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ENGLISH MAJOR PROG: 3rd Semester of Class A of F-KIP UNTAD


ID NUMBER : A 121 17 003

Use the questions below to preview the article “Becoming a Vegetarian: Exchanging the Past
for Your Future” on the following pages.

1. Read the title.

 What is the general subject of this article?

 On what specific part will the author focus?


 How does the author feel about the subject?


2. Read the opening paragraph.

 How does the author feel about the subject?

 Is the author explaining or arguing?


3. Skim through the selection. Look for headings and subheadings.

 How is the article divided?

 What do these tell us about the content?

4. Read the closing paragraph.
 What conclusions does the author draw about the subject?

5. Has your previewing of the article changed your opinion about the topic?
 Why or why not?

Use the words from the Examples of Context Clues chart on the previous page. Match each
meaning with the correct word. Write the letter on the line provided. If meanings have no
word that matches—use the letter D.

meaning word
__ __ 1. threatening A. carambola
___ _ 2. great number B. expire
___ __ 3. small number C. myriad
_ _ __ 4. to die D. no word to match
__ _ 5. located in the city E. ominous
___ __ 6. located in the country F. pseudonym
_ _ _7. a type of fruit G. urban
__ ___8. a false name
Write a short definition for the bold word. Use the context clues from each sentence to help

1. Ellen’s face was devoid of emotion. She showed absolutely no feelings.


2. Rosco enjoys instigating, or causing, as much trouble as he can.


3. The candidate’s speech would have been better if he had stayed on topic. Instead, he veered
off into many side issues.

4. As I looked at the steaming pepperoni pizza, I grappled with temptation. However, the pizza
won the contest.

5. Far from being genial, Rodney is one of the grouchiest people I have ever met.

6. Shrimp is delicious and versatile. It can be fried, boiled, grilled, or sauteed.


7. Bonnie had always been a bit plump. We were, therefore, shocked at her gaunt appearance
after her illness.

8. His gentle words were able to appease the angry crowd.


9. All the poor father had to bestow on his son was the family honor.

10. She is a harsh critic. Her caustic words have made her many enemies.
Use the list below to write the correct term for each definition on the line provided.
context clue Persuasive writing
expository writing Preview
paragraph summary

1. a group of related sentences that present and develop one main idea
2. a brief restatement of the main points of a piece of writing
3. writing that focuses on convincing readers of an opinion or claim, or
to take a particular action
4. the use of surrounding words or sentences to identify the meaning of
an unfamiliar word
5. writing that explains something or informs readers
6. to look at in advance to get an idea of what is to come
Look at each of the words below. Each one begins with a prefix. For each word do the
 Write the prefix for each word.
 Write the word the prefix was added to.
 Write the meaning of the word without the prefix.
 Write the meaning of the word with the prefix.
Example: unfair
prefix: un
original word: fair
original word meaning: equally treated or given out equally
meaning with prefix: not equally treated or not given out equally

1. antiwar
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

2. biannually
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

3. codirect
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

4. deregulate
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:.
5. disjoin
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:
6. enslave
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

7. impolite
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

8. subhuman
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

9. reclaim
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:

10. unkind
original word:
original word meaning:
meaning with prefix:
Complete the following.
1. Underline the prefix of each word below. The first one has been underlined for you.
2. Match each meaning with the correct word. Write the letter on the line provided.

Meaning word
__ __ 1. against illegal drugs A. absent
__ __ 2. to break up B. antidrug
_ _ __ 3. someone in favor of an idea C. convention
__ __ 4. not likely to happen D. deject
__ __ 5. a coming together of people E. disperse
__ __ 6. away from your normal place F. embed
_ _ 7. to place or set firmly in something G. engulf
_ __ 8. to swallow up or cover completely H. improbable
__ 9. under the earth I. proponent
__ __ 10. to drive someone’s spirits down J. subterranean

To each word below, add a suffix that fits the meaning given. Write each new word on the line

original word + suffix meaning = new word

1. agree + -ment able to agree with = agreement
2. industry + -al relating to industry = industrial
3. wood + -en made of wood = wooden
4. active + -ate make something active = activate
5. diet + -ary one skilled in nutrition = dieatary
and proper diet
6. thought + -less without thought = thoughtless
7. care + -ful full of care = careful
8. vocal + -ize to make vocal; say aloud = vocalize
9. home + -ward in the direction of home = homeward
10. nerves + -ous full of nerves; jumpy = nervous
Suffixes can often change the part of speech. Next to each word below, you are told its
part of speech. Use the correct suffix to change the part of speech as directed.

careful - adjective carefully - adverb

1. slow – adjective - adverb

2. store – verb -noun

3. gold – noun -adjective

4. legal – adjective -verb

5. sound – noun -adjective

6. entertain – verb -noun

7. legend – noun -adjective

8. harm – verb -adjective

9. creative – adjective -noun

10. kind – adjective -noun

A prefix has been added to each base word below.
• First write the correct base word for each word.
• Then write a definition for each word with its prefix. Use a dictionary
as needed.

1. antisocial—base word: _______________________________________

definition with prefix: ________________________________________


2. biplane—base word: _______________________________________

definition with prefix: ______________________________________


3. disinterest—base word: ____________________________________

definition with prefix: ______________________________________


4. forelock—base word: ______________________________________

definition with prefix: ______________________________________


5. misdeed—base word: ______________________________________

definition with prefix: ______________________________________


A suffix has been added to each base word below.

• First write the correct base word for each word.
• Then write a definition for each word with its suffix. Use a
dictionary as needed.

1. likeable—base word: _______________________________________

definition with suffix: ______________________________________


2. comical—base word: _______________________________________

definition with suffix: ______________________________________


3. tendency—base word: _____________________________________

definition with suffix: ______________________________________


4. prioritize—base word: _____________________________________

definition with suffix: ______________________________________


5. vaporize—base word: ______________________________________

definition with suffix: ______________________________________

Each week, choose a specific prefix or suffix. Use this list as you read your
assignments. Make a list of words with your chosen word part (prefix or suffix).
Write a definition for each word. Do this using your knowledge of word parts. Use
any context clues you can find. Check your definition with the dictionary.

Word Part Week Ending

Words Context Clues Definition

Context Clues Definitions

1. 1. 1.

----------------------- -------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------

2. 2. 2.

----------------------- -------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------

3. 3. 3.

----------------------- -------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------

4. 4. 4.

----------------------- -------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------

5. 5. 5.

----------------------- -------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------

Match each definition with the correct term. Write the letter on the line provided.

1. a letter or group of letters added A. base word

to the beginning of a word to

change its meaning.

2. a letter or group of letters B. prefix

added to the end of a word

to change its meaning.

3. the word to which a prefix C. suffix

or suffix is added.

4. a word that is used instead D. adjective

of a noun to refer to a person,

place, thing, or idea.

5. a word that expresses A. adverb

physical action, mental

action, or state of being.

6. a word that tells something B. noun

about a noun or pronoun.

7. a word that tells something C. pronoun

about a verb, adjective,

or another adverb.

8. a word that names a person, D. verb

place, thing, or idea.

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