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57:020 Mechanics of Fluids & Transfer Processes

Laboratory Experiment #2


A floating body is said to be stable at its position, if it returns to that position
following a small disturbance.

Laboratory experiment 2 is an exercise in hydrostatics. It is designed to
demonstrate the stability of a floating cylinder and to familiarize the student with the
concept of buoyancy, metacenter, and metacentric height. It is also an experimental
verification of the theory presented in the textbook.
The center of the buoyancy (C, the centroid of the displaced volume of fluid) of a
floating body depends on the shape of the body and on the position in which it is floating.
If the body is disturbed by a small angle of heel, the center of buoyancy changes because
the shape of the submerged volume is changed. The point of intersection of the lines of
action of the buoyancy force before and after heel is called the metacenter (M) and the
distance between the center of gravity (G) and M, is called the metacentric height (GM,
see Fig. 1).

The expression for the metacentric height GM is

GM = V -CG

where Ioo is the moment of inertia of the waterline area about the axis of disturbance, and
V is volume of the displaced liquid. For stability the metacentric height GM must be
positive. Stability (restoring force) increases with increasing GM.
The objective of this experiment is to find the metacentric height and asses the
stability of the several floating bodies.

There are three components of the experimental set-up:
1. Large vertically-standing cylinder containing fresh water
2. Small cylinder with a detachable cap at one end
3. Sand and a metric balance to weigh the cylinders

1. Weigh the small cylinder and its cap together (mc)
2. Place the small empty cylinder into the large vertical cylinder containing fresh
water and observe that it is unstable.
3. Pour a small amount of sand into the small cylinder (to give some ballast) and
note if it is still unstable. Estimate how much of the cylinder is submerged, h, and then
measure the height of sand, hb.
4. Continue adding sand until the small cylinder remains vertical, i.e., stable.
Measure the amount of cylinder that is submerged. Make sure that the open end of the
small cylinder is capped when stability is reached.
5. Remove the small cylinder and measure its weight. Also measure the height of
sand and record your results on the data sheet.

According to procedures described above, measure the following quantities:

Case Mass (gm) h (cm) hb (cm)

Fresh( unstable)
Fresh (stable)

Data Analysis
Figure 2 shows a slender,
hollow circular cylinder which
has been made stable in the
vertical position by means of
ballast placed inside. The M
cylinder floats in a liquid of
density, ρ, with a depth of Gc
immersion, h. The center of
buoyancy is C, and Gc and Gb
h L
are the centers of gravity of the
cylinder and ballast, respectively.
The center of gravity of the Gb
hb h/2
cylinder/ballast is G and its
metacenter is M. Other
dimensions are shown in the
figure. The masses of the
cylinder and ballast, mc and mb, t O r
will be measured during the
Fig. 2. Hollow cylinder with ballast.
Verify that:
1. The formula for h in terms of the cylinder radius, the density of the liquid ρ , and the
masses, mc and mb,
( mc + m b )
πR 2 ρ
2. The formula for OG in terms of cylinder/ballast dimensions and the masses, mc and
mb is
OGc mc + OGb mb mc L / 2 + mb ( hb / 2 + t )
OG = =
( mc + mb ) mc + mb
3. The expression for the metacentric height, GM, is

GM = CM-CG = CM-(OG-OC) =
Ioo mc L / 2 + mb (hb / 2 + t )
= − +h/2
V mc + mb
R 2 mc L / 2 + mb (hb / 2 + t )
= − +h/2
4h mc + mb

4. From the immersion, h, of the cylinders in the fresh water calculate the density of the

fluid in gm/cm3.

5. Calculate the metacentric height for the fresh in centimeters. Check the stability

condition. Record all of your results in the following table.

R (cm) L (cm) mc mb h (cm) hb (cm) OG (cm) GM (cm)


Further Considerations
1. Is there any other equilibrium position of the cylinder except the vertical
2. Consider a circular cylinder of homogeneous material of specific gravity, s =
0.5, length, L, and diameter, D, stable at the position shown in Fig. 3. Find the formulas
for the immersion of the cylinder h at this position.

Fig. 3. Cylinder parallel to the water surface.

3. Consider a cylinder made with a plate thickness, t = D/20,

but of a material such that the average value of s is still 0.5
shown in Figure 4. For L = 40cm and D = 4cm, find the t
position of stable equilibrium and the immersion, h.
4. Determine the ranges of D/L for which the positions of the
cylinders (vertical and horizontal) are stable.
5. What will happen if we change the density of the D
fluid, using brine, say, instead of fresh water?
Fig. 4. Hollow cylinder
Roberson, J.A. and Crowe, C.T. (1993). Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 5th edition,
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA
White, F.M. (1994). Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY

Lab 2 Stability of a Floating Body
Data Sheet


Sketch with notation and dimensions

Case Mass (gm) h(cm) hb (cm)

Fresh( unstable)
Fresh (stable)


Name R(cm) L(cm) mc mb h(cm) hb(cm) OG(cm) GM(cm)


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