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Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No. 2. Government 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

FHWA/TX-13/0-6736-2 Accession No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Fee Study October 2012 , Published December 2012
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.
Prozzi, J., Murphy, M., Loftus-Otway, L., Banerjee, A., Kim, M., 0-6736-2
Wu, H., Prozzi, J.P., Hutchison, R., Harrison, R., Walton, C.M.,
Weissmann, J., Weissmann, A.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Center for Transportation Research 11. Contract or Grant No.
The University of Texas at Austin 0-6736
1616 Guadalupe Street, Suite 4.202
Austin, TX 78701
College of Engineering
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Texas Department of Transportation Technical Report
Research and Technology Implementation Office October 2011–September 2012
P.O. Box 5080
Austin, TX 78763-5080 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
Project performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
16. Abstract
In Rider 36, the Texas Legislature in the 2012–2013 General Appropriations Act directed the Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) to conduct a study on road damage caused by oversized and overweight (OS/OW) vehicles and to provide recommendations
for permit fee and fee structure adjustments, which are to be submitted to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor. TxDOT
commissioned CTR and the University of Texas at San Antonio to evaluate the damage that OS/OW vehicles (including exempt
vehicles) cause to the transportation infrastructure (including pavements and bridges) along with direct costs imposed by OS/OW
vehicles on highway appurtenances (such as signs, traffic signals, and light poles) and other direct costs that other state agencies and
local jurisdictions accrue from OS/OW enforcement or management.
The project developed methodologies to quantify pavement and bridge consumption rates per mile. The consumption rates were
calculated for multiple axle loads and axle configuration and are independent of the commodity being transported. Per mile fees for
bridges were also calculated for non-routed loads. In addition to the consumption rates for bridges and pavements due to the effect of axle
loads, the researchers developed a new fee schedule that considers costs associated with oversize vehicles that exceed legal width, height,
or length for 34 rate categories. These new fees were also calculated based on vehicle miles traveled.
Based on the new permit fee structure the research team conducted a revenue analysis by comparing it to FY 2011 permit sales
numbers and associated revenue. In FY 2011, the Motor Carrier Division sold 574,578 OS/OW permits that generated just over $111.4
million in permit fee revenue. The revenue based on the new pavement and bridge consumption and operational and safety impact fees is
an estimated $521.4. This figure represents an increase of $410 million over actual permit fee revenue reported in FY 2011. The new
permit fee structure includes a $10 administrative fee for each permit sold, and a new TxDOT Base Fee of $40 for all permits sold to help
fund costs identified that are not currently recovered by existing permit fee revenues. Using the new permit fee structure, the revenue for
currently exempt vehicles was estimated to be approximately $150 million. Using the new permit structure, revenue estimates based on
FY 2011 permit sales for currently permitted vehicles and proposed new permits for exempt vehicles would be $671.4 million.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
Pavement Consumption, Bridge Consumption, Oversize, No restrictions. This document is available to the public
Overweight, OS/OW, Over dimensional, Super-heavy, through the National Technical Information Service,
Exempt Vehicle, Permit, Permit Fee, Motor Carrier Springfield, Virginia 22161;
Division, Safety
19. Security Classif. (of report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 392
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Fee Study
Prozzi J.
Murphy, M.
Loftus-Otway, L.
Banerjee, A.
Kim, M.
Wu, H.
Prozzi J.P.
Hutchison, R.
Harrison, R.
Walton, C.M.

University of Texas at San Antonio

Weissmann, J.
Weissmann, A.

CTR Technical Report: 0-6736-2

Report Date: October 2012
Project: 0-6736
Project Title: Rider 36 OS/OW Vehicle Fees Study
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Department of Transportation
Performing Agency: Center for Transportation Research at The University of Texas at Austin

Project performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway
Center for Transportation Research
The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe, Suite 4.202
Austin, TX 78701

Copyright (c) 2012

Center for Transportation Research
The University of Texas at Austin

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America
Author's Disclaimer: The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who
are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not
necessarily reflect the official view or policies of the Federal Highway Administration or the
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). This report does not constitute a standard,
specification, or regulation.
Patent Disclaimer: There was no invention or discovery conceived or first actually
reduced to practice in the course of or under this contract, including any art, method, process,
machine manufacture, design or composition of matter, or any new useful improvement thereof,
or any variety of plant, which is or may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States
of America or any foreign country.

Engineering Disclaimer

The authors would like to thank the Project Monitoring Committee for their continued
support in providing information and direction during this study. Project Director was Ms.
Wendy Reilly (TxDOT) and the Project Monitoring Committee members included Rick Collins,
Director of the Research and Technology Implementation Office; Carol Davis, Director of the
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier Division; Scott McKee and Duwayne
Murdock, also of the TxDMV-MCD; and Bernie Carrasco, TxDOT Bridge Division.
In addition the PMC, the authors would like to thank the following individuals:
o Rocky Armendariz, PMIS/BRINSAP Coordinator – TxDOT: Fort Worth District
o Antoinette Bacchus – Assistant Director – Dallas Transportation & Planning County Public
Works Department
o Karl Bednarz – Maintenance Engineer – San Angelo District
o John Bilyeu – Pavement Engineer – Construction Division
o Steve Blake – Wyatt Companies Vice President – Safety Director
o Dan Brazael – Ector County – Road & Bridge
o Dar Hao Chen – Pavement Engineer – Construction Division
o Ben Cernosek – City of Dallas / Street Services – Heavy Maintenance
o Ricardo Castaneda, Director of Operations – TxDOT: San Antonio District
o Brian Crawford, Director of Maintenance – TxDOT: Abilene District
o Scott Cunningham, Traffic Section – TxDOT: Austin District
o Ernie De La Garza – TxDOT Corpus Christi District
o Jason Gill, Foreman Signal Shop – TxDOT Austin District Traffic
o Mercy Gil – Commercial Property & Casualty, Texas Department of Insurance
o Darlene Goehl – District Pavement Engineer – Bryan district
o Rick Goodman – Harris County Infrastructure – Traffic Section
o Victor Longoria – CKJ Trucking Safety Director
o Marla Jasek, Safety Engineer – TxDOT Yoakum District
o Theresa Lopez – Fort Worth District Traffic Operations
o Susan Marshall – Eltectrotechnics Corporation
o Brian Merrill – TxDOT: Bridge Division
o Rory Meza – TxDOT – Design Division – Section Director
o Bill Marshall – Electrotechnics Corporation
o Paul Montgomery, Maintenance Director – TxDOT Lufkin District
o Tony Moran – Maintenance Engineer – Waco District
o Major Chris Nordloh – Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Programs Texas Highway Patrol
Division – Texas Department of Public Safety
o Stevan Perez, Littlefield Area Engineer – TxDOT: Lubbock District
o Phil Pettit – Enforcement Division, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
o Jim Putnam – Electrotechnics Corporation
o David Rohmer, Traffic Engineer – TxDOT Wichita Falls District
o Paul Rollins – TxDOT Bridge Division
o Mike Routledge – Attorney General’s Office
o Carl Schroeder – Bryan District Maintenance Supervisor
o Tomas Saenz, Pavement Engineer – TxDOT: El Paso District
o Richard Schiller – Fort Worth District Maintenance Engineer

o Joe Trammel – Tarrant County Transportation Department
o Lance Simmons, P.E. – Atlanta District – Director of Operations
o Mike Stewart – Longbow Partners – LLP, Aggregate Transporters Association of Texas
o Fred Valles, Bridge Engineer – TxDOT: Fort Worth District
o Tom Varghese – City of Dallas / Department of Street Services – Routine Maintenance
o Alex Wang – City of Dallas / Public Works – Traffic Signals
o Mykol Woodruff, Director of Operations – TxDOT: Paris District
o Mark Worman, Manager – Commercial Property & Casualty, Texas Department of Insurance
o Stacey Young, Pavement Engineer – TxDOT: Lubbock District
o David Ainsworth, Sr., Ainsworth Trucking
o Jay Alligood, Texas Concrete Partners, LP
o Lisa Anderson, National Solid Wastes Management Association
o Jean Bohuslav, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles – Motor Carrier Division
o Mark Borskey, Borskey Government Relations LLC
o Brett Bray, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles – General Council Director
o Maurice Brown, H. Brown Inc.
o Tom Brown, IESI – Progressive Waste Solutions
o John Esparza, Texas Motor Transportation Association
o Les Findeisen, Texas Motor Transportation Association
o Norman Garza, Texas Farm Bureau
o Charlie Gee, Texas Logging Council
o Kinnan Golemon, KG Strategies, LLC
o Wayne Griffin, Texas Logging Council
o Jesse Hereford, S & B Infrastructure, LTD.
o Clay Jones, Austin Bridge and Road
o Kenny Jordan, Association of Energy Service Companies
o Jenny Li, Texas Department of Transportation – Construction Division
o Ren Nance, Committee Director, Senator Craig Estes
o Scott McKee, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles – Motor Carrier Division
o Jennifer Newton, The Associated General Contractors of Texas
o Kenneth Nolley, Torqued-Up Energy Services
o Lester Parker, United Parcel Service (UPS)
o John Pellizzari, Energy Service Company
o John Phinny, Torqued-Up Energy Services
o Bob Pollick, Campbell Concrete & Materials, LLC
o Richard Rogers, State Farm Insurance
o Bubba Rouse, Palletized Trucking, Inc.
o Ed Small, Texas Forestry Association
o Jody Richardson, Allen Boone Humphries Robinson, LLP
o Jackie Shults, Lehigh Hanson, Inc.
o Mike Stroope, District Maintenance Engineer – Odessa District
o Damon Tofte, IESI Corporation – Progressive Waste Solutions
o Jim Townsend, H.L. Chapman Pipeline Construction, Inc.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................1

Chapter 1. Project Introduction ...................................................................................................7
1.1 Report Structure and Overview .............................................................................................7
1.2 Background ............................................................................................................................7
1.3 History of OS/OW Regulation in Texas ................................................................................8
1.3.1 Exempted Vehicles and 2060/1547 Permit ...................................................................14
1.3.2 Width Limits .................................................................................................................23
1.3.3 Height Limits ................................................................................................................23
1.3.4 Weight Limits ...............................................................................................................24
1.3.5 Permissible Weight Table .............................................................................................25
1.3.6 WASHTO States Regulation ........................................................................................27
1.4 Industry Forum ....................................................................................................................30
1.4.1 Participants ....................................................................................................................30
1.4.2 Industry Forum..............................................................................................................31
1.4.3 Roundtable Discussion..................................................................................................31
1.5 Interviews.............................................................................................................................39
1.6 TxDOT Districts and Divisions ...........................................................................................44
1.6.1 Abilene District .............................................................................................................47
1.6.2 Atlanta District ..............................................................................................................48
1.6.3 Austin District ...............................................................................................................49
1.6.4 Bridge Division .............................................................................................................52
1.6.5 Bryan District ................................................................................................................57
1.6.6 El Paso District .............................................................................................................58
1.6.7 Fort Worth District ........................................................................................................59
1.6.8 Lubbock District ...........................................................................................................61
1.6.9 Lubbock District—Littlefield Area Engineer ...............................................................62
1.6.10 Lufkin District .............................................................................................................63
1.6.11 Paris District................................................................................................................64
1.6.12 San Angelo District .....................................................................................................65
1.6.13 Waco District ..............................................................................................................66
1.6.14 Wichita Falls District ..................................................................................................67
1.6.15 Yoakum District ..........................................................................................................67
1.7 State and Local Government Departments and Divisions ...................................................70
1.7.1 Attorney General’s Office.............................................................................................70
1.7.2 City of Dallas ................................................................................................................71
1.7.3 Dallas County................................................................................................................72
1.7.4 Ector County—Road and Bridge ..................................................................................73
1.7.5 City of Fort Worth ........................................................................................................73
1.7.6 Harris County ................................................................................................................74
1.7.7 Tarrant County Transportation Department..................................................................77
1.7.8 Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) ..........................................................................77
1.7.9 Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Enforcement Division ...................................78

1.7.10 Texas Department of Public Safety ............................................................................80
Chapter 2. Methodology and Recommendations for Pavement Consumption
Analysis .........................................................................................................................................83
2.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................83
2.2 Objective ..............................................................................................................................84
2.3 Background ..........................................................................................................................84
2.4 Methodology for Flexible Pavements ..................................................................................85
2.4.1 Calculation of Equivalent Consumption Factor (ECF) .................................................85
2.4.2 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Analysis ..................................................................87
2.4.3 Experimental Design .....................................................................................................88
2.4.4 Results for Flexible Pavements .....................................................................................89
2.4.5 Methodology for Rigid Pavements .............................................................................103
2.5 Results for Rigid Pavements ..............................................................................................104
2.5.1 Determination of ECF (Punchout Criterion)...............................................................104
2.6 Methodology for Surface Treated Pavements ...................................................................109
2.6.1 Determination of ECF Using the Rutting Criterion ....................................................110
2.6.2 Application Example: Flexible Pavements .................................................................119
2.6.3 Application Example: Rigid Pavements .....................................................................122
2.6.4 Application Example: Surface Treated Pavements .....................................................125
2.7 Methods of Cost Determination .........................................................................................128
2.7.1 Cost Determination Scenarios.....................................................................................130
2.8 Conclusion .........................................................................................................................133
Chapter 3. Bridge Consumption...............................................................................................135
3.1 Chapter Objective and Organization..................................................................................135
3.2 Analysis Objective and Approach .....................................................................................135
3.3 Methodology Overview and Available Data .....................................................................135
3.3.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................135
3.3.2 Bridge Consumption Analysis ....................................................................................136
3.4 Routed Permits ...................................................................................................................136
3.4.1 Determining Bridges on Permitted Routes .................................................................136
3.4.2 Representative Loads for Routed Permits...................................................................139
3.5 Bridge Consumption Methodology ...................................................................................143
3.5.1 Background .................................................................................................................143
3.5.2 Methodology Description ...........................................................................................143
3.5.3 Bridge Bending Moment Analysis at the Network Level ...........................................147
3.5.4 Bridge Consumption Methodology Summary ............................................................147
3.6 Bridge Consumption Results: Routed Permits ..................................................................147
3.6.1 Routed Permits Example.............................................................................................147
3.6.2 Bridge Consumption for the Routed GVW Categories ..............................................149
3.7 Bridge Consumption: Non-Routed Permits .......................................................................151
3.7.1 Methodology ...............................................................................................................151
3.7.2 Bridge Consumption Results Example for Non-Routed Permits ...............................152
3.7.3 Bridge Consumption for Non-Routed Categories.......................................................153
3.8 Summary ............................................................................................................................159
Chapter 4. Cost Analysis ...........................................................................................................161

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................161
4.2 Consumption Costs Associated with Oversize/Overweight Loads ...................................162
4.2.1 Total and Loaded VMT Calculations .........................................................................163
4.2.2 Permit Cost Components and Equations.....................................................................165
4.2.3 Pavement Consumption ..............................................................................................168
4.2.4 Bridge Consumption ...................................................................................................168
4.3 Exempt Vehicles ................................................................................................................172
4.3.2 Over Legal Dimension Loads .....................................................................................175
4.3.3 Legal Vehicle Dimensions ..........................................................................................186
4.3.4 Over Legal Width .......................................................................................................186
4.3.5 Over Legal Height.......................................................................................................192
4.4 Crash Record Information System Database Analysis ......................................................199
4.4.1 Over Legal Length Loads ...........................................................................................202
4.5 Longer Combination Vehicle Operations in Other States .................................................211
4.6 OS/OW Administrative and Enforcement Cost Items .......................................................217
4.6.1 TxDMV Motor Carrier Division .................................................................................218
4.7 Estimate of Costs Associated with OS/OW Operations ....................................................219
4.8 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................222
Chapter 5. Revenue Analysis and Recommendations ............................................................223
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................223
5.2 Revenue Analysis Based on New Permit Fees ..................................................................224
5.2.1 Vehicle Configurations and Operations ......................................................................224
5.2.2 Temporary Registration ..............................................................................................225
5.3 Permit Analysis Worksheet ...............................................................................................229
5.3.1 Worksheet Component 1.............................................................................................229
5.3.2 Worksheet Component 2.............................................................................................235
5.4 FY 2011 Permit Fee Baseline ............................................................................................241
5.5 Permit Revenue Assessment ..............................................................................................241
5.5.1 New Permit Revenue—Exempt Vehicles ...................................................................242
5.5.2 New Revenue Estimate—Currently Permitted and Exempt Vehicles ........................245
5.6 Additional Considerations .................................................................................................246
5.6.1 OS/OW Fines in Texas ...............................................................................................246
5.6.2 Gas Taxes Paid to Fuel Distributors ...........................................................................247
5.7 Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................................247
5.8 Recommendations ..............................................................................................................248
References ...................................................................................................................................251
Appendix A: Methodology and Recommendations for Pavement Damage Analysis:
DARWin-ME™ ..........................................................................................................................259
Appendix B: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck Configurations on Flexible
Pavement Sections ......................................................................................................................267
Appendix C: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck Configurations on Rigid
Pavement Sections ......................................................................................................................271
Appendix D: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck Configurations on Surface
Treated Pavement Sections .......................................................................................................275

Appendix E: International Review of OS/OW Regulations ...................................................279
Appendix F: Harris County Road Law ...................................................................................319
Appendix G: City of Fort Worth City Code, Part II, Chapter 22 Article IV: Truck
Appendix H: Industry Forum Invitation .................................................................................339
Appendix I: Workshop Agenda ................................................................................................341
Appendix J: Overview ...............................................................................................................343
Appendix K: Workshop Roundtable Discussions ...................................................................345
Appendix References .................................................................................................................367

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Local Area Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 40

Figure 1.2: District Questionnaire................................................................................................. 41
Figure 1.3: DPS Questionnaire ..................................................................................................... 42
Figure 1.4: Bridge Damage from OS/OW Load at Overpass on US 385 at SH 158—
Odessa District .................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 1.5: Bridge Damage from OS/OW Load at Overpass on US 385 at SH 158—
Odessa District .................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 1.6: Damage to Bridge at IH20 & PR 41........................................................................... 45
Figure 1.7: Seal Coat Damage Due to Heavy Load ...................................................................... 46
Figure 1.8: Seal Coat Damage Due to Heavy Load ...................................................................... 46
Figure 1.9: Damage to Sign on IH 20 in Abilene District ............................................................ 47
Figure 1.10: Damaged Traffic Signal ........................................................................................... 50
Figure 1.11: Drop Tube Warning Device for High Loads: “Ding-a-Ling” System ..................... 68
Figure 1.12: Light Transmitter and Receiver ................................................................................ 69
Figure 1.13: Typical Warning Sign and Last Sign ....................................................................... 69
Figure 1.14: Dallas County OW/OS Permit Form ........................................................................ 73
Figure 1.15: Harris County: Diagrams of Various Types of Vehicles ......................................... 75
Figure 1.16: Harris County Oversize Overweight Application Form........................................... 76
Figure 1.17: OS/OW Penalties Collected 2008 through July 2012 .............................................. 79
Figure 1.18: 17mm thick DPS Scales ........................................................................................... 81
Figure 2.1: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Flexible Pavements ......................................... 90
Figure 2.2: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Flexible Pavements ......................................... 92
Figure 2.3: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Rutting Criterion ...................................... 93
Figure 2.4: Single Axle ALFs Fitted to a Power Law (Rutting Criterion) ................................... 94
Figure 2.5: ALFs Based on Rutting Criterion............................................................................... 95
Figure 2.6: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (Rutting Criterion) ...................... 95
Figure 2.7: ECF Based on Fatigue Criterion ................................................................................ 97
Figure 2.8: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Cracking Criterion .................................... 98
Figure 2.9: Correlation between ALF and SN (left) and GEF and Number of Axles (right) ....... 99
Figure 2.10: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion ..................................................................... 100
Figure 2.11: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles Based on Roughness ............... 101
Figure 2.12: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Roughness ............................................ 102
Figure 2.13: ECFs Based on Punchout Criterion ........................................................................ 104
Figure 2.14: Relation between ALF and Slab Thickness Using Punchout Criterion ................. 105
Figure 2.15: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (Using Punchout) .................... 106
Figure 2.16: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion ..................................................................... 107

Figure 2.17: ALF vs. Slab Thickness for Rigid Pavements Using Roughness Criterion ........... 108
Figure 2.18: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (for Roughness) ...................... 108
Figure 2.19: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Surface Treatments ..................................... 111
Figure 2.20: ALFs Calculated Based on the Rutting Criterion for Surface Treated
Sections ........................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 2.21: ECFs Based on Cracking Criterion for Surface Treatment Sections ..................... 115
Figure 2.22: ALFs Calculated Using the Cracking Criterion for Surface Treated Sections....... 116
Figure 2.23: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion for Surface Treatment Sections .................. 117
Figure 2.24: ALFs Based on Roughness Criterion for Surface Treatments ............................... 118
Figure 2.25: ECFs Based on Rutting for Flexible Pavements .................................................... 119
Figure 2.26: ECFs Based on Fatigue Cracking for Flexible Pavements..................................... 120
Figure 2.27: ECFs Based on Roughness for Flexible Pavements ............................................... 120
Figure 2.28: ECFs Calculated for Class 9 and Class 11 on Flexible Pavements ........................ 122
Figure 2.29: ECFs Calculated Using Punchout Failure Criteria for Rigid Pavements ............... 123
Figure 2.30: ECFs Calculated Using Roughness Failure Criteria for Rigid Pavements ............ 124
Figure 2.31: ECFs Calculated for FHWA Class 9 and Class 10 Trucks .................................... 125
Figure 2.32: ECFs Calculated Using the Rutting Criterion for Surface Treated Pavements ...... 126
Figure 2.33: ECFs Calculated Using the Cracking Criterion for Surface Treated
Pavements ....................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 2.34: ECFs Calculated Using the Roughness Criterion for Surface Treated
Pavements ....................................................................................................................... 127
Figure 2.35: ECFs Calculated for FHWA Class 9 and Class 11 Trucks .................................... 128
Figure 2.36: Pavement Costs Assessed for OS/OW Loads ........................................................ 132
Figure 3.1: GIS Data from Project 0-6404.................................................................................. 137
Figure 3.2: GIS Data from Project 0-6404 Combined with BRINSAP Data ............................. 138
Figure 3.3: Analysis Configuration for the 80–120 Kip GVW Category ................................... 141
Figure 3.4: Analysis Configuration for the 120–160 Kip GVW Category ................................. 142
Figure 3.5: Analysis Configuration for the 160–200 Kip GVW Category ................................. 142
Figure 3.6: Analysis Configuration for the 200–254 Kip GVW Category ................................. 142
Figure 3.7: AASHTO Bridge Fatigue Curves............................................................................. 144
Figure 3.8: Moment Ratios Distribution for the 80 to 120 Kip GVW Category ........................ 148
Figure 3.9: Representative Load for the 8–120 Kip GVW Category ......................................... 150
Figure 3.10: Representative Load for the 120–160 Kip GVW Category ................................... 150
Figure 3.11: Representative Load for the 160-200 Kip GVW Category .................................... 150
Figure 3.12: Representative Load for the 200–254 Kip GVW Category ................................... 151
Figure 3.13: Segregation of Bridge Consumption Calculation for Non-Routed Permits
into East and West Texas ................................................................................................ 152
Figure 3.14: Representative Load Configuration for One Non-Routed Permit Load-Ready
Mixed Truck.................................................................................................................... 153

Figure 3.15: LP Gas Bobtail Permit Configuration .................................................................... 156
Figure 3.16: Ready Mixed Permit Configuration ....................................................................... 156
Figure 3.17: Garbage and Recycling Permit Configuration ....................................................... 156
Figure 3.18: Cotton Module Permit Configuration..................................................................... 156
Figure 3.19: Chili Pepper Module Permit Configuration ........................................................... 157
Figure 3.20: Aggregate Hauler Permit Configuration ................................................................ 157
Figure 3.21: Grain Hauler Permit Configuration ........................................................................ 158
Figure 3.22: Logging Permit Configuration ............................................................................... 158
Figure 3.23: Milk Permit Configuration ..................................................................................... 159
Figure 4.1: Texas Map Showing Demarcation Line between East and West Texas for
Bridge Rate Analysis Purposes ....................................................................................... 169
Figure 4.2: General OS/OW Single-Trip Mid-Heavy Range Load Example ............................. 170
Figure 4.3: Typical Tractor-Semi Trailer Configuration for a 2060/1547 Permitted
Vehicle ............................................................................................................................ 171
Figure 4.4: Ready Mix Truck—Typical Configuration with Exempt Allowable Axle and
GVW Loads .................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 4.5: Five-Axle Ready Mix Truck with Pusher and Booster Axles .................................. 174
Figure 4.6: 3-Axle Tractor-Semi-Trailer Unit of the 1940s–1950s ............................................ 175
Figure 4.7: 5-Axle Tractor Trailer Unit on a Narrow FM Road with No Edge Striping or
Paved Shoulder ............................................................................................................... 176
Figure 4.8: 2,000,000 lb. GVW Hydrotreater Reactor on Narrow FM Road ............................. 177
Figure 4.9: Severe Rut Damage Occurring under Heavy Wheel Loads due to Lateral
Shear Failure ................................................................................................................... 178
Figure 4.10: Temporary Bridge Built over an FM Road Bridge that Could Not Carry the
Load ................................................................................................................................ 178
Figure 4.11: Long Load Negotiating a One-Lane Ramp that Required Driving off the
Paved Surface.................................................................................................................. 179
Figure 4.12: Vehicle Queue Forming behind OS/OW Vehicles Transporting
Manufactured Housing.................................................................................................... 180
Figure 4.13: The dimensions and operational characteristics of OS/OW loads can affect
other driver’s behavior. ................................................................................................... 180
Figure 4.14: Increased funding to add shoulders, signing, and other safety features on
rural roads can help reduce poor driver decisions and potential crashes. ....................... 181
Figure 4.15: Super-heavy Load Negotiating a Steep Grade with Resulting Damage to a
New Seal Coat................................................................................................................. 181
Figure 4.16: Seal Coat Picked Up by Drive Axles of Prime Mover Due to High Surface
Shear Forces .................................................................................................................... 182
Figure 4.17: Damaged Seal Coat from Super-heavy Load Prime Mover Tandem Drive
Axles ............................................................................................................................... 182
Figure 4.18: Heavily Loaded 3-axle Straight Truck Transporting Farm Products on an
FM Road ......................................................................................................................... 183

Figure 4.19: Severe Rutting and Shoving Due to Heavy Axle Loads from 3-axle Farm
Trucks ............................................................................................................................. 184
Figure 4.20: Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Wide Surface Rut Due to Repeated Heavy
Loads ............................................................................................................................... 184
Figure 4.21: Heavy Trucks Operating along a Narrow FM Road and Resulting Pavement
Deformation .................................................................................................................... 185
Figure 4.22: Excessive Surface Deformation from Heavy Wheel Loads near the
Pavement Edge................................................................................................................ 185
Figure 4.23: Overwidth, Overheight Load IH 35 NB—Austin District ..................................... 187
Figure 4.24: Manufactured Home on IH 35 SB Frontage Road—Austin .................................. 187
Figure 4.25: Transporter with Cylindrical Bales of Hay—up to 12’ Wide ................................ 188
Figure 4.26: Extra-Wide Lane within Transition from One to Two Lanes on “Super 2”
Route on US 281 ............................................................................................................. 189
Figure 4.27: Extra-Wide Lanes within the Vicinity of a Major At-Grade Intersection
along US 281................................................................................................................... 189
Figure 4.28: Super-Heavy Load Transporter with Transformer on IH 35 NB Main
Lanes—Austin ................................................................................................................ 193
Figure 4.29: IH 35 Overpass Clearance, by Lane, to Determine Potential OS/OW Route
Options ............................................................................................................................ 194
Figure 4.30: Retrofit Bridge Modifications (Pedestals) to Increase Vertical Clearance ............ 195
Figure 4.31: Drop Tube Warning Device for High Loads—Yoakum District Standard
(TxDOT 2012) ................................................................................................................ 195
Figure 4.32: Overheight Load Detection Device—Yoakum District (ELTEC 2012) ................ 196
Figure 4.33: Concrete Spalling and an Exposed Rebar Attest to Several OS/OW Hits—
Austin District ................................................................................................................. 197
Figure 4.34: Oil Tanks Lying in the Travel Lane Immediately after Collision with a
Bridge .............................................................................................................................. 198
Figure 4.35: Two 1.8 Million Lb. Pressure Vessels Being Transported on a Frontage
Road—Houston............................................................................................................... 199
Figure 4.36: Super-Heavy Load during Transport to a Refinery along the Texas Gulf
Coast ............................................................................................................................... 199
Figure 4.37: Stinger Steered Automobile Transporter on IH 35 NB .......................................... 203
Figure 4.38: Saddle-Mount Truck Tractor Unit Operating along IH 35 SB—Austin
District............................................................................................................................. 203
Figure 4.39: Concrete Beam Hauler on IH 35 NB—Austin District .......................................... 204
Figure 4.40: Wind Turbine Blade Transporter on IH 35 NB—Austin District .......................... 204
Figure 4.41: Raising Traffic Signal Wires to Provide Clearance for an OS/OW Load .............. 207
Figure 4.42: Checking Railway Signal Clearances for an OS/OW Load ................................... 207
Figure 4.43: Limited vertical clearance under a transporter trailer restricts route choices......... 208
Figure 4.44: Super-Heavy Load with Condenser Struck by Train at Railway Crossing in
Glendale, California ........................................................................................................ 209

Figure 4.45: Concrete Beam Hauler with Downed Traffic Signal Mast/Arm Assembly—
Austin .............................................................................................................................. 210
Figure 4.46: Traffic Sign Downed by Wind Turbine Loads Turning at a Rural
Intersection—Lubbock ................................................................................................... 210
Figure 4.47: Turnpike Double (TPD) Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) .............................. 212
Figure 4.48: Rocky Mountain Double Longer Combination Vehicle ........................................ 212
Figure 4.49: Triple Trailer Unit Longer Combination Vehicle .................................................. 213
Figure 4.50: Michigan “Caterpillar Rig” .................................................................................... 213
Figure 4.51: Canadian B-Train Double Longer Combination Vehicle....................................... 214
Figure 4.52: Mexican T3-S2-R4 Longer Combination Vehicle ................................................. 214
Figure 5.1: Permit Analysis Worksheet—Permit Fee Calculator User Interface Screen ........... 230
Figure 5.2: A list of vehicle and/or exemption types is provided—the Ready mix truck is
selected. ........................................................................................................................... 230
Figure 5.3: The default total and loaded miles (VMT) are diplayed for the vehicle
selected. ........................................................................................................................... 231
Figure 5.4: The drop-down box shows county selections for the TxDOT North Region. ......... 231
Figure 5.5: Distribution of 1547 Authorized Counties by County and District.......................... 232
Figure 5.6: Distribution of FM Road Lane Miles with Fair, Poor, or Very Poor Distress
Scores .............................................................................................................................. 233
Figure 5.7: The county selections are shown in the Selected Counties List. .............................. 234
Figure 5.8: The current permit fee and new permit fee is calculated and apportioned............... 234
Figure 5.9: The User Interface Screen for the Total Permit Fee Revenue Estimator ................. 235
Figure 5.10: Selecting a Permit Type for Analysis from the Drop-Down Box .......................... 236
Figure 5.11: Drop-Down Box with List of Vehicles for Selection (in this case, an
aggregate truck) .............................................................................................................. 237
Figure 5.12: Aggregate/Rock Hauler Listed with Total and Loaded VMT and Estimate of
Number of Vehicles Operating in Texas ........................................................................ 237
Figure 5.13: Numbers of Permits for Each County Authorization Category ............................. 238
Figure 5.14: Permit Revenue is calculated and apportioned to the different Budget Funds. ..... 239
Figure 5.15: Farm/Livestock Vehicle Types with a Sub-Level Showing Different Options ..... 240
Figure 5.16: The Revenue Summary and Total Number of Authorizations ............................... 240

Figure A1: DARWin-ME™ Design Procedure .......................................................................... 260

Figure B.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck ................................................................... 267
Figure B.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck ................................................................... 267
Figure B.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck ................................................................... 268
Figure B.4: Gross ECF for a Class 9 Truck ................................................................................ 268
Figure B.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck ................................................................... 269
Figure B.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck ................................................................. 269
Figure C.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck ................................................................... 271

Figure C.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck ................................................................... 271
Figure C.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck ................................................................... 272
Figure C.4: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 9 Truck ................................................................... 272
Figure C.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck ................................................................... 273
Figure C.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck ................................................................. 273
Figure D.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck ................................................................... 275
Figure D.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck ................................................................... 275
Figure D.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck ................................................................... 276
Figure D.4: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 9 Truck ................................................................... 276
Figure D.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck ................................................................... 277
Figure D.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck ................................................................. 277
Figure E.1: Legal Dimensions for Extraordinary Loads............................................................. 281
Figure E.2 Calculating the Overload Fee .................................................................................... 283
Figure E.3: Road Transit Corridors from Norway to Finland (blue) and Rail Transit
Corridors for Norwegian Domestic Transport (red) ....................................................... 309
Figure E.4: South Baltic Oversize Transport Corridors.............................................................. 310
Figure E.5: Oversize Permits Issued in Sweden 2005-2009 ....................................................... 310
Figure E.6: Number of Oversize Permits issued by State in Germany 2009 .............................. 311
Figure E.7: OS/OW Permits Granted by SCT for Load Below 90 Tons—2003 to 2008 ........... 317
Figure F.1: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 319
Figure F.2: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 320
Figure F.3: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 321
Figure F.4: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 322
Figure F.5: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 323
Figure F.6: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 324
Figure F.7: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 325
Figure F.8: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 326
Figure F.9: Harris County Road Law ......................................................................................... 327
Figure F.10: Harris County Road Law ....................................................................................... 328
Figure F.11: Harris County Road Law ....................................................................................... 329
Figure F.12: Harris County Road Law ....................................................................................... 330
Figure F.13: Harris County Road Law ....................................................................................... 331
Figure F.14: Harris County Road Law ....................................................................................... 332
Figure F.15: Harris County OS/OW Bond Form ........................................................................ 333

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Major Legislative Changes for Oversize and Overweight Governance ........................ 9
Table 1.2: Statutes that Affect Texas Department of Motor Carrier ............................................ 15
Table 1.3: Vehicle Width Limits in Texas .................................................................................... 23
Table 1.4: Table: Vehicle Height Limits in Texas ........................................................................ 24
Table 1.5: Vehicle Length Limits in Texas .................................................................................. 24
Table 1.6: Permissible Weight Table ............................................................................................ 26
Table 1.7: WASHTO Overweight Fee Comparisons ................................................................... 28
Table 1.8: Participants by Agency/Company ............................................................................... 32
Table 1.9: Summary of Roundtable Discussion ........................................................................... 33
Table 1.10: 2012 Bridges with Repeated Damage Due to High Loads from TxDOT
Districts ............................................................................................................................. 53
Table 1.11: City of Forth Worth OS/OW Permit Fee ................................................................... 74
Table 1.12: TxDMV Enforcement Division Investigations 2008–2012 (to date) ........................ 79
Table 1.13: Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service: Manpower Division ............................. 80
Table 1.14: 2011 DPS Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Inspections Size and Weight
Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 81
Table 1.15: Calendar Year 2011 Weigh in Motion Statistics ....................................................... 81
Table 2.1: Experimental Design for ECF on Flexible Pavements ................................................ 88
Table 2.2: Experimental Design for ECF on Rigid Pavements .................................................... 89
Table 2.3: Simulated Axle Loads and Configurations .................................................................. 89
Table 2.4: Parameters for Single Axle ALF Based on Rutting Criterion ..................................... 94
Table 2.5: Parameters for Single Axle ALFs Based on Rutting Criterion.................................... 95
Table 2.6: Gross ECF for a Class 9 Truck Moving 80,000 lbs. .................................................. 121
Table 2.7: Average Low Bid Price for Construction Materials .................................................. 131
Table 3.1: Data Sources .............................................................................................................. 136
Table 3.2: Summary Statistics for the 2009 Permit Data File .................................................... 139
Table 3.3: Number of Axles in the 80–120 Kips Category ........................................................ 140
Table 3.4: Summary of Spacings in the 6-Axle, 80–120 Kips Category (ft.)............................. 140
Table 3.5: Summary of Weights in the 6-Axle, 80–120 Kips Category (kips) .......................... 141
Table 3.6: Values of m Constant for Bridge Fatigue Analysis .................................................... 145
Table 3.7: Bridge Asset Value Percentages for GVW Categories.............................................. 146
Table 3.8: Partial Results of the Bridge Consumption Analysis for the 80 to 120 Kip
GVW Category ............................................................................................................... 149
Table 3.9: Bridge Consumption per Mile for the 80 to 120 Kip GVW Category ...................... 149
Table 3.10: Bridge Consumption per Mile for All GVW Categories—Routed Loads .............. 149
Table 3.11: Bridge Consumption per Mile for Non-Routed Ready-Mixed Truck ..................... 153
Table 3.12: Summary of Bridge Consumption Results for Non-Routed Permits....................... 155

Table 4.1: Example Consumption Fees for General OS/OW Single-Trip Permit Weight
Classes............................................................................................................................. 170
Table 4.2: Recommended Exemptions Excluded from Permit Consideration ........................... 173
Table 4.3: Number of Lane Miles Summarized by Route Type and Lane Width (ft.) ............... 188
Table 4.4: Number of Permits and Rate/Mile Width, Height, and Length Categories for
2,000 General OS/OW Single-Trip Permits ................................................................... 191
Table 4.5: TxDOT Property Damage Associated with OS/OW Crashes by Crash Event
(CRIS 2012) .................................................................................................................... 201
Table 4.6: TxDOT Property Damage Cost Estimates Based on TxDOT Statewide
Damage Claims ............................................................................................................... 201
Table 4.7: Fatality and Injury Costs Associated with 1,137 OS/OW Crashes ........................... 202
Table 4.8: Rural Two-Lane Total Roadway Width Design Criteria—1976 ............................... 205
Table 4.9: Rural Two-Lane Roadway Lane Width Design Criteria—1986 ............................... 206
Table 4.10: Rural Two-Lane Roadway Lane Width Design Criteria—2010 ............................. 206
Table 4.11: Minimum Structure Widths for Bridges to Remain in Place on Rural Two-
Lane Roadways ............................................................................................................... 206
Table 4.12: Longer Combination Vehicle Permit Fees and Estimated Rates/VMT by State ..... 216
Table 4.13: Consumption and Over Dimension Infrastructure Operations and Safety
Impact Fees ..................................................................................................................... 217
Table 4.14: Additional Cost Categories Not Currently Captured in OS/OW Permit
Operations ....................................................................................................................... 221
Table 5.1: OS/OW Existing Permit Representative Vehicle Configurations Used in the
New Permit Calculations and Revenue Assessment....................................................... 226
Table 5.2: Exempt Vehicle Load Factors and Rationale for Calculations .................................. 227
Table 5.3: Representative Exempt Vehicle Configurations Used in the New Revenue
Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 228
Table 5.4: Comparison of FY 2011 Permit Numbers and Revenue with Revenue Based
on New Permit Fee Calculation Methods ....................................................................... 243
Table 5.5: Revenue Estimate for OS/OW Exempt Vehicles Based on New Permit Fee
Calculations..................................................................................................................... 244

Table E.1: Fee Schedule per 10 km of Operations ..................................................................... 282

Table E.2: Single-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 8 ................................................... 285
Table E.3: Single-Trip Axle Group Weight Fee Table—Schedule 9 ......................................... 286
Table E.4: Multi-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 10 .................................................. 286
Table E.5: Multi-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 11 .................................................. 287
Table E.6: Single-trip Over-Width Vehicle or Load .................................................................. 288
Table E.7: Annual Multiple-trip Permit Over-Width Vehicle or Load ...................................... 288
Table E.8: Overdimensional Permit Costs—Single-Trip and Annual ........................................ 291
Table E.9: Permit Fees ................................................................................................................ 294

Table E.10: Maximum Dimensions Permitted on Annual Permit .............................................. 294
Table E.11: Maximum Dimensions on Project Permit ............................................................... 295
Table E.12: Dimensions for Single-Trip Permit ......................................................................... 295
Table E.13: 2012–2013 Registration Charges for Heavy Vehicles ............................................ 302
Table E.14: NSW Statutory Dimension Limits .......................................................................... 303
Table E.15: Vignette Tariff for Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and
Sweden ............................................................................................................................ 308
Table E.16: Current Mexican Regulatory Framework Applicable to OS/OW Permits and
Operations ....................................................................................................................... 314
Table E.17: Mexican Classification of OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations by
Dimension ....................................................................................................................... 315
Table E.18: Maximum Axle Load Weight for OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations ............ 316

Executive Summary

The 82nd Texas Legislature required the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
to conduct a study to evaluate increased pavement and bridge consumption by oversize and/or
overweight (OS/OW) vehicles, including exempt OS/OW vehicles carrying loads such as
agricultural products, solid waste or recycled materials, ready mix concrete, and milk. The study,
referred to as Rider 36, also requires TxDOT to provide recommendations for permit fee and fee
structure adjustments to the Governor and the Legislative Budget Board by December 2012.
TxDOT commissioned the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at The University of Texas
at Austin and the University of Texas at San Antonio to undertake this study.
Report highlights and recommendations include the following:
• The study concluded that the state’s current OS/OW permit fee structure is
inadequate to recover OS/OW truck-related infrastructure consumption costs.
• The research team used permit and trip data and rigorous engineering analysis to
quantify infrastructure consumption costs associated with each type of OS/OW
truck, including those that state law currently exempts from permit requirements.
• The research team proposes a model alternative fee structure that builds on the
state’s online permitting system; links OS/OW permit fees to the cost of
infrastructure consumption; and generates additional revenue to address OS/OW
vehicle-related administrative and enforcement costs as well as the cost of
maintaining and preserving the state’s transportation infrastructure.
• The research recommends streamlining the number of permit types and reducing
exempt truck classes.
• The proposed model for an alternative fee structure uses vehicle miles travelled
(VMT) and vehicle characteristics that exceed legal limits (i.e., weight, height,
width, and length) to determine the permit fees. These proposed fees also include
operational and safety cost components.
• Adopting the research’s proposed model alternative fee structure could increase
annual state OS/OW permit revenue to $521 million from $111 million collected
in FY 2011, an increase of $410 million.
• Applying the research’s proposed model fees to trucks exempt from permit
requirements under current law—based on estimates of their numbers and
adjusting for seasonal use and load types—could yield an additional $150 million
in annual permit revenue.

The following summary provides an overview of the work, methods, and findings that are
documented in each chapter of this report.

Chapter 1: Report Structure and Overview

Chapter 1 presents a comprehensive literature review of OS/OW permit systems used by
the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO) states.

Chapter 1 also documents a Trucking Industry Forum that was held by CTR on March 29, 2012
and attended by over 30 representatives from different sectors of the trucking industry. In
addition, the results of numerous interviews are presented that were conducted in person or by
telephone with TxDOT district and division personnel; county and city public works employees;
the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier and Enforcement Divisions; the
Department of Public Safety—Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Section; the Office of the
Attorney General; and the Texas Department of Insurance. In addition, at the request of certain
truck fleet operators, researchers met with and discussed the purpose of the Rider 36 Study and
obtained information about the value of certain types of permits to these companies.
Chapter 1 also provides a historical review of legislation regarding OS/OW vehicles,
including OS/OW exemption statutes that have been enacted for certain types of vehicles or
commodities. The review spans the period from 1929 to the present and provides the background
information needed to trace and understand changes in OS/OW statutes and the timeframes in
which exemptions were enacted. It is important to recall that during the Trucking Industry
Forum, the trucking industry representatives indicated that they were not opposed to a permit fee
increase “as long as we are on a level playing field...everyone should pay their fair share.” This
concept provided the framework for the pavement and bridge consumption analyses models
developed. The consumption models consider only increased consumption related to an
overweight load independent of the load type. This means that all vehicles of the same
configuration and weight, including currently exempt vehicles, were evaluated using exactly the
same procedures, resulting in a rate/VMT that is the same for a vehicle of a given configuration
regardless of the cargo. This same concept was also applied to the oversize vehicle infrastructure
operations and safety fee schedule, presented in Chapter 4, in that the fee for operating a vehicle
that is overheight, overwidth, or overlength is the same regardless of the commodity, vehicle, or
load type.
During the course of this study the research team assembled data from many different
sources to provide the information needed to accomplish the study objectives. The data was used
to develop, analyze, and perform the pavement and bridge consumption analyses presented in
Chapters 2 and 3; and to develop the infrastructure operations and safety fee schedule for
oversize vehicles, which might or might not also be overweight, presented in Chapter 4. This
information was used to calculate a permit fee revenue based on consumption, operations, and
safety impacts for the same numbers and types of permits sold in FY 2011 by the Motor Carrier
Division (MCD); and to calculate new permit revenue for currently exempt OS/OW vehicles
presented in Chapter 5. The next section provides a summary of the pavement consumption
analysis including the methodology, recommendations, and associated rate/VMT analysis

Chapter 2: Methodology and Recommendations for Pavement Consumption Analysis

The pavement consumption methodology and analyses discussed in Chapter 2 were
developed using a pavement analysis program developed under the direction of the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) through the National
Cooperative Highway Research Program. This widely used computer program provided the
research team with the capabilities needed to compute the increased pavement consumption costs
related to OS/OW vehicles. The fundamental principles used in the analysis methodology
include the following:

1. Consumption costs are calculated based on additional weight above the legal load
limit for a given pavement. The Texas System includes pavements that are load
zoned at 58,420 lbs gross vehicle weight (GVW) and pavements that can carry the
maximum legal load of 80,000 lbs GVW.
2. Consumption costs for overweight vehicles are determined relative to the
allowable weight limits for the vehicle configuration under consideration.
3. Consumption costs per VMT are calculated only for loaded conditions. Load
factors were developed for different vehicle types considering that certain
vehicles might be overweight in one direction and empty otherwise; might be
overweight in both directions; or might present other possible load conditions.
4. The research team determined the cost to build a pavement able carry the legally
loaded design traffic on a given route for a 20-year period. The OS/OW vehicle
loads were then added to the design traffic loads to determine the reduction in
pavement life due to accelerated pavement life consumption by the OS/OW loads.
The increased consumption cost was then calculated based on the cost to
strengthen the pavement by adding additional thickness in order to carry both the
design traffic and the OS/OW vehicles for 20 years.
5. The research team then calculated the accelerated consumption cost/VMT for
each axle group type and load. This provided the means for adding axle groups
together to represent different vehicle configurations so that the rate/VMT for any
given vehicle configuration and load could be determined.

The research team used these methods to compute the rate/VMT for selected vehicle
configurations and route types for both single-trip routed, annual non-routed loads that are
presented in case studies in Chapter 4.

Chapter 3: Bridge Consumption

The bridge consumption analysis methodology used information about each bridge on the
state-maintained network contained in the TxDOT Bridge Inspection and Appraisal Program
(BRINSAP) database. The research team used methods to determine accelerated bridge life
consumption that are widely accepted in bridge engineering practice. The research team used the
same vehicle and load configurations as used in the pavement consumption analysis; however,
the spacing between axle groups was also required to determine accelerated bridge consumption
due to OS/OW vehicle configurations. This is because an overweight but short wheelbase vehicle
that can fit between two bridge supports and is therefore carried by one bridge span can result in
greater bridge life consumption than the same load carried by a longer wheelbase vehicle, which
distributes the load across two or more bridge spans.
Since bridges are location specific, rather than continuous, as are pavements, each bridge
crossed during an analysis must be analyzed independently considering the specific bridge
design factors and OS/OW vehicle configuration and weight. The consumption cost is
determined by calculating the accelerated consumption of bridge life based on the bridge design
type and bridge construction costs. The reduction in bridge life due to the OS/OW load is
determined in relation to the design vehicle load specified for that particular bridge. BRINSAP

contains the design vehicle load and configuration and the details about the bridge span lengths
and bridge beam strengths.
The bridge consumption rate/VMT was determined by calculating the accelerated
consumption cost for each bridge along OS/OW vehicle route. The accelerated consumption
costs are then summed for all bridges crossed and then divided by the total VMT to arrive at the
rate/VMT. This was done to provide a bridge consumption rate/VMT compatible with the
rate/VMT concept used for pavements.
The rate/VMT will necessarily vary depending on the route travelled and the numbers
and types of bridges crossed. The researchers determined that there are fewer bridges in west
Texas than in east Texas. Based on this the researchers developed a means for determining a
normalized rate/VMT for non-routed loads considering the region of the state. Generally, the
normalized bridge consumption rate/VMT is lower in west Texas than in east Texas for this
Chapter 3 contains additional details about the bridge consumption analysis; case studies
that combine the pavement and bridge consumption fees to arrive at the total consumption
rate/VMT are presented in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4: Cost Analysis

Chapter 4 addresses several topics associated with costs related to OS/OW vehicles that
are not currently captured in OS/OW permit fees. Case studies are presented showing how the
pavement and bridge consumption rate/VMT and the infrastructure operations and safety impact
fee rate/VMT are applied to determine permit fees for single-trip routed OS/OW vehicles and
annual non-routed OS/OW vehicles.
An infrastructure operations and safety impact fee structure is presented for oversize
vehicles. The fee structure was developed in consideration of the impacts that overdimension
vehicles or loads have on roadway operations, capacity, and safety. Chapter 4 presents the results
of analysis of 1,137 crashes on Texas highways in which the investigating officer identified the
contributing factor as “oversize vehicle or load.” The researchers found that of the 4 fatalities
and over 30 injuries that resulted from these crashes, the OS/OW driver or a passenger in the
OS/OW vehicle was the victim in all but 7 cases. Based on the Federal Highway
Administration’s safety impact crash cost analysis method, these crashes resulted in costs
exceeding $27 million. However, these figures did not include approximately $10 million in
TxDOT property damage that occurred primarily due to overheight vehicles hitting bridges or
traffic signals.
The infrastructure operations and safety impact fee structure provides a rate/VMT for
incremental increases in height, width, or length above legal limits. As with the consumption
analysis methods, the researchers recommend that permits for all oversize vehicles are based on
this fee structure without exceptions.
Additional costs identified are related to modifications to bridges and adjustments to
highway grades or intersections that are made to accommodate OS/OW vehicles but are not
recovered in the current permit fee structure. The estimated additional costs for infrastructure
upgrades, repairs to damaged property, and OS/OW vehicle enforcement exceeds $60 million per
year. The cost information developed in Chapter 4 was used to develop the Revenue and Fee
Assessments presented in Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: Revenue Analysis and Recommendations
The revenue analysis compares the FY 2011 MCD permit fee revenues to revenues that
would have been accrued for the same types and numbers of permits using the consumption and
infrastructure operations and safety impact fee rates/VMT. In FY 2011 approximately $111
million in permit fees were collected. Based on the consumption, operations, and safety impact
fee rates, total revenues could have been $521 million, which is an increase of approximately
$410 million. In addition, new permit fee revenue for currently exempt vehicles would have been
approximately $150 million. Thus, the total increase in revenues for permitted and currently
exempt vehicles would have generated $560 million in additional revenue.
Based on information obtained from the Department of Public Safety and State
Comptroller of Public Accounts, the average overweight truck citation adjudicated by cities or
counties is approximately $110. This figure is close to the minimum overweight truck fine that
can be administered under state statutes. Previous studies have shown that low overweight truck
fines do little to discourage illegal overweight truck operations and might encourage a small
number of truckers to risk operating without a permit. In these cases, a $110 overweight truck
fine is considered “the cost of doing business.” The research team recommends that further study
is undertaken to evaluate the current overweight truck fine amounts and methods of adjudication.
Chapter 5 also includes the following recommendations based upon the research
objectives, data gathered, and methodologies created for consideration by the Governor’s Office,
the State Legislature, and TxDOT.
1. Simplify the permit fee structure to reduce the number of existing permits types
and remove industry-specific permits. This step will also reduce the number of
potential new permit types for currently exempt vehicles.
2. Implement the Pavement and Bridge Consumption fee system based on VMT for
all permits.
3. Implement an Operations and Safety Fee System based on VMT for assessing
permit fees for oversize vehicles.
4. Apply the Consumption and Operational and Safety fee (COS) schedule to all
a. If the existing permit system and type is continued, the fee structure
presented in Chapter 4, Table 4.4, which has been expanded to include 34
rate categories, should be adopted and applied to determine the
infrastructure operations and safety impact rates and to calculate fees for
all permit types as applicable.
5. Apply a $10 administration fee to each permit sold.
6. Include a $40 TxDOT base fee for each permit sold to help recover additional
costs associated with OS/OW operations not currently covered by permit fees.
7. Create an OS/OW and Heavy Vehicle Training, Education, and Study Center
(OVEC). OVEC shall be funded through a portion of the new permit
administration fee.
8. Certain exemptions should be excluded from consideration for a permit fee. These
are listed in Chapter 4, Table 4.2.

9. The counties in which OS/OW permitted vehicles are intended to operate should
be identified in every permit.
10. OS/OW vehicle fine revenue should be deposited in Fund 6, because these
vehicles cause accelerated pavement and bridge consumption rates.

Additionally, the research team also identified eight other elements that require further
consideration, analysis, or research. The research team recommends that OVEC conduct these
research initiatives.
1) TxDOT, TxDMV, CTR, and UTSA will work cooperatively to identify a steering
committee that would oversee OVEC’s operations. OVEC would guide development of
the goals, objectives, and next steps for its implementation.
2) The research team can be made available to help conduct education and awareness
programs for county judges, city administrators, and the trucking industry regarding
impacts to state, city, and county pavement and bridge infrastructure due to illegal
OS/OW vehicles.
3) Gather more information from the trucking industry on issues and needs surrounding
OS/OW vehicle operations, including incorporating the economic benefits of these
vehicles within the permit system.
4) Further studies are needed to evaluate methods for considering operation of legally
loaded heavy vehicles and OS/OW permitted vehicles in the Safety Improvement Index
contained in TxDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual, particularly in
cases in which a rural road is frequently used for permitted loads.
5) Evaluate vehicle configurations and loads that can occur due to the combination of a
temporary registration permit and the agricultural 12 percent over-axle tolerance
6) Develop methods to evaluate and quantify increased pavement and bridge consumption
due to super-heavy loads that may not be visually evident from a visual distress survey
of the permit route.
7) Conduct further research to evaluate the current OS/OW fine structure and identify
policies and processes that increase the effectiveness of fine structure administration to
discourage operation of illegal overweight trucks on Texas roads and bridges.
8) Perform analysis to address the types of information that should accompany each permit
purchase to develop improved models of pavement and bridge consumption,
infrastructure operations, and safety impacts.

Chapter 1. Project Introduction

1.1 Report Structure and Overview

The 82nd Texas Legislature required the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
to conduct a study to evaluate increased pavement and bridge consumption by oversize and/or
overweight (OS/OW) vehicles, including exempt OS/OW vehicles carrying loads such as
agricultural products, solid waste or recycled materials, ready mix concrete, and milk. The study,
referred to as Rider 36, also requires TxDOT to provide recommendations for permit fee and fee
structure adjustments to the Governor and the Legislative Budget Board by December 2012.
TxDOT commissioned the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at The University of Texas
at Austin and the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) to undertake this study.
This report contains five main chapters. Chapter 1 provides a background for this study
and information on industry and stakeholder input to the project. Chapter 2 outlines the
pavement consumption cost methodology. Chapter 3 provides the bridge consumption cost
methodology. Chapter 4 details the costs gathered in chapters 1 through 3 to produce a cost per
mile for pavement and bridge consumption for OS/OW vehicles. This is further broken down by
height, width, and length of vehicles. Chapter 5 details the research team’s revenue analysis
based on Chapter 4’s costs analysis and makes recommendations for a permit fee and potential
permit structure.

1.2 Background
TxDOT, like many state DOTs, is increasingly challenged by inadequate funding from
traditional federal and state fuel taxes, permit fees, and other ad-hoc fees used to maintain and
add capacity to the transportation network. These traditional funding sources have not increased
with inflation and, given increasing maintenance and construction costs and fuel-efficient
vehicles, have become largely inadequate. In Texas, the 2030 and 2035 Committee Reports have
pointed to significant deficits and an increasing gap between available funding and increasing
maintenance and capacity needs.
The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate pavement and bridge consumption by
OS/OW vehicles by
• evaluating current OS/OW activity (for both permitted and unpermitted loads) and
routes to calculate the costs attributable to each vehicle configuration;
• developing and implementing an analysis framework of the bridge cost
responsibilities of OS/OW loads by modeling bridge life consumption induced by
permitted loads;
• assessing other cost elements associated with road safety and damage to
appurtenances; and
• developing an approach to analyze future OS/OW activity and calculate overall

The outcome of this study will be recommended permit fees and fee structure
adjustments to compensate for highway and bridge consumption of Texas’s road infrastructure.

1.3 History of OS/OW Regulation in Texas
Statutory regulation of truck size and weight and of oversize and overweight trucks has
been in effect in Texas since 1929. The passage of House Bill No. 583 amended Articles 833 and
834 of the 1925, Texas Penal Code.
Article 833 was amended to give authority to the State Highway Commission to forbid
the use of roads and bridges under certain circumstances. This included the authority to post
notices to forbid the use of such highway or section thereof “by any vehicle or loads of such
weight or tires of such character as will unduly damage such highway.” The statute also
authorized the state to set the maximum load permitted on highways and the times when their use
would be prohibited. Article 834 amended the Penal Code and gave the Commissioners’ Court of
any county—subject to this law—as well as the State Highway Commission power and authority
to regulate the tonnage of trucks and heavy vehicles which by “reason of the construction of the
vehicle or its weight and tonnage of the load shall tend to rapidly deteriorate or destroy the roads,
bridges and culverts along road or highway.” The law required notices to be posted about the
maximum load permitted and the time such use is prohibited.
Two other bills were passed during this session that regulated size, weight, and
dimensions of vehicles using the public highways. SB 11 and SB 10 regulated the operation of
super-heavy or oversize trucks on the public highways.
SB 10 set out the permitting system for operation of super-heavy or oversize equipment
on the public highways where (i) the commodities could not be reasonably dismantled and (ii)
where the gross weight or size exceeded the limits allowed by law and the State Highway
Department concluded that they could not be operated without material damage to the highway.
SB10 did not prevent the full control of movement or operations on city streets by ordinance.
The bill also set out the application for permit authorization. It required the applicant to file a
bond with the State Highway Department in an amount set by the department to pay for damage
that might be sustained. The bond fee was set at $5, which was to be deposited to the credit of
the Highway Maintenance Fund. SB10 also required the permit to “contain details on the
applicant, equipment to be transported over the highway along with weight and dimensions and
the kind and weight of the specific commodity.” The bill also required the permit to state “the
highway and distance over which the commodity would be transported and list any conditions
that related to the issuance of the permit.”
SB 11 set out the tolerances for weight and axles spacing for vehicles to operate on the
public highways:
No vehicles with four wheels or less, whose gross weight, including load was more
than 22,000 pounds; no vehicle with six wheels, whose gross weight, including load,
is more than 30,000 pounds (axles of this type of vehicle to be spaced over 40 inches
apart); No vehicle having a greater weight than 16,000 pounds on any one axle; and
no vehicle having a greater weight than 700 pounds per inch width of tire upon any
wheel concentrated upon the surface of the Highway (said width in the case of solid
rubber tires to be measured between the flanges of the rim), shall be permitted or
operated on the public highways of this State.

The bill also required that where axles of any vehicle (or combination of vehicles) were
spaced less than 8 feet apart:
the load on any one axle shall not exceed 10,400, pounds, provided, however, that
when any vehicle equipped with not more than two axles, shall have one of said axles

mounted upon four wheels (two wheels at each end of the axle operating in tandem),
the maximum weight permitted on each axle of this type shall not exceed 18,000

SB 11 prohibited the operation of commercial vehicles on the public highway if their

weight was in excess of 5 percent of the registered gross weight.
HB 6 of the 41st Regular Legislative Session in 1929 also set up within the General Laws
of Texas for the construction, maintenance, regulation, and supervision of public highways and
provided revenue for this by the licensing of vehicles and distribution and apportionment of fees
to the state and county highway funds.
For many years, these regulations stayed in the same form, with one amendment
occurring in 1931 and 1949, respectively, However, since 1971, the size and weight laws have
been modified many times, as can be seen in Table 1.1 This includes not only changes to basic
gross vehicle weights but also more robust regulation of oversize and overweight trucks, the
exemption of certain classes of vehicles, the introduction of the 2060/1547 permit as a one-stop
permit to allow OS/OW carriers to operate in multiple counties, and recent changes regarding
fees and payment for the TxPROS routing system. In many instances, these changes have been
directly tied to maintenance and rehabilitation of the highway network and provide revenues for
permit issuance and inspection of loads by the Department of Public Safety and other law
enforcement jurisdictions.
OS/OW permits currently authorized include the following:
• Single trip permits
• General
• Crane and well servicing unit mileage
• Manufactured housing
• Portable buildings
• Super-heavy
• Multi-state (WASHTO)

Table 1.1: Major Legislative Changes for Oversize and Overweight Governance
Bill No Year Major Components
HB 336 1931 Authorized Department of Highways to issue permits limited to periods of 90 days or less
for transportation of oversize/overweight or overlength commodities that could not be
reasonably dismantled and transport of super-heavy or oversized equipment. Authorized
department to designated county judges along with its designated agencies who were granted
authority to issue such permits. Also authorized Commissioners Courts through the County
Judges to issue permits for movement over the highways of their respective counties.
Authorized Commissioner’s courts to require a bond in amount sufficient to guarantee
payment of any damages to road/bridge.
HB 465 1949 Applicant permit fee was augmented permit fee $5, single trip permit $5, $10 for permits not
exceeding 30 days, $15 for permits not exceeding 60 days and $20 for permits not exceeding
90 days. This was to be deposited to State Highway Fund.

Bill No Year Major Components
HB 182 1971 Gave County Judges and Commissioner’s Courts separate independent authority to issue
Gives authority to incorporated municipalities to regulate movement and operation of
overweight or oversize or overlength commodities that cannot be reasonably dismantled.
SB 351 1971 Authorized short-term movement of seasonal agricultural products to markets/point of sale
that are of larger tonnage for one year. Permit fee was set as percentage of difference
between regular annual registration and annual fee for heavier tonnage based on number of
months requested.
SB 142 1973 Gave department authority to issue an annual permit with $50 fee for movement of unladen
lift equipment motor vehicles that exceed maximum weight and width limitations.
HB 81 1977 Registration and width requirements for vehicles used to transport/spread fertilizer,
including agricultural limestone. Annual licenses fee for vehicle used exclusively for this
purpose set at $50. Width requirements do not apply to vehicle registered that was 136
inches or less at its widest part.
HB 1121 1977 Authorized vehicles used exclusively to transport milk to use highways if distance between
front wheel and forward tandem axle and rear wheel of rear tandem axle was at least 28 feet
and maximum load carried on any group of axles does not exceed 68,000 pounds.
HB 638 1979 Authorized vehicles used to exclusively transport seed cotton modules to exceed limitation
for length but may not exceed 48 feet and to exceed limitations on weight provided load on
any one axle cannot exceed 20,000 pounds and 44,000 pounds on a tandem axle. Required
overall GVW to not exceed 64,000 pounds. Owner of vehicle with tandem axle weight
greater than 34,000 ponds shall compensate state for all damages to highway caused by
weight of tandem axle load.
HB 931 1981 Amendment on width limit allowed on interstate highways.
SB 869 1981 Allows vehicle that does not exceed 100,000 pounds and is transporting grain to cross width
of highway from private property to another private property. Requires agreement with
department to indemnify for cost of maintenance/repair for damage caused by vehicles
crossing that portion of highway.
HB 691 1983 Further prohibits commercial vehicles of excessive weight from utilizing state-maintained
highways inside of incorporated city limits of cities with more than 1.5 million in
HB 860 1983 Sets height limit for vehicles transporting cottonseed at 14 feet, 6 inches.
HB 1114 1983 Extends the standard weight limits to state highways located in incorporated cities. Adds
enforcement by municipal police offices from cities with a population greater than 1.5
million. Sets a stricter fine. Exempts loading of agricultural of forestry commodities prior to
first processing of commodity.
HB 1601 1983 Amended definitions for truck-tractors to conform to federal statutes and amended various
statutes to eliminate prescribed limits for truck-tractor combinations and establish limits for
lengths of trailers and semi-trailers.
HB 1602 1983 Amended Articles 6701d-11 and 6701d-11a, VTCS to raise width limits and set lower limits
on specially designated highways. Amended related statutes to conform with federal laws.
SB 1438 1983 Amended Article 6701-1/2, VTCS by adding new language that prohibits manufactured
housing from being moved over roads except in accordance with permits issued by
department. Local subdivisions were authorized to designate routes to be used within their
boundaries but could not require additional fee or license.
HB 797 1985 Created system for oversize/overweight permits to be acquired by phone. Exempts oilfield
equipment transportation vehicles from truck length limits. LBB estimated revenues losses
from the highway fund of $5,860,000 each year for the five years post bill passage.

Bill No Year Major Components
HB 1344 1985 Amends regulation to allow municipal police officers in cities with a population of 100,000
to enforce weight laws.
SB 1114 1985 Allowed dealers moving oversize implements or husbandry to secure annual permits for $90.
Authorized County Judge to issue annual permit.
HB14 1986 Amended Article 6701a, VTCS to allow telephone permits for OS/OW vehicles.
HB 9 1987 Repealed Article 6701d-15,VTCS, which set length of oil well service units that could be
operated over state highways at 40 feet so that these vehicles could now operate at limits of
45 feet.
HB 647 1987 Allowed courts to set a lesser fine than previously stipulated for violations of axle load if the
gross weight limit is not exceeded.
HB 1646 1987 Amended Article 6701a, VTCS by adding a new section on penalty provisions for offenses
of provisions contained in the bill. Violations of the act are misdemeanors.
HB 361 1989 Amended Article 6701d-11, VTCS to allow module haulers to transport cotton and
equipment used in transport and processing of cotton. Deleted all axle load weight limits and
required owner of vehicle with GVW over 59,400 pounds to compensate political
subdivision for damages to roads and bridges caused by weight of load.
HB 1892 1989 Amends Article 6701d-11, VTCS to bring Texas length limits into compliance with federal
statute that established a length limit of 59 feet for semi-trailers.
HB 2060 1989 Amends Article 6675a-6-1/2 VTCS to allow operation on public roads of certain vehicles
and for deposits to the country road and bridge fund. It also authorized the department to
issue permits to allow commercial motor vehicle, truck tractor, trailer or semitrailer to
operate at a weight that exceeds that allowable axle weight by a tolerance allowance of 10
percent and exceeds the allowable grow weight by a tolerance of five percent. Permits were
valid for one year, and set at $75. $50 of this permit fee was to be remitted to the counties in
a ratio based on total number of miles maintained by the county and the total number of
miles of county roads. A bond was required to be filed with the department in amount of
HB 490 1991 Amends 6701d-11 and 6675a-1, VTCS to change width requirements for vehicles
transporting cotton or cotton-related equipment. Provides for issuance of special license
plates for these vehicles.
SB 944 1991 Amends 6701d-11, VCTS for vehicles loaded with timber, pulp, wood chips, cotton, or
agricultural product to have a defense to prosecution as long as they were not on a federal
HB 1896 1993 Authorizes the transportation commission to enter into agreements with other states to issue
permits (either for state or on behalf of other states) authorizing transportation of vehicles
that exceed legal size/weight limitations.
HB1547 1995 Amends Article 6701d-11 VTCS to authorize the operation of a vehicle carrying agricultural
commodities at weight that exceeded allowable axle weight by tolerance of 10 percent and
exceeds the allowable grow weight by a tolerance of five percent. Required TxDOT to notify
the county clerk of each county listed in the permit application that the permit holder intends
to operate an OW vehicle in that county. $25 base fee to be deposited to highway fund 6,
and for an annual fee to be paid based on number of counties indicated by the applicant that
they will be operating within. Fee will be distributed to counties by a formula, and it can
only be used for the purpose authorized by Section 4.003(b) Article 6701-a VTCS. Required
that a sticker was attached to the windshield of the vehicle.
HB 1345 1997 Authorizes TxDOT to issue an annual permit for movement of certain oversize/oversight
vehicles. The bill sets out a set of load characteristics for safe travel on state highway
system. Sets out how permits fees will be distributed to general revenue fund and to Fund 6.

Bill No Year Major Components
SB 1631 1997 Allows TxDOT to contract with third party to act as its agency for processing permit
application and distribution. Allowed TxDOT to adopt rules prescribing payment method,
including use of electronic funds/credit cards. Requires that for a single trip, the permit must
state highways to be utilized but removed requirement for distance. Requires region/area
over which equipment is operated to be stated on permit for multiple trips.
SB 1276 1997 Added Subchapter K to Chapter 623, Transportation Code for new optional procedure for
permit issuance by port authorities in counties contiguous to Gulf of Mexico or a bay/inlet
and bordering Mexico (e.g., Port of Brownsville). Stipulates elements required to be stated
in the permit.
HB 1147 1999 Changes to lighting and flag requirements for vehicles with extended loads.
HB 1538 1999 Amended Transportation Code to allow motor carriers to acquire an annual permit to operate
a super-heavy or oversize vehicle if it is properly registered. Eliminated department’s
reporting requirement on cumulative effects of permits issued on state highway system.
SB 844 1999 Authorizes cities with population of 50,000 or more to enforce weight standards in city
SB 934 1999 Requires statement on cargo being transported over SH 48 and 4 between Port of
Brownsville and International Bridge.
HB 3467 1999 Amended the disposition of proceeds of fines if they occurred within 20 miles of an
international border, providing that entire amount shall be deposited for purpose of road
maintenance in municipal treasury if fine imposed by municipal court and county treasury if
by justice court.
HB 1679 2001 Provides that tow truck operators are not required to obtain a permit to exceed vehicle
weight limitations if town truck provides services necessary to remove disabled, abandoned,
or accident damaged vehicle, and towing is to nearest authorized place of repair, termini, or
SB 545 2001 Requires that holder of 2060 permits can operate a vehicle on country road or bridge of a
county designated in permit application only with approval of county judge or judge’s
appointee. Increased fees associated with this permit.
SB 886 2001 Major updates to various provisions of size and weight restrictions, which had some
provisions dating back to 1930s to reflect current practices.
SB 889 2001 Amended some provisions concerning bonds for carriers who are exempt from the
2060/1547 permit requirement but are required to have a $15,000 bond (concrete, solid
waste, and recyclable material haulers). It required that copy of bond be carried in vehicle
when it is on a public highway and presented to an officer authorized to enforce these
SB 20 2003 Provided for operational procedure for permit issuance by Victoria County Navigation
District for movement of OS/OW loads on state highways located in the county using FM
1432 to and from Victoria Barge Canal up to but not past intersection with SH185.
SB 1748 2003 Amended date for continuation of law authorizing issuance of OS/OW vehicle permits by
certain port authorities to June 1, 2007.
HB 1044 2005 Provided operational procedure for permit issuance by Chambers County for movement of
OS/OW vehicles in the county. Permit issued under this chapter can only be used on
FM1405, frontage road of SH99 located in a specific business park for movement of cargo
weighing less than 100,000 pounds. County can collect fee that does not exceed $80.
SB 737 2005 Amended jurisdictional authority relating to prosecution of offenses.
SB 1641 2005 Continuation of law relating to issuance of permits by port authorities for two more years
until 2009.

Bill No Year Major Components
HB 2093 2007 Authorizes TxDOT to revoke motor carrier registration for violating certain provisions of
statute regarding OW or for not paying penalties imposed. Set out new hearing process and
eliminated different hearing processes based on type of violation. Provides for penalties and
revocations for OW/OS permit violations. Authorized TxDOT to investigate and impose
sanctions on shippers that provide false information. Made major changes to fees for
2060/1547 permits and for heavy vehicle permits. Changes to weight for equipment
transporting cotton seed—now 64,000 pounds. Highway maintenance fee was increased.
Fees for manufactured houses increased.
HB 4594 2009 Amended Transportation Code to expand permit movement of OS/OW cargo in Chambers
County. Added FM 565 from intersection with FM1405 for approximately 6200 linear feet;
added FM2354 from intersection with FM1405 for approximately 300 linear feet.
SB 1571 2009 Authorized Port of Corpus Christi to issue permit for OS/OW vehicles on roadway owned
by port.
SB 1373 2009 Amended Transportation Code to provide for fees collected under the subsection. These
fees, less administrative costs, can be used for maintenance and improvement of the state
highways listed within the chapter. The administrative costs, which cannot exceed 15
percent of fees collected, can be retained by the port authority.
HB 422 2011 Authorizes permits for OS/OW vehicles with auxiliary power units that exceed maximum
weight, but department finds an exemption would reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.
Authorizes TxDOT to issue permit to transport multiple loads of same commodity over state
highways if loads are traveling between same general locations and state can determine that
this will benefit from consolidated permit process. Permit fee capped at $9,000. Permit
administration fee not to exceed 15 percent of total fee. All fees deposited to Fund 6.
Sources: Legislative Reference Library of Texas and Texas Constitutes and Statutes online at

Current Specialty Permits issued include the following:

• 30/60/90 day permits
• Company specific envelope
• Fracing trailer
• Hay
• Quarterly hubometer
• Implements of husbandry
• Manufactured housing
• Mobile crane (unladen lift equipment)
• Oil well servicing unit
• Over-axle/over gross weight tolerance (2060/1547 permit)
• Rig-up truck
• Utility pole(s)
• Vehicle specific envelopes
• Water well and drilling machinery and equipment

1.3.1 Exempted Vehicles and 2060/1547 Permit
State statute currently allows operation of trucks with axle or gross vehicle weights that
exceed the legal limits if the vehicle is of a certain type or carrying a specific product under the
2060/1547 permit system (named after the legislation that created them). The vehicles can
exceed the maximum allowable axle weight by ten percent, or the maximum allowable gross
vehicle weight by 5 percent. Under the statute(s), the vehicle operator must pay a base fee of
$90, and administrative fee of $5, and a fee based on the number of counties in which the vehicle
will operate as well as post a $15,000 bond. The current fees for counties are shown here:

Number of Counties Fee

1–5 $175
6–20 $250
21–40 $450
40–60 $625
6–90 $800
81–100 $900
101–254 $1000

However, a few exceptions exist in which operators are not required to purchase a permit.
Table 1.2 displays the statutes that affect TxDMV activities vis-à-vis OS/OW vehicles (MCD,

Table 1.2: Statutes that Affect Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Grocery, farm
products, and Allows vehicles making deliveries of groceries, farm
liquefied products, and liquefied petroleum (LP) gas to exceed
§621.102(g) No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
petroleum maximum posted limits on state Farm to Market
(LP) gas on (FM) and ranch-to-market roads and bridges.
state roads
Allows vehicles with front-end loading attachments
vehicles and
or containers actively engaged in collecting garbage,
garbage §621.206(b) No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
rubbish, or recycled material to exceed the 3 feet
front extension (overhang).
Allows certain motor vehicles with a trailer to carry a
Miscellaneous load that extends more than 4 feet beyond the rear of
motor vehicle the trailer if the load is a motor vehicle designed and
§621.2061 No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
extended intended to be used to load or unload a commodity
length limits on or off the trailer. However, rear extension cannot
exceed 7 feet.
Allows vehicles making deliveries of groceries and
Grocery and §621.302
farm products to exceed maximum posted limits on
farm products Formerly TVCS
county roads and bridges set by a Commissioners’ No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
on county 6701d-11 Sec 5
Court. Unlike §602.102(g), LP gas is not permitted
roads ½
on county roads and bridges with posted limits.
A bond amount not to
exceed $15,000 per
Allows vehicles transporting ready-mixed concrete
Ready-mixed vehicle will be set by the
§§622.011- or concrete pump trucks to operate with tandem axle
concrete department. This bond
622.017 weights up to 46,000 lbs., a single axle up to 23,000
trucks and No permit or fee required must be filed with No fees
Formerly TVCS lbs., and a gross weight up to 69,000 lbs. Excludes
concrete pump TxDOT. Counties or
6701d-12 travel on Interstate and Defense highways. Vehicles
trucks municipalities may
may not exceed load zoned road or bridge postings.
impose an additional bond

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Allows vehicles used exclusively for transporting
§§622.031- milk to operate on a public highway if the load
622.032 carried on any group of axles does not exceed 68,000
Milk trucks No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
Formerly TVCS lbs. and where the distance between the forward
6701d12a tandem axle and rear tandem axle is 28 feet or more.
Excludes travel on Interstate and Defense highways.

Allows poles, piling, or unrefined timber to be

transported from the point where the timber is felled
to a wood processing mill. Combined length of
vehicle and load cannot exceed 90 feet, and the
distance traveled cannot exceed 125 miles. Such
Poles, piling §§622.041-
vehicles are exempt from the 4-foot rear extension
and 622.045
limitations provided in §621.206(a). Vehicles
unrefined Formerly TVCS No permit or fee required No fees
transporting raw wood products may not exceed
timber; raw 67 6701d-19a
load-zoned bridge postings. A vehicle or
wood products O1d-13
combination of vehicles transporting raw wood
products with an outer bridge of 39 feet or more may
have a maximum gross weight of 80,000 lbs.
Excludes travel on Interstate and Defense highways.
Movement during daytime hours only.

Allows the issuance of an annual permit for the

transport of poles required for the maintenance of
electric power transmission/distribution lines.
Electric power §§622.051– Combined length of vehicle and load cannot exceed
transmission 622.053 75 feet. Movement during daytime hours only unless
$120 Fees to GR
poles * annual Formerly TVCS the vehicle is being operated to prevent interruption
permit 6701d-14 or impairment of electric service or to restore electric
service that has been interrupted. Speed not to
exceed 55 mph. Statute also contains lighting

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Allows poles or pipes to be transported provided the
Vehicles length of the vehicle and load does not exceed 65
transporting feet, including the load. Movement during daytime No permit required No fees
poles or pipes hours only. Statute also contains lighting

Vehicles transporting chile pepper modules, seed

cotton modules, cotton, cotton burrs, or equipment
Cotton §622.101 used in transporting or processing of chile pepper
vehicles Formerly TVCS modules or cotton may be up to 10-feet wide, 48-feet
No permit or fee required No fees
with size 6701d-11 Sec long, and 14-feet, 6-inches high. However, they may
exceptions 3B not travel on highways that have a designated width
limit of 8 feet set by §621.202. Vehicles must be
registered under §504.505

Allows vehicles transporting recyclable materials to

operate on public highways, excluding the interstate
and defense highways, with a tandem axle not to A bond amount not to
§§622.131- exceed 44,000 lbs., a single axle not to exceed exceed $15,000 per
Recyclable 622.136 21,000 lbs., and a gross load not to exceed 64,000 vehicle will be set by the
No permit or fee required No fees
materials Formerly TVCS lbs. This exclusion only applies to the tandem department. This bond
6701d19c weight, not the single axle weight; bond filing is for must be filed with
those with tandem weight in excess of 34,000 lbs. TxDOT.
Vehicles may not exceed load-zoned road or bridge
Allows an exemption for certain miscellaneous
vehicles, such as highway building or maintenance
machinery; vehicle owned or operated by a public,
private, or volunteer fire department; recreational
Miscellaneous vehicles; vehicles registered under 502.164; farm
width §622.901 tractors or implements of husbandry; and water well No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
exceptions drilling machinery, etc., that are over legal width, as
provided by §621.201, to travel during daylight
hours on public highways. Travel on highways and
part of national system of Interstate and Defense
highways is limited to 50 miles.

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Allows an exemption from the length requirements
of §§621.203-621.205 for certain miscellaneous
vehicles, such as water well drilling machinery, fire
department vehicles, and vehicles operated by a
municipality exclusively in the territory of a
municipality; combination vehicles used exclusively
to transport a commodity in the construction,
operation, and maintenance of pipelines used for
length §622.902 No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
discovery, production, and processing of natural gas
or petroleum; and combination of tow trucks and
other vehicles that were abandoned on a highway
and towed directly to nearest place of repair or
terminal/destination. Drive-away saddlemount
vehicle transporters and vehicles used to transport a
combine used in farm custom harvesting operations
on a farm cannot exceed 97 feet in length.
Width A recreational vehicle may exceed a width limitation
limitations for established by 621.201 or 621.202 if the excess
certain §622.903 width is attributable to an appurtenance that extends No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
recreational six inches or less beyond a fender on one or both
vehicles sides of the vehicle.
Allows public, private, or volunteer fire department
vehicles an exemption to weight limitations of
Fire §621.101. However, the weight of the fire
department §622.952 department vehicles cannot exceed the No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
vehicles manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight capacity or axle
design rating.

Seed cotton
and chile Single vehicles used exclusively to transport seed
pepper cotton modules may not exceed 64,000 lbs.
§622.953 No permit or fee required No bond required No fees
modules with Single vehicles used exclusively to transport chile
weight pepper modules may not exceed 54,000 lbs.

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
$50 of base fee
distributed to GR; $25
of base fee to HWY
$90 base fee;
$5 admin fee to HWY
$ 5 administration fee,
Fund. Sliding scale
plus the following sliding
§§623.011- fee:
Allows issuance of an annual permit to vehicles scale fee based on number For commodities not
Over-axle/over 623.019 1–5: $125 to GR &
hauling loads that can be reasonably dismantled to of counties selected: defined by §623.012(a) as
gross weight (excluding $50 to HWY
exceed gross weight and axle tolerances. Allows for 1–5 counties: $175 agricultural, a bond or
tolerance §623.017) 6–20: $125 to GR &
travel on state and county roads, excluding Interstate 6–20 counties: $250 letter of credit in the
HB2060 Formerly TVCS $125 to HWY
and Defense highways. Additionally, these vehicles 21–40 counties: $450 amount of $15,000 must
/HB1547 6701d-11, Sec 21–40: $345 to GR &
may not exceed load-zoned road or bridge postings. 41–60 counties: $625 be filed with TxDOT.
5B $105 to HWY
61–80 counties: $800
41–60: $545 to GR &
81–100 counties: $900
$60 to HWY
101–254 counties: $1,000
61–80: $785 to GR &
$15 to HWY
81–100: all to GR
101–254: all to GR
§623.017 Allows issuance of an annual permit for the transport
Annual hay
Formerly TVCS of cylindrically-shaped bales of hay that exceed legal $10 No bond required Fees to HWY Fund
6701d-11 Sec width but do not exceed 12 feet.
Allows certain vehicles that do not comply with
§623.052 Subchapter C of Chapter 621 or §621.101 to be
Highway Formerly TVCS moved across the width of any road or a highway Agreement and surety
No permit or fee required No fees
crossings 6701d -11 Sec 5 from private property to other private property, other bond required
2/3 than a controlled access highway defined by Section
The basic permit law provides for the movement of
OS/OW loads that cannot be reasonably dismantled;
cylindrically shaped bales of hay; annual implements
of husbandry by a dealer; and water well drilling
General machinery/equipment or harvesting equipment being Multiple fees apply
623.104 Moving authority or bond
OS/OW moved as part of an agricultural operation and annual depending on permit and Multiple fees apply
Formerly TVCS required when applicable
permits envelope permit. This law does allow for the vehicle type
issuance of oil field drill pipe or drill collars stored in
a pipe box that are overweight to be transported over
farm-to-market (FM) and ranch-to-market (RM)

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Must be registered as a
Allows issuance of single trip or annual permits for motor carrier with
$40 single trip
§§623.091- the movement of manufactured housing. Annual TxDMV or licensed by
$1,500 annual (*this fee $19.70 to GR and
Manufactured 623.104 permit only allows for transportation of new Texas Department of
determined by rule. Statute $20.30 to HWY Fund
housing Formerly TVCS manufactured homes from a manufacturing facility Housing and Community
provides for a max of All to GR
6701½ to a temporary storage location not to exceed 20 Affairs (TDHCA) or
miles from the point of manufacture. moving as the home
§§623.121- Allows issuance of single trip permits for the
623.129 movement of portable buildings and compatible $7.50 to GR and
units and $15 No bond required
Formerly TVCS cargo that do not exceed 14 feet in height or 80 feet $7.50 to HWY Fund
6701a-2 in length.
Units with “machinery” or
Oil well
72/144 temporary
servicing units Fees are set by
§§623.141 - registration are required to
and oil well Allows issuance of single trip and time permits for administrative rule and are
623.150 have a $10,000 surety All fees to HWY
drilling rigs: the movement of oil well servicing and drilling based on width, weight,
Formerly TVCS bond on file with TxDOT Fund
single trips vehicles. and distance traveled.
6701d-16 unless a single trip
and quarterly Annual: $52 per axle
mileage or hub permit is
A bond amount not to
Allows vehicles transporting solid waste to operate
§§623.161– exceed $15,000 per
on public highways, excluding Interstate and
623.165 vehicle will be set by the
Solid waste Defense highways, with a tandem axle not to exceed No permit or fee required No fees
Formerly TVCS department. This bond
44,000 lbs., a single axle not to exceed 21,000 lbs.,
6701d-19a must be filed with
and a gross load not to exceed 64,000 lbs.

Mobile cranes 623.182 Allows issuance of annual permits for the movement Must file a $10,000 surety $50 to GR and $50 to
Annual: $100
annual permit Formerly TVCS of unladen lift equipment motor vehicles. bond with TxDOT. HWY Fund

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Units with “Machinery”
or 72/144 temporary
Mobile cranes: §§623.191 - Fees are set by registrations are required
Allows issuance of single trip and time permits for
Single trip and 623.200 administrative rule and are to have a $10,000 surety All fees to HWY
the movement of unladen lift equipment motor
quarterly Formerly TVCS based on width, weight, bond on file with TxDOT Fund
vehicles (motor cranes).
permits 6701d-19b and distance traveled. unless a single trip
mileage or hub permit is
Provides an optional procedure for the issuance of a
permit for the movement of oversize or overweight
85% of fees to HWY
vehicles carrying cargo on state highways located in
Port authority §§623.210– Fees set by port authority, Fund 15% of fees to
counties contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay No bond required.
permits 623.219 not to exceed $80. the issuing port
or inlet opening into the gulf and bordering the
United Mexican States. Gross weight may not
exceed 125,000 lbs.
Provides an optional procedure for issuance of
Victoria permits by the Victoria County Navigation District
85% of fees to HWY
County for movement of OS/OW vehicles traveling on state
§§623.230- Fees set by district, not to Fund 15% of fees to
Navigation highways in Victoria County. Gross weight may not No bond required.
623.239 exceed $80. Victoria County
District exceed 125,000 lbs. Speed not to exceed 55 mph or
Navigation District
permits posted, whichever is less. Only for travel to and from
the Victoria Barge Canal using FM Road 1432.
Provides an optional procedure for issuance of
permits by Chambers County for movement of
OS/OW vehicles traveling state highways in
Chambers County. Speed not to exceed 55mph or
posted, whichever is less. Gross weight not to exceed
Chambers 85% of fees to HWY
§§623.250- 100,000 lbs. Only for travel on FM 1405 between Fees set by county, not to
County No bond required. Fund 15% of fees to
623.259 FM 2354 and FM 565; the frontage road of State exceed $80.
permits Chambers County
Highway 99 in the Cedar Crossing Business Park;
FM 565 from FM 1405 east approx. 6,200 linear feet
to western edit of pipeline easement; FM 2354 from
FM 1405 northwest approx. 300 linear feet to end of
state maintenance.
enforcement of
§§623.271- Provides for the administrative enforcement of
size and N/A N/A Penalties to GR
623.274 Chapters 623, 622, and 621; provides for penalties.

Type of Statute
Revenue—GR or
Vehicle or (Transportation Description Permit/Fee Bond
Product Code)
Provides an optional procedure for issuance of
Port of Corpus
permits by Port of Corpus Christi Authority for
§§623.280- movement of OS/OW vehicles traveling a roadway Fee set by port authority, All fees to port
Authority No bond required.
623.288 owned and maintained by Port of Corpus Christi not to exceed $80. authority.
Authority. Speed not to exceed 55mph or posted,
whichever is less.

Since 1989, Texas has issued an annual 2060/1547 permit (also known as the 1547
permit) that allows an additional 5 percent gross weight and 10 percent axle weight above the
maximum allowable weights that would otherwise apply to the vehicle (Luskin et al., 2001).
As interpreted by the Texas Attorney General and later by the courts, the maximum
allowable weight should be calculated without regard to load posted limits. For most vehicles
with the permit, the maximum allowable gross weight without a permit would be the general cap
of 80,000 lbs. rather than a lower limit determined by the Federal Bridge Formula. For these
vehicles, the permit allows a gross weight of 84,000 lbs. (5 percent above 80,000 lbs.).
“Although the 2060/1547 permit does not require that loads be divisible, the vast majority of
loads actually carried appear to be highly divisible, such as shipments of gravel or crude oil”
(Luskin et al., 2001).

1.3.2 Width Limits

Current width limits in Texas can be seen in Table 1.3. Width is measured from the
outside points of the widest extremities, excluding safety devices.

Table 1.3: Vehicle Width Limits in Texas

Explanation Measurement
Legal width limit 8', 6" (102")
Maximum width permitted on holidays 14', except for manufactured
Maximum width permitted on controlled access highways* 16', except for manufactured
(Interstate Highway System) housing
Maximum width permitted without route and traffic studies 20'
and certification by applicant on file
Maximum width permitted for new houses 34'
Maximum width permitted for existing houses 40'
Maximum width permitted for new tanks 34'
Maximum width permitted for existing tanks 40'
Maximum width permitted for portable buildings No limit
Maximum width for manufactured housing No limit
Note*Controlled access highways are those highways that must be entered from an access road,
not from a stop sign. Traffic can cross the highway only by way of an overpass or underpass.
Controlled access highways are usually considered to be the Interstate Highway System.
• One escort is required for all loads exceeding 14' up to 16' wide. Two escorts are required for
all loads exceeding 16' wide. The escort must precede the load on a two-lane highway to
warn oncoming traffic of the approaching overwidth load. The escort must follow the load on
a roadway of four or more lanes to warn approaching traffic of the overwidth load ahead.
•Loads exceeding 20' in width must physically inspect a proposed route and certify to the Motor
Carrier Division by letter or facsimile that the overwidth load can safely negotiate the route.
•There are special requirements for manufactured housing.

1.3.3 Height Limits

Current height limits in Texas can be seen in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4: Vehicle Height Limits in Texas
Explanation Measurement
Legal height limit 14'
Maximum height permitted on holidays 16'
Maximum height permitted without a route and traffic study less than 19'
and route certification by applicant on file
• One escort required for loads over 17' in height. The escort must be equipped with a
height pole to accurately measure overhead obstructions.
• Front and rear escorts are required for loads exceeding 18' in height.
• Loads 19' or higher must physically inspect a proposed route and certify to the Motor
Carrier Division by letter or facsimile that the overheight load can safely negotiate all
power, communication, and cable television lines, and all other low vertical

Current vehicle length limits in Texas can be seen in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5: Vehicle Length Limits in Texas

Vehicle Type Legal Maximum
Truck or single vehicle 45' 75'
Truck and trailer combination 65'
Commercial truck and stinger-steered semi-trailer 75'
combination transporting automobiles or boats
Combinations such as truck, travel trailer & boat or 65'
motor home, boat and towing a car
Truck-tractor unlimited unlimited
Truck-tractor combination overall unlimited,
trailer limited to 59'
Single unit 59'
2 trailers 28', 6"
Front overhang 3' 25'
Rear overhang 4' 30'
Maximum overall length unlimited
Maximum length permitted without route and traffic 125' 125'
study and route certification by applicant on file
One escort is required for loads exceeding
• 110', but not exceeding 125' long
• 20' front or rear overhang
Front and rear escorts are required for loads exceeding 125' in length.
NOTE: The overall length indicated on the permit includes any overhang, but the amount of the overhang must be noted on the permit.

1.3.4 Weight Limits

The basis for maximum legal weight is the number of axles. This is used in conjunction
with the Permissible Weight table to determine maximum legal weight for a vehicle. The
following terms are used in relation to weight:
• drive axles—the axles that power a vehicle

• inner bridge distance—the distance from the center of the first drive axle to the
center of the last trailer axle
• outer bridge distance—the distance from the center of the steering axle of the truck
to the center of the last trailer axle
• steering axle—the front axle of the truck (legal weight and permitted weight are the
same on steering axles)
• tandem axle weight—the total weight transmitted to the road by two or more
consecutive axles whose centers may be included between two parallel transverse
vertical planes spaced more than 40 inches and not more than 96 inches apart across
the full width of the vehicle.
• Maximum legal gross weight cannot exceed 80,000 pounds.
• Maximum legal weight for a single axle cannot exceed 20,000 pounds.
• Maximum legal weight for a tandem axle group cannot exceed 34,000 pounds.
• Tires may not carry a weight heavier than the weight specified and marked on the
sidewall of the tire.

1.3.5 Permissible Weight Table

This is a guide to determine the maximum legal weight on any group of two or more
consecutive axles. The table may be applied to inner axle groups (i.e., the drive axles and the
trailer(s) or the entire combination of axles (i.e., from steering axle of the power unit to the last
trailing axle of the trailer (Table 1.6).
The number for gross weight in pounds is the required distance in feet between the
extremes of any group of two or more consecutive axles. The remaining column indicates the
maximum weight for various numbers of axles in the group of axles being considered. The
maximum weights shown in the table are based on either of these formulas:

W=500 [(LN/(N-1)) +12N+36]

L=length and N=number of axles

Table 1.6: Permissible Weight Table
Number of Axles
Distance in Feet 34,000 3 4 5 6 7
4 34,000
5 34,000
6 34,000
7 34,000
8 34,000 34,000
8+ 38,000 42,000
9 39,000 42,500
10 40,000 43,500
11 44,500
12 45,000 50,000
13 45,500 50,500
14 46,500 51,500
15 47,500 52,000
16 48,000 52,500 58,000
17 48,500 53,500 58,500
18 49,900 54,000 59,000
19 51,400 54,500 60,000
20 52,800 55,500 60,500 66,000
21 54,000 56,000 61,000 66,500
22 54,000 56,500 61,500 67,000
23 54,000 57,500 62,500 68,000
24 54,000 58,700* 63,000 68,500 74,000
25 54,500 59,650* 63,500 69,000 74,500
26 55,500 60,600* 64,000 69,500 75,000
27 56,000 61,550* 65,000 70,000 75,500
28 57,000 62,500* 65,500 71,000 76,500
29 57,500 63,450* 66,000 71,500 77,000
30 58,500 64,000* 66,500 72,000 77,500
31 59,000 65,350* 67,500 72,500 78,000
32 60,000 66,300* 68,500 73,000 78,500
33 67,250* 68,500 74,000 79,000
34 68,200* 69,000 74,500 80,000
35 69,150* 70,000 75,000
36 70,100* 70,500 75,500
37 71,050* 71,050 76,000
38 72,000* 72,000* 77,000

Number of Axles
Distance in Feet 34,000 3 4 5 6 7
39 72,000* 72,500 77,500
40 72,000* 73,000 78,000
41 72,000* 73,500 78,500
42 72,000* 74,000 79,000
43 72,000* 75,000 80,000
44 72,000* 75,500
45 72,000 76,000
46 72,500 76,500
47 73,500 77,500
48 74,000 78,000
49 74,500 78,500
50 75,500 79,000
51 76,000 80,000
*These figures were carried forward from Article 6701d-11, Section 5(a)(4) when SB 89 of
the 64th Texas Legislature amended it on December 16, 1974. The amendment provided that
axle configurations and weights that were lawful as of that date would continue to be legal
under the increased weight limits.
+These figures apply only to an axle spacing greater than 8 feet but less than 9 feet.

1.3.6 WASHTO States Regulation

The research team reviewed the fees for overweight permitted loads in the Western
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO) states for purposes of
comparison. Some of these states take a ton mileage approach to overweight permitted vehicles.
Table 1.7 illustrates the various approaches taken by these states. Texas fees are presented in the
first row.

Table 1.7: WASHTO Overweight Fee Comparisons
State Weight Fees Approach Fee Type Fee Cap
Highway maintenance fees ranging from $150 to $375
Texas (max) in $75 increments for each 40,000 pounds in Tonnage only $375
excess of legal GVW in addition to $60 base permit fee
Base fee plus $25 for overweight up to 150,000 GVW,
then an additional $20 fee. For oversize AND
overweight, basic fee of $60 and surcharge of $20 for
width in excess of 10’ to 16’ or $30 for width greater
than 16’. For height in excess of 16’ to 16’6” $20 and
height in excess of this $30. If GVW > 150,000 lbs., an
additional $20 is applied.
Following are the fees for an extended period for
oversize OR overweight:
30 days $75
Alaska Administrative N/A
1–3 months $200
3–6 months $300
6–9 months $450
Up to 12 months $500
For oversize AND overweight
30 days $150
1–3 months $350
3–6 months $550
6–9 months $850
Up to 12 months $1000
Fixed fee of additional $60 over the basic oversize fee of
$15 for single trip for weights up to 250,000 GVW. For
loads over the 250,000 pound limit, a Class C permit is
Arizona required and includes ADOT engineering study fees of Administrative N/A
either $125 per 50 miles of route (if prepared by ADOT)
or $75 per 50 miles if only reviewed and approved by
ADOT engineer
Single trip permit $15 plus $5 per axle; for a special
transport, the permit fee is $125. The overweight annual
permit is $400 per power unit.
Colorado Administrative N/A
For overweight permits for loads exceeding weight
limits > 250, GVW annual permit is $250, and single
trip permit is $15 plus $5 per axle.
In addition to an administrative fee of $32 for
overweight permits compared to just oversize, there is
also a "road use" fee based weight/axles/mileage
combination. It starts at $0.04 per mile for weights and
number of axle combinations. If the weight for three Ton Mileage None
axles is exceeded, the fee goes up $0.04 per additional
ton on that axle combo. For excessive (weight/axle)
loads, the fee starts at $1.02 per mile and increases $0.07
per ton. There is also an opportunity for a percent
reduction on the road use fee up to 25% per vehicle.

State Weight Fees Approach Fee Type Fee Cap
There is a reduction per axle group up to maximum of
16 tires per axle.
The excess weight annual fee for authority to exceed
80,000 lbs. up to 105,500 lbs. is $43. The permit fee for
a single trip is $33; for two trips it is $43. A weekly
permit is $71. There is also an over legal permit manual
fee plus sales tax for residents of $5.
Uses a formula of excess weight (in 5,000 pound
increments) with a cost per 25 miles of travel. Example: Ton Mileage None
100,00 pound excess weight traveling 200 miles ($70 x
8 = $560)
Only charges an administrative fee of $10-$20 for over
Nebraska Administrative N/A
dimensional permit.
Nevada charges a $25 permit fee (assumed to be an
administrative cost recovery) and $60 for each
Nevada Tonnage Only N/A
additional 1,000 pounds over the 80,000 GVW.
Maximum additional fee is $2,940.00.
New Mexico New Mexico only charges a $25 permit fee. Administrative N/A
Overweight permit fee of $20 for up to 150,000 pounds
North Dakota GVW then $10 increases for each 10,000 pounds Administrative N/A
increase in GVW up to $70 max.
Oklahoma $10 per 1,000 pounds overweight. Tonnage Only None
Oregon uses a GVW/axle combination to charge per
mile for overweight. The fees appear to be structured in
Ton Mileage None
Oregon a way that encourages dispersing the weight across
multiple axles (fees go down for the same GVW with
more axles).
For excess weight (either over-axle or GVW), a fee of Ton Mileage None
South Dakota
$0.02 per mile for each ton of excess weight.
Overweight fees are based on GVW and mileage (50
mile increments) but do not exceed $540 in weight fees.
Utah Ton Mileage $540
The fees increase incrementally as the GVW goes up but
still cap at $540.
Charges $0.07 per mile for excess weight of 1-9,999
pounds over, then an additional $0.07 per mile for each
5,000 pound increase in weight up to 100,000 pounds of
Washington Ton Mileage None
excess weight. Loads > 100,000 pounds or more in
excess are charged $4.25 per mile incrementing $0.50
per mile for each additional 5,000 pounds of excess.
Minimum of $25 for overweight fee computed at $0.04
Wyoming Ton Mileage None
per ton, per mile on weight > legal

In addition, the research team also looked at other states adjacent to Texas. Louisiana, for
example, sets its overweight fee based on GVW in increments from 80k to 254k combined with

50 mile increments. For loads greater than 254k, it is $10 plus $0.50 per ton mile (for weights
heavier than 80k). There are also additional assessment fees from $125 to $850 depending on the
structure types being crossed. Arkansas’ overweight fees are based on mileage increments (0–
100 then 50-mile increments, with a maximum range of 250 miles) and tonnage with a fee per
mileage increment increasing after 5 tons over and then again after 10 tons over.
The research team also reviewed legislation from other countries regarding their OS/OW
permit programs, specifically Canada, Mexico, Australia, the European Union (EU), and certain
countries within the EU. The results are presented in Appendix E.

1.4 Industry Forum

As part of this study, the research team hosted a one-day industry forum to discuss study
objectives and analysis approach with the trucking industry and solicit input from those who may
potentially be impacted by permit fee changes.
This one-day forum was held Thursday, March 29, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the
AT&T Conference Center at The University of Texas at Austin. The next section summarizes the
outcome of the forum. It also provides participant information, forum format, and input received
from participants during afternoon roundtable discussions.

1.4.1 Participants
To represent OS/OW haulers, the research team randomly selected 70 companies from
the Texas Permitting & Routing System (TxPROS) database, the TxPROS Customer Work
Group, and the Texas Super Load Common Interest Group. The sample was stratified to include
companies that have worked with TxDOT before on permitting issues and to account for
different types of users in terms of number of permits used and annual expenses of permits.
These 70 companies were supplemented with company names received from the Texas
Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) to account for exempt haulers, the weight tolerance
permit users, and time and annual permit users. In total, through emails and phone calls, the
research team reached out to 105 companies potentially impacted by permit fee changes. The
team also invited these seven industry associations:
• Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association
• Texas Motor Transportation Association
• Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association
• Texas Farm Bureau
• Texas Forestry Association
• International Milk Haulers Association
• The Associated General Contractors

An example of the invitation letter that was e-mailed/faxed to the identified companies
and associations is included in Appendix H. In addition, each participant was provided with the
following items:
• an agenda (Appendix J )

• a one-page overview the study (Appendix I )
• biographical information for the study team

1.4.2 Industry Forum

Ms. Wendy Reilly, Project Director, TxDOT State Government Relations Division,
TxDOT, welcomed the industry forum participants and thanked them for their time and
participation. Ms. Carol Davis, TxDOT’s Director of Motor Carrier Division (MCD), reiterated
these sentiments and asked participants to work with the research team by providing information
and insight to reduce the need for assumptions in the study and ensure a reliable deliverable.
Dr. C. Michael Walton moderated the morning session, reviewing the project objectives
and format of the forum. The morning session was made up of four presentations:
• Dr. Mike Murphy provided an overview of MCD OS/OW permit fees.
• Dr. Jorge Prozzi presented the method that will be used to estimate the pavement
consumption imposed.
• Dr. José Weissman presented the method that will be used to estimate bridge
• Ms. Jolanda Prozzi presented the components of the cost and revenue analysis.

1.4.3 Roundtable Discussion

After lunch, forum attendees participated in a roundtable discussion. Attendees were pre-
assigned to specific tables to ensure a diverse perspective on the questions presented. The
following questions were discussed during the afternoon session:
1. What are any missing study elements, components, or comments?
2. Could you describe the impacts of Texas’s road conditions on industry costs?
3. How could TxDOT balance overall impacts of OS/OW loads and road maintenance?
4. How should exempt loads be considered in a potentially revised permit fee structure?
5. Given the maintenance backlog and insufficient revenue stream, how should users pay
for system use and consumption?

A member of the research team facilitated roundtable discussions, and comments were
recorded. Table 1.8 provides the names of the 37 forum participants. Table 1.9 provides a
summary of the discussion. Appendix K provides a detailed record of the roundtable discussions.

Table 1.8: Participants by Agency/Company
Participant Name Agency/ Company
Carol Davis Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier Division
Scott McKee Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier Division
Duwayne Murdock Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier Division
Kinnan Golemon KG Strategies, LLC
Jennifer Newton The Associated General Contractors of Texas
Lester Parker United Parcel Service (UPS)
Ed Small Texas Forestry Association
Ren Nance Committee Director, Senator Craig Estes
Norman Garza Texas Farm Bureau
Les Findeisen Texas Motor Transportation Association
Bubba Rouse Palletized Trucking, Inc.
Texas Department of Transportation—Research and Technology
Rick Collins
Implementation Office
Texas Department of Transportation—State Government
Wendy Reilly
Relations Division
Jackie Shults Lehigh Hanson, Inc.
David Ainsworth,
Ainsworth Trucking
Mark Borskey Borskey Government Relations LLC
Clay Jones Austin Bridge and Road
Jean Bohuslav Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Motor Carrier Division
Damon Tofte IESI Corporation—Progressive Waste Solutions
Charlie Gee Texas Logging Council
Jim Townsend H.L. Chapman Pipeline Construction, Inc.
John Pellizzari Energy Service Company
Wayne Griffin Texas Logging Council
Brett Bray Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—General Council Director
Bob Pollick Campbell Concrete & Materials, LLC
Maurice Brown H. Brown Inc.
Kenneth Nolley Torqued-Up Energy Services
John Phinny Torqued-Up Energy Services
John Esparza Texas Motor Transportation Association
Jody Richardson Allen Boone Humphries Robinson, LLP
Jay Alligood Texas Concrete Partners, LP
Jesse Hereford S & B Infrastructure, LTD.
Kenny Jordan Association of Energy Service Companies
Tom Brown IESI—Progressive Waste Solutions
Texas Department of Transportation—Bridge Division/Field
Bernie Carrasco
Lisa Anderson National Solid Wastes Management Association
Jenny Li Texas Department of Transportation—Construction Division

Table 1.9: Summary of Roundtable Discussion
Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
1. What are any • Every state has • Presentation too • Simplify fee • Contextualize the • Historical • Educate public
missing study different technical; not schedule and OS/OW permit perspective (post and officials that
elements, regulations— clear what is ensure it is process and 1980s)— properly loaded
components, or some states missing. equitable. history. permitting driven OS/OW trucks
comments? allow heavier by safety, not cause no
• Proposed • Permits based on • Perspective on
garbage trucks. revenue issues. additional
pavement model road and bridge how this all came
We should build damage
assumes impact, not on to be; i.e., the • Tires per axle—is
the type of roads compared to
pavement commodity being original point of this addressed
they are normal truck
type/design— hauled; exempt the current fee and does it
building. traffic.
actual pavement loads need fees. structure. matter?
• Texas weight consumption • Include historical
• Consider all state • Taking a system • OS/OW routes
regulations don’t may be different. review of
fees (licensing, that was not should be
allow trucks to Texas’s permit
• Tire pressure registrations, meant to be a integrated into a
be filled to full system (e.g., why
should be additional revenue generator highway network
capacity. exemptions exist
considered. permits). and trying to turn that serves
and how permit
• Would consider it into one; e.g., everyone while
• Likelihood of • Research Fund 6 system came
a permit more 2060/1547 facilitating
getting ticket is allocations and about).
favorably if it permits were not special loads.
low; ticket cost identify
allowed trucks meant to be a • Permit fees
is less than diversions.
to run at full revenue originally to
capacity (higher generator. cover routing
weight limit)— • Examine costs and for
• Counties need to
could run fewer economic safety—not road
be approached for
trucks and save balance (benefits maintenance
this study, as
money. and costs) of fees.
currently they are
• Have to buy a the “missing • OS/OW fleet
permit to move a • Examine stakeholder,” and should not pay
super-heavy uniformity county roads are sole cost for road
load truck that’s amongst deteriorating maintenance.
empty jurisdictions rapidly. • Economic
requiring and
benefits of
OS/OW truck

Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
permits. movements need
to be
2. Impacts of • Solid waste • Oilfield and • Texas IH, US, • Super-heavy • Lane narrowing • State highway
Texas road operators use logging use a lot and SH roads hauler panelists like that proposed system is in good
conditions on county roads of county roads. better than most noted that they on IH-35 in condition.
industry costs? and city streets states. often do their Austin will raise
• States roads are • County roads
as much as the own testing for trucking costs
good; why need • FM roads in poor impact industry,
state system— pavement (UPS) and may
more funds? condition and as poor
consider an damage before restrict routing of
rapidly conditions
escrow account • County roads are asking for permit. OS/OW loads,
deteriorating. impact safety
to help maintain in bad shape; not They use thus reducing
and increase
infrastructure in enough funds or • Increased vehicle portable scales to system capacity.
accident risks.
certain regions. mismanagement maintenance determine axle
• All supply chains
by county (suspension, weights when out • Increased
• Heavy load use trucks at
commissioners. shocks, and tires) in the field. maintenance
trucking also some point, and
and operating costs as result of
uses county • Noted that there poor roads
costs due to poor increased road
roads—these are more costs damage vehicles.
FM road condition
roads are in bad when road
condition. • UPS cited deterioration.
shape, and fees conditions are
springs, shocks,
should go to • Increased fuel worse. E.g., it • Sometimes
mirrors, damage
counties. expenses and may add 100+ forced to take
to cargo, and
travel time when miles to a trip alternative routes
• State roads are reduced vehicle
attempting to when bridge due to the
in good life in miles.
bypass poor cannot be used. deteriorating
condition roads. roads, resulting
Concern about • Something needs
in higher fuel
condition of FM • Increased fuel to be done about
roads (e.g., ruts, expenses and the county roads.
pavement edge wear on • Condition of FM
• For some
drop offs) secondary and system is
industries (e.g.,
tertiary roads (to imposing costs
• Money should oil services), if a
avoid congestion (e.g., tires,
be managed by delivery has to be
on main roads, shocks, and
the state, not made, they will
FM roads are suspension) on
counties. look to see the
used, oil well service

Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
• If permit contributing to legal routes and companies.
increase is high deterioration of timing. If none
• Should consider
enough, it could FM roads). are available or
how permit fee
affect customer they are not
changes might
choices about economical, they
affect overall
where to off will not take the
load trucks. The job. So road
cost of conditions impact
maintaining economic
roads should not activity.
come from one
• Are not bothered
about paying the
several revenue
permit fee; care
about getting the
• Do not try to permit quickly
fund needs from and that everyone
one industry that is paying their
happens to be fair share.
doing well at the (Caveat: this
time. E.g., right table had large
now, oil and gas super-heavy
is doing well so representation.)
everyone thinks
this industry
should pay.
3. How could • Lowering fees if • Haulers are paid • Allocate • Education needed • Develop OS/OW • A weight
TxDOT an axle is added same amount per maintenance for law corridors that are distance fee will
balance overall won’t always load—road dollars to enforcement to suitably be most
impacts of work. Some condition is upgrade OS/OW spot illegal loads. maintained, as equitable.
OS/OW loads cities require more important routes to better loads are
and road • Repetitions do • Road
contracts based for haulers. handle these sometimes
maintenance? more damage maintenance
on fewer axles Hauling more loads. diverted to FM
than one heavy component of
because of the weight per load roads due to
• All permits load, especially permit fee should
belief that a is more simultaneous
should be routed; when they are not go for road
single axle does important for maintenance
can obtain routes

Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
less damage industries. at no additional correctly loaded activities on maintenance.
than a tandem cost. alternative routes.
• Propose sliding • Load-zoned roads
axle. Education
scale; can haul sometimes have • Some TxDOT
for public
more weight for to be used. districts are
officials may be
higher fee. improving their
needed on truck • Maintenance fee
coordination so
axle damage that has a per
that maintenance
relationships. mile fee
or construction
component: “The
• OS/OW permit does not occur on
weight you carry
fees should go to key longer routes
and the miles you
improve routes used by OS/OW
and bridges that trucks—should
OS/OW trucks implement this
want/need to across the state.
travel, e.g., load-
zoned bridges
and geometrics.
4. How should • Exempt trucks • Not real farmers • Need equitable • If they use the • Exempt truck • Permits are
exempt loads don’t know get away with fee structure— road, they should owners pay a preferred over
be considered when they are cheapest should be based have to pay for it; bond, but why bonds; bonds
in a potentially overweight, so agricultural on configuration, against should the regarded totally
revised permit “How are you permit. loads, axle exemptions. revenue go to an ineffective.
fee structure? (the research weight. insurance
• Revisit all permit • If the objective is • In Houston,
team) going to company when
types and base • Industry/ to generate exempt vehicles
figure out what claims are so
on consumption. commodity being revenue, then can hardly
exempt trucks difficult to prove?
hauled should not exemptions capitalize on
should pay if I Instead, send it
be considered. should pay. load limit as
don’t know the directly to Fund
most freeways
weight?” • Whole new 6.
are part of the IH
system is
industry is losing
money and
from scratch and
would pay fee to
not merely

Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
• As a trade-off for efficiency.
the currently
• Need for equity.
“Pay for
classes, one
suggestion was to
may thus be
keep 20/60
better principle.
system but not
issue any new • Tax breaks or
permits under other incentive
this system; all may be better
new permits will option for
fall under the exempt vehicles
new system. today.
5. Given the • Gas tax increase • Urban system: • Fees based on • Raising the gas • Update traditional • Increase the
maintenance is more congestion tax. VMT, no tax is neither fair gas and diesel diesel tax
backlog and equitable, but exemptions. nor smart as it fuel taxes.
insufficient • Rural system: • Heavy Vehicle
right now is not will never catch
revenue stream ensure • Pay based on • Increase TxDPS Use tax—what
the time to up with the gap
(based on all maintenance of usage/ weight percentage of
increase due to we face, given
current existing system. consumption; enforcement on revenues is
high fuel prices that vehicles are
projects seen oversize pay by key energy returned to
• Stop diversion of getting more fuel
from the feds • Raising the mileage, routes. states?
transportation efficient and are
and state), how vehicle overweight pay
funds. using different • If heavy loads • Funding
should users registration fee by per ton-mile.
fuels. and exempt infrastructure
pay for system would be • Privatize all
• Indexing of gas vehicles help from the General
use and equitable— maintenance. • In the future, gas
tax. drive the state Revenue fund is
consumption? everyone would tax will be VMT
• Spread burden economy and a difficult option.
pay. • Revisit permit based, so truck
across all users; enrich key funds,
fee allocation; fees should be • Should consider
• Ton-mile fee increase fuel tax, why should
eliminate VMT based to channeling
would be registration fees, TxDOT not be
diversions from get a head start. existing fees to
equitable, but and permits. included in some
Fund 6. highway
should not be • Open to way? Energy
• Dedicate vehicle maintenance.
the only source • Simplify current technology on pays more than
of revenue for sales tax to trucks; GPS 95% of the “rainy
permit system • Diversion of fuel
the system. transportation. mandate in day” funding, so
and reduce tax revenues
• Index the gas number of permit fee why should some should be

Questions Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
• Create escrow tax. permits for more structure. not come back to addressed.
account that equity (no bias repair the damage
• Traffic impact • New fee system • Increased
different based on industry to highway
fees (e.g., new that is based on registration fees.
industries pay or commodity). infrastructure?
turn lane paid for consumption and
into to provide • Toll roads.
by new VMT would be • End diversions
revenue to
business). fairer and more from Fund 6.
address road and
equitable, as it
bridge • Donations.
would be based
on weight carried
needs; in return,
and miles
industry will
receive reduced
future taxes or • Any permit fee
other incentives. increase will be
passed on to

1.5 Interviews
As part of the study, the research team gathered data on other costs associated with
OS/OW loads through a series of interviews. The literature review conducted during the initial
months of the research revealed a number of direct cost elements imposed by the movement of
these loads, such as (i) administrative costs associated with processing permit applications and
the escorting of certain loads; (ii) reduction in pavement life; (iii) reduction in bridge life; (iv)
damage to appurtenances such as message signs; (v) accidents resulting in property damage,
injuries, and fatalities; (vi) enforcement costs; (vii) reduced highway capacity; and (viii) legal
costs for damage recovery.
As part of this task, the team gathered data and conducted multiple interviews to identify
and gather relevant cost elements data and information for quantifying the impact of OS/OW
loads, exempt loads, and super-heavy loads in Texas. Specifically, the team conducted the
following interviews to gather data on these other direct cost elements, processes, and procedures
and to follow-up on anecdotal comments that had been heard during the project:
• TxDOT Motor Carrier Division
• TxDOT Districts and Maintenance Divisions
• Cities of Dallas, Houston, and Fort Worth
• Ector and Tarrant Counties
• Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
• Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS)
• TxDOT Office of General Counsel
• Office of the Attorney General
• Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)

Additionally, the research team met with industry representatives and trucking groups
throughout the project upon request. For example, members of the research team met with the
Aggregate Transportation Association of Texas (ATAT) in September 2012.1
Three survey questionnaires were developed for the interview process. The first was for
interviews with TxDMV and cities/counties. The second was for TxDPS. The third was for
TxDOT districts and divisions. Figures 1.1 through 1.3 contain the survey instruments.

Over and above the trucking industry forum attendees from the Mach 2012 workshop that was hosted as part of
Task 5 for the project.

TxDOT Project 0-6736: Rider 36 Oversize Overweight Vehicle Fees Study
TxDOT District:________ _______ City / County: ____________________________
Section / Branch: _____________________________________________
Name of person providing information: ____________________________
The State Legislature required TxDOT to report on costs associated with Oversize and Overweight loads
(OS/OW), including OS/OW exempt loads due to accelerated pavement and bridge life consumption, and
damage to appurtenances such as signs, traffic signals, guard rail and other TxDOT property.
John Barton P.E., will be giving testimony before the Legislature during the upcoming 2013 Legislative
session in response to this request. UT-CTR was awarded a research project to develop information about
these costs and to help TxDOT Administration develop a new Permit fee structure.
We would appreciate your help in assisting us to gather the following data to help prepare the information
the State Legislature has requested:

Survey Questions
1. Do you keep records of damage to roadside appurtenances, such as message signs, guardrail,
safety barriers, traffic signals, etc., by oversize or overweight vehicles?
2. What type of damage typically occurs—are there any types of damage specifically associated
with OS/OW vehicles?
3. How often does this type of damage occur?
Never has happened in our district _______________
Maybe once a year _____________________________
Several times (please describe below):
4. Is this damage ever caused by trucks that are exempt from permitting?2
5. Could you provide copies of your damage claim reports prepared over the past four years (not
including the police report) for damage caused by OS/OW or exempt vehicles? The costs
information will be most helpful for this study and will be kept confidential by the research team.
6. Do you keep records of any OS/OW or exempt vehicle accidents that result in injuries/fatalities?
7. Do you use the proceeds of bonds taken out by industry to cover the cost of damage?
8. Can you please supply your road estimator template?
9. Have you ever received a public complaint regarding an OS/OW, super-heavy, or exempt vehicle
that damaged public or private property?
a. Details regarding type of damage
b. Number and frequency of complaints
c. Additional details
10. Can you suggest a city or county contact person who might have knowledge about OS/OW or
exempt vehicle damage in their community?

Figure 1.1: Local Area Questionnaire

Increased allowable loads for exempt vehicle types: Groceries, LP Gas & farm products not subject to load zone limits; agriculture and
livestock (12% over-axle tolerance during harvest); ready mix/concrete trucks (23,000 lbs. steering, 46,000 lbs. tandem); bulk milk trucks (68,000
lbs. on inner two tandems relaxed rules for federal bridge formula); utility poles, piling, raw wood products (logs, bark, sawdust, pulpwood)
(relaxed rules for federal bridge formula, rear tandem up to 50,000 lbs; max 80,000 lbs. GVW); recycling trucks (auto salvage, scrape iron,
residential service, paper, etc.) (21,000 lbs. steering, 44, 000 lbs. tandem); fire trucks (23,000 lbs. steering, 26,000 lbs. single rear axle, 53,000
lbs. tandem); solid waste and garbage trucks (21,000 lbs. steering, 44,000 lbs. tandem); cotton seed or Chile Pepper modules: cotton 64,000 lbs.
on single unit truck ~ 50,000 lbs. on rear tandem; Chile Peppers 54,000 lbs. on single unit truck ~ 40,000 lbs. on rear tandem. Increased
allowable dimensions: Cottonseed or Chile Pepper modules on tractor semi-trailer: 10’ wide x 48’ long x 14’-6” high (legal is 8.5’ wide x 59’
long x 13’-6” high). Garbage trucks allowed greater front extension (3’ front extension is the legal limit). Truck and trailer allowed 7’ rear
overhang, such as concrete beam hauler (4’ is the legal limit). Poles, piling and raw wood products; allowed 90’ total length, including load
within 125 miles of point of origin (59’ trailer and 4’ rear overhang is the legal limit). Poles and piling: single unit truck 65’, including load
overhang – during daylight only (legal is 65’ with 4’ load overhang). Various width exemptions for farm equipment, fire trucks, highway
construction, and recreational vehicles; various length exemptions for oil & gas exploration, water well drilling, fire trucks and farm equipment.

Project 0-6736: Rider 36 — Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Fee Structure’ Damage and Cost Impacts
due to Oversize/Overweight Loads.
Contact Person ____________ Primary Responsibilities ____________________________________
Date ______________ District ______________

Background and Purpose of the Survey Questionnaire

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information from districts and divisions regarding damage and
cost impacts due to OS/OW vehicles operating on the state-maintained roadway system. This information
will help determine the total costs associated with increased consumption of pavement, bridge and safety
treatments, traffic signals, and other infrastructure maintained by TxDOT.

Question 1: Can you identify types of OS/OW loads that have caused damage to the state-maintained
highway system in your district? Some examples of load/vehicle types include:

Wind turbine equipment transport vehicles Power Transformers

Oil Industry Equipment Water Well Drilling Equipment
Heavy Construction Machinery Cranes
Ready Mixed trucks Agricultural Product transport trucks
Cotton Trucks Chile Pepper Module Trucks
Logging or Raw Wood Product Trucks LPG Gas Trucks
Trucks Carrying Pipes or Poles Mill Trucks
Garbage Trucks Recycling Trucks
Gravel or Rock haulers Concrete Beam trucks
Fire Trucks Super-Heavy Loads: (>250,000 lbs.)

Question 2: Can you please describe specific types of damage that have occurred in your district from the
vehicles listed in Question 1?

Pavement: Bridge: Signs: Traffic Signals: ____________________________

Safety Devices (Guard Rail, Vehicle Impact Attenuators) Other: ____________________________

Question 3: How often does your district experience damage from OS/OW loads (permitted or not)?

Question 4: How often are you able to submit a damage claim because a police report was written when
the damage occurred?

Question 5: Can you identify the three main types of industries or loads that cause OS/OW damage in
your district?

Question 6: Can you identify steps you’ve taken to reduce OS/OW damage, such as raise one or more
bridges, change traffic signal design, install laser beacon, low clearance system or other steps?

Can you provide cost estimates for the world you’ve done to reduce OS/OW damage in your
Bridges raised Roadway profile lowered Signals updated and raised
Low clearance warning systems Other
Figure 1.2: District Questionnaire

TxDOT Project 0-6736: Rider 36 Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Fees Study
The State Legislature required TxDOT to report costs associated with oversize and overweight
(OS/OW) loads. This includes not only the costs of pavement and bridge consumption but also
the safety, administrative, and enforcement costs that DPS incurs as part of its weight
enforcement duties.
TxDOT Administration will give testimony before the Legislature during the upcoming 2013
Legislative session in response to this request. UT-CTR was awarded a research project to
develop information about these costs and to help TxDOT Administration develop a new permit
fee structure.
We would appreciate your help in assisting us to gather the following data to help prepare the
information the State Legislature has requested:

1. Roughly how much does DPS spend each year specifically on OS/OW weight
enforcement, including personnel, equipment, and related expenditures?
a. Is this included as a specific line item in your budget?
b. Does it cover, in your opinion, the costs for effective enforcement activities?
2. Do you work with local law enforcement jurisdictions (cites/counties) to manage
enforcement activities?
3. How often are OS/OW loads involved in crashes or damage overpasses, guardrail, signs,
signals, or related public property?
a. Can you provide additional DPS information or reports related to damage due
to OS/OW loads?
b. Do you know of any cities/counties that could provide such data?
4. Relating to OS/OW exempt loads such as concrete trucks, bulk milk trucks, garbage and
recycling trucks, agriculture and logging trucks, etc., what is DPS’ authority to enforce
state laws regarding these loads?
5. Can you clarify for us the section of TC code associated with agricultural loads during
harvest period? We think 12% over-axle tolerance is permitted, but have heard anecdotal
evidence that actual loads can be much higher.
6. Does DPS provide any escort vehicles for OS/OW vehicles?
a. If yes, what does an average escort cost (manpower, fuel, other costs)?
b. Do you know of any localities that also do this?
7. Any additional comments or references materials you can suggest or further contacts
regarding OS/OW load impacts on the state system would be very much appreciated.
Figure 1.3: DPS Questionnaire

Interviewees (in alphabetical order) from these various state and local agencies include
• Abilene District—Director of Maintenance
• Atlanta District—Director of Operations
• Austin District—Traffic Section
• Austin District—Traffic Signal Shop—Foreman
• Bryan District

• Dallas County—Public Works Department: Transportation & Planning—Assistant
• City of Dallas—Street Service: Heavy Maintenance
• City of Dallas—Department of Street Services—Routine Maintenance
• City of Dallas—Public Works—Traffic Signals
• El Paso District—Pavement Engineer
• Ector County—Road & Bridge
• City of Fort Worth—Assistant Director Transportation and Public Works
• Fort Worth District—PMIS/BRINSAP Coordinator
• Fort Worth District –Traffic Operations
• Fort Worth District—Maintenance Engineer
• Fort Worth District—Bridge Engineer
• Harris County Infrastructure—Traffic Section
• Lubbock District—Littlefield Area Engineer
• Lubbock District—Pavement Engineer
• Lufkin District—Maintenance Director
• Paris District—Director of Operations
• San Angelo District
• Tarrant County—Transportation Department
• Texas Department of Insurance—Commercial Property & Casualty: Manager
• Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Enforcement Division
• Texas Department of Public Safety
• Texas Office of Attorney General
• Waco District—Maintenance Engineer
• Wichita Falls District –Traffic Engineer
• Yoakum District

The next section sets out the major findings from the interviews. Section 1.6 contains the
interviews from TxDOT districts and divisions, and Section 1.7 details interviews with state and
local government public sector agencies.

1.6 TxDOT Districts and Divisions
This section contains interviews with TxDOT districts and divisions conducted during
July through October of 2012.
It should be noted that TxDOT maintains signals in cities with populations less than
50,000. Once the population exceeds this level, the city takes over signal maintenance and
management. For example, the City of Austin has about 1,200 signals on the city system, but 13
to 14 of these are actually TxDOT signals. TxDOT pays the city roughly $1,000 per signal per
month to maintain and manage them.
The types of damage that can occur when OS/OW vehicles hit TxDOT and other local
government property vary. Very minor to large-scale damage can occur. Figures 1.4 and 1.5
display major damage caused to an overpass at US 385 at SH 158 in TxDOT’s Odessa District
on May 24, 2012. Damage costs were $500,000. Figure 1.6 shows damage on HI 20 at the PR 41
bridge in Odessa District. Figures 1.7 and 1.8 shows seal delamination from heavy loads
traveling on steep grade.

Source: TxDOT Odessa District

Figure 1.4: Bridge Damage from OS/OW Load at Overpass
on US 385 at SH 158—Odessa District

Source: TxDOT Odessa District
Figure 1.5: Bridge Damage from OS/OW Load at Overpass
on US 385 at SH 158—Odessa District

Source: TxDOT Odessa District

Figure 1.6: Damage to Bridge at IH20 & PR 41

Source: TxDOT
Figure 1.7: Seal Coat Damage Due to Heavy Load

Source: TxDOT
Figure 1.8: Seal Coat Damage Due to Heavy Load

1.6.1 Abilene District
District officials noted that bridges have occasionally been hit by overheight loads. They
commented that construction equipment haulers were the most common vehicles associated with
this type of damage.
The district raised a bridge—a new construction, not a retrofit—on IH 20 at the US 83/84
interchange about four years ago. However, officials could not think of any bridge height
retrofits that were performed recently. District officials noted, “We do have several bridges we
need to raise, but money is a problem.” Figure 1.9 shows damage on IH 20.
The district has large number of signs, object markers, and delineators that get hit by
loads making turns at intersections or by wide loads traveling along a FM. Here, farm equipment
is the biggest problem with OW loads hitting delineators or other markers along the road. The
district has started to use a “self-righting”-type vertical panel that is more expensive because of
hits due to farm equipment.
District officials indicated that the problem with farm equipment has more to do with
width than load; however, they could not say, “Farm trucks cause significant damage to our
roads due to being over loaded, it’s more the equipment being overwidth.” Another problem the
district faces with OW loads is crushed culvert ends.

Figure 1.9: Damage to Sign on IH 20 in Abilene District

District officials mentioned that the three most prevalent types of OS/OW loads in the
district that cause damage to TxDOT property are related to wind energy, oil field, and farming.
Regarding the wind energy industry, the main damage occurs during construction of the pads.
This is because hundreds of truckloads of base material and concrete are brought in to build one
farm. Although district officials cannot say that the trucks are necessarily overloaded, the sheer
volume of truckloads damages FM roads substantially.
Officials could not recollect any damage occurring from movement of the wind turbine
parts themselves, noting, “Again, it’s more the construction of the pads and the equipment
involved in hauling materials.” For oil field equipment, weight inflicts the most damage.
The district could not recall any crashes involving OS/OW loads. Essentially, these types
of loads are not a big problem in the district other than the damage caused by wind, energy, and
farming equipment.

1.6.2 Atlanta District

Atlanta District officials commentated, “Many of the hits that occur on our bridges are by
non-permitted loads.” In some cases, they noted that the load is permitted but not following the
route specified in the permit.
District officials stated that a county road bridge crossing IH 30 was hit the day before
this interview by an OS/OW load carrying storage tanks, further commenting that when loads of
this type hit a bridge, there is substantial damage and currently, the CR overpass is closed to
traffic. Officials also stated that when loads of this type hit a bridge, quite often the driver must
pull over due to damage to the load. A TxDPS trooper then arrives and prepares an accident
report. For example, district officials observed that on roughly two-thirds of the bridges hit, there
is a TxDPS report that TxDOT can use to file a damage claim. For the remaining one-third of
bridge hits in the Atlanta District, there is no accident report, so TxDOT absorbs the cost of
The research team asked district officials about a news story reporting that an OS load hit
the IH 30, FM 992, and CR 2033 overpasses in February 2012. CTR had the crash record for this
incident, and officials stated that repairs were done in-house with Atlanta and Dallas Bridge
Crew personnel. The total cost of the repair was $58,273.87.
The research team inquired about traffic signal hits. District officials noted that roughly
25 percent of hits are accompanied by a police report. The remaining 75 are not reported, so
TxDOT again absorbs the costs. Officials estimate that one traffic signal is hit each month. In
most cases, the only damage occurs when the black background is shifted out of position. In
other cases, such as a house move, the OS/OW vehicle might get hung up in an intersection
while attempting a turn.
District officials stated, “On average, each year we are able to recover about $300,000 in
damage claims and end up paying about $200,000 for damage that occurred for which no claim
could be filed.” This varies from year to year depending on the amount of damage. In 2011, the
district recovered higher damage claims.
The district has invested in several laser/clearance beacon systems. It has also raised the
height of several bridges along IH 30 to reduce risk of OS load hits. A rough estimate of the cost
to raise a bridge is about $250,000. The district has also lowered the grade on one project to
increase clearance under a bridge, costing roughly $150,000.
District officials noted, “The types of loads that hit our bridges and signals are roughly in
three categories: 1) oil and gas industry, 2) logging industry, 3) contractors or equipment

transporters.” One bridge hit on IH 30 was actually due to a contractor moving a track hoe. The
track hoe hit an overpass on the way to the construction site and damaged the bridge. Other
damage that has occurred in the district includes about 200 feet of pedestrian fencing on a bridge
that was torn out by a wide load a few years ago.

1.6.3 Austin District

The CTR research team asked the traffic signal shop about traffic signals. Officials noted
that the Austin District has 410 traffic signals on the state system that are maintained by TxDOT
(simple repairs) or the district signal shop for heavier repairs or complete replacement. To
expedite repairs to damaged signals and reduce travel costs, local maintenance personnel are first
responders. If necessary, they contact the signal shop once a damage assessment is made. The
Austin District has also installed sensors in each signal head, as well as an automated system that
alerts the signal shop when a signal goes off line or is not functioning properly.
District officials commented that although the number of OS/OW signal hits has not
increased over the past five years, they have not decreased. This number has also been impacted
by the modernization of older signals in the system, e.g., installation of mast and arm signals
heads that provide greater clearance but cost more—$150,000 per set, on average.
The Austin District has only one county where oil and gas exploration occurs, and it has
“worked to improve our intersection signal pole and signal head designs to reduce damage from
mobile homes and wind turbine loads.” One district official noted that rural districts have more
oil and gas exploration but typically experience less signal damage due to lower traffic volumes
and reduced need for traffic signals. Whereas the Austin District has more than 400 signals, a
rural district might have 70 to 80 signals. Therefore, there is less potential for damage even in
light of heavier oil and gas OS/OW traffic.
Damage to signals, signal poles, and railway crossings signals and arms by OS/OW
vehicles or routine traffic is often first reported by local residents or local law enforcement. A
call is made to CTECC or the local TxDOT maintenance office when a signal has been damaged.
There is often no police accident report associated with signal damage due to OS/OW
loads. Currently, the district is experiencing the greatest number of OS/OW hits on traffic signals
in Caldwell County along SH 80 and SH 20. These hits are mainly associated with oil and gas
industry oilrigs and support equipment. Hits along these routes occur weekly, with multiple hits
occurring at certain intersections. Although oil and gas industry OS/OW hits primarily affect this
one county, district officials noted, “We have more damage to our signals from mobile homes
than from the oil and gas industry.” Figure 1.10 shows a damaged traffic signal.

Figure 1.10: Damaged Traffic Signal

District officials noted that super-heavy load rigs are preceded by an escort vehicle
carrying personnel armed with wire poles. Escort personnel raise wires and signals as the rig
approaches, minimizing the risk of damage. However, most OS/OW loads do not have an escort,
so no one is there to raise the wires if the rig is too high. This is particularly true for mobile home
movers, because these are generally one-man operations.
The Austin District also experiences signal hits along the US 183 corridor due to mobile
home moves. District officials commented, “We’ve learned that the strand-wire type traffic
signal pole and signal head designs are more vulnerable to OS/OW vehicle damage, including
mobile homes. These vehicles will travel through an intersection and take down the wires and
signal heads, especially when making turns.” One incident in Cedar Park a few years ago
involved a mobile home mover who took out several signals along the route. According to
district officials, other than Caldwell County and perhaps Lee County, traffic signal hits occur
about once a month elsewhere in the district.
Wind turbines are another type of OS/OW load that can cause signal damage or other
types of problems. District officials noted that they have changed traffic signal designs because
of OS/OW load hits. The design guidelines allow a traffic signal to be mounted between 15 to 19
feet high, with the typical height being 17 feet, 6 inches. The height is controlled by the driver’s
cone of vision, which is 20º, and limits the maximum signal height.
The district now places signals at the maximum 19-foot height and is also transitioning
from a strand wire pole design to a mast arm design. Mast arms cost about $150,000 per four-
arm intersection to install compared to $70,000 to $100,000 for a four-arm strand wire. The mast
arm design eliminates wires and allows OS/OW loads to move through the intersection with less
chance of striking the signal.
When economic stimulus funds became available in 2008, the Austin District used a
portion of those funds to begin installing the mast arm design configuration and to install the
radio communications system that alerts the signal shop if a signal is malfunctioning or off-line.
A video system would be very helpful for determining which types of vehicles hit the signals,
but TxDOT communications systems bandwidth does not permit installation of these camera

Signal head repair methods have also been modified in the Austin District so that a full
lane closure is now required, costing about $900. A signal head repair usually requires two
employees and a bucket truck. The district experienced an incident in Lockhart several years ago
when a TxDOT employee was working on a signal from a bucket truck parked on the side of the
road. A truck came through and hit the bucket, knocking out the bottom. The employee grabbed
the strand wires and held on as long as he could but finally dropped to the ground and suffered a
broken collarbone.
TxDOT has been approached by companies marketing a radar system that senses the
approach of an overheight vehicle near an overpass or other obstacle and switches on a warning
light. However, TxDOT staffers believe “that some OS/OW drivers would still disregard the
warning light and continue driving until they hit the obstacle.”
According to Austin District officials, the Yoakum District has installed a simple system
utilizing a PVC pipe and wire strung between two poles that is mounted in advance of an
overpass or other height obstacle. If an overheight truck hits the PVC pipe, the driver knows that
he will hit the overpass and stops the rig. This device has had some success in reducing hits on
Another problem with transitioning from strand wire signal installations to mast arms is
that it can take up to six months to obtain a replacement when a mast arm is damaged or
destroyed from a hit. This is particularly true when a special design mast arm spans a shoulder,
two travel lanes, and a center turn lane. The “arm” can be up to 55 feet in length, and the mast
arm company does not begin fabricating the new mast and arm until these parts are ordered. This
means that in order to restore signal service, the district might have to use a mast arm that has
been received for another project to replace the damaged unit. Another less desirable option is to
install a timber pole with strand wires until the new mast arm arrives.
The Austin District has considered using temporary traffic signals like those used at
bridge projects; however, these do not command the same respect as permanent traffic signals
and therefore are not considered a viable solution.
Other types of signal damage from OS/OW loads include hits on signal beacons and
railroad crossing signals or arms. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program has
conducted research regarding lowboy trailers that might not provide adequate clearance at
railroad crossings. These trailers can bottom out and present a serious potential for a truck/train
When discussing costs attributed to OS/OW vehicle hits, district officials noted that
replacing a damaged traffic pole costs about $5,000. The Austin District has a traffic signal
maintenance budget of about $200,000 to $400,000 per year, so “you can see that we don’t have
sufficient funds to replace many damaged traffic masts and signal heads.” The district does
receive contributions from developers, increasing the number of signals that can be installed or
replaced. However, the district is still only able to replace about 20 signals per year with its
budget—even with those contributions from developers.
Federal regulations also pose problems for replacing signals. For example, federal funds
cannot be used to repair or replace a portion of a damaged signal installation if it is built using
prison labor. Federal rules also prohibit the use of used parts and requires U.S. steel and a testing
certificate. This makes repair more complex. For example, officials noted, “if we have a set of
signals knocked out by an OS/OW load and we replace them on the existing mast arm, there is a
question whether federal funds can be used, because the mast arm is ‘used’.”

Austin District officials also noted that they know that Houston has had problems with
mast arm damage and mast arms fatiguing from wind loads. They also noted, “actually, any
corridor that along which wind turbine loads are moving are candidates for traffic signal mast
arm damage. SH 21 is another corridor to examine.”

1.6.4 Bridge Division

The CTR research team also met with the director of field operations for TxDOT’s
Bridge Division (BRG). This division’s officials also provided key data and pictures regarding
damage to overpasses and other TxDOT property by permitted and non-permitted OS/OW loads.
This included preparing a listing that shows all of the bridges that have been raised during the
past few years. BRG officials did comment, “Not all of these bridges were raised due to
clearance problems from overheight vehicles; however, in some cases, a new pavement was
placed under the bridge that reduced the clearance and required raising the bridge. However, in
many cases bridges are raised due to repeated hits by overheight loads.”
BRG officials requested districts to provide them with a list of bridges that have been hit
repeatedly during the past few years. These bridges will be reviewed to determine which will be
selected for installation of a laser/beacon/clearance sign. Costs are obviously an issue. The
estimated cost of installing these systems at one bridge location can vary, but is around $70,000
to $80,000 per bridge. For example, if BRG earmarks 100 bridge locations that require
installation of these systems due to repeated hits, the total cost is between $7 and $8 million
BRG officials pointed out that even if a bridge is raised due to overheight load hits, there
is no guarantee it won’t be struck again. For example, one bridge in Odessa was raised from 16
feet, 6 inches to 18 feet, 6 inches due to repeated overheight load hits. A 19-foot-tall load
subsequently came through and hit the newly raised bridge.
The research team asked how many bridge hits are reported. BRG officials noted that
while the Atlanta District’s experience is that about two-thirds of bridge hits are reported and a
police report made, the statewide experience is very different. The percentage of bridge hits for
which no police report exists is much higher. An anecdotal reason that BRG officials noted could
be that a trucker’s insurance company will not pay for damage caused if a traffic law violation
occurred, “so if the driver can leave the scene [sic] with his truck and load intact, that is what
often happens.” Officials went on to comment that for bridge hits where there is a real “blow
up,” i.e., the bridge is heavily damaged and chunks of concrete are lying in the roadway with the
truck or its load in the ditch, TxDPS or local law enforcement are able to report the incident.
However, BRG officials pointed out that just because there is a police report, this does
not mean that the driver of the oversize load will get a ticket. For example, the driver of the OS
load that struck the IH 35 overpass over Stassney Lane in 2012 did not get a ticket from the
Austin Police Department.
BRG usually only gets calls when a bridge is badly hit, not for minor dings that occur
fairly frequently.
The Bridge Inventory database contains only one bridge height or vertical clearance,
which is the lowest clearance under a bridge. However, some bridges, like the arch slab span
bridges over IH 35 have a clearance of 13 feet, 2 inches for the outer lanes and 15 feet, 9 inches
for the center lane. The motor carrier needed to know the clearance for all lanes for all bridges,
so BRG contracted with a vendor to conduct a LIDAR inventory for every bridge and sign bridge
structure in the state—and for all lanes to provide envelope data. The survey cost about $2

million. Information was processed and provided to TxDMV-MCD for use in TxPROS;
however, the question now is how to keep this information current and how it will be funded.
The LIDAR survey provided a snapshot in time, and various clearances can change if a district
constructs a two-inch overlay or raises or replaces a bridge. Currently, there is no system in place
to capture this information to keep the TxPROS database current; however, TxDOT is working
on a system to capture LIDAR data on a routine basis. Table 1.10 shows 185 bridges with
repeated damage due to high loads by each TxDOT district as of September 2012.

Table 1.10: 2012 Bridges with Repeated Damage Due to High Loads
from TxDOT Districts
District Bridge No Location Miscellaneous
Abilene 08-209 US 180 & SH 351
08-115-0005-06-080 FM 700 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-081 FM 700 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-085 Moss Lake Rd & IH20
08-115-0005-06-084 Moss Lake Rd & IH20
08-115-0005-06-077 FM 821 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-078 FM 821 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-071 FM 820 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-072 FM 820 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-088 Salem Rd & IH20
08-115-0005-06-089 Salem Rd & IH209
08-115-0005-06-066 FM818 & IH20
08-115-0005-06-067 FM818 & IH20
08-221 US 83 (Winters Freeway) over S. 7th St
08-221 IH20 over FM707
08-221 LP322 over SB US83/84
08-208 FM1673 (Ave E) over US84
08-208 US180 over US 84
08-208 FM1611 over US84
Amarillo 04-188-0041-05-005 XXX over BNSF
04-188-0275-01-017 IH 40 WB over Ross St
04-188-0275-01-018 IH40 EB over Ross St
04-188-0275-01-044 IH 40 WB over Whitaker Road
04-188-0275-01-045 IH 40 EB over Whitaker Road
04-188-0275-01-046 IH40 WB Over Loop 335
04-188-0275-01-047 IH40 EB Over Loop 335
04-191-0168-09-061 C.R. 163 over IH27
04-191-2635-02-024 Jct. Loop 335 & FM 1541
04-188-0041-070-065 Jct. Loop. 87 & LP 335
04-107-0169-09-038 US60 EB & US83 SB
04-056-0040-03-006 US 54
04-059-0168-05-044 US 385 over BNSF
04-059-0226-05-019 US 60 over BNSF
04-091-0455-03-003 XXX over BNSF
04-033-0356-02-006 XXX over BNSF
Atlanta 19-019-0610-06-113 SH 8 over IH 30
19-019-0610-06-114- CR 2003(Red Bayou) over IH 30
19-019-0495-08-241 CR 3110 (Galilee Road) over IH 20
19-019-0495-08-271 Lansing Switch Road over IH 20
19-183-0063-03-059 US 59 SB over US 79
19-183-0063-03-060 US 59 NB over US 79
19-225-0610-03-057 IH 30 WB over US 271

District Bridge No Location Miscellaneous
19-225-0610-03-058 IH 30 EB over US 271

Austin 14-106-0016-03-125 IH 35 SB ML over SH 80

14-227-0015-13-070 EAST 38 1/2 ST over IH 35 LOWER
14-227-0015-13-071 LEVEL
14-227-0015-13-072 E 32ND ST over IH 35 LOWER
14-227-0015-13-101 LEVEL
14-227-0015-13-101 MANOR ROAD over IH 35 LL
14-227-0015-13-189 LP 343/Cesar Chavez St over IH 35 SB
14-227-0015-13-190 IH 35 NB over Holly St
14-227-0015-13-380 EAST 12TH ST over IH 35 New interchange planned
14-227-0113-13-087 EAST 11TH ST over IH 35 New interchange planned
14-227-0151-09-041 IH 35 NB over Cesar Chavez St New interchange planned
14-227-0152-01-053 US183SB TO SH71EB over SH 71 WB New interchange planned
14-227-0152-01-054 FM 969 over US 183 New interchange planned
14-227-0152-01-068 SH 71 WB over US 813
SH 71 EB over US 183
US 183 NB over US 183 to SH 71 EB
Beaumont None reported
Bryan 17-021-0049-12-081 SH 6 over Woodville Rd
17-021-0049-12-102 SH 6 SB over SH 30
17-094-0050-03-074 SH 6 SB over SH 90
17-094-0050-03-075 SH 6 NB over SH 90
17-094-0050-03-103 SH 6 SB over SH 105
17-094-0050-03-104 SH 6 NB over SH 105
17-145-0205-04-059 US 79 over FM 39/MPRR
17-145-0166-04-017 SH 75 over UPRR
17-145-0675-03-139 IH 45 SB over SH 164
17-166-0186-01-025 SH 36 over UPRR
17-239-0338-08-091 FM 390 over BNSF
Brownwood CR 235 over IH 20 WB
Childress 25-242-0275-12-066 FM 3075 over IH40
Corpus 16-178-0074-06-084 McBride Lane over IH 37
Christi 16-178-0074-06-172 Carancahua St over IH 37
16-178-0101-06-044 US 181 over Burleson St hit freq at low speeds
16-178-0101-06-063 US 181 SB over Nueces Bay
Dallas Miller Rd over IH 30
Gross Rd over US 80
Gallaway Rd over US 80
St Francis over IH 30
Irving Blvd over Loop 12
MacArthur Turnaround over IH 635
Audelia over NW Hwy
Corinth over IH 35
US 287 over IH 45 SB
US 380 over Main St
SH 114 over FM 156
IH 35E over Whitlock
IH 635 over Elam Rd
IH 35E over 12th St
US 380 over SH 78
Loop 12 at Skillman (MH 72)
US 75 over SH 121
IH 35 over Quail Rd

District Bridge No Location Miscellaneous
IH 30 over FM 549
IH 45 over FM 739
SH 183 over Loop 12
SH 114 over US 377
US 380 over IH 35
Loop 12 over Old Irving Blvd
IH 625 EB over MacArthur
IH 635 WB over MacArthur
US 75 NB at Ridge View
US 75 SB at Ridge View
El Paso 24-072-2121-02-140 IH 10 WB over SH 20 (Mesa Ave)
24-072-2121-02-141 IH 10 EB over SH 20 (Mesa Ave)
24-072-2121-02-163 IH 10 WB over Trowbridge
24-072-2121-02-164 IH 10 EB over Trowbridge
24-072-2121-03-103 IH 10 over FM 2316 (McRae)
24-072-2121-03-105 IH 10 over Sumac Dr
24-072-2121-03-134 IH 10 over Yarbrough
24-072-2121-07-155 US 85 WB over Racetrack Dr
US 85 EB over Racetrack Dr
Fort Worth 02-127-0014-03-194 IH 35 W NB over exit
02-220-0008-12-362 SH 183 WB over Crosslands
02-220-0008-13-165 US 287 WB Ramp over IH 820 SB
02-220-0008-13-424 IH 20 WB DC to IH 35 SB over IH 35
02-220-0008-13-428 IH 20 WB to IH 35 NB over Sycamore
02-220-0014-15-384 Cr
02-220-0014-16-182 US 81/287 SB over Blue Mound Rd
02-220-0014-01-440 IH 35W SB over UPRR
02-220-0172-06-067 IH 35W SB over Meacham Blvd
02-220-0366-03-014 US 287 NB over Carey St
02-220-1068-02-039 Sylvania Ave over SH 121
02-220-2266-02-044 Fielder Rd over IH 30
02-220-2266-02-996 SH 360 SB over Mayfield Rd
RR over SH 360
Houston Meadows St/US59
12-085-0500-04-219 IH45NBML/SH 146
12-020-1524-01-003 FM 521/Brazos River bridge access
12-020-178-03-039 road underneath
Sh35/UPRR upass
IH10E/McCarty O/Pass
IH10 East/Wayside O/pass
Laredo 22-240-0018-05-110
22-240-0018-06-080 IH 35 SB over Calton Rd
22-240-0018-06-084 IH 35 SB over Mann Rd
22-240-0018-06-085 IH 35 SB over Del Mar Blvd
22-240-0018-06-087 IH 35 NB over Chicago St
22-xxx-xxxx-xx-xxx IH 35 at FM 469 recent near misses due to
oilfield equipment
Lubbock None Reported
Lufkin BU 59 over LP 287
SH 7 over US 69
SH 103 over US 96
Odessa 06-069-0004-07-039 Crane Ave over IH 20
06-165-0005-15-200 CR 1150 over IH 20
Paris 01-081-0610-02-020 IH 30 over Sp 423

District Bridge No Location Miscellaneous
01-081-0610-02-021 IH 30 over Sp 423
01-113-0009-09-181 Bs 67 over IH 30
01-113-0010-02-257 Loop 301 over IH 30
01-117-0009-13-157 IH 30 over FM 2642
01-117-0009-13-158 IH 30 over FM 2642
01-117-0009-13-159 IH 30 over FM 1565
01-117-0009-13-160 IH 30 over FM 1565
01-117-0009-13-161 IH 30 over FM 36
01-117-0009-13-162 IH 30 over FM 36
01-117-0009-13-163 IH 30 over FM 1903
01-117-0009-13-164 IH 30 over FM 1903
01-117-0009-13-165 IH 30 over FM 1570
01-117-0009-13-166 IH 30 over FM 1570
01-139-0136-06-085 SH 19/SH 24 over Loop 286
01-139-1690-01-004 Rail Road over US 82 (N Loop)
01-139-1690-01-022 U-Turn Road over US 82 (N Loop)
01-139-1690-01-098 US 82 (N Loop) over US 271
Phar 21-xxx-0039-17-277 Bicentennial Underpass
21-xxx-0039-17-135 US 83 at SP 115
San Antonio IH 35 at New Braunfels, San Antonio
IH 10 EB at Graytown Rd, San Antonio
IH 10 WB at Graytown Rd, San
IH 10 at FM 1516, San Antonio
IH 35 SBFR under Kohlenberg Rd
San Angelo US 87 SB over US 277 NB project underway to lower
Tyler IH 20 at US 259 (Eastman Rd)
IH 20 at US 69 Underpass
Waco 09-014-xxxx-xx-xxx US190/SH36 (underpass) at UPRR
09-098-xxxx-xx-xxx US 281 over US 84
09-074- SH 6 BS (underpass) at UPRR (north)
09-074- SH 6 BS (underpass) at UPRR (south)
09-074- SH 6 BS (underpass) at Bennett St
Wichita Falls 03-243-0043-09-088 US 287 at Huntington
03-243-0043-09-090 US 287 at Wellington
03-244-0043-06-071 US 287 NB over US 70
03-244-0043-06-072 US 287 SB over US 70
Yoakum 13-008-0271-08-419 SH 36 under US 90 replacement project held up
13-076-0269-01-037 Main St over US 77 with historic issues
13-045-0535-08-186 IH 10 WB over SH 71 minor damage
13-045-0535-08-187 IH 10 EB over SH 71 minor damage
13-241-0089-06-180 FM 441 over US 59 minor damage

According to BRG officials, the sign bridge inventory is another issue. They have the
sign clearances from the LIDAR survey but don’t have a current database that identifies the
location of every sign bridge in the state. Sign bridges are hit by overheight vehicles, as are
structural bridges. Sign bridge support columns are also sometimes hit.
Overheight loads are the biggest problem with bridges. BRG officials do not see many
problems from overlength or overwidth loads. The most frequent type of damage is caused by
hits on overpasses. However, vehicles occasionally run off the road, get behind the guardrail, and

strike a bridge column. BRG officials noted that one should keep in mind that bridge column and
bridge rail hits can be due to regular 18-wheelers and other vehicles, not just overheight loads.
BRG officials indicated that they had seen damage claims up to $950,000 for impacts on
a bridge that resulted in a fire. This incidence occurred on IH 30 in Dallas. Tanker fires have
caused extensive bridge damage, but those did not necessarily occur due to overheight loads.
Bridge hits that don’t involve fire that are also on the high end of the cost spectrum are
those in which vehicles hit numerous beams and damage the bridge deck. When the deck is
damaged, bridge repair can be quite costly. The most common types of loads that hit bridges are
lumber and oil and gas:
a) Lumber constitutes about 50 percent of hits in East Texas. Logging trucks stack
logs fairly high, and the load will bounce as it travels down the road. The
remaining 50 percent of hits are primarily caused by equipment haulers, mainly
track hoes or back hoes.
b) Oil and gas OS/OW loads don’t constitute as high a percentage of the overheight
loads. Most of the oil and gas traffic is made up of regular 18-wheelers servicing
wells. Occasionally, hits from crane derricks occur, but these are not as frequent
as the other types of loads.

BRG officials noted that TxDOT has laser/beacon lights as one type of warning device
currently in use. Other warning devices include a radar-based system and the drop tube system
used by the San Angelo District. TxDOT has had some vandalism problems with the laser
systems, as they are stolen for copper wire. One such theft occurred in San Antonio. BRG
officials commented that there is a maintenance cost associated with these systems, as well as
issues regarding how to set laser sensitivity. For example, the laser system can be tripped by a
bird flying through the laser beam, setting off the beacon. The target size can be changed using
the control settings so that a larger object must pass through the beam before it sets off the
beacon. However, if a small section of a track hoe passes through the beam—a section roughly
the size of a bird—it’s essential that the laser beam set off the beacon.
CTR researchers then addressed the issue of super-heavy loads. BRG officials indicated
that there is an analysis performed for every bridge along a super-heavy route and that these
loads must have an escort so damage to bridges is not as frequent. Drivers are also required to
navigate the route before the load is moved so they can identify any problems beforehand.
TxDOT will work with the haulers, but at times these loads must travel through a small town and
make a turn at an intersection that makes taking down the signals necessary. In many cases, it is
harder to work with small towns, and they represent another cost.

1.6.5 Bryan District

Bryan District officials identified types of OS/OW loads that have caused damage to the
state-maintained highway system:
• Wind turbine equipment
• Power transformers
• Oil industry equipment
• Heavy construction machinery

• Logging and raw wood product trucks
• Gravel and rock haulers
• Super-heavy loads heavier than 250,000 lbs.

Super-heavy vehicles and those related to the oil field industry inflict the most OS/OW
damage in this district.
The types of pavement damage that has incurred include logging trucks damaging ditches
and pavement and driveway pipes. Rock haulers and oil field haulers have also damaged
pavement, causing failures and picking up seal coats. With respect to bridges, oil field equipment
has hit bridges with overheight unpermitted loads. Typically, this has caused beam impact
Damage to signs had also occurred, and officials reported that house movers, oil field
haulers, and super-heavy trucks had damaged numerous signs. Occasionally, drivers take these
down to get their load through and fail to put them back in place. Numerous traffic signals have
been damaged by oil industry equipment, transformers, and super-heavy loads. This includes
damage to signals heads and span wires. There has also been some damage from super-heavy
vehicles or overwidth loads to safety devices such as guardrails and vehicle impact attenuators.
District officials reported that they note damage from OS/OW loads about once to twice a
month. They commented that drivers of most loads failed to unbolt signal mast arms as directed
in the permit. Officials also noted that the trucking industry uses bucket trucks to jack or pull
mast arms up without first loosening the bolts. On average, damage occurred every month before
the summer of 2012. During summer of 2012, damage occurred daily.
Often, the district cannot submit a damage claim because very rarely is the police or
TxDOT notified. The only time district officials can ascertain if a damage claim exists is if
TxDOT or the police happen to drive up when the load is passing through.
The district has taken some steps to reduce the OS/OW damage, including installing extra
bridge height sings and adding permit restrictions.

1.6.6 El Paso District

The El Paso District does experience much damage to bridges or traffic signals due to
OS/OW loads. Most of the damage seen in this district is related to pavements and is due to
super-heavy loads or repeated 18-wheeler heavy loads such as aggregate haulers. District
officials could not specify how much load the aggregate haulers are carrying. More than 10 years
ago, the district conducted a study to help determine how much pavement life a super-heavy load
consumed. The District Engineer had wanted to know if a super-heavy traveled over a new
overlay and if so, how much of the life was consumed by that one load. (Dar Hao conducted this
District officials reported that they have many super-heavy loads traveling through the
district from Houston headed west to Arizona or California. A number of super-heavy loads also
travel from the Odessa District along US 62/US 180. In 2011, the district had to determine a way
for a seal coat contractor to place about 20 miles of seal coat and at the same time allow several
super-heavy loads to travel while this project was underway. The district worked with the MCD,
the carriers, and the contractor so that permits would vehicles to travel only at night. As it turned
out, there was favorable weather in the district, and temperatures dropped while loads were
moving so that during the day, the high temperatures were around 90 to 95 degrees F. At night,

temperatures dropped by 20 degrees F. Therefore, the loads did not cause damage to the seal
coat. According to district officials, “We were lucky. This same situation is going to occur again
next year, because we are going to seal coat about 40 miles along that same route.”
In terms of super-heavy loads, the district sees a lot of OS/OW loads for the refinery
industry, transformers, and quarry type dump truck body parts. From an overall perspective, the
district considers “that aggregate haulers and the refinery industry have the greatest impact on
our system.”
District officials reported that aggregate trucks coming into the city have caused a lot of
pavement damage. In particular, they notice rutting and shoving, especially at intersections
where these trucks come to a stop and then accelerate. For example, the McKelligon quarry in El
Paso is practically in the downtown area. The city rebuilt the streets leading to the quarry and
used PCC for the loaded direction and ACP for the unloaded (return) direction. However,
TxDOT was not involved in this project because it was funded by the city.
District officials noted, “One of the reasons we don’t see more damage on our (TxDOT)
roadways due to OW loads is that we have good material sources in our district.”

1.6.7 Fort Worth District

The CTR research team interviewed four people from the Fort Worth District to
investigate bridge engineering, traffic operations, maintenance, and PMIS/Brinsap coordination
in this district.
District officials observed that they have “perhaps two bridge hits per month, mostly
from oil field equipment but also from construction equipment.” They commented that quite
often the damage is not that severe but occasionally they do have a hit that causes damage that
requires replacing a beam. If the concrete rail and deck is damaged, repairs can be more
According to officials, the cost for repairing this damage varies significantly depending
on the extent of damage, type of structure (concrete or steel—steel is usually more expensive),
the length of the span, and other factors. Repair usually involves removing and replacing the
concrete that has been damaged once a beam is hit. Occasionally, a wing wall is hit, but this is
not a costly repair. When an overpass is hit and the steel strands remain intact, repair is not
considered substantial. However, if the strands have been cut, they may need to be spliced. As
mentioned, this depends on the extent of damage. District officials reported that the most
expensive types of damage are fairly rare.
Officials noted that they have raised a number of structures along IH 20 in the past few
years. This was not specifically due to OS/OW hits, although some might have occurred. For the
most part, bridges were raised when the roadway under the bridge was repaved. This may
necessitate raising or even replacing the bridge. However, the district did not increase the
clearance of a new structure beyond minimum requirements—bridges with a clearance of 16
feet, 6 inches are typically constructed.
District officials reported very few hits on sign bridges. When these occur, the
maintenance crew takes care of the repairs. The district has installed a few laser-beacon systems
to warn drivers of low clearance structures.
CTR researchers asked Fort Worth District officials how they find out about bridge hits.
They observed that most of the time they “do know who hit our bridge due to reports from the
local police or sheriff’s department or because a maintenance employee saw the damage occur
and can identify who hit the structure.” A district official stated, “I would say that the oil and gas

industry most commonly is involved in our OS/OW structure hits—we do get hits on our bridges
by other types of vehicles. In fact, I would say that most hits on columns are caused by non-
OS/OW loads.”
A traffic operations staffer noted that in the past three months, OS loads inflicted five hits
on signal mast arms. When a traffic signal is hit frequently, traffic operations contacts the MCD
in Austin to warn them not to route overheight loads along that particular route. The traffic
operations staffer noted, “We often don’t know who hits our traffic signals. We expect they are
unpermitted loads, and we’ve talked about installing a camera system to record the hit so that we
can get the truck company name.”
The staffer also commented that in the past, “We’ve had a number of hits on our sign
bridges, but it’s not quite a frequent now.” Traffic operations notes, on average, one hit every
five months. Historically, a sign bridge on SH 21 was hit frequently, so an ITS group installed a
sensor beacon system that senses when an overheight truck is approaching. The system flashes,
warning the truck driver to exit before the bridge.
Other than installing the beacon, the staffer remarked that traffic operations has not done
much retrofitting or design modification to accommodate OS/OW loads. Nearly all of the
district’s signals consist of mast arms. “We don’t have many of the temporary strand wire signal
systems,” the staffer reported.
The district’s maintenance engineer also commented that most of the design changes in
the district have been related to pavements, noting that “we’ve had to go to thicker pavement
designs to handle the heavier loads related to the oil industry.” Bridge hits were problematic a
few years ago due to inexperienced drivers; however, this has decreased with time.
The maintenance engineer also observed that on the maintenance side, the district has
more problems with overlength loads on FM roads or at county road intersections within its right
of way, specifically in cases where a county road intersects an FM. Most of the district’s
roadways are designed for interstate commerce, so problems usually occur when an OS/OW load
travels on the lower volume roads. For example, overlength loads cause many crushed culvert
ends, concrete pipe and corrugated metal pipe, at FM road intersections. This is because the
intersection was not designed to handle the turning radius that these heavier and longer oil field
trucks require, so they end up knocking down or running over signs and culverts. If a culvert end
gets crushed, drainage problems result which in turn affect the pavement.
District officials also noted that another issue is county roads that intersect with the on-
system network. County roads are designed to the same thickness or materials specifications as
state roads. When heavier oil field trucks come to a stop at an intersection, this causes a county
road to shove and rut. Because the county road intersection is in TxDOT right of way, TxDOT is
responsible for repairs. Saltwater trucks are usually too long to operate on narrow FM and county
roads and cause a fair amount of these problems. District officials pointed out that local roads
lead up to well heads, resulting in problems caused by oil field trucks. Often, these trucks track
mud onto the FM that ends up rubbing off the pavement striping. These trucks tear up the raised
pavement markers as well. Trucks make turning movements at the location of the well head
where it leads to a FM road with a seal coat. These seal coats are not designed to take a lot of
wear and tear caused by turning movements, and the truck ends up eroding the aggregate.
TxDOT usually has to go back with a cold mix patch to repair these areas. District officials
mentioned that “we also have had more edge repairs to do because of the heavy oil field traffic
on narrow FM roads. The trucks tend to ride the outside pavement edge, which ends up causing a
pavement drop-off which has to be repaired.”

The district maintenance engineer commented, “I’d say the three main types of OS/OW
loads that cause damage are oil field, equipment haulers, and overheight loads that are off their
permit route or are operating without a permit.”
CTR researchers also interviewed the district staffer who performs all the BRINSAP
inspections. This staffer stated that he is on-call 24/7 to review bridges after they are hit. This
staffer used to keep a diary to record bridge hits and the type of damage that occurred; however,
there were so many requests for information, a database proved to be more functional. This
database contains information about which bridge was hit, when it was hit, the type of damage
that occurred, and repair costs. The database also contains photographs.
The district staffer noted that most bridge damage it not related to weight; an inspection
of bridges conducted before and after a super-heavy load crosses a bridge reveals no evident
damage, unlike pavement. The staffer had previously worked as permit coordinator for the El
Paso District and had traveled with some super-heavy loads. The staffer recalled that one load
weighed 900,000 lbs. Two hot-mix trucks followed the load to make repairs to the pavement
where rutting occurred. However, this type of load damage is not typical to bridges. Most of the
damage observed is due to bridge hits, and, in fact, some bridges have been hit numerous times.
If a load damages a pre-stressed beam, replacing the beam can cost upwards of $120,000. If two
beams must be replaced, the cost is close to $150,000.
The staffer noted that the Jack County commissioner was “pretty smart” in striking a deal
with wind farm developers bringing in components ill-suited to some county roads and cross
drainage structures. Apparently, the commissioner informed developers that if they wanted to use
the county roads to transport loads, they would have to pick up the bill for replacing the
structures. The developers paid for structures that needed to be replaced.

1.6.8 Lubbock District

The Lubbock District pavement engineer stated that he had communicated with his traffic
section, which noted that there was no problem with sign damage from OS/OW loads. The
district has upgraded its signals to the mast arm design, but this modification was not related to
OS/OW loads.
The engineer observed that there have been several hits on signals in Seminole. Because
the engineer sees every OS/OW load that goes through the district, he worked with the permit
group to establish restrictions. For example, if a particular intersection has several hits, the route
is restricted, and OS/OW loads must make a detour around the town. Another option is requiring
an OS/OW load to have a police escort through town to make sure damage does not occur. The
police escort is placed as a requirement on the permit.
The district pavement engineer remarked that in the past, there have been few problems
with loads getting stuck under a bridge, and these instances are rare. One load traveling on North
Loop got stuck under a bridge. The air was let out of the vehicle’s tires, but the vehicle remained
stuck. The bridge was subsequently jacked up, and considerable damage was inflicted to the
bridge seats.
Another bridge known as the Old Cemetery Bridge in Tahoka has been hit multiple
times. The district pavement engineer placed a permanent restriction on this route. However, a
number of the bridge or signal hits are due to unpermitted loads. The engineer observed that “…I
will say that although most of our OS/OW loads are associated with the oil industry, there is one
company that is very good about getting their permits. I can’t say the same thing about all of the
oil companies, though.”

The district pavement engineer remarked that all kinds of OS/OW loads move through
the district on the way west or north to Oklahoma. Because Odessa has had problems with
bridges getting hit and one bridge closed, the Lubbock District has had more big loads routed
through it. The week before CTR researchers interviewed district officials, 15 permits had been
issued for windmill parts heading north to Oklahoma. The district had to put length restrictions
on its south loop because of its cloverleaf ramps. Some of the turbine blades couldn’t make the
turn, so the route was restricted.
The engineer has also seen a number of big generators move through the district, some
headed west to California en route to Japan. These generators were ordered to replace the nuclear
power plants that were being taken off line. The engineer had also witnessed generators moving
north, which could be related to wind turbine plants.
The district pavement engineer noted that in Parmer, Bailey, and Lamb counties, a fair
amount of pavement damage is due to the dairy and agriculture industry. The engineer stated,
“The dairy trucks must be running overweight. They have exemptions, so there’s nothing we can
do.” Also, that area of the district has gone to two harvest seasons each year for corn and maize
to feed the dairy cattle. There are numerous dairy farms in the area—around Muleshoe, for
The engineer commented, “I’ve been trying to get a new weigh-in motion system
installed on US 60 to measure the loads associated with the dairy and agricultural truck traffic.
The amount of truck traffic in that area has really increased.”
The engineer also noted that the district has a lot of quarry dump truck components that
move through the district. However, he could not say that equipment haulers in particular were
problematic with regard to hitting bridges or signs.
Finally, the engineer commented that in the past, there were problems with damage to the
FM road system during construction of wind turbines. However, he could not say, “We’ve had a
big problem with overheight loads hitting our property.”

1.6.9 Lubbock District—Littlefield Area Engineer

The Littlefield Area engineer for the Lubbock District indicated that there are 35 dairies
in the counties he manages. If a dairy is located along a four-lane, divided roadway with 48 feet
of paved width, damage is at a minimum. However, if a dairy is located on a 20-foot-wide FM
road, dairy trucks cause extensive damage. The engineer pointed out that these roads were built
in the 1950s and cannot bear the loads some of dairy operations place on them.
CTR researchers inquired about the types of trucks that the district sees operating from
the dairies. According to the area engineer, these include milk trucks 18-wheeler tanker trucks.
However, he could not say that particular attention had been paid to axle spacing to determine if
the trucks fell into the exception, which allows tandem axle sets on the tractor and the trailer to
be spaced at 28 feet as opposed to the legal requirement of 36 feet. The engineer could not recall
if the trucks looked any different regular 18-wheelers. The trucks that inflict the most damage are
manure trucks that operate from the dairy after pens are cleaned. These trucks are usually 6-yard
dump trucks, but they are loaded to capacity and more often loaded to 8 or even 10 yards. The
low-volume, narrow FM roads cannot take that kind of load.
CTR researchers asked if the district could determine how much these manure trucks
weighed. The area engineer estimated that “they are overloaded by at least 50 percent,” likely
weighing close to 80,000 lbs. The engineer commented that “although the exemption might
specifically apply to milk tank trucks, the local interpretation of the law is that any truck going

into or out of a dairy is exempt from load limits.” The engineer went on to state that these
vehicles tear up the edges of the roads, resulting in edge drop offs. The drought posed many
problems during the past couple of years as well. The engineer noted that if it rains and the
manure trucks start running, “we might see an 11-foot-wide lane deteriorate to 9-and-a-half feet
within a week or so.”
Lubbock’s Littlefield Area has three overpasses, and these structures have been hit
several times by overheight loads. In the last few years, two of these structures have been
replaced. The area engineer noted that on low-volume FM roads, there are multiple box culverts,
built back in the 1950s and 1960s. The concrete was of higher quality during these decades, and
more reinforcing steel was used than is now. Therefore, these structures hold up well to heavy
CTR researchers inquired if the district had noticed ends culverts getting crushed by
heavy or long oil field trucks making turns on FM roads. Researchers also asked if there were
problems with signs getting knocked down. The area engineer replied, “No. Actually, we usually
have 100-foot ROW limits on our FM roads, and that allows us to extend our culverts out
further. We also put safety end treatments on our culverts, so I’d have to say that’s not really a
problem for us.” However, edge drop-off damage from dual wheels is the biggest problem noted
on FM roads; trucks often run right onto the pavement edge.
The area engineer mentioned that the damage inflicted by dairy trucks doesn’t even
compare to that caused by oil field traffic. One county in this district experiences heavy oil field
traffic, and while a dairy truck can weigh 80,000 to 100,000 lbs., an oil field truck or some
bigger equipment can weigh 80,000, 300,000, or 400,000 lbs., and even up to 700,000 lbs. These
rigs run on narrow FM roads in temperatures of 105 degrees F., and observable damage was
noted on one FM road in one afternoon. By the end of the day, it resembled a “caliche haul
This area also has a lower volume of FM roads, so the ADT can be 700 vehicles per day
with 200 trucks. The district does widen these routes, but with a cost of roughly $2 million, it
usually executes only one contract every other year. However, the district does not have the
funds to widen every FM road that needs it. The area engineer remarked that the district does
more mileage with its own maintenance crews, widening the roads to 26 feet, and might do 20
miles of widening with maintenance forces in a year. The district typically uses one of two
strategies on widening projects: caliche or RAP.

1.6.10 Lufkin District

The Lufkin District’s maintenance director noted that an OS/OW load hit a bridge the
week before this interview. In this instance, it was a storage tank; however, the director noted
that “our biggest problem is the logging industry.” The majority of damage caused by OS/OW
loads in the Lufkin District is due to non-permitted or “boot-leg” loads. The director indicated
that a trucker hauling an overheight load may hit a bridge and just keep driving, noting, “(I)n
fact, we have a pile of logs in some areas which we’ve found in the road which have been
knocked off as the truck(s) went under the overpass(es).” A number of years ago, district
officials reported that a logging truck hit a bridge; the top log came off the trailer and hit the car
traveling behind the truck, resulting in a fatality.
Logging trucks not only hit structures but also railway bridges. For example, one railway
bridge has been hit fairly frequently by logging trucks and non-permitted loads. The railway
company has to come out and straighten and/or repair the steel beams.

The Lufkin District typically designs traffic signals at the 19-foot clearance height;
district officials observed that it does not cost much more to go to the 19-foot maximum
compared to 18 feet when doing the design. Changing the height of signals or structures after
they’re built is more expensive. The district does not have many span wire signal systems; most
signals are mast arm.
The Lufkin District has raised some TxDOT structures to increase clearance. For
example, the East Loop 287 bridge was raised about six years ago for around $1 million dollars.
The district currently has a contract in development for approximately $10 million dollars to
replace and provide more clearance at a railway bridge that gets hit by overheight loads fairly
frequently. This requires considerable coordination with the railway, and the district has worked
with the railway company about six months on that project, which has recently been approved.
Another railway bridge was raised by one foot about five years ago.
The district has a $30 to $40 million interchange project in which raising structure
heights is part of the design. A part of this project includes raising a bridge that has had problems
with hits in the past: Business 59 going over US 59. Another bridge that has been hit recently is
on Business 69. An equipment carrier hauling forklifts left the forks up, and the forks hit the
The maintenance director pointed out that the costliest problem occurs when OS/OW
loads tear up a fresh seal coat. This happens frequently in urban areas, where the OS/OW truck is
trying to miss traffic signals and ends up turning the rock on the fresh seal coat. The district ends
up with flushing and must do an overlay to fix the problem. In another instance, lowboys were
hung up at the intersection between a FM road and US 190 in San Jacinto County. The road
profile at this intersection was reworked so the lowboy would have more clearance. This cost
about $15,000.
The director observed that “our top three types of OS/OW loads that cause damage in our
district that we know about are logging, oil field, and heavy equipment.”
CTR researchers asked if low-clearance signals had been installed; the director noted that
two sets of laser-flashing beacon systems were in place. Finally, the director pointed out that the
district’s biggest problem is bootleg loads, and that the second biggest problem is the TxPROS
permit itself. “You really should get a copy of one of those permits and try to follow the
directions given for a routed load,” he stated. The maintenance director remarked that he had
come across OS/OW loads sitting on the side of the road or at a low bridge and had stopped to
read the permit directions to try to help the driver figure out which route he was supposed to
take. He commented, “Even I can’t understand the directions—although I live here.” A major
problem is that the permit will often use local community names, and these communities may not
now exist. So, for example, a permit may state, “Turn right at X community.” As stated above,
the maintenance director did not know where the community was. The truck driver, who may
often not be local, couldn’t locate it either and was unable to follow the permit directions. If the
load is permitted but the directions are hard to read, the driver is likely to veer from the permitted
route at some point.

1.6.11 Paris District

The Paris District director of operations noted that this district is not in one of the
booming parts of the state, e.g., Fort Worth, as it does not have energy sector development.
However, he had attended a meeting where Fort Worth officials described the NE Texas Traffic
and Operations and the pavement damage problems they deal with due to oil field traffic.

There have been some bridge hits by OS loads in the Paris District; however, this is not
attributed to any specific industry. The director observed that some loads are large concrete or
steel components, while others are compressors or maybe a track hoe. If a bridge is hit, the
district usually has a call-out contract for the damage repair to do epoxy injection of the damaged
area—around $20,000 per repair.
The district has had to make adjustments to maintain clearance under a bridge when
doing an overlay. For example, the district was doing a bonded concrete overlay on a jointed
concrete pavement along US 75 and had to transition down as it approached the bridge to
maintain adequate clearance. Again, the district director stated, “I can’t say that it was directly
related to OS/OW loads.”
The district has not had to adjust any traffic signals, and the only low clearance beacon
the district had was removed when the IH 30/SH 34 interchange was rebuilt.
Overall, the director of operations noted, “I’d have to say that OS/OW load damage is not
a major problem in our district.”

1.6.12 San Angelo District

District officials commented on damage from OS/OW loads affecting a bridge on US 277
that has been hit between 5 and 10 times. The district now has a contract to raise the bridge and
lower the roadway under the bridge. The total project cost is $300,000. This project will add an
additional 6 inches of clearance to the bridge.
District officials have not always been able to write a damage claim when this bridge is
hit; however, the last two times, the truckers who hit it were identified, and a claim was filed.
When bridges are hit, damage can vary markedly. Scraps may simply be noted along a few
beams, or chunks of concrete can fall to the pavement below and expose the reinforcing steel.
The last hit to the aforementioned bridge was caused by a short haul move. The driver was
moving an excavator without a permit.
District officials identified the top three types of loads that hit bridges and signals as
(i) Equipment haulers
(ii) Oil field business—vehicles often haul big trusses or machinery used in the oil
a. These items can be overdimensional and heavy.
(iii) Wind Turbines
i. District officials have made emergency calls when wind turbines were
traveling along a route through an intersection and got hung up in the
signals. This backed traffic up considerably until the signals could be
temporarily raised so the wind turbine could pass through with adequate
clearance. District officials commented that they would “guess (that)
considering a bucket truck, two personnel, traffic control, and related
costs, it’s about $2,000 for us to make one of these emergency calls to
reset the signals.”

It is difficult to quantify the costs associated with OS/OW loads in the Paris District,
because there are so many different types of damage that occur or other costs associated with
work the district needs to do to accommodate these loads. For example the district noted, “We

have a fair amount of oil field traffic that ends up causing four- to six-inch drop-offs at our
pavement edges due to repeated loading. We can pull the shoulder up to take care of this
problem; however, if a wide load comes through with their duals running right on the pavement
edge, they make break off a foot of pavement. We can’t pull the shoulders up to take care of that
problem. It means we will need to do an edge repair at each location.”
The district has experienced guardrail hits from OS/OW loads, and OS/OW loads have
become stuck in construction zones. In this instance, the trucks were not supposed to be traveling
along that route due to restricted lane widths. However, many of these loads run without a
permit, so drivers don’t know when to avoid a certain route where construction is underway.
These loads can enter the construction zone and hit concrete traffic barriers.
Another type of damage that occurred this summer was due to super-heavy loads
traveling through the Paris District. A steep grade exists at one location in Junction, close to
Lakey. The district had just finished placing a seal coat on the pavement when two super-heavy
loads came through. As the vehicles started up the incline, the trucks started tearing up seal coat.
There was no place for the load to pull over, so they peeled up about one mile of seal coat before
coming to a stop.
Paris district officials also mentioned another specific instance in which several OS/OW
loads hit a truss bridge leading across the Llano River (Lake Junction) on Loop 481 in Junction,
Kimble County. This bridge had lead paint, and it needed to be repainted. The district had to
construct a structure somewhat like a tunnel to allow traffic through, all the while protecting it
from the paint residue being removed. The tunnel was also designed to trap and capture the lead
paint as it was removed. This reduced the bridge to one lane, and it was closed to OS/OW load
permitted vehicles. Again, several unpermitted OS/OW loads attempted passage and got hung up
in the tunnel system. One load actually tore out a portion of the tunnel liner. District officials
also recollected that a motor home might have been stuck as well.
As this project progressed, to help alert truckers of the low clearance, the district installed
a PVC pipe installation with the pipes hanging down permanently (not dangling, like the drop
tube system). If a trucker hit and broke off the PVC pipes, he knew that he was going to hit the
tunnel liner.
The district does have one low-clearance device installed, but it is not a laser/beacon
system; rather, it consists of an older system that uses a light beam and shrill whistle to let
drivers hauling OS/OW loads know they will hit the bridge.

1.6.13 Waco District

CTR researchers interviewed the Waco District maintenance engineer. He had contacted
his maintenance supervisors to request information about OS/OW damage, which is documented
in the following e-mail excerpts.
In Bell County, district officials recollected that over the past 25 years, four bridges had
been hit by excavators being moved, resulting in beam damage. Three bridges were repaired, and
one bridge on IH 35 at SH 53 was completely replaced and raised. Concerning roadway damage,
they could not attribute damage specifically from OS/OW loads. There have been a few
instances of sign and guardrail damage. The IH 35 bridge in Bell County was replaced in
conjunction with the construction projects going on, so it was not raised solely because it had
been hit.
In Hill County, district officials noted that a couple of signs were damaged (“we
suspected”) by long concrete power pole haulers on a 5C project. Although drivers weren’t

caught in the act, there were a lot of pole hauling activities at that time. These trucks also
damaged some pavement edges on IH 35 SBSF at CR 3102. However, this damage was left
alone, as the roadway will be eliminated later on in construction.
In Coryell/Hamilton Counties, no damage has been noted. Most loads in these counties
have been wind turbines and generators.
In McLennan County, a staffer could only think of two locations that consistently
experience damage: US 77 at SH 6 and SH 6 at SP412. At US 77 at SH 6, the guardrail is often
hit and repaired by contract. The staffer commented, “Over the years, we have asked for a
requirement that loads going through this cloverleaf to get on US 77 south normally, and have a
turning axle on the rear. This helps some, but damages still occur there.” The staffer noted that
long loads carrying windmill parts are typically the problem, or, in some instances just long
loads. On SH 6 at SP412, the low bridge often gets hit, despite clearance signs with flags that
have been posted. The hits occur when vehicles travel both directions. Mobile home haulers are
normally the problem, district officials say.

1.6.14 Wichita Falls District

According to the Wichita Falls District’s traffic engineer, OS/OW damage is usually
caused by unpermitted overheight loads. A bridge had just been hit by a track hoe, damaging
every beam. The repair bill is about $180,000.
About six months ago, a truck hauling a piece of scrap steel from an oil field hit a signal
and then a sign bridge; the vehicle finally stopped before hitting an overpass. The driver hit the
signal and sign bridge and kept on going. The damage wasn’t that extensive, and the district was
able to make repairs to the sign bridge and the signal for around $5,000.
The traffic engineer commented that “about 50 to 75 percent of the damage due to
OS/OW loads are unpermitted vehicles; we don’t have a lot of overpasses in our district and had
about three to four hits last year.” The three most frequent types of loads involved in damages to
TxDOT property in this district were energy industry, equipment, and agriculture. Farm
equipment occasionally hits a signal or a bridge, but the damage is less severe because these
trucks don’t travel as fast as those bearing other types of loads. The only other type of cost that
district officials could recall having been incurred due to OS/OW loads was a project in Bowie,
which was extended to include a railroad crossing so the crossing could be reworked. Lowboys
would sometimes get hung up on the tracks.
CTR researchers inquired about signal clearance installation, and the engineer noted that
the district has not installed any laser systems or low clearance beacons.
Finally, the traffic engineer stated, “The only other comment I would make is that the real
damage is caused by the overweight trucks to our pavements. The fees don’t nearly cover the
cost of damage.”

1.6.15 Yoakum District

The Yoakum District has started to utilize two different devices to warn drivers with
overheight loads of low overpass clearances.
The “ding-a-ling” system was developed by the district to warn truckers that their rig
height exceeds the height of an overpass they are approaching. See Figure 1.11 for the schematic
for this device.

Figure 1.11: Drop Tube Warning Device for High Loads: “Ding-a-Ling” System

The district has installed four of these systems in Columbus and Sealy; however, one
system was eliminated when a low clearance railway bridge was removed, and the other was
replaced with a laser and flashing warning beacon/low clearance sign. The laser/beacon
assembly cost $23,000 to install. District officials noted that they were able to use the posts that
had previously been used for the ding-a-ling system.
The laser/flashing beacon was installed at the IH 10 EB overpass in Columbus (Colorado
County) and has been successful; however, the district does have some problems because the
bridge is near several restaurants, and truckers sometimes park in front of the sign/beacon and
obscure it. District officials have had discussions with the city regarding enforcement of the “no
parking” signs. This system projects a laser line across the road, so an overheight vehicle will
break the beam and cause the warning beacon to flash. Figure 1.12 shows the light transmitter
and light receiver. Figure 1.13 shows the typical warning sign and typical last sign.

Figure 1.12: Light Transmitter and Receiver

Figure 1.13: Typical Warning Sign and Last Sign

The IH 10 EB overpass has a clearance of 14 feet, 5 inches heading north, so low

clearance is an issue. About 10 years ago, the district also raised two low clearance bridges on IH
10 that were also hit fairly often.
District officials commented that before the laser and beacon systems were installed, “we
had a ding-a-ling system at this location, and it has been hit, and, in fact, torn out in one instance.
When a truck hits the PVC pipe, which is placed at the same height as the overpass clearance, a
noise is produced which alerts the driver of the potential hazard. However, because these devices
do create noise, there are problems using them near residential areas and businesses.”
The ding-a-ling system in Sealy is placed near a railway bridge on SH 36 SB approaching
old US 90. When the district first installed these systems, they worked well and did not require
maintenance; however, these units use aluminum drop tubes, and during the years, the quality of
the tubes has varied (due to the low bid system), resulting in heavier tubes that cause stretching
of the cables and lowering of the PVC pipe. This means the district has to periodically check the
height and make adjustments when necessary. Also, the tubes take quite a beating and require
There is no particular industry associated with OS/OW damage, district officials state. In
Cuero, however, there are numerous hits on signals due to energy-related loads. These hits don’t
always result in replacement of the signal head or mast. In many cases, the signal head has been
turned and requires readjustment. Quite often, these loads are traveling unescorted and may have
a piece of equipment with an adjustable height that had not been completely lowered.
There are approximately 128 signals in the Yoakum District (11 counties). In 2006 or
2007, the district upgraded its signals to 12-inch LEDs and lost some height as a result. As the

district upgrades signal pole installations, it is installing the signals at the maximum height (19
feet) to provide added clearance. However, the district is not specifically installing upgraded
mast arms and signals or changing signal heights/designs to accommodate OS/OW loads.
Usually, when a city wants to upgrade an intersection to include pedestrian crossing signals,
which is not possible with the older style signal systems. There are two locations like this in
Cuero. The district also noted that limited funding exists to upgrade existing span wire signal
Another type of signal installation that the district plans to upgrade is two traffic posts
placed diagonally at an intersection with a wire stretched across the intersection. These
installations require the signal head to be mounted vertically, limiting clearance.
District officials commented that “other than the overpass structures, we have problems
with signs being knocked down by wind turbine loads coming from Hallettsville through
Yoakum and traveling to Shiner.” Apparently, the vehicles had detoured through Yoakum due to
bridge construction that is underway along the route they would normally take.
District officials noted that within the past year, an OS load hung up on the railroad
tracks in Bellville on SH 159 in Austin County. The load was hit by a train, but there were no
injuries. There is an overpass in Schulenburg on US 77 that gets hit fairly frequently. The
overpass is a local street with less than 15 feet of clearance.

1.7 State and Local Government Departments and Divisions

This section contains interviews with state and local government districts and divisions
conducted July through October 2012.

1.7.1 Attorney General’s Office

CTR researchers spoke to an attorney in the Office of the Attorney General (OAG)
referred to them by TxDOT’s Office of General Council, as the OAG had current cases regarding
OS/OW vehicle damage. The attorney estimates that he has at least one OS/OW case a year;
however, he has only worked for attorney general for one year.
CTR researchers asked how many cases the OAG is handling that involve OS/OW
vehicles. According to the attorney, the office took on three cases this year, and two are still
Case 1 involved $600,000 damage to a bridge. It went to trial for a week. Approximately
$100,000 in AG attorney’s fees was spent on this case. Apparently, this case was complex, as the
company had used the route given under the permit. The plaintiff argued therefore that the
accident and damage was TxDOT’s fault. TxDOT argued that the plaintiff did not take caution
and care while driving, nor did he take notice of height/load postings on the route. The jury split
liability 50/50 in this case.
The two pending two cases are for bridge hits, with approximately $200,000 in damages
to the bridge in each instance. The attorney noted that one issue that often arises in bridge hit
cases is that when the bridge is repaired, it is often improved. Therefore, plaintiffs argue that
they should only have to pay the actual cost of restoring the bridge to its original condition. In
such instances, the attorney representing the state meets with TxDOT staffers to determine what
the actual cost should be.
Overall, the OAG has approximately 900 pending damage claims, but not all of these
involve an OS/OW vehicle. TxDOT first tries to collect all the costs of damages through the
damage claims process. If this does not work, TxDOT submits all citations to OAG to handle.

The OAG will go after damage of any kind, no matter how small, once handed cases by TxDOT.
The OAG will sue both driver and the company. However, in most cases, the driver does not
contest the case. Therefore, the suit against the driver is dropped, and the OAG sues the
company. In most cases, the OAG ascertains that the accident happened when driver was an
employee of a company and then drops this case and to pursue the company.
Attorney’s fees can be claimed in such suits, so most companies opt to settle. Checks are
cut from both company and insurance companies. CTR researchers asked if the OAG ever
receives or posts suit on the bonds that are posted for OS/OW vehicles. The attorney representing
the OAG noted that the office does not pursue funds via the bonds that get posted.
Once fines and damage amounts are received, the OAG submits a form to TxDOT
indicating how much has been received and how these monies are to be allocated. The attorney
did not know if the money TxDOT receives is applied to Fund 6.

1.7.2 City of Dallas

Officials for the City of Dallas Department of Street Services noted that while they did
not have any quantifiable information about the impact of OS/OW loads on its infrastructure,
they did have general observations about the types of damage that occurs.
The most damaging vehicle type on city streets is the bus. The damage buses cause due to
heavy loads applied along the same routes day after day is visually evident. The second most
damaging types of OW loads are construction vehicles operating on city or local streets during
the construction of a large commercial building, subdivision, or apartment complex. It is easy to
see how fast the streets are torn up when heavy equipment and materials such as asphalt are
trucked to a construction site. Officials noted that this was especially true if the access point is a
side street where other heavy traffic typically doesn’t operate. The street is damaged due to
construction traffic related to a specific building. They noted that they have no way to recover
the damages that occur; some might consider this part of the cost of economic development.
CTR researchers asked if they noticed other types of traffic such as gravel haulers, oil
field equipment, and agriculture. City officials responded that they “could not attribute a specific
type of truck or industry that does the most damage, because the heavy trucks are mixed together
and operate amongst all of the other traffic. So it would be hard to say which type of truck
caused specific damage to the roadway. Partially this is because traffic is concentrated on the
state routes entering the city, so you might see large numbers of heavy trucks on specific
corridors, but once the traffic reaches the city street system, it disperses. This means that we
might see damage on certain streets in heavy industrial areas of the city or at a ready mix or hot
mix asphalt plant. But otherwise, we don’t really see extensive damage due to the oil industry or
other specific groups that you might see on a state route.”
The researchers inquired if city officials noticed much damage to other types of city
property such as guardrails or bridges, for example. They stated that they did not have any
factual data on this. It could occur, but they were not aware of specific instances in the city. They
did note that shale operations west of the city have had problems with damage from oil field
trucks. However, the shale oil field work hasn’t yet pushed into the City of Dallas, so they were
not currently seeing damage specifically related to the oil sector.
CTR researchers then asked city officials if they had seen damage to city streets due to
garbage or ready mix trucks that are exempt from legal load limits and that can operate at higher
axle load limits. The city officials noted that Dallas has an extensive alley system that garbage
trucks use. This offsets damage to city streets. For ready mix trucks, damage can occur on routes

leading directly to and from a ready mix plant, but from there, the loads disperse and travel in
different directions so it’s difficult to state that ready mix specifically caused damage noted.
Officials did note, however, that when the trucks hauling equipment or materials arrive at a new
housing development, they notice increased damage as the truck loads become more
City officials did note that they see damage from heavy trucks at intersections due to
stopping and acceleration. Damage to driveways and curb and gutter at locations where heavy
trucks are delivering their loads is also evident. There city had also seen a problem with school
buses making turns that knock down signs. They also note that they do encounter problems with
heavy trucks making turns at intersections not designed for the size of the vehicle. Therefore,
damage is done to signal poles and/or signs; however, city officials estimated that in only 10
percent of the cases “do we know who actually caused the damage.” If there is a police report
related to damage, it is usually due to a serious accident, or the traffic mast arm was knocked
down. However, this occurs with routine traffic as well, so it is hard to say that OS/OW trucks in
particular cause the damage.
The city has a monitoring program to help manage traffic signal installations and identify
span wire signals or signals mounted at lower heights. These are prioritized, and they identify
locations where higher numbers of hits occur. The City of Dallas is working toward replacing
these, but funding must be considered.
The city has not installed any type of low clearance warning signs or beacons on its
system. City officials consider knocked down signs or even signal damage as just a regular part
of its business that occurs due to both routine traffic and heavy trucks. They do not specifically
identify OS/OW vehicles as a major contributing factor.
According to city officials, they do not see OS/OW trucks in particular being a major
problem in Dallas.

1.7.3 Dallas County

The Dallas County’s Assistant Director of Transportation & Planning County Public
Works Department was interviewed by CTR researchers. The assistant director noted that Dallas
County has about 120 miles of roadway under its management, and most of this mileage is made
up of local streets, not major arterials. Most of the bridges on the county network are TxDOT
structures. OS/OW loads didn’t cause too much damage in Dallas County. The assistant director
commented, “When incidental damage does occur, we often don’t know how it occurred or what
type of load was involved.” The county does not keep records of the damage or cost of repairs.
The county only occasionally saw OS/OW loads on its network, and these are typically
very large loads, such as transformers. The assistant director commented, “Since the permit route
is pre-planned, we typically do not see damage during these moves.” The assistant director could
not recall any specific steps that they have taken to specifically address OS/OW loads. County
officials are aware, however, that the damage from these loads is a problem on the state system.
The county does have an oversize permit request form. This can be seen in Figure 1.14.

Figure 1.14: Dallas County OW/OS Permit Form

1.7.4 Ector County—Road and Bridge

Ector County officials noted that they don’t have any bridges on the Ector County
system, so the main impacts they have seen from OS/OW vehicles is damage to signs and heavy
damage to asphalt roadways.
On average, three to four signs are knocked down each week by heavy oil field trucks
that can’t make turns within their narrow right of way. The signs have been reset further back
from the road as a compensatory measure. County officials noted that the damage to asphalt
roads occurs primarily when an oil field company is moving a rig. They observed that “we don’t
really have damage from other types of OS/OW loads. It is mainly all oil field related.” County
officials indicated they would pass on recent images of damage.

1.7.5 City of Fort Worth

City of Fort Worth officials noted that gas drilling and operations have had a major
impact on city streets. These were not designed to handle this type of traffic, which causes
tremendous damage to local residential streets. The top three industries that they are seeing
damage from are oil and gas, construction, and trash/recycling.

The city had commissioned a study a few years ago to review and suggest a policy for
OS/OW vehicle management. However, this policy was not implemented. City officials noted
that a couple of other cities, such as Denton, had also examined this issue.
City officials stated that they are using an ad-hoc process for working with companies
(regular and OS/OW loads) to develop routes to stay on stronger major arterials. This is done on
a case-by-case basis. A visual inspection is performed prior to the load moving; afterward,
another visual inspection is completed to determine “the damage which will be paid by the
operator to rehab the street.” The negotiation is with an individual company, and city officials
estimated that damage amounts received from these private companies ranges from $30,000 to
$100,000 per incident.
Another common type of damage is bridge hits. Fort Worth has quite a few bridges with
a low clearance of 13 feet, and all types of trucks constantly hit these bridges. Some warning
signals have been installed around these low-clearance bridges. Officials could not recall if there
were a substantial number of hits to signals. They noted that they raise bridges up to a 16-foot
clearance whenever they have the opportunity.
Other specific types of truck damage in Fort Worth were caused by local construction
trucks, super-sized concrete mixer trucks (10-yard rear axle base), and garbage and solid waste
and recycling trucks. Local streets were not constructed to tolerate these loads and trips.
The city does require a bond to be held by trucking companies, but officials noted, “This
is not for damage, specifically. The contract of the company is bonded so the city is not liable for
its financial impacts. It does not cover damage to infrastructure.” City officials noted that they
rarely catch the individuals who do damage.
The city does issue permits Table 1.11 depicts the fee schedule. The issuing department
has recently changed; it has just been moved to the Development Department.

Table 1.11: City of Forth Worth OS/OW Permit Fee

Overweight load—single trip $20
Oversize load
Single trip $20
Not to exceed 30 days $45
Not to exceed 60 days $60
Not to exceed 90 days $75
Any permit issued hereunder shall include at least the following:
The name of the applicant, the date, a description of the equipment is to be
operated and a description of the commodity to be transported.
The signature of an authorized member of the police department and the
public works department.
The time for which the permit is issued.
The specified street or streets over which the equipment is to be operated, insofar as
it can be determined at the time the permit is issued.

1.7.6 Harris County

CTR researchers interviewed staffers in Harris County Infrastructure’s traffic section,
who noted that they had not seen a lot of damage to traffic signals because of OS/OW loads. This

is because escorts usually do a pretty good job making sure the signals are out of the way before
the load comes through. Frequently, the escorts that provide these services are actually traffic
signal installation firms that are subcontracted by the heavy haul company. Therefore, they
usually know what they are doing. The only time Harris County experiences problems is when
an escort tries to move quickly to keep up with the load and the signals aren’t put back exactly
right. County personnel make the adjustments for about $300 per service call.
A staffer stated than in his more than 20 years of experience, he had seen about three
instances when an equipment load caused damage to signals. He noted that when it happens, it’s
catastrophic, but it does occur rarely. The staffer indicated that an issue the county runs into is
when companies who purchase a TxDOT permit think they are good to travel on any roadway in
the state. Companies often don’t know that Harris County also has OS/OW permits and that
having a TxDOT permit doesn’t allow them to run on the county system. Aside from this, the
staffer commented that any damage that occurs due these loads is rare and “just a routine part of
our business.”
Harris County apparently sells approximately five OS/OW permits per year. The OS/OW
permit request and road rules are available at the following website: Figure 1.15 depicts the various vehicle permit
types, and Figure 1.16 shows the permit form. Harris County Road Law and its Bond Form can
be seen in Appendix F.

Figure 1.15: Harris County: Diagrams of Various Types of Vehicles

Figure 1.16: Harris County Oversize Overweight Application Form

1.7.7 Tarrant County Transportation Department
CTR researchers interviewed the interim director of the Tarrant County Transportation
The interim director noted that most of the bridges on the county’s system are TxDOT
overpasses with a roadway passing under TxDOT’s structures. The county does have a few
bridges that have been upgraded through contracts by TxDOT for a 10 percent county match.
Around 10 years ago, the county had some wooden bridges on its system that have since been
upgraded to standards; the county is responsible for bridge maintenance. However, the county
has not seen much in the way of damage to its bridges from OS/OW loads.
The interim director indicated that the main damage (pavement damage) is caused by
heavy OW trucks. Truck traffic is impacting the county, and there are a lot of heavy trucks using
local roads that were never designed to carry heavy weights.
The interim director observed that oil and gas industry trucks are the main source of
pavement damage. Any truck can go down any road on the county system. While the county can
load post a road if there is a bridge, it would have to hire a consultant to study load limits for a
pavement. The county had not wanted to undertake this from a policy perspective because “if we
load posted one pavement, everyone would want their road load posted.”
The county does get some TxDOT permitted truck traffic on its system. The interim
director observed that “it’s not to the point that it’s really hurting our system yet,” but had heard
at the local COG meeting that the State Legislature is considering raising truck weight limits to
100,000 lbs. This could hurt the county because “our roads are mainly local street designs and
carry the occasional garbage truck, mainly two-inch hot mix, and those roads couldn’t carry
100,000 lbs.”
In terms of reimbursement for damage costs, the interim director commented that if it’s a
dead-end roadway with a well head at the end, the trucking company is contacted by letter
indicating that the road and ditch line has been damaged and that its truck caused the damage.
The county has been reimbursed for damaged to pavements and ditches. The interim director
stated, “In fact, we’re batting 1000 percent on getting reimbursements.” However, if a road
carries different kinds of trucks, such as oil and gas, gravel trucks, etc., it’s more difficult to
pinpoint a single company and get reimbursed for damage. The company will ask how the
county knows that its operation is the specific cause of the damage.
CTR researchers inquired if the county had any low clearance beacons. The interim
director pointed out that Tarrant County—Fort Worth and Arlington—is growing, so about the
time a section of the county has grown to the point a signal is needed, Fort Worth will annex it.
There are no traffic signals on the county system; it has only one stop sign with a flashing beacon
on top.

1.7.8 Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)

CTR researchers interviewed TDI officials to obtain information about rules regarding
insurance company responsibility for OS/OW vehicle damage to TxDOT property.
CTR researchers noted that a question had arisen regarding who was responsible to pay
claims for damage by an OS/OW vehicle if the carrier had violated the law at the time of the
crash. CTR’s researchers had heard anecdotally that insurance companies refused to pay if the
carrier was in violation of the law when the crash occurred. This specifically refers to the vehicle
insurance company policy and not the bond that a carrier must file to purchase an OS/OW
permit. With regard to violating the law, these are hypothetical examples; however, an OS/OW

carrier might be operating without a permit, or the vehicle might be off the specified route at the
time of the crash. Also, the driver might not have a commercial driver’s license or might be
CTR researchers had contacted the Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association, an
industry trade group that represents many OS/OW carriers, as well as some of the approximately
75 insurance companies listed on the SC&RA website. However, researchers received no
TDI officials noted that the OS/OW carrier is required to establish financial responsibility
to operate in Texas. This means that its insurance coverage would necessarily need to cover
damages that occurred whether or not the carrier violated the law. There might be exclusions in a
carrier’s policy, just as there are exclusions in any auto policy, e.g., exclusions for “racing,”
which likely doesn’t occur with an OS/OW load in any case; or exclusions for “acts of war” or
“causing pollution.” However, these are general types of exclusions that might appear in any
type of auto insurance policy. TDI officials could not think of an instance in which an insurance
company has had a specific exclusion regarding “non-coverage in the event a law was violated.”
TDI officials did note that “every policy is different, and not all insurance companies
provide the same coverage.” For example, an insurance company might place a limit on the
amount of damage that will be covered if an accident occurs. However, TDI officials were
unaware of a case in which a company rejected a claim simply because the law was violated at
the time of the accident.
TDI officials noted that an insurance carrier might not cover damage associated with a
crash if the driver was not eligible to drive. This may also be the case for auto coverage. CTR
researchers asked, “If a driver did not have a valid commercial driver’s license, it is possible that
the insurance carrier would not cover damages caused in the course of a crash?” TDI officials
responded that in general, that could be possible. Researchers inquired if there might be certain
circumstances in which the carrier might deny coverage similar to circumstances that would exist
for an auto insurance carrier. TDI officials indicated that this is correct but did not believe, for
example, that if the carrier were operating over the speed limit at the time of a crash, this would
justify the insurance company refusing to cover resulting damage.

1.7.9 Texas Department of Motor Vehicles—Enforcement Division

CTR researchers also interviewed the enforcement division within the Texas Department
of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). They are involved with conducting enforcement of individual
companies to bring them back into compliance. Division officials indicated that TxDPS is
involved at the individual level, and TxDOT looks at overall compliance. This division receives
a spreadsheet once a month from TxDPS that shows all the size and weight violations attributed
to companies. The division then looks for patterns and visits with these companies to find
opportunities to get them back into compliance through an investigation process. The
investigation can end in one of three outcomes: fine, penalty, or referral to an attorney if multiple
investigations have occurred and the company does not cooperate. If the company develops a
plan of action, the investigation may not result in a penalty or fine. The penalty may also be
significantly reduced. There is also another internal report for bridge hits that is created each
month and that is utilized within this process.
In 2012, there were 332 investigations. Table 1.12 shows the number of yearly
investigations since 2008.

Table 1.12: TxDMV Enforcement Division Investigations 2008–2012 (to date)
Year No of Investigations
2012 332
2011 350
2010 210
2009 120
2008 71

In 2012, 332 size and weight investigations were completed. However, there are also 82
contested cases and 18 closed contested cases.
The division has nine full time employees and one assistant. Annual salaries are
$720,072. Travel is $30,000 per investigator, on average. Investigators utilize TxDOT’s internal
vehicle fleet when possible. In 2011, the amount of fines imposed for OS/OW vehicles was
$733,050. This money is sent to general revenue in the state budget, not to Fund 6. As of July
2012, $263,350 in fines was imposed. Figure 1.17 shows fines imposed from 2008 to July 2012.

Penalties Collected Through July 2012

All penalties
$600,000.00 collected are
distributed to $516,750.00
General Revenue

$300,000.00 $263,350.00


$100,000.00 $53,900.00

Figure 1.17: OS/OW Penalties Collected 2008 through July 2012

The division examines all size and weight issues and reviews the monthly report from
TxDPS mentioned earlier. Staff also asks TxDPS to conduct spot checks. One comment that they

made was that for agricultural trucks that are exempted they cannot do an administrative review
unless the vehicle is 3 percent over-axle weight. This means that these trucks actually run at
84,000 lbs (3 percent over the legal limit) and then another 3 percent over this weight before a
citation is issued. Ready mix trucks are problematic, especially on interstates and frontage roads.
These vehicles are not permitted to use these roads but do so anyway.
Within an investigation to determine weight, investigators look at commodity type to
determine weight. They indicated that it would be helpful if TxDOT could weigh more (even
using WIM) as more data could help determine whether an investigation was warranted.
They also noted garbage trucks are frequently investigated. The Motor Carrier Division
may ask investigators to review a specific carrier.

1.7.10 Texas Department of Public Safety

The research team met with TxDPS officials to gather data on enforcement statistics and
costs. TxDPS officials noted that there were 32,482 inspections for OS/OW vehicles in 2011.
These inspection reports take an hour of a trooper’s time, on average. A trooper costs $47 per
hour on average, or $30 for a civilian. The commercial vehicle enforcement service manpower
statistics can be seen in Table 1.13.

Table 1.13: Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service: Manpower Division

Captains 9
Lieutenants 16
Sergeants 57
Corporals 55
Canine Troopers 1
Troopers 376
Total Commissioned Personnel 514
CMV Inspectors 176
NEP/CR Field Supervisors 6
NEP Investigators 23
CR Investigators 58
Total Non-Commissioned Personnel 263
Total Manpower 777
Source: TxDPS as of July 1, 2012

TxDPS officials provided CTR researchers with data. The size and weight statistics from
the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement system (CVE), for example, can be seen in Table 1.14.
There were 30,290 tickets issued in 2011, as noted. Weight tickets made up 28,641 violations;
weight violations made up 65,988; size tickets made up 1,649; and size violations made up 2,502
of the violations.

Table 1.14: 2011 TxDPS Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Inspections
Size and Weight Statistics
Weight Weight Weight Size Size Size
Inspections Tickets Violations Warning
Tickets Violations Warnings Tickets Violations Warning
37,626 30,290 68,491 38,201 28,641 65,988 37,347 1,649 2,502 854

The number of commercial vehicles weighed in motion was 1,830,862. The weigh in
motion statistics for the 2011 calendar year can be seen in Table 1.15.

Table 1.15: Calendar Year 2011 Weigh in Motion Statistics

SVC Category Total
LW Vehicles Weighed—permanent scales 121,106
LW Vehicles weighed—portable scales 16,060
LW Vehicles weighed semi portable scales 20,193

TxDPS receives funding from two main sources, so it is difficult to attribute funding
streams to specific line items for OS/OW operations. There is an enforcement grant for the
border and other areas, along with appropriations from the state budget. The two sets of funding
streams for commercial vehicle enforcement for registered trucks are also used for OS/OW truck
inspections. TxDPS does 95 percent of the enforcement of OS/OW tucks. If cities or counties
want to undertake enforcement activities through their local police force, they can take training
through the Motor Carrier Safety Alliance Program. However, this is expensive, and the
equipment to be able to do the inspections is also expensive. For example, a set of portable scales
costs just more than $15,000 per set. There are also measuring poles and other equipment that are
required for inspections (Figure 1.18).

Figure 1.18: 17mm thick TxDPS Scales

The scales and measuring poles also require a larger vehicle (SUV Tahoe or equivalent)
for transport. TxDPS does not provide escort vehicles for OS/OW loads, although officials noted
that some cites/counties might require them.

As can be seen in Chapter 1, determining other costs associated with OS/OW loads is
extremely complex. In some instances, agencies and local governments do not keep records of
the direct costs for damage, inspection, levying fines, and other ancillary costs, or costs
associated with reduced highway capacity, lane closures, and staffing costs.

Chapter 2. Methodology and Recommendations
for Pavement Consumption Analysis

2.1 Introduction
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) Motor Carrier Division processes
more than 500,000 Oversize/Overweight (OS/OW) permits every year. By law, loads allowed by
these permits can exceed current legal axle load limits of 20,000 lbs. for a single axle, 34,000 lbs.
for tandem axles (two axles spaced up to 4 feet apart), and 80,000 lbs. total Gross Vehicle
Weight (GVW)3. Alternately, by law, permits may apply to vehicles that exceed the legal
dimensions of 8 feet 6 inches in width, 14 feet in height, and 65 feet in length.
Permitted OS/OW equipment can be self-propelled (e.g., a mobile crane) or consist of a
specialized truck-trailer configuration to carry the load. Therefore, OS/OW loads may not be
readily comparable to a typical 5-axle truck or 18-wheeler. These permitted vehicles can travel
short distances of 10 miles or traverse Texas using the state and county road network. Depending
on the permit type, the GVW can range from 80,001 lbs. to 254,000 lbs. in the “overweight” and
“mid-heavy” weight classes or from 254,300 lbs. to heavier than 2,000,000 lbs. in the “super-
heavy” class (TxDOT, 2011a). Because OS/OW permitted vehicles typically operate at much
heavier loads with specialized equipment configurations, it is difficult to quantify the damage
caused by OS/OW loads compared to that caused by a legally loaded 18-wheeler. Currently,
these calculations are based on empirical relationships developed many years ago using different
vehicle and pavement and bridge technologies.
This chapter focuses on developing a methodology for establishing equivalencies
between OS/OW loads based on the concept of “equivalent consumption” to the pavement
structure using mechanistic-empirical pavement analysis procedures. In the proposed
methodology, each pavement section is evaluated using three different distress criteria: (i)
surface deformation or rutting, (ii) load-associated fatigue cracking, and (iii) riding quality in
terms of roughness (International Roughness Index, or IRI). It should be noted that roughness in
the true sense is not a distress mechanism but rather a measure of the riding quality for a given
highway facility as perceived by drivers.
In the context of this study, a certain pavement structure that reaches the pre-set failure
criteria for a given axle load and configuration is defined as having equivalent consumption (or
equivalent performance) to a different loading condition that also results in the same level of
distress (rutting, cracking, or roughness). Bridges are affected by truck configuration, but
pavement structures are affected by individual axles or axle groups (i.e., tandem, tridem, or
quads). To wit, pavements feel axles, not trucks. The proposed methodology represents a
significant enhancement over previous procedures, allowing the analyst to adopt a modular
approach towards calculation of the overall load equivalency for any given truck configuration
because the overall pavement consumption due to a combination of different axles is equivalent
to the sum of the consumption caused by each individual axle.

See Transportation Code, Chapter 621 (General Provisions Relating to Vehicle Size and Weight), Chapter 622
(Special Provisions and Exceptions for Oversize and Overweight Vehicles), and Chapter 623 (Permits for Oversize
and Overweight Vehicles).

2.2 Objective
The primary objectives of the pavement analysis component of this study are to
• Determine the equivalent consumption factor (ECF) for different axle loads and
axle configurations and to calculate the overall equivalency of OS/OW vehicles on
pavement structures with different structural capacities with respect to three
different failure mechanisms: rutting, fatigue cracking, and roughness. The effect of
different environmental conditions is also assessed.
• Generalize results using appropriate statistical analyses and establish robust
relationships between the ECF and the type of highway facility, including its
functional classification, structural capacity, or both. This is done for different axle
types (single, tandem, tridem, and quads) under a range of environmental conditions
that occur in Texas.

2.3 Background
An extensive body of literature on this subject suggests that, in the past, the two terminologies
successfully used to quantify the effect of axle loads on pavements are (i) Load Equivalency
Factor (LEF) and (ii) Equivalent Damage Factor (EDF). Although both terms have similar
meanings, LEF was developed based on analysis of American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Road Test results, while EDF was more recently introduced
to distinguish between the different approaches followed in the analysis of the AASHTO Road
Test (i.e., empirically-based) and the current procedure (mechanistically-based) (AASHTO
1974). A number of factors that were traditionally included into one single coefficient (LEF) are
now assessed individually by means of partial factors through the mechanistically based
approach. Currently, three partial factors have been developed, but there is scope for further
addition to assess other aspects like loading rate and aging conditions. Prozzi et al. (Prozzi et al.,
1997b and 1997a) suggested the following relationship for determination of EDFL for a
particular axle load and configuration (Equation 2.1):


GEF : Group Equivalency Factor
ALF : Axle Load Factor
CSF : Contact Stress Factor

Group Equivalency Factor (GEF) is defined as the ratio between the life of
the pavement under a single axle to the life of the pavement under a group
of axles. This factor considers only the number of axles and inter-axle
spacing and expresses the number of single axles that would cause the same
damage to the pavement as the group. By definition, the GEF of a single
axle is one.

Axle Load Factor (ALF) is defined as the ratio between the life of the
pavement under a single axle of 18 kips and the life of the pavement under a
single axle of a different load. The acronym ALF is proposed because this
factor only takes into account the effect of axle load and it is equivalent to
the traditional LEF.

Contact Stress Factor (CSF) is the ratio between the life of the pavement
under a dual-wheel single axle with a tire pressure of 120 psi and that under
a dual-wheel single axle with a different tire pressure.

In summary, the framework proposed by Prozzi et al. establishes the EDF for different
axle loads, configurations, and tire pressures (Prozzi et al., 1997b and 1997a).

2.4 Methodology for Flexible Pavements

2.4.1 Calculation of Equivalent Consumption Factor (ECF)
This study establishes equivalency factors for different axle loads and configurations for
flexible pavement sections using mechanistic-empirical pavement design principles, as outlined
in the previous section. In this work, the concept is referred to as the Equivalent Consumption
Factor (ECF). The fundamental principle behind the proposed methodology involves assumption
of equivalencies between different axle loads and configurations that result in the same level of
pavement distress, pavement performance, or pavement consumption. In establishing such
equivalencies, a standard 18-kip single axle was used as a frame of reference. Recent studies
have also shown that equivalency factors for different axle loads and configurations are partially
governed by the bearing capacity of the pavement structure and environmental conditions (Prozzi
et al. 2007). Therefore, it is essential to determine ECFs for different axle loads over a spectrum
of pavement structures ranging from thin bituminous surface courses to full-depth flexible
As suggested, load equivalencies are established based on the notion of time (or traffic)
to reach a certain failure criterion. The terminal distress values used as in this study were decided
after taking into consideration common practices on pavement design and management. These
failure criteria are given here:
• 0.5 inches of rutting (surface deformation) at the end of the design life;
• 10 percent of the cracked area (fatigue cracking associated with load) at the end of
the design life; and
• 125 inches/mile of roughness in terms of the International Roughness Index (IRI) at
the end of the design life (an initial IRI of 63 inches/mile was used in the analysis).

Each pavement is designed to reach terminal distress values under given traffic and
environmental conditions by the end of its design period—in this case, 20 years. However, due to
inherent differences in the failure mechanisms, it is impossible to reach each of the three terminal
distress values simultaneously at the end of the design period. It becomes necessary to determine
the required traffic volume that would result in a terminal distress value equal to each of the
failure criteria expressed above. The calculated traffic volume will depend on the distress

mechanism considered. In general, there will be one traffic volume for rutting, one for cracking,
and one for roughness.
Once design traffic volumes are determined, the next step involves analyzing each
pavement structure for a range of different axle loads and configurations and determining the
time (or traffic) to reach each failure criteria. Note that axles with an ECF of less than one will
take longer than 20 years to reach failure criteria, while axles associated with an ECF one or
more will take less than 20 years. The equation used for calculation of the ECF in this study
follows (Equation 2.2):
= (2.2)
T18 : time to failure under “N” repetitions of a standard 18-kip axle
TL : time to failure under “n” repetitions of any given axle load “L”

Therefore, the ECF represents the relative pavement life for any given pavement structure
under given environmental conditions under an 18-kip single standard axle over the life of the
same pavement under the same conditions under any given load and configuration.
The AASHTO Road Test established that heavier vehicles reduce the serviceability of a
pavement structure much faster than light vehicles. Results from the test indicated that the
damage to the pavement structure varies approximately according to the fourth power of the axle
load, which provides the basis for the so-called “fourth power law” (Kinder et al., 1988). In the
context of the AASHTO Road Test, this led to the terminology LEF, where an axle load is said
to be equivalent (producing equal pavement wear) to a number of applications of a reference
(standard) axle load. This is expressed mathematically as Equation 2.3:

= = (2.3)

where Wx and W18 are axle loads and NL and N18 are the corresponding
number of load applications.

A logarithmic transformation of Equation 2.3 suggests a linear relationship between the

LEF and the normalized load in a log-log scale, the slope of this linear relationship being equal
to approximately four.
Previous studies show that this slope, represented by the exponent in Equation 2.3,
depends on the bearing capacity of the pavement structure (Prozzi et al., 2007). In the case of
flexible pavements, structural capacity can be represented by a parameter known as the
Structural Number (SN), which was first introduced as part of the analysis of the AASHTO Road
Test results. The SN represents the overall structural requirement needed to sustain the design
traffic loadings under given support conditions. SN is a dimensionless number that expresses the
structural strength of a pavement required for given combinations of soil support, total traffic
expressed in number of equivalent single axle loads (ESALs), terminal serviceability level, and
environmental conditions (Florida DOT, 2008). Therefore, in principle, one should be able to
establish a relationship between the exponents of the power law and the SN in the case of
flexible pavements.
It is important to note that in this process, one would develop separate ECFs based on
each distress criteria mentioned above. From a practical standpoint, a given axle configuration

loaded to “L” kips should have a single ECF. For this reason, it is important to establish a
weighing mechanism to be applied to individual ECFs (i.e., rutting, cracking, and roughness) for
establishing the combined and unique ECF for a particular axle load and configuration. The
weighing mechanism should be devised so it takes into account fundamental engineering
principles. For example, Texas is divided into five different environmental regions: Wet-Warm,
Dry-Warm, Wet-Cold, Dry-Cold, and Mixed. Rutting is more critical in warm climates, while
cracking is the dominant distress mechanism in colder regions. Ultimately, it is important to
ensure that the weighing scheme assigns different weights to individual ECFs depending on the
climate. The inherent variability of ECFs is another key concern. For example, an ECF
calculated using the rutting criteria could result in a lower standard error (that is, lower
uncertainty) compared to those obtained using the cracking or roughness criteria, which are
predicted with the highest uncertainty. It is recommended that a relatively higher weight be
instituted for ECFs with lower variability as part of the weighing mechanism in these instances.
In the context of this study, the objective is to determine consumption equivalency for
different OS/OW loads and configurations. Currently, vehicle owners/operators must obtain
permits for all OS/OW loads from the DMV’s Motor Carrier Division (MCD). Routing of these
loads is processed using the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS), an
online portal. Given that route information is available, it is then possible to assign approximated
SNs to any highway facility in Texas based on its functional classification, level of access-
control, location, and traffic volume. As mentioned, one should then be able to obtain the ECF
for any given axle load and configuration from the established relationship that relates the
exponent of the power law to the SN for a particular highway facility. The exponent of the power
law (Equation 2.3) is a measure of the sensitivity of a particular pavement structure to axle
loading under given environmental conditions.

2.4.2 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Analysis

Reliance on a widely supported analysis procedure that can be applied beyond Texas’s
borders is imperative. For this reason, AASHTO’s newly developed pavement design software,
DARWin-ME™, was used for analysis and computation of pavement distress resulting from
imposed traffic. DARWin-ME™ uses the same mechanistic-empirical concepts as its
predecessor, the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), developed under the
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The pavement performance
prediction models, as well as the required inputs, are the same in both programs. However, the
updated software released in 2011 is a quantum leap over the older MEPDG because
computation time is reduced to one-tenth of the time it used to take to calculate a similar
pavement structure. Furthermore, the newer software was designed to take advantage of and
utilize multiple CPUs for running analyses (CRSI, 2002). DARWin-ME™ is now approved by
AASHTO and supported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
In a mechanistic-empirical pavement analysis, fundamental pavement responses under
repeated traffic loadings are calculated using a multi-layer, linear elastic approach. This approach
assumes that a flexible pavement is a multi-layered structure and that each layer exhibits a
linearly elastic response to traffic loads. Although this is not the case, the linearity assumption is
reasonable at the low strain levels typical of highway traffic. The method computes stresses and
strains borne by pavement layers due to traffic loadings. These critical pavement responses are
then related to field distresses using empirical relationships that are calibrated based on field

2.4.3 Experimental Design
As highlighted earlier, the ECF for any given axle load and configuration is expected to
be a function of the structural capacity of the highway facility (Prozzi et al., 1997b and 1997a).
Furthermore, it is important to realize that environmental conditions determine several site
features, including the climatic profile and type of subgrade support. In turn, these affect
pavement response and performance typical to specific regions. For these reasons, it is important
to design an experiment that encompasses different pavement structures, traffic levels, and
climatic regions (see Table 2.1).

Table 2.1: Experimental Design for ECF on Flexible Pavements

Traffic Volume
Climatic Region Pavement Structure
Low Medium High
Granular Base 5 2 0
Asphalt Base 1 0 1
Treated Base 1 2 2
Perpetual Pavement 0 0 0
Granular Base 0 4 2
Asphalt Base 1 2 3
Treated Base 1 1 2
Perpetual Pavement 0 0 1
Granular Base 1 2 3
Asphalt Base 1 1 1
Treated Base 0 0 1
Perpetual Pavement 0 0 4
Granular Base 1 2 0
Asphalt Base 3 3 2
Treated Base 2 2 4
Perpetual Pavement 0 0 0
Granular Base 2 3 2
Asphalt Base 2 2 2
Treated Base 0 2 1
Perpetual Pavement 0 0 2

A comprehensive experiment is impractical, as evidenced by Table 2.1. For example, one

would typically not design a perpetual pavement for low traffic volumes. Therefore, a partial
factorial was designed to address project objectives for the purpose of this study. The partial
experiment was based on statistical considerations as well as the availability of pavement
sections in each design cell of the experiment described in Table 2.1.
This study also includes determination of ECFs for rigid pavements for a variety of axle
loads and configurations. Given that the most common type of concrete pavement in Texas is
continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), the study includes the following
experimental design for evaluating the ECF on concrete pavements (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2: Experimental Design for ECF on Rigid Pavements
Traffic Volume
Climatic Region
Low Medium High
Dry-Cold 2 2 2
Wet-Cold 2 2 2
Dry-Warm 1 2 2
Wet-Warm 2 2 2
Mixed 1 2 3

OS/OW loads do not conform to typical legal limits placed on highway vehicles in terms
of height, width, length, or weight. Due to the nature of the payload, these vehicles can have
atypical axle configuration and axle loads. This aspect led the research team to simulate a wide
range of axle loads with different configurations so the full axle spectra for OS/OW loads can be
characterized. Table 2.3 summarizes the range of axle load and configurations that were included
as part of this research study.

Table 2.3: Simulated Axle Loads and Configurations

Axle Configuration
Single Tandem Tridem Quad
8 18 30 30
10 22 36 36
12 26 42 42
14 30 48 48
Axle Loads (in kips) 16 34 54 54
18 38 60 60
20 42 66 66
22 46 72 72
24 50 78 78

Contact stress (assumed to be equal to tire inflation pressure) was restricted to 120 psi for
all possible combinations of axle loads and configurations used in the study.

2.4.4 Results for Flexible Pavements

Determination of ECF for Rutting

Equation 2.2 suggests that it is possible to establish a linear relationship between the ECF
and the normalized load on a log-log scale. Figure 2.1 shows a strong linear relationship between
these two variables. The slope of the line, which represents the exponent of the power law, varies
significantly among the different sections included in this study.

(a) Section 01, single axle (b) Section 02, single axle
Figure 2.1: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Flexible Pavements

The fact that the slope of the line differs from section to section indicates that the ECF for
any given axle load and configuration is influenced by pavement material properties, structural
capacity of the highway, and environmental conditions. When examining tandem, tridem, and
quad axles, the research team introduced the group equivalency factor (GEF) to establish the
ECF. As discussed, in the case of single axles, the GEF is one. Therefore, the ECF and ALF are
analogous for single axles. For other axle configurations, the GEF was incorporated for
calculating the normalized load. The following generalized expression was used to calculate the
ECF for any given axle load and configuration while using the rutting failure criteria (Equation

( )= × = × (2.4)

α = Axle Load Factor (ALF)
β = Group Equivalency Factor (GEF)

Figure 2.2 shows the relationship between the ECF for tandem, tridem, and quad axles
and the normalized load as calculated for two selected sections.
Figures 2.1 and 2.2 reveal that the ALF is quite consistent for a given pavement structure
and changes negligibly for different axle groups. Following are the GEF values that were
estimated for determining the ECF using the rutting criterion:
• Tandem Axles: 1.44
• Tridem Axles: 1.87
• Quad Axles: 2.22

Based on literature, ALFs are expected to be a function of the structural capacity of

pavement structures. This implies that the ALF should exhibit high correlation with the structural
number as the GEF is optimized such that it gives the best linear predictor between the ECF and
the normalized load in a log-log scale for all pavement sections examined in this study. In theory,
one would expect the ALF to be lower for thicker, stronger pavements because the structural

capacity of a pavement increases exponentially with increasing thickness, thus making the
pavement less sensitive to increases in axle loads.

(a) Section 1, tandem axle (b) Section 2, tandem axle (c) Section 1, tridem axle

(d) Section 2, tridem axle (e) Section 1, quad axle (f) Section 2, quad axle

Figure 2.2: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Flexible Pavements

Figure 2.3 represents the correlation between the ALF and pavement structural capacity
as represented by its structural number (SN). Figure 2.3 shows that the relationship between the
ALF and SN is non-monotonic for the conditions of the current study. There appears to be a
critical thickness beyond which the ALF gradually drops with increasing thickness. This pattern
is particularly identifiable in the case of multiple axles (i.e., tandem, tridem, and quad axles). For
the pavement structures analyzed, this critical structural number is around SN = 4.0. It is also
interesting to note that in the case of single axles, the relationship between the ALF and SN
appears to be monotonic and is in agreement with the hypothesis that increasing thickness results
in lower ALF values. In this case, there is no interaction between axles.

(a) Single (b) Tandem

(c) Tridem (d) Quad

Figure 2.3: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Rutting Criterion

Based on the trends highlighted, the study team decided to model the ALF for single
axles using a power relationship between the ALF and SN. The model parameters are provided
in Table 2.4. Figure 2.4 shows the fit of the model with respect to the observed data.

Table 2.4: Parameters for Single Axle ALF Based on Rutting Criterion
Standard Error 1.14
f-statistic 0.00
Adjusted R-squared 0.77
Coefficient t-stat p-value
Intercept 2.00 29.9 0.00
Structural Number -0.43 -10.7 0.00

Figure 2.4: Single Axle ALFs Fitted to a Power Law (Rutting Criterion)

Following is the final relationship for calculating the ECF for single axles from a rutting
standpoint (Equation 2.5):

( ) = (7.39 × . )×
( . )×

In the case of tandem, tridem, and quad axles, data trends suggest that a non-monotonic
relationship is needed to capture the critical thickness. In fact, the study team noticed that the
ALF peaks for structural numbers in the range of 4.0 and then decreases, becoming asymptotical
to a value of about 2.5. Furthermore, it was observed that an asymmetric function that is
positively skewed had to be applied to capture the observed relationship. Given these constraints,
the following relationship was chosen to capture the observed data (Equation 2.6):

= × × + (2.6)

where α, β, γ, and δ are regression parameters. Table 2.5 provides estimates for
the model coefficients and their statistical significance.

Table 2.5: Parameters for Single Axle ALFs Based on Rutting Criterion
Standard Error 0.42
Coefficient t-stat p-value
α 0.26 1.90 0.05
β 4.45 5.70 0.00
γ 1.09 14.2 0.00
δ 3.04 27.0 0.00

Figure 2.5 demonstrates the goodness-of-fit of the aforementioned model to observed

values of the ALF. The research team also realized that the GEF obtained for single, tandem,
tridem, and quad axles could be related with the number of axles for a given axle group using a
simple linear relationship (see Figure 2.6).

(a) Tandem (b) Tridem

Figure 2.5: ALFs Based on Rutting Criterion

Figure 2.6: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (Rutting Criterion)

Equation 2.6 and the generalized model illustrated in Figure 2.6 can be used for
computing the GEF for any axle group from a rutting standpoint. Following is the generalized
relationship for computing the ECF for generic axle configurations and loads (Equation 2.7):

. .
( ) = 0.26 + 3.04 × (2.7)
( . . )×

Determination of ECF for Fatigue Cracking

The calculation of ECF from a fatigue cracking perspective was undertaken using the
same approach as that for rutting. Figure 2.7 depicts the relationship between normalized loads
and the ECF on a log-log scale.
The relationship between a normalized load and the ECF is explained using the
fundamental principle illustrated in Equation 2.3 (Figure 2.7). The research team again observed
that the calculated ALF follows a similar pattern for different axle configurations for different
pavement sections. It is important to note that the rutting and fatigue cracking transfer functions
used in the mechanistic analysis have similar specification forms. This explains why the
relationship between these two variables has similar characteristics. However, ALF values
computed using the fatigue cracking failure criterion are numerically higher than those calculated
using the rutting criterion. It was also noticed that GEF values were significantly higher than
those for rutting:
• Tandem Axles: 1.89
• Tridem Axles: 2.59
• Quad Axles: 3.10

A key observation made while calculating the ECF for different axle loads and
configurations using the fatigue cracking failure criteria was that thin asphalt sections, especially
those on top of cement-treated bases (CTBs), did not show visible signs of deterioration in terms
of cracking. Fatigue cracking results from tensile stresses exceeding the tensile strength of
material due to repeated load cycles. In the case of thin asphalt sections, due to the strong
underlying support, the governing stress state is compression. This explains why these sections
failed to reach the terminal fatigue cracking distress criteria.

(a) Section 1, single axle (b) Section 2, single axle (c) Section 1, tandem axle

(d) Section 2, tandem axle (e) Section 1, tridem axle (f) Section 2, tridem axle

(g) Section 1, quad axle (h) Section 2, quad axle

Figure 2.7: ECF Based on Fatigue Criterion

A noticeable relationship between the ALF and SN was observed across different axle
configurations for the rutting failure mechanism, but the situation was not the same for fatigue
cracking. Figure 2.8 illustrates the ALF obtained for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles using
the fatigue cracking failure criterion.

(a) Single (b) Tandem

(c) Tridem (d) Quad

Figure 2.8: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Cracking Criterion

Due to the lack of a significant correlation between the ALF and SN in this case, the
study team decided to compute an average for each axle configuration included in this study.
Following are the average ALFs for single, tandem, tridem, and quad groups:
• Single Axles: 5.2
• Tandem Axles: 4.6
• Tridem Axles: 4.4
• Quad Axles: 3.6

It is interesting to note that there is a noticeable trend in the mean of the ALFs for the
different axle groups. In general, the ALF decreases with increasing number of axles per axle
group (Figure 2.9). In terms of axle groups, an opposite trend was observed in GEF values where
values increased with increasing number of axles in an axle group (Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9: Correlation between ALF and SN (left) and GEF and Number of Axles (right)

Using the aforementioned relationships, it is possible to compute the ECF for any given
axle load and configuration based on the fatigue cracking criterion. The final expression for
computing the ECF is given as Equation 2.8:

( ) = (−0.498 + 5.72) × (2.8)

( . . )×

N : Number of axles in axle group
WL : axle load in kips for any given axle
W18 : axle load in kips for the standard axle (18 kips)

Determination of ECF (Roughness)

Determination of the ECF based on roughness was approached differently than that for
rutting or fatigue cracking. Initial estimates for the ECF were calculated using Equation 2.8,
where the time to failure for a given axle load and configuration was normalized using the time it
took for the pavement to fail under the standard 18-kip single axle. Riding quality deteriorates
and roughness increases as a result of the increase of one or more primary distresses including
rutting, shoving, fatigue, or thermal cracking. DARWin-ME™ employs a transfer function that
relates predicted roughness values (in terms of IRI) with other forms of distress using a linear
model. Therefore, unlike rutting or fatigue cracking, the ECFs calculated did not follow a power
After careful investigation of trends in the data, the study team realized that the
relationship between the normalized load and the ECF could be approximated by an exponential
relationship. Figure 2.10 presents ECFs calculated for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles for
two different sections based on the roughness analysis.

(a) Section 1, single axle (b) Section 2, single axle

(c) Section 1, tandem axle (d) Section 2, tandem axle

(e) Section 1, tridem axle (f) Section 2, tridem axle

(g) Section 1, quad axle (h) Section 1, quad axle

Figure 2.10: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion

Following is the relationship used to relate the ECFs calculated using the roughness
failure criteria with the normalized load (Equation 2.9):

ln ( )= × −1 (2.9)

It is interesting to note that GEF values obtained using the roughness failure criterion are
significantly different from those obtained using rutting or fatigue cracking. Following are the
estimated values for tandem, tridem, and quad axles:
• Tandem: 1.57
• Tridem: 2.21
• Quad: 2.41

The study team noticed a strong linear relationship between GEFs and number of axles in
the axle group in the case of rutting and fatigue cracking, but the same was not true for GEFs
calculated using roughness criteria. In fact, it was noticed that a power law could relate the GEF
to the number of axles in the group (see Figure 2.11).

Figure 2.11: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles Based on Roughness

When evaluating the correlation between ALFs with the bearing capacity of highways in
terms of SN, no systematic trends were found. ALFs calculated for different pavement structures
are plotted against their respective SN for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles in Figure 2.12.
Following this observation, the study team decided to use sample averages for ALFs for different
axle groups.

(a) Single (b) Tandem

(c) Tridem (d) Quad

Figure 2.12: Relation between ALF and SN Based on Roughness

Unlike the case of fatigue cracking, there was no significant trend between the averages
of the ALFs for the different axle groups. Following are mean ALFs for the single, tandem,
tridem, and quad axles:
• Single: 0.703
• Tandem: 0.962
• Tridem: 0.943
• Quad: 0.931

For this reason, an ALF of 0.703 is proposed for single axles and 0.945 for other axle
groups. The final relationship for determining ECFs using roughness is as follows (Equation
2.10a and 2.10b):

ln ( ) = 0.703 × − 1 for single axles (2.10a)


ln ( ) = 0.945 × − 1 for tandem, tridem and quads (2.10b)


2.4.5 Methodology for Rigid Pavements
The study team adopted the same procedure for determining ECFs in the case of rigid
pavements. However, it is important to note that while the approach remains the same, the
distress mechanisms differ. The three primary types of rigid pavements are
• Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP)
• Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP)
• Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)

JPCP uses contraction joints to control cracking and does not contain reinforcing steel.
Transverse joint spacing is selected so that temperature and moisture stresses do not produce
intermediate cracking between joints. This results in spacing no longer than about 20 feet—
typically 15 feet. Dowel bars are typically used at transverse joints to assist in load transfer. Tie
bars are typically used at longitudinal joints.
JRCP uses contraction joints and reinforced steel to control cracking. Transverse joint
spacing is longer than that for JPCP and typically ranges from about 25 to 50 feet. Temperature
and moisture stresses are expected to cause cracking between joints. Therefore, reinforcing steel
or steel mesh binds these cracks tightly together. Dowel bars are typically used at transverse
joints to assist in load transfer, while reinforcing steel or wire mesh assists in load transfer across
CRCP does not require contraction joints. Transverse cracks are allowed to form but are
held tightly together using continuous reinforcing steel. Research shows that the maximum
allowable design crack width is about 0.02 inches to protect against spalling and water
penetration (CRSI, 2002). During the 1970s and early 1980s, CRCP design thickness was
typically about 80 percent of the thickness of JPCP. However, a substantial number of these
thinner pavements developed distress sooner than anticipated. Consequently, the current trend is
to make CRCP the same thickness as JPCP (FHWA, T 5080.14). Reinforcing steel is assumed to
only handle non-load-related stresses, and any structural contribution to resisting loads is
In Texas, the most common type of rigid pavement constructed today is CRCP. The most
common distress to this type of pavements is punchouts. Punchouts in CRCP are caused by
excessive wheel loading applications and insufficient structural capacity of the CRCP, such as
deficient slab thickness (design issue) or sub-base support (design/construction issue). Punchouts
are characterized by blocks of concrete connected by transverse and longitudinal cracks that are
depressed. Normally, longitudinal steel at the transverse cracks of punchouts ruptures. Punchouts
are by far the most serious distress type in CRCP. Roughness also remains a major concern in
rigid pavements because it directly relates people’s perception of riding quality to pavement
performance, as well as to user costs due to increased vehicle operating costs. Therefore, the
research team chose the following distress criteria to evaluate ECFs for different axle loads and
configurations on rigid pavements:
• 1 punchout/mile at the end of design life (typically 30 years); and
• 120 inches/mile of roughness in IRI at the end of the design life.

2.5 Results for Rigid Pavements
2.5.1 Determination of ECF (Punchout Criterion)
The research team undertook calculation of ECFs for rigid pavements using punchout
failure criteria using the same approach as that for flexible pavements in the case of rutting or
fatigue cracking. In determining the possible relationship between the ECF and normalized axle
load, the team realized that a linear relationship between these two variables—the normalized
load and the ECF—exists when transformed to a log-log scale (see Figure 2.13).

(a) Section 1, single axle (b) Section 2, single axle

(c) Section 1, tandem axle (d) Section 2, tandem axle

(e) Section 1, tridem axle (f) Section 2, tridem axle

Figure 2.13: ECFs Based on Punchout Criterion

Figure 2.13 depicts a linear relationship that captures more than 93 percent of the
correlation between the ECF and normalized load in the case of single and tandem axles but only

about 84 percent for tridem axles. However, the linear regression between the log of ECF and the
normalized load is an adequate representation of the relationship between the two variables.
There is still a systematic trend in the slope of the linear relationship: ECFs increase with an
increasing number of axles. It is also evident that the slope of the line for any given axle group is
different for different pavement sections.
In the next step, the study team investigated the relationship between the ALF and
structural capacity of rigid pavement sections. In the case of rigid pavements, the pavement’s
structural capacity is best represented by slab thickness. Surprisingly, the team discovered that
there was little evidence to support a strong correlation between the two variables (see Figure
2.14). Furthermore, differences in the mean ALF between the axle groups were statistically
insignificant. This led researchers to compute an average ALF for different axle configurations:
ALF = 3.27.

Figure 2.14: Relation between ALF and Slab Thickness Using Punchout Criterion

On the other hand, a noticeable correlation was observed between the calculated GEF for
each simulated axle group and number of axles. Figure 2.15 suggests that an exponential
relationship can effectively explain the relationship between the GEF and number of axles.

Figure 2.15: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (Using Punchout)

Given the overall average ALF and the relationship between the GEF and number of
axles per axle group, it is possible to compute the ECF for different axle configurations using the
punchout failure criterion. Equation 2.11 provides the final relationship developed for calculating
ECFs using the terminal punchout distress value:

( ) = 3.27 × . (2.11)
. ×

Determination of ECF (Roughness Failure Criteria)

The study team approached determination of the ECF for rigid pavements using the
roughness failure criterion by referring to the framework previously adopted for flexible
pavements. In the case of CRC pavements, predicted roughness is a function of the number of
punchouts per lane mile and local features specific to the section. The team found that the
relationship between the normalized load (WL/W18) and the ECF could be best represented using
an exponential relationship (Figure 2.16).

(a) Section 1, single axle (b) Section 2, single axle

(c) Section 1, tandem axle (d) Section 2, tandem axle

(e) Section 1, tridem axle (f) Section 2, tridem axle

Figure 2.16: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion

Figure 2.16 shows that although there is a strong relationship between these two
parameters, the exponents vary considerably. To assess this aspect, the study team evaluated the
variability between the different sections in terms of their respective structural capacities, i.e.,
slab thicknesses in each rigid pavement section. However, the observed data did not suggest a
correlation between the exponents and slab thicknesses (see Figure 2.17). The team also noticed
that the differences in mean ALF values were no different than those for different axle types.
This led researchers to compute a gross average ALF for any given axle configuration equal to

Figure 2.17: ALF vs. Slab Thickness for Rigid Pavements Using Roughness Criterion

A linear relationship between the GEF and number of axles was observed. The study
team also noted that GEF values were similar to those computed for flexible pavements using the
roughness criterion (see Figure 2.18).

Figure 2.18: Relationship between GEF and Number of Axles (for Roughness)

The final relationship developed for determining ECFs using the roughness failure
criterion for rigid pavements follows (Equation 2.12):

ln ( ) = 1.46 ( . )
−1 (2.12)

2.6 Methodology for Surface Treated Pavements
A surface treatment is characterized by a single application of asphalt binder followed by
a single application of cover aggregate; both are placed on a prepared flexible or stabilized base.
Two or three such applications are possible. In Texas, surface treatments are used as surface
courses in low-volume roads in the form of either one- or multiple-course treatments. One-course
surface treatments are rare and typically used for only a short period of time before being
covered by another one-course surface treatment or other type of surface course. In the case of
multiple treatments, two or three courses of surface treatments are applied to provide a durable
surface course. These surface treatments provide an economical pavement surfacing alternative
compared to hot-mix asphalt (HMA) concrete. A surface treatment used as a pavement wearing
surface must be strong enough to withstand traffic and climate-induced stresses. It must also be
durable. Most importantly, it seals the pavement base and foundation, providing a surface that is
operational all year long.
In many instances, surface treatments are also used as interlayers, or underseals, between
the base and surface courses. Some examples of such applications are cape seals (a combination
of an underseal and microsurfacing) and stress-absorbing membrane inter-layers (SAMI). A
surface treatment underseal has several functions in a pavement. An underseal can provide a
stronger bond between the base and HMA layer, thereby significantly reducing the stresses in the
HMA, resulting in a longer fatigue life.
Similar to a surface treatment wearing course, an underseal is a very effective method to
protect the base course and foundation of the pavement from moisture. This can significantly
extend a pavement’s service life. A flexible underseal can also act as a SAMI, reducing reflective
cracking in the HMA layer. Because underseals are eventually covered with HMA in Texas, they
can be used in highly trafficked pavements.
The application of surface treatment produces a small increase in thickness of the road
surface, but it is not intended to provide additional structural capacity to the pavement.
Therefore, the base course provides all of the structural strength in such a pavement. Such a
pavement structure cannot be effectively used in high traffic volume roadways because the base
and sub-base layers cannot provide strength sufficient for the pavement. However, asphalt
surface treatments provide a variety of additional benefits: they make the pavement waterproof,
provide a skid-resistant wearing surface, and cost less during the pavement’s life cycle.
Most rural and farm–to–market (FM) roads in Texas experience relatively low traffic
volumes. Each year, construction and maintenance of state-managed road networks require a
significant appropriation of state funds. Therefore, effective utilization of these funds is of
utmost importance. The use of surface treatments is an appropriate, economical, and reliable
technique, particularly for low volume roads.
Most surface treatments are limited to a maximum thickness of one inch. Distresses
typically observed with flexible pavements have different significance in the context of chip
seals. However, it has been acknowledged that asphalt cement must have a high enough shear
stiffness so that it can retain aggregates and stop them from getting dislodged by traffic loads.
Similarly, the traditional definition of fatigue or thermal cracking is less evident in the case of
chip seals. Under cold weather conditions, there is always the possibility of the asphalt binder
can lose its ductile character and become susceptible to fracture. Therefore, fracture resistance in
asphalt cement is a desired feature.
Roughness remains a major concern in the case of surface treatments. In fact, surface
treatment applications use uniform gradation. Therefore, they do not have an even distribution of

particle sizes, resulting in a relatively high macro-texture. In most cases, surface treatments have
relatively higher roughness values that contribute to a rougher ride to the common passenger.
The distress mechanisms used to determine the ECF for flexible pavements are still relevant
when considering surface treatment applications.
As mentioned in this chapter, load equivalencies are established based on the notions of
time or traffic to reach a certain failure criterion. Therefore, the first step to consider involves
establishing a set of acceptable failure criteria or terminal service levels. The study team decided
on the terminal distress values used as part of this study after considering common practices on
pavement design and management. These failure criteria are given here:
• 0.5 inches of rutting (surface deformation);
• 10 percent of the cracked area (load-associated fatigue cracking); and
• 125 inches/mile of roughness in terms of IRI (an initial IRI of 63 inches/mile was
used in the analysis).

The traffic volumes calculated depend on the distress mechanism being considered due to
inherent differences between these failure mechanisms. Once the design traffic volume is
determined for each distress type, the next step involves analysis of each pavement structure for
a range of axle loads and configurations and the determination of the time to reach each of the
aforementioned failure criteria. This ultimately leads to a determination of respective ECFs.

2.6.1 Determination of ECF Using the Rutting Criterion

Figure 2.19 depicts the relationship between the ECF and axle load and presents
supporting evidence for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles based on data obtained from
single and multiple course surface treatment pavement sections. However, the slope of the line,
which represents the ALF, varies among the different sections included in this study.

(a) Single Axle (Section A) (b) Single Axle (Section B)

(c) Tandem Axle (Section A) (d) Tandem Axle (Section B)

(e) Tridem Axle (Section A) (f) Tridem Axle (Section B)

(g) Quad Axle (Section A) (h) Quad Axle (Section B)

Figure 2.19: ECFs Based on Rutting Criterion for Surface Treatments

The following generalized expression was used for calculation of the ECF for any given
axle load and configuration while using the rutting failure criteria for surface treatments
(Equation 2.13):

( )= × = × (2.13)

α = Axle Load Factor (ALF)
β = Group Equivalency Factor (GEF)

The ALF is almost constant for a given pavement structure and hardly differs between
different axle groups (Figure 2.19). Following are GEF values estimated for determining the
ECF using the rutting criterion:
• Tandem Axles: 1.65
• Tridem Axles: 2.32
• Quad Axles: 2.98

In the case of flexible pavements, the research team observed that the structural number
had a significant influence on the computed ALF for different pavement sections. In fact,
pavement structure is most sensitive to traffic loads for structural numbers equal or close to 4.0.
The team investigated the possibility of a similar relationship in the case of surface treated
sections. However, results showed otherwise, as there was not a noticeable trend to suggest the
aforementioned finding (see Figure 2.20).

(a) ALF (Single Axles) (b) ALF (Tandem Axles)

(c) ALF (Tridem Axles) (d) ALF (Quad Axles)

Figure 2.20: ALFs Calculated Based on the Rutting Criterion for Surface Treated Sections

Following are the mean ALFs calculated for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles:
• Single: 7.18
• Tandem: 6.75
• Tridem: 6.60
• Quad: 6.80

Furthermore, the mean of the ALF varies little between different axle groups. This
encouraged the study team to compute an average ALF of 6.83. The final relationship for
determining ECFs for single and multiple course surface treatments using the rutting failure
criterion is as follows (Equation 2.14):

( ) = 6.83 × (2.14)

Determination of ECF Using the Cracking Criterion
Figure 2.21 presents data depicting the relationship between the ALF and axle load for
single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles based on data obtained for single and multiple course
surface treatment pavement sections.
The following generalized expression was developed to calculate the ECF for any given
axle load and configuration using cracking failure criteria (Equation 2.15):

( )= × = × (2.15)

α : Axle Load Factor (ALF)
β : Group Equivalency Factor (GEF)

Following are the GEF values estimated using the cracking failure criterion:
• Tandem Axles: 1.84
• Tridem Axles: 2.51
• Quad Axles: 3.09

Single Axle (Section A) Single Axle (Section B)

Tandem Axle (Section A) Tandem Axle (Section B)

Tridem Axle (Section A) Tridem Axle (Section B)

Quad Axle (Section A) Quad Axle (Section B)

Figure 2.21: ECFs Based on Cracking Criterion for Surface Treatment Sections

The research team investigated the possibility of establishing a relationship between the
ALF determined using cracking failure criteria and the structural number for the given section.
Results indicated that ALFs were fairly consistent across different sections and largely
independent of their respective structural numbers (see Figure 2.22). However, it was interesting
to note that the ALF was approximately equal to 4.0, which validated the so-called fourth-power
law described earlier in this report.

ALF (Single Axles) ALF (Tandem Axles)

ALF (Tridem Axles) ALF (Quad Axles)

Figure 2.22: ALFs Calculated Using the Cracking Criterion for Surface Treated Sections

The research team therefore decided to use an average ALF of 3.92. The final
relationship for determination of ECFs on single and multiple course surface treatments using the
cracking failure criterion is given as Equation 2.16:

( ) = 3.92 × (2.16)

Determination of ECF Using the Roughness Failure Criterion

After careful investigation of trends in the data, the research team realized that the
relationship between the normalized load and ECF could be approximated by an exponential
relationship. Figure 2.23 presents ECFs calculated for single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles for
two different surface treated sections.

Single Axle (Section A) Single Axle (Section B)

Tandem Axle (Section A) Tandem Axle (Section B)

Tridem Axle (Section A) Tridem Axle (Section B)

Quad Axle (Section A) Quad Axle (Section B)

Figure 2.23: ECFs Based on Roughness Criterion for Surface Treatment Sections

Following is the relationship developed to estimate ECFs using the roughness failure
criteria with a normalized load (Equation 2.17):

ln ( )= × −1 (2.17)

The estimated GEF values for tandem, tridem, and quad axles are as follows:
• Tandem: 1.71
• Tridem: 2.44
• Quad: 2.86

The study team tried to determine if there was a relationship between the structural
number and the ALFs computed using the roughness failure criterion. The team found little
evidence to support a relationship between these parameters (see Figure 2.24).

ALF (Single Axles) ALF (Tandem Axles)

ALF (Tridem Axles) ALF (Quad Axles)

Figure 2.24: ALFs Based on Roughness Criterion for Surface Treatments

Given a negligible relationship between the ALF and structural number, the team decided
to use an average ALF of 1.73. Equation 2.17 shows that the ECF is proportional to the ALF.
While in the case of flexible pavement sections, the average ALF computed using the roughness
criterion was 0.885, the same in the case of surface treated sections is twice as high. This
confirms that surface treatments are relatively more sensitive to traffic loads as compared to

flexible pavements. The final relationship for determining the ECF using the roughness failure
criterion follows (Equation 2.18):

ln ( ) = 1.73 × −1 (2.18)

2.6.2 Application Example: Flexible Pavements

The preceding sections describe the methodology the research team adopted to determine
equivalent consumption factors (ECFs) of different axle loads and configurations. The developed
relationship between the ECF and the most significant variables that affect performance were
described and presented. By definition, ECFs express pavement consumption due to any axle
configuration and load relative to the consumption caused by an 18-kip single axle load.
Because ECFs can be applied to any axle load and configuration, one can compute the
load equivalency for a given OS/OW load using any of the three failure criteria evaluated in this
study. Following determination of the individual ECFs, one can apply any weighing system that
might be most practical and appropriate for a particular region. As an interim measure, an even
distribution of weights for each of the three distress mechanisms included in this study was
applied. Figures 2.25, 2.26, and 2.27 illustrate ECFs computed for single, tandem, tridem, and
quad axles using the rutting, fatigue, cracking, and roughness failure mechanisms for flexible

Single Tandem

Tridem Quad
Figure 2.25: ECFs Based on Rutting for Flexible Pavements

Figure 2.26: ECFs Based on Fatigue Cracking for Flexible Pavements

Figure 2.27: ECFs Based on Roughness for Flexible Pavements

Figures 2.25, 2.26, and 2.27 form the basis for estimating load equivalencies for OS/OW
vehicles using a modular approach. For example, a typical 18-wheeler (Class 9, according to the
Federal Highway Administration) loaded to 80,000 lbs. with 12,000 lbs. on the steering axle and
34,000 lbs. on each tandem axle would result in ECFs of 6.8, 5.7, and 4.9 on flexible pavement
sections with structural numbers of 4, 6, and 10 using rutting failure criteria. However, the
corresponding ECF for the same truck computed using fatigue cracking and roughness failure
criteria drops to 2.1 and 3.2, respectively. Therefore, if uniform weights are assigned to the three
criteria to compute an overall ECF for a Class 9 truck traveling on a facility with SN = 6, the
same would have been equal to 3.67. See Table 2.6.

Table 2.6: Gross ECF for a Class 9 Truck Moving 80,000 lbs.
SN Single Axle Tandem Axle Tandem Axle Gross ECF
4.0 0.19 3.28 3.28 6.75
Rutting 6.0 0.25 2.72 2.72 5.70
10.0 0.33 2.30 2.30 4.93
Cracking 0.12 0.99 0.99 2.11
Roughness 0.79 1.20 1.20 3.19
ECF (Computed using
0.41 1.63 1.63 3.67
uniform weights) [SN = 6.0]

Class 9 and Class 11 trucks are both five-axle trucks, but the former has two tandem
axles and a steering axle, while the latter has five separate single axles. Therefore, they will have
different ECFs, with the Class 9 truck having a lower impact (lower relative consumption) on the
pavement structure (see Figure 2.28). This is primarily due to two reasons: (i) the way the GVW
is distributed over each of the individual axles, and (ii) the fact that a 34-kip tandem axle will
have approximately the same impact as that of the 18-kip single axle (as captured by the GEF
Pavement damage increases as an exponential function of axle weights. Therefore, a
higher number of axles reduces the overall ECF for any given vehicle moving the same payload.
For example, if a Class 10 truck moves a given load with 12,000 lbs. on the steering axle and
34,000 lbs. on each of the tandem and tridem axles, its ECF is 2.64. Certainly a lower ECF
would also imply lower permit costs on grounds of lower impact to the pavement infrastructure.

FHWA Class 9

FHWA Class 11
Figure 2.28: ECFs Calculated for Class 9 and Class 11 on Flexible Pavements

2.6.3 Application Example: Rigid Pavements

Figures 2.29 and 2.30 illustrate ECFs computed for single, tandem, tridem, and quad
axles using the punchout and roughness failure criteria in the case of rigid pavements. As pointed

out earlier, the research team did not notice a correlation between calculated ECFs and slab
thicknesses. The figures shown below provide the same modular architecture adopted previously
in the case of flexible pavements. Assuming an equal weight is assigned to each failure
mechanism—punchout and roughness—the ECFs for a Class 9 truck loaded to 80,000 lbs. are
5.2 and 3.3, respectively. Just as in the case of flexible pavements, additional axles can also
lower the gross ECF of the truck in the case of rigid pavements. A similarly loaded Class 10
truck would have ECFs in the range of 3.5 and 2.8, respectively, when evaluated in terms of
punchout and roughness criteria.

Figure 2.29: ECFs Calculated Using Punchout Failure Criteria for Rigid Pavements

Figure 2.30: ECFs Calculated Using Roughness Failure Criteria for Rigid Pavements

Figure 2.31 depicts ECFs computed for Class 9 and Class 10 trucks and demonstrates
benefits associated with an additional axle in the case of the latter. The specific example also
illustrates that the ECF approach developed in this study could be used by the industry to
determine axle configuration and loads that are friendlier to pavement structure to minimize
pavement damage and pavement consumption, resulting in lower OS/OW permit fees.

Figure 2.31: ECFs Calculated for FHWA Class 9 and Class 10 Trucks

2.6.4 Application Example: Surface Treated Pavements

Figures 2.32, 2.33, and 2.34 provide a graphic illustration of load equivalencies for
single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles loaded to different weights using the three different
distress criteria: rutting, cracking, and roughness. As indicated previously, this study emphasizes
using a modular approach when calculating load equivalencies for different truck configurations
and axle loads. Figures 2.32, 2.33, and 2.34 are useful because they provide individual load
equivalencies for different axle loads and configurations. Given that the gross equivalency of a
given truck configuration is equivalent to the linear combination of the load equivalencies of
individual axles, one can determine its ECF by summing the respective ECFs for the individual

Single Tandem

Tridem Quad
Figure 2.32: ECFs Calculated Using the Rutting Criterion for Surface Treated Pavements

Single Tandem

Tridem Quad
Figure 2.33: ECFs Calculated Using the Cracking Criterion for Surface Treated Pavements

Single Tandem

Tridem Quad
Figure 2.34: ECFs Calculated Using the Roughness Criterion for Surface Treated Pavements

Figure 2.35 presents a case study highlighting the benefits associated with higher axle
groups by making a comparison between the load equivalencies of Class 9 and Class 11 trucks.
Each of the single axles, when loaded to 18 kips, is equivalent to a standard axle. This implies
that a Class 10 truck loaded to 90 kips with the GVW evenly distributed over five axles has a
gross equivalency of 5.0. In the case of the Class 9 truck, the load equivalency of a tandem axle
loaded to 34 kips will vary depending on the distress mechanism considered. Assuming an even
distribution of weights for each of the three distress mechanisms, a Class 9 truck loaded to 86
kips will have a gross equivalency of 4.2 (at 90 kips, it will have an ECF of 5.3), provided the
tandem axles bear 34 kips each.

Figure 2.35: ECFs Calculated for FHWA Class 9 and Class 11 Trucks

2.7 Methods of Cost Determination

The Motor Carrier Division (MCD) routinely issues oversize/overweight (OS/OW)
permits for movement of loads that exceed regulated size or weight restrictions permitted on the
state highway network. In most cases, these permits originate from ports or manufacturing units
and terminate at the point of installation or the state line in the case of inter-state shipments. On
most occasions, the fee assessed for such permits is primarily an administrative fee to cover
establishment costs incurred by TxDOT with some portion allocated to highway maintenance.
During the recent economic downturn, state highway departments have been severely
affected and their highway construction and maintenance budgets cut considerably. Therefore, it
becomes necessary to look for new revenue streams that could potentially make up for
maintenance budget deficits faced by these departments. The addition of a consumption-based
permit fee structure for OS/OW permits would help departments make up for lost revenue and at
the same time develop a self-sustaining highway maintenance fund.
When developing a permit fee structure based on the aforementioned framework, it is
vital to realize the economic benefits the trucking industry brings to this state. Therefore, it is
essential to ensure that permit fees assessed to the OS/OW truck fleet are commensurate with the
imposed additional infrastructure consumption. The fees assessed for OS/OW permits will likely
be a burden to the trucking industry, which in turn will impact its competitive edge over the
railroad industry. The volatility in the energy sector coupled with the economic recession has
forced the trucking industry to operate at all-time low profit margins. Thus, any additional fees
assessed to the trucking sector may have serious consequences, forcing smaller agencies to cease
operations. It is no simple task to accurately quantify the economic prosperity that this industry
brings to Texas. Therefore, the study team did not consider socio-economic impact as part of this

study. The team can only recommend that the permit fee structure suggested be purely based on
consumption of the service life of the highway infrastructure by OS/OW truck traffic. No
attempts were made to account for specific economic benefits associated with increased axle
Highway construction costs are allocated to road users based on cost allocation studies
conducted at the federal and state levels (Luskin et al., 2001). In cost allocation, there are three
basic requirements: marginality, completeness, and rationality. Marginality refers to the cost
allocated to a specific vehicle class that should be sufficient to recover costs incurred by that
class. Rationality refers to the fact that the apportioned cost for a particular vehicle class should
not exceed what it would have otherwise paid had it joined a smaller coalition where it would
have operated on a privately owned facility. Finally, completeness refers to net highway
expenditures, which should be fully recoverable by assigning the costs to each of the
participating vehicle classes. There are several approaches for allocating highway construction
costs to the responsible parties. Among these, the most widely used methodologies are (i) the
Incremental Method, (ii) the Proportional Method, and (iii) the Modified Incremental Method.
Under the incremental method, the pavement structure is first built to accommodate the
lightest vehicle class and the expenditure incurred is assigned to the specific group. This is
followed by the next lightest vehicle class and the resulting increase in thickness is assigned to
the specific group and the process continues. However, it is important to note that the structural
capacity of a pavement increases exponentially with increasing thickness of the pavement
structure. Therefore, allocated costs depend on the order in which vehicle classes are added. It is
also interesting to note that the definition of “lightest vehicle class” can often be subjective. A
specific vehicle class might have the highest GVW but at the same time use more axles to
distribute the load to the pavement structure. Pavement distresses are determined by the axle
weights that are loaded on a specific structure and not by overall vehicle weight. Thus, the
vehicle class with the heaviest GVW may not be as detrimental to the pavement structure
compared to one with a larger number of heavier axles.
The proportional method allocates highway costs based on certain vehicular
characteristics, including Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT),
Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE), etc. The selection of cost allocators plays an important role in
the proportional method. For example, highway construction costs or costs resulting from load-
related damage should use ESAL or GVW as the allocator. On the other hand, costs that can be
attributed to capacity increase should use other relevant parameters, such as PCE.
The modified incremental method starts by allocating highway costs that can be
attributed to certain specific vehicle classes. Once all such costs are accounted for, in the
following step, highway costs attributable to a coalition of two or more vehicles classes are
identified and apportioned based on some measure of proportionality like Vehicle Miles
Traveled (VMT), etc.
As part of this study, the research team adopted a modified version of the proportional
method in determining permit fees that could be charged to the OW truck fleet. Because the
focus of this study is primarily geared towards overweight permits, it is therefore understood that
the most appropriate allocator would be related to the concept of ESAL, as it takes into account
the weight characteristics of individual axles which in turn determine the consumption of service
lives of highway facilities.

2.7.1 Cost Determination Scenarios
According to the proportional method, highway construction costs are allocated based on
a measure of the damage imposed by individual OW truck classes to the pavement or, as defined
in this study, by pavement consumption. The methodology suggests redesigning the pavement
structure so it is sufficient to accommodate additional OW truck traffic while ensuring the same
terminal condition.
This implies increasing the structural capacity of the pavement structure, which could be
achieved in several different ways, including increased thickness of the main structural course or
improved material quality. Given that it is a design problem, there may be several ways to
increase structural capacity: increasing the thickness of the asphalt concrete, increasing the
thickness of the base, blending the natural subgrade with higher quality material, or even
stabilizing the base or subgrade. The design choice made as part of this study consists of
increasing the thickness of the primary structural layer. In the case of flexible pavements, this
implied increasing the thickness of the surface course or one of the underlying layers in
situations where the surface course had a different function other than providing structural
support. On other occasions, like in the case of rigid pavements, the same objective was
addressed though increased slab thickness. As for surface treated sections, an increase in the
thickness of the base course was considered to accommodate additional OW truck traffic while
ensuring the same terminal distress level. In some cases, provision of an asphalt overlay was
It should be noted that the increased thickness and the associated cost refers to the total
highway construction cost required to accommodate the entire OW truck fleet. However, the
overall cost was apportioned based on the damage imposed by individual truck classes to
determine the permit cost for each OW truck class.
The research team considered a scenario where the total number of ESALs owing to the
OW truck fleet equals that of the design truck volume. However, designing the pavement
structure to exclusively cater to OW truck volume was not considered, as it would be
inappropriate because the highway facility was designed for the design truck traffic. Therefore,
OW truck traffic was added to the design traffic volume. The additional traffic volume implies
increased structural capacity, which would be provided by additional thickness. Associated costs
would be apportioned to the total number of OW trucks.
In the case of flexible and surface treated pavements, these costs were estimated using
each of the three primary distress mechanisms earlier discussed: rutting, cracking, and
roughness. In the case of rigid pavements, the cost was assessed using the two distress
mechanisms considered in this study, namely, punchout, and roughness.
In summary, the methodology used to calculate pavement costs due to OW vehicles
considered providing additional structural capacity to the highway facility and calculated any
costs thus incurred. A key component of the entire procedure involved obtaining reliable
estimates for construction costs. This particular objective was addresses by referring to TxDOT’s
average low bid price portal. This provided the research team with unit costs for each of the
different materials (see Table 2.7).

Table 2.7: Average Low Bid Price for Construction Materials
Flexible Pavements (HMAC) Rigid Pavements (CRCP)
Unit Cost Unit Cost
Description Description
($/TON) ($/SY)
Dense-Graded Type B PG 64-22 58.99 Slab Thickness: 8” 38.89
Dense-Graded Type B PG 70-22 99.88 Slab Thickness: 9” 37.34
Dense-Graded Type C PG 64-22 73.58 Slab Thickness: 10” 39.12
Dense-Graded Type C PG 64-28 127.85 Slab Thickness: 11” 41.88
Dense-Graded Type C PG 70-22 95.67 Slab Thickness: 12” 38.85
Dense-Graded Type C PG 76-22 SAC-B 61.05 Slab Thickness: 13” 40.17
Dense-Graded Type C PG 76-22 SAC-A 137.65 Slab Thickness: 15” 65.64
Dense-Graded Type D PG 64-22 83.84
Dense-Graded Type D PG 70-22 129.53
Dense-Graded Type D PG 70-28 103.0
Dense-Graded Type D PG 76-22 SAC-A 111.85
Dense-Graded Type D PG 64-22 SAC-B 72.50
SMA-D PG76-22 SAC-A 95.21
SMA-D PG76-22 SAC-B 108.41
SMA-D PG76-28 SAC-B 108.00

In the following step, unit costs were multiplied with the total quantity of material
required to provide additional structure to support OW traffic. The calculated costs were
determined in terms of cents/ESAL/traveled-mile. Figure 2.36 provides detailed information with
regards to the calculated costs for each of the individual flexible and rigid pavement sections
using the different distress mechanisms considered in this study.

Flexible Pavements (Rutting) Flexible Pavements (Roughness)

Rigid Pavements (Punchout) Rigid Pavements (Roughness)

Figure 2.36: Pavement Costs Assessed for OS/OW Loads

The research team realized that there was a negligible relationship between calculated
fees and the functional classification or the structural number for a given highway facility. This
particular finding encouraged researchers to obtain average fees irrespective of the highway
facility: 1.8 cents/ESAL/mile for flexible pavements and 1.3 cents/ESAL/mile for rigid
pavements. However, computed costs vary over a wide range for both flexible (3.54
cents/ESAL/mile for rutting; 2.28 cents/ESAL/mile for roughness) and rigid pavement structures
(2.11 cents/ESAL/mile for punchouts; 1.58 cents/ESAL/mile for roughness). In this situation,
one would rather be safe constructing a 95-percent confidence interval on the calculated costs
that should be assessed on the OS/OW loads. This implies increased fees of between 3.7
cents/ESAL/mile (Mean = 1.8 cents/ESAL/mile) for flexible pavement structures and between
2.9 cents/ESAL/mile (Mean = 1.3 cents ESAL/mile) for rigid pavement structures.
The permit fee structure proposed above refers to the fee that should be assessed on
OS/OW loads. However, the definition of “legal load” is an important factor that requires further
consideration. A truck that does not exceed a GVW of 80,000 lbs. is not subject to any fees
under the current fee structure. Such rules also apply to single axles not exceeding 20,000 lbs.,
tandem axles not exceeding 34,000 lbs., and tridem axles not exceeding 42,000 lbs. Therefore,
under the proposed fee structure, these vehicles should continue to have the same exemptions
they enjoy today. The researchers propose that the suggested fee structure be considered as a
marginal fee applicable to OS/OW loads once they exceed the legal limits, proportional to the
amount that exceeds these limits.

2.8 Conclusion
This report presents a methodology to determine load equivalencies for different vehicles.
The methodology developed uses a modular architecture that focuses on determination of the
ECFs for different axle loads and configurations that can subsequently be aggregated to establish
the ECF of any OW vehicle.
The research team observed that the structural capacity of individual pavement sections
had secondary bearing on the ECFs that were calculated except in the case of rutting in flexible
pavement. It is interesting to note that ECFs calculated using rutting criteria showed that a
structural number of four yields the highest ALF for tandem, tridem, and quad axles. This
implies that pavements with structural numbers around four are most sensitive to high axle loads
while their effect dissipates for both thicker and thinner pavements.
In general, the ALFs computed for flexible pavements using rutting and fatigue cracking
failure criteria are around four for pavement, with structural number equal to 4.0. Therefore,
results of this study concur with the widely known fourth power law. However, the results have
greater implications and a wider range of application.
In the case of rigid pavements, similar observations were also made while analyzing the
ECFs evaluated using punchout failure criteria. However, data suggested the ALF to be slightly
more than 3.0. Nevertheless, the research team found that GEFs for single, tandem, and tridem
axles were similar to those noted in the case of flexible pavements using rutting or fatigue
cracking failure criteria.
In the case of surface treated pavement sections, researchers did not observe a noticeable
relationship between the ALF and the structural number for the highway facility. However, the
GEF values calculated using rutting, cracking, and roughness criteria were relatively higher. This
indicates that the standard load corresponding to an ESAL equal to one would be relatively
higher in the case of surface treated sections if ALF values remain unchanged. Interestingly, it
was also noticed that ALF values were higher in the case of surface treated sections, sometimes
up to twice of those calculated for flexible pavement sections. This indicates that surface
treatments are relatively more sensitive to axle loads compared to flexible pavement sections. It
was also observed that the ALF computed using the cracking criterion was approximately equal
to 4.0, once again validating the significance of the fourth-power law.
This chapter also illustrates how one could use the models developed in this study for
determining load equivalencies for OW permits. It was shown through an example that the
addition of axles to a given vehicle results in lower ECFs.
In the final section of this chapter, the research team discussed in detail the methodology
adopted for determining permit fees assessed to
The study team proposes an OW loads. This methodology is based on the
assumption that the cost of providing additional
average permit fee of 3.7 and 2.9 structure adequate to support OW loads should be
cents/ESAL/mile on rigid and recovered through such fees. To that effect, the
flexible pavements, respectively researchers considered providing the additional
structure by increasing the thickness of the
primary structural layer. The cost incurred was apportioned to OW truck traffic. Because this
study uses a modular approach to determine the impact on the highway infrastructure due to OW
loads through consideration of ESALs, the resulting fee structure was proposed in equivalent
units. The research team proposes an average permit fee of 3.7 and 2.9 cents/ESAL/mile on rigid
and flexible pavements, respectively.

Chapter 3. Bridge Consumption

3.1 Chapter Objective and Organization

This chapter discusses bridge analysis methodology, hypotheses, and assumptions;
summarizes the data collected; and provides analysis and summaries of the oversize/overweight
(OS/OW) permit 2009 data. It also documents a bridge consumption methodology based on
bridge fatigue concepts developed in this project. This methodology is applicable for both routed
and non-routed permits. Finally, results are presented for routed and non-routed permits.

3.2 Analysis Objective and Approach

The bridge analysis objective is to estimate the bridge consumption costs of
representative OS/OW permit configurations. The approach is neither a full-cost nor a cost
allocation study; rather, it develops measures of bridge consumption cost per mile to support the
revision of OS/OW fees. The calculations estimate the effects of OS/OW configurations on
bridge consumption, treating each passage of the OS/OW permitted load as a fractional
consumption of the bridge’s design life. In its methodology, the research team did not consider
other cost externalities such as the impacts of delays caused by work zones and detours to
upgrade bridges deficient for OS/OW operations.

3.3 Methodology Overview and Available Data

3.3.1 General Overview
The bridge analysis methodology relies on the data sources summarized in Table 3.1. The
following steps provide an overview of the methodology to estimate bridge consumption costs
for routed and non-routed permits:
1. Routed permits
a. Develop the methodology to calculate bridge consumption and corresponding cost per
b. Merge bridge data to all routes in the Geographic Information System (GIS) platform
containing 2009 routed permits;
c. Determine representative configurations for routed permits;
d. Assign representative configurations to routes and estimate mileage;
e. Harmonize gross weight categories used in the GIS platform (Middleton et al., 2012)
with Central Permit Office categories (see also pavement analysis chapter);
f. Retrieve the bridges on all routes and calculate the consumption; and
g. Calculate the bridge consumption cost per mile.
2. Non-routed permits
a. Monte Carlo simulation of routes to reflect annual mileage for each configuration;
b. Calculate bridge consumption with the methodology developed by this research project
(See Step 1 of this list); and
c. Calculate bridge consumption cost per mile.

Table 3.1: Data Sources
Data type Source
Bridge data Bridge Inspection and Appraisal Program (BRINSAP) (FHWA, 1995)
Non-routed permits Additional research work performed by the research team for the
Rider 36 project identified the characteristics of non-routed permits,
and the results are documented in a previous chapter of this report.
The research team conducted a separate survey to identify annual
mileage and load configurations for non-routed permits. Results are
documented in a separate chapter of this report.
Routed permits Central Permit Office database
Summary of 2009 routed permits data in GIS (Middleton et al., 2012)

3.3.2 Bridge Consumption Analysis

Bridge analysis for policy purposes must rely on readily available data. The Federal
Highway Administration’s National Bridge Inventory (NBI) (FHWA, 1995), known as the
Bridge Inspection and Appraisal Program (BRINSAP) in Texas, is the only dataset that meets
this objective. BRINSAP/NBI contains data describing the bridge length, support type, design
type, and material. These data are sufficient to estimate and compute live load bending moments.
BRINSAP/NBI does not contain detailed data on individual bridge design elements, thus
ruling out analysis of fatigue details such as stiffeners and connections, shear stresses, or other
stresses that require this level of analysis detail. This data limitation is primarily why previous
studies of national truck size and weight (TS&W) policy issues (Moses, 1989) have either
ignored fatigue effects and other less critical stresses or handled them in a very simplified
Previous truck size and weight studies used bending moment stresses as a defensible
surrogate for bridge stresses. This report developed a unique and innovative approach that treats
each passage of an OS/OW load as consuming a dollar amount of the bridge asset value. This
approach uses a simplified fatigue approach to evaluate bridge consumption due to the operation
of OS/OW permitted load configurations. This methodology for bridge analysis is documented in
the section titled “Bridge Consumption” in this chapter.

3.4 Routed Permits

3.4.1 Determining Bridges on Permitted Routes
Until recently, the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) Motor Carrier
Division maintained the Central Permit Office permit file and provided the research team with
six fiscal years (2004–2009) of overweight load permit history for analysis and reporting
purposes at the beginning of this project. The research team concentrated on the 2009 file,
because TxDOT Research Project 0-6404 (“Accommodating Oversize and Overweight Loads,”
Middleton et al., 2012) summarized the permit statistics for 2009 based on gross vehicle weight
(GVW) categories. The research team characterized routed permitted loads using statistical
summaries of the data.
Figure 3.1 presents the data format available in this GIS file. For the specific GIS
segment highlighted in Figure 3.1, there were 63 permits in the 80 to 120 kips GVW category, 32
permits in the 120 to 150 kips GVW category, and so on. The segment length is 168,304 feet, or

approximately 32 miles. The length information on the segment is necessary to calculate bridge
consumption per mile for both routed and non-routed permits.
Figure 3.1 also depicts the two overlaid layers (bridges and permitted routes) and a data
block from the permit file for the highlighted segment. The overlaid layers were obtained after
the double-counting issues discussed above. Other less common issues were corrected using
extensive Statistical Analysis System (SAS) programming. In Figure 3.1, permit routes
(Middleton et al., 2012) are represented by black lines overlaid to the point-base GIS layer
containing the bridges, which are represented by red dots. This combined GIS dataset was used
in bridge consumption calculations for both routed and non-routed loads documented later in this

Figure 3.1: GIS Data from Project 0-6404

The geo-referenced GIS layer merging the bridge data available in BRINSAP with
permitted routes was generated using a GIS proximity algorithm. Extensive SAS programming
for cleaning up the GIS proximity algorithm results was then developed and used to filter
inconsistencies. The most important proximity algorithm issues necessitating data filtering were
those resulting in bridges being double counted. The most common double-counting issues were
the following:

• At over/underpasses, the proximity algorithm assigns the same bridge record for the
route on the bridge, as well as the route under it. A SAS code detects these
intersections to delete non-existing bridge records.
• When there are two segments located within the proximity algorithm parameters,
the algorithm may assign a bridge to both roads. A SAS code detects these cases
and deletes non-existing bridges.

Figure 3.2 illustrates a GIS data block containing the BRINSAP information for the same
segment highlighted in Figure 3.1. The data block is for the BRINSAP bridge record with
Structure ID 241160037404016. This specific data block was selected to illustrate a double-
counting issue inherent to the one-way nature of permitted loads: parallel bridges. The two
structures appearing at the same US 62 location in Figure 3.2 physically exist as parallel bridges.
These cases were filtered during the bridge analysis in order to consider the one-way nature of
routed permit loads. Culverts were not considered in the bridge consumption analysis.

Figure 3.2: GIS Data from Project 0-6404 Combined with BRINSAP Data

3.4.2 Representative Loads for Routed Permits
The next step of the data analysis was to import GIS information (Middleton et al., 2012)
into SAS and perform statistical analyses of the permits to determine representative axle
configurations. The Central Permit Office permit file consists of 128 fields in one table. Fields
relevant to the data analysis are those related to the load description, axle spacing, and axle
In the 2009 permit file, there are 529,899 permit records, 166,554 of which belong to
routed loads where weight information is available. Table 3.2 summarizes the permit statistics by
GVW for routed loads. The first column depicts the GVW categories available in the GIS
database (Ibid). Approximately 44 percent of the permits, or 73,423, fall in the 80 to 120 kips
category. The fourth, fifth, and sixth columns display 2009 data summarized by the Central
Permit Office categories utilized for the cost estimate, which were also used in the pavement
consumption analysis documented in a previous chapter of this report. The bridge consumption
analysis followed the GVW categories summarized in the fourth column of Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Summary Statistics for the 2009 Permit Data File
GIS Data Number Number
Permit Office
Category of Percent of Percent
(kips) Permits Permits
80 to 120 73,423 44.08% 80-120 73,423 44.36%
120 to 150 42,899 25.76% 120-160 62,119 37.53%
150 to 175 29,996 18.01% 160-200 23,247 14.05%
175 to 200 12,471 7.49%
200 to 256 7,119 4.27% 200-254 6,723 4.06%
256 and up 646 0.39%
Total 166,554 Total 165,512

The research team performed statistical analysis of the 2009 Central Permit data using the
GVW categories summarized in the first column of Table 3.2 and determined the representative
permitted configurations with an analytical procedure. The team conducted a separate survey to
identify annual mileage and load configurations for non-routed permits. This survey and its
results are documented in a previous chapter. The purpose of using an analytical procedure for
routed loads was to identify representative configurations for use in the bridge consumption
analysis. This procedure is explained below using the most frequent category (80 to 120 kip
GVW) as an example.
The analytical procedure was coded in SAS and utilizes two variables from the 2009
Central Permit File:
• Spacing1 to spacing24 (spacing between two consecutive axles), and
• Weight1 to weight25 (axle weights).

The number of variables weight1 to weight25 with values greater than zero corresponds
to the total number of axles. For example, a record with weight1 to weight5 greater than zero

corresponds to a five-axle truck. Variables spacing1 to spacing4 indicate how these axles are
arranged (single, tandem, tridem, etc). Table 3.3 shows the frequencies of number of axles in the
80 to 120 kip GVW category. The most frequent configuration (45.3 percent) has six axles.
Table 3.4 shows the axle spacing statistics of the six-axle truck in the 80 to120 kip GVW
category. Table 3.5 indicates the weight statistics. From examination of these data, the
configuration depicted in Figure 3.3 clearly stands out as the fully loaded (from the weight data)
truck with typical axle arrangement (from the axle spacing data).

Table 3.3: Number of Axles in the 80–120 Kips Category

Number of Number of
Axles Permits
2 19 0.0
3 12 0.0
4 4,533 6.2
5 22,488 30.6
6 33,252 45.3
7 9,499 12.9
8 1,514 2.1
9 1,057 1.4
10 359 0.5
11 344 0.5
12 176 0.2
13 167 0.2
14 3 0.0
Total 73,423

Table 3.4: Summary of Spacings in the 6-Axle, 80–120 Kips Category (ft.)
Quartile 90% Std.
Variable Min. 1st
2nd 3rd Percentile Mean Dev. Mode Max.
spacing1 4 15 18 19 20 18 10.1 18 918
spacing2 4 4 4 4 5 4 2.2 4 60
spacing3 4 32 36 40 65 40 22.4 38 536
spacing4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6.1 4 107
spacing5 3 4 4 5 5 4 2.2 4 61

Table 3.5: Summary of Weights in the 6-Axle, 80–120 Kips Category (kips)
Quartile 90% Std.
Variable Min. 1 st
2nd 3rd Percentile Mean Dev. Mode Max.
Weight1 1.3 12 12 14 15 13 1.7 12 24
Weight2 2.3 19 20 23 23 20 2.3 20 24
Weight3 2.3 19 20 23 23 20 2.3 20 30
Weight4 1.3 17 19 20 20 18 2.3 20 30
Weight5 1.8 17 19 20 20 18 2.3 20 30
Weight6 1.3 17 19 20 20 18 2.3 20 30

15 kips 22.5 kips each 20 kips each

18 ft 4 ft 37 ft 5 ft 5 ft

Figure 3.3: Analysis Configuration for the 80–120 Kip GVW Category

The other typical configurations were determined in an analogous manner and then
assigned to routes according to the corresponding GVW categories available in the GIS file
(Middleton et al., 2012). This analysis includes the typical configurations depicted in Figures 3.4
through 3.6.

15 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 60kip tridem

17 ft 4 ft 14 ft 4 ft 80 ft 4 ft 4 ft
(axle weights in kips)
Figure 3.4: Analysis Configuration for the 120–160 Kip GVW Category

15 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 59 kip tridem

14 ft 4 ft 13 ft 4 ft 85 ft 4 ft 12 ft 4 ft 4 ft
(axle weights in kips)
Figure 3.5: Analysis Configuration for the 160–200 Kip GVW Category

15 60kip tridem 60kip tridem 60kip tridem 60kip tridem

16 ft 5 ft 5 ft 15 ft 5 ft 5 ft 55 ft 5 ft 5 ft 15 ft 5 ft 5 ft
(axle weights in kips)
Figure 3.6: Analysis Configuration for the 200–254 Kip GVW Category

3.5 Bridge Consumption Methodology
3.5.1 Background
Bridge consumption may be understood as a fatigue process in which each load passage
over a given bridge consumes part of the bridge design life. The American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials bridge design specifications (AASHTO, 1990) include
fatigue curves that imply a certain number of stress cycles that define the bridge design life.
Figure 3.7 depicts one of the fatigue curves included in the AASHTO bridge design
specifications. This set of curves is for steel bridge details and is in a logarithmic scale. As
evidenced by this set of curves, the wider the stress range, the lower the number of stress cycles
to get to the end of the design life of a specific structural detail. Fatigue curves for other
materials such as reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete follow this general shape but
have different numerical parameters. Equation 3.1 presents the generic mathematical formulation
of the bridge fatigue curves.
AASHTO specifies a 75-year design life or two million applications of the design load.
Design loads are specified as specific load configurations with defined axle spacing and axle
loads. Inventory rating loads (recorded in BRINSAP/NBI) induce stresses equivalent to design
load stresses but reflect the current load rating for a given bridge.

3.5.2 Methodology Description

The data available in the NBI/BRINSAP database allows for the application of simplified
methodologies to estimate bridge consumption for load configurations at the policy level.
Applying Equation 3.1 twice, once for the Inventory rating load and again for the
oversize/overweight permit load and then subtracting one result from the other, one obtains
Equation 3.2.
At the policy level, it is not feasible to calculate actual stress ranges for bridge details.
Digital descriptions of bridge cross sections and other characteristics are not available. Even if
they were, computational demands would make this task unfeasible within this project’s time
frame. An acceptable method successfully used in previous oversize/overweight studies involves
using live load bending moments as surrogates for the stress range (Imbsen et al., 1987;
Weissmann & Harrison, 1992; and Weissmann, et al., 2002). This approach substitutes the stress
ranges in Equation 3.2 with bending moments, defining the bridge consumption ratio as depicted
in Equation 3.3. Simply put, Equation 3.3 states that the bridge consumption ratio induced by a
bending moment of an inventory rating load passage on a given bridge is equal to 1. Loads
inducing bending moments twice as large as the inventory rating bending moment lead to a
bridge consumption ratio of two to the power m, where m is a function of the bridge material.
Table 3.6 presents m values recommended in the literature for the corresponding
BRINSAP structure type codes (Altry et al., 2003 and Overman et al., 1984).

Figure 3.7: AASHTO Bridge Fatigue Curves

log N = C – m log S (3.1)

N – Number of cycles or load applications
S – Stress range
m – Constant: material dependent
C – Constant

N Inventory
= m
S Inventory

Ninventory – Number of load applications for the inventory rating load
NOSOW – Number of load applications for the oversize overweight load
Sinventory – Stress range for the inventory load
SOSOW – Stress range for the oversize overweight load
m – Constant: material dependent

 M 

Consumptio nRatio =  OSOW 

 M Inventory  (3.3)

Minventory – Live load bending moment for the inventory rating load
MOSOW – Live load bending moment for the oversize overweight load
m – Constant: material dependent

Table 3.6: Values of m Constant for Bridge Fatigue Analysis

Structure Type

Concrete Slab 101 4.1

Concrete Girders 102 3.5

Concrete T Beam 104 4.1

Concrete Box Beam 105 4.1

Concrete Continuous Slab 201 4.1

Concrete Continuous T Beam 204 4.1

Steel Girder 302 3.0

Steel Continuous Girders 402 3.0

Steel Continuous Girder 403 3.2

Steel Continuous Box Beam 405 3.2

Steel Continuous Box Beam 406 3.2

Prestressed Concrete 500 3.5

Prestressed Concrete Slab 501 3.5

Prestressed Concrete Girder 502 3.5

Prestressed Concrete Box Beam 505 3.5

Prestressed Concrete Continuous 601 3.5

Prestressed Concrete Continuous 602 3.5

The bridge consumption in dollars due to the passage of a given load is estimated by
using Equation 3.3 combined with a consumable asset value for the bridge. Research developed
in support of the Texas 2030 Committee established that the current asset value of a bridge is
$190 per square foot of deck area (Texas 2030, 2009). Previous highway cost allocation studies
established that the asset value of a bridge should be allocated according to the Table 3.7, with
11 percent of the bridge asset value attributable to loads that are over HS20-44 (FHWA, 2000).
HS20-44 is a standardized bridge design load, and bridge current inventory ratings are usually
represented as multiples of the HS20 design load when recorded in NBI/BRINSAP.

Table 3.7: Bridge Asset Value Percentages for GVW Categories

With the help of computerized routines, Equation 3.4 is applied on a bridge-by-bridge

basis to all bridges in the GIS data previously described in this chapter. Bridge asset
consumption results for each bridge are summarized and aggregated to determine an overall cost
for a given permit load, which can be divided by the mileage to get a cost-per-mile for bridge

 M OSOW 
Consumptio n = [( Area)(190)(0.11)   ] ÷ (2,000,000)
 M Inventory 
  (3.4)
Minventory – Live load bending moment for the Inventory Rating Load for each
bridge in the permit dataset
MOSOW – Live load bending moment for the Oversize Overweight Load for each
bridge in the permit dataset
– Constant: material dependent
190 – Asset value for a bridge in dollars per bridge deck square foot

0.11 – The bridge asset value responsibility for heavy trucks (see Table 3.7).
2,000,000 – Number of allowable load cycles that define bridge design life
according to AASHTO

3.5.3 Bridge Bending Moment Analysis at the Network Level

The computer program Moment Analysis of Structures (MOANSTR) was used to
calculate live load moment ratios as required by Equation 3.4 for the bridges in the routes
identified using the GIS approach discussed earlier in this chapter. The MOANSTR program’s
core is a finite differences routine that calculates live load moment envelopes generated by
OS/OW configurations and NBI/BRINSAP rating loads. The MOANSTR routine incorporates
previous research by Matlock (Matlock et al., 1968) and others (Weissmann & Harrison, 1992
and Weissmann et al., 2002). MOANSTR calculates moment envelopes and identifies the
maximum live load bending moments (positive and negative) induced by the OS/OW
configuration and the inventory rating load.

3.5.4 Bridge Consumption Methodology Summary

The following steps summarize the implementation of the concepts previously discussed:
1. Permit routes from Project 0-6404 (GIS) (Middleton et al., 2012)
2. Geo-reference BRINSAP data
3. Overlay bridges onto GIS permit routes
4. Characterize routed permit loads (axle weights and spacing) per weight category
5. Characterize non-routed loads (axle weights and spacing) and annual mileage
6. Calculate bending moments
7. Calculate bridge consumption using Equation 3.4
8. Calculate cost-per-bridge on each segment
9. Estimate cost-per-mile for each permit GVW weight category

A few variations of some of the steps above were required to analyze non-routed permits.
These modifications are discussed later in this chapter using a case study for one of the non-
routed permits.

3.6 Bridge Consumption Results: Routed Permits

3.6.1 Routed Permits Example
Figure 3.8 depicts the distribution of the moment ratios for the 80 to 120 kip GVW
category. The moment ratios (permit to inventory) are concentrated in values greater than 1.2 (63
percent). Equation 3.4 indicates that consumption results for this configuration are expected to be

Figure 3.8: Moment Ratios Distribution for the 80 to 120 Kip GVW Category

Table 3.8 presents a sample of the results of the consumption analysis of the 80 to 120
kip GVW category. The first column in Table 3.8 includes the BRINSAP Structure ID for a
specific bridge in a permit route. Subsequent columns contain the following data:
• Bridge deck area in square feet
• Unique GIS segment ID
• Route number
• Number of permits that traveled in that segment in 2009
• Permit mileage that needs to be divided by the number of bridges on a given GIS
• Structure type (used to determine the m coefficient in the bridge fatigue equations)
• Bridge count used in calculating the segment miles (number of bridges in a given
GIS segment)
• Moment ratios (calculated with the MOANSTR computerized routine)
• Bridge consumption (calculated using Equation 3.4)
• Segment miles (calculated dividing the permit mileage by the bridge count)

The last two columns are aggregated to determine network-wide bridge consumption and
the total mileage attributable to the 80 to 120 kip GVW category. The bridge consumption cost-
per-mile for this permit category is obtained by dividing total bridge consumption by total miles.

Results for the 80 to 120 kip GVW category are summarized in Table 3.9, which shows that this
class of routed permits traveled more than 3.9 million miles in 2009 with a total bridge
consumption of $ 909,968, leading to a bridge consumption cost-per-mile of 23 cents.

Table 3.8: Partial Results of the Bridge Consumption Analysis for the 80 to 120 Kip
GVW Category
Structure ID AREA GIS Route# # of 80_120 Permit Structure Bridge Moment Bridge Segment
sqft segment permits Mileage Type Count Ratio Consumption $ Miles
10600013604079 11,268 18787 SH0019 12 54.06 102 3 1.69 8.8 18.0
10600013604101 6,448 18420 SH0019 12 7.69 102 1 1.64 4.5 7.7
10600040001016 35,391 18116 SH0019 11 35.15 201 3 1.45 18.4 11.7
10600052501001 8,596 18247 SH0019 11 12.98 101 1 2.06 19.2 13.0
10750004505027 4,733 19051 SH0056 1 5.65 104 2 2.05 0.9 2.8
10750004505028 6,620 19051 SH0056 1 5.65 104 2 2.05 1.3 2.8
10750004520040 10,268 19123 FM1752 2 2.66 502 1 1.33 0.5 2.7
10750004520191 12,650 19089 US0082 71 71.56 502 2 1.33 23.2 35.8
10750004520219 13,110 19089 US0082 71 71.56 502 2 1.38 27.5 35.8
10750004520230 11,088 19110 US0082 93 466.71 502 1 1.33 26.7 466.7
10750020202028 2,493 18551 FM0151 29 44.6 102 1 1.79 5.8 44.6

Table 3.9: Bridge Consumption per Mile for the 80 to 120 Kip GVW Category
Total Bridge
Total mileage
Consumption $ Consumption
3,939,917 909,968 $0.23 per mile

3.6.2 Bridge Consumption for the Routed GVW Categories

Similar analyses were performed for the other GVW categories previously discussed in
this chapter. Table 3.10 summarizes the results. As expected, bridge consumption per mile for
the 80 to 120 kip GVW category is less than that of the 120 to 160 kip GVW category, and the
mileage is higher. The 80 to 120 kips GVW permits traveled about 3.9 million miles in 2009,
inducing a bridge consumption of $900,968, leading to a bridge consumption of 23 cents per
mile. Representative configurations for the routed permits are depicted in Figures 3.9 to 3.12.

Table 3.10: Bridge Consumption per Mile for All GVW Categories—Routed Loads
Miles Consumption $/mile
80–120k 3,939,917 909,968 0.23
120–160K 1,104,370 416,613 0.38
160–200k 534,260 259,374 0.49
200–254k 239,610 214,603 0.90

15 kip 22.5 kip each 20 kip each

18 ft 4 ft 37 ft 5 ft 5 ft

Figure 3.9: Representative Load for the 8–120 Kip GVW Category

15 kip 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 60kip tridem

17 ft 4 ft 14 ft 4 ft 80 ft 4 ft 4 ft
Figure 3.10: Representative Load for the 120–160 Kip GVW Category

15 kip 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 42 kip tandem 59 kip tridem

14 ft 4 ft 13 ft 4 ft 85 ft 4 ft 12 ft 4 ft 4 ft
Figure 3.11: Representative Load for the 160–200 Kip GVW Category

15 kip 60kip tridem 60kip tridem 60kip tridem 60kip tridem

16 ft 5 ft 5 ft 15 ft 5 ft 5 ft 55 ft 5 ft 5 ft 15 ft 5 ft 5 ft
Figure 3.12: Representative Load for the 200–254 Kip GVW Category

3.7 Bridge Consumption: Non-Routed Permits

3.7.1 Methodology
The research team analyzed bridge consumption for non-routed permits using a Monte
Carlo simulation, where GIS segments of the permit database described previously were
randomly sampled. Each randomly sampled segment contains a certain number of bridges and
has a certain length. Each randomly sampled set of segments is capped at the expected annual
mileage for the non-routed permit. This mileage was defined in additional research documented
in a previous chapter of this report that discusses non-routed permits mileage statistics and truck
After establishing this random GIS segment data set, the analysis follows steps similar to
those previously described for routed permits. Bending moments for permit and inventory rating
loads are calculated using the MOANSTR computerized routine, and results for Equation 3.4 are
calculated for all bridges identified in the randomly assigned GIS segments to determine bridge
consumption. Finally, results are aggregated for mileage and bridge consumption, allowing for
the calculation of bridge consumption costs-per-mile.
Because the routes are not fixed as in the routed permit case, segments were randomly
assigned to approximately fulfill the established annual mileage. Bridge density (bridge count by
GIS segment) is also relevant to these calculations. Statistical analyses of bridge count per mile
showed a significant difference in bridge density for East and West Texas counties. To properly
consider the issue of different bridge densities, the analysis for non-routed permits was
segregated into East and West Texas as depicted in Figure 3.13.

Figure 3.13: Segregation of Bridge Consumption Calculation for Non-Routed Permits
into East and West Texas

3.7.2 Bridge Consumption Results Example for Non-Routed Permits

Figure 3.14 depicts one of the non-routed configurations analyzed in this study. This non-
routed permit applies to vehicles defined in Section 622.011, Transportation Code as TTC
622.01-017, ready mix concrete and concrete pump trucks. These vehicles can operate at up to
69,000 lbs. and are not allowed on IH and US highways. Annual loaded mileage for these trucks
was summarized in a previous chapter of this report and is estimated to be around 20,000 loaded

Source: Baker Ready Mix website:
Figure 3.14: Representative Load Configuration for One Non-Routed Permit
Load-Ready Mixed Truck

Table 3.11 summarizes results for the ready mix load configuration depicted in Figure
3.14. Results show an average difference in bridge consumption between East and West Texas
counties of around 11 cents per mile.
To test the robustness of the methodology, the research team performed several Monte
Carlo simulations with different random seeds. Bridge consumption results per mile changed
very little with seed value, confirming the robustness of this numerical approach.

Table 3.11: Bridge Consumption per Mile for Non-Routed Ready-Mixed Truck
Total Bridge
Consumption Counties $/mile
Assigned Miles
22,453 2,058 West 0.092
20,837 2,511 East 0.120
Average 0.106

3.7.3 Bridge Consumption for Non-Routed Categories

The identification of the analysis configurations and annual mileages of non-routed
permits is documented in a previous chapter. Table 3.12 summarizes bridge consumption
calculations for non-routed loads. The first column of the table identifies the permit type and the

estimated annual mileage for that permit load configuration. The subsequent columns summarize
the number of randomly assigned mileage GIS segments for each permit category and the
corresponding bridge consumption values.
The randomly assigned mileage matches as closely as possible with the estimated
mileage determined by the research team and documented in a previous chapter. Exact matches
are not possible due to the random nature of the Monte Carlo procedure, which assigns GIS route
segments and associated bridges. However, calculated values are not very sensitive to mileage
values, because results are averaged out as bridge consumption costs per mile. The analysis (and
thus the results) is segregated for East and West Texas due to reasons discussed earlier in this
Figures 3.15 to 3.23 depict the load configurations used in the analysis summarized in
Table 3.12.

Table 3.12: Summary of Bridge Consumption Results for Non-Routed Permits
Randomly Total Bridge
Truck Type & Loaded
Region Assigned Consumption $/mile
Annual Mileage
Miles Cost ($)
West 34,700 2,224 0.064
LP Gas Bobtail East 34,960 2,274 0.065
35,000 miles Average 0.065
West 22,453 2,058 0.092
Ready Mix East 20,837 2,511 0.120
20,000 miles Average 0.106
West 17,031 1,411 0.083
Garbage & Recycling East 16,165 1,943 0.120
17,000 miles Average 0.102
West 14,352 1,592 0.111
Cotton Module East 14,004 2,414 0.172
15,000 miles Average 0.142
West 14,108 673 0.048
Chilli Pepper Module East 14,420 1,191 0.083
15,000 miles Average 0.065
West 44,553 2,070 0.046
Aggregate Hauler East 42,073 3,212 0.076
45,000 miles Average 0.061
Grain Hauler West 9,884 468 0.047
12% Statute East 7,709 614 0.080
9,000 miles Average 0.064
Grain Hauler West 9,122 377 0.041
2060 Permit East 7,709 577 0.075
9,000 miles Average 0.058
West 36,561 1,038 0.028
Logging East 31,040 1,646 0.053
36,000 miles Average 0.041
West 61,217 1,468 0.024
Milk East 62,025 2,892 0.047
63,000 miles Average 0.035

14.6 kip 40 kip tandem 23 kip 46 kip tandem

16 ft 19 ft
Figure 3.15: LP Gas Bobtail Permit Figure 3.16: Ready Mixed Permit
Configuration Configuration

21 kip 44 kip tandem 14 kip 50 kip tandem

16 ft 22 ft
Figure 3.17: Garbage and Recycling Figure 3.18: Cotton Module Permit
Permit Configuration Configuration

14 kip 40 kip tandem

22 ft
Figure 3.19: Chile Pepper Module Permit Configuration

10 kip 37 kip tandem 37 kip tandem

16 ft 36 ft
Figure 3.20: Aggregate Hauler Permit Configuration

12% statute 8 kip 38 kip tandem 38 kip tandem
2060 Permit 10 kip 37 kip tandem 37 kip tandem

16 ft 36 ft
Figure 3.21: Grain Hauler Permit Configuration

12 kip 34 kip tandem 34 kip tandem

15 ft 5 ft 14 ft 5 ft
Figure 3.22: Logging Permit Configuration

12 kip 34 kip tandem 34 kip tandem

15 ft 5 ft 18 ft 5 ft
Figure 3.23: Milk Permit Configuration

3.8 Summary
This chapter documented the methodology for and results of the bridge consumption
analysis developed for this project. Bridge consumption methodologies were developed and
applied for routed and non-routed permits. Bridge consumption costs on a per-mile basis are
summarized for the routed and non-routed permits in Tables 3.10 and 3.12, respectively.

Chapter 4. Cost Analysis

4.1 Introduction
Chapter 4 builds on work discussed in the first three chapters and focuses on identifying
all costs associated with OS/OW infrastructure consumption, other impacts to state
infrastructure, and costs associated with administration and enforcement of OS/OW permitting
and operations. This chapter also provides the framework and equations for calculating total
permit fees and the information necessary to analyze permit fees and revenue presented in
Chapter 5. The revenue assessment presented in Chapter 5 uses actual FY 2011 permit revenues
as the base year data that was provided by TxDOT’s finance division (TxDOT, 2010). This
information was compared to permit revenue estimates using the proposed new consumption cost
methodologies presented in Chapters 2 and 3 and the additional permit costs identified in
Chapter 4. The permit revenue amounts based on the new permit fees was calculated using the
same number of permits sold in FY 2011 for key permit types that made up more than 90 percent
of permit sales and permit revenue in FY 2011. Proposed new permits for exempt vehicles are
also included in the Chapter 5 revenue assessment.
It is important to recall that the Rider 36 study addresses all OS/OW loads operating on
the state system that include single-trip routed and non-routed permitted loads and OS/OW loads
currently exempt from purchasing a permit by state law. In addition, based on information
obtained during the course of this study and previous research studies, it is apparent that a
percentage of OS/OW loads operate illegally. Consumption rates and other costs associated with
exempt and illegal OS/OW loads are the most difficult to quantify due to lack of detailed
information about numbers of vehicles, loaded and empty Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), and
related factors. However, the research team has prepared estimates of the numbers of vehicles
and related information associated with non-routed permitted and exempt loads based on an
analysis of previous research, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s
database, information obtained from the TxDMV Enforcement Section (complaints investigation
database), TxDMV vehicle registration information, and information obtained during the truck
industry forum and interviews discussed in Chapter 1. An estimated number of exempt vehicles
of each type is necessary to calculate revenue based on new permits for these vehicles. [FMCSA
2012] [TxDMV-ENF 2012]
As documented in Chapter 1, an extensive review of the Texas Transportation Code and
other statutes was also conducted with respect to provisions governing OS/OW vehicles,
including exempt vehicles, as well as associated laws in other states and other countries. The
research team also reviewed legislation in our North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
treaty partner countries: Canada and Mexico. Numerous interviews were conducted with officials
representing TxDOT districts and divisions, Texas cities and counties, and various state agencies
involved in OS/OW vehicle operations. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with personnel
from various agencies in other states regarding OS/OW vehicle permitting, including longer
combination vehicles. This information provided a baseline for determining how Texas and other
states address exemptions for certain types of cargo or industries; allowable weight, width,
length, and height limits; and other factors. This information also provided a basic understanding
of the relationship between OS/OW laws and state statutes addressing size and weight
enforcement and associated penalties. Based on previous studies, it is apparent that there must be
a direct link and cooperation between OS/OW vehicle operators, state enforcement agencies,

state legislators, and court judges (Batelle Team, 1995; Euritt, 1992; Lundy & McCullough,
1987). Two necessary aspects of an effective and equitable OS/OW permitting process are strong
and effective enforcement of state truck size and weight laws and adjudication of fines.
The research team found that ensuring the safety of the traveling public, including
OS/OW vehicle operators, is a primary strategic goal of the state legislature, TxDOT, TxDMV’s
Motor Carrier Division and enforcement section, and TxDPS size and weight enforcement
section. Chapter 4 carefully documents costs associated with OS/OW operations, but it is also
intended to emphasize the fact that due to weight and dimensions, OS/OW vehicles often must
travel on lower volume routes that are least capable of transporting these loads in terms of load
capacity, prevailing geometric design, and safety features.
Thus, the research team’s efforts in identifying the costs associated with operation of
OS/OW loads is also intended to underscore the need for additional funding to provide safe,
efficient, and cost-effective routes for movement of OS/OW loads. Previous studies have
discussed separating heavy vehicles from light duty vehicles along a transportation corridor to
increase safety for both the general traveling public and heavy vehicle operators (Gonzalez-
Ayala, McCullough & Harrison, 1993; NCHRP/NCFRP, 2010). If complete separation of heavy
and light vehicles isn’t possible, routes specifically designed to safely accommodate the weight,
dimensions, and operational characteristics of heavy vehicles, including OS/OW loads, is a
desirable alternative. This is not only due to the difference in the weight and dimensions of these
permitted loads but also due to differences in the vehicles’ operating characteristics, including
turning, braking, ability to negotiate steep grades, and other related factors.
The research team anticipates that potential increases in OS/OW permit fees will provide
the state legislature, TxDOT, cities, and counties with additional revenue to address safety
aspects of OS/OW operations, as well as reimbursement of costs associated with increased
consumption. The following sections provide a summary of costs associated with OS/OW
vehicles and a proposed new permit fee structure. Note that because the Motor Carrier Division
was transferred from TxDOT to TxDMV in 2012, cited references associated with MCD are
published by both agencies.

4.2 Consumption Costs Associated with Oversize/Overweight Loads

Research results presented in Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the methodologies developed to
calculate the associated cost (rate) per loaded VMT for pavement and bridge consumption,
respectively. These methodologies consider the additional GVW and axle group weights above
legal load limits, axle group configurations, and axle spacing. Methods developed to model the
wide range of potential OS/OW vehicle configurations are modular in nature. This allows
researchers to combine axle groups to model a particular vehicle/load configuration and
determine load-related consumption costs. Therefore, OS/OW vehicle configurations can be
modeled for a wide range of vehicle types to calculate new permit fee costs for 1) a single-trip
routed permit, 2) a quarterly non-routed permit, or 3) an annual non-routed permit. In each case,
only the load exceeding legal limits was considered when determining OS/OW vehicle
consumption rates. Although this seems simple, the processes for accurately determining the
marginal costs can be complex. The new load consumption cost methodology and models can
also take into account potential reductions in consumption rates and lower permit costs that could
result by adding axles, axle groups, or changing axle group spacing. In practice, accounting for
consumption costs based on load, axle groups, axle spacing, and VMT is straightforward for a
single-trip permit, because this information is required at the time the permit is purchased.

However, TxPROS does not currently offer features that allow permit purchasers to obtain a
non-routed permit that considers axle configurations. Addition of these features may result in
lower consumption costs and associated permit fees. Annual permit fees are typically flat rate or
based on an increasing fee related to the number of counties in which a purchaser plans to
operate. Therefore, truck configurations that incorporate additional axles are not reflected in the
current fee structure, even though additional axles result in lower pavement and bridge
consumption rates. In addition, the total VMT is not currently considered in state statutes or
MCD OS/OW rules when calculating the cost of non-routed permits.
For a given OS/OW vehicle consumption rate/loaded VMT analysis, the research team
identified an associated legally loaded vehicle configuration as the baseline for determining the
marginal overweight axle and GVW loads. The baseline legal vehicle load limits were
determined using the Federal Bridge Formula for a given vehicle configuration. For example, a
three-axle straight truck is legally permitted to carry 34,000 lbs. GVW if the outer bridge axle
spacing is at least eight feet and the individual axles of the tandem axle group are spaced at least
four feet apart. The maximum legal GVW for a three-axle straight truck is 54,000 lbs. if the outer
bridge axle spacing is at least 21 feet. The TxDMV website provides an online table showing the
allowable axle group or total vehicle weight limits based on the federal bridge formula (TxDMV,
Allowable load limits for a given route must also be determined. Load-zoned roads are
posted at 58,420 lbs. GVW, whereas routes that allow the maximum legal load limits are rated at
80,000 lbs. GVW; 20,000 lbs. for single axle loads; 34,000 lbs. for tandem axle loads, and/or
42,000 lbs. for tridem axle loads. The marginal increase in consumption and related costs for a
given OS/OW vehicle permit analysis must take into consideration the allowable legal load for a
given vehicle configuration, the permitted vehicle load and configuration, and the load limit
permitted for each route segment.

4.2.1 Total and Loaded VMT Calculations

The VMT traveled by single trip routed vehicles can be determined from the TxPROS
database as an additional consideration. However, TxPROS contains no information regarding
the VMT traveled by OS/OW vehicles for non-routed permits or for exempt vehicles. As
previously mentioned, estimates of VMT for non-routed vehicles of different types were based
on information obtained from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s
SAFERSYS.ORG database and previous research (FMCSA, 2012; Luskin, Harrison, Walton &
Zhang, 2000; Prozzi, Harrison & Prozzi, 2006). The SAFERSYS.ORG database includes
information input by each company that applies for a new USDOT number or renews an existing
number. The company also inputs the number of power units operated, total fleet VMT, number
of drivers, and safety information regarding number of crashes, inspections, and other related
The research team developed a methodology to download data from SAFERSYS.ORG to
an Excel spreadsheet to capture data for companies operating vehicles in Texas. This allowed
researchers to build a database of companies and related vehicle and fleet VMT information for
each particular permit type or current exemption statute. This data includes vehicles with
registered USDOT numbers from other states operating on Texas roadways. Information about
vehicles from other states operating in Texas was obtained from the DMV enforcement section
database and the research team’s observations of OS/OW vehicles operating on state roadways.
Using this information, the research team computed the average VMT power unit for each

company and the overall VMT, considering all companies associated with a given permit or
exhibit vehicle type.
In some cases, data outliers were identified in SAFERSYS.ORG records and not
considered in the calculations when it became evident the data was entered incorrectly. For
example, a company reporting one power unit but 1,500,000 VMT was considered a mis-entry.
Likewise, a company reporting 25 power units with a fleet VMT of 25,000, resulting in an
average of 1,000 VMT for each power unit, was also considered erroneous.
Once outliers were removed, the average and median VMT per power unit were
calculated along with the standard deviation. The VMT per power unit used in the permit
calculations was determined by calculating the average VMT plus one standard deviation.
Researchers made this decision after considering the large variations in VMT data. These
variations were considered to be due in part to evaluating a mixed dataset for each permit or
exemption type that typically included a few very large companies with hundreds or even
thousands of power units and a much larger number of small companies that had only between
one and five power units. In some cases, the research team observed that very large companies
made up approximately 50 percent of the power units, while very small companies or an operator
with a single truck made up the remaining 50 percent.
Once the VMT for a given permit type or exempt vehicle was calculated, a load factor
was determined to arrive at the number of loaded VMT per power unit. Therefore, if a vehicle is
loaded in one direction and empty on the return trip—this is typical for a vehicle that operates
with a permit—the average VMT per power unit was multiplied by a load factor of 0.5. If a
vehicle is only authorized by state statute to operate at higher axle load tolerances during harvest
season, as is the case with various agricultural exemptions, the average VMT per power unit was
multiplied by a load factor of 0.125 (0.25 [three-month seasonal harvest adjustment] x 0.5
[adjustment for being loaded in only one direction]) to obtain the total loaded VMT. Total loaded
VMT adjustments were applied to each non-routed permitted or exempt vehicle accordingly.
It is possible to significantly improve VMT data for each routed or non-routed vehicle
type by implementing a GIS-based permit system that includes an electronic system, such as a
radio frequency identification (RFID) tag mounted on each permitted vehicle. The GIS unit
would provide exact mileage information, while the RFID tag would provide information about
the type of permit, vehicle, load, and company/owner. Using this method, there would be no
assumption about the number of loaded VMT per year for a permitted vehicle. A permit
purchaser would only pay for consumption based on the measured VMT traveled considering
route load limits and the actual marginal consumption load/VMT rate.
In the absence of GIS-based VMT data for each vehicle and detailed information about
exact vehicle configurations and loads, the analyses presented in Chapters 4 and 5 incorporate
informed, simplified assumptions as described. Again, these simplifications were necessary due
to the wide range in possible vehicle and load configurations associated with the hundreds of
thousands of OS/OW permits sold by DMV-MCD and hundreds of thousands of exempt
vehicles. The analysis methodology and related information is further discussed in case studies
presented in Chapter 4. In addition, these informed assumptions are used to determine proposed
new permit fees and the revenue assessment presented in Chapter 5.
It is important to again emphasize that the methodologies developed through this research
can compute pavement and bridge consumption costs and the infrastructure operations and safety
impact costs for any vehicle configuration. The simplifications used to develop the case studies

presented in future sections are only to demonstrate and discuss how the new permit fees are
calculated based on representative vehicles.

4.2.2 Permit Cost Components and Equations

The current MCD single-trip mileage permits and quarterly hubometer permit fees are
calculated as shown in Equation 4.1. This permit fee equation is presented here because it
includes the concept of a rate/mile for weights over the legal limit, as well as a rate/mile for
widths and heights over the legal limit (TxDOT, 2011).

Actual mileage to be traveled x Highway Use Factor x Total Rate per mile x
Registration Reduction x Indirect Cost Share = Permit Fee

This permit fee equation provides for fee reductions if the permitted vehicle is registered
for the maximum legal load (a 25 percent registration reduction) and also considers a highway
use factor of 0.6 for single-trip mileage permits and 0.3 for quarterly hubometer time permits,
further reducing the total cost of the permit. Based on a discussion with MCD personnel, the 25
percent registration reduction is not applied in practice due to the complexity of determining the
registered maximum allowable GVW for a vehicle and calculating the reduction factor.
By comparison, the new consumption rate/VMT fee only considers the marginal cost for
the load above legal load limits. The Highway Use Factor in equation 4.1 is analogous to the new
load factor previously discussed. The Indirect Cost Share factor is discussed in following
The Total Rate per mile calculation for a MCD single-trip routed permit is shown in
Equation 4.2:

Total Rate per mile = [(6 cents per foot or fraction thereof for over legal width) + (4
cents per foot or fraction thereof for over legal height) + (4.5 cents x (weight for any
axle or group of axles with a total weight of 20,000 – 25,000 lbs – legal axle (4.2)
weight/1000)) + (5.5 cents x (weight for any axle or group of axles with a total weight
of 25,000 – 30,000 lbs – legal axle weight/1000))].

The Total Rate per mile for an MCD quarterly hubometer non-routed permit is shown in
Equation 4.3:

Total Rate per mile = [(6 cents per foot or fraction thereof for over legal width) + (4
cents per foot or fraction thereof for over legal height) + (4.5 cents for any axle or
group of axles with a total weight of 20,000 – 25,000 lbs) + (5.5 cents for any axle or
axle group with a total weight of 25,001 – 30,000 lbs)].

The single-trip mileage and hubometer permits also include an Indirect Cost Share factor
that apportions the cost of providing statewide OS/OW support services. This factor is
determined by the state comptroller each year and is a flat rate. Currently, the Indirect Cost Share
factor is 1.0305. Therefore, the total permit fee is calculated based on roadway usage and
infrastructure operations and safety impacts (overwidth, overheight) rates multiplied by miles

traveled (VMT) multiplied by the Indirect Cost Share factor, which accounts for statewide
OS/OW support services.
The proposed new single-trip routed permit fee consists of different
consumption/infrastructure operations and safety impact cost components as shown in Equation

Total Consumption cost + Infrastructure operations and safety impact cost = (Pavement
consumption rate + Bridge consumption rate + Overwidth rate + Overheight rate + (4.4)
Overlength rate) x (Total VMT x load factor).

Total Consumption cost = total cost in dollars due to reduced pavement and bridge life

Infrastructure operations and safety impact = total cost in dollars from operations and
safety impacts due to the width, height, and length of the OS/OW load that exceeds legal
or design vehicle limits

Pavement consumption rate = pavement consumption cost per loaded VMT for a specific
load and vehicle configuration in the case of a routed single-trip permit or the normalized
cost per loaded VMT for a non-routed or exempt vehicle

Bridge consumption rate = bridge consumption cost per VMT for a specific load and
vehicle configuration in the case of a routed single-trip permit or the normalized cost per
VMT for a non-routed or exempt vehicle

Overwidth rate = cost per VMT for a specific load and vehicle configuration that exceeds
the legal width limits; rate dependent on overwidth categories

Overheight rate = cost per VMT for a specific load and vehicle configuration that
exceeds the legal height limits; rate dependent on overheight categories

Overlength rate = cost per VMT for a specific load and vehicle configuration that
exceeds the legal or typical design vehicle length limits; rate dependent on overlength

Total VMT = the single-trip VMT while carrying the load or the estimated number of
quarterly or annual VMT associated with a currently permitted, non-routed, or exempt
OS/OW vehicle

Load factor = A factor multiplied by the total VMT to determine the loaded VMT for
permit fee calculations. For example, in the case of a truck that is loaded in one direction
and returns empty, the factor = 0.5 x total VMT = Loaded VMT.

Case studies are provided in later sections to show calculated permit fees for selected
vehicles. These studies include associated rates/costs for each component in Equation 4.4. These
examples illustrate the concepts, basis, and framework for determining the rate for each of these

five consumption or operational impact cost components. Information is also provided to address
OS/OW administrative and related costs identified in Equation 4.5.
Therefore, the proposed comprehensive OS/OW permit cost equation includes the
components identified in Equation 4.4 plus additional components to incorporate costs that may
not be directly considered in the current MCD permit fee structure that are associated with
OS/OW loads. Equation 4.5 incorporates all identified cost components:

Total Permit Fee Cost = [(Pavement consumption rate + Bridge consumption rate +
Overwidth rate + Overheight rate + Overlength rate) x (loaded VMT for permitted
loads)) + (apportioned Administrative costs for (DMV- MCD + DMV-Enforcement
Section) + (apportioned Administrative costs for TxDPS size & weight enforcement) +
(apportioned costs for TxDOT data collection & surveys to support OS/OW permits) +
(apportioned costs for TxDOT infrastructure upgrades to accommodate OS/OW loads)
+ (apportioned court costs accrued by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG)) +
(Base fee paid to TxDOT) + (Base fee paid to General Revenue – non appropriated)]


Consumption and infrastructure operations and safety impact cost components are as
defined in Equation 4.4

Apportioned costs for DMV-MCD = Costs associated with development, implementation,

continued maintenance, and upgrade of the TxPROS permit system, staffing, and salaries
for MCD

Apportioned costs for DMV-ENF = Costs associated with DMV enforcement section
operations, including investigations related to a pattern of OS/OW TxDPS citations for a
given carrier

Apportioned costs for TxDPS S&W = Costs associated with TxDPS size and weight
enforcement related to OS/OW vehicles

Apportioned costs for TxDOT = Costs for bridge and sign bridge envelope surveys and
other information related to OS/OW operations; infrastructure upgrades such as
modifying or replacing a bridge to increase clearance or redesigning an intersection to
accommodate OS/OW loads

Apportioned costs for OAG = Court costs associated with TxDOT property damage
claims and DMV enforcement investigations related to OS/OW operations referred to an

Base fee paid to TxDOT = As established by state statute to compensate for reductions in
other OS/OW registration or fee revenue sources redirected by the legislature

Base fee paid to GR = A portion of the base fee is currently paid to general revenue (Fund
1), non-apportioned

Equation 4.5 is consistent with and expands on the MCD single-trip mileage and
quarterly hubometer permit equation concepts. However, the research team proposes it be
applied to all permit types sold by MCD. The apportioned administrative costs, TxDOT data, and
infrastructure costs and court costs could be replaced with a single factor to simplify the
equation, as is currently done by the state comptroller in the case of the Indirect Cost Share
factor identified in Equations 4.1 and 4.2.
The new total permit fee cost for currently permitted and exempt vehicles, whether routed
single-trip permits, time permits, mileage, or non-routed permits, is determined using the
components contained in Equation 4.5 as applicable. An OS/OW vehicle that operates at or
below legal limits for one or more of these components will not be charged a fee for that
particular component.
Application of overdimension infrastructure operations and safety impact costs for all
OS/OW loads regardless of permit or exemption type is consistent with the concept of creating a
level playing field that distributes consumption and infrastructure operations and safety impact
costs among all permit purchasers. The following sections address each cost component in
Equation 4.5 and present examples so that the methods and rationale associated with the cost
calculations can be clearly understood.

4.2.3 Pavement Consumption

As discussed in Chapter 2, the pavement consumption rate/VMT analysis methodology is
based on equivalent consumption factors that provide a means for calculating the cost of
additional load above legal load limits for a given route independent of the commodity type. No
particular industry or commodity is given preferential treatment; all OS/OW load types are on a
level playing field with regard to permit fee costs. The cost for a given single-trip permit is based
on the current permit rules and state statutes governing maximum permitted axle weights, axle
spacing, and axle configurations.

4.2.4 Bridge Consumption

The bridge consumption rate/VMT analysis takes a different approach than the pavement
analysis because bridges are location-specific, and the number and types of bridges along a given
route can vary significantly. Based on the bridge team’s analysis, it was determined, for example,
that there are fewer bridges in West Texas than East Texas. Therefore, the consumption
rate/VMT should be calculated considering these regional differences. Figure 4.1 depicts the
demarcation line between West and East Texas, which is related to fewer or greater numbers of
bridges respectively, and, the resulting differences in bridge consumption rates.

Figure 4.1: Texas Map Showing Demarcation Line between East and West Texas
for Bridge Rate Analysis Purposes

For routed single-trip permits, detailed route information, including the specific bridges
that will be crossed, is based on the Bridge Inspection and Appraisal Program (BRINSAP)
database. This information, along with load configuration, is used to compute bridge
consumption rates using the methods described in Chapter 3.

Case Study 1: Single-trip permits and routed permits—pavement and bridge consumption only
Single-trip routed permits are easiest to model because the route is known, as is the
percentage of loaded VMT traveled on IH, US, SH, and FM pavements that are posted at legal
load limits or load-zoned limits. The pavement consumption cost for a particular vehicle
configuration and load can therefore be computed by determining the associated equivalent
consumption factors for each route segment, the length of each route segment, and the associated
consumption rate/loaded VMT.
A sample case study is given below that considers a typical configuration for a general
OS/OW permitted vehicle. The study provides pavement and bridge consumption costs only.
Later sections address overdimension rates. Figure 4.2 shows an example of a mid-heavy
OS/OW load traveling along an IH frontage road, southbound. This vehicle is representative of a
single-trip routed permitted load. This configuration includes 10 axles in five groups, including
three tandem axles, one tridem axle, and one steering axle. This photo is shown for illustration
purposes only; the actual configurations used in Case Study 1 vary by weight class.

Figure 4.2: General OS/OW Single-Trip Mid-Heavy Range Load Example

Single-trip routed permits are only available for non-divisible loads. MCD single-trip
non-divisible load permits have been developed for weight class categories that also provide
additional width, length, and/or height allowances that exceed legal dimension limits. The total
value of the permit is therefore related to increased load and increased dimensions that exceed
legal limits.
Sample calculations are presented below for a representative vehicle at the upper load
range for each general OS/OW single-trip weight class. In practice, the new rate/VMT would be
computed for a specific route, load, and vehicle configuration in order to consider different route
and pavement types, as well as the specific bridges along the route. Therefore, the need for
specific weight classes would no longer exist. Table 4.1 shows the costs for each weight class for
an assumed trip length of 300 miles.

Table 4.1: Example Consumption Fees for General OS/OW Single-Trip

Permit Weight Classes
Weight Class Pavement Bridge Rate Composite Consumption HWY
Rate Fee Maintenance
Fee FY 2011
80,001–120,000 lbs. $0.347 $0.231 $0.58 $173.39 $150
120,000–160,000 lbs. $0.494 $0.377 $0.87 $261.37 $225
160,001–200,000 lbs. $0.648 $0.485 $1.13 $340.04 $300
200,001–254,000 lbs. $0.861 $0.896 $1.76 $526.99 $375

The rates shown in Table 4.1 are examples only and do not represent the actual proposed
cost of a single-trip permit for each of these weight classes. The permit fee cost for an OS/OW

load would be based on actual axle group weights and spacing, vehicle/load dimensions, route
characteristics, and loaded trip VMT. Therefore, the permit cost would be computed for each
individual OS/OW load based on these factors and could vary depending on vehicle
configuration and other considerations.
Table 4.1 illustrates how an OS/OW permit purchaser could potentially reduce overall
permit cost by configuring the OS/OW transporter with additional axles and/or different axle
spacing that reduce pavement and/or bridge consumption rates. The research team recommends
that TxDMV and TxDOT consider a new analysis module for TxPROS that allows a permit
purchaser to determine the optimum vehicle configuration to minimize consumption rates and
related permit fee costs along a given route.
Case Study 1 only considers pavement and bridge consumption rates and will be revisited
in a later section to address overdimension infrastructure operations and safety impact costs and
rate/VMT for a vehicle in each weight class that is overheight, overwidth, and/or overlength.

Case Study 2: 2060/1547 non-routed permit

The 2060/1547 over-axle tolerance permit is used as an example to show the method for
calculating pavement consumption costs using a normalized rate for a non-routed permit. A
2060/1547permit authorizes a five-axle tractor-semi trailer truck to operate on load-zoned
roadways and routes with legal load limits (not including IHs) at a maximum GVW of 84,000 lbs
(5 percent GVW tolerance) and a 10 percent over-axle tolerance for single axle and tandem axle
loads as long as the total GVW tolerance is not exceeded. A typical 2060/1547 permitted truck
has an assumed load distribution as shown in Figure 4.3.

Source: CKJ Trucking website:

Figure 4.3: Typical Tractor-Semi Trailer Configuration for a 2060/1547 Permitted Vehicle

A typical 2060/1547 permitted vehicle travels 100,000 miles per year (Luskin, 2000). For
this analysis, the research team assumed that the loaded VMT represent 50 percent of this
number or 50,000 loaded VMT per year.
The pavement consumption analysis methodology provides a normalized consumption
rate of seven cents per VMT. This rate is based on an analysis that calculates the total

consumption cost on a 50,000-mile route composed of different route segments, including legal
and load-zoned roadways. The normalized rate was determined by calculating the weighted
average consumption based on the percentage of VMT traveled on load-zoned and legal load
route segments including IH, US, SH, and FM roads.
Note that the percentage of VMT traveled on each route type can vary between markets
located in metro regions and those located in rural regions depending on the commodity and
other factors. Future enhancements to the permit fee calculation process could include
consumption rates/VMT adjusted by region or for each county selected for a non-routed permit.
The research team used a Monte Carlo simulation approach to apply OS/OW load
applications to bridges on randomly selected routes for the number of loaded annual VMT
determined. The team performed multiple simulations for the same vehicle load and axle
load/spacing configuration to determine if the resulting rates based on different runs were
essentially equivalent. Analyses showed that the Monte Carlo simulation approach is robust and
results in a normalized consumption rate/VMT that varies within tenths of a cent when
considering multiple runs. Normalized rates for non-routed and exempt vehicle load and axle
spacing configurations were determined and subsequently converted to a rate/loaded VMT
consistent with the pavement consumption rate/loaded VMT concept. The total consumption
costs for all bridges considered during the Monte Carlo simulation were divided by the total
loaded VMT to arrive at a bridge consumption rate/loaded VMT.
Monte Carlo simulations were performed for routes in West and East Texas because of
the difference in total bridge number in these regions. Normalized non-routed permit rates were
calculated as the average consumption rate for the East and West regions for a given vehicle
Using the same vehicle configuration and related factors utilized for the pavement non-
routed analysis (based on the 2060/1547 permit configuration), a non-routed five-axle truck
traveling 50,000 loaded VMT results in a bridge consumption rate of 6 cents/VMT. This is an
average between the bridge rate per mile for East Texas (7.6 cents/VMT) and West Texas (4.6
cents/VMT) for this particular vehicle configuration and the percentage of VMT traveled on each
route type, including legal and load-zoned roadways.
The normalized total consumption rate is 7 cents/VMT for pavements and 6 cents/VMT
for bridges for a normalized rate of 13 cents/VMT. The total annual consumption cost for a
2060/1547 permitted vehicle is 13 cents/VMT x 50,000 loaded VMT = $6,500. Because a
2060/1547 vehicle is within legal dimensions, there are no additional costs for overwidth,
overheight, or overlength infrastructure operations and safety impacts.

4.3 Exempt Vehicles

State statute provides 18 vehicle weight, dimension, or operational exemptions. These
provisions identify certain types of vehicles and/or vehicles carrying specific commodities that
• exempt from legal allowable axle and/or GVW weights or weight tolerances; and/or
• allowed to have shorter minimum inner or outer bridge lengths; and/or
• allowed to operate above legal dimensions; and/or
• allowed to cross non-controlled access state roadways above legal
weight/dimension limits without a permit.

These exemptions do specify weight or dimension limits within which exempt vehicles
must operate. These vehicles are in no case exempt from any weight or dimension limits at all.
The majority of exemptions are applicable year round; however, certain exemptions, such
as those for agricultural operations, apply only during the harvest season. General or specific
exemptions are also provided for vehicles that exceed legal dimensions. A summary of the state
statutes and vehicle size and weight exemptions was published by MCD and can be seen in Table
1.2 in Chapter 1. It can also be accessed at the MCD website (TxDOT, 2011).
The research team recommends that certain exemptions be excluded from consideration
for a permit fee (Table 4.2). The exemptions and rationale for exclusion are as follows:

Table 4.2: Recommended Exemptions Excluded from Permit Consideration

Type of vehicle/commodity being moved Rationale
Code Section
OS/OW farm implements transported locally Local use only for short distances; difficult to
by the owner. enforce.
County roads and bridges are load-zoned by the
Grocery and farm products transported on County Commission with TxDOT District
load-zoned county roads and bridges. Engineer approval. TxDOT is not responsible for
maintenance and repairs.
Extension exemption primarily for front load
Exemption from 3’ maximum front extension garbage trucks that must use a hydraulic front
for garbage trucks. forklift for dumpsters. During this operation,
garbage trucks are stopped.
Exemption for vehicles transporting poles or Legal length limits for semi-tractor truck trailers,
622.061 pipes may operate on the state system if <= tractor-trailer units carrying cars, or boats equal
65’. or exceed these length limits.
Exemption for fire trucks operating at over
legal axle weights based on the Fire trucks operate as a community service and
manufacturer’s axle/suspension/tire weight are non-profit.
Fire trucks operate as a community service and
602.902 Length exemption for fire trucks.
are non-profit.
Exemption allowing 6” extension for rear Exemption is for safety reasons and for a
view mirrors on recreational vehicles. personal vehicle that is operated not-for-profit.
Exemption for certain OS/OW vehicles
State statutes require vehicle operator to
crossing a state highway but excluding
623.051 indemnify the TxDOT to repair any damage
controlled access roads when crossing from
private property to private property.
Military vehicles that are OS/OW must apply Military vehicles are operated by the U.S.
MCD Rule §
for a permit but are exempt from paying a government, which can reimburse TxDOT for
permit fee or posting a bond. any damage incurred.

Case Study 3: Exempt vehicle—Ready mixed concrete truck permit fee calculation
Sections 622-017–622.022 of TC provide allowable maximum GVW and axle load
exemptions that are above legal load limits for ready mix or concrete pump trucks. A typical
three-axle ready mix truck is shown in Figure 4.4. There are many ready mix or concrete pump
truck vehicle configurations.

Source: Baker Ready Mix website:
Figure 4.4: Ready Mix Truck—Typical Configuration with
Exempt Allowable Axle and GVW Loads

The research team conducted an analysis for a three-axle ready mix truck operating at the
maximum allowable exemption weight limits. Ready mix trucks that operate with a booster axle
or pusher axles or that operate at lower than maximum exemption weight limits could have
different consumption rate/loaded VMT values. The five-axle ready mix truck depicted in Figure
4.5, which would have a different consumption rate/loaded VMT, is used as an example of
another potential configuration for this vehicle.

Figure 4.5: Five-Axle Ready Mix Truck with Pusher and Booster Axles

The pavement and bridge consumption analysis methodologies described in Case Study 2
resulted in a consumption rate of 19 cents/VMT for pavements and 11 cents/VMT for bridges for
a normalized rate of 30 cents/loaded VMT. Researchers determined the normalized rate by
calculating the weighted average consumption based on assumed percentages of VMT on load-
zoned and legal load route segments, including US, SH, and FM roads. According to information
provided by SAFERSYS.ORG, a ready mix truck in Texas averages 40,000 VMT per year. The
load factor used for a ready mix truck is 0.5, which resulted in 20,000 loaded VMT per year. The
pavement and bridge consumption permit fee cost is 20,000 loaded VMT x a normalized rate of
30 cents/mile = $6,000 per year.
The following sections discuss the methodology developed to determine rate/VMT for
overdimension vehicles.

4.3.2 Over Legal Dimension Loads

Thousands of lane miles of existing rural and suburban roadways were not originally
designed to carry today’s heavy legal truck loads, exempt vehicle loads, or OS/OW permitted
loads that exceed legal dimensions and/or load magnitudes. A typical truck configuration for
which these roads were originally designed is shown in Figure 4.6.

Source: Ken Goudy 2010

Figure 4.6: Three-Axle Tractor-Semi-Trailer Unit of the 1940s–1950s

Much larger and heavier vehicles often travel on legal load limit state routes or on load-
zoned FM roads using a non-routed OS/OW permit or a single-trip routed OS/OW permit. The
need to transport these heavy vehicles on load-zoned roads may be due to the location of a rural
quarry, farm, ranch, residential or commercial building site, or other facility. Single-trip routed
OS/OW loads may require a route plan that includes rural FM roads when traversing bridges,

ramps, intersections, other route geometric features and clearance restrictions on higher
functional class urban routes.
Vehicles with weights and/or dimensions that exceed legal limits can be a safety and
operational concern when they travel along narrow routes. Heavy loads applied next to or on an
unsupported pavement edge can result in edge failures, rutting, cracking, and deteriorated ride
conditions. Lack of a paved shoulder can result in damage to the pavement edges from legally
loaded heavy trucks, as well as OS/OW loads. In addition, lower volume rural collector roads
may have reduced clear zone widths and fewer safety treatments than urban routes with higher
traffic volumes.
Lower type two-lane FM roads also may not have pavement edge striping or options for
installing edge or center line rumble strips or rumble stripes (dimensional striping). This is due to
narrow paved shoulder widths or no paved shoulder in addition to a seal coat pavement surface
that cannot be milled like an asphalt concrete surface to produce a safety rumble strip.
Figure 4.7 depicts an 18-wheeler on a narrow FM road that has moved off the paved
surface. Note that this roadway does not have edge striping or other features that help distinguish
the paved surface edge during inclement weather or at night. Current budget constraints and
other factors limit the ability of districts to add paved shoulders and safety treatments on routes
of this type.

Figure 4.7: Five-Axle Tractor Trailer Unit on a Narrow FM Road

with No Edge Striping or Paved Shoulder

A large percentage of crash fatalities occur on rural roads. TxDOT manages rural road
safety through the Hazard Elimination (HES) program and the High Risk Rural Road (HRRR)
program (TxDOT, 2008). The guidelines for these programs and the benefit/cost equations used
to help select funded projects are in the TxDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual.
This manual provides guidelines that address several factors including average daily traffic,
crash rates, number of fatalities and injuries, and other factors associated with costs and benefits

to evaluate different treatment options. The average cost figures for fatal and injury crashes are
provided annually to each district during the Safety Improvement Program call.
Currently, there are no factors that directly consider the number or percentage of heavy
vehicles and/or OS/OW permitted vehicles for evaluating a rural route or specific location using
the Safety Improvement Index calculations. The research team recommends that further research
be conducted to include factors that consider the operation of legally loaded heavy vehicles and
OS/OW permitted vehicles in Safety Improvement Index calculations, particularly in cases when
a rural road is frequently used for permitted loads.
Depending on load magnitude, narrow FM roads can suffer immediate, extensive damage
due to mid-heavy and super-heavy loads. The companies transporting these loads are responsible
for repairing or paying the repair cost for damage caused by heavy loads or vehicle dimensions.
However, in some cases, the responsibility for these repairs has been challenged and resulted in
court proceedings. Figures 4.8 through 4.10 depict a super-heavy load that caused severe
pavement damage to county and state roadways during transport. The company did repair the
damage; however, these photographs demonstrate the potential damage that can occur on routes
that were not designed to carry loads of this type.

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.8: 2,000,000 lb. GVW Hydrotreater Reactor on Narrow FM Road

Source: John Bilyeu—CST
Figure 4.9: Severe Rut Damage Occurring under Heavy Wheel Loads
due to Lateral Shear Failure

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.10: Temporary Bridge Built over an FM Road Bridge that Could Not Carry the Load

Figures 4.11 through 4.17 illustrate operational constraints due to route geometry,
including lane width and route horizontal and vertical curve alignments. In each case, MCD
selected routes that could accommodate the load size and weight and also considered the safety
of the traveling public, the load transport crew, and the load being transported.
However, as these photos show, transporting OS/OW loads can result in damage to
TxDOT property depending on circumstances, including the transporter’s adherence to the
permitted route and permit rules. The impacts due to OS/OW loads depicted in these
photographs was documented at the time the damage occurred. Therefore, negotiations with the
responsible party could be conducted to seek damage claims and reimbursement. This is not
always the case.
In addition, OS/OW loads, including currently exempt loads, are transported on the state
highway system without a permit. Therefore, the transport company or vehicle driver does not
have the benefit of a prior assessment of the pavement and bridge load capacities, bridge and
other clearances, or related information regarding construction work zone restrictions, newly
placed paved surfaces that cannot yet accommodate high axle loads, and other factors.
Documentation regarding the number of incidents and extent of damage due to illegal
OS/OW loads or unpermitted exempt loads is not available. However, anecdotal evidence
obtained during interviews with TxDOT district and division personnel suggests that 50 to 70
percent of property damage from crashes is due to hit-and-run incidents for which there is no
police report.
The researchers emphasize that not all TxDOT property damage is caused by OS/OW
loads; however, in the case of bridge overpass and traffic signal hits, overheight loads were
definitely involved. When no police report exists or the damage was done by a hit-and-run
driver, the costs to repair this damage must be absorbed by the TxDOT district in which the
damage occurred. This means that the district’s maintenance or construction budgets must fund
repairs to TxDOT property that exceeds millions of dollars each year, thus requiring delay of
planned repairs, replacement, or upgrades to other portions of the state highway system.

Figure 4.11: Long Load Negotiating a One-Lane Ramp

that Required Driving off the Paved Surface

Figure 4.12: Vehicle Queue Forming behind OS/OW Vehicles
Transporting Manufactured Housing

Figure 4.13: The dimensions and operational characteristics

of OS/OW loads can affect other drivers’ behavior.

Figure 4.14: Driver overtaking Manufactured Housing on Wrong Side of Road

Increased funding to add shoulders, signing, and other safety features on rural roads can
help reduce poor driver decisions and potential crashes.

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.15: Super-heavy Load Negotiating a Steep Grade
with Resulting Damage to a New Seal Coat

Source: John Bilyeu—CST
Figure 4.16: Seal Coat Picked Up by Drive Axles of Prime Mover
Due to High Surface Shear Forces

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.17: Damaged Seal Coat from Super-heavy Load Prime Mover Tandem Drive Axles

In this particular case, permit rules were not followed because the super-heavy load was
required to use two prime movers to transport the load. The driver of the smaller, white prime
mover first attempted to transport the 570,000-lb. boiler up the steep grade, causing damage to
the pavement surface due to high shear forces at the pavement interface and the drive axle tires.
The single prime mover was unable to transport the load up the grade, at which point a second
prime mover was summoned to provide the additional power required.
Damage to FM roads also occurs due to exempt vehicles and other types of OS/OW
vehicles that carry less weight or are smaller than the vehicles shown in the previous figures.
Figures 4.18 and 4.19 depict a heavily loaded three-axle, exempt agricultural truck operating
along a newly rehabilitated FM road and the resulting pavement damage.
Figures 4.20 through 4.22 show pavement damage to asphalt surfaced FM roads in the
Bryan District due to heavy trucks entering and leaving a collection point or repeatedly traveling
the same route. Rutting is not only a structural concern for pavement engineers but also can be a
steering safety hazard for motorcycles and small cars. In addition, rutting can pond water during
a rain, causing hydroplaning. TxDOT maintenance forces work to identify and repair rutted
pavements using localized repairs or reconstruct short sections, but insufficient funds are
available to address all maintenance needs caused by legally loaded heavy trucks and OS/OW
permitted vehicles.

Figure 4.18: Heavily Loaded Three-Axle Straight Truck Transporting Farm Products
on an FM Road

Figure 4.19: Severe Rutting and Shoving Due to Heavy Axle Loads
from Three-Axle Farm Trucks

Source: Darlene Goehl—Bryan District

Figure 4.20: Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Wide Surface Rut Due to Repeated Heavy Loads

Figure 4.21: Heavy Trucks Operating along a Narrow FM Road
and Resulting Pavement Deformation

Figure 4.22: Excessive Surface Deformation from Heavy Wheel Loads near the Pavement Edge

Although not included as an objective in this study, the research team and TxDOT
acknowledge the economic contributions and benefits that Texas enjoys as a result of the
products and services transported by the trucking industry, including OS/OW operators. These
photographs are intended to demonstrate that the roads traveled by modern trucks, including
OS/OW loads, were not designed to carry these loads. Additional revenue is needed to address
the maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of these routes and to upgrade safety to improve
transportation service for all Texans. The research team recommends that further studies be
conducted to identify the benefits the trucking industry confers to the state economy and to
develop methods for incorporating these benefits as part of a more comprehensive OS/OW
permit analysis process.

4.3.3 Legal Vehicle Dimensions

The legal maximum vehicle dimensions in Texas are 8 feet 6 inches in width and 14 feet
for height. Legal length varies depending on the vehicle combination. State statutes permit
different maximum lengths depending on the type of vehicle or vehicle combination as noted
below (TxDOT, 201):
1. Tractor-stinger steered semi-trailer carrying automobiles or boats: length <= 75’
2. Traditional tractor-trailer carrying automobiles or boats: length <= 65’
3. Truck and full trailer combination: length <= 65’
4. Truck and semi-trailer combination: length <= 65’
5. Truck tractor length: no length limits
6. Semi-trailer length: single unit <= 59’ as measured from the king pin to the rear of the
trailer; for two trailer units, 28’ 6” from kingpin to the rear of the first trailer; and 28’
6” total trailer van box length for the second trailer
7. Truck tractor-semi trailer length: overall length unlimited
8. Maximum length permitted without a route and traffic study: 125’

The TxDOT Roadway Design Manual provides guidelines for minimum, maximum, and
desirable design criteria and other factors related to roadway widths, horizontal and vertical
geometry, and turning radii to accommodate long combination vehicles that exhibit off-tracking
and other factors (TxDOT, 2010). Although the 2010 TxDOT Roadway Design Manual is
helpful to understand current design criteria in relation to OS/OW load width, height, and length,
the research team again emphasizes that a significant number of rural roadway lane miles were
designed using design criteria from previous decades that do not necessarily comply with current
design standards.
The next sections provide additional information regarding overwidth, overheight, and
overlength considerations for OS/OW loads with regard to costs and appropriate per mile rates.

4.3.4 Over Legal Width

Overwidth loads are common on all route classifications in Texas. Figures 4.23 through
4. 25 depict typical overwidth loads.

Figure 4.23: Overwidth and Overheight Load IH 35 NB—Austin District

Figure 4.24: Manufactured Home on IH 35 SB Frontage Road—Austin

Figure 4.25: Transporter with Cylindrical Bales of Hay—up to 12’ Wide

The width of a highway travel lane varies depending on route type and whether the route
is in a rural or urban location and other factors. Table 4.3 contains a summary of the total lane
miles of roadway by route type and lane widths based on the FY 2012 Pavement Management
Information System (PMIS) database (TxDOT, 2012).

Table 4.3: Number of Lane Miles Summarized by Route Type and Lane Width (ft.)
Number of Through Lane-miles by Route type and Lane width
Route Type >13' 13' 12' 11' 10' 9' 8'
IH 356 122 13,147 797 47
IH FR 546 472 3,629 588 3,711 3 37
US 3,209 4,247 26,343 1,816 463 163
US FR 111 54 1,462 168 1,349
SH 3,524 4,140 25,461 4,096 2,064 490
SH FR 1,287 438 534 256 280
BU or BI 772 284 1,514 450 144 15
FM / RM 3,364 6,065 28,539 11,105 33,072 2,859 54

Sub-Totals 13,169 15,822 100,628 19,276 41,130 3,530 91

Total 193,646

Table 4.3 does not include park or recreation road lane mileage. Based on Table 4.3,
approximately 33 percent of state-maintained lane miles are less than 12 feet in width, and 23
percent of lane miles are equal to or less than 10 feet in width.

Referring again to Table 4.3, lane widths greater than 12 feet typically occur along
roadway segments where the number of lanes is transitioning or at the approaches to an
intersection, particularly on higher functional class routes. These roadway segments are
relatively short in length. Therefore, the total number of lane miles listed in Table 4.3 for lane
widths exceeding 12 feet does not imply that there are continuous routes of substantial length on
the state roadway network with 13-foot-wide or wider lane widths.
Figures 4.26 and 4.27 show lane transition areas on US 281 associated with a ‘Super 2’
three-lane section and the approaches to a major at grade intersection. The summation of
individual route segments at transition areas, and intersection approaches as depicted comprise a
significant portion of the 13-foot-wide lanes or more listed in Table 4.3. In addition, a FM, SH,
or US route can be a higher functional class roadway, particularly when located in or near a
metro or urban area. Examples are FM 1960 in the Houston District, US 183 in the Austin
District, and State Loop 1604 in the San Antonio District.

Figure 4.26: Extra-Wide Lane within Transition from One to Two Lanes
on “Super 2” Route on US 281

Figure 4.27: Extra-Wide Lanes within the Vicinity of a Major

At-Grade Intersection along US 281

Although the largest percentage of travel lanes less than 12 feet in width are located in
rural areas, quite often OS/OW loads, and in particular overdimension loads, must be routed
along rural roads to bypass low clearance overpasses and sign bridges. In addition, routes must
be avoided that include ramps or interchange connections with geometric features that do not
accommodate the OS/OW transporter widths, heights, or lengths and trailer off-tracking
characteristics. As a consequence, MCD rules specify that a load more than 16 feet in width will
not be routed on the main lanes of a controlled access highway unless an exception is granted
based on a route study (MCD, 2011). Construction work zones or routes with concrete traffic
barriers or other types of longitudinal barrier safety features can also create width restrictions
that require overdimension loads to be routed on lower type roadways.
For evaluation purposes, Table 4.4 presents width, length, and height statistics from
2,000 TxPROS OS/OW permits, along with the current MCD per-mile rates for overwidth and
overheight categories. These categories are based on increments provided by TxDMV-MCD for
single trip mileage and quarterly hubometer permits as previously discussed when defining the
terms in Equations 4.1 and 4.2. Note that MCD currently does not provide a rate/mile for
overlength loads. The research team proposes the rate/VMT categories shown be discussed in
more detail in a later section. It is proposed that these rate categories be applied consistently to
all permits regardless of vehicle or commodity type.

Table 4.4: Number of Permits and Rate/Mile Width, Height, and Length Categories
for 2,000 General OS/OW Single-Trip Permits
Infrastructure Operations and Safety Impact Fee Schedule
OS/OW Widths summarized by category

Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Width Categories <= 8'-6" 8'-7 / 9'-6' 9'-7 / 10'-6' 10'-7 / 11'-6' 11'-7 / 12'-6' 12'-7 / 13'-6' 13'-7 / 14'-6' 14'-7 / 15'-6' 15'-7 / 16'-6' 16'-7 / 17'-6' 17'-7 / 18'-6' 18'-7 / 19'-6' 19'-7 / 20'-6" 20'-7" -21'-6"
Number of Permits/Category 343 98 267 219 479 175 258 70 49 10 12 2 8 10
Current MCD rate / VMT 0 6¢ 12¢ 18¢ 24¢ 30¢ 36¢ 42¢ 48¢ 54¢ 60¢ 66¢ 72¢ 78¢
OS/OW Heights summarized by category
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Height Categories < 14'-1" 14'-1" -15' 15' -1"- 16' 16'-1" - 17' 17'-1" - 18' 18'-1" - 19' 19'-1" - 20' 20'-1" - 21' 21'-1" - 22' 22'-1" -23' 23'-1" - 24' 24'-1" - 25' 25'-1" - 26' 26'-1" - 27'
Number of Permits/Category 1081 423 398 77 15 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current MCD rate / VMT 0 4¢ 8¢ 12¢ 16¢ 20¢ 24¢ 28¢ 32¢ 36¢ 40¢ 44¢ 48¢ 52¢
OS/OW Lengths summarized by category
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Length Categories < 82' ^ 82'-1" - 90' 90'-1" - 100' 100'-1" - 110' 110'-1" - 120' 120'-1" - 130' 130'-1" - 140' 140'-1" - 150' 150'-1" - 160' 160'-1" - 170' 170'-1" - 180' 180'-1" - 190' 190'-1" - 200' 200'-1" - 210'
Number of Permits/Category 997 279 256 228 86 60 16 41 5 6 15 2 7 2
Proposed new rate / VMT 0 2¢ 4¢ 6¢ 8¢ 10¢ 12¢ 14¢ 16¢ 18¢ 20¢ 22¢ 24¢ 26¢
Note: Although 14 rate categories are shown, a total of 34 rate categories have been developed based on the same rate increments.
^ Maximum allowable legal length for a stinger-steered car transporter = 75’ + 3’ front overhang + 4’ rear overhang = 82’

Table 4.4 shows 14 dimension and rate categories. However, the research team prepared
a rate/VMT table with 34 categories to calculate the full range in overdimension loads sizes
discussed in MCD guidelines and based on a review of maximum permitted dimensions from
historical permit records. Therefore, although widths up to 21 feet, 6 inches are shown in Table
4.4, the MCD OS/OW rules provide guidance for house movements that are up to 40 feet in
width. Widths more than 40 feet are permitted after the District Engineer approves them.
Furthermore, although categories in Table 4.4 include lengths up to 210 feet, loads have been
permitted that exceed this length and therefore require additional rate categories. The same is
true for overheight loads.
The most frequently occurring permitted load categories in Table 4.4 are the Category 5
overwidth loads, which range from 11 feet, 7 inches to 12 feet, 6 inches: rate = 24¢/VMT.
Category 2 overheight loads range from 14 feet, 1 inch to 15 feet: rate = 4¢/VMT. Note that the
rates presented are the current MCD overdimension rates that the research team retained for the
new permit fee structure. This decision was made because permit purchasers are already familiar
with these overwidth and overheight rate/VMT categories, which provide a solid foundation for
wider application to all permit types.
In addition, a new overlength rate/VMT is introduced in Table 4.4 based on an evaluation
of overdimension rates in other states for longer combination vehicles and overdimension
OS/OW permitted vehicles. The overlength rates also consider impacts to safety, system
operation, and congestion that can occur due to the presence of these loads in mixed traffic.
The overdimension rates and rate categories were developed using the same concept as
that used in developing the pavement and bridge load-based consumption rates: equivalent
treatment for all vehicle/commodity types. This is consistent with comments made by various
truck fleet operators during the trucking industry forum that “the new permit structure should
treat everyone the same; everyone should be on a level playing field.” This basic precept, which
guided development of the pavement and bridge consumption rates, is that the load type is not a
factor in determining fee rates. Therefore, the rate for one additional pound of heavy equipment
above legal load limits is the same as one pound of wheat, aggregate, ready mix, or any other
With regard to overdimension loads, the rate/VMT for an additional increment of width,
height, or length above legal limits or above the vehicle lengths used in designing the roadway
network is the same regardless of the type of load being moved. The research team developed a
rate/VMT fee calculation methodology that will support a fee schedule supporting a “level
playing field.”

4.3.5 Over Legal Height

The TxPROS routing system makes route determinations based on providing sufficient
clearance for an OS/OW vehicle considering vertical and lateral dimensions. TxPROS and MCD
must identify routes that satisfy these conditions before making a final permit route selection that
provides for safe movement of the load both for the OS/OW transport operator and the traveling
public. Figure 4.28 shows an example of an OS/OW load that is over the legal height.

Figure 4.28: Super-Heavy Load Transporter with Transformer
on IH 35 NB Main Lanes—Austin

To support TxPROS permitting operations and increase route options, TxDOT hired a
vendor to conduct a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) survey of every bridge and sign bridge
on the entire state network in order to provide the TxPROS routing system with a vertical
clearance measurement for every lane passing under each bridge or sign bridge. This information
was not previously available, as the BRINSAP program database only contains information
regarding the lowest clearance height associated with a bridge structure.
Variable lane clearances such as the one shown in Figure 4.29 were planned to be
included in the TxPROS database, so that an OS/OW load could be routed in a particular lane
along a roadway that previously might not have been considered due to lack of complete vertical
clearance information. The research team was later informed that TxDMV-MCD does not route
OS/OW loads in specific lanes at this time.

Figure 4.29: IH 35 Overpass Clearance, by Lane, to Determine Potential
OS/OW Route Options

The LIDAR survey cost TxDOT approximately $2,000,000. However, the survey would
necessarily need to be conducted on a periodic basis to account for changes in vertical clearances
due to new overlays, modifications made to bridges to increase clearances for structures that
have been hit repeatedly by overheight loads and other factors.
Retrofit modifications to increase bridge clearance to better accommodate overheight
loads have cost TxDOT an estimated $ 8,000,000 during the past five years. Figure 4.30 shows a
retrofit bridge pedestal modification to raise the bridge beams and increase clearance on a bridge
over IH 35 in the Austin District.
In addition, TxDOT has installed a variety of signs and warning devices to alert
overheight vehicle operators that they are approaching a low clearance bridge. Figures 4.31
through 4.32 show a standard drawing and photographs of high load/low vertical clearance
warning devices.

Figure 4.30: Retrofit Bridge Modifications (Pedestals) to Increase Vertical Clearance

Figure 4.31: Drop Tube Warning Device for High Loads—Yoakum District Standard
(TxDOT, 2012)

Figure 4.32: Overheight Load Detection Device—Yoakum District (ELTEC 2012)

Damage costs to repair bridges impacted by overheight loads can vary from a few
thousand dollars to more than $500,000 depending on the extent and type of damage. Costs tend
to be more when bridge beams and the bridge deck are damaged. TxDOT property damage
caused by an OS/OW vehicle is the financial responsibility of both the driver and the company
hired to transport the load. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) was contacted to discuss
financial responsibility of OS/OW operators and their insurance carriers. Based on this
discussion, an insurance carrier is responsible for damage to TxDOT property even if the driver
violated the law at the time of the crash. Exceptions can exist within an insurance policy
regarding the legal authority of the driver to operate the vehicle and other factors. In these
instances, litigation might ensue to determine financial liability, resulting in court costs
associated with the OS/OW crash as discussed in Chapter 1.
The TxDOT bridge division has worked with districts to identify additional bridges with
a history of being hit by overheight loads. The division has compiled a list of 185 frequently hit
and damaged bridges through this effort (see Table 1.10 in Chapter 1). Of these bridges, 63 are
on IH routes, 36 are on US routes, 29 are on SH routes, 16 are on FM roads, and 35 bridges are
on city streets or railway bridges that overpass a state route. Due to the original design, age,
condition, and other factors, it may not be feasible to increase bridge clearance height using
retrofit methods, as is the case for the bridge type shown in Figure 4.29. In this case, total
replacement of a bridge is necessary, which is significantly more expensive than a retrofit. Figure

4.33 shows a close-up of the leading edge of the bridge arch, which has been hit multiple times
by overheight loads. In fact, this is one of the bridges identified by the district for replacement
and is included among the 185 bridges mentioned previously.

Figure 4.33: Concrete Spalling and Exposed Rebar Attest

to Several OS/OW Hits—Austin District

Replacing a bridge over IH 35 in downtown Austin, which carries a major east to west
arterial, would be expensive not only in terms of the bridge costs but also in terms of traffic
control, impacts on frontage roads, and parallel street operations and additional consumption of
local and TxDOT roadways due to construction traffic transporting materials and equipment to
this site. TxDOT’s Bridge Division (BRG) provided a rough estimate of the cost to replace or
raise the 185 bridges that have experienced repeated damage due to overheight loads at
approximately $225 million. This is a rough approximation only; costs could increase
significantly as specific site conditions, cost of materials, and other factors are taken into
The consequences of not increasing vertical clearances of frequently hit bridges can be
quite expensive as well if these bridges continue to be hit. These costs only consider the direct
damage costs and not the indirect costs due to traffic congestion during the crash incident and
during repairs. If bridge damage is severe, the bridge might be taken out of service, which
requires OS/OW loads to detour many miles to follow an alternate route to accommodate their
load weight and dimensions.

It should be noted that bridges and other types of TxDOT property, including traffic
signals and sign bridges, are hit by overheight loads, and in some cases by a permitted overheight
load that is off the designated route. In other cases, damage is caused by an OS/OW load without
a permit and therefore does not have the advantage of a known route that designates the clear
path. In addition, certain exempt loads can operate at over legal widths, lengths, or heights and
are non-routed loads. Even if the bridge does not sustain severe damage due to an OS/OW
vehicle hit, the collision and impact forces can result in cargo shift or loss, loss of OS/OW
vehicle driver control, and possible collision with one or more adjacent vehicles. In extreme
cases, the OS/OW vehicle may become jammed under the bridge. Extradition of an OS/OW
vehicle from under a bridge can be very costly and have a major impact on traffic operations. An
OS/OW collision with a bridge can also result in potential additional crashes by vehicles
immediately behind the OS/OW vehicle or vehicles that queue up while emergency crews work
to resolve the problem.
Figure 4.34 shows an OS/OW transporter that lost its load that consisted of two large,
empty oil storage tanks when the overheight load collided with a bridge in the Odessa District.

Source: Mike Stroope—Odessa District

Figure 4.34: Oil Tanks Lying in the Travel Lane Immediately after Collision with a Bridge

The loads depicted in the previous figures exceed legal heights by several feet. Super-
heavy loads often require routing off the primary system due to widths, heights, lengths, and
loads that far exceed bridge clearances or load capacities. Figures 4.35 and 4.36 show super-

heavy loads with extremes in heights, widths, and lengths that must be transported on the state
highway network.

Figure 4.35: Two 1.8 Million Lb. Pressure Vessels Being Transported
on a Frontage Road—Houston

Figure 4.36: Super-Heavy Load during Transport to a Refinery along the Texas Gulf Coast

4.4 Crash Record Information System Database Analysis

The research team evaluated the TxDOT Crash Record Information System (CRIS)
database to obtain information about crashes that involved OS/OW vehicles. To identify these

crashes, CRIS database records for Fiscal Year 2010–2013 were extracted and examined and
included crashes with a first, second, or third contributing cause, determined as “oversized
vehicle or load” by the investigating officer. Crashes involving OS vehicles including
limousines, ambulances, large pickup trucks, and other vehicles that do not require a MCD
OS/OW permit were removed from the analysis database (TxDOT, 2012).
A total of 1,137 crashes was identified and an Excel spreadsheet database developed
containing the law enforcement officer’s crash report data for each crash. Of these crashes, 259,
or approximately 23 percent, involved damage to TxDOT property. Due to time and personnel
limitations, it was not considered feasible to request TxDOT to extract the damage claim records
for these 259 crashes. To determine the cost of these damage claims, a database of damage claim
records was obtained from the South Region and West Region damage claim processing centers.
This data was evaluated and summarized in an Excel spreadsheet to identify property damage
incidents consistent with the types of damage related to OS/OW crashes.
Based on this analysis, the total estimated damage claim costs associated with the 259
crashes involving TxDOT property are approximately $9.7 million. These are direct costs
associated with these crashes, including the cost to repair damage to a bridge, traffic signal, or
other property. Tables 4.5 and 4.6 summarize the crash events identified by the investigating
officer for these crashes.
These crashes also resulted in fatalities and injuries, as shown in Table 4.7. In each case,
the fatalities or incapacitating injuries were suffered by the OS/OW driver or a passenger in the
OS/OW transporter. Crash cost factors for fatalities and injuries are provided in the FHWA
Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual (FHWA, 2012). The “property damage only”
crash costs are for general reference and are not associated with TxDOT property damage cost
estimates given previously.

Table 4.5: TxDOT Property Damage Associated with OS/OW Crashes by Crash Event (CRIS 2012)
Officer's Crash Event Description TxDOT Property Damaged due to Event 1 or 2
Event 1 or 2 Bridge/ Overpass Traffic Signal Light Pole Signs Traffic Barrier Damage Roadway Retaining Wall
Collision involving fixed object 83 46 4 6 12 3
Non-collision ran off road 2 2 2
Non-collision Over turn / Rollover 1 2
Non-collision - equipment failure 1 2
Collision with motor vehicle 5 4 1
Cargo Shift or loss 2
Other cause or explained in narrative 27 22 3 7 15 6 1

Totals 115 69 7 15 34 18 1

Table 4.6: TxDOT Property Damage Cost Estimates Based on TxDOT Statewide Damage Claims
TxDOT Property - Item # of Incidents Average Cost/Incident Estimated Total Cost
Bridge/Overpass 115 $80,000 $9,200,000
Traffic Signal 69 $3,500 $241,500
Light Pole 7 $2,900 $20,300
Signs (small & large) 15 $1,000 $15,000
Traffic Barrier 34 $5,000 $170,000
Damaged Roadway 18 $5,000 $90,000
Retaining Wall 1 $10,000 $10,000
Total $9,746,800

Table 4.7: Fatality and Injury Costs Associated with 1,137 OS/OW Crashes
FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Manual - Comprehensive Crash Costs
Injury Severity Level Comprehensive crash cost Occurences Total cost by Category
Fatality $4,008,900 4 $16,035,600
Disabling Injury $216,000 5 $1,080,000
Evident Injury $79,000 18 $1,422,000
Possible Injury $44,900 12 $538,800
Property Damage Only $7,400 1,137 $8,413,800

Total $27,490,200

The research team again emphasizes that all of the fatalities and disabling or evident
injuries and seven of the 12 possible injuries suffered in these crashes were either the OS/OW
driver or a passenger in the OS/OW transporter. These costs are not presented with regard to
OS/OW permit fee costs. Rather, they underscore that there is a human and societal cost
associated with operation of OS/OW loads due to crashes involving other motorists and
involving fixed objects along the travel way. Additional revenue from permit fees can be used to
address both consumption and safety improvements to help reduce the fatalities, injuries, and
property damage associated with OS/OW load operations. It should also be emphasized that the
”property damage only” comprehensive crash costs in Table 4.7 are average national costs; the
property damage costs to TxDOT alone for 259 of the 1,137 crashes identified exceeded $9.7
million. These 1,137 crashes also resulted in property damage to bridges and traffic signals
owned by cities, bridges owned by railway companies, toll booths, camera systems and vehicle
impact attenuators owned by toll authorities, power poles, wiring, cabling and other equipment
owned by utilities and telecommunications companies, and property owned by other businesses
and private citizens. The sum of these damages is not available due to the difficulty in making
accurate cost estimates. Damage costs to the OS/OW transporter and OS/OW load are not
included; however, as depicted in the following figures, damage to OS/OW loads that strike
bridges or become involved in crashes can result in substantial losses for the owner and the
OS/OW transport company.

4.4.1 Over Legal Length Loads

The length categories shown in Table 4.4 were developed by the research team based on
different factors, including a review of the TxDOT Design Division Roadway Design Manual,
which provides guidance for designing curves, intersections, and other highway features
considering vehicle and trailer turning radii and trailer off-tracking (TxDOT, 2010).
The longest of the standard vehicles used by TxDOT to establish design criteria are the
WB-12, WB-15, and WB-19 standard tractor-semi trailers and the WB-20D tractor double-trailer
unit. The total lengths of these combination units as presented in the manual trailer off-tracking
diagrams are 45.5 feet, 55 feet, 68.5 feet, and 72.33 feet, respectively. However, the vehicle with
the longest maximum legal length specified in state statutes is a stinger-steered automobile
transporter, which can be up to 75 feet in length with an additional three-foot front overhang and
four-foot rear overhang, for a total length of 82 feet (see Figure 4.37) (TxDOT, 2011). For
comparison purposes, Figure 4.38 shows a saddle-mount tractor trailer unit operating on IH 35

which, based on a state statute that allows various overlength exemptions, is authorized to
operate at a maximum length of 97 feet.

Figure 4.37: Stinger Steered Automobile Transporter on IH 35 NB

Figure 4.38: Saddle-Mount Truck Tractor Unit Operating along IH 35 SB—Austin District

By comparison, over length permitted loads are shown in Figures 4.39 and 4.40. Typical
concrete beam transporter lengths can range from 90 to 200 feet in length, with the average
length equal to 130 feet based on the available data sample. Wind turbine blade transporters can
range from 155 to 175 feet in length.

Figure 4.39: Concrete Beam Hauler on IH 35 NB—Austin District

Figure 4.40: Wind Turbine Blade Transporter on IH 35 NB—Austin District

There is no maximum total length limit for a truck tractor in Texas and therefore no limit
for the maximum length of a tractor semi-trailer unit. However, there are maximum allowable
single trailer (59 feet) and double trailer unit lengths (28.5 feet per trailer or total 69 feet cargo

space length). There is also a maximum practical total vehicle length that can negotiate turns at
intersections, within ramps, interchange flyovers, and other highway features due to the
geometric design criteria specified in the manual.
It is also important to realize that the design speeds and related design criteria for routes
of different ages might vary. A route constructed in 1950, 1960, 1970, or 1980 can have features
designed to different geometric standards and thus different vehicle dimension limitations than a
similar route designed and constructed in 1990, 2000, or 2010. Therefore, the geometric features
along certain urban or rural routes today may not easily accommodate OS/OW vehicles and load
These features can include turning radii and lowboy under-trailer vertical clearances at
intersections, lateral clearances to signs, light poles, traffic signal mast arm assemblies and traffic
controller cabinets at or near intersections, vertical and lateral clearances at bridges, and
horizontal and vertical curve geometry that can vary significantly on different portions of the
state-maintained system. These variations can occur particularly between routes of different
functional classes. Routes of the same functional class typically have similar design criteria. For
comparison purposes, examples of pavement and bridge lane width criteria are presented in
Tables 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11. Data was obtained from the 1976, 1986, and 2010 Roadway
Design Manuals, respectively.

Table 4.8: Rural Two-Lane Total Roadway Width Design Criteria—1976

1976 Roadway Design Manual - Rural 2-lane Roadway Criteria
Traveled Way Widths, Ft
Design Speed (mph) 1
Current ADT
0- 250 250 - 400 400 - 750 750 - 1500
50 or less 20 20 22 24
over 50 20 22 22 24
Usable Shoulder Widths, Ft
All 4 4 6 8

New Bridge Widths, Ft.

50 or less 28 28 34 40
over 50 28 34 34 40
Traffic volume in terms of mixed traffic. For design speeds of 50 mph or less, traveled ways that are
two feet narrower may be used on minor roads with few trucks. Federal aid projects shall not have
the two-foot reduction without prior approval from the FHWA.
Two-foot width of each shoulder may be surfaced.
Source: TxDOT, 1976
Note that the traveled-way width must be divided by two to obtain the lane width. Also,
based on Table 4.3, there are approximately 2,800 lane miles of FM roadways with 18-foot
traveled ways or 9-foot lane widths. These roadways would likely have been designed and
constructed in the 1940s and 1950s when construction of the majority of the FM road system was

Table 4.9: Rural Two-Lane Roadway Lane Width Design Criteria—1986
1986 Roadway Design Manual - Rural 2-lane Roadway Criteria
Functional Class Design Speed Feature Minimum Lane Width Current ADT Minimum Lane Width - Future ADT
0 - 250 ADT 250 - 400 ADT 750 - 1500 1500 - 3000 3000 or more
Arterial All Lane Widths 12' 12' 12' 12' 12'
Shoulder Width 4' 4' 6' 8'-10' 10'
Bridges 34' 34' 38' 40 - 44' 44'
Collector Design Speed Lane Widths
30 10 10 10 11 12
40 10 10 11 11 12
50 10 10 11 12 12
60 11 11 11 12 12
Shoulder Width 2', 6' 2', 6' 4' 8' - 10' 8' - 10'
Bridges 28' - 30' 28' - 30' 28' - 30' 38' - 44' 40' - 44'
Source: TxDOT 1986

Table 4.10: Rural Two-Lane Roadway Lane Width Design Criteria—2010

2010 Roadway Design Manual - Rural 2-lane Roadway Criteria
Functional Class Design Speed Feature Minimum Lane Width - Future ADT
< 400 ADT 400 - 1500 1500 - 2000 > 2000
Arterial All Lane Widths 12' 12' 12' 12'
Shoulder Width 4' 4' or 8' 8' 8' - 10'
Collector Design Speed Lane Widths
30 10 10 11 12
35 10 10 11 12
40 10 10 11 12
45 10 10 11 12
50 10 10 12 12
55 10 10 12 12
60 11 11 12 12
65 11 11 12 12
70 11 11 12 12
75 11 12 12 12
80 11 12 12 12
Shoulder Width 2' 4' 8' 8' - 10'
Source: TxDOT, 2010

Table 4.11: Minimum Structure Widths for Bridges to Remain in Place

on Rural Two-Lane Roadways
2010 Roadway Design Manual 'Minumum Structure Widths for Bridges to Remain
in Place on Rural Two-lane Highway'
Functional Class Roadway Clear Width (ft) for ADT of:
< 400 400 - 1500 1500 - 2000 > 2000
Collector 22 22 24 28
Arterial Traveled Way + 6 ft.
Source: TxDOT 2010

Considering the previous photographs showing the dimensions of OS/OW vehicles, when
required to travel there narrow rural routes, other traffic might be forced to leave the roadway
entirely as the load passes. In the case of super-heavy loads, a convoy of equipment and
personnel travels ahead of the load to raise power lines or traffic signal wires to ensure
clearances of railway signals and other potential obstructions. Figures 4.41 through 4.43
illustrate these operations. However, loads less than 110 feet in length are not required to have an
escort, and loads less than 125 feet in length are not required to have a pre-approved route, nor is
the OS/OW transport operator required to inspect the route he plans to take.

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.41: Raising Traffic Signal Wires to Provide Clearance for an OS/OW Load

Source: John Bilyeu—CST

Figure 4.42: Checking Railway Signal Clearances for an OS/OW Load

Source: Paul Rollins—BRG
Figure 4.43: Limited vertical clearance under a transporter trailer restricts route choices.

Limited vertical clearance under an OS/OW transporter is an additional issue discussed

with TxDOT district personnel interviewed. Districts may need to redesign intersections to
eliminate high points on which lowboy trailers bottom out and become stuck. Low under-trailer
clearance can result in safety problems and, in some cases, catastrophic consequences. Although
the crash depicted in Figure 4.44 did not occur in Texas, the load did originate in Houston.
This OS/OW load included a super-heavy transporter measuring 135 feet in length, 15
feet in width, and 18 feet, 6 inches in height. The transporter was hauling a condenser unit for
use in a refinery. The load trailer had a ground clearance of six inches. The load traveled through
Texas on its journey to Glendale, California (NTSB, 2000). The NTSB report documents that
during the trip through Texas, the load encountered several problems, including striking a traffic
signal, sign and overhead telephone lines; the vehicle required re-routing due to bridge and
railway clearance problems.
The load arrived in Glendale and ultimately became stuck at a railroad crossing due to
problems with routing and escort directions. The driver worked to extricate the vehicle but was
only able to drive away with the transporter and forward portion of the transport unit before the
load and trailer were struck by a train and carried 1,100 feet before coming to a stop. The
estimated damages were $2 million.

Figure 4.44: Super-Heavy Load with Condenser Struck by Train
at Railway Crossing in Glendale, California [NTSB 2000]

The estimated costs to re-profile a roadway to accommodate low clearance heavy

vehicles and OS/OW loads were estimated by one district at approximately $20,000 per location.
The cost of reconstructing the vertical alignment of a road varies depending on the amount of
adjustment needed, drainage considerations, and other factors.
Figures 4.45 and 4.46 show TxDOT property damaged due to OS/OW loads during
turning movements at intersections that were not designed for vehicles of this length.

Source: Scott Cunningham—Austin District
Figure 4.45: Concrete Beam Hauler with Downed Traffic Signal Mast/Arm Assembly—Austin

Source: Stacey Young—Lubbock District

Figure 4.46: Traffic Sign Downed by Wind Turbine Loads Turning
at a Rural Intersection—Lubbock

A four-corner, high mast traffic signal installation at the maximum 19-foot vertical signal
head placement height is estimated to be $150,000 per intersection. Repairing damage as shown
in the photograph can vary significantly depending on whether the mast, arm, and signal heads
were only damaged or totally destroyed, as shown. In addition, if the traffic signal controller
cabinet is also struck during the crash, the repair or replacement costs can increase by an
additional $8,500 per incident. Although small signs such as the one shown in Figure 4.46 are
not expensive by comparison and usually cost in the range of $300 to $500 to replace depending
on the sign type, the true impact is due to the loss of information to other drivers. The incident
depicted in Figure 4.46 only shows one location along a several-mile-long route in which wind
turbine tower component transporters could not negotiate rural FM road intersections. Although
a route identification sign has been knocked down in this instance, damage claim reports show
that stop, yield, and other traffic regulatory signs are also knocked down or destroyed due to
turning movements. In these cases, loss of these signs deprives other drivers of important
guidance and information necessary for safe vehicle operations.

4.5 Longer Combination Vehicle Operations in Other States

The researchers sought additional information to identify and characterize different
factors that should be considered when evaluating a potential new rate/VMT fee for
overdimension OS/OW vehicles, and in particular, those that are over length. To achieve this,
telephone interviews were conducted with state tax commissions, state departments of motor
vehicles, OS/OW permit sections, and departments of public safety regarding 18-wheeler and
LCV registration fees and/or permit costs in other states.
The research team realizes that in many cases, the allowable GVW is also higher for
LCVs; however, axle loads are typically maintained at legal limits. Cases to the contrary were
documented during these interviews.
Figures 4.47 through 4.52 show examples of LCVs operated in various states in which
they are permitted, in addition to LCVs operated in Canada and Mexico. Based on the
assessment of 2,000 overlength OS/OW loads shown in Table 4.4, approximately 41 percent
were legal length or less, and an additional approximately 51 percent were between 82 and 120
feet, which encompasses the maximum length of an LCV in any US state. Therefore, the lengths
of more than 90 percent of permitted loads in this sample were between the maximum legal
vehicle length listed in state statutes and the maximum length of double- or triple-trailer LCVs
routinely operated by other states that are part of the Western Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (WASHTO), as is Texas. It should be further noted that MCD issues
multi-state permits for OS/OW vehicles traveling through WASTHO states and has worked with
those states to simplify and coordinate agreements on vehicle configurations that can operate
across state lines.

Source: Hank Suderman, 2011
Figure 4.47: Turnpike Double (TPD) Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV)

Source: Jim Steele, 2002

Figure 4.48: Rocky Mountain Double Longer Combination Vehicle

It is helpful to compare the photographs of these LCVs with photographs of the concrete
beam transporter or turbine blade transporter in Figures 4.39 and 4.40. In the case of a concrete
beam transporter, such as the one depicted, this load is at least 30 feet longer and 30,000 lbs.
heavier than the maximum dimensions and weights of any of the LCVs shown. However, the
length of these LCVs equals or exceeds the length of more than 90 percent of the permitted loads
evaluated in the 2,000-permit sample.

Source: Hank Suderman, 2010
Figure 4.49: Triple Trailer Unit Longer Combination Vehicle

Source: Tim Gibson, 2010

Figure 4.50: Michigan “Caterpillar Rig”

Source: Martin Phippard, 2012
Figure 4.51: Canadian B-Train Double Longer Combination Vehicle

Source: Martin Phippard, 2012

Figure 4.52: Mexican T3-S2-R4 Longer Combination Vehicle

Table 4.12 summarizes information obtained from discussions with state agencies that
manage longer combination vehicle (LCV) registration and permitting for the states listed. The
state laws governing operation of LCVs vary significantly from state to state due to differences
in the routes on which LCVs can operate regardless if the operator purchases a single-trip, six-
month, or annual permit and other factors.
The purpose of obtaining the information in Table 4.12 was to calculate an estimated
rate/VMT for permitted overlength operations of LCVs. This information was considered a
benchmark for calculating a proposed new rate/VMT for overlength vehicles in Texas.
The average rate/VMT based on the information obtained for overlength operations only
is $0.042/VMT. The median is $0.02/VMT, and the standard deviation is $0.066/VMT. Based on
this assessment, the research team proposes a base rate of $0.02/VMT, which increases as length
categories increase, as is the case with the overwidth and overheight categories. Therefore, the
length categories in Table 4.4 begin at the legal maximum length of 82 feet for a stinger-steered
auto transporter, for which there is no charge. The next category is from 82 feet, 1 inch to 90 feet
at a rate of $0.02/VMT, after which each category increases on approximate 10-foot increments
with a rate increase of $0.02/VMT for each category.

Table 4.12: Longer Combination Vehicle Permit Fees and Estimated Rates/VMT by State
Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Types, Associated Alowable lengths and Permit Fees
LCV Registration or Double Trailer - Triple Trailer -
Tractor - Turnpike Tractor Rocky Tractor - Triple LCV Permit Fee LCV Permit Fee
LCV lengths by State Permit Fee Triple Estimated Cost Estimated Cost
Doubles Mountain Doubles Trailers Single Trailer Double Trailer
Trailer per VMT per VMT
$500 Length only, $500 Length only, $500 Length only,
120' depending on 120' depending on 120' depending
Alaska $500 weight only, $500 weight only, $500 weight only, $0.005 $0.005
the route the route on the route
$1000 both L&W $1000 both L&W $1000 both L&W
$250 Length only: $250 Length only: $250 Length only:
$400 additional for $400 additional for $400 additional for
Colorado 105' 105' 105' max weight 1 truck; max weight 1 truck; max weight 1 truck; $0.003 $0.005
$350 for each truck $350 for each truck $350 for each truck
thereafter thereafter thereafter
(I-70 CO border to (I-70 CO border to
Goodland, KS $2000 Goodland, KS $2,000
Kansas (I-70 to Goodland or I-70 toll only) 119' 119' 119' / company + $50 / company + $50 per $0.205 $0.205
per truck; or, I-70 truck; or, I-70 toll
toll $14 $14
Montana 110' 110' 110' <=75' $75 length only $125.00 length only $200.00 length only $0.001 $0.002
Nebraska 105' $250 annual $250 annual $0.003 $0.003
Nevada 95' cargo max 95' cargo max 95' cargo max $2,940.00 annual $2,940.00 $0.029 $0.029
North Dakota (route and seasonal limits) 110' 110' 110' $20 single trip only $20 single trip only $0.040 $0.040
Oklahoma 110' 110' 110' $20 annual $120 annual $0.000 $0.001
LCV at 80,000 lbs LCV at 80,000 lbs LCV at 80,000 lbs
$0.1638/VMT - $8 $0.1638/VMT - $8 $0.1638/VMT - $8
Oregon 105' 105' $0.168 $0.168
Over dimension Over dimension Over dimension
permit fee permit fee permit fee
South Dakota 110' 110' 110' $10 / 24 hour trip $10 / 24 hour trip $10 / 24 hour trip $0.020 $0.020
Texas Not Authorized Not Authorized Not Authorized Not Authorized Not Authorized Not Authorized
$30 Single Trip, $75 $30 Single Trip, $75 $30 Single Trip, $75
$.0.06 $.0.06
Utah 95' cargo max 95' cargo max 95' cargo max 6 months, $90 6 months, $90 6 months, $90
$0.02 $0.001 $0.02 $0.001
annual annual annual
LCV must be LCV must be LCV must be
Wyoming 81' max cargo length81' max cargo length Not Authorized licensed - no permit licensed - no permit licensed - no permit - -
fee fee fee
Notes: Annual rates computed assuming 100,000 VMT. Six month rate: 50,000 VMT. Single-trip rates: 500 VMT. LCV maximum
lengths are specified by total vehicle length in some states and by maximum trailer cargo lengths in other states as noted.

Case Study 4: Single-trip permit fees considering consumption and dimensions
Based on the information in Table 4.13, Case Study 1 is revisited to add the
overdimension rate/VMT for each general OS/OW weight class. Therefore, for Case Study 4, the
same pavement and bridge consumption rate/VMT and resulting permit costs are retained and
overwidth, overheight, and overlength rates/VMT considered for a vehicle that is 12 feet wide,
15 feet high, and 100 feet long. The same vehicle dimensions are considered for each weight
class. For a vehicle of these dimensions traveling 300 VMT, the following additional permit fee
costs would accrue:

12’ width—Category 5 = $0.24/VMT x 300 miles = $72.00

15’ height—Category 2 = $0.04/VMT x 300 miles = $12.00

100’ length—Category 3 = $0.04/VMT x 300 miles = $12.00

Table 4.13: Consumption and Infrastructure Operation and Safety Impact Fees
Weight Class Consumption Overwidth Overheight New Fee Maintenance
Fee FY 2011
$173.39 $72 $12 $12 $269.39 $150
120,000 lbs.
$261.37 $72 $12 $12 $357.37 $225
160,000 lbs.
$340.048 $72 $12 $12 $436.04 $300
200,000 lbs.
$526.99 $72 $12 $12 $622.99 $375
254,000 lbs.

As in Case Study 1, the new fee includes the consumption and infrastructure operations
and safety impact fees. It does not include an administrative fee or a base fee, which will be
discussed in the next section.

4.6 OS/OW Administrative and Enforcement Cost Items

The research team conducted in-person interviews with the Texas Department of Public
Safety (TxDPS) and the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) enforcement section; and
telephone interviews with the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) and the Texas Office of the
Attorney General (OAG). In addition, the team had numerous face-to-face meetings, telephone
discussions, and e-mail exchanges with TxDMV-MCD, TxDOT district and TxDOT division
The following sections summarize specific OS/OW cost categories incurred by TxDOT
districts and divisions, DMV, TxDPS, and OAG that are not captured in current OS/OW fees
based on research. In some cases, the cost item identified is estimated per equipment installation;
however, a total district or statewide cost figure was not available. Some cost items, such as

TxDOT property damage due to hit-and-run OS/OW loads, might not be appropriate to include
in permit fees but are costs incurred by TxDOT due to OS/OW loads in any case.

4.6.1 TxDMV Motor Carrier Division

The TxDOT Motor Carrier Division (MCD) was transferred to the Texas Department of
Motor Vehicles in FY 2011 as directed by the State Legislature. TxDOT was directed to transfer
$6.3 million to TxDMV to fund operation of MCD and the Enforcement Division during this
move. TxDMV-MCD is responsible for administering the OS/OW permitting program among
other functions associated with servicing and authorizing the operation of commercial motor
carriers. MCD issued more than 590,000 permits in FY 2011, which accrued more than $110
million in permit fees. In FY 2012, more than 722,000 OS/OW permits were issued with the help
of the new Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) (TxDMV, 2012). The
FY 2013 operating budget for MCD is $7,962,221 based on the FY 2013 TxDMV Approved
Operation Budget report (TxDMV, 2012).

TxDMV- Enforcement Division

The TxDMV Enforcement Division conducts investigations of commercial vehicle
operators that have shown a pattern of violations with regard to the items listed below. Based on
a review of information obtained from the DMV complaints investigation database, it appears
that investigations are ranked as follows according to frequency or total numbers of
1. No insurance or improper insurance
2. No registration or improper registration
3. A pattern of OS/OW violations
4. Non-compliance with consumer protection requirements

TxDMV-ENF conducts approximately 350 investigations per year with about 10 percent
of investigations resulting in penalties. The section employs 11 investigations, one manager, and
one administrator for a total staff of 12 fulltime employees. The section budget is approximately
$688,000 per year. The goal of the enforcement division is to meet with a carrier that is out of
compliance and work to develop a plan of action to bring the company back into compliance.
For the three-year period from September 2009 to September 2012, the section conducted
424 company investigations due to a pattern of OS/OW citations. Of these investigations, 99
cases were referred to an attorney.
The TxDOT-MCD annual report indicates that roadside size and weight violations
cited by TxDPS troopers decreased 77 percent for companies the section investigated and that
had received a penalty in FY 2011. This suggests that, dollar for dollar, the MCD Enforcement
Section is very effective in reducing illegal OS/OW operations, thus reducing pavement and
bridge consumption rates (TxDOT, 2011).

TxDPS Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service

The interview with TxDPS provided researchers information about the number of weight
measurements TxDPS conducts annually, citations, and staffing and administrative costs
associated with the size and weight enforcement branch. During the interview with TxDPS, the

research team learned that costs involved in enforcement of permitted OS/OW vehicles are not
tracked or recorded separately from other size and weight enforcement functions. Therefore, only
information regarding total commercial vehicle enforcement operations is presented.
During the 2011 calendar year, TxDPS troopers conducted 37,626 vehicle inspections
and issued 30,290 tickets and 68,491 warnings. With regard to overweight operations, 65,988
overweight violations were cited, resulting in 28,641 overweight tickets and 37,347 warnings.
In addition, TxDPS measured more than 1.8 million vehicles using weigh in motion
equipment; 121,106 vehicles were weighed using permanent scales; 16,060 vehicles were
weighed using portable scales; and 20,193 vehicles were weighed using semi-portable scales.
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service manpower includes 777 full-time personnel,
including 514 commissioned personnel; and 263 non-commissioned personnel, including 176
CMV inspectors. Based on TxDPS’ operating budget report for FY 2012, the TxDPS
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service was budgeted at $65,718,391 (TxDPS, 2011).

Office of the Attorney General

The OAG becomes involved in cases regarding disputed OS/OW damage claim cases and
cases referred to an attorney by MCD’s enforcement section.
Although the OAG could not provide an annual estimate of court costs specifically due to
OS/OW litigation because each attorney handles dozens of cases at any given time, a few
examples of cases and court costs were provided.
Based on recent court case that involved more than $600,000 damage to a TxDOT bridge,
the estimated court costs were $100,000 in attorney’s fees. This court trial lasted one week.
Settlements of OS/OW damage claims or jury decisions can result in a portion of the damage
claim costs being paid by the OS/OW operator or a transport company and the remainder by
TxDOT. In any case, attorney’s fees are often included in the damage claim. It is therefore
difficult to determine the exact amount of court costs that would be borne by the state due to
juries’ split decision regarding OS/OW damage claims. The number of cases of this type would
likely vary from year to year, as would court costs.
During the interview, the OAG attorney indicated that currently 900 damage claim court
cases are at the OAG’s office; however, not all are related to OS/OW operations. If 5 percent of
these cases is attributed to OS/OW damage claims—a conservative estimate—this would result
in an estimated 45 damage claim cases. If 25 percent of these cases resulted in a split decision
resulting in the state assuming 50 percent and the OS/OW carrier 50 percent of the damages and
associated court costs, a rough estimate of the annual court costs paid by the state for OS/OW
cases would be approximately 11 x $50,000 = $550,000 annually.

4.7 Estimate of Costs Associated with OS/OW Operations

The previous sections discussed costs paid by TxDOT to conduct surveys and upgrade
infrastructure to accommodate OS/OW loads. In addition, costs associated with the
administration and enforcement of OS/OW laws and transport companies and administration of
the OS/OW permitting process were identified. Table 4.14 summarizes costs TxDOT pays to
provide data and information for OS/OW operations or adjustments, modification, or
replacement of road and bridge infrastructure not currently captured in permit fee cost categories.
These estimates are based on interviews with TxDOT personnel and information provided to
help quantify these costs. A more thorough analysis is needed to fully and accurately estimate all
costs paid by TxDOT that are not currently reimbursed to Highway Fund 6 (Fund 6) through

OS/OW permit revenue. Nevertheless, the research team has provided cost categories and
general cost estimates that provide a ballpark estimate.
In addition, as stated earlier, discussions with TxDPS Commercial Motor Vehicle
Enforcement Service personnel indicated that there is no estimate available of the percentage of
the budget allocation solely attributed to OS/OW enforcement operations. The research team
again used available information and assumptions regarding these amounts.
Based on this study, the estimated additional cost associated with OS/OW operations not
currently captured in permit fees is approximately $60.1 million. In addition, researchers provide
the following annual estimates: $10,000,000 for hit-and-run damage to TxDOT property and
$550,000 for unreimbursed court costs. TxDOT or the State of Texas must absorb these
expenses, as they cannot be directly charged to OS/OW permit costs. Therefore, the total costs
not covered by OS/OW permit fees by TxDOT and the State of Texas is $70.65 million annually.

Table 4.14: Additional Cost Categories Not Currently Captured in OS/OW Permit Operations
Costs Not
Estimated cost for Non- Costs Currently
Total cost Currently Apportioned
Additional Cost Category each location Time Period Annual Cost apportioned Apportioned to
estimate Apportioned to Cost Subtotal
(where applicable) CostsSubtotal OS/OW Permits
OS/OW Permits
Texas Department of Transportation
Bridge retrofit costs to increase clearance height - 68 Bridges $8,000,000 5 years $1,600,000 $1,600,000
Modification or replacement of 185 additional low clearance bridges $225,000,000 10 years $22,500,000 $22,500,000
LIDAR survey of bridge / sign bridge clearance envelope for TxPROS $2,000,000 1 year $2,000,000 $2,000,000
Adjust grades, redesign intersections for OS/OW operations (x 25) $20,000 $500,000 1 year $500,000 $500,000
Emergency inspection of damaged bridges by Districts & BRG ( x 50) $2,000.00 $100,000 1 year $100,000 $100,000
Bridge & Signal repairs due to 'hit and run' over height loads (x 200) $50,000.00 $10,000,000 1 year $10,000,000
Installation of low clearance warning drop tube systems (x 50) $3,500 $175,000 2 years $87,500 $87,500
Installation of high load warning sensor systems (x 25) $20,000 $500,000 2 years $250,000 $250,000
Installation of high mast & arm signals with 19' signal mount (x 25) $150,000 $3,750,000 1 year $3,750,000 $3,750,000
Funds transferred to TxDMV to fund MCD and ENF (2011) 1 year $6,300,000
TxDMV - Motor Carrier Division OS/OW Permit Operations $7,962,000 1 year $7,962,000 $8,650,000 $8,650,000
TxDMV - Enforcement Division $688,000 1 year $688,000

TxDPS Commercial Vehicle Enforcement $65,718,000 1 year $65,718,000

Assume 40% allocated for OS/OW enforcement $26,287,200 1 year $26,287,200 $26,287,200
Overweight citation revenue paid to Fund 1 (30,290 citations) $100 $3,029,000 1 year $3,029,000 $3,029,000 $29,316,200

OAG Court Costs unknown unknown

Attorney fees paid by state due to settlements/jury decisions estimated 1 year $550,000
Grand Totals $60,103,700

4.8 Conclusions
Chapter 4 presented the methodologies and recommended equations to compute permit
fee costs based on pavement and bridge consumption rate/loaded VMT and infrastructure
operations and safety impacts due to overdimension OS/OW vehicles.
In addition, a detailed discussion supported the methodology and rate/VMT fee schedule
based on categories for overwidth, overheight, and overlength vehicles.
Four case studies were presented to show how consumption and impact costs are used to
compute new permit fee costs.
Additional costs that are not currently addressed or identified in permit fee calculations
were identified. These costs are associated with survey data and related information provided by
TxDOT to accommodate OS/OW permit fee routing and modifications or redesign of roadway
and bridge infrastructure specifically to accommodate OS/OW vehicle operations. These costs
are estimated to be approximately $60.1 million that can potentially be apportioned to permit
fees and an additional $10.5 million that cannot be apportioned to permit fees but are directly
attributed to OS/OW vehicle operations.
Finally, the research team identified costs associated with OS/OW permit fee operations,
enforcement, and court attorney costs that may or may not be possible to apportion to permit

Chapter 5. Revenue Analysis and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction
Chapter 4 recommended Equation 4.5 for computing permit fee costs for any type of
permit based on the vehicle axle configuration, marginal weights, width, height, and length of an
OS/OW transporter and load. Equation 4.5 was used to compute proposed new permit fee costs
in three case studies that demonstrated application of the pavement and bridge consumption
analysis methods for 1) general OS/OW single-trip routed vehicle permit associated with four
different weight classes; 2) a non-routed, permitted 1547 five-axle tractor-trailer unit; and 3) a
proposed new permit for a currently exempt three-axle ready mix truck operating at the
maximum allowable GVW and axle loads permitted by state statutes.
A new Infrastructure Operations and Safety Impact Fee Schedule was also presented in
Chapter 4 that provides rates/VMT based on 34 categories for vehicles that are over legal width,
legal height, or legal length with respect to state statutes and in consideration of TxDOT design
standards. The fee schedule can be used to calculate permit fee rates for vehicles that are both
oversize and overweight or vehicles that are oversize only. The new methods calculate fees only
if the vehicle and load exceeds maximum allowable limits or legal dimensions including legal,
inner- or outer-axle bridge lengths. Case Study 4 revisited the four vehicle types analyzed in
Case Study 1 and calculated additional overdimension fee/VMT costs to demonstrate how the
fee schedule is applied.
Chapter 4 also presented estimated costs that are not currently included in OS/OW permit
fees but are directly attributable to TxDOT’s efforts to accommodate OS/OW operations through
signing, roadway or bridge modifications, and TxDPS-MCE and DMV-ENF Section
enforcement of state size and weight laws. In addition, unrecoverable costs were presented that
are associated with damage to TxDOT property by hit-and-run overdimension loads and court
costs that are paid by the State of Texas due to jury decisions related to litigation of OS/OW
court cases.
The total costs attributed to OS/OW load operations that are not currently captured in
OS/OW permit fees were estimated to be $60.1 million annually. The costs associated with
OS/OW operations that cannot be apportioned to OS/OW permit fees for the reasons cited in
Chapter 4 were estimated to be $10.5 million annually. It is important to note that these costs do
not represent administrative costs or the cost of doing business for TxDOT and other state
agencies; rather, these costs are directly related to OS/OW operations that are not currently
funded by permit fees and therefore must be funded through other sources such as a district’s
routine maintenance or construction budget categories. This means that planned projects must be
postponed to fund these unplanned costs.
In light of the austere maintenance budget constraints under which districts currently
operate, there is a critical need for additional revenue to address the increased pavement and
bridge consumption costs; infrastructure operations and safety-impact related costs; unpaid
damage claims; and other related costs associated with OS/OW permitted loads.
The research team recognizes that the trucking industry, including companies that operate
OS/OW permitted loads, also face difficult economic conditions. This is due to high energy
prices, longer haul distances to reach markets, and increased competition due to truck operators
from the other 49 states and several other countries that compete with Texas operators for profits
and business in the state.

In recognition of these issues, the research team developed a methodology that calculates
permit fee costs independent of load or commodity type. This was done to create a level playing
field for all OS/OW permit purchasers so a particular industry or sector of the economy does not
bear a disproportionately high cost of the consumption and infrastructure operations and safety
impacts. Rather, each permit purchaser pays exactly the same rates/VMT as all other permit
purchasers for the same vehicle loads and dimensions. In this way, each permit purchaser pays
his fair share for consumption of TxDOT transportation assets.
Equation 4.5 and the methodologies developed by the research team also provide a was
for permit purchasers to reduce pavement and bridge consumption by adding axles, changing
axle spacing, or making other modifications. Permit purchasers can make decisions about how to
best configure OS/OW transporters and loads to minimize consumption rate/loaded VMT and
resulting permit costs. This is a win-win approach in which lower consumption rates result in
extended pavement and bridge life while lowering the cost of doing business for the permit
The research team further emphasizes that the concepts used to develop Equation 4.5 are
based on the goals of the Legislature, TxDOT, TxDMV-MCD and the MCD Enforcement
Section, TxDPS, OAG, and other state agencies that emphasize providing a safe and efficient
transportation system that meets the needs of all Texans. Maintaining and rehabilitating the
existing roadway system while providing upgrades that improve the safety of the traveling
public, which includes OS/OW transport operators, is good for the state and good for a vibrant
Texas economy. To this end, the new permit fees and additional revenue discussed in the
following sections address and support these goals. This goal will be accomplished through an
equitable distribution of the new permit costs among all OS/OW permit purchasers, including
individuals or companies that currently operate exempt OS/OW vehicles at the maximum
weights or dimensions allowed under current state statutes.

5.2 Revenue Analysis Based on New Permit Fees

5.2.1 Vehicle Configurations and Operations
As discussed in Chapter 4, the exact vehicle and load configuration for a single-trip
routed permit can be known based on information provided by the permit purchaser through the
TxPROS system. However, due to hundreds of thousands of permits sold by MCD for single-trip
routed, quarterly non-routed, and annual non-routed vehicles, it is impractical for the research
team to calculate a new permit fee amount for every permit sold in FY 2011. Table 5.1 presents
the representative vehicle configurations chosen by the research team for single-trip general
OS/OW vehicles and the other permit types discussed in later sections to compute permit fee
costs for the revenue analysis. In actual practice, permit fees would be calculated for the specific
OS/OW vehicle configuration when the operator purchases a single-trip routed permit. Current
rules for non-routed permits will require modification to allow the purchaser to take advantage of
a configuration that reduces bridge and pavement consumption or infrastructure impacts.
Lack of specific details about the exact makeup and configurations of the Texas exempt
vehicle fleet, which are all non-routed vehicles, required the research team to make educated
decisions about representative exempt vehicle configurations. These decisions were based on
guidance provided in state statutes, including the maximum load, dimensions, reduced inner- or
outer-bridge lengths, and periods of operation. However, little information exists about variations
in the use and numbers of three or more axle straight trucks, tractor-semi-trailer, or truck-trailer

combinations. Therefore, agricultural exemptions were assumed to be “quarterly” and applicable
during a three-month harvest period for evaluating farming, livestock, and raw forest product
permit fees. Other types of exempt vehicles might operate throughout the year, thus fitting into
the annual, non-routed permit category, or they might operate on an “as needed” basis to perform
services related to the energy sector, water well servicing, and other applications.
Furthermore, the way in which exempt vehicles operate might result in a different load
factor for each exempt vehicle type in order to determine the loaded VMT. The rationale used for
determining the load factor was based on educated assumptions regarding loaded vs. empty
VMT and the amount of time per year that the additional load or dimension exemptions would be
used. Table 5.21 presents load factors used for the exempt vehicle loaded VMT calculations,
including the rationale for calculating these factors.

5.2.2 Temporary Registration

In FY 2011, MCD sold more than 23,600 temporary vehicle registration permits. Based
on information contained in the MCD OS/OW Rule Manual and the TxDPS Commercial Vehicle
Enforcement Guide for Farm Vehicle Compliance, the operator of an agricultural vehicle can
purchase a temporary registration permit that allows operation at a GVW above the legal
registered weight of that vehicle (TxDOT, 2011; TxDPS, 2010). Based on this information and
as contained in the Section 502.434, TC, a truck, truck-tractor, trailer, or semi-trailer may obtain
a temporary permit to haul more load than the vehicle is legally registered to carry. These
permits can be purchased by farmers hauling crops during harvest season and by out-of-state
farm vehicles operated in Texas to transport Texas farm products. State residents can purchase
these temporary permits for a period of 30 days to one year or by out-of-state vehicle operators
during the harvest period for a period of 30 days; however, three temporary registration permits
may be purchased within a one-year period.
This information suggests that certain agricultural vehicles used to transport products
from the point of origin to the first point of production, whether a silo, livestock market or mill
can operate above their legal registered weight limits in addition to the agricultural exemptions
allowed by law. The complexity of this issue is beyond the scope of this research, and further
study is recommended to evaluate the vehicle configurations and loads that can occur due to the
combination of a temporary registration and the agricultural exemption. The research team points
out that temporary registration permits are also purchased for short periods of time to allow
movement of other types of vehicles across state lines or within Texas state borders.
The following section addresses the development of a permit analysis worksheet tool by
the research team that allows the user to compute the new permit fee for a given vehicle and
determine how the fee revenue will be apportioned. At the time this report was written, not all
vehicle configuration selections had been made operational in the new tool due to the complexity
of ensuring that both the existing and proposed new permit structures are correctly entered and
“proof tested.” In any case, the tool has been demonstrated to TxDOT administration to
demonstrate its functionality. In addition, MCD rules allow an OS/OW vehicle to combine
certain permit types under specific circumstances. Further study is needed to address all of the
different potential scenarios that might occur.
Following a discussion of the worksheet, the FY 2011 and new permit revenues will be
presented and discussed (Table 5.5). This information will be presented for the majority of
permit types and number of permits sold in FY 2011 and will include specific information
regarding how the permit fee revenue was allocated to different budget funds.

Table 5.1: OS/OW Existing Permit Representative Vehicle Configurations Used
in the New Permit Calculations and Revenue Assessment
FY 2011 OS/OW Permit Categories Included in the Revenue Assessment
VMT Tridem
Steering Tandem Tandem Tridem Tridem
(Loaded) Weight Class / Tandem Axle Axle Tridem Axle
State Statute or Permit Type Axle weight Axle Axle Axle Axle Width Height Length
new Max GVW lbs weight lbs Weight Weight lbs
lbs weight lbs weight lbs Weight lbs Weight lbs
Permits lbs
2060/1547 over axle tolerance 50,000 84,000 10,000 37,000 Legal Legal Legal
General OS/OW single-trip
< 80,000 lbs / over dimension only 300 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 12' 15' 100'
80,001 - 120,000 lbs 300 120,000 15,000 45,000 60,000 12' 15' 100'
120,001 - 160,000 lbs 300 160,000 15,000 42,500 42,500 60,000 12' 15' 100'
160,000 - 200,000 lbs 300 200,000 15,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 59,000 12' 15' 100'
200,000 - 254,000 lbs 300 254,000 15,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 12' 15' 100'
Annual - Envelope (Specific) 9,000 120,000 12,000 45,000 60,000 12' Legal 110'
Annual - Envelope (Non-Specific) 9,000 120,000 12,000 45,000 60,000 12' Legal 110'
non-routed 30 day over width 4,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 13' Legal Legal
non-routed 60 day over width 8,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 13' Legal Legal
non-routed 90 day over width 12,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 13' Legal Legal
non-routed 30 day over length 4,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal 110'
non-routed 60 day over length 8,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal 110'
non-routed 90 day over length 12,000 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal 110'
Well servicing Unit - annual 15,000 75,000 35,000 40,000 10' Legal Legal
Well servicing Unit -mileage 15,000 75,000 35,000 40,000 10' Legal Legal
Concrete Beams - single trip 300 160,000 15000 42,500 42,500 60,000 Legal Legal 160'
Portable Buildings 300 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 14' 14' 80'
Manufactured Housing 200 ≤ 80,000 Legal Legal Legal 16' 15 100'
Implement of Husbandry 2,500 ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 16' 16' 110'
Fracing Trailers - on LZ roads 50,000 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal Legal
Hubometer - outer bridge 28' 37,500 75,000 35,000 40,000 10' Legal Legal

Table 5.2: Exempt Vehicle Load Factors and Rationale for Calculations
Exempt Vehicle Load Factors used to computer Loaded VMT
Vehicle / Commodity
Exempt Vehicle Load Factor and rationale
Load Factor Rationale

Agriculture - farm harvest to silo (3 months) 0.125 Exemption during Harvest period (3 months) - loaded one-way / empty otherwise (3/12 months * 0.5 = 0.125)
Agriculture - livestock to market (3 months) 0.125 Exemption during Harvest period (3 months) - loaded one-way / empty otherwise (3/12 months * 0.5 = 0.125)
Agriculture- logs to mill (3 months) 0.125 Exemption during Harvest period (3 months) - loaded one-way / empty otherwise (3/12 months * 0.5 = 0.125)
Farm Products, Groceries & LP Gas on LZ Roads - annual 0.33 Vehicle starts trip loaded and delivers products at points along the route. Assume above LZ limits 1/3 of VMT
Ready mix & Concrete Pump Trucks - annual 0.5 Vehicle travels loaded to the job site, delivers product and returns empty.
Raw Milk Tank trucks inner bridge ≥ 28' - annual 0.5 Vehicle is loaded and then travels to milk processing plant. The tanker is empty otherwise - inner bridge of ≥ 28' less than legal 36'.
Poles, Piling & Raw Wood Products < 125 miles - annual 0.5 Vehicle is loaded and then travels to mill or jobsite. The log, pole or piling trailer is empty otherwise.
Raw Wood Products outer bridge ≤ 39' - annual 0.5 Vehicle is loaded and then travels to mill. The log or wood chip trailer is empty otherwise. Outer bridge ≤ 39' less than legal 51'
Recyclable Materials - annual 0.33 Vehicle accumulates recycled material until fully loaded and then travels to the processing plant.
Solid Waste / Garbage Trucks - annual 0.33 Vehicle accumulates garbage or waste until fully loaded and then travels to the land fill or waste facility.
Cotton Seed Modules - 3 months 0.125 Exemption during Harvest period (3 months) - loaded one-way / empty otherwise (3/12 months * 0.5 = 0.125)
Chili Pepper Modules - 3 months 0.125 Exemption during Harvest period (3 months) - loaded one-way / empty otherwise (3/12 months * 0.5 = 0.125)
Miscellaneous Width Exemptions
Water Well Drilling machinery 1 The drilling rig is a service unit that does not vary in width during travel. It is therefore full width the entire VMT
Tractor - trailer with farm implement 0.5 The tractor-trailer is loaded with the harvesting machine, tractor or other implement to the delivery point and empty otherwise.

Miscellaneous Length Exemptions

Highway maintenance machinery 0.5 The tractor-trailer is loaded with construction or maintenance equipment that is delivered to the job site and is empty otherwise.
Water Well Drilling machinery 1 The drilling rig is a service unit that does not vary in length during travel. It is therefore full length the entire VMT
Gas & Oil pipeline service & exploration 0.5 The tractor-trailer is loaded with pipe, tools and machinery during travel to the jobsite and considered empty otherwise.
Drive away saddle mount tractor unit (single trip) 1 Single-trip only. A tow vehicle is combined with other truck tractors as a single unit and delivered to a sales location or other point.

Table 5.3: Representative Exempt Vehicle Configurations Used in the New Revenue Assessment
FY 2011 OS/OW Permit Representative Exempt Vehicle Configurations used in Revenue Assessment
Weight Class / Steering Axle Tandem Axle Tandem Axle
State Statute Exemption Vehicle Description Drive Width Height Length
Max GVW lbs weight lbs weight lbs weight lbs

TTC 621.508 Agriculture - farm harvest to silo 12% axle (3 months) 5-axle Tractor - semi trailer ≤ 80,000 8,000 38,000 38,000 Legal Legal Legal
TTC 621.508 Agriculture - livestock to market 12% (3 months) 5-axle Tractor - Livestock trailer ≤ 80,000 8,000 38,000 38,000 Legal Legal Legal
TTC 621.508 Agriculture- logs to mill 12% (3 months) 5-axle tractor - log trailer ≤ 80,000 8,000 38,000 38,000 Legal Legal Legal
TTC 621.102(g) Farm Products, Groceries & LP Gas on LZ Roads - annual 2 axle straight truck 33,000 10,000 23,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 621.012 Ready mix & Concrete Pump Trucks - annual 3 axle straight truck 69,000 23,000 46,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 622.031 Raw Milk Tank trucks inner bridge ≥ 28' inner bridge - annual 5-axle Tractor - semi tank trailer ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 622.041 Poles, Piling & Raw Wood Products < 125 miles - annual 5-axle tractor - pole/log trailer ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal 90'
TCC 622.0435 Raw Wood Products outer bridge ≤ 39' outer bridge - annual 5-axle tractor - log trailer ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 622.131 - .136 Recyclable Materials - annual 3 axle straight truck 64,000 20,000 44,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 623.161 - .165 Solid Waste / Garbage Trucks - annual 3 axle straight truck 64,000 20,000 44,000 Legal Legal Legal
TCC 622.953 Cotton Seed Modules - 3 months 3 axle straight truck 64,000 14,000 50,000 10' 14'-6" 48'
TCC 622.953 Chili Pepper Modules - 3 months 3 axle straight truck 54,000 14,000 40,000 10' 14'-6" 48'
TCC 622.901 Miscellaneous Width Exemptions ≤ 80,000 12,000 34,000 34,000 Legal Legal 110'
Water Well Drilling machinery 4 axle straight truck see below Legal 110'
Tractor - trailer with farm implement 5-axle tractor with lowboy 10' Legal Legal

TCC 622.902 Miscellaneous Length Exemptions

Highway maintenance machinery 5-axle tractor with lowboy Legal Legal 110'
Water Well Drilling machinery 4 axle straight truck see above Legal 110'
Gas & Oil pipeline service & exploration 5-axle tractor with semi-trailer Legal Legal 110'
Drive away saddle mount tractor unit (single trip) Tow tractor w/ 3 addt'l tractors Legal Legal 97'

5.3 Permit Analysis Worksheet
The permit analysis worksheet allows a user to select either an existing permitted vehicle
type or an exempt vehicle type to calculate the existing and proposed new permit fees. The
worksheet is an Excel spreadsheet composed of three main components as follows:
1. The first component is a user interface screen that allows the user to select a specific non-
routed vehicle type and to calculate the annual permit fee based on existing rules and the
proposed new permit fee methods.
2. The second component is a user interface screen that allows the user to evaluate existing or
potential new permit types and calculate the total permit revenues as selections are made by
the user regarding types and numbers of vehicles for which a particular permit might be
3. The third component is a default database spreadsheet that is linked to the two user
interfaces and allows the user to input information regarding each permit or exempt vehicle
type, total VMT, load factor, loaded VMT, pavement and bridge consumption rates, and
infrastructure operations and safety impacts fee schedule rates. The default database also
contains tables for selected permit types (at this time) with information that is needed to
calculate an existing permit fee based on options available for that permit type.

The following sections present each of these components in more detail and describe the
functionality of the worksheet.

5.3.1 Worksheet Component 1

Component 1 is the Annual Non-routed OS/OW Load Permit Fee Calculator. A screen
shot of the fee calculator is shown in Figure 5.1. This interface allows the user to select a specific
vehicle type and compute the current permit fee, along with the proposed new permit fee, based
on selections made by the user. User selections are related to permit purchaser choices that might
affect the price of a permit. Lookup tables contained in the default table provide information
based on the permit rules that are used by the program based on selections made by the user. An
example will be presented to show the functionality of the calculator.

Example 1: Ready mix truck—currently exempt

As previously discussed, a ready mix truck is currently exempt and can operate with a
total GVW of 69,000 lbs., a steering axle load of 23,000 lbs., and a tandem axle load of 46,000

Figure 5.1: Permit Analysis Worksheet—Permit Fee Calculator User Interface Screen

The following steps are performed and depicted in a series of additional screen shots of
the program in Figures 5.2–5.4 and 5.7–5.8.

Step 1: Select “Vehicle Type” from the drop-down box.

Figure 5.2: A list of vehicle and/or exemption types is provided

and the ready mix truck is selected.

Step 2: Click on Ready mix truck to show Default Total and Loaded Miles (VMT).

Figure 5.3: The default total and loaded miles (VMT) are diplayed for the vehicle selected.

The total and loaded VMT values are stored as defaults in the default table and can be
modified by the user to change the new permit fee amount calculated using the user interface

Step 3: Click on North Region and select counties within which this vehicle will operate.

Figure 5.4: The drop-down box shows county selections for the TxDOT North Region.

The user must select counties from at least one of the four TxDOT regions before
advancing to the next step in the process. The user clicks on the North, South, East, or West
Region button to open drop-down boxes that contain the associated list of counties for that
region. Counties can be selected one at a time by clicking the right arrow in the middle of the
dialogue box. A county can be deselected by highlighting it and clicking the left arrow. A range
of counties can be selected by highlighting the desired counties and clicking the right arrow.
The research team points out that there is a significant benefit in requiring all permit
users to specify the counties in which they intend to operate whether or not the county selection
is related to permit cost. The concept is based on the county selection requirement for the
2060/1547 over-axle tolerance permits that apportion highway maintenance fees to Fund 6 and
GR (Fund 1) for distribution to the selected counties according to rules established by the State
Legislature. However, identifying the counties in which a permit purchaser intends to operate
also provides valuable information for later analysis regarding the relationships between
pavement deterioration and bridge damage within a county or a group of counties selected by
permit purchasers.
An example application of this concept is depicted in Figures 5.5 and 5.6, which show the
distribution of county authorizations. These have been categorized into four groups based on
2060/1547 over-axle weight tolerance permits purchased in FY 2010.

Figure 5.5: Distribution of 1547 Authorized Counties by County and District

Figure 5.6: Distribution of FM Road Lane Miles with Fair, Poor, or Very Poor Distress Scores

The “authorized counties” are those selected by a permit purchaser and indicate the
counties for which the permit is valid and within which the purchaser intends to operate the
permitted vehicle(s). This information is used to apportion highway maintenance funds to the
counties selected by all permit purchasers according to the number of authorizations for each
county. There is no benefit to the permit purchaser or to counties in which the permitted vehicle
actually operates if the user selects counties in which the vehicle is not operated. In this case, a
county would receive highway maintenance fees for nonexistent deterioration. Additional work
is needed to improve the county selection process and ensure that only counties in which a
permitted vehicle was operated receive apportioned highway funds.
There is an obvious visual relationship between districts with higher numbers of
authorized counties and those with more lane miles of FM roads with fair, poor, or very poor
distress conditions. The research team thinks that county selection information provided by
permit purchasers for all existing permit types and new permit purchasers for exempt vehicles
can provide extremely valuable information for future use in relating increased consumption to
total numbers of county authorizations. Additionally, knowing which types of vehicles operate in
each county will provide opportunities to study consumption impacts by combining
authorizations for specific types of permits and/or vehicle types.

Step 4: Click on the “OK” button to select the counties.

Figure 5.7: The county selections are shown in the Selected Counties List.

When the ‘OK’ button in the dialogue box is clicked, the dialogue box closes and the
selected counties are transferred to the window on the right hand side of the user screen. The
counties are organized by TxDOT region, and the total number of counties selected is shown.
The number of counties that are selected by a permit purchaser determines the amount of the
highway maintenance fee associated with 2060/1547 permits.

Step 5: Click the “Calculate Permit Fee” button.

Figure 5.8: The current permit fee and new permit fee are calculated and apportioned.

When the “Calculate Permit Fee” button is clicked, the permit fee for the vehicle is
calculated based on the default values and rules established for this permit type stored in the
default table. In the above example, because a ready mix truck is currently exempt, there is no
current permit fee. The new permit fee based on pavement and bridge consumption is calculated
based on the normalized fee/loaded VMT and the number of default loaded miles (VMT) listed
at the top of the screen.

Step 6: Click on the “Clear All Entries” button to clear the screen in preparation for
another calculation.

The spreadsheet tab can be saved with a different name if the user desires. In this way,
different permit rates can be examined for different default total and loaded VMT values and
other changes as determined by the user and then stored in the default table.

Step 7: To end the user session, click the “Unload me temp” button in the upper right
hand corner of the user screen.

5.3.2 Worksheet Component 2

The permit analysis worksheet also allows the user to explore the total permit Revenue
that might accrue for a given permit type based on different numbers of vehicle operators that
might purchase the permit. The following steps demonstrate these functions. Figures 5.9–5.16
present accompanying screen shots.

Figure 5.9: The User Interface Screen for the Total Permit Fee Revenue Estimator

The screen has a similar appearance to the permit fee estimator but has different

Step 1: To begin the process, click the “Permit Type” drop-down box arrow for a list of

Figure 5.10: Select a permit type for analysis from the drop-down box.

In this example, the 2060/1547 permit will be selected for analysis.

Step 2: Once the permit type is selected, select the “Vehicle Type” drop-down box to
display the different types of vehicles listed in the Default Table.

Figure 5.11: Drop-down box with list of vehicles for selection (in this case, an aggregate truck)

Step 3: Once the vehicle type is selected, default values for the total and loaded miles
(VMT) are shown along with the estimated number of vehicles of this type operating in Texas.

Figure 5.12: Aggregate/Rock Hauler Listed with Total and Loaded VMT and Estimate of
Number of Vehicles Operating in Texas

For this example, the data from more than 229 companies that operate aggregate haul
trucks in Texas was used to evaluate aggregate and rock haul trucks. This information was
obtained from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) SAFERSYS.ORG
database discussed in Chapter 4. Additional information was obtained from previous studies
conducted by CTR researchers regarding typical total VMT for vehicles operating with a
2060/1547 permit. TxDMV provided the research team registration information for different
types of trucks and trailers through an Open Records Request. According to DMV, more than
94,000 dump trucks are registered in Texas. However, companies or individuals that provided
information to when applying for or renewing their USDOT number reported
far fewer dump trucks. The number of trucks of any given type operating in the state is important
because this is the potential market for a given permit type. It would not be reasonable to
evaluate potential permit fee revenue if the assumed number of permits sold actually exceeds the
number of trucks that fit the permit type.
Further research is required to develop more accurate estimates of the numbers of
registered trucks used for different types of operations and to haul different products or
commodities in Texas. This study should include vehicles operated by companies from other
states and countries that operate a portion of their fleet in Texas either temporarily or routinely.
In the above example, the number of trucks shown will be used to determine the number
of permits purchased for each county authorization category listed in the series of input boxes.
The boxes are labeled based on current state statutes that link the number of counties selected to
the amount of the highway maintenance fee charged when the permit is purchased.
The selection used in this example is shown in Figure 5.13 and involved the purchase of
1,870 permits sold according to the county authorizations categories indicated.

Figure 5.13: Numbers of Permits for Each County Authorization Category

Step 4: After selecting the number of permits, click the “Calculate Permit Revenue”

Figure 5.14: Permit Revenue is calculated and apportioned to different budget funds.

The total permit revenue for 1,870 2060/1547 permits is calculated based on the current
permit fee rules and based on the new pavement and bridge consumption rate/VMT fees. In this
example, both fee sources are shown because a decision by the State Legislature would be
necessary to determine how funds are to be apportioned and whether certain types of existing
fees are retained or adjusted.
Based on these calculations, 1,870 2060/1547 permits resulted in $12,155,000 in fees
based on pavement and bridge consumption fee rates. The user interface retains information
about each vehicle type selected for a given permit and lists the vehicle type and number of
county authorizations in the display window to the right. The user can select additional vehicle
types, make permit purchase selections, and review the results in revenue for each budget
category for all permits sold. To add another vehicle, simply click the “Add New Truck” button
and the input fields are cleared to prepare for the next selection.
Figure 5.15 shows an example in which the next vehicle type added is a farm/livestock
vehicle, which is currently exempt but is being considered for a new OS/OW permit. This
vehicle type was selected to show that sub-type levels are also listed for additional agricultural
vehicles that fall under this category. The example farm vehicle selected (harvest) qualifies for
the 12 percent of over-axle weight tolerance during harvest.

Figure 5.15: Farm/Livestock Vehicle Types with a Sub-Level Showing Different Options

Step 5: Once the new vehicle type is selected, the screen displays the number of vehicles
of this type and the number of permits chosen for the analysis.

Figure 5.16 shows the resulting permit selection and revenue.

Figure 5.16: Revenue Summary and Total Number of Authorizations

The total number of county authorizations for each vehicle type is shown in the display
window along with the total revenue calculated for 10,940 total permits representing 207,570
county authorizations. This tool provides the user with a way to evaluate questions, including
whether to create new permits for a specific exempt vehicle type or to include these vehicles
under an existing permit and permit rule set. Again, the default table is used to provide the
necessary inputs to represent rule sets for existing permits. It can also be used to create new rule
sets for new permits, including how the permit fees are apportioned to different budget fund
The next section presents the results of the revenue assessment, which compares actual
revenues from permits sold in FY 2011 to revenues that would accrue using the new pavement
and bridge consumption fee/VMT calculations methods and the infrastructure operations and
safety impact (COS) fee schedule.

5.4 FY 2011 Permit Fee Baseline

The research team conducted a permit fee and revenue analysis by comparing FY 2011
permit sales numbers and associated revenue based on information provided by the TxDOT
Finance Division to permit fees that would be generated using the new permit fee structure. In
FY 2011, the MCD sold 574,578 OS/OW permits for a total of $111,363,655 in permit fee
revenue. Permit fees accrue to different budget fund categories including TxDOT Fund 6;
General Revenue Fund 1—non-appropriated; General Revenue Fund 1—county appropriations;
and MCD administrative fees. The apportionment is based on statutes and rules established by
the State Legislature. The revenue analysis involved summarizing the permit fees by funding
category for approximately 96 percent of the total number of permits sold in FY 2011, which
comprised approximately 97 percent of the total OS/OW permit revenue.
The new Pavement and Bridge Consumption, Infrastructure Operations and Safety
Impact fee (COS) rates were used to calculate the new permit fee revenue for each permit type
for the same numbers of permits sold in FY 2011. It is important to note that while COS fee
schedule can be used to determine a unique permit fee for any OS/OW vehicle and load
configuration, simplified assumptions were required for the revenue assessment. The research
team selected representative vehicle configurations and VMT amounts based on TxPROS and
other data sources for each permit type based on weight classes and other criteria. This was
necessary due to the extremely large variation in vehicle configurations associated with more
than 570,000 permits that are categorized into more than 20 permit types and sub-types.

5.5 Permit Revenue Assessment

Table 5.4 summarizes the FY 2011 permit fee numbers and related revenue in the left
half of the chart. The new permit revenues are displayed in the right half of the Table and are
allocated to different budget funds. Currently FY 2011 permit revenue is allocated to different
budget funds (which were provided by the Finance Division according to state statutes). The new
permit revenues were not allocated to different budget funds but were simply allocated to three
budget categories: 1) TxDOT Fund 6; 2) MCD administrative fees; and 3) proposed fees to fund
the development of a new OS/OW Vehicle Education, Training, and Study Center (OVEC). The
research team anticipates that the State Legislature, Texas Transportation Commission, and
TxDOT Administration will discuss how the new permit revenue funds should be apportioned
i.e., whether to Fund 6, to be administered by TxDOT to fund state highway projects, and city or

county projects associated with OS/OW infrastructure consumption, operational impacts, and
safety improvements.
The estimated revenue based on the COS fees is estimated to be $521,390,308. Compared
to the actual fee revenue reported in FY 2011 ($111,363,655), this represents an increase of
The new permit fee structure includes a $10 administrative fee for each permit sold;
$7.50 of this fee is allocated to TxDMV-MCD operations, and $2.50 is deposited in a separate
budget account to fund the proposed OVEC Center. OVEC would be located at The University
of Texas at Austin and overseen by a Steering Committee formed by TxDOT, TxDMV, TxDPS,
and industry partners that represent the OS/OW vehicle community. OVEC would conduct
training for public agencies, city and county officials, and others regarding OS/OW consumption
and operational impact concepts that will help improve communications and cooperation among
all Center stakeholders. OVEC would also conduct research under the guidance of the Steering
Committee to address issues of mutual interest and develop new methods and processes
regarding OS/OW vehicle operations and safety to benefit the Texas transportation system,
OS/OW operators and companies, and the state’s economy.
A new TxDOT base fee of $40 is proposed for all permits sold to help fund costs
identified in Chapter 4 that are not currently captured in permit fee revenues. If the new base fee
had been used in FY 11 it would have generated approximately $20.6 million and would provide
revenue for the approximately $30.1 million in costs not currently addressed in permit fees.
Because the base fee is directly tied to the number of permits sold, the amount of revenue is
expected to increase based on permit sales trends of the past several years.

5.5.1 New Permit Revenue—Exempt Vehicles

Rider 36 directed that the OS/OW study shall consider all OS/OW vehicles including
those currently operating under state statutes that provide an exemption. The research team used
several data sources, including the FMCSA– SAFERSYS.ORG database, to estimate the number
and total VMT for a representative OS/OW vehicle configuration associated with each
exemption type. Load adjustment factors were developed and applied to account for loaded vs.
empty VMT and expected number of months per year the exemption would be used. Load
adjustment factors account for increased allowable sizes or weights related to new non-routed
seasonal (harvest); non-routed, annual; or single-trip permits as noted in Table 5.5. Table 5.5 lists
the state statute associated with each exemption, the estimated total number of vehicles operating
under the exemption, the estimated total and loaded VMT, the COS Fees, the estimated permit
fee cost for each exempt vehicle, and total estimated revenues for each exemption type.

Table 5.4: Comparison of FY 2011 Permit Numbers and Revenue with Revenue
Based on New Permit Fee Calculation Methods
FY 2011 Permit Fee Sales and Revenue by Fund Category New Proposed OS/OW Revenue Based on FY 2011 Permit Sales
New Permit New New
Number of RY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 GR - FY 2011 HWY FY 2011 GR Fund 1 HWY GR -
FY 2011 Permit FY 2011 HWY Administration + Pavement and Infrastructure
Permits Temporary Fund 6 Base Fund 1 Maintenance Revenue New TxDOT Base or Permit Counties to New Permit
Permit Type Administration Maintenance OS/OW Bridge Operations &
Sold FY Registration or Permit Base or GR-Counties from all fee Base Fee Fee Now to Fund 6 for Revenue
Fee TxDOT Fund 6 Education and Consumption Safety Impact
2011 Fee - Fund 1 Fee Permit Fee Fund 1 Categories Fund 6 Apportionment
Study Center Fee Fee Fees
2060/1547 over axle tolerance 33,269 $166,345 $831,725 $1,663,450 $3,415,886 $7,265,114 $13,342,520 $332,690 $216,248,500 $7,265,114 $223,846,304
General OS/OW single-trip $213,595 $213,595 $0
< 80,000 lbs / over dimension 184,242 $5,527,260 $5,527,260 $11,054,520 $1,842,420 $18,424,200 $7,369,680 $5,527,260 $33,163,560
80,001 - 120,000 lbs 64,530 $1,935,500 $1,935,500 $9,679,500 $13,550,500 $645,300 $11,188,857 $6,194,880 $2,581,200 $1,935,500 $22,545,737
120,001 - 160,000 lbs 78,147 $2,344,410 $2,344,410 $17,583,075 $22,271,895 $781,470 $20,425,281 $7,502,112 $3,125,880 $2,344,410 $34,179,153
160,000 - 200,000 lbs 28,102 $843,060 $843,060 $8,430,600 $10,116,720 $281,020 $9,555,804 $2,697,792 $1,124,080 $843,060 $14,501,756
200,000 - 254,000 lbs 6,919 $207,570 $207,570 $2,836,790 $3,251,930 $69,190 $3,646,244 $664,224 $276,760 $207,570 $4,863,988
Annual - Envelope (Specific) 1,932 $5,796,000 $1,932,000 $7,728,000 $19,320 $10,085,040 $5,216,400 $77,280 $1,932,000 $17,330,040
Annual - Envelope (Non-Specific) 2,967 $8,901,000 $2,967,000 $11,868,000 $29,670 $15,487,740 $8,010,900 $118,680 $2,967,000 $26,613,990
non-routed 30 day over width 8,449 $506,940 $506,940 $1,013,880 $84,490 $10,138,800 $337,960 $506,940 $11,068,190
non-routed 60 day over width 493 $44,370 $44,370 $88,740 $4,930 $1,183,200 $19,720 $44,370 $1,252,220
non-routed 90 day over width 11,051 $551,310 $551,310 $1,102,620 $110,510 $39,783,600 $442,040 $551,310 $40,887,460
non-routed 30 day over length 3,617 $217,020 $217,020 $434,040 $36,170 $2,652,240 $144,680 $217,020 $3,050,110
non-routed 60 day over length 179 $16,110 $16,110 $32,220 $1,790 $1,736,160 $7,160 $16,110 $1,761,220
non-routed 90 day over length 3,381 $405,720 $405,720 $811,440 $33,810 $128,880 $135,240 $405,720 $703,650
Well Servicing Unit - annual 57 $5,940 $5,940 $2,325 $14,205 $570 $111,150 $102,600 $2,280 $5,940 $222,540
Well Servicing Unit - mileage 3,008 $44,040 $212,561 $93,248 $349,849 $30,080 $5,865,600 $5,414,400 $120,320 $93,248 $11,523,648
Concrete Beams - single trip 176 $5,280 $13,950 $19,230 $1,760 $62,832 $8,448 $7,040 $5,280 $85,360
Portable Buildings - single trip 16,002 $1,710 $120,000 $120,000 $241,710 $160,020 $1,728,216 $640,080 $120,000 $2,648,316
Manufactured Housing - single trip 64,127 $1,301,778 $1,263,302 $2,565,080 $641,270 $7,182,224 $2,565,080 $1,263,302 $11,651,876
Implement of Husbandry - annual 658 $86,805 $86,805 $22,425 $196,035 $6,580 $1,019,900 $26,320 $86,805 $1,139,605
Fracing Trailers 5 $1,036 $1,036 $50 $17,500 $200 $17,750
Hubometer 14,815 $459,265 $6,972,074 $7,431,339 $148,150 $28,889,250 $26,667,000 $592,600 $56,297,000
Temporary Registration 23,601 $856,785 $856,785 $236,010 $944,040 $856,785 $2,036,835
Column Subtotals $1,116,130 $29,856,115 $21,195,560 $48,956,625 $7,265,114 $5,497,270 $321,583,798 $146,456,176 $20,658,320 $19,929,630 $7,265,114
Total Permits in the analysis 549,727 Total Revenue considered in the Analysis $108,555,889 Total Revenue - New Permit Fee rates $521,390,308
Total Permits sold in FY 2011 574,578 Total Permit Fees accured in FY 2011 $111,363,655 Total Revenue to HWY Fund 6 $515,893,038
Total Permit Fees accured to Fund 1 General Revenue $29,576,804 Total Revenue to TxDMV-MCD Administration $4,122,953
Total Permit Fees accured to Fund 6 TxDOT $78,812,740 Total Revenue to Fund New OS/OW Vehicle Education and Study Center $1,374,318
Total Administration Permit Fees Collected $166,345
Percentage of Permits included in analysis 96%
Percentage of Permit Revenue included in Analysis 97%

Table 5.5: Revenue Estimate for OS/OW Exempt Vehicles Based on New Permit Fee Calculations
OS/OW Exempt Vehicle Types Included in the Revenue Assessment
Exempt Vehicle Analysis Factors
Estimated Number of Number of
Normalized Infrastructure
State Statute Vehicle / Commodity Vehicles of this Type vehicles used in OS/OW Total New
Estimated Total Pavement & Bridge Operation &
Operating in Texas calculations Load Factor Loaded VMT Permit Fee OS/OW
VMT Consumption Safety
per Vehicle Revenue
rate/VMT Fee/VMT
Exemption Statute
TTC 621.508 Agriculture - farm harvest to silo (3 months) 12,000 12,000 77,000 0.125 9,625 $0.17 Legal $1,636 $19,635,000
TTC 621.508 Agriculture - livestock to market (3 months) 600 600 109,000 0.125 13,625 $0.17 Legal $2,316 $1,389,750
TTC 621.508 Agriculture- logs to mill (3 months) 1,050 1,050 72,000 0.125 9,000 $0.17 Legal $1,530 $1,606,500
TTC 621.102(g) Farm Products, Groceries & LP Gas on LZ Roads - annual 500 500 70,000 0.33 23,100 $0.11 Legal $2,541 $1,270,500
TCC 621.012 Ready mix & Concrete Pump Trucks - annual 11,000 6,500 40,000 0.5 20,000 $0.30 Legal $6,000 $39,000,000
TCC 622.031 Raw Milk Tank trucks inner bridge ≥ 28' - annual 3,500 3,500 126,000 0.5 63,000 $0.07 Legal $4,410 $15,435,000
TCC 622.041 Poles, Piling & Raw Wood Products < 125 miles - annual 3,900 2,500 70,000 0.5 35,000 $0.07 $0.02 $2,450 $6,125,000
TCC 622.0435 Raw Wood Products outer bridge ≤ 39' - annual 1,050 1,050 70,000 0.5 35,000 $0.07 Legal $2,450 $2,572,500
TCC 622.131 - .136 Recyclable Materials - annual 2,277 1,500 52,000 0.33 17,160 $0.23 Legal $3,947 $5,920,200
TCC 623.161 - .165 Solid Waste / Garbage Trucks - annual 16,368 12,000 52,000 0.33 17,160 $0.23 Legal $3,947 $47,361,600
TCC 622.953 Cotton Seed Modules - 3 months 887 887 30,000 0.125 3,750 $0.24 $0.16 $1,500 $1,330,500
TCC 622.953 Chili Pepper Modules - 3 months 350^ 350 30,000 0.125 3,750 $0.13 $0.16 $1,088 $380,625
TCC 622.901 Miscellaneous Width Exemptions
Water Well Drilling machinery 430 430 12,000 1 12,000 $0.12 $1,440 $619,200
Tractor - trailer with farm implement 1,000 1,000 5,000 0.5 2,500 $0.12 $300 $300,000

TCC 622.902 Miscellaneous Length Exemptions

Highway maintenance machinery 3,800 3,800 50,000 0.5 25,000 $0.04 $1,000 $3,800,000
Water Well Drilling machinery 430 430 12,000 1 12,000 $0.04 $480 $206,400
Gas & Oil pipeline service & exploration 2,700 2,000 67,000 0.5 33,500 $0.04 $1,340 $2,680,000
Drive away saddle mount tractor unit (single trip) 2,500 units^ 2,500 300 1 300 $0.04 $12 $30,000

Total new Proposed Revenue $149,662,775

The total estimated permit revenue for currently exempt OS/OW vehicles is
$149,662,775. This is an estimate, because more information is needed regarding exempt vehicle
configurations, vehicle numbers, actual loadings, and total VMT.

5.5.2 New Revenue Estimate—Currently Permitted and Exempt Vehicles

The new revenue estimate for currently permitted vehicles presented in Table 5.4 and
exempt vehicles presented in Table 5.5 is estimated at $521,390,308 + $149,662,775 =
$671,053,083. This exceeds actual FY 2011 permit sales by $671,053,083 - $111,363,655 =

Revenue Analysis
Revenue calculations from the previous section indicate that the total revenue for the
number of permits sold in 2011 should have been approximately six times more than the actual
permit revenue in order to reimburse TxDOT for the marginal pavement and bridge consumption
costs and infrastructure operations and safety impacts from the 570,000+ OS/OW permits sold. It
is important to consider certain factors when evaluating these numbers in order to put results into
The current Texas state gas tax is $0.20 per gallon and has not been increased since 1991.
The current registration fee for an 18-wheeler tractor-semi trailer unit operating intrastate in
Texas is $937.50 and has not been increased since 1986.
The state gas tax and light duty personal vehicle and heavy truck / trailer registration fees
are intended to provide sufficient revenue to pay for pavement and bridge consumption
maintenance costs, as well as funds for new added capacity projects. In fact, this is not the case.
The research team re-emphasizes the fact that the pavement and bridge consumption
rates/loaded VMT and the infrastructure operations and safety impact rates/loaded VMT are used
to compute OS/OW permit fees and resulting revenue for the marginal cost of the increased load
and oversize dimensions. These permit fees were not priced to cover, nor are they intended to
cover, the entire maintenance and construction revenue needs for the 195,000 lane-miles and
51,000 bridges that make up Texas’s state-maintained highway network.
Although, by comparison, The new 2060/1547 permit fee based on consumption is
$6,500 and is significantly higher than the current minimum 2060/1547 permit fee of $265,
which allows operation of an 84,000-lb., five-axle tractor trailer unit in five counties. However,
this is the true consumption cost for this vehicle operating 50,000 loaded VMT.
By comparison, based on today’s fuel prices and average truck fuel mpg rates (5
miles/gallon), the 33,269 vehicle operators with 2060/1547 permits would spend the following:

Total fuel purchases: 100,000 VMT / 5 mpg = 20,000 gallons of fuel at $3.50 per gallon
= $70,000 in fuel per year per vehicle.

The total fleet of 33,269 vehicles would have expended $70,000 x 33,369 = $2.238
billion in fuel costs in FY 2011.

Total fuel taxes paid: 20,000 gallons of fuel x $0.20 gas tax per gallon = $4,000 per
vehicle in gas taxes.

The total fleet of 33,269 vehicles would have traveled an estimated 3.327 billion VMT on
Texas highways and would have generated a total of 33,269 x $4,000 = $133,076,000 dollars in
gas tax revenue, of which 25 percent would have be apportioned to schools and the remaining 75
percent to TxDOT. However, the actual gas tax revenue paid to the comptroller would include
diversions of fuel taxes to fuel distributors (discussed in a later section) and revenue retained by
the comptroller’s office for fuel tax program oversight.
The resulting gas tax revenue apportioned to TxDOT would be $99,870,000 or about
$0.03 per VMT. By comparison, Oregon, which has dispensed with a gas tax in favor of a
load/mile rate, currently charges $0.168 per mile for an 80,000-lb., five-axle 18-wheeler that is
within legal size limits. Using Oregon’s rate/mile instead of Texas’s $0.20/gallon gas tax, the
VMT traveled by the 33,269 permitted vehicles would have resulted in $558,936,000 dollars in
rate/VMT fees.
The registration fees for these 33,269 vehicles, if registered for intrastate operation
(interstate registration fees are more expensive), are 33,269 x $937.50 = $31,189,687. Based on
the same VMT as discussed in items 1 and 2, this results in about $0.01 per VMT in revenue.
Thus, the gas tax revenue and registration revenue fees that go to Fund 6 to cover the
maintenance, operations, and safety impacts of these 33,269 vehicles for the base 80,000-lb.,
legal GVW load limit is approximately $0.04/VMT. By comparison, the normalized pavement
and bridge consumption rate/VMT for the marginal increased OS/OW load is $0.13/VMT. This
disparity brings into sharp focus the inadequate funding provided by the current gas tax and
heavy vehicle registration fees in Texas to fund pavement and bridge needs.
These new consumption and infrastructure fee rates produce permit fee costs that are
based on a rational assessment of the true marginal costs of increased loads and dimensions. This
information is based on facts, sound engineering principles, and analysis processes.

5.6 Additional Considerations

In Chapter 4, the research team presented information regarding additional costs
associated with OS/OW loads that are not reimbursed through current permit fee rates. The new
proposed TxDOT base fee of $40 per permit will help recover a portion of these costs.

5.6.1 OS/OW Fines in Texas

In Chapter 4, researchers emphasized that previous studies by several different research
teams at the state and national levels have shown that a strong vehicle size and weight
enforcement program is necessary to help reduce increased consumption due to illegal OS/OW
loads. The research team also noted that the TxDMV Enforcement Section is effective in
reducing OS/OW vehicle operations through complaint investigations it conducts directly with
companies with a history of DPS issued OS/OW citations. Based on information provided by
TxDPS and the state comptroller’s office through open records requests, the number of
overweight truck violations reported by the Texas Department of Public Safety has averaged
about 30,000 per year between 2007 and 2011.
Increasing the overweight vehicle fine structure is not intended to be punitive; rather, it is
designed to persuade operators of overweight vehicles to operate at the legal load limit or to
purchase an appropriate overweight permit (Conway & Walton, 2004; Euritt, 1988).
Reducing the number of overweight vehicles will reduce accelerated pavement and
bridge deterioration rates. The state comptroller reported that an estimated $1.6 million was paid

to the General Revenue Fund by city and county courts through overweight truck violations
(TxCPA, 2010a; TxCPA F40-145, 2010b; TxCPA F40-132, 2010c).
Transportation Code Section 621.506 “Offense of Operating or Loading Overweight)
requires cities and counties to report overweight truck violations to TxDPS. Cities within 20
miles of the Texas-Mexico border are authorized to keep 100 percent of fines derived from
overweight vehicle, but they must still report violations to TxDPS. Again, based on information
provided by the TxDPS, approximately 30,000 overweight truck violations are issued annually.
Therefore, the average overweight truck fine is approximately $110 ($3,335,032/30,000
violations). Section 621.506 TC currently sets the minimum overweight fine at $100 for excess
weight less than 5,000 lbs. over legal limits; $300 for loads of or more than 5000 lbs. but less
than 10,000 lbs. over the legal limit; and $500 for loads greater than 10,000 lbs. over the legal
limits. This suggests that almost all overweight truck violation fines adjudicated by cities and
counties in Texas are the minimum value ($100).
Literature regarding overweight truck fines indicates that low fines do little to discourage
overweight truck operations. For the minority of truckers who chose to operate over the legal
load limit, estimated to be between 15 and 30 percent depending on truck type, overweight fines
are considered “a cost of doing business.” An increase in the minimum overweight truck fine
may discourage illegal overweight operations and reduce accelerated deterioration of pavements
and bridges (FOEDR, 2009; Taylor et al., 2000; Battelle Team, 1995; Barron et al., 1994; and
Lundy & McCullough, 1987).
Because OS/OW vehicle fine revenue is associated with increased pavement and bridge
consumption, the research team recommends that these fines be deposited in Fund 6.

5.6.2 Gas Taxes Paid to Fuel Distributors

Motor fuel tax receipts that otherwise would accrue to Fund 6 are retained by motor fuel
suppliers and distributors or importers for early payment of motor fuel tax receipts to the Texas
Comptroller of Public Accounts. Furthermore, the state comptroller retains a percentage of gross
motor fuel tax receipts for enforcement and administration of motor fuel tax laws. The below
estimates of diverted gas tax revenue from Fund 6 are based on gross motor fuel tax receipts of
$4.5 billion annually (2030 Committee Report–Appendix E, 2011).
Approximately $213 million in motor fuel tax revenue is diverted from Fund 6 and the
school fund. Per state statutes, 75 percent of motor fuel tax revenue is paid to Fund 6 and 25
percent to the school fund. Based on this distribution, $160 million is diverted from Fund 6 and
$73 million from the school fund. A study is recommended to evaluate the percentages paid and
amount of motor fuel tax that is diverted through these processes. If 50 percent of the $160
million diverted from Fund 6 could be recaptured, this would provide approximately $80 million
in additional pavement and bridge maintenance funds (Texas Comp, 2011a; Texas Comp, 2011b;
and Texas LBB, 2010).

5.7 Conclusions and Recommendations

A revenue and permit fee assessment was conducted based on the new pavement and
bridge consumption rate/loaded VMT methodology and COS fee schedule. Results show that
based on an assessment of permit fees collected in FY 2011 for more than 570,000 permits, the
actual OS/OW consumption and impact fees were more than six times greater that the fees

Additionally, comparing the consumption fee rates for pavements and bridges that
represent the marginal cost of increased weight above legal limits, the current state gas tax and
registration fees for heavy vehicles are significantly lower than the revenue needed to address
pavement and bridge consumption due to legally loaded vehicles.

5.8 Recommendations
The research team makes the following recommendations based upon the research
objectives, data gathered, and methodologies created.
1. Simplify the permit fee structure to reduce the number of existing permits types
and remove industry-specific permits. This will also reduce the number of
potential new permit types for currently exempt vehicles.
2. Implement the Pavement and Bridge Consumption fee system based on vehicle-
miles-traveled (VMT) for all permits.
3. Implement an Operations and Safety Fee System based on VMT for assessing
permit fees for oversize vehicles.
4. Apply Consumption and Operational and Safety fee (COS) schedule to all
a. If the existing permit system and type is continued, the fee structure
presented in Table 4.4, which has been expanded to include 34 rate
categories, should be adopted and applied to determine the infrastructure
operations and safety impact rates and to calculate fees for all permit types
as applicable.
5. Apply a $10 administration fee to each permit sold.
6. Include a $40 TxDOT base fee for each permit sold to help recover additional
costs associated with OS/OW operations.
7. Create an OS/OW and Heavy Vehicle Training, Education and Study Center
(OVEC). OVEC shall be funded through a portion of the new permit
administration fee.
8. Certain exemptions should be excluded from consideration for a permit fee. These
are listed in Table 4.2.
9. The counties in which OS/OW permitted vehicles are intended to operate should
be identified in every permit.
10. OS/OW vehicle fine revenue should be deposited in Fund 6, because these
vehicles cause accelerated pavement and bridge consumption rates.

Additionally, the research team also identified eight other elements that require further
consideration, analysis or research. The research team recommends that these should be
conducted by the OVEC.
1) TxDOT, TxDMV, UT-CTR and UTSA will work cooperatively to identify a steering
committee that would oversee the operations of OVEC. OVEC would guide development
of the goals, objectives, and next steps for its implementation.

2) The research team can be made available to help conduct education and awareness
programs for county judges, city administrators, and the trucking industry regarding
impacts to state, city, and county pavement and bridge infrastructure due to illegal
OS/OW vehicles.
3) Gather more information from the trucking industry on issues and needs surrounding
OS/OW vehicle operations, including incorporating the economic benefits of these
vehicles within the permit system.
4) Further studies are needed to evaluate methods for considering operation of legally
loaded heavy vehicles and OS/OW permitted vehicles in the Safety Improvement Index
contained in TxDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual, particularly in
cases in which a rural road is frequently used for permitted loads.
5) Evaluate vehicle configurations and loads that can occur due to the combination of a
temporary registration permit and the agricultural 12 percent over-axle tolerance
6) Develop methods to evaluate and quantify increased pavement and bridge consumption
due to super-heavy loads that may not be visually evident from a visual distress survey
of the permit route.
7) Conduct further research to evaluate the current OS/OW fine structure and identify
policies and processes that increase the effectiveness of fine structure administration to
discourage operation of illegal overweight trucks on Texas roads and bridges.
8) Perform analysis to address the types of information that should accompany each permit
purchase to develop improved pavement and bridge consumption model development
and infrastructure operations and safety impacts.


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Appendix A: Methodology and Recommendations for Pavement
Damage Analysis: DARWin-ME™

DARWin-ME™ is a pavement analysis program originally developed under the National

Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). It is now endorsed and managed by the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). It is a
mechanistic-empirical pavement design method for the design of new and rehabilitated flexible
and rigid pavements.

Flexible Pavements
In the mechanistic-empirical method, the fundamental pavement responses for flexible
pavements under repeated traffic loadings are calculated using a multi-layer linear elastic
algorithm. It assumes that a pavement structure is a multi-layered structure and that each layer in
the pavement structure exhibits an elastic behavior that is linear in nature. This implies that if
loads are doubled, so is the response of the material under the imposed loads. The method
computes stresses and strains induced to pavement layers due to traffic loadings. These pavement
responses are then related to field distresses using empirical relationships, also known as transfer
DARWin-ME™ uses an iterative approach towards design of pavement structures
wherein the designer starts with a trial pavement structure with typical material characteristics
for the given region (see Figure A1). The designer also decides on the most appropriate failure
criteria and reliability level, which in most cases is based on the specifications of the highway
agency. It is also important to note that DARWin-ME™ allows the user to choose input levels
depending on the level of detail available for each of the design variables. In the case of material
properties, DARWin-ME™ requires resilient moduli for unbound materials and dynamic moduli
for bituminous materials at the highest input level (Level 1). However, if such detailed
information is not available, typical volumetric properties are considered sufficient for estimating
the properties of the materials. These properties include aggregate gradation, binder type and
content, air voids, and bulk density. For characterizing unbound materials, information on sieve
analysis data, Atterberg’s limits, maximum dry density, and optimum moisture content at the
very minimum are required at. DARWin-ME™ uses detailed information pertaining to traffic
characterization. This information includes average daily truck traffic count, traffic growth rates,
truck classification, and axle load distributions for each truck class. The program also provides
the designer with the flexibility to vary the truck classification and axle spectra depending on the
month of the year. Other capabilities include hourly variation in truck volume, axle spacing,
number of axles per truck, etc.

Volume Changes Temperature
Frost Heave Moisture

Foundation Analysis PAVEMENT MATERIALS

Properties as functions of loading
rate, temperature & moisture

Evaluate Existing Pavement TRAFFIC
Axle Loads

Subgrade Analysis



Modify Strategy Select Trial Pavement


No Pavement Response

Does Pavement Performance

performanc Models
e meet


Engineering Analysis Viable Alternatives Life Cycle Cost


Other Considerations


Figure A1: DARWin-ME™ Design Procedure

Provided the designer has the required information available, DARWin-ME™ can
analyze the specific pavement section to determine the structure’s adequacy in terms of key
distresses. The program does not recommend a particular thickness for each structural layer;
rather, it evaluates and determines if the trial section can support the imposed truck traffic
volume under given environmental conditions. The designer must interact with the program and
make a choice while considering all available choices. These may include modifying the
thickness or using higher quality materials. DARWin-ME™ is a pavement analysis tool that
helps determine the adequacy of the pavement structure and aid the designer in making a well-
informed decision on the optimal design.
A significant improvement introduced into DARWin-ME™ is the consideration of
climatic effects on pavement materials, responses, and distress in an integrated manner. These
effects are estimated using the Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM), which is used to
model temperature and moisture within each pavement layer and the foundation. The climatic
model considers hourly ambient climatic data in the form of temperature, precipitation, wind
speed, cloud cover, and relative humidity from weather stations across the United States for
estimating pavement layer temperatures and moisture conditions. The pavement layer
temperature and moisture predictions from the EICM are calculated hourly and used in various
ways to estimate the material properties for the foundation and pavement layers throughout the
design life.
DARWin-ME™ was nationally calibrated taking into consideration various climatic
regions across the country. The national calibration of the design guide was based on a wide
spectrum of conditions. The vast majority of pavement sections used in the global calibration
were adopted from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database.
Calibrating the transfer functions in DARWin-ME™ requires an extensive database for
proper characterization of the individual layers of the entire pavement structure, the geographical
conditions, and the traffic. Additionally, project-specific performance data are required for each
distress mechanism for which the transfer function requires calibration. However, in the context
of this study, project level performance data was not available. Therefore, calibration of the
transfer functions was not possible within the timeframe of the study. Given these limitations, the
performance predictions obtained from DARWin-ME™ would be biased. However, in the
context of this study, the focus was geared towards determining the Equivalent Consumption
Factor (ECF) to establish load equivalencies between different loads based on the concept of
equivalent pavement responses, eliminating the need for project level calibration. The approach
is based on computing ratios between the time to failure for the pavement structure under
different axle loads. Because calibration factors are multiplicative factors, this implies that any
potential systematic error is canceled out in the process.
The following detailed discussion explains the transfer functions used in DARWin-ME™
for rutting, fatigue cracking, and roughness, given that these are the same distress mechanisms
used for computation of the ECFs in this study.

Rutting is one of the most prominent distress mechanisms for flexible pavements. It
results from the permanent deformation of pavement layers and is directly related to the internal
friction of the aggregate and cohesion of the asphalt binder. The primary factors affecting rutting
are material properties, temperature, moisture, number of load applications, loading frequency,

and state of stress. The critical conditions for permanent deformation accumulation are elevated
temperatures and slow moving traffic.
The model for calculating total permanent deformation uses the plastic vertical strain
under specific pavement conditions for the total number of trucks within that condition.
Conditions vary with time, so DARWin-ME™ calculates the state of stress every two-week
In the laboratory, the accumulation of plastic deformation is measured using repeated
load permanent deformation triaxial tests for both bituminous and unbound layers. The
laboratory-derived relationship is then adjusted to field-observed rut depths. DARWin-ME™
uses the following transfer function to relate laboratory-measured material responses to field
observed rut depths:

∆ ( )= ( )ℎ = ( ) 10 (A1)

Δp(HMA) : Accumulated permanent vertical deformation in the
HMA layer/sublayer, inches
εp(HMA) : Accumulated permanent axial strain in the HMA
layer/sublayer, inches/inches
εr(HMA) : Resilient or elastic strain calculated by the structural
response model at the mid-depth of each HMA sublayer,
hHMA : Thickness of the HMA layer/sublayer, inches/inches
n : Number of axle-load repetitions
T : Mix or pavement temperature, °F
kz : Depth confinement factor
k1r, 2r, 3r : Global field calibration parameters
β1r, 2r, 3r : Local or mixture field calibration constants

DARWin-ME™ uses a separate field-calibrated transfer function to calculate plastic

vertical deformation within all unbound pavement sublayers and the foundation or embankment

∆ ( )= ℎ (A2)

Δp(soil) : Permanent or plastic deformation for the layer/sublayer,
n : Number of axle-load applications
ε0 : Intercept determined from laboratory-repeated load
permanent deformation tests, inches/inches
εr : Resilient strain imposed in laboratory test to obtain
material properties ε0, ε, and ρ, inches/inches

εv : Average vertical resilient or elastic strain in the
layer/sublayer and calculated by the structural response
model, inches/inches
hSoil : Thickness of the unbound layer/sublayer, inches
ks1 : Global calibration coefficients for granular materials
εs1 : Local calibration coefficient for the rutting in the
unbound layers

It should be noted that the global calibration of the transfer functions was not based on
actual measurements of rut depths for each individual layer due to unavailability of trenches for
LTPP test sections. This problem was addressed by proportioning the total rut depth measured to
the different layers using a systematic approach.

Load-Associated Fatigue Cracking

Fatigue cracking occurs when asphalt materials are subjected to repeated loads at stress
levels lower than the tensile strength of the material. Consequently, the thickness of the hot-mix
asphalt (HMA) layer should be designed to resist the maximum number of repetitive loads before
significant cracking occurs. Fatigue cracking is considered a load-associated failure mechanism
affected by external factors such as underlying support, placement and compaction quality, age
of the asphalt layer, and traffic volume.
Although the reason for fatigue cracking is debatable, it is generally agreed that fatigue
cracking can be categorized into two groups based on the crack initiation mechanism: bottom-up
and top-down cracking. Top-down cracking is thought to be the governing mechanism for
longitudinal cracking and results from high radial tire pressures. Bottom-up cracking responds to
the more traditional approach of modeling fatigue cracks where it is assumed that the cracks start
at the bottom of the HMA layer where tensile stresses are higher. Due to repeated loading cycles,
the cracks propagate upward until they appear on the pavement surface and start to interconnect
with longitudinal cracks, giving pavement the appearance of an alligator’s back. Thus,
fundamentally both alligator and longitudinal cracks result from traffic load-associated fatigue in
the material.
DARWin-ME™ computes the allowable number of axle-load applications under each
load application and adds the damage into the incremental damage index for both top-down and
bottom-up cracking using the following relationship:

= ( )( ) ( ) ( ) (A3)

Nf-HMA : Allowable number of axle-load repetitions for a flexible
pavement and HMA overlays
εt : Tensile strain at critical locations and calculated by the
structural response model, inches/inches
EHMA : Dynamic modulus of HMA measured in compression, psi
kf1, f2, f3 : : Global field calibration parameters
βf1, f2, f3 : Local or mixture specific field calibration constants
C = 10M

M : material constant that depends on effective asphalt
content by volume, percent air voids in the HMA mixture
and CH (a thickness correction term)

The incremental damage index (ΔDI) is calculated by dividing the actual number of axle
loads by the allowable number of axle loads within a specific time increment and axle load
interval for each axle type. The cumulative damage index (DI) is determined by adding the
incremental damage indices over time using Equation A4:

= ∑(∆ ) , ,, , =∑ (A4)
, ,, ,

n : Actual number of axle-load applications within a specific
time period
j : Axle-load interval
m : Axle-group
l : Truck classification
p : Month
T : Median temperature, °F

DARWin-ME™ relates the cumulative damage index with bottom-up cracking (alligator
cracking) using the following transfer function:

= ∗ ∗ ×
× (A5)

FCBottom : Area of alligator cracking that initiates at the bottom of
the HMA layers, % of total lane area
DIBottom : Cumulative Damage Index at the bottom of the HMA
C1, 2, 4 : Transfer function regression constants

In the case of top-down cracking (longitudinal cracking), DARWin-ME™ uses the

following relationship to predict the length of longitudinal fatigue cracks:

= × 10.56 (A6)

FCTop : Length of longitudinal cracks that initiate at the top of the
HMA layer, ft/mile
DITop : Cumulative Damage Index near the top of the HMA

C1, 2, 4 : Transfer function regression constants

It is reported that the fatigue cracking models—bottom-up as well as top-down—have

relatively high prediction errors due to the complexity of the cracking process.

The International Roughness Index (IRI) is a measure of the riding quality of the
pavement. It is obtained from measuring the longitudinal road profile and calculated using a
quarter-car vehicle model. Since its introduction in 1986, IRI has become the road roughness
index most commonly used worldwide for evaluating and managing road systems.
The IRI was defined as a mathematical property of a two-dimensional road profile. As a
profile-based statistic, the IRI had the advantage of being repeatable, reproducible, and stable
over time. DARWin-ME™ relates the IRI with other forms of pavement distress and site
features. DARWin-ME™ uses the following expression to predict the IRI over time for HMA-
surfaced pavements:
= + 40( ) + 0.4( ) + 0.008 + 0.015( ) (A7)

IRI0 : Initial IRI after construction, in/mile
SF : Site Factor

= 0.02003( + 1) + 0.007947( + 1) + 0.000636( + 1)

Age : Pavement age, years
PI : % plasticity index of soil
FI : Average annual freezing index, °F days
Precip : Average annual precipitation or rainfall, inches
FCTotal : Area of fatigue cracking, % of total lane area
TC : Length of transverse cracking, ft./mile
RD : Average rut depth, inches

Rigid Pavements
The characteristic feature of CRC pavements, as opposed to other types of rigid
pavements, is the presence of longitudinal reinforcement at or above mid-depth designed to hold
shrinkage cracks tightly closed. Transverse joints exist solely for construction purposes and to
separate at-grade structures. The base and sub-base layers can consist of a wide variety of
unbound materials, asphalt or cement stabilized material, lean concrete, crushed concrete, or
other materials.
In this study, the study team considered punchouts and roughness as the primary distress
mechanisms in CRC pavements and evaluated the ECFs of different axle configurations and
loads using these two distress mechanisms. The team used the same approach stated earlier for
computing ECFs, that is, a ratio of the time to failure under different load configurations to
establish load equivalencies. The following paragraphs discuss in detail the transfer functions
that are integrated into DARWin-ME™ for predicting distress in CRC pavements.

Punchouts in CRCP are caused by excessive wheel loading applications and insufficient
structural capacity of the CRCP, such as deficient slab thickness (design issue) or sub-base
support (design/construction issue). Punchouts are characterized by blocks of concrete connected
by transverse and longitudinal cracks that are depressed. Longitudinal steel at the transverse
cracks of the punchouts eventually ruptures. Punchouts are the most serious distress type in
CRCP. Better design and construction practices by TxDOT throughout the years were successful
in significantly reducing the frequency of punchouts.
DARWin-ME™ uses the following transfer function to predict CRCP punchouts as a
function of accumulated fatigue damage due to top-down stresses in the transverse direction:

= (A8)

PO : Total predicted number of medium and high-severity
DIPO : Accumulated fatigue damage (due to slab bending in the
transverse direction) at the end of yth year
APO, αPO, βPO: Calibration constants

Roughness in CRC Pavements

In the case of CRC pavements, increases in the roughness value are attributed to a
combination of the initial as-constructed profile of the pavement and any change in the
longitudinal profile over time due to development of pavement distresses and foundation
movements. Key distresses affecting roughness values for CRCP include punchouts. The
following relationship is used for roughness prediction in DARWin-ME™:

= + ( )+ ( ) (A9)

IRI1 : Initial IRI, inches/mile
PO : Number of medium and high severity punchouts/mile
C1, C2 : Regression coefficients
SF : Site Factor

(1 + 0.556 )(1 + )

AGE : Pavement age, years
FI : Freezing Index, °F days
P200 : Percent subgrade material passing # 200 sieve

Appendix B: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck
Configurations on Flexible Pavement Sections

Figure B.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck

Figure B.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck

Figure B.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck

Figure B.4: Gross ECF for a Class 9 Truck

Figure B.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck

Figure B.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck

Appendix C: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck
Configurations on Rigid Pavement Sections

Figure C.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck

Figure C.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck

Figure C.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck

Figure C.4: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 9 Truck

Figure C.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck

Figure C.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck

Appendix D: Gross ECFs Calculated for Typical Truck
Configurations on Surface Treated Pavement Sections

Figure D.1: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 5 Truck

Figure D.2: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 6 Truck

Figure D.3: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 7 Truck

Figure D.4: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 9 Truck

Figure D.5: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 8 Truck

Figure D.6: Gross ECF for a FHWA Class 11 Truck

Appendix E: International Review of OS/OW Regulations

As part of Task 6 for the project, an international review of NAFTA partner counties,
Australia, and selected European Union countries was undertaken to see how they account for
OS/OW vehicle pavement consumption and how they permit and charge for these vehicles.
The policies and programs in these other counties are demonstrably different than those
in Texas. The most noticeable differential element is that many of these countries—Australia,
Canada, and Mexico—operate at higher base weights, authorize the use of longer combination
vehicles, and, in the case of Australia, road trains. Both Mexico and Canada have similar
“freight” systems to the United States in that they have highly profitable and exceptionally well-
functioning freight rail networks that form part of the “freight-system” within these countries and
within NAFTA.

Canada’s jurisdiction over motor carriers is shared between the federal government and
the country’s provinces. The federal role is mostly coordination and facilitation, and the federal
legislation Motor Vehicle Transport Act (MVTA) allows the provinces to set their own rules
subject to MVTA conditions. In 1988, the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions
Policy was created to pursue greater national and/or regional uniformity of policies, regulations,
and enforcement practices for heavy vehicle weight and dimensions. The task force has met six
times since its inception.
At the provincial level, the various provinces have laws and programs in place to regulate
movement of heavy vehicles and heavy haul and extraordinary loads. In many instances,
Canadian provinces have seasonal load restrictions due to winter weather impacts on highways.
A selection of provinces bordering the U.S. was reviewed for this research project.

British Columbia (B.C.)

The Transportation Act 2004 (as amended) British Columbia (B.C.) Law authorizes the
minister of transport to set terms and conditions considered appropriate for use of provincial
public highways. This includes authorization of a period for use of highway to limit or prohibit
access or entry of “Extraordinary Traffic,” which, within Section 66 (1), can include quantity of
goods carried, mode or time of use, and speeds that can alter or increase burdens imposed on the
highway by proper use by ordinary traffic or cause damage and expense to the provincial
highway beyond what is reasonable or ordinary. The Commercial Transport Act (as amended)
and its implementing regulations set forth specifications for vehicles and loads and when permits
are required. Exemptions exist for vehicles driven by B.C. Hydro/Power Authority employees,
highway maintenance contractors, and specially authorized vehicles such as Indian war canoes,
parade floats, vehicles used for exhibition purposes, and other vehicles that may be authorized by
the ministry, although permits are required. No fees are charged for vehicles owned or leased and
operated by:
• The governments of Canada its providences and territories
• The governments of the U.S. and any state or county in the U.S.
• Municipalities and school districts outside of B.C.

Within its Commercial Transport Procedures Manual, B.C. sets forth heavy haul and
extraordinary load guidelines, as well as general permit guidelines and information. Route maps
for 16- and 24-wheeler tridems and tandem tridems are also in place. These lists specify load-
posted routes, along with bridge tolerances.
Permits are available via telephone request from the provincial permit center for
• Non-resident permits
• Term oversize and/or overweight permits
• Single-trip oversize and/or overweight permits
• Motive fuel user permits
• Extra-provincial temporary operating permits
• Temporary operating permits (emergency situations only)
• Highway crossing permits

Since 2008, permits available through the Permitting System Online Service include
• Term oversize permit
• Non-resident single-trip permit
• Motive fuel user permit
• Overweight permits (single-trip)
• Oversize overweight permits
• FR application permits

The legal dimensions for extraordinary loads that exceed general policy limits and heavy
haul size and overall dimensions are as shown in Figure E.1:

Source: Chapter 6 British Columbia Commercial Transport Procedures Manual
Figure E.1: Legal Dimensions for Extraordinary Loads

The bridge formula is calculated in B.C. by

30 x wheelbase in centimeters (cm) + 18000 kilograms (kg) = maximum weight

allowed by permit.

B.C. also allows a term axle overweight permit (TRAX). This is for empty heavy haul
configurations and allows empty, non-PME heavy haul configurations to exceed the legal weight
limit of 6,000 kg up to 7,300 kg on the steering axle only. This permit costs C$100 per month for
a term of up to one year.
The first step in applying for extraordinary load approval is the request form, which is
either emailed or faxed to the permit center. Turnaround time for approval of oversize loads is
usually 48 hours. Identical overload approval usually takes one to three business days. Bridge
overload approval can take as little as 11 calendar days. However, on average, and 95 percent of
approvals are granted within 19 calendar days. Loads that require applicants to undertake their
own bridge engineering fall into another category. These usually fall in the seven-business-day
time frame. For identical overloads, approval can be expedited if data includes:
• Same truck configuration, including axle groups and spacing, and all axle weights
are the same or lighter than the previous approval
• Same roads are traveled in the same direction, with the same start and end locations
• Previous bridge approval (overload) number
• Approval within the last five years

Single-trip Oversize/Overweight Permits
These permits are issued for up to seven days. However, the permit may be valid for up
to 30 days in some instances. Conditions of travel are listed in the permit and are based on
sizes/weights of commodity and vehicle. If the vehicle leaves B.C. from its initial destination, the
return trip can be purchased on this permit if the sizes/weights are commensurate. The permit fee
doubles for the return trip. The permit is issued to the power unit. An oversize single-trip permit
fee is C$15 per trip. The fee for an overweight single-trip permit is calculated by overload in
kilograms and kilometers of travel. Table E.1 shows the fee schedule for each 10 km of operation
or fraction thereof. Figure E.2 shows how the overload fee is calculated. The minimum fee is

Table E.1: Fee Schedule per 10 km of Operations

Kilometers traveled C$ Kilometers traveled C$
0 – 2,000 0.95 15,001 – 16,000 7.25
2,001 – 3,000 1.15 16,001 – 17,000 8.25
3,001 – 4,000 1.40 17,001 – 18,000 9.15
4,001 – 5,000 1.60 18,001 – 19,000 10.10
5,001 – 6,000 1.85 19001 – 20,000 10.90
6,001 – 7,000 2.15 20,001 – 21,000 11.85
7,001 – 8,000 2.45 21,001 – 22,000 12.70
8,001 – 9,000 2.95 22,001 – 23,000 13.95
9,001 – 10,000 3.35 23,001 – 24,000 14.95
10,001 – 11,000 3.75 24,001 – 25,000 16.10
11,001 – 12,000 4.25 25,001 – 26,000 17.85
12,001 – 13,000 4.95 26,001 – 27,000 19.85
13,001 – 14,000 5.60 27,001 – 28,000 21.40
14,001 – 15,000 6.25
Source: Chapter 3 B.C. Commercial Transport Procedures Manual

There is also an option for companies to purchase overweight permits to temporarily

increase a vehicle’s GVW:

Source: Chapter 3, B.C. Commercial Transport Procedures Manual
Figure E.2 Calculating the Overload Fee

Oversize/Overweight Permits
Oversize/overweight permits can be issued for one-month period increments or for a term
of up to 12 months for loads, vehicles, or combinations thereof. Applicants can request a permit
for a single commodity. They can also request that additional commodities be added to the
permit. The permit price does not change if additional commodities are added to the term permit.
The cost for an oversize term permit is C$15 for a single-trip permit and C$30 for one month,
while the cost for an overweight term permit is C$100 per month. There is no
oversize/overweight term permit; rather, two separate permits are issued. As part of the general
term permits for oversize vehicles, these basic conditions are required:

• 16 meters (m) in overall length for a single vehicle

• 27.5 m in overall length for heavy haul operations
• 31.5 m in overall length for mobile homes, modular buildings, etc.
• 31 m in overall length for vehicle combinations
• 3.8 m in overall width

• 4.3 m in overall height (5.33 m in the Peace River Area)
• 3 m front projection beyond the kingpin or forward of the front bumper
• 6.5 m rear projection beyond the turn center
• Conditions as per T-53, T-53A, and T-53C

There are multiple T-forms—a total of 29—designed to be attached to and form part of
oversize and/or overweight permits. For overweight term permits, bridge formula or policy
maximums cannot be exceeded. These are not available for loads hauled on trailers, e.g., heavy
haul, expandos, and steering trailers, or for fixed equipment on its own axles that functions as a
B.C. also has seasonal load restrictions to protect the roadway through the Seasonal
Strength Loss Program for heavy vehicles on the network. Load restrictions are removed only
when the road has been deemed structurally sound. Section 66 of the Transport Act (as amended)
imposes specific weight restrictions, usually during spring. The restrictions are deliberately
intended to refer only to axle weights and are generally shown as:
• 100 percent of legal axle loading
• 70 percent of legal axle loading
• 50 percent of legal axle loading

Under the Commercial Transport Act (1991) and Commercial Transportation Fees
Regulation 2009 (B.C. Reg. 351/2008), commercial vehicle registration fees in B.C. are based on
gross vehicle weight (GVW) on a sliding scale that ranges from C$42 (for a GVW not exceeding
500 kg) up to C$3,905 for a GVW up to 63,500 kg.

Alberta also has established maximum vehicle weight and dimension limits to preserve
infrastructure and ensure safety. Some oversize and overweight permits can be obtained through
a web-based system called TRAVIS, and some permits must be obtained through a central
permit office. Web-based permits for over overweight and overdimensional vehicles include:
• Single-trip overweight
• Drilling rig overweight
• Multi-trip overweight
• Single-trip overdimension
• Multi-trip overdimension
• Public entertainment vehicles
• Tridems on local roads
• Single-trip licensing
• 30/30/90 day licensing

• Winter log haul and seasonal log haul dimensional
• Salvage log haul dimensional

The Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation Act (CVDWRA) 2002 (AR
315/2002) governs OS/OW vehicles. A single-trip permit fee for an overdimensional vehicle is
C$15. A multi-trip overdimensional permit is C$60. An extended length permit is C$300. A high
load corridor permit for overdimensional vehicles is based on a fee-per-kilometer x-height of the
• For a vehicle with height more than 6m but less than 8.96m, is the permit costs
C$1, plus C$.20 cents for every 10 centimeters (cms) over 6m in height.
• For a vehicle with height over 8.9m, the permit costs C$6.80.

For a single-trip overweight permit or single-trip overweight and overdimensional permit,

the fee for each vehicle to which the permit pertains is the total of amounts:
• C$0.03 per ton per kilometer over the lesser of
o Registered weight, and sum of allowable axle weights (being gross
weight for steering axle and base weight for all other axles)
• Steering axle weight fee calculated using another schedule (Schedule 9)
• Axle group weight fee calculated using another schedule (Schedule 9)

For a multi-trip overweight permit or multi-trip overweight and overdimensional permit,

the fee is the total of the below amounts:
• C$60
• Steering axle weight using Schedule 10
• Axle group weight fee using Schedule 11

Schedules 8, 9, 10, and 11 can be seen in Tables E.2 through E.5.

Table E.2: Single-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 8

Permitted weight above legal weight Tons Fee per KM C$
0 to 1 ton 0.06
Greater than 1 to 2 tons 0.15
Greater than 2 tons to 3 tons 0.22
Greater than 3 tons to 4 tons 0.35
Greater than 4 tons to 5 tons 0.50
Greater than 5 tons to 6 tons 0.67
Greater than 6 tons to 7 tons 0.87
Greater than 7 tons to 8 tons 1.08
Greater than 8 tons 1.40

Table E.3: Single-Trip Axle Group Weight Fee Table—Schedule 9
Fee per KM C$
Permitted Weight A B C D
Range Per Axle Group Single, Tandem and 16 wheel Wide 16 24 wheel
over Base Weight Tridem Axle Groups tandem wheel tandem tandem
0 ton to 1 ton 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
> than 1 to 2 ton 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08
> than 2 to 3 ton 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.13
> than 3 to 4 ton 0.23 0.21 0.18 0.17
> than 4 to 5 ton 0.33 0.28 0.24 0.23
> than 5 to 6 ton 0.45 0.36 0.31 0.30
> than 6 to 7 ton 0.58 0.46 0.40 0.36
> than 7 to 8 ton 0.72 0.57 0.48 0.43
> than 8 to 9 ton 0.67 0.57 0.51
> than 9 to 10 ton 0.80 0.67 0.59
> than 10 to 11 ton 0.94 0.76 0.67
> than 11 to 12 ton 1.08 0.88 0.77
> than 12 to 13 ton 1.00 0.87
> than 13 to 14 ton 1.12 0.90
> than 14 to 15 ton 1.25 1.08
> than 15 to 16 ton 1.39 1.20
> than 16 to 17 ton 1.53 1.31
> than 17 to 18 ton 1.42
> than 18 to 19 ton 1.57
> than 19 to 20 ton 1.70
> than 20 to 21 ton 1.84
> than 21 ton 1.98
Base Weights
Single Axle Group 9100kb
Tandem Axle group 17,000 kg
Tridem Axle Group
o If axle spread is 3.6m or more but not more than 3.7m 24,000kgs
o If axle spread is 3m or more but not more than 3.6m 23,000kgs
o If axle spread is 2.4m ore more but not more than 3m 21,000kgs
16 wheel tandem 25,000kgs
Wide 16 wheel tandem 32,000kgs
24 wheel tandem 39,000kgs

Table E.4: Multi-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 10

Permitted weight above legal weight Tons Fee per KM C$
0 to 1 ton 2.00
Greater than 1 to 2 tons 10.00
Greater than 2 tons to 3 tons 17.00
Greater than 3 tons to 4 tons 30.00
Greater than 4 tons to 5 tons 45.00
Greater than 5 tons to 6 tons 60.00
Greater than 6 tons to 7 tons 85.00
Greater than 7 tons to 8 tons 105.00
Greater than 8 tons 140.00

Table E.5: Multi-Trip Steering Axle Fee Table—Schedule 11
Permitted weight above legal weight Tons Fee per Month C$
0 to 1 ton 1.75
Greater than 1 to 2 tons 7.00
Greater than 2 tons to 3 tons 12.00
Greater than 3 tons to 4 tons 21.00
Greater than 4 tons to 5 tons 32.00
Greater than 5 tons to 6 tons 44.00
Greater than 6 tons to 7 tons 60.00
Greater than 7 75.00

The feel for an overload self-recording permit is C$15; the single-trip overweight permit
fee is also payable. For vehicles hauling logs, another set of criteria is applied:
a) C$200 per log haul season, and
b) C$20 per route map, where it is a condition of the overweight permit that a route map
must be attached to the permit for its validity.
a. The Director of Transport sets the term of log haul season.

No fee is payable for an overweight or overdimensional permit issued to the Government

of Canada, Government of Alberta or another province, a foreign government, or municipality or
board defined by the School Act. No fee is payable for an overweight or overdimensional permit
issued for a point-to-point move within the corporate limits of a city or town. In a municipality
other than a city or town, no fee is payable for an overweight or overdimensional permit issued
for a point-to-point move within an industrial park, or if a municipality has passed a by-law to
that effect. The CVDWRA specifies that any fee payable under its provisions be rounded off to
the nearest dollar.
In Alberta, an exemption for farm equipment movements is also in place. Farm vehicles
are not subject to width restrictions, but vehicle height is limited to minimize issues with utilities
and other overhead structures. There is no permit fee for farmers. A fee for an overdimensional
permit for commercial operators is $60 per year for the whole company.

The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations (Chapter H-3-01, Reg 8) effective
November 12, 2010 and amended by Saskatchewan Regulations 46/2011 set forth permit fees for
OS/OW vehicles in the province in Part VI, Permit Fees, Sections 21–23. No permit fee is
required under Section 21 if it is issued for:
a) (moving a) grain bin (of any dimension);
b) operating a vehicle of any dimension that is transporting a load of hay;
c) towing, operating, or transporting farm equipment of any dimension, including the load
or contents of any description; or
d) towing, operating, or transporting a vehicle or machinery of any dimension, including the
load or contents of any description, on a provincial highway for a distance of not more
than 10km.

Single-trip Permit
Under Section 22, if a permit is issued for a single-trip providing for any axle unit to
carry a weight exceeding the maximum allowable gross weight, the fee is C$42 plus C$0.05 for
each kilometer traveled. If a permit is issued for a single trip providing for any group of axles
that is not an axle unit, the fee is C$42 plus C$0.05 for each kilometer traveled.
If a permit is issued for a vehicle to transport a divisible load where the gross vehicle
weight exceeds the maximum allowable gross vehicle weight limits and the permit is issued
subject to an agreement entered into by the minister pursuant to clause 4(1)(g) or (h) of the Act,
no fee is payable.
If a permit for a single trip of road construction and maintenance equipment is issued, the
fee payable is C$20 plus C$0.20 for each kilometer traveled over 10 kilometers.

Multi-trip Permit
For a multi-trip permit, the fee is C$66 per ton, or part of a ton, in excess of the allowable
gross weight, per year. This fee is calculated based on gross weight carried by the axle unit that
most exceeds the weight set forth in the regulations. If a multi-trip permit is issued for less than
one year, the fee shall be prorated at the rate of one-twelfth for each month or part of a month for
which the permit is issued, but the minimum fee payable is C$10.

Overwidth and Overlength Vehicles

Table E.6 lists the permit costs for an over-width vehicle or load for a single-trip.

Table E.6: Single-trip Over-Width Vehicle or Load

Width Fee C$
vehicle or load that is more than 2.6m wide but not more than 3.1m wide 0
vehicle or load that is more than 3.1m wide but not more than 3.7m wide 17
vehicle or load that is more than 3.7m wide but not more than 4.3m wide 36
vehicle or load that is more than 4.3m wide 72

The permit cost for an over-width vehicle or load for multiple trips (annual permit) is
shown in Table E.7:

Table E.7: Annual Multiple-trip Permit Over-Width Vehicle or Load

Width Fee C$
vehicle or load that is more than 2.6m wide but not more than 3.1m wide 15
vehicle or load that is more than 3.1m wide but not more than 3.7m wide 100
vehicle or load that is more than 3.7m wide but not more than 4.3m wide 144
vehicle or load that is more than 4.3m wide 144

Permits are also issued for over-width buildings. For an over-width building that is more
than 2.6m wide but not more than 3.05m wide, the permit costs nothing. For a building that is

more than 3.05m wide but not more than 6.0m wide, a permit fee is C$36. A permit fee for a
building that is more than 6.0m wide costs C$72.
Permits are also issued for over-length vehicles. The fee schedule for a single-trip permit
is as follows:
i. vehicle that is more than 12.5m long but not more than 23m long, nil;
ii. vehicle that is more than 23m long but not more than 29m long, C$10; and
iii. in the case of a vehicle that is more than 29m long, C$15.

The fee schedule for a multiple-trip permit for one year for an over-length vehicle is as
i. vehicle that is more than 12.5m long but not more than 23m long, C$10;
ii. vehicle that is more than 23m long but not more than 29m long, C$60; and
iii. vehicle that is more than 29m long, C$120; and
iv. fee for a multiple-vehicle, multiple-trip permit for one year issued to a permit
holder operating under an EEMV agreement or a long combination vehicle permit
is C$300.
a) An EEMV agreement means an Energy Efficient Motor Vehicle
Transportation Partnership Agreement entered into between the minister
and a permit holder for the purpose of allowing the permit holder to
operate an energy efficient motor vehicle.

Over-Height Vehicles and High-Load Corridor Routes

Under Section 23.1, high-load corridor routes are laid out for over-height or overweight
vehicles, namely:
• Provincial Highway No. 4, from the junction of Provincial Highway No. 15 to the
junction of Provincial Highway No. 7;
• Provincial Highway No. 7, from Saskatoon to the Alberta Boundary; or
• Provincial Highway No. 15, from Melville to Provincial Highway No. 4, including
those portions of Provincial Highway No. 6 and Provincial Highway No. 20
required to connect north and south junctions of Provincial Highway No. 15.

For permits issued for an over-height vehicle or load for travel in a high-load corridor
route, the fee is:
• C$1 plus C$0.20 for every 10cms over 6ms in height for each kilometer traveled for
a vehicle having a height that is more than 6m but less than 8.9m; or
• C$6.80 for each kilometer traveled for a vehicle having a height of 8.9m or greater.

Overdimensional Vehicle Partnership Agreements

If vehicles exceed a regulated dimension with a single piece of cargo, they can be issued
single-trip permits through the SGI permit. This permit allows the vehicle to carry additional

cargo as long as it does not exceed any other legal dimension in addition to the dimension it is
permitted for, in which case it would require a TPA (Government of Saskatchewan, not dated
(c)). The overdimensional haul agreement principles allow movement of vehicles that are overly
long or overly wide and/or loads on the provincial highway system subject to the following:
• Carrier must follow routes designated in the agreement.
• An administration fee of C$1000 is charged annually.
• Vehicle permits issued are pursuant to agreements. Permits will show permitted

Additional conditions of overdimensional haul agreements include:

• Dynamic stability characteristics must be within safe limits.
• Speed is restricted (speed recording devices are required) for vehicles or loads
exceeding 26m in length and/or over legal width and for all configurations where
reduced speeds would bring dynamic stability within TAC standards.
• Operation is not allowed where inclement weather or other conditions impair
visibility (rain/snow), traction (ice), or handling (winds).
• Drivers are subject to special qualifications and performance criteria where length
exceeds 26m.
• Vehicles exceeding specific dimensions must be properly flagged and/or lit and
accompanied by escort vehicle(s).
• Hours of operation are restricted where required in accordance with The Vehicle
Weight and Dimension Regulations, 1999.

Canada New West Partnership

In 2010, Canada’s New West Partnership was created between B.C., Alberta, and
Saskatchewan to strengthen economies in Western Canada (Ppartnership). The Partnership
focuses on four areas: trade, international cooperation, innovation, and procurement. In July
2011, B.C., Alberta, and Saskatchewan implemented a schedule to harmonize the provinces’
vehicle weight and dimension laws. For divisible load oversize permits, B.C. and Saskatchewan
are redeveloping their divisible load policies using Alberta’s permit conditions as a model. The
partnership also provides for an increased maximum allowable weight on truck tractors for
steering axles. For tridem drive truck tractors, the partners will defer to Alberta’s dimension
laws. The three provinces also agreed to harmonize overall lengths of double trailer
Areas set for negotiation by July 2012 include reviewing weight limits for vehicles used
to haul very heavy equipment, along with turnpike doubles, rocky mountain doubles, and tandem
axle weight limits. For divisible oversize load permits, the partnership is reviewing polices to
determine opportunities for reconciliation in the various approaches. For oversize/overweight
corridors, they are reviewing current routes to determine if more interprovincial connections can
be constructed. They are also reviewing how provinces could provide road and construction
information, including highway geometry and clearance, to plan multi-state permitted moves.

The Motor Carrier Permits and Development (MCPD) administers and issues oversize
and overweight permits and collects permit fees in the province of Manitoba. The MCPD also
develops and implements the Spring Road Restrictions Program and maintains the automated
routing and permitting system (ARPS). On February 11, 2011, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
signed a memorandum of understanding on the harmonization of regulations and cooperation on
transportation issues.

Overweight Permits
The Highway Traffic Act and Highway Traffic Act Regulations 197/2006 set forth permit
fee costs for oversize and overweight permits. The cost of a non-annual overweight permit is the
greater of C$0.036 per km from point of departure multiplied by each increment of 1,000kg or
part of such increment or C$6.
An annual overweight permit is C$75 for each increment of 1,000kg or part of such
increment. This permit allows a vehicle to be over the allowable axle weights for its axle units. If
an annual overweight permit covers two or more highways, the lightest of the allowable axle
weights for each axle unit is used to determine by how many kilograms the permit allows the
axle to exceed its allowable axle weight.

Over-Width Permits
Over-width permits are issued for non-divisible loads that result in a vehicle with a width
of more than 2.6m. D signs and “wide load” signs are required for vehicles with a width
exceeding 3.05m; an escort is required for a vehicle wider than 4.6m. Permits for vehicles with a
width of 9m or more must be requested at least two business days prior to the move date.
Restrictions typically prohibit over-width vehicles from traveling on the highways during spring,
because they can damage vulnerable shoulders. Vehicles with widths in excess of 4.6m are also
not allowed on PTHs 100 and 101 from 7 to 9 a.m. and from 3.30 pm to 5.30 p.m. They are also
not allowed on commuter routes or truck routes outside of Winnipeg during these times unless a
permit is specifically approved. Table E.8 lists overdimensional permit costs for single-trip and
annual permits.

Table E.8: Overdimensional Permit Costs—Single-Trip and Annual

C$ Single C$ Annual Width
6 20 Authorizes width of 2.61m to 3.05m
15 45 Authorizes width of 3.06m to 3.70m
36 95 Authorizes width of 3.71m to 4.30m
72 195 Authorizes width of 4.31m or more
6 20 Authorizes projection of any length from front of vehicle
6 20 Authorizes length of 20.1m to 23m
8 80 Authorizes length of 23.1m to 30m
12 160 Authorizes length of 30.1m or more

Manitoba Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund

Section 34.1(1) of the Highways and Transportation Act establishes the Manitoba
Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund (TPIF) for (a) funding or supplementing the funding

of highway rehabilitation to remedy accelerated deterioration attributed to overweight or
overdimensional vehicle traffic, (b) improvements in the load carrying capacity, productivity,
and safety of highways, and (c) other projects prescribed in the regulations that benefit
Manitobans and the trucking industry. Permit fees paid for OS/OW vehicles are deposited into
this fund according to the guidelines set out in the Act, along with any monetary penalties
payable to the fund that are prescribed by regulation.
The TPIF is a voluntary user-pay program that allows increased loading on lower class
highways. A trucking company completes an application form that details in great specificity a
route and vehicle information and the commodity being transported. The application must be
accompanied by an insurance certificate with a minimum of C$5,000,000 coverage per
occurrence, as well as general liability insurance coverage for non-owned vehicles with a
minimum limit of C$5,000,000.
A letter of permission is required from a municipality if the route includes a municipal
road. The route is then analyzed and evaluated, a cost is determined accordingly, and a TPIF
contribution for each route is applied. There is also a C$20 administrative fee for each permit

Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act 1990 (as amended) and regulations establish laws
governing overweight and oversize vehicles. The maximum width of a vehicle load is set at
2.6m. Some exceptions include:
• Raw forest products (en route)—2.8m.
• Road service vehicles traveling to and from a maintenance site or repair center—no
specified limit.
• Loose fodder (including rectangular and round bales of hay)—no specified limit.

The maximum length of a single vehicle including load is 12.5m with exceptions for:
• A fire apparatus
• A semi-trailer
• An articulated bus

The maximum length of a semi-trailer and its load is 14.65m. This does not include any
extension in length caused by auxiliary equipment or machinery not designed for carrying a load.
The maximum length of a combination of vehicles and their load is 23m. The maximum
height of a vehicle and it load is 4.15m.
Maximum weight allowances are determined using axle configurations and spacings. A
permit is required if the axle and/or GVW exceeds the limits set out in the Act. Implements of
husbandry are subject to an overdimensional permit. These include overdimensional farm
machinery, farm tractors, and self-propelled implements of husbandry (SPIH) carried on a plated
motor vehicle or plated trailer drawn by a motor vehicle.
Permits are issued for indivisible vehicles and/or loads when, if separated into smaller
loads or vehicles, separation would

• Compromise the intended use of the vehicle or load
• Destroy the value of the load or vehicle
• Require more than eight work hours to dismantle

The permit application process requires application forms be submitted by fax, e-mail,
mail, or in person at an Ontario Ministry of Transportation Permit issuing office. Ontario allows
some municipalities to set overweight permits. These must be obtained from the individual
municipalities. The permit issuer can consider multiple factors before granting an OS/OW permit
which include:
• Complete and accurate application.
• Effect of the move on the safety and convenience of other highway users.
• Physical characteristics of the proposed route(s) including bridge restrictions, likely
traffic conditions, any special events occurring.
• Time of year and potential weather conditions, distance to be traveled, time to
complete a move, and where move takes place.
• Can the move be reasonably carried out using an alternative means of
• Can the load be reduced in size or weight?
• Can the load travel on roads other than province highways in accordance with the
rules of the jurisdiction/municipality?
• Is there a traffic management plan in place for exceptional moves?

The permit issuer may limit the time and particular highway(s) that can be used and can
also include certain special conditions or provisions in the permit considered necessary to protect
the safety and integrity of the highways and other road users. Before issuing the permit, the
ministry may also require a bond or other security sufficient to cover the cost of repairing
possible damage to the highway be posted. The permit grants movement of overweight loads on
highways under provincial jurisdiction. Municipalities may accept ministry permits, or they can
issue their own permits for highways under their jurisdiction. The carrier must contact the
appropriate municipality(ies) to ensure compliance with local by-laws.
The ministry issues four types of permits:
• Annual
• Project
• Single-trip
• Special Vehicle Configuration

Permit Fees
The permit fee structure is as shown in Table E.9:

Table E.9: Permit Fees
Permit Type Cost C$
Annual Permit 300
Project Permit 200
Single-trip Permit
Oversize 50
Overweight: weight up to 120,000 kg travel on
provincial highways
Up to 100km 100
From 101km to 500 km 150
Over 500km 200
Overweight over 120,000 kg regardless of 500
Oversize and overweight Prices as for
Special vehicle configuration Refer to Act
S110.1 (10)
A C$5 fee is applied to each single-trip permit that is faxed
long distance. Payment can be made by credit card or
certified personal check unless payment is sent by mail. Cash
for walk-in clients only.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Transportation Guide to OS/OW Vehicles and Loads

Annual Permits
Annual permits are usually processed in 10 to 15 business days. Dimensions for an
annual permit are set out in Table E.10.

Table E.10: Maximum Dimensions Permitted on Annual Permit

Single Combination Width Height
3.7m on two land
12.5m length 22.5m length with highways and 3.85m 7.26m (same for
including a max rear max rear overhang of on multi-lane (same single/combination
overhang of 4.65m 4.65m for single/ vehicles)
combination vehicles)
Overweight requires
Weight is per the Act contact with permit

Project Permits
A project permit can be issued to allow contractors to move similar loads, objects, and
structures over the same specified route for a period of up to, and including, six months. A copy
of the project contract is required in the application. The letter of contract must be written on
company letterhead and include the following information:

• Name and address of the carrier
• Contract number (if available)
• Duration of the contract
• Description of the product being transported
• Origin of load and destination with complete route specified including municipal

The permit office will assess traffic and construction issues before approving and issuing
the permit. The weights and dimensions in the application must be load-specific. The maximum
dimensions allowed on a project permit are as follows in Table E.11:

Table E.11: Maximum Dimensions on Project Permit

Single Combination Width
36.5m length with max rear overhang of
12.5m length, including Up to 4.30m (same for single
a max rear overhang of and combination)
No height limit if load is on float type
4.65m Escort vehicles may be
trailer. Height greater than 4.3m require
Height up to 4.26m required.
route clearance
Weight is per the Act Weight up to 70,000kg

Single-Trip Permits
A single-trip permit may be issued for an overweight move for a one-way trip along a
specified route for a limited time period. These must be applied for 24 hours before the proposed
move date, but two to three business days is recommended. Table E.12 depicts the dimensions
allowed for single-trip permits:

Table E.12: Dimensions for Single-Trip Permit

Length Width Height Weight
23m – 45.75m 2.61 to 5m 4.16m or greater
Combination Over 45.75m must be Over 5.0m must be Max height on
Vehicle submitted to SCT submitted to STC flatbed trailer is 120,000kg subject
permit office 4.26m to weight and load
12.5m, including 2.61 to 5m (any permit Max 4.26m engineers
Single overhang up to 4.65m office) approval
Vehicle Over 5.0m must be
submitted to STC

For exceptional dimensions permits for more than 5m in width, and/or 45.75m or more in
length, and/or over 120,000 kg, applicants must send their application to a specialized permit
office five days before the proposed move date. The approval process minimum turnaround time
is 72 hours but can take up to 14 days to process.

Loads in excess of 120,000kg GVW, and/or 6m in width, and/or 45.75m in length that
intend to use a two-lane highway route or 7m-wide multi-lane highways are considered
“superloads.” Superloads are not considered routine applications and require additional
processing time. Applications require supplementary documentation and are reviewed by the
Ministry of Transportation's weight and load engineer and other ministry personnel. The
application also requires a project justification for the intended move that normally includes:
• Documentation outlining why alternate means of transportation (e.g., rail, water, or
possibly air) are not being pursued;
• Detailed description of the load, including an engineering drawing when applicable
illustrating the item’s construction and why it cannot be reduced in size or weight;
• Detailed description of the project the item is intended for, including: construction
schedule, consequences of late delivery, and the economic benefits associated with
the project.

After reviewing the project justification documents, the ministry will consider the
necessity of permitting the move. If the move is satisfactorily justified and considered to be
absolutely necessary, the applicant is required to:
• Hire a designated consultant engineer to evaluate the bridges on route and submit
the evaluation for approval.
• Submit a detailed traffic management plan describing all aspects of the intended
move, including:
o Detailed escort requirement and procedures identifying the responsibility of
all units involved (OPP and private);
o Detailed route survey indicating all appropriate locations for road closures,
pull-over areas, emergency parking, fuel stops, significant turning movements,
and any anticipated roadside related activities such as restricting roadside
o Contingency plans for breakdowns; and
o Municipalities requiring separate permits.

Special Vehicle Configuration

Special Vehicle Configuration permits are issued for vehicles that vary from the
requirements of the HTA and regulations. The purpose of Special Vehicle Configuration permits
is to harmonize configurations, weights, and dimensions applicable to a class of vehicles with
those in any other jurisdiction; to allow for a trial of a vehicle; or to allow for a variance from a
limit within a specific geographical area.

Night Moves
Night moves are allowed for all permit types with certain restrictions provided that all
conspicuity requirements are met. Two criteria are applied here for different vehicle dimensions.
Criteria 1: for overlength and/or overwidth allows night moves for vehicles (and loads)
up to and including 3.05m wide and 25m long. These are restricted to multi-lane controlled
access highways with a median. The lane width on these types of highways is 3.75 m.
Criteria 2: for overheight and/or overweight allows night moves for vehicles and loads
up to and including 4.26m high and 63,500 kg. These can travel on all the “King’s Highways.”
If both criteria are in play, the conditions for both criteria are “conspicuity requirements”
and must be met during a night move. These consist of the extremities of the vehicle or load
being marked with a solid amber lamp(s) visible in the front and rear, conforming to SAE Code
P2 or P3 with markings to appear on the lamp(s), and a retro-reflective "D" sign must be present.
Night moves are restricted when inclement weather conditions prevail4.

Public Holiday Moves

Overweight moves are allowed for all permit types on public holidays (New Year's Day,
Family Day, Good Friday [Easter], Victoria Day, Canada Day, August Civic Holiday, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day) and the preceding day of a public holiday,
subject to the restrictions below.
Overweight moves are allowed between a half hour before sunrise and noon on a public
holiday for dimensions that do not exceed:
• width of 3.70m on two-lane highways and 3.85m on multi-lane highways
• length no greater than 25m for combination vehicles and 12.50m for single vehicles
• height maximum of 4.26m
• weight no greater than 63,500kg.

Vehicles and/or loads exceeding the dimensions listed above cannot travel on a public
holiday but can travel on the preceding day subject to:

Preceding day means the day before a statutory holiday restriction. If the statutory holiday is a
Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, the preceding day is the Friday. If the statutory holiday is on any
other day of the week, the preceding day is the day before the holiday.

Overweight moves are allowed all day on the preceding day of a statutory holiday for
dimensions that do not exceed the following dimensions:
• width of 3.70m on two-lane highways and 3.85m on multi-lane highways
• length no greater than 25m for combination vehicles and 12.50m for single vehicles
• height maximum of 4.26m
• weight no greater than 63,500kg.

Road conditions, weather conditions, or visibility make traveling hazardous to the operator or the driving public.
Conditions shall be deemed to be hazardous upon any accumulation of ice or snow on the roadway or if the
continuous use of windshield wipers is required. Vehicles that are underway when inclement weather occurs shall
exit the road at the first available location and park in a safe place until the weather and road conditions clear.

Vehicles and/or loads in excess of the dimensions listed above are only allowed to travel
between a half-hour before sunrise and noon on the preceding day of a public holiday. Weekend
moves are allowed for all permit types with certain restrictions on dimensions. Weekend moves
also have restrictions during the summer months. Overweight moves are allowed all day on
Saturday and Sunday for dimensions that do not exceed the following dimensions:
• width of 3.70m on two-lane highways and 3.85m on multi-lane highways
• length no greater than 25m for combination vehicles and 12.5m for single vehicles
• height maximum of 4.26m
• weight no greater than 63,500kg.

Sunday travel is not permitted between noon and midnight during the restricted summer
months of June, July, and August in Southern Ontario and July and August in Northern Ontario
for any overweight vehicles and/or loads.
Friday restrictions during the summer months prohibit travel between 3:00 pm and
midnight during the restricted summers months of June, July, and August in Southern Ontario
and July and August in Northern Ontario for any overweight vehicles and/or loads. There is an
exception for this: vehicles and/or loads with heights up to, and including, 4.26m and an overall
weight not exceeding 63,500kg may travel between 3:00 pm and midnight on Fridays during

Long Wheelbase Tractors

Per Ontario Regulation 413/05, the province prefers to restrict the wheelbase of tractor
units to the 6.20m national standards; however, many carriers that specialize in the movement of
overweight indivisible loads often operate such overlength tractors to accommodate the
additional axles, heavier duty suspensions, and/or sliding fifth wheel assemblies for weight
distribution. Ontario’s Ministry of Transport routinely authorizes carriers to operate such fleets
of specialized vehicles for routine “permitted” transportation of lighter OS/OW loads. The
ministry notes that this accommodation “…is not intended to inadvertently authorize operation
of overlength tractors equipped with large sleeper berths or living quarters frequently utilized in
other jurisdictions.”
Permit issuing staff must verify tractor wheelbase dimensions, and they can to ask for
clarification and/or support documentation defining the requirements for an overlength tractor.

Greater Toronto Area Restrictions

Within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), vehicles and/or loads traveling under a single-
trip or project permit are often subject to a congested traffic condition (Condition). The
Condition applies to all single-trip and project permits with dimensions that exceed the following
• width of 3.70m on single highways and 3.85m on multi-lane highways
• length exceeding 25m
• height exceeding 4.26m
• weight in excess of 63,500kg

Under the Condition, permits are not valid for vehicles traveling in the specified area
directions entering the GTA between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., as well as vehicles
traveling in the area directions exiting the GTA between the hours of 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Bonds and Securities

The Ministry may require a bond or other security sufficient to cover the cost of repairing
possible damage to the highway to be posted before a permit is issued. The following sets of
circumstances may be sufficient to warrant a bond being posted:
• where loading on tires must exceed 11kg per millimeter width,
• where loading on the axle must exceed 10,000kg during reduced load period,
• where total GVW exceeds 120,000kg subject to engineering analysis of bridge
structures and geotechnical assessment of roadway structure,
• where overweight vehicles must be routed over substandard bridge structures
subject to engineering analysis of bridge structures, or
• deemed to be warranted by the Director of the Carrier Safety and Enforcement

The Ministry determines the amount of the bond. A carrier may be required to pay for the
services of ministry-approved geotechnical and/or structural consultants to assess conditions and
evaluate any damages caused by the move.

Escort Vehicles
A permit may be issued on the condition that the permit holder provides escort vehicle(s)
either preceding or following an overweight vehicle or load. No escort is required:
• for widths from 2.61m to 3.99m
• for lengths from 23.01m to 36.75m
• for heights from 4.16m to 4.86m

A private escort warning vehicle is required for widths:

• from 4m to 4.99m, one escort vehicle is required on multi-lane highways
• from 4m to 4.59m, one escort vehicle is required on two-lane highways
• from 4.6m to 4.99m, two escort vehicles are required on two-lane highways

A private escort warning vehicle is also required for overlength vehicles:

• from 36.76m to 45.74m, one escort vehicle required
• rear overhang greater than 4.65m, one escort vehicle required at the rear of load

An exception exists for mobile/modular homes: for a height greater than 4.87m, one
escort vehicle (pole car) is required. Mobile and/or modular homes greater than 29.25m in length
cannot travel in convoy and require two private escort warning vehicles to accompany each load.
Annual and project permit holders must provide a private escort warning vehicle on certain
highways when the load measurement meets or exceeds the listed widths.

Reduced Load Period

Annual and project permits for moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structures that
exceed legal weight limits are not valid on any King's Highway during the months of March and
April in Southern Ontario and March, April, and May in Northern Ontario. Weights exceeding
legal limits are only allowed when specifically authorized to do so under permit conditions.
Single-trip permits may be issued for movements on highways subject to reduced loading
restrictions. However, the weight and load engineer must approve these moves. Annual permits
with special weight condition for specific axle weight configurations have an additional
condition for reduced load periods.

Corridor Moves
OS/OW permits may be issued to Canadian or U.S. carriers for movements within or
through the province of Ontario under the following conditions:
• move originates and terminates in Ontario;
• move originates in Ontario and terminates in another province or territory;
• move originates in another Canadian province/territory, or one of the states of the
United States of America, and terminates in Ontario;
• move originates in another Canadian province or territory and terminates in
another/same Canadian province and/or territory, or one of the states of the United
States of America, where Ontario is to be used as a corridor.
• move originates in one of the states of the United States of America and terminates
in another Canadian province or territory, where Ontario is to be used as a corridor.
• move is a mobile home that originates and terminates in the United States of
America, Ontario may be used as a corridor.

Convoy moves are not permitted. Loads must be separated by at least 45 minutes. When
en route, a minimum spacing of 10km is required. Annual and project permit holders may
encounter construction zones where the horizontal clearance has been reduced to less than 3.70m
or a vertical clearance has been reduced to less than 4.26m. Before traveling through any
construction zone, the permit holder is responsible for verifying clearances.
Metric Conversion: Ontario measurement standards are in metric. To convert imperial
measurement to metric:

* Convert measurement to inches and multiply by 0.0254, e.g.,

9'6" = (9' x 12”) + 6"
= 108" + 6"

= 114"
114" x 0.0254 = 2.89 meters

* To convert weight from pounds to kilograms, divide pounds by 2.205.

E.g., 154,000 lbs. ÷ 2.205 = 69,841 kgs

Australia operates under a very different set of heavy vehicle configurations and weights,
charges, and policy prescriptions, including the Higher Mass Limits scheme (HML). Through a
permit system, heavy vehicles can operate with additional mass on certain types and groups of
axles on a restricted network subject to specific conditions. The axle mass limit increases that
can be used on vehicles fitted with “road-friendly suspensions”5 are:
• 0.5 ton increase on tandem axles to 17 tons
• 2.5 ton increase on tri-axle groups to 22.5 tons
• 1 ton increase on single drive axles on buses to 10 tons
• 1 ton increase on six-tired tandem axles to 14 tons
• 0.7 ton increase on steering axles of long combination vehicle prime movers (road
trains) fitted with wide single tires regardless of suspension type
• Increases for tri-axles are restricted to members of the National Vehicle
Accreditation Scheme

The penalties for overloading or noncompliance for overheight or overwidth vehicles are
set out within each state. For example, in New South Wales, the penalty for an overheight
vehicle that proceeds past a clearance sign is A$1,824, along with six demerit points on the
commercial drivers license. Courts can also apply additional fines up to A$3,300 if the vehicle is
off route or other conditions are not complied with, e.g., driving at the wrong time or without a
specified pilot or escort vehicle. Three states were reviewed for this project (New South Wales,
Queensland, and Victoria).
Australia also uses a pay-as-you-go system (Paygo) for heavy vehicle charges that is
based on a fixed annual registration and fuel-based road-user charges to recover revenue to
contribute to building better roads. Paygo was introduced in 1992. As part of Paygo,
approximately 40 percent of larger costs are recovered via state and territory registration fees,
and the balance is paid through a fuel-based road charge determined by the commonwealth
government. The fee is adjusted annually to ensure that charges keep pace with heavy vehicles’
share of spending on roads. The formula is calculated as follows:

Annual adjustment (per cent) = road expenditure factor + road user factor

The annual adjustment factor is applied in July of each year to ensure that the charges
keep pace with the road spending program. A productivity commission independently audited
the Paygo program and found that it was “conservative” by international standards, keeping

Road friendly suspensions must be undertaken through a certified vendor.

prices low. In March 2010, for the adjustment process the National Transportation Commission
consulted with the trucking industry and government to set the adjustment fee. The year 2010-
2011 charges saw a 4.2 percent increase in both registration and fuel-based road charges that
resulted in an increase of A$0.9 per liter in the road user heavy vehicle fuel charge, raising it to
22.6 cents per liter. Registration fees also increased by more than 4.2 percent from previous
heavy vehicle fees determination in 2007.
In November 2011, the Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure also requested
the that National Transport Commission review A-trailer registration charges as industry had
noticed that the costs were having a negative impact on some operators. Four options were
reviewed, and the A-trailer fee was reduced; however, other vehicle registration fees were
increased. Table E.13 shows the new fee schedule for July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. To operate a
vehicle heavier than 125 tons carrying an indivisible load, the permit fee for the load is
calculated as A$4 cents x ESA km.

Table E.13: 2012–2013 Registration Charges for Heavy Vehicles

Vehicle Type Division 1 – Load Carrying Vehicles (A$)
Trucks 2-axle 3-axle 4-axle 5-axle
Type 1 542 859 759 759
Type 2 859 1021 1021 1021
Short combination truck 859 1021 1854 1854
Medium combination truck 6783 6783 7326 7236
Long combination truck 9361 9661 9361 9361
Prime Movers
Short-combination prime mover 1164 4744 5030 5030
Multi-combination prime mover 9457 9457 10402 10402
Division 2 Load Carrying Trailers (A$)
Trailer Type Single axle Tandem axle Tri-axle Quad-axle and above
Pig trailer 550 550 550 550
Dog trailer 550 550 550 550
Semi trailer 550 550 550 550
B-double lead trailer and middle trailers 550 1050 1100 1100
Converter dolly or low loader dolly 550 550 550 550
Division 4 –Special Purpose Vehicles (A$)
Type P No charge
Type T 292
Type O 365 (Calculated using Formula 365+(365 x Number of axles >2))
Truck Type 1: rigid truck under 12.0t (two axles), 16.5t (three axles), or 20t (four or more axles)
Truck Type 2: rigid truck over 12.0t (two axles), 16.5t (three axles), or 20t (four or more axles)
Short combination trucks means to haul one trailer when (a) the combination has six axles or fewer, and (b) maximum total mass that is legally
allowed is 42.5 tons or less.

In 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) decided to establish a single

national heavy vehicle regulator by the end of 2012 that regulates all vehicles heavier than 4.5

gross tons. COAG’s intent was to end the conflicting and separate regulatory regimes that the
states imposed. COAG had undertaken a regulatory impact statement process to instigate a single
national system for heavy vehicle regulation that consisted of:
• A single entity to administer a body of national laws
• A national heavy vehicle registration scheme
• A consistent approach to minimum standards for heavy vehicle driver competency
and testing, along with a single driver’s license
• A body of national heavy vehicle laws that would be an aggregation of the existing
laws and regulations.

In February 2010, Queensland was selected as the host jurisdiction for the national heavy
vehicle laws and regulator entity. In November 2011, an implementation board was also
established to help set up the new National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. Additional legislation
should be passed when the Queensland Parliament convenes in Fall 2012, and the CEO for the
regulator should be in place by early 2013.

New South Wales

New South Wales (NWS) has a series of options for addressing the operation of oversize
and overweight vehicles. These include higher mass limits, concession mass limits
overdimension vehicles, and the Intelligent Access program for heavy vehicles.

Over-dimension Vehicles
Vehicles that exceed the dimensions defined in the Road Transport (Registration)
Regulation 2007 are subject to specific operating conditions and require permit notice and route
assessment guidelines (see Table E.14 for the statutory dimension limits).

Table E.14: NSW Statutory Dimension Limits

Vehicle Height (m) Width (m) Length (m)
Agricultural vehicle 4.3 2.5 12.5
Agricultural combination 4.3 2.5 19.0
Special-purpose vehicle 4.3 2.5 12.5
Special-purpose combination 4.3 2.5 19.0
Rigid motor vehicle 4.3 2.5 12.5
Combination consisting of a prime mover and a semi-trailer 4.3 2.5 19.0
Rigid vehicle and trailer combination 4.3 2.5 19.0
Articulated low loader 4.3 2.5 19.0

The cost is A$72 for an oversize and overmass permit. Single trip and annual permits can
be applied for. No sales tax is applied to the cost of the permit. Existing annual permits can be
renewed electronically and emailed to the Special Permits Unit. There are three heavy vehicle
types with indivisible loads that can be applied for:

1) Load Carrying Permit—for vehicles that are oversize or overmass because of the
indivisible load being transported.
2) Special Purpose Vehicle or Agricultural Vehicle Permit—for vehicles (except Tow
Trucks) built for a purpose other than carrying a load and that exceed a mass or
dimension limit by construction (including water carried by concrete pumps and fire
3) Mobile Crane Journey Permit—for mobile cranes that already have a NSW Class 1 permit
and require travel on a route not currently available for oversize/overmass travel.

It takes an average of seven business days for permits to be approved. Applications for
exceptional loads with extreme dimension or mass or for travel at difficult locations can take
longer to process. The permit is issued to the registered operator. Overlength permits are only
issued to articulated prime mover combinations carrying a long load. If the load is too long for
the vehicle, a larger vehicle is required.
Restrictions may also apply; NSW has established some day, night, holiday, and weekend
restrictions. Pilot vehicles are also required.

Overmass Vehicles
If a vehicle exceeds standard weight limits or is carrying an indivisible load that exceeds
standard weight limits, an overmass permit is required. These can be issued to the following
vehicles or equipment:
• A non-load-carrying vehicle such as a mobile crane; or
• A prime mover with:
o low loader dolly;
o low loader described in Vehicle Standards Information Sheet 45 (VSI 45);
o jinker;
o platform;
o non-load-carrying towed vehicle such as an amusement ride or crushing
o extendable trailer not carrying a plant item with 11 meters between the
center of the last axle of the preceding unit and the center of the first axle
of the extendable trailer; or
o any combination of the above.

Overmass permits establish maximum limits for loadings on individual axles or axle
groups. Axle loading limits depend upon their spacing, groups and widths, tire sizes and ply
ratings, and the route to be used. The permit can be issued for single items that cannot be readily
divided into smaller parts. Both sets of permit conditions can be placed onto a single combined
permit if a vehicle is both overmass and oversize. If the weight exceeds 75 tons, the permitee or
principal shall pay to the authority the cost of repairing and/or strengthening the road/roads
described in the permit. This includes any structures. The permittee is also required to indemnify

the authority against liability for any costs damages and expenses that result from the movement
of such a vehicle or load.
The fee for vehicles up to 125 tons gross mass is the standard permit administrative fee
that applies to overmass and oversize permits: A$72. If both permits are required, a single fee is
charged. If the gross mass exceeds 125 tons, a road charge fee of 4 cents per journey kilometer
per equivalent standard axle is applied. (Note that there is currently a moratorium on this road
charge fee.)

Overheight Vehicles
Another permit for vehicles over 4.3m high is required. These vehicles are also subject to
special conditions. For vehicles shorter than 4.3m in height, there are restricted routes on which
the vehicle must travel. They also must comply with the 4.6m-high Vehicle Route Notice issued
in 2008. Penalties are assessed for non-compliance. These penalties were changed in 2010, and
currently include an on-the-spot fine of A$1,824 and six demerit points applied to the license for
a vehicle that proceeds past a clearance sign. The court can also apply fines up to A$3,300 if the
vehicle is detected off route or conditions are not met.
Vehicles taller than 4.6m in height are subject to more stringent conditions and routes,
and they must apply for a permit. The permit cost is A$72.

Queensland issues permits for excess mass and excess dimension along with “letters of
no objection” for specific operations.
A conditions of operation database is maintained that allows operators to ensure they are
in compliance with current conditions of operation. This includes changes to routes and posted
load routes. Through this database, they can also ascertain conditions for a particular excess mass
permit, Queensland-wide conditions of operation between selected dates, and whether conditions
have changed since a selected date.

Intelligent Access Program

Queensland has also developed an Intelligent Access Program (IAP) that provides
improved road access for heavy vehicles by monitoring their compliance with access conditions.
IAP is mandatory for transport operators to haul higher mass limits in Queensland; it is also
available for some types of heavy mobile cranes that operate under permit. The IAP is part of a
national program that was developed by all the road agencies in Australia and uses satellite
tracking and wireless communication to remotely monitor when and how heavy vehicles are
being operated on the road network. The policy behind the IAP is to protect vulnerable road
infrastructure, especially bridges and culverts, while still allowing special purpose, innovative, or
higher productivity vehicles on the road system.

Excess Mass
The Excess Mass system was established by the Transport Operations (Road Use
Management—Mass, Dimensions and Loading) Regulation 2005. This regulation establishes
vehicle and mass limits and conditions of operations for vehicles up to 40 tons or carrying an
indivisible item to 59.5 tons. This also includes route restrictions. An application to register as an

approved heavy haulage operator is required. For each special purpose vehicle or prime mover
operating in excess mass, operators must request an “authority to operate” that contains vehicle
description and any approved operating masses. The overmass vehicle fee permit is A$79.85 for
a single-trip permit or A$303.45 for a stated period.

Excess Dimensions
Under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Mass, Dimensions and
Loading) Regulation 2005, vehicles operating with excess dimension—either vehicles carrying
indivisible articles or special purpose vehicles or vehicles that require a pilot/escort—also require
a permit. The guidelines for this permit were reissued in February 2012. The permit fee is the
same as the excess mass permit fee. The onus falls to the operator to check the route in advance,
and they must also obtain all other relevant permissions or authorizations prior to the movement
to ensure that the movement does not pose a danger to property or other road users. For an
oversize vehicle that is transporting an invisible article longer than 30m, the vehicle must have a
rear-end steering unit. For an excess dimension movement, a “letter of no objection” issued by
the main roads permit management office is also required. These permits are required for
vehicles over 5.5m in width and/or 4.8m in height.

The state of Victoria also has an annual permit schedule to facilitate transportation of
large indivisible loads. In general, the gross mass allowed is developed based on bridge capacity
on arterial roads. Routes available for the approved higher mass limit network and the B-doubles
can usually be utilized for such loads. If operators need to use roads that are not within two
schedules that have been developed, they can request a specific permit for up to one month.
Scheme A allows the following mass and dimension on listed road: up to 77 ton (low
loader and dolly combinations at approved axle and axle group spacing), up to 4.8m in height
and 26m length for major highway type roads and 25m for B roads. Restrictions are in place for
the Melbourne metropolitan area; on freeways and OD routes, vehicles can be 5m in width; on
local roads, 4m in width; and on rural roads, between 4 and 5m, depending on road class.
Scheme B allows gross combination mass on B-doubles and higher mass limit network.
Up to 60 tons are allowed for low-loader and dolly combinations at approved axle and axle group
spacing; up to 4.8m in height and 26m in length for major highway type roads; and 25m for B
To be eligible for a permit, the operator must also conform to the Victoria roads low
loader mass limits tables. A separate permit is required for each vehicle or combination. A
permit fee applies, and this has been set at A$59.80. The permit can be applied for in person, by
fax, or by post. Applications can be made for:
• Overdimensional permits
• Overdimensional and mass permits
• B-double or higher mass limit permits
• Special purpose vehicle permits
• Tow truck permits

A limited review of European countries was undertaken, along with a review of European
Union (EU) regulations and rules for heavier trucks.
In 1984, the EU issued its first Directive (which is to be applied and implemented as
law(s) in the member states) on vehicle size and weights. Directive 85/3/EEC issued in
December 1984 established weights, dimensions, and other characteristics within the framework
of a common transport policy. Part of the policy goal behind the directive was to move towards
EU-wide common standards permitting improved use of vehicles between states that would
reduce the adverse effects upon competition between member states as a consequence of
multiple laws that established authorized lengths, widths, and weights for commercial vehicles.
The European Commission considered these an obstacle to efficient trade.
85/3/EEC was amended multiple times, and in 1996, the EU issued a new directive
establishing vehicle size and weights that amalgamated all the various amendments currently
issued. Directive 96/53/EC established the maximum authorized dimensions and weight for
national and international traffic for vehicles traveling within the EU. The directive also
specified that member states could not reject or prohibit use of vehicles that did not comply with
their national weight/dimensions laws if the vehicles complied with limit values that the directive
now stipulated.
The EU has also issued two directives regarding heavy goods vehicles and tolls/time-
based user charges for heavy goods vehicles heavier than 3.5 tons. The most recent was issued in
2011. It establishes common rules for distance-related tolls and time-based user charges for
goods vehicles for use of certain infrastructure (1999/62/EC, as modified by 2006/38/EC and
The 2011/76/EU framework policy aims to improve the functioning of the road network
by reducing differences between the member states regarding tolls and vignettes, taking better
account of the principles of fair and efficient pricing, and providing for differentiation in the
systems in line with the costs associated with road use. The directives also target greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions reduction in line with EU GHG reduction policies.
Charging for heavy goods vehicles is not mandatory within the EU. The Directives set
out a framework of rules to be followed by member states if they wish to levy charges. The most
important framework conditions are:
• Tolls must be levied according to distance traveled and type of vehicle; if a vignette
is used, it must be scaled to duration and use made of the infrastructure and also by
vehicles emission class.
• Directive does not permit the use of tolls and vignettes to be applied on a road
section at the same time.
• National tolls/vignettes must be non-discriminatory.
• Charging schemes should cause as little hindrance as possible to the free flow of
• Directive stipulates the maximum average tolls that can be set in relation to
construction, operation, and development of infrastructure.
• Schemes can include an external cost charge that reflects the costs of air pollution
and noise pollution.

• Revenue should preferably be used for development of the trans-European network.

Within the EU certain countries have aligned together to develop vignettes for road
charging purposes. Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Sweden have a
Eurovignette agreement that levies a fee on all heavy goods vehicles with a total weight of 12
tons or more. The road fee is based on number of axles and vehicle emission class. The user
charge (toll) is paid in one of the participating countries and is valid in the road network of all
the other countries. The information on the vignette is stored online in a central database. Police
can search this database to see if the toll for a vehicle has been paid. The tariff for 2012 based on
axles and emission class can be seen in Table E.15 (* in Swedish Krona).

Table E.15: Vignette Tariff for Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Sweden
Max axles 3 3 3 4 4 4
Emission Class 0 1 2 0 1 2
1 day 73* 73 73 73 73 73
1 week 239 212 184 377 341 304
1 month 884 783 691 1428 1290 1152
1 year 8849 7835 6913 14288 12905 11522
Source: Swedish Tax Agency

Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland (which is not a member of the
EU) have independently implemented distance-based charging schemes for all heavy goods
vehicles. The most notable of these is the German “Gant” scheme, which uses GPS technology
to track trucks on the federal network and levies a per-mile charge for use of the network. The
charges are ring-fenced to be used for network/system improvements. Germany also has specific
requirements for OS/OW trucks that are set forth in the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
(Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung §6, as amended June 1, 2012). These were enacted by the
Ministry of Transport’s Building and Regional Development. There are four types of permits
1. Oversize
2. Overweight (heavy haulage); i.e., an indivisible load
3. Combination of 1 and 2
4. Overlength (longer than 20m)

Under traffic regulations, Section 29 authorizes permission for use of roads, and the
permit is then issued under Section 70. A police escort may be required. The movement of such
loads is also restricted to specific periods of time. For oversize transports, these usually proceed
only on Monday’s between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. For overlength or overwidth vehicles, these are
usually allowed to move during the nighttime hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The permit will
stipulate the weights, vehicle registration number, axle distances and loads, number of wheels
per axle, and specific route to used. Permits are issued for one month or a year. Most OS/OW
transit companies have annual permits. In 2009, 159,047 permits were issued (SBSR, pg 40). An
online system (VEMAGS) is used in all the federal states. The monthly permit costs vary from €

10 to €767 depending on route, vehicle, and the region (SBSR Oversize Strategy 2011 Report, pg
116). On average, annual permits are twice the cost of the monthly permit. There are also fees
applied for police escort. Price varies by municipality, but according to SBSR, it averages €5 per
From 2009 to 2011, the EU also funded the Oversize Baltic Initiative in which a group of
Baltic states (Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, and Poland) teamed together to develop an oversize
transport strategy. The projects main goal was to conduct an analysis on the current oversize
transport network, including reviewing barriers to efficient movement to improve these
networks, and helping carriers find the right information for their oversize cargo movements. As
a consequence, the Oversize Baltic Initiative, in its two year duration, helped create a common
strategy that can be applied across these states. As part of this project, they developed corridor
maps where cargo would be able to move with minimal major obstacles (Oversize EU, 2011) and
mapped routes for specific transport of items, e.g., windmills. Figure E.3 shows the main road
transit corridors for OS/OW vehicles from Norway to Finland that were mapped as part of this

Source: Oversize EU Strategy 2011

Figure E.3: Road Transit Corridors from Norway to Finland (blue) and Rail Transit Corridors
for Norwegian Domestic Transport (red)

Figure E.4 shows the oversize transport corridors that the project identified and
recommended for EU funding from the TEN-T program.

Source: Oversize EU Strategy 2011
Figure E.4: South Baltic Oversize Transport Corridors

In 2011, Oversize Europe released its Oversize Strategy. It found that more than 60,000
permits to transport oversize cargo are issued on average in the Baltic region, often as a result of
major energy projects. However, Poland’s data on oversize and overweight permits was difficult
to obtain, as no centralized office issued the permits. Sweden’s oversize permit applications can
be seen in Figure E.5.

Source: Oversize EU Strategy 2011

Figure E.5: Oversize Permits Issued in Sweden 2005–2009

Germany has a one-stop shop for all oversize vehicles to be registered while in Germany.
The online system is called VEMAGS. This was developed and made operational in August
2007. Figure E.6 shows the breakdown of permits by state for 2009.

Source: Oversize EU Strategy 2011

Figure E.6: Number of Oversize Permits issued by State in Germany 2009

The UK requires that abnormal indivisible loads notify various government bodies in
advance of a journey using the Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads System
(ESDAL). This may also include an application for a vehicle special order to move certain
special types of vehicles by road. The maximum gross weight in tons that can be moved in the
UK is 44 tons on a six-axle draw-bar type vehicle. The ESDAL system allows an operator to plot
routes, and it gives information on all the organizations that an operator will need to notify
before the making the movement. Once this information is input, it will deliver fully complaint
notifications. Road, bridge, and police authorities can manage these incoming notifications in
this system as well, so that routes can be appraised for suitability of proposed moves. For such
loads, a form of indemnity is required. No permit fees are paid for these abnormal vehicles to
The UK maintains a list of “High and Heavy Load Grids” (HHLG) that are advisory
routes for extremely high and heavy abnormal loads. These can be used by the haulage industry
to plan moves and ensure routes are maintained to agreed capacities. The high load routes are
either 18 or 20 feet, and the heavy load route categories start at 223.52 tons on 12 axles or 259.08
tons on 14 axles. HHLGs are set by a series of categories A+ to F, which relate to a set of
vehicles on 12- and 14-axle trailers and 300 tons on 12 axles for the M25 orbital motorway
around London.
The HHLGs were compiled in the early 1970s under Road Circular 61/72. Originally,
they consisted of two maps showing routes capable of carrying loads up to 20 feet (6.1m) high

and 400 tons gross weight. They have been consistently kept up to date, and the Highways
Agency updates HHLG with new suggestions from the trucking industry to increase the
robustness of the network. HHLGs are being moved into ESDAL to enable haulers to
interactively follow the grids.
Finally, the UK is currently undergoing a trial of longer semi-trailers. This began in
January 2012. The trial involves 900 semi-trailers 14.6m in length, which is one meter longer
than semi-trailers in use, and another 900 trailers that are 15.65m in length, which is two meters
longer than the current maximum. These must operate within the current weight limit of 44 tons.
The trial is voluntary and will run for a maximum of 10 years. An independent monitoring body
is reviewing the impact of these longer semi-trailers on carbon emission, truck miles, and
accident rates. The demand to be part of this trial apparently significantly exceeded the quota.

City of Dublin, Ireland

The city of Dublin charges €9 for a daily permit to use a heavy goods vehicle with five or more
axles (City of Dublin).

In Mexico, the federal government has authority to set truck size and weight and
dimension limits, which apply to an extensive system of federal highways. This authority also
includes responsibility for issuing special permits for OS/OW loads or other restricted departures
from normally regulated limits (CTR, 2010). The Mexican paved network is made up of
approximately of 48,000kms (30,000m), most of which about 41,000kms (25,600m) are non-
tolled (Moreno-Quintero, 2007). The latter issue poses a maintenance hardship on the Secretaría
de Comunicaciones y Transportes (Secretariat of Communications and Transport, SCT), because
in Mexico, there is no highway or similar transportation fund dedicated or allocated specifically
to road construction or maintenance.
Mexico began regulating large commercial vehicles in 1980. Since that time, significant
changes have occurred regarding maximum allowed size and weight. Many of those changes
have been induced by economic or technical reasons, but many others resulted from pressure
from various groups that benefit from larger and heavier trucks (NCHRP, 2011). Current
Mexican maximum weight and size limits vary depending on highway classification and vehicle
and/or axle configuration. A major contributor to the adoption of heavier trucks in Mexico is the
Mexican Bridge Formula, which is less conservative than in the United States with regards to
permissible gross vehicle weight (GVW) (NCHRP, 2011).

Regulatory Background to Issue Rules and Norms Applicable to OS/OW Vehicles.

The operation of commercial vehicles in Mexico is defined and regulated by several rules
and regulations. Laws (leyes) or regulations (reglamentos) establish the subject matter and
standards in general terms. Norms (normas) might go into further detail regarding specific
precepts included in the laws or regulations. Therefore, for each regulation, there might be one or
more norm, or Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM), which makes up the official standards for
technical definitions or specifications (NCHRP, 2011). In Mexico, SCT establishes truck size
and weight regulations for operation on the federal highway system. The states do not have the

authority to establish different standards from those established by the federal government,
specifically the SCT (NCHRP, 2011).
The National Consultation Committee of Standard in Land Transportation (Comité
Consultivo Nacional de Normalización de Transporte Terrestre, CCNN-TT) develops the
Mexican NOMs in the transportation sector. The CCNN-TT is chaired by the SCT’s
transportation undersecretary and includes four groups of members (NCHRP, 2011):
• Federal agencies—officials pertaining to the sectors of economy, security, treasury,
environment, foreign relations, health, national defense, tourism, labor, agriculture,
fishing, natural resources, and petroleum (PEMEX).
• Industry and trade organizations (mostly those involved in transportation) such as
Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Carga (CANACAR), a trade association
representing individual carriers within the Mexican trucking industry; Asociación
Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones (ANPACT),
an association of bus and truck manufacturers; and Asociación Nacional de
Transporte Privado (ANTP), an association of private transporters, among others.
• Education and academic institutions, including the Mexican Transportation Institute
(Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, IMT) and the National Autonomous University
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), among others.
• The Federal Consumer Commission (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor).

The CCNN-TT’s main functions regarding truck size and weight regulations include
developing proposals for new standards, requesting the publication or amendment of a NOM,
inter-institutional and stakeholder coordination, and analyzing Regulatory Impact Statements
(Manifiesto de Impacto Regulatorio, MIR), amongst others (NCHRP, 2011).
The CCNN-TT meets at least every three months and also has subcommittees that
analyze the NOMs in more detail. Before any regulation or NOM is published in Diario Oficial
de la Federación (the Mexican Federal Register), it must be approved by the Federal Regulatory
Improvement Commission (Comisión Federal de Mejora Regulatoria, COFEMER). The
COFEMER requires that all federal agencies present a MIR together with the draft of any NOM
(NCHRP, 2011). The MIR is open to the public for comments, and if it is approved and the cost-
benefit analysis results are positive, the COFEMER approves the MIR, and the NOM is
published and enforced.

Current Laws and Regulations Applicable to OS/OW Vehicle Operations

General Freight Carrier Permit

To transport OS/OW vehicles, a carrier must first obtain permission from the SCT and
pay for the necessary permits applicable to federal carriers to haul freight (Servicio de
Autotransporte Federal de Carga). The carrier must provide several documents, including proof
of the legal ownership of the vehicle(s), proof of compliance with environmental standards, legal
registration of the company, insurance information, and ancillary documentation. The carrier is
required to pay an approximate amount of:

• For the first vehicle to register with one license plate: MXP $2,351 (USD $196
approx.); and with two license plates: MXP $3,080 (USD $257 approx.), and
• For subsequent vehicles with one license plate: MXP $1,181 (USD $152 approx.);
and with two license plates: MXP $2,547 (USD $212 approx.) (SCT, 2012).

The only requirement that is different for OS/OW load movement is the vehicle’s
configurations (“Special Vehicle Combinations”) submitted for SCT’s review in order to obtain
the permits.

Regulatory Framework for OS/OW Operations

Table E.16 summarizes all laws, regulations, and NOM that regulate the use and permits
applicable to OS/OW vehicles in Mexico.

Table E.16: Current Mexican Regulatory Framework Applicable

to OS/OW Permits and Operations
Regulation Rule
Article 50 establishes that it in order to
Law of Roads, Bridges, and Federal Motor
transport OS/OW objects, it is necessary to
Transportation (Ley de Caminos, Puentes y
obtain a special permit from SCT in accordance
Autotransporte Federal, LCPAF)
to applicable regulations and norms.
Regulation of Federal Motor Article 41 establishes that Specialized Freight
Transportation and Auxiliary Services Services include the transportation of OS/OW
(Reglamento de Autotransporte Federal y objects and industrial cranes; these require a
Servicios Auxiliares, RAFSA) special permit issued by SCT.

Regulation Concerning Weights,

Dimensions, and Capacity of Commercial
Vehicles that Travel on the Highways and Articles 16 through 19 establish the necessary
Bridges of Federal Jurisdiction paperwork companies or responsible parties
(Reglamento sobre el Peso, Dimensiones y must submit to SCT to obtain an OS/OW
Capacidad de los vehículos de permit.
Autotransporte que transitan en los Caminos
y Puentes de Jurisdicción Federal, RPD)
This 1995 NOM, which is currently under
review (since 2008), is the governing set of
rules for OS/OW vehicles, industrial cranes,
NOM-040-SCT-2-1995 and PROY-NOM-
and special combination vehicles that might
transport indivisible OS/OW objects. Any
permit for an OS/OW load of more than 90 tons
is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

It is important to note that a new version of standard NOM-040-SCT-2-1995 is under

development as a project. Because PROY-NOM-040SCT-2-2008 is at an advanced stage in the

approval process, the following paragraphs solely reflect the latter’s regulations and provisions.
Also, all regulations are applicable to OS/OW vehicles of 90 tons or less unless otherwise
specified. Permits for OS/OW vehicles of 90 tons or more are reviewed by SCT on a case-by-
case basis for permit approval. Additionally, the current information applies to OS/OW loads,
excluding industrial cranes, for which similar regulations apply and can be found in PROY-

Vehicle Dimensions
Generally, the maximum vehicle dimensions are: maximum length is established as 31m
(101.71 ft.); the maximum width for commercial vehicles is 2.60m (8.5 ft.), not including
mirrors; and the maximum height is 4.25m (14 ft.) for all types of combination vehicles and on
all road classes. The maximum length also varies with the type of road and type of combination
vehicle. Additionally, SCT prohibits trailer and semitrailer lengths from exceeding 13.70m (45
ft.) except on ET types of highways, where it allows 16.2-m (53-ft.) semitrailers (single
semitrailers, not configured as LCVs).
Thus, in accordance with the applicable NOM, the following are the types of special
vehicle combinations in accordance to the dimensions (Table E.17).

Table E.17: Mexican Classification of OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations by Dimension

Classification by Type of OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations
Dimensions in Meters
Length Width Height
1 Up to 23 (75.4 ft.) 2.6 ft. 4.25 (14 ft.)
2 Up to 28 (91.9 ft.) Up to 3.1 (10.2 ft.) Free
3 Up to 28 (91.9 ft.) Up to 3.3 (10.8 ft.) Free
4 Up to 30 (98.47 ft.) Up to 3.7 (12.1 ft.) Free
5 More than 30 (98.47 ft.) Up to 3.7 (12.1 ft.) Free
6 Free More than 3.7 (12.1 ft.) Free
Source: PROY-NOM-040-SCT-2-2008.

Gross Vehicle Weight

For non-divisible loads, NOM-040-SCT-2-2008 establishes that for special loads, the
maximum GVW is the sum of the maximum axle weights. Cargo must be positioned in the truck
so that the axle weight does not exceed the maximum allowed. See Table E.18.

Table E.18: Maximum Axle Load Weight for OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations
Maximum Axle Load Weight for OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations
Load per Axle Type in Tons
Tires per Maximum Weight
Axle Type or Group Load per Axle
Axle per Tire in Tons Load per Axle
Single 2 3.3 6.6 6.6
Single 4 2.75 11.0 11.0
Single 8 2.75 22.0 22.0
Double or Tandem 8 2.75 11.0 22.0
Double or Tandem 16 2.75 22.0 44.0
Triple or Tridem 12 2.75 11.0 33.0
Triple or Tridem 24 2.75 22.0 66.0
Quadruple or more axles 8 POR EJE 2.25 18.0 Variable
Quadruple or more axles 12 POR EJE 2.25 27.0 Variable
Source: PROY-NOM-040-SCT-2-2008

In the case of bridges, trucks must also travel along the center of a bridge, and the
maximum speeds allowed are as follows:
• loads weighing less than 70 tons on bridges: 30 km/hr (19 mph);
• for loads weighing between 70 and 90 tons: 20 km/hr (12 mph); and
• for loads heavier than 90 tons: 10 km/hr (6 mph)—minimizing acceleration and

In the case of roads, if the load capacity of the configuration does not exceed 90 tons, the
maximum speed allowed varies between 20 km/hr and 70 km/hr (12 mph and 44 mph,
respectively) depending on the vehicle configuration and road type. Pneumatic suspension is
usually required.
The carrier must prove that the load and axle configuration complies with the maximum
allowed. If the load capacity of the configuration exceeds 90 metric tons, the carrier must comply
with any further rules specified on the permit SCT issues on a case-by-case basis. In addition, the
carrier must inform the SCT and Federal Highway Police of the route and schedule of the trip at
least 24 hours in advance.
Depending on the special vehicle configuration type, escort vehicles (or pilot cars) with
warning lights are required to improve safety and facilitate transportation of the oversize vehicle.
Oversize Configuration Types 1 through 3 do not require escort vehicles; Type 4 requires one
escort vehicle; and Types 5 and 6 require two escort vehicles. These special vehicle
configurations are not allowed to travel on federal highways between sunset and midnight.

Permits Issued and General Data Applicable to Mexican OS/OW Permits
As of 2008, the SCT had 487 permit holders (specialized freight carriers) registered to
transport OS/OW Special Vehicle Combinations. In 2008, the SCT had the following numbers of
registered OS/OW combinations that had been granted a specialized freight carrier permit:
• 1,054 OS/OW special vehicle configurations
• 294 industrial crane special vehicle configurations

The permits issued between 2003 and 2008 are illustrated in Figure E.7.



9,071 Number of Permits
10000 7,590


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Source: SCT, 2009
Figure E.7: OS/OW Permits Granted by SCT for Load Below 90 Tons—2003 to 2008

The current cost of an OS/OW permit as of October 2012 is MXP $533 (USD $44
approx.) for a single-trip permit. This cost is irrespective of the 90 ton limit.
In case of loads above 90 tons, the carrier must submit the following to SCT: the vehicle
combination (including dimensions), weight distribution, potential route or origin, and
destination data, amongst others. SCT´s Technical Services Directorate then analyzes routes,
pavement conditions, bridge conditions, and/or heights in the route, and other important
variables before authorizing or denying the permit and establishes, if applicable, a specific route
to the carrier. The latter information must be shared with the Federal Highway Police at least 24
hours in advance of the trip.
The industries that are the main users for OS/OW transport services and permit requests
are the following: construction, energy, mining, iron and steel sector, chemicals, and petroleum.

Update on PROY-NOM-040-SCT-2-2008
PROY-NOM-040-SCT-2-2008 is a new version of the previous standard and is still under
development and going through the approval process by COFEMER and public consultation. It
is important to emphasize that there are no substantive changes between the 1995 regulations and

NOM-040-SCT, merely a rearrangement of the regulations to avoid legal gaps and clarify
confusing language.
The only substantive change relates to the responsibility of carriers with regards to road
damage: while the 1995 NOM did not held the carrier responsible, the new 2008 NOM
establishes that SCT will hold responsible any carrier transporting an OS/OW vehicle causing
road damage, opening the possibility for SCT to seek compensation.
On July 25, 2012, SCT published comments from the public in the Official Journal
(Diario Oficial de la Federación), including responses addressed by SCT regarding draft PROY-
NOM-040-SCT-2-2008. The latter was officially first published in the Official Journal on April
26, 2010. The approval process is expected to continue, as corrections need to be made.
Therefore, this document is still awaiting final approval and publication as of October 2012.

Appendix F: Harris County Road Law

Harris County Road Law can be seen in Figures F.1 through F.15.

Figure F.1: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.2: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.3: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.4: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.5: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.6: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.7: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.8: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.9: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.10: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.11: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.12: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.13: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.14: Harris County Road Law

Figure F.15: Harris County OS/OW Bond Form

Appendix G: City of Fort Worth City Code, Part II, Chapter 22
Article IV: Truck Traffic

22-117. - Vehicle restrictions.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive, operate or
move, or to cause or permit to be driven, operated or moved, on any public street within the city,
any commercial motor vehicle with or without load, contrary to any of the regulations contained in
this section.
(b) Commercial motor vehicles shall be subject to the vehicle width, length and height limitations and
restrictions which are delineated in Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6701d-11, section 3.
(c) No commercial motor vehicle, truck-tractor, trailer, semitrailer nor combination of such vehicles
shall be operated or caused or permitted to be operated upon any public street within the city having
a weight in excess of any one or more of the following limitations:
(1) In no event shall the total gross weight, with load, of any vehicle or combination of vehicles,
exceed eighty thousand (80,000) pounds.
(2) No axle shall carry a load in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) pounds. An axle load shall
be defined as the total load transmitted to the road by all wheels whose centers may be
included between two (2) parallel transverse vertical planes forty (40) inches apart, extending
across the full width of the vehicle.
(3) The total gross weight concentrated on the highway surface from any tandem axle group shall
not exceed thirty-four thousand (34,000) pounds for each such tandem axle group. Tandem
axle group is defined to be two (2) or more axles spaced forty (40) inches or more apart from
center to center having at least one common point of weight suspension.
(4) Vehicles used exclusively to transport ready-mix concrete may be operated upon the public
streets of the city with a tandem axle load not to exceed forty-four thousand (44,000) pounds,
a single axle load not to exceed twenty thousand (20,000) pounds and a gross load not to
exceed sixty-four thousand (64,000) pounds. Before any vehicle used exclusively to transport
ready-mixed concrete with a tandem axle load in excess of thirty-four thousand (34,000)
pounds may be operated upon the public streets of the city, the owner thereof shall file with
the office of consumer affairs a surety bond in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars
($15,000.00). Such bond shall be conditioned that the owner of such vehicle will pay to the
city all damages done to the public streets and highways by reason of the operation of such
vehicle with a tandem axle load in excess of thirty-four thousand (34,000) pounds.
(5) A limit is placed on the amount of load which may be carried by vehicle tires, according to
the width in inches of the tires, as follows:
a. 650 pounds per inch for low pressure tires;
b. 600 pounds per inch for high pressure tires.
(d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(1) Any person operating or causing to be operated a motor vehicle under a valid and subsisting
permit for the operation of overweight or oversize equipment for the transportation of such
commodities as cannot be reasonably dismantled issued by the state highway department
under the provisions of article 6701a of the Revised Civil Statutes as such article now exists
or might from time to time be amended;

(2) Emergency vehicles operating in response to any emergency call;
(3) Vehicles operated for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any public utility in the city.
(4) Vehicles used exclusively to transport solid wastes, as defined in Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes, may be operated in accordance with article 6701d-19a of that statute.
(5) Vehicles used exclusively to transport milk may be operated in accordance with article
6701d-12a of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes.
(e) The permits referred to in subparagraph (d)(1) of this section shall be subject to the following:
(1) Upon written application timely made by any person who desires to operate or cause to be
operated on the public streets within the city, overweight or oversize equipment for the
transportation of such commodities as cannot be reasonably dismantled, where the total gross
weight or size of the vehicle and its load exceed the limits allowed by this section, the office
of consumer affairs, after consulting with the public works department, shall issue a permit
for the operation of such equipment or fleets of equipment for a specified period of time, over
a route or routes to be designated by the public works department, if such routes can be
determined at the time application for the permit is made.
(2) The application for the permit provided for in this section shall be in writing and contain the
a. The kind of equipment to be operated, with a complete description of same and a
statement as to its weight.
b. The kind of commodity to be transported and a certificate as to its weight.
c. The street or streets over which the equipment is to be operated, and the date or dates
and the approximate time of the operation, and the number of trips to be made, except
when the nature, route, time or frequency of operation cannot be determined at the
time the permit is issued.
d. d.The application shall be dated and signed by the applicant.
(3) Before a permit is issued under this section, the applicant for the same shall file with the
office of consumer affairs a bond in an amount to be set and approved by the public works
department. The amount of such bond shall not exceed the product of the number of vehicles
for which a permit is sought multiplied by fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), which bond
shall be payable to the city and conditioned that the applicant will pay to the city the sum of
money necessary to repair any damage which might be occasioned to any public street or
publicly owned fixture appurtenant to such street by virtue of operation of any commercial
vehicle under such permit. Venue of any suit for recovery upon the bond shall be in the
county and any bond issued hereunder shall contain an unambiguous contractual provision to
that effect.
(4) A fee shall be charged for each permit as follows:
a. a. Overweight load, single-trip permit only: $20.00
b. b. Oversize load:
1. Single-trip .....$20.00
2. Not to exceed 30 days .....45.00
3. Not to exceed 60 days .....60.00
4. Not to exceed 90 days .....75.00

(5) Any permit issued hereunder shall include at least the following:
a. a. The name of the applicant, the date, a description of the equipment is to be
operated and a description of the commodity to be transported.
b. b. The signature of an authorized member of the police department and the public
works department.
c. c. The time for which the permit is issued.
d. d. The specified street or streets over which the equipment is to be operated, insofar
as it can be determined at the time the permit is issued.

(Code 1964, § 26-80; Ord. No. 7887, § 1, 2-27-79; Ord. No. 9983, §§ 1—6, 10-13-87; Ord. No.
10012, § 1, 11-24-87)

Appendix H: Industry Forum Invitation
March 8, 2012

Specialized Carriers and Rigging Assoc

2750 Prosperity Ave., # 620
Fairfax, VA 22031
Dear Mr. Ball:

Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Fee Study

The 82nd Texas Legislature required the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to conduct a study
to evaluate the increased pavement and bridge consumption by oversize and overweight vehicles
(OS/OW)—including, exempt overweight vehicles carrying loads such as agricultural products, solid
waste or recycled materials, ready mix concrete, and milk. The study also requires TxDOT to provide
recommendations for permit fee and fee structure adjustments to the Governor and the Legislative Budget
Board by December, 2012. TxDOT commissioned the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at the
University of Texas at Austin to undertake this study.

As part of this study, CTR is hosting a one-day Industry Forum to:

• discuss the study objectives and analysis approach with industry; and,
• solicit input from those that may potentially be impacted by permit fee changes.
The one-day Industry Forum is scheduled for Thursday, March 29, 2012 from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm at:
The AT&T Conference Center
University of Texas at Austin
1900 University Avenue │ Austin, Texas 78705

Please RSVP to [email protected] by March 25, 2012.

There is NO COST for attending the event. Attendees will receive a $5.00 discount if parking at the
underground, attached garage of the AT&T Conference Center.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jolanda Prozzi at
[email protected] or 512 232 3079 or Lisa Loftus-Otway at [email protected] or 512
232 3072.


C. Michael Walton, Ph.D., P.E.

Ernest H. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
512/471-1414; 512/471-4995 Fax
[email protected]

Appendix I: Workshop Agenda

Trucking Industry Forum
Draft Agenda

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Austin, Texas

9:30 - 10:00 Arrival and Registration

10:00 - 10:30 Welcome/Introductions/Study Objectives
(Mr. John Barton, Ms. Wendy Reilly, and Ms. Carol Davis)
10:30 - 12:00 Presentations/Remarks
• Industry Forum Objectives and Format (Dr. C. Michael Walton)
• Texas’ OS/OW Permit Fees: An Overview (Dr. Mike Murphy)
• Pavement Consumption Analysis Method (Dr. Jorge Prozzi)
• Bridge Consumption Analysis Method (Dr. José Weissmann)
• Cost and Revenue Analysis (Ms. Jolanda Prozzi)
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch*
1:00 – 3:00 Discussion
1) Missing Study Elements/Components and Comments
2) Impact of Texas’ Road Conditions on Industry Costs
3) Balancing Overall Impacts of OS/OW Loads and Road Maintenance
4) Considering Exempt Loads in a Potentially Revised Permit Fee Structure
5) Given Maintenance Backlog and Insufficient Revenue Stream—How
Should Users Pay for System Use?
3:00 – 3:30 Administrative Matters

3:30 Adjourn
* Break/Lunch Sponsors - Texas Motor Transportation Association (TMTA), Association of
Energy Service Companies (AESC), Associated General Contractors (AGC)
* Break/Lunch Hosts - Texas Logging Council (TLC), Texas Farm Bureau (TFB), Texas
Forestry Association (TFA)

Appendix J: Overview

TxDOT Research Project 0-6736

Rider 36 Oversize and Overweight Vehicles Study

The 82nd Texas Legislature required the Texas Department of

Transportation (TxDOT) to conduct a study to evaluate the increased
pavement and bridge consumption by oversize and overweight vehicles
(OS/OW), including exempt overweight vehicles carrying loads such as
agricultural products, solid waste or recycled materials, ready mix
concrete, and milk. The study also requires TxDOT to provide
recommendations for a permit fee and fee structure adjustments to the
Governor and the Legislative Budget Board by December 2012.
TxDOT commissioned the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at
the University of Texas at Austin to undertake this study.

TxDOT, like many State DOTs, is increasingly challenged by

inadequate funding from traditional federal and state fuel taxes, permit
fees, and other ad-hoc fees used to maintain and add capacity to the
transportation network. These traditional funding sources have not
increased with inflation and, given increasing maintenance and
construction costs and fuel-efficient vehicles, have become largely
inadequate. In Texas, the 2030 and 2035 Committee Reports have
pointed to significant deficits and an increasing gap between available
funding and increasing maintenance and capacity needs.
The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate pavement and
bridge consumption by OS/OW vehicles by:
1.Evaluating current OS/OW activity (for both permitted and
unpermitted loads) and routes to calculate the costs attributable to each
vehicle configuration;
2.Developing and implementing an analysis framework of the bridge
cost responsibilities of OS/OW loads by modeling bridge life
consumption induced by permitted loads;
3.Assessing other cost elements associated with road safety and
damage to appurtenances; and
4.Developing an approach to analyze future OS/OW activity and to
calculate overall costs.
The outcome of this study will be recommended permit fees and fee
structure adjustments to compensate for highway and bridge
consumption of Texas’s road infrastructure.
Any input or insight would be greatly appreciated and can be shared with the Principal
Investigator, Dr. C. Michael Walton, at [email protected] or the Co-Principal
Investigator, Dr. Jorge Prozzi, at [email protected]

Appendix K: Workshop Roundtable Discussions

Table 1
Facilitator: Dr. Mike Murphy
Note Taker: Pedro Serigos
Attendee A: Can you explain the difference between TTI and CTR to me? TTI is more
technical, right?
Facilitator: No, actually, the basic difference between TTI and CTR is that TTI is a state
agency just as TxDOT is a state agency, which means they have a legislative appropriation of
somewhere between $10 and $15 million per year. CTR is not a state agency, and therefore, its
funding comes solely from research projects it wins through competitive proposals. In fact, that
is the same situation for all other state universities with transportation programs, like UT–El
Paso, UT–Arlington, Texas Tech, etc. We feed our graduate students and pay for operations
through research projects we win, whereas TTI gets $15 million up front and then also competes
for research projects.
Attendee B: I didn’t realize TTI was a state agency.
Facilitator: But going back to your question, there are areas of technical expertise at TTI and
UT–CTR—some expertise is in the same areas—but the expertise is related to people. For
example, Jorge Prozzi is an expert in flexible pavements. The TxDOT system is composed of 93
percent flexible or asphalt pavements and 7 percent Portland cement concrete or rigid pavements.
Therefore, Jorge’s expertise in flexible pavements relates to the vast majority of the types of
pavements on the TxDOT network. Dr. Moon Won at Texas Tech is an expert in Portland
cement concrete pavement; Dr. Won used to work at UT–CTR but moved to Texas Tech.
Although concrete pavements are a smaller percentage of the total system, they are primarily
located in high traffic urban areas and therefore are very important in terms of traffic volume that
is carried. They cost more to build upfront, but there are longer periods of time in between
maintenance actions, so we don’t have to close the road down as often. However, the cost to
rehabilitate a concrete pavement may be high when time comes to do repairs.
In any case, the point I was trying to make is that there are experts that work at both UT–
CTR and TTI. Some are experts in the same area, and others have expertise that is unique.
Sometimes CTR and TTI will team up to conduct research, and other times we compete with
each other. The same is true regarding other universities in Texas.
It’s time for us to get started talking about the five questions we need to discuss this
Attendee A: Solid waste operators travel as much on city streets and county roads as on the state
highway system. Our industry has discussed the idea of creating an escrow account in certain
regions to help develop or maintain the transportation infrastructure, since county roads in
particular are in poor shape and they don’t have the money to address their problems. However,
we discussed this idea with the Governor’s office and they did not support the idea.
Attendee C: Actually, we travel county roads as well, and it’s the county roads that are in bad
shape. If the OS/OW permit fees are going to be increased, some of that money needs to go to
the counties. How will you ensure that happens?

Facilitator: The 2060/1547 permits are set up to allocate funds to TxDOT and the counties.
When a 2060/1547 permit is purchased, the buyer indicates which counties they plan to operate
in. The cost of the permit is related to the number of counties designated. The portion of the fee
that is related to counties accrues to General Revenue, and that money is then distributed to each
county based on the number of permits that designate a given county.
Attendee C: They must not be getting much from those permits though, or they are not spending
it on the roads.
Attendee A: I would like to add that though we were trying to think of solutions for funding
county transportation projects, we would want to see this money managed by the state, not the
counties. There are too many “good old boy” deals we already have to face.
Facilitator: What do you mean?
Attendee D: For example, a county will come to me and say a bridge rail has been damaged.
Your trucks are the biggest that travel that route, so it’s your trucks that did the damage.
Repairing the damage will cost $X; however, instead of giving us the money, we will take (a
load of gravel or some other item the county needs). We don’t have a way of disproving their
claim…there’s a lot of that that goes on.
Attendee D and Attendee E: Also, your (research team’s) idea about possibly keeping fees the
same or even lowering them if an axle was added would not always work for our industry. For
example, when we bid a contract for some cities or towns, we are required to provide trucks with
a single rear axle. The city mayor believes that a single axle does less damage to their roads and
bridges than a tandem axle. I’ve tried to explain that we do less damage when the load is spread
over two axles, but the mayor just doesn’t understand.
Facilitator: It sounds like we need a public education process to help cities understand truck
axle damage relationships.
Attendee D: Here is a picture of a drop axle I can add to the back of a garbage truck, which
would help us meet the bridge formula requirements. That axle would cost me $50,000.
Facilitator: What is this air lift able tag axle that’s just behind the cab?
Attendee D: That’s a load bearing steerable axle.
Facilitator: You mean this garbage truck has twin steer axles?
Attendee D: No, the axle isn’t steerable like the front axle, but it does track the movement of the
steering axle as the wheels turn. That’s one of the types of damage that counties complain about
from garbage trucks—scrubbing of our tandem axle tires on their residential streets when we
make turns.
Attendee E: Another thing I don’t understand (is that) every state has different weight
regulations regarding operation of garbage trucks. The same truck I run in Texas at 55,000 lbs.
GVW I can run in Maryland at 70,000 lbs. Whatever type of roads they build up there, we need
to build down here.
Attendee D: That’s right. In Louisiana, I can run 106,000 lbs. off the Federal System without a

Attendee E: The Texas weight regulations mean that I can’t fill my truck to full capacity. I could
actually haul 66,000 lbs. GVW.
Facilitator: So if a permit was developed that allowed you to run at a higher weight limit—to
the capacity of your trucks—you would be more open to considering it?
Attendee E: I’m not going to say we are in favor of permits, since we’re currently exempt, but I
would certainly consider a permit more favorably if it allowed me to run at full load capacity.
Facilitator: Even if you could carry more load, wouldn’t you still have to operate the same
number of trucks? It would seem that the routes would stay the same, so you’d still have to have
the same number of trucks to cover all routes.
Attendee E: No, I’d be able to figure out how to run my routes so that I covered all my
customers running fewer miles and with less trucks. If I could haul more in each truck, I’d run
less trucks, which would save me money.
Attendee C: It seems that on super-heavy loads, the big focus is on the trailer tire loads, but
that’s not what causes the damage; it’s the drive axles on the tow vehicle. If I add a push truck to
a super-heavy load, that will decrease the amount of damage that the pull truck will create due to
the traction forces of the pull truck’s drive axles, which is better for the road. But if I add a push
truck, that might put me over the 500,000 lb. GVW limit and increase my permit cost and the
amount of time to get the permit. So even though adding a push truck would reduce pavement
damage potential, it would cost me more money, so I go with a pull truck only.
Facilitator: We are interested in knowing other ideas like this that could help reduce damage
and at the same time help improve your profitability or business operations.
Attendee E: Well, another problem I have is there is a load-zoned bridge on a route which is the
only access to a residential area. If the OS/OW permit fees could help eliminate that load-zoned
bridge, I could bid to provide service to that community. As it is, I can’t drive my trucks over
that load-zoned bridge, so I can’t bid for that service.
Attendee C: There is a route I could travel to carry some of my mid-heavy loads. However, the
route includes a fly-over ramp, which can carry the load, but it’s a one-lane ramp. I can’t take
that route because of geometric issues. It would be nice if someone thought of the size of the
heavier loads when designing the system.
Another example is an FM road that “T’s” into another FM road—if I’m running a super-
heavy load, I can’t make that turn without knocking down fences, placing boards, and plywood
over the ditches and maybe cutting some trees down. Again, the geometrics are the problem, not
the road condition itself.
Attendee C: If we pay more for our permits, how can you assure me that the money is going to
go to maintaining pavements and bridges?
Facilitator: You are right, if the permit fees are increased, there needs to be accountability
within TxDOT to ensure that the money is used to maintain the network or possibly address
some of the issues you’ve raised about load-zoned bridges or improved geometrics.
Attendee C: Do they load-zone a road because it has a load-zoned bridge on the route?
Facilitator: No, there are about 660 load-zoned bridges on the state system—that’s about 660
bridges out of 50,000. However, there are about 16,500 miles of load-zoned roadway out of

80,000 miles of state road. So there are a lot more load-zoned roadways than there are load-
zoned bridges.
These pavements were load-zoned back in the late 1950s when the federal government
announced they were going to raise the national load limit to around 74,000 lbs. Since these
roads had been designed to 58,420 lbs., which was the legal load limit at that time, the state load
posted all of the newly build FM roads to protect the system they had just built.
Facilitator - I’m interested in the idea Attendee A mentioned about setting up a bond to pay
for infrastructure improvements, which is then repaid through tax incentives.
Attendee A: It’s not a bond, it’s an escrow account that different industries can pay into to help
create the revenue needed to address road and bridge needs in an area. The money can be used to
address needs now in return for reduced taxes or other incentives in the future. The advantage is
that the businesses get use of the infrastructure now, the government gets the money it needs
without raising taxes, and the businesses get a tax break at some point in the future. But like I
said, the governor’s office doesn’t support this idea.
Attendee E: You asked about how the highway system might affect increased maintenance costs
on our trucks. Actually, I’m running off the state paved road system much of the time in a
landfill or on county roads; if I’m on a paved state road, I’ve got no problems. The state road
system is good compared to some of roads I have to travel.
Attendee D: You also asked if we relate road conditions to the cost of our operations or if our
customers consider road conditions as a factor.
We don’t think in terms of miles per gallon when running a garbage truck. Actually,
since our operations are stop and go, we are idling most of the time. We think in terms of gallons
per hour.
Attendee C: Yeah, and I think in terms of gallons per mile, not miles per gallon when running
mid-heavy and super-heavy loads. As far as the state road system is concerned, I am concerned
about the condition of FM roads especially if there are ruts or no shoulders (or) if the pavement
edge has drop offs.
Attendee D: That is a problem, but I will say that Texas has more paved shoulders that any other
state we operate in.
Attendee C: I’m not just concerned about the wheel tracks and edge problems due to my
operations, but my daughter drives on those same roads.
Attendee A: Yes, if a truck gets caught in those wheel tracks, it can throw them right into the
path of a vehicle traveling in the other lane. Safety of the system is an issue.
Attendee F: I think you need to generate a longer list of people contributing to the needs. If you
have a lot of people contributing a little bit, it’s a lot better than just a few people trying to cover
the costs.
Facilitator: With that in mind, the current state gas tax is 20 cents a gallon, and the last time
there was a state gas tax increase was 1991. Five cents of the state gas tax goes to the school
fund and five cents to repay debt. The remaining 10 cents goes to TxDOT to pay for
transportation needs. If there was a 10-cent-a-gallon gas tax increase, that would generate $1
billion in revenue. That would be an equitable way to generate revenue, because everyone who
drives a vehicle would be contributing.

Attendee F: But right now is not the time to be discussing a gas tax increase—not with the price
of fuel as high as it is. I agree that it’s equitable in that everyone contributes.
Attendee F: I know one independent trucker who said he grossed $168,000 last year, but half of
that went to fuel. He said if the price of fuel goes any higher, he’s going to sell his truck.
Attendee D: We are considering moving to LP gas for our fleet. There will be a cost involved in
outfitting each truck, and we will also have to develop the infrastructure to fuel our fleet with LP
gas, but we’ve calculated that we can save about $9 to $10 per hour per truck burning LP gas —
that’s a substantial savings. Garbage trucks operating with LP fuel do weigh more when they are
empty though.
Attendee F: Has your (research) team considered taxing alternative fuels or fuels that currently
aren’t taxed? How is LP gas taxed?
Attendee D: There is a gas tax equivalence applied to LP gas. But there’s red diesel that isn’t
Attendee F: But red diesel is primarily used for off-road equipment. That wouldn’t affect
pavement conditions.
Attendee F: Going back to Attendee E’s comment about the capacity of their garbage trucks —
the water trucks we use to service oil wells can carry up to 135 barrels. However, we can’t run
our trucks at capacity due to the permit load restriction. We think there is a safety concern with
running our trucks partially empty due to turnover potential with fluid sloshing around inside our
tanks. If we could run at capacity, that would help us reduce truck loads and improve our
efficiency. Our trucks run at about 10 percent below capacity.
Facilitator: What load do you currently carry running at partial capacity?
Attendee F: It depends on what type of fluid that is being hauled. If we are carrying saltwater,
that’s about 7.9 lbs. per gallon. But we sometimes carry fluids, which contain a lot of sediment,
which can weigh as much as 20 lbs. per gallon. We typically run between 100,000 to 120,000
lbs.; that’s with 115 to 120 barrels.
Facilitator: Do you think that there would be an impact on your operations or your customers if
permit fees were increased?
Attendee C: Well, of course. We will have to pass the increase on to our customers.
Facilitator: Do you think that an increase in the permit fee could cause some customers to move
to another state?
Attendee D: Well, I can’t move to another state—I haul people’s garbage.
Attendee C: It depends on how much of an increase you’re talking about. I will say that there
are heavy loads that dock at Houston instead of New Orleans because of the huge heavy load
fees that Louisiana has. A super-heavy load permit in Louisiana can cost $10,000 or more.
Facilitator: So you’re saying that depending on how much of an increase in permit fees might
occur in Texas, some customers might choose to off load in another state.
Attendee C: Yes, depending on how much the permit fee increases. It’s amazing how much
super-heavy load fees vary from state to state. I move exactly the same load with the same
configuration from Missouri to Kansas to Oklahoma to Texas, and the fees range significantly. I

like Kansas: a super-heavy load permit costs $15. However, if you go to Missouri, the same load
might cost $1,500. Texas has their permits priced about right, but I do remember when a super-
heavy load permit in Texas cost $21.
Facilitator: You’ve said that you think a ton-mile permit fee would be fair.
Attendee F: Yes, as long as everyone is on a level playing field and treated the same.
Attendee A: That’s a good point. It seems that whoever is doing good economically is the one
everyone goes after when money is tight. Right now, oil and gas is doing good, so everyone
thinks that getting more money from the oil and gas industry is the way to go. However,
although there might be a lot of oil and gas trucks operating in the Eagleford Shale formation,
there are other types of trucks running those roads as well. Aggregate haulers—
Attendee D:—and our garbage trucks.
Attendee A: —So the cost should not be borne by whoever is doing well financially at the time.
Everyone using the road should help pay for it.
Facilitator: Well, I can tell you that a pavement can’t tell the difference between a pound of
milk or a pound of something else. So the analyses that Jorge and Jose are looking at are strictly
load and effect on pavement or bridge consumption. The type of load is not a factor as far as the
analysis is concerned.
Another point I wanted to make during the general session, but didn’t—I’ll say it now:
even though MCD has provided us with information about load configuration and axle loads and
routes for our analyses, we have not been given any private information about who the mover or
company is for the loads.
Attendee B: What about the motor carrier registration fee—that’s only $10?
Attendee A: What about the vehicle registration fee? I know if the vehicle registration fee is
only raised by $2 people get upset. But if the vehicle registration fee was increased, that would
be equitable. Everyone would pay.
Facilitator: What about the 18-wheeler registration fee? Texas registration fees are around $800
to $900. If you look at the average 18-wheel registration fee in the Western AASHTO states, it
averages around $1,350.
Attendee F: Again, I think it would be better to come up with a lot of ideas for raising money
that costs a little bit and spread it around so that you get the money you need from lots of
Facilitator: Going back to the ton-mile fee idea mentioned a few minutes ago, Attendee E said
that he thinks that the permit fee should consider the fact that his truck runs empty part of the
time, partially loaded part of the time, and is fully loaded part of the time. However, he doesn’t
know at any point what his truck weighs.
In order to have an equitable ton-mile fee charge, would you be willing to have a GPS-
enabled device in your vehicle that could record your route and, if we could include a load
measuring device, would also measure load. It would be somewhat like a toll tag. You would be
charged only for the mileage you travel at or above the legal load.
Attendee C: I don’t think many in our industry would go for that.

Attendee F: Would everyone have a device like that in their vehicle? Again, if there’s a level
playing field, and everyone is charged the same way for usage of the system, that would be more
equitable. Even though the ton-mile fee would be equitable, it should not be the only source of
revenue for the system—only one among several sources.
Attendee C: Mississippi has a ton-mile permit fee system I think is fair. They charge five cents
for each 1,000 lbs. over 80,000 lbs. per mile. Oklahoma has a similar system, but they start
charging at 90,000 lbs.
Facilitator: The first question we discussed was whether the study is leaving out some factor or
idea that should be considered. Is there some aspect of your operation, a cost or other
considerations, we should think about?
Attendee C: As far as the cost of moving heavy loads, I have a lot of coordination I have to do
to move a load. The last load I moved had eight bucket trucks from different little communities
following behind me in a train. Each one was there to raise the wires in their community. Even
though a community only had one wire to move, one of the other communities couldn’t move it
for them; they had to be there to move it. It cost me $75,000 just in bucket trucks and escort fees
to move that load.
Attendee E: Enforcement fees.
Facilitator: What do you mean?
Attendee E: If DPS pulls one of my trucks over, weighs it, and it’s overweight, that costs $500
the first time. If they pull the same truck over two weeks later and it’s overweight, the second
offense increases to $1,500. DPS enforcement fees are a part of our business cost.
Attendee E: The problem is, I don’t know when my trucks are overweight, so that makes me
wonder how your study is going to figure out what exempt loads should be paying. How are you
going to determine what our weights are?
Facilitator: The exempt loads are going to be an issue. We can know how many of a certain
type of truck is registered in the state by going to DMV—for example, how many garbage trucks
or how many ready mix or concrete trucks. However, we can’t know where those trucks are
operating or how many miles they are traveling.
Attendee E:—Or how much they weigh. Or when they are actually operating empty.
Attendee C: That’s a good point. I have to buy a permit for my super-heavy load rig just to
move it empty from one location to another. It might cost me $1,000 to move my super-heavy
load rig empty.
Attendee C: I said that Louisiana’s permit fees were high, but one thing I will give them: if I
travel into Louisiana with a permit and stop at the first weigh station to be weighed (and) if it
turns out that I’m overweight, they will just make me pay the difference between the permit I
have and the cost of a permit I need at the higher weight. They don’t charge me a fine for
running overweight in addition to the extra fee.
I typically add some percentage to a load because the customer may not be exactly sure
how much it weighs.

Attendee C: Going back to Kansas—I love Kansas—it takes me half a day to get a super-heavy
load permit. However, it might take two weeks or longer to get a permit in Texas. I know part of
that time is involved in doing your bridge analysis —
Attendee B:—and the bridge analysis for routes is done by a consultant, not by TxDOT.
Attendee C:—but the point is, if you can do something to speed up the process of getting a
permit, that would be a big help. Attendee B, you’re doing a great job. I love TxPROS, but
getting a permit faster would be a big help to our business.
Attendee C: Another thing I don’t understand about our loads: I’ve got trunnion axles on my rig,
and I’m often running at tire loads much lower than what the legal load limit allows. I’m quite
often at 500 lbs/inch or less. So if my tire loads are lower, I should be doing less damage than a
truck with higher tire loads, right? Can you explain that to me?
Facilitator: As I mentioned, I’ve been involved in a number of super-heavy load move analyses,
and I can tell you what I’ve seen and what has been measured with instrumentation. Are you
running goldhofer trailers? (Yes) Although you may calculate that the load is equally distributed
across all your lines and tires, in actuality, because a road, and in particular an FM road, often
has a roof top crown, the applied load shifts to the center of your trailer and is much higher for
the tires in the center than at the edge. We’ve seen super-heavy loads create rutting as we walked
along with the load due to this condition. We knew the road wasn’t strong enough to carry the
load, but the FM road was the only route the load could take. The mover and TxDOT knew that
going in. But the point is that the loads are only equally distributed across each line and tire
when the load is symmetrical and when the load is sitting level on a level pavement.
Attendee C: I would like to invite you to visit Palletized Trucking, and I’ll show you that our
hydraulically controlled system does equalize the load across all the tires.
Attendee B: Gentlemen, I will ask you to take your discussion outside. It’s getting way too
Facilitator: I agree. I didn’t intend to get off into the technical details.
Attendee B: Yes, you did.
Attendee C: Have the researchers looked at what other states do in terms of oversize/overweight
permit fees?
Facilitator: Yes. In particular, we’ve looked at Washington State, Oregon, and Minnesota, since
they have charts which have been developed that relate the cost per mile based on the weight
Attendee F: You are going to have to do a lot of upfront work with the industry to get them on
board with the idea of raising permit fees. When I go back to my group, they are going to ask me
three questions:
• How much is it going to cost me?
• What do I get out of it?
• When do I get it?
Facilitator: I know I’ve raised this question a couple of times now about how road conditions
affect your operations, but I’d like to pose this question again. When CTR supported the 2030

Committee, Ken Allen with HEB was the retired VP in charge of their fleet operations. He knew
which city tire wear was highest, what speed drivers should operate at to minimize fuel
consumption, how long the tires would last depending if they were on a steer axle, drive axle or
trailer axle…HEB had their cost of operation down to the penny. They understood how road
conditions affected the cost of their operations (and) how it affected truck maintenance costs.
I’d like to ask again if you can think of any other aspects of the transportation system you
think can be improved to help your profitability or how road conditions affect the cost of your
Attendee C: I can’t think of any other factors than the geometrics and safety conditions already
discussed. Texas has one of the best road systems in the U.S. I am curious, though, about
whether speed affects pavement damage. If I drive over a pavement faster, will I damage it less?
Are trucks lighter the faster they travel?
Facilitator: Actually, that’s somewhat of a complicated question with two aspects. If you could
feel the load pulse of a truck approaching a point in the pavement, the load pulse would increase
as the truck approached and would peak when the truck passed over the point. The faster the
truck travels across that point, the faster the load pulse peaks and then dissipates. Therefore,
actually, the pavement does deflect less the faster a truck is traveling. If you travel over that
point at 30 mph, the pavement will deflect more than if you travel over it at 60 mph.
However, the other aspect of that relationship is truck dynamics. If the road is rough, the
truck will bounce up and down as it travels down the road, and depending on the amount of
roughness, the dynamic load applied to the pavement can exceed twice the static load weight of
an axle. Therefore, smooth roads are important to motorists, because that is one of the key road
conditions they consider when determining if TxDOT is doing a good job or not. However,
roughness is also a consideration in terms of dynamic loading, which impacts pavement
deterioration rates.
Getting back to the subject, though—it seems that most of your businesses run
overweight loads.
Attendee C: I run oversize and overweight. I know that my super-heavy load takes up more
space. In fact, it may take up the entire roadway width and might be (150 feet) long.
Facilitator: We know that oversize loads can cause damage to the roadway network, such as
bridge beams being hit if the carrier forgets that he is running an oversize load. Signals and signs
can be damaged as well.
Attendee C: Oversize loads take up more space. If I’m taking up the entire roadway width, no
one else can travel on the road while I’m there.
Facilitator: I guess it’s difficult for us to separate the idea of oversize load impacts in your
operation because you are also running overweight.
Adjourn to Room 104 for close-out session.

Table 2
Facilitator: Dr. Khali Persad
Note Taker: Maria Burton

1. Missing study elements/components/comments

• Presentations were too technical: not clear what is included in the study, so difficult to
identify missing elements/suggest additional aspects.
• Proposed pavement consumption model starts with assumption about pavement
type/design, but most existing pavements are a mixed bag of different layers/overlays,
etc. Consumption factor may be different.
• What about tire pressure? This changes imprint of loading.
• Why buy a permit when you are not likely to get a ticket or the cost is less than the
o Risk vs. reward
• Examine economic trends among different industries.
o What value is that industry receiving compared to what they are giving back
(economic balance)?
o Is there a critical mass level when to start charging? Example: it probably wasn’t
feasible three years ago to charge petroleum businesses, but economic factors
have changed.
• Besides technical issues, examine uniformity among jurisdictions in requiring and
enforcing permits.
2. Impacts of road condition on industry costs
• Oilfield and logging companies use a lot of county roads.
• State roads are good, so why the need for additional funds?
• County roads are in bad shape—not enough funds or mismanagement by county
o What percent of fees/fines/taxes the county gets vs. what the state gets.
o Cheaper to buy county road permits in East Texas than to buy a bond. County
commissioners will charge you the full amount of your bond because they don’t
have to justify how they assess the damages.
o Urban people move to the country and expect CRs to be as good as state
highways. They have the same vote as other residents and are very vocal to the
commissioners, so residential roads get fixed but not the ones used by businesses.
o Should not let counties keep money to use as they see fit. Instead, dedicate it for

3. How to balance impacts of OS/OW loads with added costs
• Haulers get paid the same amount per load, so it doesn’t matter if they can haul more
weight—it’s about the road condition (damage to axles, suspension, etc.). But there’s a
threshold for every industry (example: HEB).
• How about a sliding scale, where if you want a permit for 86,000 lbs., you pay a little
more than an 80,000-lb. permit?
4. What to do about permits for currently exempt loads
• Lots of people buy an agricultural permit when in fact they do all sorts of hauling. All
they need to do is show they meet one of the conditions. They are not really farmers, but
get away with the cheapest permit.
• Revisit all types of permits and make all a consumption basis.
5. How should users pay for transportation system use/consumption
• Dual interests
a. Urban: Congestion, need for added capacity. Urban highways cost a lot more than
rural. How about a congestion tax?
b. Rural: Maintenance of existing system. Seems to be going quite well.
• Too much diversion of transportation funds—they not being used for constitutionally
dedicated purposes. Need to stop the diversions before you ask for more money.
o Debt service (example: bonds)—need to address this.
• Need to keep up with what we have. We need to increase maintenance funding as the
number of miles of highway goes up.
o Privatize all maintenance.
• Privacy objections to the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) toll.
• Instead of increasing permits, why not spread the burden across all users/funding
mechanisms? Example: increase fuel taxes, registration fees, permits, etc.?
o How many cars to do same damage as one truck? There are a lot more cars than
trucks, so let them pay.
• Registration fees currently collect about $1 billion per year and haven’t increased in ages.
An increase would generate more revenue than any permit fees.
• Vehicle sales tax? Dedicate to transportation in general.
• Index the gas tax instead of having to go back perennially to raise it.
• Traffic impact fees? Example: if a new business requires a left-turn lane, they should pay
for it.
• Donations. Drillers laid down four inches of rock on a county road so they could haul
their heavy equipment in.
• If businesses are making money, they are willing to pay for good roads.

Table 3
Facilitator: Ray Hutchinson
Note Taker: Daniel Evans

1. What are any missing study elements, components, or comments?

• Group discussed the complexity of the current OS/OW permit structure and if currently
exempt loads were going to need permits, wouldn't it be better to simplify and permit
based on size and weight without regard for the commodity being hauled. This would not
only be simpler but would be more equitable across the board. The fees should be based
on the impact on roads and bridges. However, the group also brought up that the entire
fee structure (everything paid to the state to operate in Texas), not just for the OS/OW
permit but for all of the associated state fees (licensing, registrations, additional permits,
etc.) should be considered.
• Fund 6 allocation of all of these fees should also be researched and diversions away from
Fund 6 identified.
• Discussion migrated back to the need for simplification of the fee schedule, but
simplification should ensure an equitable fee schedule and look at all alternative fee
sources (VMT, like loads based on weight distribution, state workforce used, etc.).
2. Impacts of Texas road conditions on industry costs?
• Although the group was in consensus that Texas IH, US, and SH roads are better than
most states, there was concern that our farm-to-market (FM) roads, in an ever-increasing
number of areas, are poor (fair at best) and rapidly deteriorating due to heavy traffic.
• Travel (sometimes forced by permit or size/weight) on these off roads or FM roads has an
impact on increased maintenance (suspension, shocks, tires, overall maintenance) costs.
In other situations, they bypass these poor condition roads and in doing so incur
additional operating costs in terms of fuel consumed and travel time. These costs are
dealt with in these situations:
° Businesses “eat” costs (reducing margin)
° Costs passed to consumers (increasing final cost)
• It was noted (and agreed on by the group) that even with the challenges of the
deteriorating FM roadways (in specific areas), the overall quality of Texas roads helps
retain business in the state.
• Traffic congestion problems were also discussed as a form of road condition impacting
businesses because businesses will travel considerable "extra" distances in order to avoid
metropolitan congestion. This results in:
° Increased fuel expenses
° Increased wear on secondary and tertiary roadways (avoiding the congestion on
main roadways) and consequently contributes to the deterioration of the FMs

3. How could the DOT balance overall impacts of OS/OW loads and road maintenance?
• Based on route analysis (frequent corridors of travel), allocate maintenance dollars
(especially those from permit fees) to “beef up” or upgrade those routes to better handle
the OS/OW traffic.
• There was discussion on the approach that all permits should be routed. The new
permitting system (TxPROS) has the capability for routing not only single-trip routed
permits but for customers to obtain routes (7X24) for “time period” permits as well.
There is no additional cost to obtain the routes, and all the benefits of having routing
permits would be achieved (safety, avoiding “bad” roads, knowledge of “traffic
corridors,” etc.). This could be considered and potentially recommended in the study.
• There was discussion on how improved restriction management (timely, accurate,
needed) could help to accommodate routing to better roads.
4. How should exempt loads be considered in a potentially revised permit fee structure?
• Discussion revisited some of the items brought up in question #1 focusing on the idea
that the fee structure needs to be equitably constructed.
• Analysis leading to the proposed structure should be based on configuration, loads, and
axle weight (consumption of the resources) independent of the industry or the commodity
being hauled.
• Everyone at the table agreed that for the purpose of this study everything should be on the
5. Given the maintenance backlog and insufficient revenue stream (based on all current
projects seen from the feds and state), how should users pay for system use and
• There were a number of ideas discussed, including:
° VMT, mileage (equitably, with no exemptions)
° Pay based on usage/consumption (on a per ton-mile basis)
 Oversize: Mileage
 Overweight: Per ton-mile
° Indexing of gas tax
° Revisit allocation of permit fees (eliminating diversions from Fund 6)
• Other issues: Revisited the need to review the current perceived overlap of similar
permits and simplifying (reducing) the number of permits for not only
simplification but also for more equity (no bias based on industry or commodity)

Table 4
Facilitator: Lisa Loftus-Otway
Note Taker: Bridgett Bienkowski

Big Picture Take-away

Need to have a totally new permit structure that creates a level playing field for everyone.
Do not update the old structure.
Our permit slogan for OS/OW Permit Consumption Fee: the weight you carry and the
miles you travel. Create a maintenance-based fee that also has a per mile fee component.
Level the playing field for everyone—there should be no exemptions.
“We will pay the fee, but help us do business.”
Suggestion for trade-off when this hits the legislature: keep the current 2060/1547 permit
but issue no more and in the new permit fee structure allow no exemptions. This would allow
time for adjustment, and it would eventually reduce the number of the old-type permits.
Provide funds for enforcement, as there are persistent fragrant violators. Need to penalize
those who are out of compliance and have stricter enforcement.
• It should not be cheaper to just pay the penalty than to be legal in the first place.
• Education needs to be provided regarding axle weights.
• End diversions—and any new money from any new permit fee structure should be
dedicated to Fund 6.

1. What are any missing study elements, components, or comments?

Would be good to contextualize the OS/OW permit process and history—give some
perspective on how this all came to be. What is the original point of the current fee structure?
Taking a system that was not meant to be a revenue generator and trying to turn it into
one. For example, the 2060/1547 permits were not meant to be a revenue-generating item. It
would be good to discuss this in our introduction to the study.
There was also discussion that the counties need to be approached for this study, as they
are currently the “missing stakeholder,” and county roads are deteriorating rapidly.

2. Impacts of Texas road conditions on industry costs?

The table participants comprised two super-heavy haulers, two TxDOT employees,
TMTA, and a lobbyist for the oil services industry.
Super-heavies noted that they often do their own testing for pavement damage before
requesting a permit. They will also use portable scales to determine axle weights when out in the
They did note that there are more costs when road conditions are worse. For example, it
may add 100+ miles to a trip when a bridge cannot be used.
If a delivery has to be made, the oil services industry will review the legal routes and
timing. If none are available or they are not economical, they will not take the job. They noted
that a company will take this bid and may run illegally.

They noted that they are not bothered about paying the permit fee. They care about
getting the permit quickly and that everyone pays their fair share.
Other general comments about the permits:
• Super-heavy permitting takes way too long.
• Suggested that there is a need for quicker permit turnover for super-heavy loads, and it
can be done, because it has been done for special cases.
• Trucking companies are often the “subcontractor” in the business transaction.
• Costs are incurred at the state lines:
o Some surrounding states are quicker to give permits, so a slow process in Texas can
also slow down vehicles that are traveling through.
o Some states also require different configurations, so this can also slow down the
o Every state has a different way of doing things, so any slow-down in the process of
getting permits impacts business.
3. How could the DOT balance overall impacts of OS/OW loads and road maintenance?
• Weight structure is acceptable (people are comfortable with it since they know it so well).
• Ten percent of the weight limit is doing a lot of damage, because there are so many of
them compared to permitted OW.
• Repetitions do more damage than just one heavy load.
• Permit fee increase when more administration people are needed.
• To enforce compliance, more money is needed.
• Need to educate law enforcement to spot illegal loads.
• Need to hire people from the industry to enforce compliance. That way, they know what
to look for and how people cheat the system.
• Improperly loaded trucks can be worse than properly loaded OW trucks.
• Problems with getting permits for less than load than what they actually carry.
• Load-zoned roads: sometimes they have to use them.
• TxDOT looks at axle weight and overall weight; if not over a certain amount, will not
even look at it.
• Tire loading is extremely important.
• Sometimes the lateral inch weight on an OW vehicle could be less than an 80K.
• Port of Houston is the busiest port concerning super-heavy.
• TxDOT is liberal with the permits (even though it takes a while), so it benefits the

4. How should exempt loads be considered in a potentially revised permit fee structure?
• How can you continually exempt certain trucks?
o If they use the road, they should have to pay for it.
o Totally against exemptions.
o Has to be addressed.
• If this is going to be a new revenue generator system, exemptions should pay.
• The impact on economic productivity is extremely important.
• A whole new permitting system is needed—need to start from scratch and not merely
o As a “trade-off’ for the currently exempted classes, a suggestion was to keep
2060/1547 system but do not issue any new permits under this system; all new
permits will fall under the new system.
o Need to change the entire process.
• Is this going to be a law?
o Must be; need accountability and gives TxDOT enforcement jurisdiction.
• Problem with people being issued one permit, but how many trips are they making with
that one permit?
• Legal companies have to compete with the illegal companies.
• Think of commerce!
• Louisiana’s permits are based on miles:
o Should check around to see what the other DOTs are doing.
o Keep competitive with surrounding states so Texas does not lose business.
• Other states may need to update their system too, so do not rely on them.
• Per mile fee better than a lump sum fee.
• TxPROS seems to decrease admin fees.
• Penalize those that are out of compliance. Strict enforcement:
o Flagrant violators need to be dealt with.
5. Given the maintenance backlog and insufficient revenue stream (based on all current
projects seen from the feds and state), how should users pay for system use and
• Raising the gas tax would not be fair.
• In the future, gas tax will be moved to VMTs, so truck fees should be VMT based to get a
head start.

• Increasing the gas tax is not smart (it will never catch up with the gap), especially as
vehicles get more fuel-efficient or use a different type of fuel that is not in current tax
• People like to see manifestation of their money.
• Something needs to be done about county roads.
• Very open to technology on trucks:
o GPS-enabled.
o Would approve GPS mandate in a new permit fee structure.
• New fee system that is based on consumption and VMT would be fairer and equitable, as
it would be based on weight carried and miles traveled.
o However, it was noted that any permit fee increase will get passed on to the
• Economic impact is very important.

Table 5
Facilitator: Rob Harrison
Note Taker: Sarah Lind

1. What are any missing study elements, components, or comments?

• Historical perspective (post 1980s): permitting driven by safety, not revenue issues.
• Tires per axle: is this addressed, and does it matter?
• OS/OW routes should be integrated into a highway network that serves everyone while
facilitating special loads.
2. Impacts of Texas road conditions on industry costs?
• Lane narrowing like that proposed on IH-35 in Austin will raise trucking costs (UPS) and
may restrict routing of OS/OW loads, thus reducing system capacity.
• All supply chains use trucks at some point, and poor roads damage vehicles.
• UPS cited springs, shocks, mirrors, damage to cargo, and reduced vehicle life in miles.
3. How could the DOT balance overall impacts of OS/OW loads and road maintenance?
• Develop OS/OW corridors that are suitably maintained, as currently loads are sometimes
diverted to FM roads due to simultaneous maintenance activities on alternative routes.
• Some TxDOT districts are improving their coordination so that maintenance or
construction does not occur on key longer routes used by OS/OW trucks. This
coordination should be strengthened across the entire state.
4. How should exempt loads be considered in a potentially revised permit fee structure?
• Exempt truck owners pay a bond, but why should the revenue go to an insurance
company when claims are so difficult to prove? Send it directly to Fund 6.
5. Given the maintenance backlog and insufficient revenue stream (based on all current
projects seen from the feds and state), how should users pay for system use and
• Update traditional gas and diesel fuel taxes.
• Increase DPS weight enforcement on key energy routes.
• If heavy loads and exempt vehicles help drive the state economy and enrich key funds,
why should TxDOT not be included in some way? Energy pays more than 95 percent of
the “rainy day” funding, so why should some not come back to repair the damage to
highway infrastructure?
• End diversions from Fund 6.

Table 6
Facilitator: Jolanda Prozzi
Note Taker: Ambarish Banerjee

1. What are any missing study elements, components, or comments?

• OS/OW truck traffic represents about 5 to 7 percent of the entire trucking industry.
• It is necessary to develop literature to educate the public and officials that properly
loaded OS/OW trucks do not cause any additional damage compared to normal truck
• The study should include a historical review of Texas’s permit system (e.g., why
exemptions exist and how the permit system came about). The revenues from the
majority of the permits were not designated for road maintenance. Permit fees were
originally intended to recover costs associated with routing and safety, not road
maintenance. Also, if the revenue is designated for road maintenance, a share should not
be diverted for, for example, public education.
• The question was raised whether the study is going to include an analysis of the
economic benefits associated with OS/OW truck movements. The facilitator explained
that although the economic productivity benefits are recognized, the study is not going to
attempt to quantify those. It was subsequently recommended that the economic benefits
be acknowledged. Mention was made of a Senate Interim Study that will quantify the
costs of the infrastructure impacted by OS/OW loads versus the productivity and safety
benefits realized.
• It was recommended that a balance be determined between the road impacts of OS/OW
vehicles and light duty vehicles. The OS/OW fleet should not pay for all road
maintenance costs, only its portion. Trucks cause more damage to road infrastructure, but
they are also charged much higher fees.
2. Could you describe the impacts of Texas’s road conditions on industry costs?
• Texas’s State Highway system is considered in good condition. Texas’s county roads
sometime impact industry, as deteriorated road conditions impact safety and increase the
risk of accidents. Additionally, the industry can see increases in maintenance costs and
increased tire wear if road conditions deteriorate.
• A participant representing an energy service company mentioned that potholes on the FM
road system are causing trucking companies to change tires and shocks more frequently.
The latter costs cannot be passed on to the clients. Companies are starting to see
increased tire wear, shock replacements, and suspension problems because of deteriorated
FM road conditions. Most oil well sites are accessed via FM roads. If traffic is diverted to
avoid FM roads in poor condition, then the company incurs higher fuel costs, which
impact the company’s profitability.
• Participant mentioned that oil service companies are operating on a 2006 price list. Most
companies thus operate on very slim margins. Most are paid per mile and would be

concerned about how a change in permit fees/permit fee structure would impact their
industry. For example, the cost of 2060/1547 permit fees cannot be passed on to the
consumer by the trucking industry, but super-heavy permit fees can be passed on to the
consumer as a separate line item.
• The summary needs to address how the changes to the permit fee structure might affect
the overall economy.
3. How could the DOT balance overall impacts of OS/OW loads and road maintenance?
• A weight distance fee will potentially be the most equitable fee structure.
• However, if permit fees have a road maintenance fee component, then that portion should
be secured for road maintenance.
4. How should exempt loads be considered in a potentially revised permit fee structure?
• When exempt vehicles exceed weight limits, some are required to reduce their weight
while others are required to purchase a permit.
• Permits are in general preferred over bonds. The bond system is considered totally
ineffective, because it would cost too much in legal costs for DMV to access the bond. It
was proposed that industry purchase a $100 annual permit rather than a $100 bond. This
will generate revenue for TxDOT while imposing no additional costs on the industry.
• Exempt loads are not allowed to use the Interstate Highway (IH) system. In Houston,
exempt vehicles can hardly capitalize on the load limit, because most of the freeways are
part of the IH system. As a result, the industry is often landlocked and loses money in
Houston. Industry is therefore ready to pay a fee to improve efficiency.
• Most exempt loads operate on FM roads that were not designed to move these heavy
loads. Milk/agricultural trucks are impacting the FM system. Also, cotton seed modules
are very heavy, resulting in substantial pavement damage.
• It is necessary to review the history of the permit fees. The justification for agricultural
exemptions had been that farmers do not have the ability to weigh in the field. There is a
substantial weight difference between transporting dry and wet produce.
• There is a need for equity between different groups of exempt vehicles. Also, the fee
structure needs to be equitable for different kinds of businesses. Some exempt loads are
heavier than permitted loads. The fee structure should be equitable insofar that everybody
should pay their fair share. “Pay for consumption” may thus be a better principle.
• Someone made a policy decision a long time ago to subsidize certain operations, i.e.,
exempt loads. Tax breaks or another incentive may be more appropriate today.
5. Given the maintenance backlog and insufficient revenue stream, how should users pay
for system use and consumption?
• Industry remarked that when OS/OW fees were tripled a couple of years ago, it
represented a mere drop in the bucket in terms of revenues generated.
• A diesel tax increase is generally supported by industry (specifically, TMTA). Diversion
of fuel tax revenues should be addressed

• An increased registration fee is another option, as are toll roads.
• It was, however, remarked that commercial trips are not discretionary trips. Industry
cannot save on trips.
• Funding infrastructure maintenance from General Revenue is considered a difficult
• Industry mentioned the payment of a Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (IRS 2290), a fee that is
levied every year per vehicle. This fee amounts to $634 per vehicle, per year. It was
recommended that the study team determine if a portion of this revenue is returned to the
• Rather than introducing new fees, consider channeling existing fees to highway
maintenance (i.e., Fund 6).
• It was concluded that there is no “silver bullet” when it comes to how users should pay
for system use and consumption.

Appendix References

British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Commercial Transport

Procedures Manual. Available at: last
accessed on October 23, 2012.

British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Extraordinary Loads: FAQs.

Available at: last accessed on October 23,

Government of Alberta, Ministry of Transportation. Applications, Permits and Prorate: Oversize

and Overweight Permits. Available at: last
accessed October 23, 2012.

Government of Alberta, Ministry of Transportation. Oversize and Overweight Permits. Available

at: last accessed October 23, 2012.

Government of Alberta, Ministry of Transportation. Online Oversize and Overweight Permits

System. Available at: last
accessed October 23, 2012.

Canada New West Partnership. Available at: on

July 11, 2012.

City of Dublin. Apply for HGV Permit to Enter Dublin City. Not dated. Available at: Last
accessed on October 17, 2012.

East-West Transport Corridor. A Kilometer Tax for Heavy Goods Vehicles: Impact on the
Swedish Hauler Industry. October 2007. Available at: Last accessed
on October 17, 2012.

European Commission. Road Infrastructure Charging: Heavy Goods Vehicles. Not dated.
Available at: Last
accessed October 23, 2012.

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Germany). HGV Tool:
Innovative, Ecological Fair. 2012. Available at:
innovative-ecological-and-fair.html. Last accessed October 23, 2012.

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Germany). Further

Information on the HGV Tolling Scheme. Available at:
germany.html. Last accessed October 23, 2012.

Government of Manitoba: Motor Carrier Permits and Development. Not dated. Available at: last accessed October 23, 2012.

Government of Manitoba: Overwidth Permit Information Page. Not dated. Available at: last accessed October 23, 2012.

Moreno-Quintero, Erick. Essentials Of Analysis In The Control Of Overloaded Trucks, in

Research Issues in Freight Transportation Congestion and System Performance.
Transportation Research Board, 2007. Available at
C.PDF . Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Research Results Digest 362:
Review of Mexican Experience with the Regulation of Large Commercial Motor Vehicles.
Transportation Research Board, 2011. Available at Last accessed on October
17, 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Transportation. A Guide to Oversize/Overweight Vehicles and Loads in

Ontario. (last modified on August 9, 2012) Available at: last accessed on
October 23, 2012

Oversize EU Website. Available at: and last accessed
on October 23, 2012.

Government of Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure. Not dated (a) Services for Truckers
and Shippers: Increase to Primary Weights. Available at: last accessed on October 23, 2012.

Government of Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure. Not Dated (b). Dimensional Permit
Condition. Available at: last
accessed on October 23, 2012.

Government of Saskatchewan: Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. Weights and

Dimensions Administration Manual. July 1, 2011. Available at: last accessed on October 23,
Government of Saskatchewan: Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. Overdimensional
Vehicle Partnership Agreements. Not dated (c). Available at: last accessed on October 23, 2012.

Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), Permiso de Alta de Vehículo para la

Operación del Servicio de Autotransporte Federal de Pasajeros, Turismo, Carga y
Transporte Privado de Personas y Carga, Mexico D.F., 2012, available at

e_permisos_actualizado_al_13-09-2012.pdf last accessed on October 17, 2012.

SCT, Respuesta al Oficio COFEME/08/3453 por Parte de la Dirección General de

Autotransporte Federal, Mexico D.F., 9 de junio, 2009. Available at
0dgaf%204.2.203-727.pdf. Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

Swedish Transport Administration. Heavy Goods Transport. Not dated. Available at: Last accessed on
October 17, 2012.

Swedish Transport Administration. Road User Charges (tolls) for Foreign Heavy Goods
Vehicles. Available at:
gafordon/roadusercharges.4.61589f801118cb2b7b2800010396.html. Last accessed on
October 17, 2012.

Transport Canada. Motor Carrier Policy. Available at:

menu_mcpolicy-168.htm last accessed on October 23, 2012.

Transport Canada: Council of Ministers. Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Policy.
Not dated. Available at: last
accessed on October 23, 2012.

Vic Roads Agency. Oversize/overmass Vehicle Annual Permit Schemes. Not dated. Available at:
ion/Oversize+Overmass+Vehicle+Annual+Permit+Schemes.htm lasts accessed on July 26,

Vic Roads Agency. Permit Applications, Fees and Forms. Available at:
tApplicationsFeesAndForms.htm last accessed on July 26, 2012

UK Government. Transporting Abnormal Loads. Not dated. Available at: Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

UK Highways Agency. Abnormal Loads. Not dated. Available at: Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

UK Highways Agency. Abnormal Loads: Document Library. Not dated. Available at: Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

UK Department for Transport: Vehicle & Operator Services Agency. Goods Vehicle Operator
Licensing Manual. December 2011. Available from: Last accessed on October 17, 2012.

Walton, C.M. Prozzi, J. Cruz-Ross, A., Kockelman, K., Conway, A., Evans, D., Harrison, R.,
Weissmann, J., Papagiannakis, T., and Weissmann, A. Potential Use of Longer
Combination Vehicles in Texas: Center for Transportation Research (CTR). Austin, Tx,
May 2010, available at Last
accessed on October 17, 2012.


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