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Celtic Cardigan

a knitted cardigan with celtic cables

The Celtic Cardigan will be knitted top down in one piece. You start with the celtic border in the neck and then pick
up stitches along one edge. It‘s a beautiful cardigan you have to wear open. It can be knitted without shaping like
the sample or with shaping for the hips. Sample shown in Size S on a 84cm bust.

Sizes: S, M, L, XL (size chart on page 2)

You will need

Yarn: Sidispinnt Merino Single Big Skein in der Farbe „Autumn Gold“ 1 Strange 1100m (1200y) /
300- 330g
Used Yardage about 1100 (1200, 1300, 1400)m /1200(1310, 1420, 1530)y
Needlesize: 1x circular needle 80cm 3.25mm (US3) for the border
1x circular needle 80cm 3.5mm (US4) or this size you need to get the gauge in stockinette
stitch with the larger needle.
Gauge: 28sts x 36rows = 10x10cm (2.5“x2.5“) with larger needle after washing and lay to dry.
Others: tapestry needle
cable needle
crochet hook 3-5mm
8 stitchmarkers

Celtic Cardigan ©Asita Krebs 1

This pattern is for private use only
Glossary Size Chart
RS: right side
WS: wrong side
st(s): stitch(es)
k: knit
p: purl
slipK: slip as if to knit with yarn in front
slipP slip as if to purl with yarn in front
ktbl: knit trough the back loop
ptbl: purl trough the back loop
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
ssk: slip slip knit
m: stitchmarker
pm: place marker
sm: slip marker
rm: remove marker 1 = full length in cm [''/inch]
co: cast on 63 (64, 65, 66) [24,5 (25, 25.5, 26)]
m1l: make one left 2 = body circumference in cm [''/inch]
m1r: make one right 80 (85, 90, 96) [31.5 (33.5, 35.5, 38)]
2/2 RC: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and place body circumference with hip shaping
in back of work, k2, then k2 from 89 (94, 99, 105) [35 (37, 39, 41.5)]
cable needle. 3 = length from underarm in cm [''/inch]
2/2 LC: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and place 39 (39, 39, 39) [15.5 (15.5, 15.5, 15.5)]
in front of work, k2, then k2 from 4 = length of raglan in cm [''/inch]
cable needle. 22 (23, 24, 25) [15.5 (8.5, 9, 9.5, 10)]
2/2 RPC: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and place 5 = upperarm circumference in cm [''/inch]
in back of work, k2, then p2 from 28 (30, 35, 40) [11 (12, 14, 16)]
cable needle. 6 = cuff circumference in cm [''/inch]
2/2 LPC: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and 20 (22, 25, 30) [8 (8.5, 10, 12)]
place in front of work, p2, then k2 from
cable needle. You will wear the Celtic Cardigan open in front. So you
can‘t choose your size with your bust circumference.
Choose your size with the upperarm circumference.

Celtic Cardigan ©Asita Krebs 2

This pattern is for private use only
Begin Neckborder Seperate Sleeves
Cast on 25 sts provisionally with bigger needlesize. RS: k3, chart, k, p, sm, k to m, „rm, put 70 (78, 84, 92) sts
I made the cast on with a crochet chain. on waist yarn (raglansts and sleevests), rm, co3, pm,
co3“, k to next m, and repeat „-“ once, k to last m, sm, p,
Note: In chart the odd rows are WS and even rows are RS. k, chart, k3.
The border will be knitted with a icord edge. So you knit WS: WS: slipP3, chart, slipK, k, p to last m, sm, k, slipK,
the rows as follows starting with a wrong side row and chart, slipP3.
the right neckborder:
Total of body stitches = 225 (241, 267, 287) sts
WS: slipP3, chart, slipK wyif, p
RS: k,p, chart, k3 Body
Without hip-shaping:
Knit chart or written chart as long until you have a
Repeat following two rows until your piece measures
length of 13 (15, 17, 19)cm [5 (6, 6.7, 7.5)''. Start with
35cm [14''] from underarm.
row 1 and end with a WS.
Ending with Chartrow 19.

Open the cast on and put the sts on the second needle
RS: k3, chart, k, p, sm, k to last m, sm, p, k, chart, k3.
and work the border on the opposite starting the left
WS: slipP3, chart, slipK, k, p to last m, sm, k, slipK, chart,
neckborder with row 2.
RS: k3, chart, k, p
WS: p, slipK wyif, chart, slipP3
With hip-shaping:
Now your neckborder is Working the body for 15cm like the body without
26 (30, 34, 38)cm [10 (12, 13.5, 15)'' long. shaping. Then place markers for shaping as follows:

Set Up RS: k3, chart, k, p, sm, k70 (76, 86, 93), pm, k35 (39, 45,
50), pm, k70 (76, 86, 93), sm, p, k, chart, k3.
RS: k3, chart, k, p, pm, pick up 63 (75, 85, 93) sts along
WS: slipP3, chart, slipK, k, p to last m, sm, k, slipK, chart,
the border edge, pm, p, k, chart, k3.
WS: slipP3, chart, slipK, k, sm, p, pm, p2, pm, p6 (8, 10,
12), pm, p2, pm, p41 (49, 55, 59), pm, p2, pm, p6 (8, 10,
12), pm, p2, pm, p, sm, k, slipK, chart, slipP3. Work the increases every 3cm 6times total.
= 113 (125, 135, 143) sts = 24sts increased

Raglan Knit strait until your piece measures 35cm [14''] from
RS: k3, chart, k, p, sm, „k to m, m1r, sm, k2, sm, m1l“ underarm.
repeat „ “ 3 times, k to last m, sm, p, k, chart, k3.
WS: slipP3, chart, slipK, k, p to last m, sm, k, slipK, chart, Bottom Band
slipP3. Note: The chartpart from the bottom band will be knitted
like chartrow 19:
Repeat this two rows until you have 62 (70, 76, 84) sts
between the sleevemarker. RS: k3, „p2, k2,“ x2, p4, „k2, p2“ x2, k, p, sm, ktbl, p, to
Increase 28 (30, 33, 36) times last m, sm, p, k, „p2, k2,“ x2, p4, „k2, p2“ x2, k3.
WS: slipP3, „k2, p2“ x2, k4, „p2, k2“ x2, slipK, k, p to last
Work the increase evere 4th row for 2 (2, 2, 2) times. m, sm, k, slipK, „k2, P2“ x2, p4, „p2, k2“ x2, slipP3.
Now you have 66 (74, 80, 88) sts for one sleeve.
Knit 4 rows in stockinette sts. end with a WS. Repeat this two rows 6 times.
= 353 (381, 415, 447) sts
Bind off.

Celtic Cardigan ©Asita Krebs 3

This pattern is for private use only
Sleeves Written Chart
Note: the sleeves are extra long about 51cm [20''] if you Row 1 (WS): k2, p4, k8, p4, k2.
like shorter sleeves you can stop earlier and begin the cuffs Row 2 (RS): p2, k4, p8, k4, p2.
4cm [1.5''] before desired length. Row 3: k2, p4, k8, p4, k2..
Row 4: p2, k2, 2/2 LPC, p4, 2/2 RPC, k2, p2.
Sleeves will knit in rounds. Row 5: (k2, p2) x 2, k4, (p2, k2) x 2.
Put 70 (78, 84, 92) sts from waist yarn on your needles. Row 6: p2, k2, p2, 2/2 LPC, 2/2 RPC, p2, k2, p2.
Pick up 4 sts from the middle of underarm. knit all Row 7: k2, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2.
sleeve sts, pick up 4 sts from the other half of Row 8: p2, k2, p4, 2/2 RC, p4, k2, p2.
underarm. Row 9: k2, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2.
= 78 (88, 96, 106) sts Row 10: p2, (2/2 LPC, 2/2 RPC) x 2, p2.
Row 11: (k4, p4) x 2, k4.
knit in round for 2.5cm [1'']. Row 12: (p4, 2/2 LC) x 2, p4.
Decrease: k, k2tog, k until 3sts befor end, ssk, k. Row 13: (k4, p4) x 2, k4
Knit for 5 (5, 4, 4)cm. Row 14: p2, (2/2 RPC, 2/2 LPC) x 2, p2.
Row 15: k2, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2.
Decrease total of 10 (10, 12, 12) times Row 16: p2, k2, p4, 2/2 RC, p4, k2, p2
= 58 (64, 72, 82 ) sts Row 17: k2, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2.
Change to smaller needlesize (3.25mm/US3) and work Row 18: p2, k2, p2, 2/2 RPC, 2/2 LPC, p2, k2, p2.
the cuffs for 4cm as follow: Row 19: (k2, p2) x 2, k4, (p2, k2) x 2.
Row 20: p2, k2, 2/2 RPC, p4, 2/2 LPC, k2, p2.
R: ktbl, p until end of round. Row 21: k2, p4, k8, p4, k2.
Row 22: p2, k4, p8, k4, p2.
Knit the second sleeve.

Weave ends in, wash and lay to dry. Chart

You did it!


Celtic Cardigan ©Asita Krebs 4

This pattern is for private use only

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