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Class – V Science
Full Marks: 160 Time:3 hrs
1) The control centre of the human body is _______
a) heart b) brain c) liver d) kidney
2) The most important system in our body is _______
a) Circulatory System b) Nervous System c) Skeletal System d) Excretory System
3) Nervous System is made of special cells called ________
a) skeletal b) cardiac c) neurons d) smooth
4) The weight of brain is about _______
a) ½ kilogram b) 1 ½ kilograms c) 1 kilogram d) 2 kilograms
5) The big brain is called ______
a) Cerebellum b) Cerebrum c) Medulla d) Spinal Cord

6) Heartbeat is controlled by _______
a) The Spinal Cord b) The Medulla c) The Cerebellum d) The Cerebrum

7) Reflex action is an _____________________ reaction.
a) autonomous b) automatic y.
c) mechanized d) involuntary
8) Sensory nerves carry impulses from _________

a) brain to sense organs b) sense organs to brain c) stomach to brain d) periphery to centre

9) We have ______ sense organs.

a) 3 b) 7 c) 4 d) 5

10) You should read in a proper light of __________


a) 200 watt bulb b) 100 watt bulb c) 40 watt bulb d) 150 watt bulb

11) The framework within our body is known as _________


a) skeleton b) brain c) bones d) muscles


12) Total number of bones in our body are ________


a) 216 b) 260 c) 206 d) 602

13) Bones in your backbone are of ________________
a) flat type b) irregular type c) long type d) short type
14) Ribcage has ___________ pairs of ribs.
a) 6 b) 12 c) 10 d) 8
15) There are ______ girdles in our body.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
16) Backbone is made up of _________
a) 33 bones b) 66 bones c) 22 bones d) 11 bones
17) Bones have minerals like __________
a) sodium, calcium b) calcium, phosphorus c) magnesium, phosphorus d) iron, copper

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18) Which organ is protected by hip bones?
a) lungs b) heart c) kidney d) brain
19) Long bones are filled with a soft material called _______
a) blood b) bone nerves c) bone cells d) bone marrow
20) Muscles are attached to bones with the help of _________
a) bone marrow b) tendons c) nerves d) cartilage
21) Muscles work by ______
a) shortening b) expanding c) lengthening d) growing
22) Heart cells are called ________
a) ganglia b) smooth c) cardiac d) neurons
23) _____________ is communicable disease.
a) Diabetes b) Epilepsy c) Dysentery d) Arthritis

24) The smallest microorganisms is _________

a) bacteria b) virus c) fungi d) protozoa
25) Disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin C is _________
a) malaria b) night blindness c) beriberi d) scurvy
26) Paddle like limbs are found in ______. a) frog b) fish c) turtle d) duck

27) _______ animals have streamlined bodies. a) terrestrial b) aquatic c) aerial d) insects

28) An example of an amphibian is ______ a) salamander b) eagle c) blue whale d) butterfly


29) The most highly developed animal is _____ a) elephant b) monkey c) man d) fox

30) Water animal like fish and tadpoles have _______ to breathe.

a) fins b) gills c) lungs d) tail


31) The natural home of an animal or plant is called ________


a) surrounding b) habitat c) environment d) home


32) Modified forelimbs of birds are called ________

a) beak b) tail c) feathers d) wings
33) The tail feather of birds act as _____ a) oar b) rudder c) flight d) propeller
34) A limbless reptile making use of broad plates on the lower side of its body is ______
a) snake b) crocodile c) lizard d) turtle
35) All insects have __________ pair of legs.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
36) An insect which uses its leg for landing and resting is ________
a) butterfly b) bug c) mosquito d) grasshopper
37) In water-boatman, the legs are used for __________
a) walking b) crawling c) swimming d) flying

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38) The unpaired fin in fish helps in _______

a) pushing b) propelling c) turning d) balancing
39) The openings at the sides of the body of insects are called __________
a) spiracles b) trachea c) air tube d) tissues
40) An animal which breathes through moist skin is _______
a) amoeba b) frog c) earthworm d) cockroach
41) The mouth part of a butterfly is called ________
a) proboscis b) tube c) needle d) nectar
42) Frogs have __________ to capture their prey.
a) sticky tongue b) legs c) claws d) eyes
43) Beaks of ducks are ________

a) chisel shaped b) short and straight c) hooked d) broad and notched

44) The fish that migrates from fresh water to sea water to lay eggs is ______
a) tuna b) eel c) shark d) hilsa
45) The bird that migrates from the Arctic region to the Antarctic region is _______
a) flemingo b) swan c) Arctic tern d) Siberian crane

46) Bees make _______ a) nests b) burrows c) hives d) webs


47) Birds have powerful ________ for moving their wings.


a) chest muscles b) feathers c) bones d) stomach


48) Gills of fish are __________ in colour.


a) red b) brown c) grey d) green


49) Spongy, elastic bags present in mammals are called _____________


a) lungs b) heart c) air tubes d) trachea


50) Amoeba breathes through _________

a) lungs b) gills c) body surface d) moist skin
51) Active part of air is made of _____________
a) nitrogen b) oxygen c) carbon dioxide d) none of these
52) Composition of expired carbon dioxide is _______
a) 0.03 % b) 2.3 % c) 4.5 % d) 16 %
53) _____________ is needed for burning.
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Helium d) Nitrogen
54) A syringe works by ______ a) air pressure b) density c) volume d) area
55) Expired air contains more _________
a) oxygen b) nitrogen c) carbon dioxide d) none of these

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56) Water is a good __________ a) solute b) solution c) solvent d) emulsion

57) Air exerts a pressure of ________ per square centimeter.

a) 3 kg b) 10 kg c) 5 kg d) 1 kg
58) Soluble substances can be separated by _________
a) sedimentation b) condensation c) filtration d) none of these
59) Chemical used to purify water is ______
a) alcohol b) chlorine c) sodium d) iodine
60) The gases present in the air are ______ a) nitrogen and oxygen b) oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) nitrogen and carbon dioxide d) all of these
61) The best method of purification of water is _________
a) evaporation b) distillation c) sedimentation d) crystallization

62) The settled particle in a mixture of soil and water is called ________

a) germs b) sediment c) humus d) chemicals
63) The ocean of air surrounding the earth is called __________
a) lithosphere b) stratosphere c) atmosphere d) ionosphere
64) ________ is a property of air. a) Air has weight b) Air occupies space

c) Air can be compressed d) All of these


65) _________is used up when fuels burn.


a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) hydrogen


66) The process of breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide is called ______

a) photosynthesis b) respiration c) sedimentation d) digestion


67) The clear water obtained after the process of filtration is called ________

a) sediment b) solute c) filtrate d) hydrogen


68) _______ does not dissolve in water. a) Salt b) Sugar c) Chalk powder d) None of these
69) ______ is not a disease causing germs. a) Bacteria b) Protozoa
c) Virus d) None of these
70) _______is a bent U-tube of unequal size which is used to draw liquid from higher level to lower
a) Siphon b) Condensing flask c) Retort d) Tank
71) Which one of the following is nit biodegradable?
a) Vegetables b) Fruits c) Earthworm d) Aluminium foil
72) Air pollution is caused by _____ a) Insecticides b) Sewage c) Smoke d) Loud Speakers
73) If waste materials contaminate the source drinking water which of the following diseases will
spread? a) Scurvy b) Typhoid c) Malaria d) Anaemia

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74) Which of the following wastes cannot be decomposed by bacteria to form compost?
a) Kitchen wastes b) Plastic and polythene bags
c) dead plants d) dead bodies of insects living in the soil
75) A natural phenomenon that becomes harmful due to pollution is ________
a) Global Warming b) Ecological balance c) Greenhouse effect d) desertification
76) The pollutant responsible for hole in the ozone layer is __________
a) CO2 b) SO2 c) CO d) CFC
77) One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is ________
a) burning b) dumping c) burying d) recycling
78) Which of the following is biodegradable?
a) iron nails b) plastic mugs c) leather belts d) silver foil
79) The process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets concentrated at each level

in the food chain is called ___________

a) concentration b) biomagnification c) expansion d) pollution
In a lake polluted with pesticides, which one of the following will contain the maximum amount
of pesticides?
a) Small Fish b) Microscopic Animals c) Big Fish d) Water Birds

81) Which one of the following is a non renewable resource?


a) Fossil fuels b) Water c) Forests d) soils


82) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased in recent years. Environmentalists

suggest this change is a direct result of the ____________


a) improper storage of solid and nuclear waste


b) over cutting of forest and the increased use of fossil fuels.


c) dumping of inorganic material into lakes and rivers


d) use of herbicides and toxic substances such as asbestos and DDT

83) Animal dung is _____________ waste.
a) bio degradable b) non biodegradable c) hazardous d) toxic
84) Acid rain is formed due to contribution from the following pair of gases.
a) Methane and ozone b) Oxygen and nitrous oxide
c) Methane and sulpher dioxide d) Carbon dioxide and sulpher dioxide
85) Which of the following is a source of groundwater contamination?
a) septic tanks b) landfills c) underground storage tanks d) all of these
86) The man who landed first on the moon was ______ a) Yuri Gagarin b) Neil Armstrong
c) Rakesh Sharma d) Michael Collins
87) The first satellite launched by India is ________ a) Aryabhatta b) Rohini

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c) Bhaskara d) INSAT 1-A
88) A lunar eclipse always occurs on a ________________
a) half moon night b) full moon night c) new moon night d) crescent moon night
89) Which is the heaviest planet? a) Venus b) Saturn c) Jupiter d) Mars
90) The distance traveled by light in one year is called __________
a) one light year b) One leap year c) one solar year d) mini sound
91) The path of the planet is _______ a) a circle b) a parabola c) a hyperbola d) a ellipse
92) While orbiting the earth in spaceships weightlessness is experienced due to ______
a) inertia b) acceleration c) centre of gravity d) gravitational force being zero
93) Stars appear to move in the sky due to ____ a) movement of the stars b) rotation of the earth
c) rotation of the sun d) rotation of the moon
94) Stars are not seen in the day time because ______ a) of sunlight b) stars do not emit light

c) of the rotation of the earth d) of the rotation of the stars

95) The source of energy is _______ a) automobiles b) moon c) sun d) earth
96) The nearest planet to the sun is ______ a) Venus b) Pluto
y. c) Mercury d) Earth
97) Things which lose their support fall to the ground because _______
a) of gravitational force b) of mechanical force c) electrical force d) of friction

98) Days and nights are caused by the _______ a) revolution of the earth b) rotation of the earth

c) revolution of the sun d) rotation of the sun


99) The bodies revolving round the planets are called _________

a) heavenly bodies b) satellites c) space ships d) stars


100) The largest planet of our solar system is _________


a) Mercury b) Pluto c) Earth d) Jupiter


101) The earth completes one revolution round the sun in _____________

1 1
a) 365 days b) 365 days c) 365 d) 24 hours
2 4
102) The moon’s gravity is about ___________
1 1 1 1
a) of the earth b) of the earth c) of the earth d) of the earth
6 4 3 2
103) Solar eclipse occurs on ________ a) a full moon day b) a new moon day
c) half moon day d) crescent moon day
104) Tides are caused by the _______ a) solar eclipse b) lunar eclipse
c) rotation of the earth d) gravitational attraction of the moon
105) The study of heavenly bodies is called _____ a) Astrology b) Astronautics
c) Anatomy d) Astronomy
106) Which of these planets is called Red planet? a) Venus b) Mercury c) Mars d) Jupiter

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107) The moon revolves round the ______ a) sun b) earth c) sky d) clouds
108) There is no life on the moon because __________
a) there are no homes and schools in moon b) there is no air and water in the moon
c) there is no petroleum in the moon d) there is no transport system in the moon

109) Solar eclipse occurs when ________

a) the earth’s shadow fall on the moon b) the moon blocks the view of the sun
c) the sun blocks the view of the moon d) none of the above
110) The point of support on the lever that does not move is called _______
a) load b) fulcrum c) weight d) simple machine
111) __________is a second kind of lever.
a) Claw hammer b) Can opener c) Hand pump d) Nut cracker

112) Wheel and axle system is used in ______ to raise water from the wells.

a) cycle b) wind lass c) wheel barrow d) inclined plane
113) _______________ is a grooved wheel.
a) Pulley b) Wind lass c) Screw d) Inclined plane
114) A flat surface with one end higher than the other is _____________

a) flag pole b) inclined plane c) long rod d) wheel


115) Work = ____________ X Distance


a) Force b) Time c) Weight d) Mass


116) An axe is a good example of ___________


a) wedge b) pulley c) crowbar d) long rod


117) The distance between two neighbouring threads on a screw is the _______of the screw.

a) thread b) pitch c) turn d) head


118) _______ is a continuously moving lever.

a) A can opener b) A pair of scissors c) Wind lass d) A nut cracker
119) A fishing rod is a _______ kind of lever.
a) I b) II c) III d) IV
120) Liquids exert an upward force called ___________
a) down thrust b) up thrust c) gravity d) push
121) A ball made of steel or iron will sink in water but a boat made of steel floats because its
______ is the same as that of the water which it displaces.
a) mass b) length c) weight d) force
122) A body floats in water when the ____ on the body is equal to the weight of the body.
a) weight b) up thrust c) gravity d) pull

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123) The weight of an object in water is called _________
a) actual weight b) apparent weight c) false weight d) true weight
124) Iron nail that sinks in water will float in heavier liquids like _______
a) alcohol b) mercury c) kerosene d) oil
125) Simple machines make our work ________
a) difficult b) easier c) slower d) tedious
126) An object with _____ density floats in water.
a) low b) high c) same d) maximum
127) A wooden ball displaces 60 cc of water. If 1 cc of water weighs 1 g, what is the weight of the
a) 10 g b) 60 g c) 20 g d) 30 g
128) A screw is ________ wrapped around a rod.

a) a pulley b) an inclined plane c) a wind lass d) a wedge

129) The density of sea water is _______than that of fresh water.
a) greater b) less
c) 5 times greater d) 5 times less
130) ______ are used to join things together.
a) Steel balls b) Iron nails c) Screws d) Pulleys

131) ________ floats in water.


a) Steel ball b) Cork c) Iron nail d) Stone


132) _______ found out that the up thrust is always equal to the weight of the water displaced.

a) Isaac Newton b) Archimedes c) Graham Bell d) Albert Einstein


133) When a ship sails from a river into an ocean, it _____ a bit in water.

a) rises b) sinks c) drowns d) all of these


134) A single pulley is a simple _______which helps to change the direction of force.

a) lever b) screw c) wedge d) inclined plane.

135) Which of these is not a plant product?
a) cotton b) tea c) tobacco d) wool
136) Which is not a vegetative part of plant ?
a) stem b) flowers c) leaves d) roots
137) Example for a plant which reproduces by stem cutting
a) cassava b) sugarcane c) Hibiscus d) all of these
138) Bryophyllum plant reproduces by __________
a) stem cutting b) leaves c) roots d) seeds
139) Baby plant is also called as _____________
a) radicle b) cotyledons c) embryo d) plumule

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140) Baby plant gets its food from ________________
a) seed leaves b) seed coat c) roots d) none of these
141) Fruits are produced from ___________________
a) seeds b) flowers c) stem d) leaves
142) The scattering of seeds to different places is called _________
a) germination b) dispersal c) reproduction d) none of these

143) Balsam is dispersed by ________

a) wind b) animals c) explosion d) water
144) What is the special features of seeds which are dispersed by animals?
a) thorn b) wings c) tuft of hair d) fibrous outercoat
145 ___________ is a water dispersed fruit

a) castor b) mango c) coconut d) fig

147) ___________ is not required for germination
a) warmth b) water c) air d) sunlight
148) Onion & groundnut grow well in __________
a) wet clayey soil b) hill slopes c) well aerated sandy soil d) none of these

149) Which of the following is not a summer vegetable?


a) turnip b) gourd c) lady’s finger d) brinjal


150) Seeds scattered by wind have __________


a) thorns b) wing c) tuft of hair d) both b and c


151) Lotus float in water because ________


a) it has spongy thalamus b) it has fibrous outer coat c) it is light weighted d) it has tuft

of hair

152) Which is not an insecticide?

a) gammaxene b) locust c) DDT d) flit
153) Which of these micro organism does not harm plants?
a) protozoa b) fungi c) bacteria d) virus

154) Seeds should be stored in ____________

a) hot water b) air tight containers c) an open place d) cold water
155) Tea and coffee grow well in ____________
a) plains b) hill slopes c) riverbeds d ) all of these
156) Which one of these is a fibre?
a) cotton b) jute c) linen d) all of these
157) Which of these is not grown from seeds?

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a) mango b) brinjal c) rose d) guava
158) Which of the following is dispersed by animals
a) castor b) thistle c) spear grass d) water lily
159) _________ is good for crops
a) Manure b) Pest c) Rodent d) Locust



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Answers For Class – V Science Question Bank

1 b 21 a 41 a 61 d 81 a 101 c 121 c 141 b

2 b 22 c 42 a 62 b 82 b 102 a 122 b 142 b
3 c 23 c 43 d 63 c 83 a 103 b 123 b 143 c
4 b 24 b 44 b 64 d 84 b 104 d 124 b 144 a
5 b 25 d 45 c 65 a 85 d 105 d 125 b 145 c
6 b 26 c 46 c 66 b 86 b 106 c 126 a 146 d
7 b 27 b 47 a 67 c 87 a 107 b 127 b 147 d
8 b 28 a 48 a 68 c 88 b 108 b 128 b 148 c

9 d 29 c 49 a 69 d 89 c 109 b 129 a 149 a

10 b 30 b 50 c 70 a 90 a 110 b 130 c 150 d
11 a 31 b 51 b 71 d 91 d y.
111 b 131 b 151 a
12 c 32 d 52 a 72 c 92 d 112 b 132 b 152 b

13 b 33 b 53 a 73 b 93 b 113 a 133 a 153 a


14 b 34 a 54 a 74 b 94 a 114 b 134 a 154 b


15 a 35 b 55 c 75 c 95 c 115 a 135 d 155 b


16 a 36 a 56 c 76 d 96 c 116 a 136 b 156 d


17 b 37 c 57 d 77 d 97 a 117 b 137 d 157 c


18 d 38 d 58 d 78 c 98 b 118 c 138 b 158 c

19 d 39 a 59 b 79 b 99 b 119 c 139 c 159 a

20 b 40 c 60 d 80 d 100 d 120 b 140 a


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