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Euclidean tilings by convex regular polygons

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Example periodic tilings
1-uniform n1.svg
A regular tiling has one type of regular face. 1-uniform n2.svg
A semiregular or uniform tiling has one type of vertex, but two or more types of
2-uniform n1.svg
A k-uniform tiling has k types of vertices, and two or more types of regular faces.
Distorted truncated square tiling.svg
A non-edge-to-edge tiling can have different sized regular faces.
Euclidean plane tilings by convex regular polygons have been widely used since
antiquity. The first systematic mathematical treatment was that of Kepler in his
Harmonices Mundi (Latin: The Harmony of the World, 1619).

1 Regular tilings
2 Archimedean, uniform or semiregular tilings
3 k-uniform tilings
3.1 Other types of vertices in Euclidean plane tilings
3.2 Dissected regular polygons
3.3 2-uniform tilings
3.4 3-uniform tilings
3.4.1 3-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types
3.4.2 3-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (2:1)
3.5 4-uniform tilings
3.5.1 4-uniform tilings, 4 vertex types
3.5.2 4-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types (2:1:1)
3.5.3 4-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (2:2) and (3:1)
3.6 5-uniform tilings
3.6.1 5-uniform tilings, 5 vertex types
3.6.2 5-uniform tilings, 4 vertex types (2:1:1:1)
3.6.3 5-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types (3:1:1) and (2:2:1)
3.6.4 5-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (4:1) and (3:2)
3.7 Higher k-uniform tilings
4 Tilings that are not edge-to-edge
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Regular tilings
Following Gr�nbaum and Shephard (section 1.3), a tiling is said to be regular if
the symmetry group of the tiling acts transitively on the flags of the tiling,
where a flag is a triple consisting of a mutually incident vertex, edge and tile of
the tiling. This means that, for every pair of flags, there is a symmetry operation
mapping the first flag to the second. This is equivalent to the tiling being an
edge-to-edge tiling by congruent regular polygons. There must be six equilateral
triangles, four squares or three regular hexagons at a vertex, yielding the three
regular tessellations.

Regular tilings (3)

p6m, *632 p4m, *442
1-uniform n11.svg 1-uniform n1.svg 1-uniform n5.svg
Vertex type 3-3-3-3-3-3.svg
(t=1, e=1) Vertex type 6-6-6.svg
(t=1, e=1) Vertex type 4-4-4-4.svg
(t=1, e=1)
Archimedean, uniform or semiregular tilings
Further information: List of convex uniform tilings
Vertex-transitivity means that for every pair of vertices there is a symmetry
operation mapping the first vertex to the second.[1]

If the requirement of flag-transitivity is relaxed to one of vertex-transitivity,

while the condition that the tiling is edge-to-edge is kept, there are eight
additional tilings possible, known as Archimedean, uniform or semiregular tilings.
Note that there are two mirror image (enantiomorphic or chiral) forms of 34.6 (snub
hexagonal) tiling, only one of which is shown in the following table. All other
regular and semiregular tilings are achiral.

Uniform tilings (8)

p6m, *632
1-uniform n4.svg

Vertex type 3-12-12.svg

(t=2, e=2) 1-uniform n6.svg

Vertex type 3-4-6-4.svg
(t=3, e=2) 1-uniform n3.svg

Vertex type 4-6-12.svg

(t=3, e=3) 1-uniform n7.svg

Vertex type 3-6-3-6.svg

(t=2, e=1)
p4m, *442 p4g, 4*2 cmm, 2*22 p6, 632
1-uniform n2.svg

Vertex type 4-8-8.svg

(t=2, e=2) 1-uniform n9.svg

Vertex type 3-3-4-3-4.svg
(t=2, e=2) 1-uniform n8.svg

Vertex type 3-3-3-4-4.svg

(t=2, e=3) 1-uniform n10.svg

Vertex type 3-3-3-3-6.svg

(t=3, e=3)
Gr�nbaum and Shephard distinguish the description of these tilings as Archimedean
as referring only to the local property of the arrangement of tiles around each
vertex being the same, and that as uniform as referring to the global property of
vertex-transitivity. Though these yield the same set of tilings in the plane, in
other spaces there are Archimedean tilings which are not uniform.
k-uniform tilings
3-uniform tiling #57 of 61 colored
3-uniform 57.svg
by sides, yellow triangles, red squares 3-uniform n57.svg
by 4-isohedral positions, 3 shaded colors of triangles
Such periodic tilings may be classified by the number of orbits of vertices, edges
and tiles. If there are k orbits of vertices, a tiling is known as k-uniform or k-
isogonal; if there are t orbits of tiles, as t-isohedral; if there are e orbits of
edges, as e-isotoxal.

k-uniform tilings with the same vertex figures can be further identified by their
wallpaper group symmetry.

1-uniform tilings include 3 regular tilings, and 8 semiregular ones, with 2 or more
types of regular polygon faces. There are 20 2-uniform tilings, 61 3-uniform
tilings, 151 4-uniform tilings, 332 5-uniform tilings and 673 6-uniform tilings.
Each can be grouped by the number m of distinct vertex figures, which are also
called m-Archimedean tilings.[2]

k-uniform, m-Archimedean tiling counts

m Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
k 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
2 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
3 0 22 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 61
4 0 33 85 33 0 0 0 0 0 151
5 0 74 149 94 15 0 0 0 0 332
6 0 100 284 187 92 10 0 0 0 673
7 0 ? ? ? ? ? 7 0 0 ?
8 0 ? ? ? ? ? 20 0 0 ?
9 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 8 0 ?
10 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 27 0 ?
11 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ?
Other types of vertices in Euclidean plane tilings
For edge-to-edge Euclidean tilings, the internal angles of the polygons meeting at
a vertex must add to 360 degrees. A regular n-gon has internal angle {\displaystyle
\left(1-{\frac {2}{n}}\right)180} \left(1-{\frac {2}{n}}\right)180 degrees. There
are seventeen combinations of regular polygons whose internal angles add up to 360
degrees, each being referred to as a species of vertex; in four cases there are two
distinct cyclic orders of the polygons, yielding twenty-one types of vertex.

Only eleven of these can occur in a uniform tiling of regular polygons, given in
previous sections.

In particular, if three polygons meet at a vertex and one has an odd number of
sides, the other two polygons must be the same. If they are not, they would have to
alternate around the first polygon, which is impossible if its number of sides is
odd. By that restriction these six cannot appear in any tiling of regular polygons:

3 polygons at a vertex (unusable)

Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 7 42.svg
3.7.42 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 8 24.svg
3.8.24 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 9 18.svg
3.9.18 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 10 15.svg
3.10.15 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 4 5 20.svg
4.5.20 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 5 5 10.svg
These four can be used in k-uniform tiling:
4 polygons at a vertex (mixable with other vertex types)
types Vertex type 3-3-4-12.svg
32.4.12 Vertex type 3-4-3-12.svg Vertex type 3-3-6-6.svg
32.62 Vertex type 3-4-4-6.svg
tilings 2-uniform n13.svg
with 36 2-uniform n2.svg
with 3.122 2-uniform n11.svg
with (3.6)2 2-uniform n6.svg
with (3.6)2
Dissected regular polygons
Some of the k-uniform tilings can be derived by symmetrically dissecting the tiling
polygons with interior edges, for example:

Dissected polygons with original edges

Vertex type 3-3-3-3-3-3.svg Hexagonal cupola flat.svg Dissected dodecagon.svg
Hexagon Dodecagon
(each has 2 orientations)
Some k-uniform tilings can be derived by dissecting regular polygons with new
vertices along the original edges, for example:

Dissected with 1 or 2 middle vertex

Face figure 3-333.svg Dissected triangle-36.png Dissected triangle-3b.png
Vertex type 4-4-4-4.svg Dissected square-3x3.png Dissected hexagon
36a.png Dissected hexagon 36b.png Dissected hexagon 3b.png
Triangle Square Hexagon

2-uniform tilings
There are twenty 2-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. (also called 2-isogonal
tilings or demiregular tilings)[3][4][5] Vertex types are listed for each. If two
tilings share the same two vertex types, they are given subscripts 1,2.

2-uniform tilings (20)

p6m, *632 p4m, *442
2-uniform n18.svg
(t=3, e=3) 2-uniform n9.svg
(t=4, e=4) 2-uniform n8.svg
[; 33.42]
(t=4, e=4) 2-uniform n5.svg
[; 3.42.6]
(t=5, e=5) 2-uniform n1.svg
(t=4, e=4) 2-uniform n13.svg
[36; 32.4.12]
(t=4, e=4) 2-uniform n2.svg
(t=3, e=3)
p6m, *632 p6, 632 p6, 632 cmm, 2*22 pmm, *2222 cmm, 2*22 pmm, *2222
2-uniform n10.svg
[36; 32.62]
(t=2, e=3) 2-uniform n19.svg
[36; 34.6]1
(t=3, e=3) 2-uniform n20.svg
[36; 34.6]2
(t=5, e=7) 2-uniform n12.svg
[32.62; 34.6]
(t=2, e=4) 2-uniform n11.svg
[; 32.62]
(t=2, e=3) 2-uniform n6.svg
(t=3, e=4) 2-uniform n7.svg
(t=4, e=4)
p4g, 4*2 pgg, 2� cmm, 2*22 cmm, 2*22 pmm, *2222 cmm, 2*22
2-uniform n16.svg
(t=4, e=5) 2-uniform n17.svg
(t=3, e=6) 2-uniform n4.svg
[44; 33.42]1
(t=2, e=4) 2-uniform n3.svg
[44; 33.42]2
(t=3, e=5) 2-uniform n14.svg
[36; 33.42]1
(t=3, e=4) 2-uniform n15.svg
[36; 33.42]2
(t=4, e=5)
3-uniform tilings
There are 61 3-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. 39 are 3-Archimedean with 3
distinct vertex types, while 22 have 2 identical vertex types in different symmetry
orbits. Chavey (1989)

3-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types

3-uniform tilings with 3 vertex types (39)
3-uniform 5.svg
[3.426;; 4.6.12]
(t=6, e=7) 3-uniform 6.svg
[36; 324.12; 4.6.12]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 7.svg
[324.12;; 3.122]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 8.svg
[;; 3.122]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 35.svg
[3342; 324.12;]
(t=6, e=8)
3-uniform 47.svg
[36; 3342; 324.12]
(t=6, e=7) 3-uniform 48.svg
[36; 324.3.4; 324.12]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 56.svg
[346; 3342; 324.3.4]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 24.svg
[36; 324.3.4; 3.426]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 34.svg
[36; 324.3.4;]
(t=5, e=6)
3-uniform 36.svg
[36; 3342;]
(t=6, e=6) 3-uniform 37.svg
[36; 324.3.4;]
(t=6, e=6) 3-uniform 54.svg
[36; 3342; 324.3.4]
(t=4, e=5) 3-uniform 9.svg
[324.12;; 3.122]
(t=4, e=7) 3-uniform 22.svg
[; 3.426; 44]
(t=3, e=4)
3-uniform 25.svg
[324.3.4;; 3.426]
(t=4, e=6) 3-uniform 23.svg
[3342; 324.3.4; 44]
(t=4, e=6) 3-uniform 11.svg
[3.426;; 44]
(t=5, e=7) 3-uniform 12.svg
[3.426;; 44]
(t=6, e=7) 3-uniform 17.svg
[3.426;; 44]
(t=4, e=5)
3-uniform 18.svg
[3.426;; 44]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 27.svg
[3342; 3262; 3.426]
(t=5, e=8) 3-uniform 29.svg
[3262; 3.426;]
(t=4, e=7) 3-uniform 31.svg
[3262; 3.426;]
(t=5, e=7) 3-uniform 33.svg
[346; 3342; 3.426]
(t=5, e=7)
3-uniform 1.svg
[3262;; 63]
(t=4, e=5) 3-uniform 2.svg
[3262;; 63]
(t=2, e=4) 3-uniform 3.svg
[346; 3262; 63]
(t=2, e=5) 3-uniform 4.svg
[36; 3262; 63]
(t=2, e=3) 3-uniform 38.svg
[36; 346; 3262]
(t=5, e=8)
3-uniform 40.svg
[36; 346; 3262]
(t=3, e=5) 3-uniform 41.svg
[36; 346; 3262]
(t=3, e=6) 3-uniform 44.svg
[36; 346;]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 42.svg
[36; 346;]
(t=4, e=4) 3-uniform 43.svg
[36; 346;]
(t=3, e=3)
3-uniform 14.svg
[36; 3342; 44]
(t=4, e=6) 3-uniform 15.svg
[36; 3342; 44]
(t=5, e=7) 3-uniform 20.svg
[36; 3342; 44]
(t=3, e=5) 3-uniform 21.svg
[36; 3342; 44]
(t=4, e=6)
3-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (2:1)
3-uniform tilings (2:1) (22)
3-uniform 26.svg
[(; 3.426]
(t=6, e=6) 3-uniform 58.svg
[(36)2; 346]
(t=3, e=4) 3-uniform 59.svg
[(36)2; 346]
(t=5, e=5) 3-uniform 60.svg
[(36)2; 346]
(t=7, e=9) 3-uniform 61.svg
[36; (346)2]
(t=4, e=6)
3-uniform 57.svg
[36; (324.3.4)2]
(t=4, e=5) 3-uniform 28.svg
(t=6, e=8) 3-uniform 30.svg
[3.426; (]
(t=4, e=6) 3-uniform 32.svg
[3.426; (]
(t=5, e=6) 3-uniform 39.svg
[3262; (]
(t=3, e=5)
3-uniform 45.svg
(t=4, e=7) 3-uniform 46.svg
(t=4, e=7) 3-uniform 10.svg
[3342; (44)2]
(t=4, e=7) 3-uniform 13.svg
[(3342)2; 44]
(t=5, e=7) 3-uniform 16.svg
[3342; (44)2]
(t=3, e=6)
3-uniform 19.svg
[(3342)2; 44]
(t=4, e=6) 3-uniform 53.svg
[(3342)2; 324.3.4]
(t=5, e=8) 3-uniform 55.svg
[3342; (324.3.4)2]
(t=6, e=9) 3-uniform 52.svg
[36; (3342)2]
(t=5, e=7) 3-uniform 51.svg
[36; (3342)2]
(t=4, e=6)
3-uniform 50.svg
[(36)2; 3342]
(t=6, e=7) 3-uniform 49.svg
[(36)2; 3342]
(t=5, e=6)
4-uniform tilings
There are 151 4-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. Brian Galebach's search
reproduced Krotenheerdt's list of 33 4-uniform tilings with 4 distinct vertex
types, as well as finding 85 of them with 3 vertex types, and 33 with 2 vertex

4-uniform tilings, 4 vertex types

There are 34 with 4 types of vertices.
4-uniform tilings with 4 vertex types (33)
4-uniform 6.svg
[33434; 3262; 3446; 63] 4-uniform 26.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; 46.12] 4-uniform 27.svg
[33434; 3262; 3446; 46.12] 4-uniform 131.svg
[36; 3342; 33434; 334.12] 4-uniform 34.svg
[36; 33434; 334.12; 3.122]
4-uniform 35.svg
[36; 33434; 343.12; 3.122] 4-uniform 101.svg
[36; 3342; 33434; 3464] 4-uniform 103.svg
[36; 3342; 33434; 3464] 4-uniform 84.svg
[36; 33434; 3464; 3446] 4-uniform 9.svg
[346; 3262; 3636; 63]
4-uniform 23.svg
[346; 3262; 3636; 63] 4-uniform 30.svg
[334.12; 343.12; 3464; 46.12] 4-uniform 37.svg
[3342; 334.12; 343.12; 3.122] 4-uniform 81.svg
[3342; 334.12; 343.12; 44] 4-uniform 36.svg
[3342; 334.12; 343.12; 3.122]
4-uniform 82.svg
[36; 3342; 33434; 44] 4-uniform 85.svg
[33434; 3262; 3464; 3446] 4-uniform 92.svg
[36; 3342; 3446; 3636] 4-uniform 88.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636] 4-uniform 91.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636]
4-uniform 96.svg
[36; 346; 3342; 3446] 4-uniform 98.svg
[36; 346; 3342; 3446] 4-uniform 5.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 63] 4-uniform 20.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 63] 4-uniform 12.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 63]
4-uniform 13.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 63] 4-uniform 115.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 3636] 4-uniform 3.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; 63] 4-uniform 18.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; 63] 4-uniform 66.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; 44]
4-uniform 70.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 46.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 50.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; 44]
4-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types (2:1:1)
There are 85 with 3 types of vertices.

4-uniform tilings (2:1:1)

4-uniform 25.svg
[3464; (3446)2; 46.12] 4-uniform 28.svg
[3464; 3446; (46.12)2] 4-uniform 31.svg
[334.12; 3464; (3.122)2] 4-uniform 32.svg
[343.12; 3464; (3.122)2] 4-uniform 108.svg
[33434; 343.12; (3464)2]
4-uniform 130.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 334.12] 4-uniform 94.svg
[(3464)2; 3446; 3636] 4-uniform 95.svg
[3464; 3446; (3636)2] 4-uniform 83.svg
[3464; (3446)2; 3636] 4-uniform 146.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 33434]
4-uniform 138.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 33434] 4-uniform 1.svg
[36; 3262; (63)2] 4-uniform 2.svg
[36; 3262; (63)2] 4-uniform 7.svg
[36; (3262)2; 63] 4-uniform 8.svg
[36; (3262)2; 63]
4-uniform 14.svg
[36; 3262; (63)2] 4-uniform 17.svg
[36; 3262; (63)2] 4-uniform 110.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262] 4-uniform 111.svg
[36; (3262)2; 3636] 4-uniform 10.svg
[(346)2; 3262; 63]
4-uniform 24.svg
[(346)2; 3262; 63] 4-uniform 118.svg
[346; 3262; (3636)2] 4-uniform 119.svg
[346; 3262; (3636)2] 4-uniform 102.svg
[3342; 33434; (3464)2] 4-uniform 105.svg
[36; 33434; (3464)2]
4-uniform 104.svg
[36; (33434)2; 3464] 4-uniform 100.svg
[36; (3342)2; 3464] 4-uniform 93.svg
[(3464)2; 3446; 3636] 4-uniform 97.svg
[346; (33434)2; 3446] 4-uniform 145.svg
[36; 3342; (33434)2]
4-uniform 147.svg
[36; 3342; (33434)2] 4-uniform 57.svg
[(3342)2; 33434; 44] 4-uniform 79.svg
[(3342)2; 33434; 44] 4-uniform 80.svg
[3464; (3446)2; 44] 4-uniform 132.svg
[33434; (334.12)2; 343.12]
4-uniform 19.svg
[36; (3262)2; 63] 4-uniform 4.svg
[36; (3262)2; 63] 4-uniform 109.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2] 4-uniform 122.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262] 4-uniform 123.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262]
4-uniform 128.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3636] 4-uniform 112.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636] 4-uniform 113.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636] 4-uniform 120.svg
[(346)2; 3262; 3636] 4-uniform 116.svg
[(346)2; 3262; 3636]
4-uniform 124.svg
[36; 346; (3636)2] 4-uniform 21.svg
[3262; (3636)2; 63] 4-uniform 22.svg
[3262; (3636)2; 63] 4-uniform 11.svg
[(3262)2; 3636; 63] 4-uniform 15.svg
[3262; 3636; (63)2]
4-uniform 16.svg
[346; 3262; (63)2] 4-uniform 121.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636] 4-uniform 86.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2] 4-uniform 89.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2] 4-uniform 126.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3636]
4-uniform 127.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3636] 4-uniform 99.svg
[346; 3342; (3446)2] 4-uniform 39.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)2] 4-uniform 40.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)2] 4-uniform 59.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)2]
4-uniform 60.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)2] 4-uniform 44.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 45.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 48.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 49.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44]
4-uniform 68.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 69.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 64.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 65.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; 44] 4-uniform 47.svg
[3446; (3636)2; 44]
4-uniform 51.svg
[3446; (3636)2; 44] 4-uniform 67.svg
[3446; (3636)2; 44] 4-uniform 71.svg
[3446; (3636)2; 44] 4-uniform 43.svg
[36; 3342; (44)2] 4-uniform 63.svg
[36; 3342; (44)2]
4-uniform 54.svg
[36; (3342)2; 44] 4-uniform 42.svg
[36; 3342; (44)2] 4-uniform 62.svg
[36; 3342; (44)2] 4-uniform 77.svg
[36; (3342)2; 44] 4-uniform 78.svg
[36; (3342)2; 44]
4-uniform 73.svg
[36; (3342)2; 44] 4-uniform 55.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 44] 4-uniform 56.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 44] 4-uniform 74.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 44] 4-uniform 75.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 44]
4-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (2:2) and (3:1)
There are 33 with 2 types of vertices, 12 with two pairs of types, and 21 with 3:1
ratio of types.

4-uniform tilings (2:2)

4-uniform 29.svg
[(3464)2; (46.12)2] 4-uniform 106.svg
[(33434)2; (3464)2] 4-uniform 107.svg
[(33434)2; (3464)2] 4-uniform 125.svg
[(346)2; (3636)2] 4-uniform 150.svg
[(36)2; (346)2]
4-uniform 143.svg
[(3342)2; (33434)2] 4-uniform 41.svg
[(3342)2; (44)2] 4-uniform 52.svg
[(3342)2; (44)2] 4-uniform 61.svg
[(3342)2; (44)2] 4-uniform 139.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2]
4-uniform 140.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2] 4-uniform 141.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2]
4-uniform tilings (3:1)
4-uniform 33.svg
[343.12; (3.122)3] 4-uniform 129.svg
[(346)3; 3636] 4-uniform 151.svg
[36; (346)3] 4-uniform 148.svg
[(36)3; 346] 4-uniform 149.svg
[(36)3; 346]
4-uniform 142.svg
[(3342)3; 33434] 4-uniform 144.svg
[3342; (33434)3] 4-uniform 87.svg
[3446; (3636)3] 4-uniform 90.svg
[3446; (3636)3] 4-uniform 114.svg
[3262; (3636)3]
4-uniform 117.svg
[3262; (3636)3] 4-uniform 38.svg
[3342; (44)3] 4-uniform 58.svg
[3342; (44)3] 4-uniform 53.svg
[(3342)3; 44] 4-uniform 72.svg
[(3342)3; 44]
4-uniform 76.svg
[(3342)3; 44] 4-uniform 133.svg
[36; (3342)3] 4-uniform 134.svg
[36; (3342)3] 4-uniform 135.svg
[36; (3342)3] 4-uniform 136.svg
[(36)3; 3342]
4-uniform 137.svg
[(36)3; 3342]
5-uniform tilings
There are 332 5-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. Brian Galebach's search
identified 332 5-uniform tilings, with 2 to 5 types of vertices. There are 74 with
2 vertex types, 149 with 3 vertex types, 94 with 4 vertex types, and 15 with 5
vertex types.

5-uniform tilings, 5 vertex types

There are 15 5-uniform tilings with 5 unique vertex figure types.

5-uniform tilings, 5 types

5-uniform 29.svg
[33434; 3262; 3464; 3446; 63] 5-uniform 30.svg
[36; 346; 3262; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 35.svg
[36; 346; 3342; 3446; 46.12] 5-uniform 128.svg
[346; 3342; 33434; 3446; 44] 5-uniform 196.svg
[36; 33434; 3464; 3446; 3636]
5-uniform 197.svg
[36; 346; 3464; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 43.svg
[33434; 334.12; 3464; 3.12.12; 46.12] 5-uniform 75.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636; 44] 5-uniform 80.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636; 44] 5-uniform 120.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636; 44]
5-uniform 123.svg
[36; 346; 3446; 3636; 44] 5-uniform 124.svg
[36; 3342; 3446; 3636; 44] 5-uniform 125.svg
[36; 346; 3342; 3446; 44] 5-uniform 187.svg
[36; 3342; 3262; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 199.svg
[36; 346; 3342; 3262; 3446]
5-uniform tilings, 4 vertex types (2:1:1:1)
There are 94 5-uniform tilings with 4 vertex types.

5-uniform tilings (2:1:1:1)

5-uniform 33.svg
[36; 33434; (3446)2; 46.12] 5-uniform 37.svg
[36; 33434; 3446; (46.12)2] 5-uniform 38.svg
[36; 33434; 3464; (46.12)2] 5-uniform 207.svg
[36; 3342; (334.12)2; 3464] 5-uniform 211.svg
[36; (3342)2; 334.12; 3464]
5-uniform 213.svg
[36; 33434; (334.12)2; 3464] 5-uniform 46.svg
[36; 33434; 334.12; (3.12.12)2] 5-uniform 285.svg
[36; 346; (3342)2; 334.12] 5-uniform 47.svg
[36; 33434; 343.12; (3.12.12)2] 5-uniform 48.svg
[(3342)2; 334.12; 343.12; 3.12.12]
5-uniform 49.svg
[(3342)2; 334.12; 343.12; 3.12.12] 5-uniform 94.svg
[(3342)2; 334.12; 343.12; 44] 5-uniform 93.svg
[33434; 3262; (3446)2; 44] 5-uniform 144.svg
[36; (3342)2; 33434; 44] 5-uniform 145.svg
[346; (3342)2; 33434; 44]
5-uniform 146.svg
[36; 3342; (3464)2; 3446] 5-uniform 147.svg
[3342; 3262; 3464; (3446)2] 5-uniform 148.svg
[33434; 3262; 3464; (3446)2] 5-uniform 149.svg
[36; 33434; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 152.svg
[3342; 33434; 3464; (3446)2]
5-uniform 153.svg
[36; 33434; (3262)2; 3446] 5-uniform 157.svg
[3342; 3262; (3464)2; 3446] 5-uniform 158.svg
[33434; 3262; (3464)2; 3446] 5-uniform 206.svg
[346; 3342; (3464)2; 3446] 5-uniform 209.svg
[36; (3342)2; 33434; 3464]
5-uniform 210.svg
[36; (3342)2; 33434; 3464] 5-uniform 212.svg
[36; 3342; (33434)2; 3464] 5-uniform 214.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 33434; 3464] 5-uniform 215.svg
[36; 3342; (33434)2; 3464] 5-uniform 286.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 33434; 334.12]
5-uniform 287.svg
[36; 33434; (334.12)2; 343.12] 5-uniform 297.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3342; 33434] 5-uniform 11.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262; 63] 5-uniform 12.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262; 63] 5-uniform 228.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262; 3636]
5-uniform 230.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2; 3636] 5-uniform 246.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 242.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 245.svg
[36; 346; 3262; (3636)2] 5-uniform 247.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262; 3636]
5-uniform 248.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 252.svg
[36; (346)2; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 253.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2; 3636] 5-uniform 254.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2; 3636] 5-uniform 3.svg
[36; 346; 3262; (63)2]
5-uniform 7.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2; 63] 5-uniform 8.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 10.svg
[(346)2; 3262; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 14.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262; 63] 5-uniform 15.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3262; 63]
5-uniform 18.svg
[36; 346; 3262; (63)2] 5-uniform 20.svg
[36; 346; 3262; (63)2] 5-uniform 21.svg
[36; 346; 3262; (63)2] 5-uniform 23.svg
[36; 346; (3262)2; 63] 5-uniform 24.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636; 63]
5-uniform 26.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 27.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 28.svg
[346; 3262; 3636; (63)2] 5-uniform 31.svg
[346; (3262)2; 3636; 63] 5-uniform 16.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; (63)2]
5-uniform 1.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; (63)2] 5-uniform 58.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 62.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 73.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2; 44] 5-uniform 78.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2; 44]
5-uniform 91.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; (44)2] 5-uniform 92.svg
[346; 3342; 3446; (44)2] 5-uniform 103.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 107.svg
[3262; 3446; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 118.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2; 44]
5-uniform 121.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)2; 44] 5-uniform 126.svg
[3342; 3262; 3446; (44)2] 5-uniform 127.svg
[346; 3342; 3446; (44)2] 5-uniform 143.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3636; 44] 5-uniform 160.svg
[36; 3342; (3446)2; 3636]
5-uniform 167.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 168.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 169.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 171.svg
[36; 3342; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 176.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3446; 3636]
5-uniform 177.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 178.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 186.svg
[(36)2; 3342; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 188.svg
[36; 3342; 3446; (3636)2] 5-uniform 190.svg
[346; 3342; (3446)2; 3636]
5-uniform 198.svg
[36; 346; (3342)2; 3446] 5-uniform 240.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 241.svg
[346; (3342)2; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 200.svg
[36; (346)2; 3342; 3446] 5-uniform 202.svg
[36; (346)2; 3342; 3446]
5-uniform 203.svg
[36; (346)2; 3342; 3446] 5-uniform 224.svg
[36; 346; (3342)2; 3262] 5-uniform 277.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3342; 3636] 5-uniform 278.svg
[(36)2; 346; 3342; 3636]
5-uniform tilings, 3 vertex types (3:1:1) and (2:2:1)
There are 149 5-uniform tilings, with 60 having 3:1:1 copies, and 89 having 2:2:1

5-uniform tilings (3:1:1)

5-uniform 32.svg
[36; 334.12; (46.12)3] 5-uniform 40.svg
[3464; 3446; (46.12)3] 5-uniform 42.svg
[36; (334.12)3; 46.12] 5-uniform 45.svg
[334.12; 343.12; (3.12.12)3] 5-uniform 288.svg
[36; (33434)3; 343.12]
5-uniform 4.svg
[3262; 3636; (63)3] 5-uniform 5.svg
[346; 3262; (63)3] 5-uniform 6.svg
[36; (3262)3; 63] 5-uniform 22.svg
[36; (3262)3; 63] 5-uniform 25.svg
[3262; (3636)3; 63]
5-uniform 51.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)3] 5-uniform 52.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)3] 5-uniform 54.svg
[36; 3342; (44)3] 5-uniform 55.svg
[36; 3342; (44)3] 5-uniform 74.svg
[3446; (3636)3; 44]
5-uniform 79.svg
[3446; (3636)3; 44] 5-uniform 84.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 85.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 87.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 89.svg
[(36)3; 3342; 44]
5-uniform 90.svg
[(36)3; 3342; 44] 5-uniform 96.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)3] 5-uniform 97.svg
[3446; 3636; (44)3] 5-uniform 99.svg
[36; 3342; (44)3] 5-uniform 100.svg
[36; 3342; (44)3]
5-uniform 154.svg
[(3342)3; 3262; 3446] 5-uniform 163.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)3] 5-uniform 165.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)3] 5-uniform 173.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)3] 5-uniform 174.svg
[3262; 3446; (3636)3]
5-uniform 119.svg
[3446; (3636)3; 44] 5-uniform 122.svg
[3446; (3636)3; 44] 5-uniform 130.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 131.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 132.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44]
5-uniform 134.svg
[(36)3; 3342; 44] 5-uniform 135.svg
[(36)3; 3342; 44] 5-uniform 137.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 140.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44] 5-uniform 141.svg
[36; (3342)3; 44]
5-uniform 184.svg
[(3342)3; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 185.svg
[(3342)3; 3446; 3636] 5-uniform 204.svg
[346; (3342)3; 3446] 5-uniform 225.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3262] 5-uniform 226.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3262]
5-uniform 227.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3262] 5-uniform 233.svg
[346; (3262)3; 3636] 5-uniform 243.svg
[346; (3262)3; 3636] 5-uniform 249.svg
[(346)3; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 251.svg
[(346)3; 3262; 3636]
5-uniform 256.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3262] 5-uniform 257.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3262] 5-uniform 261.svg
[(346)3; 3262; 3636] 5-uniform 266.svg
[36; 346; (3636)3] 5-uniform 268.svg
[36; 346; (3636)3]
5-uniform 272.svg
[36; 346; (3636)3] 5-uniform 273.svg
[36; 346; (3636)3] 5-uniform 279.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3636] 5-uniform 280.svg
[(36)3; 346; 3636] 5-uniform 281.svg
[36; (346)3; 3636]
5-uniform tilings (2:2:1)
5-uniform 34.svg
[(3446)2; (3636)2; 46.12] 5-uniform 208.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 3464] 5-uniform 217.svg
[(3342)2; 334.12; (3464)2] 5-uniform 218.svg
[36; (33434)2; (3464)2] 5-uniform 220.svg
[3342; (33434)2; (3464)2]
5-uniform 221.svg
[3342; (33434)2; (3464)2] 5-uniform 222.svg
[3342; (33434)2; (3464)2] 5-uniform 223.svg
[(33434)2; 343.12; (3464)2] 5-uniform 2.svg
[36; (3262)2; (63)2] 5-uniform 9.svg
[(3262)2; (3636)2; 63]
5-uniform 307.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 33434] 5-uniform 313.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (33434)2] 5-uniform 314.svg
[346; (3342)2; (33434)2] 5-uniform 316.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (33434)2] 5-uniform 317.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (33434)2]
5-uniform 19.svg
[(3262)2; 3636; (63)2] 5-uniform 56.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 57.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 59.svg
[3446; (3636)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 60.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2]
5-uniform 61.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 63.svg
[3446; (3636)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 67.svg
[36; (3342)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 68.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (44)2] 5-uniform 69.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (44)2]
5-uniform 70.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 71.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 72.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 76.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 77.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2]
5-uniform 86.svg
[36; (3342)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 88.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 44] 5-uniform 101.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 102.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 104.svg
[3446; (3636)2; (44)2]
5-uniform 105.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 106.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 108.svg
[3446; (3636)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 111.svg
[36; (3342)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 112.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (44)2]
5-uniform 113.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (44)2] 5-uniform 115.svg
[36; (3342)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 116.svg
[36; (3342)2; (44)2] 5-uniform 117.svg
[(3446)2; 3636; (44)2] 5-uniform 133.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 44]
5-uniform 138.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 44] 5-uniform 139.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 44] 5-uniform 142.svg
[(36)2; (3342)2; 44] 5-uniform 150.svg
[(33434)2; 3262; (3446)2] 5-uniform 155.svg
[3342; (3262)2; (3446)2]
5-uniform 156.svg
[3342; (3262)2; (3446)2] 5-uniform 161.svg
[3262; (3446)2; (3636)2] 5-uniform 162.svg
[(3262)2; 3446; (3636)2] 5-uniform 172.svg
[(3262)2; 3446; (3636)2] 5-uniform 179.svg
[(3464)2; (3446)2; 3636]
5-uniform 180.svg
[3262; (3446)2; (3636)2] 5-uniform 182.svg
[3262; (3446)2; (3636)2] 5-uniform 189.svg
[(346)2; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 191.svg
[(346)2; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 192.svg
[(346)2; (3446)2; 3636]
5-uniform 193.svg
[(346)2; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 194.svg
[(3342)2; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 195.svg
[(3342)2; (3446)2; 3636] 5-uniform 201.svg
[(346)2; (3342)2; 3446] 5-uniform 205.svg
[(346)2; 3342; (3446)2]
5-uniform 229.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3262] 5-uniform 231.svg
[36; (346)2; (3262)2] 5-uniform 232.svg
[(36)2; 346; (3262)2] 5-uniform 13.svg
[(346)2; (3262)2; 63] 5-uniform 17.svg
[36; (3262)2; (63)2]
5-uniform 234.svg
[36; (346)2; (3262)2] 5-uniform 235.svg
[346; (3262)2; (3636)2] 5-uniform 236.svg
[(346)2; (3262)2; 3636] 5-uniform 237.svg
[36; (346)2; (3262)2] 5-uniform 250.svg
[(346)2; 3262; (3636)2]
5-uniform 255.svg
[(346)2; (3262)2; 3636] 5-uniform 258.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3262] 5-uniform 259.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3262] 5-uniform 283.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3636] 5-uniform 284.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3636]
5-uniform 296.svg
[36; (346)2; (3342)2] 5-uniform 260.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3262] 5-uniform 264.svg
[36; (346)2; (3262)2] 5-uniform 265.svg
[36; (346)2; (3262)2] 5-uniform 269.svg
[346; (3342)2; (3636)2]
5-uniform 270.svg
[346; (3342)2; (3636)2] 5-uniform 271.svg
[(36)2; 346; (3636)2] 5-uniform 274.svg
[(36)2; (346)2; 3636] 5-uniform 298.svg
[(36)2; 3342; (33434)2]
5-uniform tilings, 2 vertex types (4:1) and (3:2)
There are 74 5-uniform tilings with 2 types of vertices, 27 with 4:1 and 47 with
3:2 copies of each.

5-uniform tilings (4:1)

5-uniform 36.svg
[(3464)4; 46.12] 5-uniform 44.svg
[343.12; (3.12.12)4] 5-uniform 318.svg
[36; (33434)4] 5-uniform 319.svg
[36; (33434)4] 5-uniform 320.svg
[(36)4; 346]
5-uniform 321.svg
[(36)4; 346] 5-uniform 322.svg
[(36)4; 346] 5-uniform 329.svg
[36; (346)4] 5-uniform 239.svg
[3262; (3636)4] 5-uniform 262.svg
[(346)4; 3262]
5-uniform 263.svg
[(346)4; 3262] 5-uniform 282.svg
[(346)4; 3636] 5-uniform 244.svg
[3262; (3636)4] 5-uniform 166.svg
[3446; (3636)4] 5-uniform 175.svg
[3446; (3636)4]
5-uniform 309.svg
[(3342)4; 33434] 5-uniform 312.svg
[3342; (33434)4]
5-uniform 50.svg
[3342; (44)4] 5-uniform 95.svg
[3342; (44)4] 5-uniform 83.svg
[(3342)4; 44] 5-uniform 129.svg
[(3342)4; 44] 5-uniform 136.svg
[(3342)4; 44]
5-uniform 299.svg
[36; (3342)4] 5-uniform 300.svg
[36; (3342)4] 5-uniform 289.svg
[36; (3342)4] 5-uniform 294.svg
[(36)4; 3342] 5-uniform 295.svg
[(36)4; 3342]
There are 29 5-uniform tilings with 3 and 2 unique vertex figure types.

5-uniform tilings (3:2)

5-uniform 39.svg
[(3464)2; (46.12)3] 5-uniform 41.svg
[(3464)2; (46.12)3] 5-uniform 151.svg
[(3464)3; (3446)2] 5-uniform 216.svg
[(33434)2; (3464)3] 5-uniform 219.svg
[(33434)3; (3464)2]
5-uniform 323.svg
[(36)2; (346)3] 5-uniform 324.svg
[(36)2; (346)3] 5-uniform 325.svg
[(36)3; (346)2] 5-uniform 326.svg
[(36)3; (346)2] 5-uniform 327.svg
[(36)3; (346)2]
5-uniform 328.svg
[(36)3; (346)2] 5-uniform 330.svg
[(36)2; (346)3] 5-uniform 331.svg
[(36)2; (346)3] 5-uniform 332.svg
[(36)2; (346)3]
5-uniform 238.svg
[(3262)2; (3636)3] 5-uniform 267.svg
[(346)3; (3636)2] 5-uniform 275.svg
[(346)3; (3636)2] 5-uniform 276.svg
[(346)2; (3636)3]
5-uniform 159.svg
[(3446)3; (3636)2] 5-uniform 164.svg
[(3446)2; (3636)3] 5-uniform 170.svg
[(3446)3; (3636)2] 5-uniform 181.svg
[(3446)2; (3636)3] 5-uniform 183.svg
[(3446)2; (3636)3]
5-uniform 308.svg
[(3342)3; (33434)2] 5-uniform 310.svg
[(3342)3; (33434)2] 5-uniform 311.svg
[(3342)2; (33434)3] 5-uniform 315.svg
[(3342)2; (33434)3]
5-uniform 53.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3] 5-uniform 64.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3] 5-uniform 65.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3] 5-uniform 66.svg
[(3342)3; (44)2] 5-uniform 81.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3]
5-uniform 82.svg
[(3342)3; (44)2] 5-uniform 98.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3] 5-uniform 109.svg
[(3342)2; (44)3] 5-uniform 110.svg
[(3342)3; (44)2] 5-uniform 114.svg
[(3342)3; (44)2]
5-uniform 290.svg
[(36)2; (3342)3] 5-uniform 291.svg
[(36)2; (3342)3] 5-uniform 292.svg
[(36)2; (3342)3] 5-uniform 293.svg
[(36)2; (3342)3] 5-uniform 301.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2]
5-uniform 302.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2] 5-uniform 303.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2] 5-uniform 304.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2] 5-uniform 305.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2] 5-uniform 306.svg
[(36)3; (3342)2]
Higher k-uniform tilings
k-uniform tilings have been enumerated up to 6. There are 673 6-uniform tilings of
the Euclidean plane. Brian Galebach's search reproduced Krotenheerdt's list of 10
6-uniform tilings with 6 distinct vertex types, as well as finding 92 of them with
5 vertex types, 187 of them with 4 vertex types, 284 of them with 3 vertex types,
and 100 with 2 vertex types.

Tilings that are not edge-to-edge

Convex regular polygons can also form plane tilings that are not edge-to-edge. Such
tilings can be considered edge-to-edge as nonregular polygons with adjacent
colinear edges.

There are seven families of isogonal each family having a real-valued parameter
determining the overlap between sides of adjacent tiles or the ratio between the
edge lengths of different tiles. Two of the families are generated from shifted
square, either progressive or zig-zagging positions. Gr�nbaum and Shephard call
these tilings uniform although it contradicts Coxeter's definition for uniformity
which requires edge-to-edge regular polygons.[6] Such isogonal tilings are actually
topologically identical to the uniform tilings, with different geometric

Periodic isogonal tilings by non-edge-to-edge convex regular polygons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Square brick pattern.png
Rows of squares with horizontal offsets Half-offset triangular tiling.png
Rows of triangles with horizontal offsets Distorted truncated square tiling.svg
A tiling by squares Gyrated truncated hexagonal tiling.png
Three hexagons surround each triangle Gyrated hexagonal tiling2.png
Six triangles surround every hexagon. Trihexagonal tiling unequal2.svg
Three size triangles
cmm (2*22) p2 (2222) cmm (2*22) p4m (*442) p6 (632) p3 (333)
Hexagonal tiling Square tiling Truncated square tiling Truncated hexagonal
tiling Hexagonal tiling Trihexagonal tiling
See also
Uniform tilings in hyperbolic plane
List of uniform tilings
Wythoff symbol
Wallpaper group
Regular polyhedron (the Platonic solids)
Semiregular polyhedron (including the Archimedean solids)
Hyperbolic geometry
Penrose tiling
Tiling with rectangles
Lattice (group)
Critchlow, p.60-61
k-uniform tilings by regular polygons Archived 2015-06-30 at the Wayback Machine.
Nils Lenngren, 2009
Critchlow, p.62-67
Tilings and Patterns, Gr�nbaum and Shephard 1986, pp. 65-67
In Search of Demiregular Tilings
Tilings by regular polygons p.236
Grunbaum, Branko; Shephard, Geoffrey C. (1977). "Tilings by regular polygons".
Math. Mag. 50 (5): 227�247. doi:10.2307/2689529.
Gr�nbaum, Branko; Shephard, G. C. (1978). "The ninety-one types of isogonal tilings
in the plane". Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 252: 335�353. doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-1978-
0496813-3. MR 0496813.
Debroey, I.; Landuyt, F. (1981). "Equitransitive edge-to-edge tilings". Geometriae
Dedicata. 11 (1): 47�60. doi:10.1007/BF00183189.
Gr�nbaum, Branko; Shephard, G. C. (1987). Tilings and Patterns. W. H. Freeman and
Company. ISBN 0-7167-1193-1.
Ren, Ding; Reay, John R. (1987). "The boundary characteristic and Pick's theorem in
the Archimedean planar tilings". J. Combinat. Theory A. 44 (1): 110�119.
Chavey, D. (1989). "Tilings by Regular Polygons�II: A Catalog of Tilings".
Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 17: 147&ndash, 165. doi:10.1016/0898-
Order in Space: A design source book, Keith Critchlow, 1970 ISBN 978-0-670-52830-1
Sommerville, Duncan MacLaren Young (1958). An Introduction to the Geometry of n
Dimensions. Dover Publications. Chapter X: The Regular Polytopes
Pr�a, P. (1997). "Distance sequences and percolation thresholds in Archimedean
Tilings". Mathl. Comput. Modelling. 26 (8�10): 317�320. doi:10.1016/S0895-
Kovic, Jurij (2011). "Symmetry-type graphs of Platonic and Archimedean solids".
Math. Commun. 16 (2): 491�507.
Pellicer, Daniel; Williams, Gordon (2012). "Minimal covers of the Archimedean
Tilings". El. J. Combinat. 19 (3): #P6.
Dale Seymour and Jill Britton, Introduction to Tessellations, 1989, ISBN 978-
0866514613, pp. 50�57
External links
Euclidean and general tiling links:

n-uniform tilings, Brian Galebach

Dutch, Steve. "Uniform Tilings". Retrieved 2006-09-09.
Mitchell, K. "Semi-Regular Tilings". Retrieved 2006-09-09.
Weisstein, Eric W. "Tessellation". MathWorld.
Weisstein, Eric W. "Semiregular tessellation". MathWorld.
Weisstein, Eric W. "Demiregular tessellation". MathWorld.
Categories: Euclidean plane geometryRegular tilingsTessellation
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