TOEFL - Reading Comprehension - Test 1

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11/28/2017 TOEFL - Reading Comprehension - Test 1



TOEFL TOEFL - Reading Comprehension - Test 1

Category: Part 4 - Reading Comprehension
20 TOEFL tips
In this section you will find a number of tests based on the fifth part of the Test Of English for International
Part 1 - Toefl Structure Communication.
For each question you will see an incomplete sentence. Four words or phrases, marked A-D are given beneath each
Part 2 - Error Recognition sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Part 3 - Listening Click on the 'View Answers' tab to see the correct answers.
comprehension Read the passage and choose the option that best answer each question.
Martin Luther King, Jr., is well known for his work in civil rights and for his many famous speeches, among them is his
Part 4 - Reading moving "I Have A Dream" speech. But fewer people know much about King's childhood. M.L., as he was called, was
comprehension born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, at 5 the home of his maternal grandfather. M.L.'s grandfather, the ReverendA.D.
Williams, purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909, twenty years before M.L. was born. The Reverend
Sample TOEFL essays
Williams, an eloquent speaker, played an important role in the community since so many people's lives centered
Download TOEFL materials around the church. He allowed his church and his home 10 to be used as a meeting place for a number of
organizations dedicated to the education and social advancement of blacks. M.L. grew up in this atmosphere, with his
home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it.

15 M.L.'s childhood was not especially eventful. His father was a minister and his mother was a musician. He was the
second of three children, and he attended all- black schools in a black neighborhood. The neighborhood was not
poor, however. Auburn Avenue was the main artery through a prosperous neighborhood that had come to symbolize
achievement 20 for Atlanta's black people. It was an area of banks, insurance companies, builders, jewelers, tailors,
doctors, lawyers, and other black-owner black-operated businesses and services. Even in the face of Atlanta's
segregation, the district thrived. Dr. King never forgot the community spirit he had known as a child, nor did he forget
the racial prejudice 25 that was a seemingly insurmountable barrier that kept black Atlantans from mingling with

Questions View Answers

1. What is this passage mainly about?

A. the prejudice that existed in Atlanta
B. Martin Luther King's childhood
C. M.L.'s grandfather
D. the neighborhood King grew up in
2. The word "eloquent" in line 7 means most nearly
A. powerful
B. active
C. romantic
D. fascinating
3. The word "gathering" in line 12 could best be replaced by
A. picking
B. learning
C. exciting
D. meeting
4. As used, the word "eventful" in line 15 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. valued
B. memorable
C. admirable
D. emotional
5. In line 20, the word "it" refers to which of the following?
A. achievement
B. neighborhood
C. segregation
D. services
6. According to the author, blacks in King's neighborhood were involved in all the following
businesses and services EXCEPT
A. dentistry
B. medicine 1/2
11/28/2017 TOEFL - Reading Comprehension - Test 1
C. law
D. banking
7. The word "tailors" in line 21 describes people who are associated with which of the following
A. flower arranging
B. shoe making
C. garment making
D. book binding
8. According to the author, King was influenced by
A. community spirit
B. black lawyers
C. his mother
D. his speeches
9. The word "thrived" in line 23 refers to which of the following?
A. achieved
B. surrendered
C. flourished
D. held
10. As used in line 25, which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "seemingly"?
A. apparently
B. inevitably
C. inexplicably
D. hastily
11. The word "mingling" in line 26 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. interfering
B. gargling
C. consuming
D. associating
12. According to the author, M.L.
A. had a difficult childhood
B. was a good musician as a child
C. loved to listen to his grandfather speak
D. grew up in a relatively rich area of Atlanta

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