinton did
investigation into a controversial uranium deal that critics not intervene in the matter. That hasn't stopped some
have linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, multiple law Republicans, including President Trump, from calling the
enforcement officials told NBC News. arrangement corrupt — and urging that Clinton be
The interviews with FBI agents are part of the Justice
Department's effort to fulfill a promise an assistant In a letter to Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the
attorney general made to Congress last month to examine House Judiciary Committee, Assistant Attorney General
whether a special counsel was warranted to look into what for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd said Justice
has become known as the Uranium One deal, a senior Department lawyers would make recommendations to
Justice Department official said. Sessions about whether an investigation should be opened
or expanded, or whether a special counsel should be
At issue is a 2010 transaction in which the Obama appointed to probe a number of issues of concern to
Administration allowed the sale of U.S. uranium mining Republicans.
facilities to Russia's state atomic energy company. Hillary
Clinton was secretary of state at the time, and the State
Department was one of nine agencies that agreed to
approve the deal after finding no threat to U.S. national

In recent weeks, FBI agents who investigated the case

have been asked by Justice Department prosecutors to
describe the results of their probe. The agents also have
been asked if there was any improper effort to squash a
Hillary Clinton speaks in Los Angeles on Dec. 15. Mario Anzuoni / prosecution, the law enforcement sources say.
The senior Justice Department official said the questions
A senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the were part of an effort by the Sessions team to get up to
initial FBI investigation told NBC News there were speed on the controversial case, in the face of allegations
allegations of corruption surrounding the process under from Congressional Republicans that it was mishandled.
which the U.S. government approved the sale. But no
charges were filed. An FBI spokesman declined to comment.

As the New York Times reported in April 2015, some of On June 8, 2010, Uranium One announced it had signed an
the people associated with the deal contributed millions of agreement to sell a majority stake to the mining arm of
dollars to the Clinton Foundation. And Bill Clinton was Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency.
paid $500,000 for a Moscow speech by a Russian
investment bank with links to the transaction.

At the time, Uranium One's two licensed mining On the orders of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice
operations in Wyoming amounted to about 20 percent of Department prosecutors have begun asking FBI agents to
all uranium mining production capacity in the U.S, explain the evidence they found in a now dormant criminal
according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (That investigation into a controversial uranium deal that critics
figure has since decreased.) have linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, multiple law
enforcement officials told NBC News.

The interviews with FBI agents are part of the Justice

Department's effort to fulfill a promise an assistant
attorney general made to Congress last month to examine
whether a special counsel was warranted to look into what
has become known as the Uranium One deal, a senior
Justice Department official said.

At issue is a 2010 transaction in which the Obama

Administration allowed the sale of U.S. uranium mining
facilities to Russia's state atomic energy company. Hillary
Is President Trump right about Russia, Uranium and Clinton? Clinton was secretary of state at the time, and the State
Department was one of nine agencies that agreed to
Because enriched uranium is a component of nuclear approve the deal after finding no threat to U.S. national
weapons, the deal required a national security review by security.
the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium

One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, The
New York Times reported, Uranium One's Canadian
chairman, Ian Telfer, used his family foundation to make
four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton
Foundation. Those contributions were not publicly
disclosed by the foundation, the Times reported, despite a
promise to publicly identify all donors. The foundation
later said it made a mistake.

Others associated with Uranium One also donated to the

Clinton Foundation, according to the Times. Ian Telfer, chairman of Goldcorp Inc., speaks during an interview in
Toronto in 2014. Galit Rodan / Bloomberg via Getty Images
Sen John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, raised
objections to the sale, saying it would Clinton has said she was not involved in the deliberations
and played no role in the decision.
"give the Russian government control over
a sizable portion of America's uranium Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, told
production capacity." the Times that he represented the department on the
committee, and that

"Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on

any C.F.I.U.S. matter."

He did not respond to a request for comment by NBC


A spokesman for Hillary Clinton did not answer whether

she was ever briefed on the Uranium One deal.

Congressman questions reviving of Uranium One 6:21 "At every turn this storyline has been
debunked on the merits," said the
spokesman, Nick Merrill. "This latest
iteration is simply more of the right doing
Trump's bidding for him to distract from his
own Russia problems, which are real and a
grave threat to our national security."

Stewart Baker, a former top lawyer in the George W. Bush

administration and an expert in the CFIUS process, said he
doubted that the Uranium One decision ever reached
Clinton's desk.

About the donations, he said,

"Is it possible that the Russians thought

Frank Giustra speaks as former President Bill Clinton looks on
they needed to do this and that it would during a news conference announcing that the Clinton foundation is
help them? Yeah, but that doesn't mean launching a new sustainable development initiative in Latin America
that it actually did." in New York in 2007. Shannon Stapleton / Reuters file

Baker said it was disquieting that the Sessions Justice UrAsia had soon closed deals for uranium mining rights in
Department was re-examining a case that career officials Kazakhstan. In 2006, Giustra donated $31.3 million to the
already concluded warranted no charges. Clinton Foundation.

"You'd like to think that that wouldn't The value of UrAsia shares increased seventyfold between
happen often in a mature democracy," he 2005 and 2007. Uranium One merged with UrAsia in
said. 2007, after which, says Giustra, he sold his shares and left
the company — three years before the controversial sale of
However, he pointed out that Eric Holder, President U.S. uranium mining facilities.
Obama's attorney general, ordered a new investigation into
brutal CIA interrogations after career prosecutors had Giustra has donated more than $100 million to the Clinton
looked but filed no charges in the Bush administration. In Foundation and currently sits on the foundation's board.
the end, Holder's department didn't file charges, either.
In a statement, Giustra said that he had been working on
Frank Giustra and Uranium One the purchase of mining stakes from a private Kazakh
company in early 2005, and the purchase was concluded in
late 2005.
Uranium One became a much bigger player in the uranium
market after it absorbed a company run and co-owned by
Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman and Bill Clinton "In late 2005, I went to Kazakhstan to finish
associate, in February 2007. the negotiations of the sale," said Giustra.
"Bill Clinton flew to Almaty a few days after
I arrived in the country on another person's
Giustra was the chairman of UrAsia, a company bidding
plane … Bill Clinton had nothing to do with
for uranium rights in Kazakhstan. In 2005, after he had
the purchase of private mining stakes by a
begun negotiating for the rights, he and Bill Clinton
Canadian company."
traveled to Kazakhstan on separate planes and attended a
dinner with the country's president.

WOW! Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder
Glenn Simpson Bragged On Facebook Her Husband
Was Behind ‘Russiagate’
By Joshua Caplan
Thursday, December 21, 2017

The wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn deserves the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has
Simpson, Mary Jacoby, is proud of her not replied to repeated requests for comment.)
husband’s work that led to mass Trump-
Russia hysteria. Jacoby is so proud that “It’s come to my attention that some people
she felt the need to boast on Facebook still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in
about how ‘Russiagate,’ would not exist exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,”
if it weren’t for her husband. Jacoby wrote. “Let’s be clear. Glenn
conducted the investigation. Glenn hired
Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for

This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride;

it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the
“Steele dossier,” on which the Russiagate narrative is

News of the Facebook post comes amid heighten scrutiny

for the opposition research firm. According to Fox
News reporter Jake Gibson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions
has called on a senior Justice Department attorney to look
Tablet Magazine reports: into appointing a special counsel to investigate recently
demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts with Fusion GPS.
A Tablet investigation using public sources
to trace the evolution of the now-famous “Sessions on calls for a special counsel to
dossier suggests that central elements of look into Sr DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, and
the Russiagate scandal emerged not from wife Nellie’s contacts with Fusion GPS
the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top- during the summer and fall of 2016: I’ve put
secret “sources” in the Russian a Senior Attorney, with the resources he
government—which are unlikely to exist may need, to review cases in our office and
separate from Russian government make a recommendation to me, if things
control—but from a series of stories that aren’t being pursued that need to be
Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson pursued, if cases may need more
and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for The resources to complete in a proper manner,
Wall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS and to recommend to me if the standards
existed, and Donald Trump was simply for a special counsel are met, and the
another loud-mouthed Manhattan real recommended one should be established,”
estate millionaire. Understanding the tweeted Fox News reporter Jake Gibson on
origins of the “Steele dossier” is especially Tuesday.
important because of what it tells us about
the nature and the workings of what its Fox News‘ James Rosen and Jake Gibson recently reported
supporters would hopefully describe as an the wife of Justice Department official Bruce G. Ohr
ongoing campaign to remove the elected worked for the opposition research firm during the 2016
president of the United States. […] presidential election.

In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has Fox News reports:
seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband
Contacted by Fox News, investigators for In a statement to Fox News, a Justice Department
the House Permanent Select Committee on spokesperson said,
Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie
H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce “It is unusual for anyone to wear two hats
G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research as he has done recently. This person is
firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. going to go back to a single focus—director
Ohr’s duties – including whether she of our organized crime and drug
worked on the dossier – remains unclear enforcement unit. As you know, combatting
but a review of her published works transnational criminal organizations and
available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has drug trafficking is a top priority for the
written extensively on Russia-related Attorney General.”
subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox
News that she was paid by Fusion GPS
through the summer and fall of 2016.

Report: DOJ Prosecutors Probe FBI Agents About
Uranium One Deal, Clinton Connections
By Tyler O'Neil
December 21, 2017

(and with it, 20 percent of U.S. uranium). At the same

time, Russians paid former president Bill Clinton $500,000
for a speech in Moscow hosted by Sberbank, a Russian
bank promoting Uranium One stock at the time, and
Hillary Clinton approved the deal in her role as secretary
of State.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions gestures as he testifies on

Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 13, 2017,
before the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing about his
role in the firing of James Comey, his Russian contacts
during the campaign and his decision to recuse from an
investigation into possible ties between Moscow and To make matters worse, the FBI had already reportedly
associates of President Donald Trump. (AP gathered evidence of Russian corruption in the U.S.
Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) uranium industry but kept it secret right when it would
have mattered most.
Prosecutors with the Department of Justice (DOJ) have
begun asking FBI agents to explain newly uncovered At the time, Uranium One had two licensed mining
evidence surrounding the 2010 Uranium One deal and operations in Wyoming amounting to about 20 percent of
alleged corruption with Bill and Hillary Clinton. all U.S. uranium mining. Because enriched uranium is a
key component of nuclear weapons, the deal required
New documents released by an anonymous informant in national security review from the Committee on Foreign
October brought the case back into the spotlight, Investments in the United States (CFIUS), on which
suggesting that any Clinton-Russia collusion is worse than Hillary Clinton was one of nine members.
the alleged Trump-Russia collusion driving the
investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. At the time, the U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan warned
Clinton's State Department that Rosatom was acting on
An assistant attorney general made a promise to Congress behalf of Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU,
last month to investigate whether a special counsel was to acquire uranium mines after Russia felt "squeezed" by
warranted to look into the case, a senior DOJ official told having their uranium imports limited by other countries.
NBC News. Sources have confirmed that the investigation
is underway. As the Russians took Uranium One, the firm's Canadian
chairman Ian Telfer gave four donations totaling $2.35
President Donald Trump has drawn attention to the case. million to the Clinton Foundation between 2009 and 2013.
"Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama The Clinton Foundation did not publicly disclose these
Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake funds, The New York Times reported in 2015. Others
Media doesn't want to follow!" the president tweeted in associated with Uranium One also gave to the Clinton
October. Foundation.

In 2010, the Obama administration approved a A key Clinton Foundation player also helped Uranium
controversial deal giving Russian company Rosatom One grow in the years before the 2010 deal. Frank Giustra,
partial control of Canadian mining company Uranium One who has donated more than $100 million to the Clinton
Foundation and now sits on the foundation's board, served "Is it possible that the Russians thought
as chairman of UrAsia, a company bidding for uranium they needed to do this and that it would
rights in Kazakhstan. help them? Yeah, but that doesn't mean
that it actually did," Baker said. He noted
In 2005, Giustra and Bill Clinton attended a dinner with that Eric Holder, attorney general under
the country's president. UrAsia closed deals for uranium President Obama, ordered a new
mining rights in Kazakhstan later that year, and Giustra investigation into CIA interrogations carried
donated $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. out under President Bush after prosecutors
had filed no charges against the Bush
UrAsia shares skyrocketed seventyfold between 2005 and
2007, and merged with Uranium One in 2007. Giustra said
he sold his shares and left UrAsia shortly after it merged Interestingly, the FBI rushed to arrest a Russian spy ring
with Uranium One. getting close to Hillary Clinton at the time of the Uranium
One deal.
"In late 2005, I went to Kazakhstan to finish
the negotiations of the sale," Giustra said. The Mueller investigation is arguably a case of "lawfare"
"Bill Clinton flew to Almaty a few days later against the Trump administration, similar to the Obama
I arrived in the country on another person's investigation into the Bush CIA and similar to the pending
plane ... Bill Clinton had nothing to do with Uranium One investigation into Hillary Clinton. Political
the purchase of private mining stakes by a opponents often engage in legal investigations as an
Canadian company." attempt to discredit their political enemies.

Defenders of the Uranium One deal argue that the The Clinton camp's response to Uranium One
Russians don't have a license to export the uranium out of investigations — that this is a "debunked" story distracting
the U.S., and that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from real matters of national security — mimics the Trump
found no risk to national security. Clinton herself said she deflections on the Mueller investigation well.
was not involved in the deliberations and played no role in
the decision. It may be that analysts on the Right rush to connect the
breadcrumbs in Uranium One in much the same way as
"Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on analysts on the Left rush to connect the breadcrumbs in
any C.F.I.U.S. matter," Jose Fernandez, a Trump-Russia. The evidence for bribery in the case of
former assistant secretary of state, told the Uranium One seems much more firmly established than
Times in 2015. the evidence for treason in Trump-Russia, however.

Hillary Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill insisted that any Interestingly, Mueller was at the helm of the FBI during
corruption associated with the Uranium One deal is a the Uranium One deal, and may have been involved in
"debunked" story. hiding and downplaying the Russia uranium scandals at
the time. PJ Media's Roger Simon has called for Mueller to
recuse himself from the Trump-Russia investigation for
"At every turn this storyline has been
this reason.
debunked on the merits," Merrill told NB
News. "This latest iteration is simply more
of the right doing Trump's bidding for him to In any case, if Mueller is going to drag out the Trump-
distract from his own Russia problems, Russia investigation, why should Sessions' DOJ not
which are real and a grave threat to our investigate Uranium One? Clinton's Russia connections
national security." are at least as bad as Trump's alleged collusion. Shouldn't
the public be allowed to learn more?
Stewart Baker, a former lawyer in the George W. Bush
administration and a CFIUS expert, said he doubted that
the Uranium One deal ever reached Clinton's desk.

After Calling Tax Plan ‘Fantasy,’
NBC Dismisses Proof It Was Wrong
By Kyle Drennen
December 21, 2017 1:00 PM EST

After NBC’s Today co-host Savannah Guthrie accused bill was already having the positive economic impact that
House Speaker Paul Ryan of “living in a fantasy world” on Republicans promised:
Wednesday for predicting that tax reform legislation would
encourage businesses to raise wages for their employees, Listen, they’re doing something, but
on Thursday, the network morning show tried its best to they’re literally doing the least they can
deny the reality that several major companies announced do....But we have to take a step back,
that they would be doing exactly that. this is day one. And from a PR
perspective, you’re darn right those
During a report on reaction to the major Republican companies should have done
legislative accomplishment, correspondent Kristen Welker something. They, without a doubt, have
noted: a relationship with the White House.
They know that there were protesters in
“Republicans are betting the benefits to Washington, that people are going, “Hold
business will trickle down and boost on a second, my taxes are gonna go up
individuals and the economy.” and corporations are gonna get billions of
dollars less they have to pay? What are
you going to do for me?” So this is a great
She then acknowledged:
gesture on the part of these companies,
but thus far, it’s a gesture.
“AT&T and NBC’s parent company,
Comcast, announcing employee bonuses,
After Ruhle dismissed the significant business moves as
something the legislation doesn’t require.”
merely “PR,” Guthrie chimed in with her own conspiracy
theory about why at least one of the companies was really
being so generous:

“And not to be a cynic, but, for example,

AT&T does have a merger pending,
correct, before the Justice

Ruhle agreed:

“That’s not being cynical. They’ve got a

Faced with the fact that even the owner of her network was
proving the GOP right, Guthrie seemed admit, at least
The Department of Justice has gotten in the mix.” She
initially, that her grilling of Ryan might have been unfair:
went on to claim that all of the corporations, including
Comcast, were really just trying to return favors to the
“So, we were just talking about this Trump administration:
yesterday with Speaker Paul Ryan,
would corporations really take this
Comcast has benefitted. Just last week,
money they’re getting and plow it back
you asked me, who benefits from the net
into the economy? And on the first day,
neutrality? Big media companies. So
it seems some have done that very
Comcast is doing something. Boeing, huge
contracts with the government. And Wells
Fargo, Fifth Third Bank, they certainly like
However, left-wing MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle was that the CFPB now has Mick Mulvaney in
there to immediately shoot down any notion that the tax charge. This is a relationship.
“It’s a very positive move, it’s a great PR replied: “Well, that – there’s a lot of
move. It’s not long term, yet,” Ruhle skepticism around that....the big criticism is
concluded. that companies will use this money to
reinvest by buying back their stock and by
Thursday’s CBS This Morning was similarly sour on the paying dividends.”
idea that Republican predictions had cone true.
At one point in the discussion, Gallagher tried to use the
“So we saw essentially yesterday, after same talking point against AT&T that Guthrie had pushed
the Democrats called the President’s tax on the Today show:
plan and the Republicans’ tax plan sort
of a ‘fantasy,’ we saw all these “But you know, AT&T is an interesting
companies come out and say, ‘Well, we example. It’s locked in a fight over whether
are gonna give people money, we are it will be allowed to acquire Time Warner.
gonna do more hiring,’” co-host Norah So this – look, this is a big deal and AT&T
O’Donnell confessed. She then turned to also said it’s gonna invest a billion dollars
political analyst Dan Senor and skeptically here in the U.S. next year, in addition to the
asked: “Will they actually follow through bonuses.”
on those promises?”
However, O’Donnell fact-checked that claim:
Like Ruhle on NBC, Senor promptly threw cold water on
the idea: “And in fairness to Randall Stephenson, the
CEO of AT&T, I was with him before they
Well, I think the news you saw overnight with these tried to block that deal and he was already
companies announcing these end-of-year bonuses, it’s a talking about reinvesting in workers before
little bit of – you know, that.”

it’s kind of some gimmicks here. I mean, Perhaps AT&T was simply following through on
I don’t think we should overstate the something that it had already promised to do if tax reform
significance. passed.

It’s good, it’s positive. But we shouldn’t overstate the ABC’s Good Morning America was the only network
significance. morning show to unequivocally report the business
bonuses as good news.
At the top of the 8 a.m. ET hour, Fortune magazine’s
Senior Editor at Large Leigh Gallagher joined the program “President Trump praising AT&T for
and advanced the narrative that the employee bonuses promising to share the wealth from the
were just PR: corporate tax cut with their workers, and
other companies are doing the same,” fill-in
So I think this really speaks to – you know, co-host Amy Robach announced.
there’s been an enormous amount of public
disaffection with this bill. Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis explained:
There’s an incredible feeling that it favors
businesses and it favors the wealthy, which “Yes, a number of companies have rushed
it can almost see that these to announce special bonuses and wage
companies are sort of writing the tweets hikes in the aftermath of the tax bill...”
for the President because this is sort of a
line straight to his heart. They are showing Robach wrapped up the segment by emphasizing:
right away that, look, this is for – you
know, the tax cut is passed on one day, “Alright, this all sounds like very good
day two it rains money for American news.”
Jarvis added:
Fill-in co-host Anthony Mason fretted:
“For a lot of people.”
“What’s the likelihood then, that once you
get past this initial PR phase that this will
be a pattern of behavior?” Gallagher
Apparently, simply admitting that the Republican tax plan in charge. This is a relationship. It’s a very positive move, it’s a
was having a positive impact was far too difficult for NBC great PR move. It’s not long term, yet.
and CBS to handle.
Here are excerpts of the December 21 coverage from both
CBS This Morning
Today 7:07 AM ET
7:10 AM ET

NORAH O’DONNELL: So we saw essentially yesterday, after the

GUTHRIE: We want to focus in on corporate America’s response Democrats called the President’s tax plan and the Republicans’
and those surprise bonuses for hundreds of thousands of tax plan sort of a “fantasy,” we saw all these companies come out
workers. NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is here with us. She covers and say, “Well, we are gonna give people money, we are gonna
business. So, we were just talking about this yesterday with do more hiring.” Will they actually follow through on those
Speaker Paul Ryan, would corporations really take this money promises?
they’re getting and plow it back into the economy? And on the
first day, it seems some have done that very thing. DAN SENOR: Well, I think the news you saw overnight with
these companies announcing these end-of-year bonuses, it’s a
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Tax Bill & Big Bonuses; What’s little bit of – you know, it’s kind of some gimmicks here. I mean, I
Behind Corporations’ $1,000 Offers?] don’t think we should overstate the significance. It’s good, it’s
positive. But we shouldn’t overstate the significance.
STEPHANIE RUHLE: Listen, they’re doing something, but they’re
literally doing the least they can do. Now, it’s a positive for The real question is, will a large chunk of the country receive
anyone at AT&T or Comcast or Boeing or Wells Fargo. It’s great some kind of tax relief, A. And, B, will companies really start
to get that $1,000. It is great to see minimum wage get pushed investing in the growth of their companies, capital infrastructure,
up and people get $15 an hour. But we have to take a step back, hiring more people? We will know that very quickly.
this is day one. And from a PR perspective, you’re darn right
those companies should have done something. They, without a (...)
doubt, have a relationship with the White House. They know that
there were protesters in Washington, that people are going, “Hold 8:04 AM ET
on a second, my taxes are gonna go up and corporations are
gonna get billions of dollars less they have to pay? What are you
going to do for me?” So this is a great gesture on the part of NORAH O’DONNELL: Let’s break it down and go through it. So,
these companies, but thus far, it’s a gesture. some companies have already made commitments, essentially,
to give back. Boeing announcing $300 million for things like gift
matching, workplace development. AT&T, Comcast talking about
GUTHRIE: And not to be a cynic, but, for example, AT&T does bonuses. How does that work out, that reinvestment in
have a merger pending, correct, before the Justice Department? employees?

RUHLE: That’s not being cynical. They’ve got a merger. We LEIGH GALLAGHER [FORTUNE SENIOR EDITOR AT LARGE]:
know that the President has an issue with CNN. The Department Well, it’s interesting. So I think this really speaks to – you know,
of Justice has gotten in the mix. Comcast has benefitted. Just there’s been an enormous amount of public disaffection with this
last week, you asked me, who benefits from the net neutrality? bill. There’s an incredible feeling that it favors businesses and it
Big media companies. So Comcast is doing something. Boeing, favors the wealthy, which it does. But you know, AT&T is an
huge contracts with the government. And Wells Fargo, Fifth Third interesting example. It’s locked in a fight over whether it will be
Bank, they certainly like that the CFPB now has Mick Mulvaney allowed to acquire Time Warner. So this – look, this is a big deal

and AT&T also said it’s gonna invest a billion dollars here in the GALLAGHER: They’re not. No, no, no, they’re not. And –
U.S. next year, in addition to the bonuses.
MASON: What’s the likelihood then, that once you get past this
O’DONNELL: And in fairness to Randall Stephenson, the CEO of initial PR phase that this will be a pattern of behavior?
AT&T, I was with him before they tried to block that deal and he
was already talking about reinvesting in workers before that. GALLAGHER: Well, that – there’s a lot of skepticism around that.
But I will say also those companies, it’s not just bonuses, some of
GALLAGHER: Exactly. But you know, you can almost see that them are raising the minimum wage. So that is a significant –
these companies are sort of writing the tweets for the President
because this is sort of a line straight to his heart. They are KING: Wells Fargo.
showing right away that, look, this is for – you know, the tax cut is
passed on one day, day two it rains money for American workers.
GALLAGHER: Yeah. And so – but the big criticism is that
companies will use this money to reinvest by buying back their
GAYLE KING: But companies are under no obligation to do that, stock and by paying dividends. And we’re sort of in an era of
though. financial engineering and capital finds the way that it’s – you
know, flows to the way it’s most useful.
MASON: Correct.

James Woods SLAMS “Pompous Blowhard”
#Nevertrumper Bill Kristol For Attacking
Trump’s Tax Bill
By Cristina Laila
Thursday, December 21, 2017

#NeverTrumper elitist blowhards like “Only an elitist cupcake like you would think
Bill Kristol are miserable over Trump’s having a bonus is “creepy.” Try actually
successful tax bill. It only further proves working for a living, you pompous
they are on the wrong side of history. blowhard. It would amaze you how
important a salary and bonus can be.”
Bill Kristol’s “inner Socialist” slipped out again. He
attacked the positive response many corporations had
yesterday announcing bonuses to employees and increases
in capital spending.

According to Bill Kristol, it’s “creepy” for a corporation to

give bonuses to employees in response to tax cuts.

Patriotic actor James Woods moved in for the kill shot.

Bill Kristol tweeted,

“Isn’t there something creepy about

corporations giving cash bonuses to
employees explicitly because of the
passage of certain legislation or because of
specific regulatory actions? Doesn’t it have
something of a Road to Corporatist
Serfdom feel to it?”

James Woods responded in his usual snarky fashion utterly

destroying the RINO hack,

According to Bill Kristol, innovation, increases in capital to $15, and distribute one-time bonus of
spending and giving bonuses to hard working employees $1,000 to more than 13,500 employees.”
when a corporation has access to more money is “creepy”.
More winning! Comcast announced it
Let that sink in.
will invest a whopping $50 billion into
infrastructure projects over the next five
A quick recap of just a few of the corporations positively years due to the Republicans’ tax plan.
responding to Trump’s tax bill: The media giant will also give $1000
bonuses to more than 100,000
AT&T quickly responded to this employees.
historical tax cut and announced
Wednesday it will be issuing over A $1,000 bonus can be life-changing for many people who
200,000 U.S. employees a special $1,000 live on tight budgets. Only an elitist far removed from the
bonus and will also increase US capital reality of many struggling Americans would act like Bill
spending by $1 billion. Kristol.
Also, thanks to Republicans passing
historic tax reform, Boeing has Strange, Bill Kristol has never said it’s
announced a new $300 million “creepy” that the U.S. government
investment initiative. rewards illegal aliens by giving them
free everything, yet hard working,
There’s more… Fifth Third
employed Americans receiving a bonus
Bancorp announced it will “raise its
from their employer is “creepy”. That’s
minimum hourly wage for all employees
all you need to know about the mindset
of a #NeverTrumper.

'My God, Is That SNL?' CNN's Lemon Laughs At
Supposedly Extreme GOP Praise For Trump
By Tim Graham
December 21, 2017 4:25 PM EST

Republicans celebrated a big win on Wednesday, and CNN (Laughs) -- what is going on here?! By the
Tonight anchor Don Lemon responded by mocking it as a way, you gentlemen look so handsome.
“festival of flattery” for an egotistical president. Lemon You're such fantastic historians. I am just
pretended that this kind of gushing over a president has honored to be on television with you.
never been done in modern times, as if Lemon’s never
watched network TV coverage of the Obamas, or the Isn't that fairly typical praise when major legislation
Clintons, or the Kennedys. passes? Did Lemon forget Joe Biden saying Obamacare
was a "big f---ing deal"? The Democrats had T-shirts

This is the same Don Lemon who at this time three years
ago proclaimed of the Obamas, "They are America's first
couple, the closest thing that we have to royalty." New
York Times columnist Charles Blow shot back, "You're
going to get in so much trouble for calling the Obamas
royals." At the time, our Scott Whitlock pointed out that
when Chelsea Clinton had a baby earlier in 2014, they
gushed about the Clintons as royalty and a dynasty.

DON LEMON: There was a festival of Lemon could just focus on his own network. CNN's David
flattery on the White House lawn today to Gergen oozed over Obama's 2008 convention speech:
celebrate the passage of the Republican
tax cut bill. “In many ways, it was less a speech than a
symphony....It was a masterpiece." In
2011, CNN's Piers Morgan told Obama
Something this big, something this
aide David Axelrod, "I always feel he's got
generational, something this profound
so many pluses, doesn't he? In a sense,
could not have been done without exquisite
he's personable, he's handsome, he can be
presidential leadership. Mr. President,
funny. You know, abroad he has this great
thank you for getting us over the finish line.
image for America. A lot of things are just
REP. DIANE BLACK: Thank you, President perfect about Barack Obama." Four years
Trump, for allowing us to have you as our ago, CNN's Piers Morgan pondered a
president and to make America great presidential run by lumpy Chris Christie
again. "after the perfect Barack Obama -- who’s a
SEN. ORRIN HATCH: You're one heck of a perfect physical specimen to many people's
leader, and we're all benefiting from it. This eyes."
bill could not have passed without you.
Brinkley said Trump has a 35 percent approval rating and
hasn’t done anything notable this year, “But it's worth
President Donald Trump delivered a great
high-fiving. It is an historic victory. But I think the
victory for the American people.
exaggeration of having to kiss the ring of Donald Trump,
LEMON: My God. Is that SNL? Is that real?
Complimenting President Trump has it almost seems like a scene out of The
become something of a ritual at the White Godfather we just saw, not what you
House, but have other presidents expected would expect from the president of a
such praise? Let's discuss now with CNN democracy.”
presidential historians Timothy Naftali and
Douglas Brinkley. I mean, listen, you
Timothy Naftali compared it to Nixon, not the Democrats:
“I haven't heard this kind of sycophancy MARGARET HOOVER: No, exactly. Look, this is sad.
since I listened to the Nixon tapes, This is really, really sad.
where Henry Kissinger is telling the
president what a remarkable human being LEMON: It is embarrassing, isn't it?
he is.”
HOOVER: It’s really sad. And, you know there was a time
Naftali added Trump was insecure: where conservatives like me who really supported people
like Paul Ryan and the center-right and believed that they
“I think one of the lessons that Congress were getting, they were supporting President Trump in
learned was that this president is insecure, order to deliver on their principles, right? And so in order
and that if you want to work with this to get the kind of tax reform done that we talked about for
president, you have to make him feel great 30 years, you know, they had to cooperate with the
about himself. And they didn't do it in the Republican President in order to be -- so it was actually
health care debate. And they decided to do harder for them to be with Trump in order to deliver. And
it over tax cuts.” then they didn’t!

Lemon was so amazed by these pretty standard clips of So this just undermines [underlines?]
praise at a victory celebration that he reprised his the fact that they totally sold out their
amazement in the 11 pm hour with the husband-and-wife principles.
CNN analysts John Avlon and Margaret Hoover. He
laughed out loud when the clip package ended. LEMON: Why would they do that?

HOOVER: Because they lost all hope. (LAUGHTER)

LEMON: All right. Stop it. When people do that [praise

you effusively], don't you say ‘Come on, stop it, this is a
team effort, and it took all of us. We all got it done.

HOOVER: This President demands something very

different from the people.

AVLON: It’s just creepy to see senior

Senators like Orrin Hatch give the
President a tongue bath on national
JOHN AVLON: I mean, come on. This sort of Dear television, it is odd. It is just weird.
Leader genuflection -- like, the cabinet meeting, The
Washington Post calculated that Vice President Pence
praised him once every twelve seconds for three minutes. HOOVER: I don't even know what that is. (LAUGHTER)
That is not normal human behavior, folks. That is a
hostage video. I mean what’s going on? Avlon has presided over some creepy conversations at The
Daily Beast, like the one where two colleagues said they
DON LEMON: Come on, conservative Margaret Hoover. wouldn't donate their heart to evil supervillain Dick

"A Stunning Rebuke":
128 Nations Support UN Call For Trump To Withdraw
Jerusalem Decision
By Tyler Durden
Dec 21, 2017 12:57 PM

One day after Trump escalated his war of words with the
UN, threatening to cut off foreign financial aid over As reported yesterday, in the runup to the General
today's UN vote on the president's decision to recognize Assembly vote, Trump and US Ambassador to the UN,
Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the United Nations on Nikki Haley, warned countries against opposing the Trump
Thursday delivered what has been dubbed a "stunning administration's Jerusalem decision.
rebuke" of the US President's Jerusalem decision, voting
overwhelmingly to condemn the move and calling on the
Haley went so far as sending a letter to
U.S. to withdraw the decision.
members of the international body this
week, warning that Trump had
instructed her to take names, i.e., list
the countries that voted in favor of the
resolution. The president followed up on
that warning on Wednesday, suggesting at
a Cabinet meeting that the U.S. could cut
off foreign aid for countries that
opposed the U.S. in the vote.
"They take hundreds of millions of dollars
and even billions of dollars, and then they
vote against us," Trump said. "Well, we're
watching those votes. Let them vote
The final vote was a landslide against Israel, with some against us, we’ll save a lot. We don't care."
128 nations voting in favor of the resolution. Nine
countries opposed the resolution while 35 abstained. The threat did little to stop the countries
from voting to blast Trump's decision.
Only Israel, Honduras, Togo, U.S., Palau, Marshall
Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Guatemala voted against
Jerusalem resolution. Two-thirds of UN member states
including Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium,
Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Spain and Greece
voted in favor of the resolution. Canada abstained.

While the resolution – a formal statement of a U.N.

opinion – is not legally binding, it is represents a symbolic
and diplomatic condemnation of Trump's decision and
exerts political pressure on him to reverse the move...
which Trump of course won't do.

The General Assembly vote came days after the U.S.

vetoed a similar resolution in the U.N. Security Council.
The panel's other 14 members voted in favor of that
measure – a move that Haley called an "insult" to the
U.S. Shortly after the Security Council vote, Arab and
Muslim leaders at U.N. called for an emergency special
session of the General Assembly to discuss the U.S.'s
Jerusalem decision.

In a defiant speech ahead of the General Assembly vote on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move
Thursday, Riyad Al Maliki, the Palestinian foreign affairs its embassy there.
minister, cast the Trump administration’s Jerusalem
“America will put our embassy in
decision as an affront on regional peace and security that
Jerusalem. That is what the American
has isolated the U.S. from the international community.
people want us to do, and it is the right
thing to do,” she said ahead of the vote.
“Does the United States not wonder “No vote in the United Nations will make
why it stands isolated in this any difference on that. But this vote will
position?” he asked. make a difference in how Americans view
the U.N.”
Turkey, which has led the Muslim opposition to the US
Jerusalem declaration, was among the first to speak at the Haley reminded UN members of the US’ generous
meeting. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu contributions to the organization and said that the United
stressed that only a two-state solution and sticking to the States expects its will to be respected in return.
1967 borders can be a foundation for a lasting peace
between Israel and Palestine. The minister said that since “When we make a generous contributions
Jerusalem is the cradle for the “three monotheistic to the UN, we also have a legitimate
religions,” all of humanity should come together to expectation that our goodwill is recognized
preserve the status quo. and respected,” Haley said, adding that the
vote will be “remembered” by the US and
“The recent decision of a UN member “make a difference on how the Americans
state to recognize Jerusalem as the look at the UN.”
capital of Israel violates the
international law, including all relevant Ahead of the vote, Israeli PM Netanyahu called the UN a
UN resolutions. This decision is an
outrageous assault on all universal
values,” Cavusoglu said. "house of lies."
"The State of Israel rejects outright this
The US threats were also condemned by Turkey, with the vote, even before it passes," he said at a
country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stating that ceremony in southern Israel. "The attitude
Trump “cannot buy Turkey's democratic will.” to Israel of many nations in the world, in
all the continents, is changing outside
“I hope and expect the United States won't of the UN walls, and will eventually filter
get the result it expects from there (the UN into the UN as well -- the house of lies,"
General Assembly) and the world will give he said.
a very good lesson to the United States,” "Jerusalem is our capital, we will continue
Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara on to build in it and embassies of countries,
Thursday ahead of the meeting. led by the US, will move to Jerusalem,"
Netanyahu said, thanking Trump and US
A spokesman for Palestine president Mahmud Abbas ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley for
triumphantly declared that the "standing by Israel and the truth."

"UN Vote is a victory for Palestine." Israeli envoy to the UN Danny Danon stated that Israel
considers Jerusalem its capital, dating back to Biblical
*** times, and the US decision only outlines the obvious.
Danon went further and accused the UN of “double
standards” and an “unbreakable bond of hypocrisy” with
Despite being isolated by virtually the entire international Palestine and prejudice against Israel.
community, in her blunt response,
“Those who support today’s resolution are
Haley warned the international body that like puppets. You’re puppets pulled by the
the U.S. would remember the vote as a strings of your Palestinian puppet masters.
betrayal by the U.N., and that the vote You’re like marionettes forced to dance,
would do nothing to affect the Trump while the Palestinian leadership looks on
administration’s decision to recognize with glee,” Danon told the gathering.

“WORSE Than Watergate!”: Rand Paul Calls For “High
Ranking” Obama Officials To Be Investigated For
“Colluding” Against Trump
By Joshua Caplan
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Senator Rand Paul is calling for a full

investigation into alleged collusion Paul was referring to last week’s bombshell that top DOJ
between Obama administration officials official Bruce Ohr not only met with key players in the
in an effort to prevent President creation of the infamous “Trump dossier,” but his wife
Trump’s election. Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition research
firm that commissioned the unproven document. […]

“Time to investigate high ranking Obama government

officials who might have colluded to prevent the election
of @realDonaldTrump! This could be WORSE than
Watergate!” tweeted Rand Paul on Thursday.

“You have the Department of Justice,

where you have a high-ranking official
whose wife works for the group doing
opposition research on Trump being paid
for by the Democrat National Committee,
that sounds like a lot of high-ranking people
colluding to try to prevent Donald Trump
from being president,” Paul told Fox News
BizPac Review reports: host Bill Hemmer.

With tax reform a done-deal and the wind “You know, we’ve had this investigation
at his back, Senator Rand Paul came out about Russian collusion, maybe we need
swinging against the Obama an investigation about high-ranking Obama
administration. officials colluding to try to prevent Trump
from being president,” Paul added.
Paul said he wants answers as to why
Mueller’s investigation into alleged Trump- “That’s more serious than even Watergate.”
Russia collusion appears so obviously
partisan […]

Tom Brokaw: Conservative Media
On A ‘Jihad’ Against FBI, Mueller
By Chris Reeves
December 21, 2017 4:38 PM EST

On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal pundits very long time and your president with a 33% approval
continued their smear campaign targeting congressional rating. Uh, but Michael Schmidt, I'm a little confused. I'm
lawmakers and journalists who have been trying to reveal just a dumb country lawyer, but I thought this FBI, uh, was
the full extent of political bias within the FBI that may the same FBI we heard last week had warned Donald
have adversely affected its investigations of Hillary Trump during the campaign about the Russians trying to
Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential interfere with this campaign.
campaign. Working with the knowledge that there is now
an official congressional investigation into the FBI and MICHAEL SCHMIDT: Yeah. I think that you
DOJ’s conduct last year, co-host Joe Scarborough and his can’t underestimate the impact that these
guest panelists went into overdrive to paint any disclosures about Pete Strzok, the top
questioning of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his counterintelligence agent at the FBI with
investigative team’s professionalism as an illegitimate, these text messages he was exchanging, it
desperate, and futile attempt to save Trump’s presidency. has really given the Republicans a
Former veteran NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw had talking point to attack the FBI in a way
some especially harsh words for Fox News’s recent that they didn't have before. And it has
coverage of FBI corruption, really become the rallying cry and I think
has encouraged them, enthused them, that
claiming that the network “is on a jihad maybe there is a way that they can
right now” against Mueller and his undercut Mueller by continuing to attack
agents. this.
SCARBOROUGH: But, but, but Michael,
For his part, Scarborough was satisfied with a slightly less help me out here. Help me out here. It
theological analogy to attack congressional Republicans, seems to me that they're just throwing
who he compared to “monkeys throwing poo against the whatever they can like monkeys
wall” for openly doubting Mueller’s handling of his throwing poo against the wall. Last
investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion: week, it was Textgate scandal. And then
we found out actually that those texts were
improperly released. And actually, they
were attacking Bernie Sanders and
Hillary Clinton as well. That's okay, so
they move on to something else. Like,
what exactly is the scandal? They're,
they’re just making things up every

Scarborough did not elaborate on what he meant by: “[W]e

found out actually that those texts [...] were attacking
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton as well,” but he
appeared to be conflating Strzok’s anti-Trump, anti-
6:35 AM EST Sanders, and pro-Clinton texts, which have been the big
story for the past couple of weeks, with another story about
New York FBI agents disparaging both Clinton and
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Alright, so listen, let me, let me
Trump. As Vanity Fair has reported [emphasis mine]:
just tell you, Republicans, children, um, you're, you’re
out of your league. You’re playing way out of your
league. Bob Mueller is several steps ahead of you. And As the biggest of the bureau’s outposts,
you will destroy your majority for years to come. If you handling many of its headline cases, New
want to do it, your business. I think Americans would York is particularly possessive of its
probably be comforted with you out of power for a investigations. There’s no evidence,

however, that its agents dragged their feet outright disinformation about criticisms of Mueller and the
on reviewing Weiner’s laptop in order to FBI:
force Comey to act—or of its bias toward
either of the 2016 presidential 7:16 AM
candidates. The New York field office
held Clinton and Trump in nearly equal
SCARBOROUGH: Yeah, Jeremy Peters, talk about the
disdain. “In 2016, the New York agents
discomfort on the Hill that some senior Republicans have
thought Hillary is corrupt and Trump is
at some of the more junior members attacking the men and
crazy—he’s in New York and they know
women at the FBI and going after an American war hero,
him well,” a top veteran of the city’s office
um, Bob Mueller. Um, talk about the discomfort that some
said. “So in the primary there was a
Republicans are feeling.
majority of agents for Bernie Sanders.”
PETERS: Well, what they'll say to you
Given the fact that Peter Strzok, the lead investigator of
privately, Joe, is the same thing they said
Hillary Clinton’s alleged mishandling of classified
after Trump's attacks on Judge Curiel, that
information as Secretary of State, hated Trump, hated
this is an unwarranted and, really,
Sanders, and wanted Clinton to win the election, it stands
constitutionally dangerous attack by
to reason that this political bias could have tainted Strzok’s
somebody on an independent branch of
judgement. According to reporting by CNN, there is
government, an independent entity in
already concrete evidence to suggest that Strzok’s feelings
the government. It’s, and it’s -- and it
were not properly kept separate from his investigation
violates the separations that are
[emphasis mine]:
supposed to exist. You know, to Susan’s
point about Mueller and how he doesn't
A former top counterintelligence expert at the FBI, now at care, that may be true, but you know who
the center of a political uproar for exchanging private else doesn't care? Donald Trump. And
messages that appeared to mock President Donald Trump, Donald Trump is living in a world right
changed a key phrase in former FBI Director James now that is fed by the conservative
Comey's description of how former secretary of state media hysteria over Bob Mueller and his
Hillary Clinton handled classified information, according alleged ties to Democrats, the attorneys
to US officials familiar with the matter. who work for him who donated to
Democrats. This has been a narrative
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the that has built up on a single cable news
investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server as network and in the conservative radio
the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, sphere over the last several months, that
is: This man cannot be trusted. He is
changed Comey's earlier draft language politically tainted and therefore unable to
describing Clinton's actions as "grossly objectively investigate the President, that
negligent" to "extremely careless," the this is a witch hunt. And that -- and Donald
sources said. Trump marinates in that all day long. He
hears it on Hannity. He hears it on Laura
Ingraham. He -- in, in, in Breitbart. I mean,
it is, it -- inescapable for him. And it's hard
for me to imagine that eventually that
The shift from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless," doesn't affect his thinking and his
which may appear pedestrian at first glance, reflected a judgment.
decision by the FBI that could have had potentially
significant legal implications,
Peters committed at least three major errors of fact that I
can pick out.
as the federal law governing the
mishandling of classified material
First, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department are
establishes criminal penalties for "gross
independent branches or entities within the federal
government. Both the FBI and the Justice Department are
constitutionally subordinate to the President because they
Hey Joe, if you’re curious about what exactly the scandal fall under his executive authority to oversee federal law
is, you don’t have to tune in to watch monkeys flinging enforcement. Because of the President’s decision to fire
poop at anybody. You can just watch CNN. James Comey earlier this year, some legal commentators
have suggested changing this aspect of the structure of the
Thursday’s Morning Joe did not get any better when New executive branch.
York Times reporter Jeremy Peters came on to spread
Second, “conservative media” have not been the only ones Mueller's reputation across the board
to scrutinize Mueller and the FBI’s conduct. Fox News and has [sic] enormous amount of integrity.
Breitbart have certainly focused on stories about FBI
corruption more than other news establishments, but the BRZEZINSKI: The President just tweeted, Tom – I just want your
L.A. Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, reaction here – “Was @foxandfriends just named the most
Business Insider, and many more politically diverse outlets influential show in news? You deserve it - three great people!
have contributed important reporting as well. The many Fake News Hate Shows” could “study your formula for
success!” Tom?
Third, Mueller’s ties to Democrats are not “alleged.” The
Special Counsel’s own office has provided information to BROKAW: Well, he watches Fox News
reporters confirming that most of Mueller’s legal team because it reinforces what he believes.
have made political contributions to Democratic And, Fox News, after Shepard Smith in
candidates, including “three [who] gave a total of $18,100 the late afternoon, is on a jihad right
to either [Hillary Clinton’s] 2016 campaign or her 2008 now on the whole question about
run for the presidential nomination.” whether there's a fairness about this or
If there is really nothing to be worried about regarding
allegations of political bias at the FBI or among Mueller’s the transfer of uranium, for example, to, um, Ira-, to Iran. Shep
legal team, why did Peters have to repeatedly lie about Smith has gone in some detail to say: It did not happen. She
easily verifiable facts? didn't have the authority to do that. That ends at 4:30 or 5:00 or
whenever he gets off the air, and then from then on,-
Near the end of the second hour of Joe’s broadcast,
Brokaw finally came on to discuss the issues of the day BRZEZINSKI: What happens?
with Mika Brzezinski, which included his designation of
Fox News as a jihadi network: BROKAW: -the whole assault is on the
institutions. I mean, Newt Gingrich,
looking into the,-

BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] Through Fox?

BROKAW: -looking -- Newt Gingrich was looking into the camera

and saying the FBI is a corrupt organization. Right? Three
months earlier, he had said Bob Mueller is one of the great
distinguished public servants that we have.

So, we're at, you know, we’re at war here

and it's gonna be sorted out in the final
7:51 AM
Amazingly enough, today was not the first instance of
BROKAW: Uh, John, it's very hard for me to predict what either Brokaw flippantly comparing conservative media to
party would do under almost any circumstance these days jihadis. Back in 2003, speaking before the National Press
because there's very little history. Club, Brokaw complained that watchdog groups like
NewsBusters were “suffocating discourse” and
I would say that the FBI in the judgment “encouraging a kind of e-mail or telephonic jihad [...]
of most people in this country still is under the guise of promoting fair press coverage.”
one of our most valued institutions and

Trump Threatens Aid Cuts To UN
Members Who Vote Against Him On Jerusalem
Written By Jason Ditz
December 21, 2017 At 5:37 Am

While the administration seems to be betting this will lead

to massive capitulation worldwide, it’s still virtually
certain that the resolution will pass by a wide margin.
Voting for the US, and by extension, Israel, is unthinkable
across the Muslim world, and it’s also hard to imagine that
any of the Security Council nations, who already voted
against the US, would willingly change course now, when
it would be so transparently a reaction to US threats.

But if Trump doesn’t get his way, that too raises an

interesting question. For instance, if the vote was 191-2 or
some other overwhelming defeat for the US, as some have
(ANTIWAR.COM) — The global backlash against predicted, it’s going to be awfully hard for President
President Trump’s recent declaration that Jerusalem is the Trump to make good on his threats, since it would mean
capital city of Israel is setting the stage for a major effectively ending American foreign aid to everyone but
showdown at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, a Israel.
vote which is expected to be overwhelming opposed to
Trump’s statement.
That’s not likely to sit well with many of the longer-
serving US officials, who see foreign aid as “buying
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley had been making influence” abroad. It’s also hard to imagine, having
vague warnings of punishment for nations that resist the ignored US law on not giving military funding to juntas,
US on the matter, and President Trump is said to like that that the US will suddenly defund all the world’s juntas at
idea so much that he’s now overtly threatening to cut off once over Jerusalem.
foreign aid to any nation that dares vote against him at the
General Assembly.

FBI Fires Suspected Leaker
And Comey Ally James Baker
By Tyler Durden
Dec 22, 2017 9:31 AM

Just hours after FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

delivered private testimony to the House Intelligence The revelation comes as the Trump administration has
Committee, his boss, FBI Director Christopher Wray, ramped up efforts to contain leaks both within the White
announced that the bureau’s top lawyer would be leaving House and within its own national security apparatus.
his post, an attempt to bring in “new blood” to an agency
whose reputation has been hopelessly compromised by The news of the staff shakeup comes as Trump and his
revelations that agents’ partisan bias may have influenced political allies have promised to “rebuild” the FBI to make
two high-profile investigations involving President Donald it “bigger and better than ever” following its “disgraceful”
Trump and his former campaign rival, former Secretary of conduct over the Trump probe.
State Hillary Clinton.
Baker played a key role in the agency’s
As the Washington Post reported, the FBI’s top lawyer, handling of major cases and policy
James Baker, is being reassigned. WaPo says Baker’s debates in recent years, including the
removal is part of Wray’s effort to assemble his own team FBI’s unsuccessful battle with Apple
of senior advisers while he tries to defuse allegations of over the growing use of encryption in
partisanship that have plagued the bureau in recent months. cellphones.

James Baker

Wray has, of course, resisted Congress’s push to learn

But reports published over the summer said Baker was more about senior agent Peter Strzok, who was a key
“the top suspect” in an interagency leak investigation, as player in both the Clinton investigation and the Trump
we reported back in July probe. Strzok was exposed last month for exchanging anti-
Trump texts with FBI attorney Lisa Page, with whom he
Three sources, with knowledge of the investigation, was having an affair.

told Circa that Baker is the top suspect Strzok played important roles with both
in an ongoing leak investigation, investigations. Later, it was revealed
that his edits to Clinton’s exoneration
but Circa has not been able to confirm the details of what letter went further than had been
national security information or material was allegedly previously disclosed.
According to WaPo,
A federal law enforcement official with
knowledge of ongoing internal Baker told colleagues he will be taking
investigations in the bureau told Circa, on other duties at the FBI.
"the bureau is scouring for leakers and Unsurprisingly, the Jeff Bezos-owned
there's been a lot of investigations."
paper describes Baker as “one of the It's notable that Baker’s departure comes six months after
most trusted, longest-serving national the leaking scandal, and just days after AG Jeff Sessions
security officials in the US. He has reportedly asked DOJ prosecutors to begin asking FBI
served as the head of the FBI’s Office of agents about the details of the Uranium One investigation.
General Counsel for several years." A sign that the bureau is finally moving to address
concerns expressed by Republican lawmakers about bias
Of course, WaPo says Baker’s reassignment has nothing to that may have favored Clinton.
do with the leak investigation, which ended without any
publicly disclosed findings. It’s also unclear what, exactly, Baker’s head is the third to roll in the “housecleaning” that
Baker was suspected of leaking. saw the FBI sanction Strzok and Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ
official who reportedly concealed his wife’s ties to
Baker is reportedly a very close to opposition research firm Fusion GPS – the firm that
former FBI director James B. Comey, supervised the creation of the infamous “Trump dossier."
who asked Baker to be his general
counsel. The two men were colleagues at It was also revealed recently that Baker’s name is on a list
the Justice Department and when they of DOJ officials who are expected to receive a subpoena to
were out of government at Bridgewater testify before the House Intelligence Committee. Strzok
Associates, an investment management and Ohr’s names are also on that list.
If that’s any indication of what’s to come, we doubt this
will be the last time we hear Baker’s name.

GOP Lawmaker: No Question There Was “An
Orchestrated Plan” Hatched By FBI, Doj To Keep Trump
OUT Of Oval Office
By JD Heyes
Saturday, December 23, 2017

As time goes on and we learn ever more about the Russia collusion,” Jordan, along with Rep. Trey Gowdy,
shenanigans that took place during last year’s presidential R-S.C.,
election cycle, it’s becoming clear to thinking people
everywhere: There definitely was “collusion” but none of “presented scores of examples where bias
it was conducted by the Trump campaign. against President Donald J. Trump obviously
exists within the group of investigators and
In fact, the most damning evidence of collusion can be prosecutors Mueller has assembled for his
found not with Russia per se, but within our own probe, but well before it began, extending into
government, or, more specifically, within the confines of last year’s high-profile criminal investigation of
Barack Obama’s government. Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified
information and surveillance of the Trump
That’s the conclusion of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has campaign,” reported.
been hot on the trails of DC Swamp creatures whom he
believes actively plotted against President Donald J. “The reason we have special counsel is
Trump and in favor of the most despicable criminal never because of a conflict of interest,” Gowdy said.
to be charged, Hillary “Rotten” Clinton. “We don’t like conflicts of interest because it
undermines people’s confidence in both the
During an appearance on Fox News’ Fox & Friends process and the result.
morning show earlier this week, Jordan said that he
believes there were ranking figures within the FBI and “And then, lo and behold, those that are
Department of Justice who “were putting together a plan to supposed to make sure there are no conflicts of
stop Donald Trump from being the next president of the interest seem to have a bit of their own,” Gowdy
United States.” noted further.

“I think it’s amazing in spite of the fact that the In his Fox & Friends interview, Jordan discussed other
Democrats were against him, the Republican evidence of a conspiracy, especially surrounding the FBI’s
establishment was against him, the mainstream use of the never-confirmed but widely-debunked “Trump
press was against him. and now I believe the dossier.” (Related: Expert: Bogus Trump ‘dossier’ was
FBI and the Justice Department were against NOT ‘just opposition research’ but used by FBI to launch
him, the American people still said that’s the ‘collusion’ probes)
guy we want to be the next president,” he said,
as reported by Breitbart News. “…[E]verything points to — from what we
learned several weeks ago that they paid to the
As reported by, Jordan and other GOP dossier to the fact that I believe that fake
lawmakers are starting to put together the extent of dossier was used as the basis to get Warren to
outright, blatant corruption within Obama’s highly now what we learn about Peter Strzok and
politicized FBI and Justice Department following months’ Bruce Ohr and the FBI and the Justice
worth of damning reports. Department, respectively,” he said, continuing,
“Everything points to the fact that there was an
During a recent appearance by Deputy Attorney General orchestrated plan to try to prevent Donald
Rod Rosenstein before the House Judiciary Committee to Trump from becoming the President of the
answer questions regarding special counsel Robert United States.”
Mueller’s ongoing (and bogus) investigation into “Trump-

Then Jordan noted something that should be obvious to for a fact the Clinton campaign paid Russians.
everyone with the exception of Left-wing Democrats and They paid Christopher Steele through the law
hacks: No evidence whatsoever of Trump-Russia firm, though Fusion GPS they paid Christopher
“collusion” has yet to be found, and it would have been by Steele who actually paid Russians for this false,
now, given all the leaking by the Deep State to harm fake dossier information.”
Jordan added that he wants key figures in this scandal
“To date, there’s not one bit of evidence that subpoenaed so that they are forced to explain, under oath,
Donald Trump worked with the Russians to what they did last year.
influence the election,” he said. “But we know

Sen. Rand Paul Declares Obama Officials’ Effort To Derail
Trump Campaign “WORSE Than Watergate”
By JD Heyes
Sunday, December 24, 2017

As reported by BizPac Review, with the Republican tax

reform plan done Paul came out swinging on behalf of the
president, who we all know was wronged in so many ways
by one of the most corrupt White House administrations in
recent memory.

For one, Paul says he wants answers into why special

counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into alleged Trump-Russia
collusion is so blatantly partisan. (Related: SWAMP:
Trump lawyer alleges Mueller engaged in “unlawful
conduct” in obtaining transition documents.)

“You have the Department of Justice, where

you have a high-ranking official whose wife
The junior senator from Kentucky has had enough. works for the group doing opposition research
on Trump being paid for by the Democrat
GOP Sen. Rand Paul, once a fierce competitor of President National Committee, that sounds like a lot of
Donald J. Trump in their mutual bid for the White House, high-ranking people colluding to try to prevent
says it’s become obvious that there were Deep State forces Donald Trump from being president,” Paul said
loyal to the Obama political machine within the in an interview with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer.
Department of Justice and FBI who conspired to keep the
billionaire real estate mogul-turned-politician out of the That was a reference to last week’s bombshell that top DoJ
Oval Office. official Bruce Ohr had not only met with principals who
created the infamous “Trump dossier,” but also that his
And for that, they should be investigated and if (actually wife Nellie worked for the same firm — Fusion GPS —
when) they are found guilty of said conspiracy, punished. during the campaign last year and as the dossier was
being created by former British spy Christopher Steele.
What’s more, Paul justified his call for a new investigation
by comparing it to one of the most heinous political crimes “You know, we’ve had this investigation about
in U.S. history. Russian collusion, maybe we need an
investigation about high-ranking Obama officials
“Time to investigate high ranking Obama colluding to try to prevent Trump from being
government officials who might have colluded to president,” Paul said.
prevent the election of @realDonaldTrump! This
could be WORSE than Watergate!” tweeted “This is more serious than even Watergate,” he
Rand Paul on Thursday. added.

No doubt about that.

That top-ranking officials within the FBI and

Justice Department — the two federal entities
Americans have to be able to trust to
unbiasedly mete out justice and enforce federal
law — would conspire against a U.S.
presidential candidate is just plain
Fox News’ Judge Janine Pirro made that same claim in “The stench coming out of the FBI and Justice
recent days, calling on Congress and the Trump Justice Department is like that of a Third World country
Department to step up pressure on those responsible for the where money and boys and clubs decide
anti-Trump collusion and hold them to account. elections,” she said. “It’s time to take them out
in cuffs.”
“There is a cleansing needed in our FBI and
department of justice– it needs to be cleansed
of individuals who should not just be fired. But
who need to be taken out in cuffs,” she said
during her program “Justice” last week.

“There have been times in our history where

corruption and lawlessness were so pervasive,
that examples had to be made,” Pirro said.
“This is one of those times.”

She said examples of those who should be targeted

include, but are not limited to, Deputy FBI Director
Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director James Comey, and
even Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“I for one am tired of investigations, politicians

posturing,” Pirro said. “Something more has to
be done.”

Trump Slams FBI,
Clinton For 'Garbage' Dossier
By Josh Delk
12/26/17 09:01 AM EST

President Trump on Tuesday lashed out at the FBI and the it alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow
Clinton campaign on the Russia dossier compiled against that eventually became the focus of the project.
him and his 2016 campaign.
Some Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee,
"WOW, @foxandfriends 'Dossier is bogus. Clinton which has investigated witnesses in connection with the
dossier, have begun to probe into the FBI's and Justice
Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all
Department's handling of the look into the claims included
of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF in the document.
they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis BuzzFeed News published the controversial dossier in
for going after the Trump Campaign!" Trump tweeted, the January, which includes many salacious claims that have
latest in his ongoing smear on the FBI. not been verified.

Trump has also targeted the FBI in recent weeks for what
many Republican lawmakers believe was a biased and
politically motivated approach to its investigation of
collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The Justice Department allowed the House Intelligence

Committee earlier this month to interview an FBI
employee thought to be an informant to the dossier's
leading researcher, amid calls from Trump attorneys for a
second special counsel to investigate links between the
bureau and the private company that commissioned the
dossier research.
The dossier, a compilation of opposition research against
the 2016 Trump campaign, was partly funded by Clinton's The Intelligence Committee has attempted to slap
contempt citations on the department and the FBI for its
campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
investigation into claims of Russian collusion in the
It included several incendiary claims against Trump and dossier.
his campaign that have loomed over his presidency.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is facing new
While the research for the dossier was originally aimed at criticisms from Trump for his role in the FBI's probe,
finding information on the entire field of GOP candidates, testified before the committee last week.

Trump Slams "Crooked Hillary
Pile Of Garbage"-Funded "Bogus" Dossier
By Tyler Durden
Dec 26, 2017 6:59 PM

Having taken a shot at The FBI on Christmas Eve Eve... (2) In June of this year, former FBI director James Comey
testified that the dossier was “salacious and unverified.”
While still director, Comey had described the dossier the
same way when he briefed President-elect Trump on it in
January 2017. If the dossier was still unverified as late as
mid 2017, its allegations could not possibly have been
verified months earlier, in the late summer or early
autumn of 2016, when it appears that the FBI and DOJ
used them in an application to the FISA court.

President Trump took to Twitter early on this Boxing Day

with a very direct shot across the bow of all his DC-swamp (3) The dossier appears to contain misinformation.
adversaries... Knowing he was a spy-for-hire trusted by Americans,
Steele’s Russian-regime sources had reason to believe that
misinformation could be passed into the stream of U.S.
intelligence and that it would be acted on — and leaked —
as if it were true, to America’s detriment. This would sow
discord in our political system. If the FBI and DOJ relied
on the dossier, it likely means they were played by the
Putin regime.

Manifestly, the DOJ and FBI were favorably disposed

toward Steele and Fusion GPS. I suspect that these good,
productive prior relationships with the dossier’s source led
the investigators to be less exacting about corroborating
the dossier’s claims.

As a reminder, we know three things for sure: But that is just the beginning of the bias story.

(1) The Steele dossier was a Clinton campaign product. At a high level, the DOJ and FBI were in the tank for
If it was used by the FBI and the Obama Justice Hillary Clinton. In July 2016, shortly before Steele’s
Department to obtain a FISA warrant, that would mean reports started floating in, the FBI and DOJ announced that
law-enforcement agencies controlled by a Democratic no charges would be brought against Mrs. Clinton despite
president fed the FISA court political campaign material damning evidence that she mishandled classified
produced by the Democratic candidate whom the president information, destroyed government files, obstructed
had endorsed to succeed him. Partisan claims of egregious congressional investigations, and lied to investigators. The
scheming with an adversarial foreign power would have irregularities in the Clinton-emails investigation are legion:
been presented to the court with the FBI’s imprimatur, as if President Obama making it clear in public statements that
they were drawn from refined U.S. intelligence reporting. he did not want Clinton charged; the FBI, shortly
The objective would have been to spy on the opposition afterwards, drafting an exoneration of Clinton months
Republican campaign. before the investigation ended and central witnesses,
including Clinton herself, were interviewed; investigators
failing to use the grand jury to compel the production of
key evidence; the DOJ restricting FBI agents in their lines
of inquiry and examination of evidence; the granting of sheer contempt for Trump. This concatenation led the FBI
immunity to suspects who in any other case would be and DOJ to believe Steele — to want to believe his
pressured to plead guilty and cooperate against more- melodramatic account of Trump-Russia corruption. For the
culpable suspects; the distorting of criminal statutes to faithful, it was a story too good to check.
avoid applying them to Clinton; the sulfurous tarmac
meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former The DOJ and FBI, having dropped a criminal
President Clinton shortly before Mrs. Clinton was given a investigation that undeniably established Hillary
peremptory interview — right before then–FBI director Clinton’s national-security recklessness, managed
Comey announced that she would not be charged. simultaneously to convince themselves that Donald
Trump was too much of a national-security risk to be
The blatant preference for Clinton over Trump president.
smacked of politics and self-interest. Deputy FBI
director McCabe’s wife had run for the Virginia state * * *
legislature as a Democrat, and her (unsuccessful)
campaign was lavishly funded by groups tied to Clinton
As we previously concluded, while there is a dearth of
insider Terry McAuliffe. Agent Strzok told FBI lawyer
evidence to date that the Trump campaign colluded in
Page that Trump was an “idiot” and that “Hillary should
Russia’s cyberespionage attack on the 2016 election,
win 100 million to 0.” Page agreed that Trump was “a
there is abundant evidence that the Obama
loathsome human.” A Clinton win would likely mean
administration colluded with the Clinton campaign to
Lynch — originally raised to prominence when President
use the Steele dossier as a vehicle for court-authorized
Bill Clinton appointed her to a coveted U.S. attorney slot
monitoring of the Trump campaign — and to fuel a pre-
— would remain attorney general. Yates would be waiting
election media narrative that U.S. intelligence agencies
in the wings.
believed Trump was scheming with Russia to lift sanctions
if he were elected president. Congress should continue
The prior relationships of trust with the source; the pressing for answers, and President Trump should order
investment in Clinton; the certitude that Clinton would win the Justice Department and FBI to cooperate rather than —
and deserved to win, signified by the mulish determination what’s the word? — resist.
that she not be charged in the emails investigation; the

DEEP STATE: Rep. Matt Gaetz Says Email Evidence
PROVES Hillary Got “Special” Treatment From
The FBI To Avoid Prosecution
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

investigation and that she received special

treatment as a consequence of her candidacy
for president,” he added.

“That shouldn’t happen. The law should apply

equally to all Americans whether they’re political
candidates or not. And so, we need to institute
reforms through the Judiciary Committee for
more oversight, for more transparency so that
this never happens again.” (Related: Gaetz: FBI
Dep. Dir. McCabe emails indicate Hillary Clinton
got SPECIAL treatment by allies within Bureau.)
A Florida Republican says that the House Judiciary
Committee, of which he is a member, now has email Gaetz is only the latest Republican lawmaker to come out
evidence of bias and collusion within the wholly and essentially blame elements within the FBI and Obama
discredited FBI that the so-called “criminal investigation” Department of Justice for being completely in the tank for
into Hillary Clinton’s obvious and arrogant mishandling of Hillary last year. They have cited evidence indicating that
classified info via her unsecured private email server was the so-called “Trump dossier,” which was paid for by the
tanked on purpose to avoid indicting her. Clinton campaign and the Democratic National
Committee, and commissioned by a pro-Democrat
Rep. Matt Gaetz told Fox News’ America’s Newsroom on ‘opposition research’ firm, was weaponized as legitimate
Friday that the committee has obtained email evidence that ‘evidence’ to obtain FISA court warrants so pro-Hillary
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe indicated that agents and investigators could spy on her rival.
Clinton would get “HQ special” — “headquarters special”
— treatment, Breitbart News reported. As for Gaetz, he said last month that “we now have
evidence” of FBI malfeasance in the investigation of
The fiery Gaetz, who has been like a hound dog tracking Clinton.
down every lead and example of bureau-wide bias in favor
of Clinton and against President Donald J. Trump during “We now have evidence that the FBI’s
last year’s campaign, said that the circumstances investigation of Hillary Clinton did not follow
surrounding the FBI’s alleged ‘investigation’ were marred normal and standard procedures,” he said, as
by “extreme pro-Hillary Clinton bias.” (Related: Discover reported by The National Sentinel. “The current
the truth at deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe sent
emails just weeks before the
“The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an presidential election saying that the Hillary
investigation, particularly as it relates to the Clinton investigation would be special — that it
handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal would be handled by a small team
and any potential investigations of the Clinton at headquarters, that it would be given special
Foundation and the handling of bribes or other status.”
types of improper payments,” Gaetz told the
network. In his Fox interview Friday, the Florida Republican said
the committee’s next move will be to find out if there was
“I can certainly say that my impression after a departure at the FBI from standard policies and
these interviews is that there was extreme pro- “procedures.”
Hillary Clinton bias that benefitted her in this

“[O]ur view is we need to find out if whether or Wouldn’t that be a major departure from the lopsided, one-
not the procedures were departed from,” he sided “justice” meted out (or not) during the corrupt
noted. “And we have email evidence from Clinton and Obama years?
Andrew McCabe indicating that Hillary Clinton
was going to get an ‘HQ Special,’ a Watch McCabe’s interview here:
headquarters special.

“That meant that the normal processes of the

Washington field office weren’t followed and he
had a special. And he had a very small group of
people that had a pro-Hillary Clinton bias who
had a direct role in changing that investigation
from one that likely should have been criminal
to one where she was able to walk,” Gaetz

“And so I think that we’ve gotta ensure that that

never happens again, that the same processes
that would apply to any American would also
apply to people who were running for president
of the United States.”

A 25 Point Blueprint
For A Pro-Trump Congress
By Michael Snyder
December 26, 2017

In 2016 the Trump movement took the White House, and hold them accountable, and that means every
now in 2018 we can take control of Congress. The ‘Republican in name only’ needs to go.
mainstream media and the Democrats are eagerly
#4 100% Pro-Life – No money for Planned
anticipating a massive anti-Trump backlash in November
Parenthood ever. Nearly 60 million babies have
2018, but I say that the mid-term elections will be a golden
been murdered since 1973, and I am making an
opportunity to give President Trump dozens of new allies
unbreakable pledge to vote against any bill that
in Congress. The Make America Great Again agenda is a
funds Planned Parenthood 100% of the time.
winning agenda, and if we are able to mobilize pro-Trump
forces all over the nation we can pull off another miracle #5 100% Pro-Gun – The Constitution says that
next November. But first, we have got to win the the right of the people to keep and bear arms
Republican primaries that will start happening early next shall not be infringed. I believe that every
year, because otherwise we won’t even have any pro- American has a constitutional right to carry a
Trump candidates to vote for in the mid-term elections. gun, and I will never back down from defending
the Second Amendment even a single inch.
We have identified several dozen major pro-Trump
candidates all over the nation, and you can find that list on #6 Abolish The IRS & The Income Tax – We
Facebook right here. If you know of another pro-Trump didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913,
candidate that should be added to that list, please let me and that was the greatest period of economic
know. growth in U.S. history. As we fight a long-term
battle to abolish the income tax, in the short-
The mainstream media would like us to believe that
term we can at least go to a flat tax or a fair tax,
Trump’s support is falling, but the truth is that he has very
both of which would be far superior to what we
high approval ratings among Republicans from coast to
have now.
coast. If we can get the voters to understand who the pro-
Trump candidates are, we should be able to win primary #7 Abolish The Federal Reserve – Since the
after primary all over the nation. Fed was created in 1913, we have had 18
recessions, the value of the U.S. dollar has
In the end, it isn’t that complicated. We just need to take
fallen by about 98 percent, and the U.S.
our pro-Trump message and share it everywhere that we
national debt has gotten more than 6000 times
possibly can. The following are 25 basic pro-Trump
larger. Abolishing this debt-based system is one
principles that I am running on, and I believe that they
of the keys to a bright economic future for
could be used as a blueprint for pro-Trump candidates
across the country…
#8 Cut Red Tape – As President Trump has
#1 A Pro-Trump Conservative – Donald
proposed, two existing government regulations
Trump helped restore my faith in America by
should be eliminated for every new regulation
winning the 2016 election, and I will fight like
that is enacted.
mad to implement his agenda if I am elected to
Congress. #9 Getting Federal Bureaucrats Off Our
Backs – I will work very hard to get federal
#2 It’s Time To Drain The Swamp – The same
control freaks off of the backs of our farmers,
rules that apply to the rest of us should also
our loggers, our miners, our ranchers and our
apply to Congress, and all federal officials
small business owners.
should be banned from working as lobbyists for
at least ten years after they leave government #10 Local Control Of Education – It is time to
service. get the federal government out of the education
business. I want to abolish Common Core and
#3 Every RINO Must Go – Way too many
the Department of Education, and I want control
Republicans have been fighting Trump’s
over education to be as close to the local level
agenda and acting like Democrats. It is time to
as possible.
#11 Shut Down Big Brother Spying – #20 Energy Independence – The United
Government agencies have been conducting States has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas
unconstitutional surveillance of American and clean coal, and we need to take the
citizens for decades, and that needs to stop regulatory shackles off of the energy industry so
now. that we can start moving toward energy
#12 True Limited Government – President
Trump has proposed shutting down more than #21 Resisting The Globalists – We must
60 different government programs and reduce the power and influence of the United
agencies. That would be a good start. Instead Nations, and we must strongly fight all attempts
of asking which government agencies we by the globalists to erode American sovereignty.
should close, we should be asking which
#22 Supporting States Rights – It is almost as
government agencies really need to remain
if the 10th Amendment doesn’t even exist
today. If I am elected, this is what his message
#13 100% Repeal Of Obamacare – Rapidly to the feds will be: ‘Hand over the keys and get
rising health insurance premiums are financially out of Idaho’.
crippling Idaho families. Republicans in
#23 Removing The Wolves – Under Bill
Congress have fumbled the ball, and we must
Clinton, Canadian gray wolves were brought to
repeal Obamacare immediately.
Idaho. These wolves travel in packs and are
#14 Build The Wall – We need to make sure killing machines. I am 100% committed to
that everyone comes into this country through removing these wolves from our state.
the front door. We must end illegal immigration,
#24 Holding Judges Accountable – Federal
and so I support President Trump’s call to build
judges that disregard the U.S. Constitution and
a wall on the southern border.
that choose to legislate from the bench should
#15 End Sanctuary Cities – President Trump be subject to impeachment.
has proposed cutting off all federal funding for
#25 An Unashamed Christian – Like President
so-called “sanctuary cities”, and I will fight very
Trump, I am not ashamed to say that I am a
hard to get this done.
Bible-believing Christian, and if we truly want to
#16 Supporting Our Veterans – My father is a make America great again we need to return to
vet, and I will work passionately to make sure the values and principles that this nation was
that our veterans receive the respect, care and founded upon.
support that they deserve.
If you believe in what we are trying to do, we would love
#17 Fighting Islamic Terror – I fully support to get you involved in our campaign. We need many more
President Trump’s fight against ISIS, and I will volunteers, many more contributors and many more people
push for legislation that would give local sharing the material that we post on our official campaign
communities all over America the option to say Facebook page.
no to refugees from terrorist hotbeds.
We are just a small part of a national movement that is
#18 Stopping Reckless Government beginning to emerge. It began with Donald Trump’s
Spending – We are 20 trillion dollars in debt victory back in November, and it has continued in races all
and we continue to steal more than 100 million over the nation.
dollars from future generations every single
I believe that we truly can take our government back, but it
hour of every single day.
is going to take a total team effort, and we need your help.
#19 Bringing Jobs Back To America – The
In 2016 we witnessed the biggest political miracle in
U.S. has lost more than 70,000 factories since
American history, and some would say that taking control
China joined the WTO in 2001. Our formerly
of Congress would be an even bigger miracle, but if we all
great manufacturing cities now look like war
work together I believe that anything is possible.
zones, and we desperately need to start making
things in this country once again. We shocked the world in 2016, and I encourage you to
come join us as we shock it again in 2018.

Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Tuesday - December 26, 2017 at 11:20 pm

The original question the FBI investigation of the Trump His preemption of Justice Department authority was
campaign was to answer was a simple one: Did he do it? astonishing.

Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had
Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first
and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” —
Clinton and elect Donald Trump? the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

A year and a half into the investigation, and, still, no Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less
“collusion” has been found. Yet the investigation goes on, than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew
at the demand of the never-Trump media and Beltway McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate
establishment. candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of
$474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry
Hence, and understandably, suspicions have arisen. McAuliffe.

Are the investigators after the truth, or are they after Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross
Trump? negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text
messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly
vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.
Set aside the Trump-Putin conspiracy theory momentarily,
and consider a rival explanation for what is going down
here: After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told
Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out
of the White House.
That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI
camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary
Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration
presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down. statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed
her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have
her lawyers present.
Essential to any such project was first to block any
indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security
secrets over her private email server. That first objective One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was
was achieved 18 months ago. in, and a pass for Hillary wired from the get-go. Comey,
McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an
indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water and let
On July 5, 2016, Comey stepped before a stunned press
the Trump Tower crowd waltz into the White House.
corps to declare that, given the evidence gathered by the
FBI, “no reasonable prosecutor” would indict Clinton.
Therefore, that was the course he, Comey, was Yet, if Special Counsel Robert Mueller cannot find any
recommending. Trump collusion with the Kremlin to tilt the outcome of
the 2016 election, his investigators might have another
look at the Clinton campaign.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, compromised by her
infamous 35-minute tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton —
to discuss golf and grandkids — seconded Comey’s For there a Russian connection has been established.
Kremlin agents fabricated, faked, forged, or found the dirt
And so Hillary walked. Why is this suspicious? on Trump that was passed to ex-British MI6 spy
Christopher Steele, and wound up in his “dirty dossier”
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged that was distributed to the mainstream media and the FBI
to torpedo Trump.
to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI.

And who hired Steele to tie Trump to Russia?

Fusion GPS, the oppo research outfit into which the DNC Has the Mueller probe been so contaminated by anti-
and Clinton campaign pumped millions through law firm Trump bias and reliance on Kremlin fabrications that any
Perkins Coie. indictment it brings will be suspect in the eyes of the
American people?
Let’s review the bidding.
Director Comey has been fired. FBI No. 2 McCabe is now
The “dirty dossier,” a mixture of fabrications, falsehoods being retired under a cloud. Mueller’s top FBI investigator,
and half-truths, created to destroy Trump and make Hillary Peter Strzok, and lover Lisa, have been discharged. And
president, was the product of a British spy’s collusion with Mueller is left to rely upon a passel of prosecutors whose
Kremlin agents. common denominator appears to be that they loathe Trump
and made contributions to Hillary.
In Dec. 26’s Washington Times, Rowan Scarborough
writes that the FBI relied on this Kremlin-Steele dossier of Attorney General Bobby Kennedy had his “Get Hoffa
allegations and lies to base their decision “to open a Squad” to take down Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. J.
counterintelligence investigation (of Trump).” And press Edgar Hoover had his vendetta against Dr. Martin Luther
reports “cite the document’s disinformation in requests for King.
court-approved wiretaps.”
Is history repeating itself — with the designated target of
If this is true, a critical questions arises: an elite FBI cabal being the President of the United States?

The UN Tried To Mess With Trump,
But They Ended Up With A $285 Million
Budget Reduction Instead
By Michael Snyder
December 26, 2017

of this year’s budget negotiations, you can be

sure we’ll continue to look at ways to increase
the UN’s efficiency‎ while protecting our
interests,” said Ambassador Haley.

What makes this deal even more interesting is the fact that
it came just after the UN General Assembly voted 128 to 9
against Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel.

Is there a possibility that the two decisions are connected?

Even if they aren’t, the fact that the budget reduction deal
happened so quickly after the anti-Israel vote sends a very
When are people going to learn that you don’t mess with strong message.
Trump? Over the past several decades, the United Nations
has grown into a vast bureaucratic monstrosity that is Meanwhile, what we do know is that President Trump has
completely out of control, but previous administrations publicly warned the nations that voted against his
have just kept feeding the beast. Thankfully, we now have recognition of Jerusalem that they could see their financial
a president that is not afraid to stand up to the globalists, aid reduced…
and the $285 million budget reduction that Trump and his
team just negotiated is the largest budget reduction in UN U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to
history. Those that have not read “The Art of the Deal” cut off financial aid to countries that vote in favor of a
yet may want to do so, because this is Trump at his best. draft United Nations resolution calling for the United
The following is the statement that UN Ambassador Nikki States to withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as
Haley put out about this stunning budget reduction… Israel’s capital.

Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the “They take hundreds of millions of dollars and
2018-2019 fiscal year. Among a host of other successes, even billions of dollars, and then they vote
the United States negotiated a reduction of over $285 against us. Well, we’re watching those votes.
million off the 2016-2017 final budget. In addition to these Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We
significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated don’t care,” Trump told reporters at the White
management and support functions, bolstered support for House.
key U.S. priorities throughout the world, and instilled more
discipline and accountability throughout the UN system.
Considering the fact that we are 20 trillion dollars in debt,
we could definitely cut back on financial aid to countries
“The inefficiency and overspending of the that want to go against us.
United Nations are well known. We will no
longer let the generosity of the American people
And personally, I would very much be in favor of reducing
be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.
funding to the United Nations a whole lot more. The UN
This historic reduction in spending – in addition
is an anti-American institution that has been promoting the
to many other moves toward a more efficient
agenda of the globalists for as long as it has existed, and
and accountable UN – is a big step in the right
once I get to Washington I am going to do all that I can to
direction. While we are pleased with the results
help Trump put America first.
The UN needs to be defanged, declawed and made as definitely a good first step in the right direction.
powerless as possible, and this huge budget reduction is

ISIS Supporters Publish Image
Depicting Beheaded Barron Trump
By Bridget Johnson
December 26, 2017

overlooking Times Square with a box of dynamite at his


Another poster from ISIS supporters circulated this week

shows an armed jihadist overlooking a Christmas display
as the Statue of Liberty looms overhead. "Make your
motto 'I will not survive if they cross worshipper
survived,'" jihadists were advised.

"And for you Crusaders, we swear by Allah the

(ISIS supporters' propaganda image) Almighty you will see the strength of the
Caliphate Soldiers, and the battles will be in
ISIS supporters circulated a gruesome Christmastime your homeland, we will break your cross and
poster depicting the beheading of Barron Trump, showing destroy your thrones and we will shed your
a masked jihadist standing over an adult body in an orange blood," the text adds. "And the news is what
jumpsuit with the 11-year-old's head photoshopped into the you see not what you hear."
terrorist's hand.
Last week, ISIS supporters encouraged lone jihadists to try
PJM is not reproducing an image of the poster here methods such as making a terrorist attack look like a
because of the disturbing content. It's similar to an image random murder or cooking up poisons to use on victims in
released last month depicting a beheaded Pope Francis. a new suggestion list.

"Soon we will cut the head of america's mule The "hints" list, posted on Telegram, shows the Eiffel
son," says the text on the Barron image. Tower and Big Ben in the background, with blood
dripping from the top of the image. It was distributed in
Arabic, French and English, with the English translation
A message posted last month on a pro-ISIS Telegram
not clean.
channel by an ISIS supporter called on fellow followers
to "handle the son of the mule of America" and included a
photo of the president's son and a snapshot of a Google Lone jihadists were urged to have "total emmersion [sp] in
map showing the location of Barron's school. the community," while "choosing easy targets to deal with"
in an operation that "must be secret & unseen."
ISIS supporters have been on a holiday threat spree, taking
the terror group's PR into their own hands with a flurry of The list suggests "attacking an isolated victim and make it
propaganda posters encouraging lone jihadists to attack, look like a Homiside [sp]." This method was mentioned in
including a new one reiterating previous calls to "put terror the October 2016 issue of ISIS' Rumiyah magazine
in their hearts by running them over or stabbing them or focusing on knife attacks, when terrorists were advised to
burning structures and forests." target someone walking home from a night out or working
the night shift, "or someone walking alone in a public park
or rural forested area, or someone by himself in an alley
A Modesto, Calif., tow-truck driver arrested and charged
close to a night club or another place of debauchery, or
last week with hatching a holiday plot to attack San
even someone out for a walk in a quiet neighborhood."
Francisco's Pier 39 apparently paid attention to ISIS
supporters' propaganda posters. Everitt Aaron
Jameson loved with a heart, said the criminal complaint, a Also suggested was "burning markets, churches &
recent poster from ISIS supporters showing Santa factories at night time." In the January issue of Rumiyah,
ISIS claimed a November 2016 fire at a furniture factory
in Losino-Petrovsky, Russia. That article included a large
photo of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, along with its poisons from the available materials." An official
address and the caption, "A popular Crusader gathering ISIS guide distributed in November 2016 advised jihadists
place waiting to be burned down." Jihadists were advised to explore the wide range of toxic plants that are
to time their arson "preferably in the later part of night to "accessible to everyone."
the early hours of morning when people are generally
asleep." While most attack threats or encouragement over the
holiday season has come from ISIS supporters, the Islamic
The "hints" list continues to suggest "putting iron pieces in State's official al-Naba newsletter notably highlighted an
the railroads to take the train off course" (a train Australian New Year's Eve terror plot, saying that the
derailment tool that's essentially a concrete and rebar track would-be attacker would have caused "catastrophic"
clamp was detailed by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula casualties in "one of the most important centers where
in the August issueof Inspire magazine) or "making lethal Christians meet" to ring in the holiday.

Trump RIPS ‘Garbage’ Golden Showers ‘Dossier,’
Says Its ‘FBI Tainted’ And ‘Hillary’ Product
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 26, 2017

While the FBI won’t repudiate the dossier, it also won’t CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY
substantiate the salacious claims it makes CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP

“And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of

garbage as the basis for going after the Trump
Campaign!” he added.

The tweets came as Republicans in Congress are also

turning up pressure on certain FBI and Department of
Justice figures who they believe have a distinct anti-Trump
bias and may have utilized the thus-far unproven dossier as
justification to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the
(National Sentinel) Growing Ire: President Donald J.
president’s 2016 campaign.
Trump tore into the infamous “Trump dossier” in an early-
morning tweet on Tuesday, calling it a “tainted” document
While the FBI won’t repudiate the dossier, it also won’t
that the FBI must not use as a basis for investigation.
substantiate the salacious claims it makes or claim that
Trump and Russia colluded in last year’s election.
Calling the document “bogus,” the president railed against
it as little more than a “pile of garbage” while referencing
The “major core charges of election collusion” cannot be
the fact that it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton
verified, the FBI has noted, adding that its “back is against
campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
the wall” following congressional testimony last week by
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is now said to be
“WOW, @foxandfriends “Dossier is bogus. retiring soon.
Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI

Robert Mueller May Indict Paul Manafort Again
The Charges Against The Former Trump Campaign Boss Appear To
Have Been Only An Opening Salvo In A Legal Barrage On The
President’s Confidants, Informed Observers Say.
Betsy Woodruff
12.26.17 7:58 PM ET

Turley, a professor at George Washington

University’s law school.

“There was much in the narrative of the

indictment that referenced crimes not charged,”
he added. “Prosecutors will often issue a
superseding indictment as the grand jury
continues its work. There’s also a tactical
reason for this, that superseding indictments
tend to grind defendants a bit more over time.”

From its inception, two things about special counsel A superseding indictment would essentially replace the
Robert Mueller’s investigation were clear: first, the White
current indictment of Manafort. And in that current
House’s biggest concern was that Mueller would follow
indictment, Mueller’s team hinted there was more to come.
the money; and second, Mueller is following the money.
In particular, they hinted at potential tax charges for
Manafort’s foreign financial transactions. Federal
It’s been seven months since Deputy Attorney General prosecutors can bring charges against any American who
Rod Rosenstein ordered Bob Mueller to take over the has money in a foreign bank account and doesn’t check a
FBI’s counterintelligence probe into possible links box on their tax forms disclosing it. The Manafort/Gates
between the Kremlin and people associated with the indictment describes financial behavior that may be liable
Trump campaign. Trump’s lawyers have long said they for that kind of prosecution. And that’s an indicator that
expected the probe to stay focused and end quickly. Mueller’s team may be preparing to formally charge both
Instead, Mueller has assembled a team of prosecutors with men with violating tax laws.
expertise in handling financial investigations and white-
collar crime, and obtained guilty pleas for crimes that
A former prosecutor from the Justice Department’s tax
weren’t committed during the election year.
division said Mueller handed down what’s known as a
“speaking indictment”—in other words, an indictment that
And, most importantly, he’s sent a thinly veiled warning to contains more information than necessary.
the White House: No one’s finances are off limits. If 2017
had the president’s inner circle sweating, 2018 could feel
“It’s a way of dirtying up a defendant without
like a sauna.
having to actually prove the conduct,” he said. “I
think, in fairness to them, they probably rushed
And no one may feel more heat than Paul Manafort. In it because they didn’t want to wait for the tax
Washington legal circles, there’s a broad expectation that division approval on those tax counts. That, I
Mueller will file what’s called a superseding indictment of assume, would be working its way through the
Manafort and Rick Gates, his erstwhile business partner— system.”
and alleged partner in crime. Gates and Manafort both
pleaded not guilty when Mueller’s team filed their Anytime federal prosecutors want to charge someone with
indictment on Oct. 30. Legal experts say there may be breaking tax law, they must get approval from the Justice
more charges to come. Department’s Tax Division. That approval process can be
time-consuming, and the would-be defendant’s attorneys
“I would expect a superseding indictment to often can petition Tax Division lawyers against authorizing
come down relatively soon,” said Jonathan the charges. Following the money, it turns out, can be
(PDF)—while the multibillion-dollar scheme was
unfolding. In fact, those lawyers admitted their traders in
Moscow went “to significant lengths” to make the scheme
work. They even admitted that one of their Moscow
supervisors appeared to have taken bribes related to the
scheme that were worth up to $2.3 million. It was
“Superseding indictments are frequently underway from 2011 to early 2015.
brought in financial investigations due to
defendant recalcitrance to cooperate and also Jared Kushner and Trump himself have had significant
because they take so long to be put together,” dealings with the bank, which also helped the hedge fund
said Martin Sheil, a retired supervisory special of billionaire Trump patron Robert Mercer trim billions
agent for the IRS’ criminal investigations unit. from its tax bill. The bank has long interested
congressional investigators looking into potential
Mueller has been working with IRS criminal investigators, connections between Trump World and the Kremlin. And
as The Daily Beast first reported in August. Those agents if reports about Mueller’s subpoena of the bank are
specialize solely in financial crimes with a tax nexus; their correct—and the White House says emphatically that they
cooperation was an early indicator that money mattered to are not—then Mueller’s money trail may be making a pit
Mueller. stop in Germany.

And Manafort and Gates may not be the only Trump

campaign alums with headache-generating finances. On
Dec. 1, retired Gen. Michael Flynn—the president’s
former national security adviser—pleaded guilty to lying
to the FBI about his communications with Russian
government officials. Court documents indicate that Flynn
has agreed to help Mueller’s team with their investigation
in exchange for leniency.
Besides that, Mueller’s probe is causing bipartisan anxiety
Sheil noted that if Flynn isn’t as cooperative as Mueller in Washington. The indictment of Manafort and Gates
expects, then his financial dealings could be easy fodder mentioned two lobbying firms—referring to them only as
for Mueller. “Company A” and “Company B”—which are widely
assumed to be the Podesta Group and Mercury LLC.
“Flynn did not disclose payments received from Within hours of the indictment’s release, Tony Podesta
Russia in 2015 nor Turkey in 2016 on his resigned from his firm. He’d previously drawn criticism
Security Disclosure forms,” Sheil said. “What is for helping Manafort push Kremlin-friendly talking points
the likelihood he reported these sums on his tax to Capitol Hill offices.
“The Manafort and Gates indictment left a
Additional trouble for Team Trump could arise out of the number of torpedoes in the water,” said Turley.
blizzard of subpoenas that reportedly went out to Deutsche “We’re just waiting to see who they hit. One of
Bank in the last few weeks. the most likely targets is Tony Podesta.”

The German mega-bank is likely accustomed to hot water. The only person in a position to constrain Mueller and his
In January of 2017, they agreed to pay $425 million to the deputies is Rosenstein, who has been overseeing all
New York Department of Financial Services to settle Trump/Russia matters since Attorney General Jeff
allegations that they let Russian traders engage in what Sessions’ recusal. A former Justice Department official
those regulators called “a money-laundering scheme.” In who worked under now-Deputy Attorney General Rod
that particular scheme, Russians moved $10 billion to the Rosenstein told The Daily Beast that he’s unlikely to rein
United States. in Mueller at all.

It’s an eye-popping concession, but one that largely got “As long as Rod is supervising, he is never
lost in the noise of Trump’s inauguration and the political going to put Mueller under any kind of pinch,”
implications of Russian efforts to intervene in the 2016 he said. “That’s just the way Rod operates.”
elections. But it points to close ties between the bank and
Kremlin elites. The bank’s lawyers signed court It means that as long as Rosenstein stays in place, Mueller
documents admitting they were “on clear notice” about will likely be able to follow that money trail wherever it
their insufficient safeguards against unlawful activity leads.

Analysis: The Quiet Probe Into Clinton Email Investigation
Could Be A Landmine For Robert Mueller
Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY
Published 5:00 A.M. ET Dec. 26, 2017 | Updated 5:32 A.M. ET Dec. 26, 2017

A new report says the investigation into Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., told
Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. Rosenstein at a Dec. 13 hearing. The deputy
presidential election has cost millions. attorney general cited the probe multiple times
Video provided by Newsy Newslook as the reason for declining to respond to
lawmakers' questions about how the texts might
WASHINGTON — In early January, news that the Justice
affect Mueller's probe.
Department’s inspector general launched an investigation
into the government's disputed handling of the Hillary "It is very encouraging to us that (Horowitz) is
Clinton email inquiry was quickly overtaken by the chaotic doing what I think is good, unbiased work," the
run-up to President Trump’s inauguration. chairman said.
Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s Once it's completed, the inspector general’s review also
wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the threatens to give opponents fodder to unleash fresh
politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential criticism of the FBI – which Trump has singled out in
landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller. scathing rebukes since Mueller's indictment of former
national security adviser Michael Flynn earlier this
For months, Horowitz’s investigation — which has
month. Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and
amassed interviews with former Attorney General Loretta
pledged to cooperate with the special counsel, was the
Lynch, former FBI Director James Comey and other key
fourth Trump campaign official to be charged in the
officials — had been grinding on in near anonymity. That
investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016
is, until earlier this month when the inspector general
acknowledged that Mueller was alerted to a cache of text
messages exchanged between two FBI officials on his staff Chris Swecker, a former FBI assistant director, said the
that disparaged Trump. text communications unearthed by Horowitz have handed
leverage to attorneys representing current and possible
The communications, involving senior counter-intelligence
future defendants in the Mueller investigation, either in
agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page, were
possible plea negotiations or at trial.
gathered in the course of Horowitz’s internal review of the
Clinton case, which Strzok also helped oversee. "Two star witnesses have been created for the
Horowitz’s investigation is not examining Mueller’s defense," Swecker said, referring to Strzok and
operation. But the disclosures already have provided a Page whose communications could be
hammer to Trump loyalists who are escalating their introduced as evidence of an investigation
criticisms of the legitimacy of the special counsel’s biased against Trump.
Strzok was removed from the Russia investigation this
Earlier this month, FBI Director Christopher Wray and summer immediately after Mueller was informed of the
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein only highlighted communications in which the agent described Trump as an
the potential gravity of the inspector general's work when "idiot" while expressing a clear preference for
they repeatedly urged Republican House committee Clinton. Page, meanwhile, had completed her temporary
members during separate hearings to withhold judgment assignment to the Russia inquiry and had returned to
about allegations of bias within the FBI until the internal bureau headquarters when the texts were discovered.
Justice probe is completed.
Swecker said Mueller acted appropriately in dismissing
Justice officials have indicated that a report is likely in the Strzok, but fears that the damage has already been done.
next few months.
"I never heard anything related to politics come
"The inspector general's investigation is very out of (Mueller's) mouth," Swecker said,
important," House Judiciary Committee referring to his experience working closely with

the special counsel when he served as FBI at the scene of the 2010 slaying of border patrol agent
director. Brian Terry.
"But none of this is good for Mueller or his A separate 2015 report authored by Horowitz's staff found
reputation for fairness," Swecker said. "Who that U.S. Drug Enforcement Agents posted in Colombia
knows what else the IG (inspector general) had engaged in sex parties involving prostitutes who were
has." supplied by local drug cartels. The review concluded that
some of the 10 agents involved admitted attending the
Mounting questions about the FBI's continuing credibility
parties where a local Colombian police offer often stood
– including Trump's jab that the bureau's reputation was in
guard, protecting the agents' firearms and other property.
"tatters" – have landed hard at the agency. The FBI was
sent reeling in May when Trump abruptly Less than a month after Horowitz's report, then-DEA chief
dismissed Comey for his handling of the Russia inquiry. Michele Leonhart announced her retirement from the
Wray, who took over in September, has publicly defended
the bureau's reputation in the wake of Trump's attacks. He In the review of the Clinton email investigation, authorities
was joined late Tuesday by the FBI Agents Association, are examining whether the Justice Department and FBI
whose members issued a rare, collective defense of their followed established "policies and procedures'' when then-
own. FBI Director Comey publicly announced that the bureau
would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton
"Attacks on our character and demeaning
related to her use of a private email server while she was
comments about the FBI will not deter agents
secretary of State.
from continuing to do what we have always
done – dedicate our lives to protecting the The inspector general is not evaluating the merits of the
American people," the group said in a written now-closed criminal inquiry or challenge the conclusions
statement. not to prosecute Clinton. Rather, it will focus on Justice
and FBI policies that guided the probe.
Pat Cotter, a former federal prosecutor, said the specter of
Horowitz's inquiry should have "zero effect on how Former Justice inspector general Michael Bromwich said
Mueller and his team do their jobs." that the office has a long established record as "a reliable
and independent voice" that has held some of the most
"But this is a political event, too," Cotter added.
powerful institutions to account.
"To the extent that this (agents' conduct) will
be used to discredit, distract or obfuscate the The disclosures of the agents' text messages, he said,
Mueller investigation, maybe it will work.''
"has certainly re-focused the spotlight on
For Horowitz, the Clinton email inquiry may be the most investigation that many people may have
consequential investigation he has launched since his forgotten about but remains an important piece
installment as Justice's watchdog in 2012. But the former of work that needs to be completed."
public corruption unit chief in the Manhattan U.S.
More than once, Bromwich found himself at the center of a
attorney's office has not shied from controversy in the past
firestorm while inspector general. In 1997, Bromwich
five years.
authored a damning review of the FBI's crime laboratory
Months after taking office, Horowitz issued a scathing on the eve of the federal trial of Oklahoma City bomber
account of a botched gun-trafficking operation that Timothy McVeigh. While McVeigh was ultimately
allowed an estimated 2,000 firearms to fall into the hands convicted and executed, the lab had been heavily involved
of Mexican drug cartel enforcers. in examining evidence in that case.
The inspector general's review of the so-called "Fast and "Michael (Horowitz) is a very solid guy with
Furious" operation managed by the Bureau of Alcohol exactly the right background for the job. It's a
Tobacco Firearms and Explosives recommended 14 job that doesn't make you many friends,"
federal law enforcement officials for discipline, resulting Bromwich said. "And I don't think a lot of people
in a dramatic shakeup in leadership at the ATF. The will be happy when it's over. But I think he is
operation was halted when two of the weapons were found going to call it as he sees it."

Carl Bernstein: FBI Isn't Tainted,
Trump's Presidency Is
By John Bowden
12/26/17 10:04 PM EST

as the FBI. Trump, Bernstein said, should welcome moves

from special counsel Robert Mueller's team if he really
believes he will be exonerated in the end.

"If the president is as confident as he says, if

this investigation is going to end very soon with
him being exonerated, he ought to welcome all
of this instead of attacking constantly,"
Bernstein said. "He’s doing a grave disservice
to our democracy."

Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning that the FBI was

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein tore into President "tainted." His comment came after he sharply criticized
Trump on Tuesday over the latter's attacks on the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Saturday over
FBI, saying it's Trump's presidency whose integrity has reports that McCabe will possibly retire in March.
been compromised, not the law enforcement agency's.
"How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe,
In an interview with CNN's Jim Sciutto, the legendary the man in charge, along with leakin’ James
Watergate reporter accused Trump of acting Comey, of the Phony Hillary
contemptuously toward the FBI and other "instruments" of Clinton investigation (including her 33,000
American democracy. illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for
wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during
“The key word … that he keeps using is investigation?" the president tweeted.
‘tainted.’ There’s really only one institution that
has really been tainted through these months "FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing
and that is the Trump presidency," Bernstein the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to
said. "It’s tainted by the president’s lies, by his go?!!!" Trump added in another tweet.
disrespect for American institutions operating
under the law with traditional American McCabe has been the target of Republican criticism over a
democracy and the instruments thereof." campaign donation his wife received from Virginia Gov.
Terry McAuliffe (D), a top ally of the Clintons, a year
“He’s contemptuous of those instruments,” before the investigation he managed into her private email
Bernstein added. server cleared former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of
Bernstein accused the president of doing a "grave
disservice" to the country by undermining institutions such

Director Ridley Scott Offers
Strong Defense Of Trump Tax Reform
He Proved That He Is Not At All Interested In Conforming To
Hollywood’s Obnoxious Politics
John Nolte
December 27, 2017

Well, let’s take the tax bill. People say (Republicans) are
doing it for the wealthy class. What they forget is if you
get a clever, un-selfish business person — I don’t care if
it’s a corner store or a big business — who’s suddenly
saving 15 percent, they’ll put it back in this business. Then
you’re going to get growth and therefore (people) will get

He added that “My concern is with the elderly, the infirm,

and the youth who need to have chances and shots for
every level, and equality in education. But you have to use
it. You have to get your (expletive) head down and use it.”
While most of Hollywood and the media
have been lying about the massive tax
reform passed by the House and Senate last
week, legendary film director Ridley Scott
proved that he has a much better grasp of
how an economy works than most actors
and journalists. He also proved that he is
not at all interested in conforming to
Hollywood’s obnoxious politics.

Ridley Scott directing Thelma & Louise (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios

Inc., 1991)

While out doing publicity for his latest movie, All the
Money in the World, the 80-year-old behind such iconic
films as Blade Runner, Alien, Gladiator, The Martian,
Anthony Hopkins and Ridley Scott in Hannibal (2001)
Thelma and Louise, and Black Rain, was not even asked
about President Trump or taxes. Answering a question
about the “value of human life, class struggles and the role The reporter then seemed eager to challenge Scott’s belief
of wealth in society” and how it pertains to the “this that after you are given equal opportunity, it is all up to
moment in America,” Scott volunteered this defense: you. “I’m sure you benefited from some help early on in

your career,” the reporter assumes. Scott is having none of is, after all, the director who stood up today’s Social
it: Justice Warrior mob when complaints arose about a lack of
racial diversity in his biblical epic Exodus: Gods and
I’m a natural-born hunter because that’s who I am. No one Kings.
taught me that. I started from scratch. I arrived in
Hollywood with a wristwatch and stayed at the YMCA. “I can’t mount a film of this budget, where I have to rely
You have to learn the curve. But don’t (expletive) moan on tax rebates in Spain, and say that my lead actor is
about it. It’s about doing. There’s always a way in. I used Mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such,” Scott said.
to lay concrete on runways for an Irish company when I “I’m just not going to get it financed. So the question
was a student. I packed drywall. My parents didn’t have doesn’t even come up.”
the money to help me out. But they were very supportive
of anything I wanted to do. “The question never came up” is my favorite part. Scott
was not even interested in paying lip service to the mob.

Scott is also, obviously, correct about taxes. Employees are

already seeing the trickle-down effect of these cuts in the
form of raises and Christmas bonuses. This even includes
the lying media that lies about how tax cuts work, and
ignores how much more we all benefit with that money in
the hands of those who earned as opposed to wasteful,
heartless, unelected federal bureaucrats.

Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams, and Ridley Scott attend the

premiere of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s “All The Money In The
World” at Samuel Goldwyn Theater on December 18, 2017 in Beverly
Hills, California. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Over at his HiT site, film writer and critic Christian Toto
says we should not be surprised by Scott’s answer. Scott

CNN ‘Legal’ Correspondent Tells Viewers
A Huge LIE About Republicans And The ‘Trump Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 27, 2017

CNN has repeatedly misinformed its viewers GPS, the firm behind the dossier, which CNN failed to
disclose, The Daily Caller reported.

“Look, the fact is that the dossier was compiled

as part of opposition research, first paid for by
Republicans who were opposed to Donald
Trump and then later on by Democrats and the
Clinton camp, people associated with the
Clinton campaign who wanted to try to bring
him down,” Perez said.

The “fact” cited by Perez — that anti-Trump Republicans

(National Sentinel) Fake News: On Tuesday CNN legal originally funded the dossier — has been ruled “false” by
analyst Evan Perez gave viewers a widely-debunked view fact-checkers.
of the infamous “dossier” alleging “collusion” between
President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and the Russian GOP donor Paul Singer initially hired Fusion GPS through
government. the Washington Free Beacon to conduct opposition
research on Trump and other candidates during the 2016
During one segment on Tuesday, Perez falsely claimed Republican primaries. However, that research was not
that anti-Trump Republicans at first funded the dossier, related to the dossier.
much of which remains unsubstantiated and which has
essentially been repudiated by author and former British Nevertheless, CNN has repeatedly misinformed its viewers
spy Christopher Steele. with the claim that the dossier was initially a GOP effort.

The legal analyst was responding to a tweet from Trump Perez’s error on Tuesday is at least the third time that the
earlier in which he called the dossier a “pile of network has falselytold its audience that Republicans
garbage.” Perez has close ties to the cofounders of Fusion originally funded the dossier, The Daily Caller noted.

Report: Mueller May Indict Paul Manafort AGAIN
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 27, 2017

“I would expect a superseding indictment to reason for this, that superseding indictments
come down relatively soon” tend to grind defendants a bit more over time.”

A superseding indictment essentially replaces the initial

indictment, say legal experts. And in the initial indictment
of Manafort and Gates, Mueller’s team hinted they could
file additional charges in the future.

That now appears more likely:

Federal prosecutors can bring charges against

Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort talks with ABC any American who has money in a foreign bank
News' George Stephanopoulos at the GOP convention in August account and doesn’t check a box on their tax
forms disclosing it. The Manafort/Gates
indictment describes financial behavior that may
(National Sentinel) Swamp Thing: In the seven months be liable for that kind of prosecution. And that’s
since Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed an indicator that Mueller’s team may be
Robert Mueller as a special counsel to look into alleged preparing to formally charge both men with
collusion between Team Trump and Russia, he’s found violating tax laws.
nothing to substantiate the claim.
But Mueller isn’t playing by the normal rules, say critics,
Rather, Mueller has expanded his limitless probe to all and that’s thanks in large part to the limitless mandate he
things Team Trump and Russia, including the financial was given by Rosenstein.
dealings of then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump’s
campaign associates.
For example, a former prosecutor from the Justice
Department’s tax division said Mueller handed down
One of Trump’s associates who has been charged with what’s known as a “speaking indictment,” or one that
financial crimes thus far is former campaign manager Paul contains more information that necessary.
Manafort, along with his erstwhile business partner Rick
Gates, both of whom have pleaded not guilty.
“It’s a way of dirtying up a defendant without
having to actually prove the conduct,” he said. “I
However, Mueller may not be done with his charges think, in fairness to them, they probably rushed
against Manafort, at least. He could file what is called a it because they didn’t want to wait for the tax
superseding indictment of both men, according to The division approval on those tax counts. That, I
Daily Beast. assume, would be working its way through the
“I would expect a superseding indictment to
come down relatively soon,” said Jonathan A growing number of congressional Republicans,
Turley, a professor at George Washington convinced that Mueller’s probe is what Trump says it is —
University’s law school. a “witch hunt” — are said to be planning a comprehensive
report that seeks to build criminal cases against senior FBI
“There was much in the narrative of the and Justice Department figures who appear to have plotted
indictment that referenced crimes not charged,” to keep Trump out of office.
he told the news site. “Prosecutors will often
issue a superseding indictment as the grand One of the names mentioned is FBI counterintelligence
jury continues its work. There’s also a tactical investigator Peter Strzok, whom Mueller had on his team

until anti-Trump texts and details of an “insurance policy” This would come as Republican supporters of President
to prevent Trump from taking office were discovered. Donald J. Trump in Congress have stepped up efforts to
discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s “collusion”
As noted by Newsmax, the report would highlight the probe amid allegations of anti-Trump bias on his
conduct of some FBI officials into last year’s investigation prosecutorial and investigative team.
of suspected Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential
election, people familiar with the plans have said. Trump’s lawyers have doubled down on an earlier
prediction that the portion of Mueller’s investigation
having to do with their client will soon come to an end.

Mueller Witch Hunt Sets Sights On New Target:
The Republican National Committee
By Joshua Caplan
December 27, 2017

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s ever- The left claimed that 3,000 ads costing $100,000 that were
expanding Russia probe is now neither favorable or unfavorable for either candidate
investigating the Republican National flipped the 2016 election.
Committee’s joint data sharing agreement
with the Trump campaign. We know for certain that this was all another fake news

Russia Today reported in October that half of the

Facebook ads ran after the election and 25% of the ads
never ran at all.

Mark Penn, former chief strategist on Bill Clinton’s 1996

presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate
campaign, and Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign,
admitted it’s impossible Russian Facebook ads won
Donald Trump the White House. Penn uses basic math to
dispel the notion that $100,000 of Russian ads would have
had any impact of the election outcome.
Business Insider reports:
WSJ reports:
Two sources told Yahoo News that Mueller’s
team is examining whether the joint RNC-
Hillary Clinton’s total campaign budget,
Trump campaign data operation — which was
including associated committees, was $1.4
directed on Trump’s side by Brad Parscale and
billion. Mr. Trump and his allies had about $1
managed by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner
billion. Even a full $100,000 of Russian ads
— “was related to the activities of Russian trolls
would have erased just 0.025% of Hillary’s
and bots aimed at influencing the American
financial advantage. In the last week of the
campaign alone, Mrs. Clinton’s super PAC
dumped $6 million in ads into Florida,
The FBI has been scrutinizing Kushner’s contacts in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
December 2016 with the Russian ambassador to the US
and the CEO of a sanctioned Russian bank.
I have 40 years of experience in politics, and
this Russian ad buy, mostly after the
The special counsel’s office declined to comment on its election anyway, simply does not add up to
ongoing investigation. Multiple requests to various current a carefully targeted campaign to move
and former RNC officials on Wednesday went voters.
unanswered. A source close to one of the Trump
campaign’s data firms said they were “unaware of anyone
It takes tens of millions of dollars to deliver meaningful
being questioned.”
messages to the contested portion of the electorate.
Converting someone who voted for the other party last
In September Facebook announced it would turn over time is an enormously difficult task. Swing voters in states
3,000 Russian-linked ads to GOP-led congressional like Ohio or Florida are typically barraged with 50% or
committees. more of a campaign’s budget. Try watching TV in those
states the week before an election and you will see how
jammed the airwaves are.

New Jerusalem Train Station
To Be Named After President Trump
By Joshua Caplan
December 27, 2017

Israel will name a new train station after Trump told reporters,
President Trump announced the U.S.
embassy in Tel Aviv will move “They take hundreds of millions of dollars and
to Jerusalem. even billions of dollars, and then they vote
against us. Well, we’re watching those votes.
Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot.”

The Trump administration issued a statement Sunday

evening announcing the United States has made a
‘significant reduction,’ in its United Nations budget.

“Ambassador Haley on the United States

Negotiating a Significant Reduction in the
UN Budget”

Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs 2018-2019 fiscal year.
up as he speaks at his New York presidential primary night rally in
Manhattan, New York, U.S., April 19, 2016. REUTERS/Shannon
Stapleton (TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) – RTX2AQX6 Among a host of other successes, the United
States negotiated a reduction of over $285
Daily Caller reports: million off the 2016-2017 final budget.

Israel’s transportation minister is planning to In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced
name a train station in Jerusalem after the UN’s bloated management and support functions,
President Donald Trump as a gesture for bolstered support for key U.S. priorities throughout the
recognizing the holy city as the capital of Israel. world, and instilled more discipline and accountability
throughout the UN system.
The nation’s transportation minister Israel
Katz said Wednesday that the station, if “The inefficiency and overspending of the
approved and built, will be a thank you to Trump United Nations are well known. We will no
for his “courageous and historic decision to longer let the generosity of the American people
recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the state be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.
of Israel.” This historic reduction in spending – in addition
to many other moves toward a more efficient
and accountable UN – is a big step in the right
The train station would sit in close proximity to the
direction. While we are pleased with the results
Western Wall, a holy site for worshipers of Judaism and a
of this year’s budget negotiations, you can be
tourist attraction that brings in roughly 11 million visitors a
sure we’ll continue to look at ways to increase
the UN’s efficiency‎ while protecting our
interests,” wrote Ambassador Nikki Haley.
The announcement comes after the United Nations defied
President Trump, voting 128 to 9 against his decision to
Meanwhile, “God Bless Trump” signs are posted on street
declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US
corners and billboards in Israel.
embassy to the Holy City.

President Trump warned countries that voted against the

United States at the UN that he may cut off their foreign

REPORT: MORE Top FBI Agents Who Worked On
Clinton Email Probe Rumored To Be Leaving
By Joshua Caplan
December 27, 2017

Perceived political bias in the Clinton email

investigation demonstrated by former FBI
Director James Comey, his #2 Andrew
McCabe and disgraced bureau agent Peter
Strzok, have wrought immense damage to
the federal law enforcement agency. The fall
out prompted by Strzok’s anti-Trump text
messages and the FBI’s role in the dubious
Fusion GPS dossier has led to big-fish, such
as McCabe and James Baker, to either plot
early retirement or be reassigned.

President Trump blasted Andrew McCabe for his overt

corruption and accused him of racing the clock to retire
with full benefits with only 90 days to go.

With Comey and McCabe out, Baker reassigned, and more

According to reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the exodus may
FBI officials gone, a self-drainage of the Swamp appears
not be over just yet.
to be in motion.

“8 high ranking DOJ/FBI officials have been

Second, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin
removed, reassigned or are rumored to be
Nunes is seriously considering compiling a ‘warts and all,’
leaving incl. top agents who worked on 2 high-
report detailing alleged corruption at the FBI. It’s plausible
profile probes: Clinton mishandling of classified
the agents rumored to be heading for the door will be
info, and Trump-Russia collusion
included in Nunes’ report and rather than face political
investigation,”Attkisson tweeted on Tuesday.
headwinds, they’ll resign instead.

The reporter did not elaborate on the rumbling, but with all
As of late, we have watched Republican lawmakers point a
that has occurred, it would not be surprising to see more
lot of fingers and toss out a bunch of theories as to who
top FBI officials leave.
should be held responsible for sourcing, procuring and
disseminating the discredited ‘Trump dossier.’ A new
The timing of Attkisson’s tweet is interesting for two report reveals lawmakers are secretly building a criminal
reasons. First, McCabe is set to retire early next year after case against top Justice Department and FBI officials for
a barrage of attacks for his corruption. mishandling “the contents of a dossier that describes
alleged ties between President Donald Trump and Russia.”
McCabe’s retirement announcement comes on the heels of
a major shake up at the FBI; Wray just removed Comey
“confidant” and suspected leaker James Baker from his top
post as general counsel.
New Trump Executive Order Targets Clinton-Linked
Individuals, Lobbyists And Perhaps Uranium One
By Tyler Durden
Dec 27, 2017 7:41 AM

The Trump Administration quietly issued an Executive Moreover, the Treasury Department sanctioned an
Order (EO) last Thursday which allows for the freezing of additional 39 people, for a total of 52 under the new order
US-housed assets belonging to foreign individuals or - including the son of Russia's prosecutor general.
entities deemed "serious human rights abusers," along
with government officials and executives of foreign The Order reads:
corporations (current or former) found to have engaged in
corruption - which includes the misappropriation of state
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United
assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain,
States of America, find that the prevalence and
and corruption related to government contracts or the
severity of human rights abuse and
extraction of natural resources.
corruption that have their source, in whole or
in substantial part, outside the United States,
Furthermore, anyone in the United States such as those committed or directed by
who aids or participates in said corruption persons listed in the Annex to this
or human rights abuses by foreign parties is order, have reached such scope and gravity
subject to frozen assets - along with any that they threaten the stability of
U.S. corporation who employs foreigners international political and economic
deemed to have engaged in corruption on systems.
behalf of the company.
Last Week's Executive Order could have
serious implications for D.C. lobbyists who
provide "goods and services" (e.g. lobbying
services) to despots, corrupt foreign politicians
or foreign organizations engaging in the crimes
described in the EO. "Virtually every lobbyist
in DC has got to be in a cold sweat over the
scope of this EO," said an attorney consulted
in the matter who wishes to remain

And because the phrase "person" means "an

individual or entity" in the order - any US
In fact, anyone in the world who has "materially organization which merely employs a
assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, foreigner engaging in the listed offenses is
material or technological support for, or also subject to frozen assets. "Consider, what
goods or services" to foreigners targeted by would happen if Apple, say employed a foreign
the Executive Order is subject to frozen national who bribed a PRC official for
assets. government approvals? How about a
hypothetical case of a company like
The EO, based on the 2016 Global Human Rights Northrop or Boeing where an employee, or
Accountability Act, immediately added 13 foreign consultant, who is a foreign national bribes
individuals to a list of "Specially Designated Nationals" a Saudi official to direct government
(SDN) maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control purchases of airplanes and military
(OFAC) – equipment? At least some or all of their assets
could be frozen."
several of whom have ties to the Clintons,
the Clinton Foundation, or Clinton
associates (details below).

In a report by Tucker Carlson, a former long-time
executive of now-defunct D.C. lobbying firm, The Podesta
Group - who has been interviewed extensively by FBI
special counsel Robert Mueller,

claims that Tony Podesta was "basically part

of the Clinton Foundation," frequently
meeting with the charity to discuss the
Now consider that if reports from The Hill are accurate - Uranium One deal.
an FBI mole deep within the Russian uranium industry
uncovered evidence that Meanwhile, Tony's DNC operative brother John Podesta
reportedly recommended that the Podesta Group hire
“Russian nuclear officials had routed David Adams - Hillary Clinton's chief adviser at the State
millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to Department, giving them a "direct liaison" between the
benefit former President Bill Clinton’s group's Russian clients and Hillary Clinton's State
charitable foundation during the time Department.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on
a government body that provided a
favorable decision to Moscow (the Uranium
One approval)” –

a deal which would eventually grant the Kremlin control

over 20 percent of America’s uranium supply right around
the time Bill Clinton also collected $500,000 for a
Moscow speech, as detailed by author Peter Schweitzer’s
book Clinton Cash and the New York Times in 2015.

“The Russians were compromising

American contractors in the nuclear
industry with kickbacks and extortion Hypothetically, if the Uranium One deal is
threats, deemed corrupt by the Trump administration,
and "Russian nuclear officials" indeed routed
all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation,
And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama and Tony Podesta lobbied on behalf of the deal
administration made those decisions,” a person who for the Clinton Foundation - it stands to reason
worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of that this Executive Order could freeze the
anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian US-housed assets of quite a few individuals.
officials. –The Hill Of note, assets can be frozen with no prior
warning, as trump has declared a national
The same FBI informant claims to have video emergency due to the "scope and gravity" of
evidence showing Russian agents with the threat posed by said individuals.
briefcases full of bribe money related to the
controversial Uranium One deal: To simplify this complicated legal document a bit, keep in

Section 1. (a)(i-ii) outlines all foreigners the

Executive Order applies to:

Section 1. (a)(iii) defines U.S. Citizens who have assisted foreigners in any of the crimes described above:

Note: The above section (iii)(A)(3) means any expropriate businesses, monopolize markets, solicit bribes,
foreign person engaging in "serious human and administer extortion rackets.
rights abuses" or listed forms of corruption
In early 2016, Amsterdam-based telecom giant
on behalf of a U.S. entity. Also of note -
VimpelCom (now VEON) admitted to a conspiracy in
Attorney General Jeff Sessions rolled back a
which they paid millions in bribes to Karimova for entry
series of Obama-era curbs on civil-asset
into the Uzbek telecom market. In a series of related cases,
forfeiture over the summer, strengthening the
the U.S. Justice Department has sought the forfeiture of
federal government's ability to seize cash
$850 million in bribe money from various bank accounts
and property from Americans without
across Europe. In July, Uzbek officials arrested Karimova
criminal charges. That said, this Executive
for fraud, money laundering, bribery, and embezzlement
Order only freezes assets, it does not allow the
and a variety of other claims.
government to take custody of them.
In 2009, a WikiLeaks cable notes that
In regards to the 13 listed individuals targeted Karimova set her sights on Bill Clinton to
by this order - several of whom have ties to gain access to then-Secretary of State,
the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation or Hillary Clinton.
Clinton associates - we find the following:


Goulnara Islamovna Karimova, 45, daughter of former

Uzbekistan leader Islam Karimov, headed a powerful
organized crime syndicate that leveraged state actors to
(WikiLeaks, 7/31/2009) In 2001 Gertler gave $20m in cash to DRC President
Joseph Kabila to use to buy weapons and fund his war
Three years later, Karimova co-sponsored a against rebels to consolidate his grip on power. In
2012 Clinton Foundation fundraiser in exchange, Gertler’s company IDI was granted a monopoly
Monaco. Hillary Clinton's State Department on the DRC diamond trade, worth hundreds of millions a
was asked to weigh in on Bill Clinton's year. In 2013, Gertler sold the DRC rights to mine oil for
contacts with Karimova. $150 million, a 300x increase on an asset he purchased
from President Kabila 7 years prior for just $500,000.
Pictured below with Bill Clinton at an AIDS charity
event in Cannes, France. In 2012, Kabila offered Bill Clinton $650k for
a speech in the DRC - for which Clinton
sought State Department approval –

only to have his speaking agency recommend against the

appearance which would require photos with the dictator.

Goulnara Karimova and Bill Clinton

--- Gertler's family foundation is also linked to John McCain

- sharing a seat on the board of directors of "Operation
Dan Gertler is an Israeli billionaire mining Smile" with Cindy McCain for a period of time.
magnate revealed by the Paradise Papers to be chief
negotiator between the Democratic Republic of the Congo ---
(DRC) and his primary business partner - mining company
Glencore, founded by Marc Rich – Yahya Jammeh is the former President of Gambia who
came to power in 1994 and stepped down in 2017. He has
who was pardoned for corruption by Bill a long history of serious human rights abuses and
Clinton on his last day in office after his wife corruption - creating a terror and assassination squad
gave $450,000 to the Clinton Library called the Junglers that answered directly to him.

Glencore immediately cut ties with Gertler following

Trump's Executive Order.

Yahya and Zeinab Jammeh with Barack and Michelle Obama, 2014

Dan Gertler Jammeh was installed as President during a

1994 CIA-led coup in Gambia authorized by
the Clinton administration, and in 2014, the - a meeting many believe was one of several schemes used
Obama administration effectively sidelined by the Obama administration to justify wiretapping the
an attempted coup. Indeed, Jammeh appears Trump campaign. Of note - Donald Trump Jr. reportedly
to have been a friend to both the Clinton and shut down the Trump tower meeting when Natalia
the Obama Administrations. Veselnitskaya began discussing lifting sanctions under the
Magnitsky act - the very legislation Trump's Executive
--- Order is now leveraging against Artem Chayka.

Angel Rondon Rijo; Dominican Republic - Sanctioned for ---

funneling a $92 million bribe from Brazilian conglomerate
Odebrecht to Dominican Republic officials as kickbacks. Mukhtar Hamid Shah; Pakistan - surgeon
specializing in kidney transplants, believed to
Odebrecht Donated $50-$100k to the Clinton be involved in kidnapping, wrongful
Foundation. confinement, and the removal of and
tracking in human organs from Pakistani

Benjamin Bol Mel; Sudan - Financial Advisor to South
Sudanese President Salva Kiir and president of ABMC
construction company accused of corruption. Hillary The rest of the 13 individuals have engaged in a variety
Clinton pushed for a waiver from the Obama Admin on the of corruption and human rights abuses ranging from a
prohibition of military aid due to the use of child soldiers Serbian arms dealer believed to be linked to a $95 million
in South Sudan. deal with Yemen, to government officials who ordered
journalists murdered, to several instances of serious human
rights violations. (h/t @HNIJohnMiller)

Artem Yuryevich Chayka; Russia - Son of Russia's One wonders if perhaps the purpose of this Executive
Order addressing serious human rights abusers and
Prosecutor General, Yuri Chayka (Chaika) - used father's
corruption - a national emergency, was intended to ensure
connections to win state owned contracts.
the much talked about swamp renovation comes in ahead
of schedule and under budget. We'll know for sure if
Curiously, Russian Attorney Natalia Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin starts freezing bank
Veselnitskaya met with Yuri Chayka before accounts after the holidays.
her involvement in the infamous Trump Tower
meeting arranged by Fusion
GPS associate Rob Goldstone

Dennis Kucinich To Dems:
Focus On Jobs Not ‘Process Of Impeachment’ [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media Reporter
11:59 AM 12/27/2017

Former Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich

cautioned his party against impeaching President Donald
Trump Wednesday on Fox News, and said they should “That will get people excited about voting
shift focus to job creation and improving the country’s Democrat instead of focusing on … this process
economic conditions. of impeachment which could be quite
problematic legislatively,” he added.
“Instead of focusing on replacing President
Trump and bringing in a President Pence, we Kucinich said it would be a mistake for Democrats to
ought to be focusing on the things that attract continue with the same narrative that cost them the 2016
people to the Democratic party: Jobs, wages, presidential election, because it wouldn’t win back
health care, education, retirement Democratic defectors who voted for Trump.
security,” Kucinich said during an interview on
“America’s Newsroom.”
“We have to be careful that we’re not trying to
recreate the 2016 election,” he said. “We want
WATCH: to bring Democrats back who may have voted
for Donald Trump.”

Trump Executive Order Targets
Deep State & Opens Door To Full Disclosure
Written By Dr. Michael Salla
December 27, 2017

international political and economic

systems…The United States seeks to impose
tangible and significant consequences on those
who commit serious human rights abuse or
engage in corruption, as well as to protect the
financial system of the United States from
abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights

abuse and corruption around the world
constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat
to the national security, foreign policy, and
economy of the United States, and I hereby
Something very profound happened in the U.S. on declare a national emergency to deal with that
December 21 with the passage of President Donald threat.
Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of
Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Its annex identifies key individuals and organizations,
Corruption”. The order declared a state of national several of whom are clearly associated with Russia. The
emergency concerning human rights and corruption, and Executive Order is linked to the Global Magnitsky Human
named specific individuals and organizations that would Rights Accountability Act that emerged from the murder
have their bank accounts and assets frozen regardless of of a prominent dissident exposing human rights abuses and
where in the world the abuses had occurred. corruption in Russia.

While the mainstream media has largely ignored Trump’s This linkage can easily lead readers into falsely believing
Executive Order, the alternative media has been paying that the Executive Order is solely intended to target corrupt
close attention. Many have noted the Executive Order is Russian officials, and corruption and human rights abuses
far more significant than what it appears to be on the by countries in Russia’s sphere of influence.
surface. Rather than just freezing the financial resources of
foreign citizens linked to the Russian sphere of influence,
Yet, as a number of alternative media sources point out,
as it superficially appears to do, it is really targeted at
Trump’s Executive Order goes well beyond the Russian
members of the “Deep State” (aka Cabal or Illuminati)
sphere of influence. It is really targeting the Deep State,
that have been involved in human trafficking, pedophilia
and fulfilling his 2016 campaign pledge to “drain the
and systemic corruption all over the planet.
swamp” .
The language of the Executive Order is very open ended in
For example, Jim Stone, a freelance journalist, writes:
terms of how international corruption and human rights
abuses threaten US national security:
The executive order is presented as a national
emergency up front, right in the beginning. At
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United
first it reads like he’s going after foreigners
States of America, find that the prevalence and
which are named directly in an annex at the
severity of human rights abuse and corruption
end. That’s not what this is. The first part of the
that have their source, in whole or in substantial
order only cements the second part of the
part, outside the United States, such as those
order, to prevent American criminals from
committed or directed by persons listed in the
running away to foreign countries and being
Annex to this order, have reached such scope
supported by foreigners.
and gravity that they threaten the stability of
To sum this up:

No swamp critter can accept help from another

swamp critter in getting away … Child
traffickers and other human rights abuses are
covered, the stealing of and misuse of
government funds is covered, all items are
covered for foreigners and U.S. citizens, any
foreigners who have assets in the U.S. that
have done anything against the U.S. for the
purpose of supporting the American swamp will
have those assets seized, anyone in violation of
anything in this executive order will have their
assets seized… .

An anonymous whistleblower using the pseudonym The next day, the Washington Post reported on a
MegaAnon says that the Executive Order has led to many recommendation by the Intelligence Community and
powerful members of the Deep State waking up with no Pentagon in October 2016 to sack Rogers. President
financial resources. Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper,
and the Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, reportedly
were dissatisfied with Rogers performance, including his
Guess what? The Swamp’s financials FROZE visit to Trump:
OVER while they all slept last night, y’all.
It’s gonna be a LOOOOOONG Christmas break
for them… they were all broke before sunrise … In a move apparently unprecedented for a
military officer, Rogers, without notifying
superiors, traveled to New York to meet with
This covers kids/humans, drugs, arms/guns,
Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower.
WMD’s/chemicals/Uranium, organs, etc.
That caused consternation at senior levels of the
Now if you want to know who in our swamp woke up with
administration, according to the officials, who spoke on
frozen accounts, foundations, “charities”, side businesses
the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel
and shell orgs/LLC’s, etc. dig into the annex list…

The Executive Order and the language it uses really does

CIA Director John Brennon was a key player in the effort
mark a momentous event. Quite simply, it marks a transfer
to remove Rogers as illustrated by the Washington Post
of political power from the Deep State to the U.S. military
story which is the traditional official news outlet
in terms of who is really in control of the U.S. Republic.
promoting CIA interests. To his credit, President Obama
did not take action against Rogers.
It’s no secret that Donald Trump has surrounded himself
with senior military officers who share his desire to “drain
Now more than a year after these back stage
the swamp”. His Chief of Staff, John Kelly, is a retired
maneuverings, Rogers remains at the helm of the NSA
four star USMC general; his Secretary of Defense, James
closely monitoring the global activities of the Deep State
Mattis, is also a retired four star USMC general; his
and advising Trump and his National Security team.
National Security Advisor, James McMaster, is an active
duty three star US Army general; his head of the National
Security Agency, Mike Rogers, is an active duty four star This has been especially significant when it came to the
Navy Admiral; the head of the Secret Service, Randolph Central Intelligence Agency which has long been the key
Alles is a retired two star Marine General; and the list goes U.S. institution in funding and enforcing the will of the
on. Deep State.

The role of Admiral Mike Rogers is particularly significant In particular, the CIA’s Clandestine Services and
since he broke ranks with the US intelligence community Counterintelligence divisions were instrumental in creating
back in late 2016 to warn Trump about a Deep State effort an unofficial “black budget” for funding highly classified
to undermine and even prevent him from coming into projects and operations ever since the CIA’s creation in
power by spying on his transition team. While Trump was 1947.
President-elect, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower on
November 17, 2016 to warn him of the Deep State plans. These two branches of the CIA have long been the secret
enforcers of Deep State as best illustrated in the Kennedy
Assassination. James Jesus Angleton, chief of the CIA’s
Counterintelligence office, played a direct role, while and other public places in the city. The information
Richard Helms (Deputy Director of Plans) provided covert received from the CIA was enough to locate and detain
support for the operation. the criminals.

The Russian President asked the US President to convey

his appreciation to the Central Intelligence Agency director
and the operatives of US intelligence services who
received this information.

It is unprecedented for a Russian Head of State to publicly

thank the CIA. The underlying message was clear, the CIA
was now under the control of White Hats in the U.S.
national security system and Putin was very grateful.

What we are witnessing with Trump’s December 21

Executive Order is the final act of a well thought out plan
to sideline the Deep State, “drain the swamp” , and
reinstate direct Presidential authority over the U.S. national
Trump’s elevation of former congressman, Mike Pompeo, security system. Effectively, we are witnessing a handover
to become CIA Director was intended to bring the CIA of real power from the Deep State to the U.S. military via
under direct Presidential authority. Pompeo was, however, Donald Trump as Commander in Chief.
effectively sidelined from exercizing any real power over
the CIA’s covert operations. It was Pompeo’s more
balanced approach to US-Russia relations that earned him What is particularly noteworthy in the Executive Order is
the enmity of shadowy CIA groups. that this transfer of power is being done quietly behind the
scenes with little mainstream attention. Key figures in the
Deep State are finding their global financial resources
The situation dramatically changed on Saturday November frozen, and are being secretly detained via sealed
18, when a number of USMC helicopters flew over the indictments that now have worldwide impact due to
CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. A former FBI Trump’s Executive Order.
agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that
the helicopters had “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30
minutes. By late November, there were over four thousand sealed
federal indictments being tracked by alternative news
journalists such as Hal Turner. Many of these are being
The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s enforced by Special Operations Command personnel that
clandestine services division to get on board with the are going around the planet arresting key Deep State
Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that figures.
the CIA has been intimidated by a US President
threatening to unleash the US military against it.
All this leads to the question, what does all this mean for a
seven decades-long suppression of the truth regarding
In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area extraterrestrial life and technology, the existence of a
51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army breakaway German colony in Antarctica, and the existence
stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all of multiple secret space programs?
its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video
interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard
Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12
Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the
CIA provided operational security.

The clearest sign that the CIA is now firmly under

Trump’s control is President Putin thanking President
Trump and Pompeo for thwarting a planned terrorist attack
against a prominent St Petersberg cathedral. A December
17 Kremlin Press Release stated:

Vladimir Putin thanked Donald Trump for the information

passed on by the United States’ Central Intelligence The way in which the Executive Order has been crafted for
Agency (CIA) that helped detain the terrorists who plotted a specific target, and quietly enforced is that the U.S.
to set off explosions at Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg military is wanting to keep much of what is occurring off

the public radar. The primary reason for doing so is clearly disclosures that will occur throughout the remainder of the
to minimize disruption to the U.S. political system while Trump administration will promote US national security
the transfer of power takes place. interests largely defined through a military mindset.

Once the transfer process is complete, we can expect some

of the sealed indictments being publicly revealed, and
Trump publicly declaring victory in his effort to “drain the
swamp”. We can expect a lot of unexpected retirements by
indicted individuals who are currently making plea deals to
escape imprisonment. Individuals involved in the most
egregious human rights abuses such as child trafficking,
will very likely be publicly exposed and tried.

As the transfer of power process moves forward, we can

expect that more of the truth about secret space programs,
Antarctica and extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Based
on how the U.S. military is dealing with key figures from
the Deep State, it can be predicted that disclosure will take
place in a gradual manner that does not disrupt the social
President Eisenhower’s greatest lament over the way
fabric of US and stability of the global community.
classified projects involving advanced technologies were
being managed in the U.S. was that excessive secrecy cut
Disclosure is inevitable, but with the U.S. military now out the best people from the decision making process.
increasingly in charge of the American end of the process, Only full disclosure will prevent a similar problem from
disclosure is likely to happen in a series of gradual steps arising in the future where a new Deep State emerges, one
that culminate in sweeping changes all across the planet as dominated by military interests, with control over
advanced technologies involving zero-point energy, advanced technologies, which it uses to dominate the rest
antigravity propulsion and holographic healing are of humanity.
strategically released.
Full disclosure is essential for humanity transitioning from
While removal of the Deep State and its corrosive global an insular planet dominated either by criminal syndicates
influence through human rights abuses and corruption is a or a military mindset, into to a more informed peaceful
welcome development, the outsized behind-the-scenes planetary society worthy of becoming a full member of a
influence of the U.S. military in the Trump administration galactic community.
is a cause for concern in the long term. Predictably,

Proof: The Entire Trump-Russia Probe
Is A Complete SHAM, Robert Mueller Isn’t Even
Investigating Ties To Russia!
Alex Thomas
December 27, 2017

Woodruff reports:

It’s been seven months since Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein ordered Bob
Mueller to take over the FBI’s
counterintelligence probe into possible links
between the Kremlin and people associated
with the Trump campaign. Trump’s lawyers
have long said they expected the probe to stay
focused and end quickly.

Instead, Mueller has assembled a team of

prosecutors with expertise in handling
financial investigations and white-collar
Another day, another piece of evidence that crime, and obtained guilty pleas for crimes
points to the now transparently obvious fact that that weren’t committed during the election
the FBI’s counterintelligence probe being led by year.
deep state operative and Clinton supporter
Robert Mueller is nothing more than a complete And, most importantly, he’s sent a thinly veiled
sham that isn’t even actually investi- warning to the White House: No one’s finances
gating whether or not Trump colluded with are off limits. If 2017 had the president’s inner
Russia to win the election. circle sweating, 2018 could feel like a sauna.

That’s right, the supposedly extremely important probe So there you have it. This is not about Russia hacking the
into Russian attempts at fixing the U.S. election isn’t US election but rather about attempting to tie up former
actually looking into connections between Trump Trump associates with charges that have nothing to do
campaign officials and Russia (because there are none) but with the election or even Trump in general with the hope
rather they are using a form of financial terrorism to that they will eventually turn on the president.
bankrupt Trump associates with white-collar crime
investigations that have absolutely no connection to the Woodruff also noted in her report that Mueller is
2016 election, much less Russia. attempting to “grind” Manafort down in order to turn him.
This is clear cut corruption at its finest folks.
This is not up for debate as this shocking fact has now
been openly admitted in the mainstream media through an And no one may feel more heat than Paul
article by The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff, a reporter Manafort. In Washington legal circles, there’s a
who in the past has had key information leaked to her with broad expectation that Mueller will file what’s
the specific aim of taking out a democratically elected called a superseding indictment of Manafort and
president. Rick Gates, his erstwhile business partner—and
alleged partner in crime. Gates and Manafort
The article details the fact that Mueller is likely to indict both pleaded not guilty when Mueller’s team
short-lived Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort once filed their indictment on Oct. 30. Legal experts
again and of course his supposed crimes have literally say there may be more charges to come.
nothing to do with Russia.
“I would expect a superseding indictment to
In other words, this is a clear cut operation to take out come down relatively soon,” said Jonathan
President Trump by any means necessary.

Turley, a professor at George Washington Federal prosecutors can bring charges against
University’s law school. any American who has money in a foreign bank
account and doesn’t check a box on their tax
“There was much in the narrative of the forms disclosing it. The Manafort/Gates
indictment that referenced crimes not charged,” indictment describes financial behavior that may
he added. “Prosecutors will often issue a be liable for that kind of prosecution. And that’s
superseding indictment as the grand jury an indicator that Mueller’s team may be
continues its work. There’s also a tactical preparing to formally charge both men with
reason for this, that superseding indictments violating tax laws.
tend to grind defendants a bit more over time.”
The proof is in the pudding and the mainstream has now
A superseding indictment would essentially openly admitted that the Mueller probe isn’t even looking
replace the current indictment of Manafort. And into connections between Trump and Russia.
in that current indictment, Mueller’s team hinted
there was more to come. In particular, they At this point it would be the height of insanity for Trump
hinted at potential tax charges for Manafort’s to allow Robert Mueller to continue this deep state
foreign financial transactions. operation against him.

WATCH: CNN Legal Analyst Slams Mueller's
Investigation, Backs Trump Criticisms
Of Embattled Agency
Byryan Saavedra
December 28, 2017

Dozens of the text messages from Strzok showed a strong

antipathy for Trump, but none was more damaging than
one he sent regarding the FBI’s "insurance policy":

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration

in [deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe’s] office that
there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't
take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely
event you die before you're 40…

Callan went on to highlight the role some of these same

agents had in the criminal investigation into Hillary
Clinton’s use of a private email server despite having
CNN legal analyst Paul Callan said recently that his views major conflicts of interest.
on President Donald Trump’s attack on the FBI regarding
the Mueller investigation have changed after he started WATCH:
researching what was going on.

Callan joined CNN host Poppy Harlow to discuss the

recent revelations about the blatant anti-Trump bias at the
FBI which was exposed when text messages from FBI
agent Peter Strzok were made public.

"Originally, I was angered at the president's attacks on the

FBI, I thought they were unjustified," Callan said. "But
when I started to delve into the facts, boy there's some
really disturbing stuff here."

James Woods DEMOLISHES Elizabeth Warren’s
‘Science’ Soapbox With HEAP BIG Mic Drop
By Doug P.
Posted At 11:11 Pm On December 29, 2017

As Twitchy previously reported, Sen. Elizabeth Warren

was in a mood to lecture about “science” after President
Trump’s tweet mocking global warming alarmists during a
seriously snowy and cold late December:


With the exception of those first seven words (which are

totally believable considering the source), Warren’s tweet
was effectively shredded, and James Woods dropped the
mic that totally demolished Warren’s “science” soapbox:

Big time.

“Classified, Confidential, And Heavily Redacted”:
2,800 Huma Abedin Emails Found On Anthony Weiner’s
Laptop Have Been Released
Alex Thomas
December 29th, 2017

The fact that Clinton and Abedin previously

exchanged classified emails gave federal
prosecutors probable cause to justify their
review of Weiner’s laptop in fall 2015, according
to a search warrant application released in
December 2016.


Though neither Abedin nor Weiner was

identified by name in the search warrant
documentation, and the court ordered the
materials redacted, the affidavit in support of
the warrant makes clear that the FBI argued
that there was further probable cause to search
Weiner’s hard drive in light of the fact that
Abedin and Clinton previously exchanged
The State Department has released over 2,000 emails
classified emails.
belonging to top Hillary Clinton operative Huma Abedin
that were found on her disgraced former husband Anthony
Weiner’s laptop and a number of the documents contained Yes, you read that correctly. CNN and the Clinton shills in
classified, confidential, and heavily redacted information. the FBI expect the American people to believe that Abedin
wasn’t aware that taking classified material home was
Although media reports on the emails have so far varied, it
has been confirmed that there were indeed classified
documents on the laptop in question and that the FBI Interestingly, Abedin made a trip to Clinton’s Manhattan
KNEW this fact but refused to charge Abedin or Clinton office just hours before the release of the emails in a move
with any crime. that many believe was connected to the email release itself.

A CNN report on the emails attempted to downplay The Daily Mail noted:
Abedin’s knowledge of the classified material but
nonetheless confirmed that certain emails should not have Huma Abedin was spotted heading into
been on the laptop in the first place. the Hillary Clinton offices in midtown Manhattan
on Friday just a few hours before the release of
The emails weren’t marked as classified, 2,800 of her emails.
though the FBI later found classified information
contained in some emails recovered from The longtime aide to Hillary Clinton was joined
Weiner’s laptop. by her son Jordan, who she has been raising as
a single mother ever since her husband
CNN has previously reported it was likely that Anthony Wiener entered a correctional facility in
some of the emails stored on Weiner’s laptop Pennsylvania earlier this year.
contained classified information, and fired FBI
Director Comey testified that there is no Abedin submitted her divorce papers on the
indication Abedin “had a sense that what she same day Weiner appeared in court to enter his
was doing was in violation of the law.” guilty plea back in May.

Weiner was sentenced to 21 months behind The charges against Weiner arose after
bars and ordered to pay $10,000 after entering revealed in September of last
a guilty plea to a single charge of transferring year that he had been sexting a 15-year-old
obscene material to a minor. high school student from North Carolina for
The emails contained on Weiner’s laptop included national
security discussions, with classified information, that In the wake of that revelation he had his laptop
would have gotten any other person arrested and charged seized, and emails found on the device led to a
by the FBI immediately. second FBI probe into Clinton’s email server,
which she later claimed cost her the election.
The Daily Mail report continued:
It is those emails that have now been released
The emails date from 2010, 2011 and 2012 and by the State Department.
concern discussions with Middle East leaders
including some from Israel, the United Arab All in all this is simply more proof that high-level Clinton
Emirates, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. operatives within the FBI not only allowed Clinton to get
away with the email scandal, they also let Abedin off the
Large portions, including entire pages, were hook as well.
redacted before the documents’ release.

Deep State Takedown In Progress:
Is Trump About To Start Arresting Top Democrats And
Bringing Them To Justice?
Michael Snyder
December 29, 2017

There are persistent rumors that the really juicy stuff on his
laptop contains evidence of sexual misconduct by top
Democrats that would far surpass anything that has come
out about members of Congress so far.

We are potentially talking about the type of stuff that could

send people to prison for life, and we need to keep
demanding for that material to be released to the public as
soon as possible. I understand that there are ongoing
investigations that cannot be compromised, but there is no
excuse for things to drag on for this long.

But without a doubt, there could potentially be some

When Donald Trump gets hit, he always hits back even gamechanging material in the docs that we will get to see
harder. So when the deep state decided to conduct a legal tomorrow. The following is what Judicial
witch hunt against President Trump and his family, they Watch previously had to say about these documents…
should have expected that Trump would return the favor.
“This is a disturbing development. Our
In recent days, there have been all sorts of rumblings about experience with Abedin’s emails suggest these
sealed indictments, pending arrests and a “deep state Weiner laptop documents will include classified
takedown”. Many believe that we are on the verge of and other sensitive materials,” said Judicial
seeing some of the most prominent Democrats in the entire Watch President Tom Fitton. “When will the
nation being arrested and thrown in prison. Justice Department do a serious investigation of
Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious
We shall see how all of this plays out, but in this article I violations of law?”
am going to focus on the things that have been confirmed
so far. Judicial Watch previously released 20 productions of
documents in this case that show examples of mishandling
First of all, let’s talk about the documents that are going to of classified information and instances of pay to play
be released on Friday. According to Judicial Watch between the Clinton State Department and the Clinton
President Tom Fitton, the State Department is scheduled to Foundation.
release 2,800 government documents which were found on
Anthony Weiner’s laptop… Also, at least 627 emails were not part of the 55,000 pages
of emails that Clinton turned over, and further contradict a
.@StateDept will publish releasable portions of 2800 statement by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her
government docs that @FBI found on Anthony Weiner government emails had been turned over to department.
laptop tomorrow (Dec. 29th). Again, thanks
to @JudicialWatch lawsuits. Based on just the evidence that we have so far, Hillary
Will @RealDonaldTrump DOJ finally take action on Clinton should clearly be going to prison, and let us hope
Clinton/Abedin misdeeds? that this latest development will move things in the right
direction over at the Department of Justice.
Remember, this is just a portion of the documents that
were found on his laptop, and the really juicy stuff is Meanwhile, one of the other pieces of the puzzle that has
almost certainly not going to be found in these government been confirmed is a very curious executive order that was
docs. just issued by President Trump. The following comes
from Zero Hedge…

The Trump Administration quietly issued an Executive benefit former President Bill Clinton’s
Order (EO) last Thursday which allows for the freezing of charitable foundation during the time
US-housed assets belonging to foreign individuals or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on
entities deemed “serious human rights abusers,” along a government body that provided a
with government officials and executives of foreign favorable decision to Moscow (the Uranium
corporations (current or former) found to have engaged in One approval)”
corruption – which includes the misappropriation of state
assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, – a deal which would eventually grant the Kremlin control
and corruption related to government contracts or the over 20 percent of America’s uranium supply right around
extraction of natural resources. the time Bill Clinton also collected $500,000 for a
Moscow speech, as detailed by author Peter Schweitzer’s
Furthermore, anyone in the United States book Clinton Cash and the New York Times in 2015.
who aids or participates in said corruption
or human rights abuses by foreign parties is A very dangerous game is being played behind the scenes,
subject to frozen assets – along with any and I believe that Trump is going to come out the big
U.S. corporation who employs foreigners winner in the end.
deemed to have engaged in corruption on
behalf of the company. Many on the left had been anticipating that 2018 would be
the year when Donald Trump is finally taken down, but
Many believe that this executive order is directly related to they will be bitterly disappointed when some of their most
ongoing investigations into corruption within the cherished heroes end up in shackles instead.
Democratic Party.
If the elite had not gone after Trump so brutally earlier this
More specifically, the wording of this executive order year, perhaps he would have been willing to let some
definitely sounds like it could have been written with Bill things slide. But once Robert Mueller was appointed as
Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Tony Podesta and Uranium One special counsel and given an unlimited amount of time,
in mind. Here is more from Zero Hedge… money and resources to dig up dirt on Trump, it was
inevitable that Trump would try to find a way to strike
Now consider that if reports from The Hill are accurate – back even harder.
an FBI mole deep within the Russian uranium industry
uncovered evidence that We have never seen anything quite like this in the history
of American politics, and I have a feeling that 2018 is
“Russian nuclear officials had routed going to be one of the most “interesting” years ever.
millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to

Fake News: Mainstream Media Claims That White House
Intern Is Racist For Using ‘OK’ Hand Gesture
Alex Thomas
December 29th, 2017

It is the same sign that white nationalist Richard

Spencer gave on the steps of the Trump
International Hotel on election night and that
right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos
posed with in front of the White House.

It was also seen at the Unite the Right rally in

Charlottesville, Virginia, in August – the same
day an alleged Nazi sympathizer accelerated
his car into anti-protesters, killing one and
injuring several others.

All those surrounding Breuer on the right side of

the picture are using their left hands to give
their thumbs-up, with him standing out by using
his right hand.

The gesture – which only makes sense if made

with the right hand, although there are
examples of people making it with their left
hand – is said to depict the letter ‘W’ with the
outstretched middle, ring and little fingers, and a
Another day, another piece of evidence that points to the ‘P’ with the circle made by the thumb and
stunning fact that the mainstream media is willing to forefinger stretching down to the wrist. Together
spread complete disinformation on a daily basis in their ‘WP’ stands for White Power.
desperate, never ending attempt to hurt President Trump.
As Paul Joseph Watson rightfully noted, the hand gesture
The latest example comes in the form of a pathetic hit has nothing to do with racism even if actual white
piece in The Daily Mail that claims that former White supremacists have used it in the past.
House Intern Jack Breuer used a racist hand gesture in a
November photo op with the president and fellow interns. Unfortunately for the Daily Mail, allegations that
the hand symbol, which actually represents
The problem? Breuer isn’t actually a white supremacist “OK,” equates to white supremacy were
and was flashing the ‘OK’ hand gesture that the president debunked by none other than the ADL in May of
and others have used in the past. Keep in mind that the this year.
ADL itself has already confirmed this is NOT a racist hand
symbol. “Has the simple thumb-and-forefinger ‘OK’ hand
gesture become a white supremacist hand
The Daily Mail report breathlessly reads: sign? Well, no, it hasn’t, but you are likely to
hear just the opposite from social media, thanks
to the latest hoax from members of notorious
A former White House intern is coming under
website 4chan,” the ADL said.
fire after flashing a known ‘white power’ sign
during a photo-op with President Donald Trump.
Breuer, who released a statement on Twitter
Thursday evening, also called the allegations

Despite the fact that the claims in the Daily Mail article
have been fully debunked, the news outlet has so far
refused to correct or take down the fake news report,
instead spreading it to tens of thousands of readers, many
who are only too happy to believe literally anything
negative about the Trump White House.

As Trump himself has noted many times, the establishment

media readily spreads fake news on a daily basis and the
vast majority are openly working against him.

This is simply one more example.

GOP Lawmaker Finally Says What Needed To Be Said:
Purge Fed Agencies Of “Deep State” BIAS
By JD Heyes
Friday, December 29, 2017

Mueller’s continuing, bogus probe into Team Trump

“collusion” with Russia during the 2016 election.

Mueller did reassign Strzok when the texts were

discovered by the Department of Justice’s inspector
general; as a gag, perhaps, Strzok — who, again, is having
an extra-marital relationship at work — was reassigned to
work in human resources. (Related: Trump “dossier”
creator Christopher Steele BACKING OFF claims prez is
linked to RUSSIA as he faces libel lawsuit.)

But, aside from that, Republicans see a larger pattern of

It’s time Congress and the Trump administration took up abuse against conservatives by federal officials in the FBI,
the mantle of real reform and drained the swamp for real. Department of Justice, the IRS and elsewhere. They also
point to former FBI Director James Comey’s incredibly
biased “investigation” into Clinton’s emails, in which he
Rep. Francis Rooney, R-Fla., said on Tuesday that in order
exonerated her (when really that was the attorney general’s
for the White House and members of Congress to be
job). Comey made the decision to let her off the hook
certain that all bias — Left or Right — was removed from
months in advance, according to memos and other
some federal agencies, a purge of existing personnel
documents congressional investigators have obtained.
needed to happen, and soon, or else the country would
continue to suffer through the “Deep State” bias shown to
President Donald J. Trump and his administration over the Other lawmakers and former Justice Department officials
past year, the Washington Times reports. also believe that Congress and the Executive Branch
(paging Attorney General Jeff Sessions) should begin a
purge of top and ranking officials who have long since
“I would like to see the directors of those agencies purge it
devolved into little more than Deep State operatives and
and say, ‘look, we’ve got a lot of great agents, a lot of
great lawyers here,’ those are the people that I want the
American people to see and know the good works being
done, not these people who are kind of the deep state,” Someone who feels strongly about this is former U.S.
Rooney said on MSNBC, where no doubt he was mocked attorney, Joe diGenova, who recently told Fox News’
behind his back. Tucker Carlson that the ongoing probe into alleged
“collusion” between Trump and Russia is putting the
nation into a “constitutional crisis.”
And okay, it really isn’t Right-wing bias that needs to be
purged because there isn’t any; it’s all Left-leaning, pro-
Democrat bias that must be purged, and quickly. “What you have now unfolding inside the FBI and
Department of Justice under [former President] Obama
was a brazen plot to do two things: To exonerate Hillary
Case in point: Rooney made his comments in the context
Clinton because of an animus for Donald Trump, and then
of an ongoing situation at the FBI where one agent, Peter
if she lost to frame the incoming president for either a
Strzok, has been found to have demonstrated clear bias
criminal act or impeachment,” diGenova said.
against the president in text and email messages he sent to
his mistress, FBI lawyer, Lisa Page.
“This is one of the most disgusting performances by the
senior officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice
In addition to being lead investigator into Hillary Clinton’s
that every one of these agents should be fired and the
obvious criminal mishandling of classified emails, Strzok
people who are still in the Justice Department be fired,” he
was also a principal figure in special counsel Robert
said. That includes empaneling a “federal grand jury to
investigate the conduct of [FBI Deputy Director Andrew]
McCabe and [FBI agent Peter] Strzok and [FBI lawyer [DoJ official Bruce] Ohr and everybody in the Obama
Lisa] Page and [former FBI Director James] Comey and Justice Department that even touched this.”

CNN’s ‘Media’ Guy Brian Stelter
Is Angry At Fox News For Reporting…The Truth
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 29, 2017

“This is a prime example of how ‘Fox & Friends’ But according to Stelter, it was a “disservice” to viewers of
does a disservice to viewers” Fox & Friends for the show to share that information.

“This is a prime example of how ‘Fox & Friends’

does a disservice to viewers,” Stelter tweeted.

(National Sentinel) Head-Scratcher: The media

correspondent for CNN, Brian Stelter, is calling out Fox
News‘ “Fox & Friends” morning show because the hosts However, according to a Dec. 28, 2009 poll by Rasmussen
reported an accurate polling statistic comparing Presidents Reports, the same firm that released Trump’s latest
Donald J. Trump and Barack Obama. approval ratings, had Obama at 47 percent favorable; just a
day later, on Dec. 29, Obama’s rating fell to 46 percent
On Thursday The National Sentinel reported that Trump’s
favorable and 53 percent unfavorable, the same as
approval rating had popped to 46 percent, while his
disapproval had fallen to 53 percent. Trump’s.

“So Brian Stelter is apparently angry that Fox News

“Fox & Friends” shared this fact on air Friday morning,
leading the president to tweet out his satisfaction about the reported poll numbers that are factually accurate because
polls. they happen to be favorable to the president. Very
unbiased,” The Daily Caller observed.

“The Most Polite Obliteration Of A Man
That I Have Ever Witnessed” – Watch As Russian
Collusion Narrative Is Absolutely Pummeled
Mac Slavo
December 29th, 2017

If you’ve attempted to have any meaningful conversation The entire interview followed this basic script. Harding
with a liberal Hillary Clinton supporter in recent months, makes an unfounded claim, Maté holds him to the fact that
there’s a near 100% chance that they’ve channeled the it’s unfounded, Harding sputters a bit and tries to zoom
Trump-Russia-Collusion narrative as the reason behind the things out and point to a bigger-picture analysis of broader
President’s 2016 sweeping victory. That and accusations trends to distract from the fact that he’d just made an
of racism have been the only argument that they really individual claim that was baseless, then winds up implying
have against the President. that Maté is only skeptical of the claims because he hasn’t
lived in Russia as Harding has.
Most have already dismissed the accusations of racism –
arguments like only white racists go to farmer’s markets – Source: Caitlin Johnstone via
as nothing more than ad hominem attacks in lieu of any
fact-based evidence to support their arguments. You just have to see it to really appreciate it:

The Russian narrative, is therefore, the real fallback.

But as we and others have repeatedly noted over the last

eighteen months, there is absolutely no factual evidence to
support any of the thousands of reports out there, most of
which are based on a single original factually-challenged
news story often shilled in establishment mouthpieces like
Beelzebezos’ Washington Post.

As you’ll see in the Real News interview below, the

world’s foremost Russian Collusionist and author of the
aptly, even if inaccurately, titled book Collusion: Secret
Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald In short, the Russian collusion narrative exists only in the
Trump Win, author Luke Harding gets absolutely minds of those desperately clinging to any reason for
pummeled when faced with real facts and analysis. Trump’s election other than the actual reason – a rebuttal
by a fed up U.S. populace to the greed, political
That’s really all Harding brought to the machinations and socialist ideals of establishment
debate. politicians on both sides of the aisle.

A bunch of individually weak arguments, the fact that he Call it racism, collusion or just plain crazy.
speaks Russian and has lived in Moscow, and the We’re fine with that. The more you squirm,
occasional straw man where he tries to imply that Maté is the more you’re triggered, the more you
claiming that Vladimir Putin is an innocent girl scout. scream in pain, the more we know we’re
Meanwhile Maté just kept patiently dragging the debate doing something right.
back on track over and over again in the most polite
obliteration of a man that I have ever witnessed.

Nevertrumper Bret Stephens Whines: Trump’s Policy
Victories Don’t Matter Because He’s A Bully
By Breitbart News
30 Dec 2017

Tax cuts. Deregulation. More for the military; less for the
United Nations. The Islamic State crushed in its heartland.
Assad hit with cruise missiles. Troops to Afghanistan.
Arms for Ukraine. A tougher approach to North Korea.
Jerusalem recognized as Israel’s capital. The Iran deal
decertified. Title IX kangaroo courts on campus
condemned. Yes to Keystone. No to Paris. Wall Street
roaring and consumer confidence high.

And, of course, Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. What,

for a conservative, is there to dislike about this policy
record as the Trump administration rounds out its first year
in office?

That’s the question I keep hearing from old friends on the

Bret Stephens writes in the New York Times right who voted with misgiving for Donald Trump last
that even though he is happy with the policy year and now find reasons to like him. I admit it gives me
achievements of the Trump Administration pause. I agree with every one of the policy decisions
in its first year, he will never support Donald mentioned above. But I still wish Hillary Clinton were
Trump because he is offended by the president.
president’s personality:
Read the rest of the story at the New York Times.

New Lawsuit Seeks To Force
Disclosure Of Trump’s Secret Kill List
Written By Derrick Broze
December 30, 2017 At 11:38 Am

The memo, titled “Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration

Pilot Program,” allows certain communities to be exempt
from current safety rules as they test drone
operations. Under the Trump administration the use of
drone bombings are increasing and airstrikes have already
increased. Also, in an apparent effort to fight illegal
immigration, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection will
be using drones to conduct aerial surveillance on American
citizens on the border. These actions have led privacy
groups to ask the U.S. Senate if images gathered by the
CBP’s drones will be connected to the agencies facial
recognition database.
The Trump admin is now facing legal
challenges demanding the release of details As the ACLU notes:
related to the secret kill list and rules which
allow for the assassination of American the Trump administration is killing people in
citizens. multiple countries, with strikes taking place
at a virtually unprecedented rate—in some
(AP) — On December 22 the American Civil Liberties countries, the number has doubled or
Union filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration in tripled in Trump’s first year in office.
an attempt to force the release of newly established rules
related to the U.S. military’s secret program of killing. The The American public is generally aware of conflicts taking
program was established during the Obama Administration place in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, but remain largely
and now expanded under Donald Trump. Recent reports ignorant to the military operations taking place in Somalia,
from the New York Times (1, 2) allude to the fact that the Pakistan, Nigeria, and across the African continent. These
Trump administration is loosening the already flimsy operations have lead to an increase in civilian deaths.
protections established by the Obama admin. These Another point that can not be ignored is the fact that the
protections were reportedly put in place to minimize injury U.S. government is bombing people in nations which are
and deaths of civilians. majority Muslim. These are the same countries subject to
the so-called “Muslim ban.” This means there are likely
The ACLU states that two recent articles from the New people who have become refugees in an effort to escape
York Times and The Atlantic spurred on the lawsuit. the U.S.-led wars on their homeland and then they are
The New York Times investigation reviewed U.S. airstrikes turned away or treated like criminals.
from the beginning of the fight against the Islamic State in
Iraq in 2014 to December 2016. The report found that the “At the same time, it (the Trump admin)
U.S. military killed civilians 31 times more than it refuses to officially disclose critically
admitted. The second piece was a response to the Times‘ important information about where it is
investigation by Robert Malley and Stephen Pomper, conducting strikes, against whom, and with
former national security officials in the Obama years. The what consequences,” the ACLU writes.
men admit that the Obama administration continued the
global War on Terror by keeping the infrastructure in
place. The men also note that protections for civilians were Throughout the Obama administration the ACLU fought
inadequate, as were promises of transparency and legal battles over the release of Obama-era documents
reparations for victims. related to the secret kill list. The Presidential Policy
Guidance (PPG), sometimes known as “the Playbook” or
disposition matrix, guided the Obama Administration’s
In October, Activist Post reported that a newly signed decisions on the U.S. government’s drone assassination
Presidential Memorandum would normalize the use of program. The PPG was originally released in May 2013,
drones in American life.
but the full content of the document has remained a secret. The kill list has been the subject of legal battles for
The public has only seen a “fact sheet” which describes the years. New York Times journalist Charlie Savage sued the
document. Obama admin an attempt to reveal the government’s legal
justifications for assassinating terror suspects without a
In February 2016, U.S. District Judge Colleen trial. Specifically, Savage sued the Obama administration
McMahon ordered the Obama Administration to hand over in an attempt to obtain details about the murder of al-
the PPG and other documents related to the targeted drone Qaeda affiliated cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki was
assassination program for the court’s review and possible born in New Mexico and eventually found himself on the
release to the public. The three documents relate to the law U.S. government’s radar under suspicion of terrorism.
and policy that govern the controversial program. The
ACLU has also been fighting to uncover new information On September 30, 2011, drones sent by the CIA and Joint
related to the so-called Presidential Kill List, also known Special Operations Command flew into Yemen and
as the disposition matrix. bombed al-Awlaki and al-Qaeda propagandist Samir Khan.
The case drew public criticism not only because al-Awlaki
The Washington Post first reported on the disposition was an American citizen, but because several weeks after
matrix in 2012: his death, another American drone killed al-Awlaki’s 16-
year-old son, Abdulrahman. He was also a U.S. citizen
living in Yemen.
Over the past two years, the Obama administration has
been secretly developing a new blueprint for pursuing
terrorists, a next-generation targeting list called the In their latest rebuke of the Trump admin, the ACLU takes
‘disposition matrix.’ a surprisingly strong stance against former President
Barack Obama by acknowledging the role the Nobel Peace
Prize winner played in establishing these dangerous
The matrix contains the names of terrorism suspects
arrayed against an accounting of the resources being programs. “He committed this country to ever more
militaristic responses in ever more countries, regardless of
marshaled to track them down, including sealed
whatever reluctance he might have felt,” the ACLU writes.
indictments and clandestine operations. U.S. officials said
“Wrongful killings and civilian deaths were the inevitable
the database is designed to go beyond existing kill lists,
mapping plans for the ‘disposition’ of suspects beyond the
reach of American drones.
Normalizing the use of drones – both at home and abroad –
is just beginning to coalesce into the new standard for
Although the matrix is a work in progress, the effort to
American warfare and daily life. What can we do about
create it reflects a reality setting in among the nation’s
this illegal, immoral, and dangerous warfare taken by the
counterterrorism ranks: The United States’ conventional
wars are winding down, but the government expects to U.S government? Is there any way for the people to
continue adding names to kill or capture lists for years. reverse the course?

Top 10 Stories Of 2017 Showing America's Winning As
Liberals, Media And NeverTrumpers Lose Their Minds
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
December 30, 2017

We're heading into the end of 2017 and we have seen some To me watching the fall of Kathy Griffin, after acting like
incredible things happen over the course of the year, so some ISIS wannabe, holding a mock head of a bloody
many that a dozen or more "Top Ten" lists could be President Trump, makes the list because she is
created, and are being created, but most of what I am representative of the far left progressive liberals.
seeing in those lists does not delve into how it benefits the Everything offends them, yet they believe they can be as
country. offensive as they want with no ramifications. They do
something stupid, suffer for it, then scream about how they
For example, Time Magazine has a list of the top ten viral are the victim when public backlash hits them. They
moments in 2017, highlighting everything from Beyonce's apologize and then take their apology back, proving they
pregnancy to the NFL Kneelers, one of which never even never meant it in the first place.
made my radar and the other is number 10 on my list, but
for a whole different reason, one TIME doesn't even bother
to enlighten their readers about.



According to TIME "the most striking responses took

place on the field where many players, some complete
teams and even owners, made a show of peacefully
demonstrating or protesting by either kneeling, linking
arms, or raising their fists. Not all players and owners
kneeled for the same reasons as Kaepernick, but after the
President’s divisive statements, many were compelled to
demonstrate to support for freedom of speech."

What TIME ignored completely in order to attack Months later and she is still whining that she can't get a gig
President Trump's statements showing his disdain for in the U.S.
players that chose to protest during the national anthem, is
how many around the nation agreed with the President. Kathy Griffin is on this list as the poster child for liberal
Americans from all over the country started burning their stupidity throughout 2017.
NFL jerseys and other merchandise, video after video of
them doing so was uploaded and shared, many going viral. 8. SUPREME COURT BACKS TRUMP AGAINST
NFL television ratings hit new lows each and every week LOWER COURTS' ACTIVISM
of the season. Images were shared of stadiums across the
country with more empty seats than people attending. From President Trump's initial travel pause EO to his
Video and audio of those attending booing the NFL rescinding DACA, lower courts have attempted judicial
kneelers. activism rather than following the law and over the course
of the last year, the Supreme Court has sided with the
Absolutely no mention at all from TIME about the true President in a manner consistent with the law, especially
"viral" events surrounding the issue, which was that noting at times when the lower courts decisions were
patriots all across America united to protest the NFL "seriously flawed."
In June the Supreme Court allowed the majority of
9. KATHY GRIFFIN'S FALL President Trump's travel ban to go into effect after lower
courts blocked it. Lower courts attempted again to
intercede, and by December the Supreme Court allowed Reagan’s,” Hayward wrote in a column for the Los
full enforcement of the travel ban in a 7-2 decision. In Angeles Times last month.
early December the Supreme Court also blocked a
California courts attempt at overreach with document “While the Congress controlled by his adopted party
demands regarding DACA. remains gridlocked, Trump is rolling back regulations and
a number of the Obama administration’s most
There are other examples but the point here is that the controversial achievements, including the internal
Supreme Court is rebuking and appears to be reprimanding structure of Obamacare and the Clean Power Plan. His
lower courts in their attempt to usurp the legal rights of a foreign policy resets look increasingly sure-footed. His
president, especially in regards to national security issues. judicial nominees are uniformly conservative,” Hayward
Related: SCOTUS Keeps Rebuking Lower Courts That
Rule Against Trump “It is inconceivable that any of the other leading
Republican candidates from the 2016 cycle would have
governed as boldly as Trump has.”

Trump haters at the NYT and HuffPost decry that Trump

is "winning" and even CNN somehow managed not to
choke while declaring Trump is keeping his promises,
stating "A politician who actually does what he told voters
he would do seems almost unfathomable in Washington, a
town of broken promises."

Related: Hell freezes over: Media start admitting that

Trump's first year isn't a flop



NeverTrumpers and the media are being forced to admit he Even among Trump haters, we are now seeing RINOs
is 1) Keeping his promises and 2) Winning - The bonus being called out for becoming "Trump-obsessed zealots
here is that during this last year we have seen RINOs who add nothing to our discourse." That is what Charles
(Republicans In Name Only) expose themselves for what Cooke over at National Review said about the so-called
they truly are. "conservative" Jennifer Rubin from Washington Post.

National Review became known before the 2016 Cooke highlights multiple instances where President
presidential election as virulently anti-Trump, yet by the Trump has done something that aligned 100 percent with
years end, we now see that same publication, while still what Rubin had previously been in support of, to her now
snarky about the president, admit that "he is compiling a opposing it for no other reason that it was Trump that did
solid record of accomplishment." While naming just a it, his examples show the overwhelming hatred being
handful of those accomplishments, the writer, Rich Lowry, spewed from Rubin with no thought to her previous
also admits "It’s hard to see how a conventional positions.
Republican president would have done much better, except
if he had managed to get Obamacare repealed, which was The illustrations are endless. In two years, Rubin has gone
always going to be a dicey proposition given the narrow from arguing that the “ludicrous,” “absurd” Iran deal
Republican majority in the Senate." “has to go” — and, indeed, that John Kasich was a fool
for contending otherwise – to praising those who believe it
High praise from a publication that "synonymous with the must remain in place as “reasonable” “experts,” and
Never Trump movement," as The Daily Caller states. predicting that even to decertify would put “American
credibility” at “risk.” In 2015, she wrote that “if you
UC Berkeley professor Steven F. Hayward was among the examine the Iran deal in any detail, you will be horrified
conservatives featured in National Review’s “Against as to what is in there.” In 2017, she characterizes this
Trump” issue. But his stance on Trump appears to have position as the “emotional” “temper tantrum” of an
softened since then. “unhinged president.” A similar metamorphosis has
sullied her views on tax cuts, welfare, energy, and gun
“In assessing Trump’s accomplishments, let’s not get too control (before, after), as well as her attitude toward Jews
distracted by his unconventional conduct. This hitherto and anti-intellectuals, which once led her to defend Sarah
ideologically unmoored man has set in motion an Palin, but which now leads her to condemn Trump on
administration arguably more conservative than Ronald almost all of the grounds she once dismissed.

That brutal takedown of Rubin was headlined "Jennifer The media who openly admits they think they have the
Rubin Is Everything She Hates about Trump right to "control exactly what the public thinks," to
Worshippers." politicians that once elected do not even attempt to keep
their campaign promises, thinking they somehow know
While this may seem just to be a difference between two what is best for their voters instead of listening to said
"conservative" Never Trumpers, in the world of political voters, to celebrities that can no longer even attempt to
writers, this most definitely started an internal war between claim a moral high ground, have all seen their influence
Trump enemies. David Frum from the Atlantic decided to greatly diminished in 2017.
stand up for Rubin, other National Review writers weighed
Related: After Weinstein: More than 100 high-powered
in, other sites like MediaIte reported on this internal battle
men accused of sexual misconduct
of the NeverTrumpers. PowerLine, known for excellent
political analysis also noted it. 4. PRESIDENT TRUMP'S TWITTER HABIT
As the Never Trumpers "crash and burn," while liberals I know, right about now many ANP readers are face-
attempt to spin it as a GOP "civil war," we note that they palming me over this making the list, and everyone is
were a small segment of the GOP party, with some willing entitled to their own opinion... including me!
to look at presidential actions and be objective in their
Many see President Trump's Twitter activity as a fault or
analysis even while disliking the "man" behind the
in a negative light, but I look at how one tweet from the
presidency, while others have totally exposed themselves
president can send liberals and the media into complete
as nothing more than hacks, willing to betray their own
meltdown mode, dominating headlines for a day,
principles just so they can oppose anything president
sometimes two and in some cases a whole week, as a great
Trump does.
thing. As liberals "scream at the sky" over something the
Weeding out people like Rubin, Bill Kristol, David Frum, president said, and as the media goes on all day rampages
and others who are blinded to everything but their own over white box trucks, President Trump is busy
hatred, is a major win for conservatives across the board. accomplishing many of the things he said he would, and
the media's slight mention of them before going off on
their unhinged tangents over his tweets, is why so much
has been done without major opposition.
The #MeToo movement is also listed on the TIME's list of
Politico highlights "138 things Trump did this year while
viral things in 2017, but it makes my list for a very
you weren't looking," which is a tad misleading since the
different reason.
things listed are not things done while "we" weren't
Celebrities that attempt to use their "fame" to control the looking, they were done while the media was distracted by
public, thinking because people like their acting, or other things President Trump said, did or, yes... tweeted.
singing, and are entertained by them, they somehow have
The Washington Examiner has compiled a list of 81 major
the right to tell others what to do, who to vote for, push
achievements, and 11 Obama legacy items that have been
gun control (while they act in some of the most violent
movies), and generally act like they are morally superior to
everyone else just because they get huge paychecks, have Real Clear Politics highlights Trump's 2017 Top 10
literally been roiled by the fall of Harvey Weinstein for Achievements, compiled by Steve Cortes, a contributor to
sexually assaulting women for decades, and the subsequent RealClearPolitics and Fox News, is the national
#MeToo movement. spokesman for the Hispanic 100, an organization that
promotes Latino leadership by advancing free enterprise
Not only have dozens of actors been embroiled in sex
scandals, but the women who have been in the
entertainment industry for decades are being called out for Some of the items were highly publicized, others I would
being silent about it for so many years. On one hand actors bet not many people even knew of because the media,
and actresses, one after another, claim that "everybody meant to inform them, was too busy chasing their tails
knew," yet the main chorus is "but not me, 'I' didn't every time President Trump says "Boo" or better yet,
personally know." Right everyone "else" knew. Ok, "covfefe" on Twitter.
As a side bonus, President Trump often gives us hints of
Media personalities and politicians have all become something big that is coming, as he did before the Uranium
engulfed in the #MeToo movement, and while I am on One story broke, as he did months before it became
record as thinking the movement has dishonestly and national news that Trump Tower was under surveillance
destructively conflated typical flirting behaviors with by the Obama administration, and a number of other
actual rape and assault, the benefit to the country in the things.
movement, aside from removing those that actually
Best for me....... is watching how easy it is to troll the
committed crimes from the public sphere, is has knocked
media. He says jump and all of a sudden they race to see
them all off their high horses.
who can jump the highest.

3. MAINSTREAM MEDIA IMPLODES ANP readers have seen us document every one of CNN's
lies, rants, manufactured outrages, and fake news stories
Much like the NeverTrumpers, the mainstream media is in
during 2017, so 'nuff said.
the midst of totally imploding. The MSM has abandoned
even the pretense of objectivity, and all regard for facts 1. LIBERAL MELTDOWNS
and truth during the Trump presidency, going as far as
The very short video below from January 20, 2016 takes
blatantly becoming part of the opposition party. The sheer
the top spot, because it was 100 predictive of the year-
number of actual "fake news," mistakes,
long constant meltdown of liberals with Trump
misrepresentations, and outright lies that have later had to
Derangement Syndrome. Throughout the year, what you
be corrected, edited, while changing entire articles and
see below is what the country and the world has witnessed
headlines, in some cases leading to forced resignations and
liberals doing in 2017.
suspensions, has been overwhelming.
This article would be multiple pages long if I tried to list
each example, but in June 2017, the Intercept did compile
a good list which provides ample evidence that the media
has become completely reckless in their mindless Trump
hatred and rage. Since June, things have only gotten worse.
While conservatives have long said the mainstream media
has a liberal bias, news outlets claimed that was some type
of "conspiracy" theory, yet now, even the majority of the
public sees it, with many even now saying the MSM has
become the "enemy of the people," in polling conducted.
Interesting, while 60 percent of "Trump Approvers" think
the media is the enemy of the people, even 15 percent of
"Trump Disapprovers" agree with that statement.
Seeing the media expose themselves to the general public
most definitely has been one of the best things to happen to For anybody that thinks I am exaggerating in any way,
America in 2017. please remember that in November 2017, liberals planned
a "scream helplessly at the sky" event to protest an election
Related: that was held a whole year before.
Media Rages In 2017 - MSM Suffers Humiliating Year Of
Manufactured Outrage, Fake News And Mortifying
In 2017, the media flunked the Trump challenge
MRC’s Tim Graham Slams Liberal Media’s Anger With
Trump Supporters
The Year of Media Freakouts

So, liberal meltdowns and the way they, including the

liberal media, completely lost their minds in 2017, simply
had to top the list.

Nunes Bombshell—Closing In On
The Beast, Establishment Screams Like Stuck Pigs
By Harley Schlanger, Larouche PAC
December 30, 2017

The House Intelligence Committee has given the FBI and DOJ flatly denied that any basic FBI
Department of Justice until January 3, 2018 to produce investigatory documents, such as FD-302
their files on Christopher Steele and the use of his dirty interview summaries regarding the Steele
British intelligence authored dossier in the Russiagate hoax dossier existed.
against President Trump. It is believed that these
documents will not only implicate top officials of the FBI Then, in early December, shortly before Nunes was to
and DOJ in a British instigated conspiracy against Donald meet with Rosenstein, numerous FD-302s were discovered
Trump. They will lead to full exposure of Barack Obama to exist. According to Nunes’ letter,
and all of his intelligence chiefs as part of this conspiracy.
“As it turns out, not only did documents exist
As the House Intelligence Committee closes in, the that were directly responsive to the Committee’s
screams and whines of the U.S. political establishment subpoenas, but they involved senior DOJ and
have reached a fevered pitch. Saying that Robert Mueller FBI officials who were swiftly reassigned when
and the FBI are corrupt is obstruction of justice! They rant. their roles in matters under the Committee’s
The last few days news feeds from the Resist! Insurrection investigation were brought to light.”
crowd included Clinton and Washington D.C. superlawyer
David Kendall imploring, “Leave Robert Mueller alone” In addition, the Justice Department has refused to produce
and Obama CIA chief John Brennan and fired FBI any FBI documents concerning meetings between FBI
Director James Comey tweeting in support of officials and FBI confidential human sources concerning
compromised “friends’ at the FBI and Department of the Steele dossier. The House Committee is now
Justice. Both Brennan and Obama’s former DNI James challenging that refusal.
Clapper have been wildly claiming and waving their hands
to anyone who will pay attention that Vladimir Putin is
somehow “playing” Donald Trump. Nunes also demands interview dates for former DOJ
Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr (who held
unauthorized meetings with Christopher Steele and whose
In his December 28th letter to Deputy Attorney General wife worked for Steele’s U.S. business partner, Fusion
Rod Rosenstein, House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes GPS, on the Steele Trump/Russia project), FBI lovebirds,
revealed who is actually obstructing justice. According to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (both deeply involved in the
Nunes, the FBI and Justice Department played a three card dodgy dossier as resistance fighters against Trump),
monte game with documents concerning the use and former FBI attorney and James Comey confidante James
payment for the dodgy British Intelligence dossier Baker, and FBI attorney Sally Moyer and Director for
requested by subpoena from the FBI by the House last Congressional Affairs Greg Brewer. It would seem that all
August. In response to the August subpoena, of these people are deeply implicated in the documents
which the FBI explicitly denied even existed.

PATHETIC: Even After Deadly Train Crash In
Washington, Chuck Schumer HOLDS UP
Trump’s Railroad Admin Pick (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 30, 2017

“The time for playing political games with this He also took to the floor of the Senate to denounce the
agency should be over” New York Democrat.
(National Sentinel) Hold-up: Democrats in the Senate “[Schumer] said that the Department of
have been using the arcane confirmation process to hold up Transportation is not pushing federal PTC hard
a number of President Donald J. Trump’s nominations for enough,” Thune said. “Well, if you truly believe
federal posts, including his pick to head up the Federal that DOT needs to do more, why is he, along
Railroad Administration, Ronald Batory. with a few of his colleagues, standing in the way
of Mr. Batory’s nomination?”
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is blocking Batory’s
confirmation over his demand that Trump and Republicans “When finally confirmed [Batory] will play a
agree to spend billions of federal dollars for a major tunnel significant role in successful Positive Train
project between New York and New Jersey. Control implementation,” he said.
Schumer’s action comes despite a major “The time for playing political games with this
Amtrak derailment in Washington state earlier agency should be over,” Thune said just before
this month in which three people were killed. Schumer blocked the nomination.
In 2015, an Amtrak derailment near “I’m beyond words to explain why we are
Philadelphia in 2015 killed seven and injured objecting to someone who is unanimously
several hundred people. approved out of the committee to run an
incredibly important safety agency,” Thune said
Batory is an experienced and respected former railroad
after the objection. “I hope this is the last time.”
executive, having spent four decades in the industry.
The Trump administration was equally dismissive of
He was unanimously approved by members of the Senate
Commerce Committee in early August, however, Schumer
has been blocking the process of bringing Batory to the “Sadly, just days after a deadly derailment Sen.
full Senate for confirmation vote. Schumer has yet again chosen to prioritize
politics over safety,” one unnamed staffer told
The latest action by Schumer came late Thursday
the Free Beacon.
afternoon, when he objected to a motion by Sen. John
Thune (R., S.D.) for unanimous consent to have a vote on
Batory’s nomination, the Washington Free Beacon
There was some speculation that Schumer would drop his
objections following the derailment in Washington state,
but the senior New York senator has continued his
Thune told reporters he was “deeply frustrated”
that a “non-controversial, highly qualified
nominee has been languishing in the Senate for
over four months due to objections by a handful
of Democrats over a parochial issue entirely
unrelated to the qualifications.”
Barbra Streisand Has Found A Reason
To Impeach Trump! (Who Wants To Tell Her?)
By Doug P.
Posted At 1:11 Pm On December 30, 2017

Trump-triggered singer Barbra Streisand has found a

reason to impeach President Trump. The charge?

At least that tweet didn’t contain the word “Russia.”

#BabySteps For some reason Streisand would like Mike Pence to be

president (she does realize Hillary’s nowhere to be found
in the chain of succession, right?).

Expert: James Comey LIED To Congress,
As Weiner-Abedin CLASSIFIED Emails Prove
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 30, 2017

“This is a major victory” Watch’s litigation and so this really cries out for
a legitimate investigation being done,” he told

“Your earlier clip with Mr. Comey talking about

intent is a fraud,” he continued. “There’s no
requirement for proving intent under that
particular citation I gave you a moment ago.
Intent is irrelevant. The fact that the loss or the
mishandling of the national defense information
occurred – that’s the crime.”

(National Sentinel) Under Oath: Former FBI Director He continued,

James Comey was not truthful with Congress when he
testified earlier this year when he discussed classified “Frankly, these documents conform the
emails that bureau investigators found on a laptop in 2016 foundation for an indictment of Comey and
belonging to former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, said Chris [Peter] Strzok, the investigator who is at the
Farrell, the Director of Investigations and Research at center of this entire nightmare of a security
Judicial Watch. problem.”

During an appearance on Fox Business‘ “Lou Dobbs Earlier in the day, Bernard Kerik, New York City’s former
Tonight,” Farrell noted that at least five of the emails police commissioner, tweeted essentially the same thing.
turned over to his organization on Friday by the State
Department in response to a FOIA lawsuit contained
“The possession, transmission, and failing to
classified information. At the time they were discovered,
secure these documents are all federal crimes
Weiner was married to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary
that do not require intent. Why hasn’t someone
Clinton when she served as President Obama’s secretary of
been prosecuted? Any member of the @FBI,
@TheJusticeDept or #DOD would’ve been
prosecuted in a second for a violation that
At the time of the emails, Abedin was married to Weiner, a substantial,” he wrote.
onetime Democratic congressman who began a 21-month
prison sentence last month after being convicted of sexting
a 15-year-old girl.

Fox News reported Friday that Comey said during a

congressional hearing earlier this year that he believed
Abedin regularly forwarded emails to Weiner for him to
print out so she could give them to Clinton.

Farrell insisted that Comey’s testimony to Congress was

Comey famously claimed in a July 2016 press conference
“I know that people have been jailed for a and later to Congress that Clinton had been “extremely
fraction, a tiny fraction, of what has now been careless” in her handling of classified email, which is not a
made public and documented through Judicial legally actionable term.
The former FBI director had initially written in his Judicial Watch has forced the State Department
statement that her behavior was “grossly negligent,” which to finally allow Americans to see these public
is a legally actionable term. However, Strzok later changed documents.”
that portion of his statement to “extremely careless.”
Fitton added,
Critics of the widening classified email scandal say the
latest findings among documents released by the State “That these government docs were on
Department indicate that criminal charges not only should Anthony Weiner’s laptop dramatically
have been recommended a year ago, but that they should illustrates the need for the Justice
still be filed. Department to finally do a serious
investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma
“This is a major victory,” Judicial Watch Abedin’s obvious violations of law.”
President Tom Fitton said in a Friday statement.
“After years of hard work in federal court,

THUD: Eric Holder Saws Off Same Branch
He’s Sitting On During ‘Rule Of Law’ Lecture To Trump
By Doug P.
Posted At 2:06 Pm On December 30, 2017

Every now and then we can count on former Attorney

General Eric Holder to demonstrate an extreme lack of
self-awareness to take a swipe at Trump, and this is one of
those weeks:

Holder’s apparently referencing the same Trump interview

with the New York Times that caused Obama-appointed
former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to fantasize about the
president being read his Miranda rights. Self-awareness
isn’t a big thing with officials from the previous

What Special Counsel Has Offered
Publicly Signals Long Year Ahead In Russia Probe
By Mike Levine
Dec 30, 2017, 7:02 AM ET

crimes involving their now-defunct international

consulting business.

FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before a Senate Judiciary

Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., June 19, 2013 .

As 2017 — the year of the Donald Trump presidency,

further Russian interference in American politics, and the
special counsel investigation into it all — comes to a close,
there is continued speculation about where Robert
Mueller's sprawling probe now stands. Shawn Thew/EPA. Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul
Manafort walks to a car after a bond hearing at the E. Barrett
Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington, Nov. 6, 2017
In an interview with The New York Times published
Thursday, Trump insisted it has already "been proven that Mueller became special counsel seven months ago, and he
there [was] no collusion" between his associates and began using the grand jury in Washington shortly
Russian operatives during the 2016 presidential campaign. thereafter. Such grand juries often last for up to 18 months,
and they can be extended for six months at a time.
However, the status of Mueller's probe has remained
elusive as so much of what his investigators are up to is
done in secrecy and behind closed doors.

One thing is clear: Their work is far from finished, and it's
going to stretch well into the new year.

And the little that has happened in public view offers

significant clues about what's happening out of public

Most notably, the federal grand jury in Washington that

has already indicted two key Trump associates is
continuing to meet and hear more evidence from
prosecutors. The grand jurors' identities are unknown, but
their faces are recognizable to the reporters and producers Charles Dharapak/AP - Robert Mueller is seated before President
who have been standing inside the courthouse each week. Barack Obama and FBI Director James Comey at an installation
Just a week ago, one of Mueller’s top prosecutors, Jeannie ceremony at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Oct. 28, 2013.
Rhee, was spotted at the courthouse by ABC News.
Meanwhile, Trump's former national security adviser Mike
In October, the grand jury in Washington indicted Trump's Flynn is currently working with Mueller's team after
former campaign chair Paul Manafort and Manafort's pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with
former business partner and Trump campaign aide Rick Russian operatives last year.
Gates for alleged money laundering and other financial

According to the plea agreement filed with prosecutors Another Trump associate, former campaign adviser
four weeks ago, Flynn has agreed to "cooperate fully" with George Papadopoulos, has also pleaded guilty to lying to
Mueller’s investigation – the FBI about his own contacts with Russians, and he has
been working with Mueller's team for months.
– and that cooperation could include "answering
questions; providing sworn written statements; In Trump's interview with The New York Times, the
taking government-administered polygraph president said he thinks Mueller is "going to be fair" to
examination(s); and participating in covert law him.
enforcement activities."

Flynn also agreed to testify "fully, completely, and

truthfully" before any grand juries or trials, and to
"promptly" turn over "any and all evidence of crimes" that
he knows about, according to the agreement.

Flynn's next court appearance isn’t scheduled for another

month, when federal authorities are expected to lay out
how helpful he has been to them so far.

Carlos Barria/Retuers
White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn
speaks at the White House in Washington, Feb. 1, 2017. A spokesman for Mueller declined to comment for this

How The Russia Inquiry Began:
A Campaign Aide, Drinks And Talk Of Political Dirt
DEC. 30, 2017

a tale of the Trump campaign in miniature. He was brash,

boastful and underqualified, yet he exceeded expectations.
And, like the campaign itself, he proved to be a tantalizing
target for a Russian influence operation.

While some of Mr. Trump’s advisers have derided him as

an insignificant campaign volunteer or a “coffee boy,”
interviews and new documents show that he stayed
influential throughout the campaign. Two months before
the election, for instance, he helped arrange a New York
meeting between Mr. Trump and President Abdel Fattah
el-Sisi of Egypt.

George Papadopoulos was working as an energy consultant in The information that Mr. Papadopoulos gave to the
London when the Trump campaign named him a foreign policy
adviser in early March 2016. Credit via Agence France-Presse —
Australians answers one of the lingering mysteries of the
Getty Images past year: What so alarmed American officials to provoke
the F.B.I. to open a counterintelligence investigation into
WASHINGTON — During a night of heavy drinking at an the Trump campaign months before the presidential
upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a election?
young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign,
made a startling revelation to Australia’s top diplomat in It was not, as Mr. Trump and other politicians have
Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton. alleged, a dossier compiled by a former British spy hired
by a rival campaign. Instead, it was firsthand information
About three weeks earlier, Mr. Papadopoulos had been from one of America’s closest intelligence allies.
told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would
embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to Interviews and previously undisclosed documents show
try to damage her campaign. that Mr. Papadopoulos played a critical role in this drama
and reveal a Russian operation that was more aggressive
Exactly how much Mr. Papadopoulos said that night at the and widespread than previously known. They add to an
Kensington Wine Rooms with the Australian, Alexander emerging portrait, gradually filled in over the past year in
Downer, is unclear. But two months later, when leaked revelations by federal investigators, journalists and
Democratic emails began appearing online, Australian lawmakers, of Russians with government contacts trying to
officials passed the information about Mr. Papadopoulos to establish secret channels at various levels of the Trump
their American counterparts, according to four current and campaign.
former American and foreign officials with direct
knowledge of the Australians’ role. The F.B.I. investigation, which was taken over seven
months ago by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III,
The hacking and the revelation that a member of the has cast a shadow over Mr. Trump’s first year in office —
Trump campaign may have had inside information about it even as he and his aides repeatedly played down the
were driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an Russian efforts and falsely denied campaign contacts with
investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt Russians.
the election and whether any of President Trump’s
associates conspired. They have also insisted that Mr. Papadopoulos was a low-
level figure. But spies frequently target peripheral players
If Mr. Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to the as a way to gain insight and leverage.
F.B.I. and is now a cooperating witness, was the
improbable match that set off a blaze that has consumed F.B.I. officials disagreed in 2016 about how aggressively
the first year of the Trump administration, his saga is also and publicly to pursue the Russia inquiry before the
election. But there was little debate about what seemed to In response to questions, Mr. Papadopoulos’s lawyers
be afoot. John O. Brennan, who retired this year after four declined to provide a statement.
years as C.I.A. director, told Congress in May that he had
been concerned about multiple contacts between Russian Before the end of the month, Mr. Mifsud had arranged a
officials and Trump advisers. meeting at a London cafe between Mr. Papadopoulos and
Olga Polonskaya, a young woman from St. Petersburg
Russia, he said, had tried to “suborn” members of the whom he falsely described as Mr. Putin’s niece. Although
Trump campaign. Ms. Polonskaya told The Times in a text message that her
English skills are poor, her emails to Mr. Papadopoulos
‘The Signal to Meet’ were largely fluent. “We are all very excited by the
possibility of a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” Ms.
Polonskaya wrote in one message.
Mr. Papadopoulos, then an ambitious 28-year-old from
Chicago, was working as an energy consultant in London
More important, Mr. Mifsud connected Mr. Papadopoulos
when the Trump campaign, desperate to create a foreign
to Ivan Timofeev, a program director for the prestigious
policy team, named him as an adviser in early March 2016.
Valdai Discussion Club, a gathering of academics that
His political experience was limited to two months on Ben
meets annually with Mr. Putin. The two men corresponded
Carson’s presidential campaign before it collapsed.
for months about how to connect the Russian government
and the campaign. Records suggest that Mr. Timofeev,
Mr. Papadopoulos had no experience on Russia issues. But who has been described by Mr. Mueller’s team as an
during his job interview with Sam Clovis, a top early intermediary for the Russian Foreign Ministry, discussed
campaign aide, he saw an opening. He was told that the matter with the ministry’s former leader, Igor S.
improving relations with Russia was one of Mr. Trump’s Ivanov, who is widely viewed in the United States as one
top foreign policy goals, according to court papers, an of Russia’s elder statesmen.
account Mr. Clovis has denied.
When Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team gathered for the
Traveling in Italy that March, Mr. Papadopoulos met first time at the end of March in Washington, Mr.
Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor at a now-defunct Papadopoulos said he had the contacts to set up a meeting
London academy who had valuable contacts with the between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin. Mr. Trump listened
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Mifsud showed intently but apparently deferred to Jeff Sessions, then a
little interest in Mr. Papadopoulos at first. senator from Alabama and head of the campaign’s foreign
policy team, according to participants in the meeting.
But when he found out he was a Trump campaign adviser,
he latched onto him, according to court records and emails Mr. Sessions, now the attorney general, initially did not
obtained by The New York Times. Their joint goal was to reveal that discussion to Congress, because, he has said, he
arrange a meeting between Mr. Trump and President did not recall it. More recently, he said he pushed back
Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Moscow, or between their against Mr. Papadopoulos’s proposal, at least partly
respective aides. because he did not want someone so unqualified to
represent the campaign on such a sensitive matter.

If the campaign wanted Mr. Papadopoulos to stand down,

previously undisclosed emails obtained by The Times
show that he either did not get the message or failed to
heed it. He continued for months to try to arrange some
kind of meeting with Russian representatives, keeping
senior campaign advisers abreast of his efforts. Mr. Clovis
ultimately encouraged him and another foreign policy
adviser to travel to Moscow, but neither went because the
campaign would not cover the cost.

Mr. Papadopoulos was trusted enough to edit the outline of

Mr. Trump’s first major foreign policy speech on April 27,
Sam Clovis, a former co-chairman of Mr. Trump’s presidential
an address in which the candidate said it was possible to
campaign, denies that he told Mr. Papadopoulos that improving
relations with Russia was one of Mr. Trump’s top foreign policy goals improve relations with Russia. Mr. Papadopoulos flagged
during Mr. Papadopoulos’s interview for a job with the campaign. the speech to his newfound Russia contacts, telling Mr.
Credit Win Mcnamee/Getty Images Timofeev that it should be taken as “the signal to meet.”

“That is a statesman speech,” Mr. Mifsud with an Israeli Embassy official who introduced Mr.
agreed. Ms. Polonskaya wrote that she was Papadopoulos to another Australian diplomat in London.
pleased that Mr. Trump’s “position toward
Russia is much softer” than that of other It is also not clear why, after getting the information in
candidates. May, the Australian government waited two months to
pass it to the F.B.I. In a statement, the Australian Embassy
Stephen Miller, then a senior policy adviser to the in Washington declined to provide details about the
campaign and now a top White House aide, was eager for meeting or confirm that it occurred.
Mr. Papadopoulos to serve as a surrogate, someone who
could publicize Mr. Trump’s foreign policy views without “As a matter of principle and practice, the
officially speaking for the campaign. But Mr. Australian government does not comment on
Papadopoulos’s first public attempt to do so was a disaster. matters relevant to active investigations,” the
statement said. The F.B.I. declined to comment.
In a May 4, 2016, interview with The Times of London,
Mr. Papadopoulos called on Prime Minister David
Cameron to apologize to Mr. Trump for criticizing his
remarks on Muslims as “stupid” and divisive. “Say sorry
to Trump or risk special relationship, Cameron told,” the
headline read. Mr. Clovis, the national campaign co-
chairman, severely reprimanded Mr. Papadopoulos for
failing to clear his explosive comments with the campaign
in advance.

From then on, Mr. Papadopoulos was more careful with

the press — though he never regained the full trust of Mr.
Clovis or several other campaign officials.

Mr. Mifsud proposed to Mr. Papadopoulos that he, too, A House Judiciary Committee session last month at which Attorney
General Jeff Sessions testified. Mr. Sessions was head of the Trump
serve as a campaign surrogate. He could write op-eds campaign’s foreign policy team. Credit Al Drago for The New York
under the guise of a “neutral” observer, he wrote in a Times
previously undisclosed email, and follow Mr. Trump to his
rallies as an accredited journalist while receiving briefings A Secretive Investigation
from the inside the campaign.
Once the information Mr. Papadopoulos had disclosed to
In late April, at a London hotel, Mr. Mifsud told Mr. the Australian diplomat reached the F.B.I., the bureau
Papadopoulos that he had just learned from high-level opened an investigation that became one of its most
Russian officials in Moscow that the Russians had “dirt” closely guarded secrets. Senior agents did not discuss it at
on Mrs. Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails,” the daily morning briefing, a classified setting where
according to court documents. Although Russian hackers officials normally speak freely about highly sensitive
had been mining data from the Democratic National operations.
Committee’s computers for months, that information was
not yet public. Even the committee itself did not know.
Besides the information from the Australians, the
investigation was also propelled by intelligence from other
Whether Mr. Papadopoulos shared that information with friendly governments, including the British and Dutch. A
anyone else in the campaign is one of many unanswered trip to Moscow by another adviser, Carter Page, also raised
questions. He was mostly in contact with the campaign concerns at the F.B.I.
over emails. The day after Mr. Mifsud’s revelation about
the hacked emails, he told Mr. Miller in an email only that
With so many strands coming in — about Mr.
he had “interesting messages coming in from Moscow”
Papadopoulos, Mr. Page, the hackers and more — F.B.I.
about a possible trip. The emails obtained by The Times
agents debated how aggressively to investigate the
show no evidence that Mr. Papadopoulos discussed the
campaign’s Russia ties, according to current and former
stolen messages with the campaign.
officials familiar with the debate. Issuing subpoenas or
questioning people, for example, could cause the
Not long after, however, he opened up to Mr. Downer, the investigation to burst into public view in the final months
Australian diplomat, about his contacts with the Russians. of a presidential campaign.
It is unclear whether Mr. Downer was fishing for that
information that night in May 2016. The meeting at the bar
It could also tip off the Russian government, which might
came about because of a series of connections, beginning
try to cover its tracks. Some officials argued against taking
such disruptive steps, especially since the F.B.I. would not Papadopoulos out of the blue over LinkedIn during the
be able to unravel the case before the election. summer of 2016, the two met repeatedly in Manhattan.

Others believed that the possibility of a compromised Mr. Millian has bragged of his ties to Mr. Trump — boasts
presidential campaign was so serious that it warranted the that the president’s advisers have said are overstated. He
most thorough, aggressive tactics. Even if the odds against headed an obscure organization called the Russian-
a Trump presidency were long, these agents argued, it was American Chamber of Commerce, some of whose board
prudent to take every precaution. members and clients are difficult to confirm. Congress is
investigating where he fits into the swirl of contacts with
That included questioning Christopher Steele, the former the Trump campaign, although he has said he is unfairly
British spy who was compiling the dossier alleging a far- being scrutinized only because of his support for Mr.
ranging Russian conspiracy to elect Mr. Trump. A team of Trump.
F.B.I. agents traveled to Europe to interview Mr. Steele in
early October 2016. Mr. Steele had shown some of his Mr. Millian proposed that he and Mr. Papadopoulos form
findings to an F.B.I. agent in Rome three months earlier, an energy-related business that would be financed by
but that information was not part of the justification to start Russian billionaires “who are not under sanctions” and
an counterintelligence inquiry, American officials said. would “open all doors for us” at “any level all the way to
the top.”
Ultimately, the F.B.I. and Justice Department decided to
keep the investigation quiet, a decision that Democrats in One billionaire, he said, wanted to explore the idea of
particular have criticized. And agents did not interview opening a Trump-branded hotel in Moscow.
Mr. Papadopoulos until late January.
“I know the president will distance himself from
Opening Doors, to the Top business, but his children might be interested,”
he wrote.
He was hardly central to the daily running of the Trump
campaign, yet Mr. Papadopoulos continuously found ways Nothing came of his proposals, partly because Mr.
to make himself useful to senior Trump advisers. In Papadopoulos was hoping that Michael T. Flynn, then Mr.
September 2016, with the United Nations General Trump’s pick to be national security adviser, might give
Assembly approaching and stories circulating that Mrs. him the energy portfolio at the National Security Council.
Clinton was going to meet with Mr. Sisi, the Egyptian
president, Mr. Papadopoulos sent a message to Stephen K. The pair exchanged New Year’s greetings in the final
Bannon, the campaign’s chief executive, offering to broker hours of 2016.
a similar meeting for Mr. Trump.
“Happy New Year, sir,” Mr. Papadopoulos
After days of scheduling discussions, the meeting was set wrote.
and Mr. Papadopoulos sent a list of talking points to Mr.
Bannon, according to people familiar with those “Thank you and same to you, George. Happy
interactions. Asked about his contacts with Mr. New Year!” Mr. Flynn responded, ahead of a
Papadopoulos, Mr. Bannon declined to comment. year that seemed to hold great promise.

Mr. Trump’s improbable victory raised Mr. But 2017 did not unfold that way. Within months, Mr.
Papadopoulos’s hopes that he might ascend to a top White Flynn was fired, and both men were charged with lying to
House job. The election win also prompted a business the F.B.I. And both became important witnesses in the
proposal from Sergei Millian, a naturalized American investigation Mr. Papadopoulos had played a critical role
citizen born in Belarus. After he had contacted Mr. in starting.

Midas Touch: Trump’s DC Hotel
Was Supposed To LOSE Money, But…
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 31, 2017

“Even the critics of the Washington property As reported by The Daily Caller, there have been frequent
acknowledged that it actually turned out better protests at the hotel as well, which should have further
than maybe expected” dampened profits.

But the hotel, which is a refurbishment and reconstruction

of an old Post Office close to the White House, has
become a hot gathering spot for Trump supporters, fans,
tourists, and conservative groups.

Axios noted that the hotel was expected to lose $2 million

in its first year, but instead it has produced nearly the same
amount in profits. One potential reason is that room rates
were increased following Trump’s inauguration.

(National Sentinel) Great, Still: When then-GOP

“Even the critics of the Washington property
candidate Donald J. Trump opened Trump International
acknowledged that it actually turned out better
Hotel in Washington., D.C. — “on time and under
than maybe expected — one of the better of the
budget,” he said last year — it wasn’t slated to turn a profit
Trump properties, if not among the best,” Bjorn
for perhaps as much as two years.
Hanson, a professor of tourism and hospitality
at New York University, told The Daily Beast.
But instead, the property has raked in a tidy $2 million in
just four months’ time, surprising most observers who note
such luxury properties take a long time to become viable.

The Probe With NO END: Mueller’s ‘Collusion’
Investigation Will Last WELL INTO 2018
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 31, 2017

“It’s time for Bob Mueller to put up or shut up” But, as critics of the probe note, none of the indictments
have had anything at all to do with alleged collusion
between the president’s campaign and the Russian
government, which was the original mandate of the special

The lack of evidence after more than a year of

investigating those allegations — by congressional
committees, the FBI, and Mueller’s special counsel — is
frustrating some members of Congress.

“It’s time for Bob Mueller to put up or shut up. If

(National Sentinel) Witch Hunt: Special counsel Robert there’s evidence of collusion, let’s see it,”
Mueller’s probe into alleged collusion between the Trump Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, a member of the
campaign and Russia is expected to extend well into next House Judiciary Committee, said in an interview
year, according to sources familiar with the investigation. on Fox News earlier this month.

As reported by ABC News, despite predictions by lawyers “If there’s not, let’s move on as a country and
for President Donald J. Trump that Mueller’s probe will let’s institute reforms at the FBI so that an
wrap up sooner rather than later, sources believe that isn’t egomaniac FBI director like James Comey
the case at all. cannot depart from the normal standard
procedures that guarantees all Americans equal
“Most notably, the federal grand jury in treatment under the law,” he continued.
Washington that has already indicted two key
Trump associates is continuing to meet and Trump and others have complained that the ongoing
hear more evidence from prosecutors,” the Russia collusion probe is harming the administration’s
network reported. ability to improve relations with a strategic, nuclear-armed
great power.
“The grand jurors’ identities are unknown, but
their faces are recognizable to the reporters and
producers who have been standing inside the
courthouse each week. Just a week ago, one of
Mueller’s top prosecutors, Jeannie Rhee, was
spotted at the courthouse by ABC News,” the
report continued.

Special counsel grand juries often last up to 18 months and

can be extended further in six-month increments if

Former national security advisor Michael Flynn, former

campaign manager Paul Manafort, and campaign associate
George Papadopoulos have all been indicted by Mueller.

Cops LOVE Trump: Law Enforcement Leaders Say Prez’s
Support For Thin Blue Line Is SAVING Police Lives
By JD Heyes
Sunday, December 31, 2017

and Loretta Lynch — implemented policies that amounted

to a federal takeover of local police departments, and all
based on the manufactured premise that ‘local cops’ were
inherently biased/bigoted/racists. (Related: Has “ethical
policing” become an oxymoron? Maybe it’s time to hit
the reset button with these 9 principles from the 1800s.)

Worse, 90 percent of American police officers didn’t even

feel safe.

Now, however, there’s a new president living at 1600

Pennsylvania Ave., and he’s made it plain that he is an ally
of the men and women who form the thin blue line:
Donald J. Trump.

For eight long years, police officers around the country As reported by the Washington Times:
suffered through one indignity after another under
President Obama and his cop-hating Justice Department. Top law enforcement leaders say they have had
no bigger advocate this year than President
The disrespect began within weeks of Obama taking Trump, and they are hopeful he has set the
office, when he took the side of a black friend and stage for fewer dangerous confrontations
colleague, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, over the between officers and the public, better-
word of a white police sergeant. It was the first time, as equipped departments and, ultimately,
president, that Obama played the race card. reductions in crime.

“I don’t know – not having been there and not Indeed, the paper noted, “early signs” are very positive.
seeing all the facts – what role race played in For one, officer deaths are down this year, which includes
that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any fatal shootings of cops. Also, early reports from major
of us would be pretty angry; number two that cities point to reductions in crime increases that have been
the Cambridge police acted stupidly in reported in the past two years.
arresting somebody when there was already
proof that they were in their own home,” Obama While police officials say they are still concerned about
pontificated. how to handle the ongoing opioid epidemic and how to
balance the administration’s policies of universal
As if that weren’t bad enough, Obama added this enforcement of federal immigration statutes without
unsubstantiated claim: alienating immigrant communities, they are hopeful that a
Trump presidency overall will be good for local law
“Separate and apart from this incident is that
there’s a long history in this country of African-
American and Latinos being stopped by law Even as he has offered some criticism for federal law
enforcement disproportionately. That’s just a enforcement and some within the intelligence community,
fact.” Trump has generally praised the work of local police, and
they have noticed. The morale boost was much needed and
From there it only got worse. By the time Obama left
office, he had — through his attorneys general Eric Holder

“Arguably the most significant thing a president “We were frustrated toward the end of the
can do is use the bully pulpit to reflect his Obama administration with the Justice
support for law enforcement,” National Fraternal Department and some of their decisions with
Order of Police Executive Director Jim Pasco regard to consent decrees and how they were
told the Times. dealing with individual police departments they
are reviewing or investigating,” Chief Tom
“To this point in his presidency, he has certainly Manger, head of the Montgomery County Police
gone out of his way to do that. That resonates Department in Maryland and president of the
within the profession, and it’s received very Major Cities Chiefs Association, told the Times.
favorably,” he added.
He added there was still some federal oversight, but it is
Police officials say one of the biggest positives so far is far less combative.
Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ ending of the
Obama-era policy of federalizing local police through There are many things that Trump still must address as he
court-approved consent decrees, which were used to continues to undo the damage Barack Hussein Obama did
politicize local police policies and bring them more in line to our country. But as his improved relationship with
with Obama’s Left-wing views. America’s police officers demonstrates, he is making good
progress already.

Dem Rep Cohen: ‘Trump Is The Most Despicable Human
Being To Ever Reside At 1600 Pennsylvania Ave’
By Pam Key
31 Dec 2017

— Steve Cohen (@RepCohen) December

31, 2017

He continued,

“A narcissistic sociopath doesn’t change. It

endangers the country and war like wag
the dog is something he could get into to
improve the ratings for the ’18 elections
where they are in desperate shape. They’ll
do anything to improve ratings.”

Sunday on MSNBC while defending his tweet about He added,

President Donald Trump, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) said
Trump was the “most despicable human being to ever “I think you have to show, and I hope I can
reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” show, what type of person he is. He’s
never with his son. I think one of his ex-
He golfs when he could be reading or be in wives wrote he never was with his children
church or be with his family. Never see him until they were adults. This is an unusual
with Barron. You’d think he’d be golfing human being. Barron looks like a nice kid,
with Dad occasionally but narcissists only but he spends no quality time at all with his
engage in activities where they are the father. He claims he has the Christian
show. No movies, sports viewing either just evangelical support which is amazing
Fox! He will start a war! because he doesn’t go to church.”

Ouch! James Comey Gets ZINGED After Ringing In New
Year With Not-So-Veiled Swipe At Trump
By Doug P.
Posted At 10:01 Pm On December 31, 2017

As you’re well aware, since he joined Twitter, former FBI LOL. Comey’s tweet had a distinct BACKFIRE feel to it.
Director James Comey has demonstrated an affinity for
subtweeting President Trump, and this New Year’s Eve is
no exception:

Comey really teed this one up nicely. Instapundit leads off

the zinging:


Yeahhh, well, maybe something like that.

That’s anybody’s guess.

Bernstein: Trump Trying To
Undermine Media's Credibility
Says Broad Attacks On Press Are To Detriment Of Country
By Pam Key
31 Dec 2017
attempting to “undermine the credibility of the press as a
national institution.”

Bernstein said, “Nixon and Watergate tried to make the

conduct of the press the issue instead of the conduct of the
president and the men around him. Donald Trump has
gone even farther. He’s tried to undermine the credibility
of the press as a national institution to the detriment of the
country by these broad attacks on the press.”

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” veteran journalist

Carl Bernstein said President Donald Trump was

House Permanent Select Committee Intel Chair Devin
Nunes Goes After DOJ And FBI For Not Producing
Subpoenaed Documents Or Witnesses
By Shepard Ambellas -
December 31, 2017

“promptly produce to the committee — no later

than January 3, 2017 — All outstanding records
identified as responsive to the August 24

Additionally, Nunes has requested that by the

same deadline the following officials must
confirm interview, sometime in January:

 Former DOJ Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce

Featured Image: Screen capture CNN/YouTube
 FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Peter Strzok;
‘This behavior that can no longer be  FBI Attorney James Baker;
tolerated’  FBI Attorney Lisa Page;
 FBI Attorney Sally Moyer and;
 FBI Assistant Director for Congressional Affairs Greg
WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — House Permanent Brower
Select Committee Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes sent
a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Friday
The chairman also made clear that all of this is “part of a
in response to The Department of Justice and Federal
broader pattern of behavior that can no longer be
Bureau of Investigation’s “failure to produce” key
documents and witnesses that were subpoenaed over four
months ago which relate to the Trump/Steele dossier.

Chairman Nunes is extremely frustrated with the way

things are being handled in the D.C. swamp and has
instructed the DOJ and FBI

Tissue? President Trump’s New Years Wishes For ‘Even
The Fake Media’ Triggers Whiners GALORE
By Sam J.
Posted At 6:13 Pm On December 31, 2017

President Trump wished his friends, supporters, enemies,

haters and even the very dishonest fake news media a
Happy New Year …

Oops, ‘scuse us, we just threw up in our mouths a little.

Which of course triggered the biggest batch of stupid
we’ve seen in a long while:

Russia! Bots! ELEVENTY!

2017 will surely go down as the dumbest year, yet.
How festive.

Someone needs a nap. Good luck with that, tater.

For goodness sake. Wow, things just got real up in here.

Just a thought, maybe if people stopped being so outraged

by these tweets he’d send less of them?
How rude.
But hey, what do we know?

No one really believes your MOM.

Despicable. Disgrace.
Wait, that doesn’t work.
Pretty sure that means Trump’s tweet did EXACTLY
what he wanted it to, then. Our bad.

Because Obama worked SO HARD to unify us all, right? *you’re*

What did he say about bringing a knife to a gunfight?
Man, Twitter will verify anybody.


That’s hilarious.
Who is this guy again?
Say what you will about the president, but the man
KNOWS how to get a reaction.
Happy New Year, Mr. President.

Damn, these people are so mean.


Former Joint Chiefs Chair Says He Hopes TRUMP Backs
Iranian Protestors More Than OBAMA Did
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 1, 2018

“We chose to not be as supportive as we could “We chose to not be as supportive as we could
have been then” have been then,” Mullen said. “And I hope we
can be right now so that Iran can continue to
evolve. They have an incredibly young
population. They look to a future that they
cannot see. They’ve been promised change
and a healthier economy.

“Protests represent the inability to deliver that

so far. I think support of them seems …
absolutely the right thing to do,” he added.

As the protests picked up steam over the weekend, Trump

(National Sentinel) Revolutionary: Former chairman of tweeted out his support for them, adding that the “U.S. is
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen has said he watching” for any human rights abuses.
hopes that President Donald J. Trump lends more support
to Iranians currently protesting the authoritarian theocratic
regime than his former boss, President Barack Obama, did. Led primarily by college students, security forces for the
Iranian government have already killed two protesters
while officials have shut down social media networks that
Mullen said on ABC’s “This Week” that Obama should have helped facilitate the spread of the protests to cities
have backed Iranian protesters in 2009 more than he did. around the country, the Washington Examiner reported.
Now that protests are once again roiling the country,
Trump should throw his support behind them, he said.

David Brock And Clinton Pal Funneled
$700K To Fund Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers
By Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/01/2018 - 17:50

Weeks after The Hill revealed a $750,000 scheme by groups, gave $500,000 to Ms. Bloom’s firm for
California woman's rights attorney Lisa Bloom to the last-ditch effort.
compensate women accusing Donald Trump of sexual
misconduct - one of whom had her mortgage paid off after Democrats familiar with the financial arrangements told
Trump ignored her pleas to become his makeup-artist the NYT that Bloom's firm kept the money from
during the campaign - the New York Times claims in a Brock's American Bridge, while refunding the money from
bombshell report that DNC operative and Media Matters Buell - a longtime friend
founder David Brock, along with major Hillary Clinton
friend and donor, Susie Tompkins Buell,
and financial supporter of Hillary Clinton.

steered $700,000 towards Bloom's efforts to Of note, Brock previously sat on the board of Hillary
smear Trump with sexual misconduct claims Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and his group
right before the 2016 election. "Correct the Record" sunk over $1 million into a digital
task force called "Barrier Breakers 2016," which had a
mandate to

"engage in online messaging for both

Secretary Clinton and to push back against
attackers on social media (The Atlantic)."

Meanwhile, Brock's Correct The Record defended

coordinating with the Clinton campaign and contributing
$6 million to fund Hillary.

"Correct the Record is a $6 million Washington

D.C.-based political committee that spends
(left) Jill Harth, Lisa Bloom and Gloria Allred, Katie Johnson (right) millions on opposition research, message
David Brock development, surrogate training and booking,
professional video production, and press
As the NYT notes, several donors reached out to Ms. outreach for the benefit of the Clinton
Bloom “asking how they could help." campaign—and by its own admission, does so
in full coordination with the Clinton campaign,"
the Campaign Legal Center said in the
She told them that she was working with “a
complaint. -Free Beacon
few other women” who might "find the
courage to speak out" against Mr. Trump if
the donors would provide funds for security, The Trump accusers include makeup-artist Jill Harth and
relocation and possibly a safe house." Katie Johnson. Harth - who allowed a Lisa Bloom donor to
pay off her mortgage before she accused President Trump
of sexual assault,
Ms. Bloom would not identify the donors.
approached the Trump campaign about
But two Democrats familiar with the
doing Donald Trump's makeup,
arrangements said a nonprofit group
founded by Mr. Brock, American Bridge 21st
Century Foundation, gave $200,000, while was rejected, and later cropped up as an accuser shortly
the fashion entrepreneur Susie Tompkins before the 2016 election. Another Trump accuser, Katie
Buell, a major donor to Mr. Brock’s suite of Johnson fabricated a story of Trump raping her when she
was 13 at one of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's
notorious 'sex parties.' Johnson, another client of Lisa Brock claimed in legal papers that he sold a Rehoboth
Bloom, withdrew her case against Trump days before the Beach, Del., home he once shared with Grey in order to
election, while the Daily Mail reported that she made it all meet Grey’s demands, which he called "blackmail" in the
up. lawsuit. -Fox News

Brock is no stranger to meddling in Trump's affairs to try Ironically, Brock used to be a GOP political operative -
and influence the 2016 election - having spearheaded an having spearheaded 1993 sexual harassment allegations
army of Correct the Record "nerd virgins" who were against President Bill Clinton by former Arkansas
"crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back employee,
corner of the offices of American Bridge 21st Century" to
attack then-candidate Donald Trump while vehemently Paula Jones - who was paid $850,000 by the
defending Hillary Clinton. Various Brock-linked anti- Clintons to drop her lawsuit.
Trump groups Media Matters, ShareBlue, American
Bridge and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in So just to be clear, Clinton operative David Brock and
Washington (CREW)
Hillary Clinton pal Susie Tompkins Buell steered
$700,000 into a scheme to compensate Trump accusers
set a $40 million budget to fight Trump at right before the 2016 election. Which is yet another answer
the beginning of 2017. to the recurring question of just who tried to influence the
Brock is also no stranger to funneling money to
people - once having paid $850,000 to a
former domestic partner of over 10 years
after he began dating D.C. pizza restaurant
impresario James Alefantis.

Brock's scorned partner, William Grey, threatened to

expose damaging information involving Media
Matters donors.

In an acrimonious lawsuit settled at the end of last year,

Brock accused William Grey of making

repeated threats to expose him to the "scorn
or ridicule of his employees, donors and the
press in demanding money and property."
James Alefantis and David Brock (

As The Dossier Scandal Looms,
The New York Times Struggles To Save Its Collusion Tale
By Andrew C. McCarthy
January 1, 2018 5:28 PM

Well, it turns out the Page angle and thus the collusion
narrative itself is beset by an Obama-administration
scandal: Slowly but surely, it has emerged that the Justice
Department and FBI very likely targeted Page because of
the Steele dossier, a Clinton-campaign opposition-research
screed disguised as intelligence reporting. Increasingly, it
appears that the Bureau failed to verify Steele’s allegations
before the DOJ used some of them to bolster an
application for a spying warrant from the FISA court (i.e.,
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court).

A Secret Service agent stands nearby as Donald Trump speaks at a Thanks to the persistence of the House Intelligence
campaign stop in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., April 2016. (Reuters photo: Committee led by Chairman Devin Nunes (R., Calif.), the
Eduardo Munoz)
dossier story won’t go away. Thus, Democrats and their
media friends have been moving the goal posts in an effort
The totality of the evidence undermines the Times’
to save their collusion narrative. First, we were led to
collusion narrative. ‘ Trump Adviser’s Visit to Moscow
believe the dossier was no big deal because the FBI would
Got the F.B.I.’s Attention.” That was the page-one
surely have corroborated any information before the DOJ
headline the New York Times ran on April 20, 2017, above
fed it to a federal judge in a warrant application. Then,
its breathless report that “a catalyst for the F.B.I.
when the Clinton campaign’s role in commissioning the
investigation into connections between Russia and
dossier came to light, we were told it was impertinent to
President Trump’s campaign” was a June 2016 visit to
ask about what the FBI did, if anything, to corroborate it
Moscow by Carter Page.
since this could imperil intelligence methods and sources
— and, besides, such questions were just a distraction from
It was due to the Moscow trip by Page, dubbed a “foreign the all-important Mueller investigation (which the dossier
policy adviser” to the campaign, that “the F.B.I. obtained a had a hand in instigating and which, to date, has turned up
warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court” no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy).
in September — i.e., during the stretch run of the
presidential campaign.
Lately, the story has morphed into this: Well, even if the
dossier was used, it was only used a little — there simply
You’re to be forgiven if you’re feeling dizzy. It may not be must have been lots of other evidence that Trump was in
too much New Year’s reverie; it may be that you’re reeling cahoots with Putin. But that’s not going to fly: Putting
over the Times’ holiday-weekend volte-face: “How the aside the dearth of collusion evidence after well over a
Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk year of aggressive investigation, the dossier is partisan
of Political Dirt.” propaganda. If it was not adequately corroborated by the
FBI, and if the Justice Department, without disclosing its
Seven months after throwing Carter Page as fuel on the provenance to the court, nevertheless relied on any part of
collusion fire lit by then-FBI director James Comey’s it in a FISA application, that is a major problem.
stunning public disclosure that the Bureau was
investigating possible Trump campaign “coordination” in So now, a new strategy to prop up the collusion tale: Never
Russia’s election meddling, the Gray Lady now says: mind Page — lookee over here at Papadopoulos!
Never mind. We’re onto Collusion 2.0, in which it is
George Papadopoulos — then a 28-year-old whose idea of
But that’s not what they were saying in April, when the
résumé enhancement was to feign participation in the
collusion narrative and Democratic calls for a special
Model U.N. — who triggered the FBI’s massive probe by .
prosecutor were in full bloom.
. . wait for it . . . a night of boozy blather in London.
Back then, no fewer than six of the Times’ top reporters,
What’s going on here?
along with a researcher, worked their anonymous “current

and former law enforcement and intelligence officials” in Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was
order to generate the Page blockbuster. With these leaks, actually an opposition-research project paid for by the
the paper confidently reported: “From the Russia trip of Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National
the once-obscure Mr. Page grew a wide-ranging Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the
investigation, now accompanied by two congressional research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele
inquiries, that has cast a shadow over the early months of collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice
the Trump administration” [emphasis added]. Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had
personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a
Oh sure, the Times acknowledged that there might have Fusion GPS executive.
been a couple of other factors involved. “Paul Manafort,
then [i.e., during Page’s trip] Mr. Trump’s campaign It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the
manager, was already under criminal investigation in Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to
connection with payments from a pro-Russian political the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.
party in Ukraine.” And “WikiLeaks and two websites later Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled
identified as Russian intelligence fronts had begun by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the
releasing emails obtained when Democratic Party servers November election was substantially driven by partisan
were hacked.” propaganda. Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that
(a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the
But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — dossier before using them in an application to the secret
was Page. federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-
incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to
Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic
those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican
not appear in the Times’ story. candidate.

Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. When it emerged in October that the dossier was a
According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Democratic-party campaign product, Representative Trey
Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled Gowdy (R., S.C.) recounted that, for months, the Justice
with “the revelation that a member of the Trump Department and FBI had stonewalled House demands that
campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside they fess up about whether dossier allegations were used in
information about it” that were “driving factors that led the applying for the FISA-court warrant to surveil Page. But
F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s though the DOJ and the Bureau have struggled to lock the
attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of barn, the horse left long ago. Shortly before the Times ran
President Trump’s associates conspired.” its Page extravaganza last April, CNN confirmed that the
dossier had indeed been used to obtain the FISA warrant
It seems like only yesterday — or, to be more precise, only — the network relying on unnamed “US officials briefed
late October, when he pled guilty to a count of lying to the on the [Russia] investigation.”
FBI in the Mueller probe — that Mr. Papadopoulos was
even more obscure than the “once-obscure Mr. Page.” I won’t hazard a guess on which of CNN’s anonymous
Now, though, he has been elevated to “the improbable sources are also the Times’ anonymous sources. But it is
match that set off a blaze that has consumed the first year safe to say the intelligence community, still suffused with
of the Trump administration.” Obama holdovers, has been undone by its own illegal
leaking. Back in April, they leaked because they figured it
But hey, if you’re willing to hang in there through the first would wound President Trump: After all, if the dossier had
36 paragraphs of the Times’ nearly 3,000-word been used to obtain a FISA warrant, that must mean that
Papadopoulos report, you’ll find the fleeting observation the dossier’s sensational allegations of a traitorous Trump-
that “A trip to Moscow by another adviser, Carter Page, Russia conspiracy were true. That is, the leakers assumed,
also raised concerns at the F.B.I.” just as many of us familiar with the FISA process assumed,
that the Justice Department would never put information in
You don’t say! a FISA warrant application unless the FBI had first
corroborated it.
Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend,
Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey
in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the told a Senate committee that the dossier remained
FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not
Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June
the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the
Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months
planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump- earlier, in September 2016.

Then in October, it emerged that the Clinton campaign In the Times’ new version of events, it was not the dossier
paid for the dossier. More recently, we learned that anti- that “so alarmed American officials to provoke the F.B.I.
Trump bias ran rampant in the upper ranks of the Bureau to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump
and the Justice Department — to the point that a top FBI campaign months before the presidential election.” That,
counterintelligence agent spoke of the Bureau’s need for according to the Times, is a false claim that “Mr. Trump
an “insurance policy” against the risk of a Trump and other politicians have alleged.” Somehow, the paper
presidency. Right before Christmas, reporting from Fox omits the inconvenient details that it was the Times that
News strongly suggested that the FBI, though apparently led the charge in claiming that it was Page’s trip to
aware that the dossier was a partisan campaign project, had Moscow that provoked the investigation, and that it was
verified none of its sensational claims. Finally, in a Fox the dossier that so alarmed the FBI about that trip.
News interview on Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R.,
S.C.), who has inspected relevant classified documents, In what we might think of as the latest “Russian Reset,”
indicated that the Justice Department used the dossier in its the Times now says the investigation was instigated by
application without disclosing its partisan political genesis “firsthand information from one of America’s closest
to the FISA court (see Paul Mirengoff’s Powerline post intelligence allies” — Australia. Turns out Papadopoulos
with embedded video). was out drinking in London with Alexander Downer,
“Australia’s top diplomat in Britain.” Tongue loosened, the
All of this comes back to Carter Page, heretofore the “young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign”
anchor of the media’s collusion narrative. The link made a “startling revelation” to Downer: He had learned
between Page and the dossier is manifest. As I outlined in that “Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.”
last weekend’s column, the FBI began receiving the
dossier’s explosive reports shortly after Page’s Russia trip. Because of the “Statement of the Offense” that Special
Steele’s reports, based on anonymous Russian sources, Counsel Mueller filed with the court when Papadopoulos
alleged that (a) there was an explicit Trump-Russia pled guilty, the Times and the rest of us now know that a
conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 election, (b) the few weeks earlier (on April 26), Papadopoulos was told by
conspiracy included Russian hacking of Democratic email a Maltese academic who purported to have Kremlin ties
accounts in which Trump campaign officials, including that Russia had “thousands of emails” that could damage
Page, were complicit, and (c) Page met with two top Hillary Clinton. We also know that in July, hacked
Kremlin operatives on the Moscow trip — operatives who Democratic-party emails began being published.
discussed with him a quid pro quo arrangement to drop
sanctions against Russia, floated the possibility of With that established, we’re now told that when the emails
providing the Trump campaign with “kompromat” were leaked, Australian officials put two and two together,
(compromising information) on Hillary Clinton, and figuring these emails might be what Papadopoulos was
warned that Trump better be careful because the Putin talking about “that night at the Kensington Wine Room.”
regime had a kompromat file on him, too. The Aussies thus tipped off their American counterparts to
the barroom conversation between Papadopoulos and
It has become increasingly clear that Steele’s claims about Downer. That, not the dossier explicitly alleging a Trump-
Page are, at best, highly dubious; more likely, they are Russia conspiracy, is what provoked the investigation. You
untrue. Aside from the fact that Comey has been can take it to the bank. After all, the Times has gotten this
dismissive of the dossier as “unverified,” Page has revisionist history from “four American and foreign
vigorously and plausibly denied its allegations about him. officials with direct knowledge of the Australians’ role” —
The Annapolis grad and former naval-intelligence officer i.e., from the same sort of unidentified, unaccountable
insists he is not even acquainted with the Russian officials sources that brought you the Page-centric version of events
with whom he supposedly had traitorous meetings. that has now been discarded.
Moreover, if the Russian regime truly wanted to make
insidious proposals to Trump, it had emissaries far better To say this story has holes in it does not do justice to the
positioned to approach him; it strains credulity to believe craters on display. To begin with, the Times admits that
the Kremlin would turn to Page — barely known to Trump “exactly how much Mr. Papadopoulos said” to Downer “is
and, years earlier, derided as an “idiot” by a Russian unclear.” What we are dealing with here is sheer
intelligence operative who tried to recruit him. supposition. And, it appears, flawed supposition.

Papadopoulos and the New ‘Russian Reset’ As I pointed out after Papadopoulos pled guilty, he was
told that the Russians had “emails of Clinton.” But the
So now, with the Page foundation of the collusion hacked emails that were published were not Clinton’s
narrative collapsing, and with the heat on over the Obama emails; they were those of the DNC and John Podesta —
administration’s use of the dossier, it is apparently exceedingly few of which Clinton was even included on,
Papadopoulos to the rescue. much less participated in. Given the amount of
misinformation the credulous Papadopoulos was given
(one of his interlocutors falsely posed as Putin’s niece), the

likelihood is that he was being toyed with: Remember, been integral to a Trump-Russia plot. Anonymous
there was much speculation at the time, including by intelligence and law-enforcement officials have been
Trump himself, that the Russians (and other foreign leaking collusion information to the Times and other
intelligence services) might have hacked former secretary media outlets since before Trump won the November 2016
Clinton’s unsecure private server and obtained the 30,000- election — that’s why we’ve spent the last year-plus
plus emails that she refused to surrender to the State hearing all about Page, Manafort, Flynn, et al. If
Department; it is probable that these were the emails Papadopoulos had really been the impetus for the
Papadopoulos’s dubious Russian connections purported to investigation way back in July 2016, what are the chances
be dangling. that we would never have heard his name mentioned until
after his guilty plea was announced 15 months later? What
There is no evidence that Papadopoulos or the Trump are the chances that we’d only now be learning that he was
campaign was ever shown or given any of the emails the the real stimulus for the investigation? I’d put it at less
Kremlin purportedly had. The evidence, in fact, than none.
undermines the collusion narrative: If the Trump campaign
had to learn, through Papadopoulos, that Russia There’s another interesting word that does not appear in
supposedly had thousands of emails damaging to Clinton, the Times’ extensive Papadopoulos report: surveillance.
that would necessarily mean the Trump campaign had Despite being “so alarmed” by young Papadopoulos’s
nothing to do with Russia’s acquisition of the emails. This, barroom braggadocio with the Australian diplomat, and his
no doubt, is why Mueller permitted Papadopoulos to plead claimed Russia connections, there is no indication that the
guilty to a mere process crime — lying in an FBI Obama Justice Department and FBI ever sought a FISA-
interview. If there were evidence of an actual collusion court warrant to spy on him.
conspiracy, Papadopoulos would have been pressured to
admit guilt to it. He wasn’t. No, the FISA warrant was sought for Carter Page, after his
trip to Moscow. The trip the Times used to say incited the
Even a cursory FBI investigation of Papadopoulos would Trump-Russia probe.
have illustrated how implausible it was that he could have

Trump: ‘No More’ Aid To Pakistan,
‘They Have Given Us Nothing But Lies And Deceit’
By John Hayward
1 Jan 2018

access to a captured terrorist from the hostage-taking

Haqqani network.

In August, President Trump said the “next pillar”

of his strategy for battling terrorism would
involve a “change in our approach to Pakistan.”

Trump accused Pakistan of giving

“safe haven to agents of chaos, violence, and


“We can no longer be silent about Pakistan’s

safe havens for terrorist organizations, the
Taliban and other groups that pose a threat to
the region and beyond,” the president said.
President Donald Trump lashed out at
”These killers need to know they have nowhere
Pakistan on Twitter just a few minutes past
to hide – that no place is beyond the reach of
7:00 a.m. Eastern time on New Year’s Day,
American arms.
expressing frustration at Islamabad’s
inadequate efforts against terrorism and
implying that U.S. foreign aid will be The Trump administration withheld $50 million in military
terminated as a result. aid to Pakistan over the summer because it felt Islamabad
was not doing enough to bring down the Taliban and the
Haqqani Network. There was some criticism at the time
that despite his strong complaints about Pakistan refusing
to help fight the Taliban or even actively colluding with it,
Trump was dealing more harshly with Egypt over human
rights violations by its government.

The Pakistani military rescued a Canadian-American

family held hostage for years by the Haqqanis in October.
Concerns have been raised that even this rescue might
have been the result of a deal between the Pakistanis and
the militant network, which has long been suspected of
enjoying special favors and protection from elements of
It is not yet clear whether the “no more” exclamation the Pakistani security apparatus. The prisoner Pakistan
means the complete or partial termination, or temporary refused to allow the United States to interview was tied to
suspension, of American aid to Pakistan. the kidnapping of this Canadian-American family.

If the complete termination of U.S. foreign aid does indeed On Thursday, Pakistani military spokesman
become official policy, it would be a far more dramatic Major-General Asif Ghafoor warned the United
step than withholding all or part of America’s $255 million States against taking “unilateral” military action
in military assistance to Pakistan, a measure reportedly on its soil and denied his country was not doing
under consideration by the administration over the past enough to fight the Taliban and its allies,
few days after Pakistan refused to allow U.S. interrogators promising that the results of Pakistan’s

counterterrorism operations would be “seen in “If there are any facilitators and abetters inside
subsequent years and months.” Pakistan that can only be addressed if the 2.7
million Afghan refugees are sent back to
After making this declaration, Ghafoor implied Pakistan Afghanistan,” he said.
could actually do more, once its concerns about Afghan
refugees are addressed.

Obama Elitist Hacks Get DESTROYED On Twitter After
Telling Trump To “Stay Quiet” On Iranian Protests
By Jim Hoft
January 1, 2018

As previously reported— After several days the protesters called out to President
The Barack Obama administration actively
assisted the evil Khamenei Regime to crush “Obama, Obama, Are you with the regime or
the 2009 Green Rebellion with us?”

In 2009 tens of thousands of brave Iranian democracy But Obama did nothing — Instead he
protesters rose up against the brutal Khamenei regime after worked with the evil regime to quash the
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the rebellion.
winner in a disputed national election.
This past week protesters took to the streets again in Iran
to protest the evil, corrupt regime.
Barack Obama, Ambassador Susan Rice and former
Secretary of State John Kerry are telling President Trump
to be quiet.
The Iranians are furious with these latest comments from
Obama and his lackeys.

Today former Ambassador Susan Rice told

President Trump to “be quiet” on the Iranian

Iranian human rights activist Banafsheh Zand tore into

The protests quickly turned bloody when Iranian hardliners Rice.
started firing on the protesters.
One beautiful young protester was shot in the neck by the

Her name was Neda Soltani or Neda Agha Soltan — she was shot in the
neck during a protest in Tehran on June 20, 2009. (AFP)

. More…

And activist Imperator Rex tore into John

Kerry and Ben Rhodes after their pompous
tweets on the Iranian rebellion.

The Iranians have heard enough from
Barack Obama and his lackeys.

Obama – You be quiet!

Dem: Trump ‘Most Despicable
Human Being’ To Serve As President
The Tennessee Democrat Had Sponsored Five Articles Of
Impeachment Against Trump In November, Which Failed Miserably
By Brandon Carter
January 1, 2018

the ratings for the [2018] elections, where they

[Republicans] are in desperate shape.”

Cohen remarks followed a tweet Sunday in which he said

Trump could start a war.

The Tennessee Democrat, a fierce critic of Trump,

sponsored five articles of impeachment against Trump in

Joined by five other House Democrats, Cohen introduced

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) slammed the articles accusing Trump of being a danger to the
President Trump in an interview Sunday, country, obstructing justice in his firing of former FBI
calling him “the most despicable human Director James Comey and violating the foreign
being ever” to serve as president. emoluments clause of the Constitution.

“Donald Trump is the most despicable human “Given the magnitude of the constitutional crisis,
being to ever reside in 1600 Pennsylvania there’s no reason for delay,” Cohen said at the
Avenue,” Cohen said on MSNBC. time.

Cohen had previously announced in August he would

introduce articles of impeachment against Trump based on
his comments following the deadly violence at a white
supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

“Instead of unequivocally condemning hateful

actions by neo-Nazis, white nationalists and
Klansmen following a national tragedy, the
president said 'there were very fine people on
both sides.' There are no good Nazis. There are
no good Klansmen,” Cohen said in a statement
at the time.

“A narcissistic sociopath doesn’t change,” he The majority of the Democratic caucus, including House
continued. “It endangers the country. And
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), have not supported
war…is something he could get into to improve
attempts to impeach Trump.

Carl Bernstein: Trump’s Attorneys
Are Lying To Him So He Doesn’t Fire Mueller
By Colin Kalmbacher
11:55 Am, January 1st, 2018

him covering up events, but not necessarily criminally

covering up events. And where this is going definitively
we don’t know.”

Bernstein continued, citing his own anonymous sources

within the White House. He said:

But there are many times he has expressed, I am told by

people in the White House, the desire to fire Mueller, the
desire to pardon people under investigation–including his
family. And one of the things that’s going on now is his
lawyers are telling him what he wants to hear; and that’s
Esteemed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein says what I’m told by lawyers in the White House. They’re
President Donald Trump‘s attorneys are soft-peddling the telling him what he wants to hear to keep him from acting
gravity of the Russia probe and telling the mercurial precipitously and to go off and fire Mueller in a rage–or
president what he wants to hear in order to keep him from fire Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, in a
acting in a rash way–like firing special counsel Robert rage. They have an out of control client. The president of
Mueller. the United States, in their view, is out of control a good
deal of the time, especially when it comes to this
Bernstein was discussing the issue with Dana Bash during investigation.
an appearance on CNN‘s State of the Union. Bash asked
the storied newsman the following question, “Carl, Bob Bash then swung back to Bob Woodward, Bernstein’s
mentioned the famous–infamous–Saturday Night longtime friend and writing partner, playing a clip of
Massacre, when Archibald Cox, the special counsel, was Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) explaining her belief
fired in 1973. Do you trust that the administration is not that Mueller’s investigation is well-positioned to issue
going to do this? They assure that the president won’t go obstruction of justice charges against Trump soon.
that far–that he won’t fire Bob Mueller–do you believe it?”
Bash asked both Woodward and Bernstein whether
To which Bernstein replied, “There is no reason to believe Feinstein’s read on the investigation was correct. Both of
almost anything Donald Trump says because what we the legendary journalists pumped the brakes on Feinstein’s
know is that the president of the United States and his read–saying it was simply too soon to tell.
presidency is characterized, above all else, by the lying of
the president of the United States. That doesn’t mean that [image via screengrab/CNN]
lying by the president is a crime, it does mean that we see

We've Been Fooled For 15 Years,
But No More: Donald Trump's Tweet To Pakistan
ET Online And Agencie
Updated: Jan 01, 2018, 08.20 PM IST

After recent reports that the Donald Trump administration "We make massive payments every year to
was considering cutting off aid to Pakistan, US President Pakistan. They have to help," he said in
Donald Trump slammed the country, saying that the US unveiling his national security strategy.
had "foolishly" given Pakistan $33 billion in aid in the last
15 years. And last week, Vice President Mike Pence told American
troops during a visit to Afghanistan:
Trump said that the US had only gotten lies and deceit in
return for the monetary aid it had provided. Trump also
"President Trump has put Pakistan on notice."
said that US operations in Afghanistan were being
hindered by the "safe haven" that Pakistan was providing
to terrorists. "For too long Pakistan has provided safe haven
to the Taliban and many terrorist organisations,
.. but those days are over," Pence told American
troops at the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan
where he made an unannounced trip on
December 21.

"President Trump has put Pakistan on notice,"

he had said.

Afghanistan's Ambassador to the US Hamdullah Mohib

welcomed Trump's tweet.

"A promising message to Afghans who have

suffered at the hands of terrorists based in
Earlier this month, Trump had already hinted that he may Pakistan for far too long," Mohib tweeted.
cut off the aid for good.

CRIMINAL: Top Hillary Aide Huma Abedin Forwarded
State Dept. Passwords To Yahoo Email Acct. Before It
Was HACKED By Russians And Others
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 2, 2018

CNN/Money reported in October that all Yahoo email Sushchin was also employed by Russian investment bank
accounts had been hacked in August 2013 Renaissance Capital, the institution that paid former
President Bill Clinton a half-million dollars for a single
speech in Moscow in June 2010, when his wife was
Obama’s secretary of state.

Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at State, regularly

forwarded work emails to her personal
[email protected] address, government officials

“She would use these accounts if her

(State) account was down or if she needed
(National Sentinel) Criminal Negligence: Hillary
to print an email or document. Abedin
Clinton’s former top aide at the State Department, Huma
further explained that it was difficult to print
Abedin, forwarded government email account passwords
from the DoS system so she routinely
to her private unsecured Yahoo account before it was
forwarded emails to her non-DoS accounts
eventually hacked by foreign powers including Russia.
so she could more easily print,” noted an
FBI report.
As reported by The Daily Caller‘s Luke Rosiak, an
analysis of Abedin’s emails released by the State
She sent passwords for her government laptop to her
Department to government watchdog Judicial Watch last
Yahoo account on Aug. 24, 2009, according to an email
week found that Abedin regularly used her personal email
released by the State Department in September 2017.
provider to conduct sensitive State Department work.

CNN/Money reported in October that all Yahoo email

accounts had been hacked in August 2013. Yahoo was also
hit by another hack in 2014 believed to be separate from
the 2013 hack and thought to have affected 500 million
users, the network added.

“This guarantees that an account with high-

level correspondence in Clinton’s State
Department was impacted by one or more
of a series of breaches — at least one of
which was perpetrated by a ‘state-
sponsored actor,'” Rosiak reported.

U.S. officials later charged Russian intelligence agent Igor

Sushchin with hacking the 500 million accounts, he added.
The 2014 hack allowed Sushchin and his associated to gain The Daily Caller noted further:
access to accounts in subsequent years — 2015 and 2016
— by using fake cookies. Long-time Clinton confidante Sid Blumenthal sent Clinton
an email in July 2009 with the subject line:
“Important. Not for circulation. You only. online. Five days later, Rosiak reported, Abedin forwarded
Sid.” The email began “CONFIDENTIAL… sensitive email to her Yahoo account.
Re: Moscow Summit.” Abedin forwarded
the email to her Yahoo address, potentially It seems clear that the Justice Department and FBI knew
making it visible to hackers. that Abedin and Clinton were essentially trafficking in
sensitive materials via unsecured channels, but no charges
That email was deemed by government investigators as too were ever filed.
sensitive to release to the public under Freedom of
Information Act guidelines, so it was heavily redacted Clinton said on Oct. 9, 2016, at the second presidential
before being turned over to Judicial Watch. debate with then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump,

The released copy says “After a year-long investigation, there is no

evidence that anyone hacked the server I
“Classified by DAS/ A/GIS, DoS on was using and there is no evidence that
10/30/2015 Class: Confidential.” The anyone can point to at all, anyone who
unredacted portion reads: “I have heard says otherwise has no basis, that any
authoritatively from Bill Drozdiak, who is in classified materials ended up in the wrong
Berlin…. We should expect that the hands. I take classified materials very
Germans and Russians will now cut their seriously and always have.”
own separate deals on energy, regional
security, etc.” But that is not consistent with FBI findings. Abedin’s use
of her private Yahoo account fits with the bureau’s
In March 2009, Clinton forwarded an email to Abedin assessment that her account, and those of others involved,
from Denis McDonough, a foreign policy advisor to were indeed compromised.
Obama’s campaign and later his chief of staff, marked
“Ambassadors.” It, too, was heavily redacted before being “We do assess that hostile actors gained
released to Judicial Watch. access to the private email accounts of
individuals with whom Secretary Clinton
As Abedin continued to use her Yahoo account to conduct
was in regular contact from her private
sensitive work, media reports noted how poor Yahoo’s
email security was. A July 2012 CNN article reported that account,” then-FBI director Jim Comey
credentials to 450,000 Yahoo accounts had been posted said in 2016.

“Justice” For Trump? DoJ, FBI Staffers
And Agents Gave Money To Hillary Clinton EVERY
DAY Of Her 2016 Campaign
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, January 02, 2018

to influence the government. Beginning

June 1, 2016, she made a small
contribution to Hillary Clinton every few
days — right through the November 8

She made average contributions of $15.90, which in sum

amounted to $1,177 — a fraction of the $1.2 billion
Clinton raised and spent. However, Berthrong

“was not unique among DoJ and FBI

employees in making dozens of small
Supporters of President Donald J. Trump, most of whom donations throughout the campaign,”
have long been convinced that there was no “collusion” Lifezette noted.
between his presidential campaign and “the Russians,”
regularly chafe at the fact that his own Justice Department A supervisory administrative officer in the FBI’s
appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to ‘investigate’ Washington field office, Lafayette Anderson, clicked the
the allegation. “donate” button 113 times beginning April 1, 2016, the site
reported. She contributed a total of $1,414. She often gave
What’s worse than Mueller’s appointment, they say, is two, and sometimes three, donations a day.
who he’s hiring to conduct the probe: As of August, the
long-time Deep State operative had hired eight confirmed They were far from the only ones: A total of 268 current
Democratic donors to conduct an investigation into a and former Department of Justice and FBI employees who
Republican president, and one who many in Washington are living in working just in the D.C. area made thousands
believe isn’t even legitimate to begin with. of contributions to Clinton during the campaign cycle. In
all, their donations total a combined $243,020, or just more
“I can say that the people that have been than half of the $416,375 she received from DoJ/FBI
hired are all Hillary Clinton supporters. employees nationwide. (Related: Mueller’s ‘pit bull’
Some of them worked for Hillary Clinton. I attorney literally attended Hillary Clinton’s election
mean the whole thing is ridiculous if you night party.)
want to know the truth, from that
standpoint,” Trump told Fox News in June, How did Trump’s donations stack up to those figures?
as reported by The Daily Caller. They were a shadow of what Clinton was getting from
Justice Department workers, agents, lawyers, and
Turns out the president’s concerns are not at all ill-placed. prosecutors. Just 61 DoJ/FBI employees gave to Trump for
That’s because, as Lifezette reports, the Department of a total of just $20,252. Trump, by comparison, spent
Justice and FBI swamps are full of Hillary donors. roughly half of Clinton’s $1.2 billion total to win the
November 2016 contest.
In fact, there are so many of them that a DoJ or FBI
employee or agent donated to her campaign every single Granted, the Clinton and Trump donors who gave
day of her failed 2016 campaign: represent less than 3 percent of the 113,000 people
employed by the Justice Department and FBI. However,
Lifezette noted, the actual donor total will never be known
Sherri Berthrong retired as a lawyer after
because they aren’t required to disclose who they work for.
37 years at the Department of Justice
(DOJ) in 2015, but that didn’t end her ability
That said, think of the disparate figures in this way: Not how is President Trump supposed to get a
every voter is polled on important questions of the day, fair shake from a lion’s den of political
just a fraction of the country is, and the ‘overall’ findings opposition?
of the poll are then extrapolated from that small
percentage. Here’s another thought. As president, Trump makes
policies that the federal bureaucracy — these two agencies
If we extrapolate the small number of donors who gave to included — are expected to carry out. Do you think there
both candidates, we can deduce, logically, that both the is going to be more or less slow-walking or ignoring of
FBI and the Department of Justice are replete with Trump’s policies at DoJ and the FBI, given the radical
Democratic voters, donors, and supporters. difference in political donations?

And while Americans are obviously free to vote for and

support whomever they choose,

ABC Spends Last Day Of 2017 Wailing
About Trump’s Threat To First Amendment
By Scott Whitlock
January 2, 2018 1:27 PM EST

ABC on Sunday spent the final day of 2017 whining about authority. The First Amendment, that democracy rests on a
the term “fake news” and insisting that Donald Trump is a free press. And it is just — he’s just made it easy now to
threat to the First Amendment. With no mention of the damp down one of the pillars of democracy.
network’s demonstrably fake reporting, This Week guest
host Martha Raddatz complained, “There was an attack Over on CNN, Sunday, Brian Stelter wondered, “What is
on the media, on the First Amendment that we have not fake news?” Guest John Avlon, unsurprisingly, blamed
seen before, really, in this country... and the profound others for being partisan:
effect that can have. This is a President, as you know well,
who likes attention from the media. On the other hand, he
Hyper-partisan news sites that have explicit agendas that
calls us fake news.”
go well beyond The National Reviews and Weekly
Standards or Mother Jones that have a forthright
USA Today’s Susan Page responded by lamenting, “Well, philosophy. These are places that are viewing political
I’m very concerned as a citizen that a lot of Americans no debate as a form of war and sometimes they function as
longer trust the mainstream news media to be telling them propagandists and there are no rules in this. They are ugly
the truth.” Again, there was no mention of the fact that and they will unleash forces against critics in any way,
ABC had to suspend correspondent Brian Ross for shape or form.
incorrectly reporting that candidate Donald Trump
instructed Michael Flynn to make contact with Russian For more examples of fake news in 2017, go here.
A partial transcript of the ABC segment is below:

Ross is now barred from reporting on Trump. (This is the

same guy who falsely linked a mass killer to the Tea This Week
Party.) Instead of showing any sort of humility over the 1/2/18
profession's botched reporting, fellow panelist Mary 9:41am
Jordan of the Washington Post blamed Trump for tearing
down “one of the pillars of democracy.” RADDATZ: And Susan, I want to — I want to expand to the First
Amendment. I -- I sort of don’t like to talk about the media and —
I think the global effect of the president of the United and it’s all about us. But there was an attack on the media, on
States talking about fake news of -- when stories that he the First Amendment that we have not seen before, really, in this
doesn’t like is dangerous. There are 262 journalists in jail country. And -- and the profound effect that can have. This is a
around the world now by despots and authoritarian figures. President, as you know well, who likes attention from the media.
The crime, for some, fake news. So when in Egypt and On the other hand, he calls us fake news. What do you think the
China and Myanmar and in other countries, leaders don’t lasting effect of this is?
like stories about corruption, about extrajudicial killings,
what do they do? They jail them. We used to be the moral

PAGE: Well, I’m very concerned as a citizen that a lot of MARY JORDAN (national correspondent, Washington Post): I
Americans no longer trust the mainstream news media to be think the global effect of the president of the United States talking
telling them the truth. Because we can disagree on what policies about fake news of -- when stories that he doesn’t like is
make sense, but we need to agree on what we think is actually dangerous. There are 262 journalists in jail around the world now
happening. And I also think something to watch in 2018 are by despots and authoritarian figures. The crime, for some, fake
Justice Department investigations into leaks and whether that news. So when in Egypt and China and Myanmar and in other
goes further than just rhetoric in terms of having a chilling effect countries, leaders don’t like stories about corruption, about
on journalism’s ability to hold to accountable people in power. extrajudicial killings, what do they do? They jail them. We used to
be the moral authority. The First Amendment, that democracy
RADDATZ: And Mary, you’ve spent a good deal of time -- one rests on a free press. And it is just — he’s just made it easy now
second, Perry. You’ve spent a good deal of time traveling around to damp down one of the pillars of democracy.
the world, being based around the world. The rest of the world
viewing fake news.

Wikileaks Smacks Down Former Hillary Clinton Advisor
‘Russia Was Not A Wikileaks Source’; ‘Deal With It’
By Cristina Laila
January 2, 2018

Tanden also tweeted,

Former Hillary Clinton advisor Neera
Tanden took to her Twitter account to “One good thing about 2017 is we learned in
cry once again about the Trump-Russia detail of the collusion between the Trump
hoax. campaign and Russia. The question before us
now is criminal conspiracy.”
Donald Trump won the presidential election
over a year ago and these mentally
deranged liberals just can’t accept it so they
keep pushing the big lie.

Of course both tweets by Tanden are full of lies, but when

has the truth ever mattered the Democrats?

The FBI STILL hasn’t inspected the DNC’s servers to see

if they were hacked at all and by whom. Why? What are
the Democrats hiding? The truth.
Tanden got a surprise because WikiLeaks absolutely
destroyed her with a wicked comeback.
Wikileaks Task Force smacked down Tanden in a tweet
that went viral.”1. It was DNC & MSM who promoted
WikiLeaks Task Force was created to correct Trump as “pied piper” GOP candidate. Own it. 2. Russia
misinformation about WikiLeaks and they wasted no time was not @wikileaks source. Deal with it. 3. Your giant
scolding Hillary Clinton’s former advisor after she spread #nothingburger is still not a logical argument. Stop it.”
lies about WikiLeaks and Russia.

Former Hillary Clinton advisor Neera Tanden tweeted


“Would Trump have won without Russia’s help?

Wikileaks was THE negative drumbeat of the
last month against Hillary. We don’t really know
but seems legit answer to say no.”

Founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange has repeatedly

denied Russia as a source.

Sean Hannity spoke with founder and editor-in-chief of

WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, on his radio show is
December of 2016 to clear up the source of the DNC hack.

When Hannity asked him if the Russian government was “Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-
the source of the hack, Assange said the following: unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich
and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds
Julian Assange: “Our source is not the to her office window so snipers could not see
Russian government.“ her and installing surveillance cameras at her
home,” writes Philip Rucker of the Washington
Sean Hannity: “So in other words, let me be
clear, Russia did not give you the Podesta
documents or anything from the DNC?” If Seth Rich’s murder was just a random
mugging in the middle of the nightas the
Democrats and media suggest — Why was
Julian Assange: “That’s correct.”
Donna Brazile in fear for her life?
WikiLeaks has an 11 year flawless history of
releasing authentic information.

For the record, Assange made a similar

statement back on November 3rd in 2016
before the election.

But the mainstream media refuses to listen to him!

Another unsolved mystery–the death of former DNC

staffer Seth Rich.

On July 10, 2016, 27 year-old DNC staffer Seth Conrad The Russian collusion hoax was completely fabricated by
Rich was murdered in Washington DC about a block from Hillary Clinton and her cronies. Her dirtiest political trick
his apartment. The killer or killers took nothing from their to date is the multi-million garbage dossier which was used
victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone. by the FBI and most likely prompted a FISA warrant to
spy on her political opponent.
Shortly after Rich’s murder, Hillary’s campaign chairman
John Podesta’s DNC emails were scattered throughout the Since she lost the presidential election, the dossier was
internet via WikiLeaks. then used to prompt a Special Counsel to investigate
Donald Trump for a crime that has yet to be named.
Eyebrows were raised once again when former interim
Chairwoman of the DNC Donna Brazile said Seth Rich’s
murder haunted her.

Wikileaks Denies Russia As Source
In Response To Head Of John Podesta Think Tank
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/02/2018 - 17:40

Wikileaks has once again denied that Russia was their

source of leaked emails published during the 2016
election. In a Monday reply to Neera Tanden, former
Hillary Clinton advisor and President of the Center for
American Progress - a liberal think tank founded by John
Podesta, the WikiLeaks Task Force tweeted "2. Russia was
not @wikileaks source. Deal with it."

The WikiLeaks Task Force twitter account is

described as an "Official @WikiLeaks support
account," which exists to "Correct
misinformation about #WikiLeaks, amplify
our publications."

While Julian Assange has previously denied Russia as While the US intelligence community is apparently
their source, sticking to the Russia narrative, President Trump
definitively hedged his opinion on WikiLeaks' source. At a
this is the first explicit admission by the July 2017 press conference before a scheduled meeting
organization in print regarding Kremlin with Vladimir Putin, President Trump fielded questions
involvement in leaked emails published about whether he accepts the U.S. intelligence
during the 2016 US presidential election. community’s verdict that Russia interfered in the 2016
election in a bid to help him defeat Democratic rival
Hillary Clinton.
HANNITY: Can you say to the American
people, unequivocally, that you did not get this
information about the DNC, John Podesta's Trump responded that others might have been culpable, in
emails, can you tell the American people 1,000 addition from Russia.
percent that you did not get it from Russia or
anybody associated with Russia? "I think it was Russia and I think it could
have been other people and other
JULIAN ASSANGE: Yes. We can say, we have countries,” Mr. Trump said. “A lot of people
said, repeatedly that over the last two months interfered. I think it’s been happening for a
that our source is not the Russian government long time.”
and it is not a state party.

Trump also said the U.S. intelligence community has made Her application to renew an expired visa has
mistakes in the past and its judgment is open to question. been stuck in mysterious bureaucratic limbo
As he has done in the past when discussing Russian since 2014.
In an age when British popstars with any sort of US
he mentioned the U.S. invasion of Iraq in fanbase are routinely granted permission to work in
2003. America, her two-year hobbling seems unconventional.

Intelligence assessments claiming that Iraq possessed “Obviously what’s happening to me is very
weapons of mass destruction turned out to be inaccurate. deliberate,” she says. “I don’t know who’s
doing it, it’s like fucking playing Cluedo.”
“I remember listening about Iraq,” Trump
said. He added: “Nobody really knows. In general, though, she does not pitch her suspicions
Nobody really knows for sure.” small.

The WikiLeaks Task Force tweet comes on the heels of a “On paper I’ve supported WikiLeaks and
cryptic 3AM (London time) tweet by Julian Assange stuff. And now Hillary Clinton is running for
containing a 60-character code and an embedded link to president. And until that’s solved I might
the MIA music video "Paper Planes." have a problem, because anyone who ever
associated with that website is going to get
fucked up. Even if you delivered [WikiLeaks]
their takeaway, you are going to be on a list.
Do you know what I mean?”

I ask her if she ever worries she’s paranoid and she replies,
smartly, that in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s
revelations about the NSA it’s wrong “to even use the
word ‘paranoia’ as if it’s a weird condition. Because it’s
common as a fucking cold now. Everyone has to have an
element of paranoia"

The Russia denial also follows several weeks of unsettling

activity involving WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. In mid-
December, Three hooded figures dressed in black broke
into the Madrid office of WikiLeaks lawyer Baltasar
Garzon in a dawn raid.

The intruders covered security cameras with

Several people speculated that the tweet signaled an
imminent new WikiLeaks document release, while others and there were no signs that anything was taken - however
suggested Assange was highlighting Maya Arulpragasam, police are analyzing Garzon's computer equipment to
MIA, for a reason. As The Guardian pointed out last fall, determine whether or not any files were taken or copied.
Arulpragasam has her own "Visa" issues with the United
States after her renewal application got mysteriously "They have not taken what they have been
delayed back in 2014 and has been stuck in limbo ever looking for,"
Garzon told El Periodico, and told Ser magazine that
a fact which she attributed to having his clients’ security “has not been affected,” and that the
"supported Wikileaks and stuff." people "acted very quickly."

There is a song on the new album called “Visa” that takes Hours after the break-in, Julian Assange
aim at American immigration policy, something tweeted a Jimmy Dore video which contains a
Arulpragasam unwillingly knows a lot about. clip of Assange strongly hinting that
murdered DNC IT staffer Seth Rich was their

two weeks after the US Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden
sent a cable detailing their concerns.

Meanwhile, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher travelled to

London in August with journalist Charles Johnson for a
meeting with Assange, where Rohrabacher said

the WikiLeaks founder offered "firsthand"

information proving that the Trump
campaign did not collude with Russia, and
which would refute the Russian hacking

After President Trump denied knowledge of the potential

deal, Rohrabacher raged at Trump's Chief of Staff, John
Seth Rich Kelly, for constructing a "wall" around President Trump
The next week, Julian Assange's twitter account was
mysteriously deactivated for several hours. "people who do not want to expose this
And as we reported yesterday, a document found on
convicted pedophile Anthony Weiner's laptop confirms the Perhaps Trump will take a blowtorch to the hornet's nest
the Obama administration was implicated in a plot to and pardon Assange in exchange for proof Russia wasn't
silence Julian Assange before the 2010 Swedish election - WikiLeaks' source, per the deal Rep. Rohrabacher brought
as an arrest warrant was issued for the WikiLeaks founder back from the Ecuadorian Embassy's longest-term resident.

With Hillary Clinton While She Was At State Dept.
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 2, 2018

“The players in the WikiLeaks email are The link in the tweet goes to a State Department site that
interesting” includes a full PDF file of the cable, which is here.

“The players in the WikiLeaks email are

interesting. Scott Shane is the national
security reporter for the Times. And the
recipient of his email, Philip Crowley, was
at the time the United States Assistant
Secretary of State for Public Affairs under
Clinton’s State Department,” The Daily
Wire reported.

(National Sentinel) Deep State: Whistleblower web site Political observers said that the tip-off was meant to give
WikiLeaks overnight tweeted what appears to be Clinton and the State Department time to come up with
irrefutable proof that at least one correspondent at The responses to stories that put her and the agency in a bad
New York Times was colluding with then-Secretary of light.
State Hillary Clinton to update her in advance about stories
the paper was preparing to run.
“Or, in another possible scenario, the
heads up could give the State Department
The tweet comes after the Times on Monday published time to create a diversion for the same day,
what critics say was another “hit piece” on Republicans thus overriding a damaging story with other
headlined, “Republican Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. news its friends in the mainstream media
Open New Rift in GOP.” would happily cover instead,” The Daily
Wire noted further.

Late last week the State Department released 2,800 emails

sought in a FOIA lawsuit by government watchdog
Judicial Watch that came from a laptop computer
belonging to former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, the
estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

At least five of those emails contained classified

information marked “confidential.” The Daily Mail noted
that the confidential classification level is given to
information in which unauthorized disclosure “reasonably
could be expected to cause damage to national security.”

‘This Is Your Brain On Drugs.’ Chelsea Handler’s Dig At
Trump’s Brain Mind-Blowingly BACKFIRES
By Sam J.
Posted At 12:23 Pm On January 2, 2018

There are a few things Chelsea Handler should avoid while

making digs at Trump or anyone else for that matter.
Oh, the irony of Handler accusing anyone else of having
‘sh*t for brains.’
That’s too much to ask of any president.

And whatever could Trump have tweeted that so enraged

Put down the Twitter, Chelsea.

She seriously set herself up for this.

You know, those ones?

Suggesting she read a book?! Oppressor!

Maybe that will be her next show, “Crazy old woman yells
at a wall.
Would look a lot like her Twitter feed.

And to think, she supposedly gave up her show to be a

political activist.
We’re starting to think she chose poorly.

Trump To DOJ: ‘JAIL!’ To Abedin, Comey;
Calls On ‘DEEP STATE’ Justice Dept. To ACT
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 2, 2018

Trump appeared to be suggesting that a double standard Fox News reported further:
was being employed against the sailor and Hillary Clinton,
Abedin and others The president’s tweet comes after the State
Department, in a Friday news dump,
released a batch of emails from Abedin’s
account that were discovered by the FBI on
a laptop belonging to her estranged
husband, Anthony Weiner. At least four of
the documents were marked “classified.”

As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, the group Judicial

Watch had filed suit to obtain the documents from the
State Department. The group’s president, Tom Fitton,
speculated in October that the laptop likely contained
(National Sentinel) Justice Deserved: President Donald J.
classified information.
Trump on Tuesday slammed “Crooked Hillary” aide Huma
Abedin and appeared to call on the “Deep State” Justice
Department to act following new revelations she may have At least five emails determined to be classified were found
mishandled classified emails. among 2,800 documents stored on a laptop belonging to
Anthony Weiner, whose then-wife Huma Abedin was
deputy chief of staff to then-Secretary of State Hillary
“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma
Abedin, has been accused of disregarding
basic security protocols. She put Classified
The State Department released its documents Friday
Passwords into the hands of foreign afternoon. They included eight pages that were classified
agents. Remember sailors pictures on the at the “confidential level,” the third-most sensitive level
submarine? Jail!” Trump tweeted early established by the U.S. government.
Tuesday. “Deep State Justice Dept must
finally act? Also on Comey & others.” In addition, Abedin forwarded classified emails to her
Yahoo account, reports noted Tuesday. All Yahoo
accounts were hacked in 2013 by Russian state actors,
according to a CNN/Money report.

Comey exonerated Clinton in July 2016 despite the fact

that FBI agents had discovered evidence she mishandled
classified information. He reopened the case in late
October after agents found classified emails on a laptop
belonging to Abedin’s now-estranged husband, former
U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Comey told lawmakers during a congressional hearing

The president was making a reference to U.S. Navy sailor earlier this year that he believed Abedin forwarded emails
Kristian Saucier who was jailed after taking unauthorized
to Weiner for him to print out so that she could give them
cell phone photos inside a nuclear submarine. Trump
appeared to be suggesting that a double standard was being to Clinton.
employed against the sailor and Hillary Clinton, Abedin
and others involved in mishandling classified data.
Boom! POTUS Trump Tweets Rocket Man Kim Jong Un:
“I Too Have A Nuclear Button, But It Is Much Bigger…
And My Button Works!”
By Jim Hoft
January 2, 2018

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the

“Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone
from his depleted and food starved regime please inform
him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much
bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button

On Monday North Korean communist tyrant Kim Jong

Un declared North Korea a “nuclear power”.

Little Rocket Man added that he has a “nuclear button on

his desk.”

On Tuesday President Donald Trump responded to

little rocket man.

NY Times In Full COVER-UP Mode To Help DEMS Save
Their ‘Trump-Russia Collusion’ Narrative As House Closes
In On FBI’s Improper Use Of ‘Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 2, 2018

“[N]ow, with the Page foundation of the campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National
collusion narrative collapsing, and with the Committee.
heat on over the Obama administration’s
use of the dossier, it is apparently Republicans in Congress, and in particular House
Papadopoulos to the rescue” Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes of
California, increasing believe that the FBI used the dossier
as a quasi-intelligence document to obtain the FISA
warrant without ever the dossier’s salacious claims of

“[I]t turns out the Page angle and thus the

collusion narrative itself is beset by an
Obama-administration scandal: Slowly but
surely, it has emerged that the Justice
Department and FBI very likely targeted
(National Sentinel) Deep State Corruption: A report over Page because of the Steele dossier, a
the New Year’s holiday weekend by The New York Times Clinton-campaign opposition-research
claiming that a once-minor figure in the presidential screed disguised as intelligence reporting,”
campaign of President Donald J. Trump is really McCarthy wrote.
responsible for the FBI’s counterintelligence probe of
Team Trump is getting pushback from a former Justice “Increasingly, it appears that the Bureau
Dept. prosecutor who says the story sounds like political failed to verify Steele’s allegations before
cover for Democrats. the DOJ used some of them to bolster an
application for a spying warrant from the
FISA court.”
Andrew McCarthy, writing in National Review Online,
said that the paper is attempting to save the “Trump-Russia
collusion” narrative with “Collusion 2.0,” “in which it is He’s not the only one who thinks so. House Judiciary
George Papadopoulos — then a 28-year-old whose idea of Committee member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said the
résumé enhancement was to feign participation in the same thing last month.
Model U.N. — who triggered the FBI’s massive probe
by . . . wait for it . . . a night of boozy blather in London.” “The easiest way to clear it up is tell us
what’s in that application and who took it
The Times initially claimed in an April 2017 piece that there,” Jordan said in an interview following
former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page triggered the the committee’s attempt to get an answer
FBI’s counterintelligence probe after a June 2016 visit to to that question from senior FBI and Justice
Moscow. The FBI reportedly obtained a warrant from the Department officials.
secretive FISA court in order to launch surveillance of the
entire Trump campaign a few months before the It is due to the persistence of Nunes and Republicans that
November 2016 election. the dossier story won’t go away, McCarthy said,
prompting the need for Democrats and their allies in the
But, as McCarthy noted in his column, the change of media to craft another version of the Trump-Russia
narrative appears to be linked to ongoing revelations collusion narrative, to deflect attention away from the
surrounding the now-infamous “Trump dossier,” a piece of possible misuse of the document.
opposition research commissioned by a Democrat-leaning
firm, Fusion GPS, and paid for in large part by the McCarthy noted further:
First, we were led to believe the dossier George Papadopoulos” never appeared in the report about
was no big deal because the FBI would Page.
surely have corroborated any information
before the DOJ fed it to a federal judge in a “It is an explosive problem, this use of the
warrant application. Then, when the Clinton dossier by the Obama Justice Department
campaign’s role in commissioning the and the FBI in an application to the FISA
dossier came to light, we were told it was court for authority to spy on Trump’s
impertinent to ask about what the FBI did, if associates. Politically, it suggests that the
anything, to corroborate it since this could collusion narrative peddled by Democrats
imperil intelligence methods and sources and the media since Trump’s victory in the
— and, besides, such questions were just a November election was substantially driven
distraction from the all-important Mueller by partisan propaganda,” wrote McCarthy.
investigation (which the dossier had a hand
in instigating and which, to date, has turned
He also said there were legal implications for the misuse of
up no evidence of a Trump-Russia the dossier.
Lately, the story has morphed into this: “Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities
Well, even if the dossier was used, it was that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify
only used a little — there simply must have the claims in the dossier before using them
been lots of other evidence that Trump was in an application to the secret federal court;
in cahoots with Putin. But that’s not going and (b) the Justice Department of the then-
to fly: Putting aside the dearth of collusion incumbent Democratic administration did
evidence after well over a year of not disclose to the court that the dossier
aggressive investigation, the dossier is was produced by the Democratic
partisan propaganda. If it was not presidential campaign for use against the
adequately corroborated by the FBI, and if rival Republican candidate,” he wrote.
the Justice Department, without disclosing
its provenance to the court, nevertheless
CNN reported in April 2017 that the FBI did indeed use the
relied on any part of it in a FISA
dossier to obtain the FISA warrant.
application, that is a major problem.
“[N]ow, with the Page foundation of the
The Times assigned a half-dozen top reporters and a
collusion narrative collapsing, and with the
researcher to the Page story, the former federal prosecutor
heat on over the Obama administration’s
noted, which meant the paper gave the story top priority.
use of the dossier, it is apparently
He noted further that despite the effort the paper put into
Papadopoulos to the rescue,” McCarthy
the story, which allegedly included information gleaned
from several insider sources, “the name

WOW! Devin Nunes May Interview
Robert Mueller Over Clinton-Uranium One Scandal
By Joshua Caplan
January 2, 2018

During his remarks at David Horowitz’s month later, on May 17th, Rosenstein appointed a special
Restoration Weekend 2017 back in counsel and appointed his old friend from the Federal
November, Intelligence Chairman Devin Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Robert Mueller.
Nunes dropped a bomb that few, if any,
Prior to the Obama administration approving the very
caught in the media.
controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s
The California Congressman told the audience that he Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear
will interview Robert Mueller if the special counsel was industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks,
involved in the Clinton-Uranium One deal. extortion and money laundering in order to benefit
Vladimir Putin.
The FBI approved the deal anyway.
And previously Rep. Louie Gohmert dropped the bomb
that Rosenstein and Mueller were the ones who allowed
the Uranium One deal to go forward.
Here is Louie from After the Bell.
Rep. Gohmert: One of the things that was most shocking
was that a guy named Rosenstein, if that name sounds
familiar, since he appointed Mueller (to lead Special
Counsel on Trump) he was the guy that actually helped
When asked by an audience member what his thoughts sign documents that got the whole thing, the original
were on Mueller’s alleged role in the Clinton-Uranium cover-up done by sealing documents back early in the
One deal, Nunes had this to say: Obama administration so that Hillary could go through and
NUNES: Trey Gowdy, rightfully so, wants to methodically make mega-millions…
go through this, so the answer to Mueller, if he has …The blockbuster line now here is that he (Mueller) and
involvement in it, we’re going to interview him. I mean, Rosenstein had to be involved in him being the Special
that’s the bottom line. Counsel now because now we know he needed to cover
up the fact that him and Rosenstein covered up the first
Via After the Bell:

What’s interesting about Nunes’ statement is that Mueller

appears to have approved the deal, says
Congressman Louie Gohmert.
On April 25th, 2017, Rod Rosenstein was confirmed to
be deputy attorney general by a vote of 94-6 in the Senate
and on April 26th he was sworn in. Then less than a

Trump Suggests Cutting Aid To Palestine
After 'Taking Jerusalem Off The Table'
Published Time: 2 Jan, 2018 22:58 Edited Time: 3 Jan, 2018 08:24

Trump's tweets came just hours after US ambassador to the

UN, Nikki Haley, announced presidential intentions to
punish the Palestinians over their refusal to hold
negotiations with Israel.

"The President has basically said that he

doesn’t want to give any additional
funding... until the Palestinians are
agreeing to come back to the negotiating
table,” Haley said on Tuesday in New York.
"We're trying to move for a peace process,
© Mohamad Torokman / Reuters but if that doesn't happen, the president is
not going to continue to fund that situation."
US President Donald Trump has suggested the US should
halt aid to the Palestinian Authority, accusing the
Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the US has been among the
Palestinians of being “no longer willing to talk peace” with major donors to the Palestinian Authority (PA), created to
Israel. manage limited self-governance in parts of the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip. The goal of the aid was to stimulate
After announcing that the US would halt aid to Pakistan economic growth in Palestinian territories and build public
because Islamabad is “not doing enough” to combat support for negotiations with Israel.
terrorism, Trump followed up with tweets that the US is
getting “no appreciation or respect” from the Palestinians In 2011, when Washington threatened to cut off the aid
though it sends “hundreds of millions of dollars” a year. because the PA was negotiating a unity government with
Hamas ‒ considered a terrorist group by both the US and
“They don’t even want to negotiate a long Israel ‒ the PA said it was willing to give up the funding.
overdue peace treaty with Israel,” Trump
wrote. “Palestinians need American money, but if
“We have taken Jerusalem, the toughest they use it as a way of pressuring us, we
part of the negotiation, off the table,” he are ready to relinquish that aid,” a
added. “But with the Palestinians no longer spokesman for PA President Mahmoud
willing to talk peace, why should we make Abbas said at the time.
any of these massive future payments to
them?” Last month, Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as
Israel’s capital and ordered the US embassy to relocate
there. Congress passed a law in 1995 ordering the
embassy’s relocation, but every president since has signed
a waiver delaying its implementation.

Jerusalem was divided between Israel and Jordan under the

1949 armistice, and has been entirely controlled by Israel
since June 1967. The UN has not recognized Israel’s
annexation of the city, and the Palestinians continue to
claim the eastern half of Jerusalem as the capital of their
future state.

‘Constitutional Crisis’: Deep State Versus Donald Trump,
Administration Over Transgender Individuals In Military
By Matthew Boyle
2 Jan 2018

Perhaps most importantly, it sets up a potential

constitutional crisis, George Rasley of Richard Viguerie’s
ConservativeHQ told Breitbart News.

“The judge’s order directing President

Trump to enlist transgenders into the
military is a constitutional crisis of the first
order,” Rasley said in an email. “From
usurping the administration’s immigration
powers to the powers of the commander in
chief, federal judges have attempted coup
after coup against Donald Trump. If the
President and his lawyers do not fight back
more aggressively there will be no
presidential power that these left wing
judges will not attempt the seize for
The left and media are presenting a themselves.”
decision by elements of the Trump
administration to not pursue an Shocking many conservatives and Trump supporters, the
immediate stay in court as a win by Department of Justice—and Department of Defense—did
LGBTQ forces seeking to force not seek a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court, which will
President Donald Trump, America’s likely eventually hear the case, and perhaps grant a stay
Commander-in-Chief, to accept nullifying the lower court’s block while the legal process
transgender recruits into the U.S. plays itself out. That decision appears to be a questionable
military. one, and many conservatives and Trump supporters are
baffled at why the Trump administration’s DOJ would not
But it might not be as big a win as they would have hoped step forward and press this issue right this second.
for, as conservative forces rally behind the president with a
variety of plans to crush the short-term leftist victory— Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness said
though it does remain to be seen if the administration’s in a lengthy statement issued Tuesday:
various departments responsible, primarily Justice and
Defense, will follow through on efforts to get Trump
Under Article III of the U.S. Constitution,
another win.
the federal courts have no authority to
make policy regarding the military. The
As of Jan. 2, thanks to lower court rulings blocking Department of Justice (DoJ) should have
implementation of President Trump’s directive to the protected the constitutional rights of
Department of Defense, transgender individuals can President Donald J. Trump by filing an
legally enlist in the U.S. military. That is in direct emergency appeal with the Supreme Court
contravention of an order the Commander-in-Chief handed immediately after the District of Columbia
down to Defense Secretary James Mattis back in August, and Fourth Circuit Courts of Appeals
one that has been challenged in court and blocked by a denied requests for stays of lower court
district judge by a preliminary injunction while the case is preliminary injunctions. The issue is not the
ongoing. On appeal, two U.S. courts of appeals—the military transgender policy alone, but who
Fourth Circuit and the D.C. Circuit—upheld two lower gets to decide what the policy will be. By
courts’ preliminary injunctions, blocking Trump’s failing to petition the Supreme Court to stay
transgender ban on military enlistment. the lower court orders, the DoJ has tacitly

conceded that federal judges can make In other words:
military policy and establish medical
standards for enlistments. According to DOJ lawyers are just like the lawyers for
Reuters, a Justice Department official who their clients, trying to formulate a legal
requested anonymity noted that the strategy that they think will win their clients’
Defense Department has set up a ‘study’ to case. But, by no means has the DOJ
review the issue. Rather than litigate this abandoned the case—and it is still fighting
interim appeal before that occurs, the to defend the legality of the president’s
administration has decided to wait for the directive.
DoD’s study and continue to defend the
president’s lawful authority in district court
Sources close to the matter and with direct knowledge tell
in the meantime. This is a lame excuse, Breitbart News that the issue came up at a National
making as much sense as the 2016 Trump
Security Council principals meeting on Tuesday—and the
Campaign allowing the Federal Election
senior-most officials in the Trump administration are
Commission to declare Hillary Clinton the
seeking a pathway forward to dealing with this matter.
winner of the presidential race early on
Sources close to the process have told Breitbart News that
Election Night, relying on vote counts
there may be a better option on the table for the president
coming in later to undo that result. The
if he wants to succeed here, and it involves a strategy laid
DoJ’s reported strategy might be plausible
out for him by several top conservative leaders.
IF the Defense Department ‘study’ in
question were truly fact-based and
objective, and IF the DoD had taken steps A letter sent to President Trump signed by various military
to provide conditional enlistment contracts and law enforcement conservative leaders, including
with transgender personnel who are President Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General Ed Meese,
recruited under the force of federal court lays out a new pathway forward for President Trump to
orders. Neither expectation has been met. block transgender individuals from serving in the military.

Chris Hull, an executive vice president of the Center for Meese and the other conservative leaders wrote to
Security Policy who previously served as chief of staff to President Trump before the New Year:
Rep. Steve King (R-IA), is similarly upset.
As you know, several district judges have
“These individuals suffer from a serious recently ordered the Department of
mental illness with suicide rates of up to Defense to begin enlisting individuals who
40%, which is eight times as high as the identify as transgender into the military on
rate among schizophrenics, who are barred January 2, 2018. These orders are not only
from military service,” Hull told Breitbart at odds with your directive of August 25,
News. “We already have a problem with 2017 to the Secretary of Defense and, with
suicide in the military without actively respect to the Coast Guard, to the
recruiting those among the most likely to Secretary of Homeland Security precluding
die at their own hands.” such a change in policy. It is also a judicial
intrusion upon your exclusive authority as
Commander-in-Chief pursuant to Article II
But, per the Department of Justice, they are following the
of the Constitution and a dangerous affront
instructions of the Department of Defense and the White
to your responsibility to determine the
House. The Pentagon is, per the DOJ, working on a new
make-up and disposition of the nation’s
study on the matter—and things are on hold until then and
armed forces. Unfortunately, this is not the
until the next stages of litigation.
only example of unacceptable
infringements on your presidential powers.
“The Department of Defense has Courts have been eager to strike down
announced that it will be releasing an your immigration-related executive orders
independent study of these issues in the with politically-motivated rulings. Moreover,
coming weeks,” DOJ spokeswoman Sarah as Bloomberg reported yesterday in a news
Isgur Flores told Breitbart News. “So rather report headlined, ‘Washington Bureaucrats
than litigate this interim appeal before that Are Quietly Working to Undermine Trump’s
occurs, the administration has decided to Agenda,’ others in the government have
wait for DOD’s study and will continue to been emboldened to subvert your
defend the President’s and Secretary of administration and policies. We believe
Defense’s lawful authority in district court in strongly that your decision to prevent
the meantime.” additional enlistments of individuals who
identify as transgender in the U.S. armed
forces is fully justified in light of the grave will make its way through the court system—from the
harm such a policy change would portend district court level all the way up through the appeals court
for the readiness, morale, unit cohesion to the Supreme Court if necessary. Their enlistment
and funding challenges facing our military. contracts would include specific provisions that they may
In addition, it would be a most dangerous not avail themselves of sex-change surgeries or other
precedent to have the judiciary interjecting expensive medical options at taxpayer expense during this
itself into your exclusive, constitutional time, and that they will immediately be discharged from
command authority and responsibility to the military if and when the administration prevails in
create a right to serve where there is none court. Doing it this way, as well, allows time for the
– let alone extending that right to people Department of Justice to build its case out with evidence at
whose medical condition and requirements the district court level—evidence that will eventually be
are, as a practical matter, incompatible with considered in the very likely event that the U.S. Supreme
military service and a burden on an already Court eventually considers this case.
stressed military budget.
This order will likely be challenged as well. But by
They continued in the letter to President Trump by noting resetting the clock this way, a Supreme Court decision on
that there is a different pathway forward for him that the president’s policy would likely not come down before
would take the power away from activist judges attempting 2019, when it is very possible that the court will have one
to nullify his presidency, and allow him to move forward or two more conservative Justices in place of the
with implementation of his ban on transgender individuals potentially retiring Anthony Kennedy and the aging Ruth
enlisting in the U.S. military. The conservative leaders Bader Ginsburg.
wrote to President Trump:
In other words, Trump could sign a new order immediately
To allow this court order to stand, moreover, would be to with language close to what Meese and company are
invite the judiciary to trespass further on your executive suggesting very soon. Then, the same judges at both the
authority and the chain of command. Predictably, it would district court and appeals courts levels that blocked
also empower government employees to ignore Trump’s directive from implementation would predictably
presidential direction – with profound and adverse block this one. The new order would replace the old one—
implications for the Republic. In the interest of avoiding and this new one would become the focus of the court
such intolerable consequences and preventing avoidable case.
harm from being inflicted on the armed forces with the
initiation of enlistments of individuals who identify as Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the Justice Department
transgender, we recommend that you immediately issue a official responsible for preparing the DOJ’s legal strategy
new directive to the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland here, would then ask the Supreme Court for a stay on the
Security along the lines of the attached. It simply preserves lower court order blocking implementation—and by the
your authority and responsibility to establish accession time those actions have passed, no transgender individuals
standards for military service, pending the outcome of or at least very few would have gotten into the military and
ongoing litigation. the case would not be on the Supreme Court docket until
2019 rather than this year, in 2018.
In addition to Meese, the other signers of the letter include
retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, Center for Again, it all remains to be seen what President Trump, the
Security Policy President Frank Gaffney, Retired U.S. Air DOJ, and the Department of Defense do here in the end.
Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, Retired U.S. Navy The DOJ and White House have not responded to specific
Admiral James Lyons, and Elaine Donnelly from the requests for comment about this letter and plan. But the
Center for Military Readiness. fact that Meese, a former U.S. Attorney General for
President Reagan, is signed onto this letter lends
Taking this new action would supersede the old executive significant credibility to the idea that President Trump—
action. The draft text, also obtained by Breitbart News, who sources say has read their letter and is considering
would allow transgender individuals to serve in the their ideas—may move forward with such a strategy.
military only during the timeframe in which this court case

Witness: Russia Probe Grand Jury Looks Like ‘Bernie
Sanders Rally’ – Or A ‘Black Lives Matter Rally’
By Cristina Laila
January 2, 2018

“That room isn’t a room where POTUS gets a

According to a witness, the Russia witch hunt fair shake.”
Grand Jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders
rally or a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley. Not only is the Grand Jury completely bias and full of
liberal hacks who most likely hate President Trump,
11 out of 20 jurors are black; the only white male in the Mueller’s entire team of lawyers are Hillary/Obama
room was a prosecutor (Mueller was not present). donors.

It is way past time for the unconstitutional witch hunt to be

shut down.

We reported in August that Mueller’s entire team was full

of Trump haters. Here is a summary of the Mueller team –
(Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page has since been removed)

 Robert Mueller – Special Counsel Team leader. —

Best friend to fired leaker James Comey a key
witness in the case and cohort at the FBI in
assisting Mueller to enable the Clintons to get away
with their many crimes.
 Rush Atkinson, an attorney on detail from the Criminal
Division’s Fraud Section at the Department of Justice
— Donated $200 to Clinton in 2016
Page Six reported:  Peter Carr – DOJ spokesman under Barack Obama.
 Andrew Goldstein, a public corruption prosecutor on
“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie detail from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern
Sandersrally,” my source said. “Maybe they District of New York — Worked under Trump-basher
found these jurors in central casting, or at Preet Bharara in the liberal New York southern
a Black Lives Matterrally in Berkeley [Calif.]” district.
 Adam Jed, an appellate attorney on detail from DOJ’s
Civil Division. — Defended Obamacare at the DOJ.
Of the 20 jurors, 11 are African-Americans and
 Lisa Page, an attorney on detail from the FBI’s Office
two were wearing “peace T-shirts,” the witness
of the General Counsel and a former trial attorney with
said. “There was only one white male in the
the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang
room, and he was a prosecutor.” Mueller was
Section – Investigated Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry
not present
Firtash, a one-time business partner of former
Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, at the
[…] DOJ.
 Elizabeth Prelogar, an appellate attorney on detail
Sol Wachtler, the former chief judge in New York, once from the Office of the Solicitor General. -Fluent in
called for abolishing grand juries because they are so Russian; former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader
easily manipulated that they would “indict a ham Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.
sandwich.”  James Quarles, a former partner at WilmerHale and a
former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate
My source said, Special Prosecution Force. –Former assistant
special prosecutor on the Watergate Special
Prosecution Force.

 Jeannie Rhee, a former partner at WilmerHale who served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern
has served in the Office of Legal Counsel at DOJ and District of Virginia. — Worked with Robert Mueller at
as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of the WilmerHale firm.
Columbia. — Rhee is a Clinton Foundation  Aaron Zelinsky, an attorney on detail from the U.S.
Lawyer and former Deputy Assistant Attorney Attorney’s Office in the District of Maryland. —
General in the Office of Legal Counsel under Worked under Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein in
Barack Obama. Maryland.
 Brandon Van Grack, an attorney on detail from the  Zainab Ahmad, a top national security prosecutor on
Justice Department’s National Security Division. detail from U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District
— Led a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia of New York.
scrutinizing former Trump associate Michael  Michael Dreeben, an appellate attorney on detail from
Flynn’s foreign lobbying. the Office of the Solicitor General, described by former
 Andrew Weissmann, who is on detail from the colleagues as one of the brightest criminal law experts
Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and who has served of the past two generations.
as general counsel at the FBI and as an assistant U.S.
attorney for the Eastern District of New York. — SHUT IT DOWN.
Weissmann donated $2,300 to the Obama Victory
Fund in 2008, $2,000 to the DNC in 2006 and at
least $2,300 to the Clinton campaign in 2007. The Mueller ‘Russia’ investigation was built
on a foundation of lies and cost taxpayers
 Aaron Zebley, a former partner at WilmerHale who
$6.7 million within the first 5 months!
has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and has

President Donald Trump Recognized
As ‘Pro-Life Person Of The Year’ For 2017
By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
3 Jan 2018

Newman said that President Trump has had the courage to

keep promises made during the campaign that provide
greater protections for the pre-born and deny Federal funds
to those who commit abortions.

In explaining why its award went to Mr. Trump, Operation

Rescue highlighted eight specific accomplishments it
attributes to his presidency.

These achievements include naming Justice Neil Gorsuch

to the U.S. Supreme Court, denying public money to
abortion providers around the world, the Department of
Justice investigation into Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale
of baby parts, support for pro-life legislation, support for
the defunding of Planned Parenthood, his naming of pro-
life people to his administration, specific HHS pro-life
policies, and protections for conscientious objectors to the
One of the most prominent pro-life Obamacare HHS mandate.
groups in America has given its annual
award to President Donald Trump, “We are proud of President Trump and his bold
declaring him the 2017 “Pro-Life Person willingness to advance the cause of life,” Newman said.
of the Year.” “There are more battles ahead, but under the Trump
administration, we can now finally see progress within our
“Since Trump took office, he has accomplished more for government toward restoring the sanctity of life and the
the pro-life agenda than any other president,” according to protections of personhood to the pre-born.”
Operation Rescue, one of the most visible and effective
pro-life activist groups in the country. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)
lashed out at Operation Rescue for its decision, calling it
Operation Rescue gives its annual Malachi Award “to “an anti-choice extremist group with ties to domestic
recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance terrorism,” thereby signaling that the award had hit home.
the cause of protecting the pre-born,” their website states.
NARAL went on to describe pro-life Americans who work
The group’s president, Troy Newman, had high praise for for the protection of the unborn as Trump’s “extremist,
Mr. Trump, announcing that he “has proven to be the most fringe base.”
pro-life president we have had in modern history and has
backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other
before him.”

POTUS Trump’s Assistant Trolls CNN’s Brian Stelter For
Reporting Trump’s ‘Nuclear Button’ Tweet
For ‘Twitter Violation’
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
On Monday North Korean communist
tyrant Kim Jong Un declared North
Korea a “nuclear power”.
Little Rocket Man added that he has a
“nuclear button on his desk.”
On Tuesday President Donald Trump
responded to little rocket man.

Stelter called Trump’s behavior “madness” and tattled on

POTUS Trump to Twitter’s president.

“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just

stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his
desk at all times.” Will someone from his
depleted and food starved regime please
inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button,
but it is a much bigger & more powerful one
than his, and my Button works!”

President Trump’s assistant and Director of Social Media,

Dan Scavino trolled the heck outta Brian Stelter.

CNN’s Brian Stelter got triggered over President Trump’s “Carry on w/your night @BrianStelter.
tweet. While you would love nothing more than to
see a Twitter ToS Violation for handle:
@realDonaldTrump, you and all of your
liberal friends have NOTHING. Keep calling

Twitter�Stop trying to be the NEWS. Just And another one from Scavino…BOOM!
report the NEWS & try keeping it REAL!”

Stelter responded,
CNN, where lighting bongs, pushing botched Trump-
Russia collusion stories and tattling on the president for his
“Thanks Dan. I reached out to a Twitter
tweets is considered news.
spokesman, and he had no immediate
comment. More TK.”

‘This Is FAKE NEWS’: CNN Runs Globalist Sponsored
Propaganda Piece That Claims That The Deep State Is
NOT Real, No Conspiracy Against Trump
Alex Thomas
January 3rd, 2018

Robert Mueller aren’t personal friends and the Clinton

campaign never paid for RUSSIAN SOURCES to provide
disinformation on Trump.

The CNN propaganda piece reads:

President Donald Trump on Tuesday

escalated an extraordinary confrontation
with his own Justice Department,
suggesting it was part of a shady
government “deep state” conspiracy
Over the last two years elements of the deep state, along against him.
with their mainstream media allies, have waged a The explosive charge follows Trump’s
seemingly endless war on all things Donald Trump that, at repeated attacks on the FBI and agents
this point, simply cannot be denied. working with special counsel Robert
Mueller on the investigation into whether
From claiming that he had no chance of winning, to lying there was collusion between members of
about his beliefs, all the way to the sham Russia his presidential campaign and a Russian
investigation, it has become transparently clear that election meddling operation in 2016.
ingrained elements within the federal government, His assault, delivered via a tweet,
including the intelligence community, have worked against suggested that Trump is again chafing
Trump from the beginning and actually increased their against conventions that presidents
attacks after his stunning election victory. normally observe to maintain the
independence of judicial authorities and to
At each step, liberal news outlet CNN has been at the avoid the perception of political interference
forefront of this unprecedented attempt to take out the in the Justice Department and the FBI.
democratically elected president and long ago confirmed
the belief already held by many that they were specifically
out to get Donald Trump and his tens of millions of Tuesday’s outburst by the President also
supporters. sheds new light into his apparent belief in,
or willingness to perpetrate, the idea for
Now, in what can only be described as one of the most political reasons that there is a “deep state”
blatant propaganda pieces of all time, two CNN — a secret cabal of government and
“reporters” have outed themselves as nothing more than intelligence officials conspiring against him
deep state establishment puppets after publishing a “news” and his presidency.
report that not only claims that the deep state isn’t real but
also laughably implies that there has been no conspiracy to As I’ve been apt to say lately, you truly can’t make this
hurt President Trump whatsoever. stuff up folks! Keep in mind that it is a confirmed reality
that the deep state is real, a fact known LONG BEFORE
That’s right, according to CNN, high-level FBI officials Trump ever got into office or was a victim of an attack by
didn’t let Hillary Clinton off the hook. High-level FBI their puppets.
agents weren’t openly supporting Clinton while at the
same time setting up an “insurance policy” in the event Not happy to spread obvious disinformation in just one
that Donald Trump won the election. James Comey and piece, CNN also published another piece of transparent

garbage, this time by their publicly anti-Trump Editor Let’s be clear about all of this: The
Chris Cillizza in which he also laughably implies that the President of the United States is saying
deep state simply cannot be real. that the former FBI director, who he fired
and who could, as we speak, potentially be
“Deep State Justice Dept must finally act,” playing a central role in the special counsel
Trump tweets, suggesting that Abedin investigation into Russia’s attempted
belongs in jail and former FBI Director interference in the 2016 presidential
James Comey and “others” might too. election, is being protected by a secret
quasi-government that really controls
The idea of the “deep state” has long been things.
central to the beliefs of people like Breitbart
executive Steve Bannon and others in the
Cillizza also whines about the fact that the deep state and
conservative media.
elements of the FBI are finally being publicly exposed as if
Its basic tenet is that there is a sort of this is somehow a bad thing for the American people when
extra-judicial government being run in the in reality it actually only hurts the very people that Cillizza
shadows of the public-facing government serves.
— a so-called “deep state” that has as its
prime objective to maintain the status quo. What’s even more frightening than the
The “deep state” isn’t really partisan, it’s assumptions made in those presidential
more an agreement by the establishment to tweets is that plenty of people are changing
keep its hold on power for as long as their views of the FBI due to Trump’s
humanly possible. assault on the bureau and its one-time
CNN’s editor then goes on to list Trump’s supposed
crimes in which he literally lays out exactly what we In 2014, Gallup polling showed that 62% of
KNOW to be happening in reality and then claims that Republicans thought the FBI was doing an
only your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving would believe it. “excellent” or “good” job. In new Gallup
polling, that number among Republicans
has dipped to 49% — even as
Make no mistake, this is purposeful propaganda at its Republicans’ trust in other government
finest and is designed to LIE directly to the American agencies has soared since 2014.
people while covering up for those that truly run the world.
It’s almost impossible to accurately
describe how abnormal this sort of
Consider what’s being alleged here: That
behavior is from a president. In the past,
the Justice Department is refusing to
presidents went out of their way to build up
prosecute criminals — including the former
trust in the agencies and departments of
director of the FBI! — because the deep
the federal government, believing that
state is protecting those people.
strength in institutions — particularly those
That sounds a little off, right? Like, if your tasked with law enforcement — was
uncle spent 15 minutes at Christmas dinner critically important to a functioning and
bending your ear with that exact theory, healthy democracy.
you would ask your mom afterward: “What
is the deal with Uncle Harold?” Consider this. Elements of the intelligence community,
Now, consider the source: This is the with the help of news outlets like CNN, are actively trying
President of the United States we are to take out their political opponent in Donald Trump while
talking about. The most powerful person in at the same time attacking him for publicly fighting back.
the country — and maybe the world. The
person who chose the man — Jeff Truly unbelievable!
Sessions — who runs the Justice

Trump Homeland Chief Pushes For Border Wall: ‘First
And Foremost’ Before Any DACA Amnesty
By Matthew Boyle
2 Jan 2018

“Nielsen, who visited prototypes of Trump’s

proposed border wall in San Diego, said
the president would request $1.6 billion
next year for the barrier, in addition to $1.6
billion he is seeking this year to build or
replace 74 miles (118 kilometers) in
California and Texas,” the AP wrote.

That $3.2 billion is not enough for the full wall—which is

estimated at over $20 billion in cost in total—but Nielsen
said it would be a “down payment” to get the wall started.

“It’s all a down payment,” she said. “This is

not going to get us the whole wall we need
but it’s a start.”
In an interview with the Associated
Press, Secretary of Homeland Security
Nielsen also said any DACA deal would focus only on the
Kirstjen Nielsen said that President
Donald Trump’s planned wall along the recipients of the unlawful DACA program, not generally
on so-called DREAMers.
U.S. border with Mexico is “first and
foremost” before any deal for amnesty
for the recipients of Deferred Action for “Nielsen said she believed any permanent
Childhood Arrivals (DACA). protection for DACA recipients should be
limited to the hundreds of thousands who
The AP reported after interviewing Nielsen: qualified during the three years it was in
effect, not anyone who would meet the
criteria if it were still in place. She said it
The secretary said she was hopeful the should include permission to work,” the AP
White House and Congress can reach a reported.
deal that includes border and immigration
enforcement measures. She said building a
wall along the Mexico border was ‘first and The headline and lede of the AP article, however, centered
on whether any legislative DACA deal would contain
foremost,’ and the administration wanted to
end ‘loopholes’ on issues that include citizenship—not just legal status—for the recipients. The
handling asylum claims and local police AP wrote:
working with immigration authorities.
The Trump administration would consider
While the AP put a headline and lede on its piece that immigration legislation that includes a
focused on what Trump is willing to do with so-called pathway to citizenship for hundreds of
DREAMers who are recipients of the illegally granted thousands of young people, the U.S.
DACA temporary executive amnesty that Trump’s Homeland Security secretary said
predecessor, former President Barack Obama unlawfully Tuesday, while emphasizing no decision on
bestowed upon several hundred thousand illegal aliens, the that issue has been made and a border
interview focused more on Trump’s efforts for a border wall remains the priority. Congress is
wall. considering three options, including
citizenship or permanent legal status for
people who were temporarily shielded from
deportation, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said
in an interview. Details on qualifying for been any decision from the White House,”
citizenship, including on how many years to Nielsen said.
wait and other requirements, would have to
be addressed. This month, Democrats are angling to push through some
kind of a legislative DACA deal attached to the
But Nielsen did not say, when asked if President Trump government funding bill that runs out on Jan. 19. The
would back citizenship for the DACA recipients via a Democrats in Congress hope to use the leverage they have
legislative deal, if the president supports that. in the funding fight for some kind of DACA deal,
something that is setting an existential battle for the soul of
“I think he’s open to hearing about the President Trump’s presidency. It remains to be seen how
different possibilities and what it means that will shake out.
but, to my knowledge, there certainly hasn’t

Trump Versus The FBI
By Binoy Kampmark
January 2, 2018

The attempt to tease, weave and develop a narrative Australian ex-officials were by no means the only ones
against President Donald J. Trump over a Russian involved in providing succour to the anti-Trump effort. A
connection began almost immediately after his victory in picture was being painted by other sources – British and
November last year. This was meant to be institutional Dutch, for instance – pointing to the Kremlin as central to
oversight and probing, but in another sense, it was also the Democratic email hacks. The FBI probe, in time,
intended to be an establishment’s cry of hope to haul the would become the full-fledged investigation led by a
untenable and inconceivable before some process. No one former director of the organisation, Robert Mueller.
could still fathom that Trump had actually won on his
merits (or demerits). There had to be some other reason. This provides the broader context for the Trump assault on
all manner of instruments in the Republic. Earlier in
Central to the Trump-Bannon approach to US politics has December, Twitter was again ablaze with the president’s
been the fist of defiance against those entities of fury. The blasts centred on the guilty plea by former
establishment fame. There is the Central Intelligence national security advisor Michael Flynn. He had, in fact,
Agency, which Trump scorned; there is the FBI, which had conversations with the former Russian ambassador.
Trump is at war with. Then there is the Department of
Justice, which he regards as singularly unjust. Trump’s approach was two-fold: claim that Flynn’s actions
had been initially, at least, lawful, while the conduct of the
The FBI investigation into Trumpland and its reputed FBI and Department of Justice had been uneven and
nexus with Russia remains both bane and opportunity for arbitrary. “So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is
Trump. As long as it continues, it affords Trump destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now
ammunition for populist broadsides and claims that such infamous FBI holiday ‘interrogation’ with no swearing in
entities are sworn to destroy him. and no recording, lies many times… and nothing happens
to her?”
To watch this story unfold is to remember how a soap
opera can best anything done in celluloid. The New York He then reserved a salvo for the DOJ. “Many people in our
Times has given us a New Year’s Eve treat, claiming that Country are asking what the ‘Justice’ Department is going
former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos spilt to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER
the beans to former Australian foreign minister Alexander receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress,
Downer at London’s Kensington Wine Rooms in May deleted and ‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!”
The persistent inability to understand Trumpland as a
The two men had, apparently, been doing what any decent series of bullying an exploitative transactions blunts the
being does at such a London venue: drink. Papadopoulos’ value of the FBI investigation. Whatever it purports to be,
tongue started to wag as the imbibing continued. There it smacks of desperation, an effort in search of an
was a Russian connection. There was dirt to be had, explanation rather than a resolution. The Trump Teflon
featuring Hillary Clinton. remains in place, immoveable.

Downer, however hazed, archived the discussion. He More to the point, Trump is certainly right in questioning
could make a name for himself with this decent brown the historic inability of the FBI to be a credible instrument
nosing opportunity. Australia, Washington’s ally with an of justice, even if history is not his strong suit. The Bureau
enthusiastic puppy dog manner, wanted to help, to tip off under J. Edgar Hoover was a monster of surveillance, its
US authorities that a great Satan, Russia, might be reputation, despite being in deserved tatters, defended by
involved. So commenced the long road to the fall of one president after the other.
Trump’s former aide, who conceded, in time, to have lied
to the FBI. Trump’s response was to degrade As for bias, Trump is certainly right on the score that
Papadopoulos as a “low-level volunteer” and “liar”, giving certain FBI officials, foremost amongst them lawyer Lisa
him the kiss of unimportance.
Page and FBI special agent Peter Strzok, were hewn from. That it stemmed from Russian sources gave
demonstrably favourable to Clinton over him. fever to those still gripped by Cold War nostalgia.

The Trump campaign, keen to find chinks in the Clinton In the new year, the antics will continue and Trump will,
camp, was always going to be indiscriminate and as he has all year, continue to receive blows with a certain
characterised by ruthlessness: the provenance of the nonchalance. He will also retaliate in kind. The
information was hardly going to matter. Be it a hack, a establishment forces have been busy on various fronts, but
disclosure; be it legitimately or illegitimately obtained, the Trump machine, authoritarian, unreflective, but
information in this context proved to be advertising power. resolute, continues to function with indignant disdain. As
long as that lasts, he will thrive.
To that end, anything against Hillary would have been
treated as rich mineral, whatever quarry it might have been

Trump's 'Lock Her Up' For Huma Called 'Political'
Activists Overlook Alleged Illegalities In Their Opposition To President
January 3, 2018

That, claimed Robert McCar, the government affairs chief

for CAIR, is just wrong.

“Calling for the imprisonment of political

rivals is a clear attempt by President Trump
to further politicize the Department of
Justice. Every American who values the
constitutional guarantee of due process
Hillary Clinton with top aide Huma Abedin. should be outraged by the president’s
After eight years of a politicized Washington “swamp,”
where the IRS under Barack Obama openly targeted The president’s tweet, however, highlighted a double
conservatives and Christians, where Islamists were invited standard for punishments when it comes to handling
to set policy for the nation’s law enforcers, where the classified materials, as U.S. Navy Petty Officer Kristian
president himself actively ridiculed police officers trying Saucier was charged and convicted of a felony for taking
to protect the public, now there’s a claim that the pictures of a confidential propulsion system as a keepsake
Department of Justice is being politicized. of his service. He was ultimately sent to prison.

The claim comes from an official with the Council on Saucier himself noted Hillary Clinton stored information
American-Islamic Relations, which calls itself a Muslim of a far more classified status on an unsecure server, and
civil-rights organization. yet she was not charged for her negligence.

The move was prompted by President Trump’s call for the Saucier claimed this is evidence of how powerful people
law to be enforced regarding Huma Abedin, a Muslim who are exempt from the same laws which were used against
was a top aide to Hillary Clinton while she was U.S. him.
secretary of state.
Trump’s use of the term “Deep State” reflects an
Trump’s social-media statement, noting Abedin allegedly awareness of this network of mutual protection which
jeopardized classified information by putting it on a laptop seemingly covers government insiders.
belonging to her now-ex-husband Anthony Weiner,
suggests that the law be followed for all. His suggestion to the Justice Department to investigate and
possibly jail Abedin is also a way for the president to take
Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma the offensive in some of the legal battles which have been
Abedin, has been accused of disregarding hampering his presidency, and strike back against
basic security protocols. She put Classified adversaries such as former FBI Director James Comey.
Passwords into the hands of foreign
agents. Remember sailors pictures on Comey testified in a May Senate hearing Abedin had
submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept forwarded hundreds of thousands of emails to her husband
must finally act? Also on Comey & others Anthony Weiner so they could be printed out. Some of the
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) emails, recently released thanks to a lawsuit filed by
January 2, 2018 Judicial Watch, were marked classified.

Trump’s statement Tuesday morning to call for Hillary President Trump’s action shows the commander-in-chief
Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin to be jailed. evidently agrees with Judicial Watch president Tom
Fitton’s recent plea for a “serious investigation of Hillary
Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law.”

As WND recently reported, the politics have permeated the in which donations to the Clinton Foundation led to
case. influence over policy.

For example, the decision by former director James Comey Abedin did not only enable foreign adversaries to obtain
not to charge Abedin or Hillary Clinton with a crime was American secrets but could possibly pose a security threat
heavily influenced by FBI agent Peter Strzok, a vocal herself, reports suggest.
opponent of President Trump who until recently was
serving as part of Robert Mueller’s team in the “Russian For several years, Abedin edited the journal for the
collusion” investigation. Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), an
organization established by the government of Saudi
Abedin also made misleading statements about the Arabia. Abedin’s mother, an Islamist activist and
mishandling of national secrets, but unlike former National academic, was even permitted to edit the content of a
Security Adviser Michael Flynn, faced no consequences. speech which was to be given in Saudi Arabia by then-
secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
The Daily Caller reported Tuesday Huma Abedin sent
sensitive State Department emails, including the passwords Other members of Abedin’s family have also been
to government systems and the PIN number to access a prosecuted by the Justice Department for conspiracy, wire
secure State Department website, to her personal Yahoo fraud and securities fraud.
However, President Trump evidently believes the Justice
In 2013, Yahoo was hacked, and the Department, or at least a significant part of it, has allowed
company stated “all Yahoo user accounts Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin to escape any
were affected.” consequences for their crimes.

Among the information sent to an unsecured account was White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
the name and email address of the person who obtains the stated Tuesday President Trump “obviously” does not
classified Presidential Daily Brief. Other emails contained believe the “entire” Justice Department is part of the
classified information regarding American counter-drug “Deep State,” but that there are fundamental issues about
operations in Mexico, notes about a possible confrontation the rule of law involved.
between the Obama administration and Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and correspondence related “The facts of the case are very disturbing
to the peace process in Northern Ireland. and I think the president wants to make
clear that he doesn’t feel that anyone
Besides possibly criminal conduct in mishandling should be above the law,” Sanders told
classified information, new records obtained by Judicial reporters.
Watch show Abedin removed five boxes of “physical
Sign the precedent-setting petition
files” out of the State Department, including records
supporting Trump’s call for an
described as “Muslim Engagement Documents.”
independent prosecutor to investigate
Hillary Clinton!
Hillary Clinton was also allowed to remove personal
correspondence and certain binders which may contain
evidence related to accusations of a a pay-to-play scheme

Bannon: Trump Tower Meeting
With Russians Was ‘Treasonous’
Jack Crowe - Political Reporter
9:44 AM 01/03/2018

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made to the Trump

campaign by an intermediary, on behalf of the Russian
government. Trump Jr., who replied “I love it,” when
contacted with the offer of damaging information,
immediately downplayed the incident in the wake of The
NYT report, maintaining no consequential information was

Bannon added that if the meeting had to take place, it

should have been

“in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon called
Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet
the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between a number of
with these people.”
high-ranking Trump campaign officials and a Kremlin-
connected attorney “treasonous” and “unpatriotic,” in an
interview included in an upcoming book on the Trump Citing recent reports indicating Special Counsel Robert
White House. Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for the financial
records of individuals close to Trump, Bannon stressed
that the investigation would focus heavily on financial
Bannon, who was dismissed from his role seven months
after Trump took office, told author Michael Wolff the
meeting between Donald Trump Jr., former campaign
chairman Paul Manafort, White House advisor Jared “You realise where this is going,” Bannon
Kushner and Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was told Wolff. “This is all about money
at the very least ill advised. laundering. Mueller chose [senior
prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and
he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to
“The three senior guys in the campaign
fucking Trump goes right through Paul
thought it was a good idea to meet with a
Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s
foreign government inside Trump Tower in
as plain as a hair on your face.”
the conference room on the 25th floor –
with no lawyers. They didn’t have any
lawyers,” Bannon told Wolff in an interview Deutsche Bank, which has lent hundreds of millions to
for his upcoming book, “Fire and Fury: Kushner’s real estate company, has come under scrutiny
Inside the Trump White House,” obtained for continuing to lend to the Trump Organization after
by The Guardian. other banks stopped due to credit issues.

“Even if you thought that this was not

“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the
treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I
Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy.
happen to think it’s all of that, you should
They’re going to go right through that.
have called the FBI immediately.”
They’re going to roll those two guys up and
say play me or trade me,” Bannon said.
The Trump Tower meeting, which was first exposed by
The New York Times in July 2017, was prompted by an
offer of “incriminating” information related to former

Probe Uncovers "Laws Broken,
False Statements" In FBI Handling Of Clinton Emails
By Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/03/2018 - 08:32

In what could be a major black eye for the deep state and key witness in the case, the investigators
yet another nail in the Clinton legacy coffin, said.

The Hill's John Solomon reports that The name of the witness is redacted from the FBI
Republicans on key congressional documents but lawmakers said he was an employee of a
committees say they have uncovered computer firm that helped maintain her personal server
new irregularities and contradictions after she left office as America’s top diplomat and who
inside the FBI’s probe of Hillary belatedly admitted he had permanently erased an archive
Clinton’s email server. of her messages in 2015 after they had been subpoenaed
"This was an effort to pre-bake the cake, by Congress.
pre-bake the outcome,” said Rep. Matt
Gaetz (R-Fla.), a House Judiciary The investigators also confirmed that the
Committee member who attended the FBI began drafting a statement
McCabe briefing before the holidays. exonerating Clinton of any crimes while
evidence responsive to subpoenas was
“Hillary Clinton obviously benefited still outstanding and before agents had
from people taking actions to ensure interviewed more than a dozen key
she wasn’t held accountable.” witnesses.
Those witnesses included Clinton and the
computer firm employee who permanently
erased her email archives just days after
the emails were subpoenaed by
Congress, the investigators said.
Notably, lawmakers on the House Judiciary
Committee who attended a Dec. 21 closed-
door briefing by FBI Deputy Director
Andrew McCabe say the bureau official
confirmed that the investigation and
charging decisions were controlled by a
In what appears to be clear evidence confirming previous small group in Washington
fears of favoritism and prejudice within the FBI, headquarters rather the normal process
lawmakers and investigators told Solomon at The Hill that, of allowing field offices to investigate
for the first time, possible criminality in their localities.
The top Democrat on the panel even
investigators say they have secured acknowledged the FBI’s handling of the
written evidence that the FBI believed case was unique, but, of course, Rep.
there was evidence that some laws were Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y) argued Republicans
broken when the former secretary of State are politicizing their own panel’s work.
and her top aides transmitted classified
information through her insecure private Rep. Gaetz said he has growing questions about the role
email server. the Obama Justice Department played in the case.
That evidence includes passages in FBI
documents stating the “sheer volume” “I think we have more questions than
of classified information that flowed answers based on what we’ve learned,”
through Clinton’s insecure emails was Gaetz said.
proof of criminality as well as an
admission of false statements by one
A House GOP lawmaker told The Hill his The deletion occurred on the same day Clinton’s former
staff also has identified at least a dozen chief of staff and her lawyer had a call with the computer
interviews that were conducted after the firm that handled the erasure using an anti-recovery
drafting effort began, including of some software called BleachBit, Grassley said.
figures who would have key information
about intent or possible destruction of “You have a conference call with
evidence. Secretary Clinton’s attorneys on March
31, 2015, and on that very same day her
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley's emails are deleted by someone who was
(R-Iowa) staff has a higher number: 17 witnesses including on that conference call using special
Clinton were interviewed after the decision was already BleachBit software,” Grassley said. “The
made. emails were State Department records
under subpoena by Congress.
“Making a conclusion before you “What did the FBI do to investigate this
interview key fact witnesses and the apparent obstruction?” Grassley asked.
subject herself violates the very premise “According to affidavits filed in federal court
of good investigation. — absolutely nothing. The FBI focused
only on the handling of classified
You don't lock into a theory until you have the facts. Here information.”
the evidence that isn't public yet shows they locked into
As The Hill notes, both parties are likely
the theory and then edited out the facts that contradicted
to learn more in the first quarter of 2018
it,” the GOP lawmaker said, speaking only on condition of when the Justice Department inspector
anonymity because the documents are not yet authorized
general is expected to release initial
for release. findings in what has become a wide-
ranging probe into the FBI’s handling of the
The longtime Senate chairman went to Clinton email case as well as whether
the Senate floor before the holidays to agents and supervisors had political
raise another concern: connections, ethical conflicts or biases that
The FBI did not pursue criminal charges affected their work.
when Clinton’s email archives were
permanently deleted from her private While the resistance tries to switch the narrative to
server days after a subpoena for them was Papadopoulos, and away from Page and the Trump
issued by a congressional committee Dossier,
investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S.
diplomatic compound in Benghazi. it is becoming clearer and clearer where
the real corruption was all the time.

NUNES: House Intel Chair Says He’ll Pull MUELLER
In For Interview Over Uranium One SCANDAL (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 3, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered Justice

Department prosecutors to begin asking FBI agents to In closing Nunes said there was “much more to come” on
explain evidence they discovered the issue of Uranium One that he couldn’t discuss.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, has said he believes that

Mueller signed off on the deal, which allowed Russia to
obtain 20 percent of all strategic U.S. uranium.

“One of the things that was most shocking

was that a guy named Rosenstein, if that
name sounds familiar, since he appointed
Mueller (to lead Special Counsel on Trump)
(National Sentinel) Wide Net: House Intelligence he was the guy that actually helped sign
Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told an documents that got the whole thing, the
audience in Washington, D.C., Tuesday that if he finds original cover-up done by sealing
evidence special counsel Robert Mueller was involved in documents back early in the Obama
the Uranium One scandal, he’ll seek to interview him. administration so that Hillary could go
through and make mega-millions,” he said.
During remarks in November at David Horowitz’s
Restoration Weekend 2017 that were largely unnoticed by “The blockbuster line now here is that he
most media outlets, Nunes pledged to interview Mueller if (Mueller) and Rosenstein had to be
it turns out he had a role the deal, which has turned into involved in him being the Special Counsel
another Obama-era scandal. now because now we know he needed to
cover up the fact that him and Rosenstein
covered up the first investigation,” he
“Trey Gowdy, rightfully so, wants to continued.
methodically go through this, so the answer
to Mueller, if he has involvement in it, we’re
going to interview him. I mean, that’s the Watch:
bottom line,” Nunes said in response to a
question about his thoughts as to whether
he believes Mueller was involved.

Here is video of Nunes’ response:

Bill and Hillary Clinton, via their foundation, were also

part of the scandal.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered Justice

Department prosecutors to begin asking FBI agents to

explain evidence they discovered into a currently dormant to fulfill a pledge that an assistant attorney general gave to
criminal probe into the controversial Uranium One deal Congress in November.
that has been tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton and the
Clinton Foundation. The assistant AG promised that the department would
determine whether a special counsel is warranted to look
According to multiple law enforcement sources, interviews into the Uranium One deal, according to a senior Justice
with FBI agents are part of the Justice Department’s efforts Department official.

FINALLY: House Will Expand Its Russia Probe
To Include Improper Use Of BOGUS
“Trump Dossier” By FBI
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

During the first part of 2018, Republicans on the panel are

expected to complete the starting-point probe into alleged
Russian hacking of Democratic entities and whether aides
to Trump assisted in that effort. For the record, WikiLeaks
founder Julian Assange has said repeatedly that hacked
Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign
documents his organization received did not come from
Russia or any “state” actor.

Already Democrats on the panel, who have been doing

their level best to thwart Nunes’ investigation, are
protesting the likely move to wind it down and refocus it
For months supporters and backers of President Donald J. on suspected Deep State corruption. The Times reported
Trump have chafed at the notion that the apparatuses of that Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is
government could be used against him over pushing an extended list of witnesses he wants majority
unsubstantiated claims that his campaign “colluded” with Republicans to call. Critics of the move suspect all he’s
Russians in order to beat the most corrupt presidential trying to do is push the probe beyond the 2018 elections.
contender in U.S. history.
That’s because in recent weeks more Democrats, including
They chafed because after more than a year’s worth of Schiff, have resigned to the fact there they won’t find any
allegations — from Democrats and their sycophantic allies evidence of Trump-Russia “collusion” because there isn’t
in the “establishment” media — no evidence whatsoever any. (Related: Expert: Bogus Trump ‘dossier’ was
has been produced indicating there is even a shred of NOT ‘just opposition research’ but used by FBI to
evidence the narrative is true. And yet the ‘investigations’ launch ‘collusion’ probes.)
In the meantime, Nunes has constructed a separate
Finally, however, a House panel seems ready to come to investigation of the FBI and Department of Justice
the president’s defense. hierarchy after several GOP lawmakers expressed their
belief that the real collusion exists among those officials,
former President Obama’s administration and the Clinton
As reported by the Washington Times, the House
campaign — in a bid to subvert Trump’s candidacy.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is expanding
its 2016 election probe to include how and why elements
within Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI used the Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of the House Judiciary
bogus “Trump dossier” to ensnare the president and his Committee, which is conducting a separate investigation of
campaign staffers. the Election 2016 shenanigans, has come out and said
directly he believes the dossier was misused by elements
within the FBI to obtain a secretive FISA court order to put
The committee’s chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.,
Team Trump under surveillance during the campaign. If
has accused the Justice Department and the FBI of
true, that would represent an unprecedented politicization
misleading him with “a pattern of behavior that can no
and abuse of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement assets.
longer be tolerated.” He has said that initially, the DoJ
claimed it did not have any documents related to the
dossier but then, when pressured, suddenly produced “Let’s remember a couple of things about
“numerous” such documents. the dossier,” Jordan told Fox Business’ Lou

Dobbs last month.

“The Democratic National Committee and document — that it became the basis for a
the Clinton campaign, which we now know warrant to spy on Americans.”
were one and the same, paid the law firm
who paid Fusion GPS who paid He added:
Christopher Steele who then paid Russians
to put together a report that we call a
“The easiest way to clear it up is tell us
dossier full of all kinds of fake news,
what’s in that application and who took it
National Enquirer garbage and it’s been
reported that this dossier was all dressed
up by the FBI, taken to the FISA court and
presented as a legitimate intelligence That appears to be on Nunes’ radar now. It’s about time.

Trump Irritates Leftists With Twitter (Again)
Mac Slavo
January 3rd, 2018

Mere minutes later, Trump alerted the public that he would

be announcing “THE MOST DISHONEST &
Monday at 5:00 o’clock.” He also exhorted everyone
to tune into Fox News host Sean Hannity’s show at 9 pm
ET, just in case you think CNN isn’t going to take home
the gold in this category.

It’s becoming rather easy to upset a leftist. All president

Donald Trump has to do is post to his Twitter account and
the liberals become rabid.

On New Year’s Eve, North Korean leader Kim Jong

Un warned his enemies

“that the whole territory of the U.S. is within

the range of our nuclear strike and a
nuclear button is always on the desk of my
Those who have come to the conclusion that the
office, and this is just a reality, not a threat.”
mainstream media is nothing more than a propaganda
mouthpiece of the communist deep state elitists will more
It shouldn’t be the “big news story” of the day, buy than likely thoroughly enjoy that segment.
apparently Trump’s Twitter response to Kim Jong-Un
about whose nuclear button is bigger is a front page story.
Kim Jong-Un doesn’t even have a Twitter account, but the
I guess this is what happens when the mainstream media
left acts like he’s going to send a nuke over Trump
loses all sense of dignity and integrity and sells their souls
responding on social media.
to communism.

In response, President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday

night that he is in possession of a “much bigger & more
powerful one than his, and my Button works!”, thus
proving the U.S. still has capabilities the likes of which
Kim will never achieve.

If we all have to watch the world burn because of the

elitists who won’t let go of their grip on power, we might
For those not overly sensitive and easily offended, the can
as well have a little laugh about it.
be taken as a bit of humor – which (let’s face it) we can all
use nowadays. But a quick scan of the comments on that
Tweet will give anyone a good laugh.

Report: Bannon Says Mueller Investigation Will Target
Kushner, Manafort’s ‘Greasy’ Money Laundering Deals
BY Breitbart News
3 Jan 2018

White House hopes for a quick end to the Mueller

investigation are gravely misplaced.

“You realise where this is going,” he is

quoted as saying. “This is all about money
laundering. Mueller chose [senior
prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and
he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to
fucking Trump goes right through Paul
Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s
as plain as a hair on your face.”

Last month it was reported that federal prosecutors had

subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, the German
financial institution that has lent hundreds of millions of
dollars to the Kushner property empire. Bannon continues:
Former Trump Chief Strategist Steve
Bannon says the Mueller
“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the
investigation is targeting the alleged
Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy.
“greasy” money laundering of Trump
They’re going to go right through that.
associates like Jared Kushner and Paul
They’re going to roll those two guys up and
Manafort as a path to attack President
say play me or trade me.”
Trump, according to a new book by
Michael Wolff called Fire and Fury:
Inside the Trump White House. Scorning apparent White House insouciance, Bannon
reaches for a hurricane metaphor:
David Smith reports in the Guardian:
“They’re sitting on a beach trying to stop a
Category Five.”
Bannon has criticised Trump’s decision to fire Comey. In
Wolff’s book, obtained by the Guardian ahead of
publication from a bookseller in New England, he suggests

The Deep State’s Plan ‘C’:
Murder Donald Trump
Mac Slavo
January 3rd, 2018

government out of the bedroom, out of the

boardroom, that believed in peace through
strength, not, you know, neocons cruising
the globe looking for expensive wars to
profiteer in and stick our nose in.” –New

Roger Stone isn’t the first person to see Trump as a target

of the deep state. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said
he feels that the deep state isn’t afraid to nuke a city in the
United States in order to kill Trump and blame North
Korea for the result.
Longtime Donald Trump advisor and confidante Roger
Stone is warning once again about the deep state. This
time, he said that the deep state’s “plan C” is to simply “He’s a shock to the system,” said Stone, a
murder the president, since plans A and B won’t work out. legendary political operative who, in
addition to his longtime relationship with
Trump, has served as a senior campaign
With trust in the mainstream media at an all-time low, the aide to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan,
global elitists are on the verge of losing their grip on Senator Bob Dole, and others. According to
humanity’s throat. And Roger Stone says emphatically that Stone, Donald Trump’s election
they plan to go down swinging. According to New represented the “hostile takeover of the old
American, the Deep State’s “Plan A,” is the Republican Party, which we now hope to
imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian remake in his image as a party that stands
collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said Stone. for economic nationalism, that stands for
If and when that fails, which Stone suggested was likely putting American interests ahead of
and soon, the establishment would move to “Plan B.” In globalist interests, and re-affirms our
essence, Plan B would involve trying to get a majority of sovereign rights as Americans.”
Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office. This would
allow Trump to be removed under the U.S. Constitution’s “Now, I think the establishment, at this
25th Amendment. This scheme is also going to most likely time, when the president has just passed
fail, Stone said. his tax cut, has cut these regulations — so
you see a record stock market, you see
Last but not least, though, Stone unemployment at all time lows, you see a
warned of “Plan C,” which is killing the booming housing market — it’s easy to
president. misread the deep enmity and hatred that
the globalists and the Insiders have for
In a wide-ranging interview with The New this president, and to underestimate
American magazine at his Florida studio, Stone offered their resolve to remove him.”
insight into Trump — and into his enemies [the deep state]
and their tactics. Stone believes the Deep State would, in fact, attempt to
murder the president when Plan A and B fail, which seems
“It’s easy to forget that the shocking the likely scenario.
upset that Donald Trump pulled off has
never been forgotten or acknowledged
by the globalist cabal that has really “Having written books on the Kennedy
infected both of our major parties,” he assassination, having highlighted the
explained. “I say that as someone who is a attempted assassination of President
sentimental Republican, but a Republican Ronald Reagan by people deeply
in the mold of Barry Goldwater who wanted associated with the Bush family, I think the

establishment has Plan A, Plan B, and Plan learn is that she was in the country thanks
C,” he said. “Plan A is very clearly a take- to the Obama FBI, without a visa, and she
down by the illegitimate Special Counsel was popping up and being photographed at
Robert Mueller, who was appointed not by Hillary rallies and in John McCain’s office.
Jeff Sessions, not at the direction of the She’s a Quisling! It’s a setup! She’s a spy.
president, but by this fellow Rosenstein, She delivered nothing. It’s an attempt to
who is a close associate of Mueller and entrap Donny Jr. in a meeting that’s
[disgraced former FBI boss James] Comey, perfectly innocuous and perfectly legal.”
and who is a globalist Bush insider, a
liberal Republican, who somehow got the But the deep state’s Plan B is to invoke the 25th
number two position in the Trump Justice Amendment.
Department,” Stone warned, saying the
establishment was now hoping Trump
“So we’ll see an uptick in all of this ‘Trump
would fire Mueller to regain the upper hand.
is mentally imbalanced, Trump is insane,
Trump must be removed,’” Stone warned.
The other thing that is becoming more and more apparent, “Now you have to examine the extent to
Stone said, is that which they can whip up that hysteria as a
backdrop because, without that hysteria,
“neither Mr. Mueller nor the House nor the such a political move on the president will
Senate Intelligence committees nor the fail.” And once Plan B fails, the globalists
Judiciary committees in those bodies have will move on to Plan C, which is simply an
been able to find any evidence of Russian assassination.
“We know Plan C. We saw it in the case
“Sorry, but Don Jr.’s meeting with a of President John F. Kennedy, who had
Russian lawyer that provided nothing is crossed the Central Intelligence Agency
perfectly legal and proper,” Stone said. and the Deep State over both the Cuban
“There’s nothing wrong with it. She Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs, both,
produced no evidence, but what we did I think, central,” he said.

Hannity Sez ‘People Like Hillary Clinton Should Be
Nervous – People Will Be Going To Jail’ As GOP
Lawmakers Find NEW ‘Irregularities’ And
‘Contradictions’ In FBI’s EMAIL Investigation (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 3, 2018

“The evidence includes passages in FBI

documents stating the ‘sheer volume’ of While the name of the witness has been redacted from the
classified information that flowed through FBI documents, The Hill noted further that lawmakers
Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of have said he was an employee with a computer firm that
criminality” helped maintain Clinton’s private email server after she
left the Obama administration.

Also, lawmakers said the witness admitted belatedly that

he had permanently erased an archive of her messages in
2015 after they had already been subpoenaed by Congress.

In addition, the congressional investigators confirmed that

the FBI had started drafting a statement letting Clinton off
the hook for any crimes even while evidence that pertained
Huma Abedin, aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham, left, goes
over notes with Clinton, during her visit to the newly opened
to subpoenas remained outstanding and before agents had
University Teaching Hospital Pediatric Centre of Excellence, in talked to more than a dozen key witnesses.
Lusaka, Zambia, Saturday, June 11, 2011. Clinton is on the first leg
or a three-nation tour of Africa. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Pool)
Those witnesses included Clinton and the computer firm
employee who permanently erased her email archives just
(National Sentinel) Criminal Probes: Republican days after the emails were subpoenaed by Congress,
lawmakers on key committees say they have uncovered investigators told The Hill.
new evidence of irregularities and contradictions involving
the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email
Some Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee,
scandal, in which she improperly handled classified data.
which deposed current FBI Deputy Director Andrew
McCabe in December, said they are now convinced there
As reported by The Hill, for the first time congressional was a plot to exonerate Clinton no matter how much
investigators say they have obtained written evidence that illegality agents uncovered.
the FBI believed there were indications and additional
evidence some laws were violated when the former
“This was an effort to pre-bake the cake,
secretary of state for President Obama and her top aides
pre-bake the outcome,” said Rep. Matt
sent classified information through her unsecured private
Gaetz of Florida, a House Judiciary
email server.
Committee member who attended the
McCabe briefing before the holidays.
“That evidence includes passages in FBI “Hillary Clinton obviously benefited from
documents stating the ‘sheer volume’ of people taking actions to ensure she wasn’t
classified information that flowed through held accountable.
Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of
criminality as well as an admission of false “I think we have more questions than
statements by one key witness in the case, answers based on what we’ve learned,”
the investigators said,” as quoted by The Gaetz added.
Lawmakers are expected to learn much more about the
FBI’s actions and those of its top leaders, including fired
FBI Director James Comey, during their investigation of Meanwhile, Fox News host Sean Hannity discussed the
Clinton, in the first half of this year. possibility that Clinton and others including her top aide
Huma Abedin should be worried.
The Justice Department’s inspector general
“is expected to release initial findings in “This year is going to be massive in terms
what has become a wide-ranging probe of news especially about the corrupt media.
into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email And they are very, very nervous, rightly so,
case as well as whether agents and people like Hillary Clinton. They should be
supervisors had political connections, nervous. People will be going to jail. I
ethical conflicts or biases that affected their promise you,” he said.
work,” The Hill reported.
Comey said during his July 2016 press conference
exonerating Clinton that the agency found she had
mishandled classified information, which is normally a
felony. He also noted that agents had found at least 110
emails that were marked “top secret” or “secret” at the
time she transmitted or received them.

GOP congressional investigators told The Hill multiple

drafts of Comey’s statement eventually exonerating
Clinton also included specific language acknowledging
there was

“evidence of potential violations of the

statutes regarding the handling of classified

James Comey Calls For Leaders
To Protect Justice Department, FBI (From Trump)
© AFP 2017/ Nicholas Kamm - US
22:01 03.01.2018(Updated 22:12 03.01.2018)

In a tweet, Trump alleged that Abedin "has been accused

of disregarding basic security protocols" and had "put
classified passwords into the hands of foreign agents."

Former FBI Director James Comey has called for

Washington leaders to defend the Department of Justice
(DOJ) and the FBI, calling them “essential to our liberty.”
His tweet comes one day after US President Donald
Trump, who fired Comey from the FBI in May, referred to This is the second time Trump has referred to the Justice
the Justice Department as part of the “deep state.” Department as a "deep state" apparatus, implying that the
DOJ is operating independently and not responding to his
"Where are the voices of all the leaders leadership as chief executive.
who know an independent Department
of Justice and FBI are essential to our In November, Trump claimed that the House
liberty? 'You are not only responsible of Representatives was investigating whether the DOJ and
for what you say, but also for what you do FBI should be held in contempt of court "for withholding
not say.' — Martin Luther," Comey tweeted key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light
on Wednesday morning. on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump." No, I
don't know why he referred to himself in the third person

The tweet seems to be a response to Trump's latest public

criticism of the Justice Department, urging them to "act"
against Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton,
including during the latter's tenure as secretary of state.
Abedin has been under scrutiny recently after classified Trump has taken a negative stance toward the DOJ
State Department files were discovered on the laptop in recent tweets, implying that the department is
of her ex-husband, former representative Anthony Weiner deliberately ignoring crimes by Clinton. Comey has also
(D-NY). come under fire from Trump in recent months, saying,
among other accusations, that he had left the reputation
of the bureau "in tatters."
Trump fired Comey for focusing too much on the probe
into alleged Russian interference into the 2016 presidential
election and not enough on leaks of classified information
from executive branch officials to the press.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing

that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that
he gave her a free pass for many bad
deeds! The phony…" Trump tweeted
on May 2, a week before he fired Comey.

The above tweets refer to the FBI's 2015 and 2016

investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email The Times also reported that Comey privately testified
server while she was secretary of state. In July 2016, to the Senate Intelligence Committee that Trump had
Comey testified that the FBI recommends no charges be asked for him to pledge loyalty in January 2017 — which
filed against Clinton, as her behavior was "extremely Comey refused to do. Comey also testified that Trump
careless" but not criminal. pressured him in February to end the FBI investigation
into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
In May 2017, Trump fired Comey, publicly stating that it
was due to dissatisfaction with Comey's performance. The Trump has denied both claims and referred to Comey as a
New York Times reported shortly after the dismissal that "leaker" for revealing their private, off-the-record

Trump UNLOADS On Former
Advisor Steve Bannon: ‘He LOST His Mind’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 3, 2018

talented field ever assembled in the

Republican party,” he added.
“Steve had very little to do with our
historic victory” He noted that Bannon did not deserve any credit for the
president’s victory.

“Now that he is on his own, Steve is

learning that winning isn’t as easy as I
make it look,” Trump said.
“Steve had very little to do with our historic
victory, which was delivered by the
forgotten men and women of this country.
Yet Steve had everything to do with the
(National Sentinel) Break-up: President Donald J. Trump loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for
took aim at his one-time senior presidential advisor Steve more than thirty years by Republicans.
Bannon on Wednesday after publication of comments Steve doesn’t represent my base—he’s
critical of Trump and his family were published by The only in it for himself,” he continued.
Trump also accused Bannon of being one of the infamous
The excerpts were included in an upcoming book administration leakers of information to the media, which
by Michael Wolff, in which Bannon slams the Trump’s plague the White House early on.
son, Don Jr., and son-in-law Jared Kushner as behaving in
a “treasonous” manner, among other things. “Steve pretends to be at war with the
media, which he calls the opposition party,
The Breitbart News chief also slams campaign chairman yet he spent his time at the White House
Paul Manafort and calls their infamous meeting with a leaking false information to the media to
Russian lawyer during the campaign “treasonous” and make himself seem far more important than
“unpatriotic.” he was,” he said. “It is the only thing he
does well.”
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me
or my Presidency,” Trump said in a He added,
statement Wednesday.
“When he was fired, he not only lost his “Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting
job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer with me and only pretends to have had
who worked for me after I had already won influence to fool a few people with no
the nomination by defeating seventeen access and no clue, whom he helped write
candidates, often described as the most phony books.”

Breitbart Readers Side With Trump
Over War Of Words With Bannon
“I Voted For Trump…I Didn’t Vote For Bannon”
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.Com
January 3, 2018

appeared to side with Donald Trump in favor of the

executive chairman of Breitbart News.

“I voted for Trump…I didn’t vote for

Bannon. I’ll stick with Trump, thanks,” was
the top rated comment on an article about
Bannon’s comments.
“The meeting was NOT “treasonous” stupid
maybe, but NOT treasonous! Trump Jr.
and Jared had NO idea that they were
BEING SET UP by the Clinton camp, which readers have clearly they were,” commented another
overwhelmingly sided with Donald user.
Trump over his war of words with
“The fact that Bannon blew any credibility
former White House senior counselor
he had by backing Moore just to spite
Steve Bannon.
McConnell, says a lot too. Bannon
personally lost us that seat in the senate,”
The President lashed out at Bannon in a long press release, added another.
alleging that Bannon “lost his mind” when he left the
White House.
In addition a Twitter poll asking who Americans would
vote for in a hypothetical Bannon vs Trump 2020
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me presidential match up overwhelmingly finds they would
or my Presidency. When he was fired, he back Trump by a margin of more than six to one.
not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve
was a staffer who worked for me after I had
already won the nomination by defeating
seventeen candidates, often described as
the most talented field ever assembled in
the Republican party,” said Trump.

Trump was responding to a claim attributed to Bannon in a

new book in which Bannon supposedly said that Donald
Trump Jr.’s decision to meet with a Russian lawyer before
the election was “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”.

“Even if you thought that this was not

treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I
happen to think it’s all of that, you should
have called the FBI immediately,” Bannon
is reported to have told author Michael
Donald Trump Jr. also slammed Bannon in a series of
The war of words exploded onto the pages of Bannon’s tweets, including one in which he asserted,
own, but the vast majority of readers

“Andrew Breitbart would be ashamed of the “Wow, Just looked at the comments section
division and lies Steve Bannon is on Breitbart. Wow. When Bannon has lost
spreading!” Breitbart, he’s left with . . . umm, nothing.”

Don Jr. also took note of the tone of the Breitbart

comments, remarking,

‘View’ Hosts Mock ‘Insane’ ‘Paranoid’ Trump For
Tweeting Liberals In DoL May Be 'Deep State'
By Kristine Marsh
January 3, 2018 2:24 Pm Est

Referring to Eric Trump’s tweets, host Joy Behar wondered aloud

if the Russians were involved.

“Maybe the Russians are planting this stuff! How

does he know? Ask Jared!” she snarked.

While the rest of the panel scoffed at the “conspiracy theory,”

host Meghan McCain pointed out that the idea wasn’t a loony
fringe idea.

“It's worth noting that 48% of Americans think

the deep state exists, according to an ABC/This
Wednesday on ABC’s The View, the largely liberal panel mocked Network poll,” she began.
the idea that officials appointed by President Obama, still “That’s ridiculous!” Hostin exclaimed. McCain
working in the federal government, could have an agenda against then explained that a little less than half of
President Trump. Republicans and Democrats believe in the
“deep state,” saying it runs the gamut including
Host Whoopi Goldberg led the discussion by laughing at the idea, ideas like “Area 51.”
cracking up as she described Trump’s tweets about the “deep
state”: Instead of addressing the question of where all these unflattering
“leaks” from anonymous sources within the administration were
Both the current guy in the White House and coming from since President Trump took office, Whoopi
his son have been tweeting about the so somehow equated this commonplace idea to fake internet
called “deep state” which is a conspiracy conspiracies like “PizzaGate”:
theory which government employees
[giggles] loyal to Obama and Hillary are Let me tell you the danger of that. You've
working behind the scenes to derail [giggles] remember PizzaGate? Where they put out this
his presidency. Now does this seem a little insanity that there was some sort of -- thing
odd? happening, selling of children out of a pizza joint
in Washington. According to them I guess she
Gathering her composure, she continued reading the actual [Hillary] was sitting there with Bill and counting
dictionary definition: the kids. Someone got shot because of this
insanity. Do you understand that? When you
It's been around a long time, this theory of the have insane theories like this, people get
deep state. Based on what the Oxford hurt.
Dictionary says, which is it's “a body of people,
typically influential members of government She went on to rant about how “dangerous” it was for President
agencies or the military believed to be involved Trump to be espousing such ideas as the “deep state,” saying it
with the secret manipulation or control of was a marker of “insanity”:
government policy.
What makes it particularly scary it used to be
By this point, the rest of the panel kept up the mockery. thought of as insanity. It's now being
thought of as fact. I want to point out there was
“Is this like Scandal?” co-host Sunny Hostin no one running children through this pizza store.
joked. They put this information out there, no fact
checking, nothing and someone got shot.
“If this was real, do you think he would still Someone was shot because a man decided
be a sitting president?” Whoopi continued he believed it. He drove from where he lived
scoffing. to the pizza shot with his gun.

Hostin picked up on that theme, calling Trump “paranoid” to Speaking of conspiracy theories, the hosts at The View have
believe anyone within the government could be trying to expressed their own over the years.
sabotage his presidency:
Longtime former host Rosie O’Donnell repeatedly suggested on
I wonder if the president really believes this. I've been joking the show that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were staged by the U.S.
about it. This is the first I'm hearing about this deep state. If Whoopi Goldberg herself has espoused her own conspiracy
you're playing to the conspiracy theorists in your base or 46% of theories. In the last year alone, she suggested that the Taliban
Americans, that makes sense. “started” like Trump, and that “antifa” was a fake group “made
up” by the right.
If you're the President of the United States
and you are paranoid enough to believe
there's some conspiracy against your
presidency and you have nuclear warheads
at your disposal, shouldn't we all be a little
bit concerned about this?
“This is no joke. People getting hurt,” Whoopi
shook her head before cutting to commercial

Later in the show, Whoopi offered a correction, acknowledging

no person was actually shot in the PizzaGate shooting incident.

BUSTED: Billionaire Trump Ally Says
Quotes Bashing Prez Attributed To Him Are FALSE
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 3, 2018

Barrack reportedly turned down a high-level position in

the Trump administration

(National Sentinel) Misquote: A billionaire close

confidant of President Donald J. Trump was quoted as
disparaging the commander-in-chief in a new book by
author Michael Wolff, but has told The New York Times he
never said it.

Wolff, in his upcoming, highly anticipated book, “Fire

and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,”
said Thomas Barrack Jr. had some hard words for the
president, as reported by The Guardian on Wednesday.
Barrack and Trump are reportedly very loyal friends,
“Trump is not spared,” the news site
having a relationship that dates back decades in the real
reported. “Wolff writes that Thomas
estate business.
Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the
president’s oldest associates, allegedly told
a friend: Indeed, the billionaire real estate mogul spoke at the 2016
Republican National Convention and became a member of
‘He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.'” Trump’s inauguration committee.

But the Times’ Maggie Habberman reported that Barrack Barrack reportedly turned down a high-level position in
told her the quote is “totally false.” the Trump administration, telling the President he could
help him from outside Washington with “no skin in the
“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once, game.”
says he never said the quote attributed to
him to Wolffe or anyone. ‘Totally false,’ Upon publication of this story, Wolff had not yet
Barrack said by phone just now. Tom responded to Barrack’s statements.
Barrack adds, ‘It’s clear to anyone who
knows me that those aren’t my words and
In October, the Washington Post reported that Barrack has
inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.’
“remained unfailingly loyal” to Trump, and sees him as a
He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him
“shrewd politician.”
to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted

Atlantic Magazine Editor Wants
Trump's Brain Examined By Committee
By P.J. Gladnick
January 3, 2018 2:36 PM EST

Because President Donald Trump has been spotted holding D.C., Trump reached under his podium
water bottles a few times with both hands, a committee and grabbed a glass with both hands.
should be formed to examine his brain in order to make This time he kept them on the glass the
recommendations about his removal from office via the entire time he drank, and as he put the
25th Amendment. Such is the fantasy of one James glass down. This drew even more
Hamblin, a senior editor at Atlantic magazine who, attention. The gesture was like that of an
perhaps, should have his brain examined for proposing extremely cold person cradling a mug of
such a nutty idea. cocoa. Some viewers likened him to a child
just learning to handle a cup.
Hamblin even analyzed Trump's speech patterns when he
was interviewed years ago by Larry King and Oprah to Aha! Solid evidence for his removal from office in contrast
make the determination for brain analysis by committee. to the fact-free Russia collusion theory.
This bizarre proposal comes as no real surprise since
several months ago Hamblin proposed that we give up beef Then there was an incident of slurred speech. Announcing
for beans in order to reduce climate change. Hamblin's the relocation of the American embassy in Israel from Tel
latest idea is equally as full of flatulence as we shall see in Aviv to Jerusalem—a dramatic foreign-policy move—
Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump? Trump became difficult to understand at a phonetic level,
which did little to reassure many observers of the
Trump’s grandiosity and impulsivity has made him a soundness of his decision.
constant subject of speculation among those concerned
with his mental health. But after more than a year of Just one incident of slurred speech is enough to go through
talking to doctors and researchers about whether and how the emotions of examining his brain before 25
the cognitive sciences could offer a lens to explain Amendmenting him out of office.
Trump’s behavior,
Though these moments could be inconsequential, they call
I’ve come to believe there should be a attention to the alarming absence of a system to evaluate
role for professional evaluation beyond elected officials’ fitness for office—to reassure concerned
speculating from afar. citizens that the “leader of the free world” is not
cognitively impaired, and on a path of continuous decline.
I’m not alone. Viewers of Trump’s recent speeches have
begun noticing minor abnormalities in his movements. Especially if such a leader is a Republican.

In November, he used his free hand to After age 40, the brain decreases in volume by about 5
steady a small Fiji bottle as he brought percent every decade.
it to his mouth. Onlookers described the
movement as “awkward” and made The most noticeable loss is in the
jokes about hand size. frontal lobes. These control motor
functioning of the sort that would direct
Some called out Trump for doing the exact thing he had a hand to a cup and a cup to the mouth
mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the presidential in one fluid motion—in most cases
primary—conspicuously drinking water during a speech. without even looking at the cup.

Case closed! Immediate removal from office via 25th You cannot be president if you are unable to take a drink
Amendment due to awkward water bottle handling. from a water bottle in one fuid motion. Oh, and also if you
are a Republican.
Then in December, speaking about his
national-security plan in Washington,

Hamblin then analyzes Trump's speech patterns from thirty consisting of nonpartisan medical and
years ago during interviews with Larry King and Oprah in psychological experts—could exist in a
comparison with today and concludes possible capacity similar to the Congressional
dementia...or even Alzheimer's: Budget Office. It could regularly assess
the president’s neurologic status and give a
Though it is not possible to diagnose a battery of cognitive tests to assess
person with dementia based on speech judgment, recall, decision-making,
patterns alone, these are the sorts of attention—the sorts of tests that might help
changes that appear in early stages of a school system assess whether a child is
Alzheimer’s. Trump has likened himself to suited to a particular grade level or
Ronald Reagan, and the changes in classroom—and make the results
Trump’s speech evoke those seen in the available.
late president. Reagan announced his
Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 1994, but there Such a panel need not have the power to unseat a
was evidence of linguistic change over the president, to undo a democratic election, no matter the
course of his presidency that experts have severity of illness. Even if every member deemed a
argued was indicative of early decline. His president so impaired as to be unfit to execute the duties of
grammar worsened, and his sentences the office, the role of the committee would end with the
were more often incomplete. He came to issuing of that statement. Acting on that information—or
rely ever more on vague and simple words: ignoring or disparaging it—would be up to the people and
indefinite nouns and “low imageability” their elected officials.
verbs like have, go, and get.
And we pretty much already know how such a committee
Finally, Hamblin's solution to the water bottle handling loaded with Trump deranged loons would rule.
and linguistic change problem--- A presidential fitness
committee run like the Congressional Budget Office: Much more interesting than examining Trump's brain
would be to place electrodes all over the head of one James
A presidential-fitness committee—of the Hamblin and analyze the jump in brain waves whenever
sort that Carter and others propose, the name of Trump is mentioned.

Was Huma Abedin The Ultimate Spy, One Of The Greatest
Traitors To America In US History? It's Time To Take
Down 'The Enemies Of America Within', President Trump!
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
January 3, 2018

Known as a trusted adviser to Hillary, particularly on the

Middle East, prior to the Democratic primaries in 2007 she
was labeled as 'Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon' after
having taking over the position as Hillary's top aide and
personal advisor prior to her 2000 NY Senate run, later to
be appointed 'deputy chief of staff' to Hillary at the US
State Department in 2009.

And as we've learned in story after story that have come

out this week as also heard in the first two videos below
from Sean Hannity and Fox News, with classified
documents found on her husband Anthony Weiner's
laptop, people like Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton
While President Donald Trump took to twitter on Tuesday should be very worried that they'll soon be going to prison
to urge the 'deep state justice department' to act against for jeopardizing US national security. Are US military
Huma Abedin as Susan Duclos reported in this ANP story, secrets now in the hands of radical Islamists or Iran or
evidence is emerging that Huma may have been the even China or Russia because of them?
'ultimate spy' in the drive of radical Islam to destroy
America as we detail within this ANP story, a true 'enemy
of America within'...Hillary Clinton's bedroom.

Born in 1976 to Syed Zainul Abedin (1928–93) and Saleha

Mahmood Abedin in Michigan, at the age of two her
family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where Huma lived
until returning to the US for college at the age of 18.
Within 2 years, she was working at the White House as an
intern for then first-lady Hillary Clinton.

As Wikipedia reports about her family,

both of her parents were educators. Her Back on October 25th of 2016 we published a story on
father, born in New Delhi (India) on April 2, ANP titled "Anonymous Exposes 'The Grand Jihad To
1928, was an Islamic and Middle Eastern Overthrow America' - Calls Hillary Clinton 'The Root Of
scholar of Indian descent, who received his All Evil' And Uncovers 'The Sleeper' Within" and as we
PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, reported in that story, we were likely watching the
and then in 1978 founded the Institute of 'ultimate infiltration' of a US presidential candidate, and
Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization therefore America, with the infiltration of Hillary by Huma
devoted to the study of Muslim Abedin.
communities in non-Muslim societies
around the world. In 1979, he founded the We have decided to republish an extended excerpt of that
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, which story as part of the next few sections of this story to help
his wife took over after his death; his tell this tale that must be told. Please keep in mind that
daughter Huma was listed as an associate while the source story was written prior to the election, the
editor from 1996–2008. truth within it remains the same.:

We've all seen the scenario played out to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. Once
in Hollywood movies and real-world again, from that October of 2016 story referencing the
leaders of nations going back millenia final video below.:
know the dangers all too well. A
mysterious woman or man suddenly We have proof that her mother supports
captures the attention of a country's both the death penalty for those who
leader or other high-placed insider - choose to leave Islam as well as the
covertly to gather top secret subordination of women. Huma and her
information, assassinate the target or mother both worked for the same
completely infiltrate their regime. As radical Islamic journal.
many know, the Russians are famous
for their notorious female spies Proving to us beyond any doubt the
throughout history. strong ties between Abedin, Hillary
Clinton and 'the grand jihad' to
As we enter the stretch run of the 2016 overthrow America, we see the ties
election, we are once again witnessing exposed before our very eyes of a long-
such an 'infiltration' of a political figure held plan to replace our political system
though as it's not the Russians who are here in America with a repressive form
doing the infiltrating this time. As we of Sharia law with Hillary Clinton and
also learn, this 'infiltration' has grave her top aide Abedin leading the way.
consequences for Christians and every
person across America and those who Also showing to us the undeniable ties
love freedom across the world. between Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin,
Abdullah Omar Naseef and the nation of
Who is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's Saudi Arabia as the main players in this
#1 aide and sidekick for the past 20 drama that the MSM is hoping you never
years and why should we as American find out about, we also see the proof of
citizens even care? As we learn in the ties between these main players and
final video below from Anonymous, numerous organizations that all share
Huma Abedin has absolutely undeniable the same goals and have told us
ties to both terrorists and those who repeatedly in plain English they want to
funded the 9/11 attacks upon destroy Western civilization and replace
America. (ANP: We have again it with repressive Sharia law.
embedded that video as the final one

As we learned in this 2013 story from the National

Review, Huma worked for many years at a journal that
promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology that was founded
by a top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef.
Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, a formally designated foreign
terrorist organization under American law. Ms. Abedin and
Why should Americans care about who the mother of Naseef overlapped at the Journal of Muslim Minority
Huma Abedin is? As we also reported in that October Affairs (JMMA) for at least seven years. Throughout that
story, during the Obama administration, we witnessed a time (1996–2003), Ms. Abedin ALSO worked for Hillary
'stealth' jihad to overthrow America and while we were Clinton in various capacities.
called 'conspiracy theorists' for even suggesting such a
thing, remember that the Islamic principal of taqqiya You read that correctly. As Anonymous also tells us in that
permits Muslims to lie to advance the cause of Islam - in final video below, during the same time period as the 9/11
some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order attacks upon America, Huma Abedin was working for both

Hillary Clinton AND those funding the terrorists
responsible for attacking America.

Even this NY Post story from back on August 21st, 2016

told us Huma worked at a radical Muslim journal for 10
years and even ripped apart a 1995 proclamation made by
Hillary that 'woman's rights are human rights'. From their
One of Clinton’s biggest
accomplishments listed on her
campaign website is her support for the
UN women’s conference in Bejing in As we also asked back in October of 2016, Abedin began
1995, when she famously declared, working for Clinton in the US State Department after only
“Women’s rights are human rights.” Her being here for 2 years in this country.
speech has emerged as a focal point of
her campaign, featured prominently in Was she trained to infiltrate America
last month’s Morgan Freeman-narrated knowing Clinton's alleged proclivity for
convention video introducing her as the lesbian women? If male leaders can be
Democratic nominee. seduced by spies who don't have their best
However, soon after that “historic and interests at heart, there is no doubt in our
transformational” 1995 event, as Clinton mind that female "leaders" can be as well.
recently described it, her top aide Huma
Abedin published articles in a Saudi We continued:
journal taking Clinton’s feminist
platform apart, piece by piece. At the Knowing the Clinton's sordid history, did
time, Abedin was assistant editor of the those seeking to overthrow America realize
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs that Hillary was 'ripe for the picking'? The
working under her mother, who remains final video below provides absolute proof
editor-in-chief. She was also working in that Hillary has been infiltrated by someone
the White House as an intern for then- with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
first lady Clinton. and those who seek to overthrow our form
of government in the West.
Headlined “Women’s Rights Are Islamic
Rights,” a 1996 article argues that single
moms, working moms and gay couples And why has Huma refused to deny her terror ties?
with children should not be recognized
as families. It also states that more As we're told in the final video, the Institute
revealing dress ushered in by women’s of Muslim Minority Affairs is funded by the
liberation “directly translates into same person who funded those who
unwanted results of sexual promiscuity attacked America on 9/11 and who also
and irresponsibility and indirectly funds the Muslim World League. While the
promote violence against women.” In ties exposed here begin twisted like
other words, sexually liberated women spaghetti, Anonymous does an outstanding
are just asking to be raped. job untangling the terror mess and proves
to us a deep well of treason exists that is
now bubbling up to the surface with the
intention of taking down America and the

And while America has thankfully dodged that bullet for at

least another 3 years and hopefully 7 with President Trump
possibly doing the impossible, taking down Hillary Clinton
and the 'deep state', as ANP writer William B. Stoecker
recently wrote in this story on ANP, we need to stay awake
and aware about what's happening here in America.

With the 'globalist deep state' still attempting to take down

President Trump and the 1st Amendment here in America,
working to permanently silence those within the
independent media who speak out loudly against them,
how quickly might things change should Hillary not be
held accountable for her actions but run again for President
in 2020 and win? While the worst nightmare for millions,
should such a thing happen, like Barack Obama sealing his
records in his first executive order, the chance for
Americans and the world to ever learn the truth about
Hillary and Huma will forever be lost.

Why hasn't there been a serious investigation into Huma

asks Fox News in the 3rd video below? Between Barack
Obama in the Oval office, Iran-born Valerie Jarrett as one
of his chief advisers, the Muslim Brotherhood in the White
House during Obama's term in office and Huma Abedin
into 'all things Hillary', it's easy to understand why there
hadn't been a serious investigation up to this point. Yet
with all things seemingly now changing before our eyes,
it's time to take them all down, President Trump!

The first video below is a brief excerpt from the 2nd,

Hannity's full show Tuesday night.

“Deep State” DoJ, FBI, Won’t Answer Congress’ Questions
But Will LEAK To The Traitorous “Mainstream” Media
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The Times essentially reported that Papadopoulos got too

drunk one evening at a swanky London wine bar and
revealed to an Australian diplomat that the Russians have
“political dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

When you think about it, whether Papadopoulos knew that

for certain or not, it makes perfect sense, given that she and
hubby Bill were involved in the Uranium One scandal,
used an unsecured email server that was likely hacked (by
Russia and others), and had an aide who similarly
compromised national security information.

Republicans in Congress have had it with senior staffers But I digress. The Times’ claims unraveled within hours of
and officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI, and publication. And besides, the paper reported in April that
are preparing to lower the boom on them as investigations former Trump campaign aide Carter Page was the one who
are set to refocus on how they sought to undermine really triggered the collusion investigation (though he
President Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign. wasn’t, either). (Related: PROOF that Hillary Clinton
got special treatment by the FBI, which exonerated her
even though she committed serious crimes.)
But in the meantime, GOP members of Congress are
taking both agencies to task in public, questioning not only
their loyalty to the country but also whether or not they are How do we know? Because the Deep State
violating laws through continuous leaking to ‘friendly’ let it slip months ago in a leak to CNN that
mainstream media outlets. the Feds used the dossier to get the FISA
warrant. Oops.
On Tuesday, Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., a frequent critic
of senior FBI and DoJ officials who have been As for what specific role the dossier played in getting the
stonewalling congressional committees seeking FISA warrant, DeSantis told Fox News,
information about their anti-Trump efforts, appeared on
Fox News to decry their refusal to answer questions about “I asked Deputy Attorney General Rod
the famed “Trump dossier,” but have no problem leaking Rosenstein that very question under oath in
select details to outlets like The New York Times. front of the Judiciary Committee and he
hemmed and hawed and would not answer
DeSantis, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, the question. So it’s a little odd to me when
along with GOP Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Trey the DOJ will not answer that but yet there
Gowdy, has been attempting to get to the bottom of are some people either in the FBI and DOJ
whether or not the FBI used the bogus dossier as a who has no problem leaking that to The
legitimate “intelligence” document it then took to the New York Times.”
secretive FISA court in order to get a warrant to spy on the “That attempt strikes me as an attempt on
Trump campaign. some people in the agency to deflect from
the dossier,” he added, as reported by The
The Florida lawmaker tore into a New York Times piece Gateway Pundit.
published earlier this week claiming that Trump campaign
volunteer George Papadopoulos is the one who sparked the Rosenstein was appointed to his post by Obama.
Russian collusion investigation. Rosenstein also happens to be the DoJ official who
authorized a special counsel to investigate alleged Trump-
Russia collusion, then named Deep State operative Robert
Mueller to head it up.
In December, under questioning from DeSantis and other initiation of the investigation,” the deputy
GOP lawmakers on the Judiciary Committee, Rosenstein AG responded.
smugly refused to answer direct questions regarding the
dossier. When DeSantis pressed, Rosenstein suggested that only
the House Intelligence Committee has oversight in the
“The Russia investigation. Who started it? matter. That set the congressman off.
Who was the agent? Was it [anti-Trump
FBI counterintelligence agent Peter] Strzok “That’s not true! We have oversight over
who started it? Who opened the case?” your department and the FBI and whether
“That matter is under review by the public funds were spent on a dossier —
Intelligence Committee and there is nothing that’s not something that is classified! We
that I can talk about publicly regarding the have every right to that information. You
should provide it,” he said.

Where Are George Soros, Hillary Clinton And Tony
Podesta? Also, Surge Of Politicians Now
Wearing 'Medical Boots'
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
January 3, 2018

that started with the fall of Democratic mega-donor

Harvey Weinstein, are just the "tip of the iceberg" which
will lead into massive crackdowns and major exposure into
the rampant problem of pedophilia and child trafficking,
and how that all ties in with the timing of President
Trump's December 21, 2017 executive order titled
"Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons
Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or

As ANP detailed on December 22, 2017, that executive

order did not only specify foreign actors but also anyone
within our government, presently or former officials, that
I have seen a lot of chatter on the Q-Anon and MegaAnon are complicit or had been directly engaged in
postings at 4chan and 8chan, and have been asked why
don't we follow the goings on, the "clues," offered, and "(1) corruption, including the
write about it. While it is true we haven't detailed their misappropriation of state assets, the
daily and weekly chatter, and won't, that does not mean we expropriation of private assets for personal
are ignoring it either. Since mid-2017, we have carefully gain, corruption related to government
watched, tallied the predictions, balanced the ones that contracts or the extraction of natural
came true out with those that haven't, along with those that resources, or bribery; or (2) the transfer or
could possibly still happen. the facilitation of the transfer of the
proceeds of corruption."
See, anyone can anonymously claim they are a secret
Intelligence sources offering tidbits and puzzle pieces for That EO also announced that anyone caught up within
everyone else to put together, that doesn't mean they are, those parameters, could have their assets seized
but it doesn't mean they aren't either, so unless something immediately and without warning.
can be confirmed, verified or debunked, we simply
continue to observe, research and wait. Corsi believes that many things we have seen and reported
on, are indicators that the stage is being set for something
Some things have caught my interest, and that of author, huge. Listen below.
and political commentator Jerome Corsi. Specific postings
that fit in with the major news events we are witnessing, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
from President Trump's Executive order that could literally
bring down high profile figures like the Clintons, as certain That Dec. 21, 2017 executive order could potentially cover
individuals names in the annex of the EO are connected in a whole lot of household names, including people like
one way or another with the Clintons or the Clinton Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Podesta's both John and Tony,
Foundation, or how that EO could apply to people like and the man behind many color revolutions, George Soros.
billionaire troublemaker George Soros, and other
individuals. (More on that EO to catch up in a prior ANP Tony Podesta: Which brings us to the
article from December 22, 2017) headlined question of where certain
individuals are right now, as we have noted
Below Corsi details some of his observations which lead many are asking where Tony Podesta has
him to believe another "shoe is about to drop," as he been since he stepped down from the
highlights his belief that all the sexual assault allegations company he founded, The Podesta Group,
on the same day that special Counsel Excellent question, what has happened to Tony Podesta? A
Robert Mueller charged former Trump man known for his creepy "child art," and to which his
campaign manager Paul Manafort. company was named in the Manafort indictment as
"company B," as one of the firms solicited to lobby on
behalf of the Ukranian government.

So, Podesta steps down from his position at Podesta group,

the groups then announces their closure, to reopen as
another entity, then he goes off the radar.

A search using a variety of search engines brings up a

number of "claims" about Tony Podesta being in Gitmo,
arrested, turning states witness and being in protective
custody, none of which confirmed and nothing more than
rumor, but absolutely nothing offering direct witness
sightings, when looking in "news" or just on the "web"
option itself.

George Soros: Another person that seems

Quick note and update on Manafort: On January 3, 2018, to have been strangely quiet lately is
Manafort issued a lawsuit against Department of Justice, George Soros. Liberal billionaire, and the
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and special money man behind many of the instances
counsel Robert Mueller - see more here) of anti-Trump protests and rioting within the
U.S. over the past year, has oddly gone
One of the people asking about Podesta just happens to be quiet on his social media Twitter account.
the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in an
interview published by the NYT on December 28, 2017, The last tweet from Soros or whoever runs his Twitter
via the Daily Caller: account was on November 26, 2017. Prior to that his
account tweeted out messages regularly every month.
President Donald Trump believes special Some months a dozen, some more, some a few less, but
counsel Robert Mueller will treat him fairly active every month recently except in December and early
in his ongoing investigation, but he is January.
curious why charges have not yet been
filed against democratic lobbyist Tony Like with Podesta, there are hyperbolic "claims" around
Podesta. the internet that Soros had a heart attack on Christmas Eve,
but nothing in any news agency, or even Hungary news,
“Whatever happened to Podesta?,” the nor any announcements from any of Soros' businesses,
president asked during a wide-ranging New which is where a press release would generally be
York Times interview published Thursday. generated should something have happened to him health-
“[T]hey closed their firm, they left in wise.
disgrace, the whole thing, and now you
never heard of anything.” It was reported in October 2017 that Soros had transferred
the bulk of his wealth, some $18 billion to his Open
Trump referenced the apparent scrutiny the Society Foundations. Is it possible Soros and/or his
Podesta Group is under by Mueller’s team advisors saw the writing on the wall, or were maybe tipped
for lobbying work it did in the U.S. on behalf off, and transferred the bulk of his billions to the society to
of former Ukranian leader Viktor prevent the U.S. government from freezing or seizing his
Yanukovych. The lobbying reportedly assets as part of the upcoming EO?
resembles the same activity former Trump
campaign chairman Paul Manafort was
indicted for by the special counsel. Hillary Clinton: While Hillary Clinton's
Twitter page has been active, there is no
The Podesta Group, once headed by way of knowing if she still has staff manage
brother of former Clinton campaign her social media as she used to end her
chairman John Podesta, is likely to close personal tweets with "-H" and none of them
by the end of this year. His brother, Tony this past year has included it.
Podesta, stepped down from his position at
the firm in late October. We haven't seen any public appearances from Clinton
since mid-December, where it was noted that she is still
wearing a "medical boot." Clinton started wearing that Then Congresswoman Jackie Speier, the woman that
boot in October when she apparently took a spill, which at claimed that President Trump was going to fire Robert
first it was reported she hurt her ankle, then she stated she Mueller on December 22, 2017 (which never happened),
had broken a toe. That "accident" coincidentally happened and who also happens to be one of the lawmakers on
a day before the huge Uranium One scandal broke out after the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
a blockbuster report at The Hill. Clinton had canceled that employed Imran Awan who has been federally
appearances on her book tour at the time. indicted for federal bank fraud and conspiracy.

(Note- Reports from January 3, 2017, indicate there was a

fire at the Clintons' Chappaqua, New York Home, but no
injuries have been reported)



While Clinton's use of the medical boot for two months

from just a broken toe has been the topic of articles, such
as this one from Daily Mail, we are noting a number of
other politicians seem to be having problems with their
leg/foot. That or they have very strange ideas of what is
considered a fashion accessory.

On November 2, 2017, Representative Jackie Walorski,

a House Ways and Means member, was also pictured
wearing a medical boot, when going to speak to the press
after a meeting with President Trump.

John McCain, the Senator from Arizona that arranged to

have "unverified" Kremlin sourced Trump dossier, that
Hillary Clinton and the DNC helped fund, delivered to the
FBI, is sporting a medical boot on his right foot, after a
minor tear in his right Achilles tendon. (Although he has
moved it to the left on at least one occasion.)
There is a significant amount of chatter across the internet
with people speculating these boots are being worn to hide
ankle monitors because these people are in legal trouble.
This rumor cannot be confirmed and anything other than
providing us all with newly taken pictures of both their
legs and feet without socks or boots (Think they would do
it if we asked? No? Me either), means it won't be
debunked any time soon.

There is one rumor I can debunk. Images are being shared

of Chelsea Clinton in a medical boot as well. Those images
are real, but they were taken back in 2012.

BOTTOM LINE actions during the Clinton investigation, and the DOJ now
ordering their prosecutors to also review the Clinton
There is a lot going on in January, with the president evidence and the reasons former FBI director James
highlighting Huma Abedin's crimes, and others, while Comey let Hillary Clinton off regarding her emails and
calling out the "Deep State Justice Department," and private server usage....... so it appears Corsi may be
investigations ongoing in both houses of Congress correct, it does seem as if the stage is being set to see
regarding Uranium One, the FBI and DOJ under Obama, another shoe, or perhaps a closet full of them, drop.
along with the ongoing OIG review of the FBI and DOJ

“The 25th Amendment Needs To Be Enforced”: Green Day
Frontman Billy Joe Armstrong Tells His Fans That Support
Trump To “F**K OFF” While Calling For
His Impeachment
Alex Thomas
January 3rd, 2018

it takes to ignore the actual facts surrounding the rogue

nuclear nation.

One user detailed these facts and was viciously attacked by

Armstrong in another post that made clear that the Green
Day singer has indeed lost his mind.

The concerned fan(former?) wrote,

“I love how no one loses their shit about

how Kim Jong
In the never ending saga that is the establishments attack 1) Literally made the same threat hours
on all things Donald Trump, more and more rich before Trump
musicians have publicly aligned themselves against the
president with unhinged rants that not only attack Trump 2) Is the reason all those innocent people
but also the tens of the millions of Americans who voted are starving
for him. 3) Threatens the rest of the world
4) Has active death camps. But no by all
In other words, Trump Derangement Syndrome is means Trump’s the real villain here you
especially strong with rich liberals who are falling over guys.”
themselves to attack the president as if it is somehow
courageous to literally join with the establishment.
Armstrong responded,

The latest example comes in the form of an Instagram rant

“Go fuck yourself you fucking keyboard
in which Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong had a
coward. You don’t know what the fuck
mini meltdown over the presidents latest tweet about North
you’re talking about. No one is coming for
Korea, eventually going on to attack his own fans who
you you paranoid fool. This is your
support the president while joining with the deep state
president making threats of mass
echo chamber in calling for the use of the 25th
destruction. Wake up or get the fuck off my
Amendment to remove him from office.

“This isn’t funny. This is our president

Eventually Armstrong took it one step further, responding
acting like a madman drunk on power
to another comment by telling all the people who support
THREATENING to kill innocent starving
his band that also happen to support the president to “f**k
people by way of nuclear war. The 25th
off” and to stop listening. (very rich for a privileged
amendment needs to be enforced. This
musician to say.)
man is sick and unfit for office. I don’t care
if your liberal or conservative.. this has to
stop . Please share #impeachtrump.” “Well then go fuck yourself you stupid piece
of shit. If that’s the way you feel about
mass destruction and murder then fuck off.
As Paul Joseph Watson rightfully noted, many Americans
Stay the fuck off my Instagram and don’t
responded to Armstrong’s call for Trump to be impeached
come back. Don’t listen to my fucking
with anger while also pointing out the stunning hypocrisy
records. I have no problem telling ignorant mainstream media, which doesn’t seem to
fucks like you to go to hell. That goes for get anywhere near as irate about the fact
any other stupid fucks that thinks this that Kim Jong-un routinely threatens the
behavior should be normalized. Get the world with nuclear holocaust and presides
fuck out!” over a brutal regime that imprisons
hundreds of thousands of its own people in
As Watson wrote, political death camps.”

“Armstrong’s response to Trump’s tweet Another day, another rich liberal melting down over
mirrored the hysterical reaction of the Donald Trump.

Trump Follows Infowars’ Lead
With ‘Fake News Awards’ Ceremony
Infowars Had Held A Fake News Awards Ceremony In November
Infowars.Com - January 3, 2018

follow Infowars’ lead and once again announce a more

official Fake News Awards to be held Monday.
“I will be announcing THE MOST
5:00 o’clock,” Trump tweeted Tuesday.
“Subjects will cover Dishonesty & and Bad
Reporting in various categories from the
President Donald Trump announced he Fake News Media. Stay Tuned!”
would hold the “most dishonest and
corrupt media” awards ceremony on
Monday, January 3.

Trump floated the idea of holding such an awards

ceremony last November.

“We should have a contest as to which of

the Networks, plus CNN and not including
Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt, and/or
distorted in its political coverage of your A list of Winners from the Infowars Fake News Awards
favorite President (me). They are all bad. Ceremony can be viewed below:
Winner to receive Fake News Trophy!” he
Fake News Anchor: Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough
Fake News Entertainer: Stephen Colbert
Fake News Publication: NY Times
Fake News Network: CNN
Fake News Reporter: Jim Acosta
Fake News Politician: Hillary Clinton
Fake News Story: Trump-Russia collusion

Infowars answered the president’s call and held a Fake

News Awards ceremony later that same night, with
winners in several categories including Fake Publication,
Anchor, Entertainer, and Reporter.

The following December, the mainstream media faked

several “bombshell” stories surrounding Trump and the
phony Russia-Gate investigation, prompting Trump to

If The Trump Administration DOESN’T Indict Hillary
Clinton, James Comey, Then The Rule Of Law
In America Is DEAD
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Just days before he won his first presidential election, “That evidence includes passages in FBI
then-Sen. Barack Obama said he was just “days away” documents stating the ‘sheer volume’ of
from fundamentally transforming America. classified information that flowed through
Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of
Talking heads, politicos and pundits on the Right parsed criminality as well as an admission of false
his words in an attempt to figure out just what he meant. statements by one key witness in the case,
Eight years later, his meaning became clear: Obama sought the investigators said,” as quoted by The
to fundamentally transform America’s institutions, culture, Hill.
and justice system, and many believe he succeeded beyond
even his wildest dreams. Then, of course, there is former FBI Director Comey,
whom we now know planned to exonerate Clinton from
Particularly hard hit was the American justice system. those crimes long before he announced that he would
Obama, we now know, politicized every aspect of it by during a highly irregular July 2016 press conference.
putting in place rank partisans who, in carrying out the
former president’s political objectives, ignored and buried In making that statement to the press, Comey laid out the
substantial violations of law that undoubtedly harmed U.S. bureau’s case against Clinton:
national security in ways we may never be able to fully
gauge. From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned
to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52
The best walking, talking examples of this are Hillary e-mail chains have been determined by the
Clinton and James Comey. owning agency to contain classified
information at the time they were sent or
Clinton, during her tenure as Obama’s first secretary of received. Eight of those chains contained
state, not only used her position to pad her and her information that was Top Secret at the time
husband’s pocketbooks through their financial vehicle, the they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret
Clinton Foundation, but in her quest for secrecy, she information at the time; and eight contained
installed a private, unsecured email server in her New Confidential information, which is the
York home and used it to conduct official business. lowest level of classification.

In the course of conducting that business, she handled The former FBI director would then go to make some
scores of classified and confidential information that she incredible claims:
was never held accountable for, despite the fact that the
FBI had discovered evidence she violated several statutes  That Clinton and her aides were not guilty of “gross
pertaining to the handling of classified information. negligence” in mishandling the sensitive information,
only of being “extremely careless.” We now know that
As reported by The Hill, for the first time congressional initially, Comey wrote “gross negligence” in an early
investigators say they have obtained written evidence that draft, but that it was changed to “extremely careless” by
the FBI believed there were indications and additional FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok. This is
evidence some laws were violated when the former important because “gross negligence” is language
secretary of state for President Obama and her top aides taken directly from the statutes governing the handling
sent classified information through her unsecured private of classified documents and therefore is legally
email server. (Related: Hannity sez ‘People like Hillary actionable.
Clinton should be nervous – People will be going to jail’  Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would elect to
as GOP lawmakers find NEW ‘irregularities’ and prosecute Clinton. That’s not his decision to make, it’s
‘contradictions’ in FBI’s EMAIL investigation (Video))
the attorney general’s decision (in this case another Barack Obama’s corruption of the Justice Department and
Obama sycophant, Loretta Lynch). FBI couldn’t be plainer. Now just imagine how much he’s
 He also said the FBI did not find “evidence” that Clinton “fundamentally transformed” other institutions of
“intended” to mishandle classified information. Intent government.
doesn’t matter, and in fact, the statutes state clearly
that intent makes no difference (hence the “gross If the Trump administration doesn’t act
negligence” language). against Clinton, Comey, and anyone else
responsible for serial violations of U.S. law,
After admitting that Clinton did indeed then we are no longer a nation of laws and
mishandle dozens of pieces of classified therefore no one should be prosecuted
information, he still didn’t recommend she for anything.
be charged.

Grassley: James Comey May Have
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 4, 2018

Grassley asked Rosenstein to clarify whether the DOJ or ignored the same security protocol that he
FBI have determined whether any of the memos that publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the
Comey sent to Richman contained classified information waning days of the 2016 presidential
election,” The Hill reported.

The paper also noted that Comey testified the previous

month before the House Intelligence Committee that he
shared at least one of them with Richman. “He asked that
lawyer to leak information from one memo to the news
media in hopes of increasing pressure to get a special
prosecutor named in the Russia case after Comey was fired
as FBI director,” The Hill noted further.
(National Sentinel) Illegal: The chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee said in a letter to Deputy Attorney “If it’s true that Professor Richman had four
General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday that former FBI of the seven memos, then in light of the
Directory James Comey may have illegally leaked a fact that four of the seven memos the
classified memo to a friend. Committee reviewed are classified, it would
appear that at least one memo the former
In his letter, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, demanded FBI director gave Professor Richman
answers from Rosenstein regarding the handling of memos contained classified information,” Grassley
that Comey wrote following his conversations with writes.
President Donald J. Trump, The Daily Caller reported.
He asserted in his letter that the Justice Department and
The Judiciary chairman said that he and his staff have FBI have so far failed to provide crucial details about the
recently reviewed seven memos Comey wrote following memos and how they were handled.
his meetings with the president. Of those, four contained
information that was classified as “Secret” or Grassley said during a recent review of the memos that
“Confidential.” was held in a secure facility, FBI personnel “refused” to
answer questions about the chain of custody of the memos,
Grassley also noted that past media reports claimed that when they were deemed classified, and who made the
Comey gave at least four memos to his friend, Columbia classified determinations.
law professor Daniel Richman.
The Daily Caller reported further:
During congressional testimony last year, Comey told a
House panel he hoped that leaking the memos would lead In his letter, Grassley asked Rosenstein to
to a special counsel appointment aimed at investigating clarify whether the DOJ or FBI have
Trump’s campaign. Shortly thereafter, Rosenstein determined whether any of the memos that
appointed former FBI director and Comey friend Robert Comey sent to Richman contained
Mueller. classified information and which of the
seven Comey memos had been provided
A report in July 2017 said that more than half of the to Richman.
memos Comey wrote following his Trump meetings Grassley is also inquiring when Richman
contained classified information. received the memos and whether any had
classification markings on them at the time
“This revelation raises the possibility that they were exchanged.
Comey broke his own agency’s rules and .

Donald Trump Jr.: Bannon
‘Nightmare Of Backstabbing, Leaking, Lying,
By John Nolte
4 Jan 2018

Using his Twitter account Wednesday, After Breitbart News published a series of stories covering
the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., the reports of Bannon’s comments, Don Jr. said that the
personally responded to reports of reader comments on those stories showed that “Bannon
comments made by Breitbart News has lost Breitbart[.]”
Executive Chairman Steve Bannon
about the Trump family. The younger Wow, Just looked at the comments section
Trump’s comments echoed those made on Breitbart. Wow. When Bannon has lost
by the president himself in a White Breitbart, he’s left with . . . umm, nothing.
House statement filled with accusations
against his former chief strategist. — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr)
January 3, 2018
Among other things, the president claimed Bannon had
been “fired,” was guilty of spreading “false information to A few hours later, he blasted Bannon as a “nightmare of
the media to make himself seem far more important than backstabbing, harassing, leaking, lying & undermining the
he was,” and that Bannon had “little to do with our historic President.”
Steve had the honor of working in the
Trump, however, did give Bannon full credit for “the loss White House & serving the country.
of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years Unfortunately, he squandered that privilege
by Republicans.” & turned that opportunity into a nightmare
of backstabbing, harassing, leaking, lying &
undermining the President. Steve is not a
Donald Trump Jr. also mocked Bannon over the Alabama
strategist, he is an opportunist
Senate loss. “Thanks Steve. Keep up the great work,” he
wrote in response to a tweet about a Democrat capturing — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr)
that seat. January 3, 2018

Thanks Steve. Keep up the great work. Retweets also signaled Trump’s thoughts on Bannon. This included an accusation from the Daily Mail’s David
Martosko that Bannon “was the single biggest leaker in the
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) West Wing (until his departure).”
January 3, 2018
In case it's not clear to everyone by now,
A second tweet pressed this same point:
Steve Bannon was the single biggest
leaker in the West Wing (until his
It would be amazing if there would have departure).
been a nice simple path to keeping this
seat with a nice 30 point margin… — David Martosko (@dmartosko) January
#thankssteve 4, 2018

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 3, 2018


BOGUS: NYTimes’ Papadopoulos ‘Bombshell’ Continues
To Unravel After Former DNI Clapper Says He Knew
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 4, 2018

“There were other factors that I think were President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James
the stimulus for the investigation” Clapper told CNN Tuesday evening that Papadopoulos was
not on his “radar scope” when he left.

“There were other factors that I think were

the stimulus for the investigation and the
revelation about George Papadopoulos,
which was not a name on my radar scope
when I left…I think also was another
factor,” Clapper said.

The former DNI also made the claim, as some Democrats

(National Sentinel) Deep Mistake: Last weekend The New and Left-leaning media outlets have similarly made in the
York Times published what it considered a ‘bombshell’ past, that portions of the Russian dossier have been
revelation: That George Papadopoulos, a young foreign substantiated.
policy adviser to the Trump campaign, was the individual
who essentially got the “Russian collusion” investigation
However, when pressed, Clapper could only recount two
started, rather than the widely refuted “Trump dossier.”
instances, neither of which have to do with alleged Russian
collusion with the Trump campaign.
“During a night of heavy drinking at an
upscale London bar in May 2016, George
He cited Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “animus”
Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy
towards Hillary Clinton “and the determination of clearly
adviser to the Trump campaign, made a
favoring…Trump to win the presidency” as the two
startling revelation to Australia’s top
diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt
on Hillary Clinton,” the paper reported.

The rest of the report, which was lengthy, sought to add to

the new narrative that what this minor Trump campaign
official allegedly told an Australian diplomat is what
triggered the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into
alleged Russian collusion.

Republicans in Congress have long asserted that the FBI

used the unsubstantiated Trump dossier to obtain a Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant from the secretive
FISA court in order to justify launching a
counterintelligence investigation against members of
President Donald J. Trump’s campaign in 2016.
In a tweet, Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly
Further evidence emerged earlier this week suggesting that Strassel noted, “Former Director of National Intelligence
Republicans are right and not the Times. James Clapper (in a Tuesday CNN interview):

George Papadopoulos “was not a name on

my radar scope when I left.” So head of
intelligence had never heard of the dude
that the NYT now claims launched the
entire Trump-Russia probe?”

Bannon Praises Trump: POTUS ‘Is A Great Man…
I Support Him Day In And Day Out’
By Robert Kraychik
4 Jan 2018

website, so I don’t you have to worry about

that. But I appreciate the kind words.
JUSTIN: Yeah, that just made me sick to
my stomach, though.
“[Donald Trump] got sucked in by fake
news, or trolled,” said Gayle in Alabama,
another caller-in toe Breitbart News
Tonight, framing the president as being
fooled by cultivated drama via the
Hollywood Reporter’s Michael Wolff.

Partial transcript below.

BANNON: President Trump, with the whole

swamp up there, the D.C. apparatus, the
“The President of the United States is a nullification project, everything going on; he
great man,” said Breitbart News’s is fighting every day. There’s no doubt in
Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon your mind, right? And maybe things get off
on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s track, or stuff gets said, and all this heated
stuff, but however, this is a guy, you voted
Breitbart News Tonight.
for him, you supported him, is there any
doubt in your mind he’s been fighting for
Bannon’s comments came in response to Justin from and working for you, the deplorables, the
California, a caller-in to Breitbart News Tonight noting forgotten man and woman, the silent
President Donald Trump’s recent criticisms of Bannon. majority, every day he’s been there?
GAYLE: I’ve never thought that any of us
Partial transcript below. were deplorables. I thought they all were
criminals, because I know who they are.
JUSTIN: First of all, I think [Donald Trump] I’ve done the savings and loans. I took
made a huge mistake, Steve, bashing you down many, I mean, I did the banking work.
like he did today on Twitter. That was I do know across the country, I do know the
devastating to me. I hope in the future you history. We are fighting the criminals in
can forgive him for that when we come to Washington. We are fighting the seventy-
2020, because I’m sure he’s going to need and eighty-year-old criminals. We are
your help. fighting the people, the Clintons and the
BANNON: The President of the United Bushes. We do know the history. We are
States is a great man. You know I support not the deplorables. We are the subdued
him day in and day out, whether going by the criminals in Washington… I happen
through the country giving the Trump to know this country is greater because of a
Miracle speech or on the show or on the Stephen K. Bannon.

Scaramucci: Steve Bannon Should Apologize – “Even
Breitbart Will Break From Bannon If He Doesn’t Drop
The Nonsense” (Video)
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, January 4, 2018

But I have to say this, if he did say it he

Former White House communications should get out there and walk it back. So
director Anthony Scaramucci went on he’s got two choices, I’m not his
ABC, CNN and FOX and Friends on communications director or his strategist,
Thursday morning to discuss the latest but I would say, “Walk it back, Doanld
dust-up between President Trump and Trump Jr. is not treasonous. He’s an
American patriot. He loves his dad and he
former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.
loves his country.” So walk it back. And if
he didn’t say it then he’s got to go out there
and denounce that he didn’t say it.

The former communications director added that even

Breitbart News will break from Steve Bannon if he doesn’t
drop the nonsense.

Via FOX and Friends:

Scaramucci told FOX and Friends that

Steve Bannon should apologize for the
Anthony Scaramucci: Look I don’t know if
it’s trump but what I would suggest is that…
let’s go verify it. At the end of the day some
of it may be true some of it may not be true.

Counterattack: Paul Manafort Files SUIT Against Mueller,
DoJ, Charging Massive OVERREACH
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 4, 2018

“The principle that government must be Also, the lawsuit suggests that the court stop him from
both limited in power and accountable to investigating any matters beyond the scope of the original
the people lies at the core of our appointment, or
constitutional traditions”
“any other relief as may be just and
“The principle that government must be
both limited in power and accountable to
the people lies at the core of our
constitutional traditions. That principle must
be zealously guarded against creeping
incursions,” Manafort attorneys Kevin
Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort talks Downing and Thomas Zehnle wrote in the
with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos at the GOP lawsuit.
convention in August 2016.
The case was was filed in the same venue — the U.S.
(National Sentinel) Legal Defense: Lawyers for former District Court for the District of Columbia — that oversees
Donald J. Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort have Mueller’s criminal case against both Manafort and former
filed suit against special counsel Robert Mueller and the Trump 2016 campaign aide Rick Gates.
Department of Justice, alleging both overreached with
criminal charges brought against their client last fall that The suit names DOJ, Mueller and Deputy Attorney
included tax evasion and money laundering. General Rod Rosenstein as co-defendants.

As reported by Politico, the lawsuit also strikes at Manafort’s attorneys also note a 1999 decision by
Mueller’s legitimacy and credibility as special counsel. In Congress to allow for the lapse of the law establishing the
a 17-page complaint, Manafort’s attorney argue that independent counsel office, following a years-long
Mueller exceeded authority given him by the Justice investigation of President Bill Clinton by Kenneth Starr.
Department in May to investigate any links or coordination
between the Russian government and Trump’s campaign. While noting that Rosenstein appointed Mueller under DoJ
regulations, the suit argues the special counsel has been
Also, the complaint argues that DoJ gave Mueller too given
much power initially when it approved him to pursue “any
matters that arose or may arise directly from the “carte blanche to investigate and pursue
investigation.” criminal charges in connection with
anything he stumbles across while
Manafort has pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. investigating, no matter how remote from
the specific matter identified as the subject
If the court refuses to strike down Mueller’s appointment, of the Appointment Order.”
the lawsuit makes several other suggestions, such as
setting aside Mueller’s indictments and declaring he does Legal experts note that under current rules, Mueller is not
not have the authority to investigate business dealings that “independent” but rather essentially a Justice Department
are not part of his original mandate. employee, meaning he works for Trump, ultimately.

There has been some speculation that even if Manafort is

convicted, the president would pardon him.

Senate Judiciary BOSS SAYS Comey LIKELY LEAKED
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times –
Updated: 10:27 A.M. ON Thursday, January 4, 2018

“The FBI insisted that these reviews take

place in a SCIF because the majority of the
memos are classified,” he said. “FBI
personnel refused to answer factual
questions during the document reviews,
including questions about the chain of
custody of the documents I was reviewing,
the date that they were marked classified,
and who marked them as classified.”

Mr. Comey has said he gave copies of memos to Daniel

Richman, a law professor at Columbia University, who
then shared information from them with the New York
A top Republican senator said Wednesday that it appears Times.
former FBI Director James B. Comey leaked classified
information in his effort to shape the narrative surrounding Mr. Richman refused to give the memos to Mr. Grassley’s
President Trump’s decision to fire him. committee, but said he turned them over to the special
counsel’s office and the FBI, which has now provided the
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley limited access to Mr. Grassley. At least one of the memos
said Mr. Comey wrote seven memos, and shared four of had information now marked at the “secret” level, which is
them with a professor he was using as an intermediary to above “confidential” but below “top secret.”
defend him. Of the seven, four are marked at the
confidential or secret level — meaning at least one of the “The Justice Department should know
memos Mr. Comey shared contained restricted which memos were provided and be able to
information. share that information with the committee,”
Mr. Grassley wrote.
Mr. Grassley now wants to know when and how the
memos were deemed classified, and what that might mean Mr. Comey, during the probe into former Secretary of
for Mr. Comey. State Hillary Clinton’s emails, said information can be
classified even if it isn’t properly marked as such at the
The Iowa Republican fired off a letter to Deputy Attorney time.
General Rod Rosenstein demanding answers.
He cleared Mrs. Clinton of criminal wrongdoing, saying
“Has there been any review of whether the that while she was reckless, she was too technologically
disclosure of the memoranda by Mr. incompetent to understand the risks she was running with
Comey was otherwise improper, such as the information.
whether it violated his employment
agreement or any Department rule or A number of press outlets have sued the FBI demanding
policy? If so, what is the status of the the Comey memos be released. The government says
review? If not, why not?” Mr. Grassley release would hinder the ongoing special counsel probe
wrote. into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.
He said he’s personally reviewed the seven memos, but
was forced to do so in a Sensitive Compartmented Mr. Comey said he wrote the memos after interactions
Information Facility, or SCIF. with Mr. Trump, saying he found the president’s behavior
to be so troubling he needed to memorialize it.

Breaking: FBI And DOJ Announce They Will FINALLY
Deliver Subpoenaed Docs On Phony Dossier To Congress
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, January 4, 2018

House Intelligence Committee Chairman

Devin Nunes (R-CA) is tired of waiting
for Deep State to turn over subpoenaed

Nunes and GOP lawmakers on the Intel

Committee gave the Department of
Justice and FBI until Wednesday to turn
over requested documents on the
phony Trump dossier.

Now this…

On Wednesday afternoon Deputy Attorney General Rod

Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray met with
Speaker Paul Ryan for two hours on Capitol Hill. The two
Deep State officials told Ryan they will finally deliver the
subpoenaed documents to Congress.

Rep. Devin Nunes broke the news

The Deep State was given a deadline of
Nunes slammed the Deep State last week for failing to Wednesday.
produce the documents as required by law back in August. Let’s see if they keep their legal
“Unfortunately, DOJ/FBI’s intransigence
with respect to the Aug. 24 subpoenas is Via the Laura Ingraham Angle:
part of a broader pattern of behavior that
can no longer be tolerated. As a result of
the numerous delays and discrepancies
that have hampered the process of
subpoena compliance, the committee no
longer credits the representations made by
DOJ and/or the FBI regarding these

But Deep State defied Congress and refused to turn over

the documents.

On Wednesday night Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), a

member of the House Freedom Caucus, told Lou Dobbs
Congress may file contempt of Congress charges against
the DOJ and FBI for failing to produce documents
subpoenaed by Congress.

“Legal Action Is Imminent”:
Trump Slaps Bannon With Cease-And-Desist
Zero Hedge
January 4, 2018

disparaging the President and his family, reports ABC


In a statement issued today, Trump attorney Charles

Harder issued a statement that “legal notice was issued
today to Stephen K. Bannon,” adding

“his actions of communicating with author

Michael Wolff regarding an upcoming book
give rise to numerous legal claims including
defamation by libel and slander, and
breach of his written confidentiality and
non-disparagement agreement with our
clients. Legal action is imminent.”
President Trump’s lawyers slapped former White House
Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon with a cease and desist
letter Wednesday night demanding he refrain from further

As ABC reports, in the letter to Bannon, Harder, writes, from any disparaging comments against the Trump family,
campaign, or organization;
“You [Bannon] have breached the
Agreement by, among other things, “Consent to Injunction. A breach of any of
communicating with author Michael Wolff your promises or agreements under this
about Mr. Trump, his family members, and agreement will cause the Company, Mr.
the Company, disclosing Confidential Trump and each other Trump Person
Information to Mr. Wolff, and making irreparable harm. Accordingly, to the extent
disparaging statements and in some cases permitted by law, and without waiving any
outright defamatory statements to Mr. Wolff other rights or remedies against you at law
about Mr. Trump, his family members, and or in equity, you hereby consent to the
the Company, knowing that they would be entry of any order, without prior notice to
included in Mr. Wolff’s book and publicity you, temporarily or permanently enjoining
surrounding the marketing and sale of his you from violating any of the terms,
book.” covenants, agreements or provisions of this
agreement on your part to be performed or
Trump’s legal team is threatening monetary damages, observed. Such consent is intended to
injunctive relief, and “all other remedies available at law apply to an injunction of any breach or
and equity,” although no monetary figure is given. threatened breach.”

The letter goes on to cite Paragraph 8 of a non-disclosure Under the “Damages and Other Remedies” section of the
agreement Trump required all of his staff to sign to refrain agreement Trump’s attorneys cite a section which reads

“Notwithstanding anything to the statement from the President has left Steve
contrary, each Trump Person will be will little choice though. Expect to see
entitled to all remedies available at law and Breitbart bigging up Pence in the months to
equity, including but not limited to monetary come.”
damages, in the event of your breach of
this agreement. Nothing contained in this Excerpts from Wolffs book were published Wednesday in
agreement will constitute a waiver of any New York Magazine, in which Bannon described a July
Trump Persons remedies at law or in 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that included Donald
equity, all of which are expressly reserved.” Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer
as treasonous and unpatriotic.
Never-Trump neocon Bill Kristol suggested the cease and
desist letter is an intimidation tactic to dissuade others Bannon also said he believed there was zero chance that
from “telling the truth about what happened during the the president was not aware of the meeting, which
campaign.” contradicts previous White House statements.

They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an

egg on national TV, Bannon reportedly

As we reported yesterday, Following Steve Bannon’s

earlier remarks from a forthcoming book about
“treasonous” meetings at Trump Tower, President Trump
lashed out and denounced his former top strategist, saying
that he lost his mind after leaving the White House last
Former Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos said in
an Instagram post
“When he was fired, he not only lost his
job, he lost his mind,” Trump blasted
“Sad to see Trump and Bannon at each
Bannon in a White House statement. “Now
others’ throats today. I expect the
that he is on his own, Steve is learning
interviews Michael Wolff did happened a
that winning isn’t as easy as I make it
long time ago and are tumbling out in to the
press unexpectedly. (It’s worth noting that
Wolff has a very long history of being called
out by his sources for fabricating quotes, Perhaps Steve will also learn what it’s like to be
including this book already.),” adding “The considerably less wealthy if Trump follows through on his
new legal threats.

Hillary Clinton Email Investigation
By Cristina Laila
Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Department of Justice has Hillary Clinton has put our national security at risk time
reopened the investigation into Hillary and time again with her mishandling of classified
Clinton’s use of a private server information, pay-to-play and Uranium One scandal.
following the release of new evidence
Congressional Republicans on key
Huma Abedin mishandled classified
committees say they have found new
contradictions and irregularities inside
of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary’s
emails server, John Solomon reported.
Fired FBI Director James Comey drafted Hillary Clinton’s
exoneration letter before interviewing 17 witnesses,
including Hillary Clinton.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe didn’t recuse
The Daily Beast reported there is a renewed effort in the himself from Hillary’s email investigation despite many
Justice Department to get new details on how Hillary conflicts of interest until one week before the presidential
Clinton, Huma Abedin and other aides handled classified election.
information. The DOJ wants to know just how much
classified information was on Hillary’s private email Comey and McCabe are dirty cops who destroyed the
server and how it got there. FBI’s reputation trying to protect Hillary Clinton. The
entire ‘criminal investigation’ the FBI was conducting was
More evidence is surfacing that on Hillary’s orders, Huma a sham. Hillary was given special treatment by the FBI.
Abedin directed Hillary’s immigrant D.C. maid, Marina Everyone complicit must be jailed.
Santos to print out classified “call sheets” and access other
sensitive Clinton emails, Paul Sperry of the New York LOCK HER UP!
Post reported. President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton was pleased with
Marina Santos, an immigrant from the Philippines does not the new development.
have the security clearance required to access such
sensitive information.
Santos had access to everything while Hillary Clinton was
Secretary of State including top secret, CIA-prepared daily
presidential briefings. Unbelievable.
Thanks to Judicial Watch, all eyes are on Huma Abedin
after the State Department released a portion of the
documents found on pervert Anthony Weiner’s laptop
Friday. At least 5 emails contain classified information.
It gets worse for Huma…
Twitter erupted after a report surfaced that Hillary
Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin forwarded State Department
passwords and sensitive information to her Yahoo email
The President hammered Crooked Hillary and Comey and
called for Huma Abedin to be jailed. He also asked the
Justice Department to “finally act” on Comey.

Bannon BUST: Billionaire Backer BAILS As Trump
Lawyer Threatens LAWSUIT Over Disparaging Comments
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 4, 2018

“Legal action is imminent” That’s the audience. And if they’re asked to

choose between Steve and Trump, they’re
going to choose Trump. That’s clear,” a
person familiar with Breitbart News‘
operations told The Post.

It isn’t clear from the Post report if Mercer will continue to

support Breitbart News either, though she bought a stake
in the news organization from her father in November. The
Post did say that Mercer would no longer support any
Bannon projects.
(National Sentinel) Cock Fight: The war between former
top political advisor Steve Bannon and his former boss Meanwhile, as ABC News reported, lawyers on behalf of
President Donald J. Trump took on new twists overnight as Trump have sent Bannon, the president’s former chief
the Breitbart News chief lost the support of a key political strategist, a cease-and-desist letter demanding he
billionaire backer while facing the threat of a lawsuit. stop making further disparaging statements about Trump’s
As reported by The Hill, Bannon lost the support of
billionaire Rebekah Mercer, who is an ally of the Trump attorney Charles J. Harder of the firm Harder
president, after he suggested he may challenge Trump in Mirell & Abrams LLP, said in a statement,
“This law firm represents President Donald
“A person close to Mercer told The J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for
Washington Post that she no longer President, Inc. On behalf of our clients,
supports Bannon. According to the report, legal notice was issued today to Stephen
Mercer was frustrated with Bannon’s K. Bannon, that his actions of
strategy in the Alabama Senate Race, and communicating with author Michael Wolff
pulled her funding after he told other major regarding an upcoming book give rise to
conservative donors that Mercer would numerous legal claims including
back Bannon in his own presidential defamation by libel and slander, and
bid,” The Hill noted. breach of his written confidentiality and
non-disparagement agreement with our
Bannon backed Judge Roy Moore in the Alabama race clients.
after he defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a GOP “Legal action is imminent,” the statement
primary last year. Trump initially supported Strange but continued.
eventually got on board with Moore in order to keep
Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former seat in Republican
hands. In a letter to Bannon, Harder writes,

But after several revelations that Moore may have sexually “You [Bannon] have breached the
harassed or abused teenage girls as an adult, his candidacy Agreement by, among other things,
flagged and he was eventually defeated by Democrat Doug communicating with author Michael Wolff
Jones, who was sworn into the U.S. Senate earlier this about Mr. Trump, his family members, and
week. the Company, disclosing Confidential
Information to Mr. Wolff, and making
disparaging statements and in some cases
“The core constituency for Breitbart is what outright defamatory statements to Mr. Wolff
you would call the Trump Deplorables.
about Mr. Trump, his family members, and him to Wolffe or anyone. ‘Totally false,’
the Company, knowing that they would be Barrack said by phone just now. Tom
included in Mr. Wolff’s book and publicity Barrack adds, ‘It’s clear to anyone who
surrounding the marketing and sale of his knows me that those aren’t my words and
book.” inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.’
He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him
During his campaign, then-candidate Trump had all to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted
campaign staff sign non-disclosure agreements which Haberman.
disallowed them from making any disparaging comments
about him or his family, or the Trump organization, among
other things.

The letter and escalating war between Bannon and Trump

comes after The Guardian published excerpts of a new
book on the Trump White House by Michael Wolff, in
which he quotes Bannon making dire predictions about
how special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will
affect Donald Trump Jr. and Trump son-in-law Jared

The news site noted that in Wolf’s book, “Fire and Fury:
Inside the Trump White House,” Bannon slams Trump’s
son, Don Jr., and son-in-law Jared Kushner as behaving in
a “treasonous” manner, among other things, for taking a
meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June

He also predicted that Mueller is focusing on “money

laundering” involving former campaign manager Paul
Manafort, Don Jr., and Kushner.

Manafort has filed a lawsuit against Mueller and the Trump responded to Bannon’s criticisms in a statement
Justice Department, accusing both of overreaching with Wednesday, claiming he got to the campaign late and was
criminal charges brought last fall that included money not responsible in any way for his victory.
laundering and tax evasion.
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me
“Trump is not spared” either, The Guardian or my Presidency,” Trump said in a
reported. “Wolff writes that Thomas statement Wednesday.
Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the “When he was fired, he not only lost his
president’s oldest associates, allegedly told job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer
a friend: ‘He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.’” who worked for me after I had already won
the nomination by defeating seventeen
Barrack immediately denied making those statements candidates, often described as the most
to The New York Times‘ Maggie Habberman. talented field ever assembled in the
Republican party,” he added.
“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once,
says he never said the quote attributed to

Reps. Mark Meadows And Jim Jordan: ‘After Latest FBI
Leak To Press, It’s Time For AG Sessions To Go’
By Cristina Laila
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Even with the complete dearth of evidence Congressional

Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim hearings have produced, the narrative machine continues
Jordan (R-OH) say it’s time for AG Jeff to mobilize. Last week, the New York Times published an
Sessions to go as evidenced by the article using four current and former anonymous
latest FBI leak to The New York Times. intelligence officials to suggest that George Papadopoulos,
a Trump campaign volunteer, was a “driving factor” who
triggered the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign. These
anonymous sources claim that Papadopoulos, during a
night of drinking at a bar in Europe, tipped off Australian
diplomats about Russian collusion efforts, which
ultimately led to the FBI opening an investigation.

Meadows and Jordan asked 5 questions that shred the

claims made in that NY Times article:

Question 1: If George Papadopoulos was

central to the FBI’s investigation of the
Trump campaign, why did the FBI wait
more than 6 months to interview him in late
January and again in February? And even
if they were trying to keep the probe quiet
In a scathing op-ed in the Washington Examiner, both
during the 2016 election, why wait more
GOP Reps. and members of the Freedom Caucus, than 2 months after Election Day?
Meadows and Jordan called for AG Sessions to be
replaced. Question 2: If Papadopoulos was so
critical to the investigation, why did the FBI
The GOP Reps. said all of President Trump’s get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,
accomplishments continue to be masked because of or FISA, warrant on Carter Page in the
‘Trump-Russia collusion’ headlines dominating news summer of 2016 but not on Papadopoulos,
cycles day in and day out. the alleged central player?
Question 3: If Papadopoulos was key to a
After nearly 6 investigations and millions of dollars collusion investigation and evidence
thrown at Mueller’s liberal dream team of Obama/Hillary existed supporting that claim, why would
donors, there is not one scintilla of ‘Russian collusion’ Bruce Ohr, the former DOJ official married
evidence yet the farce continues. to Fusion GPS’ investigator, meet with
Christopher Steele, author of the so-called
This entire Russia investigation is Jeff Sessions’ fault. He “Trump dossier” hired by the Clinton
caved to pressure like a coward and recused himself from campaign, before and after the election?
the Russia investigation because he met with Russian Amb Question 4: Why would former FBI
Kislyak (gasp). CNN recently walked back their fake news Director James Comey brief President
story and admitted then-Senator Sessions did nothing Obama and President-Elect Trump on the
wrong when he met with the Russian ambassador. contents of the Russian dossier, but not do
the same thing on this campaign staffer’s
The GOP Reps. then ripped into the New York Times alleged collusion?
‘Papadopoulos Bombshell’ which of course unraveled Question 5: Why won’t the FBI answer
within hours of publication. questions from Congress on this very
topic? Why do they continue to refuse
transparency on whether they paid How would New York Times reporters know any of this
Christopher Steele for the Russian information when the FBI and DOJ are prohibited from
Dossier? We in Congress have asked them talking about ongoing investigations? How many FBI
repeatedly to tell us what was in the agents and DOJ officials have illegally discussed aspects
application they took to the FISA Court to of an ongoing investigation with reporters? When will it
get a warrant for spying on the Trump stop?
campaign. Did they use the dossier in their
application? This demands an answer. Meadows and Jordan conclude that since AG Sessions
recused himself, he has no control over the Justice
Meadows and Jordan argue that answers to these questions Department.
could bring the ‘Russian collusion’ farce to an end. Instead
of answering these questions, the FBI continues to leak It is time for Sessions to start managing in
far-fetched stories to the New York Times. Congress is a spirit of transparency to bring all of this
being stonewalled as they continually ask for evidence and improper behavior to light and stop further
answers. violations.

The Reps, argued the alarming number of Meadows and Jordan conclude that now is the time for
FBI agents and DOJ officials sharing Sessions to be replaced.
information with reporters is in clear
violation of the investigative standards.

“That Room Isn’t A Room Where POTUS Gets A Fair
Shake”: Russian Probe Grand Jury Exposed As
Group Of Trump Hating Liberals
Alex Thomas
January 3, 2018

Johnson’s report continued:

Of the 20 jurors, 11 are African-Americans

and two were wearing “peace T-shirts,” the
witness said. “There was only one white
male in the room, and he was a
prosecutor.” Mueller was not present.
The Washington, DC, grand jury, which
meets only on Fridays, handed down its
first indictments in October, charging Paul
Manafort, Trump’s former campaign
Another day, another piece of evidence that the sham chairman, and his partner Rick Gates with
Russia investigation being carried out by special counsel money laundering and failing to register as
Robert Mueller is specifically designed to take out foreign agents. The two are pleading not
President Trump and his associates, with the new evidence guilty.
exposing the fact that the grand jury in the case has been
stacked with anti-Trump liberals. Mueller’s team is expected to bring more
charges against Manafort relating to his
work on behalf of the Ukrainian
From high-level FBI agents openly going after their
government in the years before Trump
political enemy (Trump) to Mueller himself being an open
became a candidate.
member of the deep state and close personal friends with
fired former FBI Director James Comey, the evidence that Sol Wachtler, the former chief judge in New
the “investigators” involved are actually anti-Trump York, once called for abolishing grand
partisans has become overwhelming. juries because they are so easily
manipulated that they would “indict a ham
Now, even more sinister evidence has been released, with sandwich.”
a source telling Page Six’s Richard Johnson that the 20
person grand jury handing down indictments for Mueller So there you have it. We already know that Mueller is
doesn’t include ANY Trump supporters and is basically a purposefully working against the president with a team of
liberal attack group hellbent on taking out the lawyers chalked full of transparent anti-Trump sentiment
democratically elected president. and now we also know that the supposed “impartial” grand
jury is actually a group of liberals who most likely hate the
“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie president just as much as Mueller himself does.
Sanders rally,” the source told Johnson.
“Maybe they found these jurors in central “That room isn’t a room where POTUS gets
casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in a fair shake,” the source concluded.

Justice Department ‘Looking
Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again
It’s The Most Scrutinized Email Server Of All Time.
But The President Is Demanding It Get Scrutinized Again.
And DOJ Is Taking A Fresh Look.
Betsy Woodruff
01.04.18 10:00 AM ET

The former official said tweets like this present two

challenges for department leadership: looking into the
matter in a way consistent with normal Justice Department
approaches, and trying to avoid the appearance that they
are trying “to put Huma in jail.”

Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at

Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she
served as secretary of State, The Daily Beast has learned.

An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is familiar

with the thinking at the Justice Department’s Washington
headquarters described it as an effort to gather new details A spokesperson for the Justice Department declined to
on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material. comment for this story.
Officials’ questions include how much classified
information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that It’s an open question as to whether Justice Department
information into an unclassified environment, and how; officials would have the same level of interest in Clinton’s
and which investigators knew about these matters and server without a political directive from the White House,
when. The Sessions ally also said officials have questions the former official said.
about immunity agreements that Clinton aides may have
made. Last week, the State Department released emails, in
response to a lawsuit from the conservative group Judicial
A former senior DOJ official familiar with department Watch, showing that classified material was on the
leadership’s thinking said officials there are acutely aware computer of Abedin’s then-husband Anthony Weiner.
of demands from President Donald Trump that they look Sources told The Daily Beast that Justice Department
into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary officials were looking into the Clinton emails before those
of State—and that they lock up her top aide, Huma documents were released.
Stephen Boyd, who heads the Justice Department's Office
For instance, Trump tweeted on Dec. 2, of Legislative Affairs, appeared to hint at the department’s
interest in Clinton’s emails in a letter to House Judiciary
“Many people in our Country are asking Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte on Nov. 13. In the
what the ‘Justice’ Department is going to letter, Boyd wrote that that Sessions “directed senior
do about the fact that totally Crooked federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues” the chairman
Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from was concerned about. He also wrote that those prosecutors
the United States Congress, deleted and would “make recommendations as to whether any matters
‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!” not currently under investigation should be opened,” and
that they would send those recommendations directly to into your situation,” he said, referring to her
the attorney general and his top deputy, Rod Rosenstein. emails, “because there has never been so
many lies, so much deception.”
Brian Fallon, formerly a spokesperson for the Justice “It’s just awfully good that someone with
Department and Clinton’s presidential campaign, said he the temperament of Donald Trump is not in
suspects DOJ officials are engaging in perfunctory steps charge of the law in our country,” she
“to give Trump and his allies something to “Because you’d be in jail,” he retorted.
talk about and point to, and something to
give Fox News to devote segments to.”
“I think that even that is extremely
dangerous, and that the Justice
Department should not be opening itself up
to the perception that it is bending to
political pressures from the White House,”
Fallon continued. “The Justice Department
is supposed to operate independently of
the White House, and even if this is just a
perfunctory step that they’re taking to try to
appease the president, that in and of itself
is an abuse of the DOJ authority.”
In the weeks after that exchange, the email story
Nick Merrill, Secretary Clinton’s communications director, dominated the news; on Oct. 28, Comey sent a letter to
had this to say: Capitol Hill—which promptly leaked—saying the
investigation was reopened. Then, on Nov. 6, two days
“As Trump begins the new year with Steve before the election, Comey followed up with another letter
Bannon calling his campaign treasonous explaining that he actually hadn’t found new information
and indictments and guilty pleas piling up, in additional emails. Republicans were irate that Comey
he resorts to diversion and distraction like backtracked. Clinton’s camp was irate that he’d said
clockwork, with the help of his attorney anything at all. In less than two weeks, the FBI director
general. Few matters have been more had pulled off a vanishingly rare Washington feat:
scrutinized than emails, and it was upsetting everyone.
determined that there was no wrongdoing.
Trump’s behavior shows a profound And though Trump (obviously) became president, many
disrespect for the rule of law and an conservatives still argue the Justice Department didn’t
unprecedented abuse of power—with his adequately investigate Clinton. The president himself, with
attorney general following suit at every lots of encouragement from the crew at Fox & Friends, has
turn. It tarnishes our justice system, and lobbed a host of critical tweets at the Justice Department
should be deeply troubling to all on the issue.
“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid [sic],
Clinton’s use of a private email server—which the FBI Huma Abedin, has been accused of
previously investigated, and declined to recommend for disregarding basic security protocols,” he
criminal prosecution—became a huge issue on the wrote on Tuesday morning. “She put
campaign trail. Trump mentioned it at just about every Classified Passwords into the hands of
campaign rally, frequently followed by chants of “Lock foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures
her up!” from his supporters. On July 5, then-FBI Director on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice
James Comey made an unprecedented public statement Dept must finally act? Also on Comey &
blasting Clinton’s use of the server, but then explained others.”
why the bureau wouldn’t recommend she or any of her
associates be prosecuted. Conservatives said the revelation that Justice Department
officials are looking at Clinton’s email server comes as a
Over the summer, Trump made the email story a central relief.
campaign narrative. And at the Oct. 9 presidential debate,
he threatened to incarcerate Clinton if he won the election. “Clearly, that’s the least they can be doing,
is asking some of these questions,” said
“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney Tom Fitton, who heads Judicial Watch. “I
general to get a special prosecutor to look
think there’s enough there to re-initiate an FBI agents or DOJ lawyers who are found
investigation.” to have violated their ethical and legal
responsibilities, and restoring the trust of
“It’s certainly a positive development,”
the American people.”
added Fitton, whose organization sued for
the release of thousands of Clinton emails “It’s about time they’re doing a review of
and deposed her top aides. “It’s part of this whole mess,” he added.
what we’ve been demanding.”
Matt Miller, a spokesperson for the department during
Holder’s time there, vehemently disagreed. He said the
news is evidence that Trump is undermining the
independence of the Justice Department.

“The president’s ongoing campaign to tear

down the wall between the Justice
Mark Corallo—a former spokesperson for Trump’s legal Department and the White House seems to
team and the John Ashcroft-era Justice Department—also be working,” he said.
said it’s a good sign. “If the White House asks you to look into it,
the answer is not to look into it for the sake
“People should be encouraged that the of looking into it,” he continued. “The
new leadership at the Justice Department answer is to tell the White House to stay
is actually interested in a nonpartisan, out of investigations and prosecutions,
above-board Justice Department that treats especially when it comes to your political
every citizen equally,” he said. “And we can opponents. You’re just encouraging a bully.
hope that this means they are dedicating If you encourage him to do that, he’ll just
themselves to cleaning up the Justice keep bullying you.”
Department and the FBI, sanctioning any

FINALLY: DoJ RE-Opens Probe Into Hillary EMAIL
Scandal After MORE Classified Data
Found On Huma Laptop
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 4, 2018

Word of the new probe comes after President Donald J. and access other sensitive Clinton emails, Paul Sperry of
Trump tweeted Dec. 2. the New York Post reported, as cited by The Gateway

Santos, an immigrant without a security clearance, did not

have permission to handle sensitive and classified

Word of the new probe comes after President Donald J.

Trump tweeted on Dec. 2,

“Many people in our Country are asking

(National Sentinel) Justice Delayed: The Trump Justice what the ‘Justice’ Department is going to
Department is reopening its previous investigation into do about the fact that totally Crooked
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from
email server during her tenure following the discovery that the United States Congress, deleted and
top Clinton Huma Abedin mishandled classified ‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!”

As reported by The Daily Beast, the renewed effort by the

Justice Department seeks new details on how Clinton,
Abedin, and other aides handled classified information.

The department wants to know how much classified

material was exchange, how much passed through
Clinton’s private server, and how it arrived.

There is a renewed effort in the Justice Department to get

As reported last week, at least five emails that were
new details on how Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin and
determined to be classified were found among some 2,800
other aides handled classified information. The DOJ wants
documents stored on a laptop belonging to former U.S.
to know just how much classified information was on
Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York, whose then-wife
Hillary’s private email server and how it got there.
Huma Abedin was a top aide to then-Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton.
Also, people familiar with the new probe say the
department wants to know which investigators were aware
The emails were part of a 2,800-document batch obtained
of these issues and when.
via FOIA request by government watchdog group Judicial
Watch from the State Department.
An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions also said that
officials have questions about immunity agreements that
The documents included eight pages that were classified at
Clinton aides may have made.
the “confidential level,” the third-most sensitive level
established by the U.S. government.
Meanwhile, more evidence is surfacing that on Hillary’s
orders, Huma Abedin directed Hillary’s immigrant D.C.
maid, Marina Santos to print out classified “call sheets”
The Justice Department’s decision to reopen the email case
was met with praise from Judicial Watch president Tom

“And we’re pleased to see that our work

helped pressure the Sessions Justice
Department to at least begin to ask
questions about the sham Clinton email
investigation by the Comey/Lynch FBI/DOJ
under President Obama,” he tweeted

Washpost Media Reporter: Trump-Book
Author Accused Of Inventing Quotes
By Tim Graham
January 4, 2018 12:07 PM EST

On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post Bannon. He didn’t respond to multiple requests for
media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot comment.
author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury.
The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it We should expect that NBC's exclusive interview with
fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff Made Up Quotes, Wolff on Friday's Today will focus on the fake-news
Some Of His Sources Say." question. Farhi also found this pattern in Wolff's media
columns for New York magazine:
After recounting all the hot stories about Trump and his
former aide Steve Bannon, that revelation is tucked inside Judith Regan, then a hotshot book editor
on page C-4: who had been a classmate of Wolff’s at
Vassar, vigorously disputed almost every
paragraph of Wolff’s column about her. She
said she hadn’t had a personal
conversation with Wolff in 30 years.

Wolff’s response:

“She doesn’t speak to me. . . . I suppose

the world is full of people who no longer
speak to me.”
Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a
billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is
“not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday New Republic columnist Andrew Sullivan accused Wolff
of putting words in his mouth when Wolff wrote in 2001
denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such
that Sullivan
a thing.

Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also “believes that he is the most significant gay
disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that public intellectual in America today.”
dealing with Trump was Sullivan said he never made any such
“like trying to figure out what a child wants.”
Farhi also thought it was fishy for Wolff to claim Trump
didn't know who John Boehner was when Fox News boss
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Roger Ailes recommended him as a chief-of-staff pick.
added her own skepticism during her daily briefing on This is how the story ended:
Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of
“We know the book has a lot of things, so who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The
far that we’ve seen, that are completely reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times
untrue,” she said. since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump
tweeted this:
She was not specific, but Sanders added that Wolff’s
characterizations of White House operations were “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to
be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks
“the opposite of what I saw.” badly of me only because I refuse to do his
show — a real nut job!”
Wolff, 64, has said his book was based on 200 interviews
with White House and campaign staffers, including

Trump-bashers on MSNBC are already making excuses. “Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the
Host Stephanie Ruhle championed the view that book is."

Alt-Left Insanity: ‘Trump Trauma’
Is Making Liberals Freak Out
By Dan Gainor
January 4, 2018 9:23 AM EST

Note: Normal people might find some of elected, wildly supports free speech, and mocks the press
this offensive. (We hope. Dear Lord, but hasn’t arrested anyone in the media. In other words,
please!) none of our democratic norms has been demolished or
even challenged.
The alt-left is completely nuts. If reading more than a year
of this column hasn’t proven that to you, please get help. Then Capehart turned to writer and commentator Anushay
You might have contracted something. Hossain who said she was “pessimistic, but trying to be
optimistic.” Hossain admitted one of the ways she handled
Trump trauma is by following “emergency kittens on

“Whenever things get too stressful, just go

over to the timeline of emergency kittens.”

Then she admitted that,

“2017 started out rough. First of all, for me

as a lifelong feminist, I didn't get out of bed
for a good three days.” She spent the time
listening to “Wind Beneath My Wings” and
Even when they admit they’re nuts, they have to blame “Hallelujah.” (Hopefully the Jeff Buckley
someone. Naturally, they point the finger at President version.)
Donald J. Trump. And that takes us to an episode of “AM
Joy” just before the new year. I will agree with her point that they’re “going to need some
deep therapy in 2018.” Yes, the alt-left seriously needs
Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart was guest therapy.
hosting and discussing “Trump trauma” with his panel of
people who hate Trump, conservatives and anything that Capehart capped all that with Karine Jean-Pierre, a
doesn’t have a D after it’s name. spokesperson who teaches at Columbia
University. (Ah, academia, the only place staff
Capehart accused Trump of “provoking the leader of North can find work.)
Korea.” That’s forgetting a lot of history -- like the
numerous times North Korea has threatened to nuke the “When I heard that awful carnage speech
U.S., the random attacks on American soldiers or that by trump, I was incredibly pessimistic. I
NoKo, as Trump likes to say, is a death cult that runs a was like, oh my gosh, the world is literally
giant death camp. going to end this year.”

Still, that lead up launched the panel into a frenzy. Let’s recap, shall we? One guest thinks libs have PTSD.
Attorney Raul Reyes went to Crazy Land, literally. “You Another relies on pictures of kittens and hid in her bed for
know that psychologists and therapists and that three days. And the last one thought the world was going
community, they have a term for it, PTSD. President to end. I think the business opportunity for 2018 is to open
Trump Stress Syndrome … Disorder.” Don’t blame me a mental health clinic for the alt-left.
that he can’t spell. At least he fixed it.
That naturally takes us to the rest of this week’s column on
Reyes called the Trump era “scary” and claimed, “all of the blame game:
our democratic norms being challenged if not
demolished.” Forgetting, of course, that Trump was
If Trump Is Making Liberals Crazy:
The natural extension of “Trump trauma” is a “detached” president when they started
to claim that Trump himself is nuts. After running their own agendas—like, say,
all, he beat 16 GOP contenders, defied the selling missiles to mullahs.”
media narrative time and time again and
defeated Hillary Clinton for president in an That should be a hint of how the media will continue to
upset that made the Patriots Super Bowl target Trump in 2018 and beyond. Remember, the alt-left
comeback look easy. Someone that and media always think people on the right are: crazy,
accomplished must be … “crazy?” stupid, racist and evil or maybe some combination of those
four. They are hitting Trump with all four.
Esquire’s Charles Pierce tried that line of attack. Here’s
the allegedly intelligent assessment of:

“Trump’s New York Times Interview Is a

Portrait of a Man in Cognitive Decline.”
What follows is Pierce’s attempt to
psychoanalyze the president. This is a
common liberal theme. We disagree with
you, so you must be crazy. The Soviet
Union mastered this strategy during the
Cold War, locking up political opponents in

Pierce cited the Trump (seen here during the inauguration)

interview with the New York Times: Let’s Blame The Constitution:

“To my ears, anyway, this is more than the If Trump has made the alt-left crazy and
president*’s well-known allergy to the truth. they can’t get away with claiming he’s
This is a classic coping mechanism crazy, what next? Let’s blame the
employed when language skills are coming Constitution. This article begins with a
apart.” Pierce has an admittedly sad celebration of the play “Hamilton,” where
personal tale, watching his “father and all of the way they make the Founders cool is to
his siblings slide into the shadows and fog make them people of color.
of Alzheimer’s Disease.”
You know, instead of rebelling and creating the best, most-
That doesn’t make him an expert on the president. powerful nation in human history. Most people would
think that’s cool. But then again, I’m not liberal like those
Pierce later adds a strange criticism.
That takes us overseas to the article itself, The Guardian
“In addition, the president* exhibits the kind UK’s
of stubbornness you see in patients when
you try to relieve them of their car keys—
or, as one social worker in rural North “The year of Trump has laid bare the US
Carolina told me, their shotguns.” Constitution’s serious flaws.”

That used to be known as standing by principle, but this is Because we always care about what the British think of
2018 and it’s the alt-left. our Constitution after we rebelled from them to create it.
(The image is from Mel Gibson's The Patriot, when
relations between Americans and their mother country
He followed with the discredited claims about Ronald were less ideal.)
Reagan having been senile during his presidency.
Author Jonathan Freedland actually argues in support of
“In Ronald Reagan’s second term, we the revolution and said it was Britain’s “inheritance” -- “a
ducked a bullet. I’ve always suspected he part of our patrimony mislaid across the Atlantic.” Starts
was propped up by a lot of people who a) out well, then we get to the Trump bashing.
didn’t trust vice-president George H.W.
Bush, b) found it convenient to have a
forgetful president when the subpoenas “For this first year of the Donald Trump
began to fly, and c) found it helpful to have presidency has exposed two flaws in the
model that I cannot brush aside so easily.”
The big bad? Trump disregarded track of how many candidates for that role have surfaced --
Hillary Clinton (she blames literally everyone else), the
“norms. – that are essential to civic media, the electoral college, racist people, white people,
wellbeing.” Oh horrors! “Trump trampled all white women, Fox News, James Comey, President Putin,
over those as a candidate” Obama, Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, sexism … well, you get
the idea.
and did so even more after getting elected. The alt-left
solution? Impeachment. Naturally, Trump supporters who a) backed him in the
election and, shockingly, b) back him now are the worst.
The Daily Beast’s pretentiously named Jared Yates Sexton
“Of course, there is a remedy, and its name
tells the liberal view of events leading up to now. (Of
is impeachment. Scholars are clear that
course, he’s an associate professor of Creative Writing at
Trump has already provided sufficient legal
grounds for such a move – the case Georgia Southern University. There are probably alt-lefty
against him is far more compelling than the authors who aren’t in academia. Maybe.) It’s filled with
one against Bill Clinton. But impeachment personal anecdotes that are completely unprovable but
proceedings are triggered by the House of claim Trumpeters said nasty things. (One wonders if said
Representatives, followed by a trial in the professor has ever been to a football game and if he thinks
Senate, and nothing will happen so long as fans genuinely want to “kill” bad referees.)
Republicans control both houses of
Congress.” After regaling his readers with that awful description of
events, he tells of the awful Trump supporters.
Great. Even the foreign press is playing games trying to
manipulate our elections. I guess it’s only bad when Russia “In order to maintain that devotion they
does it. had to accept a toxic worldview—a
worldview that made them susceptible to
But of course, let’s blame Republicans. hate groups that had grown large and
powerful with Trump’s ascent to power.”
“And today’s Republicans refuse to fulfil
that obligation. They, like Trump, are He just kept piling it on, astonished that Trump supporters
without shame.” still back the president. Then he waved the They Are Scary
Flag, claiming:
In other words, they won’t do what he demands.
“It is, after all, bad enough that his base
might support Trump firing a man charged
That wasn’t enough. He then went after the 2nd with investigating him, but the talk among
Amendment, as well. His whine was the fringe right, where many of his
supporters can be found, is trending more
“the fact that the argument hinges on and more toward armed insurgency.”
interpretations of a text written more than
two centuries ago is itself a problem.” Ah rebels. You’d think conservatives had run around the
If We Can’t Blame The Constitution, country chanting “Revolution.” But no, that was lefties
Then Let’s Blame Trump Supporters!: from Occupy Wall Street. He continued his screed and
This week in alt-left media was like a game of hot potato.
Nearly a year after Trump took office, liberals are still “the troubling question:
trying to find someone or something to blame. I’ve lost Just how far will they go?”

TOP STORY OF THE DAY: Manafort Lawsuit Will
Likely Shut Down Deep State Mueller Investigation!
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, January 4, 2018

We now know that the FBI had an

investigation into the Clintons and
moneys they received from Russia in
return for giving Russia 20% of all US

Prior to the Obama administration approving the very

controversial Uranium One deal in 2010 giving Russia
20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that
Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in
bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in
order to benefit Vladimir Putin.
Today’s report on the filing of a suit
against the “Deep State” DOJ, The FBI approved the deal anyway. We
also know that Rosenstein and Mueller
Rosenstein and Mueller by Paul
were the ones who allowed the Uranium
Manafort is a HUGE story. Manafort’s One deal to go forward. This was the
suit is likely to shut down Mueller real Russia collusion story involving the
investigation! US government.

No wonder the MSM came out with the Bannon – Trump We know that Mueller’s team illegally obtained emails
story today. Whenever a huge story comes out about related to the Trump transition team and these emails were
Criminal and Corrupt Mueller and Rosenstein and the protected under attorney-client privilege. Mueller and his
Deep State led DOJ, another story is released by the MSM entire team should have resigned after this.
to change the subject in the media. Today the MSM talked
about Breitbart’s Steve Bannon’s remarks about members But the perhaps one of the most
of President Trump’s family. These remarks have not yet damning aspects of the Mueller
been substantiated. However, the much bigger story in the investigation is that it was not legal.
news is that former Trump campaign manager Paul The corrupt Mueller investigation is
Manafort sued the DOJ, Robert Mueller and Rod tasked with finding a crime that does
Rosenstein and is demanding the Mueller investigation be not exist in the law. It is a legal
shut down! impossibility. Mueller is being asked to
do something that is manifestly
We have reported for months on the many criminal and unattainable.
corrupt actions taken by numerous parties related to
the Mueller investigation. Mueller never should have FOX News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett stated in an article
taken on the job in the first place due to numerous a couple of months ago the fact that the entire Mueller
conflicts. He is best friends with fired leaker and former investigation is lawless. Jarrett argued that –
FBI Director James Comey. He met with Comey shortly
before Comey testified with Congress and for this alone he Shortly after the indictments[against Papadopoulos and
should have recused himself. The team Mueller built to Manafort] were unsealed, the media’s spirits were
attack President Trump and have him removed is all Deep suddenly boosted when the special counsel revealed that a
State attorneys and crooks. Mueller’s record in the past is former adviser to Trump pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
scattered with actions that let the Clintons off Scott free on about his contacts with a Russian national during his time
numerous occasions when they should have been put in on the Trump campaign. Surely this was evidence of
jail. illegal “collusion,” right?

Wrong. George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is
charge of making a false statement to the FBI. He was not determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise.
charged with so-called “collusion” because no such crime
exists in American statutory law, except in anti-trust The US statutory law is clear and Jarrett points it out. He
matters. It has no application to elections and political concluded with the following –
Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court
It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal
would ever understand that. They have never managed to charges [against Manafort and Papadopoulos] change all
point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a
foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney
because it does not exist in the criminal codes. General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

Jarrett then turned his attention to Corrupt Hillary – As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR
600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to
It is against the law for the Clinton investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited
campaign and the Democratic National jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special
Committee to funnel millions of dollars counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him
to a British spy and to Russian sources to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the
in order to obtain the infamous and Russian government and individuals associated with the
discredited Trump “dossier.” campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify
any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.
The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101)
prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with
receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the finding a crime that does not exist in the
filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is
true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what being asked to do something that is
Clinton and the DNC appear to have done. manifestly unattainable. Today as
reported by Cristina Laila at TGP,
Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and
in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions Rosenstein because what they are
have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it doing is not supported by US Law. This
could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was is the biggest story of the day! Manafort
conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign is suing to have the Mueller
finance laws with impunity. investigation shut down!

But that’s not all. Manafort’s case argues in paragraph 33 that the special
counsel put in place by crooked Rosenstein gave crooked
and criminal Mueller powers that are not permitted by law
Damning new evidence appears to show

that Clinton used her office as Secretary
of State to confer benefits to Russia in
exchange for millions of dollars in 33. But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports
donations to her foundation and cash to to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and
her husband. prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise
directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority
Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations.
and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be
investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address
nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time
efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28
Hillary presided over a governing body which
C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s
uranium supply to Russia.
If Manafort wins this case – which it
If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it appears according to the law he will –
would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 the entire investigation would be
USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud deemed illegal – which it is – and
(18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering therefore legally would have to be shut
down – which it should be.

Trump Clears Path for Assange to Leave London
Wikileaks Acknowledge Trump Admin Ended Grand Jury Proceedings
Jerome Corsi |
January 4, 2018

violated national security laws, even if it can be shown he

published U.S. national security classified documents.

Specifically, Nauert said the following:

“We support a freedom of the press here in

the United States. We support the right of
voices to be heard. And when a nation
clamps down on social media or websites
or Google or news sites, we ask the
question, “What are you afraid of?” What
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the past few
are you afraid of? We support the Iranian
days, a series of unexpected
people and we support their voices being
developments have cleared the path for
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to
leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in Trump’s attorneys argue Assange’s
London without fear of arrest. First Amendment right to publish

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks posted a tweet announcing the In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the
U.S. government had ended its eight-year-long grand jury District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017, in the case Roy
proceedings against WikiLeaks that was expanded in 2017 Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, Trump’s
to cover the WikiLeaks various “Vault” releases on CIA attorneys argued that Julian Assange had a right under the
spy technology. First Amendment to publish the DNC and John Podesta
emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The WikiLeaks tweet referenced a State Department press

conference held that day, Jan. 2, 2018, in which State
Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert made a strong
statement regarding freedom of speech that was couched in
a reference to Iran.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department’s

reference to freedom of speech in Iran was a coded
communication intended to extend the umbrella of free
speech and press rights to WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of
the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and
Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group
Julian Assange is a priority. It is not clear that Assange has run by former attorneys from the Obama administration,
arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger
Stone had conspired with the Russians to publish the DNC
and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign,

Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm and attorney
of record representing President Trump, argued that the
Trump campaign, and by inference Julian Assange at
WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First
Amendment for a disclosure of stolen information if the
information published involves “a matter of public
interest” and the speaker was not “involved” in the theft.

In making the argument, Trump’s attorneys relied upon

Bartnicki v. Vopper. 532 U.S. 514 (2001), a labor union Will President Trump pardon Assange?
case in which the Supreme Court ruled a radio station had
the right to broadcast a stolen tape of a phone call between A QAnon post on the Internet bulletin board 8chan on
the chief union negotiator for a Pennsylvania high school Christmas Day and a series of messages posted on Twitter
and the chief union negotiator together with the union by Julian Assange on New Year’s Day appear to deliver a
president. coordinated message that an extradition for Assange from
his sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is
Technically, Assange has not yet been indicted of any imminent.
criminal offense in the United States, nor is it clear if he
committed any crime. Under the Supreme Court Decisions While interpreting posts intended to be cryptic is not a
New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), and in science, those following QAnon understand QAnon has
the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times v. U.S. 403 forecast several important developments in code, in an
U.S. 713 (1971), a journalist is allowed to accept and effort to mobilize Internet-aware Trump loyalists.
publish classified documents provided by other sources.
Ultimately, the question QAnon is raising is this:
While Roger Stone’s case is still pending in the District of
Columbia District Court, the opinion submitted by
President Trump’s attorneys can be seen to have Will President Trump pardon Julian
established the basis for pardoning Assange as a pre-
condition of allowing Assange to leave the Ecuadorian
Embassy in London without U.S. federal authorities The QAnon Christmas Day post reads as follows:
seeking to arrest him.
On Jan. 1, 2018, posted on a
Sweden drops charges against Assange decoding of this cryptic QAnon Christmas Day post.

In May 2017, the government in Sweden dropped the rape  Using gematria, the numbers 10, [10-9] are translated
case against Assange, ending the four-year long attempt by into the letters JA, the initials of Julian Assange with “J”
the Swedish government to arrest Assange via a European being the 10th letter of the alphabet and “A” being the
Arrest Warrant. first. The operational window for Assange’s extraction
from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is signaled to
A recent decision by a United Kingdom tribunal also be later this week, Jan. 5-6, 2018.
appears to have vitiated the arrest warrant issued by a  That Assange will be extracted with the blessings of the
British court in 2012, after Assange violated his bail Trump administration is suggested by the designation
conditions to take refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy. FDeltaC, referencing a Federal Detention Center of
undetermined location. That the location is outside the
United States is suggested by the “Delta” designation.
On Dec. 29, 2017, Assange posted a tweet that referenced
 Dec. 25-26 references Emanuel Leutze’s famous
an article published by the Guardian on Dec. 14, 2017,
painting depicting George Washington’s historic
citing a United Kingdom tribunal that declared WikiLeaks
crossing the Delaware River on Christmas night in
to be a media organization and a free speech advocate –
1776, with painting posted in synch on the Internet
designations that could carry a legal importance in placing
bulletin board 8chan by both QAnon and by the U.S.
Assange under “free speech” protections both in the UK
Department of Defense on Dec. 25, 2017.
and in the United States.

 With the possibility Assange might return to the United
States, the “storm” QAnon has been predicting appears
ready to begin.
 QAnon’s reference to “Secured” suggests the path for
Assange to return to the United States has been
secured at the highest level of the U.S. government,
with the knowledge and approval of President Trump.
 QAnon’s reference to “Floor is yours” suggests this is
Assange’s opportunity to drop key files on Hillary
Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the hoax of
“Russia collusion” developed by CIA Director John
Brennan and propagated to the mainstream media with
the assistance of Google’s Eric Schmidt.
 The comment “Twitter FW” suggests Twitter will be
used by Assange to communicate with the public as
the extraction mission goes forward. The additional
comment “Twitter [kill_rogue] suggests Assange will
post key information on the Twitter account
 Finally, the notation “CONF_WHITE_WHITE” suggests Assange’s New Year’s Eve post also embedded a video of
Assange’s initial destination of Switzerland has been the song “Paper Planes” by singer M.I.A. that linked to
confirmed. Switzerland’s national flag is a white cross YouTube.
(WHITE_WHITE) against a red background.
Again, in what appears to have been a synchronized post,
On New Year’s Eve, Julian Assange posted on Twitter a @kill_rogue retweeted Assange’s New Year’s Day post
cryptic string of numbers that appear to be a “Dead Man’s and asked,
Switch,” linking possibly to a new cache of WikiLeaks
documents Assange’s associates would post should
Assange be arrested. “What words do you hear in the song?”

The second line of the lyrics in the song reads,

“If you catch me at the border I got visas in

my name …”

Trump Tweet Attacks Wolff Book, ‘Sloppy Steve’
By Breitbart News
4 Jan 2018
I authorized Zero access to White House
(actually turned him down many times) for
author of phony book! I never spoke to him
for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations
and sources that don’t exist. Look at this
guy’s past and watch what happens to him
and Sloppy Steve!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
January 5, 2018

The new nickname quickly trended #1 on Twitter.

Earlier on Thursday, Trump had noted Bannon’s praise for

him Wednesday evening on Breitbart News Tonight. In
response to a caller, the man known to Breitbart News
readers and listeners as the “Honey Badger” declined to
President Donald Trump launched one
retaliate against the president’s earlier criticism:
of his trademark nicknames on
Thursday evening, presumably referring
to Breitbart News executive chairman, “The President of the United States is a
former Trump campaign CEO, and great man. You know I support him day in
former White House chief strategist and day out, whether going through the
Steve Bannon as “Sloppy Steve,” as a country giving the Trump Miracle speech or
controversial new book rushes to on the show or on the website.”
But Trump, clearly anticipating more controversy ahead of
Trump began his tweet by disputing reports that he had the rushed early release of Wolff’s book on Friday, went
given journalist Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: on the attack.
Inside the Trump White House, unfettered access to the
White House.

Deep State Coup Underway! Lawmakers
Discussed Trump’s ‘Mental Health’ With Psychiatrist
Mac Slavo
January 4th, 2018

Politico reports that Lee has been invited to speak again at

Rep. Rose DeLauro’s house later this month with other
lawmakers. These meetings lasted over 16 and took place
over the course of two days back in December.

The Deep State’s “Plan A,” Stone said, is

the imploding “investigation” into alleged
“Russian collusion” by Special Counsel
Robert Mueller. If and when that fails,
which Stone suggested was likely, the
establishment would move to “Plan B.” In
Lawmakers have called in a psychiatrist to discuss essence, that plot would involve trying to
president Donald Trump’s “mental health.” The psychiatry get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare
professor at Yale, who believes President Trump’s mental him unfit for office. This would allow Trump
health is a mounting emergency, made her case to more to be removed under the U.S.
than a dozen members of Congress last month. Constitution’s 25th Amendment — another
scheme Stone said would probably flop.
This appears to be “Plan B” right out of the deep state’s Last but not least, though, if all else fails,
playbook. Yesterday, SHTFPlan reported on an interview Stone warned of “Plan C”: Killing the
with Roger Stone, in which Stone details the lengths the president. –The New American
deep state will go to in order to oust Trump.
It certainly looks like we are being told exactly what’s
But the deep state’s Plan B is to invoke the 25th going to take place, and it’s unfolding before our very
Amendment. eyes. According to AOL, Lee’s remarks were clear.

“So we’ll see an uptick in all of this “From a medical perspective, when we see
‘Trump is mentally imbalanced, Trump someone unraveling like this, it’s an
is insane, Trump must be removed,’” emergency,” Lee said. “We’ve never come
Stone warned. “Now you have to examine so close in my career to this level of
the extent to which they can whip up that catastrophic violence that could be the end
hysteria as a backdrop because, without of humankind.”
that hysteria, such a political move on the
president will fail.” While Lee made it clear that psychiatrists are prohibited
from diagnosing from afar, she pointed out that President
And once Plan B fails, the globalists will Trump’s pattern of behavior was a worrying sign.
move on to Plan C, which is simply an
assassination. -SHTFPlan.
Plan B could very well be in full swing as another example
of manufactured outrage made headlines. Take into
According to Axios, one Republican Senator was present at account yesterday’s article by SHTFPlan in which Green
the meetings, along with a dozen or so Democrats. Dr. Day’s Billy Joe demands the 25th amendment “be
Bandy X. Lee, said Trump is “going to unravel,” and that enforced.”

“the rush of tweeting is an indication of his The latest example comes in the form of an Instagram
falling apart under stress. Trump is going to rant in which Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong
get worse and will become uncontainable had a mini meltdown over the presidents latest tweet about
with the pressures of the presidency.” North Korea, eventually going on to attack his own fans

who support the president while joining with the deep state if your liberal or conservative.. this has to
echo chamber in calling for the use of the 25th stop . Please share #impeachtrump.” -
Amendment to remove him from office. SHTFPlan

“This isn’t funny. This is our president For the deep state’s plan B to work, a hysteria must be
acting like a madman drunk on power whipped up to convince the easily manipulated that their
THREATENING to kill innocent starving very lives are in danger. And as we can plainly see, that’s
people by way of nuclear war. The 25th exactly what’s happening. However, when Plan B fails, the
amendment needs to be enforced. This deep state’s Plan C is to assassinate the president.
man is sick and unfit for office. I don’t care

Media Matters Funding Sexual
Assault Witch Hunt on Republicans
By D. C. McAllister
January 4, 2018

On November 3, 2016, Jane Doe (Accuser #3) agreed to

speak at a press conference at my office. During the lead-
up to the press conference and after, she and I received
multiple death and rape threats. Moments before the press
conference was scheduled to begin, Jane Doe backed out. I
understood why. She was afraid. My heart went out to her
as did many who could understand her fear and pain. Of
course I respected her decision and helped her remove
herself from the narrative.

President-elect Donald Trump calls on a reporter during a news At that point, several donors came forward with offers of
conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York, Wednesday, financial help to ensure the safety of the women who
Jan. 11, 2017. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) would come forward. I was happy to relay those offers of
funds for relocation to a safer community and round the
Before the presidential election, one of Media Matters’ clock security.”
attack dogs spent $200,000 funding an effort to bring
down Donald Trump with sexual assault charges. It failed, The "Time's Up" Campaign Is Mostly Repackaged
but if the progressive political and media watchdog keeps Feminist Garbage
to its game plan to impeach the president, this won’t be the
end of such efforts. Bloom also said that donors helped her clients with basic
As reported by Kenneth Vogel in The New York Times,
political partisans are Most people do not get paid for interviews. But some
shows will offer a few thousand dollars to license photos,
“raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to or for an appearance fee. When my client is a single
support abusers who come forward with mother, unemployed, in dire need of therapy, on the verge
charges against President Trump and of bankruptcy or all of the above, she may choose to do an
members of Congress.” interview with the outlet that will compensate her. A few
thousand dollars hardly levels the playing field against a
One of those partisans is American Bridge 21st Century billionaire like Donald Trump, but it helps a little, and I
Foundation, which gave Lisa Bloom, attorney and leave that decision to my client, after she’s been fully
daughter of activist lawyer Gloria Allred, $200,000 to fund vetted for veracity. Due to an unexpected turn of events,
Trump’s accusers. The organization was founded by donors also reached out to help some of my clients last
Media Matters’ David Brock and says it will possibly year.
create an ongoing fund “to encourage victims to bring
forward similar claims against Republican politicians,” Bloom’s efforts failed, but as Brock has indicated, this
Vogel reported. won’t be the end of the witch-hunt, which fits into the
overall strategy Brock developed after the election to
“California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering undermine Trump and all who support him.
to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a
commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Last year, he wrote a confidential memo in which he
Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six- explained the role American Bridge would play in putting
figure payment for another woman who ultimately progressives back in power.
declined to come forward after being offered as much as
$750,000,” clients told The Hill. “We are going to resist the normalization of
Donald Trump,” Brock wrote. “Trump has
Bloom claims that donors like American Bridge were only the legal authority, but we have the moral
offering money “to ensure the safety” of the accusers.
authority—and the moral responsibility to when Republican candidates are
oppose him.” pretending to be something they’re not.”

No other issue reinforces the notion that Media Matters The problem with funding sexual assault abusers by any
and Republican opposition have “moral authority” more partisan group is that it corrupts the system and removes
than bringing down their political enemies with all credibility of accusers, which is harmful to the women
accusations of sexual harassment and assault. American themselves if they are, indeed, telling the truth.
Bridge has and will play a role in that effort.
As journalism professor at the University of Southern
As stated in Brock’s plan of action, California Vince Gonzales told Snopes, political partisans
who insert themselves into cases take the focus off the
American Bridge will cement itself as the victims and puts it onto themselves and political game-
standard-bearer of opposition research, playing.
build on its role as a progressive
clearinghouse for information that drives “It’s a zero-sum game, but it’s a very short
the narrative on Republican officeholders term gain,” he said. “If you’re a political
and candidates, and be at the epicenter of donor who gets involved and if the story is
Democrats’ work to regain power—starting true, you become the story. You become
in 2017 and building to 2020. Here’s what the political motivation behind the story and
success will look like: then people no longer have to focus on the
allegations. That’s the danger.”
1. Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or
at the ballot box in 2020. Ron Rotunda, professor at Chapman University School of
Law, agreed.
2. The balance of power will shift back to Democrats. We
will measurably impact US Senate, gubernatorial, and “These victims have serious stories to tell
state legislative races. and we have to get justice for them,” he
said. “But we undercut that when people
3. We will free ourselves from solely relying on the press. are paid money for their testimony. It taints
Our robust digital program will reach voters directly it. If this were a jury trial, you’d have to ask
online. [a witness], ‘You got x-thousand dollars to
say this?’ and from there it’s not hard to
The goal of American Bridge 21st Century, connect the dots when there are only two
as stated on their website, is “holding dots. The problem is, if a real victim
Republicans accountable for their words accepts a payoff it undercuts their story.
and actions and helping you to ascertain That’s just a fact of life.”

MSNBC: ‘Isn’t It Remarkable That
We’re’ Discussing Trump’s ‘Mental State?’
By Scott Whitlock
January 4, 2018 3:43 PM EST

Though MSNBC journalists have admitted that much of a Tur keeps promoting this wrong information. On
new anti-Donald Trump book by Michael Wolff may not December 22, she insisted, “He hasn’t had a press
be true, it’s still enough to spark a new conversation over conference since what, February?... That is laughable.”
whether the President is mentally ill. On Thursday, Katy The statement may be laughable because it’s false.
Tur pivoted to the crazy Trump theme: “Isn't it remarkable
that we're talking about the President's mental state and Later in the day, reporter Hallie Jackson conceded that the
asking honest questions about his mental state? You also new book may not be that reliable.
have members in Congress meeting with psychiatrists to
talk about the 25th Amendment.”
NBC News has not confirmed everything in this Wolff
book, and there are pieces, center anecdotes and moments
MSNBC analyst Richard Painter fretted about a deranged on their face appear to be factually not true. You heard
Trump: “We are all at great risk, and this is a situation that Sanders reference one of them. The fact Wolff says the
needs to be addressed by the cabinet and Congress as set President not know who John Boehner was. Look at
forth in the 25th Amendment.” He added, “We cannot risk Twitter, it's not the case.
having a president who is mentally unstable and
controlling nuclear weapons.” For MSNBC, however, it’s reliable enough to push the
idea that the President is crazy.

A partial transcript is below:

2:41pm ET

KATY TUR: Richard, isn't it remarkable that we're talking about

the President's mental state and asking honest questions about
his mental state? You also have members in Congress meeting
with psychiatrists to talk about the 25th Amendment.
Tur replied with what can only be called fake news: “It is
interesting that the President hasn't had a press conference, RICHARD PAINTER Well, I think it's long overdue that we
an open press conference since last year. Since February of address this issue. Just a few days ago many of us were terrified
last year.” No. He had an open press conference at the to see the president of the United States on Twitter
White House on October 16, 2017. communicating to North Korea that his button — nuclear button
— is bigger than theirs. This is not mentally stable behavior. You
combine that with nuclear weapons. We are all at great risk, and
this is a situation that needs to be addressed by the cabinet and
Congress as set forth in the 25th Amendment.

TUR: Yeah.

PAINTER: We cannot risk having a president who is mentally

unstable and controlling nuclear weapons.

TUR: It is interesting that the President hasn't had a press

conference, an open press conference since last year. Since
February of last year. He didn't have one at the end of the year,
and in the book Richard Wolffe [sic] — not Richard Wolffe, went
to the author went to talk about an interview that the President ...
was supposed to do with 60 Minutes that Hope Hicks decided
against because he was repeating himself so much that she 3:04
needed the questions beforehand, which is why they went with
Sean Hannity. Unclear if that is true, but that is what is painted in
HALLIE JACKSON: Have to reiterate, of course, NBC News has
this book. Julia, special counsel Robert Mueller's team, how
not confirmed everything in this Wolff book, and there are pieces,
much are they going to be looking at this?
center anecdotes and moments on their face appear to be
factually not true. You heard Sanders reference one of them. The
JULIA AINSLEY (NBC News Natl. Security and justice reporter): fact Wolff says the President not know who John Boehner was.
Well, Katie, a lot of what Robert Mueller's team has on Trump Look at Twitter, it's not the case.
and the presidency has already been assembled. A book like this
would take a lot of corroboration.

While Media Goes Into Rabid, Foam At The Mouth Frenzy
Over Trump-Bannon Theater, They Ignore That Manafort
Lawsuit Could Deem Entire Mueller Investigation Illegal
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
January 4, 2018

When Mueller indicted Manafort, the charges had nothing

to do with the original "jurisdiction," meaning Russian
collusion, nor did it arise directly from the initial
investigation into links or coordination between Russia and
individuals associated with the Trump campaign, which I
initially thought was the impetus behind the Manafort
lawsuit against the DOJ, Deputy AG Rosenstein and
Mueller, until I read the entire lawsuit, where we see
Manafort isn't just trying to get the charges against him
dropped as improperly investigated and charged,
Whenever the media goes into a rabid, foam at the mouth but he is asking the court to deem the
frenzy over a certain topic, the first question we see asked entire investigation illegal because
and have asked ourselves, is what are they trying to Rosenstein's Special Counsel order
distract us from? violates DOJ regulations for Special
Paul Manafort, indicted by Robert Mueller for issues that
occurred before the presidential campaign of Donald In the 17 page complaint filed with the courts against the
Trump began, issues that had been previously known by DOJ, Rosenstein and Mueller, Manafort's counsel explains
the Department of Justice, and did not "arise directly from that the charges stemmed from actions going back over a
the investigation," and also goes beyond the original scope decade and which Manafort had already spoken to the DOJ
of the mandate in the initial DOJ press release, just filed a about in July of 2014, when Mr. Manafort voluntarily met
lawsuit against the DOJ, Deputy Attorney General Rod with DOJ prosecutors and FBI agents, therefore the
Rosenstein and special counsel Robert Mueller. indictment was not gleaned from any matters that arose or
might arise "directly" from the investigation.
For the past two days we have seen a complete media
circus over a supposed "Steve Bannon - President Trump" What was unexpected in the complaint is Manafort is not
feud in relation to excerpts from an upcoming book just trying to get the charges against him dismissed, but is
release, that has dominated the headlines, the television asking the court to rule that the Rosenstein order granting
talking heads and bloggers, forums and websites all across authority to Mueller was illegal in and of itself because it
the Internet, yet the Manafort lawsuit, which was barely violates the DOJ’s special counsel regulations.
covered by the media, could literally deem the entire
Mueller investigation illegal.... from its inception. Page #9 is where the complaint becomes very interesting:
When Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein released 32. Consistent with 28 C.F.R. §600.4(a)—which
the announcement of appointing a special counsel provides that special counsels “shall also” have
(Appointment Order) into the Russian collusion “authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes
investigation, he specified that Mueller would have the committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere
power to investigate and/or prosecute "any links and/or with,” their investigations—paragraph (b)(iii) of the
coordination between the Russian government and Appointment Order provides that Mr. Mueller may also
individuals associated with the Campaign of President pursue “any other matters within the scope of 28
Donald Trump," and "any matters that arose or may arise C.F.R. §600.4(a).”
directly from the investigation," and "any other matters
within the scope of 28 CFR § 600.4", which covers
"Jurisdiction." (See Special Counsel Order here)
33. But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order the question, despite Representative Smith asking him
purports to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to point blank, multiple times.
investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or
may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant Watch how Rosenstein consistently attempts to deflect
of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special from the question, and still never fully answers it.
counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual
statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an It is not only Congress that Rosenstein refused to answer
ancillary power to address efforts to impede or in regards as to whether he granted Mueller "additional
obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a). jurisdiction," to investigate issues pertaining to Manafort
that had nothing to do with his clear mandate, but on page
34. DOJ’s special counsel regulations do address 12 of the Manafort lawsuit, item #44, it shows that
“new matters that come to light in the course of” the Rosenstein refused to answer the same question from
special counsel’s “investigation,” but not by Manafort's attorney.
authorizing a grant of original jurisdiction to pursue
them. 28 C.F.R. §600.4(b). To the contrary, DOJ’s
special counsel regulations specify that, whenever
the special counsel “concludes that additional
jurisdiction” is required to address “new matters
that come to light in the course of” an
investigation, the special counsel must “consult
with the Attorney General,” who must then
“determine whether to include the additional
matters within the Special Counsel’s jurisdiction
or assign them elsewhere.” Id

35. The effort to convey that “additional” authority to

pursue any matters that might come to light, as part of
the grant of original jurisdiction, without the required
consultation and decision by the Attorney General,
exceeds the scope of appointment authority under 28
C.F.R. §600.4. It also defies the principles of limited 44. On September 12, 2017, undersigned counsel for
power and accountability that animate those limits on Mr. Manafort sent a letter to Mr. Rosenstein
the Attorney General’s appointment authority. Under requesting that he confirm or deny that, prior to July
the Appointment Order, the Special Counsel’s 26, 2017, he granted Mr. Mueller additional jurisdiction
authority is not confined to the specific matters to investigate Mr. Manafort for potential tax crimes and
identified by politically accountable officials: The other white-collar criminal offenses dating back to
Appointment Order purports to grant authority to the January 1, 2006, and that prior to August 3, 2017, he
Special Counsel to expand the scope of his authorized Mr. Mueller to prosecute Mr. Manafort for
investigation to new matters without the consent of— tax crimes related to the 2010 tax year. Mr.
indeed, without even consulting—any politically Rosenstein has not responded; nor has anyone
accountable officer of the United States. else from his office.

Emphasis mine. The two points in bold above are critical Starting on page #14, Manafort's counsel lists two counts.
and in my opinion, the main point of the lawsuit. First In the first they are asking the entire "Appointment Order"
Manafort's counsel is arguing that under the DOJ's own be set aside, meaning declaring Mueller's entire
regulation regarding jurisdiction, Rosenstein violated the investigation illegal and given to him Ultra Vires (beyond
law by giving Mueller carte blanche. the powers) of what Rosenstein was allowed to do by law.
In the second, they are asking the judge to declare
The second point caught my attention because during Mueller's conduct
Rosenstein's December 2017 testimony in front of
the House Judiciary Committee, Representative Lamar "beyond his jurisdiction under the
Smith attempted to get Rosenstein to answer whether he Appointment Order."
had been asked by Mueller at any point for more authority
to "expand" his investigation to include additional In their Prayer for Relief, they ask the court to grant the
jurisdiction, meaning issues unrelated to "coordination following items:
between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the Campaign of President Donald a. an order and judgment setting aside the Appointment
Trump," or "any matters that arose or may arise directly Order and declaring it invalid, arbitrary and capricious,
from the investigation," and Rosenstein wouldn't answer an abuse of discretion, and otherwise not in
accordance with law;
indictments he has gotten to date, has been two people for
b. an order and judgment declaring ultra vires and setting lying to the FBI, (yet Clinton, Huma Abedin and other
aside all actions taken against Mr. Manafort pursuant to Clinton campaign members were never charged when they
the Appointment Order; were proven to have lied to the FBI) and two people for
actions taken long before Donald Trump even started
c. an order and judgment declaring that Mr. Mueller lacks running for President.
authority to investigate business dealings not arising
The argument by Manafort's lawyer is creative and by
from the original jurisdiction set out in the Appointment
filing this lawsuit, in conjunction with the multiple
investigations by congress, the DOJ and a nearly yearlong
investigation by the Office of Inspector General into
d. an order and judgment enjoining Mr. Mueller from
misconduct by FBI and DOJ officials, even if this suit is
investigating matters beyond the scope of the grant of
unsuccessful, it brings more scrutiny onto the intelligence
jurisdiction in the Appointment Order; and e. any other
agencies that became highly politicized under the Obama
relief as may be just and proper.
regime. Plus, by going after the entire investigation now in
court, after multiple members of Mueller's team have been
The entire 17 page Manafort complaint, filed on January 3,
publicly exposed as anti-Trump partisans, some having
2018, is embedded at the bottom of this article.
been reassigned, others demoted, Manafort is keeping the
spotlight on the actions of Rosenstein, Mueller and the
While the MSM is downplaying this lawsuit and those that No wonder the media is hyperventilating so badly on the
bothering to report it are mis-characterizing the extent of Trump-Bannon issue, they want the Manafort lawsuit to be
what Manafort is asking for, such as NYT that headlines mentioned, then forgotten about as fast as possible, and
claiming Manafort is simply asking for a judge to "narrow creating a media circus over some claims in a book is
the Russia investigation," when multiple times within the typical of the type of reporting we have come to expect out
complaint we see he is first asking the judge to declare the of the MSM.
entire "Appointment Order" set aside, which would
completely shut down Mueller's investigation. 1-3-18 Manafort V DOJ Complaint
By Susan Duclos On Scribd
The fact is, after all this time and all the millions spent by
Mueller on supposedly investigating "Russian collusion"
with the Trump campaign, the only four charges and

‘Fire And Fury’ Author Michael Wolff Has Serious
Credibility Issues, History Of Questionable Quotes
Chris Menahan
January 4, 2018

Note” suggests many of his quotes are


Author Michael Wolff claims in his new book “Fire and

Fury” that President Trump had never heard of John
Boehner — he actually tweeted about him at least 7 times
throughout the years.
Wolff says in his book that Roger Ailes allegedly
suggested Trump hire former Speaker of the House John
Boehner to be his Chief of Staff. Wolff claims Trump
“Who’s that?”
“He also notes that the stories he is told
often compete of conflict with one another,”
Tur said. “Despite that, Wolff says in some
cases he’s let the source tell his/her
version. The reader can decide if it’s true or

Donald Trump Jr. retweeted this picture from White House

Director of Social Media Daniel Scavino Jr. showing the
two went golfing together in 2013:
NBC’s Katy Tur said Wolff is “likely to face
some serious questions and criticisms
regarding his use of quotes” as his “Author

Wolff claims in his book that billionaire Thomas Barrack
Jr. once said of Trump, “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.”
Barrack told New York Times’ Maggie Haberman he only
spoke with Wolff one time and the quote was, “Totally
“It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those aren’t my
words and inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said,”
Barrack said.
“He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him to ask if it
was accurate,” Haberman said.

In Wolff’s 1999 book “Burn Rate,” 13 people complained

he “invented or changed quotes.”

The New Republic’s Michelle Cottle said in a 2004 cover
story that Wolff’s columns
“aren’t recreated so much as created”
from Wolff’s “imagination.”
“Much to the annoyance of Wolff’s critics,
the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated
so much as created–springing from Wolff’s
imagination rather than from actual
knowledge of events,” Cottle said.
“Even Wolff acknowledges that
conventional reporting isn’t his bag. Rather, The salacious and highly questionably nature of his writing
he absorbs the atmosphere and gossip suggests that was all a con-job.
swirling around him at cocktail parties, on
the street, and especially during those long Nonetheless, he’s cashing in.
lunches at Michael’s.” “Fire and Fury is #1 on Amazon,” Wolff
Wolff got access to the White House by posing as an tweeted Wednesday afternoon.
impartial reporter who wanted to let Trump’s team get
their message out without the smarmy undertones which
characterize the rest of the media.
In February 2017, he chastised CNN’s Brian Stelter for
being a “ridiculous figure” because he would constantly
make himself the story and frame the media as victims of
Donald Trump.

Laura Ingraham: Trump Will Not Be
Re-Elected If He Sells Out On Immigration (Video)
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Friday, January 5, 2018

As the senate works on a framework for immigration United States. I can tell you that right
legislation that they hope to release next week, Fox News now, and I come as someone who is a
host Laura Ingraham has asserted in no uncertain terms great supporter of his,” she added.
that President Donald Trump will not be re-elected if he
sells out his voters on the issue. On Thursday, Republican senators met with the president
to discuss a plan that would tighten border security — but
also create a “solution” for illegal immigrants who are
currently protected from deportation under the Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

“We have to end chain migration to prevent

a future set of new chain migrants coming,”
Senator Tom Cotton insisted during the

Senate Democrats have been vowing to block short-term

funding bills unless DACA illegals are protected.

Discussing the issue on her show The Ingraham Angle on Trump tweeted thanking the senators after Thursday’s
Thursday evening, the popular Trump-supporter did not meeting, and listed his top priorities for immigration
hold back on how important it is that the president get this reform — which included ending chain migration,
right. cancelling the visa lottery and building the wall.

“I got to say, the Republicans and

Democrats watching this, your solemn duty
is to the American people. The American
people, not to the people of other countries
who came here illegally, but to legal
immigrants, and to American citizens,
Ingraham said. “Donald Trump
understands that. I don’t think he is going
to, you know, sell out people on
immigration. If he does, he is over anyway.”

There are few things that would be absolute deal breakers “We must BUILD THE WALL, stop illegal
for President Donald Trump’s base — and immigration is immigration, end chain migration & cancel
probably one of the biggest. the visa lottery. The current system is
unsafe & unfair to the great people of our
country – time for change!” Trump wrote.
“So — He is going to be done. If he sells
us out on immigration, Donald Trump
will not be re-elected president of the

TICK-TOCK: Trump DoJ Opens Probe
Into Clinton Foundation ‘PAY FOR PLAY’ Allegations
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

FBI and Justice Department officials have already The Clintons have faced “pay-to-play” allegations for
interviewed one witness months, but they and Foundation officials have denied
there were any exchanges of political favors for donations.
Donations to the foundation plunged following Clinton’s
November 2016 election loss to President Donald J.
Trump, falling 42 percent in 2016 from $108 million to
$63 million.
The New York Post reported in November that the Justice
Department, in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee,
said it was looking at appointing prosecutors to examine
allegations that millions of dollars in donations to the
(National Sentinel) Buying Influence: The Justice foundation were tied to the Obama administration’s
Department has launched a new investigation into the Uranium One deal.
Clinton Foundation over allegations of “pay for play”
while Hillary Clinton was President Obama’s first In November, reports noted that the Clintons hid donations
secretary of state. from a firm tied to the controversial Uranium One.

Fox News reported Friday that a source familiar with the Reporters John Solomon and Alisan Spann reported that
new probe told the network on Thursday that the the Clintons understated donations they received in 2008
investigation is being led by the U.S. attorney and the FBI and 2016 from a firm hired by a Russian nuclear company
in Little Rock, Ark., where the foundation began. involved in the deal.

The network reported that it had confirmed the existence “As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
of the probe. greenlighted the Russian purchase of
Uranium One, a Canadian company with
“Fox News also has learned investigators uranium assets in the US, at a time when
are looking into whether the Clinton many of the company’s owners had given a
Foundation violated tax law,” the network combined total of $145 million to the
reported online. Clinton family charity,” the New York Post
“Accusers of ‘pay to play’ have claimed the
foundation promised favors in exchange for The Hill added:
donations or pledges of cash or gifts,” it
said. “The probe may also examine whether any
tax-exempt assets were converted for
The Hill‘s John Solomon broke the story on Thursday. He personal or political use and whether the
noted that FBI and Justice Department officials have Foundation complied with applicable tax
already interviewed one witness, and that more activity is laws, the officials said.”
scheduled for later this month.
One witness recently interviewed in the newly launched
“The officials, who spoke only on condition probe described the experience as “very professional and
of anonymity, said the probe is thorough,” The Hill reported. The news site added that the
examining whether the Clintons promised witness said questions were focused on “whether donors to
or performed any policy favors in return for Clinton charitable efforts received any favorable treatment
largesse to their charitable efforts or from the Obama administration on a policy decision
whether donors made commitments of previously highlighted in media reports.”
donations in hopes of securing government
outcomes,” Solomon reported. Spokespersons for the Clintons and the Foundation called
the probe politically motivated.

Mueller’s Investigation Is Unconstitutional – While
Crooked Hillary And Dirty Cop Comey Walk Free…
AG Sessions Needs To Go!
By Jim Hoft
Friday, January 5, 2018

partake. The DOJ is under the purview of AG Sessions. If

AG Sessions were doing his job the investigation would
have never started but after yesterday’s court filing he
surely would have halted the Mueller investigation until it
was proven constitutional. But he is nowhere to be found
when it relates to deep state initiatives like the Mueller

If Attorney General Sessions was doing

his job, corrupt Hillary Clinton and
disgraced former FBI Director James
Comey would be in jail or in court, the
entire Obama Administration would be
under investigation for corruption and
criminal activities, the leadership in the
FBI and DOJ would be behind bars, and Based on current statutes Manafort’s suit will result in the
MS13 would be eliminated from the US. Mueller investigation being shut down. Manafort argues
Instead President Trump faces daily that the investigation is not legal because it was set up on
attacks related to totally fictional crimes broader terms than the special counsel mandate provides.
and the Clintons and Obama run free. When Rod Rosenstein, gave Mueller the authority to
Sessions must resign now! investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may
There has been more than enough time arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of
for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel
address the many corrupt and criminal regulations. (Read the full 17 page complaint here.)
activities and individuals within the DOJ
and FBI and throughout the AG Sessions should stop Mueller’s
government. investigation now until this verdict is
Instead he has done nothing. He focuses on weed and
MS13 while Hillary runs free. His actions related to the Why would he allow it to continue knowing there is a good
Mueller investigation result in daily attacks against chance it will be shut down in a few months for being
President Trump and a narrative that could have been illegal?
totally avoided if the AG did his job. The DOJ and the
FBI are perceived as corrupt entities like those found in For months investigations and requests for information
banana republics. It’s now time for deep state operative from entities like Judicial Watch have been stalled and
Sessions to resign. stymied by the FBI and DOJ. Who is running these
entities? It should be AG Sessions. Is he the one ordering
On Wednesday Paul Manafort’s legal team filed a suit that legal requests into the deep state’s activities within the
against the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein claiming their FBI and DOJ be ignored? Congress has gotten to the point
special investigation is not legal as it goes beyond the where they are considering putting people in jail and they
mandate of what a special counsel is legally able to should. The efforts by Sessions’ FBI and DOJ to prevent
transparency and the free flow of information to
Americans and Congress are appalling and must stop. Last week it was uncovered by Judicial Watch that
Sessions has allowed this to happen for far too long. classified emails were found on Hillary’s assistant Huma
Abedin’s home computer during Huma’s husband’s
investigation for sex crimes. He is now in prison and
Huma and Hillary should be. Huma and Clinton were
never charged with any wrong doing related to the crimes
of having these emails on a private computer.

Where is Sessions on this?

What other criminal acts are the deep

state within the DOJ and FBI committing Yesterday it was reported that Hillary’s emails and the
that are currently going on? Clinton Foundation are both now under investigation by
either the FBI or the DOJ –
What illegal actions are they taking now to cover their
tracks? Is this the major objective of the Mueller but who believes these entities with their
investigation – to cover up their illegal activities in the current corrupt and criminal leadership
past? can even come close to performing
objective and independent

Sessions must go! America needs an


Judicial Watch: At Least 18
‘Classified Emails’ On Convicted Felon Weiner’s Laptop
“The Weiner Emails Emphasize The Need For The Justice Department To
Conduct A Fresh, Serious Investigation Of Hillary Clinton’s
And Huma Abedin’s Obvious Violations Of Law.”
By Michael W. Chapman
January 4, 2018 | 5:20 PM

( -- The government watchdog classified information on Weiner’s laptop is

group Judicial Watch, which has filed numerous Freedom part of a pattern of the mishandling national
of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to obtain government security by Clinton and her aides."
documents for the public to see, announced today that at
"The Weiner emails emphasize the need
least 18 "classified emails" from the State Department
for the Justice Department to conduct a
were sent through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's fresh, serious investigation of Hillary
private server to the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who is
Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious
married to Clinton's former deputy chief of staff, Huma
violations of law," said Fitton. "That’s why
Abedin, and is a convicted felon who sexted a 15-year-old we are pleased to learn that the Justice
girl. Department has reportedly at least begun
asking questions about the Clinton
The work-related emails of Huma Abedin, who worked classified material."
with Clinton at the State Department, were discovered by
the FBI when they were investigating Anthony Weiner for "Judicial Watch has no doubt that the
his sexting crimes with a minor. Justice Department is taking these steps
due to the ongoing disclosures of Clinton
email misconduct from Judicial Watch's
Abedin "kept a email lawsuits," he said.
account on Hillary Clinton's notorious email
server that she used repeatedly for
government business," said Judicial Watch The release of the Abedin emails came about because of a
in a statement. lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in May 2015, and a
February 2016 court order directing the State Department
to release the records the FBI had obtained from Weiner's
laptop by Dec. 31, 2017.


Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, and Hillary Clinton. (YouTube) There were 13 classified emails on Weiner's laptop that
“Judicial Watch’s work in federal court had been previously released to the public. In this new
holding the government accountable to the batch, Judicial Watch uncovered five more classified
rule of law has forced the State Department emails.
to finally release these documents,” said
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The
The earlier material included discussions "On November 25, 2011, classified
"about Saudi Arabia, The Hague, Egypt, information was sent regarding [State's
South Africa, Zimbabwe, the identity of a Jeffrey] Feltman’s notes on the Egyptian
CIA official, Malawi, the war in Syria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs impression of the
Lebanon, Hamas, and the PLO," reported Hamas-Palestine Liberation Organization
Judicial Watch. talks. On May 4, 2012, additional classified
material from the BlackBerry backup was
In the newly discovered emails there are discussions sent."
among Clinton, Abedin and State's Jacob Sullivan about
Israel's Gaza policy, an update on the United Nations, The watchdog group further reported that it
talking points on Haiti, the "Anthony Campaign" from
[email protected], Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, "previously released 20 productions of
Saud al faisal, Wikileaks, Benjamin Netanyahu, Hamas and documents in this case that show examples
PLO talks. Much material in the emails is also redacted. of mishandling of classified information and
instances of pay to play between the
Judicial Watch further explained, Clinton State Department and the Clinton
Foundation. Also, at least 627 emails were
"The Weiner laptop also contains classified not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that
material from Abedin’s Blackberry. A July Clinton turned over, and further contradict a
9, 2011, email contained classified statement by Clinton that, 'as far as she
information regarding a then-upcoming call knew,' all of her government emails had
between Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister been turned over to department."

CNN Tries, Fails To Get
Donald Trump Kicked Off Twitter
By Chriss W. Street
5 Jan 2018

They were disappointed when Twitter said Trump’s tweet

was “too vague” a threat to qualify for punishment.

Although nuclear war qualifies as the most extreme

violence on the planet, Twitter was quick to respond:

“We hold all accounts to the same Rules,

and consider a number of factors when
assessing whether Tweets violate our

But Twitter then acknowledged that a carve-out exists

regarding government and military issues and that the site
CNN’s Brian Stelter asked Twitter on
would also consider the “newsworthiness” of any public
Tuesday whether President Donald
Trump’s tweet threatening North Korea
with his “much bigger & more powerful”
nuclear button violated the social media It is not clear what Twitter rule would prevent a head of
network’s terms of service. state from tweeting that he intends to defend his country
against an external threat. North Korean dictator Kim
Jong-un had said on New Year’s Day that “the nuclear
Calling Trump’s tweet evidence of “madness,” the host of
button is always on the desk of my office,” and said his
Reliable Sources clearly hoped not only to obtain an
missiles could hit any target in the United States.
answer to a question, but to see Trump suspended or
removed from Twitter.
Economic considerations may also have been at stake in
Twitter’s decision.:
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the
President Trump’s tweeting is estimated to
“Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.”
have added $3.5 billion to the value of
Will someone from his depleted and food Twitter.
starved regime please inform him that I too
have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much President Trump, with 45,954,600 followers, has the 20th-
bigger & more powerful one than his, and largest number of Twitter followers. He also has tweeted a
my Button works! “YUUGE” 36,698 times since joining the social media
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) platform in 2009. Trump’s provocative style also makes
January 3, 2018 him the world’s most tweeted leader.

Stelter and other Trump-haters cited Twitter’s rule against Wall Street stock analyst James Cakmak at Monness
violent threats: Crespi Hardt told Fortune in August,

“You may not make specific threats of “There is no better free advertising in the
violence or wish for the serious physical world than the president of the United
harm, death, or disease of an individual or States.” He estimates that Trump’s use
group of people.” pumps up Twitter’s stock market value by
about $3.5 billion, to $17.8 billion,

Twitter cannot afford to lose Trump. The site claims to “North Korea is a case study in how a
have 330 million registered users, but has only added a geographically weak country can turn
lackluster 25 million users in the last 2 years, according weakness into strength.” GPF views Kim
to Statista. Twitter’s daily user numbers are even worse, at Jong Un’s “bellicose threats and strange
only 125 million, 30 percent less than Snapchat. diplomatic overtures” as an effort to build
distrust between the United States and
The highly influential ARS Technica website put Twitter South Korea.
on its Deathwatch List last year, and renewed the ranking
this year. They compare Facebook, which reports $27 Since South Korea fears being a nuclear battleground, GPF
billion in revenue and $10 billion in profit, to Twitter, sees China as potentially the biggest winner and Japan as
which at best brings in “a tenth of that revenue and loses the biggest loser if North Korea can humiliate America and
hundreds of millions of dollars every year.” its allies in Asia.

According to Geopolitical Futures (GPF) senior analyst But Twitter gives President Trump a no-cost vehicle to
Jacob L. Shapiro, strike back at so-called Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un —
without having to start a nuclear war.

Roger Stone: Bannon’s Money Man Is
A Chinese Soros Operative And Double Agent (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Friday, January 5, 2018

Political consultant and conservative

strategist Roger Stone joined Alex
Jones on Thursday via Skype to break
down how Steve Bannon’s new financial
backer is a Chinese, Soros operative.

Roger Stone goes on to say that Steve Bannon and H. R.

McMaster objected to Kwok’s extradition.

Stone says Bannon’s money man is a Chinese operative

and who became a double agent who has orchestrated
multi-million dollar online financial crimes in China.
Sanders says Kwok was a bundler for Hillary Clinton and
has been seen dining with George Soros.

Matt Drudge tweeted about Kwok and

Bannon on Thursday.

DEAL With DoJ Gives House Intel Chair Nunes Access
To ALL Documents, Witnesses, In Russia
Witch-Hunt Collusion Probe
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

“It is my hope that this agreement will provide the Nunes’ letter outlines the terms of the deal reached, as he
Committee with all outstanding documents and witnesses” continues looking for information that helps prove or
disprove whether the controversial anti-Trump “dossier”
was used as justification to open the Russia probe and
conduct surveillance on Trump campaign officials.
After more than a year-and-a-half, no one in the media, in
government or in Congress has been able to verify the
dossier’s most explosive and salacious claims about
President Donald J. Trump and his campaign team.
Republicans on the committee have also expressed
concerns that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary
(National Sentinel) Winning: A deal between House Clinton campaign and the Democratic National
Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Committee.
and the Trump Justice Department struck on Thursday will In his letter, the Intelligence Committee chairman said that
give investigators access to “all remaining investigative the panel is “extremely concerned by indications that top
documents” in an unredacted form that the panel has been U.S. Government officials who were investigating a
seeking as part of its Russia probe. presidential campaign relied on unverified information that
was funded by the opposing political campaign and was
The deal was revealed in a letter between Nunes and based on Russian sources.”
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that was
obtained by Fox News. Initially, Nunes issued subpoenas for all related records on
Aug. 24, and they remain in effect.
The letter was sent by Nunes to Rosenstein and it However, the committee has been stonewalled by the
summarizes an “agreement” that had been reached during Justice Department and FBI for months.
a phone call Wednesday evening. The letter also notes that
According to the agreement between Nunes and
key FBI and Justice Department witnesses will now be
Rosenstein, the House panel will also get access to eight
provided to the Intelligence Committee later in January.
key witnesses, Fox News reported, “including FBI agent
Peter Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who exchanged anti-
“It is my hope that this agreement will provide the Trump text messages during an affair and previously
Committee with all outstanding documents and witnesses worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe; FBI general
necessary to complete its investigations,” Nunes wrote. counsel James Baker, who was reassigned; FBI head of
counterintelligence Bill Priestap, whom ex-FBI boss James
Fox News reported further: Comey testified made the decision not to brief Congress
about the Russia case during last year’s election; and
The agreement comes after the DOJ and FBI faced a Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official reassigned after concealing
Wednesday deadline to comply, under the threat of new meetings with figures involved in the dossier.”
subpoenas and even contempt citations. Under deadline All witnesses are tied directly to allegations of political
pressure, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Rosenstein bias against the president.
met Wednesday with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to
discuss the demands from the intelligence committee.

Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet Torching Author
Michael Wolff And “Sloppy Steve” Bannon
By Cristina Laila
Friday, January 5, 2018

President Trump fired off a late night

tweet saying he never authorized The Drudge Report currently has a bright red scathing
access to the White House for author headline linking to a Wall Street Journal article asking if
Wolff. Bannon is out at Breitbart:

The feud between President Trump and Steve Bannon is

reaching a fever pitch.

Trump fired off a late night tweet attacking author Michael

Wolff and called his former White House strategist As previously reported, the rift between President Trump
“Sloppy Steve”. and former White House strategist Steve Bannon has been
in steady escalation this week. The former White House
“I authorized Zero access to White House strategist Steve Bannon claimed that Don Trump Jr will
(actually turned him down many times) for “crack […] like an egg” under pressure from the erroneous
author of phony book! I never spoke to him Russia investigations. Continuing, Bannon went as far as
for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations to call Trump Jr’s agreement to meet with a Russian
and sources that don’t exist. Look at this attorney “treasonous”.
guy’s past and watch what happens to him
and Sloppy Steve!” Trump Tweeted late “Even if you thought that this was not
Thursday night. treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad s***, and
I happen to think it’s all of that, you should
have called the FBI immediately.”
“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the
Kushner s–t. The Kushner s–t is greasy.
They’re going to go right through that.
They’re going to roll those two guys up and
say play me or trade me,”
On the heels of Mr. Bannon’s claims, President Trump
punched back saying that the former strategist has “lost his
mind”, that he “only pretends to have influence”, and that
Rumors are swirling Breitbart owners Bannon had “very little to do with our historic victory.”
are debating ousting Steve Bannon
amid an explosive feud with President President Donald Trump’s lawyer sent a
Trump. cease and desist letter to former Chief
Strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday

It’s BOGUS! ‘Bombshell’ Trump Tell-All Author
Michael Wolff ADMITS He Can’t Verify EVERYTHING
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

More than one alleged source has already Many of those were nonetheless included in his book.
refuted a quote attributed to them in the Wolff said in his author’s note that he and the publisher are
book including them, “allowing the reader to judge” whether the
sources’ claims are true.

In other instances, Wolff said he used his instincts as a

journalist to relay

“a version of events I believe to be true.”

“Many of the accounts of what has
happened in the Trump White House are in
conflict with one another; many, in
(National Sentinel) Fiction: Michael Wolff, the author of Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. These
an explosive new book about Donald J. Trump’s conflicts, and that looseness with the truth,
presidency, has admitted that he cannot say that everything if not with reality itself, are an elemental
contained in its pages is 100 percent accurate, which has thread of the book,” he wrote.
thrown all of what’s in the tome in doubt for many critics. “Sometimes I have let the players offer
their versions, in turn allowing the reader to
A political firestorm surrounding the book, “Fire and judge them. In other instances I have,
Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” began earlier through a consistency in the accounts and
this week after excerpts of it were featured by The through sources I have come to trust,
Guardian. settled on a version of events I believe to
be true,” he continued.
Among other things, Wolff quoted former top Trump
political strategist Steve Bannon as saying that Donald However, reported by Business Insider:
Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump
Tower in June 2016 as being treasonous. The book itself, reviewed by Business
Insider from a copy acquired prior to its
He also predicted that Mueller is focusing on “money Friday publication, is not always clear
laundering” involving former campaign manager Paul about what level of confidence the author
Manafort, Don Jr., and Kushner. has in any particular assertion.

“Trump is not spared,” the news site The book makes a number of significant, yet
reported. “Wolff writes that Thomas unsubstantiated, claims, including that Trump never
Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the wanted to be president, that all of his senior staff
president’s oldest associates, allegedly told considered him an idiot, that he tried to lock the Secret
a friend: ‘He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.’” Service out of his room, and that he ate at McDonald’s to
avoid being poisoned.
But in an author’s note included in the book, Wolff said he
was not certain that all the allegations, accusations and For his part, the president tweeted that he never spoke once
statements in the book were true, casting significant doubt to Wolff.
on all of its contents, critics charged on Friday.
“I authorized Zero access to White House
He said several of his sources were flatly lying to him, (actually turned him down many times) for
while others said things that were contradictory in nature. author of phony book! I never spoke to him
for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations “I’m not going to waste my time or the
and sources that don’t exist. Look at this country’s time going page by page and
guy’s past and watch what happens to him talking about a book that is complete
and Sloppy Steve!” he wrote, the last part fantasy and just full of tabloid gossip,” she
being a jab at Bannon. said Friday.

More than one alleged source has already refuted a quote In an interview with Today show co-host Savannah
attributed to them in the book. Wolff claimed that longtime Guthrie, Wolff defended his book and his journalistic
friend and confidante of Trump’s, billionaire real estate chops.
developer Thomas Barrack Jr., had some hard words for
the president. “My credibility is being questioned by a
man who has less credibility than perhaps
“Trump is not spared,” the news site anyone who has ever walked on Earth at
reported. “Wolff writes that Thomas this point,” he said, in an apparent
Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the reference to Trump.
president’s oldest associates, allegedly told
a friend: ‘He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.’” However, as The Washington Post reported, Wolff has a
lengthy history of getting facts wrong or inventing them
out of thin air.

But The New York Times’ Maggie Habberman reported

that Barrack told her the quote is “totally false.”

“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once,

says he never said the quote attributed to
him to Wolffe or anyone. ‘Totally false,’
Barrack said by phone just now. Tom
Barrack adds, ‘It’s clear to anyone who
knows me that those aren’t my words and
inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.’
He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him
to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted

“He has been accused of not just re-

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who the book
creating scenes in his books and columns,
said warned Trump that he may be under surveillance from
but of creating them wholesale,” the paper
British spies, issued a statement saying the claim is
“categorically absurd” and “simply untrue.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

refused to engage reporters who asked about the
administration’s response to the book’s charges and

President Trump’s Poll
Numbers Boom With The Economy
By John Nolte
5 Jan 2018

If you remove the polls taken before December 14, old

polls that do not reflect the boom of good economic news
or the passage of historic tax reform that came near the end
of the year, Trump’s job approval average leaps to 44
percent and his disapproval drops to just 55 percent —
rebound of 10 points since December 16.

While our elitist media continues its relentless and

unprecedented attacks against Trump — obsessing over
castle intrigue, the Russian collusion conspiracy theories,
and chaos narratives, the American people are seeing
something completely different in the actual, proof-
positive results coming out of the Trump administration…
Despite the elitist media’s malevolent
intentions to distract from President A booming economy, ISIS pretty much destroyed without
Trump’s historical successes in the first us having to add a single boot on the ground (that we know
year of his presidency, word and the of), regulations slashed, energy production and exploration
results are getting through to the only booming, superb judges in record numbers confirmed, a
people that matter, voters. And the stock market zooming to highs that seemed impossible
latest job approval numbers for the only a year ago. Black, Hispanic, and overall
president reflect this. unemployment sit at record or near-record lows. And so
much more…
Even the Gallup poll, which has been an outlier with its
bad news, has Trump at 40 percent approve (55 percent Trump is not only getting things done, as the indisputable
disapprove) after weeks in the mid-thirties. One of the results show, he getting these big things done efficiently
reasons Gallup is an outlier is that it polls all U.S. adults, and competently.
rather than screen for registered or likely voters. For a
time, Trump’s disapproval in this poll was over 60 percent.
And in the end, this is all the voters care about or should
care about.
The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate of the 2016
presidential election, shows Trump at a pretty healthy 45
percent approve, 53 percent disapprove. Better still, the If America is great again, that tide lifts all boats and the
president has been in the mid-forties going back to media hysteria and propaganda becomes white noise.
December 22.
Overall, Trump’s greatest accomplishment in his first year
The rebound can also be seen on the Real Clear Politics was in not allowing himself to be distracted by all the
poll of polls. A few weeks ago, Trump was upside down nonsense involving leaks, Robert Mueller, and an elitist
with a dismal 37 percent approve, 58 percent disapprove media that has shown little regard for the truth (e.g. Last
average — or 21 points underwater. week’s narrative: Trump wanted to win so bad he colluded
with the Russians to win. This week’s narrative: Trump
did not want to win).
As of today he sits at a much healthier average of 41
percent approve, 56 percent disapprove — or 15 points
underwater, which is an overall improvement of six points. Rather than get embroiled in all the drama, he kept a close
eye on the only ball that matters — the economy. And not
only is he better off for it, so is our country.

Paging Jeff Sessions! Turns Out ALL
Of Comey’s LEAKED Memos Were CLASSIFIED (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

“We have a sworn declaration” written and they remain classified,” he

Leaking classified information is a federal crime.
Grassley, in his letter, noted that past media reports
claimed that Comey gave at least four memos to his
friend, Columbia law professor Daniel Richman.
During congressional testimony last year, Comey told a
House panel he hoped that leaking the memos would lead
to a special counsel appointment aimed at investigating
(National Sentinel) High Crimes: Earlier this week Sen. Trump’s campaign. Shortly thereafter, Rosenstein
Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate appointed former FBI director and Comey friend Robert
Judiciary Committee, said in a letter to Deputy Attorney Mueller.
General Rod Rosenstein that former FBI Directory James A report in July 2017 said that more than half of the
Comey likely illegally leaked at least one classified memo memos Comey wrote following his Trump meetings
to a friend. contained classified information.
In his letter, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, demanded “This revelation raises the possibility that
answers from Rosenstein regarding the handling of memos Comey broke his own agency’s rules and
that Comey wrote following his conversations with ignored the same security protocol that he
President Donald J. Trump, The Daily Caller reported. publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the
The Judiciary chairman said that he and his staff have waning days of the 2016 presidential
recently reviewed seven memos Comey wrote following election,” The Hill reported.
his meetings with the president. Of those, four contained Judicial Watch has been at the forefront of obtaining
information that was classified as “Secret” or documents and data from the State Department and Justice
“Confidential.” Department pertaining to alleged mishandling of classified
It turns out that the fired FBI director may be in more legal information by former Obama administration officials
trouble than suspected. including Comey and former Secretary of State Hillary
Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell
appeared with Lou Dobbs on the Fox Business network Here is Farrell’s interview with Dobbs:
Thursday evening to discuss Comey’s memos.
He told Dobbs that FBI Chief FOIA Officer has confirmed
that all of Comey’s memos were classified at the time they
were written and are still classified today.
“We have a sworn declaration from David
Hardy who is the Chief FOIA Officer of the
FBI that we obtained just in the last few
days,” Farrell said.
“And in that sworn declaration Mr. Hardy
says that all of Comey’s memos, all of
them, were classified at the time they were

Trump Legal Action Against Publisher
Backfires, Tell-All Book Gets Early Release
Published Time: 5 Jan, 2018 01:51 Edited Time: 5 Jan, 2018 06:46

statement in the introduction that claims the book contains

“untrue statements.” Harder also said the book does not
cite any sources for several statements and many of the
sources the book does cite have said they never spoke to

Trump’s legal team is demanding Henry

Holt immediately send them a copy of the
full text so they can “fully assess all of the
statements” made in the book.
Harder adds that any attempts to publish
US President Donald Trump © Kevin Lamarque / Reuters
the book could result in “substantial
An explosive book on President Donald Trump’s first year monetary damages and punitive damages.”
in the White House is hitting the shelves early, after The letter also states that Steve Bannon,
Trump’s legal team threatened to sue the publisher for former White House chief strategist,
defamation and libel. violated “several provisions” of an
agreement he signed with the Trump
organisation, which prohibits him from
Henry Holt & Co, the publisher of Michael Wolff’s book “communicating with any members of the
‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,’ is print or electronic media about Mr. Trump,
allowing retailers to begin selling the book four days ahead or any of his family members, or any of
of schedule citing “unprecedented demand,” a Henry Holt their businesses, or the campaign.”
spokeswoman told CNN Thursday.

The decision to speed up the release came only hours after

Trump’s lawyers sent a cease and desist letter to Wolff and
his publisher, according to CNN.

On Thursday, Charles Harder, Trump’s

lawyer, sent a letter to Wolff and Steve
Rubin, the president of Henry Holt,
demanding they “immediately cease and
desist from any further publication, release
or dissemination of the book,” as well as
any excerpts or summaries of its content,
according to a copy obtained by the
Washington Post.
In the letter, Wolff and Rubin are accused
of publishing “false” and “baseless”
statements about Trump. Harder
threatened to sue for “defamation by libel,
defamation by libel per se, false light
On Wednesday, Trump’s lawyers also sent a cease and
invasion of privacy, tortious interference
desist letter to Bannon, demanding that he refrain from
with contractual relations, and inducement
making any “disparaging” comments about the president
of breach of contract.”
and his family.

Specifically, it alleges Wolff and Rubin of “reckless

“You [Bannon] have breached the
disregard for the truth,” which he says can be proven in a
Agreement by, among other things,
communicating with author Michael Wolff “President Trump’s attack absolutely stirred interest,”
about Mr. Trump, his family members, and Finley said.
the Company, disclosing Confidential
Information to Mr. Wolff, and making On Thursday, Wolff announced the new release date on
disparaging statements and in some cases Twitter and thanked the president.
outright defamatory statements to Mr. Wolff
about Mr. Trump, his family members, and
the Company, knowing that they would be
included in Mr. Wolff’s book and publicity
surrounding the marketing and sale of his
book,” Harder wrote to Bannon, according
to ABC News.

Excerpts of Wolff’s book were published by New York

Magazine Wednesday in an article entitled “Donald
Trump Didn’t Want to Be President.”

That day, the book quickly jumped to number one on

Amazon's best-seller list, where it still remains due to
thousands of pre-orders.

Terry Finley, chief executive of Books-A-Million Inc., the

country’s second-largest bookstore chain, told the Wall
Street Journal their bookstores experienced a “huge spike
in demand” Wednesday.
Michael Wolff © AFP

COLD STEELE: GOP Senators Want
CRIMINAL Probe Of Bogus ‘Trump Dossier’ Author
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

The letter is the first criminal referral from any of the “I don’t take lightly making a referral for criminal
congressional investigations into Russia’s election investigation. But, as I would with any credible evidence
interference of a crime unearthed in the course of our investigations, I
feel obliged to pass that information along to the Justice
Department for appropriate review,” Grassley said in a

Graham added that “after reviewing how Mr. Steele

conducted himself in distributing information contained in
the dossier and how many stop signs the DOJ ignored in its
use of the dossier, I believe that a special counsel needs to
review this matter.”

Graham is an attorney by trade, having spent decades as an

(National Sentinel) Numbered Days: Two Republican
Air Force lawyer and officer.
senators are requesting the Justice Department launch a
criminal investigation into the author of the discredited
“Trump dossier,” former British spy Christopher Steele. The letter is the first criminal referral from any of the
congressional investigations into Russia’s election
As reported by The Hill, Sens. Charles Grassley of Iowa
and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have sent a letter
to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI In their request, the senators passed along a memo tied to
Director Christopher Wray asking that they investigate if “certain communications between Christopher Steele and
the former MI6 agent was dishonest during his interactions multiple U.S. news outlets.”
with federal authorities.
The memorandum was not released publicly, The Hill
Steele was hired by Democratic opposition research firm reported, because it is classified.
Fusion GPS to author the dossier, which was paid for by
the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Grassley’s office, in announcing their request, said it is
Committee. standard for the committee to notify the Justice
Department when it “comes across what appears to be
Some Republicans also believe the dossier, which contains credible evidence of a criminal violation that warrants
salacious and unsubstantiated claims about Donald J. further investigation by appropriate authorities based on
Trump and his campaign team, was used to get information from any source, public or non-public.”
authorization from the FISA court to put the campaign
under surveillance in 2016.

“An Idiot Surrounded By Clowns”:
Why Trump (Still) Sits In The White House
By Paul Street
January 5, 2018

An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump

won’t read anything — not one-page
memos, not the brief policy papers;
nothing. He gets up halfway through
meetings with world leaders because he is
The book also asserts that Mr. Trump’s
advisers and associates deride him in
private, calling him an ‘idiot,’ a ‘dope’ or
‘dumb’ as dirt. Thomas J. Barrack, a friend
Photo by Michael Vadon | CC BY 2.0 and adviser to Mr. Trump, was quoted
telling a friend that the president is ‘not only
crazy, he’s stupid’. (emphasis added).
Most of the media’s attention on journalist Michael
Wolff’s “explosive” new book Fire and Fury: Inside the
Trump White House has focused on the disclosure that “Stupid” may be putting it mildly. Recall the description of
Trump’s former political strategist Steve Bannon used the Trump that his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson refused to
words “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” to describe Donald disavow:
Trump, Jr. and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner’s
infamous June 2016 meeting with Russians claiming to “fucking moron.”
possess damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
The disclosures come as the Insane Clown President has
Talking media heads are also agog over Bannon’s just taken his childish and reckless Twitter war with his
assertions that the Donald, Jr. certainly introduced his opposite number Kim Jong-un to a new low by saying “my
father to the Russians and that Trump is vulnerable on nuclear button is bigger than his – and it works.”
Russian money laundering through Deutsche Bank.
Nobody should be surprised by the “revelation” that
What really leaped out at me from The New York Times’ Trump is a malignantly narcissistic “dotard” (Kim’s
write-up on Wolff’s book, however, is the total contempt entertaining description) and dysfunctional “idiot.” That’s
that Boss Tweet’s own associates and advisers have for been clear to anyone who isn’t themselves a hopeless
him: moron since the beginning of Trump’s political career,
festooned with the ridiculous and racist charge that Barack
The book presents Mr. Trump as an ill-informed and Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
thoroughly unserious candidate and president, engaged
mainly in satisfying his own ego and presiding over a The real question is how an “idiot surrounded by clowns”
dysfunctional White House. It reports that early in the got into the White House. The Democratic Party
2016 campaign, one aide, Sam Nunberg, was sent to establishment wants people to think that Russia did it – a
explain the Constitution to the candidate. charge as moronic as Trump’s claim to have won the
popular vote but for millions of illegal immigrant ballots.
‘I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,’ it
quotes Mr. Nunberg as saying, ‘before his The neo-McCarthyite Russiagate gambit is calculated to
finger is pulling down on his lip and his distract attention from the dismal, demobilizing, and
eyes are rolling back in his head.’ dollar-drenched Democrats’ own responsibility for putting
Trump in office by (a) making policy (under both Bill
The book … quotes an email from an
Clinton and Barack Obama) in cringing accord with the
unnamed White House aide offering a
regressive, state-capitalist and corporate-globalist
harsh assessment of Mr. Trump’s
commands of Wall Street; (b) crushing progressive, social-
operation: ‘It’s worse than you can imagine.
democratic forces in their own party; and (c) mounting a The corporate Democrats’ party structure held to prevent
horrific presidential campaign (Hillary 2016) that made the nomination of Sanders, the left “populist,” who would
numerous unforced errors, like failing to visit Wisconsin likely have defeated Trump. By contrast, the corporate-
after the Democratic National Convention and calling Republicans’ party structured did not hold. It crumbled
(however accurately) half of Trump’s backers before the Trump-Bannon challenge, which was
“deplorables.” unintentionally abetted by a corporate media that gave
more attention to the Donald’s every insane Tweet and
facial expression than it did to Sanders’ huge middle-class
and anti-plutocratic rallies against “the billionaire class.”

The jackass president-to be was able to win white middle-

and working-class votes by riding and playing/preying on
the long-term scapegoating (nothing new, to say the least)
of racial minorities and immigrants as the (false) cause of
declining opportunity and income and growing inequality
in the neoliberal era.

Agent Orange was further able to exploit the long-term

neoliberal rise and spread of “small government” and “free
market” ideology. Trump mined the “anti-government”
discourse to promote his “anti-establishment”/anti-
Washington campaign even as he advanced a reactionary
This is not to say that Trump deserves no credit for his populist and white-nationalist critique of globalization and
victory. Even the “fucking moron” and his clown team immigration.
had the basic smarts to keep the evangelical Ted Cruz
wing of the Republican electorate on board by granting The Dotard-in-Chief benefitted from the underlying, ever-
significant influence and position (including the Vice sharpening partisan, racial, cultural, and ideological
Presidency) to the theocratic right. The pussy-grabbing polarization between the Republican and Democratic
reality-television real estate magnate from godless New parties, which guaranteed that Republicans voters would
York City would not have prevailed in the general election support Trump – not matter how offensive and idiotic he
without that deft move. was – to block the presidential candidate (especially the
widely loathed Hillary Clinton) of the hated Democrats.
At the same time, Trump won because of underlying
historical and structural factors that are part and parcel of Hair Furher also reaped a windfall from the spilling over
the onset of the long neoliberal era. Even an “idiot” like of partisan polarization into crippling political and policy
Trump was able to exploit the onset of corporate gridlock after the 2008 financial crisis, the election of the
globalization, automation, increased international nation’s first Black president, the passage of Obama’s
competition, austerity, extreme (New Gilded Age) wealth signature health insurance reform, and the rise of the
concentration, and accelerated plutocracy to promise Republican Tea Party. Trump exploited public disgust
economically squeezed voters a restoration of the vanished with the resulting epic dysfunction of the paralyzed federal
middle-class American Dream. His call to “Make America government by posing as a great outsider/savior who
Great Again” resonated with mass white nostalgia for the would “clean up the mess” and “drain the swamp.”
long lost Golden Age (1945-1973) of unmatched U.S.
economic prosperity. Along with all this, Trump benefitted from institutional
factors that long predate the neoliberal era and trace to the
The “dope” Trump benefitted from the depth and degree of U.S. Founders’ openly anti-democratic Constitution. For
the 2008-2009 financial collapse and recession and the the fifth time in United States history, the Founders’
weak, low-wage recovery that followed while Wall Street Electoral College system allowed the installation of a
and corporate profits soared to obscene new heights with president who didn’t win the majority vote in the
help from the Bush-Obama bailouts. The severe economic quadrennial election. Remarkably enough, the nation that
hit helped de-legitimize establishment candidates like proclaims itself the homeland and headquarters of global
Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio last year. It democracy does not elect its powerful chief executive on
made the real presidential contest a race between a the elementary democratic principle of one person, one
“populist” and “outsider” of “the left,” fueled by small vote. Like the Constitution’s scheme of Congressional
donors– the progressive neo-New Dealer Bernie Sanders – representation in its upper chamber (the Senate), the
and Trump, a self- and Mercer-financed billionaire charter’s Electoral College provision over-empowers the
“populist” and “outsider” of the right. nation’s vast and disproportionately white, right-wing, and

rural electorate relative to more liberal, progressive, politics in ways that Trump was able to exploit with his
multiracial, and urban voters faux “populism” last year.

The Founders’ system of checks and balances between the The dismal Dems want you to blame it all on Russia and
legislature, executive, and judicial branches creates James Comey when he was a bad guy (he became a good
remarkable capacity for gridlock when the branches are guy for the Democrats when he got fired by Trump for
held by different and intensely partisan political parties. refusing to squash the FBI’s Russiagate investigation). The
(The Founders’ it should be recalled, believed that they truth of the matter is that Russian “interference” was a
had created a political system that would prevent the rise very minor matter in relation to the forces and factor
of “factions” and parties and thus did not anticipate the discussed above – forces and factors in which the
kind of partisan checkmate that Trump was able to exploit Inauthentic Opposition Party (the late Sheldon Wolin’s
last year.) incisive description of the Democrats) are deeply complicit
and involved – in explaining the ascendancy of a
Along the way, the nation’s constitutional federalism gives dangerous “fucking moron” to the White House.
its fifty states great leeway in crafting election laws as well
as electoral districts. Right-wing Republican state-level Now the U.S. and the world are saddled with a juvenile,
restrictions on Black, Latino, and “felon” voting rights stupid, pathologically narcissist POTUS who poses grave
played a key role in Trump’s victory. environmental and thermonuclear dangers to humanity.
Thanks to the absurdly deified Constitution bequeathed to
And the Supreme Court’s repeated constitutionally super- us by wealthy and anti-democratic aristo-republican
empowered “wealth primary” rulings on behalf of abject slaveowners and merchant capitalists 228 years ago, it is
campaign finance plutocracy (here progressives need to hard to imagine him being removed from office except by
interrogate the 1976 Buckley-Valeo decision as well as the death or (further) disability prior to January 20 th, 2021.
2010 Citizens United judgment) have functioned to squash We continue to be screwed by the Founding Fathers. Hold
progressive alternatives to corporate control of U.S. on to your powdered wig.

Obstruction Evidence Mounts As Critics Say
Trump Move To Stop Sessions Recusal 'Screams Of Guilt'
Though Obstruction Of Justice Difficult To Prove, Trump "Doing
Everything He Can To Help Mueller Do It,"
Argued Former White House Ethics Chief
By Jake Johnson, Staff Writer
Friday, January 05, 2018

Trump has previously aired his grievances with Sessions

over his recusal in public—calling him a
"disappointment"—but critics interpreted Trump's behind-
closed-doors effort to keep the Russia probe under his
control as another piece of evidence in a cumulative case
that the president obstructed the ongoing Russia probe.

President Donald Trump put his hand on the shoulder of Sen. Jeff
Sessions after introducing him before Sessions's swearing in
ceremony in the Oval Office of the White House February 9, 2017 in
Washington, D.C. (Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images)

In a revelation viewed by some lawmakers and legal

experts as yet more evidence that President Donald Trump
has obstructed justice, the New York Times reported on
Thursday that Trump ordered White House counsel
Donald McGahn to stop Attorney General Jeff Sessions
from recusing himself from the FBI's Russia probe in a bid
to maintain his "grip" on the investigation.

McGahn proceeded to carry out Trump's demand by

lobbying Sessions—a move slammed by former Office of
Government Ethics head Walter Shaub as an attempt to
convince Sessions to "break the law"—but the effort
ultimately failed.

When Sessions recused himself last March, Trump

"erupted in anger in front of numerous White House
officials, saying he needed his attorney general to protect
him," according to the Times.
Noting that it is far from easy to prove
"Where's my Roy Cohn?" the president obstruction—given that corrupt intent must
reportedly exclaimed, referring to his be demonstrated—Citizens for
former lawyer, who also worked for the red- Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
baiting Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Cohn was (CREW) chair Norm Eisen argued the
disbarred from practicing law in New York Times report shows that "Trump is doing
in 1986 on charges of "unethical" behavior. everything he can to help [Special Counsel
Robert] Mueller do it."

As the Times reports, Mueller has learned about Trump's As Common Dreams reported last October, an in-depth
push to stop Sessions from recusing himself and is analysis of Trump's actions during the first months of his
investigating the effort as part of his Russia probe, which presidency by CREW concluded it is "likely" that Trump
the White House has attempted to discredit as a "hoax." obstructed justice by interfering with

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), a former prosecutor, took to "the investigations into Michael Flynn and
Twitter following the Times revelations to argue that Russia's interference in the 2016
presidential election through various
"the repeated attempts by the president of actions, including the termination of James
the United States to influence the criminal Comey."
investigation against him, such as this
attempt to order AG Jeff Sessions to not Following the Times report, Eisen concluded that it "seems
recuse, screams consciousness of guilt." like a good morning to circulate" the paper once more.

Another One! Former HILLARY Senior Advisor FRETS
Millennials Will Vote For GOP After Tax Cut Leaves
THEM With More Of Their Own Money
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 5, 2018

“I hope millennials don’t fall into a lull of Philippe Reines served as a senior adviser to Hillary
accepting, this is what it is” Clinton for more than a decade in multiple roles in both
her Senate and state department offices. He also advised
Clinton in the lead up to her presidential campaign.

Reines sat down with Washington interns to give his

assessment of the political landscape after the 2016
election. Reines was asked by a young woman about the
future of young voters in politics. The Clinton advisor first
began by saying he didn’t know “how millennials think”
and that it is “unclear what will get them going.”

(National Sentinel) Taxes & Votes: A long-serving, “Donald Trump and his people
trusted political advisor to Hillary Clinton says he’s want everyone to shut up, get over the
becoming concerned that Millennials, which Democrats election, Hillary Clinton go away, that’s in
see as a key voting bloc, will begin supporting their best interest, but that’s not how
Republicans after the recently-passed tax cut leaves them it works,” he said.
with more money every payday.
“We are supposed to oppose what we
disagree with. And I hope millennials
As reported by The Daily Caller, Phillippe Reines served don’t fall into a lull of accepting, this is what
as a senior advisor to Clinton for more than 10 years in a it is,” he continued. “God knows how many
number of roles during her U.S. Senate and State of them will see their taxes go down and
Department tenure. base it just on that.
“But yeah, they are a key demographic that
He also advised her in the lead-up to her second failed bid
voted oddly in 2016, and I am not sure
for the presidency during the 2016 election cycle.
people understand how to get them to vote
productively in 2020,” he said.
Reines recently sat down with Washington interns to give
his view of the political landscape following Clinton’s loss
The president and some Republicans have also speculated
and Donald J. Trump’s unexpected victory. they will win more support from a wider range of voters in
the 2018 and 2020 elections and beyond after improving
He was asked by a young woman about the future of their economic conditions.
younger voters in American politics. In response, Reines
said he did not know “how Millennials think,” and that it’s Reines isn’t the only Democrat worried about voters
“unclear what will get them going.”
flocking to support the GOP following the tax cuts.

While he speculated that socialist progressives like Sens.

Liberal CNN morning host Allyson Camerota and Rep.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of
Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., recently discussed what political
Massachusetts would do well tapping into youthful effect that the recently-passed Trump-Republican tax cuts
enthusiasm for their prospective presidential candidacies,
would have on the country, with both agreeing that it could
he noted that he’s concerned that Trump and Republican
lead to more GOP support during the 2018 elections.
policies will begin to attract younger voters after seeing
their taxes go down.

Utah Man Arrested After
Threatening To Kill Trump, Shoot Up Movie Theater
By Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/05/2018 - 14:25

A Utah man is facing criminal charges The charges say Dominguez also threatened to carry out a
after allegedly threatening to kill mass shooting or use explosives at a movie theater,
President Donald Trump, according to the New York Post.

according to an indictment filed Wednesday. A grand jury Melodie Rydalch, a spokeswoman for US Attorney John
in central Utah returned the indictment showing multiple Huber, issued a statement outlining the indictment and the
charges against Travis Luke Dominguez of threatening the timeline of the actions it alleges.
President, the police, a bank, another business and a movie
theater. "Local and federal law enforcement
agencies treat all threats seriously. They
"I'm a Navy SEAL," the indictment quoted expend time and resources responding
Dominguez, 33, as saying. "I woke up and to and investigating them - as our
decided I’m going to kill the president agencies did in this case. That said,
Donald Trump today. Please forgive me there isn't any evidence that Mr.
and then I will die by suicide by cop." Dominguez traveled to carry out his
threats against the President," she said.
The indictment went on to quote Dominguez as saying,
Dominguez made the threat on Trump's life on Dec. 4,
"I'm going to kill the sexist racist 2017, the US attorney's office said. Trump visited Utah
homophobic President Trump today. that day to announce his decision to shrink a pair of
Nothing you can do to save President national monuments.
Trump nor stop me pigs."
The DOJ statement alleges that later in December,
CNN, which first reported the news, was
unable to independently confirm Dominguez used an internet tip line to send more threats,
including the threat to hurt people at a movie complex with
whether Dominguez's claim that he is a
firearms or explosives and then to harm police officers
SEAL is accurate.
responding to the scene.
A motion filed Wednesday said Dominguez was being
held in Utah state prison and was due to appear in court on After a threat on New Year's Eve, the statement said,
Thursday afternoon. Dominguez "was observed in the area of the theater" and
police officers then executed a vehicle stop and he was
taken into custody.

The US Secret Service did not respond to a request for

comment Wednesday evening.

Robert Mueller Sued Over
Fake Russian Collusion Investigation
By Infowars War Room -
January 5, 2018

Featured Image: Medill DC/Flickr

Networks Refuse To Cover FBI
Opening New Clinton Foundation Investigation
By Curtis Houck
January 5, 2018 12:37 PM EST

To the shock of no one (at least in the NewsBusters unquestionably thorough” and focused on questions about
newsroom), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and whether donors to Clinton charitable efforts received any
NBC ignored on Friday morning the stunning revelation favorable treatment from the Obama administration on a
that the Clinton Foundation is under FBI investigation for policy decision previously highlighted in media reports.
possible crimes while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of
State. In an update Friday morning, Clinton spokesman Nick
Merrill blasted the move as “disgraceful” and suggested
FNC’s Fox & Friends was the only cable or network that it was ordered without merit by the Trump
morning show (ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS This administration to distract from the Russia investigation and
Morning, CNN’s New Day, FNC’s Fox & Friends, Michael Wolff’s stunning new book.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and NBC’s Today) to confirm
and cover the story, spending eight minutes and 50 After the morning shows, both CNN and The Washington
seconds (minus teasers) on the Clinton Foundation. Post confirmed Solomon's scoop. CNN Newsroom with
John Berman and Poppy Harlow went live in the 10:00
The Hill’s John Solomon broke the story a.m. hour to Justice correspondent Laura Jarrett following
just after 8:30 p.m. Eastern, explaining right the publication of a story by Jarrett and
off the top that “[t]he Justice Department colleague Evan Perez.
has launched a new inquiry into whether
the Clinton Foundation engaged in any In part, Jarrett told Berman and Harlow:
pay-to-play politics or other illegal
activities while Hillary Clinton served as
A significant legal development here as
Secretary of State.”
CNN has now learned that federal
authorities down in Arkansas are actively
Solomon revealed that FBI agents in Little Rock, Arkansas investigating the Clinton Family Foundation
“have taken the lead in the investigation,” including the for corruption. A U.S. official tells me that
process of interviewing possible witnesses. He cited a the FBI and federal prosecutors there are
source has having told him that the focus is whether digging into specifically whether foundation
Clinton sought to curry favor with possible donors in donors were improperly promised policy
exchange for access to Clinton or favorable treatment by favors or some type of special access to
the government. Clinton while she was secretary of state in
exchange for donations to the charity's
Here’s more from Solomon: coffers and coming whether tax laws were
followed here.
The probe may also examine whether any
tax-exempt assets were converted for The major broadcast networks had plenty of time for
personal or political use and whether the Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury book of Trump White
foundation complied with applicable tax House gossip, but no time for this bomshell. If any
laws, the officials said. significant time is devoted to it, watch for the liberal media
and friends like Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff
One witness recently interviewed by the FBI described the (Calif.) to slam the FBI before going back to suggesting
session to The Hill as “extremely professional and any criticism of the FBI is un-American.

GOP Senators Ask For Criminal Probe
Of British Spy Who Wrote "Trump Dossier"
By Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/05/2018 - 14:32

Many details surrounding the now-infamous "Trump themselves. I hope the Department of
Dossier," from who funded it to how exactly it made it's Justice will carefully review our letter and
way into the hands of the FBI and whether or not it was take appropriate action,” Graham said.
relied upon to secure FISA warrants to spy on members of
Trump's campaign, are critical to determining whether
partisan politics, or fact-based investigative work, drove
the DOJ's initial efforts in its Russia probe.

Now, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck

Grassley (R-Iowa) and Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime
and Terrorism Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) say
they've uncovered what they believe is sufficient evidence
to refer the author of the dossier, ex-MI6 spy Christopher
Steele, to the Justice Department for an investigation of
potential violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 for false
statements about the distribution of claims contained in the
dossier. According to the letter, yesterday evening Grassley and
Graham delivered to Senate Security a letter and classified
“I don’t take lightly making a referral for memorandum for delivery to Deputy Attorney General
criminal investigation. But, as I would with Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray
any credible evidence of a crime containing information that forms the basis of their
unearthed in the course of our referral, which they describe as follows:
investigations, I feel obliged to pass that
information along to the Justice Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, individuals are
Department for appropriate review,” prohibited from making false statements
Grassley said. to the federal authorities of the United
“Everyone needs to follow the law and States. Grassley and Graham are
be truthful in their interactions with the referring Steele for making potentially
FBI. If the same actions have different false statements about the distribution
outcomes, and those differences seem of claims from the dossier.
to correspond to partisan political
interests, then the public will naturally This referral does not pertain to the veracity of claims
suspect that law enforcement decisions contained in the dossier. The referral is for further
are not on the up-and-up. Maybe there is investigation only, and is not intended to be an allegation
some innocent explanation for the of a crime.
inconsistencies we have seen, but it seems
unlikely. In any event, it’s up to the Justice It is the practice of the committee to notify the Justice
Department to figure that out.” Department whenever it comes across what appears to be
“After reviewing how Mr. Steele credible evidence of a criminal violation that warrants
conducted himself in distributing further investigation by appropriate authorities based on
information contained in the dossier information from any source, public or non-public.
and how many stop signs the DOJ
ignored in its use of the dossier, I In the interest of transparency, the
believe that a special counsel needs to senators and committee staff are
review this matter. The rule of Law working to redact all sensitive
depends on the government and all who information in the classified
work on its behalf playing by the rules memorandum sent to Rosenstein and

Wray. If and when that process can be punishment as that bestowed upon Michael Flynn or
lawfully and appropriately completed in whether there is an exemption for false statements
consultation with the Justice provided they were intended to harm the current
Department, an unclassified version of administration.
the memorandum will be released.
Here is the full statement by Grassley and Graham:
Of course, the only question is whether the alleged false
statements made by Steele will result in the same

And here is the referral to the Deputy AG Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray:

How The System Got Trumped:
Cambridge Analytica’s Electoral Psyops Campaign
By Louis Proyect
January 5, 2018

one cut above the velveteen portraits of JFK or Elvis

Presley that used to adorn some households in years past.
This is a painting displayed prominently on the home page
of his website.

The foul-mouthed Lobaido told his mild-mannered French

interlocutor that the mainstream media was out to destroy
Trump and that he could only rely on Fox News to get the
real story. But his main source of “the truth” is the
Internet. After spending 8 hours painting American flags
or portraits of Donald Trump striking heroic poses, he sits
down at his computer and goes to Twitter, Facebook or
websites like Infowars to learn about the dangers that
Muslims and Mexican immigrants pose to the republic.
Poster for “Trumping Democracy.
Much of what he takes as the gospel truth has about as
much validity as “Conspi Hunter”.
Available from Cinema Libre Studios, “Trumping
Democracy” provides the key to understanding how we
He probably has relied on Paul Horner’s news stories on
have ended up with the most unpopular president in
occasion, who is the next subject Huchon sits down to
history. Despite the tsunami of reports about Russia
interview. Horner’s interest was less in promoting Donald
meddling with the 2016 elections, this gripping
Trump than it was in making money. Since he understood
documentary makes the case that it was instead the result
that his fake stories were more likely to get the attention of
of a combination of Robert Mercer’s funding and the
a Scott Lobaido than a Louis Proyect, he found it useful to
computer-based Psyops his Cambridge Analytica firm
“expose” Hillary Clinton. Carrying ads on his click-bait
exploited. This one-two punch produced a president that
articles ensured that he was able to pay his rent and enjoy
Gary Cohn described, according to Michael Wolff’s new
the good life.
bombshell book, Fire and Fury, as a “An idiot surrounded
by clowns.”
Some research done after watching “Trumping
Democracy” revealed that Horner died of an accidental
Including the director Thomas Huchon, “Trumping
drug overdose on September 18, 2017—no doubt paid for
Democracy” was the product of a creative team that
by the proceeds of his fake stories. Totally cynical about
despite (or, perhaps because of) its French provenance has
his profession, he revealed himself to the NY Times as
a sharper focus on our national calamity than MSNBC,
someone totally unlike those who helped make him
CNN and all the other usual suspects. Huchon’s last
documentary “Conspi Hunter” was based on a bogus
conspiracy theory about the CIA inventing the AID virus
in order to subvert Cuba. He released the film online in Mr. Horner’s fraudulent articles could be found on
order to show how quickly and easily conspiracy theories Facebook, various news domains that he created, and in
can go viral on the Internet. Given the role of Breitbart years past, on the fake news website National Report.
News and Infowars in the Trump campaign, it was logical
that Huchon would make his latest film a kind of follow- Even his byline was fake. He often went by the name
up to “Conspi Hunter”. Jimmy Rustling, as he did on this story, in which he
claimed protesters were getting paid $3,500 to disrupt
The film begins with a visit to an artist named Scott Trump rallies.
Lobaido, who lives on Staten Island—the only borough in
New York that favored Trump. Lobaido might be better That article, which was tweeted out by Mr. Trump’s
described as an illustrator since most of his work is just campaign manager, now has a taunting disclaimer at the
top that says the story isn’t real: “I personally went to two
Donald Trump rallies and I can say with 100% certainty It was close ties between the British racist Nigel Farage
that NONE of the protesters were getting paid,” the and his American counterpart Steve Bannon that helped
statement says. “This story I wrote is mocking all of you them to develop a winning strategy. When Britons voted
sheep who think protesters are getting paid.” for Brexit, a campaign with nativist implications that
Farage helped to formulate, Bannon and the Mercers
Next Huchon trains his eye on Robert Mercer, who is truly realized that what worked in England might work here.
the éminence grise responsible for our woes today. In Farage tipped them off that a firm called Strategic
some ways, Mercer is the modern counterpart of Howard Communications Laboratories (SCL) provided key
Hughes, another reclusive tycoon who used his wealth to demographic data that helped the Brexit campaigners
reshape American politics. Instead of the airplane, it was secure a victory.
IBM computers that helped Mercer become a billionaire.
As a natural language pioneer at Big Blue, Mercer helped SCL developed Psyops that could be used to the advantage
to lay the groundwork for artificial intelligence and of election campaigns and ultimately to the military. The
ironically for the president who was the epitome of real methodology involved developing a profile of potential
stupidity. voters inspired by the OCEAN personality test, which
drew from publicly available databased to identify how
His mastery of complex logarithms recommended him to people rated on the basis of Openness to experience,
Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund that sought ways Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and
to make money by putting investing on a scientific basis. It Neuroticism. Integrating publicly available databases and
didn’t work very well for Long Term Capital Management information drawn from Facebook and Twitter, the
and let’s cross our fingers that it will work even more American offshoot of SCL named Cambridge Analytics
poorly for Renaissance Technologies. While the USA is that is owned by Mercer identified key voters who scored
like a patient on life support, the bankruptcy of this piggy high on Neuroticism and voted Democrat in the last
bank for pigs might give it another five minutes before the election in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. The Trump
plug is pulled. campaign then paid for ads that targeted this base heavily
with social media ads in October and November that
would last for only a brief period, thus leaving no obvious
With the technology he developed at the hedge fund, the
electronic trail.
firm prospered and so did he. His billions have helped him
to carry out the same kind of libertarian rightwing crusade
as the Koch brothers, but with much more of a Christian, While it is obviously impossible to prove that the ads made
right-populist twist. (It should be added that the populism the difference in swinging these states to Trump’s
was mostly cosmetic.) Mercer never spent a penny on chi- advantage, it is certainly more plausible than blaming the
chi institutions like the Lincoln Center or the Museum of Russian ads with which Rachel Maddow is obsessed,
Natural History as do the Kochs. He was exclusively a big especially since the Trump campaign shelled out 150
backer of propaganda machines like the Heritage million dollars, while the Russian ads did not exceed
Foundation and Breitbart News that he rescued from $150,000.
bankruptcy. Mercer and his lout of a daughter Rebekah
developed a close relationship with Steve Bannon, who The real question is not whether the ads made the
was funded by the Mercers when he served as Trump’s difference. It is instead what kind of society we are living
campaign manager. in, where Psyops begin to be used routinely. That in
combination with the Citizens United Supreme Court
Mercer’s first choice was Ted Cruz rather than Donald ruling that gave corporations the right to buy elections
Trump. When Trump threw Cruz and all the other primary makes the word democracy sound hollow.
campaign competitors out of the ring as if it were a
professional wrestling survival match, it wasn’t hard for When Psyops-type Facebook ads can swing elections, you
the Mercers to get on the Trump bandwagon—even though have to consider the Internet—or at least the social media
it might be said that it was really Trump who got on their part of it—as a mixed blessing. Despite its obvious value
bandwagon. in spreading news about protests in countries where the
newspapers are government-controlled, it can also be
The Mercers and their hired gun Bannon understood at the exploited for propaganda advantages by the very same
outset that Clinton, as awful as she was, was not nearly as types of regimes—Syria being a prime example.
awful as Trump. She was likely to win the popular vote as
she did by nearly 2.9 million. They calculated that they Oddly enough, there is an inverse relationship between
had to focus on the electoral vote, an undemocratic technological advances and the ability of people to
measure that the founding fathers viewed as essential to exercise their democratic rights. In 1986, I read a book
keeping the rabble in line. titled “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman that
made the case that television has been responsible for
dumbing down the political culture. It is too bad that

Postman, who died in 2003, never updated it to take the much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.
Internet into account. He was troubled by how television Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us.
presidential debates had begun to become not much more Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of
edifying than those ridiculous five-minute food fights irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive
between Tucker Carlson and some leftist foolish enough to culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture,
accept an invitation to “debate” him. preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy
porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley
While most people nowadays are worried that Trump will remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil
impose a totalitarian regime of the type that Orwell warned libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to
about in “1984”, we should not rule out the possibility—or oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost
even the probability—that we are facing much more of a infinite appetite for distractions”. In 1984, Huxley added,
dystopia that resembles Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New
World”, where everybody had the freedom to do what they World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short,
wanted except the right to change the system. Here’s how Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley
Postman contrasted the two British authors in the forward feared that what we love will ruin us.
to his classic:
This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell,
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. was right.
What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to
ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read It is also about the possibility that Donald Trump’s
one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of presidency is the realization of Huxley’s dystopian vision.
information. Huxley feared those who would give us so

Meghan McCain: ‘Never Felt More Conservative,
Defensive Of Trump Base’ Than Before ‘View’
By Kristine Marsh
January 5, 2018 4:34 PM EST

She criticized the administration for not being good at

positive spin and letting the media run with the Wolff

“If you had people that were good at this,

you would be putting this out in the news.
But instead, we're probably going to talk
about Michael Wolff's book for the next
three weeks,” she grumbled.

Guest co-host Ana Navarro agreed, blaming President

In a hostile, lengthy exchange on ABC’s The View Friday, Trump tweeting about the book as the reason for it’s hype:
co-host Meghan McCain admitted frustration at being the
sole Republican host on the show. Trying to explain to co- One of the reasons we're talking about
host Joy Behar that Trump supporters “don’t care” about Michael Wolff is because President Trump
the Michael Wolff book, or other controversies the media is tweeting about Michael Wolff and
hypes about the White House, McCain gushed, because his lawyer is sending cease and
desist letters to Michael Wolff and his
“I have never felt more conservative and publishers. They've really turned it into a
more defensive of the middle of the media balloon. If they had shrugged their
country than I have before I started shoulders and said, ah, meh, whatever...
working on this show.”
The panel then gossipped about how Trump had memory
The segment started by talking about the news of the day, problems, according to the book Behar vehemently argued
the salacious book about Trump’s White House by that this was proof Trump had “short term memory loss” to
Michael Wolff, released today to much media hype. which Hostin added that it was a sign of Alzheimer’s.
Amidst talking about how bad the claims in the book were
for Trump, McCain argued that the good news of the “Do any of us have a medical degree?”
administration is overshadowed by these scandals and McCain gushed. “We're not doctors.
leaks. There's a lot of bigger problems and
proverbial proof about things that are going
“There is actually positive news coming on and diagnosing our president’s mental
out. The Dow surpassed 25,000 points health is--” she argued, before being cut off
for the first time yesterday. by Behar.
Unemployment rates, falling to 6.8%. “We're not diagnosing!” Behar defended
Companies are announcing the addition herself. “A psychiatrist did this!” she added.
of new jobs,” she argued.
“We're not doctors. We're talk show
“Is he responsible for that though?” hosts,” McCain stated bluntly.
fellow co-host Sunny Hostin asked
skeptically. But Hostin agreed with Behar.
“Presidents always get to take
responsibility. I think the Dow, yeah “I don't think it's a stretch to -- when you
because I think it is an indicator of Wall know the fact that his father had
Street's enthusiasm about Trump,” McCain Alzheimer's for six years and then
answered quickly. died...there is an increased risk for getting

Alzheimer’s if your father has it,” she Behar charged McCain, to audience applause.
“I'm trying to constantly explain it,” McCain answered with
After commercial break, the panel kept discussing the frustration. “I think when you say things like, oh, I give the
book and its impact. McCain downplayed its effect on American people more credit.
anyone who supported Trump:
That means that everyone who voted for
MCCAIN: The question is does his base Trump, you're basically saying, oh, I
care? give them no credit. These people who
voted for Trump, because your values
Does his base care about all of us getting up in a tizzy. are not my values.
Rightfully so. This is a very salacious, juicy book. Do his
supporters care? I was at home in Arizona, I know you You're not in the majority or whatever and--” she ranted before
don't like to hear this and be reminded that he has a Hostin interrupted.
dedicated base--
“If you voted for Trump and you're not
BEHAR: Why do you say we don’t want to hear it? I’d love to concerned, I am concerned about that!” the
hear it. liberal host gushed.
McCain explained she was a “Never
MCCAIN: Ok great. I was in Cottonwood, Trumper” but after the election, she “chose”
Arizona, going to Walmart. Stopped at to try to understand Trump’s base:
the gas station. There was a guy in a
Make America Great Again hat. Go to “I choose to try to understand his base
that Walmart, Make America Great Again and why they're so angry. And why
hats. A year out and his supporters-- they're still sticking with him. He has the
same approval rate on election day that he
BEHAR: That's 30% of the population does now,” she replied.

MCCAIN: He has a very dedicated base. Their base was enough

to get him elected the first time. Will it be enough to get him
elected a second time?

I’m just trying to explain to you that he

has a base of dedicated supporters and
things that we, in the media care about, I
don't know if necessarily the average
person who sees the Dow up, who sees
the unemployment rates at all-time low,
if they care in the same way

HOSTIN: I give Americans more credit than that, Meghan. I think But Behar put up a figurative middle finger to Trump supporters,
people are watching. I think people are reading. I think people gushing that Democrats should “forget those people:”
are very concerned that he's playing chicken with Kim Jong-Un. I
think people are concerned about their children. “The note for the Democrats is forget
those people. You're never going to get
MCCAIN: We're talking about his base, aren't we? them. Just concentrate on the 70% and
get those people to the polls and save
HOSTIN: His base is only 30% of the population. What about the the country,” she stated bluntly.
other 70% of the population that are watching and listening?
They do care about that. Navarro then urged minorities and women to get out in vote in
local elections and “make a difference,” by rejecting candidates
Behar added to Hostin’s argument that the country shouldn’t care like Roy Moore. McCain confronted the self-described
what Trump’s base thinks. Republican, saying she didn’t exactly sound like a Republican
anymore. Navarro admitted she didn’t mind voting for Democrats:
“Why do you feel comfortable with the
minority dictating to the majority about MCCAIN to NAVARRO: Does that mean
what should happen in the country?” you prefer democratic candidates now?

Just because I’m not a Trumper, doesn't defensive of the middle of the country
mean I'm a Democrat. than I have started working on this
NAVARRO: To Donald Trump? I would
prefer a potted plant to Donald Trump. I
would prefer a mannequin. Surprisingly Behar didn’t deny the show had an overwhelming
liberal bias.
MCCAIN: I am talking about Senate
“Of course. We're on the other side. Of
NAVARRO: Well yes. If I have to choose course you're going to react to that,
between a pedophile or Doug Jones right?” she quipped.
whose a Democrat, I'll take the
Democrat. Those are the choices we “I don't mean that in negative way. I have a
had. whole new understanding of what it
feels like to sort of be lectured to about
our values,” McCain added.
After Behar accused McCain’s party of “no longer the party of
Ronald Reagan and Eisenhower,” McCain gushed that working
on The View made her more sympathetic to middle America and Co-host Paula Faris added that McCain was voicing the part of
Trump’s base: America that “feels marginalized,” before the conversation trailed
off to another segment.
I have never felt more defensive of
Trump's base. I have never felt more
conservative. And I’ve never felt more

The Wolff Book Proves It:
Our Journalists Stink
By Andrew Klavan
January 5, 2018

Now listen to how Chuck Todd reported it on MSNBC in a

tone I can only describe as one of prissy self-

"Welcome to a five alarm dumpster fire for

the White House or shall we call it
Bannon’s rebellion? The Russia
investigation has been blown open in
dramatic fashion. Not by the ‘fake news
media,’ not by the ‘deep state Justice
Department,’ but by Steve Bannon!"
Stephanie Ruhle and political reporter Mark
The self-destruction of Steve Bannon is a terrific story but Murray also opined that Bannon's remarks
not an important story. That is, for those of us who love gave the Russia investigation "legitimacy."
politics for its Shakespearean revelation of character on the
grand stage, it's an amazing farewell-to-all-my-greatness Why? Bannon wasn't there. He wasn't part of the campaign
moment. But if you are concerned about the threats to at the time. He has an opinion. So do I. How does any of
liberty at home and abroad, the prosperity of our fellow this "blow open" anything besides Bannon's piehole?
Americans and allies, and the positive developments —
like fresh space exploration — that might emerge from a
new American century, well, Steve don't matter much. Or All of what I've seen of Fire and Fury so far seems more
at all. sound and fury, a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.
Donald Trump was so ignorant he didn't know who John
Boehner was, Wolff writes. It took me a fifteen-second
But Bannon's fall, and the scandal-mongering book that Google search to prove that wasn't true. Trump had spoken
helped it along — Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury: Inside about Boehner frequently. He played golf with the guy! It's
the Trump White House — do underscore one thing of an important anecdote meant to tell us something about the
real importance: our mainstream journalists are genuinely president of the United States and it's utterly false. What
awful. They will sell any narrative they can to keep from kind of writer — what kind of publisher — doesn't check
selling the one that seems increasingly likely to be true: that stuff?
Trump is smarter than they are and doing a better job than
the last two presidents combined.
Or consider this description from Wolff's self-promotion
piece for Hollywood Reporter:
Consider this "bombshell" from the book. Bannon thinks
Don Trump Jr.'s June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer
was "treasonous," and that "the chance that Don Jr. did not "Everybody was painfully aware of the
walk these jumos up to his father's office on the twenty- increasing pace of [Trump's] repetitions. It
fifth floor is zero." It's a fascinating comment, because it used to be inside of 30 minutes he'd
indicates that Bannon so miscalculated his power and repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-
political acumen that he thought he could knock down the expression, the same three stories — now
central pillar of his prestige — Trump's friendship — and it was within 10 minutes."
survive with his career intact. But it has no factual or
evidentiary weight. Bannon wasn't at the meeting and We know this isn't true. As recently as October, we saw
didn't even join the campaign until August 2016. So he's Trump speak for 45 minutes off-the-cuff under press
just another guy with an opinion — and a guy whose questioning. Over Christmas, he talked to the New York
opinions tend to be overblown and melodramatic at that. Times. He's clearly all there. A big, outlandish character,
no question, but no more outlandish than he was in the

1980s. Why should Wolff's assertion get any sort of one. The White House is running more smoothly? Well,
attention at all? that's John Kelly's doing, not Trump's. ISIS is defeated?
Well, that's Matthis's work, not Trump's. Great judicial
The nation's journalists cover this obvious nonsense appointments? Well, that's the Federalist Society. Tax
because otherwise, they'd have to enter what to them is cuts? That's Ryan and McConnell. Regulatory rollbacks?
uncharted territory: the truth. Well, that's all those guys running the agencies. Trump is
so busy tweeting and watching the Gorilla Channel, he just
If there's anything substantial in Wolff's tales of chaos in hasn't had time to get in the way, that's all.
the early Trump White House, it shows nothing more than
this: Those of us who thought the political neophyte We are watching our mainstream news media implode.
Trump was unprepared to take office in January were They don't just jump on any fake news that might make
correct, and Trump's response — that he would learn in Trump look bad for the few moments before they're forced
office and appoint the "best people" to help him — was to retract it. They're now actually reporting their fantasies
equally correct. — fantasies in which Trump doesn't keep making them
look like the idiots they are.
But that would mean that Trump is practically smarter and
more adept than the journalists who hate him and those
journalists will accept any narrative other than that

Establishment Media Now Laughably Claiming That
Trump Cannot READ In Latest Pathetic
Attack On The President
Alex Thomas
January 5th, 2018

that for all practical purposes, he was no more

than semi-literate.’” Scarborough stated as he
read from the text.

“For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he

was an “idiot.” For Gary Cohn, he was “dumb
as” blank [on screen: “s**t”]. For H.R. McMaster
he was a ‘dope.’” the host continued.

Another day, another pathetic attack on Donald Trump,

this time with the laughable claim that the president may
not actually be able to read.

That’s right, Trump derangement syndrome has “reached

its peak” and has even increased with the release of a so
far uncorroborated book by anti-Trump author Michael
Wolff that claims that almost every person who comes into
contact with the president believes him to be a moron.

Scarborough then launched into what can only be

Keep in mind that this comes at the same time that the
described as straight up disinformation coming from a man
media and leftists throughout the country are also trying to
that openly hates the president and has shown his
claim that Trump is mentally unstable.
willingness to do whatever it takes to hurt him.
Infowars reports:
He doesn’t read. He didn’t read. I remember
one time in a, uh, let’s just say a tense, uh, uh,
The latest talking media point, in addition to the uh, meeting with Donald Trump, I actually after,
notion that the President is mentally unstable, is I think it was the, uh, right after the first debate,
that Trump is probably also illiterate. I said, uh — and of course we disagreed on his
performance. I thought it was horrible. He
The point was raised, predictably, on MSNBC’s thought it was the greatest debate performance
Morning Joe, with Joe Scarborough declaring ever.
“[Trump] doesn’t read. He didn’t read. […]
[T]here has been a question of whether this guy I said: Donald, let me ask you a question. Do
can read, whether he does read.” you read? Do you read? And he just stared
back at me and made Mika a little nervous, uh,
Scarborough noted that Wolff’s book contends for me to be insulting this guy. I go: Do you
that “senior staffers at the White House have read? If somebody — and, um, this is verbate. If
low opinions of the President’s intelligence.” somebody wrote you a one-page memo, and,
and, and wrote a one-page memo for every
“There are many creative words. Quote: ‘Trump issue, could you read it?
didn’t read. He didn’t really even skim. If it was
print, it might as well not exist. Some believed
And he lifted up his Bible, his childhood Bible. anything. He gets bored, uh, after about fifteen
He goes: Of course I read. Uh, that was the seconds of even people talking to him.
wrong book for him to hold up to say he read it.
But, there, there has been a question of Make no mistake folks this is hardcore fake news and
whether this guy can read, whether he does reeks of absolute desperation by an establishment that has
read. gone ALL OUT to take out the president and has so far
failed miserably, with the American people continuing to
Uh, and inside the White House, again, we’ve support him despite this full-scale disinformation
all heard these complaints. He refuses to read operation.

‘World Wide Leader In Leftist Disinformation’:
ESPN Now Pushing Discredited Russian Collusion Story
In Attack On Houston Astros For Accepting
White House Invitation
Alex Thomas
January 5th, 2018

do with where you fall on the political spectrum,

left or right.”

“I say what I say because what has gone on in

this administration is abnormal and should not
be normalized.”

Over the last couple of years the once unbeatable sports

network ESPN has gone full-scale liberal, firing various
commentators who didn’t tow the new company line while
allowing those that do work for the company to spread
leftist disinformation masquerading as legitimate sports

Now, in a new low for the network, ESPN has aired a rant
by commentator Max Kellerman that specifically brought Kellerman then specifically brought up the Russian
up the widely discredited Russian collusion probe while collusion probe while noting that Trump’s former national
pretending that it didn’t have anything to do with being a security had already been arrested for lying to the FBI.
liberal or conservative. Kellerman seemingly purposefully left out key facts
surrounding the Flynn investigation while totally ignoring
the high-level Clinton supporters in the FBI who targeted
In other words, according to the obvious implications put
him in the first place.
forth by Kellerman, good people are against Donald
Trump and bad people support him.
“There is an investigation on-going into the
Trump administration, and collusion with a
Kellerman’s leftist talking points came in response to a
hostile foreign power that involves our national
decision by the Houston Astros to accept an invitation to
election,” Kellerman continued, again sounding
the White House after the team won their first ever World
almost exactly like a Democrat in Congress or
Series in late 2017.
any one of the various cable news anchors who
attack Trump on a daily basis.
Asked what it means that the Astos had accepted the
invitation, Kellerman claimed that the team would be on
“It has never happened in my lifetime. All the
the wrong side of history before spewing the same leftist
President’s men seem to be implicated.”
disinformation about the president that is heard throughout
the liberal mainstream media.
Kellerman concluded,
“It says they are making a grave error and are
on the wrong side of history,” he noted. “I want “It has to do with equal protection under the law,
to be very clear about this: This has nothing to and constitutionality, and being a patriotic

American citizen. You do not normalize this ignoring key facts about the deep states ongoing war
behavior with White House visits.” against Donald Trump.

So there you have it. ESPN has officially stopped being a Its no wonder that the network is bleeding subscribers at a
sports network and is now nothing more than another startling rate with new competitor FS1 seemingly in line to
leftist propaganda outlet pushing discredited lies while take over as the actual leader of TV sports coverage.

It’s A CULT! Vanity Fair Forced To Apologize For
Mocking Hillary Clinton, Demonstrating Yet
Again How Obedience Is Mandatory
By Ethan Huff
Saturday, January 06, 2018


DO. Get over your mommy issues.”


Fellow feminist loudmouth and Hillary Clinton apologist

Shauna DeBono had a similar “Reeeeee!” moment on
Twitter, accusing Vanity Fair of being “sexist” for its
criticisms of Clinton.

“Quick tip: don’t tell one of the most

A massive feminist triggering has prompted the fashion accomplished women in the world to take up
magazine Vanity Fair to issue a groveling public apology knitting.”
over a relatively tame humor video it published online
poking fun at failed Democratic presidential candidate
President Trump blasts Vanity Fair for
Hillary Clinton. capitulating to feminist fanaticism

The “controversial” video, entitled, “6 New Year’s In typical liberal media form, the editors of Vanity Fair
Resolutions for Hillary Clinton,” suggested that Clinton were quick to cave to this onslaught of toxic feminism.
get over the election already and take up some new Rather than issue a message of “suck it up, buttercup” – or
hobbies. Some of the video’s recommendations include better yet, no response at all to the mindless insanity – the
working on a sequel to her book, for instance, as well as magazine issued an apology.
knitting and getting outside and hiking more.
“It was an attempt at humor and we regret that it
The video further joked about how Clinton should stop her missed the mark,” reads the official statement
phone from automatically stating that she was forming an issued by Vanity Fair.
exploratory committee, as well as consider teaching a
course on how to alternate nostril breathing.
As he’s notorious for doing, President Trump was also
quick to take on the bullies who so easily whined and cried
Compared to the oftentimes R-rated attacks of the their way into the obviously coerced apology. He tweeted
mainstream media against President Trump, Vanity Fair‘s his own message to the magazine stating:
treatment of Clinton was barely G-rated, and would
probably work well in a Disney film. But because she’s a
woman and a liberal, hordes of entitled, thin-skinned “Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs,
snowflakes were quick to condemn the magazine. is bending over backwards in apologizing for
the minor hit they took at Crooked H. Anna
Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of
Some of these snowflakes were celebrities, including St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside
mouthy feminist actress Patricia Arquette. In a furious herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!”
response relayed by CBS News, Arquette screeched the
social media equivalent of a wild banshee:
While Anna Wintour is actually the editor of Vogue, she
does run Conde Nast, which is the parent company of
Vanity Fair. In essence, the President made it clear that the
magazine and its editors were foolish to cave on such a
pathetic attack by leftist snowflakes still desperately trying against President Trump and his administration,
to push political correctness in the post-Trump era. without apology.
“See if you can train the muscles in your mouth
Your days are over. to say, ‘The President was lying, Jim. He’s a
liar!” one of the editors of that video is heard
“… it’s obvious that no such apology would quipping.
have been forthcoming regarding any material
directed at Trump,” commented conservative Another makes the suggesting that Huckabee Sanders take
pundit Ben Shapiro about the whole thing, up instragamming baked goods instead of being the White
noting that the magazine has published similar House Press Secretary.
mocking videos of a much more biting tone
Did Vanity Fair apologize for this? Not a chance.

The Leftist Mainstream Media Is Now DEFENDING North
Korea, Calling For The President Of The United States
To Be BANNED From Twitter
Alex Thomas
January 6th, 2018

else that was interpreted as a threat to North


The New York Times also reported on the calls to censor

the president over threatening a nation that literally wants
to destroy the entire country. Notice how the reporter is
openly worried that nothing Trump says will ever get him

Is there any situation that would cause Twitter

to suspend or ban President Trump?

In yet another example of the insanity that is the new Given Friday’s announcement, it seems highly
liberal orthodoxy in the age of Trump, multiple unlikely that President Trump will ever lose
mainstream news outlets, as well as numerous left-wing access to his account while he still holds office.
activists, are now publicly calling for Twitter to ban
President Trump from their platform for threatening North
In the past, Twitter has insisted that there are
no exceptions to its rules and that all individuals
using the platform must adhere to them, or risk
You read that correctly. American media outlets are not disciplinary action or permanent suspension.
only defending North Korea, they are actually claiming
that threatening the rogue nuclear nation constitutes
But the company refused to entertain
“hateful speech” that must be censored.
hypothetical scenarios about suspending high-
profile accounts, including that of Mr. Trump.
Articles in the Washington Post, the New York Times,
Slate Magazine, and the Globe and Mail have all called for
Make no mistake, the legacy media simply cannot stand
censoring the president in the last week, ostensibly because
that their enemy (Trump) can speak to their other enemy
of his threats against North Korea but in reality because
(the American people) without his words being filtered
the legacy media absolutely despises the fact that the
through them.
president can speak to the American people without going
through the establishment gatekeepers first.
Canada’s second largest newspaper, The Globe and
Mail, also called for the president to be banned:
The Washington Posts article isn’t even labeled an opinion
piece, instead the paper called their public call for
censoring the democratically elected president an The menacing presence of U.S. President
‘Analysis”: Donald Trump has once again darkened our
doorways, creating even graver concern that
the fate of the world lay in the hands of an
Why has Twitter not taken action against
unbalanced, paranoid control freak. On
Trump’s tweets — or banned his account for
Tuesday, the President took to his favourite
violating its policies on hateful content and/or
social media platform, Twitter, to taunt North
violent threats?
Korean leader Kim Jong Un, over whose
nuclear arsenal was the biggest and most
In September, you might remember, Twitter effective.
defended its decision to keep Trump’s account
intact when the president tweeted something
This was in response to Kim Jong’s statement
on Monday that the U.S. was within range of a
strike and that a nuclear button was always on
his desk.


Of course, we don’t know if Mr. Trump will

succeed in taking us over a cliff after mocking
someone as unstable as Kim Jong once too
often, unleashing a firestorm of pain and
unimaginable loss in the process. If it does
happen, however, there will be blood on the
hands of many people, and many institutions
that stood by silently while the President laid the
groundwork for chaos and destruction.

Among those who will have plenty to answer for

are the powers that be at Twitter, which has
allowed Mr. Trump to use the social media
platform as his own bully pulpit from which he
has harassed, threatened and used fear to
silence voices of opposition in violation of the
company’s own code of conduct rules.

Additionally, multiple liberal activists have actually

targeted Twitters CEO Jack Dorsey for refusing to stop the
President of The Untied States from posting on his

As Slate reported,

“Protesters gathered outside Twitter

headquarters this week to project a message
onto the building: “jack is #complicit.” In a
Facebook post, the group Resistance SF
wrote that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was
violating “the rules of his own company” and
“endanger[ing] the world.”

As I noted above, this is the height of liberal insanity in the

age of Trump. Liberals will apparently stop at NOTHING
to hurt the president and now do not even want him to be “Blocking a world leader from Twitter or
able to use one of the largest social media websites on the removing their controversial Tweets would hide
planet. important information people should be able to
see and debate,” the statement reads. “It would
For their part, Twitter has amazingly decided to not bow to also not silence that leader, but it would
the hard-left, making note in a statement Friday that they certainly hamper necessary discussion around
would not be banning any world leaders and that military their words and actions.”
threats do not constitute the type of threats that can get you
kicked off their website. One can only imagine what the next line of attack against
the president will be but when you consider that his
enemies have called him mentally ill, claimed he cannot
read, and that he should be banned from Twitter, it is safe
to assume it will be extremely Orwellian.

The Big REVEAL: House Panel
FINALLY Gets Fusion GPS’s Financial Records
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 6, 2018

Fusion GPS, which commissioned the dossier, had been financial institution, TD Bank, from being forced to hand
fighting in court to stop the House Intelligence Committee over dozens of documents.
from getting ahold of the records
Leon, a George W. Bush appointee, rejected the request
and ordered the records turned over.

As reported by The Daily Caller:

At issue were records of 70 financial

transactions between some of its clients, two
media companies and several journalists and
researchers it has paid over the past two years.

(National Sentinel) Trump Dossier: The opposition The court fight appeared to have ended in late
research firm that produced the infamous “dossier” on October after Perkins Coie, the law firm that
President Donald J. Trump during his campaign has been represented the Clinton campaign and DNC,
forced to turn over bank records to a House panel outed itself as the client that hired Fusion GPS
investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 to produce the dossier.
Fusion hired former British spy Christopher Steele to
Fusion GPS, which commissioned the dossier, had been author the dossier, which claimed that Russia was
fighting in court to stop the House Intelligence Committee colluding with the Trump campaign against Democrat
from getting ahold of the records. The House panel Hillary Clinton. It also made a number of salacious claims
subpoenaed them months ago. about Trump as well.

But on Friday a U.S. district judge ordered the documents None of the dossier’s most important claims have been
delivered to the Intelligence Committee, ending a dramatic verified.
court battle that began after the panel began seeking them
in October. Republicans have also been attempting to find out if the
dossier was used by the Obama-era FBI to launched a
Judge Richard Leon on Thursday ruled against Fusion counterintelligence investigation against Trump and his
GPS, which had asked for a restraining order preventing its campaign, which included electronic surveillance.

Why Bill And Hillary Clinton’s LONG History Of Escaping
Justice Is About To Come To An END
By JD Heyes
Saturday, January 06, 2018


“it appears key authorities may finally be turning

strict attention toward answering tough
questions about public filings of Clinton
‘charities’ inside and outside the United States,”
he wrote. “When these powerful organizations
engage motivated minds, they will wish to
concentrate on a few areas that have long gone
begging for attention.”

Ortel is no doubt referring to Friday reports noting that the

If you are old enough to remember when Bill Clinton was Trump Justice Department has opened a new “pay for
president and wife Hillary was first lady, you remember play” investigation in the Clinton Foundation during
well the various and sundry scandals that engulfed them Hillary’s time as secretary of state.
throughout their two terms in the White House.
Republicans and Clinton critics have long believed that she
Bill Clinton was impeached and his law license revoked and husband Bill solicited donations from foreign donors
for a time after he lied to Congress over his affair with who believed they would receive quid pro quo special
Monica Lewinsky. As for Hillary, she never had to answer treatment once they were both back in the White House.
for anything, though she didn’t get much accomplished,
either. This business of investigating the Clintons and their
foundation dates back to the George W. Bush presidency.
The Clintons haven’t ‘cleaned up’ their act since leaving In 2001 and 2005, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller — he
the White House. Using their foundation as a cash cow, the who has since been named as ‘special counsel’ to
Clintons are believed to have ‘sold’ influence and access in investigate [bogus] Trump-Russia “collusion” allegations
the years since, using Hillary’s various positions as a U.S. — and then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey — he
senator, secretary of state, and Democratic presidential who helped sabotage the Trump presidency by helping to
contender widely expected to handily defeat the most get Mueller appointed — “could not seem to find obvious
unlikely of all challengers, now-President Donald J. and escalating frauds,” Ortel noted.
That was despite the fact that a supposed presidential
For decades the Clintons have escaped justice, but one library complex in Little Rock, Ark., where the Clintons
expert thinks that streak of luck is about to run out, hail from, was fighting an international battle against
primarily because they are fresh out of “allies” in powerful HIV/AIDS “from unregistered offices in New York and
places. Massachusetts without ever obtaining requiring audits of
worldwide activities,” Ortel wrote.
Writing in Lifezette, Charles Ortel, a retired investment
banker-turned-fraud investigator, says that while the More major investigations followed, including one in
Clintons “got a free pass” for years, having been December 2009 which was launched by the French
‘investigated’ by the IRS, Department of Justice, the FBI, government to examine UNITAID, a multilateral
and multiple state authorities “seeded with persons loyal to international organization principally financed by Paris
either the Clintons” or former President Obama, that is no that sent in excess of $650 million to Clinton Foundation-
longer the case. (Related: If the Trump administration tied groups that were also supposedly battling HIV/AIDS.
DOESN’T indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, then
the rule of law in America is DEAD.)

Despite what Ortel cites as obvious violations of various return for largesse to their charitable efforts or
tax and other related laws, nothing was ever ‘found’ and, whether donors made commitments of
thus, no charges ever filed. And what’s more, Ortel notes, donations in hopes of securing government
relevant documentation that is supposed to be publicly outcomes.”
available on the website of the foundation — isn’t.
Long-time Clinton watchers like Ortel see one domino
As for the ‘pay-for-play’ probe, The Hill reported, after another falling, as longstanding Clinton corruption is
further — and finally — exposed.
“the probe is examining whether the Clintons
promised or performed any policy favors in

Scott Adams: Trump's 'Very Stable Genius'
Tweet Was 'Absolutely Genius'
By Debra Heine
January 6, 2018

"The mainstream media doesn't understand

President Donald Trump (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) what they just saw!" Adams declared.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams explained in a Periscope video He noted that people were going to call the president a
Saturday that President Trump's latest string of tweets was "dangerous narcissist" for calling himself a genius in a
an example of his absolute genius. He said the president tweet -- and that was okay because the tweets are "just
had been backed into a corner by the left's framing of him wonderful."
as "crazy and stupid." The least persuasive thing a person
can do to fight such attacks, according to Adams, is to Adams acknowledged that he is not an expert in most
protest that he's not crazy and stupid -- because the only fields, but as the creator of a successful comic strip, he said
words people will remember are "crazy and stupid." he does know a little something about "writing short,
funny sentences that get their point across."
So what does the president do to avoid being branded by
the left as crazy and stupid? In addition to "throwing out a lot of chum" into
the news cycle, which Adams says the
president does quite well, his tweet makes you
"think past the sale of genius by saying he's a
very stable one."

"In my opinion -- as an expert in this narrow

field of writing short, effective sentences -- this,
my friends, is genius," he declared. "What
you're seeing is absolutely genius."

Adams, who is also a trained hypnotist, pointed out that

every anti-Trump critic in the world is now going to
sarcastically mock him after everything he says and does
as a

"very stable genius."

Adams added that he himself will get mocked for calling

Trump a genius.

"Well, the Dilbert guy says he's a genius so it

must be true!" he goofed, applying a fake
goatee to his chin for effect. "Or they'll say, "a bunch of intellectuals who have not yet
'well, the guy who writes Garfield thinks he's a figured out that the gap between their
genius. I'm convinced!'" intelligence and the president's is a pretty big
gap, but not in the direction they hope it is, if
The cartoonist pointed out that Trump also gave himself a you know what I mean."
"forever name" in his last tweet, although "very stable
genius" may be a bit of a mouthful. He suggested that the
president use POTUS VSG from now on.

"You have to admit, that's a keeper," he said.

Adams addressed Trump's use of the word "like" in the

second tweet, saying that "one of the geniuses of the
president's communication style is that he matches the
style of the people he's talking to."

"Here he is being so folksy and casual that it

just jumps out at you how casual it is," he said,
arguing that the president knows that the word
didn't really belong in the sentence.

"It simply doesn't belong there -- which is why it

belongs there," he explained, laughing. "It
belongs there because you can't take your eyes
away from it. It binds him to the people."

Adams said,

"he tricks out his tweets with these little tics that
are actually really good. Because it's hard to
look at this and think that he's an elite."

Adams surmised that the president was attempting to put

distance between himself (a regular guy) and the
mainstream media who are

Getting PAID: White House Says More Than 1 MILLION
Americans Got Bonuses Following Passage
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 6, 2018

The number of American companies that have paid out remains focused on empowering Americans to
bonuses to employees has topped 100 build more prosperous lives for themselves and
brighter futures for their children.”

Republicans in the House and Senate rallied nearly in

unison to support the tax cuts.

The number of American companies that have paid out

bonuses to employees has topped 100, officials said.

“Small businesses from across the country are

sending me news of their tax-cut bonuses,
wage hikes, and charitable donations. Many of
(National Sentinel) Payday: The White House said in a
these were only announced internally. There is
statement on Friday that the number of American workers
a broad and deep tsunami building,” John
who unexpectedly received end-of-year bonuses from their
Kartch of Americans for Tax Reform told the
companies following passage last month of historic tax cut
Washington Examiner.
legislation has topped 1 million.
His organization is currently tracking the companies who
“More than one million hardworking Americans
have surprised their workers with the extra funds.
have already received a ‘Trump Bonus’ or
‘Trump Pay Raise’ as a result of the historic tax
reform package that President Donald J. Trump ATR’s President Grover Norquist said the bonuses were
signed into law just before Christmas,” the nullifying Democrats’ attacks on the tax cut package.
statement began.
“Every announcement of another company
“President Trump said from the beginning that raising wages, hiring, paying bonuses, investing
lowering tax rates, simplifying the complicated in America is another nail in the coffin of the
tax code, and making our companies more Democrat attacks on the Republican tax cut.
competitive would be the fuel that propels our This drip, drip, drip is added to the daily reports
economy to new heights,” the statement on stock market gains, the bigger checks in pay
continued. envelopes and the jump in your 401K and IRA,”
he said.
“The preliminary results show that the President
is right, and American workers and families are Democrats and their supporters in the media have been
the big winners. And this is only the beginning,” voicing concerns that the tax cuts will cause them to lose
the statement continued. “The President support among key constituents such as Millennials in the
2018 elections and beyond.

DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Advocates Left-Wing
Terrorism To Stop Trump, Touts Antifa Handbook That
Promotes Extremist Tactics
By JD Heyes
Saturday, January 06, 2018

supporters throughout the 2016 election as akin to

domestic terrorism.

In another day and time, Rep. Keith Ellison would never

have been elected to Congress. In fact, the Minnesota
Democrat very likely would have found himself the
subject of an FBI investigation and, in short order an
inhabitant of a federal jail cell, for advocating the things he

Like domestic terrorists and domestic terrorism. In another

day and time, the Justice Department and a vast majority
of Americans would have correctly described Ellison’s
advocacy as treasonous.

In recent days this darling of “progressives” (which is just

another name for Marxists) and deputy chairperson of the
Democratic Party, took a selfie while holding a book he
claims will “strike fear into the heart” of President Donald
J. Trump.

The book? “ANTIFA: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” by

Mark Bray. It seeks to not only defend but normalize the
violence committed by members of the Alt-Left

“At @MoonPalaceBooks and I just found the

book that strike [sic] fear in the heart of
@realDonaldTrump,” Ellison wrote. As Politico reported in September, DHS and FBI
“confidential documents” called members of Antifa
“domestic terrorists.”
Frankly, that sounds like a threat, given that “Antifa” has
been designated a domestic terrorist organization by the
New Jersey Department of Homeland Security. In fact, the What makes them particularly offensive is that they
federal Department of Homeland Security and the FBI pretend like Trump supporters and conservatives, in
designated the group’s violent actions directed at Trump general, are fascist bigots, racists, and homophobes, so

their violence against them is justified. How’s that for a Adolph Hitler turned the Jews into ‘boogymen’
built-in excuse for being, well, a terrorist? then used the made-up ‘threat’ to murder six
million of them.
And isn’t that the same logic that actual
terrorists use? Why yes…yes it is. Soviet Premier Josef Stalin created all kinds
of boogymen he claimed were out to topple his
(Related: CHAOS ALERT: Dem leader calls for regime; he killed 20 million of his own people.
deploying UN troops on the streets of America.)
In all, Soviet communism, which idiots like Bray
What’s more, the threat is real, as The Gateway Pundit and Ellison idolize, killed upwards of 62
reports: million people, 55 million of which were
“From rioting and causing over $500,000 in
property damage to the area surrounding Bray also went on to defend the violence, arson, looting,
University of California at Berkeley to prevent and generalized chaos and destruction members of the
Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking to bashing a domestic terror group have caused as they attacked Trump
stranger over the head with a bike lock for the supporters last year and have attempted to shut down all
crime of supporting our president, members of Right-leaning, conservative speakers on college campuses,
Antifa have become increasingly willing to use mainly.
violence for political aims since the election.”
Bray said,
As for Bray, he’s spreading his ‘revolutionary message’ to
American youth, via pop culture. In an interview with Teen “these kinds of events often serve as points of
Vogue in October, Bray said, recruitment for far-right groups and help to
embolden and mobilize students and
“Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary community members who carry out their
politics that aspires toward creating a better violence later on.”
How anyone like Bray can say something like that with a
Creating a better world? How? By inventing boogymen straight face is beyond me;
and then violently suppressing them?
using and justifying violence to shut down
Bray is allegedly a historian, so he should know that very political speech and debate is the very
tactic has been used before, during the 20th century, to definition of a fascist/Nazi movement.
deadly effect.

The Left Wants To Talk About
Mental Health. Let's Start With Theirs
By Megan Fox
January 6, 2018

The new mantra against Donald Trump is that he's And don't forget screaming at robots on vacation.
"mentally unstable!" "unfit!" "like a child" and "losing his
mind." That's rich coming from the community that
brought us giant vagina costumes as a form of protest.

These are the people who are so sane they want us to These very same people also believed that President
believe they can declare other people insane without Trump watches a cobbled-together TV station called the
medical degrees or any kind of expertise. Not only do they Gorilla Channel for 17 hours a day.
think dressing up as genitalia is a delightful and totally
normal thing to do on a Saturday, they also think beating
up statues is a worthwhile endeavor.

But if you were concerned about their mental capacity
after that, wait until you see this! There's an entire
movement dedicated to shunning feminine hygiene and
bio-hazard protocols. This is the "party of science,"

Then there's the screaming helplessly at the sky when

elections don't go their way. Yep. That's normal.
Are we really supposed to take these people's concerns
about sanity seriously? When they aren't bleeding on
commuter trains, they're committing crimes against
themselves and blaming you for a hate crime to score
political points. That's not psychotic at all. These are
the people passing judgment on the president.

We're all very lucky we have these people to alert us to

mental illness. They should know. If you missed President
Trump (Very Stable Genius) responding to these charges
of mental incompetence, let me fix that. This might be my
favorite tweet storm ever.

If you haven't seen Dilbert creator Scott Adams' Periscope
broadcast about Trump's trap (that everyone fell for), don't
miss it. It's mighty comical that the people who declare the
president is a mental midget can't even refrain from taking
obvious troll bait. Are these really the people we are
supposed to think are sane and fully functioning? Really?
Try harder.

Pompeo Battles Wallace Over ‘Fire And Fury’
— I Will Not ‘Dignify’ The Question, ‘Trump
Is Completely Capable’
By Pam Key
7 Jan 2018

On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” CIA made about how we all think about the
Director Mike Pompeo battled host Chris Wallace over president are just ridiculous. They are frankly
allegations in Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury.” beneath the conversation this morning.”

When asked about President Donald Trump’s mental Wallace asked,

fitness Pompeo said,
“What would you say about a world leader who
”Those statements are just absurd, Chris. I refers to himself as a very stable genius?”
mean just pure fantasy. My personal
experience, I was with the president yesterday Pompeo responded,
at Camp David. I’m with him almost every day.
We talk about some of the most serious matters
“Chris, I’m not going to dignify that question with
facing America and the world, complex issues.
a response. This is a man who is leading the
The president is engaged. He understands the United States of America engages with the
complexity. He asks really difficult questions of
intelligence community in ways that are
our team at CIA so we can provide him the sophisticated. He deals with the most complex
information he needs to make good, informed issues and has handled them in a way that I
policy decisions. I’ve watched him do that. I
have great admiration and respect for. We are
watched him take the information that the keeping America safe, and President Trump is
intelligence community delivers and translate
completely capable of working alongside of us
that into policies that are of enormous benefit to
and leading us in that effort.”
America. Statements like the one Mr. Wolf

Suspected Leaker Adam Schiff Calls POTUS
Trump A “Seriously Flawed Human Being” (VIDEO)
January 7, 2018 By Cristina Laila
Sunday, January 7, 2018

to express that publicly in Congress,” Schiff

Suspected leaker and high ranking member continued.
of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff
(D-CA) called President Trump a “seriously “The question for us though is, you know,
flawed human being” on CNN Sunday. plainly we have a seriously flawed human being
in the Oval Office. Will those flaws permeate the
Adam Schiff actually quoted Michael Wolff’s whole of government?” Schiff asked.
new book full of lies, ‘Fire and Fury’ as his
source. Let that sink in. Adam Schiff is desperate to discredit president Trump
because he knows his own corruption is being exposed.
The Russian collusion hoax is unraveling at
lightning speed so the new war cry coming He continued to complain about the DOJ reopening the
from the left is ‘President Trump is mentally investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server.
unfit to lead’.
Mueller’s wheels are falling off. Everyone knows it. The
Dems are panicking now because one by one the corrupt
liberal hacks are being exposed.

All eyes are on Adam Schiff as the person who

leaked parts of Don Jr’s interview to the House Intel
Committee to CNN.

Schiff has been in full meltdown mode since three House

Republicans called for an inquiry into House Intelligence
Committee Russia investigation leaks.


“I don’t think anyone is particularly surprised by

what has been revealed in the Wolff book in
terms of the questions that people working
closest to the President about his capacity to do
the job,” Schiff said.

“I don’t think there is anyone in Congress

frankly from either party who does not at least
concur privately with those observations and
concerns. Certainly very few people are willing

Dershowitz: Dems’ Attempts To Have Trump Removed
Over ‘Mental Unfitness’ Like SOVIETS,
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 7, 2018

Critics of the Democrat-led effort claim it is just the latest “He’s going to unravel, and we are seeing the
attempt to negate the November 2016 election results signs.”

Lee’s and Democrats’ efforts are dangerous in and of

themselves, argued Dershowitz, who said their tactic
smacks of authoritarian regimes.

“It’s very dangerous… That’s what they did in

Russia,” he said. “That’s what they did in China.
That’s what they did in apartheid South Africa.

“How dare liberals, people on the Left, try to

(National Sentinel) Authoritarians: Famed constitutional undo democracy by accusing a president of
law professor Alan Dershowitz on Sunday criticized being mentally ill without any basis. The 25th
efforts by Democrats and some mainstream psychologists amendment doesn’t apply,” he continued.
to cast President Donald J. Trump as being mentally unfit.
“Everybody knew who Donald Trump was when
During an interview with Fox News‘ “Fox & Friends” they elected him… he hasn’t changed in office
program, Dershowitz lashed out at the effort to paint and this idea of diagnosing him instead of
Trump as unstable so as to lay the groundwork for a future opposing him politically poses an enormous
impeachment. danger to our democracy,” he said.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, Critics of the Democrat-led effort claim it is just the latest
attempt to negate the November 2016 election results after
“Democrat members of Congress are plotting failing to do so with allegations of Russian collusion and
with a group of psychiatrists led by Dr. Bandy X. election fraud.
Lee to conduct a medical coup to
remove…Trump from office, according to
interviews given this week by Lee.”

The site noted further:

Lee, who claims Trump’s presidency could be

“the end of humankind”, has already decided
Trump should be removed from office. A ‘go
team’ of medical professionals is being
assembled to swoop in and forcibly remove
Trump to evaluate his fitness for office,
according to Lee.

In meetings with Democrats and one Republican last

month, Lee argued,

Trump Announces He Will Be Presenting “Fake News
Awards” To The Most “Corrupt & Biased”
Mainstream Media Losers
By Cristina Laila
January 7, 2018
There is a huge college national championship football
President Trump will be presenting ‘Fake News game airing Monday evening so President Trump decided
Awards’ to the most corrupt and biased to push the ‘Fake News Awards’ back to Wednesday,
mainstream media losers on Wednesday. January 17th instead.

On Sunday, President Trump excitedly tweeted, “The Fake

News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of
the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on
Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming
Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards
is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!”

Best. President. Ever.

President Trump was originally going to give out the

‘Fake News Awards’ Monday evening.

On January 2nd, Trump tweeted,

“I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST We can’t wait for the ‘Fake News Awards’!
on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover
Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various
categories from the Fake News Media. Stay

Michael Wolff Claims His ‘Fire and Fury’
Will ‘End This Presidency’
By Joel B. Pollak
7 Jan 2018

“No, this man can’t function in this job as

president. He may have been elected president,
but that does not turn him into president.”

Wolff added:

“I think he’s intellectually incapable of being

President of the United States.”

He also described the president as “ineffectual,” incapable

of passing legislation, implementing policy, or producing

The book echoes arguments made by Democrats and

NeverTrump Republicans that the president could, or
Michael Wolff, author of the bestselling Fire and Fury: should, be removed under the 25th Amendment to the U.S.
Inside the Trump White House, told the BBC on Saturday Constitution (emphasis added):
that his book will “end this presidency” and force
President Donald Trump out of office. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the
principal officers of the executive departments or of such
“The story that I’ve told seems to present this other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to
presidency in such a way that it says he can’t the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of
do his job, the emperor has no clothes. And the House of Representatives their written declaration that
suddenly, everywhere, people are going ‘Oh my the President is unable to discharge the powers and
God, it’s true, he has no clothes.’ That’s the duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately
background to the perception and the assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting
understanding that will finally end this — that President.
will end this presidency,” Wolff said.
President Trump fired back on Saturday, tweeting that he
Wolff’s comments to the BBC reinforce what he told was a “very stable genius.”
NBC’s Today show on Friday morning, when he said that
his book shows that Trump “cannot do this job.” Trump tried, in vain, to block publication of the book on
Thursday, as his lawyers sent cease-and-desist letters to
He told the BBC that his sources had concluded, Wolff and his publisher ahead of an accelerated release
date on Friday. That action only propelled sales higher, as
bookstores quickly sold out of print copies.

Fake Non-Fiction Writer Michael Wolff Howls:
New Book Will ‘Finally Bring Down’ Trump Presidency
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 7, 2018

“It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those seems to present this presidency in such a way
aren’t my words” that it says he can’t do his job,” he said.

“The emperor has no clothes. Suddenly

everywhere people are going: ‘Oh my God, it’s
true, he has no clothes.’ That’s the background
to the perception and the understanding that will
finally end this – that will end this presidency,”
Wolff added.

Towards the end of the interview, Wolff was

asked if he thought Trump being in the Whit
House was dangerous. “Yeah, it’s not ideal that
(National Sentinel) Unbelievable: The embattled author of
he’s in the White House,” Wolff said.
a new book set for release about the Trump administration
that has already drawn fire for inaccuracies claims his
tome is a death knell for President Donald J. Trump. Critics have openly questioned the veracity of many
aspects of Wolff’ book, starting with the president, who
has said he never gave Wolff any access — a claim Wolff
In an interview with BBC Radio on Saturday to discuss his
has yet to refute.
dubiously-sourced book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the
Trump White House,” Wolff said “the story” he tells
“will finally spell the end” of the Trump presidency.

Wolff’s response came after he was asked about the

effectiveness of the book on its own and whether he
believed it would help the ongoing Russian collusion
investigation, since that seemed to be a better avenue for
sending the president packing.

“Now, all of this is fascinating, it’s an insight, it’s

gossip some of it, it may not be enough to stop
him from being president. Whereas, the
allegations about Russia may be,” the “I authorized Zero access to White House
interviewer asked. “Do you believe that anything (actually turned him down many times) for
in the book will actually change the chances of author of phony book! I never spoke to him for
the allegations of collusion with Russia being book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and
found to be true and therefore leading to the sources that don’t exist. Look at this guy’s past
impeachment of the president?” and watch what happens to him and Sloppy
Steve!” Trump tweeted on Thursday.
Wolff insinuated that his tome will convince people that
Trump’s mentally unfit for the office. Also, Wolff himself has admitted he cannot verify
everything he wrote, which, to many, throws all of what he
wrote into doubt.
“You know, I think one of the interesting effects
of the book so far is a very clear emperor-has-
no-clothes effect. That the story that I have told In an author’s note in his book, Wolff said several of his
sources were flatly lying to him, while others said things
that were contradictory in nature.
Many of those were nonetheless included, however. Wolff Other sources have come out and said unequivocally that
wrote that he and the publisher are including Wolff had misquoted them. One of them is longtime
them, “allowing the reader to judge” whether the sources’ Trump confidant and real estate developer Thomas
claims are true. Barrack, who told Maggie Habberman at The New York
Times his quote disparaging Trump as an “idiot” is “totally
In other instances, Wolff said he used his instincts as a false.”
journalist to relay “a version of events I believe to be true.”
“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once, says he
“Many of the accounts of what has happened in never said the quote attributed to him to Wolffe
the Trump White House are in conflict with one or anyone. ‘Totally false,’ Barrack said by phone
another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly just now. Tom Barrack adds, ‘It’s clear to
untrue. These conflicts, and that looseness with anyone who knows me that those aren’t my
the truth, if not with reality itself, are an words and inconsistent with anything I’ve ever
elemental thread of the book,” he wrote. said.’ He says Wolffe never ran that quote by
him to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted
“Sometimes I have let the players offer their
versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge
them. In other instances I have, through a Also former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who the
consistency in the accounts and through book said warned Trump that he may be under surveillance
sources I have come to trust, settled on a from British spies, issued a statement saying the claim is
version of events I believe to be true,” he “categorically absurd” and “simply untrue.”

Nancy Pelosi Comes Unglued After Stephen Miller Crushes
Jake Tapper – Calls Miller a “White Supremacist”
Who “Must Be Removed”
By Cristina Laila
January 7, 2018

Brilliant White House advisor Stephen Miller absolutely

annihilated CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning in a
debate about Michael Wolff’s book ‘Fire and Fury’.

It got so bad Tapper cut off the segment and went to


Trump supporters responded to team Pelosi’s attack.

Since liberals can’t debate facts, they resort to labeling

Trump and his allies as white supremacists and Nazis.
On Sunday, Nancy Pelosi immediately attacked Stephen
Miller, calling him a “white supremacist” who deserves to
be fired.

Nancy Pelosi’s political team tweeted,

“The bigoted world view that Bannon pushed

remains at the WH. White supremacists still
have the ear of Trump and are shaping national
policy through their hate-filled lenses. Yes, that
means Stephen Miller who must be removed.”


Steve Bannon Issues Statement: My Support Is
‘Unwavering’ For Trump And His Agenda
By Kristina Wong
7 Jan 2018

the Clinton apparatus. I am the only person to date to conduct a

global effort to preach the message of Trump and Trumpism; and
remain ready to stand in the breach for this president’s efforts to
make America great again.

“My comments about the meeting with Russian nationals came

from my life experiences as a Naval officer stationed aboard a
destroyer whose main mission was to hunt Soviet submarines to
my time at the Pentagon during the Reagan years when our
focus was the defeat of ‘the evil empire’ and to making films
about Reagan’s war against the Soviets and Hillary Clinton’s
involvement in selling uranium to them.

“My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned

Stephen K. Bannon, executive chair of Breitbart News and former campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how
White House chief strategist, issued the following statement on the Russians operate. He should have known they are
Sunday: duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those
comments were not aimed at Don Jr.
“Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a good man. He has
been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that “Everything I have to say about the ridiculous nature of the
has helped turn our country around. Russian ‘collusion’ investigation I said on my 60 Minutes
interview. There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch
“My support is also unwavering for the president and his agenda hunt.
— as I have shown daily in my national radio broadcasts, on the
pages of Breitbart News and in speeches and appearances from “I regret that my delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting
Tokyo and Hong Kong to Arizona and Alabama. President Trump regarding Don Jr has diverted attention from the president’s
was the only candidate that could have taken on and defeated historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency.”

CNN Crank Jake Tapper Gets ROASTED On Twitter
After Stephen Miller Takes Him To School
By Cristina Laila
January 7, 2018

Brilliant White House advisor Stephen Miller absolutely

annihilated CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning in a
debate about Michael Wolff’s book ‘Fire and Fury’.

It got so bad Tapper cut off the segment and went to


Even President Trump was impressed with the


President Trump tweeted, “Jake Tapper of Fake News The rest of Twitter piled on Jake Tapper and it was
CNN just got destroyed in his interview with Stephen glorious.
Miller of the Trump Administration. Watch the hatred and
unfairness of this CNN flunky!”

Stephen Miller was trending at the top on Twitter with

over 240,000 tweets.


Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff's
Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF
By Tyler Durden
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 15:31

Considering that Wikileaks made its name by leaking

confidential and/or hard to find documents and
information, and also considering the reversal in the
Trump administration vis-a-vis Julian Assange, whom it
first lauded only to threaten with incarceration in recent
months, it is perhaps not surprising that moments ago the
official Wikileaks twitter account published Michael
Wolff's controversial - and largely sold out - book, "Fire
and Fury" in pdf format.

Since, somewhat ironically, WikiLeaks picked a google

drive to host the leaked pdf, it will unlikely remain
available for an extended period, as it would mean
substantial lost revenue for book published Henry Holt and
Company. So for those who wish to read what all the
hoople is about - for free - they are advised to do so sooner
rather than later.

BUSTED! Liberal CNN Hack
Ana Navarro Caught Editing Photo To
Trash POTUS Trump
By Jim Hoft
January 7, 2018
The original photo was discovered and
contains a woman.
Navarro edited out the woman in the photo to
attack Trump.

CNN Anti-Trump Hack is BUSTED!

Liberal CNN Hack Ana Navarro Caught
Editing Photo to Trash POTUS Trump
And Ana Navarro is reportedly the
REPUBLICAN contributor at CNN!
On Sunday morning Ana Navarro – a Hillary Clinton
supporter – ripped President Trump and Republicans in a
racist and sexist tweet.
The only person Navarro cropped out was
Navarro attacked the “orangey” hues of President Trump the woman.
and accused him of only meeting with “10 old straight
white men” at Camp David. Via Red State Watching and Alter Yeshiva:

But then this happened…

Donald Trump Mocks ‘Hateful’
Jake Tapper Of ‘Fake News CNN’
By Charlie Spiering
7 Jan 2018

During the interview, an increasingly condescending

Tapper battled Miller over his network’s coverage of
President Trump and accused him of “wasting his viewers

President Donald Trump ridiculed CNN’s

Jake Tapper on Twitter on Sunday, after a
condescending interview with White House
senior advisor Stephen Miller.

“Jake Tapper of Fake News CNN just got

destroyed in his interview with Stephen Miller of
the Trump Administration,” Trump wrote on
Twitter. “Watch the hatred and unfairness of this
CNN flunky!”

NBC Claims New FBI Probe Into Clinton
Foundation Is ‘Fake News,’ A ‘Political Sideshow’
By Nicholas Fondacaro
January 7, 2018 9:57 AM EST

calling for perhaps a criminal

investigation into the author of the
dossier,” Todd continued. “Just adding
that fuzziness to the investigation in
Russia is something that the White
House PR-wise is very happy about.”

Towards the end of their political coverage during Sunday

Today, NBC fill-in host Morgan Radford questioned Meet
The Press moderator Chuck Todd about the veracity of a
new investigation into the Clinton Foundation, which came
to light last week. But in doing so, she conflated it with
GOP senators asking the FBI for a criminal investigation
in Christopher Steele, the British agent who worked with
But in reality, the latest investigation into the Clinton
Russian agents to get dirt of President Trump on behalf of
Foundation was anything but fake news. According to
Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, and claimed it was all
reports, the investigation had been going on for months
“fake news.”
and was investigating whether the foundation was a part of
a pay-to-play scheme in conjunction with Hillary Clinton’s
With the false on-screen headline: "Republicans Take State Department.
Aim At Clinton," Radford questioned Todd about
the seriousness of the investigation.
“The officials, who spoke only on condition
of anonymity, said the probe is examining
“So, break something else down for us, whether the Clintons promised or
this real versus fake news. We've performed any policy favors in return for
learned this week about developing largesse to their charitable efforts or
investigations into the Clinton whether donors made commitments of
Foundation and the author of that donations in hopes of securing government
controversial dossier, but is this a real outcomes,” a report from The Hill noted.
investigation or is that just a political
sideshow?” The Hill also reported that the FBI was
looking into the foundation’s tax-exempt
assets to make sure any weren’t converted
Todd agreed that everything was a “political sideshow,”
into “personal or political use and whether
as he conflated Clinton Foundation investigation with the
the foundation complied with applicable tax
Steele investigation. It was shocking that Todd would
accuse an FBI investigation of being conducted for
political means because the liberal media have spent a lot
of time denouncing Trump for what they claim was the The long history of the Clinton Foundation’s shady dealing
erosion America’s confidence in its legal institutions. was also noted by The Hill.

“I mean, here you have Republican “For years, news media from The New
senators, including one, Lindsey York Times to The Daily Caller have
Graham, who's been a big critic of this reported countless stories on donations to
president when it comes to Russia, the Clinton Foundation or speech fees that
closely fell around the time of favorable
decisions by Clinton's State Department,” NBC
they recalled. Sunday Today
January 7, 2018
So, clearly, the investigation into the Clinton Foundation 8:09:20 AM Eastern
was anything but “fake news” as NBC would have their
viewers believe. As for the senators requesting for the FBI (…)
to investigate Steele, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley
(Iowa) told the press that he wouldn’t have backed the MORGAN RADFORD: So, break something else down for us,
referral unless there was “credible evidence.” this real versus fake news. We've learned this week about
developing investigations into the Clinton Foundation and the
Transcript below: author of that controversial dossier, but is this a real investigation
or is that just a political sideshow?

CHUCK TODD: Well, it looks like it perhaps could be a political

sideshow. But look, if you're the White House, you're very happy
about this development. I mean, here you have Republican
senators, including one, Lindsey Graham, who's been a big critic
of this president when it comes to Russia, calling for perhaps a
criminal investigation into the author of the dossier. Just adding
that fuzziness to the investigation in Russia is something that the
White House PR-wise is very happy about.

RADFORD: All right, Chuck Todd joining us live this morning.

Chuck, thank you so much.

Upcoming OIG Report Likely To Trigger Second Special
Counsel; Comey, Lynch And Clinton In Crosshairs
By Tyler Durden
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 15:22

While most of the MSM fixated last week on whether or Moreover, the man heading up the OIG
not President Trump eats McDonald's in bed while investigation, Michael Horowitz, fought the
watching Gorilla TV, a flurry of investigative bombshells Obama Administration to regain
involving Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and investigative powers which were restricted
conduct by the FBI's top brass during the 2016 election by former Attorney General Eric Holder
splashed across the headlines. As a quick review: during the Fast and Furious scandal.

 The DOJ is "taking a fresh look" into the Hillary As you will read below,
Clinton email 'matter'
 The FBI has launched a new investigation into this highly anticipated report is likely to be
the Clinton Foundation the day after the Clinton's the legal impetus behind a second Special
Chappaqua property catches fire Counsel –
 Former FBI Director James Comey's full Clinton memo
was released, revealing felony evidence of changes as detailed by an independent researcher from New York
which "decriminalized" Hillary Clinton's behavior. Oh, who goes by the Twitter
and every one of the memos he leaked to his handle "TrumpSoldier" (@DaveNYviii). His reporting,
Cornell professor buddy was classified, per a sworn conveyed below, is a deep dig into the
statement by the FBI's "chief FOIA officer" in a sworn OIG's ongoing investigation, how Congress and the OIG
declaration obtained by Judicial Watch. have worked in tandem to pave the way for a Special
 The House Intelligence Committee will be granted Counsel, and how Michael Horowitz went to war with
access to "all remaining investigative documents," the Obama Administration to restore the OIG's
unredacted, along with all witnesses sought per powers.
a deal reached between Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein and Nunes Who is Michael Horowitz?
 Opposition research firm Fusion GPS was forced to
hand over banking records detailing various clients
and their intermediary law firms, including the Clinton
Campaign and a Russian money launderer whose
lawyer was none other than Natalia Veselnitskaya of
Trump Tower meeting fame

Most of these wheels which appear to be in motion are the

result of corresponding groundwork laid on Capitol Hill
you may not be aware of,

including what might be the most important

document in the entire process,

Michael Horowitz testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

expected in a little over a week.
Horowitz was appointed head of the Office of the
On January 15, the DOJ's internal watchdog - the Office
Inspector General (OIG) in April, 2012 - after the Obama
of the Inspector General (OIG), is expected to present their
administration hobbled the OIG's investigative powers in
findings to Congressional investigators regarding a wide
2011 during the "Fast and Furious" scandal. The changes
variety of alleged bias and malfeasance by the FBI, the
forced the various Inspectors General for all government
Clinton campaign, and the Obama Administration -
agencies to request information while conducting
both during and after the 2016 election.
investigations, as opposed to the authority to demand it.
This allowed Holder (and other agency heads) to bog down
OIG requests in bureaucratic red tape, and in some cases, Horowitz's efforts to roll back Eric Holder's restrictions on
deny them outright. the OIG sealed the working relationship between Congress
and the Inspector General's ofice, and they most certainly
What did Horowitz do? As one twitter appear to be on the same page. Moreover, brand new
commentators puts it, he went to war... FBI Director Christopher Wray seems to be on the same
page as well. Click here and keep scrolling for that and
In March of 2015, Horowitz's office prepared a report for more insight into what's going on behind the scenes.
Congress titled Open and Unimplemented IG
Recommendations. It laid the Obama Admin bare before Here's a preview:
Congress - illustrating among other things how
the administration was wasting tens-of-billions of dollars
by ignoring the recommendations made by the OIG.

After several attempts by congress to restore the OIG's

investigative powers, Rep. Jason Chaffetz successfully
introduced H.R.6450 - the Inspector General
Empowerment Act of 2016 - signed by a defeated lame
duck President Obama into law on December 16th, 2016,

cementing an alliance between Horrowitz

and both houses of Congress.

See here for a complete overview of the OIG's new and

restored powers. And while the public won't get to see Which brings us back to the OIG report
classified details of the OIG report, Mr. Horowitz is also expected by Congress a week from Monday.
big on public disclosure:
On January 12 of last year, Inspector Horowitz announced
an OIG investigation based on "requests from numerous
Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional
oversight committees, various organizations (such as
Judicial Watch?), and members of the public."

The initial focus ranged from the FBI's handling of the

Clinton email investigation, to whether or not Deputy FBI
Director Andrew McCabe should have been recused from
the investigation (ostensibly over $700,000 his wife's
campaign took from Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe
around the time of the email investigation), to potential
collusion with the Clinton campaign and the timing of
various FOIA releases.

Courtesy @DaveNYviii

On July 27, 2017 the House Judiciary

Committee called on the DOJ to appoint a
Special Counsel, detailing their concerns in
14 questions pertaining to "actions taken by
previously public figures like Attorney
General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James
Comey, and former Secretary of State Hillary

The questions range from Loretta Lynch

directing Mr. Comey to mislead the
American people on the nature of the Clinton
investigation, Secretary Clinton's mishandling of
classified information and the (mis)handling of
her email investigation by the FBI, the DOJ's
failure to empanel a grand jury to investigate
Clinton, and questions about the Clinton
Foundation, Uranium One, and whether the
FBI relied on the "Trump-Russia" dossier
created by Fusion GPS.

And now, the OIG report can tie all of this
together –

as it will solidify requests by Congressional committees,

while also satisfying a legal requirement for the
Department of Justice to impartially appoint a Special

As illustrated below by TrumpSoldier, the report will go

from the Office of the Inspector General to both
investigative committees of Congress, along with Attorney
General Jeff Sessions, and is expected on January 15.

On September 26, 2017, The House Judiciary

Committee repeated their call to the DOJ for a
special counsel, pointing out that former FBI
Director James Comey lied to
Congress when he said that he decided not to
recommend criminal charges against Hillary DOJ Flowchart, Courtesy TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii)
Clinton until after she was interviewed, when in
fact Comey had drafted her
exoneration before said interview.

Meanwhile, recent events appear to
Once congress has reviewed the OIG report, correspond with bullet points in both the
the House and Senate Judiciary Committees original OIG investigation letter and the
will use it to supplement their 7/27/2017 letter forwarded to the Inspector
investigations, General:

which will result in hearings with the end goal of

requesting or demanding a Special Counsel investigation.
The DOJ can appoint a Special Counsel at any point, or
wait for Congress to demand one. If a request for a Special
Counsel is ignored, Congress can pass legislation to force
an the appointment.

And while the DOJ could act on the OIG report and
investigate / prosecute themselves without a Special
Counsel, it is highly unlikely that Congress would stand
for that given the subjects of the investigation.

The OIG report could be in the hands of the DOJ as soon

as January 8 for review, however it is unclear whether
their response will be included in the copy of the report
issued to Congressional investigators on January 15.
Their comments are key. As TrumpSoldier points out in
his analysis, the DOJ can take various actions regarding

"Policy, personnel, procedures, and re-

opening of investigations. In short, just
about everything (Immunity agreements can
also be rescinded)."

With the wheels set in motion last week seemingly
align with Congressional requests and the OIG mandate,
and the upcoming OIG report likely to serve as a
foundational opinion, the DOJ will finally be empowered
to move forward with an impartially appointed Special
Counsel with a mandate to investigate whether or not we
should "lock her up" (along with members of her motley
crew). Maybe that's why Sessions has been sitting on his

Trump Aide Stephen Miller Rips Wolff Book As
‘Grotesque Work Of Fiction’
By Pam Key
7 Jan 2018

Miller said,

“The book is best understood as a work of very

poorly written fiction.”

Miller said,

“The tragic thing about this book, and there are

many things about it that are unfortunate, but
the portrayal of the president in the book is
so contrary to reality, to the experience of those
who work with him, to my own
experience having spent the last two years with
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” White him.”
House adviser Stephen Miller said Michael
Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” was a “grotesque Miller said Wolff was a
work of fiction” and a “pile of trash.”
“garbage author of a garbage book.”

WH Press Sec: Dems Warned Of
Economic ‘Armageddon,’ ‘Total Opposite’ Happened
Dems Still Won’t Acknowledge Economic Boom Under Trump
Infowars.Com - January 7, 2018

economy,” Clinton had said at a rally in

Columbus, Ohio.

Leftist journalist Kurt Eichenwald made a similar

prediction, saying he sold all his stocks to prepare for
Trump’s presidency.

White House Press Secretary Sarah

Huckabee Sanders took to social media
Sunday to tout President Trump’s economic
achievements in his first year in office and
remind Democrats their predictions were
dead wrong.

“Nancy Pelosi warned of economic

‘Armageddon’ under President Trump, which of
course means the total opposite has taken
place: President Trump’s policies are inspiring
an economic lift-off,” Sanders tweeted.

Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban also predicted “with

100% certainty” that Trump would crash the economy.

“I can say with 100 percent certainty that there

is a really good chance we could see a huge,
huge correction,” Cuban told CNN. “That
uncertainty potentially as the president of the
United States — that’s the last thing Wall Street
Many Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Mark
wants to hear.”
Cuban, predicted Trump would crash the economy after he
was elected in 2016.
The Washington Post’s David Kessler also warned that
Obama was handing Trump a recovering economy that
“Just like he shouldn’t have his finger on the
would tank once he took office.
button, he shouldn’t have his hands on our
This failure to understand Trump’s pro-growth policies
make Democrats appear tone-deaf and disconnected from
the American people when all they focus on is White
House gossip, identity politics, and phony “Russia

That’s why Democrats will likely regret not supporting the

tax cuts bill which will bring much-needed tax relief to the
majority of Americans.

Democrats’ Desperate Ploy To Unseat President Trump
Over “Mental Health” False Diagnosis Will Push
America To Bloody Civil War
By: Mike Adams
Sunday, January 07, 2018

This Soviet tactic rooted in totalitarianism and junk

“mental health” science doesn’t seem to bother Democrats,
of course, who are themselves teetering on the edge of
runaway insanity due to their unbounded hatred and mass

On the heels of the new book “Fire and Fury” by Michael

Wolff — which has already been largely discredited as a
work of fiction — unhinged Democrats are now pushing
to unseat President Trump by claiming he’s “mentally
unfit for office.” This dangerous, deranged ploy is the
latest desperate attempt by Democrats who first tried to
eliminate Trump by weaponizing the surveillance state to
illegally spy on Trump’s campaign team, then attempted to
block the Electoral College from confirming Trump’s The deranged, deluded Left has become the
election victory, then tried to block Trump’s inauguration, real danger to America
and now are drumming up a “mental health” excuse in an
attempt to depose a democratically-elected President they The greater truth in all this is that the Left, in attempting to
deeply hate. overthrow the results of an election whose outcome they
don’t like, has proven itself to be rooted in a totalitarian
This tactic, of course, mirrors the strategies of the old philosophy of intolerance and hatred. Thanks to the
Soviet Union and Chinese communists who used “mental unbridled hatred of the Left, the minute any candidate runs
health” as an excuse to justify the mass murder of political for office as a Republican, that candidate is immediately
opponents and educated citizens who opposed their branded a racist, sexist, islamophobe and bigot, even if
political regimes. “It’s very dangerous… That’s what they such characterizations were never even dreamed of prior to
did in Russia. That’s what they did in China. That’s what that person’s political engagement.
they did in apartheid South Africa. How dare liberals,
people on the left, try to undo democracy by accusing a The Left is now so full of hatred, rage and intolerance that
president of being mentally ill without any basis,” warned left-wing journalists at the Huffington Post now openly
Alan Dershowitz, a well-known left-leaning attorney and call to “kill all white men.” White people are now so
legal consultant. routinely demonized that merely being born with white
skin is justification for leftists to berate you, smear you,
“There’s only one thing worse than trying to demean you and call for you to be literally killed. Through
criminalize political differences,” Dershowitz this intense drumbeat of daily hatred and rage, the Left is
went on to explain, “and that’s trying to setting up America for an actual ethnic cleansing of all
‘psychiatrize’ them. These psychiatrists now, Whites, warns Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan
who are trying to diagnose without ever having advisor. The toppling of white historical statues was only
met the man, that’s what they did in Russia… the beginning… what comes next is door-to-door
locked [them] up in mental hospitals.” executions of people for being White, all based on the

Left’s radicalized definitions of “equality” and “social This demented, deranged hatred, racism and intolerance is
justice” and “fairness.” not practiced by President Trump; it’s practiced daily by
the insane Left in America, which has already crossed the
Yes, to the Left, murder of Whites is now fully justified. tipping point of unbridled delusion.
Even farmers’ markets are now being attacked and derided
by the Left as racist activities attended by too many To Leftists, you see, all conservatives are, by
Whites. Demonstrating the height of insanity that now definition, mentally ill, which means no
seems commonplace among deranged Leftists, a Drexel conservative is ever fit for office.
University professor openly espoused “white genocide” for
Christmas, effectively urging his readers to consider the These same Leftists can never recognize their own mass
mass murder of White people solely based on the color of mental illness for the simple reason that it’s shared by all
their skin. the people around them. So their insanity seems
“normalized” as long as they’re at a radicalized California
university campus, for example, or being spoon-fed a daily
dose of lies and delusions by Rachel Maddow or Steven

The extreme intolerance of the Left is so

ingrained in their own mental programming that
they see anyone different from them as
being insane and dangerous.

They can’t stand Trump because he’s coarse, blunt and

even satirical. To the Left, the style in which something is
done or said is far more important than substance. That’s
In a run-up to this push for nationwide anti-White why they could listen to Obama openly lie to them about
genocide, the Left has even resorted to destroying “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” while
language by demanding that university books be “burned” praising him as a genius saint, even when they were being
if they contain certain trigger words that deranged Leftists lied to the entire time.
cannot tolerate. Some college professors are claiming that
mathematics is racist because the history of math is full of It didn’t matter to Democrats that Obama and Hillary
too many White people. Other college instructors also Clinton committed serious acts of treason against America
claim that philosophy is racist because many philosophers — including Operation Fast and Furious, running a money
are also “White.” A left-wing Muslim professor in a laundering operation to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons, or
California university says that violence against Whites is ordering Border Patrol to stand down while America was
“morally required”, and the University of Delaware now invaded by illegal immigrants — because they carried out
requires all new students to attend a course that declares these acts with a style and sophisticated style that the Left
“all whites are racist.” finds acceptable. To Leftists, you see, style is all that
matters, not substance. When Trump operates with a style
The “War on Whites” is now fully operational, thanks to the Left doesn’t like, they designate him as “insane.”
the derision, violence and intense hatred of the Left, which
now openly judges people explicitly by the color of their Yet to real America, we find Trump’s tweets
skin. hilarious and rather clever, for the most part.

To the deranged Left, all conservatives are

racist and mentally ill by default
The dangerous realm of quack science media. The Electoral College effort by deranged left-wing
psychiatry and its weaponization by the Hollywood movie stars also turned out to be a dud. The
deranged Left recent “Fire and Fury” book by Michael Wolff turns out to
be largely fiction, and lunatic Leftists are rapidly running
What’s especially dangerous in all this, however, is the out of options, accelerating them to a point of sheer
Left’s attempted weaponization of psychiatry, a quack desperation. So they’ve turned to the weaponization of
science, loosey-goosey realm of gobbledygook that’s psychiatry as a truly last-ditch, desperate effort to unseat a
already the laughing stock of the hard sciences. president they deeply despise, even though he was duly
Psychiatrists specialize in diagnosing people with “mental elected by the American people via the same democratic
disorders” that don’t exist. The entire made-up disease of process that previously brought Obama to power.
ADHD, for example, is nothing but a fictional construct of
psychiatry. There is no measurable diagnosis of ADHD But psychiatry is rooted in such quackery that
that’s rooted in neurology, biology, physiology or science. any person can be deemed “mentally unfit”
A few years ago, psychiatrists celebrated the finding that by a sufficiently motivated group of
children with ADHD had stunted brain growth, but it turns psychiatrists.
out to have been caused by the ADHD drugs themselves,
not the “disease” of ADHD (which doesn’t even exist and Psychiatry has no objective science behind it. There aren’t
is a total fabrication of the industry of psychiatry). any brain scans, blood tests or lab findings that “prove”
mental states. Everything about psychiatry is mere opinion,
For the record, psychiatry also says that Oppositional and those opinions are of course heavily distorted because
Defiance Disorder is a mental illness. This “disease,” they’re based on human psychiatrists who cannot, by
dubbed O.D.D., is “diagnosed” by disagreeing with your definition, be objective observers of human behavior.
psychiatrist. Thus, the very act of saying that you do not
have a mental illness is sufficient for psychiatrists to Even worse, all these psychiatrists currently
diagnose you with a mental illness. Catch-22, right? declaring President Trump to be “mentally unfit”
Democrats play the same Catch-22 game by essentially have never even met with President Trump.
claiming that anyone who doesn’t fully agree with the
tenants of liberalism — open borders, boundless welfare, a This “remote diagnosis” approach to observing Trump on
totalitarian state, worshiping Islam, having no voter ID TV and then declaring him to be unstable is, itself, rooted
laws, etc. — is mentally unsound. in sheer delusion and the complete abandonment of
medical ethics. Any psychiatrist declaring anyone to be
In other words, the Left believes that only clinically and mentally unfit without having first met with
Leftists are sane. them in a therapeutic setting and conversed with them for
several hours is practicing dangerous quackery (and should
Everyone else must be removed from power, they claim, be stripped of their medical license). Yet this quackery is
because they see the world differently and that makes them apparently good enough for Democrats, who need no
mentally unfit. actual science, real facts or real evidence to hold Trump in
Psychiatry is so isolated from reality that the World Health
Organization now says playing video games is a mental To Leftists, their hatred is enough all by itself. Just the fact
disorder, but encouraging your children to have their that everybody hates Trump on the Left should be enough,
genitalia surgically maimed for life as part of their they believe, to demand his resignation. But at the same
“transgender” coming out is not a mental disorder, the time, all the actual evidence pointing to Hillary Clinton,
W.H.O. is set to announce this year. Furthering the Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch and James Comey as actual
twisted, junk science agenda of modern psychiatry, Google traitors who committed serious felony crimes is
recently partnered with a drug company front group to hit systematically ignored. That’s because the Left has no
users with a mental illness “self-diagnosis tool” that would need for real facts, real evidence or real science. (Climate
funnel gullible users into psychiatrists’ offices to demand change, anyone?)
mind-altering psychotropic drugs. Yes, Google is part of
the mental health “psychiatry” drug cartel racket. Is Pushing America toward violent civil war
anyone surprised?
Left-wingers in America should be careful what they hope
Now, the quack science world of psychiatry is being for, of course, because if they do manage to unseat
weaponized to try to remove a sitting President from President Trump from office, that will be the trigger event
office. Notably, this tactic is only being invoked after all for what I have long called “Second Amendment
other attempts to eliminate Trump have failed (or even activation” across America.
backfired). The Russia collusion hoax turned out to be a
complete work of fiction dreamed up by the fake news

Imagine a million armed patriots marching on Washington
D.C. and finally arresting half the U.S. Senate, Robert
Mueller, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and anyone else
they can locate. Imagine real justice (via public trials)
finally being served in this nation as members of the deep
state are held to account for their treason and criminal acts
which have repeatedly sought to overthrow the rule of law.
Also imagine every communist, terrorist or Antifa
sympathizer (such as DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison)
currently serving in the U.S. Senate and House being
arrested, outed and held for public trial. That’s one
scenario that could unfold if the Left tries to depose
President Trump via its insane “mental health” tactic. There is an actual left-wing communist plot
in Washington D.C. to overthrow America
Such a move would, of course, set off a nationwide civil and install a totalitarian left-wing regime
war. Imagine the chaos in the streets if the Left succeeds in
their demented political coup in Washington, stripping  The Left is lawless.
Trump of his power while simultaneously giving the finger
 It is deranged.
to the tens of millions of voters who put Trump into office.
 The Left now believes that “the ends justify the means,”
If the violent Left were to succeed in removing a sitting
which is why they have sacrificed all credibility in
President from office due to a fictitious, bogus reason
mainstream journalism in a desperate attempt to
rooted in the quack science of “psychiatry,” the tens of
unseat Trump and seize control of the White House.
millions of Second Amendment followers across America
— whom this country’s Founding Fathers directed to act as  The Left will try anything — including junk science
the nation’s “immune system” against tyranny — will psychiatry — to unseat the President who was elected
realize there is no option remaining other than to fight by the American people.
to defend America. Elections, you see, are the non-violent
way to decide who runs a nation. But the Left, we now As the editor of this website, I am not yet calling for a
know, despises election outcomes they don’t win. And Second Amendment activation across America. But should
they attempt to de-legitimize them in every way the Left kidnap President Trump and lock him in a mental
imaginable, effectively nullifying the very idea that they institution as part of an illegal attempt to overthrow this
respect elections at all. The only elections the Left nation,
respects, it turns out, are the elections they win. All other
elections must be overthrown, according to Leftist I would at that point issue an urgent call for
ideology. all citizens to immediately defend this nation
against the attempted communist coup
Should the Left succeed in throwing out the results of the under way.
2016 presidential election, all the restraint currently
practiced by armed Americans will likely be lifted. Let us hope it doesn’t come to that, but if the deranged
Left keeps pushing us toward civil war, that’s exactly what
It will become apparent to gun-owning patriots they will eventually get for the simple reason that there is
that their country is now being stolen from no circumstance under which mainstream America is
them, and they must take up arms to defend going to allow their President to be deposed by a band of
America, its Constitution and the rule of law. insane, deranged, left-wing lunatics who despise
everything America stands for.
That’s my prediction of what may happen, although I hope
it never comes to that. Here are some websites we publish that can help you
prepare for this possibility, should the deranged Left
continue to push for civil war: documents the deranged cultism

of the insane Left, with new articles posted
daily. brings you survival and

preparedness articles to help you make it
through chaos and disruptions.

376 covers news about self-defense, You can watch the full film for $3.99 at this YouTube link.
gun rights and the Second Amendment.
You can also watch this lecture by the film creator Trevor
Get informed now, and be ready to join the Loudon:
defend of your nation as the enemies within
attempt to overthrow this nation and
exterminate Whites, Christians and
conservatives at gunpoint.

Watch “The Enemies Within” to be fully

informed on the communist coup under way
in America right now

MUST-SEE trailer “The Enemies Within,” which

documents the communists working right now inside the
U.S. deep state in an attempt to overthrow America:
Here’s a very valuable interview between Trevor Loudon
and James O’Keefe:

Official US Army Account
"Likes" Trump-Mocking Tweet
By Tyler Durden
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 14:55

Following President Trump's tirade yesterday, the "As soon as it was brought to our attention,
twitterati took to their smartphones to mock the man in it was immediately corrected."
The Oval Office. One such 'celebrity' was actress Mindy
Kaling who laughed "hahahahahaha" adding a meme of Additionally, as The Hill notes,
her apparent "smartness."
controversial tweets from companies,
lawmakers and even branches of the
government have gained viral attention over
the last year.

McDonald's last March said its corporate Twitter

account had been hacked after a tweet went out mocking

The National Park Service also went viral for retweeting

two unflattering posts about the crowd size at Trump's
inauguration in early 2017. Those retweets were
investigated to determine whether the account had been

While not particularly damning or comedic, the tweet was

more notable for who 'liked' and/or retweeted it.

The U.S. Army's official Twitter account "liked" the

tweet on Saturday from actress Mindy Kaling apparently
mocking President Trump's claim that he's "like, really

"An operator of the Army’s official Twitter

account inadvertently 'liked' a tweet whose
content would not be endorsed by the
Department of the Army," an Army
spokesperson told The Hill.

Van Jones: It Would Be ‘Global Emergency’ If
50% Of People Around Any Other President
Thought He Was Unstable [VIDEO]
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:29 PM 01/07/2018

CNN commentator Van Jones said Sunday that it would be Jones, appearing on, “State of the Union With Jake
a “global emergency” if 50 percent of people around any Tapper” said,
other president thought he was unstable, alluding to
questions about President Trump’s mental health. “Can I say something about the unfitness
question though? Because, listen, it’s not 100%.
WATCH: But in any other situation, if 50 percent of the
people around a president were concerned that
he was not fit to do the job, that would be a
global emergency. I think sometimes we just
adapt to the absurdity here.”

He added,

“The fact that anybody close to the president

has those concerns, there’s now a movement
among psychiatrists and other people to figure
out how do we intervene here, what can we
possibly do, because we could be looking back
saying the warning signs were there and we did
not do enough.”

White House Aide Miller
Booted From CNN Tapper Interview
By Rick Moran
January 7, 2018

stories about immigrant communities under

siege from MS-13. He tapped into a reality that
is happening in this country that is not covered
on this network. And I know you think I’m
interrupting you, but I think the american people
deserve to have two or three minutes of the

Tapper also asked about President Trump’s tweets

declaring that he is a “very stable genius.”
White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller, speaks in the Brady
Press Briefing room of the White House on August 2, 2017 in He asked,
Washington, D.C. (Photo by Oliver Contreras) *** Please Use Credit
from Credit Field ***(Sipa via AP Images)
“Do you think tweets like that help or hurt the
cause that the president is stable and up for the
White House aide Stephen Miller appeared on CNN's job?”
"State of the Union" with Jake Tapper and fireworks flew
from the get-ego. Miller responded,

For 12 1/2 minutes, Tapper and Miller engaged in single “Not only do I think they help it, but I think in the
combat with Tapper trying to get Miller to answer toxic environment you’ve created here in CNN
questions about the book Fire and Fury while Miller and cable news, which is a crisis of legitimacy
excoriated CNN for its hateful, biased coverage of the for your network, and we saw it, of course, with
president. the extremely fake news that you reported
about the Don Jr. and Wikileaks story. That was
The Daily Caller: a huge embarrassment for your network. Just
like the huge embarrassment you had when you
got the Comey testimony wrong.”
After Tapper asked about Steve Bannon’s
involvement in the Trump campaign and
presidency, Miller said,

Tapper appeared to be flustered at times, constantly

“I think that what the point is that his role has
interrupting Miller and becoming visibly angry when
been greatly exaggerated, whereas the
Miller refused to play his "gotchya" game.
president hasn’t gotten the due that he
deserves for the movement he put together to
tap into the kinds of people whose life concerns Finally, Tapper sent Miller off with a rather unprofessional
don’t get a lot of attention on CNN. Not a lot of dismissal:
hours of coverage on this TV talking about the
working class construction workers who have Later, Tapper accused Miller of “not answering
lost their jobs to foreign labor.” the questions.”

He continued, Miller responded,

“There is not a lot of coverage on this TV about

the people getting slaughtered in sanctuary
cities. You don’t do a lot of human interest
“You have 24 hours a day of anti-Trump wanted to get all the salacious, damaging snippets from the
material and you’re not going to give three book on the record.
minutes for the American people…”
For his part, Miller did his job. His attacks on CNN tried to
Finally, Tapper cut off Miller, saying, deflect attention from the damaging statements Tapper was
throwing out by tainting the source. CNN is a ripe target
“I get it. There’s one viewer you care about right for Trump's base and Miller didn't disappoint.
now and you’re being obsequious and you’re
being a factotum in order to please him, okay? I
think I wasted enough of my viewers’ time.”

Reporters are supposed to ask questions to elicit

information from their guests. Tapper didn't care much
what Miller had to say. His goal was not to elicit
information but to attack. His "questions" weren't
questions as much as they were talking points on the book
he wanted the viewers to hear. He didn't expect Miller to
confirm anything that Steve Bannon had to say. He just

Pompeo Rejects Notion
Of ‘Deep State’ At CIA
By Olivia Beavers
01/07/18 12:44 Pm Est

America. They're patriots of the truest and

highest order," Pompeo responded.

The former lawmaker's remarks come after President

Trump claimed last week that there is a deep state at the
Justice Department working against him and his
administration, while protecting individuals tied to Hillary

CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Sunday rejected

the possibility of a "deep state" existing at the CIA,
defending his agents as "patriots of the truest and highest

When host John Dickerson asked the CIA chief on CBS

News's "Face the Nation" whether there is a group of
employees at his agency seeking to undermine the Trump
administration, Pompeo responded, Former officials including James Clapper criticized the
remark, with the former director of national
"No sir." intelligence calling it “reprehensible.”

"Has there ever been one?" Dickerson asked. Trump has repeatedly claimed that there is a "deep state"
throughout the government working against him.
"Sir, I've only been there for a little while. I can’t
believe that it's ever been there. These are
professionals who sacrifice so much to serve

Conservative Demolishes Former Hillary Clinton Staffer
On CNN Over Clinton Foundation [VIDEO]
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
7:43 PM 01/06/2018

Conservative CNN contributor Scott Jennings brought the and I believe that Jeff Sessions, in an effort to
facts to CNN commentator and former Clinton campaign save his own job has now complied with the
staffer Patti Solis Doyle over an investigation into the President’s wishes. We have been through a
Clinton Foundation Saturday. vigorous FBI investigation of Secretary Clinton’s
e-mails. The FBI also looked into the Clinton
WATCH: Foundation and found that there was not
enough ‘there there’ to pursue any kind of
investigation. And now, lo and behold, because
the president has been tweeting about it, they
are now taking it up.”

(RELATED: Hillary Clinton Tells WaPo That Trump

Is ‘A Little Obsessed’ With Her)

Conservative CNN contributor Scott Jennings responded,

“Yeah, well, that’s a great story but it doesn’t

match up with the facts. I mean, here are the
facts. Number one, this investigation of the
Doyle, a former manager of Hillary Clinton’s presidential Clinton Foundation started under the Obama
campaign, said in response to the news that the Justice administration and according to the reporting
Department is investigating the Clinton Foundation, today, it was never closed. Number two, the
Clinton Foundation, we know from reporting,
routinely did not disclose major donors, such as
“I think this is as clear as it appears to be, and massive contributions from the Algerian
that is President Trump and Republicans in government. Number three, we know that when
Congress are trying to deflect from the current Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she was
Russia probe by saying, but look, ‘Hillary is the routinely asked to take meetings with Clinton
one who used a private e-mail server and, look, Foundation donors.”
Hillary is the one.’ So, I think it’s very clear.
President Trump has been livid with AG
Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia He added,
investigation. He has let him know that. He has
let the entire country know that. He has been “Honestly, this sounds like something worth
tweeting that the FBI needs to investigate looking into to me. I don’t know what’s going to
Secretary Clinton.” come of it and I’m not going to sit here and say
something definitely happened that was illegal,
She continued, but when you look at the facts as they exist, it
sounds like it ought to be looked into and I’m
glad the FBI is continuing something they
“He has been doing a coordinated campaign started under the Obama administration.”
with Fox News and Republicans in Congress,

Washington Post Reporter Slaps
Down Wolff's False Claim About Him
By P.J. Gladnick
January 7, 2018 3:23 PM EST

Even many reporters from liberal publications are And I was confused because as I told my
questioning the veracity of Michael Wolff's book of colleague not only was I not at this
gossip, Fire and Fury. The latest such person who reveals breakfast but I was never at the Four
just how laughable the vetting process of Wolff's book was Seasons in DC.
is Mark Berman, a reporter at the Washington Post. Wolff
placed Berman among others attending a breakfast at the WHITFIELD: Okay and then you read the excerpt or it
Four Seasons restaurant with Ivanka Trump. It turns out was brought to your attention. What was your initial
that Berman was most definitely not there and he had a reaction?
very good reason for not attending as he revealed to anchor
Fredricka Whitfield on CNN Newsroom on Saturday. BERMAN: I was a little befuddled, I'm not going to lie.
We spent a few minutes in the newsroom trying to figure
out who it could have been. We debated well it could have
been another reporter named Mark from the Post, we have
another one. We weren't sure for a little while. After I
tweeted a screen shot of this section of the book listing me,
Alex Burns from the New York Times, he suggested that
maybe it was Mike Berman, a lobbyist, a very well-known
lobbyist in D.C. And I e-mailed him and he confirmed he
was there that day.

And here is Mark Berman's tweet with the screen shot of

Wolff's erroneous section:

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD: Michael Wolff is under fire

himself after several errors have been pointed out from a
variety of people, from the White House on down, in his
book. One of them namely the appearance of The
Washington Post reporter Mark Berman.

Well, his name appeared in this book as

being somebody at a breakfast at the
Four Seasons in Washington, D.C. Well,
now that Washington Post reporter is
actually saying he wasn’t there at the
Four Seasons and why is he in that book

Mark Berman is with us now, a Washington Post national

reporter. So, Mark, the context in which you understand
your name came up in this Fire and Fury is what?

MARK BERMAN: A colleague actually told me about it

yesterday, a colleague e-mailed me to see if I was aware
that I was mentioned in the book and then to ask if I had
any notes about this breakfast at the Four Season I was
mentioned as attending.

Now back to Berman's interview revealing yet more errors what is about to be printed is right. You
in Wollf's book. have editors and everybody else who look
at the copy, too. So what is your instinct tell
WHITFIELD: Interesting, and then one of you about this kind of error in a book that’s
the other things you knew kind of getting this kind of attention and how that
eliminated the possibility that it was you potentially impacts everything else that you
was because do I understand that you might read in the book?
had someone who was born that day, BERMAN: Well, I mean, obviously it
like your child, so maybe you couldn’t speaks to the fact that at least some
have been there? things apparently got through this
process without being vetted fully. You
BERMAN: That also came to my attention. There was a know, once I tweeted a screen shot of this
Politico story that was actually written about that breakfast one paragraph of the book, other people
a few days later and the Politico story mentioned a number pointed out there were two other errors in
of the people who were there. It mentioned Ivanka, it the same paragraph. Wilbur Ross is
mentioned representative Pelosi and so I looked at the date mentioned as being the nominee to lead
of that and I thought that’s weird, the Labor Department. He was actually
nominated and is now the head of the
the Friday before that would have been Commerce Department. And Hilary Rosen
the very same morning that my second is mentioned and her name is misspelled.
daughter was born. So I don’t think I A couple of these little errors, they raise
was at the Four Seasons that day. questions about the level of fact checking
and editing. At the same time, I have not
read the full book and I do not cover the
Yeah, so Mark Berman had a pretty good reason to
white House but a number of political
remember the day Wolff incorrectly placed him at a Four
reporters and people who do and who have
Seasons breakfast.
said there are parts of the book that ring
and parts that ring false.
Finally some commentary from Berman on Wolff's
horrible vetting process: So three errors just in one of the Wolff's
analyzed paragraphs. How many more
must there be? Mix a few facts with a lot of
WHITFIELD: We’re laughing about it now
fiction and you have a book designed to
but it is kind of serious because particularly
temporarily fulfill the desperate cravings of
in our business of journalism and Michael
anti-Trump liberals resulting in high sales to
Wolff also professes to be a journalist and
those emotionally needy folks. In such a
writer and author of a book, accuracy and
business plan facts are just a sideshow so
detail is so important. You double, triple,
why bother with the effort of intensive
quadruple check things. And when you’re
vetting since it might remove the juiciest
talking about quoting somebody or placing
gossip from the book and hurt sales.
someone in a place, we all as journalists go
through great lengths to make sure that Ka-CHING!

Nikki Haley Defends Trump's
Mental Stability By Pointing To First Year
By Kyle Feldscher
Jan 7, 2018, 10:53 AM

“Was he unstable when we finally put North

Korea on notice? Was he unstable when she
said we need to look at Iran because this is
becoming a dangerous situation? Was he
unstable with the jobs or the economy or the
stock market? We need to be realistic with the
fact that, every person — regardless of race,
religion, or party — who loves the country,
should support this president. It’s that

Nikki Haley questioned critics who believe President

The Trump administration is dealing with the fallout from
Trump is mentally unstable because he’s been able to
Fire and Fury this week, as many members of the
accomplish passing tax reform and ordered a military
administration took to the Sunday shows to defend
strike on Syria.
Trump’s mental aptitude.

Haley said on ABC’s “This Week” those critics who say On CNN, White House aide Stephen Miller said Trump is
Trump is mentally unstable, such as those who spoke with
actually a genius, just as he tweeted on Saturday.
the author of the White House tell-all book Fire and Fury:
Inside the Trump White House, by pointing to their
silence when Trump made progress on some goals during “It reads like an angry, vindictive person
the first year of his presidency. spouting off to a highly discredible author. The
book is best understood as a work of very
poorly written fiction. And I also will say that the
“As much as everyone wants to talk about author is a garbage author of a garbage book,”
stability, was he unstable when he passed tax Miller said.
reform? Was he unstable when we finally hit
back at Syria and said no more chemical
weapons?” she said.

Tapper Cuts Off Bizarre Shouting
Match Interview With Trump Adviser:
‘I’ve Wasted Enough Of My Viewers’ Time’
Trump Tweets Approval: Tapper 'Got Destroyed'
BY: David Rutz
January 7, 2018 9:42 Am

"I'm sure he's watching and he's happy you said


"You can be as condescending as you want. It's

part of your MO," Miller said.

CNN host Jake Tapper cut off a bizarre and fiery interview
Sunday with White House adviser Stephen Miller about
President Donald Trump's mental acuity, CNN's coverage
of the administration and the truthfulness of Michael
Wolff's explosive new book.
Tapper replied he had no idea why Miller was going hard
It was clear from the outset Miller was there to do battle after CNN, and the two men repeatedly spoke over one
for the president. another.

Miller quickly lit into Fire and Fury: Inside Trump's White Miller said CNN did "24 hours of negative anti-
House and blasted former White House strategist Steve Trump hysterical coverage" that led to false
Bannon, saying his critical comments about the reporting.
administration in Wolff's book were "grotesque."
"I think the viewers right now can ascertain who
"The book is best understood as a work of very is being hysterical," Tapper said.
poorly written fiction," Miller said, going on to
call Wolff a "garbage author."
At one point, Tapper told Miller to "settle down."
The book's characterization of Trump as a petulant child,
Miller said, was false and vindictive, and he made a point The host tried to shift the conversation back to Bannon and
of calling Trump a "political genius." Trump's recent claim that his role in the campaign and
administration had been overstated. Tapper pointed to his
influence on various key issues like immigration, but
Miller also blasted CNN's coverage of the book, saying it Miller stood firm.
gave the network "joy to stick the knife in."
Once Tapper asked Miller about Trump's recent tweets
When Miller again lavishly praised Trump as a genius and calling himself a "very stable genius," Miller again pivoted
successful businessman, Tapper quipped that to blasting CNN and the "toxic environment" it had created
with its hostile coverage.

Tapper seemed to lose patience as Miller blasted the "Watch the hatred and unfairness of this CNN
"extremely fake news" put out by CNN. flunky!" he wrote.

"Stephen, I get it. There's one viewer that you

care about right now, and you're being
obsequious … in order to please him," Tapper
said. "I think I've wasted enough of my viewers'

He went to the next segment, and another terrific Sunday

show interview was in the books.

UPDATE, 10:17 A.M.: It went over well with Trump,

who tweeted later that morning that Tapper "got
destroyed" by his aide.

Bannon Apologizes
For Anti-Trump Comments In Wolff Book
‘Fire And Fury’ Book Had Prompted President Trump
To Denounce Bannon
January 7, 2018

providing a statement to Axios that

expresses “regret” to President Trump and
praises his son, Donald Trump Jr.

– “Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a

good man. He has been relentless in his
advocacy for his father and the agenda that has
helped turn our country around.”

– “My support is also unwavering for the

Image Credits: Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images. president and his agenda — as I have shown
daily in my national radio broadcasts, on the
Battered by the backlash from Michael pages of Breitbart News and in speeches and
Wolff’s book, Steve Bannon is trying to appearances from Tokyo and Hong Kong to
make amends with the Trump family, Arizona and Alabama.”

CNN’s Stelter Glorifies Media For Finally Drawing
Attention Trump’s Mental Problems
By Nicholas Fondacaro
January 7, 2018 4:57 PM EST

But where was the questioning of mental fitness when

President Obama warned North Korea that the U.S. could
utterly destroy the regime? It would send the wrong
impression if the U.S. didn’t respond to Kim Jung Un’s
flamboyant rhetoric.

In a head tuning moment, Stelter talked about

how “journalists are not judges or doctors.”
He argued what was needed now was “not
more speculating or guessing or rumor
mongering but real reporting of what’s
going on.”
CNN’s media reporter Brian Stelter got his long-awaited
wish granted last week the liberal media en mass started
openly questioned President Trump’s mental acuity
followed the release of Fire and Fury, the dubiously
sourced anti-Trump book that was light on facts but loaded
with gossip. Despite how his show was called “Reliable
Sources,” Stelter spent his entire Sunday show glorifying
the book and praising those calling the President’s mental
stability into question.

“The tip-toeing is over! The whispers are

turning into shouts! President Trump's
fitness for office is now the top story in the
country. Reporters and some lawmakers are While it is true that Stelter was being a massive hypocrite
openly talking about the President's mental there, seeing as he had spent numerous months on his
stability, his health, his competency,” Stelter show pushing such partisan smears, it was meant to
bombastically declared at the start of his show. forward the process to remove Trump from office. He’s
basically saying that, for him and others on the far-left,
Stelter lauded how Trump’s mental health went from a their claims were no longer just speculation but an
fringe smear that he and other hyper-partisans peddled to a indisputable fact that needed to be treated as such.
“global story.” He highlighted how a UK paper owned by
Rupert Murdock and a German paper were running To add to his argument, Stelter brought on
headlines such as: “Carl Bernstein, a CNN political analyst, who
has been –I would say-- leading these
“Is Donald Trump Still Sane?” “But many conversations, leading these questions
Americans are worried and journalists need about the President's fitness.” “You and I
to cover that,” he opined. have talked about this in recent months,” he
“Let's be honest here, it's not just the book
that is forcing this fitness issue to the “We're in a real constitutional crisis in an
forefront,” Stelter chided. “When a president unprecedented place where we as a country
of the United States threatens North Korea and where we as journalists have never
by invoking the size of his nuclear button, it been before,” Bernstein bloviated. “We as a
is fair to ask about his fitness.” country and where we as journalists have
never been before in which a huge part of
the citizenry of our country and the
leadership of the country in Congress, CNN
privately and in public, openly questioned Reliable Sources
the fitness and stability of the president of January 7, 2018
the United States.” 11:00:07 AM Eastern

Bernstein was perplexed by the mystery of how BRIAN STELTER: But let's begin with the top story this weekend.
“journalists” like himself should go about reporting on the
President’s insanity. The CNN analyst had a sudden and The tip-toeing is over. The whispers are
miraculous respect for the reporters at Fox News and turning into shouts. President Trump's
claimed they were the only ones who really had a chance fitness for office is now the top story in the
to get the truth out. What made their praise even more country. Reporters and some lawmakers are
vexing was that Stelter and Bernstein have spent a lot of openly talking about the President's mental
airtime denouncing Fox News reporters for being stability, his health, his competency.
propagandists for Trump.
Now partly, that is because of this new Michael Wolff book.
[Holds up book] You know, Wolff claims that White House aides
are united in the belief that Trump is incapable of being
president. He backs this up several different ways. Including by
quoting Steve Bannon, saying things like: "Trump has lost it" and
"He's lost his stuff."

This is now a global story. One of Rupert

Murdoch's papers in the UK went with the
headline: “Trump's Mental Health
Questioned by a Top Aide.” And the
translation of the German headline in the
middle asks: “Is Donald Trump Still Sane?”
The pontificating Bernstein wanted Fox News to send an
army of reporters to Capitol Hill to badger Congressional Trump's answer, of course, via Twitter is that two of his greatest
Republicans about the President’s mental health. assets are his “mental stability and being, like, really smart.” I
kind of got the sense that Murdoch's New York Post was making
“It is incumbent upon them as leaders and fun of him this morning. The headline says, "Don't worry,
us at journalists to force the question with America."
them: What do you really think about the
president of the United States and his But many Americans are worried and
fitness to serve and his stability and how do journalists need to cover that.
we deal with this? Are we in a constitutional
crisis, Speaker Ryan, Leader McConnell,’” he

According to Bernstein we were in such strange and trying

time that a new kind reporting had to be invented:

“We are not advocates here. We are not

psychiatrists. We are reporters and now we
have to almost invent a new kind of
reporting to cover a new kind of story and
reporters best in place to do that are some
great reporters over at Fox News.”
Let's be honest here, it's not just the book
Whatever kind of reporting Bernstein claimed needed to be that is forcing this fitness issue to the
invented doesn’t sound like one based on facts, logic, and forefront. When a president of the United
reason but one based on speculation, hyperbole, and States threatens North Korea by invoking
political vendettas. the size of his nuclear button, it is fair to ask
about his fitness. If a leader of another
Relevant portions of the transcript below: country were to do the same thing, I think
many commentators, many reporters will
conclude that he is not well. This past year
has been full of reasons to question his place where we as a country and where we
fitness. as journalists have never been before in
which a huge part of the citizenry of our
President Trump promotes conspiracy theories. He shares racist country and the leadership of the country in
videos on social media. He live-tweets Fox News shows that Congress, privately and in public, openly
mislead him while he derives real reporting as fake news. He questioned the fitness and stability of the
calls for the prosecution of political opponents. He insults people president of the United States. So it raises a
for fun. He says so many flat-out false things that journalists can great question: How do we report on this
barely keep up. The Washington Post counts nearly 2,000 false reality?
or misleading statements since Election Day.
Meanwhile, abroad, leaders are questioning the fitness of the
But -- and here is the but – president of the United States and whether or not the country is
in good hands. This is a reporting challenge unlike any other.
- journalists are not judges or doctors. This
is not a court or a hospital. What this (…)
moment needs from reporters is more
reporting. Not more speculating or guessing BERNSTEIN: It is incumbent upon them as
or rumor mongering but real reporting of leaders and us at journalists to force the
what’s going on. question with them: What do you really think
about the president of the United States and
(…) his fitness to serve and his stability and how
do we deal with this? Are we in a
constitutional crisis, Speaker Ryan, Leader
We're going to get deep into that in this hour but let's begin with
the one, the only,

These are unprecedented questions in terms of how we pose

Carl Bernstein, a CNN political analyst, who
them, what we do as reporters.
has been –I would say-- leading these
conversations, leading these questions
about the President's fitness Carl, you and I We are not advocates here. We are not
have talked about this in recent months. psychiatrists. We are reporters and now we
have to almost invent a new kind of
reporting to cover a new kind of story and
Has something changed in your view this week?
reporters best in place to do that are some
great reporters over at Fox News.
CARL BERNSTEIN: Yes. We're in a real
constitutional crisis in an unprecedented

Voters Drafted A Reluctant Trump
Because They Hated Hillary That Much
By Ted Rall
January 8, 2018

I’ve been saying, for over a year, that Donald Trump is a If Wolff and Bannon are to be believed — and so far, there
dog who caught a car: he wanted to run for president, not is no reason not to — Trump didn’t want the job. His team
be president. wanted him to lose. “Once he lost, Trump would be both
insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary,” Wolff
Looks like my theory is confirmed. writes. “His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would
be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become
the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne
“Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night,
Conway would be a cable-news star. Melania Trump, who
when the unexpected trend — Trump might
had been assured by her husband that he wouldn’t become
actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr.
president, could return to inconspicuously lunching.
told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he
Losing would work out for everybody. Losing was
calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost.
Melania was in tears — and not of joy,” winning.”
writes Michael Wolff in an excerpt from his
book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump Wanting to lose explains Trump’s refusal to contribute to
White House. There was, in the space of his own run. It explains his barebones campaign, with its
little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s weird lack of field offices, his sleepy national HQ and his
not unamused observation, a befuddled cheapskate approach to TV ads. The dude ran for president
Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump yet refused to spend the night in a hotel room.
and then into a horrified Trump.”
As Hillary Clinton might ask: What happened?
Clearly, Trump has pivoted.
The voters insisted upon Trump.
The celebrity real estate magnate has stopped worrying.
Long forgotten are his reluctant move to D.C., his fantasies It’s difficult for Democrats to hear, but it’s true.
of governing from his brass-trimmed Manhattan aerie. He
has learned to love love love the bully pulpit. The Republicans voted for Trump because Republican voters
presidency even comes with the ultimate Christmas gift for always vote Republican. But it was the swing voters who
the megalomaniacal narcissist in your life: the power of put him over the top. They voted for Trump despite his
life and death over humans, animals and plants! crazy rhetoric, his violent rallies and his incoherent
promises. They were determined to howl their ballotbox
Wolff’s revelation by way of Steve Bannon is worth cris de coeur. After decades of NAFTA and outsourcing
reflecting upon for two reasons. and Rust Beltification and H1-B visas for foreigners while
American tech workers can’t find work, they demanded to
First is another first. be heard. They did that by voting for Trump.

Trump may be America’s first certifiably insane president. Trump isn’t merely devoted to his base. He is beholden to
He is probably the most ignorant — and we’ve had some them. They put him in the White House even though he
doozies. He is certainly the first without any political or didn’t want to go.
high-level military experience whatsoever. What we now
know is at least as remarkable as those bulletpoints: Trump The second takeaway here is that Hillary was an even
is effectively the first president drafted into the position. worse candidate than her biggest detractors (cough cough)
believed. Ruminate on this: she lost to a man who tried to
Vice presidents have been elevated to the Oval Office lose.
unexpectedly. But the possibility of winding up behind the
big desk was always on their minds. They were political A man with no experience.
With no campaign. neoliberal BS was discredited at the polls yet the party
bosses and Dem-aligned media outlets keep shoving it
A nut. down voters’ throats. Because progressivism and socialism
are more popular but can’t get any air until a big sharp
stake is driven through the undead heart of soulless
You may be asking yourself here, why keep bashing
centrism once and for all (I’m looking at you, Tim Kaine
Hillary? Why not leave her alone and move on?
and Kamala Harris.)
Because Clinton won’t leave us alone. Because
So think on that a while. Hillary Clinton was so sucky that
Clintonism, centrism, Third Wayism, DLCism are still
she lost to the suckiest, stupidest, losingest candidate
running the Democratic Party. Because her corporate
anyone ever dreamed of.

Bannon Releases FULL STATEMENT After ‘Fire And
Fury’ Debacle: Defends DON Jr.; FULLY Backs Trump
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 8, 2018

“Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a

good man”

(National Sentinel) MIA Mea Culpa: Breitbart News

chief and former presidential political strategist Steve
Bannon on Sunday issued a full statement of support for
President Donald J. Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr.,
following massive fall-out over comments he allegedly
made to author Michael Wolff for his new book.

Bannon had come under fire from the president and his son
over comments he allegedly made to Wolff for his new
book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

Several critics have questioned the veracity of Wolff’s

accounts after he himself said in an author’s note contained
within the book that he could not verify everything he

That said, observers note that Bannon’s mea culpa

suggests his comments were accurate.

Among other things, Wolff quoted former top Trump

political strategist Steve Bannon as saying that Donald
Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump
Tower in June 2016 as being treasonous.

He also predicted that special counsel Robert Mueller’s

ongoing investigation is focusing on “money laundering”

involving former campaign manager Paul Manafort, Don everyone knows Donald Trump Jr. is a
Jr., and Kushner. patriot.
“The statement was clear, not too soft and
“This was a smart move for Steve keeps Steve Bannon in place as a top
Bannon,” The Gateway Pundit noted. voice for the #MAGA movement,” the site
“Everyone knew the comments in ‘Fire and noted further.
Fury’ were taken out of context. And

Rush Limbaugh's Memo To The Media:
Trump Is Not The Dangerous Nut
By Tim Graham
January 8, 2018 6:37 AM EST

On his Friday show, Rush Limbaugh responded to the And if they’re not smart in the way these people think
brouhaha over Michael Wolff’s over-the-top book they’re smart, then of course we get what we’re getting
claiming everyone who works for President Trump knows today. This is absurd, folks! Michael Wolff’s book:
he’s mentally unfit for office. Limbaugh said the American Everybody who knows Donald Trump thinks that he is
people ought to compare Trump to Barack Obama and ask unfit, 100 percent think Donald Trump is a moron and
which president truly seemed insane in what he was doing describe him as a child, 100 percent of the people around
in office. Trump say he’s lost his mind?

Limbaugh suggested the Washington-New York And this from an author who admits he’s not sure
intelligentsia just cannot grasp someone who doesn’t everything in his book is true and who admits that he said
observe their norms, can’t imagine that Trump is whatever he had to say to get his story, which he admits is
demonstrating any smarts: not all true.

I have long held, ladies and gentlemen,

we need to redefine “smart” in this
country. Because there are a lot of
stupid people who do a lot of dangerous
and dumb things. And they are
considered the smartest people in the
world. Example number one is Hillary
Clinton. Example number two is Barack
Hussein Obama.

Everyone knows how the liberal media seem almost

required to exclaim with goosebumps that the Clintons and
RUSH LIMBAUGH: more than at any time in the last
Obamas are some of the smartest, most compassionate
three years it is abundantly clear and over-the-top evident
Americans who have ever lived. (See Chris Matthews or
that very few people inside Washington, in the
Joy Reid.) Limbaugh cited Obama's urgent pandering to
establishment, inside the Beltway in American politics
Iran to add to his "legacy" of "peacemaking," which
have the slightest idea who Donald Trump is. It has never
sounds more like givingy our enemy everything he needs
been more obvious that they are incapable, even if they
to destroy you:
wanted to understand Donald Trump, I don’t think it’s
possible. I don’t think the kind of people we are talking
about have the ability to understand someone so unlike

Now we start talking about, “Well, this president’s is

insane. Uh, this president is unfit! Uh, uh, this president is
dangerous. He shouldn’t be around buttons that lead to
weapons and bombs. Uh, uh, this president, 25th
Amendment.” They haven’t the slightest clue who he is.
You know, I’ve always had a saying. The guy who thinks
he’s smarter than his wife has no idea how truly smart she
LIMBAUGH: Let me give you a side-by-side, A-B
It’s the same applicable thing here. These people are
comparison to give you an idea what I mean. One
simply incapable of thinking anybody could possibly be president breaks laws to get billions of dollars flown
as smart as they are. illegally, pallets of cash into the hands of the people who
run the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran, And the people around Obama should have been petrified
and they export it. And this president does everything he when he was doing this. The only problem is they all think
can to get them hundreds of millions of dollars in cash. alike. They all act alike, and they all believe alike.
This same country to whom we gave this cash is
committed to creating a nuclear arsenal delivered by They’re so stupid and shortsighted they
ICBMs, all of which are known to be under development, think the United States of America is the
because this president enabled them to move forward on problem.
their research.
It’s unfair that the United States has such an advantage.
The other president is working to stop all of this. The other It’s only fair that the Iranians get nuclear weapons.
president is working to unwind this insane deal and do Nobody told us we couldn’t have them. Who are we to say
what he can to prevent this state sponsor of terrorism from they can’t? That’s stupid! But the guy trying to prevent
getting nuclear weapons. Now, who’s the smart one and that from happening is now said to be insane and unfit for
who’s the dumb one? office.

Is what Barack Hussein Obama did [HT: Tim Hains, Real Clear Politics]
smart? No! It’s stupid! It’s dangerous,
and it’s idiotic.

Trey Gowdy RIPS Suspected LEAKER Adam Schiff Over
Outrageous Claim Of Trump-Russia Collusion (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 8, 2018

“You can’t have confidence” in the findings “The ranking Democrat on the House Intel
of the ongoing House Intelligence Committee (Schiff) had evidence of
Committee “investigation when the ranking collusion before we interviewed our very
Democrat prejudges it” first witness!” Gowdy continued.
“Almost 60 Democrats voted to move
forward with impeachment. Already!”
Gowdy said incredulously.
“Before Bob Mueller’s released a single
finding, before the House Intelligence or
Senate Intelligence Committees have
released a single, solitary finding, almost
60 House Democrats think the president
ought to be removed from office and Adam
(National Sentinel) Hot Under The Collar: On Sunday, Schiff says he has evidence of collusion,”
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., tore into House Intelligence Gowdy said as Maria Bartiromo shook her
Committee ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., head.
during an appearance on Fox News, heavily criticizing the
process of the committee’s ongoing probe into suspected Gowdy went on, pointing out that there are still several
“collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia. witnesses who need to be interviewed to which Bartiromo
In an interview with Maria Bartiromo, Gowdy said that
Schiff, who is also under suspicion for leaking details of “That is infuriating”.
the committee’s proceedings, has made several “Well, it’s only infuriating if you have high
unsubstantiated claims regarding the collusion narrative in expectations,” Gowdy replied.
order to help his bid for the U.S. Senate.
The South Carolina Republican then hit Schiff for
“How long is this going to go on? Because grandstanding ahead of an expected bid for Sen. Dianne
we still haven’t had any evidence of any Feinstein amid rumors she may not run for reelection.
collusion,” Bartiromo said.
“When is it appropriate for [special counsel] Schiff has continued to claim that there is evidence of
Bob Mueller to come out and say, yes, collusion between President Donald J. Trump’s 2016
definitively there’s no collusion here, but campaign and the Russian government, but so far no
what I have uncovered is collusion at the evidence has been produced to support the allegation
top of the FBI between FBI leadership and despite more than a year’s worth of investigating by the
Hillary Clinton?” she pressed. FBI, Justice Department, and several congressional
At that, Gowdy ripped Schiff.
When he has been pressured to cite the evidence, Schiff
“Well Maria some of my Democratic falls back on allegations that have already been vetted
colleagues, namely Adam Schiff, said he publicly, critics note.
had evidence, more than circumstantial
evidence of collusion, before the “You can’t have confidence” in the findings
investigation even began so keep that in of the ongoing House Intelligence
mind,” Gowdy said. Committee “investigation when the ranking
Democrat prejudges it before we’ve

interviewed your very first witness,” an
exasperated Gowdy said, in reference to

Here is the exchange between Bartiromo and Gowdy:

Nolte: Jake Tapper’s Mask Slips
As He Hurls Childish Insults At Stephen Miller
By John Nolte
8 Jan 2018

With all due respect to Greenwald (an openly left-wing

journalist I do respect), that is simply untrue.

To begin with, no one is angry about Tapper interrupting

Miller. We expect that from journalists. Politicians arrive
on TV to push their message. Partisan anchors invite them
on to demand answers on specific questions. This has been
true since the invention of TV. Interruptions are expected
and the least of Tapper’s problems.

Let me begin by asking everyone to accept Greenwald’s

challenge. Please do compare Tapper’s interview with
Schiff here to his interview with Miller here.
This time it was not his increasing
estrangement from the truth that turned I’ll wait.
CNN’s Jake Tapper into a Sunday
morning laughingstock, it was the fact To begin with, Tapper is nowhere near as aggressive with
that he behaved like a 13-year-old girl Schiff as he was with Miller. Also, Tapper begins his
who did not get enough sleep. His interview with Schiff by offering the Democrat a lay-up
absurdly unprofessional interview with question about Trump’s “stable genius” comment.
White House senior adviser Stephen Tapper’s first question to Miller was to ask if President
Miler was filled with enough childish Trump colluded with Russians at Trump Tower.
insults to fill the Dear Diary of any surly
teenager. Secondly, by volunteering his own opinion that Trump
does indeed “cast a dark cloud” over the decision, Tapper
In an effort to deflect from his adolescent behavior, the goes so far as to reaffirm Schiff’s criticism of the FBI re-
left-wing Tapper retweeted Glenn Greenwald defending opening investigations against Hillary Clinton. Democrats
the fact that Tapper kept interrupting Miller… sure got it good.

“For those angry at @JakeTapper for Nevertheless, Tapper does press Schiff on a couple of
cutting off Stephen Miller … watch his awkward questions. It must also be acknowledged that
aggressive interview today of the always Schiff is not at all combative — but has no real need to be
slippery @RepAdamSchiff,” Greenwald when interview by someone on the same side — whereas
said, adding, “He treats everyone Miller swung into the studio on a vine gripping a knife
equally[.]” between his teeth — God bless him.
For those angry at @JakeTapper for
cutting off Stephen Miller (who was But even if you grant Greenwald all of his points, there is
incredibly obnoxious & refused to abide by one very clear difference between Tapper’s Schiff
basic protocol of letting others talk), watch interview and the Miller interview, and that is Tapper’s
his aggressive interview today of the relentless stream of hostile, deeply personal, objectively
always slippery @RepAdamSchiff. He unprofessional insults — behavior that would not only
treats everyone equally result in a third-grader banging erasers after school (is my age showing?), but is way outside the norms of what we
expect from those who pose as objective journalists.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
January 7, 2018
Here is a sampling of Tapper’s unrelenting cheap shots Obviously angry and over-matched, even as Miller was
against Miller: talking, Tapper abruptly ended the interview with…

…”I’m sure [Trump’s] watching and he’s “I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’
happy that you said that.” time.”
…”I think the viewers right now can
ascertain who’s hysterical.” While Ann Coulter is correct that it was actually Tapper
who was playing to an audience of one — his Svengali Jeff
…”because it’s my show and I don’t want to Zucker — hats off to Miller, who brilliantly pressured
do that.” Tapper to a point where the mask slipped more than just a
…”Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, settle little.
down, settle down, settle down.”
As we saw on Election Night, when the pressure is on,
As Miller continued to get the best of him, Tapper Tapper reveals his true left-wing self, and it is never pretty:
retreated to where he frequently retreats when rattled:

Spreading disinformation, which came in

the form of this poorly worded-cheap piece
of Very Jake News…
“The president has an approval rating in
the 30s, I don’t know what “magical” you’re
talking about.”

That is empirically untrue. Every recent poll has Trump at

40 percent or higher, as does the Real Clear Politics poll of

Then the Tapper meltdown occurred…

…”Stephen, I get it. You have one viewer

you care about right now [Trump] and
you’re being obsequious right now
[garbled] in order to please him.”…

The Russia Thing
By Andrew Day
January 8, 2018

Try, if you can, to enter into the perspective of an ordinary

Michigander who voted for Trump, but is persuadable that
he should not do so again. Voters of this sort are relatively
rare – but decisive. Joe Michigan likely worries deeply
about ballooning health care costs and stagnant wages, but
very little about Vladimir Putin. Joe is understandably
unlikely to be convinced that foreign agents clandestinely
caused him to vote for Trump. Nevertheless, suppose he is
open to the collusion narrative, and that a latent patriotism
gives him pause when he ponders it. Though sporadically
attentive to politics, he can plainly sense that the
Democrats and media hold Trump in palpable disdain, that
they are confidently issuing disturbing accusations against
the President, and that they expect this story will finally –
and gloriously – bring down our Twitter Tyrant.
In a recent interview, journalist Luke Harding failed to
substantiate the central thesis – indeed, the title – of his Now consider this: What if Robert Mueller’s ongoing
bestselling book, Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty investigation concludes that Trump was not directly
Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win. implicated in misconduct? What if Mueller announces that
That Putin “helped Trump win” is prima facie plausible, collusion never occurred? What will Joe from Michigan –
but what is the empirical evidence? Aaron Maté subjected and millions like him – think then?
Harding’s lurid argument – that the Kremlin began
cultivating Trump decades ago in order to “hack” an
election – to incisive scrutiny. If that is how things play out, Trump will not only appear
vindicated, but victorious over partisan opponents and
“Fake News.” It will inflate his brand as a populist
The result, as Harding’s reddening cheeks strongman defying liberal elites who do not respect the
revealed, was embarrassing. will of Red America. Many will view him as a fearless
leader weathering a tempest conjured by “globalist” forces
It would be unfair to single Harding out for asserting to sink him and his movement.
without much evidence that Russia catapulted a Putin
stooge into the White House. Maté is, in fact, an outlier for He will seem what he desperately wishes to be: a winner.
maintaining a healthy skepticism about this story (a His ego and reelection chances will swell. Blindsided
“collusion rejectionist,” in Harding’s phrase). Indeed, the Democrats will be left directionless. The news industry’s
specter of collusion has been so consuming a journalistic credibility will collapse, perhaps irreversibly. And should
obsession it has distracted from the GOP’s assaults on the Trump commit impeachable offenses later, it will be
environment, the working poor, and global peace. profoundly challenging to persuade conservatives and
moderates that this time the case against him is real.
The Democratic Party too has become captivated by the
fantasy that collusion will someday be not only proven but It is not merely strategically ill-advised – it is politically
somehow sufficient to oust the President from the Oval harrowing – for Democrats to put all their eggs in one
Office. It is not obvious how this Russian cloud – Russian basket. Fortunately, there are many better baskets
increasingly black, but persistently insubstantial – might to choose from.
produce enough rain to wash the Trump era away, nor
whether President Pence is a ray of sunshine worth hoping
for. Journalists, Democrats, and concerned Americans Donald Trump is deeply unpopular. Congressional
would be prudent to reconsider not only the evidence, but Republicans are even more widely loathed. On important
the politics of such wishful thinking. issues – taxation, entitlements, the minimum wage, climate
change – progressive policies are vastly more popular than
conservative ones. The GOP is utterly dominant at all

levels of politics, but in many ways it is weak. If the resistance need not make its political fortunes dependent
Democratic Party is remotely competent, it should be able on the findings of an unpredictable investigation, nor on
to take power easily in this environment. But competence the claims of hyperventilating reporters.
requires keeping it together under pressure.
We must wait to see what Mueller’s team comes up with.
In 2016, the Democrats lost to the guy from The In the meantime, Democrats should present a bold,
Apprentice. To the extent that the collusion narrative progressive vision to the American people that addresses
displaces blame for that embarrassment to a foreign the working class’s material concerns and offers an
adversary, it also inhibits the left’s ability to correct past optimistic alternative to the GOP’s dark politics.
mistakes and seize present opportunities. Fortunately, the

Trump: ‘I Hope’ Gary Cohn Will Stay In My
Administration ‘For A Long Time’
By Charlie Spiering
8 Jan 2018

Trump called him up to the podium during a press

conference in Camp David.

“Come here, Gary. Come here. Are you

happy, Gary?” Trump asked as Cohn
stepped up in front of the cameras. “He’s
just passed a very big bill. I think he’s pretty

Cohn said he was happy, but he did not confirm he would


“Yes, I’m happy,” he replied. “How’s that?”

On Friday, Cohn indicated that he would stay but did not

President Donald Trump urged former say how long.
Goldman Sachs COO and senior White
House economic adviser Gary Cohn to
stay in the White House, despite a “I’m here today, and I’m here next week,”
complicated relationship with the he told CNBC.
In December, Cohn told Axios reporter Mike Allen that he
“Gary, hopefully, will be staying for a long was staying in the administration to help Trump’s
time,” Trump said when reporters asked if
infrastructure agenda.
Cohn would remain.
“I’m staying,” he said shortly in an
Trump joked to the press that if Cohn left, he would be
interview. “The last year of my life has
probably been the most fascinating that I’ve
ever had.”
“Now, if he leaves, I’m going to say I’m very
happy that he left, okay?”

ABC Legal Analyst: Ousting Trump
Through 25th Amendment A ‘Liberal Pipe Dream’
By Kristine Marsh
January 8, 2018 12:14 PM EST

ABRAMS: First you have to get the vice president and

then you have to get the majority of the cabinet. If the
president then objects to that you have to get two-thirds of
the House and Senate.

With impeachment you only need the

majority of the House so if the president
is going to be kicked out of office based
on a constitutional principle, it's going
to be impeachment. It's not going to be
the 25th Amendment.

Despite agenda-driven journalists like Michael Wolff

gushing to CBS This Morning that President Trump could
be ousted out of office through the 25th Amendment, not
everyone in the liberal media is buying it.

ABC’s legal analyst and Mediaite founder Dan Abrams

dismissed the latest strategy liberals were arguing as a
legal way to get Trump out of office.

On Monday's Good Morning America, Abrams told co-

host George Stephanopoulos that the 25th Amendment was
nothing but a “liberal pipe dream”:
Despite this, Wolff and other liberal journalists are still
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Of all suggesting this is a truly legitimate strategy for getting
these questions about the president's what they want.
mental capacity Dan, and Michael Wolff,
the author said yesterday that some of On CBS This Morning, Wolff told co-host Norah
these aides even talk about invoking the O’Donnell that there were White House staffers gossipping
25th Amendment but that's pretty far- that Trump’s actions were suggesting the need to invoke
fetched. the 25th Amendment:
DAN ABRAMS: Let’s be clear. As a legal
matter, the 25th Amendment is a liberal WOLFF: [T]he people in the White House
pipe dream. are like everyone else in the country.
What’s going to happen here? We don’t
And for two reasons. Number one, the amendment was know from day to day. This is for them, as
enacted post-John Kennedy being shot and the fear was for everyone, an extraordinary experience,
this could be a president who is in a coma, what are we and I think that they certainly question
going to do? what's going to happen here, like
everybody else. There are many moments
in which the 25th Amendment has come
Some are going to say this is the same, up, the 25th Amendment which gives the
okay, as a procedural matter it's harder cabinet the ability to remove the President.
than impeachment. And they don't say --- they don’t say the
cabinet is going to remove the president,
STEPHANOPOULOS: Right, you have to get a majority but they do say things like, “This is a little
of the cabinet first and then two-thirds-- 25th Amendment-y here.”
That comment was replayed over-and-over again on the snarked that the Amendment was now “up” in popularity,
cable news shows Monday. Even print publications were while Politico hailed the “liberal pipe dream” as the latest
trying to hype their newly found theory. Today, faux “obsession” in Washington.
Republican and Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin

Sorry Democrats=> At Least 18 Presidents Suffered From
Mental Disorders And Were Not Removed From Office
By Jim Hoft
Monday, January 8, 2018

But Democrats and DC elites don’t like

Now that the Russian witch hunt has him so they want him impeached.
fallen flat Democrats and DC elites are
hopeful that Congress will remove They are hoping to use the 25th Amendment to get
President Trump on insanity charges. POTUS Trump tossed from office.
President Trump is a self-made real
estate billionaire. He successfully There’s only one problem.
defeated a stacked field of 16
Republican candidates in the 2016 Several former presidents had mental health issues and
primary. Then he went on and routed were not removed from office.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and the liberal
mainstream media in the general John Adams and Teddy Roosevelt
election. suffered from bipolar disorder.
President Lincoln suffered from serious
Since entering the White House the stock market is up by bouts of depression.
7000 points, ISIS is defeated in Syria-Iraq, manufacturing And Barack Obama negotiated with the
is coming back to American and millions of Americans are Iranian mullahs!
back to work and off of Obama food stamps.

Sorry Democrats.
You can’t impeach President Trump for
mean tweets or a dishonest book by a
liberal author.
Isn’t it time to join the #MAGA

Via Andrew Bostom:

Wolff: 100% Of The People Closest To Trump
Think There’s ‘Something Fundamentally Wrong’
With Him That ‘Scares Them’
By Ian Hanchett
8 Jan 2018

what the president’s capable of and believe they have a

responsibility to the country to stay in.

Wolff said,

“Everybody in this White House, and I keep

saying this, 100%, because it is 100% of
the people closest to the president, to
Donald Trump. believe that there is
something wrong here, something
fundamentally wrong, something that
scares them. As a matter of fact, they went
from — if there was — if there is any
reason they stay in the White House now,
it’s because they are scared. They believe
On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” they have a responsibility to the American
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff stated that people.”
everyone closest to President Trump believes there is
“something fundamentally wrong” with the president and
they stay in the White House because they are “scared” of

Former Secret Service Agent: Trump Dossier
May Be The ‘Insurance Policy’ To Cover Up Illegal Spying
On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
Monday, January 8, 2018

team is a who’s who of Hillary and

Obama cronies. There must be more to

Former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bonjino, was on Fox

and Friends Sunday and he offered the most reasonable
explanation for what Strzok was referring to as his
‘insurance policy’.

Bonjino stated –

Fox News asked in a report “Why did I think America needs to prepare itself for
Strzok need an insurance policy against the idea that this entire thing was a sting
Trump?” According to one expert we against the Trump team the entire time and
may soon find out that the insurance that the dossier was just cover for it.”
policy was the dossier that was needed
to cover up illegally spying on Trump
should Hillary not win the election.

Peter Strzok, the criminal and crooked FBI Agent is still

employed by the FBI in its Human Resources Department.

Strzok was the lead investigator on the criminal Mueller

investigation into the alleged Trump – Russia connection.
After a year of work by the crooked Mueller team there is
no connection between Russia and Trump. However, text
messages were found between Strzok and his girlfriend in
the DOJ where he texted,

“In case Trump wins, we need an The DNC, Obama, the Clintons, Obama’s
insurance policy against him”. FBI and DOJ, the Mueller Investigation
are all corrupt and criminal
Reportedly because of his bias, Mueller removed Strzok organizations.
from the investigation.
Let’s hope that good people in our
But Mueller never reported this to government stand up and bring these
Congress for months, and his entire criminals to justice.

Fire And Fury Is A Last Gasp
Of The Dying Anti-Trump Movement
Latest Attack From The Left Is Another Failure
Jon Bowne | Infowars.Com
January 8, 2018

Alex delves into the latest fraud to come from the left, Michael Wolff’s attempt to pull the wool over the public’s eyes
with questionable source material and a character assassination of President Trump.

Insanity! Michael Wolff Claims
I 'Have No Political Agenda’
By Scott Whitlock
January 8, 2018 8:30 AM EST

Liberal journalist Michael Wolff, the man who has “will finally end this – that will end this
bragged that his new book will “finally bring down” the presidency” and that, “It’s not ideal that
Trump presidency, on Monday absurdly insisted that he [Trump] is in the White House.” This is in
has “no political agenda.” To which CBS This Morning addition to touting calls that the President is
co-host Norah O’Donnell responded, “a moron.”

“Fair enough. Fair enough.” But, hey, no agenda, right?

This came seconds after Wolff mocked Trump as stupid: A transcript is below:

“I can reliably say Donald Trump has never

read a work of fiction.” He then claimed,
“But the important point I want to make is
this book is not about my impression of the
President. I came into this with no
agenda. I continue to have no political

CBS This Morning


7:10am ET

NORAH O’DONNELL: Michael Wolff, the author of Fire and Fury:

Inside the Trump White House is with us this morning. Good
To her credit, O’Donnell eventually pointed out: morning, Michael.

“But you have written it's worse than MICHAEL WOLFF: Good morning. Thank you for having me.
anybody thought, that he's mentally
unstable, that he's an idiot.”
O’DONNELL: A lot has happened since details of your book
came out.
Wolff disassembled and spun, saying:
WOLFF: To say the least.
I didn't say -- I did not say he's mentally
unstable. I would not be qualified to do this.
I would say I have merely described and O’DONNELL: The President came out ---
mostly not my impressions, the To say the least. The President in
impressions of other people of the people response has felt the need to describe
he deals with on a daily basis. himself as a stable genius. Based on
your reporting, are there people in the
White House talking about trying to
Wolff really just needs to pick a narrative and stick with it. remove him from office?
He bragged to NPR that his book would

WOLFF: They are not talking about trying to remove him from WOLFF: Right. She was a fashion P.R. person and then she was
office. They are wondering what’s going to --- The people in the second to the campaign and she became very close to the
White House are like everyone else in the country. What’s going candidate and then very close to the President of the United
to happen here? We don’t know from day to day. This is for them, States. And now for all intent and purposes, she is the
as for everyone, an extraordinary experience, and I think that President's most senior adviser.
they certainly question what's going to happen here, like
everybody else. There are many moments in which the 25th O’DONNELL: Did you speak with any members of the
Amendment has come up, the 25th Amendment which gives the President's cabinet about this book?
cabinet the ability to remove the President. And they don't say ---
they don’t say the cabinet is going to remove the president, but
WOLFF: Did not.
they do say things like, “This is a little 25th Amendment-y here.”
O’DONNELL: You did not.
O’DONNELL: Well, it's interesting.
Because you say that Bannon was
going around the White House saying WOLFF: I did not.
there was a 33 percent chance the
President would be impeached, a 33% O’DONNELL: And did you speak with the vice president?
chance that he would resign under
threat of the 25th Amendment. Correct? WOLFF: I did not.
WOLFF: Correct. And a 33 and a third
chance he would limp to the finish line, O’DONNELL: When was the last time you spoke with the
but a zero percent chance he would President about this book.
have another term.

JEFF GLOR: President Trump said yesterday the book is a fake

book. He said you're totally discredited as an author. Is
everything in the book true?

WOLFF: Everything in the book is true.

GLOR: And your response to that?

WOLFF: I'm waiting for a nickname.

GLOR: You don't have one yet.

WOLFF: You know, as I said all along here, and the White House
seems very focused on this, I spent about three hours talking to
WOLFF: I seem to --- Where's my nickname? the President over the course of the campaign, the transition, and
in the White House.
BIANNA GOLODRYGA: He did call it a work of fiction. Steven
Miller continued that narrative over the weekend. But the important point I want to make
is this book is not about my impression
WOLFF: I can reliably say Donald Trump of the President. I came into this with no
has never read a work of fiction. agenda. I continued to have no political
GOLODRYGA: One person that appears on every page of this O’DONNELL: Fair enough, fair enough.
book is Hope Hicks. In terms of what she saw and what she was
aware of, and participated in, how big of an impact would she
have in the Mueller investigation if she did, in fact, cooperate with It reads like a narrative. Like, as you say, you were a semi-
him and how worried should the President be? permanent spot, like a fly on the wall. It also reads like your main
source is Steve Bannon. Would that be correct to say that?
WOLFF: I think huge. Hope is at the center of the administration.
I mean, she’s really one of the curious figures. She begins as WOLFF: It would be not correct. He's a very large source here,
something as an intern or a very low level person in the but there are many, many ---
O’DONNELL: But you have written it's
O’DONNELL: She actually worked for Ivanka Trump beforehand. worse than anybody thought, that he's
That’s what --- She was Ivanka Trump --- mentally unstable, that he's an idiot.
WOLFF: I didn't say --- I did not say he's Trump was February 2017. That's just
mentally unstable. I would not be barely 100 days into his presidency. Did
qualified to do this. I would say I have you interview him after that date?
merely described and mostly not my
impressions, the impressions of other WOLFF: Let's separate this out. I interviewed him at that point.
people of the people he deals with on a After that, we would --- we would ---we would speak --- I'm sure
daily basis. he didn't think they were interviews, and in all fairness, he might
say, “I was not being interviewed.”
O’DONNELL: But the President denies he ever spoke with you
for this book at all. O’DONNELL: How much do you think things have changed since
John Kelly became chief of staff?
WOLFF: I think he probably had no idea he was speaking to me
for this book. When I would meet the President in the White WOLFF: I think --- they've obviously changed a lot.
House, we would chat as though we were friends, and that was
what --
GOLODRYGA: Bannon's gone.

O’DONNELL: That's not an interview to greet someone and say

WOLFF: Bannon's gone, Priebus is gone, Spicer's gone.
O’DONNELL: Most of your sources.
GOLODRYGA: You say three hours. You spent three hours.
WOLFF: So the core of the White House of that first --- the first
WOLFF: Through the course --- first, I have sat down with the
six months, the core of that staff is gone. So a lot has -- a lot has
President for extended periods of interviews, but there are other
changed given the staffing of the White house. The thing that has
periods in which --- and that's essentially what he's saying.
not changed, of course, is Donald Trump.
They're trying to parse this, “Oh, I didn't know I was speaking to
him when I saw him in the White House.”
O’DONNELL: Michael Wolff, we're out of time, thank you so
much for joining us.
O’DONNELL: Just to clarify, the White
House says the last time they have a
record of you meeting with President

Democrats Respond To Trump Tower Fire
– Disappointed President Trump Wasn’t Killed (Tweets)
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Monday, January 8, 2018

Following a fire on the roof of Trump Tower in New York Many stated that they hoped people would get out, but that
City on Monday morning, Democrats responded exactly as their homes and belongings would burn to the ground —
you would expect them to — by expressing essentially because they don’t like their landlord.
disappointment that our president isn’t dead.

Trump tower is on fire,too bad that pig isn’t

burning there
— Rita (@sippingIemonade) January 8,
Two people, a firefighter and an engineer, An unsurprisingly large amount of liberals shared their
sustained minor injuries while fighting the dismay that our president was not in the building at the
blaze. time.
Burn baby burn! #Trump Tower
— DavidB (@DavidB86318017) January 8,
Burn down to the ground RT @thehill:
JUST IN: Fire breaks out at Trump Tower
— Jets_1-15 (@raf_knicks101) January 8,
The tower is home to residential apartments, shops and
businesses — most of which are unrelated to the
administration. Still, that did not stop petulant leftists from
celebrating the dangerous incident, and wishing that it had
been worse.

The fire was contained by 7:30 a.m. and did not enter the
interior of the building — thanks to the quick response
from over 126 firefighters who arrived at the scene.

Trump To Counterattack Deep State In 2018
Infowars.Com’s Dr. Corsi Is Working With
8chan Moderators On Qanon Posts
January 8, 2018

Knight of news, and Owen

Shroyer of the War Room.”

Dr. Corsi’s involvement with the QAnon moderators has

developed over a series of “DECODE” essays that Dr.
Corsi began writing to explain QAnon posts to the general
public. The first being a QAnon post #151134 on Dec. 22,
2017, in which QAnon discussed the crumbling of the
Russian collusion narrative against President Trump.

Dr. Corsi’s DECODE also detailed QAnon’s role in

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chief Washington developing counterintelligence that suggests the Russian
correspondent for, Dr. collusion narrative was developed to derail Donald
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., began playing a Trump’s presidential campaign, or to be the basis of his
more central role over the weekend removal from office should he get elected; by CIA
working directly with the moderators Director John Brennan, and funded by Eric Schmidt of
managing the internet bulletin board Google fame.
8chan, The Storm, on which QAnon has
been posting. Over the weekend, Dr. Corsi posted on his
“DECODE” of a series of messages QAnon posted on
“I am convinced QAnon is an intelligence 8chan “The Storm,” messages that included a photograph
source closely coordinating with President of President Trump’s pen resting on the conference table at
Trump to develop a counterattack to the Camp David taken as the meetings were in progress.
Deep State forces that are planning to
remove President Trump from office,” Dr.
Corsi explained. One of the key players in the QAnon phenomenon, Tracy
Beanz @tracybeanz conducted a 45 minute YouTube video
“I am planning to continue working with the interviewing Dr. Corsi over his increasing role working
QAnon group,” Corsi continued, “reporting directly with the QAnon moderators.
on a regular basis with Alex Jones, David

Harvard Professor Compares Trump Mental Fitness
Questions To Communist Russia Tactics [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media Reporter
12:16 PM 01/08/2018

have to confine him against his will under a

kind of commitment law,” Dershowitz said.


Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz warned the media

against using psychiatry to undercut or remove President
Donald Trump and compared their efforts to tactics used
by Communist Russia and China, on “Fox and Friends”

“It’s very dangerous,” Dershowitz said. “I’ve

railed against the criminalization of political
“Imagine how dangerous that would be,” he
difference. It’s getting worse. The
added. “Psychiatrists are notoriously bad at
psychiatrizaton of political difference is
predicting violence.”
much more dangerous. It’s what they did in
Russia, it’s what they did in China, it’s what
they did in apartheid South Africa. If you Dershowitz encouraged those who don’t like a like a
don’t like a candidate first lock him up. If particular candidate to simply vote for someone else,
you can’t lock him up, commit him to a instead of trying locking them away in an asylum.
mental hospital.”
“I didn’t like what I saw necessarily so I did
Dershowitz referenced Yale University Professor Bandy what you do In a democracy. You vote for
Lee and said she is calling for the forcible confinement of the candidate you prefer,” Dershowitz
Trump, if he shows signs of mental incompetence. concluded. “You don’t lock them up. You
don’t put them in mental hospitals if you
don’t agree with them. That’s so dangerous
“There’s this professor at Yale Bandy Lee
to democracy.”
who has been leading the campaign,
saying the president is dangerous. He has
access to the nuclear trigger. We may even

NBC's Chuck Todd: Wolff’s Book
‘Reinforces’ Anti-Trump Narrative From ‘Entire Media’
By Nicholas Fondacaro
January 8, 2018 11:30 PM EST

stuff.” The 25th Amendment allows for the

cabinet and the vice president to remove a
president from office if they believe he is
not fit to serve. “This is alarming in every
way … So the 25th Amendment is a
concept that is alive every day in the
White House,” he asserted.

On Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC’s Chuck Todd sat down

with journalist Michael Wolff to discuss and promote his
dubiously sourced anti-Trump gossip book Fire and Fury.
During the interview, the NBC host seemed to let it slip
that the “entire media” was pushing an anti-Trump
narrative and claimed that the book confirmed their

“You thought that the media was too Despite his loaded comments, Wolff continued to maintain
one-sided or that was the impression that he
you were giving. I have to say, when you
read this book, you almost seem to “went into this with absolutely no
reinforce the entire media narrative you agenda whatsoever. I have no particular
were criticizing,” Todd said after reading politics when it comes to Donald Trump.
something Wolff wrote in 2017 that was This is really all about human nature.”
critical of the media’s unfair coverage of
During his interview, Todd neglected to grill Wolff about
“You know, I think that in the beginning, the an inflammatory comment he made on BBC Radio on
media took this point of view without having Saturday where Wolff claimed his book would
had this experience,” Wolff explained. “You
know, I went into this, a decent part of the “finally end … this presidency.”
country went into this, his entire staff went
into this thinking maybe this can work.” But
according to him, their wishful thinking was Yet Todd did go to that BBC interview for inspiration for
for naught. “Okay, that’s not the story. He another question regarding when Trump’s administration
is not going to succeed. This is worse would inevitably fall apart.
than everybody thought,” he declared in
a serious tone. “One final question. You said something
in a BBC interview: that you thought
“It’s that bad. I mean, it's an this presidency was going to hit a wall.
extraordinary moment in time. And the What did that mean? Hit a wall by 2020
last several days focused on my book I or before then,” Todd wondered.
think are proof of this,” Wolff claimed. “I
think not an exaggeration and not
unreasonable. It's not unreasonable to Wolff didn’t know when the administration would hit the
say this is 25th Amendment kind of wall but he asserted that it was the ultimate train wreck
everyone was looking out for:
Um, I think - I don’t know when the train is going to Here’s something you wrote in 2017, in January, so: "To the
finally hit the wall. I think the entire narrative of this media, it is a given that Trump is largely out of control and that
presidency and this candidacy and then presidency has the people around him are struggling at all times to save him
been it’s going to hit a wall. And the thing that keeps from himself--and largely failing. This view persists … despite
everybody’s attention absolutely riveted - this global Trump's victory flattening almost every media assumption about
attention - is that the train keeps going, but the wall is still his supposed haplessness and lack of strategy."
there. I mean one of the things, I think, about this book and
why it’s hit such a chord and become this cultural moment And you were just- you thought that the
is it’s given everybody this focused opportunity to say, media was too one-sided or that was the
“Holy crap.” impression you were giving. I have to
say, when you read this book, you
And Wolff claims he doesn’t have a political agenda. almost seem to reinforce the entire
Yeah, sure. media narrative you were criticizing.
WOLFF: You know, I think that in the
Relevant portions of the transcript below: beginning, the media took this point of
view without having had this
experience. You know, I went into this, a
decent part of the country went into
this, his entire staff went into this
thinking maybe this can work.

It’s different, even peculiar, but who knows what can happen
here. And that was exactly my, my frame of reference. I would
have been delighted to have written a contrarian account here.
Donald Trump, this unexpected president, is actually going to

OK, that’s not the story. He is not going

NBC to succeed. This is worse than
Meet the Press everybody thought.
January 7, 2018
10:36:02 AM Eastern


CHUCK TODD: All right. Let me just start with this. You talk
about “fly on the wall” access. Explain to me what that was like.
Walk me through how you were a fly on the wall in the West

MICHAEL WOLFF: You know, I literally kind of knocked on the

door and said, “Can I come in?” and they said “Okay.” And I
came in. I sat on the couch and that’s the point of view that I’ve
written this book from. I mean, in the real intention of this book, is (…)
to have readers sit with me on the couch and watch what’s going
on in the West Wing. WOLFF: It’s that bad. I mean, it's an
extraordinary moment in time. And the
I went into this with absolutely no last several days focused on my book I
agenda whatsoever. I have no particular think are proof of this. This is what
politics when it comes to Donald Trump. happened here, what's going on here. This
This is really all about human nature. is, you know, I think not an exaggeration
and not unreasonable. It's not
(…) unreasonable to say this is 25th
Amendment kind of stuff.
TODD: You were pretty tough on the
coverage of Donald Trump early in 2017. TODD: Did anybody say that in the West Wing to you?

WOLFF: All the time. TODD: One final question. You said
something in a BBC interview: that you
TODD: 25th Amendment? They would bring up the 25th thought this presidency was going to hit
Amendment? a wall. What did that mean? Hit a wall by
2020 or before then?
WOLFF: Yes, actually, they would say, WOLFF: Um, I think - I don’t know when
sort of in the mid-period, “We’re not at a the train is going to finally hit the wall. I
25th Amendment level yet.” Or they think the entire narrative of this
would- presidency and this candidacy and then
presidency has been it’s going to hit a
TODD: That’s alarming. wall. And the thing that keeps
everybody’s attention absolutely riveted
- this global attention - is that the train
WOLFF: This is alarming in every way.
keeps going, but the wall is still there. I
And then this went on, “Okay, this is a
mean one of the things, I think, about
little 25th Amendment.” So the 25th
this book and why it’s hit such a chord
Amendment is a concept that is alive
and become this cultural moment is it’s
every day in the White House.
given everybody this focused
opportunity to say, “Holy crap.”

How Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post Became The US
Military-Industrial Complex’s Chief Propagandist
Eric Zuesse
January 8, 2018

newspapers rely upon the broadcast media); and, in

America, a lion’s share of the national political news, and
especially of international news, is originated in the New
York Times and Washington Post. This megaphone-effect
forms the public’s opinions about whether we should
invade or not. The owners of those two powerful
newspapers, via their boards of directors and appointed
editorial boards, make the key decisions regarding hiring,
firing, promotions, and demotions, which determine news-
slants from their employees (both from the reporters and
especially from the editors who select what stories to
publish and whether on page-one or inside the paper), and
this power that these owners have, reverberates immensely
It used to be that the New York Times and the Washington (especially in regards to international relations) and thus
Post competed against each other to be the chief largely shapes the results in the national polls (sampling
propagandist for the hundred or so top firms who sell to the public, who view the world through the newsmedia);
the US federal government — the 100 top “federal and, thus, every US President and every member of
contractors,” almost all of which are Pentagon Congress becomes heavily impacted by that ‘news’, that
contractors — mainly these are weapons-manufacturing ‘world’ the voting public see. And this coloring of the
firms, such as the biggest, Lockheed Martin. The federal ‘news’ especially concerns international-news reporting,
government is a large part of these firms’ essential market; and the opinions that Americans have of foreign countries
so, invasions by the US against other countries require lots — such as of Iran.
of their goods and services; and, also, America’s foreign
allies additionally buy these weapons; and, right now, US Back in 2002, when the US Government was lying through
President Trump is demanding that they increase their its teeth about what it knew for certain and didn’t know
‘defense’ budgets to buy more of them. Wars produce about “Saddam’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction
corporate profits if (like in the United States) the military (WMD),” the New York Times (NYT) was then the leading
suppliers are private corporations instead of government- neoconservative (i.e., pro-imperialistic, pro-invasion, pro
owned (socialized). Selling wars is crucial to such firms’ military-industrial-complex or “MIC”) propaganda-organ,
bottom lines. And, since there is no law against owning a stenographically transmitting to the public this
‘defense’ contractor and owning or donating to newsmedia Government’s provably false allegations, and
(especially newsmedia such as the Times and Post, which the Washington Post (WP) was only #2 in this regard. But
publish lots of international news and so can encourage that order has now switched, and now the WP is even
lots of invasions), a sensible business strategy for investors worse.
in ‘defense’ stocks is to also own or donate to some
international-‘news’ media, in order to generate additional The latest MIC-promoted top story-line concerns the
business for the arms-maker or other ‘defense’ firm. Not protests in Iran — a country the US long controlled via
only does this business-plan relate to such newspapers as America’s agent, the brutal Shah, by and after a 1953 CIA
the NYT and WP, but they’ll be the focus here, because coup there, and which country thus very reasonably loathes
they are the most important of America’s international- and fears the US Government. What caused these protests,
news media. and what they mean, are much in the news; and, the news-
reporting and editorials and op-eds in the NYT have been
Serious periodicals, such as The New Republic, The significantly more honest and varied than in the WP.
Atlantic, and Mother Jones, have also been steady Here’s a sampling of that:
propagandists for ‘defense’ companies, but magazines
don’t reverberate through the rest of the mass-media to the As of the time of this writing (January 5th), there has not
extent that the serious national (NYC & DC) newspapers yet been an editorial from the NYT regarding the protests
do. TV and radio pick up on, and transmit, their news (and in Iran. (Similarly, many other newspapers, such as
even CNN and others rely upon them more than these Britain’s Guardian, haven’t yet ventured official editorial
opinions regarding this matter.) However, one opinion- against the discontent of the metropolitan
piece that has been published regarding it, has become an elite is no more. Now everyone seems
especially prominent target of attack by the more overtly unhappy.”
pro-MIC propagandists: the NYT’s “How Can Trump
Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet.” It’s by “a senior That too is mainstream — it implies that the people of Iran
fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was an have a bad Government, which should be removed.
assistant secretary of state and White House coordinator
for the Middle East during the Obama administration.” The closest thing yet to being a NYT editorial on the
That writer closes by saying: subject of these protests is a column by the Times’s Roger
Cohen, “Trump Is Right, This Time, About Iran.” It
“If Mr. Trump blows up the [Iran nuclear] closes by advising the Administration:
deal and reimposes sanctions, he will not
be doing the opposition a favor but instead
“It should not, whatever happens, impose
giving Iranians a reason to rally to — rather new sanctions: They only benefit the
than work against — the government they Revolutionary Guards. And it should learn,
might otherwise despise. The protests
finally, that Iran is not, as Steve Bannon
taking place in Iran today are perhaps a told Joshua Green, ‘like the fifth century —
sign that, in the long run, the Iranian people
completely primeval’ — but rather a
want to be accepted as free, responsible
sophisticated society of deep culture full of
members of the international community unrealized promise better served by
and that in time they might demand and
engagement than estrangement.”
achieve real change. The best way for Mr.
Trump to help test that proposition and
increase the chance of its success is to do That is a remarkably sympathetic (to the Iranian people)
nothing.” statement, but it nonetheless argues the exact opposite:

That’s a rare example of an anti-MIC (military-sales- “Trump Is Right, This Time, About Iran.”
suppressing) opinion-piece in a major American ‘news’
medium. Its conclusion is the opposite of its title, but the main part
of the article’s text is irrelevant to both the title and the
Less ‘controversial’ (more clearly mainstream) than that conclusion. People such as this become columnists at top
has been another NYT opinion-piece, “The Worst Thing ‘news’ media.
for Iran’s Protesters? US Silence.” It’s by “a former
Iranian-targets officer in the Central Intelligence Agency, Those are the relevant opinions selected by the owner of
… a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of the NYT for publication. They’re pro-MIC, but not
Democracies.” The FDD is an Israeli front US think-tank, fanatically so.
funded by many MIC-invested billionaires in both
countries. The author concludes: The WP published on January 1st their editorial on the
“The Trump administration can do better
[than did the Obama Administration]. The “The Post’s View: The West should
president’s tweets in support of the support the protesters in Iran.”
protesters were a good start. Washington
should also let loose a tsunami of sanctions It’s like Roger Cohen’s column in the NYT. It closes:
against the Revolutionary Guards, the
linchpin of Iran’s dictatorship. Policy-wise,
“Mr. Trump should avoid acts that would
that would be a good place to start.
undercut the protests and empower the
Contrary to received wisdom, the absolute
regime’s hard-liners. Foremost among
worst thing that the United States can do
these would be a renunciation of the 2015
for the Iranian people is to stay silent and
nuclear accord. That would divide the
do nothing.”
United States from European governments
when they should be coordinating their
Another NYT op-ed is “Why Iran Is Protesting” and it’s response to the uprising, and it would give
by “an Iranian novelist and journalist.” the regime an external threat against which
to rally. Reform of the nuclear accord can
He concludes that in Iran, “something has wait. Now is the time for Mr. Trump to focus
fundamentally changed: The unquestioning on supporting the people of Iran.”
support of the rural people they relied on

Both Roger Cohen and the WP favor “supporting the else to depart from the deal; because Iran won’t leave it
people of Iran” while opposing and hoping for an unless the US does, but it might leave it if the US does.
overthrow of the President who was chosen by those And then, everything would be worse than it was
people in the 2017 Iranian Presidential election, which was previously. For the US to leave it while some of its allies
at least as democratic as was America’s 2016 US don’t, would turn those allies to opposing the US
Presidential election. The Iranian polls right before the 19 Government and supporting Iran’s Government. And for
May 2017 Presidential election showed the top three the US to ‘renegotiate’ it would be impossible. Any
candidates as being Rouhani 35%, Raisi 18%, and European Government that would join with the US in
Ghalibaf 2%. (20% “Won’t say.”) Ghalibaf and some of order to attempt to force Iran to renegotiate it, would
the other and even smaller candidates withdrew just days become embarrassed amongst its EU colleagues, and
before the election. The final election result was Rouhani amongst its public. And yet, still, Iran would promptly
57.14%, Raisi 38.28%. Raisi campaigned on a platform resume its prior nuclear program, not renegotiate. To force
emphasizing that “Preventing the mixing of men and Iran isn’t going to be so easy as such commentators
women in the office environment means that men and presume it will. The article didn’t say how anything that it
women can serve the people better” and proposed to be achieved, could be achieved. It was simply
advocating “Islamization of universities, revision of the trash.
Internet and censorship of Western culture.” Probably
many of the recent protesters had voted for him. Perhaps if Another WP opinion-piece was “The protesters in Iran
Iran becomes ruled by a “regime” instead of by an at least need real help from Washington” and it was written by a
marginally democratic Government, then they’ll get a top official of a think thank, WINEP, about which, as one
President like Raisi, after the US coup — which would be knowledgeable person has said, “WINEP was to be
America’s second one in Iran. But, instead, Iranians chose AIPAC’s cutout. It was funded by AIPAC donors, staffed
Rouhani — and the U.S Government and its media call it a by AIPAC employees, and located one door away, down
“regime” and say that the US Government wants to the hall, from AIPAC Headquarters (no more. It has its
“support the people of Iran” by overthrowing the own digs). It would also hire all kinds of people not
Government that Iranians voted for and support — support identified with Israel as a cover.” None of this information
more than Americans support ours. (But whereas was revealed by WP about the piece’s author. It can only
America’s CIA stirs protest-groups to overthrow Iran’s be called blatant Israeli propaganda, surreptitiously fed to
leaders, Iran has no equivalent operating in America, to readers as if it weren’t.
overthrow our aristocracy’s choice of our leader.)
The WP columnist David Ignatius bannered “Trump is
On January 3rd, the WP issued an opinion-piece by US right to tell Iran the world is watching.” He closed by
V.P. Mike Pence, whose views are much closer to Raisi’s saying, about the “surprise explosion” of these protests:
than to Rouhani’s. It was titled, “This Time, We Will Not “Khamenei will want to crush it. The best gift the United
Be Silent On Iran.” States can give the Iranian people is a digital lifeline, so
humanity can witness their brave struggle and encourage
Another opinion-piece from the WP was the far-right them to prevail.” The US regime already gave the Iranian
Israeli Natan Sharansky’s “The West Should Stop people its ‘best gift’ in 1953 when it destroyed their
Dithering And Show Its Support For The Protesters In democracy and instituted a 26-year-long dictatorship —
Iran”, which attacked the Times’s “How Can Trump and, Iranians can see through the US propaganda-media’s
Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet.” Sharansky said: hypocrisies, even if the US public have been too deceived
by those media, for too long, to be able to see through
“As an opinion piece in the New York those lies.
Times recently put it, the best way for the
US government to help the Iranian So, the WP has become even more neoconservative (i.e,
protesters is to ‘Keep quiet and do nothing.’ more in favor of invading countries that haven’t invaded
Fortunately, President Trump and Israeli us) now than it was back in 2002 when it cheered on
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have George W. Bush’s lies about Iraq, after 9/11. How did this
already shown themselves unwilling to change happen?
follow this advice.”
In 2013, Jeff Bezos and Donald Graham met at the
Yet another opinion-piece that the WP’s editors selected Bilderberg conference, and two months later, Bezos
for publication on this topic was “Europe’s best chance on agreed to buy the Washington Post from Graham. Less
Iran could soon evaporate.” It criticized the Iran nuclear than a year after that, Bezos’s Amazon won the CIA-NSA
deal, and urged the Trump Administration to work with the cloud computing contract, vital to the US military. Bezos’s
EU “to sculpt a bipartisan policy that can save us from the most profitable operation has been that military contract —
next crisis, which is quickly coming our way.” This string it is allegedly responsible for changing Amazon from a
of clichés ignored the fact that the only two actual money-losing to a profit-making corporation. The money-
available options for the US are to commit to the deal or losing Washington Post already had been, under Graham
and before, a longstanding supporter of US armed exceptionally helped to promote in her ‘news’-stories.
invasions, which now require lots of cloud computing (and Probably, Sulzberger’s successor, Arthur G. Sulzberger, is
not only of the types of weaponry that Lockheed Martin, happy that when on 14 December 2017 his father handed
Boeing, Raytheon, etc., supply). For example: the WP was the corporation’s controls over to him (effective on
gung-ho for regime-change in Iraq in 2002, as well as, January 1st), the NYT’s position as the nation’s #1 PR-
more recently, for bombing Libya, Syria, and the bombing agent for US invasions has now been taken over by Jeff
in Ukraine’s civil war after the coup. The main topic at the Bezos’s WP. But, of course, Sulzberger’s profits don’t
next year’s, 2014, meeting of the Bilderberg group was the depend nearly as much on America’s MIC as Bezos’s do.
war in Ukraine, but other wars were also on the agenda, The WP’s business plan is even more dependent upon war-
such as Syria, and so were President Obama’s ’trade’ promotion than the rest of America’s major ‘news’media’s
treaties: TPP, TTIP, and TISA. Luminaries present at that are. However, if, say, a firm such as General Dynamics
year’s secret discussions were Timothy Geithner, Eric were to buy out the Sulzbergers, then perhaps
Schmidt, Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Charles the NYT would become #1 in the neoconservative league,
Murray, etc., and Europeans such as Christine Lagarde and once again. But, even when a major ‘news’medium, such
Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Perhaps some sales were made as Mother Jones, isn’t owned (like the WP now is) by
there, too. someone who also largely owns (via Amazon) a major
military contractor, it still promotes invasions, and
Meanwhile, the NYT became the most-frequently-cited has deep connections to America’s Deep State. You can
mis-reporter of such things as “Saddam’s WMD” during count on the fingers of a fingerless hand the number of
the years after the 2003 invasion on the basis of lies; and major American newsmedia — online, print, or broadcast
its publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., was forced — that are not neoconservative. There are none — right,
quietly to fire his close friend and star White House left, or center. Today’s ‘respectable’ American purveyors
stenographer (oops, ‘reporter’ — and she was even a of alleged news have some ideological diversity, but all
Pulitzer-winning one!), Judith Miller, on account of the exist within the framework of being neoliberal and
fraud-based Iraq War that she had so prominently and neoconservative.

Brent Bozell: Media Spin
Trump As Crazy ‘Dr. Strangelove’ Figure
By NB Staff
January 8, 2018 2:02 PM EST

Brent Bozell appeared of Fox Business, Monday, to slam important office in the land, neglecting to mention he was also a
journalists who are fawning over the new Michael Wolff two-term governor of California. We, I even went back in time.
book. The Media Research Center President accused The only one here who probably was there to report on it, was
reporters of totally ignoring the books’s blatant falsehoods, you, Abraham Lincoln. Ill will expressed toward him he wasn't up
saying, to the job. Now I'm not comparing either of these gentlemen to
the present occupant of Oval Office, with the one big difference
“They hate Donald Trump so much that being they were dismissed out the gate. What do you think?
they're even saying, ‘Well, if it is only 50
percent true that is good enough for us.’” BRENT BOZELL: Yeah. You might not want to compare the two
but you can compare the media coverage of the two.
Host Neil Cavuto asked Bozell about similarities between
how the media covered Ronald Reagan and how they are CAVUTO: Right.
handling Donald Trump. The MRC President responded:
BOZELL: It is pretty much the same thing. You know, Ronald
“Ronald Reagan was Dr. Strangelove with Reagan was Dr. Strangelove with his foreign policy. They're
his foreign policy. They're seeing Donald seeing Donald Trump as Dr. Strangelove. That Ronald Reagan
Trump as Dr. Strangelove. That Ronald was idiot. Donald Trump was an idiot. Interesting thing here —
Reagan was idiot. Donald Trump was an Bill Buckley once called Ronald Reagan the smartest president
idiot.” in history because Ronald Reagan knew how to go over the head
of the media and communicate directly with the public. Donald
A transcript of Bozell’s appearance can be found below: Trump has done that. Nobody can argue that. Donald Trump has
done that as well. Third one is well then he has got to be senile.
Both have been attacked this way. So yeah, similarities really are
there. And President Trump was right to bring it up.


CAVUTO: Brent, the fact of the matter, is, the left is seizing on
this as maybe the latest ammunition it needs to get rid of him. I
don't know if it will get any better than some other attempts to
seize on every development, every Russian potential tie to say,
“This is is it. This is it. This is it.” And it’s never it. What do you

BOZELL: Two points. I want to go back to the last discussion

Cavuto: Coast to Coast
which is true. Like I said, don't compare the two men. However,
listen and to the speech that Donald Trump gave in Warsaw last
year. It is as good as anything Ronald Reagan ever said.
NEIL CAVUTO: This has happened before. I want to bring Brent
CAVUTO: Very good point.
Bozell into the mix. Because there is a little bit of history. There is
a little precedent to this. Brent, very good to see you. Happy New
Year. We remember with Ronald Reagan he was dismissed as BOZELL: That said, if you look at the new rules today, they hate
just in over his head actor who was suddenly thrust into the most Donald Trump so much that they're even saying “Well, if it is only
50 percent true that is good enough for us.”

Authors Of Pro-Trump Children’s Book Blast Media
Matters: ‘Thanks For Selling Our Book For Us!’
‘Hysterical Liberal Crybabies Are God’s Gift To Conservative Marketing’
Adan Salazar | Infowars.Com
January 8, 2018

liberal crybabies are God’s gift to

Conservative marketing,” Team Thump
wrote on Friday.

On Thursday a Media Matters article claimed, “Alex Jones

is hawking pro-Trump children’s book that indoctrinates
them to white nationalism,” regarding an Infowars
interview with Thump co-author Brett R. Smith.

The authors behind the pro-Trump

children’s book, Thump, rebuked Media
Matters after the leftist media outlet
alleged the book promoted White

In an “open thank you letter,” the Thump team showed

gratitude to Media Matters for helping book sales.

“Thank you very much for celebratig the

new year by writing about Thump: The First
Bundred Days! Like President Donald Thump illustrator, Timothy Lim, who is of Chinese and
Trump, Team Thump knows that hysterical Filipino descent, responded to Media Matters with a photo
of himself asking if he “looked” like a White Nationalist.

Read Team Thump’s open thank you letter below:

Get “Thump: The First Bundred Days” and an illustrated
Alex Jones Poster in a Limited Edition Combo Pack at today.

Excited Katy Tur To Wolff:
‘Congratulations On The President Hating' The Book!
By Scott Whitlock
January 8, 2018 4:13 PM EST

MSNBC’s Katy Tur on Monday cheered left-wing author I don't know. I think that he — he thinks
Michael Wolff and his new book. In a chummy, one- about — I think he's aware of who is
liberal-to-another sort of way, Tur gushed, Jewish in a way that might give — that
feels creepy.
“Michael Wolff, it is a fascinating book.
Fire and Fury.... Congratulations on the Now, keep those answers in mind as you remember that
book, and congratulations on the Wolff is telling other outlets that he has “no political
President hating it.” agenda.” In another interview, the author patted himself on
the back for a book that “will finally end... this
In a lighting round of questions, the MSNBC host asked if presidency.” Make up your mind, Mr. Wolff.
Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic
bigot. Tur got affirmative answers for all but one of the A partial transcript is below:
questions. (The answer on hating Jews amounted to what
could be called close enough:

MSNBC Live with Katy Tur

KATY TUR: Do you think he's sexist?
WOLFF: I mean, I — that's — yes.
TUR: Do you think he's racist? KATY TUR: Tom Barrack is saying that he's misquoted. Katie
Walsh is saying she's misquoted. Are they all lying?
WOLFF: Yes. Um, Yes.
TUR: Xenophobic? MICHAEL WOLFF: They are all lying. I mean, they're in a
WOLFF: I do. Xenophobic — what does situation where — in a situation now where Donald Trump has
that mean? He’s — yeah. come to think that this book is a mortal threat. I don't know if it is
or it isn’t. But he certainly feels that way, and he's making
TUR: Afraid of the other. demands on everybody. I know, I hear through the grapevine,
WOLFF: Yeah. you know, that Katie Walsh's job is at issue now, and — which I
— I regret and even then, she's not really saying that I misquoted
TUR: Anti-Semitic?
her. She's saying that she was quoting something like she was
WOLFF: You know, I had this specific quoting Steve Bannon who said he's a child. Everybody says
discussion with Steve Bannon, who thought he's a child, in fact. So we're having — people are scrambling
not. — yes, maybe he's a racist. Maybe and they are panicked, which I absolutely understand. Nobody
he’s a — saw this book coming, nobody saw that it would be as big as it
TUR: A lot of people accuse Bannon -- seems to be and everybody is a deer caught in the headlights.

WOLFF: — maybe he’s a racist. He didn't

think he was an anti-Semite, but, you know,
TUR: Okay, that’s my point.

WOLFF: But that’s my point. That’s the level we’re talking at


TUR: I understand that, but as somebody who wrote a book

before Donald Trump I was really cautious that every single fact
in there was correct, I didn't want anybody to say, “Your book
isn't true because look at this tiny little thing.” Did you have a fact
checker go through it?

WOLFF: Yes, I absolutely. I actually had three fact checkers.

KATY TUR: You have tapes. Are you going to release the
tapes? TUR: Why open yourself up, is my question?

WOLFF: No, I'm going to do — you know, I have what every WOLFF: As I say, the so-called errors that you're talking about
journalist has. I work like every journalist. I have tapes. I have are the kind of minuscule errors you're going to find in any book,
notes. even yours. I'm up to a particular kind of scrutiny because I’m
threatening the president of the United States. And, you know,
TUR: But if people are questioning it, why not produce the bring it on is what I say.
evidence? And here’s what it is —
TUR: I understand that, and I appreciate that, and this book is
WOLF: Because — because that's not what — what — journ — very compelling, and there's a lot of it that reads true, that feels
I'm not in your business. My evidence is the book. Read the true. But we are living in a time right now, where everyone is so
book. If it makes sense to you, if it strikes a cord, if it rings true, it anxious about this president, about what he's going to do next.
is true. Why not make it abundantly clear where you heard stories,
where your attribution is in order to people to feel some comfort?
TUR: Here's the thing about the book and I read it, I —, a lot of
the stuff did read as — felt — did feel true, there were a lot of WOLFF: Because, first thing, if you read the book, I think it is
factual errors as well. We're living in a time with this President abundantly clear. And you just have to --
where everybody's very —
TUR: Well, there are —
WOLFF: But, let’s go. Factual errors, I — you know, you get
pinned on this, because everybody’s looking to — WOLFF: You just have to read the book, when an author writes a
book, that's a very —
TUR: But here's the thing about factual errors and I wrote a book
about Donald Trump -- TUR: It's a huge thing.

WOLFF: Mark Berman mixed up with Mark Berman. WOLFF: It's a significant thing. Here’s the evidence. It's the book,
read the book.
TUR: CNN was not the one that released the dossier.
TUR: I agree, and you should read the book. 100 percent.
WOLFF: That is absolutely, completely untrue.
WOLFF: This idea that, so -- let's go, and address the idea of
TUR: Buzzfeed released it. tapes. I have everything that I do has been — has been — has
been specifically closely sourced. That's what we do, we take
WOLFF: No, no! notes. Would you show — you're a reporter, would you open
your notes to the world? That’s — It's called work product. And
TUR: CNN reported on it, but did no release it. that turns into a book. If I were in the television business — and
that's what we do, cameras, audio. That's one thing, I'm a writer.
I'm literally a writer. This is an incredibly — this is a written story.
WOLFF: CNN — CNN — was first on that story.
I've told a story. And it just read it. If you think it's — if you don't
think it's true, which 35 percent of the country is not going to think
TUR: They reported on it. They didn’t release it. it's true. Donald Trump 35 percent, they're not going to buy this.

WOLFF: Okay, we’re talking about — (....)

2:38:26 p.m. TUR: Afraid of the other.
1 minute and 24 seconds
WOLFF: Yeah.
TUR: What is this relationship with women?
TUR: Anti-Semitic?
WOLFF: It’s — Donald Trump's relationship with women?
WOLFF: You know, I had this specific discussion with Steve
TUR: How does he feel about women? Bannon, who thought not. — yes, maybe he's a racist. Maybe
he’s a —
WOLFF: You know, I mean, I think we — I mean, I from the
evidence, we can probably deduce how he feels about women — TUR: A lot of people accuse Bannon --
he feels probably — treats them and thinks of them as
transactional a way as he thinks about everything. WOLFF: — maybe he’s a racist. He didn't think he was an anti-
Semite, but, you know, I don't know. I think that he — he thinks
TUR: Do you think — ‘cause I want to get through a couple other about — I think he's aware of who is Jewish in a way that might
ones — I want to get through a couple other ones, do you think give — that feels creepy.
he's sexist?
WOLFF: I mean, I — that's — yes.
2:40:55 p.m.
TUR: Do you think he's racist? 14 seconds

WOLFF: Yes. Um, Yes. TUR: Michael Wolff, it is a fascinating book. Fire and Fury. As
you can see. I did read it. Congratulations on the book, and
TUR: Xenophobic? congratulations on the president hating it.

WOLFF: I do. Xenophobic — what does that mean? He’s — WOLFF: Thank you.
TUR: Appreciate your time, sir.

Chris Christie Says He 'Absolutely'
Would Be President if Trump Hadn't Run
By Tyler O'Neil
January 8, 2018

Christie suggested this support shift was the norm.

"It's incredibly frustrating to think to yourself, 'Wow, if

this guy were not in the race, we'd win this thing,'" Christie
said, referencing internal polling from the campaign. "And
I absolutely believe if Trump had not gotten into the race I
think we would have won."

Polling did not necessarily confirm Christie's impression,

however. New Hampshire voters identified neurosurgeon
(L.E.MORMILE / Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Donald
Trump as their second choices.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will step down later
this month and be replaced by Democrat Phil Murphy. He It is impossible to say exactly how the race would have
leaves office with extremely low popularity, and with yet played out without Trump in it, but it is far more likely that
another scandal brewing. Even so, the governor said he second-place finisher Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), or third-
would "absolutely" be president if Donald Trump had not place winner Ohio Governor John Kasich, or even the
run for the office in 2016. fourth-place finisher Rubio would have taken the prize
than it is that Christie would have.
"I absolutely believe if Trump had not gotten into the race
I think we would have won," Christie said. Furthermore, Christie's governorship has been plagued
with scandal. In addition to the notorious "Bridgegate," his
administration has faced no fewer than 15 scandals — and
This may seem particularly rich coming from Christie, a
that was in 2014! He even vetoed a bill to outlaw underage
candidate who took a mere 5 percent of the votes in Iowa
and 7 percent of the votes in New Hampshire. Christie had
zero delegates at the Republican National Convention, and
received even fewer votes than Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) — The Intercept reported Monday that Christie's Department
even though Paul withdrew from the race before Christie of Corrections has banned a controversial book, The New
did! Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness, in the state's prisons — particularly a
population the book was intended to reach, according to
Even so, the New Jersey governor suggested he would
the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
have won had Trump not entered the race.

The book is controversial for a reason, but by reportedly

Christie described the presidential race as "incredibly
choosing to ban the book in prisons, Christie's
exciting" and "at times very discouraging" in an interview
administration has only drawn attention to the book, which
is likely to sell more widely due to this alleged act of
"(The) stakes are exciting. The issues you're talking about
are exciting," the governor said. "And ultimately
“Michelle Alexander’s book chronicles how people of
frustrating at times because the reaction I would get from
color are not just locked in, but locked out of civic life, and
people and Mary Pat got this from going door to door, you
New Jersey has exiled them even further by banning this
know, they'd say, 'Oh gosh, you're Governor Christie's
text specifically for them,” Amol Sinha, ACLU of New
wife? We love him. He's so smart. He's so direct, he's so
Jersey’s executive director, said in a statement. The ACLU
blunt. We love him. We're voting for Trump. But we love
of New Jersey said it received multiple complaints from
your husband. He's amazing.'"
inmates and family members about the book being banned. If Christie wanted to prove he should be president, he isn't
An Open Public Records Act request discovered the book exactly going about it very well.
had been banned "as a matter of policy."

Wikileaks: John Podesta Was Briefed On "Gross
Negligence" Before FBI Removed Phrase
From Clinton Exoneration
By Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/08/2018 - 18:55

Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, received an "Whoever, being entrusted with or having
email from an advisor which brought up the phrase "gross lawful possession or control of any
negligence" in regards to the FBI's email investigation document. . .relating to the national
before the FBI agent in charge of the probe removed the defense, (1) through gross negligence
phrase from her exoneration statement, according to permits the same to be removed from its
WikiLeaks. proper place of custody or delivered to
anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost,
stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2)
having knowledge that the same has been
illegally removed from its proper place of
custody or delivered to anyone in violation
of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or
destroyed, and fails to make prompt report
of such loss, theft, abstraction, or
destruction to his superior officer, Shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than ten years, or both."

The only other question I perceive that stands in the way of

Clinton having violated Section 793(f) is whether it was
through gross negligence that she permitted the
Podesta Emails #45924 (WikiLeaks) information relating to the national defense to to be
removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to
In a March 2016 email from former Bill Clinton Chief of someone who shouldn’t have gotten it.
Staff Tina Flournoy to Clinton campaign
chairman Podesta's Gmail account, Flournoy included It was not ordinary negligence that caused Clinton to
links to two articles concerning the FBI email permit highly sensitive information to be removed from its
investigation; one from the Washington Post which proper place and onto Clinton’s private email servers.
minimized Clinton's actions, and a legal analysis
from retired D.C. attorney Paul Mirengoff in which he
suggests Clinton was "grossly negligent or worse" and This strikes me as gross negligence at a
may be in serious hot water. (h/t Mike) minimum.

Clinton herself had warned others about the prospect of

private email accounts being hacked.

Nor was it ordinary negligence to deliver highly sensitive

information to someone lacking a security clearance (in
this case, an inveterate gossip).
Screen capture,
Such imprudence, again, seems grossly
negligent or worse. -Powerline Blog
From Mirengoff in Powerline Blog:
While Mirengoff's assessment was that Hillary Clinton
First, let’s again examine the statutory engaged in grossly negligent behavior, Tina Flournoy did

not agree - citing the Washington Post article minimizing To summarize, former Bill Clinton Chief of
Clinton's actions: Staff Tina Flournoy sent John Podesta an
email to his Gmail account on March 9,
"The argument here would be that 2016 - with a Washington Post article
Clinton engaged in such “gross containing a link to an opinion by a retired
negligence” by transferring information D.C. attorney who thinks Clinton committed
she knew or should have known was Gross Negligence. Former FBI Director
classified from its “proper place” onto her James Comey's original draft from May
private server, or by sharing it with 2, contained the phrase, and at some
someone not authorized to receive it. Yet, point over the next eight weeks, Peter
as the Supreme Court has said, “gross Strzok - the man who headed up the
negligence” is a “nebulous” term. investigation, removed it - materially
Especially in the criminal context, it would changing the legal significance of
seem to require conduct more like Clinton's actions, effectively
throwing classified materials into a "decriminalizing" her behavior when Comey
Dumpster than putting them on a private gave his speech on July 5, 2016.
server that presumably had security
protections." -Tina Flournoy to John
Podesta (WikiLeaks)
Perhaps Podesta decided to run this past
Hillary Clinton's friends at the
FBI, as counterintelligence agent Peter
Strzok - who headed up the Clinton
email investigation - then removed the
phrase "gross negligence"
from Clinton's exoneration statement.

One wonders if the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

has reviewed this tidbit of information as part of their
upcoming report about to be submitted to the Attorney
General Jeff Sessions and Congressional investigators -
which in all likelihood, assuming their findings are in
alignment with recent bombshells, will be the basis for the
appointment for a second special counsel and much, much

Wolff Admits Trump Book Was Rushed,
Blames Any ‘Inaccuracies’ On Sources
By Chris Reeves
January 8, 2018 4:25 PM EST

On Monday’s Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and “So, we were talking before the break
Mika Brzezinski were both back in-studio to talk to about, um, some inaccuracies in the
Michael Wolff about his new anti-Trump book Fire and book, like -- but not comple-, like -- were
Fury. In a wide-ranging 25-minute interview, Wolff went you, first of all, in a rush to get this to
after his critics at the New York Times and Washington print for a lot of reasons?”
Wolff replied in the affirmative:
repeatedly called the President’s mental
health into question, and even insisted that “Well, yeah. I mean, this book was
“100%” of Trump’s “closest” advisors in reported and written in less than a year.
the White House think that there is
“something fundamentally wrong, So, you know, this is -- remember, this history is moving
something that scares them” about the pretty fast.”
Brzezinski then went on to detail one incident from the
Instead of actively challenging Wolff to provide answers
book that she believed Wolff had described incorrectly, but
about problems with his reporting (both past and present),
before Wolff could directly respond to Mika’s point,
Scarborough and Brzezinski acted as Wolff’s biggest
Scarborough jumped in to defend Wolff’s honor and
apologists, constantly defending his book and making integrity:
arguments on its behalf.
BRZEZINSKI: So your, um, your, uh, kind
of, critics here will, will have some
material to work with. There's

I know, for example—I'll just speak to the part where we

are characterized in it—and, um, there was a scene where
Ivanka wanted to talk to Donald about women. And he
kept saying: What? What? What?

And then you say in the book that

Ivanka shouted at him. It was actually
In one of the more interesting bits from Wolff’s
appearance on the MSNBC morning show, he did make
I said: Donald, women! And I had to make an hourglass to
some frank admissions to Joe and Mika about how his
show him women. That was the only way he could
book may have “inaccuracies.” However, rather than admit
understand the word “woman.” And -- so, th-,
to them openly,

there's inaccuracies like that, that I, I

Wolff was more concerned with making
guess: Do you worry that your critics-?
excuses for why there might be errors or
untruths and showed no interest in
tempering his ultimate conclusion that WOLFF: [interrupting] Whi-, which point? I'm not, not
Trump is not “mentally fit” to be even sure. Which, which, which point was that?
BRZEZINSKI: That was in the, at the lunch at the White
Brzezinski opened this small segment by asking Wolff: House.

WOLFF: At, at, at the lunch. WOLFF: You know, you have to -- you're,
you’re, you’re dependent on, on the
SCARBOROUGH: But, but, you know, the, people who were there, on their
the, but, but, the bigger point is, those-. memories. You have to sort their
agenda. Um, it's a, it’s a fairly
BRZEZINSKI: Your critics run with that. complicated undertaking, which, you
SCARBOROUGH: The, to the critics, yeah. know, I mean, that’s the job, and-.
They run with these little specific things,
but getting, getting a part of a story BRZEZINSKI: Yeah.
wrong here or getting something else
[unintelligible]. SCARBOROUGH: And by the way, and, and again, just
again, to explain this sort of book and then let's, let’s move
Before Scarborough could finish his thought, Wolff forward. But, Bob Woodward's been doing it for years
jumped in and started to distance himself from his book’s where you talk to, you know, 200 people that work in a
claims by pushing more responsibility towards his sources: White House or around a White House, and everybody’s
trying to spin Woodward and everybody’s trying to spin
WOLFF: [interrupting] And some-, and the version of events.
sometimes, you know, you know, you're
dependent on your sources there,- And you do get though a bigger picture
of what's going on there.
BRZEZINSKI: Right. “This is the Trump I know,”

WOLFF: -and sometimes your sources,- Brzezinski emphatically added, once again repeating
Morning Joe’s message that Wolff’s book simply “rings
SCARBOROUGH: Right. true” and thus should be believed in spite of committing
basic factual errors.
WOLFF: -now, I don't wanna say who my source was in
that particular- And Scarborough did want to know what the larger truth
of Wolff’s book was, asking him:
“And what is the big picture that comes
SCARBOROUGH: Right. out of Fire and Fury? What's, what’s the
big idea?”
WOLFF: -thing, except that [trails off].
Wolff replied:
SCARBOROUGH: But sometimes the
sources get it, yeah,- I mean, I think, I think the big idea is that,
that these people -- you know, all White
BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. Houses are, are fraught places, um, but,
but they're, they’re a, they’re a, they’re a
whole. People who work for presidents,
SCARBOROUGH: -a little off.
support a president, um, they're on his
side. They're on his team. Um, they may
BRZEZINSKI: Okay. not like the other people in the White
House, but it's a, it’s a relatively coherent
SCARBOROUGH: And by the way, it's, uh, yeah, um. view at the end of the day.
BRZEZINSKI: But the spirit of it is
completely true. Everybody in this White House, and I
keep saying this, 100%, because it is
WOLFF: [interrupting] You know, you 100%, of the people closest to the
know, there’s a lot -- so, so a lot of this president, to, to the, to Donald Trump,
stuff, I was not -- and I don't represent believe that there is something wrong
myself as, as being there. here, something, something
fundamentally wrong, something that
SCARBOROUGH: Right. scares them. As a matter of fact, they
went from -- if, if there was, if there was
any reason they stay in the White House
now, it's because they are scared. They MIKE BARNICLE: And listen-.
believe they have a responsibility to the
American people. WOLFF: -and, and listen, I was just the black hole, just listening
No wonder people are having trouble to everything.
believing Wolff’s claim today from CBS
This Morning that he has “no political SCARBOROUGH: Right.
WOLFF: And then I could say it ‘cause I'm not going back.
To learn more about the interview, consult the following
transcripts of selected segments from it: SCARBOROUGH: B-, b-, by the way, i-, i-, which, which is
important to say. If you're Maggie Haberman at the Times, who
7:36 AM EST has a,-

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well so, we've been s-, we’ve been BRZEZINSKI: [softly] Not too bad.
saying on the show daily, and it's not just about Donald Trump.
As I said earlier, the, the morning, um, we'd always have the SCARBOROUGH: -who,-
most senior Democratic senators say of Barack Obama in 2009,
2010—he doesn't know what he's doing. But of course, they’d
WOLFF: Who does a great job,-
never say that on the record. Well, he -- for the past year, we've
had people around Donald Trump, even during the campaign,
saying he's not mentally fit to be president. Now that, I mean -- SCARBOROUGH: -who does a great job,-
and there is such a reluctance, and I'm not, certainly not
knocking The Washington Post. They're actually being WOLFF: -an absolutely great job, but she has to go back.
conservative, with a small “c.” I've written twice in my column a, a
quote about one of people [sic] closest to Donald Trump during SCARBOROUGH: -but her life, like, what makes her a great
the campaign saying he's got early stage of dementia. He reporter is—she’s got to balance two competing interests. She's
repeats the same stories over and over again. His father had it. gotta tell the truth about the Trump White House, but she's gotta
And it's getting worse. And not a single person who works for him go back the next day. Bob Costa—the same thing at The
doesn't know he has early signs of dementia. Now, of course, Washington Post. He’s gotta tell the truth about the White House,
they didn't think he was gonna win. But twice, The Washington but he’s gotta go back the next day.
Post hasn’t -- would not let me put that in my column, which
again, I salute them for having a high bar. But we are at this WOLFF: No, and that’s, this -- you know, I'm getting some
moment, and it's-. incoming from the daily journalists who, who, who cover this,-

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Aren't we? BRZEZINSKI: [agreeing] M-hm.

SCARBOROUGH: And, and until your book came out, this was SCARBOROUGH: Right.
something we were not allowed to speak about.
WOLFF: -because they see this in a daily journalism context
MICHAEL WOLFF: Now, it is, it’s, the, o-, okay. So the we, it's instead of seeing this as a, as, as a book. A book is an entirely
understanding the we. We're still in the s-, in the same structure. different thing. I am telling a story. I am pulling this together. I’m
Remember, we began this whole, uh, this -- when, when Trump trying to,-
was elected president, what the media say: We don't wanna
normalize this guy. Well, in fact, they did normalize him, and they
normalized these, this, um, you know, this, uh, this, these hand
grenade stories every day so you forgot what happened the next
day. And they also normalized the entire structure of, of, of, of WOLFF: -I’m trying to put,-
how you report on the president, which is that you can't say, you
can’t say what you know or all that you know, because you have BRZEZINSKI: [unintelligible] a little more.
to go back the next day. So I'm the only one—not the only one—I
am in the position of being the guy who didn't have to say, didn’t WOLFF: -put the reader right where I was on the couch in the
say anything. West Wing.

SCARBOROUGH: Right. SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] I, I, I do wanna say though, one

thing and then go to break, Mika.
WOLFF: Kept my mouth shut for, for, um, the better part of a
year,- BRZEZINSKI: M-hm.

SCARBOROUGH: The, the, the, the, the crit-, the, the criticism of SCARBOROUGH: But, but, you know, the, the, but, but, the
Michael's book, though, is that he doesn't get everything exactly bigger point is, those-.
right. That's what happens when you’re interview [sic] a thousand
different people and everybody comes from their own version. BRZEZINSKI: Your critics run with that.
There are things that people said to you about us and our
show—not accurate! But, I certainly know when I read it, read it, I
SCARBOROUGH: The, to the critics, yeah. They run with these
know which person you were talking to in the White House. So, it
little specific things, but getting, getting a part of a story wrong
is, it’s a completely -- it’s, it’s not a front page story for The New
here or getting something else [unintelligible].
York Times-
[Mika and Wolff jump in at same time]
BRZEZINSKI: We’ll talk-.
BRZEZINSKI: But saying it’s important.
SCARBOROUGH: -or The Washington Post. It's a, a, a much
bigger picture.
WOLFF: [interrupting] And some-, and sometimes, you know,
you know, you're dependent on your sources there,-
BRZEZINSKI: We'll talk about whether that will arm his critics,
uh, in Michael Wolff's, uh, to Mich-, Michael Wolff’s book when
we come back. BRZEZINSKI: Right.

(...) WOLFF: -and sometimes your sources,-


BRZEZINSKI: No, I have a question. Now you stand by. You just, WOLFF: -now, I don't wanna say who my source was in that
you just back off, okay? So, we were talking before the break particular-
about, [laughing] um, some inaccuracies in the book, like -- but
not comple-, like -- were you, first of all, in a rush to get this to BRZEZINSKI: Okay.
print for a lot of reasons?
WOLFF: Well, yeah. I mean, this book was reported and written
in less than a year. WOLFF: -thing, except that [trails off].

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, okay. So-. SCARBOROUGH: But sometimes the sources get it, yeah,-

WOLFF: So, you know, this is -- remember, this history is moving BRZEZINSKI: Yeah.
pretty fast.
SCARBOROUGH: -a little off.
BRZEZINSKI: So your, um, your, uh, kind of, critics here will, will
have some material to work with. There's misspellings. I know, SCARBOROUGH: And by the way, it's, uh, yeah, um.
for example—I'll just speak to the part where we are
characterized in it—and, um, there was a scene where Ivanka
BRZEZINSKI: But the spirit of it is completely true.
wanted to talk to Donald about women. And he kept saying:
What? What? What? And then you say in the book that Ivanka
shouted at him. It was actually me. I said: Donald, women! And I WOLFF: [interrupting] You know, you know, there’s a lot -- so, so
had to make an hourglass to show him women. That was the a lot of this stuff, I was not -- and I don't represent myself as, as
only way he could understand the word “woman.” And -- so, th-, being there.
there's inaccuracies like that, that I, I guess: Do you worry that
your critics-? SCARBOROUGH: Right.

WOLFF: [interrupting] Whi-, which point? I'm not, not even sure. WOLFF: You know, you have to -- you're, you’re, you’re
Which, which, which point was that? dependent on, on the people who were there, on their memories.
You have to sort their agenda. Um, it's a, it’s a fairly complicated
BRZEZINSKI: That was in the, at the lunch at the White House. undertaking, which, you know, I mean, that’s the job, and-.

WOLFF: At, at, at the lunch. BRZEZINSKI: Yeah.

SCARBOROUGH: And by the way, and, and again, just again, to WOLFF: Completely, completely opposite. Everybody in this
explain this sort of book and then let's, let’s move forward. But, White House, and I keep saying this, 100%, because it is 100%,
Bob Woodward's been doing it for years where you talk to, you of the people closest to the president, to, to the, to Donald
know, 200 people that work in a White House or around a White Trump, believe that there is something wrong here, something,
House, and everybody’s trying to spin Woodward and something fundamentally wrong, something that scares them. As
everybody’s trying to spin the version of events. And you do get a matter of fact, they went from -- if, if there was, if there was any
though a bigger picture of what's going on there. reason they stay in the White House now, it's because they are
scared. They believe they have a responsibility to the American
BRZEZINSKI: This is the Trump I know. people.

SCARBOROUGH: And what is the big picture that comes out of (...)
Fire and Fury? What's, what’s the big idea?
7:50 AM
WOLFF: I mean, I think, I think the big idea is that, that these
people -- you know, all White Houses are, are fraught places, MIKE BARNICLE: So, you use the word, uh, a few moments ago,
um, but, but they're, they’re a, they’re a, they’re a whole. People few minutes ago, “unnerving” in terms of the composition of the
who work for presidents, support a president, um, they're on his White House and what's going on. And, if you read the book, the
side. They're on his team. Um, they may not like the other people narrative within the book, there are many things that, I think we
in the White House, but it's a, it’s a relatively coherent view at the can agree, a lot of people have heard anecdotally prior to the
end of the day. publication. Uh, there's a lot of stuff in there that’s brand new and
highly troubling to read. The White House staff itself, the support
SCARBOROUGH: For the most part, people that worked for staff, important people in terms of who they support, the
Barack Obama loved Barack Obama. President of the United States. I came away with the impression
that a number of them, maybe all of them, behave, in an odd
way, like hostages, like inmates, like people, you know, trying to
BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, there is that.
be released, trying to get away, but they can't get away.
SCARBOROUGH: People that worked for George W. Bush, you
WOLFF: You know, one of the, the, the eerie things -- so, I'm
can still talk to them today-
sitting on that, on that couch, and, you know, there's sort of, you
know, them -- the appointments come up, and somebody's
BRZEZINSKI: Yes. assistant will come out and, and, and get you to bring you back,
and you're, you know, you’re -- I mean, I know all of these
SCARBOROUGH: -and at times, they will start tearing up talking assistants at this point, and the-, and you would say: How’s it
about what a good man he was. 41—the same thing. going? And they would never, ever respond. It was kind of like—
oh, okay.
BRZEZINSKI: Oh my gosh.
BRZEZINSKI: Ugh! That’s awful.
SCARBOROUGH: Bill Clinton—the same thing.
SCARBOROUGH: I’ll tell ya, I’ll tell ya, it's, it’s that-
WOLFF: Totally.
BRZEZINSKI: Oh my god!
SCARBOROUGH: -Mika and I both, when we were reading the
SCARBOROUGH: Completely opposite here -- to Carter of book for the first time, and we saw that it was poor Hope Hicks’s
course. job to go in and summarize what we said for three hours. And we
both just sat there, s-, and it was just, we’re like: Oh my god.
Poor, poor woman. The worst job in the world.

BRZEZINSKI: I would just quit though.

WOLFF: And she was always in this kind of frenzy of, you know,
what do I say? How do I do this?

SCARBOROUGH: [softly] Yeah.

WOLFF: Who do I talk to? How -- you know, I mean, that's,-


WOLFF: -‘cause, you know, remember, her job is to stand be-, y- [long pause]
, you know -- I mean, this, this book -- Donald Trump, as we've
seen, is not happy with this book. But he doesn't know the, the, WOLFF: You can’t-.
the -- most of what's in it, he doesn't know, because it hasn't
been on television yet. And-.
BARNICLE: Read the book.

WOLFF: Yeah, I mean, it's, the, it’s essentially what the s-, the
story of the book is. But, but in, in, in brief, because -- you wanna
BRZEZINSKI: He doesn't read. know? Because he's only interested in -- not only is he only
interested in just himself, he's just interested in his immediate
WOLFF: And he doesn't read- gratification in this moment. There is nothing beyond that.

SCARBOROUGH: The post [unintelligible]. SCARBOROUGH: So, temperamentally aside, is he mentally fit
to be President of the United States-
WOLFF: -and nobody has told him because nobody wants to tell
him. WOLFF: You know, I-.

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah, the post-literate, uh, president. SCARBOROUGH: -based on everything that you've heard from
people who work with him day in and day out?
BRZEZINSKI: [starts talking over Joe] So, you feel like -- you
7:55 AM know when you’re talking to someone, and you’re like: I’m
concerned about this person. I think this person is mentally ill. Do
you have concerns?
SCARBOROUGH: Last question: Is Donald Trump fit to be
WOLFF: I -- every time you speak to him, you think: This is a
wingnut. I mean, this is -- there is something really a-, a-,
alarming in ways that you cannot even begin to describe. It's like
you’re riveted to the seat.
SCARBOROUGH: -from everything you've seen?

Liberals 'Red Pilled' By President Trump Blaming Their
Own Descent Into Madness Upon Him As Massive 'Soft
Coup' Effort Picks Up With Talk Of Using 25th
Amendment To Remove Him From Office
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
January 8, 2018

One look at the current top political 'leaders' on the left

finds among them completely brain-dead Nancy Pelosi,
'mad max' Maxine Waters, cowboy-hat wearing
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, absolute mess Sheila
Jackson Lee and even the Florida Congresswoman and
former DNC head Deborah Wasserman Schultz who back
in 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump called 'crazy and
neurotic'. And one can never forget, Hillary Clinton herself
is still in the news.

Is Hillary Clinton herself 'the root of all crazy' we're seeing

from the left?

With the never-Trumper's 'Russia narrative' now having

completely fallen apart in their desperate, never-ending
attempts to get President Donald Trump out of office, we
shouldn't be the least bit surprised that they're now trying a
different set of tactics as we read in this new story from
Gateway Pundit. Reporting that Democrats in Congress are
now joining psychiatrists and the mainstream media in a
last-ditch 'coup' attempt to get President Trump removed
from office via the 25th Amendment of the US
Constitution, we take a look within this story at all of the
signs that have emerged since November 8th of 2016 that
prove it's actually liberals who have 'gone off the deep end'
as President Trump 'red pills' America.
And while as we see in this Gateway Pundit story,
While the US Congress might think that they hold some psychiatrists are calling President Trump's supporters 'a
kind of sacred, moral high ground to go after and take cult like following', the total breakdown we've been
down the President and overthrow the will of the American witnessing on the left that began last November and has
people, as this December 4th through 11th Gallup poll continued to this day proves to us who is really a 'cult' and
indicates, Congress only holds a 17% approval rating with who are really losing their minds. Much more below but
Americans as 78% disapprove of the work that they've first, from the Gateway Pundit story:
been doing.
Democrat members of Congress are plotting with
Meanwhile, as this recent poll over at Rasmussen Reports a group of psychiatrists led by Dr. Bandy X. Lee to
finds, 44% of Americans now support the job that conduct a medical coup to remove President
President Trump is doing with a 54% disapproval rating, Donald Trump from office, according to interviews
showing that nearly 3 times as many Americans approve of given this week by Lee.
the job that Trump is doing compared to the US Congress
which is attempting to run him out of office. Lee, who claims Trump’s presidency could be “the
end of humankind”, has already decided Trump
should be removed from office. A ‘go team’ of we've seen such irrational and unhinged behavior ever
medical professionals is being assembled to since coming from the left. And any talk of the 25th
swoop in and forcibly remove Trump to evaluate Amendment should be treated exactly like it is, as a very
his fitness for office, according to Lee. real 'soft coup' attempt to take down America's sitting
Lee, a Yale University psychiatry professor, has
been waging a Maoist style campaign for the past With the mainstream media here in America largely
year to get Trump removed from office for alleged responsible for the mental breakdown which we've been
psychiatric reasons. As part of her campaign, Lee witnessing after spending decades pushing pro-globalist,
released a collection of essays in book form last pro-Clinton propaganda and lies, lies which most on the
October titled, “THE DANGEROUS CASE OF left have believed because they're coming to us from the
DONALD TRUMP; 27 Psychiatrists and Mental MSM, and still believe to this day, what we've been
Health Experts Assess a President” witnessing from liberals across America is a normal
reaction from those who've long been indoctrinated.
An excerpt of the description of the book by
publisher, St. Martin’s Press: For millions of Americans, 'taking the red pill' voluntarily
began what some have described as a most difficult
…In THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD journey as much of what we were taught to believe while
TRUMP, twenty-seven psychiatrists, growing up turned out to be complete and utter falsehood.
psychologists, and other mental health experts Yet to see millions of Americans being forced to take the
argue that, in Mr. Trump’s case, their moral and red pill, many who obviously still aren't ready for it, helps
civic “duty to warn” America supersedes to explain the left's still unfolding madness.
professional neutrality. They then explore Trump’s
symptoms and potentially relevant diagnoses to What we've witnessed from President Trump during his
find a complex, if also dangerously mad, man. first year in office has been a 'red pilling' of the entire
nation and as we've seen in story after story, millions of
…His madness is catching, too. From the trauma Americans are completely unwilling to give up their old
people have experienced under the Trump worldviews, globalism first, to embrace this new reality
administration to the cult-like characteristics of that we've been delivered into with 'America-1st' the new
his followers, he has created unprecedented agenda.
mental health consequences across our nation
and beyond.

It’s not all in our heads. It’s in his.”

Why are so many Democrats and the mainstream media so

completely obsessed with President Trump? As the
National Review reported back on December 18th of 2017,
the case of Washington Post reporter Jennifer Rubin is a
As we reported on ANP all the way back in January of perfect example of what happens when a journalist or
2017, soon after President Trump took office, politician becomes completely obsessed with President
Trump. People actually change their own opinions and
'Trump derangement syndrome' began beliefs if they somehow aligned with those held by
striking liberals all across America. President Trump. Crazy? From the National Review story.:
Characterized by the often hysterical
reaction and belligerent behavior of people, Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post’s ostensibly
directed towards anything related to conservative blogger. Rubin is not the only
President Donald Trump, as pertaining to example of this president’s remarkable talent for
his presidency, corrupting his detractors as well as his devotees,
but she is perhaps the best one. Since Donald
Trump burst onto the political scene, Rubin has
become precisely what she dislikes in others: a
monomaniac and a bore, whose visceral dislike of
her opponents has prompted her to drop the keys
to her conscience into a well. Since the summer of
2015, the many acolytes of “MAGA!” have agreed
to subordinate their true views to whatever
expediency is required to sustain Donald Trump’s
ego. Out has gone their judgement, and in has
come their fealty; where once there were thriving
minds, now there are just frayed red hats. During
the same period, Jennifer Rubin has done much
the same thing. If Trump likes something, Rubin With President Trump approaching his one year
doesn’t. If he does something, she opposes it. If anniversary in office, as we've reported in one story after
his agenda flits into alignment with hers—as another on ANP over the last year, liberals have been
anyone’s is wont to do from time to time—she melting down in one scene after another, from 'screaming
either ignores it, or finds a way to downplay it. The helplessly at the sky' to scheduling massive protests over a
result is farcical and sad; a comprehensive and mere Capitol Hill rumor to calling Christmas 'racist' and a
self-inflicted airbrushing of the mind. How, I have white supremacist holiday.
long wondered, could Trump’s unprincipled
acolytes do what they do and still sleep at night? And then we have antifa, the so-called antifascists who've
How can Jen Rubin? proven themselves to be fascists by attempting to shut
down the peaceful speech of conservatives simply because
If Trump is indeed a tyrant, he is a tyrant of the they don't agree with what they say. As Fox News reported
mind. And how potent is the control he exerts over back in September of 2017, antifa themselves have 'red
Rubin’s. So sharp and so sudden are her reversals pilled' many liberals, sick of being associated with a bunch
as to make effective parody impossible. When of hoodlums. Yet just recently, the Deputy head of the
President Obama agreed to the Paris Climate DNC, Keith Ellison, promoted antifa! More 'proof of
Accord, Rubin left her readers under no illusions crazy'? From the Fox News story:
as to the scale of her disapproval. The deal, she
proposed, was “ephemeral,” “a piece of paper,” “a The mainstream media failed to see the rise of
group wish,” a “nonsense” that would achieve Donald Trump in 2016. Now it’s overlooking
“nothing.” That the U.S. had been made a party to another grassroots movement that may soon be of
a covenant so “devoid of substance,” she added, equal significance— the growing number of
illustrated the “fantasy world” in which the Obama liberals “taking the red pill.” People of all ages and
administration lived, and was reflective of ethnicities are posting YouTube videos describing
Obama’s preference for “phony “red pill moments”—personal awakenings that
accomplishments,” his tendency to distract, and have caused them to reject leftist narratives
his base’s craven willingness to eat up any “bill of imbibed since childhood from friends, teachers,
goods” they were served. At least it did until and the news and entertainment media.
President Trump took America out of it, at which
point adhering to the position she had theretofore You might say that those who take the red pill
held became a “senseless act,” a “political act,” have been “triggered.” But instead of seeking out
“a dog whistle to the far right,” and “a snub to “safe spaces,” they’re doing the opposite, posting
‘elites’” that had been calibrated to please the monologues throwing off the shackles of political
“climate-change denial, right-wing base that correctness.
revels in scientific illiteracy” (a base that
presumably enjoyed Rubin’s blog until January Their videos can feature the kind of
20th, 2017). To abandon the “ephemeral” “piece of subversiveness that was once a hallmark of the
paper,” Rubin submitted, would “materially left—before the movement lost its sense of humor.
damage our credibility and our persuasiveness”
and represent conduct unbecoming of “the leader
of the free world.” One is left wondering how,
exactly, any president is supposed to please her.

With huge changes still ahead in 2018, the first 'full year'
of Trump, as he continues to unveil his 'America 1st
Agenda', likely triggering countless more liberal heads into
exploding in a mass, vacuous sucking sound as he
becomes more and more comfortable in the role of being
president, we expect 2018 to bring even more liberals
falling off the deep end with more failed attempts to bring
down President Trump and America.

A perfect recent example of the insanity we're witnessing

on the left comes to us in the book from Michael Wolff
that has gone viral and as we hear in the 1st video below
from Wolff himself, the 25th Amendment is discussed in
the White House every day. Yet, as even Wolff himself
has admitted, even he doesn't know what parts of the book
he wrote are true and which are false. Yet think about how
many millions of Americans will believe his lies!

The 2nd video below should be a must listen for anybody

thinking that removing President Trump from office via
the 25th Amendment is a real possibility. Attorney Alan
Dershowitz tells Fox News the mere thought of doing such
a thing is insane and those who are doing so are quite
literally playing with fire.

In the 3rd video below featuring Roger Stone with

Infowars he tells us about the deep state's '25th
Amendment plan' to take down President Trump while the
final video below is a compilation of the mainstream
media in America suffering from 'Trump derangement
syndrome', helping to show why the left has suffered a
massive breakdown in 2017 with 2018 surely bringing
more of the same.

Is Trump Crazy, or Just a Jerk?
By Jim Treacher
January 8, 2018

successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of

the United States (on my first try). I think that would
qualify as not smart, but genius... and a very stable genius
at that!

Trump baits the trap, everybody with a journalism degree

leaps into it headfirst, and the citizens of MAGA Land
cheer at the exasperation and misery of their hated foes.
Anything that makes the bad guys unhappy is good. Spite
and schadenfreude rule the day. As one of the 20th
President Donald Trump reacts to the song as he arrives at a rally at century's most influential political thinkers once wrote:
the Phoenix Convention Center, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Phoenix.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon) "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

All around the world in 2018, people of all races, creeds, Then there are those who find this appallingly undignified.
and gender identities are asking one burning question: Is If you believe that the president of the United States is a
President Donald Trump crazy or what? man* whose job is to solve all your problems, to be
America's Dad**, this is terrifying. You're mortified, just
Is he out of his ever-lovin' mind? He's gotta be insane in as all children are mortified by their embarrassing parents.
the membrane, right? Loco in the coconut? A few floors Trump isn't behaving the way other presidents have
short of a tower? behaved, he isn't behaving the way you would behave if
you were in the Oval Office, so he must be nuts.
For some, the answer is a resounding “No.” Trump is
crazy like a fox, his biggest fans will tell you. Everything Then there's Door Number 3:
he does is part of his master plan. He keeps owning the libs
by telling them how great he is and how stupid his haters Trump isn't crazy, he's just a jerk. Jerks say
are, and in response, those liars in the fake news media a lot of crazy things, because they're jerks.
keep making fools of themselves as they try to prove him They call people rude names, and say
wrong. He loves to tweak the elites, the ones who think of things that are provably untrue, and
themselves as our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters. complain about anything and everything
They were shattered by Hillary Clinton's loss, and they'll that bruises their egos. They do these
grasp at any straw they think will hurt the guy who beat things not because they're out of touch with
her. reality, but because they just don't care
about it. Reality is boring. Who needs it?
So Trump just keeps throwing out straws. For example,
early Saturday morning he tweeted the following in Trump's behavior is beneath the dignity of the office, but
reaction to Michael Wolff's new book, Fire and Fury (all maybe that's not such a bad thing. Maybe the office
capitalization and punctuation in the original): shouldn't have been so dignified for all these centuries.
Maybe we've exalted the presidency too highly. Maybe
Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense this Trump/media knife-fight is a good thing, in the long
study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American run.
public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News
Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan Maybe!
playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.
Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have
Trump proves that winning an election doesn't make
been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked
anybody a better person, and the media's reaction proves
Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as
that losing an election doesn't erase our memory of how
everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY
they behaved when they were the ones in power. As the “I'm a very stable genius,” I would've
two sides try to destroy each other, they remind the rest of mocked the hell out of him. I would've
us just how small and flawed they really are. marveled at his narcissistic delusions, and
listed all the empirical evidence proving him
I'm not a fan of either tribe in this war. They both need to wrong. Now it's supposed to be different
be taken down a peg or two or 200. Let them fight. because the Republicans have their own
version of Obama? Nope. Sorry I'm not
more sorry, folks.)
None of it will matter anyway, once this reality-TV
nightmare is replaced by The President Oprah Show. *Or, one day, a woman.
**Or, one day, America's Mom.
(And if anything I've just said made you
angry, please consider this: If Barack
Obama had ever come right out and said,

The Same Communist “Mainstream Media”
Now Pushing “Trump Is Crazy” Lie HID For A
Year The Fact That Hillary Paid For
Bogus “Russia Dossier”
By JD Heyes
Monday, January 08, 2018

If you needed yet another reason to Ace investigative journalist and Hoover Institute media
despise the so-called “mainstream fellow Paul Sperry tweeted the truth over the weekend,
media,” this story should qualify. outing the “mainstream” media as the frauds they are.

For more than a year, the insane Left — led by the “BREAKING NEWS: DC press corps
Democratic Party, which is fundamentally no different suppressed for full year the fact that Clinton
than the communist parties of China and the former Soviet campaign paid for the anti-Trump Russia
Union — have pushed the never-proven, widely debunked dossier.
narrative that the campaign of President Donald J. Trump
“Journalists knew Clinton behind dossier as
“colluded” with the Russians to “steal the election” from
early as September 2016 & kept mum,
Hillary Clinton.
reporting dossier’s allegations as if they
were legitimate intelligence!”
The media gleefully picked up this fake allegation and in
fact, allowed themselves to be used as patsies, breathlessly
publishing no shortage of fake news stories based on
“unnamed sources” that were lying all along.

Even today in some media circles you can still hear Alt-
Left pundits claim that the collusion ‘is there’ — the
evidence just hasn’t been found yet.

The continued lack of evidence month after month,

however, has now led the Alt-Left to concoct a new theory:
Trump is crazy, say all these psychiatrists
(none of whom have ever examined the “BREAKING: ex-Trump campaign adviser
president and who clearly have political says prominent Washington journalists told
motivations for their claims). him DURING CAMPAIGN (early as Sept
But the same media that is now giving this 2016) they KNEW Hillary Clinton was
latest conspiracy failed for an entire year to behind the anti-Trump dossier, and yet they
report the truth about the “Russia dossier” SAT ON that critical information for a FULL
— namely, that it was bought and paid for YEAR & acted as if dossier was legit intel.”
by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and then
‘dressed up’ as legitimate intelligence.
They all knew — and not one of them
reported it.

(Related: NY Times in full COVER-UP mode to help

DEMS save their ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ narrative
as House closes in on FBI’s improper use of ‘dossier’.)

Immediately after the Post published its story, other
mainstream media journalists piped up and claimed that
yes, they knew all about Clinton’s involvement,

but for various reasons decided against

publishing the facts.
Rather, they let the fake narrative play out
so that it would hamper Trump during his
entire first year in office. You know, ‘for the
good of the country.’

The New York Times was aware of the truth as well.

It wasn’t until October — just about the time Democrats Apparently when the paper’s reporter, Kenneth Vogel,
and the mainstream media were figuring out that the questioned Clinton’s campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, he
“Trump-Russia collusion” lie wasn’t going to produce the pushed back “vigorously” and insisted his source was
desired result (lead to Trump’s impeachment) — that the wrong.
Washington Post finally published the truth:
(Questions : When did that ever stop the
Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Post and the Times from publishing fake
Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained news about Trump and his administration?
Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct And when did the mainstream media ever
the research. bother ask the Trump administration first
After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author before publishing?)
Christopher Steele, a former British These people are helping
intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and
the U.S. intelligence community, according forces of evil destroy our
to those people, who spoke on the country by keeping us
condition of anonymity. irreconcilably divided. They
are enemies of freedom, not
guarantors of it.

Joe Scarborough Complains Washington Post
Won't Publish His Trump Dementia Claim
By Tim Graham
January 9, 2018 6:15 AM EST

The standards of evidence at liberal cable-news channels came out, this was something we were not
are not high. With Donald Trump, gossip and unproven allowed to speak about.”
rumors from anonymous sources will suffice. During an
interview with anti-Trump author Michael Wolff on Note the clumsy Morning Joe dance:
Monday, MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough
complained that he has twice tried to include unproven
I think the Post is way too cautious, but I
references to President Trump being in an early stage of
salute them! Thank you for publishing my
dementia in his columns for the Washington Post, but both
Trump rants, you cautious cowards!
times the editors told him to remove those references.
MSNBC doesn't have any of that caution. On November
30, Joe "reported" just like Wolff to his morning audience

"people close to him during the campaign

told me had early stages of dementia."
He wasn't that bold on May 2, but just
hinted "I'm not saying that Donald Trump
has dementia, but my mother has
dementia. She lives in the moment. She
forgets what she said a day ago, a week
ago. We can't have presidents that
“There is such a reluctance, and I'm not, do that. And I'm not saying that he
certainly not knocking The Washington has dementia. I will leave that to
Post. They're actually being conservative his physician to figure that out.”
with a small C. I’ve written twice in my
column a quote about one of [the] people
Scarborough's latest Washington Post column lauds Wolff
closest to Donald Trump during the
for identifying Trump as unfit:
campaign saying he’s got early stage of
dementia. He repeats the same stories
over and over again, his father had it and "Michael Wolff's tantalizing takedown of
it's getting worse, and not a single person President Trump's White House is so tightly
that works for him doesn’t know he has packed with tales of political convulsion
early signs of dementia. Now of course, and personal betrayal that official
they didn't think he was gonna win." Washington will be buzzing off its sugar
high for weeks. But after the shock of
Wolff's account of Trump's willful ignorance
So Scarborough protested again:
and intellectual incoherence fades,
Americans will be left with the inescapable
"But twice The Washington Post would not conclusion that the president is not capable
let me put that in my column, which again, I of fulfilling his duties as commander in
salute them for having a high bar. But we chief."
are at this moment, and until your book

They ADMIT It! Leaked Memo Shows DEMS Want DACA
‘Dreamers’ For ‘Future Electoral Success’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 9, 2018

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in said was unconstitutionally implemented. After Trump
their power to defend Dreamers, that will rescinded Obama’s order in September, several Democrat-
jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in run states filed suit against the administration, demanding
2018 and beyond” DACA be replaced.

After rescinding the order, Trump called on Congress to

come up with a legislative fix for the Dreamers facing

Thus far, the House has put forth a bipartisan DACA

compromise bill that also claims to address concerns over
chain migration. But it’s unclear it could pass.

The CAP Action memo says protecting DACA is not only

(National Sentinel) Transformation: A memo circulated
a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting
by the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund
on Monday noted that illegal aliens brought to the U.S. at a
young age —
“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a
moral imperative, it is also a critical
the so-called “Dreamers” — are a “critical
component of the Democratic Party’s future
component of the Democratic Party’s future
electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,
electoral success.”
according to The Daily Caller.

The memo, co-written by former Clinton communications “If Democrats don’t try to do everything in
director Jennifer Palmieri, was distributed to allies who are their power to defend Dreamers, that will
calling on congressional Democrats to jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in
2018 and beyond,” the memo continues.
“In short, the next few weeks will tell us a
“refuse to offer any votes for Republican
lot about the Democratic Party and its long-
spending bills that do not offer a fix for
term electoral prospects.”
Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to
deport them.”
Several conservative pundits and lawmakers have warned
that if Republicans cave on the DACA issue and vote for
Last fall President Donald J. Trump moved to end the
amnesty, it will put their congressional majority in danger
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy
and could also lead to Trump’s defeat in 2020.
which was implemented by President Obama via executive
order, to prevent illegals brought to the U.S. as children by
their parents from being deported. They have also warned that Democrats want to save
DACA for the very reason the memo states: Future voters.
A number of states threatened to sue the Trump
administration if it did not end the program, which they

REVEALED: Newly Revealed Texts From FBI Agent
Strzok, Lawyer Page, Show MORE Anti-Trump Bias;
Congress Probes Pair For Possible News LEAKS
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 9, 2018

Republican investigators say the messages suggest that the GOP-led committees in the House and Senate are poring
pair had media contacts over messages that appear to indicate Strzok and Page had
advance knowledge of a Wall Street Journal report close to
election day and plotted how they would feign stumbling
upon it so they could share it with colleagues.

“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so

can’t read it,” Page texted Strzok on Oct.
24, 2016.
“WSJ? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted
back, using the initials of the famed
financial newspaper. “Should I ‘find’ it and
tell the team?”
(National Sentinel) Unprofessional: Newly revealed text
messages sent by FBI counterintelligence agent Peter
The messages, reviewed by The Hill, also reveal how the
Strzok show even more bias against President Donald J.
two allegedly plotted how to make it appear as though they
Trump than previously reported.
innocently stumbled upon the article, such as in a Google
News alert.
As noted by The Hill‘s John Solomon, Strzok and his
mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, the two shared a National
“I can get it like I do every other article that
Public Radio article on the opening of Trump’s new hotel
hits any Google News alerts, seriously,”
in Washington and could “barely contain their disdain,”
Strzok wrote, noting further he didn’t want
the report noted.
his team hearing about the article “from
someone else.”
“That’s one place I hope I never stay in,”
Page wrote.
Strzok had a key role early on in the Russia meddling
Strzok replied. “Agreed. I hope it fails probe and was a part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s
horribly.” team until last summer, when initial anti-Trump texts
between him and Page were discovered.
After one of the presidential debates, Strzok also had an
observation about then-Fox anchor and current NBC But now Congress wants to know whether the pair is
anchor Megyn Kelly. responsible for a series of damaging leaks against Trump
and his administration.
“Vaguely satisfying to see Megyn Kelly
(who had Botox and looks HORRIBLE) “The Hill reviewed nearly three dozen
utterly going after Trump,” he texted, as texts in which the two agents discussed
Solomon reported. articles, tried to track down information
about a specific New York Times reporter
In addition, the new texts and other information that has or opined about leaked information in
been turned over to Congress has sparked an additional stories that they fretted were ‘super
probe into whether Strzok and Page illegally leaked specific,'” the news site noted.
classified information to several media outlets.

Republican investigators say the messages suggest that the Weissman, had contact with the news
pair had media contacts but they don’t necessarily prove media last April, shortly before Mueller was
they leaked information. named special prosecutor, according to a
letter the committee has sent the
Also, Solomon reported: department.
In a deal with current FBI Director
Separately, the House Intelligence Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney
Committee says it has obtained information General Rod Rosenstein, Justice officials
that Mueller’s current deputy in the Russia have promised to provide the Intelligence
probe, respected Justice Department Committee with information on the
financial fraud prosecutor Andrew Weismann contacts later this week.

Investigators Examining Whether FBI Officials Peter
Strzok And Lisa Page Improperly Leaked To Media
By Kristina Wong
9 Jan 2018

Strzok played a key role in those investigations, and served

on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team before the text
messages were found and he was kicked off in the

Page, with whom Strzok was having an extramarital affair,

had also served on the special counsel team, but had left
before the text messages were discovered. Investigators
also found that the two had discussed in FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe’s office an “insurance plan” to
thwart Trump’s election.

The Hill also reviewed nearly three dozen texts where the
two discussed articles, tried to track down information
about a specific New York Times reporter, or opined about
Alex Wong/Getty Images, FNC
leaked information in stories they fretted were “super
House and Senate committees are specific.”
investigating whether FBI agents who
led the Russia investigation improperly It’s not clear whether then-FBI Director James Comey
leaked to news media, according to a authorized the leaks, although he arranged some of his
report. own, by creating memos of his conversations with
President Trump and leaking them to a friend to give to the
In text messages reviewed by The Hill, FBI news media after he left the FBI for the purpose of
counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa prompting a special counsel.
Page exchanged a series of texts shortly before Election
Day 2016, that suggests they knew in advance about a House intelligence committee investigators are also
Wall Street Journal article, and discussed how to pretend looking into a contact with news media by DOJ senior
finding it and sharing with colleagues. official Andrew Weissman in April, shortly before the
special counsel was convened. Weissman is currently
“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so Mueller’s deputy, and had attended Hillary Clinton’s
can’t read it,” Page texted Strzok on Oct. election party, and praised former acting Attorney General
24, 2016, according to the report. Sally Yates for refusing to implement Trump’s travel ban.
“Wsj? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted
In another string of text messages five days before the
back. “Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?”
election, Page alerted Strzok to a Washington Post story
“I can get it like I do every other article that about a timeline in the Clinton email investigation, and
hits any Google News alerts, seriously,” references a conversation she had with FBI chief of staff
Strzok texted, adding he did not want his James Rybicki about the article.
team hearing about the article “from
someone else.” “Sorry, Rybicki called. Time line article in
the post (sic) is super specific and not
The text messages were first uncovered by the Justice good. Doesn’t make sense because I didn’t
Department inspector general, who is investigating have specific information to give.”
whether the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation
and the bureau’s counterintelligence probe into the Trump A few days earlier, Strzok had texted Page about another
campaign with political bias. article, suggesting it was anti-FBI.

“Yep, the whole tone is anti-Bu. Just a tiny Page texted she found information on Apuzzo’s wife:
bit from us,” he texted.
“Found address looking for her. Lawyer.”
Page texted she had seen the article, and that it
Strzok also warned Page against using the work phone to
“makes me feel WAY less bad about track down information on the reporter.
throwing him under the bus to the
forthcoming CF article.” “I wouldn’t search on your work phone …
no idea what that might trigger.”
They also discussed tracking down New York Times
“Oops. Too late,” she responded.
reporter Matt Apuzzo’s address and spouse’s job. Apuzzo
had reported on numerous developments in the Russia
case. They also texted about the opening of Trump’s new hotel
in Washington.
“We got a list of kids with their parents’
names. How many Matt Apuzzo’s (sic) “That’s one place I hope I never stay in,”
could there be in DC,” Page texted Strzok. Page texted.
“Showed J a picture, he said he thinks he
has seen a guy who kinda looks like that, Strzok texted back:
but always really schlubby. I said that
sounds like every reporter I have ever “Agreed. I hope it fails horribly.”
They also said an article about FBI agents unhappy about
It’s not clear who “J” is. the outcome of the Clinton case was “stupid,” called Fox
anchor Chris Wallace a “turd,” and talked about then-FOX
A minute later, Page added: News anchor Megyn Kelly after one of the presidential
“Found what I think might be their address,
too.” “Vaguely satisfying to see Megyn Kelly
(who had Botox and looks HORRIBLE)
Strzok responded, utterly going after Trump,” he said.

“He’s TOTALLY schlubby. Don’t you


CLASSLESS: Georgia Dems Promote ‘F**K Trump’
Projection On Atlanta Stadium As Prez Attends College
Football National Championship
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 9, 2018

Another day, another example of why Democrats are in the Critics of the projection pointed out on Twitter that the
minority display was another example of why Democrats are in the
minority in Congress and throughout most state
legislatures and governorships.

(NationalSentinel) Profane: Georgia Democrats sponsored

a crude message aimed at denigrating President Donald J.
Trump as he attended Monday night’s college football
National Championship game at Atlanta’s Mercedes Benz

Outside the venue, the Dekalb County Democrats

projected the words “F**k Trump” onto the stadium.

As reported by USA Today, the group also tweeted,

“Welcome to Atlanta where the players play

and where the Democratic Socialists have
an awesome projector like every day.
(You’re not welcome in District 5 or
anywhere else in ATL you orange fascist.”

In actuality, the Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of

America claimed credit for the projection.

But, as the tweet indicates, the Dekalb County Democrats

approvingly promoted the vile message.

Guess Who CNN Just Promoted To
‘Chief White House Correspondent’
By Greg P.
Posted At 9:33 Am On January 9, 2018

Well, it looks like CNN’s Jim Acosta just got a promotion:


Here’s the memo from CNN:

That puts it mildly. As for how the administration will


…yeah, not really.

CNN made other moves as well:



Trump Attends College Football Championship; Crowd
ROARS When Prez STANDS For National Anthem (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 9, 2018

Trump waved to the crowd a number of times before Reports noted that some of the 71,000 fans jeered at the
taking his place near the middle of the field president, but those were drowned out by the cheers.

Watch (per Michael Sheridan/Twitter):

(National Sentinel) Presidential: President Donald J.

Trump attended Monday night’s college National
Championship game between the Alabama Crimson Tide
and the Georgia Bulldogs.

As the president entered the field accompanied by ROTC

students from both universities, the crowd erupted in
cheers at Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz stadium, the home of
NFL’s Atlanta Falcons.

Trump waved to the crowd a number of times before

taking his place near the middle of the field before the Zac Alabama won its fifth national title under head coach Nick
Brown Band sang the National Anthem, standing with his Saban with a 26-23 overtime win. In all, Saban has won
hand over his heart as the band sang. six national titles; he won with LSU in 2003, before taking
over the head coaching duties at the Crimson Tide in the
2007-2008 season.

Author Michael Wolff NOW SAYS
For Trump-Bashing Book (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Wolff responded, “I did not.”

You did not?” O’Donnell repeated.
“I did not,” Wolff confirmed.
She then asked Wolff if he ever interviewed
Vice President Mike Pence.
“I did not,” Wolff said again.
O’Donnell also noted Trump denied having
ever been interviewed by Wolff.
“The president denies he ever spoke to you
Author Michael Wolff admitted Monday for the book, at all,” O’Donnell said.
that he did not interview Vice President
Mike Pence or any Cabinet members,
though some of the more incendiary
claims in his book “Fire and Fury” are
credited to Cabinet members.


Wolff spoke with CBS on Tuesday morning.

Infowars posted the transcript:

Host Norah O’Donnell asked Wolf, “Did you

speak to any members of the president’s
Cabinet for this book?”

ANOTHER Admission: Anti-Trump Author Michael Wolff
Says He Didn’t Interview ANY Cabinet Officials For His
Scandal-Ridden Tome (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 9, 2018

Several people quoted by Wolff have already denied White House we would chat as though we
making the comments were friends.”
“But that’s not an interview, to greet
someone and say, ‘Hello,’” O’Donnell
pointed out. “That’s not a journalistic

The author then struggled to explain away O’Donnell’s

point, insisting that he did sit down with Trump for three
hours during his months in the White House, even though
Wolff was “sure he [Trump] didn’t think they were

(National Sentinel) Unsubstantiated: The author of an In his book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White
anti-Trump book set for release said during an interview House,” Wolff includes several quotes from multiple
Tuesday he did not interview any members of the Cabinet secretaries, including National Security Adviser
president’s Cabinet, casting fresh doubts about the book’s H.R. McMaster and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
overall truthfulness.
“For (Treasury Secretary) Steve Mnuchin
In an interview with CBS‘ “This Morning” program, and (former Trump White House chief of
Wolff was asked by host Norah O’Donnell, staff) Reince Priebus, the president was an
‘idiot.’ For (former Goldman Sachs exec)
“Did you speak to any members of the Gary Cohn, he was ‘dumb as sh-t.’ For
president’s Cabinet for this book?” (National Security Adviser) H.R. McMaster
he was a ‘dope.’ The list went on,” Wolff
“I did not,” Wolff responded.
“You did not?” O’Donnell repeated.
“I did not,” Wolff confirmed. Last week, reports said that in an author’s note included in
the book, Wolff admitted there was much he could not
She then asked Wolff if he ever spoke to Vice President verify, which initially cast suspicion and doubt on the
Mike Pence for his tome. book’s veracity.

Again, he responded, “I did not.” He said several of his sources were flatly lying to him,
while others said things that were contradictory in nature.
O’Donnell then noted that President Trump has also
publicly tweeted that he never granted “access” to Wolff or Many of those were nonetheless included in his book.
spoke to him during his time researching the book. Wolff said in his author’s note that he and the publisher are
including them, “allowing the reader to judge” whether the
sources’ claims are true.
“The president denies he ever spoke to you
for the book, at all,” O’Donnell said.
In other instances, Wolff said he used his instincts as a
“I probably think he had no idea he was journalist to relay
speaking to me for this book,” Wolff said.
“When I would meet the president in the

“a version of events I believe to be Several people quoted by Wolff have already denied
true.” making the comments.
“Many of the accounts of what has
happened in the Trump White House are in Watch:
conflict with one another; many, in
Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. These
conflicts, and that looseness with the truth,
if not with reality itself, are an elemental
thread of the book,” he wrote.
“Sometimes I have let the players offer
their versions, in turn allowing the reader to
judge them. In other instances I have,
through a consistency in the accounts and
through sources I have come to trust,
settled on a version of events I believe to
be true,” he continued.

Former FBI Asst. Director: No Question Clinton
Foundation Is “Criminal Conspiracy” – “It’s Just A Giant
Slush Fund” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Former FBI assistant Director James K. to shame from the standpoint it operated. I
Kallstrom went on Varney and Co. to mean, its just a giant slushfund. You
discuss the continued witch hunt know…get a bunch of Gulfstream fives, fly
against President Donald Trump. around the world, and buy wedding gowns,
pay for weddings. I mean the tiny little
Kallstrom also went on to call the amount of money that goes to charity, and I
Clinton Foundation a “criminal even question if those are charities. It’s
conspiracy” and “giant slush fund.” preposterous why the IRS has not come
down upon them earlier is beyond me. But
there’s no question that it is beyond a
criminal conspiracy and all those other
things… the uncovering of names, the
Uranium One thing, and all this other stuff.

Via Varney and Co.:

James Kallstrom: There’s no question the

Clinton Foundation… is a criminal
conspiracy. I mean I investigated the RICO
Statute for years, and the FBI. I mean this
puts our investigations of organized crime

BOOM! Hillary Campaign Chair Podesta
Was Tipped Off On “Gross Negligence” Phrase BEFORE
IT WAS REMOVED From Comey Statement!
By Jim Hoft
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, John

Podesta, received an email from an
advisor on March 9, 2016, which
brought up the phrase “gross
negligence” in regards to the FBI’s
email investigation on Hillary Clinton.

The email was sent to John Podesta on March 9th — via


This was before the FBI agent in charge Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-
of the probe removed the phrase from Mail System
her exoneration statement, according to
Remarks prepared for delivery at press briefing.
FBI Director James Comey released his statement on the
Good morning. I’m here to give you an update on the
Clinton email investigation on July 5, 2016, four months
FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a
personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary
of State.
Washington, D.C.
FBI National Press Office After a tremendous amount of work over the last year,
(202) 324-3691 the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the
July 5, 2016 case to the Department of Justice for a prosecutive
decision. What I would like to do today is tell you three
things: what we did; what we found; and what we are
Statement by FBI Director James B.
recommending to the Department of Justice.
Comey on the Investigation of Secretary

This will be an unusual statement in at least a couple unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all
ways. First, I am going to include more detail about of it to see what was there, and what parts of the
our process than I ordinarily would, because I think puzzle could be put back together.
the American people deserve those details in a case
FBI investigators have also read all of the
of intense public interest. Second, I have not
approximately 30,000 e-mails provided by Secretary
coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way
Clinton to the State Department in December 2014.
with the Department of Justice or any other part of the Where an e-mail was assessed as possibly containing
government. They do not know what I am about to
classified information, the FBI referred the e-mail to
any U.S. government agency that was a likely “owner”
I want to start by thanking the FBI employees who did of information in the e-mail, so that agency could
remarkable work in this case. Once you have a better make a determination as to whether the e-mail
sense of how much we have done, you will contained classified information at the time it was sent
understand why I am so grateful and proud of their or received, or whether there was reason to classify
efforts. the e-mail now, even if its content was not classified at
the time it was sent (that is the process sometimes
So, first, what we have done:
referred to as “up-classifying”).
The investigation began as a referral from the
From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the
Intelligence Community Inspector General in
State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains
connection with Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal
e-mail server during her time as Secretary of State. have been determined by the owning agency to
contain classified information at the time they were
The referral focused on whether classified information
was transmitted on that personal system. sent or received. Eight of those chains contained
information that was Top Secret at the time they were
Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the
classified information was improperly stored or time; and eight contained Confidential information,
transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a which is the lowest level of classification. Separate
federal statute making it a felony to mishandle from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-
classified information either intentionally or in a classified” to make them Confidential; the information
grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails
misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified were sent.
information from appropriate systems or storage
The FBI also discovered several thousand work-
related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000
Consistent with our counterintelligence that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in
responsibilities, we have also investigated to 2014. We found those additional e-mails in a variety of
determine whether there is evidence of computer ways. Some had been deleted over the years and we
intrusion in connection with the personal e-mail server found traces of them on devices that supported or
by any foreign power, or other hostile actors. were connected to the private e-mail domain. Others
I have so far used the singular term, “e-mail server,” in we found by reviewing the archived government e-
describing the referral that began our investigation. It mail accounts of people who had been government
turns out to have been more complicated than that. employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton,
Secretary Clinton used several different servers and including high-ranking officials at other agencies,
administrators of those servers during her four years people with whom a Secretary of State might naturally
at the State Department, and used numerous mobile correspond.
devices to view and send e-mail on that personal This helped us recover work-related e-mails that were
domain. As new servers and equipment were not among the 30,000 produced to State. Still others
employed, older servers were taken out of service, we recovered from the laborious review of the millions
stored, and decommissioned in various ways. Piecing of e-mail fragments dumped into the slack space of
all of that back together—to gain as full an the server decommissioned in 2013.
understanding as possible of the ways in which
personal e-mail was used for government work—has With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that
were not among those produced to State, agencies
been a painstaking undertaking, requiring thousands
of hours of effort. have concluded that three of those were classified at
the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret
For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original level and two at the Confidential level. There were no
personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e- additional Top Secret e-mails found. Finally, none of
mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove those we found have since been “up-classified.”
the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame
from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the I should add here that we found no evidence that any
of the additional work-related e-mails were
pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-
mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our
assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary handling of very sensitive, highly classified
Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were information.
purged from the system when devices were changed.
For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters
Because she was not using a government account—
that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access
or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was
Program level when they were sent and received.
no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising
These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending
that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails
Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the
from others about the same matters. There is
30,000 e-mails to the State Department.
evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable
It could also be that some of the additional work- person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the
related e-mails we recovered were among those position of those government employees with whom
deleted as “personal” by Secretary Clinton’s lawyers she was corresponding about these matters, should
when they reviewed and sorted her e-mails for have known that an unclassified system was no place
production in 2014. for that conversation. In addition to this highly
sensitive information, we also found information that
The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in
was properly classified as Secret by the U.S.
2014 did not individually read the content of all of her
e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed
on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-
they relied on header information and used search
terms to try to find all work-related e-mails among the
reportedly more than 60,000 total e-mails remaining None of these e-mails should have been on any kind
on Secretary Clinton’s personal system in 2014. It is of unclassified system, but their presence is especially
highly likely their search terms missed some work- concerning because all of these e-mails were housed
related e-mails, and that we later found them, for on unclassified personal servers not even supported
example, in the mailboxes of other officials or in the by full-time security staff, like those found at
slack space of a server. Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—
or even with a commercial service like Gmail.
It is also likely that there are other work-related e-
mails that they did not produce to State and that we Separately, it is important to say something about the
did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone marking of classified information. Only a very small
because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to number of the e-mails containing classified information
State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a bore markings indicating the presence of classified
way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. information. But even if information is not marked
“classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or
We have conducted interviews and done technical
should know that the subject matter is classified are
examination to attempt to understand how that sorting
was done by her attorneys. Although we do not have still obligated to protect it.
complete visibility because we are not able to fully While not the focus of our investigation, we also
reconstruct the electronic record of that sorting, we developed evidence that the security culture of the
believe our investigation has been sufficient to give us State Department in general, and with respect to use
reasonable confidence there was no intentional of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was
misconduct in connection with that sorting effort. generally lacking in the kind of care for classified
information found elsewhere in the government.
And, of course, in addition to our technical work, we
interviewed many people, from those involved in With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile
setting up and maintaining the various iterations of actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary
Secretary Clinton’s personal server, to staff members Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various
with whom she corresponded on e-mail, to those configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked.
involved in the e-mail production to State, and finally, But, given the nature of the system and of the actors
Secretary Clinton herself. potentially involved, we assess that we would be
unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess
Last, we have done extensive work to understand
what indications there might be of compromise by that hostile actors gained access to the private
commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom
hostile actors in connection with the personal e-mail
operation. Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her
personal account. We also assess that Secretary
That’s what we have done. Now let me tell you what Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both
we found: known by a large number of people and readily
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary apparent. She also used her personal e-mail
Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws extensively while outside the United States, including
governing the handling of classified information, there sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the
is evidence that they were extremely careless in their territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that
combination of factors, we assess it is possible that
hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts
personal e-mail account. to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.
So that’s what we found. Finally, with respect to our To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar
recommendation to the Department of Justice: circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity
would face no consequences. To the contrary, those
In our system, the prosecutors make the decisions
about whether charges are appropriate based on individuals are often subject to security or
administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are
evidence the FBI has helped collect. Although we
deciding now.
don’t normally make public our recommendations to
the prosecutors, we frequently make As a result, although the Department of Justice makes
recommendations and engage in productive final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing
conversations with prosecutors about what resolution to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in
may be appropriate, given the evidence. In this case, this case.
given the importance of the matter, I think unusual I know there will be intense public debate in the wake
transparency is in order.
of this recommendation, as there was throughout this
Although there is evidence of potential violations of investigation. What I can assure the American people
the statutes regarding the handling of classified is that this investigation was done competently,
information, our judgment is that no reasonable honestly, and independently. No outside influence of
prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors any kind was brought to bear.
necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing
I know there were many opinions expressed by people
charges. There are obvious considerations, like the who were not part of the investigation—including
strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent.
people in government—but none of that mattered to
Responsible decisions also consider the context of a
us. Opinions are irrelevant, and they were all
person’s actions, and how similar situations have uninformed by insight into our investigation, because
been handled in the past.
we did the investigation the right way. Only facts
In looking back at our investigations into mishandling matter, and the FBI found them here in an entirely
or removal of classified information, we cannot find a apolitical and professional way. I couldn’t be prouder
case that would support bringing criminal charges on to be part of this organization.
these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some
combination of: clearly intentional and willful James Comey changed the wording from “grossly
mishandling of classified information; or vast negligent” to “extremely careless” in his final
quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to statement.
support an inference of intentional misconduct; or

David Brooks: Anti-Trump Movement Is Getting
'Dumber,' Becoming A 'Smug Fairy Tale'
By Tyler O'Neil
January 9, 2018

actually know or listen to those who

support Trump — and its "lowbrowism."

Brooks could not curb his own smugness in explaining

lowbrowism, however. He pointed to Fox News, Sean
Hannity, and Dinesh D'Souza as examples of it.

He defined the phenomenon as "a style of

communication that doesn't make you think
more; it makes you think and notice less."
President Donald Trump applauds members of the audience before Lowbrowism "offers a steady diet of
speaking at the Heritage Foundation's annual President's Club affirmation, focuses on simple topics that
meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2017 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo
Martinez Monsivais) require little background information, and
gets viewers addicted to daily doses of
righteous contempt and delicious
David Brooks issued a timely rebuke to the anti-Trump
movement in Tuesday's edition of The New York Times.
He argued that Michael Wolff's pot-stirring book, Fire and
Fury: Inside the Trump White House, represented a decline Has Brooks read any of D'Souza's books? They may
into "lowbrow" argument — based more on anger than vindicate the goodness of America and Christianity, but
truth. they certainly make readers think.

"The anti-Trump movement, of which I'm a In any case, Brooks admitted that anti-Trump lowbrowism
proud member, seems to be getting dominates "late-night TV," and "burst into full bloom with
dumber," Brooks confessed. "It seems to the Wolff book."
be settling into a smug, fairy tale version of
reality that filters out discordant "Wolff doesn’t pretend to adhere to normal
information." journalistic standards. He happily admits
that he’s just tossing out rumors that are
The Times columnist explained that too good to check. As Charlie Warzel wrote
on BuzzFeed, 'For Wolff’s book, the truth
seems almost a secondary concern to what
"more anti-Trumpers seem to be telling
really matters: engagement,'" Brooks
themselves a 'Madness of King George'
narrative: Trump is a semiliterate madman
surrounded by sycophants who are
morally, intellectually and psychologically He argued that opposing lowbrowism may be more
inferior to people like us." important than opposing Trump.

To his credit, Brooks attacked this smug mentality. "This isn’t just a struggle over a president.
It’s a struggle over what rules we’re going
to play by after Trump. Are we all going to
"I’d like to think it’s possible to be fervently
descend permanently into the Trump
anti-Trump while also not reducing
standard of acceptable behavior?" Brooks
everything to a fairy tale," he wrote.
The columnist lamented the anti-Trump
movement's "insularity" — few of them He wondered whether Americans can

"restore the distinction between excellence press operation. Then there is the Invisible
and mediocrity, truth and a lie." White House that you never hear about,
which is getting more effective at managing
The descent into unthinking partisanship did not begin around the distracted boss."
with Donald Trump, however. Brooks —
Self-described anti-Trump writers like Brooks seem unable
who wrote an "I Miss Obama" puff piece to realize that many of Trump's policy victories likely did
during the 2016 election — seems to have come from the president (SHOCKER!).
forgotten just how easily the Obama
scandals were dismissed by the press Brooks did admit that "people who go into
when the Ideologue in Chief declared, the White House to have a meeting with
"Nothing to see here." Obama may not President Trump usually leave pleasantly
have been "lowbrow," but he certainly was surprised. They find that Trump is not the
no perfect truth-teller. raving madman they expected from his
tweetstorms or the media coverage."
Also, is Brooks about to admit that the Russia
investigation might not end with a Trump treason Hmmmm. It's almost as if Donald Trump is not crazy.
impeachment? That might be the most fanciful fairy tale The Times columnist admitted
the Left is telling itself right now, and they seem utterly
convinced. "this is not an administration full of people
itching to invoke the 25th Amendment."
Even so, this op-ed is a step in the right direction.
Brooks remains anti-Trump, and it seems he may still be
Brooks noted that "there are two White biased in favor of Barack Obama. Even so, this op-ed is an
Houses. There’s the Potemkin White important wake-up call to the Left. Trump opponents need
House, which we tend to focus on: Trump to dial back the rhetoric, understand what the president's
berserk in front of the TV, the lawyers supporters think, and re-examine their premises. Brooks
working the Russian investigation and the has begun this journey, and he should not stop there.

Will The 'Impossible' Soon Come True? While Upcoming
OIG Report Shows Comey, Lynch And Clinton In
Crosshairs, A Nuclear Holocaust In America Would
Quickly End All Investigations
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
January 9, 2018
While much of America was talking about Michael Wolff's long been concerned that if close to being indicted for
new (and largely 'fake') book 'Fire and Fury', the 25th treason, 'enemies of America within' would attempt to pull
Amendment and a desperate attempt at removing President off the 'false flag of all false flags' to complete their long-
Trump from office and NBC's tweet Sunday showing worked-for goals of taking down America. From Din.:
they'll be supporting Oprah Winfrey for president in 2020,
a new story over at Zero Hedge might help to explain why A nuclear holocaust would put an end to
the likes of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and George many things.... The on-going
Soros haven't been recently heard from on Twitter with investigations into the treasonous acts
'medical boots' seemingly now all the rage with the committed by the enemies of humanity,
globalists. discovery of the 21 trillion dollars no
one can account for, the Pedophile
Quite appropriately titled "Upcoming Oig Report Likely investigations, etc, and the resurgence
To Trigger Second Special Counsel; Comey, Lynch of the once great U.S.A.
And Clinton In Crosshairs", their story helps to explain
why Americans fed up with government and 'deep state If we get nuked, EMPed, or have a
corruption' in Washington DC and America might one day massive biological or chemical attack
see what many of us have long believed impossible on U.S. soil it will be the creatures that
coming true. are so often in the news for their
criminal activities that will be
And while we still won't be holding our breaths waiting for responsible. And it will be our fault for
the traitors within the deep state or the Clinton crime not taking out these traitors years
family to fall, an already raucous start to to 2018 will sooner.
likely see more fireworks ahead, and possibly soon after
the January 15th release of a report by the DOJ's Inspector
General as Susan Duclos reported back on December 18th
of 2017 in this ANP story, "Explosive Revelations' By
DOJ Inspector General May Force A FBI Hillary
Clinton Investigation Reboot".

And before you discount the possibility of there ever being

a fair and impartial investigation into what many of us
have felt would be swept away into the dustbin's of history,
we should look at just WHO is leading this investigation at
the OIG. As ZH reports, after being neutered by Eric
Holder, Inspector General Michael Horowitz went to war
with the Obama Administration to restore the OIG's
powers. For the sake of all that is good, Horowitz has won
that battle. What will now come of it? First of all, let's take a look at what could turn into some
great news for truth seekers from this Zero Hedge story:
We'll also take a look below at a story recently put out by
'Trump soldier' as well as share a continuing word of The DOJ is "taking a fresh look" into the
caution via a recent comment by ANP reader Din who left Hillary Clinton email 'matter'.
the excellent following observation on this story. ANP has
The FBI has launched a new The House Intelligence Committee will
investigation into the Clinton be granted access to "all remaining
Foundation the day after the Clinton's investigative documents," unredacted,
Chappaqua property catches fire. along with all witnesses sought per a
deal reached between Deputy Attorney
Former FBI Director James Comey's full General Rod Rosenstein and Nunes.
Clinton memo was released, revealing
felony evidence of changes which Opposition research firm Fusion GPS
"decriminalized" Hillary Clinton's was forced to hand over banking
behavior. Oh, and every one of the records detailing various clients and
memos he leaked to his Cornell their intermediary law firms, including
professor buddy was classified, per a the Clinton Campaign and a Russian
sworn statement by the FBI's "chief money launderer whose lawyer was
FOIA officer" in a sworn declaration none other than Natalia Veselnitskaya of
obtained by Judicial Watch. Trump Tower meeting fame are we now.

In this January 7th story written by 'Trump Soldier' over at Both paths go through the DoJ. They
American Digital News he reports that a war that began can appoint one on their own or be
long before President Trump got into office that pitted the forced to by Congress. The evidence
DOJ's Inspector General Michael Horowitz and a few will simply be too overwhelming to do
members of Congress against the Barack Obama otherwise. It will look like the IG and
administration. While Eric Holder had effectively neutered Congress vs. the DoJ but make no
the Office of the Internal General's investigative powers mistake about it the DoJ/FBI good guys
soon after the fast and furious gun running scandal broke, are in on it. The Initial Scope Bullet
things have changed. From Trump Soldier.: Points Comey, Kadzik, FOIA, and the
Hillary Clinton email investigation.
In Horowitz War vs. The Obama Admin
he allied himself with Congress. This is This report will be the highlight of
the continuation of that war. This is the Horowitz career as well as that of
mop up operation and he is once again everyone in his organization. It will be
working with Congress towards that the most significant report to ever come
end. That end is reached by a special out of the Inspectors General. He will
counsel and there are two paths to get give the HJC and the DoJ what they
there. need to appoint a Special Counsel. It is
inevitable. What was Michael Horowitz
doing prior to January 2017? From
2011-2016 he was engaged in a (which they are not) they are between a
protracted war with the Holder DoJ and rock (IG) and a hard place (Congress)
Obama Admin. A war he finally won in and will comply. Lastly, for amusement
November 2016. pay attention to the targets of the
investigations and their surrogates in
For those that are paranoid about the both the media and Congress. They will
DoJ/FBI leadership and want to view attack, distort, distract, and flail about in
them as an adversary that is fine. IT panic. Do not worry about them. They
WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. Even if are powerless and along for the ride.
they were opposed to cleaning up ALL OF THEM.

With that last paragraph being music to our ears, and ranking of the US press freedom index dropped to 41st in
before anyone goes and screams a new investigation into the world in 2016 - as we've reported before on ANP,
Hillary emails or corruption proves we're witnessing anything less than #1 and we're moving towards tyranny.
'partisan politics' once again, we'd be wise to remember
that Horowitz was appointed by Barack Obama back on While John Podesta hasn't been seen on twitter since
April 16th of 2012. And where has the 'Democrative deep December 17th, he generally only tweeted about once
state' elite suddenly gone on twitter? every few weeks anyways though George Soros absence
since November 26th is strange because he used to tweet
Let's take a look at what's happening there. quite regularly.

As Susan Duclos pointed out in this ANP story back on And while none of these absences are proof that something
January 3rd, for some reason, the likes of Bill and Hillary, huge is going down, the 'rules of the game' may finally be
James Comey, John Podesta and George Soros have been enforced with President Trump in office, IG Horowitz
strangely quiet on twitter recently. As of the writing of this unchained and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton now on
story, Hillary Clinton's last tweets were on January 2nd, a the sideline, watching events unfolding like the rest of us
week ago now, her account used to tweet nearly every day. rather than pulling the most crucial strings as we hear in
each of the videos below.
While James Comey's last tweet came on January 3rd, he
too used to tweet once every few days and while Bill
Clinton finally issued another tweet on Monday after more
than a week of absence, he hinted at journalists being
imprisoned and a free press being critical to a free society
in this tweet: A free press is critical to a free society—the
detention of journalists anywhere is unacceptable. The
Reuters journalists being held in Myanmar should be
released immediately. What about Julian Assange, Bill?

And remember that during the reign of Barack Obama here

in America, according to reporters without borders, the


Russiagate Turns On Its Originators
By Paul Craig Roberts,
January 09, 2018

Russiagate originated in a conspiracy between the What we do know is that the FBI used what it knew to be a
military/security complex, the Clinton-controlled fake dossier to go to the FISA court for a warrant to spy on
Democratic National Committee, and the Trump.
liberal/progressive/left. The goal of the military/security
complex is to protect its out-sized budget and power by As a consequence both Comey and the FBI, special
preventing President Trump from normalizing relations prosecutor Mueller, and Christopher Steele are in hot
with Russia. Hillary and the DNC want to explain away water. The Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary
their election loss by blaming a Trump/Putin conspiracy to Committee, Senator Grassley, has instructed the US
steal the election. The liberal/progressive/left want Trump Attorney General to launch a criminal investigation of
driven from office. Steele for false statements to FBI counterintelligence
As the presstitutes are aligned with the
military/security complex, Hillary and the
DNC, and the liberal/progressive/left, the
Russiagate orchestration is a powerful
You can see where this leads as former FBI director
conspiracy against the president of the
Comey is a participant in the Russiagate attack on
United States and the “deplorables” who President Trump. To protect himself Steele will have to rat
elected him. Nevertheless, the Russiagate
on who put him up to it. If President Trump had any sense,
Conspiracy has fallen apart and has now
he would put Steele under protective custody, as his life is
been turned against its originators.
clearly in danger. If the CIA and the FBI don’t get him, the
Clintons surely will.
Despite the determination of the CIA and FBI to get
Trump, these powerful and unaccountable police state
Trump’s easy election shook the Republican Establishment
agencies have been unable to present any evidence of the
as well as it upset the Democrats and the military/security
Trump/Putin conspiracy against Hillary. As William
complex. The Republican Establishment hates losing
Binney, the former high level National Security Agency
control. Initially the Republican Establishment aligned
official who devised the spy program has stated, if there
with Trump’s enemies, but now understands that Trump’s
was any evidence of a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the
demise means their demise.
US presidential election, the NSA would most certainly
have it.
Consequently, all of a sudden in Washington facts count.
Not all facts, just those relating to the Steele dossier. Be
So where is the evidence? Why after one
sure you listen closely and carefully to these two videos of
year and a half and a special prosecutor
US Representative Jim Jordan’s destruction of US Deputy
whose assignment is to get Trump has no
Attorney General Rosenstein for sitting on his ass while a
evidence whatsoever been found of the
totally corrupt FBI attempted to destroy the elected
Trump/Putin conspiracy? The obvious
president of the United States. Keep in mind that
answer is that no such conspiracy ever
Rosenstein is a member of the Trump administration. Why
existed. The only conspiracy is the one
does the President of the United States employ people out
against Trump.
to destroy him?

This has now become completely apparent. Russiagate

Here are the videos:
originated in a fake “Trump dossier” invented by
Christopher Steele, a former British MI6 intelligence
officer. It is not yet clear whether it was the DNC, the CIA,
or the FBI who paid Steele for the fake dossier. Perhaps he NM&app=desktop
sold it to all three.

Here are 18 questions asked by US Rep. Jim Jordan: 15) Why did Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson meet
with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and
1) Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele, author of the after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?
dossier? 16) Why was FBI General Counsel Jim Baker reassigned
2) Was the dossier the basis for securing FISA warrants two weeks ago? Was he the source for the first story
to spy on Americans? And why won’t the FBI show on the dossier by David Corn on October 31, 2016? Or
Congress the FISA application? was it someone else at the FBI?
3) When did the FBI get the complete dossier and who 17) Why won’t the FBI give Congress the documents it’s
gave it to them? Dossier author Christopher Steele? requesting?
Fusion GPS? Clinton campaign/DNC? Sen. McCain’s 18) And why would Senator Schumer, leader of the
staffer? Democrat party, publicly warn President-elect Trump
4) Did the FBI validate and corroborate the dossier? on Jan. 3, 2017 that when you mess with the
5) Did Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, or Bruce Orr work on the “intelligence community, they have six ways from
FISA application? Sunday at getting back at you?”
6) Why and how often did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet
with dossier author Christopher Steele during the 2016 Insouciant trusting gullible Americans who “believe in our
campaign? government” have no comprehension how totally corrupt
7) Why did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with Fusion GPS “their” government is. It is the most corrupt in the world.
founder Glenn Simpson after the election? To get their The corruption in Washington is really unbelievable. You
story straight after their candidate Clinton lost? Or to have to experience it to know it, and those who experience
double down and plan how they were going to go after it are part of it and will not tell.
President-elect Trump?
8) When and how did the FBI learn that DOJ lawyer Bruce The orchestration “Russiagate” proves
Orr’s wife, Nellie Orr, worked for Fusion GPS? And that the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI are so
what exactly was Nellie Orr’s role in putting together corrupt and unaccountable that they
the dossier? comprise the greatest threat to the
9) Why did the FBI release text messages between Peter American people in the entire history of
Strzok and Lisa Page? Normally, ongoing investigation America.
is reason not to make such information public.
10) And why did FBI release only 375/10,000+ texts? Were
The only solution is to break these agencies into a
they the best? Worst? Or part of a broader strategy to
thousand splinters, as President John F. Kennedy intended,
focus attention away from something else? And when
and rebuild them from scratch with total transparency. No
can Americans see the other 96% of texts
more protecting their vast crimes under the cloak of
11) Why did Lisa Page leave Mueller probe two weeks
“national security.” No classification of any so-called
before Peter Strzok? This was two weeks before FBI
intelligence unless it can pass a unanimous vote of
and Special Counsel even knew about the texts.
Congress and the ACLU.
12) Why did the intelligence community wait two months
after the election to brief President-elect Trump on the
dossier (January 6, 2017)? Why was James Comey The orchestration of Russiagate is proof
selected to do the briefing? that the alleged “national security
13) Was the briefing done to “legitimize” the dossier? And agencies” are an anti-American force
who leaked the fact that the briefing was about the detrimental to our survival as a free
dossier? people. The criminals in the FBI, CIA,
14) The New York Times reported last week that George and DNC must be investigated, indicted,
Papadopoulos’ loose lips were a catalyst for launching prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned
the Russia investigation. Was President-elect Trump or freedom in America is forever dead.
briefed on this?
If President Trump fails in this task, he will have failed
America. Everyone of us will be the victims.

Feinstein Unilaterally Posts Full Testimony
Of Fusion GPS Founder, Grassley Furious
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/09/2018 - 14:31

Just four days after two GOP Senators asked the DOJ to Curiously, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat
launch a criminal probe of Christopher Steele, the ex-MI6 on the Senate Intelligence Committee, which has also
British spy who was the author of the Trump dossier, and interviewed members of Fusion GPS, also appeared to
which according to many served as the basis for the back Grassley’s rationale last week. He said that he would
Russian collusion probe, on Tuesday afternoon Senator like Fusion partners to appear for public testimony.
Dianne Feinstein circumvented her Republican colleagues
on the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday and In a statement, Feinstein said that she released Simpson’s
unilaterally released the full 312-page transcript of the testimony after conferring with her fellow committee
committee's closed-door interview with Glenn Simpson, a Democrats.
former journalist and co-founder of Fusion GPS, which
commissioned the controversial Donald Trump's dossier
“The American people deserve the
about alleged connections with Russians.
opportunity to see what he said and judge
for themselves. The innuendo and
misinformation circulating about the
transcript are part of a deeply troubling
effort to undermine the investigation into
potential collusion and obstruction of
justice. The only way to set the record
straight is to make the transcript public.”

Needless to say, Grassley was furious after Feinstein's

publication, stating that it is

"totally confounding that Senator

Feinstein would unilaterally release a
transcript of a witness interview in the
Glenn Simpson on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 14, 2017 middle of an ongoing investigation"

The unexpected release, which came after a tense back- and that
and-forth between Republicans and Democrats over what
to do with the transcript of Simpson’s interview, follows "Her action undermines the integrity of the
Fusion GPS' demand last week that the full transcript be committee’s oversight work and
released, sparking a fight with Judiciary Chairman Chuck jeopardizes its ability to secure candid
Grassley (R-Iowa) over who was standing in the way of voluntary testimony relating to the
the document being released. The Senate Judiciary independent recollections of future
Committee interviewed Simpson on August 22, 2017 as witnesses."
part of its investigation into Russia's election interference.
Taylor Foy, a spokesman for Judiciary Chairman Chuck
That confrontation heated up last week after Simpson and Grassley, blasted Feinstein’s decision to release the
his Fusion GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch penned an op-ed transcript unilaterally, saying it could reduce the prospects
in The New York Times calling on the three congressional for other witnesses, such as Trump’s son-in-law, Jared
committees who have interviewed Fusion GPS employees Kushner, to agree to meet with the panel.
to release transcripts of the interviews. Grassley, the
chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, balked at the
“Her action undermines the integrity of the
idea, saying that the transcript needed to remain
committee’s oversight work and
confidential while the panel is interviewing other
jeopardizes its ability to secure candid
voluntary testimony relating to the
independent recollections of future
witnesses,” Foy said in an emailed

There are some snarkier takes on the Fusion GPS demand

to have the transcript released: as Sean Davis of the
Federalist notes,

"At the demand of Fusion GPS,

@SenFeinstein put Fusion GPS's
testimony on her website. In the interest of
transparency. While redacting the names of
Fusion's partners. Amazing."
As Davis also adds,

"It's almost like Fusion GPS was more

interested in aligning future DOJ witness
testimony with its own claims than it was
with actual transparency."

As for Simpson, he has emerged as the central figure in the

probes into Russian election interference after his firm

helped assemble a controversial dossier tying President happen and you call 911, right,” Simpson
Trump to Russia. Former British spy Christopher Steele said.
compiled the document, which includes unverified
allegations against Trump and his links to Moscow. Over that period, he said,

As Bloomberg adds, Republicans and Democrats tangled “the situation with the hacking of the
in recent weeks over the origins of the dossier, which was Democrats and the efforts by the Russians
funded in part by Trump’s political opponents, to influence the election and the possibility
the Trump Organization was, in fact, doing
and how the FBI and other agencies things to curry favor with the Russians
may have used the dossier in their became more and more serious, as
investigations. external developments occurred.”
“The innuendo and misinformation
circulating about the transcript are part of a Asked what he meant, Simpson pointed to Carter Page, a
deeply troubling effort to undermine the Trump campaign foreign policy adviser who showed up in
investigation into potential collusion and Moscow to give a speech; unexplained changes to the
obstruction of justice," Feinstein said in a Republican Party platform ahead of the GOP convention;
statement. “The only way to set the record and that Trump
straight is to make the transcript public.”
“continues to say mysterious things about
The full transcript details Glenn Simpson's August 22 what a great guy Putin is.”
interview. It shows that Simpson told the Senate Judiciary
Committee that the author of the dossier, Simpson said he had asked Steele at one point during the
summer of 2016 if he’d ever heard back from the FBI
former British spy Christopher Steele, following that initial July meeting
decided to approach the FBI in July
2016 to brief the bureau on his findings “because it was obvious there was a crime
about Trump. in progress.” Simpson said the crime he
"He thought from his perspective there was was referring to was “espionage -- they
were hacking into the computers of
an issue -- a security issue about whether a
presidential candidate was being Democrats and think tanks.”
blackmailed,” Simpson said. He added that
when Steele met with an FBI official in ***
September, the official told Steele the
bureau "had other intelligence about this As is widely known, Fusion was initially hired by
matter from an internal Trump campaign conservative website, Washington Free Beacon, during the
source." Republican primaries to dig up dirt on Trump.

The marathon conversation between Simpson and Later in the 2016 presidential campaign,
lawmakers touched on delicate territory while leaving Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton and
tantalizing details hanging, including the identity of a the Democratic National Committee paid
person inside the Trump circle who Simpson says provided Fusion GPS through a law firm for some
information to U.S. investigators. Simpson, a former of the research that resulted in the
journalist who co-founded Fusion GPS, denied strongly in dossier.
the interview that the dossier was phony.
But as Bloomberg notes, in the August interview,
“We can argue about what’s prudent
and what’s not, but it’s not a Simpson and his lawyer, asked
fabrication,” he said. repeatedly who commissioned research
into the presidential candidate, declined
Simpson also told the committee that he became to name them.
increasingly concerned about potential Trump connections
to Russia during the summer of 2016. Simpson also demurred when asked to provide specifics
about people who provided information to Steele. The ex-
“To me this was like, you know, you’re intelligence official was adept at gleaning information
driving to work and you see something about Russia, where disinformation is a known pitfall,
Simpson said.
When Simpson was asked to detail
steps Steele took to verify his sources’
credibility, his lawyer cut in to stop the
line of questioning.

The 35-page report drew on information from Russian

contacts and concluded that Russia had been “cultivating,
supporting and assisting” Trump for at least five years and
fed his campaign “valuable intelligence” about Clinton.

Trump has derided the findings, as recently as Dec. 26

when he wrote on Twitter:

“‘Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC

funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of
TAINTED.’ And they used this Crooked
Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for
going after the Trump Campaign!”


Finally, and speaking of transparency, see if you can spot

it in the examples below:

As noted above, according to the transcript, Steele said that
he approached the FBI because he believed there were
issue involving national security:

Steele also said he went to the FBI, worried that Trump

was being blackmailed

... With Steele later suggesting that the FBI had a source
inside the Trump organization.

Ironically, Steele said he stopped dealing with FBI just

before 2016 election, worried FBI "was being
manipulated" by 'Trump people.'

Full transcript will follow in next book. It is 315 pages!

Steve Bannon Is
Stepping Down From Breitbart
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/09/2018 - 16:14

Just days after President Trump snubbed an olive branch “I’m proud of what the Breitbart team has
offered by his former chief strategist and putative "alter- accomplished in so short a period of time in
ego", the New York Times is reporting that Steve Bannon - building out a world-class news platform.”
the "alt-right" icon and former Trump campaign manager -
is stepping down from his position as executive chairman According to Breitbart CEO Larry Solov,
of Breitbart News.
“Steve is a valued part of our legacy, and
Trump blasted Bannon in a public statement last week, we will always be grateful for his
saying the former senior White House official and - briefly contributions, and what he has helped us to
- member of the National Security Council - "lost his accomplish.”
mind" after Trump fired him. Bannon and the president
had an abrupt falling out last week after excerpts from Incidentally, the top-rated comment under that article is:
Michael Wolff's controversial book "Fire And Fury" - his
account of the first year of the Trump administration -
revealed Bannon making several embarrassing on-the- Steve is a great guy but he dug his own
record statements. In one, he said Don. Jr.'s decision to grave ....what else can I say.
organize the Russia meeting was "treasonous", and that
President Trump definitely knew about the meeting. In According to the Times, Bannon's departure was forced by
another, he reportedly told Wolff that the possibility of Robert Mercer, a one-time patron who distanced himself
removing Trump via the 25th amendment is discussed from Bannon and abruptly retracted his financial backing
daily in the West Wing. (including dropping payment for Bannon's security detail)
because of a detail in Wolff's book whereby Bannon told
Breitbart published a terse statement about Bannon's friends that the Mercers would back him if he decided to
departure on its website. It was stocked with several challenge President Trump in 2020.
wooden platitudes from CEO Larry Solov:
Trump has reportedly been making calls, asking all of his
Stephen K. Bannon has stepped down from Breitbart News friends and political allies to turn their backs on Bannon.
Network, where he served as Executive Chairman since For his part, Bannon took to Breitbart radio earlier this
2012. week to publicly affirm his support for the president. Even
though the two men publicly feuded this year following his
firing - most notably over Bannon's early support for
former Republican senate candidate Roy Moore - Bannon
Bannon and Breitbart will work together on a smooth and has persistently proclaimed in public that Americans
orderly transition. should "thank God" that Trump is president.

Bannon said, For Bannon, it was too little too late.

And the front page of Breitbart right now:


Tucker Carlson To Trump On DACA Remarks:
‘What Was The Point Of Running For President?’
By Jeff Poor
9 Jan 2018

for American interests rather than those of

foreign countries. Almost nobody in
Washington agreed with him at the time.
Almost nobody in Washington agrees with
him now.
Congress is full of people from both parties
who believe that the point of our
immigration policy is to provide cheap labor
to their donors and to atone for America’s
imaginary sins against the world. They
couldn’t care less about immigration’s
effect on you or your family. Yet, these are
Tuesday during a monologue on his Fox News Channel the same people the president now says he
show, host Tucker Carlson criticized President Donald trusts to write the immigration bills — the
Trump for what seemed to be a different approach to how one he will sign no matter what it says. So,
to handle immigration in a meeting that aired to the public what was the point of running for
with a bipartisan group of congressional leaders on the president?
issue. You will remember the president also ran
on his skills as a negotiator and he clearly
Carlson questioned that approach, which was apparently has skills as a negotiator. Where were they
much softer on the issue than what he had run on during today? The president signaled he’d be
the 2016 presidential campaign. happy to legalize hundreds of thousands of
illegal immigrants now and that at some
Partial transcript as follows: point in the future tackle all that other stuff
like making sure they can’t bring millions of
their relatives from the Third World along
In 2016, Donald Trump ran on the premise
with them. That’s not much of a
that America’s borders ought to be real.
That the repeated amnesties of the past
have betrayed voters and that this country
deserves immigration policy that looks out

Twenty-Year-Old Video Shows How Bill Clinton LIED
About North Korea, But Donald Trump Was Right
By Jayson Veley
Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Korea properly, and as a result, the regime now has

nuclear missiles that they can use against the United States
and our allies.

Just weeks ago, on December 29, the Los Angeles Times

published a story with the headline, “2017 Was the Year
when North Korea Became a Threat to the U.S.
Mainland.” In it, columnist Matt Stiles explains that the
psychopathic leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, started
off 2017 by announcing his intentions of developing an
intercontinental ballistic missile that is capable of reaching
the United States, and that as the year unfolded, it became
In a social media post published late last month, President obvious that Kim stuck to his resolution.
Donald Trump reminded the entire world that he has been
warning of the North Korean nuclear threat for nearly As the Los Angeles Times points out, in the year 2017,
twenty years now. Kim Jong-Un overcame several technological hurdles and
was ultimately able to test launch at least 17 ballistic
The tweet came in the form of a video, which starts out missiles, while simultaneously exchanging rhetoric and
with a clip of then-President Bill Clinton announcing a provocative remarks with the President of the United
1994 deal with the North Korean regime that was meant to States, Donald Trump.
halt their nuclear weapons program in exchange for aid
from the United States. “This is a good deal for the United Two of the regime’s most successful missile tests came in
States,” Clinton says in the clip. “North Korea will freeze the second half of 2017. The first, which occurred on July
and then dismantle its nuclear program.” The former 4, was North Korea’s first launch of an intercontinental
president added that South Korea and other allies of the ballistic missile, which flew over 1,700 miles into space
U.S. would be better protected because of the deal, and for roughly 40 minutes before landing in the waters east of
that “the entire world will be safer” as the world’s arsenal the peninsula. (Related: There are growing fears of World
of nuclear weapons is decreased. War III as North Korea tests an ICBM that can “hit
anywhere in the world.”)
Next is a clip of Donald Trump from 18 years ago, where
he says during an interview on Meet the Press, “The Then, towards the end of November, the North Koreans
biggest problem this world has is nuclear proliferation. launched its most powerful ICBM to date, which had the
And we have a country out there, North Korea, which is ability to reach Washington D.C. The regime attached a
sort of whacko… and they are going out and they are heavy warhead to the missile to replicate a nuclear device,
developing nuclear weapons.” Trump then posed the which was seen by many Americans as a sign that the
following question regarding taking military action against North wouldn’t hesitate to drop a nuclear weapon on the
North Korea: “Do you want to do it in five years when mainland. (Related: North Korea can now kill off 90
they have warheads all over the place, every one of them percent of the population with a single warhead.)
pointing to New York City, to Washington… ?” He
concludes by stating that it’s “better to do it now” rather If people didn’t listen to Donald Trump 18 years ago, then
than to wait for the North Korean regime to grow stronger. perhaps now, with North Korea developing ballistic
missiles capable of reaching the United States, they will
If you fast-forward to today, then it becomes obvious that start to do just that. Indeed, when it comes to Kim Jong-Un
the warning Trump issued in that interview on Meet the and his regime, military action is starting to become not
Press was almost prophetic. We haven’t dealt with North just a possibility, but a necessity.

Matthews Touts Wolff’s ‘Blocks Of Reality’;
Falsely Claims Bannon ‘Created’ Breitbart
By Curtis Houck
January 9, 2018 8:31 PM EST

Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff stopped by Tuesday’s

Hardball for his latest interview and he used the chance to Behind this, in being the most interesting part in the
lament with host Chris Matthews that it’s “a tragedy” that interview, was Matthews’s praise for the controversial and
Steve Bannon has been ousted from Breitbart but Donald error-laden book by a man he deemed a modern-day Joe
Trump hasn’t been removed from the presidency. McGinniss, claiming that he

Right off the bat, Matthews pushed some fake news in “love[s] the facts in your book because
wondering what Wolff made about the Bannon news, it is a non-fiction book with a lot of
asserting that facts.”
“We can argue around the edges, but
“Bannon is gone from Breitbart,” which the facts are like giant blocks of reality,”
is a “thing he created.” Matthews foolishly claimed.
Also during the segment, the MSNBC host
blasted Trump for “trying to create a
Potemkin village” in the form of the
bipartisan immigration meeting “to offset
the portrait” spun in Wolff’s book. Wolff
agreed, stating that it was “the weirdest
thing I've ever seen.”

Later, after he insinuated that Trump was like a Twilight

Zone character with special powers who could

“kill anybody he wanted to” if he wasn’t

Unless Matthews has been living under a rock in the sufficiently praised, Matthews turned to
Potomac, Breitbart has its name because it was founded by “the cold, scary part of your book” about
the late Andrew Breitbart. Trump’s mental well-being.

A basic Google search would tell you that, Matthews wondered if Trump was able to
but perhaps we should cut Chris some
slack since he might have something else “show reasonable judgment, coolness
on his mind. under pressure, and recognition of
consequences by the people around
Wolff rolled with the question anyway, responding that him,” to which Wolff not surprisingly
replied was not possible.
“I'm thinking that the — that the real
villain of the book who is Donald Trump To cap off the lovefest, Matthews responded to Wolff’s
is still ensconced in the White House. point about how Bannon and Reince Priebus became
So it's a — it’s a little bit of a tragedy surprising allies in the White House by resurrecting his
here.” quip about Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump being the
U.S. equivalent of Saddam Hussein’s murderous sons:
Matthews asked “for whom” this is “a
tragedy” and Wolff responded that it’s “a
tragedy” “for the American people” that “I guess when you're dealing with Uday
Bannon is gone while Trump stays in office. and Qusay every day, you do find
Again, this is a guy who claimed that common purposes.”
he “has no political agenda.”

Here’s the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s Hardball on Ferocious kid with no mental or emotional development, who can
January 9: kill anybody he wanted to, destroy their lives terrifically, and
everybody just pandered to him, pacified him. It’s like there’s an
MSNBC’s Hardball eight-year-old in that West Wing, and everybody around him is
January 9, 2018 scared to death he’ll do something really destructive if they don’t
7:02 p.m. Eastern please him that moment. Did you see that Twilight episode back
then? Cause that’s what it reminds me of.

WOLFF: I certainly did. We're of a similar generation, but I think

it's a little different than that.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: Michael, what do you think when you watch

this today with the announcement that Trum [sic] — that Bannon
is gone from Breitbart? His post, the thing he created?

MICHAEL WOLFF: I'm thinking that the — that the real villain of
the book who is Donald Trump is still ensconced in the White
House. So it's a — it’s a little bit of a tragedy here. MATTHEWS: And now we come to the cold, scary part of your
book. The fitness question. It seems to me, and I thought about
MATTHEWS: For whom? this no — just a couple of moments, I think it's what most people
would come to mind if they're thinking about, what does a
president have to be....Does Trump have the ability to show
WOLF: For —
reasonable judgment, coolness under pressure, and recognition
of consequences by the people around him?
MATTHEWS: For the country?
WOLFF: He — I think that's a — that's a — a fine and perfect list
WOLFF: For the American people, yes. and on each point, he does not have that attribute.

(....) (....)

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about the President's performance MATTHEWS: Let's talk about the thing that — I love the facts in
today. Out of nowhere, a press spray that usually lasts in the your book because it is a non-fiction book with a lot of facts. We
seconds, where they let the cameras in, he makes some burping can argue around the edges, but the facts are like giant blocks of
sounds to the press, and they're gone. This time, I thought, to reality.
make up for the portrayal you have given of him — given of him
in the book, and maybe a very accurate one, he tried to show a
very different picture of an equanimity — of a calm, collected,
reasonable, open to the negotiations, perfect being out there, just
for the cameras. Do you think he's trying to create a Potemkin MATTHEWS: By the way, you remind me of the great reporter,
village to offset the portrait you wrote in the book? Joe McGinniss, who really started this behind-the-lines kind of
reporting with Jeffrey MacDonald, before that with the Nixon
people and selling of the press, where he went in there and had
WOLFF: Yeah. Absolutely. I mean — there could — what else
an indefinite role, nobody knew who he was, but somehow he got
could there be here? I mean, remember, just the other day, he
clearance, and somehow, thanks to Roger Ailes and other
was just assuring us that he was — he was sane and stable, so
people, he told the whole story of how Nixon put together that
this is — this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
phoney baloney campaign in '68.


MATTHEWS: It reminds me of that Twilight episode, way back in

the 60s, where there’s this kid with auto-kinetic powers.
MATTHEWS: I saw that.

WOLFF: I think that they became quite good friends, because

they understood. They understood this was a — this was an
entirely anomalymous [sic] situation that they had found
themselves in and it was coming apart.

MATTHEWS: I guess when you're dealing with Uday and Qusay

every day, you do find common purposes.

WOLFF: But gradually, it was actually Priebus and — Reince

Priebus and Steve Bannon had an enormous amount of — they
were polarized, let's say in the early months of the administration
and they actually came together.

Fusion GPS Lawyer :
"Somebody's Already Been Killed"
Because Of Trump Dossier
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/09/2018 - 15:51

CNN and Buzzfeed were widely criticized by politicians

and pundits on both the right and left one year ago when Simpson then declined to answer a follow-up question.
they recklessly published the infamous “Trump dossier”, When asked why he was declining to answer, his attorney,
which contained a multitude of unverified and dubious Joshua Levy, said Simpson "wants to be very careful to
claims about President Trump. Buzzfeed in particular is protect his sources."
still grappling with a lawsuit filed by Aleksej Gubarev, a
Russian technology executive who claims he was libeled "Somebody’s already been killed as a
by the dossier, even though Buzzfeed redacted his name, result of the publication of this dossier,
and the names of his companies. and no harm should come to anybody
related to this honest work," Levy added.
But a report in the Hill on Tuesday revealed that not only
was the publication of the dossier potentially slanderous – Simpson had previously declined to answer another
question posed by the committee’s investigators, citing
it may also have been deadly. "security."

It was not immediately clear who Levy was referring to,

although according to the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross,

"it's been theorized that this is ex-KGB guy

Oleg Erovkinin, who was chief of staff to
Igor Sechin. But he was killed under
suspicious circumstances on Dec. 26,
2016, before the dossier was published."

Testimony from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s

closed-door meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee,
which took place last August, revealed that Simpson’s
legal team is aware that “somebody’s already been killed”
because of the dossier’s publication.

A lawyer for Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion As the Hill further adds, some of the allegations in the
dossier have been shown to be false, while others have
GPS, told congressional investigators that “somebody’s
already been killed” as a result of the publication of the either been supported by public evidence or remain
controversial dossier tying President Trump to Russia. unproven. It’s widely believed that the document was
central to the FBI’s decision to launch what eventually
morphed into the probe being led by Special Counsel
In closed-door testimony with the Senate Judiciary Robert Mueller.
Committee last year, Simpson was asked by investigators
if Fusion GPS took steps to “assess the credibility” of
sources used by former British intelligence officer Earlier on Tuesday, in an unexpectedly move, California
Christopher Steele, who compiled the dossier. Sen. Dianne Feinstein unilaterally published the full 312-
page transcript of Simpson’s testimony to the fury of
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley,
“Yes, but I’m not going to get into
sourcing information,” Simpson replied.
who accused her of interfering with the committee’s hired by Fusion to compile the dossier
investigation. But the timing is also curious: after Fusion GPS was retained.

Four days ago, two Republican senators Perhaps that request should be widened to include the
asked the DOJ to open a criminal editors at Buzzfeed and CNN who were responsible for the
investigation into former MI6 agent document’s publication?
Christopher Steele. Steele was famously

Scarborough Admits: No 'Objective
Evidence' That Trump Mentally Unfit
By Chris Reeves
January 9, 2018 4:27 PM EST

On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and this was the rub–but when I decide I am
Mika Brzezinski once again tried to peddle the notion that back in form, I'll take it back. That's the
President Trump is mentally ill and thus unfit to be question. What if a president shouldn't
President of the United States. be the judge of that case?

However, in contrast to previous broadcasts, after running [end clip]

a prepared segment calling for mandatory mental health
evaluations for presidents and presidential candidates, Joe MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Right. That was historian Jon
and Mika got pushback from guest panelist Jeff Meacham on our show yesterday speaking about the
Greenfield, who argued that foundations of the 25th Amendment, which formalized the
process of presidential succession during a health crisis.
“attempting to assess an emotional or
mental state of a president” is The discussion left us wondering: Is it
potentially “very dicey” because “the time to ask more of our potential
psychologists who might be doing that commanders-in-chiefs [sic] to put into
study” could be “bringing their own law what they tell us about their health?
political values into it.”
[playing prepared segment]
In a stunning admission that contradicted Scarborough’s
numerous past attempts to paint Trump as sociopathic,
homicidally insane, and suffering from predementia, Joe
responded to Greenfield’s arguments by conceding that in
regards to these sorts of claims about Trump’s mental

“You have to have [...] objective

evidence, the sort of objective evidence
that we do not have and most likely will
not have.”

The prepared segment calling for a new presidential

mental health evaluation law that led to Scarborough’s
frank confession used past examples of presidents [Trump speech from October 1, 2016]
concealing physical and mental health conditions from the
American public to suggest that Trump might be doing the DONALD TRUMP: We need stamina.
same thing today:
[clip from Morning Joe’s January 8, 2018 broadcast]
BRZEZINSKI: After fitness to serve became a closing argument
JON MEACHAM: President Eisenhower, in his campaign.
uh, remember, had a heart attack in 1955
and a stroke in 1957. And Eisenhower, who [Trump speech from October 1, 2016]
tended to always put the, uh, national
interest ahead of his own, sat down and TRUMP: She can't make it fifteen feet to her car.
wrote a letter to Richard Nixon, his vice
president, saying: Here's what we're gonna
do. Uh, if I'm incapacitated for a period of [transition]
time, you step in. Uh, but when–and this,
BRZEZINSKI: Donald Trump will go to Walter Reed for a physical BRZEZINSKI: And diet of fast food were raised during the
evaluation on Friday. campaign.

[Trump speech from October 1, 2016] [clip from CNN, February 2016]

TRUMP: Give me a break. TRUMP: Kentucky Fried Chicken–not the worst thing in the
BRZEZINSKI: Amid new concern over the President's
stability. BRZEZINSKI: And besides some additional details, the candidate
only provided a letter with his doctor's bizarre claims.
[Trump speech from October 1, 2016]
[clip from Morning Joe’s December 15, 2015 broadcast]
TRUMP: She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy.
BRZEZINSKI: [...] unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual
[transition] ever elected [...]

BRZEZINSKI: After a shocking week with tweets about [transition]

nuclear war.
BRZEZINSKI: Which even the doctor would distance himself
[clip from Morning Joe’s January 3, 2018 broadcast] from.

KATTY KAY: Comparing the size of his nuclear button with the [clip from NBC News August 26, 2016 report]
dictator of North Korea.
NBC: Is that the way that you write most of your medical letters?
DR. HAROLD BORNSTEIN: No, but for Mr. Trump, I wrote that
BRZEZINSKI: His mental abilities. letter that one [...]

[clip from Morning Joe’s January 8, 2018 broadcast] [transition]

BRZEZINSKI: Genius, a very stable genius at that. BRZEZINSKI: Recent presidents and candidates have released
certain health records, but, like tax returns, there is no law
formally mandating disclosure. Presidents from FDR to JFK
to Reagan have told the public only what they wanted them
to know about their health. And with Democrats who will be in
BRZEZINSKI: And devastating claims denied by the White their early to late 70s if they run in three years...
[clip from MTP Daily’s December 27, 2016 broadcast]
[clip from Morning Joe’s January 4, 2018 broadcast]
PETER ALEXANDER: Harry Reid referred to [...] the potential
KASIE HUNT: Trump failed to recognize a succession of old Democratic 2020 presidential field as an old folk's home.
BRZEZINSKI: Now may be the time to formally establish what
BRZEZINSKI: President Trump's age. we should know about the health of our president and
presidential candidates.
[clip from Dr. Oz Show’s September 15, 2016 broadcast]
[repeating Trump speech from October 1, 2016]
MEHMET OZ: At age 70, you will be the oldest person to ever
enter the Oval Office. TRUMP: She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy.

[transition] [end of prepared segment]

Scarborough then introduced Greenfield and USA Today GREENFIELD: Right.
Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page onto the show, and
Greenfield made his argument for being more judicious about SCARBOROUGH: -and as you go to mental with Donald Trump,-
applying mental illness labels to the President. Scarborough
appeared to concede most of Greenfield’s points as the
segment progressed:
SCARBOROUGH: -this is something, as somebody said
SCARBOROUGH: So, we didn't know so much about John
yesterday: You better have national consensus,-
Kennedy's health when Kennedy was president. We didn't know
Ronald Reagan's battles, uh, in the later, latter part of his
presidency. Should we? Should we have a, a, a yearly GREENFIELD: And you-.
SCARBOROUGH: -an overwhelming majority of Americans.
BRZEZINSKI: [sarcasm] That’s very tough.
GREENFIELD: And at some -- one psychologist wrote that he's
SCARBOROUGH: -medical checkup? perfectly prepared, from a distance, to look at Trump and say:
This guy is a narcissist times a hundred. That doesn't necessarily
mean mental illness. Uh, and I'm, I’m one of those people
JEFF GREENFIELD: You get into a real problem when you
who’s very reluctant as a, you know, non-practi-, liberal arts
distinguish between physical and mental problems.

BRZEZINSKI: [softly] Yeah.


GREENFIELD: When -- most of the in-, most of the Democratic

GREENFIELD: -to assess psychologically. I think -- I'm
party insiders knew in 1944 that FDR was not gonna live out a
perfectly prepared as a journalist to look at what he says and
fourth term. That's why the Vice President's deal was so hard.
say: He's a fabulist. He makes stuff up.
And you go back to Grover Cleveland, who had emergency, uh,
cancer surgery. Public was kept in the dark. Woodrow Wilson’s
stroke. My concern is–when you move from that area to an SCARBOROUGH: Right.
attempting to assess an emotional or mental state of a
president, you get into very dicey areas. You worry about GREENFIELD: He doesn't know much. Narcissism, you know --
whether or not the, the psychologists who might be doing my 8 year-old grandson can figure that one out. I, I just worry
that study are bringing their own political values into it. about how this is supposed to happen.

BRZEZINSKI: M-hm. Seemingly submitting to Greenfield’s arguments, Scarborough

finally made his admission: “You have to have–Susan Page, it
SCARBOROUGH: Right. seems to me–objective evidence, the sort of objective
evidence that we do not have and most likely will not have.”
GREENFIELD: I mean, is it crazy to believe certain political
views? They still are in the shadow of the 1964 magazine The morning co-host then shifted the conversation to Page, who
when Barry Goldwater- ended up making her own case that, in the end, “the ultimate
check on a president is the one with voters. Voters get to look
at a candidate, uh, in stressful circumstances, in debates, giving,
doing events during the campaign, and make a judgment about
whether this is someone they trust mentally, physically, politically,
GREENFIELD: -was deemed mentally unfit by a group of to be their leader. That's really been the ultimate check in
psychiatrists who never saw him. American politics.”

SCARBOROUGH: I was just gonna, I was-.

GREENFIELD: [Goldwater] Sued for libel and won.


SCARBOROUGH: I was just going to bring up the Goldwater

rule. There is a reason why the Goldrod-, water rule still stays
with us, because when you go from physical to mental, as you

On Friday, Scarborough used his show to promote Michael Last November, in a widely reported episode, Scarborough
Wolff’s book Fire and Fury as one where “every page really claimed that he had sources “close to” the President who said
rings true.” Yesterday, Joe and Mika interviewed Wolff and once that candidate Trump showed symptoms of the “early stages of
again promoted his book as one whose “spirit” was dementia.” The next day, Scarborough used his claim of Trump
“completely true.” During their interview, Wolff said that the “big having predementia to promote military insubordination towards
picture” of his book was the notion that “[e]verybody in this the President among the leadership of U.S. nuclear defense
White House, and I keep saying this, 100% [...] of the people forces.
closest [...] to Donald Trump, believe that there is [...]
something fundamentally wrong [with him], something that If Scarborough does not believe that he has objective evidence to
scares them.” back up these kinds of assertions, why have he and his show’s
other co-hosts and guests repeatedly called Trump’s sanity into

Tucker Carlson To Trump: ‘Not Allowed
To Blow’ DACA, Overhaul Of ENTIRE
Immigration System
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 10, 2018

making sure they can’t bring millions

“Amnesty for DACA recipients is the only
of their relatives from the third world along
leverage the White House has”
with them. That’s not much of
a negotiation,” he said.
“Amnesty for DACA recipients is the only
leverage the White House has. Once the
president agrees to let them jump to the
head of the line, ahead of millions of other
people hoping to come here legally,
the negotiation is over,” Carlson added. “At
that point, why would Democrats agree to
anything? Ending chain migration,
(National Sentinel) Immigration Reformed: On his the diversity lottery, supporting a merit
Tuesday evening program, Fox News host Tucker Carlson based system that might actually help
took President Donald Trump to task for appearing to America? No chance.”
agree to an immigration bill that would allow DACA
recipients a clear path to citizenship, in exchange for The hosted noted further,
nothing from Democrats who are pushing for that very
thing. “The Democrats’ goal is to import more
Democratic voters, and by any
“Congress is full of people from both means necessary. Once they retake the
parties who believe that the point of our Congress and the presidency, and if Trump
immigration policy is to provide cheap labor betrays his base on immigration–
to their donors and to atone for America’s that’ll definitely happen–it is over.
imaginary sins against the world,” Carlson “Say goodbye to borders, they are done.
said. Keep in mind that the top Democrat in the
“They couldn’t care less about house recently thanked illegal aliens for
immigration’s effect on you or your family– sneaking into this country. That’s how
these are the same people the president Democrats feel and they’re not
now says he trusts to write the immigration pretending anymore,” he said.
bill, the one he will sign no matter what it
says. So what was the point of running for Carlson then used a baseball analogy to describe what it
president?” means to be a supporter of the president.

Continuing, the Fox News host noted, “Being a Trump voter isn’t always easy, it’s
like rooting for the underdog in baseball,
“You will remember the president also ran the old Chicago Cubs. On one level there is
on his skills as a negotiator, and he clearly pride, the pride that comes from doing
has skills as a negotiator. But where were something that fashionable people consider
they today? insane, and that’s a good feeling.
“The president signaled he’d be happy to “But there’s also some disappointment
legalize hundreds of thousands of illegal along the way and honestly, there is
immigrants now and that at some point in some embarrassment,” he continued. “But
the future tackle all that other stuff like you silently bear it because you know that
when they finally win the World Series it will
be worth everything you went through.
Every sarcastic dig from your brother-in-law
at Thanksgiving will seem small by
comparison. In the Trump presidency, the
World Series is this immigration bill.
“It’s the big payoff, the whole point of
the exercise, and they’re not allowed
to blow it,” he concluded.


Fusion GPS Admits They Used John McCain
To Pass Anti-Trump Dossier To Obama-Era Intel Agencies
By Aaron Klein
10 Jan 2018

Writing in a New York Times oped last Tuesday, Fusion

GPS founders Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritch relate
that they helped McCain share their anti-Trump dossier
with the intelligence community via an “emissary.”

“After the election, Mr. Steele decided to

share his intelligence with Senator John
McCain via an emissary,” the Fusion GPS
founders related. “We helped him do that.
The goal was to alert the United States
national security community to an attack on
our country by a hostile foreign power.”

It was not clear from their statement whether McCain

knew Fusion GPS was behind the dossier. Fusion GPS
paid former intelligence agent Christopher Steele to do the
EILAT, Israel — The founders of the purported research for the document. Steele
controversial opposition research firm later conceded in court documents that part of his work
Fusion GPS admitted that they helped still needed to be verified.
the researcher hired to compile the
infamous, largely discredited 35-page
dossier on President Donald Trump to Breitbart News sent the following questions to McCain’s
share the document with Sen. John office but did not receive a reply before press time:
“Given that Fusion GPS is openly an
The goal of providing the dossier to McCain, the Fusion opposition research firm, did Sen. McCain
GPS founders explained, was to pass the information know that he was sharing political
contained in the questionable document to the U.S. opposition research on Trump with the intel
intelligence community under the Obama administration. community? Did he know the dossier was
partially funded by the DNC and Hillary
Clinton’s campaign?”
The disclosure raises questions about whether McCain
knew that the information he delivered to the intelligence
community was actually an opposition document In October, the Washington Post reported that in April
reportedly funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the 2016, attorney Marc E. Elias and his law firm, Perkins
Democratic National Committee. Coie retained Fusion GPS to conduct the questionable
anti-Trump work on behalf of both the Clinton campaign
and the DNC. Through Perkins Coie, Clinton’s campaign
McCain’s office did not reply yesterday to a Breitbart and the DNC continued to fund Fusion GPS until October
News request for comment on the matter. 2016, days before Election Day, the Post reported.

Last December, it was revealed that it was McCain who On January 10, CNN was first to report, based on leaked
notoriously passed the controversial dossier documents information, that the contents of the dossier were presented
produced by the Washington opposition research firm during classified briefings one week earlier to then-
Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose president Obama and president-elect Trump.
agency reportedly utilized the dossier as a basis for its
probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016
presidential election.

Just after CNN’s January 10 report on the classified directly from Steele. The issue was also raised in a lawsuit
briefings about the dossier, BuzzFeed published its full filed against Steele by one of the individuals named in the
unverified contents. dossier.

In October, McCain denied providing the dossier to The dossier contains wild and unproven claims that the
BuzzFeed and said that he only gave the material to the Russians had information regarding Trump and sordid
FBI. sexual acts, including the widely mocked claim that Trump
hired prostitutes and had them urinate on a hotel room
“I gave it to no one except for the director bed. It also claimed there was an exchange of information
of the FBI. I don’t know why you’re digging between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the
this up now,” McCain told the Daily Caller Russian government.
during what the news website described as
a testy exchange. Those allegations remain unsubstantiated following
numerous public hearings. Indeed, former CIA Director
While the Fusion GPS oped sheds some light on the John Brennan made clear in testimony last May that after
manner in which McCain obtained the dossier, the Fusion viewing all of the evidence that was available to him on
founders did not name the “emissary” who delivered the the Russia probe he is not aware of any collusion between
document to McCain. Russia and members of Trump’s 2016 presidential
A January 11 statement from McCain attempted to explain
why he provided the documents to the FBI but did not Dossier was reportedly basis for Obama administration
mention how he came to possess the dossier or whether he moves
knew who funded it.
According to the BBC, the dossier served as a “roadmap”
“Upon examination of the contents, and for the FBI’s investigation into claims of coordination
unable to make a judgment about their between Moscow and members of Trump’s presidential
accuracy, I delivered the information to the campaign during the Obama administration.
director of the FBI,” McCain said at the
time. “That has been the extent of my In April, CNN reported that the dossier served as part of
contact with the FBI or any other the FBI’s justification for seeking the FISA court’s
government agency regarding this issue.” reported approval to clandestinely monitor the
communications of Carter Page, the American oil industry
Sir Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to investor who was tangentially and briefly associated with
Moscow, said McCain first consulted him about the claims Trump’s presidential campaign.
inside the dossier at a security conference in Canada
shortly after last November’s presidential election. Senior Republican members of the Senate Judiciary
Committee have reportedly requested that the FBI and
Wood stated that McCain had obtained the documents Department of Justice turn over applications for any
from the senator’s own sources. warrants to monitor the communications of U.S. citizens
associated with the investigation into alleged Russia
“I told him I was aware of what was in the interference in the 2016 presidential election.
report but I had not read it myself, that it
might be true, it might be untrue. I had no In testimony last May, former FBI Director James
means of judging really,” Wood further told Comey repeatedly refused to answer questions about his
BBC Radio 4 in January. agency’s ties to the dossier.

Last Month, Wood related that he served as a “go- In further testimony to the U.S. Senate Select Committee
between” to inform McCain about the dossier contents. on Intelligence, Comey admitted he pushed back against a
request from President Donald Trump to possibly
“My mission was essentially to be a go- investigate the origins of “salacious material” that the
between and a messenger, to tell the agency possessed in the course of its investigation into
senator and assistants that such a dossier alleged Russian interference.
existed,” Wood told Fox News.
Dossier discredited
In March, Vanity Fair raised questions about the alleged
involvement of David J. Kramer, a former State Major questions have been raised as to the veracity of the
Department official, in helping to obtain the dossier dossier, large sections of which have been discredited.

Citing a “Kremlin insider,” the dossier, which misspelled cooperated with Russians. He also raised
the name of a Russian diplomat, claimed that Trump questions about the dossier written by a
lawyer Michael Cohen held “secret meetings” with former British intelligence officer, which
Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016. alleged a conspiracy between the Trump
campaign and Russia. …
That charge unraveled after Cohen revealed he had never
traveled to Prague, calling the story “totally fake, totally Morell pointed out that former Director of National
inaccurate.” The Atlantic confirmed Cohen’s whereabouts Intelligence James Clapper said on Meet the Press on
in New York and California during the period the dossier March 5 that he had seen no evidence of a conspiracy
claimed that Cohen was in Prague. Cohen reportedly when he left office January 20.
produced his passport showing he had not traveled to
Prague. “That’s a pretty strong statement by
General Clapper,” Morell said.
In testimony in May, the FBI’s Comey confirmed that the
basis for the intelligence community’s assessment that Regarding Steele’s dossier, Morell stated,
Russia allegedly wanted Trump in office was not because
the billionaire was, as Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) claimed “Unless you know the sources, and unless
during a hearing, “ensnared in” Russia’s “web of you know how a particular source acquired
patronage” – just as the dossier alleged. Instead, the FBI a particular piece of information, you can’t
chief provided two primary reasons for Russia’s alleged judge the information — you just can’t.”
favoring of Trump over Clinton during the 2016
presidential race.
Morell charged the dossier
One reason, according to Comey, was that Putin “hated”
Clinton and would have favored any Republican opponent. “doesn’t take you anywhere, I don’t think.”
The second reason, Comey explained, was that Putin made “I had two questions when I first read it.
an assessment that it would be easier to make a deal with a One was, how did Chris talk to these
businessman than someone from the political class. sources? I have subsequently learned that
he used intermediaries.”
Comey’s statements are a far cry from the
conspiracies fueled by the dossier alleging Putin held Morell continued:
blackmail information on Trump.
And then I asked myself, why did these
Citing current and former government officials, the New guys provide this information, what was
Yorker reported the dossier prompted skepticism among their motivation? And I subsequently
intelligence community members, with the publication learned that he paid them. That the
quoting one member saying it was a “nutty” piece of intermediaries paid the sources and the
evidence to submit to a U.S. president. intermediaries got the money from Chris.
And that kind of worries me a little bit
Steele’s work has been questioned by former acting CIA because if you’re paying somebody,
Director Michael Morell, who currently works at the particularly former FSB [Russian
Hillary Clinton-tied Beacon Global Strategies LLC. intelligence] officers, they are going to tell
you truth and innuendo and rumor, and
NBC News reported on Morell’s questions about Steele’s they’re going to call you up and say, “Hey,
credibility: let’s have another meeting, I have more
information for you,” because they want to
get paid some more.
Morell, who was in line to become CIA
director if Clinton won, said he had seen no
evidence that Trump associates I think you’ve got to take all that into consideration when
you consider the dossier.

Desantis Demands:
Declassify ALL Docs Related To
The BOGUS Trump-Russia ‘Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 10, 2018

“The American people have the right to


According to a tweeted picture of his letter, DeSantis

wrote to Ryan,

(National Sentinel) Full Disclosure: A leading Republican “The American people deserve answers.
has sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., I’m requesting Speaker Ryan ask, pursuant
demanding that all documents the House Intelligence to House rules, Chairman Nunes to
Committee has related to the discredited “Trump-Russia declassify any documents his committee
dossier” be declassified and released to the public. may have related to the Steele dossier.”

“The American people deserve answers; Rep. Devin Nunes is chairman of the House Intelligence
the American people have the right to Committee, which has been investigating the origins of the
know,” Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida wrote. dossier and whether it was improperly used to justify a
counterintelligence surveillance warrant from the FISA
Previously, DeSantis, who has been demanding more court to spy on the Trump campaign.
disclosure over regarding the dossier, also wants the House
to release all documents related to Obama-era FISA court “The American people have the right to
requests related to spying on the Trump campaign. know whether government agents such as
Peter Strzok inappropriately intervened in
DeSantis’ request is pursuant to Rule X of the House rules. the 2016 presidential election against then-
candidate Donald J. Trump,” he wrote.
“The bureaucracies at FBI and DOJ have “On January 3, 2018, House Permanent
refused to answer basic questions about Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman
the origins of the Russian Devin Nunes announced that his
counterintelligence investigation or provide committee will receive all documents it
a full accounting of how the government sought from the Department of Justice
utilized the Steele dossier,” the lawmaker related to the FBI’s counterintelligence
tweeted. investigation.

“The American people have a right to know to what extent the federal government made use of the dossier,” DeSantis

White House "Outraged" After
Judge Blocks Trump's DACA Decision
By Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/10/2018 - 08:46

Update 2: Trump lashed out at the ninth circuit Wednesday The Trump administration announced in September it
morning after yet another judge temporarily blocked his would rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or
decision to throw out DACA protections for some 690,000 DACA, a decision that was challenged in multiple federal
people who were brought to the US as children. courts by a variety of Democratic state attorneys general,
organizations and individuals, as Reuters reported.
It just shows everyone how broken and
unfair our Court System is when the This time, the administration's antagonist is US District
opposing side in a case (such as DACA) Judge William Alsup, who ruled the program must remain
always runs to the 9th Circuit and almost in place while the litigation is resolved. The ruling could
always wins before being reversed by complicate negotiations between Trump and congressional
higher courts. leaders over immigration reform.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
January 10, 2018 The White House responded Thursday morning, saying the
ruling was "outrageous."
Judges from the ninth circuit - most notably a set of federal
“We find this decision to be outrageous,
judges from Hawaii - have issued injunctions blocking
especially in light of the President’s
every iteration of Trump's travel ban.
successful bipartisan meeting with House
and Senate members at the White House
*** on the same day. An issue of this
magnitude must go through the normal
Update: White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders has legislative process."

“We find this decision to be outrageous,

especially in light of the President’s
successful bipartisan meeting with House
and Senate members at the White House
on the same day,”
“An issue of this magnitude must go
through the normal legislative process”
“President Trump is committed to the rule
of law, and will work with members of both
parties to reach a permanent solution that
corrects the unconstitutional actions taken
by the last administration” Per the Washington Post, Attorney General Jeff Sessions
announced the decision to terminate the program on Sept.
* * * 5 and said no renewal applications would be accepted after
Oct. 5. Under the administration’s plan, permits that
A federal judge has once again foiled President Donald expired after March 5 cannot be renewed.
Trump's efforts to limit both legal and illegal immigration:
Late Tuesday night, a US judge in San Francisco issued a According to WaPo, nearly 690,000 people who were
temporary injunction against the president's decision to end brought to the US as children will continue to be covered
a program shielding young people brought to the US by DACA as long as they were previously registered
illegally by their parents from deportation. before Sessions made his September announcement.

A spokesman for the Department of Justice “DACA gave them a more tolerable set of
said the ruling "doesn't change...its choices, including joining the mainstream
position". workforce,” Alsup wrote. “Now, absent an
injunction, they will slide back to the pre-
"Today’s order doesn’t change the
DACA era and associated hardship.”
Department of Justice’s position on the
facts," said the department’s spokesman
Devin M. O’Malley. The department "will And as the Wall Street Journal reminds us, a different
continue to vigorously defend this position," federal judge in San Francisco in November issued a
he said. permanent, nationwide injection barring the administration
from withholding some federal grant money from so-called
However, so-called Dreamers who haven't already sanctuary cites, which don’t cooperate with immigration
registered for protected status no longer can: Alsup ruled authorities.
that the federal government did not need to process new
applications from people who had never before received Democrats are pushing to enshrine DACA protections into
protection under the program. However, the judge ordered law as part of an immigration deal with the White House.
the government to continue processing renewal This ruling presumably gives them more time to reach
applications from people who had previously been such a deal.

Sued AGAIN! Trump Attorney Files Defamation Claim
Against Alt-Left Buzzfeed For Publishing
BOGUS Anti-Trump Dossier
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 10, 2018

The dossier has become the subject of congressional Cohen was in the United States at the time he was alleged
scrutiny as well to have been in Prague. In fact, Cohen says has never been
to the Czech Republic.

(National Sentinel) Character Assassination: An attorney

for President Donald J. Trump filed a defamation lawsuit
against liberal-leaning news site Buzzfeed for publishing
the so-called “Trump dossier,” which was filled with pages
of unsubstantiated allegations.

“Enough is enough of the #fake

#RussianDossier. Just filed a defamation
action against @BuzzFeedNews for
publishing the lie filled document on
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump and me!”
said Trump attorney Michael Cohen on

The dossier, which was paid for by the Hillary Clinton

campaign and the Democratic National Committee, was
commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS. It In April, Cohen told The Washington Times he was
was written by former British spy Christopher Steele. considering filing suit against Buzzfeed. He also said at the
time he was considering legal action against Steele as well.
In it, Steele claimed that Cohen traveled to Prague, Czech
Republic, to meet with Russian agents as part of The dossier circulated in establishment media circles
“collusion” efforts on behalf of the Trump campaign. throughout the summer and fall of 2016, but it was never

published by any news outlets because the claims made in County Circuit Court in Fort Lauderdale,
the 35-page document could not be substantiated. Florida, where XBT’s subsidiary Webzilla is
headquartered,” McClatchy Papers
In January, shortly before Trump was inaugurated, reported at the time.
Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith decided to publish the entire
document anyway, with the caveat that none of it had been The dossier has become the subject of congressional
substantiated. At the time, he said Americans could decide scrutiny as well. Some Republicans believe it was used
for themselves if its contents were true. improperly to obtain a FISA court warrant so that the
Obama administration could justify spying on the Trump
Many people named in the dossier had no idea they were campaign.
being accused of anything until it was published, the
Times noted. Three Russians who were named in the dossier have also
filed suit against Fusion GPS.
Buzzfeed was sued in February 2017 by a Russian-owned
firm named in the dossier. Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and German Khan filed suit in
October in U.S. District Court in Washington, claiming
The lawsuits were brought by XBT Holdings, a Cyprus- that their reputations were unfairly sullied by claims made
based company owned by Russian tech magnate Aleksej in the dossier.
“The plaintiffs are among the backers of
“Lawyers for his firm filed complaints Friday Alfa Bank, a financial institution that the
in London against the former spy and his dossier accuses of involvement in Russian
company, and against BuzzFeed and its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S.
editor in chief, Ben Smith, in Broward presidential election,” noted Politico.

OUTRAGE: Federal Judge Claims
The RIGHT To Block Trump From Ending DACA
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On January 10, 2018

Opponents of the ruling disagreed, saying that regardless Justice Department officials vowed to appeal.
of how DACA recipients got into the country they are still
here illegally “Today’s order doesn’t change the
Department of Justice’s position on the
facts,” said the department’s spokesman
Devin M. O’Malley. The department “will
continue to vigorously defend this position,”
he said, as reported by Reuters.

In his ruling Alsup said the government would not be

required to process new DACA applications but would be
barred for now from moving to deport the more than
700,000 DACA recipients currently covered by the Obama
policy. And he ordered the administration to continue
(National Sentinel) Judicial Activism: A federal judge has
processing renewal applications from current DACA
issued a temporary order barring President Donald J.
Trump from ending a policy enacted by President Obama
that shields illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors
from being deported. “DACA gave them a more tolerable set of
choices, including joining the mainstream
workforce,” Alsup wrote. “Now, absent an
The policy known as Deferred Action on Childhood
injunction, they will slide back to the pre-
Arrivals, or DACA, was initiated via executive order by
DACA era and associated hardship.”
Obama in June 2012. At the time it was heavily criticized
by Republicans and a number of state attorneys general as
an unconstitutional move by the Executive Branch to He added that the plaintiffs were likely to succeed in
unilaterally change immigration law. arguing that the Trump administration’s decision to end
the program was arbitrary.
The policy was rescinded by Trump in September. At the
time, he gave Congress six months to come up with a Opponents of the ruling disagreed, saying that regardless
legislative fix. Lawmakers are currently working on that of how DACA recipients got into the country — most
legislation. were brought in by parents when they were young after
sneaking across the U.S. border — they are still here
illegally. And they argued that Obama never had the
But several Democrat-run states sued the administration
authority to issue the executive order shielding them from
over its lifting of DACA, and on Tuesday, U.S. District
deportation in the first place.
Judge William Alsup in San Francisco, part of the oft-
overturned Ninth Circuit, blocked the order.
Others predicted that Alsup’s ruling will be short-lived.
In his order, Alsup, who was appointed by President Bill
Clinton, ruled the program must remain in place while the Roy Beck, president of Numbers USA, which supports
litigation is resolved. tougher immigration laws, dismissed the significance of
the court’s action, calling it “an aberration that surely will
not be allowed to stand as it is appealed.”

Project Veritas Video Claims Twitter
Would Give Trump’s Private Messages To DOJ
By Allum Bokhari
10 Jan 2018

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has

released a new video exposing Twitter’s BREAKING: Sr Network Security Engineer
willingness to breach its users’ privacy. Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's
Or rather, one user in particular: Private DMs to DOJ — WATCH FULL:
President Trump.
The undercover journalism outlet, famed for its exposés
revealing bias in the mainstream media, has now turned its — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII)
attention to the tech companies that have come to dominate January 10, 2018
access to information in the modern world.
Project Veritas has released a list of alternative
In the video, Twitter senior network engineer Clay Haynes information channels to monitor in the event of censorship.
says the company would be happy to hand over the
president’s private messages to the Justice Department if In case of emergency:
Haynes also claimed that the company has access to “every ZprS
single person’s account, every single direct message, RrsryXu6
deleted direct messages, deleted tweets.” Haynes told — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas)
Project Veritas’ journalist that he could tell, “exactly who January 10, 2018
logged in from where, [with] what username and
password, when they changed their password.” It suggests
Twitter employees can read users’ private messages, even
after deleting them.

Deep State’s ‘Plan B’ To Remove Trump
In Full Force: Lawmaker Introduces ‘Stable Genius Act’
Mac Slavo
January 10th, 2018

Unfortunately, this is right out of the deep state’s playbook

and Trump’s tweet eluded to that.
The deep state’s plan to oust president Donald Trump is
well underway and has been since it became clear that According to New American, the Deep
Mueller’s “Russian meddling” investigation was going to State’s “Plan A,” is the imploding
yield nothing. The “Stable Genius Act” introduced by a “investigation” into alleged “Russian
Pennsylvania lawmaker is one more step toward Trump’s collusion” by Special Counsel Robert
removal. Mueller, said Stone. If and when that fails,
which Stone suggested was likely and
soon, the establishment would move to
Representative Brendan Boyle has introduced a new bill
“Plan B.” In essence, Plan B would involve
requiring presidential candidates to undergo full medical
trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet
exams and release the results to the public. Boyle’s “Stable
to declare him unfit for office. This would
Genius Act” comes almost a week after President Donald
allow Trump to be removed under the U.S.
Trump responded to claims made in a new book, which
Constitution’s 25th Amendment.
raises questions about the President’s mental stability.
This scheme is also going to most likely
fail, Stone said. Last but not least,
though, Stone warned of “Plan C,”
which is killing the president. –

The deep state is not going to give up easily and all signs
are pointing to Roger Stone being correct. Roger Stone
isn’t the first person to see Trump as a target of the deep
state. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said he feels
that the deep state isn’t afraid to nuke a city in the United
States in order to kill Trump and blame North Korea for
the result.

Boyle’s plan, however, is to simply rile up the masses.

Hysteria is needed for “Plan B” to be effective.

“Today, I introduced the Standardizing

Testing and Accountability Before Large
Elections Giving Electors Necessary
Information for Unobstructed Selection Act
to ensure that Presidential candidates are
fit to lead,” Boyle tweeted.

“So we’ll see an uptick in all of this

‘Trump is mentally imbalanced, Trump
is insane, Trump must be removed,’”
Stone warned. “Now you have to
examine the extent to which they can
whip up that hysteria as a backdrop
because, without that hysteria, such a
political move on the president will fail.”
And once Plan B fails, the globalists will
move on to Plan C, which is simply an
assassination. -SHTFPlan

Are we watching Roger Stone’s assessment play out like a

bad movie? It certainly feels that way…


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