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fuT-{ <Tsjtr rc
I bought a book. (qffr .!sF <E frsrqft{Tr r)
ft-qfrru<<tsl6Esr s<
I bought a book for you. (qfr NW{ q-fi .!-sF <R ffiqlq r)
.!q $<tiF6o .{sE word "for" Tl{qio Rc{rR r <t< qd qE .q-dl" I q?]:T <]-LFj
eX ({-sD <? ftook) cr{f< +att <-qj qcr-6S r fr-q frqT <R-sl <tfr sR q{i C<'iI
qcTRq Et <ql qcve I <Frt qcrrq cs <tE ca-.Filn q-d.t (for you)
c+al qc<rq r qdlq
for'ffi <ie< ltccl cup1g (you)cY-68 11fi-ce r €l c-1u;F ef$TF,. qffiA-
book for you
q({E q<t I q sR-{frc'{<t$lsrE.t flV I

She lives. (cc qtr$) I

She lives with me. (cc'qTl{ qkal ellrr)

6"ir{ls <fsjF< with {-t.E live €T( me €i \t|-f$t< q-t-6 q<$rq I qdlq Cc
s.K clcel allcs EI d<ll-c{l qm'cq r

qEFI$it, I bought a book foryou<f$ffirc you €R ytCrt forR'C{ you

,4<rTlcat book q<qeFf X<fifqtqqr< she lives with me Tfsifr(9 me {l
Vkst with <'c{ vl me (3( live €i {-f+1?rc 1-4tfte r €i for €R( with R4
preposition. Pre ETd q[crt, q]R position vd w<-q];t I {6{ T-r< 6hrl, for €K(
with EsT 'l-<at you €R( me pronoun E'F{ qp6rt <'C{ gilcq-< qkal<|slfu
q{rrfl.kq3 qpF6T4ftq r vT{ffi TEt !-l-T S

Definition : A preposition is a word which is used before a noun,

pronoun,.or noun phrase to express its relationship with some other
word in the sentence.
(Preposition EE q{"{.fq { C+-F noun, pronoun, il noun phrase-4i Ekat
<'Cq El-< Clccl <@ q{i F]{ .tR-{ c*1-{ €fom T63 r)

at, on, of , , by, after, from, upon, behind, along, before,

between, beside, about, beyon6 ffi r
442 A Passage to the English Language

She looked at me. (fr qTf{ frr+ sfolq r)

The cow lives on grass. ({s xIlT crlm tlio r)
The rice of Barishal is fine. (<ft'llr{< do:rc r)
He came from Khulna. (Cc "|{{I ctPc+ cmQE 1)
It is 7 o'clock by -y watch. (9T{Fl {&Ts cftfi <t-w r)
I look after my garden. (vIR sW{ <l{l* cq{Nql Tfr r)
The cow lives upon grass. (alff slc' crltT ilru r)
He came out from behind the house.(c{ <ffu.< css-< cclr$ c<"n qcn
lle ce r)
Go along this street. (ql <Tgl <ff{< sl\e)
I will come back before ten A. M. (qR:rdE q{BR ql'['i fu94 1;

Put this box between ihese two tables. (€Q ETb dRrE< qRflfiRl
srgF n=t r)

I sat beside him. (qfrsn "flc-l{isll r)

I know nothing about this matter. (sffr q ol"flr<ftqqtfiql r)

This is beyond my ability. (qbt qTF \TeF wQs) r ffi r


(Preposition €< AfigPq ,;
Preposition FFfrfiFo s{ effird{ qcr afcr;
1. Simple Preposition 4. Phrase Preposition
2. Double Preposition 5. Participle Preposition
3.Compound Preposition 6. Disguised Preposition
q?F ql-fl &Fio er+tc<< ffis qRx s <I{qF qr{< I

1. Simple Preposition
1. Simple Preposition : q{ {sff{ freposition arfl {f,g '!TF'fq;
CqT{ s At, by, with, of, off, from, through, after ffi r

2. Double Preposition
2. Double Preposition : ql {{fl{ preposition ar{.| EtE q{T
preposition q< q{8, fr-q $lil 6-s qsfr preposition q< IE TIq oc<; sdls a

c{l;l s The machine is loutoT] order. (+6ft qrsrql l)

€rilr{ out+ of frrq qFF {tq preposition q< I\o stq e[K-[q I

The cow liun. f rlponl gru.t.

Tfl (lqfl, up 4K( on ef[EK$R preposition
€el[6{ upon = up+on; tfi(
upon .f{F qTE Es{l ryqs qFF ItE preposition q< Is slq sr$Cq
.qch.<T I

We lowered the boat Fntol tt,n sea. (q-q4 ffi {tl6< lFlqll l)
€1116{ onto= on+to.
Grammar : Preposition 443

3. Compound Preposition
3. Compound Preposition : 6€Ft noun, adjective, RI adverb €K
qI{ Csl4 simple preposition {s SC{ ({ prepositio., {Ss ql l5'rf$
compound preposition {fE I C{I;I 3
behind : (:be)+hind.
bv beside = by(=be) + side'
along = on(=i1*1onn. beyond = by (:be) + yond'
before = by (=be) + fore. between + by (=be) + tween' ffi,
about = on (=61l'60 (=b)+out.
q6Ef +-<t, compound preposition E6S qs<m {$tr by-preposition F be-
F q<( on-preposition F a-F R"iTqRs EcTrq I

4. Phrase Preposition
4. Phrase Preposition : Phrase Slrs TCE IC{ qICW? qR <l v(qfks
q-S \5{q ic-tCO
word €4-CGI R"tq q<5F qfQ part of speech q< I\5 <lf$l <Kqs
{6{ Phrase. qf< qsF Phrase <{{ €sfr preposition q< $5 s'fq S-C< s{4
E{fS <fE phrase preposition.
c{:FT 3 There is a pond trTt."t Jl our house. (slTlch3 <t&< rTFI{
qsfi "1g-{v.tdq r)
: qE
$lIC{ in front of before= >f|TC{ l sfqi{ m{l Ctl6l in + front + of
ffi word frrq qsBqq preposition before-€st sl-q F6{CQ I

'!slr{ 3
I could not pass the exam Ftpit";Tl my harci work' (odrR
crq€qlfr qft$F fll-ls-scs ttRR r)
We worked at home lt"tt"ilTl going to school. (qlT{l TIE 4t fiTT <l
nt\3{t{ qR<16<t&ro omor<k4l r)
qfi ET-{
I could not go to school F;.*r*;l ryry illness. $qW-F v-d1

csrc qRfi r)

€ell[{ because of: for= eKC'l t

F;6t] myself, I know nothing about it. (as for = about: I"{C{)

5. Participle Preposition
5. Participle Preposition : $E$46{[ present participle (verb+ing)
€K( past participle (verb €K p. p.) preposition €3 qs <l{qs qC{ all6s I

r{(Til-f$ <FT participle preposition. 6{5Fl 3

@ this matter I know nothing. (q<ilfllc<$fifEqffi-441)

€1116{ Regarding = about: CTC{ I ftq qF qT,E present participle €Ef{i
qf$ Tfq participle preposition.
444 A Passage to the English Language
l'he Pashur flows lpastl our village. (qmm< {lrl"{ {|{ftcl "irs<-4fr {cR
clTq t)
€:116{ past = bV. ft-g past.lVB COF pasi participle {CE qrs Trq
participle preposition.

'a' €R( of-preposition tr{ flfu 'o'TJ-{qE q{ I q{Cq <jTqs
E6E qlq-n6S
disguised preposition <1 qqf<{Elfr preposition T6al I Disguise-€K qd q{
EqtrIrt I cqT{ s

The poor man went on begging ({R< ffi[+F Gl;l a'63 6{-+ 1;
4t<'frsfr<-El q{
The poor man went a-begging, eRrqs qd qSE {Irs ; q{f6{ on
((S(al a-€ disguised preposition. €3[Cef
The hunter decided to go a-hunting. (Ffalft Ffsl< fifir* <.R< Fmfs
Now it is 10 o' clock (:of clock) in the morning. (q"F qofq h-{Bt
<lrw r)
q{lfis O' (:o0 €
disguised preposition.
qF{[< Csf{ <l-rSl' preposition q<f<-qs <l Eq alf{rg {lr<
CSI-{ I C{ q?r
Cs-G€ ES preposition CS {ql qn disguised preposition. C{rFt 3
He comes here once (in) a day. (c{ q{IF frr{ ca-a1-a qkq. t)

"F-{ h C$. &. nm frfu <* r)

Rice sells fifteen taka (for) a k. S (DjE
He receives a salary of 5,000 taka (for) a month. (frfr {C{ {fu qsf<
Er+t cs{ "tl{ t)
E"tm< <f+ierqtrs +tfu q<r+'R preposition qfi'ct{Rqg Uq.<l q.<lEqtr
elrc$ rqq-il 4c{rsrq preposition erElrs {c{ disguised preposition.
€ssq qi $ FftrR stft ry<sr qr{ <t"t(g uts e<( qr-sR {kat <tr$i <F-qK
Tills El\e? El{c{ frrF-i exercise F +-< r

1 -FIqT
T<clT-{ s
(a) Preposition T53ll5-{ noun, pronoun, il noun phrase (-<F-dE q{ I

(b) Preposition otb--cfot< I (5'R/"ilF/E.<fis)
(c) Disguisd preposition-€ on qSI {h-FI-€R( of St <qfq-<I{.Qs
E{ I

(d) Noun, adjective, Rl adverb-qR gk{ simple preposition

{-O <q C{
preposition "f$g ql EffS T[E-preposition. (complex/compound,/
Grammar : Preposition 445

(e) qaF fiq 'lq ERI {fts preposition c$ TCfl-preposition.

(f) Regarding €(( past -l{, Efr preposition R{It< <l<Q-- q6{ slri-<-GF
{Fl-preposition. (phrase,/simple,/disguised,/pariiciple.)
k) Rice sells fifteen taka a seer <T-$IFF €sfr preposition E-q Tc-{-rq, El
Sq-. qt preposition Eco e?tlc{ T6{-preposition.
2. frrE-{ preposition e[4[{ {C$ cO{F C+n 13K{?l preposition sl T{ t

at, with, beyond, before, out of, in front of, a-begging, o' clock,
- Ans. 1. (g) for, disguised. (f) participle (e) simple (d) compound (c) a-
'o' b)RT (a)qlcol I

Prepositional Object
6{ noun, pronoun, { noun phrase-€R gftti preposiiion Tltld\5 qT qf$
TFT prepositional object. Sqfe' & noun, pronoun, Kl noun phrase frfo vqq
<F[qg preposition €i object {6{ I qR ,4q"F{i preposition q< "ffi pronoun
ffi objective case ?[J=[QE E{ I CTsFI 3-
Inc. I looked at he.
Cor. I looked at him.
at-preposition €K 'lC{ he {l TC{ him Trlf,{l sl{'t; him qq q{C{
pepositional object.
Inc. You looked for I. Inc. We sat by they.
Cor. You looked for me. Cor. We sat by them.
Inc. He took the pen from she. Inc. He lives with he.
Cor. He took the pen from her. Cor. He lives with him.

EXERCISEI Fill in the gaps.

(1.) I sat between Rahim and (he)
(2.) You depend (ft6( T-{t) on (l)
(3) He went to Dhaka with -. (they)
(4) Mina took the pen from (she)
(5) You bouqht a book for -. (he)
-. me (1) him.
Ans. (5) him (4)her (3)them (2)
-. Preposition
fuT-d<ffi qg
I live with my father. We are going to Comilla.
(qft qll< <RF ck{ cftfr) I have bought it for you.
He reads in class X. He has come from America.
You sit on the chair. I depend upon my father.
S"fc-q< +<erqt <Ic$I noun, pronoun tsrffr< 9I(5t preposition q({l
{({rQ t cs'{"{ )I <1-sffts my father (noun phrase) q< qlctf preposition
{cTcq I R5-q <IsiFrs int erro g ative (Ef,tTI <-s) F-rl-f,{ with- p re p o t o n F fr fu
si i

{C-q qfElqf\r-fc< Tt{qs qr< I KII;{ 3

446 A Passage to the English Language
Whom,/who do I live with? (qfr nF q'[cei efifrl)
€clI6{ with preposition q< 'l('{ whom <ffi I (-\516<---
What class does he read in? I have no person to depend upon.
You have a chair to sit on. (ft5n <r-*cs "fiR q{'{ csB qTF cR l)
Do you have a chair to sit on? Who,/whom have you bought it for?
Whom do I depend upon? (qft qBf ol{ q-d'I ftzqqr)
Where have you come from? Where are we going to?
* GF cflcqr$ qrls?)
.+i."- q-qrq Wq-fl cq"lF[F[ c{, interrogative pronoun (6Tfi, what, whom,
which) q< qktk preposition \5tcEI c'fcq -*F€+eIc< Tfc r qFtrt fr664 <Isl

q"tr "F-
I have no brother.
I can live with him.
aTI qtTs Relative Pronoun "whom" <Fl{-{ S'C{ {w F-tr6E rtI€TI <I{-l
have no brother whom I can live with. (ql{K CfF qQ OQ qf< q'lCq 9ffr
efls(E "lIR r)
€rllC{ Relative Pronoun "whom"-€Itr ql[sl il K'C{ with preposition fr
<l-{dEEfT'Cqq< ffi-ftfu-qCE t e-sl6{ There is no chair here which I can
sit on.
<t-siBlg which s'{ "l{fl<t on 4l Ttri s[ qL< fr@C< <ITCR r

qtfiqprepositional objective-q< cfcal q-i-6Q-{s'fc< {{q c{lq

preposition <i:ldE E{ v{{ ElC-$ T6{ Detached Preposition T1 Rfr{
preposition. \5R6{ ql{-<l 6a?fqt:l ({ preposition €-<tr detached <FIqK ET-
I Interrogative Pronoun.
I Adverb (6{:l{ where, here)
I Relative Pronoun €< 6E{EI I

EXERCTSEI frcr-< tUl ElslafElcs detached preposition slq]

FRs O< I prepositional object {ote 6fts +-< r

(a) i look at the moon. (a) I care for it.

(b) What do I look at? {b) What do I care for?
(a) She is from Singapore.
(b) Where is she from?


S<Fig Tfi€ noun, adjective, verb, participle, s conjunction €
fuqf< <l<qs qc{ ellrs, G"{l-
Noun : Despite his failure, he did not lose heart. {despite =
{Q€, lose heart: {sl't q\gTI t)
Adjective : The school is situated near (: by = beside) the
Verb : All attended the picnic save (= except = but for) your
Grammar : Preposition 447
Participle : We shall reach there before half past nine.
Conjunction : None but (= except = 31fiuy Rahim has done it.


(frQ preposiiion €K vd q<.(<I{qf-<)
qGE-sT cefr$ cq{t crkq, qc;fs qrq/ffiq qfts-stc{
preposition-c$ <|r+i
<KEf{ T-{-6s "lIc< {l r preposition .{< {#$ <r{{R an Err*ft 6"t.ll{ q-$ qafr
qsit-{rBT RT{ r ft-q {lrcr srysNt
Q(rafi qr vtcq< q-dj qtrs-str{ preposition
<r{.CR S-fl q<FF 1s s[q I qc< stTcq fr6F-{ ErlrE,ID.{t {-sE{ {q{ q<qrq+
(practical), {{tr e SficAq<F s<t{ 6DA €fl
EGrq I qf.ll s-<l siT o firr< \{(rlqT
olcsEiqAffrflRcrr-fr o*[T s3-aRq$"asiK
preposition <r{qR F-trF Frqr< r

(i) ft'{rl r About q<.qrF *.ft"#"*

<t crm r m,rr{ s I know every
thing about him. (91frEKqTffiq-<fr'qffi r)
(ii) D-fdftr$ t q< q$ esF qdEE D.1-gfr1p r qdts co6
fu.n uf<fo-+ r frco<
fisF{ Exi-cq <xqt{F c<l<l.l <tr< r

€rl]-rry yRE s-sfr frr{{ TE, q|*, <t &R{ r vR uF*Fir+ frrn wi esF s-,q
sfcQ, 6TT{ I
wrapped a piece of cloth about my finger. (qfi ql.IT<
qT{-{< DRfllrt qs ?ls stlv q-g{1l
r) 1. (cr[c+ about = around)
(iit qfs-About €K eltr<-sB qdqq EF <t $tql+.tR 1 6.q..{ qT,ttr{{ AB
?q-i, u|-s, g qfu r CD qteiD AB q< 6D-R ff{lqj
eit, qaf* ${ (aUout) ne q<
. _
ERCE <ail {'t_rl This stick is about six inches long.
(iv) b"mce B She came to our house about that matter. (m cqt tIF+
Gfics vtltcn-< <rQ-cs <raFo r.1

(i) qq 3 c$tq qRT{ frffi r+tq qr{-Er-+rs 1-<rrs at <r{qE R-a I

448 A Passage to the English Language

frrq v c-+frqrff{frffi e$tr R<ftT I qrs 1$r{r< E-{i at <lEqs {c{ I

GT{ cc fi{|R cnl-$-He lives at Khulna'

(ii) an'{ s He will come at 5 P. M.
(iii) {{I 3 The chair has been priced at four hundred taka'
(iv) {ltrt t The car ran at 120 miles per hour.
(v) ftr+ t at stj{re T{r'\e 'firs" vdel-op a6 1

.!$:3 -+ OY
qq-sFq cclIa<iflKB c{r<fi{'l(E. I

6{$l s The dog ran at the new-comer'

The dog barked ((tU 6sB Ffl) at me'
(vi)q'tRY 3 Do it at your own cost. (frGT{ "Rlt. cbl +< r)
He did it'at his own risk'

"flr.t s fr(5-{ frre v SE qsF aq, W "l]rq qlr<oF {q Z TCTcq I '91q-<
qcF ${ q-r6{<mo {6f, by <K{K sitp qr< I

sF{[q ffi?tl {1.31, Rahim sat by me. (<fu qffi{ "tl6,t TCcRE r)
(ii)sTqffiJlrG-rr,qlrf[q s c{{Fbt4ffiqfr-<K-He will return by
E[rR$?[, by 5 P.M. <6fts 5 Bf< qm R 6sl;{ c{-s'rs {<ffcs ell6<, qr< sl
E6< 5Ef{ 31sfuslR IAB G{l<-<fc<qlqrsffif
q<tsrd 5 BK ffi{ m' n' o

ft-wreK q-{i by 5 P.M. ffi{t s1-< 3

m no
12 p.m.
1,2 1P.m 2P.m 3P'm 4P'm 5P'm
(iii) ct$1q s s-e1c-<I4R r<ffi{ 35M iF<rGI q1, nrqtr 'n*q:-o-tc< Ts <{ 'ffi"i
{<lRs by<J-{ds{{ t

yo-r----*ry Z
yfr(gi4l Rrn Z c+ fun q<'F &R'{ cs{l1q t q<iel (F6I by
GrE cq"fi q.tcq
<I<'qsq{ I

She had her rice boughi by her servant'

The work was done bY him'
Kill the snake bY the stick.
(iv) qTffrd 8 Now it is 10 p'm' bv mv watch'
(qTr{ s& q$ni< €1r{ {Fo qlfi {rq t)
Grammar : Preposition 449
(v) {Rntt s frnn$'G qrq{ qRqrffiq'tTof c

Our dining table is 4 ,reet

by Zl rcnt.
(vi) :leletT;tt t you swore (-t"trl sL.TR"rq) by God (fu{< clCT) that
you would never tell a lie.
(D EIT 3 InFt{t 6OtT qttrT-< E{]-{qql-s'ffcs {<tk4t E{ I 6q:F[, foo< fice v
q-$E qlTufiT TC{l q<fu s

Eq|{<a e I hve in Dhaka.

They live in a large (fut) room.
_ lit) {Tsst6T s c€t{ fr,-ffi wronm< q.c$ qFF s.tq s.[i, v6Qo, q3*
t-slfi T<flF in lFl-eE ET I frrD-{ Frq q p m. ccfrs 5 p. m. wttr cq?Itr{,.l r

ccT'amlbqr'{-slqcq(5-4)= iRa tq4qq$q-{ffiiT{fi 5 p - € 4 p. m.

S-< TC{i \{l{r{ Smq {l-<cfi 4 p.m. tffi:tiRI CalNcl S-fl q{ sfq6E Tfl TF
n' HL will
come in an hour.

(iii) qT{l s He is in good health. The machine is in good condition.

(iv) ffi'@ s In this case, the shopkeeper is guilty, not the customer.
(v) frF{EqtT 3 Please do it in my own interest.
(t trqo a He came of a good family.
(ii) a1frfi-a1s This pen is of my sister's.
(iiil E"rqrq c The gold of this ring is pure.
This house is built of brick.
This basket is made of bamboo.
(iv) q&dry.'rds city of Dhaka = qSIIR{ I

district of Khulna = {q-dt G-qt

(v) R'cs s I knor,v noihing of (=6!su+\ ;1.
(vi) TRq 3 die + of + CdICrR {E {f E{t Sf<Icl !ffiC1<Fq-s
q$, C{T{ 3 He died of diarrhoea.

(tg{R\5-ir c.*r4 s cs'r{ ?$ffi#,= c'{t,.-< E,R") {c r sit on this

chair. fr6qr El<irr fia<ixfl fiqflrql sLT

/4. Y-V,
Put the book on the tabte. (6ReqK $"ta sE:fr mq)


450 A Passage to the English Language

(iil f{ffi fii-q <l vGq

s He will come on the 15th of this month'
(qTil sle trlc{ {6=stq-fi vtrq{ E"K fi-6sq-{ {cl r) ffi
(iii) VlqICit 8 He was forgiven by the teacher on my request'
He took one weak's leave on medical advice.
(iv)"Rd, sqtfi't t On reading the letter @ffi rye;, she started
On receiving this message (CKm), he was very happy.
(v) Stfqn t I thank you on your success.
He came here on the occasion and joined the party.
:"',r (vil fr{r{ t He wrote a fine book on grammar (frfr <ils-{q frsc* <T
T,FFTc{d E"r< s-$F 5.rssK <E Frc{Rrfi l)
We shall discuss on it later. (ef6< q:Kt RRTT ql{I'l s<< l)

(i)fr-s, Ed cqc.F 6qq fiffi ft'co c frru-{ GrE 6qrt qFE re,rq $to qtrc
q{j q-sFfrr+qq-ffiqrq qql cq"[{E6{'R I

to i
to Dhaka.
cq:F{ s I am going (qfi 6lol <tfu r) i

Tsl <fi oqltF <q-cq s"F cq EIsl calrs wr-{fl srs A R-{cs I c{ EFFRI

cftqT{qq +fuw{FE.I to <F-qr{s-{F "r|gm rqdlqElol{ 'sc{ cfrw{F 'R

fc\il<<6rcs qFr<TI-"I am going to Dhaka." s"tq vr$ <alcs q6{ I "l am in i
Dhaka" F-q frcr @ in m fiTsef T<tllnl c{cs I

fitg< fr={ m ft-$ {-<n'cs qc-{ in Tjul{{ T<tg Er<; c{5F{ 3 I am in a

danger. He is in the hall room now'
t I found the place to mv liking. (qfr <eftT qq{sQ
Rc{r< c'itxfutl =<lFfuqnr{ {er-q-<q-{sTft t)
This food is not to my taste. (4 "ItB qW{ trtr{
qX'ffft i{ r)
(iiil 'I{\t t We want to fight to the end of the battle'
qt <T"€r<F lps s (i)-q< Ee I

(iv)q&, Effir'ft t Send a letter to Rahim.

We invited him to the party. et <KqKtr\e {q\5 (i)
q<$5 I

(v) c He was sentenced to the jail' (vlr+ cqrq fl5l{ .,

C{ r) I
Burn the letter to ashes. (GSFco c'fl-gFcs canglrc I

qtt<Ift.-T cqq r) I
Grammar : Preposition 457

Beat the dog to death. (Tq<Fr+ qltrCs EK[s mr{

cs"l l)
The dying ({{{) Ulra was brought fack to life.
(vi)qtr'fl\t s What number is to 10 as 20 is to 40?
(40 q< {Cq 20 q< c{ q{fllE 10 .sr 4[el 6$n c(?fiT
Ten to one will he succeed. (cc 10 q'ctf{ q-s-slti
gs-€F(<c< r)
(i)ClL€t 3 He lives with me.
You went with your brother.
(ii)B"R{ 3 Do not be angry with me. (q'qK E"f< nunRs qtfi Sl t)
Be patient with a rogue. ?vf <R"t e< r)
('.tca-< E"f<
(iii)ftT T s EqiFF?t t$tlcs r He killed the man with a knife.
I do every thing with my own hand.
(iv) {C9e 8 With (= for: in spite of) all his weaknesses, he is a
leader. (sK {KqT Tfu ?n-+t {q€ 6T q-$-q{ 6{--sl t)
With allher riches, she is unhappy. (vtn Tl{6T {{ ffiqs
crq€ fr qtft r)
(v) TlCETt vt<f a She looked at the poor man with suspicion.
qrqcq< 6E.l1?l Efsls t)
'tR< ffiTA< frr+
I read the book with much interest. (ws]g qWq ftR
qfr<itr lgrlr r)
He looked at me with satisfaction.(fi )fqB{ ck{
qmr ft.T sr+-lE t)
"ff+si tr<flcs', 3ffte*.t wrd e
Do not part with such a good pen. (<v 1-rt< C+fi SE{ qgqlgt+T ql t)
(vii){tfofffl 3 The book is with my younger brother.
The keys (ffi)
with (sl-ffi) the caretaker.
(viii)cR'l€ s With these word (e8 <tcffelEt slf,), he went away.
With such a remark (qg<i) he left the place crying.

(il C<FFTqtr{{{c{t s ficE-dfraF cql s{( "t-a<ffEqR{qsrEl "rs e

The ring (qt$) is within (E-c$) the sa{e [fr1-+).

452 A Passage to the English Language
You should not play ihis game within the school area.
She is sitting within the garden.
(iil frffi ql{ elffid {c{t s frro< freE o'{ q<( qfiq Eq.lR<"f'.tcq1 "19
12p.m 1p.m 2P.m 3P.m
6ry b R-{sR fi{rnfrc q5i( rr<1qFrr<, 'q<?F:l salt A-{W6 Tcq rqrq <-tl
He will come within three hours. (cc ft{ qBF xc{IqlcF I o'K"l A
czl6s D er{g qrq-s EE \? xa q(( cc D-q< Tc{i
,;s.:t gFtrr{ t

{fi m o x<cr6s ,g 9lr< slcc (D .{< slT4( cs]q fr'{ sm c<r<flIs w< l) \51{cE
He will not come within three hours but he will come within {our
We will finish the work within a month.
(iii) trl{ ff:$ sl'rcg 3 Live within your means. It is not within the
area of my authority ('sfi qFl-{ qqsR <ttca t)
T6m$tr Preposition '{Ad TI{{CT{ qT{{{-s ql-C€rt6-{l t

S'lt-T{mefd{l preposition qr{ I$RFF t s 6$l;{ <fSl' ,9<l <-j-{ds

aF tficmfrqemt cq"l$4(Er{ "r-aa6f BqR{EqrEl lw qtqir<I{{cad qlefrtT{K

oAo< e

lN or INTO

qdts <ftt< c{rs cstl' {M xBrg qtF a$.t{ qftffi {'l{i iPP6 q6a €s"|
$ltr\c IN<l lNTo <rrdsq{ I c$FI3
He went in (into) the classroom' (o ctftom cm r)


vdte, rq4 g*q qrq (<,Rm celcs <trqqI) <t lBre €n+i E!firs i

, Grammar : Preposition 453

IN <I INSIDE<I.{.q9ET I R'$T 3

He is in (or inside) the classroom.
He is sleeping inside the room.
A rat is moving (i9A) inside the box.


qdts, asl{ fiffi qT carr$ cfi qcr qc{ roFr sfq qci er"f Trfl[-{ out of
<FrdEq{ IRI;I3
The ball went out of the playground. (<tF l1rt{ {lEr< Ert ctlaf t)
He came out of the kitchen. (cc <lXTs-{ calm cfi {cT €a r)

c I

qdR, cslq fiffi qlrl-{ NEKcqfrs E?r€ lbrs c€Fr etq <]tm.{pcqq T$;
c€F sM mtq frffi qlcq< <lEr< rbcq e6q T{IFT outside {t{q-s q{ I c{',iFr 3
Outside the room, we saw a snake. (1lr-flF< <ttr< ql-<t qFF qiq
cq-alqlq t)

On (or Onto), off

csf{ E-6ffi (qrsF-{) Effi G.t{ Tlq {8r{ cclcF qrc rbrs qmlT{E{ on <t
onto RFrds qs I frc5T G@< qlqrT{ <fi"Iffi 6r<Il {16{ s

ON (or ONTO)

C{'.{{ S She put the pdn on lor onto) the table.
6trE T3r, 6Rr,E< atr* cam o-q{E qI{ 6Rc-+*E"fE <l?fi q[q. I

454 A Passage to the English Language
c€R srq{ trfi c$f{ s.M q}rq q{1{<tlcg on iKdE qs I qrsGr ft-E
<lR< cers stsTB .scc \rffi{ b"tr< sbcq 4]' I c{5Ft 3
The boy was standing on the table.

rsFr 86ffi (cr-sr{-<) b"f* cqn-o cst-{ Tfq & vqF< {ft( FIT q?rq qa"i
{<llFI off <KavE{ | R'{{ 3
Keep you feet off the table. (6frra-{ celcs ctl-Wfi ?K <1"1 t)
Help me get my luggage off the table. (dkt cafs c<-{tF qRc* Gfl<
q-{ qrItrFqlqlqir-{ t)

Atong ed+{r<< r cFra qR *ffi qxat c-|-6{s r fuu-< 6qE oq e

c{cq ffiig
vsq< $r< I csr{' qtr{-< E-{rq-{ ctceJ qq frft'cr {T{RIksqr< qsF $Iq lbr{
q$q{4TrqE$t along<J-{qsE{ I c{5FI3
Go along this road. (eq TM *tlfi:Its r)
I walked along the river side. (qftqftqi<-<Ta<,{Faq;;


1. (a) We went up.
(b) We went up the hill.
2. (a) She walked on. (ct cqctt D-ffi r)
(b) She kept the book on the table.
B1-c{ (a) 6Rs <foierqns up €tr( on €t adverb, T-RI"i, qfiil
el6{ C$l-{
noun { pronoun object SC't <i+qs qgfr r ftq OtGRs <lTlerEts up € on
q'< {cn-q;C{ the hill € the table object fr"['f <I{qs EC{fq | '4fSfE up €R(
on {al preposition. ffKI( <-ql $S, R{?t word-adverb s preposition Egf{-{
sl-q T'6d qrq< q$TI< "ntr+i {nie Elcq< <t{qlrtr{ G"t< Fr6< <tr{ | q<et rlcftr
'f6{ object Rqk< 6QF noun { pronoun Tt{qs {Cq €(h-{fS {FI preposition
q<( q(E<
'l({ C$Iq noun ?il pronoun object {-C'l qlqqv il qfq qfirfC$ TC{
Grammar : Preposition 455

adverb. adverb-noun, pronoun, € interjection EMq-{fFi parts of speech

CS modify FGt I


frrx Eqr{{"f er-ql {-v r qftfr <l-rsi-{ "rrc{ Tt.ft{ {c{r tsTtt.r+ R
preposition <i:l-qs q6{ EI 64€RI qq I

1. I want to speak-Mr. Haque. (to) 2. We went-school-bus. (to, by)

3. He lives-a room in my house. (in) 4. We went out-the classroom
and met the teacher-the field. (of, in) 5. I saw him standing-the roof-
the house. (on, of) 6. He lives-his means. (within) 7. This much price is-
my capacity. (beyond) 8. She lives-her father-America.(with, iri) 9. We
went--the room and saw him reading. (in to) 10. He sat-me on the
same (e€) bench. (bv) 11. The frog jumped-{of) the well (Tel). 12. I
have lirred-this house-ten years. (in, for) 13.-the age-18 he was sent
to London to study medicine there. (At, o0 14. We worked-8 a. m.-an
hour. (from, for) 15. He died-fever(\<)-Saturday. He had been
suffering-three months. (o{, on, for) 16. She went-school with her
brother. (to) 17. He objected (qtqfr +r<Fq)-my smoking in his room.(to)
18. The cat was sleeping-the table. (under/onl 79. I said-him that it
was our custom-Bangladesh to ride cars-the left.(to, in, on) 20. He will
come-6. p. m. (by)
(a) In, at- in+<${4fi13
at + aFEF/qT{
sdrlc<lTrlcrft-flKwfqs e]b s-sFqTTofr I qqr{isdTlcrlnF\{lc{ at
q<(q]Efr{F qlC{ in Trrr{ r ffi5l;I 3 He lives at Kalaroa in Satkhira.
qf<F 5 a. m. {4 q-dE <t morning q< ,csF q(-l q<( qsT{i sl-{ 6F-cT
*6 1qv<t< at 5 a. m. ; in the morning-€elf,{ <]?r'qE qr< I R5FI 3
He gets up at 5 a. m. in the morning.
NOTE. Inc. He came in morning.
Cor. He came in the morning.
Inc. He arrived (qel{;T TC{RE, erq' cmE) at the noon.
Cor. He arrived at noon.
qef\ crc{-< 91-cri at sqcE I ai-€K el6d the (c{ {t, frq 1n Ery5q Q ip
q< el6{ the 3:K{ t

(b)In, inte-qE EF preposition r4< <I{{ll qTil qlT'li flrqR r q"flT{

qlr{s-<K{<[-{qE I

qd q(q, qRk
"ffutdq{<flr in <r<-q\5 qr I crl* qlr.K Tc{i cft{ olq
calrsTIqB $i€ $i\o cssrfii ft6q qlTq{1, €s"t {<fl-co in <lTds ql rErqr
El{rc{ 3
456 A Passage to the English Language


ftre .cs6 qK6 W{< Rv ca6 fr1<rxrq r qsft q<,ff !tr{r$ ffi.l
43t-CQ I C{:F{ 3

C{ SK qfCE-He is in the room.

ftV utl* c{t-s c$t-{ +^lg stls xbcs cssl<< frro qq:r< ccq. qs"f T{trq
into <r{qscT rFrs{\l{rct rfiF-*I9l mvfiq<R e

/i.t.t :z

tjW(i ,,li.

EQtC{"i 3 He went into the room. (C{ v<F< Cwv-tT Cun r)

ffi cc{bftqv<"qil<|tc-< cqtc+ Fv-c-{ c'l{ I

Inc. When we were into the room they came in it.

Cor. When we were in the room they came into it.
(c) On, in, at
On + date,/day (qRqf{T)
in + month,/year (\l{ffi)
at + point in time 1fifr?w*;
6{51{ 3
Inc. He came on 5p.m in Saturday on January, 1994.
Cor. He came at 5 p.m on Saturday in January, 1994.
(d) In, within-ln + end of a period o{ time (CTR-< 6slrl)
within + during a period of time ({{"Cn-{ {'C<l)
qqR cstd'frffi w otce< etsfrcs csl-{ Ttq x?r< eq"I
{a[tg in €<( &
cTlS{ {c{I f$l{ Tlq sBr{ qm"f {<tl'Cs within <Kq\o q{ I cTrFI B

He will come in a week. (:lglLq< C{T {Ec6)

He will come within a week. ({slC{{ {C{i Cq 6q;a qxm)
Grammar : Pfeposition 457

(e) In, by, before-Period of time <l cq[T< <i"tR (t tfuci T<flTs in €{(
point of iime fiffi N{<rno
Ri by {l before <Kq\5 q{' c{'tq-{ 3

frrq ml! qft-qr+ ffi T-fl {c-s,q r c+le rrq AB wcr< qcql <1 qfrrfi
\-C$s?r{ g'rSTE inKj:tdsq{ | ffi5FI B
i shali come back in a week.
ft-q n, L, M, N, o, P, Q, <l B Er frc-qr ffrffi wd; sMtr !tr< wi
<l{qs S{ I C$Ft 3
q-{"1E<fl-C4 by RI before
i shall come back bv/before the seventh of this month'
lwtR cQ $cq< cFo srRe"R w{ ftq qr?q. qq,
(0 Since, for-csl-n frffi {Rd c{rs (sat, {-H t-sirfq) 16-r^
6tG EF pa- q54 te-fljq Tit(e since <j:Iqs ES I CT{-{-
| 10th January


6rE roQ qlXTtR cqrr+ sFfr Tf6\q-< sr q\3{t cqllrl qcrcq I

qrEiro srnce
<]?l-qsEr{ I C{5FI3
He has been ill since the 1Oth of January'
qslr< 6s.F ftffi rl'I celrs rfq ss E{ {<ffces since {l{Qs RC{ 3

He has rvlng nere slnce 993.
Fffi qE {4{1ss "fut.s
<t{dE q-q I

crF fiffi ft-df<l< I<flres since KI{QE R{ I

ftq csr{ fiffi 1p * $m {fr q'qcTr< c]b {fu]'f $fir iol{ci for Tl{ds

T<Il{ ECTIS 1 ffi! rfl'{ 5
(4-6) = 2 Sa r q6S-Cq for <K5\5 qr< 3
458 A Passage to the English Language
I have been reading for two hours.
ftq ffi 4 p. m €rgq n-<-co urR ur<q RcKv q5q g
I have been reading since 4 p. m.
v't<re c$fr6qq{q4sls-{ s

1990. ..4yrs .. Igg4
qrll6{.ER <q< (1994_1990) qR_',
nq<lT s_{e_He has been living
here for four years.
- ft-q Ue has been living here since 1990.
(g) By, with-sta Tk stTt q(? Et< {ft:l.?l qr{ by €{( R rrl <t S"rqq
kl$+rqBs-{tqTg:r4rcq-<qk'l with Trq I RsFr s
The snake was killed by the boy with a stick.
(h) Between, among-EQrs{ {c{t c+lq Tfq qtrq
T{ll-cs between
<Kqeqr rc{{'{ 3

Gro cqolt <fcue c{ frq F{ Eqqrd< Tc{t v}'i s'c{ cq-{t Rcq r qsfi a14ri.t{
s-fi<ls B

Distribute the fruits between Rahim and Karim (or the two men).
(di stribute : .e-lts' K ril\l)
qel{ Eft-s.{qfE-svfu<tcq11llFr among <Fresq_s
'frrF, I

ftrq 6q=tl <tcq c{ Ee q< qfqo ai$T 6Ercs-{ {c$ (DR qfi{ {c$')
o-\gserEl +q qd s-GI 6q'fl qcDq I q(s?cE among <jirqg qr< I
Grammar : PrePosition 459

Distribute the fruits among the four brothers (or Rahim' Karim'
Shabu, and Titu).
In, after-Future iI Present (indicating future) tense € in €{( past
tense-€ after (FI-QE E{ I C{5l;I 3
He will come in a week' (Future)
He came after a week. (Past)
(j) In, on, to-schlt cTrfi ql q{firT cFE
qr{lF{tTdl qr{cq I


(C{ lzt verb 4i1 'l{ preposition {C{ 4l)
Reach (cfuq), resemble (cT't3sI)'r''iolate (qll{i <F<l'.S *l'
air.utt-1wc+I6lt isTtl), resign'(EfsR Qqft s1a 5-s1;, sisn (cQ <i*l)'
;;G"\" f"q" -<D, recJmmend (q-1cllc{ Tfl), order (qIrq'l Tfl)' transiiive verb
;;;;;J Gr6q-'t e<lj, ente' (a6qql,T-<1) Qgffi u"'6 Q1EI
('6{ ,gCq-< qf< retq preposition ?lCq T{FII{ object TC{ | ffi{;{ 3

Inc. We reached at the station'

Cor. We reachad the staton.
Inc. The boy resembles to his father' (<Fr$F sF <l{K rs EcsA l)
Cor. The boY resembles his father'
Inc. We discussed on/about the matter'
Cor. We discussed the matter.
Inc. The Judge (Rrt<-+; investigated into the case'
Cor. The judge investigated the case' .
t"". The ieaiher recommended for the new book'
Cor. The teacher recommended the new book' on'
Inc. The captain ordered to his soldiers to march
Cor. The captain ordered his soldiers to march law on'
il". We should not violate with/against the of our country'
Cor. We should not violate the law of our country'
I Adverb 4 Adverb phrase q< qft't preposition TC{ 4l I C{'fi 3

Inc. He left 05n{ T<E) the village with bag and baggage (gfusgf
Cor. n6 teft the village bag and baggage'
Inc. We listened to his statement (fr1fu) with attentively'
Cor. We listened to his statement attentively'
Inc. She tried with heart and soul.
Cor. She tried heart and soul (Tfl 4lc"l)'
I Preposition { prepositional phrase €3t tf{ noun, noun phrase tK{ I

verb clFF-ffi Ef< ClCal ing {S {I | (gerund).

Inc. lt is needed for safe'
Cor. It is needed for safetY.
Inc. We played in stead of ({R{-e) work'
Cor. We PlaYed in stead of working'
qril T3t, qql <IfSl for {fl prep_osition, €3t '16{ adjective-sa{e (fi-<lflui) fl
<'c{ nou.,-safety (fi-<t"M) <rccq r frSl <nq in stead of {4-prepositional
phrase. €3t 'l{ verb-work 4l ('fr gerund (v+ing)-working {C{CQ t
460 A Passage to the English Language
Inc. Inspite of (WCqic) work hard, he failed in the exam.
Cor. In spite of working hard he failed in the exam.
qql6{ in spite of € prepositional phrase.
coR fir+ ETI s-{t Ffl-6d at Ttri r aim at-vl=F T-{t, qsI T-$
He aimed the gun at the bird. (cc affifi< ft$ <T+bf vft a-4q 1

Shoot at,-eF +<l

The soldier (mI) shot at his enemies. fire at-efrfidl
* Do not fire at the tiger now. railat-5lbtfuto'-*
ir*;n jest at-$Bl-fufl:trlt laugh at-SlbtfurqEt
t' Do not laugh at the poor. took at-gl<Plq
Look at the moon. stare at-6rft-c{ {R
glance at-sl=F|;t
by-€T srTstr TJT<ld
ffia${-6q {€nr {$lF by <t{ds qT I

by land-E-{'lcql by water-E'-f, 'lCel

by boat-cfi-olc<Ic{ by launch--4ftI{lCtt
by bus-nlc{ F'K by train-66{ s'c{
by air-9l$l't1lel by plane-fu+ mftat
fuE on foot-"tlcT R1F
,fiF frcrr ftq{"tB rt<-q|{ T'G gfr ffi qms srql <fsi tsR +<rs
"tt< r

---------J on foot
--------9 by water
----------+ by air
We went there -----------e by land
----------J by launch
-+ ______> by bus
---------) by train
----_-_--+ by plane
----------r by airbus (RaF)
--------t by aeroplane
f fir'{ <]-sl'efqtlg preposition-q< <r{-{< qTj aK s

It is ten o'clock by my watch now. (9lTK q&TE q?F q"{A <lCW r)

I do not sleep by day. (vtft frca 5a'rt qt r)
I sleep at night (qfr ilv grQ t)
Open at page 15. ("ifi "ldf C"Ild' t)
I do not want a word for word translation. (ffi q<q <t qt$R-S W{<Ih
utRqI r;
I_read with a good teacher. (qtfr q-ssr{ vlt FFFrfi +tre fl& r)
Write it in ink.
Do not go by,/through,/along this road.
There are five members on the commitiee. (C-slT 9tl5q-{ CE-CI 9ICS l)
Gramrnar : PrePosition 46I

You sat with your back to the wall' (E^fi 6nTRE ftb <rcRE t)

I met him on my wav to school' (qfi ere Tl{l< "lcq ER 6q'{l

cfllxQqlq 1;
On my way back, I did not see him' (cFTF "lcqlqtFr sne cqfER r)
qel{ {-{{1-{tr c'fcil
To my great surprise, he won the first prize'(c{
qqrs \n-{r$ 4'c< frq 1;

Would you please show me the way to the market?

(q"ffr ft o'C{ q'fi
q1{l1T<M1r{<l{f< flbt cqfu3fiGq t)
qqs <qqqft {6q'e cc-w{fr l)
.r With allhis wealth, he is unhappv. (sf<
Air is coming into the room through the window'
qK lF.e r)
s-{ to T? ftd
My reading room is 2A feet bg 12 feel' (qrfi{ rc'K
re )a'

qburegl r)
^ She ieturns home betfieen 5 p'm and 6 p' m'
Now it is 15 minutes past 10' (ctrt n$f 6{ffi 'ffi
frFtB r)
Now it is 15 minutes to 10. (€rl{ qlfi <Iwro "f+< frGb <Ift r)
go to Khulna'
We have come from Dhaka and we want to
It is a long way from Dhaka to Khulna' (trlsl ccl(s fi{t sc+S "tcl t)
Our village stands on the Pashur' (fls< {fu ftc< Wrtcq{
EIT t)
(vl{ ffi cfFsl {'qs c{ q{s l)
For all his money, he is dishonest'
We broke through the crowd' (qln-{[fr9 Fffiqdq-{€l{ l)
He fell down the hill.
The boat sailed down the river'
Do not run in the sun.
She died of cholera.
He died from hard work.
The bird {lew over mY head'
q{f54 fffif g{, .;
ffi'-*lo frR< Eq< frc-T r foT-{ Srql qrqrq <l{ffi
T3[{ CSCa 3


I(hulna is in the of Bangladesh' 1frrw< ff:n'< {CW)

Kutch Bihar is to (frffi-< ftq< 4tr<) the north of Bangladesh'
qs tr-f$lE Es
A gang of seven robbers came here' (c19 E,c{<
qrqRE 11

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