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Grade 2Y

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All other candidates: write names in full.

Candidate …………………………………………………………

Theory Paper Grade 2 Sample Y July 2017 Entered by …………………………………………………………

Duration 1½ hours

Candidates should answer ALL questions. TOTAL MARKS

Write your answers on this paper – no others will be accepted.
Answers must be written clearly and neatly – otherwise marks may be lost.

1 (a) Name the degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd) of each of the notes marked *, as shown 10
in the first answer. The key is D major.

* * * * * * * * * C. H. H. Parry

3rd ....... .......

....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
3rd ……… ………
……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

(b) Give the letter name of the highest note. ………

2 Rewrite the following melody, grouping (beaming) the notes correctly. 10


3 3 3

© 2017 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Grade 2Y 1 Turn the page
3 Add the correct clef and key signature to each of these tonic triads. 10

E minor E major F major

E minor E major F major
E minor Eb major F major

A major D minor
A major
major D
D minor

4 (a) Rewrite these treble clef notes in the bass clef, keeping the pitch the same. 10
The first answer is given.

(b) In which major key are all these notes found? ……………………………

5 Rewrite the following in notes of half the value, beginning as shown. 10

Remember to group (beam) the notes correctly where necessary.
D. Scarlatti

Grade 2Y 2
6 Add the correct rest(s) at the places marked * in these two melodies to make each bar complete. 10

* * * J. Pachelbel
* * * J. Pachelbel

* *
* *

7 Write as semibreves (whole notes) the scales named below. 10

D minor, descending, without key signature but adding any necessary sharp or flat signs.
D minor,
descending,without keykey
without signature but adding
signature any necessary
but adding any necessary sharp sharpor flat or
flat signs.
Which form of the minor scale have you used? ..................................................
Which form of the minor scale have you used? ..................................................
Which form of the minor scale have you used? ………………………………………

A major,
A major,ascending,
withkeykey signature.
A major, ascending, with key signature.

$ means:
Tick one box for each term/sign, as shown in the first answer. 10

simile means: Lento means:

moderately loud in the same way held back

very quiet in the style of at a medium speed
moderately quiet sustained slow
quiet without very slow

 means: non troppo means:  maestoso means:

slur; perform smoothly too much movement 

tie; detached not too much majestic
slur; detached very much in the style of a march 
tie; hold for the value of  not in time very, much
both notes
Grade 2Y 3 Turn the page
9 Look at this melody, adapted from a piece by Puccini, and then answer the questions below.

Andante lento
1 2 3 4 5

3 3

6 1 2 3 7 4 5 8 6 7 9 8 9

3 3

Write your
Write your answer to question (c) on the stave below.

(a) (i) Draw a circle around two notes next to each other that are tied together. 10

(ii) Complete this sentence: Bar 4 has the same notes and rhythm as bar ……… .

(iii) Give the time name (e.g. crotchet or

quarter note) of the longest note in the melody. ………………………………………………………

(iv) This melody is in the key of F major. Give the number of a

bar that contains all the notes of the tonic triad in this key. Bar ………

(v) Draw a bracket (   ) over two notes next to each other that are a 5th apart.

(b) Copy out the music from the start of the melody to the second note of bar 5, exactly as it is 10
written above. Don’t forget the clef, key signature, time signature, tempo marking, dynamic
and all other details. Write the music on the blank stave above question (a).

Grade 2Y 4

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